PART 1: | Introduction and Centers X(1) - X(1000) | PART 2: | Centers X(1001) - X(3000) | PART 3: | Centers X(3001) - X(5000) |
PART 4: | Centers X(5001) - X(7000) | PART 5: | Centers X(7001) - X(10000) | PART 6: | Centers X(10001) - X(12000) |
PART 7: | Centers X(12001) - X(14000) | PART 8: | Centers X(14001) - X(16000) | PART 9: | Centers X(16001) - X(18000) |
PART 10: | Centers X(18001) - X(20000) | PART 11: | Centers X(20001) - X(22000) | PART 12: | Centers X(22001) - X(24000) |
PART 13: | Centers X(24001) - X(26000) | PART 14: | Centers X(26001) - X(28000) | PART 15: | Centers X(28001) - X(30000) |
PART 16: | Centers X(30001) - X(32000) | PART 17: | Centers X(32001) - X(34000) | PART 18: | Centers X(34001) - X(36000) |
PART 19: | Centers X(36001) - X(38000) | PART 20: | Centers X(38001) - X(40000) | PART 21: | Centers X(40001) - X(42000) |
PART 22: | Centers X(42001) - X(44000) | PART 23: | Centers X(44001) - X(46000) | PART 24: | Centers X(46001) - X(48000) |
PART 25: | Centers X(48001) - X(50000) | PART 26: | Centers X(50001) - X(52000) | PART 27: | Centers X(52001) - X(54000) |
PART 28: | Centers X(54001) - X(56000) | PART 29: | Centers X(56001) - X(58000) | PART 30: | Centers X(58001) - X(60000) |
PART 31: | Centers X(60001) - X(62000) | PART 32: | Centers X(62001) - X(64000) | PART 33: | Centers X(64001) - X(66000) |
PART 34: | Centers X(66001) - X(68000) | PART 35: | Centers X(68001) - X(70000) | PART 36: | Centers X(70001) - X(72000) |
Centuries passed, and someone proved that the three medians do indeed concur in a point, now called the centroid. The ancients found other points, too, now called the incenter, circumcenter, and orthocenter. More centuries passed, more special points were discovered, and a definition of triangle center emerged. Like the definition of continuous function, this definition is satisfied by infinitely many objects, of which only finitely many will ever be published. The Encyclopedia of Triangle Centers (ETC) extends a list of 400 triangle centers published in the 1998 book Triangle Centers and Central Triangles. For subsequent developments, click Links (one of the buttons atop this page). In particular, Eric Weisstein's MathWorld, covers much of classical and modern triangle geometry, including sketches and references.
A site in which triangle centers play a central role is Bernard Gibert's
Cubics in the Triangle Plane.
Special points and properties of 4-sided plane figures are closely associated with triangle centers; see Chris van Tienhoven's
Encyclopedia of Quadri-Figures (EQF).
You won't have to scroll down very far to find well known centers. Other named centers can be found using your computer's searcher - for example, search for "Apollonius" to find "Apollonius point" as X(181).
To determine if a possibly new center is already listed, click Tables at the top of this page and scroll to "Search 6.9.13". If you're unsure of a term, click Glossary or Pierre Douillet's much expanded and very useful version: Translation of the Kimberling's Glossary into barycentrics.
For visual constructions of selected centers with text, click Sketches. To learn about the triangle geometry interest group, Hyacinthos and other resources, or to view acknowledgments or supplementary encyclopedic material, click Links, Thanks, or Tables.
Under Tables, you can find Search_13_6_9 (and two other Searches), which can be used to determine whether a newly discovered point is already in ETC. For such a search, be sure to visit Ron Knott's Triangle Convertor for Cartesian, Trilinear and Barycentric Coordinates.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view sketches of many of the triangle centers. These are dynamic sketches, meaning that you can vary the shape of the reference triangle A, B, C by dragging these vertices. (For information on Sketchpad, click Sketchpad.) The sketches are also useful for making your own Sketchpad tools, so that you can quickly construct X-of-T for many choices of X and T. For example, starting with ABC and point P, you could efficiently construct center X of the four triangles ABC, BCP, CAP, ABP.
The algebraic definition of triangle center (MathWorld) admits points whose geometric interpretation for fixed numerical sidelengths a,b,c is not "central." Roger Smyth offers this example: on the domain of scalene triangles, define f(a,b,c) = 1 for a>b and a>c and f(a,b,c) = 0 otherwise; then f(a,b,c) : f(b,c,a) : f(c,a,b) is a triangle center which picks out the vertex opposite the longest side. Such centers turn out to be useful, as, for example, when distinguishing between the Fermat point and the 1st isogonic center; see the note at X(13).
The reference triangle is ABC, with sidelengths a,b,c. Each triangle center P has homogeneous trilinear coordinates, or simply trilinears, of the form x : y : z. This means that there is a nonzero function h of (a,b,c) such that
x = hx', y = hy', z = hz',
where x', y', z' denote the directed distances from P to sidelines BC, CA, AB. Likewise, u : v : w are barycentrics if there is a function k of (a,b,c) such that
u = ku', v = kv', w = kw',
where u', v', w' denote the signed areas of triangles PBC, PCA, PAB. Both coordinate systems are widely used; if trilinears for a point are x : y : z, then barycentrics are ax : by : cz.
In order that every center should have its own name, in cases where no particular name arises from geometrical or historical considerations, the name of a star is used instead. For example, X(770) is POINT ACAMAR. For a list of star names, visit SkyEye - (Un)Common Star Names.
Information for prospective authors in Geometry can be found in Information and Instructions.
[1] D. Reznik, "Ellipse-inscribed Poncelet triangles: loci of triangle centers over all circular caustics", YouTube video, 2024.
[2] R. Schwartz and S. Tabachnikov, "Centers of Mass of Poncelet Polygons, 200 Years After", The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 38, 2016, pp. 29-34.
[3] M. Helman, D. Laurain, R. Garcia, D. Reznik, "Poncelet triangles: a theory for locus ellipticity", Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, vol.3, 2022, pp. 445-457.
[4] D. Reznik, "Ellipse-Inscribed Poncelet triangles with a circular caustic III: the loci of X2,X3,X4,X5", YouTube video, 2024.
[5] D. Reznik, "Ellipse-inscribed Poncelet triangles w/ circular caustic IV: foci of the circumcenter locus", YouTube video, 2024.
[6] D. Reznik, "Nifty loci of Poncelet triangles with a circular caustic", Google Docs, July 2024.
Barycentric coordinates or Barycentrics, by Paris Pamfilos.
in International Journal of Computer Discovered Mathematics (IJCDM)
ETC includes many postings to interest groups that are no longing sponsored by Yahoo. Fortunately, César Lozada has archived the thousands of postings. These can now be easily accessed as in the following example for Hyacinthos #28936:
The same procedure works for ADGEOM messages, following this example:
For Quadrilateral Geometry and Polygon Geometry messages:
And for Anopolis messages: New Electric Field Interpretation of Barycentric and Trilinear Coordinates, by Suren
Alphabetical Index of Terms in ETC, by César Lozada
If you wish to submit one or more triangles centers for possible inclusion in ETC, please click Tables at the top of this page, then scroll to and click Search_13_6_9. There, find Writer, to be used for proper formatting.
Many triangles are defined in the plane of a reference triangle ABC. Some of them have well-established names (e.g., medial, orthic, tangential), but many more have been discovered only recently.
The Index is authored and updated by César Lozada. You can access it here, and also from Glossary and Tables.
f(a,b,c) = G(a,b,c)*S2 + H(a,b,c)*SBSC.
For many choices of X, G(a,b,c) and H(a,b,c) are conveniently expressed in terms of the following:
E = (SB + SC)(SC + SA)(SA + SB)/S2, so that E = (abc/S)2 = 4R2
F = SASBSC/S2, so that F = (a2 + b2 + c2)/2 - 4R2 = Sω - 4R2
X(2) has Shinagawa coefficients (1, 0); i.e., X(2) = 1*S2 + 0*SBSC
X(3) has Shinagawa coefficients (1, -1)
X(4) has Shinagawa coefficients (0, 1)
X(5) has Shinagawa coefficients (1, 1)
X(23) has Shinagawa coefficients (E + 4F, -4E - 4F)
X(1113) has Shinagawa coefficients (R - |OH|, -3R + |OH|)
A cyclic sum notation, $...$, is introduced here especially for use with Shinagawa coefficients. For example, $aSBSC$ abbreviates aSBSC + bSCSA + cSASB.
Example: X(21) has Shinagawa coefficients ($aSA$, abc - $aSA$)
If a point X has Shinagawa coefficients (u,v) where u and v are real numbers (i.e, G(a,b,c) and H(a,b,c) are constants), then the segment joining X and X(2) is given by |GX| = 2v|GO|/(3u + v), where |GO| = (E - 8F)1/2/6. Then the equation |GX| = 2v|GO|/(3u + v) can be used to obtain these combos:
X = [(u + v)/2]*X(2) - (v/3)*X(3)
X = u*X(2) + (v/3)*X(4)
X = u*X(3) + [(u + v)/2]*X(4).
The function F is also given by these identities:
F = (4R2 - 36|GO|2)/8 and F = R2( 1 - J2)/2, where J = |OH|/R.
Suppose that P and U are finite points having normalized barycentric coordinates (p,q,r) and (u,v,w). (Normalized means that p + q + r = 1 and u + v + w = 1.) Suppose that f = f(a,b,c) and g = g(a,b,c) are nonzero homogeneous functions having the same degree of homogeneity. Let x = fp + gu, y = fq + gv, z = fr + gw. The (f,g) combo of P and U, denoted by f*P + g*U, is introduced here as the point X = x : y : z (homogeneous barycentric coordinates); the normalized barycentric coordinates of X are (kx,ky,kz), where k=1/(x+y+z).
Note 1. If P and U are given by normalized trilinear coordinates (instead of barycentric), then f*P + g*U has homogeneous trilinears fp+gu : fq+gv : fr+gw, which is symbolically identical to the homogenous barycentrics for f*P + g*U. The normalized trilinear coordinates for X are (hx,hy,hz), where h=2*area(ABC)/(ax + by + cz).
Note 2. The definition of combo readily extends to finite sets of finite points. In particular, the (f,g,h) combo of P = (p,q,r), U = (u,v,w), J = (j,k,m) is given by fp + gu + hj : fq + gv + hk : fr + gw + hm and denoted by f*P + g*U + h*J.
Note 3. f*P + g*U is collinear with P and U, and its {P,Q}-harmonic conjugate is fp - gu : fq - gv : fr - gw.
Note 4. Suppose that f,g,h are homogeneous symmetric functions all of the same degree of homogeneity, and suppose that X, X', X" are triangle centers. Then f*X + g*X' + h*X'' is a triangle center.
Note 5. Suppose that X, X', X'', X''' are triangle centers and X', X'', X''' are not collinear. Then there exist f,g,h as in Note 4 such that X = f*X' + g*X'' + h*X'''. That is, loosely speaking, every triangle center is a linear combination of any other three noncollinear triangle centers.
Note 6. Continuing from Note 5, examples of f,g,h are conveniently given using Conway symbols for a triangle ABC with sidelengths a,b,c. Conway symbols and certain classical symbols are identified here:
S = 2*area(ABC)
SA = (b2 + c2 - a2)/2 = bc cos A
SB = (c2 + a2 - b2)/2 = ca cos B
SC = (a2 + b2 - c2)/2 = ab cos C
Sω = S cot ω
s = (a + b + c)/2
sa = (b + c - a)/2
sb = (c + a - b)/2
sc = (a + b - c)/2
r = inradius = S/(a + b + c)
R = circumradius = abc/(2S)
cot(ω) = (a2 + b2 + c2)/(2S), where ω is the Brocard angle
Note 7. The definition of combo along with many examples were developed by Peter Moses prior to November 1, 2011. After that combos have been further developed by Peter Moses, Randy Hutson, and Clark Kimberling.
Examples of two-point combos:
X(175) = 2s*X(1) - (r + 4R)*X(7)
X(176) = 2s*X(1) + (r + 4R)*X(7)
X(481) = s*X(1) - (r + 4R)*X(7)
X(482) = s*X(1) + (r + 4R)*X(7)
Examples of three-point combos: see below at X(1), X(2), etc.
Note 8. Suppose that T is a (central) triangle with vertices A',B',C' given by normalized barycentrics. Then T is represented by a 3x3 matrix with row sums equal to 1. Let NT denote the set of these matrices and let * denote matrix multiplication. Then NT is closed under *. Also, NT is closed under matrix inversion, so that (NT, *) is a group. Once normalized, any central T can be used to produce triangle centers as combos of the form Xcom(nT); see the preambles just before X(3663) and X(3739).
X(1) is the point of concurrence of the interior angle bisectors of ABC; the point inside ABC whose distances from sidelines BC, CA, AB are equal. This equal distance, r, is the radius of the incircle, given by r = 2*area(ABC)/(a + b + c).
Three more points are also equidistant from the sidelines; they are given by these names and trilinears:
A-excenter = -1 : 1 : 1, B-excenter = 1 : -1 : 1, C-excenter = 1 : 1 : -1.
The radii of the excircles are 2*area(ABC)/(-a + b + c), 2*area(ABC)/(a - b + c), 2*area(ABC)/(a + b - c).
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Incenter.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Incenter.
Writing the A-exradius as r(a,b,c), the others are r(b,c,a) and r(c,a,b). If these exradii are abbreviated as ra, rb, rc, then 1/r = 1/ra +1/rb + 1/rc. Moreover,
area(ABC) = sqrt(r*ra*rb*rc) and ra + rb + rc = r + 4R, where R denotes the radius of the circumcircle.
The incenter is the identity of the group of triangle centers under trilinear multiplication defined by (x : y : z)*(u : v : w) = xu : yv : zw.
A construction for * is easily obtained from the construction for "barycentric multiplication" mentioned in connection with X(2), just below.
The incenter and the other classical centers are discussed in these highly recommended books:
Paul Yiu, Introduction to the Geometry of the Triangle, 2002;
Nathan Altshiller Court, College Geometry, Barnes & Noble, 1952;
Roger A. Johnson, Advanced Euclidean Geometry, Dover, 1960.
Let OA be the circle tangent to side BC at its midpoint and to the circumcircle on the side of BC opposite A. Define OB and OC cyclically. Let LA be the external tangent to circles OB and OC that is nearest to OA. Define LB and LC cyclically. Let A' = LB ∩LC, and define B' and C' cyclically. Then triangle A'B'C' is homothetic to the medial triangle, and the center of homothety is X(1); see the reference at X(1001).
Let A'B'C' and A″B″C″ be the intouch and excentral triangles; X(1) is the radical center of the circumcircles of AA'″, BB'B″, CC'C″. (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the Feuerbach triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(1). (Randy Hutson, November 17, 2019)
Let A'B'C' be the mixtilinear excentral triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(1). (Randy Hutson, November 17, 2019)
Let A'B'C' be the mixtilinear excentral triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(1). (Randy Hutson, November 17, 2019)
Let A'B'C' be the mixtilinear excentral triangle. Let LA be the trilinear polar of A', and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A″ = LB∩LC, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(1). (Randy Hutson, November 17, 2019)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the excenters-midpoints triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(1) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the Gemini triangle 22 and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(1) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
"Conjecture for the locus of X(1) over Poncelet triangles: a conic iff the pair is confocal", by Dan Reznik, Video.
Let P be any point inside triangle ABC. Let Oa be the smaller of two circles through P tangent to lines AB and AC, and define Ob and Oc cyclically. Let O'a be the larger of two circles through P tangent to lines AB and AC, and define O'b and O'c cyclically. Let O be the center of the circle tangent to Oa, Ob, and Oc, and let O' be the center of the circle tangent to O'a, O'b, and O'c. Then, regardless of the choice of point P, line OO' passes through a fixed point, which is X(1). (Miłosz Płatek, July 22, 2024; see X(1) on line OO'.
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
D = the point on line AC such that angle CAB = angle DAB and |AD| = |AB|
E = the point on line AB such that angle CAB = angle CAE and |AE| = |AC|
F = the point on line BC such that angle CBA = angle FBA and |BF| = |AB|
G = the point on line AB such that angle CBA = angle CBG and |BG| = |BC|
H = the point on line BC such that angle ACB = angle ACH and |CH| = |AC|
I = the point on line AC such that angle ACB = angle ICB and |CI| = |BC|
The circles through the quadruples {A,B,H,I}, {B,C,D,E}, and {A,C,F,G} concur in X(1).
(Benjamin Warren, October 9, 2024)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
D = the point on line AC such that angle CAB = angle DAB and |AD| = |AB|
E = the point on line AB such that angle CAB = angle CAE and |AE| = |AC|
F = the point on line BC such that angle CBA = angle FBA and |BF| = |AB|
G = the point on line AB such that angle CBA = angle CBG and |BG| = |BC|
H = the point on line BC such that angle ACB = angle ACH and |CH| = |AC|
I = the point on line AC such that angle ACB = angle ICB and |CI| = |BC|
M = circumcenter of AGI
N = circumcenter of CDF
O = circumcenter of BEH
The circles AFH, BDI, CEG, and MNO are concentric about X(1).
See figure. (Benjamin Warren, October 24, 2024)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
D = point on line AC with angle BAD = π - angle BAC, such that |AD| = |AB|
E = point on line AB with angle CAE = π - angle BAC, such that |AE|=|AC|
F = point on line BC with angle FCA = π - angle ACB, such that |CF| = |AC|
G = point on line AC with angle GCB = π - angle ACB, such that |CG| = |CB|
H = point on line AB with angle HBC = π - angle ABC, such that |HB| = |BC|
J = the point on line BC with angle JBA = π - angle ABC, such that |JB| = |AB|
K = circumcenter of ADE
L = circumcenter of CFG
M = circumcenter of BHJ
K' = reflection of K about A
L' = reflection of L about C
M' = reflection of M about B
Then K', L', M', and X(3) are concyclic about X(1). (Benjamin Warren, November 16, 2024)
X(1) lies on all Z-cubics (e.g., Thomson, Darboux, Napoleon, Neuberg) and these lines: 2,8 3,35 4,33 5,11 6,9 7,20 15,1251 16,1250 19,28 21,31 24,1061 25,1036 29,92 30,79 32,172 39,291 41,101 49,215 54,3460 60,110 61,203 62,202 64,1439 69,1245 71,579 74,3464 75,86 76,350 82,560 84,221 87,192 88,100 90,155 99,741 102,108 104,109 142,277 147,150 159,1486 163,293 164,258 166,1488 167,174 168,173 179,1142 181,970 182,983 184,1726 185,296 188,361 190,537 195,3467 196,207 201,212 204,1712 210,2334 224,377 227,1465 228,1730 229,267 256,511 257,385 280,1256 281,282 289,363 312,1089 318,1897 320,752 321,964 329,452 335,384 336,811 341,1050 344,1265 346,1219 357,1508 358,1507 364,365 371,1702 372,1703 376,553 378,1063 393,836 394,1711 399,3065 409,1247 410,1248 411,1254 442,1834 474,1339 475,1861 512,875 513,764 514,663 522,1459 528,1086 561,718 563,1820 564,1048 572,604 573,941 574,1571 594,1224 607,949 615,3300 631,1000 644,1280 647,1021 650,1643 651,1156 659,891 662,897 672,1002 689,719 704,1502 727,932 731,789 748,756 761,825 765,1052 810,1577 840,1308 905,1734 908,998 921,1800 939,1260 945,1875 947,1753 951,1435 969,1444 971,1419 989,1397 1013,1430 1037,1041 1053,1110 1057,1598 1059,1597 1073,3341 1075,1148 1106,1476 1157,3483 1168,1318 1170,1253 1185,1206 1197,1613 1292,1477 1333,1761 1342,1700 1343,1701 1361,1364 1389,1393 1399,1727 1406,1480 1409,1765 1437,1710 1472,1791 1719,1790 1855,1886 1859,1871 1872,1887 2120,3461 2130,3347 3183,3345 3342,3343 3344,3351 3346,3353 3348,3472 3350,3352 3354,3355 3462,3469
X(1) is the {X(2),X(8)}-harmonic conjugate of X(10). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(1), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(1) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j):
(3, 1482), (7,390), (8,145), (55,2099), (56,2098)
X(1) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j):
(2,551), (3,1385), (4,946), (6,1386), (8,10), (9,1001), (10,1125), (11,1387), (36,1319), (40,3), (43,995), (46,56), (57,999), (63,993), (65,942), (72,960), (80,11), (100,214), (191,21), (200,997), (238,1279), (267,229), (291,1015), (355,5), (484,36), (984,37), (1046,58), (1054,106), (1478,226)
X(1) = isogonal conjugate of X(1)
X(1) = isotomic conjugate of X(75)
X(1) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(1029)
X(1) = circumcircle-inverse of X(36)
X(1) = Fuhrmann-circle-inverse of X(80)
X(1) = Bevan-circle-inverse of X(484)
X(1) = Spieker-radical-circle-inverse of X(38471)
X(1) = complement of X(8)
X(1) = anticomplement of X(10)
X(1) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(1330)
X(1) = complementary conjugate at X(1329)
X(1) = eigencenter of cevian triangle of X(i) for I = 1, 88, 100, 162, 190
X(1) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(i) for I = 1, 44, 513
X(1) = exsimilicenter of inner and outer Soddy circles; insimilicenter is X(7)
X(1) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,9), (4,46), (6,43), (7,57), (8,40), (9,165), (10,191), (21,3), (29,4), (75,63), (77,223), (78,1490), (80,484), (81,6), (82,31), (85,169), (86,2), (88,44), (92,19), (100,513), (104,36), (105,238), (174,173), (188,164), (220,170), (259,503), (266,361), (280,84), (366,364), (508,362), (1492,1491)
X(1) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j):
(2,192), (6,55), (11,523), (15,202), (16,203), (19,204), (31,48), (34,207), (37,42), (50,215), (56,221), (65,73), (244,513)
X(1) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,87), (3,90), (6,57), (31,19), (33,282), (37,2), (38,75), (42,6), (44,88), (48,63), (55,9), (56,84), (58,267), (65,4), (73,3), (192,43), (207,1490), (221,40), (244,513), (259,258), (266,505), (354,7), (367,366), (500,35), (513,100), (517,80), (518,291), (1491,1492)
X(1) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,7), (8,280), (21,29), (59,110), (75,92), (81,86)
X(1) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,192), (4,1148), (6,55), (11,523), (15,202), (16,203), (19,204), (31,48), (34,207), (37,42), (44,678), (50,215), (56,221), (57,1419), (65,73), (214,758), (244,513), (500,942), (512,1015), (774,820), (999,1480)
X(1) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(44)X(513)
X(1) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,239), (4,243), (6,238), (9,518), (19,240), (57,241), (105,294), (291,292)
X(1) = X(6)-line conjugate of X(44)
X(1) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,1), (2,63), (4,920), (21,411), (29,412), (88,88), (100,100), (162,162), (174,57), (188,40), (190,190), (266,978), (365,43), (366,9), (507,173), (508,169), (513,1052), (651, 651), (653,653), (655,655), (658,658), (660,660), (662,662), (673,673), (771,771), (799,799), (823,823), (897,897)
X(1) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,56), (2,948), (8,8), (9,45), (21,1), (29,34), (55,869), (99,85), (100,1), (110,603), (162,208), (643,1), (644,1), (663,875), (664,1), (1043,78)
X(1) = insimilicenter of 1st & 2nd Johnson-Yff circles (the exsimilicenter is X(4))
X(1) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(46)
X(1) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(40)
X(1) = excentral-isotomic conjugate of X(2951)
X(1) = center of Conway circle
X(1) = center of Adams circle
X(1) = X(3) of polar triangle of Conway circle
X(1) = homothetic center of intangents triangle and reflection of extangents triangle in X(3)
X(1) = Hofstadter 1/2 point
X(1) = orthocenter of X(4)X(9)X(885)
X(1) = intersection of tangents at X(7) and X(8) to Lucas cubic K007
X(1) = trilinear product of vertices of 2nd mixtilinear triangle
X(1) = trilinear product of vertices of 2nd Sharygin triangle
X(1) = homothetic center of Mandart-incircle triangle and 2nd isogonal triangle of X(1); see X(36)
X(1) = trilinear pole of the antiorthic axis (which is also the Monge line of the mixtilinear excircles)
X(1) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(92) (line X(240)X(522))
X(1) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(92)
X(1) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(2)
X(1) = trilinear product of PU(i) for these i: 1, 17, 114, 115, 118, 119, 113
X(1) = barycentric product of PU(i) for these i: 6, 124
X(1) = vertex conjugate of PU(9)
X(1) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 28, 47, 51, 55, 64
X(1) = trilinear pole of PU(i) for these i: 33, 50, 57, 58, 74, 76, 78
X(1) = crossdifference of PU(i) for these i: 33, 50, 57, 58, 74, 76, 78
X(1) = midpoint of PU(i) for these i: 47, 51, 55
X(1) = PU(28)-harmonic conjugate of X(1023)
X(1) = PU(64)-harmonic conjugate of X(351)
X(1) = intersection of diagonals of trapezoid PU(6)PU(31)
X(1) = perspector circumconic centered at X(9)
X(1) = eigencenter of mixtilinear excentral triangle
X(1) = eigencenter of 2nd Sharygin triangle
X(1) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of extangents triangle
X(1) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Feuerbach triangle
X(1) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Apollonius triangle
X(1) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 2nd mixtilinear triangle
X(1) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 4th mixtilinear triangle
X(1) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Apus triangle
X(1) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of 6th and 7th mixtilinear triangles
X(1) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of 2nd and 3rd extouch triangles
X(1) = perspector of 5th mixtilinear triangle and unary cofactor triangle of 2nd mixtilinear triangle
X(1) = perspector of 5th mixtilinear triangle and unary cofactor triangle of 4th mixtilinear triangle
X(1) = X(3)-of-reflection-triangle-of-X(1)
X(1) = X(1181)-of-2nd-extouch triangle
X(1) = perspector of ABC and orthic-triangle-of-2nd-circumperp-triangle
X(1) = X(4)-of-excentral triangle
X(1) = X(40)-of-Yff central triangle
X(1) = X(20)-of-1st circumperp triangle
X(1) = X(4)-of-2nd circumperp triangle
X(1) = X(4)-of-Fuhrmann triangle
X(1) = X(100)-of-X(1)-Brocard triangle
X(1) = antigonal image of X(80)
X(1) = trilinear pole wrt excentral triangle of antiorthic axis
X(1) = trilinear pole wrt incentral triangle of antiorthic axis
X(1) = Miquel associate of X(7)
X(1) = homothetic center of Johnson triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd isogonal triangle of X(1)
X(1) = homothetic center of 1st Johnson-Yff triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd isogonal triangle of X(1)
X(1) = homothetic center of 2nd Johnson-Yff triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd isogonal triangle of X(1)
X(1) = homothetic center of Mandart-incircle triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 1st Johnson-Yff triangle
X(1) = homothetic center of medial triangle and cross-triangle of Aquila and anti-Aquila triangles
X(1) = homothetic center of outer Garcia triangle and cross-triangle of Aquila and anti-Aquila triangles
X(1) = X(8)-of-cross-triangle-of Aquila-and-anti-Aquila-triangles
X(1) = X(3)-of-Mandart-incircle-triangle
X(1) = X(100)-of-inner-Garcia-triangle
X(1) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(165)
X(1) = X(8)-of-outer-Garcia-triangle
X(1) = X(486)-of-BCI-triangle
X(1) = X(164)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(1) = X(1593)-of-Ascella-triangle
X(1) = excentral-to-Ascella similarity image of X(1697)
X(1) = Dao image of X(1)
X(1) = X(40)-of-reflection of ABC in X(3)
X(1) = radical center of the tangent circles of ABC
X(1) = homothetic center of intangents triangle and anti-tangential midarc triangle
X(1) = K(X(15)) = K(X(16)), as defined at X(174)
X(1) = X(3)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(1) = eigencenter of trilinear obverse triangle of X(2)
X(1) = hexyl-isogonal conjugate of X(40)
X(1) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(1785)
X(1) = inverse-in-orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse of X(5121)
X(1) = inverse-in-OI-inverter of X(1155)
X(1) = inverse-in-Steiner-circumellipse of X(239)
X(1) = inverse-in-MacBeath-circumconic of X(2323)
X(1) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(9) of X(44)
X(1) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(40)
X(1) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(164)
X(1) = excentral-to-ABC trilinear image of X(164)
X(1) = orthic-to-ABC functional image of X(4), if ABC is acute
X(1) = orthic-to-ABC trilinear image of X(4), if ABC is acute
X(1) = intouch-to-ABC barycentric image of X(1)
X(1) = excentral-to-intouch similarity image of X(40)
X(1) = ABC-to-excentral barycentric image of X(8)
X(1) = X(1)-vertex conjugate of X(56)
X(1) = perspector of ABC and reflection triangle of intangents triangle
X(1) = perspector of pedal and anticevian triangles of X(40)
X(1) = perspector of hexyl triangle and antipedal triangle of X(40)
X(1) = perspector of hexyl triangle and anticevian triangle of X(57)
X(1) = X(4)-of-Pelletier-triangle
As a point on the Euler line, X(2) has Shinagawa coefficients (1, 0).
X(2) is the point of concurrence of the medians of ABC, situated 1/3 of the distance from each vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. More generally, if L is any line in the plane of ABC, then the distance from X(2) to L is the average of the distances from A, B, C to L. An idealized triangular sheet balances atop a pin head located at X(2) and also balances atop any knife-edge that passes through X(2). The triangles BXC, CXA, AXB have equal areas if and only if X = X(2).
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Centroid.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Centroid.
X(2) is the centroid of the set of 3 vertices, the centroid of the triangle including its interior, but not the centroid of the triangle without its interior; that centroid is X(10).
X(2) is the identity of the group of triangle centers under "barycentric multiplication" defined by
(x : y : z)*(u : v : w) = xu : yv : zw. X(2) is the unique point X (as a function of a,b,c) for which the vector-sum XA + XB + XC is the zero vector. The Parry isodynamic circle is here introduced as the circle centered at X(2502) that passes through the isodynamic points, X(15) and X(16). This circle is orthogonal to both the circumcircle and Parry circle. (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016) Let A' be the trilinear pole of the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. A'B'C' is also the anticomplement of the anticomplement of the midheight triangle. A'B'C' is homothetic to the midheight triangle at X(2). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018) Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. Let Oa be the A'-McCay circle of triangle A'BC, and define Ob, Oc cyclically. X(2) is the radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc. (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018) X(2) is the unique point that is the symmedian point of its antipedal triangle. (Randy Hutson, August 19, 2019) Let A'B'C' be the midheight triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(2). (Randy Hutson, October 8, 2019) In the plane of a triangle ABC, letLet Na = reflection of ninepoint center(N) wrt to BC, define Nb, Nc cyclically; then NaNbNc is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(2). (Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, June 8, 2021)
Let O be a point(not necessarily X(3)), and let AOB be a fixed-angle sector of a circle C=(O,R), rigidly rotating about center O. Let P be an arbitrary point. The locus of X(2)-of-PAB is a circle C'=(O',R') whose center O' lies on OP. The radius R', independent of P, is given by R'=sqrt(2+sqrt(2))(R/3). Figure. (Dan Reznik, December 11, 2021)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let P be a point, and let
A'B'C' = pedal triangle of P;
O' = circumcenter of A'B'C';
A" = reflection of A' in O', and define B" and C" cyclically.
The triangles ABC and A"B"C" are perspective, and their pespector is named here the pedal antipodal perspector of P. (Randy Hutson, Hyacinthos 20403, Nov. 21, 2011).
Following are three videos by Dan Reznik (June 30, 2024) . These pertain to porisms involving X(2), X(3), and X(4):
1) Circular caustic (Chapple's porism): Video 1.
2) Generic inellipse: Video 2.
3) Concentric ellipse and MacBeath inellipse: Video 3.
X(2) lies on the Parry circle, Lucas cubic, Thomson cubic, and these lines: 1,8 3,4 6,69 7,9 11,55 12,56 13,16 14,15 17,62 18,61 19,534 31,171 32,83 33,1040 34,1038 35,1479 36,535 37,75 38,244 39,76 40,946 44,89 45,88 51,262 52,1216 54,68 58,540 65,959 66,206 71,1246 72,942 74,113 77,189 80,214 85,241 92,273 94,300 95,97 98,110 99,111 101,116 102,117 103,118 104,119 106,121 107,122 108,123 109,124 112,127 128,1141 129,1298 130,1303 131,1300 133,1294 136,925 137,930 154,1503 165,516 169,1763 174,236 176,1659 178,188 187,316 196,653 201,1393 210,354 216,232 220,1170 222,651 231,1273 242,1851 243,1857 252,1166 253,1073 254,847 257,1432 261,593 265,1511 271,1034 272,284 280,318 283,580 290,327 292,334 294,949 308,702 311,570 314,941 319,1100 322,1108 330,1107 341,1219 351,804 355,944 360,1115 366,367 371,486 372,485 392,517 476,842 480,1223 489,1132 490,1131 495,956 496,1058 514,1022 523,1649 525,1640 561,716 568,1154 572,1746 573,1730 578,1092 585,1336 586,1123 588,1504 589,1505 594,1255 647,850 648,1494 650,693 664,1121 668,1015 670,1084 689,733 743,789 799,873 812,1635 846,1054 914,1442 918,1638 927,1566 954,1260 1073,1249 968,1738 1000,1145 1043,1834 1060,1870 1074,1785 1076,1838 1089,1224 1093,1217 1124,1378 1143,1489 1155,1836 1171,1509 1186,1207 1257,1265 1284,1403 1335,1377 1340,1349 1341,1348 1500,1574 1501,1691 1672,1681 1673,1680 1674,1679 1675,1678 1697,1706 3343,3344 3349,3350 3351,3352
X(2) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1,3679}, {3,381}, {4,376}, {5,549}, {6,599}, {7,6172}, {8,3241}, {9,6173}, {10,551}, {11,6174}, {13,5463}, {14,5464}, {20,3543}, {21,6175}, {32,7818}, {37,4688}, {39,9466}, {51,3917}, {69,1992}, {75,4664}, {76,7757}, {98,6054}, {99,671}, {110,9140}, {114,6055}, {115,2482}, {125,5642}, {126,9172}, {140,547}, {141,597}, {148,8591}, {154,1853}, {165,1699}, {190,903}, {192,4740}, {210,354}, {329,2094}, {351,9148}, {355,3655}, {373,5650}, {384,7924}, {385,7840}, {392,3753}, {428,7667}, {591,1991}, {618,5459}, {619,5460}, {620,5461}, {631,5071}, {648,1494}, {664,1121}, {668,3227}, {670,3228}, {858,7426}, {1003,7841}, {1086,4370}, {1125,3828}, {1635,4728}, {1638,1639}, {1641,1648}, {1644,1647}, {1649,8371}, {1650,1651}, {2454,2455}, {2479,2480}, {2487,4677}, {2966,5641}, {2976,6161}, {2979,3060}, {3034,3875}, {3034,7292}, {3251,4162}, {3268,9979}, {3448,9143}, {3524,3545}, {3534,3830}, {3576,5587}, {3616,4521}, {3617,3676}, {3623,4468}, {3628,10124}, {3654,3656}, {3681,3873}, {3739,4755}, {3740,3742}, {3817,10164}, {3819,5943}, {3845,8703}, {3929,4654}, {4025,4808}, {4108,5996}, {4120,4750}, {4364,10022}, {4373,4776}, {4379,4893}, {4430,4661}, {4643,4795}, {4730,6332}, {4763,4928}, {5054,5055}, {5108,9169}, {5309,7801}, {5466,9168}, {5485,9741}, {5569,8176}, {5603,5657}, {5640,7998}, {5692,5902}, {5858,5859}, {5860,5861}, {5862,5863}, {5883,10176}, {5891,9730}, {5892,10170}, {5927,10167}, {6032,9829}, {6039,6040}, {6189,6190}, {6545,6546}, {6656,6661}, {6784,6786}, {7615,7618}, {7617,7622}, {7734,10128}, {7753,7810}, {7811,7812}, {7817,7880}, {8010,8011}, {8352,8598}, {8356,8370}, {8360,8368}, {8597,9855}, {8667,9766}, {9185,9191}, {9200,9204}, {9201,9205}, {9761,9763}, {9774,10033}, {9778,9812}, {10162,10163}, {10165,10175}
X(2) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,551), (3,549), (4,381), (5,547), (6,597), (7,6173), (8,3679), (10,3828), (13,5459), (14,5460), (20,376), (23,7426), (37,4755), (51,5943), (69,599), (75,4688), (76,9466), (98,6055), (99,2482), (100,6174), (110,5642), (111,9172), (115,5461), (140,10124), (144,6172), (145,3241), (147,6054), (148,671), (154,10192), (165,10164), (182,10168), (190,4370), (192,4664), (193,1992), (194,7757), (210,3740), (315,7818), (352,9127), (353,10166), (354,3742), (356,5455), (376,3), (381,5), (384,6661), (547,3628), (549,140), (551,1125), (568,5946), (597,3589), (599,141), (616,5463), (617,5464), (648,3163), (671,115), (903,1086), (944,3655), (1003,8369), (1121,1146), (1278,4740), (1635,4763), (1651,402), (1699,3817), (1962,10180), (1992,6), (2094,57), (2475,6175), (2479,2454), (2480,2455), (2482,620), (2979,3917), (3034,2321), (3060,51), (3091,5071), (3146,3543), (3227,1015), (3228,1084), (3241,1), (3448,9140), (3524,5054), (3534,8703), (3543,4), (3545,5055), (3576,10165), (3617,4521), (3623,3676), (3655,1385), (3676,3616), (3679,10), (3681,210), (3742,3848), (3817,10171), (3828,3634), (3830,3845), (3839,3545), (3845,5066), (3873,354), (3877,392), (3917,3819), (3929,5325), (4240,1651), (4363,10022), (4370,4422), (4430,3873), (4440,903), (4453,1638), (4468,3617), (4521,1698), (4644,4795), (4661,3681), (4664,37), (4669,4745), (4677,4669), (4688,3739), (4728,4928), (4740,75), (4755,4698), (4776,3161), (4795,4670), (4808,3239), (4808,8834), (5066,10109), (5071,1656), (5309,7817), (5459,6669), (5460,6670), (5461,6722), (5463,618), (5464,619), (5466,8371), (5468,1641), (5569,1153), (5587,10175), (5603,5886), (5640,373), (5642,5972), (5692,10176), (5731,3576), (5860,591), (5861,1991), (5862,5858), (5863,5859), (5883,3833), (5890,9730), (5891,10170), (5902,5883), (5918,10178), (5919,10179), (5927,10157), (5943,6688), (6031,9829), (6032,10162), (6054,114), (6055,6036), (6161,2505), (6172,9), (6173,142), (6174,3035), (6175,442), (6546,10196), (6655,7924), (6661,7819), (6688,10219), (6792,9169), (7426,468), (7615,7617), (7618,7622), (7620,7615), (7622,7619), (7671,10177), (7757,39), (7779,7840), (7801,7880), (7811,7810), (7812,7753), (7818,626), (7833,8356), (7840,325), (7924,6656), (7998,5650), (8182,5569), (8353,8354), (8354,8358), (8356,8359), (8368,8365), (8369,8368), (8591,99), (8596,148), (8597,8352), (8860,3054), (9123,9125), (9140,125), (9143,110), (9144,5465), (9147,351), (9168,1649), (9172,6719), (9185,9189), (9263,3227), (9466,3934), (9485,9123), (9730,5892), (9778,165), (9779,7988), (9812,1699), (9829,10163), (9855,8598), (9909,10154), (9939,7811), (9965,2094), (9979,1637), (10022,4472), (10056,10197), (10072,10199), (10162,10173), (10166,10160), (10175,10172)
X(2) = isogonal conjugate of X(6)
X(2) = isotomic conjugate of X(2)
X(2) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(4)
X(2) = circumcircle-inverse of X(23)
X(2) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(38473)
X(2) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(858)
X(2) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(110)
X(2) = complement of X(2)
X(2) = anticomplement of X(2)
X(2) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(69)
X(2) = complementary conjugate of X(141)
X(2) = insimilicenter of incircle and Spieker circle
X(2) = insimilicenter of incircle and AC-incircle
X(2) = exsimilicenter of Spieker circle and AC-incircle
X(2) = insimilicenter of Conway circle and Spieker radical circle
X(2) = insimilicenter of polar circle and de Longchamps circle
X(2) = harmonic center of pedal circles of X(13) and X(14) (which are also the pedal circles of X(15) and X(16))
X(2) = X(99)-of -1st-Parry-triangle
X(2) = X(98)-of-2nd-Parry-triangle
X(2) = X(2)-of-1st-Brocard-triangle
X(2) = X(111)-of-4th-Brocard-triangle
X(2) = X(110)-of-X(2)-Brocard-triangle
X(2) = X(110)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(2) = X(353)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(2) = X(165)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(2) = X(51)-of-excentral-triangle
X(2) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(468)
X(2) = inverse-in-de-Longchamps-circle of X(858)
X(2) = inverse-in-MacBeath-circumconic of X(323)
X(2) = inverse-in-Feuerbach-hyperbola of X(390)
X(2) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(1) of X(3935)
X(2) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(9) of X(3218)
X(2) = inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of X(5212)
X(2) = inverse-in-Parry-isodynamic-circle of X(353)
X(2) = barycentric product of (real or nonreal) circumcircle intercepts of the de Longchamps line
X(2) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(325)X(523)
X(2) = barycentric product of PU(3)
X(2) = barycentric product of PU(35)
X(2) = harmonic center of nine-point circle and Johnson circle
X(2) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(4) (orthic axis)
X(2) = polar conjugate of X(4)
X(2) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(165)
X(2) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(165)
X(2) = orthic-to-ABC functional image of X(51)
X(2) = orthic-to-ABC barycentric image of X(51)
X(2) = incentral-to-ABC functional image of X(1962)
X(2) = incentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(1962)
X(2) = Feuerbach-to-ABC functional image of X(5947)
X(2) = Feuerbach-to-ABC barycentric image of X(5947)
X(2) = perspector of orthic triangle and polar triangle of the complement of the polar circle
X(2) = trilinear pole, wrt orthocentroidal triangle, of Fermat axis
X(2) = trilinear pole, wrt 1st Parry triangle, of line X(1499)X(8598)
X(2) = pole of Brocard axis wrt Stammler hyperbola
X(2) = pole of de Longchamps line wrt the nine-point circle
X(2) = pole of de Longchamps line wrt the de Longchamps circle
X(2) = pole of orthic axis wrt polar circle
X(2) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(6) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(2) = intersection of tangents at X(1) and X(9) to the hyperbola passing through X(1), X(9) and the excenters (the Jerabek hyperbola of the excentral triangle)
X(2) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(9) wrt excentral triangle
X(2) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(6) wrt excentral triangle
X(2) = crosspoint of X(7) and X(8) wrt 2nd Conway triangle
X(2) = antipode of X(3228) in hyperbola {{A,B,C,X(2),X(6)}}
X(2) = antipode of X(1494) in hyperbola {{A,B,C,X(2),X(69)}}
X(2) = perspector of pedal and anticevian triangles of X(20)
X(2) = homothetic center of the 2nd pedal triangle of X(4) and the 3rd pedal triangle of X(3)
X(2) = perspector of ABC and the reflection in X(6) of the pedal triangle of X(6)
X(2) = perspector of orthic triangle and polar triangle of the complement of the polar circle
X(2) = Moses-radical-circle-inverse of X(34235)
X(2) = X(6374)-cross conjugate of X(194)
X(2) = 1st-Brocard-isogonal conjugate of X(3734)
X(2) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,192), (4,193), (6,194), (7,145), (8,144), (30,1494), (69,20), (75,8), (76,69), (83,6), (85,7), (86,1), (87,330), (95,3), (98,385), (99,523), (190,514), (264,4), (274,75), (276, 264), (287,401), (290,511), (308,76), (312,329), (325,147), (333,63), (348,347), (491,487), (492,488), (523,148), (626,1502)
X(2) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,9), (3,6), (5,216), (10,37), (11,650), (32,206), (39,141), (44,214), (57,223), (114,230), (115,523), (125,647), (128,231), (132,232), (140,233), (188,236), (5408,5409)
X(2) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,7), (3,69), (4,253), (5,264), (6,4), (9,8), (10,75), (32,66), (37,1), (39,6), (44,80), (57,189), (75,330), (114,325), (140,95), (141,76), (142,85), (178,508), (187,67), (206,315), (214,320), (216,3), (223,329), (226,92), (230,98), (233,5), (281,280), (395,14), (396,13), (440,306), (511,290), (514,190), (523,99)
X(2) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,87), (75,85), (76,264), (83,308), (86,274), (95,276),(36308,36311)
X(2) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,43), (2,194), (31,41), (32,184), (42,213), (51,217), (125,826), (649,1015), (688,1084), (902,1017), (1400,1409)
X(2) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(187)X(237)
X(2) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,239), (3,401), (4,297), (6,385), (21,448), (27,447), (69,325), (75,350), (98,287), (115,148), (193,230), (291,335), (298,299), (449,452)
X(2) = X(3)-line conjugate of X(237) = X(316)-line conjugate of X(187)
X(2) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1045), (2,191), (86,2), (174,1046), (333,20), (366,846)
X(2) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,57), (21,995) (190,2), (312,312), (333,2), (643,55), (645,2), (646,2), (648,196), (662,222)
X(2) = one of two harmonic traces of the power circles; the other is X(858)
X(2) = one of two harmonic traces of the McCay circles; the other is X(111)
X(2) = orthocenter of X(i)X(j)X(k) for these (i,j,k): (4,6,1640), (4,10,4040)
X(2) = centroid of PU(1)X(76) (1st, 2nd, 3rd Brocard points)
X(2) = trilinear pole of PU(i) for these i: 24, 41
X(2) = crossdifference of PU(i) for these i: 2, 26
X(2) = trilinear product of PU(i) for these i: 6,124
X(2) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 116, 117, 118, 119, 138, 148
X(2) = midpoint of PU(i) for these i: 116, 117, 118, 119, 127
X(2) = intersection of diagonals of trapezoid PU(11)PU(45) (lines P(11)P(45) and U(11)U(45))
X(2) = X(5182) of 6th Brocard triangle (see X(384))
X(2) = PU(148)-harmonic conjugate of X(669)
X(2) = bicentric difference of PU(147)
X(2) = eigencenter of 2nd Brocard triangle
X(2) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Lucas central triangle
X(2) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Lucas(-1) central triangle
X(2) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Lucas tangents triangle
X(2) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Lucas(-1) tangents triangle
X(2) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Lucas inner triangle
X(2) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Lucas(-1) inner triangle
X(2) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 1st anti-Brocard triangle
X(2) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 1st Sharygin triangle
X(2) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 2nd Sharygin triangle
X(2) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 1st Pamfilos-Zhou triangle
X(2) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Artzt triangle
X(2) = perspector of 1st Parry triangle and unary cofactor of 3rd Parry triangle
X(2) = X(6032) of 4th anti-Brocard triangle
X(2) = orthocenter of X(3)X(9147)X(9149)
X(2) = exsimilicenter of Artzt and anti-Artzt circles; the insimilicenter is X(183)
X(2) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of inner- and outer-squares triangles
X(2) = perspector of ABC and 2nd Brocard triangle of 1st Brocard triangle
X(2) = perspector of half-altitude triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and half-altitude triangle
X(2) = 4th-anti-Brocard-to-anti-Artzt similarity image of X(111)
X(2) = homothetic center of Aquila triangle and cross-triangle of Aquila and anti-Aquila triangles
X(2) = X(551)-of-cross-triangle-of Aquila-and-anti-Aquila-triangles
X(2) = harmonic center of polar circle and circle O(PU(4))
X(2) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(3)
X(2) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(20)
X(2) = X(3679)-of-outer-Garcia-triangle
X(2) = Dao image of X(13)
X(2) = Dao image of X(14)
X(2) = center of equilateral triangle X(3)PU(5)
X(2) = center of equilateral triangle formed by the circumcenters of BCF, CAF, ABF, where F = X(13)
X(2) = center of equilateral triangle formed by the circumcenters of BCF', CAF', ABF', where F' = X(14)
X(2) = trisector nearest X(5) of segment X(3)X(5)
X(2) = trisector nearest X(4) of segment X(4)X(20)
X(2) = pedal antipodal perspector of X(15)
X(2) = pedal antipodal perspector of X(16)
X(2) = K(X(3)), as defined at X(174)
X(2) = Ehrmann-mid-to-Johnson similarity image of X(381)
X(2) = Kiepert hyperbola antipode of X(671)
X(2) = antigonal conjugate of X(671)
X(2) = trilinear square of X(366)
X(2) = intersection of diagonals of trapezoid X(1)X(7)X(8)X(9)
X(2) = Danneels point of X(99)
X(2) = Danneels point of X(648)
X(2) = perspector of Spieker circle
X(2) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(193)
X(2) = X(154)-of-intouch-triangle
X(2) = Vu circlecevian point V(X(13),X(14))
As a point on the Euler line, X(3) has Shinagawa coefficients (1, -1).
X(3) is the point of concurrence of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of ABC. The lengths of segments AX, BX, CX are equal if and only if X = X(3). This common distance is the radius of the circumcircle, which passes through vertices A,B,C. Called the circumradius, it is given by R = a/(2 sin A) = abc/(4*area(ABC)).
The tangents at vertices of excentral triangle to the McCay cubic K003 concur in X(3). Also, the tangents at A,B,C to the orthocubic K006 concur in X(3). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of X(4). Let A″ be X(4)-of-AB'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines A″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(3). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
Let P be a point in the plane of ABC. Let P' be the isogonal conjugate of P. Let P" be the pedal antipodal perspector of P. X(3) is the unique point P for which P' = P". (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
Taking a reference triangle ABC and a variable point P on the plane, P=X(3) is the point of maximal area of its pedal triangle when considering all points P inside the circumcircle of ABC. There are points P far away from the circumcircle for which the area of their pedal triangles is much larger. However, if you consider the signed area of the pedal triangle of P (of which sign depends on whether the points are in clockwise or anti-clockwise order), you could just say that the area of the pedal triangle of P is always negative whenever P is outside of the circumcircle so that P=X(3) gives the global maximum. (Mark Helman, July 10, 2020)
A slightly similar thing happens regarding the area of the antipedal triangle of P. P=X(4) has the smallest area of its antipedal amongst all P in the interior of triangle ABC (when X(4) is in this interior). There are points P (on the circumcircle) for which this area goes to 0. However, if we consider the signed area of the antipedal, even though there are still regions of the plane outside of ABC where the signed area is positive, P=X(4) gives the smallest area of the antipedal among all P for which this area is positive (this works even when ABC is obtuse, and points close to the circumcircle (on both sides) have negative antipedal area). (Mark Helman, July 10, 2020)
View Extremal Area Pedal and Antipedal Triangles, by Mark Helman, Ronaldo Garcia, and Dan Reznik.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Circumcenter.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Circumcenter.
Let T be any one of these trianges: {Aries, X(3)-Ehrmann, X3-ABC reflections, 3rd pedal of X(3), 3rd antipedal of X(3), inner-Le Viet An, outer-Le Viet An}. Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of T and passing through A; define OBand OC cyclically. X(3) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
Oa = circle with diameter BC, and define Ob and Oc cyclically;
A′ = reflection of A in Oa, and define B′ and C′ cyclically;
Ab = BA'∩Oa, and define Bc and Ca cyclically;
Ac = CA'∩Oa, and define Ba and Cb cyclically;
A1 = BcBa∩CaCb, and define B1 and C1 cyclically.
The triangle A1B1C1 is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(3).
(Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, April 19, 2021)
Let O be a point (not necessarily X(3)), and let be a AOB be a fixed-angle sector of a circle C=(O,R), rigidly rotating about center O. Let P be an arbitrary point. The locus of X(3)-of-PAB is a conic E whose major axis is OP. This conic is an ellipse (resp. hyperbola) if P is interior (resp. exterior) to C. One of its foci is O. Figure (ellipse). Figure (hyperbola). (Dan Reznik, December 10, 2021)
Let A'B'C' be the anticevian triangle of X(3), and let Ea be the ellipse passing through A' and having foci B' and C'. Define Eb and Ec cyclically. The 6 major vertices of the three ellipses lie on a circle that is concentric with the circumcircle of A'B'C'. Figure. (Dan Reznik, December 19, 2021)
Let A' be the reflection of A in X(2), and define B' and C' cyclically. Let A" be the reflection of A' in line BC, and define B" and C" cyclically. The points A", B", C" and X(2) lie on a circle with center X(3). (Benjamn Warren, March 14, 2025) Other points on the circle {{A",B",C"}} are X(376), X(1106), and X(14916).
X(3) lies on the Thomson cubic, the Darboux cubic, the Napoleon cubic, the Neuberg cubic, the McCay cubic, then Darboux quintic, and these lines: {1,35}, {2,4}, {6,15}, {7,943}, {8,100}, {9,84}, {10,197}, {11,499}, {12,498}, {13,17}, {14,18}, {19,1871}, {31,601}, {33,1753}, {34,1465}, {37,975}, {38,976}, {41,218}, {42,967}, {43,5247}, {47,1399}, {48,71}, {49,155}, {51,3527}, {54,97}, {60,1175}, {63,72}, {64,154}, {66,141}, {67,542}, {68,343}, {69,332}, {73,212}, {74,110}, {76,98}, {77,1410}, {80,5445}, {81,5453}, {83,262}, {85,5088}, {86,1246}, {90,1898}, {95,264}, {96,5392}, {101,103}, {102,109}, {105,277}, {106,1293}, {107,1294}, {108,1295}, {111,1296}, {112,1297}, {113,122}, {114,127}, {115,2079}, {119,123}, {125,131}, {128,1601}, {142,516}, {143,1173}, {144,5843}, {145,1483}, {147,2896}, {149,1484}, {158,243}, {161,1209}, {164,3659}, {169,910}, {172,2276}, {191,1768}, {193,1353}, {194,385}, {200,963}, {201,1807}, {207,1767}, {214,2800}, {217,3289}, {223,1035}, {225,1074}, {226,4292}, {227,1455}, {230,2549}, {232,1968}, {238,978}, {248,3269}, {252,930}, {256,987}, {269,939}, {295,2196}, {296,820}, {298,617}, {299,616}, {302,621}, {303,622}, {305,1799}, {315,325}, {323,3431}, {329,2096}, {345,1791}, {347,1119}, {348,1565}, {351,2780}, {352,353}, {356,3278}, {358,6120}, {373,3066}, {380,2257}, {388,495}, {390,1058}, {392,3420}, {393,1217}, {395,398}, {396,397}, {476,477}, {480,5223}, {485,590}, {486,615}, {489,492}, {490,491}, {496,497}, {501,5127}, {513,3657}, {518,3433}, {519,3654}, {523,5664}, {524,5486}, {525,878}, {528,3813}, {532,5859}, {533,5858}, {539,3519}, {541,5642}, {543,5569}, {551,3653}, {595,995}, {604,2269}, {607,1951}, {608,1950}, {609,5280}, {611,1469}, {612,5322}, {613,1428}, {614,5310}, {618,635}, {619,636}, {623,629}, {624,630}, {639,641}, {640,642}, {653,1148}, {659,2826}, {662,1098}, {667,1083}, {669,1499}, {690,6334}, {691,842}, {692,2807}, {695,1613}, {732,6308}, {741,6010}, {758,5884}, {759,6011}, {805,2698}, {840,2742}, {843,2709}, {846,2944}, {847,925}, {895,4558}, {901,953}, {902,1201}, {905,1946}, {915,2969}, {917,1305}, {920,1858}, {927,2724}, {929,2723}, {934,972}, {935,2697}, {938,3488}, {945,1457}, {947,5399}, {950,1210}, {951,1407}, {955,1170}, {960,997}, {962,1621}, {968,6051}, {974,5504}, {984,3497}, {1000,1476}, {1014,3945}, {1015,2241}, {1018,4513}, {1033,1249}, {1037,1066}, {1046,4650}, {1047,2636}, {1054,1283}, {1055,1334}, {1056,3600}, {1057,1450}, {1069,6238}, {1072,3011}, {1075,1941}, {1093,1105}, {1104,3752}, {1107,4386}, {1124,2066}, {1131,3316}, {1132,3317}, {1135,6121}, {1137,6122}, {1138,3471}, {1139,3370}, {1140,3397}, {1167,1413}, {1177,1576}, {1180,1627}, {1184,1194}, {1196,1611}, {1199,1994}, {1203,5313}, {1211,5810}, {1213,5816}, {1247,2640}, {1263,3459}, {1270,5874}, {1271,5875}, {1276,5240}, {1277,5239}, {1290,2687}, {1298,1303}, {1301,5897}, {1304,2693}, {1308,2717}, {1309,2734}, {1330,4417}, {1331,1797}, {1335,2067}, {1337,3489}, {1338,3490}, {1348,2040}, {1349,2039}, {1364,1795}, {1386,3941}, {1389,2320}, {1397,1682}, {1398,1870}, {1400,2268}, {1406,1464}, {1411,1772}, {1412,2213}, {1425,3561}, {1427,1448}, {1433,2188}, {1445,5728}, {1446,3188}, {1447,3673}, {1452,1905}, {1453,2999}, {1471,2293}, {1475,2280}, {1495,3426}, {1500,2242}, {1506,5475}, {1568,3521}, {1575,4426}, {1587,3068}, {1588,3069}, {1602,2550}, {1603,2551}, {1612,4000}, {1625,1987}, {1630,3197}, {1632,2790}, {1633,5698}, {1661,2883}, {1672,3238}, {1673,3237}, {1676,5403}, {1677,5404}, {1696,3731}, {1698,4413}, {1699,3624}, {1709,3683}, {1714,5721}, {1723,2264}, {1724,3216}, {1728,1864}, {1737,1837}, {1745,1935}, {1762,2939}, {1770,1836}, {1779,1780}, {1788,3486}, {1794,3173}, {1796,3690}, {1808,4173}, {1810,4587}, {1811,4571}, {1813,3270}, {1834,5292}, {1901,5747}, {1914,2275}, {1916,3406}, {1918,2274}, {1939,6181}, {1960,2821}, {1986,2904}, {2007,3235}, {2008,3236}, {2053,2108}, {2120,3463}, {2121,3482}, {2130,3343}, {2131,3350}, {2133,5670}, {2163,2334}, {2174,2911}, {2183,2267}, {2197,2286}, {2222,2716}, {2292,3724}, {2329,3501}, {2346,3296}, {2407,2452}, {2548,3815}, {2688,2690}, {2689,2695}, {2691,2752}, {2692,2758}, {2694,2766}, {2696,2770}, {2699,2703}, {2700,2702}, {2701,2708}, {2704,2711}, {2705,2712}, {2706,2713}, {2707,2714}, {2710,2715}, {2718,2743}, {2719,2744}, {2720,2745}, {2721,2746}, {2722,2747}, {2725,2736}, {2726,2737}, {2727,2738}, {2728,2739}, {2729,2740}, {2730,2751}, {2731,2757}, {2732,2762}, {2733,2765}, {2735,2768}, {2783,4436}, {2792,4655}, {2797,6130}, {2801,3678}, {2810,3939}, {2814,3960}, {2827,4491}, {2854,5505}, {2886,4999}, {2888,3448}, {2916,3456}, {2951,3646}, {2971,3563}, {3006,5300}, {3058,4309}, {3061,3496}, {3065,3467}, {3092,5413}, {3093,5412}, {3100,6198}, {3101,6197}, {3165,5669}, {3166,5668}, {3177,3732}, {3200,3205}, {3201,3206}, {3218,3418}, {3219,3876}, {3224,6234}, {3229,3360}, {3272,3334}, {3276,3280}, {3277,3282}, {3305,5927}, {3306,5439}, {3332,4648}, {3341,3347}, {3351,3354}, {3366,3391}, {3367,3392}, {3373,3387}, {3374,3388}, {3381,5402}, {3382,5401}, {3399,3407}, {3413,6178}, {3414,6177}, {3417,3869}, {3436,5552}, {3437,5224}, {3440,5674}, {3441,5675}, {3447,6328}, {3452,6259}, {3460,3465}, {3461,3483}, {3462,5667}, {3464,3466}, {3474,3485}, {3555,3870}, {3582,4330}, {3583,4324}, {3584,4325}, {3585,4316}, {3589,5480}, {3614,5326}, {3620,5921}, {3632,5288}, {3647,3652}, {3667,4057}, {3679,5258}, {3681,4420}, {3687,5814}, {3694,5227}, {3705,5015}, {3710,3977}, {3711,5531}, {3733,6003}, {3734,3934}, {3740,5302}, {3824,5715}, {3849,6232}, {3874,4973}, {3877,4881}, {3889,3957}, {3901,4880}, {3925,6253}, {4001,4101}, {4317,4995}, {4338,4870}, {4340,5323}, {4549,4846}, {4653,6176}, {4720,5372}, {4850,5262}, {4993,4994}, {5226,5714}, {5260,5818}, {5268,5345}, {5275,5277}, {5284,5550}, {5286,5305}, {5306,5319}, {5346,5355}, {5436,5437}, {5441,5442}, {5443,5444}, {5530,5725}, {5541,6264}, {5590,5594}, {5591,5595}, {5606,5951}, {5638,6141}, {5639,6142}, {5640,5643}, {5656,6225}, {5658,5811}, {5672,6191}, {5673,6192}, {5735,6173}, {5962,5963}, {5971,6031}, {6082,6093}, {6118,6250}, {6119,6251}, {6228,6230}, {6229,6231}, {6233,6323}, {6236,6325}, {6294,6295}, {6296,6298}, {6297,6299}, {6300,6302}, {6301,6303}, {6304,6306}, {6305,6307}, {6311,6313}, {6312,6314}, {6315,6317}, {6316,6318}, {6391,6461}, {6413,6458}, {6414,6457}, {6581,6582}
X(3) is the {X(2),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(3), click Tables at the top of this page. If triangle ABC is acute, then X(3) is the incenter of the tangential triangle and the Bevan point, X(40), of the orthic triangle.
X(3) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,40), (2,376), (4,20), (22,378), (74,110), (98,99), (100,104), (101,103), (102,109), (476,477)
X(3) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1385), (2,549), (4,5), (5,140), (6,182), (20,550), (52,389), (110,1511), (114,620), (145,1483), (149,1484), (155,1147), (193,1353), (195,54), (265,125), (355,10), (381,2), (382,4), (399,110), (550,548), (576,575), (946,1125), (1351,6), (1352,141), (1482,1)
X(3) = isogonal conjugate of X(4)
X(3) = isotomic conjugate of X(264)
X(3) = complement of X(4)
X(3) = anticomplement of X(5)
X(3) = complementary conjugate of X(5)
X(3) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(2888)
X(3) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(2072)
X(3) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(5)
X(3) = 1st-Lemoine-circle-inverse of X(2456)
X(3) = 2nd-Lemoine-circle-inverse of X(1570)
X(3) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(38474)
X(3) = eigencenter of the medial triangle
X(3) = eigencenter of the tangential triangle
X(3) = exsimilicenter of 1st and 2nd Kenmotu circles
X(3) = exsimilicenter of nine-point circle and tangential circle
X(3) = X(1)-of-Trinh-triangle if ABC is acute
X(3) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,6), (4,155), (5,195), (20,1498), (21,1), (22,159), (30,399), (63,219), (69,394), (77,222), (95,2), (96,68), (99,525), (100,521), (110,520), (250, 110), (283,255)
X(3) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,154), (48,212), (55,198), (71,228), (185,417), (216,418)
X(3) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (48,222), (55,268), (71,63), (73,1), (184,6), (185,4), (212,219), (216,2), (228,48), (520,110)
X(3) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,90), (2,69), (4,254), (21,283), (54,96), (59,100), (63,77), (78,271), (81,272), (95,97), (99,249), (110,250), (485,486)
X(3) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,46), (2,193), (3,155), (5,52), (6,25), (11,513), (19,33), (30,113), (37,209), (39, 211), (51,53), (65,225), (114,511), (115,512), (116,514), (117, 515), (118,516), (119,517), (120,518), (121,519), (122,520), (123,521), (124,522), (125,523), (126,524), (127,525), (128,1154), (136,924), (184,571), (185,235), (371,372), (487,488)
X(3) = crossdifference of every pair of points on the line X(230)X(231)
X(3) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (2, 401), (4,450), (6,511), (21,416), (194, 385)
X(3) = X(2)-line conjugate of X(468)
X(3) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1046), (21,3), (188,191), (259,1045)
X(3) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,603), (8,355), (21,56), (78,78), (100,3), (110,221), (271,84), (283,3), (333,379), (643,8)
X(3) = center of inverse-in-de-Longchamps-circle-of-anticomplementary-circle
X(3) = perspector of inner and outer Napoleon triangles
X(3) = Hofstadter 2 point
X(3) = trilinear product of vertices of 2nd Brocard triangle
X(3) = orthocenter of X(i)X(j)X(k) for these (i,j,k): (1,8,5556), (1,9,885), (2,6,1640), (2,10,4049), (3,6,879), (3,66,2435), (4,6,879), (7,8,885), (67,74,879), (6,64,2435), (4,66,2435)
X(3) = intersection of tangents at X(3) and X(4) to Orthocubic K006
X(3) = homothetic center of tangential triangle and 2nd isogonal triangle of X(4); see X(36)
X(3) = trilinear pole of line X(520)X(647)
X(3) = crossdifference of PU(4)
X(3) = trilinear product of PU(16)
X(3) = barycentric product of PU(22)
X(3) = midpoint of PU(i) for these i: 37, 44
X(3) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 37, 44, 63, 125
X(3) = vertex conjugate of PU(39)
X(3) = PU(63)-harmonic conjugate of X(351)
X(3) = PU(125)-harmonic conjugate of X(650)
X(3) = intersection of tangents to orthocentroidal circle at PU(5)
X(3) = X(3398) of 5th Brocard triangle (see X(32))
X(3) = X(182) of 6th Brocard triangle (see X(384))
X(3) = homothetic center of 1st anti-Brocard triangle and 6th Brocard triangle
X(3) = similitude center of antipedal triangles of the 1st and 2nd Brocard points (PU(1))
X(3) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(403)
X(3) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(858)
X(3) = inverse-in-de-Longchamps-circle of X(3153)
X(3) = inverse-in-Steiner-circumellipse of X(401)
X(3) = inverse-in-Steiner-inellipse of X(441)
X(3) = inverse-in-MacBeath-circumconic of X(3284)
X(3) = radical trace of circumcircle and 8th Lozada circle
X(3) = perspector of medial triangle and polar triangle of the complement of the polar circle
X(3) = pole of line X(6)X(110) wrt Parry circle
X(3) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(2052) (line X(403)X(523))
X(3) = pole wrt {circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of de Longchamps line
X(3) = polar conjugate of X(2052)
X(3) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,92), (24,91), (25,75), (48,2052), (93,2964), (112,1577), (1101,2970), (2962,3518)
X(3) = X(30)-vertex conjugate of X(523)
X(3) = homothetic center of any 2 of {tangential, Kosnita, 2nd Euler} triangles
X(3) = X(5)-of-excentral-triangle
X(3) = X(26)-of-intouch-triangle
X(3) = antigonal image of X(265)
X(3) = X(2)-of-antipedal-triangle-of-X(6)
X(3) = perspector of the MacBeath Circumconic
X(3) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 5th Euler triangle
X(3) = intersection of trilinear polars of any 2 points on the MacBeath circumconic
X(3) = circumcevian isogonal conjugate of X(1)
X(3) = orthology center of ABC and orthic triangle
X(3) = orthology center of Fuhrmann triangle and ABC
X(3) = orthic isogonal conjugate of X(155)
X(3) = Miquel associate of X(2)
X(3) = X(40)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(3) = X(98)-of-1st-Brocard-triangle
X(3) = X(1380)-of-2nd-Brocard-triangle
X(3) = X(399)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(3) = X(104)-of X(1)-Brocard-triangle
X(3) = X(74)-of X(2)-Brocard-triangle
X(3) = X(74)-of-X(4)-Brocard-triangle
X(3) = X(597)-of-antipedal-triangle-of-X(2)
X(3) = X(182)-of-1st-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(3) = X(381)-of-4th-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(3) = QA-P12 (Orthocenter of the QA-Diagonal Triangle)-of-quadrilateral X(98)X(99)X(110)X(111)
X(3) = orthocenter of X(2)X(9147)X(9149)
X(3) = perspector of ABC and 1st Brocard triangle of 6th Brocard triangle
X(3) = perspector of ABC and 1st Brocard triangle of circumorthic triangle
X(3) = perspector of ABC and 1st Brocard triangle of dual of orthic triangle
X(3) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and half-altitude triangle
X(3) = homothetic center of inner Yff triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 1st Johnson-Yff triangle
X(3) = homothetic center of outer Yff triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Johnson-Yff triangle
X(3) = anti-Artzt-to-4th-anti-Brocard similarity image of X(6)
X(3) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(2)
X(3) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(2979)
X(3) = X(4)-of-2nd-anti-extouch triangle
X(3) = X(185)-of-A'B'C', as described in ADGEOM #2697 (8/26/2015, Tran Quang Hung)
X(3) = X(5)-of-3rd-anti-Euler-triangle
X(3) = X(5)-of-4th-anti-Euler-triangle
X(3) = X(671)-of-McCay-triangle
X(3) = Dao image of X(4)
X(3) = centroid of ABCX(20)
X(3) = Kosnita(X(20),X(2)) point
X(3) = centroid of incenter and excenters
X(3) = X(265)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(3) = intersection of tangents to 2nd Lemoine circle at intersections with Brocard circle
X(3) = perspector of ABC and antipedal triangle of X(64)
X(3) = trisector nearest X(5) of segment X(5)X(20)
X(3) = Ehrmann-vertex-to-Ehrmann-side similarity image of X(4)
X(3) = Ehrmann-mid-to-ABC similarity image of X(4)
X(3) = Ehrmann-mid-to-Johnson similarity image of X(5)
X(3) = Johnson-to-Ehrmann-mid similarity image of X(20)
X(3) = center of inverse similitude of AAOA triangle and Ehrmann side-triangle
X(3) = X(5)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(3) = X(175)-of-Lucas-central-triangle
X(3) = reflection of X(2080) in the Lemoine axis
X(3) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(191)
X(3) = excentral-isotomic conjugate of X(2938)
X(3) = crosssum of foci of orthic inconic
X(3) = crosspoint of foci of orthic inconic
X(3) = similicenter of antipedal triangles of PU(1)
X(3) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(40)
X(3) = orthic-to-ABC barycentric image of X(4)
X(3) = orthic-to-ABC functional image of X(5)
X(3) = Feuerbach-to-ABC functional image of X(5)
X(3) = intouch-to-ABC functional image of X(1)
X(3) = ABC-to-excentral barycentric image of X(10)
X(3) = concurrence of Euler lines of intouch triangle and A-, B-, and C-extouch triangles
X(3) = perspector of hexyl triangle and cevian triangle of X(21)
X(3) = perspector of pedal and anticevian triangles of X(1498)
X(3) = perspector of ABC and medial triangle of pedal triangle of X(20)
X(3) = perspector of ABC and the reflection in X(6) of the antipedal triangle of X(6)
X(3) = tangential-isotomic conjugate of tangential-isogonal conjugate of X(35225)
X(3) = Moses-radical-circle-inverse of X(35901)
X(3) = 1st-Brocard-isogonal conjugate of X(2782)
X(3) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): (1,35,55), (1,36,56), (1,46,65), (1,55,3295), (1,56,999), (1,57,942), (1,165,40), (1,171,5711), (1,484,5903), (1,1038,1060), (1,1040,1062), (1,1754,5706), (1,2093,3340), (1,3333,5045), (1,3336,5902), (1,3338,354), (1,3361,3333), (1,3550,5255), (1,3576,1385), (1,3612,2646), (1,3746,3303), (1,5010,35), (1,5119,3057), (1,5131,3336), (1,5264,5710), (1,5563,3304), (1,5697,2098), (1,5903,2099), (2,4,5), (2,5,1656), (2,20,4), (2,21,405), (2,22,25), (2,23,1995), (2,24,6642), (2,25,5020), (2,140,3526), (2,186,6644), (2,377,442), (2,381,5055), (2,382,3851), (2,401,458), (2,404,474), (2,411,3149), (2,418,6638), (2,452,5084), (2,464,440), (2,546,5079), (2,548,1657), (2,549,5054), (2,550,382), (2,631,140), (2,858,5094), (2,859,4245), (2,1010,2049), (2,1113,1344), (2,1114,1345), (2,1370,427), (2,1599,1583), (2,1600,1584), (2,1656,5070), (2,1657,3843), (2,2071,378), (2,2475,2476), (2,2478,4187), (2,2554,2570), (2,2555,2571), (2,2675,2676), (2,3090,3628), (2,3091,3090), (2,3146,3091), (2,3151,469), (2,3152,5125), (2,3522,20), (2,3523,631), (2,3524,549), (2,3525,632), (2,3528,550), (2,3529,546), (2,3534,3830), (2,3543,3545), (2,3545,547), (2,3546,3548), (2,3547,3549), (2,3548,6640), (2,3549,6639), (2,3552,384), (2,3627,5072), (2,3832,5056), (2,3839,5071), (2,4184,1011), (2,4188,404), (2,4189,21), (2,4190,377), (2,4210,4191), (2,4216,859), (2,4226,1316), (2,5046,4193), (2,5056,5067), (2,5059,3832), (2,5189,5169), (2,6636,22), (4,5,381), (4,21,3560), (4,24,25), (4,25,1598), (4,140,1656), (4,186,24), (4,376,20), (4,378,1593), (4,381,3843), (4,382,3830), (4,548,3534), (4,549,3526), (4,550,1657), (4,631,2), (4,632,5079), (4,1006,405), (4,1593,1597), (4,1656,3851), (4,1657,5073), (4,1658,2070), (4,2937,5899), (4,3088,1595), (4,3089,1596), (4,3090,3091), (4,3091,546), (4,3146,3627), (4,3147,3542), (4,3515,3517), (4,3520,378), (4,3522,550), (4,3523,140), (4,3524,631), (4,3525,3090), (4,3526,5055), (4,3528,376), (4,3529,3146), (4,3530,5054), (4,3533,5056), (4,3541,427), (4,3542,235), (4,3543,3853), (4,3545,3832), (4,3548,2072), (4,3627,5076), (4,3628,5072), (4,3832,3845), (4,3839,3861), (4,3855,3839), (4,5054,5070), (4,5056,3850), (4,5067,3545), (4,5068,3858), (4,5071,3855), (4,6353,3089), (4,6621,6624), (4,6622,6623), (5,20,382), (5,26,25), (5,140,2), (5,376,1657), (5,381,3851), (5,382,3843), (5,427,5576), (5,546,3091), (5,547,5056), (5,548,20), (5,549,140), (5,631,3526), (5,632,3628), (5,1656,5055), (5,1657,3830), (5,1658,24), (5,3090,5079), (5,3091,5072), (5,3522,3534), (5,3523,5054), (5,3526,5070), (5,3529,5076), (5,3530,631), (5,3534,5073), (5,3627,546), (5,3628,3090), (5,3845,3850), (5,3850,3545), (5,3853,3832), (5,3858,5066), (5,3861,3855), (5,5066,5068), (5,5498,6143), (5,6642,5020), (5,6644,6642), (6,182,5050), (6,187,1384), (6,371,3311), (6,372,3312), (6,574,5024), (6,1151,371), (6,1152,372), (6,1351,5093), (6,1620,1192), (6,2076,5017), (6,3053,32), (6,3311,6417), (6,3312,6418), (6,3592,6419), (6,3594,6420), (6,4252,58), (6,4255,386), (6,4258,4251), (6,5013,39), (6,5022,4253), (6,5023,3053), (6,5085,182), (6,5102,5097), (6,5210,187), (6,5585,5210), (6,6200,6221), (6,6221,6199), (6,6396,6398), (6,6398,6395), (6,6409,1151), (6,6410,1152), (6,6411,6200), (6,6412,6396), (6,6417,6500), (6,6418,6501), (6,6419,6427), (6,6420,6428), (6,6425,3592), (6,6426,3594), (6,6433,6437), (6,6434,6438), (6,6451,6445), (6,6452,6446), (6,6455,6407), (6,6456,6408), (7,3487,6147), (7,5703,3487), (8,100,5687), (8,2975,956), (8,5657,5690), (8,5731,944), (9,936,5044), (9,1490,5777), (9,5438,936), (10,355,5790), (10,993,958), (10,5267,993), (10,5745,5791), (11,5433,499), (11,6284,1479), (12,5432,498), (15,16,6), (15,62,61), (15,3364,371), (15,3365,372), (15,5237,62), (15,5352,5238), (16,61,62), (16,3389,371), (16,3390,372), (16,5238,61), (16,5351,5237), (20,21,1012), (20,140,381), (20,186,26), (20,376,550), (20,381,5073), (20,404,3149), (20,417,6638), (20,549,1656), (20,550,3534), (20,631,5), (20,1006,3560), (20,1656,3830), (20,1658,2937), (20,2060,3079), (20,3090,3627), (20,3091,3146), (20,3146,3529), (20,3522,376), (20,3523,2), (20,3524,140), (20,3525,546), (20,3526,3843), (20,3528,548), (20,3530,3526), (20,3533,3845), (20,3543,5059), (20,3628,5076), (20,5054,3851), (20,5056,3543), (20,5067,3853), (21,404,2), (21,411,4), (21,416,1982), (21,1816,29), (21,1817,28), (21,3658,3109), (21,4188,474), (21,4203,4195), (21,4225,859), (22,24,26), (22,26,2937), (22,381,5899), (22,426,6638), (22,631,6642), (22,1599,3155), (22,1600,3156), (22,1995,23), (22,6644,2070), (23,1995,25), (24,25,3517), (24,26,2070), (24,186,3515), (24,378,4), (24,1593,1598), (24,1657,5899), (24,3516,1597), (24,3520,1593), (25,378,1597), (25,426,6617), (25,1593,4), (25,3515,24), (25,3516,1593), (26,140,6642), (26,378,382), (26,382,5899), (26,6642,3517), (26,6644,24), (28,4219,4), (29,412,4), (32,39,6), (32,182,3398), (32,187,3053), (32,574,39), (32,3053,1384), (32,5171,2080), (32,5206,187), (33,1753,1872), (35,36,1), (35,56,3295), (35,5010,5217), (35,5204,999), (35,5563,3746), (35,5584,6244), (36,55,999), (36,165,3428), (36,2078,5126), (36,3746,5563), (36,5010,55), (36,5217,3295), (39,187,32), (39,574,5013), (39,5008,5041), (39,5013,5024), (39,5023,1384), (39,5206,3053), (40,57,5709), (40,165,3579), (40,1385,1482), (40,3576,1), (41,672,218), (46,3612,1), (48,71,219), (50,566,6), (52,389,568), (52,569,6), (55,56,1), (55,165,6244), (55,3303,3746), (55,3304,3303), (55,5204,56), (55,5217,35), (55,5584,40), (56,1466,57), (56,3303,3304), (56,3304,5563), (56,5204,36), (56,5217,55), (56,5584,3428), (57,942,5708), (57,1420,1467), (57,3601,1), (58,386,6), (58,580,5398), (58,4256,386), (58,4257,4252), (58,4276,4267), (58,4278,3286), (61,62,6), (61,5238,15), (61,5351,16), (61,5864,1351), (62,5237,16), (62,5352,15), (62,5865,1351), (63,72,3927), (63,78,72), (63,3984,3951), (63,4652,3916), (63,4855,78), (63,5440,3940), (64,154,1498), (65,1155,46), (65,2646,1), (69,3926,3933), (69,6337,3926), (71,1818,3781), (72,78,3940), (72,3916,63), (72,5440,78), (73,255,3157), (73,603,222), (74,1511,399), (74,1614,6241), (76,99,1975), (76,1078,183), (78,1259,1260), (78,3916,3927), (78,3951,3984), (78,4652,63), (78,4855,5440), (84,936,5777), (84,5044,5779), (84,5438,5720), (99,1078,76), (99,5152,5989), (100,2975,8), (100,5303,2975), (101,3730,220), (104,5657,956), (110,1614,156), (140,376,382), (140,381,5070), (140,382,5055), (140,546,3628), (140,549,631), (140,550,4), (140,631,5054), (140,632,3525), (140,1368,3548), (140,1657,3851), (140,1658,6644), (140,3146,5079), (140,3522,1657), (140,3528,3534), (140,3529,5072), (140,3530,549), (140,3534,3843), (140,3627,3090), (140,3628,632), (140,3845,5067), (140,3853,547), (140,5428,1006), (140,6636,2937), (143,5946,3567), (155,1147,3167), (157,160,159), (165,5010,2077), (165,6282,3587), (171,5329,1460), (182,576,575), (182,578,569), (182,1160,6418), (182,1161,6417), (182,1350,1351), (182,5092,5085), (182,5171,32), (183,1975,76), (184,185,1181), (184,394,3167), (184,1092,1147), (184,1147,49), (184,1204,185), (184,3917,394), (184,5562,155), (185,1092,155), (185,3917,5562), (186,376,22), (186,378,25), (186,550,2937), (186,1593,3517), (186,3516,1598), (186,3520,4), (186,3651,2915), (187,574,6), (187,2021,1691), (187,5162,2076), (187,5188,5171), (187,5206,5023), (191,6326,5694), (198,1436,610), (199,1011,25), (199,3145,2915), (212,603,255), (212,4303,3157), (216,577,6), (216,3284,5158), (220,3207,101), (230,5254,3767), (232,1968,2207), (235,468,3542), (235,1885,4), (237,3148,25), (243,1940,158), (255,4303,222), (283,1790,1437), (284,579,6), (371,372,6), (371,1151,6221), (371,1152,3312), (371,1350,1161), (371,2459,6423), (371,3103,6422), (371,3311,6199), (371,3312,6417), (371,3594,6427), (371,6200,1151), (371,6395,6500), (371,6396,372), (371,6398,6418), (371,6409,6449), (371,6410,6398), (371,6411,6455), (371,6412,6450), (371,6419,3592), (371,6420,6419), (371,6425,6447), (371,6426,6428), (371,6449,6407), (371,6450,6395), (371,6452,6408), (371,6453,6425), (371,6454,6420), (371,6455,6445), (371,6481,6432), (371,6484,6429), (371,6486,6480), (371,6497,6446), (372,1151,3311), (372,1152,6398), (372,1350,1160), (372,2460,6424), (372,3102,6421), (372,3311,6418), (372,3312,6395), (372,3592,6428), (372,6199,6501), (372,6200,371), (372,6221,6417), (372,6396,1152), (372,6409,6221), (372,6410,6450), (372,6411,6449), (372,6412,6456), (372,6419,6420), (372,6420,3594), (372,6425,6427), (372,6426,6448), (372,6449,6199), (372,6450,6408), (372,6451,6407), (372,6453,6419), (372,6454,6426), (372,6456,6446), (372,6480,6431), (372,6485,6430), (372,6487,6481), (372,6496,6445), (376,549,381), (376,631,4), (376,1006,1012), (376,3090,3529), (376,3522,548), (376,3523,5), (376,3524,2), (376,3525,3146), (376,3526,5073), (376,3528,3522), (376,3530,1656), (376,5054,3830), (376,5067,5059), (378,2070,3830), (378,2937,5073), (378,3515,1598), (378,3520,3516), (378,6644,381), (381,382,4), (381,1656,5), (381,1657,382), (381,2070,25), (381,3526,1656), (381,5054,2), (381,5072,3091), (381,5079,5072), (382,631,5070), (382,1656,381), (382,3526,5), (382,3534,1657), (382,5054,1656), (382,5076,3627), (382,5079,546), (384,3552,1003), (384,5999,4), (386,573,970), (386,581,5396), (386,991,581), (386,4256,4255), (386,4257,58), (386,5752,5754), (388,3085,495), (388,5218,3085), (389,578,6), (394,1181,155), (394,3796,184), (394,5406,5408), (394,5407,5409), (404,1006,140), (404,4189,405), (404,6636,2915), (405,474,2), (405,1012,3560), (405,2915,25), (405,3149,5), (408,4189,6638), (411,1006,5), (411,3523,474), (411,4189,1012), (417,1593,6617), (418,6641,25), (426,3148,441), (426,6641,2), (427,3575,4), (428,1907,4), (454,3548,6617), (465,466,2), (468,1885,235), (474,1012,5), (474,3560,1656), (485,5418,590), (485,6560,3070), (486,5420,615), (486,6561,3071), (487,488,69), (489,492,637), (490,491,638), (497,3086,496), (498,1478,12), (498,4299,1478), (499,1479,11), (499,4302,1479), (500,582,6), (500,5396,581), (546,549,3525), (546,550,3529), (546,632,3090), (546,3090,5072), (546,3091,381), (546,3146,5076), (546,3525,1656), (546,3529,382), (546,3627,4), (546,3628,5), (546,5079,3851), (547,3543,381), (547,3845,3545), (547,3850,5), (547,3853,3850), (547,5067,1656), (548,549,4), (548,550,376), (548,631,382), (548,632,3529), (548,3523,381), (548,3524,1656), (548,3530,5), (548,5054,5073), (549,550,5), (549,1657,5070), (549,3522,382), (549,3528,1657), (549,3530,3523), (549,3534,5055), (549,3627,632), (549,3853,3533), (549,6636,2070), (550,631,381), (550,632,3627), (550,1656,5073), (550,1658,22), (550,3523,1656), (550,3524,3526), (550,3525,5076), (550,3526,3830), (550,3530,2), (550,3628,3146), (550,3850,5059), (550,5054,3843), (550,5498,3153), (551,5493,4301), (567,568,6), (567,3581,568), (568,6243,52), (569,578,567), (570,571,6), (572,573,6), (572,3430,581), (573,579,5755), (573,581,5752), (574,5171,3095), (574,5206,32), (574,5210,1384), (575,576,6), (577,578,2055), (577,5158,3284), (579,991,5751), (579,5751,5753), (580,581,6), (580,3430,5752), (581,991,500), (582,5398,580), (583,584,6), (590,3070,485), (595,995,1191), (601,602,31), (615,3071,486), (616,628,634), (617,627,633), (620,626,3788), (627,633,298), (628,634,299), (631,1657,5055), (631,3090,3525), (631,3091,632), (631,3146,3628), (631,3523,549), (631,3524,3523), (631,3528,20), (631,3529,3090), (631,3534,3851), (631,3545,3533), (631,3651,3149), (631,5059,547), (631,6636,26), (631,6643,3548), (632,3091,1656), (632,3146,5072), (632,3525,3526), (632,3529,381), (632,3627,5), (632,3628,2), (632,5079,5070), (800,5065,6), (902,1201,3915), (910,1212,169), (936,1490,5720), (936,5732,1490), (936,5777,5780), (938,4313,3488), (940,5706,5707), (942,5709,2095), (943,3487,954), (944,5657,8), (946,1125,5886), (950,1210,5722), (950,3911,1210), (956,5687,8), (958,1376,10), (962,3616,5603), (965,5776,5778), (970,5396,5754), (980,5337,940), (997,1158,5887), (999,3295,1), (1006,3651,4), (1011,4191,2), (1012,3149,4), (1030,5096,5132), (1030,5124,6), (1038,1040,1), (1060,1062,1), (1074,1076,225), (1092,1181,3167), (1092,5562,394), (1106,1253,1496), (1125,5248,1001), (1147,1216,394), (1150,5767,5769), (1151,1152,6), (1151,3312,6199), (1151,3592,6425), (1151,3594,3592), (1151,6200,6449), (1151,6221,6407), (1151,6396,3312), (1151,6398,6417), (1151,6408,6500), (1151,6409,6200), (1151,6410,372), (1151,6411,6409), (1151,6412,1152), (1151,6419,6447), (1151,6425,6453), (1151,6426,6419), (1151,6429,6480), (1151,6431,6437), (1151,6433,6484), (1151,6437,6429), (1151,6438,6431), (1151,6446,6501), (1151,6449,6445), (1151,6450,6418), (1151,6453,6519), (1151,6454,6427), (1151,6456,6395), (1151,6497,6408), (1152,3311,6395), (1152,3592,3594), (1152,3594,6426), (1152,6200,3311), (1152,6221,6418), (1152,6396,6450), (1152,6398,6408), (1152,6407,6501), (1152,6409,371), (1152,6410,6396), (1152,6411,1151), (1152,6412,6410), (1152,6420,6448), (1152,6425,6420), (1152,6426,6454), (1152,6430,6481), (1152,6432,6438), (1152,6434,6485), (1152,6437,6432), (1152,6438,6430), (1152,6445,6500), (1152,6449,6417), (1152,6450,6446), (1152,6453,6428), (1152,6454,6522), (1152,6455,6199), (1152,6496,6407), (1155,2646,65), (1160,3311,1351), (1161,3312,1351), (1180,1627,5359), (1191,3052,595), (1193,4300,1064), (1210,4304,950), (1216,5447,3917), (1312,1313,2072), (1319,3057,1), (1333,4261,6), (1340,1341,182), (1340,1380,6), (1341,1379,6), (1342,1343,182), (1342,1670,6), (1343,1671,6), (1344,1345,381), (1350,5023,5171), (1350,5085,6), (1350,5092,5050), (1351,5050,6), (1368,3547,1656), (1384,5024,6), (1385,6585,1617), (1388,2098,1), (1399,2361,47), (1420,1697,1), (1428,3056,613), (1469,2330,611), (1470,5172,1617), (1479,4302,6284), (1495,5650,5651), (1504,1505,1570), (1504,5062,6), (1505,5058,6), (1532,4187,5), (1578,1579,6), (1583,1584,2), (1583,3156,5020), (1584,3155,5020), (1589,1590,2), (1593,3515,25), (1593,3516,378), (1593,6642,381), (1594,6240,4), (1597,1598,4), (1597,3517,1598), (1597,5020,381), (1598,3517,25), (1599,1600,2), (1614,5876,399), (1621,5253,3616), (1656,1657,4), (1656,2937,25), (1656,3526,2), (1656,3534,382), (1656,5054,3526), (1656,5072,5079), (1656,5076,3091), (1656,5079,3090), (1657,3526,381), (1657,3534,20), (1657,5054,5), (1657,5072,3627), (1657,5079,5076), (1658,2071,1657), (1658,3520,382), (1658,6644,3515), (1662,1663,2456), (1662,1664,6), (1663,1665,6), (1666,1667,1570), (1666,1668,6), (1667,1669,6), (1685,1686,2092), (1687,1688,32), (1687,1689,6), (1688,1690,6), (1689,1690,39), (1691,3094,6), (1692,5028,6), (1698,5691,5587), (1724,3216,4383), (1805,1806,2193), (1995,3146,5198), (2028,2029,1570), (2041,2042,5), (2041,2044,4), (2041,2045,2), (2042,2043,4), (2042,2046,2), (2043,2045,5), (2043,2046,2041), (2044,2045,2042), (2044,2046,5), (2045,2046,140), (2047,2048,5), (2049,2050,5), (2066,6502,1124), (2067,5414,1335), (2070,2937,26), (2070,3526,6642), (2071,6636,376), (2072,6639,1656), (2076,5116,6), (2077,3428,6244), (2077,3576,55), (2080,3398,32), (2080,5024,5093), (2092,5019,6), (2220,5069,6), (2245,2278,6), (2271,5021,6), (2305,5110,6), (2446,2447,5570), (2448,2449,5535), (2454,2455,441), (2459,2460,1691), (2459,3103,372), (2460,3102,371), (2479,2480,401), (2482,3455,2936), (2536,2537,10), (2549,3767,5254), (2558,2559,182), (2560,2561,6), (2562,2563,39), (2564,2565,1), (2566,2567,5), (2568,2569,10), (2570,2571,381), (2572,2573,40), (2673,2674,6), (2937,5054,6642), (2979,5012,1993), (3003,5063,6), (3053,5013,6), (3053,5023,187), (3053,5210,5023), (3060,3567,143), (3068,6460,1587), (3069,6459,1588), (3085,4293,388), (3086,4294,497), (3090,3091,5), (3090,3146,546), (3090,3518,1995), (3090,3525,2), (3090,3529,4), (3090,3627,381), (3090,3628,1656), (3090,5079,5055), (3091,3146,4), (3091,3525,3628), (3091,3529,3627), (3091,3628,5079), (3091,5072,3851), (3091,5076,3843), (3095,3398,6), (3098,5085,1351), (3098,5092,6), (3098,5171,5188), (3102,3103,3094), (3111,5118,6), (3129,3130,25), (3129,3132,3130), (3130,3131,3129), (3131,3132,25), (3146,3523,3525), (3146,3525,5), (3146,3627,382), (3146,3628,381), (3146,5079,3843), (3147,3542,468), (3149,3560,381), (3155,3156,25), (3278,3279,356), (3280,3281,3276), (3282,3283,3277), (3284,5158,6), (3285,4286,6), (3286,4267,58), (3286,5132,6), (3303,3304,1), (3303,3746,3295), (3304,5563,999), (3311,3312,6), (3311,6200,6407), (3311,6221,371), (3311,6395,6501), (3311,6398,3312), (3311,6409,6445), (3311,6410,6408), (3311,6418,6500), (3311,6427,6419), (3311,6428,6427), (3311,6448,6420), (3311,6449,6221), (3311,6450,372), (3311,6451,6449), (3311,6452,1152), (3311,6455,1151), (3311,6456,6398), (3311,6495,6499), (3311,6496,6200), (3311,6497,6450), (3311,6498,6435), (3311,6519,6447), (3311,6522,3594), (3312,6199,6500), (3312,6221,3311), (3312,6396,6408), (3312,6398,372), (3312,6409,6407), (3312,6410,6446), (3312,6417,6501), (3312,6427,6428), (3312,6428,6420), (3312,6447,6419), (3312,6449,371), (3312,6450,6398), (3312,6451,1151), (3312,6452,6450), (3312,6455,6221), (3312,6456,1152), (3312,6494,6498), (3312,6496,6449), (3312,6497,6396), (3312,6499,6436), (3312,6519,3592), (3312,6522,6448), (3313,5157,6), (3334,3335,3272), (3336,5902,5221), (3340,5128,2093), (3364,3365,16), (3364,3389,1151), (3364,3390,6), (3365,3389,6), (3365,3390,1152), (3368,3369,3393), (3368,3395,6), (3369,3396,6), (3371,3372,372), (3371,3386,6), (3372,3385,6), (3379,3380,3368), (3379,3393,6), (3380,3394,6), (3385,3386,371), (3389,3390,15), (3393,3394,3395), (3395,3396,3379), (3428,3576,999), (3474,3485,4295), (3487,5703,5719), (3487,5759,5758), (3513,3514,1617), (3515,3516,4), (3515,3520,1597), (3520,6636,550), (3522,3523,4), (3522,3524,5), (3522,3530,381), (3522,4188,411), (3523,3524,3530), (3523,3529,632), (3523,3534,5070), (3523,4189,1006), (3523,5059,3533), (3523,6636,24), (3524,3528,4), (3524,3651,474), (3524,6636,6644), (3525,3529,3091), (3525,3627,5079), (3525,5072,5070), (3525,5076,5055), (3526,3534,4), (3526,5054,140), (3526,5072,3628), (3526,5076,5079), (3528,3530,382), (3529,5072,3830), (3529,5076,5073), (3533,3543,5), (3533,3545,5067), (3533,3832,547), (3533,3850,1656), (3533,5059,3850), (3533,5067,2), (3534,5054,381), (3534,5076,3529), (3534,5079,3146), (3534,6644,5899), (3537,3538,4), (3543,3545,3845), (3543,3832,4), (3543,5056,3832), (3543,5067,3850), (3545,3832,3850), (3545,3845,381), (3545,5056,5), (3545,5059,3853), (3545,5067,5056), (3546,3547,2), (3546,3549,6640), (3546,6643,1368), (3547,3548,6639), (3547,6643,5), (3548,3549,2), (3549,6643,2072), (3557,3558,576), (3576,3579,1482), (3579,5482,1764), (3582,4330,4857), (3584,4325,5270), (3587,5709,40), (3592,3594,6), (3592,6200,6519), (3592,6396,6448), (3592,6410,6454), (3592,6419,3311), (3592,6420,6427), (3592,6425,371), (3592,6426,6420), (3592,6428,6417), (3592,6448,6418), (3592,6453,6447), (3592,6454,3312), (3594,6200,6447), (3594,6396,6522), (3594,6409,6453), (3594,6419,6428), (3594,6420,3312), (3594,6425,6419), (3594,6426,372), (3594,6427,6418), (3594,6447,6417), (3594,6453,3311), (3594,6454,6448), (3601,5122,5708), (3616,5603,5901), (3624,5259,4423), (3627,3628,3091), (3627,5072,3843), (3627,5076,3830), (3628,5072,5055), (3628,5076,3851), (3653,3656,551), (3683,5918,1709), (3736,5156,6), (3746,5563,1), (3784,3955,222), (3785,3926,69), (3785,6337,3933), (3796,3917,3167), (3830,3843,4), (3830,3851,3843), (3830,5055,381), (3830,5070,3851), (3830,5073,382), (3832,3850,381), (3832,5056,3545), (3832,5059,3543), (3832,5067,5), (3839,3855,3858), (3839,5066,381), (3839,5068,3855), (3839,5071,5066), (3843,3851,381), (3843,5055,3851), (3843,5070,5), (3843,5073,3830), (3845,3850,3832), (3845,3853,4), (3845,5059,382), (3850,3853,3845), (3851,5055,5), (3851,5070,5055), (3851,5073,4), (3851,5899,1598), (3853,5056,381), (3854,3856,381), (3855,3858,381), (3855,5068,5066), (3855,5071,5068), (3858,3861,3839), (3858,5066,3855), (3861,5066,3858), (3861,5068,381), (3869,4511,5730), (3911,4304,5722), (3916,4855,3940), (3916,5440,72), (3917,5562,1216), (3926,6337,6390), (3927,3940,72), (3933,6390,3926), (3951,3984,72), (4184,4210,2), (4184,4225,21), (4188,4189,2), (4188,4225,4191), (4188,5428,5054), (4210,6636,199), (4218,6636,859), (4251,4253,6), (4251,4262,4258), (4251,5030,4253), (4252,4255,6), (4253,4262,4251), (4253,5030,5022), (4254,5120,6), (4256,4257,6), (4256,4276,5132), (4258,5022,6), (4259,5135,6), (4260,5138,6), (4262,5030,6), (4263,5042,6), (4264,5105,6), (4265,5096,6), (4265,5124,3286), (4266,5053,6), (4268,4271,6), (4272,5115,6), (4273,5165,6), (4274,5114,6), (4275,5153,6), (4276,4278,58), (4277,5035,6), (4279,5145,6), (4283,5009,6), (4284,5037,6), (4287,5036,6), (4289,5043,6), (4290,5109,6), (4293,5218,495), (4297,5267,5450), (4297,5745,5787), (4313,5435,938), (4652,4855,72), (4652,5440,3927), (5004,5005,2), (5010,5204,3295), (5012,6101,195), (5013,5023,32), (5013,5171,1351), (5013,5206,1384), (5013,5210,3053), (5013,5585,5206), (5023,5210,5206), (5028,5033,1692), (5034,5052,6), (5044,5720,5780), (5054,5076,3628), (5054,5079,632), (5055,5070,1656), (5055,5073,3843), (5056,5059,4), (5056,5067,547), (5058,6567,371), (5059,5067,3845), (5062,6566,372), (5068,5071,5), (5070,5073,381), (5072,5076,546), (5072,5079,5), (5076,5079,381), (5092,5188,3398), (5131,5538,5535), (5204,5217,1), (5237,5238,6), (5237,5352,61), (5238,5351,62), (5277,5283,5275), (5351,5352,6), (5396,5398,6), (5406,5407,394), (5408,5409,394), (5418,6560,485), (5420,6561,486), (5433,6284,11), (5446,5462,51), (5446,5892,5462), (5463,5464,599), (5538,5885,1482), (5590,5870,6214), (5591,5871,6215), (5597,5598,354), (5603,6361,962), (5611,5615,1351), (5657,5744,5771), (5692,5693,5694), (5699,5700,5695), (5703,5758,5761), (5703,5759,5763), (5719,5763,5761), (5719,6147,3487), (5731,5744,5768), (5736,5757,5760), (5737,5786,5788), (5744,5768,5770), (5745,5787,5789), (5791,6245,5789), (5876,5944,156), (5889,5890,6102), (5980,5981,183), (6039,6040,5999), (6120,6123,358), (6121,6124,1135), (6122,6125,1137), (6199,6395,6), (6199,6408,3312), (6199,6417,3311), (6199,6418,6417), (6199,6445,6221), (6199,6446,6395), (6200,6221,6445), (6200,6396,6), (6200,6398,6199), (6200,6409,6455), (6200,6410,3312), (6200,6411,6451), (6200,6412,6398), (6200,6419,6453), (6200,6420,6425), (6200,6450,6417), (6200,6452,6395), (6200,6454,3592), (6200,6456,6418), (6200,6480,6433), (6200,6484,6486), (6200,6485,6431), (6200,6500,6472), (6200,6501,6474), (6221,6396,6395), (6221,6398,6), (6221,6408,6501), (6221,6412,6446), (6221,6428,3592), (6221,6447,6425), (6221,6448,6427), (6221,6449,1151), (6221,6450,3312), (6221,6451,6200), (6221,6452,6398), (6221,6455,6449), (6221,6456,372), (6221,6496,6455), (6221,6497,1152), (6221,6519,6453), (6221,6522,6428), (6395,6407,3311), (6395,6417,6418), (6395,6418,3312), (6395,6445,6199), (6395,6446,6398), (6396,6398,6446), (6396,6409,3311), (6396,6410,6456), (6396,6411,6221), (6396,6412,6452), (6396,6419,6426), (6396,6420,6454), (6396,6449,6418), (6396,6451,6199), (6396,6453,3594), (6396,6455,6417), (6396,6481,6434), (6396,6484,6432), (6396,6485,6487), (6396,6500,6475), (6396,6501,6473), (6398,6407,6500), (6398,6411,6445), (6398,6427,3594), (6398,6447,6428), (6398,6448,6426), (6398,6449,3311), (6398,6450,1152), (6398,6451,6221), (6398,6452,6396), (6398,6455,371), (6398,6456,6450), (6398,6496,1151), (6398,6497,6456), (6398,6519,6427), (6398,6522,6454), (6407,6408,6), (6407,6417,371), (6407,6418,6199), (6407,6445,1151), (6407,6446,6418), (6408,6417,6395), (6408,6418,372), (6408,6445,6417), (6408,6446,1152), (6409,6410,6), (6409,6412,372), (6409,6420,6519), (6409,6426,6425), (6409,6430,6437), (6409,6431,6484), (6409,6432,6480), (6409,6437,6486), (6409,6450,6199), (6409,6452,6418), (6409,6454,6447), (6409,6456,6417), (6409,6471,6468), (6409,6497,6395), (6410,6411,371), (6410,6419,6522), (6410,6425,6426), (6410,6429,6438), (6410,6431,6481), (6410,6432,6485), (6410,6438,6487), (6410,6449,6395), (6410,6451,6417), (6410,6453,6448), (6410,6455,6418), (6410,6470,6469), (6410,6496,6199), (6411,6412,6), (6411,6430,6484), (6411,6434,6480), (6411,6438,6433), (6411,6450,6407), (6411,6452,6199), (6411,6497,6417), (6412,6429,6485), (6412,6433,6481), (6412,6437,6434), (6412,6449,6408), (6412,6451,6395), (6412,6496,6418), (6417,6418,6), (6417,6446,372), (6418,6445,371), (6419,6420,6), (6419,6426,3312), (6419,6427,6417), (6419,6447,6199), (6419,6453,371), (6419,6454,3594), (6419,6522,6395), (6420,6425,3311), (6420,6428,6418), (6420,6448,6395), (6420,6453,3592), (6420,6454,372), (6420,6519,6199), (6421,6424,6), (6422,6423,6), (6425,6426,6), (6425,6427,6199), (6425,6453,6221), (6425,6454,6428), (6425,6522,6418), (6426,6428,6395), (6426,6453,6427), (6426,6454,6398), (6426,6519,6417), (6427,6428,6), (6427,6447,3592), (6427,6448,3312), (6427,6449,6425), (6427,6450,6448), (6427,6454,6395), (6427,6455,6519), (6427,6456,6454), (6427,6519,371), (6428,6447,3311), (6428,6448,3594), (6428,6449,6447), (6428,6450,6426), (6428,6453,6199), (6428,6455,6453), (6428,6456,6522), (6428,6522,372), (6429,6430,6), (6429,6431,371), (6429,6433,1151), (6429,6434,6432), (6429,6483,6428), (6429,6487,3312), (6430,6432,372), (6430,6433,6431), (6430,6434,1152), (6430,6482,6427), (6430,6486,3311), (6431,6432,6), (6431,6434,372), (6431,6438,6432), (6431,6482,6447), (6431,6486,6221), (6432,6433,371), (6432,6437,6431), (6432,6483,6448), (6432,6487,6398), (6433,6434,6), (6433,6437,6480), (6433,6486,6449), (6434,6438,6481), (6434,6487,6450), (6435,6436,6), (6437,6438,6), (6437,6480,6221), (6437,6485,3312), (6438,6481,6398), (6438,6484,3311), (6439,6440,6), (6441,6442,6), (6441,6479,3312), (6442,6478,3311), (6445,6446,6), (6445,6450,6501), (6446,6449,6500), (6447,6448,6), (6447,6449,6519), (6447,6450,3594), (6447,6452,6454), (6447,6454,6418), (6447,6456,6448), (6447,6519,6221), (6447,6522,6420), (6448,6449,3592), (6448,6450,6522), (6448,6451,6453), (6448,6453,6417), (6448,6455,6447), (6448,6519,6419), (6448,6522,6398), (6449,6450,6), (6449,6451,6455), (6449,6452,372), (6449,6455,6200), (6449,6456,3312), (6449,6496,6409), (6449,6497,6398), (6449,6522,6419), (6450,6451,371), (6450,6452,6456), (6450,6455,3311), (6450,6456,6396), (6450,6496,6221), (6450,6497,6410), (6450,6519,6420), (6451,6452,6), (6451,6455,6409), (6451,6456,3311), (6451,6497,3312), (6451,6522,6425), (6452,6455,3312), (6452,6456,6410), (6452,6496,3311), (6452,6519,6426), (6453,6454,6), (6453,6482,6480), (6453,6484,6482), (6453,6519,6407), (6454,6483,6481), (6454,6485,6483), (6454,6522,6408), (6455,6456,6), (6455,6496,6451), (6455,6497,372), (6456,6496,371), (6456,6497,6452), (6465,6466,6467), (6468,6469,6), (6468,6471,6470), (6469,6470,6471), (6470,6471,6), (6472,6473,6), (6472,6474,6221), (6473,6475,6398), (6474,6475,6), (6476,6477,6), (6478,6479,6), (6480,6481,6), (6480,6484,1151), (6480,6486,6484), (6480,6487,6432), (6481,6485,1152), (6481,6486,6431), (6481,6487,6485), (6482,6483,6), (6482,6487,6420), (6483,6486,6419), (6484,6485,6), (6484,6486,6433), (6485,6487,6434), (6486,6487,6), (6488,6489,6), (6490,6491,6), (6492,6493,6), (6494,6495,6), (6494,6499,6435), (6495,6498,6436), (6496,6497,6), (6496,6522,6519), (6497,6519,6522), (6498,6499,6), (6500,6501,6), (6519,6522,6), (6566,6567,1570), (6639,6640,2)
As a point on the Euler line, X(4) has Shinagawa coefficients (0, 1).
X(4) is the point of concurrence of the altitudes of ABC.
The tangents at A,B,C to the McCay cubic K003 concur in X(4). Also, the tangents at A,B,C to the Lucas cubic K007 concur in X(4). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let P be a point in the plane of ABC. Let Oa be the circumcenter of BCP, and define Ob and Oc cyclically. Let Q be the circumcenter of OaObOc. P = Q only when P = X(4). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
Taking a reference triangle ABC and a variable point P on the plane, P=X(3) is the point of maximal area of its pedal triangle when considering all points P inside the circumcircle of ABC. There are points P far away from the circumcircle for which the area of their pedal triangles is much larger. However, if you consider the signed area of the pedal triangle of P (of which sign depends on whether the points are in clockwise or anti-clockwise order), you could just say that the area of the pedal triangle of P is always negative whenever P is outside of the circumcircle so that P=X(3) gives the global maximum. (Mark Helman, July 10, 2020)
A slightly similar thing happens regarding the area of the antipedal triangle of P. P=X(4) has the smallest area of its antipedal amongst all P in the interior of triangle ABC (when X(4) is in this interior). There are points P (on the circumcircle) for which this area goes to 0. However, if we consider the signed area of the antipedal, even though there are still regions of the plane outside of ABC where the signed area is positive, P=X(4) gives the smallest area of the antipedal among all P for which this area is positive (this works even when ABC is obtuse, and points close to the circumcircle (on both sides) have negative antipedal area). (Mark Helman, July 10, 2020)
View Extremal Area Pedal and Antipedal Triangles, by Mark Helman, Ronaldo Garcia, and Dan Reznik.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Orthocenter.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Orthocenter.
X(4) and the vertices A,B,C comprise an orthocentric system, defined as a set of four points, one of which is the orthocenter of the triangle of the other three (so that each is the orthocenter of the other three). The incenter and excenters also form an orthocentric system. If ABC is acute, then X(4) is the incenter of the orthic triangle.
Suppose P is not on a sideline of ABC. Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of P. Let D,E,F be the circles having diameters AA', BB',CC'. The radical center of D,E,F is X(4). (Floor van Lamoen, Hyacinthos #214, Jan. 24, 2000.)
Let A2B2C2 be the 2nd Conway triangle. Let A' be the crosspoint of B2 and C2, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(4). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let T be any one of these trianges: {anticevian of X(30), anti-Hutson-intouch, anti-incircle-circles, Ehrmann side, X(2)-Ehrmann, Gemini 15, Gemini 16, Kosnita, midheight, N-obverse of X(6), Schroeter, tangential, Trinh, 1st Zaniah, 2nd Zaniah}. Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of T and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(4) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
See Ross Honsberger, Episodes in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Euclidean Geometry, Mathematical Association of America, 1995. Chapter 2: The Orthocenter.
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
Oa = circle with diameter BC, and define Ob and Oc cyclically;
A′ = reflection of A in Oa, and define B′ and C′ cyclically;
Ab = polar of A' with respect to Ob, and define Bc and Ca cyclically;
Ac = polar of A' with respect to OC, and define Ba and Cb cyclically;
″ = Ab∩Ac, and define B″ and C″ cyclically.
The triangle A″B″C″ is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(4).
(Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, April 19, 2021)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
Oa = circle with diameter BC, and define Ob and Oc cyclically;
Pa = polar of A with respect to Oa, and define Pb and Pc cyclically.
Then X(4)= Pa∩Pb∩Pc,
(Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, July 19, 2021)
For extensions of triangle geometry to 3-dimensional shapes called orthocentric tetrahedra, see
William Barker and Roger Howe, Continuous Symmetry From Euclid to Klein, American Mathematical Society, 2007, pages 306-309.
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let D, E, F be points on sides AB, AC, BC respectively. Let
G = circle with diameter AF;
H = circle with diameter BE;
I = circle with diameter CD.
Then X(4) = radical center of G, H, I. See X(4), radical center. (Benjamin Warren, July 24, 2024)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
D = a point in the plane which is not on a side of ABC
E = intersection of line CD and circle ABC
F = intersection of line BD and circle ABC
G = intersection of line AD and circle ABC
E' = reflection of E about line AB
F' = reflection of F about line AC
G' = reflection of G about line BC
H = intersection of line DG' and the altitude through A
I = intersection of line DF' and the altitude through B
J = intersection of line DE' and the altitude through C
The 7 points E', F', G', H, I, J, X(4) are concyclic.
See X(4)-seven-point-circle.
If D = X(1), this circle is the Fuhrmann circle.
(Benjamin Warren, July 24, 2024)
X(4) lies on the Thomson, Darboux, Napoleon, Lucas, McCay, and Neuberg cubics, and the Darboux septic, and on these lines: {1,33}, {2,3}, {6,53}, {7,273}, {8,72}, {9,10}, {11,56}, {12,55}, {13,61}, {14,62}, {15,17}, {16,18}, {31,3072}, {32,98}, {35,498}, {36,499}, {37,1841}, {39,232}, {41,2202}, {42,1860}, {46,90}, {48,1881}, {49,156}, {50,9220}, {51,185}, {52,68}, {54,184}, {57,84}, {58,5292}, {63,5709}, {64,459}, {65,158}, {66,9969}, {67,338}, {69,76}, {74,107}, {75,12689}, {78,908}, {79,1784}, {80,1825}, {81,5707}, {83,182}, {85,4872}, {93,562}, {94,143}, {95,8797}, {96,231}, {99,114}, {100,119}, {101,118}, {102,124}, {103,116}, {105,5511}, {106,5510}, {109,117}, {110,113}, {111,1560}, {120,1292}, {121,1293}, {122,1294}, {123,1295}, {126,1296}, {127,1289}, {128,930}, {129,1303}, {130,1298}, {131,135}, {137,933}, {141,1350}, {142,5732}, {144,2894}, {145,149}, {147,148}, {150,152}, {151,2818}, {154,8888}, {155,254}, {157,5593}, {160,3613}, {162,270}, {165,1698}, {171,601}, {175,10905}, {176,10904}, {177,8095}, {181,9553}, {183,3785}, {187,7607}, {189,5908}, {191,2949}, {193,1351}, {195,399}, {200,6769}, {201,7069}, {204,1453}, {210,7957}, {212,3074}, {214,12119}, {215,9652}, {216,8799}, {218,294}, {230,3053}, {233,10979}, {236,8128}, {238,602}, {240,256}, {250,1553}, {251,8879}, {252,1487}, {255,1935}, {276,327}, {279,1565}, {280,2968}, {282,3345}, {284,5747}, {290,6528}, {298,5864}, {299,5865}, {312,7270}, {325,1975}, {333,5788}, {339,10749}, {341,12397}, {345,7283}, {346,3695}, {347,6356}, {348,5088}, {354,3296}, {371,485}, {372,486}, {373,11465}, {385,7823}, {386,2051}, {390,495}, {391,2322}, {394,1217}, {477,1304}, {484,3460}, {487,489}, {488,490}, {493,8212}, {494,8213}, {496,999}, {512,879}, {518,6601}, {519,3680}, {523,1552}, {524,5485}, {525,2435}, {527,5735}, {528,3913}, {529,3813}, {532,5862}, {533,5863}, {535,8666}, {538,7758}, {539,9936}, {541,9140}, {542,576}, {543,5503}, {544,10710}, {551,9624}, {566,9221}, {567,7578}, {569,1179}, {572,1474}, {574,1506}, {575,598}, {579,1713}, {580,1714}, {584,8818}, {590,1151}, {595,8750}, {603,3075}, {604,7120}, {608,1518}, {615,1152}, {616,627}, {617,628}, {618,5473}, {619,5474}, {620,7862}, {625,3788}, {626,3734}, {635,3643}, {636,3642}, {639,5590}, {640,5591}, {641,12124}, {642,12123}, {651,3157}, {653,1156}, {674,12587}, {684,2797}, {685,2682}, {690,11005}, {693,8760}, {695,3981}, {754,7751}, {758,5693}, {774,1254}, {800,13380}, {801,1092}, {842,935}, {885,3309}, {912,3868}, {916,2997}, {936,3452}, {937,1534}, {940,1396}, {941,1880}, {953,1309}, {958,2886}, {960,5794}, {970,9534}, {972,5514}, {973,6145}, {974,7729}, {983,5255}, {990,4000}, {991,4648}, {993,11012}, {1000,3057}, {1015,9651}, {1029,2906}, {1032,5910}, {1034,5911}, {1036,1065}, {1037,1067}, {1038,1076}, {1039,1096}, {1040,1074}, {1041,2263}, {1043,4417}, {1046,2648}, {1060,4296}, {1062,3100}, {1073,2130}, {1078,5171}, {1089,3974}, {1104,3772}, {1111,4056}, {1123,7133}, {1125,3576}, {1131,3311}, {1132,3312}, {1138,2132}, {1139,3368}, {1140,3395}, {1157,2120}, {1160,1162}, {1161,1163}, {1164,3595}, {1165,3593}, {1175,5320}, {1177,5622}, {1192,3532}, {1209,4549}, {1216,2979}, {1248,2660}, {1251,1832}, {1260,5687}, {1317,12763}, {1319,7704}, {1327,6419}, {1328,6420}, {1329,1376}, {1336,2362}, {1340,1348}, {1341,1349}, {1342,1676}, {1343,1677}, {1353,5093}, {1379,2040}, {1380,2039}, {1383,8791}, {1384,8778}, {1385,1538}, {1389,2099}, {1392,3241}, {1393,7004}, {1399,5348}, {1420,4311}, {1430,1468}, {1435,3333}, {1440,7053}, {1441,4329}, {1445,3358}, {1448,7365}, {1469,12589}, {1483,3623}, {1484,12773}, {1495,3431}, {1499,1550}, {1500,9650}, {1510,10412}, {1511,12121}, {1521,7115}, {1562,6529}, {1566,2724}, {1609,9722}, {1621,10267}, {1670,5404}, {1671,5403}, {1682,9552}, {1689,2010}, {1690,2009}, {1691,3406}, {1697,7160}, {1715,1730}, {1716,1721}, {1717,1718}, {1726,1782}, {1729,8558}, {1764,10479}, {1768,3065}, {1773,2961}, {1781,2955}, {1798,13323}, {1840,4876}, {1903,2262}, {1942,2790}, {1957,5247}, {1970,1971}, {1973,2201}, {1987,3269}, {1994,2904}, {2077,3814}, {2080,7793}, {2092,3597}, {2093,4848}, {2095,9965}, {2098,10944}, {2121,3481}, {2131,3349}, {2133,8440}, {2181,4642}, {2217,3417}, {2275,9597}, {2276,9596}, {2278,5397}, {2287,5778}, {2331,3755}, {2332,4251}, {2353,3425}, {2355,3579}, {2361,7299}, {2393,5486}, {2456,10349}, {2457,3667}, {2477,9653}, {2482,12117}, {2536,2540}, {2537,2541}, {2574,2592}, {2575,2593}, {2646,4305}, {2651,2907}, {2679,2698}, {2687,2766}, {2697,10423}, {2734,10017}, {2752,10101}, {2770,10098}, {2771,9803}, {2778,10693}, {2783,10769}, {2784,11599}, {2787,10768}, {2791,4516}, {2793,9180}, {2801,3254}, {2802,12641}, {2814,3762}, {2817,13532}, {2822,4466}, {2823,4858}, {2826,10773}, {2827,10774}, {2828,10775}, {2830,10779}, {2831,10780}, {2840,4939}, {2889,6101}, {2896,6194}, {2900,3189}, {2905,6625}, {2908,7139}, {2917,8146}, {2929,2935}, {2972,10745}, {2975,5841}, {2995,8048}, {3023,12185}, {3024,12374}, {3027,12184}, {3028,12373}, {3054,5210}, {3056,12588}, {3058,3303}, {3062,3339}, {3094,3399}, {3096,3098}, {3101,8251}, {3120,3924}, {3162,5359}, {3164,9290}, {3172,3424}, {3180,5873}, {3181,5872}, {3184,6716}, {3190,3191}, {3212,7261}, {3216,5400}, {3218,5770}, {3255,5883}, {3270,11461}, {3304,5434}, {3305,3587}, {3306,7171}, {3314,7885}, {3320,12945}, {3329,7864}, {3338,7284}, {3340,3577}, {3342,3347}, {3344,3348}, {3352,3354}, {3356,3637}, {3364,3391}, {3365,3392}, {3366,3389}, {3367,3390}, {3369,3397}, {3370,3396}, {3371,3387}, {3372,3388}, {3373,3385}, {3374,3386}, {3379,5402}, {3380,5401}, {3381,3394}, {3382,3393}, {3398,3407}, {3413,3558}, {3414,3557}, {3416,3714}, {3426,13093}, {3430,3454}, {3438,3443}, {3439,3442}, {3440,5682}, {3441,5681}, {3461,7165}, {3463,5683}, {3466,3469}, {3479,3489}, {3480,3490}, {3495,8866}, {3497,7351}, {3499,8925}, {3500,7350}, {3502,8867}, {3521,5946}, {3527,8796}, {3580,11472}, {3582,4325}, {3584,4330}, {3589,5085}, {3590,6221}, {3591,6398}, {3601,4304}, {3611,11460}, {3614,5217}, {3617,5690}, {3620,7879}, {3621,5844}, {3622,5901}, {3624,7987}, {3629,5102}, {3632,4900}, {3633,11224}, {3634,10164}, {3648,3652}, {3668,8809}, {3671,5665}, {3679,4866}, {3701,5300}, {3704,5695}, {3706,10371}, {3738,10771}, {3741,10476}, {3746,4309}, {3753,9800}, {3812,5880}, {3815,5013}, {3819,13348}, {3820,6244}, {3822,5248}, {3825,10200}, {3826,11495}, {3829,11194}, {3841,7688}, {3847,6691}, {3849,7615}, {3870,5534}, {3871,10528}, {3877,7700}, {3885,12648}, {3887,10772}, {3911,6705}, {3916,5744}, {3917,7999}, {3925,5584}, {3933,7776}, {3934,5188}, {3940,5763}, {3947,4314}, {3972,7828}, {4008,12723}, {4045,7808}, {4048,5103}, {4277,4646}, {4308,7743}, {4313,5226}, {4316,7280}, {4317,5563}, {4324,5010}, {4339,5266}, {4355,10980}, {4357,10444}, {4423,7958}, {4425,8235}, {4444,6002}, {4512,10268}, {4645,7155}, {4654,11518}, {4658,5733}, {4692,4894}, {4721,4805}, {4723,12693}, {4768,9525}, {4846,5462}, {4847,12527}, {4863,12692}, {5007,5309}, {5008,5346}, {5032,11405}, {5038,11170}, {5044,10157}, {5045,5558}, {5050,5395}, {5092,7859}, {5097,7894}, {5119,7162}, {5121,11512}, {5123,13528}, {5173,12677}, {5204,5433}, {5206,6781}, {5221,10308}, {5223,12777}, {5249,10884}, {5253,10269}, {5265,10593}, {5273,5791}, {5278,9958}, {5281,10592}, {5377,6074}, {5418,6200}, {5420,6396}, {5424,5441}, {5435,5704}, {5437,9841}, {5438,6700}, {5439,9776}, {5440,5748}, {5447,7998}, {5449,7689}, {5461,10153}, {5505,10752}, {5513,9085}, {5533,10074}, {5535,6597}, {5536,6763}, {5542,6744}, {5550,11230}, {5553,7702}, {5556,10977}, {5557,12005}, {5559,5697}, {5561,11552}, {5597,8196}, {5598,8203}, {5599,11822}, {5600,11823}, {5601,8200}, {5602,8207}, {5606,5950}, {5609,5655}, {5623,8446}, {5624,8456}, {5627,6070}, {5670,8487}, {5671,8494}, {5672,8444}, {5673,8454}, {5674,8495}, {5675,8496}, {5676,8486}, {5677,7329}, {5678,8491}, {5679,8492}, {5680,7164}, {5685,8480}, {5688,12698}, {5689,12697}, {5705,5745}, {5708,12684}, {5795,9623}, {5848,10759}, {5853,6765}, {5854,13271}, {5860,6278}, {5861,6281}, {5874,11917}, {5875,11916}, {5885,10266}, {5892,11451}, {5933,10362}, {5934,8079}, {5935,7593}, {5943,9729}, {5951,5952}, {5965,7877}, {5984,7766}, {6020,12955}, {6032,12506}, {6036,7857}, {6055,9166}, {6073,11607}, {6075,10428}, {6082,6092}, {6114,9750}, {6115,9749}, {6128,8749}, {6130,9409}, {6147,11036}, {6196,8927}, {6204,8957}, {6217,6266}, {6218,6267}, {6219,6276}, {6220,6277}, {6224,6265}, {6233,13234}, {6235,8705}, {6238,10055}, {6285,7049}, {6292,7935}, {6323,12494}, {6326,6596}, {6339,10981}, {6407,9542}, {6409,8253}, {6410,8252}, {6453,9681}, {6462,8220}, {6463,8221}, {6467,12283}, {6519,9692}, {6680,7844}, {6704,9751}, {6735,12534}, {6752,8795}, {6777,11602}, {6778,11603}, {7017,7141}, {7028,8127}, {7059,7345}, {7060,7344}, {7149,8811}, {7161,11010}, {7264,7272}, {7320,9785}, {7325,8449}, {7326,8459}, {7327,8432}, {7352,10071}, {7587,8379}, {7588,8086}, {7589,8382}, {7595,12681}, {7603,11669}, {7605,13339}, {7617,8182}, {7618,8176}, {7666,10272}, {7676,7679}, {7677,7678}, {7693,13363}, {7703,11454}, {7712,10610}, {7720,7725}, {7721,7726}, {7723,12219}, {7730,7731}, {7739,7753}, {7757,7858}, {7769,7782}, {7777,7783}, {7778,7789}, {7779,7900}, {7786,7847}, {7792,7851}, {7794,7818}, {7796,7809}, {7798,7838}, {7799,7814}, {7801,7821}, {7804,7834}, {7813,7903}, {7815,7830}, {7820,7867}, {7822,7853}, {7829,7902}, {7831,7910}, {7832,7934}, {7835,7899}, {7836,7912}, {7839,7921}, {7845,7855}, {7846,7919}, {7854,7873}, {7856,12150}, {7863,7888}, {7875,7923}, {7883,10302}, {7889,7913}, {7891,7925}, {7905,7926}, {7906,7941}, {7932,10583}, {8068,10058}, {8069,10321}, {8075,8087}, {8076,8088}, {8077,8085}, {8080,8092}, {8099,9793}, {8100,9795}, {8105,8426}, {8106,8427}, {8107,8380}, {8108,8381}, {8109,8377}, {8110,8378}, {8117,8123}, {8118,8124}, {8125,8129}, {8126,8130}, {8141,9536}, {8144,9538}, {8172,8447}, {8173,8457}, {8193,9911}, {8197,12458}, {8204,12459}, {8222,11828}, {8223,11829}, {8224,8230}, {8225,8228}, {8372,12674}, {8431,8443}, {8433,8483}, {8434,8484}, {8435,8481}, {8436,8482}, {8437,8497}, {8438,8498}, {8445,8458}, {8448,8455}, {8450,8461}, {8451,8460}, {8452,8463}, {8453,8462}, {8488,8527}, {8489,8532}, {8490,8533}, {8501,8509}, {8502,8508}, {8515,8536}, {8516,8535}, {8517,8534}, {8538,11416}, {8582,10860}, {8583,10863}, {8588,10185}, {8591,8724}, {8596,12355}, {8674,10767}, {8679,12586}, {8719,10155}, {8864,8921}, {8868,8872}, {8878,10340}, {8983,9583}, {9147,11615}, {9300,9607}, {9530,10718}, {9627,9629}, {9628,9630}, {9638,10535}, {9646,9660}, {9647,9661}, {9648,9662}, {9649,9663}, {9658,9672}, {9659,9673}, {9705,13482}, {9783,12488}, {9787,12489}, {9789,12490}, {9791,9959}, {9845,12577}, {9857,12497}, {9874,12139}, {9897,11280}, {9919,13171}, {9934,13198}, {9942,10391}, {9967,12220}, {9973,13622}, {10042,10050}, {10043,10057}, {10052,10073}, {10088,12896}, {10187,10646}, {10188,10645}, {10202,11220}, {10264,10620}, {10293,12099}, {10305,11023}, {10309,12676}, {10313,10316}, {10363,10369}, {10415,10422}, {10434,10887}, {10435,12547}, {10455,10464}, {10529,10680}, {10546,10564}, {10547,10548}, {10627,13340}, {10634,11420}, {10635,11421}, {10707,11240}, {10791,12197}, {10797,10799}, {10798,12835}, {10831,10833}, {10873,10877}, {10882,10886}, {10897,11417}, {10898,11418}, {10912,13463}, {10915,12703}, {10916,12704}, {10923,10927}, {10924,10928}, {10956,10965}, {10957,10966}, {10958,11502}, {11082,11135}, {11087,11136}, {11171,11272}, {11177,11632}, {11270,11468}, {11402,11426}, {11408,11485}, {11409,11486}, {11423,13366}, {11449,12038}, {11557,11560}, {11587,13558}, {11646,13330}, {11649,11663}, {11698,12331}, {11703,12165}, {11755,11759}, {11764,11768}, {11773,11777}, {11782,11786}, {11792,13508}, {11800,12284}, {11869,11873}, {11870,11874}, {11891,12491}, {11900,12696}, {11905,11909}, {11930,11947}, {11931,11948}, {11990,11992}, {12006,13364}, {12061,12063}, {12120,12864}, {12146,12849}, {12166,12309}, {12168,12310}, {12169,12311}, {12170,12312}, {12171,12313}, {12172,12314}, {12175,12316}, {12223,12603}, {12224,12604}, {12226,12606}, {12271,12272}, {12273,12280}, {12350,12354}, {12369,13495}, {12387,12394}, {12388,12393}, {12507,13249}, {12515,12619}, {12516,12620}, {12517,12621}, {12518,12622}, {12519,12623}, {12520,12609}, {12521,12612}, {12522,12613}, {12523,12614}, {12524,12615}, {12556,13089}, {12624,13238}, {12739,12743}, {12837,13077}, {12859,12863}, {12941,13075}, {12942,13076}, {12944,13078}, {12946,13079}, {12947,13080}, {12948,13081}, {12949,13082}, {13007,13023}, {13008,13024}, {13009,13039}, {13010,13040}, {13321,13451}, {13353,13470}, {13418,13423}
X(4) is the {X(3),X(5)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(4), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(4) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,382), (146,3448), (147,148), (149,153), (150,152)
X(4) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,946), (2,381), (3,5), (5,546), (8,355), (20,3), (24,235), (25,1596), (40,10), (69,1352), (74,125), (98,115), (99,114), (100,119), (101,118), (102,124), (103,116), (104,11), (107,133), (109,117), (110,113), (112,132), (145,1482), (185,389), (186,403), (193,1351), (376,2), (378,427), (550,140), (917,5190), (925,131), (930,128), (944,1), (1113,1312), (1114,1313), (1141,137), (1292,120), (1293,121), (1294,122), (1295,123), (1296,126), (1297,127), (1298,130), (1299,135), (1300,136), (1303, 129), (1350,141), (1593,1595)
X(4) = isogonal conjugate of X(3)
X(4) = isotomic conjugate of X(69)
X(4) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(2)
X(4) = circumcircle-inverse of X(186)
X(4) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(403)
X(4) = complement of X(20)
X(4) = anticomplement of X(3)
X(4) = complementary conjugate of X(2883)
X(4) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(20)
X(4) = 2nd-Brocard-circle-inverse of X(37991)
X(4) = Grebe-circle-inverse of X(37925)
X(4) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,1249), (7,196), (27,19), (29,1), (92,281), (107,523), (264,2), (273,278), (275,6), (286,92), (393, 459)
X(4) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,46), (2,193), (3,155), (5,52), (6,25), (11,513), (19,33), (30,113), (34,208), (37,209), (39,211), (51,53), (65,225), (114,511), (115,512), (116,514), (117,515), (118,516), (119,517), (120,518), (121,519), (122,520), (123,521), (124,522), (125,523), (126,524), (127,525), (185,235), (371,372), (487,488)
X(4) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(3,254), (6,2), (19,278), (25,393), (33,281), (51,6), (52,24), (65,1), (113,403), (125,523), (185,3), (193,459), (225,158), (389,54), (397,17), (398,18), (407,225), (427,264), (512,112), (513,108), (523,107)
X(4) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,253), (7,189), (27,286), (92,273)
X(4) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,1075), (6,154), (25,1033), (48,212), (55,198), (56,1035), (71,228), (184,577), (185,417), (216,418)
X(4) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(520)X(647)
X(4) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,243), (2,297), (3,350), (19,242), (21,425), (24,421), (25,419), (27,423), (28,422), (29,415), (420,427), (424,451), (459,460), (470,471), (1249,1503)
X(4) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1047), (29,4)
X(4) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(4,34), (8,40), (29,4), (162,56), (318,318), (811,331)
X(4) = intersection of tangents at X(3) and X(4) to McCay cubic K003
X(4) = intersection of tangents at X(4) and X(69) to Lucas cubic K007
X(4) = exsimilicenter of 1st & 2nd Johnson-Yff circles; the insimilicenter is X(1)
X(4) = trilinear pole of PU(4) (the orthic axis)
X(4) = trilinear pole wrt orthic triangle of orthic axis
X(4) = trilinear pole wrt intangents triangle of orthic axis
X(4) = trilinear pole wrt circumsymmedial triangle of orthic axis
X(4) = trilinear product of PU(15)
X(4) = barycentric product of PU(i) for these i: 21, 45
X(4) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 126, 131
X(4) = PU(126)-harmonic conjugate of X(652)
X(4) = midpoint of PU(131)
X(4) = crosspoint of polar conjugates of PU(4)
X(4) = cevapoint of foci of orthic inconic
X(4) = QA-P33 (Centroid of the Orthocenter Quadrangle) of quadrangle ABCX(2) (see
X(4) = Hofstadter -1 point
X(4) = X(4)-of X(i)X(j)X(k) for these {i,j,k}: {1,8,5556}, {1,9,885}, {2,6,1640}, {2,10,4049}, {3,6,879}, {3,66,2435}, {7,8,885}
X(4) = homothetic center of these triangles: orthic, X(13)-Ehrmann, X(14)-Ehrmann (see X(25))
X(4) = perspector of anticomplementary circle
X(4) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(2) (line at infinity)
X(4) = pole wrt {circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of Lemoine axis
X(4) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(2)
X(4) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,63), (75,184), (91,1147), (92,577), (1101,125), (2962,49), (2964,3519)
X(4) = X(1342)-vertex conjugate of X(1343)
X(4) = Zosma transform of X(1)
X(4) = X(1352) of 1st anti-Brocard triangle
X(4) = centroid of the union of X(8) and its 3 extraversions
X(4) = X(5) of extraversion triangle of X(8)
X(4) = homothetic center of orthic triangle and reflection of tangential triangle in X(5)
X(4) = homothetic center of 2nd circumperp and 3rd Euler triangles
X(4) = trilinear product of vertices of half-altitude triangle
X(4) = trilinear product of vertices of orthocentroidal triangle
X(4) = trilinear product of vertices of reflection triangle
X(4) = trilinear product of vertices of 4th Brocard triangle
X(4) = center of conic that is the locus of orthopoles of lines passing through X(4)
X(4) = perspector of circumanticevian triangle of X(4) and unary cofactor triangle of circumanticevian triangle of X(3)
X(4) = X(3)-of-2nd-extouch-triangle
X(4) = perspector of ABC and 2nd and 3rd extouch triangles
X(4) = perspector of ABC and 1st Brocard triangle of anticomplementary triangle
X(4) = perspector of ABC and 1st Brocard triangle of Johnson triangle
X(4) = perspector of ABC and mid-triangle of 2nd and 3rd extouch triangles
X(4) = perspector of extouch triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd extouch triangle
X(4) = perspector of 2nd Hyacinth triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Hyacinth triangle
X(4) = homothetic center of 2nd Johnson-Yff triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 1st Johnson-Yff triangle
X(4) = homothetic center of 1st Johnson-Yff triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Johnson-Yff triangle
X(4) = X(1)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute, and an excenter of orthic triangle otherwise
X(4) = X(52)-of-excentral triangle
X(4) = X(65)-of-tangential-triangle if ABC is acute
X(4) = X(155)-of-intouch-triangle
X(4) = X(110)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(4) = X(147)-of-1st-Brocard-triangle
X(4) = X(1296)-of-4th-Brocard-triangle
X(4) = X(74)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(4) = X(110)-of-X(4)-Brocard-triangle
X(4) = harmonic center of circle O(PU(4)) and orthoptic circle of Steiner inellipse
X(4) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(154)
X(4) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(11206)
X(4) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of 1st and 2nd Neuberg triangles
X(4) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(1249)
X(4) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(1249)
X(4) = circumcevian isogonal conjugate of X(4)
X(4) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(4)
X(4) = X(1)-of-circumorthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(4) = isogonal conjugate wrt half-altitude triangle of X(185)
X(4) = Miquel associate of X(4)
X(4) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(155) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(4) = crosspoint of X(487) and X(488) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(4) = X(3)-of-Ehrmann-mid-triangle
X(4) = X(110)-of-X(3)-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(4) = barycentric product X(112)*X(850)
X(4) = Kosnita(X(20),X(20)) point
X(4) = perspector of ABC and the reflection of the excentral triangle in X(10)
X(4) = pedal antipodal perspector of X(3)
X(4) = Ehrmann-side-to-Ehrmann-vertex similarity image of X(3)
X(4) = Ehrmann-vertex-to-orthic similarity image of X(4)
X(4) = Ehrmann-side-to-orthic similarity image of X(3)
X(4) = Ehrmann-mid-to-ABC similarity image of X(5)
X(4) = perspector of hexyl triangle and cevian triangle of X(27)
X(4) = perspector of hexyl triangle and anticevian triangle of X(19)
X(4) = perspector of ABC and medial triangle of pedal triangle of X(64)
X(4) = perspector of ABC and the reflection in X(2) of the antipedal triangle of X(2)
X(4) = perspector of hexyl triangle and tangential triangle wrt excentral triangle of the excentral-hexyl ellipse
X(4) = inverse-in-Steiner-circumellipse of X(297)
X(4) = {X(2479),X(2480)}-harmonic conjugate of X(297)
X(4) = symgonal of every point on the nine-point circle
X(4) = center of bianticevian conic of PU(4) (this conic being the polar circle)
X(4) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse inverse of X(468)
X(4) = de-Longchamps-circle inverse of X(2071)
X(4) = center of inverse-in-de-Longchamps-circle of circumcircle
X(4) = inner-Napoleon circle-inverse of X(32460)
X(4) = outer-Napoleon circle-inverse of X(32461)
X(4) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(1)
X(4) = orthic-to-ABC functional image of X(52)
X(4) = incentral-to-ABC functional image of X(500)
X(4) = Feuerbach-to-ABC functional image of X(5948)
X(4) = excentral-to-intouch similarity image of X(84)
X(4) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(297)(525)
X(4) = trilinear product of vertices of infinite altitude triangle
As a point on the Euler line, X(5) has Shinagawa coefficients (1, 1).
X(5) is the center of the nine-point circle. Euler showed in that this circle passes through the midpoints of the sides of ABC and the feet of the altitudes of ABC, hence six of the nine points. The other three are the midpoints of segments A-to-X(4), B-to-X(4), C-to-X(4). The radius of the nine-point circle is one-half the circumradius.
Dan Pedoe, Circles: A Mathematical View, Mathematical Association of America, 1995.
Let Pa be the parabola with focus A and directrix BC. Let La be the polar of X(3) wrt Pa. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, and define B' and C; cyclically. Then X(5) = X(597)-of-A'B'C'. (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the half-altitude triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole, wrt A'B'C', of line BC, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(5). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A' be the nine-point center of BCX(13), and define B' and C' cyclically. Let A″ be the nine-point center of BCX(14), and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(5). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the Euler triangle. Let A″ be the centroid of AB'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(5). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be any equilateral triangle inscribed in the circumcircle of ABC. The Simson lines of A', B', C' form an equilateral triangle with center X(5). If A'B'C' is the circumtangential triangle, the Simson lines of A', B', C' concur in X(5). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the Steiner triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(5) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the 1st excosine triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(5) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view these sketches: Nine-point center, Euler Line, Roll Circle, MacBeath Inconic
Let A'B'C' be the Feuerbach triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(5). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the reflection triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″and C″ cyclically. The lines A″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(5). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the triangle described in ADGEOM #2697 (8/26/2015, Tran Quang Hung). X(5) = X(6146)-of-A'B'C'.
Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of X(5). Let A″ be X(5)-of-AB'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines A″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(5). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
Let Na, Nb, Nc be the nine-point centers of BCF, CAF, ABF, resp., where F = X(13). Let Na', Nb', Nc' be the nine-point centers of BCF', CAF', ABF', resp., where F' = X(14). The lines NaNa', NbNb', NcNc' concur in X(5). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
Let Na, Nb, Nc be the nine-point centers of BCX, CAX, ABX, resp., where X = X(17). Let Na', Nb', Nc' be the nine-point centers of BCX', CAX', ABX', resp., where X' = X(18). The lines NaNa', NbNb', NcNc' concur in X(5). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
Let T be a family of Poncelet triangles inscribed in an ellipse E and circumscribing a fixed incircle. The line X(1)X(5) remains stationary iff the family contains an equilateral triangle. For this to happen, X(1) must lie on the locus E' of all equilateral centroids inscribed in E, which is an ellipse concentric, aligned with, and interior to E, derived in M. Stanev, "Locus of the centroid of the equilateral triangle inscribed in an ellipse", Intl. J. Comp. Disc. Math., vol. 4, 2019, pp.54-65. (Dan Reznik, August 16, 1024)
X(5) is the center of the Warren G-circle and the Warren H-circle. See the preamble just before X(67212). (Clark Kimberling, February 12, 2025)
X(5) lies on the Napoleon cubic (also known as the Feuerbach cubic) and these lines: {1,11}, {2,3}, {6,68}, {7,5704}, {8,1389}, {9,1729}, {10,517}, {13,18}, {14,17}, {15,2913}, {16,2912}, {19,8141}, {32,230}, {33,1062}, {34,1060}, {35,3583}, {36,3585}, {39,114}, {40,1698}, {46,1836}, {47,5348}, {49,54}, {51,52}, {53,216}, {55,498}, {56,499}, {57,1728}, {60,5397}, {64,4846}, {65,1737}, {67,9970}, {69,1351}, {72,908}, {74,3521}, {76,262}, {78,3419}, {79,1749}, {83,98}, {84,5437}, {85,1565}, {93,6344}, {94,9221}, {96,1166}, {97,4994}, {99,5966}, {100,10738}, {101,10739}, {102,10740}, {103,10741}, {104,5253}, {105,10743}, {106,10744}, {107,10745}, {108,10746}, {109,10747}, {111,10748}, {112,10749}, {113,125}, {116,118}, {117,124}, {120,5511}, {121,2885}, {122,133}, {126,5512}, {127,132}, {128,137}, {129,130}, {131,136}, {141,211}, {142,971}, {145,10247}, {146,10620}, {147,3329}, {148,7783}, {149,3871}, {153,12773}, {154,9833}, {156,184}, {165,7965}, {169,6506}, {171,3073}, {181,10407}, {182,206}, {183,315}, {187,3054}, {191,5535}, {193,5093}, {194,7777}, {195,1994}, {214,6246}, {217,1625}, {222,8757}, {225,1465}, {226,912}, {236,8130}, {238,3072}, {252,1157}, {264,1093}, {273,6356}, {275,2055}, {276,6528}, {298,634}, {299,633}, {302,622}, {303,621}, {311,1225}, {312,3695}, {316,1078}, {318,2968}, {324,6663}, {329,2095}, {339,1235}, {354,13407}, {356,3608}, {371,590}, {372,615}, {385,7762}, {386,1834}, {388,999}, {389,5448}, {390,7678}, {392,1512}, {394,10982}, {399,3448}, {484,5445}, {487,12313}, {488,12314}, {491,637}, {492,638}, {493,8220}, {494,8221}, {497,3085}, {515,1125}, {516,3579}, {518,10916}, {519,3813}, {523,6757}, {524,576}, {528,8715}, {529,8666}, {538,7764}, {539,1493}, {542,575}, {543,9771}, {551,5882}, {566,9220}, {568,3567}, {570,1879}, {572,2126}, {573,1213}, {574,3055}, {577,6748}, {578,1147}, {579,1901}, {580,5127}, {581,5453}, {582,1754}, {583,8818}, {598,7607}, {599,11477}, {601,750}, {602,748}, {611,12589}, {613,12588}, {616,13103}, {617,13102}, {618,629}, {619,630}, {620,6721}, {641,6250}, {642,6251}, {671,7608}, {698,8149}, {754,7780}, {758,5694}, {804,11615}, {842,1287}, {920,1454}, {925,2383}, {930,6592}, {938,3487}, {944,3616}, {950,13411}, {956,3436}, {958,10526}, {962,5657}, {986,3944}, {993,4999}, {997,5794}, {1001,10198}, {1007,3926}, {1056,5261}, {1058,5274}, {1069,10055}, {1071,5249}, {1073,1217}, {1087,2599}, {1089,3703}, {1090,1091}, {1092,5651}, {1111,3665}, {1112,12358}, {1117,3470}, {1131,3317}, {1132,3316}, {1139,3393}, {1140,3370}, {1145,7704}, {1151,5418}, {1152,5420}, {1155,1770}, {1158,5880}, {1160,5590}, {1161,5591}, {1173,1487}, {1181,1899}, {1199,3410}, {1211,5752}, {1212,5179}, {1214,1838}, {1249,8888}, {1270,11917}, {1271,11916}, {1297,12918}, {1327,6426}, {1328,6425}, {1350,3763}, {1376,10525}, {1393,7069}, {1420,9613}, {1441,3007}, {1447,4911}, {1490,5787}, {1495,11572}, {1498,1853}, {1499,11182}, {1511,5972}, {1519,3753}, {1537,7705}, {1538,8582}, {1539,2777}, {1587,3069}, {1588,3068}, {1601,3432}, {1614,5012}, {1621,11491}, {1697,9614}, {1706,12700}, {1709,12679}, {1714,4383}, {1724,5398}, {1750,8726}, {1768,7701}, {1788,4295}, {1843,9967}, {1848,1871}, {1861,1872}, {1916,3399}, {1935,3075}, {1936,3074}, {1975,6390}, {1986,7723}, {1990,5158}, {1992,11482}, {2052,13599}, {2066,9646}, {2067,9661}, {2077,11826}, {2086,9490}, {2098,12647}, {2099,10573}, {2120,2121}, {2241,9665}, {2242,9650}, {2482,9880}, {2486,2783}, {2549,5013}, {2550,9709}, {2551,9708}, {2595,3460}, {2601,2602}, {2607,2957}, {2635,4303}, {2646,10572}, {2682,10568}, {2771,5883}, {2781,6698}, {2792,4672}, {2794,6036}, {2797,8552}, {2800,3754}, {2801,12005}, {2802,10284}, {2826,3837}, {2829,5450}, {2883,5892}, {2887,3831}, {2896,7616}, {2963,2965}, {2971,2974}, {2975,5080}, {2979,7999}, {3006,3701}, {3035,5840}, {3053,7737}, {3057,10039}, {3058,3584}, {3060,6243}, {3096,7934}, {3098,7914}, {3120,5492}, {3157,10071}, {3167,6193}, {3258,11749}, {3272,3609}, {3284,6749}, {3303,10056}, {3304,10072}, {3306,13226}, {3314,7912}, {3333,5290}, {3338,10404}, {3357,5893}, {3359,12705}, {3368,5401}, {3381,3382}, {3406,3407}, {3434,5552}, {3462,3463}, {3468,3469}, {3488,5703}, {3576,3624}, {3581,10545}, {3582,5270}, {3586,3601}, {3617,8148}, {3618,5050}, {3619,10519}, {3622,7967}, {3626,11278}, {3629,5097}, {3630,7882}, {3631,7896}, {3636,13607}, {3649,5693}, {3654,7991}, {3656,3679}, {3670,3782}, {3673,7179}, {3687,5295}, {3705,4385}, {3734,3788}, {3737,8819}, {3739,12490}, {3742,12675}, {3785,9752}, {3812,3838}, {3819,5447}, {3823,12393}, {3833,6701}, {3867,11574}, {3874,6583}, {3880,10915}, {3911,4292}, {3913,11235}, {3917,10625}, {3931,5530}, {3947,5045}, {3972,7857}, {4004,10273}, {4030,4894}, {4045,6683}, {4293,5229}, {4294,5218}, {4297,10165}, {4299,5204}, {4302,5217}, {4311,5126}, {4323,11041}, {4354,9629}, {4413,10310}, {4417,10449}, {4420,5178}, {4425,9959}, {4511,5086}, {4550,7689}, {4662,12612}, {4668,11224}, {4855,9945}, {4861,5176}, {4885,8760}, {5007,5306}, {5010,5326}, {5015,7081}, {5024,7738}, {5038,11646}, {5041,5355}, {5082,7080}, {5092,6704}, {5099,13162}, {5119,12701}, {5131,5442}, {5171,7761}, {5181,8263}, {5188,6249}, {5221,11544}, {5223,6067}, {5224,10446}, {5233,9534}, {5237,5350}, {5238,5349}, {5248,5842}, {5251,11012}, {5257,10445}, {5259,6253}, {5286,7736}, {5309,7772}, {5334,11485}, {5335,11486}, {5339,10654}, {5340,10653}, {5354,10339}, {5395,7612}, {5412,10897}, {5413,10898}, {5422,7592}, {5471,6783}, {5472,6782}, {5544,5656}, {5550,5731}, {5597,8200}, {5598,8207}, {5599,8196}, {5600,8203}, {5601,11875}, {5602,11876}, {5643,5655}, {5658,9799}, {5745,12572}, {5814,11679}, {5890,11451}, {5895,10606}, {5908,5909}, {5913,6032}, {5925,8567}, {5944,6689}, {5947,5948}, {5950,5952}, {5961,8146}, {5962,13557}, {6043,11992}, {6054,7827}, {6055,10991}, {6118,8180}, {6119,8184}, {6130,9517}, {6150,10615}, {6152,12606}, {6153,11692}, {6174,10993}, {6179,7812}, {6191,7345}, {6192,7344}, {6194,7938}, {6221,6459}, {6223,12684}, {6224,12747}, {6225,13093}, {6237,11435}, {6238,11436}, {6241,10574}, {6256,10200}, {6291,12603}, {6329,12007}, {6361,9812}, {6398,6460}, {6406,12604}, {6407,9692}, {6417,7582}, {6418,7581}, {6419,8960}, {6433,12819}, {6434,12818}, {6449,9541}, {6462,11949}, {6463,11950}, {6515,9777}, {6523,10002}, {6599,12660}, {6662,13409}, {6669,6694}, {6670,6695}, {6671,6673}, {6672,6674}, {6692,6705}, {6703,13323}, {6735,10914}, {6736,13600}, {6769,8580}, {7013,10400}, {7028,8129}, {7160,12856}, {7198,7272}, {7280,7294}, {7596,8228}, {7615,11184}, {7620,11165}, {7691,11016}, {7693,12307}, {7694,9756}, {7703,11439}, {7709,7864}, {7743,9957}, {7754,7774}, {7758,9766}, {7760,7858}, {7766,7921}, {7768,7809}, {7771,7802}, {7778,7795}, {7779,7941}, {7784,7800}, {7786,7790}, {7787,7806}, {7793,7823}, {7794,7821}, {7801,7888}, {7803,7851}, {7810,7873}, {7811,7860}, {7818,7854}, {7820,7874}, {7822,7867}, {7826,7845}, {7830,7842}, {7831,7911}, {7832,7899}, {7835,7940}, {7836,7925}, {7846,7942}, {7852,7889}, {7855,7903}, {7856,7878}, {7859,7919}, {7875,7932}, {7877,7926}, {7893,7900}, {7898,7904}, {7935,8722}, {7998,13340}, {8014,11555}, {8015,11556}, {8069,10320}, {8085,8087}, {8086,8088}, {8121,8123}, {8122,8124}, {8158,8165}, {8212,8222}, {8213,8223}, {8280,8855}, {8281,8854}, {8351,8379}, {8377,8380}, {8378,8381}, {8538,8541}, {8591,12355}, {8725,9751}, {8798,13157}, {8800,8905}, {8909,8966}, {8918,10218}, {8919,10217}, {8929,11581}, {8930,11582}, {8961,8963}, {8985,8990}, {9159,11639}, {9172,10162}, {9512,11061}, {9535,9566}, {9538,9642}, {9539,9641}, {9542,9691}, {9543,9690}, {9544,9704}, {9545,9703}, {9782,9809}, {9786,9815}, {9862,10583}, {9874,12872}, {9919,13203}, {9964,12528}, {10037,10832}, {10038,10874}, {10040,10925}, {10041,10926}, {10046,10831}, {10047,10873}, {10048,10923}, {10049,10924}, {10053,12185}, {10054,12351}, {10058,12764}, {10059,12860}, {10060,12950}, {10061,12951}, {10062,12952}, {10063,12836}, {10064,12954}, {10065,12374}, {10066,12956}, {10067,12958}, {10068,12959}, {10069,12184}, {10070,12350}, {10074,12763}, {10075,12859}, {10076,12940}, {10077,12941}, {10078,12942}, {10079,12837}, {10080,12944}, {10081,12373}, {10082,12946}, {10083,12948}, {10084,12949}, {10085,12678}, {10086,13183}, {10087,13274}, {10088,12904}, {10089,13182}, {10090,13273}, {10091,12903}, {10168,11645}, {10187,12816}, {10188,12817}, {10266,12919}, {10278,10279}, {10311,10316}, {10312,10317}, {10524,10530}, {10528,10596}, {10529,10597}, {10546,11464}, {10575,11381}, {10584,10785}, {10585,10786}, {10586,10805}, {10587,10806}, {10628,11557}, {10634,10641}, {10635,10642}, {10733,12121}, {10797,10802}, {10798,10801}, {10984,11550}, {11236,12513}, {11264,13366}, {11392,11399}, {11393,11398}, {11411,11431}, {11425,12118}, {11429,12428}, {11449,12278}, {11455,12279}, {11456,11457}, {11501,11508}, {11502,11507}, {11536,12234}, {11576,12363}, {11649,12061}, {11671,13512}, {11746,12236}, {11754,11755}, {11763,11764}, {11772,11773}, {11781,11782}, {11869,11879}, {11870,11880}, {11871,11877}, {11872,11878}, {11905,11913}, {11906,11912}, {11930,11953}, {11931,11954}, {11932,11951}, {11933,11952}, {12099,12827}, {12308,12317}, {12309,12318}, {12310,12319}, {12311,12320}, {12312,12321}, {12316,12325}, {12383,12902}, {12384,13115}, {12494,13234}, {12599,12864}, {12600,13089}, {12613,12621}, {12614,12622}, {12615,12623}, {12624,13249}, {12849,13126}, {12945,13117}, {12947,13129}, {12955,13116}, {12957,13128}, {13023,13025}, {13024,13026}, {13039,13051}, {13040,13052}, {13219,13310}, {13296,13312}, {13297,13311}, {13348,13570}, {13507,13508}
X(5) is the {X(2),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(5), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(5) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,355), (2,381), (3,4), (11,119), (20,382), (68,155), (110,265), (113,125), (114,115), (116,118), (117,124), (122,133), (127,132), (128,137), (129,130), (131,136), (399,3448)
X(5) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (2,547), (3,140), (4,546), (20,548), (52,143), (549,2), (550,3), (1263,137), (1353,6), (1385,1125), (1483,1), (1484,11)
X(5) = isogonal conjugate of X(54)
X(5) = isotomic conjugate of X(95)
X(5) = circumcircle-inverse of X(2070)
X(5) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(3)
X(5) = de-Longchamps-circle-inverse of anticomplement of X(37943)
X(5) = circle-O(PU(4))-inverse of X(37969)
X(5) = complement of X(3)
X(5) = anticomplement of X(140)
X(5) = complementary conjugate of X(3)
X(5) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(523)
X(5) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,216), (4,52), (110,523), (264, 324), (265,30), (311,343),
X(5) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,195), (51,216)
X(5) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (51,53), (54, 2121), (216,343), (233,2)
X(5) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,264), (311,324)
X(5) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,1147), (6,184)
X(5) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(50)X(647)
X(5) = X(1)-aleph conjugate of X(1048)
X(5) = radical center of Stammler circles
X(5) = center of inverse-in-circumcircle-of-tangential-circle
X(5) = harmonic center of 1st & 2nd Hutson circles
X(5) = homothetic center of circumorthic triangle and 2nd isogonal triangle of X(4); see X(36)
X(5) = X(3)-of-X(4)-Brocard-triangle
X(5) = X(4)-of-Schroeter-triangle
X(5) = X(5)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(5) = X(5)-of-complement-of-excentral-triangle (or extraversion triangle of X(10))
X(5) = X(114)-of-1st-Brocard-triangle
X(5) = X(143)-of-excentral-triangle
X(5) = X(156)-of-intouch-triangle
X(5) = X(1511)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(5) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 5, 7, 38, 65, 173
X(5) = midpoint of PU(i) for these i: 5, 7, 38
X(5) = trilinear product of PU(69)
X(5) = PU(65)-harmonic conjugate of X(351)
X(5) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(216)
X(5) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(216)
X(5) = trilinear pole of line X(2081)X(2600)
X(5) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(275) (line X(186)X(523))
X(5) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(275)
X(5) = X(252)-isoconjugate of X(2964)
X(5) = homothetic center of medial triangle and Euler triangle
X(5) = homothetic center of ABC and the triangle obtained by reflecting X(3) in the points A, B, C
X(5) = radical center of the Stammler circles
X(5) = centroid of {A, B, C, X(4)}
X(5) = antigonal image of X(1263)
X(5) = crosspoint of X(627) and X(628) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(5) = intersection of tangents to Evans conic at X(15) and X(16)
X(5) = polar-circle-inverse of X(186)
X(5) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(23)
X(5) = inverse-in-Kiepert-hyperbola of X(39)
X(5) = inverse-in-Steiner-inellipse of X(297)
X(5) = {X(2009),X(2010)}-harmonic conjugate of X(39)
X(5) = {X(2454),X(2455)}-harmonic conjugate of X(297)
X(5) = perspector of medial triangles of ABC, orthic and half-altitude triangles
X(5) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(2167)
X(5) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(52)
X(5) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(6030)
X(5) = X(1)-of-submedial triangle if ABC is acute
X(5) = harmonic center of circumcircles of Euler and anti-Euler triangles
X(5) = perspector of Feuerbach triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and Feuerbach triangle
X(5) = Kosnita(X(4),X(2)) point
X(5) = Kosnita(X(4),X(3)) point
X(5) = Kosnita(X(4),X(20)) point
X(5) = X(4)-of-Ehrmann-mid-triangle
X(5) = homothetic center of Ehrmann vertex-triangle and Kosnita triangle
X(5) = homothetic center of Ehrmann side-triangle and circumorthic triangle
X(5) = perspector of Ehrmann mid-triangle and submedial triangle
X(5) = Ehrmann-side-to-orthic similarity image of X(4)
X(5) = Johnson-to-Ehrmann-mid similarity image of X(3)
X(5) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(3)
X(5) = QA-P32 center (Centroid of the Circumcenter Quadrangle) of quadrangle ABCX(4) (see
X(6) is the point of concurrence of the symmedians (i.e., reflections of medians in corresponding angle bisectors). X(6) is the point which, when given by actual trilinear distances x,y,z, minimizes x2 + y2 + z2.
X(6) in Navigation: A talk about the symmedian point, by William Lionheart.
X(6) and other triangle centers play a fundamental part in Yuri I. Loginov's "Energy methods for single-position passive radar based on special points of a triangle", downloadable in Russian or as an English translation.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Symmedian point.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Symmedian point.
Let A'B'C' be the pedal triangle of an arbitrary point X, and let S(X) be the vector sum XA' + XB' + XC'. Then
S(X) = (0 vector) if and only if X = X(6).
The "if" implication is equivalent to the well known fact that X(6) is the centroid of its pedal triangle, and the converse was proved by Barry Wolk (Hyacinthos #19, Dec. 23, 1999).
X(6) is the radical trace of the 1st and 2nd Lemoine circles. (Peter J. C. Moses, 8/24/03)
X(6) is the perspector of ABC and the medial triangle of the orthic triangle of ABC. (Randy Hutson, 8/23/2011)
Ross Honsberger, Episodes in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Euclidean Geometry, Mathematical Association of America, 995. Chapter 7: The Symmedian Point.
Let A' be the center of the conic through the contact points of the incircle and the A-excircle with the sidelines of ABC. Define B' and C' cyclically. Let A″ be the center of the conic through the contact points of the B- and C- excircles with the sidelines of ABC. Define B″ and C″ cyclically. The triangles A'B'C' and A″B″C″ are perspective at X(6). See also X(25), X(218), X(222), X(940), X(1743). (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
The tangents at A,B,C to the Thomson cubic K002 concur in X(6). Let Ha be the foot of the A-altitude. Let Ba, Ca be the feet of perpendiculars from Ha to CA, AB, resp. Let A' be the orthocenter of HaBaCa, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(6). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let Ja, Jb, Jc be the excenters and I the incenter of ABC. Let Ka be the symmedian point of JbJcI, and define Kb and Kc cyclically. Then KaKbKc is perspective to JaJbJc at X(6). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the triangle described in ADGEOM #2697 (8/26/2015, Tran Quang Hung); then X(6) = X(6467)-of-A'B'C'. (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
X(6) is the perspector of every pair of these triangles: anticevian triangle of X(3), submedial triangle, unary cofactor triangle of submedial triangle, unary cofactor triangle of the intangents triangle, unary cofactor triangle of the extangents triangle. (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the tangential triangle of the Jerabek hyperbola. Let A″ be the pole wrt circumcircle of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines A'″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(6). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the half-altitude (midheight) triangle. Let LA be the line through A parallel to B'C', and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A″ = LB∩LC, and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines A'″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(6). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2018)
X(6) is the unique point that is the centroid of its pedal triangle. (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
Let A'B'C' be any one of {Lucas(t) central triangle, Lucas(t) tangents triangle, Lucas(t) inner triangle} (for arbitrary t). Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(6). (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
Let A'B'C' be the medial triangle, and A″B″C″ the orthic triangle. Let A* be the centroid of AA'A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. A*B*C* is inversely similar to ABC, and the lines A'A*, B'B*, C'C* concur in X(6). (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(6) is the intersection of the isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of the Euler line (i.e., line X(2)X(6)), and the polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of the Euler line (i.e., line X(4)X(6)). (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(6) is the pole of the Euler line wrt each conic passing through each of the following sets of four points: {X(13), X(14), X(15), X(16)}, {X(13), X(14), X(17), X(18)}, {X(13), X(14), X(61), X(62)}, {X(15), X(16), X(17), X(18)}, {X(17), X(18), X(61), X(62)}. (Randy Hutson, January 17, 2020)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the 2nd Brocard triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(6) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
Oa = circle with diameter BC, and define Ob and Oc cyclically;
A' = apex of equilateral triangle on side BC, and define B′ and C′ cyclically;
Ab = BA′∩Oa, and define Bc and Ca cyclically;
Ac = CA′∩Oa, and define Ba and Cb cyclically;
A″= BcBa∩CaCb, and define B″ and C″ cyclically.
The triangle A″B″C″ is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(6).
(Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, April 19, 2021)
Let P and Q be distinct points in a plane, and let T be a triangle rigidly rotating about P. Let X be a triangle center, and let
XT = X-of-T;
O = a circle with center Q';
{A,B,C} = vertices of T;
A' = inverse of A in O, and define B' and C' cyclically;
T' = A'B'C';
X'T = X-of-T'.
(1) If X = X(k) for k = 3, 6, 15, 16, 61, 62, then the locus of X'T is a conic.
(2) If X = X(15) or X = X(16), the conic is a circle.
(3) If P is one of the points X(k), for k = 3, 6, 15, 16, 61, 62, then the locus of X'T
is a single point, and the points O, XT, X'T are collinear. For example, if P = X(6), then the locus of X(6)-of-T' is collinear with O and X(6)-of-T.
Surprisingly Stationary Symmedian Point of the Inversive Image of an X(6)-Pivoting Triangle
Inversive Image of Pivoting Triangle, Part I: Stationary Symmedian Point X(6) of Inversive
Inversive Image of Pivoting Triangle, Part II: Conic Loci of X(3) and X(6) of Inversive
(Dan Reznik, August 15, 2021)
Let Γ denote the circumcircle. The trilinear polar of every point on Γ passes through X(6); conversely, the trilinear pole of every line through X(6) lies on Γ. The trilinear polar of every point on the Lemoine axis (the polar of X(6) with respect to Γ) is a line tangent to the Brocard inellipse; conversely, the trilinear pole of every line tangent to the Brocard inellipse lies on the Lemoine axis. (Dan Reznik, February 3, 2023)
Let P be a point in the plane of T = ABC, and let T'=A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of P. Let A'' = BC∩B'C', and define B'' and C'' cycllically. By Desargues' theorem, the points A",B",C" lie on the perspectrix of the ktriangles T and T'. Let Ka be the circle that passes through the points A,A',A'', and define Kb and Kc cyclically. As is well known, if P=X(1), then the circles Ka,Kb,Kc meet in X(15) and X(16), and their radical axis is the Brocard axis. We offer the following new observation. The locus of P such that Ka,Kb,Kc intersect in exactly two points, Z1 and Z2, is the curve Q066, which is the Stammler quartic (the isogonal image of the Stammler hyperbola). The curve Q066 passes through the excenters and the triangle centers X(k) for k=1, 2, 4, 254, and others, listed in Q066, Stammler quartic) . Moreover, the line Z1Z2 passes through the point X(6)-of-T. See the figures in Q066 and line Z1Z2 . (Bernard Gibert and Dan Reznik, February 12, 2023)
X(6) lies on the Walsmith rectangular hyperbola, the Thomson cubic, and these lines: 1,9 2,69 3,15 4,53 5,68 7,294 8,594 10,1377 13,14 17,18 19,34 21,941 22,251 23,353 24,54 25,51 26,143 27,1246 31,42 33,204 36,609 40,380 41,48 43,87 57,222 60,1169 64,185 66,427 67,125 70,1594 74,112 75,239 76,83 77,241 88,89 98,262 99,729 100,739 101,106 105,1002 110,111 145,346 157,248 160,237 162,1013 169,942 181,197 190,192 194,384 210,612 226,1751 256,1580 264,287 274,1218 279,1170 281,1146 282,1256 291,985 292,869 297,317 305,1241 314,981 330,1258 344,1332 354,374 442,1714 493,1583 494,1584 513,1024 517,998 519,996 523,879 560,1631 561,720 588,1599 589,1600 593,1171 595,1126 598,671 603,1035 644,1120 657,1459 662,757 688,882 689,703 691,843 692,1438 694,1084 706,1502 717,789 750,899 753,825 755,827 840,919 846,1051 893,1403 909,1415 911,1461 939,1802 943,1612 947,1622 959,961 963,1208 967,1790 971,990 986,1046 1073,3343 1096,1859 1112,1177 1131,1132 1139,1140 1166,1601 1173,1614 1174,1617 1195,1399 1201,1696 1214,1708 1327,1328 1362,1416 1398,1425 1423,1429 1718,1781 1826,1837 1836,1839 1854,1858 3342,3351 3344,3350
X(6) is the {X(15),X(16)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(6), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(6) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (32,5028), (39,5052), (69,193), (125,5095), (187,5107), (1689, 1690)
X(6) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1386), (2,597), (3,182), (67,125), (69,141), (159,206), (182,575), (592,2), (694,1084), (1350,3), (1351,576), (1352,5), (32113,468)
X(6) = isogonal conjugate of X(2)
X(6) = isotomic conjugate of X(76)
X(6) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(1031)
X(6) = circumcircle-inverse of X(187)
X(6) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(115)
X(6) = 1st-Lemoine-circle-inverse of X(1691)
X(6) = complement of X(69)
X(6) = anticomplement of X(141)
X(6) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(1369)
X(6) = complementary conjugate of X(1368)
X(6) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(30)X(511)
X(6) = insimilicenter of 1st and 2nd Kenmotu circles
X(6) = exsimilicenter of circumcircle and (1/2)-Moses circle
X(6) = harmonic center of circumcircle and Gallatly circle
X(6) = perspector of polar circle wrt Schroeter triangle
X(6) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,55), (2,3), (3,154), (4,25), (7,1486), (8,197), (9,198), (10,199), (54,184), (57, 56), (58,31), (68,161), (69,159), (74,1495), (76,22), (81,1), (83,2), (88,36), (95,160), (98,237), (110,512), (111,187), (222,221), (249,110), (251,32), (264,157), (275,4), (284,48), (287,1503), (288,54), (323,399), (394,1498), (1613,3360)
X(6) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,43), (2,194), (31,41), (32,184), (42,213), (51,217)
X(6) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (25,64), (31,56), (32,25), (39,2), (41,55), (42,1), (51,4), (184,3), (187,111), (213,31), (217,184), (237,98), (512,110)
X(6) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,57), (2,4), (9,282), (54,275), (58,81), (83, 251), (110,249), (266,289)
X(6) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,9), (3,6), (4,1249), (5,216), (10,37), (11,650), (32,206), (39,141), (44,214), (56,478), (57,223), (114,230), (115,523), (125,647), (128,231), (132,232), (140,233), (142,1212), (188,236), (226,1214), (244,661), (395,619), (396, 618), (512,1084), (513,1015), (514,1086), (522,1146), (570,1209), (577,1147), (590,641), (615,642), (1125,1213), (1196,1368), (5408,5409)
X(6) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,238), (2,385), (3,511), (15,16), (25,232), (56,1458), (58,1326), (523,1316), (1423,1429)
X(6) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,518), (2,524), (3,511)
X(6) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,846), (81,6), (365,1045), (366,191), (509,1046)
X(6) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,604), (9,9), (21,1001), (101,6), (284,6), (294,6), (644,6), (645,6),
(651,6), (652,7), (666,6)
X(6) = exsimilicenter of circumcircle and (1/2)-Moses circle; the insimilicenter is X(5013)
X(6) = homothetic center of outer Napoleon triangle and pedal triangle of X(15)
X(6) = homothetic center of inner Napoleon triangle and pedal triangle of X(16)
X(6) = trilinear product of vertices of Thomson triangle
X(6) = orthocenter of X(i)X(j)X(k) for these (i,j,k): (2,4,1640), (3,4,879), (3,64,2435)
X(6) = intersection of tangents at X(3) and X(4) to Darboux cubic K004
X(6) = radical trace of circumcircle and Ehrmann circle
X(6) = one of two harmonic traces of Ehrmann circles; the other is X(23)
X(6) = X(3734)-of-1st anti-Brocard-triangle
X(6) = X(182)-of-anti-McCay triangle
X(6) = intersection of tangents to 2nd Brocard circle at PU(1) (i.e., pole of line X(39)X(512) wrt 2nd Brocard circle)
X(6) = intersection of diagonals of trapezoid PU(1)PU(39)
X(6) = intersection of diagonals of trapezoid PU(6)PU(33)
X(6) = intersection of diagonals of trapezoid PU(31)PU(33)
X(6) = the point in which the extended legs P(6)U(31) and U(6)P(31) of the trapezoid PU(6)PU(31) meet
X(6) = trilinear pole of PU(i) for these i: 2, 26
X(6) = crosssum of PU(4)
X(6) = trilinear product of PU(8)
X(6) = barycentric product of PU(i) for these i: 1, 17, 113, 114, 115, 118, 119
X(6) = crossdifference of PU(i) for these i: 24, 41
X(6) = midpoint of PU(i) for these i: 45, 46, 54
X(6) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 45, 46, 54, 62
X(6) = Zosma transform of X(19)
X(6) = trilinear square of X(365)
X(6) = radical center of {circumcircle, Parry circle, Parry isodynamic circle}; see X(2)
X(6) = PU(62)-harmonic conjugate of X(351)
X(6) = vertex conjugate of PU(118)
X(6) = eigencenter of orthocentroidal triangle
X(6) = eigencenter of Stammler triangle
X(6) = eigencenter of outer Grebe triangle
X(6) = eigencenter of inner Grebe triangle
X(6) = eigencenter of submedial triangle
X(6) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of every pair of homothetic triangles
X(6) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of any triangle homothetic to ABC
X(6) = perspector of Stammler triangle and unary cofactor triangle of circumtangential triangle
X(6) = perspector of Stammler triangle and unary cofactor triangle of circumnormal triangle
X(6) = perspector of submedial triangle and unary cofactor triangle of orthic triangle
X(6) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of extraversion triangles of X(7) and X(9)
X(6) = X(3)-of-reflection-triangle-of-X(2)
X(6) = center of the orthic inconic
X(6) = orthic isogonal conjugate of X(25)
X(6) = center of bicevian conic of X(371) and X(372)
X(6) = center of bicevian conic of X(6) and X(25)
X(6) = perspector of ABC and mid-triangle of Mandart-incircle and Mandart-excircles triangles
X(6) = X(381)-of-anti-Artzt-triangle
X(6) = homothetic center of medial triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and inner Grebe triangle
X(6) = homothetic center of medial triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and outer Grebe triangle
X(6) = 4th-anti-Brocard-to-anti-Artzt similarity image of X(3)
X(6) = perspector of pedal and anticevian triangles of X(3)
X(6) = X(9)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(6) = X(7)-of-tangential-triangle if ABC is acute
X(6) = X(53)-of-excentral-triangle
X(6) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(376)
X(6) = perspector of ABC and mid-triangle of 1st and 2nd anti-Conway triangles
X(6) = X(193)-of-3rd-tri-squares-central-triangle
X(6) = X(193)-of-4th-tri-squares-central-triangle
X(6) = X(6)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(6) = X(6)-of-inner-Grebe-triangle
X(6) = X(6)-of-outer-Grebe-triangle
X(6) = X(157)-of-intouch-triangle
X(6) = perspector, wrt Schroeter triangle, of polar circle
X(6) = center of the perspeconic of these triangles: ABC and Ehrmann vertex
X(6) = barycentric square of X(1)
X(6) = pole, wrt circumcircle, of Lemoine axis
X(6) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(264) (line X(297)X(525))
X(6) = polar conjugate of X(264)
X(6) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,2}, {6,75}, {31,76}, {91,1993}, {110, 1577}, {338,1101}, {1994,2962}
X(6) = inverse-in-2nd-Brocard-circle of X(39)
X(6) = inverse-in-Steiner-inellipse of X(230)
X(6) = inverse-in-Steiner-circumellipse of X(385)
X(6) = inverse-in-Kiepert-hyperbola of X(381)
X(6) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(9) of X(238)
X(6) = perspector of medial triangle and half-altitude triangle
X(6) = intersection of tangents to Kiepert hyperbola at X(2) and X(4)
X(6) = antigonal conjugate of X(67)
X(6) = vertex conjugate of foci of Steiner inellipse
X(6) = X(99)-of-1st-Brocard-triangle
X(6) = X(1379)-of-2nd-Brocard-triangle
X(6) = X(6)-of-4th-Brocard-triangle
X(6) = X(6)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(6) = reflection of X(2453) in the Euler line
X(6) = similitude center of ABC and orthocentroidal triangle
X(6) = similitude center of 4th Brocard and circumsymmedial triangles
X(6) = tangential isogonal conjugate of X(22)
X(6) = tangential isotomic conjugate of X(1498)
X(6) = barycentric product of (nonreal) circumcircle intercepts of the line at infinity
X(6) = eigencenter of anti-orthocentroidal triangle
X(6) = perspector of Aquarius conic
X(6) = trilinear pole wrt tangential triangle of Lemoine axis
X(6) = trilinear pole wrt symmedial triangle of Lemoine axis
X(6) = trilinear pole wrt circumsymmedial triangle of Lemoine axis
X(6) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(194) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(6) = pedal antipodal perspector of X(5004) and of X(5005)
X(6) = vertex conjugate of Jerabek hyperbola intercepts of Lemoine axis
X(6) = hyperbola {{A,B,C,X(2),X(6)}} antipode of X(694)
X(6) = perspector of orthic triangle and tangential triangle, wrt orthic triangle, of the circumconic of the orthic triangle centered at X(4) (the bicevian conic of X(4) and X(459))
X(6) = perspector of excentral triangle and extraversion triangle of X(9)
X(6) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(9)
X(6) = orthic-to-ABC functional image of X(53)
X(6) = intouch-to-ABC functional image of X(7)
X(6) = 1st-Brocard-isogonal conjugate of X(804)
X(6) = center of the MacBeath circumconic
X(6) = center of the cosine circle (the 2nd Lemoine circle)
X(6) = one of the foci of the Lemoine inellipse (the other being X(2))
X(6) = antipode of X(32113) in Walsmith rectangular hyperbola
X(6) = orthocenter of X(74)X(110)X(3569)
X(6) = orthocenter of X(113)X(125)X(3569)
X(6) = QA-P23 (Inscribed Square Axes Crosspoint) of quadrangle ABCX(2); see
Let A', B', C' denote the points in which the incircle meets the sides BC, CA, AB, respectively. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(7).
An exarc circle is a circle tangent to two sides of a triangle ABC and externally tangent to the circumcircle of ABC. The point whose distance to the sides BC, CA, AB are proportional to the respective radii of the exarc circles is X(279). The point having distances to the sides proportional to the radii of the inarc circles is X(7). See Martin Lukarevski, "Exarc radii and the Finsler-Hadwiger inequality", The Mathematical Gazette 106, issue 565, March 2022, pp. 138-143.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Gergonne point.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Gergonne point.
X(7) lies on the Lucas cubic and these lines: 1,20 2,9 3,943 4,273 6,294 8,65 11,658 12,1268 21,56 27,81 37,241 33,1041 34,1039 55,2346 58,272 59,1275 72,443 73,1246 76,1479 80,150 92,189 100,1004 104,934 108,1013 109,675 145,1266 171,983 174,234 177,555 190,344 192,335 193,239 218,277 220,1223 225,969 238,1471 253,280 256,982 274,959 281,653 286,331 310,314 330,1432 349,1269 354,479 404,1259 452,1467 464,1214 480,1376 492,1267 513,885 517,1000 528,664 554,1082 594,599 604,1429 757,1414 840,927 857,1901 870,1431 940,1407 941,1427 944,1389 952,1159 986,1254 987,1106 1002,1362 1020,1765 1061,1870 1210,3091 1354,1367 1365,1366 1386,1456 1419,1449 1435,1848 1486,1602 1617,1621 2475,2893
X(7) is the {X(69),X(75)}-harmonic conjugate of X(8). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(7), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(7) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (9,142), (144,9), (390,1), (673,1086), (1156,11)
X(7) = isogonal conjugate of X(55)
X(7) = isotomic conjugate of X(8)
X(7) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(7)
X(7) = circumcircle-inverse of (32624)
X(7) = incircle-inverse of (1323)
X(7) = complement of X(144)
X(7) = anticomplement of X(9)
X(7) = complementary conjugate of X(2884)
X(7) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(329)
X(7) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (75,347), (85,2), (86,77), (286,273), (331,278)
X(7) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,57), (2,145), (4,196), (11,514), (55,218), (56,222), (63,224),
(65,226), (81,229), (177,234)
X(7) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,2), (4,189), (11,514), (55,277), (56,278), (57,279), (65,57), (177,174), (222,348), (226,85), (354,1), (497,8), (517,88)
X(7) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (75,309), (86,286)
X(7) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (41,1253), (42,228)
X(7) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(657)X(663)
X(7) = X(57)-Hirst inverse of X(1447)
X(7) = insimilicenter of inner and outer Soddy circles; the exsimilicenter is X(1)
X(7) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(7,269), (21,991), (75,75), (86,7), (99,7), (190,7), (290,7), (314,69), (645,344), (648,7), (662,6), (664,7), (666,7), (668,7), (670,7), (671,7), (811,264), (886,7), (889,7), (892,7), (903,7)
X(7) = vertex conjugate of foci of inellipse that is isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of incircle (centered at X(2886))
X(7) = trilinear product of vertices of Hutson-extouch triangle
X(7) = orthocenter of X(4)X(8)X(885)
X(7) = trilinear cube of X(506)
X(7) = barycentric product of PU(47)
X(7) = trilinear product of PU(94)
X(7) = vertex conjugate of PU(95)
X(7) = bicentric sum of PU(120)
X(7) = perspector of ABC and its intouch triangle.
X(7) = perspector of ABC and the reflection in X(57) of the pedal triangle of X(57)
X(7) = perspector of AC-incircle
X(7) = X(6)-of-extraversion triangle-of-X(8)
X(7) = X(6)-of-intouch-triangle; X(7) is the only point X inside ABC Such that X(ABC) = X(A'B'C'), where A'B'C' = cevian triangle of X
X(7) = {X(2),X(63)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5273)
X(7) = {X(9),X(57)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1445)
X(7) = {X(1371),X(1372)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1)
X(7) = {X(1373),X(1374)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1)
X(7) = trilinear pole of Gergonne line
X(7) = trilinear pole, wrt intouch triangle, of Gergonne line
X(7) = pole of Gergonne line wrt incircle
X(7) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(281) (line X(3064)X(3700))
X(7) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(281)
X(7) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(9)
X(7) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(2175)
X(7) = X(1101)-isoconjugate of X(4092)
X(7) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(3160)
X(7) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(3160)
X(7) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(3160)
X(7) = antigonal image of X(1156)
X(7) = homothetic center of intouch triangle and anticomplement of the excentral triangle
X(7) = X(6)-of-intouch-triangle; X(7) is the only point X inside ABC such that X(ABC) = X(A'B'C'), where A'B'C' = cevian triangle of X
X(7) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of inner and outer Soddy triangles
X(7) = perspector of excentral triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and Honsberger triangle
X(7) = perspector of inverse-in-excircles triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and inverse-in-excircles triangle
X(7) = perspector of inverse-in-incircle triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and inverse-in-incircle triangle
X(7) = X(1843)-of-excentral-triangle
X(7) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(943)
X(7) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(942)
X(7) = {X(1),X(1742)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2293)
X(7) = barycentric square of X(508)
X(7) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 40
X(7) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 40
X(7) = excentral-to-intouch similarity image of X(9)
X(7) = circumconic-centered-at-X(9)-inverse of X(37787)
X(7) = endo-homothetic center of Ehrmann vertex-triangle and Ehrmann mid-triangle; the homothetic center is X(3818)
Let A'B'C' be the points in which the A-excircle meets BC, the B-excircle meets CA, and the C-excircle meets AB, respectively. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(8). Another construction of A' is to start at A and trace around ABC half its perimeter, and similarly for B' and C'. Also, X(8) is the incenter of the anticomplementary triangle.
X(8) = perspector of ABC and the intouch triangle of the medial triangle of ABC. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb be as in the construction of the Conway circle ( Let Oa be the circumcircle of ABcCb, and define Ob, Oc cyclically. X(8) is the radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc. see also X(21) and X(274). (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be Triangle T(-2,1). Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(519). The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(8). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let Ia be the reflection of X(1) in the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define Ib and Ic cyclically. X(8) = X(1)-of-IaIbIc. (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A28B28C28 be the Gemini triangle 28. Let LA be the line through A28 parallel to BC, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A'28 = LB∩LC, and define B'28, C'28 cyclically. Triangle A'28B'28C'28 is homothetic to ABC at X(8). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2018)
For yet another construction of X(8), see Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, "On A Simple Construction of Triangle Centers X(8), X(197), X(K) & X(594)", Scientific Inquiry and Review, Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2018.
Another construction is given by Xavier Dussau: Elementary construction of the Nagel point. (April 29, 2020)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Nagel point.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Nagel point.
Let T be any one of these trianges: {Ascella, 1st circumperp, 2nd circumperp}. Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of T and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(8) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
For extensions of X(8) to non-Euclidean geometries, see Thomas E. Cooper, "Finagling a Nagel Point in Taxicab Geometry and Beyond", Mathematics Magazine 97, no. 4, October 2024.
X(8) lies on these curves:
Feuerbach hyperbola, anticomplementary Feuerbach hyperbola, Mandart hyperbola, Fuhrmann circle, K007, K013, K028, K033, K034, K154, K157, K199, K200, K201, K259, K308, K311, K338, K366, K386, K387, K455, K461, K506, K521, K623, K651, K654, K680, K692, K696, K697, K702, K744, K767, Q045
X(8) lies on the Lucas cubic and these lines: {1,2}, {3,100}, {4,72}, {5,1389}, {6,594}, {7,65}, {9,346}, {11,1320}, {12,2099}, {19,1891}, {20,40}, {21,55}, {22,8193}, {23,8185}, {25,7718}, {29,219}, {30,3578}, {31,987}, {32,5291}, {33,1039}, {34,1041}, {35,993}, {36,4188}, {37,941}, {38,986}, {39,7976}, {41,2329}, {44,4217}, {45,3943}, {46,3218}, {56,404}, {57,1219}, {58,996}, {60,7058}, {76,668}, {79,758}, {80,149}, {81,1010}, {86,2334}, {90,2994}, {101,1311}, {109,2370}, {113,7978}, {114,7970}, {115,7983}, {119,6941}, {125,7984}, {140,1483}, {141,3242}, {142,3243}, {144,516}, {147,9864}, {150,1930}, {151,2817}, {153,2800}, {165,3522}, {171,1468}, {172,4386}, {175,1270}, {176,1271}, {177,556}, {178,236}, {181,959}, {188,2090}, {190,528}, {191,3065}, {192,256}, {193,894}, {194,730}, {197,1603}, {201,1937}, {210,312}, {213,981}, {214,5445}, {215,9701}, {220,294}, {221,651}, {224,914}, {226,3340}, {238,983}, {244,3976}, {253,307}, {274,1002}, {277,1280}, {278,1257}, {279,7273}, {291,330}, {304,3263}, {313,2997}, {314,1264}, {315,760}, {326,1442}, {344,480}, {348,664}, {350,3789}, {354,3698}, {376,3579}, {381,8148}, {392,1000}, {394,3562}, {405,943}, {406,1061}, {411,3428}, {442,495}, {443,942}, {474,999}, {475,1063}, {479,7182}, {484,4299}, {491,1267}, {492,5391}, {496,3820}, {514,4546}, {521,4397}, {522,4474}, {523,4774}, {524,4363}, {527,4454}, {529,3474}, {535,3245}, {536,4419}, {537,4440}, {573,3588}, {595,1724}, {596,4674}, {599,1086}, {618,7975}, {619,7974}, {631,1385}, {637,7595}, {641,7981}, {642,7980}, {643,1098}, {645,4092}, {646,3271}, {663,4147}, {672,3501}, {673,4437}, {704,8264}, {712,4805}, {726,1278}, {860,1068}, {885,3900}, {901,2757}, {908,946}, {912,5553}, {961,1460}, {965,2256}, {971,9961}, {982,4457}, {1015,1574}, {1016,1083}, {1018,3730}, {1019,4807}, {1034,1895}, {1036,1183}, {1046,4418}, {1054,9457}, {1071,6916}, {1104,3744}, {1106,9363}, {1107,2276}, {1120,3445}, {1124,1377}, {1126,6539}, {1147,9933}, {1159,6147}, {1191,4383}, {1209,7979}, {1211,1834}, {1212,3693}, {1215,4865}, {1229,6601}, {1237,4485}, {1251,5239}, {1266,4346}, {1279,6687}, {1281,1282}, {1309,2745}, {1312,2103}, {1313,2102}, {1317,1388}, {1319,6049}, {1331,2988}, {1332,8759}, {1335,1378}, {1361,3042}, {1364,3040}, {1386,3618}, {1392,5048}, {1397,2985}, {1420,3911}, {1449,4982}, {1453,5294}, {1467,8732}, {1500,1573}, {1512,5720}, {1575,2275}, {1656,5901}, {1672,1680}, {1673,1681}, {1674,1678}, {1675,1679}, {1682,9564}, {1699,3832}, {1738,3620}, {1739,3953}, {1743,4058}, {1748,6197}, {1757,3923}, {1759,5011}, {1783,8743}, {1812,3193}, {1836,3962}, {1857,1896}, {1869,5307}, {1897,7358}, {1914,4426}, {1943,4296}, {1953,3949}, {1959,7379}, {1992,3758}, {1997,3816}, {2007,2013}, {2008,2014}, {2053,8851}, {2077,5450}, {2093,4001}, {2122,2123}, {2170,3061}, {2175,4157}, {2176,2238}, {2242,5277}, {2310,9365}, {2318,2654}, {2320,2646}, {2335,3694}, {2363,6043}, {2399,8058}, {2463,2467}, {2464,2468}, {2477,9702}, {2482,9884}, {2564,2568}, {2565,2569}, {2647,4332}, {2650,4938}, {2785,4088}, {2787,4730}, {2796,8596}, {2801,5696}, {2810,3888}, {2883,7973}, {2891,3754}, {2893,2897}, {2894,6839}, {2896,9857}, {2901,3995}, {2943,9355}, {3021,3039}, {3022,3041}, {3038,6018}, {3056,4110}, {3058,3715}, {3068,7969}, {3069,7968}, {3090,5886}, {3096,9997}, {3152,6360}, {3158,3601}, {3174,7675}, {3177,4712}, {3247,5257}, {3254,4858}, {3304,4413}, {3305,5129}, {3306,3333}, {3309,4462}, {3336,4317}, {3339,4298}, {3361,4315}, {3427,6836}, {3452,3680}, {3467,4309}, {3475,3925}, {3496,5282}, {3523,3576}, {3524,3655}, {3545,3656}, {3583,3899}, {3585,4067}, {3619,3844}, {3629,7227}, {3631,7232}, {3647,5441}, {3649,6175}, {3663,4452}, {3664,4924}, {3666,4646}, {3670,3987}, {3671,5290}, {3672,3755}, {3683,5302}, {3716,4895}, {3721,3959}, {3731,3950}, {3735,3954}, {3738,4768}, {3739,4648}, {3740,3983}, {3742,4731}, {3746,5248}, {3760,6381}, {3762,3887}, {3772,4952}, {3775,4085}, {3814,5154}, {3817,5068}, {3823,4864}, {3826,4966}, {3829,7173}, {3841,5425}, {3879,3945}, {3881,3918}, {3884,3992}, {3891,4972}, {3892,3968}, {3894,3919}, {3896,3931}, {3898,3956}, {3901,4084}, {3904,4528}, {3907,4041}, {3928,5128}, {3929,7285}, {3947,5726}, {3963,9052}, {3967,4005}, {3977,4304}, {3978,6382}, {3986,4898}, {3993,4704}, {4002,5045}, {4003,4706}, {4004,5551}, {4018,4980}, {4026,4360}, {4036,8702}, {4054,9612}, {4080,4792}, {4082,4866}, {4086,7253}, {4087,4531}, {4125,4857}, {4160,4761}, {4163,6332}, {4181,4182}, {4208,5249}, {4234,4921}, {4312,5850}, {4314,4512}, {4342,4900}, {4364,4748}, {4373,4862}, {4404,6003}, {4407,4743}, {4421,5217}, {4424,7226}, {4432,4473}, {4439,4527}, {4470,4670}, {4534,6558}, {4542,4582}, {4595,8299}, {4657,4852}, {4658,8025}, {4667,4747}, {4672,4753}, {4675,4688}, {4694,9335}, {4699,4732}, {4729,6002}, {4736,6758}, {4756,9668}, {4767,9669}, {4867,5141}, {4922,9508}, {4999,5432}, {5010,5267}, {5056,8227}, {5059,5493}, {5187,10043}, {5221,5434}, {5284,6767}, {5285,7520}, {5286,9620}, {5429,8258}, {5534,6908}, {5584,7411}, {5590,5604}, {5591,5605}, {5592,6546}, {5597,5600}, {5598,5599}, {5714,9654}, {5791,6857}, {5985,10053}, {6001,6223}, {6062,7068}, {6144,7277}, {6154,9963}, {6174,10031}, {6193,9928}, {6245,6282}, {6260,7971}, {6261,6838}, {6265,6949}, {6292,7977}, {6326,6960}, {6462,8214}, {6463,8215}, {6553,8056}, {6653,6655}, {6691,7231}, {6739,6742}, {6828,7680}, {6835,7686}, {6856,8164}, {6945,7681}, {6995,7713}, {7003,7020}, {7018,7033}, {7028,8242}, {7043,7126}, {7048,8422}, {7090,7133}, {7161,7206}, {7279,9723}, {7373,9342}, {7486,9624}, {7987,9588}, {8092,8125}, {8094,9795}, {8126,8351}, {8162,8167}, {8163,8169}, {8210,8222}, {8211,8223}, {8372,9787}, {8591,9881}, {8972,8983}, {9317,9451}, {9783,9805}, {9859,9943}, {10087,10093}, {10090,10094}
X(8) is the {X(69),X(75)}-harmonic conjugate of X(7). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(8), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(8) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,3632}, {10,3625}, {40,5881}, {145,3621}, {3057,3893}, {3626,4701}, {3679,4677}, {4474,4814}, {4668,4816}, {4900,8275}, {5541,9897}, {5691,7991}, {5903,5904}
X(8) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,10), (2,3679), (3,5690), (4,355), (7,2550), (8,8), (10,3626), (11,3036), (20,40), (56,8256), (65,5836), (69,3416), (75,3696), (78,6736), (86,4733), (100,1145), (144,5223), (145,1), (147,9864), (149,80), (192,984), (193,3751), (210,4711), (315,4769), (329,3421), (346,4901), (376,3654), (388,5794), (390,9), (551,4745), (663,4147), (944,3), (950,5795), (960,4662), (962,4), (1019,4807), (1043,3704), (1120,3756), (1125,4691), (1280,4904), (1317,3035), (1320,11), (1361,3042), (1364,3040), (1392,7705), (1482,5), (1483,140), (1697,5837), (2098,1329), (2099,2886), (2102,1313), (2103,1312), (3021,3039), (3022,3041), (3057,960), (3146,5691), (3161,10005), (3189,3913), (3241,2), (3242,141), (3243,142), (3244,1125), (3434,3419), (3476,1376), (3486,958), (3488,9708), (3555,942), (3600,1706), (3616,3617), (3617,4668), (3621,3632), (3623,1698), (3625,4701), (3626,4746), (3632,3625), (3633,3244), (3635,3634), (3679,4669), (3685,3717), (3786,4111), (3868,65), (3869,72), (3872,4847), (3873,3753), (3874,3754), (3875,3755), (3877,210), (3878,3678), (3881,3918), (3883,3686), (3884,4015), (3885,3057), (3886,2321), (3889,3698), (3890,3697), (3892,3968), (3894,3919), (3898,3956), (3899,4134), (3901,4084), (3902,3706), (3952,4738), (4318,1861), (4344,2345), (4360,4026), (4363,4665), (4419,4643), (4430,5902), (4454,4659), (4511,6735), (4560,4041), (4643,4690), (4644,4363), (4673,3714), (4693,4439), (4720,4046), (4861,6734), (4864,3823), (4895,3716), (4922,9508), (5048,5123), (5080,5176), (5180,5080), (5263,594), (5441,3647), (5603,5790), (5697,3878), (5698,5220), (5710,5835), (5716,5793), (5731,5657), (5734,5818), (5882,6684), (5905,1478), (5919,3740), (5984,9860), (6018,3038), (6193,9928), (6224,100), (6327,4680), (6332,4163), (6737,6743), (6740,6741), (6742,6739), (6758,4736), (7192,4761), (7253,4086), (7962,3452), (7970,114), (7971,6260), (7972,214), (7973,2883), (7974,619), (7975,618), (7976,39), (7977,6292), (7978,113), (7979,1209), (7980,642), (7981,641), (7982,946), (7983,115), (7984,125), (8241,2090), (8591,9881), (8596,9875), (8834,6552), (9263,291), (9780,4678), (9785,2551), (9791,1654), (9797,938), (9802,149), (9809,153), (9856,9947), (9884,2482), (9933,1147), (9957,5044), (9963,6154), (9965,2093), (10031,6174)
X(8) = isogonal conjugate of X(56)
X(8) = isotomic conjugate of X(7)
X(8) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(189)
X(8) = complement of X(145)
X(8) = anticomplement of X(1)
X(8) = complementary conjugate of X(2885)
X(8) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(8)
X(8) = circumcircle-inverse of X(17100)
X(8) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(38475)
X(8) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(2,3161), (4,2899), (7,8055), (69,329), (75,2), (190,3239), (290,3948), (312,346), (314,312), (318,5552), (319,2895), (333,9), (341,7080), (643,7253), (645,3700), (646,650), (664,6332), (668,4391), (765,3952), (1016,644), (1043,78), (1219,3616), (1222,1), (1494,3936), (1909,1655), (2319,7155), (2985,6), (3596,345), (3699,522), (4076,3699), (4102,2321), (4373,6557), (4554,4130), (4555,3904), (4582,1639), (4997,2325), (4998,190), (6063,344), (6064,645), (6079,900), (7017,281), (7033,192), (7155,4903), (7257,4560), (8817,7)
X(8) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,280), (4,1034), (9,2), (10,318), (11,522), (40,7080), (55,281), (56,2123), (72,78), (200,346), (210,9), (219,345), (312,7155), (346,6557), (497,7), (521,100), (522,3699), (650,646), (950,29), (960,21), (1145,6735), (1146,4391), (1639,4582), (1837,4), (1857,8805), (1864,282), (2170,4560), (2321,312), (2325,4997), (2968,4397), (3057,1), (3059,200), (3239,190), (3271,650), (3680,6553), (3683,7110), (3686,333), (3687,4451), (3688,55), (3700,645), (3703,3596), (3704,3701), (3706,314), (3717,4518), (3877,2320), (3880,1320), (3885,1392), (3893,3680), (3900,644), (3907,7257), (4012,5423), (4046,2321), (4051,330), (4060,4102), (4081,3239), (4086,3952), (4092,3700), (4111,210), (4124,885), (4130,4554), (4152,2325), (4180,4182), (4531,41), (4534,514), (4542,1639), (4546,6558), (4847,75), (4853,1219), (4863,6601), (4875,274), (4965,7192), (5245,7026), (5246,7043), (5795,1220), (6062,7359), (6068,6745), (6555,3161), (6736,341), (6737,1043), (6741,4086), (7063,3709), (7067,3712), (8058,1897), (8611,4552), (9785,5558)
X(8) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j):
{1,40}, {2,144}, {4,3176}, {6,197}, {9,200}, {10,72}, {11,522}, {34,8899}, {42,3588}, {55,219}, {56,2122}, {65,5930}, {175,176}, {210,2321}, {312,4110}, {346,6555}, {497,4012}, {513,3756}, {514,4904}, {519,1145}, {521,2968}, {523,8286}, {650,3271}, {758,6739}, {960,3704}, {966,4859}, {1125,3650}, {1146,3900}, {1639,4542}, {2170,4041}, {2175,4548}, {2325,4152}, {3057,6736}, {3059,4847}, {3161,4859}, {3239,4081}, {3686,4046}, {3688,3703}, {3700,4092}, {3706,4111}, {3709,7063}, {3712,7067}, {3893,4895}, {4136,4531}, {4180,4181}, {4530,4543}, {4534,4546}, {6062,7359}, {6068,6745}, {7358,8058}
X(8) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j):
{1,979}, {2,4373}, {7,8051}, {9,2319}, {75,312}, {190,4998}, {314,333}, {643,765}, {645,6064}, {668,1016}, {3596,7017}, {3699,4076}
X(8) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1,978}, {6,3052}, {25,3209}, {31,604}, {57,1423}, {244,4017}, {649,3271}, {663,7117}, {667,1015}, {1042,1410}, {1284,8850}, {1400,1402}
X(8) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(649)X(854)
X(8) = X(1)-aleph conjugate of X(1050)
X(8) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,1), (341,341), (643,3), (668,8), (1043,8)
X(8) = exsimilicenter of incircle and Spieker circle
X(8) = exsimilicenter of Conway circle and Spieker radical circle
X(8) = trilinear product of vertices of Hutson-intouch triangle
X(8) = trilinear product of vertices of Caelum triangle
X(8) = orthocenter of X(i)X(j)X(k) for these (i,j,k): (1,4,5556), (4,7,885)
X(8) = perspector of ABC and pedal triangle of X(40)
X(8) = perspector of ABC and reflection of medial triangle in X(10)
X(8) = perspector of ABC and reflection of intouch triangle in X(1)
X(8) = pedal antipodal perspector of X(1)
X(8) = pedal antipodal perspector of X(36)
X(8) = X(1498)-of-intouch-triangle
X(8) = X(185)-of-excentral-triangle
X(8) = X(74)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(8) = X(5992)-of-Brocard-triangle
X(8) = perspector of circumconic with center X(3161)
X(8) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(3161)
X(8) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(3161)
X(8) = trilinear pole of line X(522)X(650) (the radical axis of circumcircle and excircles radical circle)
X(8) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(278) (line X(513)X(1835))
X(8) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(278)
X(8) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(57)
X(8) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(1397)
X(8) = X(1101)-isoconjugate of X(1365)
X(8) = antigonal image of X(1320)
X(8) = {X(1),X(2)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3616)
X(8) = {X(1),X(10)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2)
X(8) = {X(2),X(10)}-harmonic conjugate of X(667)
X(8) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(1878)
X(8) = inverse-in-Steiner-circumellipse of X(3912)
X(8) = inverse-in-Mandart-inellipse of X(2325)
X(8) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(1) of X(4511)
X(8) = X(4) of 2nd Conway triangle (the extraversion triangle of X(8))
X(8) = trilinear square root of X(341)
X(8) = perspector of 5th extouch triangle and anticevian triangle of X(7)
X(8) = centroid of cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 20 and 28
X(8) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1050), (188,2943), (1222,8)
X(8) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,1), (99,3160), (200,4517), (333,5222), (341,341), (346,4873), (643,3), (644,3730), (668,8), (1043,8), (2287,4266), (3699,8), (6558,8), (7256,8), (7257,76), (7259,220), (8706,8)
X(8) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,8), (2,69), (3,20), (5,2888), (6,2), (7,3434), (8,3436), (9,829), (10,1330), (13,621), (14, 622), (15,616), (16,617), (18,634), (19,59015), (20,6225), (21,3869), (22,5596), (24,6193), (25,192), (28,3868), (30,146), (31,192), (32,194), (54,3), (55,144), (56,145), (57,7), (58,1), (59,100), (74,30), (81,75), (98,511), (99,512), and many others
X(8) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,2885), (31,3161), (513,5510), (1293,513), (3445,10), (3680,1329), (4373,2887), (8056,141)
X(8) = perspector of ABC and mid-triangle of excentral and 2nd extouch triangles
X(8) = perspector of 5th extouch triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 5th extouch triangle
X(8) = X(1593)-of-2nd-extouch-triangle
X(8) = excentral-to-2nd-extouch similarity image of X(1697)
X(8) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(104)
X(8) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(517)
X(8) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 39
X(8) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 39
X(8) = perspector of Gemini triangle 13 and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 1 and 13
X(8) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(1)
X(8) = X(4)-of-Yff-contact-triangle
X(8) = Yff-contact-isogonal conjugate of X(5592)
X(8) = perspector (Brianchon point) of the Mandart inellipse
X(8) = isoconjugate of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,56}, {2,604}, {3,34}, {4,603}, {6,57}, {7,31}, {8,1106}, {9,1407}, {10,1408}, {12,849}, {19,222}, {21,1042}, {25,77}, {27,1409}, {28,73}, {29,1410}, {32,85}, {33,7053}, {36,1411}, {37,1412}, {40,1413}, {41,279}, {42,1014}, {48,278}, {54,1393}, {55,269}, {58,65}, {59,244}, {60,1254}, {63,608}, {64,1394}, {69,1395}, {71,1396}, {75,1397}, {78,1398}, {79,1399}, {81,1400}, {82,1401}, {84,221}, {86,1402}, {87,1403}, {88,1404}, {89,1405}, {90,1406}, {101,3669}, {102,1455}, {103,1456}, {104,1457}, {105,1458}, {106,1319}, {108,1459}, {109,513}, {110,4017}, {154,8809}, {158,7335}, {163,7178}, {171,1431}, {172,1432}, {181,757}, {184,273}, {189,2199}, {198,1422}, {200,7023}, {208,1433}, {212,1119}, {213,1434}, {219,1435}, {220,738}, {223,1436}, {225,1437}, {226,1333}, {241,1438}, {255,1118}, {259,7370}, {267,8614}, {270,1425}, {281,7099}, {282,6611}, {283,1426}, {284,1427}, {291,1428}, {292,1429}, {296,1430}, {307,2203}, {326,7337}, {331,9247}, {346,7366}, {347,2208}, {348,1973}, {388,1472}, {393,7125}, {479,1253}, {512,1414}, {514,1415}, {518,1416}, {519,1417}, {552,872}, {560,6063}, {593,2171}, {607,7177}, {614,1037}, {643,7250}, {649,651}, {650,1461}, {657,4617}, {658,3063}, {661,4565}, {662,7180}, {663,934}, {664,667}, {669,4625}, {672,1462}, {692,3676}, {727,1463}, {741,1284}, {756,7341}, {759,1464}, {765,1357}, {798,4573}, {893,7175}, {896,7316}, {904,7176}, {909,1465}, {923,7181}, {937,1466}, {939,1467}, {951,1104}, {959,1468}, {961,1193}, {983,7248}, {985,1469}, {998,1470}, {1002,1471}, {1015,4564}, {1019,4559}, {1020,7252}, {1027,2283}, {1035,3345}, {1036,4320}, {1041,1473}, {1073,3213}, {1086,2149}, {1088,2175}, {1089,7342}, {1096,1804}, {1098,7143}, {1101,1365}, {1110,1358}, {1149,8686}, {1170,1475}, {1174,1418}, {1191,7091}, {1201,1476}, {1214,1474}, {1245,5323}, {1262,2170}, {1279,1477}, {1420,3445}, {1421,3446}, {1423,2162}, {1424,3224}, {1439,2299}, {1440,2187}, {1441,2206}, {1442,6186}, {1443,6187}, {1447,1911}, {1453,2213}, {1576,4077}, {1616,2137}, {1617,2191}, {1631,7213}, {1769,2720}, {1790,1880}, {1795,1875}, {1813,6591}, {1919,4554}, {1922,10030}, {1974,7182}, {1980,4572}, {2003,2160}, {2006,7113}, {2099,2163}, {2114,9500}, {2150,6354}, {2159,6357}, {2176,7153}, {2194,3668}, {2207,7183}, {2210,7233}, {2212,7056}, {2218,4306}, {2221,2285}, {2260,2982}, {2263,3423}, {2275,7132}, {2279,5228}, {2291,6610}, {2306,2307}, {2310,7339}, {2324,6612}, {2334,3361}, {2353,7210}, {2362,6502}, {3121,4620}, {3212,7121}, {3248,4998}, {3271,7045}, {3451,3752}, {3709,4637}, {3733,4551}, {3777,8685}, {3900,6614}, {3911,9456}, {3937,7012}, {3942,7115}, {4252,5665}, {4296,8615}, {4557,7203}, {4626,8641}, {4822,5545}, {5018,8852}, {5546,7216}, {6129,8059}, {6180,9315}, {7011,7129}, {7013,7151}, {7051,7052}, {7054,7147}, {7084,7195}, {7104,7196}, {7117,7128}, {7122,7249}, {9309,9316}, {9363,9435}, {9364,9432}
X(9) is the symmedian point of the excentral triangle.
X(9) = perspector of ABC and the medial triangle of the extouch triangle of ABC. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A' be the orthocorrespondent of the A-excenter, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(9). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let La be the antiorthic axis of AB'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc. B″ = Lc∩La, C″ = La∩Lb. Triangle A″B″C″ is inversely similar to ABC, with similitude center X(9). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let E be the locus of the trilinear pole of a line that passes through X(1). The center of E is X(9). Moreover, E passes through the points X(100), X(658), X(662), X(799), X(1821), X(2580), X(2581) and the bicentric pairs PU(34), PU(75), PU(77), PU(79). Also, E is a circumellipse of ABC and an inellipse of the excentral triangle. (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
The locus E also passes through the vertices of Gemini triangle 2. (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2018)
Let A' be the intersection of the tangents to the A-excircle at the intercepts with the circumcircle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(9). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let A' be the perspector of the A-mixtilinear excircle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(9). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let E be the circumellipse of T = ABC with center X(9). Then ABC is a billiard orbit of E (3-periodic). If we fix E in the plane, all its triangular orbits (a set of "rotating" triangles T) have the same X(9). Note that X(9) is the point of concurrence of lines drawn from each excenter to the midpoint of the corresponding side of T. (Dan Reznik, June 30, 2019) See [1] Triangular Orbits in Elliptic Billiards: the Mittenpunkt X(9) is stationary at the origin and [2] Triangular Orbits in Elliptic Billiards: the Mittenpunkt X(9) is stationary at the origin.
NEW in 2020: A particularly fine article is recommended: 'Can the Ellliptic Billiard Still Surprise Us?', by , in Mathematical Intelligencer 42 (2020) 6-17. An online pdf is available: Click here.
Notes from Peter Moses (July 1, 2019) about the circumellipse E with center X(9):
E passes through the vertices of these triangles: ABC; Honsberger (see X(7670)); Inner Conway (see X(11677)); Gemini 2, Gemini 30.
E passes through the point X(i) for these i:
88, 100, 162, 190, 651, 653, 655, 658, 660, 662, 673, 771, 799,
823, 897, 1156, 1492, 1821, 2349, 2580, 2581, 3257, 4598, 4599
4604, 4606, 4607, 8052, 20332, 23707, 24624, 27834, 32680.
The perspector of E is X(1); the major axis of E passes through X(i) for these i: 9, 2590, 3307, 24646, and the minor axis, for these i: 9, 2591, 3309, 24647. The ellipse E is the isogonal conjugate of the antiorthic axis.
Let g = length of semi-major axis of E; then g = Sqrt[(2 R (r + R + Sqrt[R(R - 2 r)]) s^2)/(r + 4 R)^2].
Let h = length of semi-minor axis of E: then h = Sqrt[(2 R (r + R - Sqrt[R(R - 2 r)]) s^2)/(r + 4 R)^2].
h/g = Sqrt[(OI - R) (OI + 3 R) / ((OI - 3 R) (OI + R))] = Sqrt[(r + R - Sqrt[R (R - 2 r)]) / (r + R + Sqrt[R (R - 2 r)])].
eccentricity of E: 2 Sqrt[OI R / ((3 R - OI) (OI + R))].
If F is a focus of E, then |FX(9)|^2 = 4 s^2 R Sqrt[R (R - 2 r)] / (r + 4 R)^2/.
The axes of E are the asymptotes of the Feuerbach hyperbola.
The area of E is π R S /(r (r + 4 R))^(3/2) = 4 π a b c / ( 2 b c + 2 c a + 2 a b - a^2 - b^2 - c^2 )^(3/2) * area(ABC).
The triangle tangent to the vertices of E is the excentral triangle.
Let A'B'C' be the intouch triangle of the anticomplementary triangle of ABC. The ellipse E passes through A', B', C'. See Three orbits in elliptic billiard. (Dan Reznik, July 1, 2019)
The circumellipse with center X(9) meets the circumhyperbola with center X(11) (i.e., the Feuerbach hyperbola) in X(1156). (Dan Reznik, January 20, 2020.)
Each of the following cubics passes through the four foci (two real and two imaginary) of the ellipse E: K040, K351, K352, K710, K716, K1060. The two real foci are a pair of isogonal conjugates, and likewise for the two imaginary foci. Moreover, if p : q : r is on the circumcircle, then p/a : q/b : r/c is on E. (Peter Moses, July 2 and 3, 2019)
The ellipse E is the isogonal conjugate of the antiorthic axis, X(44)X(513), with barycentric equation x + y + z = 0, and E is the isotomic conjugate of the X(514)X(661), with barycentric equation a x + b y + c z = 0. This line, denoted by L(31), is the perspectrix of the anticomplementary triangle and the inner Conway triangle (which is the intouch triangle of the anticomplementary triangle). Points lying on X(514)X(661) include X(i) for i = 514, 661, 693, 857, 908, 914, 1577, 1959, 2084, 2582, 2583, 3239, 3250, 3762, 3766, 3835, 3904, 3912, 3936, 3948, 4129, 4358, 4391, 4462, 4468, 4486, 4728, 4766, 4776, 4789, 4791, 4801, 4823, 4978, 5074, 5179, 6332, 6381, 6590, 8045, 14206, 14207, 14208, 14209, 14210, 14281, 14349, 14350, 14963, 18669, 18715, 24018, 30565, 30566, 30804, 30806, 32679. (Peter Moses, July 2 and 3, 2019)
For a dynamic graphic with many options, based on a triangle inscribed in the circumellipse with center X(9), see Elliptic Billiard: Loci of Triangular Centers. (Dan Reznik, February 4, 2020)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Mittenpunkt.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Mittenpunkt.
X(9) lies on the these conics: Feuerbach circumhyperbola, Feuerbach circumhyperbola of the medial triangle, Jerabek circumhyperbola of the excentral triangle, Mandart hyperbola
X(9) lies on these curves: K002, K132, K202, K207, K220, K251, K294, K332, K343, K345, K351, K352, K363, K384, K387, K453, K637, K696, K697, K710, K716, K717, K760, K761, K817, K880, K950, K970, K977, K980, K982, K984, K1025, K1038, K1044, K1055, K1059, K1060, K1077, K1079, K1080, K1081, K1082, K1083, K1084, K1090, Q151
X(9) lies on these lines: {1, 6}, {2, 7}, {3, 84}, {4, 10}, {5, 1729}, {8, 346}, {11, 3254}, {12, 5857}, {20, 10429}, {21, 41}, {22, 5314}, {25, 5285}, {30, 3587}, {31, 612}, {32, 987}, {33, 212}, {34, 201}, {35, 90}, {36, 2178}, {38, 614}, {39, 978}, {42, 941}, {43, 256}, {46, 79}, {48, 101}, {51, 3690}, {55, 200}, {56, 1696}, {58, 975}, {65, 4047}, {69, 344}, {75, 190}, {77, 651}, {80, 528}, {81, 5287}, {85, 10509}, {86, 2279}, {87, 292}, {92, 6358}, {99, 35106}, {100, 1005}, {105, 4712}, {108, 3213}, {109, 2199}, {114, 24469}, {119, 2950}, {123, 20623}, {124, 5513}, {140, 5843}, {141, 4422}, {145, 4029}, {164, 168}, {165, 910}, {171, 1707}, {172, 5019}, {173, 177}, {182, 7193}, {184, 26885}, {192, 239}, {193, 3879}, {194, 16827}, {205, 2359}, {216, 13006}, {222, 17811}, {223, 1073}, {228, 1011}, {241, 269}, {244, 17125}, {255, 25063}, {257, 17743}, {258, 7028}, {259, 15997}, {261, 645}, {264, 1948}, {273, 26003}, {275, 26941}, {291, 17065}, {294, 1253}, {306, 5739}, {312, 314}, {318, 1896}, {319, 17233}, {320, 17234}, {321, 1751}, {326, 6518}, {335, 17000}, {341, 4095}, {342, 653}, {345, 2339}, {348, 738}, {350, 17026}, {354, 4423}, {355, 31789}, {362, 2090}, {363, 5934}, {364, 366}, {374, 517}, {375, 22276}, {377, 9579}, {379, 18655}, {381, 18482}, {386, 10467}, {388, 12527}, {393, 1785}, {394, 2003}, {404, 4652}, {418, 26901}, {427, 21015}, {440, 1211}, {443, 4292}, {474, 3916}, {478, 1038}, {484, 5036}, {497, 4847}, {498, 920}, {499, 25522}, {511, 3781}, {513, 3126}, {514, 23760}, {515, 3427}, {519, 1000}, {521, 4130}, {522, 657}, {524, 4851}, {536, 4361}, {545, 7263}, {551, 18490}, {581, 3682}, {583, 3338}, {584, 15175}, {595, 28594}, {597, 17045}, {599, 17231}, {604, 1420}, {607, 1039}, {608, 1041}, {609, 1333}, {631, 6700}, {644, 1320}, {646, 4110}, {649, 4521}, {650, 15737}, {652, 3239}, {654, 1639}, {660, 3252}, {661, 35354}, {664, 31169}, {668, 17786}, {726, 16825}, {750, 896}, {758, 2294}, {759, 29127}, {765, 5377}, {813, 2726}, {857, 17052}, {869, 2309}, {899, 4414}, {900, 22108}, {905, 20318}, {912, 3211}, {919, 2751}, {934, 2371}, {937, 2336}, {938, 5129}, {940, 4641}, {942, 3927}, {943, 1802}, {946, 5758}, {948, 3668}, {952, 7966}, {964, 2198}, {970, 15877}, {976, 5037}, {980, 27623}, {981, 1918}, {982, 3290}, {983, 1914}, {986, 1722}, {989, 5255}, {990, 13329}, {991, 1818}, {995, 19246}, {1012, 6282}, {1014, 24557}, {1015, 21826}, {1016, 35957}, {1020, 6356}, {1021, 3700}, {1026, 9319}, {1030, 2932}, {1040, 5452}, {1046, 10381}, {1050, 2275}, {1054, 3038}, {1055, 18450}, {1062, 35194}, {1071, 8726}, {1084, 35095}, {1086, 4859}, {1088, 1223}, {1096, 7076}, {1098, 2150}, {1125, 1732}, {1150, 4358}, {1155, 4413}, {1158, 5811}, {1167, 7129}, {1174, 1621}, {1181, 2910}, {1193, 5105}, {1195, 5552}, {1200, 5281}, {1202, 10578}, {1210, 5084}, {1215, 24511}, {1220, 31359}, {1247, 9560}, {1249, 1712}, {1250, 7126}, {1251, 7127}, {1259, 11344}, {1266, 20073}, {1278, 16816}, {1282, 3041}, {1331, 2000}, {1332, 28978}, {1377, 1703}, {1378, 1702}, {1384, 37589}, {1385, 20818}, {1389, 1953}, {1392, 4861}, {1404, 30318}, {1405, 2171}, {1409, 37558}, {1418, 7271}, {1424, 25918}, {1435, 17917}, {1441, 25001}, {1443, 33633}, {1465, 25939}, {1471, 4327}, {1473, 7484}, {1474, 30733}, {1475, 3616}, {1479, 1752}, {1486, 12329}, {1500, 4263}, {1571, 1574}, {1572, 1573}, {1575, 3551}, {1592, 16028}, {1593, 26935}, {1598, 26938}, {1615, 10178}, {1630, 6261}, {1633, 24309}, {1635, 13266}, {1654, 2893}, {1655, 17033}, {1656, 37532}, {1678, 1705}, {1679, 1704}, {1680, 1701}, {1681, 1700}, {1695, 9565}, {1699, 2886}, {1720, 20224}, {1721, 9441}, {1730, 6708}, {1737, 24005}, {1738, 24248}, {1740, 2235}, {1742, 6184}, {1745, 3330}, {1755, 7413}, {1760, 5224}, {1764, 5737}, {1768, 3035}, {1776, 5218}, {1783, 2331}, {1788, 8582}, {1793, 2341}, {1824, 11323}, {1827, 28044}, {1829, 37318}, {1836, 3925}, {1837, 6598}, {1848, 21062}, {1863, 28120}, {1868, 4185}, {1898, 37601}, {1909, 34283}, {1921, 3403}, {1936, 9817}, {1937, 1945}, {1947, 15466}, {1958, 21511}, {1959, 15988}, {1966, 6376}, {1974, 26924}, {1992, 29574}, {2006, 26611}, {2013, 2018}, {2014, 2017}, {2049, 19859}, {2066, 7133}, {2078, 17615}, {2093, 3753}, {2099, 31165}, {2108, 20603}, {2111, 33701}, {2112, 4579}, {2124, 2125}, {2137, 24150}, {2173, 3647}, {2174, 2278}, {2175, 2330}, {2177, 21805}, {2209, 3728}, {2214, 28615}, {2220, 5301}, {2223, 16688}, {2225, 29828}, {2242, 5042}, {2252, 5553}, {2271, 37573}, {2272, 5658}, {2293, 2340}, {2295, 4274}, {2305, 5277}, {2308, 5311}, {2312, 4220}, {2317, 22356}, {2318, 2335}, {2319, 7081}, {2320, 2364}, {2326, 11107}, {2355, 37385}, {2432, 14298}, {2478, 6734}, {2503, 21381}, {2509, 21189}, {2568, 2573}, {2569, 2572}, {2590, 3307}, {2591, 3308}, {2629, 2634}, {2640, 2645}, {2648, 17963}, {2802, 4752}, {2887, 4703}, {2895, 32858}, {2947, 2954}, {2957, 24250}, {2959, 20666}, {2999, 3666}, {3008, 3663}, {3009, 7032}, {3013, 35069}, {3037, 5539}, {3056, 3271}, {3057, 3680}, {3058, 4863}, {3060, 26911}, {3063, 24307}, {3068, 5393}, {3069, 5405}, {3083, 15890}, {3084, 15889}, {3085, 21075}, {3175, 19723}, {3177, 9312}, {3182, 18641}, {3185, 10434}, {3187, 3995}, {3189, 4314}, {3197, 6001}, {3207, 7987}, {3212, 27288}, {3216, 4261}, {3244, 4098}, {3255, 5432}, {3257, 37131}, {3262, 28974}, {3287, 3709}, {3293, 4277}, {3295, 3991}, {3336, 5356}, {3337, 5043}, {3339, 3812}, {3341, 3344}, {3343, 3352}, {3349, 3351}, {3361, 5022}, {3416, 3932}, {3421, 31397}, {3434, 9580}, {3436, 9578}, {3467, 7301}, {3474, 26040}, {3476, 34716}, {3486, 6737}, {3503, 25994}, {3525, 26877}, {3526, 37612}, {3550, 4386}, {3560, 31837}, {3567, 26915}, {3579, 9709}, {3584, 17699}, {3588, 31330}, {3589, 4364}, {3596, 3975}, {3617, 5175}, {3618, 17023}, {3619, 29596}, {3620, 29579}, {3621, 12630}, {3622, 17474}, {3623, 4982}, {3625, 4072}, {3626, 4058}, {3629, 17390}, {3632, 3943}, {3633, 4898}, {3634, 5714}, {3644, 17160}, {3648, 10123}, {3652, 16005}, {3664, 4644}, {3671, 28629}, {3672, 3946}, {3673, 17681}, {3675, 20275}, {3676, 25924}, {3695, 5814}, {3696, 5695}, {3697, 5687}, {3698, 37567}, {3699, 36798}, {3703, 3966}, {3706, 4042}, {3708, 25095}, {3712, 4023}, {3720, 32912}, {3726, 29820}, {3732, 21232}, {3735, 9620}, {3738, 14427}, {3739, 4363}, {3741, 4011}, {3742, 8167}, {3746, 4006}, {3752, 23511}, {3757, 21101}, {3759, 4360}, {3760, 29433}, {3761, 3770}, {3763, 17237}, {3764, 21035}, {3765, 3963}, {3772, 4415}, {3779, 20683}, {3782, 23681}, {3784, 3819}, {3814, 5535}, {3817, 8166}, {3834, 7232}, {3836, 4655}, {3840, 20785}, {3842, 4672}, {3846, 4438}, {3868, 3951}, {3871, 32635}, {3873, 4666}, {3874, 20116}, {3880, 4900}, {3888, 25279}, {3890, 36846}, {3893, 31509}, {3897, 17440}, {3899, 17443}, {3900, 23351}, {3913, 4515}, {3917, 26892}, {3920, 17127}, {3937, 5650}, {3940, 16418}, {3941, 20990}, {3942, 25097}, {3944, 17064}, {3945, 4667}, {3952, 26227}, {3955, 9306}, {3957, 4661}, {3971, 4362}, {3974, 4082}, {3977, 17740}, {3983, 33576}, {3984, 16865}, {3989, 17017}, {3997, 30116}, {3998, 16368}, {4005, 37080}, {4015, 8715}, {4020, 25079}, {4030, 4126}, {4033, 29712}, {4063, 6008}, {4067, 12559}, {4070, 5233}, {4071, 4388}, {4077, 26017}, {4078, 5847}, {4086, 4529}, {4090, 29670}, {4092, 23902}, {4111, 4433}, {4119, 4514}, {4123, 9447}, {4124, 30224}, {4148, 4768}, {4153, 30172}, {4154, 15628}, {4171, 35057}, {4180, 4182}, {4189, 4855}, {4191, 22060}, {4255, 8951}, {4260, 16850}, {4268, 7113}, {4269, 25516}, {4272, 5312}, {4287, 37616}, {4295, 19855}, {4297, 10864}, {4301, 6766}, {4304, 11111}, {4310, 16020}, {4313, 11106}, {4315, 34610}, {4328, 5228}, {4329, 5813}, {4333, 7700}, {4336, 28125}, {4346, 17067}, {4359, 25734}, {4389, 16706}, {4392, 7292}, {4393, 4704}, {4402, 4452}, {4417, 33116}, {4418, 26037}, {4421, 31508}, {4425, 25453}, {4429, 24723}, {4430, 29817}, {4432, 32941}, {4435, 4526}, {4440, 29628}, {4441, 24592}, {4445, 4690}, {4454, 4488}, {4461, 32087}, {4466, 31261}, {4480, 24199}, {4534, 12641}, {4552, 25243}, {4554, 30988}, {4557, 8053}, {4559, 24806}, {4568, 30108}, {4650, 16570}, {4651, 32929}, {4665, 28634}, {4668, 7300}, {4670, 4698}, {4675, 4888}, {4676, 5263}, {4677, 4908}, {4681, 4852}, {4683, 25957}, {4686, 17119}, {4688, 17118}, {4699, 16815}, {4708, 17327}, {4711, 8168}, {4713, 21264}, {4715, 17313}, {4731, 5183}, {4741, 17232}, {4748, 29604}, {4755, 28639}, {4759, 36480}, {4798, 6707}, {4869, 21296}, {4872, 24694}, {4911, 33838}, {4929, 9053}, {4967, 26998}, {4974, 32921}, {4981, 24552}, {4997, 30608}, {5020, 37581}, {5021, 37607}, {5024, 37599}, {5046, 21029}, {5057, 30311}, {5082, 10624}, {5087, 5536}, {5088, 27472}, {5110, 5529}, {5122, 16417}, {5124, 7280}, {5126, 35272}, {5128, 5177}, {5153, 5313}, {5217, 7285}, {5232, 7291}, {5252, 34606}, {5256, 16579}, {5266, 30435}, {5267, 22054}, {5274, 24386}, {5286, 13161}, {5290, 25466}, {5297, 9330}, {5307, 22001}, {5320, 37316}, {5423, 7172}, {5424, 5426}, {5433, 24954}, {5439, 16842}, {5440, 16370}, {5530, 31402}, {5534, 10267}, {5550, 30340}, {5551, 19862}, {5555, 24982}, {5560, 7297}, {5575, 25891}, {5584, 12565}, {5586, 28646}, {5651, 26884}, {5691, 5794}, {5693, 19350}, {5703, 17558}, {5708, 16853}, {5726, 11236}, {5736, 28627}, {5741, 33113}, {5743, 19542}, {5790, 18499}, {5836, 7991}, {5854, 8275}, {5881, 6936}, {5886, 20330}, {5887, 7971}, {5903, 17098}, {6009, 21385}, {6048, 21857}, {6056, 11429}, {6181, 17601}, {6223, 37108}, {6245, 6865}, {6259, 37424}, {6350, 30675}, {6377, 16576}, {6505, 16585}, {6506, 8068}, {6536, 29647}, {6542, 17242}, {6586, 21173}, {6626, 18784}, {6675, 11374}, {6687, 17235}, {6690, 8255}, {6701, 13159}, {6705, 6926}, {6706, 30494}, {6726, 7014}, {6735, 30513}, {6769, 11496}, {6832, 8227}, {6843, 10175}, {6857, 13411}, {6905, 21165}, {6910, 27385}, {6918, 37623}, {6939, 7682}, {6976, 12703}, {6986, 10884}, {6990, 24045}, {6996, 10444}, {7003, 7008}, {7004, 25096}, {7066, 19366}, {7098, 10588}, {7146, 18726}, {7176, 27340}, {7177, 10004}, {7183, 17095}, {7190, 24554}, {7191, 7226}, {7222, 31211}, {7229, 24590}, {7244, 18068}, {7273, 8898}, {7277, 17392}, {7282, 37448}, {7283, 9534}, {7293, 7485}, {7377, 24702}, {7489, 37533}, {7595, 8231}, {7670, 11691}, {7673, 14923}, {7678, 11680}, {7679, 11681}, {7736, 24239}, {7741, 37359}, {7957, 12651}, {7963, 8572}, {7992, 9943}, {8056, 16602}, {8069, 8573}, {8125, 8388}, {8126, 8389}, {8169, 9814}, {8237, 11687}, {8238, 11688}, {8245, 8424}, {8273, 12680}, {8385, 11685}, {8386, 11686}, {8387, 11690}, {8632, 14408}, {8666, 15179}, {8680, 18698}, {8730, 15348}, {8750, 23050}, {8771, 21508}, {8822, 16054}, {8835, 15856}, {8915, 35666}, {8941, 31459}, {9028, 26130}, {9342, 9352}, {9351, 34543}, {9365, 14936}, {9367, 11512}, {9470, 9499}, {9576, 9640}, {9577, 9639}, {9582, 9679}, {9583, 9678}, {9584, 9689}, {9585, 9688}, {9586, 9702}, {9587, 9701}, {9588, 9711}, {9589, 9710}, {9590, 9713}, {9591, 9712}, {9592, 31449}, {9599, 29676}, {9605, 37592}, {9614, 24390}, {9616, 30354}, {9619, 31456}, {9624, 31458}, {9785, 21627}, {9799, 37423}, {9843, 17559}, {9846, 12125}, {9955, 31493}, {9957, 12629}, {10012, 31269}, {10039, 21074}, {10050, 10058}, {10157, 19541}, {10167, 10857}, {10198, 21077}, {10246, 22147}, {10266, 12639}, {10268, 11500}, {10383, 10391}, {10387, 19589}, {10388, 17658}, {10446, 24705}, {10449, 21071}, {10455, 27164}, {10461, 11110}, {10476, 15825}, {10479, 34831}, {10638, 19551}, {10645, 11791}, {10646, 11790}, {10708, 34925}, {10855, 16411}, {10856, 15509}, {10865, 11678}, {10882, 23361}, {10902, 17857}, {11008, 29601}, {11019, 24477}, {11036, 17554}, {11194, 13462}, {11248, 11434}, {11343, 25083}, {11375, 24953}, {11433, 26872}, {11519, 30337}, {11520, 16859}, {11526, 11682}, {11604, 21014}, {11683, 16609}, {11684, 16133}, {12047, 19854}, {12389, 12399}, {12396, 12397}, {12435, 22299}, {12436, 17582}, {12511, 31871}, {12519, 13089}, {12520, 31803}, {12529, 12706}, {12530, 12718}, {12531, 12730}, {12532, 12755}, {12533, 12846}, {12534, 12847}, {12535, 12850}, {12575, 15998}, {12650, 31786}, {12659, 12693}, {12675, 22153}, {12699, 31419}, {12782, 24478}, {13143, 13144}, {13205, 36868}, {13388, 15891}, {13389, 15892}, {13405, 21060}, {13426, 13427}, {13442, 29181}, {13454, 13456}, {13567, 26942}, {14021, 18650}, {14151, 17439}, {14224, 14400}, {14319, 14321}, {14497, 16200}, {14543, 27039}, {14552, 34255}, {14621, 31323}, {14740, 34894}, {14829, 18743}, {14963, 22073}, {14996, 17021}, {14997, 17012}, {15066, 22128}, {15487, 26034}, {15496, 22080}, {15507, 31394}, {15669, 24315}, {15934, 16857}, {15935, 36867}, {16058, 20760}, {16286, 22458}, {16345, 35612}, {16367, 20769}, {16374, 23206}, {16408, 37582}, {16555, 21366}, {16565, 27688}, {16568, 31144}, {16575, 16592}, {16605, 24440}, {16608, 25964}, {16610, 17595}, {16704, 31035}, {16713, 17183}, {16726, 18186}, {16732, 17885}, {16738, 27261}, {16822, 17760}, {16823, 20459}, {16826, 17120}, {16863, 37545}, {16887, 30110}, {17002, 26247}, {17046, 17671}, {17050, 17753}, {17063, 18193}, {17080, 36636}, {17107, 24797}, {17113, 36888}, {17134, 36023}, {17137, 29966}, {17152, 30036}, {17156, 32864}, {17175, 25508}, {17227, 17273}, {17228, 17271}, {17230, 17268}, {17238, 17252}, {17239, 17251}, {17240, 17295}, {17241, 17297}, {17244, 17300}, {17246, 17301}, {17247, 17302}, {17249, 17305}, {17250, 17307}, {17309, 17372}, {17310, 17373}, {17311, 17374}, {17312, 17375}, {17315, 17377}, {17317, 17378}, {17320, 17380}, {17322, 17381}, {17323, 17382}, {17324, 17383}, {17325, 17384}, {17391, 20090}, {17394, 29597}, {17438, 37518}, {17444, 21398}, {17499, 26110}, {17542, 24473}, {17550, 24995}, {17605, 31245}, {17614, 37519}, {17616, 37309}, {17625, 25893}, {17687, 25500}, {17691, 25242}, {17718, 34917}, {17720, 35466}, {17728, 31249}, {17737, 24892}, {17757, 31434}, {17792, 18788}, {17793, 30546}, {17889, 33099}, {18040, 29396}, {18044, 18133}, {18046, 29561}, {18134, 33066}, {18139, 32859}, {18398, 25542}, {18483, 31418}, {18589, 24316}, {18596, 34823}, {18725, 34371}, {18755, 37574}, {18758, 23863}, {19261, 23169}, {19372, 37591}, {19523, 37522}, {19555, 31090}, {19582, 23640}, {19604, 25731}, {19785, 26723}, {19804, 32939}, {19872, 32632}, {20080, 29583}, {20092, 24184}, {20106, 26934}, {20174, 29773}, {20205, 21370}, {20247, 25261}, {20248, 26653}, {20257, 27304}, {20305, 34176}, {20370, 34832}, {20430, 37510}, {20444, 35550}, {20456, 22172}, {20486, 25613}, {20544, 24329}, {20608, 21250}, {20662, 21320}, {20667, 26069}, {20678, 23868}, {20719, 31785}, {20930, 28980}, {20973, 21858}, {20979, 21389}, {20980, 21348}, {20984, 22174}, {21010, 36635}, {21026, 31134}, {21066, 26793}, {21090, 24298}, {21281, 30030}, {21286, 26581}, {21319, 37319}, {21367, 32782}, {21368, 24611}, {21379, 33681}, {21405, 27390}, {21514, 37597}, {21759, 23566}, {21827, 23543}, {21832, 24121}, {21956, 32865}, {22003, 24435}, {22076, 37324}, {22758, 37611}, {23062, 23618}, {23073, 30389}, {23354, 25292}, {23529, 28118}, {23649, 28352}, {24067, 27368}, {24154, 24156}, {24155, 24157}, {24158, 24242}, {24172, 28090}, {24210, 33137}, {24268, 25252}, {24325, 32935}, {24343, 25107}, {24346, 36008}, {24398, 27918}, {24411, 34361}, {24512, 26102}, {24542, 33122}, {24547, 24612}, {24549, 33821}, {24586, 30758}, {24603, 28827}, {24633, 24993}, {24690, 30822}, {24935, 25669}, {25010, 30312}, {25057, 31171}, {25343, 30779}, {25457, 25682}, {25570, 25571}, {25660, 29456}, {25690, 25693}, {25716, 36628}, {25842, 25856}, {25850, 25858}, {25875, 34489}, {25885, 34036}, {25958, 29873}, {25960, 33119}, {25961, 33067}, {26006, 26668}, {26035, 31339}, {26068, 27020}, {26107, 26959}, {26592, 34388}, {26658, 34497}, {26724, 33146}, {26730, 26731}, {26756, 27073}, {26919, 26940}, {26933, 30739}, {27036, 27102}, {27044, 27136}, {27108, 27514}, {27253, 36854}, {27398, 37265}, {27507, 28789}, {28365, 37596}, {28604, 29576}, {29085, 36661}, {29381, 29536}, {29388, 29504}, {29395, 29423}, {29431, 29514}, {29570, 31313}, {29616, 32099}, {29632, 33065}, {29642, 33064}, {29643, 32843}, {29653, 32946}, {29664, 33107}, {29667, 33166}, {29674, 33082}, {29679, 33083}, {29681, 33153}, {29687, 33080}, {29711, 29716}, {29767, 30939}, {29826, 32944}, {29850, 32776}, {29851, 33069}, {29854, 32949}, {29855, 32775}, {29856, 34997}, {30295, 35990}, {30416, 30429}, {30417, 30430}, {30676, 30701}, {30695, 31994}, {30942, 34589}, {31316, 31343}, {31408, 31533}, {31534, 34495}, {31535, 34494}, {31547, 31565}, {31548, 31566}, {31937, 35239}, {32577, 33589}, {32771, 32938}, {32773, 33118}, {32778, 33164}, {32849, 33077}, {32860, 32936}, {32861, 33092}, {32862, 33075}, {32914, 32925}, {32947, 33117}, {33084, 33158}, {33096, 33111}, {33100, 33131}, {33101, 33130}, {33129, 33151}, {33132, 33154}, {33134, 33139}, {33700, 36906}, {33863, 37608}, {33934, 33951}, {34256, 34293}, {34926, 34932}, {35091, 35113}, {35128, 35129}, {35614, 35617}, {35659, 35668}, {36531, 36554}, {37234, 37585}, {37248, 37583}, {37507, 37609}
X(9) lies on the following circumconics: Feuerbach circumhyperbola, Feuerbach circumhyperbola of the medial triangle, Jerabek circumhyperbola of the excentral triangle, Mandart hyperbola, and these:
X(9) lies on the inellipse through X(i) for i = 9,57,604,2171,2289,3083,3084,6602,34544; the perspector of this ellipse is X(4564).
X(9) lies on the following cubics: K002, K132, K202, K207, K220, K251, K294, K332, K343, K345, K351, K352, K363, K384, K387, K453, K637, K696, K697, K710, K716, K717, K760, K761, K817, K880, K950, K970, K977, K980, K982, K984, K1025, K1038, K1044, K1055, K1059, K1060, K1077, K1079, K1080, K1081, K1082, K1083, K1084, K1090
X(9) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 5223}, {2, 6172}, {3, 5779}, {4, 5759}, {7, 144}, {8, 390}, {11, 6068}, {20, 36991}, {40, 11372}, {57, 36973}, {63, 8545}, {72, 5728}, {100, 1156}, {190, 673}, {329, 12848}, {346, 5838}, {651, 36101}, {1001, 5220}, {2262, 21871}, {2294, 3958}, {2550, 5698}, {2951, 3062}, {3059, 14100}, {3257, 37131}, {3434, 36976}, {3587, 18540}, {3621, 12630}, {3681, 7671}, {3869, 7672}, {4361, 17262}, {4915, 9819}, {5817, 21168}, {5839, 17314}, {7670, 11691}, {7673, 14923}, {9846, 12125}, {11495, 16112}, {11684, 16133}, {12389, 12399}, {12526, 12560}, {12527, 12573}, {12528, 12669}, {12529, 12706}, {12530, 12718}, {12531, 12730}, {12532, 12755}, {12533, 12846}, {12534, 12847}, {12535, 12850}, {13359, 13360}, {15254, 15481}, {30628, 34784}, {31547, 31565}, {31548, 31566}, {34926, 34932}, {35659, 35668}
X(9) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1001}, {3, 31658}, {7, 142}, {8, 24393}, {57, 8257}, {84, 3358}, {100, 6594}, {101, 28345}, {142, 6666}, {1001, 15254}, {2294, 25081}, {2550, 10}, {2951, 11495}, {3062, 16112}, {3174, 6600}, {3243, 1}, {3254, 11}, {3874, 20116}, {4312, 5880}, {4361, 17348}, {4851, 17243}, {5220, 15481}, {5223, 5220}, {5528, 100}, {5542, 1125}, {5732, 3}, {5735, 5805}, {5805, 5}, {5833, 5791}, {5880, 3826}, {6173, 2}, {6601, 24389}, {8255, 6690}, {9623, 9708}, {10427, 3035}, {13159, 6701}, {14943, 35508}, {15185, 5572}, {15298, 15296}, {15299, 15297}, {16593, 4422}, {17151, 4361}, {17314, 3950}, {17668, 15587}, {18443, 6883}, {20195, 18230}, {31657, 140}, {31671, 18482}, {36867, 15935}
X(9) = isogonal conjugate of X(57)
X(9) = isotomic conjugate of X(85)
X(9) = complement of X(7)
X(9) = anticomplement of X(142)
X(9) = polar conjugate of X(273)
X(9) = antigonal image of X(3254)
X(9) = antitomic conjugate of X(14943)
X(9) = symgonal image of X(6594)
X(9) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32625)
X(9) = Spieker-circle-inverse of X(5199)
X(9) = Bevan-circle-inverse of X(5011)
X(9) = Stevanovic-circle inverse of X(15737)
X(9) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(3576)
X(9) = medial-isogonal conjugate of X(2886)
X(9) = anticomplementary-isogonal conjugate of X(2890)
X(9) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(165)
X(9) = tangential-isogonal conjugate of X(2921)
X(9) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(2900)
X(9) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3158}, {2, 1}, {4, 2900}, {6, 3169}, {7, 3174}, {8, 200}, {21, 55}, {27, 3189}, {29, 3190}, {31, 32468}, {41, 7075}, {55, 3208}, {57, 2136}, {63, 40}, {78, 7070}, {81, 3913}, {85, 3870}, {88, 3880}, {92, 3811}, {100, 3900}, {105, 19589}, {144, 2951}, {189, 6765}, {190, 522}, {241, 9451}, {257, 3961}, {294, 3684}, {312, 78}, {318, 33}, {329, 1490}, {333, 8}, {346, 2324}, {348, 8270}, {527, 5528}, {643, 4041}, {644, 650}, {645, 3737}, {650, 4919}, {651, 521}, {653, 8058}, {655, 2804}, {660, 926}, {664, 4105}, {672, 24578}, {673, 5853}, {765, 3939}, {799, 3907}, {894, 1045}, {897, 24394}, {908, 6326}, {1121, 3935}, {1156, 15733}, {1220, 42}, {1223, 142}, {1252, 1018}, {1261, 4513}, {1320, 3689}, {1751, 12625}, {1791, 5285}, {1821, 740}, {2053, 2319}, {2167, 8715}, {2184, 11523}, {2185, 3871}, {2287, 219}, {2297, 1449}, {2319, 4050}, {2322, 281}, {2339, 1697}, {2346, 6600}, {2349, 758}, {2975, 15621}, {3218, 5541}, {3219, 191}, {3257, 3738}, {3305, 3646}, {3596, 4149}, {3699, 663}, {3903, 4477}, {4076, 4069}, {4102, 4420}, {4564, 100}, {4997, 4511}, {5279, 18598}, {5546, 1021}, {6558, 4521}, {6605, 220}, {7123, 3501}, {7131, 57}, {8056, 3680}, {9776, 12658}, {10509, 7674}, {14942, 2340}, {15889, 30557}, {15890, 30556}, {17484, 13146}, {17743, 43}, {21446, 3243}, {23617, 6}, {23618, 7}, {27065, 5506}, {27834, 513}, {28659, 4123}, {30608, 3872}, {30705, 8271}, {30711, 4882}, {31343, 4162}, {31359, 612}, {32008, 2}, {32015, 3957}, {32635, 210}
X(9) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,165), (6,198), (31,205), (37,71), (41,212), (55,220). (2066.5414)
X(9) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 19605}, {6, 282}, {8, 2319}, {37, 281}, {41, 33}, {42, 10570}, {55, 1}, {57, 2125}, {71, 219}, {198, 2324}, {200, 3680}, {210, 8}, {212, 78}, {220, 200}, {518, 14943}, {650, 644}, {652, 101}, {654, 5548}, {657, 3939}, {663, 3699}, {672, 2338}, {1146, 1021}, {1212, 2}, {1334, 55}, {1400, 30457}, {1864, 4}, {1903, 8805}, {2082, 57}, {2170, 650}, {2183, 15629}, {2238, 15628}, {2245, 15627}, {2264, 1172}, {2269, 284}, {2310, 522}, {2340, 14942}, {2347, 6}, {2348, 294}, {3059, 6601}, {3119, 3900}, {3271, 3737}, {3287, 645}, {3683, 21}, {3689, 1320}, {3691, 333}, {3693, 4876}, {3700, 1018}, {3709, 4069}, {3711, 4900}, {3715, 4866}, {3900, 100}, {4041, 643}, {4105, 664}, {4162, 31343}, {4266, 2364}, {4326, 10390}, {4477, 3903}, {4517, 7220}, {4936, 3158}, {7008, 3347}, {7069, 318}, {7082, 90}, {7156, 7070}, {8012, 220}, {9404, 5546}, {10382, 5665}, {11429, 3469}, {11436, 3362}, {14100, 7}, {14298, 1783}, {14547, 29}, {15733, 3254}, {15837, 2346}, {18235, 2329}, {20665, 9439}, {21033, 2321}, {21811, 37}, {23544, 893}, {27538, 3208}, {28070, 728}, {30223, 84}, {30456, 27382}, {33299, 312}
X(9) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 8056}, {2, 8}, {21, 333}, {55, 2053}, {57, 2137}, {63, 271}, {100, 4564}, {188, 7028}, {190, 765}, {236, 24158}, {258, 24242}, {312, 318}, {645, 4076}, {651, 7012}, {1016, 8706}, {1252, 5546}, {1275, 6606}, {2287, 2322}, {3161, 24150}, {6605, 32008}, {24154, 24155}
X(9) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1743}, {2, 3210}, {3, 3211}, {6, 56}, {7, 3212}, {9, 2136}, {19, 208}, {25, 21058}, {34, 3213}, {37, 3214}, {41, 21059}, {44, 17460}, {48, 3215}, {63, 8897}, {65, 1400}, {173, 8078}, {244, 649}, {269, 17106}, {294, 9453}, {513, 2170}, {514, 24237}, {518, 19593}, {603, 604}, {650, 7004}, {661, 2611}, {798, 4128}, {1015, 6363}, {1086, 7178}, {1357, 7180}, {1407, 6611}, {1418, 1475}, {1575, 20366}, {2082, 28017}, {2446, 2590}, {2447, 2591}, {2488, 14936}, {4000, 28110}, {4466, 21124}, {10490, 18888}
X(9) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(513)X(663)
X(9) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 518}, {2, 10025}, {8, 3685}, {43, 8844}, {55, 3684}, {57, 6168}, {192, 239}, {200, 3693}, {294, 28071}, {1282, 8299}, {1575, 16557}, {2170, 4919}, {2348, 3158}, {3307, 24646}, {3308, 24647}, {4876, 7077}, {5239, 5240}, {17792, 18788}
X(9) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 43}, {2, 9}, {4, 1711}, {7, 16572}, {8, 10860}, {9, 170}, {75, 1759}, {76, 21366}, {99, 21383}, {174, 1743}, {188, 165}, {190, 1018}, {259, 32462}, {291, 18787}, {365, 1740}, {366, 1}, {507, 361}, {508, 57}, {509, 978}, {522, 2958}, {556, 1766}, {4146, 169}, {4182, 2951}, {5374, 1745}, {6728, 1053}, {7025, 503}, {14087, 1018}, {14089, 21383}, {18297, 63}, {20034, 1716}
X(9) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(9,6), (190,6), (346,346), (644,9), (645,75)
X(9) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(1279)
X(9) = X(i)-vertex conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3420}, {9, 1436}, {269, 1037}, {3900, 32625}
X(9) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(57)
X(9) = X(6)-of-excentral-triangle
X(9) = X(159)-of-intouch-triangle
X(9) = X(6)-of-2nd-extouch-triangle
X(9) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2886}, {2, 17046}, {3, 34822}, {6, 142}, {8, 2887}, {9, 141}, {19, 16608}, {21, 3741}, {25, 1210}, {31, 1}, {32, 3752}, {33, 5}, {37, 17052}, {40, 20307}, {41, 2}, {42, 442}, {43, 20338}, {48, 17073}, {55, 10}, {56, 11019}, {57, 21258}, {58, 3742}, {63, 18639}, {71, 18642}, {75, 17047}, {78, 1368}, {81, 17050}, {82, 17049}, {100, 17072}, {101, 4885}, {109, 3900}, {163, 17069}, {184, 17102}, {192, 20547}, {198, 20206}, {200, 1329}, {210, 3454}, {212, 3}, {213, 17056}, {219, 18589}, {220, 3452}, {228, 18641}, {251, 17048}, {281, 20305}, {282, 21239}, {284, 3739}, {294, 20335}, {312, 626}, {318, 21243}, {333, 21240}, {346, 21244}, {512, 8286}, {513, 17059}, {522, 21252}, {560, 17053}, {604, 4000}, {607, 226}, {643, 512}, {644, 3835}, {646, 21262}, {649, 4904}, {650, 116}, {657, 26932}, {662, 17066}, {663, 11}, {667, 3756}, {669, 16613}, {672, 17060}, {692, 522}, {756, 34829}, {798, 17058}, {893, 17062}, {902, 1145}, {904, 24239}, {923, 17070}, {983, 17792}, {1106, 5573}, {1110, 3035}, {1172, 34830}, {1174, 6706}, {1252, 21232}, {1253, 9}, {1260, 34823}, {1320, 21241}, {1333, 3946}, {1334, 1211}, {1395, 17054}, {1400, 18635}, {1402, 1834}, {1409, 18643}, {1415, 7658}, {1820, 18638}, {1911, 1738}, {1918, 2092}, {1946, 2968}, {1964, 17055}, {1973, 3772}, {1974, 20227}, {1980, 16614}, {2053, 3840}, {2148, 17043}, {2149, 17044}, {2150, 17045}, {2155, 18634}, {2156, 18636}, {2157, 18637}, {2158, 18640}, {2159, 18644}, {2162, 20257}, {2163, 17051}, {2172, 17068}, {2175, 37}, {2176, 20528}, {2177, 17057}, {2187, 7952}, {2192, 946}, {2194, 1125}, {2195, 518}, {2200, 18592}, {2208, 3086}, {2212, 6}, {2258, 25466}, {2268, 10472}, {2287, 21246}, {2289, 6389}, {2299, 942}, {2316, 3834}, {2318, 21530}, {2319, 20255}, {2320, 21242}, {2321, 21245}, {2328, 960}, {2332, 6708}, {2340, 120}, {2342, 517}, {2344, 21264}, {2361, 214}, {2364, 34824}, {3052, 12640}, {3063, 1086}, {3158, 2885}, {3195, 20264}, {3208, 21250}, {3433, 24388}, {3445, 24386}, {3596, 21235}, {3684, 20333}, {3685, 20542}, {3688, 21249}, {3689, 121}, {3693, 20540}, {3699, 21260}, {3700, 21253}, {3709, 8287}, {3711, 21251}, {3724, 6739}, {3900, 124}, {3939, 513}, {4041, 125}, {4069, 31946}, {4105, 5514}, {4162, 5510}, {4166, 20334}, {4182, 20543}, {4183, 34831}, {4548, 16582}, {4814, 15614}, {4845, 5087}, {4876, 20541}, {4895, 3259}, {5546, 4369}, {5547, 4892}, {5548, 4928}, {6059, 24005}, {6065, 24003}, {6066, 24036}, {6187, 1737}, {6602, 6554}, {6603, 31844}, {6614, 17427}, {7037, 6245}, {7054, 21233}, {7069, 1209}, {7070, 2883}, {7071, 20262}, {7072, 21616}, {7073, 25639}, {7074, 6260}, {7077, 3836}, {7084, 1376}, {7104, 28358}, {7110, 21236}, {7118, 57}, {7121, 17063}, {7139, 20268}, {7156, 20207}, {7252, 17761}, {7257, 23301}, {7339, 24009}, {7367, 20205}, {8611, 127}, {8641, 1146}, {8750, 521}, {8851, 20340}, {9439, 3816}, {9447, 39}, {9448, 16584}, {9456, 17067}, {10482, 3740}, {13455, 639}, {14827, 1212}, {14942, 20544}, {15374, 21629}, {18265, 1575}, {18757, 33135}, {18889, 527}, {19624, 6594}, {21059, 6600}, {21789, 34589}, {23990, 16578}, {32652, 8058}, {32666, 676}, {32739, 905}, {33299, 21248}, {33635, 17239}, {34067, 25380}, {34248, 17065}, {34446, 31397}, {36086, 926}, {36797, 21259}, {36799, 20549}, {36910, 21237}
X(9) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2890}, {1170, 3434}, {1174, 8}, {2346, 69}, {6605, 3436}, {10482, 329}, {21453, 21285}, {31618, 21280}, {32008, 6327}
X(9) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(3576)
X(9) = medial-isogonal conjugate of X(2886)
X(9) = anticomplementary-isogonal conjugate of X(2890)
X(9) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(165)
X(9) = tangential-isogonal conjugate of X(2921)
X(9) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(2900)
X(9) = trilinear square root of X(200)
X(9) = trilinear product of extraversions of X(57)
X(9) = trilinear product of PU(112)
X(9) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(1) of X(6603)
X(9) = orthocenter of X(1)X(4)X(885)
X(9) = bicentric sum of PU(56)
X(9) = midpoint of PU(56)
X(9) = crossdifference of PU(96)
X(9) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(1)
X(9) = the point in which the extended legs P(6)P(33) and U(6)U(33) of the trapezoid PU(6)PU(33) meet
X(9) = trilinear pole of line X(650)X(663)
X(9) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(273) (line X(514)X(3064))
X(9) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(273)
X(9) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 1st mixtilinear triangle
X(9) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 3rd mixtilinear triangle
X(9) = homothetic center of excentral triangle and 2nd extouch triangle
X(9) = perspector of ABC and medial triangle of extouch triangle
X(9) = perspector of pedal and anticevian triangles of X(1490)
X(9) = SS(A→A') of X(19), where A'B'C' is the excentral triangle
X(9) = homothetic center of medial triangle and tangential triangle of excentral triangle
X(9) = homothetic center of excentral triangle and complement of the intouch triangle
X(9) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(84)
X(9) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(40)
X(9) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of excircles radical circle
X(9) = perspector of Gemini triangle 4 and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 3
X(9) = eigencenter of Gemini triangle 5
X(9) = perspector of Gemini triangle 35 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 35
X(9) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 35
X(9) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 40
X(9) = internal center of similitude of the Bevan circle and Spieker circle; the external center is X(1706)
X(9) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(9)
X(9) = intouch-to-ABC barycentric image of X(7)
X(9) = intouch-to-excentral similarity image of X(7)
X(9) = ABC-to-excentral barycentric image of X(9)
X(9) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 8}, {3, 318}, {4, 78}, {6, 312}, {7, 200}, {10, 21}, {11, 765}, {12, 1098}, {19, 345}, {25, 3718}, {27, 3694}, {28, 3710}, {29, 72}, {31, 3596}, {32, 28659}, {33, 69}, {34, 1265}, {37, 333}, {40, 280}, {41, 76}, {42, 314}, {43, 7155}, {44, 4997}, {45, 30608}, {48, 7017}, {55, 75}, {56, 341}, {57, 346}, {58, 3701}, {59, 24026}, {60, 1089}, {63, 281}, {65, 1043}, {66, 4123}, {71, 31623}, {77, 7046}, {79, 4420}, {80, 4511}, {81, 2321}, {82, 3703}, {83, 33299}, {84, 7080}, {85, 220}, {86, 210}, {87, 27538}, {88, 2325}, {89, 4873}, {90, 5552}, {92, 219}, {95, 7069}, {99, 4041}, {100, 522}, {101, 4391}, {104, 6735}, {105, 3717}, {106, 4723}, {109, 4397}, {110, 4086}, {142, 6605}, {144, 19605}, {145, 3680}, {158, 1259}, {171, 4451}, {174, 6731}, {188, 188}, {189, 2324}, {190, 650}, {192, 2319}, {212, 264}, {213, 28660}, {222, 7101}, {225, 1792}, {226, 2287}, {236, 7028}, {238, 4518}, {239, 4876}, {241, 6559}, {244, 4076}, {253, 7070}, {256, 7081}, {257, 2329}, {259, 556}, {261, 756}, {266, 7027}, {269, 5423}, {270, 3695}, {271, 7952}, {273, 1260}, {274, 1334}, {278, 3692}, {279, 728}, {282, 329}, {284, 321}, {285, 21075}, {286, 2318}, {291, 3685}, {292, 3975}, {294, 3912}, {304, 607}, {305, 2212}, {306, 1172}, {307, 4183}, {309, 7074}, {313, 2194}, {319, 7073}, {322, 2192}, {326, 1857}, {330, 3208}, {331, 1802}, {332, 1824}, {335, 3684}, {348, 7079}, {350, 7077}, {366, 4182}, {391, 25430}, {393, 3719}, {480, 1088}, {483, 3082}, {492, 13455}, {512, 7257}, {513, 3699}, {514, 644}, {518, 14942}, {519, 1320}, {521, 1897}, {523, 643}, {561, 2175}, {594, 2185}, {596, 3871}, {612, 30479}, {645, 661}, {646, 649}, {648, 8611}, {651, 3239}, {652, 6335}, {657, 4554}, {658, 4130}, {660, 3716}, {662, 3700}, {663, 668}, {664, 3900}, {673, 3693}, {679, 4152}, {693, 3939}, {726, 8851}, {749, 4387}, {757, 6057}, {758, 6740}, {799, 3709}, {860, 1793}, {870, 4517}, {872, 18021}, {873, 7064}, {885, 1026}, {893, 17787}, {897, 3712}, {898, 14430}, {901, 4768}, {903, 3689}, {932, 4147}, {934, 4163}, {941, 11679}, {943, 6734}, {947, 23528}, {950, 1257}, {958, 31359}, {960, 1220}, {979, 19582}, {983, 3705}, {985, 3790}, {996, 3877}, {997, 30513}, {1000, 3872}, {1002, 3886}, {1014, 4082}, {1016, 2170}, {1018, 4560}, {1019, 30730}, {1021, 4552}, {1022, 30731}, {1025, 28132}, {1034, 1490}, {1036, 4385}, {1096, 1264}, {1100, 4102}, {1111, 6065}, {1120, 3880}, {1121, 6603}, {1125, 32635}, {1126, 3702}, {1146, 4564}, {1156, 6745}, {1174, 1229}, {1212, 32008}, {1214, 2322}, {1219, 1697}, {1222, 3057}, {1231, 2332}, {1240, 20967}, {1252, 4858}, {1253, 6063}, {1255, 3686}, {1261, 3663}, {1267, 13456}, {1268, 3683}, {1275, 3119}, {1280, 5853}, {1318, 4738}, {1332, 3064}, {1333, 30713}, {1390, 3883}, {1392, 3632}, {1407, 30693}, {1420, 6556}, {1434, 4515}, {1435, 30681}, {1441, 2328}, {1476, 6736}, {1492, 4522}, {1502, 9447}, {1577, 5546}, {1635, 4582}, {1639, 3257}, {1743, 6557}, {1751, 27396}, {1783, 6332}, {1785, 1809}, {1807, 5081}, {1812, 1826}, {1896, 3682}, {1903, 27398}, {1911, 4087}, {1928, 9448}, {1937, 7360}, {1959, 15628}, {1978, 3063}, {2052, 2289}, {2053, 6376}, {2057, 10309}, {2082, 30701}, {2125, 30695}, {2136, 6553}, {2137, 6552}, {2149, 23978}, {2150, 28654}, {2161, 32851}, {2162, 4110}, {2171, 7058}, {2176, 27424}, {2184, 27382}, {2195, 3263}, {2269, 30710}, {2279, 28809}, {2297, 18228}, {2298, 3687}, {2299, 20336}, {2310, 4998}, {2311, 3948}, {2316, 4358}, {2320, 3679}, {2323, 18359}, {2326, 26942}, {2330, 7018}, {2334, 4673}, {2335, 5271}, {2339, 2345}, {2340, 2481}, {2341, 3936}, {2342, 3262}, {2344, 3661}, {2346, 4847}, {2347, 32017}, {2349, 7359}, {2361, 20566}, {2363, 3704}, {2364, 4671}, {2643, 6064}, {2968, 7012}, {2985, 17452}, {2997, 3190}, {2998, 7075}, {3056, 7033}, {3059, 21453}, {3061, 17743}, {3083, 13454}, {3084, 13426}, {3112, 3688}, {3158, 4373}, {3161, 8056}, {3198, 5931}, {3219, 7110}, {3241, 4900}, {3247, 30711}, {3254, 3935}, {3271, 7035}, {3287, 27805}, {3452, 23617}, {3467, 27529}, {3478, 4737}, {3495, 26752}, {3615, 3678}, {3616, 4866}, {3623, 31509}, {3667, 31343}, {3669, 6558}, {3676, 4578}, {3691, 32009}, {3714, 5331}, {3715, 30598}, {3737, 3952}, {3762, 5548}, {3869, 10570}, {3870, 6601}, {3903, 3907}, {3996, 13476}, {3998, 8748}, {4007, 25417}, {4017, 7256}, {4024, 4612}, {4033, 7252}, {4034, 27789}, {4036, 4636}, {4069, 7192}, {4079, 4631}, {4081, 7045}, {4092, 24041}, {4105, 4569}, {4124, 5378}, {4140, 4603}, {4146, 6726}, {4149, 7357}, {4166, 18297}, {4171, 4573}, {4319, 8817}, {4433, 18827}, {4435, 4562}, {4494, 30650}, {4512, 5936}, {4513, 9311}, {4516, 4600}, {4521, 27834}, {4524, 4625}, {4526, 4607}, {4530, 5376}, {4534, 5382}, {4543, 4618}, {4551, 7253}, {4555, 4895}, {4557, 18155}, {4561, 18344}, {4567, 21044}, {4571, 7649}, {4572, 8641}, {4587, 17924}, {4597, 4814}, {4604, 4944}, {4606, 4765}, {4614, 4843}, {4624, 4827}, {4645, 7281}, {4791, 5549}, {4811, 8694}, {4845, 30806}, {4853, 7320}, {4861, 5559}, {4882, 5558}, {4919, 6630}, {4936, 27818}, {4985, 8701}, {5205, 9365}, {5239, 7043}, {5240, 7026}, {5380, 14432}, {5391, 13427}, {5430, 24242}, {5547, 14210}, {5665, 20007}, {6358, 7054}, {6554, 7131}, {6555, 19604}, {6606, 6608}, {6615, 8706}, {6737, 17097}, {7004, 15742}, {7020, 7078}, {7068, 24000}, {7071, 7182}, {7072, 20930}, {7090, 30556}, {7097, 27540}, {7105, 7283}, {7162, 10527}, {7178, 7259}, {7180, 7258}, {7220, 24349}, {7285, 27525}, {8012, 31618}, {8058, 13138}, {8707, 17420}, {8806, 13614}, {9368, 9369}, {9404, 15455}, {9436, 28071}, {9442, 28058}, {10025, 14943}, {10482, 20880}, {11609, 17763}, {12644, 12646}, {14121, 30557}, {14206, 15627}, {14534, 21033}, {14624, 17185}, {14827, 20567}, {15416, 32674}, {15891, 30413}, {15892, 30412}, {17780, 23838}, {18265, 18891}, {18750, 30457}, {19607, 21078}, {23705, 23836}, {24150, 24151}, {24152, 24154}, {24153, 24155}, {28070, 30705}
X(9) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 7}, {2, 85}, {3, 77}, {4, 273}, {6, 57}, {7, 1088}, {8, 75}, {10, 1441}, {11, 1111}, {19, 278}, {21, 86}, {22, 7210}, {25, 34}, {29, 286}, {31, 56}, {32, 604}, {33, 4}, {34, 1119}, {35, 1442}, {36, 1443}, {37, 226}, {38, 3665}, {40, 347}, {41, 6}, {42, 65}, {43, 3212}, {44, 3911}, {45, 5219}, {48, 222}, {51, 1393}, {55, 1}, {56, 269}, {57, 279}, {58, 1014}, {59, 7045}, {60, 757}, {63, 348}, {64, 8809}, {65, 3668}, {69, 7182}, {71, 1214}, {72, 307}, {73, 1439}, {75, 6063}, {76, 20567}, {77, 7056}, {78, 69}, {80, 18815}, {81, 1434}, {84, 1440}, {90, 7318}, {92, 331}, {99, 4625}, {100, 664}, {101, 651}, {109, 934}, {110, 1414}, {144, 31627}, {154, 1394}, {163, 4565}, {165, 3160}, {171, 7176}, {172, 7175}, {173, 18886}, {174, 555}, {181, 1254}, {184, 603}, {188, 4146}, {190, 4554}, {192, 30545}, {197, 21147}, {198, 223}, {200, 8}, {201, 6356}, {205, 478}, {210, 10}, {212, 3}, {213, 1400}, {218, 1445}, {219, 63}, {222, 7177}, {223, 14256}, {226, 1446}, {228, 73}, {238, 1447}, {239, 10030}, {244, 1358}, {255, 1804}, {256, 7249}, {258, 21456}, {259, 174}, {261, 873}, {266, 7371}, {269, 479}, {278, 1847}, {279, 23062}, {280, 309}, {281, 92}, {282, 189}, {283, 1444}, {284, 81}, {291, 7233}, {294, 673}, {306, 1231}, {312, 76}, {314, 310}, {318, 264}, {321, 349}, {326, 7055}, {330, 7209}, {333, 274}, {341, 3596}, {344, 21609}, {345, 304}, {346, 312}, {350, 18033}, {354, 10481}, {391, 19804}, {394, 7183}, {461, 5342}, {480, 200}, {497, 3673}, {512, 4017}, {513, 3676}, {514, 24002}, {517, 22464}, {518, 9436}, {521, 4025}, {522, 693}, {523, 4077}, {560, 1397}, {572, 17074}, {573, 17080}, {577, 7125}, {594, 6358}, {603, 7053}, {604, 1407}, {607, 19}, {608, 1435}, {610, 18623}, {612, 388}, {614, 7195}, {643, 99}, {644, 190}, {645, 799}, {646, 1978}, {649, 3669}, {650, 514}, {651, 658}, {652, 905}, {653, 13149}, {654, 3960}, {656, 17094}, {657, 650}, {661, 7178}, {662, 4573}, {663, 513}, {664, 4569}, {668, 4572}, {672, 241}, {678, 1317}, {692, 109}, {728, 346}, {750, 7223}, {756, 12}, {757, 552}, {765, 4998}, {798, 7180}, {846, 17084}, {849, 7341}, {862, 1874}, {869, 1469}, {872, 181}, {884, 1027}, {893, 1432}, {894, 7196}, {896, 7181}, {902, 1319}, {904, 1431}, {906, 1813}, {923, 7316}, {926, 2254}, {934, 4626}, {950, 17863}, {958, 10436}, {960, 4357}, {968, 3485}, {982, 7185}, {984, 7179}, {1018, 4552}, {1019, 17096}, {1021, 4560}, {1026, 883}, {1040, 17170}, {1043, 314}, {1054, 17089}, {1055, 6610}, {1096, 1118}, {1098, 261}, {1100, 553}, {1106, 7023}, {1107, 30097}, {1110, 59}, {1146, 4858}, {1155, 1323}, {1158, 31600}, {1170, 10509}, {1172, 27}, {1174, 1170}, {1193, 24471}, {1201, 1122}, {1212, 142}, {1220, 31643}, {1229, 1233}, {1250, 1082}, {1251, 1081}, {1252, 4564}, {1253, 55}, {1254, 6046}, {1259, 326}, {1260, 78}, {1261, 1222}, {1265, 3718}, {1318, 679}, {1320, 903}, {1331, 6516}, {1333, 1412}, {1334, 37}, {1376, 9312}, {1395, 1398}, {1397, 1106}, {1400, 1427}, {1402, 1042}, {1407, 738}, {1414, 4616}, {1415, 1461}, {1419, 9533}, {1436, 1422}, {1438, 1462}, {1445, 17093}, {1449, 21454}, {1460, 4320}, {1461, 4617}, {1469, 7204}, {1474, 1396}, {1475, 1418}, {1490, 5932}, {1500, 2171}, {1613, 1424}, {1615, 2124}, {1617, 4350}, {1635, 30725}, {1639, 3762}, {1697, 3672}, {1707, 17081}, {1721, 2898}, {1722, 31598}, {1731, 33129}, {1740, 17082}, {1742, 31526}, {1743, 5435}, {1754, 3188}, {1759, 17075}, {1760, 17076}, {1781, 18625}, {1783, 653}, {1792, 332}, {1802, 219}, {1812, 17206}, {1824, 225}, {1837, 17861}, {1857, 158}, {1859, 1838}, {1864, 1210}, {1897, 18026}, {1903, 8808}, {1909, 7205}, {1914, 1429}, {1918, 1402}, {1935, 6359}, {1936, 5088}, {1946, 1459}, {1962, 3649}, {1964, 1401}, {1973, 608}, {1974, 1395}, {2053, 87}, {2066, 13389}, {2082, 4000}, {2098, 4862}, {2115, 9499}, {2124, 17113}, {2136, 4452}, {2149, 1262}, {2150, 593}, {2161, 2006}, {2162, 7153}, {2170, 1086}, {2171, 6354}, {2173, 6357}, {2174, 2003}, {2175, 31}, {2176, 1423}, {2177, 2099}, {2183, 1465}, {2185, 1509}, {2187, 221}, {2188, 1433}, {2192, 84}, {2193, 1790}, {2194, 58}, {2195, 105}, {2199, 6611}, {2200, 1409}, {2204, 1474}, {2206, 1408}, {2208, 1413}, {2209, 1403}, {2210, 1428}, {2212, 25}, {2223, 1458}, {2238, 16609}, {2241, 7225}, {2244, 7214}, {2245, 18593}, {2246, 5723}, {2251, 1404}, {2258, 959}, {2259, 2982}, {2268, 940}, {2269, 3666}, {2276, 7146}, {2280, 5228}, {2284, 1025}, {2285, 7365}, {2287, 333}, {2289, 394}, {2293, 354}, {2295, 4032}, {2299, 28}, {2308, 32636}, {2310, 11}, {2316, 88}, {2318, 72}, {2319, 330}, {2321, 321}, {2322, 31623}, {2323, 3218}, {2324, 329}, {2325, 4358}, {2327, 1812}, {2328, 21}, {2329, 894}, {2330, 171}, {2331, 196}, {2332, 1172}, {2333, 1880}, {2340, 518}, {2341, 24624}, {2342, 104}, {2344, 14621}, {2346, 21453}, {2347, 3752}, {2348, 3008}, {2352, 4306}, {2356, 1876}, {2361, 36}, {2364, 89}, {2427, 24029}, {2632, 1367}, {2638, 1364}, {2640, 17085}, {2643, 1365}, {2646, 3664}, {2900, 12649}, {2911, 1708}, {2939, 18631}, {2951, 31527}, {2968, 17880}, {2997, 15467}, {3009, 1463}, {3022, 2310}, {3024, 7266}, {3052, 1420}, {3056, 982}, {3057, 3663}, {3058, 7264}, {3059, 4847}, {3061, 3662}, {3063, 649}, {3064, 17924}, {3083, 13453}, {3084, 13436}, {3100, 4872}, {3119, 1146}, {3158, 145}, {3161, 18743}, {3169, 3210}, {3172, 3213}, {3185, 10571}, {3190, 3868}, {3195, 208}, {3198, 5930}, {3207, 1419}, {3208, 192}, {3217, 4383}, {3218, 17078}, {3219, 17095}, {3239, 4391}, {3248, 1357}, {3270, 7004}, {3271, 244}, {3287, 4369}, {3295, 7190}, {3303, 4328}, {3304, 7271}, {3306, 17079}, {3309, 31605}, {3445, 19604}, {3452, 26563}, {3496, 17086}, {3596, 561}, {3601, 3945}, {3666, 3674}, {3680, 4373}, {3681, 33298}, {3683, 1125}, {3684, 239}, {3685, 350}, {3686, 4359}, {3687, 20911}, {3688, 38}, {3689, 519}, {3690, 201}, {3691, 3739}, {3692, 345}, {3693, 3912}, {3694, 306}, {3699, 668}, {3700, 1577}, {3701, 313}, {3702, 1269}, {3703, 1930}, {3704, 18697}, {3706, 20888}, {3707, 24589}, {3709, 661}, {3710, 20336}, {3711, 3679}, {3712, 14210}, {3713, 11679}, {3715, 1698}, {3716, 3766}, {3717, 3263}, {3718, 305}, {3719, 3926}, {3720, 4059}, {3721, 16888}, {3723, 3982}, {3724, 1464}, {3731, 5226}, {3733, 7203}, {3737, 7192}, {3738, 4453}, {3745, 4298}, {3746, 7269}, {3747, 1284}, {3786, 30966}, {3870, 6604}, {3871, 4360}, {3876, 5224}, {3877, 4389}, {3880, 1266}, {3883, 26234}, {3885, 4398}, {3886, 4441}, {3900, 522}, {3907, 4374}, {3910, 4509}, {3913, 3875}, {3920, 7247}, {3938, 30617}, {3939, 100}, {3949, 26942}, {3957, 32007}, {3965, 3687}, {3974, 4385}, {3975, 1921}, {3985, 3948}, {3996, 17143}, {4007, 28605}, {4009, 6381}, {4041, 523}, {4042, 32092}, {4046, 4647}, {4050, 1278}, {4055, 22341}, {4060, 4980}, {4069, 3952}, {4073, 3705}, {4076, 7035}, {4081, 24026}, {4082, 3701}, {4086, 850}, {4087, 18891}, {4092, 1109}, {4094, 3027}, {4095, 3963}, {4097, 3896}, {4102, 32018}, {4105, 3900}, {4110, 6382}, {4111, 21020}, {4117, 1356}, {4118, 7217}, {4119, 20432}, {4123, 315}, {4130, 3239}, {4136, 20234}, {4147, 20906}, {4149, 6327}, {4152, 4738}, {4162, 3667}, {4163, 4397}, {4166, 366}, {4167, 21442}, {4171, 3700}, {4178, 20627}, {4182, 18297}, {4183, 29}, {4253, 17092}, {4254, 5256}, {4258, 1449}, {4266, 4850}, {4319, 497}, {4320, 7197}, {4326, 10580}, {4336, 1836}, {4361, 7243}, {4387, 3760}, {4390, 4363}, {4391, 3261}, {4394, 30719}, {4420, 319}, {4421, 25716}, {4433, 740}, {4435, 812}, {4451, 7018}, {4474, 4411}, {4477, 3907}, {4501, 4382}, {4511, 320}, {4512, 3616}, {4513, 3729}, {4515, 2321}, {4516, 3120}, {4517, 984}, {4518, 334}, {4521, 4462}, {4524, 4041}, {4526, 4728}, {4528, 4768}, {4531, 3778}, {4548, 2172}, {4551, 4566}, {4557, 4551}, {4559, 1020}, {4560, 7199}, {4564, 1275}, {4565, 4637}, {4567, 4620}, {4571, 4561}, {4573, 4635}, {4578, 3699}, {4579, 6649}, {4587, 1332}, {4606, 4624}, {4612, 4610}, {4662, 4967}, {4723, 3264}, {4730, 30572}, {4765, 4801}, {4790, 30723}, {4814, 4777}, {4820, 4823}, {4827, 4765}, {4843, 4815}, {4845, 1156}, {4847, 20880}, {4849, 4848}, {4853, 31995}, {4858, 23989}, {4860, 21314}, {4861, 7321}, {4866, 5936}, {4873, 4671}, {4875, 24199}, {4876, 335}, {4877, 5333}, {4882, 32087}, {4895, 900}, {4901, 31130}, {4903, 20943}, {4907, 5274}, {4919, 4440}, {4936, 3161}, {4944, 4791}, {4953, 4939}, {4959, 4926}, {4976, 4978}, {4979, 30724}, {4990, 4985}, {4995, 7278}, {4997, 20568}, {5048, 4887}, {5089, 5236}, {5250, 17321}, {5269, 3600}, {5285, 4296}, {5289, 17274}, {5311, 10404}, {5320, 1451}, {5414, 13388}, {5423, 341}, {5452, 169}, {5532, 1090}, {5546, 662}, {5547, 897}, {5548, 3257}, {5549, 4604}, {5552, 20930}, {5795, 24993}, {5802, 19788}, {5837, 24547}, {6003, 31603}, {6056, 255}, {6057, 1089}, {6058, 1091}, {6059, 1096}, {6060, 1097}, {6061, 1098}, {6062, 1099}, {6064, 24037}, {6065, 765}, {6066, 1110}, {6139, 14413}, {6187, 1411}, {6198, 7282}, {6332, 15413}, {6558, 646}, {6600, 3870}, {6602, 220}, {6603, 527}, {6605, 32008}, {6607, 6608}, {6608, 6362}, {6726, 188}, {6731, 556}, {6735, 3262}, {6736, 20895}, {6740, 14616}, {6741, 17886}, {6745, 30806}, {7004, 1565}, {7007, 7149}, {7014, 558}, {7017, 1969}, {7032, 7248}, {7037, 3345}, {7046, 318}, {7050, 7091}, {7054, 2185}, {7062, 23996}, {7064, 756}, {7067, 24038}, {7068, 17879}, {7069, 5}, {7070, 20}, {7071, 33}, {7072, 90}, {7073, 79}, {7074, 40}, {7075, 194}, {7076, 1940}, {7077, 291}, {7078, 7013}, {7079, 281}, {7080, 322}, {7081, 1909}, {7082, 499}, {7083, 614}, {7084, 1037}, {7085, 1038}, {7087, 7213}, {7101, 7017}, {7110, 30690}, {7115, 7128}, {7117, 3942}, {7118, 1436}, {7123, 7131}, {7124, 7289}, {7131, 30705}, {7133, 1659}, {7154, 7129}, {7155, 6384}, {7156, 1249}, {7177, 30682}, {7180, 7216}, {7252, 1019}, {7253, 18155}, {7256, 7257}, {7257, 670}, {7259, 645}, {7281, 7261}, {7290, 3598}, {7322, 5261}, {7339, 24013}, {7359, 14206}, {7367, 282}, {7368, 2324}, {7675, 14548}, {7707, 234}, {7952, 342}, {7962, 4346}, {8012, 1212}, {8056, 27818}, {8058, 17896}, {8540, 18201}, {8545, 1996}, {8551, 8012}, {8580, 31994}, {8606, 7100}, {8611, 525}, {8641, 663}, {8647, 1279}, {8653, 4822}, {8676, 23800}, {8750, 108}, {8835, 15913}, {8851, 3226}, {9310, 6180}, {9404, 14838}, {9439, 9309}, {9440, 9446}, {9441, 14189}, {9447, 32}, {9448, 560}, {9629, 3583}, {10382, 938}, {10387, 3677}, {10393, 5738}, {10482, 2346}, {10501, 10491}, {10502, 10489}, {10570, 2995}, {10581, 21127}, {10582, 32086}, {10638, 559}, {11075, 26743}, {11124, 21105}, {11193, 21201}, {11429, 3075}, {11934, 21185}, {11997, 24210}, {11998, 24237}, {12329, 8270}, {13427, 1336}, {13455, 485}, {13456, 1123}, {14077, 30181}, {14100, 11019}, {14298, 14837}, {14308, 17898}, {14392, 6366}, {14427, 1639}, {14547, 942}, {14827, 41}, {14936, 2170}, {14942, 2481}, {15627, 2349}, {15628, 1821}, {15733, 26015}, {15837, 13405}, {16011, 2091}, {16012, 177}, {16283, 9310}, {16502, 28017}, {16545, 18626}, {16546, 18627}, {16552, 17077}, {16556, 17083}, {16566, 17087}, {16568, 17088}, {16569, 17090}, {16571, 17091}, {16572, 8732}, {16588, 17451}, {16601, 21617}, {16666, 4031}, {16686, 1421}, {16713, 16708}, {16721, 18176}, {16777, 4654}, {16780, 28079}, {16885, 31231}, {17185, 16705}, {17194, 17169}, {17197, 16727}, {17412, 13401}, {17420, 3004}, {17452, 3782}, {17453, 7251}, {17469, 7198}, {17742, 28739}, {17744, 28780}, {17787, 1920}, {17798, 5018}, {18098, 18097}, {18163, 18600}, {18191, 17205}, {18265, 1911}, {18344, 7649}, {18594, 18624}, {18595, 18628}, {18596, 18629}, {18597, 18630}, {18598, 18632}, {18599, 18633}, {18887, 21624}, {18888, 14596}, {18889, 2291}, {19605, 10405}, {19624, 2078}, {20229, 1475}, {20359, 24215}, {20663, 8850}, {20665, 2275}, {20672, 2114}, {20684, 3721}, {20753, 3784}, {20967, 1193}, {21010, 4334}, {21033, 1211}, {21039, 3925}, {21044, 16732}, {21059, 1617}, {21104, 23599}, {21127, 21104}, {21333, 4920}, {21334, 24214}, {21677, 18698}, {21789, 3737}, {21795, 21808}, {21803, 7211}, {21809, 4415}, {21811, 17056}, {21832, 7212}, {21840, 5244}, {21859, 4605}, {21879, 27691}, {22074, 22097}, {22079, 22053}, {23207, 4303}, {23344, 23703}, {23544, 28358}, {23638, 24443}, {23838, 6548}, {23990, 2149}, {24010, 4081}, {24012, 3022}, {24027, 7339}, {24041, 7340}, {24151, 27828}, {24394, 4442}, {24430, 17181}, {25082, 17234}, {25128, 23807}, {25268, 21580}, {26885, 1935}, {27382, 18750}, {27396, 18134}, {27424, 6383}, {27508, 20921}, {27523, 20923}, {27538, 6376}, {27540, 20914}, {27549, 30758}, {27958, 8033}, {28043, 2550}, {28070, 6554}, {28071, 14942}, {28125, 5880}, {28659, 1502}, {28660, 6385}, {28808, 20925}, {28809, 21615}, {30223, 3086}, {30457, 2184}, {30568, 18135}, {30608, 20569}, {30618, 17353}, {30706, 2082}, {30713, 27801}, {30730, 4033}, {30731, 24004}, {32008, 31618}, {32462, 31604}, {32635, 1268}, {32652, 8059}, {32666, 32735}, {32674, 32714}, {32739, 1415}, {32851, 20924}, {33299, 141}
X(9) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 6, 1449}, {1, 37, 3247}, {1, 44, 16670}, {1, 45, 16676}, {1, 72, 11523}, {1, 238, 7290}, {1, 405, 5436}, {1, 960, 15829}, {1, 984, 7174}, {1, 1723, 2257}, {1, 1724, 1453}, {1, 1728, 10396}, {1, 1743, 6}, {1, 1757, 3751}, {1, 3731, 37}, {1, 3973, 1743}, {1, 5234, 958}, {1, 10398, 5728}, {1, 16468, 16475}, {1, 16469, 1386}, {1, 16552, 21384}, {1, 16667, 1100}, {1, 16673, 16777}, {1, 17744, 17742}, {1, 30330, 5572}, {2, 7, 142}, {2, 57, 5437}, {2, 63, 57}, {2, 142, 20195}, {2, 144, 7}, {2, 226, 25525}, {2, 307, 18634}, {2, 329, 226}, {2, 672, 17754}, {2, 894, 10436}, {2, 908, 5219}, {2, 3218, 3306}, {2, 3219, 63}, {2, 3305, 7308}, {2, 3452, 30827}, {2, 3662, 17282}, {2, 3911, 31190}, {2, 3929, 3928}, {2, 4357, 17306}, {2, 5273, 5745}, {2, 5282, 3509}, {2, 5296, 5257}, {2, 5435, 6692}, {2, 5744, 3911}, {2, 5749, 5750}, {2, 5905, 5249}, {2, 6646, 3662}, {2, 9965, 9776}, {2, 17236, 17291}, {2, 17257, 4357}, {2, 17333, 17274}, {2, 17350, 894}, {2, 17483, 27186}, {2, 17484, 31019}, {2, 17781, 4654}, {2, 18228, 3452}, {2, 18230, 6666}, {2, 20347, 30949}, {2, 20348, 30097}, {2, 26125, 25521}, {2, 26685, 17353}, {2, 26792, 31053}, {2, 26806, 27147}, {2, 26836, 26997}, {2, 27065, 3305}, {2, 27131, 30852}, {2, 27184, 25527}, {2, 27420, 27384}, {2, 28287, 27626}, {2, 29696, 29740}, {2, 30414, 5242}, {2, 30415, 5243}, {2, 30946, 20335}, {2, 31018, 908}, {2, 31053, 31266}, {2, 31300, 26806}, {3, 84, 9841}, {3, 936, 5438}, {3, 5044, 936}, {3, 5777, 1490}, {3, 7330, 84}, {3, 12684, 31805}, {3, 24320, 3220}, {3, 31445, 31424}, {3, 31658, 21153}, {4, 21168, 5759}, {5, 5791, 5705}, {5, 5812, 5715}, {5, 26921, 5709}, {6, 37, 1}, {6, 44, 1743}, {6, 45, 37}, {6, 219, 2323}, {6, 220, 219}, {6, 1001, 16503}, {6, 1100, 16667}, {6, 1743, 16670}, {6, 2176, 2300}, {6, 3731, 3247}, {6, 8557, 2257}, {6, 8609, 3554}, {6, 15492, 3973}, {6, 16672, 16884}, {6, 16675, 16777}, {6, 16677, 3723}, {6, 16777, 1100}, {6, 16814, 3731}, {6, 16884, 16666}, {6, 16885, 44}, {6, 16969, 21785}, {6, 16970, 7290}, {6, 16972, 16475}, {6, 21769, 20228}, {7, 142, 6173}, {7, 1445, 57}, {7, 6172, 144}, {7, 6666, 20195}, {7, 8232, 226}, {7, 18230, 2}, {7, 29007, 8545}, {8, 346, 2321}, {8, 391, 3686}, {8, 452, 950}, {8, 950, 12625}, {8, 1334, 3208}, {8, 1697, 2136}, {8, 2269, 3169}, {8, 2321, 4007}, {8, 2325, 4873}, {8, 3161, 346}, {8, 3208, 4050}, {8, 3685, 3886}, {8, 3686, 4034}, {8, 3717, 4901}, {8, 5250, 1697}, {8, 5686, 24393}, {8, 27549, 3717}, {10, 40, 1706}, {10, 3730, 3501}, {10, 6554, 23058}, {10, 12514, 40}, {10, 12572, 4}, {10, 12618, 1861}, {10, 17355, 2345}, {10, 18250, 2551}, {10, 31594, 14121}, {10, 31595, 7090}, {19, 71, 40}, {19, 169, 16547}, {19, 1766, 16548}, {19, 2183, 2270}, {19, 7079, 281}, {21, 78, 3601}, {21, 2287, 284}, {21, 3876, 78}, {25, 7085, 5285}, {25, 26867, 7085}, {31, 612, 5269}, {31, 756, 612}, {33, 212, 7070}, {37, 44, 6}, {37, 45, 3731}, {37, 72, 22021}, {37, 220, 2324}, {37, 1100, 16777}, {37, 1743, 1449}, {37, 2911, 3553}, {37, 3723, 16672}, {37, 3731, 16676}, {37, 3973, 16670}, {37, 4426, 5336}, {37, 15479, 15829}, {37, 15492, 44}, {37, 16517, 7174}, {37, 16666, 3723}, {37, 16669, 1100}, {37, 16671, 16884}, {37, 16777, 16673}, {37, 16814, 45}, {37, 16885, 1743}, {37, 21873, 4053}, {37, 21879, 21810}, {38, 614, 3677}, {38, 748, 614}, {39, 21796, 2277}, {39, 31442, 31429}, {41, 2268, 284}, {41, 33299, 78}, {43, 846, 17594}, {43, 21369, 21387}, {44, 45, 1}, {44, 1100, 16669}, {44, 3723, 16671}, {44, 3731, 1449}, {44, 8557, 16572}, {44, 15492, 16885}, {44, 16675, 16667}, {44, 16814, 37}, {44, 16885, 3973}, {45, 1743, 3247}, {45, 3973, 1449}, {45, 15492, 1743}, {45, 16669, 16673}, {45, 16777, 16675}, {45, 16884, 16677}, {45, 16885, 6}, {48, 2265, 2261}, {48, 2267, 572}, {51, 3690, 26893}, {55, 200, 3158}, {55, 210, 200}, {55, 480, 6600}, {55, 1864, 10382}, {55, 2264, 380}, {55, 3059, 3174}, {55, 3683, 4512}, {55, 3711, 3689}, {55, 3715, 210}, {55, 7082, 30223}, {55, 14100, 4326}, {56, 8581, 4321}, {56, 25917, 8583}, {57, 63, 3928}, {57, 3929, 63}, {57, 7308, 2}, {63, 3219, 3929}, {63, 3305, 2}, {63, 3306, 3218}, {63, 7308, 5437}, {63, 21371, 16574}, {63, 25880, 28017}, {63, 25894, 28039}, {63, 27065, 7308}, {69, 344, 3912}, {69, 3912, 17296}, {71, 2183, 573}, {71, 2345, 3501}, {72, 405, 1}, {72, 10396, 6762}, {72, 14054, 5904}, {75, 190, 3729}, {75, 3729, 4659}, {75, 17277, 4384}, {75, 17335, 17277}, {75, 17336, 190}, {75, 20927, 20236}, {77, 651, 1419}, {85, 32024, 30625}, {85, 32088, 32008}, {85, 32100, 32024}, {86, 4687, 16831}, {86, 18206, 18164}, {101, 572, 48}, {101, 2265, 16554}, {101, 12034, 2265}, {105, 4712, 9451}, {141, 4422, 17279}, {141, 4643, 17272}, {141, 17279, 17284}, {141, 17332, 4643}, {142, 6666, 2}, {144, 6666, 6173}, {144, 18230, 142}, {165, 1709, 10860}, {165, 1750, 7580}, {165, 2951, 11495}, {165, 3062, 2951}, {165, 8580, 1376}, {165, 30326, 1750}, {165, 30393, 8580}, {169, 573, 2270}, {169, 1766, 19}, {169, 3730, 40}, {169, 4456, 7713}, {169, 7079, 23058}, {169, 12514, 3496}, {171, 7262, 1707}, {173, 8078, 18888}, {188, 236, 16016}, {190, 4384, 4659}, {190, 17277, 75}, {190, 17335, 4384}, {190, 17336, 25728}, {191, 1698, 46}, {191, 1781, 1761}, {192, 239, 3875}, {192, 17349, 239}, {193, 17316, 3879}, {198, 1436, 1604}, {198, 1903, 1490}, {198, 2182, 610}, {200, 4326, 3174}, {200, 4512, 55}, {200, 10382, 2900}, {210, 3683, 55}, {210, 3689, 3711}, {210, 4512, 3158}, {210, 13615, 2900}, {210, 14100, 3059}, {210, 15837, 480}, {212, 7069, 33}, {213, 5283, 1}, {218, 16601, 1}, {220, 958, 2329}, {220, 1212, 1}, {220, 8557, 15286}, {226, 329, 28609}, {226, 1708, 57}, {238, 984, 1}, {238, 16517, 1449}, {239, 17261, 192}, {241, 6180, 269}, {261, 645, 27958}, {281, 20262, 23058}, {284, 4877, 21}, {312, 333, 11679}, {319, 17233, 17294}, {319, 17264, 17233}, {320, 17234, 17298}, {320, 17263, 17234}, {321, 5278, 5271}, {329, 5749, 5746}, {333, 17185, 18163}, {344, 4416, 17296}, {345, 14555, 3687}, {346, 391, 8}, {346, 2269, 3208}, {346, 2321, 4873}, {346, 2347, 3169}, {346, 3161, 2325}, {346, 3686, 4007}, {346, 3692, 728}, {346, 3707, 4034}, {354, 4423, 10582}, {374, 21871, 2262}, {380, 3694, 3158}, {381, 31671, 18482}, {390, 5686, 8}, {390, 5809, 950}, {390, 5825, 10392}, {391, 452, 5802}, {391, 1334, 3169}, {391, 2321, 4034}, {391, 2325, 4007}, {391, 3161, 2321}, {392, 956, 1}, {405, 954, 1001}, {405, 15650, 72}, {474, 3916, 15803}, {480, 3059, 200}, {480, 4326, 3158}, {480, 14100, 3174}, {497, 4847, 24392}, {573, 1766, 40}, {573, 3730, 71}, {573, 17355, 3501}, {579, 5750, 17754}, {579, 8558, 1741}, {594, 4370, 17340}, {594, 17275, 3679}, {594, 17330, 17275}, {594, 17340, 17281}, {599, 17267, 17231}, {612, 756, 7322}, {644, 2170, 4919}, {672, 1400, 579}, {672, 5282, 63}, {728, 1697, 3208}, {728, 2082, 2136}, {894, 17260, 2}, {894, 21371, 57}, {894, 27420, 1944}, {908, 31018, 31142}, {936, 31424, 3}, {950, 10392, 5809}, {954, 5223, 11523}, {954, 5728, 1}, {954, 5729, 5728}, {958, 960, 1}, {958, 5302, 5234}, {958, 15479, 1449}, {960, 1212, 3061}, {960, 5302, 958}, {960, 30618, 220}, {965, 5782, 5783}, {966, 2345, 10}, {966, 6554, 20262}, {982, 5272, 5573}, {982, 17123, 5272}, {984, 16970, 3247}, {992, 2277, 978}, {993, 997, 3576}, {993, 10176, 997}, {1001, 5223, 3243}, {1001, 15481, 5223}, {1006, 18446, 3576}, {1038, 1935, 1394}, {1086, 17276, 4862}, {1086, 17278, 4859}, {1086, 17334, 17276}, {1086, 17337, 17278}, {1100, 16667, 1449}, {1100, 16669, 6}, {1100, 16675, 16673}, {1100, 16777, 1}, {1107, 2176, 1}, {1108, 2256, 1}, {1124, 8965, 1}, {1156, 6594, 5528}, {1212, 30618, 2329}, {1213, 1901, 442}, {1213, 7359, 7110}, {1213, 17303, 1698}, {1213, 17369, 17303}, {1253, 2310, 4319}, {1253, 21039, 28043}, {1260, 1864, 2900}, {1260, 10382, 3158}, {1260, 13615, 55}, {1276, 1277, 40}, {1276, 6192, 1277}, {1277, 6191, 1276}, {1278, 16816, 17117}, {1279, 3242, 1}, {1329, 18253, 26066}, {1329, 26066, 1698}, {1334, 2082, 1697}, {1334, 2347, 2269}, {1334, 3691, 8}, {1376, 3740, 8580}, {1376, 4640, 165}, {1376, 5574, 19605}, {1376, 16112, 17668}, {1376, 30624, 5574}, {1400, 2285, 57}, {1400, 5279, 3509}, {1400, 5749, 17754}, {1436, 1604, 32625}, {1445, 3305, 6666}, {1445, 8545, 7}, {1449, 3247, 1}, {1449, 16670, 6}, {1449, 16676, 3247}, {1621, 3681, 3870}, {1621, 3870, 10389}, {1621, 6605, 6602}, {1652, 1653, 57}, {1654, 3661, 17270}, {1654, 4473, 17280}, {1654, 17280, 3661}, {1654, 17339, 17286}, {1697, 10384, 390}, {1698, 9612, 442}, {1707, 5268, 171}, {1723, 1728, 1713}, {1723, 1743, 16572}, {1726, 21361, 1763}, {1728, 15298, 5728}, {1731, 4266, 2082}, {1743, 2324, 2323}, {1743, 3731, 1}, {1743, 3973, 44}, {1743, 16673, 16667}, {1743, 16814, 16676}, {1743, 17744, 5227}, {1743, 21061, 21384}, {1750, 30326, 5927}, {1757, 20372, 24727}, {1759, 16549, 46}, {1778, 2303, 58}, {1826, 26063, 5587}, {1864, 3683, 13615}, {1903, 2182, 5776}, {1903, 7367, 282}, {2082, 3692, 3169}, {2161, 4370, 16561}, {2170, 4390, 3872}, {2170, 21809, 17452}, {2220, 5301, 7031}, {2223, 20992, 16688}, {2238, 2276, 43}, {2245, 17369, 16549}, {2246, 14439, 100}, {2257, 5227, 6762}, {2264, 3965, 3684}, {2268, 3217, 41}, {2268, 21033, 78}, {2269, 2347, 4266}, {2269, 3691, 3686}, {2270, 2345, 1706}, {2278, 3204, 2174}, {2280, 3930, 3870}, {2284, 5701, 1}, {2285, 28070, 27382}, {2287, 27396, 78}, {2310, 4319, 4907}, {2318, 14547, 3190}, {2321, 2325, 346}, {2321, 3169, 4050}, {2321, 3686, 8}, {2321, 3707, 3686}, {2321, 4266, 3169}, {2321, 5802, 12625}, {2324, 9119, 11523}, {2325, 3686, 2321}, {2325, 3707, 8}, {2325, 4266, 3208}, {2329, 3061, 1}, {2345, 5819, 2550}, {2345, 6554, 281}, {2347, 3161, 3208}, {2347, 3691, 391}, {2348, 3693, 3684}, {2478, 6734, 9581}, {2886, 24703, 1699}, {2949, 5715, 5709}, {2975, 19861, 1420}, {3008, 3663, 4000}, {3009, 22343, 7032}, {3056, 4517, 3688}, {3057, 4853, 3680}, {3057, 4875, 4051}, {3059, 15837, 6600}, {3062, 8580, 15587}, {3068, 6351, 5393}, {3069, 6352, 5405}, {3161, 3686, 4873}, {3161, 3707, 4007}, {3174, 6600, 3158}, {3218, 3306, 57}, {3219, 3305, 57}, {3219, 7308, 3928}, {3219, 17260, 16574}, {3219, 27065, 2}, {3230, 16975, 1}, {3230, 20228, 21769}, {3247, 16670, 1449}, {3247, 16676, 37}, {3271, 3688, 3056}, {3271, 7064, 3688}, {3287, 3709, 3737}, {3294, 16552, 1}, {3294, 21061, 37}, {3299, 3301, 16473}, {3305, 3929, 5437}, {3333, 3646, 1125}, {3419, 11113, 3586}, {3436, 24987, 9578}, {3452, 5325, 5745}, {3452, 5745, 2}, {3452, 20258, 21246}, {3487, 16845, 1125}, {3496, 3501, 40}, {3509, 17754, 57}, {3586, 3679, 3419}, {3589, 4364, 4657}, {3589, 4657, 29598}, {3596, 17787, 4494}, {3618, 17321, 17023}, {3624, 6763, 3338}, {3633, 4898, 17388}, {3661, 17280, 17286}, {3661, 17331, 1654}, {3661, 17339, 17280}, {3662, 6646, 17274}, {3662, 17333, 6646}, {3662, 17338, 2}, {3664, 25072, 29571}, {3664, 29571, 4648}, {3666, 4383, 2999}, {3672, 5222, 3946}, {3678, 5248, 3811}, {3683, 3715, 200}, {3686, 3707, 391}, {3688, 7064, 4517}, {3689, 3711, 200}, {3693, 3965, 3694}, {3700, 9404, 1021}, {3713, 3965, 200}, {3717, 3883, 8}, {3723, 16666, 16884}, {3723, 16671, 16666}, {3723, 16884, 1}, {3729, 4384, 75}, {3729, 25728, 190}, {3731, 3973, 6}, {3731, 16667, 16673}, {3731, 16885, 16670}, {3739, 4363, 25590}, {3739, 17259, 16832}, {3739, 17351, 4363}, {3740, 4640, 1376}, {3740, 18227, 18236}, {3758, 4687, 86}, {3759, 4360, 16834}, {3759, 4664, 4360}, {3763, 17253, 17237}, {3782, 24789, 23681}, {3834, 17345, 7232}, {3869, 5260, 19860}, {3869, 19860, 3340}, {3872, 3877, 7962}, {3873, 5284, 4666}, {3876, 25082, 33299}, {3877, 4390, 4919}, {3883, 27549, 4901}, {3911, 5316, 2}, {3912, 4416, 69}, {3912, 25101, 344}, {3913, 4662, 4882}, {3927, 11108, 942}, {3928, 5437, 57}, {3929, 7308, 57}, {3940, 16418, 24929}, {3943, 17362, 17299}, {3944, 33138, 17064}, {3951, 5047, 11518}, {3961, 8616, 3749}, {3970, 16783, 1}, {3970, 17746, 5904}, {3973, 16673, 16669}, {3973, 16814, 3247}, {3975, 17787, 3596}, {3995, 19742, 3187}, {4000, 4419, 3663}, {4007, 4034, 8}, {4007, 4873, 2321}, {4029, 4700, 145}, {4030, 4126, 30615}, {4034, 4873, 4007}, {4042, 4387, 3706}, {4053, 21873, 24048}, {4067, 30143, 12559}, {4271, 17340, 1018}, {4313, 20007, 12437}, {4314, 6743, 3189}, {4357, 17353, 2}, {4361, 17348, 16833}, {4363, 17259, 3739}, {4370, 17330, 17281}, {4384, 25728, 3729}, {4386, 17735, 3550}, {4389, 16706, 17304}, {4389, 17352, 16706}, {4393, 4704, 17319}, {4416, 25101, 3912}, {4422, 4643, 17284}, {4422, 17332, 141}, {4445, 17269, 17229}, {4452, 24599, 4402}, {4473, 17280, 17339}, {4473, 17331, 17286}, {4488, 31995, 4454}, {4513, 4875, 4853}, {4520, 4875, 3057}, {4557, 8053, 15624}, {4640, 15587, 11495}, {4643, 17279, 141}, {4644, 4648, 3664}, {4670, 4698, 15668}, {4675, 17365, 4888}, {4681, 4852, 17318}, {4690, 17229, 4445}, {4708, 17385, 17327}, {4741, 17232, 17288}, {4851, 17243, 29573}, {4853, 4936, 4513}, {4859, 4862, 1086}, {4859, 31183, 17278}, {4862, 31183, 4859}, {4866, 4882, 4662}, {4999, 25681, 3624}, {5044, 5779, 5785}, {5044, 31424, 5438}, {5044, 31445, 3}, {5219, 31142, 908}, {5220, 15254, 1}, {5224, 17289, 17308}, {5224, 17354, 17289}, {5239, 5240, 1}, {5242, 5243, 2}, {5245, 5246, 8}, {5249, 5905, 4654}, {5249, 17781, 5905}, {5251, 5526, 16788}, {5251, 5692, 1}, {5257, 5746, 25525}, {5257, 5750, 2}, {5259, 5904, 1}, {5259, 17745, 16783}, {5269, 7322, 612}, {5273, 18228, 2}, {5279, 5749, 2285}, {5296, 5749, 2}, {5316, 5744, 31190}, {5325, 5745, 5273}, {5436, 11523, 1}, {5440, 16370, 30282}, {5506, 6763, 3624}, {5584, 12688, 12565}, {5686, 5838, 3686}, {5692, 18397, 72}, {5705, 31446, 5791}, {5728, 5729, 10398}, {5729, 15650, 5220}, {5732, 5785, 5784}, {5732, 21153, 3}, {5735, 5833, 5832}, {5739, 17776, 306}, {5742, 5830, 5831}, {5745, 18228, 30827}, {5758, 6846, 946}, {5759, 5817, 4}, {5766, 5809, 390}, {5766, 5825, 5809}, {5779, 31658, 5732}, {5785, 31424, 5732}, {5785, 31658, 5438}, {5795, 5837, 8}, {5809, 5838, 5802}, {5811, 6908, 6260}, {5904, 10399, 14054}, {5927, 7580, 1750}, {6172, 18230, 7}, {6173, 20195, 142}, {6191, 6192, 40}, {6203, 6204, 57}, {6210, 6211, 40}, {6211, 7609, 6210}, {6212, 6213, 40}, {6260, 6684, 6908}, {6601, 24389, 24392}, {6646, 17338, 17282}, {6687, 17235, 17356}, {6986, 12528, 10884}, {7001, 7010, 188}, {7026, 7043, 3679}, {7081, 20665, 2319}, {7090, 14121, 10}, {7174, 7290, 1}, {7174, 15601, 7290}, {7232, 17265, 3834}, {7290, 15601, 238}, {8165, 18231, 9780}, {8232, 12848, 7}, {8257, 8545, 6173}, {8580, 30393, 3740}, {9330, 17126, 5297}, {9776, 9965, 553}, {10177, 15185, 5572}, {10396, 31435, 5436}, {10398, 15299, 10396}, {10436, 16574, 57}, {10456, 18229, 10472}, {10857, 30304, 10167}, {11106, 20007, 4313}, {11679, 30568, 312}, {11683, 26671, 16609}, {11752, 11789, 3576}, {12572, 17355, 8804}, {13405, 21060, 25568}, {14100, 15837, 55}, {14829, 18743, 30567}, {15296, 15297, 1001}, {15298, 15299, 1}, {15492, 16814, 6}, {16482, 23343, 1}, {16517, 16970, 1}, {16519, 16974, 1}, {16547, 16548, 19}, {16566, 20602, 1760}, {16572, 17742, 6762}, {16666, 16671, 6}, {16666, 16672, 1}, {16667, 16673, 1}, {16667, 16675, 3247}, {16668, 16674, 1}, {16669, 16673, 1449}, {16669, 16675, 1}, {16669, 16777, 16667}, {16669, 16814, 16675}, {16670, 16676, 1}, {16671, 16677, 1}, {16672, 16677, 37}, {16672, 16884, 3723}, {16673, 16777, 3247}, {16675, 16777, 37}, {16675, 16885, 16669}, {16677, 16884, 16672}, {16706, 17258, 4389}, {16713, 17183, 17197}, {16779, 16973, 1449}, {16788, 21078, 3553}, {16814, 16885, 1}, {16815, 17116, 4699}, {16816, 25269, 1278}, {16826, 17120, 17379}, {16832, 25590, 3739}, {16833, 17151, 4361}, {16969, 17448, 1}, {17121, 17319, 4393}, {17227, 17329, 17273}, {17227, 17341, 17283}, {17228, 17328, 17271}, {17228, 17342, 17285}, {17230, 17343, 17287}, {17231, 17344, 599}, {17233, 17346, 319}, {17234, 17347, 320}, {17235, 17356, 17290}, {17237, 17357, 3763}, {17238, 17358, 17292}, {17239, 17359, 17293}, {17240, 17360, 17295}, {17241, 17361, 17297}, {17242, 17363, 6542}, {17244, 17364, 17300}, {17245, 17365, 4675}, {17246, 17366, 17301}, {17247, 17367, 17302}, {17248, 17368, 2}, {17249, 17370, 17305}, {17250, 17371, 17307}, {17251, 17293, 17239}, {17252, 17292, 17238}, {17254, 17291, 17236}, {17255, 17290, 17235}, {17256, 17289, 5224}, {17256, 17354, 17308}, {17257, 17353, 17306}, {17257, 26685, 2}, {17257, 28287, 1423}, {17257, 29497, 29740}, {17258, 17352, 17304}, {17259, 17351, 25590}, {17260, 17350, 10436}, {17261, 17349, 3875}, {17262, 17348, 17151}, {17263, 17347, 17298}, {17264, 17346, 17294}, {17266, 17288, 17232}, {17268, 17287, 17230}, {17270, 17286, 3661}, {17271, 17285, 17228}, {17272, 17284, 141}, {17273, 17283, 17227}, {17274, 17282, 3662}, {17275, 17281, 594}, {17276, 17278, 1086}, {17276, 17337, 4859}, {17277, 17336, 3729}, {17277, 25728, 4659}, {17278, 17334, 4862}, {17278, 17337, 31183}, {17279, 17332, 17272}, {17280, 17331, 17270}, {17281, 17330, 3679}, {17299, 17362, 3632}, {17300, 20072, 17364}, {17315, 17377, 29605}, {17322, 17381, 29603}, {17324, 29630, 17383}, {17328, 17342, 17228}, {17329, 17341, 17227}, {17330, 17340, 594}, {17331, 17339, 3661}, {17333, 17338, 3662}, {17334, 17337, 1086}, {17335, 17336, 75}, {17353, 29497, 1423}, {17375, 29572, 17312}, {17379, 27268, 16826}, {17484, 31019, 31164}, {18228, 26059, 21246}, {18249, 18250, 10}, {20090, 29569, 17391}, {20196, 31231, 2}, {20683, 21746, 3779}, {21296, 29627, 4869}, {21616, 26363, 8227}, {21811, 33299, 27396}, {24152, 24153, 200}, {24313, 24314, 8}, {24477, 26105, 11019}, {24697, 33159, 32784}, {24909, 24952, 2}, {25019, 28739, 18634}, {25447, 25651, 2}, {25525, 28609, 226}, {25760, 33115, 29857}, {25842, 25856, 25860}, {26059, 27420, 10436}, {26885, 26890, 184}, {27254, 29967, 5219}, {27509, 28731, 63}, {27819, 27834, 19604}, {28606, 32911, 5256}, {29382, 29492, 3662}, {29395, 29423, 29511}, {29492, 29698, 17274}, {29509, 29541, 29396}, {30324, 30325, 226}, {30327, 30328, 226}, {30412, 30413, 2}, {30414, 30415, 2}, {30556, 30557, 1}, {30557, 31438, 1449}, {30557, 31453, 18991}, {31561, 31562, 4}, {31594, 31595, 10}, {32008, 32024, 85}, {32008, 32100, 30625}, {32088, 32100, 85}, {32555, 32556, 3}, {32784, 33159, 1698}, {32864, 32915, 17156}, {32917, 32931, 29828}, {33076, 33165, 3679}
Let A' be the intersection of these three lines: the perpendicular from midpoint of CA to line BX(1), the perpendicular from midpoint of AB to line CX(1), the perpendicular from midpoint of AX(1) to line BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The orthocenter of A'B'C' is X(10), and X(10) is also the perspector of A'B'C' and the medial triangle. Note that A'B'C' is the complement of the excentral triangle, and the extraversion triangle of X(10). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
The Spieker circle is the incircle of the medial triangle; its center, X(10), is the centroid of the perimeter of ABC. If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Spieker center.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Spieker center.
A construction of X(10) is given at 24163. (Antreas Hatzipolakis, August 29, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. X(10) is the radical center of the polar circles of triangles A'BC, B'CA, C'AB. (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
Let A20B20C20 be the Gemini triangle 20. Let LA be the line through A20 parallel to BC, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A'20 = LB∩LC, and define B'20 and C'20 cyclically. Triangle A'20B'20C'20 is homothetic to ABC at X(10). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2018)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-excenter and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(10) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the hexyl triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(10) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
Ba = reflection of A with in the external angular bisector of B, and define Cb and Ac cyclically;
Ca = reflection of A with in the external angular bisector of C, and define Ab and Bc cyclically;
Va = CBc∩BCb, and define Vb and Vc cyclically.
The triangle VaVbVc is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(10).
(Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, April 19, 2021)
X(10) lies on the Kiepert hyperbola and these lines: 1,2 3,197 4,9 5,517 6,1377 11,121 12,65 20,165 21,35 28,1891 29,1794 31,964 33,406 34,475 36,404 37,594 38,596 39,730 44,752 46,63 55,405 56,474 57,388 58,171 69,969 75,76 81,1224 82,83 86,319 87,979 92,1838 98,101 106,1222 116,120 117,123 119,124 140,214 141,142 150,1282 153,1768 158,318 182,1678 190,671 191,267 201,225 219,965 227,1214 235,1902 255,1771 257,1581 261,1326 274,291 307,1254 321,756 348,1323 391,1743 407,1867 427,1829 429,1824 480,954 485,1686 486,1685 497,1697 514,764 535,1155 537,1086 626,760 631,944 632,1483 750,1150 774,1736 775,801 846,1247 894,1046 908,994 962,1695 1018,1334 1074,1735 1146,1212 1482,1656 1587,1703 1588,1702 1762,1782 1828,1883 1900,1904
X(10) is the {X(1),X(2)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1125). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(10), click Tables at the top of this page. X(10) is the internal center of similitude of the Apollonius and nine-points circles.
Let A'B'C' be the 2nd extouch triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(10). Also, let A''B''C'' be the 1st circumperp triangle. The Simson lines of A'', B'', C'' concur in X(10). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
X(10) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,8), (3,355), (4,40), (6,3416), (10,3421), (55,3419), (65,72), (80,100), (2948,3448)
X(10) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1125), (551,2), (946,5), (1385,140)
X(10) = isogonal conjugate of X(58)
X(10) = isotomic conjugate of X(86)
X(10) = circumcircle-inverse of X(1324)
X(10) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(3814)
X(10) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(38476)
X(10) = complement of X(1)
X(10) = anticomplement of X(1125)
X(10) = complementary conjugate of X(10)
X(10) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(2891)
X(10) = X(15319)-complementary conjugate of X(32767)
X(10) = radical center of the excircles.
X(10) = radical center of extraversions of Conway circle
X(10) = radical center of the polar circles of triangles BCI, CAI, ABI
X(10) = X(20)-of-3rd-Euler-triangle
X(10) = X(4)-of-4th-Euler-triangle
X(10) = perspector of ABC and the tangential triangle of the Feuerbach triangle
X(10) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(6542)
X(10) = inverse-in-Steiner-circumellipse of X(6542)
X(10) = SS(a→a') of X(5), where A'B'C' is the excentral triangle (barycentric substitution)
X(10) = orthocenter of X(2)X(4)X(4049)
X(10) = midpoint of PU(10)
X(10) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 10, 66
X(10) = PU(66)-harmonic conjugate of X(351)
X(10) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,31), (56,603)
X(10) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(649)X(834)
X(10) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,10), (10,65), (100,73), (318,225), (643,35), (668,349)
X(10) = radical trace of Bevan circle and anticomplementary circle
X(10) = insimilicenter of Bevan circle and anticomplementary circle
X(10) = insimilicenter of nine-point circle and Apollonius circle
X(10) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(2,37), (8,72), (75,321), (80,519), (100,522), (313,306)
X(10) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,191), (6,199), (12,201), (37,210), (42,71), (65,227)
X(10) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (37,226), (71,306), (191,502), (201,72)
X(10) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,75), (8,318)
X(10) = centroid of ABCX(8)
X(10) = Kosnita(X(8),X(2)) point
X(10) = X(578)-of-2nd-extouch-triangle
X(10) = X(389)-of-excentral triangle
X(10) = X(125)-of-Fuhrmann triangle
X(10) = perspector of ABC and triangle formed from orthocenters of JaBC, JbCA, JcAB, where Ja, Jb, Jc are excenters
X(10) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(37)
X(10) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(37)
X(10) = trilinear pole of line X(523)X(661) (the polar of X(27) wrt polar circle)
X(10) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(27) (line X(242)X(514))
X(10) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate)-of-X(27)
X(10) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(81)
X(10) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(2206)
X(10) = X(1101)-isoconjugate of X(3120)
X(10) = X(1)-of-X(1)-Brocard triangle
X(10) = perspector of medial triangle and Ayme triangle
X(10) = homothetic center of Ayme triangle and anticevian triangle of X(37)
X(10) = perspector of Ayme triangle and Danneels-Bevan triangle
X(10) = X(1)-of-Danneels-Bevan-triangle
X(10) = homothetic center of medial triangle and Danneels-Bevan triangle
X(10) = homothetic center of ABC and anticomplementary triangle of Danneels-Bevan triangle
X(10) = {X(2),X(8)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1)
X(10) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(242)
X(10) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(5205)
X(10) = inverse-in-Steiner-inellipse of X(3912)
X(10) = inverse-in-Feuerbach-hyperbola of X(3057)
X(10) = perspector of Feuerbach and Apollonius triangles
X(10) = perspector of symmedial triangles of Feuerbach and Apollonius triangles
X(10) = perspector of circumsymmedial triangles of Feuerbach and Apollonius triangles
X(10) = perspector of tangential triangles of Feuerbach and Apollonius triangles
X(10) = X(214)-of-inner-Garcia-triangle
X(10) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(13478)
X(10) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(573)
X(10) = perspector of Ayme and 4th Euler triangles
X(10) = barycentric product X(101)*X(850)
X(10) = perspector of Gemini triangle 12 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 12
X(10) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 15
X(10) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 15
X(10) = homothetic center of Ayme triangle and Gemini triangle 16
X(10) = center of the {ABC, Gemini 18}-circumconic
X(10) = Gemini-triangle-19-to-ABC parallelogic center
X(10) = centroid of Gemini triangle 20
X(10) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 25
X(10) = perspector of ABC and Gemini triangle 26
X(10) = perspector of Gemini triangle 39 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 39
X(10) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(3)
X(10) = incentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(1)
X(11) is the point of tangency of the nine-point circle and the incircle. The nine-point circle is the circumcenter of the medial triangle, as well as the orthic triangle. Feuerbach's famous theorem states that the nine-point circle is tangent to the incircle and the three excircles.
Let LA be the line through A parallel to X(1)X(3), and define LB and LC cyclically. Let MA be the reflection of BC in LA, and define MB and MC cyclically. Let A' = MB∩MC, and define cyclically B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. Let A″B″C″ be the reflection of A'B'C' in line X(1)X(3). The triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC, with center of homothety X(11); see Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008. (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
The circumcircle of the incentral triangle intersects the incircle at 2 points, X(11) and X(3024), and the nine-point circle at 2 points, X(11) and X(115). (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
X(11) lies on the bicevian conic of X(1) and X(2), which is also QA-Co1 (Nine-point Conic) of quadrangle ABCX(1) (see (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
Let Na = X(5) of BCX(1), Nb = X(5) of CAX(1), Nc = X(5) of ABX(1). Then X(11) = X(186) of NaNbNc. (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
Let JaJbJc be the excentral triangle and FaFbFc be the Feuerbach triangle. Let Fa' = {X(5),Ja}-harmonic conjugate of Fa, and define Fb', Fc' cyclically. The lines AFa', BFb', CFc' concur in X(11).
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let La be the antiorthic axis of AB'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, and define B'' and C'' cyclically. The triangle A″B″C″ is inversely similar to ABC, with similitude center X(9), and X(11) = X(55)-of-A″B″C″. (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let Na be the Nagel line of AB'C', and define Nb and Nc cyclically. Let A″ = Nb∩Nc, and define B'' and C'' cyclically. The triangle A″B″C″ is inversely similar to ABC, and X(11) = X(36)-of-A″B″C″. (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. The lines IO of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(11). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. The lines IO of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(11). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be a homothetic triangle with ABC at X(2). Let Ab=AB?B'C', and define Bc and Ca cyclically. Let Ac=CA?B'C', and define Ba and Cb cyclically. Let (I), (Ia), (Ib), (Ic) be the incircles of ABC, A'BcCb, B'CaAc, C'AbBa, respectively. Then, there exists a circle (K) simultaneously tangent to (I), (Ia), (Ib), (Ic). The touchpoint of (I) and (K) is X(11). See Construction of X(11). (Keita Miyamoto, January 14, 2024)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Feuerbach point.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Feuerbach point.
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
D = the point on line AC such that angle CAB = angle DAB and |AD| = |AB|
E = the point on line AB such that angle CAB = angle CAE and |AE| = |AC|
F = the point on line BC such that angle CBA = angle FBA and |BF| = |AB|
G = the point on line AB such that angle CBA = angle CBG and |BG| = |BC|
H = the point on line BC such that angle ACB = angle ACH and |CH| = |AC|
I = the point on line AC such that angle ACB = angle ICB and |CI| = |BC|
M = circumcenter of AGI
N = circumcenter of CDF
O = circumcenter of BEH
The nine point circles of triangles AFH, BDI, and CEG concur in X(11).
See figure. (Benjamin Warren, October 24, 2024)
X(11) lies on the following curves:
incircle, nine point circle, 2nd Lester circle (Yiu), Mandart circle
cevian circle of every point on the Feuerbach hyperbola
Mandart inconic
circumellipse of the medial and incentral triangles (see X(34585))
K672, K877, K925, K1051, Q015
X(11) lies on the following lines: {1, 5}, {2, 55}, {3, 499}, {4, 56}, {6, 1985}, {7, 658}, {8, 1320}, {9, 3254}, {10, 121}, {13, 202}, {14, 203}, {15, 11755}, {16, 11773}, {17, 7005}, {18, 7006}, {19, 37432}, {20, 5204}, {21, 4996}, {22, 9673}, {24, 9672}, {25, 10829}, {28, 1852}, {29, 40980}, {30, 36}, {31, 5348}, {32, 9665}, {33, 427}, {34, 235}, {35, 140}, {37, 5513}, {38, 4415}, {39, 13077}, {40, 6922}, {42, 37662}, {43, 33141}, {46, 12515}, {54, 2477}, {57, 1360}, {58, 37357}, {59, 33562}, {60, 3615}, {63, 7082}, {64, 12920}, {65, 117}, {67, 32287}, {68, 1069}, {69, 10755}, {72, 10395}, {74, 10767}, {75, 16067}, {76, 12836}, {78, 25681}, {79, 3065}, {81, 14008}, {83, 10799}, {84, 12676}, {86, 14009}, {88, 19636}, {90, 17437}, {98, 10768}, {99, 10769}, {101, 10770}, {102, 10771}, {103, 10772}, {106, 10774}, {107, 10775}, {109, 10777}, {110, 215}, {111, 10779}, {112, 10780}, {113, 942}, {114, 2783}, {115, 1015}, {116, 3022}, {118, 226}, {122, 2803}, {123, 2804}, {124, 1364}, {125, 3024}, {126, 2805}, {127, 2806}, {128, 7159}, {131, 37361}, {132, 1848}, {133, 1838}, {137, 3327}, {141, 3056}, {142, 5580}, {145, 5154}, {150, 24203}, {153, 388}, {155, 10071}, {165, 9580}, {171, 33106}, {172, 7745}, {174, 8086}, {177, 12614}, {181, 2051}, {182, 38119}, {184, 9667}, {185, 26955}, {190, 17777}, {192, 7777}, {197, 37366}, {198, 37367}, {200, 4863}, {210, 3452}, {212, 748}, {214, 442}, {222, 34029}, {225, 37368}, {229, 37369}, {230, 1914}, {233, 21860}, {238, 1936}, {239, 26019}, {241, 33331}, {243, 17923}, {244, 676}, {255, 7299}, {262, 12837}, {265, 10091}, {273, 6046}, {278, 1857}, {279, 15511}, {312, 3703}, {314, 11609}, {321, 21333}, {325, 350}, {329, 5825}, {333, 37373}, {334, 18149}, {344, 30741}, {345, 4387}, {371, 9661}, {372, 13977}, {377, 22768}, {381, 999}, {382, 4299}, {384, 26686}, {386, 9555}, {395, 7127}, {398, 2307}, {402, 11903}, {403, 1870}, {404, 6691}, {405, 19755}, {428, 5322}, {429, 1104}, {430, 40956}, {431, 40985}, {440, 23207}, {443, 31418}, {452, 30478}, {474, 2932}, {479, 36620}, {480, 6601}, {481, 31555}, {482, 31556}, {484, 28174}, {485, 1124}, {486, 1335}, {493, 10945}, {494, 10946}, {498, 1656}, {500, 10035}, {511, 15974}, {512, 46671}, {513, 3025}, {514, 3328}, {515, 1319}, {516, 1155}, {517, 1737}, {518, 908}, {519, 3814}, {521, 34940}, {522, 3326}, {523, 1090}, {524, 4396}, {527, 41555}, {529, 5080}, {537, 21093}, {546, 3585}, {547, 3584}, {548, 4324}, {549, 5010}, {550, 7280}, {551, 3822}, {553, 13159}, {559, 51749}, {573, 9554}, {574, 9664}, {578, 9653}, {590, 2066}, {594, 17452}, {595, 45939}, {596, 44040}, {597, 38090}, {609, 18907}, {611, 14561}, {612, 37439}, {613, 1352}, {615, 5414}, {618, 13076}, {619, 13075}, {620, 15452}, {625, 5148}, {626, 6029}, {629, 22910}, {630, 22865}, {631, 4294}, {632, 10386}, {641, 13082}, {642, 13081}, {644, 26074}, {650, 1566}, {656, 38981}, {659, 33311}, {661, 20974}, {662, 19642}, {671, 12348}, {672, 17747}, {693, 23989}, {740, 51411}, {750, 33104}, {756, 29690}, {758, 11813}, {759, 3109}, {774, 1393}, {799, 19643}, {851, 20470}, {858, 3100}, {899, 33136}, {901, 31512}, {905, 15612}, {912, 5570}, {920, 37532}, {936, 24954}, {938, 3485}, {940, 26098}, {943, 24298}, {944, 1388}, {953, 40437}, {956, 17556}, {958, 2478}, {960, 6734}, {962, 1788}, {971, 1538}, {982, 3782}, {984, 29676}, {988, 50065}, {993, 11113}, {997, 3419}, {1000, 24297}, {1011, 19720}, {1012, 1470}, {1038, 6823}, {1040, 1368}, {1043, 14011}, {1054, 24715}, {1056, 3545}, {1058, 3085}, {1060, 15760}, {1061, 24300}, {1062, 11585}, {1071, 1898}, {1082, 51750}, {1100, 50036}, {1108, 1826}, {1111, 1358}, {1113, 10781}, {1114, 10782}, {1118, 40836}, {1122, 24213}, {1146, 1639}, {1147, 9666}, {1151, 9662}, {1168, 14629}, {1172, 43735}, {1191, 5230}, {1193, 1834}, {1201, 21935}, {1209, 13079}, {1211, 3741}, {1212, 28052}, {1213, 2269}, {1215, 29655}, {1250, 23303}, {1253, 17125}, {1259, 43740}, {1279, 3011}, {1284, 8229}, {1290, 36175}, {1297, 12925}, {1312, 2589}, {1313, 2588}, {1318, 36590}, {1327, 13693}, {1328, 13813}, {1346, 2463}, {1347, 2464}, {1348, 1674}, {1349, 1675}, {1354, 4292}, {1356, 44950}, {1357, 2827}, {1365, 4934}, {1366, 3664}, {1385, 6842}, {1386, 38050}, {1397, 13478}, {1398, 37197}, {1399, 3073}, {1402, 45189}, {1420, 5691}, {1425, 43820}, {1427, 1856}, {1428, 1503}, {1435, 7008}, {1440, 7023}, {1447, 4872}, {1455, 1877}, {1456, 34049}, {1457, 51421}, {1458, 2635}, {1460, 2050}, {1465, 8758}, {1466, 6847}, {1469, 5480}, {1482, 6971}, {1491, 42771}, {1500, 1506}, {1511, 12896}, {1513, 38646}, {1519, 6001}, {1560, 40941}, {1575, 21956}, {1587, 18995}, {1588, 18996}, {1591, 3083}, {1592, 3084}, {1594, 6198}, {1598, 9913}, {1617, 19541}, {1650, 11909}, {1657, 38754}, {1672, 1676}, {1673, 1677}, {1697, 1698}, {1728, 5812}, {1731, 7359}, {1738, 5121}, {1739, 45269}, {1746, 44085}, {1751, 6056}, {1758, 43056}, {1770, 22793}, {1776, 3218}, {1785, 39535}, {1795, 10747}, {1804, 7318}, {1827, 16580}, {1844, 18402}, {1853, 2192}, {1854, 17054}, {1855, 46830}, {1861, 26011}, {1875, 51359}, {1883, 5151}, {1899, 19354}, {1901, 2260}, {1906, 4320}, {1953, 21933}, {1962, 29688}, {1999, 33071}, {2007, 2009}, {2008, 2010}, {2067, 3071}, {2072, 10149}, {2078, 44425}, {2082, 46835}, {2086, 21762}, {2087, 38962}, {2089, 8085}, {2092, 14749}, {2093, 31162}, {2099, 5603}, {2140, 39789}, {2161, 24346}, {2194, 17188}, {2217, 37226}, {2218, 7515}, {2222, 37815}, {2241, 7746}, {2242, 5475}, {2246, 51406}, {2256, 26063}, {2262, 24005}, {2264, 40942}, {2268, 17398}, {2275, 5254}, {2276, 3815}, {2293, 17245}, {2321, 4519}, {2330, 3589}, {2348, 40869}, {2352, 19542}, {2446, 3307}, {2447, 3308}, {2475, 5253}, {2476, 3486}, {2481, 4554}, {2482, 12354}, {2534, 2540}, {2535, 2541}, {2551, 6919}, {2564, 2566}, {2565, 2567}, {2602, 36134}, {2605, 2616}, {2607, 14985}, {2618, 8902}, {2643, 5993}, {2677, 8702}, {2679, 44042}, {2680, 30203}, {2720, 28347}, {2807, 34462}, {2809, 51419}, {2818, 31849}, {2830, 3325}, {2883, 7355}, {2887, 3840}, {2898, 17093}, {2950, 12705}, {2969, 5521}, {2975, 5046}, {3006, 3932}, {3007, 17895}, {3008, 41339}, {3026, 17205}, {3054, 10987}, {3059, 24389}, {3061, 40997}, {3068, 13895}, {3069, 13952}, {3070, 6502}, {3095, 10079}, {3096, 10877}, {3125, 5517}, {3136, 3720}, {3137, 38983}, {3138, 14714}, {3141, 7668}, {3146, 5265}, {3149, 6253}, {3157, 5654}, {3175, 49554}, {3189, 27383}, {3220, 33302}, {3237, 5404}, {3238, 5403}, {3240, 37651}, {3241, 34717}, {3243, 31146}, {3244, 33176}, {3245, 28212}, {3248, 38961}, {3257, 19634}, {3258, 31947}, {3286, 14956}, {3297, 31472}, {3298, 42262}, {3299, 7583}, {3301, 7584}, {3306, 5880}, {3309, 47007}, {3311, 13904}, {3312, 13962}, {3314, 30998}, {3315, 15343}, {3323, 3676}, {3333, 9612}, {3336, 34753}, {3338, 16128}, {3339, 11379}, {3340, 9952}, {3361, 9579}, {3421, 31141}, {3428, 6827}, {3436, 5187}, {3454, 10544}, {3474, 5435}, {3475, 5226}, {3476, 6945}, {3487, 6990}, {3488, 6829}, {3526, 4309}, {3530, 4330}, {3542, 11398}, {3555, 21077}, {3556, 28075}, {3560, 8071}, {3574, 18984}, {3576, 3586}, {3600, 3832}, {3601, 3624}, {3612, 37438}, {3617, 9711}, {3622, 5141}, {3626, 15862}, {3627, 10483}, {3628, 3746}, {3632, 26726}, {3634, 12575}, {3636, 33812}, {3647, 16142}, {3652, 16153}, {3656, 25415}, {3663, 4003}, {3665, 3673}, {3667, 14027}, {3671, 12558}, {3679, 3820}, {3680, 12641}, {3681, 27131}, {3682, 41506}, {3683, 5745}, {3685, 3712}, {3686, 7067}, {3687, 3706}, {3689, 5853}, {3691, 38930}, {3695, 30171}, {3698, 8582}, {3702, 3704}, {3715, 18228}, {3717, 4009}, {3727, 21965}, {3740, 25006}, {3742, 3838}, {3745, 39595}, {3748, 10171}, {3752, 3914}, {3760, 3933}, {3763, 10387}, {3767, 16502}, {3828, 38104}, {3834, 6024}, {3835, 15615}, {3836, 4871}, {3841, 4314}, {3843, 4317}, {3845, 18513}, {3850, 5270}, {3851, 7373}, {3853, 4325}, {3855, 9656}, {3857, 38631}, {3868, 12532}, {3870, 30852}, {3871, 27529}, {3873, 31053}, {3874, 47320}, {3880, 5123}, {3885, 7705}, {3893, 6736}, {3898, 38058}, {3900, 46415}, {3912, 20486}, {3913, 5552}, {3920, 37990}, {3936, 4966}, {3942, 23774}, {3943, 32848}, {3947, 17632}, {3952, 30566}, {3962, 24391}, {3966, 11679}, {3983, 5920}, {3999, 24216}, {4000, 21239}, {4011, 4438}, {4030, 4514}, {4031, 30424}, {4038, 37631}, {4042, 14555}, {4054, 49483}, {4080, 17154}, {4092, 6741}, {4106, 24192}, {4126, 17774}, {4162, 6547}, {4186, 22654}, {4192, 16678}, {4197, 4313}, {4202, 25914}, {4205, 19863}, {4224, 20988}, {4253, 24045}, {4295, 5221}, {4297, 37605}, {4298, 12571}, {4301, 4848}, {4304, 10165}, {4305, 6937}, {4311, 31673}, {4319, 17278}, {4326, 5528}, {4336, 17366}, {4351, 7286}, {4354, 37452}, {4357, 5579}, {4364, 25378}, {4369, 46668}, {4383, 33137}, {4388, 14829}, {4392, 33151}, {4417, 10453}, {4422, 24709}, {4425, 6682}, {4427, 51583}, {4434, 17766}, {4440, 36237}, {4442, 17495}, {4447, 20556}, {4475, 21138}, {4511, 44669}, {4604, 19640}, {4653, 47515}, {4654, 10980}, {4657, 29826}, {4666, 31266}, {4671, 33089}, {4756, 30578}, {4819, 28581}, {4845, 10708}, {4850, 33134}, {4859, 4907}, {4864, 49989}, {4865, 29649}, {4870, 44840}, {4884, 32925}, {4885, 11934}, {4892, 49676}, {4911, 7198}, {4920, 24172}, {4974, 50755}, {4989, 34228}, {4998, 31619}, {5013, 9598}, {5018, 43036}, {5020, 16541}, {5025, 26561}, {5030, 5134}, {5045, 13407}, {5047, 26127}, {5050, 39900}, {5051, 8240}, {5055, 6767}, {5056, 10588}, {5061, 29207}, {5066, 37602}, {5068, 5261}, {5070, 31452}, {5071, 8162}, {5082, 31246}, {5084, 19843}, {5088, 7181}, {5091, 24618}, {5094, 7071}, {5099, 6027}, {5119, 26446}, {5122, 28146}, {5126, 21578}, {5128, 9589}, {5131, 15228}, {5133, 7191}, {5150, 25496}, {5172, 5842}, {5176, 38455}, {5179, 43065}, {5183, 28194}, {5190, 7117}, {5193, 41698}, {5205, 32850}, {5211, 32922}, {5220, 31018}, {5223, 31142}, {5244, 44952}, {5248, 7483}, {5250, 26066}, {5259, 6675}, {5260, 37162}, {5262, 37983}, {5283, 31466}, {5292, 16466}, {5299, 5305}, {5303, 15680}, {5306, 5332}, {5310, 7499}, {5313, 48847}, {5318, 19373}, {5321, 7051}, {5353, 11543}, {5357, 11542}, {5370, 37899}, {5393, 45501}, {5405, 45500}, {5423, 6557}, {5428, 14794}, {5436, 47510}, {5437, 31249}, {5439, 12609}, {5440, 50208}, {5441, 5499}, {5445, 11010}, {5450, 15866}, {5452, 46395}, {5478, 18974}, {5479, 18975}, {5490, 26353}, {5491, 26354}, {5516, 44046}, {5518, 17477}, {5519, 24198}, {5530, 37548}, {5536, 5762}, {5554, 10935}, {5559, 13143}, {5572, 17620}, {5573, 23681}, {5584, 6865}, {5590, 10928}, {5591, 10927}, {5597, 11865}, {5598, 11866}, {5599, 11873}, {5600, 11874}, {5613, 10077}, {5617, 10078}, {5620, 13604}, {5657, 6963}, {5687, 25438}, {5690, 5697}, {5695, 17740}, {5698, 5744}, {5701, 23988}, {5703, 6991}, {5705, 31435}, {5715, 10396}, {5730, 49168}, {5731, 6932}, {5740, 17220}, {5741, 17135}, {5743, 25960}, {5748, 25568}, {5777, 12665}, {5787, 34489}, {5790, 10051}, {5794, 19861}, {5803, 37543}, {5809, 38053}, {5818, 6975}, {5819, 40127}, {5836, 24982}, {5841, 22765}, {5844, 11545}, {5845, 9318}, {5846, 17763}, {5852, 17484}, {5878, 10076}, {5887, 39599}, {5902, 11571}, {5903, 22791}, {5919, 10175}, {5947, 10276}, {5948, 10277}, {5949, 17440}, {5952, 7332}, {5972, 46687}, {6002, 24234}, {6022, 21240}, {6023, 16188}, {6026, 35971}, {6028, 21235}, {6033, 10069}, {6049, 7319}, {6063, 32023}, {6129, 10017}, {6145, 32380}, {6147, 18398}, {6173, 38095}, {6184, 35310}, {6200, 9660}, {6201, 12754}, {6202, 12753}, {6214, 10049}, {6215, 10048}, {6221, 9663}, {6238, 12359}, {6245, 12688}, {6247, 6285}, {6248, 18982}, {6249, 18983}, {6250, 18988}, {6251, 18989}, {6256, 40290}, {6259, 10085}, {6260, 12680}, {6262, 11371}, {6263, 11370}, {6283, 23311}, {6286, 21230}, {6287, 10080}, {6288, 10082}, {6289, 10084}, {6290, 10083}, {6292, 13078}, {6321, 10089}, {6377, 39786}, {6405, 23312}, {6545, 23761}, {6556, 33963}, {6564, 35769}, {6565, 35768}, {6588, 38972}, {6593, 32297}, {6594, 6666}, {6595, 10266}, {6596, 6598}, {6597, 6599}, {6645, 16044}, {6656, 26959}, {6668, 7504}, {6684, 10624}, {6701, 51569}, {6703, 29845}, {6728, 6732}, {6738, 41558}, {6776, 39889}, {6788, 10703}, {6833, 10531}, {6834, 11500}, {6862, 11507}, {6863, 10267}, {6871, 10586}, {6879, 10596}, {6880, 37000}, {6881, 11230}, {6883, 40292}, {6891, 10310}, {6893, 10629}, {6906, 18861}, {6908, 8273}, {6911, 8069}, {6914, 14793}, {6917, 22766}, {6923, 10269}, {6924, 38722}, {6928, 11249}, {6929, 22758}, {6944, 10321}, {6949, 11491}, {6952, 14882}, {6958, 11248}, {6959, 10320}, {6968, 12115}, {6980, 10246}, {6985, 7742}, {6996, 17798}, {7040, 31387}, {7063, 40608}, {7073, 7281}, {7074, 37679}, {7137, 50574}, {7160, 12857}, {7202, 48055}, {7333, 44949}, {7334, 44947}, {7352, 22660}, {7353, 45860}, {7356, 20424}, {7358, 46663}, {7362, 45861}, {7377, 21010}, {7384, 41245}, {7395, 10831}, {7397, 31230}, {7491, 26286}, {7503, 9659}, {7507, 11392}, {7529, 10037}, {7537, 41227}, {7580, 37578}, {7603, 31476}, {7649, 13999}, {7671, 8255}, {7677, 36002}, {7679, 8236}, {7687, 46683}, {7697, 10063}, {7727, 10264}, {7728, 10081}, {7770, 38655}, {7819, 30103}, {7968, 49240}, {7969, 49241}, {7982, 41687}, {7987, 37424}, {8053, 30944}, {8087, 8097}, {8088, 8098}, {8113, 8377}, {8114, 8378}, {8143, 10036}, {8144, 13371}, {8163, 8165}, {8196, 12462}, {8200, 11879}, {8203, 12463}, {8207, 11880}, {8212, 12765}, {8213, 12766}, {8220, 11953}, {8221, 11954}, {8222, 11947}, {8223, 11948}, {8228, 8243}, {8230, 8239}, {8254, 47378}, {8256, 13463}, {8257, 25606}, {8261, 20288}, {8361, 30104}, {8380, 8390}, {8381, 8392}, {8382, 11924}, {8422, 12622}, {8580, 10388}, {8724, 10070}, {8808, 10374}, {8976, 13905}, {8988, 13883}, {9053, 32927}, {9317, 17044}, {9345, 17392}, {9539, 31074}, {9540, 9648}, {9597, 44518}, {9613, 18492}, {9628, 15559}, {9638, 34224}, {9645, 14790}, {9646, 10576}, {9647, 35821}, {9652, 10539}, {9658, 10594}, {9710, 9780}, {9819, 19875}, {9842, 9850}, {9843, 9848}, {9844, 51706}, {9880, 18969}, {9912, 11365}, {9927, 18970}, {9931, 23307}, {9947, 16215}, {9956, 9957}, {9970, 32308}, {9993, 12499}, {9996, 10047}, {10024, 18447}, {10031, 38314}, {10044, 18224}, {10052, 18223}, {10053, 38224}, {10055, 14852}, {10065, 15061}, {10075, 12856}, {10086, 15561}, {10088, 14643}, {10104, 10801}, {10106, 19925}, {10113, 18968}, {10118, 23315}, {10122, 33667}, {10129, 10394}, {10157, 12915}, {10199, 11112}, {10281, 32161}, {10309, 34256}, {10356, 10873}, {10358, 10797}, {10382, 10582}, {10383, 41867}, {10384, 38052}, {10398, 38036}, {10407, 10408}, {10428, 17101}, {10459, 50034}, {10473, 10478}, {10479, 10480}, {10500, 10506}, {10501, 17630}, {10502, 17631}, {10503, 17629}, {10514, 10923}, {10515, 10924}, {10516, 12588}, {10526, 10680}, {10532, 10894}, {10577, 35809}, {10585, 10587}, {10597, 10599}, {10638, 23302}, {10651, 37772}, {10652, 37773}, {10700, 24864}, {10749, 13312}, {10759, 14853}, {10786, 10806}, {10795, 10804}, {10796, 10802}, {10830, 10835}, {10872, 10879}, {10921, 10931}, {10922, 10932}, {10951, 11957}, {10952, 11958}, {11011, 13464}, {11012, 31789}, {11018, 15008}, {11108, 19854}, {11189, 23332}, {11193, 35967}, {11224, 30286}, {11236, 11240}, {11256, 32049}, {11263, 12267}, {11274, 51103}, {11281, 31936}, {11363, 12137}, {11364, 12198}, {11366, 12460}, {11367, 12461}, {11368, 12498}, {11369, 12551}, {11377, 12741}, {11378, 12742}, {11391, 11401}, {11429, 23292}, {11436, 13567}, {11446, 23293}, {11461, 23294}, {11529, 38021}, {11544, 34502}, {11700, 29008}, {11717, 14028}, {11735, 31525}, {11831, 12729}, {11867, 11883}, {11868, 11884}, {11897, 12752}, {11904, 11915}, {11927, 17115}, {11929, 12001}, {11992, 11993}, {12000, 15867}, {12005, 13751}, {12183, 12190}, {12233, 19366}, {12241, 19365}, {12349, 12357}, {12350, 23234}, {12372, 12382}, {12393, 12402}, {12394, 12400}, {12423, 12431}, {12587, 12595}, {12599, 18979}, {12610, 12723}, {12612, 12854}, {12613, 12912}, {12615, 12913}, {12617, 12709}, {12618, 12721}, {12621, 12876}, {12632, 27525}, {12635, 12649}, {12677, 12687}, {12691, 13374}, {12757, 16193}, {12809, 17607}, {12848, 36971}, {12858, 12875}, {12863, 12864}, {12868, 15998}, {12888, 23306}, {12890, 12906}, {12903, 14644}, {12910, 23309}, {12911, 23310}, {12918, 13117}, {12919, 13129}, {12930, 13095}, {12931, 13106}, {12932, 13107}, {12933, 13110}, {12934, 13113}, {12935, 13119}, {12936, 13122}, {12937, 13131}, {12938, 13133}, {12939, 13135}, {12942, 36765}, {13006, 34460}, {13043, 23313}, {13044, 23314}, {13080, 13089}, {13181, 13190}, {13182, 14639}, {13214, 13218}, {13266, 46403}, {13295, 13314}, {13384, 25055}, {13411, 37080}, {13561, 32168}, {13624, 37401}, {13687, 18986}, {13692, 13715}, {13694, 13717}, {13699, 13701}, {13724, 23361}, {13741, 25992}, {13743, 35451}, {13747, 25440}, {13807, 18987}, {13812, 13838}, {13814, 13840}, {13819, 13821}, {13852, 13995}, {13860, 38657}, {13881, 16781}, {13893, 31432}, {13896, 13907}, {13936, 13976}, {13951, 13963}, {13953, 13965}, {14112, 16185}, {14189, 37757}, {14193, 31227}, {14330, 44012}, {14527, 33961}, {14563, 39782}, {14839, 24250}, {15298, 38108}, {15313, 15608}, {15494, 15509}, {15519, 38255}, {15607, 38388}, {15614, 48183}, {15616, 39007}, {15726, 30379}, {15761, 32047}, {15803, 41869}, {15819, 22711}, {15911, 15932}, {15914, 40166}, {15971, 28385}, {16137, 46028}, {16139, 16155}, {16202, 26487}, {16252, 26888}, {16434, 37577}, {16484, 29640}, {16569, 32865}, {16586, 34976}, {16589, 31488}, {16602, 21949}, {16626, 22930}, {16627, 22885}, {16686, 40560}, {16726, 38960}, {16727, 17198}, {16752, 46515}, {16784, 43291}, {16819, 33034}, {17009, 44238}, {17024, 37353}, {17063, 17889}, {17067, 45275}, {17122, 33109}, {17123, 33138}, {17167, 18165}, {17232, 30948}, {17234, 30947}, {17243, 29643}, {17246, 46901}, {17279, 29857}, {17334, 36263}, {17340, 33161}, {17357, 30768}, {17365, 24725}, {17427, 35593}, {17435, 36197}, {17449, 32856}, {17451, 21049}, {17469, 29683}, {17535, 26060}, {17559, 19855}, {17591, 33154}, {17595, 24248}, {17596, 33095}, {17597, 33144}, {17598, 33152}, {17608, 17623}, {17609, 17624}, {17633, 17645}, {17634, 17650}, {17635, 17651}, {17639, 17655}, {17640, 17656}, {17641, 17657}, {17643, 17659}, {17665, 25414}, {17669, 26558}, {17734, 40091}, {17737, 33854}, {17800, 38637}, {17861, 41007}, {17863, 41003}, {17888, 48182}, {17917, 44695}, {18101, 27010}, {18201, 32857}, {18239, 34293}, {18389, 38039}, {18407, 28452}, {18412, 20330}, {18440, 39901}, {18480, 24928}, {18481, 37406}, {18491, 34746}, {18493, 48667}, {18517, 18544}, {18518, 18543}, {18583, 38168}, {18635, 34830}, {18641, 40946}, {18743, 29641}, {18922, 23291}, {18971, 22682}, {18972, 22831}, {18973, 22832}, {18978, 22833}, {18991, 19077}, {18992, 19078}, {19025, 19049}, {19026, 19050}, {19182, 23295}, {19434, 23298}, {19435, 23299}, {19512, 40910}, {19515, 23832}, {19522, 20878}, {19540, 23853}, {19635, 37128}, {19637, 37137}, {19794, 37090}, {20255, 23497}, {20262, 39050}, {20292, 27003}, {20335, 51384}, {20358, 26012}, {20420, 37583}, {20530, 20541}, {20582, 51158}, {20594, 21025}, {20872, 37449}, {20939, 35960}, {20989, 33849}, {20992, 30943}, {21029, 39244}, {21051, 45213}, {21073, 25066}, {21090, 24036}, {21139, 23766}, {21155, 32613}, {21172, 44014}, {21221, 26141}, {21621, 40961}, {21666, 44426}, {21746, 24220}, {21842, 34773}, {21856, 40606}, {21912, 40945}, {21944, 23938}, {22051, 35197}, {22071, 46838}, {22072, 27627}, {22148, 36280}, {22466, 22956}, {22704, 22732}, {22858, 22887}, {22903, 22932}, {22954, 23308}, {22955, 22981}, {22957, 22983}, {22965, 22966}, {23301, 38978}, {23383, 27622}, {23690, 45916}, {23773, 23776}, {23843, 28077}, {23847, 36571}, {23869, 25436}, {24025, 43048}, {24165, 48643}, {24179, 41004}, {24185, 31890}, {24232, 47016}, {24302, 43731}, {24317, 24424}, {24319, 25371}, {24325, 25385}, {24336, 25369}, {24388, 40965}, {24433, 26611}, {24443, 28096}, {24627, 24723}, {24685, 25342}, {24774, 34847}, {24816, 24828}, {24833, 24846}, {24835, 24848}, {24851, 24852}, {24880, 25648}, {24926, 51700}, {24997, 25135}, {25328, 32286}, {25351, 25377}, {25357, 25383}, {25405, 28204}, {25492, 33833}, {25542, 50205}, {25591, 36568}, {25641, 33964}, {25642, 33966}, {25741, 25754}, {25957, 30957}, {25958, 33172}, {26001, 26002}, {26005, 26010}, {26102, 33111}, {26128, 29668}, {26326, 26380}, {26327, 26404}, {26328, 26433}, {26329, 26434}, {26330, 26435}, {26331, 26436}, {26332, 26437}, {26351, 26359}, {26352, 26360}, {26355, 26361}, {26356, 26362}, {26365, 48501}, {26366, 48502}, {26367, 49410}, {26368, 49409}, {26369, 49068}, {26370, 49069}, {26386, 45373}, {26389, 26401}, {26410, 45374}, {26413, 26425}, {26466, 45614}, {26467, 45613}, {26468, 49032}, {26469, 49033}, {26483, 26501}, {26484, 26510}, {26485, 26519}, {26486, 26524}, {26580, 46909}, {26725, 33857}, {26904, 26906}, {26942, 44707}, {26949, 26951}, {27020, 32992}, {27064, 33121}, {27739, 50316}, {27747, 50305}, {28186, 36975}, {28224, 37006}, {28234, 36920}, {28530, 32845}, {28606, 29680}, {28795, 30826}, {28797, 30847}, {29349, 34583}, {29677, 31237}, {29685, 31264}, {29820, 33130}, {29827, 32784}, {29830, 30834}, {29835, 46897}, {29840, 32926}, {29844, 32920}, {29846, 32943}, {29849, 32915}, {29861, 33159}, {29872, 33157}, {30117, 45272}, {30304, 41706}, {30312, 30332}, {30313, 30333}, {30314, 30334}, {30315, 30337}, {30316, 30338}, {30317, 30339}, {30375, 30380}, {30376, 30381}, {30377, 30382}, {30378, 30383}, {30447, 50757}, {30823, 49768}, {30824, 36479}, {30831, 33173}, {30963, 37664}, {30971, 36635}, {31003, 39691}, {31137, 33087}, {31145, 50894}, {31221, 37586}, {31263, 48696}, {31393, 31434}, {31401, 31448}, {31402, 31404}, {31408, 31412}, {31409, 31415}, {31426, 31428}, {31433, 31441}, {31451, 31455}, {31459, 31463}, {31461, 31467}, {31471, 31481}, {31473, 31484}, {31477, 31489}, {31500, 35255}, {31557, 31567}, {31558, 31568}, {31586, 31588}, {31587, 31589}, {31654, 44048}, {31657, 38124}, {31658, 38131}, {31659, 37621}, {31775, 37561}, {31946, 38979}, {31996, 33033}, {32243, 32274}, {32288, 32310}, {32336, 32369}, {32351, 32378}, {32379, 32404}, {32381, 32406}, {32390, 32391}, {32631, 43757}, {32911, 33142}, {32913, 33096}, {32918, 32947}, {32930, 33119}, {32931, 33120}, {33112, 37633}, {33139, 37680}, {33170, 41242}, {33178, 38336}, {33504, 44049}, {33650, 34234}, {33898, 41426}, {33925, 42884}, {34030, 34040}, {34467, 34948}, {34595, 41859}, {34699, 45701}, {34747, 50893}, {34855, 51364}, {34903, 34904}, {35065, 42337}, {35094, 45320}, {35104, 51407}, {35250, 35252}, {35508, 38973}, {35580, 44047}, {35581, 44050}, {35582, 44051}, {35587, 44052}, {35591, 44053}, {35663, 35671}, {35664, 35669}, {35678, 35679}, {35762, 35852}, {35763, 35853}, {35798, 35818}, {35799, 35819}, {36436, 36451}, {36439, 36443}, {36457, 36461}, {36473, 36493}, {36487, 36526}, {36495, 36513}, {36508, 36557}, {36530, 36542}, {36545, 36547}, {36561, 36574}, {36577, 36579}, {36999, 50701}, {37520, 50307}, {37525, 38028}, {37592, 44954}, {37596, 44951}, {37607, 49745}, {37660, 50295}, {37681, 38293}, {37686, 41324}, {37756, 50533}, {37764, 49704}, {37787, 38454}, {38018, 38238}, {38074, 50907}, {38076, 50906}, {38163, 45977}, {38188, 51150}, {38472, 51377}, {38941, 43038}, {38985, 47601}, {38992, 41224}, {39004, 41220}, {39816, 39822}, {39845, 39851}, {39890, 39903}, {40964, 46878}, {41697, 49177}, {41877, 45223}, {42312, 44316}, {42770, 47123}, {43728, 46041}, {43817, 43819}, {43821, 43858}, {43860, 43862}, {43986, 44001}, {44229, 45630}, {44620, 44645}, {44621, 44646}, {44661, 51410}, {44663, 51423}, {45305, 49537}, {45398, 49337}, {45399, 49338}, {45404, 45440}, {45405, 45441}, {45456, 45496}, {45457, 45497}, {45470, 45472}, {45471, 45473}, {45506, 45544}, {45507, 45545}, {45554, 45582}, {45555, 45583}, {45558, 45586}, {45559, 45587}, {46436, 47019}, {46659, 47020}, {48641, 50117}, {49658, 49659}, {50194, 51709}, {50605, 50621}
X(11) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 80}, {2, 10707}, {3, 10738}, {4, 104}, {5, 1484}, {7, 1156}, {8, 1320}, {9, 3254}, {10, 21630}, {20, 10724}, {21, 11604}, {36, 3583}, {40, 14217}, {56, 12764}, {65, 17638}, {69, 10755}, {74, 10767}, {76, 32454}, {79, 3065}, {84, 46435}, {98, 10768}, {99, 10769}, {100, 149}, {101, 10770}, {102, 10771}, {103, 10772}, {105, 10773}, {106, 10774}, {107, 10775}, {108, 10776}, {109, 10777}, {110, 10778}, {111, 10779}, {112, 10780}, {119, 37726}, {145, 12531}, {153, 38669}, {314, 11609}, {355, 12737}, {382, 38753}, {390, 20119}, {551, 50889}, {901, 31512}, {908, 26015}, {943, 24298}, {946, 10265}, {1000, 24297}, {1061, 24300}, {1109, 2611}, {1113, 10781}, {1114, 10782}, {1172, 43735}, {1290, 36175}, {1387, 12019}, {1479, 10090}, {1482, 19914}, {1650, 13268}, {1699, 11219}, {1737, 30384}, {1768, 34789}, {1837, 12740}, {2481, 14947}, {3057, 17636}, {3218, 5057}, {3241, 50890}, {3259, 6075}, {3632, 26726}, {3679, 50891}, {3680, 12641}, {3828, 50892}, {3868, 12532}, {3874, 47320}, {3937, 38389}, {4010, 13277}, {4106, 42322}, {4440, 36237}, {5176, 38460}, {5533, 39692}, {5559, 13143}, {5620, 13604}, {6246, 11715}, {6264, 12751}, {6326, 49176}, {6595, 10266}, {6596, 6598}, {6597, 6599}, {6601, 34894}, {7972, 9897}, {9318, 24712}, {9809, 13243}, {10309, 34256}, {10609, 12690}, {10698, 12247}, {10728, 12248}, {10742, 12773}, {10914, 17652}, {11256, 32049}, {12114, 12761}, {12515, 12699}, {12672, 17654}, {12868, 15998}, {13205, 13271}, {13266, 46403}, {13272, 22560}, {13463, 32198}, {15635, 44013}, {16173, 37718}, {17668, 36868}, {17763, 32844}, {22799, 51529}, {22938, 38602}, {24302, 43731}, {24851, 24852}, {31145, 50894}, {32843, 32919}, {34501, 34503}, {34747, 50893}, {39144, 39145}, {40565, 40566}, {43728, 46041}, {43740, 45393}, {45981, 45982}, {51402, 51442}
reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1387}, {2, 45310}, {3, 6713}, {8, 3036}, {10, 6702}, {12, 8068}, {20, 38759}, {36, 15325}, {59, 33562}, {65, 12736}, {72, 18254}, {80, 12019}, {100, 3035}, {104, 20418}, {105, 33970}, {119, 5}, {153, 38757}, {214, 1125}, {500, 10035}, {650, 10006}, {908, 5087}, {946, 16174}, {1071, 15528}, {1125, 33709}, {1145, 10}, {1155, 3911}, {1317, 1}, {1319, 44675}, {1519, 22835}, {1537, 946}, {1768, 13226}, {2720, 28347}, {3025, 14115}, {3035, 6667}, {3057, 15558}, {3649, 33593}, {3689, 6745}, {4996, 4999}, {5083, 18240}, {5298, 3582}, {5520, 47399}, {5948, 10277}, {6068, 9}, {6154, 100}, {6174, 2}, {6265, 11729}, {6594, 6666}, {6735, 5123}, {7972, 12735}, {10036, 8143}, {10427, 142}, {10609, 214}, {10993, 33814}, {11274, 51103}, {11570, 942}, {11700, 29008}, {12611, 9955}, {12665, 5777}, {12743, 950}, {12831, 226}, {12832, 1210}, {13257, 21635}, {13996, 1145}, {14115, 33646}, {14740, 46694}, {15326, 36}, {17660, 5083}, {17757, 3814}, {18239, 34293}, {18801, 8255}, {18802, 8256}, {19907, 5901}, {21578, 5126}, {22799, 546}, {24466, 3}, {24685, 25342}, {25485, 13464}, {25558, 25557}, {25606, 8257}, {27778, 17660}, {30384, 7743}, {31235, 31272}, {31525, 11735}, {33667, 10122}, {33812, 3636}, {33814, 140}, {34123, 32557}, {35204, 6675}, {35604, 34949}, {37725, 119}, {37726, 1484}, {38389, 38390}, {38752, 38319}, {38760, 34126}, {38761, 38602}, {39144, 45981}, {39145, 45982}, {39776, 5836}, {39778, 11281}, {40663, 1737}, {41541, 13411}, {41553, 13405}, {41556, 11019}, {41558, 6738}, {41684, 11545}, {44238, 17009}, {46409, 6714}, {50841, 3828}, {50842, 3679}, {50843, 551}, {50846, 3241}, {51007, 141}, {51008, 597}, {51062, 37}, {51157, 3589}, {51158, 20582}, {51198, 6}, {51377, 38472}, {51390, 24250}, {51409, 11813}, {51463, 26015}, {51569, 6701}
X(11) = isogonal conjugate of X(59)
X(11) = isotomic conjugate of X(4998)
X(11) = complement of X(100)
X(11) = anticomplement of X(3035)
X(11) = complementary conjugate of X(513)
X(11) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,523), (4,513), (7,514), (8,522), (262,1491)
X(11) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (7,514), (8,522)
X(11) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,692), (55,101), (56,109), (1381,1382), (1397,1415)
X(11) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(101)X(109)
X(11) = circumcircle-inverse of X(14667)
X(11) = Fuhrmann-circle-inverse of X(1837)
X(11) = Stevanovic-circle-inverse of X(1566)
X(11) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(13244)
X(11) = Spieker-radical-circle-inverse of X(3030)
X(11) = polar-circle-inverse of X(108)
X(11) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(105)
X(11) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of X(20097)
X(11) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(105)
X(11) = inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of X(3030)
X(11) = polar conjugate of X(46102)
X(11) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(18771)
X(11) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(513)
X(11) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(693)
X(11) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(46100)
X(11) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(46101)
X(11) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(17036)
X(11) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(3271)
X(11) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(34387)
X(11) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(8735)
X(11) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(26932)
X(11) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(7117)
X(11) = medial-isogonal conjugate of X(513)
X(11) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(513)
X(11) = psi-transform of X(18343)
X(11) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (11,244), (522,11), (693,11)
X(11) = orthopole of line X(1)X(3)
X(11) = anticenter of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(104)
X(11) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(12)
X(11) = homothetic center of intouch and 3rd Euler triangles
X(11) = trilinear square root of X(6728)
X(11) = perspector of Feuerbach triangle and Schroeter triangle
X(11) = X(110)-of-intouch-triangle
X(11) = X(403) of Fuhrmann triangle
X(11) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(650)
X(11) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(650)
X(11) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(650)
X(11) = trilinear pole wrt intouch triangle of Soddy line
X(11) = trilinear pole wrt extouch triangle of line X(8)X(9)
X(11) = midpoint of PU(i) for these i: 121, 123
X(11) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 121, 123
X(11) = homothetic center of medial triangle and Mandart-incircle triangle
X(11) = X(100) of Mandart-incircle triangle
X(11) = X(3659) of orthic triangle if ABC is acute
X(11) = homothetic center of intangents triangle and reflection of extangents triangle in X(100)
X(11) = homothetic center of 3rd Euler triangle and intouch triangle
X(11) = QA-P2 (Euler-Poncelet Point) of quadrangle ABCX(1) (see
X(11) = intersection of tangents to Steiner inellipse at X(1086) and X(1146)
X(11) = crosspoint wrt medial triangle of X(1086) and X(1146)
X(11) = perspector of orthic triangle and tangential triangle of hyperbola {{A,B,C,X(1),X(2)}}
X(11) = homothetic center of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(104) and congruent quadrilateral formed by orthocenters of vertices taken 3 at a time
X(11) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Feuerbach triangle
X(11) = homothetic center of medial triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and inner Johnson triangle
X(11) = homothetic center of Euler triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 1st Johnson-Yff triangle
X(11) = homothetic center of medial triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Johnson-Yff triangle
X(11) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(513)
X(11) = trilinear pole of line X(4530)X(14393)
X(11) = point of concurrence of cevian circles of vertices of anticevian triangle of X(7)
X(11) = homothetic center of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(104) and congruent quadrilateral formed by orthocenters of vertices taken 3 at a time
X(11) = homothetic center of Ursa-minor and Ursa-major triangles
X(11) = homothetic center of ABC and inner Johnson triangle
X(11) = trilinear product X(57)*X(1146)
X(11) = barycentric product X(7)*X(1146)
X(11) = homothetic center of Garcia reflection triangle (aka Gemini triangle 8) and 2nd Schiffler triangle
X(11) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(3659)
X(11) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(100)
X(11) = Pelletier-isogonal conjugate of X(35604)
X(11) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {18771, 8}, {31628, 20295}, {38809, 21272}
X(11) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 513}, {2, 3835}, {3, 20315}, {4, 20316}, {6, 514}, {7, 17072}, {9, 20317}, {10, 31946}, {11, 124}, {25, 3239}, {27, 30476}, {28, 8062}, {31, 650}, {32, 6586}, {34, 521}, {37, 4129}, {42, 661}, {55, 4521}, {56, 522}, {57, 4885}, {58, 523}, {75, 21260}, {76, 21262}, {81, 4369}, {86, 512}, {87, 4083}, {88, 4928}, {89, 47779}, {100, 24003}, {101, 4422}, {105, 3716}, {106, 900}, {109, 3035}, {111, 45661}, {190, 27076}, {223, 20314}, {239, 27854}, {244, 11}, {256, 21051}, {269, 3900}, {274, 42327}, {278, 46396}, {279, 46399}, {282, 20318}, {286, 21259}, {291, 3837}, {292, 812}, {310, 23301}, {330, 21191}, {335, 21261}, {512, 1213}, {513, 10}, {514, 141}, {521, 34823}, {522, 1329}, {523, 3454}, {593, 21196}, {596, 44316}, {604, 905}, {608, 14837}, {614, 17115}, {647, 440}, {649, 2}, {650, 3452}, {651, 21232}, {656, 21530}, {657, 6554}, {659, 17793}, {661, 1211}, {663, 9}, {665, 16593}, {667, 37}, {669, 21838}, {676, 118}, {692, 24036}, {693, 2887}, {739, 4763}, {741, 9508}, {749, 23815}, {798, 16589}, {810, 18591}, {812, 20333}, {849, 31947}, {870, 788}, {875, 1575}, {876, 3836}, {884, 40869}, {893, 25666}, {899, 14434}, {900, 121}, {902, 6544}, {904, 3709}, {905, 18589}, {918, 20540}, {977, 832}, {985, 4874}, {987, 6133}, {996, 9002}, {998, 9001}, {1002, 24720}, {1015, 1086}, {1019, 3739}, {1022, 3834}, {1024, 34852}, {1027, 518}, {1042, 656}, {1073, 20319}, {1086, 116}, {1096, 14298}, {1106, 6129}, {1111, 21252}, {1120, 6085}, {1126, 4977}, {1169, 8045}, {1193, 50330}, {1201, 6615}, {1220, 6371}, {1222, 6363}, {1245, 47842}, {1252, 10196}, {1255, 48049}, {1333, 14838}, {1357, 3756}, {1358, 17059}, {1390, 48050}, {1395, 6588}, {1397, 6589}, {1398, 21172}, {1400, 1577}, {1407, 7658}, {1411, 3738}, {1412, 17069}, {1413, 8058}, {1415, 16578}, {1416, 676}, {1431, 3907}, {1434, 17066}, {1438, 918}, {1458, 3126}, {1459, 3}, {1461, 17044}, {1474, 525}, {1477, 4925}, {1577, 21245}, {1635, 16594}, {1638, 31844}, {1647, 3259}, {1769, 119}, {1911, 665}, {1914, 27929}, {1919, 39}, {1960, 4370}, {1973, 2509}, {1977, 6377}, {1980, 16584}, {2006, 46397}, {2107, 46390}, {2162, 31286}, {2163, 4777}, {2170, 26932}, {2191, 3309}, {2203, 16612}, {2206, 647}, {2215, 23882}, {2254, 120}, {2279, 4762}, {2291, 45326}, {2297, 8712}, {2308, 4988}, {2309, 40627}, {2310, 5514}, {2334, 4778}, {2350, 693}, {2382, 45666}, {2384, 45684}, {2423, 3911}, {2424, 516}, {2530, 21249}, {2605, 3647}, {2983, 29162}, {3063, 1212}, {3064, 41883}, {3120, 125}, {3121, 16592}, {3122, 115}, {3123, 5518}, {3124, 6627}, {3125, 8287}, {3223, 25142}, {3226, 6373}, {3248, 1015}, {3261, 626}, {3270, 40616}, {3271, 1146}, {3415, 4522}, {3445, 3667}, {3572, 3912}, {3667, 2885}, {3669, 142}, {3676, 2886}, {3699, 3038}, {3709, 38930}, {3720, 50497}, {3733, 1125}, {3737, 960}, {3756, 5510}, {3766, 20542}, {3768, 13466}, {3835, 21250}, {3837, 20551}, {3937, 2968}, {3939, 3039}, {4010, 45162}, {4017, 442}, {4025, 1368}, {4040, 40607}, {4057, 4075}, {4079, 6537}, {4083, 34832}, {4091, 6389}, {4105, 5574}, {4107, 39080}, {4164, 19563}, {4367, 51575}, {4391, 21244}, {4444, 20541}, {4455, 35068}, {4466, 127}, {4556, 620}, {4560, 21246}, {4581, 3831}, {4584, 40548}, {4598, 40562}, {4603, 40546}, {4724, 3789}, {4750, 126}, {4775, 16590}, {4777, 21251}, {4817, 21264}, {5029, 6651}, {5331, 8672}, {6129, 6260}, {6164, 11814}, {6186, 3700}, {6187, 1639}, {6373, 20532}, {6385, 21263}, {6548, 21241}, {6591, 226}, {6729, 2090}, {7004, 123}, {7050, 43061}, {7117, 16596}, {7121, 21348}, {7123, 11068}, {7151, 14331}, {7178, 17052}, {7180, 17056}, {7192, 3741}, {7199, 21240}, {7203, 3742}, {7216, 18635}, {7250, 1834}, {7252, 5745}, {7649, 5}, {7658, 2884}, {8050, 36951}, {8578, 39026}, {8632, 17755}, {8643, 3161}, {8656, 36911}, {8700, 45679}, {8747, 520}, {9262, 190}, {9268, 6550}, {9309, 4147}, {9315, 31287}, {9456, 3960}, {10013, 6005}, {10566, 3934}, {10579, 8713}, {11125, 113}, {13476, 50337}, {14413, 10427}, {14419, 16597}, {14936, 13609}, {16079, 4943}, {16726, 17761}, {16732, 21253}, {16757, 21247}, {16892, 21248}, {17096, 17050}, {17187, 3005}, {17924, 20305}, {17925, 34830}, {17954, 2787}, {17962, 2786}, {18001, 10026}, {18014, 20546}, {18098, 29512}, {18108, 1215}, {18191, 34589}, {18210, 34846}, {18344, 20262}, {20974, 40618}, {20979, 6376}, {21102, 1209}, {21109, 15116}, {21122, 40938}, {21123, 6292}, {21132, 46100}, {21143, 6547}, {21172, 2883}, {21758, 16586}, {21832, 46842}, {22350, 42769}, {22383, 1214}, {23189, 34851}, {23345, 519}, {23351, 5199}, {23355, 726}, {23472, 41771}, {23493, 798}, {23572, 6374}, {23838, 5123}, {23892, 536}, {24002, 17046}, {24012, 17426}, {25417, 4932}, {25426, 28840}, {25430, 4940}, {25576, 25107}, {26721, 23305}, {27789, 48041}, {27846, 38989}, {28615, 48003}, {30571, 4806}, {30650, 47778}, {30651, 48008}, {32674, 36949}, {32735, 24980}, {32739, 23988}, {34080, 25097}, {34444, 8714}, {34893, 2832}, {34916, 4160}, {35058, 23803}, {35348, 5087}, {35355, 3823}, {35365, 50752}, {36123, 8677}, {36127, 3042}, {36598, 29226}, {37129, 891}, {37627, 3880}, {38266, 3669}, {38346, 40619}, {38357, 46663}, {38986, 40610}, {39949, 4132}, {39961, 47996}, {39965, 48399}, {39972, 29198}, {40148, 649}, {40433, 6372}, {40495, 21235}, {40746, 824}, {40763, 3805}, {40958, 40628}, {41434, 28209}, {41436, 6006}, {43051, 20528}, {43531, 834}, {43922, 1647}, {43923, 1210}, {43924, 1}, {43925, 40940}, {43926, 50755}, {43927, 50605}, {43928, 4871}, {43929, 3008}, {43931, 3840}, {43932, 11019}, {46018, 4791}, {46107, 21243}, {47947, 17239}, {48032, 40609}, {48131, 51571}, {48144, 10472}, {48306, 51573}, {48340, 51572}, {50344, 3634}, {50521, 16587}, {50525, 28651}, {51223, 47843}, {51443, 4913}, {51476, 2490}, {51640, 18642}, {51642, 2092}, {51648, 35204}, {51650, 41540}, {51654, 6600}, {51658, 12640}, {51686, 23874}
X(11) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 523}, {2, 650}, {4, 513}, {5, 8819}, {7, 514}, {8, 522}, {9, 6362}, {10, 17420}, {75, 21120}, {79, 4977}, {80, 900}, {83, 3287}, {98, 659}, {100, 15914}, {261, 4560}, {262, 1491}, {273, 7178}, {278, 3064}, {312, 3700}, {314, 3910}, {333, 4976}, {497, 11934}, {514, 42462}, {522, 21132}, {596, 21119}, {650, 42454}, {693, 40166}, {941, 784}, {1000, 4777}, {1086, 4534}, {1088, 21104}, {1111, 1086}, {1156, 2826}, {1222, 40500}, {1320, 2804}, {1440, 3669}, {1751, 652}, {2051, 661}, {2298, 29142}, {2321, 48264}, {2481, 918}, {2997, 525}, {3254, 6366}, {3296, 4802}, {3434, 11927}, {3596, 4391}, {3615, 3737}, {3680, 42337}, {3701, 4985}, {4518, 50333}, {4858, 1146}, {4997, 1639}, {5397, 50349}, {5551, 28199}, {5556, 4778}, {5557, 28175}, {5558, 28147}, {5559, 28183}, {5560, 28217}, {5561, 28209}, {6384, 20508}, {6557, 3239}, {6601, 3900}, {7155, 3810}, {7249, 3004}, {7261, 812}, {7317, 28205}, {7318, 905}, {7319, 3667}, {7320, 28161}, {7607, 48226}, {7608, 47827}, {9221, 18116}, {11604, 3738}, {13478, 649}, {13606, 28187}, {14458, 50358}, {14484, 2526}, {14492, 50328}, {14554, 46393}, {15314, 29162}, {17197, 2170}, {17501, 39386}, {17758, 21127}, {18101, 3271}, {18490, 28151}, {18815, 10015}, {23836, 6550}, {24026, 38357}, {24298, 8674}, {24624, 654}, {26721, 21133}, {26856, 11998}, {30101, 23755}, {30479, 23880}, {30710, 47135}, {32016, 24113}, {32023, 693}, {34387, 26932}, {35097, 8677}, {36590, 23838}, {36620, 3676}, {38254, 7658}, {38255, 4521}, {39768, 6370}, {40419, 17494}, {40450, 1}, {40451, 244}, {40836, 7649}, {41527, 824}, {42318, 14330}, {43531, 17418}, {43672, 2254}, {43731, 28221}, {43732, 28213}, {43733, 28195}, {43734, 4926}, {43740, 521}, {43741, 35057}, {43749, 3907}, {43759, 4773}, {43972, 21106}, {44426, 42455}, {44733, 4841}, {45100, 48026}, {46103, 7252}, {51685, 4990}
X(11) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2170, 1086}, {2310, 1146}, {3259, 35015}, {3271, 8735}, {4516, 2170}, {4542, 4530}, {4953, 4534}, {5532, 42462}, {7117, 26932}, {7336, 21132}, {18210, 7004}, {21044, 4858}, {21132, 522}, {23615, 3064}, {42462, 514}, {42547, 43974}, {46101, 2}
X(11) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2957}, {2, 17036}, {650, 11193}, {1146, 4953}, {1647, 3259}, {2170, 2310}, {3120, 18210}, {3271, 7117}, {4516, 21044}, {4530, 4542}, {5532, 42462}, {7336, 21132}
X(11) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3737}, {2, 693}, {4, 44426}, {7, 514}, {8, 522}, {261, 4560}, {278, 3676}, {312, 18155}, {513, 34434}, {1111, 4858}, {3307, 3308}, {3596, 4391}, {4397, 6556}, {40437, 43728}
X(11) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 4551}, {3, 36059}, {6, 692}, {55, 101}, {56, 109}, {100, 2975}, {108, 41227}, {181, 4559}, {215, 1983}, {219, 3939}, {906, 6056}, {1110, 2149}, {1362, 2283}, {1381, 1382}, {1397, 1415}, {7066, 23067}, {17455, 23344}, {23981, 34586}
X(11) = trilinear pole of line {4530, 14393}
X(11) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {101, 109}
X(11) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {10770, 101}, {10777, 109}
X(11) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 59}, {2, 2149}, {3, 7012}, {6, 4564}, {7, 1110}, {8, 24027}, {9, 1262}, {12, 1101}, {19, 44717}, {31, 4998}, {41, 1275}, {48, 46102}, {55, 7045}, {56, 765}, {57, 1252}, {63, 7115}, {65, 4570}, {73, 5379}, {85, 23990}, {100, 109}, {101, 651}, {108, 1331}, {110, 4551}, {162, 23067}, {163, 4552}, {181, 24041}, {190, 1415}, {200, 7339}, {201, 250}, {213, 4620}, {219, 7128}, {249, 2171}, {269, 6065}, {312, 23979}, {480, 24013}, {603, 15742}, {604, 1016}, {644, 1461}, {649, 31615}, {650, 4619}, {653, 906}, {655, 1983}, {662, 4559}, {664, 692}, {728, 23971}, {872, 7340}, {883, 32666}, {901, 23703}, {919, 1025}, {934, 3939}, {1018, 4565}, {1020, 5546}, {1026, 32735}, {1088, 6066}, {1106, 4076}, {1259, 24033}, {1319, 9268}, {1332, 32674}, {1397, 7035}, {1400, 4567}, {1402, 4600}, {1404, 5376}, {1405, 5385}, {1414, 4557}, {1428, 5378}, {1458, 5377}, {1469, 5384}, {1783, 1813}, {1897, 36059}, {2190, 44710}, {2223, 39293}, {2283, 36086}, {2284, 36146}, {2289, 23984}, {2397, 32669}, {2427, 37136}, {3719, 23985}, {3869, 15386}, {3882, 8687}, {3888, 8685}, {4554, 32739}, {4556, 21859}, {4578, 6614}, {4579, 29055}, {4585, 32675}, {4587, 32714}, {5383, 41526}, {6056, 24032}, {6335, 32660}, {6358, 23357}, {6516, 8750}, {6602, 23586}, {7066, 24000}, {16945, 44724}, {17439, 38809}, {18026, 32656}, {18315, 35307}, {19614, 44699}, {23592, 34544}, {23981, 36037}, {23995, 34388}, {24029, 32641}, {32643, 42718}, {36074, 37211}, {36075, 37212}
X(11) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 765}, {2, 4998}, {3, 59}, {4, 44699}, {5, 44710}, {6, 44717}, {7, 514}, {8, 522}, {8, 44724}, {9, 4564}, {11, 100}, {12, 523}, {55, 17115}, {56, 513}, {57, 661}, {63, 40628}, {65, 50330}, {69, 905}, {75, 1577}, {78, 656}, {99, 40625}, {101, 38991}, {108, 5521}, {109, 8054}, {115, 4552}, {125, 23067}, {181, 3005}, {190, 1146}, {200, 6608}, {223, 7045}, {226, 4988}, {244, 4551}, {345, 3239}, {478, 1262}, {480, 3900}, {518, 3126}, {521, 1259}, {644, 35508}, {647, 26942}, {651, 1015}, {653, 5190}, {658, 40615}, {664, 1086}, {665, 34253}, {668, 40624}, {676, 50441}, {692, 39025}, {798, 41526}, {883, 35094}, {900, 1317}, {918, 35509}, {934, 40617}, {1016, 3161}, {1025, 38980}, {1084, 4559}, {1249, 46102}, {1252, 5452}, {1275, 3160}, {1331, 38983}, {1332, 35072}, {1376, 4885}, {1400, 40627}, {1402, 50497}, {1403, 3835}, {1639, 51583}, {1788, 20315}, {1813, 39006}, {1897, 20620}, {2149, 32664}, {2170, 21362}, {2283, 38989}, {2284, 39014}, {2295, 3709}, {2968, 3699}, {3119, 35341}, {3162, 7115}, {3259, 23981}, {3667, 6049}, {3676, 17093}, {3700, 3969}, {3716, 8299}, {3738, 4996}, {3756, 43290}, {3837, 8850}, {3882, 17419}, {3911, 6544}, {3939, 14714}, {3952, 6741}, {3960, 41801}, {4076, 6552}, {4242, 13999}, {4417, 6589}, {4516, 22280}, {4521, 5435}, {4534, 25737}, {4554, 40619}, {4557, 40608}, {4561, 40626}, {4566, 40622}, {4567, 40582}, {4570, 40602}, {4571, 7358}, {4573, 40620}, {4585, 35128}, {4600, 40605}, {4620, 6626}, {5125, 7649}, {5375, 31615}, {5511, 40576}, {5515, 14594}, {6065, 6600}, {6067, 6362}, {6068, 6366}, {6129, 7080}, {6332, 51612}, {6516, 26932}, {6586, 33298}, {6609, 7339}, {6649, 16592}, {6735, 23757}, {7012, 36103}, {7952, 15742}, {14838, 40999}, {15632, 35014}, {17072, 34247}, {17780, 51402}, {18314, 34388}, {18838, 42769}, {21044, 22003}, {21232, 21320}, {23703, 38979}, {34467, 36059}
X(11) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4858}, {4, 26932}, {6, 34387}, {7, 1146}, {8, 1086}, {9, 1111}, {10, 17197}, {12, 26856}, {19, 17880}, {21, 16732}, {29, 4466}, {55, 23989}, {56, 23978}, {57, 24026}, {60, 338}, {69, 8735}, {75, 2170}, {76, 3271}, {85, 2310}, {86, 21044}, {92, 7004}, {100, 40166}, {115, 261}, {124, 13478}, {125, 46103}, {141, 18101}, {189, 38357}, {190, 21132}, {210, 16727}, {219, 2973}, {222, 21666}, {244, 312}, {257, 4459}, {264, 7117}, {270, 20902}, {273, 34591}, {274, 4516}, {278, 2968}, {279, 4081}, {281, 1565}, {284, 21207}, {314, 3125}, {318, 3942}, {321, 18191}, {331, 3270}, {333, 3120}, {335, 4124}, {339, 2189}, {345, 2969}, {346, 1358}, {348, 42069}, {479, 23970}, {513, 4391}, {514, 522}, {521, 17924}, {523, 4560}, {646, 764}, {649, 35519}, {650, 693}, {651, 42455}, {652, 46107}, {658, 23615}, {661, 18155}, {663, 3261}, {664, 42462}, {850, 7252}, {885, 918}, {903, 4530}, {905, 44426}, {1015, 3596}, {1016, 7336}, {1019, 4086}, {1021, 4077}, {1022, 4768}, {1088, 3119}, {1090, 4564}, {1109, 2185}, {1118, 23983}, {1275, 5532}, {1364, 2052}, {1365, 7058}, {1367, 36421}, {1440, 5514}, {1459, 46110}, {1461, 23104}, {1509, 4092}, {1577, 3737}, {1639, 6548}, {1647, 4997}, {1826, 17219}, {1977, 40363}, {2051, 34589}, {2150, 23994}, {2218, 17878}, {2320, 4957}, {2321, 17205}, {2325, 6549}, {2401, 2804}, {2481, 17435}, {2618, 39177}, {2995, 38345}, {3023, 40099}, {3035, 31611}, {3063, 40495}, {3064, 4025}, {3121, 40072}, {3122, 28660}, {3123, 27424}, {3124, 18021}, {3239, 3676}, {3248, 28659}, {3452, 40451}, {3613, 27010}, {3615, 8287}, {3669, 4397}, {3675, 36796}, {3699, 6545}, {3700, 7192}, {3701, 16726}, {3716, 4444}, {3756, 6557}, {3762, 23838}, {3790, 43266}, {3900, 24002}, {3910, 4581}, {3937, 7017}, {3939, 23100}, {4041, 7199}, {4089, 36910}, {4373, 4534}, {4451, 7200}, {4518, 27918}, {4522, 4817}, {4551, 40213}, {4582, 6550}, {4608, 4976}, {4811, 47915}, {4904, 6601}, {4939, 8056}, {4953, 27818}, {4985, 47947}, {6063, 14936}, {6332, 7649}, {6506, 7318}, {6556, 40617}, {6591, 35518}, {7068, 36419}, {7155, 21138}, {7178, 7253}, {8748, 17216}, {10015, 43728}, {10566, 48278}, {13426, 22106}, {13454, 22107}, {13609, 36620}, {14618, 23189}, {15413, 18344}, {15416, 43923}, {15633, 34050}, {15634, 40869}, {16082, 35014}, {16596, 40836}, {17094, 17926}, {17877, 39943}, {18210, 31623}, {21140, 36799}, {23062, 24010}, {26563, 40528}, {28132, 43042}, {31628, 42547}, {34234, 35015}, {34434, 40624}, {34896, 37771}, {35174, 46384}, {36795, 42753}, {37222, 51442}, {38347, 40216}, {38362, 44189}, {40086, 47793}, {40437, 46398}, {42754, 51565}, {43735, 46533}
X(11) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4564}, {2, 4998}, {3, 44717}, {4, 46102}, {6, 59}, {7, 1275}, {8, 1016}, {9, 765}, {19, 7012}, {21, 4567}, {25, 7115}, {31, 2149}, {34, 7128}, {41, 1110}, {55, 1252}, {56, 1262}, {57, 7045}, {60, 249}, {86, 4620}, {100, 31615}, {109, 4619}, {115, 12}, {116, 33298}, {124, 4417}, {125, 26942}, {149, 31633}, {216, 44710}, {220, 6065}, {244, 57}, {261, 4590}, {281, 15742}, {284, 4570}, {294, 5377}, {312, 7035}, {314, 4601}, {333, 4600}, {338, 34388}, {346, 4076}, {479, 23586}, {512, 4559}, {513, 651}, {514, 664}, {521, 1332}, {522, 190}, {523, 4552}, {604, 24027}, {647, 23067}, {649, 109}, {650, 100}, {652, 1331}, {657, 3939}, {661, 4551}, {663, 101}, {665, 2283}, {667, 1415}, {673, 39293}, {693, 4554}, {738, 24013}, {764, 3669}, {884, 919}, {885, 666}, {905, 6516}, {918, 883}, {926, 2284}, {1015, 56}, {1019, 1414}, {1021, 643}, {1024, 36086}, {1027, 36146}, {1086, 7}, {1090, 4858}, {1109, 6358}, {1111, 85}, {1118, 23984}, {1146, 8}, {1172, 5379}, {1249, 44699}, {1320, 5376}, {1357, 1407}, {1358, 279}, {1364, 394}, {1365, 6354}, {1397, 23979}, {1407, 7339}, {1459, 1813}, {1509, 7340}, {1565, 348}, {1566, 50441}, {1635, 23703}, {1639, 17780}, {1647, 3911}, {1769, 24029}, {1946, 906}, {1977, 1397}, {2087, 1319}, {2150, 1101}, {2170, 1}, {2175, 23990}, {2185, 24041}, {2189, 250}, {2254, 1025}, {2310, 9}, {2316, 9268}, {2320, 5385}, {2344, 5384}, {2423, 2720}, {2488, 35326}, {2611, 16577}, {2638, 2289}, {2643, 2171}, {2804, 2397}, {2968, 345}, {2969, 278}, {2973, 331}, {3022, 220}, {3023, 6645}, {3063, 692}, {3064, 1897}, {3119, 200}, {3120, 226}, {3121, 1402}, {3122, 1400}, {3123, 1423}, {3124, 181}, {3125, 65}, {3161, 44724}, {3239, 3699}, {3248, 604}, {3261, 4572}, {3269, 7066}, {3270, 219}, {3271, 6}, {3287, 4579}, {3310, 23981}, {3326, 26611}, {3328, 35110}, {3596, 31625}, {3669, 934}, {3675, 241}, {3676, 658}, {3680, 5382}, {3699, 6632}, {3700, 3952}, {3708, 201}, {3709, 4557}, {3716, 3570}, {3733, 4565}, {3737, 662}, {3738, 4585}, {3756, 5435}, {3810, 33946}, {3900, 644}, {3907, 18047}, {3937, 222}, {3942, 77}, {4014, 6180}, {4017, 1020}, {4041, 1018}, {4081, 346}, {4086, 4033}, {4089, 17078}, {4091, 6517}, {4092, 594}, {4124, 239}, {4130, 4578}, {4147, 4595}, {4163, 6558}, {4171, 4069}, {4369, 6649}, {4391, 668}, {4397, 646}, {4403, 7223}, {4435, 3573}, {4459, 894}, {4466, 307}, {4474, 4482}, {4475, 7146}, {4516, 37}, {4521, 43290}, {4522, 3807}, {4526, 23343}, {4528, 30731}, {4530, 519}, {4534, 145}, {4542, 4370}, {4546, 30720}, {4560, 99}, {4581, 6648}, {4582, 6635}, {4705, 21859}, {4768, 24004}, {4814, 4752}, {4820, 4756}, {4834, 36074}, {4858, 75}, {4876, 5378}, {4895, 1023}, {4904, 6604}, {4939, 18743}, {4944, 4767}, {4953, 3161}, {4965, 3759}, {4976, 4427}, {4990, 30729}, {5190, 5125}, {5432, 43986}, {5514, 7080}, {5532, 1146}, {5548, 6551}, {6075, 43043}, {6332, 4561}, {6377, 1403}, {6506, 5552}, {6545, 3676}, {6550, 30725}, {6590, 14594}, {6591, 108}, {6608, 35341}, {6615, 21362}, {6729, 6733}, {6741, 3969}, {7004, 63}, {7023, 23971}, {7058, 6064}, {7063, 7109}, {7117, 3}, {7155, 5383}, {7178, 4566}, {7192, 4573}, {7199, 4625}, {7200, 7176}, {7202, 1442}, {7203, 4637}, {7252, 110}, {7253, 645}, {7336, 1086}, {7337, 23985}, {7649, 653}, {8034, 7180}, {8042, 7203}, {8287, 40999}, {8648, 1983}, {8735, 4}, {8754, 8736}, {11124, 14589}, {11193, 5375}, {11927, 30626}, {11998, 2975}, {14304, 42718}, {14413, 23890}, {14430, 23891}, {14442, 39771}, {14827, 6066}, {14935, 7123}, {14936, 55}, {15280, 28743}, {15615, 39686}, {15635, 34051}, {15914, 43991}, {16726, 1014}, {16732, 1441}, {17059, 17234}, {17096, 4616}, {17197, 86}, {17205, 1434}, {17219, 17206}, {17420, 3882}, {17435, 518}, {17880, 304}, {17924, 18026}, {17926, 36797}, {18021, 34537}, {18101, 83}, {18155, 799}, {18191, 81}, {18210, 1214}, {18344, 1783}, {18771, 38809}, {20975, 2197}, {20982, 2594}, {21044, 10}, {21104, 35312}, {21120, 21272}, {21123, 46153}, {21127, 35338}, {21132, 514}, {21138, 3212}, {21139, 9312}, {21140, 43040}, {21143, 43924}, {21207, 349}, {21666, 7017}, {21789, 5546}, {21950, 4848}, {21963, 28387}, {22106, 13436}, {22107, 13453}, {22383, 36059}, {23062, 24011}, {23189, 4558}, {23615, 3239}, {23760, 31605}, {23761, 47676}, {23764, 30719}, {23838, 3257}, {23970, 5423}, {23978, 3596}, {23983, 1264}, {23989, 6063}, {24002, 4569}, {24010, 728}, {24012, 6602}, {24026, 312}, {24031, 3719}, {24840, 17350}, {26856, 261}, {26932, 69}, {26956, 26872}, {27010, 1078}, {27846, 1429}, {27918, 1447}, {28132, 36802}, {33573, 6745}, {34387, 76}, {34589, 14829}, {34591, 78}, {35015, 908}, {35072, 1259}, {35091, 6068}, {35092, 1317}, {35128, 4996}, {35348, 37139}, {35505, 1362}, {35506, 1682}, {35508, 480}, {35519, 1978}, {36123, 39294}, {36197, 210}, {36798, 5381}, {38345, 3869}, {38347, 1621}, {38357, 329}, {38358, 3681}, {38362, 196}, {38365, 4251}, {38374, 14256}, {38375, 3870}, {38389, 34048}, {38986, 41526}, {38989, 34253}, {39687, 6056}, {39786, 1284}, {40166, 693}, {40213, 18155}, {40451, 40420}, {40528, 23617}, {40608, 2295}, {40615, 17093}, {40621, 6049}, {40626, 51612}, {42067, 608}, {42069, 281}, {42337, 25268}, {42454, 17494}, {42455, 4391}, {42462, 522}, {42753, 1465}, {42754, 22464}, {43728, 13136}, {43921, 1462}, {43923, 32714}, {43924, 1461}, {43929, 32735}, {43932, 4617}, {44311, 32939}, {44426, 6335}, {46101, 3035}, {46103, 18020}, {46107, 46404}, {46384, 3738}, {47694, 14612}, {48278, 4568}, {50333, 42720}, {50512, 36075}, {51402, 51583}, {51442, 30566}
X(11) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 5, 12}, {1, 12, 15888}, {1, 119, 10956}, {1, 355, 10944}, {1, 496, 37722}, {1, 1837, 10950}, {1, 2006, 45946}, {1, 5219, 17718}, {1, 5400, 4551}, {1, 5443, 37737}, {1, 5531, 37736}, {1, 5587, 5252}, {1, 5727, 37740}, {1, 5881, 37738}, {1, 5886, 15950}, {1, 6264, 20586}, {1, 6326, 12739}, {1, 7173, 3614}, {1, 7741, 5}, {1, 7951, 495}, {1, 7972, 12735}, {1, 7988, 5219}, {1, 7989, 9578}, {1, 8227, 11375}, {1, 9581, 1837}, {1, 9897, 7972}, {1, 10593, 7173}, {1, 10826, 355}, {1, 10943, 10949}, {1, 10950, 37734}, {1, 10958, 10955}, {1, 16173, 1387}, {1, 17717, 5718}, {1, 17718, 37703}, {1, 17719, 17724}, {1, 17720, 17602}, {1, 17722, 17726}, {1, 23708, 5886}, {1, 26470, 10957}, {1, 26475, 10959}, {1, 26476, 10958}, {1, 37692, 11374}, {1, 37701, 5719}, {1, 37702, 37730}, {1, 37706, 1483}, {1, 37711, 37727}, {1, 37714, 37709}, {1, 37717, 5724}, {1, 37718, 80}, {1, 37720, 496}, {1, 37721, 37739}, {1, 37732, 2594}, {1, 37735, 5901}, {1, 39692, 119}, {1, 50443, 11376}, {1, 50444, 50443}, {2, 55, 5432}, {2, 100, 3035}, {2, 149, 100}, {2, 390, 5218}, {2, 497, 55}, {2, 673, 26007}, {2, 1621, 6690}, {2, 2550, 4413}, {2, 2886, 3925}, {2, 3035, 31235}, {2, 3058, 4995}, {2, 3434, 1376}, {2, 4366, 26629}, {2, 5274, 497}, {2, 5432, 5326}, {2, 11235, 34612}, {2, 11238, 3058}, {2, 11680, 2886}, {2, 23541, 25882}, {2, 26007, 31192}, {2, 26105, 4423}, {2, 26139, 25531}, {2, 26795, 27072}, {2, 26846, 27009}, {2, 31272, 6667}, {2, 33108, 3826}, {3, 499, 5433}, {3, 1479, 6284}, {3, 6284, 15338}, {3, 6713, 21154}, {3, 9668, 4302}, {3, 9669, 1479}, {3, 10525, 11826}, {3, 11928, 10525}, {3, 51517, 10738}, {4, 56, 7354}, {4, 3086, 56}, {4, 4293, 12943}, {4, 10591, 10896}, {4, 10598, 10893}, {4, 10785, 12114}, {4, 12248, 10728}, {4, 47743, 3086}, {5, 12, 3614}, {5, 495, 7951}, {5, 496, 1}, {5, 1837, 10958}, {5, 5533, 1317}, {5, 7741, 7173}, {5, 8227, 7958}, {5, 10593, 7741}, {5, 10943, 355}, {5, 10948, 10944}, {5, 10959, 10955}, {5, 26475, 10950}, {5, 32214, 10942}, {5, 37720, 37722}, {5, 37722, 15888}, {5, 37726, 37725}, {6, 12589, 39873}, {6, 44618, 19024}, {6, 44619, 19023}, {6, 44623, 19030}, {6, 44624, 19029}, {7, 7678, 42356}, {8, 1329, 21031}, {8, 4193, 1329}, {8, 5233, 4023}, {10, 3825, 4187}, {10, 6702, 34122}, {10, 11814, 24003}, {10, 12053, 3057}, {10, 24387, 24390}, {10, 49600, 10914}, {12, 1317, 10956}, {12, 7173, 5}, {12, 10949, 10944}, {12, 10950, 10955}, {12, 10959, 37734}, {12, 37722, 1}, {20, 5225, 12953}, {20, 7288, 5204}, {20, 38693, 38759}, {31, 29662, 37646}, {35, 4857, 15171}, {36, 3582, 15325}, {36, 15325, 5298}, {38, 7069, 24431}, {40, 6922, 50031}, {40, 9614, 12701}, {55, 497, 3058}, {55, 5432, 4995}, {55, 11238, 497}, {56, 10896, 4}, {56, 12943, 4293}, {57, 1699, 1836}, {57, 1836, 11246}, {65, 20118, 12832}, {75, 21580, 21404}, {79, 3337, 24470}, {80, 1387, 1317}, {80, 2006, 14204}, {80, 5443, 45764}, {80, 5533, 37726}, {80, 7741, 39692}, {80, 7972, 9897}, {80, 8068, 119}, {80, 10057, 355}, {80, 16173, 1}, {80, 37718, 12019}, {80, 37720, 5533}, {90, 17437, 24467}, {100, 3035, 6174}, {100, 6667, 31235}, {100, 10707, 149}, {100, 31272, 2}, {104, 10728, 12248}, {104, 13273, 7354}, {116, 17761, 4904}, {119, 23513, 5}, {124, 34589, 26932}, {125, 3270, 26956}, {137, 3327, 14101}, {140, 15171, 35}, {140, 33814, 38760}, {145, 5154, 11681}, {145, 11681, 12607}, {149, 497, 13274}, {149, 3035, 6154}, {149, 3434, 13271}, {149, 6667, 6174}, {149, 31272, 3035}, {149, 45310, 31235}, {153, 388, 12763}, {181, 2051, 10406}, {200, 24392, 4863}, {214, 1125, 34123}, {214, 32557, 1125}, {226, 3817, 17605}, {226, 11019, 354}, {238, 1936, 2361}, {238, 33140, 35466}, {244, 1647, 3756}, {244, 2310, 7004}, {244, 3120, 1086}, {312, 3703, 6057}, {312, 3705, 3703}, {354, 17604, 1864}, {354, 17605, 226}, {354, 17660, 5083}, {355, 10523, 12}, {355, 10948, 10949}, {355, 11373, 1}, {371, 9661, 18965}, {381, 999, 1478}, {381, 10072, 5434}, {381, 12773, 10742}, {381, 18519, 18516}, {388, 3091, 10895}, {388, 14986, 3304}, {390, 5218, 55}, {390, 45043, 20119}, {405, 26363, 24953}, {485, 1124, 19028}, {486, 1335, 19027}, {495, 7951, 12}, {496, 1484, 5533}, {496, 1837, 10959}, {496, 7173, 15888}, {496, 7741, 12}, {496, 10593, 5}, {496, 10826, 10949}, {496, 10943, 10948}, {496, 12019, 37726}, {496, 26476, 10950}, {496, 39692, 1317}, {497, 3434, 10947}, {497, 5218, 390}, {497, 5274, 11238}, {497, 10589, 2}, {499, 1479, 3}, {499, 9669, 6284}, {499, 10058, 6713}, {546, 18990, 3585}, {547, 15170, 3584}, {590, 2066, 13901}, {590, 48714, 13922}, {613, 1352, 39897}, {615, 5414, 13958}, {615, 48715, 13991}, {631, 4294, 5217}, {631, 13199, 34474}, {650, 38347, 14936}, {693, 40619, 23989}, {936, 25522, 24954}, {938, 6828, 15844}, {942, 9955, 12047}, {942, 12047, 3649}, {944, 6941, 18242}, {946, 1210, 65}, {946, 12616, 12672}, {946, 16174, 38038}, {950, 1125, 2646}, {950, 2646, 10543}, {960, 6734, 21677}, {962, 1788, 37567}, {962, 5704, 1788}, {982, 3944, 3782}, {999, 1478, 5434}, {999, 12773, 10074}, {1056, 3545, 10590}, {1056, 10590, 11237}, {1058, 3085, 3303}, {1058, 3090, 3085}, {1086, 3756, 244}, {1111, 1565, 1358}, {1125, 17647, 17614}, {1125, 25639, 442}, {1125, 33709, 32557}, {1145, 34122, 10}, {1146, 2170, 4534}, {1146, 6506, 5514}, {1146, 13609, 3119}, {1210, 10265, 20118}, {1317, 23513, 3614}, {1329, 3813, 8}, {1329, 3847, 4193}, {1376, 3434, 34612}, {1376, 11235, 3434}, {1376, 13205, 100}, {1387, 5533, 37722}, {1387, 10593, 23513}, {1387, 39692, 12}, {1421, 2006, 15253}, {1478, 10072, 999}, {1479, 4302, 9668}, {1479, 5433, 15338}, {1484, 8068, 1317}, {1484, 10057, 10949}, {1484, 10593, 39692}, {1484, 16173, 37722}, {1484, 23513, 37725}, {1500, 1506, 31460}, {1537, 38038, 946}, {1647, 3120, 244}, {1656, 3295, 498}, {1656, 12331, 38752}, {1699, 1768, 34789}, {1699, 8727, 7965}, {1699, 17728, 11246}, {1738, 5121, 16610}, {1768, 11219, 13226}, {1836, 17728, 57}, {1837, 11376, 1}, {1837, 37740, 5727}, {2170, 3119, 38375}, {2170, 21044, 1146}, {2170, 33573, 43960}, {2310, 3120, 38357}, {2310, 4459, 24840}, {2476, 3616, 25466}, {2478, 10527, 958}, {2607, 21381, 14985}, {2886, 3816, 2}, {2886, 3826, 33108}, {2886, 3829, 11680}, {2886, 15842, 1376}, {2886, 25652, 27692}, {2968, 24026, 4081}, {3006, 4358, 3932}, {3035, 6667, 2}, {3035, 45310, 6667}, {3057, 17606, 10}, {3058, 5432, 55}, {3073, 3075, 1399}, {3086, 10591, 4}, {3086, 10598, 18961}, {3086, 10896, 7354}, {3090, 38665, 20400}, {3091, 14986, 388}, {3091, 38669, 38757}, {3100, 9629, 5160}, {3119, 33573, 13609}, {3149, 48482, 6253}, {3295, 12331, 10087}, {3297, 42265, 31472}, {3298, 42262, 44622}, {3304, 10895, 388}, {3333, 9612, 10404}, {3434, 10584, 2}, {3436, 10529, 12513}, {3452, 4847, 210}, {3452, 24386, 4847}, {3486, 3616, 34471}, {3582, 3583, 36}, {3583, 15325, 15326}, {3585, 5563, 18990}, {3600, 3832, 5229}, {3600, 5229, 9657}, {3614, 15888, 12}, {3628, 51525, 38763}, {3666, 24210, 4854}, {3673, 17181, 3665}, {3685, 32851, 3712}, {3687, 3706, 4046}, {3705, 20545, 20487}, {3720, 33105, 17056}, {3741, 3846, 1211}, {3742, 3838, 5249}, {3813, 3847, 1329}, {3813, 4193, 21031}, {3816, 3829, 2886}, {3816, 11680, 3925}, {3816, 15845, 55}, {3817, 11019, 226}, {3825, 24387, 10}, {3826, 33108, 3925}, {3841, 19862, 17529}, {3851, 7373, 9654}, {3912, 20544, 20486}, {3936, 29824, 4966}, {4187, 24390, 10}, {4202, 26094, 25914}, {4293, 12943, 7354}, {4302, 9668, 6284}, {4304, 10165, 37600}, {4413, 31140, 2550}, {4423, 31245, 2}, {4514, 7081, 4030}, {4551, 5400, 45885}, {4858, 4939, 24026}, {4871, 21241, 3836}, {4995, 5326, 5432}, {5055, 6767, 31479}, {5083, 18240, 354}, {5083, 21635, 12831}, {5187, 10529, 3436}, {5204, 9671, 12953}, {5204, 12953, 20}, {5211, 37759, 32922}, {5217, 9670, 4294}, {5225, 7288, 20}, {5226, 10580, 3475}, {5272, 17064, 24789}, {5274, 10589, 55}, {5274, 11680, 15845}, {5274, 45043, 10707}, {5281, 10385, 55}, {5298, 15326, 36}, {5433, 6284, 3}, {5435, 9812, 3474}, {5531, 7988, 15017}, {5531, 15017, 5660}, {5531, 37736, 41701}, {5533, 7741, 119}, {5533, 8068, 1}, {5533, 23513, 10956}, {5587, 6264, 12751}, {5587, 37704, 1}, {5603, 6830, 7680}, {5603, 12247, 10698}, {5603, 18391, 2099}, {5697, 15079, 18395}, {5697, 18395, 5690}, {5722, 5886, 1}, {5722, 23708, 15950}, {5727, 37740, 10950}, {5745, 40998, 3683}, {5748, 36845, 25568}, {5886, 6265, 11729}, {5901, 8070, 12}, {5901, 37730, 1}, {5902, 18393, 39542}, {5927, 17626, 17625}, {6154, 6174, 100}, {6154, 31235, 6174}, {6174, 31235, 3035}, {6224, 32558, 3616}, {6667, 10707, 6154}, {6667, 45310, 31272}, {6684, 10624, 37568}, {6690, 49736, 1621}, {6702, 21630, 1145}, {6713, 10738, 24466}, {6734, 41012, 960}, {6736, 21627, 3893}, {6767, 31479, 10056}, {6833, 10531, 11496}, {6834, 12116, 11500}, {6928, 11249, 11827}, {7004, 35015, 38357}, {7173, 37722, 12}, {7191, 33133, 17061}, {7491, 26286, 30264}, {7741, 8068, 23513}, {7741, 9581, 26476}, {7741, 16173, 8068}, {7741, 26475, 10958}, {7741, 37702, 8070}, {7741, 37720, 1}, {7741, 37722, 3614}, {7951, 9897, 11698}, {7956, 8727, 1699}, {7958, 26481, 3614}, {7972, 12735, 1317}, {8068, 37726, 10956}, {8068, 39692, 5}, {8086, 8379, 174}, {8104, 13267, 174}, {8256, 13463, 14923}, {8286, 8287, 125}, {8976, 31474, 13905}, {9580, 31231, 165}, {9581, 11376, 10950}, {9581, 37720, 26475}, {9581, 50443, 1}, {9581, 50444, 11376}, {9671, 12953, 5225}, {9779, 10883, 42356}, {9956, 9957, 10039}, {9957, 10039, 45081}, {10057, 12737, 10944}, {10058, 10090, 3}, {10058, 10738, 6284}, {10073, 11729, 1317}, {10073, 23708, 11729}, {10265, 12736, 12832}, {10265, 16174, 1537}, {10283, 37728, 1}, {10427, 38205, 142}, {10483, 18514, 3627}, {10523, 10943, 10944}, {10523, 10948, 1}, {10523, 10949, 15888}, {10525, 26492, 3}, {10576, 35808, 9646}, {10589, 11238, 5432}, {10589, 15845, 3925}, {10591, 47743, 56}, {10592, 37719, 12}, {10593, 37720, 12}, {10598, 10785, 4}, {10609, 34123, 214}, {10707, 31272, 100}, {10707, 45310, 6174}, {10724, 38693, 20}, {10826, 11373, 10944}, {10826, 37720, 10948}, {10863, 11019, 8581}, {10893, 12114, 4}, {10914, 17619, 10}, {10914, 17622, 3057}, {10916, 21616, 72}, {10919, 10920, 12586}, {10925, 10926, 12589}, {10925, 19029, 39873}, {10926, 19030, 39873}, {10942, 32214, 37727}, {10948, 11373, 37722}, {10958, 10959, 10950}, {10958, 37722, 37734}, {10993, 38760, 33814}, {11019, 21635, 5083}, {11108, 31493, 19854}, {11219, 34789, 1768}, {11230, 18527, 24929}, {11235, 13205, 13271}, {11236, 11240, 34749}, {11375, 26481, 12}, {11376, 26475, 37722}, {11376, 26476, 12}, {11496, 12332, 12775}, {11755, 11764, 15}, {11773, 11782, 16}, {11814, 24003, 16594}, {11928, 26492, 11826}, {12019, 16173, 1317}, {12114, 18961, 7354}, {12433, 37737, 1}, {12433, 45764, 1317}, {12586, 45454, 10920}, {12586, 45455, 10919}, {12589, 45460, 10926}, {12589, 45461, 10925}, {12690, 34123, 10609}, {12701, 24914, 40}, {12764, 13273, 4}, {13257, 41556, 17660}, {13274, 31272, 5432}, {13898, 19038, 3068}, {13955, 19037, 3069}, {14740, 46694, 210}, {14923, 25005, 8256}, {15251, 15252, 15253}, {15252, 15253, 45946}, {15280, 15283, 650}, {15842, 15845, 10947}, {16732, 17463, 23772}, {17063, 17889, 40688}, {17111, 23304, 427}, {17435, 36197, 38358}, {17527, 31419, 1698}, {17533, 17757, 3814}, {17556, 45700, 34606}, {17618, 17626, 226}, {17625, 17626, 354}, {17626, 17661, 5083}, {17658, 18236, 210}, {17669, 26801, 26558}, {17717, 24217, 1}, {17720, 17721, 1}, {17724, 37691, 17719}, {18480, 24928, 45287}, {18516, 18519, 34697}, {19023, 19024, 6}, {19029, 19030, 6}, {19642, 25533, 662}, {19907, 38044, 5901}, {21077, 49627, 3555}, {21154, 24466, 3}, {21630, 34122, 13996}, {22793, 37582, 1770}, {22799, 38141, 546}, {23477, 23517, 1}, {23513, 37726, 119}, {23821, 24237, 4014}, {24210, 24239, 3666}, {24216, 24231, 3999}, {24392, 30827, 200}, {24646, 24647, 55}, {24916, 24955, 2}, {25448, 25652, 2}, {25568, 36845, 41711}, {25760, 30942, 141}, {25960, 31330, 5743}, {26010, 26013, 26005}, {26475, 26476, 1837}, {26476, 37720, 10959}, {26966, 27027, 2}, {27134, 27190, 2}, {27256, 29969, 16593}, {29631, 32944, 3589}, {29845, 32772, 6703}, {30306, 30307, 42356}, {30309, 30310, 42356}, {30993, 31126, 20531}, {31141, 34625, 34689}, {31477, 31489, 31497}, {31517, 37720, 37728}, {31870, 40259, 946}, {32850, 37758, 5205}, {32918, 32947, 44419}, {32930, 33119, 44416}, {32931, 33120, 49524}, {33814, 34126, 140}, {37691, 45920, 12}, {37702, 37735, 1}, {37718, 37720, 1484}, {37718, 50443, 12740}, {38026, 50843, 551}, {38034, 39542, 18393}, {38055, 41556, 354}, {38090, 51008, 597}, {38099, 50842, 3679}, {38104, 50841, 3828}, {38141, 51529, 22799}, {40942, 40963, 2264}, {44618, 44619, 6}, {44623, 44624, 6}, {44623, 45460, 39873}, {44624, 45461, 39873}, {45454, 45455, 12586}, {45460, 45461, 12589}, {47743, 47744, 20418}
Let A'B'C' be the touch points of the nine-point circle with the A-, B-, C- excircles, respectively. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(12).
X(12) lies on the cubics on K589, K672, K720, K877, K1058, K1187 and these lines: {1, 5}, {2, 56}, {3, 498}, {4, 55}, {6, 5230}, {7, 1268}, {8, 2099}, {9, 5857}, {10, 65}, {13, 7006}, {14, 7005}, {17, 203}, {18, 202}, {19, 37376}, {20, 5217}, {21, 5080}, {22, 9658}, {24, 9659}, {25, 10830}, {28, 20989}, {30, 35}, {31, 7299}, {32, 9650}, {33, 235}, {34, 427}, {36, 140}, {37, 225}, {38, 1393}, {39, 18982}, {40, 1836}, {42, 1834}, {43, 47514}, {45, 4331}, {46, 11246}, {54, 215}, {57, 1224}, {58, 17734}, {59, 3615}, {63, 1454}, {64, 12930}, {67, 32288}, {68, 3157}, {71, 1901}, {73, 3142}, {74, 12372}, {75, 21405}, {76, 12837}, {78, 5794}, {79, 484}, {83, 12835}, {84, 12677}, {85, 120}, {86, 14011}, {90, 17699}, {98, 10799}, {99, 13181}, {100, 2475}, {104, 6952}, {108, 451}, {109, 2372}, {110, 2477}, {112, 13295}, {113, 3024}, {114, 3023}, {115, 1500}, {116, 1362}, {117, 1364}, {118, 3022}, {121, 1357}, {122, 3324}, {123, 1359}, {124, 1361}, {125, 1425}, {126, 3325}, {127, 3320}, {128, 3327}, {132, 6020}, {133, 7158}, {137, 7159}, {141, 1469}, {142, 8581}, {144, 18231}, {145, 3813}, {153, 6888}, {155, 10055}, {165, 9579}, {171, 1399}, {172, 230}, {174, 8088}, {177, 12622}, {182, 38120}, {184, 9652}, {185, 26956}, {190, 24835}, {197, 4185}, {198, 37384}, {201, 756}, {208, 1360}, {214, 18976}, {219, 5747}, {221, 1853}, {222, 34030}, {223, 10366}, {228, 407}, {229, 37158}, {255, 5348}, {261, 31620}, {262, 12836}, {265, 10088}, {278, 5142}, {281, 1118}, {306, 3714}, {313, 349}, {318, 4081}, {321, 3704}, {325, 1909}, {330, 7777}, {341, 29641}, {344, 2899}, {348, 7223}, {354, 1210}, {371, 9646}, {372, 13958}, {377, 1259}, {381, 1479}, {382, 4302}, {384, 26629}, {386, 9552}, {390, 3832}, {392, 21616}, {396, 2307}, {397, 7127}, {402, 11904}, {403, 6198}, {404, 3035}, {405, 10198}, {406, 7337}, {428, 5310}, {431, 1824}, {443, 1466}, {474, 1470}, {478, 20029}, {480, 2550}, {481, 31557}, {482, 31558}, {485, 1335}, {486, 1124}, {493, 10951}, {494, 10952}, {497, 3091}, {499, 999}, {502, 14873}, {515, 2646}, {516, 15837}, {517, 6842}, {518, 6067}, {519, 4870}, {523, 2599}, {524, 4400}, {528, 3871}, {535, 5267}, {546, 3583}, {547, 3582}, {548, 4316}, {549, 7280}, {550, 5010}, {551, 3825}, {553, 3828}, {573, 9553}, {574, 9651}, {578, 9666}, {590, 2067}, {594, 2171}, {597, 38091}, {603, 750}, {604, 17398}, {611, 1352}, {613, 14561}, {614, 37439}, {615, 6502}, {618, 18974}, {619, 18975}, {625, 5194}, {629, 18973}, {630, 18972}, {631, 4293}, {641, 18988}, {642, 18989}, {651, 8614}, {664, 17084}, {671, 12349}, {740, 21927}, {774, 7069}, {858, 4296}, {894, 25978}, {908, 960}, {912, 13750}, {938, 3475}, {940, 5788}, {942, 1209}, {944, 6830}, {946, 1532}, {950, 8226}, {956, 26363}, {962, 6932}, {964, 28776}, {968, 1904}, {970, 10406}, {975, 21147}, {978, 37663}, {984, 37591}, {986, 3782}, {993, 7483}, {1000, 16615}, {1001, 2478}, {1010, 19839}, {1012, 6256}, {1014, 17551}, {1015, 1506}, {1018, 36637}, {1038, 1368}, {1040, 6823}, {1043, 14009}, {1056, 3086}, {1058, 3545}, {1060, 11585}, {1062, 15760}, {1069, 5654}, {1071, 12616}, {1086, 24443}, {1089, 3695}, {1091, 1109}, {1104, 3011}, {1106, 17124}, {1107, 37661}, {1125, 1319}, {1126, 3017}, {1146, 17451}, {1147, 9653}, {1151, 9649}, {1155, 4292}, {1193, 37662}, {1213, 1400}, {1214, 21530}, {1250, 5318}, {1279, 28027}, {1284, 4026}, {1297, 12935}, {1324, 37227}, {1327, 13694}, {1328, 13814}, {1334, 17747}, {1346, 2464}, {1347, 2463}, {1348, 1675}, {1349, 1674}, {1356, 45162}, {1365, 4013}, {1367, 20618}, {1385, 6882}, {1386, 38051}, {1388, 3476}, {1397, 43531}, {1398, 5094}, {1402, 4205}, {1403, 16062}, {1405, 17330}, {1406, 6180}, {1408, 5061}, {1415, 5277}, {1420, 3624}, {1423, 32784}, {1428, 3589}, {1429, 29633}, {1447, 7198}, {1450, 27627}, {1452, 1892}, {1457, 10459}, {1458, 17245}, {1460, 2049}, {1463, 3836}, {1464, 37558}, {1467, 41867}, {1468, 37646}, {1471, 17337}, {1482, 6980}, {1486, 4186}, {1503, 2330}, {1511, 18968}, {1512, 7686}, {1519, 45776}, {1537, 17662}, {1587, 19037}, {1588, 19038}, {1591, 3084}, {1592, 3083}, {1594, 1870}, {1598, 10833}, {1617, 11108}, {1621, 5046}, {1647, 46190}, {1650, 18958}, {1672, 1677}, {1673, 1676}, {1682, 2051}, {1696, 15849}, {1697, 1699}, {1709, 6259}, {1714, 37543}, {1722, 24789}, {1725, 35194}, {1727, 3652}, {1770, 3579}, {1785, 6750}, {1825, 37982}, {1829, 40635}, {1838, 37528}, {1846, 11105}, {1857, 7952}, {1858, 5777}, {1861, 1887}, {1869, 3198}, {1875, 25985}, {1877, 1883}, {1891, 37362}, {1894, 3185}, {1898, 5927}, {1899, 19349}, {1900, 44670}, {1906, 4319}, {1914, 7745}, {1940, 25987}, {1961, 34119}, {2003, 37559}, {2007, 2010}, {2008, 2009}, {2066, 3071}, {2072, 18447}, {2077, 31775}, {2078, 5259}, {2089, 8087}, {2098, 5603}, {2140, 4904}, {2222, 3109}, {2241, 5475}, {2242, 7746}, {2263, 23305}, {2275, 3815}, {2276, 5254}, {2283, 37165}, {2285, 17303}, {2292, 4415}, {2294, 21011}, {2295, 4559}, {2361, 3072}, {2362, 13973}, {2482, 18969}, {2534, 2541}, {2535, 2540}, {2548, 16502}, {2549, 31448}, {2564, 2567}, {2565, 2566}, {2595, 2607}, {2601, 36134}, {2614, 9276}, {2617, 45236}, {2635, 4300}, {2647, 5293}, {2771, 14526}, {2829, 6906}, {2883, 6285}, {2885, 40617}, {2933, 37397}, {2982, 51501}, {3006, 4696}, {3021, 5511}, {3025, 31841}, {3036, 38215}, {3039, 26793}, {3056, 5480}, {3068, 13896}, {3069, 13953}, {3070, 5414}, {3095, 10063}, {3096, 18957}, {3100, 9628}, {3101, 31498}, {3120, 4642}, {3146, 5281}, {3149, 26332}, {3178, 23947}, {3189, 5175}, {3212, 33949}, {3214, 4878}, {3219, 7098}, {3237, 5403}, {3238, 5404}, {3241, 3829}, {3244, 24387}, {3258, 33964}, {3259, 13756}, {3270, 43819}, {3293, 11553}, {3297, 42262}, {3298, 42265}, {3299, 7584}, {3301, 7583}, {3311, 13905}, {3312, 13963}, {3318, 25640}, {3333, 17728}, {3336, 5445}, {3337, 34753}, {3339, 4654}, {3340, 3679}, {3361, 31231}, {3419, 3811}, {3421, 6856}, {3428, 6825}, {3434, 3913}, {3452, 25917}, {3486, 5703}, {3487, 5818}, {3488, 6990}, {3526, 4317}, {3530, 4325}, {3542, 11399}, {3555, 10916}, {3560, 8069}, {3574, 13079}, {3576, 6922}, {3586, 18492}, {3596, 40828}, {3601, 5691}, {3612, 18481}, {3617, 9710}, {3622, 3847}, {3625, 39777}, {3626, 36920}, {3627, 18513}, {3628, 5563}, {3634, 3911}, {3638, 49565}, {3639, 49567}, {3647, 18977}, {3656, 30323}, {3666, 5530}, {3669, 19947}, {3674, 43037}, {3683, 12572}, {3690, 7144}, {3696, 21926}, {3703, 4385}, {3710, 3967}, {3712, 7283}, {3720, 47513}, {3721, 21965}, {3743, 30446}, {3745, 5717}, {3752, 23536}, {3755, 21955}, {3756, 28096}, {3761, 3933}, {3767, 31409}, {3812, 5123}, {3817, 5919}, {3837, 24099}, {3838, 5836}, {3839, 10385}, {3842, 4032}, {3843, 4309}, {3844, 24471}, {3845, 10386}, {3846, 28389}, {3850, 4857}, {3851, 6767}, {3853, 4330}, {3855, 9671}, {3869, 31053}, {3872, 32049}, {3878, 51409}, {3884, 11813}, {3885, 13463}, {3914, 4646}, {3920, 5133}, {3924, 33127}, {3930, 21029}, {3931, 4854}, {3935, 5178}, {3936, 17751}, {3944, 37598}, {3952, 27690}, {3969, 27558}, {3991, 21073}, {4017, 31946}, {4023, 9534}, {4030, 5015}, {4046, 5295}, {4059, 9436}, {4071, 4095}, {4092, 4605}, {4136, 21101}, {4202, 26030}, {4208, 26040}, {4222, 20988}, {4295, 5657}, {4297, 37374}, {4304, 31673}, {4305, 6845}, {4308, 5550}, {4311, 10165}, {4312, 5128}, {4313, 10883}, {4314, 12558}, {4315, 17575}, {4320, 30739}, {4321, 20195}, {4322, 30950}, {4327, 17278}, {4351, 37452}, {4354, 5160}, {4366, 16044}, {4423, 5084}, {4424, 30449}, {4429, 26125}, {4648, 21239}, {4653, 37357}, {4662, 25006}, {4679, 31435}, {4692, 30171}, {4861, 38455}, {4863, 6765}, {4868, 36250}, {5013, 9597}, {5016, 26227}, {5018, 39977}, {5025, 26590}, {5048, 13464}, {5050, 39901}, {5055, 7373}, {5056, 10589}, {5066, 15170}, {5068, 5274}, {5071, 47743}, {5082, 31140}, {5083, 6702}, {5086, 34772}, {5087, 41012}, {5099, 6023}, {5119, 12699}, {5122, 31776}, {5125, 34247}, {5143, 30362}, {5173, 34790}, {5174, 37371}, {5179, 16601}, {5183, 43174}, {5187, 10587}, {5192, 28741}, {5193, 31263}, {5231, 6762}, {5247, 35466}, {5248, 10197}, {5250, 24703}, {5251, 5427}, {5262, 17061}, {5280, 5305}, {5284, 37162}, {5286, 31402}, {5288, 31262}, {5294, 25982}, {5302, 44256}, {5303, 20067}, {5306, 7296}, {5312, 48847}, {5321, 10638}, {5322, 7499}, {5323, 14005}, {5353, 11542}, {5357, 11543}, {5393, 31532}, {5405, 31533}, {5425, 11545}, {5435, 19877}, {5436, 14022}, {5439, 17619}, {5440, 17647}, {5441, 16160}, {5478, 13076}, {5479, 13075}, {5490, 26433}, {5491, 26434}, {5510, 6018}, {5512, 6019}, {5513, 33966}, {5537, 31777}, {5542, 38056}, {5584, 6908}, {5590, 18960}, {5591, 18959}, {5597, 11867}, {5598, 11868}, {5599, 18955}, {5600, 18956}, {5613, 10061}, {5617, 10062}, {5620, 14219}, {5687, 17532}, {5690, 5903}, {5697, 18393}, {5704, 11037}, {5710, 26098}, {5711, 5810}, {5713, 7078}, {5728, 10395}, {5731, 6943}, {5736, 21270}, {5743, 31339}, {5745, 12527}, {5790, 10573}, {5805, 15298}, {5820, 45729}, {5837, 31165}, {5840, 11849}, {5844, 11009}, {5878, 10060}, {5880, 6068}, {5883, 12832}, {5884, 12831}, {5885, 11570}, {5902, 6147}, {5904, 17057}, {5920, 12612}, {5972, 46683}, {5993, 36098}, {6022, 44949}, {6025, 25642}, {6026, 44947}, {6027, 16188}, {6033, 10053}, {6042, 11992}, {6046, 6356}, {6058, 6538}, {6092, 44048}, {6145, 32381}, {6154, 8715}, {6173, 38096}, {6174, 11112}, {6175, 49732}, {6200, 9647}, {6201, 10928}, {6202, 10927}, {6214, 10041}, {6215, 10040}, {6221, 9648}, {6238, 22660}, {6245, 12680}, {6246, 12743}, {6247, 7355}, {6248, 13077}, {6249, 13078}, {6250, 13082}, {6251, 13081}, {6260, 12688}, {6283, 45861}, {6286, 20424}, {6287, 10064}, {6288, 10066}, {6289, 10068}, {6290, 10067}, {6292, 18983}, {6321, 10086}, {6405, 45860}, {6506, 9310}, {6526, 41088}, {6535, 21712}, {6541, 36632}, {6564, 35809}, {6565, 35808}, {6593, 32243}, {6656, 27020}, {6666, 12573}, {6706, 51400}, {6713, 37535}, {6736, 51416}, {6738, 44840}, {6745, 37363}, {6757, 15065}, {6776, 39890}, {6796, 15865}, {6797, 33593}, {6824, 10321}, {6826, 10629}, {6833, 12114}, {6834, 10532}, {6841, 10543}, {6847, 12667}, {6850, 10310}, {6862, 10320}, {6863, 11249}, {6865, 8273}, {6879, 10785}, {6883, 7742}, {6905, 37564}, {6911, 8071}, {6912, 38757}, {6917, 11499}, {6919, 26105}, {6923, 11248}, {6924, 14793}, {6928, 10267}, {6929, 11508}, {6933, 10527}, {6945, 15845}, {6946, 20400}, {6958, 10269}, {6959, 22767}, {6968, 10531}, {6971, 10246}, {6977, 37002}, {6985, 40292}, {6998, 17798}, {7031, 18907}, {7051, 23302}, {7071, 37197}, {7081, 7270}, {7090, 30325}, {7146, 29674}, {7160, 12858}, {7176, 7181}, {7178, 21051}, {7191, 37990}, {7248, 25961}, {7249, 40033}, {7279, 37294}, {7302, 37899}, {7334, 35971}, {7352, 12359}, {7353, 23312}, {7356, 21230}, {7362, 23311}, {7363, 21028}, {7380, 21010}, {7395, 10832}, {7491, 32613}, {7503, 9672}, {7507, 11393}, {7529, 10046}, {7557, 41230}, {7580, 37601}, {7677, 17536}, {7678, 8236}, {7682, 17642}, {7683, 10544}, {7687, 46687}, {7697, 10079}, {7705, 25557}, {7728, 10065}, {7743, 31792}, {7748, 31451}, {7765, 31462}, {7819, 30104}, {7956, 7962}, {7987, 37364}, {7992, 41706}, {8085, 8241}, {8086, 8242}, {8113, 8380}, {8114, 8381}, {8144, 15761}, {8163, 8166}, {8196, 11873}, {8200, 11877}, {8203, 11874}, {8207, 11878}, {8212, 11947}, {8213, 11948}, {8220, 11951}, {8221, 11952}, {8222, 18963}, {8223, 18964}, {8228, 8239}, {8229, 8240}, {8230, 8243}, {8255, 10394}, {8287, 30436}, {8361, 30103}, {8377, 8390}, {8378, 8392}, {8379, 11924}, {8422, 12614}, {8583, 24954}, {8724, 10054}, {8976, 13904}, {9540, 9663}, {9548, 24310}, {9565, 51407}, {9598, 31477}, {9599, 16781}, {9614, 31393}, {9630, 13160}, {9660, 35821}, {9661, 10576}, {9667, 10539}, {9673, 10594}, {9708, 19854}, {9709, 17528}, {9779, 9785}, {9842, 9848}, {9843, 9850}, {9880, 12354}, {9927, 12428}, {9947, 11018}, {9948, 41561}, {9955, 9957}, {9970, 32307}, {9993, 10877}, {9996, 10038}, {10024, 18455}, {10058, 10742}, {10059, 12856}, {10069, 38224}, {10071, 14852}, {10081, 15061}, {10087, 10738}, {10089, 15561}, {10090, 38752}, {10091, 14643}, {10104, 10802}, {10113, 12896}, {10129, 13996}, {10248, 30311}, {10264, 19470}, {10265, 12005}, {10266, 12937}, {10356, 10874}, {10358, 10798}, {10368, 11347}, {10371, 11679}, {10392, 38158}, {10401, 10436}, {10448, 29678}, {10473, 10479}, {10474, 41014}, {10475, 19863}, {10478, 10480}, {10481, 24798}, {10506, 21622}, {10514, 10925}, {10515, 10926}, {10516, 12589}, {10525, 10679}, {10535, 16252}, {10571, 15666}, {10577, 35769}, {10584, 10586}, {10596, 10598}, {10624, 18483}, {10749, 13311}, {10794, 10803}, {10796, 10801}, {10829, 10834}, {10863, 10866}, {10871, 10878}, {10902, 31789}, {10910, 13389}, {10911, 13388}, {10912, 12648}, {10914, 10915}, {10919, 10929}, {10920, 10930}, {10945, 11955}, {10946, 11956}, {10980, 30315}, {11010, 28174}, {11019, 17609}, {11109, 25968}, {11230, 24928}, {11231, 37582}, {11235, 11239}, {11390, 11400}, {11429, 12241}, {11436, 12233}, {11479, 16541}, {11544, 11552}, {11551, 31794}, {11571, 33668}, {11662, 30424}, {11682, 34647}, {11684, 17484}, {11753, 11755}, {11762, 11764}, {11771, 11773}, {11780, 11782}, {11865, 11881}, {11866, 11882}, {11897, 11909}, {11903, 11914}, {11928, 12000}, {12001, 15868}, {12182, 12189}, {12348, 12356}, {12351, 23234}, {12371, 12381}, {12393, 12400}, {12394, 12402}, {12422, 12430}, {12526, 28609}, {12560, 38200}, {12571, 12575}, {12586, 12594}, {12599, 12863}, {12600, 13080}, {12608, 12672}, {12610, 12721}, {12611, 12758}, {12613, 12876}, {12615, 12877}, {12618, 12723}, {12620, 12854}, {12621, 12912}, {12623, 12913}, {12676, 12686}, {12679, 12705}, {12700, 12703}, {12761, 12775}, {12764, 13729}, {12857, 12874}, {12864, 18979}, {12889, 12905}, {12904, 14644}, {12918, 13116}, {12919, 13128}, {12920, 13094}, {12921, 13104}, {12922, 13105}, {12923, 13109}, {12924, 13112}, {12925, 13118}, {12926, 13121}, {12927, 13130}, {12928, 13132}, {12929, 13134}, {12952, 36765}, {13089, 18985}, {13145, 49107}, {13180, 13189}, {13183, 14639}, {13213, 13217}, {13257, 31803}, {13271, 13278}, {13294, 13313}, {13371, 32047}, {13374, 18839}, {13462, 34595}, {13561, 32143}, {13567, 19366}, {13601, 51362}, {13604, 25436}, {13624, 21578}, {13687, 13699}, {13692, 13714}, {13693, 13716}, {13701, 18986}, {13724, 23383}, {13731, 16678}, {13733, 23843}, {13734, 15622}, {13738, 19721}, {13740, 41346}, {13747, 31235}, {13785, 31474}, {13807, 13819}, {13812, 13837}, {13813, 13839}, {13821, 18987}, {13853, 21686}, {13895, 13906}, {13911, 16232}, {13951, 13962}, {13952, 13964}, {13995, 17637}, {14100, 38160}, {14101, 25150}, {14102, 32744}, {14121, 30324}, {14800, 38602}, {14872, 51755}, {15071, 33899}, {15079, 50190}, {15174, 46028}, {15228, 16118}, {15281, 15282}, {15299, 38108}, {15439, 51760}, {15452, 23698}, {15481, 41572}, {15803, 31423}, {15819, 18971}, {15932, 41697}, {15974, 48894}, {16125, 16142}, {16138, 16154}, {16203, 26492}, {16454, 28774}, {16593, 28742}, {16610, 24178}, {16626, 22929}, {16627, 22884}, {16785, 43291}, {16819, 33033}, {16826, 26019}, {16830, 19894}, {16975, 31466}, {17016, 33133}, {17046, 51384}, {17062, 20335}, {17167, 18178}, {17392, 31163}, {17555, 27287}, {17594, 50065}, {17597, 36574}, {17618, 17622}, {17638, 21635}, {17670, 27091}, {17682, 26007}, {17700, 24467}, {17705, 45122}, {17768, 29007}, {17783, 36561}, {17874, 21807}, {17889, 24440}, {18004, 18006}, {18440, 39900}, {18491, 44229}, {18516, 18542}, {18519, 18545}, {18524, 37230}, {18583, 38169}, {18588, 30445}, {18635, 20305}, {18641, 22341}, {18761, 34697}, {18915, 23291}, {18978, 22966}, {19023, 19047}, {19024, 19048}, {19175, 23295}, {19365, 23292}, {19367, 23293}, {19368, 23294}, {19370, 23298}, {19371, 23299}, {19373, 23303}, {19469, 23306}, {19471, 23307}, {19472, 23308}, {19473, 23309}, {19474, 23310}, {19475, 23313}, {19476, 23314}, {19505, 23315}, {19542, 50037}, {19795, 37091}, {19860, 28628}, {19861, 25681}, {20323, 44675}, {20420, 44425}, {20470, 28238}, {20541, 25102}, {20612, 41550}, {20691, 21956}, {21025, 45208}, {21044, 21049}, {21052, 51640}, {21081, 46676}, {21154, 32554}, {21258, 30949}, {21320, 23542}, {21321, 51558}, {21454, 46932}, {21531, 40790}, {21714, 51645}, {21746, 48888}, {21842, 38028}, {21891, 34973}, {21896, 21949}, {21941, 43534}, {22000, 40966}, {22076, 22299}, {22300, 51377}, {22342, 36195}, {22466, 22957}, {22682, 22711}, {22703, 22731}, {22831, 22865}, {22832, 22910}, {22833, 22965}, {22857, 22886}, {22902, 22931}, {22955, 22980}, {22956, 22982}, {23332, 32065}, {23361, 27622}, {23868, 37390}, {24174, 40688}, {24210, 37548}, {24393, 38212}, {24431, 44706}, {24466, 26285}, {24797, 32086}, {24806, 33111}, {24828, 24840}, {24833, 24845}, {24834, 24847}, {24880, 25444}, {24984, 25882}, {25005, 26579}, {25010, 28402}, {25264, 47286}, {25328, 32259}, {25385, 51411}, {25516, 40980}, {25641, 33965}, {26015, 34791}, {26036, 37658}, {26102, 37355}, {26326, 26351}, {26327, 26352}, {26328, 26353}, {26329, 26354}, {26330, 26355}, {26331, 26356}, {26333, 26358}, {26359, 26380}, {26360, 26404}, {26361, 26435}, {26362, 26436}, {26386, 45371}, {26390, 26402}, {26410, 45372}, {26414, 26426}, {26466, 45612}, {26467, 45611}, {26468, 49030}, {26469, 49031}, {26488, 45615}, {26489, 26511}, {26490, 26520}, {26491, 26525}, {26543, 29967}, {26582, 26752}, {26903, 26906}, {26932, 30493}, {26948, 26951}, {26959, 32992}, {27525, 37161}, {27555, 27577}, {27568, 27583}, {28109, 36568}, {28740, 30825}, {28757, 30839}, {29640, 37370}, {29815, 37353}, {30306, 30333}, {30307, 30334}, {30308, 30337}, {30309, 30338}, {30310, 30339}, {30617, 40719}, {31254, 37797}, {31493, 34689}, {31522, 42422}, {31555, 31567}, {31556, 31568}, {31657, 38125}, {31658, 38132}, {31844, 47006}, {31870, 40260}, {31893, 50930}, {31996, 33034}, {32274, 32297}, {32287, 32309}, {32336, 32391}, {32350, 32351}, {32369, 32390}, {32379, 32403}, {32380, 32405}, {32423, 47378}, {32557, 41554}, {32760, 37290}, {32778, 50325}, {32917, 49728}, {33073, 41261}, {33106, 37588}, {33144, 37549}, {33330, 44042}, {33331, 44043}, {33333, 44053}, {34029, 34040}, {34046, 37674}, {34194, 42425}, {34749, 45700}, {34773, 37525}, {34879, 37428}, {35000, 47032}, {35018, 37602}, {35197, 50708}, {35249, 35251}, {35663, 35669}, {35664, 35671}, {35796, 35816}, {35797, 35817}, {35970, 47023}, {35972, 47024}, {36436, 36441}, {36439, 36442}, {36454, 36459}, {36457, 36460}, {36473, 36481}, {36477, 37576}, {36488, 36526}, {36495, 36501}, {36509, 36557}, {36530, 36541}, {36544, 36546}, {36576, 36578}, {36668, 49589}, {36669, 49588}, {36926, 41878}, {36928, 46176}, {36975, 37616}, {37160, 41339}, {37308, 51506}, {37321, 39585}, {37360, 37539}, {37368, 40950}, {37375, 49736}, {37563, 40273}, {37586, 49132}, {37607, 37634}, {37868, 49658}, {38106, 45310}, {38178, 41684}, {38189, 51150}, {38208, 44848}, {39535, 44044}, {39815, 39816}, {39844, 39845}, {39889, 39902}, {41690, 41694}, {41695, 49178}, {41858, 41864}, {42051, 49636}, {42455, 42758}, {42885, 43740}, {43040, 49769}, {43817, 43820}, {43821, 43857}, {43859, 43861}, {43924, 44316}, {44618, 44643}, {44619, 44644}, {44956, 47020}, {45404, 45472}, {45405, 45473}, {45440, 45470}, {45441, 45471}, {45454, 45494}, {45455, 45495}, {45544, 45570}, {45545, 45571}, {45554, 45580}, {45555, 45581}, {45556, 45584}, {45557, 45585}, {49600, 49626}, {50605, 50626}
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(12).
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(12).
X(12) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32626)
X(12) = polar conjugate of X(46103)
X(12) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(18772)
X(12) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(34434)
X(12) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(34829)
X(12) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(181)
X(12) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(34388)
X(12) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(8736)
X(12) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(26942)
X(12) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(2197)
X(12) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(15443)
X(12) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (10,12), (1089,1089)
X(12) = insimilicenter of incircle and nine-point circle
X(12) = X(1594)-of-Fuhrmann triangle
X(12) = homothetic center of Euler and Mandart-incircle triangles
X(12) = homothetic center of intouch and 4th Euler triangles
X(12) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(2185)
X(12) = trilinear pole of line X(2610)X(4024)
X(12) = trilinear square of X(6724)
X(12) = homothetic center of medial triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and outer Johnson triangle
X(12) = homothetic center of medial triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 1st Johnson-Yff triangle
X(12) = homothetic center of Euler triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Johnson-Yff triangle
X(12) = homothetic center of ABC and triangular hull of circumcircles of BCX(4), CAX(4), and ABX(4); i.e., the outer Johnson triangle
X(12) = centroid of curvatures of nine-point circle and excircles
X(12) = X(18772)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(8)
X(12) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {{649, 40624}, {2051, 141}, {20028, 3741}, {34434, 10}, {40453, 49598}, {46880, 21246}}
X(12) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {{4, 15443}, {10, 201}, {226, 2171}, {1441, 6358}, {4551, 523}, {4605, 4024}, {4998, 4552}, {6358, 594}, {34388, 26942}, {46102, 4559}}
X(12) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {{125, 4036}, {181, 8736}, {756, 594}, {1109, 523}, {2171, 6354}, {2197, 26942}, {3690, 41508}, {4024, 4605}, {4092, 4024}, {4705, 21859}, {20708, 335}, {21671, 41506}, {21674, 10}, {21810, 321}}
X(12) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {{1, 60}, {2, 2150}, {3, 270}, {6, 2185}, {8, 849}, {9, 593}, {11, 1101}, {21, 58}, {27, 2193}, {28, 283}, {29, 1437}, {31, 261}, {41, 1509}, {48, 46103}, {55, 757}, {56, 1098}, {57, 7054}, {63, 2189}, {81, 284}, {86, 2194}, {110, 3737}, {162, 23189}, {163, 4560}, {200, 7341}, {222, 2326}, {249, 2170}, {250, 7004}, {269, 6061}, {285, 2360}, {314, 2206}, {332, 2203}, {333, 1333}, {341, 7342}, {513, 4636}, {552, 1253}, {560, 18021}, {604, 7058}, {643, 3733}, {649, 4612}, {650, 4556}, {654, 37140}, {662, 7252}, {763, 1334}, {873, 2175}, {1014, 2328}, {1019, 5546}, {1021, 4565}, {1043, 1408}, {1169, 17185}, {1172, 1790}, {1364, 24000}, {1396, 2327}, {1412, 2287}, {1414, 21789}, {1444, 2299}, {1474, 1812}, {1576, 18155}, {1625, 39177}, {1919, 4631}, {2149, 26856}, {2204, 17206}, {2289, 36419}, {2316, 30576}, {2330, 7303}, {2363, 4267}, {3056, 7305}, {3063, 4610}, {3248, 6064}, {3271, 24041}, {3615, 17104}, {3668, 23609}, {3719, 36420}, {3738, 36069}, {3794, 38813}, {3904, 32671}, {4282, 24624}, {4570, 18191}, {4858, 23357}, {5317, 6514}, {7125, 36421}, {8748, 18604}, {9456, 30606}, {18180, 35196}, {23995, 34387}, {30581, 33635}}
X(12) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {{1, 1098}, {2, 261}, {3, 60}, {8, 4075}, {9, 2185}, {10, 21}, {11, 523}, {12, 2975}, {27, 47345}, {37, 333}, {55, 40607}, {56, 15267}, {58, 40611}, {65, 4225}, {81, 40590}, {86, 1214}, {115, 4560}, {125, 23189}, {181, 16872}, {223, 757}, {226, 1444}, {244, 3737}, {270, 36103}, {283, 40591}, {284, 40586}, {314, 40603}, {478, 593}, {552, 17113}, {647, 26932}, {650, 26856}, {758, 4996}, {873, 40593}, {960, 4267}, {1014, 36908}, {1084, 7252}, {1249, 46103}, {1509, 3160}, {1812, 51574}, {2150, 32664}, {2171, 21363}, {2189, 3162}, {2194, 40600}, {2287, 40599}, {3005, 3271}, {3161, 7058}, {3738, 38982}, {4370, 30606}, {4610, 10001}, {4612, 5375}, {4631, 9296}, {4636, 39026}, {4858, 18155}, {4988, 17197}, {5324, 18589}, {5452, 7054}, {6061, 6600}, {6374, 18021}, {6609, 7341}, {6741, 7253}, {7192, 40622}, {16587, 27958}, {16591, 33295}, {17045, 41002}, {18191, 50330}, {18314, 34387}, {21233, 21321}, {21789, 40608}}
X(12) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {{10, 3178}, {115, 4705}, {181, 2197}, {226, 27691}, {756, 2171}, {3120, 50330}, {4024, 4092}}
X(12) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {{10, 41013}, {226, 1441}, {4552, 4998}}
X(12) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {{1, 37732}, {6, 20986}, {58, 1437}, {215, 4282}, {284, 2194}, {1364, 23189}, {3271, 7252}, {4560, 27010}}
X(12) = trilinear pole of line {2610, 4024}
X(12) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {654, 4282}
X(12) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {{1, 6358}, {4, 26942}, {6, 34388}, {7, 594}, {8, 6354}, {10, 226}, {37, 1441}, {42, 349}, {56, 28654}, {57, 1089}, {59, 338}, {65, 321}, {69, 8736}, {72, 40149}, {75, 2171}, {76, 181}, {85, 756}, {92, 201}, {115, 4998}, {125, 46102}, {210, 1446}, {222, 7141}, {225, 306}, {257, 7211}, {264, 2197}, {273, 3949}, {278, 3695}, {279, 6057}, {281, 6356}, {307, 1826}, {312, 1254}, {313, 1400}, {318, 37755}, {331, 3690}, {335, 7235}, {339, 7115}, {341, 7147}, {346, 6046}, {348, 7140}, {522, 4605}, {523, 4552}, {553, 6538}, {651, 4036}, {653, 4064}, {655, 6370}, {664, 4024}, {693, 21859}, {850, 4559}, {872, 20567}, {1016, 1365}, {1018, 4077}, {1020, 4086}, {1042, 30713}, {1091, 2185}, {1109, 4564}, {1214, 41013}, {1231, 1824}, {1275, 4092}, {1402, 27801}, {1425, 7017}, {1427, 3701}, {1434, 6535}, {1500, 6063}, {1509, 6058}, {1577, 4551}, {1880, 20336}, {2052, 7066}, {2149, 23994}, {2321, 3668}, {2610, 35174}, {2970, 44717}, {3027, 40098}, {3649, 6539}, {3676, 4103}, {3678, 43682}, {3700, 4566}, {3911, 4013}, {3952, 7178}, {4017, 4033}, {4037, 7233}, {4052, 4848}, {4053, 18815}, {4079, 4572}, {4080, 40663}, {4554, 4705}, {4620, 21043}, {4736, 34535}, {4999, 31612}, {5552, 7363}, {6757, 16577}, {7012, 20902}, {7046, 20618}, {7058, 7314}, {7068, 23984}, {7080, 13853}, {7109, 41283}, {7148, 30545}, {7180, 27808}, {7185, 43265}, {7249, 21021}, {8808, 21075}, {8818, 40999}, {14618, 23067}, {14624, 41003}, {15065, 18593}, {15523, 18097}, {15556, 43683}, {16603, 40718}, {16609, 43534}, {17097, 42708}, {20565, 21794}, {20616, 40216}, {21810, 31643}, {24002, 40521}, {36804, 51645}, {40447, 41393}, {41538, 43675}, {42666, 46405}}
X(12) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {{1, 2185}, {2, 261}, {4, 46103}, {6, 60}, {7, 1509}, {8, 7058}, {9, 1098}, {10, 333}, {11, 26856}, {19, 270}, {25, 2189}, {31, 2150}, {33, 2326}, {37, 21}, {42, 284}, {55, 7054}, {56, 593}, {57, 757}, {59, 249}, {65, 81}, {71, 283}, {72, 1812}, {73, 1790}, {76, 18021}, {85, 873}, {100, 4612}, {101, 4636}, {109, 4556}, {115, 11}, {125, 26932}, {181, 6}, {201, 63}, {210, 2287}, {213, 2194}, {220, 6061}, {225, 27}, {226, 86}, {227, 1817}, {228, 2193}, {279, 552}, {306, 332}, {307, 17206}, {313, 28660}, {321, 314}, {338, 34387}, {349, 310}, {512, 7252}, {519, 30606}, {523, 4560}, {553, 30593}, {594, 8}, {604, 849}, {647, 23189}, {661, 3737}, {664, 4610}, {668, 4631}, {756, 9}, {762, 210}, {872, 41}, {1014, 763}, {1016, 6064}, {1018, 643}, {1020, 1414}, {1042, 1412}, {1089, 312}, {1091, 6358}, {1109, 4858}, {1118, 36419}, {1214, 1444}, {1215, 27958}, {1254, 57}, {1275, 7340}, {1319, 30576}, {1334, 2328}, {1356, 1977}, {1365, 1086}, {1400, 58}, {1402, 1333}, {1407, 7341}, {1409, 1437}, {1425, 222}, {1426, 1396}, {1427, 1014}, {1432, 7303}, {1434, 6628}, {1441, 274}, {1500, 55}, {1577, 18155}, {1824, 1172}, {1826, 29}, {1840, 14006}, {1857, 36421}, {1867, 44734}, {1874, 31905}, {1880, 28}, {1893, 31926}, {1903, 285}, {2092, 4267}, {2149, 1101}, {2171, 1}, {2197, 3}, {2222, 37140}, {2292, 17185}, {2318, 2327}, {2321, 1043}, {2333, 2299}, {2594, 40214}, {2610, 3738}, {2616, 39177}, {2643, 2170}, {3027, 4366}, {3120, 17197}, {3124, 3271}, {3125, 18191}, {3178, 40605}, {3212, 7304}, {3269, 1364}, {3649, 8025}, {3668, 1434}, {3671, 42028}, {3682, 6514}, {3690, 219}, {3694, 1792}, {3695, 345}, {3700, 7253}, {3708, 7004}, {3709, 21789}, {3721, 3794}, {3724, 4282}, {3925, 16713}, {3947, 25507}, {3949, 78}, {3952, 645}, {4013, 4997}, {4017, 1019}, {4024, 522}, {4032, 17103}, {4033, 7257}, {4036, 4391}, {4037, 3685}, {4041, 1021}, {4053, 4511}, {4064, 6332}, {4069, 7259}, {4077, 7199}, {4079, 663}, {4092, 1146}, {4103, 3699}, {4155, 4435}, {4365, 4483}, {4415, 17183}, {4466, 17219}, {4551, 662}, {4552, 99}, {4554, 4623}, {4557, 5546}, {4559, 110}, {4564, 24041}, {4566, 4573}, {4583, 36806}, {4605, 664}, {4642, 18163}, {4705, 650}, {4848, 41629}, {4998, 4590}, {6046, 279}, {6057, 346}, {6058, 594}, {6354, 7}, {6355, 34400}, {6356, 348}, {6358, 75}, {6367, 4976}, {6370, 3904}, {6378, 2053}, {6535, 2321}, {6537, 41002}, {6538, 4102}, {7064, 220}, {7066, 394}, {7068, 23983}, {7109, 2175}, {7115, 250}, {7132, 7305}, {7138, 7125}, {7140, 281}, {7141, 7017}, {7143, 1407}, {7147, 269}, {7148, 2319}, {7178, 7192}, {7180, 3733}, {7206, 42033}, {7211, 894}, {7216, 7203}, {7230, 4387}, {7235, 239}, {7237, 3061}, {7276, 3758}, {7314, 6354}, {7337, 36420}, {7363, 7318}, {7668, 27010}, {8013, 3686}, {8736, 4}, {8754, 8735}, {8818, 3615}, {8898, 5323}, {13853, 1440}, {15232, 19607}, {16583, 5324}, {16603, 30966}, {16609, 33295}, {16886, 3705}, {16888, 33947}, {17094, 15419}, {20616, 1621}, {20617, 17074}, {20618, 7056}, {20653, 3687}, {20902, 17880}, {20975, 7117}, {21015, 27509}, {21021, 7081}, {21033, 46877}, {21043, 21044}, {21051, 27527}, {21056, 25128}, {21075, 27398}, {21077, 31631}, {21131, 21132}, {21674, 5745}, {21675, 6734}, {21699, 3691}, {21721, 20293}, {21741, 17104}, {21794, 35}, {21803, 2329}, {21804, 16699}, {21808, 17194}, {21810, 960}, {21813, 7083}, {21816, 3683}, {21833, 4516}, {21853, 3193}, {21854, 1816}, {21859, 100}, {21958, 21300}, {22229, 23864}, {22341, 18604}, {23067, 4558}, {26942, 69}, {26955, 26871}, {27691, 6626}, {27801, 40072}, {28654, 3596}, {30730, 7256}, {32636, 30581}, {32675, 36069}, {34294, 18101}, {34388, 76}, {34857, 2341}, {35069, 4996}, {35307, 2617}, {37755, 77}, {39793, 18166}, {40149, 286}, {40521, 644}, {40590, 4225}, {40663, 16704}, {40952, 46882}, {40966, 46889}, {40999, 34016}, {41003, 16705}, {41013, 31623}, {41393, 18607}, {41508, 43740}, {41538, 40571}, {41539, 41610}, {42666, 654}, {43534, 36800}, {45196, 16739}, {45208, 18169}, {46102, 18020}, {50487, 3063}, {51645, 3960}}
X(12) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {{1, 5, 11}, {1, 11, 37722}, {1, 80, 37730}, {1, 119, 10958}, {1, 355, 10950}, {1, 495, 15888}, {1, 3614, 7173}, {1, 4551, 2594}, {1, 5219, 11375}, {1, 5252, 10944}, {1, 5443, 5901}, {1, 5587, 1837}, {1, 5726, 9578}, {1, 5727, 37724}, {1, 5881, 37740}, {1, 7741, 496}, {1, 7951, 5}, {1, 7988, 50443}, {1, 7989, 9581}, {1, 8227, 11376}, {1, 9578, 5252}, {1, 10592, 3614}, {1, 10826, 5722}, {1, 10827, 355}, {1, 10942, 10955}, {1, 10944, 1317}, {1, 10957, 10949}, {1, 11375, 15950}, {1, 23708, 11373}, {1, 26470, 10959}, {1, 26481, 10957}, {1, 26482, 10956}, {1, 37692, 5886}, {1, 37701, 37737}, {1, 37702, 12433}, {1, 37706, 37728}, {1, 37707, 1483}, {1, 37708, 37727}, {1, 37709, 37738}, {1, 37711, 37739}, {1, 37714, 5727}, {1, 37719, 495}, {1, 37731, 5719}, {1, 37735, 1387}, {2, 56, 5433}, {2, 388, 56}, {2, 958, 24953}, {2, 2975, 4999}, {2, 3436, 958}, {2, 3600, 7288}, {2, 4999, 31260}, {2, 5253, 6691}, {2, 5261, 388}, {2, 5433, 7294}, {2, 5434, 5298}, {2, 6645, 26686}, {2, 11236, 34606}, {2, 11237, 5434}, {2, 11681, 1329}, {2, 20060, 2975}, {2, 41245, 43053}, {2, 43053, 31221}, {3, 498, 5432}, {3, 1478, 7354}, {3, 7354, 15326}, {3, 9654, 1478}, {3, 9655, 4299}, {3, 10526, 11827}, {3, 11929, 10526}, {3, 31479, 498}, {3, 31659, 21155}, {4, 55, 6284}, {4, 3085, 55}, {4, 4294, 12953}, {4, 8164, 3085}, {4, 10590, 10895}, {4, 10599, 10894}, {4, 10786, 11500}, {4, 11500, 6253}, {4, 41227, 1852}, {5, 11, 7173}, {5, 495, 1}, {5, 496, 7741}, {5, 5252, 10957}, {5, 7951, 3614}, {5, 10592, 7951}, {5, 10942, 355}, {5, 10954, 10950}, {5, 10956, 10949}, {5, 11698, 18357}, {5, 15888, 37722}, {5, 26482, 10944}, {5, 32213, 10943}, {5, 37719, 15888}, {6, 12588, 39897}, {6, 31472, 19028}, {6, 44620, 19026}, {6, 44621, 19025}, {6, 44622, 19027}, {7, 1788, 5221}, {7, 7679, 3826}, {7, 9780, 1788}, {7, 38057, 41712}, {8, 2476, 2886}, {8, 3485, 2099}, {8, 5226, 3485}, {10, 65, 40663}, {10, 72, 21677}, {10, 226, 65}, {10, 442, 3925}, {10, 3671, 4848}, {10, 3822, 442}, {10, 3947, 226}, {10, 10408, 181}, {10, 11263, 3754}, {10, 12609, 3753}, {10, 17757, 21031}, {10, 21075, 210}, {10, 21077, 72}, {11, 3614, 5}, {11, 10944, 10949}, {11, 10955, 10950}, {11, 10956, 1317}, {11, 15888, 1}, {11, 37734, 10959}, {20, 5218, 5217}, {20, 5229, 12943}, {36, 5270, 18990}, {39, 31476, 31460}, {40, 9612, 1836}, {42, 21935, 1834}, {55, 10895, 4}, {55, 12953, 4294}, {56, 388, 5434}, {56, 5433, 5298}, {56, 11237, 388}, {57, 1698, 24914}, {57, 5290, 10404}, {65, 210, 41538}, {65, 226, 3649}, {75, 21581, 21405}, {80, 37731, 1}, {85, 3665, 1358}, {85, 7179, 3665}, {125, 1425, 26955}, {140, 18990, 36}, {145, 5141, 11680}, {145, 11680, 3813}, {171, 1935, 1399}, {225, 1826, 1882}, {226, 4848, 3671}, {226, 16609, 5244}, {354, 17606, 1210}, {355, 10523, 11}, {355, 10942, 37725}, {355, 10954, 10955}, {355, 11374, 1}, {355, 37739, 37711}, {371, 9646, 13901}, {377, 5552, 1376}, {381, 3295, 1479}, {381, 10056, 3058}, {381, 18518, 18517}, {388, 3436, 18962}, {388, 5261, 11237}, {388, 7288, 3600}, {388, 10588, 2}, {390, 3832, 5225}, {390, 5225, 9670}, {404, 27529, 3035}, {442, 17757, 10}, {485, 1335, 19030}, {486, 1124, 19029}, {495, 3614, 37722}, {495, 5252, 10956}, {495, 7951, 11}, {495, 10592, 5}, {495, 10827, 10955}, {495, 10942, 10954}, {495, 26481, 10944}, {496, 7741, 11}, {497, 3091, 10896}, {498, 1478, 3}, {498, 9654, 7354}, {546, 15171, 3583}, {590, 2067, 18965}, {611, 1352, 39873}, {615, 6502, 18966}, {631, 4293, 5204}, {631, 31410, 9657}, {756, 1254, 201}, {908, 24987, 960}, {942, 9956, 1737}, {946, 31397, 3057}, {950, 13405, 37080}, {958, 3436, 34606}, {958, 11236, 3436}, {999, 1656, 499}, {1056, 3086, 3304}, {1056, 3090, 3086}, {1058, 3545, 10591}, {1058, 10591, 11238}, {1089, 3695, 6057}, {1125, 3814, 4187}, {1125, 10106, 1319}, {1210, 10175, 17606}, {1210, 21620, 354}, {1329, 15843, 958}, {1329, 25466, 2}, {1387, 39692, 11}, {1447, 7247, 7198}, {1478, 4299, 9655}, {1478, 5432, 15326}, {1478, 31479, 5432}, {1479, 3295, 3058}, {1479, 10056, 3295}, {1682, 10407, 2051}, {1697, 1699, 12701}, {1698, 3820, 50038}, {1698, 5290, 57}, {1698, 41229, 5791}, {1737, 13407, 942}, {1785, 39574, 42385}, {1837, 17718, 1}, {2294, 21011, 21933}, {2886, 12607, 8}, {2975, 4999, 31157}, {2975, 6668, 31260}, {3057, 17605, 946}, {3057, 31397, 45081}, {3069, 31408, 18995}, {3072, 3074, 2361}, {3085, 10590, 4}, {3085, 10599, 10953}, {3085, 10895, 6284}, {3297, 42262, 44624}, {3298, 42265, 44623}, {3303, 10896, 497}, {3340, 3679, 41687}, {3421, 6856, 19843}, {3434, 10528, 3913}, {3436, 10585, 2}, {3476, 3616, 1388}, {3487, 5818, 18391}, {3555, 10916, 51463}, {3583, 3746, 15171}, {3584, 3585, 35}, {3600, 7288, 56}, {3614, 15888, 11}, {3616, 4193, 3816}, {3617, 33108, 9710}, {3634, 4298, 3911}, {3649, 40663, 65}, {3671, 4848, 65}, {3753, 12709, 65}, {3812, 5123, 24982}, {3820, 8728, 1698}, {3822, 17757, 3925}, {3826, 9711, 9780}, {3826, 9780, 34501}, {3843, 31480, 4309}, {3851, 6767, 9669}, {3911, 4298, 32636}, {3925, 21031, 10}, {3949, 21675, 594}, {4197, 9711, 34501}, {4197, 9780, 3826}, {4292, 6684, 1155}, {4294, 12953, 6284}, {4295, 5657, 37567}, {4299, 9655, 7354}, {4311, 10165, 37605}, {4312, 9588, 5128}, {4995, 15338, 35}, {4999, 6668, 2}, {5010, 10483, 550}, {5051, 26115, 4026}, {5056, 14986, 10589}, {5082, 31418, 31140}, {5083, 6702, 20118}, {5177, 7080, 2550}, {5204, 9657, 4293}, {5217, 9656, 12943}, {5217, 12943, 20}, {5218, 5229, 20}, {5219, 5252, 15950}, {5219, 5726, 5252}, {5219, 9578, 1}, {5249, 24982, 3812}, {5252, 11375, 1}, {5252, 15950, 1317}, {5252, 37738, 37709}, {5261, 10588, 56}, {5261, 11681, 15844}, {5298, 7294, 5433}, {5432, 7354, 3}, {5433, 5434, 56}, {5530, 13161, 3666}, {5552, 10522, 1259}, {5587, 17857, 355}, {5603, 6941, 7681}, {5657, 5714, 4295}, {5690, 39542, 5903}, {5697, 18393, 22791}, {5719, 18357, 37730}, {5719, 37730, 1}, {5777, 50195, 1858}, {5901, 8070, 11}, {5927, 12711, 1898}, {6198, 9627, 10149}, {6668, 20060, 31157}, {6833, 12115, 12114}, {6834, 10532, 22753}, {6856, 19843, 31245}, {6871, 10528, 3434}, {6879, 10805, 10785}, {6923, 11248, 11826}, {6968, 10531, 10893}, {7173, 37722, 11}, {7176, 17095, 7181}, {7680, 18242, 4}, {7951, 8068, 38109}, {7951, 9578, 26481}, {7951, 15888, 7173}, {7951, 26482, 10957}, {7951, 37701, 8068}, {7951, 37719, 1}, {8068, 37710, 26470}, {8088, 8382, 174}, {8164, 10590, 55}, {8583, 30827, 24954}, {9553, 31496, 573}, {9578, 11375, 10944}, {9578, 37719, 26482}, {9597, 31497, 5013}, {9612, 31434, 40}, {9647, 31499, 6200}, {9649, 31500, 1151}, {9651, 31501, 574}, {9654, 31479, 3}, {9656, 12943, 5229}, {9955, 9957, 30384}, {10175, 21620, 1210}, {10404, 24914, 57}, {10523, 10942, 10950}, {10523, 10954, 1}, {10523, 10955, 37722}, {10526, 26487, 3}, {10572, 24929, 10543}, {10576, 35768, 9661}, {10585, 11236, 24953}, {10588, 11237, 5433}, {10592, 37719, 11}, {10592, 37737, 38109}, {10593, 37720, 11}, {10599, 10786, 4}, {10786, 10894, 6253}, {10827, 10954, 37725}, {10827, 11374, 10950}, {10827, 37719, 10954}, {10894, 11500, 4}, {10921, 10922, 12587}, {10923, 10924, 12588}, {10923, 19027, 39897}, {10924, 19028, 39897}, {10943, 32213, 37727}, {10944, 15950, 1}, {10953, 11500, 6284}, {10954, 11374, 15888}, {10956, 10957, 10944}, {10957, 15888, 1317}, {10957, 15950, 37722}, {11235, 11239, 34699}, {11375, 26481, 11}, {11375, 26482, 15888}, {11376, 26476, 11}, {11698, 12738, 37725}, {11929, 26487, 11827}, {12019, 12433, 37702}, {12587, 45456, 10922}, {12587, 45457, 10921}, {12588, 45458, 10924}, {12588, 45459, 10923}, {13405, 19925, 950}, {13897, 18996, 3068}, {13954, 18995, 3069}, {15843, 15844, 18962}, {15844, 25466, 56}, {16886, 21021, 594}, {17530, 24390, 25639}, {17532, 45701, 34612}, {18357, 37730, 80}, {18480, 24929, 10572}, {18517, 18518, 34746}, {18542, 37234, 18516}, {18641, 51368, 22341}, {19025, 19026, 6}, {19027, 19028, 6}, {19860, 31266, 28628}, {19861, 30852, 25681}, {20067, 37291, 5303}, {20616, 21859, 1500}, {21021, 21057, 16886}, {21044, 21808, 21049}, {21155, 30264, 3}, {23477, 23517, 80}, {24953, 34606, 958}, {24982, 25962, 25973}, {26470, 38109, 5}, {26481, 26482, 5252}, {26481, 37719, 10956}, {26752, 33841, 26582}, {27283, 30001, 30847}, {28742, 33839, 16593}, {30313, 30314, 3826}, {30316, 30317, 3826}, {31140, 34619, 34720}, {31157, 31260, 4999}, {31418, 34619, 5082}, {31472, 44622, 6}, {31472, 45458, 39897}, {31477, 44518, 9598}, {37691, 45920, 11}, {37701, 37710, 1}, {37701, 41689, 5719}, {37705, 37728, 37706}, {37709, 37738, 10944}, {37710, 37737, 37734}, {37711, 37739, 10950}, {37734, 38109, 7173}, {38027, 51112, 551}, {38062, 51111, 1125}, {38105, 51113, 3828}, {44620, 44621, 6}, {44622, 45459, 39897}, {45456, 45457, 12587}, {45458, 45459, 12588}}
Construct the equilateral triangle BA'C having base BC and vertex A' on the negative side of BC; similarly construct equilateral triangles CB'A and AC'B based on the other two sides. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(13). If each of the angles A, B, C is < 2π/3, then X(13) is the only center X for which the angles BXC, CXA, AXB are equal, and X(13) minimizes the sum |AX| + |BX| + |CX|. The antipedal triangle of X(13) is equilateral.
If, however, A> 2π/3, then the Fermat point, defined geometrically as the minimizer of |AX| + |BX| + |CX|, is not the 1st isogonic center (which is defined by the above trilinears). Trilinears for the Fermat point when A> 2π/3 are simply 1:0:0. To represent the Fermat point in the form f(a,b,c) : f(b,c,a) : f(c,a,b), one must use Boolean variables, as shown at Fermat point.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view these sketches:
Fermat Dynamic
1st isogonic center
Kiepert Hyperbola, showing X(13) and X(14) on the hyperbola, with midpoint X(115)
Evans Conic, passing through X(13), X(14), X(15), X(16), X(17), X(18), X(3070), X(3071).
X(3054), center of the Evans Conic and 19 other triangle centers.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view 1st isogonic center.
The Evans conic is introduced in Evans, Lawrence S., "A Conic Through Six Triangle Centers," Forum Geometricorum 2 (2002) 89-92.
Let NaNbNc, Na'Nb'Nc' be the outer and inner Napoleon triangles, respectively. Let A' be the isogonal conjugate of Na', wrt NaNbNc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines NaA', NbB', NcC' concur in X(13). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2015)
Let P be a point inside triangle ABC such that the line AP bisects angle BPC, and NBP bisets CPA, and CP bisects APB. Then P = X(13). The locus of P such that AP bisects BPC is the circumcubic given by the barycentric equation c2xy2 - b2xz2 + (a2 - b2 + c2)y2z - (a2 + b2 - c2)yz2 = 0, and the other two cubics are given cyclically. Bernard Gibert discusses these cubics as K053A, K053B, K053C; see Apollonian strophoids. (Paul Hanna and Peter Moses, August 6, 2017)
The line X(13)X(15) is parallel to the Euler line, and the distance between the two lines is (SB - SC)(SC - SA)(SA - SB)/|(cot(ω) + 31/2)|*((E - 8F)S2)1/2. (Kiminari Shinagawa, February 20, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the outer Napoleon triangle and A″B″C″ the inner Napoleon triangle. Let A* be the isogonal conjugate, wrt A'B'C', of A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines A'A*, B'B*, C'C* concur in X(13). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let F be X(13) or X(14). Let L and L' be lines through F such that the angle between them is π/3; if you have GeoGebra, see Figure 13A. Let LBC = L∩BC, and define LCA and LAB cyclically. Let L'BC = L'∩BC, and define L'CA and L'AB cyclically. The lines LBCL'CA, LCAL'AB, LABL'BC concur. (Dao Thanh Oai, 2014)
Let F be X(13) or X(14). Let A0, B0, C0 be points on BC, CA, AB, respectively, such that the directed angles FA0-to-FC0 = π/3 and FC0-to-FB0 = π/3; if you have GeoGebra, see Figure 13B. The points A0, B0, C0 are collinear. (Dao Thanh Oai, 2014)
Video showing circular porisim-orbits of X(13), X(14), X(15), and X(16): 3-Periodics in a Concentric Homothetic Poncelet Pair: Circular Loci of Four Triangle Centers. (Dan Reznik, August 9, 2020) See also Loci of Centers of Ellipse-Mounted Triangles. (Dan Reznik, August 26, 2020)
If P is a point not on the line X(13)X(14), then the circle {P, X(13), X(14)}} is orthogonal to the orthocentroidal circle. (Peter Moses, April 22, 2021)
Several notable circles pass through X(13) and X(14). For each circle listed here, the appearance of (i; [name], [list]) means that the center is X(i), and the points with listed indices lie on the circle:
(1116; Lester circle, 3, 5, 13, 14, 1117, 5671, 14854, 15475, 15535, 15536, 15537, 15538, 15539, 15540, 15541, 15542, 15543, 15544, 15545, 15546, 15547, 15548, 15549, 15550, 15551, 15552, 15553, 15554, 15555, 34365)
(1637; Dao-Moses-Telv circle; 13, 14, 5000, 5001, 6104, 6105, 6106, 6107, 6108, 6109, 6110, 6111, 24007, 24008)
(1640; 13, 14, 10653, 10654, 32618, 32619)
(8371; Hutson-Parry circle, 2, 13, 14, 111, 476, 5466, 5640, 6032, 6792, 7698, 9140, 9159, 11628, 11639, 11640, 13636, 13722, 14846, 14932, 34320)
(9200; 13, 14, 16, 5623, 11586, 30439)
(9201; 13, 14, 15, 5624, 15743, 30440)
(9202; 13, 14, 16, 5623, 11586, 30439)
(14446; 13, 14, 5616, 5668, 6779, 8172, 11600, 38943)
(14447; 13, 14, 5612, 5669, 6780, 8173, 11601, 38944)
(30574; 13, 14, 80,484, 3464, 5540, 5902, 34301, 37718)
(42731; 13, 14, 112, 1141, 1157, 5667, 5890, 6761, 14644, 14651)
(42732; 13, 14, 112, 1141, 1157, 5667, 5890, 6761, 14644, 14651)
(42733; 4, 13, 14, 2132, 2394, 6794, 22265, 34298)
(42734; 13, 14, 616, 621, 5675, 16260, 39133)
(42735; 13, 14, 617, 621, 5674, 16259, 39132)
(42736; 13, 14, 125, 1637, 11657, 14847, 34310)
(42737; 13, 14, 110, 3448, 34306, 34308)
(42738; 13, 14, 98, 11005, 14223, 23969)
(42730; 13, 14, 74, 5627, 5670, 18331)
(42740; Dao-Parry circle of X(1), 1, 13, 14, 79, 5677, 42748, 42749)
Related circles are discussed in trhe preamble just before X(42740).
X(13) lies on the Neuberg cubic and these lines: 2,16 3,17 4,61 5,18 6,14 11,202 15,30 76,299 80,1251 98,1080 99,303 148,617 203,1478 226,1081 262,383 275,472 298,532 484,1277 531,671 533,621 634,635
X(13) is the {X(6),X(381)}-harmonic conjugate of X(14). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(13), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(13) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (14,115), (15,396), (99,619), (298,623), (616,618)
X(13) = isogonal conjugate of X(15)
X(13) = isotomic conjugate of X(298)
X(13) = circumcircle-inverse of X(6104)
X(13) = orthocentroidal-circle inverse of X(14)
X(13) = complement of X(616)
X(13) = anticomplement of X(618)
X(13) = cevapoint of X(15) and X(62)
X(13) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (15,18), (30,14), (396,2)
X(13) = trilinear pole of line X(395)X(523) (polar of X(470) wrt polar circle)
X(13) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(470)
X(13) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(470)
X(13) = antigonal image of X(14)
X(13) = reflection of X(14) in line X(115)X(125)
X(13) = X(15)-of-4th-Brocard-triangle
X(13) = X(15)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(13) = orthocorrespondent of X(13)
X(13) = homothetic center of outer Napoleon triangle and antipedal triangle of X(13)
X(13) = inner-Napoleon-to-outer-Napoleon similarity image of X(15)
X(13) = outer-Napoleon-isogonal conjugate of X(3)
X(13) = outer-Napoleon-to-inner-Napoleon similarity image of X(14)
X(13) = orthocenter of X(14)X(98)X(2394)
X(13) = X(15)-of-pedal-triangle of X(13)
X(13) = {X(265),X(1989)}-harmonic Conjugate of X(14)
X(13) = homothetic center of (equilateral) antipedal triangle of X(13) and triangle formed by circumcenters of BCX(13), CAX(13), ABX(13)
X(13) = homothetic center of triangle formed by circumcenters of BCX(14), CAX(14), ABX(14) and triangle formed by nine-point centers of BCX(13), CAX(13), ABX(13)
X(13) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(17)
X(13) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(61)
X(13) = Kosnita(X(13),X(1)) point
X(13) = Kosnita(X(13),X(13)) point
X(13) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(34317)
Barycentrics f(a,b,c) : f(b,c,a) : f(c,a,b), where
f(a,b,c) = a4 - 2(b2 - c2)2 + a2(b2 + c2 - 4*sqrt(3)*Area(ABC))
Barycentrics (SA - Sqrt[3] S) (SB + SC) + 4 SB SC : :
Tripolars 1/(a^4+a^2 b^2-2 b^4+a^2 c^2+4 b^2 c^2-2 c^4-2 Sqrt[3] a^2 S) : :
X(14) = 31/2(r2 + 2rR + s2)*X(1) - 6r(31/2R + 2s)*X(2) - 2r(31/2r - 3s)*X(3) (Peter Moses, April 2, 2013)
Construct the equilateral triangle BA'C having base BC and vertex A' on the positive side of BC; similarly construct equilateral triangles CB'A and AC'B based on the other two sides. The lines AA',BB',CC' concur in X(14). The antipedal triangle of X(14) is equilateral.
Let NaNbNc, Na'Nb'Nc' be the outer and inner Napoleon triangles, resp. Let A' be the isogonal conjugate of Na, wrt Na'Nb'Nc', and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines Na'A', Nb'B', Nc'C' concur in X(14). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the outer Napoleon triangle and A″B″C″ the inner Napoleon triangle. Let A* be the isogonal conjugate, wrt A″B″C″, of A', and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines A″A*, B″B*, C″C* concur in X(14). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
The line X(14)X(16) is parallel to the Euler line, and the distance between the two lines is (SB - SC)(SC - SA)(SA - SB)/|(cot(ω) - 31/2)|((E - 8F)S2)1/2. (Kiminari Shinagawa, February 20, 2018)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view 2nd isogonic center
If you have GeoGebra, you can view 2nd isogonic center.
Let O be a point (not necessarily X(3)), let H=ABCDEF be a regular hexagon with center O, and let P be a point. Define 6 triangles T1=ABP, T2=BCP, ... , T6=FAP.
Claim 1: The points X(14)-of-Ti lie on OP, i=1...6.
Next, define 6 reflection triangles T1' = reflection of T1 in AB, T2' = reflection of T2 in BC, ..., T6' = reflection of T6 in FA.
Claim 2: If P is interior to H, the points X(14)-of-Ti' lie on a rectangular hyperbola centered at O:
(Dan Reznik, December 10, 2021)
X(14) lies on the Neuberg cubic and these lines: 2,15 3,18 4,62 5,17 6,13 11,203 16,30 76,298 98,383 99,302 148,616 202,1478 226,554 262,1080 275,473 299,533 397,546 484,1276 530,671 532,622 633,636
X(14) is the {X(6),X(381)}-harmonic conjugate of X(13). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(14), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(14) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (13,115), (16,395), (99,618), (299,624), (617,619)
X(14) = isogonal conjugate of X(16)
X(14) = isotomic conjugate of X(299)
X(14) = complement of X(617)
X(14) = anticomplement of X(619)
X(14) = circumcircle-inverse of X(6105)
X(14) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(13)
X(14) = cevapoint of X(16) and X(61)
X(14) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (16,17), (30,13), (395,2)
X(14) = trilinear pole of line X(396)X(523) (polar of X(471) wrt polar circle)
X(14) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(471)
X(14) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(471)
X(14) = antigonal image of X(13)
X(14) = reflection of X(13) in line X(115)X(125)
X(14) = X(16)-of-4th-Brocard triangle
X(14) = X(16)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(14) = orthocorrespondent of X(14)
X(14) = homothetic center of inner Napoleon triangle and antipedal triangle of X(14)
X(14) = inner-Napoleon-isogonal conjugate of X(3)
X(14) = outer-Napoleon-to-inner-Napoleon similarity image of X(16)
X(14) = inner-Napoleon-to-outer-Napoleon similarity image of X(13)
X(14) = orthocenter of X(13)X(98)X(2394)
X(14) = X(16)-of-pedal-triangle of X(14)
X(14) = {X(265),X(1989)}-harmonic Conjugate of X(13)
X(14) = homothetic center of (equilateral) antipedal triangle of X(14) and triangle formed by circumcenters of BCX(14), CAX(14), ABX(14)
X(14) = homothetic center of triangle formed by circumcenters of BCX(13), CAX(13), ABX(13) and triangle formed by nine-point centers of BCX(14), CAX(14), ABX(14)
X(14) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(18)
X(14) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(62)
X(14) = Kosnita(X(14),X(1)) point
X(14) = Kosnita(X(14),X(14)) point
X(14) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(34318)
Let U and V be the points on sideline BC met by the interior and exterior bisectors of angle A. The circle having diameter UV is the A-Apollonian circle. The B- and C- Apollonian circles are similarly constructed. Each circle passes through one vertex and both isodynamic points. (This configuration, based on the cevians of X(1), generalizes to arbitrary cevians; see TCCT, p. 98, problem 8.)
Let A'B'C' be the 4th Brocard triangle and A″B″C″ be the 4th anti-Brocard triangle. The circumcircles of AA'A″, BB'B″, CC'C″ concur in two points, X(15) and X(16). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
The line X(13)X(15) is parallel to the Euler line, and the distance between the two lines is (SB - SC)(SC - SA)(SA - SB)/(cot(ω) + 31/2)|*((E - 8F)S2)1/2. (Kiminari Shinagawa, February 20, 2018)
The pedal triangle of X(15) is equilateral. If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view 1st isodynamic point and X(15)&X(16), with Brocard axis and Lemoine axis.
Video showing circular porisim-orbits of X(13), X(14), X(15), and X(16): 3-Periodics in a Concentric Homothetic Poncelet Pair: Circular Loci of Four Triangle Centers. (Dan Reznik, August 9, 2020) See also Loci of Centers of Ellipse-Mounted Triangles. (Dan Reznik, August 26, 2020)
If you have GeoGebra, you can view 1st isodynamic point.
Several notable circles pass through X(15) and X(16). For each circle listed here, the appearance of (i; [name], [list]) means that the center is X(i), and the points with listed indices lie on the circle:
(187; Schoute circle, 15,16)
(351; Parry circle, 2, 15, 16, 23, 110, 111, 352, 353, 5638, 5639, 6141, 6142, 7598, 7599, 7601, 7602, 7711, 9138, 9147, 9153, 9156, 9157, 9158, 9162, 9163, 9212, 9213, 9978, 9980, 9998, 9999, 11199, 11673, 13114, 13242, 14660, 14704, 14705, 32072, 32073, 32074, 32526, 33502, 33503)
(647; Moses radical circle, 15, 16, 5000, 5001, 6112, 6113, 6114, 6115, 6116, 6117)
(649; Gheorghe circle, 15, 16, 1276, 1277, 32622, 32623)
(663; 1, 15, 16, 36, 3465, 4040, 5526, 5529)
(665; 15, 16, 32753, 32754)
(669; 15, 16, 5004, 5005, 5980, 5981)
(887; 15, 16, 99, 729, 13210, 14691)
(890; 15, 16, 100, 739))
(1960; Moses isodynamic circle, 15, 16, 101, 106, 214, 9321, 11716, 38013, 38014, 41183, 41184, 41185, 41186, 41187, 41188, 41189, 41190, 41191, 41192, 41193)
(2488; 15, 16, 3513, 3514)
(2502; Parry isodynamic circle, 15, 16)
(3005; 15, 16, 5002, 5003)
(3250; 15, 16, 32763, 32764)
(3569; 15, 16, 32618, 32619, 39665, 39666)
(5027; 15, 16, 18773, 18774, 22687, 22689)
(5075; 15, 16, 846, 1054, 1283, 5197)
(5638; 15, 16, 39164, 39165)
(5639; 15, 16, 39162, 39163)
(6137; 13, 15, 16, 3165, 5616, 5669, 6104, 10658)
(6138; 14, 15, 16, 3166, 5612, 5668, 6105, 10657)
(6139; Terzic circle, 15, 16, 55, 109, 654, 1155, 2291, 41155, 41156, 41157, 41158, 41159, 41160, 41161, 41162, 41163, 41164, 41165, 41166)
(6140; 15, 16, 115, 128, 399, 1263, 1511, 2079, 10277, 14367)
(8644; 15, 16, 38001, 38002)
(9409; 15, 16, 74, 112, 5667, 9862, 11587, 40894, 40895)
(9420; 15, 16, 98, 13236, 15920, 26714)
(15451; 4, 15, 16, 186, 3484, 11674, 13509, 15412)
(17414; 15, 16, 11629, 11630)
(9527; 15, 16, 351, 2502, 9129, 10166)
(42649; 15, 16, 35, 484, 3483, 14102)
(42650; 15, 16, 54, 1157, 3482, 18335)
(42651; 15, 16, 125, 184, 2081, 13558)
(42652; 15, 16, 385, 805, 5970, 32531)
(42653; 15, 16, 501, 3743, 5127, 14838, 14873, 39149)
(42654; 15, 16, 647, 1495, 14685, 16319, 35901)
(42655; 15, 16, 667, 1083, 3230, 11650, 11651, 11652)
(42656; 15, 16, 1138, 2132, 6794, 12112, 14254)
(42657; 15, 16, 3065, 3464, 5540, 6126)
This list of circles was contributed by Peter Moses, April 17, 2021, with the following notes. Starting with a circle X(15), X(16), and a point P = p : q : r, the center of the circle is given by
a^2*(c^2*(a^2 + b^2 - c^2)*p*q + a^2*c^2*q^2 - b^2*(a^2 - b^2 + c^2)*p*r - a^2*b^2*r^2) : : ,
and the power of vertex A with repect to the circle is
(b^2*c^2*(-(c^2*(a^2 + b^2 - c^2)*p*q) - a^2*c^2*q^2 + b^2*(a^2 - b^2 + c^2)*p*r + a^2*b^2*r^2))/((p + q + r)*(-(b^2*c^2*(b^2 - c^2)*p) + a^2*c^2*(a^2 - c^2)*q - a^2*b^2*(a^2 - b^2)*r)).
If P lies on the Lemoine axis, then the power of A with respect to to the circle is
-b^2*c^2*(c^2*q + b^2*r)/(c^2*(a^2 - b^2)*q + b^2*(a^2 - c^2)*r)).
Consider this experiment, in which 3 regular hexagons, HA, Hb, HC are erected on the sides of T = ABC. Let the hexagon vertices be labeled as
Ha = {B,A1,A2,A3,A4,C), Hb = {C,B1,B2,B3,B4,A}, Hc={A,C1,C2,C3,C4,B},
and the vertices of the 3 "flank-triangles", by Fa = {A,C1,B4}, Fb = "{B,A1,C4}, Fc = {C,B1,A4}.
Between each pair of consecutive hexagons, define 3 "flank" triangles Fa = {A,C1,B4}, Fb = {B,A1,C4}, Fc={C,Ba,A4}. Let T' be the triangle with vertices X(15)-of-Fa, X(15)-of-Fb, X(15)-of-Fc. Claim (1): T' is perspective to T, and the perspector is X(6). Claim (2): X(16)-of-Fa = X(16)-of-Fb = X(15)-of-Fc . (Dan Reznick, November 11, 2021)
X(15) lies on the Evans conic, Parry circle, Moses radical circle, Schoutte circle, Parry isodynamic circle, the cubics K001, K018, K048, K050, K073, K114, K129b, K148, K193, K206, K261a, K261b, K262a, K262b, K263, K290, K291, K292, K303a, K304, K341a, K390, K435, K438a, K438b, K439, K440, K441, K458, K463, K468, K469, K471, K505, K508, K513, K514, K523, K524, K639, K640, K641, K730, K802, K803, K881, K882, K883, K884, K885, K894, K900, K909, K912, K940, K942, K944, K946, K1052, K1064, K1099, K1105, K1132b, K1133a and the curves Q002, Q016, Q037, Q039, Q043, Q049, Q054, Q067, Q075, Q076, Q090, Q092, Q097, Q123, Q136, Q137, Q138, Q139, Q140, Q142, Q143, as well as these lines: {1, 1251}, {2, 14}, {3, 6}, {4, 17}, {5, 2913}, {11, 11755}, {13, 30}, {18, 140}, {20, 3412}, {21, 5362}, {23, 11629}, {24, 10642}, {35, 1250}, {36, 202}, {40, 10636}, {44, 11790}, {45, 11791}, {51, 3132}, {54, 10678}, {55, 203}, {56, 7005}, {57, 11760}, {74, 5668}, {86, 21898}, {98, 33388}, {99, 22687}, {110, 2378}, {111, 9202}, {115, 6771}, {128, 11600}, {183, 25167}, {184, 2903}, {185, 21647}, {186, 3165}, {214, 5240}, {230, 21156}, {237, 14186}, {298, 533}, {299, 3643}, {302, 34508}, {303, 316}, {323, 3170}, {351, 9162}, {376, 10653}, {378, 8740}, {381, 16644}, {383, 9993}, {385, 5980}, {395, 549}, {397, 550}, {399, 5612}, {404, 5367}, {465, 13567}, {466, 23292}, {470, 6110}, {484, 8444}, {485, 2041}, {486, 2042}, {512, 9163}, {523, 16181}, {524, 5463}, {530, 22495}, {532, 616}, {542, 9117}, {590, 18585}, {597, 35303}, {615, 15765}, {622, 9989}, {625, 11306}, {627, 22901}, {628, 636}, {630, 31706}, {631, 11489}, {633, 7836}, {635, 7832}, {691, 2379}, {740, 5699}, {842, 5994}, {843, 9203}, {846, 2946}, {940, 21476}, {1080, 6115}, {1082, 16577}, {1138, 5624}, {1147, 3205}, {1154, 2902}, {1157, 8447}, {1181, 19363}, {1263, 8173}, {1277, 8482}, {1337, 2981}, {1338, 2381}, {1495, 3129}, {1498, 17826}, {1511, 6105}, {1513, 9749}, {1593, 11408}, {1656, 5339}, {1657, 5340}, {1658, 11268}, {1682, 11758}, {1724, 11098}, {2043, 6560}, {2044, 6561}, {2045, 5420}, {2046, 5418}, {2058, 13391}, {2070, 2923}, {2132, 8445}, {2133, 8448}, {2380, 10409}, {2549, 5474}, {2777, 10681}, {2854, 13859}, {2926, 10329}, {2927, 2937}, {2952, 2959}, {3065, 5673}, {3070, 14814}, {3071, 14813}, {3096, 11290}, {3124, 14705}, {3130, 34417}, {3200, 11137}, {3231, 14178}, {3334, 14146}, {3411, 3530}, {3441, 8478}, {3464, 7326}, {3465, 7059}, {3479, 8451}, {3480, 8175}, {3483, 16883}, {3484, 8479}, {3515, 11409}, {3524, 16963}, {3631, 22845}, {3734, 25157}, {3849, 9763}, {3850, 5349}, {3923, 5700}, {3972, 35918}, {4383, 21475}, {5010, 7127}, {5054, 16268}, {5056, 5343}, {5059, 5344}, {5066, 12817}, {5068, 5365}, {5366, 22235}, {5459, 31710}, {5469, 25166}, {5470, 31709}, {5471, 6774}, {5472, 6781}, {5473, 9112}, {5529, 11789}, {5613, 9981}, {5614, 17403}, {5617, 6777}, {5623, 8491}, {5663, 10657}, {5667, 6111}, {5672, 8501}, {5675, 8456}, {5679, 8455}, {5681, 8462}, {5873, 22746}, {5916, 23895}, {5999, 22691}, {6000, 10675}, {6137, 9213}, {6138, 9138}, {6151, 21462}, {6241, 11466}, {6294, 23009}, {6296, 23019}, {6297, 23010}, {6300, 22611}, {6301, 22610}, {6304, 22640}, {6305, 22639}, {6564, 18587}, {6565, 18586}, {6581, 8177}, {6642, 10644}, {6694, 7859}, {6695, 10583}, {6759, 10676}, {6770, 6778}, {7060, 7089}, {7164, 8449}, {7325, 8508}, {7327, 8476}, {7329, 8472}, {7426, 34315}, {7488, 11421}, {7502, 11135}, {7622, 9761}, {7709, 32466}, {7751, 33466}, {7790, 11303}, {7844, 11305}, {7846, 11308}, {7865, 11297}, {7877, 35689}, {7880, 11301}, {7914, 11312}, {8172, 8495}, {8291, 9865}, {8431, 8453}, {8434, 8454}, {8438, 8457}, {8441, 8471}, {8458, 8535}, {8463, 8490}, {8473, 8486}, {8474, 8487}, {8475, 8494}, {8477, 8496}, {8483, 16882}, {8598, 12155}, {8839, 13367}, {8884, 19190}, {8919, 23721}, {9113, 21157}, {9147, 14447}, {9744, 9750}, {9754, 16652}, {9886, 22579}, {9932, 10660}, {10187, 22237}, {10188, 35018}, {10282, 30403}, {10546, 16259}, {10637, 10902}, {10661, 13754}, {10663, 17702}, {10664, 12893}, {10682, 13289}, {10788, 22696}, {11003, 14169}, {11004, 11126}, {11008, 22844}, {11145, 15018}, {11202, 11244}, {11449, 11453}, {11452, 12111}, {11464, 11467}, {11540, 33606}, {11676, 22701}, {11761, 11770}, {12367, 14173}, {12584, 32302}, {12816, 15682}, {12972, 12981}, {12973, 12983}, {12980, 13058}, {12982, 13057}, {13049, 13059}, {13050, 13060}, {13102, 22891}, {13704, 23011}, {13706, 23020}, {13824, 23012}, {13826, 23021}, {13860, 22693}, {13881, 16630}, {14137, 16940}, {14182, 23017}, {14188, 23022}, {14369, 14972}, {14704, 20998}, {15080, 34009}, {15412, 23872}, {15640, 33607}, {15743, 18776}, {15764, 32788}, {16319, 32460}, {16460, 16639}, {16807, 32628}, {17277, 21869}, {17821, 17827}, {18400, 32397}, {18762, 35738}, {18909, 18929}, {18925, 18930}, {18980, 19450}, {18981, 19451}, {19185, 19191}, {19357, 19364}, {19440, 19452}, {19441, 19453}, {22113, 22895}, {22489, 31693}, {22571, 31695}, {22602, 31697}, {22631, 31699}, {22688, 31701}, {22702, 22714}, {22707, 22715}, {22796, 22892}, {22843, 22862}, {22962, 22975}, {22999, 25220}, {23007, 25178}, {23259, 35732}, {23358, 32398}, {25151, 31707}, {25158, 31713}, {25159, 31715}, {25160, 31717}, {25217, 31719}, {30461, 30467}, {30468, 36185}, {31378, 36210}, {31694, 33475}, {31696, 33477}, {31698, 33447}, {31700, 33446}, {31702, 33479}, {31708, 33480}, {31712, 33483}, {31714, 33485}, {31716, 33489}, {31718, 33487}, {31720, 33490}, {32171, 32208}, {32465, 32515}, {35725, 35727}, {35730, 35740}
X(15) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 5611}, {14, 6780}, {616, 3180}, {622, 14712}, {2378, 5610}, {6777, 25236}
X(15) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 11707}, {4, 7684}, {13, 396}, {14, 6109}, {16, 187}, {17, 14138}, {298, 618}, {316, 624}, {621, 623}, {623, 6671}, {2902, 11136}, {5318, 11542}, {5463, 35304}, {5668, 5995}, {5978, 619}, {6778, 6783}, {9162, 351}, {10409, 33526}, {11600, 15609}, {16267, 16962}, {19106, 5318}, {20428, 5}, {22997, 9117}, {22999, 25220}, {23004, 115}, {23007, 25178}, {34315, 7426}, {34317, 14170}
X(15) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (13,396), (16,187), (298,618), (316,624), (621,623)
X(15) = isogonal conjugate of X(13)
X(15) = isotomic conjugate of X(300)
X(15) = complement of X(621)
X(15) = anticomplement of X(623)
X(15) = circumcircle-inverse of X(16)
X(15) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(6112)
X(15) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(16)
X(15) = polar-circle-inverse of X(6116)
X(15) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(6114)
X(15) = 2nd-Brocard-circle-inverse of X(3105)
X(15) = circumcircle-of-inner-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(14)
X(15) = Lucas-inner-circle-inverse of X(16)
X(15) = Lucas-circles-radical-circle inverse of X(16)
X(15) = outer-Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle-inverse of X(16)
X(15) = inner-Montesdeoca-Lemoine-circle-inverse of X(16)
X(15) = antigonal image of X(11600)
X(15) = symgonal image of X(33526)
X(15) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(3438)
X(15) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(2992)
X(15) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(618)
X(15) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(616)
X(15) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(34394)
X(15) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(298)
X(15) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(8739)
X(15) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(470)
X(15) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(5463)
X(15) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(2945)
X(15) = tangential-isogonal conjugate of X(2925)
X(15) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(2902)
X(15) = psi-transform of X(16)
X(15) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2992, 2887}, {3438, 10}
X(15) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 202}, {3, 3165}, {4, 2902}, {6, 3170}, {13, 62}, {14, 5616}, {30, 5668}, {54, 3200}, {74, 16}, {470, 8739}, {2981, 6}, {11117, 11126}, {17402, 6137}, {32036, 35443}
X(15) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {74, 8445}, {1094, 7006}, {1154, 11600}, {1511, 16}, {3200, 62}, {6137, 17402}, {14816, 13}, {19295, 323}, {34327, 11146}, {34394, 8739}
X(15) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 13}, {2, 2153}, {16, 2166}, {18, 3383}, {31, 300}, {63, 8737}, {75, 3457}, {94, 2152}, {661, 23895}, {662, 20578}, {1081, 19551}, {1577, 5995}, {2154, 11078}, {2306, 7026}, {3179, 14358}, {6138, 32680}, {23871, 32678}, {24041, 30452}
X(15) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 2992}, {13, 18}, {249, 10409}, {298, 470}, {2380, 16460}, {11600, 36210}
X(15) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3179}, {2, 3180}, {3, 10661}, {6, 3129}, {15, 62}, {16, 5612}, {395, 30459}, {396, 8014}, {523, 30465}, {532, 619}, {6104, 36208}, {6111, 6116}, {9200, 30467}, {11542, 11555}, {18777, 30466}, {20578, 30452}, {23283, 30460}
X(15) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {13, 11537}, {549, 395}, {9138, 6138}, {16181, 523}
X(15) = X(i)-vertex conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 16257}, {13, 3457}, {16, 512}, {3458, 32906}
X(15) = trilinear pole of line {526, 6137}
X(15) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {395, 523}
X(15) = X(6)-Hirst inverse of X(16)
X(15) = X(15)-of-2nd-Brocard-triangle
X(15) = X(15)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(15) = {X(371),X(372)}-harmonic conjugate of X(61)
X(15) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(3457)
X(15) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(5995)
X(15) = outer-Napoleon-to-inner-Napoleon similarity image of X(13)
X(15) = orthocentroidal-to-ABC similarity image of X(13)
X(15) = 4th-Brocard-to-circumsymmedial similarity image of X(13)
X(15) = X(2378)-of-2nd-Parry triangle
X(15) = radical center of Lucas(2/sqrt(3)) circles
X(15) = homothetic center of (equilateral) 1st isogonal triangle of X(13) and pedal triangle of X(15)
X(15) = homothetic center of (equilateral) 1st isogonal triangle of X(14) and triangle formed by circumcenters of BCX(14), CAX(14), ABX(14)
X(15) = eigencenter of inner Napoleon triangle
X(15) = X(13)-of-4th-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(15) = X(15)-of-X(3)PU(1)
X(15) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(5463)
X(15) = X(10657)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(15) = {X(16),X(61)}-harmonic conjugate of X(6)
X(15) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(61)
X(15) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(17)
X(15) = X(1277)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(15) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 470}, {6, 298}, {13, 11131}, {14, 323}, {16, 11092}, {17, 11146}, {18, 11127}, {50, 301}, {54, 33529}, {62, 19778}, {69, 8739}, {75, 2151}, {76, 34394}, {97, 6117}, {99, 6137}, {110, 23870}, {249, 30465}, {299, 11086}, {302, 8603}, {523, 17402}, {526, 23896}, {533, 6151}, {618, 2981}, {691, 9204}, {1082, 5240}, {2380, 14922}, {2987, 6782}, {3165, 19774}, {3170, 11121}, {3268, 5994}, {3457, 11129}, {3458, 7799}, {5616, 13582}, {6110, 14919}, {10409, 35443}, {10410, 14447}, {10411, 20579}, {10677, 11143}, {11078, 36209}, {11117, 19294}, {11120, 19295}, {11126, 11600}, {11130, 36210}, {11133, 21462}, {11136, 34390}, {11137, 34389}, {17403, 23284}
X(15) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 300}, {6, 13}, {14, 94}, {16, 11078}, {25, 8737}, {31, 2153}, {32, 3457}, {50, 16}, {61, 8838}, {62, 16770}, {110, 23895}, {186, 471}, {298, 76}, {301, 20573}, {323, 299}, {470, 264}, {512, 20578}, {526, 23871}, {1154, 33530}, {1250, 7026}, {1576, 5995}, {2088, 30468}, {2151, 1}, {2154, 2166}, {2981, 11119}, {3124, 30452}, {3165, 19772}, {3170, 3180}, {3200, 11127}, {3457, 11080}, {3458, 1989}, {5994, 476}, {6105, 8836}, {6117, 324}, {6137, 523}, {6138, 23283}, {6151, 11118}, {8603, 17}, {8604, 11601}, {8738, 6344}, {8739, 4}, {9204, 35522}, {10633, 472}, {10677, 11144}, {11062, 6116}, {11081, 36211}, {11083, 11581}, {11086, 14}, {11092, 301}, {11127, 303}, {11131, 298}, {11135, 6104}, {11136, 62}, {11137, 61}, {11146, 302}, {11243, 8919}, {14270, 6138}, {17402, 99}, {19294, 532}, {19295, 619}, {19373, 1081}, {19627, 34395}, {19778, 34390}, {20579, 10412}, {21461, 11139}, {21462, 11082}, {23870, 850}, {23896, 35139}, {30465, 338}, {32729, 9206}, {33529, 311}, {34327, 629}, {34394, 6}, {34395, 11081}, {34397, 8740}, {36209, 11092}
X(15) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 11754, 11753}, {1, 11763, 11762}, {2, 617, 3642}, {2, 621, 623}, {2, 5334, 18581}, {2, 10654, 14}, {2, 18581, 16967}, {3, 6, 16}, {3, 16, 10646}, {3, 61, 62}, {3, 62, 5237}, {3, 371, 3364}, {3, 372, 3365}, {3, 3390, 35739}, {3, 5238, 5352}, {3, 5615, 9736}, {3, 5865, 14540}, {3, 10634, 11515}, {3, 11480, 10645}, {3, 11485, 6}, {3, 11486, 11481}, {3, 13350, 21158}, {3, 15793, 15784}, {3, 18468, 10634}, {3, 22236, 61}, {3, 22238, 5351}, {4, 10632, 10641}, {4, 11488, 18582}, {4, 18582, 16808}, {5, 5321, 16809}, {5, 23302, 16966}, {6, 16, 62}, {6, 10645, 10646}, {6, 10646, 34755}, {6, 11480, 3}, {6, 11481, 11486}, {6, 11485, 61}, {6, 19781, 32}, {6, 22236, 11485}, {13, 396, 16267}, {13, 15441, 11581}, {13, 16960, 11542}, {13, 16962, 396}, {13, 19106, 5318}, {14, 16241, 2}, {14, 16967, 18581}, {14, 33417, 16967}, {16, 61, 6}, {16, 62, 34755}, {16, 5238, 10645}, {16, 6396, 35739}, {16, 10645, 3}, {16, 10646, 5237}, {16, 34754, 61}, {17, 16808, 18582}, {17, 19107, 16808}, {17, 22906, 31704}, {18, 33416, 23303}, {32, 3098, 16}, {32, 3105, 62}, {35, 2307, 7006}, {35, 5353, 1250}, {36, 5357, 19373}, {39, 5092, 16}, {50, 3581, 16}, {61, 3389, 3365}, {61, 3390, 3364}, {61, 5238, 3}, {61, 5352, 5237}, {61, 10645, 16}, {61, 11480, 10646}, {61, 14539, 3107}, {61, 34754, 11485}, {62, 5352, 3}, {62, 10646, 16}, {140, 398, 18}, {140, 11543, 23303}, {140, 23303, 33416}, {182, 574, 16}, {182, 3106, 62}, {182, 9735, 3}, {187, 11480, 21158}, {216, 11430, 16}, {298, 30471, 7799}, {299, 11299, 3643}, {303, 11304, 624}, {323, 11146, 11131}, {323, 34394, 3170}, {371, 372, 61}, {371, 3389, 62}, {371, 5238, 35739}, {371, 6200, 16}, {372, 3390, 62}, {372, 6396, 16}, {389, 22052, 16}, {395, 549, 16242}, {396, 5318, 11542}, {396, 11542, 16960}, {398, 23303, 11543}, {485, 2041, 3391}, {486, 2042, 3392}, {500, 17454, 16}, {566, 14805, 16}, {569, 14806, 16}, {572, 4256, 16}, {573, 4257, 16}, {575, 8589, 16}, {576, 8588, 16}, {576, 9736, 5615}, {577, 11438, 16}, {578, 10979, 16}, {621, 5334, 33518}, {623, 6671, 2}, {628, 22861, 22850}, {991, 4262, 16}, {1151, 6221, 16}, {1152, 6398, 16}, {1250, 2307, 5353}, {1250, 5353, 7006}, {1340, 1341, 16}, {1350, 1384, 16}, {1351, 5210, 16}, {1379, 1380, 16}, {1620, 33636, 16}, {1670, 1671, 3105}, {1689, 1690, 3106}, {1691, 35002, 16}, {2030, 18860, 16}, {2076, 5611, 3105}, {2076, 9301, 16}, {2076, 19781, 187}, {2080, 5104, 16}, {2903, 3166, 3201}, {3003, 10564, 16}, {3053, 33878, 16}, {3094, 26316, 16}, {3105, 3106, 3094}, {3311, 6411, 16}, {3312, 6412, 16}, {3364, 3365, 62}, {3365, 35739, 5237}, {3366, 3367, 5}, {3371, 3372, 3390}, {3385, 3386, 3389}, {3389, 3390, 3}, {3430, 33628, 16}, {3592, 6451, 16}, {3594, 6452, 16}, {5008, 14810, 16}, {5013, 12017, 16}, {5024, 5085, 16}, {5030, 13329, 16}, {5033, 9737, 16}, {5093, 5585, 16}, {5237, 34755, 16}, {5238, 10645, 11480}, {5238, 11485, 10646}, {5238, 22236, 62}, {5238, 34754, 16}, {5318, 11542, 13}, {5321, 16772, 23302}, {5321, 23302, 5}, {5334, 18581, 14}, {5352, 11485, 34755}, {5352, 30560, 21158}, {5357, 19373, 202}, {5473, 9112, 23006}, {5611, 13350, 14538}, {5611, 21401, 21158}, {6105, 36209, 11086}, {6199, 6409, 16}, {6200, 6396, 10645}, {6200, 11485, 3365}, {6295, 22689, 5981}, {6303, 6307, 14905}, {6395, 6410, 16}, {6396, 11485, 3364}, {6407, 6468, 16}, {6408, 6469, 16}, {6425, 6445, 16}, {6426, 6446, 16}, {6429, 9690, 16}, {6437, 6449, 16}, {6438, 6450, 16}, {6439, 9691, 16}, {6453, 6480, 16}, {6454, 6481, 16}, {6671, 33518, 16967}, {6778, 16529, 6783}, {7051, 10638, 1}, {9675, 9738, 16}, {10632, 32585, 8837}, {10641, 11475, 4}, {10645, 11480, 5352}, {10645, 11485, 62}, {10645, 34754, 6}, {10654, 18581, 5334}, {10667, 10671, 6}, {10676, 30402, 6759}, {11127, 11131, 323}, {11137, 22115, 3200}, {11477, 15655, 16}, {11480, 11485, 16}, {11480, 22236, 6}, {11480, 34754, 62}, {11481, 11486, 16}, {11485, 22236, 34754}, {11488, 18582, 17}, {11542, 16960, 16267}, {11543, 23303, 18}, {11581, 11586, 15441}, {11753, 11762, 1}, {11754, 11763, 1}, {11755, 11764, 11}, {11756, 11765, 55}, {11757, 11766, 1}, {11758, 11767, 1682}, {11759, 11768, 56}, {11760, 11769, 57}, {11761, 11770, 11993}, {12054, 12055, 16}, {14538, 21158, 3}, {15037, 15109, 16}, {16241, 16967, 33417}, {16808, 19107, 4}, {16809, 16964, 5321}, {16809, 16966, 5}, {16960, 19106, 13}, {16962, 19106, 16960}, {16964, 16966, 16809}, {16967, 33417, 2}, {17851, 17852, 16}, {21309, 31884, 16}, {22510, 23004, 115}, {33442, 33443, 6299}, {35207, 35208, 36}
Let U and V be the points on sideline BC met by the interior and exterior bisectors of angle A. The circle having diameter UV is the A-Apollonian circle. The B- and C- Apollonian circles are similarly constructed. Each circle passes through a vertex and both isodynamic points. The pedal triangle of X(16) is equilateral. If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view 2nd isodynamic point.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view 2nd isodynamic point.
Let A'B'C' be the 4th Brocard triangle and A″B″C″ be the 4th anti-Brocard triangle. The circumcircles of AA'A″, BB'B″, CC'C″ concur in two points, X(15) and X(16). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
The line X(14)X(16) is parallel to the Euler line, and the distance between the two lines is (SB - SC)(SC - SA)(SA - SB)/|(cot(ω) - 31/2)|((E - 8F)S2)1/2. (Kiminari Shinagawa, February 20, 2018)
Consider this
in which (purple) hexagons are erected on the sides of ABC, with (green) flank-triangles:
(1) X(16) of the 3 flank-triangles coincide with X(16) of ABC.
(2) the (red) triangle of the centroids of the hexagons is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(13).
(3) the circumcircle of the centroids (apices of equilaterals erect4d on the sides of ABC) has center X(627).
(4) the (green) triangle with vertices on X(15)-of-flank-triangles is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(6).
(Dan Reznick, October 18, 2021)
X(16) lies on the Evans conic, Parry circle, Moses Radical circle, Schoutte circle, Parry isodynamic circle, the cubics K001, K018, K048, K050, K073, K114, K129a, K148, K193, K206, K261a, K261b, K262a, K262b, K263, K290, K291, K292, K303b, K304, K341b, K390, K435, K438a, K438b, K439, K440, K441, K458, K463, K468, K469, K471, K505, K508, K513, K514, K523, K524, K639, K640, K641, K730, K802, K803, K881, K882, K883, K884, K885, K894, K900, K909, K912, K940, K942, K944, K946, K1052, K1064, K1099, K1105, K1132a, K1133b, and the curves on Q002, Q016, Q037, Q039, Q043, Q049, Q054, Q067, Q075, Q076, Q090, Q092, Q097, Q123, Q136, Q137, Q138, Q139, Q140, Q142, Q143, as well as these lines: {1, 1250}, {2, 13}, {3, 6}, {4, 18}, {5, 2912}, {11, 11773}, {14, 30}, {17, 140}, {20, 3411}, {21, 5367}, {23, 11630}, {24, 10641}, {35, 5357}, {36, 203}, {40, 10637}, {44, 11791}, {45, 11790}, {51, 3131}, {54, 10677}, {55, 202}, {56, 7006}, {57, 11778}, {74, 5669}, {86, 21869}, {98, 33389}, {99, 22689}, {110, 2379}, {111, 9203}, {115, 6774}, {128, 11601}, {183, 25157}, {184, 2902}, {185, 21648}, {186, 3166}, {214, 5239}, {230, 21157}, {237, 14188}, {298, 3642}, {299, 532}, {302, 316}, {303, 34509}, {323, 3171}, {351, 9163}, {358, 1135}, {376, 10654}, {378, 8739}, {381, 16645}, {383, 6114}, {385, 5981}, {396, 549}, {398, 550}, {399, 5616}, {404, 5362}, {465, 23292}, {466, 13567}, {471, 6111}, {484, 7052}, {485, 2042}, {486, 2041}, {512, 9162}, {523, 16182}, {524, 5464}, {531, 22496}, {533, 617}, {542, 9115}, {559, 16577}, {590, 15765}, {597, 35304}, {615, 18585}, {621, 9988}, {625, 11305}, {627, 635}, {628, 22855}, {629, 31705}, {631, 11488}, {634, 7836}, {636, 7832}, {691, 2378}, {740, 5700}, {842, 5995}, {843, 9202}, {846, 2945}, {940, 21475}, {1080, 9993}, {1138, 5623}, {1147, 3206}, {1154, 2903}, {1157, 8457}, {1181, 19364}, {1263, 8172}, {1276, 8481}, {1337, 2380}, {1338, 3458}, {1495, 3130}, {1498, 17827}, {1511, 6104}, {1513, 9750}, {1593, 11409}, {1656, 5340}, {1657, 5339}, {1658, 11267}, {1682, 11776}, {1724, 11097}, {2043, 6561}, {2044, 6560}, {2045, 5418}, {2046, 5420}, {2059, 13391}, {2070, 2924}, {2132, 8455}, {2133, 8458}, {2307, 7280}, {2381, 10410}, {2549, 5473}, {2777, 10682}, {2854, 13858}, {2925, 10329}, {2928, 2937}, {2953, 2959}, {2981, 21461}, {3065, 5672}, {3070, 14813}, {3071, 14814}, {3096, 11289}, {3124, 14704}, {3129, 34417}, {3201, 11134}, {3231, 14182}, {3412, 3530}, {3440, 8470}, {3464, 7325}, {3465, 7060}, {3479, 8174}, {3480, 8461}, {3483, 16882}, {3484, 8471}, {3515, 11408}, {3524, 16962}, {3631, 22844}, {3734, 25167}, {3849, 9761}, {3850, 5350}, {3923, 5699}, {3972, 35917}, {4383, 21476}, {5054, 16267}, {5056, 5344}, {5059, 5343}, {5066, 12816}, {5068, 5366}, {5365, 22237}, {5460, 31709}, {5469, 31710}, {5470, 25156}, {5471, 6781}, {5472, 6771}, {5474, 9113}, {5529, 11752}, {5610, 17402}, {5613, 6778}, {5617, 9982}, {5624, 8492}, {5663, 10658}, {5667, 6110}, {5673, 8502}, {5674, 8446}, {5678, 8445}, {5682, 8452}, {5872, 22745}, {5917, 23896}, {5999, 22692}, {6000, 10676}, {6137, 9138}, {6138, 9213}, {6241, 11467}, {6294, 8177}, {6296, 23001}, {6297, 23025}, {6300, 22609}, {6301, 22612}, {6304, 22638}, {6305, 22641}, {6564, 18586}, {6565, 18587}, {6581, 23000}, {6642, 10643}, {6694, 10583}, {6695, 7859}, {6759, 10675}, {6773, 6777}, {7059, 7088}, {7164, 8459}, {7326, 8509}, {7327, 8468}, {7329, 8464}, {7426, 34316}, {7488, 11420}, {7502, 11136}, {7622, 9763}, {7709, 32465}, {7751, 33467}, {7790, 11304}, {7844, 11306}, {7846, 11307}, {7865, 11298}, {7877, 35688}, {7880, 11302}, {7914, 11311}, {8173, 8496}, {8292, 9865}, {8431, 8463}, {8433, 8444}, {8437, 8447}, {8442, 8479}, {8448, 8536}, {8453, 8489}, {8465, 8486}, {8466, 8487}, {8467, 8494}, {8469, 8495}, {8484, 16883}, {8598, 12154}, {8837, 13367}, {8884, 19191}, {8918, 23722}, {9112, 21156}, {9147, 14446}, {9744, 9749}, {9754, 16653}, {9885, 22580}, {9932, 10659}, {10187, 35018}, {10188, 22235}, {10282, 30402}, {10546, 16260}, {10636, 10902}, {10662, 13754}, {10663, 12893}, {10664, 17702}, {10681, 13289}, {10788, 22695}, {11003, 14170}, {11004, 11127}, {11008, 22845}, {11146, 15018}, {11202, 11243}, {11449, 11452}, {11453, 12111}, {11464, 11466}, {11540, 33607}, {11586, 18777}, {11676, 22702}, {11779, 11788}, {12367, 14179}, {12584, 32301}, {12817, 15682}, {12972, 12980}, {12973, 12982}, {12981, 13060}, {12983, 13059}, {13049, 13057}, {13050, 13058}, {13103, 22846}, {13704, 23026}, {13706, 23002}, {13824, 23027}, {13826, 23003}, {13860, 22694}, {13881, 16631}, {14136, 16941}, {14178, 23023}, {14186, 23028}, {14368, 14972}, {14705, 20998}, {15080, 34008}, {15412, 23873}, {15640, 33606}, {15764, 32787}, {16319, 32461}, {16459, 16638}, {16806, 32627}, {17277, 21898}, {17821, 17826}, {18400, 32398}, {18538, 35738}, {18909, 18930}, {18925, 18929}, {18980, 19452}, {18981, 19453}, {19185, 19190}, {19357, 19363}, {19440, 19450}, {19441, 19451}, {22114, 22849}, {22490, 31694}, {22572, 31696}, {22604, 31698}, {22633, 31700}, {22690, 31702}, {22701, 22715}, {22708, 22714}, {22797, 22848}, {22890, 22906}, {22962, 22974}, {23008, 25219}, {23014, 25173}, {23249, 35732}, {23267, 35733}, {23358, 32397}, {25161, 31708}, {25168, 31714}, {25169, 31718}, {25170, 31716}, {25214, 31720}, {30464, 30470}, {30465, 36186}, {31378, 36211}, {31693, 33474}, {31695, 33476}, {31697, 33445}, {31699, 33444}, {31701, 33478}, {31707, 33481}, {31711, 33482}, {31713, 33484}, {31715, 33486}, {31717, 33488}, {31719, 33491}, {32171, 32207}, {32466, 32515}, {32785, 35730}, {35726, 35727}
X(16) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 5615}, {13, 6779}, {617, 3181}, {621, 14712}, {2379, 5614}, {6778, 25235}
X(16) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (14,395), (15,187), (299,619), (316,623), (622,624)
X(16) = isogonal conjugate of X(14)
X(16) = isotomic conjugate of X(301)
X(16) = complement of X(622)
X(16) = anticomplement of X(624)
X(16) = circumcircle-inverse of X(15)
X(16) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(6113)
X(16) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(15)
X(16) = polar-circle-inverse of X(6117)
X(16) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(6115)
X(16) = 2nd-Brocard-circle-inverse of X(3104)
X(16) = circumcircle-of-outer-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(13)
X(16) = Lucas-inner-circle-inverse of X(15)
X(16) = Lucas-circles-radical-circle-inverse of X(15)
X(16) = outer-Montesdeoca-Lemoine-circle-inverse of X(15)
X(16) = inner-Montesdeoca-Lemoine-circle-inverse of X(15)
X(16) = antigonal image of X(11601)
X(16) = symgonal image of X(33527)
X(16) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(3439)
X(16) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(2993)
X(16) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(619)
X(16) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(617)
X(16) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(34395)
X(16) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(299)
X(16) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(8740)
X(16) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(471)
X(16) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(5464)
X(16) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(2946)
X(16) = tangential-isogonal conjugate of X(2926)
X(16) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(2903)
X(16) = psi-transform of X(15)
X(16) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2993, 2887}, {3439, 10}
X(16) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 203}, {3, 3166}, {4, 2903}, {6, 3171}, {13, 5612}, {14, 61}, {30, 5669}, {54, 3201}, {74, 15}, {471, 8740}, {6151, 6}, {7150, 7005}, {11118, 11127}, {17403, 6138}, {32037, 35444}
X(16) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {74, 8455}, {1095, 7005}, {1154, 11601}, {1511, 15}, {3201, 61}, {6138, 17403}, {14817, 14}, {19294, 323}, {34328, 11145}, {34395, 8740}
X(16) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 14}, {2, 2154}, {15, 2166}, {17, 3376}, {31, 301}, {63, 8738}, {75, 3458}, {94, 2151}, {554, 7126}, {661, 23896}, {662, 20579}, {1577, 5994}, {2153, 11092}, {6137, 32680}, {7043, 33654}, {23870, 32678}, {24041, 30453}
X(16) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 7150}, {2, 2993}, {14, 17}, {249, 10410}, {299, 471}, {2381, 16459}, {11601, 36211}
X(16) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 3181}, {3, 10662}, {6, 3130}, {15, 5616}, {16, 61}, {395, 8015}, {396, 30462}, {523, 30468}, {533, 618}, {6105, 36209}, {6110, 6117}, {9201, 30470}, {11543, 11556}, {18776, 30469}, {20579, 30453}, {23284, 30463}
X(16) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {14, 11549}, {549, 396}, {9138, 6137}, {16182, 523}
X(16) = X(i)-vertex conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 16258}, {14, 3458}, {15, 512}, {3457, 32908}
X(16) = trilinear pole of line {526, 6138}
X(16) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {396, 523}
X(16) = X(6)-Hirst inverse of X(15)
X(16) = X(16)-of-2nd-Brocard triangle
X(16) = X(16)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(16) = {X(371),X(372)}-harmonic conjugate of X(62)
X(16) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(3458)
X(16) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(5994)
X(16) = inner-Napoleon-to-outer-Napoleon similarity image of X(14)
X(16) = orthocentroidal-to-ABC similarity image of X(14)
X(16) = 4th-Brocard-to-circumsymmedial similarity image of X(14)
X(16) = X(2379)-of-2nd-Parry-triangle
X(16) = homothetic center of (equilateral) 1st isogonal triangle of X(14) and pedal triangle of X(16)
X(16) = homothetic center of (equilateral) 1st isogonal triangle of X(13) and triangle formed by circumcenters of BCX(13), CAX(13), ABX(13)
X(16) = radical center of Lucas(-2/sqrt(3)) circles
X(16) = eigencenter of outer Napoleon triangle
X(16) = X(14) of 4th anti-Brocard triangle
X(16) = X(16)-of-X(3)PU(1)
X(16) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(5464)
X(16) = X(10658)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(16) = {X(15),X(62)}-harmonic conjugate of X(6)
X(16) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(62)
X(16) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(18)
X(16) = X(1276)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(16) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 471}, {6, 299}, {13, 323}, {14, 11130}, {15, 11078}, {17, 11126}, {18, 11145}, {50, 300}, {54, 33530}, {61, 19779}, {69, 8740}, {75, 2152}, {76, 34395}, {97, 6116}, {99, 6138}, {110, 23871}, {249, 30468}, {298, 11081}, {303, 8604}, {523, 17403}, {526, 23895}, {532, 2981}, {559, 5239}, {619, 6151}, {691, 9205}, {2987, 6783}, {3166, 19775}, {3171, 11122}, {3268, 5995}, {3457, 7799}, {3458, 11128}, {5612, 13582}, {6111, 14919}, {10409, 14446}, {10410, 35444}, {10411, 20578}, {10678, 11144}, {11092, 36208}, {11118, 19295}, {11119, 19294}, {11127, 11601}, {11131, 36211}, {11132, 21461}, {11134, 34390}, {11135, 34389}, {14922, 16459}, {17402, 23283}
X(16) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 301}, {6, 14}, {13, 94}, {15, 11092}, {25, 8738}, {31, 2154}, {32, 3458}, {50, 15}, {61, 16771}, {62, 8836}, {110, 23896}, {186, 470}, {299, 76}, {300, 20573}, {323, 298}, {471, 264}, {512, 20579}, {526, 23870}, {1154, 33529}, {1576, 5994}, {2088, 30465}, {2152, 1}, {2153, 2166}, {2981, 11117}, {3124, 30453}, {3166, 19773}, {3171, 3181}, {3201, 11126}, {3457, 1989}, {3458, 11085}, {5995, 476}, {6104, 8838}, {6116, 324}, {6137, 23284}, {6138, 523}, {6151, 11120}, {7051, 554}, {8603, 11600}, {8604, 18}, {8737, 6344}, {8740, 4}, {9205, 35522}, {10632, 473}, {10638, 7043}, {10678, 11143}, {11062, 6117}, {11078, 300}, {11081, 13}, {11086, 36210}, {11088, 11582}, {11126, 302}, {11130, 299}, {11134, 62}, {11135, 61}, {11136, 6105}, {11145, 303}, {11244, 8918}, {14270, 6137}, {17403, 99}, {19294, 618}, {19295, 533}, {19627, 34394}, {19779, 34389}, {20578, 10412}, {21461, 11087}, {21462, 11138}, {23871, 850}, {23895, 35139}, {30468, 338}, {32729, 9207}, {33530, 311}, {34328, 630}, {34394, 11086}, {34395, 6}, {34397, 8739}, {36208, 11078}
X(16) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 11772, 11771}, {1, 11781, 11780}, {2, 616, 3643}, {2, 622, 624}, {2, 5335, 18582}, {2, 10653, 13}, {2, 18582, 16966}, {3, 6, 15}, {3, 15, 10645}, {3, 61, 5238}, {3, 62, 61}, {3, 371, 3389}, {3, 372, 3390}, {3, 1152, 35739}, {3, 5237, 5351}, {3, 5611, 9735}, {3, 5864, 14541}, {3, 10635, 11516}, {3, 11481, 10646}, {3, 11485, 11480}, {3, 11486, 6}, {3, 13349, 21159}, {3, 15794, 15785}, {3, 18470, 10635}, {3, 22236, 5352}, {3, 22238, 62}, {4, 10633, 10642}, {4, 11489, 18581}, {4, 18581, 16809}, {5, 5318, 16808}, {5, 23303, 16967}, {6, 15, 61}, {6, 10645, 34754}, {6, 10646, 10645}, {6, 11480, 11485}, {6, 11481, 3}, {6, 11486, 62}, {6, 19780, 32}, {6, 22238, 11486}, {13, 16242, 2}, {13, 16966, 18582}, {13, 33416, 16966}, {14, 395, 16268}, {14, 15442, 11582}, {14, 16961, 11543}, {14, 16963, 395}, {14, 19107, 5321}, {15, 61, 34754}, {15, 62, 6}, {15, 5237, 10646}, {15, 10645, 5238}, {15, 10646, 3}, {15, 34755, 62}, {15, 35739, 6396}, {17, 33417, 23302}, {18, 16809, 18581}, {18, 19106, 16809}, {18, 22862, 31703}, {32, 3098, 15}, {32, 3104, 61}, {35, 5357, 10638}, {36, 5353, 7051}, {36, 7127, 203}, {39, 5092, 15}, {50, 3581, 15}, {61, 5351, 3}, {61, 10645, 15}, {62, 3364, 3390}, {62, 3365, 3389}, {62, 5237, 3}, {62, 5351, 5238}, {62, 10646, 15}, {62, 11481, 10645}, {62, 14538, 3106}, {62, 34755, 11486}, {62, 35739, 3365}, {140, 397, 17}, {140, 11542, 23302}, {140, 23302, 33417}, {182, 574, 15}, {182, 3107, 61}, {182, 9736, 3}, {187, 11481, 21159}, {216, 11430, 15}, {298, 11300, 3642}, {299, 30472, 7799}, {302, 11303, 623}, {323, 11145, 11130}, {323, 34395, 3171}, {371, 372, 62}, {371, 3364, 61}, {371, 6200, 15}, {372, 3365, 61}, {372, 6396, 15}, {389, 22052, 15}, {395, 5321, 11543}, {395, 11543, 16961}, {396, 549, 16241}, {397, 23302, 11542}, {485, 2042, 3366}, {486, 2041, 3367}, {500, 17454, 15}, {566, 14805, 15}, {569, 14806, 15}, {572, 4256, 15}, {573, 4257, 15}, {575, 8589, 15}, {576, 8588, 15}, {576, 9735, 5611}, {577, 11438, 15}, {578, 10979, 15}, {622, 5335, 33517}, {624, 6672, 2}, {627, 22907, 22894}, {991, 4262, 15}, {1151, 6221, 15}, {1152, 6398, 15}, {1250, 19373, 1}, {1340, 1341, 15}, {1350, 1384, 15}, {1351, 5210, 15}, {1379, 1380, 15}, {1620, 33636, 15}, {1670, 1671, 3104}, {1689, 1690, 3107}, {1691, 35002, 15}, {2030, 18860, 15}, {2076, 5615, 3104}, {2076, 9301, 15}, {2076, 19780, 187}, {2080, 5104, 15}, {2902, 3165, 3200}, {3003, 10564, 15}, {3053, 33878, 15}, {3094, 26316, 15}, {3104, 3107, 3094}, {3311, 6411, 15}, {3312, 6412, 15}, {3364, 3365, 3}, {3371, 3372, 3365}, {3385, 3386, 3364}, {3389, 3390, 61}, {3391, 3392, 5}, {3430, 33628, 15}, {3592, 6451, 15}, {3594, 6452, 15}, {5008, 14810, 15}, {5013, 12017, 15}, {5024, 5085, 15}, {5030, 13329, 15}, {5033, 9737, 15}, {5093, 5585, 15}, {5237, 10646, 11481}, {5237, 11486, 10645}, {5237, 22238, 61}, {5237, 34755, 15}, {5238, 34754, 15}, {5318, 16773, 23303}, {5318, 23303, 5}, {5321, 11543, 14}, {5335, 18582, 13}, {5351, 11486, 34754}, {5351, 30559, 21159}, {5353, 7051, 203}, {5357, 10638, 7005}, {5474, 9113, 23013}, {5615, 13349, 14539}, {5615, 21402, 21159}, {6104, 36208, 11081}, {6199, 6409, 15}, {6200, 6396, 10646}, {6200, 11486, 3390}, {6302, 6306, 14904}, {6395, 6410, 15}, {6396, 11486, 3389}, {6407, 6468, 15}, {6408, 6469, 15}, {6425, 6445, 15}, {6426, 6446, 15}, {6429, 9690, 15}, {6437, 6449, 15}, {6438, 6450, 15}, {6439, 9691, 15}, {6453, 6480, 15}, {6454, 6481, 15}, {6582, 22687, 5980}, {6672, 33517, 16966}, {6777, 16530, 6782}, {7051, 7127, 5353}, {9675, 9738, 15}, {10633, 32586, 8839}, {10642, 11476, 4}, {10646, 11481, 5351}, {10646, 11486, 61}, {10646, 34755, 6}, {10653, 18582, 5335}, {10668, 10672, 6}, {10675, 30403, 6759}, {11126, 11130, 323}, {11134, 22115, 3201}, {11477, 15655, 15}, {11480, 11485, 15}, {11481, 11486, 15}, {11481, 22238, 6}, {11481, 34755, 61}, {11486, 22238, 34755}, {11489, 18581, 18}, {11542, 23302, 17}, {11543, 16961, 16268}, {11582, 15743, 15442}, {11771, 11780, 1}, {11772, 11781, 1}, {11773, 11782, 11}, {11774, 11783, 55}, {11775, 11784, 1}, {11776, 11785, 1682}, {11777, 11786, 56}, {11778, 11787, 57}, {11779, 11788, 11993}, {12054, 12055, 15}, {14539, 21159, 3}, {15037, 15109, 15}, {16242, 16966, 33416}, {16808, 16965, 5318}, {16808, 16967, 5}, {16809, 19106, 4}, {16961, 19107, 14}, {16963, 19107, 16961}, {16965, 16967, 16808}, {16966, 33416, 2}, {17851, 17852, 15}, {21309, 31884, 15}, {22511, 23005, 115}, {33440, 33441, 6298}, {35209, 35210, 36}
Let X,Y,Z be the centers of the equilateral triangles in the construction of X(13). The lines AX, BY, CZ concur in X(17).
John Rigby, "Napoleon revisited," Journal of Geometry,33 (1988) 126-146.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view 1st Napoleon point.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view 1st Napoleon point.
X(17) lies on the Napoleon cubic and these lines: 2,62 3,13 4,15 5,14 6,18 12,203 16,140 76,303 83,624 202,499 275,471 299,635 623,633
X(17) is the {X(231),X(1209)}-harmonic conjugate of X(18). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(17), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(17) = reflection of X(627) in X(629)
X(17) = isogonal conjugate of X(61)
X(17) = isotomic conjugate of X(302)
X(17) = complement of X(627)
X(17) = anticomplement of X(629)
X(17) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32627)
X(17) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (16,14), (140,18), (397,4)
X(17) = polar conjugate of X(473)
X(17) = trilinear product of vertices of outer Napoleon triangle
X(17) = Kosnita(X(13),X(3)) point
X(17) = Kosnita(X(17),X(17)) point
X(17) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(13)
X(17) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(15)
X(17) = trilinear pole of line X(523)X(14446)
X(17) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(10642)
Let X,Y,Z be the centers of the equilateral triangles in the construction of X(14). The lines AX, BY, CZ concur in X(18).
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view 2nd Napoleon point.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view 2nd Napoleon point.
X(18) lies on the Napoleon cubic and these lines: 2,61 3,14 4,16 5,13 6,17 12,202 15,140 76,302 83,623 203,499 275,470 298,636 624,634
X(18) is the {X(231),X(1209)}-harmonic conjugate of X(17). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(18), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(18) = reflection of X(628) in X(630)
X(18) = isogonal conjugate of X(62)
X(18) = isotomic conjugate of X(303)
X(18) = complement of X(628)
X(18) = anticomplement of X(630)
X(18) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32628)
X(18) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (15,13), (140,17), (398,4)
X(18) = polar conjugate of X(472)
X(18) = trilinear product of vertices of inner Napoleon triangle
X(18) = Kosnita(X(14),X(3)) point
X(18) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(14)
X(18) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(16)
X(18) = trilinear pole of line X(523)X(14447)
X(18) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(10641)
X(19) is the homothetic center of the orthic and extangents triangles. The Ayme triangle, constructed at X(3610), is perspective to ABC with perspector X(19).
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Clawson point.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Clawson point.
Although John Clawson studied this point in 1925, it was studied earlier by Lemoine:
Emile Lemoine, "Quelques questions se rapportant à l'étude des antiparallèles des côtes d'un triangle", Bulletin de la S. M. F., tome 14 (1886), p. 107-128, specifically, on page 114. This article is available online at Numdam.
Let A'B'C' be the 4th Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(19). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product of the (real or imaginary) circumcircle intercepts of line B'C'. Define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(19). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(19). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let A'B'C' be the hexyl triangle. Let La be the trilinear polar of A', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(19). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let A'B'C' be the hexyl triangle. Let Ab = BC∩C'A', Ac = BC∩A'B', and define Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb cyclically. Then Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb lie on an ellipse. Let A″ be the intersection of the tangents to the ellipse at Ba and Ca, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(19). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let A'B'C' be the intouch triangle of the extangents triangle, if ABC is acute. Then A'B'C' is homothetic to the anti-Ara triangle at X(19). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(650)X(663) (the trilinear polar of X(9)), and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(19). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(661)X(663) (the trilinear polar of X(19)), and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(19). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
X(19) lies on the 2nd Lester circle (Yiu), the cubics K109, K145, K175, K343, K391, K431, K445, K457, K605, K678, K696, K697, K750, K864, K968, K999, K1039, K1042, K1090, the curve Q121, and these lines: {1, 28}, {2, 534}, {3, 1871}, {4, 9}, {5, 8141}, {6, 34}, {7, 5236}, {8, 1891}, {21, 4288}, {24, 2337}, {25, 33}, {27, 63}, {29, 5250}, {30, 15940}, {31, 204}, {32, 5336}, {35, 14017}, {38, 4211}, {41, 1825}, {44, 1828}, {45, 1900}, {46, 579}, {47, 921}, {51, 3611}, {52, 6237}, {53, 1846}, {54, 16031}, {56, 207}, {57, 196}, {64, 1903}, {77, 2002}, {81, 969}, {84, 3183}, {86, 14013}, {91, 920}, {100, 7466}, {101, 913}, {102, 282}, {107, 2249}, {108, 2291}, {109, 8775}, {112, 759}, {113, 12661}, {117, 5190}, {125, 10119}, {143, 32158}, {155, 12417}, {158, 1712}, {162, 897}, {163, 563}, {165, 2954}, {184, 10536}, {185, 6254}, {186, 16553}, {191, 31902}, {200, 3949}, {208, 225}, {216, 27622}, {219, 517}, {220, 1902}, {226, 1763}, {232, 444}, {264, 21371}, {269, 3942}, {270, 2363}, {273, 653}, {275, 19181}, {294, 1041}, {297, 25978}, {307, 24316}, {318, 1840}, {326, 1958}, {331, 10030}, {346, 3610}, {347, 24604}, {355, 7511}, {378, 7688}, {379, 1441}, {381, 18453}, {403, 7110}, {406, 5257}, {407, 1865}, {418, 26908}, {423, 2905}, {427, 3925}, {428, 5101}, {429, 1213}, {469, 3305}, {475, 5750}, {484, 5146}, {487, 12662}, {488, 12663}, {511, 15975}, {518, 5781}, {523, 14119}, {560, 1910}, {577, 1950}, {583, 2969}, {587, 3536}, {594, 5090}, {596, 14964}, {604, 909}, {614, 3162}, {648, 18827}, {649, 3064}, {650, 2432}, {656, 8768}, {662, 8771}, {672, 1851}, {774, 2155}, {775, 4100}, {798, 24006}, {800, 1945}, {823, 1821}, {846, 17038}, {851, 18591}, {876, 2489}, {908, 28807}, {911, 17463}, {960, 965}, {962, 27382}, {990, 3220}, {993, 4227}, {1013, 35258}, {1024, 7649}, {1030, 20832}, {1039, 2298}, {1040, 4224}, {1075, 7554}, {1086, 28017}, {1100, 11396}, {1104, 3172}, {1109, 2157}, {1122, 2097}, {1125, 7521}, {1158, 1715}, {1174, 2266}, {1212, 1593}, {1214, 11347}, {1247, 2959}, {1319, 37519}, {1333, 2217}, {1334, 28076}, {1350, 5784}, {1375, 17073}, {1405, 1866}, {1422, 7099}, {1423, 3512}, {1449, 1870}, {1457, 22063}, {1460, 7337}, {1461, 34492}, {1482, 20818}, {1572, 2300}, {1580, 17891}, {1581, 1740}, {1598, 1872}, {1604, 11399}, {1609, 2164}, {1611, 3290}, {1621, 4233}, {1633, 1721}, {1659, 3068}, {1698, 5142}, {1699, 9572}, {1707, 1719}, {1708, 1713}, {1709, 8558}, {1743, 1783}, {1745, 23619}, {1759, 21061}, {1773, 13161}, {1802, 2324}, {1830, 2246}, {1831, 2268}, {1836, 1901}, {1837, 1852}, {1843, 2876}, {1847, 10509}, {1857, 2357}, {1862, 6154}, {1864, 17810}, {1877, 2347}, {1878, 5183}, {1883, 17369}, {1944, 10446}, {1964, 2186}, {1966, 18832}, {1968, 16968}, {1969, 3403}, {1974, 16972}, {1986, 7724}, {1990, 2160}, {2128, 2129}, {2148, 2190}, {2156, 17871}, {2159, 3708}, {2166, 3376}, {2192, 7007}, {2194, 2219}, {2195, 2212}, {2203, 2214}, {2204, 2218}, {2207, 2281}, {2215, 8747}, {2255, 7151}, {2256, 3057}, {2258, 3192}, {2267, 30503}, {2273, 9620}, {2278, 17443}, {2287, 3869}, {2290, 2962}, {2305, 2652}, {2313, 9251}, {2319, 3186}, {2321, 17742}, {2326, 13739}, {2578, 2588}, {2579, 2589}, {2809, 8271}, {2822, 5667}, {2911, 21853}, {2960, 4877}, {3059, 7716}, {3060, 11445}, {3062, 10859}, {3069, 6203}, {3091, 9537}, {3144, 34920}, {3169, 34895}, {3174, 16550}, {3176, 10396}, {3189, 7718}, {3199, 21796}, {3207, 11363}, {3211, 24474}, {3219, 6994}, {3247, 4262}, {3306, 16706}, {3330, 7355}, {3333, 22088}, {3400, 3408}, {3401, 3409}, {3402, 3404}, {3462, 7344}, {3497, 3500}, {3567, 11460}, {3574, 32370}, {3575, 6253}, {3576, 7501}, {3589, 5834}, {3666, 15509}, {3683, 11323}, {3692, 5174}, {3694, 5687}, {3729, 20602}, {3731, 4222}, {3772, 16318}, {3811, 22021}, {3875, 31906}, {3877, 17519}, {3958, 12526}, {4063, 17924}, {4183, 4512}, {4194, 5296}, {4200, 5749}, {4209, 7131}, {4212, 17754}, {4228, 20243}, {4254, 11398}, {4295, 5746}, {4320, 17807}, {4327, 22769}, {4360, 31910}, {4361, 5792}, {4384, 16566}, {4394, 6591}, {4429, 5125}, {4466, 18634}, {5095, 32277}, {5130, 17275}, {5155, 17330}, {5200, 13427}, {5248, 25081}, {5282, 7102}, {5292, 34266}, {5322, 10829}, {5412, 5415}, {5413, 5416}, {5437, 17917}, {5521, 20623}, {5739, 8896}, {5742, 26066}, {5747, 12047}, {5776, 6001}, {5778, 5887}, {5802, 18391}, {5813, 28739}, {5829, 5880}, {5928, 13567}, {6059, 7083}, {6152, 6255}, {6180, 34371}, {6252, 6291}, {6404, 6406}, {6763, 31901}, {7017, 17787}, {7054, 11101}, {7190, 18162}, {7282, 8545}, {7350, 7351}, {7359, 12699}, {7412, 10268}, {7498, 31435}, {7534, 26921}, {7537, 8227}, {7559, 7989}, {7714, 34607}, {7982, 22356}, {7994, 14493}, {8148, 22147}, {8539, 8541}, {8743, 16470}, {8897, 18134}, {9310, 17452}, {9786, 12664}, {9817, 33849}, {10222, 23073}, {10311, 10315}, {10436, 15149}, {10476, 22065}, {10636, 10641}, {10637, 10642}, {10977, 33630}, {10985, 10988}, {11341, 20172}, {11433, 18921}, {12135, 17299}, {12329, 21867}, {13041, 13051}, {13042, 13052}, {14543, 17220}, {14557, 34048}, {14953, 17134}, {15344, 28847}, {16502, 20227}, {16551, 20367}, {16571, 17799}, {16572, 34498}, {16747, 32092}, {16814, 17516}, {17151, 31918}, {17465, 34080}, {17747, 28070}, {17861, 21364}, {17904, 20083}, {18163, 18677}, {18206, 31919}, {18344, 23351}, {18650, 24683}, {18679, 27659}, {18691, 20902}, {19213, 19214}, {19215, 19218}, {19216, 19217}, {19298, 19300}, {19299, 19301}, {19302, 21773}, {19432, 19446}, {19433, 19447}, {20258, 24334}, {20266, 21621}, {20291, 31015}, {20305, 24682}, {21368, 26665}, {21442, 24587}, {21770, 34434}, {22124, 34040}, {22127, 35631}, {22840, 22970}, {24315, 34830}, {24684, 25523}, {24701, 25365}, {25078, 25440}, {25590, 31925}, {26118, 34822}, {26273, 28023}, {26690, 35974}, {26704, 29068}, {26919, 26952}, {27472, 31346}, {31903, 32922}, {33790, 33793}, {36131, 36151}
X(19) = midpoint of X(4329) and X(20061)
X(19) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {63, 34176}, {4319, 1486}, {4329, 18589}, {24701, 25365}, {30265, 3}, {31158, 2}
X(19) = isogonal conjugate of X(63)
X(19) = isotomic conjugate of X(304)
X(19) = complement of X(4329)
X(19) = anticomplement of X(18589)
X(19) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32756)
X(19) = polar-circle-inverse of X(5179)
X(19) = polar conjugate of X(75)
X(19) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(7169)
X(19) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(7219)
X(19) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(226)
X(19) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(5905)
X(19) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(16583)
X(19) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(21216)
X(19) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(1973)
X(19) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(92)
X(19) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(1096)
X(19) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(158)
X(19) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(1)
X(19) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(31)
X(19) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(2947)
X(19) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(33)
X(19) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(36103)
X(19) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1037, 2897}, {1041, 2893}, {7084, 3151}
X(19) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 36103}, {7097, 141}, {7169, 10}, {7219, 2887}
X(19) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 204}, {2, 36103}, {4, 33}, {27, 4}, {28, 25}, {29, 3192}, {40, 8802}, {57, 208}, {63, 1712}, {84, 7008}, {92, 1}, {108, 18344}, {158, 1096}, {196, 207}, {278, 34}, {281, 2331}, {653, 7649}, {823, 24006}, {1172, 6}, {1396, 4186}, {1748, 920}, {1783, 6591}, {2190, 31}, {2322, 1249}, {2580, 2588}, {2581, 2589}, {6336, 1870}, {7003, 7129}, {7012, 8750}, {7128, 108}, {8748, 393}, {8751, 2201}, {14493, 7071}, {20624, 2202}, {24000, 32676}, {24019, 661}, {32714, 513}, {36124, 2356}, {36126, 810}, {36127, 663}
X(19) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {25, 34}, {31, 1}, {63, 2129}, {444, 7119}, {607, 33}, {608, 7129}, {649, 32674}, {661, 24019}, {663, 36127}, {774, 9258}, {798, 32676}, {810, 36126}, {1195, 284}, {1400, 6}, {1824, 4}, {1880, 393}, {1973, 1096}, {2083, 63}, {2170, 3064}, {2179, 31}, {2181, 158}, {2183, 913}, {2310, 513}, {2312, 1910}, {2333, 25}, {2354, 1474}, {2355, 28}, {2356, 36124}, {2357, 64}, {2578, 2576}, {2579, 2577}, {2624, 36131}, {2643, 24006}, {3209, 2331}, {3708, 661}, {6591, 1783}, {7083, 2191}, {7154, 7007}, {8020, 2207}, {12723, 7}, {16583, 2}, {17442, 92}, {17872, 75}, {18344, 108}
X(19) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 63}, {2, 3}, {4, 394}, {5, 97}, {6, 69}, {7, 219}, {8, 222}, {9, 77}, {10, 1790}, {19, 326}, {20, 1073}, {21, 1214}, {22, 14376}, {23, 34897}, {25, 3926}, {27, 3682}, {28, 3998}, {30, 14919}, {31, 304}, {32, 305}, {33, 7183}, {34, 3719}, {37, 1444}, {38, 34055}, {39, 1799}, {41, 7182}, {42, 17206}, {46, 6513}, {48, 75}, {49, 11140}, {50, 328}, {51, 34386}, {54, 343}, {55, 348}, {56, 345}, {57, 78}, {58, 306}, {59, 26932}, {60, 26942}, {65, 1812}, {66, 20806}, {67, 22151}, {68, 1993}, {71, 86}, {72, 81}, {73, 333}, {74, 11064}, {76, 184}, {80, 22128}, {83, 3917}, {85, 212}, {87, 22370}, {88, 5440}, {89, 3940}, {90, 6505}, {92, 255}, {94, 22115}, {95, 216}, {98, 36212}, {99, 647}, {100, 905}, {101, 4025}, {103, 26006}, {105, 25083}, {106, 3977}, {109, 6332}, {110, 525}, {111, 6390}, {112, 3265}, {125, 249}, {140, 31626}, {141, 1176}, {154, 34403}, {155, 6504}, {158, 6507}, {162, 24018}, {163, 14208}, {172, 7019}, {185, 801}, {187, 30786}, {189, 7078}, {190, 1459}, {192, 23086}, {193, 6391}, {194, 3504}, {200, 7177}, {201, 2185}, {217, 34384}, {220, 7056}, {223, 271}, {225, 6514}, {226, 283}, {228, 274}, {232, 6394}, {239, 295}, {248, 325}, {250, 15526}, {251, 3933}, {253, 15905}, {254, 6503}, {257, 3955}, {261, 2197}, {264, 577}, {265, 323}, {268, 347}, {269, 3692}, {273, 2289}, {275, 5562}, {276, 418}, {278, 1259}, {279, 1260}, {280, 7011}, {281, 1804}, {282, 7013}, {284, 307}, {286, 3990}, {287, 511}, {290, 3289}, {291, 20769}, {293, 1959}, {296, 1944}, {297, 17974}, {302, 32585}, {303, 32586}, {308, 20775}, {310, 2200}, {311, 14533}, {312, 603}, {314, 1409}, {318, 7125}, {321, 1437}, {324, 19210}, {329, 1433}, {330, 20760}, {331, 6056}, {332, 1400}, {335, 7193}, {336, 1755}, {337, 1914}, {339, 23357}, {341, 7099}, {346, 7053}, {350, 2196}, {371, 11090}, {372, 11091}, {385, 36214}, {393, 3964}, {401, 14941}, {427, 28724}, {441, 1297}, {459, 35602}, {476, 8552}, {480, 30682}, {485, 5408}, {486, 5409}, {487, 494}, {488, 493}, {491, 6414}, {492, 6413}, {512, 4563}, {513, 1332}, {514, 1331}, {516, 1815}, {518, 1814}, {519, 1797}, {520, 648}, {521, 651}, {522, 1813}, {523, 4558}, {524, 895}, {561, 9247}, {563, 20571}, {571, 20563}, {593, 3695}, {604, 3718}, {607, 7055}, {608, 1264}, {610, 19611}, {649, 4561}, {650, 6516}, {652, 664}, {656, 662}, {661, 4592}, {668, 22383}, {670, 3049}, {671, 3292}, {672, 31637}, {673, 1818}, {684, 2966}, {686, 18878}, {691, 14417}, {692, 15413}, {693, 906}, {694, 12215}, {757, 3949}, {765, 3942}, {775, 6508}, {799, 810}, {805, 24284}, {811, 822}, {827, 2525}, {850, 32661}, {858, 18876}, {878, 2396}, {879, 2421}, {894, 7015}, {903, 22356}, {908, 1795}, {912, 2990}, {914, 36052}, {916, 2989}, {932, 25098}, {940, 34259}, {943, 18607}, {999, 30680}, {1000, 22129}, {1002, 23151}, {1014, 3694}, {1016, 3937}, {1025, 23696}, {1029, 22136}, {1031, 22138}, {1032, 1498}, {1037, 27509}, {1038, 2339}, {1040, 7131}, {1068, 6512}, {1069, 5905}, {1088, 1802}, {1092, 2052}, {1096, 1102}, {1101, 20902}, {1105, 6509}, {1124, 13387}, {1125, 1796}, {1126, 4001}, {1147, 5392}, {1156, 6510}, {1178, 4019}, {1211, 1798}, {1220, 22097}, {1221, 22389}, {1231, 2194}, {1249, 15394}, {1252, 1565}, {1255, 3916}, {1262, 2968}, {1265, 1407}, {1267, 34121}, {1268, 22054}, {1270, 6415}, {1271, 6416}, {1273, 11077}, {1275, 3270}, {1292, 24562}, {1301, 20580}, {1306, 17431}, {1307, 17432}, {1310, 2522}, {1333, 20336}, {1335, 13386}, {1412, 3710}, {1414, 8611}, {1415, 35518}, {1425, 7058}, {1427, 1792}, {1434, 2318}, {1439, 2287}, {1441, 2193}, {1465, 1809}, {1472, 19799}, {1473, 30701}, {1494, 3284}, {1502, 14575}, {1509, 3690}, {1576, 3267}, {1577, 4575}, {1586, 26922}, {1619, 2139}, {1634, 4580}, {1636, 16077}, {1783, 4131}, {1789, 16577}, {1791, 3666}, {1793, 18593}, {1794, 5249}, {1803, 4847}, {1807, 3218}, {1808, 16609}, {1810, 3008}, {1811, 16610}, {1819, 8808}, {1822, 2582}, {1823, 2583}, {1897, 4091}, {1909, 7116}, {1937, 6518}, {1943, 7016}, {1946, 4554}, {1958, 9255}, {1976, 6393}, {1994, 3519}, {2113, 20742}, {2148, 18695}, {2149, 17880}, {2165, 9723}, {2169, 14213}, {2207, 4176}, {2286, 30479}, {2327, 3668}, {2351, 7763}, {2353, 34254}, {2359, 4357}, {2373, 14961}, {2407, 14380}, {2420, 34767}, {2435, 34211}, {2481, 20752}, {2482, 15398}, {2504, 29241}, {2510, 2858}, {2524, 3222}, {2574, 8115}, {2575, 8116}, {2580, 2584}, {2581, 2585}, {2715, 6333}, {2972, 23582}, {2983, 18650}, {2985, 23154}, {2986, 13754}, {2987, 3564}, {2991, 34381}, {2994, 3157}, {2995, 22134}, {2996, 3167}, {2998, 20794}, {3053, 6340}, {3064, 6517}, {3083, 6213}, {3084, 6212}, {3108, 7767}, {3112, 4020}, {3158, 27832}, {3219, 7100}, {3226, 20785}, {3229, 8858}, {3260, 18877}, {3261, 32656}, {3262, 14578}, {3263, 32658}, {3264, 32659}, {3266, 14908}, {3268, 32662}, {3269, 18020}, {3295, 30679}, {3316, 5406}, {3317, 5407}, {3346, 6617}, {3433, 28420}, {3569, 17932}, {3580, 5504}, {3618, 34817}, {3669, 4571}, {3676, 4587}, {3708, 24041}, {3781, 14621}, {3784, 17743}, {3796, 18840}, {3912, 36057}, {3927, 25417}, {3952, 7254}, {3978, 17970}, {4064, 4556}, {4143, 32713}, {4358, 36058}, {4373, 20818}, {4391, 36059}, {4466, 4570}, {4552, 23189}, {4555, 22086}, {4557, 15419}, {4560, 23067}, {4562, 22384}, {4564, 7004}, {4566, 23090}, {4567, 18210}, {4574, 7192}, {4590, 20975}, {4591, 14429}, {4598, 22090}, {4652, 25430}, {4846, 15066}, {4855, 8056}, {4998, 7117}, {5391, 34125}, {5456, 16841}, {5467, 14977}, {5468, 10097}, {5490, 10132}, {5491, 10133}, {5546, 17094}, {5976, 15391}, {6010, 24560}, {6061, 20618}, {6148, 11079}, {6334, 10420}, {6335, 23224}, {6337, 8770}, {6338, 15369}, {6339, 19588}, {6356, 7054}, {6368, 18315}, {6374, 15389}, {6376, 15373}, {6511, 7040}, {6515, 15316}, {6527, 28783}, {6528, 32320}, {6542, 17972}, {6553, 23089}, {6601, 23144}, {6625, 22139}, {6626, 15377}, {6630, 22148}, {6650, 17976}, {7017, 7335}, {7023, 30681}, {7045, 34591}, {7074, 34400}, {7105, 7364}, {7114, 34404}, {7123, 17170}, {7124, 8817}, {7128, 24031}, {7219, 22119}, {7224, 23150}, {7261, 20741}, {7309, 16840}, {7319, 23140}, {7357, 20739}, {7361, 20764}, {7372, 23084}, {7473, 35911}, {7578, 23039}, {8024, 10547}, {8044, 22133}, {8046, 22141}, {8047, 22144}, {8048, 22132}, {8049, 22126}, {8050, 22154}, {8222, 8948}, {8223, 8946}, {8606, 17095}, {8677, 13136}, {8709, 22092}, {8750, 30805}, {8779, 35140}, {8813, 13615}, {8911, 34391}, {9146, 30491}, {9289, 9306}, {9295, 22158}, {9517, 17708}, {10159, 22352}, {10217, 11131}, {10218, 11130}, {10316, 18018}, {10317, 18019}, {10405, 22117}, {10411, 14582}, {10607, 34208}, {10665, 13428}, {10666, 13439}, {11517, 15474}, {11547, 16391}, {12028, 34834}, {13388, 30556}, {13389, 30557}, {13485, 22146}, {13575, 23115}, {13577, 22131}, {14206, 35200}, {14210, 36060}, {14379, 15466}, {14534, 22076}, {14570, 23286}, {14585, 18022}, {14615, 14642}, {14999, 35909}, {15329, 15421}, {15407, 15595}, {15412, 23181}, {15455, 23226}, {15740, 17811}, {15958, 18314}, {17434, 18831}, {17790, 17971}, {17946, 17977}, {17947, 17975}, {17950, 17973}, {18023, 23200}, {18026, 36054}, {18027, 23606}, {18750, 19614}, {18890, 20477}, {19126, 31360}, {19188, 31504}, {19354, 34401}, {20568, 23202}, {20777, 32020}, {21739, 23071}, {22053, 32008}, {22060, 32009}, {22061, 32010}, {22066, 32011}, {22067, 32012}, {22068, 32013}, {22074, 31643}, {22079, 31618}, {22080, 32014}, {22091, 30610}, {22093, 27805}, {22096, 31625}, {22143, 35511}, {22341, 31623}, {22344, 32017}, {22345, 30710}, {22350, 34234}, {22381, 31008}, {22388, 31624}, {22458, 35058}, {23095, 27494}, {23201, 32018}, {23210, 31622}, {26920, 34392}, {28408, 34436}, {28419, 34207}, {28696, 34427}, {28754, 34435}, {30807, 36056}, {31617, 32078}, {32657, 35517}, {32660, 35519}, {32663, 35520}, {32679, 36061}, {34483, 34545}, {35910, 35912}
X(19) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1707}, {2, 21216}, {6, 2178}, {25, 607}, {31, 1973}, {42, 2198}, {44, 17465}, {63, 2128}, {444, 1829}, {512, 14936}, {513, 17463}, {608, 3209}, {649, 2170}, {661, 3708}, {672, 17464}, {798, 2643}, {896, 17466}, {1400, 1880}, {1575, 20600}, {1755, 17462}, {1824, 2333}, {1953, 2180}, {2082, 30677}, {2179, 2181}, {2501, 8735}, {6203, 6204}, {8020, 16583}, {8769, 19213}, {19215, 19216}
X(19) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2184}, {2, 7219}, {4, 278}, {6, 8761}, {27, 28}, {57, 84}, {92, 158}, {107, 23984}, {108, 7128}, {112, 7115}, {281, 7003}, {648, 15742}, {653, 7012}, {823, 24000}, {1172, 8748}, {24033, 32714}
X(19) = X(19) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 610}, {2, 6360}, {3, 219}, {6, 3556}, {9, 40}, {19, 1712}, {48, 255}, {71, 72}, {220, 12329}, {222, 7011}, {394, 6511}, {520, 35072}, {521, 34591}, {523, 6506}, {525, 26932}, {647, 3937}, {652, 7004}, {656, 3708}, {822, 2632}, {905, 3942}, {1400, 12089}, {3049, 22386}, {3916, 3958}
X(19) = X(i)-vertex conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3422}, {1946, 2202}, {2191, 3433}
X(19) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 8766},{8768, 656}
X(19) = trilinear pole of line {661, 663}
X(19) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {521, 656}
X(19) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,240), (4,242)
X(19) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,610), (92,19), (508,223), (648,163)
X(19) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (9,198), (19,608), (112,604), (281,281), (648,273), (653,19)
X(19) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(5179)
X(19) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(9) of X(1861)
X(19) = Zosma transform of X(9)
X(19) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(19) (which is also the anticevian triangle of X(19))
X(19) = intersection of tangents at X(9) and X(57) to Thomson cubic K002
X(19) = intersection of tangents at X(40) and X(84) to Darboux cubic K004
X(19) = trilinear product of PU(i) for these i: 4, 23, 157
X(19) = barycentric product of PU(15)
X(19) = vertex conjugate of PU(19)
X(19) = bicentric sum of PU(127)
X(19) = PU(127)-harmonic conjugate of X(656)
X(19) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of hexyl triangle
X(19) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of 2nd and 4th extouch triangles
X(19) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of extraversion triangle of X(9)
X(19) = complement of X(4329)
X(19) = {X(48),X(1953)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1)
X(19) = {X(92),X(1748)}-harmonic conjugate of X(63)
X(19) = trilinear product X(2)*X(25)
X(19) = trilinear pole of line X(661)X(663) (the polar of X(75) wrt polar circle)
X(19) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(75) (line X(514)X(661))
X(19) = polar conjugate of X(75)
X(19) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,63}, {6,69}, {31,304}, {48,75}, {67, 22151}, {92,255}
X(19) = X(571)-of-excentral-triangle
X(19) = perspector, wrt excentral triangle, of polar circle
X(19) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4}, {3, 158}, {5, 2190}, {6, 92}, {7, 33}, {8, 34}, {9, 278}, {10, 28}, {11, 7012}, {12, 270}, {21, 225}, {24, 91}, {25, 75}, {27, 37}, {29, 65}, {30, 36119}, {31, 264}, {32, 1969}, {38, 32085}, {41, 331}, {42, 286}, {44, 6336}, {46, 7040}, {47, 847}, {48, 2052}, {53, 2167}, {55, 273}, {56, 318}, {57, 281}, {63, 393}, {64, 1895}, {69, 1096}, {72, 8747}, {73, 1896}, {74, 1784}, {76, 1973}, {77, 1857}, {78, 1118}, {79, 6198}, {80, 1870}, {81, 1826}, {82, 427}, {83, 17442}, {84, 7952}, {85, 607}, {86, 1824}, {88, 8756}, {90, 1068}, {93, 2964}, {95, 2181}, {98, 240}, {100, 7649}, {101, 17924}, {104, 1785}, {105, 1861}, {107, 656}, {108, 522}, {110, 24006}, {112, 1577}, {125, 24000}, {162, 523}, {163, 14618}, {185, 821}, {186, 2166}, {189, 2331}, {190, 6591}, {196, 282}, {200, 1119}, {204, 253}, {207, 1034}, {208, 280}, {220, 1847}, {221, 7020}, {223, 7003}, {226, 1172}, {232, 1821}, {235, 775}, {242, 291}, {243, 1937}, {244, 15742}, {250, 1109}, {251, 20883}, {254, 920}, {255, 1093}, {256, 7009}, {257, 7119}, {267, 451}, {269, 7046}, {274, 2333}, {275, 1953}, {276, 2179}, {277, 7719}, {279, 7079}, {293, 6530}, {294, 5236}, {297, 1910}, {304, 2207}, {306, 5317}, {309, 3195}, {312, 608}, {313, 2203}, {321, 1474}, {322, 7151}, {324, 2148}, {326, 6524}, {329, 7129}, {333, 1880}, {335, 2201}, {336, 34854}, {341, 1398}, {342, 2192}, {346, 1435}, {347, 7008}, {349, 2204}, {388, 1039}, {394, 6520}, {403, 36053}, {415, 2652}, {419, 1581}, {423, 9278}, {429, 2363}, {436, 9251}, {458, 2186}, {459, 610}, {460, 8773}, {467, 2168}, {468, 897}, {469, 2214}, {470, 2153}, {471, 2154}, {477, 36063}, {497, 1041}, {502, 2906}, {511, 36120}, {512, 811}, {513, 1897}, {514, 1783}, {515, 36121}, {516, 36122}, {517, 36123}, {518, 36124}, {519, 36125}, {520, 36126}, {521, 36127}, {524, 36128}, {525, 24019}, {526, 36129}, {560, 18022}, {561, 1974}, {577, 6521}, {596, 4222}, {604, 7017}, {647, 823}, {648, 661}, {649, 6335}, {650, 653}, {651, 3064}, {657, 13149}, {662, 2501}, {663, 18026}, {664, 18344}, {673, 5089}, {693, 8750}, {757, 7140}, {759, 860}, {765, 2969}, {774, 1105}, {798, 6331}, {799, 2489}, {810, 6528}, {822, 15352}, {849, 7141}, {850, 32676}, {862, 18827}, {896, 17983}, {915, 1737}, {917, 1736}, {921, 3542}, {933, 2618}, {941, 5307}, {943, 1838}, {969, 4207}, {977, 5090}, {994, 5136}, {1018, 17925}, {1020, 17926}, {1043, 1426}, {1061, 1478}, {1063, 1479}, {1065, 1905}, {1088, 7071}, {1097, 31942}, {1101, 2970}, {1110, 2973}, {1113, 2588}, {1114, 2589}, {1120, 1878}, {1123, 6212}, {1128, 8120}, {1146, 7128}, {1148, 3362}, {1156, 23710}, {1170, 1855}, {1214, 8748}, {1220, 1829}, {1222, 1828}, {1247, 3144}, {1249, 2184}, {1255, 1839}, {1257, 1842}, {1268, 2355}, {1300, 1725}, {1301, 17898}, {1304, 36035}, {1309, 1769}, {1320, 1877}, {1336, 6213}, {1390, 1890}, {1395, 3596}, {1396, 2321}, {1400, 31623}, {1407, 7101}, {1411, 5081}, {1427, 2322}, {1441, 2299}, {1446, 2332}, {1488, 8122}, {1490, 7149}, {1503, 8767}, {1594, 2216}, {1697, 11546}, {1707, 34208}, {1712, 3346}, {1733, 3563}, {1734, 26705}, {1735, 32706}, {1738, 15344}, {1745, 7049}, {1748, 2165}, {1755, 16081}, {1757, 17982}, {1760, 13854}, {1820, 11547}, {1825, 3615}, {1827, 21453}, {1835, 6740}, {1843, 3112}, {1848, 2298}, {1867, 5331}, {1876, 14942}, {1886, 36101}, {1929, 17927}, {1940, 7105}, {1945, 1948}, {1947, 7106}, {1952, 2202}, {1957, 9307}, {1959, 6531}, {1966, 17980}, {1967, 17984}, {1990, 2349}, {2074, 5620}, {2089, 8121}, {2129, 6392}, {2155, 15466}, {2156, 17907}, {2161, 17923}, {2169, 13450}, {2173, 16080}, {2183, 16082}, {2185, 8736}, {2189, 6358}, {2212, 6063}, {2217, 17555}, {2218, 5125}, {2312, 6330}, {2326, 6354}, {2334, 5342}, {2354, 30710}, {2356, 2481}, {2358, 27398}, {2362, 14121}, {2432, 24035}, {2433, 24001}, {2435, 24024}, {2517, 32691}, {2574, 2586}, {2575, 2587}, {2576, 2592}, {2577, 2593}, {2580, 8105}, {2581, 8106}, {2616, 35360}, {2631, 15459}, {2632, 32230}, {2643, 18020}, {2648, 17985}, {2766, 21180}, {2799, 36104}, {2804, 36110}, {2962, 3518}, {2968, 24033}, {2971, 24037}, {2972, 24021}, {2995, 3192}, {3068, 19218}, {3069, 19217}, {3120, 5379}, {3176, 3345}, {3186, 3223}, {3209, 34404}, {3239, 32714}, {3270, 24032}, {3377, 13429}, {3378, 13440}, {3424, 23052}, {3577, 34231}, {3668, 4183}, {3708, 23582}, {3718, 7337}, {3900, 36118}, {3912, 8751}, {3924, 34406}, {4185, 31359}, {4186, 34860}, {4213, 13610}, {4235, 23894}, {4336, 34398}, {4358, 8752}, {4391, 32674}, {4564, 8735}, {4858, 7115}, {5338, 5936}, {5627, 35201}, {5663, 36130}, {5932, 7007}, {6059, 7182}, {6149, 6344}, {6353, 8769}, {6525, 19611}, {6529, 24018}, {6590, 36099}, {6995, 23051}, {7073, 7282}, {7090, 16232}, {7094, 17902}, {7096, 17904}, {7097, 17903}, {7108, 7120}, {7133, 13390}, {7219, 36103}, {8119, 10215}, {8749, 14206}, {8753, 14210}, {8754, 24041}, {8755, 36100}, {8772, 35142}, {8791, 16568}, {8806, 8885}, {8882, 14213}, {9239, 11380}, {9247, 18027}, {9258, 9308}, {11019, 14493}, {11109, 34434}, {11325, 18832}, {13476, 14004}, {14208, 32713}, {14248, 18156}, {14249, 19614}, {14273, 36085}, {14304, 36067}, {14312, 36044}, {14377, 17916}, {14571, 34234}, {14581, 33805}, {14776, 36038}, {14975, 20565}, {15149, 18785}, {15369, 33787}, {16230, 36084}, {16263, 18477}, {17171, 18098}, {17763, 17981}, {17954, 17987}, {17994, 36036}, {18070, 35325}, {18486, 22455}, {18833, 27369}, {20879, 33631}, {20902, 23964}, {20975, 23999}, {21185, 26706}, {21189, 26704}, {21666, 24027}, {23290, 36134}, {23604, 30733}, {23984, 34591}, {27376, 34055}
X(19) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 69}, {2, 304}, {3, 326}, {4, 75}, {5, 18695}, {6, 63}, {7, 7182}, {8, 3718}, {9, 345}, {10, 20336}, {11, 17880}, {21, 332}, {25, 1}, {27, 274}, {28, 86}, {29, 314}, {31, 3}, {32, 48}, {33, 8}, {34, 7}, {37, 306}, {38, 3933}, {41, 219}, {42, 72}, {44, 3977}, {47, 9723}, {48, 394}, {53, 14213}, {55, 78}, {56, 77}, {57, 348}, {58, 1444}, {63, 3926}, {64, 19611}, {65, 307}, {71, 3998}, {75, 305}, {77, 7055}, {78, 1264}, {81, 17206}, {82, 1799}, {91, 20563}, {92, 76}, {98, 336}, {100, 4561}, {101, 1332}, {105, 31637}, {107, 811}, {108, 664}, {109, 6516}, {110, 4592}, {112, 662}, {115, 20902}, {125, 17879}, {132, 17875}, {136, 17881}, {158, 264}, {162, 99}, {163, 4558}, {169, 28420}, {181, 201}, {184, 255}, {200, 1265}, {204, 20}, {205, 22132}, {207, 5932}, {208, 347}, {210, 3710}, {212, 1259}, {213, 71}, {219, 3719}, {220, 3692}, {221, 7013}, {222, 7183}, {225, 1441}, {226, 1231}, {228, 3682}, {232, 1959}, {235, 17858}, {240, 325}, {242, 350}, {244, 1565}, {250, 24041}, {251, 34055}, {255, 3964}, {256, 7019}, {264, 561}, {269, 7056}, {270, 261}, {273, 6063}, {278, 85}, {281, 312}, {284, 1812}, {286, 310}, {291, 337}, {293, 6394}, {318, 3596}, {326, 4176}, {331, 20567}, {393, 92}, {394, 1102}, {407, 18698}, {419, 1966}, {422, 5209}, {427, 1930}, {429, 18697}, {430, 4647}, {431, 18692}, {451, 20932}, {458, 3403}, {460, 1733}, {461, 4673}, {468, 14210}, {469, 33935}, {512, 656}, {513, 4025}, {514, 15413}, {522, 35518}, {523, 14208}, {560, 184}, {577, 6507}, {603, 1804}, {604, 222}, {607, 9}, {608, 57}, {614, 17170}, {647, 24018}, {648, 799}, {649, 905}, {650, 6332}, {653, 4554}, {656, 3265}, {661, 525}, {662, 4563}, {663, 521}, {667, 1459}, {669, 810}, {672, 25083}, {685, 36036}, {692, 1331}, {728, 30681}, {738, 30682}, {756, 3695}, {798, 647}, {800, 6508}, {810, 520}, {811, 670}, {823, 6331}, {847, 20571}, {860, 35550}, {862, 740}, {869, 3781}, {872, 3690}, {884, 23696}, {896, 6390}, {897, 30786}, {902, 5440}, {904, 7015}, {905, 30805}, {910, 26006}, {911, 1815}, {913, 2990}, {922, 3292}, {923, 895}, {1015, 3942}, {1019, 15419}, {1021, 15411}, {1039, 30479}, {1041, 8817}, {1042, 1439}, {1055, 6510}, {1068, 20930}, {1096, 4}, {1100, 4001}, {1104, 18650}, {1106, 7053}, {1109, 339}, {1118, 273}, {1119, 1088}, {1148, 18749}, {1172, 333}, {1196, 18671}, {1197, 22065}, {1249, 18750}, {1253, 1260}, {1254, 6356}, {1333, 1790}, {1334, 3694}, {1395, 56}, {1396, 1434}, {1397, 603}, {1398, 269}, {1400, 1214}, {1402, 73}, {1407, 7177}, {1415, 1813}, {1422, 34400}, {1426, 3668}, {1430, 5088}, {1435, 279}, {1438, 1814}, {1459, 4131}, {1460, 1038}, {1474, 81}, {1500, 3949}, {1501, 9247}, {1576, 4575}, {1577, 3267}, {1580, 12215}, {1611, 2128}, {1707, 6337}, {1712, 6527}, {1748, 7763}, {1755, 36212}, {1760, 34254}, {1781, 28754}, {1783, 190}, {1784, 3260}, {1785, 3262}, {1824, 10}, {1826, 321}, {1827, 4847}, {1828, 3663}, {1829, 4357}, {1839, 4359}, {1840, 3963}, {1841, 5249}, {1842, 17863}, {1843, 38}, {1848, 20911}, {1851, 3673}, {1852, 18690}, {1855, 1229}, {1856, 23528}, {1857, 318}, {1859, 6734}, {1860, 17866}, {1861, 3263}, {1862, 4986}, {1870, 320}, {1875, 22464}, {1876, 9436}, {1878, 1266}, {1880, 226}, {1886, 30807}, {1889, 32092}, {1890, 26234}, {1895, 14615}, {1897, 668}, {1900, 4967}, {1910, 287}, {1911, 295}, {1914, 20769}, {1917, 14575}, {1918, 228}, {1919, 22383}, {1922, 2196}, {1923, 20775}, {1924, 3049}, {1927, 17970}, {1950, 7364}, {1951, 6518}, {1953, 343}, {1957, 1975}, {1959, 6393}, {1964, 3917}, {1967, 36214}, {1968, 1958}, {1969, 1502}, {1973, 6}, {1974, 31}, {1976, 293}, {1981, 15418}, {1990, 14206}, {2052, 1969}, {2082, 27509}, {2083, 6389}, {2085, 20819}, {2112, 20742}, {2128, 6338}, {2129, 6339}, {2148, 97}, {2155, 1073}, {2156, 14376}, {2157, 34897}, {2159, 14919}, {2164, 6513}, {2166, 328}, {2167, 34386}, {2170, 26932}, {2171, 26942}, {2172, 20806}, {2173, 11064}, {2175, 212}, {2176, 22370}, {2177, 3940}, {2178, 6505}, {2179, 216}, {2181, 5}, {2184, 34403}, {2187, 7078}, {2189, 2185}, {2190, 95}, {2192, 271}, {2193, 6514}, {2194, 283}, {2199, 7011}, {2200, 3990}, {2201, 239}, {2202, 1944}, {2203, 58}, {2204, 284}, {2205, 2200}, {2206, 1437}, {2208, 1433}, {2209, 20760}, {2210, 7193}, {2211, 1755}, {2212, 55}, {2223, 1818}, {2251, 22356}, {2258, 34259}, {2260, 18607}, {2280, 23151}, {2295, 4019}, {2299, 21}, {2300, 22097}, {2308, 3916}, {2310, 2968}, {2312, 441}, {2326, 7058}, {2328, 1792}, {2331, 329}, {2332, 2287}, {2333, 37}, {2342, 1809}, {2345, 19799}, {2354, 3666}, {2355, 1125}, {2356, 518}, {2358, 8808}, {2484, 2522}, {2489, 661}, {2501, 1577}, {2576, 8115}, {2577, 8116}, {2586, 15164}, {2587, 15165}, {2588, 22339}, {2589, 22340}, {2624, 8552}, {2642, 14417}, {2643, 125}, {2908, 22130}, {2969, 1111}, {2970, 23994}, {2971, 2643}, {2972, 24020}, {3049, 822}, {3051, 4020}, {3052, 4855}, {3063, 652}, {3064, 4391}, {3079, 1097}, {3122, 18210}, {3124, 3708}, {3125, 4466}, {3162, 18596}, {3172, 610}, {3176, 33672}, {3186, 17149}, {3192, 3869}, {3194, 8822}, {3195, 40}, {3199, 1953}, {3209, 223}, {3213, 18623}, {3239, 15416}, {3248, 3937}, {3270, 24031}, {3271, 7004}, {3377, 13441}, {3378, 13430}, {3542, 33808}, {3553, 26872}, {3554, 26871}, {3563, 8773}, {3575, 17859}, {3708, 15526}, {3709, 8611}, {3725, 22076}, {3914, 20235}, {3939, 4571}, {4017, 17094}, {4118, 4121}, {4183, 1043}, {4185, 10436}, {4186, 3875}, {4206, 1010}, {4212, 33943}, {4213, 17762}, {4214, 25590}, {4222, 4360}, {4235, 24039}, {4705, 4064}, {4730, 14429}, {5089, 3912}, {5095, 24038}, {5101, 33937}, {5139, 17876}, {5151, 20900}, {5190, 17878}, {5254, 21406}, {5307, 34284}, {5317, 27}, {5338, 3616}, {5379, 4600}, {5521, 17877}, {5523, 20884}, {6059, 33}, {6139, 14414}, {6186, 7100}, {6187, 1807}, {6198, 319}, {6212, 1267}, {6213, 5391}, {6331, 4602}, {6335, 1978}, {6336, 20568}, {6353, 18156}, {6423, 19215}, {6424, 19216}, {6520, 2052}, {6521, 18027}, {6524, 158}, {6525, 1895}, {6529, 823}, {6531, 1821}, {6591, 514}, {6620, 4008}, {6748, 20879}, {7003, 34404}, {7007, 1034}, {7008, 280}, {7009, 1909}, {7012, 4998}, {7017, 28659}, {7032, 3784}, {7040, 20570}, {7046, 341}, {7071, 200}, {7076, 7283}, {7079, 346}, {7083, 1040}, {7102, 4385}, {7104, 7116}, {7113, 22128}, {7115, 4564}, {7118, 268}, {7119, 894}, {7120, 1943}, {7121, 23086}, {7122, 3955}, {7128, 1275}, {7129, 189}, {7140, 1089}, {7147, 20618}, {7151, 84}, {7154, 282}, {7156, 27382}, {7337, 34}, {7649, 693}, {7713, 17321}, {7719, 344}, {7952, 322}, {8020, 16583}, {8022, 22364}, {8061, 2525}, {8105, 2582}, {8106, 2583}, {8557, 6350}, {8609, 914}, {8640, 22090}, {8678, 23874}, {8735, 4858}, {8736, 6358}, {8743, 1760}, {8744, 16568}, {8745, 1748}, {8747, 286}, {8748, 31623}, {8749, 2349}, {8750, 100}, {8751, 673}, {8752, 88}, {8753, 897}, {8754, 1109}, {8756, 4358}, {8767, 35140}, {8769, 6340}, {8772, 3564}, {8792, 21378}, {8879, 20931}, {8882, 2167}, {9247, 577}, {9258, 9289}, {9292, 9255}, {9406, 3284}, {9417, 3289}, {9454, 20752}, {9456, 1797}, {9459, 23202}, {10151, 18699}, {10312, 18042}, {11325, 1740}, {11363, 3879}, {11380, 1582}, {11383, 997}, {11396, 17272}, {11406, 936}, {12723, 34822}, {14004, 17143}, {14213, 28706}, {14248, 8769}, {14398, 2631}, {14560, 36061}, {14571, 908}, {14580, 18669}, {14581, 2173}, {14585, 4100}, {14593, 91}, {14618, 20948}, {14776, 36037}, {14827, 1802}, {14936, 34591}, {14975, 35}, {15148, 2669}, {15149, 18157}, {15487, 28409}, {15742, 7035}, {16080, 33805}, {16228, 17894}, {16229, 17893}, {16240, 1099}, {16502, 7289}, {16544, 28696}, {16545, 28408}, {16583, 18589}, {16584, 20727}, {16716, 18648}, {17171, 16703}, {17408, 21147}, {17409, 2172}, {17442, 141}, {17453, 10316}, {17469, 7767}, {17516, 17151}, {17562, 17394}, {17872, 1368}, {17902, 20926}, {17903, 20914}, {17904, 20444}, {17905, 20927}, {17906, 21580}, {17907, 20641}, {17910, 21585}, {17911, 18137}, {17912, 18050}, {17913, 18138}, {17914, 21604}, {17915, 18040}, {17916, 17233}, {17917, 21605}, {17920, 20923}, {17922, 20949}, {17923, 20924}, {17924, 3261}, {17925, 7199}, {17927, 20947}, {17980, 1581}, {17982, 18032}, {17984, 1926}, {18020, 24037}, {18022, 1928}, {18026, 4572}, {18191, 17219}, {18210, 17216}, {18266, 17976}, {18344, 522}, {18384, 2166}, {18596, 28419}, {18676, 21579}, {18677, 21581}, {18680, 21583}, {18681, 21584}, {18756, 23079}, {19118, 1707}, {19215, 8222}, {19216, 8223}, {19217, 5491}, {19218, 5490}, {19554, 20741}, {19614, 15394}, {20613, 28739}, {20624, 8777}, {20883, 8024}, {20970, 3958}, {20975, 2632}, {20978, 10167}, {20979, 25098}, {21148, 1763}, {21389, 28423}, {21750, 23620}, {21760, 20785}, {21832, 24459}, {21833, 21046}, {22363, 22057}, {22383, 4091}, {23050, 10327}, {23503, 2524}, {23566, 20736}, {23710, 30806}, {23894, 14977}, {23985, 7128}, {24000, 18020}, {24006, 850}, {24018, 4143}, {24019, 648}, {24022, 32230}, {27369, 1964}, {27376, 20883}, {28044, 3886}, {28615, 1796}, {31623, 28660}, {31900, 16709}, {31905, 30940}, {32085, 3112}, {32230, 23999}, {32664, 20739}, {32674, 651}, {32676, 110}, {32691, 1310}, {32696, 36084}, {32713, 162}, {32714, 658}, {32715, 36034}, {32739, 906}, {32740, 36060}, {33581, 19614}, {33781, 19583}, {34121, 3084}, {34125, 3083}, {34248, 3504}, {34397, 6149}, {34417, 18477}, {34591, 23983}, {34854, 240}, {34858, 1795}, {35201, 6148}, {36059, 6517}, {36063, 35520}, {36084, 17932}, {36103, 4329}, {36104, 2966}, {36114, 18878}, {36118, 4569}, {36119, 1494}, {36120, 290}, {36121, 34393}, {36122, 18025}, {36123, 18816}, {36124, 2481}, {36125, 903}, {36126, 6528}, {36127, 18026}, {36128, 671}, {36129, 35139}
X(19) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 240, 23052}, {1, 610, 48}, {1, 16545, 18596}, {1, 18594, 610}, {2, 3101, 10319}, {2, 4329, 18589}, {2, 9536, 3101}, {2, 18589, 31261}, {2, 20061, 4329}, {2, 26789, 27127}, {2, 26837, 27180}, {4, 40, 11471}, {4, 281, 1826}, {4, 6197, 40}, {4, 7719, 7079}, {5, 8141, 8251}, {6, 1841, 34}, {6, 2182, 2261}, {6, 3197, 19350}, {6, 14571, 2331}, {6, 21767, 1409}, {7, 7291, 7289}, {8, 4198, 1891}, {8, 5279, 5227}, {9, 40, 71}, {9, 281, 7079}, {9, 2270, 2183}, {9, 16547, 169}, {9, 16548, 1766}, {25, 1824, 33}, {25, 2355, 5338}, {25, 11406, 55}, {27, 92, 5307}, {28, 1172, 1474}, {31, 1096, 204}, {31, 2181, 1096}, {33, 5338, 25}, {37, 910, 198}, {41, 2171, 3553}, {46, 1723, 579}, {46, 1731, 1732}, {48, 1953, 1}, {48, 2173, 610}, {48, 18597, 18596}, {51, 3611, 11435}, {55, 1859, 33}, {57, 278, 1435}, {57, 2257, 2260}, {65, 2182, 19350}, {65, 2264, 6}, {75, 92, 20883}, {75, 1760, 63}, {75, 16568, 1760}, {75, 20915, 20884}, {75, 21582, 21406}, {92, 1748, 63}, {169, 1766, 9}, {225, 1452, 208}, {269, 18725, 3942}, {284, 1630, 48}, {326, 18713, 1959}, {346, 10327, 3610}, {573, 15830, 71}, {579, 1723, 1732}, {579, 1731, 1723}, {604, 2170, 3554}, {607, 608, 6}, {607, 1880, 2331}, {607, 4185, 7119}, {608, 1880, 34}, {610, 18594, 2173}, {610, 18595, 18596}, {1195, 1400, 1182}, {1610, 2303, 48}, {1707, 1957, 8765}, {1707, 8769, 33781}, {1726, 1730, 1708}, {1729, 1765, 1741}, {1733, 1747, 920}, {1755, 16567, 63}, {1762, 24310, 63}, {1820, 2180, 920}, {1824, 2355, 25}, {1826, 1839, 4}, {1826, 8756, 281}, {1827, 7071, 33}, {1829, 4185, 34}, {1839, 8756, 1826}, {1841, 14571, 1880}, {1842, 1869, 4}, {1857, 30223, 7008}, {1861, 1890, 4}, {1950, 1951, 577}, {1953, 2173, 48}, {1958, 1959, 326}, {1973, 17442, 1}, {2082, 2285, 6}, {2164, 2178, 1609}, {2182, 2262, 6}, {2207, 16583, 36103}, {2264, 3197, 2261}, {2358, 3209, 207}, {2358, 7154, 7129}, {2362, 16232, 34}, {3209, 7154, 1033}, {3377, 3378, 920}, {4329, 18589, 31158}, {5271, 21376, 63}, {5341, 7297, 6}, {5341, 7300, 5356}, {5356, 7297, 7300}, {5356, 7300, 6}, {6203, 7348, 3069}, {6204, 7347, 3068}, {6212, 6213, 4}, {7713, 7719, 2333}, {8735, 8736, 53}, {9816, 10319, 2}, {10536, 11428, 184}, {11190, 11435, 3611}, {12329, 21867, 28043}, {13438, 13460, 208}, {14206, 21406, 21582}, {16027, 16033, 5}, {16031, 16036, 54}, {16545, 18595, 18597}, {16547, 16548, 9}, {18650, 25935, 26130}, {19555, 19591, 63}, {21160, 30265, 3}, {24683, 26130, 18650}, {26998, 27059, 2}, {31158, 31261, 18589}, {34121, 34125, 25}
Centers 20-30,
2- 5, 140, 186, 199, 235, 237, 297, 376- 379,381- 384,
401- 475, 546- 550, 631, 632 (and others) lie on the Euler line.
X(20) = 9 X(2) - 8 X(5) = 3 X(4) - 4 X(5) = 3 X(3) - 2 X(5) = 15 X(2) - 16 X(140) = 5 X(4) - 8 X(140) = 5 X(5) - 6 X(140) = 5 X(3) - 4 X(140) = 2 X(10) - 3 X(165) = 8 X(140) - 15 X(376) = 4 X(5) - 9 X(376) = 2 X(3) - 3 X(376) = X(4) - 3 X(376) = 10 X(5) - 9 X(381) = 5 X(4) - 6 X(381) = 5 X(2) - 4 X(381) = 5 X(3) - 3 X(381) = 4 X(140) - 3 X(381) = 5 X(376) - 2 X(381) = 12 X(140) - 5 X(382) = 9 X(381) - 5 X(382) = 9 X(2) - 4 X(382) = 3 X(4) - 2 X(382) = 9 X(376) - 2 X(382) = 3 X(3) - X(382) = 7 X(382) - 12 X(546)
As a point on the Euler line, X(20) has Shinagawa coefficients (1, -2).
Let La be the polar of X(4) wrt the circle centered at A and passing through X(3), and define Lb and Lc cyclically. (Note: X(4) is the perspector of any circle centered at a vertex of ABC.) Let A″ = Lb∩\Lc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to the anticomplementary triangle, and the center of homothety is X(20), which is also the orthocenter of A″B″C″. Also, let La be the line through the intersections of the B- and C-Soddy ellipses, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Then La,Lb,Lc concur in X(20). Also, let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of X(253). Let A″ be the orthocenter of AB'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(20). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let L be the Brocard axis of the intouch triangle. Let La be the Brocard axis of the A-extouch triangle, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. The lines L, La, Lb, Lc concur in X(20). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A' be the reflection in BC of the A-vertex of the anticevian triangle of X(4), and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of A'BC, B'CA, and C'AB concur at X(20). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the reflection of ABC in X(3) (i.e., the circumcevian triangle of X(3)). Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, and CC″ concur in X(20). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the hexyl triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(20).
Let A'B'C' be the half-altitude triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(20).
Let A'B'C' be the hexyl triangle and A″B″C″ be the side-triangle of ABC and hexyl triangle. Let A* be the {B',C'}-harmonic conjugate of A″, and define B*, C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(20). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view De Longchamps point.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view De Longchamps point.
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the Ara triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(20) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the Johnson triangle and passing through A; define OB, OC cyclically. X(20) is the radical center of OA and OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Consider the chain of (blue) right triangles T1, T2, T3, ... in this figure: "Pythagorean snail". The points X(20)-of-T1, X(20)-of-T2, X(20-of-T3, ... all lie on a single circle. The same sort of concyclicity hold for X(i) for these i: 20, 22, 110, 175, 253, 280, 347, 858, 401, 925* 1114, 1294, 1295, 1297, 1303* 1305*, 1370*,... where (*) menas that the point is on theline at infinity. The lines X(3)X(652) of the triangles converge to the center of the snail; it appears that, with repect to each of the triangles, X(625) lies on the hypotenuse. (Dan Reznik, October 30, 2021)
Let Ea be the ellipse through A having foci B and C, and define Eb and Ec cyclically. These ellipses meet in 6 points. The lines through pairs of opposite intersections concur on X(20). Figure. (Dan Reznik, December 12, 2021)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
A' = A-excircle of ABFC, and define B' and C' cyclically;
A1 = orthopole of BC wrt B'C', and define B1 and C1 cyclically;
Then X(2) = A1B1C1-to-ABC orthology center, and X(3062) = ABC-to-A1B1C1 orthology center. (Ivan Pavlov, August 21, 2022)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let E(A) be the ellipse whose foci are B and C, and which passes through A, and define E(b) and E(C) cyclically. Then X(20) = radical center of E(A), E(B), E(C). See X(20) Ellipses. (Benjamin Lee Warren, January 28, 2024)
X(20) lies on the the following curves: Q046, Q063, Q070, Q073, Q115, K004, K007, K032, K041, K047, K071, K077, K080, K096, K099, K122, K169, K182, K236, K268, K270, K313, K329, K344, K364, K401, K425, K426, K443, K449, K462, K499, K522, K566, K609, K617, K648, K649, K650, K651, K652, K706, K753, K763, K778, K809, K814, K824, K825, K827, K850, K894. Euler-Gergonne-Soddy circle, GEOS circle, Steiner/Wallace rectangular hyperbola, anticomplement of Kiepert hyperbola, anticomplement of Feuerbach hyperbola, anticomplement of Jerabek hyperbola, and these lines: {1,7}, {2,3}, {6,6459}, {8,40}, {9,10429}, {10,165}, {11,5204}, {12,5217}, {13,5238}, {14,5237}, {15,3412}, {16,3411}, {17,5352}, {18,5351}, {32,2549}, {33,1038}, {34,1040}, {35,1478}, {36,1479}, {39,7737}, {46,10572}, {51,9729}, {52,5890}, {54,4846}, {55,388}, {56,497}, {57,938}, {58,387}, {61,10653}, {62,10654}, {64,69}, {65,3474}, {68,74}, {72,144}, {76,3424}, {78,329}, {81,5706}, {97,1217}, {98,148}, {99,147}, {100,153}, {101,152}, {103,150}, {104,149}, {107,3184}, {109,151}, {110,146}, {112,10316}, {113,10721}, {114,7912}, {115,5206}, {116,10725}, {117,10726}, {118,10727}, {119,10728}, {120,10729}, {121,10730}, {122,10152}, {123,10731}, {124,10732}, {125,10733}, {126,10734}, {127,10735}, {142,5436}, {145,517}, {154,2883}, {155,323}, {159,2139}, {172,9598}, {182,7787}, {184,9545}, {185,193}, {187,3767}, {190,1265}, {192,9962}, {200,5815}, {212,1935}, {216,3087}, {220,5781}, {222,3562}, {224,4511}, {226,3601}, {227,9371}, {230,5023}, {243,1118}, {254,1300}, {262,5395}, {265,11270}, {284,5746}, {298,5868}, {299,5869}, {316,7763}, {325,6337}, {333,5786}, {343,6247}, {345,7270}, {346,1766}, {348,4872}, {355,3579}, {371,1587}, {372,1588}, {385,6392}, {386,9535}, {389,3060}, {391,573}, {392,9856}, {393,577}, {394,1032}, {395,5339}, {396,5340}, {399,6188}, {476,2693}, {477,10420}, {484,10573}, {485,1131}, {486,1132}, {487,638}, {488,637}, {495,9655}, {496,9668}, {498,3585}, {499,3583}, {518,3189}, {519,5493}, {524,11148}, {527,11523}, {529,3913}, {535,5537}, {541,9143}, {542,8591}, {543,7751}, {551,11522}, {553,11518}, {568,10263}, {574,2548}, {576,5032}, {578,5012}, {579,5802}, {590,6409}, {597,10541}, {601,3072}, {602,3073}, {603,1936}, {610,8804}, {615,6410}, {616,633}, {617,634}, {620,7825}, {621,627}, {622,628}, {648,9530}, {650,8142}, {651,7078}, {653,3176}, {664,7973}, {671,11623}, {691,2697}, {754,7758}, {901,2734}, {908,4855}, {910,6554}, {936,1750}, {942,3488}, {946,3576}, {952,3621}, {956,5082}, {958,2550}, {960,5698}, {986,11031}, {999,1058}, {1001,8273}, {1007,7773}, {1056,3295}, {1060,6198}, {1062,1870}, {1074,1838}, {1075,5667}, {1076,1785}, {1078,7616}, {1104,4000}, {1124,9660}, {1125,1699}, {1141,11671}, {1147,1614}, {1151,3068}, {1152,3069}, {1154,11271}, {1155,1788}, {1160,10784}, {1161,10783}, {1176,10548}, {1181,1993}, {1204,1899}, {1210,3586}, {1212,5819}, {1216,4549}, {1249,3172}, {1290,2694}, {1293,2370}, {1296,2373}, {1320,10305}, {1327,3590}, {1328,3591}, {1330,3430}, {1335,9647}, {1340,2542}, {1341,2543}, {1342,2546}, {1343,2547}, {1351,7839}, {1352,2896}, {1376,2551}, {1384,5305}, {1385,3622}, {1394,5930}, {1420,9580}, {1440,1804}, {1445,5809}, {1453,5222}, {1482,3623}, {1483,8148}, {1499,6563}, {1511,7728}, {1519,4881}, {1568,11202}, {1578,3092}, {1579,3093}, {1610,1633}, {1619,9914}, {1621,11496}, {1632,2892}, {1689,2545}, {1690,2544}, {1697,10106}, {1698,10164}, {1706,5795}, {1729,5011}, {1743,10443}, {1764,10449}, {1768,9803}, {1834,4252}, {1836,2646}, {1853,6696}, {1857,1940}, {1891,10319}, {1902,7718}, {1914,9597}, {1992,8550}, {1994,7592}, {2077,5080}, {2128,3685}, {2130,2131}, {2287,5776}, {2420,6794}, {2456,10131}, {2482,7888}, {2781,6293}, {2782,5984}, {2797,9409}, {2800,6224}, {2801,5904}, {2822,2939}, {2823,4552}, {2888,3357}, {2893,10432}, {2894,2975}, {2899,5205}, {2917,2935}, {2944,3923}, {2947,3682}, {2979,5562}, {3047,5504}, {3053,5254}, {3054,5585}, {3057,3476}, {3058,3304}, {3062,5785}, {3095,7709}, {3180,5865}, {3181,5864}, {3182,3347}, {3183,3348}, {3218,5709}, {3219,3587}, {3241,5882}, {3244,11531}, {3278,3608}, {3303,5434}, {3311,7581}, {3312,7582}, {3313,5596}, {3316,6451}, {3317,6452}, {3333,10580}, {3334,3609}, {3339,6738}, {3353,3354}, {3355,3637}, {3359,5554}, {3361,11019}, {3398,10788}, {3419,3916}, {3421,5687}, {3431,3521}, {3452,5438}, {3472,3473}, {3475,10404}, {3564,7893}, {3567,5446}, {3598,3673}, {3618,5085}, {3619,10516}, {3624,3817}, {3634,7989}, {3635,11224}, {3648,5693}, {3655,10222}, {3666,5716}, {3667,5592}, {3697,9947}, {3734,7800}, {3788,7842}, {3796,11425}, {3812,10178}, {3813,11194}, {3849,7759}, {3869,6001}, {3870,6769}, {3871,10306}, {3872,9874}, {3876,5777}, {3911,5704}, {3917,5907}, {3933,10513}, {3935,5534}, {3972,7803}, {4257,5292}, {4385,7172}, {4640,5794}, {4652,5175}, {4678,5690}, {4848,5128}, {4857,10072}, {5007,7739}, {5013,7736}, {5044,5927}, {5126,11373}, {5174,6350}, {5208,10441}, {5223,6743}, {5226,9612}, {5247,9441}, {5250,9800}, {5270,10056}, {5303,11680}, {5316,9842}, {5318,11480}, {5321,11481}, {5328,6700}, {5418,6564}, {5420,6565}, {5422,10982}, {5432,10588}, {5433,10589}, {5439,5806}, {5440,5658}, {5441,5902}, {5447,5891}, {5450,10527}, {5462,9781}, {5550,8227}, {5587,6684}, {5601,9834}, {5602,9835}, {5640,10110}, {5654,7712}, {5663,6101}, {5714,11374}, {5720,5811}, {5730,10609}, {5749,10445}, {5758,5905}, {5766,8545}, {5841,10528}, {5853,6762}, {5876,10627}, {5893,10192}, {6102,6243}, {6146,6515}, {6193,6241}, {6197,9536}, {6214,10518}, {6215,10517}, {6221,7583}, {6249,9751}, {6264,9802}, {6326,9809}, {6390,7776}, {6398,7584}, {6449,8981}, {6455,8976}, {6462,6465}, {6463,6466}, {6526,11589}, {6680,7872}, {6737,7992}, {6744,10980}, {6765,7994}, {6766,9797}, {6767,10386}, {7074,9370}, {7596,10885}, {7618,7775}, {7620,8182}, {7694,7752}, {7730,11802}, {7731,11562}, {7749,8588}, {7755,11648}, {7761,7795}, {7768,11057}, {7774,7783}, {7784,7789}, {7785,9737}, {7797,9753}, {7799,7860}, {7801,7873}, {7818,7863}, {7820,7935}, {7832,7910}, {7835,7911}, {7836,7898}, {7864,9748}, {7885,7891}, {7921,10983}, {7971,11682}, {7998,11439}, {8069,10629}, {8081,9793}, {8082,9795}, {8111,9783}, {8112,9787}, {8117,8118}, {8119,8124}, {8120,8123}, {8164,9654}, {8234,9789}, {8235,9791}, {8726,9776}, {8861,9474}, {8983,9615}, {9529,9979}, {9786,11433}, {9927,11468}, {9957,11035}, {9993,10583}, {9996,10357}, {10246,10595}, {10267,10532}, {10269,10531}, {10282,11449}, {10359,10796}, {10453,10476}, {10470,10478}, {10525,10785}, {10526,10786}, {10543,11246}, {10584,10893}, {10585,10894}, {10601,11745}, {10679,10805}, {10680,10806}, {11180,11645}, {11451,11695}, {11470,11511}, {11472,11487}, {11473,11513}, {11474,11514}, {11475,11515}, {11476,11516}
X(20) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 1657}, {4, 3529}, {376, 11001}, {944, 6361}, {1498, 5925}, {3146, 5059}, {3869, 9961}, {6241, 11412}, {10575, 10625}
X(20) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1, 4297), (2, 376), (3, 550), (4, 3), (5, 548), (7, 5732), (8, 40), (23, 10295), (64, 5894), (65, 9943), (68, 7689), (69, 1350), (76, 5188), (107, 3184), (144, 5759), (145, 944), (146, 110), (147, 99), (148, 98), (149, 104), (150, 103), (151, 109), (152, 101), (153, 100), (176, 8984), (193, 6776), (194, 11257), (329, 6282), (355, 3579), (376, 3534), (381, 8703), (382, 5), (616, 5473), (617, 5474), (650, 8142), (938, 9841), (962, 1), (1330, 3430), (1352, 3098), (1375, 8153), (2475, 3651), (2550, 11495), (2888, 7691), (3091, 3522), (3146, 4), (3153, 2071), (3421, 6244), (3434, 3428), (3436, 10310), (3448, 74), (3529, 1657), (3543, 2), (3627, 140), (3830, 549), (3832, 3528), (3839, 10304), (3853, 3530), (3868, 1071), (4846, 8717), (5059, 3529), (5073, 3627), (5080, 2077), (5189, 7464), (5691, 10), (5768, 7171), (5876, 10627), (5878, 6759), (5881, 11362), (5889, 185), (5895, 2883), (5921, 69), (5984, 9862), (6223, 1490), (6225, 1498), (6241, 10575), (6243, 6102), (6256, 6796), (6515, 10605), (6655, 7470), (6764, 6762), (6839, 7411), (6840, 6909), (6895, 6906), (6925, 7580), (7379, 4229), (7391, 378), (7408, 3537), (7620, 8182), (7710, 8719), (7728, 1511), (7731, 11562), (7758, 7781), (7982, 5882), (7991, 5493), (8148, 1483), (9589, 4301), (9797, 9845), (9799, 84), (9802, 6264), (9803, 1768), (9809, 6326), (9812, 3576), (9863, 7750), (9965, 2096), (10152, 122), (10296, 858), (10431, 1012), (10446, 991), (10721, 113), (10722, 114), (10723, 115), (10724, 11), (10725, 116), (10726, 117), (10727, 118), (10728, 119), (10729, 120), (10730, 121), (10731, 123), (10732, 124), (10733, 125), (10734, 126), (10735, 127), (10736, 1313), (10737, 1312), (11185, 8722), (11381, 5907), (11412, 10625), (11455, 5891), (11477, 8550), (11531, 3244), (11541, 5073), (11671, 1141)
X(20) = isogonal conjugate of X(64)
X(20) = isotomic conjugate of X(253)
X(20) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(1032)
X(20) = complement of X(3146)
X(20) = anticomplement of X(4)
X(20) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(4)
X(20) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (69,2), (489,487), (490,488), (801,6), (1043,1), (1350,6194), (1503,147), (1975,194), (5921,9742), (7750,2896), (8822,63)
X(20) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (64,2131), (122,8057), (154,1249), (1249,2), (1498,6616), (3183,2060), (3198,610), (5895,4), (5930,1895), (6525,3344)
X(20) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(7038)
X(20) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1,1044}, {512,3269}, {649,3270}
X(20) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(647)X(657)
X(20) = trilinear pole of X(6587)X(8057)
X(20) = circumcircle-inverse of X(2071)
X(20) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(3091)
X(20) = Steiner-circle-inverse of X(858)
X(20) = polar-circle-inverse of X(10151)
X(20) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(5159)
X(20) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumelipse-inverse of X(858)
X(20) = Grebe-circle-inverse of X(37944)
X(20) = Johnson-circle-inverse of anticomplement of X(37968)
X(20) = anticomplement-of-circumcircle-inverse of X(3153)
X(20) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,191), (9,1045), (21,3216), (29,1714), (188,1046), (333,2), (556,1762), (645,3882), (1043,20), (3699,4427), (4182,846), (6731,2938)
X(20) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,5691), (20,1394), (21,4306), (643,1259), (664,20), (1043,280)
X(20) = X(i)-gimel conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,6848), (1792,20), (3900,20), (4397,20), (7253,20)
X(20) = X(i)-he conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (645,20), (799,20), (7256,20), (7258,20)
X(20) = X(i)-zayin conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,64), (200,7580), (1043,20), (2287,573), (4397,3667), (6737,40)
X(20) = antigonal conjugate of X(10152)
X(20) = syngonal conjugate of X(3184)
X(20) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,4), (3,8), (4,5906), (6,5905), (19,6515), (31,193), (47,6193), (48,2), (55,5942), (58,3868), (63,69), (69,6327), (71,2895), (72,1330), (73,2475), (75,11442), (77,3434), (78,3436), (82,3060), (91,68), (92,317), (101,4391), (102,5081), (109,521), (110,7253), (162,520), (163,525), (184,192), (212,144), (219,329), (222,7), (228,1654), (255,20), (268,189), (283,3869), (284,92), (293,511), (295,4645), (304,315), (326,1370), (394,4329), (577,6360), (603,145), (656,3448), (662,850), (810,148), (905,150), (906,514), (921,11411), (922,7665), (947,318), (951,5174), (1069,11415), (1101,110), (1110,3732), (1214,2893), (1262,4566), (1331,513), (1333,3187), (1433,962), (1437,1), (1459,149), (1496,11469), (1790,75), (1794,72), (1795,517), (1796,319), (1797,320), (1803,85), (1807,5080), (1813,693), (1815,4872), (1822,2574), (1823,2575), (1923,10340), (1964,8878), (1973,6392), (2148,1993), (2149,651), (2159,3580), (2164,2994), (2167,264), (2168,5392), (2169,3), (2190,5889), (2193,63), (2196,6542), (2200,1655), (2216,52), (2349,340), (2359,321), (2360,1895), (2576,2592), (2577,2593), (2964,11271), (3916,2891), (3990,3151), (4020,2896), (4303,2894), (4558,7192), (4575,523), (4587,4462), (4592,512), (6507,6527), (7011,5932), (7015,4388), (7078,6223), (7099,4452), (7116,6646), (7125,347), (7177,6604), (9247,194), (9255,1899)
X(20) = X(3532)-complementary conjugate of X(10)
X(20) = X(i)-vertex conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3,3346}, {4,5879}, {523,2071}
X(20) = X(4)-of-anticomplementary triangle
X(20) = X(52)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(20) = reflection of X(10296) in the De Longchamps line
X(20) = perspector of anticomplementary triangle and polar triangle of de Longchamps circle
X(20) = isogonal conjugate of X(4) wrt anticevian triangle of X(4) (or 'anticevian-isogonal conjugate of X(4)')
X(20) = perspector of ABC and pedal triangle of X(1498)
X(20) = exsimilicenter of circumcircle and 1st Steiner circle (the insimilicenter is X(631))
X(20) = X(4)-of-circumcevian-triangle-of-X(30)
X(20) = anticomplementary isotomic conjugate of X(193)
X(20) = excentral isogonal conjugate of X(1046)
X(20) = excentral isotomic conjugate of X(1045)
X(20) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,3182}, {3,1498}, {4,3183}, {6,1661}, {30,3184}, {40,1490}, {64,2130}, {84,3353}, {122,8057}, {577,1660}, {610,7070}, {1249,3079}, {3198,8804}, {3345,3472}, {3346,3355}
X(20) = radical center of power circles
X(20) = radical center of circles centered at the vertices of ABC with radius equal to opposite side
X(20) = intersection of tangents to conic {X(4),X(13),X(14),X(15),X(16)} at X(15) and X(16)
X(20) = trilinear pole wrt anticomplementary triangle of de Longchamps line
X(20) = trilinear pole of polar of X(459) wrt polar circle, which is also the perspectrix of ABC and the half-altitude triangle
X(20) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(459)
X(20) = isoconjugate of X(j) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1,64}, {2,2155}, {6,2184}, {19,1073}, {31,253}, {48,459}, {55,8809}, {255,6526}, {656,1301}, {1036,10375}, {1402,5931}, {2190,8798}
X(20) = circumcevian isogonal conjugate of X(3)
X(20) = perspector of ABC and circumcircle antipode of circumanticevian triangle of X(4)
X(20) = X(98)-of-6th-Brocard-triangle
X(20) = perspector of hexyl triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and hexyl triangle
X(20) = Thomson isogonal conjugate of X(3167)
X(20) = Lucas isogonal conjugate of X(2)
X(20) = inner-Conway-to-Conway similarity image of X(8)
X(20) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(2) wrt anticevian triangle of X(2)
X(20) = trilinear product of vertices of X(4)-anti-altimedial triangle
X(20) = homothetic center of X(20)-altimedial and X(2)-anti-altimedial triangles
X(20) = inverse-in-orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse of X(5159)
X(20) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(4) of X(1559)
X(20) = anticevian isogonal conjugate of X(4)
X(20) = X(5562)-of-excentral-triangle
X(20) = X(74)-of-X(3)-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(20) = Ehrmann-mid-to-Johnson similarity image of X(3)
X(20) = perspector of hexyl triangle and anticevian triangle of X(63)
X(20) = perspector of excentral triangle and tangential triangle wrt hexyl triangle of the excentral-hexyl ellipse
X(20) = perspector of excentral triangle and extraversion triangle of X(7)
X(20) = homothetic center of ABC and the reflection in X(3) of the pedal triangle of X(3) (medial triangle)
X(20) = homothetic center of ABC and the reflection in X(4) of the antipedal triangle of X(4) (anticomplementary triangle)
X(20) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(32605)
X(20) = pole of Brocard axis wrt conic {X(4),X(13),X(14),X(15),X(16)}}
X(20) = QA-P5 (Isotomic Center) of the incenter-excenters quadrangle (see
X(20) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {63,1895}, {69,1249}, {75,610}, {76,154}, {85,7070}, {86,8804}, {99,6587}, {204,304}, {274,3198}, {305,3172}, {312,1394}, {333,5930}, {648,8057}, {801,2883}, {1032,6616}, {1097,2184}, {3213,3718}, {3344,6527}, {3926,6525}, {7156,7182}, {10152,11064}
X(20) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these (i,j): (1,2184), (2,253), (3,1073), (4,459), (6,64), (31,2155), (57,8809), (112,1301), (154,6), (204,19), (216,8798), (333,5931), (393,6526), (610,1), (1249,4), (1394,57), (1498,3343), (1562,125), (1895,92), (2285,10375), (3079,1249), (3172,25), (3198,37), (3213,34), (3284,11589), (3344,3346), (5930,226), (6525,393), (6587,523), (7070,9), (7156,33), (8057,525), (8804,10)
X(20) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): (1,7,11036), (1,1044,1042), (1,1742,4300), (1,1770,4295), (1,3100,9538), (1,4292,7), (1,4293,3600), (1,4294,390), (1,4297,5731), (1,4298,11037), (1,4299,4293), (1,4301,5734), (1,4302,4294), (1,4304,4313), (1,4311,4308), (1,4312,3671), (1,4316,4299), (1,4324,4302), (1,4325,4317), (1,4330,4309), (1,4333,1770), (1,4340,3945), (1,4355,5542), (1,5732,10884), (1,9589,4301), (1,10624,9785), (2,3,3523), (2,4,3091), (2,5,7486), (2,22,10565), (2,23,4232), (2,376,10304), (2,377,4208), (2,452,5129), (2,1370,7396), (2,2475,5177), (2,3091,5056), (2,3146,4), (2,3522,3), (2,3523,10303), (2,3543,3839), (2,3832,5), (2,4190,6904), (2,5046,6919), (2,5059,3146), (2,5068,3090), (2,6837,6884), (2,6838,6960), (2,6839,6993), (2,6847,6888), (2,6848,6979), (2,6872,452), (2,6890,6972), (2,6987,6992), (2,6995,7398), (2,7391,7378), (2,7408,6997), (2,7409,5133), (2,7500,6995), (2,11106,405), (3,4,2), (3,5,631), (3,22,7488), (3,26,186), (3,140,3524), (3,376,3522), (3,381,140), (3,382,5), (3,405,6986), (3,546,3525), (3,548,3528), (3,549,10299), (3,550,376), (3,1012,21), (3,1532,6921), (3,1593,7503), (3,1597,7395), (3,1656,549), (3,1885,6816), (3,2937,1658), (3,3079,2060), (3,3091,10303), (3,3146,3091), (3,3149,404), (3,3522,10304), (3,3526,3530), (3,3529,3146), (3,3534,550), (3,3543,5056), (3,3560,1006), (3,3575,6815), (3,3627,3090), (3,3830,1656), (3,3843,3526), (3,3845,3533), (3,3851,5054), (3,3853,5067), (3,5059,3543), (3,5073,381), (3,5076,3628), (3,6638,417), (3,6756,6803), (3,6823,7494), (3,6827,6926), (3,6831,6910), (3,6836,6890), (3,6840,6972), (3,6842,6954), (3,6850,6908), (3,6851,6847), (3,6868,6987), (3,6872,6992), (3,6882,6961), (3,6895,6888), (3,6905,4188), (3,6906,4189), (3,6907,6988), (3,6911,6940), (3,6914,6875), (3,6917,6889), (3,6923,6825), (3,6925,6838), (3,6928,6891), (3,6929,6967), (3,6934,4190), (3,6938,6872), (3,6985,6905), (3,7387,24), (3,7395,7485), (3,7488,10298), (3,7491,6827), (3,7517,6644), (3,7553,7401), (3,7580,411), (3,8727,6857), (3,9122,1817), (3,9818,7509), (3,9909,3515), (3,10323,6636), (3,10431,6837), (3,11001,5059), (3,11413,2071), (3,11414,22), (3,11479,7484), (3,11676,3552), (4,5,3832), (4,21,6837), (4,24,3089), (4,140,5068), (4,186,3542), (4,376,3), (4,377,6839), (4,378,3088), (4,404,6953), (4,411,6838), (4,443,6835), (4,550,3522), (4,631,5), (4,1006,6846), (4,1595,7409), (4,1656,3854), (4,1657,5059), (4,3079,6616), (4,3088,7378), (4,3090,381), (4,3091,3839), (4,3146,3543), (4,3147,403), (4,3520,3541), (4,3522,3523), (4,3523,5056), (4,3524,3090), (4,3525,3545), (4,3528,631), (4,3533,3851), (4,3537,6803), (4,3538,6804), (4,3542,6623), (4,3545,546), (4,3651,6908), (4,3855,3843), (4,4188,6979), (4,4189,6888), (4,5067,3855), (4,5084,6957), (4,6353,235), (4,6616,1559), (4,6756,7408), (4,6803,6997), (4,6815,7544), (4,6824,6870), (4,6825,6871), (4,6826,6894), (4,6827,5046), (4,6833,6844), (4,6836,6840), (4,6850,2475), (4,6851,6895), (4,6852,6866), (4,6853,6867), (4,6854,6849), (4,6856,7548), (4,6857,6828), (4,6865,2478), (4,6868,6872), (4,6875,6824), (4,6876,6825), (4,6878,6990), (4,6880,6941), (4,6889,6843), (4,6891,5187), (4,6897,6826), (4,6899,6827), (4,6902,6929), (4,6903,6928), (4,6905,6848), (4,6906,6847), (4,6908,5177), (4,6909,6890), (4,6916,377), (4,6926,6919), (4,6927,1532), (4,6935,6831), (4,6940,6964), (4,6942,6834), (4,6947,6893), (4,6948,4190), (4,6949,6968), (4,6950,6833), (4,6951,6917), (4,6954,5141), (4,6961,5154), (4,6977,6830), (4,6986,6886), (4,6987,452), (4,6988,2476), (4,7386,6816), (4,7401,7394), (4,7412,4194), (4,7487,6995), (4,7512,3547), (4,7714,5198), (4,8889,7507), (4,10299,1656), (4,10304,10303), (4,10323,7400), (4,10996,6815), (4,11001,3529), (4,11111,6912), (5,140,5070), (5,382,4), (5,548,3), (5,550,548), (5,631,2), (5,3526,5067), (5,3530,3526), (5,3627,3861), (5,3832,3091), (5,3843,3855), (5,3845,3859), (5,3853,3843), (5,3859,3851), (5,3861,381), (5,5070,3090), (5,7486,5056), (5,9715,7493), (7,3188,279), (7,4313,1), (8,9778,40), (8,10430,9799), (8,10538,280), (11,5204,7288), (12,5217,5218), (21,377,2), (21,6839,6884), (21,7411,3), (22,858,7493), (22,1370,2), (22,2071,10298), (22,11413,3), (24,3089,4232), (24,6643,2), (24,7387,23), (25,1885,4), (25,7386,2), (25,7667,7386), (27,464,2), (32,2549,5286), (32,5286,5304), (32,7756,2549), (32,7765,5319), (35,1478,3085), (35,3085,5281), (35,10483,1478), (36,1479,3086), (36,3086,5265), (40,84,63), (40,3101,9537), (40,5881,11362), (55,7354,388), (56,6284,497), (57,950,938), (65,5918,9943), (68,11457,3448), (69,6527,253), (76,5188,6194), (98,5171,7793), (99,315,3926), (99,7802,315), (100,3436,7080), (140,381,3090), (140,546,10109), (140,3090,2), (140,3627,381), (140,3861,5), (140,5073,4), (140,8703,3), (145,9965,3868), (154,5895,2883), (165,5691,10), (175,176,347), (187,7748,3767), (226,3601,5703), (235,3515,6353), (315,8721,147), (316,7782,7763), (355,3579,5657), (355,5657,3617), (371,1587,7585), (371,6560,1587), (372,1588,7586), (372,6561,1588), (376,631,3528), (376,1370,2071), (376,1657,3146), (376,3146,3523), (376,3524,8703), (376,3528,548), (376,3529,4), (376,5059,3091), (376,6240,7400), (376,6851,4189), (376,6869,4190), (376,6916,7411), (376,6938,6987), (376,11541,140), (377,1012,6837), (377,6837,6993), (377,10431,4), (378,6240,4), (378,10323,3), (381,3090,5068), (381,3524,2), (381,3627,4), (381,5068,3091), (381,5070,5), (381,5073,3627), (381,8703,3524), (381,10109,3545), (382,548,631), (382,550,3528), (382,631,3832), (382,3526,3843), (382,3528,2), (382,3530,3855), (382,3843,3853), (382,5070,3861), (384,7791,2), (384,7833,7791), (390,3600,1), (394,1498,11441), (404,2478,2), (404,11114,2478), (405,443,2), (405,6835,6886), (405,11111,11106), (405,11112,443), (411,6836,2), (411,6840,6960), (411,6909,3), (411,6943,6962), (427,7494,2), (428,7484,7392), (428,11403,4), (440,7490,2), (442,6857,2), (442,8727,6828), (443,6912,6886), (443,11111,405), (452,6904,2), (474,5084,2), (474,11113,5084), (485,6200,9540), (485,9540,8972), (487,638,1271), (488,637,1270), (489,490,69), (498,3585,10590), (499,3583,10591), (546,549,1656), (546,1656,3545), (546,3545,3854), (546,3830,4), (546,10299,2), (547,3858,5072), (548,3528,3522), (548,3853,3530), (549,1656,3525), (549,3545,2), (549,3830,3545), (550,1657,4), (550,3146,10304), (550,3529,2), (550,3627,8703), (550,5059,3523), (550,6240,6636), (550,11001,3146), (574,7747,2548), (578,10984,5012), (631,3528,3), (631,3832,7486), (631,3855,5067), (631,5067,3526), (632,3850,5055), (858,7493,2), (858,10296,3153), (944,2096,1071), (946,3576,3616), (958,11495,5584), (962,5731,1), (962,5734,4301), (962,10884,11036), (991,3332,3945), (1006,6826,2), (1011,6817,2), (1012,6916,2), (1042,3000,1044), (1092,6759,110), (1113,1114,2071), (1131,8972,485), (1147,1614,9544), (1151,3070,3068), (1152,3071,3069), (1155,1837,1788), (1352,3098,10519), (1352,10519,3620), (1368,6353,2), (1368,9909,6353), (1370,7493,858), (1385,5603,3622), (1478,3085,5261), (1479,3086,5274), (1482,7967,3623), (1490,6282,78), (1532,6922,4193), (1583,6805,2), (1584,6806,2), (1585,1589,2), (1586,1590,2), (1587,9541,371), (1593,3575,4), (1593,7503,7527), (1593,10996,2), (1595,7399,5133), (1597,3537,2), (1597,6756,4), (1598,3538,2), (1610,1633,3556), (1656,3525,2), (1656,3830,546), (1656,10109,3090), (1657,3534,3), (1657,8703,11541), (1658,2937,7556), (1699,7987,1125), (1764,10454,10449), (1764,10463,10461), (1836,2646,3485), (1853,8567,6696), (1975,7750,69), (2041,2042,4), (2043,2044,376), (2045,2046,3533), (2060,3146,1559), (2071,7488,3), (2071,10296,858), (2077,6256,5552), (2475,4189,2), (2475,6847,3091), (2475,6895,4), (2475,6906,6888), (2476,6910,2), (2478,3149,6953), (2479,2480,441), (2549,5319,7765), (3053,5254,7735), (3060,10574,389), (3088,6636,3523), (3088,7400,2), (3090,3524,140), (3090,3529,11541), (3090,11541,3627), (3091,3523,2), (3091,3543,4), (3091,4208,6993), (3091,6992,5129), (3091,7486,5), (3091,10304,3523), (3098,9873,2896), (3100,4296,1), (3146,3522,2), (3146,3523,3839), (3146,3528,7486), (3146,3854,3830), (3146,7411,4208), (3146,10304,5056), (3146,11413,7396), (3147,11585,2), (3149,6865,2), (3151,7560,2), (3152,7538,2), (3153,10298,2), (3474,3486,65), (3520,7512,3), (3522,3529,3543), (3522,3543,10303), (3522,3854,10299), (3522,5059,4), (3523,3543,3091), (3523,10304,3), (3524,3529,5073), (3524,3627,5068), (3524,11541,4), (3525,3545,1656), (3525,3830,3854), (3525,10299,549), (3526,3530,631), (3526,3843,5), (3526,3853,3855), (3526,5067,2), (3528,3529,382), (3528,3832,3523), (3528,3855,3530), (3529,3534,3522), (3529,11001,1657), (3530,3843,5067), (3530,3853,5), (3530,3855,2), (3533,3628,2), (3533,5071,3628), (3534,11001,2), (3541,3547,2), (3542,3546,2), (3543,7396,3153), (3543,10304,2), (3545,3854,3091), (3545,10299,3525), (3548,7505,2), (3552,6655,2), (3560,6826,6846), (3560,6897,2), (3567,5446,11002), (3575,7503,7544), (3583,7280,499), (3585,5010,498), (3601,9579,226), (3616,9812,946), (3627,8703,140), (3627,11541,3146), (3628,3845,3851), (3628,3851,5071), (3628,3859,5), (3628,5054,3533), (3651,6851,2), (3651,6906,3), (3734,7830,7800), (3839,5056,3091), (3839,10303,5056), (3843,3853,4), (3843,3855,3832), (3845,5054,5071), (3845,5076,4), (3851,5054,3628), (3851,5076,3845), (3853,5067,3832), (3855,5067,5), (3868,11220,1071), (3911,9581,5704), (3917,5907,11444), (3917,11381,5907), (3972,7847,7803), (4188,5046,2), (4188,6926,3523), (4189,6895,6847), (4189,6908,3523), (4190,6868,6992), (4190,6872,2), (4190,6987,3523), (4191,6818,2), (4193,6921,2), (4195,4201,2), (4197,10883,5), (4208,6837,5056), (4292,4297,10884), (4292,4304,1), (4292,4313,11036), (4293,4294,1), (4293,4302,390), (4294,4299,3600), (4295,4305,1), (4298,4314,1), (4299,4302,1), (4299,4309,4317), (4299,4317,4325), (4299,4324,4294), (4301,9589,962), (4302,4309,4330), (4302,4316,4293), (4302,4317,4309), (4304,5732,5731), (4308,9785,1), (4309,4317,1), (4309,4330,4294), (4311,10624,1), (4316,4324,1), (4316,4330,4325), (4317,4325,4293), (4319,4320,1), (4324,4325,4330), (4325,4330,1), (4345,6049,1), (4348,7221,1), (4351,4354,1), (4652,6734,5744), (5004,5005,25), (5013,7745,7736), (5046,6848,3091), (5046,6905,6979), (5054,5071,2), (5054,5076,3851), (5056,10303,2), (5059,5068,5073), (5068,11541,3543), (5073,8703,3090), (5077,7866,8357), (5085,5480,3618), (5128,5727,4848), (5175,5744,6734), (5177,6888,5056), (5189,7492,2), (5218,5229,12), (5225,7288,11), (5261,5281,3085), (5265,5274,3086), (5318,11480,11488), (5319,7765,5286), (5321,11481,11489), (5432,10895,10588), (5433,10896,10589), (5446,9730,3567), (5447,5891,7999), (5550,9779,8227), (5550,10248,9779), (5584,6253,2550), (5587,6684,9780), (5806,11227,5439), (5878,6759,5656), (5881,11362,8), (5882,7982,3241), (6143,6639,2), (6143,7552,6639), (6225,11206,1498), (6459,6460,6), (6560,9541,7585), (6636,7391,2), (6643,7387,3089), (6644,7517,3518), (6676,8889,2), (6756,7395,6997), (6781,7756,32), (6803,7395,2), (6815,7503,2), (6824,6889,2), (6824,6917,6843), (6825,6833,2), (6827,6848,6919), (6827,6905,2), (6827,6970,6963), (6827,6985,6848), (6830,6842,5141), (6830,6954,2), (6831,6907,2476), (6831,6988,2), (6832,6989,2), (6833,6923,6871), (6834,6891,2), (6834,6928,5187), (6835,6986,2), (6836,6925,4), (6836,6962,6943), (6836,7580,6838), (6837,6839,3091), (6838,6840,3091), (6838,6890,2), (6842,6977,2), (6843,6870,3091), (6844,6871,3091), (6845,6937,5), (6846,6894,3091), (6847,6850,5177), (6847,6908,2), (6848,6926,2), (6850,6851,4), (6850,6892,6937), (6850,6906,2), (6853,6862,2), (6854,6883,2), (6856,7483,2), (6863,6952,2), (6868,6869,4), (6868,6885,6936), (6868,6934,2), (6868,6948,3), (6869,6938,3146), (6869,6948,6934), (6872,6904,5129), (6875,6917,2), (6875,6951,6889), (6876,6950,3), (6878,6881,2), (6880,6882,2), (6882,6941,5154), (6884,6993,5056), (6885,6930,5), (6885,6936,2), (6892,6937,2), (6893,6911,6964), (6893,6940,2), (6895,6908,3091), (6899,6905,6926), (6899,6985,2), (6902,6924,2), (6903,6942,6891), (6904,6992,10303), (6905,6963,6970), (6905,7491,5046), (6906,6937,6892), (6907,6935,2), (6909,6925,2), (6909,6932,6966), (6911,6947,2), (6912,6986,405), (6914,6917,6824), (6914,6951,2), (6916,10431,6839), (6919,6979,5056), (6922,6927,2), (6923,6950,2), (6924,6929,6944), (6925,6966,6932), (6928,6942,2), (6930,6948,6955), (6930,6955,2), (6932,6943,5), (6932,6966,2), (6934,6936,6885), (6934,6938,4), (6934,6987,6904), (6935,6988,6910), (6936,6955,631), (6938,6948,2), (6938,6955,6930), (6941,6961,2), (6943,6962,2), (6944,6967,2), (6949,6958,2), (6960,6972,2), (6962,6966,631), (6963,6970,2), (6985,7491,4), (6997,7485,2), (7381,11340,2), (7383,7404,2), (7388,11291,2), (7389,11292,2), (7390,7406,3091), (7391,7400,3091), (7392,7484,2), (7395,7408,3091), (7396,7488,10303), (7396,10565,2), (7399,7409,3091), (7401,7509,2), (7411,10431,2), (7464,7512,3520), (7470,11676,3), (7484,11403,11479), (7502,11250,3), (7509,7553,7394), (7509,7576,7401), (7511,7549,7557), (7538,7560,7520), (7540,7550,7533), (7553,9818,4), (7555,7574,7552), (7576,9818,7394), (7689,11750,11457), (7714,10691,2), (7761,7816,7795), (7783,7823,7774), (8226,8728,6991), (8227,10165,5550), (8357,8369,7866), (8550,11477,1992), (8703,11541,5068), (9778,10430,63), (9825,11479,7392), (10267,10532,10587), (10269,10531,10586), (10304,10565,10298), (10310,11500,100), (11015,11220,944), (11111,11112,2), (11291,11292,7819), (11293,11294,2), (11413,11414,7488)
As a point on the Euler line, X(21) has Shinagawa coefficients ($aSA$, abc - $aSA$).
The name of this point honors Kurt Schiffler.
Let A'B'C' be the incentral triangle of ABC, and let LA be the reflection of line B'C' in line BC; define LB and LC cyclically. The triangle formed by the lines LA, LB, LC is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(21). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Write I for the incenter; the Euler lines of the four triangles IBC, ICA, IAB, and ABC concur in X(21). This configuration extends to Kirikami-Schiffler points and generalizations found by Peter Moses, as introduced just before X(3648).
Let A'B'C' be the 2nd circumperp triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, and CC″ concur in X(21). (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the Feuerbach triangle. Let La be the tangent to the nine-point circle at A', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ be the isogonal conjugate of the trilinear pole of La, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Let A*B*C* be the circumcevian triangle, wrt A″B″C″, of X(1). The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(21). (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the 2nd circumperp triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Then A″, B″, C″ are collinear on line X(36)X(238) (the trilinear polar of X(81)). The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(21). (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
Let Oa be the reflection of the A-excircle in the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define Ob, Oc cyclically. Then X(21) is the radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc. (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
Let Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb be as in the construction of the Conway circle (see Let Oa be the circumcircle of AAbAc, and define Ob, Oc cyclically. X(21) is the radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc; see also X(8) and X(274). (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. X(21) is the radical center of the circles O(3,4) of triangles A'BC, B'CA, C'AB. (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Schiffler point.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Schiffler point.
Lev Emelyanov and Tatiana Emelyanova, A note on the Schiffler point, Forum Geometricorum 3 (2003) pages 113-116.
See Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, On a Conic Through Twelve Notable Points, Int. J. Adv. Math. and Mech. 7(2) (2019) 1-15.
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
A' = A-excenter, and define B' and C' cyclically
A'' = A'X(3)∩BC, and define B'' and C'' cyclically.
The lines AA'', BB'',CC'' concur in X(21). (Yuda Chen, April 13, 2022)
X(21) lies on these lines: {1, 31}, {2, 3}, {6, 941}, {7, 56}, {8, 55}, {9, 41}, {10, 35}, {11, 4996}, {12, 5080}, {15, 5362}, {16, 5367}, {19, 4288}, {32, 981}, {34, 17080}, {36, 79}, {37, 172}, {39, 33854}, {40, 3577}, {42, 4281}, {43, 37574}, {44, 4273}, {45, 3285}, {46, 17098}, {48, 15656}, {51, 970}, {57, 4652}, {60, 960}, {65, 4640}, {69, 10432}, {71, 4269}, {72, 943}, {73, 651}, {74, 34800}, {75, 272}, {76, 37670}, {77, 1394}, {84, 285}, {85, 3188}, {90, 224}, {92, 41227}, {99, 105}, {101, 3294}, {104, 110}, {106, 34594}, {107, 1295}, {108, 39435}, {109, 37558}, {112, 26703}, {119, 31659}, {125, 38612}, {141, 4265}, {142, 10123}, {144, 954}, {145, 956}, {149, 2894}, {162, 3194}, {177, 7587}, {183, 18135}, {184, 13323}, {187, 5277}, {193, 37492}, {194, 16998}, {198, 5296}, {200, 4866}, {210, 4420}, {214, 501}, {219, 2335}, {220, 40779}, {226, 37583}, {238, 256}, {243, 1896}, {261, 314}, {268, 280}, {270, 1172}, {286, 1441}, {294, 1212}, {307, 2062}, {321, 7283}, {323, 5453}, {329, 5703}, {332, 1036}, {355, 11491}, {385, 1655}, {386, 1724}, {387, 24597}, {388, 37579}, {390, 6601}, {391, 4254}, {394, 36746}, {476, 2687}, {484, 3754}, {495, 20060}, {497, 10527}, {498, 11681}, {499, 14793}, {511, 15988}, {514, 23775}, {515, 10902}, {516, 15909}, {517, 1389}, {518, 2346}, {519, 3746}, {527, 34917}, {529, 15888}, {535, 5270}, {551, 5557}, {572, 1765}, {593, 6051}, {603, 17074}, {612, 989}, {614, 988}, {643, 1320}, {644, 1334}, {645, 36798}, {662, 1156}, {667, 29150}, {672, 41239}, {691, 2752}, {740, 27368}, {741, 932}, {748, 978}, {750, 37603}, {756, 5293}, {757, 15569}, {849, 30576}, {884, 885}, {900, 42741}, {902, 5255}, {908, 12572}, {912, 24299}, {915, 925}, {930, 26707}, {934, 26702}, {936, 3305}, {938, 5744}, {940, 4252}, {942, 3218}, {944, 10267}, {946, 11012}, {950, 5745}, {952, 34352}, {961, 1402}, {962, 3428}, {965, 37504}, {966, 36744}, {976, 983}, {982, 28082}, {986, 3924}, {987, 2206}, {990, 9962}, {991, 37659}, {992, 5110}, {995, 15315}, {999, 3296}, {1019, 35355}, {1021, 23893}, {1030, 1213}, {1038, 1041}, {1039, 1040}, {1056, 10587}, {1058, 10529}, {1060, 1063}, {1061, 1062}, {1064, 3073}, {1078, 18140}, {1083, 3110}, {1104, 3666}, {1107, 1914}, {1149, 8421}, {1150, 10449}, {1152, 31473}, {1155, 3812}, {1183, 7058}, {1191, 40153}, {1201, 17187}, {1210, 41557}, {1211, 26064}, {1214, 1396}, {1220, 26115}, {1251, 5240}, {1254, 1758}, {1260, 20007}, {1261, 4723}, {1279, 16696}, {1290, 12030}, {1296, 9061}, {1304, 2694}, {1319, 1408}, {1329, 5432}, {1330, 3936}, {1335, 9678}, {1376, 5217}, {1392, 2098}, {1412, 1420}, {1414, 43736}, {1453, 5256}, {1466, 5435}, {1470, 5555}, {1475, 16503}, {1478, 10198}, {1479, 11680}, {1482, 14497}, {1500, 5291}, {1503, 26543}, {1610, 2217}, {1617, 3600}, {1626, 40462}, {1633, 24723}, {1682, 3271}, {1697, 3680}, {1698, 5010}, {1706, 35445}, {1709, 9961}, {1728, 41568}, {1761, 2294}, {1762, 18673}, {1764, 10451}, {1770, 12609}, {1781, 25081}, {1788, 11509}, {1798, 40454}, {1805, 30556}, {1806, 7133}, {1807, 35194}, {1808, 43748}, {1809, 36795}, {1834, 24883}, {1836, 28628}, {1837, 26066}, {1870, 37565}, {1936, 2654}, {1946, 4391}, {1975, 16992}, {1993, 36742}, {1994, 36750}, {2053, 7155}, {2077, 6684}, {2078, 10106}, {2096, 5553}, {2112, 39244}, {2136, 31509}, {2175, 35628}, {2183, 41263}, {2223, 16830}, {2238, 18755}, {2241, 16975}, {2269, 23640}, {2271, 37657}, {2274, 16690}, {2276, 4426}, {2280, 21384}, {2295, 17735}, {2310, 2648}, {2320, 5289}, {2341, 5549}, {2344, 3061}, {2417, 43737}, {2550, 7676}, {2551, 5218}, {2778, 12826}, {2782, 5985}, {2787, 16158}, {2802, 13143}, {2804, 14224}, {2886, 6284}, {2895, 41014}, {2906, 18455}, {2979, 37482}, {3006, 5015}, {3011, 13161}, {3035, 17100}, {3052, 5710}, {3053, 5275}, {3058, 3813}, {3060, 5752}, {3062, 5732}, {3074, 22350}, {3085, 3436}, {3086, 8071}, {3120, 24161}, {3178, 38456}, {3207, 5781}, {3208, 4390}, {3210, 19851}, {3216, 4256}, {3220, 4357}, {3241, 3303}, {3244, 5288}, {3254, 12053}, {3256, 4848}, {3270, 43746}, {3290, 16716}, {3293, 33771}, {3304, 5558}, {3306, 15803}, {3315, 3953}, {3333, 4666}, {3336, 5883}, {3337, 4973}, {3361, 10582}, {3419, 5791}, {3421, 10528}, {3423, 17206}, {3427, 5731}, {3434, 4294}, {3452, 27385}, {3453, 30115}, {3454, 25645}, {3467, 10176}, {3474, 28629}, {3476, 11510}, {3487, 5905}, {3488, 12649}, {3496, 5060}, {3501, 41423}, {3509, 21808}, {3551, 15485}, {3555, 3957}, {3565, 15344}, {3579, 3753}, {3583, 14794}, {3585, 3822}, {3586, 5705}, {3589, 5096}, {3614, 6668}, {3617, 5687}, {3618, 36741}, {3621, 7317}, {3623, 6767}, {3624, 5561}, {3632, 25439}, {3634, 9342}, {3635, 13602}, {3663, 17189}, {3670, 30117}, {3673, 16749}, {3678, 7161}, {3679, 8715}, {3681, 3811}, {3684, 3691}, {3689, 4662}, {3695, 32849}, {3701, 7081}, {3716, 8648}, {3720, 37607}, {3730, 14964}, {3731, 33628}, {3733, 23836}, {3737, 6615}, {3738, 35055}, {3742, 32636}, {3748, 34791}, {3757, 4968}, {3816, 5433}, {3825, 10090}, {3826, 26060}, {3827, 41582}, {3831, 32918}, {3833, 5131}, {3841, 4324}, {3870, 7160}, {3886, 4483}, {3895, 4853}, {3912, 24632}, {3920, 5266}, {3925, 15338}, {3928, 11518}, {3929, 3951}, {3931, 17016}, {3935, 34790}, {3948, 26243}, {3971, 8669}, {4005, 15481}, {4011, 25591}, {4026, 20872}, {4067, 41696}, {4084, 5425}, {4101, 4416}, {4129, 39577}, {4251, 16552}, {4253, 16783}, {4255, 4383}, {4257, 37522}, {4258, 37658}, {4293, 7742}, {4297, 12617}, {4302, 19854}, {4309, 31458}, {4314, 4847}, {4322, 9363}, {4326, 42015}, {4344, 21002}, {4359, 16817}, {4366, 26801}, {4385, 26227}, {4413, 19877}, {4418, 24850}, {4422, 30906}, {4423, 5204}, {4427, 17164}, {4436, 40625}, {4438, 36568}, {4482, 29699}, {4516, 4612}, {4518, 18265}, {4520, 6603}, {4558, 8759}, {4565, 9372}, {4567, 5377}, {4570, 24433}, {4646, 4689}, {4668, 4803}, {4679, 25681}, {4680, 30172}, {4857, 10707}, {4867, 5424}, {4881, 10308}, {4972, 34868}, {4995, 21031}, {5016, 33113}, {5044, 5440}, {5045, 29817}, {5082, 20075}, {5119, 14923}, {5124, 17398}, {5132, 17277}, {5138, 10477}, {5176, 10039}, {5179, 27068}, {5183, 10107}, {5211, 31108}, {5239, 33653}, {5263, 8053}, {5264, 30116}, {5278, 9534}, {5280, 25092}, {5281, 7080}, {5287, 37554}, {5294, 5314}, {5297, 37589}, {5300, 29641}, {5325, 12437}, {5414, 31453}, {5422, 36754}, {5438, 7308}, {5439, 27003}, {5444, 14800}, {5482, 33852}, {5484, 20999}, {5506, 13146}, {5535, 31870}, {5537, 43174}, {5554, 5657}, {5584, 9778}, {5587, 6796}, {5603, 11249}, {5686, 6600}, {5690, 11849}, {5692, 9275}, {5694, 37733}, {5697, 21398}, {5708, 23958}, {5709, 21165}, {5711, 17126}, {5719, 17484}, {5735, 11522}, {5777, 33597}, {5790, 32141}, {5795, 6735}, {5814, 33077}, {5818, 11499}, {5832, 12701}, {5836, 37568}, {5880, 30295}, {5882, 10031}, {5886, 16159}, {5901, 22765}, {5902, 15173}, {5903, 30147}, {5919, 11260}, {5943, 15489}, {6001, 23059}, {6043, 17015}, {6147, 17483}, {6211, 25024}, {6326, 20117}, {6361, 35239}, {6514, 30223}, {6516, 17095}, {6554, 32561}, {6595, 17643}, {6599, 21634}, {6626, 7261}, {6651, 27954}, {6667, 7294}, {6693, 25441}, {6713, 18861}, {6727, 15997}, {6737, 18249}, {6745, 18250}, {6762, 10389}, {7004, 40602}, {7049, 7361}, {7085, 26065}, {7100, 13486}, {7149, 8885}, {7173, 31260}, {7179, 25581}, {7191, 37592}, {7226, 36565}, {7253, 23189}, {7257, 8851}, {7259, 30618}, {7270, 33116}, {7284, 37618}, {7292, 37599}, {7330, 12528}, {7354, 25466}, {7373, 18490}, {7588, 8250}, {7595, 8225}, {7621, 32479}, {7680, 11827}, {7688, 31730}, {7713, 24611}, {7745, 37661}, {7750, 37664}, {7754, 17002}, {7783, 17000}, {7793, 16997}, {7967, 16202}, {8062, 23226}, {8109, 8391}, {8110, 8372}, {8185, 39582}, {8227, 16125}, {8273, 10429}, {8296, 16484}, {8568, 34867}, {8582, 10164}, {8686, 8690}, {8720, 24165}, {8760, 26641}, {8844, 33295}, {8847, 43747}, {8886, 41084}, {8932, 43751}, {8983, 19080}, {9579, 25525}, {9612, 31266}, {9656, 34739}, {9668, 31493}, {9670, 11235}, {9710, 34612}, {9956, 33862}, {9957, 38460}, {10085, 12669}, {10087, 12531}, {10157, 40262}, {10165, 12608}, {10167, 34862}, {10179, 20323}, {10197, 37719}, {10202, 26877}, {10246, 13465}, {10266, 12524}, {10305, 24558}, {10307, 38031}, {10309, 24556}, {10385, 43745}, {10390, 18164}, {10396, 41576}, {10435, 10444}, {10436, 18655}, {10454, 13478}, {10544, 40966}, {10571, 34027}, {10585, 10590}, {10595, 10680}, {10601, 36745}, {10679, 12245}, {10914, 24297}, {11231, 17619}, {11240, 42842}, {11374, 31053}, {11375, 18977}, {11376, 16142}, {11507, 18391}, {11544, 20084}, {11683, 25255}, {11752, 15788}, {11789, 15789}, {12388, 12390}, {12515, 13145}, {12522, 12538}, {12523, 12539}, {12527, 13405}, {12532, 12739}, {12607, 34606}, {12615, 15326}, {12641, 13278}, {12671, 37837}, {12699, 17173}, {12775, 37562}, {12913, 37737}, {12953, 31245}, {13100, 15325}, {13151, 13369}, {13205, 32157}, {13384, 15829}, {13397, 39439}, {13464, 34485}, {13887, 19014}, {13940, 19013}, {13971, 19079}, {14192, 37741}, {14496, 31663}, {14526, 16152}, {14547, 41243}, {14795, 37710}, {14803, 16154}, {14804, 37701}, {14882, 40663}, {15178, 37518}, {15179, 24928}, {15446, 17104}, {15654, 24552}, {15852, 25939}, {16020, 16752}, {16114, 27180}, {16153, 33593}, {16155, 30384}, {16466, 17127}, {16478, 17017}, {16502, 31449}, {16549, 24047}, {16566, 32118}, {16579, 33178}, {16678, 23383}, {16683, 16693}, {16684, 32922}, {16691, 23393}, {16712, 33955}, {16720, 24358}, {16780, 31429}, {16824, 32932}, {16826, 37609}, {16887, 17219}, {16974, 41269}, {16996, 20081}, {17019, 33774}, {17052, 25447}, {17054, 17595}, {17056, 24936}, {17123, 27627}, {17168, 41691}, {17171, 18589}, {17181, 27187}, {17202, 29097}, {17257, 24320}, {17349, 37502}, {17379, 37507}, {17496, 22160}, {17594, 25059}, {17596, 24443}, {17601, 24440}, {17609, 42819}, {17613, 31787}, {17733, 32915}, {17749, 37687}, {17756, 31448}, {17778, 20077}, {17811, 37501}, {18123, 34435}, {18228, 27383}, {18299, 31008}, {18357, 18524}, {18481, 22798}, {18623, 41402}, {18642, 26167}, {18645, 43177}, {18653, 24564}, {18990, 20067}, {19684, 19762}, {19701, 19759}, {19716, 19753}, {19732, 19760}, {19783, 44094}, {19784, 37557}, {19785, 19844}, {19786, 19841}, {19808, 19842}, {19822, 19845}, {19862, 25542}, {20018, 37652}, {20066, 31419}, {20470, 25508}, {20653, 33160}, {21044, 23907}, {21246, 27401}, {21321, 40605}, {22080, 35203}, {22344, 24627}, {22345, 38000}, {22369, 26045}, {22376, 27002}, {22753, 38306}, {22768, 31631}, {22935, 36865}, {23144, 34046}, {23181, 35097}, {23206, 26634}, {23369, 23843}, {23537, 33129}, {23864, 27527}, {24159, 33146}, {24392, 41864}, {24436, 24697}, {24467, 37615}, {24470, 26842}, {24512, 33863}, {24586, 29966}, {24602, 29968}, {24619, 26526}, {24700, 25371}, {24880, 31204}, {24931, 31247}, {25005, 26285}, {25055, 25056}, {25354, 34053}, {25500, 30949}, {26102, 37608}, {26128, 36505}, {26144, 39200}, {26241, 39581}, {26244, 27040}, {26321, 34773}, {26437, 41545}, {26487, 37821}, {26558, 26629}, {26728, 26729}, {26818, 42884}, {26878, 31837}, {26921, 37533}, {26932, 43735}, {27006, 34847}, {27025, 31020}, {27097, 27185}, {27804, 41813}, {28386, 41346}, {28612, 34886}, {28813, 30847}, {29632, 30984}, {30302, 30387}, {30303, 30388}, {30304, 30363}, {31157, 37722}, {31393, 36846}, {31546, 31549}, {32010, 40415}, {32456, 36812}, {32919, 35633}, {32937, 36507}, {33297, 34016}, {33668, 37535}, {33814, 34122}, {33860, 34123}, {33925, 34610}, {34124, 38619}, {34277, 39167}, {34545, 37509}, {35658, 35660}, {36607, 38249}, {37503, 37654}, {37605, 41695}, {38722, 38752}, {38859, 40719}, {40457, 41364}, {41592, 41728}, {41601, 41734}, {41604, 41739}, {41606, 41741}
X(21) is the {X(2),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(404). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(21), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(21) = midpoint of X(1) and X(191)
X(21) = reflection of X(3651) in X(3)
X(21) = isogonal conjugate of X(65)
X(21) = isotomic conjugate of X(1441)
X(21) = circumcircle-inverse of X(1325)
X(21) = polar-circle-inverse of X(37982)
X(21) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of complement of X(37959)
X(21) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of anticomplement of X(37959)
X(21) = complement of X(2475)
X(21) = anticomplement of X(442)
X(21) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (86,81), (261,333)
X(21) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,3), (9,55), (1805,1806)
X(21) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,29), (3,283), (9,333), (55,284), (58,285), (284,81), (522,100)
X(21) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {86,333}, {1805,1806}
X(21) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1046), (42,1400), (1254,1425), (1402,1409)
X(21) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(647)X(661)
X(21) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,448), (3,416), (4,425)
X(21) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,58), (99,21), (643,21), (1043,1043), (1098,21)
X(21) = intersection of tangents at X(1) and X(3) to the Stammler hyperbola
X(21) = X(54)-of-2nd-circumperp-triangle
X(21) = X(3574)-of-excentral-triangle
X(21) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(3) wrt the excentral triangle
X(21) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(3) wrt the tangential triangle
X(21) = trilinear pole of line X(521)X(650)
X(21) = similitude center of ABC and X(1)-Brocard triangle
X(21) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,226), (75,1402)
X(21) = {X(1),X(63)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3868)
X(21) = perspector of 2nd circumperp triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd circumperp triangle
X(21) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 1st Conway triangle
X(21) = perspector of Gemini triangles 1 and 8
X(21) = barycentric product of Feuerbach hyperbola intercepts of line X(2)X(6)
As a point on the Euler line, X(22) has Shinagawa coefficients (E + 2F, -2E - 2F).
X(22) is the perspector of the circummedial triangle and the tangential triangle; also X(22) = X(55)-of-the-tangential triangle if ABC is acute. See the note just before X(1601) for a generalization.
Let La be the polar of X(3) wrt the A-power circle, and define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, B' = Lc∩La, C' = La∩Lb. The triangle A'B'C' is homothetic to the anticomplementary triangle, and the center of homothety is X(22). (Randy Hutson, September 5, 2015)
For a generalization and related references, see Peter Csiba and László Nément, Mathematics 2021: "Some Properties of the Exeter Transformation". The Exeter transformation is closely related to TCC Perspectors, introducted in 2003 in the preamble just before X(1601). This subject is developed in I. Minevich and P. Morton, International Journal of Geometry 2017, "Synthetic foundations of cevian geometry, IV"
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Exeter point.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Exeter point.
X(22) lies on these lines: {1, 5310}, {2, 3}, {6, 251}, {8, 8193}, {9, 5314}, {10, 8185}, {11, 9673}, {12, 9658}, {31, 5329}, {32, 1194}, {35, 612}, {36, 614}, {40, 9626}, {42, 37576}, {49, 16266}, {51, 182}, {52, 7592}, {54, 36747}, {55, 3100}, {56, 977}, {57, 7293}, {63, 3220}, {64, 11440}, {66, 34177}, {68, 32048}, {69, 159}, {74, 2931}, {75, 21407}, {76, 1799}, {81, 36740}, {83, 41928}, {97, 19189}, {98, 925}, {99, 305}, {100, 197}, {105, 13397}, {107, 15466}, {110, 154}, {111, 2079}, {112, 3162}, {114, 23217}, {125, 41674}, {127, 11605}, {132, 35969}, {141, 20987}, {143, 36753}, {145, 8192}, {146, 9919}, {147, 9861}, {148, 13175}, {149, 13222}, {153, 9913}, {155, 1614}, {156, 6101}, {157, 183}, {160, 325}, {161, 343}, {165, 9590}, {184, 511}, {187, 1196}, {193, 19119}, {194, 9917}, {195, 12226}, {198, 27396}, {206, 3313}, {216, 10311}, {220, 26911}, {221, 19367}, {230, 8553}, {232, 577}, {238, 27661}, {262, 40393}, {264, 1629}, {280, 7172}, {315, 23208}, {316, 14558}, {321, 23847}, {323, 3167}, {324, 33971}, {347, 1617}, {348, 39732}, {353, 11173}, {371, 9683}, {373, 17508}, {385, 3164}, {386, 9571}, {388, 10831}, {389, 10984}, {390, 16541}, {399, 12219}, {476, 2697}, {477, 16167}, {485, 35776}, {486, 35777}, {487, 9921}, {488, 9922}, {491, 26307}, {492, 26306}, {497, 10832}, {515, 15177}, {519, 37546}, {524, 35707}, {543, 3455}, {567, 39522}, {569, 5446}, {573, 9570}, {574, 9699}, {575, 15004}, {576, 13366}, {595, 2922}, {599, 19596}, {616, 9916}, {617, 9915}, {627, 22657}, {628, 22656}, {638, 8996}, {669, 6563}, {675, 1305}, {689, 40362}, {842, 10420}, {901, 10016}, {907, 40189}, {930, 15959}, {940, 4265}, {956, 33090}, {958, 9712}, {962, 9911}, {991, 1790}, {999, 17024}, {1001, 20988}, {1007, 44180}, {1030, 5275}, {1040, 24611}, {1069, 9638}, {1078, 40022}, {1092, 10282}, {1112, 19154}, {1147, 9707}, {1151, 9694}, {1152, 12224}, {1154, 18445}, {1181, 5889}, {1184, 1627}, {1192, 43601}, {1199, 37493}, {1216, 10539}, {1225, 2934}, {1269, 23365}, {1270, 5594}, {1271, 5595}, {1289, 39436}, {1294, 1302}, {1295, 9058}, {1296, 14657}, {1311, 41906}, {1324, 7081}, {1351, 1994}, {1352, 31383}, {1369, 11641}, {1376, 9713}, {1383, 5024}, {1384, 5354}, {1407, 26910}, {1437, 37482}, {1460, 17126}, {1473, 3218}, {1486, 1621}, {1495, 3098}, {1498, 2917}, {1602, 1626}, {1603, 2933}, {1605, 2925}, {1606, 2926}, {1609, 7735}, {1611, 5023}, {1612, 7742}, {1613, 2076}, {1615, 2919}, {1616, 2920}, {1620, 2929}, {1634, 6148}, {1637, 25644}, {1661, 38918}, {1670, 8881}, {1671, 8880}, {1691, 3981}, {1714, 5358}, {1760, 4123}, {1843, 9813}, {1853, 23293}, {1899, 3580}, {1915, 3094}, {1972, 40870}, {1974, 11574}, {1975, 8024}, {1992, 32621}, {2000, 21370}, {2056, 5104}, {2077, 36984}, {2172, 4456}, {2178, 26242}, {2192, 11446}, {2194, 4259}, {2370, 9059}, {2393, 27365}, {2493, 38872}, {2693, 9060}, {2770, 14729}, {2777, 22109}, {2782, 5986}, {2799, 42659}, {2888, 9920}, {2896, 9918}, {2923, 24303}, {2924, 24304}, {2930, 14682}, {2932, 35221}, {2967, 23606}, {2975, 22654}, {3006, 23361}, {3007, 18613}, {3011, 36152}, {3051, 5017}, {3052, 5078}, {3066, 11451}, {3085, 10037}, {3086, 10046}, {3124, 38880}, {3197, 11445}, {3219, 7085}, {3291, 5206}, {3292, 44110}, {3295, 9538}, {3410, 18440}, {3434, 10829}, {3436, 10830}, {3447, 5968}, {3448, 12310}, {3504, 8782}, {3556, 3869}, {3563, 13398}, {3567, 36752}, {3576, 9625}, {3592, 34516}, {3594, 34515}, {3616, 11365}, {3648, 16119}, {3681, 12329}, {3705, 15654}, {3721, 21771}, {3734, 8891}, {3736, 44118}, {3746, 9643}, {3757, 23850}, {3781, 26885}, {3784, 26884}, {3819, 5651}, {3868, 37547}, {3870, 40910}, {3871, 20020}, {3873, 22769}, {3926, 40123}, {3955, 26892}, {3964, 37668}, {4057, 20294}, {4252, 33774}, {4260, 5320}, {4383, 5096}, {4440, 24822}, {4549, 32111}, {4550, 16194}, {5010, 5268}, {5013, 9608}, {5050, 9777}, {5085, 5640}, {5092, 5943}, {5093, 16981}, {5134, 24054}, {5138, 40952}, {5157, 9969}, {5172, 29665}, {5188, 42671}, {5191, 38553}, {5201, 14614}, {5204, 7292}, {5217, 5297}, {5272, 7280}, {5276, 36744}, {5304, 8573}, {5324, 24597}, {5406, 12305}, {5407, 12306}, {5408, 11825}, {5409, 8989}, {5412, 11514}, {5413, 11513}, {5462, 13336}, {5480, 37649}, {5523, 13854}, {5552, 26309}, {5562, 6759}, {5601, 8190}, {5602, 8191}, {5621, 9140}, {5687, 33091}, {5695, 23848}, {5706, 41723}, {5858, 14179}, {5859, 14173}, {5864, 11126}, {5865, 11127}, {5866, 19583}, {5890, 37489}, {5897, 9064}, {5907, 26883}, {5921, 39879}, {5938, 6031}, {5966, 14656}, {5976, 14713}, {5987, 13188}, {6090, 8780}, {6193, 9908}, {6194, 22655}, {6198, 9645}, {6200, 8854}, {6221, 9695}, {6223, 9910}, {6224, 9912}, {6225, 9914}, {6241, 8718}, {6243, 12161}, {6284, 9672}, {6337, 40125}, {6360, 20999}, {6396, 8855}, {6462, 8194}, {6463, 8195}, {6467, 40318}, {6480, 32567}, {6481, 32574}, {6503, 7710}, {6515, 6776}, {6527, 15589}, {6560, 18289}, {6561, 18290}, {6688, 22112}, {6781, 9745}, {7071, 9539}, {7083, 17127}, {7193, 26893}, {7262, 24436}, {7354, 9659}, {7585, 19006}, {7586, 19005}, {7669, 8667}, {7689, 10575}, {7750, 15270}, {7754, 8267}, {7761, 21248}, {7774, 20775}, {7779, 20794}, {7781, 19568}, {7787, 10790}, {7802, 16275}, {7823, 8878}, {7842, 30747}, {7878, 42037}, {7893, 19597}, {7910, 30785}, {7998, 17811}, {7999, 43598}, {8053, 20291}, {8125, 8131}, {8126, 8132}, {8276, 9540}, {8277, 13935}, {8280, 35820}, {8281, 35821}, {8546, 8584}, {8588, 20481}, {8591, 9876}, {8680, 24321}, {8717, 14855}, {8743, 10316}, {8793, 19613}, {8879, 41361}, {8903, 8904}, {8911, 26875}, {8939, 19406}, {8943, 19407}, {8972, 13889}, {9056, 41904}, {9057, 41905}, {9070, 39435}, {9084, 20187}, {9123, 34519}, {9209, 39228}, {9536, 11406}, {9537, 10306}, {9732, 10132}, {9733, 10133}, {9744, 23195}, {9781, 43651}, {9786, 10574}, {9833, 14516}, {9865, 23173}, {9874, 12411}, {9924, 12272}, {9927, 11750}, {9934, 12825}, {9937, 11411}, {9967, 44077}, {10192, 11064}, {10203, 13423}, {10263, 32046}, {10314, 10979}, {10330, 25046}, {10519, 14826}, {10527, 26308}, {10528, 10834}, {10529, 10835}, {10540, 15068}, {10541, 12834}, {10545, 31860}, {10546, 41424}, {10602, 37784}, {10605, 15072}, {10606, 11454}, {10641, 11516}, {10642, 11515}, {10733, 19457}, {10982, 13434}, {11012, 36986}, {11061, 32262}, {11174, 41328}, {11202, 36987}, {11245, 37644}, {11363, 37613}, {11422, 11477}, {11424, 13598}, {11433, 25406}, {11439, 15811}, {11443, 17813}, {11444, 17814}, {11447, 17819}, {11448, 17820}, {11449, 17821}, {11452, 17826}, {11453, 17827}, {11455, 11472}, {11456, 13754}, {11457, 12359}, {11459, 14157}, {11464, 37483}, {11480, 37776}, {11481, 37775}, {11511, 44102}, {11550, 21243}, {11580, 15655}, {11610, 22075}, {11629, 14184}, {11630, 14183}, {11643, 33998}, {11671, 14652}, {11820, 35450}, {11898, 14683}, {12017, 15018}, {12118, 19908}, {12160, 19347}, {12164, 43605}, {12203, 40814}, {12221, 12978}, {12222, 12979}, {12256, 12972}, {12257, 12973}, {12270, 17835}, {12271, 17836}, {12273, 17838}, {12274, 17839}, {12275, 17842}, {12276, 17840}, {12277, 17843}, {12278, 17845}, {12280, 17846}, {12284, 15085}, {12289, 12293}, {12383, 12412}, {12384, 12413}, {12414, 12849}, {12429, 34799}, {12824, 15462}, {12827, 36201}, {12893, 16111}, {13009, 13055}, {13010, 13056}, {13015, 17841}, {13016, 17844}, {13289, 16163}, {13321, 15037}, {13330, 14153}, {13340, 22115}, {13346, 13367}, {13348, 43652}, {13352, 18475}, {13394, 23292}, {13421, 32136}, {13567, 18911}, {13630, 37490}, {13638, 44192}, {13678, 13680}, {13758, 44193}, {13798, 13800}, {13858, 36329}, {13859, 35751}, {13941, 13943}, {14370, 17042}, {14389, 31670}, {14547, 22390}, {14577, 15355}, {14602, 43183}, {14673, 34186}, {14793, 24239}, {14852, 25739}, {14927, 32064}, {15024, 15805}, {15033, 37506}, {15043, 37514}, {15053, 20791}, {15060, 33533}, {15069, 15581}, {15109, 31489}, {15241, 31842}, {15302, 15815}, {15360, 43273}, {15512, 33495}, {15513, 40350}, {15520, 44111}, {15578, 23332}, {15588, 35213}, {15801, 19468}, {15812, 26156}, {15931, 30265}, {16030, 43768}, {16102, 39346}, {16261, 32620}, {16318, 42459}, {16472, 31757}, {16681, 23339}, {16989, 40981}, {16990, 22062}, {16998, 18666}, {17018, 37580}, {17093, 38859}, {17150, 20247}, {17165, 20249}, {17824, 32338}, {17837, 22534}, {17907, 41375}, {18124, 34436}, {18287, 39653}, {18392, 18405}, {18436, 32139}, {18438, 34397}, {18616, 20911}, {18617, 33936}, {18912, 41587}, {19122, 19132}, {19131, 39588}, {19137, 44091}, {19153, 22151}, {19167, 19180}, {19357, 34148}, {19412, 19430}, {19413, 19431}, {19588, 20080}, {19724, 19759}, {19725, 19760}, {19785, 41230}, {19798, 19841}, {19799, 19842}, {19835, 19845}, {20045, 20222}, {20127, 32227}, {20676, 28395}, {20878, 23385}, {20998, 21001}, {21072, 29065}, {21167, 35283}, {21368, 24430}, {22089, 30474}, {22135, 34137}, {22241, 32817}, {22647, 22658}, {22676, 35278}, {22802, 23358}, {23061, 37672}, {23115, 39575}, {23128, 41480}, {23216, 36849}, {23368, 23374}, {23380, 26232}, {23381, 32929}, {23383, 26230}, {23843, 26227}, {23864, 26248}, {23958, 26866}, {24163, 30117}, {24686, 25343}, {25335, 34437}, {25524, 29666}, {26228, 37579}, {26275, 39478}, {26302, 26394}, {26303, 26418}, {26304, 26494}, {26305, 26503}, {26895, 26909}, {26912, 26953}, {26913, 26958}, {29680, 37564}, {30270, 36212}, {30435, 34482}, {32248, 32276}, {32354, 32357}, {32379, 41590}, {32458, 39644}, {32762, 38227}, {32911, 36741}, {33854, 36743}, {33974, 37667}, {34013, 36521}, {34247, 36559}, {34424, 36836}, {34425, 36843}, {34565, 39561}, {34809, 37689}, {34966, 41615}, {35260, 37669}, {35325, 38663}, {36988, 37813}, {37492, 37685}, {37511, 44080}, {37516, 44085}, {37517, 44109}, {37779, 39899}, {38738, 39854}, {38749, 39825}, {39172, 40358}, {39807, 39820}, {39836, 39849}, {40120, 44064}, {40643, 41262}, {41447, 41468}, {41448, 41469}, {41594, 41730}, {41602, 41736}, {41605, 41740}, {41612, 41743}, {43816, 43829}
X(22) is the {X(3),X(25)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(22), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(22) = reflection of X(378) in X(3)
X(22) = isogonal conjugate of X(66)
X(22) = isotomic conjugate of X(18018)
X(22) = complement of X(7391)
X(22) = anticomplement of X(427)
X(22) = circumcircle-inverse of X(858)
X(22) = polar-circle-inverse of X(37981)
X(22) = X(76)-Ceva conjugate of X(6)
X(22) = cevapoint of X(3) and X(159)
X(22) = crosspoint of X(99) and X(250)
X(22) = crosssum of X(125) and X(512)
X(22) = crossdifference of every pair of points on the line X(647)X(826)
X(22) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (643,345), (833,22)
X(22) = pole, with respect to circumcircle, of the de Longchamps line
X(22) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(206)
X(22) = tangential isogonal conjugate of X(6)
X(22) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(159) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(22) = homothetic center of the tangential triangle and the orthic triangle of the anticomplementary triangle
X(22) = insimilicenter of circumcircle and tangential circle when ABC is acute
X(22) = exsimilicenter of circumcircle and tangential circle when ABC is obtuse
X(22) = inverse-in-de-Longchamps-circle of X(5189)
X(22) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(2072)
X(22) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(2353)
X(22) = trilinear pole of line X(2485)X(8673)
X(22) = homothetic center of anticomplementary and Ara triangles
X(22) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(5654)
X(22) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(11459)
X(22) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(14376)
As a point on the Euler line, X(23) has Shinagawa coefficients (E + 4F, -4E - 4F).
Let A'B'C' be the antipedal triangle of X(3) (the tangential triangle). The circumcircles of AA'X(3), BB'X(3), CC'X(3) concur in two points: X(3) and X(23). (Randy Hutson, October 13, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the anti-orthocentroidal triangle. Let A″ be the reflection of A' in line BC, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Then X(23) is the centroid of A″B″C″; see X(9140), X(11002). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Far-out point.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view Far-out point.
X(23) lies on the Parry circle, anti-Brocard circle, anti-McCay circumcircle, and these lines: {2, 3}, {6, 353}, {8, 8185}, {10, 9591}, {15, 11629}, {16, 11630}, {31, 5363}, {32, 5354}, {35, 5297}, {36, 5370}, {49, 10263}, {50, 2493}, {51, 575}, {52, 1614}, {54, 5446}, {55, 5160}, {56, 7286}, {61, 34395}, {62, 34394}, {67, 8262}, {69, 20987}, {74, 9060}, {75, 21408}, {76, 26233}, {94, 98}, {99, 2770}, {100, 2752}, {105, 1290}, {107, 2697}, {108, 37798}, {110, 323}, {111, 187}, {112, 14580}, {114, 40604}, {125, 29012}, {137, 14652}, {141, 32218}, {143, 1199}, {145, 9798}, {146, 2931}, {147, 39828}, {148, 19577}, {154, 1993}, {156, 6243}, {157, 17008}, {159, 193}, {160, 7777}, {161, 6515}, {182, 5640}, {183, 2453}, {184, 576}, {194, 15652}, {195, 14449}, {206, 18882}, {216, 10985}, {230, 11063}, {232, 250}, {238, 27679}, {251, 1194}, {262, 7578}, {316, 5099}, {324, 1629}, {325, 3447}, {343, 3410}, {351, 9213}, {352, 2502}, {373, 5092}, {385, 523}, {388, 9658}, {390, 10833}, {394, 35264}, {477, 1302}, {497, 9673}, {512, 9138}, {515, 9625}, {516, 9590}, {524, 2930}, {530, 13859}, {531, 13858}, {542, 15360}, {568, 15032}, {569, 9781}, {574, 15302}, {577, 15355}, {598, 11628}, {612, 7298}, {614, 5345}, {647, 13114}, {667, 9980}, {671, 3455}, {675, 2690}, {689, 14603}, {895, 1177}, {896, 24436}, {925, 40118}, {935, 2373}, {946, 9626}, {1030, 37675}, {1078, 26235}, {1112, 18449}, {1147, 26882}, {1151, 33502}, {1152, 33503}, {1154, 5609}, {1173, 11692}, {1176, 9969}, {1180, 7772}, {1184, 22331}, {1196, 1627}, {1204, 12279}, {1216, 43598}, {1283, 3724}, {1287, 9076}, {1291, 5966}, {1296, 10102}, {1297, 1304}, {1300, 16167}, {1311, 2689}, {1324, 37764}, {1350, 15066}, {1351, 11004}, {1379, 6141}, {1380, 6142}, {1384, 40126}, {1460, 30652}, {1473, 23958}, {1486, 20061}, {1493, 16982}, {1501, 3981}, {1503, 3448}, {1511, 37477}, {1531, 22109}, {1533, 2777}, {1587, 35776}, {1588, 35777}, {1609, 37689}, {1621, 20988}, {1634, 7840}, {1691, 3124}, {1692, 39024}, {1799, 3456}, {1843, 19121}, {1853, 15579}, {1915, 20859}, {1916, 17938}, {1974, 11511}, {1975, 9464}, {1976, 13137}, {2076, 3231}, {2079, 5913}, {2080, 5191}, {2353, 40232}, {2421, 33928}, {2452, 7766}, {2459, 7599}, {2460, 7598}, {2492, 10561}, {2548, 9700}, {2549, 9699}, {2550, 9713}, {2551, 9712}, {2687, 9058}, {2688, 9057}, {2691, 9061}, {2692, 9083}, {2693, 9064}, {2694, 9107}, {2695, 9056}, {2696, 9084}, {2758, 9059}, {2766, 26703}, {2780, 32222}, {2781, 15139}, {2782, 5987}, {2854, 12367}, {2888, 12134}, {2916, 3589}, {2917, 16252}, {2936, 8591}, {2967, 16978}, {2979, 9306}, {2981, 10613}, {3043, 20773}, {3047, 15647}, {3055, 15109}, {3066, 5085}, {3098, 5651}, {3218, 3220}, {3219, 5285}, {3240, 37576}, {3303, 10149}, {3304, 17024}, {3314, 16335}, {3457, 36759}, {3458, 36760}, {3563, 10420}, {3564, 12310}, {3565, 40119}, {3581, 5663}, {3600, 18954}, {3617, 8193}, {3620, 37485}, {3621, 12410}, {3622, 11365}, {3623, 8192}, {3704, 33091}, {3743, 3746}, {3767, 33802}, {3796, 5422}, {3849, 14682}, {3934, 10130}, {3935, 40910}, {4265, 37633}, {4442, 23848}, {4550, 16261}, {5017, 9463}, {5028, 44116}, {5029, 41185}, {5032, 32621}, {5038, 13410}, {5078, 16686}, {5096, 37680}, {5097, 44109}, {5106, 5162}, {5111, 20976}, {5134, 24055}, {5143, 6187}, {5158, 10311}, {5166, 32740}, {5168, 41183}, {5171, 38528}, {5205, 26262}, {5206, 39576}, {5210, 20481}, {5225, 9672}, {5229, 9659}, {5261, 10831}, {5274, 10832}, {5304, 16303}, {5314, 27065}, {5322, 5563}, {5329, 17127}, {5347, 32911}, {5358, 24883}, {5412, 11418}, {5413, 11417}, {5462, 38848}, {5467, 5968}, {5480, 13394}, {5520, 26231}, {5523, 8428}, {5607, 9163}, {5608, 9162}, {5642, 19924}, {5643, 5943}, {5650, 14810}, {5866, 14360}, {5888, 15082}, {5889, 6759}, {5907, 7691}, {5921, 37488}, {5938, 20099}, {5944, 37472}, {5965, 24981}, {5972, 29317}, {5978, 14368}, {5979, 14369}, {5984, 9861}, {5986, 38664}, {5990, 26249}, {5991, 26277}, {6000, 15054}, {6038, 33997}, {6054, 36829}, {6090, 33878}, {6101, 18350}, {6104, 6109}, {6105, 6108}, {6151, 10614}, {6153, 10203}, {6193, 32048}, {6403, 44080}, {6453, 8854}, {6454, 8855}, {6530, 37766}, {6566, 7602}, {6567, 7601}, {6593, 9019}, {6776, 37644}, {6781, 10418}, {6795, 16311}, {7083, 30653}, {7291, 37782}, {7293, 27003}, {7295, 17126}, {7665, 14712}, {7669, 22329}, {7684, 8838}, {7685, 8836}, {7689, 12290}, {7711, 9155}, {7728, 32227}, {7735, 16306}, {7736, 9609}, {7738, 9608}, {7767, 34992}, {7779, 16316}, {7782, 11059}, {7783, 31088}, {7785, 23208}, {7806, 33801}, {7816, 30749}, {7823, 15270}, {7825, 30747}, {7885, 31076}, {7911, 30785}, {7928, 31124}, {8024, 16276}, {8290, 38998}, {8538, 44077}, {8542, 11188}, {8585, 8588}, {8586, 39689}, {8593, 9966}, {8596, 9876}, {8644, 9137}, {8680, 24322}, {8717, 37470}, {8718, 40647}, {8744, 10317}, {8859, 16092}, {8996, 43133}, {9070, 12030}, {9123, 11616}, {9135, 9212}, {9140, 11645}, {9157, 15562}, {9185, 14270}, {9189, 39477}, {9301, 9999}, {9420, 22734}, {9534, 9571}, {9535, 9570}, {9538, 9645}, {9540, 9683}, {9541, 9682}, {9542, 9695}, {9543, 9694}, {9545, 9707}, {9780, 37557}, {9827, 11817}, {9833, 34799}, {9871, 9879}, {9911, 20070}, {9912, 20085}, {9917, 20081}, {9918, 20088}, {9921, 12221}, {9922, 12222}, {9924, 40318}, {9968, 41715}, {9971, 19127}, {9972, 41713}, {9979, 42659}, {10046, 14986}, {10095, 13353}, {10110, 13434}, {10282, 34148}, {10329, 20965}, {10330, 12215}, {10355, 13492}, {10528, 26309}, {10529, 26308}, {10539, 11412}, {10541, 10601}, {10564, 15035}, {10641, 11421}, {10642, 11420}, {10721, 12893}, {10722, 39825}, {10723, 39854}, {10733, 13289}, {10984, 15043}, {11064, 15448}, {11078, 41023}, {11092, 41022}, {11130, 14539}, {11131, 14538}, {11134, 36980}, {11137, 36978}, {11141, 11549}, {11142, 11537}, {11381, 11440}, {11402, 11482}, {11416, 44102}, {11438, 15072}, {11441, 17834}, {11442, 31383}, {11449, 13346}, {11451, 43650}, {11456, 37489}, {11459, 15052}, {11464, 13352}, {11472, 41398}, {11550, 23293}, {11557, 40640}, {11574, 41464}, {11643, 34320}, {11671, 15959}, {11793, 43614}, {11809, 26228}, {12111, 26883}, {12160, 14530}, {12254, 12370}, {12307, 31834}, {12319, 32123}, {12359, 16659}, {12364, 12380}, {12384, 14731}, {13175, 20094}, {13203, 32125}, {13222, 20095}, {13336, 15024}, {13339, 13363}, {13349, 41473}, {13350, 41472}, {13366, 21849}, {13367, 13598}, {13391, 22115}, {13445, 15021}, {13451, 15038}, {13470, 43821}, {13474, 15062}, {13754, 14094}, {13851, 15044}, {14173, 37786}, {14174, 25225}, {14179, 37785}, {14180, 25226}, {14262, 38338}, {14611, 25045}, {14669, 38679}, {14671, 15564}, {14703, 34549}, {14704, 15753}, {14705, 15754}, {14805, 34513}, {14906, 30541}, {14918, 20625}, {14927, 37643}, {14984, 40114}, {14996, 36740}, {14997, 36741}, {15004, 22234}, {15026, 37471}, {15028, 37515}, {15033, 18475}, {15034, 43574}, {15039, 40111}, {15059, 29323}, {15068, 37494}, {15077, 34438}, {15361, 20126}, {15516, 44107}, {15574, 15589}, {15577, 35260}, {15655, 21448}, {15786, 39371}, {15801, 32379}, {16119, 20084}, {16166, 29011}, {16186, 30510}, {16187, 33879}, {16272, 33925}, {16313, 40896}, {16321, 16990}, {16324, 16989}, {16332, 29831}, {16463, 36211}, {16464, 36210}, {16510, 41720}, {16760, 23217}, {16776, 32154}, {16823, 26261}, {16835, 43689}, {16836, 43584}, {16881, 43845}, {17100, 37762}, {17128, 31078}, {17497, 18617}, {17508, 22112}, {17984, 23962}, {18125, 34437}, {18487, 41358}, {18860, 38704}, {19128, 44084}, {19189, 43768}, {20079, 34207}, {20080, 37491}, {20185, 23096}, {21009, 23406}, {21401, 34424}, {21402, 34425}, {21659, 41482}, {21766, 31884}, {21969, 34986}, {21970, 26869}, {22113, 22657}, {22114, 22656}, {22239, 34168}, {22687, 25233}, {22689, 25234}, {23395, 23862}, {24164, 30117}, {24650, 44123}, {24651, 44124}, {24687, 25344}, {25328, 35218}, {25739, 36253}, {27866, 41671}, {30716, 30737}, {31606, 38337}, {31652, 38862}, {31817, 43609}, {32171, 37495}, {32235, 40291}, {32239, 32257}, {32428, 38552}, {32479, 42008}, {32609, 37496}, {32624, 37761}, {32625, 37763}, {32739, 41323}, {33155, 41230}, {33582, 33861}, {33873, 36213}, {34137, 38356}, {34224, 41587}, {35266, 40112}, {35356, 39099}, {35360, 41204}, {36201, 41603}, {36414, 36417}, {36849, 39644}, {36990, 37638}, {37538, 37685}, {37801, 38971}, {38225, 38611}, {38672, 38678}, {40130, 41413}, {40911, 40917}, {41583, 41721}, {41596, 41732}, {41607, 41742}, {41613, 41744}, {43829, 43838}
X(23) is the {X(22),X(25)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(23), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(23) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (110,1495), (323,110), (691,187), (858,468)
X(23) = isogonal conjugate of X(67)
X(23) = isotomic conjugate of X(18019)
X(23) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(2)
X(23) = anticomplement of X(858)
X(23) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(2892)
X(23) = crosspoint of X(111) and X(251)
X(23) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (125,690), (141,524)
X(23) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(39)X(647)
X(23) = complement of X(5189)
X(23) = perspector of ABC and reflection of circummedial triangle in the Euler line
X(23) = antigonal image of X(316)
X(23) = trilinear pole of line X(2492)X(6593)
X(23) = reflection of X(858) in the orthic axis
X(23) = reflection of X(110) in the Lemoine axis
X(23) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(22151)
X(23) = X(352)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(23) = X(110)-of-1st-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(23) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(2930) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(23) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(2)
X(23) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(427)
X(23) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(5)
X(23) = inverse-in-de-Longchamps-circle of X(1370)
X(23) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(3455)
X(23) = common radical trace of similitude circles of pairs of the Stammler circles
X(23) = one of two harmonic traces of Ehrmann circles; the other is X(6)
X(23) = X(111)-of-anti-McCay-triangle
X(23) = X(691)-of-1st-Parry-triangle
X(23) = X(842)-of-2nd-Parry-triangle
X(23) = X(1296)-of-3rd-Parry-triangle
X(23) = inverse-in-Parry-isodynamic-circle of X(352) (see X(2))
X(23) = X(111)-of-4th-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(23) = similitude center of anti-McCay and 4th anti-Brocard triangles
X(23) = anti-Artzt-to-4th-anti-Brocard similarity image of X(110)
X(23) = intersection of de Longchamps lines of 1st and 2nd Ehrmann circumscribing triangles
X(23) = intersection of orthic axes of antipedal triangles of PU(1)
X(23) = intersection of de Longchamps lines of anticevian triangles of PU(4)
X(23) = circumtangential isogonal conjugate of X(32305)
X(23) = inverse of X(33502) in the Lucas circles radical circle
X(23) = inverse of X(33503) in the Lucas(-1) circles radical circle
X(23) = trilinear pole, wrt 1st Parry triangle, of line X(110)X(1296)
X(23) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(34897)
X(23) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8791)
As a point on the Euler line, X(24) has Shinagawa coefficients (2F, -E - 2F).
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let A″ = inverse-in-circumcircle of A', and define B'' and C'' cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(24). (Randy Hutson, September 5, 2015)
X(24) = homothetic center of the tangential triangle and the triangle obtained by reflecting X(4) in the sidelines of ABC.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(24).
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(24).
X(24) lies on these lines: {1, 1061}, {2, 3}, {6, 54}, {10, 15177}, {11, 9672}, {12, 9659}, {15, 10642}, {16, 10641}, {19, 2337}, {32, 232}, {33, 35}, {34, 36}, {39, 10311}, {40, 9625}, {49, 568}, {51, 578}, {52, 1147}, {53, 8553}, {55, 6197}, {56, 1870}, {58, 3192}, {60, 36742}, {61, 8739}, {62, 8740}, {64, 74}, {66, 34439}, {68, 3580}, {69, 37488}, {70, 34438}, {96, 847}, {98, 1289}, {99, 39828}, {101, 41320}, {102, 41401}, {104, 3435}, {107, 1093}, {108, 915}, {110, 155}, {111, 8428}, {112, 2079}, {113, 12893}, {114, 39825}, {115, 39854}, {125, 12140}, {132, 34217}, {136, 5961}, {137, 23320}, {143, 32171}, {154, 1181}, {156, 6102}, {157, 31381}, {159, 6776}, {161, 6146}, {165, 9591}, {182, 1843}, {183, 1235}, {184, 389}, {185, 1495}, {187, 1968}, {195, 6242}, {197, 11491}, {206, 19161}, {208, 37583}, {220, 26915}, {221, 19368}, {225, 36152}, {230, 27376}, {242, 1602}, {250, 18879}, {254, 393}, {264, 1078}, {275, 19185}, {278, 7742}, {281, 15817}, {317, 7763}, {340, 7796}, {371, 5413}, {372, 5412}, {386, 9570}, {388, 10037}, {394, 11412}, {399, 7722}, {476, 15112}, {477, 22239}, {487, 12972}, {488, 12973}, {497, 10046}, {498, 11392}, {499, 11393}, {511, 1092}, {515, 8185}, {517, 11363}, {539, 41598}, {569, 5422}, {571, 8745}, {572, 44103}, {573, 1474}, {574, 9700}, {575, 8541}, {576, 44102}, {581, 2299}, {584, 44095}, {601, 2212}, {602, 1395}, {648, 6179}, {842, 10423}, {912, 41609}, {917, 26705}, {925, 39437}, {933, 2383}, {935, 14729}, {944, 1610}, {953, 10016}, {958, 9713}, {974, 15647}, {1033, 33630}, {1058, 16541}, {1063, 1775}, {1075, 3186}, {1112, 1511}, {1141, 15959}, {1151, 3092}, {1152, 3093}, {1172, 36744}, {1173, 14528}, {1192, 1498}, {1199, 11402}, {1204, 6000}, {1216, 15066}, {1249, 8573}, {1294, 30249}, {1297, 39417}, {1304, 14264}, {1324, 1603}, {1351, 19118}, {1376, 9712}, {1384, 3172}, {1385, 1829}, {1407, 26914}, {1473, 26877}, {1485, 6530}, {1503, 11457}, {1533, 22962}, {1560, 14655}, {1604, 18283}, {1619, 18913}, {1620, 10606}, {1627, 3162}, {1748, 42700}, {1753, 2077}, {1824, 32613}, {1828, 32612}, {1853, 23294}, {1857, 7040}, {1861, 25440}, {1862, 33814}, {1871, 2355}, {1872, 26285}, {1876, 37582}, {1878, 23961}, {1892, 11374}, {1899, 9833}, {1900, 33862}, {1902, 3579}, {1905, 2646}, {1971, 39643}, {1975, 28706}, {1994, 9545}, {2080, 11380}, {2192, 11461}, {2203, 5752}, {2211, 5017}, {2332, 4262}, {2356, 37576}, {2373, 30251}, {2374, 30247}, {2501, 5926}, {2698, 32542}, {2781, 38851}, {2914, 12316}, {2918, 11387}, {2930, 32234}, {2935, 10721}, {2936, 23235}, {2965, 8746}, {2967, 44162}, {2979, 37486}, {3043, 19504}, {3044, 39810}, {3047, 19456}, {3060, 11449}, {3068, 8276}, {3069, 8277}, {3085, 10831}, {3086, 10832}, {3087, 31400}, {3095, 44089}, {3098, 12294}, {3100, 9645}, {3167, 12160}, {3197, 11460}, {3259, 39479}, {3292, 14531}, {3311, 5411}, {3312, 5410}, {3357, 11381}, {3426, 11270}, {3431, 3527}, {3432, 25044}, {3438, 3442}, {3439, 3443}, {3447, 14385}, {3448, 12412}, {3455, 11623}, {3532, 16835}, {3564, 41584}, {3574, 23358}, {3576, 7713}, {3581, 15068}, {3767, 5523}, {3785, 15574}, {3796, 15045}, {3964, 32001}, {4293, 18954}, {4294, 10833}, {5012, 15043}, {5013, 9609}, {5023, 33885}, {5050, 12167}, {5085, 7716}, {5090, 26446}, {5092, 19124}, {5095, 12584}, {5185, 38599}, {5186, 33813}, {5307, 39578}, {5338, 15931}, {5347, 36745}, {5359, 40938}, {5398, 44113}, {5446, 12038}, {5449, 18474}, {5480, 35228}, {5562, 9306}, {5594, 10784}, {5595, 10783}, {5603, 11365}, {5609, 13148}, {5621, 32274}, {5622, 8549}, {5640, 13434}, {5651, 11793}, {5657, 7718}, {5667, 14673}, {5690, 12135}, {5706, 38879}, {5878, 32111}, {5879, 40082}, {5892, 13336}, {5938, 41377}, {5944, 5946}, {5962, 16391}, {5963, 32762}, {5972, 15473}, {6101, 37494}, {6104, 8737}, {6105, 8738}, {6193, 6515}, {6200, 9683}, {6221, 9694}, {6243, 16266}, {6247, 16655}, {6284, 9673}, {6291, 12974}, {6293, 15139}, {6361, 9911}, {6396, 11474}, {6406, 12975}, {6413, 8954}, {6414, 32589}, {6458, 26886}, {6560, 35776}, {6561, 35777}, {6593, 11477}, {6684, 37557}, {6696, 16621}, {6749, 9606}, {6770, 9916}, {6771, 12142}, {6773, 9915}, {6774, 12141}, {6799, 33643}, {6800, 9730}, {7085, 26878}, {7293, 37534}, {7354, 9658}, {7581, 19006}, {7582, 19005}, {7583, 13884}, {7584, 13937}, {7649, 39225}, {7687, 32607}, {7688, 11471}, {7689, 12162}, {7690, 12298}, {7691, 11444}, {7692, 12299}, {7709, 22655}, {7717, 21151}, {7731, 17847}, {7735, 41361}, {7749, 27371}, {7754, 41676}, {7786, 36794}, {7952, 8069}, {7967, 8192}, {7999, 17811}, {8071, 34231}, {8127, 8131}, {8128, 8132}, {8148, 31948}, {8190, 11843}, {8191, 11844}, {8194, 11846}, {8195, 11847}, {8262, 15069}, {8550, 15582}, {8718, 22948}, {8754, 34218}, {8780, 12164}, {8883, 14518}, {8939, 19424}, {8943, 19425}, {8982, 8996}, {9638, 19354}, {9704, 15087}, {9706, 11422}, {9729, 10984}, {9737, 44099}, {9744, 23208}, {9777, 11426}, {9781, 10982}, {9861, 9862}, {9876, 12243}, {9908, 11411}, {9910, 12246}, {9912, 12247}, {9913, 12248}, {9914, 12250}, {9917, 12251}, {9918, 12252}, {9919, 12244}, {9920, 12254}, {9921, 12256}, {9922, 12257}, {9924, 12283}, {9925, 11271}, {9934, 17854}, {9938, 12278}, {9967, 26206}, {10098, 40119}, {10110, 11424}, {10192, 12233}, {10246, 11396}, {10267, 11383}, {10269, 22479}, {10274, 32352}, {10310, 20872}, {10313, 23115}, {10519, 37485}, {10539, 11441}, {10540, 32139}, {10546, 15056}, {10564, 43898}, {10574, 15053}, {10601, 15024}, {10610, 11576}, {10645, 11475}, {10646, 11476}, {10722, 39841}, {10723, 39812}, {10733, 12302}, {10785, 10829}, {10786, 10830}, {10788, 10790}, {10805, 10834}, {10806, 10835}, {11204, 32062}, {11206, 18909}, {11245, 31804}, {11362, 37546}, {11386, 26316}, {11388, 26341}, {11389, 26348}, {11390, 26492}, {11391, 26487}, {11400, 16203}, {11401, 16202}, {11408, 11486}, {11409, 11485}, {11423, 17809}, {11431, 32621}, {11433, 18925}, {11439, 11454}, {11440, 15305}, {11442, 12134}, {11458, 17813}, {11459, 17814}, {11462, 17819}, {11463, 17820}, {11465, 17825}, {11466, 17826}, {11467, 17827}, {11496, 20988}, {11500, 20989}, {11508, 15500}, {11550, 13419}, {11572, 23325}, {11589, 39268}, {11616, 14273}, {11641, 13200}, {11695, 43650}, {11704, 32345}, {11745, 23292}, {11750, 43817}, {11898, 12325}, {11935, 15110}, {12022, 19467}, {12041, 12133}, {12042, 12131}, {12095, 34756}, {12111, 12163}, {12112, 12315}, {12115, 26309}, {12116, 26308}, {12118, 32048}, {12136, 34862}, {12137, 12619}, {12138, 38602}, {12145, 38624}, {12174, 32063}, {12228, 16222}, {12235, 27365}, {12236, 15317}, {12245, 12410}, {12249, 12411}, {12253, 12413}, {12255, 12414}, {12281, 17835}, {12282, 17836}, {12284, 17838}, {12285, 17839}, {12286, 17842}, {12287, 17840}, {12288, 17843}, {12289, 17845}, {12295, 12901}, {12296, 12984}, {12297, 12985}, {12310, 12383}, {12324, 18931}, {12509, 12978}, {12510, 12979}, {12675, 41611}, {12828, 30714}, {13017, 17841}, {13018, 17844}, {13019, 13061}, {13020, 13062}, {13035, 13055}, {13036, 13056}, {13049, 13051}, {13050, 13052}, {13093, 34469}, {13166, 38608}, {13172, 13175}, {13199, 13222}, {13202, 13293}, {13292, 37644}, {13321, 14627}, {13323, 44092}, {13346, 44079}, {13363, 34513}, {13417, 17701}, {13429, 44193}, {13440, 44192}, {13450, 22261}, {13452, 43719}, {13472, 43908}, {13561, 34514}, {13568, 15448}, {13674, 13680}, {13794, 13800}, {13851, 34786}, {13886, 13889}, {13939, 13943}, {14111, 34835}, {14216, 16659}, {14270, 16230}, {14581, 35007}, {14644, 18394}, {14649, 20410}, {14651, 39832}, {14708, 20773}, {14831, 43844}, {14900, 15562}, {14912, 19459}, {14915, 43604}, {14984, 41616}, {15004, 37505}, {15032, 19347}, {15035, 15472}, {15072, 43601}, {15080, 43584}, {15107, 37483}, {15135, 19362}, {15344, 26706}, {15460, 24650}, {15461, 24651}, {15475, 39606}, {15513, 33842}, {15581, 19596}, {15644, 43652}, {15873, 16657}, {16035, 19173}, {16116, 16119}, {16172, 32132}, {16229, 39537}, {16261, 43613}, {16473, 31760}, {16625, 34986}, {16654, 23328}, {16658, 43607}, {16836, 35268}, {17824, 32339}, {17837, 22535}, {17927, 38903}, {17984, 38907}, {18344, 39227}, {18374, 34117}, {18390, 21659}, {19123, 19132}, {19149, 43617}, {19168, 19180}, {19169, 19192}, {19414, 19430}, {19415, 19431}, {19416, 19454}, {19417, 19455}, {19440, 19446}, {19441, 19447}, {20477, 44131}, {21637, 23042}, {21639, 34788}, {22241, 32830}, {22352, 37515}, {22480, 40108}, {22531, 22656}, {22532, 22657}, {22533, 22658}, {22538, 22978}, {22661, 32123}, {23096, 38545}, {24206, 32348}, {24320, 28731}, {24817, 24822}, {25739, 26917}, {26286, 40985}, {26302, 26381}, {26303, 26405}, {26304, 26439}, {26305, 26440}, {26306, 26441}, {26371, 26398}, {26372, 26422}, {26373, 26498}, {26374, 26507}, {26375, 26516}, {26376, 26521}, {26704, 32706}, {26869, 43808}, {26896, 26909}, {26916, 26953}, {28724, 40801}, {30250, 39439}, {31860, 41448}, {32137, 32210}, {32217, 40929}, {32247, 32262}, {32249, 32276}, {32250, 32305}, {32337, 32357}, {32340, 32401}, {32649, 39265}, {32704, 40101}, {33582, 41425}, {33586, 35602}, {33802, 43976}, {33843, 37512}, {34146, 43896}, {34292, 35719}, {34382, 40318}, {35217, 36990}, {35265, 43605}, {36103, 37817}, {36750, 44097}, {36754, 44105}, {37472, 39522}, {37475, 43597}, {37499, 38852}, {37638, 41171}, {37672, 43572}, {38457, 38906}, {38461, 38900}, {38462, 38901}, {38850, 41503}, {39478, 39534}, {39808, 39820}, {39809, 39831}, {39837, 39849}, {39838, 39860}, {39874, 39879}, {40321, 41400}, {40825, 41363}, {40981, 41371}, {43394, 43823}, {43818, 43829}
X(24) is the {X(3),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(378). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(24), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(24) = reflection of X(4) in X(235)
X(24) = isogonal conjugate of X(68)
X(24) = isotomic conjugate of X(20563)
X(24) = complement of X(37444)
X(24) = complement of complement of X(31304)
X(24) = anticomplement of X(11585)
X(24) = perspector of ABC and reflection of X(4) in orthic triangle
X(24) = {X(3),X(25)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4)
X(24) = trilinear pole of line X(924)X(6753)
X(24) = circumcircle-inverse of X(403)
X(24) = orthocentroidal circle-inverse of X(1594)
X(24) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(37981)
X(24) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of anticomplement of X(37929)
X(24) = de-Longchamps-circle-inverse of anticomplement of X(37951)
X(24) = X(249)-Ceva conjugate of X(112)
X(24) = X(52)-cross conjugate of X(4)
X(24) = crosspoint of X(107) and X(250)
X(24) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,161), (125,520), (637,638)
X(24) = X(4)-Hirst inverse of X(421)
X(24) = X(46)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(24) = X(56)-of-the-tangential triangle if ABC is acute
X(24) = tangential isogonal conjugate of X(1498)
X(24) = exsimilicenter of circumcircle and tangential circle when ABC is acute (Yuda Chen, November 7, 2021)
X(24) = insimilicenter of circumcircle and tangential circle when ABC is obtuse
X(24) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(2072)
X(24) = homothetic center of tangential and circumorthic triangles
X(24) = homothetic center of orthic and Kosnita triangles
X(24) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (75,2351), (91,3)
As a point on the Euler line, X(25) has Shinagawa coefficients (F, -E - F).
Constructed as indicated by the name; also X(25) is the pole of the orthic axis (the line having trilinear coefficients cos A : cos B : cos C) with respect to the circumcircle.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(25).
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(25).
Let A' be the center of the conic through the contact points of the incircle and the A-excircle with the sidelines of ABC. Define B' and C' cyclically. Let A″ be the center of the conic through the contact points of the B- and C- excircles with the sidelines of ABC. Define B″ and C″ cyclically. Let A* be the midpoint of A' and A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The triangle A*B*C* is perspective to ABC at X(25). See also X(6), X(218), X(222), X(940), X(1743). (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
Let A' be the radical center of the nine-point circle and the B- and C-power circles. efine B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is homothetic with the orthic triangle, and the center of homothety is X(25). Also X(25) is the point of intersection of these two lines: isotomic conjugate of polar conjugate of van Aubel line (i.e., line X(2)X(3)), and polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of van Aubel line (i.e., line X(25)X(393)). Also, X(25) is the trilinear pole of line X(512)X(1692), this line being the isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of the orthic axis; the line X(512)X(1692) is also the polar of X(76) wrt polar circle, and the line is also the radical axis of circumcircle and 2nd Lemoine circle. (Randy Hutson, September 5, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let A″ be the barycentric product of the (real or imaginary) circumcircle intercepts of line B'C'. Define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(25). (Randy Hutson, October 27, 2015)
The 2nd Ehrmann triangle, defined in the preamble to X(8537), can be generalized as follows. Let P be a point in the plane of ABC and not on BC∪CA∪AB. Let Ab the the point of intersection of the circle {P,B,C}} and the line AB, and define Bc and Ca cyclically. Define Ac symmetrically, and define Ba and Cb cyclically. Let A' = BcBa∩CaCb, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C', here introduced as the P-Ehrmann triangle, is homothetic to the orthic triangle. The X(1)-Ehrmann triangle is the intangents triangle, and the X(6)-Ehrmann triangle is the 2nd Ehrmann triangle. If P lies on the circumcircle, the P-Ehrmann triangle is the tangential triangle. If P is on the Brocard 2nd cubic K018 or the circumcircle, then the P-Ehrmann triangle is perspective to ABC. The homothetic center of the orthic triangle and the X(4)-Ehrmann triangle is X(25). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let H(X) denote hodpoint of a point X, as defined in the preamble just before X(40139). Then H(X(2)) = H(X(8115)) = H(X(8116)) = X(25). (Radosław Żak, October 29, 2020)
Let Ga = reflection of X(6) in line BC, and define Gb and Gc cyclically. Let T = tangential triangle and H = orthic triangle. Then each pair of the triangles GaGbGc, T, and H are perspective, and the perspector in all three cases is X(25). (Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, March 14, 2021)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
H = X(4) = orthocenter
K = intersection of BH and line through D perpendicular to AB
L = intersection of CH and line through D perpendicular to AC
A' = intersection of KL with line through D perpendicular to KL, and define B' and C' cyclically.
The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(25). The triangle A'B'C' is here named the Iran triangle. (Jeffrey Liu, May 10, 2024).
Continuing, the with notes from Peter Moses, May 13, 2024, the vertex A' is given by
A' = (b^4 + c^4 - a^2 b^2 - a^2 c^2)/(a^2 - b^2 - c^2)
: (c^4 + a^4 - b^2 c^2 - b^2 a^2)/(b^2 - c^2 - a^2)
: (a^4 + b^4 - c^2 a^2 - c^2 b^2)/)c^2 - a^2 - b^2) ,
or, using Conway notation,
A' = SB*SC*(S^2 + SB*SC) : S^2*SC*(SA + SC) : S^2*SB*(SA + SB).
A'B'C' is the half-altitude triangle of the orthic triangle of ABC.
X(25) lies on these lines: {1, 1036}, {2, 3}, {6, 51}, {7, 7717}, {8, 7718}, {9, 5285}, {10, 5090}, {11, 10829}, {12, 10830}, {13, 9916}, {14, 9915}, {17, 22482}, {18, 22481}, {19, 33}, {31, 608}, {32, 1184}, {34, 56}, {35, 1900}, {36, 1878}, {39, 39951}, {40, 1902}, {41, 42}, {43, 37576}, {48, 14547}, {49, 36749}, {52, 155}, {53, 157}, {54, 3527}, {57, 1473}, {58, 967}, {63, 24320}, {64, 1192}, {65, 1452}, {66, 34207}, {67, 32239}, {68, 9908}, {69, 8263}, {72, 37547}, {74, 3426}, {76, 1241}, {79, 16114}, {80, 9912}, {81, 37492}, {83, 9918}, {84, 9910}, {92, 242}, {97, 14489}, {98, 107}, {99, 2374}, {100, 1862}, {101, 3190}, {104, 3420}, {105, 108}, {106, 9088}, {110, 1112}, {111, 112}, {113, 2931}, {114, 135}, {115, 3455}, {125, 1853}, {132, 136}, {133, 14703}, {137, 15959}, {141, 37485}, {143, 156}, {146, 34796}, {160, 3815}, {162, 37128}, {171, 7295}, {181, 2175}, {182, 3066}, {183, 264}, {185, 1498}, {187, 5140}, {190, 24814}, {193, 6339}, {195, 2904}, {200, 4006}, {209, 2911}, {210, 12329}, {212, 2183}, {216, 10314}, {219, 26885}, {220, 3690}, {221, 1425}, {222, 20122}, {225, 1842}, {226, 1892}, {236, 8132}, {238, 5329}, {244, 36570}, {250, 5968}, {251, 5359}, {262, 275}, {263, 2211}, {265, 12140}, {269, 40223}, {273, 1447}, {281, 7102}, {286, 1218}, {305, 683}, {317, 325}, {318, 7081}, {324, 42354}, {339, 1289}, {340, 7788}, {343, 1352}, {351, 14998}, {353, 11226}, {354, 22769}, {371, 493}, {372, 494}, {373, 5085}, {385, 2998}, {387, 38879}, {389, 1181}, {393, 1033}, {394, 511}, {399, 1986}, {459, 3424}, {476, 38552}, {485, 9922}, {486, 9921}, {487, 12169}, {488, 12170}, {497, 16541}, {512, 2433}, {516, 21062}, {518, 41611}, {524, 41585}, {542, 12828}, {543, 2936}, {568, 10540}, {571, 39109}, {573, 2328}, {574, 15433}, {576, 21849}, {577, 26953}, {578, 10110}, {581, 2360}, {588, 3311}, {589, 3312}, {597, 35707}, {599, 34992}, {604, 2208}, {610, 10382}, {647, 34212}, {648, 3228}, {667, 18344}, {669, 878}, {671, 9876}, {675, 2973}, {685, 40820}, {691, 40119}, {692, 913}, {694, 1613}, {800, 15259}, {842, 1304}, {847, 1179}, {884, 6591}, {895, 41616}, {908, 27388}, {915, 9058}, {917, 9057}, {925, 2974}, {933, 5966}, {935, 2770}, {940, 18165}, {941, 1172}, {954, 21319}, {958, 1891}, {973, 32341}, {974, 9934}, {982, 36572}, {993, 5155}, {999, 1870}, {1001, 1848}, {1007, 9723}, {1030, 39982}, {1062, 9645}, {1068, 26228}, {1073, 1297}, {1084, 16098}, {1092, 37498}, {1093, 8794}, {1096, 1402}, {1108, 40970}, {1119, 3598}, {1141, 15960}, {1147, 5446}, {1151, 6291}, {1152, 6406}, {1154, 15068}, {1162, 8904}, {1163, 8903}, {1164, 8974}, {1165, 13950}, {1169, 2189}, {1173, 43908}, {1177, 32246}, {1180, 3108}, {1216, 37486}, {1235, 1239}, {1249, 5304}, {1261, 7046}, {1291, 23096}, {1298, 22551}, {1299, 34333}, {1300, 1302}, {1309, 2726}, {1311, 21666}, {1324, 1785}, {1327, 13668}, {1328, 13788}, {1329, 9712}, {1350, 3917}, {1376, 1861}, {1383, 5354}, {1396, 42290}, {1397, 3271}, {1403, 8852}, {1407, 3937}, {1436, 7008}, {1437, 36742}, {1441, 26260}, {1466, 22344}, {1470, 1877}, {1482, 41722}, {1501, 1976}, {1503, 1619}, {1506, 9700}, {1511, 15472}, {1560, 2079}, {1565, 39732}, {1576, 2493}, {1604, 1863}, {1605, 6108}, {1606, 6109}, {1610, 3486}, {1611, 1968}, {1614, 3567}, {1620, 8567}, {1622, 38870}, {1626, 20470}, {1631, 1826}, {1633, 3474}, {1634, 9766}, {1637, 42659}, {1659, 30386}, {1698, 9591}, {1699, 9590}, {1716, 7093}, {1726, 1736}, {1730, 1754}, {1753, 10310}, {1790, 37474}, {1825, 23844}, {1830, 23845}, {1831, 23846}, {1838, 7742}, {1839, 8053}, {1840, 23851}, {1841, 2178}, {1857, 42069}, {1864, 2182}, {1866, 26437}, {1867, 39585}, {1869, 37601}, {1871, 10267}, {1872, 11248}, {1887, 11509}, {1897, 8851}, {1946, 40134}, {1989, 6103}, {1990, 5306}, {1994, 5093}, {2004, 36759}, {2005, 36760}, {2051, 9570}, {2053, 4426}, {2056, 13330}, {2076, 21001}, {2155, 2357}, {2181, 6187}, {2192, 3270}, {2198, 14974}, {2217, 3435}, {2262, 18621}, {2270, 7070}, {2332, 4258}, {2350, 5021}, {2353, 3767}, {2489, 6041}, {2502, 11173}, {2548, 23208}, {2697, 22239}, {2752, 2766}, {2781, 15106}, {2793, 34519}, {2854, 6096}, {2881, 42665}, {2883, 13568}, {2886, 9713}, {2914, 5898}, {2916, 31521}, {2917, 3574}, {2929, 5895}, {2930, 5095}, {2932, 5151}, {2934, 2963}, {2935, 13202}, {2968, 26703}, {2979, 10546}, {2981, 10632}, {3052, 8750}, {3064, 23865}, {3068, 13884}, {3069, 13937}, {3087, 7736}, {3098, 3819}, {3168, 9755}, {3197, 3611}, {3202, 27375}, {3259, 10016}, {3286, 39984}, {3292, 11470}, {3295, 3920}, {3305, 5314}, {3306, 7293}, {3357, 13474}, {3407, 37892}, {3425, 6530}, {3431, 3531}, {3456, 7755}, {3506, 35431}, {3511, 23173}, {3519, 41598}, {3532, 22334}, {3564, 6515}, {3572, 43925}, {3580, 11442}, {3581, 18435}, {3589, 3867}, {3679, 37546}, {3695, 5687}, {3705, 5081}, {3772, 23847}, {3794, 26625}, {3818, 21243}, {3868, 42461}, {3924, 8615}, {3933, 40123}, {4057, 7649}, {4108, 14618}, {4265, 37674}, {4383, 5347}, {4650, 24436}, {5012, 5050}, {5024, 37808}, {5092, 6688}, {5096, 37679}, {5120, 33854}, {5121, 40293}, {5146, 29681}, {5152, 32527}, {5174, 29641}, {5201, 8667}, {5203, 5866}, {5204, 5370}, {5210, 8585}, {5217, 7302}, {5248, 39579}, {5254, 9608}, {5292, 5358}, {5305, 41361}, {5307, 16678}, {5311, 17442}, {5324, 37642}, {5342, 16823}, {5364, 20678}, {5406, 9739}, {5407, 9738}, {5408, 9733}, {5409, 9732}, {5418, 9683}, {5462, 36752}, {5476, 32267}, {5480, 10192}, {5504, 20771}, {5512, 14657}, {5521, 14667}, {5523, 5938}, {5544, 6030}, {5562, 17814}, {5584, 11471}, {5587, 9625}, {5593, 18130}, {5596, 26926}, {5597, 8190}, {5598, 8191}, {5622, 12099}, {5644, 7712}, {5647, 42445}, {5650, 31884}, {5707, 18180}, {5889, 11441}, {5890, 11456}, {5891, 37478}, {5913, 21397}, {5926, 39533}, {5965, 41599}, {5986, 12188}, {5989, 6331}, {6000, 10605}, {6054, 20774}, {6088, 10103}, {6094, 33900}, {6102, 32139}, {6114, 31688}, {6115, 31687}, {6145, 32332}, {6146, 9833}, {6151, 10633}, {6193, 12309}, {6197, 10306}, {6200, 41438}, {6217, 19352}, {6218, 19351}, {6239, 12313}, {6241, 12315}, {6242, 12316}, {6243, 18350}, {6247, 16621}, {6289, 12973}, {6290, 12972}, {6344, 31676}, {6391, 12272}, {6396, 41437}, {6400, 12314}, {6423, 8577}, {6424, 8576}, {6561, 9682}, {6564, 8280}, {6565, 8281}, {6696, 16656}, {6749, 9300}, {6750, 15512}, {6751, 17849}, {6752, 41373}, {6753, 8651}, {6767, 29815}, {6776, 11206}, {7017, 17987}, {7028, 8131}, {7079, 40175}, {7160, 12139}, {7179, 7282}, {7283, 19799}, {7373, 17024}, {7607, 39284}, {7612, 8796}, {7664, 34517}, {7665, 8878}, {7687, 13289}, {7691, 15056}, {7722, 12308}, {7745, 15270}, {7746, 27371}, {7762, 19597}, {7766, 38262}, {7773, 37804}, {7774, 20794}, {7779, 22152}, {7784, 21248}, {7792, 17907}, {7828, 33802}, {7952, 39600}, {8024, 22241}, {8071, 15654}, {8105, 42668}, {8106, 42667}, {8157, 10214}, {8227, 9626}, {8266, 15271}, {8267, 22253}, {8278, 32577}, {8537, 11422}, {8550, 15581}, {8584, 15471}, {8588, 33880}, {8735, 23402}, {8745, 8882}, {8746, 14577}, {8749, 20975}, {8756, 15621}, {8840, 17984}, {8887, 31381}, {8901, 19174}, {8911, 26868}, {8939, 19404}, {8943, 19405}, {9056, 32706}, {9059, 40101}, {9060, 32710}, {9061, 26706}, {9070, 39439}, {9083, 32704}, {9084, 30247}, {9135, 11631}, {9209, 39201}, {9475, 38867}, {9659, 10895}, {9672, 10896}, {9694, 43512}, {9695, 43509}, {9704, 14627}, {9708, 29667}, {9709, 29679}, {9748, 38918}, {9756, 42400}, {9792, 19170}, {9822, 19126}, {9927, 19908}, {9932, 22660}, {9935, 11577}, {9993, 14165}, {10095, 32046}, {10098, 10102}, {10111, 12419}, {10263, 16266}, {10266, 12146}, {10272, 11566}, {10274, 11808}, {10278, 41357}, {10313, 15355}, {10317, 36414}, {10478, 17188}, {10519, 33522}, {10535, 11436}, {10536, 11435}, {10545, 11451}, {10571, 41401}, {10606, 21663}, {10620, 12292}, {10643, 11516}, {10644, 11515}, {10961, 11514}, {10963, 11513}, {10974, 16471}, {10984, 37514}, {11003, 34545}, {11064, 31670}, {11174, 36794}, {11175, 20965}, {11179, 20192}, {11188, 41614}, {11202, 11430}, {11412, 43598}, {11424, 11425}, {11427, 14853}, {11439, 11440}, {11444, 43614}, {11457, 16659}, {11459, 33523}, {11464, 15033}, {11472, 16194}, {11475, 11480}, {11476, 11481}, {11487, 16543}, {11574, 19137}, {11580, 40103}, {11695, 37515}, {11743, 32391}, {11745, 12233}, {11746, 13198}, {11817, 15047}, {12007, 15580}, {12162, 12163}, {12220, 26206}, {12228, 20773}, {12235, 19458}, {12236, 19456}, {12237, 19461}, {12238, 19462}, {12239, 19463}, {12240, 19464}, {12241, 15873}, {12242, 19468}, {12279, 43601}, {12290, 13093}, {12293, 12301}, {12295, 12302}, {12296, 12303}, {12297, 12304}, {12298, 12305}, {12299, 12306}, {12300, 12307}, {12311, 12509}, {12312, 12510}, {12324, 18913}, {12335, 40953}, {12420, 12421}, {12429, 14516}, {13007, 13051}, {13008, 13052}, {13013, 19465}, {13014, 19466}, {13019, 13021}, {13020, 13022}, {13023, 13035}, {13024, 13036}, {13148, 14094}, {13233, 36523}, {13321, 15087}, {13336, 15805}, {13346, 13598}, {13390, 30385}, {13394, 14561}, {13403, 34785}, {13417, 17847}, {13419, 18381}, {13450, 34449}, {13507, 13597}, {13754, 18451}, {13851, 18405}, {13858, 36330}, {13859, 35752}, {14216, 16655}, {14264, 35372}, {14458, 16080}, {14490, 43713}, {14492, 43530}, {14529, 42450}, {14535, 32581}, {14683, 18947}, {14713, 14715}, {14810, 16187}, {14845, 37513}, {14852, 18474}, {14855, 35237}, {15053, 15072}, {15069, 41586}, {15121, 41603}, {15126, 15127}, {15135, 34117}, {15139, 37473}, {15141, 38851}, {15300, 33850}, {15302, 38862}, {15321, 34436}, {15462, 16165}, {15463, 32609}, {15475, 15551}, {15589, 32000}, {15591, 40321}, {15651, 40052}, {15655, 20481}, {15668, 17171}, {15740, 43690}, {15741, 32605}, {16010, 32250}, {16178, 16188}, {16221, 42426}, {16231, 39225}, {16263, 22455}, {16277, 43678}, {16317, 36878}, {16583, 18616}, {16776, 19127}, {16778, 39954}, {16817, 19798}, {16835, 43719}, {16974, 21010}, {17054, 24163}, {17808, 40124}, {17824, 32352}, {17830, 35711}, {17835, 21650}, {17836, 21651}, {17837, 21652}, {17838, 21649}, {17839, 21653}, {17840, 21655}, {17841, 21657}, {17842, 21654}, {17843, 21656}, {17844, 21658}, {17845, 21659}, {17846, 21660}, {17924, 26249}, {17983, 18818}, {18020, 31632}, {18390, 18396}, {18475, 37506}, {18613, 23710}, {18615, 22363}, {18619, 41015}, {18651, 24701}, {18755, 39967}, {18906, 37894}, {18907, 41370}, {18909, 34781}, {18912, 34224}, {18914, 18916}, {18928, 25406}, {18950, 39874}, {18997, 19039}, {18998, 19040}, {19140, 40291}, {19149, 19161}, {19169, 19172}, {19180, 21638}, {19349, 19366}, {19358, 19410}, {19359, 19411}, {19418, 19424}, {19419, 19425}, {19430, 21642}, {19431, 21643}, {19460, 22530}, {19583, 40324}, {19724, 19756}, {19725, 19763}, {20032, 20034}, {20266, 26933}, {20271, 21771}, {20423, 35266}, {20468, 42071}, {20791, 43584}, {21148, 40934}, {21461, 34394}, {21462, 34395}, {21661, 22552}, {21850, 37645}, {21851, 34779}, {22080, 37499}, {22109, 36518}, {22240, 23635}, {22331, 36616}, {22466, 22483}, {22538, 22549}, {22662, 22953}, {23039, 37494}, {23180, 36849}, {23224, 42772}, {23291, 32064}, {23359, 41011}, {23361, 26357}, {23675, 28037}, {23858, 42070}, {24682, 25343}, {24686, 25344}, {24855, 43618}, {26227, 41013}, {26235, 44142}, {26262, 38462}, {26266, 44143}, {26269, 41375}, {26275, 39200}, {26877, 26928}, {26878, 26938}, {26886, 26894}, {26907, 26909}, {26918, 26936}, {27365, 41615}, {27370, 40643}, {28476, 32691}, {28782, 28783}, {30249, 34168}, {30687, 31394}, {30737, 44131}, {31382, 35709}, {32001, 37668}, {32078, 40674}, {32137, 32138}, {32145, 32166}, {32234, 32254}, {32260, 32276}, {32264, 32285}, {32340, 32345}, {32359, 32377}, {32445, 40951}, {32654, 39072}, {32674, 34068}, {32676, 34079}, {32929, 42707}, {33801, 35222}, {33863, 39966}, {33873, 35458}, {34096, 41278}, {34382, 41619}, {34448, 41221}, {34482, 39955}, {34783, 37490}, {34803, 44180}, {35012, 36067}, {35219, 36851}, {35278, 39656}, {36743, 39798}, {36901, 44176}, {36983, 43616}, {37483, 43586}, {37502, 39971}, {37503, 39974}, {37644, 39899}, {37665, 40065}, {37667, 43981}, {37671, 44134}, {37778, 40102}, {38292, 41894}, {38920, 41414}, {38956, 40082}, {39111, 39112}, {39417, 40358}, {39530, 41244}, {39644, 39645}, {39646, 40814}, {39806, 39810}, {39809, 39812}, {39817, 39820}, {39835, 39839}, {39838, 39841}, {39846, 39849}, {40116, 43079}, {40169, 40184}, {40182, 40195}, {40185, 42484}, {40187, 40189}, {40190, 40219}, {40220, 40226}, {40285, 41725}, {40316, 40317}, {40454, 43742}, {41410, 41445}, {41411, 41444}, {42394, 44144}, {43460, 43462}, {43725, 43726}
X(25) is the {X(5),X(26)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(25), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(25) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,1596), (1370,1368)
X(25) = isogonal conjugate of X(69)
X(25) = isotomic conjugate of X(305)
X(25) = circumcircle-inverse of X(468)
X(25) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(37981)
X(25) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(427)
X(25) = complement of X(1370)
X(25) = anticomplement of X(1368)
X(25) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,6), (28,19), (250,112)
X(25) = X(32)-cross conjugate of X(6)
X(25) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,393), (6,64), (19,34), (112,250)
X(25) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,20), (3,394), (6,159), (8,329), (63,78), (72,306), (125,525)
X(25) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(441)X(525)
X(25) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,419), (6,232)
X(25) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (33,33), (108,25), (162,278)
X(25) = trilinear pole of line X(512)X(1692)
X(25) = de-Longchamps-circle-inverse of anticomplement of X(37777)
X(25) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 3053}, {32, 1974}
X(25) = crosspoint of PU(4)
X(25) = barycentric product of PU(i) for these i: 4,18,23,157
X(25) = barycentric product of vertices of half-altitude triangle
X(25) = barycentric product of vertices of orthocentroidal triangle
X(25) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(3162)
X(25) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(3162)
X(25) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(3162)
X(25) = pole, wrt circumcircle, of orthic axis
X(25) = pole, wrt polar circle, of de Longchamps line
X(25) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,304), (48,76), (75,3), (92,394), (1101,339)
X(25) = tangential isogonal conjugate of X(159)
X(25) = insimilicenter of nine-point circle and tangential circle
X(25) = orthic isogonal conjugate of X(6)
X(25) = homothetic center of ABC and the 2nd pedal triangle of X(4)
X(25) = homothetic center of ABC and the 2nd antipedal triangle of X(3)
X(25) = homothetic center of the medial triangle and the 3rd pedal triangle of X(4)
X(25) = homothetic center of the anticomplementary triangle and the 3rd antipedal triangle of X(3)
X(25) = homothetic center of reflection of orthic triangle in X(4) and reflection of tangential triangle in X(3)
X(25) = homothetic center of reflections of orthic and tangential triangles in their respective Euler lines
X(25) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(858)
X(25) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(403)
X(25) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(4) of X(450)
X(25) = Danneels point of X(4)
X(25) = Danneels point of X(1113)
X(25) = Danneels point of X(1114)
X(25) = X(2)-vertex conjugate of X(2)
X(25) = vertex conjugate of X(8105) and X(8106)
X(25) = vertex conjugate of foci of orthic inconic
X(25) = vertex conjugate of PU(112)
X(25) = Zosma transform of X(63)
X(25) = X(57)-of-the-tangential triangle if ABC is acute
X(25) = perspector of ABC and the (pedal triangle of X(4) in the orthic triangle)
X(25) = X(57) of orthic triangle if ABC is acute
X(25) = intersection of tangents at X(371) and X(372) to the orthocubic K006
X(25) = insimilicenter of circumcircle and incircle of orthic triangle if ABC is acute; the exsimilicenter is X(1593)
X(25) = perspector of ABC and circummedial tangential triangle
X(25) = homothetic center of ABC and orthocevian triangle of X(2)
X(25) = homothetic center of orthocevian triangle of X(2) and Ara triangle
X(25) = {X(8880),X(8881)}-harmonic conjugate of X(184)
X(25) = homothetic center of medial triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and Ara triangle
X(25) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 4th Brocard triangle
X(25) = harmonic center of circumcircle and circle O(PU(4))
X(25) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(5656)
X(25) = homothetic center of Aries and 2nd Hyacinth triangles
X(25) = intersection of tangents to Hatzipolakis-Lozada hyperbola at X(4) and X(193)
X(25) = crosspoint, wrt orthic triangle, of X(4) and X(193)
X(25) = barycentric product of (real or nonreal) circumcircle intercepts of orthic axis
X(25) = vertex conjugate of X(24007) and X(24008) (the Kiepert hyperbola intercepts of the orthic axis)
X(25) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(57)
X(25) = barycentric product of vertices of infinite altitude triangle
X(25) = intersection of tangents to Walsmith rectangular hyperbola at X(74) and X(110)
X(25) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): (2,3,7484), (2,4,427), (2,5,7539), (3,4,1593), (3,5,7395), (4,5,7507), (4,24,3)
As a point on the Euler line, X(26) has Shinagawa coefficients (E + 4F, -3E - 4F).
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(26).
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(26).
Theorems involving X(26), published in 1889 by A. Gob, are discussed in
Roger A. Johnson, Advanced Euclidean Geometry, Dover, 1960, 259-260.
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the circumorthic tangential triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(26) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(26) lies on these lines: {1, 9625}, {2, 3}, {6, 143}, {10, 9712}, {39, 9608}, {40, 9590}, {49, 1993}, {51, 569}, {52, 184}, {54, 3060}, {55, 4354}, {56, 4351}, {64, 32138}, {68, 161}, {74, 12279}, {98, 1286}, {110, 7731}, {113, 22109}, {154, 155}, {157, 2934}, {159, 3564}, {182, 5462}, {195, 9704}, {197, 32141}, {206, 511}, {221, 32143}, {232, 10316}, {343, 12134}, {355, 8185}, {394, 6101}, {495, 10037}, {496, 10046}, {512, 39537}, {524, 9925}, {542, 15581}, {568, 6800}, {577, 14576}, {578, 5446}, {912, 40660}, {952, 9798}, {970, 9570}, {1092, 10625}, {1112, 12228}, {1151, 9682}, {1177, 14984}, {1181, 6102}, {1199, 11003}, {1204, 10575}, {1209, 32332}, {1216, 9306}, {1350, 10627}, {1351, 14449}, {1352, 20987}, {1353, 19459}, {1478, 9658}, {1479, 9672}, {1483, 8192}, {1493, 19468}, {1495, 5562}, {1498, 2931}, {1503, 12359}, {1511, 35602}, {1601, 25043}, {1602, 35220}, {1603, 35221}, {1605, 1607}, {1606, 1608}, {1609, 42459}, {1614, 5889}, {1829, 24301}, {1843, 19131}, {1853, 13561}, {1971, 23128}, {1974, 9967}, {2079, 5023}, {2165, 8553}, {2192, 32168}, {2351, 31381}, {2393, 8548}, {2777, 12893}, {2781, 15132}, {2782, 39828}, {2794, 39825}, {2916, 5085}, {2929, 35237}, {2935, 34584}, {3070, 35776}, {3071, 35777}, {3098, 5447}, {3197, 32158}, {3205, 36979}, {3206, 36981}, {3220, 24467}, {3357, 14915}, {3425, 10547}, {3527, 13451}, {3532, 34802}, {3556, 14988}, {3567, 5012}, {3580, 25738}, {3581, 11456}, {3796, 5946}, {5092, 11695}, {5285, 26921}, {5347, 36754}, {5412, 10898}, {5413, 10897}, {5422, 13353}, {5448, 23358}, {5449, 18381}, {5594, 5874}, {5595, 5875}, {5621, 20379}, {5640, 38848}, {5690, 8193}, {5844, 12410}, {5876, 18451}, {5890, 37490}, {5891, 44082}, {5892, 37515}, {5901, 11365}, {5907, 32237}, {5944, 10263}, {6000, 7689}, {6030, 15045}, {6146, 32269}, {6237, 10536}, {6238, 10535}, {6247, 44158}, {6403, 19121}, {6407, 9694}, {6515, 32358}, {6759, 9932}, {6776, 18951}, {7293, 37612}, {7352, 26888}, {7691, 11459}, {7712, 15032}, {7742, 14667}, {7767, 15574}, {8190, 32146}, {8191, 32147}, {8194, 32177}, {8195, 32178}, {8276, 8981}, {8277, 13966}, {8538, 44102}, {8550, 35707}, {8718, 15072}, {8743, 10317}, {8746, 36418}, {9143, 25714}, {9730, 10984}, {9781, 13434}, {9786, 13630}, {9820, 10192}, {9861, 9918}, {9911, 28174}, {9915, 22657}, {9916, 22656}, {9917, 22655}, {9920, 12310}, {9927, 18400}, {9938, 13289}, {10095, 17810}, {10113, 19457}, {10182, 29317}, {10264, 13171}, {10312, 22240}, {10313, 22120}, {10533, 10665}, {10534, 10666}, {10540, 11441}, {10601, 15026}, {10605, 13491}, {10606, 32210}, {10610, 10982}, {10628, 40276}, {10632, 11421}, {10633, 11420}, {10634, 10642}, {10635, 10641}, {10661, 30402}, {10662, 30403}, {10663, 10682}, {10664, 10681}, {10733, 40242}, {10790, 32134}, {10828, 32151}, {10829, 10943}, {10830, 10942}, {10833, 15171}, {10834, 32213}, {10835, 32214}, {10880, 11418}, {10881, 11417}, {11202, 12038}, {11206, 11411}, {11248, 20872}, {11399, 37729}, {11402, 37493}, {11430, 13598}, {11432, 16881}, {11438, 40647}, {11440, 12290}, {11444, 43598}, {11449, 43574}, {11455, 15062}, {11464, 15107}, {11468, 13445}, {11472, 15811}, {11477, 13421}, {11482, 43697}, {11499, 20989}, {11591, 17814}, {11645, 14864}, {11671, 34418}, {12006, 37514}, {12111, 14157}, {12160, 26864}, {12162, 26883}, {12164, 14530}, {12220, 19128}, {12236, 13198}, {12280, 12380}, {12289, 41482}, {12293, 17845}, {12295, 32607}, {12307, 41726}, {12370, 19467}, {12891, 13288}, {12892, 13287}, {13142, 43595}, {13292, 31804}, {13336, 22352}, {13352, 13367}, {13391, 17821}, {13419, 21243}, {13558, 15653}, {13562, 37485}, {13567, 18952}, {13889, 13925}, {13943, 13993}, {14128, 33533}, {14531, 43844}, {14641, 43604}, {14657, 33962}, {14693, 32762}, {15035, 25487}, {15043, 15080}, {15067, 35259}, {15069, 19596}, {15085, 17838}, {15172, 16541}, {15454, 16104}, {15462, 40949}, {15478, 34428}, {15912, 40947}, {15959, 25150}, {16010, 35218}, {16165, 25711}, {16252, 22660}, {16391, 23181}, {17809, 32136}, {17811, 32142}, {17813, 32155}, {17819, 32169}, {17820, 32170}, {17825, 32205}, {17826, 32207}, {17827, 32208}, {18350, 23039}, {18376, 32393}, {18379, 18405}, {18874, 31860}, {18954, 18990}, {19005, 19116}, {19006, 19117}, {19129, 39588}, {19132, 19155}, {19165, 20993}, {19180, 19211}, {19189, 19210}, {19194, 26887}, {19908, 32048}, {20191, 23329}, {20299, 29012}, {20424, 32333}, {20477, 44138}, {20771, 41673}, {20791, 43597}, {21651, 34750}, {21849, 37505}, {22115, 37484}, {22533, 22550}, {22654, 32153}, {23698, 39854}, {23709, 34292}, {26446, 37557}, {29181, 35228}, {32613, 39582}, {32620, 33537}, {32829, 44180}, {34116, 44078}, {34118, 34177}, {34380, 37491}, {34397, 35603}, {34417, 37513}, {34514, 34826}, {35219, 39879}, {35719, 41244}, {39805, 39835}, {39806, 39834}, {39823, 39853}, {39824, 39852}, {39829, 39859}, {39830, 39858}, {43575, 43829}
X(26) is the {X(154),X(155)}-harmonic conjugate of X(156). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(26), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(26) = reflection of X(155) in X(156)
X(26) = isogonal conjugate of X(70)
X(26) = isotomic conjugate of X(20564)
X(26) = tangential isogonal conjugate of X(155)
X(26) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(2072)
X(26) = crosssum of X(125) and X(924)
X(26) = complement of X(14790)
X(26) = anticomplement of X(13371)
X(26) = intouch-to-ABC functional image of X(3)
X(26) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of complement of X(37978)
X(26) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of anticomplement of X(37978)
As a point on the Euler line, X(27) has Shinagawa coefficients (F, -E - F - $bc$).
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(27).
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(27).
X(27) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {6, 1246}, {7, 81}, {8, 19848}, {19, 63}, {33, 5287}, {34, 5256}, {53, 37646}, {57, 273}, {58, 270}, {69, 19793}, {71, 40435}, {84, 1896}, {86, 1474}, {99, 9085}, {101, 22000}, {103, 107}, {110, 917}, {112, 675}, {116, 40076}, {162, 673}, {198, 27287}, {225, 2363}, {226, 284}, {239, 1829}, {240, 11031}, {242, 2355}, {243, 1859}, {264, 14829}, {272, 2189}, {274, 19798}, {275, 2051}, {281, 5235}, {295, 335}, {306, 1043}, {310, 17206}, {317, 4417}, {318, 10461}, {321, 5279}, {329, 2287}, {331, 15467}, {393, 967}, {394, 10446}, {516, 2328}, {579, 1751}, {607, 39741}, {648, 903}, {653, 18815}, {662, 913}, {811, 19801}, {823, 34234}, {871, 19800}, {908, 2327}, {933, 26708}, {946, 2360}, {1014, 1440}, {1019, 40213}, {1071, 1871}, {1086, 16099}, {1088, 1434}, {1119, 21454}, {1230, 44146}, {1240, 19810}, {1249, 37666}, {1259, 19845}, {1268, 1796}, {1301, 41905}, {1304, 2688}, {1333, 3772}, {1412, 17197}, {1427, 18603}, {1441, 3101}, {1625, 35096}, {1659, 2067}, {1699, 17188}, {1719, 1733}, {1730, 1746}, {1770, 1780}, {1785, 39595}, {1803, 2332}, {1810, 19815}, {1812, 17139}, {1836, 2194}, {1840, 40033}, {1841, 3666}, {1844, 10122}, {1851, 14024}, {1865, 18679}, {1870, 17011}, {1880, 25059}, {1882, 1940}, {1973, 2296}, {2052, 13478}, {2193, 37695}, {2203, 14621}, {2206, 3120}, {2221, 4000}, {2354, 28287}, {2400, 7192}, {2659, 26892}, {2969, 6650}, {3011, 19849}, {3187, 3868}, {3194, 5222}, {3306, 19802}, {3332, 11206}, {3423, 5324}, {3661, 5090}, {3687, 5081}, {3794, 17616}, {3914, 44119}, {4304, 4653}, {4373, 9965}, {4384, 5342}, {4393, 11396}, {4786, 7649}, {4921, 19819}, {5057, 6061}, {5088, 18607}, {5333, 17917}, {5523, 18686}, {5732, 17194}, {5905, 39695}, {6198, 17019}, {6331, 19816}, {6335, 40039}, {6358, 16548}, {6384, 19803}, {6502, 13390}, {6542, 12135}, {6548, 17925}, {6748, 37662}, {7017, 19807}, {7119, 40418}, {7140, 17927}, {7249, 40432}, {7283, 42706}, {7354, 40980}, {7718, 17316}, {8025, 19823}, {8044, 34440}, {8736, 37770}, {8756, 19797}, {9308, 37683}, {10444, 17185}, {10449, 19838}, {11363, 16826}, {13243, 35360}, {16077, 35161}, {16747, 20880}, {17182, 24556}, {17189, 23681}, {17277, 44103}, {17903, 41364}, {17921, 43925}, {18344, 24601}, {18742, 40010}, {19752, 19767}, {19799, 33932}, {19812, 25507}, {19820, 39710}, {19821, 29766}, {19824, 36606}, {19827, 28650}, {19830, 39707}, {20291, 38852}, {20527, 20751}, {21370, 44178}, {21621, 24019}, {23383, 34429}, {31424, 39585}, {32000, 37655}, {34255, 39749}, {39704, 42028}, {41342, 43729}
X(27) is the {X(2),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(469). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(27), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(27) = isogonal conjugate of X(71)
X(27) = isotomic conjugate of X(306)
X(27) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(2073)
X(27) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(469)
X(27) = complement of X(3151)
X(27) = anticomplement of X(440)
X(27) = X(286)-Ceva conjugate of X(29)
X(27) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,19), (57,278)
X(27) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,286), (19,28), (57,81), (58,86)
X(27) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(647)X(810)
X(27) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,447), (4,423)
X(27) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (648,27), (923,27)
X(27) = trilinear pole of line X(242)X(514) (the polar of X(10) wrt polar circle)
X(27) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(10) (line X(523)X(661))
X(27) = polar conjugate of X(10)
X(27) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(72)
X(27) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(3682)
X(27) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(2200)
X(27) = crosspoint of X(4) and X(19) wrt excentral triangle
X(27) = trilinear product X(2)*X(28)
As a point on the Euler line, X(28) has Shinagawa coefficients ($a$F, -$a$(E + F) - abc).
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(28).
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(28).
X(28) is the {X(27),X(29)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(28), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(28) = isogonal conjugate of X(72)
X(28) = isotomic conjugate of X(20336)
X(28) = anticomplement of X(21530)
X(28) = trilinear pole of line X(513)X(1430) (the polar of X(321) wrt polar circle)
X(28) = polar conjugate of X(321)
X(28) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(306)
X(28) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(228)
X(28) = circumcircle-inverse of X(2074)
X(28) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (270,58), (286,81)
X(28) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (19,25), (34,56)
X(28) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (19,27), (58,58)
X(28) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(647)X(656)
X(28) = X(4)-Hirst inverse of X(422)
X(28) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (29,29), (107,28), (162,28), (270,28)
As a point on the Euler line, X(29) has Shinagawa coefficients (F*S2, $bcSBSC$ - F*S2).
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(29).
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(29)
and X(29) cevapoint..
X(29) lies on these lines: 1,92 2,3 8,219 10,1794 33,78 34,77 58,162 65,296 81,189 102,107 112,1311 226,951 242,257 270,283 284,950 314,1039 388,1037 392,1871 497,1036 515,947 648,1121 662,1800 758,1844 894,1868 960,1859 1056,1059 1057,1058 1125,1838 1220,1474 1737,1780 1807,1897 1842,1848
X(29) is the {X(3),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(412). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(29), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(29) = isogonal conjugate of X(73)
X(29) = isotomic conjugate of X(307)
X(29) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(2075)
X(29) = complement of X(3152)
X(29) = anticomplement of X(18641)
X(29) = X(286)-Ceva conjugate of X(27)
X(29) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,4), (33,281)
X(29) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,21), (284,333), (497,314)
X(29) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1047), (228,1409)
X(29) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(647)X(822)
X(29) = X(4)-Hirst inverse of X(415)
X(29) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (29,28), (811,29)
X(29) = intersection of tangents at X(1) and X(4) to hyperbola passing through X(1), X(4) and the excenters
X(29) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(4) wrt the excentral triangle
X(29) = trilinear pole of line X(243)X(522) (the polar of X(226) wrt polar circle)
X(29) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(226) (line X(523)X(656))
X(29) = polar conjugate of X(226)
X(29) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(1214)
As a point on the Euler line, X(30) has Shinagawa coefficients (1, -3).
Let A'B'C' be the reflection triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ are parallel to the Euler line, and therefore concur in X(30). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
X(30) is the point of intersection of the Euler line and the line at infinity. Thus, each of the lines listed below is parallel to the Euler line.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Euler Infinity Point.
X(30) lies on the Neuberg cubic, the Darboux quintic, and these (parallel) lines: {1, 79}, {2, 3}, {6, 2549}, {7, 3488}, {8, 3578}, {9, 3587}, {10, 3579}, {11, 36}, {12, 35}, {13, 15}, {14, 16}, {17, 5238}, {18, 5237}, {32, 5254}, {33, 1060}, {34, 1062}, {40, 191}, {46, 1837}, {49, 1614}, {50, 1989}, {51, 5946}, {52, 185}, {53, 577}, {54, 3521}, {55, 495}, {56, 496}, {57, 3586}, {58, 1834}, {61, 397}, {62, 398}, {63, 3419}, {64, 68}, {65, 1770}, {69, 3426}, {74, 265}, {80, 484}, {84, 3928}, {98, 671}, {99, 316}, {100, 2687}, {101, 2688}, {102, 2689}, {103, 2690}, {104, 1290}, {105, 2691}, {106, 2692}, {107, 2693}, {108, 2694}, {109, 2695}, {110, 477}, {111, 2696}, {112, 2697}, {113, 1495}, {114, 2482}, {115, 187}, {119, 2077}, {128, 6592}, {133, 3184}, {137, 6150}, {141, 3098}, {143, 389}, {146, 323}, {148, 385}, {154, 5654}, {155, 1498}, {156, 1147}, {165, 5587}, {182, 597}, {226, 4304}, {250, 6530}, {262, 598}, {284, 1901}, {298, 616}, {299, 617}, {315, 1975}, {329, 3940}, {340, 1494}, {371, 3070}, {372, 3071}, {388, 3295}, {390, 1056}, {485, 1151}, {486, 1152}, {489, 638}, {490, 637}, {497, 999}, {498, 5217}, {499, 5204}, {511, 512}, {551, 946}, {553, 942}, {567, 5012}, {568, 3060}, {574, 3815}, {582, 1724}, {590, 6200}, {599, 1350}, {615, 6396}, {618, 623}, {619, 624}, {620, 625}, {664, 5195}, {841, 1302}, {908, 5440}, {910, 5179}, {925, 5962}, {935, 1297}, {938, 5708}, {944, 962}, {956, 3434}, {993, 2886}, {1043, 1330}, {1058, 3600}, {1117, 5671}, {1125, 3824}, {1131, 6407}, {1132, 6408}, {1141, 1157}, {1145, 5176}, {1146, 5011}, {1155, 1737}, {1160, 5860}, {1161, 5861}, {1213, 4877}, {1216, 5907}, {1285, 5304}, {1292, 2752}, {1293, 2758}, {1294, 1304}, {1295, 2766}, {1296, 2770}, {1319, 1387}, {1337, 3479}, {1338, 3480}, {1351, 1353}, {1376, 3820}, {1465, 1877}, {1490, 5763}, {1565, 4872}, {1587, 3311}, {1588, 3312}, {1625, 3289}, {1691, 6034}, {1699, 3576}, {1750, 5720}, {1754, 5398}, {1765, 5755}, {1768, 5535}, {1807, 3465}, {1838, 1852}, {1865, 2193}, {1870, 3100}, {1990, 3163}, {2021, 2023}, {2093, 5727}, {2094, 2095}, {2132, 2133}, {2292, 5492}, {2456, 5182}, {2548, 5013}, {2646, 4870}, {2654, 4303}, {2895, 4720}, {2931, 2935}, {2968, 5081}, {3003, 6128}, {3023, 6023}, {3027, 6027}, {3035, 3814}, {3053, 3767}, {3068, 6221}, {3069, 6398}, {3085, 5229}, {3086, 5225}, {3167, 5656}, {3255, 3577}, {3260, 6148}, {3292, 5609}, {3303, 4309}, {3304, 4317}, {3357, 5894}, {3424, 5485}, {3429, 4052}, {3436, 5687}, {3481, 3482}, {3485, 4305}, {3486, 4295}, {3487, 4313}, {3565, 5203}, {3589, 4045}, {3665, 4056}, {3703, 4680}, {3746, 4330}, {3829, 5450}, {3911, 5122}, {3917, 5891}, {3925, 5251}, {4030, 4692}, {4252, 5292}, {4296, 6198}, {4298, 5045}, {4301, 5882}, {4325, 4857}, {4421, 6256}, {4424, 5724}, {4511, 5057}, {4669, 5493}, {4677, 5881}, {4999, 5267}, {5008, 5355}, {5010, 5432}, {5032, 5093}, {5103, 5149}, {5107, 5477}, {5119, 5252}, {5180, 6224}, {5188, 6248}, {5207, 6393}, {5418, 6409}, {5420, 6410}, {5424, 5561}, {5448, 5893}, {5459, 5478}, {5460, 5479}, {5461, 6036}, {5463, 5473}, {5464, 5474}, {5538, 6326}, {5562, 5876}, {5603, 5731}, {5657, 5790}, {5703, 5714}, {5732, 5805}, {5758, 6223}, {5759, 5779}, {5858, 5864}, {5859, 5865}, {5889, 6241}, {5892, 5943}, {6104, 6107}, {6105, 6106}, {6193, 6225}, {6237, 6254}, {6238, 6285}
X(30) = isogonal conjugate of X(74)
X(30) = isotomic conjugate of X(1494)
X(30) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(146)
X(30) = complementary conjugate of X(113)
X(30) = orthopoint of X(523)
X(30) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,113), (265,5), (476,523)
X(30) = cevapoint of X(3) and X(399)
X(30) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (13,14), (94,264)
X(30) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (15,16), (50,184)
X(30) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(647)
X(30) = ideal point of PU(30)
X(30) = vertex conjugate of PU(87)
X(30) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(3163)
X(30) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(3163)
X(30) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(3163)
X(30) = trilinear pole of line X(1636)X(1637) (the line that is the tripolar centroid of the Euler line)
X(30) = X(517)-of-orthic triangle if ABC is acute
X(30) = X(542)-of-1st Brocard triangle
X(30) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(399) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(30) = crosspoint of X(616) and X(617) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(30) = cevapoint of X(616) and X(617)
X(30) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(2349)
X(30) = perspector of 2nd isogonal triangle of X(4) and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd isogonal triangle of X(4)
X(30) = Thomson isogonal conjugate of X(110)
X(30) = Lucas isogonal conjugate of X(110)
X(30) = homothetic center of X(20)-altimedial and X(140)-anti-altimedial triangles
X(30) = X(1154)-of-excentral-triangle
X(30) = homothetic center of Ehrmann vertex-triangle and Trinh triangle
X(30) = homothetic center of Ehrmann side-triangle and dual of orthic triangle
X(30) = homothetic center of Ehrmann mid-triangle and medial triangle
X(30) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(517)
X(30) = 1st-Brocard-isogonal conjugate of X(18332)
X(30) = polar conjugate of X(16080)
X(30) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8749)
X(31) = (r2 + s2)*X(1) - 6rR*X(2) - 4r2*X(3) (Peter Moses, April 2, 2013)
Let A'B'C' be the circumsymmedial triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Then A″, B″, C″ are collinear on line X(667)X(788) (the trilinear polar of X(31)). The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(31). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the Apus triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(31). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the Ara triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(31). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Define the 1st Kenmotu diagonals triangle as the triangle formed by the diagonals of the squares in the Kenmotu configuration with center X(371) that do not include X(371). Define the 2nd Kenmotu diagonals triangle as the triangle formed by the diagonals of the squares in the Kenmotu configuration with center X(372) that do not include X(372). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A1B1C1 and A2B2C2 be the 1st and 2nd Kenmotu diagonals triangles. Let A' be the trilinear product A1*A2, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(31). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
X(31) is the Brianchon point (perspector) of the inellipse that is the trilinear square of the Lemoine axis. The center of the inellipse is X(16584). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(31) (1), X(31) (2), X(31) (3).
X(31) lies on these lines: 1,21 2,171 3,601 4,3072 6,42 8,987 9,612 10,964 19,204 25,608 28,2282 32,41 33,2250 34,1254 35,386 36,995 37,2214 40,580 43,100 44,210 48,560 51,181 56,154 57,105 65,1104 72,976 75,82 76,734 86,2296 91,1087 92,162 99,715 101,609 106,2163 110,593 112,2249 158,2190 163,923 165,2999 172,1613 184,604 197,2183 198,2255 199,2277 200,1261 218,1260 222,1458 226,3011 237,904 240,1748 278,1430 284,2258 292,1915 354,1279 388,1935 404,978 497,1936 516,1754 561,722 582,3579 607,2357 649,884 663,2423 669,875 678,3158 692,2877 701,789 708,1502 740,3187 743,825 745,827 759,994 775,1097 872,2220 893,1691 899,1376 901,2382 937,1103 940,1001 982,3218 984,3219 990,1709 999,1149 1066,3157 1098,2363 1124,3076 1182,3192 1210,1771 1331,2991 1335,3077 1393,1454 1403,1428 1427,1456 1438,2279 1450,1470 1474,2215 1486,2260 1572,2170 1582,1740 1616,3304 1633,3123 1820,1953 1836,3120 1910,2186 1911,1922 1917,2085 1927,1967 1932,1973 1951,3010 1974,2281 1979,2107 2003,2078 2054,2248 2083,2156 2153,2154 2188,2638 2242,3230 2264,3198 2274,3286 2318,2911 3074,3085 3075,3086 3220,3415
X(31) is the {X(1),X(63)}-harmonic conjugate of X(38). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(31), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(31) = isogonal conjugate of X(75)
X(31) = isotomic conjugate of X(561)
X(31) = complement of X(6327)
X(31) = anticomplement of X(2887)
X(31) = anticomplementary conjugate of anticomplement of X(38813)
X(31) = circumcircle-inverse of X(5161)
X(31) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,48), (6,41), (9,205), (58,6), (82,1)
X(31) = X(213)-cross conjugate of X(6)
X(31) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,19), (6,56)
X(31) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,63), (2,8), (7,347), (10,321), (239,1281), (244,514), (307,1441), (523,1086), (693,1111)
X(31) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(514)X(661)
X(31) = X(1403)-Hirst inverse of X(1428)
X(31) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (82,31), (83,75)
X(31) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,993), (55,55), (109,31), (110,57), (643,31), (692,31)
X(31) = barycentric product of PU(8)
X(31) = vertex conjugate of PU(8)
X(31) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 23, 48
X(31) = PU(23)-harmonic conjugate of X(661)
X(31) = PU(48)-harmonic conjugate of X(649)
X(31) = trilinear product of PU(36)
X(31) = trilinear product X(55)*X(56)
X(31) = trilinear pole of line X(667)X(788)
X(31) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1969)
X(31) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(1969)
X(31) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(76)
X(31) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(63)
X(31) = trilinear square of X(6)
X(31) = trilinear cube root of X(1917)
X(31) = vertex conjugate of foci of incentral inellipse
X(31) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(31) (which is also the anticevian triangle of X(31))
X(31) = {X(1),X(1707)}-harmonic conjugate of X(63)
X(31) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of extraversion triangle of X(7)
X(31) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of extraversion triangle of X(8) (2nd Conway triangle)
X(31) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 4th Conway triangle
X(31) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of 2nd and 4th Conway triangles
X(31) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of Gemini triangles 2 and 30
X(31) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 33 and 34
X(31) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 33
X(31) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 34
X(31) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 33
X(31) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 34
X(31) = barycentric product of (nonreal) circumcircle intercepts of the antiorthic axis
X(31) = center of circumconic locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(32664)
X(31) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(32664)
X(31) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(32664)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(32).
The 5th Brocard triangle is here introduced as the vertex triangle of the circumcevian triangles of the 1st and 2nd Brocard points. (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
The 5th Brocard triangle is homothetic to ABC at X(32), homothetic to the medial triangle at X(3096), homothetic to the anticomplementary triangle at X(2896), perspective to the 1st Brocard triangle at X(2896), and perspective to the 3rd Brocard triangle at X(32).(Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let A″, B″, C″ be inverse-in-circumcircle of A', B' and C' resp. AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(32). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint, wrt A'B'C', of B and C, and define B″, C″ cyclically. A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(32). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
X(32) is the Brianchon point (perspector) of the inellipse that is the barycentric square of the Lemoine axis. The center of this inellipse is X(8265). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(32) lies on these lines: 1,172 2,83 3,6 4,98 5,230 9,987 20,2549 21,981 22,1194 24,232 25,1184 31,41 35,2276 48,1472 51,2351 55,1500 56,1015 71,2273 75,746 76,384 81,980 99,194 100,713 101,595 110,729 111,1383 163,849 165,1571 184,211 218,906 220,3052 262,3406 263,1976 512,878 538,1003 560,1918 561,724 590,640 604,1106 615,639 632,3055 637,3069 638,3068 682,1974 695,3492 710,1502 731,825 733,827 902,1334 904,1933 910,1104 941,1169 958,1572 983,3495 988,1449 993,1107 1009,1724 1055,1201 1084,1576 1092,3289 1191,3207 1204,3269 1376,1574 1395,1402 1423,3500 1468,2280 1613,1915 1843,2353 1911,1932 1919,3249 1922,1923 1950,2285 1951,2082 1992,2482 1995,3291 2004,2005 2319,3494 2508,2881 2698,2715 3087,3088 3124,3457 3170,3171 3497,3512 3499,3511
X(32) is the {X(3),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(39). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(32), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(32) = midpoint of X(371) and X(372)
X(32) = reflection of X(315) in X(626)
X(32) = isogonal conjugate of X(76)
X(32) = isotomic conjugate of X(1502)
X(32) = complement of X(315)
X(32) = anticomplement of X(626)
X(32) = circumcircle-inverse of X(1691)
X(32) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(39)
X(32) = 1st-Lemoine-circle-inverse of X(1692)
X(32) = antigonal conjugate of X(37841)
X(32) = anticomplementary conjugate of anticomplement of X(38826)
X(32) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,206), (6,184), (112,512), (251,6)
X(32) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,66), (6,25)
X(32) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,69), (6,22), (75,312), (115,826), (311,343), (313,321), (338,850), (339,525), (349,1231), (693,1086), (1229,1233), (1230,1269)
X(32) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(325)X(523)
X(32) = X(184)-Hirst inverse of X(237)
X(32) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (41,41), (163,56), (919,32)
X(32) = external center of similitude of circumcircle and Moses circle
X(32) = radical trace of circumcircle and circle {X(1687),X(1688),PU(1),PU(2)}
X(32) = trilinear product of vertices of circumsymmedial triangle
X(32) = trilinear product of vertices of 3rd Brocard triangle
X(32) = insimilicenter of circles O(15,16) and O(61,62); the exsimilicenter is X(39)
X(32) = insimilicenter of circles {X(15),X(62),PU(1)} and {X(16),X(61),PU(1)}; the exsimilicenter is X(182)
X(32) = intersection of tangents at PU(1) to Brocard circle
X(32) = intersection of lines P(1)U(2) and U(1)P(2)
X(32) = vertex conjugate of PU(1)
X(32) = trilinear product of PU(9)
X(32) = barycentric product of PU(36)
X(32) = bicentric sum of PU(39)
X(32) = midpoint of PU(39)
X(32) = center of circle {X(371),X(372),PU(1),PU(39)}} (the circle orthogonal to the Brocard circle through the 1st and 2nd Brocard points)
X(32) = crosssum of polar conjugates of PU(4)
X(32) = perspector ABC and tangential triangle of 1st Brocard triangle
X(32) = trilinear cube of X(6)
X(32) = trilinear square root of X(1917)
X(32) = inverse-in-2nd-Brocard-circle of X(3094)
X(32) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(206)
X(32) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(206)
X(32) = trilinear pole of line X(669)X(688) (the isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of the Lemoine axis)
X(32) = perspector of ABC and 3rd Brocard triangle
X(32) = {X(61),X(62)}-harmonic conjugate of X(576)
X(32) = {X(1340),X(1341)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5116)
X(32) = {X(1687),X(1688)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3)
X(32) = reflection of X(5028) in X(6)
X(32) = X(32)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(32) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(2)
X(32) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(69)
X(32) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(99)
X(32) = X(4048) of 1st anti-Brocard triangle
X(32) = homothetic center of circumnormal triangle and unary cofactor triangle of Stammler triangle
X(32) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 1st Brocard triangle
X(32) = homothetic center of medial triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 5th Brocard triangle
X(32) = homothetic center of medial triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 5th anti-Brocard triangle
X(32) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(511)
X(32) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(98)
X(32) = X(169)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(32) = Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of X(16985)
X(32) = barycentric square of X(6)
X(32) = barycentric product of (nonreal) circumcircle intercepts of the Lemoine axis
X(33) = (r + 2R - s)(r + 2R + s)*X(1) - 6rR*X(2) + 4rR*X(3) (Peter Moses, April 2, 2013)
Let LA be the reflection of line BC in the internal angle bisector of angle A, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let DEF be the triangle formed by LA, LB, LC. Then DEF (the intangents triangle) is homothetic to the orthic triangle, and the homothetic center is X(33). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(33).
X(33) lies on these lines: 1,4 2,1040 5,1062 6,204 7,1041 8,1039 9,212 10,406 11,427 12,235 19,25 20,1038 24,35 28,975 29,78 30,1060 36,378 40,201 42,393 47,90 56,963 57,103 63,1013 64,65 79,1063 80,1061 84,603 112,609 200,281 210,220 222,971 264,350
X(33) is the {X(1),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(34). For a list of other harmonic conjugates, click Tables at the top of this page.
X(33) = isogonal conjugate of X(77)
X(33) = isotomic conjugate of X(7182)
X(33) = anticomplement of X(34822)
X(33) = trilinear pole of line X(657)X(4041) (the polar of X(85) wrt polar circle)
X(33) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(85) (line X(522)X(693))
X(33) = polar conjugate of X(85)
X(33) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(34)
X(33) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,19), (29,281), (318,9)
X(33) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (41,9), (42,55)
X(33) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,282), (4,281)
X(33) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,223), (3,222), (57,1394), (73,1214)
X(33) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(652)X(905)
X(33) = X(33)-beth conjugate of X(25)
X(33) = homothetic center of anti-excenters-incenter reflections triangle and anti-tangential midarc triangle
X(34) is the center of perspective of the orthic triangle and the reflection in the incenter of the intangents triangle.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(34) (1) and X(34) (2).
X(34) lies on these lines: 1,4 2,1038 5,1060 6,19 7,1039 8,1041 9,201 10,475 11,235 12,427 20,1040 24,36 25,56 28,57 29,77 30,1062 35,378 40,212 46,47 55,227 79,1061 80,1063 87,242 106,108 196,937 207,1042 222,942 244,1106 331,870 347,452 860,997
X(34) is the {X(1),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(33). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(34), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(34) = isogonal conjugate of X(78)
X(34) = isotomic conjugate of X(3718)
X(34) = anticomplement of X(34823)
X(34) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,207), (4,208), (28,56), (273,57), (278,19)
X(34) = X(25)-cross conjugate of X(19)
X(34) = crosssum of X(219) and X(1260)
X(34) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(521)X(652)
X(34) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32757)
X(34) = X(56)-Hirst inverse of X(1430)
X(34) = trilinear pole of polar of X(312) wrt polar circle (line X(649)X(4017))
X(34) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(312) (line X(522)X(3717))
X(34) = polar conjugate of X(312)
X(34) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(33)
X(34) = homothetic center of intangents triangle and reflection of orthic triangle in X(4)
X(34) = homothetic center of orthic triangle and anti-tangential midarc triangle
X(34) = X(8078)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(34) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,221), (4,4), (28,34), (29,1), (107,158), (108,34), (110,47), (162,34), (811,34)
X(34) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,78}, {31,3718}, {48,312}
Let A' be the inverse-in-circumcircle of the A-excenter, and define B' and C' cyclically. Then the lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(35).
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let B'C'A″ be the triangle similar to ABC such that segment A'A″ crosses the line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. (Equivalently, A″ is the reflection of A in B'C'.) Let Ia be the incenter of B'C'A″, and define Ib and Ic cyclically. The lines AIa, BIb, CIc concur in X(35). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(35).
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(35).
X(35) lies on the cubics K073, K434, K679, K1056 and these lines: {1, 3}, {2, 1479}, {4, 498}, {5, 3583}, {6, 5312}, {8, 993}, {9, 90}, {10, 21}, {11, 140}, {12, 30}, {15, 1250}, {16, 5357}, {19, 14017}, {20, 1478}, {22, 612}, {23, 5297}, {24, 33}, {25, 1900}, {28, 1869}, {31, 386}, {32, 2276}, {34, 378}, {37, 267}, {38, 7293}, {39, 1914}, {41, 3730}, {42, 58}, {43, 1011}, {47, 212}, {54, 6286}, {60, 5127}, {61, 7127}, {63, 3811}, {71, 284}, {72, 191}, {73, 74}, {75, 21410}, {77, 7163}, {78, 3422}, {79, 226}, {81, 4278}, {84, 7162}, {86, 25599}, {98, 10086}, {99, 1909}, {101, 1334}, {103, 1803}, {104, 5559}, {106, 28218}, {110, 501}, {112, 13116}, {125, 12896}, {145, 8666}, {149, 24387}, {172, 187}, {181, 35203}, {182, 3056}, {183, 3760}, {186, 1825}, {192, 7793}, {197, 8185}, {198, 3731}, {199, 1961}, {200, 1259}, {201, 1725}, {202, 5237}, {203, 5238}, {210, 31445}, {213, 17735}, {214, 3884}, {218, 4258}, {221, 10076}, {225, 7414}, {228, 846}, {238, 3216}, {255, 991}, {259, 34201}, {270, 2073}, {291, 8671}, {306, 24632}, {319, 34016}, {350, 1078}, {355, 6914}, {371, 3301}, {372, 2066}, {376, 388}, {377, 10198}, {380, 1723}, {381, 12953}, {382, 10895}, {384, 27020}, {385, 25264}, {389, 11429}, {390, 3086}, {392, 2932}, {404, 1125}, {405, 1376}, {411, 516}, {442, 6690}, {474, 1001}, {495, 550}, {496, 549}, {497, 499}, {500, 1154}, {511, 2330}, {515, 6906}, {518, 3916}, {519, 2975}, {528, 4999}, {535, 20060}, {538, 4400}, {546, 3614}, {548, 4325}, {551, 5253}, {572, 1404}, {573, 1405}, {574, 2241}, {575, 8540}, {578, 11436}, {580, 14547}, {590, 31499}, {595, 902}, {596, 32923}, {603, 10623}, {609, 3053}, {611, 1350}, {613, 5085}, {614, 7485}, {632, 10593}, {650, 11247}, {672, 4251}, {674, 5135}, {692, 1437}, {741, 29151}, {748, 17749}, {750, 16451}, {758, 20612}, {813, 2711}, {849, 1326}, {851, 29640}, {910, 16601}, {920, 10393}, {936, 4512}, {944, 5450}, {946, 5443}, {947, 1795}, {950, 1006}, {953, 23153}, {954, 4312}, {956, 3632}, {958, 3679}, {960, 5440}, {968, 975}, {971, 15837}, {976, 4414}, {978, 8616}, {983, 15315}, {984, 3220}, {995, 3915}, {997, 4855}, {1005, 6745}, {1009, 29633}, {1010, 19842}, {1012, 5691}, {1018, 2329}, {1035, 34033}, {1036, 34446}, {1056, 3528}, {1058, 3524}, {1064, 22072}, {1066, 22053}, {1071, 1768}, {1089, 7081}, {1094, 3165}, {1095, 3166}, {1100, 5124}, {1110, 14887}, {1124, 1152}, {1145, 32157}, {1147, 6238}, {1151, 1335}, {1158, 10093}, {1191, 21000}, {1210, 4314}, {1212, 5540}, {1215, 24850}, {1220, 4234}, {1255, 6186}, {1297, 13311}, {1329, 11113}, {1386, 5096}, {1398, 11410}, {1425, 21663}, {1428, 5092}, {1442, 7279}, {1444, 3879}, {1447, 7264}, {1464, 18360}, {1468, 2177}, {1469, 3098}, {1475, 5030}, {1476, 13606}, {1486, 31318}, {1490, 1709}, {1498, 10060}, {1511, 3024}, {1587, 13905}, {1588, 13963}, {1593, 11398}, {1599, 3084}, {1600, 3083}, {1609, 3553}, {1626, 23206}, {1656, 9668}, {1657, 9654}, {1658, 8144}, {1699, 3149}, {1707, 7085}, {1708, 10399}, {1714, 13726}, {1718, 2955}, {1728, 10382}, {1734, 1946}, {1738, 7523}, {1742, 1745}, {1743, 4254}, {1749, 17637}, {1761, 22021}, {1776, 26878}, {1782, 18673}, {1784, 1940}, {1785, 7412}, {1788, 3488}, {1807, 10260}, {1816, 17188}, {1819, 2328}, {1824, 20832}, {1836, 11374}, {1837, 18395}, {1838, 4219}, {1858, 31837}, {1870, 3520}, {1891, 4227}, {1918, 3736}, {1935, 4551}, {1950, 2197}, {1975, 3761}, {2067, 6200}, {2071, 4296}, {2080, 10799}, {2136, 8668}, {2161, 26744}, {2174, 17454}, {2175, 3781}, {2178, 3247}, {2192, 17821}, {2209, 5145}, {2218, 16290}, {2222, 2687}, {2242, 5206}, {2252, 2302}, {2267, 4266}, {2270, 11434}, {2278, 2323}, {2280, 4253}, {2289, 15830}, {2291, 20219}, {2292, 15618}, {2293, 13329}, {2300, 5110}, {2309, 4279}, {2320, 21398}, {2324, 15817}, {2346, 5542}, {2361, 2964}, {2475, 3822}, {2477, 22115}, {2478, 26364}, {2548, 31497}, {2550, 6857}, {2551, 11111}, {2653, 20666}, {2664, 16372}, {2782, 15452}, {2800, 21740}, {2802, 4861}, {2886, 7483}, {2887, 25645}, {2901, 17763}, {2933, 3185}, {2937, 9628}, {2948, 13204}, {3011, 7465}, {3023, 33813}, {3027, 12042}, {3028, 12041}, {3035, 4187}, {3052, 4255}, {3065, 7161}, {3070, 9646}, {3071, 9660}, {3090, 5225}, {3099, 11494}, {3100, 7488}, {3101, 25080}, {3120, 24160}, {3146, 10590}, {3157, 12163}, {3159, 32936}, {3207, 32625}, {3218, 3874}, {3219, 3647}, {3230, 21008}, {3237, 8161}, {3238, 8160}, {3244, 5303}, {3270, 13367}, {3286, 4649}, {3293, 4267}, {3294, 35342}, {3297, 6410}, {3298, 6409}, {3311, 19037}, {3312, 19038}, {3357, 7355}, {3419, 26066}, {3434, 6910}, {3454, 29846}, {3474, 3487}, {3485, 6361}, {3486, 5657}, {3501, 16788}, {3509, 3970}, {3515, 7071}, {3522, 4293}, {3525, 10589}, {3526, 9669}, {3529, 5229}, {3530, 15172}, {3534, 9655}, {3541, 11393}, {3560, 5587}, {3600, 10304}, {3616, 4188}, {3626, 17574}, {3627, 10592}, {3628, 5326}, {3633, 12513}, {3634, 5047}, {3648, 17484}, {3649, 5719}, {3652, 12738}, {3683, 5044}, {3684, 16552}, {3688, 7193}, {3689, 34790}, {3693, 17744}, {3695, 3712}, {3697, 5302}, {3705, 4894}, {3720, 4210}, {3723, 21773}, {3724, 3743}, {3751, 12329}, {3753, 5426}, {3754, 27086}, {3767, 9598}, {3779, 5138}, {3792, 19624}, {3797, 30167}, {3814, 5046}, {3816, 13747}, {3817, 6915}, {3828, 16858}, {3864, 18265}, {3868, 4880}, {3869, 4867}, {3870, 4652}, {3877, 30144}, {3878, 4511}, {3881, 3957}, {3885, 22837}, {3887, 8648}, {3897, 14923}, {3898, 4881}, {3899, 5730}, {3911, 5442}, {3912, 21511}, {3920, 5322}, {3925, 6675}, {3944, 19548}, {3947, 33557}, {3961, 16064}, {3987, 34868}, {3991, 5525}, {4018, 16126}, {4044, 26243}, {4056, 7179}, {4067, 11684}, {4084, 34195}, {4191, 26102}, {4193, 31263}, {4203, 6685}, {4216, 10448}, {4218, 24443}, {4220, 30362}, {4225, 4653}, {4260, 19133}, {4261, 5301}, {4292, 7411}, {4295, 5703}, {4297, 6909}, {4300, 22350}, {4306, 9316}, {4313, 18391}, {4319, 17928}, {4323, 34632}, {4326, 15299}, {4333, 9579}, {4347, 17080}, {4366, 7824}, {4384, 16367}, {4386, 5283}, {4396, 7780}, {4413, 11108}, {4423, 16408}, {4428, 16371}, {4429, 19846}, {4432, 25079}, {4471, 7301}, {4533, 15481}, {4557, 24436}, {4570, 9273}, {4645, 25650}, {4647, 32932}, {4674, 8683}, {4714, 16824}, {4760, 16720}, {4781, 17164}, {4816, 8168}, {4848, 21161}, {4868, 17016}, {4870, 28198}, {4920, 33870}, {5009, 21035}, {5011, 17451}, {5013, 16502}, {5015, 30171}, {5023, 9331}, {5054, 11238}, {5070, 9671}, {5080, 15680}, {5082, 30478}, {5120, 16667}, {5160, 7575}, {5171, 10802}, {5174, 17515}, {5195, 17084}, {5219, 6985}, {5223, 6600}, {5252, 18481}, {5263, 19270}, {5265, 15692}, {5272, 7484}, {5274, 10303}, {5276, 25092}, {5284, 17531}, {5287, 11340}, {5291, 20691}, {5298, 12100}, {5300, 24587}, {5332, 7772}, {5370, 7492}, {5393, 16441}, {5405, 16440}, {5424, 17097}, {5427, 15174}, {5428, 10543}, {5434, 8703}, {5438, 31435}, {5473, 10062}, {5474, 10061}, {5475, 31501}, {5506, 5528}, {5531, 14872}, {5533, 6713}, {5541, 10914}, {5550, 17572}, {5552, 6872}, {5588, 11498}, {5589, 11497}, {5603, 6942}, {5690, 7508}, {5722, 24914}, {5727, 22760}, {5732, 10042}, {5775, 12536}, {5836, 19525}, {5840, 6842}, {5842, 6831}, {5881, 22758}, {5886, 6924}, {5887, 6326}, {5889, 9637}, {5951, 26700}, {5974, 11990}, {6000, 26888}, {6001, 33597}, {6019, 14650}, {6042, 35205}, {6146, 26956}, {6147, 11246}, {6221, 18996}, {6253, 8727}, {6256, 6938}, {6283, 12974}, {6285, 6759}, {6292, 8299}, {6396, 6502}, {6398, 18995}, {6405, 12975}, {6423, 31459}, {6533, 16823}, {6560, 31472}, {6642, 9817}, {6645, 13586}, {6656, 26629}, {6668, 17530}, {6693, 29631}, {6771, 13076}, {6774, 13075}, {6825, 10320}, {6834, 26333}, {6841, 18406}, {6853, 13199}, {6863, 10525}, {6880, 10531}, {6882, 8070}, {6883, 9581}, {6894, 12558}, {6907, 10523}, {6908, 10321}, {6911, 8227}, {6912, 19925}, {6913, 7989}, {6916, 10629}, {6918, 7988}, {6920, 10175}, {6921, 10200}, {6923, 10953}, {6934, 26332}, {6940, 10090}, {6977, 12116}, {7051, 10645}, {7080, 17576}, {7098, 15556}, {7160, 7284}, {7176, 7278}, {7191, 15246}, {7235, 24640}, {7270, 17512}, {7292, 7496}, {7320, 15180}, {7330, 17857}, {7352, 7689}, {7353, 7692}, {7356, 7691}, {7362, 7690}, {7416, 15622}, {7428, 23361}, {7489, 9956}, {7504, 20104}, {7506, 9673}, {7512, 22347}, {7580, 9612}, {7583, 13901}, {7584, 13958}, {7587, 30411}, {7588, 30423}, {7589, 30408}, {7675, 18412}, {7677, 30331}, {7713, 11383}, {7737, 9596}, {7745, 31460}, {7746, 9664}, {7747, 31476}, {7807, 26590}, {7992, 12330}, {8075, 30370}, {8076, 30420}, {8077, 11013}, {8167, 16862}, {8188, 11503}, {8189, 11504}, {8356, 26561}, {8572, 16486}, {8580, 13615}, {8583, 30294}, {8614, 23071}, {8669, 11688}, {8685, 29096}, {8725, 12944}, {8731, 33138}, {8981, 19030}, {9342, 17536}, {9538, 10298}, {9540, 13904}, {9574, 16780}, {9578, 11501}, {9599, 31401}, {9638, 11461}, {9645, 14070}, {9656, 17800}, {9657, 15696}, {9658, 12083}, {9665, 31455}, {9666, 32046}, {9708, 17571}, {9709, 16418}, {9712, 15076}, {9751, 10080}, {9780, 16865}, {9818, 19372}, {9821, 12837}, {9860, 12178}, {9875, 12326}, {9896, 12328}, {9897, 12331}, {9898, 12333}, {9899, 12335}, {9900, 12336}, {9901, 12337}, {9902, 12338}, {9903, 12339}, {9904, 12327}, {9905, 12341}, {9906, 12343}, {9907, 12344}, {9931, 9932}, {9938, 19471}, {9943, 17613}, {10037, 11414}, {10040, 11824}, {10041, 11825}, {10054, 12117}, {10055, 12118}, {10057, 12119}, {10059, 12120}, {10063, 11257}, {10064, 12122}, {10067, 12123}, {10068, 12124}, {10069, 34473}, {10077, 21157}, {10078, 21156}, {10079, 22712}, {10081, 15055}, {10089, 21166}, {10091, 15035}, {10106, 21578}, {10118, 13289}, {10122, 12432}, {10149, 15646}, {10179, 35271}, {10197, 17579}, {10282, 10535}, {10479, 32916}, {10527, 20075}, {10605, 19349}, {10610, 13079}, {10646, 19373}, {10647, 30433}, {10648, 30434}, {10651, 30300}, {10652, 30301}, {10707, 34649}, {10789, 11490}, {10806, 15868}, {10860, 30290}, {10877, 26316}, {10927, 26341}, {10928, 26348}, {10944, 34773}, {10947, 26492}, {10954, 11827}, {10974, 22080}, {11063, 21864}, {11101, 21674}, {11102, 33116}, {11110, 16828}, {11112, 25466}, {11114, 11681}, {11115, 26115}, {11171, 12836}, {11189, 11202}, {11194, 19704}, {11204, 32065}, {11219, 12750}, {11231, 17606}, {11239, 20076}, {11250, 32047}, {11263, 20292}, {11319, 26030}, {11329, 16831}, {11343, 17284}, {11349, 29571}, {11350, 17022}, {11375, 12699}, {11392, 18533}, {11430, 19365}, {11438, 19366}, {11446, 11449}, {11454, 19367}, {11468, 19368}, {11522, 22753}, {11545, 12104}, {11570, 18444}, {11571, 12515}, {11587, 35201}, {11715, 18861}, {11753, 35207}, {11762, 35208}, {11771, 35209}, {11780, 35210}, {11828, 11951}, {11829, 11952}, {11848, 11852}, {11909, 26451}, {12005, 26877}, {12054, 12835}, {12121, 12903}, {12185, 15561}, {12334, 12407}, {12340, 12408}, {12342, 12409}, {12350, 14830}, {12359, 12428}, {12373, 20127}, {12374, 14643}, {12556, 13128}, {12584, 32286}, {12608, 12775}, {12609, 16155}, {12619, 12743}, {12653, 22560}, {12680, 34862}, {12888, 12893}, {12901, 19469}, {12904, 15061}, {12910, 12972}, {12911, 12973}, {12940, 20427}, {12984, 19473}, {12985, 19474}, {13043, 13049}, {13044, 13050}, {13061, 19475}, {13062, 19476}, {13080, 18244}, {13089, 13146}, {13173, 13174}, {13206, 13221}, {13253, 22775}, {13278, 26726}, {13293, 19505}, {13541, 34139}, {13588, 25526}, {13602, 15179}, {13665, 13897}, {13666, 13714}, {13675, 13679}, {13723, 29674}, {13743, 17663}, {13785, 13954}, {13786, 13837}, {13795, 13799}, {13887, 13888}, {13935, 13962}, {13940, 13942}, {13966, 19029}, {14100, 31658}, {14118, 24025}, {14377, 30949}, {14873, 33329}, {14986, 15717}, {15104, 21165}, {15462, 32290}, {15815, 16781}, {15908, 21155}, {15950, 22791}, {16058, 16569}, {16059, 25502}, {16061, 16818}, {16113, 16152}, {16117, 16118}, {16139, 33857}, {16154, 21077}, {16163, 18968}, {16286, 17123}, {16299, 33174}, {16342, 19858}, {16346, 19859}, {16405, 29825}, {16436, 29573}, {16453, 17122}, {16468, 20992}, {16469, 21002}, {16471, 19764}, {16475, 16688}, {16484, 20470}, {16496, 22769}, {16583, 34872}, {16783, 17754}, {16817, 28611}, {16819, 33047}, {16825, 23407}, {16826, 19308}, {16842, 19872}, {16845, 26040}, {16850, 19856}, {16857, 19876}, {16859, 19877}, {16915, 27255}, {16916, 27091}, {16917, 31996}, {16930, 27048}, {16931, 27026}, {16992, 32092}, {17023, 21495}, {17030, 17684}, {17104, 35193}, {17126, 19767}, {17316, 21508}, {17532, 34626}, {17534, 31253}, {17535, 19878}, {17558, 19855}, {17567, 26105}, {17588, 19874}, {17605, 22793}, {17638, 22935}, {17647, 24987}, {17660, 26201}, {17674, 24542}, {17692, 26752}, {17696, 27299}, {17717, 19543}, {17719, 24851}, {17729, 17758}, {17734, 21935}, {17760, 33952}, {17784, 19843}, {18180, 22300}, {18357, 31649}, {18491, 18492}, {18515, 18526}, {18518, 18761}, {18589, 24780}, {18915, 18931}, {18922, 18925}, {18954, 35243}, {18957, 35248}, {18958, 35241}, {18959, 35246}, {18960, 35247}, {18961, 35249}, {18962, 35250}, {18965, 35255}, {18966, 35256}, {18999, 19003}, {19000, 19004}, {19175, 19192}, {19182, 19185}, {19237, 29610}, {19314, 26241}, {19354, 19357}, {19370, 19454}, {19371, 19455}, {19434, 19440}, {19435, 19441}, {19472, 22978}, {19513, 21321}, {19649, 24239}, {19864, 32942}, {20107, 31272}, {20108, 32944}, {20459, 23530}, {20475, 23370}, {20677, 21004}, {20831, 20989}, {20963, 33863}, {20999, 22344}, {21319, 33099}, {21477, 29598}, {21516, 29596}, {21518, 29602}, {21537, 26626}, {21616, 27385}, {21669, 31673}, {22060, 32913}, {22267, 27248}, {22556, 22650}, {22557, 22651}, {22558, 22652}, {22559, 22653}, {22676, 22729}, {22843, 22884}, {22890, 22929}, {22951, 22980}, {22954, 22962}, {23226, 35057}, {23358, 32378}, {24036, 33950}, {24046, 28082}, {24068, 32927}, {24161, 24715}, {24248, 24309}, {24424, 24684}, {24466, 31775}, {24813, 24845}, {24820, 24821}, {24953, 31419}, {25582, 27127}, {26298, 26493}, {26299, 26502}, {26300, 26512}, {26301, 26513}, {26321, 28204}, {26353, 26498}, {26354, 26507}, {26355, 26516}, {26356, 26521}, {26562, 30131}, {26686, 35297}, {27143, 28410}, {27324, 33816}, {27622, 33109}, {27802, 31320}, {28606, 30142}, {28761, 31058}, {29055, 29300}, {29574, 35276}, {30107, 33819}, {30110, 33830}, {30295, 30424}, {30296, 30425}, {30297, 30426}, {30385, 30431}, {30386, 30432}, {30435, 31461}, {30944, 33140}, {31140, 31493}, {32143, 32210}, {32168, 32171}, {32233, 32307}, {32256, 32261}, {32259, 32305}, {32330, 32403}, {32347, 32356}, {32350, 32401}, {33635, 33671}, {33866, 33949}, {34927, 34931}
X(35) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 11010}, {3, 11849}, {12, 15338}, {2975, 3871}, {3585, 4324}, {5086, 11015}, {6906, 11491}
X(35) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 2646}, {79, 14526}, {2975, 5267}, {3584, 4995}, {3585, 12}, {4324, 15338}, {5086, 10}, {5288, 2975}, {6763, 3916}, {6842, 31659}, {11009, 1}, {11012, 3}, {11280, 11011}, {12047, 13411}, {24390, 4999}, {31159, 2}
X(35) = isogonal conjugate of X(79)
X(35) = isotomic conjugate of X(20565)
X(35) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(3647)
X(35) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(3648)
X(35) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(319)
X(35) =Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(5659)
X(35) =excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(2949)
X(35) = complement of isogonal conjugate of X(34441)
X(35) = anticomplement of X(25639)
X(35) = orthocenter of cross-triangle of ABC and inner Yff triangle
X(35) = insimilicenter of circumcircles of ABC and inner Yff triangle; the exsimilicenter is X(1)
X(35) = homothetic center of Trinh triangle and anti-tangential midarc triangle
X(35) = circumcircle-inverse of X(484)
X(35) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(3647)
X(35) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(3648)
X(35) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(319)
X(35) = Thomson isogonal conjugate of X(5659)
X(35) = excentral isogonal conjugate of X(2949)
X(35) = complement of isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(20988)
X(35) = complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22122)
X(35) = complement of complement of X(20066)
X(35) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(15175)
X(35) = X(34441)-complementary conjugate of X(10)
X(35) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 35197}, {21, 35194}, {943, 1}, {1255, 6}, {1442, 2003}, {5951, 484}, {11107, 6198}, {15168, 1757}, {18359, 2323}, {33670, 33669}
X(35) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {500, 1}, {2174, 2003}, {2594, 6198}, {6149, 7343}
X(35) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 79}, {2, 2160}, {4, 7100}, {6, 30690}, {7, 7073}, {31, 20565}, {36, 2166}, {57, 7110}, {58, 6757}, {65, 3615}, {75, 6186}, {81, 8818}, {94, 7113}, {191, 30602}, {225, 1789}, {265, 1870}, {273, 8606}, {513, 6742}, {522, 26700}, {523, 13486}, {554, 1251}, {649, 15455}, {1081, 33653}, {1127, 10230}, {1989, 3218}, {3466, 34301}, {3468, 34303}, {4707, 32678}, {7004, 34922}, {11060, 20924}, {11076, 21739}, {13610, 14844}, {21044, 35049}, {21828, 32680}
X(35) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {55, 1030}, {2594, 22342}
X(35) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3467}, {21, 35196}, {59, 8701}, {100, 4570}, {1442, 3219}, {11107, 35193}
X(35) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3336}, {6, 20988}, {11, 4977}, {481, 482}, {513, 3120}, {1086, 23729}, {2160, 7073}, {3122, 23751}, {4466, 23727}
X(35) = trilinear pole of line {2605, 9404}
X(35) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {650, 4802}
X(35) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 3219}, {6, 319}, {8, 2003}, {9, 1442}, {21, 16577}, {31, 33939}, {42, 34016}, {50, 20566}, {55, 17095}, {57, 4420}, {58, 3969}, {63, 6198}, {75, 2174}, {80, 323}, {81, 3678}, {100, 14838}, {101, 4467}, {110, 7265}, {190, 2605}, {219, 7282}, {226, 35193}, {249, 21054}, {261, 21794}, {304, 14975}, {312, 1399}, {314, 21741}, {321, 17104}, {333, 2594}, {445, 1794}, {593, 7206}, {651, 35057}, {664, 9404}, {692, 18160}, {765, 7202}, {943, 16585}, {1126, 3578}, {1214, 11107}, {1255, 3647}, {1268, 17454}, {1441, 35192}, {1812, 1825}, {2167, 35194}, {2611, 4567}, {2982, 31938}, {4557, 16755}, {4570, 8287}, {4600, 20982}, {6149, 18359}, {6187, 7799}, {6335, 23226}, {7110, 7279}, {7186, 17743}, {7343, 17484}, {8652, 23883}, {19620, 33670}, {21824, 24041}, {22342, 31623}
X(35) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 30690}, {2, 20565}, {6, 79}, {31, 2160}, {32, 6186}, {37, 6757}, {41, 7073}, {42, 8818}, {48, 7100}, {50, 36}, {55, 7110}, {80, 94}, {100, 15455}, {101, 6742}, {163, 13486}, {186, 17923}, {284, 3615}, {319, 76}, {323, 320}, {500, 5249}, {526, 4707}, {1399, 57}, {1415, 26700}, {1442, 85}, {2003, 7}, {2161, 2166}, {2174, 1}, {2193, 1789}, {2307, 554}, {2477, 2003}, {2594, 226}, {2605, 514}, {2611, 16732}, {3219, 75}, {3444, 30602}, {3578, 1269}, {3647, 4359}, {3678, 321}, {3969, 313}, {4420, 312}, {4467, 3261}, {6149, 3218}, {6187, 1989}, {6198, 92}, {7115, 34922}, {7186, 3662}, {7202, 1111}, {7206, 28654}, {7265, 850}, {7279, 17095}, {7282, 331}, {7343, 21739}, {8287, 21207}, {9404, 522}, {11107, 31623}, {14270, 21828}, {14838, 693}, {14975, 19}, {16577, 1441}, {17095, 6063}, {17104, 81}, {17190, 16709}, {17454, 1125}, {18755, 14844}, {20566, 20573}, {20982, 3120}, {21054, 338}, {21741, 65}, {21794, 12}, {21824, 1109}, {22094, 4466}, {22115, 22128}, {22342, 1214}, {23226, 905}, {33939, 561}, {34016, 310}, {35057, 4391}, {35192, 21}, {35193, 333}, {35194, 14213}, {35197, 17483}
X(35) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 3, 36}, {1, 36, 5563}, {1, 40, 5903}, {1, 46, 5902}, {1, 55, 3746}, {1, 57, 18398}, {1, 65, 5425}, {1, 165, 46}, {1, 484, 65}, {1, 3336, 942}, {1, 3337, 354}, {1, 3550, 5264}, {1, 3576, 21842}, {1, 5010, 3}, {1, 5119, 5697}, {1, 5131, 3337}, {1, 7280, 56}, {1, 7991, 25415}, {1, 10902, 14798}, {1, 11280, 11011}, {1, 14794, 11012}, {1, 15803, 3338}, {1, 16192, 15803}, {1, 17596, 3670}, {1, 17700, 30274}, {1, 30282, 3612}, {1, 32613, 14795}, {2, 1479, 7741}, {2, 4294, 1479}, {2, 5248, 5259}, {2, 5259, 25542}, {2, 25639, 31262}, {3, 55, 1}, {3, 56, 7280}, {3, 999, 5204}, {3, 1482, 26286}, {3, 3295, 56}, {3, 3579, 7688}, {3, 3612, 14803}, {3, 3746, 5563}, {3, 5217, 5010}, {3, 6244, 5584}, {3, 10246, 32612}, {3, 10267, 3576}, {3, 10306, 3428}, {3, 10310, 165}, {3, 10679, 11249}, {3, 10902, 15931}, {3, 11248, 40}, {3, 11507, 46}, {3, 14882, 484}, {3, 15931, 35202}, {3, 16202, 10269}, {3, 26285, 2077}, {3, 26357, 14793}, {3, 31393, 13370}, {3, 32613, 10902}, {3, 32760, 14798}, {3, 35000, 3579}, {3, 35238, 35242}, {3, 35251, 35238}, {4, 498, 7951}, {4, 5218, 498}, {5, 6284, 3583}, {8, 993, 5258}, {8, 4189, 993}, {10, 21, 5251}, {10, 4304, 10572}, {10, 10572, 80}, {11, 15171, 4857}, {15, 1250, 5353}, {15, 7006, 2307}, {16, 10638, 5357}, {20, 1478, 10483}, {20, 3085, 1478}, {20, 5281, 3085}, {21, 100, 10}, {31, 386, 1203}, {32, 2276, 5280}, {32, 31451, 2276}, {36, 3746, 1}, {36, 5537, 3245}, {36, 14795, 14798}, {36, 14799, 15931}, {36, 14803, 14800}, {39, 1914, 5299}, {40, 3601, 1}, {40, 5903, 3245}, {40, 11248, 5537}, {41, 3730, 5526}, {55, 56, 3295}, {55, 1470, 31393}, {55, 5010, 36}, {55, 5172, 24929}, {55, 5204, 3303}, {55, 5217, 3}, {55, 10310, 11507}, {55, 10966, 26358}, {55, 11492, 8186}, {55, 11493, 8187}, {55, 14794, 11009}, {55, 16678, 3750}, {55, 26357, 1697}, {55, 32613, 32760}, {55, 34879, 2078}, {56, 3295, 1}, {56, 7280, 36}, {58, 33771, 42}, {63, 3811, 5904}, {65, 3579, 484}, {65, 14882, 3256}, {65, 24929, 1}, {72, 4640, 191}, {73, 109, 34043}, {74, 10088, 19470}, {75, 21586, 21410}, {78, 12514, 5692}, {78, 35258, 12514}, {79, 15228, 1770}, {80, 5441, 10572}, {100, 10058, 80}, {104, 10087, 7972}, {110, 10065, 7727}, {140, 15171, 11}, {165, 8069, 36}, {172, 1500, 16785}, {187, 1500, 172}, {197, 13730, 8185}, {212, 601, 47}, {221, 10606, 10076}, {226, 1770, 79}, {226, 31730, 1770}, {226, 32610, 8606}, {267, 1717, 33642}, {371, 5414, 3301}, {372, 2066, 3299}, {376, 388, 4299}, {381, 12953, 18514}, {382, 10895, 18513}, {382, 31479, 10895}, {390, 3523, 3086}, {404, 1621, 1125}, {405, 1376, 1698}, {474, 1001, 3624}, {484, 5172, 36}, {484, 15932, 46}, {484, 24929, 5425}, {484, 34871, 3}, {495, 550, 7354}, {495, 7354, 5270}, {496, 549, 5433}, {496, 5433, 3582}, {496, 10386, 3058}, {497, 631, 499}, {498, 4302, 4}, {499, 4309, 497}, {548, 15888, 4325}, {548, 18990, 15326}, {549, 3058, 3582}, {549, 10386, 496}, {550, 7354, 4316}, {574, 2241, 2275}, {574, 10987, 16784}, {595, 1193, 5315}, {595, 4256, 1193}, {672, 4251, 17745}, {902, 1193, 595}, {902, 4256, 5315}, {942, 1155, 3336}, {942, 31663, 1155}, {943, 3651, 226}, {944, 6950, 5450}, {950, 6684, 1737}, {954, 11495, 4312}, {956, 3913, 3632}, {958, 4421, 5687}, {958, 5687, 3679}, {968, 975, 27785}, {988, 3749, 1}, {993, 8715, 8}, {999, 3303, 1}, {1011, 19763, 1724}, {1012, 11500, 5691}, {1058, 3524, 7288}, {1058, 7288, 10072}, {1125, 10624, 30384}, {1158, 18446, 15071}, {1250, 2307, 7006}, {1259, 20835, 31424}, {1319, 9957, 1}, {1381, 1382, 484}, {1385, 3057, 1}, {1385, 3579, 13145}, {1385, 14792, 36}, {1385, 26086, 3}, {1388, 34880, 5193}, {1399, 2594, 2003}, {1420, 1470, 13370}, {1420, 31393, 1}, {1466, 1617, 3361}, {1470, 11510, 1420}, {1478, 31452, 3085}, {1482, 34471, 1}, {1656, 9668, 10896}, {1657, 9654, 12943}, {1697, 3576, 1}, {1698, 3586, 10826}, {1737, 6684, 5445}, {1770, 31730, 15228}, {1837, 26446, 18395}, {2077, 10902, 3}, {2077, 32613, 15931}, {2077, 32760, 36}, {2078, 34879, 15931}, {2098, 10246, 1}, {2177, 4257, 16474}, {2241, 2275, 16784}, {2275, 10987, 2241}, {2307, 7006, 5353}, {2550, 6857, 19854}, {2594, 6149, 35197}, {2646, 11010, 11009}, {2646, 14794, 36}, {2915, 20872, 9591}, {2975, 17549, 5267}, {3052, 4255, 16466}, {3057, 26086, 14792}, {3058, 5433, 496}, {3085, 5281, 31452}, {3149, 11496, 1699}, {3219, 4420, 3678}, {3256, 7688, 484}, {3295, 35239, 3340}, {3303, 5204, 999}, {3304, 6767, 1}, {3333, 10389, 1}, {3428, 10306, 7991}, {3434, 6910, 26363}, {3486, 5657, 10573}, {3515, 7071, 11399}, {3524, 10385, 10072}, {3529, 8164, 5229}, {3530, 15172, 15325}, {3560, 11499, 5587}, {3576, 14793, 36}, {3579, 24929, 65}, {3583, 4330, 6284}, {3584, 3585, 12}, {3584, 4324, 3585}, {3612, 5119, 1}, {3612, 5697, 24926}, {3624, 9614, 23708}, {3647, 3678, 3219}, {3666, 5266, 1}, {3730, 4262, 41}, {3746, 14799, 14798}, {3746, 14803, 24926}, {3748, 5045, 1}, {3748, 32636, 5045}, {3869, 22836, 4867}, {3871, 5267, 5288}, {3871, 17549, 2975}, {3920, 6636, 5322}, {3976, 17715, 1}, {4189, 8715, 5258}, {4251, 24047, 672}, {4255, 16466, 5313}, {4261, 5301, 16470}, {4292, 13405, 13407}, {4299, 10056, 388}, {4302, 5218, 7951}, {4304, 10572, 5441}, {4314, 10164, 1210}, {4316, 5270, 7354}, {4326, 21153, 15299}, {4366, 7824, 26959}, {4421, 16370, 3679}, {4423, 16408, 34595}, {4428, 16371, 25055}, {4855, 5250, 997}, {4995, 15338, 12}, {5010, 11010, 14794}, {5010, 32613, 14799}, {5010, 32760, 15931}, {5015, 32851, 30171}, {5045, 5122, 32636}, {5046, 27529, 3814}, {5048, 15178, 1}, {5085, 10387, 613}, {5126, 31792, 20323}, {5127, 15792, 60}, {5132, 8053, 238}, {5132, 16287, 3216}, {5172, 14882, 65}, {5172, 35000, 484}, {5217, 11849, 14794}, {5248, 25440, 2}, {5263, 19270, 19863}, {5268, 7298, 25}, {5284, 17531, 19862}, {5300, 33113, 30172}, {5326, 7173, 3628}, {5432, 6284, 5}, {5563, 15931, 34890}, {5597, 26423, 1}, {5598, 26399, 1}, {5687, 16370, 958}, {5691, 31434, 10827}, {5697, 14803, 5563}, {5703, 9778, 4295}, {5711, 19765, 1}, {5919, 24928, 1}, {6398, 31474, 18995}, {6656, 26629, 30104}, {6769, 10383, 1}, {6914, 32141, 355}, {6938, 10786, 6256}, {7081, 7283, 1089}, {7288, 10385, 1058}, {7691, 10066, 7356}, {7742, 15803, 36}, {7807, 26590, 30103}, {7982, 13384, 1}, {7987, 8071, 36}, {8069, 10310, 46}, {8069, 11507, 1}, {8071, 11508, 1}, {8186, 8187, 57}, {8666, 25439, 145}, {9627, 18447, 1}, {9819, 30389, 1}, {9957, 13624, 1319}, {10088, 19470, 6126}, {10267, 14793, 21842}, {10267, 26357, 1}, {10269, 26358, 1}, {10306, 22766, 25415}, {10679, 11249, 7982}, {10679, 22768, 1}, {10902, 32760, 14795}, {10965, 16203, 1}, {10966, 16202, 1}, {10966, 26358, 7962}, {11011, 11280, 11009}, {11375, 12699, 18393}, {11461, 11464, 9638}, {11849, 33862, 11012}, {12100, 15170, 5298}, {12512, 13405, 4292}, {12515, 12739, 11571}, {13743, 18524, 18480}, {14795, 14799, 10902}, {14796, 14797, 1}, {14796, 14802, 36}, {14797, 14801, 36}, {14801, 14802, 3}, {15326, 15888, 18990}, {15326, 18990, 4325}, {15696, 31480, 9657}, {17637, 22937, 1749}, {17735, 18755, 213}, {18518, 28444, 18761}, {20323, 31792, 1}, {24929, 35000, 3256}, {24953, 34612, 31419}, {25414, 26287, 1}, {26285, 32613, 3}, {30282, 31508, 5119}, {30478, 34607, 5082}, {31159, 31262, 25639}, {32622, 32623, 15931}
X(35) = X(943)-aleph conjugate of X(35)
X(35) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (100,35), (643,10)
X(35) = perspector of ABC and orthic triangle of incentral triangle
X(35) = X(2975) of X(1)-Brocard triangle
X(35) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(650)X(4802)
X(35) = homothetic center of intangents and Kosnita triangles
X(35) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(36)
X(35) = Hofstadter 3/2 point
X(35) = homothetic center of 2nd isogonal triangle of X(1) and cevian triangle of X(3); see X(36)
X(35) = insimilicenter of circumcircle and circumcircle of reflection triangle of X(1); exsimilicenter is X(36)
X(35) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(5902)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(36).
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(36).
Let A' be the isogonal conjugate of A with respect to BCX(1), and define B' and C' cyclically. Let A″ be the circumcenter of BCX(1), and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(36). Also, X(36) is the QA-P4 center (Isogonal Center) of quadrangle ABCX(1) (see
Let P be a point in the plane of triangle ABC, not on a sideline of ABC. Let A1 be the isogonal conjugate of A with respect to triangle BCP, and define B1, C1 cyclically. Call triangle A1B1C1 the 1st isogonal triangle of P. A1B1C1 is also the reflection triangle of the isogonal conjugate of P. A1B1C1 is perspective to ABC iff P lies on the Neuberg cubic. The perspector lies on cubic K060 (pK(X1989, X265), O(X5) orthopivotal cubic). Let A2 be the isogonal conjugate of A1 with respect to triangle B1C1P, and define B2, C2 cyclically. Call triangle A2B2C2 the 2nd isogonal triangle of P. Continuing, let An be the isogonal conjugate of A(n-1) with respect to triangle B(n-1)C(n-1)P, and define B(n), C(n) cyclically. Call triangle AnBnCn the nth isogonal triangle of P. For n >= 2, all triangles AnBnCn are perspective to A(n-1)B(n-1)C(n-1). Call the perspector, Pn, the nth isogonal perspector of P. Pn is the orthocenter of A(n-1)B(n-1)C(n-1) and either the incenter or an excenter of AnBnCn. The triangles AnBnCn are all concyclic, with P as center. Call the circle the isogonal circle of P. For P = X(1), the 2nd isogonal triangle of X(1) is homothetic to ABC at X(36); see also X(35), X(1478), X(1479), X(3583), X(3585), X(5903), X(7741), X(7951). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the incentral triangle. Let A″ be the reflection of A in line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(36). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
X(36) is the {X(3),X(56)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(36), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(36) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,535 4,499 6,609 10,404 11,30 12,140 15,202 16,203 21,79 22,614 24,34 31,995 33,378 39,172 47,602 48,579 54,73 58,60 59,1110 63,997 80,104 84,90 99,350 100,519 101,672 106,901 109,953 187,1015 191,960 214,758 226,1006 238,513 255,1106 376,497 388,498 474,958 495,549 496,550 573,604 1030,1100
X(36) = midpoint of X(1) and X(484)
X(36) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1319), (484,1155) (2077,3)
X(36) = isogonal conjugate of X(80)
X(36) = isotomic conjugate of X(20566)
X(36) = complement of X(5080)
X(36) = anticomplement of X(3814)
X(36) = circumcircle-inverse of X(1)
X(36) = inccircle-inverse of X(942)
X(36) = Bevan-circle-inverse of X(46)
X(36) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(22128)
X(36) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (88,6), (104,1)
X(36) = crosspoint of X(58) and X(106)
X(36) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,484), (10,519), (11,900)
X(36) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(37)X(650)
X(36) = X(104)-aleph conjugate of X(36)
X(36) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,36), (100,36), (643,519)
X(36) = X(2070)-of-intouch-triangle
X(36) = X(186)-of-2nd circumperp-triangle
X(36) = {X(55),X(56)}-harmonic conjugate of X(999)
X(36) = reflection of X(484) in the antiorthic axis
X(36) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(354)
X(36) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(35)
X(36) = homothetic center of intangents and Trinh triangles
X(36) = perspector of ABC and the reflection of the 2nd circumperp triangle in line X(1)X(3)
X(36) = X(186)-of-reflection-triangle-of-X(1)
X(36) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(15446)
X(36) = exsimilicenter of circumcircle and circumcircle of reflection triangle of X(1); insimilicenter is X(35)
X(36) = homothetic center of medial triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd isogonal triangle of X(1)
X(36) = perspector of ABC and the reflection of the excentral triangle in the antiorthic axis (the reflection of the anticevian triangle of X(1) in the trilinear polar of X(1))
X(36) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(5903)
X(36) = homothetic center of Kosnita triangle and anti-tangential midarc triangle
X(36) = orthocenter of cross-triangle of ABC and outer Yff triangle
X(36) = exsimilicenter of circumcircles of ABC and outer Yff triangle; the insimilicenter is X(1)
X(36) = outer-Yff-isogonal conjugate of X(34789)
Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of X(1). Let A″ be the centroid of triangle AB'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Then the lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(37). (Eric Danneels, Hyacinthos 7892, 9/13/03)
A simple construction of X(37) as a crosspoint can be generalized as follows: let DEF be the medial triangle of ABC and let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of a point U other than the centroid, X(2). The crosspoint of X(2) and U is then the point of concurrence of lines LD,ME,NF, where L,M,N are the respective midpoints of AA', BB', CC'. If U=u : v : w (trilinears), then crosspoint(X(2),U) = b/w+c/v : c/u+a/w : a/v+b/u, assuming that uvw is nonzero. In particular, if U=X(1), then the crosspoint is X(37). (Seiichi Kirikami, July 10, 2011)
X(37) = perspector of ABC and the medial triangle of the incentral triangle of ABC. (Randy Hutson, August 23, 2011)
X(37) = center of the Hofstadter ellipse E(1/2); see X(359). This is the incentral inellipse, which is the trilinear square of the antiorthic axis. (Randy Hutson, August 9, 2014)
Let A' be the trilinear pole of the tangent to the Apollonius circle where it meets the A-excircle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is homothetic to ABC at X(37). (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
Let Oa be the A-extraversion of the Conway circle (the circle centered at the A-excenter and passing through A, with radius sqrt(ra^2 + s^2), where ra is the A-exradius). Let La be the radical axis of the circumcircle and Oa. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, B' = Lc∩La, C' = La∩Lb. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(37). (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(37).
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(37).
X(37) lies on these lines: 1,6 2,75 3,975 7,241 8,941 10,594 12,225 19,25 21,172 35,267 38,354 39,596 41,584 48,205 63,940 65,71 73,836 78,965 82,251 86,190 91,498 100,111 101,284 141,742 142,1086 145,391 158,281 171,846 226,440 256,694 347,948 513,876 517,573 537,551 579,942 626,746 665,900 971,991 1953,2183
X(37) is the {X(1),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(6). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(37), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(37) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (75,192), (190,335)
X(37) = isogonal conjugate of X(81)
X(37) = isotomic conjugate of X(274)
X(37) = complement of X(75)
X(37) = complementary conjugate of X(2887)
X(37) = anticomplement of X(3739)
X(37) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32758)
X(37) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,42), (2,10), (4,209), (9,71), (10,210), (190,513), (226,65),
(321,72), (335,518)
X(37) = cevapoint of X(213) and X(228)
X(37) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (42,65), (228,72)
X(37) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,2), (9,281), (10,226)
X(37) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(238)
X(37) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,6), (57,222), (58,284), (1333,1437)
X(37) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(36)X(238)
X(37) = X(10)-Hirst inverse of X(740)
X(37) = X(1)-aleph conjugate of X(1051)
X(37) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (9,37), (644,37), (645,894), (646,37), (1018,37)
X(37) = midpoint of PU(i), for these i: 6, 52, 53
X(37) = bicentric sum of PU(i), forthese i: 6, 52, 53
X(37) = trilinear product of PU(32)
X(37) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(10)
X(37) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(10)
X(37) = trilinear pole of line X(512)X(661) (polar of X(286) wrt polar circle)
X(37) = trilinear pole wrt medial triangle of Gergonne line
X(37) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(286) (line X(693)X(905))
X(37) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(286)
X(37) = {X(6),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(44)
X(37) = X(160)-of-intouch triangle
X(37) = perpector of ABC and n(Medial)*n(Incentral) triangle
X(37) = homothetic center of medial triangle and inverse of n(Medial)*n(Incentral) triangle
X(37) = perspector of incentral triangle and tangential triangle, wrt incentral triangle, of circumconic of incentral triangle centered at X(1) (the bicevian conic of X(1) and X(57))
X(37) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(9) of X(1757)
X(37) = complement wrt incentral triangle of X(2667)
X(37) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 2nd circumperp triangle
X(37) = perspector of medial triangle and Gergonne line extraversion triangle
X(37) = trilinear pole, wrt Gergonne line extraversion triangle, of Gergonne line
X(37) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 3 and 4
X(37) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 3
X(37) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 4
X(37) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 16
X(37) = center of the {ABC, Gemini 17}-circumconic
X(37) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 23
X(37) = incentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(37)
X(38) lies on these lines: 1,21 2,244 3,976 8,986 9,614 10,596 37,354 42,518 56,201 57,612 75,310 78,988 92,240 99,745 210,899 321,726 869,980 912,1064 1038,1106
X(38) is the {X(1),X(63)}-harmonic conjugate of X(31). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(38), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(38) = isogonal conjugate of X(82)
X(38) = isotomic conjugate of X(3112)
X(38) = anticomplement of X(1215)
X(38) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(75)
X(38) = crosssum of X(1) and X(31)
X(38) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(661)X(830)
X(38) = X(643)-beth conjugate of X(38)
X(38) = bicentric sum of PU(35)
X(38) = PU(35)-harmonic conjugate of X(661)
X(38) = trilinear pole of line X(2084)X(2530)
X(38) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(38) (which is also the anticevian triangle of X(38))
X(38) = barycentric square root of X(8041)
X(39) is the midpoint of the 1st and 2nd Brocard points, given by trilinears c/b : a/c : b/a and b/c : c/a : a/b. The third and fourth trilinear representations were given by Peter J. C. Moses (10/3/03); cf. X(511), X(32), X(182).
The locus of the nine-point center in a Brocard porism (triangles sharing circumcircle and Brocard inellipse with ABC) is the circle through X(5) with center X(39). (Randy Hutson, August 29, 2018)
As illustrations of the Brocard porism mentioned just above, see
Brocard-Poncelet Porism, Stationary Brocard Points and Invariant Brocard Angle,
Brocard Porism, Steiner Ellipses, and the Homothetic Poncelet Pair, (Dan Reznik and Ronaldo Garcia, August 9, 2020),
The Poncelet Homothetic Pair Contains an Aspect-Ratio Invariant Brocard Inellipse. Here the orbit of X(39) is an ellipse. (Dan Reznik and Ronaldo Garcia, September 13, 2020)
Ross Honsberger, Episodes in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Euclidean Geometry, Mathematical Association of America, 1995. Chapter 10: The Brocard Points.
X(39) lies on the bicevian conic of X(2) and X(99) and on these lines: 1,291 2,76 3,6 4,232 5,114 9,978 10,730 36,172 37,596 51,237 54,248 83,99 110,755 140,230 141,732 185,217 213,672 325,626 395,618 493,494 512,881 588,589 590,642 597,1084 615,641
X(39) is the {X(3),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(32). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(39), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(39) = midpoint of X(76) and X(194)
X(39) = reflection of X(5052) in X(6)
X(39) = isogonal conjugate of X(83)
X(39) = isotomic conjugate of X(308)
X(39) = complement of X(76)
X(39) = complementary conjugate of X(626)
X(39) = circumcircle-inverse of X(2076)
X(39) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(32)
X(39) = 1st-Lemoine-circle-inverse of X(2458)
X(39) = antitomic conjugate of anticomplement of X(39076)
X(39) = Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of anticomplement of X(3978)
X(39) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(512)
X(39) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,141), (3,23208), (4,211), (99,512)
X(39) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,6), (141,427)
X(39) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,6), (251,1176)
X(39) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(23)X(385)
X(39) = radical trace of 1st and 2nd Brocard circles
X(39) = exsimilicenter of circles O(15,16) and O(61,62); the insimilicenter is X(32)
X(39) = radical trace of circles {X(15),X(62),PU(1)} and {X(16),X(61),PU(1)}
X(39) = anticenter of cyclic quadrilateral PU(1)PU(39)
X(39) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 1, 67
X(39) = midpoint of PU(1)
X(39) = PU(67)-harmonic conjugate of X(351)
X(39) = X(5007) of 5th Brocard triangle
X(39) = X(5026) of 6th Brocard triangle
X(39) = center of Moses circle
X(39) = center of Gallatly circle
X(39) = inverse-in-2nd-Brocard-circle of X(6)
X(39) = inverse-in-Kiepert-hyperbola of X(5)
X(39) = {X(61),X(62)}-harmonic conjugate of X(575)
X(39) = {X(1687),X(1688)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3398)
X(39) = {X(2009),X(2010)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5)
X(39) = Brocard axis intercept of radical axis of nine-point circles of ABC and circumsymmedial triangle
X(39) = intersection of tangents to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(6)}} at X(2) and X(6)
X(39) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(141)
X(39) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(141)
X(39) = trilinear pole, wrt medial triangle, of orthic axis
X(39) = trilinear pole of line X(688)X(3005)
X(39) = perspector of medial triangle of ABC and medial triangle of 1st Brocard triangle
X(39) = X(2029)-of-2nd-Brocard triangle
X(39) = X(39)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(39) = perspector, wrt symmedial triangle, of bicevian conic of X(6) and X(25)
X(39) = intersection of Brocard axes of ABC and 5th Euler triangle
X(39) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1176)
X(39) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(827)
X(39) = eigencenter of Steiner triangle
X(39) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of circummedial triangle
X(39) = center of (equilateral) unary cofactor triangle of Stammler triangle
X(39) = X(7753)-of-4th-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(39) = X(11)-of-X(3)PU(1)
X(39) = X(115)-of-X(3)PU(1)
X(39) = X(125)-of-X(3)PU(1)
X(39) = homothetic center of Kosnita triangle and mid-triangle of 1st and 2nd Kenmotu diagonals triangles
X(39) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(182)
X(39) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(262)
X(39) = endo-similarity image of antipedal triangles of PU(1); the similitude center of these triangles is X(3)
X(39) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(32526)
X(39) = QA-P42 (QA-Orthopole Center) of quadrangle ABCX(2) (see
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(40).
This point is mentioned in a problem proposal by Benjamin Bevan, published in Leybourn's Mathematical Repository, 1804, p. 18.
Constructions received from Randy Hutson, January 29, 2015:
(1) Let A'B'C' be the extangents triangle. Let A″ be the reflection of A' in BC, and define B″, C″ cyclically. A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(40).
(2) Let A'B'C' be the extangents triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(40).
(3) Let A'B'C' be the hexyl triangle and A″B″C″ be the side-triangle of ABC and hexyl triangle. Let A* be the {B,C}-harmonic conjugate of A″, and define B*, C* cyclically. The lines A'A*, B'B*, C'C* concur in X(40).
(4) Let Ia be the reflection of X(1) in the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define Ib, Ic cyclically. X(40) = X(104)-of-IaIbIc.
(5) Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of X(189). Let A″ be the orthocenter of AB'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(40).
(6) Let A'B'C' be the mixtilinear incentral triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(40).
Let A'B'C' be the intouch triangle of the extangents triangle, if ABC is acute. Then A'B'C' is homothetic to the Aquila triangle at X(40). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. Let A″ be the isogonal conjugate, wrt A'BC, of A. Define B″ and C″ cyclically. (A″ is also the reflection of A' in BC, and cyclically for B″ and C″). The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(40). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the anti-Mandart-incircle triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(40) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the Gemini triangle 4 and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(40) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let I = X(1) and P = X(40), and let
DEF = pedal triangle of P,
Ab = AI∩PE, and define Bc and Ca cyclically,
Ac = AI∩PF, and define Ba and Cb cyclically.
The centers of the circles {Ab, Bc, Ca}} and {Ac, Ba, Cb}} are the bicentric pair PU(44). (Angel Montesdeoca, April 12, 2021)
X(40) lies on the following curves: Q010, Q122, K004, K033, K100, K133, K179, K199, K269, K308, K333, K338, K343, K384, K414, K619, K667, K679, K692, K710, K736, K750, K806, K807, K815, K826, the Jerabek hyhperbola of the excentral triangle, the Mandart hyperbola, and these lines: {1,3}, {2,946}, {4,9}, {5,1698}, {6,380}, {7,7160}, {8,20}, {11,6922}, {12,1836}, {15,10636}, {16,10637}, {21,3577}, {22,9626}, {24,9625}, {25,1902}, {26,9590}, {28,2328}, {30,191}, {31,580}, {32,9620}, {33,201}, {34,212}, {39,1571}, {41,2301}, {42,581}, {43,970}, {47,1774}, {49,9586}, {58,601}, {64,72}, {74,6011}, {75,10444}, {77,947}, {78,100}, {79,4338}, {80,90}, {92,412}, {98,6010}, {101,972}, {103,1292}, {104,1293}, {108,207}, {109,255}, {140,3624}, {144,5815}, {145,3218}, {149,10265}, {151,2816}, {153,3648}, {154,7973}, {164,188}, {168,9837}, {170,1282}, {173,8351}, {182,1700}, {184,9622}, {185,3611}, {187,10988}, {190,341}, {196,208}, {197,3556}, {198,2324}, {209,3293}, {210,1750}, {214,10698}, {219,610}, {220,910}, {221,223}, {226,3085}, {228,3191}, {238,1722}, {256,989}, {258,8092}, {269,8829}, {307,4329}, {322,8822}, {329,6260}, {347,7013}, {371,5415}, {372,5416}, {376,519}, {381,7989}, {382,5790}, {386,1064}, {387,579}, {388,3474}, {389,11435}, {390,938}, {392,474}, {402,12696}, {404,3877}, {405,1730}, {442,5715}, {483,3645}, {485,13893}, {486,13947}, {495,4312}, {497,1210}, {498,5219}, {499,6891}, {500,8274}, {511,1045}, {518,1071}, {542,9881}, {548,3633}, {549,3656}, {550,952}, {551,3524}, {572,1449}, {574,9619}, {576,8539}, {578,11428}, {595,602}, {612,2292}, {614,3915}, {631,1125}, {653,1895}, {659,2821}, {664,7183}, {672,2082}, {726,12251}, {728,1018}, {730,11257}, {738,1323}, {758,3158}, {774,4319}, {813,2724}, {846,9840}, {901,2716}, {902,3924}, {908,5552}, {912,5534}, {920,4302}, {936,960}, {943,5665}, {950,1708}, {953,2743}, {954,12560}, {956,3916}, {958,1012}, {971,2951}, {978,1050}, {979,9359}, {984,1721}, {990,7174}, {993,6906}, {997,3878}, {1000,4315}, {1001,3812}, {1006,3754}, {1043,7415}, {1054,11512}, {1056,4298}, {1058,11019}, {1066,4306}, {1104,3052}, {1118,1785}, {1130,6585}, {1145,2829}, {1147,9621}, {1151,7969}, {1152,7968}, {1154,6255}, {1160,5588}, {1161,5589}, {1181,2323}, {1191,3752}, {1253,1254}, {1256,9376}, {1320,11715}, {1329,1532}, {1330,2792}, {1334,7390}, {1386,5085}, {1419,3157}, {1421,1772}, {1423,13161}, {1448,7273}, {1473,8192}, {1475,11200}, {1478,1770}, {1479,1737}, {1480,5315}, {1483,3655}, {1496,4320}, {1503,1761}, {1519,6834}, {1537,3035}, {1587,13883}, {1588,13936}, {1593,1829}, {1621,6986}, {1630,2289}, {1633,2823}, {1656,7988}, {1657,4668}, {1707,5247}, {1712,3176}, {1723,2955}, {1724,3073}, {1725,1775}, {1726,2949}, {1727,4324}, {1728,1837}, {1736,4907}, {1739,12659}, {1743,2264}, {1745,2818}, {1746,4714}, {1748,5174}, {1765,3696}, {1769,9525}, {1777,1935}, {1783,7156}, {1790,3193}, {1817,1819}, {1834,2245}, {1859,1872}, {1870,4347}, {1888,3074}, {2066,2362}, {2123,3421}, {2130,3354}, {2131,3472}, {2177,2650}, {2218,4674}, {2222,2745}, {2254,2814}, {2266,4251}, {2269,2285}, {2294,3247}, {2331,3194}, {2717,2742}, {2771,5531}, {2777,10119}, {2778,2915}, {2782,9860}, {2784,4050}, {2794,4769}, {2796,12243}, {2801,5528}, {2807,5562}, {2835,3939}, {2886,5705}, {2900,10605}, {2939,2947}, {2940,2948}, {2945,2953}, {2946,2952}, {2956,9370}, {2957,14026}, {2975,3872}, {3008,7397}, {3062,4866}, {3065,12747}, {3068,13912}, {3069,13975}, {3070,13911}, {3071,13973}, {3086,3911}, {3090,3634}, {3091,3305}, {3095,3097}, {3098,9941}, {3099,9821}, {3100,9610}, {3146,3219}, {3160,7177}, {3169,5847}, {3182,3346}, {3185,7420}, {3207,6603}, {3208,3509}, {3220,9798}, {3241,10304}, {3243,3874}, {3244,3528}, {3306,3523}, {3309,4063}, {3348,3353}, {3355,3473}, {3358,5787}, {3398,10789}, {3434,6734}, {3436,6256}, {3452,6848}, {3467,5560}, {3476,4311}, {3485,5218}, {3486,4304}, {3487,3671}, {3488,4314}, {3515,11363}, {3516,11396}, {3526,11230}, {3529,3626}, {3534,4677}, {3545,3828}, {3555,10167}, {3560,5251}, {3575,5090}, {3583,6928}, {3585,6923}, {3622,5734}, {3636,10299}, {3640,11825}, {3641,11824}, {3647,11530}, {3653,12100}, {3661,6999}, {3663,10521}, {3681,3951}, {3683,3698}, {3689,3962}, {3690,11381}, {3692,5279}, {3697,5927}, {3710,10327}, {3711,4005}, {3714,5695}, {3715,3983}, {3719,7270}, {3729,4385}, {3781,5907}, {3784,13348}, {3814,6941}, {3822,6937}, {3825,6963}, {3827,12329}, {3839,10248}, {3841,6829}, {3844,10516}, {3868,3870}, {3873,12005}, {3880,12513}, {3884,6940}, {3886,10449}, {3890,5253}, {3914,5230}, {3918,6920}, {3947,5714}, {3955,13346}, {3980,12545}, {3984,4420}, {4026,5799}, {4047,5776}, {4084,12559}, {4187,7681}, {4293,10106}, {4299,6948}, {4326,5728}, {4333,5841}, {4384,6996}, {4413,6918}, {4414,10459}, {4421,12635}, {4450,5016}, {4511,4855}, {4654,10056}, {4662,5220}, {4663,11477}, {4669,11001}, {4678,5059}, {4816,12103}, {4847,5082}, {4880,13369}, {5013,9592}, {5044,8580}, {5056,9779}, {5057,6932}, {5067,10171}, {5084,7682}, {5088,9312}, {5171,11364}, {5180,6960}, {5234,9708}, {5252,7354}, {5259,6883}, {5260,6912}, {5261,8545}, {5267,6950}, {5274,5704}, {5281,5703}, {5295,5774}, {5312,5396}, {5314,7503}, {5316,6964}, {5330,13587}, {5426,5428}, {5432,11375}, {5433,11376}, {5435,9785}, {5439,10582}, {5440,5730}, {5442,6713}, {5445,6882}, {5550,10303}, {5554,6872}, {5559,7284}, {5561,7161}, {5688,5870}, {5689,5871}, {5692,5720}, {5722,10384}, {5726,9654}, {5729,9844}, {5735,5880}, {5744,6705}, {5745,6847}, {5763,11374}, {5768,5853}, {5791,8727}, {5804,8257}, {5805,8728}, {5806,11108}, {5905,10528}, {5909,10374}, {5918,12680}, {6043,11991}, {6048,9566}, {6068,6259}, {6198,9611}, {6200,9615}, {6221,9618}, {6237,9928}, {6241,11460}, {6246,10724}, {6265,13253}, {6407,9584}, {6700,6927}, {6759,10536}, {6764,12516}, {6842,7951}, {6889,10198}, {6890,10527}, {6897,10532}, {6899,10916}, {6943,11680}, {6947,10531}, {6949,11813}, {6967,10200}, {6990,12558}, {6998,9746}, {7082,12953}, {7387,8185}, {7413,12544}, {7589,7590}, {7596,8231}, {7672,7675}, {7673,7677}, {7970,11711}, {7978,11720}, {7983,11710}, {7984,11709}, {7993,12773}, {8075,8081}, {8076,8082}, {8078,8091}, {8089,8099}, {8090,8100}, {8107,8111}, {8108,8112}, {8140,12488}, {8144,9576}, {8188,10669}, {8189,10673}, {8197,9834}, {8204,9835}, {8214,9838}, {8215,9839}, {8224,8234}, {8244,12490}, {8245,9959}, {8423,12491}, {8616,13732}, {8981,13888}, {8983,9540}, {9521,10015}, {9751,12264}, {9786,10382}, {9857,9873}, {9896,12417}, {9906,12662}, {9907,12663}, {10087,11570}, {10090,12758}, {10197,11263}, {10373,11347}, {10386,12433}, {10404,11246}, {10436,10446}, {10437,10447}, {10578,11036}, {10606,12262}, {10695,11714}, {10696,11700}, {10697,11712}, {10703,11713}, {10705,12265}, {10738,12619}, {10791,12110}, {10899,10900}, {10912,11194}, {10915,12115}, {11251,11852}, {11445,12111}, {11722,13099}, {11754,11756}, {11763,11765}, {11772,11774}, {11781,11783}, {11828,12440}, {11829,12441}, {11900,12113}, {11919,12648}, {11920,12649}, {12059,12665}, {12247,13199}, {12387,12398}, {12407,12661}, {12408,13221}, {12517,12843}, {12518,12844}, {12519,12845}, {12530,12683}, {12556,12660}, {12653,12737}, {12670,12671}, {12756,12757}, {12786,13465}, {13935,13971}, {13942,13966}
X(40) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 7991}, {3, 12702}, {4, 6361}, {8, 20}, {10, 5493}, {65, 7957}, {944, 12245}, {1768, 5541}, {2093, 7994}, {2100, 2101}, {2136, 6762}, {2448, 2449}, {2948, 9904}, {2951, 5223}, {3245, 5537}, {5531, 12767}, {6764, 12632}, {9860, 13174}, {9961, 12528}, {11826, 11827}, {12247, 13199}, {12408, 13221}, {12488, 12489}, {12526, 12565}, {12697, 12698}
X(40) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 3}, {3, 3579}, {4, 10}, {8, 11362}, {57, 3359}, {84, 1158}, {145, 5882}, {149, 10265}, {355, 5690}, {944, 4297}, {946, 6684}, {962, 946}, {1012, 4640}, {1071, 9943}, {1320, 11715}, {1482, 1385}, {1490, 11500}, {1537, 3035}, {1768, 12515}, {1836, 6907}, {2077, 13528}, {2948, 12778}, {3062, 5779}, {3555, 12675}, {3576, 165}, {3655, 8703}, {3656, 549}, {3679, 3654}, {3811, 8715}, {3868, 5884}, {4297, 12512}, {4301, 1125}, {5531, 12331}, {5535, 484}, {5587, 5657}, {5603, 10164}, {5691, 355}, {5693, 72}, {5732, 11495}, {5735, 5880}, {5881, 8}, {6210, 573}, {6261, 6796}, {6264, 104}, {6282, 6244}, {6326, 100}, {6361, 5493}, {6765, 3913}, {6769, 10306}, {7688, 7964}, {7701, 191}, {7970, 11711}, {7971, 6261}, {7978, 11720}, {7982, 1}, {7983, 11710}, {7984, 11709}, {7991, 12702}, {7993, 12773}, {8148, 10222}, {9579, 6850}, {9580, 6827}, {9589, 12699}, {9799, 9948}, {9812, 10175}, {9845, 9841}, {9856, 5044}, {10222, 13624}, {10695, 11714}, {10696, 11700}, {10697, 11712}, {10698, 214}, {10703, 11713}, {10705, 12265}, {10724, 6246}, {10738, 12619}, {10864, 84}, {10912, 11260}, {11014, 11012}, {11224, 10246}, {11372, 9}, {11477, 4663}, {11523, 3811}, {11531, 1482}, {12398, 12387}, {12407, 13211}, {12520, 12511}, {12629, 12513}, {12650, 12114}, {12651, 11496}, {12653, 12737}, {12665,14740}, {12672, 960}, {12688, 5777}, {12696, 402}, {12699, 5}, {12701, 6922}, {12703, 5119}, {12704, 46}, {12705, 12514}, {12717, 1766}, {12751, 1145}, {12842, 12516}, {12843, 12517}, {12844, 12518}, {12845, 12519}, {13099, 11722}, {13253, 6265}
X(40) = isogonal conjugate of X(84)
X(40) = isotomic conjugate of X(309)
X(40) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(2077)
X(40) = complement of X(962)
X(40) = anticomplement of X(946)
X(40) = X(963)-complementary conjugate of X(10)
X(40) = X(947)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(8)
X(40) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4, 2910), (8, 1), (20, 1490), (63, 9), (329, 2324), (347, 223), (515, 6326), (1817, 198), (7080, 1103), (7128, 101), (8822, 329), (9369, 1050), (9778, 2951)
X(40) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (64, 3354), (198, 223), (208, 3342), (221, 1), (227, 7952), (2187, 2331), (7074, 2324)
X(40) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (329,347)
X(40) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {19, 7008}, {56, 1413}, {513, 7004}, {649, 2310}, {1436, 2192}, {1903, 2357}
X(40) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(650)X(1459)
X(40) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2956}, {19, 8802}, {55, 3197}, {65, 8803}, {71, 3198}, {198, 7074}
X(40) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {8, 7080}, {63, 7013}, {100, 7012}, {190, 7045}, {329, 347}, {1817, 8822}
X(40) = trilinear pole of line {6129, 10397}
X(40) = point of concurrence of the perpendiculars from the excenters to the respective sides
X(40) = circumcenter of the excentral triangle
X(40) = incenter of the extangents triangle if triangle ABC is acute
X(40) = perspector of the excentral and extangents triangles
X(40) = perspector of the excentral and extouch triangles
X(40) = X(4)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(40) = X(4)-of-1st-circumperp-triangle
X(40) = X(20)-of-2nd-circumperp-triangle
X(40) = Miquel associate of X(8)
X(40) = perspector of hexyl triangle and cevian triangle of X(63)
X(40) = perspector of hexyl triangle and anticevian triangle of X(9)
X(40) = perspector of hexyl triangle and antipedal triangle of X(84)
X(40) = perspector of ABC and the reflection in X(57) of the antipedal triangle of X(57)
X(40) = excentral isogonal conjugate of X(1)
X(40) = excentral isotomic conjugate of X(1742)
X(40) = hexyl isogonal conjugate of X(1)
X(40) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(84)
X(40) = trilinear product of extraversions of X(84)
X(40) = homothetic center of extangents triangle and reflection of intangents triangle in X(3)
X(40) = trilinear product of centers of mixtilinear incircles
X(40) = intangents-to-extangents similarity image of X(1)
X(40) = X(26)-of-reflection-triangle of X(1)
X(40) = {X(56),X(3057)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1)
X(40) = perspector of extangents triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and extangents triangle
X(40) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and hexyl triangle
X(40) = circumcircle-inverse of X(2077)
X(40) = inverse-in-incircle-of-anticomplementary-triangle of X(10538)
X(40) = X(1)-Hirst inverse of X(9371)
X(40) = outer-Garcia-to-ABC similarity image of X(4)
X(40) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(57)
X(40) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(9)
X(40) = anticevian isogonal conjugate of X(1)
X(40) = X(i)-vertex conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 3345}, {513, 2077}, {2077, 513}, {3345, 3}
X(40) = X(5)-of-6th-mixtilinear-triangle
X(40) = orthic-to-ABC functional image of X(3), if ABC is acute
X(40) = intouch-to-ABC barycentric image of X(4)
X(40) = intouch-to-excentral similarity image of X(1)
X(40) = ABC-to-excentral barycentric image of X(1)
X(40) = antipode of X(12665) in the Mandart hyperbola
X(40) = extouch-isogonal conjugate of X(14872)
X(40) = X(10306)-of-Mandart-incircle-triangle
X(40) = X(65)-of-anti-Mandart-incircle-triangle
X(40) = endo-homothetic center of Ehrmann side-triangle and anti-excenters-incenter reflections triangle; the homothetic center is X(382).
X(40) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 84}, {2, 1436}, {4, 1433}, {6, 189}, {7, 2192}, {8, 1413}, {9, 1422}, {31, 309}, {34, 271}, {40, 1256}, {55, 1440}, {56, 280}, {57, 282}, {63, 7129}, {65, 285}, {69, 7151}, {75, 2208}, {77, 7008}, {81, 1903}, {85, 7118}, {86, 2357}, {222, 7003}, {268, 278}, {273, 2188}, {279, 7367}, {284, 8808}, {346, 6612}, {348, 7154}, {513, 13138}, {522, 8059}, {603, 7020}, {1174, 13156}, {1812, 2358}, {3341, 3345}, {3346, 8886}, {7054, 13853}, {9375, 9376}
X(40) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 978}, {2, 57}, {8, 40}, {9, 1742}, {100, 4551}, {188, 1}, {259, 1740}, {366, 1743}, {522, 2957}, {556, 63}, {4146, 1445}, {4182, 165}, {6728, 1052}, {6731, 2951}, {7025, 361}, {7043, 7150}
X(40) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {8, 4}, {21, 1420}, {40, 221}, {100, 40}, {643, 78}, {644, 728}, {13138, 3341}
X(40) = X(i)-gimel conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {8, 84}, {78, 40}, {521, 10085}, {522, 40}, {3717, 40}, {4041, 40}, {4086, 40}, {4147, 40}, {4163, 40}, {4391, 40}, {4397, 40}, {4723, 40}, {4768, 40}, {4811, 40}, {4985, 40}, {6615, 40}, {6735, 40}, {7628, 40}, {7629, 40}, {7646, 40}, {7647, 40}
X(40) = X(i)-he conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 516}, {190, 40}, {312, 6211}, {645, 40}, {646, 40}, {3699, 40}, {4518, 1766}, {4554, 40}, {4582, 40}, {4621, 40}, {4633, 40}, {4876, 165}, {4997, 40}, {6335, 40}, {6559, 10860}, {8707, 40}, {9365, 1}, {11609, 3}, {13136, 40}
X(40) = X(i)-zayin conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 84}, {8, 40}, {10, 1158}, {11, 1768}, {21, 7701}, {55, 1709}, {65, 7992}, {72, 1490}, {145, 10864}, {200, 10860}, {210, 165}, {390, 11372}, {497, 57}, {517, 6001}, {518, 971}, {519, 515}, {521, 513}, {522, 3667}, {950, 4}, {952, 2829}, {958, 7330}, {960, 3}, {1001, 3358}, {1145, 2950}, {1697, 12705}, {1837, 46}, {1864, 1750}, {2098, 10085}, {2321, 1766}, {2802, 2800}, {2804, 900}, {3036, 12515}, {3057, 1}, {3058, 1699}, {3059, 2951}, {3239, 649}, {3271, 9355}, {3678, 6796}, {3680, 6762}, {3686, 573}, {3688, 1742}, {3706, 1764}, {3717, 6211}, {3738, 2827}, {3877, 3576}, {3878, 6261}, {3880, 517}, {3883, 6210}, {3884, 5450}, {3885, 7982}, {3886, 12717}, {3893, 7991}, {3900, 3309}, {3907, 6002}, {4046, 2941}, {4111, 2938}, {4520, 3294}, {4534, 5540}, {4662, 3579}, {4673, 10476}, {4847, 63}, {5119, 12686}, {5245, 1277}, {5246, 1276}, {5289, 7171}, {5697, 7971}, {5795, 10}, {5837, 12514}, {5853, 516}, {5854, 952}, {5856, 5851}, {6366, 2826}, {6737, 20}, {6738, 9948}, {8058, 522}, {8275, 7966}, {9119, 5776}, {9785, 3333}, {9898, 7160}, {9957, 12114}, {10106, 12246}, {10866, 3361}, {10950, 5691}, {12448, 8158}, {12527, 6223}, {12541, 6766}, {12572, 6260}, {12575, 946}
X(40) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 329}, {6, 322}, {7, 2324}, {8, 223}, {9, 347}, {10, 1817}, {37, 8822}, {57, 7080}, {63, 7952}, {69, 2331}, {75, 198}, {76, 2187}, {78, 196}, {85, 7074}, {92, 7078}, {189, 1103}, {190, 6129}, {208, 345}, {219, 342}, {221, 312}, {227, 333}, {281, 7013}, {304, 3195}, {306, 3194}, {318, 7011}, {321, 2360}, {341, 6611}, {651, 8058}, {1088, 7368}, {2199, 3596}, {3209, 3718}, {5514, 7045}, {7017, 7114}, {7128, 7358}
X(40) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 189}, {2, 309}, {6, 84}, {9, 280}, {25, 7129}, {31, 1436}, {32, 2208}, {33, 7003}, {41, 2192}, {42, 1903}, {48, 1433}, {55, 282}, {56, 1422}, {57, 1440}, {65, 8808}, {101, 13138}, {196, 273}, {198, 1}, {208, 278}, {212, 268}, {213, 2357}, {219, 271}, {221, 57}, {223, 7}, {227, 226}, {281, 7020}, {284, 285}, {322, 76}, {329, 75}, {342, 331}, {347, 85}, {354, 13156}, {604, 1413}, {607, 7008}, {1103, 329}, {1106, 6612}, {1253, 7367}, {1254, 13853}, {1415, 8059}, {1436, 1256}, {1817, 86}, {1819, 1812}, {1973, 7151}, {2175, 7118}, {2187, 6}, {2199, 56}, {2212, 7154}, {2324, 8}, {2331, 4}, {2360, 81}, {3194, 27}, {3195, 19}, {3197, 3341}, {3209, 34}, {6129, 514}, {6611, 269}, {7011, 77}, {7013, 348}, {7074, 9}, {7078, 63}, {7080, 312}, {7114, 222}, {7368, 200}, {7952, 92}, {8058, 4391}, {8822, 274}, {10397, 521}
X(40) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): (1, 3, 3576), (1, 35, 3601), (1, 36, 1420), (1, 46, 57), (1, 57, 3333), (1, 65, 11529), (1, 165, 3), (1, 484, 46), (1, 1764, 10476), (1, 2093, 65), (1, 3336, 3338), (1, 3339, 942), (1, 3361, 999), (1, 3612, 13384), (1, 3670, 3677), (1, 3746, 10389), (1, 5010, 3612), (1, 5119, 1697), (1, 5264, 5269), (1, 5697, 7962), (1, 5709, 12704), (1, 5902, 11518), (1, 5903, 3340), (1, 7987, 1385), (1, 7994, 6769), (1, 9819, 9957), (1, 10268, 10902), (1, 10980, 5045), (1, 11010, 5119), (1, 11224, 10222), (1, 11531, 1482), (2, 946, 8227), (2, 962, 946), (3, 55, 10902), (3, 942, 8726), (3, 1385, 7987), (3, 1482, 1385), (3, 2095, 9940), (3, 3428, 11012), (3, 3579, 165), (3, 5584, 7688), (3, 5708, 11227), (3, 5709, 57), (3, 6244, 10310), (3, 7991, 7982), (3, 8148, 10246), (3, 8158, 999), (3, 8251, 10319), (3, 9940, 10857), (3, 10246, 13624), (3, 10306, 55), (3, 10310, 2077), (3, 10679, 10267), (3, 10680, 10269), (3, 11248, 35), (3, 11249, 36), (4, 10, 5587), (4, 5657, 10), (4, 6197, 19), (4, 12705, 11372), (5, 12699, 1699), (8, 9778, 20), (8, 10860, 10864), (9, 1706, 10), (10, 573, 9548), (10, 12514, 9), (10, 12572, 2551), (11, 12701, 9614), (12, 1836, 9612), (19, 71, 9), (19, 11471, 4), (20, 63, 84), (20, 9537, 3101), (20, 11362, 5881), (35, 3245, 5903), (35, 5537, 11248), (35, 5903, 1), (36, 5697, 1), (39, 1571, 9574), (39, 1572, 9575), (42, 4300, 581), (43, 1695, 970), (46, 484, 5128), (46, 1697, 3333), (46, 3338, 3336), (46, 5119, 1), (46, 5709, 5535), (46, 11010, 1697), (55, 65, 1), (55, 2093, 11529), (55, 5183, 2093), (55, 5584, 3), (55, 7957, 6769), (55, 7964, 165), (56, 3057, 1), (57, 1697, 1), (57, 5128, 46), (57, 7991, 6766), (63, 9778, 10860), (64, 3198, 1490), (65, 3579, 7688), (65, 6769, 7982), (65, 7964, 5584), (65, 10268, 3576), (72, 5687, 200), (72, 7580, 1490), (78, 6261, 6326), (100, 411, 6796), (100, 3869, 78), (140, 5886, 3624), (145, 3522, 5731), (145, 5731, 5882), (164, 505, 188), (165, 484, 3359), (165, 5538, 5010), (165, 6282, 2077), (165, 6769, 10902), (165, 7991, 1), (165, 7994, 55), (165, 11531, 7987), (165, 12702, 7982), (169, 3730, 9), (191, 2960, 1710), (191, 5691, 7330), (200, 12526, 72), (200, 12565, 1490), (210, 12688, 5777), (221, 227, 223), (221, 7074, 7078), (227, 7074, 1103), (354, 3303, 1), (355, 3654, 5690), (355, 5690, 3679), (376, 944, 4297), (376, 12245, 944), (381, 9956, 7989), (388, 3474, 4292), (392, 474, 8583), (411, 3869, 6261), (484, 5119, 57), (484, 7991, 5709), (484, 11010, 1), (497, 1788, 1210), (498, 12047, 5219), (573, 1766, 9), (595, 13329, 602), (631, 4301, 9624), (631, 5603, 1125), (942, 3295, 1), (946, 6684, 2), (950, 1708, 10396), (956, 10914, 4853), (958, 5836, 9623), (960, 1376, 936), (962, 6684, 8227), (986, 5255, 1), (999, 9957, 1), (1125, 4301, 5603), (1125, 5603, 9624), (1125, 10164, 631), (1151, 7969, 9583), (1155, 3057, 56), (1210, 10624, 497), (1276, 1277, 9), (1276, 6192, 6191), (1277, 6191, 6192), (1319, 2098, 1), (1381, 1382, 2077), (1385, 1482, 1), (1385, 7987, 3576), (1388, 5048, 1), (1402, 10480, 1), (1420, 7962, 1), (1467, 10388, 1), (1478, 1770, 9579), (1478, 10039, 9578), (1479, 1737, 9581), (1482, 11531, 7982), (1490, 12526, 5693), (1571, 1572, 39), (1656, 9955, 7988), (1697, 5128, 57), (1698, 1699, 5), (1698, 9589, 1699), (1699, 9589, 12699), (1700, 1701, 182), (1702, 1703, 6), (1704, 1705, 182), (1706, 12705, 5587), (1709, 7330, 7701), (1750, 7995, 12688), (1754, 5264, 3072), (1770, 10039, 1478), (1837, 6284, 3586), (2017, 2018, 39), (2077, 11012, 3), (2093, 10306, 7982), (2098, 5204, 1319), (2099, 2646, 1), (2099, 5217, 2646), (2136, 3928, 6762), (2136, 9841, 944), (2292, 4220, 8235), (2551, 5698, 12572), (2572, 2573, 3), (2975, 6909, 5450), (3057, 10270, 3576), (3085, 4295, 226), (3091, 9780, 10175), (3158, 11523, 3811), (3303, 5221, 354), (3304, 5919, 1), (3336, 3338, 57), (3340, 3601, 1), (3359, 3587, 165), (3359, 5119, 3576), (3359, 5709, 46), (3359, 7991, 12704), (3361, 9819, 1), (3428, 6244, 2077), (3428, 6282, 3576), (3428, 10310, 3), (3428, 13528, 165), (3436, 6925, 6256), (3485, 5218, 13411), (3496, 3501, 9), (3523, 3616, 10165), (3555, 10167, 12675), (3576, 5535, 57), (3576, 7982, 1), (3576, 12704, 3333), (3579, 7957, 10902), (3579, 7991, 3576), (3579, 10306, 10268), (3579, 12702, 1), (3587, 5709, 3), (3587, 12702, 1697), (3624, 11522, 5886), (3634, 3817, 3090), (3666, 5710, 1), (3671, 13405, 3487), (3679, 5691, 355), (3681, 9961, 12528), (3681, 11684, 3951), (3730, 5011, 169), (3746, 5902, 1), (3811, 8715, 3158), (3868, 3871, 3870), (3868, 7411, 10884), (3869, 6796, 6326), (3872, 4652, 2975), (3890, 9352, 5253), (3895, 5731, 7966), (3911, 12053, 3086), (3916, 10914, 956), (3931, 5711, 1), (4297, 6762, 9845), (4297, 12512, 376), (4301, 10164, 1125), (4302, 10573, 10572), (4314, 6738, 3488), (4424, 5264, 1), (4512, 12651, 11496), (4640, 5836, 958), (4853, 10914, 11525), (4855, 11682, 4511), (5044, 9709, 8580), (5045, 5708, 10980), (5045, 6767, 1), (5119, 5128, 3333), (5119, 5709, 7982), (5221, 8273, 9940), (5252, 7354, 9613), (5535, 7982, 12704), (5536, 7987, 3338), (5541, 6763, 3632), (5552, 11415, 908), (5584, 6769, 3576), (5584, 7957, 1), (5584, 7991, 11529), (5584, 10306, 10902), (5657, 6361, 4), (5687, 7580, 11500), (5708, 6767, 5045), (5709, 11010, 12703), (5714, 8164, 3947), (5758, 6908, 226), (5812, 6907, 9612), (5887, 11499, 5720), (6191, 6192, 9), (6210, 6211, 9), (6210, 12717, 11372), (6212, 6213, 9), (6252, 6404, 3779), (6736, 12527, 3421), (6769, 10268, 55), (6838, 11415, 12608), (6922, 12700, 9614), (6923, 10526, 3585), (6928, 10525, 3583), (7589, 12445, 7590), (7672, 7676, 7675), (7688, 10902, 3), (7742, 11508, 2078), (7957, 7964, 3), (7987, 7991, 11531), (7987, 11531, 1), (7991, 7994, 7957), (8075, 8093, 8081), (8076, 8094, 8082), (8107, 9805, 8111), (8108, 9806, 8112), (8148, 10222, 11224), (8148, 10246, 10222), (8148, 11224, 7982), (8148, 13624, 1), (8158, 9819, 7982), (8224, 9808, 8234), (9572, 9573, 8141), (9574, 9575, 39), (9576, 9577, 8144), (9578, 9579, 1478), (9580, 9581, 1479), (9582, 9583, 1151), (9584, 9585, 6407), (9586, 9587, 49), (9588, 9589, 5), (9590, 9591, 26), (9780, 9812, 3091), (9955, 11231, 1656), (10222, 10246, 1), (10222, 13624, 10246), (10267, 10679, 3746), (10269, 10680, 5563), (10306, 12702, 7957), (10389, 11518, 1), (10434, 12435, 1), (10470, 11521, 1), (10572, 10573, 5727), (10912, 11194, 11260), (11019, 12575, 1058), (11822, 11823, 55), (12000, 13373, 1), (12703, 12704, 7982)
For an artistic design generated by X(41), see X(244).
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(41).
X(41) lies on these lines: 1,101 3,218 6,48 9,21 25,42 31,32 37,584 55,220 58,609 65,910 219,1036 226,379 560,872 601,906 603,911 663,884
X(41) is the {X(32),X(213)}-harmonic conjugate of X(31). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(41), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(41) = isogonal conjugate of X(85)
X(41) = isotomic conjugate of X(20567)
X(41) = complement of X(21285)
X(41) = anticomplement of X(17046)
X(41) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,31), (9,212), (284,55)
X(41) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,55), (9,33)
X(41) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,169), (2,7), (57,77), (92,342), (226,1441), (514,1111)
X(41) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(522)X(693)
X(41) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (41,32), (101,41), (220,220)
X(41) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(57)
X(41) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(77)
X(41) = trilinear product of vertices of 4th mixtilinear triangle
X(41) = trilinear product of vertices of 5th mixtilinear triangle
X(41) = trilinear product of PU(93)
X(41) = barycentric product of PU(104)
X(41) = PU(93)-harmonic conjugate of X(663)
X(41) = bicentric sum of PU(93)
X(41) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of Gemini triangles 1 and 13
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(42).
Let A'B'C' be the extangents triangle. Let La be the trilinear polar of A', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, B″ = Lc∩La, C″ = La∩Lb. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(42). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the extangents triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(42).(Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb be as defined at X(3588). Let A* be the intersection of the tangents to the Myakishev conic at Ba and Ca, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(42).(Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(42) lies on these lines: 1,2 3,967 6,31 9,941 25,41 33,393 35,58 37,210 38,518 40,581 48,197 57,1001 65,73 81,100 101,111 165,991 172,199 181,228 244,354 308,313 321,740 517,1064 560,584 649,788 694,893 748,1001 750,940 894,1045 942,1066
X(42) is the {X(1),X(43)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(42), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(42) = reflection of X(321) in X(1215)
X(42) = isogonal conjugate of X(86)
X(42) = isotomic conjugate of X(310)
X(42) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,37), (6,213), (10,71), (55,228)
X(42) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,6), (33,55), (37,65)
X(42) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,2), (7,77), (21,81)
X(42) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(239)X(514)
X(42) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32759)
X(42) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(239)
X(42) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,551), (55,42), (100,226), (210,210), (643,171)
X(42) = bicentric sum of PU(8)
X(42) = PU(8)-harmonic conjugate of X(649)
X(42) = barycentric product of PU(32)
X(42) = trilinear product of PU(85)
X(42) = trilinear pole of line X(512)X(798)
X(42) = Danneels point of X(1)
X(42) = {X(1),X(2)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3720)
X(42) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(58)
X(42) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1790)
X(42) = trilinear square root of X(872)
X(42) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 1st Conway triangle
X(42) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 5th Conway triangle
X(42) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of 1st and 5th Conway triangles
X(42) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 2
X(42) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 15
Let A' be the inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of the midpoint of BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inscribed in the Apollonius circle and homothetic to the excentral triangle at X(43). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2018)
X(43) lies on the Kiepert hyperbola of the excentral triangle and these lines: 1,2 6,87 9,256 31,100 35,1011 40,970 46,851 55,238 57,181 58,979 72,986 75,872 81,750 165,573 170,218 210,984 312,740 518,982
X(43) is the {X(2),X(42)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(43), click Tables at the top of this page. X(43) is the external center of similitude of the Bevan circle and Apollonius circle; the internal center is X(1695).
X(43) = reflection of X(1) in X(995)
X(43) = isogonal conjugate of X(87)
X(43) = isotomic conjugate of X(6384)
X(43) = anticomplement of X(3840)
X(43) = X(6)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(43) = X(192)-cross conjugate of X(1)
X(43) = crosssum of X(2) and X(330)
X(43) = X(55)-Hirst inverse of X(238)
X(43) = inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of X(5121)
X(43) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(87)
X(43) = trilinear product of extraversions of X(87)
X(43) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(1766)
X(43) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(22370)
X(43) = perspector of Gemini triangle 5 and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 3 and 5
X(43) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,9), (6,43), (55,170), (100,1018), (174,169), (259,165), (365,1), (366,63), (507,362), (509,57)
X(43) = X(660)-beth conjugate of X(43)
X(43) = {X(2),X(8)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3741)
X(44) lies on the curves K137, K453, K454, K717, K752, K1050, Q043, Q087, and these lines: {1, 6}, {2, 89}, {3, 34877}, {7, 14564}, {8, 4217}, {10, 752}, {15, 11790}, {16, 11791}, {19, 1828}, {21, 4273}, {31, 210}, {32, 25066}, {36, 3196}, {39, 37599}, {40, 21896}, {41, 2267}, {42, 3683}, {43, 4640}, {48, 3204}, {51, 209}, {55, 4849}, {56, 1732}, {57, 16602}, {58, 5044}, {63, 3752}, {65, 374}, {69, 17231}, {71, 2264}, {75, 16816}, {81, 17021}, {86, 4698}, {88, 679}, {100, 2384}, {101, 2718}, {105, 6017}, {141, 4416}, {142, 4896}, {144, 4000}, {169, 16605}, {171, 3740}, {172, 5035}, {181, 375}, {190, 239}, {192, 3759}, {193, 344}, {198, 2261}, {200, 3052}, {212, 1864}, {214, 1017}, {241, 651}, {259, 17641}, {281, 3087}, {292, 660}, {294, 1156}, {312, 37652}, {319, 17229}, {321, 19742}, {329, 3772}, {333, 27064}, {346, 3621}, {350, 17029}, {354, 748}, {386, 31445}, {391, 2345}, {394, 39249}, {480, 21002}, {511, 15977}, {513, 649}, {517, 1168}, {519, 2325}, {524, 3912}, {527, 1086}, {545, 1266}, {572, 2174}, {573, 3579}, {579, 16415}, {580, 5777}, {583, 992}, {584, 2268}, {594, 3626}, {595, 34790}, {597, 4364}, {599, 17284}, {602, 14872}, {610, 37500}, {612, 3715}, {614, 21342}, {645, 19623}, {662, 1931}, {674, 3271}, {678, 902}, {726, 4974}, {742, 17755}, {751, 2276}, {756, 2308}, {758, 21331}, {765, 1252}, {799, 30938}, {872, 2309}, {894, 3739}, {897, 9278}, {908, 23593}, {936, 4252}, {940, 3305}, {941, 28625}, {948, 12848}, {966, 3823}, {971, 13329}, {976, 4005}, {990, 5779}, {991, 31658}, {993, 5114}, {1015, 8610}, {1046, 3812}, {1052, 3509}, {1125, 19898}, {1150, 30818}, {1151, 32555}, {1152, 32556}, {1193, 5109}, {1211, 5294}, {1213, 3454}, {1253, 14100}, {1319, 1404}, {1333, 1778}, {1334, 3780}, {1376, 1707}, {1418, 1445}, {1427, 1708}, {1438, 34893}, {1465, 19619}, {1468, 25917}, {1471, 8581}, {1573, 3997}, {1639, 22086}, {1643, 24457}, {1654, 17239}, {1698, 31151}, {1721, 16112}, {1726, 14557}, {1737, 6128}, {1738, 17768}, {1739, 17960}, {1754, 5927}, {1766, 12702}, {1776, 9371}, {1781, 5356}, {1783, 14571}, {1785, 1990}, {1834, 12572}, {1836, 21949}, {1842, 6047}, {1859, 7076}, {1877, 8756}, {1903, 7118}, {1918, 22271}, {1944, 34852}, {1963, 33766}, {1964, 22343}, {1992, 17316}, {1999, 35652}, {2082, 21872}, {2092, 3647}, {2164, 35251}, {2170, 17444}, {2171, 17443}, {2177, 21870}, {2178, 5120}, {2194, 26890}, {2220, 3965}, {2223, 4557}, {2241, 3991}, {2251, 3285}, {2260, 28352}, {2262, 14737}, {2270, 5128}, {2277, 5069}, {2285, 5221}, {2293, 4878}, {2295, 3691}, {2298, 28615}, {2321, 3625}, {2341, 5127}, {2342, 2361}, {2364, 37525}, {2609, 3709}, {2664, 9359}, {2895, 33157}, {2999, 3929}, {3003, 13006}, {3006, 4144}, {3009, 3248}, {3059, 21059}, {3068, 30412}, {3069, 30413}, {3070, 31562}, {3071, 31561}, {3122, 20456}, {3158, 21000}, {3161, 17314}, {3175, 3187}, {3216, 3916}, {3219, 3666}, {3220, 5096}, {3241, 31722}, {3244, 4029}, {3245, 5540}, {3264, 4506}, {3290, 3999}, {3306, 31197}, {3332, 5817}, {3452, 37646}, {3501, 21868}, {3589, 4357}, {3618, 4657}, {3629, 3879}, {3632, 4873}, {3635, 4982}, {3644, 25269}, {3661, 4690}, {3662, 17345}, {3663, 17334}, {3664, 6666}, {3678, 5007}, {3681, 3744}, {3684, 5524}, {3685, 28581}, {3694, 5301}, {3696, 3923}, {3697, 5264}, {3706, 32864}, {3717, 5846}, {3720, 4722}, {3729, 4361}, {3730, 4266}, {3742, 17123}, {3753, 21373}, {3763, 17272}, {3764, 4735}, {3765, 4377}, {3769, 27538}, {3775, 24295}, {3781, 37516}, {3782, 17781}, {3791, 3971}, {3792, 9037}, {3838, 33096}, {3842, 33682}, {3844, 33082}, {3875, 4718}, {3876, 7296}, {3880, 16561}, {3899, 21338}, {3924, 3962}, {3928, 23511}, {3932, 5847}, {3939, 15733}, {3940, 37817}, {3941, 34247}, {3946, 17246}, {3950, 15828}, {3951, 37549}, {3958, 4016}, {3966, 33163}, {3967, 4362}, {3975, 17790}, {3986, 15808}, {4003, 5282}, {4007, 4816}, {4009, 17763}, {4011, 32853}, {4033, 25298}, {4037, 17162}, {4113, 32945}, {4253, 16604}, {4255, 31424}, {4307, 38057}, {4353, 4989}, {4358, 16704}, {4360, 4681}, {4363, 4384}, {4371, 4461}, {4386, 5782}, {4387, 17156}, {4388, 33118}, {4389, 17333}, {4393, 4664}, {4399, 4431}, {4402, 4488}, {4410, 20913}, {4419, 5222}, {4434, 23552}, {4440, 4912}, {4445, 17286}, {4454, 24599}, {4471, 37586}, {4472, 24603}, {4473, 4725}, {4515, 14974}, {4530, 14584}, {4553, 9025}, {4646, 12514}, {4648, 18230}, {4650, 16569}, {4659, 16833}, {4662, 5255}, {4667, 17392}, {4679, 11269}, {4683, 29850}, {4687, 17379}, {4695, 5183}, {4703, 25453}, {4704, 17393}, {4706, 32845}, {4713, 17026}, {4716, 28484}, {4721, 29433}, {4726, 17117}, {4739, 17116}, {4755, 16826}, {4794, 9321}, {4850, 14997}, {4883, 5284}, {4888, 20195}, {4889, 17315}, {4899, 9053}, {4914, 33162}, {4957, 24209}, {4966, 34379}, {4967, 7227}, {5032, 29585}, {5036, 37572}, {5057, 33139}, {5087, 33140}, {5158, 17102}, {5179, 12019}, {5217, 36744}, {5219, 31187}, {5224, 17331}, {5228, 8545}, {5242, 23302}, {5243, 23303}, {5257, 17398}, {5271, 19723}, {5275, 9349}, {5276, 5297}, {5277, 25068}, {5278, 26223}, {5296, 5550}, {5341, 16547}, {5393, 32787}, {5405, 32788}, {5438, 8951}, {5530, 18253}, {5541, 21885}, {5546, 19622}, {5548, 9456}, {5704, 27382}, {5714, 5746}, {5723, 22464}, {5739, 32777}, {5745, 37662}, {5781, 8544}, {5838, 30332}, {5852, 24231}, {5880, 24695}, {5905, 24789}, {6144, 17311}, {6173, 31183}, {6181, 15855}, {6184, 6594}, {6329, 17045}, {6351, 7585}, {6352, 7586}, {6510, 16578}, {6541, 17772}, {6646, 16706}, {7074, 30223}, {7083, 12329}, {7090, 13911}, {7126, 7127}, {7133, 19038}, {7232, 17282}, {7238, 28333}, {7308, 37674}, {7321, 31300}, {7330, 36745}, {7772, 37592}, {7963, 33804}, {8287, 26012}, {8584, 29574}, {8607, 23980}, {9018, 20670}, {9300, 24239}, {9324, 9325}, {9330, 9347}, {9355, 9441}, {10436, 17259}, {10445, 31673}, {11063, 26744}, {11488, 30414}, {11489, 30415}, {12723, 21867}, {13883, 31595}, {13936, 31594}, {13973, 14121}, {14555, 26065}, {14578, 32641}, {14621, 25384}, {15534, 29573}, {15624, 20992}, {15988, 25099}, {16560, 18735}, {16583, 36283}, {16696, 27644}, {16700, 27643}, {16713, 27058}, {16726, 18198}, {16732, 17895}, {16738, 27078}, {16825, 32935}, {16834, 17318}, {17011, 33761}, {17013, 28606}, {17028, 21264}, {17228, 17343}, {17230, 17342}, {17232, 17341}, {17233, 17339}, {17234, 17338}, {17236, 17329}, {17238, 17328}, {17240, 17373}, {17241, 17375}, {17242, 17377}, {17244, 17378}, {17247, 17380}, {17248, 17381}, {17249, 17383}, {17251, 17308}, {17252, 17307}, {17253, 17306}, {17254, 17305}, {17255, 17304}, {17258, 17302}, {17263, 17300}, {17265, 17298}, {17266, 17297}, {17267, 17296}, {17268, 17295}, {17269, 17294}, {17270, 17293}, {17271, 17292}, {17273, 17291}, {17274, 17290}, {17283, 17288}, {17285, 17287}, {17317, 20090}, {17325, 29598}, {17387, 29572}, {17390, 32455}, {17394, 27268}, {17461, 21886}, {17483, 26724}, {17484, 33129}, {17495, 30579}, {17593, 17779}, {17605, 24892}, {17720, 24597}, {17754, 37673}, {17780, 36872}, {17786, 29542}, {18228, 37642}, {18644, 36949}, {18743, 37683}, {19717, 37869}, {19750, 22034}, {19872, 31252}, {20016, 28329}, {20530, 37686}, {20568, 32012}, {20662, 38989}, {20970, 25092}, {21026, 25621}, {21035, 23659}, {21281, 24735}, {21371, 27623}, {21746, 22277}, {22276, 23638}, {23073, 37618}, {23972, 35091}, {24320, 36741}, {24330, 24592}, {24352, 24600}, {24407, 27918}, {24512, 30950}, {24632, 30906}, {24692, 25351}, {24697, 29633}, {24703, 33137}, {24715, 28534}, {24890, 25651}, {25067, 37659}, {25971, 26671}, {26048, 26076}, {26070, 32851}, {26792, 33133}, {26799, 26971}, {26878, 37528}, {27003, 37687}, {27191, 29607}, {27253, 32088}, {28254, 28283}, {28309, 36522}, {28538, 32847}, {28582, 32922}, {28604, 28633}, {29610, 31144}, {30829, 37684}, {32005, 36857}, {32779, 37656}, {32843, 33115}, {32861, 33164}, {32914, 32938}, {33075, 33166}, {33099, 33132}, {35068, 35079}, {35069, 35090}, {35116, 35508}, {35242, 37499}, {35595, 37633}, {36289, 36294}, {37595, 37685}
X(44) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {190, 239}, {238, 1757}, {320, 20072}, {1266, 4480}, {2325, 4700}, {3218, 3257}, {3271, 20683}, {3943, 4969}, {4432, 4753}, {9355, 9441}, {39150, 39151}
X(44) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 3246}, {320, 3834}, {1086, 3008}, {1266, 4395}, {1279, 238}, {3834, 6687}, {3912, 4422}, {3943, 2325}, {4432, 4759}, {4645, 3823}, {4702, 4432}, {4727, 3943}, {4864, 1279}, {4887, 17067}, {4908, 4370}, {4969, 4700}, {17374, 3912}, {24692, 25351}, {31138, 2}
X(44) = isogonal conjugate of X(88)
X(44) = isotomic conjugate of X(20568)
X(44) = complement of X(320)
X(44) = anticomplement of X(3834)
X(44) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,214), (88,1), (104,55)
X(44) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,88), (2,80)
X(44) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,44), (6,36), (57,1465)
X(44) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1)X(513)
X(44) = crossdifference of PU(55)
X(44) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 1} }, {517, 14190}, {649, 513}, {1643, 24457}, {1739, 17960}
X(44) = X(88)-cross conjugate of X(44)
X(44) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 33, 50
X(44) = midpoint of PU(i) for these i: 33, 50
X(44) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(214)
X(44) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(214)
X(44) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(9) of X(1)
X(44) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(5440)
X(44) = trilinear pole of line X(678)X(1635)
X(44) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23202)
X(44) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9324}, {6, 3196}, {1635, 2087}, {2251, 23202}, {4120, 4530}
X(44) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 88}, {2, 80}, {57, 8686}, {100, 5376}, {214, 19618}, {519, 3911}, {765, 3257}, {1016, 6079}, {1252, 32641}, {4358, 38462}, {7126, 19551}
X(44) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 44}, {2, 17495}, {6, 36}, {9, 3880}, {37, 31855}, {57, 1465}, {106, 2316}, {244, 1635}, {513, 2087}, {1015, 6085}, {1086, 10015}, {9456, 36058}, {37772, 37773}
X(44) = trilinear pole of line {678, 1635}
X(44) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {1, 513}
X(44) = X(32012)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(6327)
X(44) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 214}, {32, 16586}, {42, 31845}, {80, 2887}, {759, 3741}, {1168, 21241}, {1402, 6739}, {1411, 2886}, {1807, 1368}, {1918, 35069}, {1989, 21236}, {2006, 17046}, {2161, 141}, {2222, 17072}, {2341, 21246}, {6187, 10}, {11060, 5249}, {14975, 1511}, {18359, 626}, {18815, 17047}, {20566, 21235}, {24624, 21240}, {32671, 21196}, {32675, 4885}, {34079, 3739}, {34857, 3454}, {36804, 21262}, {36815, 20542}, {36910, 21244}
X(44) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 678}, {2, 214}, {19, 17465}, {57, 17460}, {88, 1}, {100, 3251}, {104, 55}, {519, 3689}, {1022, 3722}, {1023, 1635}, {2161, 37}, {2743, 4162}, {3218, 517}, {3257, 513}, {3911, 1319}, {4358, 5440}, {4585, 8674}, {5376, 100}, {16704, 519}, {17780, 1960}, {23703, 4895}, {30731, 14425}, {32012, 2}, {36037, 3900}
X(44) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {678, 1}, {902, 1319}, {1635, 1023}, {1960, 17780}, {2087, 1635}, {3251, 100}, {4895, 23703}, {14408, 24004}, {20972, 6}, {21805, 519}, {23202, 5440}
X(44) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 88}, {2, 106}, {3, 6336}, {4, 1797}, {6, 903}, {7, 2316}, {31, 20568}, {44, 679}, {56, 4997}, {57, 1320}, {58, 4080}, {63, 36125}, {69, 8752}, {75, 9456}, {81, 4674}, {89, 4792}, {92, 36058}, {100, 1022}, {101, 6548}, {110, 4049}, {190, 23345}, {244, 5376}, {264, 32659}, {292, 27922}, {312, 1417}, {512, 4615}, {513, 3257}, {514, 901}, {519, 2226}, {523, 4591}, {593, 4013}, {649, 4555}, {651, 23838}, {661, 4622}, {673, 34230}, {693, 32665}, {798, 4634}, {900, 4638}, {908, 10428}, {1086, 9268}, {1168, 3218}, {1252, 6549}, {1293, 2403}, {1318, 3911}, {1635, 4618}, {2163, 4945}, {2291, 36887}, {2712, 17953}, {3261, 32719}, {3445, 31227}, {3676, 5548}, {4462, 36042}, {4510, 30650}, {4588, 23598}, {4604, 23352}, {6545, 6551}, {6635, 21143}, {8046, 39148}, {9325, 9326}, {14190, 37131}, {14260, 34234}, {16489, 36592}, {16944, 18359}, {17109, 36805}, {17969, 35153}, {20332, 36814}
X(44) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9324}, {2, 16561}, {366, 5541}, {903, 21372}, {1320, 17613}, {3257, X(44) = 1023}
X(44) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {21, 3246}, {333, 24593}, {645, 239}, {3939, 2223}, {5546, 7113}
X(44) = X(i)-zayin conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 88}, {6, 4674}, {9, 106}, {19, 36058}, {43, 903}, {46, 1797}, {57, 2316}, {63, 9456}, {104, 1465}, {106, 16610}, {513, 1022}, {517, 57}, {610, 36125}, {649, 23345}, {650, 23838}, {672, 34230}, {978, 4997}, {1022, 1635}, {1023, 244}, {1052, 5376}, {1054, 3257}, {1575, 36814}, {1635, 513}, {1726, 32659}, {1731, 3}, {1739, 63}, {1740, 20568}, {1743, 1320}, {1745, 6336}, {1763, 8752}, {1766, 1417}, {1769, 905}, {2087, 1054}, {2161, 36}, {2183, 14260}, {2246, 14190}, {2316, 517}, {2640, 4622}, {2664, 27922}, {2827, 3669}, {3216, 4080}, {3218, 6}, {3257, 2087}, {3737, 4049}, {3960, 650}, {4040, 6548}, {4498, 2441}, {4585, 3125}, {4674, 3218}, {4893, 23352}, {5539, 4615}, {5540, 901}, {5541, 2226}, {6909, 1427}, {9324, 679}, {9359, 4555}, {9456, 1739}, {12034, 1319}, {16548, 16944}, {16554, 1168}, {16560, 32665}, {16576, 4582}, {16610, 9}, {16670, 4792}, {17613, 269}, {21214, 31227}, {21372, 31}, {21381, 4591}, {21382, 32719}, {21385, 649}, {21864, 3337}, {23345, 21385}, {23650, 4083}, {23838, 3960}, {24625, 1575}, {32486, 3911}, {35338, 6549}, {36814, 24625}, {37680, 37}, {39150, 37773}, {39151, 37772}
X(44) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 519}, {3, 38462}, {4, 5440}, {6, 4358}, {7, 3689}, {8, 1319}, {9, 3911}, {19, 3977}, {31, 3264}, {37, 16704}, {42, 30939}, {56, 4723}, {57, 2325}, {58, 3992}, {63, 8756}, {72, 37168}, {75, 902}, {76, 2251}, {78, 1877}, {80, 214}, {81, 3943}, {86, 21805}, {88, 4370}, {89, 4908}, {92, 22356}, {99, 4730}, {100, 900}, {101, 3762}, {104, 1145}, {106, 4738}, {109, 4768}, {162, 14429}, {190, 1635}, {219, 37790}, {256, 4434}, {264, 23202}, {291, 4432}, {312, 1404}, {321, 3285}, {513, 17780}, {514, 1023}, {517, 36944}, {522, 23703}, {528, 14191}, {561, 9459}, {594, 30576}, {643, 30572}, {644, 30725}, {649, 24004}, {651, 1639}, {653, 14418}, {658, 14427}, {660, 4448}, {662, 4120}, {664, 4895}, {668, 1960}, {673, 14439}, {678, 903}, {679, 8028}, {693, 23344}, {741, 4783}, {765, 1647}, {799, 14407}, {898, 30583}, {899, 36872}, {934, 4528}, {985, 4439}, {1002, 4702}, {1016, 2087}, {1017, 20568}, {1019, 4169}, {1100, 31011}, {1120, 17460}, {1126, 4975}, {1156, 6174}, {1227, 6187}, {1255, 4969}, {1317, 1320}, {1809, 1846}, {1811, 5151}, {2171, 30606}, {2320, 36920}, {2323, 14628}, {2334, 4742}, {2415, 4394}, {2429, 4462}, {3251, 4555}, {3257, 6544}, {3445, 4487}, {3576, 36925}, {3669, 30731}, {3903, 4922}, {4506, 30650}, {4511, 14584}, {4530, 4564}, {4598, 14408}, {4606, 4773}, {4607, 14437}, {4618, 33922}, {4700, 25430}, {4727, 25417}, {4753, 30571}, {4958, 37211}, {4984, 37212}, {5298, 32635}, {5376, 35092}, {6335, 22086}, {7126, 36668}, {8851, 24816}, {9278, 31059}, {9456, 36791}, {13143, 33812}, {14425, 27834}, {14436, 37133}, {16670, 36915}, {17100, 38544}, {17455, 18359}, {19551, 36669}, {20972, 36805}, {23757, 36037}, {28602, 37135}
X(44) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 903}, {2, 20568}, {6, 88}, {9, 4997}, {19, 6336}, {25, 36125}, {31, 106}, {32, 9456}, {37, 4080}, {41, 2316}, {42, 4674}, {45, 4945}, {48, 1797}, {55, 1320}, {99, 4634}, {100, 4555}, {101, 3257}, {106, 679}, {110, 4622}, {163, 4591}, {184, 36058}, {214, 320}, {238, 27922}, {244, 6549}, {513, 6548}, {519, 75}, {644, 4582}, {649, 1022}, {661, 4049}, {662, 4615}, {663, 23838}, {667, 23345}, {678, 519}, {692, 901}, {750, 4510}, {756, 4013}, {900, 693}, {901, 4618}, {902, 1}, {1023, 190}, {1110, 9268}, {1145, 3262}, {1155, 36887}, {1252, 5376}, {1319, 7}, {1397, 1417}, {1404, 57}, {1635, 514}, {1639, 4391}, {1647, 1111}, {1743, 31227}, {1877, 273}, {1960, 513}, {1973, 8752}, {2087, 1086}, {2177, 4792}, {2223, 34230}, {2251, 6}, {2325, 312}, {2429, 27834}, {3009, 36814}, {3251, 900}, {3264, 561}, {3285, 81}, {3689, 8}, {3762, 3261}, {3911, 85}, {3943, 321}, {3977, 304}, {3992, 313}, {4120, 1577}, {4152, 4723}, {4169, 4033}, {4358, 76}, {4370, 4358}, {4394, 2403}, {4432, 350}, {4434, 1909}, {4439, 33931}, {4448, 3766}, {4528, 4397}, {4530, 4858}, {4543, 4768}, {4700, 19804}, {4702, 4441}, {4723, 3596}, {4727, 28605}, {4730, 523}, {4738, 3264}, {4759, 30963}, {4768, 35519}, {4773, 4801}, {4775, 23352}, {4783, 35544}, {4792, 36594}, {4893, 23598}, {4895, 522}, {4908, 4671}, {4922, 4374}, {4958, 4823}, {4969, 4359}, {4975, 1269}, {4984, 4978}, {5168, 17960}, {5440, 69}, {6174, 30806}, {6187, 1168}, {6544, 3762}, {8028, 4738}, {8661, 764}, {8756, 92}, {9247, 32659}, {9324, 9460}, {9456, 2226}, {9459, 31}, {14122, 17089}, {14191, 18821}, {14407, 661}, {14408, 3835}, {14418, 6332}, {14425, 4462}, {14427, 3239}, {14429, 14208}, {14436, 3250}, {14437, 4728}, {14439, 3912}, {14584, 18815}, {16704, 274}, {17455, 3218}, {17460, 1266}, {17780, 668}, {20972, 16610}, {21781, 9326}, {21805, 10}, {21821, 3943}, {22086, 905}, {22356, 63}, {22371, 5440}, {23202, 3}, {23214, 22067}, {23344, 100}, {23644, 1739}, {23703, 664}, {23757, 36038}, {24004, 1978}, {30572, 4077}, {30576, 1509}, {30725, 24002}, {30731, 646}, {30939, 310}, {31011, 32018}, {32665, 4638}, {32739, 32665}, {34858, 10428}, {36872, 31002}, {36944, 18816}, {37168, 286}, {37790, 331}, {38462, 264}, {39251, 17023}
X(44) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 6, 16666}, {1, 9, 45}, {1, 45, 37}, {1, 238, 3246}, {1, 1743, 16670}, {1, 3246, 1279}, {1, 16505, 16507}, {1, 16666, 1100}, {1, 16670, 6}, {1, 16676, 16672}, {2, 320, 3834}, {2, 3758, 4670}, {2, 3834, 31243}, {2, 4643, 17237}, {2, 4644, 4675}, {2, 4741, 17227}, {2, 17256, 4708}, {2, 20072, 320}, {2, 26768, 27106}, {2, 26816, 27159}, {6, 9, 37}, {6, 37, 1100}, {6, 45, 1}, {6, 1100, 16668}, {6, 1743, 16669}, {6, 3973, 15492}, {6, 15492, 16814}, {6, 16669, 16671}, {6, 16675, 16884}, {6, 16685, 20228}, {6, 16777, 1449}, {6, 16814, 3723}, {6, 16884, 16667}, {6, 16885, 9}, {6, 17796, 2323}, {7, 37650, 17278}, {9, 37, 16814}, {9, 1449, 3731}, {9, 1743, 6}, {9, 2324, 34524}, {9, 3973, 16885}, {9, 16572, 8557}, {9, 16667, 16675}, {9, 16669, 1100}, {9, 16670, 1}, {9, 16671, 3723}, {9, 16885, 15492}, {10, 3707, 17330}, {37, 1100, 3723}, {37, 1743, 16671}, {37, 15492, 9}, {37, 16666, 1}, {37, 16669, 6}, {37, 16671, 16668}, {41, 2267, 2278}, {43, 7262, 4640}, {45, 16670, 16666}, {45, 16672, 16676}, {48, 3217, 3204}, {57, 37679, 16602}, {63, 4383, 3752}, {69, 17279, 17231}, {69, 26685, 17279}, {71, 2347, 4271}, {72, 1724, 1104}, {75, 17349, 17348}, {75, 17350, 17351}, {75, 21591, 21417}, {86, 17260, 4698}, {88, 9326, 679}, {101, 5053, 7113}, {141, 4416, 17344}, {141, 17353, 17357}, {144, 4000, 17276}, {144, 37681, 4000}, {192, 3759, 4852}, {193, 344, 4851}, {213, 16552, 1107}, {219, 1723, 1108}, {220, 8557, 37}, {238, 4649, 16801}, {241, 651, 6610}, {319, 17280, 17229}, {320, 3834, 31138}, {320, 6687, 31243}, {320, 27637, 28362}, {346, 5839, 17299}, {391, 2345, 17275}, {597, 4364, 17023}, {651, 37787, 241}, {662, 1931, 16702}, {672, 899, 20331}, {672, 2183, 2245}, {672, 2238, 1575}, {672, 2246, 1155}, {672, 2348, 910}, {679, 3257, 9326}, {748, 32912, 354}, {756, 2308, 3745}, {894, 17277, 3739}, {896, 899, 1155}, {896, 2246, 2243}, {899, 20331, 1575}, {902, 21805, 3689}, {966, 5749, 17303}, {966, 26039, 9780}, {984, 16468, 1386}, {992, 1400, 28244}, {992, 28249, 27627}, {1100, 16671, 6}, {1100, 16814, 37}, {1155, 2246, 910}, {1155, 2348, 2246}, {1386, 15481, 984}, {1400, 27627, 28249}, {1404, 22356, 17455}, {1445, 6180, 1418}, {1449, 3731, 16777}, {1654, 17289, 17239}, {1708, 34048, 1427}, {1743, 3973, 9}, {1743, 15492, 1100}, {1743, 16885, 37}, {1778, 2287, 1333}, {2170, 21801, 17444}, {2176, 21384, 17448}, {2182, 2183, 910}, {2183, 2265, 2182}, {2238, 20331, 899}, {2243, 20331, 1155}, {2276, 37657, 21904}, {2316, 12034, 2161}, {2323, 5526, 17796}, {2325, 3943, 4908}, {2325, 4969, 4727}, {3008, 4887, 17067}, {3204, 4268, 48}, {3218, 37680, 16610}, {3219, 32911, 3666}, {3247, 16667, 16884}, {3247, 16675, 37}, {3554, 34524, 37}, {3589, 4357, 17384}, {3589, 17332, 4357}, {3618, 17257, 4657}, {3629, 17243, 3879}, {3661, 17346, 4690}, {3661, 17354, 17359}, {3662, 17347, 17345}, {3662, 17352, 17356}, {3664, 6666, 17245}, {3681, 17127, 3744}, {3686, 17355, 594}, {3723, 16668, 1100}, {3729, 4361, 4686}, {3731, 16777, 37}, {3758, 17335, 2}, {3759, 17336, 192}, {3834, 6687, 2}, {3875, 17262, 4718}, {3875, 25728, 17262}, {3879, 25101, 17243}, {3943, 4370, 2325}, {4360, 17261, 4681}, {4363, 4384, 4688}, {4370, 4700, 4727}, {4370, 4969, 3943}, {4389, 17367, 17382}, {4416, 17353, 141}, {4419, 5222, 17301}, {4440, 29590, 37756}, {4473, 6542, 17264}, {4659, 16833, 17119}, {4663, 15254, 1}, {4667, 29571, 17392}, {4687, 17379, 28639}, {4690, 17359, 3661}, {4727, 4908, 3943}, {4753, 4759, 4702}, {4887, 17067, 1086}, {5222, 6172, 4419}, {5223, 7290, 3242}, {5224, 17368, 17385}, {5278, 26223, 31993}, {5540, 16548, 7297}, {5749, 9780, 26039}, {6646, 16706, 17235}, {6687, 20072, 31138}, {7174, 16469, 38315}, {7277, 17245, 3664}, {8609, 17796, 6603}, {9780, 26039, 17303}, {10436, 17259, 31238}, {14439, 39251, 902}, {15492, 16669, 37}, {15569, 16801, 1279}, {16477, 16521, 16666}, {16505, 23343, 1}, {16669, 16814, 16668}, {16669, 16885, 16814}, {16671, 16814, 1100}, {16672, 16676, 37}, {16673, 16677, 37}, {16675, 16884, 3247}, {17120, 17260, 86}, {17121, 17261, 4360}, {17123, 32913, 3742}, {17233, 17363, 17372}, {17234, 17364, 17376}, {17248, 17381, 25498}, {17254, 29630, 17305}, {17328, 17371, 17238}, {17329, 17370, 17236}, {17330, 17369, 10}, {17331, 17368, 5224}, {17333, 17367, 4389}, {17334, 17366, 3663}, {17337, 17365, 142}, {17338, 17364, 17234}, {17339, 17363, 17233}, {17340, 17362, 2321}, {17341, 17361, 17232}, {17342, 17360, 17230}, {17343, 17358, 17228}, {17344, 17357, 141}, {17345, 17356, 3662}, {17346, 17354, 3661}, {17347, 17352, 3662}, {17348, 17351, 75}, {17349, 17350, 75}, {17781, 26723, 3782}, {20372, 21760, 20363}, {20568, 32091, 32012}, {24597, 31018, 17720}, {25454, 25658, 2}, {26975, 27036, 2}, {27265, 29978, 30823}, {27268, 37677, 17394}, {27627, 28249, 28244}, {30556, 30557, 5289}, {31138, 31243, 3834}, {32091, 32103, 20568}, {32864, 32930, 3706}, {33082, 33159, 3844}, {33096, 33138, 3838}, {34247, 36635, 3941}
X(45) lies on these lines: 1,6 2,88 53,281 55,678 141,344 198,1030 210,968 346,594
X(45) is the {X(1),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(44). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(45), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(45) = isogonal conjugate of X(89)
X(45) = isotomic conjugate of X(20569)
X(45) = anticomplement of X(34824)
X(45) = crosssum of X(6) and X(999)
X(45) = anticomplement of isotomic conjugate of X(32013)
X(45) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (9,1), (644,45)
X(45) = complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22129)
X(45) = anticomplement of anticomplement of X(31285)
Let Ja' be the reflection of the A-excenter in BC, and define Jb', Jc' cyclically. Let Oa be the circumcenter of AJb'Jc', and define Ob, Oc cyclically. OaObOc and ABC are perspective at X(46). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A' be the inverse-in-Bevan-circle of the A-vertex of the hexyl triangle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(46). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let JaJbJc be the excentral triangle. Let A″ be the inverse-in-Bevan-circle of A, and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines JaA″, JbB″, JcC″ concur in X(46). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
X(46) lies on these lines: 1,3 4,90 9,79 10,63 19,579 34,47 43,851 58,998 78,758 80,84 100,224 158,412 169,672 200,1004 218,910 222,227 225,254 226,498 269,1103 404,997 474,960 499,946 595,614 750,975 978,1054
X(46) is the {X(3),X(65)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(46), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(46) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,56), (1479,1210)
X(46) = isogonal conjugate of X(90)
X(46) = isotomic conjugate of X(20570)
X(46) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32760)
X(46) = Bevan-circle-inverse of X(36)
X(46) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(46) = crosssum of X(3) and X(1069)
X(46) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,46), (174,223), (188,1079), (366,610), (653, 1020)
X(46) = X(100)-beth conjugate of X(46)
X(46) = perspector of excentral and orthic triangles
X(46) = orthic isogonal conjugate of X(1)
X(46) = excentral isogonal conjugate of X(1490)
X(46) = X(24)-of-excentral-triangle
X(46) = {X(1),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3612)
X(46) = {X(1),X(40)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5119)
X(46) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(90)
X(46) = trilinear product of extraversions of X(90)
X(46) = X(24) of reflection triangle of X(1)
X(46) = homothetic center of ABC and orthic triangle of reflection triangle of X(1)
X(46) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(46)
X(46) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(90)
X(46) = {X(1),X(57)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3338)
X(47) = (r2 - R2 + s2)*X(1) - 6rR*X(2) - 4r2*X(3) (Peter Moses, April 2, 2013)
Let A'B'C' be the Kosnita triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(47). (Randy Hutson, March 21, 2019)
Let A'B'C' and A″B″C″ be the Lucas and Lucas(-1) tangents triangles. Let A* be the trilinear product A'*A″, and define B*, C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(47). (Randy Hutson, March 21, 2019)
X(47) lies on these lines: 1,21 19,921 33,90 34,46 35,212 36,602 91,92 158,162 171,498 238,499
X(47) is the {X(91),X(92)}-harmonic conjugate of X(564). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(47), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(47) = isogonal conjugate of X(91)
X(47) = isotomic conjugate of X(20571)
X(47) = anticomplement of X(34825)
X(47) = trilinear product X(371)*X(372)
X(47) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1820)
X(47) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(47) (which is also the anticevian triangle of X(47))
X(47) = eigencenter of cevian triangle of X(92)
X(47) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(48)
X(47) = X(92)-Ceva conjugate of X(48)
X(47) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (656,1109)
X(47) = X(275)-aleph conjugate of X(92)
X(47) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (110,34), (643,47)
X(47) = trilinear product of X(371) and X(372)
Let A'B'C' be the hexyl triangle. Let A″ be the barycentric product of the circumcircle intercepts of line B'C'. Define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(48). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(48) lies on these lines: 1,19 3,71 6,41 9,101 31,560 36,579 37,205 42,197 55,154 63,326 75,336 163,1094 184,212 220,963 255,563 281,944 282,947 354,584 577,603 692,911 949,1037 958,965
X(48) is the {X(41),X(604)}-harmonic conjugate of X(6). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(48), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(48) = isogonal conjugate of X(92)
X(48) = isotomic conjugate of X(1969)
X(48) = complement of X(21270)
X(48) = anticomplement of X(20305)
X(48) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,31), (2,36033), (3,212), (63,255), (92,47), (284, 6)
X(48) = X(228)-cross conjugate of X(3)
X(48) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,63), (3,222), (91,92), (219,268)
X(48) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,19), (4,281), (47,48), (196,278), (523, 1146), (661,1109)
X(48) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(240)X(522)
X(48) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(240)
X(48) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (101,48), (219,219), (284,604), (906,48)
X(48) = barycentric product of PU(16)
X(48) = vertex conjugate of PU(18)
X(48) = bicentric sum of PU(22)
X(48) = PU(22)-harmonic conjugate of X(656)
X(48) = trilinear pole of line X(810)X(822)
X(48) = X(2)-isoconjugate of X(4)
X(48) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(19)
X(48) = X(91)-isoconjugate of X(1748)
X(48) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(48) (which is also the anticevian triangle of X(48))
X(48) = crosspoint of X(2066) and X(5414)
X(48) = {X(1),X(19)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1953)
X(48) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(36033)
V. Thebault, "Sine-triple-angle-circle," Mathesis 65 (1956) 282-284.
X(49) lies on these lines: 1,215 3,155 4,156 5,54 24,568 52,195 93,94 381,578
Suppose that P and Q are distinct points in the plane of a triangle ABC . Let PA = reflection of P in line AQ, let QA = reflection of Q in line AP, and let MA = midpoint of segment PAQA. Define MB and MC cyclically. César Lozada found that if Q = isogonal conjugate of P, then the locus of P for which MAMBMC is perspective to ABC is the union of a cubic and 6 circles: specifically, the McCay cubic (K003), the circles {B,C,B',C'}}, {C,A,C',A'}}, {A,B,A',B'}}, and the circles {B,C,A'}}, {C,A,B'}}, {A,B,C'}}, where A',B',C' are the excenters of ABC. Moreover, if P = X(3) and Q = X(4), then MAMBMC is not only perspective, but homothetic, to ABC, and the center of homothety is X(49). See Hyacinthos 23265, June 1, 2015.
X(49) is the {X(54),X(110)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(49), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(49) = isogonal conjugate of X(93)
X(49) = isotomic conjugate of X(20572)
X(49) = anticomplement of X(34826)
X(49) = X(4)-isoconjugate of X(2962)
X(49) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(2963)
X(49) = eigencenter of cevian triangle of X(94)
X(49) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(50)
X(49) = X(94)-Ceva conjugate of X(50)
Let DEF be any equilateral triangle inscribed in the circumcircle of ABC. Let D' be the barycentric product E*F, and define E', F' cyclically. Then D',E',F' all line on a line passing through X(50). In the special case that DEF is the circumtangential triangle, the points D',E',F' lie on the Brocard axis, and in case DEF is the circumnormal triangle, the points D',E'F' lie on the line X(50)X(647). See also X(6149). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2015)
Let A'B'C' and A″B″C″ be the (equilateral) circumcevian triangles of X(15) and X(16). Let A* be the barycentric product A'*A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(50). See also X(6149). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2015)
Let AA1A2, BB1B2, CC1C2 be the circumcircle-inscribed equilateral triangles used in the construction of the Trinh triangle. Let A' be the barycentric product A1*A2, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(50); see also X(6149). (Randy Hutson, October 13, 2015)
Let A1B1C1 and A2B2C2 be the 1st and 2nd Ehrmann circumscribing triangles. Let A' be the crossdifference of A1 and A2, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(50). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
X(50) lies on these lines: 3,6 67,248 112,477 115,231 230,858 338,401 647,654
X(50) is the {X(3),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(566). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(40), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(50) = isogonal conjugate of X(94)
X(50) = isotomic conjugate of X(20573)
X(50) = anticomplement of X(34827)
X(50) = complement of isogonal conjugate of X(34448)
X(50) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32761)
X(50) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(566)
X(50) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,215), (74,184), (94,49)
X(50) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (93,94), (186,323)
X(50) = crosssum of X(49) and X(50)
X(50) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(5)X(523)
X(50) = barycentric product of X(15) and X(16)
X(50) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (92,265), (1577,476)
X(50) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(568)
X(50) = perspector of circumconic passing through X(110) and the isogonal conjugates of PU(5)
X(50) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(11597)
X(50) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Ehrmann vertex-triangle
X(50) = barycentric product X(35)*X(36)
X(50) = crossdifference of PU(173)
X(51) = (r2 + 2rR + s2)*X(1) + 6R(R - r)*X(2) - (r2 + 4rR - s2)*X(3) (Peter Moses, April 2, 2013)
Let A'B'C' be the anticomplementary triangle and let Ba and Ca be the orthogonal projections of B' and C' on BC, respectively. Define Cb and Ac cyclically, and define Ab and Bc cyclically. Then X(51) is the centroid of BaCaCbAbAcBc. (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
Let L be the van Aubel line. Let U = X(6)X(25), the isogonal conjugate of polar conjugate of L; let V = X(4)X(51), the polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of L. Then X(51) = U∩V. (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let Oa be the A-McCay circle of triangle AB'C', and define Ob, Oc cyclically. X(51) is the radical center of circles Oa, Ob, Oc. (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(51) lies on these lines: 2,262 4,185 5,52 6,25 21,970 22,182 23,575 24,578 26,569 31,181 39,237 44,209 54,288 107,275 125,132 129,137 130,138 199,572 210,374 216,418 381,568 397,462 398,463 573,1011
X(51) is the {X(5),X(143)}-harmonic conjugate of X(52). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(51), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(51) = reflection of X(210) in X(375)
X(51) = isogonal conjugate of X(95)
X(51) = isotomic conjugate of X(34384)
X(51) = complement of X(2979)
X(51) = anticomplement of X(3819)
X(51) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,53), (5,216), (6,217)
X(51) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of complementary conjugate of X(34845)
X(51) = X(217)-cross conjugate of X(216)
X(51) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,6), (5,53)
X(51) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,3), (6,160), (54,97)
X(51) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(323)X(401)
X(51) = inverse-in-orthosymmedial-circle of X(125)
X(51) = X(2) of tangential triangle of Johnson circumconic
X(51) = trilinear pole of polar of X(276) wrt polar circle
X(51) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(276) (line X(340)X(520))
X(51) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(276)
X(51) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(97)
X(51) = Zosma transform of X(92)
X(51) = intersection of tangents to Moses-Jerabek conic at X(6) and X(1204)
X(51) = perspector of 1st & 2nd orthosymmedial triangles
X(51) = bicentric sum of PU(157)
X(51) = PU(157)-harmonic conjugate of X(647)
X(51) = perspector of orthic-of-orthocentroidal triangle and orthocentroidal-of-orthic triangle
X(51) = centroid of reflection triangle of X(125)
X(51) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(2)
X(51) = centroid of anticomplementary circle intercepts of sidelines of ABC
X(51) = {X(34221),X(34222)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5480)
Let Ha be the foot of the A-altitude. Let Ba be the foot of the perpendicular from Ha to CA, and define Cb and Ac cyclically. Let Ca be the foot of the perpendicular from Ha to AB, and define Ab and Bc cyclically. Let A' be the orthocenter of HaBaCa, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines HaA', HbB', HcC' concur in X(52). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the anti-Ursa-minor triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(52) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(52) lies on these lines: 3,6 4,68 5,51 25,155 26,184 30,185 49,195 113,135 114,211 128,134 129,139
X(52) is the {X(5),X(143)}-harmonic conjugate of X(51). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(52), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(52) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (3,389), (5,143), (113,1112), (1209,973)
X(52) = isogonal conjugate of X(96)
X(52) = isotomic conjugate of X(34385)
X(52) = anticomplement of X(1216)
X(52) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32762)
X(52) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(569)
X(52) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,5), (317,467), (324,216)
X(52) = crosspoint of X(4) and X(24)
X(52) = crosssum of X(3) and X(68)
X(52) = {X(3),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(569)
X(52) = orthic isogonal conjugate of X(5)
X(52) = X(20)-of-2nd Euler triangle
X(52) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Euler triangle
X(52) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Kosnita triangle
X(52) = antipode of X(113) in Hatzipolakis-Lozada hyperbola
X(52) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(571)
X(52) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(5392)
X(52) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(32692)
X(52) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(4)
Let A'B'C' be the Euler triangle. Let LA be the trilinear polar of A', and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A″ = LB∩LC, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(53). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(53) lies on these lines: 4,6 5,216 25,157 30,577 45,281 115,133 128,139 137,138 141,264 232,427 273,1086 275,288 311,324 317,524 318,594 395,472 396,473
X(53) is the {X(4),X(393)}-harmonic conjugate of X(6). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(53), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(53) = isogonal conjugate of X(97)
X(53) = isotomic conjugate of X(34386)
X(53) = anticomplement of X(34828)
X(53) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,51), (324,5)
X(53) = X(51)-cross conjugate of X(5)
X(53) = crosssum of X(3) and X(577)
X(53) = Kosnita(X(4),X(6)) point
X(53) = trilinear pole of line X(12077)X(15451) (the polar of X(95) wrt polar circle)
X(53) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(95) (line X(323)X(401))
X(53) = polar conjugate of X(95)
X(53) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(6)
See John Rigby, "Brief notes on some forgotten geometrical theorems," Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly 7 (1997) 156-158.
Let O be the circumcenter of triangle ABC, and OA the circumcenter of triangle BOC. Define OB and OC cyclically. Then the lines AOA, BOB, COC concur in X(54). For details and generalization, see
Darij Grinberg, A New Circumcenter Question.
The above construction of X(54) generalizes. Suppose that P and Q are points (as functions of a,b,c). Let A' = Q-of-BCP, B' = Q-of-CAP, C' = Q-of-ABP. If the lines AA', BB', CC' concur, the perspector is called the Kosnita(P,Q) point, denoted by K(P,Q). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(3) = K(X(20),X(2)) | X(4) = K(X(20,X(20) | X(5) = K(X(4),X(2)) |
X(13) = K(X(13),X(1)) | X(17) = K(X(13),X(3)) | X(18) = K(X(14),X(3)) |
X(140) = K(X(3), X(2)) | X(251) = K(X(6), X(6)) | |
X(481) = K(X(175),X(1)) | X(482) = K(X(176),X(1)) |
Let NANBNC be the reflection triangle of X(5). Let OA be the circumcenter of ANBNC, and define OB and OC cyclically. Triangle OAOBOC is perspective to ABC at X(54), homothetic to the orthic-of-orthocentroidal triangle at X(54), and orthologic to the reflection triangle at X(54). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
Let (Na) be the reflection of the nine-point circle in BC, and define (Nb) and (Nc) cyclically. X(54) is the radical center of (Na), (Nb), (Nc). The tangents at A, B, C to the Napoleon-Feuerbach cubic K005 concur in X(54). Let A'B'C' be the reflection triangle. Let La be the trilinear polar of A', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ be Lb∩Lc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(54). (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(54).
let Na = reflection of X(5) in the line BC, and define Nb and Nc cyclically. The medial triangle of NaNbNc is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(54). (Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, June 8, 2021)
X(54) lies on the Jarabek circumhyperbola, the cubics K005, K073, K112, K316, K361, K364, K373, K388, K439, K464, K466, K467, K469, K471, K499, K500, K502, K526, K566, K569, K589, K590, K629, K633, K646, K668, K822, K919, K942, K947, K976, K1107, K1180, the curves Q023, Q029, Q089, Q110, Q141, and these lines: {1, 2599}, {2, 68}, {3, 97}, {4, 184}, {5, 49}, {6, 24}, {10, 9562}, {11, 2477}, {12, 215}, {13, 3206}, {14, 3205}, {15, 10678}, {16, 10677}, {17, 3201}, {18, 3200}, {19, 16031}, {20, 4846}, {22, 36747}, {23, 5446}, {25, 3527}, {26, 3060}, {28, 1243}, {30, 3521}, {32, 9985}, {33, 9638}, {35, 6286}, {36, 73}, {39, 248}, {51, 288}, {52, 1166}, {55, 9666}, {56, 9653}, {59, 5399}, {60, 5396}, {61, 3166}, {62, 3165}, {64, 378}, {65, 1870}, {66, 3541}, {67, 5622}, {69, 95}, {70, 1899}, {71, 572}, {72, 1006}, {74, 185}, {98, 3203}, {99, 39805}, {112, 217}, {113, 3047}, {114, 3044}, {115, 9697}, {118, 3046}, {119, 3045}, {125, 3043}, {136, 6801}, {137, 33545}, {140, 252}, {143, 2070}, {154, 10594}, {155, 7503}, {156, 381}, {186, 389}, {193, 19131}, {206, 14853}, {219, 26915}, {222, 26914}, {251, 37123}, {262, 3202}, {276, 290}, {287, 37125}, {311, 34385}, {323, 1216}, {324, 37127}, {371, 6414}, {372, 6413}, {376, 10984}, {382, 18550}, {394, 7509}, {397, 11134}, {398, 11137}, {399, 33539}, {402, 12797}, {403, 12241}, {411, 34800}, {418, 2055}, {427, 31804}, {436, 8794}, {476, 36159}, {477, 36179}, {493, 12998}, {494, 12999}, {496, 40450}, {511, 1176}, {523, 36161}, {526, 38897}, {542, 18125}, {546, 10540}, {548, 13623}, {549, 34483}, {550, 11803}, {568, 1658}, {575, 895}, {576, 7556}, {577, 26876}, {632, 21357}, {695, 14153}, {826, 879}, {930, 35720}, {953, 36078}, {970, 1798}, {1062, 9637}, {1075, 21449}, {1087, 2595}, {1113, 14374}, {1114, 14375}, {1192, 35472}, {1204, 11270}, {1246, 7554}, {1263, 6343}, {1291, 15907}, {1296, 9226}, {1329, 9702}, {1351, 9715}, {1352, 18124}, {1353, 19129}, {1437, 6905}, {1439, 1443}, {1495, 10110}, {1498, 11455}, {1503, 15321}, {1506, 9696}, {1511, 12006}, {1587, 13440}, {1588, 13429}, {1593, 3426}, {1594, 6145}, {1595, 16659}, {1598, 3531}, {1656, 9703}, {1698, 9586}, {1699, 9587}, {1853, 38433}, {1879, 9378}, {1907, 16658}, {1976, 37334}, {2051, 9563}, {2071, 40647}, {2393, 32367}, {2574, 14709}, {2575, 14710}, {2616, 3737}, {2620, 7136}, {2623, 10097}, {2781, 34437}, {2886, 9701}, {2904, 34438}, {2929, 42016}, {2937, 10263}, {2981, 14818}, {3048, 5512}, {3068, 8995}, {3069, 13986}, {3090, 9306}, {3091, 9544}, {3147, 11433}, {3167, 7395}, {3292, 7550}, {3311, 6416}, {3312, 6415}, {3336, 3468}, {3357, 13452}, {3398, 36214}, {3431, 11438}, {3432, 32409}, {3448, 10116}, {3470, 38933}, {3471, 38935}, {3515, 11432}, {3517, 9777}, {3523, 13336}, {3524, 37515}, {3525, 15605}, {3526, 11935}, {3528, 37480}, {3529, 31371}, {3530, 13339}, {3532, 10605}, {3542, 14457}, {3545, 15749}, {3548, 18911}, {3563, 32692}, {3575, 34397}, {3580, 7542}, {3613, 11816}, {3627, 30531}, {3628, 40111}, {3796, 10323}, {3815, 9603}, {5050, 6391}, {5067, 5651}, {5085, 34817}, {5092, 41435}, {5093, 16195}, {5133, 12134}, {5157, 10519}, {5198, 14530}, {5254, 9604}, {5418, 9676}, {5422, 6642}, {5447, 15246}, {5462, 6153}, {5486, 35486}, {5494, 10693}, {5498, 15061}, {5504, 9730}, {5562, 34986}, {5587, 9622}, {5597, 12480}, {5598, 12481}, {5640, 7506}, {5643, 12099}, {5663, 11559}, {5721, 38850}, {5870, 10262}, {5871, 10261}, {5891, 41597}, {5898, 13363}, {5900, 25563}, {5907, 35500}, {5946, 13368}, {5972, 19481}, {6000, 14865}, {6030, 13391}, {6151, 14819}, {6198, 11429}, {6239, 12231}, {6240, 12233}, {6243, 7502}, {6400, 12232}, {6515, 41594}, {6561, 9677}, {6636, 10625}, {6640, 18952}, {6643, 37645}, {6644, 8907}, {6696, 16623}, {6794, 7765}, {6800, 7387}, {6815, 12318}, {6853, 18123}, {6875, 13323}, {7393, 15066}, {7505, 39571}, {7507, 32402}, {7514, 11444}, {7516, 7998}, {7517, 26881}, {7525, 37484}, {7526, 12111}, {7527, 12162}, {7529, 35264}, {7544, 34116}, {7547, 7699}, {7549, 41608}, {7574, 13470}, {7575, 16881}, {7576, 34782}, {7577, 16000}, {7689, 39242}, {7728, 11805}, {7731, 19362}, {8227, 9621}, {8562, 14380}, {8743, 40823}, {8795, 41204}, {8889, 38442}, {8918, 8930}, {8919, 8929}, {9140, 13561}, {9418, 39283}, {9590, 31760}, {9625, 31757}, {9652, 10895}, {9667, 10896}, {9729, 22962}, {9786, 14528}, {9818, 11441}, {9932, 15045}, {9971, 15582}, {10018, 13567}, {10024, 12370}, {10095, 13621}, {10202, 28787}, {10205, 35729}, {10226, 15055}, {10295, 13568}, {10299, 13347}, {10575, 12086}, {10601, 11465}, {10602, 11458}, {10721, 11744}, {10950, 40437}, {11004, 37478}, {11077, 41335}, {11202, 13472}, {11263, 38535}, {11264, 34826}, {11381, 13596}, {11403, 32063}, {11416, 15074}, {11439, 31861}, {11440, 18570}, {11443, 38263}, {11460, 19350}, {11461, 19354}, {11462, 19355}, {11463, 19356}, {11466, 19363}, {11467, 19364}, {11477, 19127}, {11491, 20986}, {11591, 34864}, {12007, 13622}, {12023, 12024}, {12041, 35498}, {12084, 15072}, {12106, 15019}, {12110, 40643}, {12112, 13474}, {12229, 12509}, {12230, 12510}, {12281, 19457}, {12282, 19458}, {12283, 19459}, {12284, 19456}, {12285, 19461}, {12286, 19462}, {12287, 19463}, {12288, 19464}, {12359, 41730}, {12834, 13365}, {13011, 13035}, {13012, 13036}, {13017, 19465}, {13018, 19466}, {13351, 37813}, {13364, 18369}, {13382, 21663}, {13420, 18368}, {13432, 15720}, {13433, 34565}, {13445, 13491}, {13488, 32111}, {13598, 37925}, {13754, 14118}, {13856, 38618}, {14070, 37493}, {14071, 25150}, {14106, 14111}, {14152, 26897}, {14220, 34210}, {14371, 14379}, {14491, 34417}, {14518, 34756}, {14542, 18533}, {14587, 18114}, {14641, 37944}, {14788, 37649}, {14805, 15091}, {15053, 16867}, {15056, 15068}, {15059, 24572}, {15093, 32448}, {15121, 15124}, {15232, 32381}, {15305, 32139}, {15328, 38936}, {15340, 27371}, {15401, 15537}, {15644, 22352}, {15646, 16665}, {15712, 26861}, {15760, 18433}, {16252, 16657}, {16766, 31674}, {16837, 34449}, {16868, 18390}, {17702, 34007}, {17711, 23329}, {18324, 37490}, {18374, 22336}, {18376, 40276}, {18474, 34799}, {18559, 34785}, {18874, 21308}, {18945, 32393}, {19123, 19125}, {19124, 39874}, {19136, 38005}, {19142, 22829}, {19151, 37473}, {19186, 19408}, {19187, 19409}, {19212, 33971}, {19349, 19368}, {19358, 19414}, {19359, 19415}, {19440, 19502}, {19441, 19503}, {19460, 22535}, {20190, 32599}, {20193, 30551}, {20421, 23040}, {21394, 30504}, {21849, 37939}, {22233, 41448}, {22330, 37953}, {22533, 32375}, {22950, 22972}, {23128, 26216}, {23293, 25738}, {24385, 36837}, {26877, 26889}, {26896, 26898}, {26916, 26920}, {31376, 34837}, {32110, 38448}, {32248, 39562}, {32249, 32251}, {32284, 37784}, {32321, 41715}, {32357, 34207}, {32661, 41334}, {32713, 42873}, {32737, 38394}, {33543, 37483}, {33695, 35909}, {33992, 35728}, {34351, 41596}, {34384, 39287}, {34418, 35467}, {34664, 41615}, {35480, 40242}, {35602, 37514}, {35724, 35885}, {37489, 38444}, {39808, 39810}, {39837, 39839}
X(54) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 9905}, {3, 195}, {4, 12254}, {5, 36966}, {125, 14049}, {389, 40632}, {973, 11577}, {1263, 6343}, {1493, 10610}, {2929, 42016}, {3574, 10619}, {5889, 32338}, {6276, 6277}, {7691, 15801}, {11271, 12325}, {11597, 15089}, {12026, 31675}, {12291, 13423}, {12307, 12316}, {13368, 15532}, {17824, 32345}, {21660, 32352}, {27196, 27423}, {32333, 32341}, {32346, 32354}
X(54) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 12266}, {3, 10610}, {4, 3574}, {5, 8254}, {52, 10115}, {110, 11597}, {195, 1493}, {265, 11804}, {1141, 27196}, {1209, 6689}, {2888, 1209}, {2914, 32226}, {2917, 32391}, {3519, 21230}, {3574, 12242}, {6145, 32351}, {6152, 973}, {6153, 5462}, {6242, 32352}, {6288, 5}, {7691, 3}, {7728, 11805}, {7979, 1}, {9972, 9977}, {9977, 575}, {11412, 41590}, {12254, 10619}, {12300, 15739}, {12785, 10}, {12797, 402}, {13121, 10066}, {13122, 10082}, {13423, 6152}, {15062, 14130}, {15800, 20424}, {15801, 195}, {20424, 22051}, {21230, 140}, {21660, 40632}, {23061, 15137}, {32196, 143}, {32338, 12606}, {32352, 389}, {32379, 10274}, {33565, 125}, {41590, 12363}
X(54) = isogonal conjugate of X(5)
X(54) = isotomic conjugate of X(311)
X(54) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(1157)
X(54) = complement of X(2888)
X(54) = anticomplement of X(1209)
X(54) = circumcircle-inverse of X(1157)
X(54) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(18335)
X(54) = polar conjugate of X(324)
X(54) = antigonal image of X(33565)
X(54) = symgonal image of X(11597)
X(54) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(35885)
X(54) = psi-transform of X(14656)
X(54) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1166, 8}, {2216, 2888}
X(54) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3432, 10}, {40140, 21231}
X(54) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {5, 2120}, {95, 97}, {97, 33629}, {275, 8882}, {288, 6}, {933, 23286}, {1141, 1157}, {1166, 25044}, {8884, 8883}, {14533, 26887}, {14587, 110}, {18315, 2623}, {18831, 15412}, {20574, 1614}, {23286, 19208}, {35196, 2169}, {39287, 95}
X(54) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 96}, {6, 275}, {184, 14533}, {186, 74}, {389, 4}, {523, 110}, {570, 2}, {1199, 1173}, {2594, 1}, {2623, 18315}, {3269, 39181}, {8603, 2981}, {8604, 6151}, {13366, 6}, {13367, 3}, {14533, 97}, {16030, 95}, {16035, 8884}, {19189, 1298}, {21638, 8795}, {21660, 3519}, {23286, 933}, {30451, 4558}, {32352, 6145}, {39199, 109}, {39201, 112}, {39478, 901}, {40632, 13418}, {41218, 654}
X(54) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 1147}, {6, 184}, {15, 3200}, {16, 3201}, {32, 3202}, {39, 3203}, {55, 3204}, {58, 9563}, {61, 3205}, {62, 3206}, {215, 2245}, {523, 8901}, {572, 9562}, {654, 41218}, {3270, 9404}
X(54) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3461}, {3, 3463}, {4, 3459}, {5, 2121}, {95, 275}, {3467, 3469}, {3489, 3490}
X(54) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3460}, {2, 17035}, {3, 195}, {4, 3462}, {11, 8819}, {51, 216}, {54, 2120}, {61, 8839}, {62, 8837}, {233, 3078}, {288, 38816}, {523, 8902}, {627, 628}, {1953, 7069}, {2600, 41218}, {3336, 3468}, {3470, 38933}, {3471, 38935}, {6368, 35442}, {8918, 8930}, {8919, 8929}, {12077, 41221}, {17434, 41219}, {21011, 21807}
X(54) = trilinear pole of line {50, 647}
X(54) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {2081, 2600}
X(54) = trilinear pole of line X(50)X(647) (the polar of X(324) wrt polar circle)
X(54) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(324)
X(54) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(324)
X(54) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(216)
X(54) = intersection of tangents to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(5)}} at X(4) and X(3459)
X(54) = {X(2595),X(2596)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1087)
X(54) = trilinear product of vertices of circumnormal triangle
X(54) = intersection of tangents at X(3) and X(4) to Neuberg cubic K001
X(54) = exsimilicenter of nine-point circle and sine-triple-angle circle
X(54) = homothetic center of orthocevian triangle of X(3) and circumorthic triangle
X(54) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of reflection triangle
X(54) = X(3)-of-reflection-triangle-of-X(5)
X(54) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and circumorthic triangle
X(54) = perspector of ABC and Hatzipolakis-Moses triangle
X(54) = X(191)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(54) = trilinear product of vertices of X(4)-altimedial triangle
X(54) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 5}, {2, 1953}, {6, 14213}, {7, 7069}, {8, 1393}, {10, 18180}, {19, 343}, {25, 18695}, {31, 311}, {37, 17167}, {38, 17500}, {48, 324}, {51, 75}, {52, 91}, {53, 63}, {54, 1087}, {69, 2181}, {76, 2179}, {79, 35194}, {81, 21011}, {86, 21807}, {92, 216}, {94, 2290}, {100, 21102}, {110, 2618}, {143, 2962}, {158, 5562}, {162, 6368}, {163, 18314}, {217, 1969}, {255, 13450}, {293, 39569}, {304, 3199}, {318, 30493}, {326, 14569}, {467, 1820}, {523, 2617}, {561, 40981}, {610, 13157}, {655, 2600}, {656, 35360}, {661, 14570}, {662, 12077}, {811, 15451}, {823, 17434}, {897, 41586}, {920, 8800}, {921, 41587}, {1154, 2166}, {1209, 2216}, {1263, 1749}, {1474, 42698}, {1568, 36119}, {1577, 1625}, {1707, 27364}, {1826, 16697}, {1895, 8798}, {1956, 32428}, {1972, 2313}, {1973, 28706}, {2081, 32680}, {2153, 33529}, {2154, 33530}, {2167, 36412}, {2180, 5392}, {2184, 42459}, {2222, 6369}, {2595, 7135}, {2596, 2603}, {2599, 3615}, {2621, 18114}, {2964, 25043}, {4560, 35307}, {4575, 23290}, {8769, 41588}, {10015, 35321}, {17438, 31610}, {18070, 35319}, {18833, 27374}, {20577, 36148}, {23181, 24006}, {24000, 35442}, {24041, 41221}, {27371, 34055}, {32678, 41078}, {36035, 36831}
X(54) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 2167}, {3, 275}, {4, 97}, {6, 95}, {25, 34386}, {32, 34384}, {39, 39287}, {48, 40440}, {63, 2190}, {69, 8882}, {75, 2148}, {83, 16030}, {92, 2169}, {96, 1993}, {99, 2623}, {110, 15412}, {140, 288}, {182, 42300}, {184, 276}, {226, 35196}, {249, 8901}, {252, 1994}, {253, 33629}, {264, 14533}, {287, 19189}, {290, 41270}, {323, 1141}, {338, 14587}, {340, 11077}, {371, 16032}, {372, 16037}, {394, 8884}, {401, 1298}, {520, 16813}, {523, 18315}, {525, 933}, {571, 34385}, {577, 8795}, {578, 37872}, {647, 18831}, {648, 23286}, {662, 2616}, {801, 16035}, {850, 14586}, {1073, 38808}, {1092, 8794}, {1105, 19180}, {1157, 13582}, {1166, 37636}, {1502, 14573}, {1577, 36134}, {1634, 39182}, {2052, 19210}, {2245, 39277}, {2888, 40140}, {2984, 11245}, {3051, 41488}, {3431, 4993}, {3904, 36078}, {4551, 39177}, {6504, 8883}, {6563, 32692}, {7763, 41271}, {11140, 25044}, {13366, 31617}, {14096, 39283}, {14528, 19188}, {14618, 15958}, {15351, 19208}, {15414, 32713}, {19166, 41890}, {19170, 40448}, {19174, 28724}, {20574, 40684}, {22052, 39286}, {35311, 39181}, {37225, 39274}, {39201, 42405}
X(54) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 14213}, {2, 311}, {3, 343}, {4, 324}, {6, 5}, {15, 33529}, {16, 33530}, {24, 467}, {25, 53}, {31, 1953}, {32, 51}, {41, 7069}, {42, 21011}, {50, 1154}, {51, 36412}, {58, 17167}, {63, 18695}, {64, 13157}, {69, 28706}, {72, 42698}, {95, 76}, {96, 5392}, {97, 69}, {110, 14570}, {112, 35360}, {154, 42459}, {160, 41480}, {163, 2617}, {184, 216}, {186, 14918}, {187, 41586}, {213, 21807}, {232, 39569}, {251, 17500}, {252, 11140}, {275, 264}, {276, 18022}, {288, 40410}, {323, 1273}, {389, 34836}, {393, 13450}, {512, 12077}, {523, 18314}, {526, 41078}, {560, 2179}, {570, 1209}, {571, 52}, {577, 5562}, {604, 1393}, {647, 6368}, {649, 21102}, {654, 6369}, {661, 2618}, {850, 15415}, {933, 648}, {1141, 94}, {1157, 37779}, {1166, 40393}, {1173, 31610}, {1298, 1972}, {1333, 18180}, {1437, 16697}, {1501, 40981}, {1510, 20577}, {1576, 1625}, {1609, 41587}, {1843, 27371}, {1953, 1087}, {1971, 32428}, {1973, 2181}, {1974, 3199}, {1993, 39113}, {2148, 1}, {2167, 75}, {2168, 91}, {2169, 63}, {2174, 35194}, {2190, 92}, {2207, 14569}, {2501, 23290}, {2616, 1577}, {2623, 523}, {2963, 25043}, {2965, 143}, {3049, 15451}, {3053, 41588}, {3124, 41221}, {3202, 40588}, {3269, 35442}, {3284, 1568}, {3518, 14129}, {5063, 5891}, {6748, 14978}, {8648, 2600}, {8739, 6117}, {8740, 6116}, {8770, 27364}, {8795, 18027}, {8882, 4}, {8883, 6515}, {8884, 2052}, {8901, 338}, {9409, 14391}, {10311, 39530}, {10312, 30506}, {11077, 265}, {13338, 13364}, {13342, 27355}, {13366, 233}, {14270, 2081}, {14533, 3}, {14573, 32}, {14575, 217}, {14579, 1263}, {14585, 418}, {14586, 110}, {14587, 249}, {14642, 8798}, {15109, 21230}, {15412, 850}, {15958, 4558}, {16029, 1591}, {16030, 141}, {16032, 34391}, {16034, 1592}, {16035, 13567}, {16037, 34392}, {16813, 6528}, {18315, 99}, {18353, 565}, {18831, 6331}, {19180, 41005}, {19189, 297}, {19208, 39352}, {19210, 394}, {19306, 1749}, {20574, 31626}, {21449, 9291}, {21461, 36300}, {21462, 36301}, {21741, 2599}, {23195, 42445}, {23286, 525}, {25044, 1994}, {26887, 3164}, {32445, 42453}, {32640, 36831}, {32661, 23181}, {32692, 925}, {33629, 20}, {33872, 14845}, {34384, 1502}, {34386, 305}, {34397, 11062}, {34756, 39114}, {35196, 333}, {36078, 655}, {36134, 662}, {37636, 1225}, {38808, 15466}, {39109, 41536}, {39177, 18155}, {39201, 17434}, {39287, 308}, {40440, 1969}, {40633, 13595}, {41213, 41222}, {41270, 511}, {41271, 2165}, {41331, 27374}, {41373, 41481}, {41488, 40016}, {42293, 34983}, {42300, 327}
X(54) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 3460, 2599}, {2, 2888, 1209}, {2, 9545, 1147}, {2, 18912, 26917}, {3, 1493, 15801}, {3, 1993, 11412}, {3, 7592, 5890}, {3, 11402, 7592}, {3, 12161, 5889}, {3, 12316, 12307}, {3, 15087, 6102}, {3, 16266, 2979}, {3, 19210, 97}, {3, 25044, 1157}, {3, 32046, 5012}, {4, 184, 1614}, {4, 275, 4994}, {4, 578, 15033}, {4, 1614, 14157}, {4, 19467, 12289}, {5, 49, 110}, {5, 567, 13434}, {5, 9706, 9705}, {5, 14516, 41171}, {6, 24, 3567}, {6, 2917, 973}, {6, 14533, 8882}, {6, 14585, 10312}, {6, 15073, 8537}, {6, 19189, 9792}, {6, 19357, 24}, {6, 19468, 6152}, {24, 12291, 12380}, {24, 19357, 11464}, {25, 9707, 26882}, {26, 36749, 3060}, {36, 35197, 7356}, {49, 110, 9705}, {49, 567, 5}, {51, 3518, 38848}, {51, 10282, 3518}, {52, 18475, 7488}, {110, 9706, 49}, {110, 13434, 5}, {140, 11245, 26879}, {140, 40631, 252}, {143, 5944, 2070}, {154, 10982, 10594}, {155, 7503, 11459}, {155, 37506, 7503}, {182, 1092, 631}, {184, 275, 26887}, {184, 578, 4}, {184, 3574, 32379}, {184, 11424, 6759}, {184, 15033, 14157}, {185, 3520, 74}, {185, 11430, 3520}, {186, 1199, 389}, {195, 5012, 10203}, {195, 10610, 7691}, {195, 12307, 12316}, {217, 1970, 112}, {275, 8884, 4}, {275, 38808, 8884}, {288, 20574, 1173}, {323, 37126, 1216}, {378, 1181, 6241}, {381, 9704, 156}, {389, 13366, 1199}, {389, 13367, 186}, {389, 21660, 6242}, {394, 7509, 7999}, {394, 37476, 7509}, {427, 31804, 34224}, {569, 1147, 2}, {578, 6759, 11424}, {578, 10274, 3574}, {627, 628, 1273}, {631, 14912, 18916}, {973, 6152, 7730}, {973, 32391, 24}, {1157, 25042, 3}, {1173, 38848, 51}, {1173, 39667, 288}, {1181, 11425, 378}, {1209, 6689, 2}, {1216, 37513, 37126}, {1263, 10285, 31392}, {1493, 12363, 1993}, {1495, 10110, 34484}, {1498, 35502, 11455}, {1511, 36153, 12006}, {1593, 11456, 12290}, {1593, 19347, 11456}, {1594, 6146, 25739}, {1614, 15033, 4}, {1899, 37119, 23294}, {1994, 7488, 52}, {2070, 14627, 143}, {2595, 2596, 1087}, {2917, 13423, 12380}, {2937, 10263, 15107}, {3091, 9544, 10539}, {3518, 37505, 1173}, {3520, 15032, 185}, {3541, 6776, 11457}, {3567, 7730, 973}, {3567, 11464, 24}, {3567, 12291, 6152}, {3567, 13423, 7730}, {3567, 19468, 12380}, {3574, 21659, 32365}, {3796, 37498, 10323}, {5012, 34148, 3}, {5422, 6642, 15024}, {5622, 32245, 32234}, {5889, 11422, 12161}, {5889, 19167, 19194}, {5890, 11423, 7592}, {5946, 15532, 13368}, {6102, 32136, 15087}, {6143, 33565, 14076}, {6146, 23292, 1594}, {6150, 18016, 3}, {6152, 11577, 12291}, {6640, 18952, 26913}, {6644, 36753, 15043}, {6750, 35717, 4}, {6759, 11424, 4}, {7526, 18445, 12111}, {7542, 13292, 3580}, {7547, 18396, 18394}, {7592, 11402, 11423}, {7592, 16030, 19168}, {7592, 32333, 32339}, {7699, 18394, 7547}, {7722, 32607, 74}, {7730, 12291, 13423}, {7730, 13423, 6152}, {8254, 20585, 36966}, {8254, 36966, 6288}, {8882, 14533, 33629}, {9706, 13434, 110}, {9707, 11426, 9781}, {9730, 12038, 22467}, {9781, 26882, 25}, {9818, 11441, 15058}, {9905, 12266, 7979}, {10066, 10082, 1}, {10274, 12254, 1614}, {10282, 37505, 51}, {10605, 35477, 11468}, {10619, 12242, 4}, {10984, 13346, 376}, {11402, 16030, 19170}, {11402, 32333, 32341}, {11425, 17809, 1181}, {11427, 18925, 4}, {11427, 32354, 3574}, {11430, 15032, 74}, {11449, 15043, 6644}, {11464, 13423, 2917}, {12006, 36153, 15037}, {12038, 22467, 15035}, {12161, 12606, 15801}, {12227, 32607, 7722}, {12234, 23358, 32352}, {13121, 13122, 7979}, {13198, 15463, 74}, {13353, 22115, 140}, {13366, 13367, 389}, {13366, 21660, 12234}, {13367, 21638, 19185}, {13367, 32352, 23358}, {13621, 15038, 10095}, {13630, 43394, 3}, {14389, 14516, 5}, {16029, 16034, 6}, {16030, 16035, 3}, {16030, 19170, 19209}, {16031, 16036, 19}, {16032, 16037, 2}, {16035, 19210, 8883}, {17821, 17846, 2917}, {17928, 36752, 15045}, {18388, 21659, 4}, {18570, 34783, 11440}, {18925, 32346, 12254}, {19095, 19096, 6}, {19172, 19180, 19206}, {19459, 39588, 12283}, {21638, 21660, 19207}, {37481, 37814, 15053}
X(55) = center of homothety of three triangles: tangential, intangents, and extangents. Also, X(55) is the pole-with-respect-to-the-circumcircle of the trilinear polar of X(1). These properties and others are given in
O. Bottema and J. T. Groenman, "De gemene raaklijnen van de vier raakcirkels van een driehoek, twee aan twee," Nieuw Tijdschrift voor Wiskunde 67 (1979-80) 177-182.
Let A', B', C' be the second points of intersection of the angle bisectors of triangle ABC with its incircle. Let Oa be the circle externally tangent to the incircle at A', and internally tangent to the circumcircle; define Ob and Oc cyclically. Then X(55) is the radical center of circles Oa, Ob, Oc. Let A″ be the touchpoint of Oa and the circumcircle, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(55). Let Ba, Ca be the intersections of lines CA, AB, respectively, and the antiparallel to BC through a point P. Define Cb, Ab, Ac, Bc cyclically. Triangles ABaCa, AbBCb, AcBcC are congruent only when P = X(55) or one of its 3 extraversions. Let A*B*C* be the incentral triangle. Let La be the reflection of line BC in line AA*, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A''' = Lb∩Lc, and define B''' and C'''. The lines A*A''', B*B''', C*C''' concur in X(55). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the extouch triangle. Let A″ be the barycentric product of the circumcircle intercepts of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(55). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
Let (Oa) be the circumcircle of BCX(1). Let Pa be the perspector of (Oa). Let La be the polar of Pa wrt (Oa). Define Lb and Lc cyclically. The lines La, Lb, Lc concur in X(55). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(55) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,11 4,12 5,498 6,31 7,2346 8,21 9,200 10,405 15,203 16,202 19,25 20,388 30,495 34,227 41,220 43,238 45,678 48,154 63,518 64,73 77,1037 78,960 81,1002 92,243 103,109 104,1000 108,196 140,496 181,573 182,613 183,350 184,215 192,385 199,1030 201,774 204,1033 219,284 223,1456 226,516 255,601 256,983 329,1005 376,1056 386,595 392,997 411,962 511,611 515,1012 519,956 574,1015 603,963 631,1058 650,884 654,926 748,899 840,901 846,984 869,893 1026,1083 1070,1076 1072,1074 2195,5452
X(55) is the {X(1),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(56). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(55), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(55) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1478,495), (2099,1)
X(55) = isogonal conjugate of X(7)
X(55) = isotomic conjugate of X(6063)
X(55) = complement of X(3434)
X(55) = anticomplement of X(2886)
X(55) = centroid of curvatures of circumcircle and excircles
X(55) = circumcircle-inverse of X(1155)
X(55) = antigonal conjugate of polar conjugate of X(37767)
X(55) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,6), (3,198), (7,218), (8,219), (9,220), (21,9), (59,101), (104,44), (260,259), (284,41)
X(55) = cevapoint of X(42) and X(228) for these (i,j)
X(55) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (41,6), (42,33), (228,212)
X(55) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,9), (3,268), (7,277), (8,281), (21,284), (59,101)
X(55) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,57), (2,145), (4,196), (11,514), (55,218), (56,222), (63,224), (65,226), (81,229), (177,234), (241,1362), (513,1086), (905,1364), (1361,1465)
X(55) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(241)X(514)
X(55) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,672), (43,241)
X(55) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(241)
X(55) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,999), (55,31), (100,55), (200,200), (643,2), (1021,1024)
X(55) = insimilicenter of the intangents and extangents circles
X(55) = insimilicenter of the intangents and tangential circles
X(55) = exsimilicenter of then extangents and tangential circles
X(55) = X(22)-of-intouch-triangle
X(55) = trilinear pole of line X(657)X(663) (polar of X(331) wrt polar circle)
X(55) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(331)
X(55) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(331)
X(55) = homothetic center of ABC and Mandart-incircle triangle
X(55) = inverse-in-Feuerbach-hyperbola of X(1001)
X(55) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(1) of X(1936)
X(55) = {X(1),X(40)}-harmonic conjugate of X(65)
X(55) = trilinear square of X(259)
X(55) = Danneels point of X(100)
X(55) = vertex conjugate of PU(48)
X(55) = vertex conjugate of foci of Mandart inellipse
X(55) = excentral isotomic conjugate of X(2942)
X(55) = homothetic center of the reflections of the intangents and extangents triangles in their respective Euler lines
X(55) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(56)
X(55) = trilinear product of PU(104)
X(55) = barycentric product of PU(112)
X(55) = bicentric sum of PU(112)
X(55) = PU(112)-harmonic conjugate of X(650)
X(55) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 7th mixtilinear triangle
X(55) = perspector of 4th mixtilinear triangle and unary cofactor triangle of 7th mixtilinear triangle
X(55) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of 3rd, 4th and 5th extouch triangles
X(55) = {X(3513),X(3514)}-harmonic conjugate of X(56)
X(55) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and extangents triangle
X(55) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Hutson extouch triangle
X(55) = homothetic center of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Johnson-Yff triangle
X(55) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(5657)
X(55) = homothetic center of midarc triangle and 2nd-circumperp-of-1st-circumperp triangle (which is also 1st-circumperp-of-2nd-circumperp triangle)
X(55) = homothetic center of 2nd midarc triangle and 1st-circumperp-of-1st-circumperp triangle (which is also 2nd-circumperp-of-2nd-circumperp triangle)
X(55) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(942)
X(55) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(943)
X(55) = X(4)-of-1st-Johnson-Yff-triangle
X(55) = homothetic center of anti-Hutson intouch triangle and anti-tangential midarc triangle
X(55) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of excircles radical circle
X(56) is the perspector of the tangential triangle and the reflection of the intangents triangle in X(1).
Let A'B'C' be the Fuhrmann triangle. Let La be the line through A' parallel to BC, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, B″ = Lc∩La, C″ = La∩Lb. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(56). Also, let AaBaCa be the poristic triangle (i.e., a triangle with common circumcircle and incircle as ABC) such that BaCa is parallel to BC. Define AbBbCb and AcBcCc cyclically. The lines AAa, BBb, CCc concur in X(56). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the intouch triangle. Let A″ be the barycentric product of the circumcircle intercepts of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(56). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
See Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, On a Conic Through Twelve Notable Points, Int. J. Adv. Math. and Mech. 7(2) (2019) 1-15.
If you have Geometer's Sketchpad, X(56).
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(56).
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
A'B'C' = circumcevian triangle of X(1);
Ta = line tangent to circumcircle at A', and define Tb and Tc cyclically;
Va = Tb∩Tc, and define Vb and Vc cyclically.
The triangle VaVbVc is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(56).
(Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, June 19, 2021)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let (Oa) be the circle tangent internally to the incircle and tangent internally to the circumcircle at A. Define (Ob) and (Oc) cyclically. The radical center of (Oa), (Ob), (Oc) is X(56). (Ivan Pavlov, February 24, 2022)
X(56) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,12 4,11 5,499 6,41 7,21 8,404 10,474 19,207 20,497 22,977 25,34 28,278 30,496 31,154 32,1015 33,963 38,201 58,222 61,202 62,203 63,960 72,997 77,1036 78,480 81,959 85,870 87,238 100,145 101,218 105,279 106,109 140,495 181,386 182,611 197,227 212,939 219,579 220,672 223,937 226,405 255,602 266,289 269,738 330,385 376,1058 411,938 511,613 551,553 607,911 631,1056 667,764 946,1012 978,979 1025,1083 1070,1074 1072,1076 1345,2464
X(56) is the {X(1),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(55). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(56), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(56) = midpoint of X(1) and X(46)
X(56) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1479,496), (2098,1)
X(56) = isogonal conjugate of X(8)
X(56) = isotomic conjugate of X(3596)
X(56) = complement of X(3436)
X(56) = anticomplement of X(1329)
X(56) = circumcircle-inverse of X(1319)
X(56) = antigonal conjugate of X(17101)
X(56) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,221), (7,222), (28,34), (57,6), (59,109), (108,513)
X(56) = X(31)-cross conjugate of X(6)
X(56) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,84), (7,278), (28,58), (57,269), (59,109)
X(56) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,40), (2,144), (6,197), (9,200), (10,72), (11,522), (55,219), (175,176), (519,1145)
X(56) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(522)X(650)
X(56) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,1458), (34,1430), (57,1429), (604,1428), (1416,1438)
X(56) = X(266)-aleph conjugate of X(1050)
X(56) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1), (21,3), (56,1106), (58,56), and (P,57) for all P on the circumcircle
X(56) = homothetic center of the intouch triangle and the circumcevian triangle of X(1)
X(56) = trilinear pole of line X(649)X(854) (the isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of the Gergonne line)
X(56) = homothetic center of ABC and the reflection of the Mandart-incircle triangle in X(1)
X(56) = {X(1),X(40)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3057)
X(56) = {X(1),X(57)}-harmonic conjugate of X(65)
X(56) = trilinear square of X(266)
X(56) = trilinear square root of X(1106)
X(56) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(219)
X(56) = vertex conjugate of PU(93)
X(56) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, incircle}-inverter of X(3660)
X(56) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(55)
X(56) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 15
X(56) = homothetic center of intangents triangle and reflection of tangential triangle in X(3)
X(56) = homothetic center of tangential triangle and reflection of intangents triangle in X(1)
X(56) = Brianchon point (perspector) of inellipse that is isogonal conjugate of isotomic conjugate of incircle
X(56) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(7017) (line X(2804)X(4397))
X(56) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(7017)
X(56) = barycentric product of PU(46)
X(56) = bicentric sum of PU(60)
X(56) = PU(60)-harmonic conjugate of X(650)
X(56) = trilinear product of PU(92)
X(56) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Apus triangle
X(56) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Hutson intouch triangle
X(56) = homothetic center of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 1st Johnson-Yff triangle
X(56) = homothetic center of midarc triangle and 1st-circumperp-of-1st-circumperp triangle (which is also 2nd-circumperp-of-2nd-circumperp triangle)
X(56) = homothetic center of 2nd midarc triangle and 2nd-circumperp-of-1st-circumperp triangle (which is also 1st-circumperp-of-2nd-circumperp triangle)
X(56) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(517)
X(56) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(104)
X(56) = {X(3513),X(3514)}-harmonic conjugate of X(55)
X(56) = X(4)-of-2nd-Johnson-Yff-triangle
X(56) = homothetic center of tangential triangle and anti-tangential midarc triangle
X(56) = Ursa-major-to-Ursa-minor similarity image of X(4)
X(56) = barycentric product of (nonreal) circumcircle intercepts of the Gergonne line
Let Ja, Jb, Jc be the excenters and I the incenter of ABC. Let Ka be the symmedian point of JbJcI, and define Kb, Kc cyclically. Then KaKbKc is perspective to ABC at X(57). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A' be the perspector of the circumconic centered at the A-excenter, and define B' and C'cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(57). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the mixtilinear incentral triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(57). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A' be the perspector of the A-mixtilinear incircle, and define B' and C'cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(57). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A', B' and C'be the inverse-in-{circumcircle, incircle}-inverter of A, B, C. Let A″B″C″ be the tangential triangle of A'B'C'. A″B″C″ is perspective to the intouch triangle at X(57). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let La be the reflection of line B'C' in the internal angle bisector of A, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, B″ = Lc∩La, C″ = La∩Lb. Triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC, with center of homothety X(57). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let Oa be the circle passing through B and C, and tangent to the incircle. Define Ob and Oc cyclically. Let A' be the point of tangency of Oa and the incircle, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is perspective to the intouch triangle at X(57). Also, X(57) is the radical center of circles Oa, Ob, Oc. (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the intouch triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product of the circumcircle intercepts of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(57). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
Let A1B1C1 be Gemini triangle 1. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B1,C1}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is the tangential of excentral triangle. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(57). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
Let Va, Vb, Vc be the antipodes of V=X(40) in the circles (VBC), (VCA), (VAB), respectively. The lines AVa, BVb, CVc concur in X(57). (Angel Montesdeoca, October 14, 2019)
Let DEF be the intouch triangle. Let Ia be the internal bisector of angle BAC, and let D' be the point, other than D, where the line through D parallel to Ia meets the incircle. Let A' be the point, other than A, where AD' meets the incircle. Let La be the radical axis of the circumcircles of triangles A'BF and A'CE, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. The lines La, Lb, Lc concur in X(57). See X(57). (Angel Montesdeoca, December 21, 2019)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
A'B'C' = excentral triangle;
Ba = reflection of B in A', and define Cb and Ac cyclically;
Ca = reflection in C in A', and define Ab and Bc cyclically;
Va = AcBc∩CbAb, and define Vb and Vc cyclically.
The triangle VaVbVc is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(57).
(Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, June 23, 2021)
X(57) is the perspector of the intouch triangle and excentral triangle.
X(57) lies on the Thomson cubic and these lines: 1,3 2,7 4,84 6,222 10,388 19,196 20,938 27,273 28,34 31,105 33,103 38,612 42,1002 43,181 72,474 73,386 77,81 78,404 79,90 85,274 88,651 92,653 164,177 169,277 173,174 200,518 201,975 234,362 239,330 255,580 279,479 282,3343 345,728 497,516 499,920 649,1024 658,673 748,896 758,997 955,991 957,995 959,1042 961,1106 978,1046 1020,1086 1073,3351 3342,3350
X(57) is the {X(2),X(7)}-harmonic conjugate of X(226). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(57), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(57) = midpoint of X(497) and X(3474)
X(57) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,999), (200,1376)
X(57) = isogonal conjugate of X(9)
X(57) = isotomic conjugate of X(312)
X(57) = complement of X(329)
X(57) = anticomplement of X(3452)
X(57) = circumcircle-inverse of X(2078)
X(57) = incircle-inverse of X(3660)
X(57) = Bevan-circle-inverse of X(1155)
X(57) = trilinear product of PU(46)
X(57) = antigonal conjugate of polar conjugate of X(37769)
X(57) = trilinear pole of PU(96) (line X(513)X(663), the polar of X(318) wrt polar circle, and the Monge line of the mixtilinear incircles)
X(57) = barycentric product of PU(94)
X(57) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(318)
X(57) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(318)
X(57) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(8)
X(57) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(41)
X(57) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(212)
X(57) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,223), (7,1), (27,278), (81,222), (85,77), (273,34), (279,269)
X(57) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,56), (19,208)
X(57) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,1), (19,84), (56,269), (65,7)
X(57) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,3062), (2,189), (7,279), (27,81), (85,273), (1014,1434), (1659,13390)
X(57) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,165), (6,198), (31,205), (37,71), (41,212), (55,220), (210,1334), (2066,5414)
X(57) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(650)X(663)
X(57) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,241), (7,1447), (56,1429), (105,1462), (910,1419)
X(57) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 6th mixtilinear triangle
X(57) = perspector of ABC and antipedal triangle of X(40)
X(57) = homothetic center of: ABC; orthic triangle of intouch triangle; tangential triangle of excentral triangle
X(57) = X(25)-of-excentral-triangle
X(57) = X(25)-of-intouch-triangle
X(57) = pole wrt Bevan circle of antiorthic axis
X(57) = perspector of Bevan circle
X(57) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(223)
X(57) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(223)
X(57) = perspector of pedal and antipedal (or anticevian) triangles of X(1)
X(57) = perspector of ABC and medial triangle of pedal triangle of X(84)
X(57) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(9) of X(3911)
X(57) = orthocorrespondent of X(1)
X(57) = Danneels point of X(7)
X(57) = vertex conjugate of X(55) and X(57)
X(57) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(9)
X(57) = trilinear product of extraversions of X(9)
X(57) = SS(A→A') of X(63), where A'B'C' is the excentral triangle
X(57) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(40)
X(57) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(84)
X(57) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 9 and 10
X(57) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 9
X(57) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 10
X(57) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 9
X(57) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 10
X(57) = perspector of ABC and tangential triangle, wrt Gemini triangle 2, of {ABC, Gemini 2}-circumconic
X(57) = perspector of Gemini triangle 36 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 36
X(57) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 36
X(57) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,40), (7,57), (57,978), (174,1), (366,165), (507,503), (508,9), (509,43)
X(57) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,2), (81,57), (88,57), (100,57), (110,31), (162,57), (190,57), (333,63), (648,92), (651,57), (653,57), (655,57), (658,57), (660,57), (662,57), (673,57), (771,57), (799,57), (823,57), (897, 57)
X(57) = {X(1),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3601)
X(57) = {X(1),X(40)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1697)
X(57) = {X(2),X(63)}-harmonic conjugate of X(9)
X(57) = {X(55),X(56)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1617)
X(57) = {X(56),X(65)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1)
X(57) = {X(3513),X(3514)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1)
X(58) is the point of concurrence of the Brocard axes of triangles BIC, CIA, AIB, ABC, (where I denotes the incenter, X(1)), as proved in Antreas P. Hatzipolakis, Floor van Lamoen, Barry Wolk, and Paul Yiu, Concurrency of Four Euler Lines, Forum Geometricorum 1 (2001) 59-68.
Let (Sa) be the reflection of the Spieker circle in BC, and define (Sb), (Sc) cyclically. X(58) is the radical center of (Sa), (Sb), (Sc). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the anticomplement of the Feuerbach triangle. Let A″B″C″ be the circumcevian triangle, wrt A'B'C', of X(1). The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(58). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the Feuerbach triangle. Let La be the tangent to the nine-point circle at A', and define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A″ be the isogonal conjugate of the trilinear pole of La, and define B″, C″ cyclically. Let A* = BB″∩CC″, B* = CC″∩AA″, C* = AA″∩BB″. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(58). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the 2nd circumperp triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. A″, B″, C″ are collinear on line X(36)X(238) (the trilinear polar of X(81)). The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(58). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
For an artistic design generated by X(58), see X(244).
X(58) lies on these lines: 1,21 2,540 3,6 7,272 8,996 9,975 10,171 20,387 25,967 27,270 28,34 29,162 35,42 36,60 40,601 41,609 43,979 46,998 56,222 65,109 82,596 84,990 86,238 87,978 99,727 101,172 103,112 106,110 229,244 269,1014 274,870 314,987 405,940 519,1043 942,1104 977,982 1019,1027
X(58) is the {X(3),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(386). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(58), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(58) = isogonal conjugate of X(10)
X(58) = isotomic conjugate of X(313)
X(58) = complement of X(1330)
X(58) = anticomplement of X(3454)
X(58) = circumcircle-inverse of X(1326)
X(58) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(386)
X(58) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (81,284), (267,501), (270,28)
X(58) = cevapoint of X(6) and X(31)
X(58) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,81), (36,106), (56,28), (513,109)
X(58) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,267), (21,285), (27,86), (60,270)
X(58) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,191), (6,199), (12,201), (37,210), (42,71), (65,227), (594, 756)
X(58) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(523)X(661)
X(58) = X(6)-Hirst inverse of X(1326)
X(58) = antigonal conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(1324)
X(58) = antigonal conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(21277)
X(58) = antigonal conjugate of polar conjugate of X(37770)
X(58) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,21), (60,58), (110,58), (162,58), (643,58), (1098,283)
X(58) = barycentric product of PU(31)
X(58) = trilinear pole of line X(649)X(834)
X(58) = {X(1),X(31)}-harmonic conjugate of X(595)
X(58) = {X(21),X(283)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2328)
X(58) = X(42)-isoconjugate of X(75)
X(58) = X(71)-isoconjugate of X(92)
X(58) = X(101)-isoconjugate of X(1577)
X(58) = homothetic center of 2nd circumperp triangle and 'Hatzipolakis-Brocard triangle' (A'B'C' as defined at X(5429))
X(58) = trilinear product of vertices of 2nd circumperp triangle
X(58) = perspector of 2nd circumperp triangle and unary cofactor triangle of 1st circumperp triangle
X(58) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd circumperp triangle
X(58) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(573)
X(58) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(13478)
X(58) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 11
X(58) = {X(1),X(21)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4653)
X(59) lies on these lines: 36,1110 60,1101 100,521 101,657 109,901 513,651 518,765 523,655
X(59) = isogonal conjugate of X(11)
X(59) = isotomic conjugate of X(34387)
X(59) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (55,101), (56,109), (1381,1382)
X(59) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,110), (3,100), (55,101), (56,109), (182,1492)
X(59) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(4530)X(14393)
X(59) = X(765)-beth conjugate of X(765)
X(59) = trilinear pole of line X(101)X(109)
X(59) = perspector of ABC and the reflection of the intouch triangle in line X(1)X(3)
X(59) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(60)
X(59) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(3271)
X(59) = trilinear square of X(6733)
X(59) = complement of isogonal conjugate of X(36902)
Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of X(21). Let A″, B″, C″ be the inverse-in-circumcircle of A', B', C'. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(60). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(60) lies on these lines: 1,110 21,960 28,81 36,58 59,1101 86,272 283,284 404,662 757,1014
X(60) = isogonal conjugate of X(12)
X(60) = isotomic conjugate of X(34388)
X(60) = anticomplement of X(34829)
X(60) = X(58)-cross conjugate of X(270)
X(60) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (60,849), (1098,1098)
X(60) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(2610)X(4024)
X(60) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(59)
X(60) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(181)
X(60) = trilinear square of X(6727)
X(60) = complement of isogonal conjugate of X(36903)
X(61) lies on the Napoleon cubic and these lines: 1,203 2,18 3,6 4,13 5,14 30,397 56,202 140,395 299,636 302,629 618,627
X(61) is the {X(3),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(62). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(61), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(61) = reflection of X(62) in X(5007)
X(61) = reflection of X(633) in X(635)
X(61) = isogonal conjugate of X(17)
X(61) = isotomic conjugate of X(34389)
X(61) = complement of X(633)
X(61) = anticomplement of X(635)
X(61) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(62)
X(61) = eigencenter of cevian triangle of X(14)
X(61) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(16)
X(61) = X(14)-Ceva conjugate of X(16)
X(61) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(523)X(14446)
X(61) = crosspoint of X(302) and X(473)
X(61) = point of concurrence of Brocard axes of BCX(15), CAX(15), ABX(15)
X(61) = perspector of ABC and centers of circles used in construction of X(1337)
X(61) = X(61)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(61) = orthocorrespondent of X(16)
X(61) = {X(15),X(62)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3)
X(61) = {X(371),X(372)}-harmonic conjugate of X(15)
X(61) = perspector of inner Napoleon triangle and orthocentroidal triangle
X(61) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(15)
X(61) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(13)
X(61) = Kosnita(X(15),X(3)) point
X(61) = Kosnita(X(15),X(15)) point
X(61) = antigonal conjugate of X(34219)
X(62) lies the Napoleon cubic and these lines: 1,202 2,17 3,6 4,14 5,13 30,398 56,203 140,396 298,635 303,630 619,628
X(62) is the {X(3),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(61). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(62), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(62) = reflection of X(61) in X(5007)
X(62) = reflection of X(634) in X(636)
X(62) = isogonal conjugate of X(18)
X(62) = isotomic conjugate of X(34390)
X(62) = complement of X(634)
X(62) = anticomplement of X(636)
X(62) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(61)
X(62) = eigencenter of cevian triangle of X(13)
X(62) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(15)
X(62) = X(13)-Ceva conjugate of X(15)
X(62) = crosspoint of X(303) and X(472)
X(62) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(523)X(14447)
X(62) = point of concurrence of Brocard axes of BCX(16), CAX(16), ABX(16)
X(62) = perspector of ABC and centers of circles used in construction of X(1338)
X(62) = X(62)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(62) = orthocorrespondent of X(15)
X(62) = {X(16),X(61)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3)
X(62) = {X(371),X(372)}-harmonic conjugate of X(16)
X(62) = perspector of outer Napoleon triangle and orthocentroidal triangle
X(62) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(16)
X(62) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(14)
X(62) = Kosnita(X(16),X(3)) point
X(62) = Kosnita(X(16),X(16)) point
X(62) = antigonal conjugate of X(34220)
Let Oa be the A-extraversion of the Conway circle (the circle centered at the A-excenter and passing through A, with radius sqrt(r_a^2 + s^2), where r_a is the A-exradius). Let Pa be the perspector of Oa, and La the polar of Pa wrt Oa. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, B' = Lc∩La, C' = La∩Lb. Triangle A'B'C' is perspective to the excentral triangle at X(63). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the 2nd Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(63). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the hexyl triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(63). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the side-triangle of ABC and hexyl triangle. Let A″ be the {B,C}-harmonic conjugate of A', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(63). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. Let A″ be the isotomic conjugate, wrt triangle A'BC, of X(1). Define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(63). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(63) lies on these lines: 1,21 2,7 3,72 6,2221 8,20 10,46 19,27 33,1013 36,997 37,940 48,326 55,518 56,960 65,958 69,71 77,219 91,921 100,103 162,204 169,379 171,612 190,312 194,239 201,603 210,1004 212,1040 213,980 220,241 223,651 238,614 240,1096 244,748 304,1102 318,412 354,1001 392,999 404,936 405,942 452,938 484,535 517,956 544,1018 561,799 654,918 750,756
X(63) is the {X(9),X(57)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(63), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(63) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,993), (1478,10)
X(63) = isogonal conjugate of X(19)
X(63) = isotomic conjugate of X(92)
X(63) = complement of X(5905)
X(63) = anticomplement of X(226)
X(63) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(2893)
X(63) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (7,224), (69,78), (75,1), (304,326), (333,2), (348,77)
X(63) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,219), (9,40), (48,255), (71,72)
X(63) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,77), (9,271), (48,1), (71,3), (72,69), (219,78), (255,326)
X(63) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (69,348), (75,304)
X(63) = crosssum of X(25) and X(607)
X(63) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(661)X(663)
X(63) = trilinear product X(2)*X(3)
X(63) = trilinear product of PU(22)
X(63) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 128, 129
X(63) = PU(128)-harmonic conjugate of X(661)
X(63) = midpoint of PU(129)
X(63) = {X(1),X(1707)}-harmonic conjugate of X(31)
X(63) = {X(2),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3305)
X(63) = {X(2),X(57)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3306)
X(63) = {X(92),X(1748)}-harmonic conjugate of X(19)
X(63) = trilinear pole of line X(521)X(656)
X(63) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(158)
X(63) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(158)
X(63) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these {i,j}: {4,6}, {31,92}, {75,1973}
X(63) = excentral isogonal conjugate of X(1742)
X(63) = homothetic center of excentral triangle and anticomplement of the intouch triangle
X(63) = X(161)-of-intouch-triangle
X(63) = X(184)-of-excentral-triangle
X(63) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(9) of X(908)
X(63) = trilinear square of X(5374)
X(63) = perspector of excentral triangle and Gemini triangle 2
X(63) = homothetic center of excentral triangle and Gemini triangle 30
X(63) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 35 and 36
X(63) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 35
X(63) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 36
X(63) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 35
X(63) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 36
X(63) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(2,1), (75,63), (92,920), (99,662), (174,978), (190,100), (333,411), (366,43), (514,1052), (556,40), (648,162), (664,651), (668,190), (670,799), (671,897), (903,88)
X(63) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(63,222), (190,63), (333,57), (345,345), (643,63), (645,312), (662,223)
X(63) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(63), which is also the anticevian triangle of X(63)
A construction of X(64) appears in Lemoine's 1886 paper cited at X(19).
Let A'B'C' be the half-altitude triangle. Let La be the trilinear polar of A', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(64). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let Oa be the circle with segment BC as diameter. Let A' be the perspector of Oa. Let La be the polar of A' wrt Oa. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, B″ = Lc∩La, C″ = La∩Lb. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(64). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of X(69). Let A″ be the orthocenter of AB'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(64). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the reflection of the orthic triangle in X(4). Let A''B''C'' be the trangential triangle, with respect ot the orthic triangle, of the circumconic of the orthic triangle with center X(4); i.e., the bicevian conic of X(4) and X(459). Then X(64) is the perspector of A'B'C' and A''B''C''. (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
The tangents at A, B, C to the Darboux cubic K004 concur in X(64). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
X(64) lies on the Darboux cubic and these lines: 1,3182 3,154 4,3183 6,185 20,69 24,74 30,68 33,65 40,72 54,378 55,73 71,198 84,3353 265,382 3345,3472 3346,3355
X(64) = reflection of X(1498) in X(3)
X(64) = isogonal conjugate of X(20)
X(64) = isotomic conjugate of X(14615)
X(64) = complement of X(6225)
X(64) = anticomplement of X(2883)
X(64) = circumcircle-inverse of X(11589)
X(64) = X(25)-cross conjugate of X(6)
X(64) = X(1)-beth conjugate of X(207)
X(64) = crosspoint of X(4) and X(3346)
X(64) = crosssum of X(3) and X(1498)
X(64) = perspector of hexyl triangle and anticevian triangle of X(2184)
X(64) = trilinear pole of line X(647)X(657)
X(64) = concurrence of normals to MacBeath circumconic at A, B, C
X(64) = isogonal conjugate, wrt tangential triangle of MacBeath circumconic (or anticevian triangle of X(3)), of X(1498)
X(64) = orthocenter of x(3)X(6)X(2435)
X(64) = orthology center of ABC and half-altitude triangle
X(64) = intersection of tangents at X(3) and X(4) to Thomson cubic K002
X(64) = intersection of tangents at X(20) and X(64) to Darboux cubic K004
X(64) = perspector of ABC and the reflection in X(3) of the antipedal triangle of X(3) (tangential triangle)
X(64) = perspector of ABC and circumcircle antipode of circumanticevian triangle of X(3)
X(64) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of half-altitude triangle
X(64) = X(2136)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(64) = X(8905)-of-excentral-triangle
X(64) = X(3)-vertex conjugate of X(3)
Let A' be the intersections of the tangents to the Yiu conic at the points where they meet the A-excircle. Define B' and C' similarly. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(65). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let Ab, Ac be the points where the A-excircle touches lines CA and AB resp., and define Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb cyclically. Let Ta be the intersection of the tangents to the Yiu conic (defined at X(478)) at Bc and Ca, and define Tb, Tc cyclically. Let Ta' be the intersection of the tangents to the Yiu conic at Ba and Cb, and define Tb', Tc' cyclically. Let Sa = TbTc∩Tb'Tc', Sb = TcTa∩Tc'Ta', Sc = TaTb∩Ta'Tb'. The lines ASa, BSb, CSc concur in X(65). (See also X(1903).) (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A' be the homothetic center of the orthic triangles of the intouch and A-extouch triangles, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is perspective to the extouch triangle at X(65). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let B'C'A″ be the triangle similar to ABC such that segment A'A″ crosses the line B'C'. Define B″ and C″ cyclically. Equivalently, A″ is the reflection of A in B'C', and cyclically for B″ and C″. Let Ia be the incenter of B'C'A″, and define Ib and Ic cyclically. The circumcenter of triangle IaIbIc is X(65). Let A* be the intersection of lines A″Ia and B'C', and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines A'A*, B'B*, C'C* concur in X(65). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let Ab, Ac be the points where the A-excircle touches lines CA and AB resp., and define Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb cyclically. Let IaIbIc be the intouch triangle. Let Oa be the circle through Ab, Ac, Ib, Ic, and define Ob, Oc cyclically. X(65) is the radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc. (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the intouch triangle of the extangents triangle, if ABC is acute. Then A'B'C' is perspective to the intouch triangle and 4th and 5th extouch triangles at X(65). (Randy Hutson, December 2 2017)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the Wasat triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(65) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let A' be the isogonal conjugate of A wrt the A-extouch triangle. Define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(65). (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
Ba = reflection of A in the external angular bisector of angle B, and define Cb and Ac cyclically;
Ca = reflection of A in the external angular bisector of angle C, and define Ab and Bc cyclically;
Pa = AcBc∩AbCb, and define Pb and Pc cyclically;
Ka = AbBa∩AcCa, and define Kb and Kc cyclically.
Then PaPbPc and ABC, and also KaKbKc and ABC, are perspective, and the perspector is X(65).
(Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, June 19, 2021)
X(65) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,959 4,158 6,19 7,8 10,12 11,117 29,296 31,1104 33,64 37,71 41,910 42,73 44,374 58,109 63,958 68,91 74,108 77,969 79,80 81,961 110,229 169,218 172,248 224,1004 225,407 243,412 257,894 278,387 279,1002 386,994 409,1098 474,997 497,938 516,950 519,553 604,1100 651,895 1039,1041 1061,1063
X(65) is the {X(1),X(40)}-harmonic conjugate of X(55). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(65), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(65) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,942), (72,10)
X(65) = isogonal conjugate of X(21)
X(65) = isotomic conjugate of X(314)
X(65) = complement of X(3869)
X(65) = anticomplement of X(960)
X(65) = circumcircle-inverse of X(5172)
X(65) = incircle-inverse of X(1319)
X(65) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,73), (4,225), (7,226), (10,227), (109,513), (226,37)
X(65) = X(42)-cross conjugate of X(37)
X(65) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,4), (7,57)
X(65) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,3), (9,55), (56,1394), (1805,1806)
X(65) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(521)X(650)
X(65) = X(1284)-Hirst inverse of X(1400)
X(65) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,65), (8,72), (10,10), (65,1042), (80,65), (100,65), (101,213), (291,65), (668,65), (1018, 65)
X(65) = bicentric sum of PU(15)
X(65) = PU(15)-harmonic conjugate of X(650)
X(65) = trilinear product of PU(81)
X(65) = trilinear pole of line X(647)X(661)
X(65) = perspector of intouch triangle and inverse(n(hexyl triangle))
X(65) = orthologic center of inverse(n(hexyl triangle)) to hexyl triangle; the reciprocal orthologic center is X(84)
X(65) = perspector of ABC and the extangents triangle
X(65) = X(1986)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(65) = X(40) of Mandart-incircle triangle
X(65) = homothetic center of intangents triangle and reflection of extangents triangle in X(40)
X(65) = homothetic center of extangents triangle and reflection of intangents triangle in X(1)
X(65) = reflection of X(3057) in X(1)
X(65) = {X(1),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2646)
X(65) = {X(1),X(57)}-harmonic conjugate of X(56)
X(65) = {P,Q}-harmonic conjugate of X(1463), where P and Q are the intersections of the incircle and line X(7)X(8)
X(65) = pairwise perspector of: intouch triangle, 4th extouch triangle, 5th extouch triangle
X(65) = perspector of [reflection of incentral triangle in X(1)] and tangential triangle, wrt incentral triangle, of circumconic of incentral triangle centered at X(1) (bicevian conic of X(1) and X(57))
X(65) = inverse-in-{incircle, circumcircle}-inverter of X(2078)
X(65) = pedal-isogonal conjugate of X(1)
X(65) = X(5) of reflection triangle of X(1)
X(65) = radical trace of circumcircle and circumcircle of reflection triangle of X(1)
X(65) = X(188)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(65) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 4th extouch triangle
X(65) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 5th extouch triangle
X(65) = polar conjugate of X(31623)
X(65) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(31623) (line X(521)X(1948))
X(65) = perspector of ABC and anti-tangential midarc triangle
X(65) = homothetic center of extangents triangle and anti-tangential midarc triangle
X(65) = excentral-to-intouch similarity image of X(1)
Let P be a point on the circumcircle, and let LP be its Steiner line. The locus of the orthopole of LP, as P varies, is an ellipse with center X(4) and perspector X(66). (Randy Hutson, March 29, 2020)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
A'B'C' = anticomplementary triangle;
Oa = circle with diameter BC, and define Ob and Oc cyclically;
Ab = A'BC'∩Oa, and define Bc and Ca cyclically;
Ac = B'CA'∩Oa, and define Ba and Cb cyclically;
A″= BcBa∩CaCb, and define B″ and C″ cyclically.
The triangle A″B″C″ is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(66).
(Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, April 15, 2021)
X(66) lies on these lines: 2,206 3,141 6,427 68,511 73,976 193,895 248,571 290,317 879,924
X(66) = midpoint of X(2892) and X(3448)
X(66) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (159,141), (1177,125)
X(66) = isogonal conjugate of X(22)
X(66) = isotomic conjugate of X(315)
X(66) = complement of X(5596)
X(66) = anticomplement of X(206)
X(66) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(2998)
X(66) = cevapoint of X(125) and X(512)
X(66) = X(32)-cross conjugate of X(2)
X(66) = crosssum of X(3) and X(159)
X(66) = trilinear pole of line X(647)X(826) (radical axis of Brocard and polar circles)
X(66) = antigonal image of X(1177)
X(66) = orthocenter of X(3)X(4)X(2435)
X(66) = X(3174)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(66) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(14376)
X(66) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8743)
Let A' be the reflection in BC of the A-vertex of the antipedal triangle of X(6), and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of A'BC, B'CA, C'AB concur at X(67). Also, let A' be the reflection of X(6) in BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of A'BC, B'CA, C'AB concur in X(67). Note: the above 2 sets of circumcircles are identical. (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
X(67) lies on these lines: 3,542 4,338 6,125 50,248 74,935 110,141 265,511 290,340 524,858 526,879
X(67) = midpoint of X(69) and X(3448)
X(67) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (6,125), (110,141)
X(67) = isogonal conjugate of X(23)
X(67) = isotomic conjugate of X(316)
X(67) = circumcircle-inverse of X(3455)
X(67) = cevapoint of X(141) and X(524)
X(67) = X(187)-cross conjugate of X(2)
X(67) = antigonal image of X(6)
X(67) = trilinear pole of line X(39)X(647)
X(67) = polar conjugate of X(37765)
X(67) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(37765) (line X(9517)X(9979))
X(67) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8744)
X(67) = orthocenter of X(3)X(74)X(879)
X(67) = perspector of ABC and X(2)-Ehrmann triangle; see X(25)
X(67) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(22151)
Let A'B'C' be the 2nd Euler triangle. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(68), as proved in V. V. Prasolov, Zadachi po planimetrii, Moscow, 4th edition, 2001.
Coordinates for X(68) can be obtained easily from the Ceva ratios in Prasolov's proof of concurrence.
Let Oa be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the orthic triangle and passing through A; define Ob and Oc cyclically. Then X(68) is the radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc. (Randy Hutson, November 2, 2017)
The X(3)-Fuhrmann triangle is inversely similar to ABC, with similitude center X(3), and perspective to ABC at X(68). (Randy Hutson, November 3, 2017)
X(68) lies on these lines: 2,54 3,343 4,52 5,6 11,1069 20,74 26,161 30,64 65,91 66,511 73,1060 136,254 290,315 568,973
X(68) = reflection of X(155) in X(5)
X(68) = isogonal conjugate of X(24)
X(68) = isotomic conjugate of X(317)
X(68) = anticomplement of X(1147)
X(68) = X(96)-Ceva conjugate of X(3)
X(68) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,161), (125,520)
X(68) = X(115)-cross conjugate of X(525)
X(68) = pedal antipodal perspector of X(4)
X(68) = pedal antipodal perspector of X(186)
X(68) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8745)
X(68) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(924)X(6753)
X(68) = trilinear product of vertices of X(3)-anti-altimedial triangle
X(68) = orthic-to-ABC barycentric image of X(52)
X(68) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(34287)
Let A'B'C' be the anticomplementary triangle. Let A″ be the inverse-in-anticomplementary-circle of A, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(69). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the anticomplementary triangle. Let A″ be the orthogonal projection of A' on line BC, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(69). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the half-altitude triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Let A* be the trilinear pole of line B″C″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(69). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A2B2C2 be the 2nd Conway triangle. Let A' be the cevapoint of B2 and C2, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(69). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
X(69) is the barycentric multiplier for the MacBeath circumconic. (The barycentric product of X(69) and the circumcircle is the MacBeath circumconic.) (Randy Hutson, August 19, 2019)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the 1st Ehrmann triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(69) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(69) lies on the Lucas cubic and these lines: 2,6 3,332 4,76 7,8 9,344 10,969 20,64 22,159 54,95 63,71 72,304 73,77 74,99 110,206 125,895 144,190 150,668 189,309 192,742 194,695 200,269 219,1332 248,287 263,308 265,328 274,443 290,670 297,393 347,664 350,497 404,1014 478,651 485,639 486,640 520,879 1225,2888 1369,3410
X(69) is the {X(7),X(8)}-harmonic conjugate of X(75). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(69), click Tables at the top of this page.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(69).
X(69) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (2,599), (4,1352), (6,141), (20,1350), (193,6), (895,125), (1351,5), (1353,140)
X(69) = isogonal conjugate of X(25)
X(69) = isotomic conjugate of X(4)
X(69) = complement of X(193)
X(69) = anticomplement of X(6)
X(69) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(2)
X(69) = circumcircle-inverse of X(5866)
X(69) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(253)
X(69) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (76,2), (304,345), (314,75), (332,326)
X(69) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,20), (3,394), (6,159), (8,329), (63,78), (72,306), (125,525)
X(69) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,2), (63,348), (72,63), (78,345), (125,525), (306,304), (307,75), (343,76)
X(69) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,2996), (76,305), (314,332)
X(69) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(325)
X(69) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (69,77), (99,347), (314,7), (332,69), (645,69), (668,69)
X(69) = barycentric product of PU(37)
X(69) = bicentric sum of PU(132)
X(69) = midpoint of PU(132)
X(69) = perspector of the orthic-of-medial triangle and the reference triangle
X(69) = perspector of ABC and the pedal triangle of X(20)
X(69) = perspector of ABC and (reflection in X(2) of the pedal triangle of X(2))
X(69) = intersection of extended sides P(11)U(45) and U(11)P(45) of the trapezoid PU(11)PU(45)
X(69) = perspector of ABC and 4th extouch triangle
X(69) = antipode of X(287) in hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(69)}}
X(69) = trilinear pole of line X(441)X(525)
X(69) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(393) (line X(460)X(512))
X(69) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(393)
X(69) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(19)
X(69) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(32)
X(69) = antigonal image of X(895)
X(69) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,3053), (32,1974)
X(69) = perspector of ABC and the 2nd pedal triangle of X(3)
X(69) = crosspoint of X(6) and X(159) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(69) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(20) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(69) = homothetic center of anticomplementary triangle and 2nd antipedal triangle of X(4) (i.e., of 1st and 2nd antipedal triangles of X(4))
X(69) = perspector of the complement of the polar circle
X(69) = perspector of the inconic with center X(3)
X(69) = pole, wrt de Longchamps circle, of trilinear polar of X(95)
X(69) = perspector of the extraversion triangles of X(7) and X(8)
X(69) = {X(2),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3618)
X(69) = perspector of ABC and anticomplement of submedial triangle
X(69) = perspector of ABC and mid-triangle of orthic and dual of orthic triangles
X(69) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Brocard triangle
X(69) = perspector of 2nd Conway triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Conway triangle
X(69) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(376)
X(69) = anticevian-isogonal conjugate of X(2)
X(69) = inverse-in-MacBeath-circumconic of X(22151)
X(69) = {X(7),X(8)}-harmonic conjugate of X(75)
X(69) = intersection of van Aubel lines of outer and inner Vecten triangles
X(69) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(19583)
X(69) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(19583)
X(70) lies on the Jerabek circumhyperbola and these lines: {3,8907}, {6,1594}, {54,1899}, {64,6240}, {66,6403}, {71,2158}, {74,1288}, {265,6243}, {1176,1352}, {1177,3542}, {3448,5504}, {3527,7507}, {4846,6241}, {6145,6152}
X(70) = isogonal conjugate of X(26)
X(70) = anticomplement of X(34116)
X(70) = antigonal conjugate of X(38534)
X(70) = X(571)-crossconjugate of X(2)
X(70) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,26}, {63,8746}
X(70) = reflection of the isogonal conjugate of X(2072) in X(125)
X(70) = X(125)-cevapoint of X(924)
X(70) = X(161)-crosssum of X(8553)
X(70) = barycentric product X(525) X(1288)
X(71) lies on these lines: 1,579 3,48 4,9 6,31 35,284 37,65 54,572 63,69 64,198 74,101 165,610 190,290 583,1100
X(71) is the intersection of the isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of the Nagel line (i.e., line X(63)X(69)), and the polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of the Nagel line (i.e., line X(4)X(9)). (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(71) is the {X(9),X(40)}-harmonic conjugate of X(19). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(71), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(71) = isogonal conjugate of X(27)
X(71) = anticomplement of X(34830)
X(71) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,228), (9, 37), (10,42), (63,72)
X(71) = X(228)-cross conjugate of X(73)
X(71) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,63), (9,219), (10,306)
X(71) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,579), (4,19), (28,1127), (57,278), (58,1474)
X(71) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(242)X(514)
X(71) = X(4)-line conjugate of X(242)
X(71) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (219,71), (1018,71)
X(71) = trilinear pole of line X(647)X(810)
X(71) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(58)
X(71) = barycentric product of Jerabek hyperbola intercepts of Nagel line
X(71) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(3682)
X(71) = antigonal conjugate of X(38535)
X(71) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8747)
Let Ia be the reflection of X(1) in the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define Ib and Ic cyclically. X(72) = X(11) of IaIbIc. (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
X(72) lies on the Mandart hyperbola and these lines: 1,6 2,942 3,63 4,8 5,908 7,443 10,12 20,144 21,943 31,976 35,191 40,64 43,986 54,1006 56,997 57,474 69,304 73,201 74,100 145,452 171,1046 185,916 190,1043 222,1038 248,293 290,668 295,337 306,440 394,1060 519,950 672,1009 894,1010 940,975 978,982
X(72) is the {X(1),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(405). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(72), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(72) is the perspector of the 1st and 2nd extouch triangles. X(72) is also the orthocenter of the 2nd extouch triangle. (Randy Hutson, August 23, 2011)
X(72) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,960), (65,10), (1145,14740), (3555,1)
X(72) = isogonal conjugate of X(28)
X(72) = isotomic conjugate of X(286)
X(72) = inverse-in-Fuhrmann circle of X(3419)
X(72) = anticomplement of X(942)
X(72) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,10), (63,71), (69,306), (321,37)
X(72) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (201,10), (228,37)
X(72) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (8,78), (63,69), (306,307)
X(72) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (19,25), (34,56)
X(72) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(513)X(1430)
X(72) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,65), (72,73), (78,72), (100,227), (644,72)
X(72) = trilinear pole of line X(647)X(656)
X(72) = complement of X(3868)
X(72) = X(149) of X(1)-Brocard triangle
X(72) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(27)
X(72) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(2203)
X(72) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1333)
X(72) = inverse-in-Fuhrmann-circle of X(3419)
X(72) = X(6146)-of-excentral-triangle
X(72) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd extouch triangle
X(72) = trilinear product of Jerabek hyperbola intercepts of Nagel line
X(72) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(4)
X(72) = antipode of X(1145) in the Mandart hyperbola
X(72) = extouch-isogonal conjugate of X(5687)
X(73) lies on these lines: 1,4 3,212 6,41 21,651 35,74 36,54 37,836 42,65 55,64 57,386 66,976 68,1060 69,77 72,201 102,947 228,408 284,951 290,336 1036,1037 1057,1059
X(73) is the {X(1064),X(1066)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(73), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(73) = isogonal conjugate of X(29)
X(73) = anticomplement of X(34381)
X(73) = X(1)-Ceva conjugate of X(65)
X(73) = X(228)-cross conjugate of X(71)
X(73) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,3), (77,222), (226,307)
X(73) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,4), (33,281)
X(73) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(243)X(522)
X(73) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,243), (65,851)
X(73) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1042), (3,73), (21,946), (72,72), (100,10), (101,73), (295,73)
X(73) = bicentric sum of PU(16)
X(73) = PU(16)-harmonic conjugate of X(652)
X(73) = trilinear product of PU(83)
X(73) = trilinear pole of line X(647)X(822)
X(73) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8748)
X(73) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(284)
X(73) = {X(1),X(1745)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4)
Let T be the triangle formed by reflecting the orthic axis in the sidelines of ABC; then T is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(74). Let A' be the point of intersection of the orthic axis and line BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. Let OA be the circumcenter of AB'C', and define Let OB and OC cyclically; then the lines AOA, BOB, COC concur in X(74). (Randy Hutson, August 26, 2014)
Let A'B'C' be the anticomplementary triangle. Let L be the line through A' parallel to the Euler line, and define M and N cyclically. Let L' be the reflection of L in sideline BC, and define M' and N' cyclically. The lines L', M', N' concur in X(74). (Randy Hutson, August 26, 2014)
Let A'B'C' be the X(3)-Fuhrmann triangle. Let A'' be the reflection of A in line B'C', and define B'' and C'' cyclically. Then A''B''C'' is inversely similar to ABC, with similitude center X(265), and A''B''C'' is perspective to ABC at X(74), which is also the orthocenter of A''B''C''. (Randy Hutson, August 26, 2014)
In Hyacinthos 8129 (10/4/03), Floor van Lamoen noted that if X(74) is denoted by J, then each of the points A,B,C,J is J of the other three, in analogy with the well known property of orthocentric systems (that is, each of the points A,B,C,H is the orthocenter of the other three).
Let A'B'C' be the orthocentroidal triangle and A″B″C″ the anti-orthocentroidal triangle. Let A* be the reflection of A″ in B'C', and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(74). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the anti-orthocentroidal triangle. Let A″ be the reflection of A in line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(74). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
The tangents at A, B, C to the Neuberg cubic K001 concur in X(74)
Let Ea be the ellipse through X(74) having foci B and C, and define Eb and Ec cyclically. The 6 minor vertices of these three ellipses lie on a pair of lines. Figure. (Dan Reznik, December 13, 2021)
Let T be a family of Poncelet triangles inscribed in a circle and circumscribing some conic. The line X(3)X(74) remains stationary iff the family contains an equilateral triangle, and X(74) and X(110) are stationary on the circumcircle. See video. (Dan Reznik, August 17, 2024)
X(74) lies on the circumcircle, Walsmith rectangular hyperbola, Jerabek hyperbola, Moses-Jerabek conic, 2nd Evans circle, the cubics K001, K039, K073, K114, K130, K187, K223, K255, K279, K374, K446, K447, K448, K488, K489, K496, K499, K505, K513, K523, K524, K536, K564, K595, K596, K597, K614, K639, K668, K669, K695, K698, K724, K802, K803, K811, K816, K818, K819, K854, K905, K923, K929, K930, K1106, K1107, K1166, K1169, K1170, K1172, the curves Q001, Q030, Q125, Q138, and these lines: {1, 3464}, {2, 113}, {3, 110}, {4, 107}, {5, 3521}, {6, 112}, {10, 12368}, {11, 10767}, {12, 12372}, {13, 5618}, {14, 5619}, {15, 5668}, {16, 5669}, {20, 68}, {21, 34800}, {22, 2931}, {23, 9060}, {24, 64}, {25, 3426}, {26, 12279}, {30, 265}, {32, 9984}, {35, 73}, {36, 7343}, {40, 6011}, {49, 10226}, {50, 11079}, {51, 11807}, {52, 11806}, {54, 185}, {55, 3028}, {56, 3024}, {65, 108}, {66, 1289}, {67, 935}, {69, 99}, {70, 1288}, {71, 101}, {72, 100}, {94, 39375}, {97, 19193}, {98, 690}, {102, 2773}, {103, 2774}, {104, 7429}, {105, 2775}, {106, 2776}, {111, 2433}, {140, 14643}, {141, 14982}, {154, 35472}, {165, 2948}, {182, 9970}, {184, 3043}, {186, 1304}, {187, 248}, {195, 22949}, {287, 4235}, {290, 16077}, {323, 2071}, {325, 2855}, {352, 35188}, {371, 19111}, {372, 19110}, {381, 1539}, {382, 10113}, {386, 34453}, {389, 1173}, {394, 17838}, {402, 12369}, {403, 1514}, {468, 10293}, {477, 523}, {484, 2222}, {493, 12377}, {494, 12378}, {511, 691}, {512, 842}, {513, 2687}, {514, 2688}, {515, 2689}, {516, 2690}, {517, 1290}, {518, 2691}, {519, 2692}, {520, 2693}, {521, 2694}, {522, 2695}, {524, 2696}, {525, 2697}, {526, 9142}, {546, 15025}, {548, 20189}, {549, 5655}, {550, 930}, {573, 3031}, {574, 15920}, {578, 13472}, {631, 5972}, {675, 7433}, {689, 7470}, {695, 35476}, {759, 14127}, {789, 33805}, {805, 35002}, {827, 1176}, {841, 8675}, {858, 16167}, {901, 35000}, {907, 34817}, {915, 3657}, {924, 15453}, {927, 5195}, {931, 6876}, {934, 1439}, {952, 36158}, {1064, 29038}, {1099, 9405}, {1112, 1593}, {1113, 2575}, {1114, 2574}, {1138, 5670}, {1147, 3047}, {1151, 11462}, {1152, 11463}, {1154, 1291}, {1157, 3484}, {1177, 10423}, {1181, 8567}, {1192, 10594}, {1199, 13382}, {1243, 4219}, {1245, 32691}, {1250, 36073}, {1263, 5671}, {1276, 5672}, {1277, 5673}, {1286, 18124}, {1287, 18125}, {1292, 2836}, {1293, 2842}, {1294, 9033}, {1295, 2850}, {1296, 1350}, {1297, 2435}, {1300, 15328}, {1303, 32438}, {1305, 20291}, {1309, 38955}, {1311, 7441}, {1337, 5674}, {1338, 5675}, {1352, 41737}, {1370, 12319}, {1385, 5606}, {1428, 32290}, {1464, 36064}, {1498, 3532}, {1499, 2770}, {1510, 14979}, {1533, 32223}, {1553, 22104}, {1587, 19002}, {1588, 19001}, {1594, 6696}, {1597, 3531}, {1620, 35479}, {1650, 10745}, {1656, 34128}, {1657, 11999}, {1764, 38482}, {1853, 18434}, {1870, 19505}, {1885, 10816}, {1899, 35481}, {1903, 40117}, {1942, 2713}, {1987, 3331}, {1989, 11070}, {1993, 19456}, {1994, 13482}, {1995, 11472}, {2070, 11559}, {2080, 32694}, {2088, 11060}, {2132, 39376}, {2133, 5676}, {2330, 32289}, {2372, 22037}, {2373, 32122}, {2374, 32121}, {2393, 5505}, {2646, 11670}, {2706, 22089}, {2709, 18860}, {2720, 5172}, {2752, 3309}, {2758, 3667}, {2764, 34109}, {2766, 6001}, {2790, 15111}, {2794, 11005}, {2883, 10018}, {2930, 31884}, {2940, 16143}, {2979, 12273}, {2981, 14816}, {3003, 32681}, {3060, 12236}, {3065, 5677}, {3068, 8994}, {3069, 13969}, {3081, 38246}, {3090, 6723}, {3091, 20397}, {3100, 12888}, {3101, 12661}, {3134, 39985}, {3146, 12295}, {3147, 6225}, {3153, 19479}, {3165, 10646}, {3166, 10645}, {3184, 15526}, {3231, 9091}, {3258, 32417}, {3260, 40423}, {3428, 22586}, {3440, 5678}, {3441, 5679}, {3455, 40080}, {3466, 5680}, {3479, 5681}, {3480, 5682}, {3481, 5683}, {3482, 5684}, {3483, 5685}, {3515, 13093}, {3516, 7592}, {3518, 11381}, {3522, 14683}, {3523, 16534}, {3524, 5642}, {3528, 24981}, {3529, 15077}, {3533, 38792}, {3541, 14542}, {3542, 12250}, {3563, 35364}, {3564, 32244}, {3565, 6391}, {3566, 40118}, {3574, 35482}, {3576, 11720}, {3616, 11723}, {3627, 11801}, {3628, 15029}, {3827, 10100}, {3832, 38725}, {3843, 20396}, {3851, 15088}, {4220, 9058}, {4231, 9107}, {4296, 19469}, {4299, 18968}, {4302, 12896}, {4549, 16063}, {4558, 15919}, {5012, 12228}, {5024, 9475}, {5070, 15046}, {5085, 6593}, {5094, 7699}, {5095, 14912}, {5158, 15816}, {5169, 7706}, {5181, 10519}, {5189, 36853}, {5318, 11139}, {5321, 11138}, {5480, 22336}, {5486, 6776}, {5562, 22978}, {5584, 11460}, {5597, 12365}, {5598, 12366}, {5603, 11735}, {5640, 31861}, {5656, 35486}, {5840, 10778}, {5866, 10425}, {5870, 10815}, {5871, 10814}, {5878, 7505}, {5889, 12084}, {5893, 35487}, {5894, 18560}, {5895, 11704}, {5900, 35489}, {5916, 39424}, {5917, 39425}, {5921, 32275}, {5925, 35490}, {5961, 15469}, {6003, 12030}, {6010, 30269}, {6037, 11676}, {6055, 9144}, {6091, 35191}, {6102, 15002}, {6103, 6794}, {6143, 25563}, {6145, 6240}, {6146, 35491}, {6151, 14817}, {6197, 10119}, {6200, 6413}, {6221, 6415}, {6233, 8722}, {6236, 43273}, {6284, 12904}, {6321, 14734}, {6325, 32228}, {6353, 35512}, {6396, 6414}, {6398, 6416}, {6403, 39382}, {6515, 18932}, {6570, 10979}, {6584, 22765}, {6636, 14855}, {6644, 10546}, {6698, 10516}, {6759, 11270}, {6799, 32339}, {6811, 13654}, {6813, 13774}, {6998, 9057}, {7059, 8459}, {7060, 8449}, {7164, 8432}, {7165, 8485}, {7280, 9638}, {7325, 8476}, {7326, 8468}, {7327, 8503}, {7328, 8527}, {7329, 8504}, {7354, 12903}, {7413, 9056}, {7417, 9084}, {7423, 9061}, {7434, 9083}, {7471, 38700}, {7488, 8718}, {7492, 8717}, {7503, 25711}, {7506, 11439}, {7512, 22109}, {7514, 20791}, {7526, 10574}, {7527, 9730}, {7547, 40686}, {7550, 16836}, {7556, 40291}, {7574, 19402}, {7575, 32124}, {7576, 15321}, {7577, 23329}, {7712, 10298}, {7732, 11824}, {7733, 11825}, {7953, 41435}, {8059, 37583}, {8172, 8174}, {8173, 8175}, {8431, 8440}, {8433, 8435}, {8434, 8436}, {8437, 8441}, {8438, 8442}, {8439, 8443}, {8444, 8464}, {8445, 8465}, {8446, 8466}, {8447, 8467}, {8448, 8462}, {8450, 8470}, {8451, 8469}, {8452, 8458}, {8453, 8471}, {8454, 8472}, {8455, 8473}, {8456, 8474}, {8457, 8475}, {8460, 8478}, {8461, 8477}, {8463, 8479}, {8480, 8505}, {8481, 8508}, {8482, 8509}, {8483, 8506}, {8484, 8507}, {8486, 8510}, {8487, 8511}, {8488, 8512}, {8489, 8515}, {8490, 8516}, {8491, 8513}, {8492, 8514}, {8493, 8517}, {8494, 8518}, {8495, 8519}, {8496, 8520}, {8497, 8521}, {8498, 8522}, {8499, 8525}, {8500, 8526}, {8501, 8523}, {8502, 8524}, {8528, 8530}, {8529, 8532}, {8531, 8533}, {8537, 13248}, {8550, 35492}, {8705, 32229}, {8744, 32687}, {8998, 9540}, {9069, 14605}, {9070, 41455}, {9100, 9759}, {9129, 38698}, {9143, 10304}, {9160, 14060}, {9181, 38702}, {9202, 14538}, {9203, 14539}, {9218, 38611}, {9544, 35493}, {9545, 35494}, {9703, 35495}, {9704, 35496}, {9705, 12038}, {9706, 35498}, {9716, 35499}, {9729, 16223}, {9777, 35501}, {9781, 9786}, {9818, 9826}, {9833, 35503}, {9938, 11412}, {10102, 30230}, {10111, 18917}, {10263, 13358}, {10282, 17506}, {10303, 38795}, {10310, 13204}, {10311, 41414}, {10409, 14369}, {10410, 14368}, {10421, 12380}, {10540, 15646}, {10610, 18364}, {10619, 18368}, {10625, 12226}, {10632, 10681}, {10633, 10682}, {10638, 36072}, {10663, 11420}, {10664, 11421}, {10698, 31525}, {10880, 13287}, {10881, 13288}, {11003, 39242}, {11004, 13352}, {11012, 39633}, {11017, 22462}, {11061, 25406}, {11081, 39380}, {11086, 39381}, {11179, 41720}, {11202, 20421}, {11248, 13217}, {11249, 13218}, {11250, 12092}, {11403, 15465}, {11410, 12165}, {11411, 30552}, {11414, 12310}, {11416, 12596}, {11417, 12891}, {11418, 12892}, {11423, 11425}, {11458, 11477}, {11465, 11479}, {11466, 11480}, {11467, 11481}, {11550, 18559}, {11562, 14118}, {11589, 15404}, {11634, 38873}, {11693, 15705}, {11694, 17504}, {11699, 13624}, {11804, 15800}, {11822, 13208}, {11823, 13209}, {11826, 13213}, {11827, 13214}, {11828, 13215}, {11829, 13216}, {12017, 26206}, {12042, 18332}, {12074, 12584}, {12082, 33534}, {12085, 38260}, {12100, 13392}, {12113, 13494}, {12162, 15052}, {12225, 15133}, {12254, 13418}, {12261, 12699}, {12262, 41722}, {12278, 32140}, {12282, 12301}, {12285, 12303}, {12286, 12304}, {12287, 12305}, {12288, 12306}, {12291, 12307}, {12315, 15750}, {12505, 32311}, {12898, 34773}, {13017, 13021}, {13018, 13022}, {13145, 26711}, {13391, 32608}, {13397, 28787}, {13403, 32325}, {13414, 41519}, {13415, 41518}, {13434, 13630}, {13452, 26883}, {13474, 34484}, {13568, 15559}, {13595, 16194}, {13603, 32062}, {13621, 32137}, {13665, 13915}, {13785, 13979}, {13868, 15626}, {13935, 13990}, {14110, 30238}, {14374, 14710}, {14375, 14709}, {14457, 18912}, {14458, 41443}, {14480, 14934}, {14490, 31860}, {14536, 41522}, {14540, 39636}, {14541, 39637}, {14561, 32271}, {14639, 15359}, {14651, 16278}, {14685, 14703}, {14809, 16169}, {14830, 20404}, {14833, 19905}, {14853, 15118}, {15030, 35904}, {15043, 16222}, {15058, 17928}, {15078, 18451}, {15085, 37486}, {15089, 15801}, {15131, 23328}, {15232, 26704}, {15320, 26705}, {15322, 41456}, {15329, 39987}, {15342, 34473}, {15459, 41204}, {15478, 40047}, {15545, 38741}, {15578, 19151}, {15579, 37473}, {15664, 32692}, {15749, 33703}, {16000, 18381}, {16164, 21161}, {16186, 34210}, {16340, 20957}, {16620, 16621}, {16658, 37458}, {16868, 22802}, {16936, 35446}, {18317, 20123}, {18324, 20773}, {18358, 26156}, {18363, 34563}, {18439, 37814}, {18445, 25487}, {18551, 21308}, {18916, 18947}, {19051, 42215}, {19052, 42216}, {19121, 19138}, {19168, 19172}, {19361, 32329}, {19376, 26283}, {19406, 19482}, {19407, 19483}, {19424, 19507}, {19425, 19508}, {19454, 19484}, {19455, 19485}, {20186, 40119}, {22115, 34152}, {22329, 38894}, {22535, 22549}, {23061, 37477}, {23240, 35442}, {25328, 29181}, {25641, 36172}, {25738, 34350}, {26861, 33923}, {26914, 26927}, {26915, 26935}, {26916, 26936}, {28788, 30268}, {29299, 37620}, {29317, 32273}, {30250, 34935}, {30257, 41454}, {30270, 39639}, {31074, 34796}, {31133, 40909}, {31384, 40097}, {31724, 34798}, {32235, 35268}, {32237, 37953}, {32251, 39588}, {32274, 36990}, {32349, 37970}, {32581, 42299}, {32618, 40894}, {32619, 40895}, {32620, 40916}, {33962, 35447}, {34007, 43577}, {34207, 39417}, {34298, 34310}, {34435, 38850}, {34437, 38851}, {34440, 38852}, {34568, 41433}, {34594, 37403}, {35265, 37952}, {35373, 40390}, {35465, 39373}, {35834, 42267}, {35835, 42266}, {36034, 36069}, {36071, 36131}, {36193, 38609}, {37426, 43356}, {37475, 41670}, {37948, 43572}, {38263, 39562}, {38323, 41171}, {38936, 39372}, {39808, 39812}, {39837, 39841}
X(74) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 9904}, {3, 10620}, {4, 12244}, {20, 3448}, {40, 33535}, {64, 10117}, {110, 15054}, {125, 10990}, {265, 20127}, {476, 14508}, {1350, 16010}, {1657, 12902}, {2935, 17835}, {5889, 13201}, {6241, 12281}, {6776, 32247}, {7725, 7726}, {9862, 18331}, {10264, 14677}, {11412, 12284}, {12163, 12302}, {12270, 15100}, {12283, 32249}, {12317, 12383}, {13491, 15101}, {15545, 38741}, {16003, 16111}, {32608, 35452}
X(74) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 11709}, {3, 12041}, {4, 125}, {20, 16111}, {23, 32110}, {52, 11806}, {110, 3}, {113, 6699}, {125, 20417}, {146, 113}, {185, 17855}, {186, 21663}, {265, 10264}, {323, 10564}, {382, 10113}, {399, 1511}, {477, 36164}, {895, 11579}, {974, 15151}, {1112, 16270}, {1199, 34468}, {1498, 15647}, {1533, 32223}, {1539, 20304}, {1553, 22104}, {1986, 974}, {2930, 33851}, {2935, 11598}, {3146, 12295}, {3448, 16003}, {3627, 11801}, {5504, 12901}, {5622, 5621}, {5627, 40630}, {5655, 549}, {5921, 32275}, {6241, 17854}, {6321, 15535}, {7722, 185}, {7728, 5}, {7731, 1986}, {7978, 1}, {9138, 19902}, {9140, 20126}, {9144, 6055}, {9934, 13289}, {9970, 182}, {10113, 20379}, {10263, 13358}, {10540, 15646}, {10698, 31525}, {10706, 2}, {10721, 4}, {10733, 265}, {10752, 6}, {10767, 11}, {11005, 15357}, {11562, 40647}, {11579, 32305}, {11699, 13624}, {12111, 7723}, {12112, 1495}, {12121, 550}, {12244, 10990}, {12290, 12292}, {12292, 15738}, {12295, 36253}, {12308, 5609}, {12368, 10}, {12369, 402}, {12381, 10065}, {12382, 10081}, {12383, 16163}, {12505, 32311}, {12584, 14810}, {12699, 12261}, {12778, 3579}, {12825, 12358}, {12898, 34773}, {13202, 7687}, {13417, 389}, {14094, 110}, {14157, 186}, {14480, 14934}, {14683, 30714}, {14833, 19905}, {14982, 141}, {14989, 34150}, {15035, 15055}, {15054, 10620}, {15055, 15041}, {15063, 5972}, {15107, 3581}, {15131, 23328}, {15329, 39987}, {15463, 32607}, {15472, 19457}, {15800, 11804}, {15801, 15089}, {16105, 11746}, {16163, 37853}, {18332, 12042}, {18781, 18780}, {19140, 5092}, {19506, 20299}, {20127, 14677}, {20957, 16340}, {22115, 34152}, {22265, 98}, {23061, 37477}, {23236, 34153}, {23315, 6696}, {30714, 38726}, {32111, 468}, {32234, 6776}, {34150, 12079}, {34153, 548}, {36172, 25641}, {36193, 38609}, {36990, 32274}, {37477, 37950}, {38520, 38641}, {38789, 34128}, {38790, 1539}, {38791, 6723}, {38898, 13630}, {39985, 3134}, {41720, 11179}, {41737, 1352}, {43572, 37948}, {43574, 2071}, {43576, 7464}
X(74) = isogonal conjugate of X(30)
X(74) = isotomic conjugate of X(3260)
X(74) = complement of X(146)
X(74) = anticomplement of X(113)
X(74) = X(1)-Ceva conjugate of X(17149)
X(74) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (15,16), (50,184)
X(74) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,399), (616),617)
X(74) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (186,54), (526,110)
X(74) = circumcircle-antipode of X(110)
X(74) = polar-circle-inverse of X(133)
X(74) = 2nd-Droz-Farney-circle-inverse of X(17854)
X(74) = Schoutte-circle-inverse of X(2715)
X(74) = 2nd-Brocard-circle-inverse of X(38520)
X(74) = inverse-in-O(15,16) of X(2715), where O(15,16) is the circle having segment X(15)X(16) as diameter
X(74) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(647)
X(74) = Ψ(X(6),X(647))
X(74) = antipode of X(1199) in Moses-Jerabek conic
X(74) = reflection of X(477) in the Euler line
X(74) = reflection of X(842) in the Brocard axis
X(74) = reflection of X(2687) in the line X(1)X(3)
X(74) = reflection of X(1296) in the line X(3)X(351)
X(74) = {X(3),X(399)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1511)
X(74) = X(128)-of-excentral-triangle
X(74) = X(137)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(74) = X(1296)-of-circumsymmedial
X(74) = trilinear pole wrt circumorthic triangle of van Aubel line
X(74) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(2420)
X(74) = orthocentroidal-to-ABC similarity image of X(4)
X(74) = 4th-Brocard-to-circumsymmedial similarity image of X(4)
X(74) = perspector of ABC and the reflection of the Kosnita triangle in X(3)
X(74) = orthocenter of X(3)X(67)X(879)
X(74) = intersection of tangents at X(3) and X(4) to Napoleon-Feuerbach cubic, K005
X(74) = X(1317)-of-tangential-triangle is ABC is acute
X(74) = 2nd-Parry-to-ABC similarity image of X(110)
X(74) = X(80)-of-Trinh-triangle if ABC is acute
X(74) = Trinh-isogonal conjugate of X(2071)
X(74) = trilinear product of PU(86)
X(74) = perspector of ABC and the (degenerate) side-triangle of the (equilateral) circumcevian triangles of X(15) and X(16)
X(74) = homothetic center of X(15)- and X(16)-Ehrmann triangles; see X(25)
X(74) = perspector of ABC and X(15)-Ehrmann triangle
X(74) = perspector of ABC and X(16)-Ehrmann triangle
X(74) = 3rd-Parry-to-circumsymmedial similarity image of X(23)
X(74) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of orthocentroidal triangle
X(74) = endo-homothetic center of X(4)-altimedial and X(4)-anti-altimedial triangles
X(74) = Thomson isogonal conjugate of X(523)
X(74) = Lucas isogonal conjugate of X(523)
X(74) = X(100)-of-circumorthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(74) = perspector of ABC and 2nd anti-Parry triangle
X(74) = X(110)-of-2nd-anti-Parry-triangle
X(74) = X(9138)-of-1st-anti-Parry-triangle
X(74) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(5541)
X(74) = orthic-to-ABC functional image of X(128)
X(74) = trilinear pole wrt, Thomson triangle, of line X(3)X(5646)
X(74) = trilinear pole, wrt Lucas triangle, of line X(4)X(15066)
X(74) = BSS(a→a^2) of X(1156)
X(74) = areal center of pedal triangles of PU(4)
X(74) = areal center of pedal triangles of PU(5)
X(74) = areal center of pedal triangles of PU(11)
X(74) = antipode of X(32111) in Walsmith rectangular hyperbola
X(74) = orthocenter of X(6)X(110)X(3569)
X(74) = X(5541)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(74) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(36896)
X(74) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(647)
X(74) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {1636, 1637}
X(74) = psi-transform of X(14685)
X(74) = Collings transform of X(i) for these i: {125, 2088, 3134, 39174, 39987}
X(74) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {10419, 8}, {36053, 146}, {40388, 5905}, {40423, 6327}
X(74) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 36896}, {34178, 10}
X(74) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 36896}, {30, 2132}, {1304, 14380}, {1494, 14919}, {2349, 15627}, {5627, 3470}, {9139, 9717}, {10419, 14385}, {14919, 15291}, {15395, 110}, {16077, 2394}, {16080, 8749}, {34568, 647}, {40384, 6}, {40423, 2}
X(74) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 10419}, {6, 40384}, {184, 11079}, {186, 54}, {526, 110}, {647, 34568}, {686, 4558}, {1464, 1}, {1495, 6}, {3003, 2}, {6000, 4}, {9142, 111}, {9409, 112}, {9717, 9139}, {11081, 2981}, {11086, 6151}, {12112, 14483}, {13289, 38534}, {13754, 14264}, {14157, 1173}, {14264, 5627}, {14380, 1304}, {16186, 523}, {18877, 14919}, {21650, 265}, {21663, 3}, {40352, 8749}
X(74) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 13754}, {6, 1495}, {15, 16}, {50, 184}, {55, 2245}, {512, 2088}, {523, 3134}, {654, 3270}, {3269, 9409}, {3581, 4550}, {5663, 39987}, {6000, 39174}, {11074, 40355}, {18877, 40352}, {42789, 42790}
X(74) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 7164}, {3, 8431}, {4, 1138}, {13, 8462}, {14, 8452}, {15, 8445}, {16, 8455}, {30, 2133}, {399, 8486}, {484, 7327}, {616, 8535}, {617, 8536}, {1157, 8487}, {1263, 8439}, {1337, 8489}, {1338, 8490}, {1494, 16080}, {2132, 8534}, {3065, 3466}, {3440, 3441}, {3464, 8488}, {3465, 7328}, {3479, 8491}, {3480, 8492}, {3481, 8494}, {5667, 8493}, {7059, 7325}, {7060, 7326}, {7165, 7329}, {8446, 8471}, {8456, 8479}, {8495, 8529}, {8496, 8531}, {8499, 8501}, {8500, 8502}, {18878, 39295}
X(74) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3464}, {2, 39358}, {3, 399}, {4, 5667}, {13, 5623}, {14, 5624}, {15, 5668}, {16, 5669}, {74, 2132}, {484, 3465}, {616, 617}, {1138, 5670}, {1157, 3484}, {1263, 5671}, {1276, 5672}, {1277, 5673}, {1337, 5674}, {1338, 5675}, {1495, 3284}, {1650, 9033}, {2088, 21731}, {2133, 5676}, {3065, 5677}, {3081, 3163}, {3440, 5678}, {3441, 5679}, {3466, 5680}, {3479, 5681}, {3480, 5682}, {3481, 5683}, {3482, 5684}, {3483, 5685}, {7059, 8459}, {7060, 8449}, {7164, 8432}, {7165, 8485}, {7325, 8476}, {7326, 8468}, {7327, 8503}, {7328, 8527}, {7329, 8504}, {8172, 8174}, {8173, 8175}, {8431, 8440}, {8433, 8435}, {8434, 8436}, {8437, 8441}, {8438, 8442}, {8439, 8443}, {8444, 8464}, {8445, 8465}, {8446, 8466}, {8447, 8467}, {8448, 8462}, {8450, 8470}, {8451, 8469}, {8452, 8458}, {8453, 8471}, {8454, 8472}, {8455, 8473}, {8456, 8474}, {8457, 8475}, {8460, 8478}, {8461, 8477}, {8463, 8479}, {8480, 8505}, {8481, 8508}, {8482, 8509}, {8483, 8506}, {8484, 8507}, {8486, 8510}, {8487, 8511}, {8488, 8512}, {8489, 8515}, {8490, 8516}, {8491, 8513}, {8492, 8514}, {8493, 8517}, {8494, 8518}, {8495, 8519}, {8496, 8520}, {8497, 8521}, {8498, 8522}, {8499, 8525}, {8500, 8526}, {8501, 8523}, {8502, 8524}, {8528, 8530}, {8529, 8532}, {8531, 8533}, {12113, 12369}
X(74) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 30}, {2, 2173}, {3, 1784}, {6, 14206}, {9, 6357}, {19, 11064}, {31, 3260}, {37, 18653}, {57, 7359}, {63, 1990}, {74, 1099}, {75, 1495}, {76, 9406}, {92, 3284}, {100, 11125}, {110, 36035}, {113, 36053}, {162, 9033}, {163, 41079}, {190, 14399}, {240, 35912}, {265, 35201}, {304, 14581}, {402, 9390}, {561, 9407}, {647, 24001}, {648, 2631}, {649, 42716}, {651, 14400}, {653, 14395}, {656, 4240}, {661, 2407}, {662, 1637}, {759, 6739}, {799, 14398}, {811, 9409}, {823, 1636}, {896, 9214}, {897, 5642}, {1494, 42074}, {1511, 2166}, {1568, 2190}, {1577, 2420}, {1650, 24000}, {1725, 15454}, {1749, 3471}, {1895, 11589}, {1959, 35906}, {2153, 41887}, {2154, 41888}, {2159, 36789}, {2349, 3163}, {3431, 18486}, {5620, 16164}, {5664, 32678}, {6149, 14254}, {8772, 36891}, {9408, 33805}, {11251, 36062}, {14208, 23347}, {16163, 36119}, {24019, 41077}, {32679, 41392}, {34334, 35200}, {36037, 42750}
X(74) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 2349}, {3, 16080}, {4, 14919}, {6, 1494}, {7, 15627}, {15, 36308}, {16, 36311}, {30, 40384}, {31, 33805}, {63, 36119}, {69, 8749}, {75, 2159}, {76, 40352}, {92, 35200}, {94, 14385}, {98, 35910}, {99, 2433}, {110, 2394}, {111, 36890}, {112, 34767}, {249, 12079}, {253, 15291}, {264, 18877}, {287, 35908}, {305, 40354}, {323, 5627}, {340, 11079}, {470, 39377}, {471, 39378}, {520, 15459}, {524, 9139}, {525, 1304}, {526, 39290}, {647, 16077}, {648, 14380}, {671, 9717}, {850, 32640}, {1073, 10152}, {1495, 31621}, {1577, 36034}, {2867, 15292}, {2966, 32112}, {2986, 14264}, {2987, 36875}, {3003, 40423}, {3260, 40353}, {3265, 32695}, {3267, 32715}, {3269, 42308}, {3470, 13582}, {3580, 10419}, {4558, 18808}, {7799, 40355}, {9033, 34568}, {14208, 36131}, {15412, 36831}, {20123, 40391}, {22455, 37638}, {30474, 32681}, {40050, 40351}
X(74) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 14206}, {2, 3260}, {3, 11064}, {6, 30}, {15, 41887}, {16, 41888}, {19, 1784}, {25, 1990}, {30, 36789}, {31, 2173}, {32, 1495}, {50, 1511}, {55, 7359}, {56, 6357}, {58, 18653}, {100, 42716}, {110, 2407}, {111, 9214}, {112, 4240}, {162, 24001}, {184, 3284}, {186, 14920}, {187, 5642}, {216, 1568}, {248, 35912}, {323, 6148}, {512, 1637}, {520, 41077}, {523, 41079}, {526, 5664}, {560, 9406}, {574, 13857}, {647, 9033}, {649, 11125}, {661, 36035}, {663, 14400}, {667, 14399}, {669, 14398}, {810, 2631}, {1304, 648}, {1384, 35266}, {1494, 76}, {1495, 3163}, {1501, 9407}, {1576, 2420}, {1946, 14395}, {1974, 14581}, {1976, 35906}, {1989, 14254}, {1990, 34334}, {2088, 3258}, {2159, 1}, {2173, 1099}, {2245, 6739}, {2349, 75}, {2394, 850}, {2420, 3233}, {2433, 523}, {2987, 36891}, {3003, 113}, {3049, 9409}, {3163, 23097}, {3269, 1650}, {3284, 16163}, {3310, 42750}, {3457, 36299}, {3458, 36298}, {3470, 37779}, {5063, 10564}, {5158, 1531}, {5627, 94}, {8739, 6110}, {8740, 6111}, {8749, 4}, {9139, 671}, {9406, 42074}, {9407, 9408}, {9408, 3081}, {9409, 14401}, {9412, 34582}, {9717, 524}, {10152, 15466}, {10317, 16165}, {10419, 2986}, {11060, 14583}, {11063, 10272}, {11074, 14993}, {11079, 265}, {12079, 338}, {14264, 3580}, {14380, 525}, {14385, 323}, {14560, 41392}, {14579, 3471}, {14581, 16240}, {14642, 11589}, {14910, 15454}, {14919, 69}, {15166, 14499}, {15167, 14500}, {15291, 20}, {15395, 39295}, {15451, 14391}, {15459, 6528}, {15627, 8}, {16077, 6331}, {16080, 264}, {18320, 38610}, {18808, 14618}, {18877, 3}, {19622, 16164}, {21906, 2682}, {22455, 43530}, {32112, 2799}, {32640, 110}, {32681, 1302}, {32695, 107}, {32715, 112}, {33805, 561}, {34397, 39176}, {34417, 18487}, {34568, 16077}, {34767, 3267}, {34952, 14397}, {35200, 63}, {35908, 297}, {35910, 325}, {36034, 662}, {36064, 38340}, {36119, 92}, {36131, 162}, {36308, 300}, {36311, 301}, {36430, 18484}, {36831, 14570}, {36890, 3266}, {36896, 146}, {39201, 1636}, {39290, 35139}, {39377, 40709}, {39378, 40710}, {39380, 10217}, {39381, 10218}, {40135, 13202}, {40351, 1974}, {40352, 6}, {40354, 25}, {40355, 1989}, {40384, 1494}, {40385, 39263}, {40388, 1300}, {40423, 40832}, {41336, 20772}, {42658, 14345}, {42671, 6793}, {43083, 18557}
{X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 146, 113}, {3, 110, 15035}, {3, 399, 1511}, {3, 1511, 15051}, {3, 5609, 15020}, {3, 6241, 1614}, {3, 11456, 11464}, {3, 12041, 15055}, {3, 12174, 9707}, {3, 12308, 32609}, {3, 14094, 15034}, {3, 14264, 14385}, {3, 15035, 15036}, {3, 15041, 12041}, {3, 15054, 14094}, {3, 32138, 11440}, {3, 32139, 11449}, {3, 33533, 41462}, {3, 38497, 38555}, {4, 125, 14644}, {4, 15081, 7687}, {4, 26937, 26917}, {5, 15061, 15059}, {6, 9412, 9408}, {20, 11457, 12289}, {24, 64, 12290}, {35, 19470, 10088}, {36, 7727, 10091}, {110, 15020, 32609}, {110, 15021, 15055}, {110, 15035, 15034}, {110, 15051, 1511}, {110, 15055, 3}, {113, 146, 10706}, {113, 6699, 2}, {125, 7687, 15081}, {125, 12244, 10721}, {125, 13202, 7687}, {184, 11204, 35473}, {185, 3520, 54}, {185, 11430, 15032}, {185, 13293, 15463}, {185, 32607, 13198}, {186, 12112, 1495}, {265, 10264, 9140}, {265, 20126, 10264}, {323, 2071, 10564}, {323, 10564, 43574}, {376, 12317, 12383}, {376, 12383, 16163}, {378, 1986, 15472}, {378, 5890, 15033}, {378, 10605, 5890}, {378, 17835, 7731}, {381, 38790, 1539}, {382, 38724, 10113}, {399, 1511, 110}, {399, 15042, 32609}, {548, 34153, 38723}, {549, 10272, 38794}, {616, 617, 6148}, {974, 1986, 5890}, {974, 2935, 15472}, {974, 11598, 378}, {974, 19457, 5622}, {1181, 8567, 35477}, {1204, 3357, 4}, {1495, 12112, 14157}, {1498, 32534, 26882}, {1511, 12358, 15066}, {1511, 15051, 15035}, {1539, 20304, 381}, {1995, 11472, 16261}, {2914, 15032, 12227}, {2930, 31884, 33851}, {2935, 5621, 19457}, {2935, 10605, 1986}, {2935, 10606, 11598}, {2935, 15151, 5622}, {2935, 19457, 378}, {3003, 40353, 36896}, {3357, 39174, 38937}, {3520, 7722, 15463}, {3520, 15032, 11430}, {3627, 15027, 15044}, {4550, 37470, 2}, {5092, 19140, 15462}, {5609, 32609, 110}, {5621, 17835, 974}, {5622, 10752, 6}, {5627, 14989, 34150}, {5642, 6053, 20125}, {5655, 38794, 10272}, {5890, 7731, 1986}, {5972, 38727, 631}, {6200, 12375, 10819}, {6241, 11464, 11456}, {6241, 11468, 3}, {6396, 12376, 10820}, {6723, 36518, 3090}, {6723, 38791, 36518}, {7488, 10575, 8718}, {7687, 13202, 4}, {7687, 15081, 14644}, {7722, 32607, 54}, {7725, 19059, 10752}, {7726, 19060, 10752}, {7728, 15061, 5}, {7731, 19457, 15033}, {8749, 18877, 15291}, {9140, 10733, 265}, {9408, 9412, 112}, {9717, 14264, 39239}, {9717, 39239, 3470}, {9786, 35502, 9781}, {9904, 11709, 7978}, {10065, 10081, 1}, {10113, 20379, 38724}, {10264, 20127, 10733}, {10605, 10606, 378}, {10605, 11598, 15472}, {10605, 19457, 974}, {10606, 17835, 2935}, {10620, 11454, 43578}, {10620, 12041, 110}, {10620, 13171, 17854}, {10620, 15021, 15035}, {10620, 15041, 3}, {10620, 15055, 14094}, {10620, 38633, 5609}, {10721, 14644, 4}, {10990, 20417, 4}, {11250, 34783, 34148}, {11413, 12163, 11412}, {11430, 15032, 54}, {11454, 15072, 3}, {11456, 11464, 1614}, {11598, 15151, 19457}, {12041, 15041, 15021}, {12041, 15054, 15035}, {12041, 38626, 32609}, {12079, 34150, 5627}, {12121, 38788, 550}, {12219, 12901, 43574}, {12244, 20417, 14644}, {12308, 32609, 5609}, {12308, 38633, 3}, {12358, 12412, 110}, {12358, 12825, 11459}, {12371, 12374, 10767}, {12381, 12382, 7978}, {13198, 15463, 54}, {13293, 17855, 13198}, {13293, 32607, 3520}, {13491, 32210, 3}, {13621, 33541, 32137}, {13630, 14130, 13434}, {14094, 15035, 110}, {14094, 15055, 15036}, {14264, 14385, 3470}, {14264, 15468, 110}, {14385, 39239, 9717}, {14480, 38701, 14934}, {14643, 38728, 140}, {14677, 20126, 10733}, {15021, 15054, 3}, {15021, 15055, 12041}, {15034, 15036, 15035}, {15041, 32609, 38633}, {15041, 34469, 17854}, {15054, 15055, 110}, {15057, 15059, 15061}, {15063, 38727, 5972}, {15072, 15100, 12270}, {15080, 15100, 399}, {16163, 37853, 376}, {17835, 19457, 1986}, {18933, 37643, 15081}, {19059, 19060, 6}, {20126, 20127, 265}, {20427, 26937, 4}, {22462, 33539, 11017}, {23236, 38723, 34153}, {31954, 31955, 5890}, {32616, 32617, 6241}, {34150, 40630, 12079}, {36518, 38729, 6723}, {38626, 38633, 110}, {38632, 38638, 110}, {38641, 38653, 110}, {38650, 38661, 110}, {38729, 38791, 3090}, {38937, 39174, 38933}
Let A2B2C2 be the 2nd Conway triangle. Let A' be the trilinear pole of line B2C2, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(75). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A4B4C4 be the 4th Conway triangle. Let A' be the trilinear pole of line B4C4, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(75). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let AaBaCa, AbBbCb, AcBcCc be the A-, B-, and C-anti-altimedial triangles, resp. Let A' be the trilinear product Ba*Ca, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(75). (Randy Hutson, November 2, 2017)
Let A23B23C23 be Gemini triangle 23. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B23,C23}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(75). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
Let A40B40C40 be Gemini triangle 40. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B40,C40}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(75). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
If you have Geometer's Sketchpad, X(75).
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(75).
X(75) lies on the circumconic {A,B,C,X(2),X(7)}}, the cubics K014, K034, K132, K183, K184, K254, K276, K286, K323, K366, K432, K507, K605, K697, K738, K743, K766, K767, K768, K862, K863, K865, K868, K968, K970, K985, K986, K990, K992, K994, K995, K996, K999, K1015, K1020, K1022, K1031, K1032, K1038, the curve Q124, and these lines: {1, 86}, {2, 37}, {3, 17864}, {4, 12689}, {5, 19839}, {6, 239}, {7, 8}, {9, 190}, {10, 76}, {11, 16067}, {12, 21405}, {19, 27}, {20, 30271}, {21, 272}, {22, 21407}, {23, 21408}, {31, 82}, {32, 746}, {34, 37087}, {35, 21410}, {36, 21411}, {38, 310}, {39, 14622}, {40, 10444}, {41, 21414}, {42, 1218}, {43, 872}, {44, 16816}, {45, 16815}, {47, 2216}, {48, 336}, {55, 3757}, {56, 17887}, {57, 4032}, {58, 21421}, {66, 21423}, {71, 28287}, {72, 1246}, {77, 664}, {78, 7190}, {81, 2214}, {83, 14619}, {87, 3226}, {88, 21427}, {89, 21428}, {91, 20571}, {99, 261}, {100, 675}, {101, 767}, {105, 20628}, {110, 21430}, {115, 21431}, {141, 334}, {142, 2321}, {144, 391}, {145, 3945}, {149, 2805}, {150, 2893}, {158, 240}, {162, 37220}, {171, 3769}, {172, 4372}, {183, 1376}, {187, 21434}, {193, 4371}, {194, 1107}, {200, 4328}, {210, 18142}, {219, 1944}, {220, 27420}, {222, 1943}, {223, 20238}, {225, 264}, {226, 3687}, {234, 556}, {236, 40893}, {238, 3923}, {242, 24320}, {244, 1978}, {255, 2190}, {256, 3764}, {257, 698}, {267, 6763}, {269, 1222}, {277, 30701}, {279, 1219}, {280, 309}, {281, 27509}, {282, 20239}, {291, 9230}, {292, 20630}, {298, 1081}, {299, 554}, {305, 3914}, {306, 5249}, {308, 40093}, {311, 18815}, {315, 4911}, {317, 5081}, {325, 2886}, {329, 14555}, {330, 7187}, {339, 23674}, {342, 18026}, {354, 3706}, {355, 21277}, {365, 20631}, {366, 20434}, {379, 5279}, {384, 4426}, {385, 4386}, {404, 19850}, {405, 7283}, {480, 28058}, {489, 31550}, {490, 31549}, {491, 1659}, {492, 13390}, {497, 11997}, {511, 15978}, {513, 17159}, {514, 4406}, {516, 3883}, {517, 10446}, {519, 3664}, {522, 3261}, {523, 876}, {524, 4399}, {525, 17899}, {527, 3686}, {537, 668}, {538, 1573}, {545, 4957}, {551, 4717}, {560, 1580}, {573, 29069}, {584, 40744}, {596, 16887}, {597, 17225}, {599, 4445}, {612, 32926}, {614, 32942}, {646, 4859}, {647, 21437}, {649, 20909}, {650, 21438}, {651, 28968}, {656, 17893}, {659, 21439}, {667, 21440}, {669, 21441}, {670, 18827}, {671, 35181}, {672, 20632}, {689, 745}, {693, 4411}, {700, 871}, {712, 3735}, {716, 16829}, {723, 9063}, {728, 1223}, {730, 24293}, {735, 9065}, {748, 32930}, {749, 20456}, {750, 17763}, {751, 23659}, {753, 789}, {756, 18152}, {757, 1468}, {758, 994}, {765, 39293}, {775, 1496}, {798, 20910}, {799, 897}, {811, 1099}, {812, 20908}, {825, 40371}, {826, 18077}, {846, 32934}, {850, 4467}, {873, 40438}, {889, 16495}, {896, 20904}, {899, 32931}, {900, 3766}, {901, 2863}, {905, 23685}, {908, 4054}, {918, 24141}, {927, 2751}, {934, 2370}, {936, 40424}, {940, 1999}, {942, 5295}, {956, 5088}, {958, 1975}, {964, 5262}, {966, 3975}, {969, 17156}, {980, 10472}, {982, 1920}, {990, 13727}, {991, 29016}, {997, 4561}, {1001, 3685}, {1030, 27788}, {1073, 20240}, {1078, 25440}, {1088, 3668}, {1089, 1268}, {1100, 4393}, {1104, 4195}, {1108, 27334}, {1119, 7046}, {1125, 3993}, {1150, 3218}, {1211, 3782}, {1212, 25242}, {1213, 3948}, {1214, 27339}, {1228, 5051}, {1230, 41809}, {1233, 25006}, {1234, 41501}, {1237, 1240}, {1247, 6626}, {1249, 20241}, {1271, 38236}, {1272, 40716}, {1281, 5989}, {1330, 5814}, {1332, 2989}, {1369, 5014}, {1370, 3434}, {1423, 16609}, {1429, 24334}, {1442, 4861}, {1444, 2217}, {1446, 43533}, {1449, 16834}, {1486, 26241}, {1500, 27255}, {1501, 33733}, {1574, 3934}, {1577, 23894}, {1581, 1934}, {1621, 32929}, {1631, 7087}, {1654, 3765}, {1655, 26045}, {1697, 10889}, {1734, 35035}, {1742, 28850}, {1743, 16833}, {1746, 21375}, {1757, 32935}, {1766, 6996}, {1799, 17873}, {1812, 2219}, {1826, 18747}, {1836, 3966}, {1847, 40445}, {1890, 5342}, {1895, 5931}, {1897, 2000}, {1914, 4376}, {1916, 40099}, {1917, 33807}, {1925, 18276}, {1928, 2085}, {1931, 20634}, {1953, 1959}, {1962, 39737}, {1973, 34065}, {1992, 35578}, {2053, 14199}, {2054, 20636}, {2064, 40940}, {2092, 27042}, {2112, 20638}, {2140, 22011}, {2166, 23994}, {2167, 2168}, {2170, 33946}, {2172, 20931}, {2175, 24264}, {2176, 16827}, {2178, 11329}, {2210, 4381}, {2238, 24330}, {2262, 20348}, {2275, 16720}, {2285, 41245}, {2292, 28660}, {2295, 17033}, {2303, 26643}, {2309, 21352}, {2319, 20438}, {2324, 27384}, {2325, 6666}, {2329, 16822}, {2339, 41260}, {2352, 13588}, {2400, 4397}, {2475, 5016}, {2530, 18081}, {2640, 16556}, {2652, 30988}, {2783, 5977}, {2870, 21293}, {2887, 17889}, {2894, 2897}, {2895, 17483}, {2908, 30878}, {2968, 6356}, {2998, 16606}, {3006, 30632}, {3008, 17352}, {3009, 20637}, {3035, 37688}, {3056, 4459}, {3061, 17760}, {3086, 25583}, {3120, 25760}, {3121, 21224}, {3122, 17065}, {3123, 6386}, {3161, 18230}, {3164, 18606}, {3177, 4875}, {3185, 11688}, {3219, 5278}, {3227, 7208}, {3230, 35274}, {3241, 3902}, {3244, 4464}, {3247, 16831}, {3252, 4562}, {3260, 20565}, {3265, 23683}, {3266, 4442}, {3314, 20541}, {3405, 33793}, {3501, 27626}, {3509, 24586}, {3570, 9318}, {3573, 24346}, {3578, 30690}, {3589, 4395}, {3598, 7172}, {3616, 3702}, {3617, 4346}, {3618, 4402}, {3619, 29611}, {3622, 32105}, {3624, 6533}, {3625, 4896}, {3626, 4887}, {3629, 4405}, {3631, 4478}, {3632, 4888}, {3633, 7278}, {3634, 4066}, {3635, 4909}, {3670, 10468}, {3681, 4651}, {3684, 24333}, {3688, 14839}, {3694, 25521}, {3695, 8728}, {3700, 24622}, {3701, 5936}, {3703, 3925}, {3704, 25466}, {3707, 4480}, {3713, 5228}, {3714, 3812}, {3720, 4365}, {3723, 28639}, {3726, 30945}, {3731, 16832}, {3740, 3967}, {3747, 16690}, {3750, 29651}, {3763, 17290}, {3771, 33130}, {3773, 3836}, {3774, 25538}, {3775, 4710}, {3776, 29739}, {3780, 4754}, {3789, 17794}, {3790, 3826}, {3791, 4697}, {3807, 30997}, {3828, 4125}, {3831, 24172}, {3834, 17229}, {3835, 27485}, {3840, 17063}, {3841, 30172}, {3846, 3944}, {3848, 26103}, {3869, 17139}, {3870, 3996}, {3873, 13476}, {3874, 33297}, {3877, 17183}, {3882, 29382}, {3888, 9016}, {3889, 17169}, {3891, 3920}, {3896, 17018}, {3909, 25049}, {3926, 17869}, {3930, 30949}, {3933, 17867}, {3936, 27476}, {3938, 32923}, {3943, 17242}, {3946, 5750}, {3949, 30985}, {3950, 29571}, {3952, 40607}, {3961, 32920}, {3965, 26125}, {3969, 18139}, {3974, 26040}, {3981, 21954}, {3992, 18145}, {4007, 6173}, {4010, 25759}, {4011, 17123}, {4016, 4469}, {4024, 18154}, {4025, 17894}, {4030, 34612}, {4036, 18158}, {4044, 5257}, {4051, 9311}, {4053, 24063}, {4056, 4894}, {4058, 21255}, {4072, 29600}, {4073, 18033}, {4081, 6067}, {4082, 18153}, {4083, 23807}, {4085, 29659}, {4086, 18160}, {4094, 21254}, {4099, 32009}, {4124, 24482}, {4132, 17217}, {4136, 17062}, {4150, 18744}, {4234, 37817}, {4319, 14942}, {4353, 19868}, {4366, 17000}, {4377, 17235}, {4383, 27064}, {4387, 4423}, {4390, 9317}, {4391, 28898}, {4392, 35543}, {4396, 16997}, {4403, 33908}, {4408, 4926}, {4410, 4690}, {4412, 7122}, {4413, 5205}, {4414, 32845}, {4415, 5743}, {4422, 17337}, {4425, 33154}, {4432, 15485}, {4436, 8053}, {4438, 33138}, {4470, 26626}, {4471, 7246}, {4472, 17045}, {4475, 18168}, {4484, 7241}, {4488, 6172}, {4494, 17304}, {4495, 36480}, {4497, 7236}, {4500, 29808}, {4505, 25351}, {4511, 7269}, {4513, 25878}, {4515, 6706}, {4517, 20694}, {4519, 30947}, {4552, 17077}, {4553, 25279}, {4554, 5231}, {4555, 35175}, {4563, 23673}, {4568, 17761}, {4569, 18025}, {4572, 20567}, {4586, 43099}, {4592, 17881}, {4595, 21232}, {4597, 36818}, {4599, 37221}, {4641, 37652}, {4648, 17314}, {4649, 4716}, {4655, 32857}, {4660, 24715}, {4661, 25286}, {4668, 4902}, {4672, 4974}, {4675, 4851}, {4678, 25278}, {4679, 17777}, {4680, 7272}, {4683, 33098}, {4684, 5542}, {4693, 16484}, {4702, 42819}, {4703, 33099}, {4708, 28633}, {4712, 18031}, {4713, 37673}, {4723, 36588}, {4742, 38314}, {4748, 28635}, {4760, 10987}, {4766, 27477}, {4795, 40891}, {4797, 21793}, {4798, 29586}, {4854, 25597}, {4865, 32866}, {4869, 29616}, {4873, 20195}, {4882, 7274}, {4886, 5739}, {4889, 28329}, {4897, 23835}, {4898, 29602}, {4899, 24393}, {4901, 38200}, {4915, 7271}, {4941, 20340}, {4966, 25557}, {4970, 17592}, {4971, 17388}, {4972, 8024}, {4975, 25055}, {4981, 7226}, {4996, 7279}, {5082, 17170}, {5086, 21270}, {5176, 21286}, {5178, 21285}, {5211, 17721}, {5254, 26558}, {5267, 7782}, {5277, 30167}, {5283, 16819}, {5287, 34064}, {5294, 26723}, {5296, 28809}, {5301, 24335}, {5311, 32928}, {5341, 24587}, {5372, 23958}, {5437, 30567}, {5515, 37842}, {5540, 33951}, {5550, 25585}, {5620, 21207}, {5698, 24280}, {5736, 34772}, {5737, 38000}, {5738, 12649}, {5741, 31053}, {5744, 27472}, {5774, 36279}, {5791, 25446}, {5827, 9654}, {5902, 10452}, {6007, 17049}, {6147, 41014}, {6180, 40862}, {6210, 29057}, {6327, 20292}, {6335, 7101}, {6337, 30478}, {6360, 18607}, {6375, 6377}, {6379, 22184}, {6390, 23679}, {6535, 25961}, {6539, 40013}, {6547, 36230}, {6682, 17591}, {6703, 29841}, {6707, 29612}, {7009, 37581}, {7013, 37278}, {7017, 15466}, {7032, 18170}, {7034, 10010}, {7035, 9458}, {7146, 30097}, {7155, 24451}, {7176, 12513}, {7191, 24552}, {7193, 24332}, {7196, 24477}, {7200, 9263}, {7209, 7233}, {7225, 18048}, {7243, 18043}, {7244, 17598}, {7308, 30568}, {7318, 10527}, {7336, 24250}, {7377, 12610}, {7752, 25639}, {7758, 31416}, {7760, 30133}, {7763, 26363}, {7764, 31488}, {7781, 31456}, {7991, 10442}, {8033, 13610}, {8055, 41926}, {8056, 32017}, {8058, 30805}, {8061, 18070}, {8632, 24354}, {8769, 17890}, {8773, 17876}, {9466, 27076}, {9508, 14296}, {9776, 18141}, {9965, 14552}, {10025, 37658}, {10176, 33948}, {10327, 41916}, {10400, 16091}, {10448, 40430}, {10538, 20477}, {10589, 30740}, {10980, 35613}, {11104, 19849}, {11108, 19852}, {11680, 33864}, {12530, 20556}, {12618, 36652}, {14018, 41013}, {14548, 36845}, {14624, 39957}, {14923, 21271}, {14997, 41241}, {15149, 18721}, {15523, 18052}, {15668, 16777}, {16496, 24841}, {16504, 36236}, {16525, 17475}, {16547, 20602}, {16548, 16566}, {16549, 29433}, {16551, 40476}, {16552, 20605}, {16560, 24591}, {16569, 25106}, {16574, 20367}, {16583, 27299}, {16600, 30107}, {16604, 20363}, {16605, 25994}, {16608, 37796}, {16666, 37677}, {16672, 29578}, {16678, 23339}, {16696, 16738}, {16707, 17150}, {16710, 16726}, {16711, 16714}, {16713, 16728}, {16722, 36857}, {16727, 17154}, {16729, 30564}, {16737, 17166}, {16741, 17162}, {16747, 18656}, {16750, 17884}, {16751, 31296}, {16814, 25269}, {16876, 18610}, {16884, 29584}, {16886, 33841}, {16888, 36482}, {16892, 18071}, {16969, 25129}, {16973, 32029}, {16974, 17688}, {17011, 19684}, {17017, 32772}, {17026, 17754}, {17027, 24512}, {17028, 20331}, {17034, 17750}, {17038, 27798}, {17050, 29960}, {17053, 26979}, {17061, 29634}, {17064, 30761}, {17067, 29596}, {17073, 28755}, {17084, 30543}, {17122, 29649}, {17133, 29574}, {17136, 17221}, {17138, 17153}, {17171, 18720}, {17181, 24390}, {17184, 32782}, {17197, 18177}, {17205, 39697}, {17206, 23555}, {17251, 17252}, {17265, 17266}, {17309, 17310}, {17323, 17324}, {17372, 17373}, {17442, 18717}, {17443, 30052}, {17449, 31136}, {17451, 30036}, {17458, 21191}, {17484, 37656}, {17486, 23632}, {17489, 26035}, {17595, 24627}, {17596, 32916}, {17600, 29644}, {17671, 21073}, {17682, 17742}, {17717, 25385}, {17733, 37607}, {17736, 29473}, {17741, 17743}, {17751, 20247}, {17758, 40006}, {17793, 25120}, {17797, 17798}, {17888, 29857}, {17896, 35518}, {17903, 40015}, {18022, 22069}, {18054, 21026}, {18055, 20706}, {18066, 31079}, {18067, 28595}, {18073, 29591}, {18080, 21123}, {18136, 28654}, {18162, 20769}, {18206, 29767}, {18207, 23669}, {18208, 20274}, {18297, 20527}, {18359, 30608}, {18601, 27163}, {18661, 26734}, {18739, 30713}, {18745, 21094}, {18811, 25719}, {18821, 35171}, {18826, 36873}, {18834, 34054}, {18835, 24211}, {19582, 25917}, {19701, 20182}, {19857, 37039}, {19863, 25599}, {19974, 39786}, {19975, 19976}, {20016, 20090}, {20045, 39743}, {20072, 31300}, {20081, 41838}, {20133, 20164}, {20134, 20175}, {20138, 27949}, {20139, 20167}, {20146, 20168}, {20147, 20180}, {20151, 20178}, {20161, 20166}, {20176, 20177}, {20254, 20256}, {20255, 20271}, {20259, 20260}, {20262, 40880}, {20267, 30103}, {20276, 20545}, {20332, 20639}, {20335, 21101}, {20337, 34528}, {20351, 20538}, {20352, 21278}, {20358, 24351}, {20535, 30082}, {20598, 24458}, {20992, 32117}, {21008, 27954}, {21021, 21897}, {21033, 30961}, {21071, 29968}, {21085, 33064}, {21178, 21186}, {21180, 21205}, {21196, 25667}, {21208, 27808}, {21210, 24207}, {21212, 29427}, {21216, 41015}, {21226, 40908}, {21231, 22370}, {21240, 24190}, {21242, 29676}, {21244, 38406}, {21299, 24717}, {21345, 23488}, {21351, 22226}, {21362, 29698}, {21368, 24595}, {21454, 37655}, {21511, 38871}, {21769, 28365}, {21801, 29965}, {21805, 31161}, {21808, 29966}, {21816, 25661}, {21834, 42327}, {21868, 25102}, {21871, 41828}, {21872, 30011}, {21956, 26590}, {22047, 24050}, {22218, 26974}, {22279, 22289}, {22413, 23440}, {23478, 23498}, {23481, 23502}, {23482, 23483}, {23484, 23500}, {23485, 23493}, {23486, 23495}, {23518, 28706}, {23556, 34254}, {23557, 37804}, {23664, 40050}, {23681, 25527}, {23682, 24445}, {23690, 24248}, {23897, 27966}, {23903, 27706}, {23978, 25000}, {24003, 36863}, {24005, 25023}, {24046, 24166}, {24058, 24224}, {24162, 24178}, {24169, 33174}, {24180, 39714}, {24183, 24184}, {24188, 24233}, {24202, 30144}, {24204, 33833}, {24214, 31327}, {24241, 29655}, {24254, 40859}, {24319, 27691}, {24324, 27950}, {24338, 24517}, {24343, 39914}, {24378, 24439}, {24386, 32023}, {24411, 36278}, {24430, 40717}, {24450, 39717}, {24487, 25382}, {24505, 36225}, {24510, 39362}, {24599, 37681}, {24621, 37596}, {24663, 26106}, {24693, 32847}, {24725, 32843}, {24779, 24781}, {24880, 25471}, {24892, 33119}, {24922, 25469}, {24943, 33123}, {24957, 25687}, {24986, 25005}, {24988, 26235}, {24995, 36568}, {24999, 26541}, {25002, 25964}, {25019, 26001}, {25072, 31211}, {25082, 27109}, {25083, 25252}, {25122, 33789}, {25130, 32095}, {25237, 26770}, {25244, 26690}, {25271, 26049}, {25296, 33800}, {25345, 31090}, {25453, 32780}, {25496, 29821}, {25512, 27785}, {25525, 41878}, {25591, 27627}, {25741, 25758}, {26034, 33068}, {26061, 29850}, {26098, 33071}, {26100, 27026}, {26128, 32783}, {26223, 32911}, {26229, 26263}, {26265, 38869}, {26364, 32832}, {26580, 33151}, {26627, 37633}, {26685, 37650}, {26688, 37687}, {26738, 31030}, {26772, 26976}, {26819, 35058}, {26840, 37653}, {26842, 32863}, {26963, 27809}, {26978, 28598}, {27017, 27107}, {27035, 27285}, {27044, 27095}, {27164, 40773}, {27340, 40133}, {27482, 31344}, {27493, 30566}, {27508, 28827}, {27549, 38057}, {27757, 30834}, {27793, 31037}, {27797, 39994}, {28301, 41848}, {28470, 30183}, {28640, 29592}, {28739, 37800}, {28780, 37771}, {28965, 40863}, {29036, 41430}, {29379, 29511}, {29381, 29405}, {29456, 29559}, {29561, 34017}, {29585, 31342}, {29609, 31319}, {29613, 34573}, {29629, 40480}, {29631, 33128}, {29632, 33156}, {29635, 33135}, {29642, 33158}, {29643, 32848}, {29653, 33092}, {29671, 32855}, {29673, 32865}, {29679, 39998}, {29709, 29711}, {29840, 30660}, {29846, 33127}, {29849, 33105}, {29967, 34830}, {29979, 29985}, {30092, 37598}, {30099, 39244}, {30603, 40603}, {30964, 30970}, {31145, 32093}, {31270, 40780}, {31350, 31351}, {31418, 32816}, {31449, 31859}, {31625, 40095}, {31627, 34019}, {32019, 42326}, {32020, 40533}, {32033, 40881}, {32101, 39710}, {32775, 33143}, {32776, 33145}, {32781, 33125}, {32842, 33070}, {32844, 33104}, {32852, 32949}, {32854, 33072}, {32856, 33065}, {32861, 32946}, {32864, 32912}, {32947, 33094}, {32948, 33074}, {32950, 33083}, {33067, 33080}, {33069, 33081}, {33073, 33088}, {33091, 39723}, {33114, 33139}, {33115, 33161}, {33117, 33162}, {33118, 33163}, {33120, 33136}, {33121, 33137}, {33122, 33148}, {33124, 33171}, {33126, 33144}, {33676, 35026}, {33678, 33679}, {33776, 38831}, {33947, 34860}, {34018, 39959}, {34021, 34022}, {34261, 41251}, {35119, 36232}, {35157, 35164}, {35527, 40362}, {35616, 39773}, {36625, 38254}, {36805, 39963}, {37520, 37684}, {37680, 41242}, {38247, 39740}, {39570, 40333}, {39693, 39748}, {39698, 39706}, {39722, 39724}, {39729, 39730}, {39736, 39738}, {39742, 42055}, {39775, 42079}, {40024, 40094}, {41236, 41247}, {41777, 43040}, {42015, 42311}
X(75) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 4740}, {8, 24349}, {31, 37003}, {37, 4686}, {192, 1278}, {3644, 4764}, {3739, 4726}, {4399, 7228}, {4440, 33888}, {4699, 4821}, {17362, 17365}, {17363, 17364}, {18830, 40844}
X(75) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 24325}, {2, 4688}, {8, 3696}, {20, 30271}, {31, 18805}, {37, 3739}, {76, 21443}, {190, 17755}, {192, 37}, {335, 1086}, {693, 4411}, {984, 10}, {1278, 4686}, {2667, 25124}, {3261, 20907}, {3644, 192}, {3739, 4739}, {3758, 31317}, {3879, 3664}, {3993, 1125}, {4043, 20891}, {4094, 21254}, {4416, 3686}, {4664, 2}, {4681, 4698}, {4686, 4726}, {4687, 4699}, {4704, 31238}, {4718, 4681}, {4751, 4772}, {4764, 1278}, {4788, 4718}, {6376, 10009}, {7199, 4374}, {17333, 17330}, {17334, 17332}, {17347, 4416}, {17362, 4399}, {17363, 17362}, {17364, 17365}, {17365, 7228}, {17377, 3879}, {17388, 17390}, {17389, 17392}, {17458, 21191}, {18080, 21123}, {18137, 20892}, {20430, 5}, {20448, 20435}, {20924, 20893}, {20949, 20906}, {20950, 20908}, {20954, 3261}, {20956, 20912}, {21143, 21211}, {21606, 21433}, {21746, 17049}, {21834, 42327}, {23794, 4408}, {24505, 36225}, {30273, 3}, {32453, 39}, {35959, 40878}, {36494, 27478}, {37842, 5515}, {39467, 6374}, {41683, 244}, {42083, 24003}
X(75) = isogonal conjugate of X(31)
X(75) = isotomic conjugate of X(1)
X(75) = complement of X(192)
X(75) = anticomplement of X(37)
X(75) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(2895)
X(75) = complementary conjugate of X(21250)
X(75) = antigonal conjugate of X(37842)
X(75) = antitomic conjugate of X(335)
X(75) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(8044)
X(75) = trilinear pole of line X(514)X(661)
X(75) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {667, 788}
X(75) = medial-isogonal conjugate of X(21250)
X(75) = anticomplementary-isogonal conjugate of X(2895)
X(75) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,350), (334,335)
X(75) = X(83)-aleph conjugate of X(31)
X(75) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,984), (75,7), (99,77), (314,75), (522,876), (645,9), (646,75), (668,75), (811,342)
X(75) = X(37)-of-anticomplementary triangle.
X(75) = trilinear product of PU(i) for these i: 3, 35
X(75) = barycentric product of PU(10)
X(75) = trilinear product of PU(75)
X(75) = X(6752)-of-excentral-triangle
X(75) = trilinear pole of line X(514)X(661)
X(75) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(19) (line X(661)X(663))
X(75) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(19)
X(75) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(6)
X(75) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(63) with respect to the excentral triangle
X(75) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(63) with respect to the anticomplementary triangle
X(75) = trilinear square of X(2)
X(75) = trilinear square root of X(561)
X(75) = trilinear product of the four CPCC points;
X(75) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(75) (which is also the anticevian triangle of X(75))
X(75) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 3 and 6
X(75) = perspector of Gemini triangle 13 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 13
X(75) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 21
X(75) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 22
X(75) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 21 and 22
X(75) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 21
X(75) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 22
X(75) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2895}, {2, 1330}, {3, 3151}, {6, 1654}, {7, 2893}, {21, 329}, {27, 4}, {28, 5905}, {31, 1655}, {48, 18666}, {56, 17778}, {57, 2475}, {58, 2}, {59, 3882}, {60, 63}, {75, 21287}, {77, 2897}, {81, 8}, {82, 3770}, {86, 69}, {99, 20295}, {101, 31290}, {110, 514}, {112, 25259}, {162, 4391}, {163, 17494}, {222, 3152}, {249, 4427}, {250, 14543}, {251, 17499}, {261, 20245}, {267, 1029}, {270, 92}, {274, 6327}, {284, 144}, {285, 189}, {286, 21270}, {310, 315}, {314, 21286}, {333, 3436}, {513, 21221}, {514, 3448}, {552, 20244}, {593, 1}, {603, 18667}, {643, 4462}, {648, 20293}, {649, 148}, {662, 513}, {667, 21220}, {670, 21304}, {693, 21294}, {741, 6542}, {757, 75}, {759, 17484}, {763, 17140}, {799, 21301}, {849, 17147}, {873, 17137}, {967, 26051}, {1014, 7}, {1019, 149}, {1098, 18750}, {1169, 894}, {1171, 10}, {1172, 5942}, {1175, 3219}, {1178, 6646}, {1333, 192}, {1396, 12649}, {1408, 3210}, {1412, 145}, {1414, 693}, {1434, 3434}, {1437, 6360}, {1444, 4329}, {1459, 39352}, {1474, 193}, {1509, 17135}, {1576, 21225}, {1790, 20}, {1798, 3101}, {1817, 6223}, {1914, 39367}, {1919, 25054}, {1929, 20349}, {2163, 37635}, {2185, 3869}, {2194, 3177}, {2203, 21216}, {2206, 194}, {2221, 26117}, {2248, 6625}, {2299, 30694}, {2328, 30695}, {2360, 20211}, {2363, 321}, {3285, 17487}, {3286, 20533}, {3733, 4440}, {3737, 37781}, {4025, 13219}, {4091, 34186}, {4184, 17732}, {4273, 17488}, {4556, 523}, {4558, 20294}, {4560, 33650}, {4564, 3909}, {4565, 522}, {4567, 3952}, {4570, 190}, {4573, 21302}, {4589, 21303}, {4591, 900}, {4600, 668}, {4610, 512}, {4620, 3888}, {4622, 21297}, {4623, 17217}, {4627, 4778}, {4629, 4977}, {4637, 3900}, {5009, 33888}, {5235, 21291}, {5331, 5739}, {5546, 4468}, {6385, 21275}, {6578, 4608}, {6628, 17143}, {6629, 14360}, {6650, 20558}, {6727, 16017}, {7192, 150}, {7199, 21293}, {7252, 39351}, {7303, 17152}, {7341, 3875}, {8025, 2891}, {8747, 6515}, {10566, 25051}, {13486, 1577}, {14534, 17751}, {14616, 21277}, {14953, 152}, {15376, 20017}, {16696, 21289}, {16704, 21290}, {16887, 1369}, {16948, 8055}, {17103, 30660}, {17167, 2888}, {17168, 2889}, {17169, 2890}, {17172, 2892}, {17187, 2896}, {17200, 40002}, {17206, 1370}, {17209, 147}, {17940, 2786}, {17962, 20536}, {18206, 20344}, {18268, 17759}, {18653, 146}, {18792, 20355}, {18827, 20553}, {21123, 39346}, {24624, 5080}, {30940, 20554}, {30941, 20552}, {32014, 20290}, {33295, 20345}, {33774, 24051}, {34079, 20072}, {36085, 30709}, {37128, 4645}, {38813, 17350}, {38832, 21219}, {39179, 25048}, {39949, 32863}, {39950, 33110}, {40142, 20077}, {40143, 14450}, {40153, 5484}, {40214, 3648}, {40398, 33091}, {40403, 10327}, {40408, 4651}, {40430, 33066}, {40432, 4388}, {40438, 319}, {40746, 40721}, {41629, 42020}, {42302, 2550}, {43076, 26824}, {43359, 4813}
X(75) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 21250}, {6, 34832}, {7, 20547}, {31, 6376}, {56, 20528}, {57, 20338}, {87, 141}, {330, 2887}, {604, 41886}, {649, 5518}, {932, 3835}, {1919, 40610}, {2053, 3452}, {2162, 10}, {2319, 1329}, {4598, 21260}, {6383, 21235}, {6384, 626}, {7121, 2}, {7153, 2886}, {7155, 21244}, {7209, 17047}, {15373, 3}, {16606, 3454}, {18830, 21262}, {21759, 1213}, {22381, 440}, {23086, 18589}, {23493, 1211}, {34071, 513}, {34252, 20333}, {39914, 20542}, {40881, 20551}, {42027, 21245}
X(75) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 17149}, {2, 6376}, {8, 20935}, {31, 33788}, {69, 18749}, {76, 312}, {81, 18148}, {82, 18058}, {83, 18057}, {85, 18743}, {86, 18133}, {92, 18156}, {99, 18155}, {158, 33787}, {190, 20954}, {192, 39467}, {256, 24732}, {264, 20930}, {274, 2}, {286, 18147}, {291, 19567}, {304, 18750}, {305, 20914}, {308, 18040}, {310, 76}, {312, 16284}, {313, 20932}, {314, 69}, {321, 17762}, {330, 6384}, {333, 18738}, {334, 20947}, {348, 18751}, {514, 18149}, {561, 304}, {668, 693}, {670, 7199}, {689, 18077}, {693, 18159}, {799, 1577}, {811, 14208}, {850, 20951}, {870, 30963}, {871, 21615}, {873, 18140}, {903, 39995}, {1088, 33780}, {1218, 4687}, {1221, 37}, {1240, 313}, {1434, 18739}, {1502, 20444}, {1509, 18136}, {1577, 20939}, {1821, 1966}, {1928, 20641}, {1930, 20934}, {1967, 18271}, {1969, 92}, {1978, 514}, {2481, 350}, {3112, 1}, {3223, 18832}, {3261, 18151}, {3264, 20937}, {3596, 322}, {3718, 33672}, {4554, 4391}, {4569, 15413}, {4572, 3261}, {4583, 3766}, {4602, 661}, {4620, 18740}, {4623, 18158}, {4625, 18160}, {6063, 85}, {6382, 20936}, {6383, 20923}, {6384, 20943}, {6385, 18137}, {6386, 20949}, {6650, 24731}, {7018, 20955}, {7033, 24524}, {7035, 668}, {7182, 40702}, {7199, 18150}, {7260, 25667}, {8024, 20933}, {14616, 30939}, {17143, 17135}, {17206, 18736}, {18021, 21581}, {18022, 20926}, {18023, 20956}, {18031, 3912}, {18070, 18060}, {18145, 39997}, {18152, 40006}, {18811, 39126}, {18816, 320}, {18830, 513}, {18832, 20945}, {18833, 561}, {18891, 20446}, {18895, 17789}, {20566, 17791}, {20567, 20927}, {20568, 4358}, {20569, 30829}, {20641, 20931}, {20948, 20941}, {23999, 811}, {24037, 799}, {27801, 20929}, {28659, 20928}, {28660, 4417}, {30710, 1909}, {30939, 39996}, {31002, 6381}, {31618, 344}, {31625, 4033}, {32018, 321}, {33805, 14206}, {34384, 21579}, {34537, 21604}, {36796, 33677}, {36863, 29226}, {37204, 18070}, {37220, 16568}, {38810, 6}, {38840, 33801}, {38847, 31}, {40014, 20942}, {40015, 38298}, {40016, 18050}, {40017, 3948}, {40023, 42034}, {40024, 3661}, {40072, 21596}, {40073, 21597}, {40087, 40034}, {40162, 21608}, {40216, 33943}, {40362, 21585}, {40363, 21594}, {40364, 21582}, {40421, 21583}, {40422, 319}, {40495, 20940}, {40827, 27792}, {41283, 20922}
X(75) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 92}, {2, 85}, {4, 40015}, {7, 309}, {8, 312}, {10, 2}, {19, 39733}, {37, 39735}, {38, 1}, {63, 304}, {69, 20570}, {76, 6384}, {82, 39727}, {83, 40037}, {192, 40025}, {239, 40845}, {244, 514}, {306, 40011}, {307, 69}, {310, 18298}, {312, 40014}, {313, 40010}, {318, 34404}, {320, 40716}, {321, 76}, {347, 322}, {350, 18032}, {514, 1978}, {519, 18359}, {522, 190}, {523, 4033}, {561, 18832}, {596, 35058}, {656, 662}, {661, 4602}, {693, 668}, {714, 41683}, {726, 335}, {756, 17758}, {774, 2184}, {982, 9311}, {984, 27475}, {1086, 7199}, {1089, 40013}, {1099, 14206}, {1109, 1577}, {1111, 693}, {1125, 30690}, {1210, 189}, {1227, 30939}, {1266, 903}, {1281, 17789}, {1441, 264}, {1577, 799}, {1631, 20444}, {1725, 2349}, {1733, 1821}, {1734, 100}, {1735, 36100}, {1736, 36101}, {1737, 34234}, {1738, 673}, {1739, 88}, {1769, 3257}, {1895, 18750}, {1930, 561}, {2085, 31}, {2172, 20641}, {2227, 1581}, {2254, 4562}, {2292, 226}, {2517, 37218}, {2588, 2580}, {2589, 2581}, {2643, 18070}, {2786, 4639}, {3112, 18834}, {3116, 2186}, {3123, 513}, {3262, 20566}, {3263, 334}, {3264, 40039}, {3578, 33939}, {3663, 7}, {3668, 253}, {3670, 81}, {3673, 1088}, {3687, 28660}, {3701, 40012}, {3705, 27424}, {3717, 36807}, {3728, 37}, {3739, 40004}, {3741, 257}, {3766, 4583}, {3778, 6}, {3821, 14621}, {3912, 18031}, {3914, 4}, {3948, 40017}, {3963, 308}, {3992, 39994}, {4025, 664}, {4041, 27805}, {4044, 40030}, {4086, 15455}, {4125, 40021}, {4151, 3952}, {4357, 86}, {4358, 20568}, {4359, 274}, {4374, 670}, {4389, 39704}, {4391, 4554}, {4397, 6335}, {4398, 39707}, {4425, 6625}, {4441, 40028}, {4442, 671}, {4443, 751}, {4446, 749}, {4453, 4555}, {4458, 35148}, {4467, 99}, {4642, 2051}, {4647, 321}, {4671, 40029}, {4695, 14554}, {4696, 32017}, {4712, 3912}, {4723, 36805}, {4736, 3936}, {4738, 4358}, {4768, 36804}, {4793, 4671}, {4847, 8}, {4858, 3261}, {4967, 1268}, {4968, 30710}, {4972, 83}, {4980, 32018}, {4981, 32009}, {4986, 7035}, {5051, 14534}, {5224, 30598}, {6376, 40027}, {6381, 31002}, {6382, 6376}, {6734, 333}, {6735, 4997}, {6736, 6557}, {9436, 18025}, {10916, 2994}, {11019, 10405}, {14206, 33805}, {14208, 811}, {14213, 1969}, {14837, 658}, {17072, 4598}, {17155, 34860}, {17205, 4608}, {17289, 40044}, {17446, 82}, {17755, 18157}, {17758, 40008}, {17797, 17788}, {17859, 40440}, {17860, 318}, {17861, 273}, {17862, 331}, {17863, 286}, {17864, 18022}, {17869, 2052}, {17871, 158}, {17872, 19}, {17873, 1235}, {17874, 41013}, {17875, 40703}, {17876, 24006}, {17879, 14208}, {17880, 35519}, {17883, 23999}, {17886, 850}, {17888, 17924}, {17896, 18026}, {17898, 823}, {17899, 6331}, {17903, 20914}, {18695, 20571}, {18697, 313}, {18698, 1441}, {18743, 40026}, {18827, 39718}, {18837, 17149}, {19962, 19975}, {20234, 1502}, {20235, 305}, {20236, 20567}, {20237, 28659}, {20322, 1895}, {20432, 18895}, {20433, 18891}, {20443, 35538}, {20517, 43190}, {20627, 1928}, {20880, 6063}, {20888, 310}, {20889, 18833}, {20890, 41283}, {20891, 6385}, {20892, 6383}, {20895, 3596}, {20896, 27801}, {20898, 1930}, {20899, 6382}, {20900, 3264}, {20901, 40495}, {20902, 20948}, {20903, 24037}, {20906, 6386}, {20907, 4572}, {20911, 7018}, {20912, 18023}, {21020, 10}, {21120, 21580}, {21147, 20928}, {21174, 36118}, {21184, 1305}, {21185, 37206}, {21186, 653}, {21189, 651}, {21192, 4610}, {21196, 7260}, {21208, 7192}, {21210, 10566}, {21403, 34384}, {21405, 18021}, {21406, 40364}, {21407, 40421}, {21409, 40362}, {21412, 40016}, {21420, 40363}, {21422, 40072}, {21423, 40073}, {21425, 8024}, {21431, 34537}, {21435, 40162}, {21443, 871}, {21935, 13478}, {22069, 3}, {22130, 20926}, {22271, 18137}, {22464, 34393}, {23518, 275}, {23528, 7017}, {23529, 281}, {23536, 278}, {23537, 27}, {23661, 31623}, {23662, 17907}, {23663, 393}, {23664, 25}, {23665, 20883}, {23666, 427}, {23667, 33}, {23668, 1826}, {23670, 38462}, {23672, 2501}, {23673, 14618}, {23674, 18020}, {23676, 7649}, {23681, 1847}, {23683, 6528}, {23686, 6591}, {23687, 1783}, {23928, 8818}, {23996, 1959}, {24010, 3239}, {24014, 30807}, {24026, 4391}, {24028, 908}, {24031, 6332}, {24038, 14210}, {24165, 330}, {24169, 39724}, {24174, 42304}, {24175, 27818}, {24176, 39747}, {24177, 279}, {24209, 18815}, {24211, 7224}, {24213, 1440}, {24443, 57}, {24462, 660}, {24589, 20569}, {24982, 40420}, {24993, 31643}, {24995, 40415}, {25001, 31618}, {25006, 32008}, {25015, 40414}, {25019, 30705}, {26013, 1952}, {26015, 1121}, {26234, 870}, {26563, 32023}, {27474, 21615}, {27966, 8033}, {28605, 40023}, {29062, 835}, {29673, 17743}, {31330, 31359}, {31627, 16284}, {33136, 80}, {33145, 79}, {33890, 30545}, {33940, 40038}, {33941, 40033}, {34387, 18155}, {36035, 32680}, {36038, 35174}, {36250, 1029}, {38407, 30022}, {38822, 21595}, {38995, 4481}, {39697, 39699}, {39994, 40041}, {40216, 40005}, {40973, 36907}, {40999, 95}, {41804, 1494}, {41809, 32014}, {42027, 2998}, {42285, 39705}
X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 31}, {2, 32}, {3, 25}, {4, 184}, {7, 2175}, {8, 1397}, {9, 604}, {10, 2206}, {13, 34394}, {14, 34395}, {15, 3457}, {16, 3458}, {19, 48}, {20, 33581}, {21, 1402}, {22, 2353}, {23, 3455}, {24, 2351}, {27, 2200}, {28, 228}, {30, 40352}, {33, 603}, {34, 212}, {35, 6186}, {36, 6187}, {37, 1333}, {39, 251}, {40, 2208}, {41, 57}, {42, 58}, {43, 7121}, {44, 9456}, {45, 28607}, {50, 1989}, {51, 54}, {52, 41271}, {53, 14533}, {55, 56}, {59, 3271}, {60, 181}, {61, 21461}, {62, 21462}, {63, 1973}, {64, 154}, {65, 2194}, {66, 206}, {67, 18374}, {69, 1974}, {71, 1474}, {72, 2203}, {73, 2299}, {74, 1495}, {75, 560}, {76, 1501}, {77, 2212}, {78, 1395}, {81, 213}, {82, 1964}, {83, 3051}, {84, 2187}, {85, 9447}, {86, 1918}, {87, 2209}, {88, 2251}, {92, 9247}, {94, 19627}, {95, 40981}, {97, 3199}, {98, 237}, {99, 669}, {100, 667}, {101, 649}, {105, 2223}, {106, 902}, {107, 39201}, {108, 1946}, {109, 663}, {110, 512}, {111, 187}, {112, 647}, {115, 23357}, {155, 39109}, {157, 1485}, {159, 34207}, {160, 2980}, {161, 34438}, {162, 810}, {163, 661}, {171, 904}, {172, 893}, {182, 263}, {190, 1919}, {197, 3435}, {198, 1436}, {199, 3437}, {200, 1106}, {204, 19614}, {205, 42467}, {208, 2188}, {210, 1408}, {216, 8882}, {217, 275}, {219, 608}, {220, 1407}, {221, 2192}, {222, 607}, {223, 7118}, {230, 32654}, {232, 248}, {238, 1911}, {239, 1922}, {244, 1110}, {249, 3124}, {250, 20975}, {255, 1096}, {256, 7122}, {262, 34396}, {264, 14575}, {265, 34397}, {268, 3209}, {269, 1253}, {274, 2205}, {279, 14827}, {282, 2199}, {284, 1400}, {287, 2211}, {290, 9418}, {291, 2210}, {292, 1914}, {297, 14600}, {308, 41331}, {311, 14573}, {315, 40146}, {323, 11060}, {325, 14601}, {334, 18892}, {335, 14599}, {338, 23963}, {350, 14598}, {351, 691}, {365, 18753}, {371, 8577}, {372, 8576}, {385, 9468}, {393, 577}, {394, 2207}, {418, 8884}, {419, 17970}, {427, 10547}, {460, 42065}, {468, 14908}, {476, 14270}, {480, 7023}, {493, 6423}, {494, 6424}, {511, 1976}, {513, 692}, {514, 32739}, {517, 34858}, {520, 32713}, {523, 1576}, {524, 32740}, {526, 14560}, {561, 1917}, {571, 2165}, {574, 1383}, {588, 5062}, {589, 5058}, {593, 1500}, {595, 40148}, {610, 2155}, {612, 1472}, {614, 7084}, {648, 3049}, {650, 1415}, {651, 3063}, {652, 32674}, {654, 32675}, {656, 32676}, {657, 1461}, {659, 34067}, {662, 798}, {665, 919}, {668, 1980}, {670, 9426}, {671, 14567}, {672, 1438}, {673, 9454}, {675, 8618}, {676, 32642}, {682, 40413}, {684, 32696}, {685, 39469}, {686, 32708}, {688, 4577}, {689, 9494}, {690, 32729}, {694, 1691}, {695, 1915}, {697, 8619}, {699, 3229}, {713, 8620}, {717, 8621}, {727, 3009}, {728, 7366}, {729, 3231}, {731, 8622}, {733, 8623}, {738, 6602}, {739, 3230}, {741, 3747}, {743, 8624}, {745, 8625}, {753, 8626}, {755, 8627}, {756, 849}, {757, 872}, {759, 3724}, {761, 8628}, {765, 3248}, {767, 8629}, {785, 2978}, {788, 1492}, {789, 8630}, {799, 1924}, {800, 41890}, {803, 8631}, {804, 17938}, {805, 5027}, {813, 8632}, {815, 8633}, {817, 8634}, {822, 24019}, {825, 3250}, {826, 4630}, {827, 3005}, {831, 8635}, {833, 8636}, {835, 8637}, {842, 5191}, {843, 2502}, {846, 18757}, {850, 14574}, {869, 985}, {870, 18900}, {875, 3573}, {878, 4230}, {881, 17941}, {884, 2283}, {887, 9150}, {888, 32717}, {890, 898}, {891, 32718}, {894, 7104}, {896, 923}, {897, 922}, {900, 32719}, {901, 1960}, {903, 9459}, {906, 6591}, {907, 3804}, {909, 2183}, {910, 911}, {913, 2252}, {924, 32734}, {925, 34952}, {926, 32735}, {927, 8638}, {931, 8639}, {932, 8640}, {933, 15451}, {934, 8641}, {935, 42659}, {941, 5019}, {943, 40956}, {961, 20967}, {963, 20991}, {967, 2271}, {983, 7032}, {999, 34446}, {1015, 1252}, {1016, 1977}, {1017, 2226}, {1030, 3444}, {1033, 28783}, {1035, 7037}, {1036, 1460}, {1037, 7083}, {1042, 2328}, {1055, 2291}, {1073, 3172}, {1084, 4590}, {1086, 23990}, {1092, 6524}, {1093, 23606}, {1100, 28615}, {1101, 2643}, {1109, 23995}, {1113, 42668}, {1114, 42667}, {1118, 6056}, {1126, 2308}, {1146, 23979}, {1147, 14593}, {1155, 34068}, {1167, 40958}, {1169, 2092}, {1170, 20229}, {1171, 20970}, {1172, 1409}, {1173, 13366}, {1174, 1475}, {1175, 40952}, {1176, 1843}, {1177, 2393}, {1178, 20964}, {1179, 23195}, {1191, 7050}, {1197, 1258}, {1214, 2204}, {1249, 14642}, {1259, 7337}, {1260, 1398}, {1262, 14936}, {1290, 42670}, {1291, 6140}, {1292, 8642}, {1293, 8643}, {1296, 8644}, {1297, 42671}, {1301, 42658}, {1302, 42660}, {1304, 9409}, {1308, 8645}, {1309, 23220}, {1310, 8646}, {1326, 2054}, {1334, 1412}, {1356, 6064}, {1357, 6065}, {1358, 6066}, {1379, 5638}, {1380, 5639}, {1384, 21448}, {1399, 7073}, {1403, 2053}, {1404, 2316}, {1405, 2364}, {1406, 7072}, {1410, 4183}, {1411, 2361}, {1413, 7074}, {1416, 2340}, {1417, 3689}, {1428, 7077}, {1431, 2330}, {1433, 3195}, {1435, 1802}, {1437, 1824}, {1447, 18265}, {1457, 2342}, {1458, 2195}, {1459, 8750}, {1468, 2258}, {1477, 8647}, {1486, 3433}, {1491, 34069}, {1494, 9407}, {1502, 9233}, {1509, 7109}, {1510, 32737}, {1511, 40355}, {1575, 34077}, {1580, 1967}, {1581, 1933}, {1582, 9288}, {1611, 40322}, {1613, 3224}, {1625, 2623}, {1631, 7087}, {1634, 18105}, {1635, 32665}, {1636, 32695}, {1637, 32640}, {1661, 34426}, {1676, 41378}, {1677, 41379}, {1692, 2987}, {1707, 38252}, {1716, 15370}, {1726, 7139}, {1740, 34248}, {1743, 38266}, {1755, 1910}, {1759, 40145}, {1783, 22383}, {1790, 2333}, {1799, 27369}, {1804, 6059}, {1821, 9417}, {1857, 7335}, {1880, 2193}, {1886, 32657}, {1916, 14602}, {1921, 18897}, {1923, 3112}, {1927, 1966}, {1929, 18266}, {1932, 9285}, {1945, 1951}, {1949, 2202}, {1950, 7106}, {1953, 2148}, {1965, 9236}, {1971, 1987}, {1979, 9265}, {1988, 32445}, {1990, 18877}, {1992, 39238}, {2052, 14585}, {2056, 8601}, {2070, 34448}, {2084, 4599}, {2112, 18783}, {2149, 2170}, {2150, 2171}, {2151, 2153}, {2152, 2154}, {2156, 2172}, {2159, 2173}, {2160, 2174}, {2161, 7113}, {2162, 2176}, {2163, 2177}, {2164, 2178}, {2167, 2179}, {2168, 2180}, {2169, 2181}, {2182, 32677}, {2189, 2197}, {2191, 21059}, {2196, 2201}, {2217, 3185}, {2218, 2352}, {2220, 39798}, {2222, 8648}, {2224, 2225}, {2238, 18268}, {2241, 30651}, {2242, 30650}, {2245, 34079}, {2248, 18755}, {2249, 42669}, {2254, 32666}, {2255, 2256}, {2259, 2260}, {2276, 40746}, {2279, 2280}, {2281, 2303}, {2282, 2304}, {2298, 2300}, {2310, 24027}, {2319, 41526}, {2321, 16947}, {2347, 3451}, {2349, 9406}, {2350, 4251}, {2354, 2359}, {2356, 36057}, {2357, 2360}, {2363, 3725}, {2384, 8649}, {2395, 14966}, {2420, 2433}, {2421, 2422}, {2423, 2427}, {2424, 2426}, {2425, 2432}, {2428, 2440}, {2429, 2441}, {2430, 2442}, {2431, 2443}, {2434, 2444}, {2435, 2445}, {2436, 2437}, {2481, 9455}, {2482, 41936}, {2489, 4558}, {2491, 2966}, {2501, 32661}, {2576, 2578}, {2577, 2579}, {2610, 32671}, {2624, 32678}, {2631, 36131}, {2635, 34078}, {2637, 36140}, {2638, 24033}, {2642, 36142}, {2701, 5075}, {2702, 5029}, {2703, 5040}, {2709, 9135}, {2712, 5168}, {2715, 3569}, {2748, 8650}, {2854, 32741}, {2908, 7094}, {2930, 22259}, {2963, 2965}, {3003, 14910}, {3016, 32730}, {3022, 7339}, {3043, 14595}, {3052, 3445}, {3053, 8770}, {3064, 32660}, {3068, 26454}, {3069, 26461}, {3094, 18898}, {3108, 5007}, {3114, 18899}, {3117, 3407}, {3121, 4567}, {3122, 4570}, {3129, 3438}, {3130, 3439}, {3131, 3442}, {3132, 3443}, {3135, 34449}, {3148, 3425}, {3158, 16945}, {3163, 40353}, {3167, 14248}, {3186, 15389}, {3197, 7152}, {3203, 30505}, {3207, 11051}, {3222, 9491}, {3225, 32748}, {3228, 33875}, {3249, 6632}, {3266, 19626}, {3269, 23964}, {3284, 8749}, {3288, 26714}, {3289, 6531}, {3292, 8753}, {3310, 32641}, {3331, 26717}, {3415, 37586}, {3423, 37580}, {3426, 26864}, {3431, 34417}, {3446, 16686}, {3447, 7669}, {3449, 21746}, {3450, 23638}, {3453, 20966}, {3456, 6636}, {3504, 11325}, {3506, 34214}, {3512, 19554}, {3527, 11402}, {3556, 7169}, {3565, 8651}, {3596, 41280}, {3709, 4565}, {3733, 4557}, {3768, 34075}, {3778, 38813}, {3926, 36417}, {3978, 8789}, {3990, 5317}, {4055, 8747}, {4057, 40519}, {4079, 4556}, {4100, 6520}, {4105, 6614}, {4117, 24037}, {4273, 28658}, {4370, 41935}, {4394, 34080}, {4471, 7236}, {4497, 7246}, {4559, 7252}, {4588, 4775}, {4591, 14407}, {4627, 4832}, {4628, 21123}, {4790, 34074}, {4834, 8652}, {4893, 34073}, {5008, 39389}, {5012, 27375}, {5023, 36616}, {5035, 39974}, {5039, 11175}, {5041, 34572}, {5052, 30535}, {5063, 34288}, {5089, 32658}, {5106, 5970}, {5147, 12031}, {5163, 35107}, {5285, 8615}, {5291, 17961}, {5383, 21762}, {5410, 6416}, {5411, 6415}, {5412, 6414}, {5413, 6413}, {5467, 9178}, {5486, 19136}, {5545, 8653}, {5546, 7180}, {5596, 22262}, {5649, 6041}, {5994, 6138}, {5995, 6137}, {6012, 8654}, {6013, 8655}, {6014, 8656}, {6016, 8657}, {6017, 8658}, {6037, 9420}, {6057, 7342}, {6061, 7143}, {6063, 9448}, {6078, 8659}, {6079, 8660}, {6129, 32652}, {6139, 14733}, {6184, 41934}, {6185, 39686}, {6233, 11186}, {6353, 40319}, {6366, 32728}, {6371, 32736}, {6391, 19118}, {6525, 14379}, {6529, 32320}, {6551, 8661}, {6574, 8662}, {6578, 8663}, {6589, 32653}, {6610, 18889}, {6611, 7367}, {6612, 7368}, {6651, 18263}, {6660, 41533}, {6759, 32319}, {6800, 14906}, {7008, 7114}, {7011, 7154}, {7053, 7071}, {7063, 7340}, {7064, 7341}, {7078, 7151}, {7079, 7099}, {7096, 32664}, {7100, 14975}, {7107, 7120}, {7115, 7117}, {7116, 7119}, {7123, 16502}, {7132, 20665}, {7261, 18262}, {7357, 40370}, {7649, 32656}, {7712, 14479}, {7735, 40799}, {7772, 39955}, {7953, 8664}, {7954, 8665}, {8053, 34444}, {8061, 34072}, {8265, 40416}, {8301, 41528}, {8574, 40173}, {8578, 40150}, {8603, 11083}, {8604, 11088}, {8609, 32655}, {8675, 32738}, {8677, 14776}, {8739, 36296}, {8740, 36297}, {8751, 20752}, {8752, 22356}, {8756, 32659}, {8761, 21767}, {8772, 36051}, {8791, 10317}, {8852, 17798}, {8911, 41515}, {8946, 10133}, {8948, 10132}, {9023, 9192}, {9033, 32715}, {9066, 9489}, {9125, 32648}, {9136, 9486}, {9186, 9188}, {9208, 32694}, {9217, 20998}, {9262, 41405}, {9266, 9299}, {9292, 9306}, {9310, 9315}, {9316, 9439}, {9408, 40384}, {9419, 34536}, {9427, 34537}, {9465, 9515}, {9470, 18264}, {9500, 20672}, {9697, 11538}, {9971, 19151}, {10117, 34190}, {10293, 40114}, {10316, 13854}, {10329, 14370}, {10355, 38533}, {10420, 21731}, {10423, 42665}, {10425, 42663}, {10630, 39689}, {10641, 32586}, {10642, 32585}, {11062, 11077}, {11063, 14579}, {11064, 40354}, {11079, 39176}, {11081, 11086}, {11082, 11136}, {11084, 19294}, {11087, 11135}, {11089, 19295}, {11134, 11138}, {11137, 11139}, {11422, 34154}, {11636, 17414}, {11672, 41932}, {12077, 14586}, {13338, 30537}, {13472, 15004}, {14085, 14088}, {14096, 42288}, {14251, 40820}, {14318, 43357}, {14376, 17409}, {14380, 23347}, {14385, 14583}, {14425, 32645}, {14528, 17810}, {14553, 37504}, {14569, 19210}, {14571, 14578}, {14580, 18876}, {14581, 14919}, {14582, 14591}, {14587, 41221}, {14603, 14604}, {14609, 41309}, {14621, 40728}, {14885, 21355}, {14946, 16985}, {15080, 41443}, {15166, 41941}, {15167, 41942}, {15369, 19588}, {15378, 20974}, {15382, 20455}, {15383, 23644}, {15388, 38356}, {15494, 34447}, {15526, 41937}, {15591, 41619}, {15742, 22096}, {15905, 41489}, {16277, 23208}, {16463, 37848}, {16464, 37850}, {16468, 40735}, {16685, 39964}, {16777, 34819}, {16813, 42293}, {16944, 40172}, {16946, 39956}, {16969, 36614}, {17407, 39172}, {17408, 39167}, {17415, 33514}, {17735, 17962}, {17939, 17989}, {17940, 17990}, {17942, 18000}, {17943, 18001}, {17944, 18002}, {17963, 17966}, {17974, 34854}, {17983, 23200}, {18018, 20968}, {18022, 40373}, {18038, 24479}, {18267, 39044}, {18334, 23588}, {18344, 36059}, {18384, 22115}, {18591, 40570}, {18756, 40737}, {18771, 20958}, {18772, 20959}, {18797, 40368}, {18881, 19220}, {18891, 18893}, {18894, 18895}, {18896, 18902}, {18901, 18903}, {19297, 19302}, {19561, 30648}, {19596, 34437}, {20228, 23617}, {20332, 21760}, {20468, 34183}, {20775, 32085}, {20859, 38826}, {20965, 42346}, {20979, 34071}, {20986, 34434}, {20987, 34436}, {20988, 34441}, {20989, 34442}, {20990, 34443}, {20992, 34445}, {20993, 34427}, {20999, 34179}, {21001, 36615}, {21747, 41434}, {21750, 40403}, {21751, 38810}, {21753, 40408}, {21759, 27644}, {21779, 40770}, {22052, 33631}, {22388, 26705}, {23099, 31614}, {23115, 40144}, {23202, 36125}, {23343, 23349}, {23344, 23345}, {23346, 23351}, {23383, 34429}, {23493, 38832}, {23590, 35071}, {23626, 38827}, {23858, 34184}, {23868, 34250}, {23971, 35508}, {23980, 41933}, {23984, 39687}, {23985, 35072}, {24012, 24013}, {24021, 42080}, {24576, 30634}, {26920, 41516}, {27374, 39287}, {28781, 28785}, {28784, 34167}, {30435, 39951}, {32230, 34980}, {32651, 33525}, {33882, 39981}, {34121, 34125}, {34238, 36213}, {34565, 34567}, {34570, 40135}, {34818, 36748}, {34921, 42657}, {36069, 42666}, {36617, 38297}, {37128, 41333}, {37183, 39644}, {39110, 39111}, {39625, 39627}, {40320, 40323}, {40321, 40324}, {40347, 41336}, {40363, 41281}, {40372, 40421}, {40415, 40935}, {40802, 40825}, {40814, 40823}, {41196, 41200}, {41197, 41201}, {41521, 41615}, {41534, 41882}, {41880, 41881}, {43112, 43113}
X(75) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 63}, {2, 8}, {3, 22130}, {4, 17903}, {6, 1631}, {7, 347}, {10, 321}, {11, 21120}, {31, 2172}, {37, 22271}, {38, 1930}, {57, 21147}, {58, 38822}, {76, 6382}, {85, 31627}, {92, 1895}, {239, 1281}, {244, 514}, {307, 1441}, {323, 4996}, {512, 6377}, {522, 4858}, {523, 1086}, {525, 2968}, {561, 18837}, {656, 20902}, {693, 1111}, {740, 17755}, {758, 16586}, {850, 34387}, {894, 17797}, {908, 24028}, {984, 27474}, {1099, 14206}, {1109, 1577}, {1125, 3578}, {1227, 35550}, {1266, 20900}, {1580, 19572}, {1647, 21129}, {1734, 20901}, {1738, 20431}, {1739, 21427}, {1959, 23996}, {1962, 17746}, {2085, 20627}, {2292, 3687}, {2643, 8061}, {3120, 21124}, {3123, 20906}, {3239, 24010}, {3663, 20895}, {3670, 20896}, {3672, 28616}, {3705, 33890}, {3728, 20891}, {3778, 20234}, {3912, 4712}, {3914, 20235}, {3936, 4736}, {4000, 11677}, {4025, 17880}, {4151, 40619}, {4357, 18697}, {4358, 4738}, {4359, 4647}, {4391, 24026}, {4467, 17886}, {4793, 24589}, {4847, 20880}, {4972, 21425}, {5515, 23879}, {6332, 24031}, {7081, 17741}, {14208, 17879}, {14210, 24038}, {16732, 30591}, {17446, 21424}, {17864, 22069}, {17872, 21406}, {20237, 24443}, {20888, 21020}, {20899, 24165}, {24014, 30807}, {33679, 40844}
X(75) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3223}, {2, 330}, {76, 6063}, {99, 4998}, {274, 310}, {291, 24576}, {561, 1969}, {668, 7035}, {670, 31625}, {799, 24037}, {811, 23999}, {1916, 40098}, {3112, 18833}
X(75) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1740}, {2, 17486}, {3, 23075}, {6, 2176}, {9, 32468}, {32, 2175}, {75, 33788}, {213, 1918}, {238, 19580}, {512, 3271}, {560, 9247}, {649, 38346}, {667, 3248}, {669, 1977}, {1923, 1964}, {1966, 18270}, {3708, 8061}, {3747, 20663}, {8022, 16584}, {38810, 38820}
X(75) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 76}, {3, 1969}, {4, 304}, {6, 561}, {7, 312}, {8, 85}, {9, 6063}, {10, 274}, {19, 305}, {21, 349}, {25, 40364}, {27, 20336}, {28, 40071}, {29, 1231}, {30, 33805}, {31, 1502}, {32, 1928}, {37, 310}, {38, 308}, {39, 18833}, {41, 41283}, {42, 6385}, {43, 6383}, {48, 18022}, {55, 20567}, {56, 28659}, {57, 3596}, {58, 27801}, {63, 264}, {65, 28660}, {66, 20641}, {67, 20944}, {69, 92}, {77, 7017}, {78, 331}, {79, 33939}, {80, 20924}, {81, 313}, {82, 8024}, {83, 1930}, {86, 321}, {87, 6382}, {88, 3264}, {91, 7763}, {95, 14213}, {99, 1577}, {100, 3261}, {101, 40495}, {110, 20948}, {115, 24037}, {141, 3112}, {145, 40014}, {158, 3926}, {162, 3267}, {189, 322}, {190, 693}, {192, 6384}, {194, 18832}, {226, 314}, {238, 18895}, {239, 334}, {244, 31625}, {249, 23994}, {253, 18750}, {255, 18027}, {256, 1920}, {257, 1909}, {261, 6358}, {262, 3403}, {271, 40701}, {273, 345}, {275, 18695}, {278, 3718}, {279, 341}, {280, 40702}, {281, 7182}, {286, 306}, {287, 40703}, {290, 1959}, {291, 1921}, {292, 18891}, {297, 336}, {307, 31623}, {309, 329}, {311, 2167}, {318, 348}, {319, 30690}, {320, 18359}, {325, 1821}, {326, 2052}, {330, 6376}, {332, 40149}, {333, 1441}, {335, 350}, {338, 24041}, {343, 40440}, {346, 1088}, {347, 34404}, {384, 9239}, {385, 1934}, {479, 30693}, {512, 4602}, {513, 1978}, {514, 668}, {518, 18031}, {519, 20568}, {522, 4554}, {523, 799}, {525, 811}, {536, 31002}, {555, 7027}, {556, 4146}, {560, 40362}, {594, 873}, {596, 18140}, {604, 40363}, {610, 41530}, {626, 38847}, {645, 4077}, {646, 3676}, {648, 14208}, {649, 6386}, {650, 4572}, {651, 35519}, {653, 35518}, {656, 6331}, {658, 4397}, {661, 670}, {662, 850}, {664, 4391}, {671, 14210}, {673, 3263}, {679, 36791}, {683, 18671}, {689, 8061}, {694, 1926}, {695, 1925}, {717, 30875}, {726, 32020}, {740, 40017}, {753, 30874}, {757, 28654}, {765, 23989}, {774, 40830}, {789, 824}, {798, 4609}, {801, 17858}, {812, 4583}, {823, 3265}, {825, 30870}, {826, 4593}, {858, 37220}, {870, 3661}, {871, 2276}, {874, 4444}, {876, 27853}, {889, 4728}, {894, 7018}, {896, 18023}, {897, 3266}, {903, 4358}, {908, 18816}, {996, 33934}, {1000, 20925}, {1002, 21615}, {1014, 30713}, {1016, 1111}, {1019, 27808}, {1029, 20932}, {1031, 20934}, {1043, 1446}, {1086, 7035}, {1089, 1509}, {1093, 1102}, {1099, 31621}, {1101, 23962}, {1109, 4590}, {1121, 30806}, {1125, 32018}, {1218, 31330}, {1220, 20911}, {1221, 3741}, {1222, 26563}, {1226, 40399}, {1228, 2363}, {1229, 21453}, {1230, 40438}, {1233, 2346}, {1235, 34055}, {1237, 40432}, {1240, 3666}, {1241, 17446}, {1255, 1269}, {1265, 1847}, {1266, 36805}, {1268, 4359}, {1275, 24026}, {1278, 40027}, {1369, 39727}, {1370, 39733}, {1400, 40072}, {1434, 3701}, {1468, 40828}, {1491, 37133}, {1494, 14206}, {1580, 18896}, {1581, 3978}, {1655, 18298}, {1725, 40832}, {1733, 8781}, {1734, 31624}, {1740, 40162}, {1748, 20563}, {1755, 18024}, {1760, 18018}, {1799, 20883}, {1895, 34403}, {1897, 15413}, {1916, 1966}, {1917, 40359}, {1927, 18901}, {1953, 34384}, {1964, 40016}, {1965, 9229}, {1967, 14603}, {1973, 40050}, {1993, 20571}, {2064, 15314}, {2084, 42371}, {2113, 20446}, {2156, 40073}, {2157, 40074}, {2161, 40075}, {2166, 7799}, {2171, 18021}, {2172, 40421}, {2184, 14615}, {2185, 34388}, {2186, 20023}, {2190, 28706}, {2234, 34087}, {2254, 36803}, {2275, 7034}, {2292, 40827}, {2349, 3260}, {2350, 40088}, {2373, 20884}, {2400, 42719}, {2481, 3912}, {2517, 37215}, {2533, 7260}, {2580, 22339}, {2581, 22340}, {2582, 15164}, {2583, 15165}, {2643, 34537}, {2799, 36036}, {2887, 38810}, {2896, 18834}, {2962, 7769}, {2994, 20930}, {2995, 4417}, {2996, 18156}, {2997, 18134}, {2998, 17149}, {3005, 37204}, {3006, 37130}, {3113, 3314}, {3120, 4601}, {3212, 27424}, {3218, 20566}, {3219, 20565}, {3222, 20910}, {3223, 6374}, {3224, 18837}, {3227, 6381}, {3239, 4569}, {3241, 40029}, {3262, 34234}, {3268, 32680}, {3496, 18836}, {3497, 18835}, {3509, 18036}, {3613, 33764}, {3616, 40023}, {3621, 40026}, {3662, 7033}, {3663, 32017}, {3673, 30701}, {3679, 20569}, {3687, 31643}, {3699, 24002}, {3700, 4625}, {3717, 34018}, {3729, 32023}, {3758, 30635}, {3759, 30636}, {3762, 4555}, {3766, 4562}, {3835, 18830}, {3868, 40011}, {3875, 40012}, {3904, 35174}, {3936, 14616}, {3948, 18827}, {3952, 7199}, {3963, 32010}, {3964, 6521}, {3975, 7233}, {4008, 40824}, {4010, 4639}, {4024, 4623}, {4025, 6335}, {4033, 7192}, {4036, 4610}, {4043, 39734}, {4080, 30939}, {4086, 4573}, {4118, 38830}, {4120, 4634}, {4143, 36126}, {4163, 36838}, {4176, 6520}, {4329, 40015}, {4357, 30710}, {4360, 40013}, {4373, 18743}, {4374, 27805}, {4431, 32021}, {4441, 27475}, {4451, 7196}, {4453, 36804}, {4467, 15455}, {4475, 5388}, {4486, 41072}, {4505, 4817}, {4509, 8707}, {4518, 10030}, {4552, 18155}, {4561, 17924}, {4563, 24006}, {4564, 34387}, {4567, 21207}, {4576, 18070}, {4592, 14618}, {4597, 4791}, {4598, 20906}, {4599, 23285}, {4600, 16732}, {4624, 4811}, {4632, 30591}, {4633, 4815}, {4645, 40845}, {4647, 32014}, {4651, 40004}, {4671, 39704}, {4766, 43099}, {4789, 35181}, {4823, 32042}, {4847, 31618}, {4858, 4998}, {4862, 34523}, {4876, 18033}, {4978, 6540}, {5209, 11611}, {5249, 40422}, {5423, 23062}, {5466, 24039}, {5905, 20570}, {5936, 19804}, {6149, 20573}, {6332, 18026}, {6339, 33787}, {6393, 36120}, {6504, 33808}, {6528, 24018}, {6539, 16709}, {6542, 18032}, {6548, 24004}, {6553, 33780}, {6557, 39126}, {6601, 21609}, {6625, 17762}, {6630, 18159}, {6650, 20947}, {6664, 18064}, {6742, 18160}, {6757, 34016}, {7045, 23978}, {7056, 7101}, {7096, 40365}, {7121, 40367}, {7155, 30545}, {7168, 18275}, {7178, 7257}, {7209, 27538}, {7219, 20914}, {7224, 17788}, {7237, 7307}, {7249, 17787}, {7261, 17789}, {7319, 21605}, {7357, 20444}, {7361, 18749}, {8044, 20929}, {8046, 20937}, {8047, 18151}, {8048, 20928}, {8049, 18137}, {8050, 20949}, {8709, 20908}, {9230, 9285}, {9295, 18149}, {9436, 36796}, {9447, 41287}, {9476, 17875}, {9505, 18035}, {10405, 16284}, {10436, 34258}, {10453, 40025}, {13136, 36038}, {13476, 18152}, {13485, 20941}, {13575, 21582}, {13576, 18157}, {13577, 20927}, {14080, 14087}, {14207, 35179}, {14295, 37134}, {14377, 33932}, {14534, 18697}, {14621, 33931}, {14623, 30149}, {14624, 16739}, {14942, 40704}, {15224, 15225}, {15415, 36134}, {15416, 36118}, {15466, 19611}, {15467, 27396}, {15526, 23999}, {16099, 42709}, {16552, 40005}, {16568, 18019}, {16703, 18082}, {17135, 39735}, {17143, 17758}, {17147, 40010}, {17160, 39994}, {17206, 41013}, {17277, 40216}, {17280, 40038}, {17302, 40033}, {17316, 40028}, {17445, 31630}, {17484, 40716}, {17495, 40039}, {17739, 18760}, {17743, 33930}, {17760, 18299}, {17791, 21739}, {17862, 40424}, {17871, 42407}, {17879, 23582}, {17893, 43188}, {18020, 20902}, {18025, 30807}, {18062, 31065}, {18075, 25322}, {18133, 35058}, {18135, 34860}, {18143, 27807}, {18145, 39697}, {18147, 39700}, {18154, 42363}, {18276, 39932}, {18277, 24576}, {18297, 18297}, {18596, 40009}, {18797, 33790}, {18811, 30827}, {18815, 32851}, {18840, 39731}, {19579, 30633}, {20234, 40415}, {20235, 40411}, {20236, 40419}, {20332, 35538}, {20627, 40416}, {20879, 40410}, {20880, 32008}, {20888, 32009}, {20889, 39968}, {20891, 40418}, {20892, 32011}, {20893, 32012}, {20894, 32013}, {20895, 40420}, {20898, 40425}, {20903, 40429}, {20907, 30610}, {20913, 39717}, {20917, 41527}, {20923, 39741}, {20933, 39726}, {20939, 35511}, {20942, 36606}, {20943, 38247}, {20945, 38262}, {20946, 42361}, {21289, 40037}, {21378, 40036}, {21406, 40413}, {21598, 41513}, {22464, 36795}, {23051, 40022}, {23626, 38812}, {23970, 24011}, {23974, 24021}, {23983, 24032}, {24000, 36793}, {24001, 34767}, {24020, 34538}, {24325, 40024}, {24624, 35550}, {25417, 30596}, {27375, 33778}, {27447, 41318}, {27494, 30963}, {27569, 40164}, {27795, 41830}, {28605, 30598}, {28626, 42029}, {30565, 35171}, {30566, 35175}, {30579, 40040}, {30712, 42034}, {30736, 37132}, {30758, 39721}, {30829, 36588}, {30940, 43534}, {31008, 42027}, {31359, 34284}, {32679, 35139}, {33090, 40044}, {33672, 41514}, {33788, 42486}, {33809, 36955}, {33935, 43531}, {33938, 39724}, {33944, 39722}, {35516, 36100}, {35517, 36101}, {35520, 36102}, {35522, 36085}, {35543, 37129}, {35544, 37128}, {35551, 37208}, {36263, 40826}, {39044, 40098}, {39698, 39995}, {39699, 39996}, {39723, 40001}, {39725, 40035}, {39748, 40034}, {39798, 40087}, {39981, 40089}, {40327, 40339}
X(75) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 6}, {2, 1}, {3, 48}, {4, 19}, {5, 1953}, {6, 31}, {7, 57}, {8, 9}, {9, 55}, {10, 37}, {11, 2170}, {12, 2171}, {13, 2153}, {14, 2154}, {15, 2151}, {16, 2152}, {19, 25}, {20, 610}, {21, 284}, {22, 2172}, {25, 1973}, {27, 28}, {28, 1474}, {29, 1172}, {30, 2173}, {31, 32}, {32, 560}, {33, 607}, {34, 608}, {35, 2174}, {36, 7113}, {37, 42}, {38, 39}, {39, 1964}, {40, 198}, {41, 2175}, {42, 213}, {43, 2176}, {44, 902}, {45, 2177}, {46, 2178}, {47, 571}, {48, 184}, {51, 2179}, {52, 2180}, {53, 2181}, {54, 2148}, {55, 41}, {56, 604}, {57, 56}, {58, 1333}, {59, 2149}, {60, 2150}, {63, 3}, {64, 2155}, {65, 1400}, {66, 2156}, {67, 2157}, {68, 1820}, {69, 63}, {70, 2158}, {71, 228}, {72, 71}, {73, 1409}, {74, 2159}, {77, 222}, {78, 219}, {79, 2160}, {80, 2161}, {81, 58}, {82, 251}, {83, 82}, {84, 1436}, {85, 7}, {86, 81}, {87, 2162}, {88, 106}, {89, 2163}, {90, 2164}, {91, 2165}, {92, 4}, {94, 2166}, {95, 2167}, {96, 2168}, {97, 2169}, {98, 1910}, {99, 662}, {100, 101}, {101, 692}, {102, 32677}, {103, 911}, {104, 909}, {105, 1438}, {106, 9456}, {107, 24019}, {108, 32674}, {109, 1415}, {110, 163}, {111, 923}, {112, 32676}, {114, 17462}, {115, 2643}, {116, 17463}, {120, 17464}, {121, 17465}, {124, 38345}, {125, 3708}, {126, 17466}, {140, 17438}, {141, 38}, {142, 354}, {144, 165}, {145, 1743}, {147, 16559}, {148, 2640}, {149, 5540}, {150, 16560}, {158, 393}, {162, 112}, {163, 1576}, {165, 3207}, {169, 1486}, {171, 172}, {172, 7122}, {173, 42622}, {174, 266}, {177, 18888}, {178, 7707}, {184, 9247}, {187, 922}, {188, 259}, {189, 84}, {190, 100}, {191, 1030}, {192, 43}, {193, 1707}, {194, 1740}, {196, 208}, {197, 205}, {198, 2187}, {200, 220}, {201, 2197}, {204, 3172}, {206, 17453}, {208, 3209}, {209, 2198}, {210, 1334}, {213, 1918}, {214, 17455}, {218, 21059}, {219, 212}, {220, 1253}, {221, 2199}, {222, 603}, {223, 221}, {224, 3211}, {225, 1880}, {226, 65}, {228, 2200}, {230, 8772}, {234, 10490}, {237, 9417}, {238, 1914}, {239, 238}, {240, 232}, {241, 1458}, {242, 2201}, {243, 2202}, {244, 1015}, {249, 1101}, {253, 2184}, {255, 577}, {256, 893}, {257, 256}, {261, 2185}, {262, 2186}, {263, 3402}, {264, 92}, {267, 3444}, {268, 2188}, {269, 1407}, {270, 2189}, {271, 268}, {273, 278}, {274, 86}, {275, 2190}, {276, 40440}, {277, 2191}, {278, 34}, {279, 269}, {280, 282}, {281, 33}, {282, 2192}, {283, 2193}, {284, 2194}, {286, 27}, {287, 293}, {290, 1821}, {291, 292}, {292, 1911}, {293, 248}, {294, 2195}, {295, 2196}, {296, 1949}, {297, 240}, {304, 69}, {305, 304}, {306, 72}, {307, 1214}, {308, 3112}, {309, 189}, {310, 274}, {311, 14213}, {312, 8}, {313, 321}, {314, 333}, {315, 1760}, {316, 16568}, {317, 1748}, {318, 281}, {319, 3219}, {320, 3218}, {321, 10}, {322, 329}, {323, 6149}, {325, 1959}, {326, 394}, {329, 40}, {330, 87}, {331, 273}, {332, 1812}, {333, 21}, {334, 335}, {335, 291}, {336, 287}, {338, 1109}, {339, 20902}, {341, 346}, {342, 196}, {344, 3870}, {345, 78}, {346, 200}, {347, 223}, {348, 77}, {349, 1441}, {350, 239}, {354, 1475}, {360, 1049}, {364, 20673}, {365, 18753}, {366, 365}, {367, 20664}, {384, 1582}, {385, 1580}, {388, 2285}, {391, 4512}, {393, 1096}, {394, 255}, {399, 19303}, {401, 1955}, {411, 1630}, {412, 38860}, {427, 17442}, {440, 18673}, {441, 8766}, {442, 2294}, {445, 1844}, {448, 23692}, {452, 380}, {476, 32678}, {477, 36151}, {479, 738}, {480, 6602}, {483, 7014}, {484, 19297}, {487, 19216}, {488, 19215}, {497, 2082}, {502, 21353}, {508, 509}, {510, 20469}, {511, 1755}, {512, 798}, {513, 649}, {514, 513}, {515, 2182}, {516, 910}, {517, 2183}, {518, 672}, {519, 44}, {520, 822}, {521, 652}, {522, 650}, {523, 661}, {524, 896}, {525, 656}, {526, 2624}, {527, 1155}, {528, 2246}, {536, 899}, {537, 20331}, {538, 2234}, {542, 2247}, {551, 16666}, {553, 32636}, {554, 33654}, {555, 7371}, {556, 188}, {560, 1501}, {561, 76}, {564, 1879}, {572, 20986}, {573, 3185}, {579, 2352}, {593, 849}, {594, 756}, {595, 2220}, {596, 39798}, {599, 36263}, {604, 1397}, {607, 2212}, {608, 1395}, {610, 154}, {614, 16502}, {616, 19298}, {617, 19299}, {620, 17467}, {625, 17472}, {626, 4118}, {643, 5546}, {644, 3939}, {645, 643}, {646, 3699}, {647, 810}, {648, 162}, {649, 667}, {650, 663}, {651, 109}, {652, 1946}, {653, 108}, {654, 8648}, {655, 2222}, {656, 647}, {657, 8641}, {658, 934}, {659, 8632}, {660, 813}, {661, 512}, {662, 110}, {663, 3063}, {664, 651}, {666, 36086}, {667, 1919}, {668, 190}, {669, 1924}, {670, 799}, {671, 897}, {672, 2223}, {673, 105}, {674, 2225}, {675, 2224}, {677, 36039}, {678, 1017}, {679, 2226}, {685, 36104}, {687, 36114}, {689, 4593}, {690, 2642}, {691, 36142}, {692, 32739}, {693, 514}, {694, 1967}, {695, 9288}, {698, 2227}, {712, 2228}, {714, 2229}, {716, 2230}, {718, 2231}, {720, 2232}, {722, 2233}, {726, 1575}, {727, 34077}, {728, 480}, {730, 2235}, {732, 2236}, {734, 2237}, {738, 7023}, {740, 2238}, {741, 18268}, {742, 2239}, {744, 2240}, {748, 2241}, {749, 30651}, {750, 2242}, {751, 30650}, {752, 2243}, {754, 2244}, {756, 1500}, {757, 593}, {758, 2245}, {759, 34079}, {764, 21143}, {765, 1252}, {774, 800}, {775, 41890}, {789, 4586}, {798, 669}, {799, 99}, {801, 775}, {810, 3049}, {811, 648}, {812, 659}, {813, 34067}, {822, 39201}, {823, 107}, {824, 1491}, {825, 34069}, {826, 8061}, {827, 34072}, {830, 2483}, {846, 18755}, {850, 1577}, {851, 42669}, {858, 18669}, {869, 40728}, {870, 14621}, {872, 7109}, {873, 1509}, {874, 3570}, {876, 3572}, {883, 1025}, {885, 1024}, {889, 4607}, {891, 3768}, {892, 36085}, {893, 904}, {894, 171}, {895, 36060}, {896, 187}, {897, 111}, {898, 34075}, {899, 3230}, {900, 1635}, {901, 32665}, {902, 2251}, {903, 88}, {904, 7104}, {905, 1459}, {906, 32656}, {908, 517}, {909, 34858}, {912, 2252}, {914, 912}, {915, 913}, {916, 2253}, {918, 2254}, {919, 32666}, {920, 1609}, {922, 14567}, {923, 32740}, {925, 36145}, {927, 36146}, {930, 36148}, {932, 34071}, {934, 1461}, {936, 2256}, {937, 2255}, {938, 2257}, {940, 1468}, {941, 2258}, {942, 2260}, {943, 2259}, {944, 2261}, {946, 2262}, {948, 2263}, {950, 2264}, {952, 2265}, {954, 2266}, {956, 2267}, {958, 2268}, {960, 2269}, {962, 2270}, {966, 968}, {968, 2271}, {969, 967}, {971, 2272}, {976, 2273}, {978, 21769}, {980, 2274}, {982, 2275}, {984, 2276}, {985, 40746}, {986, 2277}, {993, 2278}, {996, 40401}, {1001, 2280}, {1002, 2279}, {1005, 2301}, {1006, 2302}, {1010, 2303}, {1011, 2304}, {1014, 1412}, {1015, 3248}, {1016, 765}, {1018, 4557}, {1019, 3733}, {1021, 21789}, {1022, 23345}, {1023, 23344}, {1024, 884}, {1025, 2283}, {1026, 2284}, {1029, 267}, {1031, 39725}, {1038, 2286}, {1040, 7124}, {1043, 2287}, {1045, 21779}, {1046, 2305}, {1052, 41395}, {1054, 9259}, {1064, 2288}, {1073, 19614}, {1077, 359}, {1078, 18042}, {1081, 2306}, {1082, 2307}, {1084, 4117}, {1086, 244}, {1087, 36412}, {1088, 279}, {1089, 594}, {1092, 4100}, {1093, 6520}, {1096, 2207}, {1097, 36413}, {1098, 7054}, {1099, 3163}, {1100, 2308}, {1101, 23357}, {1102, 3964}, {1107, 2309}, {1108, 40958}, {1109, 115}, {1110, 23990}, {1111, 1086}, {1113, 2576}, {1114, 2577}, {1115, 7039}, {1119, 1435}, {1120, 40400}, {1121, 1156}, {1124, 605}, {1125, 1100}, {1126, 28615}, {1143, 7010}, {1146, 2310}, {1147, 563}, {1150, 993}, {1154, 2290}, {1155, 1055}, {1156, 2291}, {1157, 19306}, {1172, 2299}, {1193, 2300}, {1201, 20228}, {1210, 1108}, {1211, 2292}, {1212, 2293}, {1213, 1962}, {1214, 73}, {1215, 2295}, {1218, 2296}, {1219, 2297}, {1220, 2298}, {1221, 40418}, {1222, 23617}, {1226, 17862}, {1228, 18697}, {1229, 4847}, {1230, 4647}, {1231, 307}, {1232, 20879}, {1233, 20880}, {1235, 20883}, {1236, 20884}, {1237, 3963}, {1240, 30710}, {1245, 2281}, {1246, 2282}, {1249, 204}, {1252, 1110}, {1253, 14827}, {1255, 1126}, {1257, 2983}, {1259, 2289}, {1260, 1802}, {1262, 24027}, {1264, 3719}, {1265, 3692}, {1266, 16610}, {1267, 3083}, {1268, 1255}, {1269, 4359}, {1274, 7001}, {1275, 7045}, {1276, 19304}, {1277, 19305}, {1278, 16569}, {1281, 19557}, {1282, 20672}, {1293, 34080}, {1302, 36149}, {1304, 36131}, {1319, 1404}, {1320, 2316}, {1323, 6610}, {1329, 17452}, {1330, 1761}, {1331, 906}, {1332, 1331}, {1333, 2206}, {1335, 606}, {1337, 19300}, {1338, 19301}, {1352, 16567}, {1368, 18671}, {1369, 21378}, {1370, 18596}, {1376, 9310}, {1385, 2317}, {1386, 21764}, {1400, 1402}, {1403, 41526}, {1407, 1106}, {1408, 16947}, {1412, 1408}, {1414, 4565}, {1422, 1413}, {1423, 1403}, {1427, 1042}, {1429, 1428}, {1432, 1431}, {1434, 1014}, {1435, 1398}, {1436, 2208}, {1440, 1422}, {1441, 226}, {1442, 2003}, {1444, 1790}, {1445, 1617}, {1446, 3668}, {1447, 1429}, {1459, 22383}, {1462, 1416}, {1465, 1457}, {1468, 5019}, {1474, 2203}, {1476, 3451}, {1488, 289}, {1490, 3197}, {1491, 3250}, {1492, 825}, {1494, 2349}, {1495, 9406}, {1496, 5065}, {1500, 872}, {1501, 1917}, {1502, 561}, {1503, 2312}, {1509, 757}, {1565, 3942}, {1575, 3009}, {1577, 523}, {1580, 1691}, {1581, 694}, {1582, 1915}, {1621, 4251}, {1631, 32664}, {1635, 1960}, {1638, 14413}, {1639, 4895}, {1647, 2087}, {1654, 846}, {1655, 1045}, {1659, 2362}, {1691, 1933}, {1698, 16777}, {1706, 1696}, {1707, 3053}, {1708, 37579}, {1712, 1033}, {1716, 21775}, {1724, 5301}, {1725, 3003}, {1726, 23843}, {1730, 23383}, {1733, 230}, {1734, 6586}, {1735, 8607}, {1736, 8608}, {1737, 8609}, {1738, 3290}, {1739, 8610}, {1740, 1613}, {1742, 20995}, {1743, 3052}, {1745, 21767}, {1748, 24}, {1749, 11063}, {1751, 2218}, {1755, 237}, {1757, 17735}, {1758, 17966}, {1759, 1631}, {1760, 22}, {1761, 199}, {1762, 3145}, {1763, 3556}, {1764, 23361}, {1766, 197}, {1769, 3310}, {1780, 41332}, {1783, 8750}, {1784, 1990}, {1785, 14571}, {1790, 1437}, {1791, 2359}, {1792, 2327}, {1795, 14578}, {1797, 36058}, {1799, 34055}, {1804, 7125}, {1812, 283}, {1813, 36059}, {1814, 36057}, {1815, 36056}, {1817, 2360}, {1818, 20752}, {1820, 2351}, {1821, 98}, {1824, 2333}, {1826, 1824}, {1829, 2354}, {1834, 40977}, {1837, 40968}, {1838, 1841}, {1839, 2355}, {1847, 1119}, {1848, 1829}, {1855, 1827}, {1858, 1195}, {1861, 5089}, {1895, 1249}, {1896, 8748}, {1897, 1783}, {1899, 2083}, {1903, 2357}, {1909, 894}, {1910, 1976}, {1911, 1922}, {1914, 2210}, {1915, 1932}, {1916, 1581}, {1917, 9233}, {1918, 2205}, {1919, 1980}, {1920, 1909}, {1921, 350}, {1922, 14598}, {1923, 41331}, {1924, 9426}, {1925, 9230}, {1926, 3978}, {1927, 8789}, {1928, 1502}, {1929, 17962}, {1930, 141}, {1931, 1326}, {1933, 14602}, {1934, 1916}, {1935, 1950}, {1936, 1951}, {1937, 1945}, {1940, 7120}, {1943, 1935}, {1944, 1936}, {1947, 1940}, {1948, 243}, {1952, 1937}, {1953, 51}, {1954, 1970}, {1955, 1971}, {1956, 1987}, {1957, 1968}, {1958, 9306}, {1959, 511}, {1962, 20970}, {1964, 3051}, {1965, 384}, {1966, 385}, {1967, 9468}, {1969, 264}, {1972, 1956}, {1973, 1974}, {1975, 1958}, {1978, 668}, {1981, 23353}, {1992, 36277}, {1993, 47}, {1994, 2964}, {1997, 36846}, {1999, 5247}, {2003, 1399}, {2006, 1411}, {2051, 34434}, {2052, 158}, {2064, 7270}, {2082, 7083}, {2083, 40947}, {2084, 688}, {2085, 8265}, {2090, 15997}, {2092, 3725}, {2099, 1405}, {2113, 18783}, {2128, 19588}, {2129, 15369}, {2151, 34394}, {2152, 34395}, {2153, 3457}, {2154, 3458}, {2155, 33581}, {2156, 2353}, {2157, 3455}, {2159, 40352}, {2160, 6186}, {2161, 6187}, {2162, 7121}, {2163, 28607}, {2166, 1989}, {2167, 54}, {2168, 41271}, {2169, 14533}, {2170, 3271}, {2171, 181}, {2172, 206}, {2173, 1495}, {2175, 9447}, {2176, 2209}, {2179, 40981}, {2181, 3199}, {2184, 64}, {2185, 60}, {2186, 263}, {2190, 8882}, {2192, 7118}, {2210, 14599}, {2221, 1472}, {2222, 32675}, {2223, 9454}, {2225, 8618}, {2227, 3229}, {2228, 8620}, {2230, 8621}, {2234, 3231}, {2235, 8622}, {2236, 8623}, {2238, 3747}, {2239, 8624}, {2240, 8625}, {2243, 8626}, {2244, 8627}, {2245, 3724}, {2247, 5191}, {2248, 18757}, {2251, 9459}, {2254, 665}, {2260, 40956}, {2269, 20967}, {2270, 20991}, {2275, 7032}, {2276, 869}, {2285, 1460}, {2287, 2328}, {2289, 6056}, {2291, 34068}, {2292, 2092}, {2293, 20229}, {2294, 40952}, {2295, 20964}, {2297, 7050}, {2299, 2204}, {2309, 1197}, {2310, 14936}, {2312, 42671}, {2319, 2053}, {2320, 2364}, {2321, 210}, {2322, 4183}, {2323, 2361}, {2324, 7074}, {2325, 3689}, {2329, 2330}, {2331, 3195}, {2339, 1036}, {2345, 612}, {2346, 1174}, {2348, 8647}, {2349, 74}, {2363, 1169}, {2421, 23997}, {2475, 1781}, {2481, 673}, {2482, 42081}, {2483, 8635}, {2484, 8646}, {2517, 6590}, {2530, 21123}, {2550, 40131}, {2574, 2578}, {2575, 2579}, {2578, 42668}, {2579, 42667}, {2580, 1113}, {2581, 1114}, {2582, 2574}, {2583, 2575}, {2588, 8105}, {2589, 8106}, {2592, 2588}, {2593, 2589}, {2594, 21741}, {2610, 42666}, {2611, 20982}, {2616, 2623}, {2617, 1625}, {2618, 12077}, {2624, 14270}, {2631, 9409}, {2632, 3269}, {2638, 39687}, {2640, 20998}, {2642, 351}, {2643, 3124}, {2644, 9218}, {2646, 21748}, {2648, 17963}, {2651, 5060}, {2664, 21788}, {2667, 21753}, {2669, 2106}, {2720, 32669}, {2770, 36150}, {2786, 9508}, {2886, 17451}, {2887, 3721}, {2893, 1762}, {2895, 191}, {2896, 16556}, {2951, 1615}, {2962, 2963}, {2964, 2965}, {2966, 36084}, {2968, 34591}, {2972, 37754}, {2975, 572}, {2986, 36053}, {2987, 36051}, {2990, 36052}, {2994, 90}, {2995, 13478}, {2996, 8769}, {2997, 1751}, {2998, 3223}, {2999, 1191}, {3005, 2084}, {3008, 1279}, {3009, 21760}, {3035, 17439}, {3051, 1923}, {3056, 20665}, {3057, 2347}, {3059, 8012}, {3061, 3056}, {3062, 11051}, {3064, 18344}, {3065, 19302}, {3083, 1124}, {3084, 1335}, {3085, 3553}, {3086, 3554}, {3094, 3116}, {3112, 83}, {3113, 3407}, {3114, 3113}, {3116, 3117}, {3119, 3022}, {3120, 3125}, {3122, 3121}, {3123, 6377}, {3125, 3122}, {3146, 18594}, {3151, 2939}, {3152, 18599}, {3159, 21858}, {3160, 1419}, {3161, 3158}, {3163, 42074}, {3173, 3215}, {3175, 3214}, {3177, 1742}, {3179, 42623}, {3187, 1724}, {3210, 978}, {3212, 1423}, {3216, 16685}, {3218, 36}, {3219, 35}, {3221, 23503}, {3223, 3224}, {3224, 34248}, {3226, 20332}, {3227, 37129}, {3228, 37132}, {3239, 3900}, {3241, 16670}, {3244, 16669}, {3248, 1977}, {3250, 788}, {3252, 40730}, {3257, 901}, {3260, 14206}, {3261, 693}, {3262, 908}, {3263, 3912}, {3264, 4358}, {3265, 24018}, {3266, 14210}, {3267, 14208}, {3268, 32679}, {3305, 3295}, {3306, 999}, {3307, 2590}, {3308, 2591}, {3336, 21773}, {3345, 7152}, {3362, 8761}, {3376, 11141}, {3383, 11142}, {3403, 183}, {3416, 5282}, {3434, 169}, {3436, 1766}, {3445, 38266}, {3448, 16562}, {3452, 3057}, {3454, 4016}, {3494, 34249}, {3496, 23868}, {3497, 34250}, {3501, 34247}, {3509, 17798}, {3510, 18278}, {3512, 8852}, {3570, 3573}, {3572, 875}, {3578, 3647}, {3580, 1725}, {3583, 7297}, {3585, 5341}, {3589, 17469}, {3596, 312}, {3616, 1449}, {3617, 3731}, {3621, 3973}, {3622, 16667}, {3624, 16884}, {3625, 15492}, {3626, 16814}, {3632, 16885}, {3634, 3723}, {3635, 16671}, {3636, 16668}, {3647, 17454}, {3648, 16553}, {3661, 984}, {3662, 982}, {3663, 3752}, {3666, 1193}, {3667, 4394}, {3668, 1427}, {3672, 2999}, {3673, 4000}, {3674, 24471}, {3676, 3669}, {3679, 45}, {3681, 3730}, {3682, 3990}, {3685, 3684}, {3686, 3683}, {3687, 960}, {3688, 40972}, {3692, 1260}, {3693, 2340}, {3694, 2318}, {3695, 3949}, {3699, 644}, {3700, 4041}, {3701, 2321}, {3702, 3686}, {3703, 33299}, {3704, 21033}, {3705, 3061}, {3706, 3691}, {3708, 20975}, {3710, 3694}, {3716, 4435}, {3717, 3693}, {3718, 345}, {3719, 1259}, {3720, 20963}, {3721, 3778}, {3726, 20456}, {3727, 23659}, {3728, 21838}, {3729, 1376}, {3730, 15624}, {3732, 1633}, {3735, 3764}, {3737, 7252}, {3738, 654}, {3739, 3720}, {3741, 1107}, {3742, 17474}, {3743, 4272}, {3747, 41333}, {3752, 1201}, {3757, 41239}, {3758, 17126}, {3759, 17127}, {3760, 4361}, {3761, 4363}, {3762, 900}, {3764, 30647}, {3765, 3923}, {3766, 812}, {3768, 890}, {3770, 4418}, {3772, 3924}, {3776, 3777}, {3778, 16584}, {3779, 5364}, {3782, 24443}, {3783, 16514}, {3795, 40733}, {3797, 3783}, {3807, 3799}, {3811, 2911}, {3814, 17444}, {3834, 17449}, {3835, 4083}, {3836, 3726}, {3840, 17448}, {3846, 3727}, {3864, 3862}, {3865, 3863}, {3868, 579}, {3869, 573}, {3870, 218}, {3873, 4253}, {3874, 583}, {3875, 4383}, {3877, 4266}, {3878, 4271}, {3879, 4641}, {3886, 37658}, {3887, 22108}, {3894, 5043}, {3900, 657}, {3902, 3707}, {3904, 3738}, {3907, 3287}, {3910, 17420}, {3911, 1319}, {3912, 518}, {3913, 3217}, {3914, 16583}, {3915, 16946}, {3916, 22054}, {3917, 4020}, {3920, 5280}, {3923, 4386}, {3925, 21808}, {3926, 326}, {3928, 5204}, {3929, 5217}, {3930, 20683}, {3932, 3930}, {3934, 17445}, {3935, 5526}, {3936, 758}, {3942, 3937}, {3943, 21805}, {3944, 3959}, {3948, 740}, {3949, 3690}, {3950, 4849}, {3952, 1018}, {3954, 21035}, {3957, 17745}, {3958, 22080}, {3963, 1215}, {3964, 6507}, {3969, 3678}, {3970, 22277}, {3971, 20691}, {3973, 21000}, {3975, 3685}, {3977, 5440}, {3978, 1966}, {3985, 4433}, {3990, 4055}, {3991, 4878}, {3992, 3943}, {3993, 21904}, {3995, 3293}, {3998, 3682}, {4000, 614}, {4001, 3916}, {4007, 3715}, {4008, 7735}, {4010, 21832}, {4012, 28070}, {4016, 20966}, {4017, 7180}, {4020, 20775}, {4022, 23632}, {4024, 4705}, {4025, 905}, {4026, 21840}, {4028, 21874}, {4029, 21870}, {4033, 3952}, {4035, 3962}, {4036, 4024}, {4040, 21007}, {4041, 3709}, {4043, 4651}, {4044, 3696}, {4054, 3753}, {4062, 21839}, {4063, 4057}, {4071, 20715}, {4077, 7178}, {4080, 4674}, {4081, 3119}, {4082, 4515}, {4083, 20979}, {4086, 3700}, {4087, 3975}, {4088, 24290}, {4091, 23224}, {4100, 23606}, {4101, 4047}, {4102, 32635}, {4103, 40521}, {4106, 4498}, {4107, 4164}, {4110, 27538}, {4117, 9427}, {4118, 20859}, {4120, 4730}, {4128, 21755}, {4129, 4132}, {4130, 4105}, {4131, 4091}, {4135, 21868}, {4137, 23639}, {4146, 174}, {4150, 4463}, {4153, 20713}, {4163, 4130}, {4171, 4524}, {4176, 1102}, {4182, 4166}, {4183, 2332}, {4253, 3941}, {4269, 4215}, {4303, 14597}, {4319, 30706}, {4326, 1190}, {4329, 1763}, {4357, 3666}, {4358, 519}, {4359, 1125}, {4360, 32911}, {4361, 748}, {4362, 4426}, {4363, 750}, {4366, 8300}, {4367, 20981}, {4369, 4367}, {4370, 678}, {4373, 8056}, {4374, 4369}, {4379, 4378}, {4380, 4401}, {4383, 3915}, {4384, 1001}, {4385, 2345}, {4388, 3496}, {4389, 4850}, {4391, 522}, {4393, 16468}, {4394, 8643}, {4397, 3239}, {4404, 14321}, {4408, 4382}, {4411, 4379}, {4415, 4642}, {4416, 4640}, {4417, 3869}, {4418, 5277}, {4422, 3722}, {4427, 35342}, {4429, 26242}, {4431, 3740}, {4437, 4712}, {4440, 1054}, {4441, 4384}, {4442, 16611}, {4444, 876}, {4449, 20980}, {4452, 23511}, {4453, 3960}, {4461, 8580}, {4462, 3667}, {4463, 4456}, {4466, 18210}, {4467, 14838}, {4468, 3309}, {4469, 4476}, {4479, 16816}, {4485, 3765}, {4486, 30665}, {4490, 4502}, {4495, 4396}, {4499, 25577}, {4500, 4490}, {4502, 4507}, {4505, 3807}, {4509, 3004}, {4511, 2323}, {4512, 4258}, {4514, 33950}, {4518, 4876}, {4521, 4162}, {4528, 14427}, {4529, 4477}, {4551, 4559}, {4552, 4551}, {4554, 664}, {4555, 3257}, {4558, 4575}, {4560, 3737}, {4561, 1332}, {4562, 660}, {4563, 4592}, {4564, 59}, {4566, 1020}, {4567, 4570}, {4568, 4553}, {4569, 658}, {4571, 4587}, {4572, 4554}, {4573, 1414}, {4575, 32661}, {4577, 4599}, {4583, 4562}, {4586, 1492}, {4588, 34073}, {4589, 4584}, {4590, 24041}, {4592, 4558}, {4593, 4577}, {4594, 4603}, {4596, 4629}, {4597, 4604}, {4598, 932}, {4599, 827}, {4600, 4567}, {4601, 4600}, {4602, 670}, {4604, 4588}, {4606, 8694}, {4607, 898}, {4609, 4602}, {4612, 4636}, {4614, 4627}, {4615, 4622}, {4616, 4637}, {4617, 6614}, {4618, 4638}, {4622, 4591}, {4623, 4610}, {4625, 4573}, {4626, 4617}, {4632, 4596}, {4633, 4614}, {4634, 4615}, {4635, 4616}, {4639, 4589}, {4642, 21796}, {4643, 4414}, {4645, 3509}, {4647, 1213}, {4651, 3294}, {4653, 4273}, {4654, 5221}, {4656, 4646}, {4657, 17017}, {4659, 4413}, {4664, 3240}, {4671, 3679}, {4673, 391}, {4687, 17018}, {4688, 30950}, {4692, 17369}, {4696, 17355}, {4699, 26102}, {4704, 42043}, {4705, 4079}, {4712, 6184}, {4723, 2325}, {4728, 891}, {4730, 14407}, {4736, 35069}, {4738, 4370}, {4742, 4700}, {4750, 14419}, {4751, 29814}, {4762, 4724}, {4763, 25569}, {4766, 760}, {4767, 4752}, {4768, 1639}, {4772, 25502}, {4776, 29350}, {4777, 4893}, {4778, 4790}, {4785, 4782}, {4786, 30234}, {4788, 36634}, {4789, 4160}, {4791, 4777}, {4793, 16590}, {4801, 4778}, {4802, 4813}, {4809, 14438}, {4811, 4765}, {4812, 25453}, {4813, 4834}, {4815, 4841}, {4822, 4832}, {4823, 4802}, {4841, 4822}, {4845, 18889}, {4847, 1212}, {4850, 995}, {4851, 32912}, {4855, 20818}, {4857, 7300}, {4858, 11}, {4866, 34820}, {4872, 7291}, {4873, 3711}, {4876, 7077}, {4885, 4449}, {4893, 4775}, {4903, 4050}, {4928, 21343}, {4931, 4770}, {4939, 4534}, {4944, 4814}, {4945, 4792}, {4960, 4840}, {4962, 2516}, {4968, 5750}, {4972, 16600}, {4975, 4969}, {4977, 4979}, {4978, 4977}, {4980, 3634}, {4981, 25092}, {4985, 4976}, {4986, 4422}, {4988, 4983}, {4996, 34544}, {4997, 1320}, {4998, 4564}, {4999, 17440}, {5057, 5011}, {5080, 16548}, {5089, 2356}, {5127, 19622}, {5189, 16546}, {5207, 19555}, {5209, 19623}, {5219, 2099}, {5220, 41423}, {5222, 7290}, {5223, 42316}, {5224, 28606}, {5226, 3340}, {5227, 7085}, {5228, 1471}, {5230, 5336}, {5231, 34522}, {5233, 3877}, {5235, 4653}, {5236, 1876}, {5239, 7127}, {5248, 584}, {5249, 942}, {5250, 4254}, {5254, 17872}, {5256, 16466}, {5257, 37593}, {5262, 16470}, {5263, 5276}, {5270, 5356}, {5271, 405}, {5272, 16781}, {5273, 3601}, {5278, 5248}, {5279, 5285}, {5282, 37586}, {5294, 5266}, {5296, 37553}, {5297, 16785}, {5307, 4185}, {5316, 5919}, {5328, 7962}, {5333, 4658}, {5376, 9268}, {5391, 3084}, {5392, 91}, {5393, 7969}, {5405, 7968}, {5423, 728}, {5435, 1420}, {5437, 3304}, {5440, 22356}, {5466, 23894}, {5468, 23889}, {5526, 19624}, {5539, 21783}, {5540, 16686}, {5541, 3196}, {5564, 27065}, {5572, 1202}, {5596, 16544}, {5737, 10448}, {5739, 12514}, {5741, 3878}, {5744, 3576}, {5745, 2646}, {5748, 7982}, {5749, 5269}, {5750, 3745}, {5853, 2348}, {5905, 46}, {5930, 30456}, {5936, 25430}, {5942, 1709}, {5972, 17468}, {6037, 36132}, {6046, 7147}, {6063, 85}, {6149, 50}, {6163, 41405}, {6164, 9262}, {6172, 35445}, {6173, 4860}, {6180, 9316}, {6184, 42079}, {6196, 34251}, {6212, 34125}, {6213, 34121}, {6224, 16554}, {6292, 17457}, {6327, 1759}, {6330, 8767}, {6331, 811}, {6332, 521}, {6335, 1897}, {6336, 36125}, {6347, 8965}, {6350, 18446}, {6354, 1254}, {6356, 37755}, {6358, 12}, {6360, 1745}, {6362, 21127}, {6369, 2600}, {6370, 2610}, {6374, 17149}, {6376, 192}, {6377, 38986}, {6381, 536}, {6382, 6376}, {6383, 6384}, {6384, 330}, {6385, 310}, {6386, 1978}, {6392, 33781}, {6504, 921}, {6505, 3157}, {6507, 1092}, {6508, 185}, {6509, 820}, {6513, 1069}, {6515, 920}, {6516, 1813}, {6520, 6524}, {6521, 1093}, {6528, 823}, {6535, 762}, {6536, 6155}, {6540, 37212}, {6541, 20693}, {6542, 1757}, {6544, 3251}, {6545, 764}, {6546, 6161}, {6548, 1022}, {6554, 4319}, {6555, 4936}, {6557, 3680}, {6558, 4578}, {6559, 28071}, {6590, 8678}, {6604, 1445}, {6605, 10482}, {6608, 10581}, {6625, 13610}, {6626, 38814}, {6628, 763}, {6629, 16702}, {6630, 9282}, {6631, 6163}, {6646, 17596}, {6648, 36098}, {6650, 1929}, {6651, 8298}, {6656, 17446}, {6660, 19559}, {6666, 3748}, {6692, 20323}, {6697, 17473}, {6708, 2654}, {6728, 6729}, {6731, 6726}, {6734, 40937}, {6740, 2341}, {6745, 6603}, {6757, 8818}, {6763, 5124}, {7003, 7008}, {7004, 7117}, {7008, 7154}, {7009, 7119}, {7011, 7114}, {7012, 7115}, {7013, 7011}, {7015, 7116}, {7016, 7107}, {7017, 318}, {7018, 257}, {7020, 7003}, {7023, 7366}, {7026, 19551}, {7027, 6731}, {7033, 17743}, {7035, 1016}, {7041, 7021}, {7043, 7126}, {7045, 1262}, {7046, 7079}, {7048, 258}, {7053, 7099}, {7055, 7183}, {7056, 7177}, {7057, 173}, {7058, 1098}, {7061, 41534}, {7079, 7071}, {7080, 2324}, {7081, 2329}, {7087, 40145}, {7090, 7133}, {7096, 7087}, {7097, 7169}, {7101, 7046}, {7105, 7106}, {7108, 7105}, {7110, 7073}, {7112, 4872}, {7123, 7084}, {7125, 7335}, {7129, 7151}, {7131, 1037}, {7146, 1469}, {7147, 7143}, {7148, 6378}, {7150, 42624}, {7155, 2319}, {7176, 7175}, {7177, 7053}, {7178, 4017}, {7179, 7146}, {7182, 348}, {7183, 1804}, {7185, 41777}, {7187, 7184}, {7191, 5299}, {7192, 1019}, {7195, 28017}, {7196, 7176}, {7199, 7192}, {7205, 7196}, {7216, 7250}, {7219, 7097}, {7224, 3497}, {7244, 4400}, {7249, 1432}, {7253, 1021}, {7256, 7259}, {7257, 645}, {7258, 7256}, {7260, 4594}, {7261, 3512}, {7264, 17366}, {7270, 5279}, {7277, 9340}, {7278, 7277}, {7289, 1473}, {7291, 3220}, {7292, 16784}, {7308, 3303}, {7319, 41441}, {7321, 27003}, {7357, 7096}, {7361, 3362}, {7365, 4320}, {7371, 7370}, {7391, 16545}, {7649, 6591}, {7676, 38849}, {7752, 18041}, {7757, 36289}, {7760, 33760}, {7779, 17799}, {7809, 18722}, {7952, 2331}, {8013, 21816}, {8024, 1930}, {8027, 3249}, {8033, 17103}, {8045, 38469}, {8048, 42467}, {8049, 39797}, {8051, 2137}, {8052, 38470}, {8055, 2136}, {8056, 3445}, {8058, 14298}, {8061, 3005}, {8115, 1822}, {8116, 1823}, {8125, 10231}, {8126, 1130}, {8257, 33925}, {8264, 33782}, {8287, 2611}, {8301, 2112}, {8545, 37541}, {8591, 39339}, {8666, 4268}, {8678, 2484}, {8680, 851}, {8694, 34074}, {8707, 36147}, {8715, 3204}, {8747, 5317}, {8757, 8775}, {8758, 8776}, {8765, 8778}, {8766, 8779}, {8769, 8770}, {8770, 38252}, {8771, 8780}, {8772, 1692}, {8773, 2987}, {8777, 8759}, {8781, 8773}, {8783, 19574}, {8804, 3198}, {8807, 8803}, {8817, 7131}, {8822, 1817}, {8829, 8828}, {8894, 8802}, {8897, 42461}, {9033, 2631}, {9150, 36133}, {9219, 9220}, {9223, 9224}, {9229, 9285}, {9230, 1965}, {9239, 9229}, {9247, 14575}, {9252, 436}, {9258, 9292}, {9263, 9359}, {9273, 9274}, {9278, 2054}, {9285, 695}, {9289, 9255}, {9290, 9251}, {9291, 9252}, {9293, 9396}, {9295, 9361}, {9296, 9362}, {9303, 9304}, {9307, 9258}, {9308, 1957}, {9309, 9315}, {9311, 9309}, {9312, 6180}, {9318, 5091}, {9324, 21781}, {9326, 41461}, {9328, 9343}, {9329, 9344}, {9330, 9331}, {9335, 9336}, {9340, 9341}, {9342, 9327}, {9345, 9346}, {9350, 9351}, {9359, 1979}, {9361, 9265}, {9362, 9266}, {9377, 9378}, {9395, 9217}, {9406, 9407}, {9417, 9418}, {9436, 241}, {9447, 9448}, {9454, 9455}, {9460, 9326}, {9468, 1927}, {9499, 9500}, {9505, 9506}, {9508, 5029}, {9533, 17106}, {9776, 3333}, {9780, 3247}, {9965, 15803}, {10001, 9358}, {10009, 30963}, {10015, 1769}, {10025, 9441}, {10030, 1447}, {10167, 22088}, {10309, 8602}, {10327, 17742}, {10405, 3062}, {10436, 940}, {10444, 15509}, {10447, 5737}, {10453, 21384}, {10471, 27164}, {10481, 1418}, {10489, 18885}, {10566, 18108}, {10601, 1497}, {11019, 40133}, {11107, 41502}, {11125, 14399}, {11126, 35199}, {11127, 35198}, {11130, 1095}, {11131, 1094}, {11140, 2962}, {11442, 21374}, {11585, 18670}, {11599, 9278}, {11608, 2652}, {11672, 42075}, {11677, 15487}, {11679, 958}, {11683, 4220}, {11684, 37508}, {12514, 36744}, {12526, 37499}, {12531, 12034}, {12649, 1723}, {13136, 36037}, {13138, 36049}, {13149, 36118}, {13174, 9509}, {13371, 18672}, {13386, 6212}, {13387, 6213}, {13388, 2067}, {13389, 6502}, {13390, 16232}, {13426, 13427}, {13428, 3378}, {13437, 13438}, {13439, 3377}, {13454, 13456}, {13459, 13460}, {13466, 42083}, {13476, 2350}, {13478, 2217}, {13567, 774}, {13576, 18785}, {13610, 2248}, {13754, 2315}, {14078, 14079}, {14079, 14088}, {14080, 14078}, {14100, 1200}, {14121, 42013}, {14206, 30}, {14207, 1499}, {14208, 525}, {14209, 30209}, {14210, 524}, {14211, 3627}, {14212, 382}, {14213, 5}, {14296, 4107}, {14321, 4729}, {14349, 834}, {14360, 16563}, {14361, 1712}, {14430, 4526}, {14475, 14421}, {14534, 2363}, {14552, 31424}, {14555, 5250}, {14570, 2617}, {14598, 18897}, {14599, 18892}, {14603, 1926}, {14615, 18750}, {14616, 24624}, {14618, 24006}, {14621, 985}, {14628, 14584}, {14733, 36141}, {14790, 18597}, {14829, 2975}, {14837, 6129}, {14838, 2605}, {14919, 35200}, {14920, 35201}, {14942, 294}, {14947, 9319}, {14957, 16564}, {15164, 2580}, {15165, 2581}, {15224, 15222}, {15225, 15223}, {15351, 9390}, {15352, 36126}, {15412, 2616}, {15413, 4025}, {15455, 6742}, {15466, 1895}, {15523, 3954}, {15526, 2632}, {15803, 37519}, {15891, 30336}, {15892, 30335}, {15913, 8830}, {16015, 16011}, {16016, 16012}, {16017, 164}, {16018, 361}, {16019, 503}, {16080, 36119}, {16081, 36120}, {16082, 36123}, {16284, 144}, {16468, 21793}, {16544, 20993}, {16545, 20987}, {16546, 19596}, {16547, 20988}, {16548, 20989}, {16549, 20990}, {16550, 20468}, {16551, 1626}, {16552, 8053}, {16555, 20994}, {16556, 10329}, {16557, 20996}, {16558, 20997}, {16560, 20999}, {16561, 23858}, {16562, 7669}, {16563, 2930}, {16565, 23860}, {16567, 3148}, {16568, 23}, {16569, 16969}, {16570, 5023}, {16571, 21001}, {16572, 21002}, {16574, 16678}, {16577, 2594}, {16583, 40934}, {16584, 40935}, {16585, 500}, {16586, 34586}, {16587, 40936}, {16589, 2667}, {16592, 4128}, {16594, 17460}, {16606, 23493}, {16607, 21322}, {16609, 1284}, {16610, 1149}, {16611, 39688}, {16666, 21747}, {16696, 17187}, {16703, 16887}, {16706, 7191}, {16707, 17200}, {16708, 17169}, {16709, 8025}, {16713, 17194}, {16727, 17205}, {16732, 3120}, {16737, 17212}, {16738, 18169}, {16739, 16705}, {16741, 6629}, {16747, 17171}, {16748, 17175}, {16749, 17189}, {16770, 3383}, {16771, 3376}, {16815, 16484}, {16816, 15485}, {16823, 16503}, {16826, 4649}, {16886, 7237}, {16887, 16696}, {16891, 18167}, {16892, 2530}, {16948, 33628}, {17011, 1203}, {17012, 5315}, {17014, 16469}, {17021, 16474}, {17023, 1386}, {17027, 16476}, {17028, 16497}, {17036, 1053}, {17038, 39967}, {17046, 17447}, {17047, 21329}, {17056, 2650}, {17058, 17476}, {17072, 21348}, {17073, 20277}, {17076, 7210}, {17078, 1443}, {17080, 10571}, {17082, 1424}, {17093, 4350}, {17095, 1442}, {17096, 7203}, {17102, 22063}, {17116, 17122}, {17117, 17123}, {17118, 17124}, {17119, 17125}, {17126, 609}, {17127, 7031}, {17135, 16552}, {17137, 16574}, {17143, 17277}, {17144, 17349}, {17147, 3216}, {17149, 194}, {17151, 37679}, {17158, 37681}, {17160, 37680}, {17165, 16549}, {17167, 18180}, {17169, 18164}, {17170, 7289}, {17175, 18166}, {17177, 18176}, {17178, 18192}, {17179, 18198}, {17181, 18161}, {17182, 18178}, {17183, 18163}, {17184, 3670}, {17185, 4267}, {17192, 18183}, {17197, 18191}, {17198, 18184}, {17203, 18189}, {17205, 16726}, {17206, 1444}, {17208, 18171}, {17211, 18179}, {17212, 18200}, {17217, 18197}, {17218, 18199}, {17220, 1730}, {17227, 4392}, {17228, 7226}, {17233, 3681}, {17234, 3873}, {17236, 17591}, {17239, 3989}, {17240, 4661}, {17241, 4430}, {17248, 17592}, {17254, 17593}, {17257, 17594}, {17260, 3750}, {17263, 3957}, {17264, 3935}, {17274, 17595}, {17277, 1621}, {17279, 3938}, {17280, 3961}, {17282, 17597}, {17284, 3242}, {17289, 3920}, {17291, 17598}, {17294, 5220}, {17300, 32913}, {17302, 29821}, {17303, 5311}, {17306, 17599}, {17316, 3751}, {17320, 17012}, {17321, 5256}, {17322, 17011}, {17326, 17600}, {17333, 17601}, {17338, 17715}, {17349, 8616}, {17350, 3550}, {17353, 3744}, {17356, 29818}, {17363, 7262}, {17364, 4650}, {17368, 17716}, {17370, 17024}, {17371, 29815}, {17384, 29819}, {17385, 29816}, {17390, 4722}, {17394, 37685}, {17399, 17025}, {17438, 13366}, {17439, 20958}, {17440, 20959}, {17441, 23620}, {17442, 1843}, {17443, 20961}, {17444, 20962}, {17445, 20965}, {17446, 1194}, {17447, 23636}, {17448, 22343}, {17451, 21746}, {17452, 23638}, {17453, 20968}, {17456, 20969}, {17457, 11205}, {17458, 20983}, {17459, 20971}, {17460, 20972}, {17461, 20973}, {17463, 20974}, {17464, 20455}, {17465, 23644}, {17467, 20976}, {17469, 5007}, {17472, 20977}, {17475, 20663}, {17478, 2451}, {17483, 3336}, {17484, 484}, {17487, 9324}, {17490, 21214}, {17492, 21364}, {17493, 18786}, {17494, 4040}, {17496, 21173}, {17596, 21008}, {17716, 7296}, {17731, 1931}, {17735, 18266}, {17736, 4497}, {17738, 8301}, {17739, 8424}, {17740, 997}, {17742, 12329}, {17743, 983}, {17751, 21061}, {17754, 21010}, {17755, 8299}, {17757, 21801}, {17758, 13476}, {17759, 2664}, {17760, 17792}, {17762, 1654}, {17763, 5291}, {17776, 3811}, {17778, 1046}, {17780, 1023}, {17781, 3579}, {17786, 32937}, {17787, 7081}, {17788, 4388}, {17789, 4645}, {17790, 17763}, {17791, 17484}, {17793, 17475}, {17794, 24578}, {17797, 40597}, {17798, 19554}, {17799, 2076}, {17811, 1496}, {17858, 13567}, {17859, 23292}, {17861, 3772}, {17862, 1210}, {17863, 40940}, {17864, 20305}, {17865, 21243}, {17866, 34830}, {17868, 5943}, {17869, 24005}, {17871, 3767}, {17872, 1196}, {17875, 15595}, {17876, 6388}, {17879, 15526}, {17880, 26932}, {17882, 5972}, {17883, 23583}, {17884, 5305}, {17886, 8287}, {17889, 20271}, {17890, 13881}, {17893, 30476}, {17896, 14837}, {17897, 43291}, {17898, 6587}, {17899, 8062}, {17903, 36103}, {17923, 1870}, {17924, 7649}, {17946, 17954}, {17947, 2648}, {17948, 17955}, {17949, 17957}, {17950, 1758}, {17951, 17958}, {17952, 17959}, {17953, 17960}, {17954, 17961}, {17955, 17964}, {17956, 17965}, {17958, 17967}, {17959, 17968}, {17960, 17969}, {17983, 36128}, {18022, 1969}, {18025, 36101}, {18026, 653}, {18031, 2481}, {18032, 6650}, {18033, 10030}, {18036, 40845}, {18037, 1281}, {18040, 17165}, {18041, 3060}, {18042, 5012}, {18044, 3891}, {18045, 20247}, {18046, 17150}, {18047, 4579}, {18050, 21278}, {18052, 17141}, {18053, 33798}, {18056, 7754}, {18057, 17489}, {18058, 8267}, {18059, 17499}, {18060, 25047}, {18061, 25048}, {18062, 10330}, {18064, 7760}, {18082, 18098}, {18133, 17147}, {18134, 3868}, {18135, 3875}, {18137, 17135}, {18138, 17137}, {18139, 3874}, {18140, 4360}, {18142, 20244}, {18143, 17140}, {18144, 17155}, {18145, 17160}, {18147, 3187}, {18148, 17148}, {18149, 9263}, {18150, 17154}, {18151, 149}, {18152, 17143}, {18153, 17158}, {18154, 17166}, {18155, 4560}, {18156, 193}, {18157, 30941}, {18158, 17161}, {18159, 4440}, {18160, 4467}, {18161, 26892}, {18162, 26889}, {18194, 23538}, {18197, 16695}, {18202, 14815}, {18206, 3286}, {18228, 1697}, {18230, 10389}, {18270, 19585}, {18271, 19566}, {18273, 19590}, {18274, 30634}, {18275, 19567}, {18276, 19573}, {18277, 19581}, {18297, 366}, {18314, 2618}, {18315, 36134}, {18352, 18353}, {18359, 80}, {18391, 8557}, {18446, 19350}, {18477, 5158}, {18486, 18487}, {18589, 17441}, {18592, 2658}, {18593, 1464}, {18595, 161}, {18596, 159}, {18607, 4303}, {18623, 1394}, {18641, 18675}, {18651, 18732}, {18655, 11347}, {18662, 37732}, {18663, 1044}, {18667, 1047}, {18669, 2393}, {18671, 6467}, {18689, 36949}, {18691, 26958}, {18695, 343}, {18697, 1211}, {18698, 17056}, {18713, 33586}, {18715, 9019}, {18717, 12220}, {18722, 15107}, {18736, 20222}, {18743, 145}, {18747, 20243}, {18749, 6360}, {18750, 20}, {18783, 41528}, {18815, 2006}, {18816, 34234}, {18821, 37131}, {18827, 37128}, {18829, 37134}, {18830, 4598}, {18832, 2998}, {18833, 308}, {18834, 1031}, {18835, 17788}, {18837, 6374}, {18840, 23051}, {18884, 19296}, {18891, 1921}, {18892, 18894}, {18895, 334}, {18896, 1934}, {18897, 18893}, {18906, 19591}, {19215, 10132}, {19216, 10133}, {19217, 8946}, {19218, 8948}, {19554, 18262}, {19555, 6660}, {19557, 19561}, {19558, 19560}, {19559, 19558}, {19560, 19556}, {19561, 18038}, {19562, 33788}, {19565, 3510}, {19566, 18272}, {19567, 19565}, {19571, 19572}, {19572, 19576}, {19573, 18271}, {19574, 19571}, {19576, 19578}, {19578, 19575}, {19579, 19580}, {19580, 18274}, {19581, 19579}, {19582, 3169}, {19583, 2128}, {19584, 19586}, {19586, 19587}, {19590, 18270}, {19591, 11328}, {19600, 19602}, {19602, 19603}, {19604, 40151}, {19611, 1073}, {19613, 19616}, {19614, 14642}, {19616, 19615}, {19778, 3384}, {19779, 3375}, {19786, 5262}, {19787, 16817}, {19803, 19851}, {19804, 3616}, {19822, 975}, {19875, 16672}, {19945, 1646}, {20021, 3404}, {20022, 3405}, {20023, 3403}, {20024, 3408}, {20025, 3409}, {20026, 3400}, {20027, 3401}, {20080, 16570}, {20081, 16571}, {20171, 33137}, {20201, 20324}, {20204, 20325}, {20211, 2956}, {20223, 3149}, {20234, 2887}, {20235, 18589}, {20236, 2886}, {20237, 1329}, {20238, 20306}, {20239, 20307}, {20240, 20308}, {20241, 20309}, {20245, 1764}, {20255, 21330}, {20258, 20359}, {20295, 4063}, {20305, 21318}, {20317, 42312}, {20332, 727}, {20333, 20356}, {20334, 20357}, {20335, 20358}, {20336, 306}, {20337, 20360}, {20338, 20361}, {20339, 20362}, {20340, 20363}, {20341, 20364}, {20342, 20365}, {20343, 20366}, {20344, 16550}, {20345, 17738}, {20346, 510}, {20347, 20367}, {20348, 20368}, {20349, 20369}, {20350, 20370}, {20351, 20371}, {20352, 20372}, {20353, 20373}, {20354, 20374}, {20355, 20375}, {20356, 20457}, {20357, 20458}, {20358, 20459}, {20359, 20460}, {20360, 20461}, {20361, 20462}, {20362, 20463}, {20363, 20464}, {20364, 20465}, {20365, 20466}, {20366, 20467}, {20367, 20470}, {20368, 20471}, {20369, 20472}, {20370, 20473}, {20371, 20474}, {20372, 20475}, {20373, 20476}, {20431, 120}, {20432, 3836}, {20433, 20333}, {20434, 20334}, {20435, 20335}, {20436, 20258}, {20437, 20337}, {20438, 20338}, {20439, 20339}, {20440, 20340}, {20441, 20341}, {20442, 20342}, {20443, 20343}, {20444, 6327}, {20445, 20344}, {20446, 20345}, {20447, 20346}, {20448, 20347}, {20449, 20348}, {20450, 20349}, {20451, 20350}, {20452, 20351}, {20453, 20352}, {20454, 20353}, {20464, 23566}, {20482, 20702}, {20483, 20703}, {20484, 20704}, {20485, 20705}, {20486, 20706}, {20487, 20707}, {20488, 20708}, {20489, 20709}, {20490, 20710}, {20491, 20711}, {20492, 20712}, {20495, 20714}, {20496, 20716}, {20497, 20717}, {20498, 20719}, {20499, 20720}, {20500, 20722}, {20501, 20723}, {20502, 20724}, {20527, 367}, {20533, 1282}, {20534, 364}, {20540, 20589}, {20541, 20590}, {20542, 20591}, {20543, 20592}, {20544, 20593}, {20545, 20594}, {20546, 20595}, {20547, 20596}, {20548, 20597}, {20549, 20598}, {20550, 20599}, {20551, 20600}, {20552, 20601}, {20553, 20602}, {20554, 20603}, {20555, 20604}, {20556, 20605}, {20557, 20606}, {20558, 20607}, {20559, 20608}, {20560, 20609}, {20561, 20610}, {20562, 20611}, {20565, 30690}, {20566, 18359}, {20567, 6063}, {20568, 903}, {20569, 39704}, {20570, 2994}, {20571, 5392}, {20589, 20860}, {20590, 20861}, {20591, 20862}, {20593, 20863}, {20594, 20864}, {20595, 20865}, {20596, 20866}, {20597, 20867}, {20598, 20868}, {20599, 20869}, {20600, 20870}, {20601, 20871}, {20602, 20872}, {20603, 20873}, {20604, 20874}, {20605, 20875}, {20606, 20876}, {20607, 20877}, {20610, 20878}, {20627, 626}, {20628, 20540}, {20629, 20541}, {20630, 20542}, {20631, 20543}, {20632, 20544}, {20633, 20545}, {20634, 20546}, {20635, 20547}, {20636, 20548}, {20637, 20549}, {20638, 20550}, {20639, 20551}, {20641, 315}, {20642, 20552}, {20643, 20553}, {20644, 20554}, {20645, 20555}, {20646, 20556}, {20647, 20557}, {20648, 20558}, {20649, 20559}, {20650, 20560}, {20651, 20561}, {20652, 20562}, {20653, 21810}, {20683, 39258}, {20684, 4531}, {20769, 7193}, {20785, 20777}, {20859, 2085}, {20879, 140}, {20880, 142}, {20881, 3035}, {20882, 4999}, {20883, 427}, {20884, 858}, {20886, 25639}, {20887, 3814}, {20888, 3739}, {20889, 3934}, {20890, 17046}, {20891, 3741}, {20892, 3840}, {20893, 3834}, {20894, 34824}, {20895, 3452}, {20896, 3454}, {20898, 6292}, {20899, 34832}, {20900, 16594}, {20901, 116}, {20902, 125}, {20903, 620}, {20904, 625}, {20905, 11019}, {20906, 3835}, {20907, 4885}, {20908, 3837}, {20909, 21260}, {20910, 23301}, {20911, 4357}, {20912, 4892}, {20913, 24325}, {20914, 4329}, {20915, 7391}, {20916, 5189}, {20917, 24349}, {20920, 5080}, {20921, 962}, {20922, 21285}, {20923, 10453}, {20924, 320}, {20925, 42697}, {20926, 21270}, {20927, 3434}, {20928, 3436}, {20929, 1330}, {20930, 5905}, {20931, 5596}, {20932, 2895}, {20933, 21289}, {20934, 2896}, {20935, 3177}, {20937, 30578}, {20939, 148}, {20940, 150}, {20941, 3448}, {20942, 3621}, {20943, 1278}, {20944, 316}, {20945, 20081}, {20946, 36845}, {20947, 6542}, {20948, 850}, {20949, 20295}, {20951, 21221}, {20952, 21301}, {20954, 17494}, {20955, 6646}, {20956, 17491}, {20966, 40986}, {20979, 8640}, {21011, 21807}, {21020, 16589}, {21021, 21803}, {21024, 3728}, {21025, 22167}, {21029, 21804}, {21031, 21809}, {21033, 40966}, {21035, 21814}, {21038, 21817}, {21039, 21795}, {21043, 21833}, {21044, 4516}, {21051, 21834}, {21054, 21824}, {21057, 21829}, {21060, 21872}, {21067, 21865}, {21070, 22271}, {21073, 21867}, {21075, 21871}, {21077, 21853}, {21078, 22276}, {21080, 21877}, {21081, 21873}, {21083, 21880}, {21084, 21856}, {21085, 21879}, {21089, 21899}, {21090, 21889}, {21091, 22321}, {21093, 21888}, {21098, 21890}, {21100, 21893}, {21120, 6615}, {21127, 2488}, {21138, 3123}, {21139, 4014}, {21143, 8027}, {21147, 478}, {21178, 16757}, {21186, 6588}, {21189, 6589}, {21192, 31947}, {21207, 16732}, {21211, 38238}, {21214, 21785}, {21216, 1716}, {21218, 32462}, {21220, 5539}, {21221, 21381}, {21231, 21319}, {21232, 21320}, {21233, 21321}, {21234, 21323}, {21235, 21324}, {21236, 21325}, {21237, 21326}, {21238, 21327}, {21239, 21328}, {21240, 4022}, {21241, 21331}, {21242, 21332}, {21244, 21333}, {21245, 4137}, {21246, 21334}, {21247, 21335}, {21248, 21336}, {21249, 17456}, {21250, 21337}, {21251, 21338}, {21252, 21339}, {21253, 21340}, {21254, 21341}, {21255, 21342}, {21256, 21344}, {21257, 21345}, {21258, 21346}, {21259, 21347}, {21260, 17458}, {21261, 21349}, {21262, 21350}, {21263, 21351}, {21264, 21352}, {21270, 1726}, {21271, 21361}, {21272, 21362}, {21273, 21363}, {21274, 21365}, {21275, 21366}, {21276, 21367}, {21277, 21368}, {21278, 21369}, {21279, 21370}, {21281, 21371}, {21282, 21372}, {21283, 21373}, {21285, 16551}, {21286, 21375}, {21287, 21376}, {21288, 21377}, {21289, 16555}, {21290, 16561}, {21291, 21380}, {21293, 21382}, {21294, 16565}, {21295, 21383}, {21296, 3928}, {21297, 21385}, {21298, 21386}, {21299, 21387}, {21300, 21388}, {21301, 21389}, {21302, 21390}, {21303, 21391}, {21304, 21392}, {21305, 21393}, {21318, 23619}, {21319, 23621}, {21320, 23622}, {21321, 23623}, {21322, 23624}, {21323, 23625}, {21324, 23626}, {21325, 23627}, {21326, 23628}, {21327, 23629}, {21328, 23630}, {21329, 23631}, {21330, 22199}, {21331, 23633}, {21332, 23634}, {21333, 23637}, {21334, 23640}, {21335, 23641}, {21336, 23642}, {21337, 23643}, {21338, 23645}, {21339, 23646}, {21340, 23647}, {21341, 23648}, {21342, 23649}, {21343, 23650}, {21344, 23651}, {21345, 23652}, {21346, 23653}, {21347, 23654}, {21348, 23655}, {21349, 23656}, {21350, 23657}, {21351, 23658}, {21352, 23660}, {21361, 23844}, {21362, 23845}, {21363, 23846}, {21364, 23847}, {21365, 23848}, {21366, 23849}, {21367, 23850}, {21368, 1324}, {21369, 23851}, {21370, 22654}, {21371, 23853}, {21372, 23854}, {21373, 23855}, {21374, 157}, {21375, 2933}, {21376, 2915}, {21377, 23856}, {21378, 2916}, {21379, 23857}, {21380, 23859}, {21381, 21004}, {21382, 23402}, {21383, 23861}, {21384, 20992}, {21385, 4491}, {21386, 23862}, {21387, 23863}, {21388, 23864}, {21389, 21005}, {21390, 23865}, {21391, 23866}, {21392, 23867}, {21393, 23403}, {21403, 21231}, {21404, 21232}, {21405, 21233}, {21406, 1368}, {21407, 16607}, {21408, 21234}, {21409, 21235}, {21410, 21236}, {21411, 21237}, {21412, 21238}, {21413, 21239}, {21414, 17047}, {21415, 21240}, {21416, 20255}, {21417, 21241}, {21418, 21242}, {21420, 21244}, {21421, 21245}, {21422, 21246}, {21423, 21247}, {21424, 21248}, {21425, 21249}, {21426, 21250}, {21427, 121}, {21428, 21251}, {21429, 21252}, {21430, 21253}, {21431, 21254}, {21432, 21255}, {21433, 4928}, {21434, 21256}, {21435, 21257}, {21436, 21258}, {21437, 21259}, {21438, 17072}, {21439, 21261}, {21440, 21262}, {21441, 21263}, {21442, 3846}, {21443, 21264}, {21453, 1170}, {21454, 3361}, {21530, 18674}, {21579, 21271}, {21580, 21272}, {21581, 21273}, {21582, 1370}, {21583, 17492}, {21584, 21274}, {21585, 21275}, {21586, 21276}, {21587, 21277}, {21588, 21279}, {21589, 21280}, {21590, 21281}, {21591, 21282}, {21592, 21283}, {21593, 11442}, {21594, 21286}, {21595, 21287}, {21596, 20245}, {21597, 21288}, {21598, 1369}, {21600, 21290}, {21601, 21291}, {21602, 21293}, {21603, 21294}, {21604, 21295}, {21605, 21296}, {21606, 21297}, {21607, 21298}, {21608, 21299}, {21609, 6604}, {21610, 21300}, {21611, 21302}, {21612, 21303}, {21613, 21304}, {21614, 21305}, {21615, 4441}, {21617, 5173}, {21677, 21811}, {21688, 22202}, {21699, 21820}, {21713, 22206}, {21725, 21823}, {21739, 3065}, {21751, 8022}, {21779, 18756}, {21814, 41267}, {21832, 4455}, {21921, 4890}, {21927, 22173}, {21941, 20686}, {21951, 22172}, {22000, 22300}, {22005, 22273}, {22008, 22275}, {22009, 22285}, {22011, 22279}, {22013, 22328}, {22015, 22297}, {22016, 4685}, {22018, 22272}, {22019, 22278}, {22020, 22299}, {22021, 209}, {22025, 22304}, {22028, 21080}, {22031, 22313}, {22032, 22308}, {22035, 22323}, {22038, 22326}, {22054, 23201}, {22065, 22389}, {22097, 22345}, {22108, 8645}, {22116, 3252}, {22130, 36033}, {22206, 21700}, {22271, 40586}, {22299, 3588}, {22339, 2582}, {22340, 2583}, {22356, 23202}, {22370, 20760}, {22464, 1465}, {23051, 39951}, {23062, 479}, {23086, 15373}, {23357, 23995}, {23493, 21759}, {23503, 9491}, {23511, 1616}, {23512, 1610}, {23528, 20262}, {23529, 20310}, {23536, 20227}, {23537, 40941}, {23581, 16608}, {23582, 24000}, {23586, 24013}, {23590, 24022}, {23598, 23352}, {23620, 22363}, {23661, 40942}, {23674, 16599}, {23681, 17054}, {23685, 20316}, {23707, 32726}, {23800, 43060}, {23807, 21191}, {23824, 16742}, {23843, 2908}, {23874, 2522}, {23880, 17418}, {23886, 25142}, {23889, 5467}, {23890, 23346}, {23891, 23343}, {23892, 23349}, {23893, 23351}, {23894, 9178}, {23962, 23994}, {23970, 24010}, {23972, 42077}, {23974, 24020}, {23978, 24026}, {23980, 42078}, {23983, 24031}, {23984, 24033}, {23986, 42076}, {23989, 1111}, {23994, 338}, {23995, 23963}, {23996, 11672}, {23997, 14966}, {23999, 23582}, {24000, 23964}, {24001, 4240}, {24002, 3676}, {24004, 17780}, {24006, 2501}, {24010, 35508}, {24011, 23586}, {24013, 23971}, {24014, 23972}, {24015, 23973}, {24016, 32668}, {24018, 520}, {24019, 32713}, {24021, 23590}, {24022, 23975}, {24023, 23976}, {24024, 23977}, {24026, 1146}, {24027, 23979}, {24028, 23980}, {24029, 23981}, {24031, 35072}, {24032, 23984}, {24033, 23985}, {24034, 23986}, {24035, 23987}, {24037, 4590}, {24038, 2482}, {24039, 5468}, {24041, 249}, {24145, 38458}, {24165, 16604}, {24199, 3742}, {24206, 17471}, {24210, 41015}, {24243, 19217}, {24244, 19218}, {24281, 36267}, {24310, 13738}, {24325, 24512}, {24342, 40750}, {24349, 17754}, {24443, 17053}, {24478, 30646}, {24479, 30648}, {24505, 3571}, {24512, 20985}, {24524, 17350}, {24578, 2110}, {24582, 11712}, {24589, 551}, {24597, 37817}, {24603, 15569}, {24624, 759}, {24627, 37617}, {24635, 991}, {24789, 28082}, {24993, 39595}, {25001, 13405}, {25006, 16601}, {25054, 39337}, {25058, 4281}, {25083, 1818}, {25098, 22090}, {25259, 1734}, {25278, 25728}, {25280, 17261}, {25303, 17120}, {25430, 2334}, {25453, 16974}, {25527, 37549}, {25590, 37674}, {25639, 17443}, {25666, 4879}, {25728, 4421}, {25760, 3735}, {25900, 39541}, {25935, 5728}, {26015, 43065}, {26065, 37552}, {26166, 17859}, {26223, 5264}, {26227, 16788}, {26234, 17023}, {26538, 24239}, {26543, 11031}, {26544, 24802}, {26546, 21185}, {26563, 3663}, {26580, 4424}, {26591, 31397}, {26611, 24028}, {26626, 16475}, {26685, 3749}, {26792, 11010}, {26842, 3337}, {26932, 7004}, {26942, 201}, {26959, 18170}, {27003, 5563}, {27064, 5255}, {27065, 3746}, {27131, 5697}, {27164, 10458}, {27184, 986}, {27186, 18398}, {27191, 3315}, {27268, 42042}, {27287, 37529}, {27288, 4335}, {27318, 24661}, {27339, 37523}, {27382, 7070}, {27396, 3190}, {27424, 7155}, {27474, 3789}, {27475, 1002}, {27478, 28600}, {27481, 3795}, {27483, 30571}, {27495, 40774}, {27509, 1040}, {27538, 3208}, {27558, 24048}, {27569, 21085}, {27644, 38832}, {27647, 39548}, {27757, 4867}, {27792, 17164}, {27801, 313}, {27805, 3903}, {27808, 4033}, {27809, 18793}, {27818, 19604}, {27834, 1293}, {27853, 874}, {27855, 4375}, {27918, 27846}, {27929, 38348}, {28391, 41350}, {28604, 1961}, {28605, 1698}, {28606, 386}, {28609, 37567}, {28626, 39948}, {28650, 27789}, {28653, 17019}, {28654, 1089}, {28659, 3596}, {28660, 314}, {28706, 18695}, {28739, 8270}, {28740, 8271}, {28808, 3872}, {28809, 3886}, {28840, 4784}, {28878, 7659}, {28956, 13279}, {29007, 3256}, {29433, 16684}, {29477, 17221}, {29574, 4663}, {29579, 16496}, {29584, 16477}, {29598, 38315}, {29611, 7174}, {29616, 5223}, {29627, 3243}, {29965, 35645}, {29966, 35892}, {29982, 42057}, {30007, 35631}, {30019, 38484}, {30035, 37521}, {30225, 36278}, {30379, 3660}, {30473, 32925}, {30476, 17478}, {30479, 2339}, {30545, 3212}, {30547, 24579}, {30556, 2066}, {30557, 5414}, {30565, 3887}, {30566, 2802}, {30567, 12513}, {30568, 3913}, {30571, 25426}, {30578, 5541}, {30583, 14437}, {30591, 4988}, {30593, 30581}, {30594, 30582}, {30596, 28605}, {30598, 25417}, {30599, 25526}, {30608, 2320}, {30625, 11495}, {30660, 17739}, {30661, 18754}, {30667, 18794}, {30669, 18787}, {30687, 1905}, {30690, 79}, {30693, 5423}, {30694, 1721}, {30695, 2951}, {30699, 1722}, {30710, 1220}, {30712, 39980}, {30713, 3701}, {30730, 4069}, {30758, 17316}, {30805, 4131}, {30806, 527}, {30807, 516}, {30827, 2098}, {30829, 3241}, {30852, 1482}, {30854, 390}, {30855, 10700}, {30857, 10695}, {30866, 24841}, {30874, 35548}, {30875, 35533}, {30892, 26230}, {30939, 16704}, {30940, 33295}, {30941, 18206}, {30942, 16975}, {30946, 37555}, {30950, 16971}, {30963, 4393}, {30966, 40773}, {31002, 3227}, {31008, 33296}, {31018, 5119}, {31019, 5902}, {31053, 5903}, {31130, 17284}, {31134, 36283}, {31150, 4794}, {31164, 36279}, {31231, 1388}, {31330, 5283}, {31359, 941}, {31424, 37504}, {31526, 34497}, {31527, 2124}, {31598, 28039}, {31600, 34052}, {31605, 43049}, {31618, 21453}, {31623, 29}, {31625, 7035}, {31627, 3160}, {31631, 3193}, {31637, 1814}, {31995, 5437}, {31997, 17379}, {31998, 2644}, {32005, 36646}, {32008, 2346}, {32009, 40433}, {32010, 40432}, {32014, 40438}, {32017, 1222}, {32018, 1268}, {32020, 3226}, {32023, 9311}, {32024, 7676}, {32025, 33761}, {32033, 33784}, {32041, 37138}, {32042, 37211}, {32087, 7308}, {32092, 15668}, {32099, 3929}, {32104, 17259}, {32428, 2313}, {32462, 21778}, {32577, 34543}, {32635, 33635}, {32664, 40370}, {32665, 32719}, {32678, 14560}, {32679, 526}, {32680, 476}, {32726, 34078}, {32771, 17750}, {32777, 976}, {32779, 30115}, {32783, 16519}, {32784, 41269}, {32816, 18713}, {32851, 4511}, {32858, 5904}, {32863, 6763}, {32911, 595}, {32913, 33863}, {32922, 33854}, {32933, 25440}, {32937, 3501}, {32939, 404}, {33077, 5692}, {33091, 17744}, {33113, 22836}, {33116, 34772}, {33129, 30117}, {33137, 16968}, {33146, 24046}, {33296, 27644}, {33299, 3688}, {33651, 34065}, {33673, 18623}, {33677, 10025}, {33760, 1627}, {33761, 33771}, {33762, 33772}, {33763, 33773}, {33764, 1078}, {33765, 38859}, {33766, 33774}, {33767, 33762}, {33768, 33763}, {33769, 33764}, {33770, 33766}, {33775, 32025}, {33776, 33767}, {33777, 33768}, {33778, 33769}, {33779, 33770}, {33780, 4452}, {33781, 1611}, {33782, 33786}, {33784, 41396}, {33787, 6392}, {33788, 8264}, {33789, 32033}, {33790, 33801}, {33791, 33802}, {33792, 23374}, {33793, 35222}, {33794, 35224}, {33795, 33804}, {33796, 33790}, {33797, 33791}, {33798, 33793}, {33800, 33795}, {33805, 1494}, {33806, 33796}, {33807, 33797}, {33808, 6515}, {33809, 33799}, {33888, 2108}, {33889, 3507}, {33890, 41886}, {33930, 3662}, {33931, 3661}, {33932, 17233}, {33933, 17234}, {33934, 4389}, {33935, 5224}, {33936, 4643}, {33937, 17279}, {33938, 17280}, {33939, 319}, {33940, 16706}, {33941, 17289}, {33942, 4851}, {33943, 17300}, {33944, 17302}, {33945, 4657}, {33946, 3888}, {34020, 34063}, {34021, 39915}, {34050, 1455}, {34055, 1176}, {34060, 34488}, {34065, 19121}, {34072, 4630}, {34075, 32718}, {34085, 927}, {34086, 34020}, {34234, 104}, {34258, 31359}, {34284, 10436}, {34387, 4858}, {34388, 6358}, {34393, 36100}, {34403, 19611}, {34404, 280}, {34528, 42066}, {34537, 24037}, {34538, 24021}, {34544, 215}, {34589, 11998}, {34591, 3270}, {34824, 17450}, {34832, 17459}, {34860, 39956}, {34892, 34893}, {34914, 34916}, {35008, 35009}, {35025, 25820}, {35026, 36258}, {35027, 36256}, {35028, 36261}, {35029, 36257}, {35057, 9404}, {35058, 39748}, {35068, 4094}, {35071, 42080}, {35072, 2638}, {35092, 42084}, {35110, 42082}, {35139, 32680}, {35145, 37142}, {35148, 37135}, {35157, 37139}, {35171, 37143}, {35174, 655}, {35175, 37222}, {35179, 37216}, {35181, 37210}, {35193, 35192}, {35198, 11136}, {35199, 11135}, {35200, 18877}, {35201, 39176}, {35338, 35326}, {35342, 35327}, {35508, 24012}, {35511, 9395}, {35517, 30807}, {35518, 6332}, {35519, 4391}, {35543, 6381}, {35544, 3948}, {35550, 3936}, {35551, 4766}, {35956, 36269}, {35957, 24482}, {35958, 36268}, {35959, 36273}, {35960, 24504}, {35962, 36275}, {35963, 36265}, {35964, 36262}, {35965, 36264}, {36034, 32640}, {36035, 1637}, {36036, 2966}, {36037, 32641}, {36038, 10015}, {36039, 32642}, {36040, 32643}, {36041, 32644}, {36042, 32645}, {36043, 32646}, {36044, 32647}, {36045, 32648}, {36046, 32649}, {36047, 32650}, {36048, 32651}, {36049, 32652}, {36050, 32653}, {36051, 32654}, {36052, 32655}, {36053, 14910}, {36056, 32657}, {36057, 32658}, {36058, 32659}, {36059, 32660}, {36060, 14908}, {36061, 32662}, {36062, 32663}, {36067, 32667}, {36068, 32670}, {36069, 32671}, {36070, 32672}, {36071, 32673}, {36083, 32681}, {36084, 2715}, {36085, 691}, {36086, 919}, {36087, 32682}, {36088, 32683}, {36089, 32684}, {36090, 32685}, {36091, 32686}, {36092, 32687}, {36093, 32688}, {36094, 32689}, {36095, 10423}, {36096, 23969}, {36097, 32690}, {36098, 8687}, {36099, 32691}, {36100, 102}, {36101, 103}, {36102, 477}, {36103, 21148}, {36104, 32696}, {36105, 32697}, {36106, 32698}, {36107, 32699}, {36108, 32700}, {36109, 32701}, {36110, 32702}, {36111, 32703}, {36112, 32705}, {36113, 32707}, {36114, 32708}, {36115, 32709}, {36116, 32711}, {36117, 32712}, {36118, 32714}, {36119, 8749}, {36120, 6531}, {36124, 8751}, {36125, 8752}, {36126, 6529}, {36128, 8753}, {36131, 32715}, {36132, 32716}, {36133, 32717}, {36134, 14586}, {36135, 32720}, {36136, 32721}, {36137, 32723}, {36138, 32724}, {36139, 32725}, {36140, 32727}, {36141, 32728}, {36142, 32729}, {36143, 32731}, {36144, 32733}, {36145, 32734}, {36146, 32735}, {36147, 32736}, {36148, 32737}, {36149, 32738}, {36150, 32741}, {36215, 36276}, {36217, 36281}, {36263, 574}, {36277, 1384}, {36289, 9463}, {36479, 36404}, {36588, 39963}, {36598, 36614}, {36602, 36619}, {36606, 36603}, {36624, 36629}, {36625, 36627}, {36634, 36647}, {36640, 36636}, {36789, 1099}, {36790, 23996}, {36791, 4738}, {36792, 24038}, {36793, 17879}, {36796, 14942}, {36799, 8851}, {36805, 1120}, {36807, 1280}, {36834, 14969}, {36838, 4626}, {36845, 16572}, {36863, 4595}, {36908, 40933}, {37086, 41230}, {37128, 741}, {37129, 739}, {37130, 675}, {37131, 840}, {37132, 729}, {37133, 789}, {37134, 805}, {37135, 2702}, {37136, 2720}, {37137, 29055}, {37138, 8693}, {37139, 14733}, {37140, 36069}, {37141, 8059}, {37142, 2249}, {37143, 1308}, {37202, 26702}, {37203, 915}, {37204, 689}, {37205, 34594}, {37206, 1292}, {37207, 30664}, {37208, 761}, {37209, 29351}, {37210, 8691}, {37211, 8652}, {37212, 8701}, {37214, 43363}, {37215, 1310}, {37216, 1296}, {37217, 30247}, {37218, 835}, {37220, 2373}, {37221, 9076}, {37222, 2718}, {37279, 41227}, {37444, 18595}, {37543, 1451}, {37638, 18477}, {37680, 40091}, {37732, 21770}, {37754, 34980}, {37755, 1425}, {37756, 7292}, {37757, 38459}, {37758, 38460}, {37771, 1421}, {37772, 19373}, {37773, 7051}, {37774, 3100}, {37779, 1749}, {37780, 1323}, {37781, 1768}, {37783, 5127}, {37787, 2078}, {37788, 26015}, {37789, 5193}, {37790, 1877}, {37800, 34036}, {37805, 23710}, {37870, 5331}, {38247, 36598}, {38262, 38275}, {38275, 36615}, {38298, 20061}, {38340, 26700}, {38347, 38365}, {38417, 1133}, {38462, 8756}, {38468, 30379}, {38470, 34076}, {38810, 40415}, {38830, 38847}, {38847, 40416}, {38906, 30878}, {38930, 42446}, {38955, 2250}, {38986, 21762}, {39028, 39916}, {39044, 4366}, {39060, 2639}, {39062, 2633}, {39126, 5435}, {39130, 1903}, {39273, 3423}, {39337, 9431}, {39345, 39335}, {39346, 39336}, {39347, 39338}, {39348, 39340}, {39349, 39343}, {39350, 39341}, {39351, 9355}, {39352, 2629}, {39353, 39344}, {39355, 39342}, {39467, 41840}, {39694, 979}, {39695, 39947}, {39696, 39946}, {39697, 39981}, {39702, 39975}, {39703, 39969}, {39704, 89}, {39707, 26745}, {39708, 39982}, {39710, 39962}, {39712, 39957}, {39714, 39979}, {39716, 39958}, {39717, 39971}, {39718, 9510}, {39721, 39954}, {39722, 39977}, {39724, 7194}, {39725, 14370}, {39727, 41513}, {39731, 3618}, {39732, 40188}, {39733, 13575}, {39734, 39950}, {39735, 8049}, {39737, 39961}, {39738, 39972}, {39739, 39965}, {39741, 39970}, {39742, 39966}, {39747, 39949}, {39748, 39964}, {39749, 39959}, {39775, 34253}, {39797, 34444}, {39798, 40148}, {39914, 34252}, {39925, 2665}, {39947, 34430}, {39963, 41436}, {39970, 34445}, {39994, 39697}, {39995, 17495}, {39996, 30579}, {40001, 33090}, {40004, 39734}, {40005, 39735}, {40009, 39733}, {40010, 35058}, {40011, 2997}, {40012, 34860}, {40013, 596}, {40014, 4373}, {40015, 7219}, {40016, 18833}, {40017, 18827}, {40022, 39731}, {40023, 5936}, {40024, 39717}, {40025, 39741}, {40026, 36606}, {40027, 38247}, {40028, 39721}, {40029, 36588}, {40033, 39722}, {40034, 18133}, {40035, 20934}, {40036, 39727}, {40037, 39726}, {40038, 39724}, {40039, 39698}, {40040, 39699}, {40044, 39723}, {40050, 40364}, {40071, 20336}, {40072, 28660}, {40073, 20641}, {40074, 20944}, {40075, 20924}, {40087, 18140}, {40088, 18152}, {40089, 18145}, {40091, 33882}, {40098, 30663}, {40131, 37580}, {40133, 20978}, {40149, 225}, {40151, 16945}, {40152, 22341}, {40154, 17107}, {40162, 18832}, {40165, 7049}, {40166, 21132}, {40214, 17104}, {40215, 16944}, {40216, 17758}, {40217, 22116}, {40300, 40302}, {40301, 40300}, {40327, 40338}, {40339, 40301}, {40361, 33806}, {40362, 1928}, {40363, 28659}, {40364, 305}, {40365, 20444}, {40370, 40371}, {40382, 33783}, {40383, 40375}, {40393, 2216}, {40399, 1167}, {40414, 40431}, {40418, 1258}, {40420, 1476}, {40422, 40435}, {40424, 40399}, {40432, 1178}, {40434, 41434}, {40435, 943}, {40438, 1171}, {40439, 40408}, {40440, 275}, {40443, 1803}, {40471, 14991}, {40493, 36854}, {40495, 3261}, {40504, 40147}, {40515, 40504}, {40571, 1780}, {40592, 501}, {40593, 31526}, {40594, 39148}, {40603, 3159}, {40612, 6126}, {40619, 17761}, {40624, 34589}, {40626, 34588}, {40650, 38003}, {40699, 15891}, {40700, 15892}, {40701, 342}, {40702, 347}, {40703, 297}, {40704, 9436}, {40716, 21739}, {40718, 40747}, {40719, 5228}, {40720, 40753}, {40721, 40749}, {40722, 40751}, {40723, 40765}, {40724, 40754}, {40725, 40767}, {40728, 18900}, {40737, 40770}, {40738, 40763}, {40739, 40757}, {40740, 40766}, {40741, 40768}, {40742, 40772}, {40743, 40752}, {40773, 3736}, {40814, 4008}, {40836, 7129}, {40837, 207}, {40838, 7007}, {40843, 296}, {40845, 7261}, {40846, 7061}, {40848, 41531}, {40850, 34054}, {40862, 9364}, {40863, 23693}, {40864, 14189}, {40869, 41339}, {40873, 41532}, {40874, 2669}, {40875, 5205}, {40880, 9371}, {40882, 2651}, {40934, 21750}, {40935, 21751}, {40936, 21752}, {40937, 14547}, {40940, 1104}, {40952, 40978}, {40962, 40969}, {40963, 40970}, {40977, 40984}, {40999, 16577}, {41004, 26934}, {41005, 6508}, {41006, 14100}, {41013, 1826}, {41014, 3958}, {41072, 37207}, {41079, 36035}, {41081, 1433}, {41083, 3194}, {41140, 3246}, {41239, 19133}, {41283, 20567}, {41314, 23891}, {41318, 17752}, {41497, 41368}, {41514, 3345}, {41532, 41882}, {41535, 40874}, {41629, 16948}, {41760, 17871}, {41777, 7248}, {41798, 4845}, {41804, 18593}, {41809, 3743}, {41821, 5506}, {41847, 14996}, {41875, 20090}, {41878, 34195}, {41886, 20284}, {41915, 3646}, {42005, 5949}, {42012, 32561}, {42014, 32578}, {42027, 16606}, {42029, 9780}, {42033, 4420}, {42034, 3617}, {42051, 27627}, {42066, 9560}, {42074, 9408}, {42075, 9419}, {42079, 39686}, {42081, 39689}, {42285, 39974}, {42303, 42301}, {42311, 10509}, {42371, 37204}, {42455, 42462}, {42456, 21854}, {42467, 3435}, {42483, 8917}, {42554, 20898}, {42555, 6164}, {42696, 3305}, {42697, 3306}, {42708, 21674}, {42709, 16086}, {42710, 21081}, {42712, 4061}, {42713, 4062}, {42719, 2398}, {42720, 1026}, {42754, 42753}, {43035, 1456}, {43040, 1463}, {43071, 43070}, {43093, 37130}, {43099, 37208}, {43187, 36036}, {43531, 2214}
{X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 86, 17394}, {1, 274, 31997}, {1, 304, 18156}, {1, 1733, 4008}, {1, 1740, 1964}, {1, 1930, 304}, {1, 2234, 36289}, {1, 3403, 1966}, {1, 3875, 4360}, {1, 4360, 17393}, {1, 10436, 86}, {1, 10447, 314}, {1, 16571, 1740}, {1, 17143, 17144}, {1, 17151, 3875}, {1, 18691, 17858}, {1, 18695, 33808}, {1, 25528, 24661}, {1, 25590, 10436}, {1, 32092, 274}, {1, 32104, 17143}, {1, 33933, 33943}, {1, 33935, 17762}, {1, 33943, 41875}, {2, 37, 4687}, {2, 192, 37}, {2, 312, 18743}, {2, 321, 312}, {2, 344, 17263}, {2, 345, 33116}, {2, 346, 344}, {2, 350, 30963}, {2, 1229, 20946}, {2, 1267, 32791}, {2, 1278, 192}, {2, 2345, 17289}, {2, 3210, 3666}, {2, 3263, 30758}, {2, 3672, 17321}, {2, 3739, 4751}, {2, 4000, 16706}, {2, 4358, 30829}, {2, 4359, 19804}, {2, 4441, 350}, {2, 4452, 3672}, {2, 4461, 346}, {2, 4657, 17400}, {2, 4671, 4358}, {2, 4686, 3644}, {2, 4699, 3739}, {2, 4704, 27268}, {2, 4726, 4764}, {2, 4772, 4699}, {2, 4788, 4704}, {2, 4821, 1278}, {2, 4980, 42029}, {2, 5391, 32792}, {2, 16610, 31233}, {2, 16706, 17370}, {2, 17147, 28606}, {2, 17279, 17341}, {2, 17280, 17279}, {2, 17281, 17342}, {2, 17289, 17371}, {2, 17301, 17399}, {2, 17302, 4657}, {2, 17321, 17322}, {2, 17358, 17357}, {2, 17383, 17384}, {2, 17490, 3752}, {2, 17495, 4850}, {2, 17740, 32851}, {2, 17759, 2276}, {2, 19785, 19786}, {2, 19786, 19812}, {2, 19787, 19803}, {2, 19788, 19802}, {2, 19789, 19785}, {2, 19808, 19827}, {2, 19810, 19806}, {2, 19818, 19801}, {2, 19819, 19796}, {2, 19820, 19830}, {2, 19822, 19808}, {2, 19824, 19823}, {2, 19825, 19822}, {2, 19826, 19789}, {2, 19835, 19799}, {2, 20891, 20923}, {2, 20892, 30090}, {2, 24620, 16610}, {2, 25243, 26669}, {2, 26143, 25535}, {2, 26274, 3290}, {2, 26797, 27073}, {2, 26850, 27011}, {2, 26971, 25505}, {2, 27268, 4698}, {2, 28604, 17303}, {2, 28605, 321}, {2, 28808, 37758}, {2, 30998, 20530}, {2, 31130, 3263}, {2, 32791, 32803}, {2, 32792, 32804}, {2, 32793, 1267}, {2, 32794, 5391}, {2, 32797, 32801}, {2, 32798, 32802}, {2, 32799, 32795}, {2, 32800, 32796}, {2, 33150, 32774}, {2, 33168, 33113}, {2, 33931, 20947}, {2, 37759, 17720}, {2, 42029, 42034}, {2, 42034, 20942}, {3, 17864, 20926}, {3, 19844, 19841}, {3, 19845, 19842}, {3, 38906, 39556}, {4, 20235, 20914}, {4, 20914, 38298}, {5, 21403, 21579}, {6, 239, 3759}, {6, 894, 3758}, {6, 4361, 239}, {6, 4363, 894}, {6, 17118, 4363}, {6, 17119, 4361}, {6, 20172, 20179}, {6, 20181, 20172}, {6, 20234, 20444}, {6, 21776, 21751}, {6, 38301, 21776}, {7, 8, 69}, {7, 69, 320}, {7, 319, 17361}, {7, 1441, 85}, {7, 3212, 24471}, {7, 3262, 20930}, {7, 5564, 17360}, {7, 20895, 322}, {7, 31598, 7195}, {7, 31995, 42697}, {7, 32087, 8}, {7, 32099, 21296}, {7, 42696, 319}, {7, 42697, 7321}, {8, 69, 319}, {8, 85, 16284}, {8, 320, 17360}, {8, 377, 7270}, {8, 1441, 322}, {8, 1909, 24524}, {8, 2550, 32850}, {8, 4645, 3416}, {8, 7321, 17361}, {8, 20880, 85}, {8, 21296, 32099}, {8, 26135, 25311}, {8, 31995, 7}, {8, 32087, 42696}, {8, 33930, 20955}, {8, 34284, 1909}, {8, 42696, 5564}, {8, 42697, 320}, {9, 190, 17336}, {9, 3729, 190}, {9, 4384, 17277}, {9, 4659, 3729}, {9, 17277, 17335}, {9, 20236, 20927}, {10, 76, 6376}, {10, 1266, 4389}, {10, 1269, 18133}, {10, 1738, 4429}, {10, 3663, 4357}, {10, 3821, 32784}, {10, 4357, 5224}, {10, 4385, 341}, {10, 4389, 17250}, {10, 4398, 17249}, {10, 19950, 19951}, {10, 19951, 19969}, {10, 19957, 20006}, {10, 19958, 19957}, {10, 19962, 19950}, {10, 19963, 20001}, {10, 19967, 19971}, {10, 19968, 19954}, {10, 19995, 20005}, {10, 19996, 19968}, {10, 19999, 20000}, {10, 20000, 19963}, {10, 20004, 19962}, {10, 20888, 76}, {10, 21443, 1921}, {10, 23537, 16062}, {10, 33940, 33944}, {10, 33941, 33938}, {10, 34832, 25121}, {11, 21404, 21580}, {12, 21405, 21581}, {19, 63, 1760}, {19, 1760, 16568}, {19, 20883, 92}, {19, 20884, 20915}, {19, 21406, 21582}, {22, 21407, 21583}, {23, 21408, 21584}, {31, 20627, 20641}, {32, 21409, 21585}, {35, 21410, 21586}, {36, 21411, 21587}, {37, 192, 4664}, {37, 321, 4043}, {37, 1278, 3644}, {37, 3739, 2}, {37, 4681, 4704}, {37, 4688, 3739}, {37, 4698, 27268}, {37, 4699, 4751}, {37, 4718, 4681}, {37, 4726, 1278}, {37, 4739, 4699}, {37, 4740, 4764}, {37, 20891, 18137}, {37, 20923, 18743}, {37, 31238, 4698}, {38, 561, 17149}, {38, 2227, 3116}, {38, 17872, 17446}, {38, 20889, 561}, {38, 21020, 31330}, {39, 21412, 18050}, {40, 21413, 21588}, {41, 21414, 21589}, {42, 21415, 18138}, {43, 21416, 21590}, {44, 17348, 17349}, {44, 17351, 17350}, {44, 21417, 21591}, {45, 17259, 17260}, {45, 17262, 17261}, {45, 21418, 21592}, {48, 1958, 662}, {48, 17865, 21593}, {55, 20890, 20922}, {56, 21420, 21594}, {57, 11679, 14829}, {57, 20237, 20928}, {58, 21421, 21595}, {63, 92, 18750}, {63, 5271, 333}, {63, 14213, 92}, {63, 18655, 8822}, {63, 19591, 1755}, {63, 20883, 21582}, {65, 21422, 21596}, {66, 21423, 21597}, {69, 319, 17360}, {69, 320, 17361}, {69, 322, 16284}, {69, 1441, 20930}, {69, 3262, 322}, {69, 31995, 7321}, {69, 32087, 5564}, {69, 42696, 8}, {69, 42697, 7}, {76, 313, 30596}, {76, 1921, 21615}, {76, 3596, 313}, {76, 3821, 24731}, {76, 4389, 39995}, {76, 5224, 18133}, {76, 6376, 20943}, {76, 10009, 1921}, {76, 33937, 33938}, {76, 33940, 3673}, {76, 33941, 4385}, {76, 33945, 33944}, {81, 20896, 20929}, {82, 21424, 21598}, {82, 33760, 31}, {83, 21425, 20933}, {85, 322, 20930}, {85, 39126, 7}, {86, 274, 16709}, {86, 314, 30939}, {86, 3875, 17393}, {86, 4360, 1}, {86, 10436, 41847}, {86, 17160, 4360}, {86, 18697, 20932}, {87, 18194, 3248}, {87, 21426, 21599}, {88, 21427, 21600}, {89, 21428, 21601}, {92, 21582, 20915}, {99, 17886, 20951}, {100, 20901, 20940}, {101, 21429, 21602}, {105, 20628, 20642}, {110, 21430, 21603}, {115, 21431, 21604}, {141, 594, 3661}, {141, 1086, 3662}, {141, 3661, 17228}, {141, 3662, 17227}, {141, 3963, 18040}, {141, 4665, 594}, {141, 7263, 1086}, {141, 18143, 18150}, {141, 20913, 18143}, {142, 2321, 3912}, {142, 3912, 17234}, {142, 4431, 17233}, {142, 17233, 17241}, {145, 21432, 21605}, {150, 2893, 21276}, {171, 4362, 3769}, {187, 21434, 21607}, {190, 4384, 17335}, {190, 4858, 18151}, {190, 17277, 9}, {192, 3739, 4687}, {192, 4686, 4764}, {192, 4688, 4751}, {192, 4699, 2}, {192, 4704, 4681}, {192, 4740, 1278}, {192, 4772, 3739}, {192, 4788, 4718}, {192, 4821, 4686}, {192, 20171, 20173}, {192, 20891, 312}, {192, 20892, 20923}, {192, 27268, 4704}, {192, 30090, 18743}, {194, 21435, 21608}, {200, 21436, 21609}, {226, 3687, 4417}, {238, 3923, 4676}, {238, 20629, 20643}, {239, 894, 6}, {239, 4363, 3758}, {239, 17116, 894}, {239, 17117, 4361}, {239, 17120, 17121}, {239, 20234, 17788}, {239, 20432, 17789}, {244, 1978, 18149}, {244, 22167, 21330}, {256, 24478, 3764}, {257, 27447, 3863}, {264, 307, 18749}, {273, 307, 40702}, {273, 318, 264}, {274, 314, 86}, {274, 1930, 33943}, {274, 4647, 17762}, {274, 17143, 1}, {274, 17762, 41875}, {274, 32104, 17144}, {274, 33935, 304}, {280, 347, 6527}, {281, 27509, 37774}, {291, 20433, 20446}, {292, 20630, 20644}, {304, 4008, 1966}, {304, 17143, 4673}, {304, 31997, 41875}, {304, 39731, 1}, {306, 5249, 18134}, {307, 318, 33672}, {310, 31330, 17149}, {310, 40087, 561}, {312, 321, 42034}, {312, 18743, 20942}, {312, 19792, 19814}, {312, 19798, 19812}, {312, 19804, 2}, {312, 20923, 18137}, {312, 30090, 20923}, {312, 30758, 20947}, {312, 30829, 4358}, {312, 42029, 321}, {313, 1269, 76}, {313, 3264, 3596}, {313, 3663, 39995}, {313, 4357, 18133}, {313, 5224, 6376}, {314, 3875, 17144}, {314, 18697, 17762}, {314, 35550, 20932}, {319, 320, 69}, {319, 1441, 17791}, {319, 5564, 8}, {319, 7321, 320}, {319, 20930, 16284}, {320, 3262, 17791}, {320, 5564, 319}, {320, 7321, 7}, {321, 3263, 33931}, {321, 3739, 18137}, {321, 4358, 4671}, {321, 4359, 2}, {321, 4699, 20923}, {321, 4772, 30090}, {321, 4980, 28605}, {321, 16706, 40001}, {321, 19788, 19814}, {321, 19804, 18743}, {321, 19805, 19803}, {321, 19822, 19799}, {321, 20336, 42714}, {321, 20892, 20891}, {321, 20905, 1229}, {321, 21264, 20453}, {321, 24589, 4358}, {321, 25001, 346}, {321, 26234, 350}, {321, 26665, 17787}, {321, 27605, 25480}, {321, 27705, 27569}, {321, 28605, 42029}, {321, 32779, 42709}, {322, 20930, 17791}, {322, 39126, 320}, {326, 17858, 33808}, {326, 18695, 304}, {330, 20899, 20936}, {333, 32939, 63}, {335, 40848, 3862}, {341, 3673, 33780}, {344, 346, 17264}, {344, 20946, 18743}, {344, 37788, 20946}, {346, 1229, 312}, {346, 20905, 20946}, {349, 6734, 18738}, {350, 3263, 20947}, {350, 4441, 4479}, {350, 30758, 18743}, {350, 33931, 312}, {354, 3706, 10453}, {365, 20631, 20645}, {366, 20434, 20447}, {391, 4454, 144}, {561, 17149, 20945}, {594, 1086, 141}, {594, 3662, 17228}, {594, 3963, 4033}, {594, 7263, 3662}, {594, 20913, 18040}, {599, 4445, 17287}, {599, 7232, 17288}, {647, 21437, 21610}, {649, 20909, 20952}, {650, 21438, 21611}, {656, 17893, 20948}, {659, 21439, 21612}, {662, 18042, 48}, {662, 20902, 20941}, {667, 21440, 21613}, {668, 1111, 18159}, {669, 21441, 21614}, {672, 20632, 20646}, {673, 20431, 20445}, {693, 4411, 4828}, {798, 20910, 20953}, {799, 1109, 20939}, {850, 4467, 18155}, {894, 4361, 3759}, {894, 17116, 4363}, {894, 17117, 239}, {894, 17121, 17120}, {894, 20234, 17789}, {894, 21442, 17788}, {896, 20904, 20944}, {903, 17271, 17274}, {903, 20900, 20937}, {903, 32025, 17273}, {942, 5295, 10449}, {966, 4419, 17257}, {966, 17257, 17256}, {982, 1920, 6384}, {984, 1921, 6376}, {984, 21443, 21615}, {1001, 5695, 3685}, {1086, 3661, 17227}, {1086, 3963, 18143}, {1086, 4033, 18150}, {1086, 4665, 3661}, {1089, 7264, 3760}, {1089, 28611, 1698}, {1100, 4670, 17379}, {1100, 4852, 4393}, {1109, 20903, 799}, {1111, 3761, 20925}, {1111, 4692, 3761}, {1111, 4986, 668}, {1119, 7046, 32000}, {1211, 3782, 27184}, {1213, 4364, 17248}, {1213, 17246, 4364}, {1229, 20905, 37788}, {1229, 25001, 344}, {1229, 28974, 17264}, {1266, 3264, 39995}, {1266, 3663, 4398}, {1266, 4357, 3663}, {1266, 4967, 4357}, {1267, 5391, 2}, {1267, 32792, 32803}, {1267, 32793, 32801}, {1267, 32794, 32792}, {1267, 32795, 32799}, {1267, 32796, 32795}, {1267, 32797, 32793}, {1267, 32798, 5391}, {1267, 32802, 32804}, {1269, 3264, 313}, {1269, 3596, 30596}, {1269, 4357, 39995}, {1278, 3739, 4664}, {1278, 4688, 4687}, {1278, 4699, 37}, {1278, 4704, 4788}, {1278, 4739, 4751}, {1278, 4740, 4686}, {1278, 4772, 2}, {1278, 4821, 4740}, {1278, 20892, 312}, {1278, 27268, 4718}, {1281, 7061, 5989}, {1423, 20633, 20647}, {1441, 20895, 3262}, {1447, 7081, 183}, {1502, 4443, 24732}, {1502, 4446, 19567}, {1574, 3934, 27091}, {1575, 20440, 20453}, {1575, 21264, 2}, {1575, 28358, 27633}, {1580, 1582, 560}, {1631, 7087, 33801}, {1654, 4440, 6646}, {1654, 4643, 17328}, {1654, 6646, 4643}, {1654, 17276, 17329}, {1698, 3760, 18140}, {1733, 1930, 3403}, {1740, 1964, 36289}, {1740, 16571, 2234}, {1760, 20883, 20915}, {1760, 20884, 21582}, {1760, 21582, 18750}, {1836, 3966, 4388}, {1909, 20911, 20955}, {1909, 33930, 85}, {1920, 4087, 4485}, {1926, 3116, 17149}, {1928, 2085, 33788}, {1930, 4360, 20932}, {1930, 4647, 33935}, {1930, 17143, 17762}, {1930, 17445, 18051}, {1930, 17858, 18695}, {1930, 17859, 326}, {1930, 24325, 18157}, {1930, 39731, 18156}, {1931, 20634, 20648}, {1953, 1959, 18041}, {1958, 20902, 21593}, {1959, 17868, 1953}, {1964, 2234, 1740}, {1964, 17445, 1}, {2053, 20635, 20649}, {2054, 20636, 20650}, {2112, 20638, 20652}, {2234, 17445, 1964}, {2238, 24330, 24514}, {2275, 16720, 25918}, {2292, 31339, 31359}, {2319, 20438, 20451}, {2321, 3912, 17233}, {2321, 17234, 17240}, {2321, 24199, 17234}, {2325, 6666, 25101}, {2345, 4000, 2}, {2345, 16706, 17371}, {2345, 37756, 17370}, {2397, 28748, 28978}, {2580, 2581, 16568}, {2895, 17483, 32859}, {2968, 6356, 41005}, {3008, 17353, 17352}, {3008, 17355, 17353}, {3009, 20637, 20651}, {3112, 20898, 20934}, {3112, 33764, 31}, {3212, 20436, 20449}, {3218, 20887, 20920}, {3219, 20886, 20919}, {3262, 42697, 85}, {3263, 4441, 312}, {3263, 26234, 2}, {3264, 3663, 18133}, {3264, 4389, 6376}, {3290, 30748, 2}, {3416, 5880, 4645}, {3419, 41004, 2893}, {3589, 4395, 17366}, {3589, 7227, 17369}, {3589, 17366, 17367}, {3589, 17369, 17368}, {3596, 3718, 341}, {3596, 4357, 6376}, {3596, 4389, 18133}, {3596, 4398, 39995}, {3598, 7172, 15589}, {3644, 4664, 192}, {3644, 4687, 4664}, {3644, 4751, 37}, {3661, 3662, 141}, {3661, 3963, 17786}, {3661, 20913, 20917}, {3662, 3963, 20917}, {3662, 18040, 18150}, {3663, 4357, 4389}, {3663, 4967, 5224}, {3663, 5224, 17249}, {3663, 17861, 3673}, {3663, 24209, 17861}, {3663, 33937, 3718}, {3664, 3879, 17378}, {3666, 31993, 2}, {3666, 42051, 3210}, {3670, 27801, 18148}, {3672, 17321, 17320}, {3672, 31130, 20336}, {3673, 4385, 76}, {3673, 33937, 341}, {3673, 33938, 20943}, {3679, 3761, 668}, {3679, 4692, 4737}, {3679, 4862, 17272}, {3679, 17270, 32025}, {3679, 17272, 17270}, {3679, 17274, 17271}, {3679, 20894, 20925}, {3685, 16823, 1001}, {3686, 4416, 17346}, {3696, 20880, 20448}, {3703, 3925, 29641}, {3705, 7179, 325}, {3720, 4365, 32915}, {3723, 28639, 29570}, {3728, 20889, 40088}, {3729, 4384, 9}, {3729, 4858, 20927}, {3729, 17277, 17336}, {3739, 4681, 4698}, {3739, 4686, 192}, {3739, 4688, 4699}, {3739, 4698, 31238}, {3739, 4718, 27268}, {3739, 4739, 4688}, {3739, 4740, 3644}, {3739, 4821, 4764}, {3739, 25384, 17303}, {3740, 3967, 27538}, {3741, 24165, 982}, {3757, 32932, 55}, {3758, 3759, 6}, {3761, 4986, 4737}, {3761, 33934, 18159}, {3763, 17290, 17291}, {3763, 17293, 17292}, {3773, 3836, 29674}, {3778, 18891, 24732}, {3797, 24357, 4664}, {3834, 17229, 17231}, {3834, 17231, 17232}, {3875, 10436, 1}, {3875, 17151, 17160}, {3875, 25590, 86}, {3912, 4431, 2321}, {3912, 17233, 17240}, {3912, 17234, 17241}, {3912, 24199, 142}, {3923, 16825, 238}, {3943, 17243, 17242}, {3943, 17245, 17243}, {3943, 34824, 17244}, {3946, 5750, 17023}, {3946, 17023, 17380}, {3969, 18139, 32858}, {3980, 4362, 171}, {4000, 17289, 17370}, {4007, 6173, 17296}, {4007, 17296, 17294}, {4007, 17298, 17295}, {4025, 17894, 35519}, {4033, 18040, 17786}, {4033, 18143, 18040}, {4043, 4751, 18743}, {4043, 18137, 312}, {4044, 24603, 30830}, {4058, 21255, 29594}, {4110, 17786, 4033}, {4110, 20917, 17786}, {4118, 18053, 18060}, {4195, 19851, 1104}, {4329, 21279, 4872}, {4357, 4389, 17249}, {4357, 4967, 10}, {4357, 5224, 17250}, {4357, 20888, 1269}, {4358, 4359, 24589}, {4358, 4671, 312}, {4358, 24589, 2}, {4358, 30044, 29982}, {4358, 30829, 18743}, {4359, 4980, 321}, {4359, 19785, 19798}, {4359, 19835, 19808}, {4359, 20440, 21264}, {4359, 20891, 3739}, {4359, 20892, 4699}, {4359, 27569, 25457}, {4359, 28605, 312}, {4359, 42029, 18743}, {4360, 10436, 17394}, {4360, 17160, 3875}, {4360, 25590, 41847}, {4361, 4363, 6}, {4361, 17116, 3758}, {4361, 17118, 894}, {4361, 17119, 17117}, {4361, 20432, 20444}, {4363, 17117, 3759}, {4363, 17118, 17116}, {4363, 17119, 239}, {4363, 21442, 20444}, {4364, 17246, 17247}, {4371, 4644, 5839}, {4371, 7222, 193}, {4377, 17235, 18144}, {4377, 17239, 30473}, {4384, 4659, 190}, {4385, 33944, 20943}, {4389, 4398, 3663}, {4389, 5224, 4357}, {4393, 17379, 1100}, {4395, 7227, 3589}, {4395, 17369, 17367}, {4398, 4967, 17250}, {4398, 5224, 4389}, {4399, 17362, 29617}, {4399, 17365, 17363}, {4402, 5749, 5222}, {4402, 7229, 3618}, {4405, 7231, 3629}, {4418, 32914, 31}, {4419, 17257, 17258}, {4422, 17337, 17338}, {4422, 17340, 17339}, {4431, 24199, 3912}, {4436, 16684, 8053}, {4440, 6646, 17276}, {4440, 17275, 17329}, {4440, 28634, 17328}, {4441, 31130, 33931}, {4443, 4446, 3778}, {4445, 7232, 599}, {4461, 20905, 312}, {4472, 17045, 17398}, {4472, 17395, 17397}, {4478, 7238, 3631}, {4479, 30963, 350}, {4494, 17304, 18044}, {4568, 17761, 18061}, {4643, 6646, 17329}, {4643, 17275, 1654}, {4643, 17276, 6646}, {4643, 28634, 17275}, {4644, 5839, 193}, {4647, 18698, 18697}, {4647, 32092, 304}, {4648, 17314, 17316}, {4648, 17316, 17317}, {4651, 17165, 3681}, {4657, 17301, 17302}, {4657, 17302, 17399}, {4657, 17303, 2}, {4664, 4687, 37}, {4664, 4751, 4687}, {4664, 4764, 3644}, {4665, 7263, 141}, {4665, 20913, 4033}, {4670, 4852, 1100}, {4671, 4704, 22016}, {4671, 24589, 30829}, {4672, 4974, 16468}, {4673, 17158, 17144}, {4675, 4851, 17300}, {4675, 6542, 17387}, {4675, 17299, 4851}, {4681, 4698, 37}, {4681, 4704, 4664}, {4681, 4718, 192}, {4681, 31238, 27268}, {4686, 4688, 37}, {4686, 4698, 4788}, {4686, 4699, 4664}, {4686, 4726, 4740}, {4686, 4739, 2}, {4686, 4772, 4687}, {4686, 20892, 4043}, {4686, 31238, 4718}, {4687, 4751, 2}, {4687, 4764, 192}, {4687, 18137, 18743}, {4688, 4718, 31238}, {4688, 4726, 192}, {4688, 4739, 4772}, {4688, 4740, 4664}, {4688, 4821, 3644}, {4690, 17344, 17343}, {4690, 17345, 17344}, {4692, 4714, 3679}, {4698, 4718, 4704}, {4698, 4788, 4664}, {4698, 27268, 4687}, {4698, 31238, 2}, {4699, 4704, 31238}, {4699, 4726, 3644}, {4699, 4740, 192}, {4699, 4772, 4688}, {4699, 4788, 4698}, {4699, 20891, 30090}, {4704, 4788, 192}, {4704, 27268, 37}, {4704, 30044, 30829}, {4704, 31238, 4687}, {4714, 20894, 33934}, {4718, 4788, 3644}, {4718, 27268, 4664}, {4718, 31238, 37}, {4726, 4739, 37}, {4726, 4772, 4664}, {4739, 4740, 4687}, {4739, 4821, 4664}, {4740, 4772, 37}, {4740, 4821, 4726}, {4741, 17343, 17344}, {4751, 4764, 4664}, {4772, 4821, 192}, {4772, 28605, 20891}, {4788, 27268, 4681}, {4812, 20891, 20171}, {4847, 6063, 20935}, {4851, 6542, 17386}, {4851, 17299, 6542}, {4851, 17300, 17387}, {4858, 20881, 190}, {4859, 17282, 27191}, {4859, 17284, 17282}, {4859, 17286, 17283}, {4862, 17270, 17273}, {4862, 17272, 17274}, {4862, 17885, 1111}, {4886, 33066, 5739}, {4911, 5015, 315}, {4967, 20888, 313}, {4968, 20880, 34284}, {4968, 20911, 1909}, {4969, 7277, 3629}, {4970, 43223, 17592}, {4972, 8024, 18057}, {4986, 20894, 3761}, {5081, 7282, 317}, {5222, 5749, 3618}, {5222, 7229, 5749}, {5263, 32922, 1}, {5278, 32933, 3219}, {5391, 32791, 32804}, {5391, 32793, 32791}, {5391, 32794, 32802}, {5391, 32795, 32796}, {5391, 32796, 32800}, {5391, 32797, 1267}, {5391, 32798, 32794}, {5391, 32801, 32803}, {5564, 7321, 69}, {5564, 42697, 17361}, {5739, 5905, 33066}, {5750, 17023, 17381}, {5839, 7222, 4644}, {6063, 7182, 1088}, {6173, 17294, 17297}, {6173, 17296, 17298}, {6358, 11679, 20928}, {6358, 20882, 14829}, {6376, 33938, 341}, {6377, 6378, 6375}, {6382, 6383, 6374}, {6382, 24165, 6384}, {6382, 42027, 39467}, {6383, 42027, 6384}, {6385, 40088, 561}, {6542, 17300, 4851}, {6542, 26806, 17300}, {6646, 17275, 17328}, {7227, 17366, 17368}, {7228, 17362, 17364}, {7283, 16817, 405}, {7321, 20895, 17791}, {7321, 42696, 17360}, {8053, 16684, 23407}, {8301, 8424, 23868}, {8301, 20441, 20454}, {8621, 21751, 21776}, {9278, 20439, 20452}, {9776, 34255, 18141}, {10436, 17151, 4360}, {10436, 17160, 17393}, {10436, 18697, 304}, {10447, 17151, 17143}, {10447, 18698, 304}, {10447, 32092, 10436}, {10453, 30962, 41851}, {13476, 40216, 40004}, {14213, 20879, 63}, {14213, 21406, 20883}, {15668, 16777, 16826}, {15668, 17318, 16777}, {16062, 40071, 6376}, {16512, 16513, 63}, {16568, 20884, 20916}, {16571, 17445, 36289}, {16610, 30818, 2}, {16703, 16748, 16708}, {16706, 17289, 2}, {16706, 37756, 4000}, {16706, 40875, 29423}, {16709, 20932, 41875}, {16709, 30939, 86}, {16710, 17178, 16726}, {16748, 17163, 18059}, {16777, 17318, 17319}, {16815, 17260, 17259}, {16815, 17261, 17260}, {16816, 17349, 17348}, {16816, 17350, 17349}, {16819, 25264, 5283}, {16826, 17319, 16777}, {17026, 17754, 37686}, {17045, 17395, 17396}, {17045, 17398, 17397}, {17116, 17117, 6}, {17116, 17119, 3759}, {17116, 21442, 17789}, {17117, 17118, 3758}, {17117, 20432, 17788}, {17118, 17119, 6}, {17120, 17121, 6}, {17135, 17140, 3873}, {17135, 17146, 17145}, {17136, 18654, 17221}, {17137, 17141, 3868}, {17140, 17145, 17146}, {17140, 17163, 17135}, {17140, 40216, 16708}, {17143, 32092, 31997}, {17143, 33933, 304}, {17143, 39731, 17158}, {17144, 17762, 4673}, {17144, 31997, 1}, {17144, 33943, 18156}, {17145, 17146, 3873}, {17151, 25590, 1}, {17155, 31330, 38}, {17155, 40087, 17149}, {17160, 25590, 17394}, {17220, 20245, 17139}, {17227, 17228, 141}, {17227, 20917, 18150}, {17229, 17231, 17230}, {17230, 17232, 17231}, {17233, 17234, 3912}, {17235, 17237, 17236}, {17235, 17239, 17237}, {17236, 17238, 17237}, {17236, 29593, 17238}, {17237, 17239, 17238}, {17238, 29593, 17239}, {17240, 17241, 3912}, {17242, 17244, 17243}, {17242, 27147, 17244}, {17243, 17245, 17244}, {17243, 34824, 17245}, {17244, 27147, 17245}, {17245, 34824, 27147}, {17247, 17248, 4364}, {17247, 29576, 17248}, {17248, 29576, 1213}, {17249, 17250, 4357}, {17250, 30596, 18133}, {17251, 17253, 17252}, {17251, 17255, 17253}, {17252, 17254, 17253}, {17253, 17255, 17254}, {17256, 17258, 17257}, {17259, 17262, 45}, {17260, 17261, 45}, {17263, 17264, 344}, {17265, 17267, 17266}, {17265, 17269, 17267}, {17266, 17268, 17267}, {17267, 17269, 17268}, {17270, 17272, 17271}, {17270, 17274, 17272}, {17271, 17273, 17272}, {17271, 32025, 17270}, {17272, 17274, 17273}, {17273, 32025, 17271}, {17275, 17276, 4643}, {17276, 28634, 1654}, {17277, 20236, 18151}, {17277, 20927, 30854}, {17278, 17279, 2}, {17278, 17280, 17341}, {17278, 17281, 17279}, {17279, 17280, 17342}, {17279, 17281, 17280}, {17282, 17284, 17283}, {17282, 17286, 17284}, {17283, 17285, 17284}, {17283, 27191, 17282}, {17284, 17286, 17285}, {17285, 27191, 17283}, {17287, 17288, 599}, {17287, 29615, 4445}, {17288, 29615, 17287}, {17289, 17787, 29423}, {17289, 37756, 16706}, {17289, 40875, 29705}, {17290, 17293, 3763}, {17291, 17292, 3763}, {17294, 17296, 17295}, {17294, 17298, 17296}, {17295, 17297, 17296}, {17296, 17298, 17297}, {17299, 17300, 17386}, {17299, 26806, 17387}, {17300, 26806, 4675}, {17301, 17303, 4657}, {17301, 28604, 17400}, {17302, 17303, 17400}, {17302, 17790, 18046}, {17302, 25384, 4687}, {17302, 28604, 2}, {17304, 17306, 17305}, {17304, 17308, 17306}, {17305, 17307, 17306}, {17306, 17308, 17307}, {17309, 17311, 17310}, {17309, 17313, 17311}, {17310, 17312, 17311}, {17311, 17313, 17312}, {17314, 17316, 17315}, {17315, 17317, 17316}, {17320, 17322, 17321}, {17320, 28653, 17322}, {17322, 18147, 30963}, {17322, 28653, 2}, {17323, 17325, 17324}, {17323, 17327, 17325}, {17324, 17326, 17325}, {17324, 29610, 17326}, {17325, 17327, 17326}, {17326, 29610, 17327}, {17328, 17329, 4643}, {17330, 17332, 17331}, {17330, 17334, 17332}, {17331, 17333, 17332}, {17332, 17334, 17333}, {17335, 17336, 9}, {17335, 18151, 30854}, {17337, 17340, 4422}, {17338, 17339, 4422}, {17338, 29628, 17337}, {17339, 29628, 17338}, {17341, 17342, 17279}, {17344, 17345, 4741}, {17346, 17347, 4416}, {17348, 17351, 44}, {17349, 17350, 44}, {17352, 17354, 17353}, {17353, 17355, 17354}, {17356, 17357, 2}, {17356, 17359, 17357}, {17357, 17359, 17358}, {17360, 17361, 69}, {17360, 17791, 16284}, {17363, 29617, 17362}, {17364, 29617, 17363}, {17366, 17369, 3589}, {17367, 17368, 3589}, {17370, 17371, 2}, {17371, 40001, 18743}, {17372, 17374, 17373}, {17372, 17376, 17374}, {17373, 17375, 17374}, {17373, 20055, 17372}, {17374, 17376, 17375}, {17375, 20055, 17373}, {17377, 17378, 3879}, {17380, 17381, 17023}, {17382, 17384, 17383}, {17382, 17385, 17384}, {17384, 17385, 2}, {17386, 17387, 4851}, {17388, 17390, 17389}, {17388, 17392, 17390}, {17389, 17391, 17390}, {17390, 17392, 17391}, {17393, 17394, 1}, {17393, 41847, 17394}, {17394, 20932, 18156}, {17394, 41847, 86}, {17395, 17398, 17045}, {17396, 17397, 17045}, {17399, 17400, 4657}, {17446, 40364, 17149}, {17495, 31025, 2}, {17595, 37660, 24627}, {17731, 20437, 20450}, {17760, 30038, 3061}, {17762, 31997, 18156}, {17762, 33943, 304}, {17786, 20917, 18040}, {17787, 37756, 29484}, {17788, 17789, 20444}, {17790, 28604, 29388}, {17858, 17859, 1}, {17858, 18699, 18691}, {17859, 18699, 17858}, {17861, 33937, 3596}, {17863, 20336, 18147}, {17863, 24547, 17321}, {17865, 17882, 1958}, {17865, 18042, 20941}, {17879, 17883, 811}, {17880, 18689, 664}, {17882, 20902, 662}, {17889, 32778, 2887}, {18040, 18143, 20917}, {18133, 30596, 20943}, {18147, 42714, 312}, {18697, 18698, 35550}, {18743, 42034, 312}, {19785, 19788, 19790}, {19785, 19789, 19796}, {19785, 19792, 19821}, {19785, 19796, 19830}, {19785, 19797, 19827}, {19785, 19808, 19812}, {19785, 19810, 19803}, {19785, 19811, 19806}, {19785, 19819, 19789}, {19785, 19820, 19831}, {19785, 19822, 2}, {19785, 19823, 19829}, {19785, 19824, 19828}, {19785, 19825, 19808}, {19785, 19826, 19820}, {19785, 19835, 312}, {19786, 19787, 19821}, {19786, 19789, 19830}, {19786, 19792, 19803}, {19786, 19796, 19785}, {19786, 19797, 19808}, {19786, 19799, 18743}, {19786, 19807, 19806}, {19786, 19808, 2}, {19786, 19819, 19831}, {19786, 19820, 19796}, {19786, 19822, 19827}, {19786, 19828, 19829}, {19786, 19829, 19823}, {19786, 19833, 19822}, {19787, 19798, 19790}, {19787, 19799, 19814}, {19787, 19801, 19818}, {19787, 19809, 19807}, {19787, 19810, 19792}, {19787, 19811, 19810}, {19787, 19816, 19800}, {19787, 19822, 19806}, {19788, 19799, 19806}, {19789, 19796, 19831}, {19789, 19797, 19812}, {19789, 19807, 19821}, {19789, 19809, 19806}, {19789, 19811, 19803}, {19789, 19819, 19820}, {19789, 19822, 19786}, {19789, 19823, 19824}, {19789, 19825, 2}, {19789, 19826, 19819}, {19789, 19833, 19827}, {19790, 19814, 19803}, {19791, 19800, 19803}, {19792, 19804, 19802}, {19792, 19807, 19810}, {19792, 19808, 19806}, {19793, 19822, 33116}, {19794, 19795, 2}, {19796, 19797, 2}, {19796, 19807, 19803}, {19796, 19808, 19786}, {19796, 19810, 19821}, {19796, 19820, 19789}, {19796, 19822, 19812}, {19796, 19825, 19827}, {19796, 19828, 19824}, {19796, 19829, 19828}, {19796, 19832, 19829}, {19796, 19833, 19808}, {19797, 19808, 19822}, {19797, 19820, 19786}, {19797, 19826, 19830}, {19797, 19833, 19825}, {19798, 19799, 2}, {19798, 19810, 19802}, {19799, 19804, 19827}, {19799, 19805, 19802}, {19801, 19818, 19803}, {19804, 20923, 4751}, {19804, 28605, 42034}, {19804, 30090, 3739}, {19804, 42029, 312}, {19805, 19810, 19788}, {19805, 19835, 19806}, {19808, 19819, 19830}, {19808, 19820, 19785}, {19808, 19826, 19831}, {19808, 19829, 19832}, {19808, 19833, 19797}, {19809, 19810, 19811}, {19809, 19819, 19803}, {19810, 19811, 19807}, {19811, 19820, 19821}, {19812, 19827, 2}, {19812, 19831, 19785}, {19818, 19823, 19817}, {19819, 19822, 19785}, {19819, 19825, 19786}, {19819, 19833, 19812}, {19820, 19825, 19812}, {19820, 19832, 19824}, {19820, 19833, 2}, {19820, 19837, 19829}, {19822, 19824, 19832}, {19822, 19825, 19797}, {19822, 19826, 19796}, {19823, 19824, 19785}, {19824, 19828, 19830}, {19824, 19837, 19812}, {19825, 19826, 19785}, {19825, 28605, 19835}, {19827, 19830, 19786}, {19828, 19829, 19785}, {19828, 19832, 19823}, {19828, 19837, 19832}, {19829, 19832, 19786}, {19829, 19833, 19837}, {19829, 19837, 2}, {19830, 19831, 19796}, {19841, 19842, 3}, {19844, 19845, 3}, {19950, 19951, 19954}, {19950, 19953, 19952}, {19950, 19957, 19966}, {19950, 19962, 19968}, {19950, 19963, 10}, {19950, 19969, 19970}, {19950, 19972, 19967}, {19950, 19996, 19962}, {19950, 20000, 20001}, {19950, 20001, 19969}, {19950, 20003, 19996}, {19950, 20006, 19957}, {19951, 19954, 19970}, {19951, 19966, 19957}, {19951, 19968, 19950}, {19951, 20001, 10}, {19952, 19961, 19953}, {19954, 19969, 19951}, {19955, 19973, 19951}, {19957, 19958, 19950}, {19957, 19962, 19958}, {19957, 19966, 19954}, {19957, 20000, 20010}, {19957, 20006, 19951}, {19957, 20010, 10}, {19958, 20006, 19966}, {19958, 20010, 20006}, {19959, 19960, 19950}, {19962, 19963, 19951}, {19962, 19999, 19963}, {19962, 20000, 10}, {19962, 20001, 19954}, {19962, 20004, 19996}, {19962, 20010, 19957}, {19963, 19968, 19969}, {19963, 19996, 19950}, {19963, 20003, 19962}, {19963, 20004, 19968}, {19967, 19971, 19972}, {19968, 20001, 19951}, {19971, 19972, 19951}, {19996, 19999, 20001}, {19996, 20000, 19951}, {19996, 20003, 20004}, {19999, 20003, 19951}, {19999, 20004, 10}, {20000, 20003, 19968}, {20000, 20004, 19950}, {20236, 20881, 3729}, {20237, 20882, 11679}, {20244, 20245, 17220}, {20245, 21273, 3869}, {20292, 33075, 6327}, {20336, 26234, 17322}, {20367, 21061, 16574}, {20432, 21442, 20234}, {20435, 24349, 85}, {20627, 33760, 21598}, {20627, 33764, 20934}, {20706, 30028, 18055}, {20880, 20895, 1441}, {20880, 20911, 33930}, {20880, 32087, 322}, {20880, 42696, 20930}, {20883, 21406, 20884}, {20888, 33937, 4385}, {20888, 33945, 3673}, {20889, 21020, 40087}, {20895, 31995, 85}, {20895, 39126, 16284}, {20895, 42697, 20930}, {20898, 23665, 21424}, {20905, 25001, 2}, {20905, 28974, 17263}, {20911, 34284, 85}, {20915, 21582, 20916}, {20947, 30963, 18743}, {20955, 24524, 16284}, {21085, 33064, 33084}, {21296, 32099, 69}, {21776, 38301, 8621}, {22016, 24589, 4698}, {22016, 29982, 4358}, {23482, 23483, 23492}, {23502, 23507, 23481}, {24004, 29396, 29712}, {24004, 29446, 29396}, {24166, 24170, 24046}, {24463, 24478, 256}, {24547, 24993, 2}, {24589, 29982, 31238}, {24620, 30818, 31233}, {24715, 33076, 4660}, {24789, 32777, 2}, {24919, 24958, 2}, {25001, 37788, 17263}, {25242, 27304, 1212}, {25382, 27846, 24487}, {25457, 25660, 2}, {25590, 32104, 314}, {25753, 25811, 2}, {25757, 27918, 30963}, {25780, 25850, 2}, {25887, 25971, 2}, {25939, 26011, 2}, {26037, 32925, 756}, {26038, 27538, 3740}, {26163, 26213, 2}, {26234, 31130, 30758}, {26234, 33931, 30963}, {26538, 26665, 2}, {26587, 26632, 2}, {26591, 28930, 37758}, {26724, 33157, 2}, {26764, 26812, 2}, {26971, 27102, 2}, {27032, 27154, 2}, {27107, 27145, 27017}, {27136, 27192, 2}, {27186, 32858, 18139}, {27261, 27311, 2}, {27268, 29982, 30829}, {27474, 27478, 27475}, {27479, 27488, 27471}, {27480, 31347, 31306}, {27481, 27483, 31322}, {27481, 29576, 31323}, {27483, 31323, 29576}, {27487, 36494, 27475}, {27488, 27492, 27489}, {27494, 31329, 27495}, {27569, 27705, 42713}, {28653, 42714, 20947}, {28974, 37788, 344}, {29576, 31323, 31322}, {29667, 33131, 4972}, {30998, 41836, 2}, {31019, 33077, 3936}, {31993, 42051, 3666}, {31995, 32087, 69}, {31995, 42696, 320}, {32087, 42697, 319}, {32092, 32104, 1}, {32092, 33935, 33943}, {32104, 33933, 17762}, {32771, 32860, 42}, {32772, 32924, 17017}, {32779, 33129, 2}, {32780, 33132, 25453}, {32782, 33146, 17184}, {32783, 33147, 26128}, {32784, 33149, 3821}, {32791, 32792, 2}, {32791, 32801, 1267}, {32791, 32802, 32792}, {32792, 32801, 32791}, {32792, 32802, 5391}, {32793, 32794, 2}, {32793, 32798, 32792}, {32793, 32800, 32799}, {32793, 32802, 32803}, {32794, 32797, 32791}, {32794, 32799, 32800}, {32794, 32801, 32804}, {32795, 32796, 2}, {32795, 32799, 32791}, {32796, 32800, 32792}, {32797, 32798, 2}, {32799, 32800, 2}, {32801, 32802, 2}, {32803, 32804, 2}, {32842, 33112, 33070}, {32845, 32917, 4414}, {32855, 33111, 29671}, {32857, 33082, 4655}, {32861, 33097, 32946}, {32864, 32940, 32912}, {32865, 33169, 29673}, {32866, 33109, 4865}, {32923, 32945, 3938}, {33083, 33102, 32950}, {33084, 33103, 33064}, {33089, 33108, 3006}, {33090, 33110, 5014}, {33130, 33160, 3771}, {33138, 33167, 4438}, {33139, 33170, 33114}, {33148, 33175, 33122}, {33672, 40702, 18749}, {33772, 38813, 560}, {33933, 33935, 1930}, {33935, 39731, 4673}, {33937, 33940, 6376}, {33937, 33945, 10}, {33938, 33944, 6376}, {33940, 33941, 76}, {33941, 33945, 6376}, {34021, 40874, 34022}, {34387, 34388, 311}, {34884, 39556, 3}, {36928, 36929, 5252}, {38810, 38840, 38813}, {38813, 39671, 38810}, {42696, 42697, 69}
Let A' be the perspector of the A-McCay circle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(76). (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
X(76) is the vertex conjugate of the foci of the inellipse that is the barycentric square of the de Longchamps line. The center of the inellipse is X(626) and its Brianchon point (perspector) is X(1502). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the obverse triangle of X(1). Let A″B″C″ be the N-obverse triangle of X(1). Let A* be the barycentric product A'*A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(76). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(76) is the barycentric multiplier for the Steiner circumellipse. (The barycentric product of X(76) and the circumcircle is the Steiner circumellipse.) (Randy Hutson, August 19, 2019)
For an artistic design generated by X(76), see X(244).
X(76) lies on these lines: 1,350 2,39 3,98 4,69 5,262 6,83 7,1240 8,668 10,75 13,299 14,298 17,303 18,302 20,3424 22,1799 25,1241 31,734 32,384 37,1218 85,226 95,96 100,767 107,2366 110,2367 115,626 141,698 148,2896 182,3406 187,3552 192,1221 251,1239 257,1926 275,276 297,343 321,561 330,1015 331,1231 333,1751 334,1089 335,871 338,599 485,491 486,492 524,598 620,1569 689,755 691,2868 693,764 761,789 799,1150 826,882 940,1509 1003,3053 1007,3090 1131,1271 1132,1270 1229,1446 1423,3403 1501,3115 1670,1677 1671,1676 1698,3097 2001,2909 2319,3500 2394,3267 3224,3225 3492,3506 3496,3512 3497,3509
X(76) is the {X(2),X(194)}-harmonic conjugate of X(39). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(76), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(76) = reflection of X(194) in X(39)
X(76) = isogonal conjugate of X(32)
X(76) = isotomic conjugate of X(6)
X(76) = complement of X(194)
X(76) = anticomplement of X(39)
X(76) = circumcircle-inverse of X(5152)
X(76) = 2nd-Brocard circle-inverse of X(99)
X(76) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(2896)
X(76) = cyclocevian conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(2916)
X(76) = cyclocevian conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(1369)
X(76) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (308,2), (310,75)
X(76) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,69), (6,22), (75,312), (311,343), (313,321), (339,525)
X(76) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,264), (69,305), (141,2), (321,75), (343,69), (525,99)
X(76) = crosssum of X(669) and X(1084)
X(76) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(669)X(688)
X(76) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (76,85), (799,348)
X(76) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(25) (line X(512)X(1692))
X(76) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(25)
X(76) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(31)
X(76) = trilinear product of PU(i) for these i: 10, 86
X(76) = barycentric product of PU(11)
X(76) = antigonal image of X(1916)
X(76) = cevapoint of polar conjugates of PU(4)
X(76) = trilinear product of vertices of 1st Brocard triangle
X(76) = trilinear product of vertices of 1st anti-Brocard triangle
X(76) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(6374)
X(76) = X(384)-of-5th-Brocard-triangle
X(76) = X(6)-of-6th-Brocard-triangle
X(76) = perspector of ABC and 1st Brocard triangle
X(76) = trilinear pole of de Longchamps line
X(76) = bicentric sum of PU(159)
X(76) = PU(159)-harmonic conjugate of X(9494)
X(76) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,X(670),X(689),X(1978)}} (isotomic conjugate of Lemoine axis.)
X(76) = X(1916) of 1st Brocard triangle
X(76) = crosspoint of X(6) and X(22) wrt both the anticomplementary and tangential triangles
X(76) = X(3094)-of-1st anti-Brocard-triangle
X(76) = trilinear product of vertices of mid-triangle of 1st Brocard and 1st anti-Brocard triangles
X(76) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 3rd Brocard triangle
X(76) = trilinear product of vertices of the three anti-altimedial triangles
X(76) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(98)
X(76) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(511)
X(76) = barycentric product X(99)*X(850)
X(76) = intersection, other than X(4), of P(1)- and U(1)-Fuhrmann circles (aka -Hagge circles)
X(76) = {X(7737),X(14023)}-harmonic conjugate of X(20065)
X(76) = intersection of lines PU(1) of 1st and 2nd Ehrmann circumscribing triangles
X(76) = trilinear cube of X(2)
X(76) = barycentric square of X(75)
X(76) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 19
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
Ia = line through X(7) parallel to BC, and define Ib and Ic cyclically.
Ac = Ia∩AB, and define Ba and Cb cyclically.
Ab = Ia∩AC, and define Bc and Ca cyclically.
Oa = circumcircle of A, Bc, Cb, and define Ob and Oc cyclically.
Then X(77) = radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc. See also X(77). (Ivan Pavlov, April 1, 2022)
X(77) lies on these lines: 1,7 2,189 6,241 9,651 29,34 40,947 55,1037 56,1036 57,81 63,219 65,969 69,73 75,664 102,934 283,603 309,318 738,951 988,1106 999,1057
X(77) = isogonal conjugate of X(33)
X(77) = isotomic conjugate of X(318)
X(77) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (85,57), (86,7), (348,63)
X(77) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,223), (3,222)
X(77) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,63), (73,222)
X(77) = trilinear pole of line X(652)X(905)
X(77) = {X(175),X(176)}-harmonic conjugate of X(962)
X(77) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(41)
X(77) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(78)
X(77) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,990), (69,69), (86,269), (99,75), (332,326), (336,77), (662,77), (664,77), (811,77)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(78).
X(78) lies on these lines: 1,2 3,63 4,908 9,21 20,329 29,33 37,965 38,988 40,100 46,758 55,960 56,480 57,404 69,73 101,205 207,653 210,958 212,283 220,949 226,377 271,394 273,322 280,282 345,1040 392,1057 474,942 517,945 644,728 999,1059
X(78) = isogonal conjugate of X(34)
X(78) = isotomic conjugate of X(273)
X(78) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (69,63), (312,9), (332,345)
X(78) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,271), (72,8), (212,9), (219,63)
X(78) = crosspoint of X(69) and X(345)
X(78) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (25,608), (56,1406), (604,1395), (1042,1426)
X(78) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (78,3), (643,40), (1043,1)
X(78) = trilinear pole of line X(521)X(652)
X(78) = {X(1),X(8)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3872)
X(78) = {X(2),X(145)}-harmonic conjugate of X(938)
X(78) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(604)
X(78) = homothetic center of anticomplementary triangle and tangential triangle of the hexyl triangle
X(78) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(77)
X(79) = (2r + 3R)*X(1) + 6r*X(2) - 6r*X(3) (Peter Moses, April 2, 2013)
Let A' be the reflection of X(1) in sideline BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. Then the lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(79). (Eric Danneels, Hyacinthos 7892, 9/13/03)
A'B'C' is also the reflection triangle of X(1). The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(79). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let P and Q be the intersections of line BC and circle {X(1),2r}. Let X = X(1). Let A' be the circumcenter of triangle PQX, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(79). (Compare to X(592), where the circle is the 1st Lemoine circle) (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A25B25C25 be Gemini triangle 25. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B25,C25}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(79). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
A construction for X(79) appears in Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, On the Feuerbach Triangle.
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
D = the point on line AC such that angle CAB = angle DAB and |AD| = |AB|
E = the point on line AB such that angle CAB = angle CAE and |AE| = |AC|
F = the point on line BC such that angle CBA = angle FBA and |BF| = |AB|
G = the point on line AB such that angle CBA = angle CBG and |BG| = |BC|
H = the point on line BC such that angle ACB = angle ACH and |CH| = |AC|
I = the point on line AC such that angle ACB = angle ICB and |CI| = |BC|
S = the nine point center of AFH
T = the nine point center of BDI
U = the nine point center of CEG
ABC and STU are homothetic about X(79) (labled V on the figure).
See figure. (Benjamin Warren, October 24, 2024)
X(79) lies on these lines: 1,30 2,3647 8,758 9,46 12,484 21,36 33,1063 34,1061 35,226 57,90 65,80 104,946 314,320 388,1000
X(79) = reflection of X(191) in X(442)
X(79) = isogonal conjugate of X(35)
X(79) = isotomic conjugate of X(319)
X(79) = cevapoint of X(481) and X(482)
X(79) = crosssum of X(55) and X(1030)
X(79) = anticomplement of X(3647)
X(79) = X(2914) of Fuhrmann triangle
X(79) = antigonal image of X(3065)
X(79) = trilinear pole of line X(650)X(4802)
X(79) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(80)
X(79) = Hofstadter -1/2 point
X(79) = trilinear pole of line X(650)X(4802)
X(79) = trilinear product of vertices of reflection triangle of X(1)
X(79) = X(6152)-of-excentral-triangle
Let A' be the reflection in BC of the A-vertex of the excentral triangle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of A'BC, B'CA, and C'AB concur in X(80). Also, the lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(80). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the Fuhrmann triangle. Let La be the line through A parallel to B'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, B″ = Lc∩La, C″ = La∩Lb. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(80). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let La be the antiorthic axis of AB'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc. B″ = Lc∩La, C″ = La∩Lb. The triangle A″B″C″ is inversely similar to ABC, with similitude center X(9). The incenter of triangle A″B″C″ is X(80). Also, the lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(80).(Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. Let A″ be the isogonal conjugate, wrt A'BC, of A. Define B″, C″ cyclically. (A″ is also the reflection of A' in BC, and cyclically for B″ and C″). The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(80). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. Let Oa be the A'-Johnson circle of triangle A'BC, and define Ob and Oc cyclically. X(80) is the radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc. (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
X(80) lies on these lines: 1,5 2,214 7,150 8,149 9,528 10,21 30,484 33,1061 34,1063 36,104 40,90 46,84 65,79 313,314 497,1000 499,944 516,655 519,908 943,950
X(80) = midpoint of X(8) and X(149)
X(80) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,11), (100,10), (1317,1387)
X(80) = isogonal conjugate of X(36)
X(80) = isotomic conjugate of X(320)
X(80) = circumcircle-inverse of X(10260)
X(80) = incircle-inverse of X(1387)
X(80) = Fuhrmann-circle-inverse of X(1)
X(80) = complement of X(6224)
X(80) = anticomplement of X(214)
X(80) = cevapoint of X(10) and X(519)
X(80) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (44,2), (517,1)
X(80) = X(8)-beth conjugate of X(100)
X(80) = antigonal image of X(1)
X(80) = syngonal conjugate of X(10)
X(80) = X(186)-of-Fuhrmann triangle
X(80) = orthology center of ABC and Fuhrmann triangle
X(80) = reflection of any vertex of ABC in the corresponding side of the Fuhrmann triangle
X(80) = perspector of ABC and reflection of Fuhrmann triangle in X(11)
X(80) = trilinear pole of line X(37)X(650)
X(80) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(1)-of-X(1807)
X(80) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(79)
X(80) = X(1986)-of-excentral triangle
X(80) = perspector of ABC and mid-triangle of 1st and 2nd extouch triangles
X(80) = inner-Garcia-to-outer-Garcia similarity image of X(1)
X(80) = X(100)-of-outer-Garcia-triangle
X(80) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(35638)
X(81) = (r2 + 2rR + s2)*X(1) - 3rR*X(2) - 2r2*X(3) (Peter Moses, April 2, 2013)
Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of X(1). Let A″ be the symmedian point of triangle AB'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Then the lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(81). (Eric Danneels, Hyacinthos 7892, 9/13/03)
Let A'B'C' be the incentral triangle. Let LA be the reflection of B'C' in the internal angle bisector of vertex angle A, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A'' = LB∩LC, B'' = LC∩LA, C'' = LA∩LB. The lines AA'', BB'', CC'' concur in X(81). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let H* be the Stammler hyperbola. Let A'B'C' be the tangential triangle and A″B″C″ be the excentral triangle. Let A* be the intersection of the tangents to H* at A' and A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(81). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the 2nd circumperp triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(81). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the anticomplement of the Feuerbach triangle. Let A″ be BB'∩CC', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(81). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let Ba, Ca be the intersections of lines CA, AB, resp., and the antiparallel to BC through X(1). Define Cb, Ab, Ac, Bc cyclically. Triangles ABaCa, AbBCb, AcBcC are similar to each other and inversely similar to ABC. Let Sa be the similitude center of triangles AbBCb and AcBcC. Define Sb and Sc cyclically. The lines ASa, BSb, CSc concur in X(81). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A10B10C10 be Gemini triangle 10. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B10,C10}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(81). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
Let A11B11C11 be Gemini triangle 11. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B11,C11}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(81). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(81).
X(81) lies on these lines: 1,21 2,6 7,27 8,1010 19,969 28,60 29,189 32,980 42,100 43,750 55,1002 56,959 57,77 65,961 88,662 99,739 105,110 145,1043 226,651 239,274 314,321 377,387 386,404 411,581 593,757 715,932 859,957 941,967 982,985 1019,1022 1051,1054 1098,1104
X(81) = isogonal conjugate of X(37)
X(81) = isotomic conjugate of X(321)
X(81) = anticomplement of X(1211)
X(81) = circumcircle-inverse of X(5867)
X(81) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (7,229), (86,21), (286,28)
X(81) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,6), (57,222), (58,284)
X(81) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,86), (3,272), (6,58), (57,27), (284,21)
X(81) = crosspoint of X(274) and X(286)
X(81) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,846), (6,1030), (42,1334), (213,228)
X(81) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(512)X(661)
X(81) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (333,333), (643,81), (645,81), (648,81), (662,81), (931,81)
X(81) = trilinear product of PU(31)
X(81) = intersection of tangents at X(1) and X(6) to the Stammler hyperbola
X(81) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(6) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(81) = trilinear pole of line X(36)X(238) (the polar of X(1) wrt the circumcircle)
X(81) = {X(1),X(31)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1621)
X(81) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(10)
X(81) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(228)
X(81) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 1 and 2
X(81) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 1
X(81) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 2
X(81) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 3
X(81) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 4
X(81) = perspector of Gemini triangles 2 and 7
X(81) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 1
X(81) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 2
X(81) = perspector of Gemini triangle 24 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 24
X(81) = perspector of Gemini triangle 28 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 28
Barycentrics a/(b2 + c2) : b/(c2 + a2) : c/(a2 + b2)
Let A'B'C' be the circummedial triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. A″, B″, C″ are collinear on line X(798)X(812) (the trilinear polar of X(3112)). The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(82). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(82) lies on these lines: 1,560 10,83 31,75 37,251 58,596 689,715 759,827
X(82) = isogonal conjugate of X(38)
X(82) = isotomic conjugate of X(1930)
X(82) = anticomplement of X(21249)
X(82) = cevapoint of X(1) and X(31)
X(82) = trilinear pole of line X(661)X(830)
X(82) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(2084)X(2530)
X(82) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(82) (which is also the anticevian triangle of X(82))
X(82) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(31) wrt the excentral triangle
Barycentrics 1/(b2 + c2) : 1/(c2 + a2) : 1/(a2 + b2)
Let K denote the symmedian point, X(6). Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of K. Let KA be K of the triangle AB'C'; let KB be K of A'BC' and let KC be K of A'B'C. The lines AKA, BKB, CKC concur in X(83). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the reflection of A' in BC, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(83). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let Ba, Ca be the intersections of lines CA, AB, resp., and the antiparallel to BC through X(2). Define Cb, Ab, Ac, Bc cyclically. Triangles ABaCa, AbBCb, AcBcC are similar to each other and inversely similar to ABC. Let Sa be the similitude center of triangles AbBCb and AcBcC. Define Sb and Sc cyclically. The lines ASa, BSb, CSc concur in X(83). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let (Oa) be the circle whose diameter is the orthogonal projections of PU(1) on line BC. Define (Ob) and (Oc) cyclically. X(83) is the radical center of circles (Oa), (Ob), (Oc). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the circummedial triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(83). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(83) lies on these lines: 2,32 3,262 4,182 5,98 6,76 10,82 17,624 18,623 39,99 213,239 217,287 275,297 597,671 689,729
X(83) = isogonal conjugate of X(39)
X(83) = isotomic conjugate of X(141)
X(83) = complement of X(2896)
X(83) = cevapoint of X(2) and X(6)
X(83) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,308), (6,251), (512,99)
X(83) = trilinear pole of line X(23)X(385) (line is the polar of X(2) wrt the circumcircle, and also the anticomplement of the de Longchamps line, and also the polar of X(5) wrt {circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter)
X(83) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(688)X(3005)
X(83) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(427)
X(83) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(427)
X(83) = perspector of ABC and medial triangle of 1st Brocard triangle
X(83) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(6) wrt both the anticomplementary and tangential triangles
X(83) = trilinear product of vertices of circummedial triangle
X(83) = midpoint of PU(137)
X(83) = bicentric sum of PU(i) for these i: 137, 141
X(83) = homothetic center of 5th anti-Brocard triangle and medial triangle
X(83) = X(8290)-of-1st-Brocard-triangle
X(83) = perspector of ABC and 1st Brocard triangle of medial triangle
X(83) = perspector of ABC and 1st Brocard triangle of 5th anti-Brocard triangle
X(83) = homothetic center of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 5th anti-Brocard triangle
X(83) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(262)
X(83) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(182)
X(83) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(316)X(512)
Let A',B',C' be the excenters. The perpendiculars from B' to AB and from C' to AC meet in a point A″. Points B″ and C″ are determined cyclically. The hexyl triangle, A″B″C″, is perspective to ABC, and X(84) is the perspector.
Let A'B'C' be the extouch triangle. Let A″ be the orthocenter of AB'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(84). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A1B1C1 be the 1st Conway triangle. Let A' be the crosspoint of B1 and C1, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(84). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
See Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, On a Conic Through Twelve Notable Points, Int. J. Adv. Math. and Mech. 7(2) (2019) 1-15.
X(84) lies on the Darboux cubic, the circumellipse with center X(9), and these lines: 1,221 3,9 4,57 7,946 8,20 21,285 33,603 36,90 46,80 58,990 64,3353 171,989 256,988 294,580 309,314 581,941 944,1000 2130,3345 3346,3472 3347,3355
X(84) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (40,1158), (1490,3)
X(84) = isogonal conjugate of X(40)
X(84) = isotomic conjugate of X(322)
X(84) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (189,282), (280,1)
X(84) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (19,57), (56,1)
X(84) = X(280)-aleph conjugate of X(84)
X(84) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (271,3), (280,280), (285,84)
X(84) = X(68)-of-the-hexyl-triangle
X(84) = trilinear pole of line X(650)X(1459)
X(84) = perspector of ABC and the reflection in X(9) of the antipedal triangle of X(9)
X(84) = Danneels point of X(110)
X(84) = trilinear product of vertices of hexyl triangle (i.e., the extraversions of X(40))
X(84) = hexyl-isotomic conjugate of X(12717)
X(84) = orthologic center of hexyl triangle to inverse(n(hexyl triangle)); the reciprocal orthologic center is X(65)
X(84) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of extouch and Hutson-extouch triangles
X(84) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(9)
X(84) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(57)
X(84) = intouch-to-excentral similarity image of X(4)
Let A38B38C38 be Gemini triangle 38. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B38,C38}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(85). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(85) lies on these lines: 1,664 2,241 7,8 12,120 29,34 56,870 57,274 76,226 92,331 109,767 150,355 264,309
X(85) = isogonal conjugate of X(41)
X(85) = isotomic conjugate of X(9)
X(85) = complement of X(3177)
X(85) = anticomplement of X(1212)
X(85) = X(274)-Ceva conjugate of X(348)
X(85) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,169), (2,7), (57,77), (92,342)
X(85) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,75), (57,273), (92,309), (142,2), (226,7)
X(85) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (76,76), (85,279), (99,1), (274,85), (668,85), (789,85), (799,85), (811,85)
X(85) = trilinear pole of line X(522)X(693) (the isotomic conjugate of the circumconic centered at X(1), conic {A,B,C,X(100),X(664),X(1120),X(1320)}; also the polar of X(33) wrt polar circle)
X(85) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(33) (line X(657)X(4041))
X(85) = polar conjugate of X(33)
X(85) = {X(7),X(8)}-harmonic conjugate of X(6604)
X(85) = trilinear square of X(508)
X(85) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 9
X(85) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 10
X(86) = 2(r2 + 2rR + s2)*X(1) + 3(r2 + s2)*X(2) - 4r2*X(3) (Peter Moses, April 2, 2013)
Let A'B'C' be the anticomplement of the Feuerbach triangle. Let La be the tangent to the circumcircle at A', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ be the point where La is tangent to the Steiner circumellipse, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Let A* = BB″∩CC″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(86). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A1B1C1 be the 1st Conway triangle. Let A' be the trilinear pole of line B1C1, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(86). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A5B5C5 be the 5th Conway triangle. Let A' be the trilinear pole of line B5C5, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(86). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A3B3C3 and A4B4C4 be Gemini triangles 3 and 4, resp. Let LA be the tangent at A to conic {A,B3,C3,B4,C4}}, and define LB, LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(86). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
Let A21B21C21 be Gemini triangle 21. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B21,C21}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(86). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(86) lies on these lines: 1,75 2,6 7,21 10,319 29,34 37,190 58,238 60,272 99,106 110,675 142,284 239,1100 269,1088 283,307 310,350 741,789 870,871
X(86) = isogonal conjugate of X(42)
X(86) = isotomic conjugate of X(10)
X(86) = complement of X(1654)
X(86) = anticomplement of X(1213)
X(86) = circumcircle-inverse of X(5937)
X(86) = X(274)-Ceva conjugate of X(333)
X(86) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,2), (7,77), (21,81)
X(86) = crosssum of X(1) and X(1045)
X(86) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(512)X(798)
X(86) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,81), (2,274), (7,286), (21,333), (58,27), (513,190)
X(86) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (86,1014), (99,86), (261,86), (314,314), (645,86), (811,86)
X(86) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(6626)
X(86) = intersection of tangents at X(1) and X(2) to the bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(2); see X(99)
X(86) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(2) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(86) = trilinear pole of line X(239)X(514) (Lemoine axis of excentral triangle)
X(86) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1826)
X(86) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate)-of-X(1826)
X(86) = perspector of Gemini triangle 1 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 1
X(86) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 23
X(86) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 24
X(86) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 23 and 24
X(86) = perspector of ABC and Gemini triangle 25
X(86) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 23
X(86) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 24
X(86) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 25
X(86) = {X(2),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(17277)
X(86) = {X(2),X(69)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5224)
X(86) = {X(2),X(141)}-harmonic conjugate of X(17307)
X(87) lies on these lines: 1,192 6,43 9,292 10,979 34,242 56,238 58,978 106,932
X(87) = isogonal conjugate of X(43)
X(87) = isotomic conjugate of X(6376)
X(87) = anticomplement of X(34832)
X(87) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(43)
X(87) = trilinear product of extraversions of X(43)
X(87) = cevapoint of X(2) and X(330)
X(87) = X(2)-cross conjugate of X(1)
X(87) = X(932)-beth conjugate of X(87)
Let A9B9C9 be Gemini triangle 9. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B9,C9}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(88). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
See (and hear) Dan Reznik's Dance of the Swans: X(88) and X(162) and their Never-Touching Motion Over the Elliptic Billiard (March 4, 2020)
X(88) lies on these lines: 1,100 2,45 6,89 28,162 44,679 57,651 81,662 105,901 274,799 278,653 279,658 291,660
X(88) = isogonal conjugate of X(44)
X(88) = isotomic conjugate of X(4358)
X(88) = complement of X(30578)
X(88) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,44), (6,36)
X(88) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (44,1), (517,7)
X(88) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (88,1), (679,88), (903,63), (1022,1052)
X(88) = X(333)-beth conjugate of X(190)
X(88) = trilinear product of PU(50)
X(88) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,PU(50)}}
X(88) = trilinear pole of PU(55); the line X(1)X(513), the line through X(1) parallel to its trilinear polar; also normal to Feuerbach hyperbola at X(1)
X(88) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(678)X(1635)
X(88) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(519)
X(88) = BSS(a^2→a) of X(111)
X(88) = polar conjugate of X(38462)
X(88) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(5440)
X(88) = X(48)-isoconjugate of X(38462)
X(88) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(23202)
Let A9B9C9 be the Gemini triangle 9. Let LA be the line through A9 parallel to BC, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A'9 = LB∩LC, and define B'9, C'9 cyclically. Triangle A'9B'9C'9 is homothetic to ABC at X(89). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2018)
X(89) lies on these lines: 1,902 2,44 6,88 649,1022
X(89) = isogonal conjugate of X(45)
X(89) = isotomic conjugate of X(4671)
X(89) = anticomplement of isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(20973)
X(89) = anticomplement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22083)
X(89) = anticomplement of complementary conjugate of X(34824)
X(90) = (r + R)2*X(1) - 6rR*X(2) - 2r(r - R)*X(3) (Peter Moses, April 2, 2013)
X(90) lies on these lines: 1,155 4,46 9,35 21,224 33,47 36,84 40,80 57,79
X(90) = isogonal conjugate of X(46)
X(90) = isotomic conjugate of X(20930)
X(90) = X(3)-cross conjugate of X(1)
X(90) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(46)
X(90) = trilinear product of the extraversions of X(46), which is also the cross-triangle of the orthic and excentral triangles
X(90) = trilinear product of PU(125)
X(90) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(90)
X(90) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(46)
X(91) lies on these lines: 19,920 31,1087 37,498 47,92 63,921 65,68 225,847 255,1109 759,925
X(91) = isogonal conjugate of X(47)
X(91) = X(48)-cross conjugate of X(92)
X(91) = trilinear product of X(485) and X(486)
X(91) = polar conjugate of X(1748)
X(91) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(563)
X(91) = trilinear pole of line X(661)X(2618)
X(91) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(91) (which is also the anticevian triangle of X(91))
X(91) = trilinear product of vertices of outer and inner Vecten triangles
Let LA be the line through X(4) parallel to the internal bisector of angle A, and let
A' = BC∩LA. Define B' and C' cyclically.
Alexei Myakishev, "The M-Configuration of a Triangle," Forum Geometricorum 3 (2003) 135-144,
proves that the lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(92). He notes that another construction follows from Proposition 2 of the article: let A1 be the midpoint of the arc BC of the circumcircle that passes through A, and let A2 be the point, other than A, in which the A-altitude meets the circumcircle. Let A″ = A1A2∩BC. Define B″ and C″ cyclically. Then the lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(92).
Suppose that T = A'B'C' is a central triangle. Let A'' be the pole with respect to the polar circle of the line B'C', and define B'' and C'' cyclically. The appearance of T in the following list means that the lines AA'', BB'', CC'' concur in X(92): Feurerbach, incentral, excentral, extangents, Apollonius, mixtilinear excentral. (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(92) lies on these lines: 1,29 2,273 4,8 7,189 10,1838 19,27 25,242 28,2975 31,162 33,1897 34,1220 38,240 40,412 47,91 48,2167 53,4415 55,243 56,1940 57,653 81,2995 85,331 100,917 108,1311 171,1430 226,342 239,607 255,1087 257,297 264,306 304,561 345,3262 388,1118 394,1943 406,1068 427,2969 429,3948 429,3948 459,1446 497,1857 518,1859 608,894 651,2988 823,2349 938,3176 942,1148 960,1882 984,1860 994,1845 1146,1952 1172,2997 1211,1865 1309,2717 1435,3306 1585,1659 1621,4183 1707,1733 1726,1746 1731,1751 1785,4656 1842,1891 1844,3874 1870,5136 1947,2994 1954,1955 1956,2632 1973,3112 2064,3596 2331,5256 2399,4391 3064,4468 4198,4968
X(92) = isogonal conjugate of X(48)
X(92) = isotomic conjugate of X(63)
X(92) = anticomplement of X(1214)
X(92) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(2897)
X(92) = Fuhrmann-circle-inverse of X(5174)
X(92) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (85, 342), (264,318), (286,4), (331,273)
X(92) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,19), (4,281), (47,48), (196,278)
X(92) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,75), (4,273), (19,158), (48,91), (226,2), (281,318)
X(92) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (85,309), (264,331)
X(92) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(810)X(822)
X(92) = X(275)-aleph conjugate of X(47)
X(92) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (92,278), (312,329), (648,57)
X(92) = {X(19),X(63)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1748)
X(92) = barycentric product of PU(20)
X(92) = trilinear product of PU(i) for these i: 21, 45
X(92) = bicentric sum of PU(130)
X(92) = midpoint of PU(130)
X(92) = trilinear product X(2)*X(4)
X(92) = trilinear pole of line X(240)X(522) (polar of X(1) wrt polar circle)
X(92) = pole of antiorthic axis wrt polar circle
X(92) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(3)
X(92) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(1)
X(92) = X(88)-isoconjugate of X(23202)
X(92) = X(91)-isoconjugate of X(563)
X(92) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(92) (which is also the anticevian triangle of X(92))
X(92) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(19) wrt excentral triangle
X(92) = crosspoint of X(47) and X(48) wrt excentral triangle
X(92) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 37 and 38
X(92) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 37
X(92) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 38
X(92) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 37
X(92) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 38
Let OAOBOC be the Kosnita triangle. Let A' be the pole wrt polar circle of line OBOC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(93). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(93) lies on these lines: 4,562 49,94 186,252
X(93) = isogonal conjugate of X(49)
X(93) = anticomplement of X(34833)
X(93) = X(50)-cross conjugate of X(94)
X(93) = polar conjugate of X(1994)
X(93) = X(2964)-isoconjugate of X(3)
Let A1B1C1 and A2B2C2 be the 1st and 2nd Ehrmann circumscribing triangles. Let A' be the trilinear pole of line A1A2, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(94). Let A1'B1'C1' and A2'B2'C2' be the 1st and 2nd Ehrmann inscribed triangles. Then X(94) is the radical center of nine-point circles of AA1'A2', BB1'B2', CC1'C2'. (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the medial or orthic triangle of ABC and A″, B″, C″ the centers of circles {A', X(3), X(4)}}, {B', X(3), X(4)}} and {C', X(3), X(4)}}, respectively. Then A″, B″, C″ are collinear on the trilinear polar of X(94). (César Lozada, March 9, 2021).
X(94) lies on the Kiepert hyperbola and these lines: 2,300 4,143 23,98 49,93 96,925 275,324
X(94) = isogonal conjugate of X(50)
X(94) = isotomic conjugate of X(323)
X(94) = anticomplement of X(34834)
X(94) = cevapoint of X(49) and X(50)
X(94) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (30,264), (50,93), (265,328)
X(94) = X(300)-Hirst inverse of X(301)
X(94) = trilinear pole of PU(5) (line X(5)X(523))
X(94) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(186)
X(94) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(186)
X(94) = barycentric product X(476)*X(850)
X(94) = trilinear pole of PU(173)
X(94) = trilinear product X(74)*X(107) (circumcircle-X(4) antipodes)
X(94) = barycentric quotient X(476)/X(110)
X(94) = intersection of the tangent to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(6),X(13),X(16)}} at X(13) and the tangent to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(6),X(14),X(15)}} at X(14)
Let A'B'C' be the symmedial triangle. Let La be the reflection of line B'C' in line BC, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(95). (Randy Hutson, August 19, 2015)
Let A' be the intersection, other than A, of the circumcircle and the branch of the Lucas cubic that contains A, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is here introduced as the Lucas triangle (not to be confused with the Lucas central triangle). The vertices A', B', C' lie on the rectangular hyperbola {X(2),X(20),X(54),X(69),X(110),X(2574),X(2575),X(2979)}}. (See Also, X(95) is the trilinear product of the vertices of the Lucas triangle. (Randy Hutson, August 19, 2015)
X(95) lies on these lines: 2,97 3,264 54,69 76,96 99,311 140,340 141,287 160,327 183,305 216,648 307,320
X(95) = isogonal conjugate of X(51)
X(95) = isotomic conjugate of X(5)
X(95) = anticomplement of X(233)
X(95) = X(276)-Ceva conjugate of X(275)
X(95) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,3), (6,160), (54,97)
X(95) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,276), (3,97), (54,275), (140,2), (340,1494)
X(95) = intersection of tangents at X(2) and X(3) to bianticevian conic of X(2) and X(3)
X(95) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(3) wrt both the anticomplementary triangle and anticevian triangle of X(3)
X(95) = trilinear pole of line X(323)X(401) (polar of X(53) wrt polar circle, and polar of X(69) wrt de Longchamps circle)
X(95) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(53)
X(95) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(53)
X(95) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(217)
Let A'B'C' be the reflection triangle. Let BA and CA be the orthogonal projections of B' and C' on line BC, resp. Let (OA) be the circle with segment BACA as diameter. Define (OB) and (OC) cyclically. X(96) is the radical center of circles (OA), (OB), (OC). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(96) lies on these lines: 2,54 4,231 24,847 76,95 94,925
X(96) = isogonal conjugate of X(52)
X(96) = isotomic conjugate of X(39113)
X(96) = anticomplement of X(34835)
X(96) = cevapoint of X(3) and X(68)
X(96) = X(3)-cross conjugate of X(54)
X(96) = polar conjugate of X(467)
X(96) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(5392)
X(96) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(571)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
Ia = line through X(3) parallel to BC, and define Ib and Ic cyclically.
Ac = Ia∩AB, and define Ba and Cb cyclically.
Ab = Ia∩AC, and define Bc and Ca cyclically.
Oa = circumcircle of A, Bc, Cb, and define Ob and Oc cyclically.
Then X(97) = radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc. See also X(77). (Ivan Pavlov, April 1, 2022)
X(97) lies on these lines: 2,95 3,54 110,418 216,288 276,401
X(97) = isogonal conjugate of X(53)
X(97) = isotomic conjugate of X(324)
X(97) = anticomplement of X(34836)
X(97) = complement of isogonal conjugate of X(34433)
X(97) = X(95)-Ceva conjugate of X(54)
X(97) = X(3)-cross conjugate of X(95)
X(97) = cevapoint of X(3) and X(577)
X(97) = X(51)-isoconjugate of X(92)
X(97) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(7592)
Centers on the circumcircle: X(74), X(98)-X(112)
Λ(P,X) = isogonal conjugate of the point where line PX meets the line at infinity.
Let Y = Λ(P,X), let Q = isogonal conjugate of P, and let Y and Z be the points where line YQ meets the circumcircle;
then Ψ(P,X) = Z.
Let A' be the apex of the isosceles triangle BA'C constructed inward on BC such that ∠A'BC = ∠A'CB = ω. Define B' nad C' cyclically. Let Ha be the orthocenter of BA'C, and define Hb and Hc cyclically. The lines AHa, BHb, CHc concur in X(98). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A' be the apex of the isosceles triangle BA'C constructed outward on BC such that ∠A'BC = ∠A'CB = ω/2. Define B' and C' cyclically. Let Oa be the circumcenter of BA'C, and define Ob and Oc cyclically. The lines AOa, BOb, COc concur in X(98). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(98).
J. W. Clawson, "Points on the circumcircle," American Mathematical Monthly 32 (1925) 169-174.
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the reflection of A in B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. X(98) is the radical center of the circumcircles of AA'A″, BB'B″, CC'C″. (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let La be the Lemoine axis of triangle AB'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Triangle A″B″C″ is inversely similar to ABC, with similicenter X(2). The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(98), which is X(4)-of-A″B″C″. (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
Let P be a point on the Steiner circumellipse. Let A' be the orthocenter of BCP, and define B' and C' cyclically. Let Q be the centroid of A'B'C'. The locus of Q as P varies is an ellipse similar and orthogonal to the Steiner circumellipse, and also centered at X(2). When P = X(671), Q = X(98). See also X(6054) and X(24808). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(98) lies on these lines: {1, 7970}, {2, 110}, {3, 76}, {4, 32}, {5, 83}, {6, 262}, {10, 101}, {11, 10768}, {12, 10799}, {13, 1080}, {14, 383}, {15, 33388}, {16, 33389}, {17, 6115}, {18, 6114}, {20, 148}, {22, 925}, {23, 94}, {24, 1289}, {25, 107}, {26, 1286}, {30, 671}, {35, 10086}, {36, 10089}, {39, 3399}, {40, 6010}, {54, 3203}, {55, 3027}, {56, 3023}, {57, 24469}, {61, 22691}, {62, 22692}, {69, 13355}, {74, 690}, {95, 20775}, {96, 32692}, {100, 228}, {102, 2785}, {103, 2786}, {104, 2787}, {105, 2788}, {106, 2789}, {108, 1402}, {109, 171}, {111, 1637}, {113, 13193}, {119, 13194}, {127, 12207}, {140, 7832}, {141, 19120}, {165, 13174}, {185, 1303}, {186, 935}, {187, 11676}, {194, 9737}, {230, 1503}, {235, 11380}, {237, 6037}, {250, 34978}, {251, 30505}, {264, 3425}, {265, 14849}, {275, 427}, {316, 15980}, {325, 2065}, {336, 1310}, {338, 1632}, {355, 12195}, {371, 13885}, {372, 13938}, {376, 543}, {378, 30247}, {381, 598}, {382, 22515}, {384, 6248}, {385, 511}, {386, 34454}, {402, 12181}, {403, 10423}, {446, 18858}, {459, 1301}, {468, 685}, {485, 6811}, {486, 6813}, {493, 12186}, {494, 12187}, {512, 2698}, {513, 2699}, {514, 2700}, {515, 2701}, {516, 2702}, {517, 2703}, {518, 2704}, {519, 2705}, {520, 2706}, {521, 2707}, {522, 2708}, {523, 842}, {524, 2709}, {525, 2710}, {526, 9161}, {530, 9203}, {531, 9202}, {538, 9888}, {541, 9144}, {546, 18502}, {548, 38731}, {549, 8724}, {550, 38730}, {573, 3029}, {574, 1569}, {575, 3329}, {576, 7766}, {618, 21157}, {619, 21156}, {620, 631}, {635, 32552}, {636, 32553}, {637, 1306}, {638, 1307}, {648, 2452}, {675, 7432}, {689, 1799}, {693, 2856}, {729, 2422}, {732, 36517}, {733, 11620}, {739, 35353}, {741, 4444}, {759, 7427}, {783, 3505}, {801, 1368}, {804, 878}, {813, 3404}, {841, 36164}, {843, 1499}, {850, 2857}, {858, 2986}, {868, 34174}, {895, 2407}, {901, 4080}, {919, 13576}, {927, 5991}, {929, 1324}, {930, 6636}, {931, 19544}, {932, 22381}, {934, 1410}, {946, 12194}, {1029, 37456}, {1113, 2593}, {1114, 2592}, {1125, 21636}, {1131, 7374}, {1132, 7000}, {1147, 3044}, {1181, 6570}, {1196, 37892}, {1284, 19637}, {1287, 2070}, {1288, 21213}, {1290, 37959}, {1291, 5189}, {1292, 2795}, {1293, 2796}, {1294, 2797}, {1295, 2798}, {1297, 2799}, {1302, 1995}, {1309, 17987}, {1311, 7439}, {1316, 5191}, {1342, 5404}, {1343, 5403}, {1350, 5969}, {1351, 14614}, {1370, 6504}, {1379, 3414}, {1380, 3413}, {1385, 29299}, {1423, 7350}, {1447, 7061}, {1478, 10802}, {1479, 10801}, {1482, 29269}, {1498, 13380}, {1576, 7668}, {1587, 18993}, {1588, 18994}, {1593, 5186}, {1598, 10790}, {1656, 7942}, {1657, 38733}, {1687, 2009}, {1688, 2010}, {1698, 29117}, {1699, 10789}, {1756, 7095}, {1764, 38481}, {1989, 23969}, {2051, 4279}, {2086, 8789}, {2222, 5143}, {2319, 6210}, {2378, 5917}, {2379, 5916}, {2387, 11674}, {2482, 3524}, {2558, 6177}, {2559, 6178}, {2691, 36001}, {2696, 7464}, {2711, 3309}, {2712, 3667}, {2713, 6000}, {2714, 6001}, {2720, 5061}, {2770, 4108}, {2777, 16278}, {2855, 3260}, {2858, 3266}, {3068, 8980}, {3069, 13967}, {3070, 14245}, {3071, 14231}, {3090, 6722}, {3091, 5395}, {3095, 7760}, {3098, 6194}, {3146, 38259}, {3153, 11635}, {3222, 3504}, {3225, 6234}, {3229, 8841}, {3269, 18338}, {3291, 9091}, {3314, 34507}, {3316, 10783}, {3317, 10784}, {3406, 7746}, {3407, 3818}, {3424, 9752}, {3428, 22514}, {3430, 8669}, {3456, 3518}, {3507, 23605}, {3510, 8923}, {3512, 7351}, {3522, 10992}, {3523, 38748}, {3525, 20399}, {3526, 7930}, {3533, 38746}, {3534, 33638}, {3543, 9880}, {3545, 5461}, {3563, 16230}, {3566, 23700}, {3574, 12208}, {3576, 11711}, {3579, 29151}, {3597, 5706}, {3616, 11724}, {3655, 9884}, {3734, 35925}, {3757, 38470}, {3815, 5038}, {3830, 17503}, {3832, 18845}, {3843, 18501}, {3849, 13241}, {3851, 15092}, {3855, 18843}, {3934, 5149}, {3972, 35930}, {4232, 9064}, {4239, 9058}, {4297, 28483}, {4558, 25051}, {4588, 30588}, {4995, 12350}, {5000, 34240}, {5001, 34239}, {5008, 22521}, {5020, 37874}, {5025, 9863}, {5026, 5085}, {5033, 7612}, {5034, 5477}, {5039, 5304}, {5050, 11174}, {5055, 22566}, {5071, 14971}, {5092, 8289}, {5169, 7578}, {5188, 6308}, {5210, 8719}, {5217, 15452}, {5254, 34870}, {5286, 13356}, {5293, 29052}, {5298, 12351}, {5306, 5480}, {5465, 10706}, {5469, 5479}, {5470, 5478}, {5475, 11170}, {5487, 22532}, {5488, 22531}, {5569, 19911}, {5587, 10791}, {5597, 12179}, {5598, 12180}, {5603, 10800}, {5657, 29127}, {5663, 9160}, {5840, 10769}, {5870, 14229}, {5871, 14244}, {5886, 29111}, {5913, 35188}, {5914, 9136}, {5965, 7779}, {5968, 34810}, {5970, 32472}, {5971, 6082}, {5978, 5982}, {5979, 5983}, {5996, 32730}, {6002, 12031}, {6011, 30273}, {6072, 22103}, {6199, 10839}, {6200, 10848}, {6201, 10793}, {6202, 10792}, {6221, 10841}, {6222, 8304}, {6233, 7610}, {6245, 12196}, {6246, 12198}, {6247, 12202}, {6249, 12206}, {6250, 12211}, {6251, 12210}, {6284, 13183}, {6295, 14539}, {6312, 6320}, {6316, 6319}, {6395, 10840}, {6396, 10847}, {6398, 10842}, {6399, 8305}, {6433, 10843}, {6434, 10844}, {6435, 10849}, {6436, 10850}, {6530, 16318}, {6539, 8701}, {6564, 35767}, {6565, 35766}, {6578, 32014}, {6582, 14538}, {6625, 7379}, {6655, 32152}, {6670, 36765}, {6684, 29119}, {6784, 6785}, {6795, 9832}, {6995, 8796}, {7166, 8926}, {7168, 8927}, {7354, 13182}, {7391, 13579}, {7414, 26706}, {7426, 9060}, {7438, 9107}, {7448, 9083}, {7449, 9056}, {7453, 9057}, {7458, 9061}, {7472, 38702}, {7494, 26870}, {7505, 26269}, {7607, 37637}, {7697, 10000}, {7751, 8178}, {7778, 15069}, {7781, 18768}, {7788, 11898}, {7790, 37242}, {7797, 37336}, {7818, 34623}, {7824, 13334}, {7827, 37345}, {7857, 37466}, {7875, 38317}, {7887, 10349}, {7901, 10333}, {7907, 10131}, {7911, 32151}, {7919, 9996}, {7932, 10345}, {8059, 8808}, {8150, 12252}, {8196, 11837}, {8203, 11838}, {8212, 11840}, {8213, 11841}, {8229, 24624}, {8295, 9865}, {8296, 10853}, {8297, 10854}, {8375, 10837}, {8376, 10838}, {8587, 8590}, {8591, 10304}, {8600, 11184}, {8690, 16434}, {8693, 37675}, {8704, 9831}, {8770, 34808}, {8784, 11606}, {8859, 11645}, {8997, 9540}, {9059, 26266}, {9066, 26233}, {9069, 26235}, {9070, 26227}, {9079, 26278}, {9080, 26276}, {9087, 9465}, {9123, 9215}, {9150, 34087}, {9167, 15702}, {9184, 9191}, {9221, 15032}, {9300, 12007}, {9307, 9308}, {9381, 21284}, {9413, 9414}, {9479, 14718}, {9738, 33371}, {9739, 33370}, {9746, 28841}, {9875, 34628}, {9927, 12193}, {9955, 29293}, {9956, 29155}, {10098, 10295}, {10101, 37979}, {10102, 36168}, {10113, 12201}, {10166, 31839}, {10264, 15545}, {10290, 32515}, {10299, 35022}, {10303, 38751}, {10310, 13173}, {10313, 35098}, {10486, 17005}, {10519, 15589}, {10531, 10803}, {10532, 10804}, {10733, 12066}, {10794, 10893}, {10795, 10894}, {10797, 10895}, {10798, 10896}, {10810, 22564}, {10997, 35375}, {11121, 36515}, {11122, 36514}, {11152, 11155}, {11172, 23055}, {11231, 29129}, {11248, 13189}, {11249, 13190}, {11414, 13175}, {11490, 11496}, {11538, 37349}, {11602, 23004}, {11603, 23005}, {11669, 31489}, {11822, 13176}, {11823, 13177}, {11826, 13180}, {11827, 13181}, {11828, 13184}, {11829, 13185}, {11839, 11897}, {12092, 31074}, {12112, 32732}, {12151, 22110}, {12200, 12599}, {12209, 12600}, {12245, 28532}, {12258, 31162}, {12355, 15681}, {12699, 29091}, {12702, 29177}, {13449, 14041}, {13580, 14808}, {13581, 14807}, {13672, 13687}, {13748, 14234}, {13749, 14238}, {13792, 13807}, {13935, 13989}, {14060, 14570}, {14236, 23261}, {14240, 23251}, {14458, 36990}, {14485, 18907}, {14534, 37360}, {14540, 22914}, {14541, 22869}, {14561, 16989}, {14575, 36794}, {14630, 14633}, {14631, 14632}, {14644, 15359}, {14719, 34783}, {14850, 38728}, {15054, 31854}, {15182, 19379}, {15246, 20189}, {15300, 19708}, {15357, 18331}, {15407, 34138}, {15483, 21163}, {15526, 34841}, {15598, 21167}, {15682, 32532}, {15687, 33698}, {15694, 26614}, {15698, 36521}, {15709, 22247}, {16083, 16089}, {16085, 35574}, {16086, 29241}, {16115, 16125}, {16166, 18366}, {16167, 37980}, {16188, 36173}, {16984, 18553}, {17008, 37182}, {17734, 32682}, {17758, 21554}, {17985, 36067}, {18440, 37071}, {18446, 36516}, {18806, 35385}, {18906, 35387}, {18931, 36893}, {19179, 31804}, {19642, 37443}, {19649, 34594}, {20126, 36826}, {20187, 21312}, {20190, 36811}, {20404, 32305}, {22143, 36841}, {22239, 37777}, {22467, 26179}, {22498, 35422}, {22520, 22753}, {22522, 22831}, {22523, 22832}, {22524, 22833}, {22791, 29265}, {23098, 36214}, {24815, 24828}, {24975, 25328}, {25213, 38403}, {25216, 38404}, {25406, 34229}, {25446, 32022}, {26273, 28476}, {26326, 26379}, {26327, 26403}, {26328, 26427}, {26329, 26428}, {26330, 26429}, {26331, 26430}, {26332, 26431}, {26333, 26432}, {26446, 29030}, {26613, 37461}, {27797, 28210}, {28474, 35103}, {28475, 35107}, {29067, 30115}, {30241, 37620}, {30670, 31394}, {30716, 38552}, {32111, 32681}, {32242, 32274}, {32335, 32369}, {32522, 33004}, {33512, 38793}, {33640, 37453}, {34133, 34134}, {34310, 35189}, {34396, 37988}, {34475, 37508}, {35705, 37451}, {36036, 36066}, {36071, 36104}, {36495, 36511}, {36526, 36548}, {36557, 36580}, {38253, 38282}
X(98) is the {X(2),X(147)}-harmonic conjugate of X(114). For a list of harmonic conjugates, click Tables at the top of this page.
X(98) = midpoint between X(20) and X(148)
X(98) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,115), (99,3), (147,114), (1513,230)
X(98) = isogonal conjugate of X(511)
X(98) = isotomic conjugate of X(325)
X(98) = complement of X(147)
X(98) = anticomplement of X(114)
X(98) = circumcircle antipode of X(99)
X(98) = X(290)-Ceva conjugate of X(287)
X(98) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,385), (6,237)
X(98) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (230,2), (237,6), (248,287), (446,511)
X(98) = crosssum of X(385) and X(401)
X(98) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(287)
X(98) = perspector of ABC and triangle formed by Lemoine axis (or PU(1) or PU(2)) reflected in sides of ABC
X(98) = Λ(X(4), X(69)) (the line that is the isotomic conjugate of the Jerabek hyperbola)
X(98) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(523) (polar of X(297) wrt polar circle, and the radical axis of circles with segments X(13)X(16) and X(14)X(15) as diameters)
X(98) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(297) (line X(114)X(132))
X(98) = pole wrt {circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of line X(115)X(125)
X(98) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(297)
X(98) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(1959)
X(98) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(132)
X(98) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(125)
X(98) = inverse-in-circle-{X(1687),X(1688),PU(1),PU(2)}} of X(2715)
X(98) = Ψ(X(6), X(523))
X(98) = Ψ(X(190), X(71))
X(98) = Kiepert-hyperbola antipode of X(4)
X(98) = reflection of X(842) in the Euler line
X(98) = reflection of X(2698) in the Brocard axis
X(98) = reflection of X(2699) in line X(1)X(3)
X(98) = X(129)-of-excentral-triangle
X(98) = X(130)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(98) = X(3)-of-1st-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(98) = perspector of ABC and 1st Neuberg triangle
X(98) = trilinear product of vertices of 1st Neuberg triangle
X(98) = orthocenter of X(13)X(14)X(2394)
X(98) = 2nd-Parry-to-ABC similarity image of X(2)
X(98) = trilinear product of PU(88)
X(98) = X(2456) of 6th Brocard triangle
X(98) = midpoint of PU(135)
X(98) = bicentric sum of PU(135)
X(98) = perspector of ABC and circumsymmedial triangle of Artzt triangle
X(98) = McCay-to-Artzt similarity image of X(381)
X(98) = circumcircle-antipode of X(99)
X(98) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and Kiepert hyperbola
X(98) = Ψ(X(101), X(100)
X(98) = Λ(X(3), X(6))
X(98) = homothetic center of 5th anti-Brocard triangle and Euler triangle
X(98) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(512)
X(98) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(512)
X(98) = X(1380)-of-circummedial-triangle
X(98) = X(6233)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(98) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(76)
X(98) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(32)
X(98) = perspector of ABC and vertex-triangle of reflection triangles of PU(1)
X(98) = X(2)-of-2nd-anti-Parry-triangle
X(98) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(1282)
X(98) = orthic-to-ABC functional image of X(129)
X(98) = Ψ(X(1), X(810))
X(98) = Ψ(X(811), X(1))
X(98) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(647)
X(98) = trilinear pole, wrt Thomson triangle, of line X(2)X(1350)
X(98) = areal center of pedal triangles of PU(1)
X(98) = orthocenter of X(98)X(99)X(31953)
X(98) = orthocenter of X(114)X(115)X(31953)
X(98) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(36899)
X(98) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(36899)
X(98) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,X(3),X(25),X(32)}} (isogonal conjugate of line X(4)X(69))
X(98) = BSS(a→a^2) of X(673)
Let LA be the reflection of the line X(3)X(6) in line BC, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, B' = LC∩LA, C' = LA∩LB. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(99). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(99) is the only point on the circumcircle whose isotomic conjugate lies on the line at infinity. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(99) is the center of the bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(2), which is the rectangular hyperbola H that passes through these points: X(1), X(2), X(20), X(63), X(147), X(194), X(487), X(488), X(616), X(617), X(627), X(628), X(1764), X(2896), the excenters, the vertices of the anticomplementary triangle, and the extraversions of X(63). Also, H is the anticomplementary conjugate of line X(4)X(69), the anticomplementary isotomic conjugate of line X(2)X(6), the excentral isogonal conjugate of line X(40)X(511), and the excentral isotomic conjugate of line X(1045)X(2951); also, H is tangent to line X(1)X(75) at X(1), to line X(2)X(6) at X(2), and meets the line at infinity (and the Kiepert hyperbola, other than at X(2)) at X(3413) and X(3414). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the anticomplement of the Feuerbach triangle. Let A″B″C″ be the tangential triangle of A'B'C'. Let A* be the cevapoint of B″ and C″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(99). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let La, Lb, Lc be the lines through A, B, C, resp. parallel to the Brocard axis. Let Ma, Mb, Mc be the reflections of BC, CA, AB in La, Lb, Lc, resp. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to ABC with similarity ratio 3. Let A″B″C″ be the reflection of A'B'C' in the Brocard axis. The triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC, with center of homothety X(115) and centroid X(99). See Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008. (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A', B' and C' be the intersections of the de Longchamps line and lines BC, CA, AB, resp. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(99). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A', B', C' be the intersections of the Brocard axis and lines BC, CA, AB, resp. Let Oa, Ob, Oc be the circumcenters of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B', resp. The lines AOa, BOb, COc concur in X(99). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let La be the line through A parallel to B'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. La, Lb, Lc concur in X(99). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A' be the trilinear pole of the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. A'B'C' is also the anticomplement of the anticomplement of the midheight triangle. X(99) is the trilinear product A'*B'*C'. (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the reflection of A in line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. Let A″' be the reflection of A' in line BC, and define B″', C″' cyclically. Let A* = B″B″'∩\C″C″', and define B*, C* cyclically. Triangle A*B*C* is homothetic to A'B'C' at X(99). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
See a construction: Ercole Suppa, Hyacinthos 29064.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view the following dynamic sketches:
X(99) and Steiner Circum-ellipse (showing X(99) and an area-ratio property)
Let NANBNC and N'AN'BN'C be the inner and outer Napoleon triangles, resp. Let A' be the reflection of NA in line N'BN'C, and define B' and C' cyclically. Let A″ be the reflection of N'A in line NBNC, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Triangles A'B'C' and A″B″C″ are equilateral and inversely similar, with similitude center X(99). (Randy Hutson, January 17, 2020)
For more about the Steiner circumellipse, visit MathWorld.
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the Moses-Steiner osculatory triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(99) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let LA be the tangent at A to circle {A,PU(1)}}, and define LB and LC cyclically. The lines LA, LB, LC concur in X(99). (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
The osculating circle of the Steiner circumellipse at X(99) intersects the Steiner circumellipse in two points: X(99) and X(892). See Osculating circle of Steiner circumellipse at X(99). (Randy Hutson, November 5, 2021)
Let O be a point (not necessarily X(3). Let Q1,Q2,...Qn be a regular n-gon with center O. Let P be a point, and define n triangles T1=Q1Q2P, T2=Q2Q3P, ..., Tn=QnQ1P.
Claim 1: for all n, the points X(2)-of-Ti are concyclic on a first circle whose center O2 is collinear with O,P.
Claim 2: for all n, the lpoints X(99)-of-Ti are concyclic with P on a second circle whose center O99 is also collinear with O,P.
(Dan Reznik, December 10, 2021)
For a construction, see Antreas Hatzipolakis and Peter Moses, euclid 7178.
X(99) lies on these lines: {1, 741}, {2, 111}, {3, 76}, {4, 114}, {5, 5966}, {6, 729}, {8, 28471}, {9, 35106}, {10, 6626}, {11, 10769}, {12, 13181}, {13, 303}, {14, 302}, {15, 22687}, {16, 22689}, {20, 147}, {21, 105}, {22, 305}, {23, 2770}, {25, 2374}, {27, 9085}, {28, 15344}, {30, 316}, {31, 715}, {32, 194}, {35, 1909}, {36, 350}, {37, 2375}, {38, 745}, {39, 83}, {40, 24469}, {51, 35919}, {53, 35920}, {55, 3023}, {56, 3027}, {57, 35176}, {58, 727}, {61, 22685}, {62, 22683}, {63, 2249}, {69, 74}, {75, 261}, {81, 739}, {86, 106}, {95, 311}, {100, 668}, {101, 190}, {102, 332}, {103, 1043}, {104, 314}, {107, 2797}, {108, 811}, {109, 643}, {110, 690}, {112, 648}, {113, 33512}, {116, 31001}, {125, 35922}, {127, 35923}, {140, 38224}, {141, 755}, {145, 28531}, {159, 2366}, {160, 1502}, {162, 32691}, {163, 825}, {165, 9860}, {172, 25264}, {182, 7709}, {184, 3044}, {186, 5866}, {187, 385}, {192, 2242}, {193, 5477}, {216, 35928}, {230, 14568}, {232, 15014}, {237, 3978}, {238, 2669}, {239, 1931}, {249, 525}, {250, 10423}, {251, 35929}, {253, 5896}, {262, 35930}, {264, 378}, {265, 14850}, {286, 915}, {287, 3269}, {298, 531}, {299, 530}, {304, 26702}, {310, 675}, {313, 2372}, {317, 1299}, {323, 32730}, {326, 26701}, {327, 35934}, {330, 2241}, {333, 1121}, {338, 34866}, {340, 10295}, {343, 35937}, {371, 19056}, {372, 19055}, {381, 22515}, {382, 7773}, {386, 3029}, {393, 35940}, {394, 26717}, {395, 35942}, {396, 35943}, {401, 36212}, {402, 13179}, {404, 18140}, {419, 19599}, {439, 6392}, {448, 25083}, {468, 37803}, {476, 850}, {477, 3260}, {487, 8982}, {488, 26441}, {489, 12123}, {490, 12124}, {491, 6560}, {492, 6561}, {493, 13184}, {494, 13185}, {511, 2698}, {512, 805}, {513, 2703}, {514, 2702}, {515, 2708}, {516, 2700}, {517, 2699}, {518, 2711}, {519, 2712}, {520, 2713}, {521, 2714}, {522, 2701}, {523, 691}, {524, 843}, {526, 9160}, {532, 6779}, {533, 6780}, {536, 16702}, {548, 7767}, {549, 11632}, {550, 3933}, {573, 34454}, {575, 35950}, {576, 10788}, {577, 35952}, {590, 35953}, {593, 17147}, {595, 34063}, {597, 35954}, {598, 5503}, {599, 6323}, {621, 5617}, {622, 5613}, {623, 23004}, {624, 23005}, {625, 7925}, {626, 6655}, {627, 25560}, {628, 25559}, {629, 11602}, {630, 11603}, {631, 6036}, {633, 22507}, {634, 22509}, {637, 6231}, {638, 6230}, {644, 8693}, {647, 9091}, {651, 32038}, {666, 919}, {669, 886}, {670, 804}, {689, 4609}, {692, 785}, {693, 1290}, {694, 11229}, {695, 711}, {697, 2206}, {698, 1691}, {703, 3051}, {707, 3117}, {712, 5006}, {713, 1333}, {719, 1964}, {723, 3116}, {726, 1326}, {731, 3736}, {732, 2076}, {736, 5162}, {737, 3094}, {740, 12031}, {753, 30966}, {754, 6781}, {757, 4360}, {767, 6385}, {769, 32739}, {783, 2531}, {789, 4602}, {801, 6509}, {813, 1016}, {815, 3888}, {826, 9218}, {827, 1576}, {835, 1978}, {839, 6386}, {840, 18821}, {858, 37804}, {859, 2726}, {873, 1621}, {883, 6606}, {889, 898}, {894, 38814}, {895, 13479}, {901, 4555}, {917, 7431}, {931, 4631}, {932, 18830}, {933, 18831}, {934, 4569}, {935, 3267}, {953, 17139}, {972, 1792}, {1010, 5988}, {1014, 8686}, {1015, 4366}, {1030, 3770}, {1046, 25607}, {1086, 25536}, {1113, 15164}, {1114, 15165}, {1125, 11599}, {1180, 9101}, {1194, 16951}, {1232, 13597}, {1235, 3520}, {1236, 2071}, {1270, 26617}, {1271, 26618}, {1273, 14979}, {1285, 1992}, {1287, 23285}, {1292, 2788}, {1293, 2789}, {1294, 2790}, {1295, 2791}, {1296, 2418}, {1298, 5562}, {1301, 2409}, {1302, 15329}, {1304, 3233}, {1305, 4572}, {1308, 7199}, {1310, 1633}, {1311, 4225}, {1316, 9155}, {1325, 2752}, {1331, 28624}, {1332, 36080}, {1350, 8719}, {1370, 34254}, {1379, 3413}, {1380, 3414}, {1384, 11055}, {1415, 14612}, {1434, 1477}, {1499, 2709}, {1500, 6645}, {1503, 2710}, {1506, 16044}, {1511, 18332}, {1562, 30227}, {1593, 12131}, {1605, 2926}, {1606, 2925}, {1613, 6380}, {1625, 2421}, {1627, 8267}, {1649, 9170}, {1655, 5277}, {1656, 38732}, {1657, 7776}, {1789, 21586}, {1799, 3455}, {1812, 32726}, {1921, 14195}, {1963, 17319}, {1995, 9084}, {2023, 5013}, {2052, 6503}, {2080, 32469}, {2106, 3230}, {2108, 24294}, {2134, 27954}, {2142, 14824}, {2185, 32939}, {2207, 6461}, {2222, 4998}, {2311, 24578}, {2368, 8053}, {2382, 18822}, {2383, 7576}, {2384, 16704}, {2502, 5108}, {2525, 9514}, {2548, 14035}, {2644, 21196}, {2668, 3750}, {2679, 31513}, {2687, 3262}, {2688, 35517}, {2689, 35519}, {2690, 3261}, {2695, 35516}, {2704, 3309}, {2705, 3667}, {2706, 6000}, {2707, 6001}, {2717, 35164}, {2718, 30939}, {2719, 4131}, {2721, 16741}, {2722, 15413}, {2725, 18157}, {2727, 30805}, {2748, 4076}, {2758, 3264}, {2764, 4143}, {2766, 7476}, {2857, 37183}, {2862, 16876}, {2868, 16084}, {2896, 7794}, {2930, 36792}, {2971, 36898}, {2975, 17143}, {2986, 34834}, {2996, 32989}, {3006, 5196}, {3008, 24378}, {3053, 6179}, {3058, 12351}, {3068, 8997}, {3069, 13989}, {3090, 6721}, {3091, 20399}, {3095, 12110}, {3096, 7791}, {3097, 10791}, {3108, 38278}, {3110, 14839}, {3146, 32816}, {3180, 9117}, {3181, 9115}, {3244, 32004}, {3286, 14665}, {3290, 16756}, {3314, 7761}, {3360, 33786}, {3363, 12040}, {3398, 32448}, {3407, 10290}, {3428, 22504}, {3448, 15357}, {3491, 14135}, {3522, 3785}, {3523, 11623}, {3524, 6055}, {3525, 20398}, {3526, 34127}, {3529, 32006}, {3533, 38735}, {3534, 7788}, {3543, 32827}, {3545, 9880}, {3564, 23700}, {3565, 35136}, {3566, 10425}, {3569, 14960}, {3570, 28841}, {3571, 7170}, {3576, 11710}, {3579, 29300}, {3582, 10070}, {3584, 10054}, {3589, 6034}, {3616, 11725}, {3618, 14039}, {3628, 38229}, {3632, 28547}, {3658, 9058}, {3666, 11611}, {3679, 28559}, {3699, 4614}, {3701, 37294}, {3729, 27958}, {3732, 28847}, {3746, 25303}, {3760, 7280}, {3761, 5010}, {3767, 7857}, {3788, 5025}, {3799, 29363}, {3815, 8370}, {3830, 22566}, {3832, 32835}, {3849, 7840}, {3854, 32873}, {3882, 6010}, {3886, 28842}, {3906, 9181}, {3912, 35163}, {3934, 7824}, {3948, 19308}, {3952, 4596}, {3977, 18653}, {4025, 35169}, {4037, 7267}, {4074, 10329}, {4093, 34996}, {4094, 7207}, {4108, 9080}, {4176, 11206}, {4188, 18135}, {4189, 5985}, {4203, 34020}, {4210, 18152}, {4215, 9074}, {4218, 30893}, {4228, 9061}, {4240, 9064}, {4243, 9057}, {4246, 9107}, {4249, 26705}, {4256, 37678}, {4357, 38453}, {4367, 24037}, {4391, 9090}, {4393, 9346}, {4467, 24041}, {4482, 4595}, {4499, 29325}, {4552, 4565}, {4553, 29071}, {4557, 8708}, {4570, 32682}, {4575, 15440}, {4582, 4591}, {4583, 4593}, {4588, 4597}, {4594, 29055}, {4613, 4639}, {4620, 7253}, {4658, 28523}, {4720, 28535}, {4736, 7266}, {4756, 28196}, {4760, 7200}, {4840, 29341}, {4897, 6064}, {4921, 8696}, {4996, 19628}, {5007, 7839}, {5008, 33694}, {5017, 32451}, {5024, 11174}, {5030, 37686}, {5055, 12355}, {5056, 32839}, {5059, 32825}, {5064, 12132}, {5088, 20924}, {5097, 22521}, {5099, 36174}, {5111, 13196}, {5113, 14959}, {5116, 24256}, {5171, 12251}, {5189, 30718}, {5201, 34000}, {5206, 7751}, {5207, 29012}, {5210, 8667}, {5235, 28317}, {5248, 31997}, {5254, 7807}, {5267, 20888}, {5283, 16915}, {5284, 33779}, {5286, 7856}, {5291, 17759}, {5309, 7806}, {5333, 28326}, {5434, 12350}, {5467, 11636}, {5469, 6670}, {5470, 6669}, {5473, 36776}, {5475, 7777}, {5479, 36765}, {5485, 11147}, {5490, 6568}, {5491, 6569}, {5597, 13176}, {5598, 13177}, {5603, 11724}, {5642, 9144}, {5648, 36883}, {5649, 5664}, {5663, 9161}, {5745, 11608}, {5840, 10768}, {5860, 33342}, {5861, 33343}, {5897, 6527}, {5921, 10008}, {5972, 16278}, {5987, 6031}, {5990, 9081}, {5992, 11115}, {5994, 17402}, {5995, 17403}, {5999, 9772}, {6071, 22103}, {6093, 9966}, {6114, 11304}, {6115, 11303}, {6194, 8722}, {6195, 9463}, {6200, 22716}, {6226, 11825}, {6227, 11824}, {6248, 37334}, {6284, 12185}, {6292, 10159}, {6295, 10645}, {6340, 38282}, {6353, 19583}, {6376, 25440}, {6396, 22718}, {6551, 6635}, {6563, 10420}, {6574, 7258}, {6582, 10646}, {6628, 27804}, {6646, 25435}, {6656, 7789}, {6658, 7747}, {6671, 22510}, {6672, 22511}, {6680, 7765}, {6683, 31652}, {6776, 35387}, {6782, 23013}, {6783, 23006}, {6786, 6787}, {7061, 33941}, {7255, 8684}, {7260, 30670}, {7279, 34388}, {7283, 15168}, {7354, 12184}, {7417, 9775}, {7419, 9083}, {7424, 33864}, {7426, 10102}, {7436, 32706}, {7450, 9056}, {7463, 26704}, {7471, 9060}, {7488, 28706}, {7495, 11056}, {7496, 13233}, {7502, 21395}, {7603, 17005}, {7610, 11151}, {7735, 32985}, {7736, 14033}, {7737, 7774}, {7738, 7803}, {7739, 16989}, {7745, 7858}, {7746, 7907}, {7749, 33259}, {7753, 19686}, {7758, 7877}, {7759, 7823}, {7762, 7905}, {7772, 7787}, {7778, 7841}, {7780, 15513}, {7784, 7881}, {7792, 7827}, {7800, 32965}, {7805, 35007}, {7815, 15515}, {7817, 16984}, {7818, 7897}, {7819, 7859}, {7821, 7842}, {7822, 7876}, {7825, 7888}, {7829, 10583}, {7834, 7864}, {7838, 13571}, {7843, 7941}, {7849, 7928}, {7851, 7942}, {7852, 7923}, {7853, 7880}, {7854, 7904}, {7855, 7893}, {7861, 7874}, {7862, 32966}, {7865, 9878}, {7866, 7918}, {7867, 7872}, {7868, 7937}, {7869, 7935}, {7873, 7895}, {7875, 14036}, {7878, 9605}, {7879, 7936}, {7884, 33220}, {7886, 33245}, {7887, 7940}, {7889, 19689}, {7894, 30435}, {7896, 7929}, {7900, 7903}, {7902, 7932}, {7915, 7948}, {7916, 7946}, {7926, 9766}, {7943, 33217}, {7953, 35137}, {8025, 8700}, {8029, 14728}, {8041, 10328}, {8149, 34999}, {8266, 33769}, {8287, 25469}, {8295, 10998}, {8299, 19635}, {8352, 22110}, {8362, 9478}, {8586, 12151}, {8588, 17131}, {8589, 9466}, {8597, 31173}, {8652, 32042}, {8666, 17144}, {8691, 24039}, {8703, 14830}, {8704, 13241}, {8707, 27808}, {8709, 16695}, {8715, 24524}, {8783, 23208}, {8787, 15534}, {8856, 28677}, {8860, 11149}, {8884, 23233}, {8980, 9540}, {9070, 13589}, {9078, 17521}, {9079, 17587}, {9082, 13588}, {9097, 16711}, {9108, 17524}, {9109, 17539}, {9110, 16748}, {9111, 35172}, {9112, 12155}, {9113, 12154}, {9136, 9487}, {9143, 9184}, {9185, 9216}, {9202, 27550}, {9203, 27551}, {9230, 20775}, {9293, 10190}, {9308, 10607}, {9428, 9494}, {9509, 35068}, {9512, 22085}, {9861, 11414}, {9870, 11580}, {9875, 19875}, {10007, 24273}, {10130, 31078}, {10278, 37879}, {10299, 35021}, {10302, 15810}, {10303, 32838}, {10304, 11177}, {10310, 12178}, {10350, 32452}, {10461, 29053}, {10488, 15533}, {10684, 11672}, {10796, 32447}, {11005, 17702}, {11060, 14972}, {11101, 33933}, {11112, 37664}, {11116, 30758}, {11121, 22848}, {11122, 22892}, {11123, 31614}, {11145, 34376}, {11146, 34374}, {11155, 11168}, {11176, 23356}, {11184, 11317}, {11237, 18969}, {11238, 12354}, {11248, 12189}, {11249, 12190}, {11285, 15815}, {11307, 36252}, {11308, 36251}, {11319, 27162}, {11320, 24598}, {11322, 30964}, {11328, 32524}, {11329, 30830}, {11353, 31234}, {11413, 34168}, {11593, 27779}, {11596, 22143}, {11612, 13858}, {11613, 13859}, {11822, 12179}, {11823, 12180}, {11826, 12182}, {11827, 12183}, {11828, 12186}, {11829, 12187}, {11842, 32519}, {12030, 35550}, {12054, 32516}, {12074, 24976}, {12093, 33962}, {12156, 18907}, {12195, 12782}, {12212, 32449}, {12258, 25055}, {12348, 34612}, {12349, 34606}, {12941, 18974}, {12942, 18975}, {12951, 13076}, {12952, 13075}, {13587, 18145}, {13637, 13642}, {13638, 35306}, {13712, 32808}, {13738, 30022}, {13757, 13761}, {13758, 35305}, {13835, 32809}, {13881, 33233}, {13935, 13967}, {14023, 33254}, {14060, 25051}, {14096, 22735}, {14118, 26166}, {14558, 18570}, {14574, 33514}, {14658, 19570}, {14720, 18436}, {14727, 21789}, {14734, 23105}, {14810, 14994}, {14849, 38728}, {14867, 31839}, {14927, 15428}, {14953, 35158}, {14961, 15013}, {15022, 32871}, {15034, 31854}, {15035, 22265}, {15059, 15359}, {15061, 15535}, {15075, 28405}, {15545, 32423}, {15574, 22241}, {15588, 35965}, {15696, 29322}, {15697, 32896}, {15701, 26614}, {15705, 32874}, {15708, 32885}, {15717, 32834}, {15814, 17503}, {16041, 37690}, {16049, 26703}, {16370, 16992}, {16371, 18146}, {16589, 16917}, {16592, 24962}, {16678, 18021}, {16806, 32036}, {16807, 32037}, {16887, 28485}, {16912, 36812}, {16914, 27318}, {16921, 31455}, {16924, 31401}, {16948, 28583}, {16956, 21838}, {16990, 33008}, {17004, 33274}, {17008, 21843}, {17034, 33863}, {17058, 26147}, {17132, 37792}, {17150, 33774}, {17183, 38452}, {17210, 28499}, {17280, 25433}, {17475, 18268}, {17499, 18755}, {17549, 37670}, {17596, 24291}, {17677, 30761}, {17729, 30109}, {17738, 18061}, {17777, 25533}, {17780, 28210}, {17944, 29313}, {18153, 37309}, {18206, 35167}, {18315, 32692}, {18481, 29096}, {19057, 32788}, {19058, 32787}, {19598, 36955}, {20023, 37184}, {20172, 31449}, {20580, 23582}, {20624, 31623}, {20982, 24504}, {21004, 21431}, {21163, 37455}, {21220, 21341}, {21359, 25166}, {21360, 25156}, {21937, 26244}, {22089, 22456}, {22239, 37937}, {22401, 28723}, {22407, 36511}, {22489, 22577}, {22490, 22578}, {22561, 22564}, {22691, 33409}, {22692, 33408}, {23096, 37943}, {23334, 25486}, {23610, 38017}, {23889, 35180}, {23999, 36068}, {24264, 24282}, {24345, 24714}, {24348, 24711}, {24630, 32851}, {25332, 30226}, {25526, 28491}, {25532, 30997}, {26243, 35276}, {26257, 30749}, {26615, 32810}, {26616, 32811}, {26619, 32805}, {26620, 32806}, {26716, 32040}, {26860, 28310}, {27082, 34403}, {27269, 33062}, {27656, 29983}, {27705, 34053}, {28348, 30092}, {28574, 33947}, {29039, 31730}, {29052, 35338}, {30528, 32690}, {30736, 37927}, {30785, 31107}, {31400, 32971}, {31404, 32979}, {31415, 33016}, {31450, 33269}, {31644, 36953}, {32465, 36759}, {32466, 36760}, {32483, 32485}, {32522, 37479}, {32823, 33703}, {33376, 33458}, {33377, 33459}, {33511, 38793}, {33705, 37465}, {33801, 35226}, {33932, 37405}, {33943, 37816}, {33972, 35298}, {34283, 36744}, {34389, 37848}, {34390, 37850}, {34505, 37637}, {35178, 35324}, {35287, 37667}, {35540, 37896}, {35549, 37903}, {36036, 36065}, {36070, 36085}, {36166, 38704}, {36329, 36769}, {36330, 36768}, {37205, 37212}, {37459, 38227}
X(99) is the {X(39),X(384)}-harmonic conjugate of X(83). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(99), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(99) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (20,147), (616,617)
X(99) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,114), (13,619), (14,618), (98,3), (115,620), (148,115), (316,325), (385,187), (671,2)
X(99) = isogonal conjugate of X(512)
X(99) = isotomic conjugate of X(523)
X(99) = complement of X(148)
X(99) = anticomplement of X(115)
X(99) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,523), (3,525), (39,512), (100,190)
X(99) = X(1019)-cross conjugate of X(1509)
X(99) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(351)X(865)
X(99) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,249), (22,250), (512,83), (523,2), (525,76)
X(99) = X(21)-beth conjugate of X(741)
X(99) = X(6)-of-1st-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(99) = X(381)-of-anti-McCay-triangle
X(99) = circumcircle-antipode of X(98)
X(99) = point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and Steiner ellipse
X(99) = Ψ(X(i), X(j) for these (i,j): (1,75), (2,39), (3,69), (4,69), (37,2), (51,5), (351,690)
X(99) = point of intersection, other than A, B, C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(1)}}
X(99) = point of intersection, other than A, B, C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(37)}}
X(99) = trilinear product of PU(90)
X(99) = similitude center of (equilateral) antipedal triangles of X(13) and X(14)
X(99) = Steiner-circumellipse-antipode of X(671)
X(99) = projection from Steiner inellipse to Steiner circumellipse of X(2482)
X(99) = trilinear pole of line X(2)X(6)
X(99) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(2501) (line X(115)X(2971))
X(99) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(2501)
X(99) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(661)
X(99) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(32)
X(99) = concurrence of reflections in sides of ABC of line X(4)X(69)
X(99) = Λ(X(1), X(512))
X(99) = isotomic conjugate wrt 1st Brocard triangle of X(76)
X(99) = perspector of ABC and the tangential triangle, wrt the anticomplementary triangle, of the bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(2)
X(99) = perspector of ABC and the tangential triangle, wrt the tangential triangle, of the Stammler hyperbola
X(99) = reflection of X(691) in the Euler line
X(99) = reflection of X(805) in the Brocard axis
X(99) = reflection of X(2703) in line X(1)X(3)
X(99) = reflection of X(316) in the de Longchamps line
X(99) = X(130)-of-excentral-triangle
X(99) = X(129)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(99) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(5139)
X(99) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(126)
X(99) = inverse-in-2nd-Brocard-circle of X(76)
X(99) = trilinear product of vertices of circumcircle antipode of circumorthic triangle
X(99) = 1st-Parry-to-ABC similarity image of X(2)
X(99) = crossdifference of PU(105)
X(99) = X(1691) of 6th Brocard triangle
X(99) = eigencenter of circummedial triangle
X(99) = eigencenter of circumsymmedial triangle
X(99) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of circumcevian triangles of PU(1)
X(99) = X(98)-of-anti-Artzt-triangle
X(99) = X(2)-of-1st-anti-Parry-triangle
X(99) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(511)
X(99) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(511)
X(99) = X(1379)-of-circummedial-triangle
X(99) = X(6323)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(99) = Kiepert image of X(2)
X(99) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(14265)
X(99) = intersection of antipedal lines of X(1379) and X(1380)
X(99) = homothetic center of anticomplementary triangle and mid-triangle of antipedal triangles of X(13) and X(14)
X(99) = barycentric square root of X(4590)
X(99) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(39)
X(99) = perspector of ABC and vertex triangle of 1st and 2nd isodynamic-Dao triangles
X(99) = orthic-to-ABC functional image of X(130)
X(99) = tangential-isogonal conjugate of X(33704)
X(99) = trilinear pole, wrt circumtangential triangle, of Brocard axis
X(99) = Vu circlecevian point of PU(1)
X(99) = Vu circlecevian point of PU(37)
X(99) = areal center of pedal triangles of X(15) and X(16)
X(99) = areal center of pedal triangles of PU(2)
X(99) = areal center of cevian triangles of PU(40)
X(99) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(31998)
X(99) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(31998)
X(99) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(34157)
X(99) = X(39156)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(99) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(38477)
X(99) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(1)-antipode of X(18827)
X(99) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(3)-antipode of X(290)
X(99) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(4)-antipode of X(35142)
X(99) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(6)-antipode of X(3228)
Let LA be the reflection of the line X(1)X(3) in line BC, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, B' = LC∩LA, C' = LA∩LB. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(100). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let Ia be the reflection of X(1) in the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define Ib and Ic cyclically; then X(100) = X(36)-of-IaIbIc. Also, let P be a point on line X(4)X(8) other than X(4). Let A' be the reflection of P in BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', and CA'B' concur at X(100). (Randy Hutson, 9/5/2015)
Let IaIbIc be the excentral triangle. The Euler lines of triangles BCIa, CAIb, ABIc concur in X(100). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
X(100) lies on the circumcircle, the circumcopnic with center X(9), the incircle of anticomplementary triangle, the cubics K299, K603, K661, K662, K817, K889, K1122, and these lines: {1, 88}, {2, 11}, {3, 8}, {4, 119}, {5, 10738}, {6, 739}, {7, 1004}, {9, 1005}, {10, 21}, {12, 2475}, {19, 7466}, {20, 153}, {22, 197}, {23, 2752}, {25, 1862}, {28, 5174}, {30, 2687}, {31, 43}, {32, 713}, {33, 35973}, {34, 35974}, {36, 519}, {37, 111}, {38, 3961}, {39, 32454}, {40, 78}, {41, 3501}, {42, 81}, {44, 2384}, {45, 9330}, {46, 224}, {56, 145}, {57, 1280}, {58, 3293}, {59, 521}, {63, 103}, {65, 12739}, {69, 5848}, {71, 2249}, {72, 74}, {75, 675}, {76, 767}, {79, 35982}, {85, 2369}, {86, 29822}, {89, 39428}, {92, 917}, {98, 228}, {99, 668}, {101, 644}, {107, 823}, {108, 653}, {109, 651}, {110, 643}, {112, 162}, {113, 10767}, {114, 10768}, {115, 10769}, {116, 10770}, {117, 10771}, {118, 10772}, {121, 10774}, {122, 10775}, {123, 10776}, {124, 10777}, {125, 10778}, {126, 10779}, {127, 10780}, {140, 1484}, {141, 33086}, {142, 2346}, {144, 480}, {146, 12327}, {147, 12178}, {148, 13173}, {169, 25082}, {172, 20691}, {182, 12199}, {183, 4441}, {184, 3045}, {187, 5291}, {189, 35987}, {190, 659}, {191, 3678}, {192, 9082}, {194, 12338}, {198, 346}, {199, 3969}, {209, 40571}, {210, 3219}, {212, 25308}, {213, 729}, {219, 23707}, {226, 3256}, {227, 4296}, {229, 3178}, {230, 17737}, {238, 899}, {239, 2223}, {242, 35993}, {260, 7588}, {274, 2368}, {278, 2376}, {279, 2377}, {281, 1013}, {283, 35995}, {286, 39438}, {292, 3121}, {294, 6184}, {306, 1817}, {312, 1311}, {313, 37219}, {314, 40600}, {318, 7412}, {319, 1444}, {322, 17134}, {325, 2856}, {329, 972}, {333, 4184}, {341, 2370}, {344, 1486}, {350, 9073}, {354, 3957}, {355, 6906}, {371, 19082}, {372, 19081}, {376, 3421}, {377, 3085}, {381, 22938}, {382, 22799}, {384, 26752}, {385, 17759}, {386, 3032}, {387, 36000}, {388, 4190}, {394, 7074}, {402, 13268}, {405, 5175}, {409, 21674}, {442, 943}, {474, 1387}, {476, 4036}, {477, 36001}, {484, 758}, {485, 35772}, {486, 35773}, {487, 12343}, {488, 12344}, {491, 26513}, {492, 26512}, {493, 13275}, {494, 13276}, {495, 11112}, {496, 13747}, {498, 2476}, {499, 5533}, {511, 2699}, {512, 2703}, {513, 765}, {514, 1308}, {515, 2077}, {516, 908}, {517, 953}, {518, 840}, {520, 2719}, {522, 655}, {523, 1290}, {524, 2721}, {525, 2722}, {527, 30295}, {529, 15326}, {535, 4316}, {536, 4396}, {545, 38530}, {548, 38754}, {550, 38753}, {551, 36006}, {560, 697}, {573, 29068}, {574, 16975}, {593, 6043}, {594, 1030}, {595, 3216}, {601, 37699}, {604, 3169}, {610, 3692}, {612, 17594}, {614, 3749}, {616, 12337}, {617, 12336}, {627, 22558}, {628, 22557}, {631, 5082}, {645, 931}, {646, 8707}, {648, 36077}, {649, 660}, {650, 919}, {656, 39026}, {658, 664}, {661, 2702}, {666, 31150}, {667, 898}, {669, 9362}, {672, 3684}, {677, 4131}, {689, 6386}, {691, 4567}, {693, 927}, {699, 2205}, {701, 18900}, {715, 1918}, {717, 40728}, {719, 41267}, {726, 32845}, {728, 2371}, {731, 869}, {733, 893}, {735, 14620}, {740, 3724}, {743, 2276}, {745, 21035}, {748, 8616}, {751, 20973}, {752, 32843}, {753, 984}, {755, 3954}, {756, 846}, {761, 3661}, {788, 35009}, {789, 874}, {805, 4603}, {825, 1492}, {827, 4599}, {831, 4568}, {835, 4033}, {839, 27808}, {842, 37959}, {843, 21839}, {850, 2864}, {851, 3936}, {855, 36926}, {872, 39441}, {883, 6183}, {891, 39443}, {894, 6015}, {896, 1757}, {903, 24405}, {905, 35350}, {910, 3693}, {912, 43078}, {929, 4391}, {932, 4595}, {935, 7476}, {936, 5250}, {938, 26062}, {940, 17018}, {941, 34261}, {942, 45395}, {946, 6915}, {950, 24982}, {954, 33993}, {958, 3036}, {960, 17638}, {962, 1537}, {964, 19763}, {968, 5268}, {971, 17613}, {976, 986}, {978, 3915}, {982, 3938}, {983, 41886}, {985, 3795}, {993, 3679}, {995, 37610}, {997, 3877}, {999, 3241}, {1006, 3419}, {1010, 26115}, {1011, 5278}, {1014, 3879}, {1037, 30619}, {1043, 4225}, {1045, 20964}, {1052, 45233}, {1055, 35291}, {1056, 11239}, {1058, 17567}, {1078, 17143}, {1086, 17724}, {1089, 2372}, {1100, 8700}, {1110, 1734}, {1113, 2580}, {1114, 2581}, {1125, 3746}, {1149, 12029}, {1158, 12528}, {1191, 28280}, {1193, 5255}, {1201, 37588}, {1211, 33083}, {1215, 4418}, {1220, 4267}, {1224, 27787}, {1229, 26268}, {1250, 5362}, {1253, 1958}, {1255, 1929}, {1257, 18673}, {1261, 7293}, {1265, 3556}, {1267, 9098}, {1268, 46896}, {1270, 11498}, {1271, 11497}, {1276, 44689}, {1277, 44688}, {1279, 7292}, {1284, 4442}, {1289, 4244}, {1292, 2414}, {1293, 2827}, {1294, 2828}, {1296, 2830}, {1297, 2831}, {1299, 31384}, {1300, 7414}, {1301, 7435}, {1302, 42716}, {1304, 5379}, {1309, 4397}, {1310, 4561}, {1312, 10782}, {1313, 10781}, {1319, 3880}, {1324, 16086}, {1325, 12030}, {1326, 30576}, {1329, 5046}, {1333, 21858}, {1334, 35106}, {1335, 9679}, {1375, 28757}, {1381, 3307}, {1382, 3308}, {1385, 4861}, {1386, 17012}, {1388, 10912}, {1389, 19920}, {1402, 1999}, {1403, 3210}, {1414, 4614}, {1415, 8687}, {1420, 2136}, {1421, 43048}, {1429, 19589}, {1445, 1998}, {1449, 17223}, {1458, 9364}, {1462, 43063}, {1465, 4318}, {1466, 3600}, {1468, 37603}, {1470, 3476}, {1476, 12640}, {1478, 17579}, {1479, 4193}, {1482, 6924}, {1483, 37535}, {1490, 2057}, {1499, 2746}, {1500, 2375}, {1503, 2747}, {1575, 1914}, {1577, 2690}, {1580, 3507}, {1593, 12138}, {1610, 2933}, {1612, 1714}, {1613, 21780}, {1615, 38876}, {1616, 28370}, {1617, 5435}, {1618, 6099}, {1624, 4243}, {1631, 17233}, {1634, 8050}, {1644, 31171}, {1657, 38756}, {1697, 3890}, {1698, 5047}, {1699, 15017}, {1706, 3601}, {1707, 28527}, {1708, 2900}, {1726, 29306}, {1737, 10073}, {1738, 3011}, {1739, 30117}, {1740, 2209}, {1743, 17222}, {1754, 3190}, {1761, 3949}, {1764, 35614}, {1766, 12530}, {1769, 46119}, {1770, 21077}, {1771, 3562}, {1788, 3189}, {1791, 3704}, {1792, 7270}, {1812, 22276}, {1813, 8059}, {1814, 24499}, {1816, 3682}, {1818, 1936}, {1824, 3563}, {1836, 31053}, {1837, 12743}, {1908, 3774}, {1931, 12031}, {1959, 2700}, {1983, 29044}, {2071, 2694}, {2078, 3911}, {2082, 26690}, {2092, 2298}, {2149, 32689}, {2161, 40988}, {2178, 17314}, {2220, 33760}, {2229, 41333}, {2238, 17735}, {2239, 3783}, {2265, 36278}, {2280, 17754}, {2284, 8693}, {2292, 5293}, {2295, 18755}, {2308, 28517}, {2320, 24297}, {2330, 15988}, {2340, 9441}, {2344, 19584}, {2345, 36744}, {2347, 23617}, {2352, 3187}, {2365, 3719}, {2367, 27801}, {2373, 20336}, {2374, 7438}, {2380, 42680}, {2381, 42677}, {2397, 9058}, {2427, 32722}, {2478, 4294}, {2481, 40619}, {2551, 6872}, {2611, 16598}, {2635, 23693}, {2646, 5836}, {2651, 37783}, {2664, 3747}, {2688, 14206}, {2689, 4086}, {2692, 4404}, {2698, 5360}, {2701, 4041}, {2705, 4729}, {2708, 6211}, {2711, 20683}, {2715, 36084}, {2723, 7360}, {2724, 28058}, {2725, 3912}, {2726, 3685}, {2727, 24018}, {2728, 6332}, {2729, 14210}, {2730, 44448}, {2734, 10538}, {2736, 4468}, {2737, 4462}, {2740, 14207}, {2742, 3309}, {2743, 3667}, {2744, 6000}, {2745, 6001}, {2748, 4401}, {2751, 3220}, {2757, 4723}, {2758, 3992}, {2766, 37964}, {2770, 42713}, {2796, 21093}, {2810, 3937}, {2841, 38512}, {2857, 42703}, {2859, 3267}, {2860, 3261}, {2861, 3262}, {2862, 3263}, {2863, 3264}, {2887, 29846}, {2888, 12341}, {2893, 40999}, {2895, 41811}, {2896, 11494}, {2899, 4186}, {2915, 3695}, {2991, 20455}, {3006, 32850}, {3025, 31877}, {3030, 3271}, {3051, 21792}, {3052, 4383}, {3057, 12740}, {3059, 38451}, {3065, 3647}, {3068, 13922}, {3069, 13991}, {3086, 6921}, {3090, 23513}, {3091, 11496}, {3098, 12499}, {3100, 9371}, {3120, 17719}, {3126, 5377}, {3145, 38903}, {3146, 27525}, {3193, 14868}, {3196, 4370}, {3197, 38875}, {3207, 4513}, {3208, 9310}, {3214, 5247}, {3222, 36860}, {3231, 21788}, {3234, 3239}, {3242, 4392}, {3244, 5563}, {3245, 4867}, {3251, 5376}, {3259, 31512}, {3286, 16704}, {3303, 3622}, {3304, 3623}, {3305, 4512}, {3333, 8000}, {3336, 3874}, {3337, 3881}, {3338, 3889}, {3339, 11520}, {3359, 18446}, {3361, 4917}, {3413, 36735}, {3414, 36736}, {3416, 33077}, {3428, 22775}, {3448, 13204}, {3474, 5905}, {3486, 5554}, {3488, 37249}, {3496, 33299}, {3509, 3930}, {3522, 38759}, {3523, 12777}, {3526, 34126}, {3555, 37582}, {3560, 5818}, {3565, 22280}, {3576, 3872}, {3582, 6681}, {3583, 3814}, {3584, 3822}, {3612, 3897}, {3621, 5204}, {3624, 17535}, {3625, 5288}, {3626, 5258}, {3632, 7280}, {3634, 5259}, {3648, 5951}, {3660, 37789}, {3662, 33122}, {3666, 3920}, {3675, 10699}, {3680, 45036}, {3683, 3740}, {3687, 5314}, {3694, 5279}, {3697, 31445}, {3700, 9090}, {3701, 7283}, {3703, 6636}, {3705, 5014}, {3711, 5220}, {3713, 37499}, {3715, 33519}, {3720, 3750}, {3723, 28338}, {3729, 24309}, {3739, 9110}, {3741, 32918}, {3742, 3748}, {3744, 3752}, {3745, 17011}, {3753, 6797}, {3756, 43055}, {3757, 4359}, {3759, 3941}, {3762, 39444}, {3771, 25957}, {3772, 29665}, {3780, 33863}, {3782, 33102}, {3784, 23155}, {3797, 8628}, {3802, 25800}, {3812, 37080}, {3813, 5433}, {3820, 11113}, {3821, 32775}, {3825, 4857}, {3828, 16861}, {3831, 35206}, {3832, 38758}, {3836, 29632}, {3840, 32943}, {3841, 31254}, {3846, 32947}, {3851, 38141}, {3876, 12514}, {3878, 11010}, {3884, 37563}, {3893, 11256}, {3900, 4564}, {3903, 29055}, {3914, 33133}, {3916, 28173}, {3918, 35016}, {3919, 5425}, {3923, 32931}, {3924, 24440}, {3927, 28145}, {3940, 28159}, {3943, 19297}, {3944, 33094}, {3948, 46501}, {3951, 28149}, {3968, 5426}, {3971, 32936}, {3980, 29670}, {3983, 5302}, {3984, 12511}, {3989, 28499}, {3990, 26717}, {3996, 4210}, {3999, 4864}, {4000, 26228}, {4023, 37656}, {4030, 15246}, {4042, 5361}, {4043, 26266}, {4062, 32846}, {4068, 27811}, {4069, 4606}, {4076, 6079}, {4080, 19636}, {4083, 43362}, {4084, 41696}, {4085, 29631}, {4090, 32938}, {4094, 5147}, {4105, 9358}, {4115, 15322}, {4123, 20243}, {4187, 15171}, {4191, 10453}, {4192, 4388}, {4197, 10198}, {4199, 41809}, {4200, 11398}, {4222, 40101}, {4224, 29641}, {4228, 33116}, {4240, 11848}, {4250, 26705}, {4251, 16549}, {4254, 5749}, {4255, 5710}, {4261, 9079}, {4262, 16788}, {4265, 33170}, {4293, 34605}, {4297, 6736}, {4302, 11114}, {4308, 8278}, {4312, 31164}, {4313, 37248}, {4314, 8582}, {4319, 26669}, {4342, 34639}, {4360, 20990}, {4362, 32860}, {4363, 24344}, {4367, 6631}, {4378, 4555}, {4384, 23407}, {4385, 45136}, {4393, 21010}, {4394, 6078}, {4415, 33100}, {4416, 41430}, {4417, 6327}, {4422, 16686}, {4424, 30115}, {4430, 23958}, {4432, 9458}, {4433, 4447}, {4437, 20468}, {4438, 33117}, {4440, 21320}, {4454, 24328}, {4458, 6742}, {4467, 4477}, {4471, 17354}, {4482, 23891}, {4487, 23205}, {4497, 17377}, {4498, 28520}, {4559, 32693}, {4562, 4586}, {4569, 6606}, {4570, 4636}, {4572, 34083}, {4574, 36080}, {4575, 36050}, {4585, 4588}, {4589, 4600}, {4596, 6578}, {4601, 9150}, {4617, 41353}, {4618, 14421}, {4621, 8684}, {4641, 4849}, {4646, 17016}, {4650, 28488}, {4652, 28193}, {4655, 33065}, {4660, 25760}, {4661, 27778}, {4663, 21870}, {4666, 5437}, {4671, 5695}, {4678, 17548}, {4682, 9507}, {4685, 4921}, {4687, 9094}, {4696, 22345}, {4722, 9340}, {4730, 39155}, {4737, 23206}, {4738, 39445}, {4757, 16126}, {4760, 24358}, {4763, 8645}, {4807, 39577}, {4825, 5385}, {4834, 29341}, {4847, 5659}, {4848, 12437}, {4853, 7987}, {4860, 42871}, {4865, 29849}, {4872, 33864}, {4876, 19557}, {4882, 16192}, {4893, 28875}, {4904, 26140}, {4919, 17439}, {4970, 32928}, {4973, 5131}, {4981, 38000}, {4999, 37291}, {5011, 38884}, {5012, 20986}, {5015, 37431}, {5016, 37399}, {5030, 45751}, {5061, 35104}, {5067, 38319}, {5078, 5096}, {5081, 37305}, {5088, 30806}, {5090, 12137}, {5091, 14839}, {5124, 17362}, {5125, 41227}, {5126, 35271}, {5128, 11523}, {5154, 10896}, {5172, 5427}, {5177, 10585}, {5178, 6684}, {5180, 28174}, {5183, 44663}, {5187, 5225}, {5219, 8543}, {5222, 21477}, {5227, 38883}, {5229, 31295}, {5230, 37030}, {5249, 13405}, {5252, 18976}, {5256, 5269}, {5261, 37435}, {5262, 5266}, {5265, 12632}, {5273, 20835}, {5275, 31477}, {5283, 31451}, {5287, 37553}, {5300, 37231}, {5308, 16412}, {5310, 33157}, {5311, 17592}, {5324, 33118}, {5328, 30332}, {5329, 33088}, {5330, 5697}, {5333, 43223}, {5347, 33093}, {5367, 10638}, {5384, 5386}, {5391, 9099}, {5445, 14795}, {5450, 5881}, {5520, 36175}, {5540, 24036}, {5550, 16408}, {5558, 12631}, {5584, 20007}, {5587, 6246}, {5597, 13228}, {5598, 13230}, {5601, 11492}, {5602, 11493}, {5603, 6911}, {5638, 11651}, {5639, 11652}, {5688, 6262}, {5689, 6263}, {5693, 40256}, {5698, 31018}, {5701, 38347}, {5703, 37229}, {5709, 9946}, {5711, 19767}, {5718, 33112}, {5727, 34701}, {5730, 12702}, {5739, 7085}, {5745, 25006}, {5748, 9812}, {5790, 6914}, {5815, 37426}, {5839, 36743}, {5842, 6840}, {5844, 22765}, {5880, 17718}, {5882, 37561}, {5886, 6946}, {5901, 45976}, {5903, 22836}, {5904, 37572}, {5921, 39877}, {5966, 21807}, {6011, 22003}, {6012, 33951}, {6049, 41426}, {6060, 6617}, {6075, 22102}, {6126, 46819}, {6161, 6551}, {6193, 12328}, {6194, 22556}, {6200, 35856}, {6223, 12330}, {6225, 12335}, {6253, 6895}, {6260, 46435}, {6361, 6985}, {6396, 35857}, {6462, 11503}, {6463, 11504}, {6540, 32042}, {6558, 6574}, {6584, 8702}, {6595, 7161}, {6596, 17097}, {6599, 12639}, {6604, 38859}, {6605, 8012}, {6645, 17693}, {6648, 32038}, {6666, 46916}, {6679, 29850}, {6685, 32772}, {6691, 37722}, {6700, 10624}, {6733, 45874}, {6737, 43174}, {6765, 15803}, {6767, 16417}, {6789, 34587}, {6827, 32554}, {6830, 37820}, {6839, 7680}, {6845, 18517}, {6850, 10522}, {6853, 31659}, {6871, 10588}, {6875, 38128}, {6876, 35239}, {6885, 10532}, {6891, 12116}, {6910, 19843}, {6918, 38038}, {6920, 9956}, {6931, 10591}, {6933, 31418}, {6934, 40245}, {6937, 26487}, {6941, 10525}, {6942, 11249}, {6944, 10531}, {6945, 26333}, {6948, 12115}, {6950, 22758}, {6952, 26470}, {6960, 15908}, {6961, 10785}, {6979, 7681}, {6981, 10598}, {6996, 20556}, {6999, 27526}, {7012, 36067}, {7017, 39429}, {7035, 8640}, {7046, 37441}, {7077, 14200}, {7083, 11345}, {7095, 40214}, {7098, 41538}, {7109, 21779}, {7110, 21065}, {7115, 32688}, {7123, 30706}, {7226, 28567}, {7262, 28502}, {7287, 29345}, {7288, 8668}, {7291, 25083}, {7320, 22754}, {7354, 12607}, {7373, 17573}, {7377, 28789}, {7427, 24808}, {7450, 23181}, {7461, 26704}, {7483, 31419}, {7489, 38042}, {7493, 28420}, {7504, 25639}, {7508, 38112}, {7538, 27410}, {7549, 14679}, {7585, 19000}, {7586, 18999}, {7587, 12748}, {7589, 8126}, {7671, 8257}, {7674, 8730}, {7705, 10826}, {7783, 21226}, {7787, 11490}, {7824, 26801}, {7951, 17577}, {7967, 10269}, {7982, 25485}, {7984, 31525}, {7989, 38161}, {7991, 11682}, {8021, 40435}, {8025, 18185}, {8027, 38018}, {8052, 21295}, {8053, 17277}, {8054, 46126}, {8069, 18391}, {8075, 8103}, {8076, 8104}, {8077, 8097}, {8107, 11685}, {8108, 11686}, {8109, 12733}, {8110, 12734}, {8168, 11194}, {8193, 9912}, {8197, 12460}, {8204, 12461}, {8214, 12741}, {8215, 12742}, {8224, 11687}, {8225, 12744}, {8227, 16174}, {8256, 10950}, {8270, 17080}, {8271, 17092}, {8273, 15717}, {8545, 47375}, {8583, 9951}, {8591, 12326}, {8641, 10006}, {8649, 9283}, {8652, 35327}, {8691, 37210}, {8696, 16885}, {8701, 37212}, {8728, 26060}, {8750, 32691}, {8758, 37782}, {8817, 13577}, {8844, 33889}, {8852, 18235}, {8935, 21085}, {8972, 13887}, {8988, 13893}, {9056, 42718}, {9057, 42719}, {9059, 24004}, {9067, 41314}, {9075, 33931}, {9076, 37221}, {9077, 17289}, {9078, 29679}, {9083, 18743}, {9084, 42724}, {9086, 21580}, {9095, 30829}, {9103, 28605}, {9105, 19804}, {9271, 9272}, {9305, 30694}, {9317, 21232}, {9318, 24685}, {9369, 22344}, {9471, 17755}, {9509, 20998}, {9534, 16452}, {9540, 13913}, {9580, 30827}, {9623, 30282}, {9668, 17556}, {9670, 31246}, {9708, 16370}, {9710, 24953}, {9776, 10578}, {9841, 12125}, {9857, 12498}, {9859, 41229}, {9874, 12333}, {9913, 11414}, {9957, 17614}, {10025, 39421}, {10032, 17781}, {10039, 10057}, {10165, 34486}, {10167, 17658}, {10174, 10536}, {10199, 34719}, {10222, 45977}, {10315, 40129}, {10386, 17527}, {10423, 36095}, {10434, 11679}, {10441, 45394}, {10448, 37574}, {10449, 16451}, {10595, 37622}, {10647, 37794}, {10648, 37795}, {10791, 12198}, {10860, 11678}, {10861, 15298}, {10882, 10890}, {10884, 37560}, {10915, 12749}, {10916, 12750}, {11012, 11362}, {11061, 32256}, {11101, 27690}, {11108, 19877}, {11110, 19874}, {11124, 30613}, {11236, 12943}, {11246, 17483}, {11263, 37731}, {11274, 37587}, {11329, 17316}, {11343, 29611}, {11350, 34255}, {11358, 19684}, {11512, 28011}, {11683, 45744}, {11689, 15323}, {11691, 12518}, {11814, 24709}, {11822, 12462}, {11823, 12463}, {11824, 12753}, {11825, 12754}, {11826, 12761}, {11828, 12765}, {11829, 12766}, {11900, 12729}, {12334, 12383}, {12340, 12384}, {12342, 12849}, {12387, 12389}, {12410, 37257}, {12432, 15932}, {12512, 12527}, {12516, 12533}, {12517, 12534}, {12519, 12535}, {12609, 33593}, {12611, 12699}, {12635, 37567}, {12647, 14793}, {12680, 46677}, {12701, 25681}, {12780, 40714}, {12781, 40713}, {12848, 18801}, {13145, 33858}, {13206, 13219}, {13245, 28162}, {13256, 36082}, {13595, 20988}, {13624, 32634}, {13675, 13678}, {13740, 26030}, {13743, 18357}, {13744, 38950}, {13795, 13798}, {13883, 19078}, {13935, 13977}, {13936, 19077}, {13940, 13941}, {13947, 13976}, {14008, 44411}, {14074, 45695}, {14189, 37780}, {14204, 18359}, {14213, 26708}, {14459, 17772}, {14511, 38707}, {14621, 40732}, {14667, 14686}, {14716, 34409}, {14969, 14996}, {14997, 30653}, {15175, 17057}, {15253, 37771}, {15254, 35595}, {15338, 15680}, {15440, 32656}, {15485, 17125}, {15507, 17777}, {15519, 23089}, {15523, 33079}, {15556, 20612}, {15569, 17021}, {15587, 15837}, {15625, 23361}, {15702, 38069}, {15703, 38084}, {15726, 43080}, {15733, 37787}, {16056, 18139}, {16058, 26038}, {16061, 26965}, {16113, 21075}, {16202, 38032}, {16342, 19853}, {16378, 17794}, {16395, 37507}, {16405, 37502}, {16409, 26103}, {16465, 41539}, {16477, 21747}, {16484, 30950}, {16552, 24047}, {16574, 33847}, {16592, 21341}, {16613, 28282}, {16666, 28310}, {16667, 28314}, {16669, 28298}, {16670, 28302}, {16687, 17150}, {16693, 20475}, {16706, 26230}, {16777, 28326}, {16778, 17156}, {16814, 28334}, {16823, 24589}, {16826, 25946}, {16828, 17557}, {16858, 19875}, {16859, 46932}, {16865, 46933}, {16872, 21278}, {16884, 28330}, {16920, 26687}, {16968, 39255}, {17017, 17716}, {17025, 38315}, {17061, 33150}, {17063, 17715}, {17124, 17782}, {17142, 18048}, {17147, 32926}, {17154, 24841}, {17155, 32920}, {17165, 32939}, {17184, 33068}, {17234, 29830}, {17263, 26261}, {17264, 26262}, {17280, 23868}, {17292, 21516}, {17349, 20992}, {17353, 35263}, {17367, 21540}, {17388, 21773}, {17449, 18201}, {17469, 29821}, {17475, 25804}, {17484, 17768}, {17494, 43986}, {17495, 20045}, {17532, 31479}, {17541, 27091}, {17546, 25542}, {17553, 19870}, {17570, 46931}, {17574, 38213}, {17593, 46901}, {17599, 29815}, {17600, 29816}, {17602, 33155}, {17603, 30284}, {17654, 31788}, {17668, 29007}, {17682, 28742}, {17686, 27020}, {17697, 26029}, {17717, 33104}, {17720, 33134}, {17725, 33143}, {17752, 18758}, {17761, 25532}, {17766, 32844}, {17889, 33127}, {17943, 40501}, {18064, 34020}, {18108, 36081}, {18166, 40433}, {18191, 22313}, {18265, 40848}, {18480, 21669}, {18481, 37403}, {18518, 35251}, {18519, 34627}, {18621, 35260}, {18642, 43735}, {18750, 41905}, {19314, 39581}, {19537, 20050}, {19582, 28077}, {19785, 37099}, {19822, 37090}, {19862, 33709}, {19876, 38104}, {19916, 44805}, {20011, 37639}, {20012, 37683}, {20103, 40998}, {20104, 31262}, {20118, 24914}, {20173, 26267}, {20323, 32427}, {20352, 20878}, {20470, 29824}, {20670, 24504}, {20777, 25298}, {20794, 25311}, {20846, 37601}, {20887, 29010}, {20967, 27064}, {20972, 40400}, {20974, 24484}, {21000, 37679}, {21002, 37681}, {21004, 21711}, {21026, 29862}, {21061, 37508}, {21081, 37294}, {21105, 24126}, {21221, 26075}, {21231, 24435}, {21285, 33298}, {21302, 36030}, {21553, 31546}, {21740, 37562}, {21842, 22837}, {21856, 28055}, {21891, 22311}, {22060, 29308}, {22149, 29228}, {22277, 41610}, {22300, 41723}, {22329, 37857}, {22559, 22647}, {22791, 37251}, {23363, 43350}, {23374, 29437}, {23600, 37419}, {23622, 24578}, {23844, 25253}, {23865, 27013}, {23969, 36096}, {24052, 28841}, {24165, 32923}, {24169, 29656}, {24170, 33953}, {24174, 28082}, {24178, 28027}, {24248, 33151}, {24318, 24712}, {24320, 27549}, {24392, 31231}, {24403, 26273}, {24447, 30997}, {24477, 37578}, {24612, 37416}, {24627, 37575}, {24635, 28043}, {24703, 27131}, {24723, 26580}, {24789, 29681}, {24850, 24852}, {24892, 32865}, {24943, 33174}, {25066, 33950}, {25312, 43360}, {25557, 37703}, {25737, 30236}, {25768, 25872}, {25940, 37555}, {25959, 30811}, {25961, 29642}, {26034, 32782}, {26128, 29848}, {26321, 37705}, {26393, 26394}, {26417, 26418}, {26493, 26494}, {26502, 26503}, {26611, 38357}, {26641, 35185}, {26733, 36074}, {26744, 36910}, {26892, 29326}, {26893, 29009}, {27097, 33828}, {27184, 32950}, {27248, 33830}, {27299, 33819}, {27518, 36855}, {27558, 37405}, {27622, 30029}, {27804, 34064}, {27805, 30670}, {28070, 41795}, {28125, 28869}, {28444, 38074}, {28523, 42043}, {28563, 36263}, {28795, 36698}, {29349, 38389}, {29473, 40006}, {29511, 46502}, {29615, 35276}, {29627, 37272}, {29634, 32774}, {29649, 32915}, {29658, 33128}, {29662, 33141}, {29671, 33072}, {29673, 33119}, {29674, 33156}, {29678, 33111}, {29683, 33135}, {29687, 33158}, {29814, 37674}, {29840, 41346}, {30147, 37571}, {30247, 37217}, {30626, 32735}, {30725, 46116}, {30733, 41507}, {30913, 32666}, {30942, 32941}, {30996, 40546}, {31141, 34626}, {31143, 33082}, {31204, 33138}, {31330, 32916}, {31385, 39437}, {31423, 38133}, {31544, 31547}, {31545, 31548}, {31798, 40262}, {31847, 38569}, {32076, 42014}, {32157, 32198}, {32347, 32354}, {32468, 41526}, {32612, 37727}, {32636, 34791}, {32641, 32685}, {32665, 32686}, {32681, 36083}, {32683, 36088}, {32684, 36039}, {32687, 36092}, {32690, 36097}, {32710, 37979}, {32778, 33074}, {32781, 32783}, {32847, 32848}, {32854, 32855}, {32856, 32857}, {32925, 32934}, {33064, 33067}, {33080, 33084}, {33081, 33085}, {33098, 33101}, {33105, 33109}, {33107, 37662}, {33136, 33140}, {33139, 35466}, {33142, 37646}, {33144, 33146}, {33145, 33152}, {33161, 33165}, {33162, 33167}, {33166, 44416}, {33171, 33172}, {33667, 41697}, {33956, 44784}, {33994, 42884}, {34140, 37758}, {34168, 42699}, {34404, 39451}, {34606, 37299}, {34880, 37738}, {34921, 35057}, {34927, 34932}, {35004, 37733}, {35249, 37430}, {35616, 35638}, {35657, 35659}, {35788, 35852}, {35789, 35853}, {36154, 38570}, {36508, 38286}, {36565, 37549}, {36977, 40293}, {37254, 39570}, {37262, 37581}, {37264, 37547}, {37308, 37730}, {37371, 37799}, {37442, 37573}, {37557, 39582}, {37604, 42042}, {37658, 42316}, {38711, 46636}, {40097, 46588}, {40216, 40419}, {40300, 40302}, {43816, 43847}, {43974, 43991}, {45269, 45272}, {45508, 45520}, {45509, 45521}
X(100) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 5541}, {3, 12331}, {4, 13199}, {8, 6224}, {9, 5528}, {11, 6154}, {20, 153}, {40, 6326}, {104, 38665}, {119, 10993}, {149, 20095}, {191, 13146}, {901, 14513}, {1145, 10609}, {1155, 3689}, {1317, 13996}, {1490, 2950}, {1657, 38756}, {1768, 5531}, {2932, 5687}, {3218, 3935}, {3245, 4867}, {3913, 22560}, {5537, 44425}, {7991, 13253}, {11500, 12332}, {12119, 12751}, {12515, 12738}, {13269, 13270}, {18524, 35000}, {24466, 37725}, {32845, 32927}
X(100) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 214}, {2, 6174}, {3, 33814}, {4, 119}, {7, 10427}, {8, 1145}, {9, 6594}, {11, 3035}, {20, 24466}, {21, 35204}, {80, 10}, {104, 3}, {105, 46409}, {144, 6068}, {145, 1317}, {149, 11}, {153, 37725}, {382, 22799}, {765, 46973}, {908, 6745}, {962, 1537}, {1156, 9}, {1290, 36167}, {1320, 1}, {1482, 19907}, {1484, 140}, {1768, 46684}, {2611, 16598}, {2687, 46635}, {2975, 4996}, {3035, 35023}, {3065, 3647}, {3218, 1155}, {3244, 33812}, {3254, 142}, {3583, 3814}, {3868, 11570}, {3870, 41553}, {3935, 3689}, {4511, 5440}, {5057, 908}, {5080, 17757}, {5176, 6735}, {5375, 38310}, {5905, 12831}, {6075, 22102}, {6163, 765}, {6224, 10609}, {6264, 11715}, {6265, 22935}, {6595, 13089}, {6599, 12639}, {6909, 2077}, {7972, 33337}, {7982, 25485}, {7984, 31525}, {9318, 24685}, {9809, 13257}, {9897, 15863}, {10090, 25440}, {10265, 6684}, {10609, 9945}, {10698, 6265}, {10707, 2}, {10724, 4}, {10728, 10742}, {10738, 5}, {10742, 11698}, {10755, 6}, {10767, 113}, {10768, 114}, {10769, 115}, {10770, 116}, {10771, 117}, {10772, 118}, {10773, 120}, {10774, 121}, {10775, 122}, {10776, 123}, {10777, 124}, {10778, 125}, {10779, 126}, {10780, 127}, {10781, 1313}, {10782, 1312}, {11219, 10164}, {11256, 11260}, {11604, 442}, {11609, 2092}, {12248, 38761}, {12515, 3579}, {12528, 12665}, {12531, 8}, {12532, 72}, {12641, 12640}, {12649, 12832}, {12690, 12019}, {12699, 12611}, {12737, 1385}, {12761, 18242}, {12764, 1329}, {12773, 38602}, {12848, 25606}, {12868, 12631}, {13199, 10993}, {13243, 1768}, {13266, 659}, {13268, 402}, {13277, 9508}, {13278, 10087}, {13279, 10090}, {14217, 946}, {14923, 39776}, {14947, 6184}, {17636, 5836}, {17638, 960}, {17652, 9957}, {17654, 31788}, {17763, 4434}, {19914, 5690}, {19916, 44805}, {20067, 15326}, {20095, 6154}, {20119, 2550}, {21630, 1125}, {24297, 40587}, {24712, 24318}, {24852, 24850}, {25416, 12735}, {25438, 8715}, {26015, 3911}, {26726, 3244}, {31512, 3259}, {32198, 32157}, {32454, 39}, {34151, 15632}, {34195, 39778}, {34772, 41541}, {34789, 21635}, {34894, 6600}, {36002, 44425}, {36175, 5520}, {36237, 190}, {36845, 41556}, {36846, 41554}, {37726, 6713}, {38460, 1319}, {38521, 38643}, {38665, 12331}, {38669, 104}, {38693, 34474}, {38753, 550}, {41575, 41558}, {42322, 4394}, {43735, 18642}, {45393, 11517}, {46435, 6260}, {46685, 14740}, {47320, 3678}
X(100) = isogonal conjugate of X(513)
X(100) = isotomic conjugate of X(693)
X(100) = anticomplement of X(11)
X(100) = complement of X(149)
X(100) = Stevanovic circle inverse of X(919)
X(100) = Conway circle inverse of X(38478)
X(100) = polar circle inverse of X(5521)
X(100) = orthoptic circle of the Steiner inellipe inverse of X(120)
X(100) = orthoptic circle of the Steiner circumellipe inverse of X(20344)
X(100) = de Longchamps circle inverse of X(34188)
X(100) = Schoutte circle inverse of X(35107)
X(100) = second Brocard Circle inverse of X(38521)
X(100) = polar conjugate of X(17924)
X(100) = antitomic conjugate of X(14947)
X(100) = anticomplement of the anticomplement of X(3035)
X(100) = anticomplement of the anticomplement of the anticomplement of X(6667)
X(100) = complement of the complement of X(20095)
X(100) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(59)
X(100) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(3446)
X(100) = anticomplement of the isotomic conjugate of X(4998)
X(100) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(8047)
X(100) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(513)
X(100) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(513)
X(100) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(650)
X(100) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(17494)
X(100) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(692)
X(100) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(668)
X(100) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(1783)
X(100) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(6335)
X(100) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(1332)
X(100) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(906)
X(100) = Thomson isogonal conjugate of X(517)
X(100) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(517)
X(100) = excentral isogonal conjugate of X(2957)
X(100) = tangential isogonal conjugate of X(38863)
X(100) = psi-transform of X(1083)
X(100) = circumcircle-antipode of X(104)
X(100) = Ψ(X(i),X(j)) for these (i,j): (1,2), 2,37), (3,63), (4,8), (6,1), (7,8), (48,3), (56,55), (68,72)
X(100) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(244)
X(100) = X(113)-of-the-hexyl-triangle
X(100) = concurrence of reflections in sides of ABC of line X(4)X(8)
X(100) = perspector of Hutson-Moses hyperbola
X(100) = trilinear pole of line X(1)X(6) (and PU(28)) (van Aubel line of excentral triangle)
X(100) = trilinear product of PU(33)
X(100) = trilinear product of intercepts of circumcircle and Nagel line
X(100) = polar conjugate of X(17924)
X(100) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(17924) (line X(11)X(2969))
X(100) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and the circumellipse centered at X(1) (viz., {A,B,C,X(100),X(664),X(1120),X(1320)}})
X(100) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and the circumellipse centered at X(9) (viz., {A,B,C,X(100),X(658),X(662),X(799),X(1821),X(2580),X(2581),PU(34)}})
X(100) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(8)}}
X(100) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(32)}}
X(100) = center of hyperbola passing through X(1), X(9), and the excenters
X(100) = X(125)-of-excentral-triangle
X(100) = trilinear pole wrt 1st circumperp triangle of line X(3)X(142)
X(100) = X(110)-of-1st-circumperp-triangle
X(100) = reflection of X(1290) in the Euler line
X(100) = reflection of X(2703) in the Brocard axis
X(100) = reflection of X(901) in line X(1)X(3)
X(100) = cevapoint of X(59) and inverse-in-circumcircle-of-X(59)
X(100) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(120)
X(100) = exsimilicenter of circumcircle and AC-incircle
X(100) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j) (1,1052), (100,1), (190,63), (643,411), (666,673), (765,100), (1016,190)
X(100) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,80), (21,106), (100,109), (333,673), (643,100), (765,100)
X(100) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and ellipse {A,B,C,PU(75)}}
X(100) = crossdifference of PU(27)
X(100) = homothetic center of 2nd Schiffler triangle and excenters-midpoints triangle
X(100) = Feuerbach image of X(2)
X(100) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(14266)
X(100) = perspector of anti-Mandart-incircle and anticomplementary triangles
X(100) = intersection of antipedal lines of X(1381) and X(1382)
X(100) = eigencenter of Gemini triangle 2
X(100) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 5
X(100) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 6
X(100) = perspector of ABC and side-triangle of Gemini triangles 29 and 30
X(100) = homothetic center of 2nd Schiffler triangle and excenters-midpoints triangle
X(100) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 29
X(100) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 30
X(100) = intersection, other than A, B, C, of {ABC, Gemini 29}-circumconic and {ABC, Gemini 30}-circumconic
X(100) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(37)
X(100) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(1768)
X(100) = intouch-to-ABC barycentric image of X(11)
X(100) = ABC-to-excentral barycentric image of X(11)
X(100) = trilinear pole, wrt circumtangential triangle, of line X(1)X(3)
X(100) = BSS(a^2→a) of X(110)
X(100) = Collings transform of X(i) for these i: {1, 9, 10, 119, 142, 214, 442, 600, 1145, 2092, 3126, 3307, 3308, 3647, 5507, 6184, 6260, 6594, 6600, 10427, 10472, 11517, 11530, 12631, 12639, 12640, 12864, 13089, 15346, 15347, 15348, 17057, 17060, 18258, 18642, 19557, 19584, 22754, 34261, 35204, 39041, 39048, 40587, 40600, 40653, 41540, 41862, 41886, 43182, 45036}
X(100) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 17036}, {59, 8}, {100, 33650}, {101, 37781}, {109, 149}, {249, 21273}, {651, 150}, {664, 21293}, {692, 39351}, {765, 3436}, {1016, 21286}, {1101, 2975}, {1110, 144}, {1252, 329}, {1262, 7}, {1275, 21285}, {1331, 34188}, {1415, 4440}, {2149, 2}, {4551, 3448}, {4552, 21294}, {4559, 21221}, {4564, 69}, {4567, 20245}, {4570, 3869}, {4619, 693}, {4620, 17137}, {4998, 6327}, {7012, 4}, {7045, 3434}, {7115, 5905}, {7339, 36845}, {9268, 5176}, {23357, 18662}, {23979, 3210}, {23990, 3177}, {24027, 145}, {24041, 35614}, {31615, 20295}, {39293, 20556}, {44717, 4329}, {46102, 21270}
X(100) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 5375}, {3446, 10}, {8047, 2887}, {42552, 124}
X(100) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 6163}, {2, 5375}, {6, 9266}, {59, 2975}, {99, 190}, {190, 644}, {249, 38871}, {643, 1331}, {662, 101}, {664, 651}, {666, 2284}, {668, 1332}, {765, 1}, {835, 4756}, {898, 23343}, {1016, 6}, {1252, 1621}, {1262, 38869}, {1275, 220}, {3257, 1023}, {4076, 145}, {4555, 4585}, {4564, 9}, {4567, 37}, {4570, 21}, {4596, 662}, {4600, 81}, {4601, 213}, {4603, 46148}, {4618, 3257}, {4998, 2}, {5376, 44}, {5377, 518}, {5378, 238}, {5379, 72}, {5381, 3230}, {5382, 1743}, {5383, 2176}, {5384, 984}, {5385, 45}, {5387, 16784}, {5388, 40728}, {6012, 1633}, {6079, 17780}, {6335, 1783}, {6606, 664}, {6648, 4559}, {7012, 3869}, {7035, 32911}, {7045, 63}, {8269, 934}, {8706, 3699}, {8707, 3952}, {8708, 4557}, {8709, 3570}, {9059, 4767}, {13136, 2427}, {15742, 8}, {23586, 38876}, {23984, 38875}, {24041, 33761}, {31615, 1252}, {31628, 650}, {34071, 932}, {34537, 38853}, {35574, 42720}, {36086, 3573}, {36147, 4579}, {36797, 1897}, {36802, 2398}, {37212, 1018}, {39272, 36086}, {39444, 36237}, {46102, 219}, {46649, 12531}
X(100) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 765}, {3, 59}, {6, 1016}, {9, 4564}, {35, 4570}, {36, 9268}, {37, 4567}, {40, 7012}, {43, 7035}, {44, 5376}, {45, 5385}, {55, 1252}, {72, 5379}, {101, 651}, {109, 13138}, {165, 7045}, {170, 24011}, {171, 4600}, {190, 932}, {197, 7115}, {198, 1262}, {213, 4601}, {219, 46102}, {220, 1275}, {238, 5378}, {512, 2298}, {513, 1}, {514, 2346}, {518, 5377}, {521, 8}, {522, 21}, {523, 943}, {610, 7128}, {644, 27834}, {647, 40406}, {649, 81}, {650, 2}, {652, 40399}, {654, 2990}, {656, 1257}, {659, 105}, {661, 1255}, {663, 23617}, {665, 2991}, {667, 6}, {692, 1783}, {798, 1258}, {846, 24041}, {890, 739}, {900, 104}, {906, 1332}, {926, 294}, {928, 8759}, {984, 5384}, {1018, 190}, {1019, 40433}, {1021, 40435}, {1023, 3257}, {1026, 660}, {1030, 249}, {1376, 4998}, {1415, 46640}, {1491, 1390}, {1615, 23586}, {1631, 15378}, {1633, 934}, {1635, 88}, {1734, 75}, {1743, 5382}, {1960, 40400}, {2176, 5383}, {2254, 1280}, {2283, 677}, {2284, 666}, {2427, 13136}, {2509, 30701}, {2516, 8056}, {2804, 45393}, {2820, 43736}, {2821, 9372}, {2915, 250}, {2933, 15386}, {2939, 24000}, {2947, 24032}, {2977, 15344}, {3063, 17743}, {3126, 518}, {3185, 2149}, {3197, 23984}, {3230, 5381}, {3251, 44}, {3257, 9271}, {3309, 7}, {3573, 37135}, {3659, 6733}, {3667, 1476}, {3733, 1126}, {3737, 1220}, {3738, 1320}, {3882, 3903}, {3887, 1156}, {3900, 9}, {3913, 4076}, {3939, 644}, {4040, 86}, {4057, 58}, {4063, 82}, {4083, 983}, {4105, 6605}, {4394, 57}, {4401, 1014}, {4427, 34594}, {4436, 99}, {4455, 292}, {4491, 106}, {4551, 1897}, {4553, 668}, {4557, 101}, {4559, 44765}, {4705, 37}, {4730, 2161}, {4775, 40401}, {4777, 15175}, {4782, 985}, {4790, 25417}, {4825, 45}, {4834, 2214}, {4893, 40434}, {4926, 15446}, {5277, 4590}, {5687, 15742}, {6003, 17097}, {6050, 39956}, {6161, 513}, {6182, 40779}, {6366, 34894}, {6586, 40403}, {6600, 6065}, {7234, 42}, {7239, 1978}, {7252, 40394}, {8043, 1224}, {8632, 20332}, {8640, 31}, {8641, 7123}, {8659, 1462}, {8662, 2221}, {8674, 80}, {8676, 1172}, {8678, 941}, {8683, 1293}, {8702, 7161}, {9001, 1000}, {9441, 39293}, {9508, 291}, {11124, 650}, {12331, 46649}, {13589, 1290}, {14392, 41798}, {14419, 34893}, {14589, 31615}, {15313, 4}, {15624, 1110}, {16553, 35049}, {16784, 5387}, {17494, 1621}, {18004, 15168}, {21003, 1438}, {21005, 251}, {21007, 83}, {21173, 1222}, {21189, 40436}, {21779, 34537}, {21786, 46638}, {21789, 2983}, {21791, 38810}, {21894, 39698}, {21901, 1221}, {23067, 1331}, {23224, 42019}, {23343, 898}, {23703, 36037}, {23832, 901}, {23845, 109}, {23865, 1174}, {23867, 38813}, {24052, 4632}, {24290, 335}, {28217, 15179}, {35057, 32635}, {35326, 43190}, {35338, 664}, {35341, 37206}, {35342, 662}, {38469, 43073}, {39199, 1167}, {39200, 36052}, {40728, 5388}, {43049, 3870}, {46611, 2687}
X(100) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 513}, {2, 649}, {3, 7649}, {4, 1459}, {6, 514}, {7, 663}, {8, 43924}, {9, 3669}, {10, 3733}, {11, 109}, {19, 905}, {21, 4017}, {25, 4025}, {27, 647}, {28, 656}, {31, 693}, {32, 3261}, {34, 521}, {37, 1019}, {38, 18108}, {39, 10566}, {41, 24002}, {42, 7192}, {43, 43931}, {44, 1022}, {48, 17924}, {54, 21102}, {55, 3676}, {56, 522}, {57, 650}, {58, 523}, {59, 21132}, {63, 6591}, {64, 21172}, {65, 3737}, {71, 17925}, {74, 11125}, {75, 667}, {76, 1919}, {77, 18344}, {78, 43923}, {79, 2605}, {81, 661}, {82, 2530}, {83, 21123}, {84, 6129}, {85, 3063}, {86, 512}, {87, 4083}, {88, 1635}, {89, 4893}, {91, 34948}, {92, 22383}, {99, 3122}, {100, 244}, {101, 1086}, {103, 676}, {104, 1769}, {105, 2254}, {106, 900}, {108, 7004}, {110, 3120}, {111, 4750}, {112, 4466}, {115, 4556}, {158, 23224}, {162, 18210}, {163, 16732}, {174, 6729}, {184, 46107}, {190, 1015}, {200, 43932}, {210, 7203}, {213, 7199}, {222, 3064}, {225, 23189}, {226, 7252}, {238, 876}, {239, 3572}, {241, 1024}, {249, 21131}, {250, 21134}, {251, 16892}, {256, 4367}, {257, 20981}, {266, 6728}, {267, 31947}, {269, 3900}, {273, 1946}, {274, 798}, {278, 652}, {279, 657}, {284, 7178}, {286, 810}, {291, 659}, {292, 812}, {306, 43925}, {310, 669}, {330, 20979}, {333, 7180}, {335, 8632}, {350, 875}, {386, 43927}, {393, 4091}, {479, 4105}, {516, 2424}, {518, 1027}, {519, 23345}, {520, 8747}, {525, 1474}, {536, 23892}, {560, 40495}, {561, 1980}, {593, 4024}, {595, 40086}, {596, 4057}, {603, 44426}, {604, 4391}, {608, 6332}, {651, 2170}, {653, 7117}, {654, 2006}, {658, 14936}, {660, 27846}, {662, 3125}, {664, 3271}, {665, 673}, {668, 3248}, {679, 3251}, {692, 1111}, {694, 4107}, {726, 23355}, {727, 3837}, {738, 4130}, {739, 4728}, {741, 4010}, {751, 4378}, {753, 4809}, {757, 4705}, {764, 765}, {788, 870}, {799, 3121}, {813, 27918}, {824, 40746}, {832, 977}, {834, 43531}, {849, 4036}, {850, 2206}, {871, 8630}, {884, 9436}, {885, 1458}, {890, 31002}, {891, 37129}, {893, 4369}, {897, 14419}, {898, 19945}, {899, 43928}, {901, 1647}, {902, 6548}, {903, 1960}, {904, 4374}, {908, 2423}, {909, 10015}, {918, 1438}, {932, 3123}, {934, 2310}, {959, 17418}, {961, 17420}, {963, 7661}, {967, 45745}, {983, 3777}, {985, 1491}, {996, 9002}, {998, 9001}, {1002, 4724}, {1014, 4041}, {1016, 21143}, {1018, 16726}, {1021, 1427}, {1026, 43921}, {1042, 7253}, {1043, 7250}, {1054, 6164}, {1088, 8641}, {1096, 4131}, {1106, 4397}, {1120, 6085}, {1126, 4977}, {1146, 1461}, {1149, 23836}, {1155, 35348}, {1156, 14413}, {1169, 21124}, {1170, 21127}, {1171, 4988}, {1173, 21103}, {1174, 21104}, {1175, 23752}, {1176, 21108}, {1177, 21109}, {1178, 2533}, {1193, 4581}, {1220, 6371}, {1222, 6363}, {1252, 6545}, {1255, 4979}, {1262, 42462}, {1279, 35355}, {1293, 3756}, {1318, 39771}, {1319, 23838}, {1323, 23351}, {1326, 18014}, {1331, 2969}, {1333, 1577}, {1334, 17096}, {1357, 3699}, {1358, 3939}, {1364, 36127}, {1365, 4636}, {1395, 35518}, {1396, 8611}, {1397, 35519}, {1400, 4560}, {1402, 18155}, {1407, 3239}, {1408, 4086}, {1411, 3738}, {1412, 3700}, {1413, 8058}, {1414, 4516}, {1415, 4858}, {1417, 4768}, {1421, 42552}, {1422, 14298}, {1431, 3907}, {1432, 3287}, {1434, 3709}, {1436, 14837}, {1437, 24006}, {1457, 43728}, {1472, 2517}, {1476, 6615}, {1486, 26721}, {1492, 4475}, {1509, 4079}, {1565, 8750}, {1576, 21207}, {1581, 4164}, {1638, 2291}, {1643, 37131}, {1646, 4607}, {1751, 43060}, {1783, 3942}, {1790, 2501}, {1795, 39534}, {1813, 8735}, {1826, 7254}, {1875, 37628}, {1876, 23696}, {1897, 3937}, {1911, 3766}, {1914, 4444}, {1924, 6385}, {1929, 9508}, {1967, 14296}, {1973, 15413}, {1977, 1978}, {2087, 3257}, {2109, 25381}, {2149, 40166}, {2156, 16757}, {2160, 14838}, {2161, 3960}, {2162, 3835}, {2163, 4777}, {2164, 21188}, {2183, 2401}, {2191, 3309}, {2194, 4077}, {2195, 43042}, {2203, 14208}, {2207, 30805}, {2208, 17896}, {2214, 14349}, {2215, 23882}, {2217, 21189}, {2218, 23800}, {2221, 6590}, {2226, 6544}, {2248, 21196}, {2258, 43067}, {2276, 4817}, {2279, 4762}, {2287, 7216}, {2296, 2978}, {2297, 8712}, {2299, 17094}, {2308, 4608}, {2311, 7212}, {2316, 30725}, {2319, 43051}, {2333, 15419}, {2334, 4778}, {2340, 43930}, {2348, 37626}, {2349, 14399}, {2350, 17494}, {2353, 21178}, {2354, 15420}, {2364, 43052}, {2382, 36848}, {2384, 14475}, {2395, 17209}, {2426, 15634}, {2432, 34050}, {2433, 18653}, {2486, 43076}, {2488, 21453}, {2489, 17206}, {2504, 9085}, {2509, 40188}, {2516, 36603}, {2526, 39958}, {2611, 13486}, {2616, 18180}, {2623, 17167}, {2718, 24457}, {2720, 35015}, {2786, 17962}, {2787, 17954}, {2832, 34893}, {2973, 32656}, {2983, 29162}, {2985, 23751}, {2998, 23572}, {3011, 35365}, {3022, 4626}, {3049, 44129}, {3119, 4617}, {3124, 4610}, {3224, 21191}, {3226, 6373}, {3227, 3768}, {3249, 31625}, {3250, 14621}, {3270, 36118}, {3285, 4049}, {3310, 34234}, {3423, 47123}, {3433, 21185}, {3435, 21186}, {3437, 21187}, {3444, 21192}, {3445, 3667}, {3446, 21201}, {3447, 21203}, {3449, 21118}, {3450, 21119}, {3451, 21120}, {3453, 21121}, {3455, 21205}, {3500, 21348}, {3668, 21789}, {3675, 36086}, {3762, 9456}, {3778, 7255}, {3798, 8770}, {3801, 38813}, {3803, 23051}, {3805, 40763}, {3862, 23597}, {3880, 37627}, {3912, 43929}, {3954, 39179}, {4040, 13476}, {4062, 43926}, {4063, 39798}, {4081, 6614}, {4128, 4594}, {4132, 39949}, {4142, 34250}, {4160, 34916}, {4162, 19604}, {4163, 7023}, {4303, 14775}, {4306, 23289}, {4373, 8643}, {4379, 30650}, {4382, 30651}, {4394, 8056}, {4401, 7241}, {4440, 9262}, {4449, 9309}, {4453, 6187}, {4455, 18827}, {4458, 8852}, {4459, 29055}, {4462, 38266}, {4467, 6186}, {4481, 40747}, {4491, 39697}, {4498, 39956}, {4521, 40151}, {4534, 38828}, {4551, 18191}, {4557, 17205}, {4559, 17197}, {4561, 42067}, {4565, 21044}, {4584, 39786}, {4598, 6377}, {4600, 8034}, {4603, 16592}, {4618, 42084}, {4637, 36197}, {4638, 35092}, {4707, 34079}, {4775, 39704}, {4784, 30571}, {4786, 21448}, {4790, 25430}, {4791, 28607}, {4813, 25417}, {4823, 34819}, {4834, 30598}, {4885, 9315}, {4932, 39967}, {4943, 16079}, {4957, 34073}, {4960, 28625}, {4978, 28615}, {4983, 40438}, {5009, 35352}, {5029, 6650}, {5209, 18002}, {5317, 24018}, {5331, 8672}, {5620, 42741}, {6005, 10013}, {6006, 41436}, {6149, 43082}, {6161, 46972}, {6336, 22086}, {6372, 40433}, {6381, 23349}, {6384, 8640}, {6549, 23344}, {6550, 9268}, {6551, 24188}, {6586, 14377}, {6588, 42467}, {6589, 13478}, {6610, 23893}, {6629, 9178}, {6730, 7370}, {7035, 8027}, {7077, 43041}, {7087, 20517}, {7121, 20906}, {7169, 21174}, {7234, 32010}, {7260, 21755}, {7316, 14432}, {7339, 23615}, {7658, 11051}, {8050, 8054}, {8059, 38357}, {8578, 44184}, {8648, 18815}, {8656, 36588}, {8659, 36807}, {8677, 36123}, {8690, 21963}, {8713, 10579}, {8714, 34444}, {8917, 17427}, {9217, 21200}, {9259, 42555}, {9265, 21211}, {9267, 9359}, {9269, 9325}, {9292, 17215}, {9299, 18149}, {9311, 20980}, {9361, 38238}, {9505, 38348}, {9506, 27929}, {10428, 23757}, {10490, 10495}, {10492, 18888}, {10509, 10581}, {14370, 21194}, {14554, 21786}, {15378, 21133}, {15382, 20504}, {16099, 42662}, {16606, 18197}, {16695, 42027}, {16702, 23894}, {16737, 40729}, {16887, 18105}, {17216, 32713}, {17217, 23493}, {17222, 45677}, {17435, 36146}, {17731, 18001}, {17758, 21007}, {17780, 43922}, {18018, 21122}, {18101, 46153}, {18359, 21758}, {18771, 21105}, {18772, 21106}, {18830, 38986}, {20295, 40148}, {20516, 34183}, {20518, 41528}, {20908, 34077}, {20974, 43190}, {21003, 39714}, {21110, 38826}, {21113, 42346}, {21138, 34071}, {21173, 34434}, {21175, 34436}, {21176, 34437}, {21179, 34441}, {21180, 34442}, {21183, 34446}, {21190, 34427}, {21202, 34179}, {21206, 36615}, {21208, 40519}, {21385, 39982}, {21763, 42328}, {21828, 24624}, {21832, 37128}, {22084, 26705}, {22108, 34578}, {22350, 43933}, {23100, 23990}, {23707, 30691}, {23723, 34429}, {23729, 38825}, {23807, 34248}, {23845, 40451}, {23989, 32739}, {24027, 42455}, {25426, 28840}, {26932, 32674}, {26933, 32691}, {28209, 41434}, {29198, 39972}, {29226, 36598}, {30723, 34820}, {30724, 33635}, {32039, 40610}, {32641, 42754}, {32714, 34591}, {34018, 46388}, {34051, 46393}, {34858, 36038}, {35014, 36110}, {36037, 42753}, {40076, 47234}, {40397, 40628}, {40409, 40627}, {40738, 45882}, {41799, 45877}, {42290, 45755}
X(100) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 513}, {2, 17494}, {3, 521}, {6, 667}, {9, 3900}, {10, 522}, {11, 15914}, {37, 4705}, {42, 649}, {43, 8640}, {44, 3251}, {45, 4825}, {55, 650}, {57, 43049}, {101, 3939}, {119, 2804}, {142, 514}, {171, 7234}, {190, 4595}, {214, 3738}, {442, 523}, {512, 2092}, {518, 3126}, {525, 18642}, {656, 18673}, {659, 8299}, {661, 1962}, {663, 2347}, {665, 20455}, {669, 21753}, {678, 1635}, {692, 906}, {899, 38349}, {900, 1145}, {905, 7289}, {918, 17060}, {926, 6184}, {1018, 4557}, {1019, 18166}, {1021, 8021}, {1734, 15624}, {1960, 20972}, {2530, 18183}, {3158, 4394}, {3257, 9272}, {3293, 4057}, {3307, 3308}, {3309, 6600}, {3647, 35057}, {3667, 12640}, {3737, 4267}, {3795, 4782}, {3887, 6594}, {4041, 21811}, {4083, 41886}, {4097, 4401}, {4105, 8012}, {4477, 18235}, {4551, 23067}, {4730, 40988}, {4775, 20973}, {4777, 17057}, {4802, 41862}, {6161, 46973}, {6260, 8058}, {6366, 10427}, {6608, 42438}, {8043, 27787}, {8298, 9508}, {8632, 20663}, {8641, 30706}, {8674, 35204}, {8678, 34261}, {8702, 13089}, {10472, 23880}, {11124, 14589}, {11517, 15313}, {14077, 15346}, {15347, 30198}, {15348, 30199}
X(100) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9282}, {2, 8047}, {6, 9265}, {99, 662}, {101, 34071}, {190, 664}, {643, 36797}, {668, 6335}, {3257, 4618}, {4596, 37212}, {4600, 6632}, {4998, 31615}
X(100) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1054}, {2, 9263}, {6, 16686}, {10, 22045}, {37, 22323}, {244, 764}, {512, 661}, {514, 3835}, {523, 31946}, {649, 663}, {650, 4162}, {659, 38348}, {667, 22383}, {693, 23807}, {812, 27854}, {891, 14434}, {1015, 8027}, {1635, 3251}, {1646, 14441}, {3120, 21132}, {3122, 21143}, {3259, 6550}, {4107, 4375}, {4979, 4983}, {6363, 6615}, {8677, 42769}, {33917, 39011}
X(100) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {244, 665}
X(100) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 244}, {101, 1635}, {292, 3121}, {294, 14936}, {4618, 14421}, {8649, 9283}, {10699, 3675}, {39443, 891}
X(100) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 190}, {3, 6335}, {4, 1332}, {6, 668}, {7, 644}, {8, 651}, {9, 664}, {10, 662}, {11, 31615}, {12, 4612}, {19, 4561}, {21, 4552}, {31, 1978}, {32, 6386}, {35, 15455}, {36, 36804}, {37, 99}, {40, 44327}, {41, 4572}, {42, 799}, {43, 4598}, {44, 4555}, {45, 4597}, {55, 4554}, {56, 646}, {57, 3699}, {58, 4033}, {59, 4391}, {63, 1897}, {65, 645}, {69, 1783}, {71, 811}, {72, 648}, {74, 42716}, {75, 101}, {76, 692}, {78, 653}, {80, 4585}, {81, 3952}, {82, 4568}, {83, 4553}, {85, 3939}, {86, 1018}, {87, 4595}, {88, 17780}, {89, 4767}, {92, 1331}, {98, 42717}, {102, 42718}, {103, 42719}, {104, 2397}, {105, 42720}, {106, 24004}, {107, 3998}, {108, 345}, {109, 312}, {110, 321}, {111, 42721}, {112, 20336}, {145, 27834}, {162, 306}, {163, 313}, {171, 27805}, {181, 4631}, {192, 932}, {200, 658}, {210, 4573}, {212, 46404}, {213, 670}, {219, 18026}, {220, 4569}, {226, 643}, {228, 6331}, {238, 4562}, {239, 660}, {241, 36802}, {244, 6632}, {249, 4036}, {256, 18047}, {257, 4579}, {261, 21859}, {264, 906}, {269, 6558}, {273, 4587}, {274, 4557}, {278, 4571}, {279, 4578}, {281, 6516}, {286, 4574}, {291, 3570}, {292, 874}, {294, 883}, {304, 8750}, {314, 4559}, {318, 1813}, {322, 36049}, {329, 13138}, {333, 4551}, {335, 3573}, {341, 1461}, {344, 1292}, {346, 934}, {350, 813}, {386, 37218}, {476, 42701}, {480, 36838}, {512, 4601}, {513, 1016}, {514, 765}, {517, 13136}, {518, 666}, {519, 3257}, {521, 46102}, {522, 4564}, {523, 4567}, {524, 5380}, {525, 5379}, {536, 898}, {556, 6733}, {561, 32739}, {598, 3908}, {612, 37215}, {649, 7035}, {650, 4998}, {655, 4511}, {661, 4600}, {667, 31625}, {673, 1026}, {675, 42723}, {677, 30807}, {689, 21814}, {691, 42713}, {693, 1252}, {728, 4626}, {739, 41314}, {740, 4584}, {751, 4482}, {752, 5386}, {754, 5389}, {756, 4610}, {757, 4103}, {758, 47318}, {788, 5388}, {789, 2276}, {812, 5378}, {823, 3682}, {824, 5384}, {825, 33931}, {831, 17289}, {833, 32777}, {835, 28606}, {839, 4261}, {840, 42722}, {869, 37133}, {889, 3230}, {891, 5381}, {892, 21839}, {894, 3903}, {899, 4607}, {900, 5376}, {901, 4358}, {903, 1023}, {905, 15742}, {908, 36037}, {914, 36106}, {918, 5377}, {919, 3263}, {925, 42700}, {927, 3693}, {931, 31993}, {933, 42698}, {958, 32038}, {960, 6648}, {982, 4621}, {983, 33946}, {984, 4586}, {985, 3807}, {1001, 32041}, {1014, 30730}, {1020, 1043}, {1025, 14942}, {1042, 7258}, {1089, 4556}, {1098, 4605}, {1100, 6540}, {1110, 3261}, {1125, 37212}, {1212, 6606}, {1213, 4596}, {1214, 36797}, {1215, 4603}, {1220, 3882}, {1222, 21362}, {1253, 46406}, {1255, 4427}, {1257, 14543}, {1260, 13149}, {1262, 4397}, {1265, 32714}, {1267, 6135}, {1268, 35342}, {1275, 3900}, {1278, 29227}, {1290, 32849}, {1293, 18743}, {1296, 42724}, {1301, 42699}, {1302, 42704}, {1305, 27396}, {1308, 17264}, {1310, 2345}, {1319, 4582}, {1333, 27808}, {1334, 4625}, {1376, 30610}, {1400, 7257}, {1414, 2321}, {1415, 3596}, {1427, 7256}, {1429, 36801}, {1434, 4069}, {1441, 5546}, {1473, 42384}, {1476, 25268}, {1492, 3661}, {1500, 4623}, {1509, 40521}, {1575, 8709}, {1576, 27801}, {1577, 4570}, {1633, 30701}, {1698, 37211}, {1757, 35148}, {1824, 4563}, {1826, 4592}, {1911, 27853}, {1914, 4583}, {1918, 4602}, {1921, 34067}, {1930, 4628}, {1962, 4632}, {1969, 32656}, {1983, 20566}, {1997, 30236}, {2087, 6635}, {2149, 35519}, {2162, 36863}, {2176, 18830}, {2205, 4609}, {2214, 33948}, {2222, 32851}, {2223, 36803}, {2238, 4589}, {2283, 36796}, {2284, 2481}, {2287, 4566}, {2295, 4594}, {2323, 35174}, {2339, 14594}, {2340, 34085}, {2361, 46405}, {2398, 36101}, {2427, 18816}, {2702, 20947}, {2703, 17790}, {2715, 42703}, {2742, 37788}, {2743, 37758}, {2748, 37756}, {2753, 37857}, {2832, 5387}, {3006, 36087}, {3035, 31628}, {3112, 46148}, {3175, 8690}, {3198, 44326}, {3219, 6742}, {3222, 21877}, {3227, 23343}, {3239, 7045}, {3240, 37209}, {3262, 32641}, {3264, 32665}, {3290, 35574}, {3293, 37205}, {3436, 46640}, {3616, 4606}, {3666, 8707}, {3667, 5382}, {3668, 7259}, {3669, 4076}, {3672, 6574}, {3679, 4604}, {3681, 43190}, {3687, 36098}, {3692, 36118}, {3701, 4565}, {3717, 36146}, {3718, 32674}, {3719, 36127}, {3739, 8708}, {3747, 4639}, {3752, 8706}, {3762, 9268}, {3783, 37207}, {3797, 30664}, {3799, 14621}, {3869, 44765}, {3870, 37206}, {3888, 17743}, {3909, 40394}, {3912, 36086}, {3935, 37143}, {3943, 4622}, {3954, 4577}, {3969, 13486}, {3990, 6528}, {3992, 4591}, {3995, 34594}, {4024, 24041}, {4037, 36066}, {4039, 37134}, {4041, 4620}, {4043, 43076}, {4062, 36085}, {4079, 24037}, {4082, 4637}, {4083, 5383}, {4115, 40438}, {4357, 36147}, {4359, 8701}, {4370, 4618}, {4384, 37138}, {4417, 36050}, {4420, 38340}, {4421, 42343}, {4436, 32009}, {4441, 8693}, {4463, 44766}, {4505, 40746}, {4512, 4624}, {4515, 4616}, {4558, 41013}, {4576, 18098}, {4588, 4671}, {4590, 4705}, {4593, 21035}, {4599, 15523}, {4613, 40773}, {4614, 5257}, {4615, 21805}, {4617, 5423}, {4619, 24026}, {4629, 4647}, {4633, 37593}, {4636, 6358}, {4638, 4738}, {4663, 35177}, {4664, 29351}, {4687, 6013}, {4699, 29199}, {4752, 39704}, {4756, 25417}, {4777, 5385}, {4781, 40434}, {4812, 29026}, {4850, 9059}, {4980, 28176}, {4997, 23703}, {5222, 37223}, {5223, 32040}, {5291, 35147}, {5293, 8052}, {5297, 37210}, {5360, 43187}, {5375, 8047}, {5391, 6136}, {5435, 31343}, {5526, 35171}, {5545, 42712}, {6011, 33116}, {6012, 17279}, {6014, 30829}, {6065, 24002}, {6079, 16610}, {6163, 6630}, {6164, 6634}, {6332, 7012}, {6376, 34071}, {6381, 34075}, {6542, 37135}, {6554, 8269}, {6559, 41353}, {6577, 18137}, {6603, 35157}, {6605, 35312}, {6614, 30693}, {6631, 9282}, {6735, 37136}, {6745, 37139}, {6790, 46119}, {7017, 36059}, {7080, 37141}, {7081, 37137}, {7115, 35518}, {7239, 40415}, {7260, 20964}, {8050, 32911}, {8056, 43290}, {8652, 28605}, {8684, 33891}, {8694, 19804}, {8699, 20942}, {9058, 17740}, {9067, 17756}, {9070, 32779}, {9265, 9296}, {9266, 9295}, {9271, 17487}, {9278, 17934}, {9361, 9362}, {11124, 31619}, {11495, 42303}, {11611, 17944}, {13396, 17281}, {13397, 17776}, {14947, 40865}, {15322, 28653}, {15624, 31624}, {16514, 41072}, {16593, 39272}, {16777, 32042}, {16785, 35181}, {17459, 35572}, {17787, 29055}, {17796, 35156}, {17863, 29163}, {17930, 20693}, {18140, 40519}, {18147, 29014}, {19604, 30720}, {19799, 32691}, {20332, 23354}, {20440, 20640}, {20453, 20696}, {20568, 23344}, {20901, 31616}, {20911, 32736}, {20940, 40150}, {21272, 23617}, {21453, 35341}, {21802, 35137}, {21833, 31614}, {21874, 35136}, {21899, 37880}, {22003, 40430}, {22456, 42702}, {23067, 31623}, {23493, 36860}, {23704, 35160}, {23832, 36805}, {23845, 32017}, {23891, 37129}, {23981, 36795}, {23990, 40495}, {24589, 28210}, {25001, 43344}, {25660, 29151}, {26700, 42033}, {26706, 28420}, {26711, 33168}, {26714, 42711}, {28148, 42029}, {28162, 42034}, {28474, 41316}, {28583, 41315}, {28847, 30758}, {30555, 31130}, {30625, 42301}, {30963, 43077}, {31633, 42552}, {32008, 35338}, {32018, 35327}, {32094, 46972}, {32676, 40071}, {32718, 35543}, {32931, 35009}, {33113, 33637}, {33157, 43348}, {35280, 39749}, {35517, 36039}, {36077, 42706}, {36080, 44140}, {37204, 41267}, {38828, 44720}, {40728, 46132}, {41839, 43350}, {44426, 44717}
X(100) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 514}, {2, 693}, {3, 905}, {4, 17924}, {6, 513}, {7, 24002}, {8, 4391}, {9, 522}, {10, 1577}, {11, 40166}, {19, 7649}, {21, 4560}, {22, 16757}, {25, 6591}, {28, 17925}, {31, 649}, {32, 667}, {33, 3064}, {35, 14838}, {36, 3960}, {37, 523}, {38, 16892}, {39, 2530}, {40, 14837}, {41, 663}, {42, 661}, {43, 3835}, {44, 900}, {45, 4777}, {46, 21188}, {48, 1459}, {55, 650}, {56, 3669}, {57, 3676}, {58, 1019}, {59, 651}, {63, 4025}, {65, 7178}, {69, 15413}, {71, 656}, {72, 525}, {75, 3261}, {76, 40495}, {78, 6332}, {81, 7192}, {82, 10566}, {86, 7199}, {88, 6548}, {92, 46107}, {99, 274}, {101, 1}, {104, 2401}, {106, 1022}, {108, 278}, {109, 57}, {110, 81}, {112, 28}, {145, 4462}, {162, 27}, {163, 58}, {165, 7658}, {169, 21185}, {171, 4369}, {172, 4367}, {184, 22383}, {187, 14419}, {190, 75}, {191, 21192}, {192, 20906}, {194, 23807}, {197, 6588}, {198, 6129}, {200, 3239}, {210, 3700}, {212, 652}, {213, 512}, {218, 3309}, {219, 521}, {220, 3900}, {226, 4077}, {228, 647}, {238, 812}, {239, 3766}, {241, 43042}, {244, 6545}, {251, 18108}, {255, 4091}, {259, 6728}, {260, 10492}, {281, 44426}, {284, 3737}, {291, 4444}, {292, 876}, {294, 885}, {306, 14208}, {312, 35519}, {313, 20948}, {318, 46110}, {319, 18160}, {321, 850}, {326, 30805}, {329, 17896}, {333, 18155}, {345, 35518}, {346, 4397}, {354, 21104}, {385, 14296}, {386, 14349}, {391, 4811}, {394, 4131}, {405, 23882}, and many more
X(100) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 244, 3315}, {1, 404, 5253}, {1, 750, 37633}, {1, 1054, 244}, {1, 8715, 3871}, {1, 15015, 214}, {1, 25438, 13278}, {1, 25440, 404}, {2, 11, 31272}, {2, 55, 1621}, {2, 149, 11}, {2, 1621, 5284}, {2, 2550, 33108}, {2, 3434, 11680}, {2, 5274, 10584}, {2, 17784, 3434}, {2, 20075, 497}, {2, 20095, 149}, {2, 26007, 31226}, {2, 26073, 24988}, {2, 26795, 27134}, {2, 26846, 27190}, {2, 27134, 28743}, {2, 33110, 2886}, {2, 34607, 34611}, {3, 8, 2975}, {3, 104, 38693}, {3, 2932, 17100}, {3, 2975, 5303}, {3, 5687, 8}, {3, 12645, 32153}, {3, 12773, 38602}, {3, 32141, 11491}, {3, 33814, 34474}, {3, 38665, 38669}, {3, 45145, 47045}, {4, 5552, 11681}, {6, 1979, 1977}, {6, 37540, 17126}, {8, 17100, 104}, {8, 17740, 33089}, {9, 35445, 35258}, {10, 21, 5260}, {10, 35, 21}, {10, 21098, 21054}, {10, 32917, 5235}, {11, 149, 10707}, {11, 3035, 2}, {11, 6174, 3035}, {11, 31235, 6667}, {20, 7080, 3436}, {31, 43, 32911}, {35, 80, 10058}, {36, 7972, 10074}, {37, 21899, 21833}, {40, 78, 3869}, {40, 6796, 411}, {42, 171, 81}, {43, 3550, 31}, {46, 3811, 3868}, {55, 1376, 2}, {55, 4413, 1001}, {55, 4423, 4428}, {55, 11502, 497}, {55, 36497, 4972}, {56, 3913, 145}, {57, 3158, 3870}, {57, 3870, 3873}, {57, 37736, 5083}, {57, 41553, 14151}, {63, 200, 3681}, {65, 34772, 34195}, {65, 41541, 12739}, {75, 20940, 20901}, {88, 3315, 244}, {101, 1018, 644}, {101, 4752, 1023}, {104, 34474, 3}, {109, 3939, 1331}, {109, 4551, 651}, {119, 11248, 12775}, {119, 13199, 10724}, {145, 4188, 56}, {149, 3035, 31272}, {165, 200, 63}, {165, 1768, 46684}, {165, 5531, 1768}, {190, 3699, 3952}, {190, 3952, 4756}, {190, 17780, 4767}, {190, 43290, 3699}, {197, 37577, 22}, {198, 346, 38869}, {200, 1768, 46685}, {210, 4640, 3219}, {214, 5541, 1320}, {214, 8715, 10087}, {214, 9324, 14193}, {228, 32932, 11688}, {230, 21956, 17737}, {238, 899, 37680}, and many more
Let LA be the reflection of the line X(1)X(7) in line BC, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, B' = LC∩LA, C' = LA∩LB. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(101). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let IaIbIc be the excentral triangle. The Brocard axes of BCIa, CAIb, ABIc concur in X(101). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let P be a point on line X(4)X(9) other than X(4). Let A' be the reflection of P in BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of AA'B', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(101). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let Q be a point on the Nagel line other than X(2). Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of Q. Let A″ be the {B,C}-harmonic conjugate of A' (or equivalently, A″ = BC∩B'C'), and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The circumcircles of AB″C″, BC″A″, CA″B″ concur in X(101). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A', B', C' be the intersections of the antiorthic axis and lines BC, CA, AB, resp. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(101). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
X(101) is the perspector of the anticevian triangle of X(109) and the unary cofactor triangle of the intangents triangle. (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
X(101) lies on these lines: {1, 41}, {2, 116}, {3, 103}, {4, 118}, {5, 10739}, {6, 106}, {7, 2369}, {8, 1311}, {9, 48}, {10, 98}, {11, 10770}, {19, 913}, {20, 152}, {21, 3294}, {25, 3190}, {27, 22000}, {28, 3191}, {29, 22018}, {30, 2688}, {31, 609}, {32, 595}, {33, 20624}, {34, 2376}, {35, 1334}, {36, 672}, {37, 284}, {39, 21008}, {40, 972}, {42, 111}, {43, 9082}, {44, 2718}, {45, 2278}, {55, 2291}, {56, 218}, {57, 15728}, {58, 172}, {59, 657}, {63, 36016}, {71, 74}, {72, 2360}, {75, 767}, {78, 205}, {80, 19628}, {86, 2368}, {99, 190}, {100, 644}, {102, 198}, {107, 1897}, {108, 1783}, {109, 654}, {110, 163}, {112, 4249}, {119, 6506}, {140, 38774}, {142, 18162}, {145, 9083}, {154, 1260}, {162, 36077}, {165, 6602}, {171, 3997}, {182, 23095}, {184, 3046}, {187, 2712}, {199, 3690}, {200, 2187}, {212, 32726}, {226, 36019}, {228, 2249}, {230, 17734}, {238, 9454}, {239, 9073}, {242, 29016}, {269, 2377}, {281, 32706}, {306, 2373}, {312, 30901}, {313, 2367}, {321, 30905}, {329, 36023}, {346, 2370}, {354, 1174}, {376, 38773}, {382, 38767}, {386, 3033}, {404, 16549}, {476, 4024}, {477, 36026}, {480, 2371}, {501, 21879}, {511, 2700}, {512, 2702}, {513, 1308}, {514, 664}, {515, 2723}, {516, 2724}, {517, 910}, {518, 2725}, {519, 2726}, {520, 2727}, {521, 2728}, {522, 929}, {523, 2690}, {524, 2729}, {548, 38766}, {550, 38765}, {551, 16503}, {560, 713}, {574, 28563}, {579, 2178}, {580, 29015}, {583, 21773}, {584, 16777}, {594, 2372}, {604, 1743}, {607, 11399}, {610, 1295}, {631, 6712}, {643, 931}, {649, 901}, {650, 2222}, {651, 934}, {652, 2149}, {653, 4605}, {656, 2722}, {660, 1492}, {661, 1290}, {663, 919}, {667, 813}, {668, 789}, {673, 17761}, {677, 36136}, {689, 1978}, {691, 4079}, {692, 926}, {693, 2860}, {697, 1501}, {699, 30634}, {715, 2205}, {717, 18900}, {729, 1918}, {731, 4279}, {733, 904}, {743, 869}, {745, 21814}, {747, 14620}, {753, 2276}, {755, 21035}, {758, 3509}, {761, 984}, {765, 898}, {798, 2703}, {822, 2719}, {825, 34069}, {827, 4628}, {831, 4553}, {833, 7239}, {835, 3952}, {839, 4033}, {859, 14964}, {872, 2375}, {896, 2721}, {899, 9081}, {902, 2384}, {908, 2861}, {912, 8558}, {922, 35107}, {925, 36145}, {930, 36148}, {932, 4579}, {935, 4064}, {944, 6554}, {947, 14872}, {952, 1146}, {953, 2183}, {956, 37658}, {958, 3041}, {976, 9078}, {991, 24320}, {1012, 5781}, {1016, 4595}, {1025, 6183}, {1043, 21070}, {1054, 23622}, {1083, 8299}, {1100, 5049}, {1111, 9317}, {1113, 2576}, {1114, 2577}, {1125, 9108}, {1126, 17962}, {1141, 7110}, {1149, 9097}, {1191, 30435}, {1193, 5280}, {1201, 5299}, {1212, 1385}, {1250, 36738}, {1259, 2365}, {1262, 4091}, {1292, 1633}, {1293, 2429}, {1294, 2822}, {1296, 2824}, {1297, 2825}, {1300, 1826}, {1302, 36149}, {1304, 36131}, {1305, 4552}, {1309, 3239}, {1310, 1332}, {1317, 4534}, {1319, 2348}, {1324, 2708}, {1326, 12031}, {1376, 24264}, {1381, 2590}, {1382, 2591}, {1384, 3052}, {1407, 23089}, {1412, 4641}, {1420, 16572}, {1429, 3008}, {1473, 7123}, {1474, 22021}, {1475, 5563}, {1499, 2740}, {1500, 18755}, {1503, 2741}, {1565, 5845}, {1577, 2864}, {1580, 2664}, {1604, 3197}, {1615, 6244}, {1618, 2742}, {1634, 23161}, {1657, 38768}, {1691, 21830}, {1698, 9103}, {1729, 3868}, {1731, 8609}, {1753, 2910}, {1755, 2699}, {1757, 19554}, {1759, 3869}, {1762, 16577}, {1780, 2198}, {1781, 2171}, {1785, 2202}, {1790, 3219}, {1818, 3220}, {1819, 22005}, {1914, 2251}, {1924, 9266}, {1939, 20691}, {1944, 29069}, {1951, 20752}, {1953, 16547}, {1958, 3729}, {1959, 2856}, {1973, 3811}, {1981, 18026}, {2077, 2272}, {2092, 38453}, {2140, 2141}, {2160, 21863}, {2173, 2687}, {2175, 34247}, {2177, 9331}, {2182, 2716}, {2195, 9319}, {2210, 3009}, {2220, 16685}, {2238, 5291}, {2241, 9351}, {2245, 17796}, {2256, 4254}, {2259, 2294}, {2266, 11529}, {2268, 3731}, {2273, 2277}, {2275, 28574}, {2287, 21061}, {2295, 5277}, {2304, 5248}, {2308, 8700}, {2312, 2747}, {2317, 28219}, {2318, 5285}, {2325, 2757}, {2327, 5279}, {2332, 6198}, {2333, 3563}, {2344, 36480}, {2347, 38452}, {2359, 21033}, {2374, 4028}, {2388, 23398}, {2398, 9057}, {2425, 8059}, {2426, 26716}, {2481, 24455}, {2503, 20982}, {2646, 16601}, {2689, 3700}, {2692, 14321}, {2695, 7359}, {2697, 21017}, {2701, 3709}, {2731, 4521}, {2736, 3309}, {2737, 3667}, {2738, 6000}, {2739, 6001}, {2743, 4394}, {2751, 3693}, {2752, 3930}, {2758, 3943}, {2766, 8611}, {2768, 3712}, {2770, 4062}, {2802, 4919}, {2859, 14208}, {2862, 3912}, {2863, 4358}, {2870, 22310}, {2908, 27396}, {2948, 16562}, {2975, 16552}, {3002, 17966}, {3053, 14974}, {3061, 30144}, {3083, 9098}, {3084, 9099}, {3090, 38775}, {3091, 20401}, {3119, 5531}, {3146, 38769}, {3185, 29068}, {3208, 8715}, {3241, 9095}, {3257, 4604}, {3261, 31624}, {3290, 30117}, {3295, 4258}, {3496, 3878}, {3501, 15323}, {3508, 9417}, {3522, 33521}, {3579, 21872}, {3616, 9105}, {3635, 9106}, {3661, 9075}, {3678, 15168}, {3679, 4390}, {3681, 32664}, {3688, 23868}, {3691, 5258}, {3699, 4103}, {3720, 9110}, {3734, 4713}, {3747, 18266}, {3754, 23621}, {3781, 28844}, {3832, 38770}, {3870, 9061}, {3903, 30670}, {3915, 7031}, {3920, 9077}, {3923, 24480}, {3970, 34772}, {3990, 26701}, {4006, 4420}, {4040, 9323}, {4041, 9090}, {4051, 22837}, {4053, 12030}, {4055, 26717}, {4093, 8625}, {4109, 36974}, {4120, 15343}, {4128, 23648}, {4153, 7270}, {4169, 6558}, {4209, 14377}, {4268, 16885}, {4289, 16672}, {4362, 9074}, {4427, 30727}, {4436, 6013}, {4513, 5687}, {4517, 37586}, {4530, 7972}, {4554, 34083}, {4556, 4629}, {4565, 4627}, {4567, 4584}, {4578, 6574}, {4585, 13396}, {4588, 5549}, {4600, 9150}, {4775, 28875}, {4794, 36086}, {4859, 7225}, {4872, 5074}, {4893, 14513}, {4904, 26007}, {4998, 31286}, {5010, 28535}, {5060, 5127}, {5088, 10025}, {5120, 37519}, {5189, 24055}, {5199, 28236}, {5206, 28551}, {5226, 34929}, {5228, 37272}, {5239, 36941}, {5240, 36940}, {5247, 35108}, {5249, 34934}, {5267, 29308}, {5275, 30116}, {5282, 5692}, {5293, 7281}, {5313, 28539}, {5315, 21764}, {5378, 38367}, {5514, 37725}, {5603, 5819}, {5660, 33573}, {5752, 29218}, {5840, 10772}, {5881, 23058}, {5949, 14219}, {5951, 16553}, {6014, 8658}, {6017, 8656}, {6037, 36132}, {6065, 6078}, {6079, 30720}, {6163, 20981}, {6205, 9352}, {6386, 9065}, {6510, 34371}, {6545, 38019}, {6586, 23990}, {6633, 9089}, {6645, 17499}, {6647, 35102}, {6733, 13444}, {7012, 36140}, {7077, 19561}, {7079, 17857}, {7084, 9439}, {7115, 10397}, {7117, 13006}, {7119, 21077}, {7122, 35105}, {7193, 9321}, {7287, 28899}, {7296, 28505}, {7297, 17444}, {7368, 10310}, {7391, 24054}, {7760, 34063}, {8012, 15931}, {8301, 14839}, {8624, 16514}, {8666, 21384}, {8676, 35182}, {8687, 32736}, {8694, 34074}, {9059, 17780}, {9067, 23891}, {9076, 15523}, {9086, 21272}, {9094, 17018}, {9104, 23705}, {9264, 21788}, {9306, 14827}, {9404, 34921}, {10246, 34522}, {10267, 32561}, {10454, 27410}, {10571, 22131}, {10638, 36737}, {10703, 38345}, {10799, 18759}, {11349, 20367}, {11720, 17468}, {12437, 21096}, {13384, 34930}, {13597, 21012}, {14422, 32630}, {14439, 15015}, {15378, 35184}, {15586, 21864}, {15654, 20471}, {15792, 21816}, {15817, 15830}, {16283, 20995}, {16560, 16578}, {16680, 28847}, {16787, 30148}, {16822, 33945}, {16946, 21769}, {16970, 37817}, {16997, 30114}, {17062, 31284}, {17137, 29473}, {17170, 26658}, {17205, 18723}, {17277, 18042}, {17284, 25940}, {17349, 27348}, {17454, 19302}, {17743, 27091}, {17744, 33299}, {17793, 24294}, {17798, 20683}, {20269, 30617}, {20336, 30920}, {20696, 21791}, {20780, 28914}, {20834, 21795}, {20999, 23988}, {21049, 37730}, {21138, 24281}, {21208, 26273}, {21232, 24685}, {21253, 23674}, {21285, 28734}, {21290, 27546}, {21383, 34076}, {21747, 28310}, {22020, 27398}, {22054, 28173}, {22088, 37561}, {22126, 23361}, {22145, 23585}, {22147, 28235}, {22329, 37854}, {22357, 28211}, {23073, 28233}, {23165, 34986}, {23201, 26890}, {23343, 29351}, {23472, 25575}, {23646, 24488}, {23843, 29306}, {24170, 33828}, {24190, 33825}, {24502, 24815}, {24549, 30110}, {24625, 32911}, {24713, 25379}, {24779, 28081}, {24995, 30103}, {25066, 30618}, {26036, 26363}, {26265, 28916}, {27097, 33953}, {28163, 37499}, {28509, 31451}, {29092, 31737}, {29219, 31897}, {29479, 30997}, {30379, 34926}, {31561, 32592}, {31562, 32590}, {31563, 32556}, {31564, 32555}, {32094, 35574}, {32642, 32684}, {32653, 32661}, {32670, 36068}, {32671, 36069}, {32672, 36070}, {32673, 36071}, {32686, 32719}, {33946, 33951}, {34526, 37611}, {35128, 38617}, {36037, 36137}, {37211, 37212}, {37736, 38375}
X(101) = midpoint of X(20) and X(152)
X(101) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,118), (103,3), (150,116)
X(101) = isogonal conjugate of X(514)
X(101) = isotomic conjugate of X(3261)
X(101) = complement of X(150)
X(101) = anticomplement of X(116)
X(101) = X(59)-Ceva conjugate of X(55)
X(101) = cevapoint of X(354) and X(513)
X(101) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (55,59), (199,250)
X(101) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (513,650), (523,661), (649,1459)
X(101) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(11)X(244)
X(101) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (100,165), (509,1052), (662,572), (664,169)
X(101) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,105), (644,644)
X(101) = circumcircle-antipode of X(103)
X(101) = Ψ(X(i),X(j)) for these (i,j): (1,6), (2,1), (3,48), (4,9), (6,31), (7,2), (8,9), (9,55), (57,56), (63,3), (69,63), (76,10)
X(101) = X(114)-of-the-hexyl-triangle
X(101) = trilinear product of PU(i) for these i: 26, 49
X(101) = barycentric product of PU(33)
X(101) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(9)}}
X(101) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, C, of conic {A,B,C,X(1),PU(93)}}
X(101) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(31) (the isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of the Nagel line)
X(101) = trilinear pole wrt 1st circumperp triangle of line X(9)X(165)
X(101) = X(99)-of -1st-circumperp-triangle
X(101) = crossdifference of PU(i) for these i: 121, 123
X(101) = concurrence of reflections of line X(4)X(9) in sides of ABC
X(101) = isogonal conjugate of isotomic conjugate of trilinear pole of Nagel line
X(101) = center of Kiepert hyperbola of excentral triangle (i.e. X(115) of excentral triangle)
X(101) = reflection of X(2690) in the Euler line
X(101) = reflection of X(2702) in the Brocard axis
X(101) = reflection of X(1308) in line X(1)X(3)
X(101) = reflection of X(5011) in antiorthic axis
X(101) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(5190)
X(101) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(5513)
X(101) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(693)
X(101) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1459)
X(101) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(58)
X(101) = eigencenter of 2nd circumperp triangle
X(101) = perspector of 3rd mixtilinear triangle and unary cofactor triangle of 5th mixtilinear triangle
X(101) = trilinear product of vertices of 1st circumperp triangle
X(101) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(516)
X(101) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(516)
X(101) = intersection of Lemoine axes of 1st & 2nd Montesdeoca bisector triangles
X(101) = focus of Yff parabola
X(101) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(32656)
X(101) = trilinear product X(6)*X(100)
X(101) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(6)
X(101) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of the Nagel line
X(101) = inverse-in-Stevanovic-circle of X(2222)
X(101) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(1331)
X(101) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39026)
X(101) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(59),X(677)}}
X(101) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(7649)
X(102) lies on the circumcircle, the conic {A,B,C,X(1), X(3)}}, the cubics K269, K685, and these lines: {1, 108}, {2, 117}, {3, 109}, {4, 124}, {5, 10740}, {6, 10757}, {11, 10771}, {19, 282}, {20, 33650}, {24, 41401}, {29, 107}, {30, 2689}, {36, 1795}, {40, 78}, {55, 1361}, {56, 1364}, {57, 12016}, {63, 43347}, {64, 18237}, {73, 947}, {74, 2773}, {77, 934}, {98, 2785}, {99, 332}, {101, 198}, {103, 928}, {104, 3738}, {105, 2814}, {106, 2815}, {110, 283}, {111, 2819}, {112, 284}, {140, 38786}, {165, 14690}, {186, 40081}, {226, 1065}, {376, 38785}, {382, 38779}, {386, 34455}, {476, 7424}, {511, 2701}, {512, 2708}, {513, 2716}, {514, 2723}, {515, 1309}, {516, 929}, {517, 1807}, {518, 2730}, {519, 2731}, {520, 2732}, {521, 2733}, {522, 2734}, {523, 2695}, {524, 2735}, {548, 38778}, {550, 38777}, {572, 29044}, {580, 15440}, {631, 6718}, {901, 2077}, {927, 31637}, {930, 16113}, {933, 35196}, {944, 32704}, {949, 2301}, {958, 3042}, {959, 37530}, {1036, 32691}, {1067, 12053}, {1069, 11249}, {1183, 37732}, {1292, 2835}, {1293, 2841}, {1294, 2846}, {1295, 2849}, {1296, 2852}, {1297, 2853}, {1304, 2075}, {1305, 4329}, {1311, 2399}, {1350, 28291}, {1376, 3040}, {1385, 7100}, {1420, 30239}, {1457, 36067}, {1499, 2768}, {1503, 2769}, {1633, 33810}, {1657, 38780}, {1794, 15439}, {1897, 31866}, {2291, 2432}, {2338, 40116}, {2359, 8687}, {2715, 5060}, {2728, 14203}, {2743, 13528}, {2751, 3309}, {2757, 3667}, {2762, 6000}, {2765, 6001}, {2968, 18339}, {3090, 38787}, {3146, 38781}, {3422, 36076}, {3430, 6011}, {3478, 9088}, {3522, 38783}, {3616, 11727}, {3832, 38782}, {4262, 26716}, {5053, 32685}, {5450, 21228}, {5603, 11734}, {5759, 44876}, {5840, 10777}, {6014, 6244}, {6614, 7215}, {7015, 29055}, {7152, 8064}, {8607, 32683}, {8686, 41343}, {9057, 36007}, {9058, 35996}, {9059, 10327}, {9107, 35973}, {10680, 37489}, {10902, 40442}, {11014, 26711}, {13329, 32682}, {13397, 36986}, {14127, 14987}, {15379, 35187}, {15501, 39763}, {16132, 44063}, {18446, 26706}, {21740, 30250}, {22765, 34921}, {24466, 39444}, {26712, 30272}, {32643, 32689}, {32667, 32688}, {32674, 47411}, {36984, 46964}
X(102) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 38573}, {20, 33650}, {109, 38667}, {1657, 38780}
X(102) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 11713}, {3, 38600}, {4, 124}, {109, 3}, {117, 6711}, {151, 117}, {1897, 31866}, {10696, 1}, {10709, 2}, {10726, 4}, {10732, 10747}, {10740, 5}, {10757, 6}, {10771, 11}, {18339, 2968}, {38579, 38607}, {38667, 38573}, {38674, 109}, {38697, 38691}, {38777, 550}
X(102) = isogonal conjugate of X(515)
X(102) = isotomic conjugate of X(35516)
X(102) = anticomplement of X(117)
X(102) = complement of X(151)
X(102) = anticomplement of the anticomplement of X(6711)
X(102) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(15379)
X(102) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(34180)
X(102) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(515)
X(102) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(515)
X(102) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(8607)
X(102) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(34393)
X(102) = Thomson isogonal conjugate of X(522)
X(102) = Collings transform of X(i) for these i: {124, 3137, 38983}
X(102) = X(15379)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(8)
X(102) = X(34180)-complementary conjugate of X(10)
X(102) = X(21)-beth conjugate of X(108)
X(102) = circumcircle-antipode of X(109)
X(102) = Λ(X(1), X(4))
X(102) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(652)
X(102) = Ψ(X(6), X(652))
X(102) = Ψ(X(1), X(521))
X(102) = Ψ(X(108), X(1))
X(102) = Ψ(X(651), X(63))
X(102) = Ψ(X(653), X(2))
X(102) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(521)
X(102) = trilinear pole wrt 2nd circumperp triangle of line X(971)X(1001)
X(102) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(58)}}
X(102) = reflection of X(2695) in the Euler line
X(102) = reflection of X(2708) in the Brocard axis
X(102) = reflection of X(2716) in line X(1)X(3)
X(102) = X(131)-of-excentral-triangle
X(102) = X(136)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(102) = X(925)-of-2nd-circumperp-triangle
X(102) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(522)
X(102) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(522)
X(102) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(10571)
X(102) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(10570)
X(102) = Ψ(X(19), X(650))
X(102) = polar-circle-inverse of nine-point circle antipode of X(38977)
X(102) = X(36100)-Ceva conjugate of X(15629)
X(102) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 15379}, {1457, 1}, {2342, 2316}, {8607, 2}, {8677, 109}, {46359, 34393}
X(102) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 515}, {2, 2182}, {4, 46974}, {8, 1455}, {9, 34050}, {31, 35516}, {63, 8755}, {80, 11700}, {102, 24034}, {108, 39471}, {109, 14304}, {521, 23987}, {649, 42718}, {650, 2406}, {652, 24035}, {653, 46391}, {656, 7452}, {2425, 4391}, {6087, 13138}, {23986, 36100}, {34393, 42076}, {36037, 42755}, {36121, 38554}
X(102) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {48, 2361}, {55, 2183}, {523, 3137}
X(102) = crosssum of X(40) and X(6326)
X(102) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {23986, 46391}
X(102) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 36100}, {6, 34393}, {7, 15629}, {63, 36121}, {75, 32677}, {83, 46359}, {92, 36055}, {109, 2399}, {664, 2432}, {1262, 15633}, {4391, 36040}, {6081, 14837}, {6332, 36067}, {32643, 35519}, {32667, 35518}
X(102) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 35516}, {6, 515}, {25, 8755}, {31, 2182}, {48, 46974}, {56, 34050}, {100, 42718}, {108, 24035}, {109, 2406}, {112, 7452}, {604, 1455}, {650, 14304}, {652, 39471}, {1946, 46391}, {2182, 24034}, {2399, 35519}, {2432, 522}, {3310, 42755}, {6081, 44327}, {7113, 11700}, {8607, 117}, {15379, 2988}, {15629, 8}, {15633, 23978}, {32643, 109}, {32667, 108}, {32674, 23987}, {32677, 1}, {32683, 9056}, {32700, 26704}, {32720, 26715}, {34393, 76}, {35183, 44765}, {36040, 651}, {36055, 63}, {36067, 653}, {36100, 75}, {36121, 92}, {46359, 141}
X(102) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 151, 117}, {3, 109, 38697}, {3, 38501, 38559}, {3, 38579, 38607}, {3, 38600, 38691}, {3, 38667, 38674}, {109, 38691, 3}, {117, 151, 10709}, {117, 6711, 2}, {6718, 38784, 631}, {10716, 10732, 10747}, {10740, 38776, 5}, {38573, 38600, 109}, {38573, 38691, 38674}, {38579, 38607, 109}, {38600, 38667, 38697}, {38667, 38691, 109}, {38674, 38697, 109}
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. The Lemoine axes of triangles A'BC, B'CA, C'AB bound a triangle perspective to ABC at X(103). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
X(103) lies on these lines: {1, 934}, {2, 118}, {3, 101}, {4, 116}, {5, 10741}, {6, 10758}, {11, 10772}, {20, 150}, {27, 107}, {30, 2690}, {33, 57}, {35, 1803}, {36, 4845}, {40, 1292}, {46, 18413}, {55, 109}, {56, 3022}, {58, 112}, {63, 100}, {64, 4306}, {74, 2774}, {84, 7719}, {98, 2786}, {99, 1043}, {102, 928}, {104, 3887}, {105, 2254}, {106, 2424}, {110, 1790}, {111, 2824}, {140, 38764}, {182, 30554}, {295, 813}, {354, 7073}, {376, 544}, {381, 38768}, {386, 34457}, {476, 5196}, {477, 37166}, {511, 2702}, {512, 2700}, {513, 2717}, {514, 2724}, {515, 929}, {516, 927}, {517, 1308}, {518, 2736}, {519, 2737}, {520, 2738}, {521, 2739}, {522, 2723}, {523, 2688}, {524, 2740}, {525, 2741}, {549, 38774}, {550, 38766}, {572, 825}, {573, 3033}, {580, 29041}, {631, 6710}, {654, 2291}, {672, 919}, {675, 2400}, {677, 901}, {789, 24728}, {831, 9943}, {835, 34255}, {910, 971}, {916, 15380}, {1146, 18328}, {1147, 3046}, {1155, 2222}, {1290, 5536}, {1293, 1350}, {1294, 2811}, {1295, 2812}, {1296, 2813}, {1297, 9518}, {1302, 7474}, {1304, 2073}, {1309, 34234}, {1310, 12520}, {1326, 2715}, {1376, 3041}, {1458, 24016}, {1461, 3270}, {1499, 2729}, {1593, 5185}, {1617, 2192}, {1656, 38767}, {1742, 7220}, {1764, 38479}, {1796, 8701}, {1810, 6078}, {2077, 2742}, {2078, 2342}, {2093, 34930}, {2221, 32691}, {2272, 3220}, {2280, 28899}, {2705, 18860}, {2716, 7634}, {2725, 3309}, {2726, 3667}, {2727, 6000}, {2728, 6001}, {3090, 38769}, {3190, 35987}, {3333, 14760}, {3428, 28291}, {3430, 6010}, {3522, 20096}, {3523, 38772}, {3525, 20401}, {3533, 38770}, {3576, 11712}, {3587, 34925}, {3616, 11728}, {3732, 31852}, {4256, 32722}, {4257, 26715}, {4300, 29279}, {5010, 34931}, {5188, 28486}, {5542, 10136}, {5584, 6575}, {5603, 11726}, {5840, 10770}, {6011, 30271}, {6135, 6213}, {6136, 6212}, {6282, 30237}, {6577, 15622}, {7072, 36082}, {7465, 9058}, {7466, 9107}, {7688, 20219}, {8608, 32684}, {8722, 28564}, {8750, 22084}, {9085, 35365}, {9320, 12032}, {9441, 9503}, {10164, 28346}, {10246, 32630}, {10299, 35024}, {10303, 38775}, {10884, 13395}, {11825, 34112}, {13397, 20243}, {13444, 16012}, {13478, 26704}, {15730, 30282}, {17729, 36028}, {21153, 28345}, {28162, 36942}, {28469, 30270}, {28474, 30269}, {28841, 37508}, {29044, 37469}, {29055, 37575}, {29091, 31732}, {29217, 37482}, {32642, 32682}
X(103) = midpoint of X(20) and X(150)
X(103) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,116), (101,3), (152,118)
X(103) = isogonal conjugate of X(516)
X(103) = isotomic conjugate of X(35517)
X(103) = complement of X(152)
X(103) = anticomplement of X(118)
X(103) = X(21)-beth conjugate of X(934)
Let LA be the reflection of the line X(1)X(513) in line BC, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, B' = LC∩LA, C' = LA∩LB. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(104). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A', B', C' be the intersections of the antiorthic axis and lines BC, CA, AB, resp. Let Oa, Ob, Oc be the circumcenters of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B', resp. The lines AOa, BOb, COc conucr in X(104). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle (i.e. the antiorthic triangle). Let A″B″C″ be the triangle bounded by the orthic axes of A'BC, B'CA, C'AB. Then A″B″C″ is perspective to ABC at X(104); c.f. X(8068). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. The de Longchamps lines of triangles A'BC, B'CA, C'AB bound a triangle perspective to ABC at X(104). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. The Hatzipolakis axes of triangles A'BC, B'CA, C'AB bound a triangle perspective to ABC at X(104). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
D = the point on line AC such that angle CAB = angle DAB and |AD| = |AB|
E = the point on line AB such that angle CAB = angle CAE and |AE| = |AC|
F = the point on line BC such that angle CBA = angle FBA and |BF| = |AB|
G = the point on line AB such that angle CBA = angle CBG and |BG| = |BC|
H = the point on line BC such that angle ACB = angle ACH and |CH| = |AC|
I = the point on line AC such that angle ACB = angle ICB and |CI| = |BC|
M = circumcenter of AGI
N = circumcenter of CDF
O = circumcenter of BEH
The lines AM, BO, CN concur in X(104). See the point X(104), labeled P,.
(Benjamin Warren, October 7, 2024)
X(104) lies on these lines: {1, 109}, {2, 119}, {3, 8}, {4, 11}, {5, 5253}, {6, 10759}, {7, 934}, {9, 48}, {10, 6940}, {12, 6952}, {20, 149}, {21, 110}, {24, 3435}, {25, 3420}, {28, 107}, {30, 1290}, {32, 12199}, {35, 5559}, {36, 80}, {40, 1293}, {55, 1000}, {57, 3577}, {63, 37611}, {65, 1389}, {74, 7429}, {79, 946}, {84, 1420}, {90, 6261}, {98, 2787}, {99, 314}, {102, 3738}, {103, 3887}, {105, 885}, {106, 1769}, {111, 2830}, {112, 1108}, {140, 5260}, {145, 11248}, {150, 6516}, {165, 4900}, {177, 13444}, {182, 13194}, {186, 2766}, {238, 9365}, {256, 1064}, {294, 919}, {355, 404}, {371, 19113}, {372, 19112}, {376, 528}, {378, 3433}, {381, 22799}, {382, 22938}, {386, 34458}, {388, 6833}, {402, 12752}, {405, 5811}, {411, 18481}, {474, 5818}, {476, 1325}, {484, 13143}, {493, 12765}, {494, 12766}, {497, 6938}, {499, 6256}, {511, 2703}, {512, 2699}, {513, 953}, {514, 2717}, {516, 1308}, {517, 901}, {518, 2742}, {519, 2077}, {520, 2744}, {521, 2745}, {522, 2716}, {523, 2687}, {524, 2746}, {525, 2747}, {545, 38531}, {549, 38762}, {550, 38754}, {551, 3255}, {573, 3032}, {614, 9088}, {631, 958}, {651, 34586}, {667, 2726}, {675, 7445}, {691, 37960}, {693, 2861}, {739, 2423}, {758, 6596}, {813, 2196}, {825, 2344}, {835, 37399}, {840, 3309}, {898, 13136}, {900, 14127}, {912, 4511}, {925, 16049}, {927, 2481}, {929, 14198}, {932, 7155}, {935, 37961}, {941, 32693}, {942, 17097}, {943, 2646}, {962, 10680}, {963, 18283}, {971, 1156}, {972, 6366}, {983, 8685}, {991, 29067}, {1001, 5851}, {1039, 1472}, {1056, 6935}, {1061, 36076}, {1066, 9363}, {1125, 6920}, {1147, 3045}, {1155, 17636}, {1181, 34046}, {1201, 3073}, {1251, 18471}, {1294, 2803}, {1295, 2804}, {1296, 2805}, {1297, 2806}, {1301, 30733}, {1302, 4228}, {1304, 2074}, {1305, 2997}, {1309, 37305}, {1310, 19262}, {1311, 7443}, {1319, 2720}, {1350, 9024}, {1376, 3036}, {1381, 3308}, {1382, 3307}, {1392, 1482}, {1415, 11998}, {1436, 7003}, {1455, 1870}, {1458, 1937}, {1468, 28624}, {1470, 12832}, {1476, 12672}, {1477, 35355}, {1478, 6830}, {1479, 5533}, {1483, 11849}, {1490, 38271}, {1499, 2721}, {1503, 2722}, {1519, 5193}, {1532, 15325}, {1593, 1862}, {1602, 9912}, {1603, 9798}, {1604, 37310}, {1610, 15654}, {1617, 3427}, {1621, 2320}, {1656, 34126}, {1698, 38133}, {1699, 5561}, {1709, 7284}, {1764, 35636}, {1783, 7117}, {1791, 8707}, {1811, 6079}, {1837, 20118}, {2078, 17010}, {2099, 14497}, {2217, 26704}, {2256, 2335}, {2291, 23893}, {2298, 8687}, {2346, 12755}, {2475, 26470}, {2550, 6955}, {2551, 6967}, {2648, 2701}, {2691, 7464}, {2715, 5006}, {2718, 3667}, {2719, 6000}, {2728, 3220}, {2734, 23224}, {2777, 10767}, {2794, 10768}, {2808, 14947}, {2818, 3937}, {2841, 38513}, {2865, 3263}, {2886, 6951}, {3057, 20586}, {3062, 13462}, {3065, 34921}, {3068, 13913}, {3069, 13977}, {3085, 6977}, {3090, 6667}, {3091, 18761}, {3098, 13235}, {3100, 8759}, {3149, 5704}, {3241, 10679}, {3295, 7320}, {3296, 3304}, {3333, 5665}, {3337, 31870}, {3338, 17098}, {3359, 3872}, {3413, 36736}, {3414, 36735}, {3417, 7412}, {3418, 4219}, {3434, 6948}, {3436, 6891}, {3448, 19478}, {3476, 8069}, {3486, 8071}, {3520, 34441}, {3522, 10993}, {3523, 38760}, {3524, 6174}, {3525, 20400}, {3528, 5584}, {3533, 38758}, {3560, 3616}, {3579, 28218}, {3600, 6847}, {3601, 7160}, {3612, 7162}, {3617, 38128}, {3618, 38119}, {3623, 37622}, {3624, 15017}, {3651, 4297}, {3653, 16858}, {3655, 10031}, {3658, 6740}, {3746, 13606}, {3813, 11826}, {3816, 6965}, {3817, 33709}, {3843, 38141}, {3869, 24467}, {3871, 26285}, {3873, 37533}, {3880, 11256}, {3916, 31786}, {4180, 20779}, {4183, 23204}, {4188, 11499}, {4189, 10267}, {4193, 26492}, {4220, 9070}, {4222, 15617}, {4223, 9057}, {4224, 9056}, {4231, 5322}, {4233, 9064}, {4294, 10806}, {4295, 26437}, {4305, 26357}, {4311, 6245}, {4313, 37287}, {4317, 6845}, {4341, 8809}, {4571, 6790}, {4853, 10270}, {4855, 5534}, {4861, 37562}, {4866, 5531}, {4881, 18857}, {4973, 5535}, {4999, 6853}, {5056, 38319}, {5080, 6882}, {5151, 37391}, {5204, 6942}, {5217, 7317}, {5248, 28162}, {5251, 5316}, {5258, 6684}, {5265, 6848}, {5267, 10902}, {5284, 7489}, {5288, 11362}, {5429, 29038}, {5433, 6949}, {5434, 7680}, {5537, 26726}, {5542, 34917}, {5552, 6961}, {5555, 10531}, {5556, 38038}, {5557, 11551}, {5558, 7373}, {5560, 5691}, {5587, 6702}, {5597, 12462}, {5598, 12463}, {5606, 5901}, {5663, 13868}, {5693, 30144}, {5720, 35262}, {5732, 28291}, {5734, 12001}, {5759, 5856}, {5776, 37519}, {5777, 17614}, {5779, 35272}, {5841, 6840}, {5842, 15326}, {5844, 35000}, {5848, 6776}, {5854, 8668}, {5881, 15863}, {5886, 6912}, {5903, 21398}, {6068, 21168}, {6073, 22102}, {6135, 13454}, {6136, 13426}, {6200, 35882}, {6284, 13274}, {6361, 22770}, {6396, 35883}, {6560, 35784}, {6561, 35785}, {6584, 6595}, {6594, 21153}, {6597, 16132}, {6705, 10106}, {6763, 31806}, {6770, 22773}, {6773, 22774}, {6796, 7280}, {6797, 37582}, {6831, 18990}, {6834, 7288}, {6850, 10527}, {6852, 25466}, {6879, 10590}, {6889, 30478}, {6890, 20076}, {6897, 19843}, {6903, 11827}, {6911, 18519}, {6915, 18480}, {6923, 11680}, {6924, 18525}, {6937, 26363}, {6943, 10526}, {6945, 18516}, {6956, 10599}, {6958, 11681}, {6968, 10589}, {6972, 20060}, {6973, 10584}, {6975, 10200}, {6976, 26105}, {6986, 8701}, {7091, 12705}, {7133, 12768}, {7161, 37616}, {7330, 19861}, {7411, 9963}, {7414, 30250}, {7458, 9084}, {7459, 9083}, {7469, 9060}, {7487, 22479}, {7580, 12690}, {7581, 19014}, {7582, 19013}, {7587, 13267}, {7588, 8104}, {7589, 12748}, {7676, 12730}, {7686, 16615}, {7707, 12760}, {7709, 22680}, {7966, 35445}, {7978, 31523}, {7982, 8699}, {7991, 12653}, {8074, 32625}, {8075, 8097}, {8076, 8098}, {8077, 8103}, {8107, 12733}, {8108, 12734}, {8109, 13260}, {8110, 13261}, {8224, 12744}, {8225, 13262}, {8227, 32557}, {8583, 13227}, {8609, 32685}, {8686, 23836}, {8698, 31663}, {8982, 26325}, {9059, 19649}, {9081, 28475}, {9104, 16434}, {9342, 38042}, {9540, 13922}, {9623, 21164}, {9655, 38163}, {9657, 10894}, {9778, 9802}, {9799, 37302}, {9840, 38470}, {9845, 28226}, {9862, 22504}, {9946, 18443}, {9951, 10860}, {9956, 17531}, {10039, 12749}, {10057, 12616}, {10072, 26333}, {10073, 10572}, {10101, 10295}, {10222, 28222}, {10299, 35023}, {10303, 38763}, {10306, 25416}, {10308, 12688}, {10309, 12246}, {10427, 21151}, {10429, 37252}, {10434, 12550}, {10476, 38484}, {10702, 35014}, {10769, 23698}, {10778, 17702}, {10779, 23699}, {10783, 22756}, {10784, 22757}, {10788, 22520}, {10864, 33576}, {10882, 13244}, {10942, 27529}, {11041, 37541}, {11240, 34629}, {11411, 22659}, {11414, 13222}, {11415, 30240}, {11492, 11844}, {11493, 11843}, {11822, 13228}, {11823, 13230}, {11824, 13269}, {11825, 13270}, {11828, 13275}, {11829, 13276}, {11845, 22755}, {11846, 22761}, {11847, 22762}, {12000, 20057}, {12032, 37998}, {12243, 22565}, {12244, 22583}, {12249, 22777}, {12250, 22778}, {12251, 22779}, {12252, 22780}, {12253, 19159}, {12254, 22781}, {12255, 22782}, {12256, 22595}, {12257, 22624}, {12383, 22586}, {12519, 30238}, {12650, 15803}, {12680, 37605}, {12771, 15997}, {12772, 18456}, {13172, 22514}, {13200, 19162}, {13396, 31394}, {13587, 23961}, {13674, 22783}, {13750, 18260}, {13794, 22784}, {13886, 22763}, {13935, 13991}, {13939, 22764}, {14513, 38707}, {14800, 37710}, {14882, 37734}, {15016, 30147}, {15071, 15446}, {15173, 18398}, {15175, 37525}, {15178, 28184}, {15179, 20323}, {15910, 34600}, {15931, 17009}, {15952, 34594}, {16371, 34627}, {16417, 38074}, {17501, 31673}, {17502, 28210}, {17579, 37820}, {18230, 38131}, {18469, 33653}, {18473, 28899}, {18492, 38161}, {18493, 38044}, {18524, 28224}, {19709, 38084}, {19860, 37534}, {20050, 35251}, {21495, 26594}, {22531, 22771}, {22532, 22772}, {22533, 22776}, {23361, 37115}, {23850, 37116}, {24016, 38459}, {24390, 31775}, {24475, 34195}, {24817, 24826}, {24852, 29057}, {25919, 37017}, {26287, 37733}, {26319, 26381}, {26320, 26405}, {26322, 26439}, {26323, 26440}, {26324, 26441}, {26705, 36009}, {26712, 35921}, {28148, 30389}, {28160, 36002}, {28170, 30392}, {28180, 31662}, {28206, 37624}, {28214, 31666}, {28444, 38314}, {28469, 30269}, {28486, 30272}, {30576, 36069}, {31509, 35242}, {31659, 37291}, {32198, 38455}, {32247, 32270}, {32337, 32363}, {32558, 37234}, {32669, 32689}, {32688, 32702}, {33667, 33857}, {33812, 34486}, {33994, 38307}, {36167, 38711}, {36476, 36484}, {36529, 36543}, {36560, 36575}
X(104) = midpoint of X(20) and X(149)
X(104) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,11), (100,3), (153,119), (1537,1387)
X(104) = isogonal conjugate of X(517)
X(104) = isotomic conjugate of X(3262)
X(104) = complement of X(153)
X(104) = anticomplement of X(119)
X(104) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,36), (44,55)
X(104) = X(21)-beth conjugate of X(109)
X(104) = circumcircle-antipode of X(100)
X(104) = point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and Feuerbach hyperbola
X(104) = Λ(X(1), X(3))
X(104) = Ψ(X(101), X(9))
X(104) = X(125)-of-the-hexyl-triangle
X(104) = X(113)-of-excentral-triangle
X(104) = X(110)-of-2nd-circumperp-triangle
X(104) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(650)
X(104) = Ψ(X(6), X(650))
X(104) = Ψ(X(190), X(63))
X(104) = Ψ(X(1), X(522))
X(104) = Ψ(X(19), X(649))
X(104) = Ψ(X(109), X(1))
X(104) = Ψ(X(651), X(2))
X(104) = Feuerbach hyperbola antipode of X(4)
X(104) = trilinear pole wrt 2nd circumperp triangle of line X(3)X(142)
X(104) = reflection of X(2687) in the Euler line
X(104) = reflection of X(2699) in the Brocard axis
X(104) = reflection of X(953) in line X(1)X(3)
X(104) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1769)X(3310)
X(104) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(513)
X(104) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(513)
X(104) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(8)
X(104) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(56)
X(104) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(522)
X(104) = trilinear pole, wrt Thomson triangle, of line X(40)X(392)
X(104) = areal center of pedal triangles of PU(3)
X(104) = areal center of pedal triangles of PU(6)
X(105) is the perspector of ABC and the (degenerate) side-triangle of the circumcevian triangles of X(3513) and X(3514). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(105) lies on these lines: {1, 41}, {2, 11}, {3, 277}, {4, 5511}, {5, 10743}, {6, 1002}, {7, 3423}, {8, 16048}, {9, 4712}, {10, 20656}, {20, 34547}, {21, 99}, {22, 13397}, {23, 1290}, {25, 108}, {28, 112}, {30, 2691}, {31, 57}, {36, 1308}, {37, 1390}, {44, 6017}, {56, 279}, {65, 1170}, {74, 2775}, {75, 20628}, {81, 110}, {88, 901}, {89, 4588}, {98, 2788}, {102, 2814}, {103, 2254}, {104, 885}, {106, 1022}, {107, 2833}, {111, 2837}, {115, 37014}, {165, 1054}, {175, 30385}, {176, 30386}, {183, 9067}, {186, 10101}, {230, 9090}, {238, 291}, {243, 1309}, {330, 932}, {335, 6652}, {385, 33674}, {386, 3034}, {392, 29127}, {404, 6012}, {405, 26035}, {468, 2766}, {474, 34124}, {476, 7469}, {511, 2704}, {512, 2711}, {513, 840}, {514, 2725}, {515, 2730}, {516, 2736}, {517, 2742}, {518, 1280}, {519, 2748}, {520, 2749}, {521, 2750}, {522, 2751}, {523, 2752}, {524, 2753}, {525, 2754}, {551, 8691}, {595, 6577}, {612, 3722}, {644, 1083}, {651, 1362}, {659, 676}, {663, 12032}, {666, 898}, {667, 14665}, {691, 1325}, {693, 2862}, {739, 16501}, {743, 29956}, {789, 18031}, {805, 2106}, {825, 985}, {831, 1125}, {835, 37325}, {904, 1201}, {905, 28838}, {907, 17560}, {910, 919}, {927, 1447}, {931, 37870}, {935, 2074}, {957, 16483}, {958, 1219}, {959, 1191}, {960, 1257}, {961, 1104}, {984, 28883}, {993, 29351}, {995, 29067}, {999, 14074}, {1024, 1635}, {1036, 1310}, {1064, 36516}, {1086, 1633}, {1123, 6135}, {1156, 14191}, {1193, 27667}, {1200, 9445}, {1224, 5259}, {1255, 3748}, {1261, 7081}, {1283, 4220}, {1284, 8852}, {1289, 30733}, {1294, 9520}, {1295, 9521}, {1296, 4221}, {1297, 9523}, {1304, 37963}, {1305, 2218}, {1319, 14733}, {1320, 5376}, {1332, 25048}, {1336, 6136}, {1422, 2208}, {1428, 9455}, {1456, 24016}, {1458, 23694}, {1477, 37626}, {1486, 4000}, {1724, 29303}, {1929, 2702}, {1946, 2724}, {1995, 9058}, {2006, 2078}, {2108, 15485}, {2113, 9500}, {2144, 20332}, {2191, 7289}, {2223, 6185}, {2224, 30117}, {2264, 5572}, {2282, 28624}, {2292, 29119}, {2306, 36072}, {2347, 9440}, {2402, 9061}, {2651, 6083}, {2696, 37960}, {2703, 17946}, {2717, 37815}, {2720, 3660}, {2737, 6909}, {2743, 5121}, {2864, 16087}, {2865, 3262}, {2866, 35519}, {2982, 5173}, {2990, 6099}, {3056, 37659}, {3263, 3685}, {3309, 28914}, {3322, 7336}, {3428, 15747}, {3485, 13395}, {3565, 16049}, {3576, 15746}, {3601, 6575}, {3651, 30257}, {3659, 7589}, {3757, 8707}, {3827, 35185}, {3871, 32019}, {3924, 7132}, {4227, 30247}, {4231, 30250}, {4232, 9107}, {4236, 24617}, {4239, 9070}, {4310, 24320}, {4458, 26702}, {4511, 29241}, {4578, 24820}, {4585, 10755}, {4859, 24309}, {4904, 18343}, {5020, 15252}, {5089, 36122}, {5091, 35280}, {5205, 6079}, {5211, 25495}, {5222, 37580}, {5248, 6013}, {5262, 29143}, {5268, 28226}, {5273, 25494}, {5297, 28210}, {5310, 37261}, {5322, 6186}, {5323, 5545}, {5338, 32691}, {5695, 31130}, {5992, 31129}, {6014, 35445}, {6016, 20331}, {6081, 14203}, {6169, 11051}, {6180, 9309}, {6244, 16434}, {6553, 12513}, {7077, 23612}, {7175, 20978}, {7179, 8543}, {7465, 34879}, {7766, 29227}, {7965, 37456}, {8297, 8298}, {8647, 9441}, {8652, 17024}, {8684, 33676}, {8697, 26745}, {8699, 36603}, {8708, 16830}, {8709, 8851}, {8848, 16363}, {9057, 26246}, {9059, 26227}, {9068, 26281}, {9072, 9465}, {9073, 26277}, {9081, 26249}, {9086, 26229}, {9089, 26239}, {9096, 26279}, {9104, 26245}, {9317, 28850}, {9343, 9344}, {9456, 16507}, {9508, 28471}, {9511, 15731}, {10098, 37961}, {10246, 28536}, {10387, 25878}, {10789, 30554}, {10980, 28162}, {11284, 23858}, {12329, 37650}, {12589, 26540}, {13245, 29310}, {13444, 14596}, {13595, 26711}, {14625, 19309}, {15382, 34381}, {15571, 20045}, {16466, 36080}, {16485, 26715}, {16487, 26716}, {16684, 37033}, {16693, 20470}, {16752, 16876}, {20219, 24929}, {21214, 28469}, {21511, 23407}, {21793, 28899}, {23536, 28029}, {23834, 28583}, {24174, 28575}, {24178, 37328}, {24325, 24339}, {24540, 24669}, {24808, 38665}, {25304, 26657}, {26232, 26238}, {26237, 26243}, {27789, 28196}, {28156, 30350}, {28477, 37399}, {28480, 37431}, {28879, 38316}, {28895, 38315}, {29048, 30148}, {29363, 32911}, {29681, 33637}, {32630, 37587}, {33654, 36073}, {34084, 34085}, {34446, 37541}, {36740, 38053}
X(105) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (644,1083), (1292,3)
X(105) = isogonal conjugate of X(518)
X(105) = anticomplement of X(120)
X(105) = cevapoint of X(1) and X(238)
X(105) = X(1)-Hirst inverse of X(294)
X(105) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,101), (927,105)
X(105) = Λ(X(1), X(6))
X(105) = isotomic conjugate of X(3263)
X(105) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(665)X(1642)
X(105) = Ψ(X(i), X(j)) for these (i,j): (1,514), (2,650), (6,513), (57,649), (59,651), (100,2), (101,1), (190,9), (650,11), (651,6)
X(105) = reflection of X(2752) in the Euler line
X(105) = reflection of X(2711) in the Brocard axis
X(105) = reflection of X(840) in line X(1)X(3)
X(105) = X(132)-of-excentral-triangle
X(105) = X(127)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(105) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(3912)
X(105) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(11)
X(105) = trilinear pole of PU(i) for these i: 46, 54
X(105) = trilinear product of PU(96)
X(105) = bicentric sum of PU(142)
X(105) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(3309)
X(105) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(3309)
X(105) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(32658)
X(105) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(514)
X(105) = trilinear pole, wrt Thomson triangle, of line X(354)X(612)
X(105) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(38479)
X(105) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(25083)
X(106) lies on these lines: {1, 88}, {2, 121}, {3, 1293}, {4, 5510}, {5, 10744}, {6, 101}, {10, 1222}, {11, 10774}, {20, 34548}, {21, 34594}, {25, 9088}, {30, 2692}, {31, 2163}, {32, 30554}, {34, 108}, {35, 28218}, {36, 901}, {39, 9327}, {40, 14664}, {41, 9336}, {42, 16057}, {55, 5577}, {56, 109}, {58, 110}, {74, 2776}, {80, 1647}, {86, 99}, {87, 932}, {98, 2789}, {102, 2815}, {103, 2424}, {104, 1769}, {105, 1022}, {107, 2839}, {111, 2843}, {112, 1474}, {172, 28864}, {182, 28564}, {187, 2702}, {190, 34587}, {238, 898}, {269, 934}, {291, 5376}, {292, 813}, {347, 1305}, {386, 2334}, {476, 7478}, {511, 2705}, {512, 2712}, {513, 2718}, {514, 2726}, {515, 2731}, {516, 2737}, {517, 2743}, {518, 2748}, {519, 1120}, {520, 2755}, {521, 2756}, {522, 2757}, {523, 2758}, {524, 2759}, {525, 2760}, {535, 19634}, {572, 28467}, {614, 998}, {649, 2384}, {663, 840}, {664, 21208}, {665, 2291}, {667, 2382}, {672, 6017}, {675, 6548}, {691, 1326}, {693, 2863}, {726, 4582}, {727, 23355}, {739, 8632}, {789, 870}, {833, 977}, {835, 3616}, {905, 2751}, {919, 1055}, {927, 1323}, {931, 4658}, {952, 3756}, {953, 1459}, {958, 3038}, {979, 8666}, {991, 28291}, {997, 16496}, {1001, 29351}, {1068, 26704}, {1086, 1387}, {1125, 1220}, {1126, 1193}, {1130, 3659}, {1145, 24864}, {1168, 1319}, {1191, 28162}, {1203, 28176}, {1279, 1308}, {1290, 37919}, {1292, 2191}, {1294, 9524}, {1295, 9525}, {1296, 9526}, {1297, 9527}, {1309, 1785}, {1310, 16491}, {1350, 28295}, {1384, 26716}, {1385, 6011}, {1386, 8691}, {1413, 4306}, {1431, 29055}, {1457, 2720}, {1458, 14733}, {1462, 23890}, {1464, 34921}, {1468, 8652}, {1480, 10269}, {1616, 8699}, {1724, 28370}, {1739, 6095}, {1795, 35011}, {1914, 28875}, {1960, 4491}, {1964, 29189}, {2112, 28895}, {2215, 36080}, {2241, 28907}, {2275, 28883}, {2279, 8693}, {2280, 28911}, {2297, 3731}, {2308, 28180}, {2342, 19619}, {2390, 35186}, {2403, 9083}, {2441, 8659}, {2703, 17954}, {2716, 6129}, {2734, 21172}, {2742, 13329}, {2983, 29163}, {3098, 28469}, {3120, 16173}, {3226, 4555}, {3227, 3570}, {3242, 35272}, {3295, 8572}, {3333, 15839}, {3582, 36590}, {3699, 6789}, {3746, 8698}, {3898, 17596}, {3915, 8697}, {3939, 22560}, {3973, 33589}, {3976, 30144}, {4251, 28852}, {4252, 28192}, {4262, 28847}, {4432, 24416}, {4511, 4694}, {4615, 9150}, {4622, 16481}, {4677, 9350}, {4738, 9457}, {4752, 20331}, {4803, 31136}, {4867, 17449}, {4945, 25055}, {5024, 6184}, {5053, 8610}, {5092, 28486}, {5127, 6083}, {5258, 28352}, {5272, 9104}, {5288, 27627}, {5297, 31514}, {5400, 38669}, {5526, 5548}, {6010, 37508}, {6013, 10013}, {6099, 36052}, {6551, 9268}, {6575, 10579}, {6577, 34444}, {6765, 7963}, {7191, 9070}, {7208, 9318}, {7290, 14074}, {7312, 17960}, {7373, 28226}, {8028, 24858}, {8643, 9097}, {8658, 28302}, {8686, 37627}, {8688, 12513}, {8692, 11194}, {9067, 37670}, {9086, 36887}, {9093, 23598}, {9624, 36939}, {10179, 37599}, {10199, 37716}, {10571, 36082}, {10703, 12740}, {10987, 28868}, {11249, 34430}, {11636, 34476}, {13397, 28011}, {14028, 21630}, {14422, 23352}, {14438, 26278}, {14996, 27950}, {15306, 37541}, {15325, 17734}, {15663, 22770}, {15955, 20323}, {16466, 28148}, {16796, 32682}, {16801, 30664}, {16969, 24047}, {16971, 25426}, {17461, 17595}, {17724, 34123}, {18047, 27195}, {18976, 34355}, {21008, 28856}, {21842, 28082}, {22744, 29038}, {22837, 24174}, {23675, 24160}, {24516, 32454}, {24625, 37680}, {25920, 26698}, {26711, 38458}, {28096, 37710}, {28528, 33878}, {28552, 37517}, {28584, 30269}, {29227, 36598}, {34977, 37592}
X(106) = reflection of X(1293) in X(3)
X(106) = isogonal conjugate of X(519)
X(106) = isotomic conjugate of X(3264)
X(106) = complement of X(21290)
X(106) = anticomplement of X(121)
X(106) = X(36)-cross conjugate of X(58)
X(106) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,100), (901,106)
X(106) = Λ(X(1), X(2))
X(106) = X(122)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(106) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(649)
X(106) = Ψ(X(i), X(j)) for these (i,j): (1,513), (2,514), (6,649), (9,650), (100,1), (101,6), (190,2), (651,57)
X(106) = trilinear pole wrt 2nd circumperp triangle of line X(1)X(6)
X(106) = X(107) of 2nd circumperp triangle
X(106) = trilinear pole wrt circumsymmedial triangle of line X(6)X(31)
X(106) = reflection of X(2758) in the Euler line
X(106) = reflection of X(2712) in the Brocard axis
X(106) = reflection of X(2718) in line X(1)X(3)
X(106) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(4358)
X(106) = X(133)-of-excentral triangle
X(106) = barycentric product of PU(50)
X(106) = trilinear product of PU(98)
X(106) = eigencenter of 1st circumperp triangle
X(106) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(3667)
X(106) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(3667)
X(106) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(32659)
X(106) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(513)
X(106) = trilinear pole, wrt Thomson triangle, of line X(1201)X(2177)
X(106) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(35636)
X(106) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(1797)
X(106) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8756)
X(106) = X(1)-Ceva conjugate of X(39148)
X(107) = center of the bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(4), the rectangular hyperbola passing through X(1), X(4), X(19), and the vertices of their anticevian triangles. This hyperbola is the excentral isogonal conjugate of line X(40)X(2939), the anticomplementary conjugate of line X(20)X(1330), and the anticomplementary isotomic conjugate of line X(1654)X(3164). (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
X(107) lies on these lines: {1, 10701}, {2, 122}, {3, 1294}, {4, 74}, {5, 10745}, {6, 10762}, {11, 10775}, {19, 2249}, {20, 3184}, {21, 1295}, {22, 15466}, {23, 2697}, {24, 1093}, {25, 98}, {27, 103}, {28, 104}, {29, 102}, {30, 2693}, {51, 275}, {55, 7158}, {56, 3324}, {76, 2366}, {83, 27373}, {92, 26702}, {99, 2797}, {100, 823}, {101, 1897}, {105, 2833}, {106, 2839}, {108, 2845}, {109, 162}, {110, 648}, {111, 393}, {112, 1637}, {154, 15576}, {158, 759}, {184, 3168}, {186, 477}, {243, 14192}, {250, 687}, {264, 1995}, {284, 8764}, {297, 2710}, {324, 13595}, {333, 2365}, {373, 37124}, {376, 36876}, {382, 23241}, {403, 11657}, {415, 2708}, {419, 2698}, {422, 2699}, {423, 2700}, {425, 2707}, {427, 29011}, {428, 29316}, {450, 511}, {458, 3066}, {459, 32064}, {460, 23700}, {468, 842}, {470, 7684}, {471, 7685}, {472, 5479}, {473, 5478}, {476, 7480}, {512, 2713}, {513, 2719}, {514, 2727}, {515, 2732}, {516, 2738}, {517, 2744}, {518, 2749}, {519, 2755}, {520, 6080}, {521, 2761}, {522, 2762}, {523, 1304}, {524, 2763}, {525, 2764}, {631, 34842}, {685, 2501}, {691, 7473}, {699, 36417}, {729, 2207}, {739, 5317}, {741, 1096}, {755, 27376}, {811, 1310}, {841, 10295}, {850, 2867}, {859, 2734}, {877, 4563}, {915, 30733}, {925, 15329}, {930, 38342}, {933, 1576}, {934, 13149}, {935, 14618}, {953, 37168}, {972, 4183}, {1075, 6759}, {1105, 22467}, {1112, 9161}, {1141, 3518}, {1172, 32726}, {1249, 6793}, {1290, 37966}, {1292, 4238}, {1293, 9524}, {1296, 4235}, {1299, 3542}, {1305, 4243}, {1325, 2694}, {1559, 15311}, {1624, 1632}, {1625, 6570}, {1651, 34601}, {1783, 36080}, {1857, 28471}, {1981, 36516}, {1990, 15448}, {2073, 2688}, {2074, 2687}, {2075, 2695}, {2291, 8748}, {2367, 18027}, {2370, 7419}, {2374, 21447}, {2382, 34856}, {2404, 9064}, {2489, 9091}, {2691, 7476}, {2696, 7482}, {2714, 18344}, {2716, 17515}, {2722, 17924}, {2724, 37908}, {2752, 37963}, {2770, 37778}, {2868, 17984}, {3079, 11206}, {3090, 36520}, {3124, 6531}, {3146, 5896}, {3183, 6225}, {3563, 6353}, {3565, 4226}, {3616, 11732}, {3658, 13397}, {3952, 29163}, {4228, 26703}, {4242, 6011}, {4244, 26706}, {5064, 29322}, {5094, 14388}, {5379, 6099}, {5502, 33640}, {5640, 36794}, {5966, 14569}, {5994, 36309}, {5995, 36306}, {6015, 6059}, {6081, 7253}, {6587, 23590}, {6618, 11433}, {6761, 18400}, {6995, 29180}, {7009, 15168}, {7192, 24016}, {7337, 35108}, {7426, 37765}, {7488, 18284}, {7493, 17907}, {7722, 16169}, {7728, 11251}, {8057, 15384}, {8749, 13479}, {8750, 28624}, {8887, 19169}, {9076, 32085}, {9308, 35259}, {10101, 37965}, {10282, 14363}, {10301, 16264}, {10425, 14221}, {11005, 12828}, {11634, 20187}, {12032, 31905}, {12121, 32418}, {13195, 17409}, {13395, 18026}, {13398, 30512}, {13597, 34484}, {14006, 29056}, {14013, 28848}, {14185, 30252}, {14187, 30253}, {14615, 15259}, {14978, 18369}, {14979, 16337}, {15149, 28838}, {15440, 32676}, {16868, 22751}, {18809, 32417}, {20189, 36829}, {21396, 37814}, {23591, 23976}, {23701, 37855}, {23999, 36066}, {24000, 36069}, {24021, 36068}, {26714, 35325}, {28145, 31902}, {28173, 31900}, {28193, 31903}, {28197, 31901}, {28842, 31904}, {28844, 31909}, {28857, 31914}, {28861, 31907}, {28884, 31908}, {28892, 31921}, {32681, 32695}, {34473, 36176}, {36079, 36118}, {37760, 37766}
X(107) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,133), (1294,3)
X(107) = isogonal conjugate of X(520)
X(107) = isotomic conjugate of X(3265)
X(107) = complement of X(34186)
X(107) = anticomplement of X(122)
X(107) = cevapoint of X(4) and X(523)
X(107) = cevapoint of X(24007) and X(24008) (the Kiepert hyperbola intercepts of the orthic axis)
X(107) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (24,250), (108,162), (523,4)
X(107) = trilinear pole of line X(4)X(6)
X(107) = Ψ(X(i),X(j)) for these (i,j): (1,29), (3,2), (6,4), (4,51), (54,4), (64,4), (65,4), (67,4), (69,4)
X(107) = intersection of reflections in sides of ABC of line X(4)X(51)
X(107) = reflection of X(1304) in the Euler line
X(107) = reflection of X(2713) in the Brocard axis
X(107) = reflection of X(2719) in line X(1)X(3)
X(107) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(125)
X(107) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(132)
X(107) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(525) (line X(122)X(125))
X(107) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(525)
X(107) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(577)
X(107) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1636)X(2972)
X(107) = X(134)-of-excentral-triangle
X(107) = circumcircle intercept, other than A, B, C, of conic {A,B,C,PU(157)}}
X(107) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(6000)
X(107) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(6000)
X(107) = barycentric product of Steiner circumellipse intercepts of van Aubel line
X(107) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(29)
X(108) lies on these lines: {1, 102}, {2, 123}, {3, 1295}, {4, 11}, {5, 10746}, {6, 10763}, {7, 1013}, {9, 3213}, {12, 451}, {19, 2291}, {20, 34550}, {23, 37798}, {24, 915}, {25, 105}, {28, 225}, {30, 2694}, {33, 57}, {34, 106}, {35, 37289}, {36, 1785}, {40, 207}, {53, 21773}, {55, 196}, {59, 6099}, {63, 2365}, {65, 74}, {73, 3194}, {81, 20122}, {92, 1311}, {98, 1402}, {99, 811}, {100, 653}, {101, 1783}, {107, 2845}, {109, 1020}, {110, 162}, {111, 1880}, {112, 1415}, {154, 34032}, {158, 32706}, {165, 1767}, {171, 29056}, {186, 2687}, {197, 17903}, {198, 1249}, {204, 223}, {222, 3195}, {226, 4183}, {240, 1758}, {241, 28838}, {242, 2726}, {243, 2723}, {273, 675}, {281, 3209}, {318, 404}, {331, 767}, {342, 1005}, {347, 35988}, {378, 1470}, {386, 34456}, {388, 406}, {393, 2178}, {411, 1895}, {429, 961}, {468, 2752}, {475, 7288}, {476, 34922}, {477, 36130}, {511, 2707}, {512, 2714}, {513, 2720}, {514, 2728}, {515, 2733}, {516, 2739}, {517, 2745}, {518, 2750}, {519, 2756}, {520, 2761}, {521, 6081}, {522, 2765}, {523, 2766}, {524, 2767}, {608, 739}, {644, 29163}, {648, 931}, {656, 2762}, {658, 6183}, {664, 1310}, {676, 6087}, {691, 7476}, {692, 15439}, {727, 1395}, {741, 1396}, {840, 1876}, {901, 7012}, {917, 2352}, {919, 6591}, {925, 3658}, {927, 13149}, {929, 17924}, {934, 36118}, {935, 37965}, {944, 8283}, {953, 1319}, {999, 34231}, {1014, 7282}, {1033, 1604}, {1035, 37818}, {1041, 28017}, {1055, 2202}, {1113, 2586}, {1114, 2587}, {1119, 15728}, {1148, 11491}, {1172, 1400}, {1214, 1297}, {1231, 2366}, {1284, 17985}, {1290, 37964}, {1292, 2283}, {1293, 9525}, {1294, 3651}, {1296, 9531}, {1299, 31385}, {1300, 31384}, {1305, 7437}, {1331, 24029}, {1361, 38513}, {1376, 7046}, {1388, 28203}, {1398, 4186}, {1403, 15323}, {1409, 26717}, {1423, 2212}, {1426, 11363}, {1429, 2356}, {1430, 1458}, {1435, 1477}, {1441, 2373}, {1447, 2862}, {1461, 8059}, {1465, 33849}, {1490, 1712}, {1577, 2769}, {1598, 15251}, {1621, 37295}, {1745, 7114}, {1750, 7008}, {1753, 15803}, {1763, 15278}, {1784, 2695}, {1824, 28471}, {1827, 38451}, {1828, 38452}, {1844, 15932}, {1847, 2369}, {1861, 2751}, {1872, 37582}, {1877, 2718}, {1887, 28173}, {1946, 23984}, {1947, 13588}, {1990, 19297}, {1995, 37800}, {2074, 12030}, {2078, 2717}, {2099, 28159}, {2149, 35182}, {2222, 7649}, {2223, 2724}, {2270, 7129}, {2333, 35106}, {2371, 7079}, {2405, 9107}, {2501, 9090}, {2689, 24006}, {2693, 36001}, {2697, 37959}, {2699, 5061}, {2715, 36104}, {2722, 7178}, {2725, 5236}, {2732, 3465}, {2734, 6905}, {2757, 38462}, {2818, 15501}, {2975, 17555}, {3176, 11500}, {3220, 34050}, {3339, 28149}, {3340, 28163}, {3361, 28193}, {3428, 37410}, {3518, 26707}, {3565, 4236}, {3600, 4194}, {3616, 11733}, {3666, 29206}, {3937, 34051}, {4200, 5265}, {4213, 15168}, {4223, 37695}, {4232, 9061}, {4559, 36080}, {4564, 29241}, {4566, 13395}, {4617, 24016}, {4998, 35574}, {5125, 19850}, {5142, 11392}, {5221, 28145}, {5253, 11109}, {5307, 16878}, {5379, 6083}, {5435, 35994}, {5757, 37538}, {5897, 30267}, {5930, 8885}, {5951, 14882}, {6079, 15742}, {6129, 24033}, {6223, 7338}, {6335, 8707}, {6353, 7337}, {6588, 23985}, {6851, 9645}, {7011, 7580}, {7071, 15731}, {7128, 14733}, {7146, 28844}, {7477, 10420}, {7677, 17923}, {8064, 36049}, {8807, 15324}, {9056, 24035}, {10058, 11798}, {10425, 36105}, {11011, 28185}, {11347, 18678}, {11510, 38295}, {12031, 15148}, {12832, 18341}, {13397, 13589}, {13462, 28233}, {14987, 37117}, {16757, 36093}, {17074, 26910}, {17080, 35996}, {17916, 20613}, {18421, 28171}, {21147, 36103}, {21189, 35183}, {23832, 30236}, {23890, 28291}, {24027, 35187}, {26377, 37384}, {32667, 32683}, {32685, 32702}, {32735, 35185}, {34588, 36100}, {35184, 36109}, {35186, 36112}, {35188, 36115}, {35189, 36116}, {36002, 37769}, {36098, 36099}, {36508, 37055}, {37371, 37797}
X(108) = reflection of X(1295) in X(3)
X(108) = isogonal conjugate of X(521)
X(108) = isotomic conjugate of X(35518)
X(108) = complement of X(34188)
X(108) = anticomplement of X(123)
X(108) = X(162)-Ceva conjugate of X(109)
X(108) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (56,513), (429,523)
X(108) = X(513)-cross conjugate of X(4)
X(108) = crosspoint of X(107) and X(162)
X(108) = crosssum of X(520) and X(656)
X(108) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,102), (162,108)
X(108) = point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(18)}}
X(108) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(19) (the polar of X(4391) wrt polar circle)
X(108) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(4391) (line X(11)X(123))
X(108) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(4391)
X(108) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(2193)
X(108) = concurrence of the reflections of line X(4)X(65) in the sidelines of ABC
X(108) = Ψ(X(i),Xj)) for these (i,j): (1,4), (3,1), (4,65), (6,19), (7,4), (8,4), (9,4), (29,1), (69,7), (80,4)
X(108) = reflection of X(2766) in the Euler line
X(108) = reflection of X(2714) in the Brocard axis
X(108) = reflection of X(2720) in line X(1)X(3)
X(108) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(11)
X(108) = X(135)-of-excentral-triangle
X(108) = barycentric product of PU(76)
X(108) = trilinear product of PU(100)
X(108) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(6001)
X(108) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(6001)
X(108) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(4)
X(108) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(92)
If the line X(1)X(4) is reflected in every side of triangle ABC, then the reflections concur in X(109). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let P be a point on line X(1)X(4) other than X(4). Let A' be the reflection of P in BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of CA'B', BC'A', and CA'B' concur in X(109). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2011)
Let Q be a point on line X(2)X(7) other than X(2). Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of Q. Let A″ be the {B,C}-harmonic conjugate of A' (or equivalently, A″ = BC∩B'C'), and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The circumcircles of AB″C″, BC″A″, CA″B″ concur in X(109). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2011)
Let A', B', C' be the Fuhrmann triangle. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(109). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2011)
Let A', B', C' be the intersections of the Gergonne line and lines BC, CA, AB, respectively. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(109). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2011)
Let P and Q be the points where the line tangent to the incircle at X(11) intersects the circumcircle. Let L(P) be the line through P, other than PQ, that is tangent to the incircle; let L(Q) be the line through Q, other than PQ, that is tangent to the incircle. Then X(109) = L(P)∩L(Q). (Piotr Ambroszczyk, December 21, 2016)
X(109) lies on these lines: {1, 104}, {2, 124}, {3, 102}, {4, 117}, {5, 10747}, {6, 2291}, {7, 675}, {8, 2370}, {9, 2199}, {10, 1935}, {11, 10777}, {12, 2372}, {19, 8775}, {20, 151}, {21, 37558}, {30, 2695}, {31, 57}, {33, 1709}, {34, 46}, {35, 73}, {36, 953}, {37, 24863}, {40, 255}, {42, 2003}, {48, 32726}, {55, 103}, {56, 106}, {58, 65}, {59, 901}, {63, 8270}, {77, 35258}, {79, 1141}, {85, 767}, {98, 171}, {99, 643}, {100, 651}, {101, 654}, {107, 162}, {108, 1020}, {110, 1813}, {111, 1400}, {112, 163}, {140, 38776}, {154, 7011}, {165, 212}, {181, 20670}, {187, 17966}, {190, 6648}, {191, 201}, {204, 1767}, {213, 35106}, {220, 2371}, {225, 1300}, {227, 3579}, {238, 2726}, {241, 2725}, {260, 7597}, {269, 15728}, {278, 917}, {279, 2369}, {283, 4296}, {284, 296}, {307, 2373}, {349, 2367}, {376, 38783}, {381, 38780}, {386, 11509}, {388, 5264}, {394, 2365}, {476, 13486}, {477, 15228}, {478, 573}, {484, 2687}, {511, 2708}, {512, 2701}, {513, 2222}, {514, 929}, {515, 2734}, {516, 1936}, {517, 1455}, {518, 2751}, {519, 2757}, {520, 2762}, {521, 2765}, {522, 1309}, {523, 2689}, {524, 2768}, {525, 2769}, {549, 38786}, {550, 38778}, {553, 9108}, {572, 29068}, {577, 1630}, {579, 608}, {581, 11507}, {602, 15803}, {604, 739}, {631, 6711}, {644, 6574}, {649, 919}, {652, 7115}, {656, 2766}, {658, 927}, {660, 8684}, {661, 9090}, {662, 931}, {663, 1262}, {677, 4105}, {689, 4572}, {692, 1461}, {727, 1397}, {738, 2377}, {741, 1402}, {748, 31231}, {750, 5219}, {753, 1469}, {761, 7146}, {765, 6079}, {789, 4554}, {810, 2714}, {835, 4427}, {840, 902}, {846, 15168}, {896, 2752}, {898, 4564}, {905, 2728}, {932, 3573}, {933, 36134}, {934, 4617}, {940, 29310}, {946, 3075}, {952, 18339}, {958, 3040}, {959, 34281}, {993, 24806}, {995, 1470}, {999, 15306}, {1026, 4571}, {1035, 2122}, {1038, 12514}, {1042, 37583}, {1046, 15556}, {1086, 15253}, {1106, 1420}, {1110, 2742}, {1113, 1822}, {1114, 1823}, {1149, 5193}, {1155, 1456}, {1174, 20229}, {1201, 38452}, {1210, 3073}, {1214, 2328}, {1252, 6078}, {1253, 1419}, {1279, 3660}, {1284, 5061}, {1290, 4017}, {1292, 2814}, {1293, 2815}, {1294, 2816}, {1296, 2819}, {1297, 5285}, {1304, 36034}, {1305, 4566}, {1308, 3669}, {1310, 6516}, {1319, 2718}, {1365, 24836}, {1376, 3042}, {1393, 2964}, {1395, 1707}, {1401, 28485}, {1404, 2384}, {1405, 28317}, {1406, 4306}, {1407, 1477}, {1413, 10306}, {1423, 9082}, {1425, 3145}, {1428, 2382}, {1429, 14665}, {1434, 2368}, {1435, 2376}, {1436, 22124}, {1445, 9061}, {1447, 9073}, {1448, 37550}, {1450, 5315}, {1451, 3339}, {1459, 1618}, {1460, 20678}, {1464, 5172}, {1466, 16466}, {1468, 3340}, {1490, 2956}, {1492, 30670}, {1496, 1697}, {1497, 3333}, {1498, 12330}, {1499, 2735}, {1621, 17074}, {1656, 38779}, {1702, 3076}, {1703, 3077}, {1710, 1825}, {1724, 1788}, {1725, 1727}, {1735, 1870}, {1736, 1776}, {1737, 1877}, {1745, 6796}, {1758, 5018}, {1764, 34045}, {1780, 7098}, {1783, 35349}, {1794, 3466}, {1807, 2771}, {1818, 2750}, {1836, 5348}, {1918, 6015}, {1923, 3503}, {1943, 32932}, {1955, 2655}, {1995, 34141}, {2006, 3120}, {2077, 2745}, {2177, 28535}, {2187, 7125}, {2192, 38288}, {2223, 12032}, {2285, 4264}, {2293, 38451}, {2352, 29015}, {2360, 22341}, {2406, 9056}, {2425, 26715}, {2594, 8614}, {2605, 34921}, {2617, 3658}, {2688, 6357}, {2690, 7178}, {2699, 5143}, {2700, 17798}, {2702, 7180}, {2724, 9441}, {2729, 7181}, {2730, 3309}, {2731, 3667}, {2732, 6000}, {2733, 6001}, {2737, 30719}, {2739, 9371}, {2756, 5440}, {2760, 3712}, {2810, 22148}, {2829, 18340}, {2860, 24002}, {2861, 22464}, {2862, 9436}, {2864, 4077}, {2866, 3263}, {3028, 13868}, {3033, 20804}, {3072, 4292}, {3074, 6684}, {3090, 38781}, {3157, 11248}, {3173, 3190}, {3197, 15905}, {3218, 4318}, {3241, 14648}, {3295, 28193}, {3303, 28227}, {3451, 20228}, {3476, 37610}, {3485, 37522}, {3523, 38784}, {3533, 38782}, {3550, 15323}, {3563, 36051}, {3576, 11713}, {3585, 18426}, {3616, 11734}, {3652, 35194}, {3659, 6733}, {3699, 8706}, {3722, 37736}, {3744, 17625}, {3746, 28173}, {3750, 29308}, {3937, 20999}, {3952, 9059}, {3955, 29056}, {4220, 34027}, {4295, 37530}, {4303, 10902}, {4347, 37591}, {4418, 6358}, {4557, 8694}, {4569, 34083}, {4570, 6083}, {4587, 29163}, {4620, 9150}, {4654, 9103}, {4848, 5247}, {4998, 8709}, {5010, 28159}, {5089, 8558}, {5127, 12030}, {5204, 28235}, {5217, 28163}, {5248, 37523}, {5255, 10106}, {5297, 29007}, {5398, 36279}, {5399, 11849}, {5435, 9083}, {5537, 34143}, {5563, 28219}, {5603, 11727}, {5687, 9370}, {5840, 10771}, {5880, 37695}, {5897, 8803}, {5903, 14987}, {6014, 8683}, {6180, 29352}, {6244, 7074}, {6327, 28774}, {6589, 23979}, {6610, 19624}, {6745, 23693}, {6759, 20764}, {6788, 12832}, {7070, 10860}, {7179, 9075}, {7186, 29096}, {7248, 28574}, {7280, 28203}, {7292, 37789}, {7299, 24914}, {7339, 24016}, {7411, 34035}, {7580, 34032}, {7589, 34026}, {7676, 34028}, {7991, 34039}, {8059, 32652}, {8075, 34025}, {8076, 34034}, {8107, 34037}, {8108, 34038}, {8224, 34031}, {8543, 37633}, {8679, 34142}, {8757, 11499}, {9058, 24029}, {9095, 30653}, {9105, 21454}, {9363, 37588}, {9778, 18623}, {10303, 38787}, {10434, 34044}, {10700, 20586}, {11246, 26708}, {12709, 35672}, {13138, 31511}, {13589, 33637}, {13597, 37731}, {14074, 23890}, {14107, 37527}, {14115, 37815}, {14628, 24402}, {14647, 34231}, {14827, 20995}, {15252, 38357}, {15386, 35183}, {15439, 32651}, {15931, 22053}, {16173, 29008}, {18838, 30117}, {19369, 28559}, {22097, 29206}, {22329, 37856}, {22456, 36036}, {23071, 35000}, {23850, 30493}, {23987, 26704}, {24026, 24410}, {24033, 36044}, {25440, 37694}, {25577, 28847}, {25882, 36949}, {25938, 30827}, {25968, 26932}, {26227, 28968}, {26264, 29497}, {26740, 29821}, {28148, 35327}, {28777, 29473}, {28780, 33086}, {28844, 37586}, {28848, 37580}, {32643, 32683}, {32669, 32685}, {32675, 34073}, {32687, 36046}, {34234, 34589}, {34789, 35015}, {35448, 37483}, {36040, 36067}, {36048, 36118}
X(109) = midpoint of X(20) and X(151)
X(109) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,117), (102,3)
X(109) = isogonal conjugate of X(522)
X(109) = complement of X(33650)
X(109) = anticomplement of X(124)
X(109) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (59,56), (162,108)
X(109) = cevapoint of X(65) and X(513)
X(109) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (56,59), (513,58)
X(109) = crosspoint of X(110) and X(162)
X(109) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (523,656), (652,663)
X(109) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(11)X(1146)
X(109) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (100,1079), (162,580), (651,223)
X(109) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,104), (59,109), (100,100), (110,109), (765,109), (901,109)
X(109) = circumcircle-antipode of X(102)
X(109) = trilinear product X(1381)*X(1382)
X(109) = isogonal conjugate of isotomic conjugate of trilinear pole of line X(2)X(7)
X(109) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(19)}
X(109) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(41)
X(109) = trilinear pole wrt 1st circumperp triangle of line X(971)X(1158)
X(109) = trilinear pole, wrt circumtangential triangle, of line X(3)X(10)
X(109) = X(925)-of-1st-circumperp-triangle
X(109) = X(136)-of-excentral-triangle
X(109) = X(131)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(109) = Ψ(X(i),X(j)) for these (i,j): (1,3), (2,7), (3,73), (4,1), (6,41), (7,20), (21,2), (69,73), (77,3)
X(109) = reflection of X(2689) in the Euler line
X(109) = reflection of X(2701) in the Brocard axis
X(109) = reflection of X(2222) in line X(1)X(3)
X(109) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(4391)
X(109) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(6332)
X(109) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(652)
X(109) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(284)
X(109) = barycentric product of PU(57)
X(109) = trilinear product of PU(102)
X(109) = Thomson isogonal conjugate of X(515)
X(109) = Lucas isogonal conjugate of X(515)
X(109) = isotomic conjugate of polar conjugate of X(32674)
X(109) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(32660)
X(109) = intersection of antipedal lines of circumcircle intercepts of line X(3)X(10)
X(109) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(7)
X(109) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(35649)
X(110) is the center of the Stammler hyperbola, SH, which is the rectangular hyperbola that passes through X(1), X(3), X(6), X(155), X(159), X(195), X(399), X(1498), X(2916), X(2917), X(2918), X(2929), X(2930), X(2931), X(2935), X(2948), X(3511), the excenters, and the vertices of the tangential triangle. SH is the bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(6) and the antipedal-anticevian conic of X(3). SH is the tangential isogonal conjugate of the Euler line, the tangential isotomic conjugate of the van Aubel line, the excentral isogonal conjugate of line X(30)X(40), and the excentral isotomic conjugate of line X(191)X(2938). SH is tangent to the Euler line at X(3) and meets the line at infinity (and the Jerabek hyperbola, other than at X(3) and X(6)) at X(2574) and X(2575). SH is the locus of a point P for which the P-Brocard triangle is perspective to ABC. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011, 1/29/2015)
J. W. Clawson, "Points on the circumcircle," American Mathematical Monthly 32 (1925) 169-174.
Roland H. Eddy and R. Fritsch, "The conics of Ludwig Kiepert: a comprehensive lesson in the geometry of the triangle," Mathematics Magazine 67 (1994) 188-205.
Benedetto Scimemi, "Paper-folding and Euler's Theorem Revisited," Forum Geometricorum.
Scimemi proves that if the Euler line is reflected in every side of triangle ABC, then the three reflections concur in X(110).
Seven constructions from Randy Hutson, January 29, 2015:
(1) Let P be a point, other than X(4), on Euler line. Let A' be the reflection of P in BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of AA'B', BC'A', and CA'B' concur in X(110).
(2) Let Q be a point on line X(2)X(6) other than X(2). Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of Q. Let A″ be the {B,C}-harmonic conjugate of A' (or equivalently, A″ = BC∩B'C'), and define B″, C″ cyclically. The circumcircles of AB″C″, BC″A″, CA″B″ concur in X(110).
(3) Let La, Lb, Lc be the lines through A, B, C, resp. parallel to the Euler line. Let Ma, Mb, Mc be the reflections of BC, CA, AB in La, Lb, Lc, resp. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B', C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. Let A″B″C″ be the reflection of A'B'C' in the Euler line. The triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC, with center of homothety X(125) and centroid X(110). (See Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008.)
(4) Let A', B', C' be the intersections of the Lemoine axis and lines BC, CA, AB, resp. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(110).
(5) Let A', B', C' be the intersections of line X(36)X(238) and lines BC, CA, AB, resp. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(110).
(6) Let A', B', C' be the intersections of the Euler line and lines BC, CA, AB, resp. Let Oa, Ob, Oc be the circumcenters of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B', resp. The lines AOa, BOb, COc concur in X(110).
(7) Let Na be the reflection of X(5) in the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define Nb, Nc cyclically. X(110) = X(2070) of NaNbNc.
Let A2B2C2 and A3B3C3 be the 2nd and 3rd Parry triangles. Let A' be the barycentric product A2*A3, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(110). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the triangle described in ADGEOM #2697 (8/26/2015, Tran Quang Hung). A'B'C' is homothetic to the anticomplementary triangle at X(110). The nine-point circle of A'B'C' touches the circumcircle of ABC at X(110). Also, X(110) = X(125)-of-A'B'C'. (Randy Hutson, Novermber 2, 2016)
Let A' be the trilinear pole of the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define B', C' cyclically. A'B'C' is homothetic to the circumanticevian triangle of X(4) at X(110). X(110) is also the barycentric product A'*B'*C'. (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the AAOA triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. Circles OA, OB, OC concur in X(110). (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(110) lies on the circumcircle, Walsmith rectangular hyperbola, Parry circle, and these lines: {1, 60}, {2, 98}, {3, 74}, {4, 113}, {5, 49}, {6, 111}, {10, 2372}, {11, 215}, {12, 2477}, {13, 3200}, {14, 3201}, {15, 2378}, {16, 2379}, {17, 3205}, {18, 3206}, {20, 146}, {21, 104}, {22, 154}, {23, 323}, {24, 155}, {25, 1112}, {26, 7731}, {27, 917}, {28, 915}, {29, 2988}, {30, 477}, {31, 593}, {32, 729}, {33, 9637}, {35, 501}, {36, 5127}, {39, 755}, {40, 37405}, {41, 35106}, {42, 28482}, {48, 2249}, {50, 32730}, {51, 1994}, {52, 2383}, {55, 3024}, {56, 3028}, {58, 106}, {59, 2222}, {61, 2380}, {62, 2381}, {63, 6061}, {64, 5896}, {65, 229}, {66, 15116}, {67, 141}, {68, 7505}, {69, 206}, {75, 21430}, {76, 2367}, {81, 105}, {83, 3203}, {86, 675}, {97, 418}, {99, 690}, {100, 643}, {101, 163}, {102, 283}, {103, 1790}, {107, 648}, {108, 162}, {109, 1813}, {112, 1625}, {115, 3044}, {116, 3046}, {126, 3048}, {140, 10264}, {143, 195}, {148, 16278}, {149, 19642}, {159, 12220}, {165, 9904}, {183, 9769}, {185, 17701}, {186, 7722}, {187, 352}, {190, 835}, {193, 1974}, {199, 22139}, {213, 2375}, {235, 22750}, {237, 2080}, {248, 9513}, {249, 512}, {250, 520}, {251, 694}, {255, 26701}, {270, 3562}, {274, 767}, {275, 30506}, {284, 2291}, {290, 36901}, {324, 436}, {325, 2857}, {333, 1311}, {343, 10192}, {351, 526}, {353, 574}, {355, 12889}, {371, 7598}, {372, 7599}, {373, 575}, {376, 541}, {378, 11472}, {381, 7699}, {382, 1539}, {384, 35399}, {385, 9418}, {386, 3031}, {389, 12227}, {395, 11134}, {396, 11137}, {402, 13212}, {403, 32123}, {467, 23233}, {468, 3564}, {476, 523}, {489, 30427}, {490, 30428}, {493, 13215}, {494, 13216}, {513, 1290}, {514, 2690}, {515, 2695}, {516, 2688}, {517, 1325}, {518, 2752}, {519, 2758}, {521, 2766}, {522, 2689}, {524, 2770}, {525, 935}, {539, 37943}, {543, 9144}, {546, 37472}, {548, 14677}, {549, 11694}, {550, 8718}, {560, 715}, {568, 12106}, {569, 3090}, {573, 34453}, {576, 9716}, {577, 26717}, {578, 3091}, {588, 8956}, {595, 849}, {599, 6325}, {620, 15357}, {631, 6699}, {632, 37471}, {645, 3952}, {647, 2715}, {649, 2702}, {650, 9090}, {660, 4599}, {663, 2701}, {664, 1305}, {667, 2703}, {668, 839}, {669, 805}, {670, 689}, {671, 5465}, {677, 23090}, {681, 823}, {685, 850}, {693, 2864}, {699, 1501}, {707, 18899}, {719, 1923}, {727, 2206}, {737, 3117}, {739, 1333}, {745, 1964}, {753, 3736}, {758, 12030}, {789, 799}, {813, 1252}, {825, 28860}, {826, 1287}, {827, 4611}, {833, 3888}, {840, 3286}, {841, 7464}, {846, 19655}, {858, 1503}, {859, 953}, {868, 6033}, {880, 4609}, {892, 8599}, {898, 4567}, {901, 1618}, {902, 1326}, {905, 2722}, {906, 36080}, {912, 2074}, {916, 2073}, {919, 5098}, {924, 10420}, {925, 1632}, {927, 4573}, {929, 4560}, {930, 13290}, {931, 4612}, {933, 13318}, {934, 1414}, {942, 1175}, {946, 37369}, {952, 3109}, {960, 1798}, {972, 1817}, {974, 1181}, {1010, 24809}, {1014, 15728}, {1019, 1308}, {1043, 2370}, {1055, 5060}, {1062, 9638}, {1098, 2975}, {1101, 2605}, {1109, 2606}, {1113, 2574}, {1114, 2575}, {1125, 13605}, {1151, 7601}, {1152, 7602}, {1154, 2070}, {1155, 11670}, {1157, 15907}, {1169, 2300}, {1171, 2054}, {1172, 8759}, {1173, 1493}, {1193, 38453}, {1194, 34945}, {1199, 5462}, {1205, 11574}, {1209, 9379}, {1216, 7512}, {1289, 2409}, {1291, 1510}, {1292, 2775}, {1293, 2776}, {1295, 2778}, {1296, 2434}, {1301, 2445}, {1302, 2407}, {1309, 5379}, {1310, 4592}, {1316, 2782}, {1320, 31523}, {1329, 9701}, {1340, 6142}, {1341, 6141}, {1370, 1660}, {1379, 5638}, {1380, 5639}, {1384, 9486}, {1396, 2376}, {1397, 17127}, {1408, 8686}, {1412, 1477}, {1415, 32693}, {1428, 7292}, {1434, 2369}, {1469, 32289}, {1473, 26910}, {1474, 9085}, {1478, 18968}, {1479, 12896}, {1498, 2935}, {1499, 2696}, {1506, 9697}, {1509, 2368}, {1531, 10296}, {1550, 36170}, {1553, 36172}, {1568, 3153}, {1593, 11439}, {1594, 9820}, {1599, 10132}, {1600, 10133}, {1619, 2063}, {1621, 2185}, {1633, 13397}, {1641, 10717}, {1649, 20404}, {1656, 9704}, {1657, 34584}, {1658, 18436}, {1691, 3231}, {1692, 3291}, {1698, 9587}, {1699, 9586}, {1793, 6326}, {1812, 26703}, {1853, 30744}, {1870, 19469}, {1897, 7452}, {1936, 23692}, {1946, 2714}, {1963, 19133}, {1971, 3289}, {1977, 18268}, {1992, 9084}, {2004, 21461}, {2005, 21462}, {2030, 9136}, {2051, 9562}, {2071, 2693}, {2072, 25739}, {2076, 8627}, {2106, 9455}, {2112, 2311}, {2175, 6015}, {2176, 35105}, {2177, 28559}, {2187, 29056}, {2193, 32726}, {2203, 2991}, {2223, 2711}, {2330, 5297}, {2341, 16554}, {2353, 28710}, {2365, 6514}, {2366, 3926}, {2382, 5009}, {2384, 3285}, {2393, 11416}, {2482, 11006}, {2644, 37135}, {2651, 3218}, {2682, 36174}, {2691, 3309}, {2692, 3667}, {2694, 6001}, {2700, 17209}, {2704, 8642}, {2705, 8643}, {2708, 37793}, {2709, 8644}, {2710, 18860}, {2717, 5536}, {2719, 23224}, {2720, 23189}, {2721, 16702}, {2723, 14956}, {2724, 14953}, {2725, 18206}, {2726, 5211}, {2727, 4091}, {2729, 6629}, {2740, 4786}, {2741, 26006}, {2746, 30234}, {2748, 6065}, {2754, 25083}, {2760, 3977}, {2769, 6332}, {2790, 36192}, {2794, 36163}, {2858, 14588}, {2859, 15413}, {2860, 7199}, {2861, 17139}, {2862, 30941}, {2863, 30939}, {2867, 3265}, {2868, 3266}, {2883, 11744}, {2886, 9702}, {2888, 10274}, {2892, 5596}, {2909, 7763}, {2915, 22136}, {2916, 35218}, {2917, 32338}, {2929, 22534}, {2937, 6101}, {2966, 6037}, {3016, 6787}, {3049, 9091}, {3052, 28531}, {3053, 15504}, {3056, 32290}, {3068, 8998}, {3069, 13990}, {3098, 7492}, {3100, 10118}, {3101, 10119}, {3108, 11205}, {3111, 9153}, {3129, 5611}, {3130, 5615}, {3133, 8883}, {3146, 13202}, {3147, 11411}, {3154, 31945}, {3219, 3955}, {3220, 22128}, {3229, 14602}, {3230, 5006}, {3258, 17511}, {3288, 14509}, {3357, 25564}, {3398, 37338}, {3428, 22583}, {3431, 4550}, {3511, 23180}, {3515, 12164}, {3517, 12160}, {3519, 18282}, {3520, 12038}, {3522, 10990}, {3523, 10984}, {3524, 11693}, {3525, 13336}, {3526, 20379}, {3529, 25712}, {3532, 15748}, {3533, 38725}, {3541, 15115}, {3542, 6193}, {3548, 11457}, {3565, 16680}, {3567, 7506}, {3574, 18428}, {3576, 11709}, {3579, 5951}, {3581, 7575}, {3589, 25328}, {3616, 11735}, {3618, 15118}, {3619, 5157}, {3620, 19126}, {3627, 37495}, {3628, 13353}, {3699, 9059}, {3732, 4241}, {3746, 7343}, {3747, 12031}, {3763, 6698}, {3796, 5621}, {3815, 9604}, {3818, 5169}, {3819, 15246}, {3832, 11424}, {3845, 13482}, {3851, 15046}, {3868, 13739}, {3869, 14529}, {3877, 17512}, {3909, 4585}, {3917, 6030}, {3939, 4627}, {4074, 10328}, {4215, 29009}, {4235, 30247}, {4238, 26706}, {4239, 15988}, {4242, 30250}, {4273, 28317}, {4296, 19505}, {4414, 5197}, {4557, 4629}, {4559, 8687}, {4584, 5384}, {4590, 9150}, {4600, 8709}, {4602, 9065}, {4603, 30670}, {4625, 34083}, {5008, 31609}, {5020, 5422}, {5026, 5108}, {5033, 8617}, {5050, 5544}, {5055, 15088}, {5070, 20396}, {5085, 5646}, {5091, 24617}, {5092, 5650}, {5094, 7703}, {5102, 31860}, {5104, 9831}, {5107, 13192}, {5111, 20977}, {5133, 23292}, {5135, 37633}, {5137, 33129}, {5138, 14996}, {5170, 8649}, {5189, 29012}, {5235, 9093}, {5250, 37032}, {5254, 9603}, {5285, 38822}, {5320, 37685}, {5333, 9103}, {5398, 19245}, {5418, 9677}, {5446, 34484}, {5449, 14940}, {5463, 11612}, {5464, 11613}, {5477, 6388}, {5505, 8542}, {5548, 32686}, {5562, 7488}, {5587, 9621}, {5597, 13208}, {5598, 13209}, {5603, 11723}, {5606, 17404}, {5612, 6105}, {5616, 6104}, {5618, 9200}, {5619, 9201}, {5641, 9141}, {5649, 35909}, {5661, 38352}, {5840, 10767}, {5846, 32298}, {5886, 12261}, {5890, 6644}, {5891, 18475}, {5899, 13391}, {5907, 13367}, {5943, 12834}, {5946, 13358}, {5965, 32223}, {5994, 6137}, {5995, 6138}, {6003, 34961}, {6011, 9810}, {6032, 11187}, {6043, 32911}, {6070, 22104}, {6093, 14653}, {6102, 11561}, {6150, 15770}, {6153, 11536}, {6197, 12661}, {6198, 12888}, {6200, 35299}, {6214, 12804}, {6215, 12803}, {6225, 30552}, {6233, 13242}, {6236, 32228}, {6240, 22660}, {6243, 37440}, {6284, 12374}, {6353, 6515}, {6368, 30716}, {6396, 35300}, {6413, 10962}, {6414, 10960}, {6467, 34470}, {6516, 13395}, {6528, 18831}, {6561, 9676}, {6564, 35834}, {6565, 35835}, {6574, 7259}, {6583, 18180}, {6617, 15324}, {6638, 23606}, {6640, 23294}, {6642, 7592}, {6676, 37636}, {6677, 11245}, {6739, 36154}, {6777, 30465}, {6778, 30468}, {6795, 9159}, {6816, 18925}, {6997, 11427}, {7058, 17135}, {7085, 26911}, {7256, 8706}, {7341, 36277}, {7354, 12373}, {7391, 31383}, {7417, 10753}, {7465, 37659}, {7476, 10101}, {7482, 10098}, {7487, 15473}, {7502, 23039}, {7503, 15056}, {7517, 16266}, {7519, 31670}, {7526, 15058}, {7527, 11430}, {7533, 18427}, {7542, 31831}, {7550, 10170}, {7556, 37478}, {7574, 19381}, {7577, 18474}, {7583, 19052}, {7584, 19051}, {7605, 25555}, {7666, 33541}, {7669, 14060}, {7689, 21844}, {7708, 8585}, {7715, 11566}, {7724, 10902}, {7725, 11824}, {7726, 11825}, {7779, 19558}, {7796, 18796}, {7799, 35568}, {8024, 19571}, {8025, 9108}, {8029, 12064}, {8041, 10329}, {8057, 22239}, {8151, 14695}, {8154, 14889}, {8200, 12466}, {8207, 12467}, {8220, 12894}, {8221, 12895}, {8227, 9622}, {8286, 24916}, {8287, 24955}, {8371, 30220}, {8537, 12596}, {8550, 37648}, {8584, 20192}, {8651, 10425}, {8673, 10423}, {8675, 9060}, {8681, 32127}, {8683, 8698}, {8690, 23831}, {8691, 23889}, {8705, 10510}, {8722, 34095}, {8758, 18609}, {8787, 9169}, {8911, 26912}, {8939, 19412}, {8943, 19413}, {8976, 13915}, {8994, 9540}, {9019, 19596}, {9027, 10102}, {9044, 9186}, {9064, 23347}, {9066, 23342}, {9073, 33295}, {9075, 30966}, {9080, 9182}, {9082, 27644}, {9101, 16285}, {9110, 18166}, {9126, 19902}, {9130, 9184}, {9160, 14270}, {9161, 23217}, {9162, 9202}, {9163, 9203}, {9171, 34539}, {9177, 15566}, {9208, 11636}, {9214, 10555}, {9301, 37914}, {9308, 37070}, {9514, 11794}, {9591, 31737}, {9626, 31738}, {9653, 10895}, {9666, 10896}, {9730, 11806}, {9781, 13861}, {9811, 13486}, {9818, 38396}, {9830, 14833}, {9833, 37444}, {9862, 35922}, {9919, 11414}, {9927, 16868}, {9937, 12271}, {9973, 15140}, {9996, 12501}, {10018, 12359}, {10111, 18912}, {10112, 14049}, {10203, 10227}, {10225, 15767}, {10263, 18378}, {10276, 34989}, {10294, 36852}, {10295, 15136}, {10298, 11202}, {10301, 21850}, {10303, 37515}, {10310, 12327}, {10516, 32274}, {10519, 32247}, {10533, 11417}, {10534, 11418}, {10537, 20243}, {10594, 11387}, {10601, 17809}, {10605, 15078}, {10610, 14128}, {10625, 12088}, {10627, 13564}, {10632, 10662}, {10633, 10661}, {10639, 32586}, {10640, 32585}, {10665, 10881}, {10666, 10880}, {10681, 11420}, {10682, 11421}, {10754, 25047}, {10766, 35901}, {10796, 12201}, {10942, 12905}, {10943, 12906}, {10989, 11645}, {11050, 15354}, {11078, 32461}, {11092, 32460}, {11107, 12528}, {11145, 13349}, {11146, 13350}, {11159, 11162}, {11176, 36255}, {11186, 13170}, {11199, 32437}, {11204, 35493}, {11248, 12381}, {11249, 12382}, {11250, 18439}, {11270, 33556}, {11328, 11842}, {11381, 12086}, {11423, 15024}, {11426, 15465}, {11499, 12334}, {11550, 31074}, {11559, 18364}, {11585, 12419}, {11656, 12243}, {11704, 34114}, {11793, 37126}, {11805, 15800}, {11820, 21312}, {11822, 12365}, {11823, 12366}, {11826, 12371}, {11827, 12372}, {11828, 12377}, {11829, 12378}, {11849, 35195}, {11898, 19154}, {12039, 29959}, {12068, 12079}, {12082, 37483}, {12084, 12290}, {12100, 22250}, {12113, 23240}, {12163, 32534}, {12225, 32330}, {12274, 12978}, {12275, 12979}, {12289, 18404}, {12293, 18504}, {12380, 15091}, {12588, 32243}, {12589, 32297}, {13015, 13055}, {13016, 13056}, {13163, 22051}, {13323, 16865}, {13348, 16661}, {13363, 15037}, {13364, 15038}, {13504, 15959}, {13509, 14961}, {13518, 19120}, {13558, 14687}, {13567, 19142}, {13582, 34306}, {13588, 15323}, {13596, 16194}, {13637, 13643}, {13757, 13762}, {13863, 30210}, {13935, 13969}, {13951, 13979}, {14008, 17188}, {14061, 15359}, {14133, 33021}, {14153, 20965}, {14247, 32027}, {14357, 36833}, {14360, 14928}, {14499, 14807}, {14500, 14808}, {14508, 36164}, {14528, 33537}, {14538, 34008}, {14539, 34009}, {14586, 32692}, {14590, 14696}, {14605, 35297}, {14606, 38366}, {14616, 24346}, {14651, 33511}, {14652, 34218}, {14658, 35006}, {14733, 21789}, {14781, 23105}, {14913, 21637}, {14933, 16169}, {14966, 26714}, {14981, 18337}, {14987, 37227}, {14998, 23969}, {15026, 32136}, {15028, 36752}, {15047, 22462}, {15069, 37638}, {15082, 20190}, {15138, 19374}, {15311, 16386}, {15322, 35342}, {15345, 32749}, {15431, 19124}, {15438, 37201}, {15439, 23067}, {15453, 35189}, {15535, 38224}, {15545, 15561}, {15731, 35997}, {15766, 36254}, {16039, 20626}, {16105, 37498}, {16168, 36193}, {16176, 25331}, {16238, 26879}, {16261, 31861}, {16270, 19347}, {16659, 23335}, {16806, 35337}, {16807, 35336}, {16876, 28838}, {16981, 37517}, {17167, 26708}, {17187, 28485}, {17222, 33628}, {17414, 32694}, {17455, 34079}, {17524, 28173}, {17714, 37484}, {17821, 17835}, {17977, 32849}, {18331, 33512}, {18358, 37454}, {18381, 32743}, {18403, 30522}, {18435, 18570}, {18488, 35482}, {18829, 33514}, {18916, 18932}, {19118, 19588}, {19119, 32241}, {19123, 32249}, {19125, 32251}, {19129, 32272}, {19131, 32275}, {19132, 32276}, {19134, 32293}, {19135, 32294}, {19137, 32300}, {19167, 19189}, {19171, 32258}, {19185, 19195}, {19406, 19507}, {19407, 19508}, {19424, 19482}, {19425, 19483}, {19440, 19484}, {19441, 19485}, {19459, 26206}, {19478, 22758}, {19576, 36214}, {19924, 37901}, {20063, 29317}, {20301, 38317}, {20766, 20877}, {20987, 26284}, {20999, 36942}, {21008, 25435}, {21294, 23674}, {21444, 23216}, {21663, 37941}, {22135, 33652}, {22333, 22334}, {22528, 36982}, {22648, 33499}, {22649, 33501}, {23208, 28724}, {23235, 31854}, {23344, 28210}, {23390, 23861}, {23582, 32725}, {23698, 36181}, {23700, 35296}, {23832, 28218}, {23878, 36886}, {23964, 32687}, {23967, 36904}, {23997, 29055}, {24000, 36068}, {24041, 36066}, {24281, 30927}, {24542, 25536}, {24550, 29310}, {24987, 37152}, {25577, 28868}, {25738, 26917}, {26156, 26926}, {26227, 27958}, {26257, 35301}, {26733, 36075}, {26874, 26880}, {26875, 26886}, {26889, 27003}, {26890, 27065}, {26898, 37068}, {28624, 32656}, {28708, 36851}, {29181, 37900}, {29300, 37619}, {29330, 36015}, {29352, 35983}, {30212, 37964}, {30528, 32733}, {30715, 30717}, {31133, 36990}, {31378, 31379}, {31626, 32078}, {31874, 34209}, {32072, 32563}, {32073, 32570}, {32074, 32434}, {32124, 37969}, {32225, 37907}, {32262, 37485}, {32264, 34774}, {32267, 37909}, {32315, 32599}, {32428, 32439}, {32445, 32547}, {32515, 37906}, {32608, 37922}, {32640, 32681}, {32676, 32691}, {33543, 35446}, {33586, 37672}, {33852, 33883}, {33873, 33876}, {34146, 37929}, {34150, 36169}, {34380, 37897}, {34381, 37963}, {34382, 37777}, {34394, 36759}, {34395, 36760}, {34783, 37814}, {34830, 38535}, {35002, 37916}, {35056, 35057}, {35447, 38623}, {36034, 36064}, {36065, 36084}, {36070, 36142}, {36078, 36134}, {37496, 37924}, {37649, 37990}
X(110) is the {X(5),X(49)}-harmonic conjugate of X(54). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(110), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(110) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,399), (20,146), (23,323), (1495,3292)
X(110) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (3,1511), (4,113), (23,1495), (67,141), (74,3), (265,5), (382,1539), (895,6), (1177,206), (3580,468)
X(110) = circumcircle-antipode of X(74)
X(110) = isogonal conjugate of X(523)
X(110) = isotomic conjugate of X(850)
X(110) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(99)
X(110) = inverse of X(2) in the Brocard circle
X(110) = complement of X(3448)
X(110) = anticomplement of X(125)
X(110) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (249,6), (250,3)
X(110) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,520), (5,523), (6,512), (141,525)
X(110) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,59), (3,250), (6,249), (109,162), (351,111), (512,6), (520,3), (523,54), (526,74)
X(110) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,148), (512,647), (520,647)
X(110) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(115)X(125)
X(110) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,245), (2,125), (3,246), (4,247)
X(110) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,759), (643,643)
X(110) = X(23)-of-1st-Brocard triangle
X(110) = X(111)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(110) = X(323)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(110) = X(137)-of-excentral-triangle
X(110) = X(128)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(110) = trilinear pole of the Brocard axis
X(110) = trilinear pole of PU(29) (see ETC→Tables→Bicentric Pairs)
X(110) = crosssum of polar circle intercepts of Euler line
X(110) = perspector of ABC and vertex-triangle of anticevian triangles of X(3) and X(6)
X(110) = Johnson-circumconic antipode of X(265)
X(110) = MacBeath-circumconic antipode of X(895)
X(110) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,PU(2)}
X(110) = intersection of trilinear polars of P(2) and U(2)
X(110) = intersection of tangents to Steiner circumellipse at X(99) and X(648)
X(110) = crosspoint of X(99) and X(648)
X(110) = reflection of X(476) in the Euler line
X(110) = reflection of X(691) in the Brocard axis
X(110) = reflection of X(23) in the Lemoine axis
X(110) = reflection of X(1290) in line X(1)X(3)
X(110) = reflection of X(111) in line X(3)X(351)
X(110) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(136)
X(110) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(114)
X(110) = inverse-in-Moses-radical-circle of X(2715)
X(110) = inverse-in-O(15,16) of X(843), where O(15,16) is the circle having segment X(15)X(16) as diameter
X(110) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,1577), (92,647), (1577,6)
X(110) = perspector of circumorthic triangle and Johnson triangle (the reflection triangles of X(4) and X(3), resp.)
X(110) = trilinear product of vertices of circumtangential triangle
X(110) = {X(3),X(156)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1614)
X(110) = orthocentroidal-to-ABC similarity image of X(2)
X(110) = 4th-Brocard-to-circumsymmedial similarity image of X(2)
X(110) = isogonal conjugate of isotomic conjugate of trilinear pole of line X(2)X(6)
X(110) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, C, of the circumcircle and Johnson circumconic
X(110) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, C, of the circumcircle and MacBeath circumconic
X(110) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, C, of the circumcircle and circumconic {A,B,C,PU(5)}}
X(110) = Collings transform of X(5)
X(110) = Collings transform of X(6)
X(110) = intersection of tangents at X(61) and X(62) to the Napoleon-Feuerbach cubic K005
X(110) = SR(PU(4))
X(110) = insimilicenter of nine-point circle and sine-triple-angle circle
X(110) = insimilicenter of circumcircle and nine-point circle of tangential triangle; the exsimilicenter is X(1614)
X(110) = X(7972)-of-Trinh-triangle
X(110) = Ψ(X(i), X(j)) for these (i,j): (1,21), (2,6), (3,49), (4,2), (5,51), (6,3), (7,21), (8,21), (9,21), (19,1), (53,5), (54,3), (64,3), (65,1), (66,3), (67,3), (68,3), (69,3), (73,3), (74,3), (75,1), (76,2), (93,4), (95,54), (115,125), (190,99), (250,186)
X(110) = X(110)-of-1st-Parry-triangle
X(110) = X(74)-of-2nd-Parry-triangle
X(110) = center of similitude of ABC and 1st Parry triangle
X(110) = inverse-in-Parry-isodynamic-circle of X(111); see X(2)
X(110) = barycentric product of PU(i) for these i: 78, 145
X(110) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of outer and inner Napoleon triangles
X(110) = X(6792)-of-4th-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(110) = X(111)-of-anti-Artzt-triangle
X(110) = perspector of circumcevian triangle of X(36) and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd circumperp triangle
X(110) = perspector of circumcevian triangle of X(187) and cross-triangle of ABC and circumsymmedial triangle
X(110) = Kiepert image of X(3)
X(110) = Jerabek image of X(2)
X(110) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(14264)
X(110) = endo-homothetic center of X(2)-altimedial and X(2)-anti-altimedial triangles
X(110) = endo-homothetic center of X(20)-altimedial and X(3)-anti-altimedial triangles
X(110) = Thomson isogonal conjugate of X(30)
X(110) = Lucas isogonal conjugate of X(30)
X(110) = center of the perspeconic of these triangles: inner and outer Napoleon
X(110) = intersection of antipedal lines of X(1113) and X(1114)
X(110) = X(104)-of-circumorthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(110) = perspector, wrt circumorthic triangle, of polar circle
X(110) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(21)
X(110) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(6)
X(110) = barycentric product X(6)*X(99)
X(110) = barycentric product of Steiner circumellipse intercepts of Brocard axis
X(110) = Feuerbach point of the tangential triangle if ABC is acute; otherwise, a vertex of the Feuerbach triangle of the tangential triangle
X(110) = barycentric product of MacBeath circumconic intercepts of Euler line
X(110) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(1768)
X(110) = intouch-to-ABC functional image of X(11)
X(110) = trilinear pole, wrt circumtangential triangle, of Euler line
X(110) = trilinear pole, wrt 1st Parry triangle, of Lemoine axis
X(110) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(21)
X(110) = de-Longchamps-circle-inverse of X(34186)
X(110) = antipode of X(3580) in Walsmith rectangular hyperbola
X(110) = orthocenter of X(6)X(74)X(3569)
X(110) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(38480)
Let L be a line tangent to the Brocard circle. Let P be the trilinear pole of L, and let P' be the isogonal conjugate of P. As L varies, P' traces a parabola with focus at X(111). The parabola meets the line at infinity at X(524). Also, X(111) is the QA-P4 center (Isogonal Center) of quadrangle X(13)X(14)X(15)X(16) (see Also, let A' = BC∩X(115)X(125), and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(111). (Randy Hutson, October 13, 2015)
Let A″B″C″ be the 2nd Ehrmann triangle. Let Pa be the pole of line B″C″ wrt the A-Ehrmann circle, and define Pb and Pc cyclically. Let Pa' be the pole of line BC wrt the A-Ehrmann circle, and define Pb' and Pc' cyclically. The lines APaPa', BPbPb', CPcPc' concur in X(111). Also, let A* be the trilinear pole of line B″C″, and define B*, C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(111). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A1B1C1 and A3B3C3 be the 1st and 3rd Parry triangles. Let A' be the barycentric product A1*A3, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(111). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' and A″B″C″ be the 4th Brocard and 4th anti-Brocard triangles, resp. Let A* be the barycentric product A'*A'', and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(111). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
X(111) lies on the Parry circle and these lines: {1, 8691}, {2, 99}, {3, 1296}, {4, 1560}, {5, 10748}, {6, 110}, {11, 10779}, {15, 9202}, {16, 9203}, {20, 20187}, {22, 2079}, {23, 187}, {24, 8428}, {25, 112}, {30, 2696}, {32, 1383}, {37, 100}, {39, 7711}, {42, 101}, {51, 10558}, {55, 6019}, {56, 3325}, {74, 2433}, {76, 16055}, {98, 1637}, {102, 2819}, {103, 2824}, {104, 2830}, {105, 2837}, {106, 2843}, {107, 393}, {108, 1880}, {109, 1400}, {125, 35902}, {140, 38806}, {141, 36883}, {182, 353}, {183, 9066}, {184, 3048}, {186, 10098}, {230, 476}, {232, 1304}, {251, 827}, {263, 9463}, {265, 14846}, {308, 689}, {316, 35569}, {323, 2987}, {325, 2858}, {351, 2492}, {352, 511}, {376, 30256}, {381, 6032}, {382, 38799}, {385, 892}, {468, 935}, {477, 5915}, {493, 1306}, {494, 1307}, {512, 843}, {513, 2721}, {514, 2729}, {515, 2735}, {516, 2740}, {517, 2746}, {518, 2753}, {519, 2759}, {520, 2763}, {521, 2767}, {522, 2768}, {523, 2770}, {524, 6082}, {526, 9184}, {538, 5971}, {542, 6791}, {548, 38798}, {550, 38797}, {576, 8600}, {612, 15322}, {631, 38804}, {647, 842}, {649, 2712}, {650, 2752}, {667, 35107}, {669, 5970}, {675, 26273}, {694, 805}, {729, 5027}, {739, 5040}, {741, 3572}, {755, 5113}, {759, 23894}, {831, 1961}, {840, 5098}, {850, 2868}, {858, 24855}, {880, 34087}, {898, 5291}, {901, 17735}, {902, 2054}, {907, 1180}, {919, 20989}, {925, 2165}, {927, 37798}, {930, 2963}, {931, 941}, {932, 16606}, {933, 8882}, {934, 1427}, {1055, 2701}, {1084, 14948}, {1113, 8106}, {1114, 8105}, {1171, 6578}, {1194, 3108}, {1239, 6572}, {1241, 35567}, {1287, 10416}, {1289, 6353}, {1290, 3290}, {1291, 14579}, {1292, 4220}, {1293, 9526}, {1294, 9529}, {1295, 9531}, {1297, 13114}, {1302, 3018}, {1305, 26252}, {1310, 17019}, {1340, 6141}, {1341, 6142}, {1344, 8427}, {1345, 8426}, {1350, 33979}, {1379, 5639}, {1380, 5638}, {1495, 1976}, {1499, 6093}, {1611, 36616}, {1640, 14932}, {1645, 9468}, {1648, 9140}, {1657, 38800}, {1691, 32694}, {1692, 35265}, {1799, 6573}, {1992, 10552}, {2080, 13225}, {2177, 5147}, {2248, 33774}, {2291, 5075}, {2373, 9979}, {2374, 9131}, {2378, 6138}, {2379, 6137}, {2393, 5166}, {2408, 9084}, {2444, 9135}, {2469, 14899}, {2470, 35607}, {2690, 3011}, {2691, 37959}, {2697, 6587}, {2698, 3288}, {2703, 3230}, {2713, 3331}, {2748, 5524}, {2760, 3239}, {2766, 5089}, {2782, 9775}, {2981, 10409}, {2998, 3222}, {3003, 9060}, {3016, 9160}, {3055, 10276}, {3060, 10559}, {3090, 38807}, {3098, 8617}, {3143, 34171}, {3146, 38801}, {3163, 5304}, {3430, 28295}, {3448, 6388}, {3457, 5995}, {3458, 5994}, {3522, 38803}, {3542, 30251}, {3815, 30537}, {3832, 38802}, {3920, 9281}, {4231, 26706}, {4240, 6531}, {4563, 25047}, {4588, 28658}, {5012, 10485}, {5024, 9155}, {5033, 7712}, {5038, 5643}, {5085, 14688}, {5092, 14660}, {5099, 30718}, {5108, 5969}, {5169, 18424}, {5182, 35356}, {5251, 29351}, {5468, 10754}, {5475, 11640}, {5477, 9143}, {5622, 35901}, {5916, 9200}, {5917, 9201}, {6034, 7698}, {6037, 9154}, {6083, 20461}, {6094, 9080}, {6128, 7736}, {6151, 10410}, {6200, 7598}, {6221, 7601}, {6323, 9208}, {6325, 9769}, {6339, 20080}, {6396, 7599}, {6398, 7602}, {6781, 37901}, {7467, 14678}, {7485, 34866}, {7492, 8588}, {7496, 8589}, {7575, 32229}, {7606, 10166}, {7610, 9829}, {7792, 9069}, {7954, 14075}, {8030, 38020}, {8429, 37930}, {8586, 9225}, {8644, 9136}, {8651, 14659}, {8652, 28625}, {8681, 15387}, {8707, 14624}, {8709, 27809}, {8744, 10422}, {8859, 18818}, {8869, 19121}, {9059, 26244}, {9067, 26243}, {9070, 26242}, {9076, 22105}, {9091, 16098}, {9096, 26241}, {9126, 19901}, {9137, 10102}, {9159, 9828}, {9169, 9830}, {9176, 13233}, {9189, 18007}, {9206, 11081}, {9207, 11086}, {9605, 30734}, {9810, 14126}, {9831, 12434}, {10304, 37749}, {10313, 10420}, {10560, 11002}, {10645, 14704}, {10646, 14705}, {11175, 36213}, {11215, 11622}, {11332, 21444}, {11632, 14694}, {11635, 38463}, {11639, 31489}, {11645, 11647}, {12041, 35447}, {12149, 25424}, {12212, 31609}, {12834, 14153}, {13397, 26253}, {13398, 26283}, {14733, 17966}, {15018, 30535}, {15066, 35575}, {15271, 34227}, {15360, 15993}, {16081, 22456}, {16167, 16310}, {16318, 22239}, {16806, 21461}, {16807, 21462}, {19561, 28895}, {21906, 34574}, {23297, 33013}, {23701, 30209}, {30249, 33630}, {31884, 37751}, {32237, 38010}, {32526, 35002}, {32849, 35574}, {34079, 36069}, {34482, 34572}, {36066, 36085}, {36201, 36203}, {36894, 37643}
X(111) = reflection of X(1296) in X(3)
X(111) = isogonal conjugate of X(524)
X(111) = isotomic conjugate of X(3266)
X(111) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(353)
X(111) = anticomplement of X(126)
X(111) = cevapoint of X(6) and X(187)
X(111) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (23,251), (187,6), (351,110)
X(111) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(351)X(690)
X(111) = perspector of ABC and the triangle formed by the reflections of line PU(7) in the sides of ABC
X(111) = point of intersection, other than A, B, C, of circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(6)}}
X(111) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(512)
X(111) = Λ(X(2), X(6))
X(111) = Ψ(X(i),X(j)) for these (i,j): (6,512), (21,650), (190,10)
X(111) = trilinear pole wrt circumsymmedial triangle of Brocard axis
X(111) = trilinear pole wrt circummedial triangle of line X(2)X(6)
X(111) = X(110)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(111) = X(23)-of-4th-Brocard-triangle
X(111) = X(352)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(111) = X(138)-of-excentral-triangle
X(111) = reflection of X(2770) in the Euler line
X(111) = reflection of X(843) in the Brocard axis
X(111) = reflection of X(2721) in line X(1)X(3)
X(111) = reflection of X(110) in line X(3)X(351)
X(111) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(1560)
X(111) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(115)
X(111) = inverse-in-Moses-radical-circle of X(842)
X(111) = inverse-in-circle-O(15,16) of X(691)
X(111) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(5467)
X(111) = SR(P,U), where P and U are the circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(6)
X(111) = one of two harmonic traces of the McCay circles; X(2) is the other
X(111) = X(1296)-of-1st-Parry-triangle
X(111) = X(111)-of-2nd-Parry-triangle
X(111) = X(691)-of-3rd-Parry-triangle
X(111) = center of similitude of ABC and 2nd Parry triangle
X(111) = inverse-in-Parry-isodynamic-circle of X(110); see X(2)
X(111) = 3rd-Parry-to-circumsymmedial similarity image of X(352)
X(111) = center of similitude of ABC and circumsymmedial triangle of Artzt triangle
X(111) = eigencenter of circumtangential triangle
X(111) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 2nd Brocard triangle
X(111) = X(2)-of-4th-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(111) = anti-Artzt-to-4th-anti-Brocard similarity image of X(2)
X(111) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(1499)
X(111) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(1499)
X(111) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(14262)
X(111) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(13608)
X(111) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(14210)
X(111) = inverse-in-circle-{X(1687),X(1688),PU(1),PU(2)}} of X(32694)
X(111) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(523)
X(111) = inverse-in-Stevanovic-circle of X(2758)
X(111) = trilinear pole, wrt Thomson triangle, of line X(6)X(5646)
X(111) = trilinear pole, wrt 2nd Parry triangle, of line X(511)X(3569)
X(111) = areal center of pedal triangles of PU(7)
X(111) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(15899)
X(111) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(15899)
X(111) = McCay-bisector-circle-inverse of X(2)
If the line X(4)X(6) is reflected in every side of triangle ABC, then the reflections concur in X(112). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let P be a point on the van Aubel line other than X(4). Let A' be the reflection of P in BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of AA'B', BC'A', and CA'B' concur at X(112). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let Q be a point on the Euler line other than X(2). Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of Q. Let A″ be the {B,C}-harmonic conjugate of A' (or equivalently, A″ = BC∩B'C'), and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The circumcircles of AB″C″, BC″A″, CA″B″ concur in X(112). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A', B', C' be the intersections of the orthic axis and lines BC, CA, AB, respectively. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(112). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A' be the reflection of X(6) in BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(112). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the circummedial triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(112). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let L1 be the line that is the barycentric product of the Euler line and P(4). Let L2 be the line that is the barycentric product of the Euler line and U(4). Then X(112) = L1∩L2. (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(112) lies on these lines: {1, 10705}, {2, 127}, {3, 1297}, {4, 32}, {5, 10749}, {6, 74}, {10, 13280}, {11, 10780}, {12, 13295}, {19, 759}, {20, 10316}, {21, 26703}, {22, 3162}, {23, 14580}, {24, 2079}, {25, 111}, {27, 675}, {28, 105}, {29, 1311}, {30, 2697}, {31, 2249}, {33, 609}, {34, 7031}, {35, 13116}, {36, 13117}, {39, 3520}, {48, 26701}, {50, 477}, {53, 1141}, {54, 217}, {55, 6020}, {56, 3320}, {58, 103}, {69, 2366}, {83, 37125}, {97, 34579}, {99, 648}, {100, 162}, {101, 4249}, {102, 284}, {104, 1108}, {106, 1474}, {107, 1637}, {108, 1415}, {109, 163}, {110, 1625}, {165, 12408}, {172, 6198}, {182, 12207}, {184, 26717}, {186, 187}, {193, 35940}, {216, 11587}, {230, 403}, {246, 19504}, {249, 10425}, {250, 691}, {251, 427}, {264, 2367}, {283, 2365}, {286, 767}, {297, 2857}, {340, 35568}, {371, 19094}, {372, 19093}, {376, 577}, {381, 19163}, {382, 19160}, {384, 1235}, {385, 2868}, {389, 16225}, {393, 571}, {402, 13281}, {420, 8623}, {451, 5277}, {462, 34376}, {463, 34374}, {468, 2770}, {476, 2501}, {493, 13298}, {494, 13299}, {511, 2710}, {512, 2715}, {513, 2722}, {515, 12784}, {516, 2741}, {517, 2747}, {518, 2754}, {519, 2760}, {520, 2764}, {522, 2769}, {523, 935}, {525, 2867}, {574, 14388}, {601, 29056}, {607, 28471}, {631, 34841}, {647, 1304}, {650, 2766}, {651, 13395}, {652, 2762}, {653, 1305}, {662, 1310}, {669, 9091}, {670, 35567}, {681, 36126}, {685, 6037}, {689, 6331}, {692, 36080}, {693, 2859}, {699, 11325}, {729, 1974}, {733, 11380}, {739, 2203}, {741, 1973}, {755, 1843}, {789, 811}, {805, 9218}, {831, 35338}, {835, 1897}, {839, 6335}, {843, 2030}, {898, 5379}, {907, 1634}, {915, 5317}, {917, 8747}, {925, 4226}, {927, 17925}, {930, 35318}, {933, 14586}, {934, 4565}, {953, 3285}, {972, 3194}, {1003, 9308}, {1021, 2765}, {1033, 5897}, {1113, 8105}, {1114, 8106}, {1287, 30716}, {1289, 1632}, {1290, 6591}, {1292, 9523}, {1293, 9527}, {1295, 2193}, {1296, 5467}, {1299, 1609}, {1301, 1624}, {1302, 4240}, {1309, 17926}, {1326, 2700}, {1344, 8426}, {1345, 8427}, {1370, 8879}, {1396, 15728}, {1414, 6183}, {1459, 2727}, {1461, 36079}, {1498, 15324}, {1506, 6143}, {1529, 19158}, {1562, 2777}, {1576, 2492}, {1593, 12145}, {1594, 7745}, {1597, 15433}, {1614, 14585}, {1691, 2211}, {1692, 23700}, {1826, 2372}, {1870, 1914}, {1885, 5305}, {1886, 2688}, {1971, 3331}, {1983, 6011}, {1995, 34108}, {2071, 14961}, {2074, 2752}, {2138, 11413}, {2194, 32726}, {2212, 35106}, {2222, 7115}, {2291, 2299}, {2322, 2370}, {2331, 35192}, {2333, 28482}, {2354, 38453}, {2374, 6353}, {2378, 8739}, {2379, 8740}, {2380, 10642}, {2381, 10641}, {2383, 14576}, {2393, 34107}, {2421, 35575}, {2485, 10423}, {2548, 37119}, {2549, 19220}, {2687, 14571}, {2689, 3064}, {2690, 7649}, {2693, 3284}, {2694, 37960}, {2695, 8755}, {2699, 5006}, {2706, 3289}, {2708, 5060}, {2709, 9181}, {2713, 3049}, {2714, 3063}, {2716, 4282}, {2719, 22383}, {2720, 7252}, {2726, 37168}, {2728, 3737}, {2749, 20752}, {2755, 22356}, {2758, 8756}, {2761, 36054}, {2763, 3292}, {2862, 15149}, {2864, 17924}, {2966, 6528}, {3003, 32710}, {3043, 9696}, {3068, 13923}, {3069, 13992}, {3087, 6128}, {3098, 12503}, {3151, 18686}, {3164, 35952}, {3192, 4262}, {3199, 3518}, {3222, 17941}, {3286, 28838}, {3291, 37777}, {3428, 19159}, {3516, 9605}, {3545, 10314}, {3565, 11634}, {3567, 16224}, {3575, 19157}, {3576, 12265}, {3736, 28844}, {3815, 37118}, {4232, 9084}, {4233, 9061}, {4236, 13397}, {4241, 9057}, {4242, 9070}, {4246, 9058}, {4248, 9083}, {4267, 29206}, {4273, 28159}, {4276, 29045}, {4278, 29042}, {4559, 15439}, {4567, 35574}, {4570, 29241}, {4574, 29163}, {5007, 14865}, {5008, 13596}, {5009, 12032}, {5013, 35477}, {5017, 6403}, {5023, 32534}, {5024, 11410}, {5039, 19124}, {5041, 35478}, {5063, 35485}, {5094, 6032}, {5140, 14659}, {5206, 21844}, {5210, 35472}, {5254, 18560}, {5301, 36420}, {5412, 32420}, {5413, 32422}, {5475, 7577}, {5477, 18331}, {5597, 13229}, {5598, 13231}, {5649, 35911}, {5663, 22146}, {5702, 14482}, {5896, 34570}, {6000, 8779}, {6080, 32320}, {6081, 23090}, {6093, 15471}, {6099, 32698}, {6200, 35828}, {6239, 10881}, {6240, 27376}, {6284, 12955}, {6323, 8541}, {6396, 35829}, {6400, 10880}, {6587, 22239}, {6623, 37689}, {6644, 15355}, {6748, 13597}, {6749, 13338}, {6753, 7468}, {6781, 13619}, {6792, 12828}, {7054, 17512}, {7254, 24016}, {7354, 12945}, {7391, 13854}, {7435, 9107}, {7452, 9056}, {7471, 16167}, {7480, 9060}, {7502, 18472}, {7526, 26216}, {7746, 16868}, {7749, 14940}, {7750, 28724}, {7754, 37199}, {7772, 29322}, {7787, 37337}, {8362, 26224}, {8429, 36176}, {8537, 13330}, {8553, 8746}, {8673, 15388}, {8707, 36797}, {8719, 15576}, {8735, 19628}, {8748, 32706}, {8883, 23233}, {8889, 15437}, {8962, 15218}, {9073, 31905}, {9075, 31909}, {9078, 17520}, {9090, 18344}, {9103, 31902}, {9105, 31903}, {9108, 31900}, {9112, 11612}, {9113, 11613}, {9150, 18020}, {9161, 15463}, {9209, 31510}, {9540, 13918}, {10102, 11580}, {10310, 12340}, {10594, 15745}, {10632, 19781}, {10633, 19780}, {10985, 33842}, {11062, 11063}, {11107, 17916}, {11248, 13118}, {11249, 13119}, {11414, 12413}, {11822, 12478}, {11823, 12479}, {11824, 12805}, {11825, 12806}, {11826, 12925}, {11827, 12935}, {11828, 12996}, {11829, 12997}, {12084, 22120}, {12111, 23128}, {12150, 36794}, {12593, 23701}, {13238, 19127}, {13881, 35488}, {13935, 13985}, {14039, 32000}, {14577, 33643}, {14579, 33631}, {14907, 17907}, {15013, 30737}, {15311, 15341}, {15340, 18400}, {15344, 30733}, {15352, 16813}, {15513, 17506}, {15515, 23040}, {17943, 29329}, {18859, 22121}, {19121, 35924}, {21789, 32642}, {22329, 37855}, {23096, 38463}, {23590, 32646}, {23616, 38233}, {26704, 32653}, {26912, 35949}, {27377, 35920}, {28624, 32739}, {32643, 36067}, {32649, 32687}, {32675, 36078}, {32681, 32715}, {32692, 32734}, {32699, 35182}, {32700, 35183}, {32701, 35184}, {32703, 35185}, {32705, 35186}, {32707, 35187}, {32709, 32729}, {32711, 35189}, {32730, 34397}, {33513, 35178}, {34137, 34146}, {34205, 35569}, {34870, 35476}, {35902, 36201}, {36064, 36131}, {36065, 36104}
X(112) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,132), (1297,3)
X(112) = isogonal conjugate of X(525)
X(112) = isotomic conjugate of X(3267)
X(112) = anticomplement of X(127)
X(112) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (249,24), (250,25)
X(112) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (32,512), (427,523)
X(112) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (25,250), (512,4), (523,251)
X(112) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(122)X(125)
X(112) = barycentric product of X(1113) and X(1114)
X(112) = isogonal conjugate of isotomic conjugate of trilinear pole of Euler line
X(112) = point of intersection, other than A, B, C, of circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),PU(39)}}
X(112) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(25)
X(112) = X(647)-cross conjugate of X(6)
X(112) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(850) (line X(115)X(127))
X(112) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(850)
X(112) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(520)
X(112) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(3)
X(112) = trilinear pole wrt circumsymmedial triangle of line X(6)X(647)
X(112) = reflection of X(935) in the Euler line
X(112) = reflection of X(2715) in the Brocard axis
X(112) = reflection of X(2722) in line X(1)X(3)
X(112) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(115)
X(112) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(1560)
X(112) = inverse-in-Moses-radical-circle of X(1304)
X(112) = inverse-in-[circle with diameter X(15)X(16) and center X(187)] of X(842)
X(112) = inverse-in-circle-{X(1687),X(1688),PU(1),PU(2)} of X(2698)
X(112) = inverse-in-Stevanovic-circle of X(2766)
X(112) = X(139)-of-excentral-triangle
X(112) = barycentric product of PU(74)
X(112) = trilinear product of PU(108)
X(112) = eigencenter of circumnormal triangle
X(112) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(1503)
X(112) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(1503)
X(112) = perspector of circumcevian triangle of X(468) and cross-triangle of ABC and circumcevian triangle of X(25)
X(112) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(19)
X(112) = barycentric product X(3)*X(107)
X(112) = barycentric product X(4)*X(110)
X(112) = X(6)-of-1st-anti-orthosymmedial-triangle
X(112) = cevapoint of Jerabek hyperbola intercepts of Lemoine axis
X(112) = Ψ(X(i),X(j)) for these (i,j): (1,19), (2,3), (3,6), (4,6), (5,53), (6,25), (69,2), (76,4), (125,115)
X(112) = Vu circlecevian point of PU(39)
Centers X(113)-X(139)
Suppose that X is a point on the nine-point circle, and let X' be the reflection of X in the orthocenter, H. Then X is the anticenter of the cyclic quadrilateral ABCX'. Let HA be the orthocenter of triangle BCX, Let HB be the orthocenter of CAX, and let HC be the orthocenter of triangle ABX. Then the quadrilateral HHAHBHC is homothetic to and congruent to the cyclic quadrilateral ABCX', and X is the center of homothety. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let L be the line through A' parallel to the Euler line, and define M and N cyclically. Let L' be the reflection of L in sideline BC, and define M' and N' cyclically. The lines L', M', N' concur in X(113). (Randy Hutson, August 26, 2014)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let MA be the reflection of the orthic axis in line B'C', and define Let MB and Let MC cyclically. Let A'' = Let MB∩MC, and define B'' and C'' cyclically. The lines A'A'', B'B'' C'C'' concur in X(113). (Randy Hutson, August 26, 2014)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let NA be the orthic axis of AB'C', and define NB and NC cyclically. Let A'' = NB∩NC, B'' = NC∩AC, C'' = NA∩BC. Then triangle A''B''C'' is inversely similar to ABC, with similitude center X(6), and the lines A'A'', B'B'', C'C'' concur in X(113). Also, X(113) = X(3)-of-A''B''C''. (Randy Hutson, August 26, 2014)
X(113) lies on the bicevian conic of X(2) and X(110), the Walsmith rectangular hyperbola, and these lines: 2,74 3,122 4,110 5,125 6,13 11,942 52,135 114,690 123,960 127,141 137,546
X(113) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,110), (74,146), (265,399), (1553,3258)
X(113) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (52,1112), (125,5), (32110, 468)
X(113) = complementary conjugate of X(30)
X(113) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,30), (2,3003)
X(113) = crosspoint of X(4) and X(403)
X(113) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(526)X(686)
X(113) = nine-point-circle-antipode of X(125)
X(113) = X(74)-of-medial-triangle
X(113) = X(104)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(113) = X(186)-of-X(4)-Brocard-triangle
X(113) = center of rectangular circumhyperbola that passes through X(110)
X(113) = center of rectangular hyperbola {X(3),X(4),X(110),X(155),X(1351),X(1352),X(2574,X(2575)}}
X(113) = perpsector of circumconic centered at X(3003)
X(113) = inverse-in-polar-circle-of X(1300)
X(113) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(1302)
X(113) = anticenter of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(110)
X(113) = Λ(X(2),X(3))-with-respect-to-orthic-triangle
X(113) = barycentric product X(30)*X(3580)
X(113) = complement of X(74)
X(113) = reflection of X(3) in X(5972)
X(113) = antipode of X(3) in the bicevian conic of X(2) and X(110)
X(113) = antipode of X(52) in the Hatzipolakis-Lozada hyperbola
X(113) = orthopole of line X(3)X(523)
X(113) = perspector of Ehrmann mid-triangle and orthic triangle
X(113) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(104)
X(113) = antipode of X(32110) in Walsmith rectangular hyperbola
X(113) = orthocenter of X(6)X(125)X(3569)
X(113) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line PU(161) (line X(3)X(523))
X(113) = homothetic center of ABC and X(30)-Fuhrmann triangle
Trilinears bc[b sec(B + ω) + c sec(C + ω)] : :
Trilinears cos(B - C) cos 2ω - sin ω sin(A + ω) (Peter J. C. Moses, 9/12/03)
Barycentrics b sec(B + ω) + c sec(C + ω) : :
Barycentrics (b^4 + c^4 - a^2b^2 - a^2c^2)(2a^4 + b^4 + c^4 - a^2b^2 - a^2c^2 - 2b^2c^2) : :
X(114) is the QA-P30 center (Reflection of QA-P2 in QA-P11) of quadrangle ABCX(2) (see
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let La be the Lemoine axis of triangle AB'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Triangle A″B″C″ is inversely similar to ABC, with similicenter X(2). The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(114), which is X(3)-of-A″B″C″.
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the obverse triangle of X(69) and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(114) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(114) lies on the bicevian conic of X(2) and X(99), and on these lines: 2,98 3,127 4,99 5,39 25,135 52,211 113,690 132,684 136,427 325,511 381,543
X(114) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,99), (98,147)
X(114) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (3,620), (115,5)
X(114) = isogonal conjugate of X(2065)
X(114) = complement of X(98)
X(114) = complementary conjugate of X(511)
X(114) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,230), (4,511)
X(114) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(325)
X(114) = orthojoin of X(230)
X(114) = Moses-radical-circle-inverse of X(38975)
X(114) = nine-point-circle-antipode of X(115)
X(114) = X(98)-of-medial triangle
X(114) = X(103)-of-orthic triangle if ABC is acute
X(114) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(230)
X(114) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(230)
X(114) = center of rectangular hyperbola {X(4),X(76),X(99),X(376),X(487),X(488)}}
X(114) = X(1513)-of-1st-Brocard-triangle
X(114) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(3563)
X(114) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(110)
X(114) = center of inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of Brocard circle
X(114) = X(5)-of-1st-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(114) = anticenter of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(99)
X(114) = Λ(X(3), X(6)), wrt orthic triangle
X(114) = orthocenter of X(98)X(115)X(31953)
X(114) = centroid of mid-triangle of X(15)- and X(16)-Fuhrmann triangles
The circumcircle of the incentral triangle intersects the nine-point circle at 2 points, X(11) and X(115), and X(115) lies on the incentral circle and the cevian circle of every point on the Kiepert hyperbola. Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. The Brocard axes of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(115). Let P be a point on the Brocard circle, and let L be the line tangent to the Brocard circle at P. Let P' be the trilinear pole of L, and let P" be the isotomic conjugate of P'. As P varies, P" traces an ellipse with center at X(115). (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
Let La, Lb, Lc be the lines through A, B, C, resp. parallel to the Brocard axis. Let Ma, Mb, Mc be the reflections of BC, CA, AB in La, Lb, Lc, resp. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B', C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. Let A″B″C″ be the reflection of A'B'C' in the Brocard axis. The triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC, with center of homothety X(115); see Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008.
X(115) is the QA-P2 center (Euler-Poncelet Point) of quadrangle ABCX(2) (see
Let F be the Feuerbach point, X(11), and FaFbFc be the Feuerbach triangle (the extraversion triangle of X(11)). Let A' be the barycentric product F*Fa, and define B', C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(115). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Kiepert Hyperbola, showing X(115).
Roland H. Eddy and R. Fritsch, "The conics of Ludwig Kiepert: a comprehensive lesson in the geometry of the triangle," Mathematics Magazine 67 (1994) 188-205.
For a construction of X(115) as intersection point of four conics see Peter Moses, euclid 5328.
For an artistic design generated by X(115), see X(244).
X(115) lies on these curves: nine-point circle, Steiner inellipse, bicevian conic of X(2) and X(98), 3rd Lemoine circle, Moses circle, Moses-Parry circle, the cubics K203, K237, K239, K301, K392, K483, K599, K629, K886, K942, and on these lines: {1, 11725}, {2, 99}, {3, 2079}, {4, 32}, {5, 39}, {6, 13}, {8, 7983}, {10, 3029}, {11, 1015}, {12, 1500}, {15, 6771}, {16, 6774}, {17, 11602}, {18, 11603}, {20, 5206}, {25, 3455}, {30, 187}, {33, 9636}, {37, 3822}, {50, 231}, {53, 133}, {54, 9697}, {55, 9664}, {56, 9651}, {61, 16002}, {62, 16001}, {69, 7818}, {75, 21431}, {76, 626}, {83, 4027}, {100, 10769}, {110, 3044}, {116, 1086}, {117, 1901}, {118, 1834}, {119, 2092}, {120, 442}, {121, 1213}, {122, 2797}, {123, 2798}, {124, 1146}, {125, 245}, {127, 338}, {128, 233}, {129, 389}, {130, 24862}, {131, 216}, {135, 2970}, {136, 8901}, {140, 10992}, {141, 5969}, {142, 35074}, {147, 2548}, {149, 21341}, {172, 3585}, {182, 13517}, {183, 7761}, {193, 32827}, {194, 7752}, {213, 21935}, {226, 11608}, {232, 403}, {235, 3199}, {244, 23063}, {274, 17669}, {302, 14904}, {303, 14905}, {312, 34542}, {315, 7751}, {316, 385}, {321, 11611}, {325, 538}, {371, 8980}, {372, 13967}, {373, 27779}, {376, 8588}, {378, 21397}, {382, 3053}, {384, 5152}, {393, 6529}, {395, 530}, {396, 531}, {397, 22832}, {398, 22831}, {427, 1196}, {429, 20621}, {485, 1504}, {486, 1505}, {498, 9598}, {499, 9597}, {511, 15980}, {512, 2679}, {513, 35079}, {514, 35080}, {515, 11710}, {516, 20666}, {517, 5164}, {518, 35084}, {519, 10026}, {522, 35086}, {523, 5099}, {524, 5107}, {525, 34943}, {536, 35089}, {546, 5007}, {547, 3055}, {549, 3054}, {550, 15513}, {567, 9604}, {571, 31723}, {577, 2165}, {590, 6306}, {591, 13927}, {593, 1029}, {594, 4013}, {597, 3363}, {599, 19662}, {609, 18513}, {615, 6302}, {616, 11489}, {617, 11488}, {618, 6670}, {619, 6669}, {623, 31711}, {624, 31712}, {631, 13172}, {645, 26081}, {647, 3258}, {650, 5520}, {656, 35091}, {661, 2170}, {662, 24957}, {694, 34359}, {698, 5031}, {726, 20546}, {732, 5103}, {759, 21004}, {799, 25472}, {804, 1084}, {805, 31513}, {857, 35093}, {858, 3291}, {958, 13181}, {1007, 32984}, {1062, 9635}, {1078, 6655}, {1089, 16886}, {1107, 25639}, {1109, 21833}, {1111, 1577}, {1125, 11711}, {1131, 6568}, {1132, 6569}, {1141, 14586}, {1184, 5064}, {1194, 5133}, {1210, 24472}, {1211, 13466}, {1250, 13076}, {1281, 5051}, {1312, 8106}, {1313, 8105}, {1316, 8429}, {1329, 1574}, {1346, 8427}, {1347, 8426}, {1348, 2033}, {1349, 2034}, {1352, 5028}, {1365, 3708}, {1376, 13173}, {1384, 3830}, {1415, 13273}, {1478, 2242}, {1479, 2241}, {1503, 1692}, {1509, 6625}, {1513, 2021}, {1565, 4403}, {1568, 3289}, {1570, 3564}, {1571, 1698}, {1572, 1699}, {1573, 2886}, {1575, 3814}, {1587, 19055}, {1588, 19056}, {1597, 34809}, {1598, 9861}, {1609, 18534}, {1611, 34609}, {1650, 13179}, {1656, 5013}, {1657, 5023}, {1676, 2035}, {1677, 2036}, {1691, 29012}, {1737, 20461}, {1865, 2791}, {1914, 3583}, {1970, 13403}, {1971, 18400}, {1975, 3788}, {1990, 18809}, {1991, 13850}, {1992, 11161}, {1995, 13233}, {2028, 2039}, {2029, 2040}, {2030, 11645}, {2051, 9561}, {2072, 14961}, {2076, 29317}, {2086, 9427}, {2176, 24045}, {2238, 5526}, {2240, 5990}, {2245, 31841}, {2275, 7741}, {2276, 7951}, {2310, 15607}, {2321, 34528}, {2378, 5618}, {2379, 5619}, {2386, 5140}, {2387, 5167}, {2394, 14223}, {2395, 14998}, {2420, 12295}, {2475, 5277}, {2476, 5283}, {2489, 34978}, {2501, 12079}, {2502, 5642}, {2503, 5540}, {2566, 32481}, {2567, 32482}, {2643, 4092}, {2653, 12047}, {2770, 10415}, {2788, 5511}, {2789, 5510}, {2793, 5512}, {2896, 7911}, {2936, 5020}, {2963, 14367}, {2971, 4516}, {2980, 9233}, {2996, 3926}, {3003, 11799}, {3008, 35115}, {3011, 33329}, {3068, 19109}, {3069, 19108}, {3070, 5062}, {3071, 5058}, {3087, 20774}, {3090, 7738}, {3094, 7697}, {3096, 7933}, {3104, 16630}, {3105, 16631}, {3117, 22735}, {3136, 5513}, {3141, 16614}, {3153, 10313}, {3154, 9209}, {3229, 21531}, {3239, 35122}, {3271, 5509}, {3284, 10297}, {3290, 30447}, {3329, 7827}, {3438, 8742}, {3439, 8741}, {3448, 15342}, {3452, 35130}, {3454, 20532}, {3524, 12117}, {3526, 15815}, {3534, 5210}, {3545, 6054}, {3548, 15075}, {3552, 7857}, {3566, 34953}, {3589, 5026}, {3614, 31460}, {3618, 5182}, {3619, 33223}, {3627, 35007}, {3628, 31652}, {3695, 7230}, {3700, 24040}, {3721, 34829}, {3729, 27688}, {3735, 3944}, {3741, 23917}, {3785, 32982}, {3817, 21636}, {3825, 16604}, {3832, 5319}, {3836, 35118}, {3839, 5304}, {3840, 23918}, {3843, 5346}, {3845, 5008}, {3849, 8352}, {3850, 5041}, {3851, 9605}, {3856, 34571}, {3875, 27556}, {3912, 20337}, {3933, 7821}, {3934, 5976}, {3936, 17310}, {3948, 35126}, {3954, 21029}, {3972, 7806}, {3981, 21243}, {3992, 20483}, {4016, 21018}, {4037, 21057}, {4052, 34899}, {4129, 6547}, {4136, 22036}, {4428, 12326}, {4721, 24995}, {4995, 12354}, {5024, 5055}, {5034, 12177}, {5038, 25555}, {5046, 5985}, {5052, 5480}, {5054, 12355}, {5056, 31400}, {5065, 18537}, {5066, 9300}, {5068, 31404}, {5070, 31457}, {5071, 23234}, {5072, 14692}, {5076, 22331}, {5077, 7610}, {5079, 22332}, {5080, 5291}, {5097, 14160}, {5104, 19924}, {5111, 5965}, {5134, 17734}, {5149, 5989}, {5162, 5999}, {5169, 6032}, {5215, 27088}, {5275, 17532}, {5276, 17577}, {5298, 18969}, {5318, 5478}, {5321, 5479}, {5334, 6770}, {5335, 6773}, {5418, 9674}, {5432, 15452}, {5449, 8571}, {5463, 16645}, {5464, 16644}, {5466, 9180}, {5473, 11481}, {5474, 11480}, {5485, 5503}, {5515, 6377}, {5521, 8735}, {5552, 13189}, {5569, 8860}, {5585, 15688}, {5587, 9620}, {5590, 6320}, {5591, 6319}, {5599, 13176}, {5600, 13177}, {5603, 7970}, {5613, 18582}, {5617, 18581}, {5663, 15535}, {5705, 31442}, {5886, 11724}, {5912, 16092}, {5939, 7792}, {5972, 20998}, {5977, 26601}, {5980, 11304}, {5981, 11303}, {5986, 7394}, {5987, 7533}, {5992, 27040}, {6179, 7823}, {6201, 6226}, {6202, 6227}, {6328, 8574}, {6337, 32969}, {6381, 20541}, {6390, 31275}, {6392, 7758}, {6422, 31481}, {6423, 23251}, {6424, 23261}, {6528, 16081}, {6560, 13790}, {6561, 9675}, {6587, 16177}, {6683, 32992}, {6697, 33324}, {6704, 7859}, {6739, 8649}, {6748, 18402}, {6753, 16178}, {6776, 7694}, {6779, 16963}, {6780, 16962}, {6782, 10612}, {6783, 10611}, {6792, 9140}, {6794, 11005}, {7031, 18514}, {7051, 18975}, {7200, 35131}, {7257, 25685}, {7336, 8061}, {7486, 31450}, {7514, 9609}, {7576, 10985}, {7585, 13640}, {7586, 13760}, {7669, 11641}, {7684, 31701}, {7685, 31702}, {7728, 14849}, {7750, 7780}, {7754, 7759}, {7757, 7777}, {7760, 7785}, {7762, 7805}, {7763, 7781}, {7766, 7812}, {7767, 7873}, {7768, 7885}, {7769, 7783}, {7771, 7833}, {7774, 7775}, {7776, 7855}, {7778, 7801}, {7779, 7809}, {7782, 7907}, {7784, 7854}, {7786, 7864}, {7787, 7856}, {7789, 7874}, {7791, 7815}, {7793, 7802}, {7795, 7867}, {7796, 7912}, {7799, 7925}, {7800, 7935}, {7803, 7808}, {7807, 7816}, {7811, 7898}, {7814, 7906}, {7819, 7852}, {7822, 7866}, {7824, 7847}, {7831, 7924}, {7832, 7901}, {7836, 7899}, {7837, 7926}, {7839, 7858}, {7840, 11054}, {7846, 7932}, {7860, 7893}, {7865, 16990}, {7868, 33219}, {7869, 33283}, {7875, 7884}, {7876, 7918}, {7877, 7900}, {7878, 7920}, {7891, 7940}, {7892, 7942}, {7894, 7921}, {7896, 33290}, {7904, 7910}, {7905, 7941}, {7908, 32833}, {7915, 8363}, {7930, 14065}, {7931, 14046}, {7937, 16986}, {7939, 33289}, {7943, 16895}, {7988, 9592}, {7989, 9593}, {8029, 12076}, {8068, 13006}, {8145, 20387}, {8176, 11163}, {8182, 23055}, {8196, 12179}, {8203, 12180}, {8212, 12186}, {8213, 12187}, {8222, 13184}, {8223, 13185}, {8227, 9619}, {8253, 9600}, {8258, 25607}, {8259, 20394}, {8260, 20395}, {8265, 34845}, {8355, 22110}, {8362, 31239}, {8553, 12083}, {8573, 18535}, {8587, 17503}, {8597, 8859}, {8598, 32479}, {8623, 14957}, {8770, 30771}, {8779, 13851}, {8799, 12233}, {8882, 9378}, {8902, 20625}, {8960, 12962}, {8962, 15234}, {9114, 22578}, {9116, 22577}, {9151, 23301}, {9293, 10278}, {9302, 14492}, {9346, 11269}, {9479, 15449}, {9574, 31441}, {9603, 18350}, {9608, 13861}, {9650, 10895}, {9665, 10896}, {9669, 16781}, {9766, 22253}, {9855, 26613}, {9875, 25055}, {9881, 19875}, {9927, 23128}, {9971, 13249}, {10054, 10072}, {10056, 10070}, {10061, 10078}, {10062, 10077}, {10104, 32152}, {10151, 14581}, {10153, 32532}, {10175, 31398}, {10314, 18420}, {10315, 18406}, {10316, 18404}, {10317, 18403}, {10527, 13190}, {10531, 12189}, {10532, 12190}, {10575, 15575}, {10590, 31409}, {10638, 13075}, {10641, 12141}, {10642, 12142}, {10653, 16635}, {10654, 16634}, {10753, 14853}, {10893, 12182}, {10894, 12183}, {10986, 18559}, {10989, 11580}, {11056, 26257}, {11081, 15929}, {11082, 16807}, {11086, 15930}, {11087, 16806}, {11121, 11129}, {11122, 11128}, {11168, 15810}, {11231, 31443}, {11284, 34013}, {11287, 15271}, {11295, 22575}, {11296, 22576}, {11485, 13102}, {11486, 13103}, {11496, 12178}, {11539, 11614}, {11585, 22401}, {11625, 27550}, {11627, 27551}, {11680, 16975}, {11742, 15689}, {11897, 12181}, {12077, 30460}, {12100, 26614}, {12191, 14712}, {12900, 33512}, {13192, 15360}, {13479, 17983}, {13509, 25739}, {13540, 35111}, {13703, 13705}, {13823, 13825}, {13893, 31437}, {14023, 32006}, {14157, 15340}, {14269, 21309}, {14389, 30685}, {14585, 21659}, {14873, 23537}, {14907, 17008}, {14989, 32640}, {15081, 18331}, {15118, 32740}, {15538, 15545}, {15655, 15681}, {15903, 17056}, {16267, 22997}, {16268, 22998}, {16303, 18487}, {16317, 24855}, {16529, 16960}, {16530, 16961}, {16989, 33016}, {17006, 33273}, {17116, 27707}, {17423, 34952}, {17448, 24387}, {17677, 26244}, {17702, 32661}, {17757, 21956}, {18140, 33841}, {18472, 18564}, {18584, 19709}, {18591, 30445}, {18974, 19373}, {19053, 19058}, {19054, 19057}, {19102, 22502}, {19105, 22501}, {19106, 19780}, {19107, 19781}, {19905, 20423}, {20065, 32996}, {20595, 23912}, {20976, 24981}, {21138, 21253}, {21448, 32216}, {21674, 21816}, {21675, 21810}, {22425, 30449}, {22491, 22579}, {22492, 22580}, {22495, 22571}, {22496, 22572}, {22504, 22753}, {23288, 34206}, {23536, 27555}, {24345, 24711}, {24443, 30436}, {25561, 25562}, {26235, 31107}, {26363, 31456}, {26582, 27076}, {27318, 33061}, {27374, 27375}, {27570, 33932}, {27706, 33933}, {27966, 33940}, {28473, 34959}, {30466, 30469}, {30714, 35324}, {31411, 31412}, {31416, 31418}, {31422, 31423}, {31433, 31434}, {31448, 31501}, {31471, 31472}, {31477, 31479}, {31482, 31484}, {31490, 31493}, {31685, 31686}, {31689, 31691}, {31690, 31692}, {32190, 32476}, {32456, 35297}, {32490, 32494}, {32491, 32497}, {32822, 32955}, {32826, 32973}, {32829, 32988}, {32834, 33200}, {32838, 32990}, {32986, 34229}, {34989, 34990}
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let La be the Soddy line of triangle AB'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(116), which is X(3)-of-A″B″C″. (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(116) lies on the nine-point circle and these lines: 2,101 4,103 5,118 10,120 115,1086 119,142 121,141 124,928
X(116) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,103), (101,150)
X(116) = reflection of X(118) in X(5)
X(116) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(20974)
X(116) = complement of X(101)
X(116) = complementary conjugate of X(514)
X(116) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(514)
X(116) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22084)
X(116) = inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of X(3034)
X(116) = inverse-in-orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse of X(675)
X(116) = anticenter of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(103)
X(116) = Λ(Gergonne line), wrt orthic triangle
X(116) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(6586)
X(116) = X(101)-of-medial triangle.
Barycentrics h(a,b,c) : h(b,c,a) : h(c,a,b) where h(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(117) lies on the nine-point circle
X(117) = X(102)-of-medial triangle.
X(117) lies on these lines: 2,102 4,109 5,124 10,123 11,65 118,928 136,407
X(117) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,109), (102,151)
X(117) = reflection of X(124) in X(5)
X(117) = complement of X(102)
X(117) = complementary conjugate of X(515)
X(117) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(515)
X(117) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(32706)
X(117) = anticenter of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(109)
X(117) = Λ(X(1), X(4)), wrt orthic triangle
X(117) = Spieker-radical-circle inverse of X(34456)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let La be the Gergonne line of triangle AB'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(118), which is X(3)-of-A″B″C″. (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(118) lies on the nine-point circle and these lines: 2,103 4,101 5,116 11,226 117,928 122,440 136,430 381,544 516,910
X(118) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,101), (103,152)
X(118) = reflection of X(116) in X(5)
X(118) = complementary conjugate of X(516)
X(118) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(516)
X(118) = complement of X(103)
X(118) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(917)
X(118) = anticenter of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(101)
X(118) = X(103)-of-medial triangle.
X(118) = Λ(X(1), X(7)), wrt orthic triangle
X(118) = Λ(X(4), X(9)), wrt orthic triangle
Let Na = X(5)-BCX(1), Nb = X(5)-of-CAX(1), Nc = X(5)-of-ABX(1). Then X(119) = X(2071)-of-NaNbNc. (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let La be the antiorthic axis of AB'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, B″ = Lc∩La, C″ = La∩Lb. Then triangle A″B″C″ is inversely similar to ABC, with similicenter X(9). The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(119). Also, X(119) = X(3) of A″B″C″. (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
X(119) lies on these lines: 1,5 2,104 3,123 4,100 10,124 116,142 125,442 135,431 136,429 214,515 381,528 517,908
X(119) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,100), (104,153)
X(119) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (11,5), (3,3035)
X(119) = isogonal conjugate of X(15381)
X(119) = complement of X(104)
X(119) = complementary conjugate of X(517)
X(119) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(517)
X(119) = nine-point-circle-antipode of X(11)
X(119) = X(104)-of-medial triangle
X(119) = X(2072)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(119) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(915)
X(119) = anticenter of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(100)
X(119) = Λ(X(1), X(3)), wrt orthic triangle
X(119) = Λ(X(4), X(8)), wrt orthic triangle
X(119) = Spieker-radical-circle-inverse of X(34459)
X(119) = center of rectangular circumhyperbola passing through isogonal and isotomic conjugates of X(3657)
X(120) lies on the nine-point circle and these lines: 2,11 10,116 12,85 115,442
X(120) = complementary conjugate of X(518)
X(120) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(518)
X(120) = X(105)-of-medial triangle.
X(120) = complement of X(105)
X(120) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(3290)
X(120) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(3290)
X(120) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(3290)
X(120) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(20728)
X(120) = inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of X(3033)
X(120) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(100)
X(120) = X(1292)-of-Euler-triangle
X(120) = midpoint of X(4) and X(1292)
X(120) = Λ(X(1), X(6)), wrt orthic triangle
X(120) = orthopole of PU(44) (line X(3)X(667))
X(120) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line PU(44) (line X(3)X(667))
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b) where g(a,b,c) = (b + c - 2a)[b3 + c3 + a(b2 + c2) - 2bc(b + c)]
X(121) lies on the nine-point circle
X(121) = X(106)-of-medial triangle.
X(121) lies on these lines: 2,106 10,11 116,141
X(121) = complementary conjugate of X(519)
X(121) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(519)
X(121) = complement of X(106)
X(121) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22428)
X(121) = inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of X(3032)
X(121) = Λ(X(1), X(2)), wrt orthic triangle
X(121) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23644)
Barycentrics (b^2 - c^2)^2 (a^2 - b^2 - c^2)^2 (3 a^4 - 2 a^2 (b^2 + c^2) - (b^2 - c^2)^2) : :
X(122) lies on the nine-point circle, the cevian circle of X(20), and these lines: 2,107 3,113 5,133 118,440 125,684 138,233
X(122) = reflection of X(133) in X(5)
X(122) = isogonal conjugate of X(15384)
X(122) = complementary conjugate of X(520)
X(122) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,520), (253,525)
X(122) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (64,1301), (112,154)
X(122) = crosspoint of X(253) and X(525)
X(122) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(112)X(1301)
X(122) = X(107)-of-medial triangle
X(122) = center of the rectangular hyperbola that passes through A, B, C, and X(20)
X(122) = X(1293)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(122) = complement of X(107)
X(122) = perspector of orthic triangle and tangential triangle of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(3)}}
X(122) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(1301)
X(122) = inverse-in-orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse of X(1297)
X(122) = inverse-in-Moses-radical-circle of X(33504)
X(122) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(6587)
X(122) = barycentric product X(20)*X(15526) = X(20)*X(525)^2
X(122) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line X(3)X(64)
X(122) = orthopole of line X(3)X(64)
X(122) = Kirikami-six-circles image of X(20)
X(123) lies on the nine-point circle and hese lines: 2,108 3,119 10,117 113,960
X(123) = isogonal conjugate of X(15385)
X(123) = complement of X(108)
X(123) = complementary conjugate of X(521)
X(123) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(6588)
X(123) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(521)
X(123) = Spieker-radical-circle-inverse of X(34455)
X(123) = X(108)-of-medial triangle
X(123) = Stevanovic-circle-inverse of X(38972)
X(123) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1415)X(2443)
X(123) = trilinear product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3436, 7004}, {6332, 6588}
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where
= (b + c - a)(b - c)2 [(b + c)(b2 + c2
- a2 - bc) + abc]
X(124) lies on the nine-point circle
X(124) = X(109)-of-medial triangle
X(124) = center of the rectangular hyperbola that passes through A, B,
C, and X(58)
X(124) lies on these lines: 2,109 4,102 5,117 10,119 116,928
X(124) = midpoint of X(4) and X(102)
X(124) = reflection of X(117) in X(5)
X(124) = complementary conjugate of X(522)
X(124) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(522)
X(124) = complement of X(109)
X(124) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line X(3)X(10)
X(124) = orthopole of line X(3)X(10)
X(124) = focus of Mandart parabola
X(124) = anticenter of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(102)
X(124) = inverse-in-orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse of X(1311)
X(124) = Spieker-radical-circle-inverse of X(34458)
X(124) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(6589)
X(124) = Kirikami-six-circles image of X(58)
X(124) = center of rectangular circumhyperbola that is isogonal conjugate of line X(3)X(10)
Roland H. Eddy and R. Fritsch, "The conics of Ludwig Kiepert: a comprehensive lesson in the geometry of the triangle," Mathematics Magazine 67 (1994) 188-205.
X(125) is the pole of the Fermat axis with respect to the Dao-Moses-Telv circle. (Randy Hutson, December 14, 2014)
Let La, Lb, Lc be the lines through A, B, C, resp. parallel to the Euler line. Let Ma, Mb, Mc be the reflections of BC, CA, AB in La, Lb, Lc, resp. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B', C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. Let A″B″C″ be the reflection of A'B'C' in the Euler line. The triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC, with center of homothety X(125); see Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008. (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. The Euler lines of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(125). (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
X(125) lies on these curves: nine-point circle, Walsmith rectangular hyperbola, orthic inconic, symmedial circle, Johnson circumconic of the medial triangle, cevian circle of every point on the Jerabek hyperbola, and bicevian conic of X(2) and X(72). X(125) also lies on these lines: 2,98 3,131 4,74 5,113 6,67 51,132 68,1092 69,895 115,245 119,442 122,684 126,141 128,140 136,338 381,541 511,858
X(125) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,265), (4,74), (6,67), (110,3448)
X(125) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (113,5), (185,974), (1495,468), (1511,140), (1539,546)
X(125) = isogonal conjugate of X(250)
X(125) = isotomic conjugate of X(18020)
X(125) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(184)
X(125) = complement of X(110)
X(125) = complementary conjugate of X(523)
X(125) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,523), (66,512), (68,520), (69,525), (338,115)
X(125) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,523), (69,525), (338,339)
X(125) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,110), (25,112), (162,270), (1113,1114)
X(125) = crossdifference of every pair of points on the line X(110)X(112)
X(125) = X(115)-Hirst inverse of X(868)
X(125) = X(2)-line conjugate of X(110)
X(125) = orthopole of the Euler line
X(125) = perspector of orthic triangle and Schroeter triangle
X(125) = X(110)-of-medial triangle
X(125) = X(100)-of-orthic triangle, if ABC is acute
X(125) = X(858)-of-1st-Brocard triangle
X(125) = anticenter of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(74)
X(125) = Λ(X(230), X(231)), wrt orthic triangle
X(125) = anticomplement of X(5972)
X(125) = pole of Fermat axis wrt Dao-Moses-Telv circle
X(125) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(523)
X(125) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(647)
X(125) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(647)
X(125) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(647)
X(125) = trilinear pole wrt orthic triangle of van Aubel line
X(125) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(107)
X(125) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(98)
X(125) = inverse-in-orthosymmedial-circle of X(51)
X(125) = centroid of (degenerate) pedal triangle of X(74)
X(125) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these {i,j}: {4,1101}, {92,249}
X(125) = inverse-in-Hutson-Parry-circle of X(868)
X(125) = {X(13636),X(13722)}-harmonic conjugate of X(868)
X(125) = crosssum of MacBeath circumconic intercepts of Brocard axis
X(125) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(100)
X(125) = 1st-Brocard-isotomic conjugate of X(35901)
X(125) = antipode of X(1495) in Walsmith rectangular hyperbola
X(125) = orthocenter of X(6)X(113)X(3569)
X(125) = orthocenter of X(110)X(125)X(3569)
X(125) = orthocenter of X(1495)X(3569)X(3580)
X(125) = polar conjugate of X(23582)
X(125) = Moses-radical-circle-inverse of X(38974)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b) where g(a,b,c) = (2a2 - b2 - c2)[b4 + c4 + a2(b2 + c2) - 4b2c2]
X(126) lies on the nine-point circle
X(126) = X(111)-of-medial triangle.
X(126) lies on these lines: 2,99 125,141 625,858
X(126) = complement of X(111)
X(126) = complementary conjugate of X(524)
X(126) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(524)
X(126) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(3291)
X(126) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(3291)
X(126) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(3291)
X(126) = one of two intersections (X(3258) is the other) of the nine-point circle of ABC and the Parry circle of the X(2)-Brocard triangle
X(126) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(2374)
X(126) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(99)
X(126) = Λ(X(2), X(6)), wrt orthic triangle
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let La be the van Aubel line of triangle AB'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(127), which is X(3)-of-A″B″C″. (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(127) lies on the nine-point circle, the cevian circle of X(22), and on these lines: 2,112 3,114 5,132 113,141 115,338 133,381 125,140
X(127) = reflection of X(132) in X(5)
X(127) = isogonal conjugate of X(15388)
X(127) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(38356)
X(127) = complement of X(112)
X(127) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(525)
X(127) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(525)
X(127) = X(1292)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(127) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(2485)
X(127) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(2485)
X(127) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(2485)
X(127) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(1289)
X(127) = inverse-in-orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse of X(2373)
X(127) = X(112)-of-medial triangle
X(127) = center of the rectangular hyperbola that passes through A, B, C, and X(22)
X(127) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line X(3)X(66)
X(127) = orthopole of line X(3)X(66)
X(127) = Kirikami-six-circles image of X(22)
Barycentrics g(A,B,C) : g(B,C,A) : g(C,A,B) where g(A,B,C) = (sin A) f(A,B,C)
X(128) lies on the nine-point circle
X(128) = X(74)-of-orthic triangle.
X(128) lies on these lines: 5,137 52,134 53,139 115,233 125,140
X(128) = reflection of X(137) in X(5)
X(128) = isogonal conjugate of X(15401)
X(128) = complement of X(1141)
X(128) = anticomplement of X(34837)
X(128) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(231)
X(128) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(231)
X(128) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(2383)
X(128) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(231)
X(128) = orthojoin of X(231)
X(128) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(74)
Barycentrics g(A,B,C) : g(B,C,A) : g(C,A,B) where g(A,B,C) = (sin A) f(A,B,C)
X(129) lies on the nine-point circle
X(129) = X(98)-of-orthic triangle.
X(129) lies on these lines: 5,130 51,137 52,139 115,389
X(129) = reflection of X(130) in X(5)
X(129) = complement of X(1298)
X(129) = anticomplement of X(34838)
X(129) = complementary conjugate of X(32428)
X(129) = Λ(X(5), X(53)), wrt orthic triangle
X(129) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(98)
Barycentrics g(A,B,C) : g(B,C,A) : g(C,A,B), where g(A,B,C) = (sin A) f(A,B,C)
X(130 lies on the nine-point circle
X(130) = X(99)-of-orthic triangle
X(130) = center of the rectangular hyperbola that passes through A, B,
C, and X(51)
X(130) lies on these lines: 5,129 51,138
X(130) = reflection of X(129) in X(5)
X(130) = complement of X(1303)
X(130) = anticomplement of X(34839)
X(130) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line X(3)X(95)
X(130) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(99)
X(130) = trilinear pole wrt orthic triangle of line X(51)X(53)
X(130) = orthopole of line X(3)X(95)
X(130) = Kirikami-six-circles image of X(51)
Barycentrics g(A,B,C) : g(B,C,A) : g(C,A,B), where g(A,B,C) = (sin A) f(A,B,C)
X(131) lies on the nine-point circle
X(131) = X(102)-of-orthic triangle if ABC is acute.
X(131) lies on these lines: 3,125 4,135 5,136 115,216
X(131) = reflection of X(136) in X(5)
X(131) = complement of X(1300)
X(131) = anticomplement of X(34840)
X(131) = complementary conjugate of X(13754)
X(131) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(1299)
X(131) = Λ(X(4), X(52)), wrt orthic triangle
Barycentrics g(A,B,C) : g(B,C,A) : g(C,A,B), where g(A,B,C) = (sin A) f(A,B,C)
X(132) lies on the nine-point circle and these lines: 2,107 4,32 5,127 25,136 51,125 114,684 137,428 147,648
X(132) = midpoint of X(4) and X(112)
X(132) = reflection of X(127) in X(5)
X(132) = isogonal conjugate of X(15407)
X(132) = anticomplement of X(34841)
X(132) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,232), (4,1503)
X(132) = X(4)-line conjugate of X(248)
X(132) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(248)X(684)
X(132) = X(105)-of-orthic triangle if ABC is acute
X(132) = complement of X(1297)
X(132) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(232)
X(132) = center of rectangular hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(112),PU(39)}} that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(232)
X(132) = center of rectangular hyperbola {X(4),X(112),X(371),X(372),X(378),X(1064)}
X(132) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(98)
X(132) = circumcircle-inverse of X(34131)
X(132) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(107)
X(132) = anticenter of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(112)
X(132) = Λ(X(4), X(6)), wrt orthic triangle
X(132) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line PU(37) (line X(3)X(525))
X(132) = orthopole of PU(37)
X(133) lies on the nine-point circle
X(133) = X(106)-of-orthic triangle is ABC is acute.
X(133) lies on these lines: 2,1294 4,74 5,122 53,115 127,381 136,235
X(133) = midpoint of X(4) and X(107)
X(133) = reflection of X(122) in X(5)
X(133) = isogonal conjugate of X(15404)
X(133) = complement of X(1294)
X(133) = anticomplement of X(34842)
X(133) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(1990)
X(133) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(1990)
X(133) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(1990)
X(133) = trilinear pole wrt Euler triangle of van Aubel line
X(133) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(74)
X(133) = anticenter of cyclic quadrilateral ABCX(107)
X(133) = Λ(X(4), X(51)), wrt orthic triangle
Barycentrics g(A,B,C) : g(B,C,A) : g(C,A,B), where g(A,B,C) = (sin A) f(A,B,C)
X(134) lies on the nine-point circle
X(134) = X(107)-of-orthic triangle
X(134) = center of the rectangular hyperbola that passes through A, B, C, and X(52)
X(134) lies on this line: 52,128
X(134) = trilinear pole wrt orthic triangle of line X(52)X(53)
X(134) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line X(3)X(96)
X(134) = orthopole of line X(3)X(96)
X(134) = Kirikami-six-circles-image of X(52)
X(135) lies on the nine-point circle
X(135) = X(108)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(135) = center of the rectangular hyperbola that passes through A, B,
C, and X(24)
X(135) lies on these lines: 4,131 25,114 52,113 119,431
X(135) = anticomplement of X(34843)
X(135) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(925)
X(135) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line X(3)X(68)
X(135) = orthopole of line X(3)X(68)
X(135) = Kirikami-six-circles-image of X(24)
Barycentrics af(A,B,C) : bf(B,C,A) : cf(C,A,B)
X(136) lies on the nine-point circle
X(136) =X(109)-of-orthic triangle if ABC is acute
X(136) = center of the rectangular hyperbola that passes through A, B,
C, and X(93)
X(136) lies on these lines: 2,925 4,110 5,131 25,132 68,254 114,427 117,407 118,430 119,429 125,338 127,868 133,235
X(136) = reflection of X(131) in X(5)
X(136) = complement of X(925)
X(136) = anticomplement of X(34844)
X(136) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line X(3)X(49)
X(136) = complementary conjugate of X(924)
X(136) = X(254)-Ceva conjugate of X(523)
X(136) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(2501)
X(136) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(2501) (hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(93)}})
X(136) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(2501)
X(136) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(110)
X(136) = inverse-in-orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse of X(3563)
X(136) = orthopole of line X(3)X(49)
X(136) = Kirikami-six-circles image of X(93)
X(136) = Dou-circles-radical-circle-inverse of X(36472)
X(136) = Moses-radical-circle-inverse of X(38970)
X(136) = {X(39240),X(39241)}-harmonic conjugate of polar conjugate of X(18879)
Barycentrics af(A,B,C) : bf(B,C,A) : cf(C,A,B)
X(137) lies on the nine-point circle
X(137) = X(110)-of-orthic triangle
X(137) = center of the rectangular hyperbola that passes through A, B,
C, X(5), and X(53)
X(137) lies on the cevian circle of X(5) and these lines: 5,128 51,129 53,138 113,546 132,428
X(137) = reflection of X(128) in X(5)
X(137) = complement of X(930)
X(137) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(1510)
X(137) = crosssum of X(252) and X(930)
X(137) = trilinear pole wrt orthic triangle of line X(5)X(53)
X(137) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(933)
X(137) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(110)
X(137) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line X(3)X(54)
X(137) = orthopole of line X(3)X(54)
X(137) = Kirikami-six-circles image of X(5)
Barycentrics (v + w) tan A : (w + u) tan B : (u + v) tan C
X(138) lies on the nine-point circle
X(138) = X(111)-of-orthic triangle
X(138) lies on these lines: 51,130 53,137 122,233
X(138) = Λ(X(51), X(53)), wrt orthic triangle
X(139) lies on the nine-point circle and these lines: 52,129 53,128
X(139) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(32692)
X(139) = X(112)-of-orthic-triangle
Centers X(140)-X(170)
Centers in this section, by index:
113- 127, 140- 143: centers of the medial triangle
128- 139: centers of the orthic triangle
144- 153: centers of the anticomplementary triangle
154- 157, 159- 163: centers of the tangential triangle
164- 170: centers of the excentral triangle
As a point on the Euler line, X(140) has Shinagawa coefficients (3, -1).
Let A' be the midpoint between A and X(3), and define B' and C' cyclically; the triangle A'B'C' is homothetic to the medial triangle, and the center of homothety is X(140). Let A'' be the centroid of the triangle BCX(3), and define B'' and C'' cyclically; then A''B''C'' is homothetic to ABC, and the center of homothety is X(140). Also, X(140) is the center of the conic consisting of the centers of all the conics which pass through A, B, C, and X(3). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011) This conic is also the locus of crosssums of the intersections of the circumcircle and lines through X(4). Furthmore, this conic is the bicevian conic of X(2) and X(3). (Randy Hutson, 9/14/2016)
Let Oa be the circle centered at A and passing through the A-vertex of the Euler triangle; define Ob and Oc cyclically. The radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc is X(140). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let Oa be the circle centered at A with radius 1/2*sqrt(b^2 + c^2), and define Ob and Oc cyclically. The radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc is X(140). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let P be a point on the circumcircle. The bicevian conic of X(2) and P is a rectangular hyperbola, H. Let X be the center of H. As P varies, X traces a circle centered at X(140). (Randy Hutson, November 2, 2017)
X(140) is the centroid of the six circumcenters in the construction of the van Lamoen circle. (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle, and let
O = X(3) = circumcenter;
Ab = orthogonal projection of A' on line CA, and define Bc and Ca cyclically;
Ac = orthogonal projection of A' on line AB, and define Ba and Cb cyclically;
Then X(140) is the center of a circle that passes through the following 9 points:
(1) midpoints of segments OA', OB', OC';
(2) circumcenters of circles {{A',B',Ab,Ba}}, {{B',C',Bc,Cb}}, {{C',A',Ca,Ac}};
(3) the 3 points in which the circles in (2) meet.
(Benjamin Warren, March 23, 2025)
X(140) lies on these lines: {1,5432}, {2,3}, {6,5418}, {8,1483}, {9,5843}, {10,214}, {11,35}, {12,36}, {13,5237}, {14,5238}, {15,18}, {16,17}, {32,3815}, {39,230}, {40,3624}, {46,11375}, {49,5012}, {51,10263}, {52,3917}, {53,10979}, {54,252}, {55,496}, {56,495}, {57,6147}, {61,395}, {62,396}, {69,1353}, {72,10202}, {76,6390}, {79,5131}, {83,2080}, {95,340}, {98,7832}, {100,1484}, {104,5260}, {110,10264}, {113,10990}, {114,6292}, {115,10992}, {119,5251}, {125,128}, {141,182}, {142,5762}, {143,511}, {156,9306}, {165,8227}, {183,3933}, {184,13336}, {185,5876}, {187,1506}, {195,323}, {216,1990}, {231,570}, {233,6748}, {236,8129}, {262,7846}, {298,628}, {299,627}, {302,633}, {303,634}, {325,1078}, {343,569}, {355,1698}, {371,615}, {372,590}, {385,13571}, {389,1154}, {392,11729}, {394,12161}, {484,5443}, {485,1152}, {486,1151}, {497,10386}, {515,3634}, {516,9955}, {517,1125}, {518,13373}, {523,1116}, {524,575}, {539,11264}, {542,6698}, {551,10222}, {567,3580}, {568,7998}, {572,1213}, {574,3054}, {576,597}, {577,6749}, {578,13567}, {601,748}, {602,750}, {618,630}, {619,629}, {620,2782}, {623,13350}, {624,13349}, {625,7830}, {626,13335}, {671,10185}, {758,5885}, {908,3916}, {912,5044}, {930,1263}, {936,5791}, {942,3911}, {944,5790}, {946,3579}, {956,5552}, {958,3820}, {970,6703}, {971,6666}, {993,1329}, {999,3085}, {1001,10200}, {1007,3785}, {1040,8144}, {1056,5265}, {1058,5281}, {1071,12691}, {1141,11016}, {1145,4861}, {1155,12047}, {1173,12834}, {1210,12433}, {1319,10039}, {1351,3618}, {1352,3763}, {1376,10267}, {1387,3057}, {1388,12647}, {1478,5204}, {1479,5217}, {1482,3616}, {1493,13366}, {1503,5092}, {1587,6398}, {1588,6221}, {1621,11849}, {1697,11373}, {1737,2646}, {1768,3652}, {1834,4256}, {1837,3612}, {1853,9833}, {2077,5259}, {2095,5761}, {2548,3053}, {2777,5893}, {2794,6721}, {2800,13145}, {2808,6710}, {2818,6711}, {2831,11259}, {2883,3357}, {2888,7666}, {2896,7925}, {2979,3567}, {3019,13329}, {3068,3312}, {3069,3311}, {3070,6396}, {3071,6200}, {3086,3295}, {3095,7786}, {3096,7940}, {3098,5480}, {3167,11411}, {3216,5396}, {3303,10072}, {3304,10056}, {3316,3590}, {3317,3591}, {3336,3649}, {3337,5557}, {3419,4855}, {3487,5435}, {3488,5704}, {3532,4846}, {3581,5888}, {3582,3746}, {3583,7173}, {3584,5298}, {3585,3614}, {3600,8164}, {3601,5722}, {3617,7967}, {3619,6776}, {3620,11898}, {3622,10247}, {3626,13607}, {3630,7916}, {3631,5965}, {3653,3679}, {3654,7982}, {3655,5881}, {3656,7991}, {3678,12005}, {3740,12675}, {3767,5013}, {3793,7762}, {3813,8715}, {3814,5267}, {3816,5248}, {3822,5841}, {3824,12436}, {3825,5840}, {3826,6796}, {3841,5842}, {3898,10284}, {3925,10902}, {3927,5744}, {4045,7886}, {4255,5292}, {4292,5122}, {4293,9654}, {4294,9669}, {4297,10175}, {4299,10895}, {4302,10896}, {4309,11238}, {4317,11237}, {4413,11499}, {4423,10310}, {5007,9300}, {5010,6284}, {5023,7737}, {5024,5286}, {5045,13405}, {5080,5303}, {5086,10609}, {5097,6329}, {5119,11376}, {5126,10106}, {5157,13562}, {5171,7808}, {5188,7889}, {5206,5475}, {5306,7772}, {5309,9607}, {5318,10646}, {5321,10645}, {5339,11480}, {5340,11481}, {5398,5718}, {5403,8160}, {5404,8161}, {5414,9661}, {5437,5709}, {5438,5705}, {5440,6734}, {5446,5943}, {5449,12038}, {5486,8548}, {5489,5664}, {5534,8580}, {5550,5603}, {5562,5650}, {5569,7775}, {5587,7987}, {5590,5874}, {5591,5875}, {5609,5642}, {5640,11465}, {5646,5654}, {5651,10539}, {5656,13093}, {5658,12684}, {5663,5907}, {5687,10527}, {5694,5884}, {5720,8726}, {5731,5818}, {5743,13323}, {5777,11227}, {5878,10606}, {5883,11281}, {5889,7999}, {5890,11444}, {5894,11204}, {5944,12134}, {6000,6696}, {6033,7944}, {6055,9167}, {6130,8552}, {6153,13433}, {6194,7875}, {6199,7582}, {6247,6759}, {6248,7820}, {6287,9751}, {6321,7847}, {6368,10213}, {6395,7581}, {6409,6561}, {6410,6560}, {6417,7586}, {6418,7585}, {6425,9680}, {6449,6459}, {6450,6460}, {6455,9541}, {6502,9646}, {6592,8902}, {6669,6673}, {6670,6674}, {6688,10110}, {6722,7861}, {6723,11801}, {6746,12363}, {7028,8130}, {7280,7354}, {7308,7330}, {7603,7747}, {7610,12040}, {7616,8859}, {7622,7781}, {7697,7835}, {7709,7891}, {7735,9605}, {7743,10624}, {7750,7752}, {7751,13468}, {7756,8589}, {7758,8667}, {7761,7862}, {7778,7800}, {7801,11168}, {7806,12251}, {7810,7821}, {7811,7814}, {7831,7899}, {7834,9737}, {7844,9734}, {7854,7888}, {7863,9466}, {7868,9744}, {7881,9755}, {7904,7912}, {7914,9996}, {7956,8167}, {8071,10320}, {8125,8128}, {8126,8127}, {8141,10319}, {8148,10595}, {8151,10190}, {8666,12607}, {8721,9756}, {8722,10358}, {9301,10357}, {9655,10590}, {9668,10591}, {9704,11003}, {9707,11457}, {9729,9820}, {9781,11451}, {9826,13416}, {10006,11247}, {10163,12506}, {10171,12512}, {10189,10280}, {10198,11249}, {10225,11813}, {10277,13582}, {10517,11916}, {10518,11917}, {10541,11179}, {10572,12019}, {10574,11459}, {10584,11928}, {10585,11929}, {10586,12000}, {10587,12001}, {10628,11561}, {10915,11260}, {10950,11545}, {11015,12690}, {11017,13474}, {11176,11615}, {11219,12738}, {11246,11544}, {11255,11511}, {11265,11513}, {11266,11514}, {11267,11515}, {11268,11516}, {11426,11433}, {11427,11432}, {11430,12241}, {11438,12233}, {11485,11489}, {11486,11488}, {11703,11792}, {11808,13365}, {12162,13491}, {12325,13432}, {12358,13148}, {13142,13352}, {13470,13565}
X(140) is the {X(2),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(140), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(140) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,5), (141,182), (389,1216), (2883, 3357)
X(140) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (546,5), (547,2), (548,3)
X(140) = isogonal conjugate of X(1173)
X(140) = complement of X(5)
X(140) = anticomplement of X(3628)
X(140) = complementary conjugate of X(1209)
X(140) = polar-circle-inverse of X(37943)
X(140) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(233)
X(140) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,95), (17,18)
X(140) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,51), (61,62)
X(140) = crosspoint of the two Napoleon points, X(17) and X(18)
X(140) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(1656)
X(140) = X(5)-of-medial triangle
X(140) = centroid of the quadrangle ABCX(3)
X(140) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(233)
X(140) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(233)
X(140) = intersection of tangents to Evans conic at X(3070) and X(3071)
X(140) = centroid of X(2)X(3)X(115)X(2482)
X(140) = pole of Brocard axis wrt conic {X(5),X(13),X(14),X(15),X(16)}}
X(140) = X(3) of polar triangle of complement of polar circle
X(140) = inverse-in-complement-of-polar-circle of X(2072)
X(140) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(5189)
X(140) = center of inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of anticomplementary circle
X(140) = centroid of the six circumcenters in the construction of the van Lamoen circle.
X(140) = centroid of ABCX(3)
X(140) = Kosnita(X(3),X(2)) point
X(140) = center of circle that is locus of crosssums of antipodes on the 2nd Lemoine circle
X(140) = {X(2),X(5)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3628)
X(140) = {X(3),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(550)
X(140) = {X(4),X(5)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3850)
X(140) = homothetic center of X(4)-altimedial and X(140)-anti-altimedial triangles
X(140) = X(3579)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(140) = pole of van Aubel line wrt conic {X(2),X(15),X(16),X(17),X(18)}}
X(140) = homothetic center of McCay and Moses-Steiner osculatory triangles
Let P be a point on the circumcircle, and let L be the line tangent to the circumcircle at P. Let P' be the trilinear pole of L, and let P" be the isotomic conjugate of P'. As P traces the circumcircle, P" traces an ellipse inscribed in ABC with center at X(141). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the 2nd Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(141). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
For an artistic design generated by X(141), see X(244).
X(141) lies on the bicevian conic of X(2) and X(110) and on these lines: 2,6 3,66 5,211 10,142 37,742 39,732 45,344 53,264 67,110 75,334 76,698 95,287 99,755 113,127 116,121 125,126 140,182 239,319 241,307 308,670 311,338 317,458 320,894 384,1031 441,577 498,611 499,613 523,882 542,549 575,629 997,1060
X(141) is the {X(2),X(69)}-harmonic conjugate of X(6). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(141), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(141) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,3416), (6,69), (8,3242), (66,159), (67,110), (69,3313), (1843,3313) (2930, 3448)
X(141) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (182,140), (597,2), (1353,575), (1386,1125)
X(141) = isogonal conjugate of X(251)
X(141) = isotomic conjugate of X(83)
X(141) = inverse-in-nine-point-circle of X(625)
X(141) = complement of X(6)
X(141) = complementary conjugate of X(2)
X(141) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,39), (67,524), (110,525)
X(141) = X(39)-cross conjugate of X(427)
X(141) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(76)
X(141) = crosssum of X(6) and X(32)
X(141) = X(39)-Hirst inverse of X(732)
X(141) = X(645)-beth conjugate of X(141)
X(141) = X(6)-of-medial triangle
X(141) = anticomplement of X(3589)
X(141) = centroid of ABCX(69)
X(141) = Kosnita(X(69),X(2)) point
X(141) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(39)
X(141) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(39)
X(141) = bicentric sum of PU(11)
X(141) = midpoint of PU(11)
X(141) = polar conjugate of X(32085)
X(141) = X(6)-of-X(2)-Brocard-triangle
X(141) = X(115)-of-1st-Brocard-triangle
X(141) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(2896) wrt excentral triangle
X(141) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(2896) wrt anticomplementary triangle
X(141) = crosspoint of X(6) and X(2916) wrt excentral triangle
X(141) = crosspoint of X(6) and X(2916) wrt tangential triangle
X(141) = {X(2),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3589)
X(141) = {X(395),X(396)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5306)
X(141) = trilinear cube root of X(14125)
X(141) = perspector of 2nd Brocard triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Brocard triangle
X(141) = intersection, other than X(3), of the orthosymmedial circles of the 1st and 2nd Ehrmann inscribed triangles
Let A' be the midpoint between A and X(7), and define B' and C' cyclically; the triangle A'B'C' is homothetic to the medial triangle, and the center of homothety is X(142). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A' be the intersection of these three lines:
(1) through midpoint of CA perpendicular to BX(1)
(2) through midpoint of AB perpendicular to CX(1)
(3) through midpoint of AX(1) perpendicular to BC.
Define B' and C' cyclically. Then X(142) = X(6)-of-A'B'C'. The triangle A'B'C' is the complement of the excentral triangle, and also the extraversion triangle of X(10). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
X(142) lies on these lines: 1,277 2,7 3,516 5,971 10,141 37,1086 86,284 116,119 214,528 269,948 354,3059 377,950 474,954
X(142) is the {X(2),X(7)}-harmonic conjugate of X(9). For a list of other harmonic conjugates, click Tables at the top of this page.
X(142) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (7,9), (8,3243), (100,3254)
X(142) = reflection of X(1001) in X(1125)
X(142) = isogonal conjugate of X(1174)
X(142) = isotomic conjugate of X(32008)
X(142) = complement of X(9)
X(142) = X(100)-Ceva conjugate of X(514)
X(142) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(85)
X(142) = crosssum of X(6) and X(41)
X(142) = X(190)-beth conjugate of X(142)
X(142) = X(9)-of- medial triangle
X(142) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22053)
X(142) = centroid of the set {X(1), X(4), X(7), X(40)}
X(142) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(1212)
X(142) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(1212)
X(142) = centroid of ABCX(7)
X(142) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(1212)
X(142) = X(9969)-of-excentral-triangle
X(143) is the third of three Spanish Points developed by Antreas P. Hatzipolakis and Javier Garcia Capitan in 2009; see X(3567).
Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of X(5). Let A″, B″, C″ be the inverse-in-circumcircle of A', B', C'. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(143). Also, X(143) = intersection of the tangent to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(15)}} at X(61) and the tangent to the hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(16)}} at X(62). (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
X(143) is the QA-P13 center (Nine-point Center of the QA-Diagonal Triangle) of quadrangle ABCX(4) (see Also, X(143) is the QA-P22 center (Midpoint QA-P1 and QA-P20) of quadrangle ABCX(4) (see
X(143) lies on the curves K054, K416, K464, Q106, and these lines: {2,6101}, {3,1173}, {4,94}, {5,51}, {6,26}, {23,1199}, {25,156}, {30,389}, {49,1493}, {54,2070}, {61,2912}, {62,2913}, {110,195}, {140,511}, {182,7525}, {185,3627}, {324,565}, {381,5876}, {382,5890}, {567,7488}, {569,7502}, {575,7555}, {576,1147}, {578,1658}, {632,3917}, {970,7508}, {1181,7530}, {1216,3628}, {1351,6642}, {1353,1843}, {1656,5640}, {1993,7506}, {2392,5885}, {2937,5012}, {2979,3526}, {3517,5093}, {3530,5892}, {3580,5576}, {3830,6241}, {3850,5907}, {3853,6000}, {5070,7999}, {5609,7545}, {6515,7528}, {7517,7592}
X(143) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 6102}, {5, 52}, {185, 3627}, {389, 5446}, {1353, 1843}, {1493, 6152}, {3060, 5946}, {5876, 5889}, {6101, 6243}
X(143) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {140, 5462}, {1216, 3628}, {5907,3850}
X(143) = isogonal conjugate of X(252)
X(143) = anticomplement of X(32142)
X(143) = X(137)-cross conjugate of X(1510)
X(143) = X(5)-of-orthic triangle
X(143) = X(249)-Ceva conjugate of X(1625)
X(143) = X(137)-cross conjugate of X(1510)
X(143) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(5)
X(143) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): (2,6243,6101), (3,3567,5946), (4,568,6102), (49,1994,1493), (51,52,5), (54,2070,5944), (381,5889,5876), (1112,6746,4), (1216,5943,3628), (1994,3518,49), (3060,3567,3)
X(143) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,252}, {54,2962}, {93,2169}, {930,2616}, {2167,2963}, {2190,3519}
X(144) lies on the Feuerbach circumhyperbola of the anticomplementary triangle, the Mandart hyperbola, the cubics K200, K202, K308, K710, K1044, K1084, and on these lines:: {2, 7}, {3, 5843}, {4, 2894}, {6, 3672}, {8, 516}, {10, 4312}, {12, 18231}, {20, 72}, {21, 954}, {37, 3945}, {40, 5815}, {42, 4335}, {44, 4000}, {45, 4648}, {65, 27288}, {69, 190}, {71, 27544}, {75, 391}, {77, 2324}, {78, 3522}, {85, 25001}, {86, 4747}, {92, 6994}, {100, 480}, {145, 192}, {149, 1156}, {153, 1145}, {165, 21060}, {175, 30557}, {176, 30556}, {191, 3085}, {194, 20036}, {200, 2951}, {210, 3474}, {213, 4352}, {218, 17691}, {219, 347}, {220, 279}, {238, 4310}, {239, 4452}, {241, 26669}, {269, 25930}, {281, 7282}, {306, 25734}, {320, 344}, {321, 14552}, {345, 33066}, {348, 10004}, {376, 3940}, {405, 11036}, {443, 15650}, {452, 3868}, {524, 17262}, {528, 12531}, {536, 5839}, {545, 4361}, {573, 21362}, {597, 17323}, {599, 17340}, {631, 31657}, {658, 17113}, {666, 30228}, {673, 4373}, {758, 18412}, {912, 6987}, {920, 15518}, {938, 10398}, {942, 5129}, {950, 20008}, {956, 6912}, {960, 3600}, {962, 6766}, {966, 4363}, {984, 4307}, {1001, 2975}, {1086, 16885}, {1119, 26003}, {1212, 24554}, {1213, 4470}, {1260, 7411}, {1266, 4402}, {1278, 20248}, {1418, 25067}, {1419, 3160}, {1434, 24557}, {1441, 4047}, {1633, 12329}, {1654, 2475}, {1721, 28043}, {1742, 2340}, {1743, 3663}, {1757, 24248}, {1761, 14543}, {1766, 7291}, {1788, 8165}, {1901, 31043}, {1959, 4704}, {1992, 4360}, {1999, 10889}, {2095, 6939}, {2245, 27039}, {2267, 18162}, {2287, 5781}, {2293, 24708}, {2321, 32099}, {2325, 17296}, {2345, 4643}, {2478, 5729}, {2664, 25570}, {2801, 6224}, {2895, 2897}, {3008, 3973}, {3059, 3681}, {3086, 6763}, {3091, 5805}, {3161, 3912}, {3174, 3935}, {3241, 30331}, {3243, 3623}, {3247, 4667}, {3339, 18250}, {3419, 3543}, {3434, 16112}, {3475, 3683}, {3476, 31165}, {3487, 17558}, {3523, 3916}, {3589, 17255}, {3616, 5542}, {3618, 4389}, {3619, 17273}, {3620, 4741}, {3621, 5853}, {3629, 17318}, {3630, 17309}, {3631, 17269}, {3640, 30334}, {3641, 30333}, {3648, 5696}, {3650, 5687}, {3664, 3731}, {3671, 5234}, {3686, 4659}, {3687, 10443}, {3715, 11246}, {3739, 7222}, {3758, 17258}, {3812, 28646}, {3826, 11681}, {3832, 5735}, {3839, 18482}, {3870, 4326}, {3873, 5572}, {3876, 6904}, {3946, 16670}, {3949, 24683}, {3952, 4019}, {3958, 8680}, {4001, 34255}, {4021, 16667}, {4073, 4712}, {4098, 29602}, {4110, 25278}, {4182, 20534}, {4190, 5784}, {4192, 22149}, {4292, 5785}, {4293, 5692}, {4294, 5904}, {4301, 24644}, {4308, 15829}, {4313, 11523}, {4321, 19861}, {4329, 5227}, {4343, 17018}, {4344, 7174}, {4353, 16469}, {4359, 20921}, {4370, 17267}, {4371, 4686}, {4384, 31995}, {4422, 7232}, {4430, 7671}, {4462, 6008}, {4468, 6006}, {4473, 16593}, {4512, 10578}, {4552, 20082}, {4640, 5281}, {4645, 27549}, {4652, 15717}, {4661, 7674}, {4670, 28640}, {4675, 16814}, {4678, 24393}, {4683, 33163}, {4699, 24633}, {4715, 4851}, {4748, 17303}, {4758, 28626}, {4788, 20016}, {4795, 28639}, {4847, 9812}, {4855, 21734}, {4859, 4887}, {4882, 5493}, {4888, 29571}, {4896, 25072}, {4902, 31183}, {4912, 17348}, {4915, 28228}, {5044, 17580}, {5175, 17578}, {5176, 17488}, {5177, 11662}, {5231, 9779}, {5274, 24477}, {5290, 18249}, {5302, 28629}, {5440, 10304}, {5587, 5775}, {5703, 31424}, {5708, 17559}, {5709, 5811}, {5714, 5791}, {5738, 31049}, {5739, 32933}, {5758, 7330}, {5766, 7675}, {5809, 12649}, {5832, 6871}, {5833, 9612}, {5857, 20060}, {5880, 15481}, {6007, 20012}, {6067, 11680}, {6144, 17388}, {6147, 16845}, {6244, 10307}, {6350, 32849}, {6360, 20211}, {6542, 20080}, {6600, 7676}, {6604, 32024}, {6605, 10509}, {6762, 9785}, {6764, 10624}, {6885, 31835}, {6908, 26921}, {6926, 24467}, {6995, 7717}, {7155, 17794}, {7172, 32937}, {7175, 9310}, {7201, 17451}, {7227, 17251}, {7238, 17265}, {7262, 33144}, {7277, 16777}, {7321, 17335}, {7613, 32857}, {7670, 16019}, {7672, 13601}, {7677, 24558}, {8055, 30567}, {8163, 12513}, {9533, 31627}, {9780, 30424}, {9797, 12575}, {10005, 32850}, {10177, 11025}, {10392, 24391}, {10442, 11679}, {10446, 21061}, {10580, 30330}, {10590, 17057}, {11008, 17377}, {11037, 31435}, {11160, 17373}, {12125, 12632}, {12514, 15298}, {12560, 19860}, {12630, 20014}, {12670, 14872}, {14555, 32939}, {14986, 15299}, {15254, 30340}, {15374, 28071}, {15492, 17278}, {15680, 20013}, {15913, 31527}, {16020, 24231}, {16284, 21872}, {16435, 23089}, {16552, 17753}, {16566, 28795}, {16669, 17301}, {16675, 17392}, {16713, 17139}, {17002, 26245}, {17007, 26032}, {17045, 24441}, {17051, 26105}, {17116, 17331}, {17118, 17330}, {17120, 17247}, {17132, 17151}, {17137, 27523}, {17147, 20043}, {17170, 17742}, {17183, 18206}, {17234, 31333}, {17243, 28333}, {17253, 17369}, {17261, 17316}, {17264, 17361}, {17272, 17355}, {17279, 17345}, {17281, 17344}, {17285, 21356}, {17288, 17339}, {17289, 17329}, {17298, 25101}, {17300, 29621}, {17327, 26039}, {17343, 21286}, {17375, 29583}, {17496, 20296}, {17582, 24470}, {17615, 17668}, {17776, 32859}, {18161, 21801}, {18600, 27644}, {18661, 24435}, {19742, 19789}, {19993, 20068}, {19998, 22312}, {20009, 20077}, {20018, 25264}, {20020, 20064}, {20101, 31087}, {20905, 30854}, {20930, 28974}, {20992, 21320}, {21039, 24341}, {21075, 27525}, {21084, 28124}, {21219, 30662}, {22003, 24048}, {24597, 33151}, {25000, 27541}, {26034, 32938}, {26768, 27136}, {26871, 32863}, {27268, 27475}, {27543, 28420}, {28628, 28645}, {30225, 32028}, {32007, 32100}, {33099, 33137}
X(144) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 6172}, {4, 5779}, {7, 9}, {8, 5223}, {20, 5759}, {100, 6068}, {145, 390}, {149, 1156}, {390, 5698}, {962, 11372}, {2550, 5220}, {3868, 5728}, {4312, 10}, {4430, 7671}, {4440, 673}, {4452, 5838}, {5880, 15481}, {5905, 8545}, {8581, 960}, {9965, 12848}, {17314, 17262}, {20014, 12630}, {20059, 7}, {20533, 190}, {25722, 3059}, {30628, 14100}, {31391, 15587}
X(144) = isogonal conjugate of X(11051)
X(144) = isotomic conjugate of X(10405)
X(144) = complement of X(20059)
X(144) = anticomplement of X(7)
X(144) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(3434)
X(144) = anticomplementary-isogonal conjugate of X(3434)
X(144) = polar conjugate of the isogonal of X(22117)
X(144) = perspector of anticomplementary triangle and its intouch triangle (inner Conway triangle)
X(144) = perspector of anticomplementary triangle and the extouch triangle of ABC
X(144) = perspector of extouch triangle and inner Conway triangle (Gemini triangle 30)
X(144) = X(7)-of-anticomplementary triangle
X(144) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22117)
X(144) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (190,144), (645,346)
X(144) = Conway-triangle-to-inner-Conway-triangle similarity image of X(7)
X(144) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {8, 2}, {516, 20533}, {3729, 192}, {4416, 1654}, {4480, 17487}, {5223, 27484}, {31627, 3160}
X(144) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {165, 3160}, {3160, 2}, {21060, 16284}, {21872, 165}
X(144) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 11051}, {6, 3062}, {31, 10405}, {56, 19605}
X(144) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {7, 15913}, {9, 2951}, {57, 7955}, {220, 6244}, {3207, 22117}, {21060, 21872}
X(144) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {190, 1275}, {16284, 31627}
X(144) = crosssum of X(649) and X(14936)
X(144) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {663, 20980}
X(144) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 16284}, {8, 3160}, {9, 31627}, {75, 165}, {76, 3207}, {86, 21060}, {190, 7658}, {264, 22117}, {274, 21872}, {312, 1419}, {341, 17106}, {346, 9533}, {1275, 13609}
X(144) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 3062}, {2, 10405}, {6, 11051}, {9, 19605}, {165, 1}, {1419, 57}, {3160, 7}, {3207, 6}, {7658, 514}, {9533, 279}, {13609, 1146}, {15856, 30330}, {16284, 75}, {17106, 269}, {21060, 10}, {21872, 37}, {22117, 3}, {23058, 24856}, {31627, 85}
X(144) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3434}, {2, 21285}, {6, 7}, {8, 6327}, {9, 69}, {21, 17135}, {25, 12649}, {29, 20242}, {31, 145}, {32, 3210}, {33, 4}, {37, 2893}, {41, 2}, {42, 2475}, {43, 20350}, {48, 347}, {55, 8}, {57, 6604}, {58, 3873}, {60, 17140}, {71, 2897}, {75, 21280}, {78, 1370}, {81, 20244}, {100, 21302}, {101, 693}, {109, 3900}, {163, 4467}, {192, 20559}, {198, 5932}, {200, 3436}, {210, 1330}, {212, 20}, {213, 17778}, {219, 4329}, {220, 329}, {228, 3152}, {251, 20247}, {281, 21270}, {282, 21279}, {283, 20243}, {284, 75}, {294, 20347}, {312, 315}, {314, 17138}, {318, 11442}, {333, 17137}, {346, 21286}, {522, 21293}, {604, 4452}, {607, 5905}, {643, 512}, {644, 20295}, {645, 17217}, {646, 21304}, {650, 150}, {662, 4374}, {663, 149}, {692, 522}, {765, 3888}, {904, 29840}, {911, 9436}, {923, 4442}, {983, 25304}, {1110, 100}, {1126, 20292}, {1172, 17220}, {1174, 85}, {1212, 2890}, {1252, 21272}, {1253, 144}, {1320, 21282}, {1333, 3875}, {1334, 2895}, {1395, 11851}, {1397, 17480}, {1412, 17158}, {1415, 4025}, {1812, 18659}, {1857, 5906}, {1973, 30699}, {2053, 10453}, {2149, 664}, {2150, 4360}, {2175, 192}, {2176, 20537}, {2185, 17143}, {2188, 280}, {2191, 6601}, {2192, 962}, {2193, 17134}, {2194, 1}, {2195, 518}, {2200, 18667}, {2204, 3187}, {2212, 193}, {2251, 30577}, {2258, 388}, {2259, 1441}, {2287, 20245}, {2289, 6527}, {2299, 3868}, {2311, 30941}, {2316, 320}, {2319, 21281}, {2320, 21283}, {2321, 21287}, {2328, 3869}, {2329, 30660}, {2332, 92}, {2338, 4872}, {2340, 20344}, {2341, 17139}, {2342, 517}, {2344, 4441}, {2360, 20221}, {2361, 6224}, {3063, 4440}, {3207, 31527}, {3596, 21275}, {3683, 2891}, {3684, 20345}, {3685, 20554}, {3688, 21289}, {3689, 21290}, {3693, 20552}, {3699, 21301}, {3700, 21294}, {3709, 21221}, {3711, 21291}, {3939, 513}, {4041, 3448}, {4166, 20346}, {4182, 20555}, {4548, 21215}, {4612, 17159}, {4636, 17166}, {4845, 5057}, {4876, 20553}, {5546, 7192}, {5547, 17491}, {5548, 21297}, {6065, 3952}, {6602, 30695}, {7037, 9799}, {7054, 21273}, {7069, 2888}, {7070, 6225}, {7071, 5942}, {7072, 11415}, {7074, 6223}, {7075, 32548}, {7077, 4645}, {7084, 17784}, {7110, 21276}, {7115, 4566}, {7118, 9965}, {7156, 14361}, {7367, 189}, {8611, 13219}, {8750, 521}, {8851, 20352}, {9439, 497}, {9447, 194}, {9448, 17486}, {9456, 1266}, {10482, 3681}, {11051, 32003}, {13455, 637}, {14547, 2894}, {14827, 3177}, {14942, 20556}, {15374, 9801}, {18265, 17759}, {18889, 527}, {20967, 5484}, {21059, 7674}, {23990, 4552}, {24019, 23683}, {28615, 3879}, {32635, 20290}, {32652, 8058}, {32665, 4453}, {32674, 17896}, {32677, 22464}, {32739, 17496}, {33299, 1369}
X(144) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 9965, 21454}, {2, 20059, 7}, {2, 20078, 9965}, {2, 20214, 5905}, {6, 3672, 17014}, {6, 4419, 3672}, {6, 17334, 4419}, {7, 9, 2}, {7, 6172, 9}, {7, 18230, 142}, {7, 29007, 8232}, {8, 3729, 4461}, {8, 4488, 3729}, {8, 30625, 30695}, {8, 30695, 10405}, {9, 142, 18230}, {9, 6173, 6666}, {20, 72, 20007}, {37, 3945, 29624}, {37, 4644, 3945}, {44, 17276, 4000}, {45, 17365, 4648}, {57, 18228, 2}, {63, 329, 2}, {63, 908, 5744}, {63, 17781, 329}, {69, 190, 346}, {69, 346, 29616}, {142, 18230, 2}, {190, 17347, 69}, {192, 193, 145}, {192, 20072, 193}, {193, 20073, 192}, {193, 20111, 20110}, {210, 31391, 15587}, {226, 3929, 5273}, {226, 5273, 2}, {307, 27382, 2}, {320, 344, 4869}, {320, 17336, 344}, {329, 5744, 908}, {329, 20348, 20245}, {391, 4454, 75}, {480, 11495, 100}, {672, 1423, 27624}, {672, 30946, 2}, {894, 17257, 2}, {894, 17333, 17257}, {908, 5744, 2}, {984, 24695, 4307}, {1001, 11038, 3622}, {1743, 3663, 5222}, {2287, 8822, 14953}, {2345, 4643, 5232}, {2550, 5220, 5686}, {2550, 5686, 3617}, {3161, 21296, 3912}, {3177, 3869, 20535}, {3177, 20111, 145}, {3218, 31018, 2}, {3219, 5905, 2}, {3243, 8236, 3623}, {3305, 9776, 2}, {3452, 3928, 5435}, {3452, 5435, 2}, {3487, 31445, 17558}, {3662, 26685, 2}, {3664, 3731, 5308}, {3681, 25722, 3059}, {3686, 4659, 32087}, {3715, 11246, 26040}, {3729, 4416, 8}, {3729, 4480, 4488}, {3758, 17258, 17321}, {3869, 30616, 20111}, {3911, 5328, 2}, {3911, 31142, 5328}, {3912, 25728, 3161}, {3973, 4862, 3008}, {4000, 17276, 4346}, {4357, 5749, 2}, {4363, 17332, 966}, {4416, 4480, 3729}, {4416, 4488, 4461}, {4640, 25568, 5281}, {4643, 17351, 2345}, {4652, 27383, 15717}, {4661, 20075, 20015}, {4704, 20090, 29585}, {4741, 17280, 3620}, {5226, 5745, 2}, {5296, 10436, 2}, {5698, 10394, 6872}, {5745, 28609, 5226}, {5805, 5817, 3091}, {6646, 17350, 2}, {12246, 31793, 20}, {12526, 12527, 8}, {16552, 17753, 27304}, {17120, 17247, 26626}, {17183, 18206, 26818}, {17261, 17364, 17316}, {17272, 17355, 29611}, {17273, 17354, 3619}, {17288, 17339, 29579}, {17298, 25101, 29627}, {18228, 28610, 57}, {20072, 20073, 145}, {21151, 31658, 3523}, {24477, 24703, 5274}, {24909, 25679, 2}, {24952, 25461, 2}, {26059, 26125, 2}, {26065, 27184, 2}, {27058, 27170, 2}, {27282, 27334, 2}, {27509, 28739, 2}, {29621, 32093, 17300}, {31547, 31548, 8}
Let A' be the reflection of the midpoint of segment BC in X(1), and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(145). Let A'' be the reflection of the A in X(1), and define B'' and C'' cyclically. Let A'''B'''C''' be the intouch triangle. The lines A''A''', B''B''', C''C''' concur in X(145). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let OA be the circle tangent to side BC at its midpoint and to the circumcircle on the same side of BC as A. Define OB, OC cyclically. Then X(145) is the trilinear pole of the line of the exsimilicenters (the Monge line) of OA, OB, OC. See the reference at X(1001).
Let Ha be the hyperbola passing through A, with foci at B and C. This is called the A-Soddy hyperbola in (Paul Yiu, Introduction to the Geometry of the Triangle, 2002; 12.4 The Soddy hyperbolas, p. 143). Let La be the polar of X(2) with respect to Ha. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. The lines La, Lb, Lc concur in X(145). (Randy Hutson, September 5, 2015)
Let A'B'C' and A″B″C″ be the intouch and extouch triangles. X(145) is the radical center of the circumcircles of AA'A″, BB'B″, CC'C″. (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
X(145) lies on on the Jerabek circumhyperbola of the intouch triangle, the Feuerbach circumhyperbola of the anticomplementary triangle, the cubics K201, K295, K360, K365, K372, K571, K830, K1011, K1078, K1083, K1086, and on these lines: {1, 2}, {3, 1483}, {4, 149}, {5, 10247}, {6, 346}, {7, 1266}, {9, 4029}, {11, 5154}, {12, 3813}, {20, 517}, {21, 956}, {22, 8192}, {23, 9798}, {30, 8148}, {31, 37588}, {35, 8666}, {36, 8715}, {37, 391}, {38, 37598}, {40, 3218}, {44, 49714}, {45, 4969}, {46, 23958}, {55, 2975}, {56, 100}, {57, 2136}, {58, 17539}, {63, 1697}, {65, 3189}, {69, 3242}, {72, 452}, {75, 3945}, {80, 1392}, {81, 1043}, {85, 17158}, {86, 17589}, {92, 7518}, {99, 28531}, {101, 9083}, {104, 11248}, {125, 27715}, {140, 37624}, {141, 26104}, {142, 4402}, {144, 192}, {146, 7978}, {147, 7970}, {148, 7983}, {150, 10695}, {151, 10696}, {152, 10697}, {165, 21734}, {174, 7057}, {186, 47476}, {188, 1488}, {190, 1992}, {194, 7976}, {213, 27523}, {218, 644}, {226, 4323}, {238, 27549}, {244, 24440}, {263, 27809}, {278, 5174}, {279, 664}, {280, 1433}, {291, 38247}, {304, 31130}, {312, 4696}, {318, 34231}, {319, 5232}, {320, 4346}, {321, 4673}, {322, 17863}, {329, 950}, {330, 1002}, {333, 17588}, {335, 27480}, {341, 4358}, {344, 1279}, {345, 3744}, {347, 2897}, {350, 20943}, {354, 3893}, {355, 3091}, {376, 12702}, {377, 1056}, {381, 37705}, {382, 28224}, {385, 50776}, {388, 2099}, {392, 3876}, {402, 16211}, {404, 999}, {405, 6767}, {411, 22770}, {443, 15934}, {474, 7373}, {485, 35810}, {486, 35811}, {487, 7980}, {488, 7981}, {491, 26515}, {492, 26514}, {495, 2476}, {496, 4193}, {497, 2098}, {511, 50419}, {514, 38371}, {515, 962}, {516, 5059}, {522, 14812}, {523, 36171}, {524, 4419}, {527, 30332}, {528, 4440}, {529, 6284}, {535, 34719}, {536, 4454}, {537, 24695}, {542, 50883}, {543, 50888}, {594, 16884}, {595, 1331}, {597, 17269}, {599, 17395}, {616, 7975}, {617, 7974}, {621, 51689}, {622, 51691}, {627, 22912}, {628, 22867}, {631, 5690}, {651, 34040}, {659, 25574}, {668, 18135}, {672, 3208}, {704, 40907}, {718, 40906}, {726, 4788}, {730, 20081}, {740, 1278}, {752, 49708}, {754, 34685}, {758, 3648}, {760, 20065}, {856, 38284}, {858, 47536}, {860, 38295}, {872, 27291}, {894, 3886}, {900, 24097}, {901, 44873}, {902, 35284}, {908, 4345}, {912, 23340}, {940, 3996}, {942, 3889}, {946, 3832}, {957, 39698}, {958, 1621}, {959, 39694}, {960, 3681}, {961, 15375}, {964, 19717}, {966, 16777}, {982, 4642}, {984, 4704}, {986, 4392}, {993, 3746}, {996, 1126}, {1001, 5260}, {1006, 16202}, {1010, 4720}, {1018, 4253}, {1046, 4427}, {1058, 2478}, {1066, 26050}, {1086, 50120}, {1100, 2345}, {1104, 17776}, {1108, 27396}, {1145, 6921}, {1146, 27541}, {1150, 16347}, {1155, 34711}, {1158, 12703}, {1159, 11112}, {1191, 1265}, {1220, 2334}, {1270, 5604}, {1271, 5605}, {1284, 12642}, {1319, 1788}, {1329, 36972}, {1334, 21384}, {1376, 3304}, {1385, 3523}, {1386, 17280}, {1387, 6931}, {1388, 7288}, {1389, 6839}, {1398, 35974}, {1400, 3169}, {1420, 3158}, {1434, 7268}, {1449, 2321}, {1453, 3710}, {1468, 5255}, {1469, 25304}, {1470, 38901}, {1475, 3501}, {1478, 11009}, {1479, 5080}, {1484, 6971}, {1500, 16975}, {1587, 35641}, {1588, 35642}, {1616, 4383}, {1617, 37301}, {1656, 10283}, {1657, 28212}, {1699, 16189}, {1706, 3306}, {1724, 40091}, {1738, 23675}, {1743, 3161}, {1757, 49696}, {1829, 6995}, {1834, 3936}, {1837, 5048}, {1854, 37781}, {1870, 4200}, {1909, 4441}, {1938, 25271}, {1997, 6556}, {2049, 19740}, {2089, 12643}, {2093, 4311}, {2094, 34701}, {2102, 14807}, {2103, 14808}, {2176, 3780}, {2177, 32919}, {2238, 16969}, {2241, 5291}, {2256, 2287}, {2257, 3692}, {2275, 17756}, {2276, 17448}, {2280, 2329}, {2292, 7226}, {2320, 5559}, {2325, 16670}, {2403, 3667}, {2550, 11038}, {2551, 5289}, {2646, 3769}, {2771, 17652}, {2784, 5992}, {2802, 3874}, {2809, 17489}, {2810, 42448}, {2886, 15888}, {2888, 7979}, {2895, 26117}, {2896, 7977}, {2899, 26791}, {2979, 50586}, {3036, 31272}, {3052, 4884}, {3060, 16980}, {3061, 3930}, {3068, 44635}, {3069, 44636}, {3090, 5790}, {3160, 9436}, {3194, 14954}, {3212, 3598}, {3219, 5250}, {3246, 49702}, {3247, 3686}, {3263, 18156}, {3305, 51779}, {3307, 24648}, {3308, 24649}, {3315, 17054}, {3332, 29016}, {3333, 27003}, {3336, 5541}, {3339, 4315}, {3416, 3620}, {3419, 3487}, {3448, 7984}, {3452, 37723}, {3475, 4863}, {3485, 5086}, {3524, 34718}, {3525, 38028}, {3526, 38112}, {3529, 28174}, {3543, 11278}, {3545, 18357}, {3560, 12000}, {3576, 11362}, {3578, 49728}, {3579, 3655}, {3586, 51423}, {3589, 17309}, {3601, 5744}, {3614, 3829}, {3618, 17233}, {3619, 17295}, {3629, 17262}, {3630, 17255}, {3631, 17323}, {3640, 30333}, {3641, 30334}, {3644, 28582}, {3650, 15678}, {3653, 15721}, {3654, 13624}, {3656, 3839}, {3662, 3755}, {3663, 21296}, {3664, 17151}, {3666, 37655}, {3671, 50725}, {3673, 30806}, {3678, 3898}, {3684, 9310}, {3685, 3751}, {3689, 20323}, {3693, 26690}, {3695, 17526}, {3696, 4699}, {3698, 3742}, {3699, 6552}, {3701, 4737}, {3702, 4385}, {3704, 33089}, {3707, 16676}, {3714, 46897}, {3716, 23057}, {3717, 7290}, {3723, 17275}, {3726, 3959}, {3727, 49509}, {3730, 45751}, {3736, 17178}, {3739, 4371}, {3750, 10448}, {3753, 5045}, {3754, 3892}, {3756, 31227}, {3758, 49484}, {3790, 16475}, {3791, 17715}, {3812, 17609}, {3814, 37720}, {3816, 21031}, {3817, 37714}, {3823, 17241}, {3834, 4000}, {3836, 49677}, {3851, 38138}, {3854, 9779}, {3855, 38034}, {3878, 4127}, {3881, 5902}, {3883, 7174}, {3884, 3988}, {3887, 21222}, {3894, 4084}, {3897, 24929}, {3899, 4067}, {3900, 17496}, {3901, 4302}, {3902, 4968}, {3905, 21285}, {3907, 4804}, {3915, 5247}, {3927, 11111}, {3940, 5084}, {3946, 17296}, {3952, 17460}, {3974, 32942}, {3976, 24443}, {3977, 35261}, {3983, 4711}, {3984, 5795}, {3987, 4694}, {3991, 25082}, {3993, 49448}, {3994, 25253}, {4007, 5750}, {4021, 17272}, {4025, 45290}, {4026, 17238}, {4030, 17599}, {4033, 41316}, {4034, 5257}, {4050, 17474}, {4051, 17451}, {4065, 17461}, {4083, 31291}, {4085, 33087}, {4090, 4903}, {4101, 26580}, {4115, 24049}, {4160, 31290}, {4162, 4462}, {4194, 6198}, {4195, 37685}, {4197, 31419}, {4201, 32863}, {4202, 48847}, {4205, 27081}, {4225, 23853}, {4231, 11401}, {4232, 11363}, {4240, 11910}, {4248, 20818}, {4295, 10052}, {4297, 7990}, {4298, 5586}, {4301, 5691}, {4305, 5119}, {4310, 4645}, {4314, 9819}, {4318, 8271}, {4339, 32929}, {4349, 17116}, {4352, 17137}, {4353, 17288}, {4356, 17247}, {4357, 32099}, {4361, 4648}, {4363, 4747}, {4364, 28337}, {4366, 16920}, {4388, 32928}, {4390, 41239}, {4395, 17313}, {4399, 15668}, {4405, 49738}, {4421, 5204}, {4423, 45085}, {4429, 4966}, {4431, 7229}, {4433, 21010}, {4439, 16477}, {4445, 17045}, {4449, 21302}, {4470, 4665}, {4474, 48172}, {4478, 17327}, {4487, 4849}, {4504, 4729}, {4514, 5016}, {4527, 4649}, {4535, 49473}, {4547, 10176}, {4552, 12848}, {4555, 34342}, {4643, 4725}, {4646, 4850}, {4647, 41819}, {4657, 17372}, {4658, 26860}, {4659, 4667}, {4660, 49464}, {4662, 10179}, {4663, 4676}, {4664, 49515}, {4670, 28329}, {4675, 50125}, {4686, 7222}, {4690, 4748}, {4693, 32935}, {4695, 9335}, {4716, 50288}, {4723, 46937}, {4727, 16666}, {4732, 40328}, {4740, 49483}, {4741, 11160}, {4754, 50257}, {4764, 49525}, {4771, 21921}, {4772, 24325}, {4774, 47834}, {4780, 24231}, {4806, 4879}, {4814, 48242}, {4821, 49474}, {4831, 10385}, {4862, 33800}, {4865, 4892}, {4873, 4982}, {4883, 19804}, {4887, 50108}, {4894, 36974}, {4900, 5558}, {4901, 17353}, {4902, 36606}, {4922, 50343}, {4923, 4967}, {4930, 51409}, {4943, 30719}, {4973, 37572}, {4981, 30711}, {4986, 33942}, {4996, 10087}, {5011, 17736}, {5014, 7270}, {5015, 30991}, {5047, 9708}, {5049, 5439}, {5051, 31037}, {5054, 50823}, {5056, 5818}, {5057, 12701}, {5067, 38042}, {5068, 5587}, {5081, 7952}, {5083, 39776}, {5090, 7378}, {5091, 16380}, {5100, 5300}, {5189, 47537}, {5208, 41723}, {5217, 5303}, {5218, 34471}, {5220, 47357}, {5221, 39777}, {5223, 17261}, {5226, 9578}, {5229, 13463}, {5245, 30414}, {5246, 30415}, {5248, 5258}, {5259, 17544}, {5263, 17379}, {5266, 33168}, {5273, 5837}, {5284, 8162}, {5295, 31025}, {5372, 19278}, {5376, 11607}, {5434, 34502}, {5440, 24928}, {5442, 21842}, {5542, 48627}, {5543, 25719}, {5563, 25440}, {5564, 17394}, {5597, 5602}, {5598, 5601}, {5640, 23841}, {5695, 28503}, {5711, 14996}, {5719, 6856}, {5720, 5804}, {5722, 6919}, {5728, 25243}, {5737, 19333}, {5748, 9581}, {5761, 6844}, {5768, 37531}, {5770, 33596}, {5772, 17368}, {5774, 19270}, {5802, 22021}, {5815, 31018}, {5828, 37704}, {5847, 6646}, {5856, 12730}, {5880, 30340}, {5883, 50190}, {5920, 12533}, {5921, 39898}, {5933, 39773}, {6018, 33551}, {6144, 17334}, {6168, 34497}, {6172, 50110}, {6175, 16137}, {6193, 9933}, {6194, 22713}, {6225, 7973}, {6264, 9803}, {6265, 6979}, {6327, 49454}, {6366, 47695}, {6376, 25278}, {6462, 8210}, {6463, 8211}, {6548, 44314}, {6554, 6603}, {6600, 7677}, {6601, 17097}, {6630, 35313}, {6636, 8193}, {6645, 16919}, {6653, 33823}, {6701, 47033}, {6702, 32558}, {6763, 37563}, {6796, 32905}, {6826, 10597}, {6827, 10806}, {6830, 10943}, {6838, 21740}, {6840, 12116}, {6842, 32213}, {6847, 37533}, {6848, 37700}, {6850, 10805}, {6867, 14497}, {6875, 37621}, {6882, 32214}, {6893, 10596}, {6903, 35457}, {6905, 10680}, {6906, 10679}, {6909, 10306}, {6911, 12001}, {6924, 12331}, {6933, 8164}, {6938, 14988}, {6940, 16203}, {6941, 10942}, {6942, 22765}, {6948, 24475}, {6950, 11849}, {6953, 45770}, {6958, 19914}, {6959, 19907}, {6960, 10786}, {6972, 10785}, {6981, 11729}, {6987, 14054}, {7046, 11109}, {7052, 36930}, {7184, 25573}, {7408, 49542}, {7426, 47493}, {7486, 9956}, {7487, 41722}, {7492, 37546}, {7500, 44662}, {7504, 31479}, {7520, 37547}, {7580, 8158}, {7585, 7969}, {7586, 7968}, {7672, 7674}, {7681, 37725}, {7760, 30225}, {7787, 10800}, {7925, 50772}, {7951, 24387}, {7987, 43174}, {7989, 38155}, {7995, 18452}, {8000, 9874}, {8055, 8834}, {8056, 35577}, {8071, 37293}, {8094, 8422}, {8113, 12633}, {8114, 12634}, {8125, 8242}, {8126, 11924}, {8168, 25524}, {8186, 49556}, {8187, 49555}, {8197, 11367}, {8204, 11366}, {8227, 15022}, {8239, 11687}, {8240, 11688}, {8241, 11690}, {8243, 12638}, {8275, 35258}, {8390, 11685}, {8392, 11686}, {8581, 12448}, {8591, 9884}, {8668, 11509}, {8726, 12658}, {8732, 34489}, {8972, 13902}, {9316, 9363}, {9331, 25092}, {9352, 32636}, {9451, 17136}, {9535, 44039}, {9538, 27505}, {9540, 35763}, {9541, 35610}, {9543, 9616}, {9575, 14930}, {9588, 30392}, {9589, 28164}, {9624, 10175}, {9654, 17577}, {9669, 37375}, {9709, 17531}, {9776, 11518}, {9782, 11524}, {9783, 11527}, {9787, 11528}, {9789, 11532}, {9791, 11533}, {9793, 11534}, {9795, 11899}, {9799, 12650}, {9800, 12651}, {9801, 12652}, {9802, 11280}, {9804, 12654}, {9807, 12656}, {9809, 13253}, {9845, 10860}, {9848, 12125}, {9859, 17616}, {9897, 21630}, {9911, 12087}, {9945, 37545}, {9961, 12680}, {10025, 30695}, {10026, 23903}, {10031, 10609}, {10044, 17647}, {10074, 17100}, {10164, 30389}, {10167, 31798}, {10267, 37106}, {10303, 15178}, {10371, 33075}, {10404, 20292}, {10405, 14942}, {10427, 14151}, {10436, 32087}, {10441, 50702}, {10446, 11521}, {10465, 10890}, {10473, 35634}, {10480, 35614}, {10481, 32098}, {10483, 34690}, {10531, 13729}, {10569, 12128}, {10570, 44765}, {10572, 11415}, {10588, 15950}, {10590, 37710}, {10593, 43734}, {10624, 20214}, {10699, 20344}, {10700, 21290}, {10701, 34186}, {10702, 34188}, {10703, 33650}, {10704, 14360}, {10705, 13219}, {10707, 10896}, {10711, 45631}, {10866, 11678}, {10895, 11235}, {10965, 22760}, {11008, 17347}, {11024, 11525}, {11061, 32298}, {11108, 15935}, {11113, 15172}, {11114, 15171}, {11200, 28870}, {11230, 46936}, {11234, 18258}, {11249, 11491}, {11252, 11844}, {11253, 11843}, {11281, 37703}, {11365, 13595}, {11376, 32537}, {11499, 13279}, {11501, 18967}, {11517, 37313}, {11535, 11891}, {11541, 28190}, {11544, 15679}, {11604, 21398}, {11875, 32147}, {11876, 32146}, {11900, 45289}, {12019, 50890}, {12047, 37708}, {12114, 38669}, {12115, 37437}, {12383, 12898}, {12384, 13099}, {12389, 12400}, {12391, 12395}, {12438, 16212}, {12527, 12575}, {12528, 12672}, {12529, 12709}, {12530, 12721}, {12532, 12758}, {12534, 12876}, {12535, 12877}, {12542, 12655}, {12543, 12657}, {12641, 41554}, {12667, 18243}, {12751, 25485}, {12763, 13271}, {12782, 23473}, {12849, 13100}, {12854, 37544}, {13161, 33134}, {13541, 17777}, {13601, 17625}, {13678, 13702}, {13745, 49718}, {13798, 13822}, {13869, 36154}, {13935, 35762}, {13941, 13959}, {14077, 17494}, {14210, 33937}, {14552, 28606}, {14555, 34064}, {14584, 51562}, {14759, 25272}, {14774, 24068}, {14872, 45776}, {14997, 16483}, {15015, 33812}, {15325, 17566}, {15558, 46685}, {15569, 27268}, {15570, 38053}, {15600, 17312}, {15640, 28208}, {15672, 18253}, {15674, 21677}, {15676, 35016}, {15683, 28194}, {15688, 50809}, {15702, 38066}, {15703, 38081}, {15705, 50817}, {15707, 50832}, {15708, 50821}, {15709, 50830}, {15863, 16173}, {15971, 48909}, {16062, 19823}, {16210, 51712}, {16284, 26563}, {16394, 50042}, {16397, 37540}, {16466, 17697}, {16468, 49685}, {16469, 17339}, {16478, 33166}, {16486, 37680}, {16597, 26147}, {16610, 21896}, {16667, 17355}, {16672, 17330}, {16705, 33297}, {16706, 17386}, {16781, 33854}, {16930, 20132}, {16971, 17750}, {17037, 20212}, {17056, 46875}, {17063, 46190}, {17079, 32007}, {17103, 32004}, {17117, 17391}, {17119, 17392}, {17141, 24282}, {17143, 34284}, {17160, 17378}, {17163, 49598}, {17166, 29298}, {17236, 49511}, {17237, 50076}, {17243, 37650}, {17246, 40341}, {17256, 50077}, {17276, 28566}, {17287, 17396}, {17290, 50112}, {17301, 17374}, {17305, 21356}, {17311, 17366}, {17320, 17360}, {17338, 35227}, {17343, 17772}, {17358, 38047}, {17369, 50087}, {17387, 37756}, {17441, 50698}, {17469, 33163}, {17491, 24851}, {17579, 18990}, {17597, 18141}, {17614, 51788}, {17615, 17622}, {17619, 51362}, {17690, 43993}, {17721, 28808}, {17724, 25529}, {17728, 37828}, {17740, 37539}, {17742, 33950}, {17766, 24248}, {17774, 17783}, {17781, 41864}, {17794, 21219}, {17800, 28216}, {18230, 24393}, {18231, 30478}, {18283, 37420}, {18444, 37108}, {18446, 37421}, {18467, 37736}, {18519, 21669}, {18600, 21281}, {18623, 34039}, {19692, 51710}, {19738, 48862}, {19741, 27797}, {19743, 48863}, {19796, 26729}, {19824, 23537}, {19945, 24418}, {19954, 27918}, {20061, 20074}, {20089, 28850}, {20173, 30807}, {20257, 30949}, {20293, 48303}, {20330, 38149}, {20347, 36854}, {20530, 24761}, {20533, 32029}, {20669, 23559}, {20760, 28376}, {20895, 44735}, {20911, 39731}, {20970, 27040}, {21075, 27131}, {21077, 30384}, {21283, 33112}, {21301, 48333}, {21343, 46403}, {21616, 37721}, {21620, 31019}, {21746, 50577}, {21870, 30861}, {21933, 27395}, {21935, 33141}, {22370, 27624}, {22647, 22969}, {22758, 37622}, {22793, 50688}, {23528, 48380}, {23536, 33131}, {24004, 24485}, {24416, 33910}, {24473, 50193}, {24474, 50701}, {24914, 36920}, {25048, 34434}, {25241, 43161}, {25244, 27340}, {25261, 27288}, {25269, 51196}, {25270, 33888}, {25280, 30963}, {25466, 33108}, {25592, 33298}, {25639, 37719}, {25723, 31721}, {25875, 42884}, {25962, 51416}, {26051, 37635}, {26062, 35262}, {26064, 43990}, {26098, 32920}, {26137, 30543}, {26242, 41015}, {26394, 26395}, {26418, 26419}, {26487, 33281}, {26494, 26495}, {26503, 26504}, {26777, 48285}, {26818, 27334}, {26824, 29066}, {26853, 29350}, {27065, 31435}, {27086, 37579}, {27484, 31342}, {27506, 38955}, {28029, 42461}, {28146, 49140}, {28160, 49135}, {28178, 49138}, {28186, 33703}, {28292, 47676}, {28522, 49532}, {28600, 41836}, {28610, 34716}, {28629, 44840}, {28633, 28640}, {28634, 28639}, {28635, 28641}, {28646, 44447}, {28849, 40868}, {29366, 48143}, {30283, 37022}, {30312, 41555}, {30424, 51101}, {30588, 43533}, {30720, 40621}, {30852, 50443}, {30962, 34063}, {31162, 31673}, {31246, 33559}, {31313, 50293}, {31423, 38127}, {31447, 31662}, {31547, 31567}, {31548, 31568}, {31551, 31559}, {31552, 31560}, {31730, 34632}, {31786, 37423}, {31992, 32212}, {32095, 41838}, {32354, 32394}, {32760, 45392}, {32784, 50315}, {32846, 49472}, {32859, 50065}, {33100, 38456}, {33118, 42378}, {33655, 36931}, {33930, 49779}, {34607, 36004}, {34610, 37299}, {34628, 51082}, {34629, 50910}, {34648, 50871}, {34689, 49736}, {34707, 36005}, {34744, 37568}, {34753, 50843}, {34930, 34932}, {35058, 51223}, {35104, 39780}, {35239, 37105}, {35242, 51705}, {35448, 37403}, {35659, 35669}, {35661, 35665}, {35979, 39783}, {36037, 36944}, {36404, 50026}, {36855, 37191}, {36991, 43166}, {37339, 37592}, {37407, 37615}, {37462, 40587}, {37532, 48363}, {37553, 38000}, {37631, 49734}, {37760, 47321}, {37901, 47538}, {37907, 47472}, {37909, 47540}, {37913, 49553}, {38057, 42819}, {38071, 50797}, {38074, 51709}, {38087, 51006}, {38089, 50953}, {38176, 46935}, {38514, 47274}, {39349, 39363}, {40420, 44794}, {41135, 50885}, {41792, 41794}, {41821, 41921}, {42045, 49745}, {43511, 49227}, {43512, 49226}, {43816, 43824}, {44367, 50250}, {45508, 45572}, {45509, 45573}, {46716, 50626}, {47359, 51146}, {47490, 51725}, {47721, 47869}, {47724, 50761}, {47793, 48294}, {47796, 48287}, {47805, 48327}, {47824, 48344}, {47825, 48289}, {47836, 48328}, {47840, 48347}, {48037, 48338}, {48164, 48332}, {48208, 48290}, {48798, 48819}, {48800, 48820}, {48806, 48824}, {48877, 48903}, {48936, 50422}, {49456, 49503}, {49457, 49689}, {49508, 51035}, {49700, 49712}, {49716, 49735}, {49743, 50171}, {49746, 50074}, {50041, 51591}, {50043, 50054}, {50044, 50061}, {50050, 50068}, {50055, 50067}, {50154, 50164}, {50155, 50259}, {50175, 50183}, {50179, 50279}, {50247, 50248}, {50398, 51715}, {50690, 51118}, {50794, 51706}, {50949, 51149}, {50950, 51193}, {51156, 51169}
midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 3633}, {2, 20049}, {7, 12630}, {8, 20050}, {3242, 49679}, {3621, 20014}, {3868, 3885}, {7972, 26726}, {8148, 18526}, {12536, 12541}, {34631, 50818}, {34747, 51093}, {34748, 50805}, {45719, 45720}, {49469, 49498}, {49490, 49678}
reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 3244}, {2, 3241}, {3, 1483}, {4, 1482}, {6, 51147}, {7, 3243}, {8, 1}, {10, 3635}, {20, 944}, {40, 5882}, {65, 34791}, {69, 3242}, {72, 9957}, {75, 49478}, {100, 1317}, {144, 390}, {146, 7978}, {147, 7970}, {148, 7983}, {149, 1320}, {150, 10695}, {151, 10696}, {152, 10697}, {153, 10698}, {192, 49470}, {193, 51192}, {194, 7976}, {238, 49691}, {239, 49771}, {329, 7962}, {355, 10222}, {487, 7980}, {488, 7981}, {551, 51091}, {597, 51145}, {599, 50998}, {616, 7975}, {617, 7974}, {621, 51689}, {622, 51691}, {627, 22912}, {628, 22867}, {944, 37727}, {956, 37728}, {962, 7982}, {984, 49471}, {1145, 12735}, {1278, 24349}, {1320, 25416}, {1757, 49696}, {1992, 51000}, {2136, 12437}, {2475, 34195}, {2550, 42871}, {2888, 7979}, {2896, 7977}, {2975, 37734}, {3146, 962}, {3241, 51093}, {3416, 49465}, {3419, 50194}, {3434, 2099}, {3436, 2098}, {3448, 7984}, {3578, 49739}, {3579, 32900}, {3617, 3623}, {3621, 8}, {3625, 1125}, {3632, 10}, {3644, 49461}, {3648, 5441}, {3655, 51087}, {3679, 51071}, {3681, 5919}, {3751, 49684}, {3828, 51095}, {3868, 3555}, {3869, 3057}, {3893, 5836}, {3952, 17460}, {4240, 12626}, {4295, 12559}, {4307, 50284}, {4419, 17318}, {4440, 24841}, {4454, 4644}, {4461, 4344}, {4462, 4162}, {4645, 49675}, {4659, 4667}, {4660, 49464}, {4661, 3877}, {4664, 50778}, {4677, 551}, {4678, 20057}, {4701, 3636}, {4729, 4504}, {4740, 51055}, {4764, 49525}, {4814, 48325}, {4924, 4856}, {4929, 3950}, {5086, 11011}, {5176, 5048}, {5223, 30331}, {5541, 33337}, {5691, 4301}, {5881, 946}, {5903, 3874}, {5904, 3878}, {5921, 39898}, {6193, 9933}, {6194, 22713}, {6223, 7971}, {6224, 7972}, {6225, 7973}, {6327, 49454}, {6361, 18481}, {6764, 12629}, {6796, 32905}, {7057, 12646}, {7426, 47493}, {7672, 15185}, {7991, 4297}, {8591, 9884}, {9797, 12127}, {9799, 12650}, {9800, 12651}, {9801, 12652}, {9802, 12653}, {9803, 6264}, {9804, 12654}, {9807, 12656}, {9809, 13253}, {9812, 11224}, {9859, 17644}, {9874, 8000}, {9897, 21630}, {9961, 12680}, {10449, 50637}, {10914, 942}, {11041, 36867}, {11061, 32298}, {11160, 50999}, {11362, 13607}, {11415, 30323}, {11525, 14563}, {11684, 10543}, {11691, 8422}, {12125, 9848}, {12245, 3}, {12247, 12737}, {12383, 12898}, {12384, 13099}, {12389, 12400}, {12391, 12395}, {12526, 4314}, {12527, 12575}, {12528, 12672}, {12529, 12709}, {12530, 12721}, {12531, 11}, {12532, 12758}, {12533, 5920}, {12534, 12876}, {12535, 12877}, {12541, 3680}, {12542, 12655}, {12543, 12657}, {12625, 21627}, {12632, 3189}, {12645, 5}, {12648, 3870}, {12649, 36846}, {12672, 13600}, {12699, 11278}, {12702, 34773}, {12751, 25485}, {12849, 13100}, {13219, 10705}, {13678, 13702}, {13798, 13822}, {14360, 10704}, {14450, 16126}, {14807, 2102}, {14808, 2103}, {14872, 45776}, {14923, 65}, {15971, 48909}, {16017, 8241}, {17164, 2650}, {17299, 49467}, {17363, 3883}, {17494, 47729}, {17777, 13541}, {17784, 3476}, {18525, 22791}, {20008, 9797}, {20012, 20037}, {20014, 20050}, {20016, 50015}, {20017, 49687}, {20050, 3633}, {20051, 20040}, {20052, 3616}, {20053, 3632}, {20054, 3621}, {20055, 36534}, {20070, 20}, {20072, 49709}, {20076, 36977}, {20085, 149}, {20095, 6224}, {20293, 48303}, {20344, 10699}, {21290, 10700}, {21301, 48333}, {21302, 4449}, {22647, 22969}, {24248, 49455}, {24349, 49490}, {25304, 1469}, {25413, 24475}, {25722, 8581}, {26117, 41813}, {26824, 48304}, {28610, 34716}, {31145, 2}, {31162, 51077}, {31298, 17794}, {31302, 192}, {31547, 31567}, {31548, 31568}, {31551, 31559}, {31552, 31560}, {31888, 15680}, {32354, 32394}, {32850, 4864}, {33090, 17015}, {33650, 10703}, {33703, 48661}, {34186, 10701}, {34188, 10702}, {34605, 34749}, {34611, 34699}, {34627, 3656}, {34628, 51082}, {34631, 50805}, {34632, 50811}, {34641, 51103}, {34689, 49736}, {34718, 50824}, {34747, 51096}, {34748, 50831}, {34790, 31792}, {34932, 34930}, {35659, 35669}, {35661, 35665}, {36154, 13869}, {36972, 1329}, {36991, 43166}, {38514, 47274}, {39351, 14942}, {39776, 5083}, {42020, 38496}, {46403, 21343}, {46685, 15558}, {47321, 47491}, {47490, 51725}, {47724, 50761}, {47745, 13464}, {48304, 50767}, {48798, 48819}, {48800, 48820}, {48806, 48824}, {48877, 48903}, {49060, 49329}, {49061, 49330}, {49168, 22837}, {49169, 22836}, {49447, 49462}, {49448, 3993}, {49450, 37}, {49459, 24325}, {49470, 49475}, {49474, 49479}, {49493, 49491}, {49501, 49523}, {49503, 49456}, {49532, 49535}, {49677, 3836}, {49688, 1386}, {49689, 49457}, {49690, 49524}, {49698, 1279}, {49702, 3246}, {49704, 49695}, {49707, 238}, {49709, 49699}, {49712, 49700}, {49714, 44}, {49719, 5434}, {50043, 50070}, {50055, 50072}, {50074, 49746}, {50107, 50130}, {50154, 50182}, {50155, 50259}, {50172, 42045}, {50248, 50247}, {50277, 49735}, {50279, 50179}, {50289, 3879}, {50295, 50281}, {50343, 4922}, {50810, 3655}, {50818, 34748}, {50835, 47357}, {50864, 31162}, {50871, 34648}, {50872, 34631}, {51192, 49681}, {51515, 10283}
X(145) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 3633}, {2, 20049}, {7, 12630}, {8, 20050}, {3242, 49679}, {3621, 20014}, {3868, 3885}, {7972, 26726}, {8148, 18526}, {12536, 12541}, {34631, 50818}, {34747, 51093}, {34748, 50805}, {45719, 45720}, {49469, 49498}, {49490, 49678}
X(145) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 3244}, {2, 3241}, {3, 1483}, {4, 1482}, {6, 51147}, {7, 3243}, {8, 1}, {10, 3635}, {20, 944}, {40, 5882}, {65, 34791}, {69, 3242}, {72, 9957}, {75, 49478}, {100, 1317}, {144, 390}, {146, 7978}, {147, 7970}, {148, 7983}, {149, 1320}, {150, 10695}, {151, 10696}, {152, 10697}, {153, 10698}, {192, 49470}, {193, 51192}, {194, 7976}, {238, 49691}, {239, 49771}, {329, 7962}, {355, 10222}, {487, 7980}, {488, 7981}, {551, 51091}, {597, 51145}, {599, 50998}, {616, 7975}, {617, 7974}, {621, 51689}, {622, 51691}, {627, 22912}, {628, 22867}, {944, 37727}, {956, 37728}, {962, 7982}, {984, 49471}, {1145, 12735}, {1278, 24349}, {1320, 25416}, {1757, 49696}, {1992, 51000}, {2136, 12437}, {2475, 34195}, {2550, 42871}, {2888, 7979}, {2896, 7977}, {2975, 37734}, {3146, 962}, {3241, 51093}, {3416, 49465}, {3419, 50194}, {3434, 2099}, {3436, 2098}, {3448, 7984}, {3578, 49739}, {3579, 32900}, {3617, 3623}, {3621, 8}, {3625, 1125}, {3632, 10}, {3644, 49461}, {3648, 5441}, {3655, 51087}, {3679, 51071}, {3681, 5919}, {3751, 49684}, {3828, 51095}, {3868, 3555}, {3869, 3057}, {3893, 5836}, {3952, 17460}, {4240, 12626}, {4295, 12559}, {4307, 50284}, {4419, 17318}, {4440, 24841}, {4454, 4644}, {4461, 4344}, {4462, 4162}, {4645, 49675}, {4659, 4667}, {4660, 49464}, {4661, 3877}, {4664, 50778}, {4677, 551}, {4678, 20057}, {4701, 3636}, {4729, 4504}, {4740, 51055}, {4764, 49525}, {4814, 48325}, {4924, 4856}, {4929, 3950}, {5086, 11011}, {5176, 5048}, {5223, 30331}, {5541, 33337}, {5691, 4301}, {5881, 946}, {5903, 3874}, {5904, 3878}, {5921, 39898}, {6193, 9933}, {6194, 22713}, {6223, 7971}, {6224, 7972}, {6225, 7973}, {6327, 49454}, {6361, 18481}, {6764, 12629}, {6796, 32905}, {7057, 12646}, {7426, 47493}, {7672, 15185}, {7991, 4297}, {8591, 9884}, {9797, 12127}, {9799, 12650}, {9800, 12651}, {9801, 12652}, {9802, 12653}, {9803, 6264}, {9804, 12654}, {9807, 12656}, {9809, 13253}, {9812, 11224}, {9859, 17644}, {9874, 8000}, {9897, 21630}, {9961, 12680}, {10449, 50637}, {10914, 942}, {11041, 36867}, {11061, 32298}, {11160, 50999}, {11362, 13607}, {11415, 30323}, {11525, 14563}, {11684, 10543}, {11691, 8422}, {12125, 9848}, {12245, 3}, {12247, 12737}, {12383, 12898}, {12384, 13099}, {12389, 12400}, {12391, 12395}, {12526, 4314}, {12527, 12575}, {12528, 12672}, {12529, 12709}, {12530, 12721}, {12531, 11}, {12532, 12758}, {12533, 5920}, {12534, 12876}, {12535, 12877}, {12541, 3680}, {12542, 12655}, {12543, 12657}, {12625, 21627}, {12632, 3189}, {12645, 5}, {12648, 3870}, {12649, 36846}, {12672, 13600}, {12699, 11278}, {12702, 34773}, {12751, 25485}, {12849, 13100}, {13219, 10705}, {13678, 13702}, {13798, 13822}, {14360, 10704}, {14450, 16126}, {14807, 2102}, {14808, 2103}, {14872, 45776}, {14923, 65}, {15971, 48909}, {16017, 8241}, {17164, 2650}, {17299, 49467}, {17363, 3883}, {17494, 47729}, {17777, 13541}, {17784, 3476}, {18525, 22791}, {20008, 9797}, {20012, 20037}, {20014, 20050}, {20016, 50015}, {20017, 49687}, {20050, 3633}, {20051, 20040}, {20052, 3616}, {20053, 3632}, {20054, 3621}, {20055, 36534}, {20070, 20}, {20072, 49709}, {20076, 36977}, {20085, 149}, {20095, 6224}, {20293, 48303}, {20344, 10699}, {21290, 10700}, {21301, 48333}, {21302, 4449}, {22647, 22969}, {24248, 49455}, {24349, 49490}, {25304, 1469}, {25413, 24475}, {25722, 8581}, {26117, 41813}, {26824, 48304}, {28610, 34716}, {31145, 2}, {31162, 51077}, {31298, 17794}, {31302, 192}, {31547, 31567}, {31548, 31568}, {31551, 31559}, {31552, 31560}, {31888, 15680}, {32354, 32394}, {32850, 4864}, {33090, 17015}, {33650, 10703}, {33703, 48661}, {34186, 10701}, {34188, 10702}, {34605, 34749}, {34611, 34699}, {34627, 3656}, {34628, 51082}, {34631, 50805}, {34632, 50811}, {34641, 51103}, {34689, 49736}, {34718, 50824}, {34747, 51096}, {34748, 50831}, {34790, 31792}, {34932, 34930}, {35659, 35669}, {35661, 35665}, {36154, 13869}, {36972, 1329}, {36991, 43166}, {38514, 47274}, {39351, 14942}, {39776, 5083}, {42020, 38496}, {46403, 21343}, {46685, 15558}, {47321, 47491}, {47490, 51725}, {47724, 50761}, {47745, 13464}, {48304, 50767}, {48798, 48819}, {48800, 48820}, {48806, 48824}, {48877, 48903}, {49060, 49329}, {49061, 49330}, {49168, 22837}, {49169, 22836}, {49447, 49462}, {49448, 3993}, {49450, 37}, {49459, 24325}, {49470, 49475}, {49474, 49479}, {49493, 49491}, {49501, 49523}, {49503, 49456}, {49532, 49535}, {49677, 3836}, {49688, 1386}, {49689, 49457}, {49690, 49524}, {49698, 1279}, {49702, 3246}, {49704, 49695}, {49707, 238}, {49709, 49699}, {49712, 49700}, {49714, 44}, {49719, 5434}, {50043, 50070}, {50055, 50072}, {50074, 49746}, {50107, 50130}, {50154, 50182}, {50155, 50259}, {50172, 42045}, {50248, 50247}, {50277, 49735}, {50279, 50179}, {50289, 3879}, {50295, 50281}, {50343, 4922}, {50810, 3655}, {50818, 34748}, {50835, 47357}, {50864, 31162}, {50871, 34648}, {50872, 34631}, {51192, 49681}, {51515, 10283}
X(145) = isogonal conjugate of X(3445)
X(145) = isotomic conjugate of X(4373)
X(145) = complement of X(3621)
X(145) = anticomplement of X(8)
X(145) = incircle-inverse of X(37743)
X(145) = Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of X(3008)
X(145) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of X(5121)
X(145) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(56)
X(145) = anticomplement of the isotomic conjugate of X(7)
X(145) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(36606)
X(145) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(2885)
X(145) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(42020)
X(145) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(3161)
X(145) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(3052)
X(145) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(20818)
X(145) = anticomplementary isogonal conjugate of X(3436)
X(145) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3436}, {2, 21286}, {6, 329}, {7, 6327}, {25, 5942}, {31, 144}, {32, 3177}, {34, 4}, {41, 30695}, {56, 8}, {57, 69}, {58, 3869}, {59, 3952}, {65, 1330}, {77, 1370}, {81, 20245}, {85, 315}, {87, 20557}, {101, 4462}, {106, 5176}, {108, 20293}, {109, 513}, {221, 6223}, {222, 4329}, {226, 21287}, {241, 20552}, {251, 20248}, {269, 3434}, {273, 11442}, {278, 21270}, {279, 21285}, {284, 18750}, {513, 33650}, {560, 21218}, {593, 21273}, {603, 20}, {604, 2}, {608, 5905}, {649, 37781}, {651, 20295}, {664, 21301}, {667, 39351}, {692, 4468}, {738, 6604}, {757, 35614}, {849, 2975}, {934, 21302}, {951, 7270}, {961, 17751}, {1014, 17135}, {1037, 10327}, {1042, 2475}, {1088, 21280}, {1106, 145}, {1118, 5906}, {1262, 21272}, {1319, 21290}, {1333, 63}, {1393, 2888}, {1394, 6225}, {1395, 193}, {1396, 17220}, {1397, 192}, {1398, 12649}, {1399, 3648}, {1400, 2895}, {1401, 21289}, {1402, 1654}, {1404, 30578}, {1407, 7}, {1408, 1}, {1409, 3151}, {1410, 3152}, {1411, 5080}, {1412, 75}, {1413, 962}, {1414, 512}, {1415, 514}, {1416, 518}, {1417, 519}, {1418, 2890}, {1420, 42020}, {1422, 21279}, {1424, 32548}, {1427, 2893}, {1428, 17794}, {1429, 20345}, {1431, 4388}, {1434, 17137}, {1436, 189}, {1438, 30807}, {1447, 20554}, {1455, 151}, {1456, 152}, {1457, 153}, {1458, 20344}, {1459, 34188}, {1461, 693}, {1462, 20347}, {1474, 92}, {1477, 32850}, {1973, 30694}, {2006, 21277}, {2099, 21291}, {2149, 190}, {2162, 20348}, {2194, 45738}, {2199, 20211}, {2215, 26872}, {3213, 14361}, {3248, 17036}, {3450, 25253}, {3451, 312}, {3669, 150}, {3676, 21293}, {4017, 3448}, {4554, 21304}, {4564, 668}, {4565, 7192}, {4573, 17217}, {4617, 46402}, {4625, 44445}, {4637, 4374}, {6063, 21275}, {6611, 5932}, {6614, 3900}, {7023, 36845}, {7045, 3888}, {7099, 347}, {7121, 20535}, {7125, 6527}, {7153, 21281}, {7175, 30660}, {7178, 21294}, {7180, 21221}, {7251, 21215}, {7316, 17491}, {7341, 17140}, {7366, 4452}, {8059, 4397}, {8809, 32064}, {9447, 46706}, {9456, 908}, {16945, 3621}, {16947, 17147}, {18268, 1959}, {20567, 33796}, {23971, 35312}, {23979, 4552}, {24027, 100}, {28607, 5744}, {28615, 17781}, {32636, 2891}, {32669, 3904}, {32674, 4391}, {32675, 3762}, {32714, 46400}, {34079, 14206}, {36049, 20296}, {36059, 20294}, {36098, 6371}, {36110, 8677}, {36141, 30565}, {36146, 3766}, {38828, 4106}, {40151, 21296}, {41280, 17486}, {41526, 21219}, {42467, 8048}, {43924, 149}, {51640, 13219}, {51641, 34186}, {51642, 148}, {51649, 12384}, {51653, 147}, {51654, 34547}, {51655, 14360}, {51656, 146}, {51658, 34548}, {51662, 34550}
X(145) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {8699, 513}, {36603, 141}, {36606, 2887}, {36621, 17046}, {38255, X(145) = 21244}, {40026, 626}
X(145) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {7, 2}, {190, 31182}, {664, 30719}, {1016, 30720}, {1266, 30577}, {3875, 3210}, {3879, 17778}, {4076, 100}, {4998, 25737}, {9312, 3177}, {10106, 5484}, {18743, 3161}, {35577, 3622}, {39126, 5435}, {40420, 9}, {41629, 1743}, {43290, 3667}, {44724, 43290}
X(145) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 44301}, {1743, 5435}, {3158, 3161}, {3161, 2}, {3667, 43290}, {3756, 3667}, {3950, 18743}, {4534, 4462}, {4849, 1743}, {4856, 41629}, {4943, 30720}, {4953, 4521}, {6555, 24150}, {12640, 44720}, {31182, 190}, {40621, 30719}, {44720, 39701}, {45219, 1420}, {51658, 100}
X(145) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3445}, {2, 38266}, {6, 8056}, {8, 16945}, {9, 40151}, {31, 4373}, {32, 40014}, {41, 27818}, {55, 19604}, {56, 3680}, {513, 1293}, {514, 34080}, {604, 6557}, {607, 27832}, {649, 27834}, {650, 38828}, {900, 36042}, {1015, 5382}, {1022, 2429}, {1106, 6556}, {1261, 46367}, {1333, 4052}, {1420, 33963}, {3158, 16079}, {3762, 32645}, {31343, 43924}
X(145) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3680}, {1, 45036}, {2, 4373}, {3, 3445}, {9, 8056}, {37, 4052}, {145, 3621}, {223, 19604}, {478, 40151}, {514, 40621}, {522, 3756}, {900, 5516}, {1086, 4521}, {1293, 39026}, {1358, 3669}, {1420, 34039}, {1743, 3928}, {3052, 36641}, {3160, 27818}, {3161, 6557}, {3667, 3756}, {3950, 22034}, {4162, 36639}, {4849, 22312}, {4859, 24392}, {4862, 30827}, {5375, 27834}, {5435, 36640}, {6376, 40014}, {6552, 6556}, {10029, 36905}, {10563, 11530}, {14321, 17058}, {21255, 21342}, {32664, 38266}, {39048, 51839}
X(145) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2136}, {8, 8834}, {200, 45193}, {1743, 3158}, {3052, 20818}, {3161, 15519}, {3667, 3756}, {3950, 4849}, {4162, 4534}, {4404, 4939}, {4521, 4953}, {4943, 40621}, {12640, 45219}, {12643, 12646}
X(145) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 39969}, {2, 36606}, {7, 5435}, {664, 1016}, {18743, 39126}, {43290, 44724}
X(145) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 21214}, {6, 21000}, {244, 6615}, {663, 1015}, {3271, 17424}
X(145) = trilinear pole of line {2976, 3667}
X(145) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {649, 6363}
X(145) = X(643)-beth conjugate of X(56)
X(145) = exsimilicenter of incircle and AC-incircle
X(145) = X(64)-of-intouch-triangle
X(145) = trilinear pole of line X(2976)X(3667) (radical axis of incircle and AC-incircle, and the pole of X(2) wrt the Spieker circle)
X(145) = X(8)-of-anticomplementary-triangle
X(145) = X(11381)-of-excentral-triangle
X(145) = perspector of intouch triangle and Gemini triangle 29
X(145) = {X(37794),X(37795)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2)
barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 18743}, {7, 3161}, {8, 5435}, {9, 39126}, {10, 41629}, {43, 27496}, {56, 44723}, {57, 44720}, {75, 1743}, {76, 3052}, {83, 4884}, {85, 3158}, {86, 3950}, {88, 4487}, {92, 4855}, {99, 14321}, {100, 4462}, {190, 3667}, {222, 44721}, {264, 20818}, {274, 4849}, {278, 44722}, {279, 6555}, {306, 4248}, {312, 1420}, {313, 33628}, {321, 16948}, {333, 4848}, {514, 43290}, {519, 31227}, {646, 51658}, {658, 4546}, {662, 4404}, {664, 4521}, {666, 4925}, {668, 4394}, {673, 4899}, {799, 4729}, {1016, 3756}, {1086, 44724}, {1088, 4936}, {1222, 45204}, {1268, 4856}, {1275, 4953}, {1978, 8643}, {2403, 17780}, {3210, 39701}, {3676, 30720}, {3699, 30719}, {4076, 40617}, {4162, 4554}, {4452, 24150}, {4504, 27805}, {4534, 4998}, {4555, 14425}, {4564, 4939}, {4573, 44729}, {4600, 21950}, {4881, 18359}, {4891, 32009}, {4898, 30598}, {4918, 14534}, {4935, 39962}, {4949, 32042}, {6049, 6557}, {6357, 44727}, {6632, 23764}, {8055, 44301}, {12640, 40420}, {15519, 27818}, {32017, 45219}, {34234, 51433}
barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 8056}, {2, 4373}, {6, 3445}, {7, 27818}, {8, 6557}, {9, 3680}, {10, 4052}, {31, 38266}, {56, 40151}, {57, 19604}, {75, 40014}, {77, 27832}, {100, 27834}, {101, 1293}, {109, 38828}, {346, 6556}, {604, 16945}, {644, 31343}, {692, 34080}, {765, 5382}, {1122, 45205}, {1200, 45229}, {1279, 51839}, {1420, 57}, {1743, 1}, {2136, 24151}, {2403, 6548}, {2441, 23345}, {2976, 6084}, {3052, 6}, {3158, 9}, {3161, 8}, {3210, 27835}, {3434, 27826}, {3667, 514}, {3731, 10563}, {3756, 1086}, {3870, 27819}, {3873, 27827}, {3875, 27813}, {3879, 27820}, {3891, 27817}, {3896, 27823}, {3905, 27821}, {3907, 27831}, {3950, 10}, {4162, 650}, {4248, 27}, {4394, 513}, {4404, 1577}, {4449, 27837}, {4452, 27828}, {4453, 27836}, {4462, 693}, {4487, 4358}, {4504, 4369}, {4521, 522}, {4534, 11}, {4546, 3239}, {4729, 661}, {4848, 226}, {4849, 37}, {4855, 63}, {4856, 1125}, {4881, 3218}, {4884, 141}, {4891, 3739}, {4898, 1698}, {4899, 3912}, {4917, 3305}, {4918, 1211}, {4924, 29571}, {4925, 918}, {4929, 17284}, {4936, 200}, {4939, 4858}, {4943, 4521}, {4949, 4802}, {4952, 17279}, {4953, 1146}, {4964, 25666}, {5435, 7}, {6049, 5435}, {6555, 346}, {8643, 649}, {9312, 27829}, {9436, 10029}, {12640, 3452}, {14100, 45202}, {14284, 21120}, {14321, 523}, {14350, 28161}, {14351, 28225}, {14425, 900}, {15519, 3161}, {16948, 81}, {17780, 2415}, {18211, 16726}, {18743, 75}, {20818, 3}, {21950, 3120}, {23344, 2429}, {23511, 47636}, {23764, 6545}, {24150, 6553}, {27496, 6384}, {27818, 16078}, {30719, 3676}, {30720, 3699}, {31182, 3667}, {31227, 903}, {32665, 36042}, {32719, 32645}, {33628, 58}, {37764, 17951}, {39126, 85}, {39701, 39694}, {40151, 16079}, {40617, 1358}, {40621, 3756}, {41629, 86}, {43290, 190}, {44301, 8051}, {44720, 312}, {44721, 7017}, {44722, 345}, {44723, 3596}, {44724, 1016}, {44729, 3700}, {45036, 3928}, {45204, 3663}, {45219, 3752}, {51433, 908}, {51658, 3669}
{X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 2, 3622}, {1, 8, 2}, {1, 10, 3616}, {1, 43, 1201}, {1, 200, 19861}, {1, 978, 1149}, {1, 1125, 38314}, {1, 1698, 551}, {1, 1722, 28011}, {1, 3214, 28370}, {1, 3241, 3623}, {1, 3244, 3241}, {1, 3293, 995}, {1, 3617, 46934}, {1, 3621, 3617}, {1, 3624, 3636}, {1, 3625, 9780}, {1, 3626, 5550}, {1, 3632, 10}, {1, 3635, 20057}, {1, 3679, 1125}, {1, 3811, 4511}, {1, 3870, 34772}, {1, 3938, 36565}, {1, 4668, 3624}, {1, 4677, 1698}, {1, 4701, 19877}, {1, 4816, 3634}, {1, 4853, 19860}, {1, 4882, 8583}, {1, 5262, 17024}, {1, 5312, 50604}, {1, 5554, 10586}, {1, 6738, 10580}, {1, 6765, 78}, {1, 7080, 24558}, {1, 10573, 3086}, {1, 11519, 4853}, {1, 12629, 3872}, {1, 12647, 3085}, {1, 12648, 10528}, {1, 12649, 10529}, {1, 16830, 29570}, {1, 18391, 14986}, {1, 20014, 31145}, {1, 20018, 20036}, {1, 20049, 20054}, {1, 20050, 3621}, {1, 20052, 46932}, {1, 20053, 4678}, {1, 31145, 46933}, {1, 31397, 5703}, {1, 34595, 51105}, {1, 34747, 3633}, {1, 36846, 38460}, {1, 39584, 38475}, {1, 39587, 29624}, {1, 41575, 12649}, {1, 41684, 499}, {1, 49168, 10527}, {1, 49169, 5552}, {1, 49458, 36534}, {1, 49476, 17316}, {1, 49495, 239}, {1, 49762, 29579}, {1, 49772, 16020}, {1, 50016, 16825}, {1, 50286, 29569}, {1, 50581, 1193}, {1, 50582, 29840}, {1, 51093, 3244}, {2, 8, 3617}, {2, 10, 46932}, {2, 239, 24599}, {2, 3006, 30762}, {2, 3617, 46933}, {2, 3621, 8}, {2, 3622, 46934}, {2, 3623, 1}, {2, 3912, 30833}, {2, 4393, 17014}, {2, 4678, 10}, {2, 6542, 29616}, {2, 9780, 46930}, {2, 17316, 29621}, {2, 20008, 12649}, {2, 20011, 20012}, {2, 20013, 20007}, {2, 20014, 3621}, {2, 20040, 20036}, {2, 20045, 26245}, {2, 20048, 19998}, {2, 20050, 20054}, {2, 20052, 4678}, {2, 20056, 7172}, {2, 26773, 27112}, {2, 26820, 27165}, {2, 29585, 29624}, {2, 29588, 29585}, {2, 29824, 30948}, {2, 46933, 46931}, {2, 51093, 51092}, {3, 1483, 7967}, {5, 10247, 10595}, {6, 17314, 346}, {6, 17388, 17314}, {7, 3875, 4452}, {7, 4452, 4373}, {7, 4460, 3875}, {7, 9312, 43983}, {7, 25718, 9312}, {8, 10, 4678}, {8, 938, 5554}, {8, 3241, 1}, {8, 3244, 3623}, {8, 3616, 10}, {8, 3621, 31145}, {8, 3622, 46933}, {8, 3623, 3622}, {8, 3632, 20052}, {8, 3633, 20014}, {8, 3957, 10587}, {8, 4511, 7080}, {8, 9780, 3679}, {8, 9797, 36845}, {8, 10453, 17751}, {8, 10578, 24987}, {8, 20011, 20051}, {8, 20014, 20054}, {8, 20018, 20012}, {8, 20037, 20036}, {8, 20053, 3632}, {8, 20057, 3616}, {8, 27383, 6735}, {8, 34772, 10528}, {8, 36845, 12649}, {8, 38314, 9780}, {8, 38460, 10529}, {8, 39567, 24599}, {8, 49771, 39567}, {10, 551, 19878}, {10, 3244, 3635}, {10, 3616, 2}, {10, 3624, 19877}, {10, 3625, 4746}, {10, 3632, 8}, {10, 3635, 1}, {10, 3636, 3624}, {10, 4062, 27558}, {10, 4678, 3617}, {10, 4701, 4668}, {10, 4746, 3679}, {10, 19878, 1698}, {10, 20053, 20052}, {10, 46932, 46933}, {11, 11681, 5154}, {11, 12607, 11681}, {12, 3813, 11680}, {12, 11680, 5141}, {20, 3868, 9965}, {20, 20075, 20066}, {20, 20076, 20067}, {37, 5839, 391}, {40, 5731, 3522}, {40, 5882, 5731}, {42, 10453, 2}, {42, 50001, 30942}, {45, 4969, 37654}, {55, 2975, 4189}, {55, 12513, 2975}, {56, 100, 4188}, {56, 3913, 100}, {63, 4313, 17576}, {65, 3189, 17784}, {65, 3476, 3600}, {65, 3600, 21454}, {65, 34791, 3873}, {65, 37738, 3476}, {69, 4360, 3672}, {72, 3488, 452}, {72, 9957, 3877}, {75, 21605, 21432}, {78, 938, 2}, {78, 6765, 3935}, {81, 1043, 11115}, {149, 20060, 4}, {192, 193, 144}, {192, 3177, 25237}, {192, 20072, 20073}, {192, 49704, 390}, {193, 20073, 20072}, {200, 10580, 2}, {226, 12625, 5175}, {239, 17316, 2}, {239, 17389, 17316}, {239, 29575, 29628}, {239, 29619, 17244}, {279, 6604, 51351}, {319, 17321, 5232}, {319, 17393, 17321}, {320, 50101, 4346}, {344, 3759, 37681}, {344, 49698, 10005}, {354, 3893, 5836}, {355, 5603, 3091}, {355, 10222, 5603}, {377, 5082, 33110}, {388, 3434, 2475}, {392, 34790, 3876}, {495, 24390, 2476}, {496, 17757, 4193}, {497, 3436, 5046}, {499, 27529, 2}, {499, 45701, 27529}, {551, 1698, 5550}, {551, 3626, 1698}, {664, 6604, 279}, {899, 21214, 27625}, {899, 30947, 2}, {944, 3868, 20076}, {944, 3885, 20075}, {944, 6361, 18481}, {946, 16200, 5734}, {950, 7962, 9785}, {950, 11523, 329}, {956, 3295, 21}, {958, 1621, 16865}, {958, 3303, 1621}, {960, 5919, 3890}, {978, 1149, 28370}, {995, 50575, 3293}, {999, 5687, 404}, {1001, 5260, 16859}, {1056, 5082, 377}, {1058, 3421, 2478}, {1100, 17299, 2345}, {1125, 3625, 3679}, {1125, 3626, 51069}, {1125, 3679, 9780}, {1125, 4746, 10}, {1125, 9780, 2}, {1125, 51071, 1}, {1149, 3214, 978}, {1150, 19765, 16347}, {1193, 35633, 29824}, {1193, 50581, 3240}, {1210, 6735, 25005}, {1210, 27383, 2}, {1319, 1788, 5265}, {1319, 41687, 1788}, {1376, 3304, 5253}, {1376, 5253, 17572}, {1385, 5657, 3523}, {1388, 40663, 7288}, {1420, 3158, 4855}, {1420, 4848, 5435}, {1420, 4855, 4881}, {1449, 2321, 5749}, {1468, 5255, 17126}, {1482, 18525, 22791}, {1697, 6762, 63}, {1698, 4677, 3626}, {1698, 5550, 2}, {1698, 51069, 9780}, {1722, 28011, 7292}, {1743, 3950, 3161}, {1743, 4898, 3950}, {1743, 4929, 4899}, {1829, 7718, 6995}, {1837, 32049, 5176}, {1909, 17144, 4441}, {1998, 3870, 3935}, {1999, 50582, 12649}, {2098, 10950, 497}, {2098, 41711, 12635}, {2099, 10944, 388}, {2176, 3780, 37657}, {2275, 20691, 17756}, {2340, 28124, 28057}, {2550, 42871, 11038}, {3006, 26228, 2}, {3008, 29573, 29627}, {3008, 29627, 2}, {3011, 30741, 2}, {3057, 3486, 390}, {3057, 37740, 3486}, {3085, 3086, 10320}, {3085, 10527, 2}, {3085, 34625, 10527}, {3086, 5552, 2}, {3086, 34619, 5552}, {3160, 32003, 9436}, {3177, 20111, 144}, {3189, 3873, 4190}, {3189, 34791, 3600}, {3240, 29824, 2}, {3241, 3616, 20057}, {3241, 3621, 3622}, {3241, 3633, 3621}, {3241, 9797, 36846}, {3241, 15519, 37743}, {3241, 20014, 3617}, {3241, 20049, 31145}, {3241, 20050, 8}, {3241, 20053, 3616}, {3241, 20054, 46934}, {3241, 20057, 3635}, {3241, 34747, 20049}, {3241, 36845, 38460}, {3241, 38314, 51071}, {3241, 49495, 39567}, {3243, 3340, 11520}, {3243, 3680, 3340}, {3244, 3625, 51071}, {3244, 3632, 20057}, {3244, 3633, 8}, {3244, 3634, 51097}, {3244, 15808, 51095}, {3244, 20014, 3622}, {3244, 20049, 3617}, {3244, 20050, 2}, {3244, 34747, 20050}, {3244, 41575, 38460}, {3247, 3686, 5296}, {3340, 10106, 7}, {3419, 3487, 5177}, {3434, 3891, 30699}, {3476, 14923, 4190}, {3485, 5086, 6871}, {3485, 5252, 5261}, {3486, 3869, 6872}, {3555, 3868, 4430}, {3555, 37727, 36977}, {3579, 32900, 3655}, {3579, 51087, 32900}, {3600, 12632, 17784}, {3600, 17784, 4190}, {3601, 24391, 5744}, {3616, 3632, 4678}, {3616, 4678, 46932}, {3616, 19877, 3624}, {3616, 20050, 20053}, {3616, 20052, 3617}, {3616, 20053, 8}, {3616, 20057, 1}, {3616, 27558, 24946}, {3617, 3622, 2}, {3617, 20054, 31145}, {3617, 31145, 8}, {3617, 46932, 10}, {3617, 46934, 46931}, {3617, 51092, 3623}, {3621, 3623, 2}, {3621, 4678, 20052}, {3621, 20013, 20015}, {3621, 20018, 20051}, {3621, 20040, 20012}, {3621, 20041, 20036}, {3621, 20049, 20014}, {3621, 20052, 3632}, {3621, 20057, 46932}, {3621, 29588, 39587}, {3621, 51071, 46930}, {3622, 20054, 8}, {3622, 31145, 3617}, {3622, 46930, 1125}, {3623, 3633, 20054}, {3623, 20011, 20036}, {3623, 20014, 8}, {3623, 20049, 3621}, {3623, 20050, 31145}, {3623, 20052, 3616}, {3623, 20053, 46932}, {3623, 20054, 46933}, {3623, 31145, 46934}, {3624, 3632, 4668}, {3624, 3636, 3616}, {3624, 4668, 10}, {3624, 19877, 2}, {3625, 3679, 8}, {3625, 51071, 1125}, {3626, 4677, 8}, {3626, 19878, 10}, {3632, 3635, 3616}, {3632, 4668, 4701}, {3632, 20052, 31145}, {3632, 20053, 3621}, {3632, 20057, 2}, {3633, 3635, 20053}, {3633, 20039, 20051}, {3633, 20050, 20049}, {3633, 51093, 1}, {3634, 41150, 1125}, {3635, 4701, 3636}, {3635, 20050, 20052}, {3635, 20052, 3622}, {3635, 20053, 2}, {3635, 20057, 3623}, {3636, 4668, 19877}, {3636, 4701, 10}, {3648, 5441, 15680}, {3655, 50810, 10304}, {3656, 34627, 3839}, {3661, 26626, 2}, {3661, 29584, 26626}, {3663, 21296, 45789}, {3664, 17151, 31995}, {3679, 38314, 2}, {3679, 51071, 38314}, {3681, 3890, 960}, {3685, 3751, 17350}, {3693, 40133, 26690}, {3699, 42020, 6552}, {3702, 4385, 4671}, {3717, 7290, 26685}, {3746, 5288, 993}, {3754, 3892, 18398}, {3755, 4684, 3662}, {3759, 17315, 344}, {3811, 18391, 7080}, {3828, 15808, 34595}, {3870, 12649, 10528}, {3870, 20008, 3617}, {3870, 36845, 2}, {3870, 36846, 1}, {3870, 41575, 8}, {3873, 3896, 3210}, {3873, 14923, 65}, {3873, 17784, 21454}, {3875, 3879, 7}, {3875, 4452, 32105}, {3875, 4464, 4460}, {3879, 4452, 32093}, {3879, 4460, 4452}, {3879, 4464, 3875}, {3883, 7174, 17257}, {3885, 36977, 20}, {3912, 5222, 2}, {3912, 16834, 5222}, {3912, 30036, 29986}, {3915, 5247, 17127}, {3940, 12433, 5084}, {3950, 4856, 1743}, {3950, 4924, 4899}, {3987, 4694, 24046}, {3991, 43065, 25082}, {4000, 4851, 4869}, {4000, 4916, 4851}, {4029, 4700, 9}, {4051, 51058, 17451}, {4297, 7991, 9778}, {4297, 9778, 50693}, {4301, 5691, 9812}, {4360, 17377, 69}, {4361, 17390, 4648}, {4373, 32093, 7}, {4373, 32105, 4452}, {4384, 5308, 2}, {4384, 29574, 5308}, {4393, 6542, 2}, {4429, 4966, 17232}, {4430, 20075, 9965}, {4511, 14986, 24558}, {4511, 18391, 2}, {4651, 29814, 2}, {4659, 4667, 35578}, {4662, 10179, 25917}, {4663, 4702, 4676}, {4668, 4701, 8}, {4669, 4816, 8}, {4669, 51071, 41150}, {4677, 51093, 51091}, {4678, 20014, 20053}, {4678, 20052, 8}, {4678, 20053, 31145}, {4678, 20057, 3622}, {4685, 26102, 26038}, {4690, 41312, 4748}, {4691, 19862, 19875}, {4691, 51103, 19862}, {4701, 19877, 4678}, {4727, 16666, 17281}, {4814, 48325, 48242}, {4847, 10578, 2}, {4848, 12640, 51433}, {4849, 4891, 18743}, {4851, 4852, 4000}, {4851, 4889, 4916}, {4851, 4910, 4852}, {4852, 4889, 4851}, {4852, 4916, 4869}, {4853, 6737, 8}, {4855, 4917, 3158}, {4856, 4898, 3161}, {4863, 5794, 5178}, {4871, 4946, 43}, {4889, 4910, 4000}, {4915, 6743, 8}, {4946, 42057, 4871}, {4952, 45219, 44722}, {4969, 50113, 45}, {5051, 41014, 31037}, {5217, 11194, 5303}, {5252, 11011, 3485}, {5256, 34255, 2}, {5256, 50292, 34255}, {5274, 25568, 46873}, {5435, 6049, 1420}, {5543, 31994, 40719}, {5550, 51091, 3623}, {5552, 11240, 3086}, {5563, 48696, 25440}, {5597, 12455, 5602}, {5598, 12454, 5601}, {5604, 12628, 1270}, {5605, 12627, 1271}, {5690, 10246, 631}, {5691, 9812, 17578}, {5691, 11224, 4301}, {5698, 49447, 20073}, {5703, 6734, 2}, {5704, 27385, 2}, {5730, 37730, 2478}, {5734, 5881, 3832}, {5790, 5901, 3090}, {5795, 15829, 18228}, {5818, 5886, 5056}, {5880, 51099, 30340}, {5881, 16200, 946}, {5903, 6224, 37256}, {6361, 18481, 20}, {6735, 27383, 27525}, {6736, 11019, 24982}, {6911, 12001, 45977}, {7080, 14986, 2}, {7191, 10327, 2}, {7320, 8236, 37556}, {7962, 11523, 11682}, {7967, 12245, 3}, {7968, 19065, 7586}, {7969, 19066, 7585}, {8148, 34748, 18526}, {8192, 12410, 22}, {8210, 12636, 6462}, {8211, 12637, 6463}, {8666, 25439, 35}, {9436, 25716, 3160}, {9779, 19925, 3854}, {9780, 38314, 1125}, {9797, 20050, 41575}, {9957, 37739, 3488}, {9997, 12495, 2896}, {10074, 25438, 17100}, {10247, 12645, 5}, {10449, 19767, 2}, {10527, 11239, 3085}, {10528, 10529, 2}, {10543, 11684, 15677}, {10572, 30323, 30305}, {10573, 22836, 5552}, {10573, 49169, 8}, {10800, 12195, 7787}, {10912, 10944, 3434}, {10915, 49627, 1737}, {10916, 49626, 10039}, {10950, 12635, 3436}, {11009, 37707, 1478}, {11239, 34625, 2}, {11240, 34619, 2}, {11362, 13607, 3576}, {11396, 12135, 4}, {11520, 12536, 37435}, {11522, 19925, 9779}, {11522, 37712, 19925}, {11849, 32153, 6950}, {12247, 46920, 6972}, {12632, 34791, 21454}, {12644, 12646, 174}, {12647, 22837, 10527}, {12647, 49168, 8}, {12648, 12649, 8}, {12648, 36846, 10529}, {12648, 38460, 2}, {12649, 34772, 2}, {12653, 16126, 11280}, {12702, 34773, 376}, {13464, 47745, 5587}, {13902, 13911, 8972}, {13959, 13973, 13941}, {14923, 30614, 11851}, {15680, 20086, 20077}, {16569, 26103, 2}, {16777, 17362, 966}, {16816, 29569, 2}, {16830, 39581, 2}, {16830, 50310, 39581}, {16833, 29602, 29571}, {16834, 29605, 3912}, {17014, 29616, 2}, {17018, 17135, 2}, {17023, 17294, 29611}, {17023, 29611, 2}, {17023, 49761, 17294}, {17024, 33091, 2}, {17121, 17242, 26685}, {17150, 33093, 2}, {17160, 17378, 42697}, {17244, 17389, 29619}, {17244, 29619, 17316}, {17295, 17380, 3619}, {17302, 17373, 3620}, {17310, 17367, 29579}, {17316, 39567, 3622}, {17316, 50129, 239}, {17319, 17363, 17257}, {17367, 29579, 2}, {17389, 50129, 2}, {18357, 18493, 3545}, {18493, 50798, 18357}, {18525, 22791, 4}, {18526, 50805, 8148}, {19862, 34641, 4691}, {19875, 34641, 51072}, {19877, 20053, 4701}, {19993, 20009, 3622}, {19993, 20011, 20043}, {19993, 20013, 20036}, {19993, 20020, 2}, {19993, 20035, 20007}, {19994, 20016, 20012}, {19998, 20011, 20048}, {19998, 20048, 20012}, {20009, 20018, 20007}, {20011, 20020, 20015}, {20011, 20039, 20037}, {20011, 20040, 20018}, {20011, 20041, 20040}, {20011, 20044, 19994}, {20014, 20037, 20051}, {20014, 20039, 20036}, {20014, 20041, 20012}, {20014, 20049, 20050}, {20014, 51092, 46934}, {20015, 20043, 20012}, {20016, 29588, 2}, {20018, 20037, 20040}, {20020, 20040, 20007}, {20035, 20040, 20013}, {20039, 20040, 20041}, {20039, 20049, 20012}, {20040, 20041, 20037}, {20041, 20050, 20051}, {20045, 29832, 2}, {20048, 20052, 20047}, {20050, 20057, 3632}, {20050, 51092, 46933}, {20050, 51093, 3623}, {20053, 20057, 10}, {20053, 38314, 4746}, {20054, 31145, 3621}, {20054, 46932, 20052}, {20054, 51092, 1}, {20064, 20068, 20078}, {20066, 20067, 20}, {20072, 20073, 144}, {20072, 49704, 49709}, {20075, 20076, 20}, {20247, 21272, 3212}, {21075, 41012, 27131}, {21627, 37709, 5175}, {22765, 32141, 6942}, {22836, 49169, 34619}, {22837, 49168, 34625}, {23891, 29400, 29715}, {23891, 29438, 29400}, {24349, 50284, 20090}, {24393, 38316, 18230}, {24599, 29621, 2}, {24883, 25650, 2}, {24936, 25446, 2}, {24968, 25479, 2}, {25415, 45287, 4295}, {25459, 25663, 2}, {25719, 40719, 31994}, {25746, 25805, 2}, {25773, 25843, 2}, {25879, 25965, 2}, {26029, 26093, 2}, {26038, 26102, 2}, {26395, 48493, 26394}, {26419, 48494, 26418}, {26495, 49402, 26494}, {26504, 49401, 26503}, {26514, 49060, 492}, {26515, 49061, 491}, {26531, 26658, 2}, {26626, 50079, 3661}, {26757, 26805, 2}, {26964, 27096, 2}, {26965, 27248, 2}, {26980, 27043, 2}, {27025, 27146, 2}, {27097, 27299, 2}, {27253, 27304, 2}, {27264, 27313, 2}, {27271, 29986, 30833}, {27627, 49984, 6048}, {28740, 41785, 2}, {29569, 40891, 16816}, {29571, 50019, 16833}, {29572, 29590, 2}, {29574, 49770, 4384}, {29584, 50079, 2}, {29586, 29593, 2}, {29815, 33090, 2}, {29829, 33175, 2}, {29830, 33139, 2}, {29831, 31079, 2}, {29839, 33137, 2}, {29966, 49774, 30057}, {30619, 30628, 193}, {30694, 39351, 10405}, {30941, 33296, 18600}, {30942, 50001, 10453}, {31162, 50864, 50687}, {31792, 34790, 392}, {32093, 32105, 4373}, {34595, 51105, 15808}, {34641, 51103, 19875}, {34718, 50824, 3524}, {34729, 34748, 34667}, {34772, 36845, 10529}, {34772, 38460, 1}, {35810, 35842, 485}, {35811, 35843, 486}, {36479, 36534, 2}, {36500, 36565, 2}, {36845, 41575, 20008}, {36846, 41575, 36845}, {37571, 51111, 2320}, {37794, 37795, 2}, {38098, 51108, 19876}, {38112, 51700, 3526}, {38314, 46930, 46934}, {38315, 49524, 3618}, {38315, 49690, 49524}, {39567, 49476, 29621}, {39581, 48856, 16830}, {42871, 49486, 32922}, {44635, 49232, 3068}, {44636, 49233, 3069}, {44720, 44722, 6555}, {45476, 49329, 492}, {45477, 49330, 491}, {45572, 48746, 45508}, {45573, 48747, 45509}, {46933, 46934, 2}, {48856, 50310, 2}, {49447, 49462, 192}, {49447, 49470, 49462}, {49447, 49709, 5698}, {49451, 49466, 8}, {49470, 49681, 49704}, {49470, 51192, 390}, {49476, 49495, 8}, {49476, 49771, 1}, {49490, 49493, 49491}, {49491, 49493, 24349}, {49497, 49534, 49707}, {49695, 49709, 49699}, {49699, 49709, 49704}, {49765, 50114, 17284}, {50017, 50286, 16816}, {50043, 50070, 51592}, {50805, 50818, 50872}, {50805, 50831, 50818}, {51068, 51105, 2}, {51069, 51091, 51071}, {51072, 51103, 2}
X(146) lies on the anticomplementary circle and these lines: 2,74 4,94 20,110 30,323 147,690 148,193
Let T be the P-Brocard triangle for any P on the Euler line. Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of T and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(146) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(146) is the {X(74),X(113)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2). For a list of harmonic conjugates, click Tables at the top of this page.
X(146) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (20,110), (74,113), (265,1539)
X(146) = isogonal conjugate of X(34178)
X(146) = isotomic conjugate of anticomplement of X(36896)
X(146) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(30)
X(146) = X(74)-of-anticomplementary triangle
X(146) = crosspoint of X(399) and X(2935) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(147) lies on the anticomplementary circle and these lines: 1,150 2,98 4,148 20,99 132,648 146,690 684,804
Let T be the P-Brocard triangle for any P on the Brocard axis (including the 1st Brocard triangle, for P = X(6)). Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of T and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(147) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(147) is the {X(98),X(114)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2). For a list of harmonic conjugates, click Tables at the top of this page.
X(147) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (20,99), (98,114), (148,4), (385,1513)
X(147) = complement of X(5984)
X(147) = anticomplement of X(98)
X(147) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(511)
X(147) = X(325)-Ceva conjugate of X(2)
X(147) = anticomplementary isotomic conjugate of X(385)
X(147) = X(4) of 1st anti-Brocard triangle
X(147) = perspector of anticomplementary and 2nd Neuberg triangles
X(147) = perspector of 1st anti-Brocard and 2nd Neuberg triangles
X(147) = perspector of 2nd Neuberg triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 1st Neuberg triangle
X(147) = X(98)-of-anticomplementary triangle
X(147) = isogonal conjugate of X(34130)
X(147) = isotomic conjugate of X(9473)
X(148) lies on the anticomplementary circle, the permutation ellipse E(X(4440)), the cubics K484, K895, K966, and these lines: {1, 6625}, {2, 99}, {3, 13172}, {4, 147}, {5, 7783}, {6, 11361}, {8, 13178}, {10, 13174}, {13, 617}, {14, 616}, {20, 98}, {22, 13175}, {23, 19577}, {30, 385}, {32, 6658}, {39, 16044}, {63, 11608}, {69, 5969}, {76, 2896}, {83, 7765}, {100, 13173}, {110, 16278}, {114, 3091}, {141, 7924}, {145, 7983}, {146, 193}, {149, 2787}, {150, 2786}, {151, 2792}, {152, 2784}, {153, 2783}, {183, 7833}, {187, 14568}, {190, 21711}, {192, 1478}, {230, 13586}, {257, 24851}, {265, 18331}, {274, 17685}, {287, 1562}, {315, 20081}, {316, 538}, {325, 14041}, {330, 1479}, {339, 35923}, {376, 11632}, {377, 27269}, {381, 7777}, {382, 7754}, {384, 5254}, {388, 3027}, {485, 35878}, {486, 35879}, {497, 3023}, {512, 31513}, {516, 9860}, {519, 9875}, {523, 9293}, {524, 8597}, {530, 3181}, {531, 3180}, {532, 25156}, {533, 25166}, {546, 38743}, {549, 17006}, {598, 33694}, {618, 5469}, {619, 5470}, {621, 23004}, {622, 23005}, {625, 7799}, {627, 11602}, {628, 11603}, {631, 33813}, {668, 6653}, {690, 3448}, {698, 5207}, {726, 20558}, {804, 25051}, {805, 6071}, {938, 24472}, {1003, 7806}, {1007, 33006}, {1029, 11611}, {1031, 37888}, {1078, 7756}, {1086, 26147}, {1131, 6462}, {1132, 6463}, {1270, 6320}, {1271, 6319}, {1281, 26117}, {1330, 9902}, {1506, 15031}, {1569, 2548}, {1654, 2796}, {1655, 2475}, {1656, 38229}, {1699, 21636}, {1975, 5025}, {1992, 9830}, {2023, 7738}, {2086, 9431}, {2170, 24504}, {2478, 27318}, {2640, 21089}, {2679, 14509}, {2785, 33650}, {2788, 34547}, {2789, 34548}, {2790, 34549}, {2791, 34550}, {2794, 3146}, {2797, 34186}, {2798, 34188}, {2799, 13219}, {2895, 35103}, {2936, 13595}, {2975, 22514}, {2998, 16098}, {3029, 9534}, {3044, 9544}, {3053, 33257}, {3068, 13657}, {3069, 13777}, {3085, 10086}, {3086, 10089}, {3090, 15561}, {3096, 7872}, {3125, 6650}, {3269, 30227}, {3314, 7841}, {3329, 8370}, {3407, 10336}, {3434, 13180}, {3436, 13181}, {3455, 37913}, {3522, 11623}, {3523, 6036}, {3524, 38739}, {3525, 34127}, {3528, 38731}, {3529, 36864}, {3545, 8724}, {3552, 3767}, {3571, 21725}, {3585, 25264}, {3616, 11711}, {3618, 5026}, {3620, 33210}, {3622, 11725}, {3627, 7762}, {3785, 32997}, {3815, 33013}, {3830, 7837}, {3832, 14981}, {3839, 6054}, {3849, 11054}, {3926, 7912}, {3933, 7885}, {3934, 7847}, {3972, 5309}, {4027, 5286}, {4240, 13179}, {4293, 10069}, {4294, 10053}, {5013, 16921}, {5023, 33268}, {5032, 8593}, {5046, 38499}, {5056, 23514}, {5059, 10991}, {5068, 36519}, {5071, 15092}, {5080, 17759}, {5139, 36898}, {5149, 7803}, {5182, 14928}, {5218, 15452}, {5225, 12185}, {5229, 12184}, {5283, 33030}, {5304, 12191}, {5305, 19687}, {5355, 12150}, {5459, 9114}, {5460, 9116}, {5475, 7757}, {5478, 36776}, {5503, 11148}, {5523, 15014}, {5601, 13176}, {5602, 13177}, {5731, 11710}, {5870, 12297}, {5871, 12296}, {5889, 21661}, {5938, 37902}, {5939, 7735}, {5976, 7791}, {5978, 31709}, {5979, 31710}, {5985, 6872}, {5986, 7500}, {5987, 7519}, {5988, 26051}, {5999, 38654}, {6055, 10304}, {6248, 37336}, {6298, 16809}, {6299, 16808}, {6337, 32961}, {6390, 7925}, {6542, 20349}, {6543, 9509}, {6560, 35825}, {6561, 35824}, {6626, 23897}, {6656, 17128}, {6721, 7486}, {6792, 34344}, {6960, 38556}, {7492, 13233}, {7533, 31088}, {7585, 19109}, {7586, 19108}, {7709, 37348}, {7714, 12132}, {7736, 11152}, {7737, 7766}, {7745, 7839}, {7746, 7782}, {7747, 7760}, {7750, 17129}, {7751, 7802}, {7752, 7781}, {7758, 7900}, {7763, 32966}, {7767, 19695}, {7768, 7842}, {7770, 7864}, {7773, 7906}, {7786, 33020}, {7789, 7901}, {7794, 7911}, {7795, 7933}, {7796, 7825}, {7798, 7812}, {7801, 7934}, {7804, 7827}, {7809, 7813}, {7811, 17131}, {7814, 35005}, {7816, 7828}, {7819, 7923}, {7822, 7918}, {7831, 9466}, {7832, 7861}, {7834, 19689}, {7840, 8352}, {7843, 7905}, {7846, 7902}, {7848, 14711}, {7851, 7892}, {7855, 7860}, {7856, 19693}, {7858, 32450}, {7863, 7899}, {7875, 11286}, {7876, 9478}, {7887, 7891}, {7897, 32833}, {7904, 33234}, {7907, 13881}, {7920, 14034}, {7921, 12830}, {7926, 11055}, {7928, 8357}, {7931, 33184}, {7932, 14001}, {7938, 32974}, {7941, 14044}, {7945, 14064}, {7946, 32006}, {7947, 14045}, {8029, 13187}, {8267, 8878}, {8289, 14033}, {8369, 16984}, {8371, 10556}, {8584, 10488}, {8592, 14482}, {8594, 22573}, {8595, 22574}, {8598, 8859}, {8781, 32831}, {8972, 8997}, {9143, 9144}, {9149, 36182}, {9180, 36955}, {9510, 35173}, {9535, 34454}, {9855, 22329}, {9865, 39266}, {9870, 10989}, {9903, 17499}, {9939, 33192}, {10163, 11056}, {10303, 20398}, {10352, 32971}, {10385, 12354}, {10449, 38481}, {10528, 13189}, {10529, 13190}, {11001, 14830}, {11053, 20998}, {11112, 16999}, {11113, 17000}, {11114, 16998}, {11160, 11161}, {11287, 16986}, {11317, 15484}, {11541, 38627}, {11641, 37915}, {12041, 14849}, {12066, 14223}, {12177, 14853}, {12258, 38314}, {12383, 18332}, {12829, 33280}, {13582, 18301}, {13584, 36857}, {13941, 13989}, {14588, 31644}, {14645, 20080}, {14683, 15342}, {14731, 31296}, {14850, 20304}, {14904, 34540}, {14905, 34541}, {14907, 33264}, {15022, 20399}, {15035, 33511}, {15398, 31655}, {15589, 33272}, {15680, 38557}, {15682, 19569}, {15717, 38737}, {15719, 26614}, {15720, 38635}, {15815, 33015}, {15903, 26109}, {15928, 37077}, {16001, 22113}, {16002, 22114}, {16041, 32817}, {16084, 35524}, {16613, 37128}, {16711, 26145}, {16990, 32986}, {16997, 17579}, {17035, 39120}, {17103, 23903}, {17389, 17778}, {17538, 38742}, {17565, 18140}, {17677, 31090}, {17702, 22265}, {18135, 33823}, {20533, 27295}, {20939, 21899}, {22601, 22603}, {22630, 22632}, {22735, 37190}, {23991, 33799}, {24505, 24715}, {24711, 36223}, {25332, 35965}, {26058, 27262}, {26124, 27312}, {26978, 33820}, {27040, 33831}, {31372, 31373}, {31400, 32962}, {31401, 33002}, {31404, 32995}, {31683, 31695}, {31684, 31696}, {32458, 32830}, {32488, 33340}, {32489, 33341}, {32816, 32996}, {32824, 33290}, {32828, 32965}, {32829, 32963}, {32832, 33004}, {32834, 33023}, {32836, 33278}, {32838, 33012}, {32839, 33270}, {32867, 33188}, {33008, 34229}, {33273, 37688}, {33274, 37637}, {33623, 35752}, {33625, 35749}, {33703, 36859}, {33824, 34284}, {35927, 37689}, {37182, 38642}, {37437, 38498}
X(148) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 8596}, {3146, 5984}
X(148) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 11599}, {2, 671}, {4, 6321}, {8, 13178}, {20, 98}, {63, 11608}, {69, 11646}, {99, 115}, {110, 16278}, {145, 7983}, {147, 4}, {149, 10769}, {187, 32457}, {193, 10754}, {194, 1916}, {376, 11632}, {616, 14}, {617, 13}, {621, 23004}, {622, 23005}, {627, 11602}, {628, 11603}, {805, 6071}, {2896, 11606}, {3146, 10723}, {4240, 13179}, {5978, 31709}, {5979, 31710}, {5989, 5254}, {6033, 22515}, {6054, 9880}, {7779, 316}, {7840, 8352}, {8591, 2}, {8594, 22573}, {8595, 22574}, {8782, 76}, {9114, 5459}, {9116, 5460}, {9143, 9144}, {9855, 22329}, {9862, 12188}, {9890, 18546}, {10488, 8584}, {10992, 6036}, {11001, 14830}, {11148, 5503}, {11160, 11161}, {11177, 12243}, {12117, 6055}, {12383, 18332}, {13172, 3}, {13174, 10}, {13188, 5}, {14509, 2679}, {14588, 31644}, {14683, 15342}, {14712, 385}, {15300, 5461}, {17147, 11611}, {18331, 265}, {20094, 99}, {22507, 16002}, {22509, 16001}, {23235, 114}, {33265, 14568}, {33799, 23991}
X(148) = isogonal conjugate of X(9217)
X(148) = isotomic conjugate of X(35511)
X(148) = complement of X(20094)
X(148) = anticomplement of X(99)
X(148) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(512)
X(148) = X(523)-Ceva conjugate of X(2)
X(148) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(115)
X(148) = crosssum of PU(2)
X(148) = crosspoint of PU(40)
X(148) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22143)
X(148) = polar-circle-inverse of X(5186)
X(148) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(6719)
X(148) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumellipe-inverse of X(111)
X(148) = de-Longchamps-circle-inverse of X(3565)
X(148) = inverse-in-Steiner-circumellipse of X(115)
X(148) = antitomic conjugate of X(31632)
X(148) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(512)
X(148) = anticomplement of the isotomic conjugate of X(523)
X(148) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(31998)
X(148) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(31372)
X(148) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(20998)
X(148) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(22143)
X(148) = anticomplementary isogonal conjugate of X(512)
X(148) = psi-transform of X(32525)
X(148) = X(99)-of-anticomplementary triangle
X(148) = intersection of tangents at PU(40) to conic {A,B,C,PU(40)}} (i.e., the Steiner circumellipse)
X(148) = trilinear pole wrt anticomplementary triangle of line X(2)X(6)
X(148) = X(69)-of-1st-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(148) = center of conic through X(2), X(8), and the extraversions of X(8)
X(148) = pole of line X(115)X(125) wrt Steiner circumellipse
X(148) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {523, 2}, {31632, 31998}, {31998, 10278}
X(148) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2640, 17085}, {10278, 31998}, {21089, 20939}, {21899, 2640}, {31998, 2}
X(148) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9217}, {6, 9395}, {110, 9396}, {163, 9293}, {19610, 24041}
X(148) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 31372}, {115, 13187}, {20998, 22143}, {21089, 21899}
X(148) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {523, 10278}, {31632, 31998}
X(148) = trilinear pole of line {10278, 11053}
X(148) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {351, 10567}
X(148) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 512}, {2, 17217}, {4, 21300}, {6, 7192}, {10, 21301}, {19, 850}, {25, 7253}, {31, 523}, {32, 4560}, {37, 20295}, {42, 513}, {48, 6563}, {57, 4374}, {58, 17166}, {65, 21302}, {76, 21305}, {81, 17159}, {110, 21295}, {115, 21294}, {163, 99}, {213, 514}, {228, 20294}, {321, 21304}, {512, 8}, {513, 17135}, {514, 17137}, {523, 6327}, {560, 31296}, {604, 4467}, {647, 4329}, {649, 75}, {650, 20245}, {656, 1370}, {657, 18750}, {661, 69}, {662, 4576}, {663, 3869}, {667, 1}, {669, 192}, {688, 21217}, {692, 4427}, {693, 17138}, {741, 4155}, {798, 2}, {799, 670}, {810, 20}, {813, 874}, {822, 6527}, {850, 21275}, {872, 31290}, {875, 740}, {881, 17493}, {905, 18659}, {923, 690}, {1018, 668}, {1019, 17143}, {1042, 3900}, {1084, 21220}, {1096, 520}, {1245, 8678}, {1333, 17161}, {1334, 4462}, {1400, 693}, {1402, 522}, {1415, 17136}, {1459, 20243}, {1576, 6758}, {1577, 315}, {1821, 14295}, {1824, 20293}, {1918, 17494}, {1919, 17147}, {1924, 194}, {1967, 804}, {1973, 525}, {1974, 17498}, {1980, 17148}, {2054, 4010}, {2084, 2896}, {2155, 3265}, {2156, 3267}, {2159, 3268}, {2205, 21225}, {2258, 8672}, {2333, 4391}, {2350, 7199}, {2357, 4397}, {2485, 21288}, {2489, 5905}, {2501, 21270}, {2578, 22340}, {2579, 22339}, {2616, 2979}, {2623, 21271}, {2624, 1272}, {2642, 14360}, {2643, 3448}, {2786, 20560}, {3005, 21289}, {3049, 6360}, {3063, 63}, {3112, 688}, {3120, 21293}, {3121, 4440}, {3122, 149}, {3124, 21221}, {3125, 150}, {3223, 3221}, {3248, 17154}, {3402, 23878}, {3572, 30941}, {3669, 20244}, {3700, 21286}, {3708, 13219}, {3709, 329}, {3733, 17140}, {4010, 20554}, {4017, 3434}, {4024, 21287}, {4041, 3436}, {4077, 21280}, {4079, 2895}, {4117, 25054}, {4455, 17794}, {4516, 33650}, {4551, 3888}, {4557, 3952}, {4559, 21272}, {4705, 1330}, {4730, 21290}, {4770, 21291}, {4983, 2891}, {5029, 20538}, {5466, 21298}, {6010, 7257}, {6591, 17220}, {7121, 4367}, {7178, 21285}, {7180, 7}, {7216, 6604}, {7252, 21273}, {7649, 20242}, {8061, 1369}, {9178, 17491}, {9288, 3005}, {9426, 17486}, {9508, 20351}, {14407, 30578}, {18002, 32842}, {18105, 17165}, {18108, 17142}, {18197, 34086}, {18785, 3766}, {18793, 6373}, {20948, 33796}, {20979, 17149}, {21759, 649}, {21832, 20345}, {21837, 17732}, {22383, 17134}, {23345, 17145}, {23493, 4083}, {23503, 32747}, {23894, 316}, {24006, 11442}, {24290, 20552}, {28615, 4608}, {29055, 3903}, {32666, 3573}, {32676, 110}, {34072, 10330}, {34248, 669}
X(148) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 20939}, {8, 17085}, {75, 2640}, {76, 20998}, {86, 21089}, {99, 10278}, {115, 31632}, {190, 21200}, {264, 22143}, {274, 21899}, {523, 31998}, {671, 11053}, {850, 9218}, {1577, 2644}
X(148) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 9395}, {6, 9217}, {523, 9293}, {661, 9396}, {2640, 1}, {2644, 662}, {3124, 19610}, {9218, 110}, {10278, 523}, {11053, 524}, {17085, 7}, {20939, 75}, {20998, 6}, {21089, 10}, {21200, 514}, {21899, 37}, {22143, 3}, {31632, 4590}, {31998, 99}
X(148) ={X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 20094, 99}, {4, 194, 7785}, {69, 33017, 7898}, {76, 6655, 2896}, {76, 7748, 6655}, {76, 7910, 7854}, {99, 115, 2}, {99, 671, 115}, {99, 14061, 620}, {99, 20094, 8591}, {114, 14639, 3091}, {115, 620, 14061}, {115, 2482, 6722}, {115, 6722, 9166}, {115, 15300, 31274}, {115, 31274, 5461}, {187, 32457, 14568}, {194, 7785, 13571}, {194, 32528, 147}, {381, 31859, 7777}, {382, 7754, 7823}, {384, 5254, 7797}, {384, 7797, 10583}, {620, 14061, 2}, {671, 8596, 8591}, {671, 16093, 111}, {1078, 7756, 33260}, {1506, 15031, 33024}, {1916, 32528, 7785}, {1975, 5025, 7836}, {2482, 9166, 2}, {2549, 11185, 2}, {3023, 13183, 497}, {3027, 13182, 388}, {3096, 7872, 19690}, {3146, 6392, 20065}, {3734, 7790, 2}, {3734, 11648, 7790}, {3926, 14063, 7912}, {3933, 33229, 7885}, {3934, 7847, 33021}, {5026, 6034, 3618}, {5254, 32819, 384}, {5286, 14035, 7787}, {5286, 32826, 14035}, {5461, 35022, 31274}, {6033, 6321, 22515}, {6033, 22515, 4}, {6036, 10992, 21166}, {6036, 21166, 3523}, {6054, 9880, 3839}, {6055, 12117, 10304}, {6390, 33228, 7925}, {7737, 7766, 34604}, {7746, 7782, 33259}, {7747, 7760, 20088}, {7816, 7828, 33225}, {7820, 7919, 2}, {7835, 7844, 2}, {7839, 14042, 7745}, {7872, 17130, 3096}, {7900, 20105, 7758}, {7906, 14062, 7773}, {8370, 15048, 3329}, {9862, 12188, 11177}, {9862, 12243, 12188}, {9878, 19570, 11177}, {10418, 30786, 2}, {13172, 14651, 3}, {14639, 23235, 114}, {14712, 19570, 385}, {14832, 16093, 2}, {14931, 32815, 8591}, {15300, 31274, 35022}, {15300, 35022, 99}, {17129, 33256, 7750}, {20081, 33019, 315}, {20099, 31125, 7665}, {26072, 26138, 2}, {26564, 26691, 2}, {26794, 26845, 2}, {27008, 27133, 2}, {27071, 27189, 2}
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where
= b3 + c3 - a3 + (a2 -
bc)(b + c) + a(bc - b2 - c2)
Let A' be the reflection of the midpoint of segment BC in X(11), and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(149). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(149) lies on the anticomplementary circle and these lines: 2,11 4,145 8,80 20,104 151,962 377,1058 404,496
X(149) is the {X(11),X(100)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2). For a list of harmonic conjugates, click Tables at the top of this page.
X(149) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (3,1484), (8,80), (20,104), (100,11), (144,1156), (145,1320), (153,4)
X(149) = isogonal conjugate of X(3446)
X(149) = isotomic conjugate of X(8047)
X(149) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(513)
X(149) = trilinear pole wrt anticomplementary triangle of line X(7)X(8)
X(149) = center of conic through X(7), X(8), and the extraversions of X(8)
X(149) = X(100)-of-anticomplementary-triangle
X(149) = homothetic center of 2nd Schiffler triangle and polar triangle of AC-incircle
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where
= b4 + c4 - a4 + a(bc2
+cb2 - b3 - c3) - bc(a2 +
b2 + c2) + (b + c)a3
X(150) = X(101)-of-anticomplementary triangle
X(150) lies on the anticomplementary circle and these lines: 1,147 2,101 4,152 7,80 20,103 69,668 85,355 295,334 348,944 664,952
X(150) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (20,103), (101,116), (152,4), (664,1565)
X(150) = isogonal conjugate of X(34179)
X(150) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(20999)
X(150) = isotomic conjugate of anticomplement of X(39026)
X(150) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22145)
X(150) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(514)
X(151) lies on the anticomplementary circle and these lines: 2,102 20,109 49,962 152,928
X(151) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (20,109), (102,117)
X(151) = isogonal conjugate of X(34180)
X(151) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(515)
X(152) lies on the anticomplementary circle and these lines: 2,103 4,150 20,101 151,928
X(152) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (20,101), (103,118), (150,4)
X(152) = isogonal conjugate of X(34181)
X(152) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(516)
X(152) = X(103)-of-anticomplementary triangle
Let T be the P-Brocard triangle for any P on line X(1)X(3). Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of T and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(153) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(153) lies on the anticomplementary circle and these lines: 2,104 4,145 7,80 11,388 20,100 515,908
X(153) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (20,100), (104,119), (149,4), (1320,1537)
X(153) = isogonal conjugate of X(34182)
X(153) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(517)
X(153) = X(104)-of-anticomplementary triangle
Let A'B'C' be the triangle described in ADGEOM #2697 (8/26/2015, Tran Quang Hung). A'B'C' is homothetic to the Ara triangle at X(154).
X(154) lies on these lines: 3,64 6,25 22,110 26,155 31,56 48,55 160,418 197,692 198,212 205,220 237,682
X(154) is the {X(26),X(156)}-harmonic conjugate of X(155). For a list of harmonic conjugates of X(154), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(154) = isogonal conjugate of X(253)
X(154) = complement of X(32064)
X(154) = X(3)-Ceva conjugate of X(6)
X(154) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (64,1073), (122,525)
X(154) = X(109)-beth conjugate of X(154)
X(154) = X(2)-of-tangential triangle
X(154) = centroid of cevian triangle of X(20)
X(154) = pole wrt circumcircle of the trilinear polar of X(3)
X(154) = Thomson isogonal conjugate of X(4)
X(154) = intouch-to-ABC functional image of X(2)
Let (A) be the pedal circle of A wrt the tangential triangle, and define (B), (C) cyclically. The radical center of (A), (B), (C) = X(155). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
X(155) = X(4)-of-tangential-triangle. This point is also the center of the circle which cuts (extended) lines BC, CA, AB in pairs of points A' and A″, B' and B″, C' and C″, respectively, such that angles A'AA″, B'BB″, C'CC″ are all right angles. This is the Dou circle, described in Jordi Dou, Problem 1140, Crux Mathematicorum, 28 (2002) 461-462.
Let A' be the isogonal conjugate of A with respect to the triangle BCX(4), and define B' and C' cyclically. Let A''B''C'' be the orthic triangle. Then the lines A'A'', B'B'', C'C'' concur in X(155). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the 2nd anti-extouch triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(155) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(155) lies on the following curves: Feuerbach hyperbola of T, Jerabek hyperbola of T, Kiepert circumhyperbola of T, where T = tangential triangle; the Feuerbach circumhyperbola of the orthic triangle; the cubics K006, K044, K176, K339, K364, K389, K500, K742; and on these lines: {1, 90}, {2, 7592}, {3, 49}, {4, 254}, {5, 6}, {11, 10071}, {12, 10055}, {19, 12417}, {20, 323}, {22, 1614}, {24, 110}, {25, 52}, {26, 154}, {30, 1498}, {33, 9931}, {34, 19471}, {51, 7529}, {54, 7503}, {55, 6237}, {56, 7352}, {64, 2935}, {69, 3547}, {81, 6824}, {113, 19504}, {125, 19360}, {136, 20422}, {140, 17811}, {143, 13861}, {159, 511}, {182, 7393}, {193, 3089}, {195, 381}, {215, 9672}, {219, 26921}, {221, 14988}, {222, 24467}, {225, 8757}, {265, 15317}, {275, 19196}, {287, 28695}, {343, 3549}, {355, 12422}, {371, 8909}, {372, 8943}, {378, 9938}, {382, 399}, {389, 6642}, {403, 2904}, {427, 23307}, {450, 1075}, {454, 6503}, {517, 9928}, {524, 16252}, {525, 8151}, {542, 8549}, {550, 16936}, {568, 7506}, {569, 5891}, {576, 8681}, {578, 5907}, {610, 2323}, {631, 15032}, {648, 1093}, {651, 1068}, {858, 11457}, {916, 8053}, {940, 6862}, {952, 9933}, {1060, 19349}, {1062, 19354}, {1160, 8904}, {1161, 8903}, {1199, 3090}, {1209, 32341}, {1350, 2916}, {1351, 1598}, {1368, 18914}, {1478, 18970}, {1479, 12428}, {1493, 15060}, {1495, 9714}, {1503, 14790}, {1593, 11472}, {1594, 11442}, {1596, 13142}, {1611, 10011}, {1616, 19907}, {1620, 15646}, {1625, 2207}, {1656, 5449}, {1658, 17821}, {1740, 3072}, {1829, 7497}, {1839, 7534}, {1853, 13371}, {1899, 11585}, {1974, 19141}, {1994, 3091}, {1995, 3567}, {2063, 18913}, {2072, 25738}, {2192, 8144}, {2477, 9659}, {2914, 11271}, {2929, 6102}, {2930, 5609}, {2979, 10323}, {2990, 23697}, {3047, 12219}, {3053, 32661}, {3060, 6152}, {3098, 15606}, {3197, 8141}, {3216, 6911}, {3289, 23115}, {3435, 10692}, {3448, 23306}, {3511, 19597}, {3517, 8780}, {3518, 16880}, {3527, 5093}, {3542, 6515}, {3546, 18909}, {3548, 11064}, {3580, 7505}, {3627, 15811}, {3628, 17825}, {3629, 15873}, {3832, 11004}, {3851, 14627}, {4383, 6959}, {4846, 31829}, {5012, 7509}, {5020, 5462}, {5050, 10170}, {5054, 20191}, {5070, 15037}, {5072, 15038}, {5085, 7516}, {5095, 16534}, {5374, 31386}, {5398, 16471}, {5412, 12424}, {5413, 12425}, {5453, 6914}, {5587, 9896}, {5706, 6917}, {5876, 7526}, {5886, 12259}, {5890, 17928}, {5898, 12310}, {5972, 12227}, {6000, 12085}, {6090, 9730}, {6146, 12420}, {6212, 19216}, {6213, 19215}, {6241, 11413}, {6243, 7517}, {6623, 32605}, {6643, 6776}, {6756, 31802}, {6800, 7512}, {6804, 14912}, {6944, 32911}, {7074, 32141}, {7391, 16659}, {7401, 14826}, {7404, 11427}, {7484, 13336}, {7485, 7999}, {7486, 15018}, {7487, 15741}, {7488, 9544}, {7507, 18474}, {7514, 11591}, {7527, 9716}, {7552, 12325}, {7553, 31383}, {7723, 19457}, {8200, 12415}, {8207, 12416}, {8220, 12426}, {8221, 12427}, {8227, 16472}, {8251, 19350}, {8276, 12239}, {8277, 12240}, {8538, 10602}, {8541, 9926}, {8567, 32138}, {8718, 33524}, {8954, 10962}, {8976, 13909}, {9019, 15581}, {9545, 14118}, {9645, 10535}, {9705, 11464}, {9715, 26864}, {9815, 10127}, {9909, 14530}, {9923, 9996}, {9967, 19459}, {10112, 18390}, {10224, 18356}, {10255, 32539}, {10257, 26937}, {10282, 14070}, {10575, 12174}, {10606, 11250}, {10620, 12901}, {10625, 11414}, {10628, 12412}, {10634, 19363}, {10635, 19364}, {10641, 10659}, {10642, 10660}, {10796, 12193}, {10897, 19355}, {10898, 19356}, {10942, 12430}, {10943, 12431}, {11206, 31305}, {11249, 23361}, {11255, 17813}, {11265, 17819}, {11266, 17820}, {11267, 17826}, {11268, 17827}, {11403, 16194}, {11422, 13434}, {11424, 15030}, {11426, 11479}, {11433, 18934}, {11449, 32534}, {11499, 12328}, {11557, 22550}, {11560, 12168}, {11562, 12165}, {11819, 31815}, {11898, 19362}, {12082, 23061}, {12112, 33703}, {12233, 18420}, {12290, 14094}, {12315, 14915}, {12319, 14683}, {12358, 13198}, {12362, 31804}, {12601, 19461}, {12602, 19462}, {12603, 19463}, {12604, 19464}, {12605, 19467}, {12606, 19468}, {12825, 15463}, {12893, 32609}, {12902, 19479}, {13039, 19465}, {13040, 19466}, {13321, 18369}, {13561, 31283}, {13567, 18951}, {13951, 13970}, {14128, 32136}, {14216, 23335}, {14480, 15112}, {15033, 15058}, {15106, 15115}, {15750, 32110}, {15800, 32332}, {15818, 31807}, {16618, 16789}, {17849, 32428}, {17975, 20764}, {18324, 32171}, {18377, 18405}, {18396, 18404}, {18534, 26883}, {19125, 19131}, {19132, 19154}, {19170, 19179}, {19180, 19210}, {19189, 19194}, {19358, 19428}, {19359, 19429}, {19446, 19486}, {19447, 19487}, {19460, 22834}, {22120, 22146}, {22808, 22953}, {23070, 23144}, {23294, 30744}, {26913, 31282}, {26920, 26922}, {26944, 30771}, {32153, 34046}, {32251, 32275}
X(155) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 12164}, {4, 6193}, {68, 9936}, {1147, 15083}, {1351, 19588}, {6237, 6238}, {12160, 12166}, {12319, 14683}, {12422, 12423}, {16266, 32139}, {17838, 17847}
X(155) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 1147}, {4, 22660}, {6, 19139}, {26, 156}, {64, 12084}, {68, 5}, {1498, 32139}, {2931, 110}, {3448, 23306}, {7387, 6759}, {7689, 12038}, {9927, 5448}, {10620, 12901}, {11411, 12359}, {12085, 13346}, {12163, 3}, {12164, 15083}, {12293, 4}, {12302, 5504}, {12359, 9820}, {12421, 13292}, {12429, 9927}, {12902, 19479}, {14216, 23335}, {14852, 5654}, {15085, 2931}, {15136, 3292}, {16003, 15115}, {17834, 26}, {18356, 10224}, {19458, 12161}, {21651, 12235}, {32140, 13371}
X(155) = isogonal conjugate of X(254)
X(155) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(1609)
X(155) = X(4)-of-tangential-triangle
X(155) = complement of X(11411)
X(155) = anticomplement of X(12359)
X(155) = circumcircle-inverse of X(12095)
X(155) = polar-circle inverse of X(16172)
X(155) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(6515)
X(155) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(6503)
X(155) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(2960)
X(155) = tangential-isogonal conjugate of X(26)
X(155) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(3)
X(155) = X(155) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 3}, {1993, 6}, {3193, 1}, {3542, 454}, {6193, 9937}, {6515, 1609}, {11441, 1498}, {12134, 2918}, {14516, 2917}, {15242, 18126}
X(155) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 254}, {4, 921}, {19, 6504}, {158, 15316}, {2190, 8800}, {13398, 24006}
X(155) = crosspoint of X(4) and X(3542)
X(155) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 15316}, {4, 3147}, {136, 523}, {647, 8754}
X(155) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {924, 2501}
X(155) = eigencenter of cevian triangle of X(4)
X(155) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(3)
X(155) = X(84)-of-orthic triangle if ABC is acute
X(155) = perspector of orthic triangle and tangential triangle of the MacBeath circumconic, which is also the anticevian triangle of X(3)
X(155) = perspector of orthic triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Hyacinth triangle
X(155) = orthic-to-ABC barycentric image of X(3)
X(155) = intouch-to-ABC functional image of X(4)
X(155) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 6515}, {4, 6503}, {48, 33808}, {63, 920}, {69, 1609}, {343, 8883}, {394, 3542}, {454, 6504}, {3580, 15478}
X(155) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 6504}, {6, 254}, {48, 921}, {216, 8800}, {454, 6515}, {577, 15316}, {920, 92}, {1609, 4}, {3003, 16172}, {3542, 2052}, {6503, 69}, {6515, 264}, {8883, 275}, {15478, 2986}, {18126, 13579}, {32661, 13398}, {33808, 1969}
X(155) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 11411, 12359}, {3, 49, 19357}, {3, 3167, 1147}, {3, 18445, 1181}, {4, 11441, 18451}, {5, 68, 14852}, {5, 12161, 6}, {5, 15068, 17814}, {5, 31831, 1352}, {6, 17814, 5}, {6, 17836, 19458}, {24, 9932, 2931}, {25, 12160, 52}, {25, 12166, 9937}, {26, 156, 154}, {49, 18436, 3}, {51, 21651, 12235}, {52, 10539, 25}, {54, 11459, 7503}, {68, 5654, 5}, {110, 5889, 24}, {143, 13861, 17810}, {154, 17834, 26}, {182, 11793, 7393}, {184, 5562, 3}, {185, 1092, 3}, {185, 3292, 1092}, {381, 12429, 9927}, {389, 9306, 6642}, {394, 1181, 3}, {485, 486, 9722}, {568, 18350, 7506}, {569, 5891, 7395}, {578, 5907, 9818}, {1069, 3157, 1}, {1147, 7689, 12038}, {1147, 12164, 12163}, {1147, 19908, 19357}, {1199, 3090, 5422}, {1351, 1598, 5446}, {1593, 12162, 11472}, {1598, 19588, 12309}, {1614, 11412, 22}, {1993, 6193, 15316}, {1993, 11441, 4}, {3167, 12164, 3}, {3167, 15083, 12163}, {3917, 10984, 3}, {5012, 11444, 7509}, {5020, 11432, 5462}, {5448, 9927, 381}, {5562, 9908, 12163}, {5654, 9936, 68}, {6102, 6644, 9786}, {6193, 22660, 12293}, {6243, 7517, 33586}, {6243, 10540, 7517}, {7395, 11402, 569}, {7488, 9544, 9707}, {7689, 12038, 3}, {9820, 12359, 2}, {10661, 10662, 6}, {10665, 10666, 6}, {11422, 15056, 13434}, {11591, 32046, 7514}, {12161, 15068, 5}, {12162, 13352, 1593}, {12174, 21312, 10575}, {13371, 32140, 1853}, {14516, 22661, 12293}, {15068, 19139, 5654}, {15316, 18451, 12293}, {17814, 17836, 68}, {17814, 19458, 14852}, {18436, 19908, 12163}
Let OA be the reflection of X(3) in BC, and define OB and OC cyclically. Let O'A be the circumcenter of AOBOC, and define O'B and O'C cyclically. X(156) is the circumcenter of O'AO'BO'C. (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
Let A'B'C' be the triangle described in ADGEOM #2697 (8/26/2015, Tran Quang Hung). Then X(156) = X(5)-of-A'B'C'. (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(156) lies on these lines: 3,74 4,49 5,184 25,143 26,154 54,381 546,578 550,1092
X(156) is the {X(154),X(155)}-harmonic conjugate of X(26). For a list of harmonic conjugates, click Tables at the top of this page.
X(156) = midpoint of X(26) and X(155)
X(156) = X(5)-of-tangential-triangle
X(156) = {X(110),X(1614)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3)
X(156) = intouch-to-ABC functional image of X(5)
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(157) lies on these lines: 3,66 6,248 22,183 25,53 161,418 206,216
X(157) = isogonal conjugate of anticomplement of X(22391)
X(157) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(2909)
X(157) = X(264)-Ceva conjugate of X(6)
X(157) = crosssum of X(127) and X(520)
X(157) = X(6)-of-tangential-triangle
X(157) = perspector of circumcircle wrt Schroeter triangle
X(157) = perspector of polar circle wrt tangential triangle
X(157) = intouch-to-ABC functional image of X(6)
Barycentrics sec A tan A : sec B tan B : sec C tan C
Let A'B'C' be the hexyl triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(158). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
Let A'B'C' and A″B″C″ be the Euler and anti-Euler triangles, resp. Let A* be the trilinear product A'*A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(158). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(158) lies on these lines: 1,29 3,243 4,65 10,318 37,281 46,412 47,162 75,240 107,759 225,1093 255,775 286,969 823,897 920,921 1068,3542
X(158) = isogonal conjugate of X(255)
X(158) = isotomic conjugate of X(326)
X(158) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (19,92), (225,4)
X(158) = crosssum of X(520) and X(1364)
X(158) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(680)X(822)
X(158) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (821,158), (1105,255)
X(158) = X(107)-beth conjugate of X(34)
X(158) = trilinear pole of polar of X(63) wrt polar circle (line X(661)X(3064))
X(158) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(63) (line X(521)X(656))
X(158) = polar conjugate of X(63)
X(158) = trilinear product of X(1123) and X(1336)
X(158) = trilinear square of X(4)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where
g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(159) = X(9)-of-tangential triangle if ABC is acute
X(159) lies on these lines: 3,66 6,25 22,69 23,193 155,511 197,200
X(159) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (6,206), (66,141)
X(159) = isogonal conjugate of X(13575)
X(159) = crosspoint of X(110) and X(15388)
X(159) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(525)X(2485)
X(159) = trilinear product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {31, 1370}, {38, 8793}, {63, 3162}
X(159) = complement of X(36851)
X(159) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (22,3), (69,6)
X(159) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 7500}, {127, 523}
X(159) = tangential-isogonal conjugate of X(25)
X(159) = tangential-isotomic conjugate of X(32445)
X(159) = intouch-to-ABC functional image of X(9)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where
g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(160) lies on these lines: 3,66 6,237 22,325 95,327 154,418 206,57
X(160) = isogonal conjugate of anticomplement of complementary conjugate of X(34845)
X(160) = anticomplement of X(34845)
X(160) = X(95)-Ceva conjugate of X(6)
X(160) = crosssum of X(338) and X(512)
X(160) = X(37)-of-tangential triangle if ABC is acute
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where
g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(161) = X(63)-of-tangential triangle if ABC is acute
X(161) lies on these lines: 6,25 22,343 26,68 157,418
X(161) = X(68)-Ceva conjugate of X(6)
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(1)X(19), and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb ∩ Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(162). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(8)X(29), and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb ∩ Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(162). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(9)X(21), and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb ∩ Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(162). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
See (and hear) Dan Reznik's Dance of the Swans: X(88) and X(162) and their Never-Touching Motion Over the Elliptic Billiard (March 4, 2020)
X(162) lies on these lines: 4,270 6,1013 19,897 27,673 28,88 29,58 31,92 47,158 63,204 100,112 107,109 108,110 190,643 238,415 240,896 242,422 255,1099 412,580 799,811
X(162) = isogonal conjugate of X(656)
X(162) = isotomic conjugate of X(14208)
X(162) = complement of X(34846)
X(162) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39052)
X(162) = X(250)-Ceva conjugate of X(270)
X(162) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for this (i,j): (108,109)
X(162) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (108,107), (109,110)
X(162) = crosssum of X(810) and X(822)
X(162) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (28,1052), (107,920), (162,1), (648,63)
X(162) = trilinear pole of line X(1)X(19)
X(162) = trilinear product of X(1113) and X(1114)
X(162) = crossdifference of PU(75)
X(162) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1577) (line X(1109)X(2632))
X(162) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(1577)
X(162) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(822)
X(162) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(525)
X(162) = crosspoint of X(811) and X(823)
X(162) = trilinear product of PU(74)
X(162) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,PU(74)}}
X(162) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(19)X(27)
Let A'B'C' be the circumcevian triangle of X(512). Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. A″, B″, C″ are collinear on line X(667)X(788). The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(163). (Randy Hutson, August 19, 2019)
X(163) lies on these lines: 1,293 19,563 31,923 32,849 48,1094 99,825 101,110 109,112 284,909 643,1018 692,906 798,1101 813,827]
X(163) = isogonal conjugate of X(1577)
X(163) = isotomic conjugate of X(20948)
X(163) = complement of X(21294)
X(163) = anticomplement of X(21253)
X(163) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(21)
X(163) = crosssum of X(656) and X(661)
X(163) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (648,19), (662,610)
X(163) = trilinear product of PU(2)
X(163) = barycentric product of PU(70)
X(163) = trilinear product of X(58)X(101)
X(163) = trilinear product of the 6 vertices of the 1st and 2nd circumperp triangles
X(163) = trilinear pole of line X(31)X(48)
X(163) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(656)
X(163) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1109)X(2632)
X(163) = trilinear product X(6)*X(110)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the 1st-circumperp-of-1st-circumperp triangle (which is also the 2nd-circumperp-of-2nd-circumperp triangle) and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(164) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the 1st-circumperp-of-2nd-circumperp triangle (which is also the 2nd-circumperp-of-1st-circumperp triangle) and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(164) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(164) lies on the the Feuerbach circumhyperbola of the excentral trianjgle, the curves KK414, K654, Q068, and these lines: {1, 258}, {2, 9807}, {3, 3659}, {8, 55331}, {9, 168}, {40, 188}, {55, 17641}, {57, 177}, {63, 11691}, {84, 42017}, {165, 167}, {166, 7991}, {173, 504}, {354, 58614}, {361, 503}, {362, 845}, {517, 8112}, {846, 13091}, {1376, 17657}, {1445, 7670}, {1488, 11924}, {1697, 8422}, {1698, 12622}, {1699, 12614}, {1764, 12554}, {3333, 12908}, {3339, 31768}, {3645, 6213}, {5437, 58444}, {5708, 12813}, {6212, 7001}, {6726, 8108}, {6767, 31796}, {8075, 10967}, {8076, 8084}, {8081, 60554}, {8091, 58777}, {8231, 13090}, {8351, 16015}, {8580, 12450}, {9819, 31767}, {9837, 60598}, {10215, 20114}, {10490, 11923}, {10980, 58616}, {11234, 37556}, {11527, 55363}, {13443, 43192}, {31393, 32183}, {31790, 37560}
X(164) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 55169}, {9807, 58706}, {11691, 12539}, {12523, 55170}, {21633, 58705}
X(164) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 12523}, {2, 58709}, {167, 12518}, {177, 12443}, {188, 52797}, {9807, 21633}, {12450, 58689}, {12523, 55171}, {12656, 1}, {12694, 18258}, {12844, 3}, {12879, 188}, {21633, 58440}, {55169, 55170}, {55173, 55172}, {55175, 55168}, {58706, 58705}, {58710, 9807}, {58711, 2}, {58712, 58708}, {58714, 58715}, {58715, 58718}, {58716, 58719}, {58720, 58712}, {58721, 58713}
X(164) = isogonal conjugate of X(505)
X(164) = complement of X(9807)
X(164) = anticomplement of X(21633)
X(164) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(55175)
X(164) = excentral -sogonal conjugate of X(164)
X(164) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {188, 1}, {20183, 168}
X(164) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 505}, {2, 60555}, {259, 16664}
X(164) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 505}, {164, 9807}, {174, 4146}, {32664, 60555}
X(164) = X(1)-of-excentral triangle
X(164) = X(8)-of-1st-circumperp-triangle
X(164) = X(944)-of-2nd-circumperp-triangle
X(164) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(164)
X(164) = excentral-isotomic conjugate of X(844)
X(164) = X(188)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(164) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,361), (2,362), (9,844), (188,164), (366,173)
X(164) = centroid of curvatures of extraversions of Conway circle
X(164) = ABC-to-excentral trilinear image of X(1)
X(164) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 16017}, {174, 60598}, {188, 15495}
X(164) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 505}, {31, 60555}, {266, 16664}, {15495, 4146}, {16017, 75}, {60598, 556}
X(164) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 12523, 55175}, {1, 18291, 10231}, {1, 55168, 12523}, {2, 9807, 21633}, {2, 21633, 58712}, {2, 58440, 58713}, {2, 58705, 58710}, {2, 58706, 9807}, {2, 58708, 58440}, {2, 58710, 58721}, {2, 58711, 58722}, {2, 58716, 58717}, {2, 58717, 58718}, {40, 188, 505}, {40, 52797, 363}, {165, 167, 12518}, {258, 8078, 1}, {266, 15997, 1}, {7588, 8093, 1}, {7589, 11032, 1}, {8077, 8094, 1}, {9807, 21633, 58711}, {9807, 58440, 58712}, {9807, 58708, 2}, {9807, 58709, 58713}, {9807, 58711, 58720}, {9807, 58712, 58721}, {9807, 58713, 58722}, {9807, 58716, 58715}, {9807, 58717, 58716}, {12523, 55169, 12656}, {12523, 55171, 55168}, {12523, 55173, 55172}, {12656, 55175, 1}, {20114, 52800, 24242}, {20183, 52797, 505}, {21633, 58440, 2}, {21633, 58706, 58710}, {21633, 58708, 58713}, {21633, 58709, 58440}, {21633, 58710, 58720}, {21633, 58711, 58721}, {21633, 58712, 58722}, {21633, 58714, 58715}, {21633, 58715, 58716}, {21633, 58718, 58717}, {21633, 58719, 58718}, {55168, 55169, 1}, {55168, 55170, 12656}, {55169, 55171, 55175}, {55170, 55171, 1}, {55172, 55173, 1}, {58440, 58705, 9807}, {58440, 58706, 58711}, {58440, 58709, 58708}, {58440, 58710, 58722}, {58440, 58714, 58717}, {58440, 58715, 58718}, {58440, 58718, 58719}, {58705, 58708, 58711}, {58705, 58709, 21633}, {58705, 58719, 58714}, {58706, 58708, 21633}, {58706, 58709, 58712}, {58706, 58713, 58720}, {58706, 58717, 58714}, {58708, 58716, 58719}, {58709, 58714, 58719}, {58710, 58711, 9807}, {58710, 58712, 58711}, {58710, 58713, 21633}, {58711, 58712, 21633}, {58711, 58713, 58712}, {58712, 58713, 2}, {58714, 58715, 9807}, {58714, 58717, 58711}, {58714, 58718, 58716}, {58714, 58719, 21633}, {58715, 58716, 58711}, {58715, 58718, 21633}, {58715, 58719, 58717}, {58716, 58717, 21633}, {58716, 58719, 58712}, {58717, 58718, 58712}, {58718, 58719, 2}, {58720, 58721, 58711}, {58720, 58722, 58721}, {58721, 58722, 21633}
Problem 916, proposed by H. Demir, M.E.T.U., Ankara, Turkey, in Mathematics Magazine 47, no. 5, November 1974, p. 286: "Let XYZ be the pedal triangle of a point P with regard to the triangle ABC. Then find the trilinear coordinates x, y, z of P such that YA + AZ = ZB + BX = XC + CY." Solution: X(165).
If DEF is the pedal triangle of X(165), then |AE| + |AF| = |BF| + |BD| = |CD| + |CE|. (Seiichi Kirikami, October 8, 2010.)
Let A'B'C' be the anticevian triangle, wrt intouch triangle, of X(1). Let A″ be the reflection of A' in A, and define B' and C' cyclically. The centroid of A″B″C″ is X(165). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. Let A″ be the symmedian point of triangle A'BC, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(165). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(165).
X(165) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,516 4,1698 9,910 10,20 32,1571 42,991 43,573 63,100 71,610 105,1054 108,1767 109,212 164,167 166,168 191,1079 210,971 218,1190 220,1615 227,1394 255,1103 269,1253 355,550 371,1703 372,1702 376,515 380,579 386,1695 411,936 479,1323 498,1770 572,1051 574,1572 580,601 612,990 614,902 631,946 750,968 846,1719 950,1788 958,1706 962,1125 1011,1730 1342,1701 1343,1700
X(165) is the {X(3),X(40)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1). For a list of harmonic conjugates of X(165), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(165) = isogonal conjugate of X(3062)
X(165) = X(9)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(165) = anticomplement of X(3817)
X(165) = X(2)-of-1st-circumperp-triangle
X(165) = homothetic center of ABC and orthic triangle of 1st circumperp triangle
X(165) = homothetic center of excentral triangle and medial triangle of 1st circumperp triangle
X(165) = excentral isogonal conjugate of X(9)
X(165) = excentral isotomic conjugate of X(165)
X(165) = excentral polar conjugate of X(1)
X(165) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(1)
X(165) = reflection of X(1699) in X(2)
X(165) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(1) wrt anticevian triangle of X(1)
X(165) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (100,165), (643,200)
X(165) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(2,169), (9,165), (21,572), (100,101), (188,9), (259,43), (365,978), (366,57), (650,1053)
X(165) = centroid of the triangle with vertices X(1), X(8), X(20)
X(165) = centroid of the triangle with vertices X(4), X(20), X(40)
X(165) = ABC-to-excentral barycentric image of X(2)
Barycentrics g(A,B,C) : g(B,C,A) : g(C,A,B), where
g(A,B,C) = (sin A)f(A,B,C)
X(166) = X(7)-of-excentral triangle
X(166) lies on these lines: 1,1488 165,168 167,188
X(166) = X(266)-cross conjugate of X(57)
X(166) = cevapoint of X(266) and X(289)
Barycentrics g(A,B,C) : g(B,C,A) : g(C,A,B), where
g(A,B,C) = (sin A)f(A,B,C)
X(167) = X(8)-of-excentral triangle
X(167) lies on these lines: 1,174 164,165 166,188
X(167) = X(9)-aleph conjugate of X(166)
X(168) lies on these lines: 1,173 9,164 165,166
X(168) = X(188)-aleph conjugate of X(363)
X(168) = X(9)-of-excentral triangle
X(169) lies on these lines: 1,41 3,910 4,9 6,942 46,672 57,277 63,379 65,218 220,517 572,610
X(169) = complement of X(17170)
X(169) = anticomplement of X(34847)
X(169) = X(85)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(169) = crosssum of X(6) and X(1473)
X(169) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(2,165), (85,169), (86,572), (174,43), (188,170), (508,1), (514,1053), (664,101)
Barycentrics g(A,B,C) : g(B,C,A) : g(C,A,B), where
g(A,B,C) = (sin A)f(A,B,C)
X(170) = X(76)-of-excentral triangle
X(170) lies on these lines: 1,7 43,218
X(170) = anticomplement of X(34848)
X(170) = X(220)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(170) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (9,9), (55,43), (188,169), (220,170), (644,1018)
X(170) = X(664)-beth conjugate of X(170)
X(171) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,31 4,601 6,43 7,983 10,58 37,846 42,81 47,498 63,612 72,1046 84,989 98,109 181,511 222,611 292,893 319,757 385,894 388,603 474,978 595,1125 602,631 756,896
X(171) = isogonal conjugate of X(256)
X(171) = isotomic conjugate of X(7018)
X(171) = complement of X(4388)
X(171) = anticomplement of X(3846)
X(171) = perspector of Gemini triangle 33 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 33
X(171) = trilinear pole line X(3287)X(3805) (the perspectrix of ABC and Gemini triangle 34)
X(171) = X(292)-Ceva conjugate of X(238)
X(171) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (100,171), (643,42)
X(171) = crosssum of PU(6)
X(171) = crosspoint of PU(8)
X(171) = intersection of tangents at PU(8) to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(100),PU(8)}}
X(171) = {X(1),X(40)}-harmonic conjugate of X(37598)
X(171) = {X(55),X(56)}-harmonic conjugate of X(23853)
X(172) lies on these lines: 1,32 6,41 12,230 21,37 35,187 36,39 42,199 58,101 65,248 350,384 577,1038 694,904 699,932
X(172) = isogonal conjugate of X(257)
X(172) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(522)X(1491)
X(172) = X(101)-beth conjugate of X(172)
X(172) = {X(1),X(32)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1914)
X(172) = intersection of tangents at PU(9) to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(101),PU(9)}
X(172) = crosspoint of PU(9)
X(172) = crosssum of PU(10)
X(172) = homothetic center of anti-tangential midarc triangle and mid-triangle of 1st and 2nd Kenmotu diagonals triangles
Let PB on sideline AC and QC be equidistant from A, so that APBQC is an isosceles triangle. The line PBQC is called an isoscelizer. The lines PBQC, PCQA, PAQB concur in X(173). (P. Yff, unpublished notes, 1989)
The intouch triangle of the intouch triangle of triangle ABC is perspective to triangle ABC, and X(173) is the perspector. (Eric Danneels, Hyacinthos 7892, 9/13/03)
Also, X(173) = X(1486)-of-the-intouch-triangle. (Darij Grinberg; see notes at X(1485) and X(1486).)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Congruent Isoscelizers Point.
X(173) lies on the cubics K220, K748, K1079 and these lines: {1, 168}, {2, 11891}, {3, 7590}, {6, 61072}, {7, 21623}, {9, 177}, {10, 12582}, {40, 8351}, {46, 30408}, {55, 10502}, {57, 174}, {63, 8126}, {65, 11899}, {164, 504}, {165, 7589}, {167, 11032}, {180, 483}, {191, 16151}, {223, 34026}, {266, 1743}, {363, 3973}, {503, 844}, {505, 1130}, {846, 8425}, {942, 8082}, {1376, 17631}, {1445, 8389}, {1490, 12685}, {1652, 30410}, {1653, 30409}, {1697, 11924}, {1698, 8382}, {1699, 8379}, {1721, 12728}, {1764, 11896}, {1768, 13267}, {2136, 12646}, {3306, 8125}, {3333, 8092}, {3338, 30420}, {3339, 8094}, {3361, 7588}, {3576, 18454}, {3729, 40893}, {4860, 10501}, {4882, 12130}, {5119, 30411}, {5285, 8132}, {5290, 8088}, {5437, 7028}, {5541, 12748}, {5708, 8100}, {5709, 8130}, {6203, 30406}, {6204, 30407}, {6212, 31592}, {6213, 31593}, {6326, 12774}, {8056, 41799}, {8090, 10980}, {8128, 55104}, {8129, 37534}, {8231, 11996}, {8388, 60938}, {8545, 30404}, {8580, 11860}, {8915, 35681}, {9795, 21454}, {10215, 58868}, {11529, 18456}, {12396, 12406}, {12514, 12570}, {12565, 12716}, {12658, 12873}, {12659, 13074}, {12660, 13127}, {13443, 18885}, {30423, 51816}, {34924, 34925}, {45707, 60955}, {46370, 52799}, {52999, 53118}
X(173) = isogonal conjugate of X(258)
X(173) = anticomplement of X(34849)
X(173) = X(174)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(173) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(845)
X(173) = X(31)-complementary conjugate of X(13443)
X(173) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 13443}, {57, 8078}, {174, 1}, {2089, 52999}
X(173) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 258}, {2, 60554}, {6, 7048}, {55, 21456}, {174, 53119}, {188, 289}, {259, 1488}, {260, 16015}, {266, 7028}, {3659, 10492}, {10495, 45875}, {18887, 59467}
X(173) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 258}, {9, 7048}, {188, 556}, {223, 21456}, {236, 53123}, {5430, 312}, {10493, 2090}, {13443, 2}, {32664, 60554}
X(173) = cevapoint of X(7707) and X(18888)
X(173) = SS(A→A')-of-X(9), where A'B'C' is the excentral triangle
X(173) = X(19)-of-excentral triangle
X(173) = X(19)-of-Yff central triangle
X(173) = homothetic center of excentral triangle and Yff central triangle
X(173) = homothetic center of ABC and orthic triangle of Yff central triangle
X(173) = homothetic center of ABC and extangents triangle of excentral triangle
X(173) = excentral isogonal conjugate of X(845)
X(173) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,503), (2,504), (174,173), (188,845), (366,164), (507,1), (508,362), (509,361)
X(173) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 7057}, {9, 18886}, {75, 42622}, {174, 236}, {188, 2089}, {266, 53122}, {4146, 53118}, {7001, 53076}, {7010, 53077}, {7048, 52999}, {45877, 55341}
X(173) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 7048}, {6, 258}, {31, 60554}, {57, 21456}, {188, 53123}, {236, 556}, {259, 7028}, {266, 1488}, {2089, 4146}, {7057, 75}, {7707, 2090}, {16012, 42017}, {18885, 21624}, {18886, 85}, {18888, 16015}, {42622, 1}, {43192, 45876}, {45878, 10495}, {52999, 7057}, {53118, 188}, {58968, 45875}, {60539, 53119}, {61072, 21623}
X(173) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 12445, 11535}, {2, 11891, 21624}, {3, 12491, 7590}, {9, 18888, 8078}, {57, 174, 258}, {165, 8423, 7589}, {165, 30394, 8423}, {236, 45708, 7593}, {259, 7707, 1}, {7001, 7010, 8078}, {7587, 12445, 1}, {7589, 11195, 8423}, {7593, 45708, 41855}, {8076, 8083, 1}, {8090, 10980, 11033}, {8423, 30394, 11195}, {8729, 13098, 174}, {16015, 20183, 258}
Let Ea be the ellipse with B and C as foci and passing through X(1), and define Eb and Ec cyclically. Let La be the line tangent to Ea at X(1), and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = La∩BC, B' = Lb∩CA, C' = Lc∩AB. Then A', B', C' are collinear, and X(174) = trilinear pole of line A'B'C'. The line A'B'C' meets the line at infinity at the isogonal conjugate of X(3659). Alternately, let A″ be the trilinear pole of line La, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″ and CC″ concur at X(174); see also X(188). The points A″, B″, C″ lie on the circumconic centered at X(9). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. X(174) is the trilinear pole of the Monge line of the incircles of BCA', CAB', ABC'. (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
In notes dated 1987, Yff raises this question concerning certain triangles lying within ABC: can isoscelizers (defined at X(173)), PBQC, PCQA, PAQB, be constructed so that, on putting
the following four triangles are congruent:
After proving that the answer is yes, Yff moves the three isoscelizers in such a way that the three outer triangles, stay congruent and the inner triangle (called the Yff central triangle), RARBRC, shrinks to X(174).
Let D be the point on side BC such that (angle BID) = (angle DIC), and likewise for point E on side CA and point F on side AB. The lines AD, BE, CF concur in X(174). (Seiichi Kirikami, Jan. 29, 2010)
Generalization: if I is replaced by an arbitrary point P = p : q : r (trilinears), then the lines AD, BE, CF concur in the point K(P) = f(p,q,r,A) : f(q,r,p,B) : f(r,p,q,C), where f(p,q,r,A) = (q2 + r2 + 2qr cos A)-1/2. Moreover, if P* is the inverse of P in the circumcircle, then K(P*) = K(P). (Peter Moses, Feb. 1, 2010, based on Seiichi Kirikami's construction of X(174))
X(174) is the homothetic center of ABC and the extangents triangle of the intouch triangle. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Yff Center of Congruence (1) and Yff Center of Congruence (2) and Yff Center of Congruence (3). For access to a sketch of the Yff central triangle, see X(177).
X(174) lies on the curves K134, K365, K747, K748, K965, Q027, and these lines: {1, 167}, {2, 236}, {3, 8129}, {7, 234}, {11, 8086}, {12, 8088}, {55, 7589}, {56, 7587}, {57, 173}, {65, 8094}, {145, 7057}, {175, 483}, {176, 1274}, {178, 60598}, {188, 266}, {222, 34026}, {223, 16664}, {226, 7593}, {259, 7370}, {260, 12518}, {289, 45875}, {312, 40893}, {354, 8083}, {481, 1127}, {482, 10230}, {515, 9837}, {556, 4146}, {557, 13389}, {558, 1489}, {631, 8127}, {658, 59463}, {942, 8100}, {1071, 8096}, {1284, 8250}, {1317, 8098}, {3210, 16018}, {3340, 11535}, {3645, 34495}, {3649, 16147}, {3671, 12569}, {3752, 61072}, {4298, 12581}, {4654, 41855}, {5435, 7002}, {5542, 59442}, {5902, 18408}, {6732, 7670}, {6733, 60539}, {8084, 10500}, {8134, 8136}, {8137, 8139}, {8243, 8248}, {8581, 11859}, {9850, 9854}, {10164, 59464}, {10473, 35625}, {10497, 13444}, {10503, 10967}, {10980, 30394}, {11570, 12772}, {12402, 12406}, {12711, 12715}, {12723, 12727}, {12854, 12871}, {12912, 13073}, {12913, 13125}, {13390, 39122}, {15730, 34924}, {17625, 17630}, {35671, 35681}, {39121, 55331} 481,1127 558,1489
X(174) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {8241, 1}, {16017, 2090}
X(174) = isotomic conjugate of X(556)
X(174) = complement of X(16017)
X(174) = isogonal conjugate of X(259)
X(174) = anticomplement of X(2090)
X(174) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(60555)
X(174) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(16015)
X(174) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(16018)
X(174) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {45877, 33650}, {45878, 37781}
X(174) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 15495}, {505, 141}, {60555, 10}
X(174) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 15495}, {7, 2089}, {555, 7371}, {4146, 188}, {21456, 1488}, {46891, 558}, {46892, 557}, {55328, 10492}, {55329, 10495}
X(174) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 259}, {2, 60539}, {6, 188}, {9, 266}, {21, 60533}, {31, 556}, {37, 6727}, {41, 4146}, {55, 174}, {56, 6731}, {57, 6726}, {58, 6725}, {100, 6729}, {101, 6728}, {109, 6730}, {173, 53119}, {200, 7370}, {220, 7371}, {236, 60554}, {258, 53118}, {260, 7707}, {284, 6724}, {365, 60534}, {366, 60530}, {509, 4166}, {555, 1253}, {604, 7027}, {650, 6733}, {1172, 7591}, {3659, 45877}, {4182, 60538}, {7001, 7014}, {7028, 42622}, {18753, 55336}, {45878, 55331}, {60555, 60598}
X(174) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 6731}, {2, 556}, {3, 259}, {9, 188}, {10, 6725}, {11, 6730}, {174, 16017}, {223, 174}, {236, 8}, {266, 504}, {478, 266}, {1015, 6728}, {3160, 4146}, {3161, 7027}, {5431, 53120}, {5452, 6726}, {6609, 7370}, {8054, 6729}, {10493, 16016}, {13443, 236}, {15495, 2}, {17113, 555}, {32664, 60539}, {39122, 1143}, {40374, 55336}, {40589, 6727}, {40590, 6724}, {40611, 60533}
X(174) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 173}, {2, 16018}, {177, 7707}, {236, 12646}, {259, 266}, {513, 61072}, {514, 21623}, {650, 10501}, {6724, 60533}, {6732, 45877}, {16015, 41799}
X(174) = trilinear pole of line {6728, 10492}
X(174) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {6729, 45878}
X(174) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1488), (177,7), (259,188)
X(174) = crosssum of X(1) and X(503)
X(174) = X(556)-beth conjugate of X(556)
X(174) = SS(A→A')-of-X(2), where A'B'C' is the excentral triangle
X(174) = SS(A→A')-of-X(226), where A'B'C' is the excentral triangle
X(174) = isotomic conjugate of X(556)
X(174) = X(55)-of-intouch triangle
X(174) = X(55)-of-Yff central triangle
X(174) = homothetic center of intouch triangle and Yff central triangle
X(174) = homothetic center of ABC and the intangents triangle of the intouch triangle.
X(174) = {X(8134),X(8136)}-harmonic conjugate of X(8123)
X(174) = {X(8137),X(8139)}-harmonic conjugate of X(8124)
X(174) = X(1824)-of-excentral-triangle
X(174) = excentral-to-ABC trilinear image of X(165)
X(174) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4146}, {7, 188}, {8, 7371}, {9, 555}, {57, 556}, {75, 266}, {85, 259}, {86, 6724}, {176, 5451}, {236, 21456}, {269, 7027}, {274, 60533}, {279, 6731}, {286, 7591}, {312, 7370}, {366, 508}, {509, 18297}, {557, 1143}, {558, 1274}, {658, 6730}, {664, 6728}, {693, 6733}, {1088, 6726}, {1434, 6725}, {1441, 6727}, {1488, 7057}, {1489, 46892}, {2089, 7048}, {4554, 6729}, {6063, 60539}, {7001, 53121}, {7010, 53120}, {7028, 18886}, {10492, 55341}, {16017, 16664}, {41885, 46891}
X(174) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 188}, {2, 556}, {6, 259}, {7, 4146}, {8, 7027}, {9, 6731}, {31, 60539}, {37, 6725}, {55, 6726}, {56, 266}, {58, 6727}, {65, 6724}, {73, 7591}, {109, 6733}, {164, 60598}, {173, 236}, {177, 178}, {188, 8}, {258, 7028}, {259, 9}, {266, 1}, {269, 7371}, {279, 555}, {289, 258}, {365, 60534}, {366, 55336}, {508, 18297}, {509, 366}, {513, 6728}, {555, 85}, {556, 312}, {557, 1274}, {558, 1143}, {649, 6729}, {650, 6730}, {1400, 60533}, {1407, 7370}, {1488, 7048}, {2089, 7057}, {3659, 55363}, {4146, 75}, {5451, 40700}, {6724, 10}, {6725, 2321}, {6726, 200}, {6727, 21}, {6728, 522}, {6729, 650}, {6730, 3239}, {6731, 346}, {6733, 100}, {7001, 3082}, {7010, 483}, {7027, 341}, {7048, 53123}, {7057, 53122}, {7370, 57}, {7371, 7}, {7591, 72}, {7707, 16016}, {8078, 12646}, {10490, 177}, {12646, 5430}, {13444, 43192}, {14088, 60532}, {14596, 234}, {15495, 16017}, {15997, 42017}, {16011, 15997}, {16015, 2090}, {18753, 60530}, {18888, 7707}, {24242, 12644}, {41799, 16015}, {42622, 53118}, {43192, 55342}, {45874, 3659}, {45875, 55331}, {53116, 7001}, {53117, 7010}, {55328, 55341}, {55331, 55332}, {60530, 4166}, {60531, 60544}, {60532, 60545}, {60533, 37}, {60534, 4182}, {60537, 4179}, {60538, 365}, {60539, 55}, {60540, 60546}, {60541, 60547}, {60542, 60548}, {60543, 39131}, {60554, 53119}
X(174) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 177, 2089}, {1, 503, 16012}, {1, 8092, 8242}, {1, 8351, 11924}, {1, 13092, 177}, {1, 30408, 8351}, {1, 30420, 8092}, {1, 58868, 13385}, {2, 8125, 7028}, {2, 8126, 236}, {2, 16017, 2090}, {7, 8388, 45707}, {7, 8389, 45708}, {7, 18886, 234}, {57, 16015, 15495}, {173, 258, 57}, {177, 13385, 58868}, {236, 7028, 2}, {258, 16015, 1488}, {266, 6724, 188}, {354, 10501, 11033}, {354, 10502, 8083}, {6732, 11923, 8113}, {7587, 7588, 56}, {7589, 8076, 55}, {7590, 8082, 1}, {7593, 8080, 226}, {7707, 8138, 8114}, {8083, 11033, 354}, {8083, 11195, 10502}, {8083, 11217, 11033}, {8084, 11032, 17641}, {8086, 8379, 11}, {8088, 8382, 12}, {8090, 8423, 1}, {8092, 8351, 1}, {8092, 30408, 11924}, {8094, 12445, 65}, {8096, 12685, 1071}, {8098, 12748, 1317}, {8100, 12491, 942}, {8102, 8734, 258}, {8102, 13098, 57}, {8104, 13267, 11}, {8125, 8126, 2}, {8127, 8128, 631}, {8129, 8130, 3}, {8131, 8132, 3}, {8242, 11924, 1}, {8248, 11996, 8243}, {8250, 8425, 1284}, {8351, 30420, 8242}, {8388, 8389, 7}, {8388, 18886, 8114}, {8388, 30404, 30405}, {8389, 30405, 30404}, {8729, 8734, 57}, {8729, 13098, 173}, {9795, 11889, 45707}, {9795, 11891, 7}, {9854, 12130, 9850}, {10235, 10236, 1}, {10500, 17641, 11032}, {10501, 10502, 354}, {11033, 11195, 8083}, {11033, 11217, 10501}, {11195, 11217, 354}, {11535, 11899, 3340}, {11859, 11860, 8581}, {11889, 11890, 7}, {11890, 11891, 45708}, {11895, 11896, 1}, {11923, 53118, 43192}, {12406, 13475, 12402}, {12569, 12570, 3671}, {12581, 12582, 4298}, {12644, 12646, 145}, {12715, 12716, 12711}, {12727, 12728, 12723}, {12772, 12774, 11570}, {12871, 12873, 12854}, {13073, 13074, 12912}, {13125, 13127, 12913}, {13385, 58868, 2089}, {16147, 16151, 3649}, {17630, 17631, 17625}, {18408, 18409, 5902}, {18454, 18456, 1}, {21623, 21624, 226}, {30394, 30395, 10980}, {30404, 30405, 7}, {30406, 30407, 45708}, {30406, 30418, 7}, {30407, 30419, 7}, {30408, 30420, 1}, {30408, 30423, 30411}, {30409, 30410, 45708}, {30409, 30421, 7}, {30410, 30422, 7}, {30411, 30420, 30423}, {30411, 30423, 1}, {30418, 30419, 45707}, {30421, 30422, 45707}, {31580, 31592, 481}, {31581, 31593, 482}, {34026, 34034, 222}, {35625, 35627, 10473}, {35681, 35900, 35671}, {45707, 45708, 7}, {46891, 53977, 1143}, {46892, 53979, 1274}
The points X(175) and X(176) are discussed in an 1890 article by Emile Lemoine, accessible at Gallica. The article begins on page 111, and the two points are considered beginning on page 128.
A point X is defined as an isoperimetric point of triangle ABC if |XB| + |XC| + |BC| = |XC| + |XA| + |CA| = |XA| + |XB| + |AB|. Veldkamp established that X = X(175), uniquely, for some triangles ABC, but the conditions he gives are not correct. Hajja and Yff proved that the condition tan(A/2) + tan(B/2) + tan(C/2) < 2 is necessary and sufficient. See also X(176) and the 1st and 2nd Eppstein points, X(481), X(482).
In unpublished notes, Yff proved that X(175) is the center of the outer Soddy circle. His proof later appeared in the paper by Hajja and Yff cited below.
Every point on the Soddy line has barycentric coordinates of the form a + k/sa : b + k/sb : c + k/sc, where k is a symmetric function in a,b,c, and sa=(b+c-a)/2, sb=(c+a-b)/2, sc=(a+b-c)/2. Writing S for 4*area(ABC):
X(175) = 2a - S/sa : 2b - S/sb : 2c - S/sc
X(176) = 2a + S/sa : 2b + S/sb : 2c + S/sc
X(481) = a - S/sa : b - S/sb : c - S/sc
X(482) = a + S/sa : b + S/sb : c + S/sc
X(1371) = a + 2S/(3 sa) : b + 2S/(3 sb) : c + 2S/(3 sc)
X(1372) = a - 2S/(3 sa) : b - 2S/(3 sb) : c - 2S/(3 sc)
X(1373) = a + 2S/sa : b + 2S/sb : c + 2S/sc
X(1374) = a - 2S/sa : b - 2S/sb : c - 2S/sc
Clark Kimberling and R. W. Wagner, Problem E 3020 and Solution, American Mathematical Monthly 93 (1986) 650-652 [proposed 1983].
G. R. Veldkamp, "The isoperimetric point and the point(s) of equal detour," American Mathematical Monthly 92 (1985) 546-558.
Muwaffaq Hajja and Peter Yff, "The isoperimetric point and the point(s) of equal detour in a triangle," Journal of Geometry 87 (2007) 76-82.
Randy Hutson (August 23, 2011) noted that "There are exactly two points P such that the incircles of the triangles PBC, PCA, PAB are pairwise tangent to one another; the two points are X(175) and X(176). There are exactly two points P such that the radical center of the incircles of PBC, PCA, PAB is P; the two points are X(175) and X(176).'' However, an anonymous contributor noted that there are cases in which the second statement does not hold. His counterexamples and conditions for such points P to exist are quoted here:
For the isoperimetric point, the incircles become excircles, so really we need two separate claims, as follows:
(1) P is an isoperimetric point, in the sense that triangles PBC, PCA, and PAB have the same perimeter, if and only if P is the radical center of the excircles of triangles PBC, PCA, and PAB opposite P.
(2) P is an equal detour point, in the sense that |XB| + |XC| - |BC| = |XC| + |XA| - |CA| = |XA| + |XB| - |AB|, if and only if P is the radical center of the incircles of triangles PBC, PCA, and PAB.'
The proofs are clear: P is these circles' radical center if and only if the tangents from P to them have the same length, and we can express these tangents explicitly in terms of the triangles' sides.
The claim about pairwise tangency deserves further examination. Once again we must change the incircles to excircles for the isoperimetric point, but this time around that doesn't really fix everything. It is indeed true that if P is an isoperimetric point, then the excircles are pairwise tangent and if P is an equal detour point, then so are the incircles. However, the converses do not hold. Following is a counterexample. Start with an isosceles triangle ABC where AB = AC and angle A is sufficiently small. Let M be the midpoint of side BC and let Q be some point on ray AM beyond M. Observe that the excircles omega_B and omega_C of triangles QCA and QAB are always tangent on line QA, by symmetry. When Q is close to M, the excircle omega_A of triangle QBC intersects both omega_B and omega_C. Conversely, when Q tend to infinity away from M, however, both of omega_B and omega_C are disjoint from omega_A and lie outside of it. (This step is why we need angle A to be sufficiently small.) Therefore, there exists some intermediate position of point Q such that omega_A, omega_B, and omega_C are pairwise externally tangent. But then Q cannot be an isoperimetric point because the tangency points of omega_A with omega_B and omega_C do not lie on lines QC and QB, respectively.
A counterexample for incircles is similar. Start with an isosceles triangle ABC where AB = AC and angle A is sufficiently large. (For example, at least 60 degrees.) Let M be the midpoint of side BC and let Q be some point on ray MA beyond A. The rest of the construction is fully analogous, but here we have disjoint incircles when Q is close to A and intersecting incircles when Q tends to infinity away from A. We can still salvage some of this if we explicitly require P to be an interior point, as follows:
(1') Let point P lie in the interior of triangle ABC. Then P is an isoperimetric point, in the sense that triangles PBC, PCA, and PAB have the same perimeter, if and only if the excircles of triangles PBC, PCA, and PAB opposite P are pairwise tangent.'
(2') Let point P lie in the interior of triangle ABC. Then P is an equal detour point, in the sense that |XB| + |XC| - |BC| = |XC| + |XA| - |CA| = |XA| + |XB| - |AB|, if and only if the incircles of triangles PBC, PCA, PAB are pairwise tangent.'
Now lines PA, PB, PC separate the incircles or excircles from one another, so that their tangency points must necessarily lie on these lines, and from here on we can finish the proofs in the exact same way as for the pair of radical center claims.
Note that X(175) and X(176) do not correspond exactly to the isoperimetric and equal detour points! For the outer Soddy circle, whether we get equal perimeters or equal detours depends on whether this circle is tangent to the three small circles with centers A, B, and C and radii (-a + b + c)/2, etc., internally or externally. When the tangencies are internal, we get an isoperimetric point; when they are external we get an equal detour point; and when the outer Soddy circle degenerates into a straight line, X(175) is undefined.
Therefore, if we define the isoperimetric and equal detour points in terms of lengths, then some triangles will have one of each, others will have no isoperimetric point and two equal detour points, and still others will have no isoperimetric point and just a single equal detour point -- all depending on what happens with the outer Soddy circle.
Something like this is also in the entry for X(176), attributed to Hajja and Yff.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(175), X(176).ggb
Let Ha be the hyperbola through A having foci B and C, and define Hb and Hc cyclically. The three hyperbolas meet in in two points: X(175) and X(176). The 6 vertices of the hyperbolas lie on the Privalov conic (an ellipse). Specifically, if the vertices are labeled as A1, A2; B1, B2; C1,C2; then A1, B1, C1 are the vertices of the extouch triangle, and A2, B2, C2 are the vertices of the intouch triangle; see X(5452) and this Figure. (Liliana Gheorghe, Dan Reznik, Peter Moses, December, 2021)
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
Oa = circle with diameter BC
C' = the point, other than B, where Oa meets AB
B' = the point, other than C, where Oa meets AC
Ub = B-mixtilinear incircle of BCC'
Uc = C-mixtilinear incircle of CBB'
Ab = touchpoint of Ub and BC; define Bc and Ca cyclically
Ac = touchpoint of Uc and BC; define Ba and Cb cyclically
The points Ab, Ac, Ba, Ba, Cb, Cb line on a conic, of which the center is X(176). A barycentric equation for this conic follows:2 (a-b-c) (a^2-b^2-c^2) (a^2 (b+c)-(b-c)^2 (b+c)+2 a S) x^2 - ((a+b-c) (a-b+c) (3 a^4-2 a^3 (b+c)-3 (b^2-c^2)^2+2 a (b+c) (b^2+c^2))+2 (a^4-3 (b^2-c^2)^2+2 a^2 (b^2+c^2)) S) y z + (cyclic) = 0.
See X(175) and X(176). Continuing, let
Vb = B-mixtilinear excircle of BCC'
Vc = C-mixtilinear excircle of CBB'
A'b = touchpoint of Vb and BC; define B'c and C'a cyclically
A'c = touchpoint of Vc and BC; define B'a and C'b cyclically
The points A'b, A'c, B'a, B'c, C'a, C'b line on a conic, of which the center is X(175). A barycentric equation for this conic follows:(a+b-c) (a-b+c) (2 (a-b-c) (2 a^3 b c+a^4 (b+c)-2 a b c (b+c)^2+(b-c)^2 (b+c)^3-2 a^2 (b^3+b^2 c+b c^2+c^3)+2 (a^3-2 b c (b+c)-a (b+c)^2) S) x^2 + (3 a^6-4 a^5 (b+c)-4 a (b-c)^2 (b+c)^3-3 (b-c)^2 (b+c)^4+a^2 (b+c)^2 (9 b^2+2 b c+9 c^2)-a^4 (9 b^2+14 b c+9 c^2)+8 a^3 (b^3+b^2 c+b c^2+c^3)-2 (a^4+6 a^3 (b+c)-4 a^2 (b+c)^2+3 (b^2-c^2)^2-2 a (3 b^3+7 b^2 c+7 b c^2+3 c^3)) S) y z) + (cyclic) = 0. (Angel Montesdeoca, September 9, 2022)
X(175) lies on the curves K032, K199, K200, K,1175, Q074, Q092, Q104 and on these lines: {1, 7}, {2, 13386}, {4, 10905}, {8, 1270}, {40, 34495}, {65, 6252}, {69, 10908}, {105, 30385}, {144, 30557}, {174, 483}, {226, 1131}, {280, 40700}, {329, 3084}, {388, 10911}, {490, 664}, {517, 39795}, {651, 1335}, {1086, 44636}, {1336, 10253}, {1463, 7353}, {2082, 6203}, {2550, 45713}, {3062, 10973}, {3083, 9776}, {3296, 34216}, {3297, 5228}, {3298, 6180}, {4000, 7968}, {4644, 7969}, {5045, 39794}, {5222, 18992}, {5226, 5393}, {5261, 9907}, {5405, 5435}, {5932, 31528}, {5933, 31530}, {6283, 49537}, {6360, 46422}, {6405, 20358}, {7090, 10405}, {7585, 30325}, {9778, 10135}, {9789, 21147}, {10580, 16663}, {11293, 17086}, {13387, 20211}, {13389, 21454}, {13459, 16441}, {15913, 31536}, {16214, 32081}, {17365, 44635}, {17950, 43134}, {21453, 30335}, {30347, 31588}, {30413, 31547}, {31544, 32201}
X(175) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {176, 3160}, {10405, 7090}, {14121, 31534}, {30334, 1}
X(175) = isogonal conjugate of X(30336)
X(175) = isotomic conjugate of X(40699)
X(175) = anticomplement of X(14121)
X(175) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(2067)
X(175) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 13386}, {603, 176}, {1659, 21270}, {1805, 3869}, {2067, 8}, {2362, 4}, {5414, 329}, {6502, 31552}, {13388, 69}, {30557, 3436}, {34121, 13387}
X(175) = X(8)-Ceva conjugate of X(176)
X(175) = X(10135)-cross conjugate of X(7)
X(175) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 30336}, {6, 15891}, {31, 40699}, {56, 34911}
X(175) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 34495}, {10253, 32058}
X(175) = crosssum of X(55) and X(19037)
X(175) = reflection of X(175) in the Soddy line
X(175) = X(6406)-of-excentral-triangle
X(175) = X(1152)-of-intouch-triangle
X(175) = X(7353)-of-(inner)-tangential-mid-arc-triangle (TCCT 6.15)
X(175) = X(12224)-of-first-circumperp-triangle (TCCT 6.21)
X(175) = X(6400)-of-second-circumperp-triangle (TCCT 6.22)
X(175) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {7, 30413}, {8, 16662}, {1659, 31547}
X(175) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: 1, 15891}, {2, 40699}, {6, 30336}, {9, 34911}, {9778, 30412}, {16662, 7}, {30413, 8}
X(175) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 7, 176}, {1, 15891}, {2, 40699}, {6, 30336}, {9, 34911}, {9778, 30412}, {16662, 7}, {30413, 8}
{X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 7, 176}, {1, 481, 7}, {1, 482, 17805}, {1, 1372, 481}, {1, 1373, 31538}, {1, 1374, 482}, {1, 17803, 31539}, {1, 30342, 11038}, {1, 31539, 17802}, {1, 31568, 8236}, {7, 176, 21169}, {7, 482, 21170}, {7, 1372, 17801}, {7, 8236, 31566}, {7, 17802, 1}, {7, 17805, 482}, {7, 31601, 1373}, {7, 31602, 481}, {20, 347, 176}, {77, 962, 176}, {176, 21169, 17804}, {176, 21170, 482}, {269, 9785, 176}, {279, 390, 176}, {481, 482, 1374}, {481, 1372, 31602}, {481, 17802, 176}, {481, 17803, 17802}, {481, 31539, 1}, {481, 31602, 17801}, {482, 1374, 7}, {482, 17805, 176}, {482, 21170, 21169}, {1323, 30332, 176}, {1372, 17803, 1}, {1372, 31539, 7}, {1373, 31538, 31601}, {1374, 17805, 21170}, {1442, 4295, 176}, {1443, 30305, 176}, {3600, 3672, 176}, {3638, 3639, 1372}, {3663, 4308, 176}, {3664, 4323, 176}, {3668, 4313, 176}, {3674, 4344, 176}, {4296, 4329, 176}, {4297, 36640, 176}, {4318, 17170, 176}, {4862, 6049, 176}, {5542, 5543, 176}, {5731, 22464, 176}, {7190, 11037, 176}, {8236, 10481, 176}, {10135, 32083, 16662}, {10481, 31568, 31566}, {13388, 13390, 2}, {14121, 31534, 2}, {17801, 17802, 21169}, {17802, 31602, 7}, {30424, 31721, 176}, {31538, 31601, 176}, {31539, 31602, 176}
The points X(175) and X(176) are discussed in an 1890 article by Emile Lemoine, accessible at Gallica. The article begins on page 111, and the two points are considered beginning on page 128.
The following construction was found by Elkies: call two circles within ABC companion circles if they are the incircles of two triangles formed by dividing ABC into two smaller triangles by passing a line through one of the vertices and some point on the opposite side; chain of circles O(1), O(2), ... such that O(n),O(n+1) are companion incircles for every n consists of at most six distinct circles; there is a unique chain consisting of only three distinct circles; and for this chain, the three subdividing lines concur in X(176).
A point X is defined as a point of equal detour of triangle ABC if |XB| + |XC| - |BC| = |XC| + |XA| - |CA| = |XA| + |XB| - |AB|. Veldkamp established that X = X(176) for some triangles ABC, but the conditions he gives are not correct. Hajja and Yff proved that the condition tan(A/2) + tan(B/2) + tan(C/2) < 2 is necessary and sufficient for the existence of exactly two points of equal detour and that the condition tan(A/2) + tan(B/2) + tan(C/2) = 2 is necessary and sufficient for the existence of exactly one point of equal detour. Yff found that X(176) is also is the center of the inner Soddy circle. See also X(175) and the 1st and 2nd Eppstein points, X(481), X(482).
G. R. Veldkamp, "The isoperimetric point and the point(s) of equal detour," American Mathematical Monthly 92 (1985) 546-558.
Noam D. Elkies and Jiro Fukuta, Problem E 3236 and Solution, American Mathematical Monthly 97 (1990) 529-531 [proposed 1987].
Mowaffaq Hajja and Peter Yff, "The isoperimetric point and the point(s) of equal detour in a triangle," Journal of Geometry 87 (2007) 76-82.
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(175), X(176).ggb
Let Ia, Ib, Ic be the centers of the Elkies companion incircles. Let A' be the trilinear product Ib*Ic, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(482). The lines IaA', IbB', IcC' concur in X(176). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let Q be a point. Let A' be the incenter of triangle BCQ, and define B' and C' cyclically. If Q is an equal detour point, in the sense that |QB| + |QC| - |BC| = |QC| + |QA| - |CA| = |QA| + |QB| - |AB|, then Q is either the incenter or an excenter of triangle A'B'C'. (Do there exist other points with this property?) (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)''
For the Moses-Gheorghe-Reznick conic, see X(175).
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
Oa = circle with diameter BC
C' = the point, other than B, where Oa meets AB
B' = the point, other than C, where Oa meets AC
Ub = B-mixtilinear incircle of BCC'
Uc = C-mixtilinear incircle of CBC'
Ab = touchpoint of Ub and BC; define Bc and Ca cyclically
Ac = touchpoint of Uc and BC; define Ba and Cb cyclically
The points Ab, Ac, Ba, Ba, Cb, Cb line on a conic, of which the center is X(176). A barycentric equation for this conic follows:2 (a-b-c) (a^2-b^2-c^2) (a^2 (b+c)-(b-c)^2 (b+c)+2 a S) x^2 - ((a+b-c) (a-b+c) (3 a^4-2 a^3 (b+c)-3 (b^2-c^2)^2+2 a (b+c) (b^2+c^2))+2 (a^4-3 (b^2-c^2)^2+2 a^2 (b^2+c^2)) S) y z + (cyclic) = 0.
See X(175) and X(176). Continuing, let
Vb = B-mixtilinear excircle of BCC'
Vc = C-mixtilinear excircle of CBC'
A'b = touchpoint of Vb and BC; define B'c and C'a cyclically
A'c = touchpoint of Vc and BC; define B'a and C'b cyclically
The points A'b, A'c, B'a, B'c, C'a, C'b line on a conic, of which the center is X(175). A barycentric equation for this conic follows:(a+b-c) (a-b+c) (2 (a-b-c) (2 a^3 b c+a^4 (b+c)-2 a b c (b+c)^2+(b-c)^2 (b+c)^3-2 a^2 (b^3+b^2 c+b c^2+c^3)+2 (a^3-2 b c (b+c)-a (b+c)^2) S) x^2 + (3 a^6-4 a^5 (b+c)-4 a (b-c)^2 (b+c)^3-3 (b-c)^2 (b+c)^4+a^2 (b+c)^2 (9 b^2+2 b c+9 c^2)-a^4 (9 b^2+14 b c+9 c^2)+8 a^3 (b^3+b^2 c+b c^2+c^3)-2 (a^4+6 a^3 (b+c)-4 a^2 (b+c)^2+3 (b^2-c^2)^2-2 a (3 b^3+7 b^2 c+7 b c^2+3 c^3)) S) y z) + (cyclic) = 0. (Angel Montesdeoca, September 9, 2022)
X(176) lies on K032, K199, K200, K1175, Q074, Q092, Q104 and these lines: {1, 7}, {2, 1659}, {4, 10904}, {8, 1271}, {40, 34494}, {65, 6404}, {69, 10907}, {105, 30386}, {144, 30556}, {174, 1274}, {226, 1132}, {241, 38487}, {280, 40699}, {329, 3083}, {388, 10910}, {489, 664}, {517, 39794}, {651, 1124}, {1086, 44635}, {1123, 10252}, {1463, 7362}, {1587, 8953}, {1588, 8978}, {2082, 6204}, {2550, 45714}, {3062, 10972}, {3084, 9776}, {3177, 31408}, {3296, 34215}, {3297, 6180}, {3298, 5228}, {3622, 8243}, {4000, 7969}, {4644, 7968}, {5045, 39795}, {5222, 18991}, {5226, 5405}, {5261, 9906}, {5393, 5435}, {5932, 31529}, {5933, 31531}, {6283, 20358}, {6360, 37881}, {6405, 49537}, {7586, 30324}, {8973, 23259}, {9778, 10134}, {10405, 14121}, {10580, 16662}, {11294, 17086}, {13386, 20211}, {13388, 21454}, {13437, 16440}, {15913, 31537}, {16213, 32080}, {17365, 44636}, {17950, 43133}, {21453, 30336}, {30346, 31589}, {30412, 31548}, {31545, 32200}
X(176) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {20, 8984}, {175, 3160}, {7090, 31535}, {10405, 14121}, {30333, 1}
X(176) = isogonal conjugate of X(30335)
X(176) = isotomic conjugate of X(40700)
X(176) = anticomplement of X(7090)
X(176) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(6502)
X(176) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 13387}, {603, 175}, {1806, 3869}, {2066, 329}, {2067, 31551}, {6502, 8}, {13389, 69}, {13390, 21270}, {16232, 4}, {30556, 3436}, {34125, 13386}
X(176) = X(8)-Ceva conjugate of X(175)
X(176) = X(10134)-cross conjugate of X(7)
X(176) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 30335}, {6, 15892}, {31, 40700}, {56, 34912}
X(176) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 34494}, {10252, 32057}
X(176) = crosssum of X(55) and X(19038)
X(176) = reflection of X(176) in the Soddy line
X(176) = X(6291)-of-excentral-triangle
X(176) = X(1151)-of-intouch-triangle
X(176) = X(7362)-of-(inner)-tangential-mid-arc-triangle (TCCT 6.15)
X(176) = X(12223)-of-first-circumperp-triangle (TCCT 6.21)
X(176) = X(6239)-of-second-circumperp-triangle (TCCT 6.22)
X(176) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {7, 30412}, {8, 16663}, {13390, 31548}
X(176) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 15891}, {2, 40699}, {6, 30336}, {9, 34911}, {9778, 30412}, {16662, 7}, {30413, 8}
X(176) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 7, 175}, {1, 481, 17802}, {1, 482, 7}, {1, 1371, 482}, {1, 1373, 481}, {1, 1374, 31539}, {1, 17804, 21170}, {1, 17806, 31538}, {1, 21170, 17801}, {1, 21171, 31602}, {1, 30341, 11038}, {1, 31538, 17805}, {1, 31567, 8236}, {1, 31601, 21169}, {7, 482, 21169}, {7, 1371, 17804}, {7, 8236, 31565}, {7, 17802, 481}, {7, 17805, 1}, {7, 21169, 21170}, {7, 31601, 482}, {7, 31602, 1374}, {20, 347, 175}, {77, 962, 175}, {175, 482, 21170}, {175, 17804, 21169}, {175, 21169, 7}, {269, 9785, 175}, {279, 390, 175}, {481, 482, 1373}, {481, 1373, 7}, {481, 17802, 175}, {482, 1371, 31601}, {482, 17805, 175}, {482, 17806, 17805}, {482, 31538, 1}, {482, 31539, 21171}, {482, 31601, 17804}, {1323, 30332, 175}, {1371, 17805, 21169}, {1371, 17806, 1}, {1371, 31538, 7}, {1374, 21171, 7}, {1374, 31539, 31602}, {1442, 4295, 175}, {1443, 30305, 175}, {1659, 13389, 2}, {3600, 3672, 175}, {3638, 3639, 1371}, {3663, 4308, 175}, {3664, 4323, 175}, {3668, 4313, 175}, {3674, 4344, 175}, {4296, 4329, 175}, {4297, 36640, 175}, {4318, 17170, 175}, {4862, 6049, 175}, {5542, 5543, 175}, {5731, 22464, 175}, {7090, 31535, 2}, {7190, 11037, 175}, {8236, 10481, 175}, {10134, 32082, 16663}, {10481, 31567, 31565}, {17804, 21169, 482}, {17805, 31601, 7}, {21171, 31539, 1374}, {30424, 31721, 175}, {31538, 31601, 175}, {31539, 31602, 175}
Let A',B',C' be the first points of intersection of the angle bisectors of ABC with its incircle. The tangents at A', B', C' form a triangle A″B″C″, and the lines AA″,BB″,CC″ concur in X(177). Also, X(177) = X(1) of the intouch triangle.
Clark Kimberling and G. R. Veldkamp, Problem 1160 and Solution, Crux Mathematicorum 13 (1987) 298-299 [proposed 1986].
X(177) is the perspector of ABC and the Yff central triangle, and X(177) is X(65)-of-the-Yff-central-triangle . (Darij Grinberg, Hyacinthos #7689, 8/25/2003)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(177) and Yff Central Triangle.
X(177) lies on on the Feuerbach circumhyperbola, the curves K746, K747, K748, and these lines: {1, 167}, {2, 11691}, {4, 8095}, {7, 555}, {8, 556}, {9, 173}, {11, 12614}, {12, 12622}, {21, 7587}, {40, 31790}, {55, 12518}, {56, 12523}, {57, 164}, {65, 31768}, {80, 12771}, {84, 9836}, {104, 13444}, {165, 31801}, {178, 2090}, {210, 58689}, {226, 12694}, {234, 10489}, {260, 7589}, {266, 8133}, {314, 35624}, {354, 5571}, {481, 12492}, {553, 58707}, {942, 12813}, {1130, 10215}, {1156, 30367}, {1251, 30373}, {1284, 13091}, {1319, 55172}, {1320, 8097}, {1388, 55176}, {1420, 55175}, {2099, 55173}, {2346, 8076}, {3057, 31766}, {3058, 31770}, {3339, 55169}, {3340, 12656}, {3361, 55168}, {3576, 31791}, {3577, 9837}, {3660, 58614}, {3680, 11534}, {3911, 58440}, {3982, 58715}, {4031, 58705}, {4114, 58714}, {4654, 58711}, {5049, 31796}, {5219, 58712}, {5221, 55170}, {5226, 58717}, {5434, 31734}, {5435, 58708}, {5558, 9795}, {5919, 31767}, {6284, 31769}, {6597, 13124}, {6724, 10493}, {7133, 8247}, {7354, 31735}, {7371, 45086}, {7707, 8135}, {7962, 8392}, {7991, 31800}, {8084, 11033}, {8085, 8379}, {8087, 8382}, {8099, 12491}, {8101, 13098}, {8103, 13267}, {8113, 12879}, {8114, 12884}, {8120, 34025}, {8126, 11690}, {8243, 13090}, {8372, 21619}, {8581, 12450}, {8729, 8733}, {9853, 12130}, {10390, 45707}, {10439, 31784}, {10473, 35644}, {10490, 15997}, {10498, 55329}, {10501, 46695}, {10504, 10506}, {10505, 12809}, {11192, 11195}, {12406, 12916}, {12435, 31783}, {12568, 12570}, {12580, 12582}, {12714, 12716}, {12726, 12728}, {12870, 12873}, {13072, 13074}, {17625, 17657}, {17629, 17631}, {21454, 58706}, {21465, 30369}, {30371, 30394}, {30372, 30409}, {31231, 58713}, {31578, 31592}, {31579, 31593}, {32636, 55171}, {35681, 35899}, {46876, 53076}, {53006, 53007}
X(177) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {7, 7670}, {9807, 12539}
X(177) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 12908}, {40, 31790}, {65, 31768}, {164, 12443}, {942, 12813}, {3057, 31766}, {5571, 58616}, {6284, 31769}, {7354, 31735}, {7991, 31800}, {8422, 1}, {10501, 46695}, {11234, 11191}, {11691, 18258}, {12435, 31783}, {12694, 21633}, {17641, 5571}, {18258, 58444}, {42017, 178}
X(177) = isogonal conjugate of X(260)
X(177) = complement of X(11691)
X(177) = anticomplement of X(18258)
X(177) = crosspoint of X(7) and X(174)
X(177) = crosssum of X(55) and X(259)
X(177) = incircle-inverse of X(13385)
X(177) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {7, 234}, {174, 7707}, {2089, 10490}, {7057, 178}, {10215, 13385}, {55329, 10492}
X(177) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 260}, {101, 10492}, {6733, 10495}, {16012, 59467}
X(177) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 260}, {177, 11691}, {178, 8}, {1015, 10492}, {2090, 7048}, {10493, 188}, {16015, 53123}, {16016, 556}
X(177) = cevapoint of X(16012) and X(18888)
X(177) = trilinear pole of line {650, 6728}
X(177) = SS(A→A')-of-X(10), where A'B'C' is the excentral triangle
X(177) = X(4)-of-mid-arc triangle
X(177) = X(1829)-of-excentral triangle
X(177) = perspector of ABC and mid-triangle of 1st tangential mid-arc triangle and Yff central triangle
barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {7, 16016}, {8, 14596}, {75, 18888}, {85, 16012}, {174, 178}, {188, 234}, {514, 55342}, {522, 55328}, {556, 10490}, {2089, 2090}, {4146, 7707}, {4391, 13444}, {6728, 55341}, {6730, 55329}, {7057, 16015}, {18886, 42017}, {41799, 53122}
X(177) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 260}, {178, 556}, {234, 4146}, {513, 10492}, {2090, 53123}, {2091, 21456}, {6729, 10495}, {7707, 188}, {10490, 174}, {10502, 16016}, {13444, 651}, {14596, 7}, {15997, 7028}, {16011, 258}, {16012, 9}, {16015, 7048}, {16016, 8}, {18887, 42017}, {18888, 1}, {41799, 1488}, {55328, 664}, {55342, 190}, {58968, 6733}
X(177) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 2089, 13385}, {1, 8422, 11234}, {1, 12908, 11191}, {1, 13092, 174}, {1, 46370, 6585}, {1, 52999, 13443}, {1, 58868, 2089}, {2, 11691, 18258}, {174, 2089, 1}, {174, 58868, 13385}, {266, 8133, 58777}, {354, 17641, 5571}, {1143, 1274, 11891}, {2089, 11924, 13443}, {5571, 58616, 354}, {7589, 8075, 260}, {7590, 8081, 1}, {8083, 10967, 11032}, {8089, 8423, 1}, {8091, 8351, 1}, {8092, 11044, 1}, {8241, 11924, 1}, {8241, 52999, 13385}, {8422, 11191, 1}, {10489, 10499, 234}, {10502, 10503, 10500}, {11894, 11896, 1}, {13092, 58868, 1}, {18258, 58444, 2}, {18448, 18454, 1}, {30370, 30408, 1}, {30374, 30411, 1}
Let A',B',C' be the first points of intersection of the angle bisectors of ABC with its incircle. Let A″,B″,C″ be the midpoints of egments BC,CA,AB, respectively. The lines A'A″,B'B″,C'C″ concur in X(178).
Clark Kimberling, Problem 804, Nieuw Archikef voor Wiskunde 6 (1988) 170.
X(178) lies on these lines: {2, 188}, {8, 236}, {10, 12908}, {85, 4146}, {142, 18258}, {174, 60598}, {177, 2090}, {189, 39122}, {312, 7027}, {946, 12489}, {1121, 55341}, {1311, 58968}, {5430, 6557}, {5431, 5451}, {6245, 12443}, {8422, 21623}, {10489, 16016}, {12622, 45304}, {12879, 58712}, {34234, 43192}, {52156, 55329}, {52797, 58440}
X(178) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {8, 12646}, {177, 42017}, {188, 7057}
X(178) = reflection of X(52797) in X(58440)
X(178) = complement of X(188)
X(178) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(508)
X(178) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(266)
X(178) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(4146)
X(178) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 2090}, {31, 16016}, {56, 178}, {174, 141}, {188, 1329}, {259, 3452}, {266, 10}, {289, 34849}, {508, 20543}, {509, 20334}, {555, 17046}, {556, 21244}, {604, 16015}, {4146, 2887}, {6724, 3454}, {6727, 960}, {6728, 124}, {6729, 26932}, {6733, 513}, {7370, 142}, {7371, 2886}, {7591, 21530}, {18753, 14218}, {60533, 1211}, {60538, 20527}, {60539, 9}
X(178) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 16016}, {7057, 177}
X(178) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {109, 10495}, {260, 266}
X(178) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {11, 10495}, {178, 188}, {2090, 1488}, {10493, 1}, {16015, 7048}, {16016, 2}
X(178) = trilinear pole of line {522, 6730}
X(178) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {8, 234}, {75, 7707}, {177, 556}, {312, 10490}, {522, 55341}, {2090, 7057}, {3239, 55329}, {4146, 16016}, {4391, 43192}, {7027, 14596}, {16015, 53122}, {35519, 58968}
X(178) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {177, 174}, {234, 7}, {259, 260}, {650, 10495}, {2090, 7048}, {6728, 10492}, {7707, 1}, {10489, 234}, {10490, 57}, {10502, 7707}, {14596, 7371}, {15997, 258}, {16011, 289}, {16012, 259}, {16015, 1488}, {16016, 188}, {18885, 10490}, {18887, 15997}, {18888, 266}, {42017, 7028}, {43192, 651}, {55329, 658}, {55341, 664}, {58968, 109}
{X(2),X(7057)}-harmonic conjugate of X(188)
The famous Malfatti Problem is to construct three circles O(A), O(B), O(C) inside ABC such that each is externally tangent to the other two, O(A) is tangent to lines AB and AC, O(B) is tangent to BC and BA, and O(C) is tangent to CA and CB. Let A' = O(B)∩O(C), B' = O(C)∩O(A), C' = O(A)∩O(B). The lines AA',BB',CC' concur in X(179). Trilinears are found in Yff's unpublished notes. See also the Yff-Malfatti Point, X(400), having trilinears csc4(A/4) : csc4(B/4) : csc4(C/4), and the references for historical notes.
H. Fukagawa and D. Pedoe, Japanese Temple Geometry Problems (San Gaku), The Charles Babbage Research Centre, Winnipeg, Canada, 1989.
Michael Goldberg, "On the original Malfatti problem," Mathematics Magazine, 40 (1967) 241-247.
Clark Kimberling and I. G. MacDonald, Problem E 3251 and Solution, American Mathematical Monthly 97 (1990) 612-613.
Let A', B', C' be the centers of the Malfatti circles. Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(1142). The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(179). (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(179). For an artistic design generated by X(179), see X(244).
X(179) lies on these lines: {1, 1142}, {483, 8242}, {1143, 9795}, {31957, 53078}
X(179) = X(400)-isoconjugate of X(1106)
X(179) = X(6552)-Dao conjugate of X(400)
X(179) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {346, 400}, {483, 557}, {7014, 53116}
X(179) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 1142, 21455}, {1142, 31495, 1}
Let A″,B″,C″ be the excenters of ABC, and let A',B',C' be as in the construction of X(179). The lines A'A″,B'B″,B'B″ concur in X(180). Trilinears are found in Yff's unpublished notes. See X(179).
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view a class="bold" href="X(180).gsp">X(180) and X(180) External.
X(180) lies on this line: 173,483
Trilinears h(a,b,c) : h(b,c,a) : h(c,a,b), where h(a,b,c) = [r cos(A/2) + s sin(A/2)]2, s = semiperimeter, r = inradius
Barycentrics a3cos2(B/2 - C/2) : b3cos2(C/2 - A/2) : c3cos2(A/2 - B/2)
Let O(A),O(B),O(C) be the excircles. Apollonius's Problem includes the construction of the circle O tangent to the three excircles and encompassing them. (The circle is called the Apollonius circle.) Let A' = O∩O(A), B'=O∩O(B), C'=O∩O(C). The lines AA',BB',CC' concur in X(181). Yff derived trilinears in 1992.
X(181) is the external center of similitude (or exsimilicenter) of the incircle and Apollonius circle. The internal center is X(1682). (Peter J. C. Moses, 8/22/2003)
X(181) is the isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(12); also, X(181) is the {X(i) ,X(j) }-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k)): (31,51,3271), (42,1400,1402), (57,1401,1357), (57,1469,1401). (Peter J. C. Moses, 6/20/2014)
A proof of the the concurrence of lines AA',BB',CC' follows.
A =
exsimilicenter(incircle, A-excircle)
A' =
exsimilicenter(A-excircle, Apollonius circle)
Let J =
exsimilicenter(incircle, Apollonius circle).
By Monge's theorem, the points A, A', J are collinear. In particular, J
lies on line AA', and cyclically, J lies on lines BB' and CC'.
Therefore, J = X(181). (Darij Grinberg, Hyacinthos, 7461, 8/10/03)
Let A' be the inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of the midpoint of BC, and define B', C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inscribed in the Apollonius circle and homothetic to the intouch triangle at X(181). (Randy Hutson, March 21, 2019)
See also Clark Kimberling, Shiko Iwata, and Hidetosi Fukagawa, Problem 1091 and Solution, Crux Mathematicorum 13 (1987) 128-129; 217-218. [proposed 1985].
X(181) lies on these lines: {1,970}, {6,197}, {8,959}, {10,12}, {11,2051}, {25,2175}, {31,51}, {33,3022}, {42,228}, {43,57}, {44,375}, {55,573}, {56,386}, {58,1324}, {81,5061}, {171,511}, {182,5329}, {200,3779}, {213,2333}, {373,748}, {389,3072}, {518,3687}, {553,1463}, {575,5363}, {612,3688}, {750,3917}, {756,2171}, {942,5530}, {994,1361}, {1124,1685}, {1254,1425}, {1317,3032}, {1335,1686}, {1356,5213}, {1358,3034}, {1364,5348}, {1376,4259}, {1395,1843}, {1672,1683}, {1673,1684}, {1674,1693}, {1675,1694}, {1695,1697}, {2007,2019}, {2008,2020}, {2330,5285}, {2534,2538}, {2535,2539}, {3027,3029}, {3028,3031}, {3056,5269}, {3340,4517}, {3781,5268}, {3792,3819}, {4276,5172}
X(181) = isogonal conjugate of X(261)
X(181) = complement of X(35614)
X(181) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (12,2197), (59,4559), (65,2171), (2171,1500)
X(181) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (872,1500), (2643,512)
X(181) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (42,1824), (59,4559), (65,1400), (1354,2171)
X(181) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,2975), (11,4560), (21,333), (81,4225), (86,1444), (1098,2185)
X(181) = crossdifference of X(3904) and X(3910)
X(181) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (42,181), (660,181), (756,756)
X(181) = {X(1),X(970)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1682)
X(181) = X(60)-isoconjugate of X(75)
X(181) = trilinear product of vertices of extangents triangle
X(181) = trilinear product of X(i) and X(j) for these {I,J}:
{1,181}, {6,2171}, {7,872}, {10,1402}, {12,31}, {19,2197}, {25,201}, {33,1425}, {34,3690}, {37,1400}, {42,65}, {55,1254}, {56,756}, {57,1500}, {59,2643}, {71,1880}, {73,1824}, {109,4705}, {115,2149}, {210,1042}, {213,226}, {225,228}, {227,2357}, {349,2205}, {512,4551}, {594,604}, {608,3949}, {651,4079}, {661,4559}, {762,1412}, {798,4552}, {1020,3709}, {1089,1397}, {1110,1365}, {1214,2333}, {1334,1427}, {1395,3695}, {1409,1826}, {1415,4024}, {1426,2318}, {1441,1918}, {3063,4605}, {3124,4564}, {4017,4557}
X(181) = barycentric product of X(i) and X(j) for these {I,J}:
{1,2171}, {2,181}, {4,2197}, {6,12}, {7,1500}, {9,1254}, {10,1400}, {19,201}, {34,3949}, {37,65}, {42,226}, {56,594}, {57,756}, {59,115}, {71,225}, {72,1880}, {73,1826}, {85,872}, {109,4024}, {210,1427}, {213,1441}, {227,1903}, {278,3690}, {281,1425}, {307,2333}, {321,1402}, {349,1918}, {512,4552}, {523,4559}, {604,1089}, {608,3695}, {651,4705}, {661,4551}, {663,4605}, {664,4079}, {762,1014}, {1018,4017}, {1020,4041}, {1042,2321}, {1091,2150}, {1109,2149}, {1214,1824}, {1252,1365}, {1262,4092}, {1334,3668}, {1404,4013}, {1411,4053}, {1415,4036}, {1426,3694}, {2222,2610}, {2643,4564}, {3124,4998}, {3709,4566}
X(181) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(1,261), (2,2185), (7,1098), (8,757), (9,1509), (21,86), (27,1812), (28,332), (29,1444), (55,873), (58,314), (60,75), (69,270), (76,2150), (81,333), (99,3737), (200,552), (249,4858), (274,284), (283,286), (304,2189), (310,2194), (312,593), (348,2326), (514,4612), (645,1019), (649,4631), (650,4610), (662,4560), (663,4623), (693,4636), (763,2321), (849,3596), (1014,1043), (1021,4573), (1434,2287), (2170,4590), (4391,4556)
X(182) = radical center of Lucas(2 tan ω) circles, where 2 tan ω is the value of t for which the Brocard circle is the radical circle of the Lucas(t) circles. (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2015)
X(182) lies on these lines: 1,983 2,98 3,6 4,83 5,206 10,1678 22,51 24,1843 25,3066 30,597 36,1469 40,1700 54,69 55,613 56,611 111,353 140,141 171,1397 373,1495 474,1437 517,1386 518,1385 524,549 691,2698 692,1001 727,1293 729,1296 952,996
X(182) is the {X(371),X(372)}-harmonic conjugate of X(39). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(182), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(182) = midpoint of X(3) and X(6)
X(182) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (6,575), (141,140), (576,6)
X(182) = isogonal conjugate of X(262)
X(182) = isotomic conjugate of X(327)
X(182) = complement of X(1352)
X(182) = X(3)-of-1st-Brocard triangle
X(182) = X(3)- of 2nd Brocard triangle
X(182) = X(182)-of-circumsymmedial triangle
X(182) = {X(3),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(511)
X(182) = {X(6),X(1350)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1351)
X(182) = {X(1340),X(1341)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3)
X(182) = {X(1687),X(1688)}-harmonic conjugate of X(6)
X(182) = vertex conjugate of PU(191)
X(182) = X(5)-of-obverse-triangle-of-X(69)
X(182) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(2080)
X(182) = inverse-in-2nd-Brocard-circle of X(3095)
X(182) = inverse-in-circle-{X(3102),X(3103),PU(1)}} of X(32452)
X(182) = exsimilicenter of circle centered at X(371) through X(1151) and circle centered at X(1152) through X(372)
X(182) = exsimilicenter of circle centered at X(372) through X(1152) and circle centered at X(1151) through X(371)
X(182) = radical trace of circles with diameters X(371)X(372) and X(1151)X(1152)
X(182) = harmonic center of 1st and 2nd Kenmotu circles
X(182) = {X(15),X(16)}-harmonic conjugate of X(574)
X(182) = harmonic center of Lucas radical circle and Lucas(-1) radical circle
X(182) = harmonic center of Lucas inner circle and Lucas(-1) inner circle
X(182) = harmonic center of 2nd Lemoine circle and circle {X(1687),X(1688),PU(1),PU(2)}}
X(182) = radical trace of circles O(15,16) and O(61,62)
X(182) = exsimilicenter of circles {X(15),X(62),PU(1)} and {X(16),X(61),PU(1)}; the insimilicenter is X(32)
X(182) = X(2)-of-1st-Ehrmann-triangle
X(182) = {X(9738),X(9739)}-harmonic conjugate of X(9737)
X(182) = Artzt-to-McCay similarity image of X(381)
X(182) = X(3)-of-6th-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(182) = X(5476)-of-4th-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(182) = homothetic center of 5th anti-Brocard triangle and cevian triangle of X(3)
X(182) = homothetic center of 6th anti-Brocard triangle and 1st Brocard triangle
X(182) = endo-homothetic center of 6th Brocard triangle and 1st anti-Brocard triangle
X(182) = perspector of 1st Neuberg triangle and cross-triangle of 1st and 2nd Neuberg triangles
X(182) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(39)
X(182) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(83)
X(182) = endo-similarity image of reflection triangles of PU(1); the similitude center of these triangles is X(6)
X(182) = 1st-Brocard-isogonal conjugate of X(1352)
Let A'B'C' be the circummedial triangle. Let La be the line through A parallel to B'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, B″ = Lc∩La, C″ = La∩Lb. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(183). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(183) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,76 5,315 22,157 25,264 55,350 95,305 187,1003 274,474 316,381 317,427 383,621 538,574 622,1080 668,956
X(183) is the {X(2),X(69)}-harmonic conjugate of X(325). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(183), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(183) = isogonal conjugate of X(263)
X(183) = isotomic conjugate of X(262)
X(183) = X(645)-beth conjugate of X(183)
X(183) = {X(2),X(69)}-harmonic conjugate of X(325)
X(183) = X(6)-of-circummedial-triangle
X(183) = pole wrt circumcircle of trilinear polar of X(3114) (line X(669)X(804))
X(183) = insimilicenter of Artzt and anti-Artzt circles; the exsimilicenter is X(2)
X(183) = crossdifference of every pair of points on the line through [U(2) of pedal triangle of P(1)] and [P(2) of pedal triangle of U(1)]
X(183) = X(5034)-of-6th-Brocard-triangle
X(184) is the homothetic center of triangles ABC and A'B'C', the latter defined as follows: let B1 and C1 be the points where the perpendicular bisector BC meets sidelines CA and AB, and cyclically define C2, A2; A3, B3. Then A'B'C' is formed by the perpendicular bisectors of segments B1C1, C2A2, A3B3. (Fred Lang, Hyacinthos #1190)
X(184) is the subject of Hyacinthos messages 5423-5441 (May, 2002). In #5423, Alexei Myakishev notes that X(184) serves as a common vertex of three triangles inside ABC, mutually congruent and similar to ABC. (The triangles can be labeled XBCCB, XCAAC, XABBA, with BC and CB on side BC, CA and AC on side CA, and AB and BA on side AB.) See
Alexei Myakishev, On the Procircumcenter and Related Points, Forum Geometricorum 3 (2003) 29-34.
In #5435, Paul Yiu cites Fred Lang's construction of X(184) and notes that the three triangles are then easily constructed from X(184). The triangles determine three other triangles with common vertex X(184); in #5437, Nikos Dergiades notes that the vertex angles of these are 4A - π, 4B - π, 4C - π, and that
if ABC is acute, then X(184) = X(63)-of-the-orthic-triangle = X(226)-of-the-tangential-triangle
X(184) = homothetic center of the orthic triangle and the medial triangle of the tangential triangle.
Randy Hutson notes that X(184) is the exsimilicenter of the circumcircle and sine-triple-angle circle. (December 14, 2014)
Let A'B'C' be the intersections, other than X(3), of the X(3)-cevians and the Brocard circle. Let A″B″C″ be the intersections, other than X(6), of the X(6)-cevians and the Brocard circle. Then A'B'C' and A″B″C″ are perspective at X(184). Also, X(184) = U∩V, where U = isotomic conjugate of polar conjugate of Brocard axis (i.e., line X(3)X(49)), and V = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of Brocard axis (i.e., line X(6)X(25)). Let DEF be the orthic triangle. Let D' be the isotomic conjugate of X(4) wrt AEF, and define E' and F' cyclically; then the lines AD', BE', CF' concur in X(184). (Randy Hutson, June 1, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the triangle described in ADGEOM #2697 (8/26/2015, Tran Quang Hung). A'B'C' is homothetic to ABC at X(184).
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let
A'B'C' = tangential triangle;
Oa = circle with diameter BC, and define Ob and Oc cyclically;
Ab = A'BC'∩Oa, and define Bc and Ca cyclically;
Ac = B'CA'∩Oa, and define Ba and Cb cyclically;
A″= BcBa;∩CaCb, define B″ and C″ cyclically.
The triangle A″B″C″ is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(184).
(Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, April 15, 2021)
X(184) lies on these lines: 2,98 3,49 4,54 5,156 6,25 23,576 24,389 26,52 22,511 31,604 32,211 48,212 55,215 157,570 160,571 199,573 205,213 251,263 351,686 381,567 397,463 398,462 418,577 572,1011 647,878
X(184) is the {X(6),X(25)}-harmonic conjugate of X(51). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(184), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(184) = isogonal conjugate of X(264)
X(184) = isotomic conjugate of X(18022)
X(184) = complement of X(11442)
X(184) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(125)
X(184) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,22391), (6,32), (54,6), (74,50)
X(184) = X(217)-cross conjugate of X(6)
X(184) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(6)
X(184) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,4), (5,324), (6, 157), (92,318), (273,342), (338,523), (339,850), (427,1235), (491,492)
X(184) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(297)X(525)
X(184) = X(32)-Hirst inverse of X(237)
X(184) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (212,212), (692,184)
X(184) = X(22) of 1st Brocard triangle
X(184) = trilinear product of PU(19)
X(184) = trilinear pole of line X(3049)X(39201)
X(184) = {X(3),X(49)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1147)
X(184) = vertex conjugate of PU(157) (the polar conjugates of PU(38)
X(184) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(4)
X(184) = {X(8880),X(8881)}-harmonic conjugate of X(25)
X(184) = homothetIc center of orthic triangle and X(3)-Ehrmann triangle; see X(25)
X(184) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of tangential-of-tangential triangle
X(184) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of MacBeath triangle
X(184) = intersection of tangents to Moses-Jerabek conic at X(6) and X(34469)
X(184) = 1st-Brocard-isogonal conjugate of X(24270)
Alexei Myakishev has noted that X(185) is the Nagel point of the orthic triangle only is ABC is an acute triangle.
Let Ha be the foot of the A-altitude. Let Ba and Ca be the feet of perpendiculars from Ha to CA and AB, respectively. Let Ga be the centroid of HaBaCa. Define Gb and Gc cyclically. The lines HaGa, HbGb, HcGc concur in X(185). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let Ha, Hb, Hc be the orthocenters of the A-, B-, and C-altimedial triangles. X(185) is the orthocenter of HaHbHc. (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
Let P be a point on the circumcircle. Let Pa be the orthogonal projection of P on the A-altitude, and define Pb, Pc cyclically. The locus of the orthocenter of PaPbPc as P varies is an ellipse centered at X(185). See also X(9730). (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the midheight triangle. Let AB, AC be the orthogonal projections of A' on CA, AB, resp. Define BC, BA, CA, CB cyclically. Let A″ = CAAC∩ABBA, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC at X(6) and perspective to the orthic triangle at X(185). (Randy Hutson, March 29, 2020)
X(185) lies on these lines: 1,296 3,49 4,51 5,113 6,64 20,193 25,1498 30,52 39,217 54,74 72,916 287,384 378,578 382,568 411,970 648,1105
X(185) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,389), (125,974)
X(185) = isogonal conjugate of X(1105)
X(185) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,417), (4,235)
X(185) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(4)
X(185) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,4), (25,1249)
X(185) = anticomplement of X(5907)
X(185) = bicentric sum of PU(17)
X(185) = PU(17)-harmonic conjugate of X(647)
X(185) = orthology center of orthic and half-altitude triangles
X(185) = half-altitude isogonal conjugate of X(4)
X(185) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(235)
X(185) = orthic-isotomic conjugate of X(1843)
X(185) = X(20)-of-X(4)-Brocard-triangle
X(185) = anticomplement of X(4) wrt orthic triangle
X(185) = X(4)-of-tangential-triangle-of-Jerabek-hyperbola
X(185) = eigencenter of cevian triangle of X(648)
X(185) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(647)
X(185) = trilinear product of vertices of 2nd Hyacinth triangle
X(185) = X(10)-of-circumorthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(185) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(8)
X(185) = polar-circle-inverse of X(34170)
As a point on the Euler line, X(186) has Shinagawa coefficients (4F, -E - 4F).
Let AA1A2, BB1B2, CC1C2 be the circumcircle-inscribed equilateral triangles used in the construction of the Trinh triangle. Let A' be the cevapoint of A1 and A2, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(186). (Randy Hutson, October 8, 2019
Let P and Q be circumcircle antipodes. X(186) is the Euler line intercept, other than X(20), of circle {X(20),P,Q}} for all P, Q. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(186) lies on these lines: 2,3 54,389 93,252 98,935 107,477 112,187 249,250 2931,3580
X(186) is the {X(3),X(24)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(100), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(186) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,403), (403,468)
X(186) = isogonal conjugate of X(265)
X(186) = isotomic conjugate of X(328)
X(186) = complement of X(3153)
X(186) = anticomplement of X(2072)
X(186) = circumcircle-inverse of X(4)
X(186) = polar-circle-inverse of X(5)
X(186) = Kosnita-circle-inverse of X(3)
X(186) = de-Longchamps-circle-inverse of X(37444)
X(186) = X(340)-Ceva conjugate of X(323)
X(186) = X(50)-cross conjugate of X(323)
X(186) = crosspoint of X(54) and X(74)
X(186) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (5,30), (621,622)
X(186) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(216)X(647)
X(186) = anticomplementary conjugate of anticomplement of X(38534)
X(186) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(94) (line X(5)X(523))
X(186) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(94)
X(186) = perspector of ABC and the reflection of the circumorthic triangle in the Euler line
X(186) = perspector of ABC and the reflection of the Kosnita triangle in the Euler line
X(186) = perspector of ABC and the reflection of the orthic triangle in the orthic axis
X(186) = reflection of X(403) in the orthic axis
X(186) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(2931) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(186) = homothetic center of circumorthic and Kosnita triangles
X(186) = perspector of circumconic through polar conjugates of PU(5)
X(186) = Hofstadter 3 point
X(186) = antigonal image of X(5962)
X(186) = X(484)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(186) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(15131)
X(186) = Ehrmann-vertex-to-orthic similarity image of X(3153)
X(186) = {X(3),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3520)
X(186) = intersection of the tangent to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(3),X(15)}} at X(15) and the tangent to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(3),X(16)}} at X(16)
Let L denote the line having trilinears of X(187) as coefficients. Then L is the line passing through X(2) perpendicular to the Euler line.
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let A″B″C″ be the 2nd Brocard triangle. Let A* = Λ((A',A″), and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(187). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let (OA) be the circumcircle of BCX(2). Let PA be the perspector of (OA). Let LA be the polar of PA wrt (OA). Define LB and LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(187). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(1316), which includes X(187).
X(187) lies on the Darboux quintic and these lines: 2,316 3,6 23,111 30,115 35,172 36,1015 74,248 99,385 110,352 112,186 183,1003 237,351 249,323 325,620 353,3117 395,531 396,530 729,805
X(187) is the {X(3),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(574). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(187), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(187) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (15,16), (99,385)
X(187) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (115,230), (316,625), (325,620), (5107,6)
X(187) = isogonal conjugate of X(671)
X(187) = isotomic conjugate of X(18023)
X(187) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(6)
X(187) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(574)
X(187) = inverse-in-van-Lamoen-circle-of-X(2)
X(187) = radical trace of the circumcircle and Brocard circle
X(187) = complement of X(316)
X(187) = anticomplement of X(625)
X(187) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,6593), (111,6)
X(187) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,67), (6,111), (468,524)
X(187) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,524), (6,23), (111,895), (115,690)
X(187) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(2)X(523)
X(187) = X(55)-beth conjugate of X(187)
X(187) = inverse-in-Moses-radical-circle of X(1495)
X(187) = radical trace of Moses radical circle and Parry circle
X(187) = radical trace of Lucas radical circle and Lucas(-1) radical circle
X(187) = radical trace of Lucas inner and Lucas(-1) inner circle
X(187) = radical trace of circles {P(1),U(2),U(39)}} and {U(1),P(2),P(39)}}
X(187) = intersection of Brocard axis and Lemoine axis
X(187) = intersection of Brocard axis (or Lemoine axis) and non-transverse axis of hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(2)}}
X(187) = intersection of Brocard axis (or Lemoine axis) and tangent at X(691) to hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(2)}}
X(187) = midpoint of PU(2)
X(187) = bicentric sum of PU(2)
X(187) = perspector of ABC and the reflection of the circumsymmedial triangle in the Brocard axis
X(187) = perspector of ABC and the reflection of the circumsymmedial triangle in the Lemoine axis
X(187) = intersection of tangents to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(6)} at X(6) and X(111)
X(187) = inverse-in-Parry-circle of X(2502)
X(187) = X(187)-of-2nd-Brocard-triangle
X(187) = X(187)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(187) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23200)
X(187) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(3292)
X(187) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(895)
X(187) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(691)
X(187) = {X(1687),X(1688)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2080)
X(187) = trilinear pole of PU(107)
X(187) = inverse-in-Parry-isodynamic-circle of X(351); see X(2)
X(187) = radical trace of 3rd and 4th Lozada circles
X(187) = radical trace of 6th and 7th Lozada circles
X(187) = radical trace of 8th and 9th Lozada circles
X(187) = radical trace of 10th and 11th Lozada circles
X(187) = radical trace of circumcircles of outer and inner Grebe triangles
X(187) = X(115)-of-4th-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(187) = X(187)-of-X(3)PU(1)
X(187) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(6054)
X(187) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(576)
X(187) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(7607)
X(187) = X(13)-antipedal-to-X(16)-pedal similarity image of X(13)
X(187) = X(14)-antipedal-to-X(15)-pedal similarity image of X(14)
X(187) = homothetic center of Trinh triangle and mid-triangle of 1st and 2nd Kenmotu diagonals triangles
X(187) = QA-P4 (Isogonal Center of quadrangle ABCX(2); see
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle of ABC, so that A' = -1 : 1 : 1 (trilinears). Let A'' be the point where the bisector of angle BA'C meets the line BC. Define B'' and C'' cyclically. The lines AA'', BB'', CC'' concur in X(188). (Seiichi Kirikami, February 14, 2010)
Let Ea be the ellipse with B and C as foci and passing through the A-excenter, and define Eb and Ec cyclically. Let La be the line tangent to Ea at the A-excenter, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = La∩BC, B' = Lb∩CA, C' = Lc∩AB. Then A', B', C' are collinear, and the trilinear pole of line A'B'C' = X(188). Note: The triangle formed by La, Lb, Lc is also the excentral triangle of the excentral triangle. Alternately, let A″ be the trilinear pole of line La, and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″ and CC″ concur at X(188); see also X(174). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
X(188) lies on these lines: 1,361 2,178 9,173 40,164 166,167 174,266
X(188) = isogonal conjugate of X(266)
X(188) = isotomic conjugate of X(4146)
X(188) = anticomplement of X(178)
X(188) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(236)
X(188) = cevapoint of X(1) and X(164)
X(188) = X(259)-cross conjugate of X(174)
X(188) = crosssum of X(1) and X(361)
X(188) = X(188)-beth conjugate of X(266)
X(188) = SS(A→A') of X(4), where A'B'C' is the excentral triangle
X(188) = isotomic conjugate of X(4146)
X(188) = X(65)-of-excentral-triangle
X(188) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(236)
X(188) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(236)
X(188) = excentral-to-ABC trilinear image of X(1)
X(188) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(164)
X(189) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the pedal triangle of X(84).
X(189) lies on the Lucas cubic and these lines: 2,77 7,92 8,20 29,81 69,309 222,281
X(189) = isogonal conjugate of X(198)
X(189) = isotomic conjugate of X(329)
X(189) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(8)
X(189) = anticomplement of X(223)
X(189) = X(309)-Ceva conjugate of X(280)
X(189) = cevapoint of X(84) and X(282)
X(189) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,7), (57,2), (282,280)
X(189) = trilinear pole of line X(522)X(905)
X(189) = perspector of ABC and the reflection in X(282) of the pedal triangle of X(282)
In unpublished notes, Yff has studied the parabola tangent to sidelines BC, CA, AB and having focus X(101). If A',B',C' are the respective points of tangency, then the lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(190).
The line X(100)X(190) is tangent to the Steiner circumellipse at X(190) and to the circumcircle at X(100). (Peter Moses, July 7, 2009)
Let Ha be the hyperbola passing through A, and with foci at B and C. This is called the A-Soddy hyperbola in (Paul Yiu, Introduction to the Geometry of the Triangle, 2002; 12.4 The Soddy hyperbolas, p. 143). Let La be the polar of X(8) with respect to Ha. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, B' = Lc∩La, C' = La∩Lb. The triangle A'B'C' is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(190). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let Ia be the reflection of X(1) in the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define Ib and Ic cyclically. X(190) = X(238) of IaIbIc. (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A5B5C5 and A6B6C6 be Gemini triangles 5 and 6, resp. Let LA be the tangent at A to conic {A,B5,C5,B6,C6}}, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(190). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(190).
X(190) lies on the Steiner circumellipse and these lines: 1,537 2,45 6,192 7,344 8,528 9,75 10,671 37,86 40,341 44,239 63,312 69,144 71,290 72,1043 99,101 100,659 110,835 162,643 191,1089 238,726 320,527 321,333 329,345 350,672 513,660 514,1016 522,666 644,651 646,668 649,889 658,1020 670,799 789,813 872,1045 1222, 3057
X(190) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (239,44), (335,37), (673,9), (903,2)
X(190) = isogonal conjugate of X(649)
X(190) = isotomic conjugate of X(514)
X(190) = complement of X(4440)
X(190) = anticomplement of X(1086)
X(190) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (99,100), (666,3570)
X(190) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,514), (9,522), (37,513), (440,525)
X(190) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (513,86), (514,2), (522,75)
X(190) = crosssum of X(512) and X(798)
X(190) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1015)X(1960)
X(190) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,1052), (190,1), (645,411), (668,63), (1016,100)
X(190) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (9,292), (190,651), (333,88), (645,190), (646,646), (1016,190)
X(190) = trilinear pole of the line X(1)X(2)
X(190) = Steiner-circumellipse-antipode of X(903)
X(190) = barycentric product of PU(24)
X(190) = crossdifference of PU(25)
X(190) = trilinear product of PU(58)
X(190) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(1)-antipode of X(3227)
X(190) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(6)-antipode of X(3226)
X(190) = perspector of ABC and tangential triangle (wrt excentral triangle) of hyperbola passing through X(1), X(9) and the excenters (the Jerabek hyperbola of the excentral triangle)
X(190) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(513)
X(190) = perspector of ABC and vertex-triangle of Gemini triangles 5 and 6
X(190) = ABC-to-Gemini-triangle-19 parallelogic center
X(190) = areal center of cevian triangles of PU(24)
Centers X(191)-X(236)
X(191) = X(1) - 2 X(21)
Let Ia be the reflection of X(1) in the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define Ib and Ic cyclically. X(191) = X(21) of IaIbIc. (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let IaIbIc be the excentral triangle. Let Na be the nine-point center of BCIa, and define Nb and Nc cyclically. The lines IaNa, IbNb, IcNc concur in X(191); c.f. X(5506). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
X(191) lies on these lines: 1,21 9,46 10,267 30,40 35,72 36,960 109,201 165,1079 190,1089 329,498
X(191) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,21), (79,442)
X(191) = isogonal conjugate of X(267)
X(191) = X(10)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(191) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (10,502)
X(191) = crosssum of X(58) and X(501)
X(191) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(3)
X(191) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,2), (8,20), (10,191), (37,1045), (188,3), (366,6)
X(191) = X(643)-beth conjugate of X(191)
X(191) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(661)X(2605)
X(191) = X(54)-of-excentral-triangle
X(191) = perspector of excentral triangle and Fuhrmann triangle
X(191) = intersection of Euler lines of outer and inner Garcia triangles
X(191) = {X(1),X(21)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5426)
X(191) = complement of X(14450)
X(191) = anticomplement of X(11263)
The segments through X(192) parallel to the sidelines with endpoints on the sidelines have equal length. For references as early as 1881, see Hyacinthos message 2929 (Paul Yiu, May 29, 2001). See also
Sabrina Bier, "Equilateral Triangles Intercepted by Oriented Parallelians," Forum Geometricorum 1 (2001) 25-32.
X(192) lies on these lines: 1,87 2,37 6,190 7,335 8,256 9,239 55,385 69,742 144,145 315,746 869,1045
X(192) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (8,984), (75,37), (1278,75)
X(192) = isogonal conjugate of X(2162)
X(192) = isotomic conjugate of X(330)
X(192) = complement of X(1278)
X(192) = anticomplement of X(75)
X(192) = X(1)-Ceva conjugate of X(2)
X(192) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(43)
X(192) = crosssum of X(1) and X(87)
X(192) = X(9)-Hirst inverse of X(239)
X(192) = X(646)-beth conjugate of X(192)
X(192) = perspector of anticomplementary triangle and Gemini triangle 4
X(192) = perspector of Gemini triangles 4 and 6
X(192) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(23086)
X(192) = perspector of incentral triangle and inverse of n(Incentral)*n(Medial)
X(192) = trilinear pole of line X(3835)X(4083) (the perspectrix of ABC and Gemini triangle 16)
X(192) = {X(37),X(75)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2)
Let A' be the reflection of the midpoint of segment BC in X(6), and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(193). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A' be the trilinear pole of the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define B', C' cyclically. A'B'C' is also the anticomplement of the anticomplement of the midheight triangle. A'B'C' is perspective to the orthic and anticomplementary triangles at X(193). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
X(193) lies on these lines: 2,6 4,1351 7,239 8,894 20,185 23,159 44,344 66,895 144,145 146,148 253,287 317,393 330,959 371,488 372,487 608,651 1839,3187
X(193) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (3,1353), (4,1351), (69,6), (1352,576)
X(193) = isogonal conjugate of X(8770)
X(193) = isotomic conjugate of X(2996)
X(193) = complement of X(20080)
X(193) = anticomplement of X(69)
X(193) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(1370)
X(193) = complementary conjugate of complement of X(36616)
X(193) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(2)
X(193) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(230)
X(193) = polar conjugate of X(34208)
X(193) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (645,193), (662,608)
X(193) = perspector of pedal and antipedal triangles of X(4) (orthic and anticomplementary triangles)
X(193) = perspector, wrt orthic triangle, of polar circle
X(193) = anticomplementary isotomic conjugate of X(20)
X(193) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(2)
X(193) = trilinear pole of polar, wrt complement of polar circle, of X(69)
X(193) = pole of orthic axis wrt Steiner circumellipse
X(193) = {X(385),X(7774)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2)
X(193) = endo-homothetic center of 3rd and 4th tri-squares central triangles
X(193) = perspector, wrt anticomplementary triangle, of polar circle
Let Oa be the circle through A and tangent to BC at its midpoint. Define Ob and Oc cyclically. The radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc is X(194). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let AaBaCa, AbBbCb, AcBcCc be the A-, B- and C-anti-altimedial triangles. Let A' be the trilinear product Aa*Ab*Ac, and define B', C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is the anticomplementary triangle of the 1st Brocard triangle, and is perspective to ABC at X(4), and to the anticomplementary triangle at X(194). (Randy Hutson, November 2, 2017)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the 1st Neuberg triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(194) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(194) lies on these lines: {1,87}, {2,39}, {3,385}, {4,147}, {6,384}, {8,730}, {10,3097}, {20,185}, {32,99}, {63,239}, {69,695}, {75,1107}, {83,3734}, {183,5013}, {184,3492}, {190,2176}, {257,986}, {262,2996}, {263,3498}, {304,3797}, {315,736}, {325,5025}, {350,2275}, {401,1993}, {487,1587}, {488,1588}, {548,3793}, {574,1078}, {616,3104}, {617,3105}, {627,3106}, {628,3107}, {648,1968}, {712,4393}, {1007,2023}, {1593,1941}, {1654,4201}, {1670,2547}, {1671,2546}, {1909,2276}, {2128,2285}, {3096,4045}, {3212,3503}, {3314,3933}, {3413,3557}, {3414,3558}, {3522,5188}, {3770,4261}, {3906,5652}, {3972,5007}
X(194) is the {X(39),X(76)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(194), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(194) = reflection of X(76) in X(39)
X(194) = isogonal conjugate of X(3224)
X(194) = isotomic conjugate of X(2998)
X(194) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(32747)
X(194) = complement of X(20081)
X(194) = anticomplement of X(76)
X(194) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32517)
X(194) = polar circle inverse of X(32527)
X(194) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(315)
X(194) = complementary conjugate of complement of X(36615)
X(194) = eigencenter of cevian triangle of X(6)
X(194) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(2)
X(194) = radical center of the Neuberg circles.
X(194) = X(6)-Ceva conjugate of X(2)
X(194) = X(3)-Hirst inverse of X(385)
X(194) = anticomplementary-isotomic conjugate of X(69)
X(194) = X(6374)-cross conjugate of X(2)
X(194) = vertex conjugate of PU(140)
X(194) = 1st-Brocard-to-6th-Brocard similarity image of X(6)
X(194) = X(99)-of-6th-Brocard-triangle
X(194) = anticomplementary-circle-inverse of X(32528)
X(194) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(32530)
X(194) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumellipe-inverse of X(32526)
X(194) = de Longchamps-circle-inverse of X(32529)
X(194) = 2nd-Brocard-circle-inverse of X(32531)
X(194) = perspector of 3rd Brocard triangle and 1st Brocard-reflected triangle
Let A' be the isogonal conjugate of the A-vertex of the outer Napoleon triangle, and define B' and C' cyclically. Let A″ be the isogonal conjugate of the A-vertex of the inner Napoleon triangle, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(195). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
The Napoleon axis and Napoleon-Feuerbach cubic K005 meet in three points: X(17), X(18), and X(195). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
A construction of X(195) is given by Antreas Hatipolakis and Angel Montesdeoca at 24180.
X(195) lies on the Napoleon cubic and these lines: 1,3467 3,54 4,399 5,3459 6,17 49,52 110,143 140,323 155,381 382,1498 2121,3462 3461,3468
X(195) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (3,54), (54,1493), (3519,1209)
X(195) = isogonal conjugate of X(3459)
X(195) = complement of X(12325)
X(195) = anticomplement of X(21230)
X(195) = X(5)-Ceva conjugate of X(3)
X(195) = crosssum of X(137) and X(523)
X(195) = X(3)-of-reflection-triangle
X(195) = X(79)-of-tangential-triangle if ABC is acute
X(195) = tangential isogonal conjugate of X(2937)
X(195) = 2nd isogonal perspector of X(5); see X(36)
X(195) = Yiu-isogonal conjugate of X(1157)
X(195) = perspector of [cross-triangle of ABC and outer Napoleon triangle] and [cross-triangle of ABC and inner-Napoleon triangle]
X(196) lies on these lines: 1,207 2,653 4,65 7,92 19,57 34,937 40,208 55,108 226,281 329,342
X(196) = isogonal conjugate of X(268)
X(196) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (7,4), (92,278)
X(196) = cevapoint of X(19) and X(207)
X(196) = X(221)-cross conjugate of X(347)
X(196) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (648,2), (653,196)
X(196) = Danneels point of X(653)
X(196) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(280) (line X(521)X(3239))
X(196) = polar conjugate of X(280)
Let A'B'C' be the extouch triangle. Let A″ be the crosspoint of the circumcircle intercepts of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(197). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
For a construction of X(197), see Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, "On A Simple Construction of Triangle Centers X(8), X(197), X(K) & X(594)", Scientific Inquiry and Review, Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2018.
X(197) lies on these lines: 3,10 6,181 19,25 22,100 42,48 56,227 159,200
X(197) = X(8)-Ceva conjugate of X(6)
X(197) = crosssum of X(124) and X(514)
X(197) = isogonal conjugate of X(8048)
X(197) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(905)X(3910)
X(197) = crosspoint of circumcircle intercepts of excircles radical circle
X(198) lies on these lines: 3,9 6,41 19,25 5,1030 64,71 100,346 101,102 154,212 208,227 218,579 284,859 478,577 958,966
X(198) = isogonal conjugate of X(189)
X(198) = complement of X(21279)
X(198) = anticomplement of X(21239)
X(198) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,55), (9,6), (223,221)
X(198) = crosspoint of X(40) and X(223)
X(198) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (57,1422), (84,282), (513,1146), (650,1364), (1433,1436)
X(198) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(522)X(905)
X(198) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (9,19), (101,198)
X(198) = perspector of Apus and tangential triangles
As a point on the Euler line, X(199) has Shinagawa coefficients (E + 2F + $bc$, -2E - 2F + $bc$).
Let IA, IB, IC be the excenters. Let (OA) be the circle tangent to the circumcircle at A and passing through IA. Let A' be the antipode of A in (OA). Let LA be the tangent to (OA) at A'. Define LB and LC cyclically. Let TA = LB∩LC, and define TB and TC cyclically. Triangle TATBTC is homothetic to the tangential triangle at X(199). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(199) lies on these lines: 2,3 42,172 51,572 55,1030 184,573
X(199) = isogonal conjugate of X(8044)
X(199) = anticomplement of X(34119)
X(199) = X(10)-Ceva conjugate of X(6)
X(199) = crosspoint of X(101) and X(250)
X(199) = crosssum of X(125) and X(514)
X(199) = tangential isogonal conjugate of X(8053)
X(199) = orthic-to-tangential similarity image of X(430)
Let A'B'C' be the extouch triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear product of the circumcircle intercepts of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(200). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
Let A' be the trilinear product of the circumcircle intercepts of the A-excircle. Define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(200). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(200) lies on these lines: 1,2 3,963 9,55 33,281 40,64 46,1004 57,518 63,100 69,269 159,197 219,282 220,728 255,271 318,1089 319,326 329,516 341,1043 756,968
X(200) is the {X(8),X(78)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1). For a list of harmonic conjugates of X(200), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(200) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,997), (57,1376)
X(200) = isogonal conjugate of X(269)
X(200) = isotomic conjugate of X(1088)
X(200) = complement of X(36845)
X(200) = X(8)-Ceva conjugate of X(9)
X(200) = cevapoint of X(220) and X(480)
X(200) = X(220)-cross conjugate of X(9)
X(200) = crosspoint of X(8) and X(346)
X(200) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (56,1407), (57,1420), (1042,1427)
X(200) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (100,223), (200,55), (643,165)
X(200) = {X(1),X(8)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4853)
X(200) = {X(2),X(8)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4847)
X(200) = homothetic center of anticomplementary triangle and 3rd antipedal triangle of X(1)
X(200) = homothetic center of ABC and medial triangle of 3rd antipedal triangle of X(1)
X(200) = Danneels point of X(8)
X(200) = polar conjugate of X(1847)
X(200) = trilinear square of X(9)
X(200) = trilinear product of the circumcircle intercepts with the excircles
X(200) = X(1899)-of-excentral-triangle
X(200) = complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22153)
X(200) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(57)
X(200) = mixtilinear-incentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(1)
X(200) = mixtilinear-excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(1)
X(201) lies on these lines: 1,212 9,34 10,225 12,756 33,40 37,65 38,56 55,774 57,975 63,603 72,73 109,191 210,227 220,221 255,1060 337,348 388,984 601,920
X(201) = isogonal conjugate of X(270)
X(201) = X(10)-Ceva conjugate of X(12)
X(201) = crosspoint of X(10) and X(72)
X(201) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,580),
X(201) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (72,201),
Trilinears 1 - cos(A + π/3) : 1 - cos(B + π/3) : 1 - cos(C + π/3) (Joe Goggins, Oct. 19, 2005)
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C) : (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin C)f(C,A,B)
X(202) lies on these lines: 1,62 6,101 11,13 12,18 15,36 16,55 17,499 56,61 395,495 397,496
X(202) = X(1)-Ceva conjugate of X(15)
Trilinears 1 + cos(A + 2π/3) : 1 + cos(B + 2π/3) : 1 + cos(C + 2π/3) (Joe Goggins, Oct. 19, 2005)
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C) : (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin C)f(C,A,B)
X(203) lies on these lines: 1,61 6,101 11,14 12,17 15,55 16,36 18,499 56,62 396,495 398,496
X(203) = X(1)-Ceva conjugate of X(16)
X(204) lies on these lines: 6,33 19,31 25,34 55,1033 63,162 108,223 207,221
X(204) = isogonal conjugate of X(19611)
X(204) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(610)
X(204) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 2184}, {525, 7358}
X(204) = X(1)-Ceva conjugate of X(19)
X(204) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (108,204), (162,223)
X(205) lies on these lines: 25,41 37,48 78,101 154,220 184,213
X(205) = X(9)-Ceva conjugate of X(31)
Let A'B'C' be the triangle described in ADGEOM #2697 (8/26/2015, Tran Quang Hung); then X(206) = X(6)-of-A'B'C'. (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
For another construction see Antreas P. Hatzipolakis and Peter Moses, Euclid 1713 .
X(206) lies on these lines: 2,66 5,182 6,25 26,511 69,110 157,216 160,577 219,692 237,571
X(206) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,159), (110,1177)
X(206) = isogonal conjugate of X(18018)
X(206) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(20968)
X(206) = complement of X(66)
X(206) = complementary conjugate of X(427)
X(206) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(32)
X(206) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(315)
X(206) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 7391}, {6, 2353}, {66, 14376}, {339, 523}, {826, 15526}, {13854, 17407}
X(206) = X(66)-of-medial triangle
X(206) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(32)
X(206) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(22)
X(206) = center of conic that is the locus of centers of conics passing through X(6) and the vertices of the tangential triangle
X(206) = centroid of X(6) plus the vertices of the tangential triangle
X(206) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of de Longchamps line
X(206) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22075)
X(206) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(32); this conic is the isogonal conjugate of the de Longchamps line
X(206) = trilinear product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 17453}, {6, 2172}, {9, 7251}, {19, 10316}, {22, 31}, {32, 1760}, {37, 17186}, {48, 8743}, {57, 4548}, {63, 17409}, {163, 2485}, {315, 560}, {798, 4611}, {1333, 4456}, {1397, 4123}, {1755, 11610}, {2175, 7210}, {2206, 4463}, {9247, 17907}, {9447, 17076}
X(207) lies on these lines: 1,196 19,56 33,64 34,1042 40,108 78,653 204,221
X(207) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,34), (196,19)
X(207) = X(1)-beth conjugate of X(64)
X(207) = trilinear product X(34)*X(1490)
X(208) lies on these lines: 1,102 4,57 19,225 25,34 33,64 40,196 198,227 226,406 318,653
X(208) = isogonal conjugate of X(271)
X(208) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,34), (57,19), (342,223)
X(208) = crosssum of X(3) and X(1433)
X(208) = polar conjugate of X(34404)
X(208) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (108,208), (162,1)
X(209) lies on these lines: 6,31 10,12 44,51 306,518
X(209) = isogonal conjugate of X(272)
X(209) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(37)
X(210) lies on these lines: 1,2334 2,354 6,612 8,312 9,55 10,12 31,44 33,220 37,42 38,899 43,984 45,968 51,374 56,936 63,1004 78,958 165,971 201,227 213,762 381,517 392,519 430,594 869,1107 956,997 976,1104
X(210) = X(2)-of-extouch triangle, so that X(210)X(1158) = Euler line of the extouch triangle
X(210) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (51,375), (354,2)
X(210) = isogonal conjugate of X(1014)
X(210) = complement of X(3873)
X(210) = anticomplement of X(3742)
X(210) = X(10)-Ceva conjugate of X(37)
X(210) = crosspoint of X(8) and X(9)
X(210) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (56,57), (58,1412)
X(210) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1019)X(1429)
X(210) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (200,210), (210,42)
X(210) = centroid of Bevan circle intercepts with sidelines of ABC
X(210) = centroid of AbAcBcBaCaCb as defined at X(3588)
X(210) = centroid of AbAcBcBaCaCb as used in the construction of the inner-Conway triangle; see preamble before X(11677)
X(210) = trilinear pole of line X(3709)X(4041)
X(210) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(2)
X(210) = {X(37),X(42)}-harmonic conjugate of X(37593)
X(211) lies on the cubic K1088 and these lines: {5, 141}, {6, 11360}, {32, 184}, {51, 1506}, {52, 114}, {232, 15897}, {263, 2548}, {571, 2909}, {632, 15510}, {688, 2518}, {754, 3491}, {1078, 11673}, {2794, 13419}, {2979, 3096}, {3060, 7752}, {3202, 20960}, {3456, 17970}, {3917, 6292}, {4173, 5007}, {5017, 20987}, {5167, 7747}, {7807, 14962}, {11674, 12110}, {14575, 18796}
X(211) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(39)
X(211) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {850, 3050}
X(211) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {39, 3060}, {1964, 18041}, {3051, 7752}
X(211) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {3060, 308}, {18041, 18833}
X(211) = {X(3051),X(23208)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3203)
Barycentrics (sin 2A)(1 + cos A) : (sin 2B)(1 + cos B) : (sin 2C)(1 + cos C)
The trilinear polar of X(212) passes through X(1946). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(212) lies on these lines: 1,201 3,73 6,31 9,33 11,748 34,40 35,47 48,184 56,939 63,1040 78,283 109,165 154,198 238,497 312,643 582,942
X(212) = isogonal conjugate of X(273)
X(212) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(514)X(3064)
X(212) = X(4)-isoconjugate of X(7)
X(212) = X(57)-isoconjugate of X(92)
X(212) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,48), (9,41), (283,219)
X(212) = X(228)-cross conjugate of X(55)
X(212) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,219), (9,78)
X(212) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,278), (34,57)
X(212) = X(212)-beth conjugate of X(184)
X(213) lies on these lines: 1,6 8,981 31,32 39,672 58,101 63,980 83,239 100,729 184,205 274,894 607,1096 667,875 692,923
X(213) = isogonal conjugate of X(274)
X(213) = isotomic conjugate of X(6385)
X(213) = complement of X(17137)
X(213) = anticomplement of X(21240)
X(213) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,42), (37,228)
X(213) = crosspoint of X(6) and X(31)
X(213) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,75), (81,1444), (85,348)
X(213) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(320)X(350)
X(213) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (41,213), (101,65), (644,213)
X(213) = bicentric sum of PU(9)
X(213) = PU(9)-harmonic conjugate of X(667)
X(213) = barycentric product of PU(85)
X(213) = trilinear pole of line X(669)X(798)
X(213) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1444)
X(213) = {X(1),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5283)
X(214) lies on the bicevian conic of X(1) and X(2), which is also QA-Co1 (Nine-point Conic) of quadrangle ABCX(1) (see (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
X(214) lies on these lines: 1,88 2,80 9,48 10,140 11,442 36,758 44,1017 119,515 142,528 535,908 662,759 1015,1100
X(214) = midpoint of X(1) and X(100)
X(214) = reflection of X(11) in X(1125)
X(214) = isogonal conjugate of X(1168)
X(214) = complement of X(80)
X(214) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(44)
X(214) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(320)
X(214) = X(21)-beth conjugate of X(244)
X(214) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(44)
X(214) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(44)
X(214) = X(36) of X(1)-Brocard triangle
X(214) = inner-Garcia-to-ABC similarity image of X(10)
X(214) = X(7687)-of-excentral-triangle
X(214) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line PU(55) (line X(1)X(513))
X(214) = center of conic {A,B,C,X(1),X(100)}}
X(214) = complementary conjugate of X(3814)
X(214) = QA-P3 (Gergonne-Steiner Point) of quadrangle ABCX(1) (see
X(215) is the insimilicenter of the incircle and the sine-triple-angle circle. (Randy Hutson, December 14, 2014)
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C) : (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin C)f(C,A,B)
X(215) lies on these lines: 1,49 11,110 12,54 55,184
X(215) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,50)
X(216) is the perspector of triangle ABCand the tangential triangle of the Johnson circumconic. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let Ea be the ellipse with B and C as foci and passing through X(5), and define Eb, Ec cyclically. Let La be the line tangent to Ea at X(5), and define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A' be the trilinear pole of line La, and define B', C' cyclically. A', B', C' lie on the circumconic centered at X(216). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
X(216) = intersection of isogonal conjugate of polar conjugate of Euler line (i.e., line X(3)X(6)) and the polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of Euler line (i.e., line X(2)X(216)) (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
X(216) lies on hyperbola {X(2),X(6),X(216),X(233),X(1249),X(1560),X(3162)}}, which is a circumconic of the medial triangle, as well as the locus of the perspector of circumconics centered at a point on the Euler line. Also, this hyperbola is tangent to Euler line at X(2). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
X(216) lies on these lines: 2,232 3,6 5,53 51,418 95,648 97,288 115,131 157,206 373,852 395,465 396,466 631,1075 1015,1060 2493,3054
X(216) = isogonal conjugate of X(275)
X(216) = isotomic conjugate of X(276)
X(216) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(577)
X(216) = complement of X(264)
X(216) = complementary conjugate of X(21243)
X(216) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,5), (3,418), (5,51), (324,52)
X(216) = cevapoint of X(217) and X(418)
X(216) = X(217)-cross conjugate of X(51)
X(216) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,3), (5,343)
X(216) = crosssum of X(4) and X(6)
X(216) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(186)X(523)
X(216) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(577)
X(216) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(5)
X(216) = intersection of trilinear polars of any 2 points on the Johnson circumconic
X(216) = perspector of cevian triangle of X(3) and tangential triangle, wrt cevian triangle of X(3), of circumconic of cevian triangle of X(3) centered at X(3)
X(216) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(8795)
X(216) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(8795)
X(216) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(54)
X(216) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(933)
X(216) = X(573)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(216) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of circumorthic triangle
X(216) = {X(61),X(62)}-harmonic conjugate of X(37505)
X(217) lies on the cubic K1088 and these lines: {3, 3289}, {4, 6}, {5, 1625}, {32, 184}, {39, 185}, {51, 3199}, {54, 112}, {83, 287}, {125, 1506}, {187, 13367}, {213, 20230}, {216, 5562}, {232, 389}, {263, 10790}, {394, 3785}, {574, 1204}, {577, 10984}, {578, 1968}, {648, 9291}, {1015, 1425}, {1404, 1409}, {1500, 3270}, {1562, 7765}, {1614, 1971}, {1691, 11674}, {1692, 5167}, {1899, 2548}, {1993, 20065}, {1994, 20088}, {2909, 20968}, {2965, 14533}, {3053, 19357}, {3172, 11402}, {3398, 17974}, {4173, 6752}, {4846, 15075}, {5007, 8779}, {5013, 10605}, {5038, 5622}, {5052, 6467}, {5058, 21640}, {5062, 21641}, {5889, 22240}, {6423, 19356}, {6424, 19355}, {6759, 10311}, {7736, 18909}, {7737, 19467}, {7747, 21659}, {7757, 9289}, {8571, 10254}, {10547, 14600}, {10986, 26882}, {12111, 26216}, {13330, 15073}, {13366, 14581}, {13754, 22416}, {15043, 15355}, {16502, 19349}, {18445, 23128}
X(217) = isogonal conjugate of X(276)
X(217) = anticomplement of X(34850)
X(217) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 51}, {216, 418}, {1625, 15451}, {1987, 237}
X(217) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 276}, {54, 1969}, {63, 8795}, {75, 275}, {76, 2190}, {92, 95}, {264, 2167}, {304, 8884}, {326, 8794}, {561, 8882}, {811, 15412}, {933, 20948}, {1577, 18831}, {2148, 18022}, {2169, 18027}, {2616, 6331}, {14208, 16813}
X(217) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 184}, {51, 216}
X(217) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {340, 520}
X(217) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 264}, {76, 7763}, {95, 275}
X(217) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(95)
X(217) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 51}, {4, 418}, {5, 184}, {6, 216}, {25, 5562}, {32, 343}, {48, 1953}, {52, 2351}, {53, 577}, {63, 2179}, {110, 15451}, {112, 17434}, {154, 8798}, {212, 1393}, {213, 16697}, {228, 18180}, {255, 2181}, {311, 14575}, {324, 14585}, {394, 3199}, {512, 23181}, {560, 18695}, {603, 7069}, {647, 1625}, {810, 2617}, {1092, 14569}, {1437, 21807}, {1576, 6368}, {1820, 2180}, {2200, 17167}, {3049, 14570}, {3078, 20574}, {3527, 26907}, {9247, 14213}, {13450, 23606}, {14587, 24862}, {17500, 20775}
X(217) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {5, 18022}, {6, 276}, {25, 8795}, {32, 275}, {51, 264}, {53, 18027}, {184, 95}, {216, 76}, {343, 1502}, {418, 69}, {560, 2190}, {1501, 8882}, {1576, 18831}, {1625, 6331}, {1953, 1969}, {1974, 8884}, {2179, 92}, {2207, 8794}, {3049, 15412}, {3199, 2052}, {5562, 305}, {9247, 2167}, {9418, 19189}, {14574, 933}, {14575, 54}, {14585, 97}, {15451, 850}, {16697, 6385}, {17434, 3267}, {18695, 1928}, {23181, 670}
X(217) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): (32, 184, 14585), (39, 185, 3269), (54, 112, 1970), (1614, 10312, 1971), (7592, 8743, 6)
Let A' be the center of the conic through the contact points of the B- and C- excircles with the sidelines of ABC. Define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is perspective to the intouch triangle at X(218). See also X(6), X(25), X(222), X(940), X(1743). (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
A'B'C' is also the unary cofactor triangle of the intangents triangle. (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(218) lies on these lines: 1,6 3,41 4,294 7,277 32,906 43,170 46,910 56,101 65,169 145,644 198,579 222,241 279,651
X(218) = isogonal conjugate of X(277)
X(218) = eigencenter of cevian triangle of X(7)
X(218) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(55)
X(218) = X(7)-Ceva conjugate of X(55)
X(218) = crosssum of X(650) and X(1086)
X(218) = X(644)-beth conjugate of X(218)
X(218) = crossdifference of every pair of points on the de Longchamps line of the intouch triangle
X(218) = perspector of 2nd mixtilinear triangle and unary cofactor triangle of 5th mixtilinear triangle
X(218) = perspector of excentral triangle and unary cofactor triangle of inverse-in-incircle triangle
Let A'B'C' be the extouch triangle. Let A″ be the barycentric product of the circumcircle intercepts of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(219). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(219) lies on these lines: 1,6 3,48 8,29 10,965 19,517 40,610 41,1036 55,284 56,579 63,77 69,1332 101,102 144,347 200,282 206,692 255,268 278,329 332,345 346,644 572,947 577,906 604,672 1993,3219
X(219) = isogonal conjugate of X(278)
X(219) = isotomic conjugate of X(331)
X(219) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,55), (63,3), (283,212)
X(219) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (48,268), (71,9), (212,3)
X(219) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (8,345), (64,78)
X(219) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (19,34), (56,608)
X(219) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (101,478), (219,48), (644,219)
X(219) = trilinear pole of line X(652)X(1946)
X(219) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(513)X(1835)
X(219) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(56)
X(219) = perspector of extouch triangle and unary cofactor triangle of intouch triangle
X(219) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 37
X(219) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(6056)
X(219) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(1259)
X(219) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(1118)
The trilinear polar of X(220) passes through X(657) (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A' be the barycentric product of the circumcircle intercepts of the A-excircle. Define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(220). (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(220) lies on these lines: 1,6 3,101 8,294 33,210 40,910 41,55 48,963 63,241 64,71 78,949 144,279 154,205 169,517 200,728 201,221 268,577 277,1086 281,594 329,948 346,1043
X(220) = isogonal conjugate of X(279)
X(220) = anticomplement of X(21258)
X(220) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (9,55), (200,480)
X(220) = cevapoint of X(1) and X(170)
X(220) = crosspoint of X(9) and X(200)
X(220) = crosssum of X(57) and X(269)
X(220) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(513)X(676)
X(220) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (101,221), (220,41), (644,220), (728,728)
X(220) = {X(1),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1212)
X(220) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of inverse-in-incircle triangle
X(220) = barycentric square of X(9)
Let I = X(1) = incenter, and A'B'C' = medial triangle. Let AB = AC∩IA', and define BC and CA cyclically. Let AC = AB∩IA', and define BA and CB cyclically. Let OA be the circumcircle of AABAC, and define OB and OC cyclically. Then X(221) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Angel Montesdeoca, April 27, 2021)
X(221) lies on these lines: 1,84 3,102 6,19 8,651 31,56 40,223 55,64 201,220 204,207 960,1038
X(221) = isogonal conjugate of X(280)
X(221) = anticomplement of X(20306)
X(221) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,56), (222,6), (223,198)
X(221) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,40), (196,347)
X(221) = crosssum of X(1) and X(84)
X(221) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,34), (40,40), (101,220), (109,221), (110,3)
X(221) = trilinear product X(40)*X(56)
X(221) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(268
X(221) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of 1st and 3rd extouch triangles
Barycentrics a2/(1 + sec A) : b2/(1 + sec B) : c2/(1 + sec C)
Let A' be the center of the conic through the contact points of the incircle and the A-excircle with the sidelines of ABC. Define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is perspective to the intouch triangle at X(222). See also X(6), X(25), X(218), X(940), X(1743). (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the intouch triangle. Let A″ be the barycentric product of the circumcircle intercepts of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(222). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(222) lies on these lines: 1,84 2,651 3,73 6,57 7,27 33,971 34,942 46,227 55,103 56,58 63,77 72,1038 171,611 189,281 218,241 226,478 268,1073 581,1035 601,1066 613,982 912,1060 1355,1363 1993,3218
X(222) = isogonal conjugate of X(281)
X(222) = isotomic conjugate of X(7017)
X(222) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (7,56), (77,3), (81,57)
X(222) = cevapoint of X(6) and X(221)
X(222) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (48,3), (73,77)
X(222) = crosspoint of X(7) and X(348)
X(222) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (55,607), (650,1146)
X(222) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(3064)X(3700)
X(222) = trilinear pole of line X(1459)X(1946)
X(222) = Danneels point of X(651) (see notes at X(3078))
X(222) = X(4)-isoconjugate of X(9)
X(222) = intouch-isogonal conjugate of X(12723)
X(222) = perspector of intouch triangle and unary cofactor triangle of extouch triangle
X(222) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 38
X(222) = vertex conjugate of foci of inconic that is the isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of the incircle (centered at X(17073))
X(222) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,1012), (63,63), (110,222), (287,222), (648,222), (651,222), (662,2), (895,222)
Let A' be the homothetic center of ABC and the orthic triangle of the A-extouch triangle and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is perspective to the 3rd extouch triangle at X(223). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let Va, Vb, Vc be the antipodes of V=X(40) in the circles (VBC), (VCA), (VAB), respectively. The triangle VaVbVc is here named the Bevan antipodal triangle (Hyacinthos #29638; however, see next note). The point X(223) is the unique finite fixed point of the affine transformation that maps the reference triangle ABC onto VaVbVc. (Angel Montesdeoca, October 15, 2019)
The construction of the triangle VaVbVc can be generalized for an arbitrary point P (instead of V=X(40)), and is, in fact, the antipedal triangle of P (Randy Hutson, message in Anopolis Group). Thus, "Bevan antipodal triangle" = antipedal triangle of X(40). (Angel Montesdeoca, October 16, 2019)
X(223) lies on the Thomson cubic and these lines: 4 2,77 3,1035 6,57 9,1073 40,221 55,1456 56,937 63,651 108,204 109,165 312,664 329,347 380,608 580,603 936,1038 1249,3352 3341,3349 3351,3356
X(223) = isogonal conjugate of X(282)
X(223) = isotomic conjugate of X(34404)
X(223) = complement of X(189)
X(223) = anticomplement of X(20205)
X(223) = complementary conjugate of X(21239)
X(223) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,57), (77,1), (342,208), (347,40)
X(223) = cevapoint of X(198) and X(221)
X(223) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (198,40), (227,347)
X(223) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(329)
X(223) = crosssum of X(6) and X(1436)
X(223) = perspector of ABC and antipedal triangle of X(3345)
X(223) = perspector of pedal and anticevian triangles of X(3182)
X(223) = perspector of ABC and medial triangle of pedal triangle of X(1490)
X(223) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(57)
X(223) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(57)
X(223) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(2188)
X(223) = {X(1),X(1745)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1490)
X(223) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(7020)
X(223) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(7020)
X(223) = trilinear product X(40)*X(57)
X(223) also lies on line 55,1456.
X(223) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(63,1079), (77,223), (81,580), (174,46), (651,109)
X(223) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j):
(2,278), (100,200), (162,204), (329,329), (651,223), (662,63)
X(224) lies on these lines: 1,377 3,63 8,914 21,90 46,100 65,1004 908,1079
X(224) = X(7)-Ceva conjugate of X(63)
X(224) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 7
X(224) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 8
X(225) lies on these lines: 1,4 3,1074 7,969 10,201 12,37 19,208 28,108 46,254 65,407 75,264 91,847 158,1093 377,1038 412,775 653,897
X(225) = isogonal conjugate of X(283)
X(225) = isotomic conjugate of X(332)
X(225) = anticomplement of X(34851)
X(225) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(65)
X(225) = X(407)-cross conjugate of X(4)
X(225) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,158), (273,278)
X(225) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,255), (212,219)
X(225) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,225), (10,227), (108,1042), (318,10)
X(225) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(333) (line X(522)X(663))
X(225) = polar conjugate of X(333)
X(226) is the homothetic center of the intouch triangle and the triangle formed by the lines of the external pairs of extouch points of the excircles. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A' be the radical center of the incircle and the B- and C-excircles; define B' and C' cyclically. A'B'C' is also the complement of the excentral triangle, and the triangle formed by the radical axes of the incircle and each excircle. Then X(226) is the homothetic center of A'B'C' and the intouch triangle. (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A' be the homothetic center of the orthic triangles of the intouch and A-extouch triangles, and define B' and C' cyclically. Let AaBaCa be the orthic triangle of the A-extouch triangle, and define AbBbCb, and AcBcCc cyclically. Let A″ be the centroid of AaAbAc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Then A'B'C' and A″B″C″ are homothetic to each other and to the medial triangle and the orthic triangle of the intouch triangle at X(226). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let (A') be the pedal circle of the A-vertex of the hexyl triangle, and define (B') and (C') cyclically. Then X(226) is the radical center of circles (A'), (B'), (C'). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let IaIbIc be the reflection triangle of X(1). Let A' be the trilinear pole of line IbIc, and define B', C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(226). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A13B13C13 be Gemini triangle 13. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B13,C13}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(226). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
Let A14B14C14 be Gemini triangle 14. Let A' be the center of conic {A,B,C,B14,C14}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(226). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(226) lies on these lines: 1,4 2,7 5,912 10,12 11,118 13,1082 14,554 27,284 29,951 35,79 36,1006 37,440 41,379 46,498 55,516 56,405 76,85 78,377 81,651 83,1429 86,1412 92,342 98,109 102,1065 175,1131 176,1132 196,281 208,406 222,478 228,851 262,982 273,469 306,321 429,1426 443,936 452,1420 474,1466 481,485 482,486 495,517 535,551 664,671 673,1174 748,1471 857,1446 975,1038 990,1040 1029,1442 1260,1376 1284,1402 1401,1463
X(226) = reflection of X(993) in X(1125)
X(226) = isogonal conjugate of X(284)
X(226) = isotomic conjugate of X(333)
X(226) = complement of X(63)
X(226) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (7,65), (349,307)
X(226) = cevapoint of X(37) and X(65)
X(226) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (37,10), (73,307)
X(226) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(92)
X(226) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,48), (41,55)
X(226) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(652)X(663)
X(226) = X(63)-of-medial-triangle
X(226) = bicentric sum of PU(20)
X(226) = midpoint of PU(20)
X(226) = radical center of cevian circles of the extraversions of X(8)
X(226) = trilinear pole of line X(523)X(656) (the polar of X(29) wrt polar circle)
X(226) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(29) (the line X(243)X(522))
X(226) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(29)
X(226) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(21)
X(226) = X(184)-of-2nd-extouch-triangle
X(226) = {X(2),X(57)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3911)
X(226) = {X(9),X(57)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1708)
X(226) = homothetic center of intouch triangle and the complement of excentral triangle)
X(226) = homothetic center of 3rd Euler tringle and inverse-in-incircle triangle
X(226) = perspector of intouch triangle and Gergonne line extraversion triangle
X(226) = perspector of 2nd extouch triangle and Gergonne line extraversion triangle
X(226) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,226), (21,1064), (100,42), (190,226), (312,306), (321,321), (335,226), (835,226)
X(226) = barycentric product X(109)*X(850)
X(226) = perspector of Gemini triangle 9 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 9
X(226) = trilinear pole of perspectrix of ABC and Gemini triangle 10
X(226) = perspector of Gemini triangle 40 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 40
X(227) lies on these lines: 12,37 34,55 40,221 42,65 46,222 56,197 198,208 201,210 322,347 607,910
X(227) = isogonal conjugate of X(285)
X(227) = complement of X(20220)
X(227) = X(10)-Ceva conjugate of X(65)
X(227) = crosspoint of X(223) and X(347)
X(227) = crosssum of X(84) and X(1433)
X(227) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (10,225), (40,227), (100,72)
X(228) lies on these lines: 3,63 9,1011 12,407 19,25 28,943 31,32 35,846 42,181 48,184 73,408 98,100 226,851
X(228) = isogonal conjugate of X(286)
X(228) = complement of X(20242)
X(228) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,71), (37,213), (55,42)
X(228) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,48), (37,72), (55,212), (71,73)
X(228) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,92), (7,273), (27,29), (28,81)
X(228) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(693)X(905)
X(228) = X(212)-beth conjugate of X(228)
X(228) = X(28)-isoconjugate of X(75)
X(228) = X(81)-isoconjugate of X(92)
X(228) = trilinear pole of line X(810)X(3049)
X(228) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of Gemini triangles 1 and 2
X(228) = anticomplement of complementary conjugate of X(18591)
X(228) = {X(3),X(63)}-harmonic conjugate of X(22060)
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(229) lies on these lines: 1,267 21,36 28,60 58,244 65,110 593,1104
X(229) = midpoint of X(1) and X(267)
X(229) = X(7)-Ceva conjugate of X(81)
X(230) is the midpoint of the centers of the (equilateral) pedal triangles of X(15) and X(16).
X(230) = QA-P6 (Parabola Axes Crosspoint) of quadrangle ABCX(2); see
X(230) lies on the cubics K492, K518, K780, K1166, and these lines: {1, 21965}, {2, 6}, {3, 2549}, {4, 3053}, {5, 32}, {10, 4544}, {11, 1914}, {12, 172}, {13, 41406}, {14, 41407}, {15, 21156}, {16, 21157}, {20, 5023}, {21, 44517}, {22, 8553}, {23, 11063}, {24, 27376}, {25, 53}, {26, 44527}, {30, 115}, {37, 6690}, {39, 140}, {50, 858}, {67, 9769}, {76, 7789}, {83, 32992}, {98, 1503}, {99, 14568}, {100, 17737}, {101, 17734}, {105, 9090}, {111, 476}, {112, 403}, {114, 1692}, {125, 8779}, {132, 38970}, {147, 35006}, {148, 13586}, {160, 20885}, {182, 37451}, {185, 15575}, {186, 2079}, {194, 7907}, {216, 1196}, {231, 232}, {233, 11548}, {235, 1968}, {248, 2450}, {251, 2963}, {262, 7607}, {263, 13240}, {274, 17694}, {297, 2966}, {315, 7887}, {316, 14061}, {338, 30737}, {350, 26629}, {376, 5210}, {381, 1384}, {383, 5321}, {384, 44530}, {387, 7410}, {393, 6353}, {397, 37463}, {398, 37464}, {404, 44542}, {427, 571}, {428, 1879}, {439, 2996}, {442, 5277}, {444, 2178}, {460, 39072}, {485, 6423}, {486, 6424}, {495, 2242}, {496, 2241}, {499, 16502}, {511, 2023}, {538, 620}, {542, 2030}, {543, 27088}, {546, 7747}, {547, 5008}, {548, 7756}, {549, 574}, {550, 5206}, {566, 7495}, {570, 1194}, {577, 1368}, {594, 7081}, {609, 7951}, {625, 754}, {626, 7767}, {631, 5013}, {632, 5346}, {641, 45576}, {642, 45577}, {671, 8598}, {691, 15546}, {694, 36897}, {698, 5976}, {732, 2024}, {736, 3934}, {800, 6375}, {868, 35906}, {1003, 11185}, {1015, 15325}, {1030, 4220}, {1040, 9594}, {1078, 6656}, {1080, 5318}, {1086, 1447}, {1100, 24239}, {1107, 4999}, {1108, 36227}, {1146, 35081}, {1151, 26516}, {1152, 26521}, {1180, 13351}, {1249, 38282}, {1281, 28530}, {1285, 3545}, {1312, 46629}, {1313, 46628}, {1329, 4426}, {1333, 37360}, {1352, 37071}, {1353, 39764}, {1379, 31862}, {1380, 31863}, {1504, 8981}, {1505, 13966}, {1506, 3628}, {1560, 16221}, {1562, 21663}, {1570, 34380}, {1572, 5886}, {1575, 3035}, {1576, 44089}, {1594, 10312}, {1625, 45938}, {1627, 2965}, {1656, 2548}, {1799, 16890}, {1834, 6998}, {1865, 4231}, {1901, 2305}, {1909, 26686}, {1970, 12241}, {1975, 16925}, {2021, 2782}, {2071, 34866}, {2072, 10317}, {2076, 5999}, {2080, 15980}, {2207, 3542}, {2243, 37691}, {2271, 5292}, {2275, 5433}, {2276, 5432}, {2280, 29662}, {2459, 13873}, {2460, 13926}, {2482, 5215}, {2502, 35266}, {2886, 4386}, {2896, 7901}, {3016, 46817}, {3058, 10987}, {3070, 6811}, {3071, 6813}, {3086, 16781}, {3087, 8889}, {3091, 22331}, {3094, 22712}, {3096, 7942}, {3124, 32269}, {3147, 41361}, {3162, 8746}, {3163, 23992}, {3172, 11404}, {3199, 21841}, {3229, 11672}, {3266, 36953}, {3269, 15341}, {3284, 5159}, {3285, 8229}, {3363, 7617}, {3424, 43537}, {3509, 17719}, {3522, 44519}, {3523, 7738}, {3525, 31400}, {3526, 5319}, {3530, 7765}, {3534, 15655}, {3548, 23115}, {3552, 32819}, {3553, 5268}, {3554, 5272}, {3582, 16784}, {3584, 16785}, {3624, 9575}, {3684, 33140}, {3705, 17362}, {3712, 4037}, {3726, 17724}, {3734, 8369}, {3785, 7784}, {3788, 3933}, {3818, 41412}, {3830, 43618}, {3845, 18362}, {3849, 5461}, {3850, 39590}, {3925, 10315}, {3926, 32970}, {3943, 37764}, {3972, 8370}, {4045, 7817}, {4071, 4434}, {4136, 8669}, {4189, 44520}, {4251, 45939}, {4395, 33891}, {4478, 30179}, {4590, 37803}, {4892, 4987}, {5000, 41200}, {5001, 41201}, {5012, 9604}, {5017, 5480}, {5020, 8573}, {5024, 5054}, {5025, 7750}, {5034, 38110}, {5039, 38317}, {5041, 5368}, {5052, 18583}, {5055, 15484}, {5058, 7584}, {5062, 7583}, {5063, 30739}, {5066, 14537}, {5067, 31404}, {5070, 43136}, {5071, 18584}, {5077, 8182}, {5094, 6749}, {5104, 6034}, {5106, 44215}, {5111, 40336}, {5116, 37455}, {5124, 19649}, {5184, 38220}, {5204, 9597}, {5217, 9598}, {5218, 31477}, {5280, 31460}, {5283, 7483}, {5291, 17757}, {5418, 6422}, {5420, 6421}, {5471, 6114}, {5472, 6115}, {5503, 10153}, {5585, 10304}, {5641, 44576}, {5965, 6721}, {5977, 35101}, {5980, 10617}, {5981, 10616}, {5988, 17768}, {6128, 39602}, {6146, 14585}, {6179, 7752}, {6194, 44453}, {6292, 7852}, {6321, 38225}, {6337, 6392}, {6409, 26295}, {6410, 26294}, {6560, 13711}, {6561, 13834}, {6564, 26438}, {6565, 18539}, {6636, 44521}, {6640, 22120}, {6642, 9608}, {6675, 16589}, {6683, 7829}, {6691, 16604}, {6719, 40553}, {6720, 44340}, {6756, 27371}, {6772, 35304}, {6775, 35303}, {6791, 32225}, {7000, 23261}, {7031, 7741}, {7179, 17365}, {7181, 7200}, {7374, 23251}, {7386, 36748}, {7467, 8266}, {7488, 44523}, {7492, 44522}, {7494, 36751}, {7505, 8743}, {7512, 44525}, {7525, 9700}, {7576, 10986}, {7615, 11159}, {7616, 10336}, {7754, 7763}, {7759, 7862}, {7760, 7769}, {7761, 7844}, {7764, 7805}, {7768, 7899}, {7770, 32832}, {7771, 7790}, {7773, 20065}, {7776, 14023}, {7783, 33259}, {7785, 32967}, {7786, 7856}, {7787, 16921}, {7791, 7851}, {7794, 7874}, {7795, 32954}, {7796, 7940}, {7797, 7824}, {7800, 7866}, {7801, 17131}, {7802, 33229}, {7803, 11285}, {7810, 7853}, {7811, 7934}, {7813, 31274}, {7814, 7877}, {7815, 7834}, {7818, 14929}, {7820, 8368}, {7821, 7826}, {7822, 33185}, {7823, 32966}, {7830, 7861}, {7836, 17129}, {7839, 16923}, {7841, 14907}, {7845, 31275}, {7847, 43459}, {7854, 7867}, {7855, 7888}, {7864, 33004}, {7876, 7932}, {7879, 33218}, {7889, 31239}, {7891, 20081}, {7892, 31276}, {7893, 7912}, {7904, 7933}, {7920, 33015}, {7923, 33021}, {7938, 14065}, {7968, 26300}, {7969, 26301}, {8352, 9166}, {8354, 46893}, {8355, 14971}, {8550, 9744}, {8557, 24345}, {8587, 43535}, {8588, 8703}, {8589, 12100}, {8623, 21531}, {8716, 33216}, {8744, 37943}, {8749, 40347}, {8778, 37197}, {8791, 14910}, {8854, 10962}, {8855, 10960}, {8882, 23295}, {8901, 41270}, {8960, 44647}, {8976, 31411}, {9112, 16267}, {9113, 16268}, {9164, 17968}, {9167, 39785}, {9475, 44887}, {9593, 31423}, {9595, 37696}, {9620, 26446}, {9650, 10592}, {9665, 10593}, {9675, 42215}, {9696, 40111}, {9699, 12106}, {9759, 34319}, {9760, 41746}, {9762, 41745}, {9764, 41747}, {9765, 41749}, {9855, 41135}, {10018, 39575}, {10154, 34481}, {10164, 31443}, {10257, 14961}, {10264, 14901}, {10272, 46301}, {10298, 44538}, {10303, 22332}, {10316, 11585}, {10352, 13196}, {10691, 22052}, {10988, 34612}, {11054, 41134}, {11173, 20423}, {11179, 40248}, {11231, 31398}, {11272, 46305}, {11317, 20112}, {11360, 23208}, {11413, 44528}, {11485, 20426}, {11486, 20425}, {11632, 37461}, {11645, 38010}, {11668, 11669}, {11676, 14651}, {11799, 46633}, {11812, 39593}, {12007, 43461}, {12088, 44537}, {12108, 31652}, {12359, 23128}, {12815, 35018}, {12962, 31454}, {13178, 38221}, {13337, 15302}, {13345, 37439}, {13449, 23514}, {14001, 32828}, {14041, 14712}, {14043, 46226}, {14482, 15709}, {14581, 37942}, {14586, 40631}, {14588, 19577}, {14694, 14995}, {14881, 46321}, {15109, 15246}, {15122, 44468}, {15301, 35022}, {15355, 22353}, {15448, 20998}, {15515, 15712}, {15602, 41983}, {15603, 15689}, {15905, 30771}, {16081, 16089}, {16196, 22401}, {16252, 32445}, {16434, 36743}, {16529, 16961}, {16530, 16960}, {16808, 41408}, {16809, 41409}, {16968, 46835}, {16976, 40349}, {17128, 33225}, {17602, 41269}, {17735, 17747}, {18253, 21879}, {18353, 34603}, {18365, 30745}, {18806, 32189}, {18840, 32952}, {18860, 38737}, {19103, 43430}, {19104, 43431}, {19130, 41413}, {19312, 23905}, {19544, 36744}, {21158, 36772}, {21397, 44269}, {21448, 34288}, {21554, 33863}, {21840, 29683}, {22253, 34511}, {22512, 41017}, {22513, 41016}, {22682, 40927}, {23004, 39555}, {23005, 39554}, {23972, 35080}, {23976, 35088}, {23980, 35079}, {23986, 35086}, {24243, 45595}, {24244, 45596}, {25488, 30489}, {25555, 44500}, {25681, 39248}, {26242, 29665}, {26369, 44635}, {26370, 44636}, {26468, 42262}, {26469, 42265}, {26517, 44646}, {26518, 44644}, {26522, 44645}, {26523, 44643}, {28697, 41009}, {29012, 35021}, {30478, 31490}, {30516, 40130}, {30537, 39389}, {30677, 44095}, {31409, 31479}, {31416, 31493}, {31467, 46219}, {32006, 32972}, {32431, 33628}, {32452, 32521}, {32479, 36523}, {32494, 39388}, {32497, 39387}, {32518, 45900}, {32640, 34150}, {32661, 44665}, {32762, 39828}, {32815, 32985}, {32816, 32969}, {32818, 32959}, {32823, 32958}, {32826, 33239}, {32827, 32984}, {32829, 32977}, {32830, 33203}, {32834, 33181}, {32838, 32968}, {32867, 32975}, {32980, 39143}, {33758, 39087}, {33900, 35298}, {34254, 42406}, {34828, 41760}, {35002, 38739}, {35085, 40621}, {35087, 35133}, {35606, 45662}, {36759, 46054}, {36760, 46053}, {37182, 44882}, {37362, 41332}, {37453, 45141}, {37897, 40350}, {37910, 46216}, {37911, 40135}, {40107, 44499}, {40236, 44536}, {40323, 41489}, {40884, 41254}, {40938, 40939}, {42006, 43528}, {44214, 46634}, {44648, 45514}, {45524, 45868}, {45525, 45869}
X(230) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 22329}, {6, 15993}, {98, 1513}, {115, 187}, {193, 44369}, {297, 2966}, {325, 385}, {395, 396}, {468, 16315}, {671, 8598}, {2080, 15980}, {3229, 35078}, {3580, 14999}, {5912, 5913}, {6108, 6109}, {6782, 6783}, {7426, 16092}, {9127, 16341}, {11537, 11549}, {11632, 37461}, {11799, 46633}, {14568, 35297}, {21445, 39663}, {32456, 32457}, {44376, 44388}, {44392, 44394}
X(230) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 44401}, {69, 44395}, {99, 32459}, {114, 10011}, {115, 43291}, {325, 44377}, {625, 6722}, {6390, 620}, {15301, 35022}, {15480, 385}, {16320, 468}, {22110, 2}, {31173, 8355}, {35088, 44334}, {37350, 5461}, {37459, 14693}, {44377, 44381}, {44380, 3589}
X(230) = complement of X(325)
X(230) = anticomplement of X(44377)
X(230) = circumcircle-inverse of X(5941)
X(230) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(6792)
X(230) = Moses-Parry-circle-inverse of X(2493)
X(230) = isogonal conjugate of X(2987)
X(230) = isotomic conjugate of X(8781)
X(230) = polar conjugate of X(35142)
X(230) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(1976)
X(230) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(98)
X(230) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(1692)
X(230) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(460)
X(230) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(44145)
X(230) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(3564)
X(230) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 114}, {32, 16591}, {98, 2887}, {248, 18589}, {290, 21235}, {293, 1368}, {560, 11672}, {661, 36471}, {685, 21259}, {798, 35088}, {878, 34846}, {1821, 626}, {1910, 141}, {1933, 46840}, {1973, 15595}, {1976, 10}, {2395, 21253}, {2422, 8287}, {2715, 4369}, {2966, 42327}, {3404, 21248}, {6531, 20305}, {9154, 21256}, {11610, 21247}, {14600, 1214}, {14601, 37}, {15628, 21244}, {15630, 24040}, {32676, 41167}, {32696, 8062}, {36036, 23301}, {36084, 512}, {36104, 30476}, {36120, 21243}, {43187, 21263}, {46273, 40379}, {46289, 36213}
X(230) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 114}, {297, 1503}, {648, 38359}, {2396, 804}, {2966, 523}, {6531, 6}, {31635, 157}, {39645, 5254}, {40120, 25}, {44145, 460}, {44767, 525}
X(230) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1692, 460}, {36472, 2501}
X(230) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2987}, {2, 36051}, {6, 8773}, {19, 43705}, {31, 8781}, {48, 35142}, {63, 3563}, {75, 32654}, {92, 42065}, {647, 36105}, {656, 32697}, {661, 10425}, {662, 35364}, {1755, 40428}, {1821, 34157}, {1959, 2065}, {2159, 36891}
X(230) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 98}, {22456, 34537}
X(230) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 511}, {520, 41172}, {1084, 39469}, {32654, 42065}
X(230) = trilinear pole of line {5477, 42663}
X(230) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {3, 512}
X(230) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(193)
X(230) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (281,230), (645,230)
X(230) = centroid of quadrangle X(13)X(14)X(15)X(16)
X(230) = radical center of cirumcircle, nine-point circle and Lester circle
X(230) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(114)
X(230) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(114)
X(230) = inverse-in-Steiner-inellipse of X(6)
X(230) = X(910)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(230) = PU(4)-harmonic conjugate of X(2501)
X(230) = X(13)-antipedal-to-X(16)-pedal similarity image of X(14)
X(230) = X(14)-antipedal-to-X(15)-pedal similarity image of X(13)
X(230) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1733}, {3, 44145}, {4, 3564}, {13, 6782}, {14, 6783}, {30, 36875}, {69, 460}, {75, 8772}, {76, 1692}, {98, 114}, {305, 44099}, {511, 14265}, {523, 4226}, {542, 34174}, {670, 42663}, {671, 5477}, {1821, 17462}, {1916, 12829}, {2782, 46039}, {2974, 3563}, {7612, 10011}, {11606, 12830}, {31842, 40120}, {38359, 44768}
X(230) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 8773}, {2, 8781}, {3, 43705}, {4, 35142}, {6, 2987}, {25, 3563}, {30, 36891}, {31, 36051}, {32, 32654}, {98, 40428}, {110, 10425}, {112, 32697}, {114, 325}, {162, 36105}, {184, 42065}, {237, 34157}, {460, 4}, {512, 35364}, {1692, 6}, {1733, 75}, {1976, 2065}, {3564, 69}, {4226, 99}, {5477, 524}, {6782, 298}, {6783, 299}, {8772, 1}, {10011, 1007}, {12829, 385}, {12830, 7779}, {14265, 290}, {17462, 1959}, {34174, 5641}, {35296, 14253}, {36875, 1494}, {39072, 37183}, {42663, 512}, {44099, 25}, {44145, 264}, {46039, 46142}
X(230) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 6, 3815}, {2, 69, 7778}, {2, 183, 141}, {2, 193, 1007}, {2, 325, 44377}, {2, 385, 325}, {2, 1611, 40326}, {2, 1654, 30761}, {2, 1992, 11184}, {2, 2895, 30760}, {2, 3815, 3055}, {2, 5276, 37661}, {2, 5304, 7736}, {2, 5306, 9300}, {2, 5912, 44398}, {2, 5913, 24855}, {2, 7610, 11168}, {2, 7735, 6}, {2, 7736, 31489}, {2, 7766, 7777}, {2, 7777, 37647}, {2, 7779, 7925}, {2, 7792, 3589}, {2, 7806, 7792}, {2, 7840, 41133}, {2, 8859, 22329}, {2, 8860, 15597}, {2, 11163, 9771}, {2, 11174, 15491}, {2, 11580, 5913}, {2, 13638, 590}, {2, 13758, 615}, {2, 16989, 11174}, {2, 16990, 7868}, {2, 16997, 37664}, {2, 17004, 37688}, {2, 17008, 183}, {2, 23055, 7610}, {2, 26243, 1211}, {2, 26244, 1213}, {2, 26282, 5718}, {2, 34229, 15271}, {2, 37637, 3054}, {2, 37667, 69}, {2, 37668, 37690}, {2, 37689, 7735}, {2, 42850, 21358}, {2, 44401, 41139}, {3, 3767, 5254}, {5, 32, 7745}, {5, 18907, 5475}, {6, 3054, 3055}, {6, 3815, 9300}, {6, 7735, 5306}, {6, 8253, 31463}, {6, 21001, 40805}, {6, 31489, 7736}, {6, 37637, 2}, {32, 5475, 18907}, {32, 7746, 5}, {39, 7749, 140}, {39, 7755, 5305}, {50, 44529, 858}, {69, 37667, 8667}, {76, 7807, 7789}, {76, 7857, 7807}, {98, 36899, 41932}, {98, 38227, 1513}, {99, 35297, 32459}, {100, 17737, 21956}, {114, 12829, 12830}, {140, 5305, 39}, {141, 13468, 183}, {141, 15598, 16990}, {183, 7868, 16990}, {183, 16990, 15598}, {183, 17008, 13468}, {193, 1007, 9766}, {231, 3003, 16310}, {232, 6103, 16318}, {232, 16318, 1990}, {316, 14061, 33228}, {325, 22329, 385}, {325, 44377, 22110}, {376, 43448, 44526}, {381, 1384, 7737}, {385, 3329, 39097}, {385, 7925, 7779}, {385, 39095, 6}, {385, 39101, 39093}, {385, 44381, 22110}, {427, 10311, 6748}, {468, 6103, 1990}, {468, 16306, 16308}, {468, 16310, 2493}, {468, 16313, 16335}, {468, 16317, 10418}, {468, 16318, 232}, {468, 16325, 16321}, {549, 15048, 574}, {571, 9722, 6748}, {574, 5309, 15048}, {590, 615, 141}, {597, 15491, 11174}, {597, 15597, 2}, {626, 7780, 7767}, {626, 7886, 8361}, {631, 5286, 5013}, {632, 31406, 31455}, {671, 26613, 8598}, {1078, 7828, 6656}, {1078, 7919, 7831}, {1609, 2165, 53}, {1656, 30435, 2548}, {1691, 44534, 1513}, {2076, 44531, 5999}, {2080, 38224, 15980}, {2493, 3003, 16308}, {2493, 16306, 1990}, {2549, 21843, 3}, {3003, 3018, 16303}, {3003, 3291, 2493}, {3003, 6103, 16306}, {3003, 16310, 1990}, {3018, 10418, 2493}, {3018, 16303, 1990}, {3053, 13881, 4}, {3054, 3815, 2}, {3054, 5306, 3815}, {3054, 7735, 9300}, {3055, 9300, 3815}, {3068, 3069, 193}, {3068, 26456, 44594}, {3068, 44365, 44394}, {3068, 44595, 6}, {3069, 26463, 44597}, {3069, 44364, 44392}, {3069, 44596, 6}, {3096, 7942, 8363}, {3291, 6103, 16310}, {3291, 10418, 16317}, {3314, 37671, 3631}, {3329, 17006, 2}, {3523, 7738, 15815}, {3526, 5319, 9606}, {3526, 9605, 31401}, {3767, 21843, 2549}, {3785, 14064, 7784}, {3788, 7751, 3933}, {3815, 5306, 6}, {3934, 6680, 7819}, {5008, 7603, 7753}, {5013, 5286, 9607}, {5013, 44535, 631}, {5023, 44518, 20}, {5025, 7793, 7750}, {5055, 15484, 31415}, {5055, 21309, 15484}, {5206, 7748, 550}, {5210, 44526, 376}, {5304, 7736, 6}, {5306, 37637, 3055}, {5319, 31401, 9605}, {5346, 31455, 7772}, {5368, 9698, 5041}, {5475, 18907, 7745}, {5585, 44541, 10304}, {6103, 10418, 3018}, {6179, 7752, 7762}, {6189, 6190, 193}, {6292, 7852, 8364}, {6392, 32989, 6337}, {7610, 15271, 34229}, {7612, 9752, 9756}, {7615, 37809, 11159}, {7735, 7736, 5304}, {7735, 37637, 3815}, {7736, 31489, 3815}, {7737, 43620, 381}, {7747, 39565, 546}, {7749, 7755, 39}, {7754, 33233, 7763}, {7756, 15513, 548}, {7761, 7844, 33184}, {7762, 33249, 7752}, {7766, 7777, 41624}, {7766, 41624, 32455}, {7767, 8361, 626}, {7771, 7790, 8356}, {7772, 31455, 31406}, {7774, 14614, 3629}, {7778, 8667, 69}, {7779, 7925, 325}, {7780, 7886, 626}, {7792, 37688, 2}, {7806, 17004, 2}, {7806, 37688, 3589}, {7815, 7834, 8362}, {7817, 34506, 8359}, {7828, 7831, 7919}, {7830, 7861, 8357}, {7831, 7919, 6656}, {7868, 16990, 141}, {7891, 20081, 32820}, {8105, 8106, 2493}, {8553, 44524, 22}, {8584, 9771, 11163}, {8960, 45515, 44647}, {8974, 13950, 9740}, {9605, 31401, 9606}, {9744, 9755, 8550}, {9753, 13860, 5480}, {11063, 44533, 23}, {11174, 16989, 597}, {11174, 39093, 39101}, {11488, 11489, 3620}, {13638, 13758, 183}, {13846, 13847, 15533}, {13910, 13972, 8177}, {13910, 45871, 590}, {13972, 45872, 615}, {14537, 39601, 43457}, {14971, 31173, 8355}, {15271, 34229, 11168}, {15480, 41139, 44377}, {16303, 16310, 3018}, {16303, 16317, 2493}, {16644, 16645, 21358}, {17129, 33245, 7836}, {20065, 32961, 7773}, {22110, 41139, 2}, {22329, 44377, 15480}, {22329, 44401, 22110}, {23302, 23303, 34573}, {24855, 44398, 22110}, {26456, 44594, 6}, {26463, 44597, 6}, {32787, 32788, 8584}, {35007, 39565, 7747}, {36899, 41932, 34369}, {37637, 37689, 5306}, {37640, 37641, 5032}, {37647, 41624, 7777}, {39022, 39023, 6}, {39107, 39108, 1992}, {39601, 43457, 5066}, {43622, 43623, 3763}, {44192, 44193, 157}, {44364, 44365, 44369}, {44377, 44381, 2}, {44377, 44401, 44381}, {44390, 44391, 141}, {44594, 44595, 26456}, {44596, 44597, 26463}
X(231) lies on the cubic K752 and these lines: {2, 1273}, {3, 15551}, {4, 96}, {5, 15552}, {6, 17}, {50, 115}, {140, 570}, {216, 34833}, {230, 232}, {340, 44375}, {395, 33530}, {396, 33529}, {566, 7749}, {1609, 3517}, {1989, 2070}, {2072, 3284}, {2965, 36412}, {3001, 6036}, {3054, 33992}, {3523, 14806}, {3767, 5063}, {5158, 6639}, {5306, 37439}, {5355, 13337}, {6749, 9722}, {7735, 33872}, {7747, 9220}, {10018, 40939}, {10510, 38740}, {10619, 14533}, {11077, 16337}, {11082, 11136}, {11087, 11135}, {16534, 45938}, {32223, 46155}, {35727, 38394}, {37972, 44533}, {41770, 44134}
X(231) = complement of X(1273)
X(231) = circumcircle-inverse of X(15551)
X(231) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(15552)
X(231) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(1141)
X(231) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(539)
X(231) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 128}, {1141, 2887}, {11077, 18589}, {46138, 21235}
X(231) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 128}, {14918, 18400}
X(231) = radical center of cirumcircle, nine-point circle and Hutson-Parry circle
X(231) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 1141}, {11082, 11087}
X(231) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 1154}, {6368, 10413}, {11126, 11127}
X(231) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {3, 1510}
X(231) = X(281)-beth conjugate of X(230)
X(231) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(128)
X(231) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(128)
X(231) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(2383)
X(231) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 539}, {5, 40631}, {93, 45083}, {128, 1141}, {1263, 27423}, {3459, 10615}, {10412, 43969}
X(231) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {25, 2383}, {128, 1273}, {539, 69}, {10615, 45799}, {40631, 95}, {43969, 10411}, {45083, 44180}
X(231) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {6, 2963, 233}, {17, 18, 1209}, {230, 16310, 3003}, {233, 40136, 6}, {571, 2165, 1879}, {3003, 16310, 3018}, {3767, 46262, 5063}
X(232) lies on the cubics K222, K493, K756, K781, K782, K783, K785, K787, K1097 and these lines: {2, 216}, {3, 1968}, {4, 39}, {5, 27376}, {6, 25}, {19, 444}, {20, 22401}, {22, 577}, {23, 250}, {24, 32}, {26, 10316}, {30, 14961}, {33, 2276}, {34, 2275}, {50, 3447}, {53, 427}, {69, 37187}, {98, 41204}, {99, 15014}, {111, 1304}, {112, 186}, {114, 38970}, {115, 403}, {132, 1513}, {136, 38975}, {183, 9308}, {185, 32445}, {211, 15897}, {217, 389}, {230, 231}, {233, 37990}, {235, 5254}, {237, 9475}, {240, 42702}, {248, 32649}, {251, 8882}, {297, 325}, {316, 40889}, {317, 7774}, {340, 7779}, {378, 574}, {385, 648}, {406, 5283}, {419, 6531}, {420, 3229}, {428, 5421}, {451, 16589}, {458, 11174}, {511, 2211}, {538, 41676}, {543, 37855}, {566, 5094}, {571, 1485}, {607, 26377}, {685, 41932}, {800, 1196}, {1015, 1870}, {1033, 1611}, {1107, 46878}, {1113, 15167}, {1114, 15166}, {1172, 2092}, {1180, 3087}, {1184, 8573}, {1216, 41480}, {1235, 3934}, {1297, 32687}, {1368, 42459}, {1384, 11181}, {1500, 6198}, {1506, 1594}, {1560, 3258}, {1575, 1861}, {1585, 8962}, {1593, 5013}, {1595, 31406}, {1596, 15048}, {1597, 5024}, {1598, 9605}, {1609, 3162}, {1625, 13754}, {1627, 41758}, {1691, 34130}, {1692, 2065}, {1783, 5291}, {1785, 13006}, {1865, 37362}, {1875, 43039}, {1906, 9607}, {1907, 9606}, {1970, 13367}, {1986, 46301}, {1989, 8791}, {1995, 5158}, {2023, 12131}, {2070, 10317}, {2071, 40349}, {2079, 37917}, {2165, 13854}, {2176, 41320}, {2197, 7120}, {2202, 7117}, {2204, 20832}, {2322, 26244}, {2332, 18755}, {2373, 46239}, {2374, 9091}, {2409, 35906}, {2971, 5140}, {3053, 3172}, {3055, 43458}, {3088, 31400}, {3089, 5286}, {3091, 26216}, {3092, 6422}, {3093, 6421}, {3094, 12294}, {3108, 33631}, {3163, 7426}, {3269, 3331}, {3329, 36794}, {3516, 15815}, {3517, 30435}, {3518, 5007}, {3520, 37512}, {3541, 31401}, {3542, 3767}, {3569, 32112}, {3575, 7745}, {3917, 40805}, {4213, 21838}, {4220, 5317}, {4230, 5968}, {4232, 5304}, {4233, 40129}, {4235, 32456}, {5000, 41196}, {5001, 41197}, {5008, 10986}, {5023, 8778}, {5034, 39588}, {5041, 34484}, {5052, 6403}, {5058, 10880}, {5062, 10881}, {5063, 9609}, {5064, 13351}, {5133, 36412}, {5206, 32534}, {5276, 35973}, {5305, 21841}, {5462, 41334}, {5661, 6795}, {5899, 22121}, {5907, 22416}, {5978, 11093}, {5979, 11094}, {6114, 6116}, {6115, 6117}, {6240, 7747}, {6241, 41367}, {6529, 41368}, {6623, 43448}, {6636, 22052}, {6683, 37125}, {6749, 10301}, {6759, 39643}, {6781, 10295}, {6998, 8747}, {7071, 31477}, {7387, 23115}, {7413, 8748}, {7418, 35908}, {7467, 11574}, {7484, 36751}, {7485, 10979}, {7505, 7746}, {7517, 22120}, {7576, 7753}, {7577, 7603}, {7713, 9575}, {7714, 13341}, {7737, 18533}, {7749, 10018}, {7755, 41366}, {7756, 18560}, {7772, 10594}, {7786, 37337}, {7868, 11331}, {8430, 17994}, {8585, 14685}, {8588, 35472}, {8589, 35473}, {8750, 17735}, {8752, 17969}, {8753, 15268}, {8770, 41489}, {9229, 40413}, {9596, 11392}, {9599, 11393}, {9698, 15559}, {9753, 41371}, {9909, 15905}, {10151, 35903}, {10184, 11548}, {10282, 14585}, {10539, 23128}, {10540, 22146}, {10605, 41376}, {10632, 16258}, {10633, 16257}, {11063, 37920}, {11325, 40325}, {11380, 34870}, {11381, 38297}, {11398, 16502}, {11403, 22332}, {11456, 39913}, {13357, 27369}, {13481, 37453}, {13509, 14157}, {13860, 33971}, {14002, 15860}, {14356, 34349}, {14537, 18559}, {14865, 31652}, {15262, 37777}, {15340, 25739}, {15484, 18494}, {15513, 21844}, {15515, 35477}, {16068, 17980}, {16868, 39565}, {16968, 36103}, {16990, 44134}, {17966, 32674}, {17984, 19566}, {18907, 37458}, {18993, 45502}, {18994, 45503}, {19189, 37123}, {19220, 44269}, {20850, 38292}, {20960, 27373}, {21525, 34859}, {21843, 35486}, {25985, 37661}, {27377, 41624}, {28710, 32816}, {31455, 37119}, {32697, 35296}, {33630, 38282}, {33828, 40411}, {34481, 46432}, {34818, 39951}, {34990, 44377}, {35007, 44879}, {35764, 45513}, {35765, 45512}, {35907, 36166}, {36414, 36416}, {36415, 36423}, {37121, 44732}, {37197, 44518}, {37942, 43291}, {37969, 39176}, {37984, 44468}, {44438, 44526}
X(232) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {237, 38368}, {3269, 3331}, {41676, 44146}X(233) lies on hyperbola {X(2),X(6),X(216),X(233),X(1249),X(1560),X(3162)}}. This hyperbola is a circumconic of the medial triangle, and the locus of perspectors of circumconics centered at a point on the Euler line. It is tangent to Euler line at X(2). (Randy Hutson, March 21, 2019)
X(233) lies on these lines: 2,95 5,53 6,17 115,128 122,138
X(233) = isogonal conjugate of X(288)
X(233) = isotomic conjugate of X(31617)
X(233) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(140)
X(233) = complement of X(95)
X(233) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(140)
X(233) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(5)
X(233) = crosspoint of X(36300) and X(36301)
X(233) = crosssum of X(6) and X(54)
X(233) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1157)X(1510)
X(233) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(32078)
X(233) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(140)
X(234) lies on these lines: 2,178 7,174 57,362 75,556 555,1088
X(234) = X(7)-Ceva conjugate of X(177)
X(234) = X(31)-of-intouch-triangle
As a point on the Euler line, X(235) has Shinagawa coefficients (F, F - E).
X(235) lies on these lines: 2,3 11,34 12,33 52,113 133,136
X(235) = midpoint of X(4) and X(24)
X(235) = complement of X(11413)
X(235) = anticomplement of X(16196)
X(235) = circumcircle-inverse of X(37917)
X(235) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(55)
X(235) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(185)
X(235) = crosssum of X(3) and X(1092)
X(235) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(185)
X(235) = X(56) of orthic triangle if ABC is acute
X(235) = insimilicenter of nine-point circle and incircle of orthic triangle if ABC is acute; the exsimilicenter is X(427)
X(235) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(801) (line X(523)X(2071))
X(235) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(801)
X(235) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Hyacinth triangle
X(235) = radical center of the polar-circle-inverses of the power circles
X(235) = intersection of tangents to Hatzipolakis-Lozada hyperbola at X(4) and X(155)
X(235) = crosspoint, wrt orthic triangle, of X(4) and X(155)
X(236) lies on these lines: 2,174 8,178 9,173
X(236) = isogonal conjugate of X(289)
X(236) = complement of X(7048)
X(236) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(188)
X(236) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(188)
X(236) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(188)
Centers X(237)-X(248)
Centers X(237)-X(248) are line conjugates. (The P-line conjugate of Q is the point where line PQ meets the trilinear polar of the isogonal conjugate of Q.)
See Clark Kimberling and Peter J. C. Moses, Line conjugates in the plane of a triangle, Aequationes Mathematicae, August 2022.
As a point on the Euler line, X(237) has Shinagawa coefficients (EF + F2 + S2, -(E + F)2 - S2).
X(237) is the point of intersection of the Euler line and the Lemoine axis (defined as the radical axis of the circumcircle and the Brocard circle).
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(1316), which includes X(237).
X(237) lies on the cubics K380, K532, K782, K783, K789, K1119, and these lines: {2, 3}, {6, 160}, {15, 14186}, {16, 14188}, {31, 904}, {32, 184}, {35, 40790}, {39, 51}, {42, 18758}, {50, 1576}, {55, 20471}, {95, 32085}, {98, 6037}, {99, 3978}, {110, 2080}, {111, 46316}, {141, 8266}, {154, 682}, {157, 8553}, {159, 1609}, {187, 351}, {193, 20794}, {206, 571}, {216, 1843}, {232, 9475}, {248, 1971}, {323, 9301}, {325, 20022}, {373, 21163}, {385, 3511}, {476, 43654}, {511, 9155}, {524, 1634}, {566, 9971}, {570, 9969}, {574, 34417}, {577, 1974}, {672, 20777}, {694, 1691}, {800, 6467}, {804, 46302}, {805, 39092}, {1030, 22369}, {1084, 33875}, {1194, 13357}, {1284, 43920}, {1384, 9463}, {1503, 20021}, {1624, 15448}, {1660, 40320}, {1661, 40321}, {1755, 5360}, {1899, 8721}, {1915, 34870}, {1975, 20023}, {2021, 3124}, {2076, 34214}, {2183, 23198}, {2187, 18756}, {2211, 36425}, {2269, 22389}, {2351, 2353}, {2352, 20284}, {2393, 3003}, {2482, 38998}, {2936, 9890}, {2979, 9821}, {2980, 45838}, {3001, 9019}, {3049, 43112}, {3060, 3095}, {3164, 3186}, {3284, 44102}, {3289, 9418}, {3313, 20819}, {3398, 5012}, {3564, 25046}, {3589, 35222}, {3785, 14826}, {3917, 5188}, {3926, 9917}, {3964, 37491}, {5007, 13366}, {5008, 44109}, {5013, 17810}, {5023, 21001}, {5024, 13192}, {5041, 34565}, {5063, 19136}, {5065, 33578}, {5092, 34236}, {5104, 33876}, {5158, 8541}, {5162, 37841}, {5171, 9306}, {5206, 44082}, {5210, 41424}, {5467, 32217}, {5640, 11171}, {5651, 8722}, {5938, 15340}, {5943, 13334}, {5976, 8840}, {6000, 44437}, {6324, 13531}, {6403, 30258}, {6530, 19189}, {6752, 44088}, {7113, 22096}, {7669, 11063}, {7716, 36751}, {7772, 15004}, {7782, 41259}, {7795, 43653}, {8265, 41331}, {8299, 20878}, {8570, 10329}, {8573, 19459}, {8617, 15655}, {8705, 46127}, {8724, 15360}, {8880, 12049}, {8881, 12048}, {9142, 12367}, {9149, 22329}, {9157, 32526}, {9468, 32748}, {9512, 44375}, {9605, 9777}, {9752, 22655}, {10132, 39648}, {10133, 39679}, {10313, 44089}, {10316, 23606}, {10317, 23357}, {11002, 32447}, {11003, 11842}, {11257, 39906}, {11402, 30435}, {11649, 18114}, {12143, 26166}, {12215, 24729}, {14251, 23611}, {14547, 23199}, {14601, 32654}, {14908, 32640}, {14961, 44084}, {14981, 41586}, {15066, 34095}, {15080, 26316}, {15107, 33873}, {15166, 44125}, {15167, 44126}, {15624, 17454}, {15905, 19118}, {16872, 23868}, {16985, 39652}, {17984, 18024}, {18265, 18266}, {18755, 23212}, {18860, 23217}, {19121, 37893}, {19599, 25332}, {20080, 22152}, {20968, 44078}, {21352, 37575}, {21639, 40135}, {22052, 44091}, {22143, 37784}, {22401, 44079}, {23098, 34157}, {23158, 41588}, {23181, 32269}, {23197, 40956}, {25054, 44371}, {32224, 40879}, {32428, 44145}, {32564, 39649}, {32571, 39658}, {32713, 44096}, {33581, 40319}, {33582, 44200}, {33871, 46327}, {33972, 34013}, {34175, 38227}, {34566, 34571}, {35007, 44110}, {35383, 38873}, {36822, 46777}, {37479, 43650}, {37512, 44106}, {38354, 41167}, {38383, 46807}, {39557, 40850}, {41005, 41584}, {41196, 44778}, {41197, 44779}, {42329, 43976}, {44192, 45429}, {44193, 45428}, {46286, 46306}
X(237) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {23, 7468}, {1634, 5201}, {14957, 46518}
X(237) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 44215}, {3, 44221}, {4, 44227}, {3001, 34990}, {14957, 21531}, {20975, 3003}, {36189, 468}, {38368, 232}, {46522, 21177}
X(237) = isogonal conjugate of X(290)
X(237) = isotomic conjugate of X(18024)
X(237) = complement of X(14957)
X(237) = anticomplement of X(21531)
X(237) = circumcircle-inverse of X(1316)
X(237) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(37988)
X(237) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(36183)
X(237) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(11672)
X(237) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(39355)
X(237) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(9418)
X(237) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(511)
X(237) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(2211)
X(237) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(232)
X(237) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(3289)
X(237) = psi-transform of X(15920)
X(237) = X(31)-complementary conjugate of X(40601)
X(237) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 40601}, {3, 9475}, {6, 9419}, {98, 6}, {232, 2211}, {511, 3289}, {694, 3051}, {1691, 32748}, {1987, 217}, {2715, 3049}, {4230, 3569}, {6037, 3288}, {9468, 14251}, {14966, 2491}, {17938, 669}, {19189, 232}, {22456, 2451}, {32654, 32}, {34157, 11672}, {44770, 32320}, {46302, 3231}
X(237) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2491, 14966}, {9418, 2211}, {9419, 6}, {11672, 14251}
X(237) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 3511}, {6, 46272}, {1691, 1971}
X(237) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 98}, {32, 9468}, {56, 18268}, {232, 511}, {250, 2715}, {325, 34138}, {19189, 41270}, {32654, 34157}
X(237) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 511}, {8, 3948}, {76, 3978}, {98, 287}, {125, 2799}, {264, 16089}, {525, 3150}, {1976, 11610}, {2395, 15630}, {3766, 34387}, {18018, 34237}, {34239, 41194}, {34240, 41195}, {44780, 44781}
X(237) = trilinear pole of line {2491, 9419}
X(237) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {2, 647}
X(237) = X(32)-Hirst inverse of X(184)
X(237) = X(3)-line conjugate of X(2)
X(237) = X(55)-beth conjugate of X(237)
X(237) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(3511) wrt excentral triangle
X(237) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(3511) wrt tangential triangle
X(237) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(287)
X(237) = trilinear pole of PU(89)
X(237) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 290}, {2, 1821}, {4, 336}, {6, 46273}, {31, 18024}, {63, 16081}, {69, 36120}, {75, 98}, {76, 1910}, {85, 15628}, {91, 31635}, {92, 287}, {158, 6394}, {248, 1969}, {264, 293}, {304, 6531}, {308, 3404}, {523, 36036}, {561, 1976}, {656, 22456}, {661, 43187}, {662, 43665}, {685, 14208}, {799, 2395}, {811, 879}, {850, 36084}, {1577, 2966}, {1581, 14382}, {1733, 40428}, {1926, 34238}, {1928, 14601}, {1934, 40820}, {1959, 34536}, {1966, 36897}, {2422, 4602}, {2715, 20948}, {3112, 20021}, {3267, 36104}, {3708, 41174}, {5967, 46277}, {7035, 43920}, {8773, 14265}, {9154, 14210}, {11610, 46244}, {17932, 24006}, {33805, 35906}, {41932, 46238}
X(237) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1755}, {3, 232}, {4, 3289}, {5, 41270}, {6, 511}, {25, 36212}, {28, 42702}, {31, 1959}, {32, 325}, {42, 17209}, {48, 240}, {50, 14356}, {55, 43034}, {69, 2211}, {75, 9417}, {76, 9418}, {81, 5360}, {98, 11672}, {99, 2491}, {110, 3569}, {111, 9155}, {112, 684}, {114, 32654}, {184, 297}, {187, 5968}, {206, 34138}, {216, 19189}, {230, 34157}, {248, 2967}, {249, 44114}, {250, 41172}, {290, 9419}, {385, 14251}, {394, 34854}, {512, 2421}, {523, 14966}, {560, 46238}, {577, 6530}, {604, 44694}, {647, 4230}, {648, 39469}, {661, 23997}, {667, 42717}, {669, 2396}, {694, 36213}, {729, 6786}, {868, 23357}, {877, 3049}, {1297, 9475}, {1355, 15628}, {1495, 35910}, {1513, 40799}, {1576, 2799}, {1691, 40810}, {1821, 42075}, {1910, 23996}, {1964, 3405}, {1971, 40804}, {1974, 6393}, {1976, 36790}, {2393, 36823}, {2420, 32112}, {2422, 15631}, {2493, 40083}, {2715, 41167}, {3051, 20022}, {3117, 8840}, {3265, 34859}, {3284, 35908}, {3329, 39684}, {3447, 34349}, {4558, 17994}, {5000, 41197}, {5001, 41196}, {5111, 18873}, {5191, 46787}, {5467, 8430}, {5976, 9468}, {6037, 33569}, {8779, 39265}, {8882, 44716}, {9247, 40703}, {14533, 39569}, {14575, 44132}, {14601, 32458}, {14642, 44704}, {14998, 42743}, {16230, 32661}, {17462, 36051}, {17970, 39931}, {18024, 36425}, {23098, 41932}, {23611, 34536}, {32641, 42751}, {34238, 46888}, {34396, 46807}, {40866, 43112}, {41198, 44779}, {41199, 44778}
X(237) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 46273}, {2, 18024}, {6, 290}, {25, 16081}, {31, 1821}, {32, 98}, {48, 336}, {110, 43187}, {112, 22456}, {163, 36036}, {184, 287}, {206, 31636}, {232, 264}, {240, 1969}, {250, 41174}, {297, 18022}, {325, 1502}, {511, 76}, {512, 43665}, {560, 1910}, {571, 31635}, {577, 6394}, {669, 2395}, {684, 3267}, {868, 23962}, {1501, 1976}, {1513, 40822}, {1576, 2966}, {1691, 14382}, {1692, 14265}, {1755, 75}, {1923, 3404}, {1959, 561}, {1973, 36120}, {1974, 6531}, {1976, 34536}, {1977, 43920}, {2175, 15628}, {2211, 4}, {2396, 4609}, {2421, 670}, {2491, 523}, {2799, 44173}, {2967, 44132}, {3049, 879}, {3051, 20021}, {3289, 69}, {3405, 18833}, {3569, 850}, {4230, 6331}, {5191, 46786}, {5360, 321}, {5968, 18023}, {5976, 14603}, {6393, 40050}, {6530, 18027}, {6786, 30736}, {8789, 34238}, {9155, 3266}, {9233, 14601}, {9247, 293}, {9407, 35906}, {9417, 1}, {9418, 6}, {9419, 511}, {9420, 23878}, {9426, 2422}, {9427, 15630}, {9468, 36897}, {9475, 30737}, {11672, 325}, {12212, 39685}, {14251, 1916}, {14356, 20573}, {14567, 5967}, {14574, 2715}, {14575, 248}, {14585, 17974}, {14601, 41932}, {14602, 40820}, {14966, 99}, {17209, 310}, {17938, 39291}, {17994, 14618}, {19189, 276}, {19627, 14355}, {20022, 40016}, {20968, 11610}, {23098, 32458}, {23611, 36790}, {23996, 46238}, {23997, 799}, {32654, 40428}, {32661, 17932}, {32740, 9154}, {33875, 36822}, {34138, 40421}, {34157, 8781}, {34396, 46806}, {34854, 2052}, {34859, 107}, {36212, 305}, {36213, 3978}, {36823, 46140}, {39469, 525}, {39684, 42006}, {40373, 14600}, {40601, 14957}, {40810, 18896}, {41172, 339}, {41196, 42812}, {41197, 42811}, {41270, 95}, {42075, 1959}, {42702, 20336}, {42717, 6386}, {43034, 6063}, {43112, 46245}, {44114, 338}, {44132, 44161}, {44694, 28659}, {44716, 28706}, {44778, 41195}, {44779, 41194}, {46238, 1928}, {46272, 39058}
X(237) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 3, 14096}, {2, 4, 37988}, {2, 20, 37190}, {2, 22, 7467}, {2, 11328, 37338}, {2, 14957, 21531}, {2, 37184, 3}, {2, 37465, 11328}, {2, 46518, 14957}, {3, 22, 46546}, {3, 23, 37916}, {3, 25, 3148}, {3, 381, 35934}, {3, 3148, 37457}, {3, 6638, 37188}, {3, 6660, 37183}, {3, 11328, 2}, {3, 15329, 45662}, {3, 20854, 6660}, {3, 20960, 27369}, {3, 21512, 6636}, {3, 27369, 11326}, {3, 37465, 37338}, {3, 37914, 23}, {3, 41266, 25}, {3, 44894, 441}, {3, 44895, 15000}, {3, 44896, 44887}, {4, 37114, 3}, {6, 160, 20775}, {23, 11145, 34008}, {23, 11146, 34009}, {23, 35296, 37183}, {23, 35298, 3}, {23, 37183, 6660}, {25, 3135, 418}, {25, 11325, 6620}, {25, 20885, 2}, {25, 41266, 20897}, {25, 41275, 37457}, {32, 184, 34396}, {32, 3117, 3051}, {50, 1576, 23200}, {50, 18374, 1576}, {141, 8266, 22062}, {159, 1609, 40947}, {186, 37937, 468}, {187, 1495, 5191}, {187, 3229, 8623}, {187, 5106, 3231}, {187, 21444, 32518}, {206, 571, 14575}, {216, 1843, 23635}, {297, 1513, 2450}, {297, 2450, 868}, {297, 4230, 15143}, {401, 419, 1316}, {418, 27369, 3148}, {419, 11676, 401}, {441, 468, 44887}, {441, 44887, 15000}, {441, 44894, 852}, {468, 44886, 852}, {851, 46513, 854}, {851, 46524, 14953}, {855, 861, 862}, {1113, 1114, 1316}, {1513, 5112, 868}, {1576, 18374, 9407}, {1576, 39231, 50}, {2450, 5112, 297}, {2454, 2455, 44345}, {2479, 2480, 10684}, {3001, 34990, 22087}, {3053, 15270, 682}, {3117, 41278, 32}, {3129, 3130, 23}, {3131, 3132, 6636}, {3135, 20960, 3148}, {3148, 20897, 25}, {3148, 41275, 3}, {3155, 3156, 22}, {3229, 8623, 3231}, {4230, 21525, 868}, {4230, 37123, 5112}, {5004, 5005, 5999}, {5106, 8623, 3229}, {6660, 20854, 23}, {6660, 37183, 37916}, {6660, 37914, 20854}, {7426, 37461, 45662}, {7437, 46501, 46579}, {7437, 46502, 46501}, {8553, 20987, 157}, {8598, 37927, 11634}, {9407, 23200, 1576}, {11007, 21536, 33314}, {11007, 33314, 46562}, {11063, 19596, 7669}, {11257, 40814, 39906}, {11328, 37184, 14096}, {14096, 37338, 2}, {14953, 37018, 46524}, {15244, 15245, 6636}, {15247, 15248, 25}, {18374, 39231, 23200}, {18773, 18774, 21444}, {20775, 40981, 6}, {20854, 35296, 37916}, {20897, 41275, 3148}, {21032, 21036, 20885}, {21522, 46513, 851}, {21536, 33314, 46561}, {34394, 34395, 14567}, {35222, 41328, 3589}, {35296, 37183, 3}, {35298, 37183, 35296}, {35298, 37914, 37916}, {37184, 37465, 2}, {41378, 41379, 184}, {42667, 42668, 5191}, {42789, 42790, 35474}, {44886, 44890, 468}, {44886, 44896, 44894}, {44894, 44896, 44895}, {46501, 46502, 46578}, {46561, 46562, 33314}, {46564, 46568, 857}, {46578, 46579, 46501}, {46600, 46601, 2}
X(238) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangle of the conic that passes through A, B, C, and the pair P(8) and U(8) of bicentric points (see the notes just before X(1908). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(238) lies on these lines: 1,6 2,31 3,978 4,602 7,1471 8,983 10,82 21,256 36,513 40,1722 42,1621 43,55 47,499 56,87 57,1707 58,86 63,614 71,1244 100,899 105,291 106,898 162,415 190,726 212,497 239,740 241,1456 242,419 244,896 390,1253 459,1395 484,1739 516,673 517,1052 519,765 580,946 601,631 651,1458 662,1326 942,1046 987,1472 992,1009 993,995 1006,1064 1040,1711 1054,1155 1284,1428 1465,1758 1479,1714 1699,1754
X(238) = midpoint of X(1) and X(1279)
X(238) = reflection of X(1) in X(1297)
X(238) = isogonal conjugate of X(291)
X(238) = isotomic conjugate of X(334)
X(238) = anticomplement of X(3836)
X(238) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (105,1), (292,171)
X(238) = X(659)-cross conjugate of X(3573)
X(238) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (10,726), (42,672), (239,894)
X(238) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(37)X(513)
X(238) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,6), (43,55)
X(238) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(37)
X(238) = X(105)-aleph conjugate of X(238)
X(238) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (21,238), (643,902), (644,238), (932,238)
X(238) = {X(1),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(984)
X(238) = intersection of trilinear polars of PU(8)
X(238) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(9) of X(6)
X(238) = crossdifference of PU(i) for these i: 6, 52, 53
X(238) = trilinear product of PU(134)
X(238) = X(6530)-of-excentral-triangle
X(238) = trilinear pole of line X(659)X(4435) (the perspectrix of ABC and Gemini triangle 33)
X(238) = perspector of Gemini triangle 34 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 34
X(239) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangle of the conic that passes through A, B, C, and the pair P(6) and U(6) of bicentric points (see the notes just before X(1908). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(239) is the point of intersection of the following lines:
X(1)X(2) = trilinear polar of X(190)
trilinear polar of cevapoint{X(1), X(2)}, which is X(239)X(514)
UV, where U = X(1)-Ceva-conjugate-of-(2) = X(192), and V = X(2)-Ceva-conjugate-of-X(1) = X(9)
(Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(239) lies on these lines: 1,2 6,75 7,193 9,192 44,190 57,330 63,194 81,274 83,213 86,1100 92,607 141,319 238,740 241,664 257,333 294,666 318,458 320,524 335,518 514,649 1043,1104
X(239) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (190,44), (320,1086)
X(239) = isogonal conjugate of X(292)
X(239) = isotomic conjugate of X(335)
X(239) = complement of X(6542)
X(239) = anticomplement of X(3912)
X(239) = crosspoint of X(256) and X(291)
X(239) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,255), (212,219)
X(239) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(42)X(649)
X(239) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (171,238), (665,1015)
X(239) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(42)
X(239) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (333,239), (645,44)
X(239) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,X(86),X(190)}
X(239) = inverse-in-Steiner-circumellipse of X(1)
X(239) = trilinear pole of line X(659)X(812)
X(239) = crossdifference of PU(8)
X(239) = intersection of trilinear polars of PU(6) (the 1st and 2nd bicentrics of the Lemoine axis)
X(239) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(6651)
X(239) = trilinear pole of PU(134)
X(239) = trilinear square root of X(39044)
X(239) = barycentric square root of X(4366)
X(240) lies on these lines: 1,19 4,256 38,92 63,1096 75,158 162,896 278,982 281,984 522,656 607,611 608,613
X(240) = isogonal conjugate of X(293)
X(240) = isotomic conjugate of X(336)
X(240) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(48)X(656)
X(240) = X(1)-Hirst inverse of X(19)
X(240) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(48)
X(240) = X(318)-beth conjugate of X(240)
X(240) = crossdifference of PU(22)
X(240) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39039)
X(240) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(23)}
X(240) = intersection of trilinear polars of P(23) and U(23)
X(240) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1821)
X(240) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(1821)
X(241) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,85 6,77 7,37 9,269 44,651 63,220 141,307 218,222 239,664 277,278 294,910 347,1108 514,650 960,1042
X(241) = isogonal conjugate of X(294)
X(241) = isotomic conjugate of X(36796)
X(241) = complement of X(30807)
X(241) = complement of polar conjugate of X(36122)
X(241) = anticomplement of X(34852)
X(241) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39063)
X(241) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,910), (518,1376
X(241) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(55)X(650)
X(241) = X(1)-Hirst inverse of X(57)
X(241) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(55)
X(241) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,241), (100,241), (1025,241), (1026,241)
X(241) = trilinear pole of line X(926)X(1362)
X(241) = X(237)-of-intouch-triangle
X(241) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(46)}
X(241) = crossdifference of PU(112)
X(242) lies on these lines: 4,9 25,92 28,261 29,257 34,87 162,422 238,419 278,459 915,929
X(242) = isogonal conjugate of X(295)
X(242) = isotomic conjugate of X(337)
X(242) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(71)X(1459)
X(242) = X(4)-Hirst inverse of X(19)
X(242) = X(4)-line conjugate of X(71)
X(242) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(10)
X(242) = pole wrt polar circle of the line X(10)X(514)
X(242) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(335)
X(243) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangle of the conic that passes through A, B, C, and the pair P(15) and U(15) of bicentric points (see the notes just before X(1908). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(243) is the point of intersection of the following lines:
trilinear polars of P(15) and U(15)
trilinear polar of cevapoint{X(1),X(4)}
UV, where U = X(1)-Ceva-conjugate-of-(4) = X(1148), and V = X(4)-Ceva-conjugate-of-X(1) = X(46)
(Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(243) lies on the cubics K040, K683, K1185 and these lines: {1, 4}, {2, 1857}, {3, 158}, {11, 17923}, {20, 1118}, {21, 1896}, {27, 1859}, {29, 2646}, {36, 1784}, {46, 1148}, {55, 92}, {56, 1895}, {57, 43160}, {65, 412}, {90, 7049}, {105, 1309}, {107, 14192}, {108, 2723}, {132, 8229}, {162, 2361}, {196, 3474}, {212, 1957}, {240, 7004}, {242, 1283}, {281, 5218}, {296, 8764}, {318, 958}, {411, 821}, {415, 2652}, {425, 662}, {468, 42069}, {518, 1897}, {522, 652}, {648, 2651}, {653, 1155}, {851, 41500}, {917, 2222}, {920, 1075}, {929, 20624}, {1040, 1096}, {1324, 14017}, {1430, 1936}, {1447, 47212}, {1465, 36127}, {1503, 38357}, {1715, 7098}, {1788, 3176}, {1837, 5125}, {1854, 5786}, {1858, 2907}, {1861, 26013}, {1864, 37279}, {1871, 12711}, {1875, 37420}, {1882, 7513}, {1944, 15146}, {1948, 7360}, {2073, 14194}, {2202, 39032}, {2376, 2731}, {2586, 34592}, {2587, 34593}, {2659, 37142}, {3100, 14956}, {3147, 7040}, {3149, 47372}, {3326, 5057}, {3601, 39585}, {3612, 7531}, {3685, 36797}, {3812, 37278}, {4219, 40149}, {4459, 15150}, {5081, 44669}, {5174, 10950}, {5205, 6335}, {5219, 39531}, {5327, 41083}, {5794, 17555}, {6331, 14195}, {6336, 14190}, {6985, 20764}, {7017, 7081}, {7288, 40836}, {8748, 40937}, {8758, 43764}, {9371, 14571}, {10589, 17917}, {11502, 35994}, {13149, 14189}, {13411, 39574}, {14006, 41234}, {14202, 17983}, {15252, 51368}, {17605, 42387}, {22768, 37253}, {23207, 35981}, {23353, 26884}, {23711, 37769}, {24032, 36002}, {24929, 39529}, {36599, 38249}, {37737, 44225}
X(243) = reflection of X(51368) in X(15252)
X(243) = isogonal conjugate of X(296)
X(243) = incircle-inverse of X(40960)
X(243) = polar-circle-inverse of X(226)
X(243) = polar conjugate of X(1952)
X(243) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(1944)
X(243) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(1951)
X(243) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(41499)
X(243) = X(31)-complementary conjugate of X(39033)
X(243) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 39033}, {4, 41499}, {1937, 1940}, {8764, 1}, {15146, 1936}, {41207, 650}, {43764, 4}
X(243) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {851, 1936}, {1951, 1944}
X(243) = cevapoint of X(415) and X(2659)
X(243) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2656}, {1937, 7105}
X(243) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2655}, {3, 17975}, {1935, 1936}
X(243) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {73, 652}
X(243) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 73}, {522, 652}
X(243) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,4), (46,1148)
X(243) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,X(29),X(653),PU(15)}}
X(243) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,X(29),X(653),PU(15)}
X(243) = crossdifference of PU(16)
X(243) = pole wrt polar circle of the line X(226)X(522)
X(243) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(1952)
X(243) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 296}, {2, 1949}, {3, 1937}, {6, 40843}, {48, 1952}, {63, 1945}, {73, 37142}, {647, 41206}, {822, 41207}, {1214, 2249}, {1409, 35145}, {1935, 1942}
X(243) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 39033}, {3, 296}, {3, 39037}, {9, 40843}, {63, 39032}, {69, 39035}, {75, 39036}, {307, 35075}, {1249, 1952}, {1937, 36103}, {1943, 39034}, {1945, 3162}, {1949, 32664}, {39052, 41206}
X(243) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1948}, {4, 1944}, {29, 8680}, {75, 2202}, {92, 1936}, {158, 6518}, {226, 15146}, {264, 1951}, {278, 7360}, {281, 5088}, {312, 1430}, {450, 7108}, {522, 1981}, {851, 31623}, {1172, 44150}, {2656, 39036}, {4391, 23353}, {7017, 26884}, {15418, 18344}, {17947, 41499}, {40843, 41500}, {42669, 44130}
X(243) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 40843}, {4, 1952}, {6, 296}, {19, 1937}, {25, 1945}, {29, 35145}, {31, 1949}, {107, 41207}, {162, 41206}, {450, 1943}, {851, 1214}, {1172, 37142}, {1430, 57}, {1936, 63}, {1944, 69}, {1948, 75}, {1951, 3}, {1981, 664}, {2202, 1}, {2299, 2249}, {5088, 348}, {6518, 326}, {7106, 1942}, {7360, 345}, {8680, 307}, {15146, 333}, {23353, 651}, {26884, 222}, {41368, 1940}, {41497, 1947}, {41499, 17950}, {41500, 1948}, {42669, 73}, {44096, 1950}, {44112, 1409}, {44150, 1231}, {51647, 1439}
X(243) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 2655, 8763}, {1, 51282, 4}, {3, 158, 1940}, {278, 44695, 497}, {1309, 16082, 14198}, {2635, 8763, 2655}, {2646, 42385, 29}, {3176, 37417, 1788}
Let O* be a circle with center X(3) and variable radius R*. Let La be the radical axis of O* and the A-excircle, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A'=Lb∩Lc, B'=Lc∩La, C'=La∩Lb. Then A'B'C' is perspective to ABC, and the locus of the perspector as R* varies is the hyperbola {A,B,C,X(1),X(10)}}, which has center X(244). Also, X(244) lies in the inellipse centered at X(10), as well as the Hofstadter ellpse E(1/2), which is the incentral inellipse. (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2016)
Art from triangle centers: Let X = X(244). In a square, suppose that P is a randomly chosen point, and form a triangle using two vertices of the square and P as the third vertex. Then let P = X and repeat the procedure, several thousand times. For typical results, see X(244) art and X(244) art animated. For results using other triangle centers for X, see X(41) art, X(58) art, X(76) art, X(115) art, X(141) art, X(179) art, and X(255) art. (Contributed by Peter Kagey, February 8, 2023) Figure 1
X(244) lies on aforementioned ellipses and these lines: 1,88 2,38 11,867 31,57 34,1106 42,354 58,229 63,748 238,896 474,976 518,899 596,1089 665,866
X(244) = isogonal conjugate of X(765)
X(244) = isotomic conjugate of X(7035)
X(244) = anticomplement of X(24003)
X(244) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(21)
X(244) = perspector of anti-Aquila and 2nd Sharygin triangles
X(244) = barycentric product of vertices of Garcia reflection triangle
X(244) = trilinear pole of line X(764)X(2087)
X(244) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,513), (75,514)
X(244) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(513)
X(244) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,100), (31,101), (78,1331), (109,1420), (200,644), (651,1445), (678,1023), (756,1018)
X(244) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(100)X(101)
X(244) = X(1)-Hirst inverse of X(1054)
X(244) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(100)
X(244) = complement of X(3952)
X(244) = antipode of X(4738) in inellipse centered at X(10)
X(244) = reflection of X(4738) in X(10)
X(244) = bicentric difference of PU(34)
X(244) = PU(34)-harmonic conjugate of X(1635)
X(244) = tripolar centroid of X(1022)
X(244) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(661)
X(244) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(661)
X(244) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(661)
X(244) = trilinear pole wrt incentral triangle of line X(1)X(6)
X(244) = intersection of tangents to Steiner inellipse at X(1015) and X(1086)
X(244) = crosspoint wrt medial triangle of X(1015) and X(1086)
X(244) = trilinear square of X(513)
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C) : (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin C)f(C,A,B)
X(245) lies on these lines: 1,60 115,125
X(245) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(110)
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C) : (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin C)f(C,A,B)
X(246) lies on these lines: 3,74 115,125
X(246) = X(3)-line conjugate of X(110)
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C) : (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin C)f(C,A,B)
X(247) lies on these lines: 4,110 115,125
X(247) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line
X(247) = X(4)-line conjugate of X(110)
X(248) lies on these lines: 4,32 6,157 39,54 50,67 65,172 66,571 69,287 72,293 74,187 290,385 682,695
X(248) = isogonal conjugate of X(297)
X(248) = crosspoint of X(98) and X(287)
X(248) = crosssum of X(232) and X(511)
X(248) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(114)X(132)
X(248) = X(4)-line conjugate of X(132)
X(248) = trilinear pole of line X(184)X(647)
X(248) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(114)X(132)
X(248) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39085)
X(248) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(511)
X(248) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,X(685),X(2065),X(2715),X(15407),X(17932)}}
X(248) = barycentric product X(3)*X(98)
X(248) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(3)X(525)
Centers X(249)-X(297)
X(249) is the vertex conjugate of the foci of the inellipse that is the barycentric square of line X(2)X(6). The center of this inellipse is X(620), and its perspector is X(4590). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(249) is the trilinear pole of line X(110)X(351), which is the tangent to the circumcircle at X(110), and the locus of trilinear poles of tangents at P to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(6),P}}, as P moves on the Brocard axis. (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(249) lies on ther cubics K579, K630, K941, K1307, the curve Q120, and these lines: {2, 14846}, {3, 14355}, {6, 33704}, {20, 61754}, {30, 57650}, {32, 18872}, {60, 3110}, {76, 41174}, {99, 525}, {110, 512}, {112, 10425}, {113, 44969}, {186, 250}, {187, 323}, {297, 316}, {315, 57504}, {394, 35910}, {399, 38611}, {476, 39448}, {524, 1691}, {530, 36211}, {531, 36210}, {593, 5170}, {598, 52940}, {648, 687}, {662, 14838}, {758, 57649}, {805, 827}, {826, 47288}, {842, 1511}, {843, 39689}, {849, 1110}, {1016, 6064}, {1078, 36952}, {1092, 40804}, {1101, 1326}, {1199, 11554}, {1384, 51927}, {1501, 14608}, {1509, 7340}, {1576, 32717}, {1692, 37784}, {1915, 31632}, {1931, 4567}, {1970, 7769}, {1993, 18879}, {1994, 15544}, {2030, 41617}, {2076, 23963}, {2080, 44221}, {2185, 4564}, {2407, 2411}, {2420, 2421}, {2502, 10630}, {2702, 6578}, {2703, 58982}, {2709, 11636}, {2713, 59039}, {3053, 14253}, {3111, 5012}, {3124, 57728}, {3202, 38527}, {3448, 35605}, {3566, 7472}, {3580, 37802}, {3800, 47290}, {4235, 14591}, {4556, 4591}, {4558, 32640}, {4576, 17708}, {4600, 27573}, {4611, 15631}, {5060, 52378}, {5118, 56980}, {5152, 57562}, {5640, 34154}, {5663, 38702}, {5994, 10409}, {5995, 10410}, {6593, 32741}, {6785, 13352}, {6787, 9306}, {7757, 52438}, {7771, 42313}, {7782, 9289}, {7953, 46970}, {8115, 39299}, {8116, 39298}, {9160, 10420}, {9217, 59801}, {9273, 40214}, {9494, 17938}, {10419, 15395}, {11634, 61213}, {12071, 60055}, {12074, 32694}, {12121, 44972}, {12383, 16188}, {13586, 19627}, {13754, 57651}, {14183, 35329}, {14184, 35330}, {14246, 33928}, {14270, 60610}, {14570, 15412}, {14587, 32762}, {14960, 17941}, {15034, 38680}, {15040, 38613}, {15388, 34138}, {16172, 57638}, {17939, 57157}, {17940, 50512}, {18314, 35139}, {18321, 61753}, {18593, 35049}, {18898, 39292}, {20806, 36823}, {21166, 54248}, {22259, 52697}, {23698, 54168}, {23872, 23896}, {23873, 23895}, {31850, 34148}, {32423, 57307}, {32609, 53793}, {34153, 38953}, {34537, 56976}, {34834, 60022}, {34968, 38861}, {35602, 39265}, {36066, 53971}, {36069, 53606}, {36472, 54453}, {39201, 43754}, {40112, 51224}, {40156, 52349}, {40157, 52348}, {40820, 47044}, {43187, 57082}, {45018, 51405}, {46276, 59803}, {50711, 58908}, {57216, 61206}, {57545, 59996}
X(249) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {110, 9218}, {691, 33803}
X(249) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {691, 9218}, {3448, 35605}, {9218, 9181}, {33803, 110}, {35605, 40544}, {37784, 1692}, {38704, 15035}, {54453, 36472}
X(249) = isogonal conjugate of X(115)
X(249) = isotomic conjugate of X(338)
X(249) = circumcircle-inverse of X(14366)
X(249) = polar conjugate of X(2970)
X(249) = antigonal image of X(54453)
X(249) = reflection of X(9218) in the Brocard axis
X(249) = perspector of ABC and reflection of symmedial triangle in the Brocard axis
X(249) = Vu circlecevian point of PU(2)
X(249) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {99, 14366}, {18020, 250}, {31614, 1576}, {45773, 5467}, {47443, 4558}, {55270, 99}, {59152, 110}
X(249) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 18315}, {3, 99}, {6, 110}, {15, 10409}, {16, 10410}, {32, 827}, {39, 7953}, {50, 10420}, {58, 6578}, {60, 52935}, {110, 59152}, {187, 691}, {323, 44769}, {394, 4558}, {511, 10425}, {566, 58975}, {571, 933}, {574, 12074}, {577, 59039}, {593, 4556}, {1030, 100}, {1151, 1306}, {1152, 1307}, {1154, 35139}, {1333, 58982}, {1350, 35575}, {1384, 11636}, {1501, 1576}, {1511, 10411}, {1576, 31614}, {1609, 107}, {1620, 53886}, {1691, 2715}, {1970, 59009}, {1986, 61188}, {1993, 648}, {2076, 805}, {2245, 6083}, {2305, 109}, {2420, 58979}, {2965, 59004}, {2979, 670}, {3003, 1304}, {3053, 112}, {3285, 36069}, {3286, 36066}, {3289, 43754}, {4252, 59065}, {4558, 47443}, {4570, 24041}, {5008, 58120}, {5012, 4577}, {5013, 907}, {5017, 26714}, {5023, 3565}, {5104, 2709}, {5116, 43357}, {5124, 34594}, {5201, 9150}, {5206, 53884}, {5210, 1296}, {5467, 45773}, {5585, 58091}, {5889, 6528}, {6101, 46139}, {6593, 5468}, {7054, 4636}, {8041, 1634}, {8266, 689}, {8553, 925}, {8573, 59038}, {8588, 58092}, {9605, 58121}, {9786, 43352}, {11063, 476}, {11064, 43755}, {11126, 23896}, {11127, 23895}, {11130, 17403}, {11131, 17402}, {11412, 46134}, {11422, 35138}, {12963, 39384}, {12968, 39383}, {13330, 59008}, {15109, 20189}, {15513, 58094}, {15655, 33638}, {15801, 33513}, {15815, 58116}, {18755, 101}, {19118, 57216}, {19780, 5995}, {19781, 5994}, {20675, 2702}, {20806, 4563}, {20976, 6}, {22133, 1331}, {22331, 58100}, {23061, 892}, {23130, 1332}, {23357, 250}, {24729, 53621}, {30435, 7954}, {32761, 39448}, {33863, 43076}, {34148, 18831}, {34396, 33514}, {34834, 14590}, {34990, 2}, {35296, 32697}, {36743, 8690}, {36744, 931}, {36790, 2421}, {37672, 46639}, {39689, 5467}, {40214, 662}, {41328, 58118}, {41336, 10423}, {41673, 69}, {43574, 18878}, {47406, 4230}, {51318, 56980}, {53095, 58090}, {54371, 1310}, {54439, 5649}, {55566, 54031}, {55567, 54030}, {56840, 1414}, {56915, 17938}, {59232, 58111}
X(249) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 115}, {2, 2643}, {4, 3708}, {6, 1109}, {9, 1365}, {10, 3125}, {11, 2171}, {12, 2170}, {19, 125}, {25, 20902}, {28, 21046}, {31, 338}, {32, 23994}, {37, 3120}, {38, 34294}, {42, 16732}, {48, 2970}, {57, 4092}, {63, 8754}, {65, 21044}, {75, 3124}, {79, 21824}, {81, 21043}, {82, 39691}, {86, 21833}, {91, 47421}, {92, 20975}, {100, 21131}, {136, 1820}, {158, 3269}, {163, 23105}, {181, 4858}, {201, 8735}, {210, 53545}, {213, 21207}, {225, 53560}, {226, 4516}, {240, 51404}, {244, 594}, {257, 21725}, {304, 2971}, {312, 61052}, {313, 3121}, {321, 3122}, {339, 1973}, {393, 2632}, {512, 1577}, {513, 4024}, {514, 4705}, {522, 57185}, {523, 661}, {560, 23962}, {561, 1084}, {647, 24006}, {649, 4036}, {656, 2501}, {662, 8029}, {667, 52623}, {669, 20948}, {690, 23894}, {693, 4079}, {756, 1086}, {762, 17205}, {764, 4103}, {798, 850}, {799, 22260}, {810, 14618}, {826, 55240}, {868, 1910}, {872, 23989}, {897, 1648}, {923, 52628}, {924, 55250}, {1015, 1089}, {1093, 37754}, {1096, 15526}, {1111, 1500}, {1146, 1254}, {1356, 28659}, {1427, 52335}, {1502, 4117}, {1783, 21134}, {1821, 44114}, {1824, 4466}, {1826, 18210}, {1924, 44173}, {1928, 9427}, {1930, 51906}, {1934, 2086}, {1953, 8901}, {1959, 51441}, {2084, 52618}, {2087, 4013}, {2088, 2166}, {2153, 30465}, {2154, 30468}, {2156, 53569}, {2159, 58261}, {2160, 21054}, {2167, 41221}, {2173, 12079}, {2181, 53576}, {2207, 17879}, {2250, 42759}, {2310, 6354}, {2321, 53540}, {2433, 36035}, {2489, 14208}, {2578, 39241}, {2579, 39240}, {2611, 8818}, {2616, 12077}, {2618, 2623}, {2624, 10412}, {2631, 18808}, {2642, 5466}, {2969, 3949}, {2972, 6520}, {3005, 18070}, {3119, 6046}, {3248, 28654}, {3261, 50487}, {3271, 6358}, {3375, 43968}, {3384, 43967}, {3668, 36197}, {3700, 4017}, {3709, 4077}, {3737, 55197}, {3942, 7140}, {4033, 8034}, {4041, 7178}, {4049, 4730}, {4064, 6591}, {4081, 7147}, {4086, 7180}, {4088, 55261}, {4120, 55244}, {4155, 4444}, {4551, 55195}, {4602, 23099}, {4931, 55246}, {4983, 31010}, {5489, 24019}, {6057, 53538}, {6070, 36151}, {6089, 35354}, {6328, 16562}, {6367, 47947}, {6388, 8769}, {6507, 62524}, {6521, 34980}, {6535, 16726}, {6545, 40521}, {6627, 13610}, {6757, 20982}, {6791, 55923}, {7004, 8736}, {7018, 21823}, {7063, 20567}, {7117, 56285}, {7148, 21138}, {7199, 58289}, {7649, 55232}, {8061, 58784}, {8288, 55927}, {8770, 17876}, {9396, 10278}, {10413, 51804}, {14086, 60551}, {15475, 32679}, {15630, 46238}, {16613, 43677}, {17094, 55206}, {17881, 60501}, {17924, 55230}, {18105, 62418}, {18344, 57243}, {19610, 20939}, {21124, 57162}, {21132, 21859}, {21141, 56193}, {21723, 40143}, {21832, 35352}, {21906, 46277}, {21950, 56174}, {21963, 56123}, {24018, 58757}, {24020, 36434}, {24041, 61339}, {30572, 61179}, {30591, 58294}, {33919, 36085}, {36120, 41172}, {37755, 42069}, {38362, 53010}, {39786, 43534}, {40364, 42068}, {40495, 53581}, {40608, 60245}, {42067, 52369}, {42666, 60074}, {44426, 55234}, {45775, 52940}, {46273, 58260}, {52355, 55208}, {52651, 53559}, {53527, 55238}, {55236, 57099}
X(249) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 338}, {3, 115}, {6, 125}, {9, 1109}, {110, 45801}, {115, 23105}, {135, 55278}, {141, 39691}, {187, 5099}, {206, 3124}, {478, 1365}, {511, 59805}, {1084, 8029}, {1147, 3269}, {1249, 2970}, {2482, 52628}, {3005, 61339}, {3162, 8754}, {3163, 58261}, {3284, 3258}, {5375, 4036}, {5452, 4092}, {5976, 62431}, {6337, 339}, {6338, 36793}, {6374, 23962}, {6376, 23994}, {6503, 15526}, {6505, 20902}, {6593, 1648}, {6626, 21207}, {6631, 52623}, {8054, 21131}, {8542, 8288}, {9428, 44173}, {11126, 43962}, {11127, 43961}, {11597, 2088}, {11672, 868}, {21905, 42344}, {22391, 20975}, {23357, 30715}, {31998, 850}, {32664, 2643}, {34116, 47421}, {34961, 3700}, {35071, 5489}, {36033, 3708}, {36830, 523}, {36896, 12079}, {37867, 2972}, {38988, 33919}, {38996, 22260}, {39006, 21134}, {39026, 4024}, {39052, 24006}, {39054, 1577}, {39062, 14618}, {39073, 57430}, {39085, 51404}, {40368, 1084}, {40369, 9427}, {40580, 30465}, {40581, 30468}, {40586, 21043}, {40588, 41221}, {40589, 3120}, {40591, 21046}, {40592, 16732}, {40596, 2501}, {40600, 21833}, {40601, 44114}, {40602, 21044}, {40604, 62551}, {45248, 1562}, {46094, 41172}, {52042, 62417}, {55047, 55273}, {56948, 6741}, {62452, 52618}, {62613, 41079}
X(249) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 14570}, {3, 32661}, {6, 110}, {24, 112}, {69, 4576}, {99, 1078}, {100, 38871}, {101, 33771}, {109, 38864}, {143, 1625}, {163, 849}, {394, 4558}, {593, 4556}, {662, 2185}, {1379, 1380}, {1501, 1576}, {1511, 2420}, {1634, 8041}, {1986, 14591}, {2421, 36790}, {4636, 7054}, {5467, 39689}, {5546, 35193}, {8115, 8116}, {11130, 17403}, {11131, 17402}, {19118, 61206}, {21873, 61172}, {23357, 47390}, {35324, 36153}, {35603, 61208}, {41512, 56404}, {41616, 61207}, {51318, 56980}
X(249) = crosspoint of X(4590) and X(18020)
X(249) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 54104}, {512, 8574}, {523, 10278}, {1648, 23992}, {1649, 33906}, {2679, 41178}, {3124, 20975}, {8029, 61339}, {14443, 42344}, {21043, 21833}, {41172, 41181}, {41176, 41177}, {41179, 57462}, {41180, 57461}, {41182, 57463}, {57464, 57465}
X(249) = trilinear pole of line {110, 351}
X(249) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {1648, 8029}
X(249) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 24041}, {3, 18020}, {6, 4590}, {19, 62719}, {24, 57763}, {25, 47389}, {31, 24037}, {32, 34537}, {48, 46254}, {55, 7340}, {56, 6064}, {58, 4600}, {59, 261}, {60, 4998}, {69, 250}, {75, 1101}, {76, 23357}, {81, 4567}, {86, 4570}, {99, 110}, {100, 52935}, {101, 4610}, {112, 4563}, {143, 57764}, {162, 4592}, {163, 799}, {187, 52940}, {190, 4556}, {255, 23999}, {264, 47390}, {284, 4620}, {305, 57655}, {311, 14587}, {317, 44174}, {323, 39295}, {325, 57742}, {326, 24000}, {333, 52378}, {394, 23582}, {476, 10411}, {511, 57991}, {512, 31614}, {523, 59152}, {525, 47443}, {552, 6065}, {561, 23995}, {593, 1016}, {643, 1414}, {645, 4565}, {647, 55270}, {648, 4558}, {651, 4612}, {662, 662}, {664, 4636}, {670, 1576}, {690, 45773}, {691, 5468}, {692, 4623}, {757, 765}, {805, 17941}, {811, 4575}, {827, 4576}, {849, 7035}, {873, 1110}, {877, 43754}, {880, 17938}, {892, 5467}, {906, 55231}, {1078, 27867}, {1098, 7045}, {1252, 1509}, {1262, 7058}, {1275, 7054}, {1333, 4601}, {1415, 4631}, {1444, 5379}, {1501, 44168}, {1502, 23963}, {1634, 4577}, {1691, 39292}, {2149, 52379}, {2185, 4564}, {2396, 2715}, {2407, 44769}, {2421, 2966}, {2482, 34539}, {2709, 34245}, {3268, 58979}, {3289, 41174}, {3565, 57216}, {3573, 36066}, {3580, 18879}, {3926, 23964}, {3936, 9273}, {3964, 32230}, {4076, 7341}, {4143, 59153}, {4226, 10425}, {4230, 17932}, {4427, 6578}, {4559, 55196}, {4573, 5546}, {4585, 37140}, {4609, 14574}, {4611, 44766}, {4637, 7259}, {5118, 9150}, {5376, 30576}, {5649, 14999}, {6061, 59457}, {6148, 15395}, {6331, 32661}, {6516, 52914}, {6517, 52921}, {6753, 55277}, {7252, 55194}, {7953, 10330}, {8041, 57545}, {8115, 39299}, {8116, 39298}, {8673, 55272}, {9145, 35138}, {9146, 11636}, {9170, 9181}, {9217, 31632}, {9218, 37880}, {9274, 35550}, {10409, 35314}, {10410, 35315}, {10420, 61188}, {11130, 57580}, {11131, 57579}, {12074, 35356}, {13485, 14366}, {14570, 18315}, {14590, 60053}, {14966, 43187}, {15329, 18878}, {15388, 34254}, {15631, 41173}, {16237, 43755}, {16806, 55198}, {16807, 55200}, {17402, 23895}, {17403, 23896}, {17708, 52630}, {17929, 17944}, {17930, 17943}, {17931, 17942}, {17934, 17940}, {17935, 17939}, {18829, 56980}, {18831, 23181}, {20806, 44183}, {21906, 42370}, {23342, 32717}, {23889, 36085}, {23997, 36036}, {24039, 36142}, {32036, 52605}, {32037, 52606}, {32656, 55229}, {32660, 55233}, {32676, 55202}, {32692, 55252}, {32739, 52612}, {34072, 55239}, {35049, 56440}, {35137, 61211}, {35139, 52603}, {35278, 35575}, {35324, 55279}, {35342, 62535}, {35357, 42367}, {35602, 44181}, {36145, 55249}, {36212, 60179}, {36790, 57562}, {36841, 46639}, {37134, 56982}, {39689, 57552}, {42308, 51394}, {44717, 46103}, {51318, 57558}, {52608, 61206}, {53205, 62523}, {53332, 58982}, {53628, 57060}, {53633, 57249}, {55218, 61194}, {55268, 58796}, {57639, 57805}
X(249) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1109}, {2, 338}, {3, 125}, {4, 2970}, {6, 115}, {15, 30465}, {16, 30468}, {22, 53569}, {24, 136}, {25, 8754}, {30, 58261}, {31, 2643}, {32, 3124}, {35, 21054}, {39, 39691}, {42, 21043}, {48, 3708}, {50, 2088}, {51, 41221}, {54, 8901}, {55, 4092}, {56, 1365}, {58, 3120}, {59, 12}, {60, 11}, {63, 20902}, {69, 339}, {71, 21046}, {74, 12079}, {75, 23994}, {76, 23962}, {81, 16732}, {86, 21207}, {97, 53576}, {99, 850}, {100, 4036}, {101, 4024}, {110, 523}, {112, 2501}, {143, 137}, {162, 24006}, {163, 661}, {184, 20975}, {186, 35235}, {187, 1648}, {190, 52623}, {213, 21833}, {237, 44114}, {248, 51404}, {250, 4}, {251, 34294}, {255, 2632}, {261, 34387}, {284, 21044}, {323, 62551}, {325, 62431}, {326, 17879}, {351, 33919}, {394, 15526}, {476, 10412}, {511, 868}, {512, 8029}, {520, 5489}, {523, 23105}, {524, 52628}, {571, 47421}, {574, 8288}, {577, 3269}, {593, 1086}, {643, 4086}, {648, 14618}, {649, 21131}, {662, 1577}, {669, 22260}, {670, 44173}, {691, 5466}, {692, 4705}, {757, 1111}, {763, 16727}, {765, 1089}, {799, 20948}, {827, 58784}, {849, 244}, {859, 42759}, {892, 52632}, {895, 51258}, {906, 55232}, {1016, 28654}, {1078, 36901}, {1092, 2972}, {1098, 24026}, {1101, 1}, {1110, 756}, {1113, 39241}, {1114, 39240}, {1252, 594}, {1259, 7068}, {1262, 6354}, {1304, 18808}, {1331, 4064}, {1333, 3125}, {1379, 13722}, {1380, 13636}, {1384, 6791}, {1397, 61052}, {1408, 53540}, {1412, 53545}, {1414, 4077}, {1415, 57185}, {1437, 18210}, {1459, 21134}, {1501, 1084}, {1509, 23989}, {1511, 3258}, {1576, 512}, {1625, 12077}, {1634, 826}, {1707, 17876}, {1790, 4466}, {1804, 1367}, {1813, 57243}, {1917, 4117}, {1974, 2971}, {1976, 51441}, {1983, 2610}, {1986, 16221}, {2149, 2171}, {2150, 2170}, {2174, 21824}, {2185, 4858}, {2189, 8735}, {2193, 53560}, {2194, 4516}, {2206, 3122}, {2328, 52335}, {2407, 41079}, {2420, 1637}, {2421, 2799}, {2617, 2618}, {2709, 34246}, {2715, 2395}, {2966, 43665}, {2979, 53575}, {3053, 6388}, {3060, 34981}, {3124, 61339}, {3133, 55072}, {3233, 58263}, {3289, 41172}, {3447, 6328}, {3457, 30452}, {3458, 30453}, {3926, 36793}, {4100, 37754}, {4143, 23107}, {4184, 21045}, {4230, 16230}, {4556, 514}, {4558, 525}, {4559, 55197}, {4563, 3267}, {4564, 6358}, {4565, 7178}, {4567, 321}, {4570, 10}, {4575, 656}, {4576, 23285}, {4577, 52618}, {4590, 76}, {4591, 4049}, {4592, 14208}, {4599, 18070}, {4600, 313}, {4601, 27801}, {4610, 3261}, {4611, 33294}, {4612, 4391}, {4619, 4605}, {4620, 349}, {4623, 40495}, {4629, 31010}, {4630, 18105}, {4636, 522}, {4998, 34388}, {5012, 7668}, {5118, 9148}, {5191, 51428}, {5379, 41013}, {5467, 690}, {5468, 35522}, {5546, 3700}, {5562, 35442}, {5649, 14223}, {5663, 6070}, {5994, 20579}, {5995, 20578}, {6061, 4081}, {6064, 3596}, {6065, 6057}, {6066, 7064}, {6524, 62524}, {6578, 4608}, {6593, 5099}, {6753, 55278}, {7012, 56285}, {7054, 1146}, {7058, 23978}, {7115, 8736}, {7122, 21725}, {7252, 55195}, {7335, 61058}, {7339, 6046}, {7340, 6063}, {7341, 1358}, {7342, 1357}, {7492, 38361}, {7669, 58908}, {7953, 31065}, {8041, 15449}, {8673, 55273}, {9145, 3906}, {9155, 51429}, {9181, 8371}, {9218, 10278}, {9233, 9427}, {9268, 4013}, {9273, 24624}, {9274, 759}, {9418, 58260}, {9426, 23099}, {9448, 7063}, {9475, 57430}, {10316, 38356}, {10409, 62631}, {10410, 62632}, {10411, 3268}, {10420, 15328}, {10425, 62645}, {11063, 10413}, {11130, 43962}, {11131, 43961}, {11141, 43968}, {11142, 43967}, {11634, 9134}, {11636, 8599}, {11672, 59805}, {13198, 34978}, {13434, 8902}, {14060, 34953}, {14246, 10555}, {14366, 3448}, {14385, 56792}, {14559, 51479}, {14560, 15475}, {14567, 21906}, {14570, 18314}, {14574, 669}, {14586, 2623}, {14587, 54}, {14590, 44427}, {14591, 47230}, {14601, 15630}, {14602, 2086}, {14966, 3569}, {14999, 18312}, {15035, 3154}, {15107, 38393}, {15329, 55121}, {15384, 6526}, {15388, 13854}, {15395, 5627}, {15406, 32133}, {15460, 1313}, {15461, 1312}, {15462, 36189}, {15631, 62555}, {15742, 7141}, {15905, 1562}, {15958, 23286}, {16806, 55199}, {16807, 55201}, {17104, 2611}, {17402, 23870}, {17403, 23871}, {17938, 882}, {17939, 18015}, {17940, 18014}, {17941, 14295}, {17942, 18006}, {17943, 18004}, {17944, 18003}, {18020, 264}, {18315, 15412}, {18755, 6627}, {18829, 56981}, {18879, 2986}, {19118, 5139}, {19121, 53570}, {20806, 127}, {20976, 23991}, {21525, 58909}, {21784, 12071}, {21906, 42344}, {22115, 16186}, {22151, 62563}, {23181, 6368}, {23348, 18007}, {23357, 6}, {23582, 2052}, {23606, 34980}, {23963, 32}, {23964, 393}, {23975, 36434}, {23990, 1500}, {23995, 31}, {23999, 57806}, {24000, 158}, {24027, 1254}, {24037, 561}, {24041, 75}, {27867, 3613}, {31614, 670}, {32230, 1093}, {32583, 23288}, {32640, 2433}, {32656, 55230}, {32660, 55234}, {32661, 647}, {32662, 14582}, {32692, 55253}, {32696, 53149}, {32697, 60338}, {32713, 58757}, {32717, 60028}, {32729, 9178}, {32739, 4079}, {33628, 21950}, {33771, 55065}, {33803, 62663}, {33875, 52625}, {34072, 55240}, {34148, 53577}, {34396, 6784}, {34537, 1502}, {34539, 57539}, {35049, 43682}, {35193, 6741}, {35278, 30735}, {35324, 55280}, {35327, 6367}, {35357, 12073}, {35360, 23290}, {35602, 122}, {35603, 135}, {36134, 2616}, {36142, 23894}, {36145, 55250}, {36153, 11792}, {36208, 30460}, {36209, 30463}, {36790, 35088}, {36830, 45801}, {37140, 60074}, {39024, 31644}, {39292, 18896}, {39295, 94}, {39298, 2593}, {39299, 2592}, {39689, 23992}, {40049, 62339}, {40214, 8287}, {40373, 23216}, {40948, 57424}, {41174, 60199}, {41280, 1356}, {41616, 48317}, {41679, 57065}, {41937, 2207}, {42742, 55141}, {43574, 3134}, {43754, 879}, {43755, 15421}, {44162, 42068}, {44168, 40362}, {44174, 68}, {44179, 17881}, {44183, 43678}, {44717, 26942}, {44769, 2394}, {45773, 892}, {46127, 15359}, {46249, 47229}, {46254, 1969}, {46288, 51906}, {46639, 58759}, {46726, 36199}, {47053, 45147}, {47377, 47270}, {47389, 305}, {47390, 3}, {47406, 41181}, {47443, 648}, {51318, 35078}, {51394, 1650}, {51478, 9213}, {52003, 46658}, {52238, 57604}, {52378, 226}, {52432, 34338}, {52603, 526}, {52604, 51513}, {52605, 23872}, {52606, 23873}, {52613, 23616}, {52630, 9979}, {52699, 14120}, {52914, 44426}, {52915, 59932}, {52935, 693}, {52940, 18023}, {53273, 12075}, {53708, 62519}, {53760, 47004}, {53863, 38394}, {54274, 14443}, {54353, 4088}, {55270, 6331}, {56840, 8286}, {56894, 21710}, {56915, 41178}, {56934, 17886}, {56980, 804}, {57153, 44705}, {57562, 34536}, {57638, 32132}, {57639, 252}, {57655, 25}, {57742, 98}, {57763, 20563}, {57764, 57765}, {57991, 290}, {58796, 55269}, {58979, 476}, {58982, 4581}, {59004, 50946}, {59149, 4103}, {59152, 99}, {59153, 6529}, {59482, 21666}, {59495, 16177}, {59994, 62417}, {60053, 14592}, {60179, 16081}, {60605, 18039}, {61194, 55219}, {61198, 47138}, {61206, 2489}, {61207, 14273}, {61208, 6753}, {61209, 47236}, {61211, 7927}, {61213, 55122}, {61378, 24862}, {62194, 47430}, {62719, 304}
X(249) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {110, 9181, 691}, {662, 39054, 14838}, {2420, 2421, 52630}, {10411, 52630, 2421}, {53379, 53735, 47288}
Barycentrics (tan A)csc2(B - C) : (tan B)csc2(C - A) : (tan C)csc2(A - B)
X(250) is the trilinear pole of line X(110)X(112), which is the tangent to the MacBeath circumconic at X(110), and the locus of trilinear poles of tangents at P to conic {A,B,C,X(3),P}}, as P moves on the Brocard axis. (Randy Hutson, March 21, 2019)
X(250) lies on these lines: 23,232 107,687 110,520 112,691 186,249 325,340 476,933 523,648 827,935
X(250) = isogonal conjugate of X(125)
X(250) = isotomic conjugate of X(339)
X(250) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,110), (25,112), (162,270), (1113,1114)
X(250) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,110), (22,99), (24,107), (25,112), (199,101)
X(250) = polar conjugate of X(338)
X(250) = circumcenter of reflection triangle of X(125)
X(250) = barycentric product X(99)*X(112)
X(250) = cevapoint of MacBeath circumconic intercepts of Brocard axis
Barycentrics a3csc(A + ω) : b3csc(B + ω) : c3csc(C + ω)
Let K be the symmedian point of ABC and let A' be the symmedian point of the triangle BCK; define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(251). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A5'B5'C5' be the 5th anti-Brocard triangle. The radical center of the circumcircles of BCA5', CAB5', ABC5' is X(251). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
X(251) lies on these lines: 2,32 6,22 37,82 110,694 112,427 184,263 308,385 609,614 689,699
X(251) = isogonal conjugate of X(141)
X(251) = complement of X(1369)
X(251) = anticomplement of X(21248)
X(251) = cevapoint of X(6) and X(32)
X(251) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,83), (23,111), (523,112)
X(251) = isotomic conjugate of X(8024)
X(251) = similitude center of ABC and 1st orthosymmedial triangle
X(251) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1235)
X(251) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(1235)
X(251) = barycentric product of vertices of circummedial triangle
X(251) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and circummedial triangle
X(251) = Kosnita(X(6),X(6)) point
X(251) = homothetic center of 1st orthosymmedial and 1st anti-orthosymmedial triangles
Let HA be the reflection of X(4) in the Euler line of BCX(4), and define HB and HC cyclically. The lines AHA, BHB, CHC concur in X(252). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(252) lies on these lines: 3,930 54,140 93,186
X(252) = isogonal conjugate of X(143)
X(252) = anticomplement of X(31376)
X(252) = X(5)-isoconjugate of X(2964)
X(253) is the perspector of ABC and the pedal triangle of X(64).
X(253) lies on the Lucas cubic and these lines: 2,1073 7,280 8,307 20,64 193,287 306,329 318,342 322,341
X(253) = isogonal conjugate of X(154)
X(253) = isotomic conjugate of X(20)
X(253) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(69)
X(253) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,459), (122,525)
X(253) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,2), (122,525)
X(253) = anticomplement of X(1249)
X(253) = polar conjugate of X(1249)
X(253) = perspector of ABC and the reflection in X(1073) of the pedal triangle of X(1073)
X(253) = perspector of de Longchamps circle
X(253) = pole, wrt de Longchamps circle, of trilinear polar of X(69) (line X(441)X(525))
X(254) lies on the following curves: the circumconics {A,B,C,G,X(24)}}, {A,B,C,O,X(155)}}, {A,B,C,H,X(93)}}; the cubics K006, K045, K163, K364, K491, K519, K617, K919; Q066; and these lines: {2, 847}, {3, 33495}, {4, 155}, {20, 1300}, {24, 393}, {46, 225}, {68, 136}, {186, 18126}, {264, 3541}, {378, 1217}, {403, 6526}, {487, 24244}, {488, 24243}, {1092, 8754}, {1093, 3542}, {1147, 14593}, {1179, 7487}, {1594, 18855}, {1826, 17857}, {2970, 3548}, {3564, 20422}, {6344, 7505}, {8801, 15559}, {8883, 8884}, {8889, 18854}, {18560, 18850}
X(254) = reflection of X(33495) in X(3)
X(254) = isogonal conjugate of X(155)
X(254) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(39109)
X(254) = anticomplement of X(34853)
X(254) = polar conjugate of X(6515)
X(254) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(13579)
X(254) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(12359)
X(254) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(11411)
X(254) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(2165)
X(254) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(6504)
X(254) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 4}, {2165, 2}
X(254) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 155}, {3, 920}, {19, 6503}, {48, 6515}, {63, 1609}, {184, 33808}, {255, 3542}, {454, 921}, {1725, 15478}
X(254) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 15316}, {4, 3147}, {136, 523}, {647, 8754}
X(254) = trilinear pole of line {924, 2501}
X(254) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 6504}, {92, 921}, {275, 8800}, {2052, 15316}, {2986, 16172}, {11547, 32132}, {13398, 14618}
X(254) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 6503}, {4, 6515}, {6, 155}, {19, 920}, {25, 1609}, {92, 33808}, {393, 3542}, {921, 63}, {1609, 454}, {6504, 69}, {8800, 343}, {8882, 8883}, {13398, 4558}, {14910, 15478}, {15316, 394}, {16172, 3580}, {16310, 27087}
X(254) = {X(8800),X(15316)}-harmonic conjugate of X(6504)
Let A'B'C' and A″B″C″ be the Lucas and Lucas(-1) central triangles. Let A* be the trilinear product A'*A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(255). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
Let A'B'C' and A″B″C″ be the Lucas and Lucas(-1) antipodal triangles. Let A* be the trilinear product A'*A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(255). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
For an artistic design generated by X(255), see X(244).
X(255) lies on these lines: 1,21 3,73 35,991 36,1106 40,109 48,563 55,601 56,602 57,580 91,1109 92,1087 158,775 162,1099 165,1103 200,271 201,1060 219,268 293,304 326,1102 411,651 498,750 499,748
X(255) = isogonal conjugate of X(158)
X(255) = isotomic conjugate of polar conjugate of X(48)
X(255) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (63,48), (283,3)
X(255) = crosspoint of X(63) and X(326)
X(255) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,290), (4,1068), (19,1096)
X(255) = X(i)-aleph conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (775,255), (1105,158)
X(255) = trilinear pole of line X(680)X(822)
X(255) = trilinear product X(1124)*X(1335)
X(255) = trilinear square of X(3)
X(255) = polar conjugate of X(6521)
X(255) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(92)
X(255) = {X(1),X(31)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1497)
X(255) = {X(3074),X(3075)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2)
See the description at X(1281). The lines AD, BE, CF defined there concur in X(256).
X(256) lies on these lines: 1,511 3,987 4,240 7,982 8,192 9,43 21,238 37,694 40,989 55,983 84,988 104,1064 291,894 314,350 573,981
X(256) = isogonal conjugate of X(171)
X(256) = isotomic conjugate of X(1909)
X(256) = X(239)-cross conjugate of X(291)
X(256) = crosssum of X(43) and X(846)
X(256) = X(238)-Hirst inverse of X(904)
X(256) = cevapoint of PU(6)
X(256) = trilinear pole of line X(650)X(3250)
X(256) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(3287)X(3805) (the perspectrix of ABC and Gemini triangle 34)
X(257) lies on these lines: 1,385 8,192 29,242 65,894 75,698 92,297 194,986 239,333 330,982 335,694
X(257) = isogonal conjugate of X(172)
X(257) = isotomic conjugate of X(894)
X(257) = X(350)-cross conjugate of X(335)
X(257) = X(239)-Hirst inverse of X(893)
X(257) = trilinear pole of line X(522)X(1491)
X(257) = cevapoint of PU(10)
X(257) = pole wrt polar circle of line X(2533)X(3287)
X(257) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(7009)
In Yff's isoscelizer configuration, if X = X(258), then the isosceles triangles TA, TB, TC have congruent incircles.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(258).
X(258) lies on these lines: 1,164 57,173 259,289
X(258) = isogonal conjugate of X(173)
X(258) = X(259)-cross conjugate of X(1)
X(258) = X(366)-aleph conjugate of X(363)
X(258) = SS(a→a') of X(57), where A'B'C' is the excentral triangle (trilinear substitution)
X(258) = X(33)-of-excentral-triangle
X(258) = homothetic center of ABC and intangents triangle of excentral triangle
X(258) = insimilicenter of incircle and incircle of excentral triangle
X(258) = {X(1),X(164)}-harmonic conjugate of X(8078)
X(258) = perspector of ABC and the extouch triangle of the intouch triangle
X(259) lies on these lines: 1,168 258,289 260,266
X(259) = isogonal conjugate of X(174)
X(259) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (174,266), (260,55)
X(259) = cevapoint of X(1) and X(503)
X(259) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,258), (174,188)
X(259) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,173), (259,266)
X(259) = SS(A→A') of X(6), where A'B'C' is the excentral triangle
X(259) = trilinear square root of X(55)
X(259) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of tangential mid-arc triangle
X(259) = excentral-to-ABC trilinear image of X(9)
X(259) = intouch-to-ABC trilinear image of X(7)
X(260) lies on these lines: 1,3 259,266
X(260) = isogonal conjugate of X(177)
X(260) = cevapoint of X(55) and X(259)
X(261) lies on these lines: 2,593 9,645 21,314 28,242 58,86 75,99 272,310 284,332 317,406 319,502 552,873 572,662
X(261) = isogonal conjugate of X(181)
X(261) = isotomic conjugate of X(12)
X(261) = complement of anticomplementary conjugate of X(35614)
X(261) = X(873)-Ceva conjugate of X(1509)
X(261) = cevapoint of X(21) and X(333)
X(261) = polar conjugate of X(8736)
X(261) = trilinear pole of line X(3904)X(3910)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. X(262) is the radical center of the Brocard circles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B'. (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let Pa be the parabola with focus A and directrix BC. Let La be the polar of X(3) wrt Pa and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, B' = Lc∩La, C' = La∩Lb. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(262). Also, X(262) is also the isotomic conjugate, wrt A'B'C', of X(3).
Let A' be the apex of the isosceles triangle BA'C constructed outward on BC such that ∠A'BC = ∠A'CB = ω. Define B', C' cyclically. Let Ha be the orthocenter of BA'C, and define Hb, Hc cyclically. The lines AHa, BHb, CHc concur in X(262). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A' be the apex of the isosceles triangle BA'C constructed intward on BC such that ∠A'BC = ∠A'CB = ω/2. Define B', C' cyclically. Let Oa be the circumcenter of BA'C, and define Ob, Oc cyclically. The lines AOa, BOb, COc concur in X(262). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
X(262) lies on the Kiepert circumhyperbola, the cubics K062, K263, K280, K300, K305, K353, K412, K422, K423, K581, K582, K677, K756, K790, K791, K802, K930, K939, K1012, and these lines: {1, 22475}, {2, 51}, {3, 83}, {4, 39}, {5, 76}, {6, 98}, {10, 2186}, {11, 12837}, {12, 12836}, {13, 383}, {14, 1080}, {17, 3104}, {18, 3105}, {20, 5395}, {23, 7578}, {25, 275}, {30, 598}, {32, 3406}, {54, 3202}, {55, 22556}, {56, 18971}, {67, 15182}, {94, 5169}, {95, 14495}, {114, 1916}, {119, 13109}, {140, 7846}, {147, 3818}, {182, 3329}, {183, 1351}, {187, 10788}, {194, 2996}, {226, 982}, {230, 7607}, {256, 10853}, {264, 2967}, {291, 10854}, {321, 3705}, {338, 18575}, {355, 7976}, {371, 10850}, {372, 10849}, {376, 18842}, {381, 671}, {384, 9737}, {385, 576}, {402, 22698}, {427, 2052}, {459, 3168}, {485, 3102}, {486, 3103}, {493, 22709}, {494, 22710}, {524, 11167}, {538, 3545}, {542, 10033}, {546, 32448}, {574, 11170}, {631, 5188}, {698, 9764}, {726, 3817}, {730, 5587}, {732, 9765}, {736, 7775}, {801, 5020}, {842, 1316}, {858, 16311}, {946, 12782}, {1003, 21166}, {1007, 18906}, {1131, 7000}, {1132, 7374}, {1151, 10841}, {1152, 10842}, {1180, 14773}, {1340, 6039}, {1341, 6040}, {1346, 2592}, {1347, 2593}, {1350, 10007}, {1352, 7774}, {1446, 7185}, {1503, 9300}, {1506, 3399}, {1513, 3094}, {1587, 14244}, {1588, 14229}, {1656, 7868}, {1670, 1676}, {1671, 1677}, {1699, 3097}, {1751, 7413}, {1975, 10983}, {1992, 11172}, {1995, 2986}, {2021, 7737}, {2080, 7771}, {2394, 3906}, {2452, 9139}, {2552, 13580}, {2553, 13581}, {2794, 7753}, {3054, 11668}, {3055, 11669}, {3068, 22720}, {3069, 22721}, {3070, 14238}, {3071, 14234}, {3090, 3934}, {3146, 18845}, {3148, 3425}, {3314, 24206}, {3398, 7878}, {3402, 6210}, {3424, 6776}, {3529, 18843}, {3557, 6178}, {3558, 6177}, {3574, 9290}, {3618, 13354}, {3627, 32516}, {3628, 32521}, {3845, 17503}, {3851, 13108}, {3855, 32450}, {4049, 28565}, {4518, 31395}, {5013, 8719}, {5024, 14485}, {5052, 7612}, {5055, 10302}, {5056, 31276}, {5066, 11055}, {5067, 31239}, {5068, 20081}, {5071, 9466}, {5072, 32520}, {5093, 14614}, {5094, 16080}, {5097, 7766}, {5102, 8667}, {5133, 5392}, {5145, 13478}, {5171, 7824}, {5309, 9302}, {5355, 11623}, {5466, 5996}, {5490, 33344}, {5491, 33345}, {5503, 5969}, {5597, 22668}, {5598, 22672}, {5603, 14839}, {5611, 5981}, {5615, 5980}, {5965, 7837}, {5976, 8781}, {5987, 19140}, {6036, 7806}, {6055, 8587}, {6114, 7684}, {6115, 7685}, {6179, 10104}, {6234, 8842}, {6249, 32476}, {6272, 10515}, {6273, 10514}, {6309, 7764}, {6417, 10845}, {6418, 10846}, {6419, 10847}, {6420, 10848}, {6421, 10837}, {6422, 10838}, {6425, 10843}, {6426, 10844}, {6504, 6997}, {6568, 13785}, {6569, 13665}, {6625, 7385}, {7378, 8796}, {7394, 13579}, {7395, 9917}, {7507, 12143}, {7533, 13582}, {7608, 31489}, {7703, 31127}, {7741, 10079}, {7759, 31982}, {7778, 24256}, {7779, 34507}, {7782, 18502}, {7787, 13335}, {7790, 15980}, {7792, 18583}, {7804, 18860}, {7807, 10256}, {7808, 30270}, {7823, 32152}, {7840, 11178}, {7857, 20576}, {7862, 18806}, {7875, 25555}, {7921, 9863}, {7926, 9996}, {7941, 9983}, {7951, 10063}, {7989, 9902}, {8227, 12263}, {8289, 32135}, {8356, 34733}, {8722, 15482}, {8926, 17795}, {9159, 10989}, {9180, 19912}, {9307, 9747}, {9605, 32467}, {9734, 13586}, {9773, 9880}, {9781, 27375}, {10348, 26316}, {10722, 15484}, {10783, 14243}, {10784, 14228}, {10895, 18982}, {10896, 13077}, {11059, 34087}, {11156, 14036}, {11159, 12117}, {11361, 23698}, {11477, 15271}, {11602, 16809}, {11603, 16808}, {11842, 12042}, {12102, 32523}, {12150, 34473}, {12233, 13380}, {13110, 26470}, {13325, 14633}, {13326, 14632}, {13576, 17756}, {13638, 22722}, {13758, 22723}, {14223, 23350}, {14251, 14265}, {14269, 33698}, {14355, 32716}, {14534, 19544}, {17749, 21554}, {18844, 33703}, {20021, 30499}, {23235, 31859}
X(262) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 22650}, {3, 22728}, {4, 7709}, {39, 22682}, {381, 32447}, {1699, 3097}, {1916, 9772}, {3095, 7697}, {3106, 22694}, {3107, 22693}, {22699, 22700}, {33434, 33435}
X(262) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 22475}, {4, 22682}, {76, 7697}, {376, 21163}, {6194, 15819}, {7697, 5}, {7709, 39}, {7757, 32447}, {9772, 114}, {11257, 7709}, {22676, 3}, {22677, 11261}, {22684, 33463}, {22686, 33462}, {22697, 10}, {22698, 402}, {22712, 2}, {22713, 1}, {22714, 33478}, {22715, 33479}, {22728, 14881}, {22731, 22729}, {22732, 22730}, {33706, 22712}
X(262) = isogonal conjugate of X(182)
X(262) = isotomic conjugate of X(183)
X(262) = complement of X(6194)
X(262) = anticomplement of X(15819)
X(262) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(24206)
X(262) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(1352)
X(262) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(3815)
X(262) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(7774)
X(262) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(263)
X(262) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(327)
X(262) = polar conjugate of X(458)
X(262) = psi-transform of X(22735)
X(262) = antigonal conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(39099)
X(262) = perspector of ABC and Artzt triangle
X(262) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1513, 98}, {3094, 76}, {3815, 2}, {5480, 4}, {9993, 14458}
X(262) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 182}, {31, 183}, {32, 3403}, {48, 458}, {63, 10311}, {75, 34396}, {82, 14096}, {163, 23878}, {255, 33971}, {560, 20023}, {662, 3288}, {1933, 8842}, {6784, 24041}
X(262) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 7774}, {3, 19139}, {6, 3148}, {11, 1491}, {1689, 1690}, {2525, 12037}, {3124, 17415}
X(262) = crosssum of X(3288) and X(6784)
X(262) = radical center of (Brocard circle reflected in BC, CA, and AB)
X(262) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(458)
X(262) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(458)
X(262) = trilinear pole of line X(523)X(3569)
X(262) = pole of Lemoine axis wrt orthoptic circle of the Steiner inellipse (a.k.a. {circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter)
X(262) = perspector of orthoptic circle of the Steiner inellipse (a.k.a. {circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter)
X(262) = perspector of ABC and 2nd Neuberg triangle
X(262) = trilinear product of vertices of 2nd Neuberg triangle
X(262) = centroid of X(4)PU(1)
X(262) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(83)
X(262) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(39)
X(262) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 327}, {75, 2186}, {76, 263}, {561, 3402}, {850, 26714}, {2799, 6037}
X(262) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 183}, {4, 458}, {6, 182}, {25, 10311}, {32, 34396}, {39, 14096}, {75, 3403}, {76, 20023}, {141, 14994}, {263, 6}, {327, 76}, {393, 33971}, {512, 3288}, {523, 23878}, {1916, 8842}, {2186, 1}, {2491, 9420}, {3124, 6784}, {3402, 31}, {3815, 15819}, {6037, 2966}, {7735, 9755}, {26714, 110}, {32716, 2715}
X(262) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 6194, 15819}, {2, 9748, 9752}, {2, 9752, 9754}, {2, 14853, 9753}, {2, 22503, 22677}, {3, 10796, 3972}, {3, 11272, 7786}, {4, 39, 11257}, {4, 7736, 9744}, {5, 3095, 76}, {6, 9756, 9755}, {6, 13860, 98}, {39, 31701, 22708}, {39, 31702, 22707}, {114, 19130, 13862}, {194, 3091, 6248}, {381, 11163, 6054}, {485, 3102, 19090}, {486, 3103, 19089}, {1513, 5480, 9993}, {2544, 2545, 7736}, {3090, 12251, 3934}, {3329, 5999, 182}, {3815, 5480, 1513}, {5188, 6683, 631}, {6194, 15819, 22712}, {7777, 13862, 114}, {9737, 10358, 384}, {9748, 9752, 9753}, {9752, 14853, 9748}, {9753, 9754, 9752}, {9755, 9756, 98}, {9755, 13860, 9756}, {10839, 10840, 3}, {11272, 14881, 3}, {19063, 19064, 6}, {21445, 22521, 32}, {22475, 22650, 22713}, {22726, 22727, 31958}, {22729, 22730, 1}, {22731, 22732, 22713}, {31701, 31702, 5475}
Let V = U(2)-of-pedal-triangle-of-P(1), and let W = P(2)-of-pedal-triangle-of-U(1). Then X(263) = trilinear pole of VW. (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A1B1C1 and A2B2C2 be the pedal triangles of PU(1). Then X(263) is the radical center of the circumcircles of AA1A2, BB1B2, CC1C2. (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(263) lies on these lines: 2,51 6,160 69,308 184,251
X(263) = isogonal conjugate of X(183)
X(263) = isotomic conjugate of X(20023)
Five constructions by Randy Hutson, January 29, 2015:
(1) Let A'B'C' be the tangential triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(264).
(2) Let A'B'C' be the symmedial triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(264).
(3) Let A'B'C' be the circumsymmedial triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(264).
(4) Let A'B'C' be the Lucas(t) central triangle (for any t). Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(264).
(5) X(264) is the trilinear pole of the line X(297)X(525). This line is the isotomic conjugate of the MacBeath circumconic, which is the isogonal conjugate of the orthic axis. The line is also the polar of X(6) wrt the polar circle, and the radical axis of the polar and orthosymmedial circles, and the polar conjugate of the circumcircle)
Let A' be the trilinear product of the vertices of the A-anti-altimedial triangle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(264). (Randy Hutson, November 2, 2017)
X(264) lies on these cubics: K045, K146, K183, K184, K208, K257, K276, K342a, K342b, K494, K504, K647, K674, K675, K677, K718
X(264) lies on these lines: {2,216}, {3,95}, {4,69}, {5,1093}, {6,287}, {9,1948}, {22,1629}, {24,1078}, {25,183}, {33,350}, {34,1909}, {53,141}, {57,1947}, {75,225}, {85,309}, {92,306}, {93,1273}, {98,3425}, {99,378}, {107,1995}, {112,2367}, {157,1485}, {186,7771}, {193,3087}, {250,1316}, {253,3091}, {254,3541}, {262,2967}, {274,475}, {275,1993}, {281,344}, {298,472}, {299,473}, {300,302}, {301,303}, {305,325}, {310,4196}, {319,5081}, {320,7282}, {328,6344}, {339,381}, {379,823}, {384,1968}, {401,577}, {419,1974}, {450,5651}, {491,1585}, {492,1586}, {524,6748}, {623,6116}, {624,6117}, {801,2063}, {811,5136}, {847,1594}, {850,7703}, {1007,6340}, {1043,7513}, {1105,1593}, {1217,3088}, {1225,7809}, {1238,7796}, {1249,3618}, {1309,2861}, {1441,2476}, {1595,3933}, {1726,7094}, {1785,4357}, {1896,2478}, {1897,4360}, {1969,3262}, {1990,3589}, {2207,7770}, {2419,3267}, {2453,3447}, {2897,6840}, {2970,5094}, {3148,6394}, {3168,5943}, {3199,3934}, {3520,7782}, {3575,7750}, {3629,6749}, {3785,7487}, {5064,7788}, {5117,6374}, {5523,7790}, {6103,7806}, {6240,7802}, {6524,7392}, {6525,7398}, {6756,7767}, {7378,8024}, {7507,7773}, {7576,7811}
X(264) = reflection of X(3164) in X(216)
X(264) = isogonal conjugate of X(184)
X(264) = isotomic conjugate of X(3)
X(264) = complement of X(3164)
X(264) = anticomplement of X(216)
X(264) = X(264) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (276,2), (1969,7017), (6528,850)
X(264) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,4), (5,324), (6,157), (92,318), (273,342), (338,523), (491,492)
X(264) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,)}: (2,76), (3,5392), (4,2052), (5,2), (30,94), (92,331), (235,459), (318,7017), (339,850), (427,4), (442,321), (523,648), (850,6528), (858,671), (1312,2593), (1313,2592), (1368,2996), (1441,75), (1591,5490), (1592,5491), (1594,275), (2072,2986), (2450,98), (2967,297), (2968,4391), (2971,2501), (2972,525), (3007,903), (3134,2394), (3136,10), (3141,4049), (3142,226), (3143,5466), (5133,83), (5169,598), (6530,6330), (6563,99)
X(264) = X(1988)-complementary conjugate of X(10)
X(264) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (54,6360), (92,2888), (95,4329), (275,8), (276,6327), (933,4560), (2148,3164), (2167,20), (2190,2)
X(264) = antipode of X(1972) in hyperbola {}A,B,C,X(2),X(69)}}
X(264) = pole of Lemoine axis wrt polar circle
X(264) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(6)
X(264) = polar-circle inverse of X(5167)
X(264) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): (2,324,2052), (2,3164,216), (4,69,317), (4,1235,76), (4,3186,1843), (53,141,297), (69,311,76), (69,317,340), (273,318,75), (311,3260,69)
X(264) = Brianchon point (perspector) of the MacBeath inconic
X(264) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,184}, {3,31}, {6,48}, {19,577}, {25,255}, {28,4055}, {32,63}, {33,7335}, {34,6056}, {41,222}, {42,1437}, {47,2351}, {51,2169}, {55,603}, {56,212}, {58,228}, {69,560}, {71,1333}, {72,2206}, {73,2194}, {77,2175}, {78,1397}, {81,2200}, {97,2179}, {109,1946}, {110,810}, {112,822}, {163,647}, {172,7116}, {213,1790}, {216,2148}, {217,2167}, {219,604}, {220,7099}, {221,2188}, {237,293}, {248,1755}, {251,4020}, {268,2199}, {283,1402}, {284,1409}, {295,2210}, {304,1501}, {305,1917}, {326,1974}, {393,4100}, {394,1973}, {418,2190}, {512,4575}, {563,2165}, {571,1820}, {607,7125}, {608,2289}, {649,906}, {652,1415}, {656,1576}, {662,3049}, {667,1331}, {669,4592}, {692,1459}, {798,4558}, {849,3690}, {895,922}, {904,3955}, {923,3292}, {1092,1096}, {1106,1260}, {1110,3937}, {1176,1964}, {1253,7053}, {1259,1395}, {1332,1919}, {1399,8606}, {1400,2193}, {1407,1802}, {1408,2318}, {1410,2328}, {1433,2187}, {1444,1918}, {1472,7085}, {1473,7084}, {1474,3990}, {1797,2251}, {1798,3725}, {1799,1923}, {1804,2212}, {1813,3063}, {1910,3289}, {1911,7193}, {1914,2196}, {1924,4563}, {1949,1951}, {1950,7107}, {1980,4561}, {2149,7117}, {2150,2197}, {2159,3284}, {2192,7114}, {2203,3682}, {2207,6507}, {2208,7078}, {2300,2359}, {7011,7118}, {7015,7122}
X(264) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (264,273), (811,7), (3596,322)
X(264) = trilinear pole of the line (297,525)
X(264) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,1969}, {4,76}, {5,276}, {7,7017}, {8,331}, {19,561}, {25,1502}, {27,313}, {29,349}, {69,2052}, {75,92}, {83,1235}, {85,318}, {93,7769}, {94,340}, {95,324}, {107,3267}, {158,304}, {273,312}, {275,311}, {278,3596}, {281,6063}, {286,321}, {290,297}, {300,470}, {301,471}, {305,393}, {308,427}, {310,1826}, {317,5392}, {326,6521}, {327,458}, {341,1847}, {523,6331}, {525,6528}, {648,850}, {670,2501}, {683,5254}, {693,6335}, {811,1577}, {847,7763}, {1016,2973}, {1088,7101}, {1093,3926}, {1231,1896}, {1240,1848}, {1509,7141}, {1824,6385}, {1897,3261}, {1928,1973}, {1978,7649}, {2489,4609}, {2970,4590}, {3064,4572}, {3114,5117}, {3264,6336}, {6344,7799}, {6386,6591}
X(264) = trilinear product of PU(20) (see Tables: Bicentric Pairs)
X(264) = trilinear product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {2,92}, {4,75}, {6,1969}, {7,318}, {8,273}, {9,331}, {10,286}, {19,76}, {25,561}, {27,321}, {28,313}, {29,1441}, {33,6063}, {34,3596}, {57,7017}, {63,2052}, {69,158}, {82,1235}, {85,281}, {91,317}, {162,850}, {225,314}, {240,290}, {242,334}, {253,1895}, {274,1826}, {276,1953}, {278,312}, {279,7101}, {280,342}, {297,1821}, {304,393}, {305,1096}, {307,1896}, {309,7952}, {310,1824}, {311,2190}, {324,2167}, {326,1093}, {336,6530}, {340,2166}, {341,1119}, {346,1847}, {347,7020}, {349,1172}, {394,6521}, {419,1934}, {427,3112}, {514,6335}, {523,811}, {525,823}, {648,1577}, {653,4391}, {656,6528}, {661,6331}, {668,7649}, {693,1897}, {757,7141}, {765,2973}, {799,2501}, {873,7140}, {1088,7046}, {1118,3718}, {1240,1829}, {1446,2322}, {1494,1784}, {1502,1973}, {1748,5392}, {1783,3261}, {1857,7182}, {1861,2481}, {1928,1974}, {1947,7108}, {1948,1952}, {1978,6591}, {2333,6385}, {2489,4602}, {2580,2592}, {2581,2593}, {2969,7035}, {2997,5125}, {3064,4554}, {3113,5117}, {3926,6520}, {4358,6336}, {5342,5936}, {7009,7018}
X(264) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these (i,j): (1,48), (2,3), (4,6), (5,216), (6,184), (7,222), (8,219), (9,212), (10,71), (19,31), (25,32), (27,58), (29,284), (33,41), (37,228), (51,217), (63,255), (69,394), (94,265), (95,97), (98,248), (107,112), (162,163), (196,221), (216,418), (232,237), (304,326), (311,343), (445,500)
Let P = X(74), H = X(4), H' =H-of-BCP, H'' = H-of-CAP, and H''' = H-of ABP. Then X(265) is the circumcenter of the cyclic quadrilateral HH'H''H'''. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A' be the reflection in line BC of the A-vertex of the tangential triangle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of A'BC, B'CA, and C'AB concur in X(265). Let A'' be the reflection in line BC of the A-vertex of the anticevian triangle of X(5), and define B'' and C'' cyclically. The circumcircles of AB''C'', BC''A'', CA''B'' concur in X(265). (Randy Hutson, August 26, 2014)
Let A*B*C* be the Kosnita triangle. Let A' be the orthopole of line B*C*, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(265). (Randy Hutson, August 26, 2014)
Let A'B'C' be the X(3)-Fuhrmann triangle. Let A'' be the reflection of A in line B'C', and define B'' and C'' cyclically. Then A''B''C'' is inversely similar to ABC, with similtude center X(265), and A''B''C'' is perspective to ABC with persepctor X(74). (Randy Hutson, August 26, 2014)
Let A'B'C' be the reflection triangle. Let L be the line through A' parallel to the Euler line, and define M and N cyclically. Let L' be the reflection of L in sideline BC, and define M' and N' cyclically. The lines L',M', N' concur in X(265). (Randy Hutson, August 26, 2014)
Let A'B'C' be the reflection triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(5). Let A* be the trilinear pole, wrt A'B'C', of line B″C″, and define B*, C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(265). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A' be the point such that triangle A'BC is directly similar to the orthic triangle, and define B', C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(265). If 'inversely' is substituted for 'directly', the lines concur in X(3). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A' be the isogonal conjugate of A wrt the A-altimedial triangle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(265). (Randy Hutson, November 2, 2017)
Let La be the line through A parallel to the Euler line of the A-altimedial triangle, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Lines La, Lb, Lc concur in X(265). (Randy Hutson, November 2, 2017)
Let AA1A2, BB1B2, CC1C2 be the circumcircle-inscribed equilateral triangles used in the construction of the Trinh triangle. Let A' be the crosssum of A1 and A2, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(265). (Randy Hutson, October 8, 2019)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the orthocentroidal triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(265) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(265) lies on the Jerabek circumhyperbola, the Johnson circumconic (see K714), the curves K025, K060, K112, K255, K275, K300, K301, K339, K427, K449, K464, K481, K494, K497, K513, K530, K595, K596, K597, K611, K638, K668, K669, K724, K885, K929, K930, K942, Q106, Q110, Q114, Q125, and also on these lines: {2,1511}, {3,125}, {4,94}, {5,49}, {6,13}, {10,12778}, {11,10091}, {12,10088}, {20,11270}, {25,12140}, {30,74}, {32,12201}, {51,11557}, {52,6145}, {55,12334}, {56,18968}, {64,382}, {65,79}, {66,2781}, {67,511}, {68,7723}, {69,328}, {70,6243}, {71,12661}, {73,1807}, {98,14849}, {99,14850}, {111,14846}, {140,15035}, {148,18331}, {155,15317}, {156,3047}, {182,19151}, {184,10254}, {185,3521}, {186,30522}, {195,10112}, {248,10317}, {290,316}, {300,621}, {301,622}, {355,6757}, {376,20421}, {389,11562}, {402,12790}, {403,10540}, {427,15472}, {477,14851}, {493,12894}, {494,12895}, {515,13605}, {517,10693}, {518,10100}, {520,14220}, {523,15453}, {524,5505}, {526,10412}, {539,1568}, {541,3426}, {546,1173}, {547,13392}, {548,15057}, {549,15051}, {550,15055}, {576,18432}, {590,10819}, {611,32297}, {613,32243}, {615,10820}, {631,20396}, {632,15020}, {690,6321}, {759,13743}, {879,9517}, {895,3564}, {952,6742}, {974,1899}, {1117,13582}, {1147,10255}, {1154,3153}, {1175,6841}, {1176,5622}, {1177,1503}, {1204,18565}, {1312,15461}, {1313,15460}, {1351,23049}, {1352,2854}, {1353,32234}, {1411,7073}, {1469,32308}, {1478,3028}, {1479,3024}, {1531,11692}, {1594,12370}, {1614,13406}, {1656,5972}, {1657,3532}, {1658,12289}, {1853,2935}, {1885,18433}, {1994,2914}, {2070,13289}, {2072,5504}, {2574,10750}, {2575,10751}, {2772,10741}, {2773,10747}, {2774,10739}, {2775,15521}, {2776,15522}, {2779,10740}, {2780,22338}, {2782,9513}, {2836,10743}, {2842,10744}, {2850,10746}, {2888,11591}, {2930,10516}, {2937,11750}, {2948,5587}, {3043,7577}, {3056,32307}, {3060,7731}, {3068,13915}, {3069,13979}, {3090,15088}, {3091,5609}, {3146,12244}, {3154,14934}, {3410,15060}, {3519,5562}, {3520,13561}, {3526,6723}, {3527,3843}, {3530,15036}, {3531,14269}, {3541,15114}, {3543,11738}, {3545,9143}, {3548,18466}, {3549,18945}, {3567,15102}, {3574,11536}, {3583,7727}, {3589,15462}, {3627,10721}, {3628,15025}, {3629,15093}, {3657,8674}, {3839,14491}, {3845,10706}, {3851,16534}, {5050,15118}, {5055,5642}, {5072,15046}, {5073,10990}, {5076,22334}, {5079,15039}, {5093,5095}, {5097,15432}, {5102,16176}, {5446,11572}, {5447,26861}, {5448,15002}, {5462,16223}, {5480,9970}, {5576,12241}, {5597,12466}, {5598,12467}, {5621,12083}, {5648,11178}, {5886,11720}, {5889,12281}, {5890,12270}, {5891,13622}, {5900,13391}, {5944,12254}, {5946,11561}, {5987,13862}, {6000,10688}, {6146,10024}, {6214,7733}, {6215,7732}, {6221,8994}, {6284,10065}, {6334,9033}, {6398,13969}, {6413,12891}, {6414,12892}, {6528,8795}, {6593,14561}, {6639,19467}, {6640,12118}, {6643,13416}, {6776,25320}, {6798,31392}, {7354,10081}, {7387,13171}, {7422,31127}, {7426,15362}, {7507,19504}, {7512,13470}, {7517,10117}, {7528,15465}, {7547,12161}, {7579,32235}, {7583,19111}, {7584,19110}, {7689,18562}, {7693,13364}, {7699,11422}, {7978,22791}, {8044,14616}, {8200,13208}, {8207,13209}, {8220,13215}, {8221,13216}, {8571,14585}, {8612,18416}, {8673,18557}, {8976,8998}, {9818,12168}, {9826,12099}, {9833,15647}, {9919,18534}, {9955,11699}, {9996,13210}, {10095,22804}, {10097,14582}, {10152,18507}, {10201,20773}, {10246,11735}, {10263,15101}, {10293,14915}, {10575,17855}, {10663,18468}, {10664,18470}, {10752,21850}, {10767,22938}, {10796,13193}, {10942,13217}, {10943,13218}, {11061,14853}, {11138,11582}, {11139,11581}, {11250,23294}, {11251,15395}, {11262,32369}, {11411,15077}, {11442,12825}, {11449,11704}, {11457,17854}, {11459,12273}, {11499,13204}, {11563,14157}, {11564,18572}, {11585,22808}, {11694,15699}, {11709,18481}, {11723,18493}, {11746,14542}, {11807,15321}, {11818,12824}, {11898,32275}, {12038,16665}, {12111,12284}, {12162,22466}, {12165,18386}, {12192,14880}, {12278,26917}, {12359,18442}, {12429,15316}, {12584,24206}, {12773,26700}, {12811,15029}, {12828,15473}, {12888,18455}, {13160,13353}, {13201,17711}, {13291,14695}, {13292,23047}, {13293,20299}, {13340,14791}, {13352,15131}, {13403,14130}, {13598,18555}, {13603,15687}, {13951,13990}, {14128,18368}, {14216,31725}, {14452,19658}, {14487,14893}, {14639,15342}, {14708,18912}, {14859,19552}, {14919,20123}, {14940,32171}, {15021,15704}, {15042,15693}, {15136,18441}, {15357,23698}, {15538,15550}, {15740,16270}, {16010,25330}, {16168,17511}, {17040,18537}, {18281,25487}, {18376,18434}, {18414,19484}, {18415,19485}, {18462,19482}, {18463,19483}, {18489,32255}, {18570,23293}, {18909,31371}, {19402,32353}, {22586,22758}, {23329,25564}, {25335,32271}, {29012,32305}.
X(265) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 12902}, {4, 3448}, {74, 10733}, {146, 12317}, {148, 18331}, {382, 10620}, {1351, 32306}, {3146, 12244}, {5889, 12281}, {6321, 15545}, {7731, 15100}, {10263, 15101}, {10721, 15054}, {12111, 12284}, {12293, 12302}, {12295, 16003}, {12803, 12804}, {13213, 13214}, {14508, 14989}, {21649, 21650}
X(265) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 125}, {4, 10113}, {5, 11801}, {20, 12041}, {52, 11800}, {54, 11804}, {74, 10264}, {98, 15535}, {110, 5}, {113, 7687}, {146, 1539}, {182, 20301}, {185, 11806}, {382, 12295}, {399, 113}, {477, 16340}, {1352, 32274}, {1511, 20304}, {1657, 16111}, {1986, 12236}, {3581, 3580}, {5504, 23306}, {5648, 11178}, {5655, 381}, {6102, 13358}, {7722, 6102}, {7723, 15738}, {7728, 4}, {7978, 22791}, {9833, 15647}, {9970, 5480}, {10114, 19481}, {10540, 403}, {10575, 17855}, {10620, 16003}, {10706, 3845}, {10721, 3627}, {10752, 21850}, {10767, 22938}, {11562, 389}, {11579, 25328}, {11699, 9955}, {11898, 32275}, {12041, 20379}, {12121, 3}, {12308, 15063}, {12368, 18480}, {12383, 1511}, {12584, 24206}, {12778, 10}, {12790, 402}, {12893, 5449}, {13293, 20299}, {13417, 5446}, {14157, 11563}, {14559, 14356}, {14643, 14644}, {14683, 5609}, {14934, 3154}, {14982, 3818}, {14989, 21269}, {14993, 5627}, {15131, 23325}, {16111, 20417}, {16163, 6699}, {18332, 115}, {18403, 13851}, {18436, 7723}, {18439, 12292}, {18481, 11709}, {19140, 19130}, {19506, 18383}, {20126, 9140}, {20127, 74}, {22115, 2072}, {22584, 21650}, {23236, 110}, {24981, 16534}, {25711, 11746}, {30714, 5972}, {32233, 182}, {32234, 1353}, {32609, 23515}
X(265) = isogonal conjugate of X(186)
X(265) = isotomic conjugate of X(340)
X(265) = complement of X(12383)
X(265) = anticomplement of X(1511)
X(265) = circumcircle-inverse of X(5961)
X(265) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(15367)
X(265) = polar-circle-inverse of X(1986)
X(265) = circumcircle-of-anticomplementary-triangle-inverse of X(12317)
X(265) = polar conjugate of X(14165)
X(265) = antigonal image of X(3)
X(265) = syngonal conjugate of X(5)
X(265) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2159, 18301}, {2166, 146}, {2349, 1272}, {5627, 8}, {11079, 6360}, {15395, 6758}
X(265) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {94, 1989}, {1141, 5961}, {12028, 3}, {14254, 14993}, {18817, 18883}
X(265) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 15392}, {1531, 4846}, {3284, 2}, {13754, 3}, {13851, 4}, {14391, 648}, {18403, 3521}, {21649, 5504}, {21650, 74}
X(265) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 6761}, {5, 30}, {125, 9033}, {184, 9380}, {520, 1650}, {621, 622}, {686, 20975}
X(265) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {94, 328}, {1494, 2986}
X(265) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 2931}, {526, 16186}, {1495, 3003}, {2088, 14270}
X(265) = trilinear pole of line {216, 647}
X(265) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {526, 2081}
X(265) = X(8)-beth conjugate of X(12778)
X(265) = X(i)-zayin conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 186}, {1021, 2624}
X(265) = X(10412)-line conjugate of X(526)
X(265) = X(i)-vertex conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 11744}, {186, 6344}, {1177, 5504}
X(265) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 186}, {4, 6149}, {19, 323}, {31, 340}, {35, 1870}, {36, 6198}, {47, 5962}, {48, 14165}, {50, 92}, {112, 32679}, {158, 22115}, {162, 526}, {240, 14355}, {275, 2290}, {320, 14975}, {470, 2152}, {471, 2151}, {562, 2964}, {648, 2624}, {661, 14590}, {811, 14270}, {860, 17104}, {1154, 2190}, {1399, 5081}, {1464, 11107}, {1577, 14591}, {1784, 14385}, {1969, 19627}, {1973, 7799}, {2148, 14918}, {2159, 14920}, {2166, 3043}, {2167, 11062}, {2174, 17923}, {2361, 7282}, {2594, 17515}, {2605, 4242}, {3268, 32676}, {8552, 24019}, {16186, 24000}
X(265) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 94}, {6, 328}, {63, 2166}, {68, 18883}, {69, 1989}, {99, 14582}, {110, 14592}, {184, 20573}, {287, 14356}, {305, 11060}, {311, 11077}, {343, 1141}, {394, 6344}, {476, 525}, {577, 18817}, {656, 32680}, {850, 32662}, {1304, 18557}, {1807, 30690}, {2410, 14220}, {3260, 11079}, {3267, 14560}, {3519, 30529}, {3580, 12028}, {3926, 18384}, {4558, 10412}, {4563, 15475}, {5392, 5961}, {5627, 11064}, {7100, 18359}, {7799, 14595}, {10217, 11092}, {10218, 11078}, {14208, 32678}, {14254, 14919}, {14559, 14977}, {16077, 18558}
X(265) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 340}, {3, 323}, {4, 14165}, {5, 14918}, {6, 186}, {13, 471}, {14, 470}, {30, 14920}, {48, 6149}, {50, 3043}, {51, 11062}, {69, 7799}, {79, 17923}, {94, 264}, {110, 14590}, {184, 50}, {216, 1154}, {248, 14355}, {328, 76}, {343, 1273}, {476, 648}, {520, 8552}, {525, 3268}, {577, 22115}, {647, 526}, {656, 32679}, {810, 2624}, {1141, 275}, {1576, 14591}, {1807, 3219}, {1989, 4}, {2006, 7282}, {2160, 1870}, {2161, 6198}, {2165, 5962}, {2166, 92}, {2341, 11107}, {2437, 7480}, {2963, 562}, {3003, 1986}, {3049, 14270}, {3269, 16186}, {3284, 1511}, {3457, 8740}, {3458, 8739}, {4558, 10411}, {5158, 3581}, {5627, 16080}, {5961, 1993}, {6344, 2052}, {7100, 3218}, {7110, 5081}, {8014, 23714}, {8015, 23715}, {8606, 2323}, {8818, 860}, {9033, 5664}, {9380, 11597}, {10097, 9213}, {10217, 11078}, {10218, 11092}, {10412, 14618}, {11060, 25}, {11063, 2914}, {11064, 6148}, {11077, 54}, {11079, 74}, {11083, 10632}, {11088, 10633}, {12028, 2986}, {14220, 2411}, {14356, 297}, {14559, 4235}, {14560, 112}, {14575, 19627}, {14582, 523}, {14583, 1990}, {14592, 850}, {14595, 1989}, {15392, 13582}, {15451, 2081}, {15475, 2501}, {18384, 393}, {18479, 5158}, {18558, 9033}, {18817, 18027}, {18877, 14385}, {18883, 317}, {20573, 18022}, {20975, 2088}, {23968, 7473}, {30529, 32002}, {32662, 110}, {32678, 162}, {32680, 811}
X(265) = Johnson-circumconic antipode of X(110)
X(265) = perspector of ABC and 2nd isogonal triangle of X(4)
X(265) = perspector of ABC and Ehrmann side-triangle
X(265) = perspector, wrt Ehrmann side-triangle, of Ehrmann conic
X(265) = pole of line X(3)X(523) (the line of the Ehrmann cross-triangle) wrt the Ehrmann conic
X(265) = homothetic center of orthic triangle and cross-triangle of Ehrmann side- and Ehrmann vertex-triangles
X(265) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 12383, 1511}, {2, 15081, 20304}, {3, 125, 15061}, {4, 146, 1539}, {4, 12317, 146}, {4, 18300, 18576}, {4, 32140, 18439}, {5, 110, 14643}, {5, 11801, 14644}, {5, 12022, 567}, {5, 14516, 18350}, {13, 14, 1989}, {52, 18383, 31724}, {52, 31724, 15800}, {68, 18404, 18436}, {74, 9140, 10264}, {74, 10264, 20126}, {79, 80, 2166}, {94, 18300, 4}, {98, 15535, 14849}, {110, 12228, 11597}, {110, 14644, 5}, {113, 399, 5655}, {113, 7687, 381}, {113, 10111, 18445}, {113, 19481, 15087}, {125, 12902, 12121}, {125, 16163, 6699}, {125, 21659, 32607}, {146, 1539, 7728}, {146, 3448, 12317}, {381, 399, 113}, {381, 15087, 18388}, {399, 19456, 18445}, {477, 16340, 14851}, {567, 11597, 12228}, {568, 18430, 4}, {1511, 20304, 2}, {1656, 32609, 5972}, {1657, 15041, 16111}, {1986, 12236, 568}, {2931, 19457, 3}, {3060, 15100, 7731}, {3448, 10113, 7728}, {3583, 7727, 12374}, {3585, 19470, 12373}, {5449, 21659, 3}, {5622, 19138, 19129}, {5889, 18394, 18377}, {5972, 23515, 1656}, {5972, 30714, 32609}, {6102, 18379, 4}, {6344, 23956, 4}, {6564, 6565, 9220}, {6699, 16163, 3}, {7687, 10114, 18388}, {8836, 8838, 18883}, {9140, 10733, 74}, {10114, 18388, 12227}, {10264, 10733, 20127}, {11746, 25711, 16222}, {12121, 15027, 15061}, {12121, 15061, 3}, {12317, 18932, 18917}, {12319, 18933, 18531}, {12383, 15081, 2}, {12893, 32607, 3}, {13851, 21649, 19479}, {14094, 15044, 546}, {14643, 23236, 110}, {14852, 18396, 3}, {15025, 15034, 3628}, {15027, 15061, 125}, {15035, 15059, 140}, {16111, 20417, 15041}, {16770, 16771, 94}, {17838, 18451, 399}, {18390, 18474, 381}, {19051, 19052, 6}, {20126, 20127, 74}, {23515, 30714, 5972}.
The trilinear polar of X(266) passes through X(6729). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(266) lies on these lines:1,164 56,289 174,188 259,260 361,978
X(266) = isogonal conjugate of X(188)
X(266) = eigencenter of cevian triangle of X(174)
X(266) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(259)
X(266) = X(174)-Ceva conjugate of X(259)
X(266) = cevapoint of X(1) and X(361)
X(266) = X(6)-cross conjugate of X(289)
X(266) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(505)
X(266) = crosssum of X(1) and X(164)
X(266) = SS(A→A') of X(3), where A'B'C' is the excentral triangle
X(266) = trilinear square root of X(56)
X(266) = excentral-to-ABC trilinear image of X(40)
X(266) = intouch-to-ABC trilinear image of X(1)
X(267) lies on these lines: 1,229 10,191 35,37
X(267) = reflection of X(1) in X(229)
X(267) = isogonal conjugate of X(191)
X(267) = cevapoint of X(58) and X(501)
X(267) = X(58)-cross conjugate of X(1)
X(267) = isotomic conjugate of X(20932)
X(267) = trilinear pole of line X(661)X(2605)
X(268) lies on these lines: 3,9 21,280 219,255 220,577 222,1073 281,1012
X(268) = isogonal conjugate of X(196)
X(268) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (48,219), (55,3)
X(268) = crosssum of X(19) and X(207)
X(268) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(221)
X(269) is the vertex conjugate of the foci of the inellipse that is the trilinear square of the Gergonne line. The center of this inellipse is X(11019), and the Brianchon point (perspector) is X(1088). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
Let A1B1C1 be Gemini triangle 1. Let A' be the center of conic {A,B,C,B1,C1}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(269). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(269) lies on these lines: 1,7 3,939 6,57 9,241 46,1103 56,738 69,200 86,1088 106,934 142,948 273,1111 292,1020 307,936 320,326 479,614
X(269) = isogonal conjugate of X(200)
X(269) = isotomic conjugate of X(341)
X(269) = X(279)-Ceva conjugate of X(57)
X(269) = X(56)-cross conjugate of X(57)
X(269) = crosspoint of X(279) and X(479)
X(269) = crosssum of X(220) and X(480)
X(269) = {X(1),X(7)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4328)
X(269) = polar conjugate of X(7101)
X(269) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1802)
X(269) = trilinear square of X(57)
X(270) lies on these lines: 4,162 27,58 28,60 29,283 759,933
X(270) = isogonal conjugate of X(201)
X(270) = X(250)-Ceva conjugate of X(162)
X(270) = cevapoint of X(28) and X(58)
X(270) = X(58)-cross conjugate of X(60)
X(270) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(6358) (line X(4036)X(4064))
X(270) = polar conjugate of X(6358)
X(271) lies on these lines: 2,1034 8,20 78,394 200,255 282,283
X(271) = isogonal conjugate of X(208)
X(271) = isotomic conjugate of X(342)
X(271) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,78),
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C) : (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin C)f(C,A,B)
X(272) lies on these lines: 2,284 7,58 21,75 28,273 60,86 261,310 1014,1088
X(272) = isogonal conjugate of X(209)
X(272) = X(3)-cross conjugate of X(81)
Barycentrics tan A sec2(A/2) : tan B sec2(B/2) : tan C sec2(C/2)
X(273) lies on these lines: 2,92 4,7 19,653 27,57 28,272 29,34 53,1086 75,225 78,322 108,675 226,469 269,1111 317,320 458,894
X(273) = isogonal conjugate of X(212)
X(273) = isotomic conjugate of X(78)
X(273) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (264,342), (286,7), (331,92)
X(273) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,278), (34,57)
X(273) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,92), (57,85), (225,278)
X(273) = trilinear pole of line X(514)X(3064) (polar of X(9) wrt polar circle)
X(273) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(9) (line X(650)X(663))
X(273) = polar conjugate of X(9)
Let Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb be as in the construction of the Conway circle; see Let Oa be the circumcircle of ABaCa, and define Ob and Oc cyclically. Then X(274) is the radical center of Oa, Ob, Oc. see also X(8) and X(21). (Randy Hutson, April 9, 2016)
X(274) lies on these lines: 1,75 2,39 7,959 10,291 21,99 28,242 57,85 58,870 69,443 81,239 88,799 110,767 183,474 213,894 264,475 278,331 315,377 325,442 961,1014
X(274) = isogonal conjugate of X(213)
X(274) = isotomic conjugate of X(37)
X(274) = complement of X(1655)
X(274) = X(310)-Ceva conjugate of X(314)
X(274) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,75), (85,348), (86,333)
X(274) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,86), (75,310), (81,286), (333,314)
X(274) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(669)X(798)
X(274) = trilinear pole of line X(320)X(350) (anticomplement of antiorthic axis)
X(274) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1824)
X(274) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(1824)
X(274) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 1
X(274) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 2
X(274) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 3
X(274) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 4
Let A'B'C' be the circumorthic triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(275). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(275) lies on these lines: 2,95 4,54 13,472 14,473 17,471 18,470 25,262 51,107 53,288 76,276 83,297 94,324 98,427
X(275) = isogonal conjugate of X(216)
X(275) = isotomic conjugate of X(343)
X(275) = X(276)-Ceva conjugate of X(95)
X(275) = cevapoint of X(4) and X(6)
X(275) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,54), (54,95)
X(275) = crosssum of X(217) and X(418)
X(275) = trilinear pole of line X(186)X(523) (the polar of X(4) wrt the circumcircle, and the polar of X(5) wrt polar circle)
X(275) = crosspoint wrt tangential triangle of X(4) and X(6)
X(275) = intersection of tangents at X(4) and X(6) to bianticevian conic of X(4) and X(6)
X(275) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(5) (line X(2081)X(2600))
X(275) = polar conjugate of X(5)
X(275) = X(163)-isoconjugate of X(6368)
X(275) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(340)X(520)
X(276) lies on these lines: 3,95 4,327 54,290 76,275 97,401
X(276) = isogonal conjugate of X(217)
X(276) = isotomic conjugate of X(216)
X(276) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,264), (95,275)
X(276) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,95), (401,290)
X(276) = trilinear pole of line X(216)X(647)
X(276) = inverse-in-Kiepert-hyperbola of X(1989)
X(276) = {X(13),X(14)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1989)
X(276) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(50)
X(276) = Hofstadter -2 point
X(276) = trilinear pole of line X(340)X(520) (the isotomic conjugate of the Johnson circumconic, and the polar of X(51) wrt polar circle)
X(276) = polar conjugate of X(51)
X(277) lies on these lines: 1,142 3,105 7,218 57,169 220,1086 241,278 942,1002
X(277) = isogonal conjugate of X(218)
X(277) = isotomic conjugate of X(344)
X(277) = X(55)-cross conjugate of X(7)
X(277) = trilinear pole of de Longchamps line of intouch triangle
Let A'B'C' be the extouch triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(278). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the 2nd extouch triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is homothetic to ABC at X(278). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let Ha be the hyperbola passing through A, and with foci at B and C. This is called the A-Soddy hyperbola in (Paul Yiu, Introduction to the Geometry of the Triangle, 2002; 12.4 The Soddy hyperbolas, p. 143). Let La be the polar of X(3) with respect to Ha. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, B' = Lc∩La, C' = La∩Lb. Triangle A'B'C' is homothetic to ABC, and the center of homothety is X(278). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
X(278) lies on these lines: 1,4 2,92 7,27 19,57 25,105 28,56 65,387 88,653 109,917 219,329 240,982 241,277 242,459 274,331 354,955 393,1108 412,962 443,1038 614,1096
X(278) = isogonal conjugate of X(219)
X(278) = isotomic conjugate of X(345)
X(278) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (27,57), (92,196), (273,4), (331,7)
X(278) = cevapoint of X(19) and X(34)
X(278) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (19,4), (56,7), (225,273)
X(278) = trilinear pole of line X(513)X(1835) (the polar of X(8) wrt polar circle, and inverse-in-polar-circle of Fuhrmann circle)
X(278) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(8) (line X(522)X(650))
X(278) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(8)
X(278) = {X(2),X(92)}-harmonic conjugate of X(281)
X(278) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(1259)
X(278) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(6056)
X(278) = vertex conjugate of foci of inconic that is the polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of the incircle
X(278) = perspector of Gemini triangle 38 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 38
X(278) = trilinear pole of line X(513)X(1835) (the perspectrix of ABC and Gemini triangle 37)
X(278) = Brianchon point (perspector) of inconic that is the polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of the incircle
X(279) is the Brianchon point (perspector) of the inellipse that is the barycentric square of the Gergonne line. The center of the inellipse is X(4000). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
Let A1B1C1 and A2B2C2 be the 1st and 2nd Conway triangles. Let A' be the barycentric product A1*A2, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(279). (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
An exarc circle is a circle tangent to two sides of a triangle ABC and externally tangent to the circumcircle of ABC. The point whose distance to the sides BC, CA, AB are proportional to the respective radii of the exarc circles is X(279). The point having distances to the sides proportional to the radii of the inarc circles is X(7). See Martin Lukarevski, "Exarc radii and the Finsler-Hadwiger inequality", The Mathematical Gazette 106, issue 565, March 2022, pp. 138-143.
X(279) lies on the circumconic {A, B, C, X(1), X(2)}}, the cubics K041, K360, K605, K623, K1011, K1044, K1189, and these lines: {1, 7}, {2, 85}, {4, 1565}, {6, 1170}, {8, 7273}, {10, 31994}, {11, 15511}, {28, 1014}, {56, 105}, {57, 479}, {65, 1002}, {69, 1257}, {75, 1219}, {76, 32017}, {81, 1407}, {88, 658}, {100, 2377}, {109, 2369}, {144, 220}, {145, 664}, {165, 3599}, {196, 37378}, {218, 651}, {222, 2982}, {226, 5308}, {253, 7219}, {273, 1440}, {274, 16713}, {277, 8732}, {278, 1847}, {280, 17880}, {291, 1254}, {294, 4209}, {304, 346}, {307, 5232}, {329, 25930}, {330, 7209}, {331, 13149}, {345, 21605}, {388, 1390}, {394, 9965}, {519, 25718}, {553, 39948}, {555, 16015}, {604, 28079}, {644, 28981}, {668, 6552}, {764, 43930}, {938, 34059}, {942, 955}, {959, 24471}, {961, 6046}, {985, 1106}, {1068, 38461}, {1086, 4626}, {1111, 3086}, {1146, 10405}, {1214, 8813}, {1224, 19855}, {1255, 6354}, {1275, 5376}, {1319, 24796}, {1400, 39970}, {1406, 38877}, {1418, 4000}, {1432, 41777}, {1439, 18732}, {1445, 16572}, {1447, 5265}, {1461, 2224}, {1462, 16502}, {1617, 40154}, {1788, 43037}, {1997, 33780}, {2006, 43047}, {2340, 36854}, {2355, 42382}, {2401, 24002}, {2724, 24016}, {2898, 5274}, {3008, 5435}, {3091, 17181}, {3146, 4872}, {3210, 39696}, {3218, 7183}, {3227, 4569}, {3241, 25716}, {3323, 18343}, {3361, 10521}, {3474, 30623}, {3476, 24797}, {3485, 4059}, {3501, 6168}, {3616, 32086}, {3617, 33298}, {3623, 32007}, {3673, 14986}, {3676, 21132}, {3752, 44794}, {3767, 4403}, {3875, 9797}, {3911, 39963}, {3926, 20924}, {4099, 4552}, {4188, 6516}, {4452, 6553}, {4454, 40862}, {4488, 10029}, {4554, 18135}, {4617, 34051}, {4644, 6610}, {5226, 29571}, {5252, 24798}, {5261, 7179}, {5281, 9446}, {5526, 41563}, {5905, 34401}, {6063, 30710}, {6356, 37179}, {6603, 20059}, {6743, 32099}, {6904, 41826}, {6995, 39732}, {7080, 30806}, {7132, 7175}, {7147, 43071}, {7181, 7288}, {7182, 20911}, {7270, 10513}, {7371, 10490}, {7674, 8271}, {8232, 16601}, {8809, 10429}, {9305, 28071}, {9316, 9441}, {9442, 43750}, {9445, 31526}, {10025, 26658}, {10529, 38468}, {10939, 31391}, {11019, 31527}, {11433, 20211}, {12447, 17272}, {14878, 40293}, {15634, 18328}, {16705, 37870}, {17080, 37597}, {17084, 30571}, {17213, 28074}, {17863, 33673}, {18624, 40940}, {18625, 37887}, {19605, 32446}, {19789, 35058}, {20070, 38866}, {20111, 40868}, {20247, 35312}, {20925, 32834}, {23978, 44190}, {23983, 34403}, {24181, 30379}, {24858, 41803}, {25723, 38314}, {26125, 32009}, {27253, 40779}, {30545, 39703}, {30699, 39694}, {30719, 37626}, {32020, 46406}, {32624, 36152}, {32836, 33939}, {32841, 32851}, {33935, 40892}, {34018, 36838}, {34578, 37771}, {35094, 35158}, {36079, 41905}, {36603, 36621}, {37579, 38900}, {37758, 40014}, {43928, 43932}
X(279) = midpoint of X(25718) and X(32003)
X(279) = reflection of X(30695) in X(6554)
X(279) = isogonal conjugate of X(220)
X(279) = isotomic conjugate of X(346)
X(279) = complement of X(30695)
X(279) = anticomplement of X(6554)
X(279) = anticomplement of the isotomic conjugate of X(30705)
X(279) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(42483)
X(279) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(21258)
X(279) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(6604)
X(279) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(4000)
X(279) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(4452)
X(279) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(1407)
X(279) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(1119)
X(279) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(7056)
X(279) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(7053)
X(279) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1037, 329}, {7084, 30695}, {7131, 3436}, {8269, 20295}, {8817, 21286}, {30705, 6327}
X(279) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 17113}, {2125, 1329}, {8917, 141}, {42483, 2887}
X(279) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 17113}, {7, 9533}, {85, 14256}, {1088, 7}, {1275, 658}, {1434, 7177}, {4569, 43932}, {4626, 3676}, {4637, 17096}, {10509, 57}, {13149, 24002}, {17093, 8732}, {23062, 479}, {23586, 4626}, {30705, 2}
X(279) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 40154}, {19, 39732}, {57, 7}, {269, 479}, {278, 1440}, {514, 36118}, {1086, 3676}, {1407, 1119}, {1418, 57}, {1427, 269}, {2260, 39734}, {3668, 1088}, {3669, 934}, {3676, 4626}, {3752, 19604}, {3942, 7192}, {4000, 2}, {6084, 927}, {7053, 7056}, {7216, 4566}, {11051, 10307}, {14596, 7371}, {14936, 513}, {18725, 189}, {23653, 6}, {24177, 75}, {30719, 664}, {37642, 30712}, {40133, 1}, {40940, 86}, {42754, 6548}, {43044, 43736}, {43049, 651}, {43064, 34056}, {43932, 4569}, {45227, 1170}
X(279) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 16572}, {2, 4452}, {6, 1617}, {7, 5435}, {57, 269}, {513, 14936}, {514, 1565}, {1086, 3676}, {1358, 3669}, {1407, 7053}, {1427, 3668}
X(279) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 42483}, {7, 36620}, {658, 1275}, {1088, 23062}, {4626, 23586}
X(279) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 170}, {2, 46706}, {6, 1615}, {657, 14936}, {1253, 6602}, {2310, 6608}, {3119, 4171}, {4105, 35508}, {8012, 8551}
X(279) = trilinear pole of line {513, 676}
X(279) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {657, 4105}
X(279) = X(23618)-aleph conjugate of X(144)
X(279) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {99, 6604}, {274, 348}, {1414, 56}
X(279) = X(i)-zayin conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 220}, {513, 657}
X(279) = trilinear pole of line X(513)X(676) (the radical axis of circumcircle and incircle)
X(279) = {X(175),X(176)}-harmonic conjugate of X(390)
X(279) = medial-isotomic conjugate of X(17113)
X(279) = barycentric square of X(7)
X(279) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 220}, {2, 1253}, {3, 7079}, {4, 1802}, {6, 200}, {7, 6602}, {8, 41}, {9, 55}, {19, 1260}, {21, 1334}, {25, 3692}, {31, 346}, {32, 341}, {33, 219}, {37, 2328}, {40, 7367}, {42, 2287}, {48, 7046}, {56, 728}, {57, 480}, {58, 4515}, {59, 3119}, {63, 7071}, {71, 4183}, {72, 2332}, {75, 14827}, {78, 607}, {84, 7368}, {100, 657}, {101, 3900}, {109, 4130}, {110, 4171}, {184, 7101}, {190, 8641}, {210, 284}, {212, 281}, {213, 1043}, {228, 2322}, {259, 6726}, {268, 40971}, {282, 7074}, {294, 2340}, {312, 2175}, {345, 2212}, {512, 7259}, {604, 5423}, {643, 3709}, {644, 663}, {649, 4578}, {650, 3939}, {651, 4105}, {662, 4524}, {667, 6558}, {669, 7258}, {672, 28071}, {677, 46392}, {692, 3239}, {756, 7054}, {765, 14936}, {798, 7256}, {872, 7058}, {901, 14427}, {949, 28043}, {1018, 21789}, {1021, 4557}, {1037, 28070}, {1098, 1500}, {1110, 1146}, {1172, 2318}, {1174, 3059}, {1212, 10482}, {1252, 2310}, {1261, 2347}, {1262, 24010}, {1265, 1973}, {1275, 24012}, {1333, 4082}, {1395, 30681}, {1397, 30693}, {1415, 4163}, {1792, 2333}, {1824, 2327}, {1857, 2289}, {2053, 3208}, {2149, 4081}, {2150, 6057}, {2170, 6065}, {2171, 6061}, {2185, 7064}, {2192, 2324}, {2194, 2321}, {2195, 3693}, {2204, 3710}, {2223, 6559}, {2258, 3713}, {2293, 6605}, {2299, 3694}, {2311, 4433}, {2316, 3689}, {2326, 3690}, {2338, 41339}, {2343, 10382}, {2344, 4517}, {2346, 8012}, {2361, 36910}, {2364, 3711}, {2389, 26722}, {3022, 4564}, {3063, 3699}, {3445, 4936}, {3596, 9447}, {3683, 33635}, {3684, 7077}, {3719, 6059}, {3975, 18265}, {4041, 5546}, {4069, 7252}, {4148, 34067}, {4258, 4866}, {4319, 7123}, {4397, 32739}, {4512, 34820}, {4513, 9439}, {4528, 32665}, {4546, 34080}, {4570, 36197}, {4587, 18344}, {4814, 5549}, {4827, 8694}, {4845, 6603}, {4858, 6066}, {4895, 5548}, {5526, 42064}, {6554, 7084}, {6555, 38266}, {6745, 18889}, {7045, 35508}, {7070, 30457}, {7080, 7118}, {7162, 32561}, {8551, 21453}, {9448, 28659}, {23970, 24027}, {23990, 24026}, {36627, 38293}, {36628, 38285}, {36802, 46388}
X(279) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1088}, {4, 7056}, {7, 7}, {8, 479}, {9, 23062}, {12, 552}, {34, 7182}, {56, 6063}, {57, 85}, {63, 1847}, {69, 1119}, {75, 269}, {76, 1407}, {77, 273}, {81, 1446}, {86, 3668}, {92, 7177}, {142, 10509}, {174, 555}, {189, 14256}, {196, 34400}, {222, 331}, {226, 1434}, {241, 34018}, {261, 6046}, {264, 7053}, {274, 1427}, {277, 17093}, {278, 348}, {281, 30682}, {286, 1439}, {304, 1435}, {305, 1398}, {310, 1042}, {312, 738}, {347, 1440}, {349, 1412}, {354, 42311}, {513, 4569}, {514, 658}, {522, 4626}, {523, 4616}, {561, 1106}, {604, 20567}, {649, 46406}, {650, 36838}, {651, 24002}, {661, 4635}, {664, 3676}, {668, 43932}, {670, 7250}, {693, 934}, {799, 7216}, {870, 7204}, {873, 1254}, {883, 43930}, {905, 13149}, {927, 43042}, {1014, 1441}, {1020, 7199}, {1086, 1275}, {1111, 7045}, {1118, 7055}, {1146, 23586}, {1231, 1396}, {1262, 23989}, {1358, 4998}, {1365, 7340}, {1397, 41283}, {1414, 4077}, {1418, 31618}, {1422, 40702}, {1423, 7209}, {1431, 7205}, {1432, 7196}, {1443, 18815}, {1447, 7233}, {1461, 3261}, {1462, 40704}, {1509, 6354}, {1577, 4637}, {1969, 7099}, {2006, 17078}, {2310, 24011}, {2400, 23973}, {2481, 34855}, {3160, 36620}, {3596, 7023}, {3669, 4554}, {4000, 30705}, {4017, 4625}, {4025, 36118}, {4076, 41292}, {4146, 7371}, {4306, 15467}, {4391, 4617}, {4552, 17096}, {4566, 7192}, {4572, 43924}, {4573, 7178}, {4619, 23100}, {4624, 30723}, {4860, 18810}, {5435, 27818}, {6049, 16078}, {6604, 40154}, {6611, 44190}, {6614, 35519}, {7002, 7022}, {7143, 18021}, {7153, 30545}, {7176, 7249}, {7195, 8817}, {7197, 30479}, {7339, 34387}, {7341, 34388}, {7366, 28659}, {8809, 33673}, {9533, 10405}, {10481, 21453}, {13436, 13459}, {13437, 13453}, {15413, 32714}, {15728, 38468}, {17106, 44186}, {17107, 21609}, {17113, 42483}, {17758, 33765}, {18886, 21456}, {19604, 39126}, {20618, 46103}, {23971, 23978}, {24013, 24026}, {24471, 31643}, {27475, 42309}, {30379, 43762}, {31526, 43750}, {34056, 37780}, {34521, 34522}, {34578, 37757}, {38859, 40216}, {41280, 41287}, {41281, 41289}, {41284, 41285}, {41286, 41290}, {43983, 44794}
X(279) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 200}, {2, 346}, {3, 1260}, {4, 7046}, {6, 220}, {7, 8}, {8, 5423}, {9, 728}, {10, 4082}, {11, 4081}, {12, 6057}, {19, 7079}, {25, 7071}, {27, 2322}, {28, 4183}, {31, 1253}, {32, 14827}, {34, 33}, {37, 4515}, {41, 6602}, {48, 1802}, {55, 480}, {56, 55}, {57, 9}, {58, 2328}, {59, 6065}, {60, 6061}, {63, 3692}, {65, 210}, {69, 1265}, {73, 2318}, {75, 341}, {77, 78}, {81, 2287}, {85, 312}, {86, 1043}, {92, 7101}, {99, 7256}, {100, 4578}, {105, 28071}, {109, 3939}, {145, 6555}, {174, 6731}, {181, 7064}, {190, 6558}, {198, 7368}, {208, 40971}, {221, 7074}, {222, 219}, {223, 2324}, {226, 2321}, {241, 3693}, {244, 2310}, {266, 6726}, {269, 1}, {273, 318}, {278, 281}, {307, 3710}, {312, 30693}, {331, 7017}, {345, 30681}, {347, 7080}, {348, 345}, {349, 30713}, {354, 3059}, {388, 3974}, {390, 28057}, {479, 7}, {497, 4012}, {512, 4524}, {513, 3900}, {514, 3239}, {522, 4163}, {552, 261}, {553, 3686}, {555, 556}, {593, 7054}, {603, 212}, {604, 41}, {608, 607}, {614, 4319}, {649, 657}, {650, 4130}, {651, 644}, {658, 190}, {661, 4171}, {662, 7259}, {663, 4105}, {664, 3699}, {667, 8641}, {673, 6559}, {693, 4397}, {738, 57}, {757, 1098}, {799, 7258}, {812, 4148}, {900, 4528}, {927, 36802}, {934, 100}, {940, 3713}, {982, 4073}, {1014, 21}, {1015, 14936}, {1019, 1021}, {1020, 1018}, {1042, 42}, {1086, 1146}, {1088, 75}, {1106, 31}, {1111, 24026}, {1118, 1857}, {1119, 4}, {1122, 3057}, {1146, 23970}, {1170, 6605}, {1212, 45791}, {1214, 3694}, {1254, 756}, {1262, 1252}, {1275, 1016}, {1284, 4433}, {1317, 4152}, {1319, 3689}, {1323, 6745}, {1354, 6062}, {1355, 7062}, {1356, 7063}, {1357, 3271}, {1358, 11}, {1363, 7065}, {1365, 4092}, {1366, 7067}, {1367, 7068}, {1393, 7069}, {1394, 7070}, {1395, 2212}, {1396, 1172}, {1397, 2175}, {1398, 25}, {1400, 1334}, {1401, 3688}, {1407, 6}, {1408, 2194}, {1410, 228}, {1412, 284}, {1413, 2192}, {1414, 643}, {1416, 2195}, {1418, 1212}, {1420, 3158}, {1422, 282}, {1423, 3208}, {1424, 7075}, {1425, 3690}, {1426, 1824}, {1427, 37}, {1429, 3684}, {1434, 333}, {1435, 19}, {1436, 7367}, {1439, 72}, {1440, 280}, {1441, 3701}, {1442, 4420}, {1443, 4511}, {1444, 1792}, {1446, 321}, {1447, 3685}, {1456, 41339}, {1458, 2340}, {1461, 101}, {1462, 294}, {1467, 10382}, {1469, 4517}, {1474, 2332}, {1475, 8012}, {1476, 1261}, {1509, 7058}, {1565, 2968}, {1617, 6600}, {1635, 14427}, {1743, 4936}, {1790, 2327}, {1804, 1259}, {1813, 4587}, {1847, 92}, {1851, 1863}, {2006, 36910}, {2082, 28070}, {2091, 42017}, {2099, 3711}, {2170, 3119}, {2263, 28043}, {2310, 24010}, {2488, 6607}, {2969, 42069}, {2973, 21666}, {3125, 36197}, {3212, 27538}, {3213, 7156}, {3271, 3022}, {3321, 6068}, {3338, 42012}, {3361, 4512}, {3598, 390}, {3600, 7172}, {3649, 4046}, {3660, 15733}, {3663, 6736}, {3664, 6737}, {3665, 3703}, {3666, 3965}, {3667, 4546}, {3668, 10}, {3669, 650}, {3671, 4061}, {3674, 3687}, {3676, 522}, {3733, 21789}, {3756, 4953}, {3911, 2325}, {3937, 3270}, {3942, 34591}, {3945, 20007}, {3982, 4060}, {4000, 6554}, {4017, 4041}, {4031, 3707}, {4032, 4095}, {4059, 3706}, {4077, 4086}, {4146, 7027}, {4306, 3190}, {4320, 612}, {4328, 4882}, {4331, 28118}, {4341, 3811}, {4350, 3870}, {4367, 4477}, {4369, 4529}, {4373, 6556}, {4452, 6552}, {4551, 4069}, {4552, 30730}, {4554, 646}, {4565, 5546}, {4566, 3952}, {4569, 668}, {4573, 645}, {4605, 4103}, {4616, 99}, {4617, 651}, {4625, 7257}, {4626, 664}, {4635, 799}, {4637, 662}, {4654, 4007}, {4790, 4827}, {4860, 42014}, {4955, 4113}, {4977, 4990}, {4998, 4076}, {5088, 7360}, {5173, 40659}, {5219, 4873}, {5221, 3715}, {5228, 37658}, {5435, 3161}, {5573, 4907}, {6046, 12}, {6049, 15519}, {6063, 3596}, {6180, 4513}, {6354, 594}, {6356, 3695}, {6357, 7359}, {6359, 7283}, {6516, 4571}, {6545, 42462}, {6609, 1604}, {6610, 6603}, {6611, 198}, {6612, 1436}, {6613, 8706}, {6614, 109}, {7023, 56}, {7045, 765}, {7053, 3}, {7055, 1264}, {7056, 69}, {7099, 48}, {7103, 7102}, {7125, 2289}, {7143, 181}, {7147, 2171}, {7153, 2319}, {7175, 2329}, {7176, 7081}, {7177, 63}, {7178, 3700}, {7179, 3790}, {7180, 3709}, {7181, 3712}, {7182, 3718}, {7183, 3719}, {7185, 3705}, {7192, 7253}, {7195, 497}, {7196, 17787}, {7197, 388}, {7198, 4030}, {7203, 3737}, {7204, 984}, {7209, 27424}, {7210, 4123}, {7214, 4157}, {7216, 661}, {7217, 4178}, {7233, 4518}, {7248, 3056}, {7249, 4451}, {7250, 512}, {7251, 4548}, {7254, 23090}, {7271, 4853}, {7273, 7322}, {7314, 6058}, {7316, 5547}, {7318, 36626}, {7335, 6056}, {7336, 5532}, {7337, 6059}, {7338, 6060}, {7339, 59}, {7340, 6064}, {7341, 60}, {7365, 2345}, {7366, 604}, {7370, 259}, {7371, 188}, {8712, 40137}, {8809, 44692}, {8810, 8805}, {9436, 3717}, {9533, 144}, {10004, 29616}, {10030, 3975}, {10481, 4847}, {10509, 32008}, {10521, 40998}, {13149, 6335}, {13436, 13458}, {13437, 13454}, {13438, 13456}, {13453, 13425}, {13459, 13426}, {13460, 13427}, {14027, 4542}, {14189, 28058}, {14256, 329}, {14413, 14392}, {14522, 23244}, {14596, 16016}, {14936, 35508}, {15413, 15416}, {15419, 15411}, {15728, 34894}, {16079, 33963}, {16502, 30706}, {16572, 24771}, {16609, 3985}, {16662, 30413}, {16663, 30412}, {16888, 4136}, {17078, 32851}, {17079, 28808}, {17090, 4903}, {17092, 25082}, {17093, 344}, {17095, 42033}, {17096, 4560}, {17106, 165}, {17113, 30695}, {17114, 23638}, {17925, 17926}, {18033, 4087}, {18623, 27382}, {19604, 3680}, {20229, 8551}, {20567, 28659}, {20617, 14973}, {20618, 26942}, {21132, 23615}, {21314, 5231}, {21454, 391}, {22464, 6735}, {23062, 85}, {23586, 1275}, {23971, 1262}, {23973, 2398}, {23979, 23990}, {23989, 23978}, {24002, 4391}, {24013, 7045}, {24015, 42719}, {24016, 677}, {24027, 1110}, {24471, 960}, {24796, 4863}, {27818, 6557}, {28017, 2082}, {30493, 44707}, {30545, 4110}, {30617, 30615}, {30623, 30620}, {30682, 348}, {30691, 30692}, {30705, 30701}, {30719, 4521}, {30723, 4765}, {30724, 4976}, {30725, 1639}, {31598, 2899}, {31605, 44448}, {32636, 3683}, {32668, 36039}, {32714, 1783}, {33765, 17277}, {34018, 36796}, {34056, 41798}, {34400, 44189}, {34489, 2900}, {34855, 518}, {35012, 41215}, {36118, 1897}, {36419, 36421}, {36570, 40968}, {36621, 38255}, {36838, 4554}, {36908, 8804}, {37566, 1864}, {37755, 3949}, {37757, 17264}, {38254, 36625}, {38374, 38357}, {38459, 3935}, {38859, 1621}, {39126, 44720}, {39771, 4543}, {39793, 4111}, {40153, 46889}, {40154, 6601}, {40223, 16389}, {40617, 4534}, {40719, 3886}, {40933, 3198}, {40961, 40965}, {41003, 3704}, {41280, 9448}, {41282, 215}, {41283, 40363}, {41287, 44159}, {41292, 1358}, {41351, 40872}, {41353, 1026}, {41777, 3061}, {42290, 40779}, {42309, 4384}, {43035, 40869}, {43037, 4009}, {43041, 3716}, {43052, 4944}, {43923, 18344}, {43924, 663}, {43930, 885}, {43932, 513}, {44696, 44695}, {46406, 1978}
{X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 269, 4350}, {1, 1323, 3160}, {1, 4350, 38459}, {1, 10481, 7}, {1, 21314, 10481}, {2, 20089, 30694}, {2, 30694, 27541}, {2, 30695, 6554}, {2, 43983, 85}, {7, 77, 3945}, {7, 347, 3672}, {7, 3160, 1}, {7, 3188, 20}, {7, 7176, 3600}, {7, 14189, 390}, {7, 22464, 4346}, {7, 36640, 3663}, {7, 41352, 4310}, {7, 41354, 4307}, {56, 1358, 7195}, {56, 7195, 3598}, {57, 479, 9533}, {57, 738, 7177}, {57, 18623, 37666}, {57, 34497, 1475}, {57, 43035, 5222}, {85, 348, 2}, {85, 1088, 1446}, {85, 17078, 348}, {85, 17079, 43983}, {85, 40702, 26563}, {175, 176, 390}, {241, 948, 2}, {269, 3668, 7}, {304, 32830, 346}, {348, 17079, 85}, {481, 482, 4312}, {664, 6604, 145}, {934, 38859, 56}, {1088, 17093, 2}, {1088, 37757, 1996}, {1323, 10481, 1}, {1323, 20121, 31721}, {1323, 21314, 7}, {1418, 40133, 45227}, {1427, 7365, 2}, {1447, 17081, 5265}, {1996, 17093, 37757}, {1996, 37757, 2}, {3476, 24797, 30617}, {3600, 7176, 7268}, {3616, 32086, 40719}, {3663, 7271, 7}, {3665, 7223, 388}, {5088, 17170, 20}, {6046, 7023, 7197}, {7056, 33765, 21454}, {7176, 7185, 7}, {7177, 14256, 9533}, {9312, 9436, 8}, {16662, 16663, 57}, {17014, 21454, 5228}, {17078, 17079, 2}, {17092, 37800, 8732}, {18886, 21456, 555}, {21314, 43186, 5543}, {26563, 37780, 40702}, {30701, 32034, 346}, {43064, 45227, 40133}
Let Ea be the ellipse passing through A, and with foci at B and C (the A-Soddy ellipse). Let La be the polar of X(20) with respect to Ea. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, B' = Lc∩La, C' = La∩Lb. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(280). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
X(280) lies on the cubics K034, K041, K133, K199, K926, , the curve Q172, and these lines: {1, 1256}, {2, 318}, {3, 7046}, {4, 2968}, {7, 253}, {8, 20}, {21, 268}, {22, 7172}, {56, 4081}, {75, 309}, {78, 282}, {92, 37434}, {100, 60005}, {101, 39451}, {145, 1433}, {175, 40700}, {176, 40699}, {242, 28028}, {255, 58330}, {279, 17880}, {281, 37054}, {285, 1043}, {341, 345}, {377, 40445}, {443, 65684}, {452, 2339}, {938, 3341}, {956, 37404}, {962, 20223}, {1219, 1422}, {1222, 1413}, {1231, 58023}, {1295, 12114}, {1370, 34936}, {1436, 1791}, {1903, 34259}, {2057, 5423}, {2208, 56202}, {2370, 8059}, {2417, 4397}, {2734, 6081}, {3057, 52007}, {3086, 20320}, {3146, 5081}, {3522, 55986}, {3600, 7219}, {3616, 63165}, {3705, 7396}, {3868, 52037}, {4188, 55995}, {4190, 55985}, {4194, 34277}, {4195, 7151}, {4385, 52404}, {4511, 6513}, {5222, 11348}, {5552, 52351}, {6350, 37108}, {6360, 30679}, {6556, 6735}, {6559, 7367}, {6604, 18025}, {6734, 8808}, {6736, 51295}, {6837, 55963}, {6847, 41013}, {6848, 38462}, {6872, 55936}, {6904, 7131}, {6934, 56877}, {7081, 10565}, {7538, 20007}, {8886, 62873}, {10522, 44440}, {10527, 52344}, {11115, 56045}, {11413, 11478}, {14986, 17862}, {17860, 19843}, {18220, 20294}, {20211, 64057}, {20477, 42696}, {26703, 37254}, {27383, 36624}, {27506, 36795}, {30556, 34910}, {30557, 34909}, {41904, 65374}, {44327, 63857}, {44448, 59926}, {50701, 56876}, {54391, 55117}, {55119, 56544}, {55894, 56385}, {55898, 56386}, {57793, 57795}, {61040, 66520}, {62824, 63594}
X(280) = reflection of X(18283) in X(3)
X(280) = isogonal conjugate of X(221)
X(280) = isotomic conjugate of X(347)
X(280) = anticomplement of X(7952)
X(280) = polar conjugate of X(196)
X(280) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(54451)
X(280) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(1433)
X(280) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(20306)
X(280) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(281)
X(280) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(2192)
X(280) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(57793)
X(280) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(7003)
X(280) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(44189)
X(280) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(268)
X(280) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 6223}, {48, 20211}, {58, 1895}, {84, 4}, {189, 21270}, {222, 5932}, {268, 329}, {271, 3436}, {283, 64583}, {309, 11442}, {1413, 12649}, {1422, 56927}, {1433, 8}, {1436, 5905}, {1813, 20297}, {2188, 144}, {2192, 5942}, {2208, 193}, {2289, 55114}, {7118, 30694}, {7129, 6515}, {7177, 56872}, {8059, 521}, {13138, 20293}, {32652, 25259}, {34400, 21285}, {36049, 4391}, {37141, 46400}, {40836, 5906}, {41081, 69}, {41087, 2895}, {44189, 21286}, {52037, 2893}, {52389, 1330}, {55117, 7}, {56944, 21287}, {56972, 3434}, {57422, 12528}, {60799, 3146}, {61040, 33650}, {64988, 317}, {65179, 693}
X(280) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {8, 60599}, {309, 189}, {57793, 44189}, {57795, 34404}
X(280) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 8}, {84, 46355}, {268, 44189}, {281, 2}, {282, 189}, {522, 65213}, {650, 37141}, {1854, 4}, {2192, 7003}, {10391, 314}, {24031, 7253}, {39130, 7020}, {40616, 6332}, {40836, 66091}, {40942, 333}, {44692, 1034}, {52112, 4397}, {52389, 271}, {53013, 282}, {55044, 521}, {61040, 13138}
X(280) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 221}, {2, 2199}, {3, 208}, {4, 7114}, {6, 223}, {7, 2187}, {9, 6611}, {19, 7011}, {25, 7013}, {31, 347}, {32, 40702}, {34, 7078}, {40, 56}, {41, 14256}, {48, 196}, {57, 198}, {58, 227}, {63, 3209}, {65, 2360}, {73, 3194}, {77, 3195}, {109, 6129}, {184, 342}, {222, 2331}, {269, 7074}, {322, 1397}, {329, 604}, {513, 57118}, {603, 7952}, {608, 64082}, {649, 65159}, {738, 7368}, {1035, 3342}, {1055, 61493}, {1103, 1413}, {1106, 7080}, {1110, 38374}, {1333, 64708}, {1394, 41088}, {1400, 1817}, {1402, 8822}, {1405, 63383}, {1407, 2324}, {1408, 21075}, {1409, 41083}, {1412, 21871}, {1415, 14837}, {1426, 1819}, {1435, 55111}, {1436, 40212}, {1457, 15501}, {1461, 14298}, {2206, 57810}, {2208, 55015}, {2212, 57479}, {3182, 34167}, {3207, 42872}, {4565, 55212}, {6087, 36040}, {7053, 40971}, {7099, 55116}, {7335, 47372}, {9247, 40701}, {10397, 32714}, {24027, 38357}, {24033, 55044}, {32660, 59935}, {32674, 64885}, {36059, 54239}, {40943, 57418}, {47848, 57454}, {52411, 64211}
X(280) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 40}, {2, 347}, {3, 221}, {6, 7011}, {9, 223}, {10, 227}, {11, 6129}, {37, 64708}, {282, 47848}, {478, 6611}, {514, 38374}, {521, 55044}, {522, 38357}, {656, 53557}, {1146, 14837}, {1249, 196}, {2968, 8058}, {3160, 14256}, {3161, 329}, {3162, 3209}, {3239, 16596}, {3341, 1}, {5375, 65159}, {5452, 198}, {6129, 3318}, {6376, 40702}, {6505, 7013}, {6552, 7080}, {6600, 7074}, {7358, 57101}, {10017, 6087}, {11517, 7078}, {20620, 54239}, {21172, 55058}, {23050, 40971}, {24771, 2324}, {32664, 2199}, {35072, 64885}, {35508, 14298}, {36033, 7114}, {36103, 208}, {39026, 57118}, {40582, 1817}, {40599, 21871}, {40602, 2360}, {40603, 57810}, {40605, 8822}, {40624, 17896}, {40836, 42451}, {52389, 5930}, {55064, 55212}, {59577, 21075}, {62576, 40701}, {62585, 322}, {62605, 342}, {62647, 64082}
X(280) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 84}, {3, 64069}, {8, 27383}, {268, 2192}, {281, 57492}, {521, 55044}, {522, 2968}, {650, 4081}, {2804, 10017}, {3900, 35072}, {8058, 55058}, {39130, 52389}, {52078, 52384}
X(280) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {309, 34404}, {5931, 31623}
X(280) = crosssum of X(2187) and X(2199)
X(280) = trilinear pole of line {521, 3239}
X(280) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(196)
X(280) = trilinear pole of line X(521)X(3239) (the radical axis of circumcircle and Mandart circle, and the Monge line of the nine-point circles of the A-, B- and C-extouch triangles)
X(280) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 34404}, {4, 44189}, {6, 57793}, {8, 189}, {9, 309}, {19, 57783}, {29, 56944}, {37, 57795}, {55, 44190}, {63, 7020}, {69, 7003}, {75, 282}, {76, 2192}, {78, 64988}, {84, 312}, {92, 271}, {264, 268}, {274, 53013}, {285, 321}, {304, 7008}, {305, 7154}, {314, 1903}, {318, 41081}, {329, 46355}, {333, 39130}, {341, 1422}, {345, 40836}, {346, 1440}, {348, 57492}, {521, 65270}, {522, 44327}, {561, 7118}, {1043, 8808}, {1265, 55110}, {1413, 59761}, {1433, 7017}, {1436, 3596}, {1969, 2188}, {2208, 28659}, {2357, 28660}, {3239, 53642}, {3718, 7129}, {4041, 55211}, {4391, 13138}, {4397, 37141}, {4997, 56939}, {6063, 7367}, {6332, 65213}, {6335, 61040}, {6557, 56940}, {7046, 34400}, {7101, 56972}, {7151, 57919}, {7257, 55242}, {8059, 52622}, {13156, 56118}, {31623, 52389}, {34413, 53994}, {35518, 40117}, {35519, 36049}, {41087, 44130}, {41514, 46350}, {47436, 47850}, {53010, 57779}, {56943, 66091}
X(280) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 223}, {2, 347}, {3, 7011}, {4, 196}, {6, 221}, {7, 14256}, {8, 329}, {9, 40}, {10, 64708}, {19, 208}, {21, 1817}, {25, 3209}, {29, 41083}, {31, 2199}, {33, 2331}, {37, 227}, {40, 40212}, {41, 2187}, {48, 7114}, {55, 198}, {56, 6611}, {63, 7013}, {75, 40702}, {78, 64082}, {84, 57}, {92, 342}, {100, 65159}, {101, 57118}, {189, 7}, {200, 2324}, {210, 21871}, {219, 7078}, {220, 7074}, {264, 40701}, {268, 3}, {271, 63}, {281, 7952}, {282, 1}, {284, 2360}, {285, 81}, {309, 85}, {312, 322}, {318, 64211}, {321, 57810}, {329, 55015}, {333, 8822}, {346, 7080}, {348, 57479}, {480, 7368}, {521, 64885}, {522, 14837}, {607, 3195}, {650, 6129}, {1034, 63877}, {1043, 27398}, {1086, 38374}, {1146, 38357}, {1156, 61493}, {1172, 3194}, {1256, 1422}, {1260, 55111}, {1265, 55112}, {1413, 1407}, {1422, 269}, {1433, 222}, {1436, 56}, {1440, 279}, {1903, 65}, {2188, 48}, {2192, 6}, {2208, 604}, {2320, 63383}, {2321, 21075}, {2324, 1103}, {2327, 1819}, {2357, 1400}, {2358, 1426}, {2968, 16596}, {3062, 42872}, {3064, 54239}, {3239, 8058}, {3341, 47848}, {3900, 14298}, {4041, 55212}, {4081, 5514}, {4163, 57049}, {4391, 17896}, {5514, 3318}, {6081, 65297}, {6355, 20618}, {6612, 7023}, {6765, 54414}, {7003, 4}, {7008, 19}, {7020, 92}, {7037, 57454}, {7046, 55116}, {7079, 40971}, {7118, 31}, {7129, 34}, {7151, 608}, {7154, 25}, {7157, 13853}, {7257, 55241}, {7367, 55}, {8059, 1461}, {8735, 38362}, {8808, 3668}, {13138, 651}, {13156, 10481}, {13853, 6046}, {14302, 8063}, {30457, 41088}, {32652, 1415}, {34400, 7056}, {34404, 75}, {34413, 34401}, {34591, 53557}, {35072, 55044}, {36049, 109}, {37141, 934}, {39130, 226}, {40117, 108}, {40616, 55058}, {40836, 278}, {41081, 77}, {41084, 18623}, {41086, 30456}, {41087, 73}, {41514, 46352}, {42549, 1122}, {44189, 69}, {44190, 6063}, {44327, 664}, {44426, 59935}, {46350, 56943}, {46355, 189}, {47850, 3342}, {47851, 3182}, {52007, 34371}, {52037, 1439}, {52078, 36908}, {52384, 1427}, {52389, 1214}, {52663, 15501}, {53008, 53009}, {53010, 201}, {53013, 37}, {53642, 658}, {53994, 63962}, {55110, 1119}, {55117, 7053}, {55211, 4625}, {55242, 4017}, {56763, 1155}, {56939, 3911}, {56940, 5435}, {56943, 66090}, {56944, 307}, {56972, 7177}, {57055, 57101}, {57081, 57213}, {57108, 10397}, {57241, 57233}, {57492, 281}, {57783, 304}, {57793, 76}, {57795, 274}, {60599, 20211}, {61040, 905}, {61229, 1020}, {64988, 273}, {65213, 653}, {65270, 18026}, {65330, 36118}, {65362, 37141}, {66091, 41514}
X(280) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 46355, 60599}, {8, 10538, 20}, {40, 56942, 8}, {56, 9376, 37141}, {75, 6527, 347}, {84, 39130, 189}, {84, 56939, 56940}, {189, 56940, 84}, {345, 52346, 7080}, {39130, 56939, 84}, {40836, 52389, 2}, {40836, 57492, 7020}, {52389, 57492, 46350}
X(281): Let A'B'C' be the intouch triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(281). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the 3rd extouch triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is homothetic to ABC at X(281). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the 4th extouch triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(281). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the 5th extouch triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(281). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let Ea be the ellipse passing through A, and with foci at B and C (the A-Soddy ellipse). Let La be the polar of X(3) with respect to Ea. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, B' = Lc∩La, C' = La∩Lb. Triangle A'B'C' is homothetic to ABC, and the center of homothety is X(281). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
X(281) lies on these lines: 1,282 2,92 4,9 6,1146 7,653 8,29 28,958 33,200 37,158 45,53 48,944 100,1013 189,222 196,226 220,594 240,984 264,344 268,1012 318,346 380,950 451,1068 515,610 612,1096
X(281) = isogonal conjugate of X(222)
X(281) = isotomic conjugate of X(348)
X(281) = complement of X(347)
X(281) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (29,33), (92,4)
X(281) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (33,4), (37,9), (55,8)
X(281) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,280), (92,318)
X(281) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,221), (48,603), (73,1409), (652,1364)
X(281) = {X(2),X(92)}-harmonic conjugate of X(278)
X(281) = pole, wrt polar circle, of Gergonne line
X(281) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(7)
X(281) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1459)X(1946)
X(281) = trilinear pole of line X(3064)X(3700) (the polar of X(7) wrt polar circle)
X(281) = perspector of Gemini triangle 37 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 37
X(281) = trilinear pole of line X(3064)X(3700) (the perspectrix of ABC and Gemini triangle 38)
X(282) lies on the Thomson cubic and these lines: 1,281 2,77 3,9 4,3351 6,3341 19,102 48,947 57,3343 78,280 200,219 271,283 380,1036
X(282) = isogonal conjugate of X(223)
X(282) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(7118)
X(282) = complement of X(5932)
X(282) = anticomplement of X(20206)
X(282) = X(189)-Ceva conjugate of X(84)
X(282) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,9), (33,1)
X(282) = crosspoint of X(189) and X(280)
X(282) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,1035), (198,221)
X(282) = perspector of ABC and antipedal triangle of X(1490)
X(282) = perspector of pedal and anticevian triangles of X(84)
X(282) = perspector of ABC and medial triangle of pedal triangle of X(3345)
X(282) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(3341)
X(282) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(3341)
X(282) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(3341)
X(282) = polar conjugate of X(342)
X(283) lies on these lines: 1,21 2,580 3,49 29,270 60,284 77,603 78,212 86,307 102,110 271,282 474,582 643,1043 859,945 1010,1065
X(283) = isogonal conjugate of X(225)
X(283) = anticomplement of complementary conjugate of X(34851)
X(283) = X(333)-Ceva conjugate of X(284)
X(283) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,255), (212,219)
X(283) = X(3)-cross conjugate of X(21)
X(283) = crosspoint of X(332) and X(333)
X(283) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1400)
X(284) lies on these lines: 1,19 2,272 3,6 9,21 27,226 29,950 35,71 37,101 55,219 57,77 60,283 73,951 86,142 102,112 109,296 163,909 198,859 261,332 405,965 501,942 515,1065
X(284) = isogonal conjugate of X(226)
X(284) = isotomic conjugate of X(349)
X(284) = anticomplement of X(17052)
X(284) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(579)
X(284) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (81,58), (333,283)
X(284) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,48), (41,55)
X(284) = X(55)-cross conjugate of X(21)
X(284) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (21,81), (29,333)
X(284) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (37,65), (73,1400)
X(284) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(523)X(656)
X(284) = trilinear pole of line X(652)X(663)
X(284) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(73)
X(284) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(109)
X(284) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 10
X(284) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of isogonal triangle of X(1) (a.k.a. reflection triangle of X(1))
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C) : (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin C)f(C,A,B)
X(285) lies on these lines: 21,84 29,81 271,282 280,1043
X(285) = isogonal conjugate of X(227)
X(285) = complement of anticomplementary conjugate of X(20220)
X(285) = X(58)-cross conjugate of X(21)
X(286) lies on these lines: 4,69 7,331 19,27 28,242 29,34 99,915 112,767 158,969 322,1043
X(286) = isogonal conjugate of X(228)
X(286) = isotomic conjugate of X(72)
X(286) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,92), (7,273), (27,29), (28,81)
X(286) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,27), (7,86), (81,274)
X(286) = trilinear pole of line X(693)X(905) (the polar of X(37) wrt polar circle, and the perspectrix of Gemini triangles 1 and 2)
X(286) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(37) (line X(512)X(661))
X(286) = polar conjugate of X(37)
X(286) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(810)X(3049)
X(286) = trilinear product X(2)*X(27)
X(287) lies on the MacBeath circumconic and these lines: 2,98 6,264 69,248 83,217 95,141 185,384 193,253 293,306 297,685 305,394 401,511 651,894 879,895
X(287) = reflection of X(648) in X(6)
X(287) = isogonal conjugate of X(232)
X(287) = isotomic conjugate of X(297)
X(287) = X(290)-Ceva conjugate of X(98)
X(287) = cevapoint of X(2) and X(401)
X(287) = X(248)-cross conjugate of X(98)
X(287) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(98)
X(287) = trilinear pole of PU(37) (line X(3)X(525))
X(287) = antipode of X(69) in hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(69)}
X(287) = MacBeath circumconic antipode of X(648)
X(287) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(237)
X(287) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(6530)
X(287) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(6530)
X(287) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(34854)
X(287) = inverse-in-Steiner-circumellipse of X(98)
X(288) lies on these lines: 51,54 53,275 97,216
X(288) = isogonal conjugate of X(233)
X(288) = cevapoint of X(6) and X(54)
X(288) = trilinear pole of line X(1157)X(1510)
X(289) lies on these lines: 1,363 56,266 258,259
X(289) = isogonal conjugate of X(236)
X(289) = X(6)-cross conjugate of X(266)
X(289) = crosssum of X(1) and X(363)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view the following dynamic sketch:
X(290) lies on the Steiner circumellipse and these lines: 2,327 3,76 6,264 54,276 66,317 67,340 68,315 69,670 71,190 72,668 73,336 248,385 265,316 308,311 892,895
X(290) = isogonal conjugate of X(237)
X(290) = isotomic conjugate of X(511)
X(290) = complement of X(39355)
X(290) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39058)
X(290) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,511), (98,287)
X(290) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (385,308), (401,276), (511,2)
X(290) = point of intersection, other than A, B, C, of Steiner circumellipse and Jerabek hyperbola
X(290) = trilinear pole of line X(2)X(647) (the line through the polar conjugates of PU(39))
X(290) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(232)
X(290) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(232)
X(290) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(1755)
X(290) = crossdifference of PU(89)
X(290) = areal center of cevian triangles of PU(37)
X(290) = areal center of cevian triangles of PU(45)
X(290) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(22456),PU(177)}}
X(290) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(3)-antipode of X(99)
X(290) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(4)-antipode of X(6528)
X(290) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(6)-antipode of X(648)
See the description at X(1281). The lines AD', BE', CF' defined there concur in X(291).
X(291) lies on these lines: 1,39 2,38 6,985 8,330 10,274 42,81 43,57 88,660 105,238 256,894 337,986 350,726 659,897 876,891
X(291) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1015), (668,10)
X(291) = isogonal conjugate of X(238)
X(291) = isotomic conjugate of X(350)
X(291) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(36906)
X(291) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (239,256), (518,1)
X(291) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,292), (2,335)
X(291) = trilinear pole of PU(i) for these i: 6, 52, 53
X(291) = antipode of X(1) in hyperbola {A,B,C,X(1),X(2)}
X(291) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(20769)
X(291) = point of intersection, other than A, B, C, of 1st and 2nd bicentrics of the circumcircle
X(291) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(659)X(4435) (the perspectrix of ABC and Gemini triangle 33)
Let A33B33C33 be Gemini triangle 33. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B33,C33}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(292). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(292) lies on these lines: 1,39 2,334 6,869 9,87 37,86 44,660 58,101 106,813 171,893 269,1020 659,665
X(292) = isogonal conjugate of X(239)
X(292) = isotomic conjugate of X(1921)
X(292) = complement of X(20345)
X(292) = anticomplement of X(20333)
X(292) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,9470), (335,292), (813,3572)
X(292) = cevapoint of X(171) and X(238)
X(292) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(659)X(812)
X(292) = crossdifference of PU(134)
X(292) = X(1)-Hirst inverse of X(291)
X(292) = trilinear pole of line X(42)X(649)
X(292) = point of intersection, other than A, B, C, of 1st and 2nd bicentrics of the Steiner circumellipse
X(292) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(660),X(813)}}
X(292) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of obverse triangle of X(1)
X(292) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of trilinear obverse triangle of X(2)
X(292) = trilinear square root of isogonal conjugate of X(39044)
X(293) lies on these lines: 1,163 31,92 72,248 98,109 255,304 287,306
X(293) = isogonal conjugate of X(240)
X(293) = trilinear pole of line X(48)X(656)
X(293) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1755)
X(294) is the perspector of the anticevian triangle of X(105) and the unary cofactor triangle of the intangents triangle. (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(294) lies on these lines: 1,41 2,949 4,218 6,7 8,220 19,1041 84,580 104,919 239,666 241,910 314,645
X(294) = isogonal conjugate of X(241)
X(294) = isotomic conjugate of X(40704)
X(294) = anticomplement of X(17060)
X(294) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (672,1458), (910,1279)
X(294) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(926)X(1362)
X(294) = X(1)-Hirst inverse of X(105)
X(294) = trilinear pole of line X(55)X(650)
X(294) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,PU(96)}
X(294) = intersection of trilinear polars of P(96) and U(96)
X(295) lies on these lines: 27,335 43,57 58,101 72,337 103,813 150,334 875,926 876,928
X(295) = isogonal conjugate of X(242)
X(295) = X(335)-Ceva conjugate of X(292)
X(295) = crosspoint of X(335) and X(337)
X(295) = trilinear pole of line X(71)X(1459)
X(295) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1914)
X(296) lies on the conic {A,B,C,X(1),X(3)}}, the cubics K040 and K1185, and on these lines: {1, 185}, {3, 820}, {4, 41500}, {29, 65}, {46, 2636}, {77, 1364}, {78, 7066}, {109, 284}, {219, 1949}, {243, 8764}, {283, 1813}, {416, 2651}, {518, 14198}, {851, 2655}, {916, 1807}, {949, 19350}, {1069, 20764}, {1155, 23707}, {1935, 7016}, {2263, 2818}, {3466, 5018}, {8677, 23696}, {10570, 15556}, {17973, 17975}, {38248, 38284}, {40442, 40946}
X(296) = isogonal conjugate of X(243)
X(296) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(1945)
X(296) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(1952)
X(296) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1952, 1945}, {37142, 1937}
X(296) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1936, 7016}, {8763, 1}
X(296) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 243}, {2, 2202}, {4, 1936}, {6, 1948}, {8, 1430}, {19, 1944}, {29, 851}, {33, 5088}, {34, 7360}, {65, 15146}, {92, 1951}, {296, 41500}, {318, 26884}, {393, 6518}, {450, 7105}, {522, 23353}, {650, 1981}, {1172, 8680}, {2299, 44150}, {2322, 51647}, {2648, 41499}, {7016, 41497}, {31623, 42669}, {44112, 44130}
X(296) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 243}, {6, 1944}, {9, 1948}, {226, 44150}, {1936, 36033}, {1951, 22391}, {2202, 32664}, {7360, 11517}, {15146, 40602}
X(296) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2655}, {3, 17975}, {1935, 1936}
X(296) = crosssum of X(415) and X(2659)
X(296) = trilinear pole of line {73, 652}
X(296) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 40843}, {3, 1952}, {63, 1937}, {69, 1945}, {73, 35145}, {75, 1949}, {307, 2249}, {520, 41207}, {656, 41206}, {1214, 37142}, {1942, 1943}
X(296) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1948}, {3, 1944}, {6, 243}, {31, 2202}, {48, 1936}, {73, 8680}, {109, 1981}, {184, 1951}, {219, 7360}, {222, 5088}, {255, 6518}, {284, 15146}, {604, 1430}, {1214, 44150}, {1409, 851}, {1410, 51647}, {1415, 23353}, {1937, 92}, {1942, 7108}, {1945, 4}, {1949, 1}, {1950, 450}, {1952, 264}, {2202, 41500}, {2249, 29}, {2655, 39036}, {6516, 15418}, {7120, 41497}, {17966, 41499}, {17975, 39035}, {35145, 44130}, {37142, 31623}, {40843, 75}, {41206, 811}, {41207, 6528}
As a point on the Euler line, X(297) has Shinagawa coefficients (EF + F2, - S2).
X(297) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {6, 317}, {53, 141}, {69, 393}, {76, 343}, {83, 275}, {92, 257}, {107, 2710}, {112, 2857}, {193, 1249}, {230, 2966}, {232, 325}, {239, 5081}, {249, 316}, {273, 3662}, {286, 1865}, {287, 685}, {290, 1987}, {315, 394}, {318, 3661}, {324, 1235}, {340, 524}, {459, 2996}, {525, 850}, {530, 6111}, {531, 6110}, {623, 6117}, {624, 6116}, {626, 3199}, {1515, 1533}, {1654, 2322}, {1785, 3912}, {1915, 1970}, {3087, 3618}, {3978, 6331}, {3981, 5254}, {5032, 5702}
X(297) = midpoint of X(340) and X(648)
X(297) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (401,441), (648,1990), (2966,230)
X(297) = isogonal conjugate of X(248)
X(297) = isotomic conjugate of X(287)
X(297) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(458)
X(297) = complement of X(401)
X(297) = anticomplement of X(441)
X(297) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (264,2967), (6330,2)
X(297) = cevapoint of X(232) and X(511)
X(297) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (511,325), (2967,264), (3569,4230)
X(297) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(184)X(647)
X(297) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for (i,j) = (2,4), (193,1249)
X(297) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1953,129), (1956,141), (1972,2887), (1987,10)
X(297) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1297,4329), (6330,6327}
X(297) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,PU(45)}
X(297) = intersection of trilinear polars of P(45) and U(45)
X(297) = trilinear pole of line X(114)X(132) (the polar of X(98) wrt polar circle)
X(297) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(98) (line X(6)X(523))
X(297) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(98)
X(297) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(1316)
X(297) = inverse-in-Steiner-circumellipse of X(4)
X(297) = {X(2479),X(2480)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4)
X(297) = inverse-in-Steiner-inellipse of X(5)
X(297) = {X(2454),X(2455)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5)
X(297) = midpoint of polar conjugates of PU(4)
X(297) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1,248}, {3,1910}, {6,293}, {31,287}, {32,336}, {48,98}, {63,1976}, {163,879}, {184,1821}, {656,2715}, {662,878}, {685,822}, {810,2966}, {1176,3404}, {1973,6394}, {2395,4575}, {2422,4592}
X(297) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): (2,4,458), (2,401,441), (4,419,460), (4,420,419), (4,5117,427), (53,141,264), (237,868,2450), (237,2450,1513), (419,420,468), (460,468,419), (470,471,468), (472,473,428), (868,5112,1513), (1585,1586,25), (2450,5112,237), (2454,2455,5), (2479,2480,4)
Centers 298- 350 are isotomic conjugates of previously listed centers.
X(298) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,617 5,634 13,532 14,76 15,533 18,636 99,531 140,628 264,472 316,530 317,473 319,1082 340,470 381,622 511,1080
X(298) = midpoint of X(616) and X(621)
X(298) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (13,623), (15,618), (299,325), (385,395)
X(298) = isogonal conjugate of X(3457)
X(298) = isotomic conjugate of X(13)
X(298) = complement of X(3180)
X(298) = anticomplement of X(396)
X(298) = X(300)-Ceva conjugate of X(303)
X(298) = X(15)-cross conjugate of X(470)
X(298) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(299)
X(298) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(8737) (line X(462)X(2501))
X(298) = polar conjugate of X(8737)
X(298) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(616) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(299) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,616 5,633 13,76 14,533 16,532 17,635 30,617 75,554 99,530 140,627 264,473 316,531 317,472 319,559 340,471 381,621 383,511
X(299) = midpoint of X(617) and X(622)
X(299) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (14,624), (16,619), (298,325), (385,396)
X(299) = isogonal conjugate of X(3458)
X(299) = isotomic conjugate of X(14)
X(299) = complement of X(3181)
X(299) = anticomplement of X(395)
X(299) = X(301)-Ceva conjugate of X(302)
X(299) = X(16)-cross conjugate of X(471)
X(299) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(298)
X(299) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(8738) (line X(463)X(2501))
X(299) = polar conjugate of X(8738)
X(299) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(617) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(300) lies on these lines: 2,94 13,76 264,302 265,621 303,311
X(300) = isogonal conjugate of X(34394)
X(300) = isotomic conjugate of X(15)
X(300) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 621}, {298, 303}
X(300) = polar conjugate of X(8739)
X(300) = trilinear pole of line X(850)X(20578)
X(300) = X(94)-Hirst inverse of X(301)
X(301) lies on these lines: 2,94 14,76 264,303 265,622 302,311
X(301) = isogonal conjugate of X(34395)
X(301) = isotomic conjugate of X(16)
X(301) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 622}, {299, 302}
X(301) = X(94)-Hirst inverse of X(300)
X(301) = polar conjugate of X(8740)
X(301) = trilinear pole of line X(850)X(20579)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(302).
X(302) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,621 5,622 14,99 16,316 18,76 61,629 140,633 264,300 301,311 317,470 381,616 549,617
X(302) = isotomic conjugate of X(17)
X(302) = X(301)-Ceva conjugate of X(299)
X(302) = X(61)-cross conjugate of X(473)
X(302) = polar conjugate of X(8741)
X(302) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(627) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(303).
X(303) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,622 5,621 13,99 15,316 17,76 62,630 140,634 264,301 300,311 317,471 381,617 549,616
X(303) = isotomic conjugate of X(18)
X(303) = X(300)-Ceva conjugate of X(298)
X(303) = polar conjugate of X(8742)
X(303) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(628) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(303) = X(62)-cross conjugate of X(472)
Let AaBaCa, AbBbCb, AcBcCc be the A-, B-, and C-anti-altimedial triangles, resp. X(304) is the trilinear product Ba*Ca*Cb*Ab*Ac*Bc. (Randy Hutson, November 2, 2017)
X(304) lies on these lines: 1,75 8,3263 63,1102 69,72 76,85 92,561 255,293 279,346 305,306 309,322 337,1565 341,668 345,348 662,2172 742,2176 799,2349 811,1895 1921,3061 1958,1973
X(304) = isogonal conjugate of X(1973)
X(304) = isotomic conjugate of X(19)
X(304) = complement of X(21216)
X(304) = anticomplement of X(16583)
X(304) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (63,326), (69,345), (312,322)
X(304) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (63,75), (306,69)
X(304) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,25), (48,1096), (92,560)
X(304) = polar conjugate of X(1096)
X(304) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 35
X(304) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 36
Barycentrics b3c3cos A : c3a3cos B : a3b3cos C
X(305) = trilinear-pole-of-line-X(525)X(3267) = pole-with-respect-to-polar-circle-of trilinear-polar-of-X(2207) = X(48)-isoconjugate-of-X(2207) = X(92)-isoconjugate-of-X(1501) Randy Hutson, August 15, 2013
X(305) lies on these lines: 2,39 22,99 25,683 95,183 264,325 287,394 304,306 311,1007 341,1088 350,614 561,1441
X(305) = isogonal conjugate of X(1974)
X(305) = isotomic conjugate of X(25)
X(305) = anticomplement of X(1196)
X(305) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(36417)
X(305) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (69,76), (339, (3267)
X(305) = cevapont of X(339) and X(3267)
X(306) lies on these lines: 1,2 27,1043 63,69 72,440 92,264 209,518 226,321 253,329 287,293 304,305 319,333
X(306) = isogonal conjugate of X(1474)
X(306) = isotomic conjugate of X(27)
X(306) = complement of X(3187)
X(306) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (69, 72), (312,321), (313,10)
X(306) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (71,10), (72,307), (440,2)
X(306) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (69,304), (312,345)
X(306) = crosssum of X(604) and X(608)
X(306) = trilinear pole of line X(525)X(656)
X(306) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(8747) (line X(649)X(7649))
X(306) = polar conjugate of X(8747)
X(306) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(28)
X(306) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(2206)
X(307) lies on these lines: 2,7 8,253 69,73 75,225 86,283 95,320 141,241 269,936 319,664 948,966
X(307) = isogonal conjugate of X(2299)
X(307) = isotomic conjugate of X(29)
X(307) = X(349)-Ceva conjugate of X(226)
X(307) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (72,306), (73,226)
X(307) = crosspoint of X(69) and X(75)
X(307) = crosssum of X(25) and X(31)
X(308) lies on these lines: 2,702 6,76 25,183 42,313 69,263 111,689 141,670 251,385 290,311
X(308) = isogonal conjugate of X(3051)
X(308) = isotomic conjugate of X(39)
X(308) = anticomplement of isotomic conjugate of X(31622)
X(308) = anticomplement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23210)
X(308) = anticomplement of crosspoint of X(2) and X(39)
X(308) = anticomplement of crosssum of X(6) and X(83)
X(308) = cevapoint of X(2) and X(76)
X(308) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,83), (385,290)
X(308) = trilinear pole of line X(316)X(512) (anticomplement of Lemoine axis)
X(308) = polar conjugate of X(1843)
X(308) = barycentric product X(76)*X(83)
X(309) lies on these lines: 69,189 75,280 77,318 84,314 85,264 304,322
X(309) = isogonal conjugate of X(2187)
X(309) = isotomic conjugate of X(40)
X(309) = cevapoint of X(189) and X(280)
X(309) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (7,75), (92,85)
X(309) = polar conjugate of X(2331)
X(310) lies on these lines: 2,39 7,314 38,75 86,350 99,675 261,272 321,335 333,673 670,903 871,982
X(310) = isogonal conjugate of X(1918)
X(310) = isotomic conjugate of X(42)
X(310) = complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23176)
X(310) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (75,76), (274,314)
X(310) = X(75)-cross conjugate of X(274)
X(310) = polar conjugate of X(2333)
X(310) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 23
X(310) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 24
X(310) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 25
Let OAOBOC be the Kosnita triangle. Let A' be the trilinear pole of line OBOC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(1994). Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(311). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2018)
X(311) lies on these lines: 2,570 4,69 22,157 53,324 95,99 141,338 290,308 300,303 301,302 305,1007
X(311) = isotomic conjugate of X(54)
X(311) = anticomplement of X(570)
X(311) = complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23158)
X(311) = X(76)-Ceva conjugate of X(343)
X(311) = cevapoint of X(5) and X(343)
X(311) = X(5)-cross conjugate of X(324)
X(311) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(8882) (line X(512)X(2623))
X(311) = polar conjugate of X(8882)
X(311) = barycentric product X(5)*X(76)
Let A37B37C37 be Gemini triangle 37. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B37,C37}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(312). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
Let A39B39C39 be Gemini triangle 39. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B39,C39}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(312). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(312) lies on these lines: 1,1089 2,37 8,210 9,314 29,33 63,190 69,189 76,85 92,264 212,643 223,664 726,982 894,940 975,1010
X(312) = isogonal conjugate of X(604)
X(312) = isotomic conjugate of X(57)
X(312) = complement of X(3210)
X(312) = anticomplement of X(3752)
X(312) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (76,75), (304,322), (314,8)
X(312) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,329), (8,346), (9,78), (306,321)
X(312) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,75), (9,318), (306,345), (346,341)
X(312) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (32,1397), (56,1403), (57,1424)
X(312) = polar conjugate of X(34)
X(312) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(85)
X(312) = BSS(A→A') of X(4), where A'B'C' is the excentral triangle
X(312) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 27
X(312) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 27
X(312) = trilinear pole of line X(522)X(3717) (the polar of X(34) wrt polar circle, and the radical axis of the circumcircles of the outer and inner Garcia triangles)
Barycentrics (b + c)b2c2 : (c + a)c2a2 : (a + b)a2b2
Let A40B40C40 be Gemini triangle 40. Let A' be the center of conic {A,B,C,B40,C40}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(313). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(313) lies on these lines: 10,75 12,349 42,308 71,190 80,314 92,264 321,594 561,696
X(313) = isogonal conjugate of X(2206)
X(313) = isotomic conjugate of X(58)
X(313) = complement of X(17148)
X(313) = anticomplement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23197)
X(313) = X(76)-Ceva conjugate of X(321)
X(313) = cevapoint of X(10) and X(306)
X(313) = X(321)-cross conjugate of X(349)
X(313) = crosssum of X(32) and X(560)
X(313) = polar conjugate of X(1474)
Let D and E be the intersections of line X(1)X(3) with lines PU(3) and PU(6), respectively. Let D' and E' be the isogonal conjugates of D and E, respectively. Let D" and E" be the isotomic conjugates of D and E, respectively. Then X(314) = D'D" ∩E'E". (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A4B4C4 be the 4th Conway triangle. Let A' be the cevapoint of B4 and C4, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(314). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
Let A5B5C5 be the 5th Conway triangle. Let A' be the cevapoint of B5 and C5, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(314). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
X(314) lies on these lines: 1,75 2,941 4,69 6,981 7,310 9,312 21,261 29,1039 58,987 79,320 80,313 81,321 84,309 99,104 256,350 294,645
X(314) = isogonal conjugate of X(1402)
X(314) = isotomic conjugate of X(65)
X(314) = anticomplement of X(2092)
X(314) = X(310)-Ceva conjugate of X(274)
X(314) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (8,312), (69,75)
X(314) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,333), (69,332), (333,274), (497,29)
X(315) lies on these lines: 2,32 3,325 4,69 5,183 8,760 20,99 68,290 192,746 194,736 274,377 297,394 343,458 371,491 372,492 631,1007
X(315) = midpoint of X(637) and X(638)
X(315) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (32,626),
(371,640, (372,639)
X(315) = isogonal conjugate of X(2353)
X(315) = isotomic conjugate of X(66)
X(315) = anticomplement of X(32)
X(315) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(194)
X(315) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (206,2)
Let A'B'C' be the antipedal triangle of X(4) (the anticomplementary triangle). The circumcircles of AA'X(4), BB'X(4), CC'X(4) concur, other than X(4), in X(316). (Randy Hutson, June 27, 2018)
See Lucien Droussent, "Cubiques circulaires anallagmatiques par points réciproques ou isogonaux," Mathesis 62 (1953) 204-215.
X(316) lies on these lines: 2,187 4,69 15,303 16,302 30,99 115,385 148,538 183,381 249,297 265,290 298,530 299,531 376,1007 384,626 512,850 524,671 691,858
X(316) = midpoint of X(621) and X(622)
X(316) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (15,624), (16,623), (99,325), (385,115),
X(316) = isogonal conjugate of X(3455)
X(316) = isotomic conjugate of X(67)
X(316) = anticomplement of X(187)
X(316) = crosssum of X(39) and X(187)
X(316) = reflection of X(99) in the polar of X(76)
X(316) = antigonal conjugate of X(23)
X(316) = reflection of X(99) in the de Longchamps line
X(316) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(1843)
X(316) = trilinear pole of line X(2492)X(7664)
X(316) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(8791) (line X(512)X(1843))
X(316) = polar conjugate of X(8791)
X(316) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(21395)
X(316) = intersection of Lemoine axes of 1st and 2nd Ehrmann circumscribing triangles
X(316) = intersection of Lemoine axes of anticevian triangles of PU(4)
X(317) lies on these lines: 2,95 4,69 6,297 25,325 53,524 66,290 141,458 183,427 193,393 261,406 273,320 298,473 299,472 302,470 303,471 318,319 1007,6353
X(317) = isogonal conjugate of X(2351)
X(317) = isotomic conjugate of X(68)
X(317) = anticomplement of X(577)
X(317) = cevapoint of X(52) and X(467)
X(317) = polar conjugate of X(2165)
X(317) = X(1721)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
Let A'B'C' be the mixtilinear incentral triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(318). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2018)
X(318) lies on these lines: 2,280 4,8 10,158 29,33 53,594 63,412 75,225 77,309 108,404 200,1089 208,653 239,458 243,958 253,342 281,346 317,319 475,1068
X(318) = isogonal conjugate of X(603)
X(318) = isotomic conjugate of X(77)
X(318) = X(264)-Ceva conjugate of X(92)
X(318) = cevapoint of X(9) and X(33)
X(318) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (9,312), (10,8), (281,92)
X(318) = trilinear pole of line X(3064)X(3239) (the radical axis of Mandart circle and excircles radical circle, and the polar of X(57) wrt polar circle)
X(318) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(57) (line X(513)X(663))
X(318) = polar conjugate of X(57)
X(318) = inverse-in-Fuhrmann-circle of X(5081)
X(319) lies on these lines: 2,1100 7,8 10,86 80,313 141,239 171,757 200,326 261,502 298,1082 299,559 306,333 307,664 317,318 321,1029 344,391 524,594
X(319) = reflection of X(894) in X(594)
X(319) = isotomic conjugate of X(79)
X(319) = anticomplement of X(1100)
X(319) = complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23165)
X(319) = trilinear pole of line X(4467)X(7265) (the perspectrix of ABC and Gemini triangle 25)
X(320) lies on the cubics K311, K636, and K660, and these lines: {1, 752}, {2, 44}, {6, 3662}, {7, 8}, {9, 17234}, {10, 4896}, {31, 29638}, {37, 6646}, {38, 32949}, {42, 24707}, {45, 17244}, {57, 4417}, {58, 86}, {63, 18134}, {72, 33943}, {76, 4911}, {77, 44179}, {79, 314}, {80, 20568}, {81, 17184}, {95, 307}, {141, 894}, {142, 3707}, {144, 344}, {145, 4346}, {150, 18159}, {171, 33064}, {183, 7179}, {190, 527}, {192, 4851}, {193, 3759}, {219, 28965}, {226, 14829}, {239, 524}, {241, 17950}, {244, 32843}, {256, 4022}, {264, 7282}, {269, 326}, {273, 317}, {291, 2228}, {298, 36669}, {299, 36668}, {306, 32939}, {309, 20570}, {312, 5905}, {313, 44139}, {315, 3673}, {318, 44134}, {321, 17483}, {325, 1447}, {329, 18141}, {333, 4001}, {334, 660}, {335, 742}, {340, 1835}, {345, 9965}, {346, 17240}, {350, 513}, {354, 4388}, {369, 3232}, {489, 31549}, {490, 31550}, {491, 32792}, {492, 32791}, {514, 30190}, {516, 4684}, {517, 49779}, {519, 679}, {536, 4440}, {537, 32847}, {540, 30117}, {545, 3943}, {553, 3687}, {573, 29747}, {583, 27678}, {594, 3631}, {597, 29630}, {599, 3661}, {662, 20769}, {664, 22464}, {668, 3264}, {670, 18891}, {674, 3888}, {726, 32846}, {740, 32857}, {750, 33065}, {758, 1227}, {765, 1275}, {896, 29632}, {908, 1797}, {940, 27184}, {942, 1330}, {960, 41874}, {966, 4751}, {982, 3764}, {1043, 4292}, {1088, 7055}, {1100, 17235}, {1104, 20077}, {1119, 32001}, {1150, 31019}, {1193, 33947}, {1203, 33955}, {1213, 17252}, {1215, 33085}, {1232, 34388}, {1267, 1270}, {1271, 5391}, {1278, 17299}, {1279, 3622}, {1439, 46752}, {1443, 1464}, {1444, 5303}, {1449, 17304}, {1478, 20925}, {1647, 27922}, {1654, 3739}, {1698, 1757}, {1730, 29790}, {1738, 34379}, {1743, 17282}, {1760, 7289}, {1764, 29788}, {1836, 4479}, {1931, 25536}, {1944, 7359}, {1959, 3942}, {1964, 7184}, {1992, 5222}, {1999, 3782}, {2234, 3783}, {2239, 37632}, {2245, 3218}, {2260, 28402}, {2308, 33123}, {2321, 17295}, {2323, 4585}, {2345, 3620}, {2481, 3254}, {2796, 4693}, {2887, 29861}, {2895, 4359}, {2911, 26657}, {2968, 40996}, {3008, 27191}, {3120, 32919}, {3187, 19796}, {3219, 18139}, {3241, 49699}, {3242, 50289}, {3244, 3663}, {3246, 3616}, {3260, 34387}, {3263, 8047}, {3296, 30479}, {3306, 5233}, {3509, 4070}, {3570, 24602}, {3589, 7277}, {3593, 32795}, {3595, 32796}, {3598, 37668}, {3618, 17370}, {3619, 5749}, {3623, 3672}, {3625, 50099}, {3626, 49713}, {3629, 17121}, {3630, 4405}, {3632, 50088}, {3633, 3875}, {3644, 17314}, {3666, 17778}, {3675, 24516}, {3679, 24693}, {3684, 4987}, {3685, 4966}, {3686, 24199}, {3693, 40868}, {3702, 14450}, {3705, 7788}, {3717, 5850}, {3720, 4683}, {3729, 4873}, {3741, 33097}, {3744, 20101}, {3751, 4429}, {3760, 4056}, {3761, 7272}, {3763, 17368}, {3769, 33144}, {3770, 20891}, {3771, 4650}, {3772, 37683}, {3775, 24342}, {3791, 33147}, {3821, 4649}, {3823, 5232}, {3824, 25446}, {3840, 33096}, {3873, 4514}, {3874, 5015}, {3882, 20367}, {3883, 5542}, {3886, 4312}, {3894, 4680}, {3896, 33102}, {3916, 25650}, {3923, 33087}, {3932, 5852}, {3946, 4982}, {3957, 4450}, {3980, 33084}, {3999, 5211}, {4009, 20947}, {4014, 6007}, {4021, 49696}, {4029, 29601}, {4033, 40875}, {4038, 4425}, {4062, 32845}, {4080, 51908}, {4089, 4867}, {4118, 18207}, {4273, 21997}, {4277, 4850}, {4285, 17012}, {4295, 4673}, {4310, 51192}, {4358, 8046}, {4361, 17363}, {4362, 33103}, {4364, 16826}, {4373, 20054}, {4384, 6173}, {4392, 33070}, {4393, 17301}, {4406, 37998}, {4407, 36531}, {4409, 28297}, {4418, 33081}, {4419, 4664}, {4422, 17266}, {4430, 5014}, {4432, 28558}, {4439, 24821}, {4445, 17118}, {4447, 21320}, {4452, 20014}, {4454, 29616}, {4465, 30967}, {4472, 29610}, {4473, 41310}, {4569, 35164}, {4640, 29839}, {4648, 4687}, {4654, 11679}, {4657, 17236}, {4659, 17294}, {4660, 49490}, {4665, 22165}, {4667, 16786}, {4672, 29637}, {4676, 24695}, {4679, 24482}, {4686, 17372}, {4688, 4690}, {4691, 4967}, {4697, 32783}, {4699, 17275}, {4700, 17067}, {4702, 28534}, {4703, 26102}, {4713, 31028}, {4722, 29850}, {4725, 20016}, {4740, 20055}, {4742, 5180}, {4749, 7191}, {4753, 25351}, {4766, 9318}, {4772, 28634}, {4799, 17027}, {4860, 26240}, {4892, 33140}, {4902, 17151}, {4908, 17487}, {4938, 14459}, {4945, 9326}, {4973, 7799}, {4996, 52437}, {5088, 10609}, {5231, 36278}, {5263, 49511}, {5278, 27186}, {5280, 17192}, {5308, 51488}, {5718, 24627}, {5739, 19804}, {5741, 27003}, {5744, 30828}, {5745, 41878}, {5750, 17307}, {5805, 48878}, {5839, 20080}, {5847, 24231}, {5902, 33934}, {5904, 33933}, {6163, 33864}, {6172, 29627}, {6224, 36917}, {6356, 41008}, {7058, 52361}, {7081, 37671}, {7113, 27950}, {7122, 18209}, {7185, 12635}, {7222, 48630}, {7227, 48635}, {7229, 48640}, {7231, 48636}, {7262, 29642}, {7291, 16568}, {7779, 33891}, {8822, 18650}, {9025, 20358}, {9055, 49752}, {9776, 14555}, {9791, 15569}, {10025, 51384}, {10446, 12699}, {10889, 41864}, {11160, 50077}, {11246, 32932}, {12586, 21280}, {13476, 17153}, {14616, 35156}, {15523, 32940}, {15533, 17119}, {15668, 17248}, {15988, 26573}, {16666, 17382}, {16669, 17356}, {16672, 24441}, {16704, 33129}, {16777, 17247}, {16815, 17330}, {16816, 50074}, {16817, 49716}, {16823, 25557}, {16884, 17323}, {16885, 17265}, {17011, 42045}, {17018, 32950}, {17026, 24694}, {17028, 30958}, {17045, 17324}, {17056, 38000}, {17062, 17739}, {17126, 33122}, {17132, 49765}, {17133, 49761}, {17135, 20292}, {17140, 20290}, {17144, 17753}, {17145, 21282}, {17152, 25303}, {17155, 32852}, {17165, 33078}, {17167, 29766}, {17170, 18156}, {17178, 26971}, {17179, 49997}, {17181, 36280}, {17202, 18166}, {17230, 17281}, {17231, 17280}, {17232, 17279}, {17238, 17303}, {17239, 28604}, {17242, 17262}, {17243, 17261}, {17245, 17260}, {17246, 17319}, {17251, 29576}, {17259, 17331}, {17267, 17339}, {17268, 17340}, {17269, 29577}, {17270, 25590}, {17278, 17349}, {17283, 17353}, {17284, 17354}, {17285, 17355}, {17293, 48634}, {17306, 17381}, {17318, 17389}, {17325, 17397}, {17326, 17398}, {17341, 26685}, {17342, 29579}, {17359, 29587}, {17383, 37677}, {17395, 29584}, {17399, 26626}, {17449, 23633}, {17499, 21240}, {17555, 42856}, {17579, 49687}, {17720, 37684}, {17731, 24194}, {17755, 27487}, {17762, 33865}, {17763, 32856}, {17776, 20078}, {17787, 18040}, {17789, 34377}, {17790, 52043}, {17863, 21287}, {17889, 32853}, {17923, 22128}, {18025, 35157}, {18041, 18161}, {18042, 18162}, {18049, 18727}, {18133, 20245}, {18145, 49999}, {18147, 18148}, {18151, 30807}, {18194, 25572}, {18480, 21276}, {18653, 30606}, {18690, 45797}, {18713, 18725}, {18714, 18726}, {18715, 18728}, {18716, 18729}, {18717, 18730}, {18718, 18731}, {18719, 18732}, {18720, 18733}, {18721, 18734}, {18722, 18735}, {18750, 26871}, {18816, 20566}, {18827, 35147}, {19742, 26724}, {19808, 32782}, {20017, 50106}, {20073, 29583}, {20086, 33150}, {20142, 25357}, {20335, 37686}, {20345, 25333}, {20349, 21221}, {20878, 23363}, {20886, 30690}, {20888, 33297}, {20920, 48380}, {21061, 29382}, {21290, 36919}, {21342, 29840}, {21356, 29611}, {21358, 29613}, {21873, 27705}, {22003, 22047}, {24165, 32861}, {24214, 33296}, {24215, 34063}, {24220, 29746}, {24248, 49470}, {24325, 33082}, {24330, 31027}, {24331, 50296}, {24352, 31038}, {24470, 41014}, {24512, 31004}, {24514, 30945}, {24589, 37656}, {24603, 31144}, {24628, 24685}, {24712, 30997}, {24725, 30942}, {24789, 37652}, {24833, 29331}, {24851, 35633}, {24864, 35962}, {25284, 28597}, {25384, 27495}, {25957, 32912}, {25959, 33114}, {26132, 37642}, {26223, 33172}, {26540, 26651}, {26580, 37633}, {26756, 27102}, {26772, 27017}, {27002, 37663}, {27396, 40905}, {27509, 28753}, {27526, 40892}, {28538, 50015}, {28580, 49763}, {28609, 30567}, {29570, 41312}, {29571, 50093}, {29572, 41313}, {29573, 49748}, {29575, 49742}, {29578, 49738}, {29586, 41311}, {29588, 50125}, {29596, 50115}, {29605, 50121}, {29607, 40480}, {29619, 50113}, {29620, 49737}, {29643, 36263}, {29649, 33101}, {29658, 36267}, {29660, 50300}, {29674, 32935}, {29687, 32938}, {30596, 44147}, {30598, 30712}, {30829, 31018}, {30854, 52457}, {30966, 30969}, {31017, 32779}, {31134, 33120}, {31145, 49703}, {31252, 51073}, {31289, 34595}, {31637, 36086}, {31993, 37653}, {32771, 33080}, {32774, 37685}, {32793, 32814}, {32801, 32808}, {32802, 32809}, {32803, 32805}, {32804, 32806}, {32858, 32933}, {32866, 42055}, {32915, 33098}, {32942, 41011}, {33076, 49479}, {33086, 46897}, {33095, 42057}, {33112, 46909}, {33133, 37639}, {33142, 48646}, {33149, 49488}, {33170, 48647}, {33869, 49452}, {33890, 44453}, {34255, 42034}, {34282, 50599}, {34920, 40438}, {35102, 49755}, {35160, 43762}, {36479, 51055}, {36480, 50301}, {36534, 47358}, {38989, 39044}, {40940, 41629}, {41138, 41141}, {45222, 50256}, {49508, 49521}
X(320) = midpoint of X(4440) and X(6542)
X(320) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 31138}, {44, 3834}, {190, 3912}, {238, 49676}, {239, 1086}, {1086, 7238}, {1266, 4887}, {1757, 3836}, {3257, 908}, {3685, 4966}, {4480, 2325}, {4693, 49764}, {4700, 17067}, {4753, 25351}, {4969, 4395}, {6542, 17374}, {17160, 1266}, {17264, 17297}, {17487, 4908}, {20072, 44}, {24715, 24692}, {24821, 4439}, {25048, 20358}, {32850, 4645}, {32922, 24231}, {49695, 49675}, {49698, 32850}, {49704, 4864}, {49708, 3244}, {49709, 1}, {49710, 1125}, {49711, 3664}, {49712, 10}, {49713, 3626}, {49714, 8}, {49715, 75}
X(320) = isogonal conjugate of X(6187)
X(320) = isotomic conjugate of X(80)
X(320) = complement of X(20072)
X(320) = anticomplement of X(44)
X(320) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(88)
X(320) = anticomplement of the isotomic conjugate of X(20568)
X(320) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(214)
X(320) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(6224)
X(320) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(36)
X(320) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(40075)
X(320) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(17923)
X(320) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(22128)
X(320) = anticomplementary isogonal conjugate of X(30578)
X(320) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 30578}, {2, 21290}, {6, 17487}, {56, 30577}, {58, 30579}, {88, 8}, {101, 44009}, {106, 2}, {649, 39349}, {679, 320}, {901, 514}, {903, 69}, {1022, 149}, {1168, 17484}, {1318, 908}, {1320, 329}, {1417, 3210}, {1797, 20}, {2226, 519}, {2316, 144}, {2403, 34548}, {3257, 513}, {4049, 3448}, {4080, 1330}, {4555, 20295}, {4591, 523}, {4615, 512}, {4618, 21297}, {4622, 7192}, {4634, 17217}, {4638, 900}, {4674, 2895}, {4945, 21291}, {4997, 3436}, {5376, 3952}, {5548, 4468}, {6336, 4}, {6548, 150}, {8752, 193}, {9268, 190}, {9456, 192}, {10428, 3218}, {20568, 6327}, {23345, 4440}, {23838, 37781}, {27922, 20345}, {31227, 42020}, {32659, 3164}, {32665, 17494}, {32686, 47773}, {32719, 21225}, {34230, 20533}, {36058, 6360}, {36125, 5905}, {36814, 20355}, {39414, 6548}, {40215, 6224}, {40833, 21283}, {46150, 2896}, {52031, 153}
X(320) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {7, 41873}, {4615, 514}, {18816, 75}, {20568, 2}, {20924, 32851}, {35156, 693}
X(320) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {36, 17923}, {214, 2}, {758, 3218}, {3218, 17078}, {3738, 4585}, {3936, 20924}, {4089, 4453}, {4511, 32851}
X(320) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 6187}, {6, 2161}, {19, 52431}, {25, 1807}, {31, 80}, {32, 18359}, {37, 34079}, {41, 2006}, {42, 759}, {55, 1411}, {56, 52371}, {58, 34857}, {106, 40172}, {181, 52380}, {213, 24624}, {265, 14975}, {560, 20566}, {604, 36910}, {650, 32675}, {655, 3063}, {663, 2222}, {667, 51562}, {798, 47318}, {902, 1168}, {1397, 52409}, {1400, 2341}, {1402, 6740}, {1911, 36815}, {1918, 14616}, {1919, 36804}, {1973, 52351}, {1989, 2174}, {2175, 18815}, {2194, 52383}, {2206, 15065}, {2212, 52392}, {2299, 52391}, {3219, 11060}, {3271, 52377}, {3457, 46077}, {3458, 46073}, {4024, 32671}, {4079, 37140}, {4705, 36069}, {6198, 52153}, {9273, 21833}, {9274, 21043}, {11073, 42624}, {11075, 19297}, {18384, 52408}, {34535, 52426}
X(320) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 40612}, {1, 52371}, {2, 80}, {3, 6187}, {6, 40584}, {6, 52431}, {9, 2161}, {10, 34857}, {10, 51583}, {35, 40604}, {36, 20989}, {37, 35069}, {42, 34586}, {55, 35204}, {214, 40172}, {223, 1411}, {226, 52391}, {320, 20072}, {333, 36927}, {484, 3218}, {517, 908}, {519, 3936}, {650, 35128}, {655, 10001}, {663, 38984}, {759, 40592}, {1168, 40594}, {1214, 52383}, {1639, 4530}, {1647, 3960}, {1807, 6505}, {2006, 3160}, {2174, 34544}, {2183, 2245}, {2323, 17796}, {2341, 40582}, {2361, 6149}, {3161, 36910}, {3814, 20962}, {4705, 38982}, {5664, 21054}, {6337, 52351}, {6374, 20566}, {6376, 18359}, {6626, 24624}, {6631, 51562}, {6651, 36815}, {6740, 40605}, {9296, 36804}, {10015, 35015}, {13999, 18344}, {14584, 52659}, {14616, 34021}, {15065, 40603}, {16585, 45926}, {18815, 40593}, {31998, 47318}, {32851, 36926}, {33136, 49758}, {34079, 40589}, {36914, 36920}, {40624, 52356}, {46974, 51361}
X(320) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 6224}, {7, 36918}, {8, 30578}, {36, 22128}, {519, 908}, {758, 3936}, {3218, 4511}, {4089, 4453}
X(320) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {75, 40716}, {86, 903}, {4555, 4998}
X(320) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {42, 902}, {1960, 3271}
X(320) = trilinear pole of line {3904, 3960}
X(320) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {213, 3063}
X(320) = X(320) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 20924}, {6, 40075}, {7, 32851}, {8, 17078}, {36, 76}, {69, 17923}, {75, 3218}, {79, 7799}, {81, 35550}, {85, 4511}, {86, 3936}, {88, 1227}, {99, 4707}, {190, 4453}, {214, 20568}, {264, 22128}, {274, 758}, {304, 1870}, {305, 52413}, {310, 2245}, {312, 1443}, {314, 18593}, {323, 20565}, {333, 41804}, {334, 27950}, {340, 52381}, {348, 5081}, {561, 7113}, {654, 4572}, {664, 3904}, {668, 3960}, {670, 21828}, {693, 4585}, {860, 17206}, {873, 4053}, {903, 51583}, {1016, 4089}, {1231, 17515}, {1464, 28660}, {1502, 52434}, {1969, 52407}, {1983, 40495}, {2323, 6063}, {2361, 20567}, {2610, 4623}, {3264, 40215}, {3724, 6385}, {3738, 4554}, {4242, 15413}, {4358, 52553}, {4597, 23884}, {4610, 6370}, {4631, 51663}, {4867, 20569}, {4881, 40014}, {4973, 32018}, {4997, 41801}, {6386, 21758}, {16586, 18816}, {27757, 39704}, {27836, 43290}, {28659, 52440}, {30608, 36589}, {36923, 40833}, {40612, 40716}, {41283, 52426}, {42666, 52612}
X(320) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 2161}, {2, 80}, {3, 52431}, {6, 6187}, {7, 2006}, {8, 36910}, {9, 52371}, {21, 2341}, {36, 6}, {37, 34857}, {44, 40172}, {57, 1411}, {58, 34079}, {63, 1807}, {69, 52351}, {75, 18359}, {76, 20566}, {79, 1989}, {81, 759}, {85, 18815}, {86, 24624}, {88, 1168}, {99, 47318}, {109, 32675}, {190, 51562}, {214, 44}, {215, 52426}, {226, 52383}, {239, 36815}, {274, 14616}, {312, 52409}, {319, 41226}, {321, 15065}, {323, 35}, {333, 6740}, {340, 52412}, {348, 52392}, {651, 2222}, {654, 663}, {664, 655}, {668, 36804}, {758, 37}, {860, 1826}, {1214, 52391}, {1227, 4358}, {1443, 57}, {1464, 1400}, {1812, 1793}, {1835, 1880}, {1845, 14571}, {1870, 19}, {1983, 692}, {2185, 52380}, {2245, 42}, {2323, 55}, {2361, 41}, {2610, 4705}, {3065, 11075}, {3179, 11072}, {3218, 1}, {3268, 7265}, {3336, 11069}, {3724, 213}, {3738, 650}, {3792, 2276}, {3904, 522}, {3911, 14584}, {3936, 10}, {3960, 513}, {4053, 756}, {4089, 1086}, {4242, 1783}, {4282, 2194}, {4358, 51975}, {4391, 52356}, {4453, 514}, {4511, 9}, {4554, 35174}, {4556, 36069}, {4564, 52377}, {4572, 46405}, {4585, 100}, {4707, 523}, {4736, 4053}, {4867, 45}, {4880, 16777}, {4881, 1743}, {4973, 1100}, {4996, 2323}, {4997, 36590}, {5081, 281}, {5239, 19551}, {5240, 7126}, {5249, 45926}, {5357, 42624}, {6126, 19297}, {6149, 2174}, {6186, 11060}, {6370, 4024}, {7113, 31}, {7799, 319}, {8125, 1128}, {8126, 10215}, {8648, 3063}, {11570, 8609}, {11700, 2182}, {13486, 32678}, {16586, 517}, {16696, 46160}, {16944, 9456}, {17078, 7}, {17080, 34242}, {17455, 902}, {17515, 1172}, {17923, 4}, {18593, 65}, {18815, 34535}, {19619, 34431}, {20565, 94}, {20924, 75}, {21758, 667}, {21828, 512}, {22128, 3}, {22379, 22383}, {22464, 52212}, {23884, 4777}, {24781, 51834}, {27757, 3679}, {27950, 238}, {30578, 36909}, {30690, 2166}, {32851, 8}, {33129, 38938}, {34234, 40437}, {34544, 2361}, {34586, 2183}, {35204, 17796}, {35550, 321}, {36589, 5219}, {36913, 36920}, {36923, 4908}, {37772, 33655}, {37773, 7052}, {39149, 21353}, {39152, 2154}, {39153, 2153}, {40075, 76}, {40215, 106}, {40584, 20989}, {40605, 36927}, {40612, 484}, {40988, 21805}, {41225, 11073}, {41801, 3911}, {41804, 226}, {41873, 37759}, {42666, 4079}, {42701, 3678}, {44113, 2333}, {44428, 3064}, {46398, 35015}, {51402, 4530}, {51583, 519}, {52059, 52434}, {52368, 16548}, {52381, 265}, {52407, 48}, {52413, 25}, {52414, 6198}, {52426, 2175}, {52427, 607}, {52434, 32}, {52440, 604}, {52553, 88}
X(320) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 4389, 17320}, {1, 4655, 24723}, {1, 17274, 4389}, {2, 4643, 17256}, {2, 4644, 3758}, {2, 4741, 4643}, {2, 20072, 44}, {2, 32859, 33066}, {6, 3662, 16706}, {6, 7232, 3662}, {6, 17290, 17367}, {7, 8, 42697}, {7, 69, 75}, {7, 75, 7321}, {7, 17361, 319}, {7, 21296, 69}, {7, 32099, 31995}, {8, 69, 17360}, {8, 17360, 319}, {8, 42697, 75}, {8, 49714, 49698}, {9, 17234, 17263}, {9, 17298, 17234}, {10, 4896, 50116}, {31, 33069, 33124}, {37, 6646, 17258}, {37, 17300, 17317}, {37, 17345, 6646}, {37, 17376, 17300}, {38, 32949, 33073}, {42, 33067, 33068}, {44, 3834, 2}, {44, 28362, 27637}, {44, 31138, 3834}, {44, 31243, 6687}, {45, 17313, 17244}, {63, 18134, 33116}, {69, 75, 319}, {69, 7321, 5564}, {69, 21296, 17361}, {69, 42696, 32099}, {69, 42697, 8}, {75, 319, 5564}, {75, 17360, 8}, {75, 17361, 69}, {75, 17791, 3262}, {75, 46749, 1441}, {80, 32097, 20568}, {80, 32109, 32032}, {81, 17184, 19786}, {86, 4357, 17322}, {86, 17273, 4357}, {89, 30991, 2}, {141, 894, 17289}, {141, 17365, 894}, {141, 17369, 17292}, {142, 4416, 17277}, {144, 344, 17336}, {144, 4869, 344}, {145, 4346, 50101}, {171, 33064, 33126}, {190, 3912, 17264}, {190, 17297, 3912}, {192, 4851, 17315}, {192, 17375, 4851}, {193, 4000, 3759}, {239, 1086, 37756}, {319, 7321, 75}, {319, 49715, 49698}, {322, 39126, 75}, {329, 18141, 18743}, {344, 4869, 17241}, {350, 30941, 41851}, {594, 3631, 17287}, {594, 7228, 17116}, {599, 4363, 3661}, {894, 17288, 141}, {894, 17292, 17369}, {903, 9460, 36594}, {903, 17160, 1266}, {982, 32946, 33071}, {1086, 4969, 4395}, {1100, 17235, 17302}, {1125, 49710, 238}, {1266, 4887, 903}, {1278, 17373, 17299}, {1443, 36589, 41804}, {1443, 41804, 17078}, {1449, 17304, 17380}, {1654, 26806, 3739}, {1743, 17282, 17352}, {1944, 26932, 37774}, {2325, 4480, 190}, {2345, 3620, 17228}, {2887, 32913, 33121}, {2895, 4359, 4886}, {2895, 26842, 4359}, {3187, 33146, 19796}, {3218, 3936, 32851}, {3218, 27757, 51583}, {3244, 49708, 49695}, {3262, 30806, 17791}, {3589, 7277, 17120}, {3589, 48632, 17291}, {3619, 5749, 17371}, {3629, 17366, 17121}, {3629, 48631, 17366}, {3630, 7263, 17362}, {3631, 7228, 594}, {3644, 17386, 17314}, {3661, 50128, 4363}, {3662, 17364, 6}, {3662, 17367, 17290}, {3663, 3879, 4360}, {3664, 4357, 86}, {3664, 17273, 17322}, {3729, 17296, 17233}, {3739, 17344, 1654}, {3758, 17227, 2}, {3759, 48629, 4000}, {3834, 6687, 31243}, {3873, 6327, 4514}, {3875, 4862, 4398}, {3912, 4480, 2325}, {3936, 51583, 27757}, {3945, 17321, 17394}, {4001, 5249, 333}, {4357, 49711, 238}, {4361, 40341, 17363}, {4364, 17392, 16826}, {4389, 17378, 1}, {4395, 4969, 239}, {4398, 17377, 3875}, {4407, 50299, 36531}, {4419, 17316, 4664}, {4445, 17118, 48628}, {4454, 29616, 50107}, {4643, 4675, 2}, {4648, 17257, 4687}, {4664, 17387, 17316}, {4667, 17023, 46922}, {4667, 50092, 17023}, {4670, 17237, 2}, {4675, 4741, 17256}, {4687, 17329, 17257}, {4699, 17343, 17275}, {4700, 17067, 41140}, {4751, 17328, 966}, {4851, 17276, 192}, {4888, 17272, 10436}, {5224, 10436, 28653}, {6646, 17300, 37}, {6646, 17376, 17317}, {6687, 31243, 2}, {7232, 17364, 16706}, {7263, 17362, 17117}, {7277, 48632, 3589}, {7768, 33940, 5015}, {10436, 17272, 5224}, {15668, 17253, 17248}, {16777, 17255, 17247}, {16826, 17254, 4364}, {16884, 17323, 17396}, {16885, 17265, 17338}, {17023, 50092, 17305}, {17116, 17287, 594}, {17120, 17291, 3589}, {17139, 30941, 30939}, {17140, 20290, 33075}, {17231, 17351, 17280}, {17232, 17350, 17279}, {17234, 17347, 9}, {17236, 17379, 4657}, {17241, 17336, 344}, {17243, 17334, 17261}, {17244, 17333, 45}, {17245, 17332, 17260}, {17246, 17390, 17319}, {17247, 17391, 16777}, {17249, 17394, 17321}, {17250, 39704, 41847}, {17250, 41847, 2}, {17258, 17317, 37}, {17261, 17312, 17243}, {17262, 17311, 17242}, {17274, 17378, 17320}, {17276, 17375, 17315}, {17280, 31300, 17351}, {17284, 50127, 17354}, {17288, 17365, 17289}, {17290, 17367, 16706}, {17292, 17369, 17289}, {17298, 17347, 17263}, {17300, 17345, 17258}, {17302, 20090, 1100}, {17305, 46922, 17023}, {17330, 34824, 16815}, {17331, 27147, 17259}, {17345, 17376, 37}, {17353, 21255, 17283}, {17363, 48627, 4361}, {17368, 48633, 3763}, {17371, 48638, 3619}, {17483, 32863, 321}, {17491, 29824, 5057}, {17778, 26840, 3666}, {20347, 30941, 350}, {20568, 32032, 80}, {21281, 36854, 24524}, {21356, 29611, 48639}, {22165, 49727, 29615}, {24893, 25658, 2}, {25957, 32912, 33118}, {26768, 26816, 2}, {26975, 27106, 2}, {27036, 27159, 2}, {27265, 27315, 2}, {27757, 51583, 32851}, {29601, 50090, 4029}, {30807, 37788, 18151}, {30939, 39995, 350}, {30946, 30962, 30963}, {31151, 49712, 10}, {31995, 32099, 42696}, {31995, 42696, 75}, {32097, 32109, 80}, {32850, 49714, 8}, {32850, 49715, 5564}, {32858, 32933, 42033}, {36589, 41801, 17078}, {36928, 36929, 36920}, {41801, 41804, 1443}, {49479, 50304, 33076}, {49511, 50307, 5263}, {49675, 49708, 3244}, {49676, 49710, 1125}, {49676, 49711, 86}
Let A26B26C26 be Gemini triangle 26. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B26,C26}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(321). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(321) lies on the Kiepert hyperbola and these lines: 1,964 2,37 4,8 10,756 38,726 76,561 81,314 83,213 98,100 190,333 226,306 310,335 313,594 319,1029 668,671 693,824
X(321) = reflection of X(42) in X(1215)
X(321) = isogonal conjugate of X(1333)
X(321) = isotomic conjugate of X(81)
X(321) = anticomplement of X(3666)
X(321) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for (i,j) = (75,10), (76,313), (312,306)
X(321) = cevapoint of X(37) and X(72)
X(321) = X(442)-cross conjugate of X(264)
X(321) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (75,76), (313,349)
X(321) = crosssum of X(31) and X(32)
X(321) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(667)X(838)
X(321) = homothetic center of ABC and inverse of n(Medial)*n(Incentral) triangle
X(321) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(28) (line X(513)X(1430))
X(321) = polar conjugate of X(28)
X(321) = Danneels point of X(75)
X(321) = inverse-in-Fuhrmann-circle of X(5016)
X(321) = barycentric product X(100)*X(850)
X(321) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 13 and 14
X(321) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 13
X(321) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 14
X(321) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 20
X(321) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 16
X(321) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 20
X(321) = perspector of Gemini triangle 22 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 22
X(321) = trilinear pole of line X(523)X(1577) (the perspectrix of ABC and Gemini triangles 21 and 27)
X(322) lies on these lines: 2,1108 7,8 78,273 92,264 227,347 253,341 286,1043 304,309 326,664
X(322) = isogonal conjugate of X(2208)
X(322) = isotomic conjugate of X(84)
X(322) = complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23168)
X(322) = anticomplement of X(1108)
X(322) = X(304)-Ceva conjugate of X(312)
X(322) = X(347)-cross conjugate of X(75)
X(322) = polar conjugate of X(7129)
Let A'B'C' be the Trinh triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(323). (Randy Hutson, October 13, 2015)
X(323) lies on these lines: 2,6 20,155 23,110 30,146 140,195 187,249 401,525
X(323) = reflection of X(23) in X(110)
X(323) = isogonal conjugate of X(1989)
X(323) = isotomic conjugate of X(94)
X(323) = complement of X(37779)
X(323) = anticomplement of X(3580)
X(323) = X(340)-Ceva conjugate of X(186)
X(323) = cevapoint of X(6) and X(399)
X(323) = X(50)-cross conjugate of X(186)
X(323) = crosssum of X(395) and X(396)
X(323) = crosssum of X(36298) and X(36299)
X(323) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(51)X(512)
X(323) = crosspoint of X(6) and X(399) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(323) = inverse-in-MacBeath-circumconic of X(2)
X(323) = orthocentroidal-to-ABC similarity image of X(110)
X(323) = 4th-Brocard-to-circumsymmedial similarity image of X(110)
X(323) = X(13192)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(323) = Vu circlecevian point V(X(15),X(16))
X(323) = intersection of the tangent to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(6),X(13),X(16)}} at X(16) and the tangent to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(6),X(14),X(15)}} at X(15)
X(324) lies on these lines: 2,216 4,52 53,311 94,275 110,436 143,565
X(324) = isotomic conjugate of X(97)
X(324) = X(264)-Ceva conjugate of X(5)
X(324) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (5,53), (52,216)
X(324) = X(5)-cross conjugate of X(311)
X(324) = trilinear pole of polar of X(54) wrt polar circle
X(324) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(54) (line X(50)X(647))
X(324) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(54)
X(324) = Danneels point of X(264)
Let La be the line through A parallel to the Lemoine axis, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let Ma be the reflection of BC in La, and define Mb and Mc cyclically. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. Let A″B″C″ be the reflection of A'B'C' in the Lemoine axis. The triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC, with center of homothety X(325); see Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008. (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2015)
X(325) lies on the curves K357, K718, K738, K741, K777, K778, K779, K953, K1023, Q101, Q166, and these lines: {2, 6}, {3, 315}, {4, 1975}, {5, 76}, {8, 17084}, {10, 50254}, {11, 350}, {12, 1909}, {20, 6337}, {22, 160}, {23, 3447}, {25, 317}, {30, 99}, {32, 3788}, {39, 626}, {51, 4121}, {58, 56731}, {74, 2855}, {75, 2886}, {83, 7819}, {85, 15844}, {95, 1799}, {98, 2065}, {100, 2856}, {110, 2857}, {111, 2858}, {114, 511}, {115, 538}, {116, 30109}, {120, 33677}, {126, 9151}, {127, 14961}, {132, 44704}, {140, 1078}, {147, 1503}, {148, 14041}, {172, 26686}, {182, 37450}, {187, 620}, {190, 17747}, {194, 5025}, {232, 297}, {235, 54412}, {237, 20022}, {250, 340}, {253, 6340}, {257, 21965}, {264, 305}, {274, 442}, {286, 37362}, {287, 41932}, {290, 3978}, {304, 17181}, {308, 45093}, {310, 3136}, {311, 1238}, {313, 44411}, {314, 37360}, {319, 7081}, {320, 1447}, {322, 20935}, {328, 18019}, {332, 2893}, {334, 19567}, {337, 17789}, {339, 1236}, {376, 11181}, {381, 11185}, {383, 622}, {384, 7745}, {386, 56732}, {401, 39359}, {403, 44146}, {420, 59651}, {428, 16276}, {441, 2966}, {487, 45406}, {488, 45407}, {489, 12306}, {490, 12305}, {519, 15903}, {523, 684}, {525, 46245}, {532, 6108}, {533, 6109}, {540, 6629}, {542, 5939}, {543, 8352}, {549, 7771}, {550, 7782}, {574, 7761}, {594, 30179}, {612, 55392}, {614, 55391}, {621, 1080}, {623, 6115}, {624, 6114}, {631, 3785}, {633, 37463}, {634, 37464}, {637, 6289}, {638, 6290}, {639, 3103}, {640, 3102}, {648, 16318}, {664, 35149}, {668, 17757}, {670, 46142}, {671, 5503}, {672, 4766}, {698, 1916}, {732, 2023}, {740, 5988}, {758, 5977}, {868, 2396}, {877, 35908}, {892, 1494}, {903, 46143}, {1003, 7737}, {1030, 56772}, {1043, 7379}, {1086, 33891}, {1107, 26558}, {1125, 50250}, {1146, 49755}, {1193, 24995}, {1228, 37983}, {1232, 37990}, {1235, 1594}, {1272, 10989}, {1281, 17768}, {1285, 33191}, {1312, 15164}, {1313, 15165}, {1329, 6376}, {1330, 6998}, {1350, 37182}, {1351, 9753}, {1352, 13860}, {1368, 6374}, {1369, 15246}, {1370, 20477}, {1384, 11288}, {1444, 4220}, {1506, 3934}, {1509, 49743}, {1529, 14944}, {1552, 16077}, {1565, 20924}, {1575, 20541}, {1596, 58782}, {1609, 42406}, {1625, 54074}, {1655, 17669}, {1656, 32832}, {1691, 10352}, {1834, 33296}, {1914, 26629}, {1930, 30171}, {1971, 58354}, {2001, 19156}, {2071, 5866}, {2076, 59695}, {2080, 15561}, {2271, 56563}, {2275, 26561}, {2276, 26590}, {2373, 10420}, {2387, 14962}, {2418, 38951}, {2476, 34284}, {2482, 3849}, {2493, 34827}, {2548, 7770}, {2549, 7841}, {2782, 15980}, {2794, 18860}, {2799, 8430}, {2896, 7824}, {2967, 6530}, {2996, 32980}, {3053, 16925}, {3090, 32828}, {3091, 32830}, {3096, 7786}, {3137, 55254}, {3138, 55256}, {3139, 55258}, {3140, 55260}, {3141, 55262}, {3142, 28660}, {3146, 32841}, {3233, 6148}, {3291, 23991}, {3292, 47200}, {3363, 59780}, {3407, 10334}, {3454, 16887}, {3491, 40951}, {3523, 32835}, {3525, 32839}, {3530, 9751}, {3545, 32836}, {3552, 7823}, {3616, 50247}, {3663, 49554}, {3665, 33930}, {3670, 17211}, {3695, 33939}, {3703, 33931}, {3704, 17762}, {3734, 5475}, {3760, 7741}, {3761, 7951}, {3767, 7754}, {3770, 50036}, {3813, 17144}, {3814, 6381}, {3816, 30963}, {3818, 58851}, {3829, 4479}, {3832, 32840}, {3836, 40533}, {3845, 48913}, {3846, 4357}, {3850, 15031}, {3875, 33141}, {3912, 26012}, {3932, 4518}, {3943, 33889}, {3944, 49518}, {3948, 26019}, {3972, 7812}, {4027, 12830}, {4071, 24318}, {4087, 51411}, {4136, 17760}, {4187, 18140}, {4193, 18135}, {4202, 27162}, {4230, 52486}, {4252, 56733}, {4360, 29840}, {4441, 11680}, {4554, 16090}, {4558, 10313}, {4561, 16086}, {4609, 18901}, {4611, 10317}, {4643, 36405}, {4872, 32851}, {4966, 41851}, {4987, 24628}, {5000, 44780}, {5001, 44781}, {5007, 6680}, {5008, 41750}, {5013, 7784}, {5016, 27187}, {5021, 56562}, {5023, 32964}, {5024, 11287}, {5026, 53499}, {5041, 7829}, {5051, 16705}, {5055, 53127}, {5056, 32834}, {5067, 32838}, {5071, 46951}, {5077, 11165}, {5094, 36207}, {5107, 14645}, {5111, 36849}, {5112, 9155}, {5124, 56771}, {5149, 5162}, {5159, 16315}, {5167, 55005}, {5169, 9464}, {5189, 47245}, {5215, 22247}, {5277, 17694}, {5280, 30103}, {5286, 7851}, {5299, 30104}, {5305, 7760}, {5309, 7798}, {5319, 33218}, {5355, 7817}, {5480, 13862}, {5523, 41676}, {5613, 51018}, {5617, 51016}, {5921, 53015}, {5965, 6036}, {5969, 53505}, {5980, 11133}, {5981, 11132}, {5982, 22508}, {5983, 22506}, {5992, 28530}, {6007, 51464}, {6031, 54087}, {6038, 25046}, {6039, 51899}, {6040, 51898}, {6103, 56021}, {6179, 7857}, {6292, 6683}, {6331, 16089}, {6333, 32112}, {6353, 32001}, {6392, 32972}, {6527, 7396}, {6528, 51385}, {6626, 19312}, {6636, 44180}, {6655, 7783}, {6661, 7753}, {6676, 33651}, {6677, 22468}, {6693, 17200}, {6720, 52950}, {6722, 31275}, {7000, 12323}, {7124, 27516}, {7200, 21057}, {7270, 17095}, {7374, 12322}, {7380, 10449}, {7386, 22263}, {7394, 45795}, {7467, 20775}, {7473, 47150}, {7495, 26233}, {7603, 9466}, {7618, 35955}, {7667, 16275}, {7738, 32974}, {7739, 33219}, {7746, 7751}, {7747, 7816}, {7748, 7781}, {7749, 7780}, {7755, 7805}, {7756, 7842}, {7757, 7790}, {7765, 7861}, {7772, 7834}, {7787, 7892}, {7793, 7893}, {7797, 7839}, {7800, 7879}, {7803, 7866}, {7808, 7822}, {7810, 7848}, {7815, 7854}, {7827, 7919}, {7830, 7873}, {7831, 7883}, {7833, 7898}, {7846, 7878}, {7847, 7911}, {7856, 7894}, {7859, 7944}, {7864, 7933}, {7865, 15482}, {7876, 7938}, {7889, 7915}, {7904, 7929}, {7920, 7932}, {7928, 33021}, {7935, 53096}, {8149, 32452}, {8229, 17139}, {8290, 9866}, {8355, 9166}, {8368, 12150}, {8588, 47101}, {8591, 8597}, {8703, 9774}, {8716, 33017}, {8822, 37443}, {8840, 9418}, {8878, 16951}, {8889, 32000}, {9066, 32730}, {9080, 9184}, {9164, 51541}, {9187, 17948}, {9189, 33915}, {9477, 17949}, {9496, 35971}, {9711, 16284}, {9737, 54393}, {9749, 14538}, {9750, 14539}, {9755, 22525}, {9756, 15069}, {9760, 50858}, {9762, 50855}, {9769, 32244}, {9772, 22503}, {9818, 22241}, {9855, 52695}, {9867, 33340}, {9868, 33341}, {9877, 50639}, {9939, 33274}, {9993, 21850}, {9996, 37345}, {10008, 58883}, {10011, 34380}, {10295, 46987}, {10302, 54509}, {10311, 27377}, {10316, 28697}, {10350, 34870}, {10436, 33111}, {10446, 51612}, {10583, 14043}, {11007, 40877}, {11056, 37454}, {11059, 30739}, {11128, 44219}, {11164, 23334}, {11281, 16823}, {11286, 15484}, {11318, 22253}, {11361, 53418}, {11585, 41009}, {11606, 35005}, {11610, 51454}, {11645, 14928}, {12040, 55164}, {12251, 37446}, {12607, 24524}, {13160, 26166}, {13186, 33919}, {13449, 23698}, {13481, 31074}, {13586, 14712}, {13881, 32961}, {14001, 53033}, {14023, 33233}, {14061, 14568}, {14063, 44518}, {14221, 36170}, {14376, 28695}, {14387, 59258}, {14482, 33196}, {14558, 21395}, {14601, 31635}, {14711, 39601}, {14881, 44230}, {14941, 16083}, {14994, 24206}, {15013, 54075}, {15122, 46633}, {15300, 32479}, {15559, 44142}, {15815, 32965}, {15819, 40107}, {15888, 25303}, {16041, 43448}, {16043, 31400}, {16044, 17128}, {16052, 16712}, {16084, 52608}, {16094, 16101}, {16096, 44326}, {16589, 33034}, {16600, 30170}, {16696, 21245}, {16720, 16886}, {16830, 41879}, {16891, 20966}, {16921, 31276}, {17030, 31466}, {17046, 29960}, {17062, 30038}, {17103, 49745}, {17129, 32967}, {17143, 24390}, {17192, 24786}, {17321, 50255}, {17394, 29634}, {17416, 35087}, {17533, 18145}, {17759, 21956}, {17907, 45141}, {18018, 20563}, {18025, 30790}, {18152, 47513}, {18167, 23639}, {18424, 18546}, {18584, 33005}, {18738, 21596}, {18755, 56561}, {18806, 46313}, {18816, 35147}, {18823, 35179}, {18827, 20337}, {18840, 32957}, {19130, 44422}, {19179, 34386}, {19576, 44347}, {19577, 47298}, {19599, 56376}, {19758, 56994}, {19839, 40071}, {20023, 37988}, {20081, 32966}, {20088, 33225}, {20258, 20528}, {20459, 29990}, {20487, 41318}, {20532, 35080}, {20888, 25639}, {20923, 21239}, {21031, 25280}, {21213, 55551}, {21281, 33298}, {21485, 36744}, {21536, 59567}, {21993, 33863}, {22510, 40335}, {22511, 40334}, {22664, 50641}, {22712, 37451}, {23115, 28405}, {23350, 34765}, {23967, 44578}, {24241, 29671}, {24256, 53484}, {24284, 52038}, {24291, 37717}, {24345, 29857}, {24348, 29639}, {24467, 55470}, {24471, 25135}, {24598, 37096}, {25353, 49516}, {25466, 31997}, {25645, 33953}, {26085, 33830}, {26099, 33819}, {26235, 44148}, {26601, 40773}, {26921, 55469}, {27020, 31460}, {27088, 41134}, {27092, 27515}, {27109, 33839}, {27269, 33046}, {27376, 28728}, {28710, 39575}, {29181, 40236}, {30172, 33942}, {30435, 32954}, {30471, 42942}, {30472, 42943}, {30476, 47229}, {30716, 47177}, {30741, 36223}, {30745, 47242}, {30748, 36227}, {30771, 40995}, {30787, 36239}, {30789, 53379}, {31068, 40511}, {31076, 31088}, {31084, 31130}, {31125, 31132}, {31127, 53348}, {31274, 58448}, {31404, 32968}, {31415, 44543}, {31492, 33258}, {32113, 47557}, {32190, 44772}, {32220, 47550}, {32419, 48728}, {32421, 48729}, {32449, 51848}, {32850, 50441}, {32870, 46936}, {32871, 55864}, {32876, 33703}, {32879, 50689}, {32881, 50693}, {32883, 52718}, {32896, 41099}, {32897, 46935}, {32997, 44519}, {33000, 44535}, {33006, 34505}, {33008, 53095}, {33207, 44541}, {33297, 41014}, {33799, 46517}, {34016, 37047}, {34119, 51857}, {34209, 35139}, {34245, 45662}, {34370, 46787}, {34393, 35154}, {34885, 44224}, {35142, 36898}, {35152, 54987}, {35153, 53647}, {35684, 42060}, {35685, 42009}, {36163, 59227}, {36166, 45772}, {36183, 44155}, {36426, 40887}, {36743, 56773}, {36790, 46807}, {36890, 52488}, {36953, 52898}, {37049, 50156}, {37159, 50177}, {37353, 45090}, {37439, 40022}, {37532, 55416}, {37760, 47246}, {37911, 47240}, {37981, 44138}, {38225, 38750}, {38743, 47618}, {38748, 47113}, {39387, 39648}, {39388, 39679}, {40017, 56171}, {40032, 59756}, {40410, 57852}, {40413, 57800}, {40810, 44114}, {40884, 51372}, {42010, 43535}, {42087, 59539}, {42088, 59540}, {42147, 59541}, {42148, 59542}, {42703, 46238}, {42717, 59734}, {42811, 47612}, {42812, 47613}, {43118, 45508}, {43119, 45509}, {43618, 44678}, {44099, 46096}, {44280, 47000}, {44882, 59552}, {45404, 45459}, {45405, 45458}, {45444, 45714}, {45445, 45713}, {45460, 45471}, {45461, 45470}, {45476, 49330}, {45477, 49329}, {46228, 52979}, {46992, 47313}, {46998, 47244}, {47455, 47561}, {49351, 53480}, {49352, 53479}, {49367, 53512}, {49368, 53515}, {51161, 53431}, {51162, 53443}, {52090, 53765}, {52284, 52710}, {52772, 54215}, {53266, 53347}, {53367, 57607}, {53417, 56023}, {54731, 54841}
X(325) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 7840}, {69, 39099}, {99, 316}, {115, 7813}, {147, 5999}, {187, 7845}, {230, 50771}, {298, 299}, {385, 7779}, {401, 39359}, {1916, 9865}, {3978, 18829}, {5207, 12215}, {5978, 5979}, {5982, 22508}, {5983, 22506}, {5988, 49544}, {6033, 35002}, {7697, 44775}, {7799, 7809}, {8290, 9866}, {8591, 8597}, {9772, 22503}, {9867, 33340}, {9868, 33341}, {31173, 39785}, {40888, 44363}, {44352, 44370}, {44361, 44362}, {44364, 44365}, {46517, 47154}, {50567, 51396}, {51387, 51388}, {51395, 51401}
reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 22110}, {6, 44380}, {8, 50772}, {23, 16320}, {98, 56370}, {99, 6390}, {115, 625}, {148, 53419}, {187, 620}, {230, 44377}, {297, 35088}, {385, 230}, {395, 44383}, {396, 44382}, {671, 37350}, {1513, 114}, {1971, 59706}, {2076, 59695}, {2080, 37459}, {2966, 441}, {5976, 51373}, {6393, 51371}, {6781, 32456}, {7426, 46986}, {7779, 50771}, {8352, 31173}, {8598, 2482}, {10295, 46987}, {14999, 11064}, {15480, 50774}, {15993, 141}, {16092, 47097}, {16315, 5159}, {21445, 10256}, {22329, 2}, {32113, 47557}, {32220, 47550}, {36166, 47570}, {44369, 69}, {44375, 44389}, {44392, 44390}, {44394, 44391}, {46633, 15122}, {47229, 30476}, {47286, 115}, {47313, 46992}, {50247, 50776}, {50248, 15480}, {50250, 50775}, {50251, 385}, {50252, 44379}, {50254, 10}, {50567, 51397}, {50774, 44381}, {50775, 1125}, {51224, 27088}, {51374, 6393}, {51412, 51426}, {51427, 59571}, {51438, 50567}, {51439, 51386}, {51440, 51439}, {51441, 21531}, {52038, 24284}, {53475, 5031}, {53499, 5026}, {54996, 18860}, {59634, 7799}
X(325) = isogonal conjugate of X(1976)
X(325) = isotomic conjugate of X(98)
X(325) = complement of X(385)
X(325) = anticomplement of X(230)
X(325) = circumcircle-inverse of X(54088)
X(325) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumellipe-inverse of X(38940)
X(325) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipe-inverse of X(5108)
X(325) = polar conjugate of X(6531)
X(325) = antitomic conjugate of X(297)
X(325) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(2987)
X(325) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(694)
X(325) = anticomplement of the isotomic conjugate of X(8781)
X(325) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(1916)
X(325) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(114)
X(325) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(147)
X(325) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(511)
X(325) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(297)
X(325) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(44132)
X(325) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(6393)
X(325) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(36212)
X(325) = medial-isogonal conjugate of X(39080)
X(325) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1821, 56688}, {2987, 8}, {3563, 5905}, {8773, 69}, {8781, 6327}, {10425, 7192}, {32654, 192}, {32697, 7253}, {35142, 21270}, {35364, 21221}, {36051, 2}, {36105, 850}, {42065, 6360}, {43705, 4329}, {56109, 329}
X(325) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 39080}, {6, 19563}, {31, 5976}, {256, 20333}, {257, 20542}, {292, 51575}, {661, 2679}, {694, 10}, {733, 1215}, {798, 35078}, {805, 4369}, {881, 16592}, {882, 8287}, {893, 17793}, {904, 17755}, {1581, 141}, {1755, 46840}, {1911, 59509}, {1916, 2887}, {1927, 39}, {1934, 626}, {1965, 39082}, {1967, 2}, {2084, 39079}, {3572, 40608}, {3903, 27854}, {8789, 16584}, {9468, 37}, {14251, 16591}, {14946, 18905}, {14970, 21238}, {17938, 14838}, {17970, 1214}, {17980, 226}, {18829, 42327}, {18872, 16597}, {18896, 21235}, {34238, 16609}, {36214, 18589}, {37134, 512}, {40729, 35068}, {43763, 3934}, {52651, 45162}, {56978, 21249}
X(325) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 5976}, {76, 36790}, {287, 1975}, {297, 51374}, {877, 6333}, {2396, 2799}, {3978, 698}, {8781, 2}, {10425, 6563}, {17941, 9479}, {18024, 76}, {18829, 523}, {18896, 141}, {20022, 511}, {35140, 69}, {35142, 52091}, {36214, 52636}, {43187, 525}, {44132, 297}, {51370, 1959}, {57861, 290}, {57991, 99}
X(325) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1976}, {6, 1910}, {19, 248}, {25, 293}, {31, 98}, {32, 1821}, {48, 6531}, {63, 57260}, {75, 14601}, {82, 51869}, {92, 14600}, {162, 878}, {163, 2395}, {184, 36120}, {251, 3404}, {287, 1973}, {290, 560}, {336, 1974}, {512, 36084}, {604, 15628}, {647, 36104}, {656, 32696}, {661, 2715}, {662, 2422}, {669, 36036}, {685, 810}, {798, 2966}, {822, 20031}, {879, 32676}, {922, 9154}, {923, 5967}, {1096, 17974}, {1101, 51441}, {1110, 43920}, {1501, 46273}, {1580, 34238}, {1755, 41932}, {1917, 18024}, {1924, 43187}, {1927, 14382}, {1933, 36897}, {1967, 40820}, {2065, 8772}, {2156, 11610}, {2159, 35906}, {2186, 51542}, {2643, 57742}, {3288, 36132}, {3402, 46806}, {4575, 53149}, {9247, 16081}, {9417, 34536}, {15391, 56828}, {15630, 24041}, {20021, 46289}, {32540, 43761}, {36051, 51820}, {36142, 52038}, {47388, 57653}
X(325) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 98}, {3, 1976}, {6, 248}, {9, 1910}, {39, 20021}, {114, 51820}, {115, 2395}, {125, 878}, {132, 25}, {136, 53149}, {141, 51869}, {206, 14601}, {232, 16318}, {297, 41204}, {325, 385}, {441, 1503}, {511, 237}, {514, 43920}, {523, 51441}, {647, 51404}, {868, 55122}, {1084, 2422}, {1249, 6531}, {1959, 1756}, {2482, 5967}, {2491, 2086}, {2679, 669}, {2799, 868}, {3005, 15630}, {3150, 53265}, {3161, 15628}, {3162, 57260}, {3163, 35906}, {5976, 2}, {6337, 287}, {6338, 6394}, {6374, 290}, {6376, 1821}, {6393, 19599}, {6503, 17974}, {6505, 293}, {8290, 40820}, {8623, 1691}, {9428, 43187}, {11672, 6}, {15526, 879}, {15595, 34156}, {16609, 1284}, {22391, 14600}, {23967, 34369}, {23976, 51963}, {23992, 52038}, {31998, 2966}, {33569, 59804}, {34834, 52451}, {35073, 36822}, {35088, 523}, {36212, 3564}, {36790, 52006}, {36830, 2715}, {36899, 41932}, {36901, 43665}, {38970, 2501}, {38987, 512}, {39000, 647}, {39009, 3288}, {39039, 19}, {39040, 1}, {39052, 36104}, {39054, 36084}, {39058, 34536}, {39061, 9154}, {39062, 685}, {39073, 42671}, {39080, 32540}, {39081, 32545}, {39092, 34238}, {40585, 3404}, {40596, 32696}, {40601, 32}, {40604, 14355}, {41167, 20975}, {41172, 3569}, {46094, 184}, {47648, 694}, {48316, 2451}, {50440, 55}, {50567, 47047}, {51389, 34810}, {51580, 46806}, {52032, 53174}, {52878, 40981}, {55071, 14270}, {55267, 115}, {59734, 2238}
X(325) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 147}, {69, 57009}, {297, 44704}, {441, 3564}, {511, 36212}, {868, 2799}, {1959, 44694}, {3569, 58260}, {3978, 44137}, {23098, 36790}
X(325) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (114,2), (511,297)
X(325) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(32)X(512)
X(325) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(69)
X(325) = {X(2),X(69)}-harmonic conjugate of X(183)
X(325) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(99),PU(37)}}
X(325) = intersection of trilinear polars of X(99), P(37), and U(37)
X(325) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(147) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(325) = trilinear pole of line X(2799)X(3569)
X(325) = X(115)-of-1st-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(325) = X(114)-of-anti-McCay-triangle
X(325) = intersection of Simson line of X(99) (line X(114)X(325)) and trilinear polar of X(99) (line X(2)X(6))
X(325) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(6531) (line X(25)X(669))
X(325) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(6531)
X(325) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(36212)
X(325) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {114, 46627}, {3788, 32}
X(325) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 46238}, {3, 44132}, {4, 6393}, {10, 51370}, {63, 40703}, {69, 297}, {75, 1959}, {76, 511}, {81, 42703}, {83, 51371}, {85, 44694}, {94, 51383}, {98, 32458}, {99, 2799}, {114, 8781}, {141, 20022}, {183, 46807}, {232, 305}, {237, 1502}, {240, 304}, {262, 51373}, {264, 36212}, {276, 44716}, {290, 36790}, {313, 17209}, {315, 34138}, {321, 51369}, {523, 2396}, {525, 877}, {561, 1755}, {598, 51397}, {648, 6333}, {670, 3569}, {671, 50567}, {684, 6331}, {693, 42717}, {850, 2421}, {868, 4590}, {1236, 36823}, {1494, 51389}, {1513, 40824}, {1916, 5976}, {1928, 9417}, {1930, 3405}, {1978, 53521}, {2052, 51386}, {2211, 40050}, {2450, 42407}, {2491, 4609}, {2967, 57799}, {2996, 51374}, {3260, 35910}, {3266, 5968}, {3267, 4230}, {3289, 18022}, {3314, 8840}, {3596, 43034}, {3926, 6530}, {3978, 40810}, {4563, 16230}, {5360, 6385}, {5392, 51439}, {5485, 51438}, {6063, 59734}, {6394, 36426}, {6786, 34087}, {7799, 14356}, {8024, 51862}, {9155, 18023}, {9418, 40362}, {9464, 52692}, {10302, 51396}, {11140, 51440}, {11672, 18024}, {14251, 14603}, {14501, 57575}, {14502, 57576}, {14966, 44173}, {14999, 34765}, {15595, 35140}, {15631, 43665}, {17994, 52608}, {18896, 36213}, {19189, 28706}, {20023, 51543}, {20948, 23997}, {23098, 57541}, {23996, 46273}, {27818, 44728}, {28659, 51651}, {30736, 52765}, {32014, 51417}, {32833, 56925}, {34386, 39569}, {34403, 44704}, {34537, 44114}, {35088, 57991}, {36892, 47286}, {39931, 40708}, {40017, 50440}, {40162, 51427}, {40364, 57653}, {40706, 51387}, {40707, 51388}, {40804, 44137}, {40831, 51412}, {41167, 43187}, {41198, 44781}, {41199, 44780}, {42702, 57796}, {44168, 58260}, {46235, 46236}, {51429, 52940}, {51481, 52091}, {52617, 58070}
X(325) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1910}, {2, 98}, {3, 248}, {4, 6531}, {6, 1976}, {8, 15628}, {22, 11610}, {25, 57260}, {30, 35906}, {32, 14601}, {38, 3404}, {39, 51869}, {63, 293}, {69, 287}, {75, 1821}, {76, 290}, {92, 36120}, {98, 41932}, {99, 2966}, {107, 20031}, {110, 2715}, {112, 32696}, {114, 230}, {115, 51441}, {125, 51404}, {132, 16318}, {141, 20021}, and many others
X(325) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 6, 7792}, {2, 69, 183}, {2, 183, 37688}, {2, 193, 7735}, {2, 385, 230}, {2, 1654, 26244}, {2, 2895, 26243}, {2, 3314, 141}, {2, 3329, 3589}, {2, 7736, 11174}, {2, 7766, 7806}, {2, 7774, 6}, {2, 7777, 3815}, {2, 7779, 385}, {2, 7788, 37671}, {2, 7837, 5306}, {2, 7897, 3314}, {2, 7925, 44377}, {2, 8859, 44401}, {2, 9740, 23055}, {2, 9766, 41624}, {2, 9770, 11163}, {2, 10513, 15589}, {2, 15589, 34229}, {2, 16990, 15271}, {2, 17004, 3054}, {2, 17005, 3055}, {2, 17008, 37637}, {2, 20080, 37667}, {2, 22110, 41133}, {2, 31034, 26282}, {2, 31089, 1211}, {2, 31090, 1213}, {2, 31120, 5718}, and many others
X(326) lies on these lines: 1,75 48,63 69,73 200,319 255,1102 269,320 322,664 610,662
X(326) = isogonal conjugate of X(1096)
X(326) = isotomic conjugate of X(158)
X(326) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (304,63), (332,69)
X(326) = X(255)-cross conjugate of X(63)
X(326) = trilinear square of X(63)
X(326) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(6520)
X(326) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(6520)
X(326) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1973)
X(326) = trilinear pole of line X(822)X(4131)
Barycentrics csc A sec(A - ω) : csc B sec(B - ω) : csc C sec(C - ω)
X(327) lies on these lines: 2,290 4,276 5,76 53,141 69,263 95,160
X(327) = isogonal conjugate of X(34396)
X(327) = isotomic conjugate of X(182)
X(327) = cevapoint of X(2) and X(1352)
X(327) = trilinear pole of line X(850)X(2525)
X(328) lies on these lines: 2,94 69,265 95,99
X(328) = isogonal conjugate of X(34397)
X(328) = isotomic conjugate of X(186)
X(328) = X(265)-cross conjugate of X(94)
X(328) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 3153}, {125, 6334}, {311, 3260}, {525, 16186}
X(328) = trilinear pole of line X(343)X(525)
X(329) lies on the Lucas cubic and these lines: {1,452}, {2,7}, {3,2096}, {4,8}, {5,2095}, {6,4415}, {10,2093}, {11,5825}, {20,78}, {69,189}, {75,14555}, {100,972}, {165,6745}, {193,1999}, {198,1817}, {220,948}, {440,3161}, {971,10430}, {5687,6361}, {5817,7956}.
X(329) = isogonal conjugate of X(1436)
X(329) = isotomic conjugate of X(189)
X(329) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(1034)
X(329) = anticomplement of X(57)
X(329) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(7)
X(329) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for (i,j) = (69,8), (312,2)
X(329) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (40,347), (223,2)
X(329) = perspector of triangle ABC and the pedal triangle of X(1490)
X(329) = X(25)-of-2nd-extouch-triangle
X(329) = perspector of 2nd extouch triangle and anticevian triangle of X(8)
X(329) = perspector of ABC and the reflection in X(9) of the pedal triangle of X(9)
X(329) = inverse-in-Fuhrmann-circle of X(5175)
X(329) = orthologic center of 2nd extouch triangle and 1st (or 2nd) mixtilinear triangle
X(329) = trilinear pole of line X(6129)X(8058)
X(329) = perspector of 2nd extouch triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd extouch triangle
X(330) lies on these lines: 1,87 2,1107 8,291 56,385 57,239 76,1015 105,932 145,1002 193,959 257,982
X(330) = isogonal conjugate of X(2176)
X(330) = isotomic conjugate of X(192)
X(330) = complement of X(21219)
X(330) = anticomplement of X(6376)
X(330) = X(87)-Ceva conjugate of X(2)
X(330) = X(75)-cross conjugate of X(2)
X(330) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(7357)
X(330) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23086)
X(330) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(20760)
X(330) = perspector of ABC and inverse of n(Incentral)*n(Medial)
X(330) = trilinear pole of line X(513)X(3716) (complement of antiorthic axis, and perspectrix of Gemini triangles 3 and 6)
Barycentrics sec2(A/2) sec A : sec2(B/2) sec B : sec2(C/2) sec C
X(331) is the Brianchon point (perspector) of the inconic that is the polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of the incircle. (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(331) lies on these lines: 4,150 7,286 34,870 75,225 85,92 108,767 274,278
X(331) = isogonal conjugate of polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(6056)
X(331) = isotomic conjugate of X(219)
X(331) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (7,278), (92,273)
X(331) = X(92)-cross conjugate of X(264)
X(331) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(6056)
X(331) = trilinear pole of polar of X(55) wrt polar circle
X(331) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(55) (line X(657)X(663))
X(331) = polar conjugate of X(55)
X(332) lies on these lines: 1,75 3,69 21,1036 99,102 219,345 261,284 1014,1037
X(332) = isogonal conjugate of polar conjugate of X(28660)
X(332) = isotomic conjugate of X(225)
X(332) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (69,326), (78,345)
X(332) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (69,314), (283,333)
X(332) = trilinear pole of line X(652)X(6332)
X(333) lies on these lines: 2,6 8,21 9,312 10,58 19,27 29,270 57,85 190,321 239,257 261,284 306,319 310,673 662,909 740,846 859,956 1021,1024
X(333) = isogonal conjugate of X(1400)
X(333) = isotomic conjugate of X(226)
X(333) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (261,21), (274,86)
X(333) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,63), (8,9), (283,284)
X(333) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (8,314), (9,21), (21,86), (283,332), (284,29)
X(333) = crosspoint of X(274) and X(314)
X(333) = crosssum of X(213) and X(1402)
X(333) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(512)X(810)
X(333) = trilinear pole of line X(522)X(663) (the perspectrix of ABC and Gemini triangle 1)
X(333) = polar conjugate of X(225)
X(333) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(63) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(333) = trilinear product X(2)*X(21)
X(333) = trilinear product of Feuerbach hyperbola intercepts of line X(2)X(6)
X(333) = perspector of Gemini triangle 2 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 2
X(333) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 28
X(333) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 28
X(334) lies on these lines: 2,292 10,274 12,85 75,141 76,1089 150,295 320,660 741,839 767,813
X(334) = isogonal conjugate of X(2210)
X(334) = isotomic conjugate of X(238)
X(334) = X(75)-Hirst inverse of X(335)
X(334) = polar conjugate of X(2201)
X(334) = complement of X(30667)
X(335) lies on these lines: 1,384 2,38 7,192 27,295 37,86 75,141 76,871 239,518 257,694 310,321 320,742 536,903 675,813 741,835 876,900
X(335) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (75,1086), (190,37)
X(335) = isogonal conjugate of X(1914)
X(335) = isotomic conjugate of X(239)
X(335) = complement of X(33888)
X(335) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (37,518), (292,295)
X(335) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (295,337), (350,257)
X(335) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,291), (75,334), (292,894)
X(335) = trilinear pole of line X(10)X(514)
X(335) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(242)
X(335) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(242)
X(336) lies on these lines: 1,811 48,75 73,290 255,293
X(336) = isotomic conjugate of X(240)
X(337) lies on these lines: 12,85 37,86 72,295 201,348 291,986
X(337) = isotomic conjugate of X(242)
X(337) = X(295)-cross conjugate of X(335)
Barycentrics (b2 -
c2)2/a2 : (c2 -
a2)2/b2 : (a2 -
sin2(B - C) : sin2(C - A) : sin2(A -
X(338) lies on the inconic with perspector X(2052).
X(338) lies on these lines: 2,94 4,67 6,264 50,401 76,599 115,127 125,136 141,311
X(338) = isogonal conjugate of X(23357)
X(338) = isotomic conjugate of X(249)
X(338) = anticomplement of X(34990)
X(338) = X(264)-Ceva conjugate of X(523)
X(338) = cevapoint of X(115) and X(125)
X(338) = X(125)-cross conjugate of X(339)
X(338) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(250) (line X(110)X(112))
X(338) = polar conjugate of X(250)
X(338) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(1101)
Barycentrics (b2 -
c2)2(cos A)/a3 : (c2 -
a2)2(cos B)/b3 : (a2 -
b2)2(cos C)/c3
cot A sin2(B - C) : cot B sin2(C - A) : cot C
sin2(A - B)
Barycentrics b^2 c^2 (b^2 - c^2)^2 (b^2 + c^2 - a^2) : :
X(339) lies on the MacBeath inconic and these lines: 3,76 69,265 115,127 264,381
X(339) = isotomic conjugate of X(250)
X(339) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (76,525), (305,3267)
X(339) = X(125)-cross conjugate of X(338)
X(339) = X(25)-isoconjugate of X(1101)
X(339) = crosspoint of X(305) and X(3267)
X(340) lies on these lines: 4,69 67,290 95,140 250,325 297,524 298,470 299,471 447,540 458,599 520,850
X(340) = reflection of X(648) in X(297)
X(340) = isotomic conjugate of X(265)
X(340) = anticomplement of X(3284)
X(340) = cevapoint of X(186) and X(323)
X(340) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1989) (line X(51)X(512))
X(340) = polar conjugate of X(1989)
X(340) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(217)X(3049)
Barycentrics bc(b + c - a)2 : ca(c + a - b)2 : ab(a + b - c)2
X(341) lies on these lines: 1,1050 8,210 10,75 40,190 200,1043 253,322 280,345 304,668 305,1088
X(341) = isogonal conjugate of X(1106)
X(341) = isotomic conjugate of X(269)
X(341) = complement of X(17480)
X(341) = anticomplement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23222)
X(341) = X(346)-cross conjugate of X(312)
X(341) = polar conjugate of X(1435)
X(341) = trilinear square of X(8)
X(342) lies on these lines: 4,7 9,653 85,264 92,226 108,1005 196,329 253,318 393,948
X(342) = isogonal conjugate of X(2188)
X(342) = isotomic conjugate of X(271)
X(342) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (85,92), (264,273)
X(342) = cevapoint of X(208) and X(223)
X(342) = polar conjugate of X(282)
X(343) is the barycentric multiplier for the Johnson circumconic. (The barycentric product of X(343) and the circumcircle is the Johnson circumconic.) (Randy Hutson, August 19, 2019)
X(343) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,68 5,51 22,161 53,311 76,297 140,569 315,458 427,511 470,634 471,633 472,621 473,622
X(343) = isogonal conjugate of X(8882)
X(343) = isotomic conjugate of X(275)
X(343) = complement of X(1993)
X(343) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (76,311), (311,5)
X(343) = X(216)-cross conjugate of X(5)
X(343) = crosspoint of X(69) and X(76)
X(343) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,571), (25,32)
X(343) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(8884) (line X(421)X(2501))
X(343) = polar conjugate of X(8884)
X(343) = crosspoint of X(6) and X(2917) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(343) = X(7580)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(344) lies on these lines: 2,37 7,190 8,480 9,69 44,193 45,141 144,320 264,281 319,391
X(344) = isotomic conjugate of X(277)
X(344) = trilinear pole of polar, wrt AC-incircle, of X(7) (line X(3309)X(4468))
X(344) = anticomplement of X(17278)
Let A35B35C35 be Gemini triangle 35. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B35,C35}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(345). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(345) lies on these lines: 2,37 8,21 22,100 57,728 63,69 78,1040 190,329 219,332 280,341 304,348 498,1089
X(345) = isogonal conjugate of X(608)
X(345) = isotomic conjugate of X(278)
X(345) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (304,69), (332,78)
X(345) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (78,69), (219,8), (306,312)
X(345) = complement of X(30699)
X(345) = anticomplement of X(3772)
X(345) = polar conjugate of X(1118)
The cevian triangle of X(346) is perspective to the Ayme triangle; see X(3610).
Let A' be the point where BC cuts the radical axis of the circumcircle of ABC and its A-excircle, and define B' and C' cyclically. Then A', B', C' are collinear on the tripolar of X(346). (César Lozada, October 8, 2019)
X(346) lies on the cubics K605 and K697 and these lines: {1, 1219}, {2, 37}, {4, 3695}, {6, 145}, {7, 3729}, {8, 9}, {10, 3731}, {19, 3610}, {20, 1766}, {44, 3621}, {45, 594}, {55, 3974}, {69, 144}, {78, 280}, {100, 198}, {101, 2370}, {141, 4419}, {142, 4659}, {193, 6542}, {200, 4082}, {210, 11997}, {219, 644}, {220, 1043}, {253, 306}, {279, 304}, {281, 318}, {341, 3965}, {347, 4552}, {387, 2901}, {480, 4012}, {497, 3703}, {519, 1743}, {527, 4488}, {545, 7232}, {573, 1018}, {646, 3596}, {672, 10453}, {726, 4310}, {894, 3945}, {941, 1500}, {962, 10445}, {1023, 6790}, {1086, 4373}, {1089, 3085}, {1100, 3623}, {1125, 4098}, {1146, 6558}, {1212, 4673}, {1249, 1897}, {1260, 2322}, {1376, 1696}, {1400, 3501}, {1441, 8232}, {1449, 3241}, {1698, 3986}, {1761, 4427}, {1901, 3936}, {2178, 4188}, {2256, 5782}, {2264, 3189}, {2268, 2329}, {2285, 3600}, {2298, 4195}, {2303, 11115}, {2310, 4073}, {2550, 3932}, {2551, 3704}, {2899, 8165}, {2951, 9950}, {3008, 4402}, {3039, 8168}, {3062, 10324}, {3146, 7270}, {3217, 3684}, {3219, 3719}, {3244, 4898}, {3247, 3616}, {3294, 9534}, {3416, 5698}, {3452, 8055}, {3618, 4360}, {3619, 4389}, {3620, 6646}, {3632, 3973}, {3633, 4856}, {3661, 5232}, {3662, 4346}, {3679, 4058}, {3705, 5274}, {3712, 5218}, {3715, 4046}, {3730, 10449}, {3767, 7230}, {3771, 4135}, {3836, 7613}, {3871, 4254}, {3875, 5222}, {3923, 4307}, {3949, 3952}, {3969, 5739}, {3970, 11036}, {3975, 4110}, {3977, 5744}, {3985, 4451}, {3991, 4385}, {3996, 6605}, {4030, 10385}, {4066, 10198}, {4123, 9539}, {4130, 4397}, {4171, 4529}, {4222, 5687}, {4293, 5525}, {4294, 7206}, {4361, 4422}, {4363, 4648}, {4366, 4473}, {4384, 4431}, {4416, 6172}, {4470, 7227}, {4644, 4851}, {4675, 7222}, {4872, 10513}, {4876, 7155}, {4936, 6737}, {5257, 9780}, {5273, 11679}, {5281, 7081}, {5308, 7229}, {5430, 7027}, {5552, 7110}, {6556, 6736}, {7991, 10443}, {8557, 12649}, {8609, 10529}, {9025, 9309}
X(346) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {8, 4901}, {4452, 4000}, {5838, 9}
X(346) = isogonal conjugate of X(1407)
X(346) = isotomic conjugate of X(279)
X(346) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 6552}, {8, 6555}, {304, 10327}, {312, 8}, {341, 5423}, {345, 7080}, {646, 4397}, {1016, 3699}, {1043, 200}, {3699, 4163}, {4076, 4578}, {6557, 6556}, {7258, 7253}
X(346) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {200, 8}, {220, 7046}, {728, 5423}, {1260, 1265}, {2310, 7253}, {2321, 7101}, {3239, 6558}, {3694, 3692}, {3965, 2287}, {4081, 4397}, {4082, 341}, {4130, 4578}, {4163, 3699}, {4515, 200}, {4529, 7258}, {4907, 7}, {4953, 522}, {5423, 6556}, {6554, 2}
X(346) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 10860}, {6, 1604}, {9, 2324}, {37, 8804}, {200, 728}, {220, 1260}, {650, 4534}, {1146, 3239}, {2310, 4171}, {2321, 3694}, {4081, 4130}, {4082, 4515}
X(346) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 6553}, {8, 6557}, {312, 341}, {646, 4076}, {1016, 3699}
X(346) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 1616}, {604, 1106}, {649, 3937}
X(346) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {667, 6363, 7250}
X(346) = complement of X(4452)
X(346) = anticomplement of X(4000)
X(346) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1119)
X(346) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(1119)
X(346) = centroid of the set consisting of the interiors (with or without boundaries) of the 3 Soddy circles
X(346) = polar conjugate of X(1119)
X(346) = X(i)-beth conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {190, 347}, {346, 9}, {644, 573}, {645, 144}, {646, 346}, {1043, 390}, {6558, 346}, {7258, 3596}, {7259, 219}
X(346) = X(i)-gimel conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4462, 346}, {8712, 346}
X(346) = X(i)-zayin conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1407}, {905, 649}
X(346) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1037, 7}, {7084, 2}, {7123, 8}, {7131, 3434}
X(346) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 6552}, {2137, 2886}, {6553, 2887}
X(346) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): {8, 3717}, {3975, 4110}
X(346) = trilinear pole of line {3239, 3900, 4148, 4163, 4524, 4528, 4546, 4990}
X(346) = barycentric square of X(8)
X(346) = isoconjugate of X(j) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1407}, {2, 1106}, {3, 1435}, {4, 7099}, {6, 269}, {7, 604}, {8, 7366}, {9, 7023}, {19, 7053}, {25, 7177}, {27, 1410}, {31, 279}, {32, 1088}, {34, 222}, {40, 6612}, {41, 479}, {48, 1119}, {55, 738}, {56, 57}, {58, 1427}, {60, 7147}, {63, 1398}, {65, 1412}, {73, 1396}, {77, 608}, {81, 1042}, {84, 6611}, {85, 1397}, {109, 3669}, {110, 7216}, {184, 1847}, {221, 1422}, {223, 1413}, {226, 1408}, {241, 1416}, {244, 1262}, {266, 7370}, {278, 603}, {348, 1395}, {512, 4637}, {513, 1461}, {593, 1254}, {649, 934}, {650, 6614}, {658, 667}, {662, 7250}, {663, 4617}, {669, 4635}, {764, 4619}, {798, 4616}, {849, 6354}, {1014, 1400}, {1015, 7045}, {1020, 3733}, {1118, 7125}, {1122, 3451}, {1275, 3248}, {1333, 3668}, {1357, 4564}, {1358, 2149}, {1402, 1434}, {1403, 7153}, {1414, 7180}, {1415, 3676}, {1417, 3911}, {1426, 1790}, {1431, 7175}, {1439, 1474}, {1440, 2199}, {1446, 2206}, {1458, 1462}, {1472, 7365}, {1919, 4569}, {1973, 7056}, {2150, 6046}, {2170, 7339}, {2171, 7341}, {2185, 7143}, {2221, 4320}, {3063, 4626}, {3937, 7128}, {4017, 4565}, {4559, 7203}, {6358, 7342}, {7132, 7248}, {7183, 7337}
X(346) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 341}, {4, 1265}, {7, 5423}, {8, 8}, {9, 312}, {10, 1043}, {11, 4076}, {21, 3701}, {29, 3710}, {33, 3718}, {55, 3596}, {63, 7101}, {69, 7046}, {75, 200}, {76, 220}, {78, 318}, {85, 728}, {86, 4082}, {92, 3692}, {100, 4397}, {145, 6556}, {179, 400}, {188, 7027}, {190, 3239}, {210, 314}, {219, 7017}, {261, 6057}, {264, 1260}, {274, 4515}, {280, 7080}, {281, 345}, {304, 7079}, {305, 7071}, {306, 2322}, {313, 2328}, {321, 2287}, {333, 2321}, {480, 6063}, {514, 6558}, {522, 3699}, {523, 7256}, {556, 6731}, {561, 1253}, {594, 7058}, {643, 4086}, {644, 4391}, {645, 3700}, {646, 650}, {657, 1978}, {661, 7258}, {664, 4163}, {668, 3900}, {670, 4524}, {693, 4578}, {799, 4171}, {1016, 1146}, {1021, 4033}, {1089, 1098}, {1222, 6736}, {1229, 6605}, {1264, 1857}, {1320, 4723}, {1577, 7259}, {1639, 4582}, {1802, 1969}, {2310, 7035}, {2319, 4110}, {2325, 4997}, {3161, 6557}, {3685, 4518}, {3686, 4102}, {3912, 6559}, {3952, 7253}, {3975, 4876}, {4012, 8817}, {4041, 7257}, {4073, 7033}, {4081, 4998}, {4087, 7077}, {4092, 6064}, {4105, 4572}, {4130, 4554}, {4148, 4562}, {4373, 6555}, {4451, 7081}, {4528, 4555}, {4673, 4866}, {4990, 6540}, {6386, 8641}, {6552, 6553}
X(346) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 269}, {2, 279}, {3, 7053}, {4, 1119}, {6, 1407}, {7, 479}, {8, 7}, {9, 57}, {10, 3668}, {11, 1358}, {12, 6046}, {19, 1435}, {21, 1014}, {25, 1398}, {31, 1106}, {33, 34}, {37, 1427}, {41, 604}, {42, 1042}, {48, 7099}, {55, 56}, {56, 7023}, {57, 738}, {59, 7339}, {60, 7341}, {63, 7177}, {69, 7056}, {72, 1439}, {75, 1088}, {78, 77}, {92, 1847}, {99, 4616}, {100, 934}, {101, 1461}, {109, 6614}, {144, 9533}, {181, 7143}, {188, 7371}, {190, 658}, {198, 6611}, {200, 1}, {210, 65}, {212, 603}, {219, 222}, {220, 6}, {228, 1410}, {259, 7370}, {261, 552}, {280, 1440}, {281, 278}, {282, 1422}, {284, 1412}, {294, 1462}, {312, 85}, {318, 273}, {321, 1446}, {333, 1434}, {341, 75}, {345, 348}, {388, 7197}, {390, 3598}, {480, 55}, {497, 7195}, {512, 7250}, {522, 3676}, {556, 555}, {594, 6354}, {604, 7366}, {607, 608}, {612, 4320}, {643, 1414}, {644, 651}, {645, 4573}, {646, 4554}, {650, 3669}, {651, 4617}, {657, 649}, {661, 7216}, {662, 4637}, {664, 4626}, {668, 4569}, {728, 9}, {756, 1254}, {765, 7045}, {799, 4635}, {984, 7204}, {1016, 1275}, {1018, 1020}, {1021, 1019}, {1043, 86}, {1098, 757}, {1146, 1086}, {1172, 1396}, {1212, 1418}, {1252, 1262}, {1253, 31}, {1259, 1804}, {1260, 3}, {1261, 1476}, {1264, 7055}, {1265, 69}, {1334, 1400}, {1436, 6612}, {1604, 6609}, {1792, 1444}, {1802, 48}, {1824, 1426}, {1857, 1118}, {1863, 1851}, {2171, 7147}, {2175, 1397}, {2192, 1413}, {2194, 1408}, {2195, 1416}, {2212, 1395}, {2287, 81}, {2289, 7125}, {2310, 244}, {2318, 73}, {2319, 7153}, {2321, 226}, {2322, 27}, {2324, 223}, {2325, 3911}, {2327, 1790}, {2328, 58}, {2329, 7175}, {2332, 1474}, {2340, 1458}, {2345, 7365}, {2968, 1565}, {3022, 3271}, {3056, 7248}, {3057, 1122}, {3059, 354}, {3119, 2170}, {3158, 1420}, {3161, 5435}, {3190, 4306}, {3208, 1423}, {3239, 514}, {3270, 3937}, {3271, 1357}, {3596, 6063}, {3684, 1429}, {3685, 1447}, {3686, 553}, {3687, 3674}, {3688, 1401}, {3689, 1319}, {3690, 1425}, {3692, 63}, {3693, 241}, {3694, 1214}, {3695, 6356}, {3699, 664}, {3700, 7178}, {3701, 1441}, {3703, 3665}, {3705, 7185}, {3706, 4059}, {3707, 4031}, {3709, 7180}, {3710, 307}, {3711, 2099}, {3712, 7181}, {3713, 940}, {3715, 5221}, {3717, 9436}, {3718, 7182}, {3719, 7183}, {3737, 7203}, {3790, 7179}, {3811, 4341}, {3870, 4350}, {3900, 513}, {3939, 109}, {3952, 4566}, {3965, 3666}, {3974, 388}, {3975, 10030}, {4007, 4654}, {4012, 497}, {4030, 7198}, {4041, 4017}, {4046, 3649}, {4060, 3982}, {4061, 3671}, {4069, 4551}, {4073, 982}, {4076, 4998}, {4081, 11}, {4082, 10}, {4086, 4077}, {4092, 1365}, {4095, 4032}, {4103, 4605}, {4105, 663}, {4113, 4955}, {4123, 7210}, {4130, 650}, {4148, 812}, {4152, 1317}, {4157, 7214}, {4163, 522}, {4171, 661}, {4178, 7217}, {4183, 28}, {4319, 614}, {4397, 693}, {4420, 1442}, {4433, 1284}, {4451, 7249}, {4477, 4367}, {4511, 1443}, {4512, 3361}, {4513, 6180}, {4515, 37}, {4517, 1469}, {4518, 7233}, {4524, 512}, {4528, 900}, {4529, 4369}, {4546, 3667}, {4548, 7251}, {4571, 6516}, {4578, 100}, {4587, 1813}, {4827, 4790}, {4847, 10481}, {4853, 7271}, {4873, 5219}, {4882, 4328}, {4907, 5573}, {4936, 1743}, {4953, 3756}, {4990, 4977}, {5423, 8}, {5532, 7336}, {5546, 4565}, {5547, 7316}, {6056, 7335}, {6057, 12}, {6058, 7314}, {6059, 7337}, {6060, 7338}, {6061, 60}, {6062, 1354}, {6064, 7340}, {6065, 59}, {6068, 3321}, {6335, 13149}, {6552, 4452}, {6554, 4000}, {6555, 145}, {6556, 4373}, {6558, 190}, {6559, 673}, {6600, 1617}, {6602, 41}, {6603, 6610}, {6605, 1170}, {6607, 2488}, {6726, 266}, {6731, 174}, {6736, 3663}, {6737, 3664}, {6745, 1323}, {7017, 331}, {7027, 4146}, {7046, 4}, {7054, 593}, {7058, 1509}, {7062, 1355}, {7063, 1356}, {7064, 181}, {7065, 1363}, {7067, 1366}, {7068, 1367}, {7069, 1393}, {7070, 1394}, {7071, 25}, {7074, 221}, {7075, 1424}, {7079, 19}, {7080, 347}, {7081, 7176}, {7101, 92}, {7102, 7103}, {7156, 3213}, {7172, 3600}, {7253, 7192}, {7256, 99}, {7257, 4625}, {7258, 799}, {7259, 662}, {7283, 6359}, {7322, 7273}, {7359, 6357}, {7360, 5088}, {7367, 1436}, {7368, 198}, {8012, 1475}, {8641, 667}, {8706, 6613}, {8805, 8810}, {10382, 1467}
Let Ha be the hyperbola passing through A, and with foci at B and C. This is called the A-Soddy hyperbola in (Paul Yiu, Introduction to the Geometry of the Triangle, 2002; 12.4 The Soddy hyperbolas, p. 143). Let La be the polar of X(20) with respect to Ha. Define Lb, Lc cyclically. La, Lb, Lc concur in X(347). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2018)
X(347) lies on these lines: 1,7 2,92 8,253 34,452 37,948 69,664 75,280 144,219 223,329 227,322 241,1108 573,1020
X(347) = isogonal conjugate of X(2192)
X(347) = isotomic conjugate of X(280)
X(347) = complement of polar conjugate of X(38268)
X(347) = anticomplement of X(281)
X(347) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (75,7), (348,2)
X(347) = cevapoint of X(40) and X(223)
X(347) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (40,329), (221,196), (227,223)
X(347) = crosspoint of X(75) and X(322)
X(347) = polar conjugate of X(7003)
X(347) = {X(175),X(176)}-harmonic conjugate of X(20)
X(348) is the Brianchon point (perspector) of the inconic that is the isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of the incircle. The center of the inconic is X(17073). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2018)
Let A36B36C36 be Gemini triangle 36. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B36,C36}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(348). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(348) lies on these lines: 2,85 7,21 8,664 69,73 75,280 150,944 201,337 274,278 304,345 499,1111
X(348) = isogonal conjugate of X(607)
X(348) = isotomic conjugate of X(281)
X(348) = complement of X(30694)
X(348) = anticomplement of polar conjugate of X(34398)
X(348) = X(274)-Ceva conjugate of X(85)
X(348) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,347), (63,77)
X(348) = X(222)-cross conjugate of X(7)
Barycentrics (cos B + cos C)csc2A : (cos C + cos A)csc2B : (cos A + cos B)(csc C/2)2
X(349) lies on these lines: 12,313 73,290 75,225 76,85
X(349) = isotomic conjugate of X(284)
X(349) = cevapoint of X(226) and X(307)
X(349) = X(321)-cross conjugate of X(313)
X(349) = polar conjugate of X(2299)
X(350) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangle of the conic that passes through A, B, C, and the pair P(10) and U(10) of bicentric points (see the notes just before X(1908). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(350) lies on these lines: 1,76 2,37 11,325 33,264 36,99 42,308 55,183 69,497 86,310 172,384 190,672 256,314 291,726 305,614 320,513 447,811 519,668 538,1015 889,903
X(350) = isogonal conjugate of X(1911)
X(350) = isotomic conjugate of X(291)
X(350) = complement of X(17759)
X(350) = anticomplement of X(1575)
X(350) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(20335)
X(350) = crosspoint of X(257) and X(335)
X(350) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(213)X(667)
X(350) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(75)
X(350) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39028)
X(350) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(274),X(668),X(874),PU(10)}}
X(350) = intersection of trilinear polars of P(10) and U(10)
X(351) is the center of the Parry circle introduced in TCCT (Art. 8.13) as the circle that passes through X(i) for I = 2, 15, 16, 23, 110, 111, 352, 353.
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the 1st anti-Parry triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(351) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the 2nd anti-Parry triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(351) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let S be the set of these 9 circles: circumcircle, Brocard circle, ninepoint circle of tangential triangle, McCay circumcircle, Lucas inner circle, Lucas circles radical circle, outer Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle, inner Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle, Parry isodynamic circle. Let S' be any one of the 84 subsets of S that consist of 3 circles. The radical center of S' is X(351). (Peter Moses, March 4, 2023)
Taken in pairs (i.e. {{S', radical axis of S'}...}, we have the following radical axes:
{{circumcircle, Brocard circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{circumcircle, ninepoint circle of tangential triangle},{},{110, 351, 526, 684, 1576, 1624, 1634, 2421, 4556, 4558, ...}}
{{circumcircle, McCay circumcircle},{},{351}}
{{circumcircle, Lucas inner circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{circumcircle, Lucas circles radical circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{circumcircle, outer Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{circumcircle, inner Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{circumcircle, Parry isodynamic circle},{},{6, 351, 9023, 9188, 48450}}
{{Brocard circle, ninepoint circle of tangential triangle},{},{351, 3265}}
{{Brocard circle, McCay circumcircle},{},{351, 10166, 11171}}
{{Brocard circle, Lucas inner circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{Brocard circle, Lucas circles radical circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{Brocard circle, outer Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{Brocard circle, inner Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{Brocard circle, Parry isodynamic circle},{},{351, 574}}
{{ninepoint circle of tangential triangle, McCay circumcircle},{},{351}}
{{ninepoint circle of tangential triangle, Lucas inner circle},{},{351}}
{{ninepoint circle of tangential triangle, Lucas circles radical circle},{},{351}}
{{ninepoint circle of tangential triangle, outer Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{},{351}}
{{ninepoint circle of tangential triangle, inner Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{},{351}}
{{ninepoint circle of tangential triangle, Parry isodynamic circle},{},{351}}
{{McCay circumcircle, Lucas inner circle},{},{351}}
{{McCay circumcircle, Lucas circles radical circle},{},{351}}
{{McCay circumcircle, outer Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{},{351}}
{{McCay circumcircle, inner Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{},{351}}
{{McCay circumcircle, Parry isodynamic circle},{},{351}}
{{Lucas inner circle, Lucas circles radical circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{Lucas inner circle, outer Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{Lucas inner circle, inner Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{Lucas inner circle, Parry isodynamic circle},{},{351, 6468}}
{{Lucas circles radical circle, outer Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{Lucas circles radical circle, inner Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{Lucas circles radical circle, Parry isodynamic circle},{},{351, 6221}}
{{outer Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle, inner Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle},{Lemoine axis},{187, 237, 351, 512, 647, 649, 663, 665, 667, 669, ...}}
{{outer Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle, Parry isodynamic circle},{},{351, 50663}}
{{inner Montesdeoca-Lemoine circle, Parry isodynamic circle},{},{351, 50662}}
(Peter Moses, March 4, 2023)
X(351) lies on the cubic K978 and these lines: {2, 804}, {3, 2780}, {6, 9023}, {15, 9162}, {16, 9163}, {23, 9213}, {25, 14998}, {30, 19912}, {37, 17989}, {42, 17990}, {51, 14397}, {110, 526}, {111, 2492}, {184, 686}, {187, 237}, {251, 17997}, {308, 17995}, {352, 9212}, {353, 13242}, {498, 31502}, {513, 9810}, {514, 23817}, {520, 13302}, {522, 49628}, {523, 4108}, {542, 36255}, {650, 50538}, {670, 23356}, {690, 1641}, {691, 34539}, {694, 881}, {740, 4763}, {812, 10180}, {850, 44451}, {865, 888}, {878, 1976}, {900, 9978}, {924, 14696}, {1304, 32696}, {1400, 17992}, {1499, 9127}, {1510, 13315}, {1635, 1962}, {1636, 23611}, {1637, 8029}, {2054, 17991}, {2395, 46316}, {2444, 14908}, {2514, 21006}, {2793, 6055}, {2799, 11123}, {2854, 40282}, {2872, 7600}, {2881, 9157}, {3268, 9479}, {3455, 14339}, {3566, 39904}, {3900, 13254}, {4455, 8034}, {4728, 53034}, {4809, 6370}, {4893, 9279}, {5020, 44817}, {5054, 16235}, {5466, 8587}, {5652, 16508}, {5663, 19902}, {5926, 9128}, {5996, 25423}, {6091, 34519}, {6131, 7665}, {6353, 47206}, {6368, 32407}, {6562, 6587}, {7664, 22105}, {8429, 35901}, {8672, 47826}, {8675, 46953}, {8704, 31772}, {8723, 33972}, {9009, 17415}, {9150, 18829}, {9158, 16171}, {9186, 9192}, {9194, 27550}, {9195, 27551}, {9200, 13305}, {9201, 13304}, {9429, 14406}, {9517, 45082}, {10166, 11171}, {10567, 20976}, {11205, 14403}, {11215, 31986}, {11616, 11620}, {13223, 13224}, {13263, 13264}, {13284, 13285}, {13290, 13291}, {13308, 13309}, {13316, 13319}, {13317, 13320}, {13718, 13719}, {13841, 13842}, {14084, 14830}, {14272, 47139}, {14277, 18310}, {14315, 48024}, {14316, 50545}, {14337, 14338}, {14698, 45147}, {16156, 16157}, {17999, 21448}, {19901, 33962}, {22984, 22985}, {23035, 23036}, {24809, 24810}, {27798, 45675}, {27811, 47776}, {28374, 29198}, {31176, 32472}, {31953, 47200}, {36213, 38366}, {39232, 46276}, {41079, 47173}, {41300, 47128}, {44427, 47217}, {44889, 46130}, {46127, 46131}, {51335, 52743}
X(351) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 9147}, {15, 9162}, {16, 9163}, {23, 9213}, {110, 9138}, {111, 9156}, {352, 9212}, {353, 13242}, {647, 8644}, {669, 17414}, {1635, 1962}, {3288, 11186}, {3569, 9135}, {4108, 36900}, {5027, 9208}, {5466, 9485}, {5638, 5639}, {9123, 9185}, {9126, 11615}, {9131, 9979}, {9157, 13114}, {9200, 13305}, {9201, 13304}, {9810, 9811}, {9978, 9980}, {11123, 14420}, {11616, 11622}, {13223, 13224}, {13250, 13251}, {13254, 13255}, {13263, 13264}, {13284, 13285}, {13290, 13291}, {13302, 13303}, {13306, 13307}, {13308, 13309}, {13315, 13318}, {13316, 13319}, {13317, 13320}, {13718, 13719}, {13841, 13842}, {14337, 14338}, {14339, 14340}, {14406, 23610}, {14610, 32193}, {16156, 16157}, {22733, 22734}, {22888, 22889}, {22933, 22934}, {22984, 22985}, {23035, 23036}, {24809, 24810}, {32312, 32313}, {32407, 32408}, {39904, 39905}, {40282, 40283}, {49628, 49629}
X(351) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 11176}, {3, 9126}, {6, 9188}, {669, 8644}, {684, 34291}, {1649, 9125}, {2502, 39527}, {3005, 17414}, {3268, 10190}, {3569, 9208}, {4108, 45317}, {8029, 1637}, {8371, 9189}, {8644, 8651}, {9131, 14610}, {9134, 44564}, {9135, 5027}, {9148, 2}, {9175, 11621}, {9178, 2492}, {9208, 5113}, {9979, 32193}, {11123, 45687}, {11183, 45680}, {11186, 50550}, {11205, 14403}, {11622, 11620}, {13291, 14697}, {14277, 18310}, {14398, 14428}, {14424, 14417}, {17414, 647}, {27798, 45675}, {31986, 32194}, {34290, 45336}, {34291, 6132}, {42663, 9135}, {44420, 39526}
X(351) = isogonal conjugate of X(892)
X(351) = complement of anticomplementary conjugate of X(39356)
X(351) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(38988)
X(351) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(6),X(187)}}, which is the locus of the barycentric product of circumcircle-X(690)-antipodes
X(351) = crosspoint of X(110) and X(111)
X(351) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,690), (523,524), (850,1236)
X(351) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(2)X(99)
X(351) = circumcircle-inverse of X(9129)
X(351) = Parry-isodynamic-circle-inverse of X(187)
X(351) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {187, 5106}, {690, 2482}, {804, 2}, {2492, 111}, {2793, 9172}, {3455, 41272}, {6131, 7665}, {22105, 7664}
X(351) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 38988}, {25322, 21253}.
X(351) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 38988}, {110, 39689}, {111, 3124}, {187, 21906}, {468, 1648}, {598, 35507}, {691, 6}, {827, 6593}, {1177, 3269}, {1383, 38369}, {1576, 47426}, {2489, 21905}, {3455, 20975}, {5467, 187}, {9178, 512}, {10511, 8288}, {14357, 23992}, {14419, 2642}, {22105, 690}, {41498, 14444}, {45773, 20976}
X(351) = trilinear pole of line {21906, 35507}
X(351) = Lemoine-axis-intercept of trilinear polar of X(512)
X(351) = centroid of the triangle X(3)X(5607)X(5608)
X(351) = tripolar centroid of X(6)
X(351) = tripolar centroid of X(14608)
X(351) = X(9227)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(21294)
X(351) = centroid of Lemoine axis intercepts with sidelines of ABC
X(351) = X(351)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(351) = intersection of tangents to Steiner inellipse at X(1084) and X(2482)
X(351) = crosspoint wrt medial triangle of X(1084) and X(2482)
X(351) = vertex conjugate of PU(62)
X(351) = radical center of (circumcircle, Brocard circle, McCay circumcircle)
X(351) = harmonic center of circles {X(14),X(15),X(16)}} and {X(13),X(15),X(16)}}
X(351) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for these i: 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67
X(351) = PU(62)-harmonic conjugate of X(6)
X(351) = PU(63)-harmonic conjugate of X(3)
X(351) = PU(64)-harmonic conjugate of X(1)
X(351) = PU(65)-harmonic conjugate of X(5)
X(351) = PU(66)-harmonic conjugate of X(10)
X(351) = PU(67)-harmonic conjugate of X(39)
X(351) = X(3)-of-1st-Parry-triangle
X(351) = X(3)-of-2nd-Parry-triangle
X(351) = X(3)-of-3rd-Parry-triangle
X(351) = inverse-in-Parry-isodynamic-circle of X(187); see X(2)
X(351) = pole of Brocard axis wrt Parry isodynamic circle
X(351) = bicentric sum of PU(105)
X(351) = centroid of (degenerate) cross-triangle of 1st and 3rd Parry triangles
X(351) = centroid of centers of A-, B- and C-Apollonian circles
X(351) = Lemoine axis (or line PU(2)) intercept of line connecting P(2)-Ceva conjugate of U(2) and U(2)-Ceva conjugate of P(2)
X(351) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 892}, {2, 36085}, {75, 691}, {76, 36142}, {86, 5380}, {99, 897}, {110, 46277}, {111, 799}, {162, 30786}, {163, 18023}, {561, 32729}, {661, 52940}, {662, 671}, {670, 923}, {811, 895}, {1101, 52632}, {1109, 45773}, {3112, 36827}, {4563, 36128}, {4575, 46111}, {4590, 23894}, {4592, 17983}, {4593, 46154}, {4599, 31125}, {4602, 32740}, {4622, 52747}, {4625, 5547}, {5466, 24041}, {5968, 36036}, {6331, 36060}, {7035, 43926}, {7257, 7316}, {8773, 52035}, {9170, 17955}, {9178, 24037}, {10097, 46254}, {10630, 24039}, {11059, 36045}, {14210, 34574}, {14728, 17467}, {36133, 52756}, {37204, 41272}, {37216, 52141}
X(351) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 892}, {115, 18023}, {125, 30786}, {136, 46111}, {206, 691}, {244, 46277}, {512, 9178}, {523, 52632}, {690, 35522}, {1084, 671}, {1560, 6331}, {1648, 3266}, {1649, 850}, {2482, 670}, {2679, 5968}, {3005, 5466}, {3124, 31125}, {5099, 52551}, {5139, 17983}, {6593, 99}, {15477, 34574}, {17413, 42008}, {17423, 895}, {21905, 523}, {21906, 47286}, {23992, 76}, {31654, 11059}, {32664, 36085}, {34452, 36827}, {36830, 52940}, {38986, 897}, {38988, 2}, {38996, 111}, {39010, 52756}, {39072, 52035}, {40368, 32729}, {40600, 5380}, {48317, 264}, {52881, 52608}
X(351) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 2642}, {3, 14273}, {6, 690}, {25, 14417}, {32, 35522}, {37, 14419}, {39, 22105}, {42, 4750}, {50, 51479}, {99, 21906}, {110, 1648}, {111, 1649}, {115, 5467}, {187, 523}, {249, 33919}, {251, 14424}, {468, 647}, {511, 52038}, {512, 524}, {513, 21839}, {525, 44102}, {574, 23287}, {649, 4062}, {661, 896}, {667, 42713}, {669, 3266}, {691, 23992}, {694, 11183}, {798, 14210}, {804, 18872}, {843, 33921}, {850, 14567}, {882, 5026}, {888, 14608}, {922, 1577}, {935, 47415}, {1379, 46462}, {1380, 46463}, {1400, 14432}, {1576, 52628}, {1637, 9717}, {1974, 45807}, {1989, 44814}, {2088, 14559}, {2395, 9155}, {2422, 50567}, {2433, 5642}, {2434, 6791}, {2482, 9178}, {2489, 6390}, {2491, 52145}, {2492, 14357}, {2501, 3292}, {2502, 34763}, {2623, 41586}, {2643, 23889}, {2682, 44769}, {2715, 51429}, {2793, 51927}, {3005, 52898}, {3049, 44146}, {3121, 42721}, {3124, 5468}, {3284, 52475}, {3455, 18311}, {3457, 9204}, {3458, 9205}, {3569, 5967}, {3709, 7181}, {3712, 7180}, {4041, 51653}, {4079, 6629}, {4235, 20975}, {4705, 16702}, {5095, 10097}, {5191, 50942}, {5466, 39689}, {5477, 35364}, {5638, 52723}, {5639, 52722}, {6041, 52094}, {6137, 52039}, {6138, 52040}, {7813, 18105}, {8371, 48450}, {8664, 31068}, {9125, 21448}, {9148, 41309}, {9171, 51226}, {10630, 33915}, {11060, 45808}, {14270, 43084}, {14398, 36890}, {14404, 52757}, {14407, 52759}, {14444, 34574}, {14606, 45330}, {14618, 23200}, {14998, 45662}, {16741, 50487}, {17414, 51541}, {20382, 32583}, {21905, 41909}, {23894, 42081}, {28625, 30595}, {28658, 30605}, {32740, 52629}, {34212, 35282}, {34539, 46049}, {37778, 39201}, {39785, 46001}, {42665, 51823}, {45680, 52660}
X(351) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 892}, {31, 36085}, {32, 691}, {110, 52940}, {115, 52632}, {187, 99}, {213, 5380}, {468, 6331}, {512, 671}, {523, 18023}, {524, 670}, {560, 36142}, {647, 30786}, {661, 46277}, {669, 111}, {688, 46154}, {690, 76}, {798, 897}, {887, 14609}, {888, 52756}, {896, 799}, {922, 662}, {1084, 9178}, {1501, 32729}, {1648, 850}, {1649, 3266}, {1692, 52035}, {1924, 923}, {1977, 43926}, {2422, 9154}, {2489, 17983}, {2491, 5968}, {2492, 52551}, {2501, 46111}, {2502, 34760}, {2642, 75}, {2682, 41079}, {3005, 31125}, {3049, 895}, {3051, 36827}, {3124, 5466}, {3266, 4609}, {3292, 4563}, {4062, 1978}, {4750, 310}, {5026, 880}, {5191, 50941}, {5467, 4590}, {5468, 34537}, {5967, 43187}, {6041, 16092}, {6390, 52608}, {6629, 52612}, {8644, 52141}, {9125, 11059}, {9155, 2396}, {9171, 17948}, {9426, 32740}, {9429, 36821}, {9494, 41272}, {11183, 3978}, {14210, 4602}, {14273, 264}, {14398, 9214}, {14407, 52747}, {14417, 305}, {14419, 274}, {14424, 8024}, {14428, 52758}, {14432, 28660}, {14443, 52628}, {14444, 52629}, {14567, 110}, {14608, 886}, {16702, 4623}, {17414, 42008}, {18311, 40074}, {18872, 18829}, {19627, 51478}, {20975, 14977}, {21839, 668}, {21905, 47286}, {21906, 523}, {22105, 308}, {23200, 4558}, {23287, 40826}, {23357, 45773}, {23889, 24037}, {23992, 35522}, {32729, 34539}, {32740, 34574}, {33915, 36792}, {33919, 338}, {33921, 45809}, {35522, 1502}, {39689, 5468}, {41309, 9150}, {42081, 24039}, {42344, 23105}, {42663, 52450}, {42713, 6386}, {44102, 648}, {44814, 7799}, {45680, 41259}, {45807, 40050}, {46001, 18818}, {48450, 9170}, {51479, 20573}, {51653, 4625}, {51927, 46144}, {52038, 290}, {52628, 44173}, {52898, 689}
X(351) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {25, 47230, 17994}, {110, 9216, 9145}, {110, 15329, 42743}, {111, 9178, 17993}, {111, 9215, 9142}, {647, 669, 3005}, {647, 8651, 669}, {647, 42659, 42665}, {667, 42653, 42661}, {669, 3005, 8664}, {669, 3231, 42652}, {669, 8665, 3804}, {1649, 14424, 14417}, {2491, 6041, 14398}, {2492, 11631, 17993}, {3569, 5027, 42663}, {3569, 5191, 9409}, {4108, 15724, 45317}, {4455, 21828, 8034}, {5027, 5106, 887}, {5027, 5113, 3569}, {5027, 14270, 5191}, {5029, 5075, 5040}, {5029, 5168, 1960}, {5040, 5163, 890}, {5191, 21731, 42663}, {6137, 6138, 3569}, {6140, 14270, 21731}, {9123, 9131, 14610}, {9123, 9979, 9131}, {9129, 9130, 3}, {9131, 9185, 9979}, {9134, 9189, 44564}, {9134, 44564, 8371}, {9147, 11176, 9148}, {9173, 9174, 8371}, {9185, 9979, 32193}, {11215, 31986, 32194}, {14270, 21731, 9409}, {15724, 36900, 4108}, {42659, 42665, 9409}, {42667, 42668, 669}, {52722, 52723, 11183}
X(352) lies on the Parry circle and these lines: 2,6 3,353 23,2502 110,187 111,511
X(352) = reflection of X(843) in X(187)
X(352) = isogonal conjugate of X(6094)
X(352) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(353)
X(352) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(373)X(512)
X(352) = X(23)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(352) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(3815)
X(352) = orthocentroidal-to-ABC similarity image of X(111)
X(352) = 4th-Brocard-to-circumsymmedial similarity image of X(111)
X(352) = X(2709)-of-1st-Parry-triangle
X(352) = X(843)-of-2nd-Parry-triangle
X(352) = X(110)-of-3rd-Parry-triangle
X(352) = inverse-in-Parry-isodynamic-circle of X(23); see X(2)
X(352) = radical trace of circumcircles of Artzt and anti-Artzt triangles
X(352) = trilinear pole, wrt 3rd Parry triangle, of Lemoine axis
Let AaBaCa, AbBbCb, AcBcCc be the A-, B- and C-anti-altimedial triangles. Let A' be the trilinear product Aa*Ab*Ac, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is the anticomplementary triangle of the 1st Brocard triangle, and is similar to the anti-orthocentroidal triangle, with similitude center X(353). (Randy Hutson, November 2, 2017)
X(353) lies on the Parry circle and these lines: 3,352 6,23 110,574 111,182 187,3117
X(353) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(352)
X(353) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(111)
X(353) = centroid of circumsymmedial triangle
X(353) = circumcevian isogonal conjugate of X(6)
X(353) = X(5640)-of-4th-anti-Brocard triangle
X(353) = isogonal conjugate, wrt 2nd Brocard triangle, of X(2)
X(353) = inverse-in-Parry-isodynamic-circle of X(2); see X(2)
X(354) is the perspector of the intangents triangle and the triangle QAQBQC described at X(3598). (Peter Moses, Nov. 4, 2010)
Let A', B', C' be the inverse-in-{circumcircle, incircle}-inverter of A, B, C. Let A″B″C″ be the tangential triangle of A'B'C'. Then A″B″C″ is perspective to ABC at X(354). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
William Gallatly, The Modern Geometry of the Triangle, 2nd edition, Hodgson, London, 1913, page 16.
Let Ab be the intersection, other than B, of circle {X(1),B,C}} and line AB. Let Ac be the intersection, other than C, of circle {X(1),B,C}} and line AC. Define Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb cyclically. X(354) is the centroid of AbAcBcBaCaCb. Note that the lines AbAc, BcBa, CaCb bound the intangents triangle. (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(354) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,210 6,374 7,479 11,118 37,38 42,244 44,748 48,584 63,1001 81,105 142,3059 278,955 373,375 388,938 392,551 516,553 1418,2293
X(354) = isogonal conjugate of X(2346)
X(354) = complement of X(3681)
X(354) = anticomplement of X(3740)
X(354) = inverse-in-incircle of X(1155)
X(354) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (210,2), (392,551)
X(354) = X(101)-Ceva conjugate of X(513)
X(354) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(7)
X(354) = crosssum of X(1) and X(55)
X(354) = X(2)-of-intouch-triangle
X(354) = homothetic center of intouch triangle and inverse-in-incircle triangle
X(354) = centroid of inverse-in-incircle triangle
X(354) = pole of antiorthic axis wrt incircle
X(354) = {X(1),X(40)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3303)
X(354) = {X(1),X(65)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3057)
X(354) = {X(3513),X(3514)}-harmonic conjugate of X(65)
X(354) = centroid of the six intersections of the Conway circle and the sidelines of ABC
X(354) = centroid of the six intersections of the sidelines of ABC and the antiparallels to sidelines through X(1)
X(354) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, incircle}-inverter of X(36)
X(354) = cevian isogonal conjugate of X(7) = intouch isogonal conjugate of X(7)
X(354) = bicentric sum of PU(94)
X(354) = PU(94)-harmonic conjugate of X(650)
X(354) = X(381)-of-incircle-circles-triangle
X(354) = {X(1),X(57)}-harmonic conjugate of X(55)
X(354) = centroid of the six intersections of the Adams' circle and the sidelines of ABC
X(355) = the center of the Fuhrmann circle, defined as the circumcircle of the Fuhrmann triangle A″B″C″, where A″ is obtained as follows: let A' be the midpoint of the circumcircle-arc having endpoints B and C and not containing A; then A″ is the reflection of A' in line BC. Vertices B″ and C″ are obtained cyclically. (Other constructions of A'', and hence the Fuhrmann triangle, follow: (1) Let IA be the reflection of X(1) in BC; then A'' is the circumcenter of IABC. (2) Let JA be the reflection of the A-excenter in BC; then A'' is the circumcenter of JABC.
X(355) is the homothetic center of the triangles formed by internal and external tangents of circumcircles of BCX(4), CAX(4), ABX(4). Equivalently, the incenter of the trianglar hull of circumcircles of BCX(4), CAX(4), ABX(4). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let Na = X(5)-of-BCX(1), Nb = X(5)-of-CAX(1), Nc = X(5)- of-ABX(1). Then X(355) = X(20)-of-NaNbNc. (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let A'B'C' be the anticomplementary triangle. Then X(355) is the radical center of the incircles of A'BC, B'CA, C'AB. (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let A'B'C' be the outer Garcia triangle and A″B″C″ the inner Garcia triangle. Let A* be the isogonal conjugate, wrt A'B'C', of A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines A'A*, B'B*, C'C* concur in X(355); see also X(952). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Ross Honsberger, Episodes in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Euclidean Geometry, Mathematical Association of America, 1995. Chapter 6: The Fuhrmann Circle.
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the Yff contact triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(355) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(355) lies on these lines: 1,5 2,944 3,10 4,8 30,40 65,68 85,150 104,404 165,550 381,519 382,516 388,942 938,1056
X(355) = midpoint of X(4) and X(8)
X(355) = isogonal conjugate of X(3417)
X(355) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,5), (3,10), (944,1385), (1482,946)
X(355) = anticomplement of X(1385)
X(355) = complement of X(944)
X(355) = inverse-in-Feuerbach-hyperbola of X(1837)
X(355) = {X(1),X(80)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1837)
X(355) = outer-Garcia-isogonal conjugate of X(40)
X(355) = X(3)-of-outer-Garcia-triangle
X(355) = X(6265)-of-inner-Garcia-triangle
X(355) = X(6102)-of-excentral-triangle
X(355) = inner-Garcia-to-outer-Garcia similarity image of X(3)
X(355) = X(12844)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(355) = endo-homothetic center of Ehrmann side-triangle and 4th anti-Euler triangle; the homothetic center is X(12111)
X(355) = reflection of X(12699) in X(4)
X(355) = {X(1),X(1837)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5722)
X(355) = Ursa-minor-to-Ursa-major similarity image of X(1)
X(355) = {X(1),X(5)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5886)
X(356) is the centroid of the Morley equilateral triangle. For a discussion of the theorem and extensive list of references, see
C. O. Oakley and J. C. Baker, "The Morley trisector theorem," American Mathematical Monthly 85 (1978) 737-745.
For a sketch of the Morley cubic and list of centers on it, including X(356), X(357), X(358), see Bernard Gibert's site.
See also Dao Thanh Oai, Some new equilateral triangles in a plane geometry.
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Morley triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(356). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(356).
For a biographical sketch, including details about Morley's famous theorem on angle trisectors, with history and references, see
Frank Morley (1860-1937) geometer.
X(356) lies on these lines: 2,5455 3,3278 357,358 1134,1135 3605,5456.
X(356) = isogonal conjugate of X(3605)
X(356) = orthology center of 1st Morley adjunct triangle and 1st Morley triangle
X(357) is the perspector of Morley triangle and ABC, and also the Hofstadter 1/3 point. See
F. Glanville Taylor and W. L. Marr, "The six trisectors of each of the angles of a triangle," Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 33 (1913-14) 119-131, especially item 9, page 127.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(357).
X(357) lies on these lines: 356,358 1134,3275 3280,5454
X(357) = isogonal conjugate of X(358)
X(357) = {X(1135),X(3272)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3603)
X(357) = trilinear product of vertices of 1st Morley triangle
X(358) is the perspector of the adjunct Morley triangle and ABC, and also the Hofstadter 2/3 point.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(358).
X(358) lies on these lines: 356,357 16,1135
X(358) = isogonal conjugate of X(357)
X(358) = trilinear product of vertices of 1st Morley adjunct triangle
This point is the limit as r approaches 1 of the Hofstadter r point. See X(360) for details.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(359) and X(360) and Hofstadter Triangles. These sketches include the Hofstadter ellipse (actually a family of ellipses, indexed by a parameter r) introduced (February 4, 2005) by Peter J. C. Moses. The ellipse E(r) is given for 0 < r < 1 by the following equation in trilinears:
x2 + y2 + z2 + yz(D + 1/D) + zx(E + 1/E) + xy(F + 1/F) = 0, where D = cos A - sin A cot rA, E = cos B - sin B cot rB, F = cos C - sin C cot rC.
The Hofstadter ellipse E(1/2), given by x2 + y2 + z2 - 2yz - 2xz - 2xy = 0, has center X(37) and passes through X(i) for these i: 244, 678, 2310, 2632, 2638, 2643, 3248, 4094, 4117, 10501, 23063, 24012.
Taking the limit of E(r) as r tends to 0 gives information about the circumellipse, E(0) (which is also E(1)):
Equation: ayz/A + bzx/B + cxy/C = 0
Center: X(5945) = (a/A)(b2/B + c2/C - a2/A) : (b/B)(c2/C + a2/A - b2/B) : (c/C)(a2/A + b2/B - c2/C)
Intersection with circumcircle (other than A, B, C): X(3067) = a/[A(B - C)] : b/[B(C - A)] : c/[C(A - B)]
The Hofstadter ellipse E(1/2) is also the incentral inellipse, centered at X(37), and touching ABC at the traces of X(1). The ellipse also passes through X(4094), and is the incentral isotomic conjugate of line X(512)X(4895). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
See Hofstadter Ellipse at MathWorld.
See also the preamble just before X(42074).
X(359) lies on this line: {6,9036}
X(359) = isogonal conjugate of X(360)
X(359) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(5945)
X(359) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 360}, {2, 1049}
X(359) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1077}, {1028, 1049}
X(359) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 360}, {31, 1049}, {1077, 75}
X(359) = perspector of Hofstadter 0-ellipse
This point is obtained as a limit of perspectors. Let r denote a real number, but not 0 or 1. Using vertex B as a pivot, swing line BC toward vertex A through angle rB and swing line BC about C through angle rC. Let A(r) be the point in which the two swung lines meet. Obtain B(r) and C(r) cyclically. Triangle A(r)B(r)C(r) is the r-Hofstadter triangle; its perspector with ABC, called the Hofstadter r point, is the point given by trilinears
(sin rA)/sin(A - rA) : (sin rB)/sin(B - rB) : (sin rC)/sin(C - rC).
The limit of this point as r approaches 0 is X(360). The two Hofstadter points, X(359) and X(360) are examples of transcendental triangle centers, since they have no trilinear or barycentric representation using only algebraic functions of a,b,c (or sin A, sin B, sin C).
Clark Kimberling, "Hofstadter points," Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde 12 (1994) 109-114.
Conjecture and corollary (Randy Hutson, August 10, 2014):
If r is an integer other than 0, 1, or 2, then the inverse-in-circumcircle of the Hofstadter r point is the Hofstadter (2-r) point;
thus, since the isogonal conjugate of the Hofstadter r point is the Hofstadter (1-r) point, if r is not -1, 0 or 1,
then the antigonal image of the Hofstadter r point is the Hofstadter -r point.
X(1) = Hofstadter 1/2 point = antigonal image of X(80)
X(3) = Hofstadter 2 point = antigonal image of X(265)
X(4) = Hofstadter -1 point
X(35) = Hofstadter 3/2 point
X(79) = Hofstadter -1/2 point = antigonal image of X(3065)
X(186) = Hofstadter 3 point = antigonal image of X(5962)
X(265) = Hofstadter -2 point = antigonal image of X(3)
X(357) = Hofstadter 1/3 point
X(358) = Hofstadter 2/3 point
X(359) = Hofstadter 0 point
X(360) = Hofstadter 1 point
X(1127) = Hofstadter 1/4 point
X(1129) = Hofstadter 3/4 point
X(5457) = Hofstadter -1/3 point
X(5458) = Hofstadter -2/3 point
X(5961) = Hofstadter 4 point = antigonal image of X(5964)
X(5962) = Hofstadter -3 point = antigonal image of X(186)
X(5963) = Hofstadter 5 point
X(5964) = Hofstadter -4 point = antigonal image of X(5961)
X(360) lies on this line: {2,1115}
X(360) = isogonal conjugate of X(359)
X(360) = anticomplement of X(1115)
X(360) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {7021, 8}, {7041, 69}
X(360) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 359}, {6, 1077}
X(360) = barycentric product X(75)*X(1049)
X(360) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1077}, {6, 359}, {1049, 1}, {1077, 1028}, {1085, 1049}
The isoscelizer equation au(X) = bv(X) = cw(X) has solution X = X(361).
X(361) lies on these lines: 1,188 164,503 266,978
X(361) = X(266)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
The isoscelizer equations u(X)/a = v(X)/b = w(X)/c have solution X = X(362).
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(362).
X(362) lies on these lines: {1, 60539}, {9, 2090}, {57, 234}, {164, 845}, {4146, 16551}
X(362) = X(31)-of-excentral triangle
X(362) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(844)
X(362) = X(4146)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(362) = X(259)-Dao conjugate of X(188)
If X = X(363), the isoscelizer triangles of X have equal perimeters.
X(363) is the homothetic center of the excentral triangle and the inner Hutson triangle. A construction of the latter follows. The internal bisector of angle A meets the A-excircle in two points. Let PA be the point closer to line BC and let QA be the other point. Define PB and PC cyclically, and define QB and QC cyclically. Let LA be the line tangent to the A-excircle at PA, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let MA be the line tangent to the A-excircle at QA, and define MB and MC cyclically. The inner Hutson triangle is the triangle A'B'C' given by A' = LB∩LC, B' = LC∩LA, C' = LA∩LB; the outer Hutson triangle is given by A'' = MB∩MC, B'' = MC∩MA, C' = MA∩MB. (Based on a description of A'B'C' by Randy Hutson, September 23, 2011)
Peter Moses (November 10, 2011) found trilinears for A'B'C' and A''B''C''. As these are central triangles, trilinears for A' and A'' suffice:
A' = aUA(a2 + b2 + c2 - 2bc - 2ca - 2ab) + bUB(b + c - a)(c + a - b) + cUC(b + c - a)(a + b - c)
: aUA(a2 + b2 - 3c2 + 2bc + 2ca - 2ab) + UB(c - a)(-a + b + c)(a - b + c) - cUC(-a + b + c)(a + b - c)
: aUA(a2 - 3b2 + c2 + 2bc - 2ca + 2ab) - bUB(-a + b + c)(a - b + c) + UC(b - a)(-a + b + c)(a + b - c)
A'' = aUA(a2 + b2 + c2 - 2bc - 2ca - 2ab) - bUB(b + c - a)(c + a - b) - cUC(b + c - a)(a + b - c)
: aUA(a2 + b2 - 3c2 + 2bc + 2ca - 2ab) - UB(c - a)(-a + b + c)(a - b + c) + cUC(-a + b + c)(a + b - c)
: aUA(a2 - 3b2 + c2 + 2bc - 2ca + 2ab) + bUB(-a + b + c)(a - b + c) - UC(b - a)(-a + b + c)(a + b - c),
where UA = sqrt[bc/((a - b + c)(a + b - c)] = (1/2)csc(A/2), and UB and UC are defined cyclically.
A'B'C' is perspective to the following triangles: intouch, hexyl,Yff, and the 1st and 2nd circumperp triangles. A''B''C'' is perspective to these: ABC, intouch, hexyl, Yff, and the 1st and 2nd circumperp triangles. A'B'C' is homothetic to A''B''C'', which is perspective to the excentral triangle at X(168). (Peter Moses, 11/10/11)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(363).
Let UVW and U'V'W' be the tangential-midarc triangles introduced in the preamble just before X(8075). The inner and outer Hutson triangles introduced at X(363) are the excircles-version of UVW and U'V'W'. (Randy Hutson and César Lozada, August 29, 2015)
X(363) lies on these lines: {1, 289}, {2, 9783}, {3, 8111}, {9, 5934}, {10, 12574}, {40, 164}, {55, 17607}, {57, 8113}, {63, 11685}, {165, 166}, {173, 3973}, {191, 16135}, {223, 34037}, {258, 6732}, {846, 8391}, {1376, 17621}, {1445, 8385}, {1490, 12673}, {1697, 8390}, {1698, 8380}, {1699, 8377}, {1721, 12719}, {1764, 11892}, {1768, 13260}, {2136, 12633}, {3333, 11039}, {3659, 55175}, {4882, 9847}, {5541, 12733}, {6326, 12759}, {8078, 8133}, {8231, 11922}, {8580, 11856}, {8915, 35897}, {10233, 12523}, {10234, 55174}, {11044, 58777}, {12396, 12886}, {12514, 12561}, {12565, 12707}, {12658, 12851}, {12659, 12878}, {12660, 12882}
X(363) = X(57)-of-excentral-triangle
X(363) = homothetic center of ABC and orthic triangle of inner Hutson triangle
X(363) = excentral isogonal conjugate of X(168)
X(363) = X(236)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(363) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 9805, 11527}, {2, 9783, 21618}, {3, 12488, 8111}, {40, 52797, 164}, {165, 845, 168}, {165, 8140, 8107}, {8107, 11222, 8140}, {8109, 9805, 1}, {11854, 12880, 8113}, {22993, 45702, 5934}
If X = X(364), the isoscelizer triangles T(X,a), T(X,b), T(X,c) have equal areas.
The isoscelizer equations H(A,X)D(A,X) = H(B,X)D(B,X) = H(C,X)D(C,X) have solution X = X(364). (Peter Yff, 4/9/99)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(364).
X(364) lies on the cubics K351 and K577 and these lines: {1, 365}, {2, 55321}, {9, 366}, {55, 55326}, {57, 40378}, {165, 4166}, {239, 40383}, {1743, 2068}, {20673, 20695}
X(364) = X(366)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(364) = X(2)-isoconjugate of X(60552)
X(364) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {366, 18297}, {32664, 60552}
X(364) = cevapoint of X(365) and X(8832)
X(364) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 20534}, {75, 20673}, {86, 20695}, {92, 20763}, {366, 40374}
X(364) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {31, 60552}, {20534, 75}, {20673, 1}, {20695, 10}, {20763, 63}, {40374, 18297}
X(364) = {X(365),X(367)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1)
For a construction of X(365), see the note at X(2), which provides for a construction barycentric square roots which one can easily extend to a construction for trilinear square roots.
X(365) lies on the Kiepert circumhyperbola of the excentral triangle, the cubics K131, K145, K155, K760, K1253, K1273, and these lines: {1, 364}, {2, 20334}, {6, 2118}, {43, 2068}, {55, 8832}, {75, 20631}, {100, 59461}, {292, 2146}, {366, 4179}, {1030, 60556}, {1386, 59440}, {2110, 2119}, {2144, 2147}, {4166, 18753}, {4640, 59462}, {21780, 60553}
X(365) = isogonal conjugate of X(366)
X(365) = complement of X(20346)
X(365) = anticomplement of X(20334)
X(365) = crosssum of X(1) and X(364)
X(365) = trilinear square root of X(6)
X(365) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(20527)
X(365) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(20534)
X(365) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(18297)
X(365) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {238, 2146}, {364, 8832}, {366, 4166}
X(365) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 366}, {2, 365}, {6, 18297}, {7, 4166}, {57, 4182}, {75, 18753}, {81, 4179}, {86, 60548}, {174, 60534}, {188, 509}, {259, 508}, {266, 55336}, {507, 7025}, {556, 60538}, {4146, 60530}
X(365) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 366}, {9, 18297}, {206, 18753}, {365, 20346}, {5452, 4182}, {18753, 20604}, {20543, 20592}, {32664, 365}, {40374, 75}, {40586, 4179}, {40600, 60548}
X(365) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 40375}, {6, 20673}
X(365) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 366}, {6, 18297}, {7, 4166}, {57, 4182}, {75, 18753}, {81, 4179}, {86, 60548}, {174, 60534}, {188, 509}, {259, 508}, {266, 55336}, {507, 7025}, {556, 60538}, {4146, 60530}
X(365) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 18297}, {6, 366}, {32, 18753}, {41, 4166}, {42, 4179}, {55, 4182}, {213, 60548}, {259, 55336}, {266, 508}, {366, 75}, {509, 4146}, {4166, 8}, {4179, 321}, {4182, 312}, {18297, 76}, {18753, 1}, {20664, 40378}, {20673, 40374}, {52866, 367}, {55326, 55322}, {58996, 55321}, {60530, 188}, {60534, 556}, {60538, 174}, {60539, 60534}, {60540, 39131}, {60542, 6724}, {60548, 10}
X(365) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 364, 367}, {2, 20346, 20334}, {75, 20645, 20631}, {366, 4182, 4179}, {18753, 60548, 4166}, {20673, 60552, 55}
See the note at X(365).
X(366) lies on the Jerabek circumhyperbola of the excentral triangle, the cubics on K101, K132, K202, K308, K323, K328, K332, K363, K977, K1080, K1081, K1082, the curve Q027, and these lines: {1, 4180}, {2, 367}, {6, 2068}, {9, 364}, {10, 59460}, {75, 20434}, {190, 59459}, {192, 40383}, {365, 4179}, {551, 59438}, {1631, 20469}, {18297, 60548}
X(366) = reflection of X(20534) in X(20527)
X(366) = isogonal conjugate of X(365)
X(366) = isotomic conjugate of X(18297)
X(366) = complement of X(20534)
X(366) = anticomplement of X(20527)
X(366) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(60552)
X(366) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(20334)
X(366) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(20346)
X(366) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(40378)
X(366) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(40383)
X(366) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(18753)
X(366) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 40374}, {60552, 10}
X(366) = X(367)-cross conjugate of X(1)
X(366) = trilinear square root of X(2)
X(366) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 40374}, {7, 56707}, {18297, 4182}
X(366) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 365}, {2, 18753}, {6, 366}, {31, 18297}, {56, 4182}, {57, 4166}, {58, 4179}, {81, 60548}, {174, 60530}, {188, 60538}, {259, 509}, {266, 60534}, {508, 60539}, {6727, 60537}, {40374, 60552}
X(366) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 4182}, {2, 18297}, {3, 365}, {9, 366}, {10, 4179}, {236, 55336}, {365, 510}, {366, 20534}, {5452, 4166}, {15495, 508}, {18753, 20874}, {20334, 20357}, {32664, 18753}, {40374, 2}, {40586, 60548}
X(366) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 364}, {2, 40383}, {6, 20469}, {365, 4166}, {367, 40378}, {4179, 60548}
X(366) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 18297}, {7, 4182}, {75, 365}, {76, 18753}, {85, 4166}, {86, 4179}, {174, 55336}, {188, 508}, {274, 60548}, {509, 556}, {4146, 60534}
X(366) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 18297}, {6, 365}, {9, 4182}, {31, 18753}, {37, 4179}, {42, 60548}, {55, 4166}, {174, 508}, {188, 55336}, {259, 60534}, {266, 509}, {364, 40374}, {365, 1}, {367, 40378}, {508, 4146}, {509, 174}, {4166, 9}, {4179, 10}, {4180, 4181}, {4182, 8}, {18297, 75}, {18753, 6}, {20779, 20751}, {40374, 20534}, {40378, 20527}, {52865, 52866}, {52866, 20664}, {55321, 55322}, {55325, 55321}, {55326, 55325}, {55336, 556}, {55374, 55373}, {58996, 55326}, {60530, 259}, {60531, 60535}, {60532, 60536}, {60533, 60537}, {60534, 188}, {60535, 39131}, {60537, 6724}, {60538, 266}, {60539, 60530}, {60540, 60531}, {60541, 60532}, {60542, 60533}, {60546, 60544}, {60547, 60545}, {60548, 37}
X(366) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 40378, 40374}, {2, 20534, 20527}, {75, 20447, 20434}, {365, 4179, 4182}, {2068, 2069, 6}
X(367) lies on the circumconic {{A,B,C,X(1),X(2)}} and these lines: 1,364 {1, 364}, {2, 366}, {57, 8832}, {81, 52865}, {88, 55325}, {105, 58996}, {330, 40383}, {3227, 55322}, {36805, 55373}
X(367) = isogonal conjugate of X(61143)
X(367) = isotomic conjugate of X(61144)
X(367) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(366)
X(367) = crosssum of X(1) and X(365)
X(367) = Danneels point of X(366)
X(367) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(52865)
X(367) = X(366)-Ceva conjugate of X(40378)
X(367) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {367, 59461}, {20664, 59459}
X(367) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {20527, 18297}, {40378, 75}
X(367) = X(1)-line conjugate of X(2069)
X(367) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 20527}, {57, 4181}, {75, 20664}, {76, 52865}, {86, 20682}, {92, 20751}, {366, 40378}, {513, 55322}, {514, 55325}, {693, 58996}, {3669, 55373}
X(367) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {4181, 312}, {20527, 75}, {20664, 1}, {20682, 10}, {20751, 63}, {40378, 18297}, {52865, 6}, {52866, 365}, {55322, 668}, {55325, 190}, {55373, 646}, {58996, 100}
X(367) = {X(1),X(364)}-harmonic conjugate of X(365)
The center X for which the triangle XBC, XCA, XAB have equal Brocard angles. Peter Yff proved that X(368) lies on the self-isogonal conjugate cubic with trilinear equation f(a,b,c)u + f(b,c,a)v + f(c,a,b)w = 0, where f(a,b,c) = bc(b2 - c2) and, for variable x : y : z, the cubics u, v, w are given by u(x,y,z) = x(y2 + z2), v = u(y,z,x), w = u(z,x,y).
Cyril Parry proved that X(368) lies on the anticomplement of the Kiepert hyperbola, this anticomplement being given by the trilinear equation a2(b2 - c2)x2 + b2(c2 - a2)y2 + c2(a2 - b2)z2 = 0.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(368) and X(368) With Curves.
X(368) normalized barycentrics = f(a,b,c) : f(b,c,a) : f(c,a,b) where f(a,b,c) is the unique(* note below) real root of 0 = A^2 (3 A^2 - 3 A B - 3 A C + B^2 + B C + C^2)+ x (-A (9 A^3 - 5 A^2 B - 5 A^2 C + A B^2 - 9 A B C + A C^2 + 4 B^2 C + 4 B C^2))+ x^2 (2 (3 A^4 + 4 A^3 B + 4 A^3 C - 2 A^2 B^2 - 21 A^2 B C - 2 A^2 C^2 + A B^3 + 6 A B^2 C + 6 A B C^2 + A C^3 - 2 B^3 C + 4 B^2 C^2 - 2 B C^3))+ x^3 (2 (3 A^4 - 14 A^3 B - 14 A^3 C + 10 A^2 B^2 + 27 A^2 B C + 10 A^2 C^2 - 5 A B^3 - 6 A B^2 C - 6 A B C^2 - 5 A C^3 + 4 B^3 C - 8 B^2 C^2 + 4 B C^3))+ x^4 (-3 (A^2 - 2 A B - 2 A C + B^2 - 2 B C + C^2) (3 A^2 - 3 A B - 3 A C + B^2 + B C + C^2))+ x^5 (3 (A^2 - 2 A B - 2 A C + B^2 - 2 B C + C^2) (A^2 - A B - A C + B^2 - B C + C^2)), where A = a^2, B = b^2, C = c^2.
This quintic has full Galois group, but because it has only one real root the lack of intermediate fields doesn't matter. Once again, a complete Python program to compute the point is attached.
(*) When b = c the quintic has a double root at 1 and it reduces to 3 (A-4 B) x^3 - 3 (A-4 B) x^2 - (3 A+8 B) x + 3 A = 0.
See Message 7661 for a link to the python script; see also X(370) and X(5394). (Jeremy Tan, January 12, 2025)
(Continuation) The current solutions [above] for these two centres require extracting roots of three and four polynomials respectively. I've found a way to reduce those numbers to one in each case - one polynomial with coefficients symmetric in the side lengths whose root is related to the common quantity of the subtriangles (Brocard angle for X(368), inradius for X(5394)). The normalised barycentric coordinates are obtained as rational functions of this root. These are presented in Message 7805, where I call them "single-root coordinates":
Let A = a^2, B = b^2, C = c^2.
Let s1 = A + B + C, s2 = A B + C A + B C, s3 = A B C
and sq = (a + b + c) (b + c - a) (c + a - b) (a + b - c) = 4 s2 - s1^2 = 16 area(ABC)^2.
Let w be the simple real root (unique if ABC is scalene) of
3 w^5 - 9 s1 w^4 + 2 (3 s1^2 + 4 s2) w^3 + 2 (3 s1^3 - 20 s1 s2 + 48 s3) w^2 + sq (9 s1^2 - 20 s2) w - sq (3 s1^3 - 12 s1 s2 + 32 s3).
Then tan(common Brocard angle) = 4 area(ABC) / w
and X(368) normalised barycentrics = (w^2 - 2 (B + C - A) w - (3 A^2 - 2 A B - 2 A C - B^2 + 2 B C - C^2)) / (3 w^2 - 2 s1 w + sq) : : .
If you have GeoGebra, you can view x368
(Jeremy Tan, February 1, 2025)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(369).
There exist points A', B', C' on segments BC, CA, AB, respectively, such that AB' + AC' = BC' + BA' = CA' + CB' = (a + b + c)/3, and the lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(369). Near the end of the 20th century, Yff found trilinears for X(369) in terms of the unique real root, r, of the cubic polynomial
2t3 - 3(a + b + c)t2 + (a2 + b2 + c2 + 8bc + 8ca + 8ab)t - (cb2 + ac2 + ba2 + 5bc2 + 5ca2 + 5ab2 + 9abc),
as follows: x = bc(r - c + a)(r - a + b). Here x(a,c,b) ≠ x(a,b,c), so that y and z are not obtained from x by cyclically permutating a,b,c. At the geometry conference held at Miami University of Ohio, October 2, 2004, Yff proved that X(369) is also given by x1 : y1 : z1 where y1: z1 are given by cyclic permutations of a,b,c, in x1, where
x1 = bc[r2 - (2c + a)r + (- a2 + b2 + 2c2 + 2bc + 3ca + 2ab)].
His presentation included a proof that there is only one point for which AB' + AC' = BC' + BA' = CA' + CB' .
A point P is an equilateral cevian triangle point if the cevian triangle of P is equilateral. Jiang Huanxin introduced this notion in 1997.
Jean-Pierre Ehrmann notes (11/6/02) that the normalized barycentric coordinates (x,y,z) of X(370) are the unique solution of this system:
y(1 - y)SB + z(1 - z)SC = x(1 + x)F
z(1 - z)SC + x(1 - x)SA = y(1 + y)F
x(1 - x)SA + y(1 - y)SB = z(1 + z)F
x + y + z = 1,
where SA = (b2 + c2 - a2)/2; SB, SC are defined cyclically, F = [2 area(ABC)]/sqrt(3), and x>0, y>0, z>0.
Jiang Huanxin and David Goering, Problem 10358* and Solution, "Equilateral cevian triangles," American Mathematical Monthly 104 (1997) 567-570 [proposed 1994].
Chris van Tienhoven has computed the coordinates of the point. See Anthrakitis
X(370) normalized barycentrics = f(a,b,c) : f(b,c,a) : f(c,a,b), where
f(a,b,c) is the root of (S F - Q) x^3 + (Q + (5 S + 18 A (A-B-C)) F) x^2 + (4 A S - 2 (S + 6 A (A-B-C)) F) x - (2 A S) = 0, where A, B, C = a^2, b^2, c^2 and
S = (a+b+c)(-a+b+c)(a-b+c)(a+b-c) = 16*area^2
F = sqrt(S/3)
Q = 3(-A+B+C)(A-B+C)(A+B-C)
The smallest real root is correct for the two shortest sides. The longest side's coordinate is 1 minus the sum of the other two coordinates. To derive this I started with Jean-Pierre Ehrmann's system for the normalised barycentrics:
SA = (b^2+c^2-a^2) / 2
SB = (c^2+a^2-b^2) / 2
SC = (a^2+b^2-c^2) / 2
F = 2*area/sqrt(3), where F^2 = (a+b+c)(-a+b+c)(a-b+c)(a+b-c) / 12
e1: y(1-y)SB + z(1-z)SC - x(1+x)F = 0
e2: z(1-z)SC + x(1-x)SA - y(1+y)F = 0
e3: x(1-x)SA + y(1-y)SB - z(1+z)F = 0
e4: x + y + z = 1
Keeping F a variable, substitute e4 into e1, e2, e3 to eliminate z. Then take resultants between (1) e1 and e2 and (2) e1 and e3 to eliminate y. The resulting resultants can be divided by 16x, leaving cubics which x in X(370) satisfies. These cubics are not bisymmetric, but their difference is, and this difference is the cubic in the final expression for X(370)'s barycentrics above. See See Message 7659 for a link to the python script; see also X(368) and X(5394). (Jeremy Tan, January 12, 2025)
If you have GeoGebra, you can view x370 (Jeremy Tan, February 1, 2025)
X(370) lies on the Neuberg cubic.
There exist three congruent squares U, V, W positioned in ABC as follows: U has opposing vertices on segments AB and AC; V has opposing vertices on segments BC and BA; W has opposing vertices on segments CA and CB, and there is a single point common to U, V, W. The common point, X(371), may have first been published in Kenmotu's Collection of Sangaku Problems in 1840, indicating that its first appearance may have been anonymously inscribed on a wooden board hung up in a Japanese shrine or temple. (The Kenmotu configuration uses only half-squares; i.e., isosceles right triangles). Trilinears were found by John Rigby.
The edgelength of the three squares is 21/2abc/(a2 + b2 + c2 + 4σ), where σ = area(ABC). (Edward Brisse, 2/12/2000)
X(371) is the internal center of similitude of the circumcircle and the 2nd Lemoine circle (cosine circle) (Peter J. C. Moses, 5/9/03). Also, X(371) is the internal center of similitude of the Gallatly circle (defined just before X(2007)) and the 1st Lemoine circle (Peter J. C. Moses, 9/10/2003).
X(371) is the perspector of several pairs of triangles associated with Lucas circles. Some of these triangles are defined at MathWorld; e.g. Lucas Central Triangle, and others are Lucas(L:W) configurations. The latter are generalizations of configurations associated with Lucas circles, in which the squares are replaced by rectangles of length-to-width ratio L:W, with length on the corresponding sideline of ABC. A negative ratio indicates that the rectangles are directed inward; e.g. Lucas(-1:1) indicates inward-directed squares, whereas Lucas(1:1) indicates the classical case of outward-directed squares. These generalizations and the following properties of X(371) were contributed by Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011. See also X(372) and X(1084).
Hidetoshi Fukagawa and John F. Rigby, Traditional Japanese Mathematics Problems of the 18th and 19th Centuries, SCT Publishing, Singapore, 2002. Reviewed, together with the Fukagawa and Pedoe book, Japanese Tempe Geometry Problems: San Gaku, by Clark Kimberling in The Mathematical Intelligencer 28, no. 1 (Winter 2006) 61-63.
Floor van Lamoen, Vierkanten in een driehoik: 3. Congruente vierkanten
Tony Rothman, with the cooperation of Hidetoshi Fukagawa, Japanese Temple Geometry (feature article in Scientific American)
Let A'B'C' be the Lucas central triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(371). (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Kenmotu Point.
X(371) X(371) lies on the cubics K006, K233, K250, K337, K415, K424a, K633, K897, K1197, K1257, the curve Q168, and these lines: {1, 1702}, {2, 486}, {3, 6}, {4, 485}, {5, 590}, {8, 35843}, {10, 13912}, {11, 9661}, {12, 9646}, {13, 3391}, {14, 3366}, {17, 3367}, {18, 3392}, {20, 1587}, {22, 9683}, {24, 5413}, {25, 493}, {30, 3070}, {35, 3301}, {36, 3299}, {40, 5415}, {46, 2362}, {51, 3156}, {54, 6414}, {55, 1335}, {56, 1124}, {64, 6415}, {67, 19397}, {68, 35837}, {69, 11292}, {74, 19111}, {76, 35867}, {79, 35855}, {80, 35853}, {81, 16441}, {83, 22718}, {84, 35845}, {86, 21909}, {90, 7133}, {98, 13885}, {99, 19056}, {100, 19082}, {104, 19113}, {110, 7598}, {112, 19094}, {113, 8998}, {114, 6289}, {115, 8980}, {119, 13922}, {125, 8994}, {127, 13918}, {132, 13923}, {140, 615}, {155, 8909}, {157, 30398}, {165, 1703}, {184, 3155}, {185, 21640}, {186, 10881}, {193, 488}, {194, 22716}, {212, 3077}, {230, 49029}, {235, 13884}, {238, 8225}, {254, 41516}, {256, 8331}, {262, 10850}, {265, 35835}, {291, 8347}, {315, 491}, {355, 13911}, {376, 6460}, {378, 11474}, {381, 8976}, {382, 13665}, {394, 1583}, {395, 15765}, {396, 18585}, {397, 14814}, {398, 14813}, {399, 44592}, {402, 35791}, {427, 8280}, {474, 31473}, {489, 7389}, {490, 32421}, {492, 641}, {494, 35805}, {498, 44622}, {499, 44624}, {515, 13883}, {517, 7969}, {542, 32291}, {546, 13925}, {547, 43211}, {549, 13966}, {550, 19117}, {588, 3060}, {601, 606}, {602, 605}, {603, 3076}, {626, 11314}, {631, 3069}, {632, 32790}, {638, 11294}, {671, 35699}, {736, 49352}, {754, 1991}, {760, 45714}, {936, 31438}, {940, 16433}, {944, 19066}, {946, 8983}, {952, 35842}, {958, 1378}, {971, 35844}, {997, 30556}, {999, 3297}, {1092, 9686}, {1131, 1327}, {1132, 5056}, {1147, 9676}, {1154, 12965}, {1181, 19355}, {1296, 11835}, {1297, 19115}, {1328, 3316}, {1344, 2466}, {1345, 2465}, {1352, 37343}, {1376, 1377}, {1385, 7968}, {1478, 13905}, {1479, 13904}, {1482, 35810}, {1490, 19068}, {1498, 17819}, {1503, 36709}, {1511, 49269}, {1584, 5407}, {1585, 8968}, {1589, 11433}, {1590, 11427}, {1593, 3093}, {1594, 26951}, {1598, 13889}, {1599, 1993}, {1600, 5419}, {1614, 26886}, {1656, 8253}, {1657, 18512}, {1658, 11266}, {1672, 2008}, {1673, 2007}, {1676, 2010}, {1677, 2009}, {1680, 2014}, {1681, 2013}, {1699, 13888}, {1700, 2018}, {1701, 2017}, {1707, 6213}, {1708, 13388}, {1742, 31544}, {1743, 32555}, {1843, 19358}, {1870, 26948}, {1916, 8315}, {2015, 2472}, {2016, 2471}, {2041, 40693}, {2042, 40694}, {2043, 10653}, {2044, 10654}, {2045, 42149}, {2046, 42152}, {2077, 26465}, {2242, 31471}, {2544, 2547}, {2545, 2546}, {2548, 31463}, {2777, 13287}, {2782, 35824}, {2794, 13749}, {3008, 31541}, {3090, 23273}, {3091, 8972}, {3100, 9631}, {3146, 22644}, {3167, 8912}, {3235, 3238}, {3236, 3237}, {3295, 3298}, {3317, 3533}, {3357, 49251}, {3387, 42783}, {3388, 42784}, {3425, 8989}, {3428, 19014}, {3515, 5411}, {3522, 9543}, {3523, 7586}, {3524, 19053}, {3525, 13939}, {3526, 8252}, {3528, 9693}, {3529, 23267}, {3530, 35256}, {3534, 43339}, {3563, 39384}, {3564, 32497}, {3567, 26894}, {3574, 8995}, {3576, 9615}, {3579, 49227}, {3590, 12819}, {3591, 43559}, {3618, 11291}, {3627, 42225}, {3628, 18762}, {3629, 40288}, {3664, 31540}, {3788, 11315}, {3832, 23263}, {3843, 45384}, {3845, 42417}, {3859, 41948}, {3972, 35939}, {4293, 31408}, {4297, 49548}, {4317, 31475}, {4383, 16432}, {4769, 45445}, {4845, 30335}, {5054, 13847}, {5066, 42606}, {5204, 18995}, {5217, 19037}, {5254, 12960}, {5286, 21737}, {5318, 42176}, {5321, 35740}, {5334, 35732}, {5335, 42172}, {5339, 42279}, {5340, 42278}, {5393, 31562}, {5416, 10902}, {5417, 5446}, {5432, 9648}, {5433, 9663}, {5461, 13663}, {5473, 19074}, {5474, 19076}, {5475, 31481}, {5478, 13917}, {5479, 13916}, {5480, 13910}, {5587, 13893}, {5591, 7375}, {5597, 35781}, {5598, 35779}, {5603, 13902}, {5640, 35300}, {5657, 19065}, {5663, 12375}, {5690, 49233}, {5860, 6216}, {5861, 26619}, {5870, 7374}, {5881, 31440}, {5889, 26912}, {5890, 6458}, {5989, 8304}, {6000, 11241}, {6102, 44612}, {6145, 35859}, {6179, 6312}, {6197, 26952}, {6198, 9632}, {6201, 8975}, {6202, 7000}, {6222, 9756}, {6228, 44365}, {6241, 11462}, {6245, 8987}, {6246, 8988}, {6247, 8991}, {6248, 8992}, {6249, 8993}, {6251, 13921}, {6281, 13650}, {6284, 9660}, {6304, 33352}, {6305, 33350}, {6401, 11977}, {6402, 11976}, {6406, 45840}, {6416, 14528}, {6515, 11090}, {6525, 22838}, {6642, 10963}, {6680, 11316}, {6684, 13936}, {6699, 46689}, {6750, 8955}, {6759, 10533}, {6771, 49209}, {6774, 49211}, {6776, 21736}, {6811, 9744}, {6813, 9753}, {7160, 35863}, {7354, 9647}, {7387, 35776}, {7488, 11418}, {7494, 18290}, {7592, 26920}, {7599, 7601}, {7691, 19096}, {7709, 32471}, {7737, 31411}, {7738, 12123}, {7759, 51395}, {7762, 35685}, {7773, 32432}, {7834, 11313}, {7851, 32433}, {7887, 32435}, {7981, 45719}, {7987, 9585}, {8149, 49351}, {8196, 13890}, {8203, 13891}, {8212, 13899}, {8213, 13900}, {8277, 19005}, {8301, 8336}, {8305, 8308}, {8306, 8317}, {8320, 8326}, {8321, 8324}, {8322, 8333}, {8337, 8340}, {8338, 8349}, {8703, 41946}, {8825, 10237}, {8884, 19183}, {8908, 10282}, {8943, 15805}, {8946, 14248}, {8967, 12147}, {8978, 13389}, {9441, 31545}, {9584, 16192}, {9593, 31427}, {9618, 35242}, {9620, 31437}, {9649, 15326}, {9662, 15338}, {9692, 15717}, {9694, 17928}, {9695, 10323}, {9709, 31485}, {9751, 19091}, {9752, 9757}, {9880, 13908}, {9922, 45400}, {9927, 13909}, {9932, 12425}, {9993, 13892}, {10109, 43435}, {10113, 13915}, {10133, 11402}, {10164, 13975}, {10165, 13971}, {10246, 44636}, {10266, 35871}, {10267, 19049}, {10269, 19047}, {10299, 43510}, {10303, 13941}, {10304, 43511}, {10310, 19000}, {10525, 35796}, {10526, 35798}, {10531, 13906}, {10532, 13907}, {10606, 19087}, {10610, 49257}, {10665, 13754}, {10669, 12979}, {10673, 35806}, {10679, 35816}, {10680, 35818}, {10799, 12840}, {10817, 15055}, {10820, 15035}, {10840, 10843}, {10841, 10852}, {10893, 13895}, {10894, 13896}, {10895, 13897}, {10896, 13898}, {11001, 42414}, {11012, 26464}, {11202, 11242}, {11248, 19048}, {11249, 19050}, {11251, 35790}, {11252, 35778}, {11253, 35780}, {11257, 19090}, {11414, 19006}, {11447, 12111}, {11448, 11449}, {11463, 11464}, {11496, 13887}, {11539, 43887}, {11542, 42251}, {11543, 35738}, {11812, 43212}, {11822, 19008}, {11823, 19010}, {11826, 19024}, {11827, 19026}, {11828, 19032}, {11829, 19034}, {11833, 38698}, {11836, 38716}, {11897, 13894}, {11941, 11967}, {11942, 11963}, {11943, 11970}, {11944, 11965}, {11959, 11981}, {11961, 11980}, {12041, 49217}, {12042, 49213}, {12100, 52046}, {12110, 22722}, {12117, 19058}, {12118, 19062}, {12119, 19078}, {12120, 19086}, {12121, 19052}, {12122, 19092}, {12124, 19103}, {12160, 51946}, {12164, 19492}, {12256, 14912}, {12297, 22646}, {12359, 49225}, {12424, 35836}, {12514, 30557}, {12556, 19098}, {12584, 32292}, {12590, 19588}, {12599, 13914}, {12600, 13919}, {12601, 13881}, {12619, 49241}, {12788, 49078}, {12818, 14241}, {12835, 12841}, {12836, 12838}, {12837, 12839}, {12891, 17702}, {12892, 12893}, {12961, 13045}, {12966, 12972}, {12967, 12973}, {13047, 13049}, {13048, 13050}, {13134, 26518}, {13135, 26517}, {13288, 13289}, {13367, 21641}, {13630, 43867}, {13644, 45440}, {13666, 22541}, {13674, 45023}, {13687, 13920}, {13712, 26288}, {13748, 36656}, {13758, 45577}, {13786, 19100}, {13807, 13848}, {13835, 26620}, {13938, 22723}, {13943, 19409}, {13947, 31423}, {13958, 31500}, {13961, 15720}, {13967, 38737}, {13969, 38727}, {13973, 26446}, {13976, 38133}, {13977, 21154}, {13979, 34128}, {13980, 23328}, {13983, 15819}, {13989, 38748}, {13990, 38793}, {13991, 38760}, {14226, 43343}, {14233, 15846}, {14561, 37342}, {14893, 41952}, {14996, 21565}, {14997, 21568}, {15022, 43792}, {15061, 19051}, {15141, 19384}, {15640, 43342}, {15686, 43209}, {15690, 42418}, {15692, 42523}, {15702, 43255}, {15704, 42226}, {15712, 41961}, {15716, 43258}, {15723, 42579}, {15764, 43229}, {15803, 51842}, {16029, 16035}, {16030, 16034}, {16113, 19080}, {16125, 16148}, {16202, 44646}, {16203, 44644}, {16419, 34515}, {16440, 32911}, {16809, 35730}, {16962, 36469}, {16963, 36452}, {16964, 42238}, {16965, 42237}, {17277, 21992}, {17809, 21097}, {17818, 19022}, {17820, 17821}, {18400, 32384}, {18539, 22625}, {18581, 42246}, {18582, 42247}, {18909, 18923}, {18916, 26873}, {18924, 18925}, {18980, 19436}, {18981, 19438}, {19042, 31987}, {19055, 34473}, {19064, 22676}, {19067, 52027}, {19070, 22890}, {19072, 22843}, {19073, 21156}, {19075, 21157}, {19081, 38693}, {19084, 22951}, {19089, 22712}, {19093, 38717}, {19102, 26516}, {19108, 21166}, {19112, 34474}, {19114, 38699}, {19128, 26925}, {19184, 19185}, {19356, 19357}, {19360, 44589}, {19385, 19388}, {19386, 19399}, {19437, 19441}, {19439, 19440}, {19442, 42022}, {19548, 36586}, {19708, 42524}, {19925, 49618}, {21445, 33370}, {21492, 37680}, {21545, 37682}, {21547, 37674}, {21548, 37679}, {21553, 37633}, {21555, 37687}, {21566, 37685}, {22466, 35861}, {22521, 33435}, {22537, 22554}, {22591, 45078}, {22682, 22720}, {22753, 22763}, {22831, 22876}, {22832, 22921}, {22833, 22976}, {22960, 35860}, {22961, 22962}, {23046, 42639}, {23269, 31414}, {23311, 32491}, {23358, 32385}, {23698, 39823}, {24244, 49390}, {24813, 24819}, {24828, 24842}, {25406, 39875}, {26290, 26385}, {26291, 26409}, {26292, 26460}, {26293, 26461}, {26294, 26462}, {26295, 26463}, {26326, 45365}, {26327, 45368}, {26328, 45607}, {26329, 45605}, {26331, 49027}, {26332, 45650}, {26333, 45652}, {26398, 44583}, {26422, 44585}, {26451, 44611}, {26456, 46453}, {26459, 37561}, {26487, 44621}, {26492, 44619}, {26498, 45596}, {26507, 45598}, {26521, 44597}, {26877, 26930}, {26878, 26940}, {26879, 26950}, {30428, 45841}, {31687, 31689}, {31688, 31691}, {32170, 32171}, {32233, 32253}, {32274, 32303}, {32330, 32343}, {32369, 32399}, {32494, 38110}, {33346, 33452}, {33348, 33454}, {33366, 33438}, {33368, 33436}, {33371, 37334}, {33372, 33430}, {33393, 34508}, {33394, 34509}, {33699, 43340}, {33813, 49267}, {33814, 48715}, {34089, 43571}, {34091, 43569}, {34200, 52048}, {34862, 49235}, {35404, 42572}, {35434, 43385}, {35698, 49214}, {35753, 35848}, {35828, 35880}, {35838, 35868}, {35846, 35850}, {35852, 49240}, {35854, 49242}, {35862, 49248}, {35870, 49258}, {35872, 49260}, {35874, 49262}, {36436, 36446}, {36437, 36450}, {36438, 41944}, {36454, 36464}, {36455, 36468}, {36456, 41943}, {36474, 36492}, {36477, 36555}, {36489, 36553}, {36510, 36585}, {36526, 36549}, {36557, 36581}, {36655, 45441}, {36711, 36990}, {36998, 45407}, {37567, 38235}, {38602, 48701}, {38608, 49271}, {38624, 49219}, {39824, 39825}, {39853, 39854}, {40108, 49231}, {41490, 45421}, {41947, 42640}, {41957, 43409}, {41959, 41970}, {41965, 43317}, {42085, 42249}, {42086, 42248}, {42093, 42206}, {42094, 42204}, {42101, 42210}, {42102, 42208}, {42117, 42253}, {42118, 42252}, {42133, 42186}, {42134, 42184}, {42155, 51925}, {42159, 42187}, {42160, 42190}, {42161, 42189}, {42162, 42188}, {42163, 42211}, {42164, 42214}, {42165, 42213}, {42166, 42212}, {42168, 42201}, {42170, 42199}, {42227, 42999}, {42229, 42998}, {42557, 45385}, {42569, 43318}, {42573, 47599}, {42575, 43791}, {43321, 44245}, {43336, 43788}, {43337, 43383}, {43376, 43507}, {43377, 46935}, {43412, 43517}, {43432, 50690}, {43504, 43520}, {43505, 43513}, {43508, 43516}, {43560, 43570}, {43561, 43568}, {43601, 43826}, {43831, 43863}, {44394, 49356}, {44582, 45357}, {44584, 45359}, {44601, 45620}, {44603, 45621}, {44628, 45623}, {44630, 45624}, {44648, 49103}, {45375, 45542}, {45422, 45586}, {45424, 45584}, {45426, 45715}, {45438, 48660}, {45544, 45574}, {45546, 49347}, {45554, 49355}, {45572, 45713}, {45595, 45599}, {45597, 45601}, {45860, 45870}, {48906, 49229}, {49087, 49318}, {49102, 49215}, {49105, 49237}, {49106, 49239}, {49107, 49243}, {49108, 49245}, {49109, 49247}, {49110, 49249}, {49111, 49253}, {49112, 49255}, {49113, 49259}, {49114, 49261}, {49115, 49263}, {49116, 49265}, {49947, 51924}
X(371) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 45489}, {4, 26441}, {637, 43134}, {638, 20065}, {1151, 12962}, {3070, 42258}, {7969, 49226}, {12375, 35826}, {12964, 49250}, {32787, 41945}, {35610, 35641}, {35820, 42266}, {35824, 35878}, {35828, 35880}, {35856, 35882}, {35949, 45420}, {48700, 48714}, {49212, 49266}, {49216, 49268}, {49218, 49270}
X(371) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 43120}, {315, 640}, {372, 32}, {637, 639}, {3070, 7583}, {10962, 42866}, {11825, 3}, {12375, 49268}, {12965, 49256}, {35610, 49226}, {35641, 7969}, {35698, 49214}, {35753, 49208}, {35820, 3070}, {35822, 32787}, {35824, 49212}, {35826, 49216}, {35828, 49218}, {35830, 49220}, {35832, 44647}, {35834, 49222}, {35836, 49224}, {35838, 49230}, {35840, 6}, {35842, 49232}, {35844, 49234}, {35846, 49236}, {35848, 49238}, {35850, 49210}, {35852, 49240}, {35854, 49242}, {35856, 48700}, {35858, 49244}, {35860, 49246}, {35862, 49248}, {35864, 49250}, {35866, 49252}, {35868, 49254}, {35870, 49258}, {35872, 49260}, {35874, 49262}, {35876, 49264}, {35878, 49266}, {35880, 49270}, {35882, 48714}, {39893, 49228}, {41945, 52047}, {42009, 641}, {42266, 42258}, {44486, 575}, {44502, 44482}, {49222, 46688}, {49226, 31439}, {49601, 13883}
X(371) = isogonal conjugate of X(485)
X(371) = isotomic conjugate of X(34391)
X(371) = complement of X(637)
X(371) = anticomplement of X(639)
X(371) = circumcircle-inverse of X(2459)
X(371) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(372)
X(371) = 1st-Lemoine-circle-inverse of X(2461)
X(371) = Schoutte-circle-inverse of X(6200)
X(371) = 2nd-Brocard-circle-inverse of X(3103)
X(371) = Lucas-circles-radical-circle-inverse of X(2460)
X(371) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(641)
X(371) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(488)
X(371) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(492)
X(371) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(5413)
X(371) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(1585)
X(371) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(5408)
X(371) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(8911)
X(371) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(13712)
X(371) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(372)
X(371) = psi-transform of X(7599)
X(371) = X(31)-complementary conjugate of X(10962)
X(371) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 10962}, {4, 372}, {492, 5408}, {588, 6}, {1585, 5413}, {3068, 8854}, {5412, 8855}, {5417, 6420}, {18819, 8577}, {26912, 23248}
X(371) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1147, 372}, {8911, 5408}, {12239, 4}
X(371) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 485}, {7, 13455}, {19, 11090}, {31, 34391}, {63, 41515}, {75, 8577}, {91, 372}, {92, 6413}, {486, 3377}, {1577, 39383}, {1586, 1820}, {1953, 16032}, {8769, 8944}, {19218, 24246}
X(371) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 10962}, {2, 34391}, {3, 485}, {6, 11090}, {69, 5409}, {206, 8577}, {371, 637}, {372, 34116}, {577, 5409}, {1504, 42009}, {3162, 41515}, {5392, 24245}, {5408, 13441}, {6413, 22391}, {10960, 13439}
X(371) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 8909}, {6, 10132}, {3311, 8826}
X(371) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 13429}, {492, 1585}, {3387, 3388}
X(371) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 10665}, {6, 3155}, {590, 8035}, {3385, 3386}, {6413, 8577}
X(371) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {523, 17431}
X(371) = perspector of ABC and the Lucas tangents triangle
X(371) = perspector of the Lucas central triangle and the anticevian triangle of X(6)
X(371) = perspector of the Lucas inner triangle and Lucas(-1:1) tangents triangle
X(371) = perspector of the Lucas(4:3) central triangle and the circumcevian triangle of X(6)
X(371) = perspector of the Lucas central triangle and the cevian triangle of X(588)
X(371) = radical center of the Lucas(2:1) circles
X(371) = X(481)-of-Lucas-central-triangle
X(371) = perspector of ABC and 2nd Lucas(-1) secondary tangents triangle
X(371) = perspector of tangential triangle and Lucas secondary central triangle
X(371) = perspector of Lucas inner tangential triangle and Lucas(-1) central triangle
X(371) = inverse-in-Lucas-radical-circle of X(2460)
X(371) = exsimilicenter of circumcircle and Lucas radical circle
X(371) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 1585}, {4, 5408}, {6, 492}, {24, 11091}, {32, 45805}, {52, 16037}, {69, 5413}, {264, 8911}, {317, 6414}, {372, 13428}, {485, 1599}, {486, 1993}, {491, 44193}, {493, 39387}, {571, 34392}, {588, 641}, {1124, 13457}, {1306, 14325}, {1586, 10666}, {5409, 13429}, {5412, 13430}, {6563, 39384}, {7763, 8576}, {9723, 41516}, {11547, 26922}
X(371) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 34391}, {3, 11090}, {6, 485}, {24, 1586}, {25, 41515}, {32, 8577}, {41, 13455}, {54, 16032}, {184, 6413}, {372, 13439}, {486, 5392}, {492, 76}, {571, 372}, {1147, 5409}, {1576, 39383}, {1585, 264}, {1599, 492}, {1993, 491}, {3053, 8944}, {5062, 8035}, {5408, 69}, {5409, 13441}, {5411, 1321}, {5412, 13440}, {5413, 4}, {6414, 68}, {7763, 45806}, {8576, 2165}, {8911, 3}, {8950, 493}, {10132, 24246}, {10666, 11091}, {10962, 637}, {11091, 20563}, {13428, 34392}, {16037, 34385}, {26920, 10665}, {32568, 45472}, {39384, 925}, {41411, 21463}, {41516, 847}, {44077, 5412}, {44193, 486}, {45805, 1502}
X(371) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 1702, 35775}, {1, 2066, 35808}, {1, 2067, 35768}, {1, 6204, 8953}, {1, 35642, 35811}, {1, 35775, 35642}, {1, 45527, 45587}, {1, 45529, 45585}, {1, 45531, 45716}, {1, 45641, 35819}, {1, 45643, 35817}, {1, 45716, 45573}, {2, 486, 10577}, {2, 637, 639}, {2, 1588, 486}, {2, 9540, 5418}, {2, 43134, 637}, {2, 45509, 642}, {3, 6, 372}, {3, 182, 45552}, {3, 372, 6396}, {3, 1151, 6200}, {3, 1160, 12305}, {3, 1161, 1350}, {3, 1351, 9733}, {3, 1504, 35840}, {3, 3102, 45565}, {3, 3103, 40275}, {3, 3311, 6}, {3, 3312, 1152}, {3, 3592, 6419}, {3, 5050, 43118}, {3, 5093, 12314}, {3, 6199, 3311}, {3, 6221, 1151}, {3, 6395, 6450}, {3, 6398, 6410}, {3, 6407, 6449}, {3, 6408, 6452}, {3, 6417, 3312}, {3, 6418, 6398}, {3, 6419, 6420}, {3, 6420, 6454}, {3, 6422, 3103}, {3, 6423, 2459}, {3, 6425, 6453}, {3, 6427, 3594}, {3, 6428, 6426}, {3, 6429, 6484}, {3, 6431, 35770}, {3, 6432, 6481}, {3, 6445, 6455}, {3, 6446, 6497}, {3, 6447, 6425}, {3, 6449, 6409}, {3, 6450, 6412}, {3, 6455, 6411}, {3, 6474, 9690}, {3, 6480, 6486}, {3, 6500, 6395}, {3, 9691, 6445}, {3, 9732, 11824}, {3, 9733, 45498}, {3, 9738, 45499}, {3, 10897, 11513}, {3, 11916, 1160}, {3, 12313, 9732}, {3, 18457, 10897}, {3, 26348, 5085}, {3, 30435, 39679}, {3, 43119, 45553}, {3, 45410, 43121}, {3, 45411, 182}, {3, 45488, 9739}, {3, 45578, 43141}, {3, 45579, 9738}, {4, 485, 6564}, {4, 3068, 485}, {4, 5412, 35764}, {4, 6459, 6561}, {4, 6561, 35821}, {4, 6564, 35786}, {4, 10880, 5412}, {4, 13886, 31412}, {4, 31412, 42269}, {4, 42228, 42232}, {4, 42230, 42234}, {4, 45511, 48467}, {4, 45524, 48735}, {4, 46621, 6413}, {5, 590, 10576}, {5, 3071, 6565}, {5, 8981, 590}, {5, 31454, 35812}, {5, 42215, 3071}, {5, 48773, 45555}, {6, 39, 45513}, {6, 372, 6420}, {6, 1151, 3}, {6, 1152, 3312}, {6, 1160, 35794}, {6, 1161, 35792}, {6, 3053, 6423}, {6, 3311, 6419}, {6, 3312, 35770}, {6, 3592, 3311}, {6, 3594, 6418}, {6, 5013, 6421}, {6, 5058, 45514}, {6, 5085, 19146}, {6, 5210, 8376}, {6, 6200, 6396}, {6, 6221, 6200}, {6, 6395, 6436}, {6, 6409, 1152}, {6, 6410, 3594}, {6, 6411, 6398}, {6, 6412, 6395}, {6, 6419, 35771}, {6, 6422, 45512}, {6, 6423, 45515}, {6, 6425, 1151}, {6, 6426, 6432}, {6, 6429, 6409}, {6, 6431, 6417}, {6, 6432, 6428}, {6, 6433, 6412}, {6, 6437, 6221}, {6, 6451, 6481}, {6, 6468, 6411}, {6, 6469, 6442}, {6, 6470, 6431}, {6, 6488, 6497}, {6, 6567, 45499}, {6, 8414, 43119}, {6, 9601, 15815}, {6, 9675, 41410}, {6, 9732, 3103}, {6, 9733, 45462}, {6, 11477, 9974}, {6, 12962, 1504}, {6, 12963, 32}, {6, 12968, 5062}, {6, 45579, 45564}, {10, 48765, 45547}, {10, 49602, 35789}, {11, 18965, 9661}, {12, 13901, 9646}, {14, 35731, 18586}, {15, 16, 6200}, {15, 61, 372}, {15, 62, 3389}, {15, 3364, 3}, {15, 35739, 5238}, {16, 61, 3364}, {16, 62, 372}, {16, 3389, 3}, {20, 1587, 6560}, {20, 6560, 42267}, {20, 7585, 1587}, {20, 9541, 42260}, {20, 42522, 7585}, {20, 43512, 9541}, {25, 493, 8956}, {25, 3092, 35765}, {32, 1504, 6}, {32, 9675, 12963}, {32, 12963, 41410}, {32, 40274, 6396}, {32, 45489, 35840}, {35, 3301, 5414}, {36, 3299, 6502}, {39, 182, 372}, {39, 1151, 45499}, {39, 5058, 6}, {39, 6567, 9738}, and many others
X(372) is the external center of similitude of the circumcircle and the 2nd Lemoine circle (cosine circle) (Peter J. C. Moses, 5/9/03). Also, X(372) is the external center of similitude of the Gallatly circle (defined just before X(2007)) and the 1st Lemoine circle (Peter J. C. Moses, 9/10/03).
Let A'B'C' be the Lucas(-1) central triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(372). (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view 2nd Kenmotu Point.
X(372) lies on the cubics K006, K233, K250, K337, K415, K424b, K633, K897, K1197, K1257, the curve Q168, and these lines: {1, 1703}, {2, 485}, {3, 6}, {4, 486}, {5, 615}, {8, 35842}, {10, 13975}, {11, 13977}, {12, 13958}, {13, 3392}, {14, 3367}, {17, 3366}, {18, 3391}, {20, 1588}, {24, 5412}, {25, 494}, {30, 3071}, {35, 2066}, {36, 2067}, {40, 5416}, {46, 8942}, {51, 3155}, {54, 6413}, {55, 1124}, {56, 1335}, {64, 6416}, {67, 19396}, {68, 35836}, {69, 11291}, {74, 19110}, {76, 35866}, {79, 35854}, {80, 35852}, {81, 16440}, {83, 22716}, {84, 35844}, {86, 21992}, {90, 42013}, {98, 13938}, {99, 19055}, {100, 19081}, {104, 19112}, {110, 7599}, {112, 19093}, {113, 13990}, {114, 6290}, {115, 13967}, {119, 13991}, {125, 13969}, {127, 13985}, {132, 13992}, {140, 590}, {155, 8943}, {157, 30399}, {165, 1702}, {184, 3156}, {185, 21641}, {186, 10880}, {193, 487}, {194, 22718}, {212, 3076}, {230, 49028}, {235, 13937}, {238, 31546}, {254, 41515}, {256, 8330}, {262, 10849}, {265, 35834}, {291, 8346}, {315, 492}, {355, 13973}, {376, 6459}, {378, 11473}, {381, 13847}, {382, 13785}, {394, 1584}, {395, 18585}, {396, 15765}, {397, 14813}, {398, 14814}, {399, 44593}, {402, 35790}, {405, 31473}, {427, 8281}, {489, 32419}, {490, 7388}, {491, 642}, {493, 35804}, {498, 31472}, {499, 44623}, {515, 13936}, {517, 7968}, {542, 32292}, {546, 13993}, {547, 43212}, {549, 8981}, {550, 19116}, {589, 3060}, {591, 754}, {601, 605}, {602, 606}, {603, 3077}, {626, 11313}, {631, 3068}, {632, 32789}, {637, 11293}, {671, 35698}, {736, 49351}, {760, 45713}, {940, 16432}, {944, 19065}, {946, 13971}, {952, 35843}, {958, 1377}, {971, 35845}, {993, 31453}, {997, 30557}, {999, 3298}, {1092, 8963}, {1131, 5056}, {1132, 1328}, {1147, 10665}, {1154, 12971}, {1181, 19356}, {1199, 26891}, {1296, 11836}, {1297, 19114}, {1327, 3317}, {1344, 2465}, {1345, 2466}, {1352, 37342}, {1376, 1378}, {1385, 7969}, {1478, 13963}, {1479, 13962}, {1482, 35811}, {1490, 19067}, {1498, 17820}, {1503, 36714}, {1511, 49268}, {1583, 5406}, {1586, 11547}, {1589, 11427}, {1590, 11433}, {1593, 3092}, {1594, 26950}, {1598, 13943}, {1599, 5417}, {1600, 1993}, {1656, 8252}, {1657, 18510}, {1658, 11265}, {1672, 2007}, {1673, 2008}, {1676, 2009}, {1677, 2010}, {1680, 2013}, {1681, 2014}, {1699, 13942}, {1700, 2017}, {1701, 2018}, {1707, 6212}, {1708, 8953}, {1742, 31545}, {1743, 32556}, {1843, 19359}, {1916, 8314}, {2015, 2471}, {2016, 2472}, {2041, 40694}, {2042, 40693}, {2043, 10654}, {2044, 10653}, {2045, 42152}, {2046, 42149}, {2077, 26459}, {2099, 38235}, {2544, 2546}, {2545, 2547}, {2777, 13288}, {2782, 35825}, {2794, 13748}, {3008, 31540}, {3085, 31408}, {3090, 23267}, {3091, 13941}, {3146, 22615}, {3167, 13068}, {3235, 3237}, {3236, 3238}, {3295, 3297}, {3316, 3533}, {3357, 49250}, {3373, 42783}, {3374, 42784}, {3428, 19013}, {3515, 5410}, {3518, 26886}, {3522, 9541}, {3523, 7585}, {3524, 19054}, {3525, 13886}, {3526, 8253}, {3528, 9681}, {3529, 23273}, {3530, 31454}, {3534, 43338}, {3563, 39383}, {3564, 32494}, {3567, 26916}, {3574, 13986}, {3576, 18991}, {3579, 49226}, {3590, 43558}, {3591, 12818}, {3618, 11292}, {3627, 42226}, {3628, 18538}, {3629, 40289}, {3664, 31541}, {3788, 11316}, {3832, 23253}, {3843, 45385}, {3845, 42418}, {3859, 41947}, {3972, 35938}, {4297, 49547}, {4383, 16433}, {4769, 45444}, {4845, 30336}, {5054, 13846}, {5066, 42607}, {5067, 31414}, {5204, 18996}, {5217, 19038}, {5254, 12967}, {5286, 44595}, {5318, 42175}, {5321, 42177}, {5334, 42173}, {5335, 35732}, {5339, 42278}, {5340, 42279}, {5405, 31561}, {5415, 10902}, {5419, 5446}, {5432, 9646}, {5433, 9661}, {5461, 13783}, {5473, 19073}, {5474, 19075}, {5478, 13982}, {5479, 13981}, {5480, 13972}, {5587, 13947}, {5590, 7376}, {5597, 35778}, {5598, 35780}, {5603, 13959}, {5640, 35299}, {5657, 19066}, {5663, 12376}, {5690, 49232}, {5860, 26620}, {5861, 6397}, {5871, 7000}, {5889, 26922}, {5890, 6457}, {5989, 8305}, {6000, 11242}, {6102, 44613}, {6145, 35858}, {6179, 6316}, {6201, 7374}, {6202, 13949}, {6229, 44364}, {6241, 11463}, {6245, 13974}, {6246, 13976}, {6247, 13980}, {6248, 13983}, {6249, 13984}, {6250, 13880}, {6278, 13771}, {6284, 19029}, {6291, 45841}, {6300, 33351}, {6301, 33353}, {6399, 9756}, {6401, 11975}, {6402, 11978}, {6415, 14528}, {6515, 11091}, {6525, 22839}, {6642, 10961}, {6680, 11315}, {6684, 13883}, {6699, 46688}, {6750, 13960}, {6759, 10534}, {6771, 49208}, {6774, 49210}, {6776, 39893}, {6811, 9753}, {6813, 9744}, {7160, 35862}, {7354, 19027}, {7387, 35777}, {7488, 11417}, {7494, 18289}, {7592, 8911}, {7598, 7602}, {7691, 19095}, {7709, 32470}, {7738, 12124}, {7759, 51401}, {7762, 35684}, {7773, 32435}, {7834, 11314}, {7851, 32436}, {7887, 32432}, {7980, 45720}, {7987, 9583}, {8149, 49352}, {8196, 13944}, {8203, 13945}, {8212, 13956}, {8213, 13957}, {8276, 19006}, {8301, 8337}, {8304, 8309}, {8307, 8316}, {8320, 8325}, {8321, 8327}, {8323, 8332}, {8336, 8341}, {8339, 8348}, {8703, 41945}, {8884, 19184}, {8909, 47391}, {8939, 15805}, {8948, 14248}, {8962, 43650}, {8964, 41588}, {8972, 10303}, {8980, 38737}, {8983, 10165}, {8988, 38133}, {8991, 23328}, {8992, 15819}, {8994, 38727}, {8997, 38748}, {8998, 38793}, {9441, 31544}, {9582, 16192}, {9616, 35242}, {9647, 15326}, {9660, 15338}, {9680, 15717}, {9682, 17928}, {9683, 10323}, {9751, 19092}, {9752, 9758}, {9880, 13968}, {9921, 45401}, {9927, 13970}, {9932, 12424}, {9993, 13946}, {10109, 43434}, {10113, 13979}, {10132, 11402}, {10164, 13912}, {10246, 44635}, {10266, 35870}, {10267, 19050}, {10269, 19048}, {10282, 10533}, {10299, 43509}, {10304, 43512}, {10310, 18999}, {10525, 35797}, {10526, 35799}, {10531, 13964}, {10532, 13965}, {10606, 19088}, {10610, 49256}, {10666, 13754}, {10669, 35807}, {10673, 12978}, {10679, 35817}, {10680, 35819}, {10799, 12841}, {10818, 15055}, {10819, 15035}, {10839, 10844}, {10842, 10851}, {10893, 13952}, {10894, 13953}, {10895, 13954}, {10896, 13955}, {11001, 42413}, {11012, 26458}, {11202, 11241}, {11248, 19047}, {11249, 19049}, {11251, 35791}, {11252, 35781}, {11253, 35779}, {11257, 19089}, {11414, 19005}, {11447, 11449}, {11448, 12111}, {11462, 11464}, {11496, 13940}, {11539, 43888}, {11542, 35738}, {11543, 42252}, {11812, 43211}, {11822, 19007}, {11823, 19009}, {11826, 19023}, {11827, 19025}, {11828, 19031}, {11829, 19033}, {11834, 38698}, {11835, 38716}, {11897, 13948}, {11941, 11964}, {11942, 11969}, {11943, 11966}, {11944, 11968}, {11960, 11979}, {11962, 11982}, {12041, 49216}, {12042, 49212}, {12100, 52045}, {12110, 22723}, {12117, 19057}, {12118, 19061}, {12119, 19077}, {12120, 19085}, {12121, 19051}, {12122, 19091}, {12123, 19104}, {12160, 51905}, {12164, 19493}, {12257, 14912}, {12296, 22617}, {12359, 49224}, {12425, 35837}, {12514, 30556}, {12556, 19097}, {12584, 32291}, {12591, 19588}, {12599, 13978}, {12600, 13987}, {12602, 13881}, {12619, 49240}, {12787, 49079}, {12819, 14226}, {12835, 12840}, {12836, 12839}, {12837, 12838}, {12891, 12893}, {12892, 17702}, {12960, 12972}, {12961, 12973}, {12966, 13048}, {13045, 13049}, {13046, 13050}, {13132, 26523}, {13133, 26522}, {13287, 13289}, {13367, 21640}, {13388, 45126}, {13630, 43868}, {13638, 45576}, {13666, 19099}, {13687, 13988}, {13712, 26619}, {13749, 36655}, {13763, 45441}, {13786, 19101}, {13794, 45024}, {13807, 13849}, {13835, 26289}, {13885, 22722}, {13889, 19408}, {13893, 31423}, {13901, 31499}, {13903, 15720}, {13911, 26446}, {13913, 21154}, {13915, 34128}, {13922, 38760}, {14230, 15847}, {14241, 43342}, {14561, 37343}, {14853, 21736}, {14893, 41951}, {14996, 21568}, {14997, 21565}, {15022, 43791}, {15043, 26912}, {15061, 19052}, {15141, 19385}, {15640, 43343}, {15686, 43210}, {15690, 42417}, {15692, 42522}, {15702, 43254}, {15704, 42225}, {15712, 41962}, {15716, 43259}, {15723, 42578}, {15764, 43228}, {15803, 51841}, {16029, 16030}, {16034, 16035}, {16113, 19079}, {16125, 16149}, {16202, 44645}, {16203, 44643}, {16419, 34516}, {16441, 32911}, {16962, 36453}, {16963, 36470}, {16964, 42236}, {16965, 42235}, {17277, 21909}, {17818, 19021}, {17819, 17821}, {18400, 32385}, {18581, 42248}, {18582, 42249}, {18909, 18924}, {18916, 26945}, {18923, 18925}, {18980, 19439}, {18981, 19437}, {19041, 31988}, {19056, 34473}, {19063, 22676}, {19068, 52027}, {19069, 22843}, {19071, 22890}, {19074, 21156}, {19076, 21157}, {19082, 38693}, {19083, 22951}, {19090, 22712}, {19094, 38717}, {19105, 26521}, {19109, 21166}, {19113, 34474}, {19115, 38699}, {19183, 19185}, {19355, 19357}, {19360, 44588}, {19384, 19389}, {19387, 19398}, {19436, 19440}, {19438, 19441}, {19548, 36587}, {19708, 42525}, {19843, 31413}, {19925, 49619}, {21445, 33371}, {21492, 37633}, {21547, 37679}, {21548, 37674}, {21550, 37682}, {21552, 37687}, {21553, 37680}, {21567, 37685}, {22466, 35860}, {22521, 33434}, {22536, 22553}, {22592, 45079}, {22596, 26438}, {22682, 22721}, {22753, 22764}, {22831, 22877}, {22832, 22922}, {22833, 22977}, {22960, 22962}, {22961, 35861}, {23046, 42640}, {23275, 33703}, {23312, 32490}, {23358, 32384}, {23698, 39824}, {24243, 49387}, {24813, 24818}, {24828, 24843}, {25406, 39876}, {26290, 26384}, {26291, 26408}, {26292, 26454}, {26293, 26455}, {26294, 26456}, {26295, 26457}, {26326, 45366}, {26327, 45367}, {26328, 45606}, {26329, 45608}, {26330, 49026}, {26332, 45651}, {26333, 45653}, {26363, 31484}, {26398, 44582}, {26422, 44584}, {26451, 44610}, {26463, 46453}, {26465, 37561}, {26487, 44620}, {26492, 44618}, {26498, 45597}, {26507, 45595}, {26516, 44594}, {26879, 26951}, {30427, 45840}, {31400, 31403}, {31401, 31411}, {31421, 31427}, {31422, 31437}, {31424, 31438}, {31425, 31440}, {31439, 31663}, {31448, 31459}, {31449, 31464}, {31450, 31465}, {31451, 31471}, {31452, 31475}, {31455, 31481}, {31456, 31482}, {31457, 31483}, {31458, 31486}, {31687, 31692}, {31688, 31690}, {32169, 32171}, {32233, 32252}, {32274, 32304}, {32330, 32342}, {32369, 32400}, {32497, 38110}, {33347, 33453}, {33349, 33455}, {33367, 33437}, {33369, 33439}, {33370, 37334}, {33373, 33431}, {33392, 34509}, {33395, 34508}, {33699, 43341}, {33813, 49266}, {33814, 48714}, {34089, 43568}, {34091, 43570}, {34200, 52047}, {34862, 49234}, {35404, 42573}, {35434, 43384}, {35699, 49215}, {35733, 42990}, {35742, 47864}, {35754, 35847}, {35829, 35881}, {35839, 35869}, {35849, 35851}, {35853, 49241}, {35855, 49243}, {35863, 49249}, {35871, 49259}, {35873, 49261}, {35875, 49263}, {36436, 36447}, {36437, 36449}, {36438, 41943}, {36454, 36465}, {36455, 36467}, {36456, 41944}, {36474, 36491}, {36477, 36556}, {36489, 36552}, {36510, 36584}, {36526, 36550}, {36557, 36582}, {36656, 45440}, {36712, 36990}, {36998, 45406}, {38602, 48700}, {38608, 49270}, {38624, 49218}, {39823, 39825}, {39852, 39854}, {40108, 49230}, {41491, 45420}, {41948, 42639}, {41958, 43410}, {41960, 41969}, {41966, 43316}, {42022, 45414}, {42085, 42247}, {42086, 42246}, {42093, 42205}, {42094, 42203}, {42101, 42209}, {42102, 42207}, {42117, 42251}, {42118, 42250}, {42133, 42185}, {42134, 42183}, {42154, 51924}, {42159, 42189}, {42160, 42188}, {42161, 42187}, {42162, 42190}, {42163, 42213}, {42164, 42212}, {42165, 42211}, {42166, 42214}, {42167, 42202}, {42169, 42200}, {42228, 42999}, {42230, 42998}, {42558, 45384}, {42568, 43319}, {42572, 47599}, {42574, 43792}, {43320, 44245}, {43336, 43382}, {43337, 43787}, {43376, 46935}, {43377, 43508}, {43411, 43518}, {43433, 50690}, {43503, 43519}, {43506, 43514}, {43507, 43515}, {43560, 43569}, {43561, 43571}, {43601, 43825}, {43831, 43864}, {44392, 49355}, {44583, 45360}, {44585, 45358}, {44600, 45620}, {44602, 45621}, {44627, 45623}, {44629, 45624}, {44647, 49104}, {45376, 45543}, {45423, 45587}, {45425, 45585}, {45427, 45716}, {45439, 48659}, {45545, 45575}, {45547, 49348}, {45555, 49356}, {45573, 45714}, {45596, 45600}, {45598, 45602}, {48906, 49228}, {49086, 49317}, {49102, 49214}, {49105, 49236}, {49106, 49238}, {49107, 49242}, {49108, 49244}, {49109, 49246}, {49110, 49248}, {49111, 49252}, {49112, 49254}, {49113, 49258}, {49114, 49260}, {49115, 49262}, {49116, 49264}, {49948, 51925}
X(372) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 45488}, {4, 8982}, {637, 20065}, {638, 43133}, {1152, 12969}, {3071, 42259}, {7968, 49227}, {12376, 35827}, {12970, 49251}, {32788, 41946}, {35611, 35642}, {35821, 42267}, {35825, 35879}, {35829, 35881}, {35857, 35883}, {35948, 45421}, {48701, 48715}, {49213, 49267}, {49217, 49269}, {49219, 49271}
X(372) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 43121}, {315, 639}, {371, 32}, {638, 640}, {3071, 7584}, {10960, 42864}, {11824, 3}, {12376, 49269}, {12971, 49257}, {35611, 49227}, {35642, 7968}, {35699, 49215}, {35754, 49209}, {35821, 3071}, {35823, 32788}, {35825, 49213}, {35827, 49217}, {35829, 49219}, {35831, 49221}, {35833, 44648}, {35835, 49223}, {35837, 49225}, {35839, 49231}, {35841, 6}, {35843, 49233}, {35845, 49235}, {35847, 49239}, {35849, 49237}, {35851, 49211}, {35853, 49241}, {35855, 49243}, {35857, 48701}, {35859, 49245}, {35861, 49247}, {35863, 49249}, {35865, 49251}, {35867, 49253}, {35869, 49255}, {35871, 49259}, {35873, 49261}, {35875, 49263}, {35877, 49265}, {35879, 49267}, {35881, 49271}, {35883, 48715}, {39894, 49229}, {41946, 52048}, {42060, 642}, {42267, 42259}, {44485, 575}, {44501, 44481}, {49223, 46689}, {49602, 13936}
X(372) = isogonal conjugate of X(486)
X(372) = isotomic conjugate of X(34392)
X(372) = complement of X(638)
X(372) = anticomplement of X(640)
X(372) = X(372) = circumcircle-inverse of X(2460
X(372) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(371)
X(372) = 1st-Lemoine-circle-inverse of X(2462)
X(372) = Schoutte-circle-inverse of X(6396)
X(372) = 2nd-Brocard-circle-inverse of X(3102)
X(372) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(642)
X(372) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(487)
X(372) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(491)
X(372) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(5412)
X(372) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(1586)
X(372) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(5409)
X(372) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(26920)
X(372) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(13835)
X(372) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(371)
X(372) = psi-transform of X(7598)
X(372) = X(31)-complementary conjugate of X(10960)
X(372) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 10960}, {4, 371}, {491, 5409}, {589, 6}, {1586, 5412}, {3069, 8855}, {5413, 8854}, {5419, 6419}, {13439, 26875}, {18820, 8576}
X(372) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1147, 371}, {12240, 4}, {26920, 5409}
X(372) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 486}, {19, 11091}, {31, 34392}, {63, 41516}, {75, 8576}, {91, 371}, {92, 6414}, {158, 26922}, {485, 3378}, {1577, 39384}, {1585, 1820}, {1953, 16037}, {8769, 8940}, {19217, 24245}
X(372) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 10960}, {2, 34392}, {3, 486}, {6, 11091}, {69, 5408}, {206, 8576}, {371, 34116}, {372, 638}, {577, 5408}, {1147, 26922}, {1505, 42060}, {3162, 41516}, {5392, 24246}, {5409, 13430}, {6414, 22391}, {10962, 13428}
X(372) = cevapoint of X(6) and X(10133)
X(372) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 13440}, {491, 1586}, {3373, 3374}
X(372) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 10666}, {6, 3156}, {615, 8036}, {3371, 3372}, {6414, 8576}
X(372) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {523, 17432}
X(372) = perspector of ABC and the Lucas(-1:1) tangents triangle
X(372) = perspector of the tangential triangle and the Lucas(-1) central triangle
X(372) = perspector of the Lucas(-1:1) inner tangential triangle and the Lucas central triangle
X(372) = perspector of the Lucas(-4:3) central triangle and the circumcevian triangle of X(6)
X(372) = perspector of the Lucas(-1:1) central triangle and cevian triangle of X(589)
X(372) = radical center of the Lucas(-2:1) circles
X(372) = perspector of ABC and 2nd Lucas secondary tangents triangle
X(372) = perspector of tangential triangle and Lucas(-1) secondary central triangle
X(372) = perspector of Lucas(-1) inner triangle and Lucas tangents triangle
X(372) = inverse-in-2nd-Brocard-circle of X(3102)
X(372) = inverse-in-Lucas(-1)-radical-circle of X(2459)
X(372) = perspector of ABC and the free vertices of the Kenmotu squares (described at X(371))
X(372) = insimilicenter of circumcircle and Lucas(-1) radical circle
X(372) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of inner Vecten circle
X(372) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 1586}, {4, 5409}, {6, 491}, {24, 11090}, {32, 45806}, {52, 16032}, {56, 13461}, {69, 5412}, {264, 26920}, {317, 6413}, {371, 13439}, {485, 1993}, {486, 1600}, {492, 44192}, {494, 39388}, {571, 34391}, {589, 642}, {1307, 14326}, {1585, 10665}, {5408, 13440}, {5413, 13441}, {6563, 39383}, {7763, 8577}, {9723, 41515}
X(372) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 34392}, {3, 11091}, {6, 486}, {24, 1585}, {25, 41516}, {32, 8576}, {54, 16037}, {184, 6414}, {371, 13428}, {485, 5392}, {491, 76}, {571, 371}, {577, 26922}, {1147, 5408}, {1576, 39384}, {1586, 264}, {1600, 491}, {1993, 492}, {3053, 8940}, {5058, 8036}, {5408, 13430}, {5409, 69}, {5410, 1322}, {5412, 4}, {5413, 13429}, {6413, 68}, {7763, 45805}, {8577, 2165}, {8911, 10666}, {10133, 24245}, {10665, 11090}, {10960, 638}, {11090, 20563}, {13439, 34391}, {13461, 3596}, {16032, 34385}, {26875, 637}, {26920, 3}, {32575, 45473}, {39383, 925}, {41410, 21464}, {41515, 847}, {44077, 5413}, {44192, 485}, {45806, 1502}
X(372) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 1703, 35774}, {1, 5414, 35809}, {1, 6502, 35769}, {1, 35641, 35810}, {1, 35774, 35641}, {1, 45526, 45586}, {1, 45528, 45584}, {1, 45530, 45715}, {1, 45640, 35818}, {1, 45642, 35816}, {1, 45715, 45572}, {2, 485, 10576}, {2, 638, 640}, {2, 1587, 485}, {2, 13935, 5420}, {2, 43133, 638}, {2, 45508, 641}, {3, 6, 371}, {3, 182, 45553}, {3, 371, 6200}, {3, 1152, 6396}, {3, 1160, 1350}, {3, 1161, 12306}, {3, 1351, 9732}, {3, 1505, 35841}, {3, 3102, 40274}, {3, 3103, 45564}, {3, 3311, 1151}, {3, 3312, 6}, {3, 3594, 6420}, {3, 5050, 43119}, {3, 5093, 12313}, {3, 6199, 6449}, {3, 6221, 6409}, {3, 6395, 3312}, {3, 6398, 1152}, {3, 6407, 6451}, {3, 6408, 6450}, {3, 6417, 6221}, {3, 6418, 3311}, {3, 6419, 6453}, {3, 6420, 6419}, {3, 6421, 3102}, {3, 6424, 2460}, {3, 6426, 6454}, {3, 6427, 6425}, {3, 6428, 3592}, {3, 6430, 6485}, {3, 6431, 6480}, {3, 6432, 35771}, {3, 6445, 6496}, {3, 6446, 6456}, {3, 6448, 6426}, {3, 6449, 6411}, {3, 6450, 6410}, {3, 6456, 6412}, {3, 6475, 43415}, {3, 6481, 6487}, {3, 6501, 6199}, {3, 9732, 45499}, {3, 9733, 11825}, {3, 9739, 45498}, {3, 10898, 11514}, {3, 11917, 1161}, {3, 12314, 9733}, {3, 18459, 10898}, {3, 26341, 5085}, {3, 30435, 39648}, {3, 43118, 45552}, {3, 45410, 182}, {3, 45411, 43120}, {3, 45489, 9738}, {3, 45578, 9739}, {3, 45579, 43144}, {4, 486, 6565}, {4, 3069, 486}, {4, 5413, 35765}, {4, 6460, 6560}, {4, 6560, 35820}, {4, 6565, 35787}, {4, 10881, 5413}, {4, 13939, 42561}, {4, 42227, 42231}, {4, 42229, 42233}, {4, 42561, 42268}, {4, 45510, 48466}, {4, 45525, 48734}, {4, 46622, 6414}, {5, 615, 10577}, {5, 3070, 6564}, {5, 13966, 615}, {5, 42216, 3070}, {5, 48772, 45554}, {6, 39, 45512}, {6, 371, 6419}, {6, 1151, 3311}, {6, 1152, 3}, {6, 1160, 35793}, {6, 1161, 35795}, {6, 3053, 6424}, {6, 3311, 35771}, {6, 3312, 6420}, {6, 3592, 6417}, {6, 3594, 3312}, {6, 5013, 6422}, {6, 5062, 45515}, {6, 5085, 19145}, {6, 5210, 8375}, {6, 6199, 6435}, {6, 6396, 6200}, {6, 6398, 6396}, {6, 6409, 3592}, {6, 6410, 1151}, {6, 6411, 6199}, {6, 6412, 6221}, {6, 6420, 35770}, {6, 6421, 45513}, {6, 6424, 45514}, {6, 6425, 6431}, {6, 6426, 1152}, {6, 6430, 6410}, {6, 6431, 6427}, {6, 6432, 6418}, {6, 6434, 6411}, {6, 6438, 6398}, {6, 6452, 6480}, {6, 6468, 6441}, {6, 6469, 6412}, {6, 6471, 6432}, {6, 6489, 6496}, {6, 6566, 45498}, {6, 8406, 43118}, {6, 9732, 45463}, {6, 9733, 3102}, {6, 11477, 9975}, {6, 12963, 5058}, {6, 12968, 32}, {6, 12969, 1505}, {6, 36748, 26868}, {6, 45578, 45565}, {10, 48764, 45546}, {10, 49601, 35788}, {15, 16, 6396}, {15, 61, 371}, {15, 62, 3390}, {15, 3365, 3}, {16, 61, 3365}, {16, 62, 371}, {16, 3390, 3}, {16, 51728, 11481}, {20, 1588, 6561}, {20, 6561, 42266}, {20, 7586, 1588}, {20, 42523, 7586}, {25, 3093, 35764}, {32, 1505, 6}, {32, 12968, 41411}, {32, 40275, 6200}, {32, 45488, 35841}, {35, 3299, 2066}, {36, 3301, 2067}, {39, 182, 371}, {39, 1152, 45498}, {39, 5062, 6}, {39, 6566, 9739}, {39, 9739, 45565}, {40, 18992, 35775}, {40, 35775, 35610}, {50, 568, 371}, {52, 571, 371}, {55, 1124, 35808}, {55, 18995, 1124}, {56, 1335, 35768}, {56, 19037, 1335}, {58, 573, 371}, {61, 62, 6420}, and many more
X(373) lies on these lines: 2,51 5,113 110,575 181,748 216,852 354,375 597,2854
X(373) = isogonal conjugate of X(11169)
X(373) = isotomic conjugate of polar conjugate of X(33842)
X(373) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(352)X(1499)
X(373) = {X(2),X(51)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3917)
X(374) lies on these lines: 6,354 9,517 44,65 51,210 966,3740
X(375) lies on these lines: 44,181 51,210 354,373
X(375) = midpoint of X(51) and X(210)
As a point on the Euler line, X(376) has Shinagawa coefficients (2, -3).
Let Pa be the parabola with focus A and directrix BC. Let La be the polar of X(3) wrt Pa. Define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, B' = Lc∩La, C' = La∩Lb. X(376) = X(69) of triangle A'B'C'. (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let Ma be the polar of X(4) wrt the circle centered at A and passing through X(2), and define Mb, Mc cyclically. (Note: X(4) is the perspector of any circle centered at a vertex of ABC.) Let A″ = Mb∩Mc, and define B″, C″ cyclically. Triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC, and its orthocenter is X(376). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let Aa, Ab, Ac be the centers of the inverse-in-A-excircle of lines BC, CA, AB, resp. Let A' be the point of concurrence of lines AAa, BAb, CAc. Define B', C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is perspective to the excentral triangle at X(376). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
X(376) lies on these lines: 1,553 2,3 35,388 36,497 40,519 55,1056 56,1058 69,74 98,543 103,544 104,528 110,541 112,577 165,515 316,1007 390,999 476,841 477,691 487,490 488,489 516,551 524,1350
X(376) is the {X(3),X(20)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(376), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(376) = midpoint of X(2) and X(20)
X(376) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (2,3), (4,2), (381,549)
X(376) = isogonal conjugate of X(3426)
X(376) = isotomic conjugate of X(36889)
X(376) = circumcircle-inverse of X(7464)
X(376) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(3545)
X(376) = nine-point-circle-inverse of complement of X(37952)
X(376) = complement of X(3543)
X(376) = anticomplement of X(381)
X(376) = X(51)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(376) = centroid of circumcevian triangle of X(30)
X(376) = antipedal isogonal conjugate of X(2)
X(376) = {X(3),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(631)
X(376) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(6)
X(376) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(69)
X(376) = X(2)-of-1st-anti-tri-squares-triangle
X(376) = X(2)-of-2nd-anti-tri-squares-triangle
X(376) = homothetic center of 1st and 2nd anti-tri-squares triangles
X(376) = insimilicenter of circumcircles of ABC and anti-Euler triangle; the exsimilicenter is X(4)
X(376) = {X(2043),X(2044)}-harmonic conjugate of X(20)
X(376) = trisector nearest X(3) of segment X(3)X(20)
X(376) = trisector nearest X(20) of segment X(4)X(20)
X(376) = Ehrmann-mid-to-Johnson similarity image of X(2)
X(376) = Euler line intercept, other than X(4), of conic {X(4),X(13),X(14),X(15),X(16)}}
As a point on the Euler line, X(377) has Shinagawa coefficients (abc*$a, 2S2).
X(377) lies on these lines: {1, 224}, {2, 3}, {7, 8}, {10, 46}, {12, 1259}, {56, 2886}, {58, 1714}, {72, 5905}, {77, 5930}, {78, 226}, {79, 5692}, {81, 387}, {84, 5587}, {100, 3085}, {142, 950}, {145, 1056}, {149, 1058}, {171, 5230}, {200, 5290}, {225, 1038}, {274, 315}, {278, 4296}, {283, 1754}, {318, 1947}, {329, 3876}, {348, 3188}, {355, 1071}, {394, 3193}, {495, 5687}, {497, 2646}, {498, 3822}, {516, 5250}, {527, 3951}, {528, 3303}, {667,1155}, {908, 936}, {938, 5175}, {940, 1834}, {942, 3419}, {958, 3925}, {960, 1836}, {962, 3877}, {965, 1901}, {966, 2245}, {993, 3841}, {1001, 6284}, {1060, 1068}, {1125, 1479}, {1155, 2551}, {1159, 3621}, {1210, 3306}, {1220, 4429}, {1329, 4413}, {1330, 5739}, {1454, 1788}, {1621, 4294}, {1698, 3585}, {1765, 5816}, {1771, 3561}, {1837, 3812}, {1935, 3215}, {2096, 5818}, {2182, 5749}, {2287, 5746}, {2327, 5747}, {2345, 5279}, {2549, 5283}, {2893, 5738}, {2975, 4293}, {3086, 5253}, {3189, 3475}, {3304, 3813}, {3361, 5231}, {3421, 3617}, {3476, 4861}, {3485, 4511}, {3583, 3624}, {3618, 5135}, {3679, 5270}, {3710, 3729}, {3767, 5277}, {3869, 4295}, {3873, 5178}, {3897, 5731}, {3916, 5791}, {4000, 5262}, {4255, 5718}, {4298, 4847}, {4302, 5248}, {4312, 5785}, {4359, 5016}, {4652, 5745}, {4999, 5204}, {5217, 6690}, {5219, 5438}, {5225, 5550}, {5254, 5275}, {5256, 5717}, {5276, 5286}, {5334, 5367}, {5335, 5362}, {5439, 5722}, {5691, 5732}, {5715, 6282}, {5927, 6259}
X(377) is the {X(3),X(20)}-harmonic conjugate of X(21). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(377), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(377) = anticomplement of X(405)
X(377) = {X(7),X(8)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3868)
As a point on the Euler line, X(378) has Shinagawa coefficients (2F, E - 2F).
X(378) lies on these lines: 1,1063 2,3 6,74 33,36 34,35 54,64 99,264 185,578 232,574 477,935 847,1105
X(378) is the {X(3),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(24). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(378), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(378) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,427), (22,3)
X(378) = isogonal conjugate of X(4846)
X(378) = anticomplement of X(15760)
X(378) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(403)
X(378) = harmonic center of circumcircle and polar circle
X(378) = polar conjugate of X(34289)
X(378) = endo-homothetic center of X(4)-anti-altimedial and anti-orthocentroidal triangles
As a point on the Euler line, X(379) has Shinagawa coefficients ($a*SBSC$, $a$S2).
X(379) lies on these lines: 2,3 6,7 41,226 63,169 264,823
X(379) = complement of X(31015)
X(379) = anticomplement of X(30810)
X(379) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(857)
X(379) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(647)X(926)
X(380) lies on these lines: 1,19 6,40 9,55 165,579 223,608 281,950 282,1036
As a point on the Euler line, X(381) has Shinagawa coefficients (1,3).
Let A' be the reflection of X(3) in A, and define B'and C' cyclically. Let A'' be the reflection of X(3) in BC, and define B'' and C'' cyclically. The lines A'A'', B'B'', C'C'' concur in X(381).
X(381) is the point QA-P14 (Centroid of the Morley Triangle) of quadrangle ABCX(2) (see
Let Pa be the parabola with focus A and directrix BC. Let La be the polar of X(3) wrt Pa. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, B' = Lc∩La, C' = La∩Lb. The symmedian point of triangle A'B'C' is X(381). Analogously, let La be the trilinear polar of A wrt BCX(3), and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A'=Lb∩Lc, B'=Lc∩La, C'=La∩Lb. Equivalently, A'B'C' is the cevian triangle of X(3) wrt the cevian triangle of X(3). Also, let A″ be the reflection of A' in BC, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(381). Finally, let A' be the orthocenter of BCX(6), and define B' and C' cyclically; then X(381) is the centroid of A'B'C'. (Randy Hutson, September 5, 2015)
Let Sa be the similitude center of the orthocentroidal triangle and the A-altimedial triangle. Define Sb and Sc cyclically. The lines ASa, BSb, CSc concur in X(381). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
X(381) lies on the McCay circumcircle, the curves K300, K358, K504, K649, K762, K833, K887, K911, Q164, and these lines: {1, 2463}, {2, 3}, {6, 13}, {7, 38073}, {8, 8148}, {9, 18482}, {10, 2467}, {11, 999}, {12, 1479}, {15, 16644}, {16, 16645}, {17, 12817}, {18, 12816}, {19, 18453}, {32, 13881}, {33, 9642}, {34, 18447}, {35, 12953}, {36, 12943}, {39, 2015}, {40, 7989}, {46, 7082}, {49, 578}, {51, 568}, {52, 5907}, {53, 18437}, {54, 156}, {55, 3583}, {56, 3582}, {57, 18540}, {61, 5339}, {62, 5340}, {64, 3521}, {65, 10826}, {67, 32271}, {68, 3527}, {69, 3531}, {74, 1539}, {76, 7773}, {79, 5221}, {80, 2099}, {83, 7851}, {84, 22792}, {90, 1454}, {98, 598}, {99, 22515}, {100, 22938}, {103, 38768}, {104, 22799}, {109, 38780}, {110, 7699}, {111, 6032}, {112, 19163}, {114, 543}, {116, 10741}, {117, 10747}, {118, 544}, {119, 528}, {120, 15521}, {121, 15522}, {122, 22337}, {123, 33566}, {124, 10740}, {125, 541}, {126, 22338}, {127, 133}, {128, 13512}, {130, 38594}, {131, 5139}, {132, 10749}, {137, 31656}, {141, 31670}, {142, 31672}, {143, 5876}, {145, 37705}, {146, 7693}, {147, 12243}, {148, 7777}, {149, 11698}, {153, 1484}, {154, 18376}, {155, 195}, {157, 11641}, {159, 18382}, {165, 11231}, {182, 2469}, {183, 316}, {184, 567}, {185, 5462}, {187, 37637}, {190, 24827}, {206, 34775}, {210, 517}, {216, 33842}, {220, 24045}, {226, 5722}, {230, 1384}, {233, 36751}, {262, 671}, {264, 339}, {275, 19176}, {298, 622}, {299, 621}, {302, 616}, {303, 617}, {315, 37671}, {325, 11185}, {355, 519}, {371, 8976}, {372, 13847}, {373, 5892}, {385, 34623}, {388, 496}, {389, 12162}, {390, 8164}, {393, 15851}, {394, 1568}, {395, 5318}, {396, 5321}, {397, 40694}, {398, 40693}, {485, 1328}, {486, 1327}, {487, 22809}, {488, 22810}, {493, 18520}, {494, 18522}, {495, 497}, {498, 3614}, {499, 5298}, {511, 599}, {512, 13240}, {513, 39483}, {514, 39489}, {515, 551}, {516, 3828}, {523, 16279}, {524, 1351}, {525, 39491}, {527, 2095}, {529, 3829}, {530, 5478}, {531, 5479}, {532, 5858}, {533, 5859}, {535, 11194}, {536, 20430}, {538, 3095}, {540, 7683}, {545, 24828}, {553, 1210}, {569, 6759}, {574, 7603}, {576, 15069}, {590, 6221}, {591, 6250}, {597, 1503}, {615, 6398}, {620, 38730}, {623, 3643}, {624, 3642}, {625, 3734}, {627, 33608}, {628, 33609}, {629, 33619}, {630, 33618}, {637, 32809}, {638, 32808}, {754, 6249}, {804, 19912}, {900, 39493}, {908, 3419}, {912, 5927}, {916, 31163}, {938, 5714}, {942, 1864}, {944, 5901}, {950, 11374}, {952, 3241}, {956, 5080}, {958, 25639}, {960, 16616}, {962, 5690}, {971, 6173}, {986, 5492}, {997, 5087}, {1001, 3822}, {1007, 6390}, {1056, 5274}, {1058, 5261}, {1060, 9817}, {1062, 9641}, {1073, 37873}, {1078, 11057}, {1092, 37495}, {1093, 14860}, {1112, 7723}, {1116, 32478}, {1125, 3653}, {1131, 6501}, {1132, 6500}, {1147, 11424}, {1151, 10576}, {1152, 10577}, {1154, 3060}, {1157, 16764}, {1159, 12019}, {1160, 7721}, {1161, 7720}, {1173, 45014}, {1181, 19361}, {1199, 43605}, {1209, 12307}, {1216, 37484}, {1217, 36609}, {1263, 16762}, {1285, 37689}, {1296, 38800}, {1297, 19160}, {1319, 23708}, {1329, 9709}, {1350, 14926}, {1353, 5032}, {1376, 3814}, {1385, 5691}, {1387, 3476}, {1388, 37735}, {1470, 13273}, {1480, 33104}, {1483, 10595}, {1490, 37615}, {1495, 14805}, {1498, 15047}, {1499, 8371}, {1506, 5013}, {1511, 10546}, {1514, 3426}, {1531, 3581}, {1533, 35237}, {1537, 19914}, {1565, 17079}, {1587, 6418}, {1588, 6417}, {1614, 13434}, {1698, 3579}, {1714, 9958}, {1737, 1836}, {1750, 18443}, {1770, 24914}, {1837, 12047}, {1843, 18438}, {1853, 5943}, {1870, 37729}, {1898, 13750}, {1974, 19129}, {1975, 7752}, {1986, 22584}, {1991, 6251}, {1992, 3564}, {1993, 15068}, {1994, 15052}, {2039, 38597}, {2040, 38596}, {2051, 9567}, {2080, 3849}, {2094, 5770}, {2096, 13226}, {2098, 37710}, {2393, 23049}, {2452, 9214}, {2453, 5099}, {2482, 15561}, {2548, 5254}, {2549, 3815}, {2550, 3820}, {2551, 31418}, {2646, 37692}, {2770, 32229}, {2771, 5902}, {2775, 14431}, {2777, 10606}, {2779, 15049}, {2780, 9148}, {2781, 16776}, {2794, 5461}, {2796, 24311}, {2797, 45319}, {2799, 44203}, {2800, 38161}, {2808, 10708}, {2818, 10709}, {2829, 23513}, {2883, 12315}, {2886, 9708}, {2888, 12316}, {2900, 5720}, {2917, 32365}, {2929, 22816}, {2930, 32273}, {2931, 19479}, {2935, 32743}, {2971, 23635}, {2979, 13391}, {2999, 18505}, {3023, 10054}, {3027, 10070}, {3052, 17734}, {3053, 7746}, {3054, 15655}, {3055, 43619}, {3057, 10827}, {3065, 16763}, {3068, 6199}, {3069, 6395}, {3085, 5225}, {3086, 5229}, {3087, 38292}, {3098, 3763}, {3106, 31702}, {3107, 31701}, {3120, 7986}, {3167, 5654}, {3258, 14685}, {3259, 38586}, {3297, 35800}, {3298, 35801}, {3303, 4857}, {3304, 5270}, {3309, 31149}, {3314, 43453}, {3316, 43567}, {3317, 43566}, {3336, 7701}, {3357, 5895}, {3358, 15239}, {3359, 11372}, {3361, 31776}, {3366, 42236}, {3367, 42238}, {3373, 12823}, {3388, 12822}, {3391, 42235}, {3392, 42237}, {3398, 7817}, {3411, 42533}, {3412, 42532}, {3413, 41880}, {3414, 41881}, {3424, 18842}, {3434, 17757}, {3436, 24390}, {3448, 11801}, {3459, 22335}, {3483, 16765}, {3485, 37730}, {3486, 37737}, {3487, 12433}, {3488, 5226}, {3567, 6102}, {3576, 7988}, {3586, 5219}, {3587, 7308}, {3589, 12017}, {3592, 8960}, {3616, 34773}, {3617, 38081}, {3618, 38079}, {3624, 13624}, {3632, 11278}, {3634, 31730}, {3652, 16125}, {3667, 39490}, {3695, 42032}, {3746, 9670}, {3767, 5306}, {3785, 32885}, {3793, 37667}, {3796, 44407}, {3824, 41854}, {3825, 25524}, {3847, 10200}, {3917, 10170}, {3925, 34618}, {3927, 6734}, {3928, 5789}, {3929, 5709}, {3933, 32816}, {3934, 7784}, {3944, 37717}, {3972, 10722}, {4252, 45939}, {4292, 37545}, {4293, 10589}, {4294, 10588}, {4297, 19883}, {4299, 5433}, {4301, 4669}, {4302, 5432}, {4370, 29243}, {4388, 5774}, {4413, 35238}, {4421, 11496}, {4428, 10197}, {4549, 32269}, {4664, 29010}, {4677, 7982}, {4745, 11362}, {4994, 19210}, {5012, 14157}, {5023, 7749}, {5031, 35456}, {5044, 37585}, {5045, 5290}, {5048, 37708}, {5085, 10168}, {5086, 5730}, {5090, 34713}, {5092, 7913}, {5095, 32272}, {5102, 5965}, {5103, 35458}, {5122, 31231}, {5123, 35460}, {5134, 42316}, {5158, 18487}, {5167, 18322}, {5203, 40809}, {5204, 10483}, {5206, 44535}, {5210, 6781}, {5215, 32414}, {5237, 42431}, {5238, 42432}, {5251, 31245}, {5252, 30384}, {5289, 11813}, {5292, 13408}, {5305, 43136}, {5325, 5791}, {5334, 11542}, {5335, 11543}, {5343, 42494}, {5344, 42495}, {5349, 42147}, {5350, 42148}, {5351, 42491}, {5352, 42490}, {5365, 42925}, {5366, 42924}, {5412, 18457}, {5413, 18459}, {5418, 6449}, {5420, 6450}, {5422, 11456}, {5437, 7171}, {5439, 13369}, {5440, 30852}, {5443, 34471}, {5446, 5562}, {5449, 12163}, {5459, 41022}, {5460, 41023}, {5463, 36765}, {5485, 14484}, {5510, 10744}, {5523, 45141}, {5533, 12763}, {5544, 11820}, {5563, 9657}, {5597, 18495}, {5598, 18497}, {5609, 11422}, {5627, 14254}, {5640, 5663}, {5642, 14643}, {5644, 5656}, {5646, 33544}, {5650, 36987}, {5651, 13857}, {5657, 9812}, {5687, 11681}, {5694, 37625}, {5704, 34753}, {5705, 31445}, {5706, 37509}, {5707, 36750}, {5715, 5777}, {5725, 24210}, {5726, 31393}, {5731, 28186}, {5732, 38093}, {5752, 15488}, {5762, 5817}, {5787, 6260}, {5794, 21616}, {5816, 17330}, {5840, 6174}, {5841, 31157}, {5842, 38109}, {5843, 38137}, {5844, 31145}, {5860, 6201}, {5861, 6202}, {5864, 21359}, {5865, 21360}, {5878, 5893}, {5881, 10222}, {5884, 31871}, {5885, 15071}, {5887, 7686}, {5898, 18427}, {5913, 21448}, {5944, 26882}, {5972, 12121}, {6002, 45665}, {6036, 14971}, {6090, 40112}, {6101, 11444}, {6108, 22513}, {6109, 22512}, {6114, 6775}, {6115, 6772}, {6145, 32364}, {6146, 19347}, {6152, 22815}, {6153, 43581}, {6200, 8253}, {6235, 6324}, {6241, 11439}, {6244, 7965}, {6245, 6259}, {6246, 6265}, {6253, 26487}, {6256, 16203}, {6278, 22485}, {6281, 22484}, {6291, 22811}, {6337, 32826}, {6361, 9780}, {6391, 45088}, {6396, 8252}, {6406, 22812}, {6407, 9540}, {6408, 13935}, {6409, 42266}, {6410, 42267}, {6425, 35730}, {6426, 35813}, {6445, 9541}, {6446, 32786}, {6447, 31454}, {6448, 42418}, {6451, 32789}, {6452, 32790}, {6455, 42260}, {6456, 42261}, {6459, 8981}, {6460, 13966}, {6472, 43520}, {6473, 43519}, {6480, 42558}, {6481, 42557}, {6484, 42568}, {6485, 42569}, {6519, 9681}, {6522, 41964}, {6526, 13157}, {6666, 38067}, {6667, 38069}, {6668, 38070}, {6683, 7872}, {6688, 14855}, {6689, 32340}, {6696, 20427}, {6697, 34778}, {6699, 13202}, {6702, 12515}, {6704, 8725}, {6712, 38765}, {6713, 38753}, {6716, 23240}, {6718, 38777}, {6721, 9167}, {6722, 38739}, {6723, 16111}, {6748, 15905}, {6750, 36245}, {6770, 20252}, {6771, 22489}, {6773, 20253}, {6774, 22490}, {6776, 13674}, {6782, 41745}, {6783, 41746}, {6785, 6787}, {6788, 18326}, {6792, 18346}, {6795, 38393}, {7160, 22801}, {7578, 18300}, {7585, 23273}, {7586, 23267}, {7592, 32139}, {7607, 45103}, {7608, 17503}, {7618, 9771}, {7620, 9770}, {7622, 32479}, {7666, 45248}, {7678, 42884}, {7691, 13565}, {7710, 46034}, {7735, 18907}, {7736, 15048}, {7738, 31404}, {7750, 32832}, {7751, 7843}, {7754, 7785}, {7756, 15815}, {7761, 15271}, {7763, 32819}, {7764, 22665}, {7767, 32006}, {7772, 39593}, {7774, 22253}, {7790, 11174}, {7793, 19569}, {7798, 32457}, {7804, 7844}, {7806, 9862}, {7808, 7861}, {7810, 8556}, {7812, 14568}, {7814, 32821}, {7815, 7842}, {7816, 7862}, {7821, 17130}, {7823, 32151}, {7827, 39646}, {7828, 9873}, {7840, 32515}, {7845, 17131}, {7868, 7934}, {7879, 7885}, {7881, 7912}, {7883, 33706}, {7900, 17129}, {7914, 35248}, {7935, 31239}, {7941, 20081}, {7956, 34625}, {7967, 10283}, {7999, 10627}, {8068, 8069}, {8070, 8071}, {8074, 18327}, {8182, 15597}, {8192, 34668}, {8193, 34657}, {8196, 8200}, {8203, 8207}, {8212, 8220}, {8213, 8221}, {8254, 12254}, {8288, 45723}, {8541, 18449}, {8547, 20113}, {8567, 25563}, {8573, 9722}, {8584, 11482}, {8585, 39602}, {8589, 44541}, {8680, 25362}, {8704, 13377}, {8717, 22112}, {8722, 15810}, {8757, 23070}, {8760, 45320}, {8780, 23292}, {8859, 10788}, {8860, 38227}, {8939, 18414}, {8943, 18415}, {9115, 23006}, {9117, 23013}, {9143, 25147}, {9144, 11005}, {9172, 14666}, {9175, 14684}, {9178, 18309}, {9306, 13352}, {9308, 17035}, {9543, 10145}, {9578, 9614}, {9579, 37582}, {9580, 31434}, {9598, 31460}, {9607, 31417}, {9613, 24928}, {9624, 15178}, {9664, 31476}, {9665, 16781}, {9680, 10195}, {9690, 43508}, {9691, 43512}, {9698, 22332}, {9707, 12289}, {9717, 34150}, {9729, 10575}, {9732, 45481}, {9733, 45480}, {9734, 14162}, {9746, 28897}, {9752, 23055}, {9753, 22329}, {9755, 11177}, {9764, 9765}, {9767, 9768}, {9775, 42008}, {9777, 11442}, {9778, 28178}, {9816, 15941}, {9820, 12118}, {9822, 37511}, {9826, 12133}, {9830, 12177}, {9833, 14530}, {9856, 37562}, {9863, 34604}, {9895, 15940}, {9919, 44883}, {9937, 22661}, {9970, 32274}, {9973, 43129}, {9979, 44204}, {10002, 36876}, {10003, 42329}, {10031, 19907}, {10032, 19919}, {10039, 12701}, {10086, 12354}, {10089, 18969}, {10104, 12110}, {10106, 11373}, {10112, 40240}, {10117, 19506}, {10152, 38605}, {10164, 10172}, {10165, 10171}, {10187, 42505}, {10188, 42504}, {10194, 43562}, {10199, 12114}, {10217, 36299}, {10218, 36298}, {10249, 36201}, {10263, 11017}, {10265, 16112}, {10266, 22805}, {10269, 41698}, {10272, 12383}, {10274, 40276}, {10278, 16220}, {10282, 17845}, {10302, 14488}, {10306, 10525}, {10311, 10317}, {10418, 14653}, {10446, 17271}, {10526, 22770}, {10531, 10599}, {10532, 10598}, {10572, 11375}, {10574, 12006}, {10596, 32213}, {10597, 32214}, {10601, 11550}, {10625, 11793}, {10641, 18468}, {10642, 18470}, {10645, 42096}, {10646, 42097}, {10712, 28915}, {10717, 33962}, {10718, 20410}, {10721, 12041}, {10723, 11164}, {10724, 33814}, {10725, 38599}, {10726, 38600}, {10727, 31273}, {10728, 31272}, {10729, 38603}, {10730, 38604}, {10731, 38606}, {10732, 38607}, {10734, 14650}, {10735, 38608}, {10746, 25640}, {10752, 13169}, {10753, 11161}, {10886, 37620}, {10897, 35764}, {10898, 35765}, {10984, 37471}, {10985, 18472}, {10990, 20397}, {10991, 20398}, {10992, 20399}, {10993, 20400}, {11002, 13451}, {11004, 18387}, {11011, 37711}, {11160, 34380}, {11167, 14485}, {11170, 43535}, {11171, 37808}, {11173, 15993}, {11182, 21733}, {11187, 44420}, {11188, 14984}, {11202, 39242}, {11245, 45967}, {11257, 11272}, {11271, 11803}, {11376, 45287}, {11381, 27355}, {11396, 34729}, {11402, 12022}, {11425, 13403}, {11426, 12134}, {11432, 12233}, {11433, 18917}, {11438, 26958}, {11440, 43613}, {11441, 12161}, {11449, 43394}, {11451, 11455}, {11457, 12174}, {11477, 15533}, {11480, 16241}, {11481, 16242}, {11487, 11850}, {11488, 42117}, {11489, 42118}, {11557, 21650}, {11561, 12270}, {11562, 41671}, {11572, 13353}, {11576, 12606}, {11669, 33698}, {11671, 14072}, {11693, 38795}, {11694, 34153}, {11695, 46850}, {11699, 12407}, {11704, 11999}, {11723, 12898}, {11750, 13419}, {11805, 33565}, {12112, 15018}, {12115, 30283}, {12154, 41060}, {12155, 41061}, {12160, 41628}, {12236, 12825}, {12242, 15752}, {12261, 12368}, {12278, 15807}, {12279, 15028}, {12281, 38898}, {12284, 13358}, {12292, 14708}, {12301, 20302}, {12302, 33547}, {12313, 45861}, {12314, 45860}, {12322, 32811}, {12323, 32810}, {12350, 13183}, {12351, 13182}, {12370, 14516}, {12412, 40914}, {12513, 24387}, {12528, 24475}, {12599, 12856}, {12600, 12919}, {12619, 34789}, {12672, 25413}, {12680, 13373}, {12688, 34339}, {12737, 16174}, {12818, 43569}, {12819, 43568}, {12820, 42629}, {12821, 42630}, {12897, 35602}, {12900, 16163}, {12978, 22817}, {12979, 22818}, {13051, 22813}, {13052, 22814}, {13055, 22821}, {13056, 22822}, {13151, 25525}, {13335, 36997}, {13339, 43650}, {13349, 36994}, {13350, 36992}, {13432, 15801}, {13445, 43584}, {13464, 37727}, {13465, 16159}, {13468, 44678}, {13482, 34148}, {13557, 21268}, {13558, 22823}, {13561, 26917}, {13599, 39284}, {13623, 14490}, {13638, 13644}, {13687, 13692}, {13748, 45411}, {13749, 45410}, {13758, 13763}, {13807, 13812}, {13875, 22641}, {13876, 22640}, {13886, 23275}, {13893, 31439}, {13915, 19060}, {13925, 42639}, {13928, 22612}, {13929, 22611}, {13939, 23269}, {13979, 19059}, {13993, 42640}, {14059, 33546}, {14094, 15019}, {14103, 22752}, {14163, 14214}, {14164, 14215}, {14249, 14978}, {14260, 36590}, {14385, 45694}, {14389, 26864}, {14457, 38260}, {14483, 19307}, {14494, 41895}, {14528, 17505}, {14583, 14993}, {14635, 32428}, {14647, 38159}, {14663, 42425}, {14677, 40685}, {14686, 38588}, {14693, 26613}, {14712, 17004}, {14731, 18319}, {14833, 21460}, {14861, 22334}, {14866, 31749}, {14907, 37688}, {14929, 15589}, {14961, 33843}, {14980, 46439}, {14981, 38734}, {14989, 38610}, {15017, 22935}, {15025, 20396}, {15027, 16003}, {15032, 34545}, {15039, 30714}, {15054, 20379}, {15055, 34128}, {15063, 36253}, {15066, 37496}, {15107, 33533}, {15111, 16168}, {15252, 34231}, {15310, 31151}, {15311, 23332}, {15317, 22466}, {15356, 18114}, {15392, 38539}, {15436, 22555}, {15475, 18308}, {15535, 15542}, {15536, 15541}, {15538, 15544}, {15539, 15545}, {15548, 15549}, {15551, 15552}, {15740, 45073}, {15806, 43818}, {15811, 37514}, {15817, 15833}, {15873, 41587}, {15922, 34113}, {16001, 35752}, {16002, 36330}, {16010, 20301}, {16118, 26202}, {16188, 38582}, {16200, 34747}, {16202, 18242}, {16228, 44923}, {16229, 44918}, {16230, 44921}, {16231, 44925}, {16264, 17907}, {16318, 41370}, {16336, 35449}, {16337, 19552}, {16466, 21935}, {16509, 23334}, {16534, 23236}, {16772, 42150}, {16773, 42151}, {16835, 43585}, {16960, 44016}, {16961, 44015}, {17078, 17181}, {17254, 29369}, {17310, 29331}, {17313, 24220}, {17500, 43917}, {17502, 28168}, {17508, 29323}, {17647, 25681}, {17810, 21243}, {17811, 37483}, {17813, 23048}, {17814, 36747}, {17821, 34785}, {18201, 31520}, {18230, 38082}, {18279, 32417}, {18310, 44206}, {18321, 31850}, {18395, 37567}, {18402, 38585}, {18432, 34117}, {18442, 46027}, {18462, 19446}, {18463, 19447}, {18549, 22836}, {18576, 18883}, {18809, 38595}, {18911, 32111}, {18912, 32140}, {18945, 31804}, {19132, 34776}, {19177, 19189}, {19357, 21659}, {19722, 31872}, {19765, 37693}, {20192, 44569}, {20401, 33520}, {20415, 41020}, {20416, 41021}, {20546, 35462}, {20576, 36998}, {20582, 29181}, {20584, 21230}, {21151, 38171}, {21153, 38318}, {21154, 38319}, {21356, 40330}, {21635, 33594}, {22235, 33603}, {22237, 33602}, {22240, 33885}, {22246, 37665}, {22247, 38731}, {22550, 44686}, {22573, 22579}, {22574, 22580}, {22691, 22707}, {22692, 22708}, {22712, 31168}, {22808, 22970}, {22833, 22955}, {22846, 36760}, {22847, 22861}, {22848, 22862}, {22891, 36759}, {22892, 22906}, {22893, 22907}, {22971, 37497}, {23017, 25178}, {23018, 25183}, {23019, 25184}, {23020, 25185}, {23021, 25186}, {23022, 25220}, {23023, 25173}, {23024, 25187}, {23025, 25188}, {23026, 25189}, {23027, 25190}, {23028, 25219}, {23071, 34048}, {23294, 43807}, {23302, 42085}, {23303, 42086}, {23878, 33752}, {24042, 34626}, {24441, 29069}, {24466, 38762}, {24931, 46975}, {24953, 35250}, {25175, 25223}, {25180, 25224}, {25406, 38110}, {25423, 44823}, {26098, 37715}, {26326, 26386}, {26327, 26410}, {26328, 26466}, {26329, 26467}, {26363, 35252}, {26364, 35251}, {28212, 38112}, {28228, 38127}, {28234, 34641}, {29317, 31884}, {29365, 44430}, {30143, 33858}, {30209, 31174}, {30212, 45686}, {30258, 39530}, {30311, 45043}, {30484, 32536}, {30522, 35264}, {31274, 38736}, {31383, 37649}, {31399, 43174}, {31423, 31663}, {31428, 31430}, {31441, 31443}, {31466, 31468}, {31472, 31474}, {31484, 31485}, {31488, 31490}, {31492, 31652}, {31655, 38598}, {31657, 36991}, {31748, 46673}, {31793, 31822}, {31803, 31870}, {31824, 32156}, {31827, 34795}, {31841, 38584}, {31860, 32223}, {32152, 34506}, {32196, 32338}, {32267, 41424}, {32369, 32379}, {32445, 41334}, {32533, 43908}, {32599, 37827}, {32612, 37001}, {32613, 36999}, {32822, 32831}, {32823, 32830}, {32825, 32896}, {32869, 37668}, {33106, 37716}, {33416, 42100}, {33417, 42099}, {33531, 34286}, {33540, 33542}, {33586, 37494}, {33592, 37702}, {33596, 34701}, {33604, 43207}, {33605, 43208}, {33606, 42521}, {33607, 42520}, {33884, 44324}, {33971, 37765}, {34126, 38693}, {34127, 34473}, {34169, 45143}, {34170, 41372}, {34175, 36822}, {34360, 35088}, {34573, 43621}, {34699, 37725}, {34719, 37622}, {34754, 43782}, {34755, 43781}, {34799, 45970}, {34836, 41244}, {34842, 38956}, {34845, 43919}, {34897, 40801}, {34945, 39524}, {35194, 37591}, {35514, 38092}, {35698, 35879}, {35699, 35878}, {35719, 42441}, {36441, 36460}, {36442, 36459}, {36451, 36461}, {36523, 38745}, {36742, 45931}, {36755, 40334}, {36756, 40335}, {36764, 36772}, {36836, 42157}, {36843, 42158}, {36971, 41700}, {37487, 44673}, {37512, 44519}, {37529, 42043}, {37699, 42042}, {37726, 38757}, {37809, 44401}, {37810, 38226}, {38025, 43161}, {38094, 43182}, {38104, 46684}, {38609, 44967}, {38611, 44969}, {38612, 44970}, {38613, 44972}, {38614, 44973}, {38615, 44976}, {38616, 44977}, {38617, 44979}, {38618, 44981}, {38619, 44983}, {38620, 44984}, {38621, 44985}, {38622, 44986}, {38623, 44987}, {38624, 44988}, {38625, 44992}, {38723, 38793}, {38727, 38788}, {38737, 38742}, {38797, 40556}, {38947, 45146}, {38952, 45145}, {39201, 39510}, {39529, 39531}, {39532, 44928}, {39533, 44931}, {39534, 44929}, {39535, 44927}, {39536, 44930}, {39561, 45730}, {39818, 39828}, {39847, 39857}, {40286, 45484}, {40287, 45485}, {40671, 41045}, {40672, 41044}, {40879, 46996}, {41095, 41097}, {41096, 41123}, {41116, 41126}, {41311, 46475}, {41714, 44439}, {41953, 43323}, {41954, 43322}, {41961, 41967}, {41962, 41968}, {41971, 42892}, {41972, 42893}, {41973, 42976}, {41974, 42977}, {42087, 42092}, {42088, 42089}, {42090, 42108}, {42091, 42109}, {42112, 42500}, {42113, 42501}, {42119, 42124}, {42120, 42121}, {42122, 42140}, {42123, 42141}, {42144, 42984}, {42145, 42985}, {42175, 42182}, {42176, 42180}, {42177, 42181}, {42178, 42179}, {42435, 43551}, {42436, 43550}, {42496, 42633}, {42497, 42634}, {42506, 42991}, {42507, 42990}, {42512, 42688}, {42513, 42689}, {42518, 42635}, {42519, 42636}, {42566, 43337}, {42567, 43336}, {42570, 43341}, {42571, 43340}, {42572, 43343}, {42573, 43342}, {42588, 43109}, {42589, 43108}, {42610, 43369}, {42611, 43368}, {42612, 42961}, {42613, 42960}, {42627, 43466}, {42628, 43465}, {42645, 42727}, {42646, 42728}, {42682, 43105}, {42683, 43106}, {42692, 42777}, {42693, 42778}, {42694, 42939}, {42695, 42938}, {42725, 46473}, {42726, 46476}, {42775, 42999}, {42776, 42998}, {42791, 42945}, {42792, 42944}, {42795, 42955}, {42796, 42954}, {42799, 43332}, {42800, 43333}, {42888, 43463}, {42889, 43464}, {42904, 43004}, {42905, 43005}, {42908, 42979}, {42909, 42978}, {42922, 42987}, {42923, 42986}, {43006, 43233}, {43007, 43232}, {43010, 43014}, {43011, 43015}, {43012, 43019}, {43013, 43018}, {43195, 43241}, {43196, 43240}, {43197, 43243}, {43198, 43242}, {43203, 43249}, {43204, 43248}, {43205, 43251}, {43206, 43250}, {43278, 43389}, {43292, 43549}, {43293, 43548}, {43364, 43777}, {43365, 43778}, {43415, 43507}, {43467, 43636}, {43468, 43637}, {43469, 43641}, {43470, 43642}, {43471, 43490}, {43472, 43489}, {43473, 43494}, {43474, 43493}, {43479, 43502}, {43480, 43501}, {43511, 43521}, {43515, 43525}, {43516, 43526}, {43536, 43561}, {43575, 45731}, {43592, 44801}, {43699, 44731}, {44202, 44564}, {44469, 45034}, {44666, 45879}, {44667, 45880}, {45811, 45821}, {46633, 46977}, {46634, 46979}, {46980, 46988}, {46982, 46986}
X(381) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 4}, {3, 3830}, {5, 3845}, {13, 41042}, {14, 41043}, {20, 15682}, {51, 15030}, {114, 9880}, {140, 12101}, {147, 12243}, {154, 18405}, {265, 5655}, {355, 3656}, {376, 3543}, {382, 3534}, {428, 34664}, {546, 5066}, {547, 14893}, {549, 15687}, {550, 33699}, {551, 34648}, {568, 18435}, {598, 10033}, {671, 6054}, {1352, 20423}, {1513, 8352}, {1531, 32225}, {1551, 36196}, {1699, 5587}, {1992, 11180}, {3058, 34746}, {3060, 11459}, {3091, 41099}, {3146, 11001}, {3241, 34627}, {3426, 44750}, {3529, 15640}, {3545, 3839}, {3627, 8703}, {3654, 12699}, {3679, 31162}, {3818, 5476}, {3832, 41106}, {3843, 19709}, {3850, 3860}, {3853, 12100}, {3861, 10109}, {4301, 4669}, {4421, 34706}, {4677, 7982}, {5054, 38335}, {5055, 14269}, {5073, 15685}, {5076, 15693}, {5434, 34697}, {5562, 21969}, {5613, 25164}, {5617, 25154}, {5640, 16261}, {5656, 32064}, {5657, 9812}, {5890, 15305}, {5907, 21849}, {5913, 38951}, {5943, 46847}, {6033, 11632}, {6235, 6324}, {6248, 44422}, {6278, 22485}, {6281, 22484}, {6321, 8724}, {6785, 6787}, {7620, 9770}, {7710, 46034}, {7728, 20126}, {7775, 18546}, {7811, 34733}, {8597, 11676}, {9140, 10706}, {9144, 11005}, {9730, 16194}, {9760, 22575}, {9762, 22576}, {9766, 34505}, {9909, 34725}, {10127, 44804}, {10201, 18568}, {10707, 10711}, {10708, 10710}, {10709, 10716}, {10719, 10720}, {10723, 12117}, {10752, 13169}, {10753, 11161}, {11194, 34739}, {11235, 11236}, {11305, 41028}, {11306, 41029}, {11317, 13860}, {11455, 15072}, {11477, 15533}, {11812, 12102}, {12150, 34681}, {12355, 13188}, {14093, 35434}, {14163, 14214}, {14164, 14215}, {14892, 41987}, {15069, 15534}, {15679, 21669}, {15681, 15684}, {15686, 35404}, {15694, 35403}, {15718, 35401}, {16200, 37712}, {17578, 19708}, {18323, 44265}, {18377, 44278}, {18492, 30308}, {18552, 42853}, {18572, 44266}, {22491, 22492}, {23046, 38071}, {25175, 25223}, {25180, 25224}, {31145, 34631}, {31693, 41016}, {31694, 41017}, {31862, 31863}, {34621, 44442}, {36437, 36455}, {36490, 36730}, {36523, 38745}, {36551, 36729}, {36718, 36734}, {36719, 36733}, {36720, 36732}, {36721, 36731}, {36722, 36728}, {36723, 36726}, {36724, 36725}, {36990, 43273}, {38724, 38789}, {38732, 38743}, {41096, 41123}, {44262, 44288}, {44263, 44287}, {46977, 46985}, {46979, 46983}, {46980, 46988}, {46982, 46986}
X(381) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 5}, {3, 2}, {4, 3845}, {5, 5066}, {6, 5476}, {20, 8703}, {21, 44257}, {22, 44262}, {23, 44266}, {24, 44270}, {25, 44275}, {26, 44278}, {52, 21849}, {140, 10109}, {165, 11231}, {186, 44282}, {376, 549}, {378, 44287}, {382, 3830}, {383, 44289}, {399, 5655}, {546, 3860}, {547, 11737}, {548, 11812}, {549, 547}, {550, 12100}, {568, 51}, {599, 11178}, {1113, 13626}, {1114, 13627}, {1116, 39494}, {1351, 20423}, {1482, 3656}, {1656, 19709}, {1657, 3534}, {1853, 23325}, {1995, 39487}, {2979, 15067}, {3095, 44422}, {3146, 33699}, {3167, 5654}, {3522, 15713}, {3524, 15699}, {3529, 19710}, {3534, 3}, {3543, 15687}, {3545, 38071}, {3576, 11230}, {3581, 32225}, {3627, 12101}, {3654, 10}, {3655, 551}, {3656, 946}, {3830, 4}, {3839, 23046}, {3843, 41099}, {3845, 546}, {3851, 41106}, {3860, 3856}, {3917, 10170}, {4930, 34647}, {5050, 14561}, {5054, 5055}, {5055, 3545}, {5066, 3850}, {5068, 41990}, {5073, 15682}, {5077, 37242}, {5085, 38317}, {5093, 14853}, {5094, 39484}, {5476, 19130}, {5587, 38140}, {5603, 38034}, {5655, 113}, {5657, 38042}, {5731, 38028}, {5790, 5587}, {5817, 38139}, {5858, 34508}, {5859, 34509}, {5886, 3817}, {5890, 5946}, {5946, 13364}, {6054, 22566}, {6055, 5461}, {6243, 21969}, {6321, 9880}, {7540, 428}, {7576, 13490}, {7610, 7617}, {7615, 20112}, {7618, 9771}, {7967, 10283}, {8182, 15597}, {8371, 39492}, {8598, 37459}, {8703, 140}, {8724, 114}, {9730, 5943}, {9766, 7775}, {9979, 44204}, {10031, 19907}, {10032, 19919}, {10109, 12811}, {10164, 10172}, {10165, 10171}, {10168, 25565}, {10246, 5886}, {10247, 5603}, {10295, 18579}, {10304, 11539}, {10606, 23329}, {10620, 20126}, {10992, 36521}, {11001, 550}, {11057, 34510}, {11159, 35930}, {11165, 11184}, {11178, 25561}, {11179, 597}, {11184, 8176}, {11362, 4745}, {11459, 15060}, {11632, 115}, {11812, 35018}, {11911, 11897}, {12100, 3628}, {12101, 3861}, {12103, 15759}, {12117, 33813}, {12188, 11632}, {12355, 6321}, {12702, 3654}, {13102, 25164}, {13103, 25154}, {13188, 8724}, {13340, 3917}, {14070, 10201}, {14093, 15694}, {14269, 3839}, {14643, 36518}, {14651, 38229}, {14666, 9172}, {14830, 6055}, {14848, 38072}, {14853, 38136}, {14855, 16836}, {14995, 14356}, {15041, 15061}, {15055, 34128}, {15061, 23515}, {15533, 34507}, {15534, 576}, {15561, 36519}, {15678, 31649}, {15681, 376}, {15682, 3627}, {15683, 15686}, {15684, 3543}, {15685, 20}, {15686, 34200}, {15687, 14893}, {15688, 5054}, {15689, 3524}, {15690, 3530}, {15691, 14891}, {15693, 1656}, {15694, 5071}, {15695, 631}, {15696, 15693}, {15697, 15712}, {15699, 14892}, {15700, 15703}, {15701, 3090}, {15704, 15690}, {15713, 12812}, {15716, 5070}, {15722, 7486}, {15759, 16239}, {15980, 37350}, {16194, 46847}, {16220, 10278}, {16836, 6688}, {17525, 16617}, {17538, 15711}, {17800, 11001}, {17813, 23048}, {18332, 5465}, {18405, 18376}, {18435, 15030}, {18493, 30308}, {18559, 38322}, {18575, 39486}, {19140, 25566}, {19706, 6918}, {19708, 632}, {19709, 3091}, {19710, 548}, {20126, 125}, {20128, 1651}, {20423, 5480}, {21151, 38171}, {21153, 38318}, {21154, 38319}, {21733, 11182}, {21849, 10110}, {21969, 5446}, {23039, 5891}, {25154, 5478}, {25164, 5479}, {25406, 38110}, {26446, 10175}, {27088, 10011}, {28460, 15670}, {30232, 14215}, {30233, 14214}, {31961, 31840}, {32447, 262}, {32519, 32447}, {32609, 14643}, {33699, 3853}, {33923, 11540}, {34153, 11694}, {34200, 10124}, {34473, 34127}, {34505, 18546}, {34682, 12150}, {34698, 5434}, {34707, 4421}, {34718, 3679}, {34726, 9909}, {34734, 7811}, {34740, 11194}, {34745, 3058}, {34748, 3241}, {34810, 14995}, {35434, 35403}, {35489, 16532}, {35752, 16001}, {35932, 44223}, {36330, 16002}, {36448, 42281}, {36466, 42280}, {36490, 36722}, {36521, 20399}, {36718, 36719}, {36720, 36490}, {36721, 36551}, {36723, 36724}, {36726, 36725}, {36729, 36727}, {36730, 36728}, {36731, 36729}, {36732, 36730}, {36734, 36733}, {37348, 3363}, {37477, 13857}, {37922, 37943}, {37956, 46451}, {38107, 38150}, {38224, 23514}, {38335, 14269}, {38693, 34126}, {38723, 38793}, {38724, 14644}, {38731, 38748}, {38732, 14639}, {38742, 38737}, {38754, 21154}, {38788, 38727}, {40280, 373}, {40727, 7615}, {41042, 22796}, {41043, 22797}, {41099, 3858}, {41106, 3857}, {41984, 41986}, {42278, 36466}, {42279, 36448}, {42733, 39491}, {42830, 18552}, {43273, 182}, {44202, 44564}, {44245, 44580}, {44255, 6675}, {44257, 46028}, {44261, 6676}, {44262, 46029}, {44265, 468}, {44266, 44961}, {44268, 16238}, {44270, 44235}, {44273, 6677}, {44275, 46030}, {44278, 13406}, {44280, 44452}, {44282, 46031}, {44284, 8728}, {44287, 39504}, {44750, 4846}, {44903, 15691}, {45700, 3829}, {46633, 46977}, {46634, 46983}
X(381) = isogonal conjugate of X(3431)
X(381) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(34417)
X(381) = complement of X(376)
X(381) = anticomplement of X(549)
X(381) = center of the orthocentroidal circle
X(381) = centroid of the Euler triangle
X(381) = center of equilateral triangle X(4)PU(5)
X(381) = center of the Vu pedal-centroidal circle of X(382)
X(381) = circumcircle-inverse of X(7575)
X(381) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(11799)
X(381) = polar-circle-inverse of X(10295)
X(381) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(7426)
X(381) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of X(37901)
X(381) = Stammler-circle-inverse of X(37924)
X(381) = Hutson-Parry-circle-inverse of X(9169)
X(381) = circle-O(PU(5))-inverse of X(4)k
X(381) = Kiepert-hyperbola-inverse of X(6)
X(381) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(526)X(647)
X(381) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(37638)
X(381) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(5158)
X(381) = Thomson isogonal conjugate of X(7712)
X(381) = orthic isogonal conjugate of X(40909)
X(381) = psi-transform of X(9140)
X(381) = X(14483)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(8)
X(381) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3426, 10}, {9064, 8062}, {36889, 2887}
X(381) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 40909}, {1302, 523}, {4993, 5158}, {7578, 6}, {44135, 37638}, {46808, 18487}
X(381) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {5158, 37638}, {18487, 46808}
X(381) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3431}, {48, 43530}, {255, 16263}, {2159, 46809}, {6149, 18316}
X(381) = cevapoint of X(5158) and X(34417)
X(381) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 36889}, {264, 34289}
X(381) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 26864}, {184, 5063}, {1511, 10564}
X(381) = trilinear pole of line {18487, 32225}
X(381) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {526, 647}
X(381) = X(8)-beth conjugate of X(3654)
X(381) = X(2)-daleth conjugate of X(44216)
X(381) = X(1)-zayin conjugate of X(3431)
X(381) = pole of the line X(2)X(6) wrt the circle {X(2),X(13),X(14),X(111),X(476)}}
X(381) = pole of the Napoleon axis wrt the Lester circle
X(381) = X(3)-of-4th-Brocard-triangle
X(381) = X(3)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(381) = center of conic that is the locus of orthopoles of lines passing through X(2)
X(381) = harmonic center of circumcircle and nine-point circle
X(381) = centroid of antipedal triangle of X(2) wrt medial triangle
X(381) = homothetic center of orthic triangle and 2nd isogonal triangle of X(4); see X(36)
X(381) = pole of line X(2)X(6) wrt Hutson-Parry circle
X(381) = Artzt-to-McCay similarity image of X(98)
X(381) = intersection of Fermat axes of ABC and Artzt triangle
X(381) = centroid of maltitude quadrangle of quadrangle ABCX(2)
X(381) = homothetic center of X(5)-altimedial and X(4)-anti-altimedial triangles
X(381) = X(3576)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(381) = trisector nearest X(5) of segment X(4)X(5)
X(381) = {X(3),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(382)
X(381) = {X(2043),X(2044)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5)
X(381) = homothetic center of ABC and Ehrmann mid-triangle
X(381) = homothetic center of Ehrmann vertex-triangle and tangential triangle
X(381) = homothetic center of Ehrmann side-triangle and orthic triangle
X(381) = Johnson-to-Ehrmann-mid similarity image of X(2)
X(381) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 37638}, {5, 4993}, {6, 44135}, {30, 46808}, {76, 34417}, {92, 18477}, {94, 3581}, {264, 5158}, {671, 32225}, {1494, 18487}, {1502, 34416}, {1531, 16080}, {2349, 18486}, {2996, 21970}, {4550, 34289}, {14165, 18478}, {14314, 46456}
X(381) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 43530}, {6, 3431}, {30, 46809}, {393, 16263}, {1531, 11064}, {1989, 18316}, {3581, 323}, {4550, 15066}, {4993, 95}, {5158, 3}, {8749, 22455}, {14314, 8552}, {14533, 46091}, {15362, 44555}, {18477, 63}, {18485, 18487}, {18486, 14206}, {18487, 30}, {21970, 193}, {32225, 524}, {34416, 32}, {34417, 6}, {37638, 69}, {40909, 37645}, {44135, 76}, {46808, 1494}
X(381) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 9955, 18493}, {1, 10895, 9654}, {1, 10896, 9669}, {1, 18480, 18525}, {1, 18492, 18480}, {1, 18525, 18526}, {1, 18527, 18530}, {1, 18529, 18528}, {1, 18542, 18545}, {1, 18544, 18543}, {1, 30308, 38021}, {1, 45630, 18544}, {1, 45631, 18542}, {2, 3, 5054}, {2, 5, 5055}, {2, 20, 3524}, {2, 376, 549}, {2, 382, 15688}, {2, 384, 33220}, {2, 428, 9909}, {2, 452, 17561}, {2, 546, 14269}, {2, 547, 15703}, {2, 549, 15694}, {2, 550, 15707}, {2, 631, 11539}, {2, 858, 32216}, {2, 1003, 11288}, {2, 1370, 43957}, {2, 1513, 40248}, {2, 1657, 15706}, {2, 3090, 15699}, {2, 3091, 3545}, {2, 3146, 10304}, {2, 3522, 15708}, {2, 3523, 15709}, {2, 3524, 140}, {2, 3529, 17504}, {2, 3534, 15693}, {2, 3543, 376}, {2, 3545, 5}, {2, 3627, 15689}, {2, 3830, 3534}, {2, 3832, 3839}, {2, 3839, 4}, {2, 3843, 38335}, {2, 3845, 3830}, {2, 3855, 38071}, {2, 5025, 33219}, {2, 5054, 3526}, {2, 5055, 1656}, {2, 5059, 15705}, {2, 5064, 34609}, {2, 5066, 19709}, {2, 5071, 547}, {2, 6175, 44217}, {2, 6756, 10245}, {2, 7576, 14070}, {2, 7714, 10154}, {2, 7841, 11287}, {2, 8352, 5077}, {2, 8370, 11286}, {2, 8597, 35955}, {2, 8703, 15701}, {2, 10304, 631}, {2, 11001, 12100}, {2, 11112, 16417}, {2, 11113, 16418}, {2, 11114, 16370}, {2, 11286, 33237}, {2, 11299, 11301}, {2, 11300, 11302}, {2, 11303, 11298}, {2, 11304, 11297}, {2, 11317, 11159}, {2, 11318, 33240}, {2, 11361, 1003}, {2, 11539, 46219}, {2, 12101, 15685}, {2, 14002, 37907}, {2, 14033, 8369}, {2, 14035, 33255}, {2, 14036, 8366}, {2, 14039, 8368}, {2, 14041, 7841}, {2, 14063, 33251}, {2, 14068, 33187}, {2, 14269, 382}, {2, 14893, 15684}, {2, 15640, 19708}, {2, 15681, 15700}, {2, 15682, 8703}, {2, 15683, 15692}, {2, 15684, 14093}, {2, 15685, 15716}, {2, 15686, 15718}, {2, 15687, 15681}, {2, 15688, 15720}, {2, 15690, 15722}, {2, 15692, 15702}, {2, 15694, 15723}, {2, 15697, 15719}, {2, 15698, 15713}, {2, 15699, 5070}, {2, 15702, 10124}, {2, 15705, 10303}, {2, 15708, 3525}, {2, 15709, 632}, {2, 15710, 14869}, {2, 16041, 33184}, {2, 16865, 15671}, {2, 17532, 17528}, {2, 17538, 41983}, {2, 17561, 6675}, {2, 17577, 17532}, {2, 17579, 16371}, {2, 17677, 11359}, {2, 18559, 18324}, {2, 18566, 18561}, {2, 18568, 18564}, {2, 19686, 33246}, {2, 19708, 11812}, {2, 23046, 3843}, {2, 24608, 1375}, {2, 26122, 25518}, {2, 26255, 468}, {2, 26786, 27055}, {2, 26833, 26994}, {2, 30775, 5159}, {2, 30922, 46531}, {2, 30976, 37370}, {2, 31048, 857}, {2, 31105, 858}, {2, 31133, 31152}, {2, 31156, 15670}, {2, 31789, 28451}, {2, 32986, 8359}, {2, 32996, 33278}, {2, 33006, 33228}, {2, 33007, 35297}, {2, 33013, 44543}, {2, 33016, 8370}, {2, 33017, 8356}, {2, 33187, 16925}, {2, 33192, 33008}, {2, 33219, 7866}, {2, 33220, 32954}, {2, 33228, 11318}, {2, 33251, 6656}, {2, 33255, 7807}, {2, 33264, 33273}, {2, 33265, 33274}, {2, 33272, 33215}, {2, 33278, 7791}, {2, 33285, 8360}, {2, 33699, 15695}, {2, 33703, 45759}, {2, 34938, 43934}, {2, 35927, 33216}, {2, 36436, 36457}, {2, 36439, 36456}, {2, 36445, 18585}, {2, 36454, 36439}, {2, 36457, 36438}, {2, 36463, 15765}, {2, 37038, 19279}, {2, 37077, 378}, {2, 37150, 19277}, {2, 37170, 37352}, {2, 37171, 37351}, {2, 37375, 17556}, {2, 38071, 3851}, {2, 38320, 3515}, {2, 38322, 37922}, {2, 38335, 1657}, {2, 41099, 3845}, {2, 41106, 5066}, {2, 43957, 16419}, {2, 44442, 10691}, {2, 44462, 46825}, {2, 44466, 46824}, {2, 44579, 11331}, {2, 46333, 15712}, {2, 46451, 7552}, {2, 46856, 36186}, {2, 46857, 36185}, {2, 46868, 44889}, {2, 46869, 44891}, {3, 4, 382}, {3, 5, 1656}, {3, 25, 2070}, {3, 376, 14093}, {3, 382, 1657}, {3, 547, 15723}, {3, 549, 15700}, {3, 1598, 7517}, {3, 1656, 3526}, {3, 1657, 15696}, {3, 2072, 30771}, {3, 3091, 5072}, {3, 3516, 35498}, {3, 3520, 35496}, {3, 3524, 15716}, {3, 3526, 15720}, {3, 3534, 15688}, {3, 3843, 4}, {3, 3845, 38335}, {3, 3851, 5}, {3, 5054, 15693}, {3, 5055, 2}, {3, 5070, 140}, {3, 5072, 5079}, {3, 5073, 20}, {3, 5899, 22}, {3, 6642, 43809}, {3, 6913, 7489}, {3, 6918, 45976}, {3, 7387, 13564}, {3, 7506, 45735}, {3, 7517, 2937}, {3, 7529, 7506}, {3, 7540, 34726}, {3, 7579, 5094}, {3, 13621, 24}, {3, 14269, 3830}, {3, 14893, 35434}, {3, 15681, 376}, {3, 15684, 15681}, {3, 15685, 15689}, {3, 15689, 8703}, {3, 15693, 15706}, {3, 15694, 549}, {3, 15695, 10304}, {3, 15701, 3524}, {3, 15703, 15694}, {3, 15707, 12100}, {3, 15718, 15692}, {3, 16418, 28443}, {3, 17800, 550}, {3, 18378, 26}, {3, 18531, 18536}, {3, 18534, 12083}, {3, 18535, 18534}, {3, 19709, 5055}, {3, 28453, 16370}, {3, 35400, 15686}, {3, 35401, 35400}, {3, 35403, 15684}, {3, 37234, 13743}, {3, 37411, 16117}, {3, 37922, 18324}, {3, 44457, 35243}, {3, 46219, 631}, {4, 5, 3}, {4, 20, 3627}, {4, 24, 12173}, {4, 25, 18494}, {4, 140, 5073}, {4, 186, 35480}, {4, 235, 1598}, {4, 376, 3543}, {4, 378, 44438}, {4, 382, 5076}, {4, 403, 25}, {4, 427, 1597}, {4, 442, 37411}, {4, 546, 3843}, {4, 547, 15681}, {4, 549, 15684}, {4, 631, 3146}, {4, 1346, 1344}, {4, 1347, 1345}, {4, 1532, 19541}, {4, 1594, 1593}, {4, 1596, 18535}, {4, 1656, 1657}, {4, 2043, 18587}, {4, 2044, 18586}, {4, 2476, 6985}, {4, 3088, 13488}, {4, 3089, 6756}, {4, 3090, 20}, {4, 3091, 5}, {4, 3146, 3853}, {4, 3153, 44288}, {4, 3520, 35490}, {4, 3524, 15682}, {4, 3525, 33703}, {4, 3529, 17578}, {4, 3541, 1885}, {4, 3542, 3575}, {4, 3543, 15687}, {4, 3544, 631}, {4, 3545, 2}, {4, 3547, 7553}, {4, 3628, 17800}, {4, 3830, 38335}, {4, 3832, 546}, {4, 3839, 3845}, {4, 3845, 14269}, {4, 3850, 3851}, {4, 3851, 1656}, {4, 3854, 3850}, {4, 3855, 3091}, {4, 5055, 3534}, {4, 5056, 550}, {4, 5066, 5055}, {4, 5067, 3529}, {4, 5068, 140}, {4, 5071, 376}, {4, 5072, 3526}, {4, 5079, 15696}, {4, 5084, 6851}, {4, 5133, 9818}, {4, 5169, 31861}, {4, 5187, 37356}, {4, 6622, 7487}, {4, 6623, 1596}, {4, 6804, 34938}, {4, 6816, 14790}, {4, 6824, 7491}, {4, 6826, 6923}, {4, 6828, 3560}, {4, 6829, 7580}, {4, 6830, 1012}, {4, 6834, 37468}, {4, 6835, 6917}, {4, 6837, 37290}, {4, 6841, 37234}, {4, 6843, 6907}, {4, 6844, 8727}, {4, 6846, 31789}, {4, 6848, 20420}, {4, 6849, 44229}, {4, 6854, 6925}, {4, 6855, 6868}, {4, 6856, 6869}, {4, 6864, 6850}, {4, 6866, 6841}, {4, 6867, 6842}, {4, 6871, 37406}, {4, 6873, 21}, {4, 6874, 411}, {4, 6879, 6938}, {4, 6893, 6928}, {4, 6896, 377}, {4, 6898, 6836}, {4, 6900, 2475}, {4, 6901, 37437}, {4, 6902, 6895}, {4, 6903, 37433}, {4, 6939, 6827}, {4, 6941, 3149}, {4, 6945, 6911}, {4, 6947, 10431}, {4, 6957, 6929}, {4, 6964, 31775}, {4, 6965, 6840}, {4, 6968, 1532}, {4, 6973, 6882}, {4, 6975, 37022}, {4, 6990, 405}, {4, 6997, 18420}, {4, 7384, 36663}, {4, 7385, 36685}, {4, 7394, 11818}, {4, 7399, 39568}, {4, 7404, 12605}, {4, 7486, 15704}, {4, 7505, 6240}, {4, 7547, 7507}, {4, 7577, 378}, {4, 8226, 6913}, {4, 10024, 7517}, {4, 10109, 15689}, {4, 10124, 35400}, {4, 10254, 2070}, {4, 10304, 33699}, {4, 11737, 15694}, {4, 12811, 5070}, {4, 13160, 7387}, {4, 13406, 18378}, {4, 13862, 35930}, {4, 14018, 46467}, {4, 14788, 11414}, {4, 14789, 12082}, {4, 14892, 15701}, {4, 14940, 34797}, {4, 15022, 548}, {4, 15559, 11403}, {4, 15681, 35434}, {4, 15687, 35403}, {4, 15692, 35404}, {4, 15699, 15685}, {4, 15709, 15640}, {4, 15760, 18534}, {4, 16044, 40279}, {4, 16072, 34609}, {4, 16868, 24}, {4, 17578, 12102}, {4, 18404, 31724}, {4, 18531, 31723}, {4, 18537, 18531}, {4, 19709, 5054}, {4, 21451, 45971}, {4, 34007, 44279}, {4, 34664, 34725}, {4, 34939, 37198}, {4, 35404, 35401}, {4, 35487, 3515}, {4, 35488, 37197}, {4, 36436, 36455}, {4, 36454, 36437}, {4, 36473, 6996}, {4, 36526, 36716}, {4, 36651, 13727}, {4, 36653, 36489}, {4, 36655, 36712}, {4, 36656, 36711}, {4, 36659, 36707}, {4, 36660, 36674}, {4, 36662, 36474}, {4, 36665, 21737}, {4, 36666, 36701}, {4, 36667, 36703}, {4, 36677, 6998}, {4, 37119, 18560}, {4, 37347, 12083}, {4, 37353, 7514}, {4, 37372, 7497}, {4, 37943, 18559}, {4, 37988, 32444}, {4, 37990, 35243}, {4, 38071, 19709}, {4, 41099, 3839}, {4, 41106, 3545}, {4, 44229, 37230}, {4, 44235, 13621}, {4, 44440, 44276}, {4, 44958, 10594}, {4, 46029, 5899}, {5, 20, 5070}, {5, 140, 3090}, {5, 235, 10024}, {5, 376, 15703}, {5, 382, 3526}, {5, 403, 10254}, {5, 427, 2072}, {5, 546, 4}, {5, 547, 5071}, {5, 548, 5067}, {5, 549, 547}, {5, 550, 3628}, {5, 632, 35018}, {5, 1532, 6980}, {5, 1594, 10255}, {5, 1595, 11585}, {5, 1596, 15760}, {5, 1597, 30771}, {5, 1656, 5079}, {5, 1885, 6640}, {5, 1907, 37452}, {5, 3091, 3851}, {5, 3146, 46219}, {5, 3530, 7486}, {5, 3543, 15694}, {5, 3545, 19709}, {5, 3575, 6639}, {5, 3627, 140}, {5, 3628, 5056}, {5, 3830, 5054}, {5, 3832, 3843}, {5, 3839, 3830}, {5, 3843, 382}, {5, 3850, 3091}, {5, 3851, 5072}, {5, 3853, 631}, {5, 3856, 3832}, {5, 3857, 3850}, {5, 3858, 546}, {5, 3859, 3855}, {5, 3860, 3839}, {5, 3861, 20}, {5, 5066, 3545}, {5, 5076, 15720}, {5, 5169, 7579}, {5, 6756, 3549}, {5, 6823, 7405}, {5, 6831, 6971}, {5, 6851, 16853}, {5, 6907, 6881}, {5, 6917, 6918}, {5, 6929, 6913}, {5, 7401, 11484}, {5, 7403, 5576}, {5, 7514, 7539}, {5, 7528, 7529}, {5, 7564, 7507}, {5, 8703, 15699}, {5, 8727, 6882}, {5, 11563, 46029}, {5, 11818, 25}, {5, 12101, 3524}, {5, 12102, 3523}, {5, 12362, 14786}, {5, 12811, 5068}, {5, 13163, 21451}, {5, 13488, 3548}, {5, 13490, 10201}, {5, 14269, 3534}, {5, 14893, 376}, {5, 15684, 15723}, {5, 15687, 549}, {5, 15699, 10109}, {5, 15760, 37347}, {5, 15761, 13160}, {5, 15765, 18586}, {5, 16198, 6643}, {5, 18377, 7503}, {5, 18420, 5020}, {5, 18567, 14118}, {5, 18569, 7395}, {5, 18585, 18587}, {5, 20420, 6863}, {5, 23046, 3845}, {5, 23047, 18404}, {5, 31724, 34864}, {5, 31789, 6861}, {5, 31830, 7505}, {5, 31861, 5094}, {5, 33332, 10224}, {5, 33699, 11539}, {5, 33923, 46936}, {5, 34664, 14787}, {5, 35018, 15022}, {5, 35403, 15700}, {5, 35404, 10124}, {5, 35738, 2046}, {5, 35930, 37071}, {5, 36437, 36456}, {5, 36455, 36438}, {5, 36654, 36530}, {5, 36716, 36527}, {5, 37230, 37251}, {5, 37281, 6944}, {5, 37290, 6862}, {5, 37349, 5899}, {5, 37356, 4187}, {5, 37406, 442}, {5, 38071, 5066}, {5, 38335, 15693}, {5, 39504, 7577}, {5, 40250, 13860}, {5, 40277, 11317}, {5, 40279, 7770}, {5, 41099, 14269}, {5, 41987, 15682}, {5, 41991, 3858}, {5, 44235, 16868}, {5, 44245, 46935}, {5, 44263, 6644}, {5, 44279, 17928}, {5, 44288, 7514}, {5, 44804, 44441}, {5, 44920, 18537}, {5, 45971, 14940}, {5, 46028, 6873}, {5, 46030, 403}, {6, 13, 42974}, {6, 14, 42975}, {6, 3818, 18440}, {6, 5475, 15484}, {6, 5476, 14848}, {6, 6564, 13665}, {6, 6565, 13785}, {6, 13665, 18512}, {6, 13785, 18510}, {6, 15928, 34810}, {6, 16808, 42128}, {6, 16809, 42125}, {6, 18440, 39899}, {6, 18445, 15087}, {6, 18451, 18445}, {6, 18509, 26336}, {6, 18511, 26346}, {6, 38072, 5476}, {6, 42125, 42816}, {6, 42128, 42815}, {6, 45438, 45375}, {6, 45439, 45376}, {8, 22791, 8148}, {9, 18482, 31671}, {10, 3654, 38066}, {10, 12699, 12702}, {10, 18483, 12699}, {11, 1478, 999}, {11, 5434, 10072}, {11, 10742, 12773}, {11, 18516, 18519}, {12, 1479, 3295}, {12, 3058, 10056}, {12, 18517, 18518}, {13, 14, 6}, {13, 16809, 14}, {13, 42974, 42815}, {14, 16808, 13}, {14, 42975, 42816}, {15, 36970, 42154}, {15, 37832, 16644}, {15, 42093, 42126}, {15, 42098, 42132}, {15, 42919, 42098}, {16, 36969, 42155}, {16, 37835, 16645}, {16, 42094, 42127}, {16, 42095, 42129}, {16, 42918, 42095}, {17, 16964, 22236}, {17, 41101, 16962}, {18, 16965, 22238}, {18, 41100, 16963}, {20, 140, 3}, {20, 376, 15691}, {20, 3090, 140}, {20, 3091, 5068}, {20, 3524, 8703}, {20, 3545, 10109}, {20, 3627, 5073}, {20, 5068, 3090}, {20, 8703, 15689}, {20, 15689, 3534}, {20, 15699, 15701}, {20, 15716, 15688}, {20, 21735, 44245}, {20, 41099, 41987}, {20, 44903, 15681}, {20, 45762, 35403}, {22, 7514, 3}, {22, 7530, 5899}, {22, 37353, 7539}, {23, 35921, 7502}, {24, 7526, 3}, {24, 13861, 13621}, {24, 18324, 37922}, {25, 9818, 3}, {25, 18386, 4}, {25, 18403, 382}, {25, 37954, 24}, {26, 7503, 3}, {26, 10594, 18378}, {32, 18500, 18503}, {32, 18502, 18501}, {32, 39565, 13881}, {33, 18455, 9642}, {33, 37697, 18455}, {34, 37696, 18447}, {35, 18514, 12953}, {36, 18513, 12943}, {39, 39563, 11648}, {40, 7989, 9956}, {51, 568, 13321}, {52, 5907, 18436}, {54, 156, 9704}, {54, 43865, 43835}, {55, 3583, 9668}, {55, 7951, 31479}, {55, 18407, 18499}, {55, 18491, 18524}, {56, 3585, 9655}, {56, 18761, 26321}, {61, 41121, 16267}, {61, 42156, 42988}, {61, 42814, 5339}, {61, 42972, 41108}, {62, 41122, 16268}, {62, 42153, 42989}, {62, 42813, 5340}, {62, 42973, 41107}, {65, 31937, 40266}, {68, 22660, 12164}, {68, 45089, 37493}, {69, 21850, 44456}, {74, 1539, 38790}, {76, 7773, 7776}, {76, 7809, 7788}, {80, 18393, 2099}, {98, 10796, 11842}, {98, 22505, 38744}, {99, 22515, 38733}, {104, 22799, 38756}, {110, 10113, 12902}, {111, 6032, 9745}, {113, 265, 399}, {113, 7687, 265}, {113, 18390, 18445}, {113, 18474, 18451}, {114, 6321, 13188}, {115, 5475, 6}, {115, 6033, 12188}, {115, 7753, 5309}, {115, 43457, 5475}, {116, 10741, 38574}, {117, 10747, 38579}, {118, 10739, 38572}, {119, 10738, 12331}, {119, 26333, 10679}, {120, 15521, 38589}, {121, 15522, 38590}, {122, 22337, 38591}, {123, 33566, 38592}, {124, 10740, 38573}, {125, 7728, 10620}, {125, 46686, 7728}, {126, 22338, 38593}, {127, 12918, 13115}, {132, 10749, 13310}, {133, 10745, 38577}, {137, 31656, 38587}, {140, 546, 3861}, {140, 549, 15721}, {140, 3090, 5070}, {140, 3524, 15701}, {140, 3627, 20}, {140, 3861, 3627}, {140, 5066, 14892}, {140, 8703, 3524}, {140, 10109, 15699}, {140, 12811, 5}, {140, 14891, 549}, {140, 14892, 10109}, {140, 15682, 15689}, {140, 15689, 15716}, {140, 15691, 14891}, {140, 15699, 2}, {140, 15701, 5054}, {140, 41987, 12101}, {140, 41990, 3545}, {140, 44245, 44682}, {141, 31670, 33878}, {143, 5876, 5889}, {143, 45958, 5876}, {146, 15081, 10264}, {147, 41135, 12243}, {148, 7777, 31859}, {155, 9927, 12429}, {155, 10982, 36749}, {155, 36749, 195}, {184, 13851, 18396}, {184, 46261, 10540}, {185, 5462, 37481}, {186, 7527, 18570}, {186, 13595, 12106}, {186, 18570, 3}, {186, 35480, 37196}, {226, 5722, 15934}, {230, 7737, 1384}, {235, 18404, 7517}, {235, 23047, 4}, {237, 35934, 3}, {262, 6054, 11163}, {265, 18388, 15087}, {355, 946, 1482}, {355, 1482, 12645}, {355, 10893, 11928}, {355, 10894, 11929}, {371, 8976, 13903}, {371, 35787, 23261}, {371, 42265, 8976}, {371, 45543, 45378}, {372, 13951, 13961}, {372, 35786, 23251}, {372, 42262, 13951}, {372, 45542, 45377}, {376, 547, 15694}, {376, 549, 3}, {376, 631, 15715}, {376, 3091, 11737}, {376, 3545, 5071}, {376, 3839, 14893}, {376, 3845, 35403}, {376, 5055, 15723}, {376, 5071, 2}, {376, 7426, 14070}, {376, 10124, 15718}, {376, 11737, 5055}, {376, 14093, 15688}, {376, 14893, 3830}, {376, 15681, 3534}, {376, 15683, 15686}, {376, 15687, 15684}, {376, 15691, 15689}, {376, 15692, 34200}, {376, 15694, 15700}, {376, 15702, 15692}, {376, 15703, 5054}, {376, 15715, 10304}, {376, 15721, 14891}, {376, 15723, 15693}, {376, 31180, 31152}, {376, 35403, 382}, {377, 4187, 16408}, {377, 5187, 4187}, {377, 37356, 3}, {378, 1995, 6644}, {378, 6644, 3}, {378, 7577, 5094}, {379, 30808, 31184}, {379, 31014, 30808}, {382, 1656, 3}, {382, 3526, 15696}, {382, 3851, 5079}, {382, 5054, 3534}, {382, 5055, 15693}, {382, 5072, 1656}, {382, 5079, 15720}, {382, 15700, 15681}, {382, 15723, 376}, {382, 30771, 18859}, {382, 35382, 15702}, {382, 35403, 35402}, {382, 35434, 3543}, {382, 38335, 3830}, {383, 1080, 13860}, {384, 7887, 32954}, {384, 32954, 33242}, {384, 32966, 7887}, {388, 496, 7373}, {388, 10591, 496}, {389, 12162, 34783}, {389, 44870, 12162}, {395, 5318, 10653}, {395, 10653, 11486}, {396, 5321, 10654}, {396, 10654, 11485}, {397, 42163, 40694}, {398, 42166, 40693}, {399, 15038, 15087}, {399, 15087, 18445}, {402, 18507, 18508}, {403, 5133, 5}, {403, 18386, 18494}, {403, 18403, 2070}, {403, 23323, 18403}, {405, 6985, 3}, {411, 16858, 21161}, {427, 5020, 30771}, {427, 6997, 5020}, {427, 10151, 4}, {427, 18420, 3}, {442, 2478, 11108}, {443, 6919, 17527}, {443, 17527, 16863}, {452, 6675, 16866}, {452, 6856, 6675}, {485, 3071, 3311}, {485, 42268, 3071}, {486, 3070, 3312}, {486, 42269, 3070}, {493, 18520, 45381}, {493, 45593, 18521}, {494, 18522, 45382}, {494, 45592, 18523}, {495, 497, 6767}, {497, 10590, 495}, {546, 547, 14893}, {546, 3091, 3}, {546, 3545, 3830}, {546, 3845, 3839}, {546, 3850, 5}, {546, 3851, 382}, {546, 3855, 3851}, {546, 3856, 3858}, {546, 3857, 3091}, {546, 3858, 3832}, {546, 3859, 3850}, {546, 3860, 23046}, {546, 5072, 5076}, {546, 5133, 18403}, {546, 11563, 37349}, {546, 11737, 15687}, {546, 12101, 41987}, {546, 12811, 3627}, {546, 14892, 12101}, {546, 15691, 45762}, {546, 19709, 38335}, {546, 23046, 41099}, {546, 25402, 33332}, {546, 38071, 2}, {546, 41106, 5055}, {546, 41990, 3524}, {546, 46030, 11818}, {547, 549, 2}, {547, 3543, 3}, {547, 3830, 14093}, {547, 3839, 35403}, {547, 3845, 3543}, {547, 5066, 11737}, {547, 5071, 5055}, {547, 11737, 5}, {547, 12101, 15691}, {547, 13490, 7426}, {547, 14093, 3526}, {547, 15681, 5054}, {547, 15684, 15700}, {547, 15686, 15702}, {547, 15687, 376}, {547, 15691, 140}, {547, 15703, 1656}, {547, 15715, 46219}, {547, 33699, 15715}, {547, 34200, 10124}, {547, 35403, 3534}, {547, 35404, 15692}, {547, 41988, 44903}, {547, 44903, 15721}, {548, 632, 3523}, {548, 3523, 3}, {548, 11812, 17504}, {548, 17504, 19708}, {548, 35018, 632}, {549, 550, 15714}, {549, 3543, 15681}, {549, 3627, 44903}, {549, 3845, 15687}, {549, 5071, 15703}, {549, 8703, 14891}, {549, 10124, 15702}, {549, 11737, 5071}, {549, 14269, 35434}, {549, 14891, 3524}, {549, 14893, 3543}, {549, 15681, 14093}, {549, 15684, 3534}, {549, 15686, 34200}, {549, 15692, 15718}, {549, 15694, 5054}, {549, 15700, 15693}, {549, 15703, 15723}, {549, 15714, 12100}, {549, 15721, 15701}, {549, 31181, 31152}, {549, 34200, 15692}, {549, 35404, 15686}, {549, 35434, 1657}, {549, 37901, 34006}, {549, 41988, 15682}, {549, 44211, 44214}, {549, 44212, 44211}, {549, 44903, 8703}, {550, 631, 3}, {550, 3146, 17800}, {550, 3628, 631}, {550, 3853, 3146}, {550, 5056, 46219}, {550, 10304, 15695}, {550, 11539, 12100}, {550, 12100, 10304}, {550, 17578, 35406}, {550, 35408, 15683}, {551, 3655, 10246}, {567, 10540, 184}, {567, 18430, 18396}, {574, 7603, 31489}, {576, 18553, 15069}, {578, 10539, 49}, {590, 6561, 6221}, {590, 42283, 6561}, {597, 11179, 5050}, {599, 10516, 11178}, {615, 6560, 6398}, {615, 42284, 6560}, {620, 39809, 38730}, {625, 3734, 7778}, {631, 3146, 550}, {631, 3544, 5056}, {631, 3628, 46219}, {631, 3853, 17800}, {631, 5056, 3628}, {631, 10304, 12100}, {631, 11001, 10304}, {631, 12100, 15707}, {632, 3529, 3}, {632, 11812, 15709}, {632, 12102, 3529}, {632, 15686, 45761}, {632, 17504, 11812}, {632, 19710, 17504}, {632, 35018, 5067}, {858, 18325, 35001}, {858, 44440, 21312}, {868, 1651, 44216}, {908, 3419, 3940}, {938, 5714, 6147}, {944, 5901, 37624}, {946, 19925, 355}, {958, 25639, 31493}, {962, 5818, 5690}, {999, 18519, 12773}, {1003, 11317, 11361}, {1003, 11361, 11159}, {1007, 32815, 6390}, {1012, 6911, 3}, {1113, 1114, 7575}, {1125, 31673, 18481}, {1147, 11424, 37472}, {1181, 36753, 43845}, {1209, 15800, 12307}, {1216, 45186, 37484}, {1312, 1313, 11799}, {1312, 10297, 10751}, {1312, 10750, 15154}, {1313, 10297, 10750}, {1313, 10751, 15155}, {1344, 1345, 3}, {1346, 1347, 5}, {1346, 2552, 1345}, {1347, 2553, 1344}, {1351, 1352, 11898}, {1352, 5480, 1351}, {1370, 37439, 16419}, {1478, 10072, 5434}, {1478, 18516, 10742}, {1479, 10056, 3058}, {1498, 18381, 34780}, {1506, 5013, 31467}, {1506, 7748, 5013}, {1513, 37242, 3}, {1514, 37648, 4846}, {1531, 34417, 40909}, {1532, 6929, 3}, {1532, 6957, 6913}, {1532, 8226, 5}, {1539, 20304, 74}, {1587, 7584, 6418}, {1587, 42561, 7584}, {1588, 7583, 6417}, {1588, 31412, 7583}, {1593, 6642, 3}, {1593, 38323, 34622}, {1594, 7544, 6642}, {1594, 38323, 18281}, {1595, 7401, 3}, {1595, 44226, 4}, {1596, 10297, 31723}, {1596, 15760, 11799}, {1596, 18531, 18534}, {1596, 18537, 3}, {1596, 37984, 6623}, {1596, 44920, 18531}, {1597, 5020, 3}, {1598, 11479, 3}, {1598, 18404, 382}, {1598, 34664, 34726}, {1598, 34725, 7540}, {1614, 13434, 32046}, {1656, 1657, 15720}, {1656, 3534, 5054}, {1656, 3830, 15688}, {1656, 3843, 5076}, {1656, 5054, 2}, {1656, 5072, 5}, {1656, 5076, 15696}, {1656, 14093, 15694}, {1656, 15700, 15723}, {1656, 35434, 14093}, {1656, 38335, 3534}, {1656, 44438, 35495}, {1657, 3526, 3}, {1657, 5076, 382}, {1657, 5079, 3526}, {1657, 15688, 3534}, {1657, 15693, 15688}, {1657, 21974, 37955}, {1658, 14118, 3}, {1698, 41869, 3579}, {1699, 3679, 31162}, {1699, 38140, 5790}, {1737, 1836, 36279}, {1906, 6816, 39568}, {1995, 5169, 5094}, {1995, 7579, 1656}, {1995, 31861, 3}, {1995, 39484, 5055}, {2015, 2016, 39}, {2041, 2042, 548}, {2041, 14813, 3}, {2042, 14814, 3}, {2043, 2044, 5}, {2043, 15765, 3}, {2043, 18587, 42278}, {2043, 36437, 36457}, {2043, 36455, 36436}, {2044, 18585, 3}, {2044, 18586, 42279}, {2044, 36437, 36454}, {2044, 36455, 36439}, {2070, 7545, 25}, {2072, 5020, 1656}, {2072, 10151, 31726}, {2072, 31726, 18859}, {2454, 2455, 44216}, {2463, 2464, 1}, {2465, 2466, 6}, {2467, 2468, 10}, {2469, 2470, 182}, {2471, 2472, 182}, {2475, 4193, 474}, {2476, 5046, 405}, {2476, 6990, 5}, {2478, 6871, 442}, {2478, 37406, 3}, {2479, 2480, 40885}, {2548, 5254, 9605}, {2548, 7739, 9300}, {2549, 3815, 5024}, {2549, 31415, 3815}, {2551, 31418, 31419}, {2552, 2553, 4}, {2552, 3091, 1347}, {2553, 3091, 1346}, {2570, 2571, 3}, {2883, 14216, 12315}, {2888, 20424, 12316}, {2937, 34864, 3}, {3054, 43618, 15655}, {3058, 10056, 3295}, {3068, 18538, 45384}, {3068, 23259, 42215}, {3068, 42215, 6199}, {3069, 18762, 45385}, {3069, 23249, 42216}, {3069, 42216, 6395}, {3070, 42270, 486}, {3071, 42273, 485}, {3081, 44891, 46869}, {3085, 5225, 15171}, {3086, 5229, 18990}, {3088, 9825, 3}, {3089, 7404, 3549}, {3089, 12605, 9714}, {3090, 3091, 12811}, {3090, 3524, 2}, {3090, 3543, 14891}, {3090, 3627, 3}, {3090, 3839, 12101}, {3090, 3861, 5073}, {3090, 5068, 5}, {3090, 5070, 1656}, {3090, 10109, 5055}, {3090, 12101, 15689}, {3090, 15682, 3524}, {3090, 15685, 5054}, {3090, 15691, 15694}, {3090, 41987, 3830}, {3090, 41988, 15681}, {3091, 3146, 3544}, {3091, 3153, 37353}, {3091, 3545, 5066}, {3091, 3832, 4}, {3091, 3839, 2}, {3091, 3843, 1656}, {3091, 3845, 5055}, {3091, 3854, 3855}, {3091, 3855, 3850}, {3091, 3858, 3843}, {3091, 3860, 14269}, {3091, 5046, 6990}, {3091, 6839, 6945}, {3091, 6844, 6973}, {3091, 6894, 6941}, {3091, 6957, 8226}, {3091, 7394, 403}, {3091, 7566, 7507}, {3091, 10151, 5020}, {3091, 11818, 10254}, {3091, 13729, 6828}, {3091, 15682, 14892}, {3091, 23046, 3830}, {3091, 23047, 11479}, {3091, 41106, 38071}, {3091, 44226, 11484}, {3095, 6248, 13108}, {3095, 13108, 32520}, {3146, 3544, 3628}, {3146, 3628, 3}, {3146, 5056, 631}, {3146, 10304, 11001}, {3146, 11539, 15695}, {3146, 15691, 35411}, {3146, 15707, 3534}, {3146, 15714, 15681}, {3149, 3560, 3}, {3153, 11563, 5899}, {3153, 37349, 4}, {3153, 46029, 3}, {3259, 38954, 38586}, {3303, 9671, 4857}, {3304, 9656, 5270}, {3357, 32767, 40686}, {3363, 37350, 2}, {3488, 5226, 5719}, {3518, 14118, 1658}, {3520, 37814, 3}, {3520, 44802, 37814}, {3521, 18488, 33541}, {3522, 3525, 3530}, {3522, 3530, 3}, {3522, 7486, 3525}, {3522, 15698, 45759}, {3522, 15708, 15698}, {3522, 33703, 15704}, {3523, 3529, 548}, {3523, 5067, 632}, {3523, 15022, 5067}, {3523, 15709, 11812}, {3523, 17578, 3529}, {3523, 19708, 17504}, {3524, 3543, 44903}, {3524, 3627, 15685}, {3524, 3861, 3830}, {3524, 5068, 10109}, {3524, 5073, 3534}, {3524, 8703, 3}, {3524, 10109, 5070}, {3524, 12101, 5073}, {3524, 14892, 5055}, {3524, 15682, 20}, {3524, 15721, 549}, {3525, 15698, 15708}, {3525, 15704, 3}, {3525, 15708, 15713}, {3525, 15722, 5054}, {3525, 33703, 3522}, {3525, 45759, 15722}, {3526, 3534, 15706}, {3526, 5076, 1657}, {3526, 5079, 1656}, {3526, 15688, 15693}, {3526, 15693, 5054}, {3526, 35402, 15681}, {3527, 12164, 37493}, {3528, 5059, 12103}, {3528, 10303, 15712}, {3528, 15705, 15759}, {3528, 15712, 3}, {3528, 15719, 15705}, {3528, 46333, 15697}, {3529, 5067, 3523}, {3529, 15022, 632}, {3529, 15709, 19708}, {3530, 15690, 45759}, {3530, 15704, 3522}, {3530, 15708, 15722}, {3530, 15713, 15708}, {3530, 45759, 15698}, {3533, 15717, 14869}, {3533, 17538, 15717}, {3534, 3545, 5079}, {3534, 5054, 3}, {3534, 5055, 3526}, {3534, 5072, 5055}, {3534, 14093, 376}, {3534, 14269, 5076}, {3534, 14893, 35402}, {3534, 15688, 15696}, {3534, 15700, 14093}, {3534, 15716, 8703}, {3534, 15723, 15700}, {3534, 38335, 382}, {3541, 31833, 3}, {3542, 3575, 3517}, {3543, 3545, 547}, {3543, 3830, 35434}, {3543, 5055, 15700}, {3543, 5071, 549}, {3543, 11737, 15703}, {3543, 14891, 15685}, {3543, 14893, 35403}, {3543, 15684, 382}, {3543, 15686, 35400}, {3543, 15687, 3830}, {3543, 15692, 15683}, {3543, 15694, 3534}, {3543, 15700, 1657}, {3543, 15702, 15686}, {3543, 15703, 14093}, {3543, 15714, 17800}, {3543, 15721, 20}, {3543, 38335, 35402}, {3543, 44903, 5073}, {3544, 3839, 33699}, {3544, 3853, 46219}, {3544, 5056, 5}, {3544, 12100, 5055}, {3544, 17800, 1656}, {3545, 3830, 1656}, {3545, 3832, 3845}, {3545, 3843, 3534}, {3545, 3845, 3}, {3545, 3855, 41106}, {3545, 3860, 3843}, {3545, 3861, 15701}, {3545, 5066, 3851}, {3545, 5169, 39484}, {3545, 7394, 44275}, {3545, 7533, 39487}, {3545, 11001, 5056}, {3545, 11317, 37071}, {3545, 12101, 5070}, {3545, 14269, 5054}, {3545, 14893, 15694}, {3545, 15640, 35018}, {3545, 15682, 3090}, {3545, 15687, 15703}, {3545, 15697, 44904}, {3545, 15718, 35382}, {3545, 19708, 15022}, {3545, 19709, 5072}, {3545, 23046, 14269}, {3545, 37349, 44262}, {3545, 41099, 4}, {3545, 41106, 3091}, {3545, 41987, 15689}, {3545, 44275, 10254}, {3546, 31829, 3}, {3547, 12362, 3}, {3549, 6756, 9714}, {3549, 12605, 3}, {3552, 32967, 33233}, {3552, 33011, 32967}, {3560, 6985, 20846}, {3560, 16370, 28453}, {3567, 12111, 6102}, {3574, 6288, 195}, {3574, 9927, 36749}, {3576, 7988, 11230}, {3581, 15362, 32225}, {3583, 7951, 55}, {3583, 18406, 18407}, {3583, 18491, 18499}, {3585, 7741, 56}, {3586, 5219, 24929}, {3589, 46264, 12017}, {3592, 8960, 31487}, {3614, 6284, 498}, {3627, 3861, 4}, {3627, 5055, 15716}, {3627, 5068, 5070}, {3627, 5073, 382}, {3627, 10109, 3524}, {3627, 12811, 3090}, {3627, 14892, 2}, {3627, 15699, 8703}, {3627, 15715, 35411}, {3627, 15721, 15681}, {3627, 41990, 14892}, {3627, 44245, 11541}, {3628, 3853, 550}, {3628, 11001, 15707}, {3628, 11539, 2}, {3628, 12100, 11539}, {3628, 15695, 5054}, {3628, 15715, 15694}, {3628, 33699, 10304}, {3652, 16125, 16150}, {3655, 5886, 551}, {3679, 31159, 31140}, {3679, 31160, 31141}, {3767, 7745, 30435}, {3817, 34648, 551}, {3818, 5475, 6033}, {3818, 6564, 45376}, {3818, 6565, 45375}, {3818, 13665, 26336}, {3818, 13785, 26346}, {3818, 14356, 15928}, {3818, 18388, 18451}, {3818, 18390, 18474}, {3818, 19130, 6}, {3818, 45438, 18511}, {3818, 45439, 18509}, {3830, 3843, 14269}, {3830, 3851, 5055}, {3830, 5054, 1657}, {3830, 5055, 3}, {3830, 5070, 15689}, {3830, 5071, 15700}, {3830, 5079, 15706}, {3830, 10109, 15716}, {3830, 14269, 4}, {3830, 15681, 15684}, {3830, 15684, 3543}, {3830, 15685, 15682}, {3830, 15689, 5073}, {3830, 15694, 15681}, {3830, 15701, 15685}, {3830, 15703, 376}, {3830, 15707, 17800}, {3830, 19709, 2}, {3830, 32216, 35001}, {3830, 35403, 15687}, {3830, 38071, 5072}, {3830, 38335, 5076}, {3832, 3839, 41099}, {3832, 3850, 3}, {3832, 3854, 3091}, {3832, 3855, 5}, {3832, 3857, 3851}, {3832, 5066, 14269}, {3832, 5133, 18386}, {3832, 6997, 10151}, {3832, 38071, 3830}, {3832, 41099, 23046}, {3839, 3845, 3843}, {3839, 3850, 19709}, {3839, 3851, 3534}, {3839, 3854, 41106}, {3839, 3855, 5066}, {3839, 5055, 38335}, {3839, 5066, 3}, {3839, 5068, 15682}, {3839, 5071, 15687}, {3839, 11303, 41029}, {3839, 11304, 41028}, {3839, 11737, 15684}, {3839, 12811, 15685}, {3839, 13862, 11317}, {3839, 15682, 3861}, {3839, 19709, 382}, {3839, 38071, 5055}, {3839, 41099, 546}, {3839, 41106, 5}, {3839, 41990, 5070}, {3843, 3850, 5072}, {3843, 3851, 3}, {3843, 5020, 31726}, {3843, 5055, 3830}, {3843, 5066, 5054}, {3843, 5071, 35434}, {3843, 5072, 1657}, {3843, 10254, 18494}, {3843, 11479, 31724}, {3843, 11484, 31725}, {3843, 14269, 3845}, {3843, 15684, 14893}, {3843, 15694, 35403}, {3843, 15703, 15687}, {3843, 21308, 44263}, {3843, 22462, 44271}, {3845, 3850, 3545}, {3845, 3851, 5054}, {3845, 3857, 38071}, {3845, 3858, 23046}, {3845, 3860, 41099}, {3845, 5054, 5076}, {3845, 5055, 382}, {3845, 5066, 2}, {3845, 5068, 15689}, {3845, 5071, 15684}, {3845, 5072, 15688}, {3845, 8703, 12101}, {3845, 10109, 15682}, {3845, 11539, 3853}, {3845, 11737, 376}, {3845, 12811, 3524}, {3845, 14892, 20}, {3845, 15687, 14893}, {3845, 15699, 3627}, {3845, 15702, 35401}, {3845, 15703, 35434}, {3845, 15723, 35402}, {3845, 17504, 12102}, {3845, 19709, 3534}, {3845, 23046, 546}, {3845, 38071, 5}, {3845, 39504, 37077}, {3845, 41106, 19709}, {3845, 41986, 11541}, {3845, 41989, 46333}, {3845, 41990, 10109}, {3850, 3856, 546}, {3850, 3857, 3855}, {3850, 3858, 4}, {3850, 3859, 3857}, {3850, 3861, 12811}, {3850, 5066, 38071}, {3850, 14892, 41990}, {3850, 23046, 2}, {3850, 23323, 5133}, {3850, 38071, 41106}, {3850, 41099, 5055}, {3850, 41991, 3832}, {3851, 5055, 19709}, {3851, 14269, 2}, {3851, 15683, 35382}, {3851, 15684, 5071}, {3851, 18535, 37347}, {3851, 19709, 3545}, {3851, 35403, 547}, {3851, 41099, 38335}, {3851, 41987, 15716}, {3853, 5056, 3}, {3853, 11539, 11001}, {3853, 17800, 382}, {3853, 34200, 35408}, {3854, 3855, 3857}, {3854, 3856, 3}, {3854, 3858, 3851}, {3854, 41099, 38071}, {3854, 41991, 3843}, {3855, 3856, 3843}, {3855, 3858, 3}, {3855, 3860, 5055}, {3855, 23046, 19709}, {3855, 41099, 3545}, {3856, 3857, 4}, {3856, 3859, 5}, {3856, 5066, 23046}, {3856, 38071, 41099}, {3857, 3858, 5}, {3857, 3859, 3854}, {3857, 3860, 3545}, {3857, 23046, 5066}, {3857, 41991, 546}, {3858, 3859, 3091}, {3858, 5066, 3839}, {3858, 13487, 7528}, {3858, 23046, 3860}, {3858, 38071, 3845}, {3858, 41106, 14269}, {3858, 41990, 41987}, {3858, 41991, 3856}, {3859, 3860, 38071}, {3859, 23046, 41106}, {3859, 41991, 4}, {3860, 5066, 3845}, {3860, 12811, 41987}, {3860, 23046, 3832}, {3860, 38071, 4}, {3860, 41106, 3830}, {3861, 5066, 15699}, {3861, 5068, 3}, {3861, 5070, 382}, {3861, 11737, 14891}, {3861, 12811, 140}, {3861, 14892, 8703}, {3861, 15685, 38335}, {3861, 15691, 15687}, {3861, 15699, 15682}, {3861, 41987, 3845}, {3861, 41988, 14893}, {3934, 7825, 7784}, {4187, 37447, 37356}, {4190, 6931, 13747}, {4190, 13747, 17573}, {4197, 37162, 16842}, {4197, 37433, 37426}, {4293, 10589, 15325}, {4550, 15362, 44751}, {4550, 34417, 3581}, {4857, 37719, 3303}, {5000, 5001, 5094}, {5004, 5005, 7492}, {5025, 7770, 7866}, {5025, 7866, 33241}, {5025, 11303, 11305}, {5025, 11304, 11306}, {5025, 16044, 7770}, {5025, 40279, 3}, {5054, 14093, 15700}, {5054, 15688, 15706}, {5054, 15693, 15720}, {5054, 15700, 549}, {5054, 15723, 15694}, {5054, 19709, 5079}, {5054, 35434, 15681}, {5055, 5066, 5072}, {5055, 5073, 15701}, {5055, 15681, 15694}, {5055, 15684, 549}, {5055, 15685, 140}, {5055, 15687, 14093}, {5055, 15694, 15703}, {5055, 15695, 46219}, {5055, 15701, 5070}, {5055, 15703, 547}, {5055, 19709, 5}, {5055, 35401, 34200}, {5055, 35403, 376}, {5055, 38335, 15688}, {5056, 10304, 2}, {5056, 11001, 11539}, {5056, 33699, 15707}, {5056, 46219, 1656}, {5059, 10303, 3528}, {5059, 15697, 46333}, {5059, 15705, 15697}, {5059, 16239, 3}, {5064, 31152, 31133}, {5066, 11539, 3544}, {5066, 12101, 10109}, {5066, 14269, 1656}, {5066, 14892, 12811}, {5066, 14893, 547}, {5066, 15687, 5071}, {5066, 15699, 5068}, {5066, 23046, 4}, {5066, 38071, 3091}, {5066, 38335, 5079}, {5066, 40277, 35930}, {5066, 41099, 3830}, {5066, 41987, 140}, {5067, 15022, 35018}, {5067, 15640, 17504}, {5067, 15709, 2}, {5067, 17578, 548}, {5067, 19708, 15709}, {5068, 5073, 1656}, {5068, 8703, 5055}, {5068, 14269, 15716}, {5068, 14892, 19709}, {5068, 15682, 15699}, {5068, 15721, 5071}, {5068, 41987, 15685}, {5070, 5073, 3}, {5070, 8703, 5054}, {5070, 14269, 15682}, {5070, 15685, 3524}, {5070, 15689, 15701}, {5070, 15721, 15723}, {5070, 35403, 44903}, {5071, 14891, 5070}, {5071, 14893, 15681}, {5071, 15681, 15723}, {5071, 15682, 15721}, {5071, 15683, 10124}, {5071, 15684, 5054}, {5071, 15687, 3}, {5071, 15694, 1656}, {5071, 15721, 15699}, {5071, 35402, 15706}, {5071, 35403, 14093}, {5071, 35434, 15693}, {5071, 41988, 15689}, {5071, 45762, 5073}, {5072, 14269, 15693}, {5072, 15700, 5071}, {5072, 35434, 15703}, {5072, 38335, 2}, {5073, 10109, 5054}, {5073, 14269, 12101}, {5073, 15686, 35410}, {5073, 15689, 15685}, {5073, 15699, 15716}, {5073, 15701, 15689}, {5073, 15703, 14891}, {5073, 19709, 15699}, {5076, 5079, 3}, {5077, 40248, 3}, {5079, 15688, 2}, {5080, 11680, 956}, {5084, 5177, 8728}, {5084, 8728, 16853}, {5094, 44438, 378}, {5099, 38953, 38583}, {5133, 7394, 25}, {5133, 11818, 3}, {5133, 44275, 5055}, {5133, 46030, 10254}, {5141, 6873, 5}, {5141, 44257, 5055}, {5142, 7557, 7535}, {5158, 36430, 18487}, {5169, 7533, 1995}, {5169, 7577, 39504}, {5169, 39487, 5055}, {5177, 6851, 37401}, {5187, 6896, 5}, {5198, 7395, 7387}, {5237, 42431, 43193}, {5237, 42489, 43239}, {5238, 42432, 43194}, {5238, 42488, 43238}, {5254, 9300, 7739}, {5270, 37720, 3304}, {5309, 5475, 7753}, {5309, 7753, 6}, {5318, 18581, 11486}, {5318, 42107, 18581}, {5321, 18582, 11485}, {5321, 42110, 18582}, {5334, 42142, 11542}, {5334, 43403, 37640}, {5335, 42139, 11543}, {5335, 43404, 37641}, {5339, 42156, 61}, {5340, 42153, 62}, {5349, 42147, 42160}, {5349, 42598, 42147}, {5350, 42148, 42161}, {5350, 42599, 42148}, {5351, 42937, 42491}, {5352, 42936, 42490}, {5418, 22615, 42258}, {5418, 42258, 6449}, {5420, 22644, 42259}, {5420, 42259, 6450}, {5428, 6876, 3}, {5434, 10072, 999}, {5446, 5562, 6243}, {5448, 9927, 155}, {5461, 6055, 38224}, {5475, 18424, 115}, {5476, 19130, 38072}, {5478, 5617, 13103}, {5479, 5613, 13102}, {5499, 6903, 3}, {5510, 10744, 38576}, {5511, 10743, 38575}, {5512, 10748, 11258}, {5576, 7528, 7506}, {5576, 7529, 1656}, {5587, 31162, 3679}, {5597, 18495, 45379}, {5597, 45355, 18496}, {5598, 18497, 45380}, {5598, 45356, 18498}, {5603, 9779, 38034}, {5603, 34627, 3241}, {5640, 5890, 5946}, {5640, 15305, 5890}, {5690, 40273, 962}, {5691, 8227, 1385}, {5777, 5806, 24474}, {5790, 34718, 3679}, {5805, 37822, 37826}, {5876, 45958, 15058}, {5878, 6247, 13093}, {5881, 11522, 10222}, {5885, 31828, 15071}, {5889, 9781, 143}, {5889, 15058, 5876}, {5890, 16261, 15305}, {5893, 6247, 5878}, {5895, 40686, 3357}, {5899, 37353, 1656}, {5899, 44288, 382}, {5907, 10110, 52}, {5946, 13364, 5640}, {5972, 12121, 15040}, {5972, 12295, 12121}, {6032, 31961, 31840}, {6036, 39838, 38741}, {6054, 14639, 671}, {6054, 22566, 38743}, {6055, 23514, 5461}, {6097, 16451, 3}, {6101, 14128, 11444}, {6102, 10095, 3567}, {6102, 45959, 12111}, {6114, 31709, 6775}, {6115, 31710, 6772}, {6175, 44217, 17528}, {6199, 45384, 3068}, {6201, 6214, 11917}, {6202, 6215, 11916}, {6240, 7505, 3515}, {6240, 35487, 7505}, {6241, 15043, 13630}, {6245, 6259, 12684}, {6246, 6265, 12747}, {6249, 6287, 13111}, {6250, 6289, 12602}, {6251, 6290, 12601}, {6288, 36749, 12429}, {6289, 45440, 45488}, {6290, 45441, 45489}, {6395, 45385, 3069}, {6560, 42274, 615}, {6561, 42277, 590}, {6564, 6565, 6}, {6564, 13785, 18512}, {6564, 18511, 26336}, {6564, 35823, 35822}, {6564, 45438, 18440}, {6565, 13665, 18510}, {6565, 18509, 26346}, {6565, 35822, 35823}, {6565, 45439, 18440}, {6622, 7487, 21841}, {6623, 10297, 18534}, {6623, 18531, 11799}, {6623, 18537, 15760}, {6623, 44920, 3}, {6639, 18563, 3}, {6642, 10255, 1656}, {6643, 6823, 3}, {6644, 31861, 378}, {6644, 39504, 5094}, {6655, 16921, 11285}, {6655, 33024, 16921}, {6658, 7907, 33235}, {6675, 6869, 3}, {6676, 6995, 20850}, {6699, 13202, 20127}, {6721, 38738, 38750}, {6722, 38749, 38739}, {6723, 16111, 38728}, {6756, 7404, 3}, {6756, 44960, 3089}, {6792, 43964, 18346}, {6815, 23335, 3}, {6817, 37355, 16409}, {6824, 6848, 6863}, {6824, 20420, 3}, {6825, 6846, 6861}, {6825, 31789, 3}, {6826, 6844, 6882}, {6826, 6973, 5}, {6826, 8727, 3}, {6827, 6843, 6881}, {6827, 6907, 3}, {6827, 6982, 6907}, {6828, 6894, 3149}, {6828, 6941, 5}, {6829, 6840, 6883}, {6830, 6839, 6911}, {6830, 6945, 5}, {6831, 6835, 6918}, {6831, 6917, 3}, {6833, 6953, 6959}, {6834, 6837, 6862}, {6834, 37290, 3}, {6835, 6870, 6831}, {6836, 6984, 37438}, {6836, 37438, 3}, {6839, 10883, 1012}, {6840, 6932, 7580}, {6841, 37230, 13743}, {6841, 44229, 3}, {6842, 6928, 3}, {6843, 6939, 5}, {6845, 6900, 474}, {6847, 6944, 6958}, {6847, 37281, 3}, {6849, 6866, 5}, {6850, 6922, 3}, {6851, 8728, 3}, {6856, 17561, 2}, {6862, 37468, 3}, {6863, 7491, 3}, {6865, 37424, 3}, {6867, 6893, 5}, {6869, 17561, 44255}, {6872, 6933, 7483}, {6872, 7483, 17571}, {6876, 16865, 5428}, {6882, 6923, 3}, {6883, 7580, 3}, {6891, 31775, 3}, {6894, 13729, 4}, {6896, 37447, 16408}, {6899, 44222, 3}, {6900, 16160, 3}, {6905, 6912, 6914}, {6905, 6914, 3}, {6905, 28461, 17549}, {6906, 6915, 6924}, {6906, 6924, 3}, {6912, 17549, 28461}, {6913, 6980, 1656}, {6913, 19541, 3}, {6913, 37411, 13615}, {6916, 37364, 3}, {6917, 6971, 45976}, {6918, 6971, 1656}, {6920, 21161, 16858}, {6929, 6968, 6980}, {6929, 6980, 7489}, {6932, 6965, 6883}, {6939, 6982, 6881}, {6941, 13729, 3560}, {6943, 37437, 37022}, {6945, 10883, 6830}, {6957, 6968, 5}, {6964, 37434, 6891}, {6996, 36477, 3}, {7173, 7354, 499}, {7377, 36663, 3}, {7378, 7392, 1368}, {7380, 36685, 3}, {7387, 7395, 3}, {7388, 32489, 11313}, {7389, 32488, 11314}, {7391, 37990, 7484}, {7393, 11414, 3}, {7394, 23323, 3843}, {7398, 8889, 6677}, {7399, 14790, 3}, {7403, 7528, 3}, {7422, 36177, 3}, {7422, 46512, 36177}, {7426, 18568, 15684}, {7484, 35243, 3}, {7486, 15708, 2}, {7486, 33703, 3530}, {7486, 35732, 2046}, {7486, 42282, 2045}, {7488, 34484, 37440}, {7489, 28443, 16418}, {7502, 35921, 3}, {7503, 10594, 26}, {7506, 7529, 18369}, {7507, 37197, 4}, {7514, 7530, 22}, {7516, 10323, 3}, {7517, 11479, 34864}, {7517, 31724, 382}, {7525, 37126, 3}, {7526, 13861, 24}, {7527, 12106, 3}, {7527, 13595, 186}, {7533, 39504, 21308}, {7540, 14787, 3}, {7540, 18404, 34725}, {7540, 34725, 382}, {7547, 7566, 7564}, {7547, 35488, 4}, {7550, 37925, 6636}, {7552, 46451, 44278}, {7553, 14786, 3}, {7555, 37947, 37913}, {7564, 35488, 3843}, {7566, 35488, 546}, {7574, 11799, 37924}, {7576, 18568, 3830}, {7577, 37077, 44287}, {7577, 39504, 7579}, {7577, 44263, 3}, {7581, 19116, 6501}, {7582, 19117, 6500}, {7680, 37820, 10679}, {7681, 37821, 10680}, {7682, 37822, 2095}, {7684, 20428, 5611}, {7685, 20429, 5615}, {7687, 18388, 18390}, {7687, 18418, 18451}, {7697, 22682, 22728}, {7735, 18907, 21309}, {7736, 43448, 15048}, {7737, 43620, 230}, {7738, 31404, 31406}, {7739, 9300, 9605}, {7746, 7747, 3053}, {7756, 31455, 15815}, {7770, 33219, 2}, {7773, 7788, 7809}, {7785, 19570, 7837}, {7788, 7809, 7776}, {7791, 32962, 32992}, {7791, 32996, 33229}, {7809, 14492, 14881}, {7812, 14568, 14614}, {7818, 9466, 599}, {7824, 14044, 33019}, {7824, 33019, 33234}, {7837, 19570, 7754}, {7841, 44543, 2}, {7845, 17131, 40341}, {7884, 14458, 14880}, {7885, 31276, 7879}, {7887, 33220, 2}, {7907, 14066, 6658}, {7912, 17128, 7881}, {7951, 18406, 18491}, {7951, 18407, 18524}, {8196, 8200, 11875}, {8203, 8207, 11876}, {8212, 8220, 11949}, {8213, 8221, 11950}, {8252, 42264, 6396}, {8253, 42263, 6200}, {8352, 8356, 33017}, {8356, 33017, 5077}, {8370, 11318, 33237}, {8370, 33006, 11318}, {8370, 33228, 2}, {8597, 33273, 33264}, {8703, 10109, 2}, {8703, 12101, 15682}, {8703, 14892, 3090}, {8703, 15682, 15685}, {8703, 15685, 3534}, {8703, 15691, 376}, {8703, 15699, 140}, {8703, 15701, 15716}, {8703, 38071, 12811}, {8703, 41986, 46935}, {8703, 41987, 4}, {8703, 41988, 3543}, {8703, 44903, 15691}, {8703, 45758, 3523}, {8724, 9880, 12355}, {8757, 41344, 23070}, {9306, 13352, 22115}, {9466, 31173, 7818}, {9541, 32785, 35255}, {9541, 35255, 6445}, {9578, 9614, 9957}, {9581, 9612, 942}, {9598, 31460, 31461}, {9654, 9669, 1}, {9654, 18525, 18545}, {9654, 18544, 18526}, {9664, 31476, 31477}, {9668, 31479, 55}, {9669, 18525, 18543}, {9669, 18542, 18526}, {9681, 41963, 6519}, {9729, 13474, 10575}, {9730, 14845, 5943}, {9760, 9762, 11184}, {9781, 15058, 5889}, {9818, 10254, 1656}, {9818, 11818, 18494}, {9818, 18386, 18403}, {9833, 16252, 14530}, {9840, 19543, 3}, {9840, 19646, 19543}, {9909, 14787, 5054}, {9955, 18480, 1}, {9955, 18492, 18525}, {9955, 45630, 9669}, {9955, 45631, 9654}, {9956, 22793, 40}, {9970, 32274, 32306}, {9993, 9996, 9301}, {10018, 35471, 15750}, {10019, 23047, 235}, {10024, 11479, 1656}, {10024, 18404, 3}, {10024, 23047, 31724}, {10024, 31724, 2937}, {10095, 45959, 6102}, {10109, 12101, 8703}, {10109, 12811, 14892}, {10109, 14892, 5}, {10109, 14893, 44903}, {10109, 15682, 15701}, {10109, 15699, 3090}, {10109, 15721, 15703}, {10109, 41987, 3627}, {10109, 41988, 15691}, {10109, 44245, 41984}, {10124, 14893, 35404}, {10124, 15683, 3}, {10124, 15686, 15692}, {10124, 15687, 15683}, {10124, 15702, 15694}, {10124, 15718, 5054}, {10124, 34200, 549}, {10124, 35400, 14093}, {10124, 35404, 376}, {10124, 45761, 11812}, {10168, 25565, 38317}, {10201, 11818, 13490}, {10201, 13490, 25}, {10224, 34007, 3}, {10224, 44279, 12084}, {10245, 12605, 3534}, {10247, 34748, 3241}, {10254, 11818, 7545}, {10254, 18386, 382}, {10254, 18403, 3}, {10263, 11017, 15056}, {10263, 11591, 11412}, {10282, 34786, 17845}, {10295, 18580, 3}, {10297, 11799, 7574}, {10297, 14120, 36184}, {10297, 15760, 18531}, {10297, 37984, 11799}, {10299, 46853, 3}, {10301, 37454, 7493}, {10303, 12103, 3}, {10303, 15697, 15705}, {10303, 15705, 15719}, {10303, 46333, 15759}, {10304, 11001, 550}, {10304, 11539, 15707}, {10304, 12100, 3}, {10304, 15715, 15714}, {10304, 17800, 3534}, {10304, 33699, 17800}, {10531, 10942, 12000}, {10532, 10943, 12001}, {10574, 12290, 13491}, {10574, 15024, 12006}, {10576, 35821, 1151}, {10577, 35820, 1152}, {10592, 15171, 3085}, {10593, 18990, 3086}, {10645, 42915, 43029}, {10646, 42914, 43028}, {10653, 18581, 395}, {10654, 18582, 396}, {10706, 14644, 9140}, {10721, 15059, 12041}, {10722, 14061, 12042}, {10723, 41134, 12117}, {10727, 31273, 38601}, {10728, 31272, 38602}, {10746, 25640, 38578}, {10750, 10751, 7574}, {10750, 11799, 15155}, {10751, 11799, 15154}, {10893, 10894, 946}, {10895, 10896, 1}, {10895, 11238, 11237}, {10895, 18480, 18542}, {10895, 18544, 18545}, {10895, 45630, 18525}, {10896, 11237, 11238}, {10896, 18480, 18544}, {10896, 18542, 18543}, {10896, 45631, 18525}, {11001, 11539, 3}, {11001, 12100, 15695}, {11001, 15695, 3534}, {11001, 15715, 376}, {11095, 11096, 405}, {11108, 37411, 3}, {11112, 16417, 19706}, {11112, 17533, 2}, {11113, 15670, 31156}, {11113, 17530, 2}, {11159, 11288, 1003}, {11178, 25561, 10516}, {11179, 14561, 597}, {11180, 14853, 1992}, {11237, 11238, 1}, {11250, 22467, 3}, {11284, 32216, 2}, {11286, 11318, 2}, {11286, 33228, 33240}, {11295, 11296, 11159}, {11295, 11301, 11299}, {11296, 11302, 11300}, {11297, 11305, 2}, {11298, 11306, 2}, {11299, 11300, 1003}, {11301, 11302, 11288}, {11303, 11304, 7770}, {11305, 11306, 7866}, {11328, 32444, 3}, {11361, 33246, 19686}, {11412, 15056, 11591}, {11439, 15043, 6241}, {11451, 15045, 13363}, {11451, 15072, 15045}, {11455, 15045, 15072}, {11479, 34725, 34664}, {11480, 19107, 42130}, {11481, 19106, 42131}, {11484, 11585, 1656}, {11485, 18582, 42817}, {11486, 18581, 42818}, {11488, 42133, 42117}, {11489, 42134, 42118}, {11496, 11499, 11849}, {11539, 12100, 631}, {11539, 15707, 5054}, {11539, 15714, 549}, {11539, 33699, 550}, {11540, 33923, 41983}, {11540, 41983, 14869}, {11541, 21735, 20}, {11541, 44580, 15689}, {11541, 46935, 44682}, {11542, 42135, 5334}, {11543, 42138, 5335}, {11563, 44288, 7530}, {11585, 44226, 31725}, {11648, 39563, 44518}, {11737, 14269, 15700}, {11737, 14891, 10109}, {11737, 14893, 549}, {11737, 15684, 1656}, {11737, 15687, 2}, {11737, 15700, 5079}, {11737, 15714, 5056}, {11737, 35403, 15723}, {11737, 41987, 44903}, {11737, 41988, 140}, {11737, 44903, 3090}, {11737, 45762, 8703}, {11793, 13598, 10625}, {11799, 18531, 12083}, {11799, 31723, 18534}, {11799, 37347, 15760}, {11812, 17504, 3523}, {11812, 19710, 19708}, {11812, 45758, 140}, {11818, 23323, 18386}, {11911, 20128, 1651}, {11928, 11929, 1482}, {12006, 13491, 10574}, {12006, 32137, 13491}, {12019, 39542, 18391}, {12041, 15088, 15059}, {12042, 15092, 14061}, {12083, 18534, 37924}, {12084, 17928, 3}, {12088, 37126, 7525}, {12100, 15714, 15715}, {12100, 33699, 11001}, {12100, 46219, 5054}, {12101, 12811, 15699}, {12101, 14892, 140}, {12101, 14893, 41988}, {12101, 15682, 3830}, {12101, 15689, 382}, {12101, 15699, 20}, {12101, 38071, 5068}, {12101, 41986, 44682}, {12101, 41987, 3861}, {12101, 44903, 3543}, {12101, 45762, 14893}, {12102, 15022, 3}, {12102, 17504, 15640}, {12102, 35018, 548}, {12103, 15712, 3528}, {12103, 16239, 15712}, {12103, 44904, 16239}, {12106, 18570, 186}, {12108, 46853, 10299}, {12117, 41134, 33813}, {12134, 12241, 44076}, {12233, 39571, 11432}, {12290, 15024, 10574}, {12571, 19925, 946}, {12599, 12856, 12872}, {12600, 12919, 13126}, {12702, 38066, 3654}, {12811, 15682, 5055}, {12811, 41987, 8703}, {12811, 44580, 41986}, {12811, 44903, 5071}, {12811, 45762, 549}, {12812, 15704, 3525}, {12812, 45759, 2}, {12816, 16963, 16965}, {12817, 16962, 16964}, {12900, 16163, 38794}, {13154, 33524, 3}, {13160, 18569, 3}, {13406, 18377, 26}, {13413, 18570, 31236}, {13413, 46031, 5}, {13473, 44911, 44246}, {13482, 43572, 34148}, {13482, 43598, 43572}, {13491, 32137, 12290}, {13595, 31236, 37453}, {13630, 15026, 15043}, {13630, 18874, 15026}, {13665, 13785, 6}, {13665, 18509, 45376}, {13665, 18511, 18440}, {13665, 45375, 39899}, {13665, 45438, 26346}, {13674, 13794, 6776}, {13681, 13801, 9771}, {13687, 13692, 13713}, {13743, 37251, 3}, {13785, 18509, 18440}, {13785, 18511, 45375}, {13785, 45376, 39899}, {13785, 45439, 26336}, {13807, 13812, 13836}, {13860, 13862, 37071}, {13860, 35930, 3}, {13862, 40250, 3}, {14001, 32972, 8361}, {14033, 32984, 2}, {14035, 32961, 7807}, {14041, 33013, 2}, {14041, 44543, 11287}, {14042, 32967, 3552}, {14042, 33011, 33233}, {14044, 33002, 33234}, {14062, 16921, 6655}, {14062, 33024, 11285}, {14063, 16924, 6656}, {14063, 32995, 16924}, {14064, 32971, 7819}, {14068, 16925, 19687}, {14068, 32963, 16925}, {14069, 33199, 33186}, {14070, 18564, 3534}, {14093, 14269, 35402}, {14093, 15684, 1657}, {14093, 15694, 15693}, {14093, 15700, 3}, {14093, 15723, 549}, {14093, 38335, 15684}, {14120, 36169, 11799}, {14130, 18369, 45735}, {14130, 45735, 3}, {14269, 15681, 15687}, {14269, 15684, 35403}, {14269, 15694, 3543}, {14269, 15695, 3853}, {14269, 15701, 3627}, {14269, 15703, 15684}, {14269, 19709, 3}, {14269, 41106, 5072}, {14269, 46219, 33699}, {14583, 39170, 14993}, {14643, 36518, 15046}, {14666, 38796, 9172}, {14709, 14710, 10226}, {14709, 20479, 3}, {14710, 20478, 3}, {14782, 14783, 3091}, {14784, 14785, 631}, {14787, 18404, 34664}, {14788, 37444, 7393}, {14789, 46450, 7485}, {14813, 14814, 3523}, {14830, 38224, 6055}, {14845, 16194, 9730}, {14865, 22467, 11250}, {14869, 15711, 41983}, {14869, 17538, 3}, {14869, 33923, 15717}, {14890, 15687, 35414}, {14891, 14893, 3627}, {14891, 15682, 15681}, {14891, 15689, 14093}, {14891, 15691, 8703}, {14891, 44903, 376}, {14891, 45762, 15687}, {14892, 14893, 14891}, {14892, 15682, 5070}, {14892, 15685, 1656}, {14892, 15691, 547}, {14892, 41988, 549}, {14892, 45762, 15691}, {14893, 15683, 35401}, {14893, 15684, 38335}, {14893, 15687, 4}, {14893, 15694, 382}, {14893, 19709, 15700}, {14893, 41987, 45762}, {14893, 45762, 3861}, {14940, 34797, 32534}, {15022, 15640, 15709}, {15022, 17578, 3523}, {15038, 15087, 6}, {15046, 32609, 14643}, {15068, 39522, 1993}, {15154, 15155, 37924}, {15335, 20030, 27868}, {15640, 15709, 548}, {15640, 19708, 19710}, {15646, 35473, 3}, {15670, 28460, 28443}, {15670, 31156, 16418}, {15681, 15685, 44903}, {15681, 15687, 382}, {15681, 15694, 3}, {15681, 15700, 15688}, {15681, 15703, 549}, {15681, 19709, 547}, {15681, 35401, 35404}, {15681, 35403, 3543}, {15682, 15699, 3}, {15682, 15701, 3534}, {15682, 15721, 15691}, {15682, 41990, 19709}, {15683, 15686, 15681}, {15683, 15692, 376}, {15683, 15702, 34200}, {15683, 35401, 382}, {15683, 35404, 35400}, {15684, 15687, 35434}, {15684, 15694, 376}, {15684, 15701, 15691}, {15684, 15703, 3}, {15684, 15718, 15686}, {15684, 15723, 15688}, {15684, 19709, 15703}, {15684, 35403, 3830}, {15685, 15689, 20}, {15685, 15701, 8703}, {15685, 15721, 14093}, {15686, 15687, 35404}, {15686, 15702, 3}, {15686, 15718, 14093}, {15686, 34200, 376}, {15687, 15691, 15682}, {15687, 15692, 35400}, {15687, 15699, 15691}, {15687, 15703, 3534}, {15687, 15723, 1657}, {15687, 19709, 15723}, {15687, 35403, 38335}, {15687, 35434, 35402}, {15687, 38071, 11737}, {15688, 15693, 3}, {15689, 15699, 5054}, {15689, 15701, 3}, {15689, 15703, 15721}, {15689, 19709, 3090}, {15689, 41990, 5072}, {15690, 15708, 3}, {15690, 15713, 15698}, {15690, 45759, 3522}, {15691, 15694, 15716}, {15691, 15699, 15721}, {15691, 15721, 3}, {15691, 41987, 41988}, {15691, 41988, 3627}, {15691, 44903, 20}, {15691, 45762, 12101}, {15692, 15702, 549}, {15692, 15718, 15700}, {15692, 34200, 3}, {15692, 35400, 3534}, {15692, 35404, 15681}, {15694, 15703, 2}, {15694, 15723, 3526}, {15694, 19709, 5071}, {15694, 35401, 15683}, {15695, 15707, 3}, {15695, 15714, 14093}, {15695, 46219, 15707}, {15696, 15720, 3}, {15697, 15705, 3528}, {15697, 15719, 15759}, {15697, 46333, 12103}, {15698, 15708, 3530}, {15698, 15713, 15722}, {15698, 45759, 3}, {15699, 15716, 3526}, {15699, 17504, 45758}, {15699, 23046, 41987}, {15699, 41990, 12811}, {15699, 44903, 549}, {15699, 45762, 3543}, {15700, 15703, 3526}, {15700, 15723, 5054}, {15701, 15716, 15693}, {15701, 19709, 10109}, {15701, 44903, 14093}, {15702, 34200, 15718}, {15702, 35408, 15695}, {15703, 15718, 10124}, {15703, 35400, 15692}, {15703, 35402, 15696}, {15703, 35403, 15681}, {15703, 35434, 15688}, {15704, 15713, 45759}, {15704, 45759, 15690}, {15705, 15719, 15712}, {15705, 15759, 3}, {15706, 15720, 15693}, {15707, 15715, 15700}, {15707, 17800, 15695}, {15707, 19709, 5056}, {15708, 33703, 15690}, {15709, 17578, 19710}, {15709, 19708, 3523}, {15709, 19710, 3}, {15710, 15711, 3}, {15710, 15717, 15711}, {15710, 46936, 11540}, {15711, 33923, 15710}, {15711, 41983, 15717}, {15712, 15759, 15705}, {15712, 16239, 10303}, {15712, 45757, 2}, {15713, 45759, 3530}, {15714, 15715, 3}, {15716, 15723, 15721}, {15716, 38335, 5073}, {15717, 17538, 33923}, {15717, 33923, 3}, {15717, 46936, 3533}, {15719, 41989, 5055}, {15719, 46333, 3528}, {15721, 35401, 35410}, {15721, 41987, 35403}, {15721, 41988, 15684}, {15723, 35434, 3534}, {15759, 41989, 45757}, {15759, 45757, 16239}, {15760, 18531, 3}, {15760, 31723, 12083}, {15761, 18569, 7387}, {15765, 18585, 4}, {15765, 36457, 36437}, {15765, 42280, 2043}, {15980, 37348, 3}, {16041, 32983, 2}, {16043, 32982, 8357}, {16044, 32993, 5025}, {16045, 33180, 8364}, {16045, 33292, 33180}, {16179, 16180, 1316}, {16239, 41989, 44904}, {16241, 19107, 36967}, {16241, 36967, 11480}, {16242, 19106, 36968}, {16242, 36968, 11481}, {16252, 41362, 9833}, {16267, 41108, 61}, {16267, 41121, 42156}, {16267, 42814, 41108}, {16268, 41107, 62}, {16268, 41122, 42153}, {16268, 42813, 41107}, {16626, 22832, 16629}, {16627, 22831, 16628}, {16644, 37832, 42132}, {16644, 42093, 42154}, {16644, 42098, 37832}, {16644, 42154, 15}, {16645, 37835, 42129}, {16645, 42094, 42155}, {16645, 42095, 37835}, {16645, 42155, 16}, {16772, 42164, 42150}, {16773, 42165, 42151}, {16808, 16809, 6}, {16808, 42125, 42815}, {16808, 42128, 42962}, {16809, 42125, 42963}, {16809, 42128, 42816}, {16853, 44284, 5054}, {16868, 18559, 37943}, {16868, 18566, 37922}, {16898, 33283, 8363}, {16922, 33256, 33004}, {16923, 19696, 33014}, {16924, 33251, 2}, {16925, 32963, 33249}, {16962, 16964, 41101}, {16962, 41101, 22236}, {16963, 16965, 41100}, {16963, 41100, 22238}, {16966, 19107, 11480}, {16966, 36967, 16241}, {16966, 43227, 19107}, {16967, 19106, 11481}, {16967, 36968, 16242}, {16967, 43226, 19106}, {17504, 19708, 3}, {17504, 19710, 548}, {17504, 35018, 2}, {17504, 45761, 15692}, {17532, 17556, 2}, {17532, 44217, 6175}, {17538, 46936, 14869}, {17549, 28461, 6914}, {17556, 17577, 17528}, {17566, 37256, 19537}, {17567, 37435, 17563}, {17577, 37375, 2}, {17578, 35018, 3}, {17685, 33045, 33036}, {17800, 46219, 3}, {17928, 35502, 12084}, {18281, 23410, 6642}, {18281, 38323, 3}, {18324, 18561, 3534}, {18325, 32216, 3534}, {18350, 37472, 1147}, {18357, 22791, 8}, {18358, 21850, 69}, {18369, 45735, 7506}, {18377, 18378, 382}, {18377, 44958, 18378}, {18388, 18390, 6}, {18388, 18474, 18445}, {18390, 18418, 113}, {18390, 18474, 265}, {18391, 39542, 1159}, {18403, 46030, 7545}, {18424, 43457, 6}, {18439, 37481, 185}, {18440, 45375, 26346}, {18440, 45376, 26336}, {18445, 18451, 399}, {18451, 18474, 18440}, {18480, 18493, 18526}, {18483, 38076, 3654}, {18488, 43817, 20299}, {18493, 18525, 1}, {18504, 43865, 9704}, {18509, 18511, 3818}, {18509, 19130, 18512}, {18510, 18512, 6}, {18510, 26336, 39899}, {18511, 19130, 18510}, {18512, 26346, 39899}, {18527, 18529, 18525}, {18528, 18530, 18526}, {18531, 18535, 382}, {18531, 31723, 7574}, {18534, 18536, 1657}, {18534, 31723, 382}, {18535, 18537, 18536}, {18536, 37347, 3526}, {18538, 23259, 6199}, {18538, 42215, 3068}, {18542, 18544, 18525}, {18543, 18545, 18526}, {18559, 18566, 3830}, {18559, 37943, 24}, {18560, 37119, 3516}, {18565, 37119, 35498}, {18566, 37922, 382}, {18566, 44270, 18559}, {18568, 44275, 7576}, {18572, 44961, 23}, {18581, 42106, 5318}, {18582, 42103, 5321}, {18583, 39884, 6776}, {18584, 31489, 7603}, {18584, 44526, 31489}, {18585, 36439, 36455}, {18585, 42281, 2044}, {18586, 18587, 3}, {18762, 23249, 6395}, {18762, 42216, 3069}, {18907, 43291, 7735}, {19130, 22796, 14}, {19130, 22797, 13}, {19130, 45438, 13785}, {19130, 45439, 13665}, {19546, 37331, 19550}, {19550, 37331, 3}, {19686, 33246, 1003}, {19687, 33249, 16925}, {19697, 33186, 14069}, {19709, 35403, 15694}, {19709, 38335, 3526}, {19710, 35018, 15709}, {20030, 27868, 28237}, {20192, 45303, 44569}, {20299, 22802, 64}, {20423, 22491, 20426}, {20423, 22492, 20425}, {20425, 20426, 1351}, {20957, 25641, 38580}, {21308, 39504, 1656}, {21475, 21476, 11340}, {21735, 41984, 15701}, {21735, 44682, 3}, {21735, 46935, 140}, {21869, 21898, 33062}, {22493, 22494, 15533}, {22495, 22496, 15534}, {22605, 22606, 6290}, {22615, 42582, 6449}, {22634, 22635, 6289}, {22644, 42583, 6450}, {22753, 22758, 22765}, {22796, 22797, 3818}, {22804, 43865, 18379}, {22833, 22955, 22979}, {23046, 41106, 3}, {23046, 41990, 3627}, {23251, 42262, 372}, {23261, 42265, 371}, {23302, 42085, 42116}, {23302, 42101, 42085}, {23302, 42940, 42942}, {23302, 43104, 42911}, {23303, 42086, 42115}, {23303, 42102, 42086}, {23303, 42941, 42943}, {23303, 43101, 42910}, {23323, 46030, 4}, {24828, 24833, 24844}, {26326, 26386, 45369}, {26327, 26410, 45370}, {26328, 26466, 45610}, {26329, 26467, 45609}, {26332, 26470, 10680}, {26333, 37820, 10738}, {26336, 26346, 18440}, {27124, 27177, 2}, {27406, 27536, 33305}, {28033, 28103, 33302}, {28067, 28140, 33306}, {28263, 28382, 859}, {28431, 28721, 441}, {28447, 28448, 37955}, {29413, 29465, 46497}, {29521, 29727, 46575}, {29565, 29780, 46574}, {29998, 30070, 46514}, {30308, 38021, 9955}, {30771, 31726, 1657}, {30775, 40132, 2}, {31133, 31152, 34609}, {31133, 31180, 31181}, {31140, 31141, 3679}, {31159, 31160, 3679}, {31236, 35480, 18570}, {31489, 44526, 574}, {31664, 40894, 3}, {31665, 40895, 3}, {31693, 31694, 2}, {31693, 37351, 37352}, {31693, 37352, 37170}, {31694, 37351, 37171}, {31694, 37352, 37351}, {31723, 37347, 3}, {31824, 32156, 34792}, {31841, 40100, 38584}, {31861, 44263, 44438}, {32006, 32828, 7767}, {32369, 32379, 32402}, {32460, 46859, 2}, {32461, 46858, 2}, {32488, 33269, 7388}, {32489, 33269, 7389}, {32785, 42225, 6445}, {32786, 42226, 6446}, {32789, 42275, 6451}, {32790, 42276, 6452}, {32951, 33198, 33185}, {32961, 33255, 2}, {32962, 32996, 7791}, {32962, 33278, 2}, {32963, 33187, 2}, {32964, 33280, 33250}, {32965, 33279, 19695}, {32966, 33018, 384}, {32968, 32974, 8362}, {32971, 32980, 14064}, {32972, 32979, 14001}, {32974, 32991, 32968}, {32975, 33238, 32990}, {32976, 33239, 32989}, {32981, 32988, 32970}, {32982, 32987, 16043}, {32992, 33229, 7791}, {32994, 33264, 2}, {32997, 33009, 33001}, {32998, 33280, 32964}, {32999, 33279, 32965}, {33002, 33019, 7824}, {33004, 33010, 16922}, {33005, 33017, 2}, {33006, 33016, 2}, {33008, 33192, 8353}, {33016, 33228, 11286}, {33028, 33057, 33034}, {33029, 33056, 33033}, {33030, 33046, 33035}, {33184, 37350, 16041}, {33215, 33272, 8354}, {33216, 35927, 27088}, {33237, 33240, 2}, {33244, 33270, 33000}, {33264, 33273, 35955}, {33332, 44279, 35502}, {33532, 40916, 3}, {33923, 35417, 14893}, {33923, 41983, 15711}, {34200, 35404, 15683}, {34417, 37638, 21970}, {34484, 35500, 7488}, {34551, 34552, 3530}, {34559, 34562, 3850}, {35255, 42225, 9541}, {35382, 35400, 3526}, {35400, 35401, 3543}, {35401, 35404, 35434}, {35403, 35434, 5076}, {35404, 35408, 3146}, {35481, 37118, 11410}, {35481, 44452, 3}, {35493, 37968, 3}, {35500, 37440, 3}, {35732, 42282, 3525}, {35738, 42282, 3}, {35800, 35803, 3297}, {35801, 35802, 3298}, {35822, 35823, 6}, {35948, 35949, 8598}, {36169, 36184, 36193}, {36436, 36439, 36438}, {36436, 36454, 2}, {36436, 36455, 18587}, {36437, 36454, 18586}, {36437, 36457, 3}, {36438, 36456, 2}, {36439, 36455, 3}, {36439, 36457, 2}, {36445, 36463, 3839}, {36445, 41106, 2043}, {36448, 36466, 19709}, {36452, 36470, 16645}, {36453, 36469, 16644}, {36454, 36457, 36456}, {36463, 41106, 2044}, {36490, 36728, 36732}, {36526, 36530, 36527}, {36526, 36654, 3}, {36530, 36716, 3}, {36551, 36727, 36731}, {36557, 36561, 36558}, {36652, 36661, 3}, {36652, 36687, 5}, {36660, 36673, 5}, {36661, 36686, 4}, {36683, 36694, 5}, {36686, 36687, 3}, {36709, 37342, 3}, {36714, 37343, 3}, {36722, 36730, 36720}, {36969, 37835, 16}, {36969, 42155, 42127}, {36969, 42918, 37835}, {36970, 37832, 15}, {36970, 42154, 42126}, {36970, 42919, 37832}, {37077, 44263, 3830}, {37144, 37145, 2049}, {37162, 37433, 6903}, {37170, 37171, 2}, {37172, 37173, 439}, {37196, 37453, 186}, {37230, 37234, 382}, {37332, 37333, 3}, {37340, 37341, 14001}, {37349, 37353, 22}, {37351, 37352, 2}, {37353, 44262, 5055}, {37439, 43957, 2}, {37458, 37942, 6353}, {37460, 38282, 37935}, {37517, 43150, 40341}, {37638, 40909, 3581}, {37640, 42142, 43403}, {37640, 43403, 11542}, {37641, 42139, 43404}, {37641, 43404, 11543}, {37984, 44920, 15760}, {38071, 41099, 3}, {38071, 41991, 3860}, {38072, 41042, 42975}, {38072, 41043, 42974}, {38141, 38142, 38034}, {39504, 44263, 378}, {39530, 44924, 30258}, {39565, 39590, 32}, {40250, 40277, 3845}, {40647, 46849, 11381}, {40693, 42159, 398}, {40693, 42921, 42166}, {40694, 42162, 397}, {40694, 42920, 42163}, {41016, 41017, 4}, {41099, 41106, 2}, {41099, 41990, 15685}, {41107, 42813, 42973}, {41107, 42973, 5340}, {41108, 42814, 42972}, {41108, 42972, 5339}, {41112, 41120, 43229}, {41113, 41119, 43228}, {41121, 42972, 61}, {41122, 42973, 62}, {41748, 41750, 15534}, {41984, 44245, 44580}, {41984, 44580, 140}, {41987, 41990, 3090}, {41989, 44904, 5}, {41990, 44903, 11737}, {41990, 45762, 5071}, {42085, 42114, 23302}, {42086, 42111, 23303}, {42089, 42105, 42088}, {42092, 42104, 42087}, {42093, 42098, 15}, {42093, 42154, 36970}, {42093, 42919, 42132}, {42094, 42095, 16}, {42094, 42155, 36969}, {42094, 42918, 42129}, {42095, 42155, 16645}, {42096, 43029, 10645}, {42097, 43028, 10646}, {42098, 42154, 16644}, {42101, 42114, 42116}, {42101, 42942, 42940}, {42101, 43104, 42942}, {42102, 42111, 42115}, {42102, 42943, 42941}, {42102, 43101, 42943}, {42103, 42110, 11485}, {42106, 42107, 11486}, {42111, 42115, 42951}, {42111, 42910, 43101}, {42114, 42116, 42950}, {42114, 42911, 43104}, {42117, 42146, 11488}, {42118, 42143, 11489}, {42121, 42137, 42120}, {42124, 42136, 42119}, {42125, 42128, 6}, {42125, 42974, 42975}, {42125, 42975, 14}, {42126, 42132, 15}, {42127, 42129, 16}, {42128, 42974, 13}, {42128, 42975, 42974}, {42147, 42598, 42152}, {42148, 42599, 42149}, {42149, 42161, 42148}, {42152, 42160, 42147}, {42159, 42921, 40693}, {42162, 42920, 40694}, {42258, 42582, 5418}, {42259, 42583, 5420}, {42268, 42273, 3311}, {42269, 42270, 3312}, {42274, 42284, 6398}, {42277, 42283, 6221}, {42278, 42279, 1656}, {42280, 42281, 3091}, {42431, 42489, 5237}, {42432, 42488, 5238}, {42474, 42626, 43029}, {42475, 42625, 43028}, {42568, 43339, 6484}, {42569, 43338, 6485}, {42789, 42790, 35473}, {42791, 43107, 42945}, {42792, 43100, 42944}, {42807, 42808, 3850}, {42815, 42816, 6}, {42815, 42962, 42128}, {42815, 42963, 42816}, {42816, 42962, 42815}, {42816, 42963, 42125}, {42830, 42853, 42831}, {42894, 42895, 6}, {42894, 43030, 43031}, {42895, 43031, 43030}, {42910, 42941, 42115}, {42911, 42940, 42116}, {42936, 43632, 5352}, {42937, 43633, 5351}, {42940, 42942, 42085}, {42941, 42943, 42086}, {42942, 43104, 23302}, {42943, 43101, 23303}, {42962, 42963, 6}, {42974, 42975, 6}, {43030, 43031, 6}, {43193, 43239, 5237}, {43194, 43238, 5238}, {43209, 43255, 6456}, {43210, 43254, 6455}, {43211, 43257, 6407}, {43212, 43256, 6408}, {43821, 43831, 43845}, {43893, 46450, 37949}, {43957, 44454, 3534}, {44211, 44218, 549}, {44212, 44218, 44214}, {44236, 44452, 37118}, {44245, 44682, 21735}, {44276, 44440, 18325}, {44288, 46029, 22}, {44441, 44804, 1597}, {44580, 44682, 3524}, {45375, 45376, 18440}, {45438, 45439, 3818}, {45544, 45554, 45578}, {45545, 45555, 45579}, {45630, 45631, 18480}, {45924, 45926, 45923}, {46470, 46471, 378}
As a point on the Euler line, X(382) has Shinagawa coefficients (1,-5).
Let A'B'C' be the reflection triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole, wrt A'B'C', of line BC, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(382). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2015)
X(382) lies on these lines: 2,3 64,265 155,399 185,568 195,1498 355,516 952,962
X(382) is the {X(5),X(20)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(382), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(382) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (3,4), (20,5), (110,1539), (550,546), (3534,381)
X(382) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(546)
X(382) = complement of X(3529)
X(382) = anticomplement of X(550)
X(382) = Kosnita-to-tangential similarity image of X(4)
X(382) = homothetic center of Johnson triangle and mid-triangle of medial and anticomplementary triangles
X(382) = {X(2),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(15720)
X(382) = {X(3),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(381)
X(382) = Ehrmann-mid-to-ABC similarity image of X(3)
X(382) = homothetic center of Ehrmann vertex-triangle and anti-Hutson intouch triangle
X(382) = homothetic center of Ehrmann side-triangle and anti-excenters-incenter reflections triangle
X(382) = homothetic center of Ehrmann mid-triangle and ABC-X3 reflections triangle
X(382) = {X(4),X(24)}-harmonic conjugate of X(37197)
X(382) = {X(2),X(3529)}-harmonic conjugate of X(550)
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C) : (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin C)f(C,A,B)
As a point on the Euler line, X(383) has Shinagawa coefficients (S, -31/2(E + F)).
X(383) lies on these lines: 2,3 13,262 14,98 183,621 299,511 325,622
X(383) = reflection of X(1080) in X(1513)
X(383) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(1080)
X(383) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(32460)
As a point on the Euler line, X(384) has Shinagawa coefficients (E + F)2 - S2, 2S2).
Contributed by John Horton Conway, email, 1998.
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(384). (Randy Hutson, December 11, 2015)
Let La be the line through the 2nd Brocard circle intercepts (other than PU(1)) of lines AP(1) and AU(1); define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, B' = Lc∩La, C' = La∩Lb. The triangle A'B'C' is here introduced as the 6th Brocard triangle; A'B'C' is homothetic to the 1st Brocard triangle at X(384), homothetic to the 1st anti-Brocard triangle at X(3), and perspective to the 3rd Brocard triangle at X(384). The 2nd Brocard circle of ABC is the 1st Lemoine circle of A'B'C'. (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard-reflected triangle. Let A″ be the isogonal conjugate of A', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(384). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(384) lies on these lines these conics: {A,B,C,X(4),X(384),X(1031),X(2998),X(3114),X(9230),X(14970)}} and {A,B,C,X(25),X(384),X(733),X(1915),X(3224),X(3407), X(11380),X(14370}}
X(384) lies on these cubics: K020, K322, K421, K532, K828
X(384) lies on the cubics K020, K322, K421, K532, K828, and these lines: {1, 335}, {2, 3}, {6, 194}, {11, 26686}, {12, 26629}, {31, 17033}, {32, 76}, {35, 27020}, {36, 26959}, {37, 20136}, {39, 83}, {41, 24514}, {58, 17034}, {61, 12204}, {62, 12205}, {69, 5017}, {75, 4426}, {98, 6248}, {100, 26752}, {110, 35399}, {112, 1235}, {115, 5152}, {141, 1031}, {146, 38653}, {147, 38654}, {148, 5254}, {149, 38655}, {150, 38656}, {153, 38657}, {171, 41240}, {172, 350}, {182, 10131}, {183, 3053}, {185, 287}, {187, 1078}, {192, 54416}, {193, 32830}, {217, 39355}, {218, 17350}, {230, 44530}, {238, 16827}, {239, 5247}, {251, 1241}, {257, 3496}, {262, 9737}, {264, 1968}, {274, 17000}, {302, 53441}, {303, 53429}, {308, 38834}, {315, 3314}, {316, 626}, {325, 7745}, {330, 16502}, {511, 10333}, {524, 34604}, {538, 5007}, {543, 7765}, {574, 7782}, {575, 5182}, {576, 22486}, {595, 40859}, {597, 8591}, {598, 7775}, {599, 9939}, {609, 3760}, {620, 1506}, {625, 7874}, {671, 7817}, {683, 57260}, {694, 695}, {710, 9230}, {726, 49545}, {730, 12194}, {732, 12206}, {754, 7768}, {894, 41239}, {904, 6196}, {910, 25994}, {925, 27367}, {958, 20172}, {993, 17030}, {1001, 20133}, {1089, 30167}, {1107, 20179}, {1153, 51237}, {1194, 16276}, {1285, 63046}, {1330, 54365}, {1352, 9863}, {1376, 26687}, {1468, 17027}, {1495, 35301}, {1503, 46311}, {1580, 24259}, {1627, 39998}, {1632, 29959}, {1655, 5276}, {1691, 24256}, {1724, 20142}, {1799, 8891}, {1843, 9229}, {1909, 1914}, {1915, 4074}, {1941, 62595}, {1971, 59530}, {2080, 49111}, {2134, 17398}, {2178, 26107}, {2220, 3770}, {2221, 3210}, {2241, 53680}, {2251, 4721}, {2482, 9698}, {2548, 7763}, {2549, 7803}, {2782, 3398}, {2794, 35385}, {2887, 30175}, {2975, 26801}, {2996, 62887}, {3051, 3499}, {3094, 10345}, {3095, 10334}, {3096, 7761}, {3117, 4159}, {3118, 10337}, {3172, 9308}, {3448, 38661}, {3491, 17970}, {3492, 19558}, {3493, 51244}, {3494, 3502}, {3495, 3503}, {3500, 3501}, {3583, 30103}, {3585, 30104}, {3589, 5116}, {3618, 7738}, {3642, 9988}, {3643, 9989}, {3662, 24549}, {3666, 41258}, {3670, 30111}, {3729, 54329}, {3761, 7031}, {3767, 7806}, {3785, 16990}, {3788, 5475}, {3797, 7283}, {3815, 44532}, {3818, 9873}, {3849, 7849}, {3923, 16822}, {3926, 7774}, {3933, 7762}, {4045, 7756}, {4116, 4172}, {4173, 61101}, {4251, 17499}, {4257, 29455}, {4279, 24267}, {4339, 17316}, {4352, 17379}, {4372, 33931}, {4376, 33930}, {4386, 6376}, {4427, 25248}, {4577, 14885}, {4590, 61497}, {4676, 40861}, {4680, 30149}, {5008, 7805}, {5013, 11174}, {5015, 30179}, {5023, 15271}, {5026, 5038}, {5039, 32451}, {5041, 32450}, {5088, 7187}, {5108, 40871}, {5132, 20148}, {5171, 22712}, {5172, 28771}, {5206, 7771}, {5248, 27255}, {5251, 16819}, {5255, 17752}, {5258, 16829}, {5259, 31996}, {5264, 30114}, {5275, 27269}, {5277, 16999}, {5280, 25264}, {5286, 7920}, {5291, 17143}, {5304, 6392}, {5305, 47286}, {5306, 19570}, {5309, 7856}, {5395, 32831}, {5403, 38720}, {5404, 38721}, {5480, 47619}, {5651, 35275}, {5687, 53675}, {5902, 30139}, {5903, 30136}, {5969, 12191}, {5976, 34870}, {6162, 40865}, {6194, 39656}, {6228, 9992}, {6229, 9991}, {6272, 10793}, {6273, 10792}, {6284, 26590}, {6287, 38741}, {6292, 6781}, {6308, 42006}, {6337, 7736}, {6390, 53489}, {6683, 32456}, {7354, 26561}, {7608, 54872}, {7618, 31450}, {7697, 10104}, {7709, 10359}, {7746, 7857}, {7748, 7790}, {7749, 17006}, {7753, 7764}, {7754, 7766}, {7755, 14568}, {7757, 7772}, {7758, 7837}, {7759, 7796}, {7767, 63044}, {7773, 7778}, {7776, 7881}, {7780, 9466}, {7784, 7868}, {7788, 7946}, {7798, 7894}, {7800, 7904}, {7809, 7821}, {7810, 51224}, {7811, 7854}, {7813, 7838}, {7818, 7860}, {7825, 7867}, {7842, 7853}, {7844, 7942}, {7845, 7895}, {7848, 32027}, {7850, 7896}, {7851, 7932}, {7852, 7861}, {7855, 7877}, {7862, 7940}, {7865, 7936}, {7871, 7903}, {7872, 7913}, {7879, 7929}, {7884, 7902}, {7886, 14061}, {7910, 7914}, {7916, 7949}, {7976, 10800}, {8177, 59232}, {8267, 34482}, {8289, 53765}, {8623, 60707}, {8667, 22331}, {8782, 10346}, {8790, 19573}, {8861, 51250}, {8864, 51248}, {8865, 51251}, {8868, 8875}, {8870, 14509}, {8992, 13885}, {9166, 47617}, {9300, 59546}, {9301, 32521}, {9484, 39938}, {9605, 31859}, {9606, 52695}, {9766, 32821}, {9902, 10789}, {9917, 10790}, {10027, 37588}, {10063, 10801}, {10079, 10802}, {10159, 31168}, {10311, 54412}, {10312, 44146}, {10313, 26214}, {10347, 46283}, {10353, 13188}, {10548, 63063}, {10754, 44499}, {10788, 12251}, {10791, 12782}, {10794, 12923}, {10795, 12933}, {10797, 12837}, {10798, 12836}, {10799, 13077}, {10803, 13109}, {10804, 13110}, {10958, 28925}, {10992, 25555}, {11164, 32480}, {11272, 33813}, {11364, 12263}, {11380, 12143}, {11490, 12338}, {11638, 19663}, {11837, 12474}, {11838, 12475}, {11839, 12794}, {11840, 12992}, {11841, 12993}, {11842, 13108}, {12039, 48539}, {12122, 14810}, {12154, 42991}, {12155, 42990}, {12156, 41750}, {12195, 14839}, {12835, 18982}, {13030, 13033}, {13032, 13034}, {13111, 47618}, {13219, 38663}, {13232, 13237}, {13330, 39099}, {13571, 32820}, {13684, 13686}, {13804, 13806}, {13938, 13983}, {14135, 34236}, {14360, 38662}, {14377, 24190}, {14382, 48452}, {14516, 40867}, {14535, 45017}, {14604, 44160}, {14630, 51492}, {14631, 51493}, {14762, 55801}, {14822, 20027}, {14880, 26316}, {14881, 18502}, {14962, 27375}, {14965, 63069}, {14994, 41413}, {15048, 20094}, {15482, 15515}, {15483, 60072}, {15484, 63021}, {15513, 31239}, {16080, 54551}, {16275, 21248}, {16500, 20144}, {16589, 16993}, {16689, 18091}, {16783, 20147}, {16946, 34283}, {16991, 26085}, {16997, 18135}, {16998, 34284}, {17004, 32832}, {17008, 32828}, {17023, 53590}, {17103, 24512}, {17729, 24170}, {18092, 41328}, {18393, 30120}, {18501, 48673}, {18755, 37678}, {18800, 33749}, {18899, 33786}, {18993, 19089}, {18994, 19090}, {19130, 52995}, {19568, 42037}, {19761, 19768}, {20105, 22253}, {20112, 51238}, {20180, 20963}, {20344, 38658}, {20992, 56332}, {21001, 53164}, {21290, 38659}, {21850, 35458}, {22398, 36511}, {22520, 22779}, {22521, 32134}, {22677, 22679}, {22687, 54297}, {22689, 54298}, {22736, 22748}, {22737, 22749}, {22760, 28934}, {24206, 32152}, {24279, 24502}, {24358, 33943}, {24726, 25364}, {24729, 40981}, {25406, 35423}, {25440, 27091}, {25957, 30174}, {26068, 32561}, {26164, 30737}, {26166, 44132}, {26379, 48515}, {26403, 48516}, {26427, 49424}, {26428, 49423}, {26429, 49082}, {26430, 49083}, {26431, 49187}, {26432, 49188}, {26558, 57288}, {26613, 34506}, {27374, 55005}, {28660, 45983}, {28677, 46227}, {29012, 35422}, {29433, 52680}, {30038, 53602}, {30135, 37571}, {30140, 37525}, {30168, 49480}, {31078, 52898}, {31128, 51999}, {31404, 32829}, {31492, 42849}, {31652, 44562}, {32445, 57275}, {32522, 63424}, {32816, 53033}, {32817, 63017}, {32822, 63045}, {32826, 43448}, {32834, 37667}, {32835, 63077}, {32836, 63093}, {32840, 63091}, {33695, 40866}, {33863, 37686}, {34186, 38660}, {34504, 52691}, {34511, 63028}, {34545, 43843}, {35060, 58500}, {35387, 40253}, {35432, 54189}, {35464, 51872}, {35766, 35866}, {35767, 35867}, {35971, 37888}, {36759, 42675}, {36760, 42674}, {38862, 39668}, {39875, 43133}, {39876, 43134}, {40107, 52994}, {41134, 62362}, {43527, 54540}, {43530, 54828}, {44162, 60694}, {44367, 59780}, {44519, 47355}, {44531, 63534}, {44586, 49252}, {44587, 49253}, {45402, 49351}, {45403, 49352}, {45504, 48768}, {45505, 48769}, {46285, 51848}, {46323, 53475}, {47287, 63633}, {49560, 49562}, {49789, 59236}, {50685, 63428}, {51427, 63569}, {51523, 58765}, {52713, 63048}, {53105, 62902}, {53109, 60231}, {54126, 60205}, {54127, 60204}, {54373, 56046}, {54824, 62899}, {54829, 60191}, {54899, 62951}, {55164, 55738}, {57259, 60601}, {63294, 63372}
X(384) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 19686}, {6655, 6658}, {6656, 19687}, {19689, 19693}, {19696, 33256}
X(384) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 51710}, {2, 6661}, {3, 44224}, {4, 44230}, {5, 44237}, {6, 42421}, {20, 44251}, {6655, 6656}, {6656, 7819}, {6658, 19687}, {7470, 3}, {7760, 5007}, {7765, 7829}, {7768, 7794}, {7819, 19697}, {7873, 7849}, {7924, 2}, {7948, 19689}, {8357, 8364}, {11303, 37341}, {11304, 37340}, {19664, 19676}, {19688, 19678}, {19691, 19695}, {19694, 19692}, {19695, 8357}, {19696, 6658}, {24726, 25364}, {33256, 6655}, {37243, 5}, {37888, 35971}, {63038, 12150}
X(384) = isogonal conjugate of X(695)
X(384) = isotomic conjugate of X(9229)
X(384) = complement of X(6655)
X(384) = anticomplement of X(6656)
X(384) = antigonal image of X(37888)
X(384) = circumcircle-inverse of X(37896)
X(384) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(5025)
X(384) = polar-circle-inverse of X(46560)
X(384) = eigencenter of cevian triangle of X(694)
X(384) = eigencenter of anticevian triangle of X(385)
X(384) = antitomic conjugate of X(16101)
X(384) = polar conjugate of X(37892)
X(384) = polar conjugate of X(37892)
X(384) = antigonal conjugate of X(37888)
X(384) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(37890)
X(384) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(37889)
X(384) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(37891)
X(384) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(1915)
X(384) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(9230)
X(384) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(37894)
X(384) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(37893)
X(384) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1241, 21275}, {35567, 21305}, {60125, 21270}
X(384) = X(31)-complementary conjugate of X(37895)
X(384) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 37895}, {694, 385}, {9230, 37894}, {14617, 3329}
X(384) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4074, 9230}, {6657, 36432}, {37891, 2}, {37893, 37894}
X(384) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 695}, {2, 9288}, {6, 9285}, {31, 9229}, {32, 9239}, {48, 37892}, {75, 51948}, {76, 9236}, {1580, 51982}, {1933, 40847}, {1966, 14946}, {1967, 54129}, {18833, 57503}
X(384) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 9229}, {3, 695}, {9, 9285}, {206, 51948}, {384, 6655}, {1249, 37892}, {6376, 9239}, {8290, 54129}, {9467, 14946}, {32664, 9288}, {35971, 523}, {37895, 2}, {39092, 51982}
X(384) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 8866}, {3, 3499}, {4, 8863}, {32, 3492}, {39, 3491}, {76, 8790}, {83, 60602}, {194, 2896}, {695, 8874}, {1915, 37893}, {3493, 8871}, {3494, 8872}, {3496, 6196}, {3498, 60601}, {3501, 8865}, {3503, 8862}, {6657, 37891}, {8861, 8870}, {8864, 8873}, {8867, 8875}
X(384) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {83, 3115}, {39291, 41174}
X(384) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {39, 3118}, {76, 24734}
X(384) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 3221}
X(384) = intersection of tangents at PU(1) to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(99),PU(1)}
X(384) = perspector of ABC and symmedial triangle of 1st Brocard triangle
X(384) = perspector of 1st and 3rd Brocard triangles
X(384) = X(4027)-of-6th-Brocard-triangle
X(384) = perspector of 1st Brocard triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 1st Brocard triangle
X(384) = perspector of 3rd Brocard triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 3rd Brocard triangle
X(384) = pole of Brocard axis wrt conic {X(13),X(14),X(15),X(16),X(76)}}
X(384) = homothetic center of 1st and 6th Brocard triangles
X(384) = endo-homothetic center of 1st and 6th anti-Brocard triangles
X(384) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1241, 21275}, {35567, 21305}
X(384) = X(9491)-vertex conjugate of X(19566)
X(384) = X(333)-beth conjugate of X(24610)
X(384) = X(1)-zayin conjugate of X(695)
X(384) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 6660}, {4, 15145},{6, 19566},{1915, 16985},{1916, 9468}
X(384) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1965}, {4, 37894}, {6, 9230}, {31, 1925}, {75, 1582}, {76, 1915}, {83, 4074}, {264, 37893}, {305, 11380}, {385, 54130}, {561, 1932}, {782, 41209}, {1799, 12143}, {1916, 16985}, {1934, 51904}, {6660, 16101}, {9229, 36432}, {18896, 51320}, {19566, 22252}
barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 9285}, {2, 9229}, {4, 37892}, {6, 695}, {31, 9288}, {32, 51948}, {75, 9239}, {385, 54129}, {560, 9236}, {694, 51982}, {1582, 1}, {1915, 6}, {1916, 40847}, {1925, 561}, {1932, 31}, {1965, 75}, {3618, 3866}, {4074, 141}, {6657, 37891}, {6660, 3505}, {9230, 76}, {9468, 14946}, {11380, 25}, {12143, 427}, {16985, 385}, {37891, 6656}, {37893, 3}, {37894, 69}, {37895, 6655}, {41209, 18828}, {41331, 57503}, {51320, 1691}, {51904, 1580}, {54130, 1916}
X(384) = {X(2),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(7824)
X(384) = {X(2),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5025)
X(384) = {X(2),X(5)}-harmonic conjugate of X(32967)
X(384) = {X(2),X(20)}-harmonic conjugate of X(7791)
X(384) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 3, 7824}, {2, 4, 5025}, {2, 5, 32967}, {2, 20, 7791}, {2, 21, 33047}, {2, 23, 26257}, {2, 405, 16912}, {2, 439, 3523}, {2, 452, 33029}, {2, 631, 33015}, {2, 857, 30846}, {2, 858, 30777}, {2, 1003, 13586}, {2, 1375, 31220}, {2, 2475, 33841}, {2, 2478, 33046}, {2, 3091, 32961}, {2, 3146, 32974}, {2, 3522, 32990}, {2, 3523, 33001}, {2, 3543, 33251}, {2, 3552, 3}, {2, 3832, 32972}, {2, 4189, 17684}, {2, 4195, 17688}, {2, 4209, 33825}, {2, 5025, 7901}, {2, 5046, 17669}, {2, 5056, 32998}, {2, 5059, 33025}, {2, 5068, 32988}, {2, 5189, 31107}, {2, 6655, 6656}, {2, 6656, 7948}, {2, 6658, 6655}, {2, 6919, 33053}, {2, 7791, 7876}, {2, 7807, 33245}, {2, 7819, 19694}, {2, 7876, 16897}, {2, 7892, 14043}, {2, 7901, 14047}, {2, 7907, 16923}, {2, 7933, 7866}, {2, 8370, 33013}, {2, 10303, 33003}, {2, 11106, 33040}, {2, 11159, 8597}, {2, 11319, 33816}, {2, 11321, 16911}, {2, 11361, 14041}, {2, 13586, 33273}, {2, 14001, 7892}, {2, 14002, 16055}, {2, 14031, 14035}, {2, 14033, 11361}, {2, 14034, 14042}, {2, 14035, 4}, {2, 14037, 14001}, {2, 14039, 14036}, {2, 14041, 14046}, {2, 14042, 14045}, {2, 14044, 33286}, {2, 14062, 33284}, {2, 14063, 14064}, {2, 14064, 14065}, {2, 14066, 33289}, {2, 14068, 14063}, {2, 14069, 14067}, {2, 14953, 24610}, {2, 14955, 30924}, {2, 14956, 30978}, {2, 16044, 5}, {2, 16895, 16896}, {2, 16898, 16895}, {2, 16899, 16901}, {2, 16900, 16902}, {2, 16903, 16899}, {2, 16904, 16900}, {2, 16905, 16907}, {2, 16906, 16908}, {2, 16909, 16905}, {2, 16910, 16906}, {2, 16913, 11321}, {2, 16914, 405}, {2, 16915, 16917}, {2, 16916, 16918}, {2, 16919, 16915}, {2, 16920, 16916}, {2, 16921, 16922}, {2, 16924, 16921}, {2, 16925, 7907}, {2, 16926, 16928}, {2, 16927, 16929}, {2, 16930, 16926}, {2, 16931, 16927}, {2, 16932, 16950}, {2, 16949, 16951}, {2, 16952, 16932}, {2, 16953, 16949}, {2, 16954, 16956}, {2, 16955, 16957}, {2, 16958, 16954}, {2, 16959, 16955}, {2, 17565, 17670}, {2, 17578, 33200}, {2, 17680, 17673}, {2, 17689, 19270}, {2, 17691, 33827}, {2, 17692, 21}, {2, 17693, 404}, {2, 17697, 33817}, {2, 19233, 19229}, {2, 19235, 19231}, {2, 19237, 19224}, {2, 19650, 19664}, {2, 19665, 19672}, {2, 19678, 19675}, {2, 19685, 19671}, {2, 19687, 33256}, {2, 19689, 7819}, {2, 19691, 19690}, {2, 19692, 19689}, {2, 19693, 6658}, {2, 19700, 19670}, {2, 26788, 27126}, {2, 26835, 27179}, {2, 32962, 3090}, {2, 32963, 32969}, {2, 32964, 631}, {2, 32965, 16043}, {2, 32966, 7887}, {2, 32971, 16924}, {2, 32972, 33248}, {2, 32973, 16925}, {2, 32979, 3091}, {2, 32980, 33199}, {2, 32981, 20}, {2, 32982, 33180}, {2, 32985, 33274}, {2, 32987, 32999}, {2, 32989, 33000}, {2, 32991, 5056}, {2, 32995, 32963}, {2, 32996, 33283}, {2, 33002, 1656}, {2, 33004, 11285}, {2, 33007, 7833}, {2, 33009, 5067}, {2, 33012, 32978}, {2, 33014, 33004}, {2, 33018, 32966}, {2, 33019, 7933}, {2, 33020, 32992}, {2, 33021, 8362}, {2, 33023, 33202}, {2, 33030, 442}, {2, 33056, 6856}, {2, 33058, 443}, {2, 33062, 474}, {2, 33187, 376}, {2, 33192, 33190}, {2, 33193, 32986}, {2, 33198, 16898}, {2, 33201, 32973}, {2, 33204, 3533}, {2, 33205, 32989}, {2, 33206, 3525}, {2, 33208, 33215}, {2, 33225, 7807}, {2, 33239, 33275}, {2, 33244, 32965}, {2, 33255, 33246}, {2, 33258, 32960}, {2, 33259, 140}, {2, 33260, 33021}, {2, 33261, 32975}, {2, 33262, 32977}, {2, 33264, 11287}, {2, 33265, 8356}, {2, 33266, 3524}, {2, 33269, 32968}, {2, 33270, 32976}, {2, 33277, 32955}, {2, 33278, 33223}, {2, 33283, 32951}, {2, 33336, 419}, {2, 33818, 33838}, {2, 33820, 33839}, {2, 33822, 17671}, {2, 33823, 33840}, {2, 33824, 17550}, {2, 33829, 33833}, {2, 33831, 4202}, {2, 33832, 16062}, {2, 35296, 60700}, {2, 35927, 33008}, {2, 35929, 6636}, {2, 40853, 41237}, {2, 62967, 63797}, {3, 4, 5999}, {3, 5, 37334}, {3, 1003, 3552}, {3, 3552, 13586}, {3, 7770, 2}, {3, 7824, 33273}, {3, 11285, 33004}, {3, 11286, 7770}, {3, 11356, 6656}, {3, 13586, 33276}, {3, 15013, 28723}, {3, 33235, 33014}, {3, 35930, 4}, {3, 37123, 7488}, {3, 54993, 3522}, {4, 5025, 14041}, {4, 7892, 7901}, {4, 7901, 14045}, {4, 11361, 14042}, {4, 14001, 2}, {4, 14031, 14034}, {4, 14033, 14035}, {4, 14035, 11361}, {4, 14036, 14043}, {4, 14037, 7892}, {4, 14039, 14001}, {4, 14041, 14044}, {4, 14043, 14046}, {4, 14047, 33291}, {4, 14063, 14062}, {4, 14064, 14063}, {4, 14065, 33289}, {4, 14067, 33284}, {4, 14068, 14066}, {4, 14069, 14064}, {4, 16041, 32996}, {4, 16924, 33300}, {4, 32951, 16041}, {4, 32952, 33285}, {4, 32953, 33292}, {4, 35925, 3}, {5, 631, 10486}, {5, 7807, 2}, {5, 8369, 7807}, {5, 8370, 16044}, {5, 16044, 33013}, {5, 33225, 33245}, {6, 194, 7839}, {6, 1975, 194}, {6, 4048, 12215}, {20, 7791, 7833}, {20, 7833, 33267}, {20, 16898, 7876}, {20, 32981, 33007}, {20, 33007, 33257}, {20, 33023, 33253}, {20, 33198, 2}, {20, 33202, 33023}, {20, 33257, 9855}, {21, 17686, 2}, {25, 11324, 2}, {32, 76, 385}, {32, 3734, 76}, {32, 7751, 6179}, {32, 17128, 17129}, {32, 17130, 7751}, {39, 83, 3329}, {39, 99, 7783}, {39, 7804, 83}, {39, 7816, 99}, {39, 10341, 38382}, {69, 20065, 7893}, {76, 385, 17129}, {76, 3734, 17128}, {76, 3972, 32}, {76, 6179, 7751}, {83, 99, 39}, {83, 7816, 7783}, {99, 5149, 8290}, {99, 7804, 3329}, {115, 6680, 7828}, {140, 32992, 2}, {140, 35297, 33259}, {141, 2076, 60702}, {141, 7750, 2896}, {148, 7797, 5254}, {148, 10583, 7797}, {183, 3053, 7793}, {187, 3934, 1078}, {194, 7787, 6}, {315, 3314, 7939}, {315, 7737, 7823}, {315, 7795, 3314}, {316, 626, 7885}, {316, 7820, 7931}, {316, 7832, 626}, {325, 7745, 7785}, {325, 7785, 7941}, {325, 7789, 7836}, {325, 7836, 7947}, {376, 16043, 32965}, {376, 16045, 16043}, {376, 32965, 33275}, {376, 33239, 33244}, {376, 33244, 33268}, {381, 7887, 32966}, {381, 32954, 7887}, {381, 33220, 2}, {381, 33242, 32954}, {382, 7841, 33019}, {382, 7866, 7841}, {382, 33019, 8597}, {382, 33217, 7933}, {382, 33237, 7866}, {385, 17128, 76}, {404, 17541, 2}, {405, 11321, 2}, {405, 16913, 16911}, {405, 19230, 19232}, {458, 37199, 1593}, {458, 37344, 2}, {546, 8361, 33228}, {546, 8368, 8361}, {546, 33228, 32993}, {550, 8356, 33260}, {550, 8362, 8356}, {550, 33250, 33265}, {574, 7808, 7786}, {598, 7870, 7775}, {620, 1506, 7769}, {625, 7874, 7899}, {626, 7747, 316}, {626, 7820, 7832}, {626, 7832, 7931}, {631, 32964, 33274}, {631, 32968, 2}, {631, 32985, 32964}, {694, 695, 14820}, {1003, 7770, 3}, {1003, 11285, 33235}, {1003, 11286, 2}, {1003, 11356, 10997}, {1008, 13723, 19312}, {1010, 17682, 17670}, {1010, 37035, 56985}, {1113, 1114, 37896}, {1352, 36998, 9863}, {1506, 7769, 17005}, {1656, 11288, 33233}, {1656, 33233, 2}, {1656, 44543, 33002}, {1657, 11287, 33234}, {1657, 33234, 33264}, {1915, 4074, 37894}, {1975, 7787, 7839}, {2043, 2044, 55008}, {2076, 24273, 141}, {2454, 2455, 44347}, {2479, 2480, 6660}, {2548, 7763, 7777}, {2549, 7803, 7864}, {2896, 14712, 7750}, {2896, 46226, 141}, {3090, 32970, 2}, {3090, 32983, 32962}, {3090, 33191, 32970}, {3091, 32979, 33016}, {3091, 33181, 2}, {3095, 10349, 39101}, {3096, 7761, 7928}, {3096, 7802, 7761}, {3146, 32974, 33017}, {3314, 7823, 315}, {3329, 7783, 39}, {3496, 3497, 19555}, {3496, 24291, 257}, {3500, 3501, 19591}, {3522, 32990, 33008}, {3522, 35927, 33254}, {3524, 32957, 32978}, {3524, 32978, 33012}, {3525, 32975, 2}, {3525, 33216, 33206}, {3528, 32960, 33215}, {3529, 32956, 32986}, {3529, 32986, 32997}, {3543, 32982, 33279}, {3543, 33180, 32982}, {3544, 33231, 32958}, {3545, 32969, 32963}, {3545, 33189, 32969}, {3545, 33224, 2}, {3552, 6655, 10997}, {3552, 7770, 7824}, {3552, 7824, 33276}, {3552, 33004, 33014}, {3552, 33014, 33235}, {3627, 33184, 33229}, {3627, 33185, 33184}, {3734, 3972, 385}, {3734, 7751, 17130}, {3788, 5475, 7752}, {3788, 7752, 7925}, {3832, 32972, 33006}, {3839, 33183, 33199}, {3839, 33199, 32980}, {3855, 32955, 32984}, {3855, 33197, 32955}, {3855, 33222, 33277}, {3926, 7774, 7906}, {3933, 7762, 7779}, {3933, 18907, 7762}, {4045, 7756, 7847}, {4045, 7889, 7859}, {4187, 17694, 2}, {4195, 4201, 1010}, {4195, 17691, 2}, {4195, 56990, 56986}, {4209, 17697, 2}, {4234, 17681, 16061}, {4235, 37125, 3520}, {4366, 6645, 1}, {5004, 5005, 7467}, {5007, 7760, 63038}, {5025, 7892, 2}, {5025, 7901, 14046}, {5025, 11361, 4}, {5025, 14001, 14043}, {5025, 14030, 14034}, {5025, 14032, 14035}, {5025, 14034, 11361}, {5025, 14035, 14042}, {5025, 14036, 7892}, {5025, 14038, 14001}, {5025, 14040, 14036}, {5025, 14041, 14045}, {5025, 14042, 14044}, {5025, 14043, 14047}, {5025, 14045, 33291}, {5025, 14046, 33286}, {5025, 14062, 14063}, {5025, 14063, 33289}, {5025, 14064, 33284}, {5025, 14065, 14064}, {5025, 14066, 14062}, {5025, 14067, 14065}, {5025, 16041, 33293}, {5025, 33283, 33288}, {5056, 32991, 33005}, {5056, 33203, 2}, {5059, 33025, 33272}, {5059, 33272, 33271}, {5067, 32977, 2}, {5071, 32959, 32976}, {5071, 32976, 33270}, {5071, 33236, 32959}, {5192, 33830, 2}, {5206, 7815, 7771}, {5254, 7792, 7797}, {5254, 32819, 148}, {5277, 18140, 16999}, {5286, 16989, 7920}, {5475, 7835, 7925}, {6179, 7751, 385}, {6196, 7346, 18272}, {6248, 13335, 98}, {6292, 6781, 7830}, {6292, 7830, 7831}, {6390, 53489, 63018}, {6655, 6656, 7924}, {6655, 6661, 19694}, {6655, 7819, 7948}, {6655, 10997, 7470}, {6655, 19665, 19666}, {6655, 19668, 19688}, {6655, 19678, 19664}, {6655, 19679, 19675}, {6655, 19686, 6658}, {6655, 19687, 19696}, {6655, 19689, 2}, {6655, 19690, 8357}, {6655, 19691, 19695}, {6655, 19692, 7819}, {6655, 19693, 19687}, {6656, 6658, 33256}, {6656, 6661, 7819}, {6656, 7819, 2}, {6656, 8357, 19690}, {6656, 19650, 19688}, {6656, 19668, 19664}, {6656, 19676, 19675}, {6656, 19686, 19696}, {6656, 19689, 19694}, {6656, 19695, 8357}, {6656, 19697, 19689}, {6658, 6661, 7948}, {6658, 7819, 7924}, {6658, 19676, 19688}, {6658, 19677, 19675}, {6658, 19679, 19664}, {6658, 19686, 19687}, {6658, 19689, 6656}, {6658, 19690, 19691}, {6658, 19692, 2}, {6658, 19693, 19686}, {6658, 19697, 19694}, {6661, 7819, 19689}, {6661, 19686, 7924}, {6661, 19687, 6656}, {6661, 19693, 33256}, {6661, 19697, 19692}, {6675, 33033, 2}, {6680, 7828, 16984}, {6683, 32456, 37512}, {6815, 26204, 2}, {6999, 37416, 23512}, {7399, 26205, 2}, {7737, 7795, 315}, {7745, 7789, 325}, {7745, 7836, 7941}, {7747, 7820, 626}, {7747, 7832, 7885}, {7748, 7834, 7790}, {7748, 7846, 7923}, {7751, 17130, 76}, {7752, 7835, 3788}, {7753, 7764, 7858}, {7753, 7863, 7764}, {7754, 30435, 7766}, {7756, 7889, 4045}, {7757, 7878, 7772}, {7759, 7796, 7840}, {7759, 7801, 7796}, {7760, 12150, 5007}, {7761, 7822, 3096}, {7762, 18907, 20088}, {7764, 7863, 7799}, {7765, 7829, 7827}, {7766, 20081, 7754}, {7770, 10997, 7948}, {7770, 15013, 26221}, {7770, 33235, 11285}, {7772, 7781, 7757}, {7773, 7778, 7912}, {7775, 7888, 7814}, {7776, 7881, 7897}, {7777, 7891, 7763}, {7779, 20088, 7762}, {7782, 7786, 574}, {7782, 60855, 7786}, {7784, 7868, 7938}, {7785, 7789, 7947}, {7785, 7836, 325}, {7786, 60855, 7808}, {7790, 7834, 7923}, {7790, 7846, 7834}, {7791, 16895, 16897}, {7791, 16898, 2}, {7791, 32981, 33257}, {7791, 33007, 20}, {7791, 33198, 16895}, {7791, 33253, 33023}, {7791, 33257, 33267}, {7792, 32819, 5254}, {7793, 31276, 183}, {7795, 7823, 7939}, {7796, 7812, 7759}, {7797, 10583, 7792}, {7799, 7858, 7764}, {7800, 14907, 7904}, {7801, 7812, 7840}, {7802, 7822, 7928}, {7804, 7816, 39}, {7807, 8369, 33225}, {7807, 8370, 5}, {7807, 16044, 32967}, {7809, 7909, 7821}, {7813, 7838, 7905}, {7814, 7870, 7888}, {7818, 7869, 7922}, {7819, 8357, 8364}, {7819, 10997, 7824}, {7819, 19668, 19675}, {7819, 19686, 33256}, {7819, 19687, 6655}, {7819, 19693, 19696}, {7819, 19697, 6661}, {7821, 7843, 7809}, {7821, 7880, 7909}, {7821, 14537, 7843}, {7824, 13586, 3}, {7825, 7867, 7934}, {7833, 7876, 7791}, {7833, 16895, 7876}, {7833, 16898, 16897}, {7833, 33007, 9855}, {7833, 33198, 16896}, {7833, 33257, 20}, {7841, 7866, 7933}, {7841, 33217, 7866}, {7841, 33237, 2}, {7842, 7853, 7911}, {7842, 7915, 7853}, {7843, 7880, 7821}, {7845, 7895, 7917}, {7847, 7859, 4045}, {7849, 7873, 7883}, {7852, 7861, 7919}, {7853, 7915, 7944}, {7859, 7889, 16987}, {7860, 7922, 7818}, {7864, 7875, 7803}, {7866, 11159, 382}, {7866, 33217, 2}, {7866, 33237, 33217}, {7867, 62203, 7825}, {7871, 7926, 7903}, {7872, 7913, 7918}, {7874, 39590, 625}, {7876, 16895, 2}, {7876, 16898, 16896}, {7876, 32981, 9855}, {7876, 33007, 33267}, {7876, 33257, 7833}, {7880, 14537, 7809}, {7885, 7931, 626}, {7886, 39565, 14061}, {7887, 32954, 2}, {7887, 33220, 32954}, {7892, 11361, 5025}, {7892, 14030, 14035}, {7892, 14032, 11361}, {7892, 14033, 14042}, {7892, 14034, 4}, {7892, 14035, 14041}, {7892, 14036, 14001}, {7892, 14038, 14036}, {7892, 14040, 14037}, {7892, 14041, 14047}, {7892, 14042, 14046}, {7892, 14062, 14065}, {7892, 14065, 14067}, {7892, 14066, 14064}, {7892, 14067, 14069}, {7892, 14068, 33284}, {7892, 33300, 16922}, {7897, 7900, 7776}, {7898, 7938, 7784}, {7901, 11361, 14044}, {7901, 14041, 5025}, {7901, 14042, 14041}, {7901, 14043, 2}, {7901, 14044, 33291}, {7901, 14045, 33286}, {7901, 33284, 14064}, {7901, 33289, 33284}, {7901, 33293, 33283}, {7903, 7908, 7871}, {7904, 16986, 7800}, {7906, 7921, 7774}, {7907, 16921, 2}, {7907, 16924, 16922}, {7907, 33246, 16925}, {7907, 33300, 7901}, {7910, 7937, 7935}, {7911, 7944, 7853}, {7912, 7945, 7778}, {7914, 7935, 7937}, {7918, 7943, 7913}, {7924, 7948, 6656}, {7924, 19694, 7948}, {7924, 19696, 33256}, {7924, 33256, 6655}, {7930, 7934, 7867}, {7933, 33019, 7841}, {7941, 7947, 325}, {7948, 19694, 2}, {7948, 19696, 6655}, {7948, 33256, 7924}, {8356, 8362, 33021}, {8356, 33250, 550}, {8357, 8364, 6656}, {8357, 19690, 7924}, {8357, 19695, 6655}, {8357, 19697, 19702}, {8357, 19702, 2}, {8362, 33250, 33260}, {8363, 33185, 2}, {8363, 33229, 33184}, {8364, 19687, 19691}, {8364, 19691, 7924}, {8364, 19695, 19690}, {8366, 11317, 11318}, {8366, 11318, 2}, {8368, 33228, 2}, {8369, 8370, 2}, {8369, 16044, 33245}, {8370, 33225, 32967}, {8370, 35954, 8369}, {9466, 35007, 7780}, {9737, 10358, 262}, {9855, 16896, 7791}, {9855, 33267, 20}, {10337, 10344, 10338}, {10340, 52083, 10339}, {10997, 11356, 7924}, {10998, 37336, 37334}, {10999, 11000, 6656}, {11001, 33247, 33209}, {11057, 47005, 7865}, {11104, 37027, 1009}, {11108, 33035, 2}, {11112, 17540, 17670}, {11112, 17670, 17565}, {11114, 17550, 33824}, {11159, 33217, 33019}, {11159, 33237, 7841}, {11164, 47352, 32480}, {11285, 33004, 7824}, {11285, 33235, 3}, {11288, 44543, 2}, {11293, 11294, 4}, {11299, 11303, 37333}, {11300, 11304, 37332}, {11321, 16914, 16912}, {11321, 19230, 19231}, {11328, 11335, 11338}, {11328, 11338, 2}, {11339, 16405, 2}, {11343, 41236, 2}, {11343, 50060, 41236}, {11353, 16412, 2}, {11361, 14001, 7901}, {11361, 14030, 14033}, {11361, 14032, 14034}, {11361, 14034, 14035}, {11361, 14036, 2}, {11361, 14037, 14043}, {11361, 14038, 7892}, {11361, 14040, 14001}, {11361, 14043, 14045}, {11361, 14062, 14066}, {11361, 14065, 14062}, {11361, 14066, 14068}, {11361, 14067, 14063}, {11361, 14069, 33289}, {13735, 17682, 33821}, {13740, 16060, 2}, {13740, 35916, 37148}, {13741, 33828, 2}, {14001, 14031, 11361}, {14001, 14032, 14042}, {14001, 14033, 4}, {14001, 14034, 14041}, {14001, 14035, 5025}, {14001, 14037, 14036}, {14001, 14039, 14037}, {14001, 14042, 14047}, {14001, 14063, 14067}, {14001, 14064, 14069}, {14001, 14068, 14065}, {14030, 14032, 14031}, {14030, 14034, 14032}, {14030, 14036, 11361}, {14030, 14037, 14042}, {14030, 14038, 4}, {14030, 14039, 14041}, {14030, 14040, 5025}, {14031, 14033, 14032}, {14031, 14035, 14033}, {14031, 14036, 14042}, {14031, 14037, 4}, {14031, 14038, 14041}, {14031, 14039, 5025}, {14031, 14040, 7901}, {14032, 14034, 14033}, {14032, 14036, 4}, {14032, 14037, 14041}, {14032, 14038, 5025}, {14032, 14039, 7901}, {14032, 14040, 2}, {14033, 14035, 14034}, {14033, 14036, 14041}, {14033, 14037, 5025}, {14033, 14038, 7901}, {14033, 14039, 2}, {14033, 14040, 14043}, {14033, 14069, 14068}, {14034, 14036, 5025}, {14034, 14037, 7901}, {14034, 14038, 2}, {14034, 14039, 14043}, {14034, 14040, 7892}, {14034, 14065, 14068}, {14034, 14067, 14066}, {14035, 14036, 7901}, {14035, 14037, 2}, {14035, 14038, 14043}, {14035, 14039, 7892}, {14035, 14043, 14044}, {14035, 14063, 14068}, {14035, 14064, 14066}, {14035, 14069, 14062}, {14036, 14038, 14037}, {14036, 14040, 14038}, {14036, 14062, 14069}, {14036, 14066, 14067}, {14037, 14039, 14038}, {14037, 14068, 14069}, {14038, 14040, 14039}, {14041, 14042, 4}, {14041, 14043, 7901}, {14041, 14046, 33291}, {14041, 14047, 33286}, {14041, 33284, 33289}, {14041, 33288, 16041}, {14041, 33289, 14063}, {14042, 14043, 5025}, {14042, 33284, 14062}, {14043, 33289, 14065}, {14044, 14045, 14041}, {14044, 14046, 14045}, {14044, 14047, 5025}, {14045, 14046, 5025}, {14045, 14047, 14046}, {14046, 14047, 7901}, {14061, 15031, 39565}, {14062, 14063, 14041}, {14062, 14064, 33289}, {14062, 14065, 5025}, {14062, 14066, 4}, {14062, 14067, 14064}, {14062, 14069, 7901}, {14062, 33284, 14045}, {14063, 14064, 5025}, {14063, 14065, 33284}, {14063, 14067, 7901}, {14063, 14068, 4}, {14063, 14069, 14065}, {14063, 33287, 33292}, {14063, 33289, 14045}, {14064, 14065, 7901}, {14064, 14066, 14041}, {14064, 14068, 14062}, {14064, 14069, 2}, {14064, 33284, 14046}, {14064, 33292, 33287}, {14065, 14066, 14063}, {14065, 14067, 2}, {14065, 14068, 14041}, {14065, 33289, 14046}, {14066, 14067, 5025}, {14066, 14068, 14042}, {14066, 14069, 33284}, {14066, 33289, 14044}, {14067, 14068, 33289}, {14067, 14069, 14043}, {14067, 33284, 14047}, {14068, 14069, 5025}, {14068, 33284, 14044}, {14069, 33289, 14047}, {14069, 33292, 32953}, {14712, 46226, 2896}, {14784, 14785, 37242}, {15682, 33223, 33278}, {16041, 32951, 33283}, {16041, 33283, 5025}, {16043, 16045, 2}, {16043, 33187, 33268}, {16043, 33239, 376}, {16043, 33244, 33275}, {16044, 33225, 2}, {16045, 33187, 33275}, {16045, 33239, 32965}, {16050, 50200, 2}, {16061, 17681, 2}, {16845, 33026, 2}, {16895, 32981, 33267}, {16895, 33257, 7791}, {16896, 16897, 2}, {16897, 33267, 7791}, {16898, 32981, 7833}, {16898, 33007, 7791}, {16899, 16900, 2}, {16899, 16904, 16902}, {16900, 16903, 16901}, {16901, 16902, 2}, {16903, 16904, 2}, {16905, 16906, 2}, {16905, 16910, 16908}, {16906, 16909, 16907}, {16907, 16908, 2}, {16909, 16910, 2}, {16911, 16912, 2}, {16913, 16914, 2}, {16914, 19235, 19232}, {16915, 16916, 2}, {16915, 16920, 16918}, {16916, 16919, 16917}, {16917, 16918, 2}, {16919, 16920, 2}, {16921, 16925, 16923}, {16921, 33246, 7907}, {16922, 16923, 2}, {16924, 16925, 2}, {16924, 32973, 7907}, {16924, 32999, 32987}, {16924, 33000, 32999}, {16924, 33201, 33246}, {16924, 33246, 16923}, {16924, 33255, 16925}, {16925, 32971, 16921}, {16925, 32973, 33246}, {16925, 32999, 33000}, {16925, 33000, 32989}, {16925, 33255, 32973}, {16926, 16927, 2}, {16926, 16931, 16929}, {16927, 16930, 16928}, {16928, 16929, 2}, {16930, 16931, 2}, {16932, 16949, 2}, {16932, 16953, 16951}, {16949, 16952, 16950}, {16950, 16951, 2}, {16952, 16953, 2}, {16954, 16955, 2}, {16954, 16959, 16957}, {16955, 16958, 16956}, {16956, 16957, 2}, {16958, 16959, 2}, {17538, 33226, 33207}, {17540, 17670, 2}, {17559, 33043, 2}, {17579, 33840, 33823}, {17682, 33821, 2}, {17686, 17692, 33047}, {17688, 33827, 2}, {17928, 26226, 2}, {18502, 35002, 14881}, {19226, 19234, 16912}, {19226, 19237, 19230}, {19227, 19228, 2}, {19227, 19230, 19224}, {19228, 19231, 19235}, {19229, 19233, 19224}, {19229, 19237, 19233}, {19231, 19237, 16912}, {19232, 19237, 405}, {19650, 19669, 19666}, {19650, 19671, 19685}, {19650, 19677, 19676}, {19650, 19678, 19668}, {19650, 19679, 19678}, {19650, 19689, 19675}, {19659, 19660, 8362}, {19665, 19670, 19675}, {19668, 19673, 19672}, {19668, 19676, 19678}, {19669, 19670, 2}, {19669, 19678, 19672}, {19670, 19673, 19694}, {19670, 19674, 19672}, {19671, 19685, 19664}, {19674, 19678, 19665}, {19674, 19700, 19675}, {19677, 19678, 19679}, {19677, 19686, 19664}, {19678, 19679, 19676}, {19679, 19687, 19688}, {19686, 19689, 6655}, {19686, 19692, 6656}, {19686, 19697, 7948}, {19687, 19689, 7924}, {19687, 19692, 7948}, {19687, 19697, 2}, {19687, 19702, 8357}, {19687, 44224, 10997}, {19689, 19691, 8364}, {19689, 19692, 6661}, {19690, 19691, 6655}, {19691, 19695, 33256}, {19691, 19702, 7948}, {19692, 19693, 6655}, {19693, 19697, 7924}, {19694, 19696, 7924}, {19694, 33256, 6656}, {19695, 19702, 8364}, {20094, 63020, 15048}, {25465, 25678, 2}, {26221, 35928, 7824}, {26996, 27057, 2}, {27281, 30000, 30846}, {27584, 27723, 30447}, {28723, 35928, 3}, {29415, 46499, 29729}, {29467, 46498, 29782}, {29523, 29567, 46497}, {31404, 32829, 63083}, {32476, 56789, 39}, {32951, 32996, 5025}, {32951, 33293, 14046}, {32953, 33292, 14064}, {32954, 33242, 33220}, {32955, 32984, 33277}, {32955, 33197, 33222}, {32955, 33222, 2}, {32957, 32978, 2}, {32959, 32976, 2}, {32960, 33215, 33258}, {32961, 33016, 3091}, {32963, 32995, 3545}, {32964, 32968, 33015}, {32964, 33269, 2}, {32965, 33187, 33244}, {32965, 33239, 33268}, {32965, 33244, 376}, {32966, 33018, 381}, {32967, 33013, 5}, {32967, 33245, 2}, {32968, 32985, 631}, {32969, 33189, 2}, {32969, 33224, 33189}, {32970, 32983, 3090}, {32971, 32973, 2}, {32971, 32989, 32987}, {32971, 33201, 16925}, {32971, 33205, 32999}, {32971, 33246, 16922}, {32971, 33255, 7907}, {32973, 32987, 32989}, {32973, 32989, 33205}, {32973, 33201, 33255}, {32975, 33216, 3525}, {32979, 33181, 32961}, {32981, 33198, 7791}, {32982, 33180, 33251}, {32983, 33191, 2}, {32984, 33197, 2}, {32984, 33222, 32955}, {32985, 33269, 33015}, {32985, 35951, 3552}, {32987, 32989, 2}, {32987, 32999, 16921}, {32987, 33205, 33000}, {32989, 33000, 7907}, {32989, 33205, 16925}, {32990, 35927, 3522}, {32991, 33203, 32998}, {32992, 35297, 140}, {32996, 33283, 16041}, {32996, 33288, 14045}, {32997, 33193, 3529}, {32998, 33005, 5056}, {32999, 33000, 2}, {32999, 33205, 7907}, {32999, 33255, 33205}, {33004, 33014, 3}, {33006, 33248, 32972}, {33007, 33198, 7876}, {33008, 33254, 3522}, {33009, 33262, 2}, {33013, 33245, 32967}, {33013, 35950, 33276}, {33014, 33235, 13586}, {33015, 33274, 631}, {33017, 33280, 3146}, {33020, 33259, 2}, {33021, 33260, 8356}, {33021, 33265, 33260}, {33023, 33024, 37336}, {33023, 33202, 7791}, {33023, 33253, 7833}, {33183, 33199, 2}, {33184, 33185, 8363}, {33187, 33244, 33239}, {33190, 33703, 33238}, {33198, 33257, 16897}, {33206, 33261, 2}, {33207, 33214, 17538}, {33209, 33263, 33247}, {33221, 33238, 33190}, {33233, 44543, 1656}, {33238, 33703, 33192}, {33251, 33279, 32982}, {33260, 33265, 550}, {33268, 33275, 376}, {33273, 33276, 3}, {33284, 33289, 5025}, {33285, 33290, 5025}, {33286, 33291, 5025}, {33287, 33292, 5025}, {33288, 33293, 5025}, {33816, 33826, 2}, {33817, 33825, 2}, {35925, 35930, 5999}, {35938, 35939, 35925}, {35952, 37186, 3}, {36156, 36165, 23}, {36432, 37891, 37895}, {37348, 37466, 37446}, {40858, 52083, 3051}, {41231, 52275, 2}, {42789, 42790, 35476}, {51876, 51878, 2076}, {57013, 57014, 15145}
Contributed by John Horton Conway, 1998.
X(385) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangle of the conic that passes through A, B, C, and the pair P(1) and U(1) of bicentric points (see the notes just before X(1908). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(385). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2015)
Let La be the line through A parallel to the Lemoine axis, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let Ma be the reflection of BC in La, and define Mb and Mc cyclically. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B', C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. Let A″B″C″ be the reflection of A'B'C' in the Lemoine axis. The triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC, with center of homothety X(325) and centroid X(385); see Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008. (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2015)
X(385) lies on the anti-Brocard circle, the anti-McCay circumcircle, and these lines: {1, 257}, {2, 6}, {3, 194}, {4, 7823}, {5, 7762}, {15, 5980}, {16, 5981}, {20, 6392}, {21, 1655}, {22, 3164}, {23, 523}, {25, 2998}, {30, 148}, {32, 76}, {39, 1078}, {41, 17033}, {55, 192}, {56, 330}, {58, 17499}, {61, 22702}, {62, 22701}, {75, 4386}, {83, 3934}, {98, 511}, {99, 187}, {100, 17759}, {110, 9418}, {111, 892}, {112, 2868}, {114, 5965}, {115, 316}, {140, 13571}, {147, 1513}, {171, 894}, {172, 1909}, {182, 22712}, {190, 17735}, {232, 648}, {237, 3511}, {238, 17793}, {239, 1429}, {248, 290}, {251, 308}, {262, 576}, {264, 10311}, {274, 5277}, {287, 8779}, {297, 9473}, {310, 16956}, {315, 3767}, {335, 3509}, {339, 10317}, {340, 6103}, {350, 1914}, {383, 20426}, {419, 16985}, {512, 9879}, {513, 5990}, {514, 5991}, {518, 5985}, {532, 5979}, {533, 5978}, {543, 6781}, {546, 13111}, {574, 7757}, {575, 15819}, {609, 3761}, {614, 18194}, {620, 7799}, {623, 22511}, {624, 22510}, {625, 7809}, {626, 7755}, {664, 17966}, {668, 5291}, {671, 3849}, {694, 8840}, {698, 2076}, {706, 14871}, {710, 8783}, {730, 11364}, {732, 1691}, {740, 1281}, {858, 16315}, {895, 9769}, {903, 17969}, {1003, 1384}, {1080, 20425}, {1154, 15093}, {1160, 10845}, {1161, 10846}, {1194, 1799}, {1204, 9289}, {1235, 10312}, {1284, 17493}, {1285, 14033}, {1333, 3770}, {1351, 13860}, {1352, 9753}, {1383, 9462}, {1423, 2319}, {1492, 18262}, {1503, 5984}, {1506, 7838}, {1580, 4039}, {1627, 8024}, {1692, 10352}, {1757, 4518}, {1911, 3510}, {1975, 3053}, {2021, 15483}, {2023, 5111}, {2030, 5182}, {2080, 2782}, {2280, 17027}, {2329, 17752}, {2373, 9091}, {2393, 5986}, {2452, 9832}, {2459, 8317}, {2460, 8316}, {2482, 14148}, {2548, 7921}, {2549, 7833}, {2793, 10787}, {2854, 5987}, {2896, 5305}, {2975, 21226}, {2996, 3146}, {3091, 9748}, {3095, 10104}, {3096, 5346}, {3225, 3229}, {3226, 17962}, {3266, 4590}, {3304, 19318}, {3506, 19558}, {3507, 7166}, {3508, 7167}, {3550, 3729}, {3705, 17363}, {3747, 19580}, {3750, 17319}, {3760, 7031}, {3785, 5286}, {3788, 7796}, {3818, 9993}, {3830, 19569}, {3920, 4093}, {3926, 7891}, {3933, 7807}, {3978, 8623}, {3985, 6651}, {3996, 20056}, {4037, 4760}, {4045, 5355}, {4095, 17741}, {4195, 19761}, {4251, 17034}, {4352, 22267}, {4369, 17212}, {4426, 6376}, {4713, 21793}, {4754, 17103}, {4831, 6163}, {5008, 7804}, {5017, 18906}, {5023, 20105}, {5033, 9764}, {5041, 6683}, {5103, 9478}, {5104, 5939}, {5133, 8878}, {5152, 5162}, {5171, 11257}, {5188, 12203}, {5206, 7781}, {5210, 8716}, {5254, 6655}, {5309, 7761}, {5319, 7800}, {5368, 6292}, {5475, 7812}, {5503, 8587}, {5977, 8682}, {5988, 17770}, {5992, 17768}, {6031, 6322}, {6248, 12110}, {6309, 10131}, {6566, 8307}, {6567, 8306}, {6636, 8266}, {6653, 21956}, {6680, 7794}, {6795, 15915}, {7000, 12221}, {7075, 22370}, {7179, 17364}, {7191, 18170}, {7200, 7267}, {7374, 12222}, {7379, 20077}, {7426, 7665}, {7470, 9821}, {7697, 10796}, {7737, 11185}, {7745, 16044}, {7746, 7752}, {7747, 14042}, {7748, 7802}, {7749, 7764}, {7758, 7763}, {7765, 7830}, {7770, 7787}, {7772, 7786}, {7773, 7900}, {7775, 7926}, {7776, 7887}, {7784, 7851}, {7795, 7892}, {7801, 7835}, {7808, 7878}, {7814, 7862}, {7817, 7848}, {7818, 7844}, {7819, 10583}, {7821, 7882}, {7822, 7846}, {7825, 7860}, {7841, 7898}, {7849, 7852}, {7861, 7873}, {7865, 7884}, {7866, 7879}, {7867, 7896}, {7869, 7930}, {7870, 7908}, {7871, 7888}, {7872, 7910}, {7874, 7895}, {7881, 7945}, {7889, 16896}, {7902, 7918}, {7914, 7943}, {8300, 17031}, {8356, 15048}, {8370, 18907}, {8591, 8598}, {8592, 8593}, {8669, 17760}, {9477, 14970}, {9605, 11285}, {9751, 20190}, {9756, 11477}, {9772, 12177}, {9773, 9877}, {9867, 13926}, {9868, 13873}, {10063, 10802}, {10079, 10801}, {10256, 10303}, {10353, 13196}, {10488, 10811}, {10807, 11317}, {10989, 16092}, {11057, 11648}, {11286, 21309}, {12194, 12263}, {13449, 14639}, {14651, 15980}, {14693, 15561}, {14910, 18372}, {16508, 22561}, {16589, 16912}, {16678, 17148}, {16800, 21257}, {16916, 18135}, {16918, 18140}, {16957, 18152}, {17037, 18287}, {17737, 20553}, {17961, 18825}, {18144, 19670}, {18901, 19585}, {18902, 19571}, {18993, 19090}, {18994, 19089}, {20060, 20102}, {20179, 21264}, {20794, 20885}
X(385) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (99,187), (147,1513), (298,395), (299,396), (316,115), (325,230)
X(385) = isogonal conjugate of X(694)
X(385) = isotomic conjugate of X(1916)
X(385) = complement of X(7779)
X(385) = anticomplement of X(325)
X(385) = circumcircle-inverse of X(32531)
X(385) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (98,2), (511,401), (694,384)
X(385) = crosspoint of X(290) and X(308)
X(385) = crosssum of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (141,698), (384,385)
X(385) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(39)X(512)
X(385) = trilinear pole of PU(185)
X(385) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipe-inverse of X(32525)
X(385) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,6), (3,194), (171,894)
X(385) = {X(2),X(193)}-harmonic conjugate of X(7774)
X(385) = intersection of trilinear polars of P(1) and U(1)
X(385) = trilinear pole of line X(804)X(4107) (line is perspectrix of any pair of {ABC, 1st Brocard triangle, 3rd Brocard triangle}, and is also the Lemoine axis of the 1st Brocard triangle.)
X(385) = anticomplementary isotomic conjugate of X(147)
X(385) = crosspoint of X(6) and X(3511) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(385) = inverse-in-Steiner-circumellipse of X(6)
X(385) = X(99)-of-1st-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(385) = X(98)-of-anti-McCay-triangle
X(385) = barycentric product of PU(133)
X(385) = barycentric product X(239)*X(894)
X(385) = perspector of ABC and side-triangle of cevian triangles of PU(1)
X(386) is the external center of similitude of the circumcircle and Apollonius circle. The internal center is X(573). (Peter J. C. Moses, 8/22/03)
Let A' be the inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of the midpoint of BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inscribed in the Apollonius circle and homothetic to the 2nd circumperp triangle at X(386). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
X(386) lies on these lines: {1, 2}, {3, 6}, {4, 2051}, {5, 1834}, {9, 10467}, {11, 9555}, {12, 9552}, {20, 9535}, {21, 1724}, {22, 9571}, {24, 9570}, {31, 35}, {34, 14018}, {36, 1468}, {37, 5044}, {38, 5904}, {40, 1064}, {41, 2172}, {55, 595}, {56, 181}, {57, 73}, {60, 3453}, {65, 994}, {69, 16887}, {72, 3666}, {81, 404}, {99, 3029}, {100, 3032}, {101, 3033}, {105, 3034}, {106, 2334}, {109, 11509}, {110, 3031}, {165, 1695}, {184, 3437}, {191, 4414}, {192, 3159}, {194, 17499}, {213, 2276}, {222, 1466}, {223, 1448}, {226, 23537}, {238, 5248}, {244, 18398}, {312, 2901}, {333, 19270}, {388, 4551}, {405, 4383}, {411, 1754}, {442, 5718}, {443, 5712}, {474, 940}, {514, 22090}, {517, 4646}, {518, 4719}, {549, 5453}, {590, 8959}, {601, 2077}, {602, 10902}, {603, 2003}, {631, 9568}, {727, 11490}, {741, 5213}, {748, 5259}, {758, 986}, {759, 6044}, {810, 14838}, {872, 984}, {939, 13404}, {942, 3752}, {946, 3755}, {956, 16302}, {958, 9564}, {960, 3931}, {982, 3874}, {987, 5150}, {988, 3751}, {990, 1490}, {993, 5247}, {999, 5399}, {1001, 16288}, {1010, 5331}, {1036, 8193}, {1040, 10393}, {1042, 3339}, {1043, 13740}, {1045, 3923}, {1046, 17596}, {1060, 8555}, {1066, 3333}, {1086, 6147}, {1100, 5956}, {1104, 16290}, {1107, 21904}, {1147, 9562}, {1191, 3295}, {1211, 13728}, {1245, 2258}, {1330, 4201}, {1376, 5711}, {1386, 5266}, {1420, 1450}, {1437, 20842}, {1449, 1818}, {1453, 3601}, {1457, 3340}, {1458, 3361}, {1464, 5221}, {1500, 2176}, {1575, 17750}, {1616, 6767}, {1738, 12609}, {1742, 12512}, {1745, 4292}, {1780, 20846}, {1871, 14571}, {2050, 5786}, {2140, 3487}, {2177, 3746}, {2194, 11334}, {2221, 7085}, {2238, 5283}, {2242, 21008}, {2251, 7296}, {2273, 7193}, {2274, 4649}, {2275, 20963}, {2280, 5299}, {2292, 5692}, {2293, 16469}, {2299, 14017}, {2300, 3781}, {2308, 5010}, {2309, 16468}, {2328, 11344}, {2332, 8743}, {2345, 10469}, {2536, 2538}, {2537, 2539}, {2635, 9579}, {2646, 16455}, {2650, 5902}, {2653, 3981}, {2654, 9581}, {2915, 5347}, {2933, 20986}, {3072, 6796}, {3091, 5400}, {3100, 9550}, {3120, 6127}, {3145, 5320}, {3149, 5706}, {3191, 22020}, {3194, 4219}, {3303, 16296}, {3454, 4417}, {3501, 3997}, {3553, 5720}, {3576, 9548}, {3589, 17698}, {3596, 4360}, {3597, 13478}, {3647, 7262}, {3664, 12436}, {3670, 3868}, {3702, 3896}, {3725, 3743}, {3731, 8951}, {3772, 11374}, {3780, 16975}, {3795, 4116}, {3869, 4424}, {3873, 3953}, {3878, 4868}, {3881, 3976}, {3889, 4694}, {3914, 12047}, {3916, 4641}, {3936, 4202}, {3945, 17580}, {3993, 14823}, {4065, 19582}, {4188, 17187}, {4205, 5743}, {4216, 10457}, {4224, 5358}, {4225, 20966}, {4303, 15803}, {4322, 13462}, {4340, 6904}, {4642, 5903}, {4648, 17582}, {4749, 16300}, {4878, 7174}, {4991, 18194}, {5051, 5741}, {5091, 16382}, {5134, 9598}, {5251, 10448}, {5255, 8715}, {5275, 16852}, {5278, 10458}, {5439, 16610}, {5563, 16474}, {5584, 10823}, {5640, 7419}, {5687, 5710}, {5707, 6911}, {5713, 6826}, {5719, 17366}, {5721, 6831}, {5725, 5794}, {5732, 10443}, {5736, 17189}, {5737, 19273}, {6198, 9551}, {6284, 9554}, {6748, 7546}, {7031, 21764}, {7354, 9553}, {7513, 8747}, {7951, 21935}, {8069, 16294}, {8071, 16295}, {8300, 20862}, {8728, 17056}, {9310, 16785}, {9371, 12711}, {9441, 12511}, {9575, 20606}, {10407, 10895}, {10441, 19513}, {10470, 21363}, {11110, 17277}, {11263, 17889}, {11343, 19758}, {11993, 17467}, {13161, 21077}, {13407, 23536}, {13725, 14555}, {14793, 16473}, {14996, 17572}, {14997, 16865}, {15488, 19540}, {15654, 23638}, {15934, 17054}, {16343, 19757}, {16347, 19742}, {16351, 19723}, {16352, 19725}, {16353, 19724}, {16434, 19782}, {16454, 19684}, {16457, 19744}, {16458, 19701}, {16476, 23629}, {16498, 17477}, {16549, 17756}, {16589, 16846}, {16844, 17259}, {16917, 20132}, {16948, 17549}, {17379, 18792}, {17674, 18139}, {18169, 19278}, {18178, 19550}, {18185, 19261}, {19284, 19717}, {19289, 19750}, {19290, 19722}, {19331, 19739}, {19336, 19738}, {19337, 19741}, {19523, 19728}, {19645, 19752}, {19761, 21477}, {23414, 23659}
X(386) is the {X(3),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(58). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(386), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(386) = complement of X(10449)
X(386) = crosssum of X(6) in X(1011)
X(386) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(523)X(649)
X(386) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(58)
X(386) = intersection of tangents at X(2) and X(6) to Thomson cubic K002
X(386) = intersection of Nagel line and Brocard axis
X(387) lies on these lines: {1, 2}, {4, 6}, {7, 23537}, {20, 58}, {31, 4294}, {40, 579}, {46, 3101}, {55, 1612}, {57, 5930}, {65, 278}, {69, 16062}, {81, 377}, {193, 1330}, {219, 2551}, {230, 7410}, {333, 13725}, {341, 18147}, {346, 2901}, {376, 4252}, {390, 595}, {442, 5712}, {443, 940}, {452, 1724}, {497, 16466}, {580, 6987}, {581, 6908}, {631, 4255}, {942, 4000}, {950, 1453}, {966, 4205}, {990, 9799}, {999, 16415}, {1058, 1191}, {1104, 3488}, {1108, 4261}, {1126, 5261}, {1203, 1479}, {1214, 1788}, {1448, 18623}, {1449, 5717}, {1468, 4293}, {1617, 16453}, {1723, 12514}, {1743, 12572}, {1780, 6872}, {1838, 3914}, {1992, 17677}, {2047, 3068}, {2082, 7713}, {2271, 6998}, {2334, 15888}, {2345, 5295}, {2478, 16471}, {2550, 5711}, {3089, 3192}, {3189, 5266}, {3295, 16290}, {3339, 3668}, {3419, 5716}, {3487, 3772}, {3522, 4257}, {3523, 4256}, {3618, 13740}, {3695, 17314}, {3751, 13161}, {3767, 20970}, {3868, 4463}, {3874, 4310}, {3927, 4419}, {3945, 4208}, {4219, 8885}, {4251, 5304}, {4259, 18178}, {4260, 10441}, {4267, 19262}, {4356, 18249}, {4383, 5084}, {4648, 8728}, {4653, 17558}, {5021, 7738}, {5051, 5739}, {5082, 5710}, {5165, 6361}, {5264, 17784}, {5324, 13730}, {5396, 6825}, {5398, 6868}, {5587, 5747}, {5707, 6826}, {5713, 6843}, {5718, 6856}, {5814, 5839}, {6392, 17499}, {6857, 19765}, {7380, 7736}, {7682, 8282}, {7742, 16451}, {8676, 17922}, {9708, 16848}, {10480, 10822}, {10590, 21935}, {11109, 11427}, {11433, 17555}, {16704, 17676}, {17054, 17366}, {17685, 20158}, {19543, 22770}.
X(387) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(520)X(649)
Let A″B″C″ be the reflection of the Mandart-incircle triangle in X(1). A″B″C″ is homothetic to the anticomplementary triangle at X(388). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
X(388) lies on these lines: 1,4 2,12 3,495 5,999 7,8 10,57 11,153 20,55 29,1037 35,376 36,498 79,1000 108,406 171,603 201,984 329,960 354,938 355,942 381,496 442,956 452,1001 612,1038 750,1106 1059,1067
X(388) is the {X(7),X(8)}-harmonic conjugate of X(65). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(388), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(388) = isogonal conjugate of X(1036)
X(388) = anticomplement of X(958)
If ABC is acute then X(389) is the Spieker center of the orthic triangle. Peter Yff reports (Sept. 19, 2001) that since X(389) is on the Brocard axis, there must exist T for which X(389) is sin(A+T) : sin(B+T) : sin(C+T), and that tan(T) = - cot A cot B cot C.
Let HA be the A-altitude of triangle ABC, and let A' be the midpoint of segment AHA. Let LA be the line through A' parallel to AO, where O denotes the circumcenter. Define LB and LC cyclically. The lines LA, LB, LC concur in X(389). (Construction by Alexei Myakishev, March 24, 2010.)
Let OA be the circle with center A tangent to line BC, and define OB and OC cyclically. X(389) is the radical center of the three circles. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle, let A'' be the orthocenter of AB'C', and define B'' and C'' cyclically. Triangle A''B''C'' is the medial triangle of the circumorthic triangle. The triangle A''B''C'' is homothetic to A'B'C', and the center of homothety is X(389). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let Oa be the circle with center A tangent to line B'C', and define Ob and Oc cyclically. The radical circle of Oa, Ob, Oc is the Taylor circle, which is also the Spieker radical circle of the orthic triangle if ABC is acute. (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. X(389) is the radical center of the polar circles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B'. (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
A construction of X(389) is given at 24162. (Antreas Hatzipolakis, August 29, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the midheight triangle. Let AB, AC be the orthogonal projections of A' on CA, AB, resp. Define BC, BA, CA, CB cyclically. Let A″ = CAAC∩ABBA, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC at X(6). The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(389), which is also X(3)-of-A″B″C″. (Randy Hutson, March 29, 2020)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(389).
X(389) lies on these lines: 3,6 4,51 24,184 30,143 54,186 115,129 217,232 517,950
X(389) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,52), (4,185), (974,1112)
X(389) = reflection of X(1216) in X(140)
X(389) = complement of X(5562)
X(389) = anticomplement of X(11793)
X(389) = polar-circle-inverse of X(6761)
X(389) = Schoute-circle-inverse of X(22052)
X(389) = circle-{X(371),X(372),PU(1),PU(39)}}-inverse of X(577)
X(389) = {X(15),X(16)}-harmonic conjugate of X(22052)
X(389) = {X(371),X(372)}-harmonic conjugate of X(577)
X(389) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(578)
X(389) = crosspoint of X(4) and X(54)
X(389) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,5), (6,418)
X(389) = orthology center of half-altitude and orthic triangles
X(389) = complement of X(4) wrt orthic triangle
X(389) = X(20)-of-polar-triangle-of-complement-of-polar-circle
X(389) = X(10)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(389) = X(4)-of-1st-Hyacinth-triangle
X(389) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(10)
X(389) = {X(61),X(62)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3284)
X(390) is the point in whIch the extended legs X(1)X(7) and X(8)X(9) of the trapezoid X(1)X(7)X(8)X(9) meet. (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the extangents-to-intangents similarity image of ABC. A'B'C' is homothetic to ABC at X(55) and to the anticomplementary triangle at X(390). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(390) lies on these lines: 1,7 2,11 3,1058 4,495 8,9 30,1056 40,938 144,145 376,999 387,595 496,631 944,971 952,1000
X(390) = midpoint of X(144) and X(145)
X(390) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (7,1), (8,9)
X(390) = anticomplement of X(2550)
X(390) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(657)X(665)
X(390) = inverse-in-Feuerbach-hyperbola of X(2)
X(390) = {X(1),X(20)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3600)
X(390) = {X(175),X(176)}-harmonic conjugate of X(279)
X(390) = bicentric sum of PU(122)
X(391) lies on these lines: 2,6 8,9 20,573 37,145 75,144 319,344
X(391) is the {X(8),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(346). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(391), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(391) = crosssum of X(940) and X(4383)
X(392) lies on the Thomson-Gibert-Moses hyperbola and these lines: (pending)
X(392) = {X(1),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(956)
X(392) = X(2)-of-X(1)-Brocard-triangle
X(392) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(4220)
Let Ha be the foot of the A-altitude of ABC. Let Pa be the foot of the altitude from Ha to AB, and Qa the foot of the altitude from Ha to CA. Define Hb, Hc, Pb, Pc, Qb, Qc cyclically. Let A' be the trilinear pole of line PaQa, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(393). Lines PaQa, PbQb, PcQc are the antiparallels in the construction of the Taylor circle. (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let A'B'C' and A″B″C″ be the Euler and anti-Euler triangles, resp. Let A* be the barycentric product A'*A'', and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(393). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let A″ be the cevapoint of the (real or imaginary) circumcircle intercepts of line B'C'. Define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(393). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(393) is the Brianchon point (perspector) of the inellipse that is the barycentric square of the orthic axis. The center of this inellipse is X(3767). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(393) lies on these lines: 1,836 2,216 4,6 19,208 20,577 24,254 25,1033 27,967 33,42 37,158 69,297 107,111 193,317 230,459 278,1108 342,948 394,837 800,1093 3146,3284
X(393) = isogonal conjugate of X(394)
X(393) = crosspoint of X(4) and X(459)
X(393) = X(25)-cross conjugate of X(4)
X(393) = crosssum of X(577) and X(1092)
X(393) = isotomic conjugate of X(3926)
X(393) = anticomplement of X(6389)
X(393) = cevapoint of X(5412) and X(5413)
X(393) = barycentric square of X(4)
X(393) = trilinear pole of line X(460)X(512) (the polar of X(69) wrt polar circle, and radical axis of nine-point circle and orthosymmedial circle)
X(393) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(69) (line X(441)X(525))
X(393) = polar conjugate of X(69)
X(393) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,394}, {31,3926}, {48,69}, {92,1092}
X(393) = vertex conjugate of the foci of the inconic with perspector X(2052)
X(393) = X(1743)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
Let A' be the trilinear pole of the tangent to the circumcircle at the antipode of A, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(394). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let A″ be the crosssum of the (real or imaginary) circumcircle intercepts of line B'C'. Define B″ andC″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(393). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(394) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,49 20,1032 22,110 25,511 63,77 72,1060 76,275 78,271 287,305 297,315 329,651 393,837 399,541 470,633 471,634 472,622 473,621 493,1504 494,1505 611,612 613,614 1062,1069
X(394) = isogonal conjugate of X(393)
X(394) = isotomic conjugate of X(2052)
X(394) = complement of X(6515)
X(394) = crosssum of X(5412) and X(5413)
X(394) = crosspoint of X(6) and X(1498) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(394) = X(69)-Ceva conjugate of X(3)
X(394) = crosspoint of X(493) and X(494)
X(394) = crosspoint of X(11090) and X(11091)
X(394) = crosssum of X(4) and X(459)
X(394) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(460)X(512)
X(394) = intersection of tangents to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(6)}} at X(493) and X(494)
X(394) = Danneels point of X(69)
X(394) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1093)
X(394) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(1093)
X(394) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(25)
X(394) = intersection of tangents at X(2) and X(20) to Lucas cubic K007
X(394) = barycentric square of X(63)
X(395) is the center of the (equilateral) pedal triangle of X(16), as well as the circumcenter of the pedal triangle of X(14).
Let F = X(14), the 2nd Fermat point. Let Ab be the point on CA and Ac the point on AB such that FAbAc is an equilateral triangle. Let A' be the midpoint of FAbAc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C', here named the 8th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle, is perspective to ABC. The circumcircle of A'B'C' is the pedal circle of X(14) and (X16), and the centroid of A'B'C' is X(395). The perspector of ABC and A'B'C' is X(2), and the centroid of A'B'C' is X(395). See X(16247), X(16267), and X(16459). (Based on notes from Dao Thanh Dao, March 15, 2018)
X(395) is the pole of the Euler line wrt every conic passing through X(14), X(16), X(18) and X(62). (Randy Hutson, January 17, 2020)
You can view 7th and 8th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangles.
X(395) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,398 5,13 14,16 15,549 39,618 53,472 61,140 115,530 187,531 202,495 216,465 466,577 532,624 533,619
X(395) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (14,16), (298,385)
X(395) = reflection of X(396) in X(230)
X(395) = isogonal conjugate of X(6151)
X(395) = complement of X(299)
X(395) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(14)
X(395) = crosssum of X(6) and X(16)
X(395) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(15)X(512)
X(395) = barycentric products X(13)*X(533), X(14)*X(619)
X(395) = {X(2),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(396)
X(395) = polar conjugate of X(38427)
X(395) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(619)
X(395) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(619)
X(395) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(619)
X(396) is the center of the (equilateral) pedal triangle of X(15), as well as the circumcenter of the pedal triangle of X(13).
X(396) is the centroid of the points Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb in the construction of the 3rd Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle; see X(16267). Also, X(396) is the center of the ellipse passing through these six points. (Randy Hutson, March 14, 2018)
Let F = X(13), the 1st Fermat point. Let Ab be the point on CA and Ac the point on AB such that FAbAc is an equilateral triangle. Let A' be the midpoint of FAbAc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C', here named the 7th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle, is perspective to ABC. The circumcircle of A'B'C' is the pedal circle of X(13) and (X15), and the centroid of A'B'C' is X(396). The perspector of ABC and A'B'C' is X(2), and the centroid of A'B'C' is X(396).
X(396) is the pole of the Euler line wrt every conic passing through X(13), X(15), X(17) and X(61). (Randy Hutson, January 17, 2020)
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(396).
X(396) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,397 5,14 13,15 16,549 39,619 53,473 62,140 115,531 187,530 203,495 216,466 465,577 532,618 533,623
X(396) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (13,15), (299,385)
X(396) = reflection of X(395) in X(230)
X(396) = isogonal conjugate of X(2981)
X(396) = anticomplement of X(298)
X(396) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(13)
X(396) = crosssum of X(6) and X(15)
X(396) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(16)X(512)
X(396) = polar conjugate of X(38428)
X(396) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(618)
X(396) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(618)
X(396) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(618)
X(396) = barycentric products X(14)*X(532), X(13)*X(618)
X(396) = {X(2),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(395)
X(397) is the pole of the Euler line wrt every conic passing through X(13), X(16), X(17) and X(62). (Randy Hutson, January 17, 2020)
X(397) lies on these lines: 3,396 4,6 5,13 14,546 15,550 16,17 30,61 51,462 141,634 184,463 202,496 524,633 532,635
X(397) is the {X(4),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(398). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(397), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(397) = crosspoint of X(4) and X(17)
X(397) = crosssum of X(3) and X(61)
X(398) is the pole of the Euler line wrt every conic passing through X(14), X(15), X(18) and X(61). (Randy Hutson, January 17, 2020)
X(398) lies on these lines: 3,395 4,6 5,14 13,546 15,18 16,550 30,62 51,463 141,633 184,462 203,496 524,634 533,636
X(398) is the {X(4),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(397). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(398), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(398) = crosspoint of X(4) and X(18)
X(398) = crosssum of X(3) and X(62)
Let L, M, N be lines through A, B, C, respectively, parallel to the Euler line. Let L' be the reflection of L in sideline BC, let M' be the reflection of M in sideline CA, and let N' be the reflection of N in sideline AB. The lines L', M', N' concur in X(399), as proved in
Cyril Parry, Problem 10637, American Mathematical Monthly 105 (1998) 68.
In Cosmin Pohoata, "On the Parry reflection point," Forum Geometricorum 8 (2008), 43-48 here, the following is proved:
Let A' be the reflection of vertex A in line BC, and define B', C' cyclically. Let AtBtCt be the tangential triangle of ABC. The circumcircles of the triangles AtB'C', A'BtC', A'B'Ct concur in X(399). Moreover, the circumcircles of triangles A'BtCt, AtB'Ct, AtBtC' concur in a point Q = X8157), here named the Parry-Pohoata point. Barycentric coordinates for Q, of degree 22 in a,b,c, were found by J. F. Garcia Captitán (Hyacinthos #15827, Nov. 19, 2007) and are included in Pohoata's article. Pohoata notes that the point Q lies on the circumcircle of the points X(3), X(4), X(399).
Let I, IA, IB, IC, denote the incenter and excenters of ABC. Lawrence Evans (Hyacinthos #6878) found that the circumcircles of the triangles IA'IA, IB'IB, IC'C concur in X(399).
The Pohoata article includes a proof that the circumcircles of the triangles A'IBIC, IAB'IC, IAIBC' also pass through X(399). Similar results involving the Fermat points, X(13) and X(14), are proved.
Pohoata reports that the following points are concyclic: X(13), X(16), X(110), X(399), X(1338), as are the points X(14), X(15), X(110), X(399), X(1337). Randy Hutson adds (Aug. 13, 2012) that the first of these circles also passes through X(2381), and the second, through X(2380).
X(399) is the point P on the line X(3)X(74) for which the P-Brocard triangle is perspective to ABC. (Randy Hutson, August 26, 2014)
Let AaBaCa, AbBbCb, AcBcCc be the A-, B- and C-anti-altimedial triangles. Let La be the line through Aa parallel to the Euler line of AaBaCa. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. The lines La, Lb, Lc concur in X(399). (Randy Hutson, November 2, 2017)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the Walsmith triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(399) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(399) lies on the Neuberg cubic and these lines: 1,3065 3,74 4,195 6,13 30,146 155,382 394,541 1337,3441 1338,3440 3466,3483
X(399) = isogonal conjugate of X(1138)
X(399) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (3,110), (74,1511), (265,113)
X(399) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (30,3), (323,6)
X(399) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(1511)
X(399) = tangential isogonal conjugate of X(2070)
X(399) = antigonal image of X(1117)
X(399) = orthocentroidal-to-ABC similarity image of X(3)
X(399) = 4th-Brocard-to-circumsymmedial similarity image of X(3)
X(399) = X(80)-of-tangential-triangle if ABC is acute
X(399) = orthologic center of these triangles: reflection to 1st Hyacinth
X(399) = orthologic center of these triangles: reflection to AOA
X(399) = perspector of circlecevian triangles of X(15) and X(16)
In 1997, Yff considered the configuration for the 1st Ajima-Malfatti point, X(179). He proved that the same tangencies are possible in another way if the circles are not required to lie inside ABC. With tangency points labeled as before, the lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(400). If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(400).
Centers 401- 475, 2- 4, 20- 30, 376, 379, 381- 384 (and others) lie on the Euler line.
As a point on the Euler line, X(401) has Shinagawa coefficients (EF + F2 - S2, 2S2).
X(401) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {6, 3164}, {32, 40814}, {50, 338}, {51, 12110}, {81, 18667}, {94, 32662}, {95, 14767}, {97, 276}, {99, 36212}, {182, 42329}, {184, 11257}, {187, 41254}, {193, 6527}, {194, 1993}, {216, 36794}, {239, 10538}, {248, 290}, {253, 20080}, {264, 577}, {275, 9290}, {287, 511}, {317, 6389}, {323, 525}, {325, 39359}, {340, 15526}, {343, 7750}, {394, 1975}, {524, 39352}, {571, 41760}, {648, 3284}, {925, 2698}, {1073, 38256}, {1297, 6037}, {1503, 14721}, {1632, 2393}, {1899, 36998}, {1916, 15391}, {1968, 2052}, {1994, 7839}, {2782, 40870}, {2896, 34850}, {3087, 40680}, {3098, 42313}, {3100, 4366}, {3260, 4558}, {3289, 39355}, {3292, 23235}, {3329, 22240}, {3580, 14712}, {4296, 6645}, {5422, 7787}, {5480, 36988}, {5641, 35178}, {6515, 20065}, {6709, 36422}, {6748, 17035}, {7738, 11427}, {7925, 35088}, {8591, 40112}, {8859, 23967}, {9308, 15905}, {9512, 23200}, {9863, 11442}, {9873, 11550}, {9983, 18018}, {10329, 23292}, {10341, 10350}, {10420, 43654}, {11064, 15351}, {11078, 41997}, {11092, 41998}, {11596, 21639}, {12117, 13857}, {12215, 25332}, {13366, 32467}, {14570, 22151}, {14919, 16077}, {14920, 39008}, {14961, 41253}, {15066, 34360}, {15262, 41678}, {15595, 29012}, {15988, 18666}, {19571, 36790}, {19585, 32529}, {19924, 41145}, {21243, 32152}, {23582, 23590}, {23583, 37765}, {27377, 41005}, {30227, 37645}, {32428, 39081}, {34396, 39906}, {34545, 41334}, {35278, 42671}, {36748, 43980}, {38382, 39101}, {40897, 41008}, {41194, 41196}, {41195, 41197}
X(401) = reflection of X(297) in X(441)
X(401) = isogonal conjugate of X(1987)
X(401) = isotomic conjugate of X(1972)
X(401) = anticomplement of X(297)
X(401) = circumcircle-inverse of X(37918)
X(401) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,X(95),X(648)}}
X(401) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(3)
X(401) = inverse-in-Steiner-circumellipse of X(3)
X(401) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,39081), (287,2), (511,385)
X(401) = crosspoint of X(276) and X(290)
X(401) = crosssum of X(217) and X(237)
X(401) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(51)X(647)
X(401) = {X(2479),X(2480)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3)
X(401) = crossdifference of PU(157)
X(402) = X[1] - 3 X[11831],X[1] + 3 X[11852],5 X[2] + X[3081],3 X[2] + X[4240],5 X[2] - X[11050],3 X[2] - 5 X[15183],2 X[2] + X[34582],X[3] + 3 X[11911],X[3] - 3 X[26451],3 X[3] - X[35241],X[4] + 3 X[11845],X[4] - 3 X[11897],2 X[5] + X[15774],X[8] - 3 X[16210],X[8] + 3 X[16212],X[20] - 3 X[16190],X[145] - 3 X[16211],3 X[381] - X[18507],3 X[381] + X[18508],X[1650] + 3 X[1651],5 X[1650] + 3 X[3081],2 X[1650] - 3 X[11049],5 X[1650] - 3 X[11050],X[1650] - 5 X[15183],2 X[1650] + 3 X[34582],5 X[1651] - X[3081],3 X[1651] - X[4240],2 X[1651] + X[11049],5 X[1651] + X[11050],3 X[1651] + 5 X[15183],3 X[1651] + 2 X[15184],3 X[3081] - 5 X[4240],2 X[3081] + 5 X[11049],3 X[3081] + 25 X[15183],3 X[3081] + 10 X[15184],2 X[3081] - 5 X[34582],2 X[4240] + 3 X[11049],5 X[4240] + 3 X[11050],X[4240] + 5 X[15183],X[4240] + 2 X[15184],2 X[4240] - 3 X[34582],3 X[5055] + X[20128],5 X[11049] - 2 X[11050],3 X[11049] - 10 X[15183],3 X[11049] - 4 X[15184],3 X[11050] - 25 X[15183],3 X[11050] - 10 X[15184],2 X[11050] + 5 X[34582],X[11251] - 3 X[11911],X[11251] + 3 X[26451],3 X[11251] + X[35241],3 X[11831] + X[12438],3 X[11845] - X[12113],3 X[11852] - X[12438],3 X[11897] + X[12113],9 X[11911] + X[35241],X[12626] + 3 X[16210],X[12626] - 3 X[16212],5 X[15183] - 2 X[15184],10 X[15183] + 3 X[34582],4 X[15184] + 3 X[34582],9 X[26451] - X[35241] (Peter Moses, November 26,2020)
As a point on the Euler line, X(402) has Shinagawa coefficients (5EF - 13F2 - S2, 3EF + 3F2 - S2).
In A History of Mathematics, Florian Cajori writes, "H. C. Gossard of the University of Oklahoma showed in 1916 that the three Euler lines of the triangles formed by the Euler line and the sides, taken by twos, of a given triangle, form a triangle . . . perspective with the given triangle and having the same Euler line." Let ABC be the given triangle and A'B'C' the Gossard triangle - that is, the triangle perspective with the given triangle and having the same Euler line. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(402), named the Gosssard perspector by John Conway (1998).
Actually, X(402) dates back to an article by Christopher Zeeman in Wiskundige Opgaven 8 (1899-1902) 305. For details, see Paul Yiu's Hyacinthos message #7536 and others with Gossard in the subject line. (In ETC, the change of name from Gossard Perspector to Zeeman-Gossard Perspector was made on Oct. 15, 2003.) Further details are given by Wilson Stothers in Hyacinthos #8383, Oct. 21, 2003.
(From Angel Montesdeoca, November 25, 2020) Let P be a variable point on the Euler line and Q its isotomic conjugate. Let TP and TQ be the cevian triangles of P and Q, respectively. Let F be the finite fixed point of the affine transformation that carries TP onto TQ. The envelope of the line PF is a hyperbola (H) with center X(402), an asymptote of the Euler line. A barycentric equation for (H) follows:
cyclic sum [(-b^4+c^4+a^2 (b^2-c^2))^4 (-2 a^4+(b^2-c^2)^2+a^2 (b^2+c^2))^2x^2-2 (a^2-b^2)^2 (a^2-c^2)^2 (a^4-(b^2-c^2)^2)^2 (a^8-a^6 (b^2+c^2)+5 a^2 (b^2-c^2)^2 (b^2+c^2)+a^4 (-3 b^4+7 b^2 c^2-3 c^4)-(b^2-c^2)^2 (2 b^4+5 b^2 c^2+2 c^4))y z ] = 0.
X(402) lies on these lines: {1, 11831}, {2, 3}, {6, 11901}, {8, 12626}, {10, 11900}, {11, 11903}, {12, 11904}, {13, 12793}, {14, 12792}, {17, 22897}, {18, 22852}, {32, 11839}, {40, 12696}, {54, 12797}, {55, 11848}, {56, 18958}, {64, 12791}, {67, 32279}, {68, 12418}, {74, 12369}, {76, 12794}, {79, 16129}, {80, 12729}, {83, 12795}, {84, 12668}, {98, 12181}, {99, 13179}, {100, 13268}, {104, 12752}, {110, 13212}, {112, 13281}, {113, 38605}, {145, 16211}, {190, 24830}, {262, 22698}, {265, 12790}, {371, 35791}, {372, 35790}, {485, 12800}, {486, 12799}, {493, 11907}, {494, 11908}, {671, 12347}, {1297, 12796}, {1327, 13689}, {1328, 13809}, {3068, 13894}, {3069, 13948}, {5597, 11863}, {5598, 11864}, {5877, 26958}, {5972, 6130}, {6145, 32372}, {6776, 39886}, {7160, 12789}, {7740, 18279}, {10266, 12798}, {11657, 16186}, {13494, 13495}, {22466, 22943}, {25641, 38625}, {34297, 38794}
X(402) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 12438}, {2, 1651}, {3, 11251}, {4, 12113}, {5, 32162}, {6, 12583}, {8, 12626}, {13, 12793}, {14, 12792}, {17, 22897}, {18, 22852}, {40, 12696}, {54, 12797}, {64, 12791}, {67, 32279}, {68, 12418}, {74, 12369}, {76, 12794}, {79, 16129}, {80, 12729}, {83, 12795}, {84, 12668}, {98, 12181}, {99, 13179}, {100, 13268}, {104, 12752}, {110, 13212}, {112, 13281}, {190, 24830}, {262, 22698}, {265, 12790}, {402, 402}, {485, 12800}, {486, 12799}, {671, 12347}, {1297, 12796}, {1327, 13689}, {1328, 13809}, {1650, 4240}, {3081, 11050}, {6145, 32372}, {6776, 39886}, {7160, 12789}, {7740, 18279}, {10266, 12798}, {11049, 34582}, {11831, 11852}, {11832, 11853}, {11839, 11885}, {11845, 11897}, {11848, 11909}, {11863, 26383}, {11864, 26407}, {11901, 19017}, {11902, 19018}, {11903, 11906}, {11904, 11905}, {11907, 26447}, {11908, 26448}, {11911, 26451}, {11912, 26452}, {11913, 26453}, {11914, 11915}, {13494, 13495}, {13894, 26449}, {13948, 26450}, {16210, 16212}, {18507, 18508}, {18958, 22755}, {22466, 22943}
X(402) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {11049, 2}, {34582, 1651}, {1650, 15184}, {15774, 32162}
X(402) = complement of X(1650)
X(402) = anticomplement of X(15184)
X(402) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(32750)
X(402) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {162, 16177}, {1304, 34846}, {15459, 21253}, {24000, 113}, {32640, 16595}, {32676, 39008}, {32695, 8287}, {32715, 16573}, {36034, 122}, {36117, 37985}, {36131, 15526}
X(402) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {5972, 31945}, {9033, 30}, {13494, 523}
X(402) = X(32750)-cross conjugate of X(2)
X(402) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {74, 9390}, {1304, 9392}, {2159, 15351}
X(402) = X(i)-reciprocal conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {30, 15351}, {1494, 39352}, {2173, 9390}, {2349, 2629}, {2631, 9392}, {15184, 32750}, {16077, 39062}, {34767, 38240}
X(402) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {30, 39352}, {2629, 14206}, {4240, 38240}, {9033, 39062}
X(402) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {30, 15351}, {2173, 9390}, {2629, 2349}, {2631, 9392}, {32750, 15184}, {38240, 34767}, {39062, 16077}, {39352, 1494}
X(402) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 11852, 12438}, {1, 26452, 11915}, {1, 26453, 11914}, {2, 1650, 15184}, {2, 4240, 1650}, {3, 11911, 11251}, {4, 11845, 12113}, {8, 16212, 12626}, {381, 18508, 18507}, {1650, 1651, 4240}, {1650, 15183, 2}, {1650, 15184, 11049}, {1651, 15183, 1650}, {4240, 15183, 15184}, {11251, 26451, 3}, {11831, 12438, 1}, {11897, 12113, 4}, {11901, 11902, 12583}, {11912, 11913, 1}, {11912, 12438, 11914}, {11913, 12438, 11915}, {12626, 16210, 8}, {19017, 19018, 6}, {26452, 26453, 12438}
As a point on the Euler line, X(403) has Shinagawa coefficients (2F, 2F - E).
X(403) is centroid of the triangle having vertices X(4), P(4), U(4). (Regarding the bicentric pair P(4) and U(4), see the notes just before X(1908)). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A' be the reflection in BC of the A-vertex of the tangential triangle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', and CA'B' concur at the isogonal conjugate of X(403). Also, X(403) is the perspector of ABC and the reflection of the anticevian triangle of X(4) in the orthic axis (trilinear polar of X(4)). (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
X(403) lies on these lines: 2,3 112,230 115,232 847,1093
X(403) = midpoint of X(4) and X(186)
X(403) = reflection of X(186) in X(468)
X(403) = isogonal conjugate of X(5504)
X(403) = complement of X(2071)
X(403) = anticomplement of X(10257)
X(403) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(24)
X(403) = inverse-in-nine-point-circle of X(4)
X(403) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(378)
X(403) = anticomplementary-circle-inverse of X(34938)
X(403) = X(113)-cross conjugate of X(4)
X(403) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(577)X(647)
X(403) = X(36)-of-orthic-triangle if and only if ABC is acute
X(403) = X(186)-of Euler-triangle
X(403) = {X(4),X(5)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1594)
X(403) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(3)
X(403) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}}-inverter of X(25)
X(403) = reflection of X(186) in the orthic axis
X(403) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(2986)
X(403) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(2986)
X(403) = perspector of the orthic triangle and the reflection of the Euler triangle in the Euler line
X(403) = radical trace of polar and second Droz-Farny circles
X(403) = inverse-in-second-Droz-Farny-circle of X(4)
X(403) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(36)
X(403) = Euler line intercept, other than X(403), of circle {X(403),X(858),PU(4)}
As a point on the Euler line, X(404) has Shinagawa coefficients (abc*$a$ - 2S2, 2S2).
X(404) lies on these lines: {1, 88}, {2, 3}, {6, 19769}, {7, 1259}, {8, 56}, {9, 4652}, {10, 36}, {11, 6691}, {12, 3035}, {15, 5367}, {16, 5362}, {31, 978}, {32, 33854}, {35, 1125}, {38, 5293}, {39, 5276}, {40, 3877}, {41, 17754}, {42, 37607}, {43, 1468}, {46, 997}, {55, 3616}, {57, 78}, {58, 3216}, {60, 662}, {63, 936}, {65, 4511}, {69, 1014}, {72, 3218}, {73, 17074}, {75, 19850}, {79, 48698}, {80, 14800}, {81, 386}, {85, 6516}, {86, 5132}, {95, 1441}, {99, 18140}, {101, 16549}, {104, 355}, {105, 6012}, {108, 318}, {119, 18861}, {141, 5096}, {145, 999}, {149, 496}, {165, 5250}, {169, 26690}, {171, 1193}, {172, 1575}, {182, 15988}, {183, 34284}, {191, 5131}, {194, 16997}, {198, 5749}, {200, 3361}, {216, 40582}, {226, 27385}, {229, 25645}, {230, 44542}, {238, 27627}, {239, 37609}, {271, 37141}, {274, 1078}, {283, 13329}, {348, 41826}, {388, 1470}, {391, 5120}, {392, 3579}, {394, 36745}, {484, 3878}, {498, 14793}, {499, 11680}, {513, 38541}, {515, 24982}, {516, 41012}, {517, 5330}, {518, 4420}, {519, 5563}, {528, 37722}, {529, 21031}, {535, 4325}, {551, 3746}, {574, 5283}, {579, 2287}, {593, 5956}, {594, 21773}, {595, 49997}, {603, 651}, {612, 988}, {613, 25304}, {614, 11512}, {644, 3501}, {758, 3336}, {765, 20615}, {849, 3453}, {894, 22345}, {899, 5247}, {902, 28352}, {908, 4292}, {910, 33950}, {912, 26877}, {934, 9312}, {940, 4255}, {942, 5440}, {943, 27186}, {944, 5554}, {946, 2077}, {950, 6692}, {952, 37535}, {956, 3617}, {958, 4413}, {960, 1155}, {962, 10310}, {965, 37500}, {966, 36743}, {970, 3917}, {975, 28606}, {976, 982}, {990, 26669}, {992, 2305}, {993, 1698}, {995, 5264}, {1001, 5217}, {1030, 17398}, {1038, 17080}, {1042, 9364}, {1046, 5529}, {1055, 2329}, {1056, 10528}, {1058, 10586}, {1104, 16610}, {1124, 9679}, {1149, 37588}, {1150, 9534}, {1151, 31473}, {1153, 7621}, {1156, 15297}, {1191, 37540}, {1201, 5255}, {1213, 5124}, {1220, 23361}, {1260, 21454}, {1290, 2758}, {1292, 9083}, {1319, 4861}, {1329, 5080}, {1330, 5741}, {1333, 46838}, {1385, 3753}, {1388, 15813}, {1389, 46920}, {1420, 1706}, {1428, 17792}, {1437, 5012}, {1444, 5224}, {1445, 41228}, {1447, 20880}, {1465, 4296}, {1473, 26065}, {1475, 3684}, {1478, 11681}, {1479, 10200}, {1482, 45977}, {1483, 12331}, {1490, 11220}, {1574, 5291}, {1582, 28288}, {1603, 10829}, {1612, 26724}, {1617, 5265}, {1633, 4676}, {1652, 44689}, {1653, 44688}, {1655, 7783}, {1696, 3161}, {1724, 4257}, {1730, 3430}, {1737, 5086}, {1768, 31803}, {1770, 5057}, {1781, 25078}, {1792, 18134}, {1809, 34406}, {1834, 37634}, {1836, 25681}, {1914, 16604}, {1936, 22072}, {1975, 18135}, {1993, 36754}, {1994, 37509}, {2093, 11682}, {2108, 30649}, {2140, 25532}, {2178, 2345}, {2220, 39798}, {2223, 16823}, {2238, 33863}, {2275, 4386}, {2277, 2298}, {2292, 17596}, {2295, 21008}, {2303, 4261}, {2346, 38053}, {2352, 19804}, {2550, 7288}, {2646, 3812}, {2886, 5172}, {2893, 5740}, {2933, 4429}, {2979, 5752}, {3011, 24178}, {3054, 44517}, {3060, 37482}, {3075, 3562}, {3085, 8071}, {3086, 3434}, {3188, 40702}, {3193, 37530}, {3219, 3916}, {3220, 17353}, {3241, 3304}, {3244, 48696}, {3286, 17277}, {3294, 24047}, {3295, 3622}, {3303, 4421}, {3305, 31424}, {3333, 3870}, {3337, 3874}, {3338, 3811}, {3421, 20076}, {3436, 4293}, {3474, 11415}, {3485, 11509}, {3486, 11502}, {3487, 11517}, {3496, 39244}, {3509, 33299}, {3550, 3915}, {3555, 3935}, {3576, 3897}, {3582, 24387}, {3583, 3825}, {3585, 3814}, {3589, 4265}, {3600, 7080}, {3601, 5437}, {3614, 31235}, {3615, 25533}, {3618, 36740}, {3623, 7373}, {3624, 5010}, {3626, 5288}, {3632, 37587}, {3634, 5251}, {3635, 37602}, {3670, 30115}, {3673, 26229}, {3678, 4973}, {3679, 8666}, {3689, 34791}, {3695, 33168}, {3698, 37605}, {3701, 5205}, {3702, 32932}, {3705, 5300}, {3720, 37573}, {3724, 49598}, {3742, 37080}, {3744, 52541}, {3745, 4719}, {3749, 28011}, {3752, 5262}, {3785, 45962}, {3786, 16574}, {3813, 34612}, {3816, 6284}, {3819, 15489}, {3820, 20067}, {3822, 14792}, {3826, 24953}, {3833, 35016}, {3846, 28268}, {3880, 20323}, {3884, 11010}, {3890, 5119}, {3898, 37563}, {3911, 6734}, {3918, 51111}, {3920, 37592}, {3923, 25591}, {3924, 24174}, {3925, 4999}, {3928, 3951}, {3937, 29958}, {3938, 3976}, {3940, 23958}, {3957, 5045}, {3971, 8720}, {3980, 11688}, {3987, 15955}, {4004, 50194}, {4067, 4880}, {4084, 4867}, {4251, 35342}, {4252, 4383}, {4262, 16783}, {4276, 25526}, {4279, 18792}, {4297, 8582}, {4298, 6745}, {4301, 5537}, {4304, 9843}, {4315, 6736}, {4317, 34605}, {4358, 7283}, {4388, 27657}, {4391, 22091}, {4401, 28591}, {4417, 5323}, {4482, 29691}, {4512, 12511}, {4552, 51879}, {4640, 25917}, {4646, 17015}, {4671, 50044}, {4720, 10449}, {4723, 9369}, {4853, 13462}, {4911, 33864}, {4968, 7081}, {5013, 5275}, {5021, 37657}, {5022, 37658}, {5030, 16552}, {5061, 9565}, {5082, 10529}, {5088, 26563}, {5128, 15829}, {5156, 27642}, {5175, 5704}, {5178, 10916}, {5218, 26357}, {5221, 12635}, {5223, 53057}, {5241, 15447}, {5249, 12436}, {5252, 34880}, {5256, 37554}, {5259, 19862}, {5263, 20470}, {5266, 7191}, {5278, 19762}, {5289, 37567}, {5294, 7293}, {5297, 37599}, {5298, 49732}, {5326, 6668}, {5422, 36742}, {5425, 33815}, {5432, 25466}, {5434, 12607}, {5439, 24929}, {5450, 5587}, {5482, 18180}, {5535, 31806}, {5603, 11248}, {5650, 46623}, {5657, 11249}, {5690, 22765}, {5692, 11684}, {5698, 30295}, {5703, 9776}, {5718, 26131}, {5720, 12528}, {5722, 9963}, {5730, 36279}, {5731, 11500}, {5743, 26064}, {5746, 27395}, {5777, 17616}, {5784, 37787}, {5790, 32153}, {5794, 24914}, {5818, 22758}, {5880, 8543}, {5881, 38669}, {5884, 6326}, {5885, 22935}, {5886, 26285}, {5901, 11849}, {5902, 22836}, {5903, 30144}, {5927, 34862}, {5949, 15109}, {5985, 12042}, {6048, 9350}, {6147, 26842}, {6174, 15888}, {6224, 10950}, {6244, 20070}, {6265, 35004}, {6361, 35238}, {6600, 11038}, {6645, 26752}, {6667, 7173}, {6679, 28267}, {6681, 25639}, {6684, 11012}, {6690, 52793}, {6701, 38062}, {6713, 26470}, {6735, 10106}, {6762, 46917}, {7123, 9374}, {7176, 30806}, {7284, 32635}, {7292, 37589}, {7681, 11826}, {7686, 50371}, {7688, 24564}, {7702, 45393}, {7741, 10058}, {7742, 19843}, {7754, 17001}, {7793, 16998}, {7951, 51506}, {7967, 16203}, {7998, 26637}, {8143, 9978}, {8168, 20053}, {8257, 10394}, {8568, 32625}, {8648, 25380}, {8669, 24165}, {9436, 38859}, {9579, 30827}, {9581, 31190}, {9612, 30852}, {9657, 11236}, {9671, 34706}, {9708, 46933}, {9710, 41341}, {9711, 34606}, {9812, 25893}, {9850, 46677}, {9856, 17613}, {9859, 10396}, {9940, 18444}, {9945, 12433}, {9956, 23961}, {9961, 16209}, {10031, 37727}, {10072, 49719}, {10074, 12531}, {10107, 11011}, {10129, 37692}, {10165, 10902}, {10199, 10707}, {10246, 32141}, {10306, 24558}, {10428, 14513}, {10446, 24540}, {10448, 17124}, {10459, 37617}, {10572, 14803}, {10584, 10591}, {10595, 10679}, {10601, 36746}, {10609, 37730}, {10680, 12245}, {10698, 25413}, {10884, 37526}, {10914, 24928}, {11227, 40262}, {11230, 26086}, {11240, 33925}, {11246, 14450}, {11263, 35204}, {11281, 31660}, {11374, 31019}, {11495, 52653}, {11698, 35451}, {12019, 51636}, {12047, 20292}, {12512, 40998}, {12526, 53056}, {12527, 20103}, {12609, 39599}, {12632, 52804}, {12667, 30513}, {12702, 35272}, {12740, 25414}, {12746, 37717}, {12757, 17857}, {12773, 37705}, {12943, 31246}, {13205, 13463}, {13323, 43650}, {13384, 45036}, {13397, 40101}, {13528, 45776}, {13624, 35271}, {13751, 41541}, {13902, 44590}, {13959, 44591}, {14419, 16158}, {14804, 47033}, {14828, 17169}, {14882, 15950}, {14986, 17784}, {15018, 51340}, {15171, 20066}, {15299, 25722}, {15325, 24390}, {15338, 26127}, {15500, 17102}, {15625, 18613}, {16020, 26241}, {16133, 42843}, {16466, 17126}, {16468, 36646}, {16474, 50587}, {16483, 28370}, {16589, 37512}, {16691, 20475}, {16693, 23851}, {16706, 41230}, {16817, 24589}, {16830, 37575}, {16945, 31343}, {17011, 37594}, {17063, 28082}, {17103, 37678}, {17123, 28257}, {17127, 27625}, {17129, 40908}, {17282, 51687}, {17303, 38871}, {17349, 37507}, {17350, 23085}, {17355, 38869}, {17369, 19297}, {17379, 37502}, {17483, 24470}, {17619, 18480}, {17733, 32860}, {17757, 18990}, {17776, 27802}, {17825, 37501}, {17923, 41227}, {18048, 24349}, {18139, 25650}, {18141, 37538}, {18357, 26321}, {18391, 22766}, {18446, 37534}, {18465, 33852}, {18524, 34773}, {18755, 24512}, {18788, 35269}, {18999, 22764}, {19000, 22763}, {19065, 44606}, {19066, 44607}, {19684, 19763}, {19701, 19760}, {19716, 19764}, {19730, 19757}, {19732, 19759}, {19765, 37674}, {19784, 39582}, {19785, 19845}, {19786, 19842}, {19792, 19848}, {19806, 19840}, {19808, 19841}, {19822, 19844}, {19836, 37557}, {19851, 24620}, {19858, 39578}, {19872, 32633}, {19874, 52139}, {19878, 25542}, {20018, 37684}, {20244, 24203}, {20990, 32922}, {20999, 26073}, {21258, 26140}, {21740, 34339}, {22300, 50362}, {22344, 27064}, {22791, 35000}, {23206, 26223}, {23383, 26094}, {23537, 33133}, {23850, 24988}, {24271, 30819}, {24320, 26685}, {24328, 35578}, {24410, 40577}, {24440, 49487}, {24602, 29960}, {24703, 24954}, {24850, 25079}, {24883, 37646}, {24920, 42741}, {25082, 40131}, {25385, 30362}, {25441, 48843}, {25522, 41869}, {25881, 35263}, {25934, 37537}, {25954, 26531}, {26035, 26244}, {26040, 30478}, {26078, 39200}, {26102, 37574}, {26286, 26446}, {26363, 33108}, {26492, 37820}, {26582, 26686}, {26866, 42461}, {27005, 51862}, {27006, 51775}, {27065, 31445}, {27645, 30653}, {27665, 40432}, {28385, 41346}, {30143, 37571}, {30147, 37525}, {30818, 50054}, {31339, 32916}, {31419, 41345}, {31435, 35242}, {31938, 41547}, {32157, 45081}, {32537, 37829}, {32772, 35206}, {32863, 41014}, {32935, 52923}, {32939, 42705}, {32945, 50608}, {34124, 38603}, {34545, 36750}, {34701, 37723}, {37469, 37732}, {37492, 51171}, {37566, 37789}, {37612, 37700}, {37621, 38028}, {37656, 49716}, {37662, 49745}, {37687, 52680}, {38052, 52769}, {39199, 48243}, {39226, 48228}, {39476, 47794}, {40592, 52782}, {40980, 41806}, {41542, 52126}, {44408, 47793}, {46188, 46973}, {46635, 52200}, {47795, 48386}, {47796, 48387}, {48165, 48390}, {48204, 48382}, {48205, 48384}, {48207, 48389}, {48209, 48391}, {48246, 48383}, {50443, 53055}, {50843, 51525}
X(404) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 37251}, {21, 35982}, {5046, 37256}
X(404) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 51714}, {4187, 52264}, {5046, 4187}, {37403, 3}
X(404) = complement of X(5046)
X(404) = anticomplement of X(4187)
X(404) = circumcircle-inverse of X(37919)
X(404) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(4193)
X(404) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(44085)
X(404) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(44139)
X(404) = X(270)-Ceva conjugate of X(3868)
X(404) = X(404) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {56, 44040}, {3064, 40518}
X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 44040}, {404, 5046}, {1459, 7004}, {3670, 3454}
X(404) = cevapoint of X(3) and X(3216)
X(404) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 1635}
X(404) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 32939}, {6, 44139}, {28, 42705}, {76, 44085}, {100, 47796}, {190, 48281}, {651, 20293}, {4554, 48387}, {4564, 44311}, {21721, 52935}
X(404) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {9, 44040}, {20293, 4391}, {21721, 4036}, {32939, 75}, {36059, 40518}, {39006, 7004}, {42705, 20336}, {44085, 6}, {44139, 76}, {44311, 4858}, {47796, 693}, {48281, 514}, {48387, 650}
X(404) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 100, 3871}, {1, 1054, 24443}, {1, 14923, 1320}, {1, 25440, 100}, {2, 3, 21}, {2, 4, 4193}, {2, 20, 2478}, {2, 21, 5047}, {2, 377, 2476}, {2, 384, 17541}, {2, 405, 17536}, {2, 443, 4197}, {2, 474, 17531}, {2, 1004, 36002}, {2, 2475, 5}, {2, 2476, 7504}, {2, 3091, 6931}, {2, 3146, 6919}, {2, 3522, 452}, {2, 3523, 6910}, {2, 3552, 16916}, {2, 4188, 3}, {2, 4189, 405}, {2, 4190, 4}, {2, 4195, 5192}, {2, 4197, 31254}, {2, 4201, 5051}, {2, 5046, 4187}, {2, 5047, 17534}, {2, 5141, 1656}, {2, 5177, 6933}, {2, 6636, 37325}, {2, 6655, 17669}, {2, 6871, 3090}, {2, 6872, 5084}, {2, 6904, 377}, {2, 6921, 17566}, {2, 7791, 17550}, {2, 10304, 31156}, {2, 11108, 17546}, {2, 11112, 17577}, and many others
As a point on the Euler line, X(405) has Shinagawa coefficients (abc*$a$ + S2, -S2).
X(405) lies on these lines: {1, 6}, {2, 3}, {8, 943}, {10, 55}, {11, 19755}, {12, 10198}, {31, 5711}, {32, 5275}, {34, 1214}, {35, 1376}, {36, 3624}, {38, 19729}, {39, 19758}, {40, 1730}, {46, 3812}, {51, 5752}, {56, 226}, {57, 3916}, {58, 940}, {63, 942}, {65, 1708}, {75, 7283}, {76, 16992}, {78, 3305}, {84, 8726}, {100, 5175}, {104, 5811}, {142, 4292}, {144, 11036}, {145, 6767}, {171, 19730}, {183, 18140}, {191, 5902}, {192, 19851}, {194, 17000}, {198, 5257}, {200, 3697}, {210, 3811}, {212, 2654}, {222, 1935}, {241, 1448}, {274, 1975}, {283, 5398}, {284, 965}, {306, 5814}, {329, 999}, {333, 10449}, {355, 10267}, {386, 4383}, {388, 1617}, {390, 5082}, {480, 6743}, {495, 3436}, {496, 10527}, {497, 19843}, {498, 1329}, {499, 3816}, {511, 19782}, {516, 5584}, {517, 5250}, {519, 3303}, {528, 4309}, {535, 9657}, {551, 3304}, {572, 2360}, {579, 4877}, {580, 2328}, {595, 5710}, {612, 5266}, {614, 19724}, {748, 1193}, {756, 976}, {846, 986}, {908, 11374}, {920, 13750}, {936, 3601}, {938, 5273}, {946, 3428}, {952, 16202}, {962, 5759}, {966, 4254}, {968, 3931}, {970, 5943}, {971, 10884}, {978, 17123}, {988, 5272}, {990, 12689}, {997, 1864}, {1043, 9534}, {1046, 7262}, {1071, 7330}, {1175, 6061}, {1210, 5745}, {1259, 5722}, {1319, 9850}, {1330, 18134}, {1351, 15988}, {1377, 5414}, {1378, 2066}, {1385, 5777}, {1398, 6356}, {1437, 6176}, {1465, 19372}, {1466, 3911}, {1468, 3720}, {1470, 5433}, {1478, 7742}, {1479, 2886}, {1482, 3877}, {1486, 4026}, {1490, 3576}, {1573, 2241}, {1577, 21789}, {1612, 5716}, {1655, 7754}, {1696, 3986}, {1697, 9623}, {1706, 4002}, {1709, 9943}, {1712, 17102}, {1714, 1834}, {1722, 17594}, {1737, 11507}, {1746, 5786}, {1750, 7987}, {1770, 5880}, {1824, 9895}, {1836, 12609}, {1858, 7082}, {1901, 17398}, {1993, 22136}, {2067, 9678}, {2078, 9578}, {2093, 4004}, {2098, 3884}, {2099, 3878}, {2177, 3214}, {2238, 2271}, {2268, 5783}, {2280, 3691}, {2283, 19931}, {2292, 3924}, {2295, 14974}, {2346, 5686}, {2452, 13869}, {2550, 4294}, {2551, 3085}, {2893, 5224}, {2900, 3740}, {2932, 3035}, {3036, 10087}, {3052, 5264}, {3053, 5277}, {3158, 3921}, {3189, 6600}, {3216, 4255}, {3218, 5708}, {3219, 3868}, {3220, 17306}, {3244, 19750}, {3286, 15668}, {3306, 4652}, {3333, 10582}, {3338, 3742}, {3339, 5665}, {3434, 15171}, {3452, 13411}, {3556, 19869}, {3562, 22117}, {3600, 7677}, {3617, 3871}, {3618, 19766}, {3622, 7373}, {3626, 19751}, {3634, 4413}, {3635, 8162}, {3636, 19739}, {3647, 5221}, {3666, 19728}, {3670, 17054}, {3678, 3715}, {3679, 3746}, {3682, 14547}, {3685, 16824}, {3689, 3983}, {3711, 4015}, {3757, 4385}, {3763, 4265}, {3814, 5172}, {3820, 5552}, {3821, 12579}, {3822, 10895}, {3826, 4302}, {3841, 12953}, {3872, 9957}, {3876, 3940}, {3890, 4861}, {3897, 10246}, {3898, 22837}, {3915, 10459}, {3922, 5183}, {3923, 12567}, {3925, 6284}, {3929, 11518}, {3951, 11520}, {3962, 12559}, {4018, 11529}, {4256, 17749}, {4267, 5737}, {4295, 5698}, {4297, 7700}, {4304, 6666}, {4305, 10609}, {4306, 6180}, {4313, 5809}, {4340, 4648}, {4354, 9640}, {4391, 22160}, {4421, 19875}, {4533, 12260}, {4647, 5695}, {4666, 5045}, {4668, 8168}, {4673, 16821}, {4857, 11235}, {5080, 9654}, {5119, 5836}, {5120, 5746}, {5132, 17259}, {5204, 5267}, {5252, 11510}, {5253, 5550}, {5255, 8616}, {5263, 19853}, {5271, 5295}, {5282, 21808}, {5294, 7085}, {5316, 6700}, {5330, 10247}, {5362, 11485}, {5367, 11486}, {5426, 5506}, {5432, 10958}, {5437, 15803}, {5444, 15446}, {5450, 6260}, {5492, 7986}, {5534, 18908}, {5537, 9588}, {5554, 5690}, {5563, 11194}, {5587, 10902}, {5603, 5758}, {5640, 19771}, {5657, 10306}, {5691, 15931}, {5703, 18228}, {5705, 9581}, {5715, 8227}, {5731, 5817}, {5750, 8804}, {5766, 9785}, {5774, 17751}, {5779, 12528}, {5794, 10572}, {5812, 5886}, {5815, 10578}, {5818, 11491}, {5844, 12000}, {5901, 10680}, {5905, 6147}, {5934, 8109}, {5935, 8110}, {5985, 12188}, {6261, 12664}, {6265, 12691}, {6554, 15288}, {6598, 15175}, {6667, 10090}, {6684, 8582}, {6688, 15489}, {6738, 18249}, {6763, 18398}, {6764, 8236}, {6765, 10389}, {6796, 10175}, {7171, 17612}, {7587, 7593}, {7588, 8080}, {7713, 10319}, {7793, 16999}, {8053, 16828}, {8062, 23189}, {8077, 8079}, {8158, 21168}, {8225, 8233}, {8543, 12848}, {8983, 19014}, {9659, 14667}, {9669, 11680}, {9778, 11024}, {9812, 15911}, {9841, 10857}, {9956, 11499}, {10039, 11508}, {10056, 12607}, {10176, 18233}, {10283, 12001}, {10386, 20075}, {10392, 12447}, {10441, 17185}, {10585, 10592}, {10822, 21746}, {10827, 14798}, {10882, 10888}, {10966, 11376}, {11220, 12684}, {11372, 12565}, {11396, 21318}, {11502, 17606}, {12246, 21151}, {12330, 14647}, {12388, 12397}, {12433, 12649}, {12520, 12688}, {12521, 12692}, {12522, 12693}, {12523, 12694}, {12524, 12695}, {12527, 21620}, {12704, 13374}, {12739, 18254}, {13405, 18250}, {13883, 18999}, {13936, 19000}, {13971, 19013}, {15239, 21164}, {15808, 19746}, {16112, 17653}, {16173, 22560}, {16819, 20172}, {16826, 19719}, {16830, 23407}, {16994, 17128}, {16996, 17129}, {17194, 17811}, {17300, 20077}, {17303, 19857}, {17349, 20018}, {17478, 21761}, {17718, 21077}, {18357, 18518}, {18481, 18761}, {19786, 19844}, {19808, 19845}, {19812, 19841}, {19827, 19842}, {19836, 22654}, {19863, 23361}
X(405) is the {X(2),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(474). For a list of harmonic conjugates of X(405), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(405) = complement of X(377)
X(405) = anticomplement of X(8728)
X(405) = crosssum of X(838) and X(1015)
X(405) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(513)X(647)
X(405) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal circle of X(442)
X(405) = {X(1),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(72)
As a point on the Euler line, X(406) has Shinagawa coefficients ($a$F, abc).
X(406) lies on these lines: 2,3 8,1061 10,33 37,158 92,1068 108,388 208,226 261,317
X(406) = anticomplement of X(34120)
X(406) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(36744)
X(406) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(475)
Barycentrics (v + w) tan A : (w + u) tan B : (u + v) tan C
As a point on the Euler line, X(407) has Shinagawa coefficients (FS2, -($aSA$)2 - FS2).
X(407) lies on these lines: 2,3 12,228 65,225 117,136
X(407) = crosspoint of X(4) and X(225)
X(407) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,283), (21,411)
X(407) = tangential-to-orthic similarity image of X(3145)
Barycentrics (v + w)sin 2A : (w + u)sin 2B : (u + v)sin2C
As a point on the Euler line, X(408) has Shinagawa coefficients (($bcSBSC$)2, -($bcSBSC$)2 + EFS4).
X(408) lies on these lines: 2,3 73,228
X(408) = crosssum of X(29) and X(412)
As a point on the Euler line, X(409) has Shinagawa coefficients ($aSA$[($aSA$)2 - $bcSBSC$] + 2abcFS2, -$aSA$[($aSA$)2 - $bcSBSC$] + abc[($aSA$)2 + $bcSBSC$ - 2FS2]).
X(409) lies on these lines: {1, 1247}, {2, 3}, {10, 37816}, {46, 51290}, {58, 5883}, {65, 1098}, {81, 3924}, {86, 40980}, {100, 21674}, {229, 2607}, {643, 5836}, {662, 2646}, {759, 1125}, {950, 19642}, {993, 47059}, {1054, 34882}, {1104, 2363}, {1178, 1201}, {1958, 10448}, {2648, 9398}, {2886, 52360}, {3304, 36224}, {3754, 5127}, {3897, 37793}, {4653, 27784}, {5260, 27714}, {7354, 52361}, {9275, 30143}, {15792, 35016}, {17104, 30147}, {24619, 26532}, {34195, 37783}
X(409) = isogonal conjugate of X(9399)
X(409) = X(2648)-Ceva conjugate of X(2651)
X(409) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9399}, {65, 9398}
X(409) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 9399}, {9398, 40602}
X(409) = barycentric product X(333)*X(2647)
X(409) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 9399}, {284, 9398}, {2647, 226}
X(409) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 2475, 27687}, {2, 11101, 21}, {3, 11116, 35991}, {21, 29, 413}, {21, 13746, 15776}, {21, 17518, 13588}, {21, 17568, 1817}, {21, 35991, 3}, {21, 37294, 17549}, {65, 1098, 2651}, {405, 17512, 21}, {662, 40430, 2646}, {1010, 36011, 21}, {11102, 19259, 21}, {11110, 37227, 21}, {11110, 52244, 7483}, {13725, 14015, 21}, {13739, 37228, 21}, {16418, 37029, 21}, {16865, 37032, 21}
As a point on the Euler line, X(410) has Shinagawa coefficients ([S6 - (2E - F)FS4 + 3$bc$FS4 - 3$bcSBSC$FS2]F, -[S4 - 4(E - F)FS2 + 3$bc$FS2]FS2 + $bcSBSC$[S4 - 2(E - 2F)F S2 + abc$aSA$F]).
X(410) lies on these lines: 2,3 73,2659 823,2660
X(410) lies on these lines: {1, 1248}, {2, 3}, {73, 2659}, {823, 2654}
X(410) = X(2656)-Ceva conjugate of X(2659)
X(410) = barycentric product X(2662)*X(31623)
X(410) = barycentric quotient X(2662)/X(1214)
X(410) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {21, 29, 414}
X(410) = crosspoint of PU(82)
As a point on the Euler line, X(411) has Shinagawa coefficients ($aSA$, -$aSA$ - abc).
X(411) lies on these lines: {1, 1254}, {2, 3}, {8, 3428}, {10, 44425}, {32, 40129}, {35, 516}, {36, 1210}, {40, 78}, {46, 12520}, {54, 34800}, {55, 962}, {56, 938}, {57, 10393}, {63, 1490}, {64, 34259}, {65, 45230}, {73, 1936}, {81, 581}, {84, 4652}, {90, 1156}, {104, 18481}, {108, 1895}, {145, 22770}, {165, 936}, {170, 2108}, {171, 4300}, {185, 970}, {191, 31803}, {198, 27382}, {212, 37694}, {225, 45231}, {243, 821}, {255, 651}, {273, 17134}, {285, 46021}, {329, 1259}, {386, 1754}, {388, 26357}, {391, 46012}, {496, 41345}, {497, 37579}, {515, 2975}, {517, 3871}, {573, 2287}, {580, 32911}, {774, 1758}, {934, 34059}, {942, 18444}, {943, 11374}, {944, 11249}, {946, 1621}, {950, 37583}, {965, 37499}, {971, 3916}, {991, 37522}, {993, 5691}, {1014, 5738}, {1035, 18623}, {1044, 9316}, {1064, 3072}, {1071, 3218}, {1125, 15931}, {1155, 1858}, {1158, 9961}, {1193, 37570}, {1290, 2695}, {1292, 1311}, {1376, 5584}, {1437, 34148}, {1445, 5732}, {1446, 5088}, {1476, 22767}, {1479, 36152}, {1617, 14986}, {1699, 5248}, {1742, 37603}, {1750, 31424}, {1764, 3430}, {1766, 27396}, {1768, 12845}, {1776, 1898}, {1780, 3216}, {1788, 11502}, {1792, 4417}, {1804, 5932}, {1861, 34851}, {1897, 20222}, {1935, 2635}, {2077, 5057}, {2078, 12053}, {2801, 6763}, {2829, 4996}, {2886, 6253}, {2897, 41005}, {2951, 5506}, {3035, 50031}, {3062, 51576}, {3075, 4303}, {3085, 40292}, {3086, 7677}, {3100, 17102}, {3219, 5777}, {3303, 5734}, {3304, 15933}, {3306, 8726}, {3341, 37141}, {3465, 44706}, {3474, 11509}, {3476, 10966}, {3561, 34035}, {3576, 5253}, {3579, 5887}, {3585, 14794}, {3616, 22753}, {3624, 38150}, {3647, 31871}, {3648, 9809}, {3652, 31828}, {3681, 17857}, {3746, 4301}, {3811, 41338}, {3817, 5259}, {3868, 5709}, {3873, 12704}, {3874, 5536}, {3876, 5720}, {3913, 34711}, {4255, 37537}, {4265, 29181}, {4293, 8071}, {4294, 8069}, {4295, 11507}, {4296, 46974}, {4299, 14793}, {4305, 22766}, {4316, 14792}, {4421, 34632}, {4511, 14110}, {4640, 12688}, {4855, 6282}, {5080, 11827}, {5096, 44882}, {5122, 31805}, {5131, 16767}, {5132, 5327}, {5172, 6284}, {5204, 5704}, {5218, 37601}, {5250, 10268}, {5251, 19925}, {5260, 5587}, {5267, 28164}, {5284, 8227}, {5288, 28236}, {5303, 5450}, {5396, 46441}, {5438, 37551}, {5440, 31793}, {5441, 14804}, {5443, 14799}, {5453, 45931}, {5493, 5537}, {5535, 5884}, {5603, 10267}, {5657, 11499}, {5687, 20007}, {5690, 18524}, {5693, 11684}, {5694, 16139}, {5698, 11495}, {5706, 19767}, {5715, 31266}, {5721, 24883}, {5736, 10446}, {5744, 9799}, {5752, 5889}, {5759, 11517}, {5812, 31053}, {5818, 18491}, {5819, 32561}, {5842, 15908}, {5907, 22076}, {5927, 31445}, {6198, 37565}, {6224, 22775}, {6361, 11248}, {6516, 40702}, {6684, 7688}, {6690, 31936}, {6700, 12512}, {7280, 10090}, {7288, 37578}, {7330, 21165}, {7354, 15844}, {7360, 52345}, {7967, 10680}, {7991, 8715}, {8273, 25524}, {8666, 38669}, {9342, 31423}, {9535, 19763}, {9778, 10310}, {9812, 11496}, {9940, 27003}, {10031, 12776}, {10058, 10724}, {10129, 41869}, {10164, 12617}, {10167, 37582}, {10171, 25542}, {10246, 45977}, {10306, 20070}, {10595, 16202}, {10860, 35242}, {11220, 41854}, {11424, 13323}, {11508, 30305}, {11531, 25439}, {11680, 48482}, {11849, 28174}, {12245, 20013}, {12699, 32613}, {12702, 32141}, {12705, 35258}, {13243, 24467}, {13369, 26877}, {13397, 32706}, {13464, 34486}, {14798, 30384}, {14829, 51978}, {15323, 29325}, {15489, 46850}, {15622, 16678}, {15852, 37539}, {16113, 48698}, {16193, 30284}, {17100, 24466}, {17613, 31663}, {17757, 31799}, {18219, 38399}, {18861, 38761}, {19716, 19769}, {19788, 19850}, {20171, 30273}, {21363, 51290}, {21635, 35204}, {22765, 34773}, {22791, 37621}, {23692, 40602}, {25406, 36741}, {26321, 28186}, {28146, 33862}, {29473, 37202}, {32760, 39599}, {34195, 37625}, {34461, 34462}, {35250, 37821}, {36740, 51212}, {37469, 48897}, {37562, 48363}, {37584, 37700}
X(411) = midpoint of X(20) and X(37437)
X(411) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 51717}, {4, 6842}, {2975, 11012}, {3871, 11491}, {6831, 52265}, {6895, 6831}, {6906, 3}, {34772, 33597}, {52367, 15908}
X(411) = complement of X(6895)
X(411) = anticomplement of X(6831)
X(411) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(6828)
X(411) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(44087)
X(411) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1098, 1}, {24032, 651}
X(411) = X(1630)-cross conjugate of X(34035)
X(411) = X(411)-Dao conjugate of X(6895)
X(411) = crosssum of X(661) and X(3270)
X(411) = ABC-to-excentral barycentric image of X(12)
X(411) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {8, 34035}, {75, 1630}, {76, 44087}, {92, 3561}
X(411) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1630, 1}, {3561, 63}, {34035, 7}, {44087, 6}
X(411) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 3, 6986}, {2, 4, 6828}, {2, 20, 6836}, {2, 3149, 6915}, {2, 3522, 37423}, {2, 4188, 37282}, {2, 6835, 6991}, {2, 6836, 6943}, {2, 6870, 6855}, {2, 6894, 5}, {2, 6895, 6831}, {2, 7538, 27378}, {2, 14953, 37389}, {2, 20846, 21}, {2, 35979, 404}, {2, 50695, 4}, {2, 50700, 6835}, {3, 4, 21}, {3, 5, 1006}, {3, 20, 6909}, {3, 382, 6914}, {3, 405, 37106}, {3, 474, 3523}, {3, 550, 37403}, {3, 1012, 4189}, {3, 2915, 7488}, {3, 3149, 2}, {3, 3560, 6875}, {3, 3651, 7411}, {3, 4192, 37399}, {3, 6905, 404}, {3, 6906, 17549}, {3, 6911, 631}, {3, 6924, 6940}, {3, 6942, 13587}, {3, 6985, 4}, {3, 7420, 4225}, {3, 7489, 5428}, {3, 7580, 20}, {3, 9122, 7520}, {3, 11479, 37246}, {3, 13743, 7508}, {3, 16117, 550}, {3, 19513, 19649}, {3, 19540, 13732}, {3, 19541, 405}, {3, 19543, 37431}, {3, 19548, 4220}, {3, 20420, 37306}, {3, 21669, 17574}, {3, 36002, 6912}, {3, 36558, 13731}, {3, 37034, 17928}, {3, 37251, 140}, {3, 37400, 37402}, {3, 37411, 1012}, {3, 37412, 37254}, {3, 37426, 3522}, {3, 45976, 549}, {3, 49127, 37328}, {4, 21, 6912}, {4, 376, 6868}, {4, 631, 6824}, {4, 2476, 7548}, {4, 3090, 6866}, {4, 6824, 10883}, {4, 6825, 2476}, {4, 6828, 52269}, {4, 6838, 6932}, {4, 6842, 17577}, {4, 6852, 6841}, {4, 6853, 5}, {4, 6855, 6870}, {4, 6856, 3091}, {4, 6857, 6837}, {4, 6868, 11114}, {4, 6874, 381}, {4, 6875, 3560}, {4, 6876, 3}, {4, 6942, 52270}, {4, 6985, 36002}, {4, 6988, 2}, {5, 1006, 5047}, {5, 28459, 6902}, {20, 6838, 4}, {20, 6960, 6840}, {20, 6962, 6943}, {20, 7580, 33557}, {20, 37421, 6925}, {21, 36002, 4}, {40, 6261, 3869}, {40, 6326, 31806}, {40, 6796, 100}, {40, 52026, 78}, {63, 1490, 12528}, {73, 1936, 3562}, {140, 6841, 6852}, {140, 6946, 17535}, {140, 37251, 6946}, {140, 37374, 6972}, {255, 1745, 651}, {376, 6927, 6865}, {376, 6942, 3}, {381, 21161, 16858}, {382, 6914, 21669}, {404, 7411, 3}, {404, 35976, 35977}, {405, 19541, 3091}, {431, 1885, 4}, {442, 20420, 6839}, {474, 16293, 2}, {474, 37284, 6857}, {546, 5428, 7489}, {550, 6922, 37428}, {550, 37406, 7491}, {580, 37732, 32911}, {581, 37530, 81}, {631, 6864, 2}, {631, 6911, 17531}, {946, 10902, 1621}, {1012, 37411, 3146}, {1071, 37623, 3218}, {1155, 1858, 7098}, {1158, 50528, 9961}, {1532, 31789, 5046}, {1532, 44238, 31789}, {1745, 51281, 255}, {2041, 2042, 6845}, {2478, 6848, 6945}, {2635, 22361, 1935}, {2915, 7515, 36018}, {3075, 4303, 17074}, {3086, 7742, 7677}, {3090, 6883, 17536}, {3091, 37106, 405}, {3145, 27622, 4224}, {3146, 4189, 1012}, {3146, 6871, 4}, {3149, 11344, 6835}, {3149, 20846, 6828}, {3428, 11500, 8}, {3522, 4188, 3}, {3522, 35986, 37426}, {3523, 6837, 6857}, {3523, 37105, 3}, {3545, 28466, 16861}, {3560, 6875, 21}, {3560, 6918, 6855}, {3627, 7508, 13743}, {3651, 6905, 3}, {3832, 16865, 6913}, {4186, 52271, 28376}, {4188, 35986, 3522}, {5004, 5005, 4224}, {5535, 16132, 5884}, {5709, 18446, 3868}, {6675, 8226, 6884}, {6825, 6869, 4}, {6826, 6889, 4197}, {6827, 6834, 4193}, {6830, 6863, 7504}, {6831, 52265, 2}, {6836, 6932, 52269}, {6836, 6962, 2}, {6840, 6960, 5}, {6848, 6987, 2478}, {6850, 6934, 17579}, {6851, 6954, 6833}, {6855, 6870, 6828}, {6857, 37284, 21}, {6865, 6927, 2}, {6865, 6942, 37301}, {6865, 37301, 6986}, {6868, 52270, 21}, {6876, 6985, 21}, {6878, 6896, 6887}, {6880, 6891, 17566}, {6880, 6899, 6891}, {6888, 37433, 8727}, {6903, 6949, 6882}, {6905, 6940, 6924}, {6906, 17577, 6912}, {6907, 37468, 2475}, {6908, 50701, 377}, {6909, 6915, 6943}, {6909, 6932, 6912}, {6909, 33557, 20}, {6910, 10431, 6847}, {6915, 6986, 2}, {6917, 6937, 6175}, {6919, 37313, 25875}, {6924, 6940, 404}, {6928, 6941, 37375}, {6953, 6992, 5084}, {6986, 36002, 52269}, {6988, 20846, 6986}, {6988, 50695, 6828}, {7411, 36002, 1005}, {7412, 37380, 29}, {7420, 7580, 37420}, {7466, 35981, 1005}, {7483, 8727, 6888}, {7491, 37406, 4}, {7513, 23512, 6836}, {11112, 37424, 37163}, {11344, 37229, 2}, {11499, 35239, 5657}, {11827, 18242, 5080}, {12511, 25440, 165}, {13738, 28077, 33849}, {13747, 50206, 2}, {14110, 37837, 4511}, {14782, 14783, 6861}, {16440, 16441, 1817}, {18481, 26286, 104}, {19520, 37240, 4208}, {27653, 35981, 21}, {28452, 37438, 6901}, {31793, 40262, 5440}, {31952, 37328, 37048}, {35986, 36003, 7411}, {37034, 37264, 11349}, {37229, 50700, 6915}, {37282, 37423, 6986}, {42789, 42790, 37117}
As a point on the Euler line, X(412) has Shinagawa coefficients (FS2, -$bcSBSC$ - FS2).
X(412) lies on these lines: {1, 7138}, {2, 3}, {7, 7952}, {33, 10884}, {40, 92}, {46, 158}, {57, 1895}, {63, 318}, {64, 5786}, {65, 243}, {84, 7020}, {162, 580}, {165, 39585}, {185, 2659}, {208, 44697}, {225, 775}, {264, 8822}, {273, 7013}, {278, 962}, {515, 5174}, {516, 1838}, {572, 2326}, {579, 8748}, {820, 2655}, {938, 44695}, {946, 17923}, {1071, 1872}, {1118, 3474}, {1148, 36279}, {1155, 1940}, {1158, 1748}, {1445, 1712}, {1698, 39531}, {1715, 1896}, {1754, 8747}, {1784, 3336}, {1785, 3075}, {1788, 1857}, {1859, 9943}, {1861, 34831}, {1887, 10391}, {1897, 3868}, {1902, 7009}, {2322, 46011}, {3188, 36118}, {3362, 23707}, {3579, 39529}, {4313, 34231}, {5307, 11471}, {5435, 40836}, {5706, 41083}, {6198, 18444}, {6684, 39574}, {7282, 18650}, {16318, 45991}, {17606, 42387}, {45141, 45985}
X(412) = orthocentroida1-circle-inverse of X(52248)
X(412) = X(7045)-Ceva conjugate of X(653)
X(412) = X(24026)-Dao conjugate of X(44426)
X(412) = cevapoint of X(4) and X(1715)
X(412) = crosssum of X(822) and X(3270)
X(412) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {75, 38860}, {92, 3562}
X(412) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {3562, 63}, {38860, 1}
X(412) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 4, 52248}, {3, 4, 29}, {3, 7524, 7531}, {3, 7567, 7572}, {4, 3144, 235}, {4, 4212, 37368}, {4, 4219, 7513}, {4, 5125, 7541}, {4, 5142, 7563}, {4, 7412, 14004}, {4, 7531, 7524}, {4, 7543, 15763}, {4, 7551, 44225}, {4, 7554, 7497}, {4, 37028, 7518}, {4, 37305, 11109}, {4, 37379, 4198}, {4, 37410, 4194}, {4, 37414, 17555}, {4, 37417, 2}, {20, 6838, 37419}, {20, 37437, 48890}, {27, 26003, 379}, {46, 158, 653}, {46, 51282, 158}, {140, 44225, 7551}, {407, 1885, 4}, {1013, 37235, 29}, {1155, 42385, 1940}, {3522, 7518, 37028}, {3559, 5125, 37279}, {6684, 39574, 52412}, {7497, 7554, 31903}, {7524, 7531, 29}, {7567, 30268, 3}, {14018, 37383, 37389}, {42789, 42790, 37115}
As a point on the Euler line, X(413) has Shinagawa coefficients ($aSA$[($aSA$)2 - $bcSBSC$] - 2abcFS2, -($aSA$ - abc)[($aSA$)2 - $bcSBSC$] - 2[$bcSBSC$ + $aSA$F - abcF]S2).
X(413) lies on this line: 2,3
X(413) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {21, 29, 409}, {21, 13614, 13588}
As a point on the Euler line, X(414) has Shinagawa coefficients ([(2E-F)F-S2]FS4 -$abSASB$F2S2 +$ab$F2S4, -[(3E-F)F-S2]FS4 -$ab(SASB)3$ +2$abSC3$FS2 -4$abSASB$F2S2 -2$abSC$[(E+F)2-2S2]FS2 -$ab$F2S4).
X(414) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {21, 29, 410}
As a point on the Euler line, X(415) has Shinagawa coefficients 3$bcSBSC$F + (E - 2F)FS2, -(E + F)*$bcSBSC$ + (E + F)FS2 - S4).
X(415) lies on these lines: {1, 2907}, {2, 3}, {107, 2708}, {158, 1247}, {162, 238}, {243, 2652}, {648, 23710}, {774, 26000}, {1098, 1935}, {1861, 36797}, {1937, 2659}, {2501, 17926}, {2651, 17950}, {4620, 18020}, {5993, 14192}, {6626, 30988}
X(415) = polar conjugate of X(11608)
X(415) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(40882)
X(415) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(5060)
X(415) = X(243)-Ceva conjugate of X(2659)
X(415) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1758, 2651}, {5060, 40882}
X(415) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 2652}, {48, 11608}, {65, 17973}, {73, 2648}, {656, 2701}, {810, 35154}, {1214, 17963}, {1409, 17947}, {6516, 18000}, {18013, 36059}
X(415) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {525, 35086}, {1214, 39055}, {1249, 11608}, {2652, 36103}, {2701, 40596}, {17973, 40602}, {18013, 20620}, {35154, 39062}
X(415) = cevapoint of X(1758) and X(17985)
X(415) = trilinear pole of line {2785, 41499}
X(415) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 40882}, {29, 17950}, {92, 2651}, {264, 5060}, {333, 17985}, {648, 2785}, {1758, 31623}, {3064, 17933}, {5075, 6331}, {17942, 46110}, {17966, 44130}, {35145, 41499}
X(415) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 11608}, {19, 2652}, {29, 17947}, {112, 2701}, {284, 17973}, {648, 35154}, {1172, 2648}, {1758, 1214}, {2299, 17963}, {2651, 63}, {2785, 525}, {3064, 18013}, {5060, 3}, {5075, 647}, {17942, 1813}, {17950, 307}, {17966, 73}, {17975, 40152}, {17985, 226}, {40882, 69}, {41499, 8680}, {51643, 51640}
X(415) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {4, 1982, 29}, {422, 468, 423}, {851, 52240, 416}, {860, 2074, 447}, {11110, 37383, 29}, {13739, 17555, 29}
As a point on the Euler line, X(416) has Shinagawa coefficients (abc[(E - 2F)FS4 + 2($aSA$)2F]S2 + $aSA$($bcSBSC$)2, -abc[S4 - (E+ F)FS2 + 2($aSA$)2F]S2 - $aSA$[3EFS4 + ($bcSBSC$)2]).
X(416) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {255, 1248}, {296, 2651}, {820, 3562}, {1936, 2660}, {2659, 44354}, {23090, 32320}
X(416) = X(1936)-Ceva conjugate of X(2651)
X(2655)-cross conjugate of X(2659)
X(416) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 2660}, {65, 2656}
X(416) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2656, 40602}, {2660, 36033}
X(416) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {21, 44354}, {63, 2659}, {333, 2655}
X(416) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {48, 2660}, {284, 2656}, {2655, 226}, {2659, 92}, {44354, 1441}
X(416) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {3, 1982, 21}, {851, 52240, 415}
X(417) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {185, 6509}, {216, 51030}, {389, 13409}, {577, 14379}, {1092, 23606}, {1624, 2883}, {1942, 4558}, {2055, 43574}, {2972, 5562}, {3164, 45255}, {3917, 31388}, {5907, 44436}, {6389, 15653}, {6760, 14152}, {8763, 22341}, {9729, 46832}, {9730, 42441}, {10575, 40948}, {10607, 35602}, {11459, 14059}, {12359, 35442}, {13367, 20775}, {15043, 30258}, {15958, 19210}, {16035, 19166}, {22401, 47406}, {26900, 37526}
X(417) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(6509)
X(417) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 185}, {4558, 32320}
X(417) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 821}, {158, 1105}, {775, 1093}, {801, 6520}, {6521, 41890}
X(417) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {264, 13567}, {801, 37867}, {821, 36033}, {1093, 2883}, {1105, 1147}, {3269, 14618}
X(417) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(1092)
X(417) = crosssum of X(4) and X(1093)
X(417) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 6509}, {63, 820}, {185, 394}, {255, 6508}, {577, 41005}, {774, 6507}, {800, 3964}, {1092, 13567}, {4100, 17858}, {5562, 19180}, {10607, 45199}, {14379, 45200}
X(417) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {48, 821}, {185, 2052}, {577, 1105}, {774, 6521}, {800, 1093}, {820, 92}, {1092, 801}, {1624, 15352}, {3964, 40830}, {4100, 775}, {6509, 264}, {16035, 8794}, {19180, 8795}, {23606, 41890}, {41005, 18027}
X(417) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 3, 26897}, {3, 6617, 1593}, {3, 6638, 20}, {3, 15781, 3520}, {3, 26876, 34003}, {577, 14379, 43652}, {3524, 26876, 3}, {15717, 26874, 3}
As a point on the Euler line, X(418) has Shinagawa coefficients (F2 + S2,-(E + F)F - S2).
X(418) is the intersection of the isogonal conjugate of polar conjugate of Brocard axis (i.e., line X(184)X(418)) and the polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of Brocard axis (i.e., line X(2)X(3)) (Randy Hutson, March 14, 2018)
X(418) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {6, 26898}, {9, 26901}, {19, 26908}, {33, 26904}, {34, 26903}, {48, 23199}, {49, 19210}, {51, 216}, {52, 42441}, {53, 23607}, {54, 2055}, {57, 26900}, {97, 110}, {125, 50209}, {143, 46025}, {154, 160}, {157, 161}, {184, 577}, {212, 23198}, {217, 46394}, {268, 26867}, {275, 26902}, {324, 32428}, {343, 23181}, {476, 32439}, {511, 13409}, {682, 23209}, {1495, 22052}, {1614, 14152}, {1624, 10192}, {1629, 46760}, {1799, 6394}, {1974, 26899}, {2052, 42329}, {2972, 3917}, {3060, 26895}, {3284, 13366}, {3564, 23158}, {3567, 26896}, {3690, 35072}, {3819, 44436}, {5158, 15004}, {5562, 31388}, {5650, 46831}, {6146, 31381}, {6389, 22062}, {7011, 26866}, {7999, 14059}, {8266, 34828}, {8798, 31504}, {8884, 40448}, {8901, 35098}, {9407, 44078}, {9475, 40938}, {9967, 51335}, {10003, 12012}, {10184, 42862}, {10316, 34396}, {10979, 34417}, {11197, 39530}, {11402, 15905}, {11433, 26870}, {11442, 18437}, {11515, 44122}, {11516, 44083}, {13450, 51888}, {13567, 26905}, {14569, 42459}, {14855, 40948}, {15649, 17810}, {15653, 19467}, {16089, 46724}, {22075, 22391}, {22341, 22344}, {22401, 23210}, {23208, 42671}, {23613, 32320}, {23635, 47328}, {31353, 44088}, {31626, 38833}, {34983, 39201}, {34987, 37084}, {35225, 37813}, {35360, 42453}, {40681, 50645}, {40947, 41523}, {44711, 51243}, {44712, 51242}, {44716, 52032}, {46093, 52128}, {47409, 47426}, {51477, 52153}
X(418) = reflection of X(13409) in X(46832)
X(418) = isogonal conjugate of X(8795)
X(418) = circumcircle-inverse of X(41202)
X(418) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(44088)
X(418) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(5562)
X(418) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(217)
X(418) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(216)
X(418) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(31353)
X(418) = X(43679)-complementary conjugate of X(20305)
X(418) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 216}, {4, 31353}, {95, 41334}, {110, 32320}, {216, 217}, {14587, 32661}, {14941, 3289}, {23181, 17434}, {40448, 6}
X(418) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {42556, 3}, {44088, 217}, {46394, 216}
X(418) = Danneels point of X(3)
X(418) = X(1764)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(418) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 8795}, {4, 40440}, {19, 276}, {63, 8794}, {75, 8884}, {92, 275}, {95, 158}, {97, 6521}, {264, 2190}, {661, 42405}, {799, 15422}, {821, 19166}, {822, 42401}, {823, 15412}, {1096, 34384}, {1577, 16813}, {1969, 8882}, {2052, 2167}, {2148, 18027}, {2616, 6528}, {3112, 19174}, {6520, 34386}, {8901, 23999}, {18831, 24006}, {36119, 43752}, {42300, 51315}
X(418) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 8795}, {5, 264}, {6, 276}, {95, 1147}, {130, 523}, {206, 8884}, {216, 18027}, {275, 22391}, {389, 45198}, {850, 2972}, {1511, 43752}, {2052, 40588}, {3162, 8794}, {6503, 34384}, {14618, 15450}, {14767, 42368}, {15422, 38996}, {16089, 52128}, {18022, 52032}, {19174, 34452}, {20572, 39171}, {21243, 23295}, {23962, 35441}, {34386, 37867}, {36033, 40440}, {36830, 42405}
X(418) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 577}, {6, 22261}, {184, 2351}, {216, 5562}, {14587, 32661}
X(418) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 5889}, {4, 2052}, {264, 317}, {275, 8884}
X(418) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 14165}
X(418) = X(2)-line conjugate of X(44893)
X(418) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 216}, {5, 577}, {6, 5562}, {32, 52347}, {48, 44706}, {51, 394}, {53, 1092}, {69, 217}, {71, 44709}, {76, 44088}, {95, 46394}, {99, 42293}, {110, 17434}, {184, 343}, {212, 44708}, {219, 30493}, {222, 44707}, {228, 16697}, {248, 44716}, {255, 1953}, {311, 14585}, {324, 23606}, {326, 2179}, {520, 1625}, {647, 23181}, {822, 2617}, {1154, 50433}, {1393, 2289}, {1568, 18877}, {1636, 36831}, {2181, 6507}, {2351, 52032}, {3199, 3964}, {3284, 44715}, {3926, 40981}, {3990, 18180}, {4055, 17167}, {4558, 15451}, {6368, 32661}, {6798, 45800}, {7069, 7125}, {7117, 44710}, {8798, 15905}, {9247, 18695}, {9380, 34900}, {10316, 41168}, {14213, 52430}, {14379, 42459}, {14570, 39201}, {14575, 28706}, {14576, 16391}, {14587, 39019}, {18315, 34983}, {18604, 21807}, {19210, 36412}, {20806, 27372}, {23357, 35442}, {23582, 41219}, {31388, 41891}, {31626, 32078}, {32320, 35360}, {36296, 44711}, {36297, 44712}, {40441, 42445}, {40799, 42353}, {41334, 42487}, {44713, 46112}, {44714, 46113}
X(418) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 276}, {5, 18027}, {6, 8795}, {25, 8794}, {32, 8884}, {48, 40440}, {51, 2052}, {107, 42401}, {110, 42405}, {184, 275}, {216, 264}, {217, 4}, {343, 18022}, {394, 34384}, {577, 95}, {669, 15422}, {1092, 34386}, {1576, 16813}, {1625, 6528}, {2179, 158}, {2181, 6521}, {3051, 19174}, {3199, 1093}, {3284, 43752}, {5562, 76}, {6528, 42369}, {6751, 41760}, {9247, 2190}, {14575, 8882}, {14585, 54}, {15451, 14618}, {17434, 850}, {23181, 6331}, {23606, 97}, {26880, 19188}, {27372, 43678}, {27374, 27376}, {28706, 44161}, {28724, 41488}, {30493, 331}, {31388, 26166}, {32078, 40684}, {32661, 18831}, {34983, 18314}, {35442, 23962}, {36433, 19210}, {39201, 15412}, {40981, 393}, {41219, 15526}, {42293, 523}, {42353, 40822}, {42556, 14767}, {44088, 6}, {44706, 1969}, {44707, 7017}, {44709, 44129}, {44716, 44132}, {46394, 5}, {50433, 46138}, {52347, 1502}, {52430, 2167}
X(418) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 6638, 852}, {2, 26874, 3}, {2, 30506, 5}, {3, 4, 26897}, {3, 25, 6641}, {3, 441, 14096}, {3, 6617, 7484}, {3, 6638, 2}, {3, 15329, 44891}, {3, 15781, 35921}, {3, 23246, 1590}, {3, 23256, 1589}, {3, 26874, 34003}, {3, 45842, 3520}, {4, 26876, 3}, {5, 13322, 4}, {6, 26909, 26898}, {25, 3135, 237}, {25, 26865, 3}, {51, 26907, 216}, {110, 39243, 97}, {184, 577, 23606}, {184, 23195, 20775}, {216, 26907, 32078}, {237, 3148, 27369}, {436, 8613, 41202}, {577, 26880, 184}, {1113, 1114, 41202}, {3129, 3130, 3518}, {3131, 3132, 186}, {3155, 3156, 24}, {3917, 6509, 2972}, {46600, 46601, 40853}
As a point on the Euler line, X(419) has Shinagawa coefficients (2(E + F)F,-(E + F)2 + S2).
X(419) lies on the cubics K252 and K785 and these lines: {2, 3}, {6, 3186}, {76, 9306}, {83, 3866}, {98, 42671}, {99, 19599}, {107, 2698}, {110, 51481}, {154, 39646}, {182, 43976}, {184, 40814}, {206, 41760}, {232, 6531}, {238, 242}, {264, 1974}, {275, 3399}, {290, 9418}, {316, 32223}, {338, 18374}, {385, 16985}, {394, 12251}, {648, 35146}, {685, 1976}, {1215, 1840}, {1235, 38830}, {1301, 48259}, {1304, 43654}, {1495, 41254}, {1576, 44375}, {1632, 3003}, {1843, 36794}, {2001, 44077}, {2052, 3406}, {2201, 19557}, {2207, 3224}, {2211, 41520}, {2501, 3288}, {2679, 40077}, {3167, 7754}, {3168, 8743}, {3229, 33874}, {3563, 6037}, {3978, 12215}, {4369, 22093}, {5254, 10192}, {6375, 51988}, {6530, 34130}, {6749, 41585}, {7760, 34986}, {7762, 41588}, {8623, 51324}, {8754, 37765}, {9307, 46432}, {9308, 19118}, {9407, 9512}, {10345, 11386}, {10359, 10601}, {11064, 43453}, {11596, 40135}, {12243, 35266}, {14602, 40820}, {17907, 41762}, {17941, 47736}, {18020, 34537}, {21445, 35278}, {27377, 41584}, {32085, 41884}, {32713, 37778}, {33630, 34208}, {35282, 38227}, {39089, 44090}, {40146, 43678}, {41194, 44778}, {41195, 44779}, {41253, 44084}, {41259, 51843}, {43696, 43721}, {44142, 46104}, {46151, 52418}, {51246, 51948}
X(419) = reflection of X(11596) in X(40135)
X(419) = isogonal conjugate of X(36214)
X(419) = isotomic conjugate of X(40708)
X(419) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(5117)
X(419) = polar-circle-inverse of X(11007)
X(419) = polar conjugate of X(1916)
X(419) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(43721)
X(419) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(44089)
X(419) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(17984)
X(419) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(385)
X(419) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(1691)
X(419) = X(43721)-complementary conjugate of X(10)
X(419) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {232, 41204}, {6531, 4}, {17984, 385}, {41174, 112}, {47736, 39931}
X(419) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1691, 385}, {39931, 4}
X(419) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 36214}, {3, 1581}, {31, 40708}, {48, 1916}, {63, 694}, {69, 1967}, {75, 17970}, {184, 1934}, {256, 295}, {257, 2196}, {291, 7015}, {293, 40810}, {304, 9468}, {305, 1927}, {326, 17980}, {335, 7116}, {336, 14251}, {337, 904}, {647, 37134}, {656, 805}, {810, 18829}, {882, 4592}, {1911, 7019}, {1959, 15391}, {3917, 43763}, {4020, 14970}, {8789, 40364}, {9247, 18896}, {14208, 17938}
X(419) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 40708}, {3, 19576}, {3, 36214}, {48, 39031}, {63, 39043}, {69, 8290}, {132, 40810}, {206, 17970}, {304, 39044}, {325, 6393}, {525, 35078}, {694, 3162}, {805, 40596}, {882, 5139}, {1249, 1916}, {1581, 36103}, {2491, 41172}, {3917, 36213}, {6651, 7019}, {7015, 39029}, {8623, 36212}, {15259, 17980}, {18829, 39062}, {37134, 39052}, {39030, 40364}
X(419) = cevapoint of X(1691) and X(44089)
X(419) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {685, 18020}, {16081, 46104}
X(419) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {684, 20975}, {3289, 20775}, {12215, 37894}
X(419) = trilinear pole of line {804, 12829}
X(419) = X(4)-Hirst inverse of X(25)
X(419) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1916) (line X(141)X(523))
X(419) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 3917}
X(419) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 385}, {6, 17984}, {19, 1966}, {25, 3978}, {27, 4039}, {76, 44089}, {92, 1580}, {98, 39931}, {107, 24284}, {112, 14295}, {172, 40717}, {230, 47736}, {232, 14382}, {239, 7009}, {242, 894}, {264, 1691}, {290, 51324}, {297, 40820}, {350, 7119}, {393, 12215}, {648, 804}, {732, 32085}, {862, 8033}, {880, 2489}, {1215, 31905}, {1783, 14296}, {1840, 33295}, {1874, 27958}, {1897, 4107}, {1909, 2201}, {1926, 1973}, {1933, 1969}, {1974, 14603}, {2501, 17941}, {2679, 41174}, {3186, 39927}, {4019, 34856}, {4032, 14024}, {4164, 6335}, {5026, 17983}, {5027, 6331}, {5976, 6531}, {8623, 46104}, {12829, 35142}, {14006, 16609}, {14602, 18022}, {16080, 51430}, {16081, 36213}, {16089, 32542}, {16985, 37892}, {18901, 44162}, {18902, 44161}, {36820, 37765}, {39495, 46456}
X(419) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 40708}, {4, 1916}, {6, 36214}, {19, 1581}, {25, 694}, {32, 17970}, {92, 1934}, {112, 805}, {162, 37134}, {172, 295}, {232, 40810}, {239, 7019}, {242, 257}, {264, 18896}, {385, 69}, {458, 8842}, {460, 47734}, {648, 18829}, {685, 39291}, {732, 3933}, {804, 525}, {894, 337}, {1580, 63}, {1691, 3}, {1840, 43534}, {1914, 7015}, {1926, 40364}, {1933, 48}, {1966, 304}, {1973, 1967}, {1974, 9468}, {1976, 15391}, {2086, 20975}, {2201, 256}, {2207, 17980}, {2210, 7116}, {2211, 14251}, {2489, 882}, {2679, 41172}, {3978, 305}, {4027, 12215}, {4039, 306}, {4107, 4025}, {4164, 905}, {5026, 6390}, {5027, 647}, {5976, 6393}, {6531, 36897}, {7009, 335}, {7119, 291}, {7122, 2196}, {8623, 3917}, {11183, 14417}, {11325, 47642}, {12215, 3926}, {12829, 3564}, {14006, 36800}, {14295, 3267}, {14296, 15413}, {14602, 184}, {14603, 40050}, {16985, 37894}, {17941, 4563}, {17980, 41517}, {17984, 76}, {18020, 39292}, {18022, 44160}, {18901, 40360}, {18902, 14575}, {24284, 3265}, {31905, 32010}, {32085, 14970}, {32542, 14941}, {32544, 8858}, {35325, 46161}, {36213, 36212}, {36820, 34897}, {37892, 40847}, {39495, 8552}, {39927, 43714}, {39931, 325}, {40717, 44187}, {40820, 287}, {42396, 41209}, {44089, 6}, {44102, 18872}, {44162, 8789}, {47736, 8781}, {50732, 51454}, {51320, 37893}, {51324, 511}, {51430, 11064}
X(419) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 4, 5117}, {2, 3148, 37334}, {2, 6620, 4}, {2, 33336, 384}, {4, 186, 35474}, {4, 420, 297}, {4, 38282, 52283}, {22, 37190, 7470}, {22, 41238, 37190}, {23, 46571, 14957}, {25, 458, 4}, {25, 11325, 46505}, {29, 37389, 37362}, {237, 401, 11676}, {237, 1316, 401}, {297, 460, 4}, {297, 468, 420}, {421, 468, 450}, {460, 468, 297}, {462, 468, 470}, {463, 468, 471}, {468, 7473, 186}, {2450, 44887, 2}, {3144, 37055, 6998}, {5000, 5001, 5999}, {6660, 21531, 5999}, {14957, 46493, 23}, {14957, 46512, 46571}, {19128, 44145, 41204}, {21177, 46544, 15013}, {21531, 37906, 6660}, {37912, 46522, 15014}, {42789, 42790, 47620}, {44887, 50707, 2450}, {46493, 46512, 14957}
As a point on the Euler line, X(420) has Shinagawa coefficients (4(E + F)F,-(E + F)2 - S2).
X(420) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {112, 8623}, {232, 3229}, {240, 17927}, {340, 44102}, {685, 20021}, {1613, 8743}, {1843, 34236}, {1990, 38294}, {2207, 21001}, {2501, 9210}, {2896, 11380}, {3117, 39575}, {3186, 17907}, {3231, 8744}, {3819, 10357}, {3978, 44146}, {5207, 40876}, {6198, 40790}, {6688, 7859}, {7779, 44090}, {9208, 44427}, {9302, 16080}, {9862, 42671}, {12143, 46226}, {14165, 34854}, {16081, 46306}, {17414, 47217}, {18020, 20022}, {18371, 52418}, {19128, 36213}, {19558, 43696}, {26958, 39646}, {28408, 44443}, {32223, 43453}, {33873, 44084}, {39201, 44451}, {39231, 40559}, {40858, 41676}
X(420) = polar conjugate of X(11606)
X(420) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(44090)
X(420) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(7779)
X(420) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(2076)
X(420) = X(2076)-cross conjugate of X(7779)
X(420) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {48, 11606}, {63, 46286}, {656, 46970}, {1176, 17957}
X(420) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {69, 39091}, {385, 12215}, {647, 39079}, {1249, 11606}, {3162, 46286}, {17949, 40938}, {40596, 46970}
X(420) = cevapoint of X(2076) and X(44090)
X(420) = trilinear pole of line {9479, 12830}
X(420) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 22352}
X(420) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 7779}, {76, 44090}, {92, 17799}, {264, 2076}, {427, 40850}, {648, 9479}, {1235, 46228}, {5113, 6331}, {12830, 35142}, {18010, 41676}, {20883, 34054}
X(420) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 11606}, {25, 46286}, {112, 46970}, {427, 17949}, {2076, 3}, {5113, 647}, {7779, 69}, {8290, 12215}, {8864, 8858}, {9479, 525}, {12830, 3564}, {17442, 17957}, {17799, 63}, {18010, 4580}, {34054, 34055}, {40850, 1799}, {44090, 6}, {46228, 1176}
X(420) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {25, 5117, 4}, {25, 11331, 5117}, {297, 419, 4}, {297, 468, 419}, {403, 35474, 4}, {3535, 3536, 37187}, {5000, 5001, 40236}, {5112, 44887, 401}, {6353, 52283, 4}, {20854, 21536, 40236}
As a point on the Euler line, X(421) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E + 4F)F,-(E + F)(E + 2F) + 2S2).
X(421) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {107, 44084}, {110, 44145}, {136, 14165}, {275, 47328}, {338, 15139}, {847, 52432}, {1632, 47195}, {2052, 44077}, {2501, 2623}, {2970, 34397}, {6531, 14580}, {8794, 41271}, {11547, 14593}, {12133, 48364}, {18020, 44138}, {19128, 46106}, {43976, 44080}, {44089, 47202}, {44375, 51458}
X(421) = polar-circle-inverse of X(36190)
X(421) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(44375)
X(421) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 5562}
X(421) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 44375}, {2052, 51458}
X(421) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {44375, 69}, {51458, 394}
X(421) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {419, 450, 468}, {2970, 34397, 41204}
As a point on the Euler line, X(422) has Shinagawa coefficients (4(E+F)2FS2-3$abSC$F+7$ab$(E+F)F, -2(E+F)[(E+F)2-S2]+$abSC$(E+F) -$ab$[3(E+F)2-2S2]).
X(422) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {107, 2699}, {110, 48380}, {162, 242}, {648, 35155}, {685, 16082}, {1632, 8758}, {1824, 46103}, {2203, 31623}, {2501, 4581}, {4601, 5379}, {17790, 17977}
X(422) = polar conjugate of X(11611)
X(422) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(19623)
X(422) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(5006)
X(422) = X(5006)-cross conjugate of X(19623)
X(422) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {10, 17971}, {48, 11611}, {71, 17946}, {72, 17954}, {73, 11609}, {306, 17961}, {656, 2703}, {810, 35147}, {1331, 18015}, {3682, 17981}, {4064, 17939}, {4561, 18002}
X(422) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {525, 35079}, {1249, 11611}, {2703, 40596}, {5521, 18015}, {35147, 39062}
X(422) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 22076}
X(422) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 19623}, {19, 5209}, {27, 17763}, {28, 17790}, {81, 17987}, {264, 5006}, {286, 5291}, {648, 2787}, {5040, 6331}, {5061, 31623}, {6591, 17935}, {17924, 17944}
X(422) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 11611}, {28, 17946}, {112, 2703}, {648, 35147}, {1172, 11609}, {1333, 17971}, {1474, 17954}, {2203, 17961}, {2787, 525}, {5006, 3}, {5040, 647}, {5061, 1214}, {5209, 304}, {5291, 72}, {5317, 17981}, {6591, 18015}, {17763, 306}, {17790, 20336}, {17944, 1332}, {17977, 3998}, {17987, 321}, {19623, 69}
X(422) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {415, 423, 468}
As a point on the Euler line, X(423) has Shinagawa coefficients (2(E + F)F + 3$bc$F,-(E + F)2 - $bc$(E + F) + S2).
X(423) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {19, 2905}, {86, 18161}, {92, 31997}, {107, 2700}, {110, 48381}, {648, 8756}, {2322, 27958}, {2501, 4608}, {4600, 18020}, {6542, 17927}, {7119, 52412}, {7282, 27691}, {11363, 27954}, {23864, 44451}, {24559, 25533}
X(423) = polar conjugate of X(11599)
X(423) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(17731)
X(423) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(1326)
X(423) = X(1326)-cross conjugate of X(17731)
X(423) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 9278}, {37, 17972}, {48, 11599}, {63, 2054}, {71, 1929}, {72, 17962}, {228, 6650}, {647, 37135}, {656, 2702}, {810, 35148}, {906, 18014}, {1332, 18001}, {1437, 6543}, {2200, 18032}, {3990, 17982}
X(423) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {63, 39042}, {72, 39041}, {306, 41841}, {525, 35080}, {1249, 11599}, {1326, 20813}, {2054, 3162}, {2702, 40596}, {4466, 27929}, {5190, 18014}, {9278, 36103}, {17972, 40589}, {20546, 20825}, {35148, 39062}, {37135, 39052}
X(423) = crosssum of X(3) and X(20766)
X(423) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 22080}
X(423) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 17731}, {19, 52137}, {27, 6542}, {28, 20947}, {86, 17927}, {92, 1931}, {264, 1326}, {286, 1757}, {648, 2786}, {811, 9508}, {5029, 6331}, {6336, 31059}, {7649, 17934}, {17735, 44129}, {17943, 46107}
X(423) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 11599}, {19, 9278}, {25, 2054}, {27, 6650}, {28, 1929}, {58, 17972}, {112, 2702}, {162, 37135}, {286, 18032}, {648, 35148}, {1326, 3}, {1474, 17962}, {1757, 72}, {1826, 6543}, {1931, 63}, {2786, 525}, {2905, 39921}, {5029, 647}, {6541, 3695}, {6542, 306}, {7649, 18014}, {8747, 17982}, {9508, 656}, {17569, 40793}, {17731, 69}, {17735, 71}, {17927, 10}, {17934, 4561}, {17943, 1331}, {17976, 3682}, {18004, 4064}, {18266, 228}, {20693, 3949}, {20947, 20336}, {27929, 24459}, {28346, 51366}, {28602, 14429}, {31059, 3977}, {31905, 40725}, {52137, 304}
X(423) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {4, 31904, 27}, {27, 28, 31913}, {27, 4248, 31912}, {27, 14013, 31914}, {27, 31912, 31915}, {28, 31909, 27}, {29, 14013, 27}, {422, 468, 415}, {1375, 3109, 448}, {4248, 31916, 31915}, {13739, 37448, 27}, {15149, 31905, 27}, {15149, 37168, 31905}, {31908, 31925, 27}, {31912, 31916, 27}
As a point on the Euler line, X(424) has Shinagawa coefficients (4(E+F)2F-3$abSC$F+7$ab$(E+F)F, -4(E+F)S2+$abSC2$-$abSASB$ -$ab$[(E+F)2+3S2]).
X(424) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {2501, 3700}
X(424) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(44396)
X(424) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(5164)
X(424) = X(5164)-cross conjugate of X(44396)
X(424) = X(7254)-Dao conjugate of X(41179)
X(424) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 1437}
X(424) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 44396}, {264, 5164}
X(424) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {5164, 3}, {44396, 69}
As a point on the Euler line, X(425) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E-2F)2FS2+$abSASB$(2E-7F)F +3$ab$F2S2, (E-2F)[(E+F)F- S2]S2 +3$abSASB$[3(E+F)F-2S2]-$ab$(E+F)FS2).
X(425) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {107, 2707}, {243, 662}, {653, 2651}, {1098, 1940}, {2501, 23090}, {17923, 25533}, {18020, 23999}
X(425) = X(41349)-cross conjugate of X(23695)
X(425) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {73, 43746}, {656, 2714}
X(425) = X(2714)-Dao conjugate of X(40596)
X(425) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {92, 23695}, {648, 2798}, {31623, 41349}
X(425) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {112, 2714}, {1172, 43746}, {2798, 525}, {23695, 63}, {41349, 1214}
X(425) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {}
As a point on the Euler line, X(426) has Shinagawa coefficients ((2E + F)F - S2,-(E + F)F + S2).
X(426) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {6, 13409}, {97, 7998}, {125, 2351}, {157, 1853}, {182, 46832}, {184, 6509}, {216, 43650}, {305, 6394}, {394, 2972}, {577, 3917}, {1073, 6090}, {1092, 16391}, {1899, 6389}, {3162, 9475}, {3964, 4176}, {5085, 26898}, {5422, 30258}, {5651, 46831}, {9306, 44436}, {11245, 41005}, {14059, 14152}, {22057, 22421}, {22352, 26880}, {23332, 37813}, {26905, 34828}, {36752, 42441}, {39243, 41462}, {40913, 43975}, {41204, 46717}, {47409, 47412}
X(426) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(44141)
X(426) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(39643)
X(426) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(6389)
X(426) = X(255)-complementary conjugate of X(37864)
X(426) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 40947}, {4563, 32320}, {6389, 39643}
X(426) = X(1096)-isoconjugate of X(34405)
X(426) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {264, 3767}, {1093, 6389}, {6503, 34405}, {6524, 14713}
X(426) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 3964}, {6389, 44141}
X(426) = crosssum of X(4) and X(6524)
X(426) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 6389}, {6, 44141}, {69, 39643}, {326, 2083}, {394, 1899}, {577, 41009}, {1092, 41760}, {3767, 3964}, {3926, 40947}, {4176, 42295}, {6507, 17871}, {6751, 34386}, {16391, 41770}
X(426) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {394, 34405}, {1632, 15352}, {1899, 2052}, {2083, 158}, {3767, 1093}, {3964, 42407}, {6389, 264}, {6751, 53}, {17871, 6521}, {39643, 4}, {40947, 393}, {41009, 18027}, {42295, 6524}, {44141, 76}
X(426) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 3, 6641}, {3, 441, 3148}, {3, 6617, 25}, {3, 6638, 22}, {3, 7395, 26897}, {3, 15781, 378}, {3, 26865, 34003}, {25, 6617, 852}, {2972, 23606, 394}, {7386, 28412, 427}, {15246, 26874, 3}
As a point on the Euler line, X(427) has Shinagawa coefficients (F,E + F).
Let LA be the line tangent to the nine-point circle at the midpoint of segment BC, and define LB and LC cyclically. The triangle formed by the lines LA, LB, LC is homothetic to the orthic triangle, and the center of homothety is X(427). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let (O) be the circumcircle, (N) the nine-point circle, and (IA, (IB, (IC the excircles of ABC. Let A' and A'' be the points of intersection of (O) and (IA. Let FA be the touchpoint of (N) and (IA, and let (KA) be the circle through A' and A'' that is internally tangent to (N); let LA be the touchpoint. Define FB, FC and LB, LC cyclically. The lines FALA, FBLB, FCLC concur ion X(427). (Tran Quang Hung ADGEOM #1458, August 5, 2014; see also #1459)
Let A'B'C' be the circummedial triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(427). Moreover, X(427) is the Euler line intercept of radical axis of nine-point circle and every circle with center on orthic axis that is orthogonal to nine-point circle, and X(427) is the point in which the extended trapezoid legs (P(4),P(4)-Ceva conjugate of U(4)) and (U(4),U(4)-Ceva conjugate of P(4)) meet. Also, X(427) is the QA-P38 center (Montesdeoca-Hutson Point) of quadrangle ABCX(2). (Randy Hutson, October 13, 2015)
X(427) is the homothetic center of any pair of the following: polar triangle of nine-point circle, orthic axes triangle (see X(2501)), Yiu tangents triangle (see X(7495)). (Randy Hutson, August 19, 2019)
X(427) lies on the cubics K517, K533, K539, K823, K836, and these lines: {1, 5090}, {2, 3}, {6, 66}, {8, 11396}, {9, 21015}, {10, 1829}, {11, 33}, {12, 34}, {19, 3925}, {32, 47298}, {39, 12143}, {51, 125}, {52, 6746}, {53, 232}, {54, 31804}, {55, 11393}, {56, 11392}, {57, 1892}, {64, 14542}, {68, 36747}, {69, 12167}, {76, 8890}, {83, 11380}, {92, 2969}, {98, 275}, {107, 29011}, {110, 39884}, {112, 251}, {113, 12133}, {114, 136}, {115, 1196}, {116, 5185}, {119, 12138}, {120, 5521}, {122, 46831}, {126, 5139}, {127, 13166}, {135, 31842}, {137, 23319}, {141, 1843}, {143, 13561}, {154, 31383}, {155, 23307}, {182, 37649}, {183, 317}, {184, 1503}, {185, 3574}, {193, 8892}, {211, 27370}, {214, 12137}, {216, 26905}, {225, 26481}, {226, 1876}, {230, 571}, {238, 14975}, {242, 52412}, {262, 2052}, {264, 305}, {265, 15472}, {273, 7179}, {278, 1390}, {281, 1851}, {286, 37664}, {316, 33651}, {318, 3705}, {323, 3410}, {324, 2967}, {340, 37671}, {343, 511}, {371, 8280}, {372, 8281}, {373, 44079}, {385, 27377}, {388, 1398}, {389, 20299}, {393, 7736}, {394, 1352}, {395, 8739}, {396, 8740}, {459, 14484}, {485, 3093}, {486, 3092}, {487, 23309}, {488, 23310}, {495, 1870}, {496, 6198}, {497, 7071}, {498, 11398}, {499, 11399}, {515, 51707}, {524, 8541}, {542, 34986}, {578, 6146}, {590, 5412}, {597, 37875}, {608, 34261}, {615, 5413}, {618, 12142}, {619, 12141}, {625, 5140}, {629, 22482}, {630, 22481}, {641, 12148}, {642, 12147}, {648, 41624}, {748, 2212}, {750, 1395}, {804, 47230}, {899, 40976}, {908, 27409}, {930, 3563}, {940, 44105}, {946, 1902}, {958, 11391}, {973, 49108}, {1007, 19583}, {1031, 3329}, {1039, 1722}, {1086, 24163}, {1105, 14860}, {1125, 11363}, {1147, 12134}, {1172, 33854}, {1180, 5523}, {1181, 14216}, {1184, 3767}, {1194, 5254}, {1204, 6696}, {1209, 10625}, {1213, 44103}, {1217, 18855}, {1235, 3933}, {1241, 9230}, {1249, 37665}, {1291, 40118}, {1297, 20626}, {1329, 1828}, {1350, 43653}, {1351, 6515}, {1353, 1994}, {1369, 14929}, {1376, 11383}, {1401, 46152}, {1426, 15844}, {1447, 7282}, {1452, 24914}, {1474, 17398}, {1495, 10192}, {1506, 3199}, {1511, 12140}, {1568, 15030}, {1576, 39086}, {1611, 13881}, {1614, 16659}, {1627, 10312}, {1629, 14165}, {1698, 7713}, {1737, 1905}, {1753, 15908}, {1785, 24239}, {1799, 7750}, {1824, 1848}, {1826, 1841}, {1827, 21239}, {1838, 1867}, {1842, 30768}, {1865, 37661}, {1878, 3814}, {1890, 2355}, {1891, 25466}, {1897, 29840}, {1900, 25639}, {1916, 37892}, {1953, 21911}, {1968, 7745}, {1973, 29647}, {1974, 3589}, {1975, 34254}, {1986, 10264}, {1990, 9300}, {1992, 11405}, {1993, 3564}, {2023, 14715}, {2056, 11646}, {2183, 21912}, {2207, 2548}, {2211, 20965}, {2356, 3720}, {2453, 47177}, {2482, 12132}, {2486, 47232}, {2493, 34981}, {2501, 10278}, {2549, 15880}, {2550, 11406}, {2881, 47205}, {2883, 11381}, {2892, 32251}, {2904, 43588}, {2905, 17000}, {2971, 34336}, {2974, 34338}, {2979, 6403}, {3006, 41013}, {3011, 40950}, {3051, 20021}, {3054, 10985}, {3055, 14806}, {3060, 3580}, {3068, 5410}, {3069, 5411}, {3070, 11474}, {3071, 11473}, {3087, 7735}, {3096, 11386}, {3108, 41366}, {3167, 18440}, {3168, 51358}, {3172, 8879}, {3186, 3314}, {3192, 37662}, {3203, 27366}, {3258, 42426}, {3266, 44142}, {3291, 40326}, {3527, 45010}, {3567, 23294}, {3616, 7718}, {3618, 19118}, {3647, 16114}, {3703, 20883}, {3740, 41611}, {3757, 5174}, {3763, 7716}, {3796, 46264}, {3818, 9306}, {3819, 24206}, {3820, 29679}, {4383, 44086}, {4994, 8883}, {5012, 14389}, {5044, 41609}, {5081, 7081}, {5095, 8584}, {5097, 11225}, {5146, 29873}, {5155, 5268}, {5190, 5513}, {5203, 8770}, {5207, 37894}, {5249, 25365}, {5272, 7741}, {5275, 50036}, {5297, 10592}, {5304, 19041}, {5305, 5359}, {5306, 6103}, {5310, 6284}, {5318, 11476}, {5321, 11475}, {5322, 7354}, {5345, 10483}, {5422, 18583}, {5432, 52427}, {5446, 5449}, {5475, 9515}, {5490, 26373}, {5491, 26374}, {5552, 11400}, {5590, 11389}, {5591, 11388}, {5596, 19125}, {5599, 11384}, {5600, 11385}, {5640, 26913}, {5654, 18451}, {5690, 41722}, {5718, 44113}, {5743, 44092}, {5800, 44094}, {5889, 31802}, {5891, 51392}, {5913, 50718}, {5921, 15431}, {5943, 19130}, {5946, 52000}, {5966, 30248}, {5972, 16165}, {5996, 14618}, {6000, 18388}, {6033, 41253}, {6090, 14826}, {6108, 31687}, {6109, 31688}, {6114, 6117}, {6115, 6116}, {6152, 21230}, {6212, 16033}, {6213, 16027}, {6260, 12136}, {6288, 37495}, {6291, 23311}, {6292, 12144}, {6331, 8842}, {6340, 14248}, {6406, 23312}, {6467, 15583}, {6524, 10002}, {6525, 17830}, {6560, 18290}, {6561, 18289}, {6564, 8854}, {6565, 8855}, {6593, 32239}, {6697, 9969}, {6699, 15473}, {6759, 16655}, {6776, 11402}, {7009, 17923}, {7085, 50861}, {7292, 10593}, {7592, 11457}, {7603, 33842}, {7608, 39284}, {7649, 44316}, {7687, 32743}, {7699, 11455}, {7717, 18230}, {7722, 11804}, {7752, 47846}, {7753, 14581}, {7762, 8878}, {7774, 9308}, {7776, 40123}, {7778, 41762}, {7788, 44134}, {7789, 30747}, {7792, 36794}, {7840, 38294}, {8222, 11394}, {8223, 11395}, {8263, 11188}, {8428, 34866}, {8537, 41628}, {8550, 13366}, {8680, 25343}, {8753, 42008}, {8792, 41513}, {8796, 14494}, {8877, 10415}, {8968, 48467}, {8981, 10880}, {9134, 47236}, {9148, 17994}, {9157, 10735}, {9483, 42396}, {9544, 46818}, {9605, 41361}, {9732, 11091}, {9733, 11090}, {9744, 11547}, {9752, 35710}, {9766, 45921}, {9777, 11433}, {9781, 26917}, {9786, 26937}, {9792, 26954}, {9820, 10539}, {9833, 19357}, {9993, 43462}, {10110, 32767}, {10189, 41357}, {10190, 47627}, {10263, 34826}, {10282, 13419}, {10327, 17757}, {10516, 17811}, {10523, 15666}, {10527, 11401}, {10547, 16277}, {10550, 51862}, {10559, 51405}, {10576, 35764}, {10577, 35765}, {10601, 14561}, {10632, 42124}, {10633, 42121}, {10641, 23302}, {10642, 23303}, {10733, 32227}, {10881, 13966}, {10982, 39571}, {11174, 17907}, {11197, 44131}, {11206, 26864}, {11216, 47277}, {11408, 11488}, {11409, 11489}, {11411, 12160}, {11412, 33523}, {11424, 12241}, {11425, 19467}, {11430, 18400}, {11432, 18916}, {11435, 26957}, {11436, 26956}, {11438, 23329}, {11470, 15004}, {11472, 32123}, {11566, 40685}, {11572, 21659}, {11808, 14076}, {12022, 15033}, {12038, 45286}, {12058, 37511}, {12079, 35908}, {12139, 12864}, {12146, 13089}, {12161, 32140}, {12162, 18488}, {12165, 12317}, {12166, 12318}, {12168, 12319}, {12169, 12320}, {12170, 12321}, {12171, 12322}, {12172, 12323}, {12174, 12324}, {12175, 12325}, {12242, 14864}, {12295, 15432}, {12298, 45861}, {12299, 45860}, {12300, 20424}, {12618, 21062}, {12827, 14984}, {13007, 13025}, {13008, 13026}, {13051, 23313}, {13052, 23314}, {13148, 16003}, {13171, 13203}, {13292, 25738}, {13352, 18474}, {13367, 34782}, {13394, 29012}, {13403, 18383}, {13409, 23635}, {13428, 49029}, {13439, 49028}, {13562, 20806}, {13668, 13701}, {13788, 13821}, {13851, 23324}, {13857, 47354}, {14111, 35887}, {14156, 43586}, {14157, 16658}, {14376, 17407}, {14458, 43530}, {14492, 16080}, {14516, 34148}, {14583, 43090}, {14593, 40801}, {14627, 46443}, {14644, 43391}, {14767, 51412}, {14852, 44413}, {14918, 38429}, {14983, 45020}, {15038, 45967}, {15060, 51391}, {15066, 18358}, {15069, 37672}, {15116, 32246}, {15118, 41616}, {15152, 16252}, {15448, 44082}, {15449, 16102}, {15463, 32423}, {15484, 41370}, {15487, 46835}, {15523, 17442}, {15543, 15552}, {15544, 35605}, {15589, 32001}, {15819, 22480}, {16030, 19174}, {16188, 16221}, {16228, 47802}, {16229, 34964}, {16231, 39508}, {16276, 32819}, {16580, 40959}, {16607, 18636}, {16657, 18390}, {17451, 21717}, {17747, 24054}, {17810, 26958}, {17949, 32449}, {18287, 41925}, {18344, 21260}, {18356, 32358}, {18424, 24855}, {18475, 44407}, {18809, 46436}, {18853, 18854}, {18951, 37493}, {19119, 20079}, {19128, 38110}, {19347, 34780}, {19366, 26955}, {19404, 19420}, {19405, 19421}, {19446, 23298}, {19447, 23299}, {19459, 36851}, {19568, 47730}, {19724, 19755}, {19725, 19754}, {19784, 51686}, {19799, 19839}, {20185, 40120}, {20192, 45311}, {20306, 42448}, {20376, 52008}, {21072, 29016}, {21318, 41007}, {21637, 34774}, {21639, 23326}, {21663, 23328}, {21969, 41586}, {22240, 42459}, {22352, 44882}, {22483, 22966}, {22497, 22555}, {22750, 43614}, {22970, 23308}, {24321, 24686}, {26359, 26371}, {26360, 26372}, {26361, 26375}, {26362, 26376}, {26363, 26377}, {26364, 26378}, {26866, 26929}, {26867, 26939}, {26868, 26945}, {26892, 26932}, {26893, 26942}, {26894, 26950}, {26919, 26951}, {29667, 31419}, {30749, 40325}, {30786, 40413}, {31125, 41676}, {31127, 35360}, {31131, 44428}, {31406, 39575}, {31655, 48317}, {31670, 33586}, {31867, 35717}, {32000, 37668}, {32002, 37688}, {32046, 52432}, {32062, 51403}, {32085, 40425}, {32136, 45732}, {32184, 52003}, {32223, 48895}, {32240, 32255}, {32269, 48901}, {32332, 32391}, {32333, 32346}, {32337, 32341}, {32911, 44097}, {33547, 46686}, {34380, 45794}, {34417, 47296}, {34751, 44439}, {34781, 43841}, {34945, 41363}, {35540, 45211}, {35603, 36753}, {35718, 35729}, {35719, 35720}, {35723, 39565}, {35895, 35896}, {35971, 40377}, {36898, 38427}, {37472, 43595}, {37478, 44201}, {37650, 44100}, {37775, 42135}, {37776, 42138}, {38253, 43951}, {38396, 39879}, {38872, 44529}, {38970, 38975}, {39071, 47200}, {39511, 39533}, {39512, 51513}, {39532, 44432}, {39534, 48182}, {39662, 43448}, {39803, 39813}, {39832, 39842}, {39998, 44146}, {40149, 45964}, {40684, 44145}, {41171, 43574}, {41482, 51033}, {41603, 50649}, {41673, 41714}, {42353, 46832}, {42873, 51939}, {43817, 43823}, {44091, 51126}, {44426, 44429}, {45400, 45472}, {45401, 45473}, {45689, 47206}, {46147, 46151}, {46242, 46288}, {46261, 51425}, {47105, 51343}, {47392, 51385}
X(427) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 31133}, {3, 31723}, {4, 378}, {22, 7391}, {112, 11605}, {184, 11550}, {1993, 11442}, {13352, 18474}, {15463, 44795}, {18570, 44288}, {24321, 24686}, {35480, 35481}
X(427) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 51718}, {3, 52262}, {5, 39504}, {6, 51744}, {22, 6676}, {184, 23292}, {235, 45179}, {343, 21243}, {1843, 51994}, {7502, 140}, {12083, 16618}, {15760, 5}, {16102, 15449}, {16165, 5972}, {16387, 5159}, {16789, 141}, {18570, 44236}, {19127, 3589}, {25337, 3628}, {34177, 6697}, {37478, 44201}, {37969, 468}, {44210, 2}, {44218, 44287}, {44239, 3}, {44249, 18570}, {44259, 16238}, {44260, 6677}, {44261, 549}, {44262, 547}, {44263, 546}, {44285, 44218}, {46029, 13413}, {51692, 1125}
X(427) = isogonal conjugate of X(1176)
X(427) = isotomic conjugate of X(1799)
X(427) = complement of X(22)
X(427) = anticomplement of X(6676)
X(427) = circumcircle-inverse of X(21284)
X(427) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(468)
X(427) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(25)
X(427) = polar-circle-inverse of X(23)
X(427) = orthoptic-circle-of-the-Steiner-inellipse inverse of X(186)
X(427) = 1st-Droz-Farney-circle-inverse of X(45171)
X(427) = orthosymmedial-circle-inverse of X(1112)
X(427) = polar conjugate of X(83)
X(427) = antitomic conjugate of X(16102)
X(427) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(66)
X(427) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(18018)
X(427) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(8878)
X(427) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(1843)
X(427) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(1235)
X(427) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(27376)
X(427) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(141)
X(427) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(39)
X(427) = medial-isogonal conjugate of X(206)
X(427) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(1843)
X(427) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 206}, {2, 21247}, {6, 16582}, {31, 40938}, {57, 17068}, {66, 10}, {1289, 8062}, {2156, 2}, {2353, 37}, {13854, 226}, {14376, 18589}, {15388, 16599}, {16277, 1215}, {18018, 2887}, {40146, 16584}, {40421, 21235}, {43678, 20305}, {44766, 4369}, {46244, 626}
X(427) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 40938}, {4, 1843}, {112, 523}, {264, 1235}, {1235, 141}, {6331, 2501}, {8791, 468}, {8889, 8893}, {16747, 20883}, {17171, 17442}, {27376, 41584}, {34129, 16318}, {46151, 826}
X(427) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {39, 141}, {141, 47730}, {826, 46151}, {1843, 27376}, {2530, 46152}, {3005, 35325}, {21016, 20883}, {23642, 76}, {23666, 75}, {42442, 6}, {46026, 4}, {46654, 31067}
X(427) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1176}, {3, 82}, {6, 34055}, {19, 28724}, {31, 1799}, {48, 83}, {63, 251}, {69, 46289}, {71, 52376}, {75, 10547}, {163, 4580}, {184, 3112}, {228, 52394}, {248, 3405}, {255, 32085}, {293, 51862}, {304, 46288}, {308, 9247}, {525, 34072}, {647, 4599}, {656, 827}, {810, 4577}, {822, 42396}, {905, 4628}, {906, 10566}, {1331, 18108}, {1437, 18082}, {1760, 46765}, {1790, 18098}, {2169, 17500}, {2172, 40404}, {2193, 18097}, {3049, 4593}, {4020, 52395}, {4574, 39179}, {4592, 18105}, {4630, 14208}, {10317, 37221}, {14575, 18833}, {18070, 32661}, {19611, 51508}, {22384, 36081}, {46104, 52430}
X(427) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 1799}, {2, 40938}, {3, 141}, {3, 1176}, {6, 28724}, {9, 34055}, {22, 427}, {25, 8793}, {39, 69}, {63, 40585}, {82, 36103}, {83, 1249}, {115, 4580}, {132, 51862}, {184, 34452}, {206, 10547}, {251, 3162}, {339, 3267}, {525, 15449}, {647, 3124}, {827, 40596}, {1194, 45201}, {1843, 15270}, {3405, 39039}, {3589, 7767}, {3933, 6665}, {3934, 22062}, {4577, 39062}, {4599, 39052}, {5139, 18105}, {5190, 10566}, {5521, 18108}, {6523, 32085}, {7664, 37804}, {8673, 47413}, {14363, 17500}, {18097, 47345}, {20775, 52042}, {21458, 50938}, {22105, 48317}, {23093, 44312}
X(427) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 8878}, {25, 8792}, {39, 1843}, {115, 2514}, {3005, 39691}, {28666, 46026}
X(427) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 18018}, {4, 264}, {16747, 17171}
X(427) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 184}, {6, 206}, {25, 51509}, {251, 51508}
X(427) = trilinear pole of line {826, 21108}
X(427) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 8673}
X(427) = X(2)-line conjugate of X(44894)
X(427) = X(4)-Hirst inverse of X(420)
X(427) = X(55) of orthic triangle if ABC is acute
X(427) = exsimilicenter of nine-point circle and incircle of orthic triangle if ABC is acute; the insimilicenter is X(235)
X(427) = intersection of tangents to nine-point circle at PU(4)
X(427) = pole of orthic axis wrt the nine-point circle
X(427) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(83) (line X(23)X(385))
X(427) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(83)
X(427) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(23)
X(427) = inverse-in-orthosymmedial-circle of X(1112)
X(427) = perspector of orthic and 5th Euler triangles
X(427) = radical trace of anticomplementary circle and tangential circle
X(427) = homothetic center of the medial triangle and the 2nd pedal triangle of X(4)
X(427) = perspector of 4th Brocard triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 4th Brocard triangle
X(427) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and 5th Euler triangle
X(427) = harmonic center of nine-point circle and circle O(PU(4))
X(427) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(1843)
X(427) = intersection of tangents to Hatzipolakis-Lozada hyperbola at X(4) and X(6)
X(427) = crosspoint, wrt orthic triangle, of X(4) and X(6)
X(427) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(56)
X(427) = intersection of tangents to Walsmith rectangular hyperbola at X(113) and X(125)
X(427) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 20883}, {4, 141}, {6, 1235}, {10, 17171}, {19, 1930}, {25, 8024}, {27, 15523}, {37, 16747}, {38, 92}, {39, 264}, {69, 27376}, {75, 17442}, {76, 1843}, {86, 21016}, {95, 27371}, {107, 2525}, {112, 23285}, {190, 21108}, {193, 47730}, {273, 33299}, {278, 3703}, {281, 3665}, {286, 3954}, {297, 20021}, {324, 16030}, {331, 3688}, {343, 19174}, {393, 3933}, {420, 17949}, {468, 31125}, {523, 41676}, {525, 46151}, {648, 826}, {653, 48278}, {811, 8061}, {850, 35325}, {1289, 23881}, {1401, 7017}, {1502, 27369}, {1634, 14618}, {1783, 48084}, {1824, 16703}, {1826, 16887}, {1897, 16892}, {1964, 1969}, {2052, 3917}, {2501, 4576}, {2528, 42396}, {2530, 6335}, {2592, 46166}, {2593, 46167}, {2996, 41584}, {3005, 6331}, {3051, 18022}, {3186, 42551}, {3313, 43678}, {3404, 40703}, {3613, 37125}, {3867, 18840}, {4074, 37892}, {4391, 46152}, {4553, 17924}, {4568, 7649}, {5094, 23297}, {5117, 14617}, {5485, 41585}, {5523, 46165}, {6531, 51371}, {7794, 32085}, {7813, 17983}, {8041, 46104}, {8362, 8801}, {9019, 46105}, {9229, 12143}, {10159, 46026}, {14376, 41375}, {16080, 51360}, {16102, 40889}, {16696, 41013}, {17980, 35540}, {18018, 40938}, {18020, 39691}, {18027, 20775}, {19568, 47847}, {21035, 44129}, {28666, 40425}, {31613, 42394}, {35140, 51434}, {39129, 41361}, {40416, 46508}, {41331, 44161}, {44132, 51869}, {44146, 46154}, {44427, 46155}, {46106, 46147}, {46107, 46148}, {46108, 46149}, {46109, 46150}, {46110, 46153}
X(427) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 34055}, {2, 1799}, {3, 28724}, {4, 83}, {6, 1176}, {19, 82}, {25, 251}, {27, 52394}, {28, 52376}, {32, 10547}, {38, 63}, {39, 3}, {53, 17500}, {66, 40404}, {92, 3112}, {107, 42396}, {112, 827}, {141, 69}, {162, 4599}, {225, 18097}, {232, 51862}, {240, 3405}, {264, 308}, {275, 39287}, {276, 41488}, {297, 20022}, {393, 32085}, {420, 40850}, {429, 27067}, {523, 4580}, {648, 4577}, {688, 3049}, {732, 12215}, {811, 4593}, {826, 525}, {1235, 76}, {1401, 222}, {1593, 26224}, {1634, 4558}, {1824, 18098}, {1826, 18082}, {1840, 18099}, {1843, 6}, {1883, 27005}, {1923, 9247}, {1930, 304}, {1964, 48}, {1969, 18833}, {1973, 46289}, {1974, 46288}, {2052, 46104}, {2084, 810}, {2353, 46765}, {2489, 18105}, {2525, 3265}, {2528, 2525}, {2530, 905}, {2971, 51906}, {3005, 647}, {3051, 184}, {3118, 4173}, {3162, 8793}, {3172, 51508}, {3313, 20806}, {3404, 293}, {3575, 10548}, {3665, 348}, {3688, 219}, {3703, 345}, {3787, 3167}, {3867, 3618}, {3914, 18084}, {3917, 394}, {3933, 3926}, {3954, 72}, {4020, 255}, {4074, 37894}, {4553, 1332}, {4568, 4561}, {4576, 4563}, {5064, 39668}, {5094, 10130}, {6292, 7767}, {6331, 689}, {6591, 18108}, {6995, 42037}, {7649, 10566}, {7794, 3933}, {7813, 6390}, {8024, 305}, {8041, 3917}, {8061, 656}, {8362, 3785}, {8711, 22159}, {8735, 18101}, {8750, 4628}, {8754, 34294}, {8791, 9076}, {9019, 22151}, {11105, 29534}, {11205, 22352}, {11325, 38834}, {12143, 384}, {13854, 16277}, {14273, 22105}, {14424, 14417}, {15523, 306}, {16030, 97}, {16318, 21458}, {16696, 1444}, {16747, 274}, {16887, 17206}, {16892, 4025}, {16893, 4121}, {17171, 86}, {17187, 1790}, {17407, 40357}, {17442, 1}, {17980, 733}, {18022, 40016}, {19118, 33632}, {19174, 275}, {19577, 51459}, {19595, 5596}, {19606, 15389}, {20021, 287}, {20775, 577}, {20883, 75}, {21016, 10}, {21035, 71}, {21108, 514}, {21123, 1459}, {21248, 45201}, {21336, 45220}, {21814, 228}, {23208, 10316}, {23285, 3267}, {23642, 11574}, {24006, 18070}, {27369, 32}, {27370, 41334}, {27371, 5}, {27373, 8743}, {27374, 217}, {27376, 4}, {28666, 6292}, {28667, 8788}, {29959, 41614}, {30489, 43697}, {31125, 30786}, {31390, 21637}, {32085, 52395}, {32676, 34072}, {33299, 78}, {35319, 23181}, {35325, 110}, {36794, 41296}, {37125, 1078}, {39284, 39289}, {39691, 125}, {40889, 16095}, {40936, 22061}, {40938, 22}, {40972, 212}, {41267, 2200}, {41272, 14908}, {41331, 14575}, {41375, 17907}, {41584, 193}, {41585, 1992}, {41676, 99}, {42551, 43714}, {44090, 46228}, {45211, 45210}, {46026, 3589}, {46147, 14919}, {46148, 1331}, {46149, 1814}, {46150, 1797}, {46151, 648}, {46152, 651}, {46153, 1813}, {46154, 895}, {46166, 8115}, {46167, 8116}, {46387, 22384}, {46508, 626}, {46509, 8023}, {47730, 2996}, {48084, 15413}, {48278, 6332}, {50521, 22383}, {51360, 11064}, {51371, 6393}, {51434, 1503}, {51869, 248}
X(427) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 5090, 12135}, {2, 3, 7499}, {2, 4, 25}, {2, 5, 37439}, {2, 20, 7494}, {2, 22, 6676}, {2, 25, 468}, {2, 468, 52297}, {2, 858, 1368}, {2, 1368, 30739}, {2, 1370, 3}, {2, 1995, 6677}, {2, 3091, 7392}, {2, 3146, 10565}, {2, 3830, 37904}, {2, 3832, 7398}, {2, 4232, 38282}, {2, 5064, 428}, {2, 5133, 5}, {2, 5169, 5133}, {2, 5189, 6636}, {2, 6353, 37453}, {2, 6636, 7495}, {2, 6995, 6353}, {2, 6997, 5020}, {2, 7378, 4}, {2, 7386, 7484}, {2, 7391, 22}, {2, 7392, 11284}, {2, 7394, 1995}, {2, 7396, 7386}, {2, 7398, 40132}, {2, 7408, 4232}, {2, 7409, 6995}, {2, 7485, 140}, {2, 7500, 7493}, {2, 7571, 3628}, {2, 8889, 5094}, {2, 14957, 7467}, {2, 16051, 31255}, {2, 16063, 7485}, {2, 16951, 7807}, {2, 24584, 1375}, {2, 26032, 37099}, {2, 26096, 25494}, {2, 26760, 27028}, {2, 26808, 26967}, {2, 28684, 28664}, {2, 30744, 5159}, {2, 30888, 46531}, {2, 30951, 37370}, {2, 31021, 857}, {2, 31074, 858}, {2, 31099, 1370}, {2, 31105, 31133}, {2, 31152, 43957}, {2, 31857, 31074}, {2, 34603, 10154}, {2, 34609, 7667}, {2, 37174, 37187}, {2, 37349, 13595}, {2, 37353, 37990}, {2, 37362, 37432}, {2, 37456, 4224}, {2, 37913, 52300}, {2, 38282, 52292}, {2, 46336, 16419}, {2, 47314, 8703}, {2, 52284, 8889}, {2, 52285, 10301}, {2, 52299, 52298}, {3, 4, 3575}, {3, 5, 7399}, {3, 25, 21213}, {3, 381, 18420}, {3, 1370, 7667}, {3, 5576, 5}, {3, 18494, 18533}, {3, 18533, 37931}, {3, 31099, 46517}, {3, 34609, 1370}, {3, 44441, 47090}, {4, 5, 235}, {4, 20, 12173}, {4, 24, 6756}, {4, 25, 428}, {4, 28, 37398}, {4, 186, 7576}, {4, 235, 1906}, {4, 381, 10151}, {4, 403, 1596}, {4, 406, 4186}, {4, 429, 1904}, {4, 442, 37376}, {4, 451, 4222}, {4, 458, 460}, {4, 468, 10301}, {4, 469, 430}, {4, 470, 462}, {4, 471, 463}, {4, 475, 4185}, {4, 631, 7487}, {4, 860, 1894}, {4, 1346, 1312}, {4, 1347, 1313}, {4, 1585, 52286}, {4, 1586, 52287}, {4, 1593, 1885}, {4, 1594, 5}, {4, 1595, 1907}, {4, 2476, 431}, {4, 3088, 1593}, {4, 3089, 5198}, {4, 3090, 3089}, {4, 3091, 37197}, {4, 3127, 32588}, {4, 3128, 32587}, {4, 3144, 37390}, {4, 3147, 37122}, {4, 3520, 6240}, {4, 3535, 52291}, {4, 3536, 5200}, {4, 3541, 3}, {4, 3542, 1598}, {4, 3545, 6623}, {4, 4194, 17516}, {4, 4196, 1889}, {4, 4200, 4214}, {4, 4212, 27}, {4, 4213, 14004}, {4, 5064, 52285}, {4, 5094, 468}, {4, 5117, 297}, {4, 5125, 407}, {4, 5136, 1884}, {4, 5142, 429}, {4, 5169, 37981}, {4, 6143, 3518}, {4, 6353, 6995}, {4, 7378, 5064}, {4, 7498, 28076}, {4, 7505, 10594}, {4, 7507, 23047}, {4, 7547, 546}, {4, 7577, 403}, {4, 7714, 7408}, {4, 8889, 2}, {4, 10018, 7715}, {4, 11109, 37226}, {4, 14865, 18560}, {4, 14940, 34484}, {4, 15559, 1595}, {4, 18533, 18494}, {4, 18560, 3627}, {4, 26020, 37432}, {4, 30100, 12225}, {4, 35473, 18559}, {4, 35475, 34797}, {4, 35481, 35480}, {4, 35482, 3520}, {4, 35488, 44226}, {4, 35490, 3853}, {4, 35502, 13488}, {4, 37074, 1529}, {4, 37117, 7511}, {4, 37118, 37458}, {4, 37119, 24}, {4, 37125, 27369}, {4, 37337, 11325}, {4, 37388, 37385}, {4, 37943, 52294}, {4, 38282, 7714}, {4, 44287, 44281}, {4, 44438, 13473}, {4, 44958, 44803}, {4, 52249, 52280}, {4, 52252, 28}, {4, 52280, 6755}, {4, 52284, 5094}, {4, 52288, 6620}, {4, 52290, 52301}, {4, 52295, 1594}, {4, 52296, 21841}, {4, 52299, 6353}, {5, 140, 7405}, {5, 858, 30739}, {5, 1368, 2}, {5, 1595, 4}, {5, 1596, 403}, {5, 1906, 45004}, {5, 1907, 1906}, {5, 3627, 15761}, {5, 3845, 46030}, {5, 6823, 13160}, {5, 13371, 11585}, {5, 15559, 1907}, {5, 15687, 11563}, {5, 15809, 25}, {5, 23335, 3}, {5, 44960, 16868}, {6, 66, 26926}, {6, 1853, 1899}, {6, 1899, 11245}, {20, 13160, 6823}, {22, 6676, 44210}, {22, 31133, 7391}, {22, 31236, 2}, {22, 37353, 46029}, {24, 37119, 140}, {25, 428, 10301}, {25, 5064, 4}, {25, 5094, 2}, {25, 7378, 52285}, {25, 37453, 6353}, {25, 52298, 37453}, {33, 5101, 1862}, {39, 27371, 27376}, {51, 125, 13567}, {53, 3815, 232}, {54, 34224, 31804}, {115, 1560, 44467}, {125, 132, 47202}, {140, 6756, 24}, {140, 10691, 7485}, {140, 11548, 2}, {140, 16198, 6756}, {140, 47315, 16063}, {140, 50138, 5}, {141, 1843, 41584}, {141, 3867, 1843}, {154, 36990, 31383}, {185, 3574, 12233}, {186, 7576, 37458}, {186, 37118, 549}, {230, 6748, 10311}, {235, 1907, 4}, {235, 30739, 468}, {235, 44960, 44995}, {235, 45003, 44996}, {264, 18022, 42394}, {264, 51843, 18022}, {275, 23295, 8901}, {343, 45303, 21243}, {378, 35480, 35481}, {378, 37970, 3520}, {378, 44269, 18570}, {378, 44274, 44281}, {378, 45179, 15760}, {381, 1597, 4}, {381, 2072, 5}, {381, 5020, 6997}, {381, 30771, 5020}, {382, 7493, 37899}, {382, 9909, 7500}, {393, 7736, 45141}, {403, 1594, 7577}, {403, 1596, 235}, {403, 7577, 5}, {428, 468, 25}, {428, 5094, 52297}, {428, 8889, 52293}, {428, 52285, 4}, {429, 1883, 4}, {442, 8226, 7522}, {465, 41034, 3132}, {466, 41035, 3131}, {468, 5094, 52293}, {468, 52285, 428}, {470, 471, 52289}, {470, 472, 16250}, {471, 473, 16249}, {472, 473, 52281}, {546, 5159, 1995}, {546, 10224, 5}, {546, 13488, 4}, {549, 37458, 186}, {578, 18381, 6146}, {590, 5412, 13884}, {615, 5413, 13937}, {631, 7487, 3515}, {631, 44831, 44837}, {858, 1594, 5094}, {858, 2072, 47097}, {858, 5133, 2}, {858, 5169, 5}, {858, 5576, 37454}, {858, 7378, 15809}, {858, 31099, 23335}, {858, 37981, 468}, {858, 46698, 1312}, {858, 46699, 1313}, {867, 37354, 8727}, {1113, 1114, 21284}, {1125, 49542, 11363}, {1204, 6696, 43903}, {1312, 1313, 468}, {1346, 1347, 5094}, {1346, 46699, 5}, {1347, 46698, 5}, {1368, 1595, 15809}, {1368, 5133, 37439}, {1370, 31099, 34609}, {1370, 34609, 46517}, {1513, 52280, 25}, {1585, 1586, 458}, {1593, 7507, 4}, {1593, 18386, 44438}, {1594, 1595, 235}, {1594, 15559, 4}, {1594, 15809, 37439}, {1595, 52284, 30739}, {1596, 16868, 45000}, {1597, 52284, 47097}, {1598, 1656, 3542}, {1656, 16419, 2}, {1656, 50137, 5}, {1799, 16275, 7750}, {1843, 46026, 3867}, {1848, 1861, 1824}, {1883, 5142, 1904}, {1885, 13473, 44438}, {1885, 23047, 4}, {1907, 37439, 428}, {1994, 3448, 45968}, {1994, 45968, 1353}, {1995, 30744, 2}, {2041, 2042, 9715}, {2052, 6530, 14569}, {2071, 38323, 44241}, {2450, 37988, 5}, {2476, 37983, 5}, {2479, 2480, 40889}, {2969, 7140, 92}, {2979, 37636, 48876}, {3060, 3580, 41588}, {3060, 7703, 23293}, {3060, 23293, 3580}, {3088, 7507, 1885}, {3091, 16051, 11284}, {3091, 37197, 10019}, {3127, 3128, 4}, {3146, 10565, 34608}, {3147, 37122, 3517}, {3148, 14003, 441}, {3153, 7527, 52069}, {3162, 13854, 16318}, {3258, 42426, 47223}, {3516, 12173, 20}, {3517, 3526, 3147}, {3518, 6143, 10018}, {3518, 7496, 37920}, {3520, 6240, 550}, {3547, 34938, 11414}, {3548, 7528, 6642}, {3567, 23294, 26879}, {3575, 7499, 21213}, {3575, 37454, 468}, {3575, 37931, 18533}, {3627, 45177, 235}, {3628, 10300, 40916}, {3628, 21841, 7505}, {3628, 50136, 5}, {3830, 7579, 10254}, {3830, 10254, 11799}, {3832, 30769, 40132}, {3839, 30775, 47597}, {3850, 44226, 35488}, {3850, 49673, 5}, {3851, 50143, 5}, {3853, 37897, 7519}, {4074, 40379, 141}, {4232, 7408, 7714}, {4232, 7714, 25}, {4232, 52292, 468}, {5000, 5001, 5}, {5002, 5003, 12225}, {5004, 5005, 7488}, {5020, 30771, 2}, {5055, 50135, 5}, {5064, 5094, 25}, {5064, 8889, 468}, {5064, 37439, 1906}, {5064, 52292, 7408}, {5064, 52298, 6995}, {5066, 50140, 5}, {5072, 50139, 5}, {5094, 7378, 428}, {5094, 37197, 11284}, {5094, 37453, 52298}, {5094, 37920, 6143}, {5094, 37981, 5}, {5094, 52298, 52299}, {5133, 15559, 5064}, {5133, 15809, 235}, {5133, 31074, 1368}, {5133, 37990, 37353}, {5159, 6677, 2}, {5169, 31074, 2}, {5169, 31101, 37353}, {5169, 31857, 858}, {5169, 40916, 50136}, {5169, 46336, 50137}, {5169, 52284, 1594}, {5189, 6636, 52397}, {5189, 7495, 550}, {5422, 18911, 45298}, {5446, 5449, 41587}, {5480, 13567, 51}, {5480, 23332, 13567}, {5576, 23335, 7399}, {6143, 10018, 632}, {6240, 7495, 21284}, {6247, 12233, 185}, {6353, 6995, 25}, {6353, 7577, 37990}, {6353, 8889, 52299}, {6353, 35481, 22}, {6353, 37453, 468}, {6353, 52299, 2}, {6623, 32216, 468}, {6636, 52397, 550}, {6639, 7517, 13383}, {6640, 7506, 16238}, {6640, 44259, 44907}, {6643, 7404, 7395}, {6644, 18281, 10257}, {6676, 13413, 37990}, {6696, 13568, 1204}, {6747, 42400, 53}, {6756, 16198, 4}, {6776, 11427, 11402}, {6995, 7378, 7409}, {6995, 7391, 35480}, {6995, 7409, 4}, {6995, 8889, 52298}, {6995, 37353, 403}, {6995, 52298, 468}, {6995, 52299, 37453}, {7378, 8889, 25}, {7378, 15809, 1907}, {7378, 52284, 2}, {7386, 7396, 31152}, {7386, 7484, 43957}, {7386, 28412, 426}, {7391, 31236, 6676}, {7392, 11403, 428}, {7392, 16051, 2}, {7394, 30744, 6677}, {7396, 7539, 43957}, {7398, 30769, 2}, {7400, 52398, 37198}, {7403, 11585, 5}, {7408, 38282, 25}, {7409, 8889, 37453}, {7409, 37453, 428}, {7409, 37990, 1596}, {7409, 52284, 52299}, {7409, 52299, 25}, {7418, 46591, 21284}, {7484, 7539, 2}, {7484, 31152, 7386}, {7485, 16063, 10691}, {7493, 7500, 9909}, {7494, 44442, 20}, {7495, 52397, 6636}, {7499, 7667, 3}, {7499, 37454, 2}, {7499, 46517, 7667}, {7500, 9909, 37899}, {7503, 37444, 12362}, {7505, 10594, 21841}, {7505, 52296, 3628}, {7507, 44438, 18386}, {7514, 31181, 14791}, {7526, 18569, 12605}, {7530, 10201, 37971}, {7536, 49132, 199}, {7539, 31152, 7484}, {7542, 7553, 26}, {7544, 17928, 9825}, {7547, 35502, 4}, {7558, 10323, 16197}, {7566, 17928, 7544}, {7569, 10323, 7558}, {7570, 37977, 14940}, {7571, 40916, 2}, {7576, 37118, 186}, {7577, 18533, 37347}, {7577, 31101, 52298}, {7577, 35480, 46029}, {7579, 11799, 5}, {7592, 11457, 18914}, {7667, 37454, 7499}, {7667, 46517, 1370}, {7714, 38282, 4232}, {8370, 35920, 15014}, {8889, 15559, 15809}, {8889, 15809, 30739}, {8889, 52285, 52297}, {8891, 21248, 141}, {9777, 26869, 11433}, {9786, 40686, 26937}, {9818, 18531, 34664}, {9825, 16196, 17928}, {9909, 18364, 6636}, {10109, 50134, 5}, {10151, 47097, 468}, {10295, 35473, 8703}, {10301, 52293, 468}, {10594, 52296, 7505}, {10691, 11548, 140}, {11056, 16275, 1799}, {11284, 31255, 2}, {11381, 43831, 2883}, {11403, 37197, 4}, {11410, 37196, 376}, {11427, 32064, 6776}, {11432, 26944, 18916}, {11433, 14853, 9777}, {11433, 23291, 26869}, {11548, 47315, 10691}, {11572, 21659, 41362}, {11737, 50142, 5}, {11818, 18281, 6644}, {12086, 34007, 52071}, {12100, 37934, 35472}, {12106, 44452, 44211}, {13371, 33332, 7403}, {13413, 46029, 5}, {13490, 44452, 12106}, {13567, 23332, 125}, {14130, 31724, 18563}, {14782, 14783, 7401}, {14784, 14785, 3547}, {14813, 14814, 34002}, {14826, 37669, 6090}, {14853, 23291, 11433}, {15033, 25739, 12022}, {15559, 52295, 5}, {16051, 37197, 468}, {16238, 32144, 6640}, {16252, 16621, 26883}, {16387, 44260, 44210}, {17111, 23304, 11}, {18386, 44438, 4}, {18420, 44441, 3}, {18494, 18533, 3575}, {18559, 35473, 10295}, {18560, 45177, 15761}, {18570, 44236, 44218}, {18570, 44249, 44285}, {18570, 44269, 44281}, {18570, 44274, 44269}, {18570, 44287, 44236}, {18583, 45298, 5422}, {19041, 19042, 40065}, {21213, 37454, 52297}, {21850, 41588, 3060}, {23336, 31830, 37814}, {24886, 24939, 2}, {25738, 36749, 13292}, {25985, 26020, 2}, {25985, 37362, 25}, {27098, 27150, 2}, {27386, 27510, 33305}, {28020, 28084, 33302}, {28048, 28126, 33306}, {28240, 28354, 859}, {28412, 28701, 441}, {29385, 29442, 46497}, {29498, 29701, 46575}, {29553, 29752, 46574}, {29970, 30040, 46514}, {30739, 37439, 2}, {31074, 37353, 31101}, {31099, 52284, 3541}, {31101, 37353, 2}, {31105, 52284, 378}, {31133, 31236, 22}, {31236, 35480, 37453}, {31670, 37638, 47582}, {31723, 52262, 44239}, {32587, 32588, 4}, {34221, 34222, 19161}, {34797, 35475, 35491}, {34797, 35491, 15704}, {35471, 35477, 548}, {35480, 52299, 6676}, {35487, 44803, 44958}, {35502, 52295, 10224}, {37353, 37990, 5}, {37452, 50137, 1656}, {37453, 52298, 2}, {37454, 46517, 3}, {37472, 44076, 43595}, {39504, 46029, 13413}, {42789, 42790, 35921}, {43957, 47311, 31152}, {44218, 44249, 18570}, {44236, 44288, 44249}, {44287, 44288, 18570}, {44637, 44638, 6748}, {44996, 45003, 45006}, {46517, 47097, 47090}, {46698, 46699, 37981}, {47090, 47310, 47340}, {47612, 47613, 11585}, {52286, 52287, 460}, {52293, 52297, 2}
As a point on the Euler line, X(428) has Shinagawa coefficients (F,-3E - 3F).
Let V = P(4)-Ceva conjugate of U(4)) and W = U(4)-Ceva conjugate of P(4); then V and W lie on the orthocentroidal circle, and with with PU(4) they are the vertices of a cyclic trapezoid. The midpoint of V and W is X(428). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let H = X(4) and let A'B'C' be the pedal triangle of H in the plane of a triangle ABC. Let
Bc = reflection of B' in HC', and define Ca and Ab cyclically;
Cb = reflection of C' in HB', and define Ac and Ba cyclically;
Ha = orthogonal projecton of A on BcCb, and define Hb and Hc cyclically.
Then X(428) = centroid of triangle HaHbHc. See Antreas Hatzipolakis and Peter Moses, Hyacinthos 27169
X(428) lies on these lines: {1, 51719}, {2, 3}, {6, 31166}, {11, 5322}, {12, 5310}, {19, 5101}, {33, 3058}, {34, 5434}, {51, 1503}, {53, 2980}, {98, 39284}, {107, 29316}, {125, 44106}, {132, 137}, {136, 44953}, {184, 5480}, {185, 11745}, {230, 1879}, {232, 5421}, {242, 7140}, {251, 5305}, {264, 37671}, {275, 14492}, {305, 32819}, {316, 45201}, {317, 7788}, {325, 16276}, {343, 3818}, {389, 16655}, {394, 31670}, {395, 10642}, {396, 10641}, {511, 22480}, {519, 1829}, {524, 1843}, {528, 1824}, {529, 1828}, {530, 12142}, {531, 12141}, {532, 22482}, {533, 22481}, {535, 1878}, {538, 12143}, {539, 5446}, {541, 12133}, {542, 1112}, {543, 5186}, {544, 5185}, {545, 24814}, {551, 11363}, {553, 1876}, {591, 45400}, {597, 1974}, {599, 7716}, {612, 6284}, {614, 7354}, {754, 12144}, {1162, 1163}, {1184, 7737}, {1192, 43903}, {1194, 7745}, {1196, 7747}, {1352, 33586}, {1495, 23292}, {1560, 45161}, {1629, 6530}, {1839, 5089}, {1848, 49736}, {1861, 2355}, {1892, 4654}, {1899, 17810}, {1902, 28194}, {1986, 11566}, {1991, 45401}, {1992, 12167}, {1993, 21850}, {1994, 46818}, {2052, 14458}, {2501, 25423}, {2969, 7009}, {3060, 3564}, {3087, 45141}, {3199, 7753}, {3241, 7718}, {3563, 20189}, {3567, 16659}, {3574, 16252}, {3589, 22352}, {3614, 7302}, {3679, 5090}, {3796, 14561}, {3819, 29317}, {3849, 5140}, {3917, 29181}, {3920, 15171}, {4421, 11383}, {4995, 52427}, {5012, 18583}, {5095, 41149}, {5130, 34606}, {5272, 10483}, {5309, 27376}, {5342, 50310}, {5345, 7741}, {5359, 18907}, {5370, 7173}, {5410, 19054}, {5411, 19053}, {5412, 32787}, {5413, 32788}, {5422, 48906}, {5476, 44077}, {5640, 45298}, {5651, 51163}, {5860, 11389}, {5861, 11388}, {5890, 16658}, {5943, 29012}, {6000, 16654}, {6090, 51538}, {6146, 10110}, {6152, 11817}, {6172, 7717}, {6198, 15170}, {6243, 31831}, {6515, 18440}, {6688, 29323}, {6759, 45089}, {6776, 9777}, {6800, 38136}, {7071, 10385}, {7191, 18990}, {7298, 7951}, {7738, 39951}, {7750, 40022}, {7767, 39998}, {7773, 34254}, {7811, 11386}, {7837, 27377}, {8280, 35786}, {8281, 35787}, {8541, 8584}, {8550, 15004}, {8667, 41762}, {8739, 43229}, {8740, 43228}, {8744, 8792}, {8780, 37645}, {8854, 35821}, {8855, 35820}, {8902, 42400}, {9143, 19504}, {9306, 48901}, {9530, 12145}, {9766, 45478}, {9781, 34224}, {9833, 10982}, {9969, 26926}, {10056, 11398}, {10072, 11399}, {10169, 47459}, {10192, 44082}, {10516, 43653}, {10601, 46264}, {10632, 42912}, {10633, 42913}, {11002, 45968}, {11064, 48895}, {11194, 22479}, {11206, 11402}, {11207, 11384}, {11208, 11385}, {11216, 47463}, {11235, 11390}, {11236, 11391}, {11237, 11392}, {11238, 11393}, {11239, 11400}, {11240, 11401}, {11380, 12150}, {11381, 13568}, {11394, 12152}, {11395, 12153}, {11406, 34607}, {11408, 37640}, {11409, 37641}, {11424, 34782}, {11427, 26864}, {11441, 31802}, {11442, 39884}, {11471, 34618}, {11473, 41945}, {11474, 41946}, {11475, 42942}, {11476, 42943}, {11550, 13567}, {11645, 44084}, {11743, 32332}, {12007, 34565}, {12099, 36201}, {12147, 32419}, {12148, 32421}, {12233, 26883}, {12242, 50414}, {12300, 31834}, {13142, 14516}, {13198, 51734}, {13846, 13884}, {13847, 13937}, {14389, 26881}, {14486, 14593}, {14495, 14569}, {14537, 33842}, {14583, 43089}, {14826, 51212}, {15058, 33523}, {15107, 18358}, {15172, 29815}, {15311, 32062}, {16317, 40326}, {16657, 18400}, {17171, 49738}, {17330, 44103}, {17811, 48910}, {17825, 48905}, {17984, 42394}, {18289, 42269}, {18290, 42268}, {18374, 51744}, {18488, 44158}, {18916, 34780}, {19124, 51737}, {19130, 37649}, {20625, 50938}, {21243, 32269}, {21668, 50668}, {22165, 41585}, {26371, 45696}, {26372, 45697}, {26373, 45699}, {26374, 45698}, {26377, 45700}, {26378, 45701}, {26869, 32064}, {26879, 38848}, {26958, 31860}, {29024, 40998}, {32085, 37765}, {32340, 52008}, {33522, 40330}, {34145, 47220}, {34288, 40144}, {35764, 35822}, {35765, 35823}, {37505, 45185}, {37648, 48884}, {37775, 42137}, {37776, 42136}, {39588, 50979}, {41490, 45502}, {41491, 45503}, {42426, 46439}, {43573, 43823}, {43650, 44882}, {51258, 52142}
X(428) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 34603}, {4, 7576}, {376, 34613}, {381, 7540}, {551, 34633}, {3058, 34666}, {3241, 34668}, {3543, 38323}, {3679, 34657}, {3830, 38321}, {4421, 34655}, {5186, 12132}, {5434, 34653}, {5890, 16658}, {7811, 34661}, {9909, 34659}, {11194, 34663}, {12150, 34651}, {15682, 44458}, {15687, 38322}, {38320, 50687}
X(428) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 51719}, {3, 10127}, {6, 51745}, {549, 23410}, {3575, 7576}, {7576, 6756}, {7667, 2}, {10691, 10128}, {11245, 51}, {34614, 376}, {34634, 551}, {34650, 12150}, {34652, 5434}, {34654, 4421}, {34656, 3679}, {34658, 9909}, {34660, 7811}, {34662, 11194}, {34664, 381}, {34665, 3058}, {34667, 3241}, {52397, 10691}
X(428) = isogonal conjugate of X(41435)
X(428) = complement of X(52397)
X(428) = anticomplement of X(10691)
X(428) = circumcircle-inverse of X(37920)
X(428) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(5064)
X(428) = polar-circle-inverse of X(5189)
X(428) = orthoptic-circle-of-the-Steiner-inellipse inverse of X(37943)
X(428) = polar conjugate of X(10159)
X(428) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(44091)
X(428) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(44142)
X(428) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(3589)
X(428) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(5007)
X(428) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(46026)
X(428) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 46026}, {41676, 2489}, {42396, 2501}, {44142, 3589}
X(428) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {5007, 3589}, {46026, 44142}
X(428) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 41435}, {48, 10159}, {63, 3108}, {656, 7953}, {810, 35137}, {4020, 40425}, {4575, 31065}, {31068, 36060}
X(428) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 41435}, {69, 6292}, {136, 31065}, {428, 52397}, {525, 15527}, {1249, 10159}, {1560, 31068}, {2525, 39691}, {3108, 3162}, {3589, 3933}, {4580, 51906}, {7953, 40596}, {35137, 39062}
X(428) = cevapoint of X(5007) and X(44091)
X(428) = crosspoint of X(4) and X(32085)
X(428) = crosssum of X(3) and X(3917)
X(428) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 22121}
X(428) = X(2)-of-anti-Ara-triangle
X(428) = X(354)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(428) = X(2) of 3rd pedal triangle of X(4)
X(428) = {X(2),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5064)
X(428) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 3589}, {6, 44142}, {25, 39998}, {76, 44091}, {83, 46026}, {92, 17469}, {264, 5007}, {278, 4030}, {281, 7198}, {286, 21802}, {393, 7767}, {648, 7927}, {1783, 48152}, {1824, 16707}, {1826, 17200}, {1897, 48101}, {2052, 22352}, {2501, 10330}, {6292, 32085}, {6331, 8664}, {11205, 46104}, {28666, 52395}
X(428) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 10159}, {6, 41435}, {25, 3108}, {112, 7953}, {468, 31068}, {648, 35137}, {2501, 31065}, {3589, 69}, {4030, 345}, {5007, 3}, {6292, 3933}, {7198, 348}, {7767, 3926}, {7927, 525}, {8664, 647}, {10330, 4563}, {11205, 3917}, {17200, 17206}, {17469, 63}, {21802, 72}, {22352, 394}, {28666, 7794}, {32085, 40425}, {39998, 305}, {44091, 6}, {44142, 76}, {46026, 141}, {48101, 4025}, {48152, 15413}
{X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 4, 5064}, {2, 3543, 44442}, {2, 5064, 427}, {2, 6995, 7714}, {2, 7667, 43957}, {2, 7714, 25}, {2, 9909, 44210}, {2, 44442, 31152}, {2, 52397, 10691}, {3, 4, 1907}, {3, 6997, 37439}, {4, 20, 11403}, {4, 24, 1595}, {4, 25, 427}, {4, 28, 1883}, {4, 235, 23047}, {4, 427, 52285}, {4, 1594, 16198}, {4, 1596, 10151}, {4, 1598, 235}, {4, 3089, 7507}, {4, 3518, 15559}, {4, 3575, 1885}, {4, 4186, 1904}, {4, 4198, 4214}, {4, 4222, 429}, {4, 5198, 1906}, {4, 5200, 32587}, {4, 6240, 13488}, {4, 6353, 7378}, {4, 6623, 18386}, {4, 6756, 3575}, {4, 6995, 25}, {4, 7487, 1593}, {4, 7714, 2}, {4, 8889, 7409}, {4, 10301, 468}, {4, 10594, 5}, {4, 14004, 430}, {4, 18533, 1597}, {4, 19219, 3127}, {4, 34484, 1594}, {4, 37122, 3}, {4, 37390, 407}, {4, 37395, 37391}, {4, 44803, 44226}, {4, 52291, 32588}, {4, 52294, 403}, {4, 52301, 5094}, {5, 22, 7499}, {5, 7519, 37899}, {5, 17714, 34002}, {5, 37947, 25337}, {20, 7392, 7484}, {22, 7394, 5}, {22, 10594, 25}, {23, 546, 37454}, {23, 5133, 6676}, {23, 37349, 5133}, {25, 427, 468}, {25, 5064, 2}, {25, 5094, 6353}, {25, 6995, 10301}, {25, 7378, 52297}, {25, 7409, 52293}, {25, 11403, 7484}, {25, 37453, 4232}, {53, 10311, 16318}, {235, 23047, 10019}, {378, 37458, 37931}, {381, 9909, 2}, {382, 5020, 1370}, {382, 30739, 47095}, {403, 37969, 468}, {427, 10301, 25}, {427, 52293, 8889}, {427, 52297, 5094}, {468, 52285, 427}, {472, 473, 297}, {546, 6676, 5133}, {546, 11819, 12605}, {547, 21841, 37943}, {858, 13595, 6677}, {1113, 1114, 37920}, {1368, 3627, 7391}, {1368, 7391, 46517}, {1370, 5020, 30739}, {1585, 1586, 11331}, {1594, 34484, 21841}, {1594, 37943, 547}, {1595, 7715, 24}, {1598, 7517, 10594}, {1829, 49542, 12135}, {1907, 37439, 427}, {1995, 3627, 46517}, {1995, 7391, 1368}, {2043, 2044, 7395}, {2072, 7545, 44233}, {2937, 50137, 140}, {3091, 7494, 7539}, {3146, 7398, 7386}, {3518, 15559, 140}, {3567, 16659, 18914}, {3845, 15687, 18566}, {3845, 15809, 5064}, {3845, 44266, 5066}, {3850, 11548, 37353}, {3850, 37910, 7495}, {3861, 37897, 5169}, {4232, 7409, 8889}, {4232, 8889, 37453}, {4232, 52293, 468}, {5000, 5001, 140}, {5094, 6353, 52297}, {5094, 7378, 427}, {5133, 6676, 37454}, {5133, 37349, 546}, {5576, 18378, 13383}, {5899, 37347, 16618}, {6353, 7378, 5094}, {6353, 52297, 468}, {6353, 52301, 25}, {6636, 7533, 37990}, {6636, 37990, 140}, {6995, 7378, 52301}, {6995, 7394, 10594}, {6995, 7408, 4}, {6995, 7500, 37122}, {6997, 7500, 3}, {6997, 37122, 25}, {7378, 52301, 6353}, {7386, 7398, 11284}, {7387, 7528, 7399}, {7392, 11403, 427}, {7394, 7519, 22}, {7396, 40132, 31255}, {7409, 37453, 427}, {7485, 20062, 550}, {7495, 37353, 11548}, {7499, 37899, 22}, {7530, 11818, 15760}, {7530, 15760, 47093}, {7533, 37900, 140}, {7540, 34659, 34603}, {7714, 15809, 37904}, {8744, 34482, 8792}, {8889, 37453, 52293}, {10110, 13419, 6146}, {10128, 10691, 2}, {10691, 52397, 7667}, {11112, 11113, 11354}, {11206, 14853, 11402}, {11550, 34417, 13567}, {11745, 16621, 185}, {12088, 14788, 16197}, {13568, 16656, 11381}, {15687, 44212, 31133}, {15765, 18585, 7403}, {16198, 21841, 1594}, {17810, 36990, 1899}, {17984, 46104, 42394}, {18494, 18535, 4}, {18586, 18587, 14790}, {20405, 20406, 468}, {31133, 44212, 47097}, {33971, 52448, 14569}, {34658, 34664, 7667}, {34664, 44210, 43957}, {37118, 47485, 37935}, {37353, 37913, 7495}, {37900, 37990, 6636}, {37901, 37943, 21284}, {38282, 52284, 52298}, {39884, 41588, 11442}, {42789, 42790, 44832}, {44091, 46026, 3589}, {44266, 47313, 37904}, {44288, 46030, 10297}
As a point on the Euler line, X(429) has Shinagawa coefficients ($a$F,$a$(E + F) + 2abc).
X(429) lies on these on the cubic K253 and these lines: {1, 5130}, {2, 3}, {6, 20029}, {10, 1824}, {11, 1104}, {12, 37}, {19, 1213}, {33, 1834}, {34, 5155}, {56, 23304}, {65, 26955}, {92, 3948}, {108, 961}, {115, 20621}, {119, 136}, {120, 5139}, {125, 1902}, {135, 42423}, {208, 1892}, {226, 1426}, {264, 40828}, {281, 27040}, {318, 4451}, {343, 10441}, {495, 1068}, {607, 2238}, {956, 11401}, {958, 26377}, {960, 1211}, {1125, 40985}, {1329, 32777}, {1425, 51365}, {1452, 2245}, {1478, 27802}, {1698, 2960}, {1717, 1722}, {1785, 5530}, {1825, 40663}, {1827, 10395}, {1828, 3454}, {1835, 3649}, {1852, 52427}, {1856, 10958}, {1861, 1900}, {1862, 12019}, {1869, 3925}, {1870, 37737}, {1876, 18635}, {1878, 5087}, {1887, 8287}, {1890, 15254}, {1891, 11363}, {1896, 6530}, {1899, 5706}, {1905, 10974}, {2052, 3597}, {2354, 52087}, {2899, 11681}, {2901, 21072}, {2905, 2907}, {2970, 21664}, {2971, 34337}, {3193, 3564}, {3580, 41723}, {3695, 3701}, {4292, 26933}, {5089, 16589}, {5174, 16824}, {5307, 25466}, {5521, 31845}, {5730, 11396}, {5799, 13567}, {6198, 12135}, {6335, 17981}, {7079, 38930}, {7102, 7952}, {7283, 19839}, {7719, 46196}, {8192, 36844}, {9942, 12136}, {10896, 17111}, {11392, 17408}, {12259, 24474}, {15488, 21243}, {15888, 23710}, {15946, 32431}, {16221, 42422}, {16471, 44086}, {16747, 44146}, {20653, 21033}, {21016, 21029}, {21671, 40967}, {22345, 51414}, {24006, 31946}, {34332, 34338}, {40952, 44547}, {51870, 51879}
X(429) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 7414}, {108, 39990}
X(429) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 51720}, {37361, 5}
X(429) = isogonal conjugate of X(1798)
X(429) = complement of X(16049)
X(429) = nine-point circle-inverse of X(37982)
X(429) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(4185)
X(429) = polar-circle-inverse of X(1325)
X(429) = polar conjugate of X(14534)
X(429) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(43703)
X(429) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(44092)
X(429) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(1211)
X(429) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(2092)
X(429) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(1829)
X(429) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {42, 478}, {3435, 1125}, {8048, 3741}, {34277, 21246}, {39167, 34851}, {40097, 8062}, {40454, 49598}, {42467, 3739}, {43703, 10}, {43742, 34831}, {46640, 4369}
X(429) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 1829}, {108, 523}, {6335, 2501}, {46878, 2292}
X(429) = X(2092)-cross conjugate of X(1211)
X(429) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1798}, {3, 2363}, {48, 14534}, {58, 1791}, {63, 1169}, {81, 2359}, {163, 15420}, {283, 961}, {1220, 1437}, {1790, 2298}, {4575, 4581}, {7254, 36147}, {9247, 40827}, {23189, 36098}
X(429) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 960}, {3, 1798}, {10, 1791}, {69, 3666}, {115, 15420}, {136, 4581}, {429, 16049}, {905, 3125}, {1169, 3162}, {1211, 1444}, {1249, 14534}, {1790, 52087}, {1812, 2092}, {2359, 40586}, {2363, 36103}, {7254, 39015}, {23189, 38992}
X(429) = cevapoint of X(2092) and X(44092)
X(429) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 41013}, {264, 40149}
X(429) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 1437}, {6, 52143}, {184, 2193}
X(429) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 23189}
X(429) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 1211}, {10, 1848}, {19, 18697}, {25, 1228}, {27, 20653}, {33, 45196}, {76, 44092}, {92, 2292}, {225, 3687}, {226, 46878}, {264, 2092}, {273, 21033}, {278, 3704}, {281, 41003}, {286, 21810}, {313, 2354}, {321, 1829}, {331, 40966}, {349, 40976}, {427, 27067}, {960, 40149}, {1824, 20911}, {1826, 4357}, {1897, 21124}, {1969, 3725}, {2052, 22076}, {3666, 41013}, {3882, 24006}, {6331, 42661}, {6335, 50330}, {7140, 16705}, {7141, 40153}, {41609, 43675}
X(429) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 14534}, {6, 1798}, {19, 2363}, {25, 1169}, {37, 1791}, {42, 2359}, {264, 40827}, {523, 15420}, {960, 1812}, {1193, 1790}, {1211, 69}, {1228, 305}, {1824, 2298}, {1826, 1220}, {1829, 81}, {1848, 86}, {1880, 961}, {2092, 3}, {2269, 283}, {2292, 63}, {2300, 1437}, {2354, 58}, {2501, 4581}, {3004, 15419}, {3666, 1444}, {3687, 332}, {3704, 345}, {3725, 48}, {3882, 4592}, {3965, 1792}, {4357, 17206}, {6371, 7254}, {7140, 14624}, {18697, 304}, {20653, 306}, {20967, 2193}, {21033, 78}, {21124, 4025}, {21810, 72}, {22076, 394}, {22345, 18604}, {27067, 1799}, {40149, 31643}, {40966, 219}, {40976, 284}, {41003, 348}, {41013, 30710}, {41609, 40571}, {41611, 41610}, {42661, 647}, {44092, 6}, {45196, 7182}, {45218, 23086}, {46878, 333}, {50330, 905}, {52326, 23189}
X(429) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 4, 4185}, {2, 2475, 17518}, {2, 7438, 468}, {4, 5, 37368}, {4, 24, 7511}, {4, 25, 37398}, {4, 29, 1884}, {4, 403, 15763}, {4, 406, 25}, {4, 427, 1883}, {4, 451, 28}, {4, 461, 28076}, {4, 475, 4214}, {4, 860, 407}, {4, 3088, 37391}, {4, 3089, 37387}, {4, 3144, 27}, {4, 3542, 7497}, {4, 4194, 4186}, {4, 4213, 29}, {4, 4219, 1885}, {4, 4222, 428}, {4, 5136, 37226}, {4, 5142, 427}, {4, 6353, 4198}, {4, 7412, 3575}, {4, 7559, 23047}, {4, 8889, 4200}, {4, 14018, 1889}, {4, 17555, 1894}, {5, 405, 37315}, {5, 47510, 37056}, {10, 39579, 1824}, {21, 4231, 20832}, {21, 37983, 37360}, {25, 37346, 37982}, {28, 451, 468}, {225, 1826, 1867}, {235, 27687, 37982}, {403, 1594, 45168}, {406, 860, 4205}, {407, 430, 4}, {427, 1904, 4}, {430, 4205, 37398}, {431, 442, 37982}, {440, 4205, 37225}, {442, 30446, 30444}, {442, 30447, 21530}, {442, 51557, 5}, {469, 17555, 4}, {851, 27685, 18641}, {1312, 1313, 37982}, {1848, 46878, 1829}, {1904, 5142, 1883}, {3136, 27687, 442}, {4198, 6353, 17523}, {4205, 37346, 442}, {4214, 5094, 475}, {5000, 5001, 37360}, {5064, 17516, 4}, {7563, 37420, 4}, {13442, 33305, 3145}, {21530, 30444, 442}, {25984, 26019, 14011}, {26120, 27531, 7413}, {27553, 37225, 440}, {29993, 46525, 26550}, {30446, 30447, 442}
As a point on the Euler line, X(430) has Shinagawa coefficients (F,2$bc$ + E + F).
X(430) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {11, 40956}, {33, 1865}, {53, 3192}, {55, 50036}, {115, 40984}, {118, 136}, {125, 20622}, {210, 594}, {226, 1893}, {343, 48902}, {661, 23615}, {1172, 44097}, {1211, 24703}, {1213, 1839}, {1230, 3702}, {1827, 1856}, {1848, 2969}, {1855, 38930}, {1859, 42069}, {1867, 2901}, {1897, 17982}, {2245, 7082}, {2328, 32431}, {2333, 40586}, {2970, 21665}, {3190, 24045}, {5130, 17156}, {5139, 5513}, {5155, 39594}, {8735, 40976}, {8754, 42070}, {15496, 46835}, {17056, 17605}, {21243, 48940}, {34335, 34338}, {38360, 50329}, {40954, 44546}
X(430) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(1889)
X(430) = polar-circle-inverse of X(5196)
X(430) = polar conjugate of X(32014)
X(430) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(44143)
X(430) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(1213)
X(430) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(20970)
X(430) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(1839)
X(430) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 1839}, {1897, 2501}, {26705, 523}, {44143, 1213}
X(430) = X(20970)-cross conjugate of X(1213)
X(430) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 40438}, {48, 32014}, {63, 1171}, {81, 1796}, {656, 6578}, {905, 4629}, {1126, 1444}, {1255, 1790}, {1268, 1437}, {1459, 4596}, {4558, 47947}, {4575, 4608}, {4592, 50344}, {4632, 22383}, {7254, 37212}, {17206, 28615}
X(430) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {69, 1125}, {136, 4608}, {1171, 3162}, {1213, 17206}, {1249, 32014}, {1444, 3647}, {1796, 40586}, {3120, 4025}, {4064, 21709}, {5139, 50344}, {6578, 40596}, {15419, 35076}, {36103, 40438}
X(430) = crosspoint of X(4) and X(1826)
X(430) = crosssum of X(3) and X(1790)
X(430) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {647, 7254}
X(430) = tangential-to-orthic similarity image of X(199)
X(430) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 1213}, {6, 44143}, {10, 1839}, {19, 4647}, {25, 1230}, {27, 8013}, {92, 1962}, {158, 3958}, {225, 3686}, {264, 20970}, {278, 4046}, {281, 3649}, {286, 21816}, {321, 2355}, {393, 41014}, {594, 31900}, {648, 6367}, {1100, 41013}, {1125, 1826}, {1269, 2333}, {1783, 30591}, {1824, 4359}, {1880, 3702}, {1897, 4988}, {2052, 22080}, {2501, 4427}, {3683, 40149}, {4103, 46542}, {4115, 7649}, {4983, 6335}, {6331, 8663}, {6531, 51417}, {7140, 8025}, {14618, 35327}, {24006, 35342}
X(430) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 32014}, {19, 40438}, {25, 1171}, {42, 1796}, {112, 6578}, {1100, 1444}, {1125, 17206}, {1213, 69}, {1230, 305}, {1783, 4596}, {1824, 1255}, {1826, 1268}, {1839, 86}, {1897, 4632}, {1962, 63}, {2308, 1790}, {2333, 1126}, {2355, 81}, {2489, 50344}, {2501, 4608}, {3649, 348}, {3683, 1812}, {3686, 332}, {3958, 326}, {4046, 345}, {4115, 4561}, {4427, 4563}, {4647, 304}, {4977, 15419}, {4983, 905}, {4988, 4025}, {4990, 15411}, {6367, 525}, {7140, 6539}, {8013, 306}, {8040, 4001}, {8663, 647}, {8750, 4629}, {20970, 3}, {21816, 72}, {22080, 394}, {23201, 18604}, {30591, 15413}, {31900, 1509}, {35327, 4558}, {35342, 4592}, {41013, 32018}, {41014, 3926}, {44143, 76}, {50512, 7254}, {51417, 6393}
X(430) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 4, 1889}, {4, 24, 7546}, {4, 403, 15762}, {4, 429, 407}, {4, 451, 31902}, {4, 469, 427}, {4, 3542, 7534}, {4, 4207, 25}, {4, 4213, 27}, {4, 6353, 6994}, {4, 7414, 46467}, {4, 7513, 1885}, {4, 7563, 23047}, {4, 14004, 428}, {27, 4213, 468}, {429, 37398, 4205}, {1824, 1826, 7140}, {3136, 33329, 440}, {6818, 7377, 37439}, {11323, 37385, 13615}, {28044, 37385, 25}, {52286, 52287, 37226}
As a point on the Euler line, X(431) has Shinagawa coefficients
($aSA$F,- $aSA$(E - F) - 2abcF).
X(431) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {11, 40985}, {12, 1824}, {19, 50036}, {119, 135}, {136, 25640}, {225, 7363}, {388, 11401}, {1112, 12826}, {1478, 26377}, {1829, 12047}, {1834, 44113}, {1842, 5521}, {1848, 31936}, {2886, 5130}, {3485, 11396}, {3822, 39579}, {5086, 12135}, {5139, 20621}, {10572, 11363}, {10895, 11391}, {16178, 42422}, {21664, 34338}, {44092, 44545}
X(431) = midpoint of X(4) and X(31384)
X(431) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(1858)
X(431) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4, 1858}, {40097, 523}
X(431) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {19, 18692}, {225, 45206}, {1858, 40149}
X(431) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1195, 283}, {1858, 1812}, {18692, 304}, {45206, 332}
X(431) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {4, 24, 7491}, {4, 403, 6841}, {4, 411, 1885}, {4, 2476, 427}, {4, 3144, 3559}, {4, 3542, 3560}, {4, 6353, 6872}, {4, 6622, 6837}, {4, 6825, 1593}, {4, 6867, 7507}, {4, 6869, 44438}, {4, 7548, 23047}, {235, 37376, 25}, {429, 37982, 442}, {1596, 37406, 4}
As a point on the Euler line, X(432) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E2 + 4EF - 4S2)F, -E3 - 3E2F - 4EF2 + 4(E - F)S2).
X(432) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {135, 12359}
As a point on the Euler line, X(433) has Shinagawa coefficients (4(E + F)3F2 - E2FS2, (E + F)[4(E + F)3F - (E + 8F)ES2]).
X(433) lies on this line: 2,3
As a point on the Euler line, X(434) has Shinagawa coefficients (9E2F + 16EF2 - 64FS2, -9E3 - 23E2F -16EF2 + 32(E - 2F)S2)
X(434) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {11576, 50479}
As a point on the Euler line, X(435) has Shinagawa coefficients (9E2F + 144EF2 - 64FS2, -9E3 + 89E2F - 128EF2 - 64F3 + 32(E - 2F)S2)
X(435) lies on this line: 2,3
As a point on the Euler line, X(436) has Shinagawa coefficients (2F2,-(E + F)F + S2).
X(436) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {6, 1988}, {51, 107}, {53, 10192}, {54, 8794}, {110, 324}, {154, 33971}, {182, 15466}, {184, 2052}, {185, 51031}, {216, 40402}, {264, 9306}, {459, 18950}, {578, 1093}, {648, 34986}, {1075, 7592}, {1196, 6531}, {1199, 43840}, {1304, 32439}, {1495, 1629}, {1614, 44732}, {1941, 34148}, {1947, 7193}, {1948, 3955}, {1970, 27359}, {1994, 35360}, {3167, 9308}, {4994, 38848}, {5012, 46106}, {5890, 40664}, {5943, 36794}, {6344, 50463}, {6524, 11427}, {6525, 14853}, {6530, 23292}, {6747, 14165}, {6749, 45867}, {6761, 12022}, {8795, 26887}, {8884, 8887}, {10982, 45062}, {11245, 51358}, {11424, 14249}, {11455, 48364}, {14361, 14912}, {14363, 37505}, {14978, 18350}, {16657, 51385}, {19357, 41365}, {26880, 42329}, {27377, 41588}, {32002, 32223}, {35259, 41244}, {37894, 44132}, {38833, 39286}, {43650, 52147}
X(436) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(52249)
X(436) = polar conjugate of X(9290)
X(436) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(9291)
X(436) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(1970)
X(436) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1987, 41204}, {21449, 1970}, {40402, 4}
X(436) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 9251}, {48, 9290}, {656, 1303}
X(436) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1249, 9290}, {1303, 40596}, {9251, 36103}
X(436) = crosssum of X(520) and X(41219)
X(436) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 9252}, {5, 21449}, {6, 9291}, {92, 1954}, {95, 27359}, {112, 42331}, {264, 1970}
X(436) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 9290}, {19, 9251}, {112, 1303}, {1954, 63}, {1970, 3}, {9252, 75}, {9291, 76}, {21449, 95}, {27359, 5}, {42331, 3267}
X(436) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 4, 52249}, {4, 3079, 7714}, {4, 52299, 6619}, {107, 275, 51}, {184, 2052, 41204}, {418, 41202, 8613}, {1495, 42400, 1629}, {1585, 1586, 52247}, {4240, 30506, 13595}, {6524, 11427, 41371}, {8887, 10282, 8884}
As a point on the Euler line, X(437) has Shinagawa coefficients (2(E+F)2F+10FS2+7$bcSA$F-5$ab$(E+F)F, (5E-16F)S2-$abSC2$ +41$bcSBSC$+$ab$[(E+F)2-19S2]).
X(437) lies on this line: 2,3
As a point on the Euler line, X(438) has Shinagawa coefficients (4(E + F)2F2 - (E + 3F)FS2, -[4(E - F)F - S2]S2)
X(438) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {5895, 6330}, {35711, 42287}
As a point on the Euler line, X(439) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E + F) 2 - 4S2,4S2)
X(439) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {32, 51170}, {69, 5023}, {99, 6392}, {115, 38259}, {187, 3926}, {193, 3053}, {230, 2996}, {620, 32816}, {754, 32825}, {1611, 18287}, {1975, 37667}, {1992, 22331}, {2482, 7758}, {3618, 15815}, {3619, 5585}, {3620, 5210}, {3767, 32456}, {3785, 5206}, {3815, 5395}, {3972, 31400}, {4366, 5265}, {4558, 40320}, {5007, 37809}, {5013, 51171}, {5032, 11147}, {5171, 39141}, {5281, 6645}, {5286, 7782}, {5304, 7783}, {5475, 18845}, {5921, 39647}, {6423, 6462}, {6424, 6463}, {6461, 40318}, {7603, 32884}, {7618, 7772}, {7737, 32829}, {7746, 32826}, {7751, 32824}, {7754, 46453}, {7759, 32837}, {7763, 7926}, {7767, 15655}, {7779, 32841}, {7780, 32836}, {7785, 32835}, {7793, 32830}, {7795, 15513}, {7800, 8588}, {7816, 21843}, {7821, 47102}, {7854, 8182}, {7857, 43448}, {7862, 43618}, {7886, 43619}, {7891, 37668}, {7922, 14907}, {9292, 51427}, {9742, 41400}, {13356, 14930}, {19118, 30558}, {20065, 32458}, {23357, 34161}, {26658, 35292}, {29585, 37552}, {34286, 36426}, {34511, 35007}, {39143, 44381}, {41139, 41895}
X(439) = reflection of X(32972) in X(32970)
X(439) = anticomplement of X(32972)
X(439) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(52250)
X(439) = X(6353)-Ceva conjugate of X(193)
X(439) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2996, 38252}, {8769, 8770}
X(439) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {69, 6340}, {115, 3566}, {2996, 51579}
X(439) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {193, 193}, {1707, 18156}, {4590, 15525}, {6337, 6353}, {10607, 21447}
X(439) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {193, 2996}, {1707, 8769}, {3053, 8770}, {3167, 6391}, {6337, 6340}, {6353, 34208}, {15525, 115}, {19118, 14248}, {41584, 47730}, {41588, 27364}
X(439) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 4, 52250}, {2, 20, 32982}, {2, 3146, 32980}, {2, 3522, 33023}, {2, 3552, 32981}, {2, 5059, 14063}, {2, 6658, 3832}, {2, 6872, 33050}, {2, 14035, 32991}, {2, 14068, 5068}, {2, 17576, 33051}, {2, 17578, 32966}, {2, 19691, 33290}, {2, 21734, 32965}, {2, 32981, 32979}, {2, 32997, 33200}, {2, 33014, 3522}, {2, 33018, 15022}, {2, 33214, 33019}, {2, 33244, 3146}, {2, 33260, 33025}, {2, 50689, 32963}, {2, 50693, 6655}, {3, 7819, 33215}, {3, 8369, 16043}, {3, 14001, 32990}, {3, 32973, 2}, {3, 32985, 32973}, {3, 33242, 8359}, {4, 32989, 2}, {4, 33233, 32988}, {4, 33235, 35927}, {4, 35297, 32989}, {20, 16925, 2}, {20, 33199, 33017}, {20, 33203, 5025}, {140, 14033, 32987}, {140, 32987, 2}, {193, 51579, 6337}, {376, 7807, 32974}, {376, 32951, 33234}, {384, 3523, 2}, {548, 32954, 32986}, {550, 11288, 14064}, {550, 14064, 33272}, {631, 1003, 32971}, {631, 32971, 2}, {3053, 6337, 193}, {3053, 32459, 6337}, {3091, 7907, 2}, {3522, 33025, 33260}, {3522, 33205, 2}, {3528, 33191, 6656}, {3530, 11286, 32978}, {3534, 8361, 33238}, {3552, 16044, 33187}, {3552, 32964, 2}, {3552, 33259, 14035}, {5025, 13586, 33254}, {5025, 16925, 33203}, {5025, 33203, 2}, {5025, 33254, 20}, {5056, 33000, 2}, {5129, 33054, 2}, {6337, 32459, 51579}, {6655, 33208, 50693}, {6857, 33039, 2}, {7483, 33037, 2}, {7486, 16923, 2}, {7791, 33181, 2}, {7791, 33246, 33181}, {7791, 33276, 10304}, {7807, 32974, 2}, {7807, 33219, 33195}, {7807, 33234, 32951}, {7816, 21843, 32828}, {7824, 33198, 2}, {7824, 33255, 33198}, {7866, 8703, 33226}, {7887, 8598, 3529}, {7892, 33008, 33202}, {7892, 33202, 2}, {7901, 33253, 33210}, {7907, 14042, 32998}, {7907, 33007, 3091}, {9855, 33279, 49140}, {10299, 14039, 11285}, {10303, 16924, 2}, {10304, 33181, 7791}, {10304, 33246, 2}, {11001, 32955, 33229}, {11111, 17694, 33038}, {11288, 33272, 2}, {11291, 11292, 1656}, {11361, 33000, 5056}, {13586, 16925, 20}, {13586, 33245, 33268}, {14001, 32990, 2}, {14035, 32964, 33259}, {14035, 32991, 32979}, {14035, 33204, 33002}, {14035, 33259, 2}, {14037, 33004, 2}, {14042, 32998, 3091}, {14063, 33265, 5059}, {14069, 21735, 8356}, {15692, 33198, 7824}, {15692, 33255, 2}, {15696, 33184, 33247}, {15717, 33201, 2}, {16044, 33206, 2}, {16917, 17558, 2}, {16923, 33016, 7486}, {16924, 33274, 10303}, {16925, 33017, 33245}, {16925, 33254, 5025}, {16925, 33268, 33199}, {17538, 33189, 7841}, {17694, 33038, 2}, {19689, 33258, 2}, {19696, 33006, 50688}, {21495, 21511, 37269}, {21508, 21537, 11340}, {27088, 32985, 35287}, {32951, 33234, 32974}, {32959, 33703, 33228}, {32961, 33257, 3543}, {32964, 33187, 33206}, {32964, 33266, 3552}, {32965, 33225, 2}, {32966, 33193, 17578}, {32966, 33262, 2}, {32967, 33280, 3839}, {32970, 32972, 2}, {32973, 32990, 14001}, {32973, 35287, 3}, {32981, 32991, 14035}, {32985, 33227, 32990}, {32985, 35287, 2}, {32988, 32989, 33233}, {32988, 33233, 2}, {32989, 35927, 4}, {32998, 33007, 14042}, {33002, 33204, 2}, {33002, 33259, 33204}, {33014, 33205, 33023}, {33017, 33245, 33199}, {33017, 33268, 20}, {33019, 33214, 15683}, {33020, 33188, 2}, {33025, 33260, 33023}, {33186, 44245, 5077}, {33187, 33206, 16044}, {33193, 33262, 32966}, {33199, 33245, 2}, {33216, 33239, 5}, {33222, 33247, 33184}, {33224, 33226, 7866}, {33233, 33235, 33250}, {33233, 33250, 4}, {33235, 35297, 4}, {33245, 33268, 33017}, {33246, 33276, 7791}, {33250, 35297, 33233}, {33252, 33283, 33264}, {35297, 35927, 2}, {35303, 35304, 15685}, {37172, 37173, 381}, {37340, 37341, 15703}
Barycentrics v + w : w + u : u + v
As a point on the Euler line, X(440) has Shinagawa coefficients ($bc$ + E - F,-$bc$ - E - F)
X(440) lies on these lines: 2,3 37,226 72,306 118,122 950,1104
X(440) = complement of X(27)
X(440) = complementary conjugate of X(34830)
X(440) = X(190)-Ceva conjugate of X(525)
X(440) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(306)
X(440) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,1474), (284,579)
As a point on the Euler line, X(441) has Shinagawa coefficients (2(E + F)F - S2, S2)
X(441) lies on these lines: 2,3 141,577 525,647
X(441) = midpoint of X(297) and X(401)
X(441) = isotomic conjugate of X(6330)
X(441) = complement of X(297)
X(441) = circumcircle-inverse of X(37921)
X(441) = crosssum of X(6) and X(232)
X(441) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(25)X(647)
X(441) = inverse-in-Steiner-inellipse of X(3)
X(441) = {X(2454),X(2455)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3)
X(441) = isogonal conjugate of polar conjugate of X(30737)
As a point on the Euler line, X(442) has Shinagawa coefficients ($aSA$ + abc,$aSA$ - abc)
Let IA, IB, IC be the excenters, let AB, AC be the projections of A onto IAIB and IAIC, respectively, and define BC, BA and CA, CB cyclically. The Euler lines of the four triangles ABC, AABAC, BBCBA, CCACB concur in X(442). (Jean-Pierre Ehrmann, 11/24/01)
In the plane of triangle ABC, let DEF denote the intouch triangle of
ABC, and let
HA = orthocenter of IBC
MA = midpoint of segment BC
NA = midpoint of the arc BC which does not include A
SA = reflection of I in line DE,
and define cyclically the points HB, HC,
MB, MC, NB, NC, and
SB, SC. The lines SAMA,
SBMB, SCAMC concur in
X(442), and X(442) is the pole, with respect to the incircle, of the
perspectrix of the triangles HAHBHC
and NA∩B∩C. (Dominik Burek, January 18
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle. X(442) is the radical center of the nine-point circles of A'BC, B'CA, C'AB. (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let (Ja) be the A-excircle of the A-altimedial triangle, and define (Jb) and (Jc) cyclically. X(442) is the radical center of (Ja), (Jb), (Jc). (Randy Hutson, November 2, 2017)
X(442) lies on these lines: 2,3 8,495 9,46 10,12 11,214 100,943 115,120 119,125 274,325 388,956 392,946
X(442) = midpoint of X(79) and X(191)
X(442) = isogonal conjugate of X(1175)
X(442) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(405)
X(442) = complement of X(21)
X(442) = complementary conjugate of X(960)
X(442) = X(100)-Ceva conjugate of X(523)
X(442) = crosspoint of X(264) and X(321)
X(442) = crosssum of X(184) and X(1333)
X(442) = perspector of Feuerbach triangle and 2nd extouch triangle
X(442) = homothetic center of 4th Euler triangle and 2nd extouch triangle
X(442) = X(54)-of-2nd-extouch-triangle
X(442) = X(973)-of-excentral-triangle
Barycentrics v + w : w + u : u + v
As a point on the Euler line, X(443) has Shinagawa coefficients (abc*$a$, S2).
X(443) lies on these lines: {1, 142}, {2, 3}, {6, 4340}, {7, 72}, {8, 942}, {9, 4292}, {10, 57}, {12, 1466}, {56, 3925}, {69, 274}, {78, 3487}, {141, 5800}, {153, 5789}, {226, 936}, {278, 1038}, {329, 5044}, {355, 5768}, {386, 5712}, {387, 940}, {392, 962}, {497, 1125}, {579, 966}, {610, 5750}, {750, 5230}, {908, 5714}, {938, 3419}, {946, 6282}, {948, 1448}, {956, 3600}, {958, 3826}, {960, 4295}, {965, 5746}, {997, 3485}, {1001, 4294}, {1058, 3434}, {1119, 1441}, {1210, 5437}, {1376, 3085}, {1453, 3008}, {1478, 1698}, {1479, 3624}, {1770, 5698}, {2093, 5837}, {2095, 5690}, {2886, 3086}, {2999, 5717}, {3333, 4847}, {3358, 5817}, {3436, 5744}, {3475, 3811}, {3587, 5250}, {3617, 5708}, {3618, 5138}, {3634, 5229}, {3697, 5815}, {3698, 5252}, {3812, 5794}, {3876, 5905}, {3911, 5705}, {3916, 5273}, {3940, 6147}, {4299, 5251}, {4302, 5259}, {4304, 5436}, {4317, 5258}, {4355, 5223}, {4423, 6284}, {4680, 6533}, {5080, 5122}, {5175, 5722}, {5219, 6700}, {5275, 5286}, {5440, 5703}, {5587, 6245}, {5657, 5709}, {5927, 6223}, {6256, 6705}
X(443) = complement of X(452)
Barycentrics (v + w)(sin A tan A) : (w + u)(sin B tan B) : (u + v)(sin C tan C)
As a point on the Euler line, X(444) has Shinagawa coefficients ([$a$(E + F) + $aSA$ - abc]F,-(E + F)[$a$(E + F) + $aSA$ + abc]).
X(444) lies on these lines: 2,3 19,232
As a point on the Euler line, X(445) has Shinagawa coefficients (($aSA$ + 2abc)F,$a$S2).
X(445) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {81, 18679}, {92, 30690}, {196, 51358}, {264, 18139}, {273, 27186}, {281, 3580}, {317, 5278}, {318, 32858}, {340, 3578}, {648, 42045}, {1844, 31938}, {1990, 37631}, {2322, 2895}, {3219, 7282}, {3936, 31623}, {8747, 26131}, {14165, 40214}, {14581, 50181}, {17907, 19684}, {18026, 40447}, {19742, 27377}, {35201, 40940}, {37635, 41083}, {45038, 48381}
X(445) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(44095)
X(445) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(500)
X(445) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1794, 2160}, {2259, 7100}, {2982, 8606}
X(445) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {63, 5249}, {7100, 18591}, {16585, 52381}, {40937, 52388}
X(445) = cevapoint of X(500) and X(44095)
X(445) = crosspoint of X(92) and X(52412)
X(445) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {75, 1844}, {76, 44095}, {92, 16585}, {264, 500}, {273, 31938}, {319, 1838}, {340, 45926}, {1841, 33939}, {1859, 52421}, {1865, 34016}, {5249, 52412}, {6734, 7282}
X(445) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {35, 1794}, {442, 52388}, {500, 3}, {942, 7100}, {1838, 79}, {1841, 2160}, {1844, 1}, {1859, 7073}, {1865, 8818}, {5249, 52381}, {6198, 943}, {14547, 8606}, {16585, 63}, {31938, 78}, {44095, 6}, {45926, 265}, {46883, 52375}, {52412, 40435}
X(445) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {297, 25986, 2}, {7282, 52412, 3219}
As a point on the Euler line, X(446) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E + F)3F - (E + F)(E - 2F)S2 + S4, (E - F)(E + F)3 - 2(E + F)2S2 - S4).
X(446) lies on this line: 2,3
X(446) = crosspoint of X(98) and X(511)
X(446) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (98,511),
Barycentrics u2 - vw : v2 - wu : w2 - uv
As a point on the Euler line, X(447) has Shinagawa coefficients (2(E+F)3FS2-2$abSC$(E+F)F +$ab$[4(E+F)2-S2]F, -(E+F)(2E-F)S2-S4 + 2($abSC$S2-$ab$(4E+F)S2).
X(447) lies on this line: 2,3 340,540 350,811 519,648
X(447) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(27)
Barycentrics u2 - vw : v2 - wu : w2 - uv
As a point on the Euler line, X(448) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E-2F)S4-2(E2-F2)FS2 -$abSASB$[4(E+F)F-3S2] +$ab$[2(E+F)FS2-S4], -(E-4F)S4 -5$abSASB$S2+$ab$S4).
X(448) lies on this line: 2,3
X(448) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(21)
As a point on the Euler line, X(449) has Shinagawa coefficients (2(E + F)F - abc*$a$ - S2,3abc*$a$ + S2).
X(449) lies on this line: 2,3
X(449) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(452)
As a point on the Euler line, X(450) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E - 2F)F,(E + F)F - S2).
X(450) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {107, 511}, {155, 1075}, {184, 15466}, {264, 5651}, {275, 5943}, {648, 3292}, {653, 17975}, {685, 17974}, {1069, 7049}, {1092, 1093}, {1148, 3157}, {1897, 17976}, {1935, 1940}, {1993, 3168}, {2052, 9306}, {2451, 2501}, {3260, 18020}, {3291, 6531}, {3462, 9820}, {5972, 14165}, {6090, 9308}, {6331, 12215}, {6335, 17977}, {6530, 11064}, {8062, 22382}, {8764, 17973}, {13346, 14249}.
X(450) = isogonal conjugate of X(1942)
X(450) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(185)X(647)
X(450) = X(3)-Hirst inverse of X(4)
X(450) = crossdifference of PU(17)
X(450) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(17)}
X(450) = intersection of trilinear polars of P(17) and U(17)
X(450) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39034)
X(450) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(4) of X(25)
As a point on the Euler line, X(451) has Shinagawa coefficients (2$a$F,abc).
X(451) lies on these lines: 2,3 12,108 281,1068
X(451) = X(4)-Hirst inverse of X(424)
X(451) = polar conjugate of X(1029)
As a point on the Euler line, X(452) has Shinagawa coefficients (abc*$a$ + S2,-2S2).
X(452) lies on these lines: 1,329 2,3 8,9 34,347 63,938 72,145 388,1001 392,944 497,958 956,1058
X(452) = isogonal conjugate of X(2213)
X(452) = anticomplement of X(443)
X(452) = X(2)-Hirst inverse of X(449)
As a point on the Euler line, X(453) has Shinagawa coefficients (2$aSBSC$+$aSA$(E+2F)-2$a$S2-2abcF, -$aSA$E+2$a$S2+abcE).
X(453) lies on these lines: 2,3 46,1800 1014,1454
As a point on the Euler line, X(454) has Shinagawa coefficients (E(E + 4F) - 4S2,-E2 + 4S2).
X(454) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {155, 6503}, {1609, 34853}, {3964, 44405}, {9908, 16391}, {9937, 23181}, {12164, 34333}, {15316, 47195}, {20975, 38260}
X(454) = X(3542)-Ceva conjugate of X(155)
X(454) = X(254)-isoconjugate of X(921)
X(454) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {155, 6515}, {1609, 40697}, {3542, 6503}
X(454) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {155, 6504}, {1609, 254}, {6515, 46746}
X(454) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {3, 6617, 3548}
As a point on the Euler line, X(455) has Shinagawa coefficients (4(E + F)3F2 - E2FS2, -4(E + F)4F + (E + F)(E + 4F)ES2).
X(455) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {159, 17407}, {2386, 40144}
X(455) = X(1370)-Ceva conjugate of X(3162)
X(455) = X(39733)-isoconjugate of X(52041)
X(455) = X(25)-Dao conjugate of X(13575)
X(455) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {159, 41361}, {1370, 3162}, {23115, 41766}
X(455) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {3162, 13575}, {41361, 40009}
X(455) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {}
As a point on the Euler line, X(456) has Shinagawa coefficients ((9E + 16F)EF2 - 64F2S2, -E2F2 + 16(E + 4F)FS2).
{X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {15770, 15779, 3}
As a point on the Euler line, X(457) has Shinagawa coefficients (9(E + 16F)EF - 64FS2,-81E2F + 16(E + 4F)S2).
X(457) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {14993, 52166}, {16240, 51345}, {37496, 47215}
X(457) = barycentric product X(1272)*X(52166)
X(457) = barycentric quotient X(52166)/X(1138)
X(457) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {15766, 15773, 3}
As a point on the Euler line, X(458) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E + F)F, S2).
X(458) lies on these lines: 2,3 6,264 76,275 141,317 239,318 273,894 315,343 340,599
X(458) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(297)
X(458) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(262) (line X(523)X(3569))
X(458) = polar conjugate of X(262)
Let A'B'C' be the midheight triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(459). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(459) lies on the Kiepert hyperbola and these lines: {2,253}, {4,64}, {10,3176}, {25,3424}, {69,801}, {92,1446}, {96,3147}, {98,1301}, {154,5922}, {196,226}, {262,3168}, {297,2996}, {458,5395}, {485,3535}, {486,3536}, {1075,3090}, {1131,1585}, {1132,1586}, {1503,3079}, {5485,5523}
X(459) = isotomic conjugate of X(37669)
X(459) = X(253)-Ceva conjugate of X(4)
X(459) = X(2155)-complementary conjugate of X(3350)
X(459) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {6,3515}, {125,2501}, {459,459}, {523,1562}
X(459) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (64, 253), (235, 264), (393, 4), (1562, 523)
X(459) = polar conjugate of X(20)
X(459) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these {i,j}: {3,610}, {20,48}, {63,154}, {204,394}, {219,1394}, {255,1249}, {326,3172}, {577,1895}, {1101,1562}, {1259,3213}, {1790,3198}, {2193,5930}
X(459) = {X(2),X(253)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1073)
X(459) = trilinear product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4,2184}, {19,253}, {64,92}, {158,1073}, {264,2155}, {1301,1577}, {1880,5931}}
X(459) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4,253}, {64,264}, {92,2184}, {225,5931}, {850,1301}, {1073,2052}, {1969,2155}
X(459) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {4,20}, {19,610}, {25,154}, {34,1394}, {64,3}, {115,1562}, {125,122}, {158,1895}, {225,5930}, {235,2883}, {253,69}, {393,1249}, {459,2}, {1073,394}, {1096,204}, {1301,110}, {1824,3198}, {1895,1097}, {2155,48}, {2184,63}, {2207,3172}, {3183,2060}, {5931,332}
As a point on the Euler line, X(460) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E + F)F, -(E + F)2 + 2S2).
X(460) lies on this line: 2,3 53,1974 512,2501 685,2065
X(460) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(394)X(647)
X(460) = X(241)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(460) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(8781) (line X(69)X(523))
X(460) = polar conjugate of X(8781)
X(460) = barycentric product X(4)*X(230)
Barycentrics u sin A tan A : v sin B tan B : w sin C tan C
As a point on the Euler line, X(461) has Shinagawa coefficients (2F,$bc$ - E - F).
X(461) lies on these lines: 2,3 33,200
Barycentrics u sin A tan A : v sin B tan B : w sin C tan C
As a point on the Euler line, X(462) has Shinagawa coefficients (31/2F, -31/2(E + F) + 2S).
X(462) lies on these lines: 2,3 51,397 184,398
Barycentrics u sin A tan A : v sin B tan B : w sin C tan C
As a point on the Euler line, X(463) has Shinagawa coefficients (31/2F, -31/2(E + F) - 2S).
X(463) lies on these lines: 2,3 51,398 184,397
As a point on the Euler line, X(464) has Shinagawa coefficients (E + $bc$, -E - F - $bc$).
X(464) lies on these lines: 2,3 63,69
X(464) is the {X(2),X(20)}-harmonic conjugate of X(27). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(464), click Tables at the top of this page.
Barycentrics u cos A : v cos B : w cos C
As a point on the Euler line, X(465) has Shinagawa coefficients (2F + 31/2S, -31/2S).
X(465) lies on these lines: 2,3 216,395 396,577
X(465) is the {X(2),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(466). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(465), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(465) = complement of X(473)
X(465) = complementary conjugate of the complement of X(32585)Barycentrics u cos A : v cos B : w cos C
As a point on the Euler line, X(466) has Shinagawa coefficients (2F - 31/2S, 31/2S).
X(466) lies on these lines: 2,3 216,396 395,577
X(466) is the {X(2),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(465). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(466), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(446) = complement of X(472)
X(466) = complementary conjugate of the complement of X(32586)
Barycentrics u sec A : v sec B : w sec C
As a point on the Euler line, X(467) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E + 2F)F,-2S2).
X(467) lies on these lines: 2,3 53,311
X(467) = X(317)-Ceva conjugate of X(52)
X(467) = polar conjugate of X(96)
Let (Pa) be the A-power circle of the A-altimedial triangle, and define (Pb) and (Pc) cyclically. The radical center of (Pa), (Pb), (Pc) is X(4), and the harmonic traces of (Pa), (Pb), (Pc) are X(2) and X(468). (Randy Hutson, November 2, 2017)
Let P and P' be circumcircle antipodes. Let Q and Q' be the complements of P and P', resp. The rectangular hyperbola passing through P, P', Q, Q' has center X(468) for all P. (Randy Hutson, March 29, 2020)
X(468) lies on the Darboux quintic (Q071), the cubics K043, K164 ,K209, K217, K418, K452, K478, K533, K535, K600, K608, K698, K824, K869, K954, the GEOS circle, and on these lines: {2, 3}, {6, 5486}, {10, 11363}, {32, 40102}, {33, 5160}, {34, 5433}, {49, 13292}, {51, 23292}, {52, 9820}, {53, 3054}, {64, 43903}, {67, 1177}, {69, 6090}, {74, 10293}, {81, 44097}, {98, 685}, {99, 37803}, {105, 2766}, {107, 842}, {108, 2752}, {110, 3564}, {111, 935}, {112, 2770}, {113, 32110}, {114, 3233}, {115, 40350}, {125, 1495}, {126, 5203}, {132, 3258}, {133, 46436}, {136, 16188}, {141, 1974}, {154, 1899}, {171, 14975}, {182, 13394}, {183, 44134}, {184, 8550}, {185, 16252}, {187, 1560}, {206, 26926}, {230, 231}, {242, 2969}, {243, 42069}, {250, 325}, {262, 43530}, {264, 37688}, {275, 7608}, {305, 32820}, {323, 19504}, {343, 9306}, {373, 1843}, {385, 35511}, {389, 16227}, {393, 21448}, {394, 44492}, {395, 8740}, {396, 8739}, {459, 43537}, {476, 3563}, {477, 9064}, {498, 11399}, {499, 11398}, {511, 1112}, {512, 22264}, {524, 3292}, {525, 14697}, {542, 35266}, {590, 5413}, {597, 8541}, {612, 10149}, {615, 5412}, {620, 5186}, {648, 18823}, {653, 17985}, {691, 2374}, {748, 1395}, {750, 2212}, {879, 2433}, {899, 2356}, {908, 27421}, {930, 23096}, {940, 44086}, {942, 41609}, {973, 12242}, {1001, 11383}, {1078, 11380}, {1125, 1829}, {1147, 41587}, {1155, 40560}, {1164, 1165}, {1172, 37675}, {1196, 7755}, {1204, 2883}, {1211, 2203}, {1213, 1474}, {1235, 26235}, {1249, 37689}, {1289, 37801}, {1290, 15344}, {1297, 22239}, {1299, 16167}, {1300, 9060}, {1301, 2697}, {1302, 32710}, {1351, 21970}, {1352, 35259}, {1353, 37644}, {1384, 41370}, {1398, 7288}, {1452, 11375}, {1473, 20266}, {1493, 41598}, {1498, 26937}, {1514, 2777}, {1531, 36518}, {1533, 38727}, {1611, 3162}, {1614, 18914}, {1620, 5895}, {1648, 5967}, {1692, 6388}, {1698, 5090}, {1799, 40413}, {1824, 6690}, {1828, 6691}, {1848, 2355}, {1851, 17917}, {1853, 31383}, {1861, 1862}, {1870, 7292}, {1876, 3911}, {1878, 6681}, {1892, 5219}, {1897, 17927}, {1902, 6684}, {1976, 41175}, {1986, 10272}, {1993, 41588}, {2052, 7607}, {2080, 41253}, {2204, 5277}, {2211, 3231}, {2299, 17056}, {2373, 10423}, {2393, 12099}, {2452, 7735}, {2453, 37637}, {2687, 9107}, {2690, 9085}, {2758, 9088}, {2931, 32123}, {2967, 14920}, {2970, 38552}, {3043, 13392}, {3055, 6748}, {3066, 14561}, {3068, 5411}, {3069, 5410}, {3092, 5418}, {3093, 5420}, {3167, 6515}, {3186, 7806}, {3192, 37646}, {3199, 7749}, {3220, 26933}, {3266, 6390}, {3448, 35265}, {3532, 43695}, {3569, 32120}, {3574, 11745}, {3581, 14643}, {3616, 11396}, {3618, 12167}, {3624, 7713}, {3712, 42713}, {3720, 40976}, {3742, 41611}, {3815, 5063}, {3818, 45303}, {3917, 44079}, {3934, 12143}, {4383, 44105}, {4422, 24814}, {4648, 44100}, {4999, 40985}, {5012, 45298}, {5130, 24953}, {5139, 31655}, {5140, 6719}, {5185, 6710}, {5205, 26231}, {5218, 7071}, {5275, 45786}, {5285, 21015}, {5297, 6198}, {5304, 5702}, {5305, 9465}, {5306, 18361}, {5370, 15326}, {5446, 43823}, {5449, 12134}, {5461, 12132}, {5462, 6746}, {5476, 20192}, {5480, 34417}, {5520, 20621}, {5622, 40114}, {5640, 6403}, {5650, 12294}, {5654, 37489}, {5656, 18931}, {5891, 44201}, {5901, 41722}, {5943, 11649}, {6000, 15738}, {6036, 12131}, {6091, 41521}, {6108, 6111}, {6109, 6110}, {6118, 12148}, {6119, 12147}, {6146, 10282}, {6152, 8254}, {6225, 34469}, {6242, 22051}, {6247, 26883}, {6331, 17984}, {6335, 17987}, {6336, 17982}, {6467, 15585}, {6669, 12142}, {6670, 12141}, {6673, 22482}, {6674, 22481}, {6689, 11576}, {6696, 11381}, {6698, 32239}, {6699, 12133}, {6701, 16114}, {6702, 12137}, {6703, 44092}, {6704, 12144}, {6705, 12136}, {6707, 17171}, {6713, 12138}, {6720, 13166}, {6723, 29012}, {6776, 26864}, {6800, 18911}, {7009, 7140}, {7302, 15338}, {7583, 10881}, {7584, 10880}, {7665, 19577}, {7703, 32124}, {7718, 9780}, {7746, 27376}, {7747, 15820}, {7767, 26233}, {7768, 33651}, {7777, 27377}, {7789, 30749}, {7846, 11386}, {7857, 38526}, {7891, 30793}, {8263, 41614}, {8428, 14729}, {8537, 15019}, {8737, 11537}, {8738, 11549}, {8744, 11580}, {8753, 15899}, {8754, 9172}, {8770, 13854}, {8827, 46111}, {8854, 8960}, {8859, 38294}, {8901, 19189}, {9061, 10101}, {9084, 10098}, {9128, 34512}, {9164, 22110}, {9173, 39241}, {9174, 39240}, {9176, 43084}, {9185, 44427}, {9225, 15993}, {9308, 17008}, {9544, 45968}, {9707, 18912}, {9745, 18907}, {9777, 11427}, {10006, 18344}, {10102, 30247}, {10117, 32125}, {10163, 11594}, {10182, 11430}, {10185, 39284}, {10198, 26377}, {10200, 26378}, {10214, 11701}, {10416, 15398}, {10420, 40120}, {10422, 10424}, {10511, 46105}, {10535, 26956}, {10536, 26957}, {10539, 12359}, {10546, 18358}, {10564, 38793}, {10601, 44503}, {10619, 32391}, {10632, 11543}, {10633, 11542}, {10641, 23303}, {10642, 23302}, {10990, 15311}, {10991, 42671}, {11202, 18390}, {11206, 23291}, {11402, 11433}, {11408, 11489}, {11409, 11488}, {11424, 15873}, {11442, 35264}, {11459, 44683}, {11464, 12022}, {11547, 14569}, {11550, 23332}, {11645, 32267}, {11746, 44668}, {12007, 44109}, {12140, 20304}, {12145, 34841}, {12162, 44158}, {12165, 20125}, {12174, 18913}, {12241, 13367}, {12290, 43607}, {12370, 32171}, {12421, 33563}, {12827, 20772}, {12900, 15473}, {13142, 34148}, {13148, 13754}, {13399, 15152}, {13414, 44123}, {13415, 44124}, {13419, 32767}, {13474, 25563}, {13568, 43831}, {13869, 26228}, {14052, 34827}, {14457, 14528}, {14530, 26944}, {14560, 34310}, {15010, 21969}, {15106, 32247}, {15126, 36201}, {15128, 38885}, {15270, 15652}, {15271, 32224}, {15360, 23061}, {15433, 39662}, {15472, 37477}, {15526, 34147}, {15806, 16881}, {15904, 32126}, {16081, 46316}, {16103, 23992}, {16178, 31842}, {16655, 20299}, {16659, 23294}, {16823, 26259}, {17398, 44103}, {17409, 40320}, {17718, 44095}, {17811, 43653}, {17821, 19467}, {18350, 31831}, {18553, 21243}, {18916, 19347}, {18947, 37779}, {19121, 26156}, {19124, 22112}, {19357, 39571}, {20376, 32340}, {20725, 37853}, {20771, 46085}, {20774, 23234}, {20977, 41939}, {20987, 23300}, {22479, 25524}, {24206, 35283}, {26880, 26905}, {26881, 26913}, {26882, 26917}, {26884, 26932}, {26885, 26942}, {26886, 26950}, {26887, 26954}, {26888, 26955}, {28419, 37491}, {30714, 44665}, {30716, 40429}, {31489, 44658}, {32112, 32119}, {32114, 32127}, {32133, 38532}, {32821, 34254}, {34565, 41599}, {34573, 44091}, {34656, 37546}, {35268, 44882}, {35466, 44113}, {36990, 41424}, {37761, 38461}, {37762, 38462}, {37892, 43528}, {38110, 39588}, {40144, 40323}, {40347, 41336}, {40511, 44381}, {43461, 43462}, {43896, 44544}, {44125, 46167}, {44126, 46166}, {44899, 46184}
X(468) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 7426}, {3, 11799}, {4, 10295}, {5, 7575}, {6, 32113}, {23, 858}, {69, 32220}, {74, 32111}, {110, 3580}, {113, 32110}, {125, 1495}, {140, 25338}, {141, 32217}, {186, 403}, {187, 5099}, {230, 16320}, {237, 36189}, {297, 7473}, {381, 44265}, {427, 37969}, {549, 44266}, {550, 44267}, {935, 5523}, {1316, 5112}, {1513, 36166}, {2070, 2072}, {2074, 37989}, {2770, 5913}, {2931, 32123}, {3292, 41586}, {3569, 32120}, {3589, 32218}, {3628, 44264}, {5000, 5001}, {5159, 37897}, {5189, 37900}, {5642, 32225}, {5972, 32223}, {6593, 8262}, {7703, 32124}, {8598, 36196}, {9128, 34512}, {10096, 44234}, {10117, 32125}, {10151, 37931}, {10257, 37971}, {11007, 37906}, {11064, 32269}, {11563, 15646}, {11657, 16319}, {14120, 36180}, {15122, 16619}, {15360, 40112}, {15904, 32126}, {16272, 16309}, {16303, 16334}, {16305, 16332}, {16315, 16316}, {16321, 16324}, {18571, 44961}, {21284, 37981}, {31726, 44246}, {32112, 32119}, {32114, 32127}, {32267, 45311}, {32460, 32461}, {34152, 43893}, {35266, 44569}, {36165, 37927}, {37899, 46517}, {37934, 37984}, {37935, 37942}, {37936, 37938}, {37974, 37975}
X(468) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 37984}, {23, 37897}, {186, 37935}, {403, 37942}, {858, 5159}, {1112, 44084}, {1495, 15448}, {2071, 16976}, {2072, 44911}, {2501, 41357}, {5095, 15471}, {5159, 37911}, {10151, 403}, {10257, 44452}, {10295, 37934}, {10297, 5}, {11064, 5972}, {12105, 44264}, {13473, 10151}, {15122, 140}, {15646, 16531}, {16103, 23992}, {16272, 16332}, {16303, 16324}, {16304, 16309}, {16309, 16305}, {16312, 16334}, {16315, 230}, {16316, 16320}, {16334, 16321}, {16387, 6676}, {16619, 25338}, {18571, 22249}, {20725, 37853}, {23323, 46031}, {32246, 35370}, {32269, 32223}, {36170, 10011}, {37899, 23}, {37900, 37910}, {37904, 7426}, {37931, 186}, {37987, 44334}, {44234, 44900}, {44452, 44234}, {46517, 858} X(468) = isogonal conjugate of X(895)
X(468) = circumcircle-inverse of X(25)
X(468) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(427)
X(468) = nine-point-circle-of-medial triangle-inverse of X(2)
X(468) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(5094)
X(468) = Stevanovic-circle-inverse of X(5089)
X(468) = polar-circle-inverse of X(2)
X(468) = Dao-Moses-Telv-circle-inverse of X(6103)
X(468) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(4)
X(468) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumellipe-inverse of X(3146)
X(468) = Moses-radical-circle-inverse of X(232)
X(468) = Moses-Parry-circle-inverse of X(44467)
X(468) = DeLongchamps-circle-inverse of X(7396)
X(468) = Stammler-circle-inverse of X(44454)
X(468) = {circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter-inverse of X(4)
X(468) = 1st-Droz-Farney-circle-inverse of X(44441)
X(468) = 2nd-Droz-Farney circle inverse of X(44438)
X(468) = circumcircle-of-anticomplementary-triangle-inverse of X(44442)
X(468) = circumcircle-of-inner-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(44459)
X(468) = circumcircle-of-outer-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(44463)
X(468) = X(2)-line conjugate of X(3)
X(468) = polar conjugate of X(671)
X(468) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(524)
X(468) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(187)
X(468) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 7665}, {187, 44102}, {351, 1648}, {524, 32459}, {18374, 41336}
X(468) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 2373}, {4, 17983}, {250, 10423}, {264, 46105}, {37778, 44146}
X(468) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 3292}, {6, 2393}, {184, 10317}, {8542, 10510}
X(468) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(3)X(647)
X(468) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): 1, 15116}, {31, 1560}, {1177, 10}, {2373, 2887}, {10422, 4892}, {10423, 8062}, {18876, 18589}, {36095, 30476}, {37220, 626}, {46140, 21235}
X(468) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 1560}, {4, 5095}, {935, 523}, {2374, 25}, {4235, 14273}, {8791, 427}, {17983, 4}, {37765, 5523}, {41521, 46444}, {44146, 524
X(468) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {187, 524}, {524, 5203}, {5095, 4}, {5099, 523}, {14273, 4235}, {14357, 41498}, {35282, 5967}, {44915, 671}}
X(468) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): {523, 6103}, {1990, 16230}
X(468) = X(i)-vertex conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {23, 13574}, {25, 523}
X(468) = trilinear pole of line X(690)X(5095)
X(468) = medial-isogonal conjugate of X(15116)
X(468) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(5095)
X(468) = psi-transform of X(6776)
X(468) = X(1155)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(468) = X(5126)-of-circumorthic-triangle
X(468) = X(10295)-of-Euler-triangle
X(468) = X(10297)-of-Carnot-triangle
X(468) = X(10151)-of-Thomson-triangle
X(468) = X(5972)-of-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(468) = X(6719)-of-anti-McCay-triangle
X(468) = X(1319)-of-orthic-triangle-of-Thomson-triangle)
X(468) = X(23)-of-intouch-triangle-of-orthic-triangle
X(468) = centroid of ABCX(23)
X(468) = Kosnita(X(23),X(2)) point
X(468) = intersection of Euler line and orthic axis
X(468) = bicentric sum of PU(4)
X(468) = midpoint of PU(4)
X(468) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(1560)
X(468) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(1560)
X(468) = intersection of tangents to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(69)} at X(2) and X(2373)
X(468) = trilinear pole of line X(690)X(5095) (the perspectrix of ABC and 4th Brocard triangle)
X(468) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(671) (line X(2)X(523))
X(468) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(671)
X(468) = radical trace of circumcircle and tangential circle
X(468) = radical trace of polar circle and {circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter
X(468) = radical trace of Moses-Parry circle and Moses radical circle
X(468) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(1155)
X(468) = center of Walsmith rectangular hyperbola
X(468) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 895}, {2, 36060}, {3, 897}, {31, 30786}, {48, 671}, {63, 111}, {69, 923}, {75, 14908}, {77, 5547}, {78, 7316}, {163, 14977}, {184, 46277}, {255, 17983}, {293, 5968}, {304, 32740}, {326, 8753}, {394, 36128}, {525, 36142}, {647, 36085}, {656, 691}, {662, 10097}, {810, 892}, {896, 15398}, {1459, 5380}, {4558, 23894}, {4575, 5466}, {4592, 9178}, {6091, 8769}, {9213, 36061}, {9214, 35200}, {9247, 18023}, {14208, 32729}, {14209, 35188}, {18669, 41511}, {19626, 40364}, {34055, 46154}, {34158, 37220}
X(468) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 37778}, {4, 524}, {6, 44146}, {19, 14210}, {25, 3266}, {27, 4062}, {28, 42713}, {76, 44102}, {92, 896}, {99, 14273}, {107, 14417}, {111, 34336}, {112, 35522}, {126, 2374}, {186, 43084}, {187, 264}, {193, 5203}, {275, 41586}, {278, 3712}, {281, 7181}, {286, 21839}, {297, 5967}, {351, 6331}, {393, 6390}, {428, 31068}, {523, 4235}, {648, 690}, {653, 14432}, {671, 5095}, {811, 2642}, {922, 1969}, {935, 18311}, {1309, 42760}, {1560, 2373}, {1648, 18020}, {1824, 16741}, {1826, 6629}, {1839, 31013}, {1897, 4750}, {1990, 36890}, {2052, 3292}, {2482, 17983}, {2501, 5468}, {2986, 12828}, {3793, 8801}, {5467, 14618}, {5477, 35142}, {5485, 15471}, {5486, 37855}, {5642, 16080}, {6330, 35282}, {6335, 14419}, {6591, 42721}, {6593, 46105}, {7664, 8791}, {7813, 32085}, {8753, 36792}, {9115, 38428}, {9117, 38427}, {9155, 16081}, {9204, 36306}, {9205, 36309}, {9717, 46106}, {10603, 24855}, {14052, 45291}, {14357, 37765}, {14424, 42396}, {14559, 44427}, {14567, 18022}, {16103, 40890}, {16702, 41013}, {17984, 18872}, {18027, 23200}, {22105, 41676}, {23889, 24006}, {24038, 36128}, {32225, 43530}, {32459, 34208}, {32713, 45807}, {39689, 46111}, {44814, 46456}
X(468) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 30786}, {4, 671}, {6, 895}, {19, 897}, {25, 111}, {31, 36060}, {32, 14908}, {92, 46277}, {111, 15398}, {112, 691}, {162, 36085}, {187, 3}, {232, 5968}, {264, 18023}, {351, 647}, {393, 17983}, {427, 31125}, {512, 10097}, {523, 14977}, {524, 69}, {607, 5547}, {608, 7316}, {648, 892}, {690, 525}, {896, 63}, {922, 48}, {1096, 36128}, {1177, 41511}, {1503, 36894}, {1560, 858}, {1648, 125}, {1649, 14417}, {1783, 5380}, {1843, 46154}, {1973, 923}, {1974, 32740}, {1990, 9214}, {2052, 46111}, {2207, 8753}, {2374, 44182}, {2482, 6390}, {2489, 9178}, {2501, 5466}, {2642, 656}, {3053, 6091}, {3266, 305}, {3292, 394}, {3712, 345}, {3793, 3785}, {4062, 306}, {4235, 99}, {4750, 4025}, {5026, 12215}, {5094, 42008}, {5095, 524}, {5140, 14263}, {5203, 2996}, {5467, 4558}, {5468, 4563}, {5477, 3564}, {5642, 11064}, {5967, 287}, {6103, 16092}, {6390, 3926}, {6531, 9154}, {6593, 22151}, {6629, 17206}, {7181, 348}, {7664, 37804}, {7813, 3933}, {8428, 19330}, {8541, 42007}, {8737, 36307}, {8738, 36310}, {8744, 14246}, {8749, 9139}, {8753, 10630}, {8791, 10415}, {9155, 36212}, {9717, 14919}, {11183, 24284}, {12828, 3580}, {14210, 304}, {14273, 523}, {14357, 34897}, {14417, 3265}, {14419, 905}, {14424, 2525}, {14432, 6332}, {14567, 184}, {15471, 1992}, {16702, 1444}, {17994, 8430}, {18872, 36214}, {21839, 72}, {21906, 20975}, {22105, 4580}, {23200, 577}, {23889, 4592}, {24855, 16051}, {27369, 41272}, {32225, 37638}, {32459, 6337}, {32676, 36142}, {34336, 3266}, {35282, 441}, {35325, 36827}, {35522, 3267}, {37778, 264}, {37855, 11185}, {39689, 3292}, {40890, 16093}, {41336, 39169}, {41586, 343}, {41616, 37784}, {41618, 41617}, {41911, 20977}, {42713, 20336}, {43084, 328}, {43925, 43926}, {44102, 6}, {44146, 76}, {44162, 19626}, {44467, 46783}, {44814, 8552}, {44915, 32257}, {45808, 45792}, {46522, 14609}
X(468) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 3, 30739}, {2, 4, 5094}, {2, 5, 37454}, {2, 20, 16051}, {2, 22, 1368}, {2, 23, 858}, {2, 25, 427}, {2, 376, 32216}, {2, 858, 5159}, {2, 1113, 1312}, {2, 1114, 1313}, {2, 1370, 30771}, {2, 1995, 5}, {2, 2475, 30770}, {2, 3146, 30769}, {2, 3151, 30772}, {2, 3152, 30774}, {2, 3543, 30775}, {2, 4223, 37315}, {2, 4228, 37360}, {2, 4232, 4}, {2, 4233, 37362}, {2, 4239, 442}, {2, 5020, 37439}, {2, 5189, 30745}, {2, 6353, 25}, {2, 6655, 30777}, {2, 6676, 7499}, {2, 6872, 30776}, {2, 6995, 8889}, {2, 7386, 31255}, {2, 7391, 30744}, {2, 7392, 7539}, {2, 7394, 31236}, {2, 7417, 868}, {2, 7418, 3134}, {2, 7423, 3139}, {2, 7432, 3138}, {2, 7438, 429}, {2, 7439, 3137}, {2, 7448, 3141}, {2, 7449, 3142}, {2, 7453, 3136}, {2, 7458, 3140}, {2, 7471, 36170}, {2, 7493, 3}, {2, 7494, 7484}, {2, 7495, 140}, {2, 9832, 11007}, {2, 10154, 7667}, {2, 10565, 7386}, {2, 13595, 5133}, {2, 14002, 5169}, {2, 14790, 30803}, {2, 16387, 10257}, {2, 17522, 16067}, {2, 26252, 440}, {2, 26253, 21530}, {2, 26254, 18641}, {2, 26255, 381}, {2, 26256, 405}, {2, 26257, 6656}, {2, 26283, 11585}, {2, 26284, 13371}, {2, 32985, 11336}, {2, 34098, 37988}, {2, 35973, 25985}, {2, 36007, 37330}, {2, 36166, 3154}, {2, 36168, 14120}, {2, 37444, 30802}, {2, 37760, 23}, {2, 37777, 37981}, {2, 37897, 46517}, {2, 37907, 7426}, {2, 37909, 10989}, {2, 37913, 31101}, {2, 37962, 403}, {2, 37980, 2072}, {2, 37990, 11548}, {2, 38282, 37453}, {2, 40132, 11284}, {2, 44210, 43957}, {2, 46586, 867}, {2, 46589, 3143}, {3, 5, 34664}, {3, 235, 1885}, {3, 2070, 45171}, {3, 3542, 235}, {3, 7493, 44210}, {3, 30739, 43957}, {3, 37928, 37929}, {3, 37933, 186}, {3, 37973, 37928}, {4, 24, 37458}, {4, 25, 10301}, {4, 186, 10295}, {4, 403, 37984}, {4, 3147, 35486}, {4, 3523, 3516}, {4, 3524, 35483}, {4, 4232, 25}, {4, 5094, 427}, {4, 6353, 4232}, {4, 10018, 140}, {4, 10301, 428}, {4, 17506, 35491}, {4, 32534, 550}, {4, 35486, 3}, {4, 35487, 3850}, {4, 37458, 3575}, {4, 37460, 37196}, {4, 37984, 10151}, {5, 24, 3575}, {5, 1658, 12605}, {5, 3575, 23047}, {5, 10020, 7542}, {5, 34351, 3}, {5, 37458, 4}, {5, 38322, 546}, {5, 44212, 1995}, {10, 11363, 12135}, {20, 6622, 37197}, {20, 16051, 31152}, {20, 37952, 44280}, {22, 1368, 7667}, {22, 16063, 550}, {23, 186, 21284}, {23, 5159, 46517}, {23, 5189, 37900}, {23, 7426, 37897}, {23, 10989, 20063}, {23, 21284, 37969}, {23, 30745, 5189}, {23, 37760, 7426}, {23, 37777, 25}, {23, 37897, 37904}, {23, 37900, 37910}, {23, 37907, 37760}, {23, 37929, 37928}, {23, 37962, 37777}, {23, 37977, 186}, {23, 37978, 22}, {23, 37980, 37972}, {23, 40916, 37950}, {24, 186, 7575}, {24, 1995, 25}, {24, 3147, 34351}, {24, 7505, 5}, {24, 16868, 38322}, {25, 186, 37969}, {25, 427, 428}, {25, 5064, 6995}, {25, 5094, 4}, {25, 21284, 23}, {25, 30739, 1885}, {25, 32216, 44438}, {25, 37453, 2}, {25, 37454, 23047}, {25, 37920, 21284}, {27, 4213, 430}, {28, 451, 429}, {28, 7438, 25}, {29, 3144, 407}, {69, 19118, 46444}, {107, 14165, 6530}, {110, 19128, 34397}, {140, 6676, 7495}, {140, 7495, 7499}, {140, 10096, 25338}, {140, 13383, 16618}, {140, 15122, 10257}, {140, 16618, 3}, {140, 21841, 4}, {154, 26958, 1899}, {184, 13567, 11245}, {186, 419, 7473}, {186, 3542, 11799}, {186, 6353, 7426}, {186, 10295, 37934}, {186, 18533, 44265}, {186, 36191, 5112}, {186, 37777, 23}, {186, 37937, 237}, {186, 37942, 10151}, {186, 37943, 403}, {186, 37951, 2070}, {186, 37952, 15750}, {186, 37962, 25}, {186, 37970, 15646}, {186, 37977, 37920}, {186, 44893, 36189}, {186, 46619, 36180}, {230, 232, 16318}, {230, 1990, 6103}, {230, 2493, 16310}, {230, 10418, 16317}, {230, 16308, 16306}, {230, 16321, 16325}, {230, 16335, 16313}, {232, 3291, 14580}, {232, 6103, 1990}, {235, 30739, 427}, {235, 34664, 23047}, {237, 852, 44886}, {237, 44887, 441}, {242, 17923, 2969}, {297, 419, 460}, {376, 6623, 44438}, {403, 858, 37981}, {403, 1594, 45181}, {403, 7426, 25}, {403, 7473, 460}, {403, 7575, 3575}, {403, 10295, 4}, {403, 11799, 235}, {403, 37931, 13473}, {403, 37935, 37931}, {403, 37943, 37942}, {403, 37969, 428}, {403, 37989, 37982}, {403, 44214, 44281}, {406, 4185, 1904}, {406, 7521, 4185}, {415, 423, 422}, {419, 420, 297}, {419, 450, 421}, {419, 470, 462}, {419, 471, 463}, {427, 10301, 4}, {450, 41203, 297}, {451, 6353, 7438}, {462, 463, 460}, {470, 471, 297}, {548, 44226, 18560}, {549, 1596, 378}, {550, 1368, 16063}, {550, 11563, 44267}, {550, 16063, 7667}, {550, 44960, 4}, {597, 41585, 8541}, {631, 3089, 1593}, {632, 1595, 37119}, {851, 46554, 1375}, {851, 46555, 33305}, {852, 44888, 441}, {852, 44891, 44888}, {858, 7426, 23}, {858, 37760, 37897}, {858, 37897, 37899}, {858, 37900, 5189}, {858, 37981, 427}, {860, 37168, 1884}, {1113, 1114, 25}, {1113, 1312, 20405}, {1114, 1313, 20406}, {1304, 16080, 17986}, {1312, 1313, 427}, {1368, 10154, 22}, {1375, 33305, 851}, {1593, 3089, 1906}, {1594, 3518, 6756}, {1594, 14940, 3628}, {1598, 3526, 3541}, {1598, 3541, 1907}, {1614, 26879, 18914}, {1656, 2070, 7574}, {1656, 3517, 4}, {1656, 7574, 2072}, {1990, 6103, 16318}, {1995, 6639, 37439}, {1995, 10020, 7499}, {2045, 2046, 7395}, {2070, 5020, 37980}, {2070, 37972, 23}, {2072, 44907, 10257}, {2074, 37965, 37908}, {2211, 3231, 35325}, {2409, 7417, 25}, {2454, 2455, 40856}, {2479, 2480, 40890}, {2493, 11062, 232}, {3090, 7487, 7507}, {3147, 3542, 3}, {3147, 6353, 7493}, {3233, 16221, 16933}, {3291, 14580, 44467}, {3292, 32225, 41586}, {3515, 37196, 37460}, {3518, 14940, 1594}, {3530, 13488, 3520}, {3535, 5200, 32588}, {3542, 7493, 25}, {3542, 34351, 3575}, {3542, 35486, 4}, {3549, 6642, 7399}, {3575, 10297, 13473}, {3575, 34664, 1885}, {3575, 37454, 427}, {3628, 6756, 1594}, {3628, 23410, 5}, {3628, 34577, 7568}, {4207, 7490, 1889}, {4231, 4233, 25}, {4232, 5094, 10301}, {4232, 37934, 37904}, {4239, 30733, 25}, {4244, 7458, 25}, {5002, 5003, 16386}, {5004, 5005, 2071}, {5020, 7506, 1995}, {5064, 8889, 427}, {5095, 44102, 15471}, {5133, 7533, 3850}, {5142, 17562, 37398}, {5159, 6676, 16977}, {5159, 7426, 37899}, {5159, 16977, 10257}, {5159, 37760, 37904}, {5159, 37777, 10151}, {5159, 37911, 2}, {5189, 30745, 858}, {5640, 14389, 18583}, {5642, 41586, 3292}, {5972, 41674, 41673}, {6143, 34484, 15559}, {6240, 16868, 546}, {6240, 38322, 3575}, {6353, 7505, 1995}, {6353, 37453, 427}, {6353, 37943, 37962}, {6353, 38282, 2}, {6622, 37197, 45004}, {6623, 32216, 427}, {6639, 7506, 5}, {6640, 7517, 23335}, {6644, 10201, 15760}, {6676, 6677, 2}, {6676, 10096, 7426}, {6676, 13383, 7493}, {6676, 44232, 1995}, {6756, 45181, 10151}, {6776, 35260, 26864}, {6776, 37643, 26869}, {6995, 8889, 5064}, {7412, 7537, 37368}, {7418, 46587, 25}, {7423, 7435, 25}, {7426, 30745, 37910}, {7426, 37911, 46517}, {7426, 44214, 44210}, {7426, 44234, 7499}, {7493, 16238, 7499}, {7493, 37201, 10565}, {7519, 31133, 3627}, {7542, 10297, 10257}, {7570, 37990, 35018}, {7575, 15646, 1658}, {7575, 44234, 7542}, {7575, 44272, 24}, {7575, 44282, 5}, {7714, 35489, 37901}, {8105, 8106, 44467}, {8889, 13619, 10989}, {9707, 18912, 31804}, {9909, 21974, 2}, {9909, 30771, 1370}, {10020, 10096, 7575}, {10020, 13383, 34351}, {10020, 23410, 7568}, {10020, 44232, 5}, {10024, 45735, 31833}, {10096, 16238, 11799}, {10096, 34577, 44264}, {10096, 44452, 37971}, {10096, 44900, 44452}, {10128, 11548, 37990}, {10151, 10297, 23047}, {10192, 13567, 184}, {10295, 37934, 37931}, {10416, 15398, 16092}, {10594, 37119, 1595}, {11548, 35018, 7570}, {11563, 16532, 15646}, {11799, 44214, 3}, {11799, 44281, 1885}, {12362, 44277, 7488}, {13160, 44802, 9825}, {13371, 37440, 7553}, {13383, 16238, 3}, {13394, 37648, 182}, {13884, 13937, 6}, {14070, 18531, 44239}, {14807, 14808, 44442}, {14813, 14814, 11585}, {15078, 44440, 44241}, {15122, 44452, 140}, {15154, 15155, 44454}, {15646, 16532, 16531}, {15646, 44267, 550}, {15750, 37197, 20}, {15760, 44211, 6644}, {15765, 18585, 44218}, {16051, 37197, 427}, {16066, 17555, 37226}, {16080, 17986, 12079}, {16238, 16618, 140}, {16238, 34351, 7542}, {16272, 16304, 16322}, {16272, 16305, 16304}, {16272, 16323, 16309}, {16303, 16312, 16326}, {16303, 16321, 16312}, {16303, 16331, 16327}, {16306, 16308, 16303}, {16306, 16316, 16327}, {16306, 16321, 16313}, {16306, 16335, 16331}, {16308, 16313, 16327}, {16308, 16321, 16331}, {16308, 16335, 16316}, {16309, 16323, 16305}, {16313, 16314, 16303}, {16313, 16316, 16331}, {16313, 16331, 16312}, {16314, 16316, 16308}, {16314, 16321, 16327}, {16315, 16329, 16303}, {16316, 16325, 16312}, {16317, 16318, 44467}, {16323, 16332, 16304}, {16325, 16331, 16313}, {16387, 44452, 7499}, {16619, 25338, 37971}, {16619, 44452, 15122}, {16868, 44879, 6240}, {17506, 35491, 33923}, {18325, 37928, 37900}, {18533, 26255, 25}, {18560, 21844, 548}, {18560, 44958, 44226}, {18570, 44270, 46030}, {18571, 22249, 18579}, {18580, 31861, 44218}, {18580, 44275, 31861}, {20063, 37909, 23}, {20405, 20406, 428}, {20850, 34609, 7500}, {21284, 37920, 186}, {21841, 37934, 16619}, {21844, 44958, 18560}, {23410, 31830, 13163}, {23712, 23713, 1990}, {23712, 23715, 23713}, {23713, 23714, 23712}, {23714, 23715, 1990}, {24007, 24008, 6103}, {25338, 44234, 140}, {26864, 26869, 6776}, {26882, 26917, 34224}, {30739, 44210, 3}, {30745, 37910, 46517}, {31510, 36166, 25}, {31681, 31682, 5066}, {31726, 37955, 44246}, {32225, 44102, 12828}, {32460, 37974, 37975}, {32461, 37975, 37974}, {34477, 46030, 18570}, {34577, 44232, 23410}, {35259, 37638, 1352}, {35260, 37643, 6776}, {35471, 35488, 3627}, {35472, 35481, 8703}, {35479, 35488, 35471}, {35490, 35503, 15704}, {35491, 44959, 4}, {36168, 46619, 25}, {37165, 46549, 46552}, {37453, 37907, 37969}, {37453, 37981, 37911}, {37760, 37911, 37899}, {37777, 37920, 37969}, {37777, 37977, 21284}, {37897, 37911, 858}, {37899, 37904, 23}, {37899, 37981, 13473}, {37900, 37910, 37899}, {37904, 37931, 37969}, {37904, 46517, 37899}, {37907, 37962, 6353}, {37910, 37911, 30745}, {37917, 37954, 186}, {37928, 37973, 23}, {37933, 37943, 235}, {37934, 37942, 37984}, {37935, 37943, 10151}, {37935, 37962, 37904}, {37935, 37984, 37934}, {37937, 44893, 403}, {37942, 37977, 46517}, {37943, 37977, 37981}, {37951, 37980, 25}, {37951, 44911, 10151}, {37962, 37977, 23}, {42789, 42790, 7464}, {42807, 42808, 7526}, {44145, 46106, 2970}, {44234, 44264, 7568}, {44272, 44282, 403}, {44886, 44889, 852}, {44886, 44890, 237}, {44887, 44892, 44889}, {44888, 44892, 852}, {44889, 44890, 44886}, {44891, 44892, 441}, {45994, 45995, 3575}, {46484, 46548, 46553}, {46554, 46555, 851}, {46586, 46588, 25}, {46589, 46592, 25}
Barycentrics u sec A : v sec B : w sec C
As a point on the Euler line, X(469) has Shinagawa coefficients (F,E + F + $bc$).
X(469) lies on these lines: 2,3 92,264 226,273
X(469) is the {X(2),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(27). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(469), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(469) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(27)
As a point on the Euler line, X(470) has Shinagawa coefficients (31/2F, S).
X(470) lies on these lines: 2,3 18,275 264,301 298,340 302,317 343,634 394,633
X(470) = isogonal conjugate of X(36296)
X(470) = complement of X(19772)
X(470) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {15, 8739}, {6111, 23714}, {6137, 30465}
X(470) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(19774)
X(470) = crosssum of X(6) and X(11243)
X(470) = trilinear pole of line X(6110)X(6782)
X(470) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(471)
X(470) = polar-circle-inverse of X(32461)
X(470) = X(15)-cross conjugate of X(298)
X(470) = X(4)-Hirst inverse of X(471)
X(470) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(3457)
X(470) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(13) (line X(395)X(523))
X(470) = polar conjugate of X(13)
X(470) = {X(2),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(471)
As a point on the Euler line, X(471) has Shinagawa coefficients (31/2F, -S).
X(471) lies on these lines: 2,3 17,275 264,300 299,340 303,317 343,633 394,634
X(471) = isogonal conjugate of X(36297)
X(471) = complement of X(19773)
X(471) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {16, 8740}, {6110, 23715}, {6138, 30468}
X(471) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(19775)
X(471) = crosssum of X(6) and X(11244)
X(471) = trilinear pole of line X(6111)X(6783)
X(471) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(470)
X(471) = X(16)-cross conjugate of X(299)
X(471) = X(4)-Hirst inverse of X(470)
X(471) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(14) (line X(396)X(523))
X(471) = polar conjugate of X(14)
X(471) = polar-circle inverse of X(32460)
X(471) = X(63)-iaoconjugate of X(3458)
X(471) = {X(2),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(470)
As a point on the Euler line, X(472) has Shinagawa coefficients (F, -31/2S).
X(472) lies on these lines: 2,3 13,275 53,395 264,298 299,317 343,621 394,622
X(472) = isogonal conjugate of X(32586)
X(472) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(473)
X(472) = anticomplement of X(466)
X(472) = X(62)-cross conjugate of X(303)
X(472) = polar conjugate of X(18)
X(472) = {X(2),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(473)
As a point on the Euler line, X(473) has Shinagawa coefficients (F, 31/2S).
X(473) lies on these lines: 2,3 14,275 53,396 264,299 298,317 343,622 394,621
X(473) = isogonal conjugate of X(32585)
X(473) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(472)
X(473) = anticomplement of X(465)
X(473) = X(61)-cross conjugate of X(302)
X(473) = polar conjugate of X(17)
X(473) = {X(2),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(472)
As a point on the Euler line, X(474) has Shinagawa coefficients (abc$a$ - S2, S2).
X(474) lies on these lines: 2,3 8,999 10,56 35,1001 36,958 40,392 46,960 57,72 65,997 78,942 142,954 171,978 183,274 244,976 283,582 386,940 579,965 986,1054
X(474) = complement of X(2478)
X(474) = anticomplement of X(17527)
As a point on the Euler line, X(475) has Shinagawa coefficients ($a$F,-abc).
X(475) lies on these lines: 2,3 8,1063 10,34 264,274 318,1068
X(475) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(406)
X(475) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(36743)
The reflection of X(110) in the Euler line; X(476) is on the circumcircle. (Michel Tixier, 5/9/98). Also, X(476) is the center of the polar conic of X(30) with respect to the Neuberg cubic; this conic is a rectangular hyperbola passing through the incenter, the excenters, and X(30). (Peter Yff, 5/23/99)
Let La, Lb, Lc be the lines through A, B, C, respectively parallel to the Euler line. Let Ma, Mb, Mc be the reflections of BC, CA, AB in La, Lb, Lc, respectively. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. The centroid of A'B'C' is X(476); see Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008. (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let La, Lb, Lc be the lines through A, B, C, respectively parallel to the orthic axis. Let Ma, Mb, Mc be the reflections of BC, CA, AB in La, Lb, Lc, respectively. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. The centroid of A'B'C' is X(476); see Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008. (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
X(476) is the center of the polar conic of X(30) with respect to the Neuberg cubic, which passes through the following points: incenter, excenters, X(30), X(5), X(523), and the excentral-isogonal conjugates of X(5663) and X(7724). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(476).
X(476) lies on the Hutson-Parry circle and these lines: {2, 842}, {3, 477}, {4, 16221}, {5, 14979}, {13, 2379}, {14, 2378}, {20, 2693}, {21, 2687}, {22, 2697}, {23, 94}, {24, 15112}, {30, 74}, {99, 850}, {100, 4036}, {101, 4024}, {102, 7424}, {103, 5196}, {104, 1325}, {105, 7469}, {106, 7478}, {107, 7480}, {109, 13486}, {110, 523}, {111, 230}, {112, 2501}, {125, 17511}, {143, 15907}, {146, 1553}, {183, 2857}, {186, 1300}, {250, 933}, {328, 2373}, {376, 841}, {403, 1299}, {468, 3563}, {511, 9161}, {512, 9160}, {524, 9184}, {526, 16170}, {549, 11749}, {655, 15439}, {691, 4226}, {729, 11060}, {755, 14902}, {759, 2166}, {804, 20404}, {843, 6792}, {858, 1297}, {915, 2074}, {917, 2073}, {930, 23181}, {935, 4230}, {953, 3109}, {1141, 2070}, {1290, 3658}, {1292, 7475}, {1294, 2071}, {1296, 7472}, {1298, 19167}, {1302, 1632}, {1304, 4240}, {1316, 2698}, {1379, 13722}, {1380, 13636}, {1494, 9141}, {1637, 23588}, {1648, 14846}, {1789, 2716}, {1995, 2453}, {2367, 20573}, {2395, 2715}, {2407, 10420}, {2409, 10423}, {2410, 9060}, {2452, 11422}, {2688, 4184}, {2689, 7450}, {2690, 4243}, {2691, 4236}, {2694, 16049}, {2695, 4225}, {2696, 11634}, {2706, 2979}, {2752, 4228}, {2758, 7419}, {2766, 4246}, {2799, 17708}, {2858, 23342}, {2966, 9979}, {3060, 16978}, {3153, 18401}, {3154, 15059}, {3260, 15295}, {3448, 6070}, {4235, 10098}, {4238, 10101}, {4608, 6578}, {5468, 10425}, {5663, 16169}, {5897, 16386}, {5899, 13597}, {5994, 20579}, {5995, 20578}, {6032, 9831}, {6325, 11594}, {6644, 15111}, {6757, 11101}, {6795, 15080}, {7575, 13530}, {8599, 11636}, {8705, 11593}, {9033, 15395}, {9070, 15455}, {9202, 14185}, {9203, 14187}, {10296, 18300}, {10412, 15329}, {10989, 14388}, {12077, 23357}, {12113, 18318}, {14934, 15035}, {15061, 16340}, {15168, 18359}, {15646, 20480}, {16089, 18817}, {18323, 18576}, {18403, 22751}.
X(476) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (146,1553), (477,3)
X(476) = isogonal conjugate of X(526)
X(476) = isotomic conjugate of X(3268)
X(476) = anticomplement of X(3258)
X(476) = cevapoint of X(30) and X(523)
X(476) = trilinear pole of Fermat axis
X(476) = Λ(trilinear polar of X(i)) for these i: 15, 16, 186
X(476) = Ψ(X(15), X(2))
X(476) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(50)
X(476) = Ψ(X(54), X(5))
X(476) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(5663)
X(476) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(5663)
X(476) = intersection of antipedal lines of X(74) and X(110)
X(476) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(32662)
X(477) lies on these lines: {2, 9060}, {3, 476}, {4, 1304}, {5, 16166}, {20, 10420}, {22, 16167}, {23, 1302}, {24, 22239}, {30, 110}, {50, 112}, {74, 523}, {99, 3260}, {107, 186}, {109, 15228}, {111, 5915}, {125, 5627}, {140, 18319}, {265, 14851}, {376, 691}, {378, 935}, {403, 1301}, {468, 9064}, {511, 9160}, {512, 9161}, {526, 16169}, {550, 1291}, {631, 22104}, {759, 23226}, {842, 2411}, {925, 2071}, {930, 18859}, {933, 13619}, {1138, 12244}, {1141, 23286}, {1290, 3651}, {1300, 15470}, {1499, 9184}, {2222, 22342}, {2452, 2713}, {2549, 2715}, {2687, 7429}, {2688, 7440}, {2689, 7421}, {2690, 7430}, {2695, 7454}, {2752, 7425}, {2758, 7444}, {2766, 7414}, {2770, 7418}, {2782, 20404}, {3154, 14644}, {3233, 15034}, {5473, 9203}, {5474, 9202}, {5663, 14480}, {5994, 15743}, {5995, 11586}, {6080, 12290}, {6236, 11594}, {7417, 10102}, {7471, 15035}, {9781, 12052}, {10423, 18533}, {10990, 14536}, {12030, 14127}, {12084, 15112}, {13398, 16386}, {14094, 14611}, {15396, 17511}
X(477) = reflection of X(476) in X(3)
X(477) = isogonal conjugate of X(5663)
X(477) = isotomic conjugate of X(35520)
X(477) = complement of X(34193)
X(477) = trilinear pole, wrt circumcevian triangle of X(30), of line X(3)X(2453)
X(477) = reflection of X(74) in the Euler line
X(477) = Λ(X(3), X(74))
X(477) = Λ(X(40), X(2940))
X(477) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(526)
X(477) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(526)
X(477) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(14254)
X(477) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(14385)
X(477) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(1637)
X(477) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(32663)
X(477) = reflection of X(32111) in the orthic axis
X(477) = trilinear pole, wrt circumorthic triangle, of line X(25)X(98)
Center of the Yiu conic, which passes through the points outside the circumcircle at which the excircles of ABC are tangent to the sidelines of ABC. See Paul Yiu's
The Clawson point and excircles.
Let Ea be the ellipse through A having foci B and C, and define Eb and Ec cyclically. The minor vertices, A1, A2; B1, B2; C1, C2 are the touchpoints of the excircle with sidelines external to the circumcircle; i.e., they lie on the Yiu conic, centered at X(478). See Figure. If ABC is a right triangle, then the Yiu conic is a pair of lines meeting in X(478). Figure. (Dan Reznik, December 13, 2021)
X(478) lies on these lines: {2, 8048}, {6, 19}, {9, 1038}, {12, 20029}, {37, 1455}, {56, 5019}, {69, 651}, {73, 2268}, {109, 573}, {154, 3195}, {198, 577}, {219, 4559}, {222, 226}, {223, 10319}, {388, 2298}, {572, 10571}, {603, 1400}, {604, 1457}, {1035, 18591}, {1122, 1407}, {1211, 5783}, {1413, 1903}, {1470, 2277}, {1766, 21147}, {2092, 11509}, {2122, 5750}, {2183, 2199}, {3142, 3330}, {3157, 10441}, {3596, 6648}, {3713, 9370}, {8231, 13388}, {8750, 18621}, {11496, 14749}.
X(478) = isogonal conjugate of X(34277)
X(478) = complement of X(8048)
X(478) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(3436)
X(478) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 3435}, {650, 2968}
X(478) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(521)X(14312)
X(478) = center of the perspeconic of every pair of these triangles: ABC, 2nd extouch, 3rd extouch
X(478) = crosssum of circumcircle intercepts of excircles radical circle
X(478) = trilinear product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 21147}, {7, 205}, {34, 22132}, {48, 14257}, {56, 1766}, {57, 197}, {63, 17408}, {109, 6588}, {604, 3436}, {1397, 20928}, {1400, 16049}, {1408, 21074}, {1415, 21186}
Let A' be the point in which the incircle is tangent to a circle that passes through vertices B and C, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(479). For an excircle version, see X(5423).
Clark Kimberling and Peter Yff, Problem 10678, American Mathematical Monthly 105 (1998) 666.
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(479).
X(479) lies on these lines: {2,5574}, {7,354}, {8,7182}, {55,3160}, {57,279}, {165,1323}, {269,614}, {348,5273}, {658,5435}, {934,1617}, {1014,5324}, {1119,1851}, {1407,1462}, {1996,5226}, {3188,6060}, {4554,8055}
X(479) = isogonal conjugate of X(480)
X(479) = isotomic conjugate of X(5423)
X(479) = X(269)-cross conjugate of X(279)
X(479) = anticomplement of X(5574)
X(479) = crosssum of X(3022) and X(4105)
X(479) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {269,738}, {3271,3669}
X(479) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): (1088,7056,7), (3160,3599,55)
X(479) = X(i)-cross conguate of X(j) for these (i,j): (269,279), (3271,3669), (5573,2), (7195,7)
X(479) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(30682)
X(479) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,480}, {2,6602}, {6,728}, {8,1253}, {9,220}, {31,5423}, {33,1260}, {41,346}, {55,200}, {78,7071}, {100,4105}, {101,4130}, {210,2328}, {212,7046}, {219,7079}, {281,1802}, {282,7368}, {284,4515}, {341,2175}, {607,3692}, {643,4524}, {644,657}, {663,4578}, {692,4163}, {756,6061}, {765,3022}, {1098,7064}, {1110,4081}, {1252,3119}, {1265,2212}, {1334,2287}, {2194,4082}, {2310,6065}, {2318,4183}, {2324,7367}, {2332,3694}, {3063,6558}, {3699,8641}, {3709,7259}, {3900,3939}, {4012,7084}, {4171,5546}, {6605,8012}
X(480) = radical center of the three circles used to construct X(57). (Peter Yff, 5/6/98)
X(480) lies on these lines: 8,344 9,55 10,954 56,78 100,144
X(480) = isogonal conjugate of X(479)
X(480) = X(200)-Ceva conjugate of X(220)
X(480) = crosssum of X(269) and X(738)
X(480) = trilinear square of X(6726)
Let S be the inner Soddy circle and SA, SB, SC the Soddy circles tangent to S. Let Ia = S∩SA, Ea = SB∩SC, and determine Ib, Ic, Eb, Ec cyclically. Then X(481) is the point of concurrence of lines IA-to-EA, IB-to-EB, IC-to-EC.
David Eppstein, "Tangent spheres and triangle centers,"American Mathematical Monthly, 108 (2001) 63-66.
Let S' be the outer Soddy center, X(175). X(481) is the point of concurrence of the Soddy lines of BS'C, CS'A, and AS'B. (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let La be the line tangent to the outer Soddy circle at the touchpoint with the A-Soddy circle. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc and define B' and C'cyclically. Triangle A'B'C', here introduced as the outer Soddy tangential triangle, is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(481). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
X(481) lies on these lines: 1,7 174,1127 226,485
X(481) = X(79)-Ceva conjugate of X(482)
X(481) = Kosnita(X(175),X(1)) point; see X(54)
X(481) = Kosnita(X(175),X(7)) point
X(481) = Kosnita(X(176),X(175)) point
X(481) = {X(7),X(176)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1373)
X(481) = 2nd-outer-Soddy-isogonal conjugate of X(32058)
Let S' be the outer Soddy circle and SA, SB, SC the Soddy circles tangent to S. Let JA = S'∩SA, EA = SB∩SC, and determine JB, JC, EB, EC cyclically. Then X(482) is the point of concurrence of lines JA-to-EA, JB-to-EB, JC-to-EC.
David Eppstein, "Tangent spheres and triangle centers," American Mathematical Monthly, 108 (2001) 63-66.
Let S be the inner Soddy center, X(176). X(482) is the point of concurrence of the Soddy lines of BSC, CSA, and ASB. (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let Ia, Ib, Ic be the centers of the Elkies companion incircles. Let A' be the trilinear product Ib*Ic, and define B' and C'cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(482). The lines IaA', IbB', IcC' concur in X(176). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let La be the line tangent to the inner Soddy circle at the touchpoint with the A-Soddy circle. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C', here introduced as the inner Soddy tangential triangle, is perspective to ABC, and the perspector is X(482). (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
X(482) lies on these lines: 1,7 226,486
X(482) = X(79)-Ceva conjugate of X(481)
X(482) = trilinear product of centers of Elkies companion incircles
X(482) = Kosnita(X(176),X(7)) point
X(482) = Kosnita(X(176),X(176)) point
X(482) = {X(7),X(175)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1374)
X(482) = 2nd-inner-Soddy-isogonal conjugate of X(32057)
X(482) = perspector of ABC and the intangents triangle of the three Elkies companion incircles; see X(176)
The Ajima-Malfatti circles are described at X(179). (Peter Yff, 6/1/98)
Let (Ia) be the incircle of BCI, where I=X(1), and define (Ib) and (Ic) cyclically. Let Ea be the touchpoint of (Ia) and BC, and define Eb and Ec cyclically. Let Sa be the insimilicenter of (Ib) and (Ic), and define Sb and Sc cyclically. The lines EaSa, EbSb, EcSc concur in X(483). Let La be the internal tangent, other than AI, of (Ib) and (Ic). Define Lb and Lc cyclically. Then La, Lb, Lc concur in X(483). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(483).
X(483) lies on these lines: 8,178 173,180 174,175
X(483) = X(372)-of-BCI-triangle
X(483) = BCI-isogonal conjugate of X(1)
X(484) is the perspector of the excentral triangle and the triangle A'B'C', where A' is the reflection of vertex A in sideline BC and B', C' are determined cyclically. (Lawrence Evans, 10/22/98)
X(484) lies on the Neuberg cubic and these lines: 1,3 4,3483 10,191 12,79 13,1277 14,1276 30,80 63,535 74,3465 100,758 499,962 759,901 1046,1048 1138,3464 3466,3484
X(484) = midpoint of X(36) and X(3245)
X(484) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,36), (36,1155)
X(484) = isogonal conjugate of X(3065)
X(484) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(35)
X(484) = inverse-in-Bevan-circle of X(1)
X(484) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(35631)
X(484) = X(80)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(484) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(650)X(1100)
X(484) = {X(1)X(46)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3336)
X(484) = inverse-in-incircle of X(5045)
X(484) = perspector of ABC and the reflection of the incentral triangle in the antiorthic axis (the reflection of the cevian triangle of X(1) in the trilinear polar of X(1))
X(484) = reflection of X(36) in the antiorthic axis
X(484) = X(30)-Ceva conjugate of X(3465)
X(484) = X(186)-of-excentral-triangle
X(484) = {X(1),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(37616)
X(484) = endo-homothetic center of Ehrmann vertex-triangle and dual of orthic triangle; the homothetic center of is X(3153)
Centers X(485)-X(495)
Erect a square outwardly from each side of triangle ABC. Let A'B'C' be the triangle formed by the respective centers of the squares. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(485). For details, visit Floor van Lamoen's site, Vierkanten in een driehoek: 1. Omgeschreven vierkanten (van Lamoen, 4/26/98) and his article "Friendship Among Triangle Centers," Forum Geometricorum, 1 (2001) 1-6. See also Paul Yiu's papers, "Squares Erected on the Sides of a Triangle", and "On the Squares Erected Externally on the Sides of a Triangle".
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Vecten Point.
X(485) lies on the Kiepert circumhyperbola, the cubics K006, K070b, K120, K122, K168, K250, K336, K424a, K690, K906, K1192, K1195, K1197, K1202, K1203, K1225, the curve Q115, and thewe lines: {1, 7981}, {2, 372}, {3, 590}, {4, 371}, {5, 6}, {8, 35641}, {10, 1686}, {11, 1124}, {12, 1335}, {13, 2043}, {14, 2044}, {15, 2041}, {16, 2042}, {17, 2045}, {18, 2046}, {20, 1131}, {22, 35776}, {25, 9922}, {30, 1151}, {32, 9987}, {39, 22717}, {40, 13893}, {46, 3377}, {55, 9646}, {56, 9661}, {61, 3367}, {62, 3392}, {64, 22838}, {69, 639}, {76, 491}, {83, 7388}, {95, 19200}, {96, 26920}, {98, 6811}, {100, 35772}, {110, 49222}, {113, 46688}, {115, 1504}, {119, 19048}, {140, 1152}, {141, 11313}, {145, 35810}, {146, 35826}, {147, 35824}, {148, 35878}, {149, 35882}, {153, 35856}, {182, 12230}, {194, 35866}, {226, 481}, {230, 6423}, {235, 3092}, {262, 3102}, {265, 49268}, {275, 1586}, {355, 7969}, {376, 14241}, {381, 1328}, {382, 6221}, {387, 36691}, {388, 35768}, {394, 1591}, {395, 18586}, {396, 18587}, {402, 12800}, {427, 3093}, {459, 3535}, {487, 2996}, {489, 671}, {490, 2459}, {492, 7752}, {493, 11209}, {494, 13005}, {495, 3298}, {496, 3297}, {497, 35802}, {498, 5414}, {499, 6502}, {511, 8992}, {515, 8983}, {516, 13912}, {517, 13911}, {524, 9974}, {542, 13662}, {546, 3592}, {547, 6432}, {548, 6411}, {549, 6410}, {550, 6409}, {607, 16033}, {608, 16027}, {615, 1656}, {616, 35753}, {617, 35850}, {627, 35848}, {628, 35846}, {631, 3316}, {632, 6426}, {637, 32489}, {642, 5491}, {847, 41516}, {925, 13520}, {944, 13902}, {946, 13883}, {952, 44635}, {962, 35610}, {1038, 19474}, {1040, 12911}, {1132, 1588}, {1270, 35794}, {1271, 35792}, {1322, 5962}, {1329, 1377}, {1346, 2466}, {1347, 2465}, {1348, 1668}, {1349, 1669}, {1368, 1578}, {1378, 2886}, {1478, 2067}, {1479, 2066}, {1482, 49232}, {1503, 13910}, {1505, 1506}, {1579, 6823}, {1585, 2052}, {1592, 10601}, {1614, 9677}, {1657, 6449}, {1659, 8953}, {1666, 2040}, {1667, 2039}, {1670, 2009}, {1671, 2010}, {1676, 1688}, {1677, 1687}, {1685, 2051}, {1689, 5404}, {1690, 5403}, {1698, 1703}, {1699, 1702}, {1737, 2362}, {1916, 33341}, {1991, 42023}, {1993, 15234}, {2048, 13332}, {2351, 3155}, {2353, 45429}, {2460, 14238}, {2549, 48773}, {2560, 2567}, {2561, 2566}, {2777, 8994}, {2781, 32303}, {2782, 32470}, {2794, 8980}, {2800, 8988}, {2829, 13913}, {2888, 12965}, {2896, 35782}, {2975, 35784}, {3054, 8376}, {3069, 3090}, {3085, 35809}, {3086, 31408}, {3089, 35765}, {3095, 49252}, {3146, 6453}, {3299, 7741}, {3301, 7951}, {3371, 3374}, {3372, 3373}, {3385, 3387}, {3386, 3388}, {3424, 5871}, {3434, 35796}, {3436, 35798}, {3448, 12375}, {3522, 43407}, {3523, 3590}, {3524, 42637}, {3525, 6454}, {3526, 6398}, {3528, 51910}, {3529, 42638}, {3530, 6412}, {3533, 43411}, {3534, 6455}, {3541, 11474}, {3542, 5413}, {3543, 43408}, {3545, 7582}, {3547, 11514}, {3549, 10898}, {3575, 13884}, {3589, 11314}, {3591, 5056}, {3594, 3628}, {3614, 19027}, {3616, 35762}, {3618, 39875}, {3627, 6425}, {3634, 13975}, {3648, 35854}, {3652, 49242}, {3815, 6421}, {3817, 49548}, {3830, 41945}, {3832, 23259}, {3839, 23263}, {3843, 6199}, {3845, 43563}, {3850, 6431}, {3851, 6417}, {3853, 6437}, {3854, 43433}, {3855, 23273}, {3858, 6470}, {3859, 6441}, {3917, 21654}, {4187, 31473}, {4240, 35790}, {5020, 8277}, {5050, 49229}, {5054, 6450}, {5055, 6418}, {5058, 5475}, {5059, 6484}, {5062, 7746}, {5066, 43341}, {5067, 32786}, {5070, 6395}, {5071, 13939}, {5072, 6427}, {5073, 6407}, {5076, 6447}, {5079, 6428}, {5217, 31499}, {5254, 6422}, {5286, 31403}, {5318, 42189}, {5321, 42190}, {5392, 11091}, {5409, 6504}, {5410, 7507}, {5417, 13428}, {5422, 15233}, {5462, 12240}, {5466, 14333}, {5476, 44501}, {5480, 36655}, {5552, 45642}, {5587, 18991}, {5591, 7376}, {5597, 12486}, {5598, 12487}, {5601, 35778}, {5602, 35780}, {5603, 19066}, {5613, 49210}, {5617, 49208}, {5657, 35611}, {5663, 13915}, {5691, 9583}, {5790, 49233}, {5818, 19065}, {5840, 13922}, {5870, 8975}, {5878, 49250}, {5886, 7968}, {5901, 44636}, {5921, 39893}, {5972, 10820}, {6033, 49212}, {6146, 19355}, {6193, 35836}, {6194, 35838}, {6201, 7000}, {6212, 7347}, {6222, 13749}, {6223, 35844}, {6224, 35852}, {6225, 35864}, {6251, 22617}, {6256, 45652}, {6259, 49234}, {6265, 49240}, {6284, 13901}, {6287, 49254}, {6288, 49256}, {6321, 49266}, {6408, 15694}, {6424, 7745}, {6430, 11539}, {6438, 16239}, {6445, 17800}, {6446, 43881}, {6451, 15696}, {6456, 15720}, {6463, 35806}, {6468, 43337}, {6471, 15699}, {6472, 43795}, {6476, 9693}, {6478, 50690}, {6480, 33703}, {6481, 43315}, {6485, 15702}, {6486, 11001}, {6497, 15693}, {6500, 19709}, {6501, 45385}, {6519, 43789}, {6568, 19056}, {6569, 35946}, {6639, 18459}, {6643, 11513}, {6667, 13977}, {6721, 13989}, {6722, 13967}, {6723, 13969}, {6748, 26868}, {6776, 14229}, {6809, 40448}, {6810, 13599}, {6812, 13380}, {6814, 45300}, {7173, 19029}, {7354, 18965}, {7375, 18841}, {7386, 12321}, {7387, 9683}, {7392, 8855}, {7395, 19006}, {7401, 10961}, {7484, 12170}, {7486, 13941}, {7505, 10881}, {7529, 44599}, {7612, 9758}, {7618, 49787}, {7694, 13748}, {7697, 49230}, {7728, 49216}, {7736, 45513}, {7737, 12963}, {7747, 9675}, {7756, 9674}, {7765, 31465}, {7787, 35766}, {7795, 45473}, {7988, 19003}, {7989, 19004}, {7998, 12275}, {7999, 12286}, {8200, 44600}, {8207, 44602}, {8220, 44627}, {8221, 44629}, {8227, 18992}, {8591, 35698}, {8681, 9823}, {8703, 43211}, {8724, 49214}, {8781, 13926}, {8901, 16029}, {8909, 12231}, {8940, 8946}, {8941, 8947}, {8991, 15311}, {8993, 29012}, {8995, 18400}, {8997, 9738}, {8998, 10819}, {9542, 43507}, {9612, 51841}, {9614, 31432}, {9616, 41869}, {9647, 12943}, {9660, 12953}, {9669, 31474}, {9676, 34148}, {9690, 49134}, {9691, 15684}, {9692, 50692}, {9733, 49028}, {9833, 10533}, {9834, 13890}, {9835, 13891}, {9838, 13899}, {9839, 13900}, {9873, 13892}, {9874, 35862}, {9956, 13973}, {9970, 49264}, {9975, 45860}, {9996, 44604}, {10008, 42060}, {10104, 44587}, {10124, 42569}, {10137, 35400}, {10175, 13936}, {10201, 11266}, {10303, 43511}, {10319, 12663}, {10356, 19012}, {10358, 18994}, {10527, 45640}, {10528, 35816}, {10529, 35818}, {10531, 45643}, {10532, 45641}, {10590, 35801}, {10591, 35803}, {10594, 35777}, {10595, 35811}, {10596, 35817}, {10597, 35819}, {10598, 35797}, {10599, 35799}, {10653, 15765}, {10654, 18585}, {10738, 48714}, {10742, 48700}, {10749, 49270}, {10796, 44586}, {10895, 18996}, {10896, 19038}, {10897, 18531}, {10942, 44643}, {10943, 44645}, {11061, 35876}, {11178, 44474}, {11265, 18569}, {11292, 12323}, {11293, 45509}, {11315, 45871}, {11316, 15294}, {11417, 37444}, {11462, 25739}, {11484, 13943}, {11488, 42173}, {11489, 42171}, {11499, 44590}, {11500, 13887}, {11511, 12598}, {11515, 12982}, {11516, 12983}, {11548, 34516}, {11824, 21737}, {11836, 40556}, {12047, 16232}, {12103, 42568}, {12110, 13885}, {12113, 13894}, {12114, 13895}, {12115, 13906}, {12116, 13907}, {12239, 13754}, {12322, 32419}, {12383, 35834}, {12384, 35828}, {12699, 49226}, {12849, 35870}, {12856, 49248}, {12900, 13990}, {12918, 49218}, {12919, 49258}, {12964, 14216}, {13219, 35880}, {13333, 43531}, {13403, 43863}, {13429, 51833}, {13644, 14230}, {13663, 37809}, {13669, 35306}, {13674, 13848}, {13678, 35872}, {13692, 49260}, {13712, 15293}, {13798, 35874}, {13812, 49262}, {13835, 41491}, {13916, 41023}, {13917, 41022}, {13921, 14244}, {13979, 15088}, {13986, 32396}, {13993, 35018}, {14061, 19055}, {14228, 14242}, {14231, 45463}, {14234, 45406}, {14269, 43504}, {14568, 45420}, {14639, 19109}, {14643, 19052}, {14644, 19111}, {14651, 35825}, {14813, 42149}, {14814, 42152}, {14853, 35841}, {14912, 39894}, {15022, 42604}, {15059, 19059}, {15061, 49217}, {15235, 17825}, {15236, 17811}, {15561, 49267}, {15682, 42413}, {15687, 52047}, {15688, 43209}, {15691, 51850}, {15692, 43256}, {15701, 42418}, {15709, 43505}, {15883, 38425}, {16267, 36468}, {16268, 36450}, {16626, 49238}, {16627, 49236}, {16772, 42197}, {16773, 42198}, {16964, 51728}, {17538, 42414}, {18404, 18457}, {18440, 49228}, {18553, 44482}, {18926, 45607}, {18939, 44518}, {19050, 26470}, {19058, 23234}, {19074, 36765}, {19081, 31272}, {19087, 40686}, {19126, 19144}, {19130, 45543}, {19423, 19491}, {19710, 43434}, {21616, 30556}, {22235, 42233}, {22237, 42231}, {22238, 35738}, {22616, 48778}, {22647, 35860}, {22758, 44606}, {22793, 31439}, {22876, 44667}, {22921, 44666}, {22955, 49246}, {23515, 46689}, {24245, 34853}, {24842, 29243}, {25555, 44657}, {26361, 49024}, {26386, 44582}, {26394, 45357}, {26410, 44584}, {26418, 45359}, {26446, 49227}, {26466, 45597}, {26467, 45595}, {26468, 44594}, {26469, 44596}, {26494, 45601}, {26503, 45599}, {26516, 35945}, {26617, 33456}, {26620, 33365}, {30398, 30428}, {30427, 32734}, {31475, 37720}, {31981, 49352}, {32354, 35858}, {32379, 49244}, {32491, 45472}, {32492, 45863}, {32503, 32509}, {33346, 33348}, {33354, 33438}, {33357, 33436}, {33358, 33442}, {33360, 33440}, {33366, 33368}, {33370, 33372}, {34507, 44502}, {35731, 36437}, {36445, 36446}, {36463, 36464}, {36473, 36553}, {36474, 36549}, {36492, 36526}, {36495, 36585}, {36496, 36581}, {36658, 36990}, {36714, 45440}, {37640, 51853}, {37641, 51852}, {38224, 49213}, {38235, 40663}, {38752, 48715}, {40330, 45577}, {41950, 41964}, {41961, 49133}, {41965, 43785}, {42085, 42200}, {42086, 42202}, {42125, 42187}, {42128, 42188}, {42159, 42281}, {42162, 42280}, {42163, 42246}, {42166, 42247}, {42168, 42684}, {42170, 42685}, {42184, 42813}, {42186, 42814}, {42193, 42817}, {42194, 42818}, {42236, 51727}, {42523, 46936}, {43257, 50687}, {43413, 43794}, {43449, 45435}, {43521, 46333}, {43816, 43867}, {43883, 50688}, {44394, 45489}, {44595, 45515}, {45101, 45544}, {45107, 45441}, {45365, 48454}, {45368, 48455}, {45498, 49038}, {45605, 48469}, {45650, 48482}, {48477, 49027}
X(485) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 9907}, {3, 12602}, {4, 12257}, {20, 12297}, {486, 22592}, {487, 2996}, {488, 12222}, {1151, 23251}, {3070, 32497}, {6250, 48735}, {6278, 6279}, {6289, 49318}, {13873, 50720}, {22644, 42260}, {26617, 33456}, {49157, 49158}
X(485) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 12269}, {3, 49104}, {4, 6250}, {486, 13881}, {488, 641}, {641, 6118}, {1151, 8981}, {6278, 6289}, {6279, 49318}, {6289, 5}, {6304, 33446}, {6305, 33444}, {6337, 642}, {7981, 1}, {8981, 13925}, {10819, 8998}, {12124, 3}, {12257, 48735}, {12788, 10}, {12800, 402}, {13134, 10068}, {13135, 10084}, {13912, 49618}, {19145, 13910}, {22502, 50720}, {22591, 486}, {22627, 33450}, {22629, 33448}, {22644, 23251}, {32495, 3070}, {36656, 45861}, {42009, 639}, {42260, 1151}, {44647, 7583}, {48660, 22625}, {49790, 590}
X(485) = isogonal conjugate of X(371)
X(485) = isotomic conjugate of X(492)
X(485) = complement of X(488)
X(485) = anticomplement of X(641)
X(485) = polar conjugate of X(1585)
X(485) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(8948)
X(485) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(24244)
X(485) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(639)
X(485) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(637)
X(485) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(590)
X(485) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(8577)
X(485) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(34391)
X(485) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(41515)
X(485) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(11090)
X(485) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(6413)
X(485) = psi-transform of X(13521)
X(485) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 24246}, {493, 18589}, {1973, 13882}, {8948, 10}, {19218, 141}, {24244, 2887}, {26454, 1214}
X(485) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 24246}, {847, 486}, {16032, 6413}, {34391, 11090}, {41515, 8944}
X(485) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 486}, {590, 2}, {3070, 4}, {5418, 10194}, {6413, 11090}, {6560, 1328}, {8577, 41515}, {8976, 10195}, {13665, 1327}, {26920, 1586}, {26951, 11091}, {32497, 5490}, {32568, 492}, {42259, 1132}, {42261, 43571}, {43879, 3316}, {45384, 43568}
X(485) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 371}, {19, 5408}, {31, 492}, {47, 486}, {48, 1585}, {63, 5413}, {92, 8911}, {372, 3378}, {560, 45805}, {605, 13457}, {1748, 6414}, {2180, 16037}, {8576, 44179}
X(485) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 492}, {2, 24246}, {3, 371}, {6, 5408}, {485, 488}, {486, 34853}, {1249, 1585}, {1599, 10962}, {1993, 10960}, {3162, 5413}, {5408, 9723}, {6374, 45805}, {8576, 37864}, {8577, 44196}, {8911, 22391}, {13428, 24245}, {13882, 42009}, {33364, 39387}
X(485) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 10665}, {6, 3155}, {590, 8035}, {3385, 3386}, {6413, 8577}
X(485) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(24244)
X(485) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 8909}, {6, 10132}, {3311, 8826}
X(485) = trilinear pole of line {523, 17431}
X(485) = internal center of similitude of nine-point circle and 2nd Lemoine circle
X(485) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1585)
X(485) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(1585)
X(485) = trilinear product of vertices of outer Vecten triangle
X(485) = X(4)-of-outer-Vecten-triangle
X(485) = X(4)-of-X(2)-quadsquares-triangle
X(485) = perspector of ABC and inner-squares triangle
X(485) = perspector of 3rd tri-squares triangle and 3rd tri-squares central triangle
X(485) = Kosnita(X(485),X(485)) point
X(485) = 3rd-tri-squares-isogonal conjugate of X(32497)
X(485) = 4th-anti-tri-squares-isogonal conjugate of X(32495)
X(485) = {X(5),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(486)
X(485) = outer-Vecten-isogonal conjugate of X(641)
X(485) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 11090}, {5, 16032}, {6, 34391}, {68, 1586}, {69, 41515}, {76, 8577}, {85, 13455}, {264, 6413}, {372, 5392}, {486, 13439}, {491, 2165}, {847, 5409}, {850, 39383}, {2996, 8944}, {5412, 20563}, {11091, 13440}, {13441, 41516}, {18819, 45472}, {21463, 42023}, {24244, 24246}, {34392, 44192}
X(485) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 492}, {3, 5408}, {4, 1585}, {6, 371}, {25, 5413}, {68, 11091}, {76, 45805}, {96, 16037}, {184, 8911}, {371, 1599}, {372, 1993}, {486, 13428}, {491, 7763}, {590, 641}, {1123, 13457}, {1321, 3535}, {1504, 32568}, {1586, 317}, {2165, 486}, {2351, 6414}, {3068, 39387}, {3070, 8968}, {3155, 10962}, {5392, 34392}, {5409, 9723}, {5412, 24}, {6413, 3}, {6414, 10666}, {8035, 590}, {8576, 44193}, {8577, 6}, {8944, 193}, {10665, 5409}, {10880, 15207}, {11090, 69}, {11091, 13430}, {11473, 15214}, {13439, 491}, {13440, 1586}, {13455, 9}, {14593, 41516}, {16032, 95}, {21463, 45420}, {24246, 488}, {26454, 8950}, {26920, 1147}, {32734, 39384}, {34391, 76}, {35764, 15188}, {39383, 110}, {41515, 4}, {41516, 13429}, {44192, 372}, {45472, 42009}
X(485) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 49157, 13135}, {1, 49158, 13134}, {2, 372, 5420}, {2, 488, 641}, {2, 1587, 372}, {2, 12222, 488}, {2, 13439, 11090}, {2, 43133, 45508}, {3, 590, 5418}, {3, 3070, 6560}, {3, 6560, 42261}, {3, 8276, 9682}, {3, 8976, 590}, {3, 13665, 3070}, {3, 13882, 49790}, {3, 13889, 8276}, {3, 45384, 8976}, {4, 371, 6561}, {4, 3068, 371}, {4, 6459, 35821}, {4, 6561, 22615}, {4, 6564, 42269}, {4, 13440, 41515}, {4, 13886, 3068}, {4, 31412, 6564}, {5, 6, 486}, {5, 486, 42274}, {5, 1352, 10515}, {5, 5875, 6214}, {5, 6215, 10516}, {5, 6290, 10514}, {5, 7583, 6}, {5, 7584, 42262}, {5, 18538, 42265}, {5, 19116, 18762}, {5, 19117, 7584}, {5, 42265, 42277}, {5, 49318, 6278}, {5, 49356, 1352}, {6, 13881, 49221}, {6, 18538, 42277}, {6, 42262, 7584}, {6, 42265, 5}, {6, 42277, 42274}, {6, 44647, 19103}, {6, 49221, 19102}, {11, 19028, 1124}, {12, 19030, 1335}, {15, 3391, 2041}, {16, 3366, 2042}, {20, 1131, 23249}, {20, 8972, 9540}, {20, 9540, 6200}, {20, 23249, 35820}, {20, 35812, 9680}, {20, 35820, 42276}, and many others
X(486) is a perspector of triangles associated with squares that circumscribe ABC. For details and references, see X(485). (Floor van Lamoen, 4/26/98)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Inner Vecten Point.
X(486) lies on the Kiepert circumhyperbola, the cubics K006, K070a, K120, K122, K168, K250, K336, K424b, K690, K906, K1192, K1195, K1197, K1202, K1203, K1225, the curve Q115, and these lines: {1, 7980}, {2, 371}, {3, 615}, {4, 372}, {5, 6}, {8, 35642}, {10, 1685}, {11, 1335}, {12, 1124}, {13, 2044}, {14, 2043}, {15, 2042}, {16, 2041}, {17, 2046}, {18, 2045}, {20, 1132}, {22, 35777}, {25, 9921}, {30, 1152}, {32, 9986}, {39, 22719}, {40, 13947}, {46, 3378}, {55, 12343}, {56, 13955}, {61, 3366}, {62, 3391}, {64, 22839}, {69, 640}, {76, 492}, {83, 7389}, {95, 19199}, {96, 8911}, {98, 6813}, {100, 35773}, {110, 49223}, {113, 46689}, {115, 1505}, {119, 19047}, {140, 1151}, {141, 11314}, {145, 35811}, {146, 35827}, {147, 35825}, {148, 35879}, {149, 35883}, {153, 35857}, {182, 12229}, {194, 35867}, {226, 482}, {230, 6424}, {235, 3093}, {262, 3103}, {265, 49269}, {275, 1585}, {355, 7968}, {376, 14226}, {381, 1327}, {382, 6398}, {387, 36690}, {388, 35769}, {394, 1592}, {395, 18587}, {396, 18586}, {402, 12799}, {427, 3092}, {442, 31473}, {459, 3536}, {488, 2996}, {489, 2460}, {490, 671}, {491, 7752}, {493, 13002}, {494, 11210}, {495, 3297}, {496, 3298}, {497, 35803}, {498, 2066}, {499, 2067}, {511, 12237}, {515, 13971}, {516, 13975}, {517, 13973}, {524, 9975}, {542, 13782}, {546, 3594}, {547, 6431}, {548, 6412}, {549, 6409}, {550, 6410}, {590, 1656}, {591, 42024}, {607, 16027}, {608, 16033}, {616, 35754}, {617, 35851}, {627, 35847}, {628, 35849}, {631, 3317}, {632, 6425}, {638, 32488}, {641, 5490}, {847, 41515}, {925, 13521}, {944, 13959}, {946, 13936}, {952, 44636}, {962, 35611}, {1038, 19473}, {1040, 9631}, {1131, 1587}, {1270, 35793}, {1271, 35795}, {1321, 5962}, {1329, 1378}, {1346, 2465}, {1347, 2466}, {1348, 1669}, {1349, 1668}, {1368, 1579}, {1377, 2886}, {1478, 6502}, {1479, 5414}, {1482, 49233}, {1503, 13972}, {1504, 1506}, {1578, 6823}, {1586, 2052}, {1591, 10601}, {1657, 6450}, {1659, 8978}, {1666, 2039}, {1667, 2040}, {1670, 2010}, {1671, 2009}, {1676, 1687}, {1677, 1688}, {1686, 2048}, {1689, 5403}, {1690, 5404}, {1698, 1702}, {1699, 1703}, {1737, 16232}, {1916, 33340}, {1993, 15233}, {2047, 13332}, {2351, 3156}, {2353, 45428}, {2362, 12047}, {2459, 14234}, {2549, 48772}, {2560, 2566}, {2561, 2567}, {2777, 13969}, {2781, 32304}, {2782, 32471}, {2794, 13967}, {2800, 13976}, {2829, 13977}, {2888, 12971}, {2896, 35783}, {2975, 35785}, {3035, 9679}, {3054, 8375}, {3068, 3090}, {3085, 35808}, {3086, 35768}, {3089, 35764}, {3095, 49253}, {3146, 6454}, {3299, 7951}, {3301, 7741}, {3371, 3373}, {3372, 3374}, {3385, 3388}, {3386, 3387}, {3424, 5870}, {3434, 35797}, {3436, 35799}, {3448, 12376}, {3522, 43408}, {3523, 3591}, {3524, 42638}, {3525, 6453}, {3526, 6221}, {3528, 51911}, {3529, 42637}, {3530, 6411}, {3533, 43412}, {3534, 6456}, {3541, 11473}, {3542, 5412}, {3543, 43407}, {3545, 7581}, {3547, 11513}, {3549, 10897}, {3575, 13937}, {3589, 11313}, {3590, 5056}, {3592, 3628}, {3614, 19028}, {3616, 35763}, {3618, 39876}, {3624, 9583}, {3627, 6426}, {3634, 13912}, {3648, 35855}, {3652, 49243}, {3815, 6422}, {3817, 49547}, {3830, 41946}, {3832, 23249}, {3839, 23253}, {3843, 6395}, {3845, 43562}, {3850, 6432}, {3851, 6418}, {3853, 6438}, {3854, 43432}, {3855, 23267}, {3858, 6471}, {3859, 6442}, {3917, 21653}, {4240, 35791}, {4999, 9678}, {5012, 9677}, {5020, 8276}, {5050, 49228}, {5054, 6449}, {5055, 6417}, {5058, 7746}, {5059, 6485}, {5062, 5475}, {5066, 43340}, {5067, 32785}, {5070, 6199}, {5071, 13886}, {5072, 6428}, {5073, 6408}, {5076, 6448}, {5079, 6427}, {5204, 9647}, {5217, 9660}, {5254, 6421}, {5286, 45513}, {5318, 42187}, {5321, 42188}, {5392, 11090}, {5408, 6504}, {5411, 7507}, {5419, 13439}, {5422, 15234}, {5462, 12239}, {5466, 14334}, {5476, 44502}, {5480, 36656}, {5552, 45643}, {5587, 18992}, {5590, 7375}, {5597, 12484}, {5598, 12485}, {5601, 35781}, {5602, 35779}, {5603, 19065}, {5613, 49211}, {5617, 49209}, {5657, 35610}, {5663, 13979}, {5691, 13942}, {5705, 31438}, {5790, 49232}, {5818, 19066}, {5840, 13991}, {5871, 13949}, {5878, 49251}, {5886, 7969}, {5901, 44635}, {5921, 39894}, {5972, 10819}, {6033, 49213}, {6146, 19356}, {6193, 35837}, {6194, 35839}, {6202, 7374}, {6213, 7348}, {6223, 35845}, {6224, 35853}, {6225, 35865}, {6250, 22646}, {6256, 45653}, {6259, 49235}, {6265, 49241}, {6284, 13958}, {6287, 49255}, {6288, 49257}, {6321, 49267}, {6399, 13748}, {6407, 15694}, {6423, 7745}, {6429, 11539}, {6436, 31414}, {6437, 16239}, {6445, 43882}, {6446, 17800}, {6452, 15696}, {6455, 15720}, {6462, 35807}, {6469, 43336}, {6470, 15699}, {6473, 43796}, {6476, 9692}, {6479, 50690}, {6480, 43314}, {6481, 33703}, {6484, 15702}, {6487, 11001}, {6496, 15693}, {6500, 45384}, {6501, 19709}, {6522, 43790}, {6568, 35947}, {6569, 19055}, {6639, 18457}, {6642, 9682}, {6643, 11514}, {6667, 13913}, {6721, 8997}, {6722, 8980}, {6723, 8994}, {6776, 14244}, {6809, 8954}, {6810, 40448}, {6812, 45300}, {6814, 13380}, {7173, 19030}, {7354, 18966}, {7376, 18841}, {7386, 12320}, {7392, 8854}, {7395, 19005}, {7401, 10963}, {7484, 12169}, {7486, 8972}, {7505, 10880}, {7529, 44598}, {7603, 31481}, {7612, 9757}, {7618, 49786}, {7694, 13749}, {7697, 49231}, {7728, 49217}, {7736, 45512}, {7737, 12968}, {7749, 9675}, {7787, 35767}, {7795, 45472}, {7988, 19004}, {7989, 19003}, {7998, 12274}, {7999, 12285}, {8200, 44601}, {8207, 44603}, {8220, 44628}, {8221, 44630}, {8227, 18991}, {8591, 35699}, {8681, 9824}, {8703, 43212}, {8724, 49215}, {8781, 13873}, {8901, 16034}, {8909, 9820}, {8944, 8948}, {8945, 8949}, {8953, 30324}, {8968, 11427}, {8970, 14826}, {8995, 32396}, {8998, 12900}, {9612, 51842}, {9616, 31423}, {9632, 37696}, {9646, 19038}, {9661, 18996}, {9691, 43523}, {9732, 49029}, {9739, 12124}, {9833, 10534}, {9834, 13944}, {9835, 13945}, {9838, 13956}, {9839, 13957}, {9873, 13946}, {9874, 35863}, {9956, 13911}, {9970, 49265}, {9974, 45861}, {9996, 44605}, {10008, 42009}, {10104, 44586}, {10124, 42568}, {10138, 35400}, {10175, 13883}, {10201, 11265}, {10303, 43512}, {10319, 12662}, {10356, 19011}, {10358, 18993}, {10527, 45641}, {10528, 35817}, {10529, 35819}, {10531, 45642}, {10532, 45640}, {10590, 31408}, {10591, 35802}, {10594, 35776}, {10595, 35810}, {10596, 35816}, {10597, 35818}, {10598, 35796}, {10599, 35798}, {10653, 18585}, {10654, 15765}, {10738, 48715}, {10742, 48701}, {10749, 49271}, {10796, 44587}, {10820, 13990}, {10895, 18995}, {10896, 19037}, {10898, 18531}, {10942, 44644}, {10943, 44646}, {11061, 35877}, {11178, 44473}, {11231, 31439}, {11266, 18569}, {11291, 12322}, {11294, 45508}, {11315, 15293}, {11316, 45872}, {11418, 37444}, {11463, 25739}, {11484, 13889}, {11488, 42174}, {11489, 42172}, {11499, 44591}, {11500, 13940}, {11511, 12597}, {11515, 12980}, {11516, 12981}, {11548, 34515}, {11835, 40556}, {12103, 42569}, {12110, 13938}, {12113, 13948}, {12114, 13952}, {12115, 13964}, {12116, 13965}, {12232, 44665}, {12240, 13754}, {12323, 32421}, {12383, 35835}, {12384, 35829}, {12699, 49227}, {12849, 35871}, {12856, 49249}, {12918, 49219}, {12919, 49259}, {12970, 14216}, {13219, 35881}, {13333, 13478}, {13390, 40149}, {13403, 43864}, {13440, 51833}, {13678, 35873}, {13692, 49261}, {13712, 41490}, {13763, 14233}, {13783, 37809}, {13789, 35305}, {13794, 13988}, {13798, 35875}, {13812, 49263}, {13835, 15294}, {13880, 14229}, {13915, 15088}, {13925, 35018}, {13980, 15311}, {13981, 41023}, {13982, 41022}, {13984, 29012}, {13986, 18400}, {14061, 19056}, {14227, 14243}, {14238, 45407}, {14245, 45462}, {14269, 43503}, {14568, 45421}, {14639, 19108}, {14643, 19051}, {14644, 19110}, {14651, 35824}, {14813, 42152}, {14814, 42149}, {14853, 35840}, {14912, 39893}, {15022, 42605}, {15059, 19060}, {15061, 49216}, {15235, 17811}, {15236, 17825}, {15561, 49266}, {15682, 42414}, {15684, 43209}, {15687, 52048}, {15688, 43210}, {15691, 51849}, {15692, 43257}, {15701, 42417}, {15709, 43506}, {15884, 38426}, {16267, 36449}, {16268, 36467}, {16626, 49239}, {16627, 49237}, {16772, 42195}, {16773, 42196}, {17538, 42413}, {18404, 18459}, {18440, 49229}, {18553, 44481}, {18927, 45608}, {18940, 44518}, {19049, 26470}, {19057, 23234}, {19073, 36765}, {19082, 31272}, {19088, 40686}, {19126, 19143}, {19130, 45542}, {19422, 19490}, {19710, 43435}, {21616, 30557}, {21736, 45102}, {21737, 45552}, {22235, 42234}, {22236, 35738}, {22237, 42232}, {22645, 48779}, {22647, 35861}, {22758, 44607}, {22877, 44667}, {22922, 44666}, {22955, 49247}, {23515, 46688}, {24246, 34853}, {24843, 29243}, {25555, 44656}, {25639, 31484}, {26362, 49025}, {26363, 31453}, {26386, 44583}, {26394, 45360}, {26410, 44585}, {26418, 45358}, {26446, 49226}, {26466, 45596}, {26467, 45598}, {26468, 44595}, {26469, 44597}, {26494, 45600}, {26503, 45602}, {26521, 35944}, {26618, 33457}, {26619, 33364}, {30399, 30427}, {30428, 32734}, {31403, 31404}, {31413, 31418}, {31427, 31428}, {31432, 31434}, {31437, 31441}, {31459, 31460}, {31464, 31466}, {31471, 31476}, {31474, 31479}, {31482, 31488}, {31485, 31493}, {31981, 49351}, {32354, 35859}, {32379, 49245}, {32490, 45473}, {32495, 45862}, {32502, 32508}, {32807, 39387}, {33347, 33349}, {33355, 33437}, {33356, 33439}, {33359, 33441}, {33361, 33443}, {33367, 33369}, {33371, 33373}, {34507, 44501}, {36445, 36447}, {36463, 36465}, {36473, 36552}, {36474, 36550}, {36491, 36526}, {36495, 36584}, {36496, 36582}, {36657, 36990}, {36709, 45441}, {37640, 51855}, {37641, 51854}, {38224, 49212}, {38752, 48714}, {40330, 45576}, {41949, 41963}, {41962, 49133}, {41966, 43786}, {42085, 42199}, {42086, 42201}, {42125, 42189}, {42128, 42190}, {42159, 42280}, {42162, 42281}, {42163, 42248}, {42166, 42249}, {42167, 42684}, {42169, 42685}, {42183, 42813}, {42185, 42814}, {42191, 42817}, {42192, 42818}, {42522, 46936}, {42992, 50245}, {43256, 50687}, {43414, 43793}, {43415, 49134}, {43449, 45434}, {43508, 43524}, {43522, 46333}, {43816, 43868}, {43884, 50688}, {44392, 45488}, {44596, 45514}, {45106, 45440}, {45366, 48454}, {45367, 48455}, {45499, 49039}, {45606, 48468}, {45651, 48482}, {48476, 49026}
X(486) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 9906}, {3, 12601}, {4, 12256}, {20, 12296}, {485, 22591}, {487, 12221}, {488, 2996}, {1152, 23261}, {3071, 32494}, {6251, 48734}, {6280, 6281}, {6290, 49317}, {13926, 50719}, {22615, 42261}, {26618, 33457}, {49155, 49156}
X(486) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 12268}, {3, 49103}, {4, 6251}, {485, 13881}, {487, 642}, {642, 6119}, {1152, 13966}, {6280, 49317}, {6281, 6290}, {6290, 5}, {6300, 33447}, {6301, 33445}, {6337, 641}, {7980, 1}, {10820, 13990}, {12123, 3}, {12256, 48734}, {12787, 10}, {12799, 402}, {13132, 10067}, {13133, 10083}, {13966, 13993}, {13975, 49619}, {19146, 13972}, {22501, 50719}, {22592, 485}, {22598, 33451}, {22600, 33449}, {22615, 23261}, {32492, 3071}, {36655, 45860}, {42060, 640}, {42261, 1152}, {44648, 7584}, {48659, 22596}, {49791, 615}
X(486) = isogonal conjugate of X(372)
X(486) = isotomic conjugate of X(491)
X(486) = complement of X(487)
X(486) = anticomplement of X(642)
X(486) = polar conjugate of X(1586)
X(486) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(8946)
X(486) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(24243)
X(486) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(640)
X(486) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(638)
X(486) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(615)
X(486) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(8576)
X(486) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(34392)
X(486) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(41516)
X(486) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(11091)
X(486) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(6414)
X(486) = psi-transform of X(13520)
X(486) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 24245}, {494, 18589}, {1973, 13934}, {8946, 10}, {19217, 141}, {24243, 2887}, {26461, 1214}
X(486) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 24245}, {847, 485}, {16037, 6414}, {34392, 11091}, {41516, 8940}
X(486) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 485}, {615, 2}, {3071, 4}, {5420, 10195}, {6414, 11091}, {6561, 1327}, {8576, 41516}, {8911, 1585}, {13785, 1328}, {13951, 10194}, {26950, 11090}, {32494, 5491}, {32575, 491}, {42258, 1131}, {42260, 43570}, {43880, 3317}, {45385, 43569}
X(486) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 372}, {19, 5409}, {31, 491}, {47, 485}, {48, 1586}, {63, 5412}, {92, 26920}, {371, 3377}, {560, 45806}, {604, 13461}, {1748, 6413}, {2180, 16032}, {8577, 44179}
X(486) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 491}, {2, 24245}, {3, 372}, {6, 5409}, {485, 34853}, {486, 487}, {1249, 1586}, {1600, 10960}, {1993, 10962}, {3161, 13461}, {3162, 5412}, {5409, 9723}, {6374, 45806}, {8576, 44199}, {8577, 37864}, {13439, 24246}, {13934, 42060}, {22391, 26920}, {33365, 39388}
X(486) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 10666}, {6, 3156}, {615, 8036}, {3371, 3372}, {6414, 8576}
X(486) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(24243)
X(486) = crosssum of X(6) and X(10133)
X(486) = trilinear pole of line {523, 17432}
X(486) = external center of similitude of nine-point circle and 2nd Lemoine circle
X(486) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1586)
X(486) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(1586)
X(486) = Kosnita(X(486),X(486)) point
X(486) = trilinear product of vertices of inner Vecten triangle
X(486) = X(4) of inner Vecten triangle
X(486) = perspector of ABC and outer-squares triangle
X(486) = perspector of 4th tri-squares triangle and 4th tri-squares central triangle
X(486) = 4th-tri-squares-isogonal conjugate of X(32494)
X(486) = 3rd-anti-tri-squares-isogonal conjugate of X(32492)
X(486) = {X(5),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(485)
X(486) = inner-Vecten-isogonal conjugate of X(642)
X(486) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 11091}, {5, 16037}, {6, 34392}, {68, 1585}, {69, 41516}, {76, 8576}, {264, 6414}, {371, 5392}, {485, 13428}, {492, 2165}, {847, 5408}, {850, 39384}, {2052, 26922}, {2996, 8940}, {5413, 20563}, {11090, 13429}, {13430, 41515}, {18820, 45473}, {21464, 42024}, {24243, 24245}, {34391, 44193}
X(486) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 491}, {3, 5409}, {4, 1586}, {6, 372}, {8, 13461}, {25, 5412}, {68, 11090}, {76, 45806}, {96, 16032}, {184, 26920}, {371, 1993}, {372, 1600}, {485, 13439}, {492, 7763}, {615, 642}, {1322, 3536}, {1505, 32575}, {1585, 317}, {2165, 485}, {2351, 6413}, {3069, 39388}, {3155, 26875}, {3156, 10960}, {5392, 34391}, {5408, 9723}, {5413, 24}, {6413, 10665}, {6414, 3}, {8036, 615}, {8576, 6}, {8577, 44192}, {8911, 1147}, {8940, 193}, {10666, 5408}, {10881, 15208}, {11090, 13441}, {11091, 69}, {11474, 15217}, {13428, 492}, {13429, 1585}, {14593, 41515}, {16037, 95}, {21464, 45421}, {24245, 487}, {26922, 394}, {32734, 39383}, {34392, 76}, {35765, 15187}, {39384, 110}, {41515, 13440}, {41516, 4}, {44193, 371}, {45473, 42060}
X(486) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 49155, 13133}, {1, 49156, 13132}, {2, 371, 5418}, {2, 487, 642}, {2, 1588, 371}, {2, 12221, 487}, {2, 13428, 11091}, {2, 43134, 45509}, {3, 615, 5420}, {3, 3071, 6561}, {3, 6561, 42260}, {3, 13785, 3071}, {3, 13934, 49791}, {3, 13943, 8277}, {3, 13951, 615}, {3, 45385, 13951}, {4, 372, 6560}, {4, 3069, 372}, {4, 6460, 35820}, {4, 6560, 22644}, {4, 6565, 42268}, {4, 13429, 41516}, {4, 13939, 3069}, {4, 42561, 6565}, {5, 6, 485}, {5, 485, 42277}, {5, 1352, 10514}, {5, 5874, 6215}, {5, 6214, 10516}, {5, 6289, 10515}, {5, 7583, 42265}, {5, 7584, 6}, {5, 18762, 42262}, {5, 19116, 7583}, {5, 19117, 18538}, {5, 42262, 42274}, {5, 49317, 6281}, {5, 49355, 1352}, {6, 13881, 49220}, {6, 18762, 42274}, {6, 31411, 19103}, {6, 42262, 5}, {6, 42265, 7583}, {6, 42274, 42277}, {6, 44648, 19104}, {6, 49220, 19105}, {11, 19027, 1335}, {12, 19029, 1124}, {15, 3392, 2042}, {16, 3367, 2041}, {20, 1132, 23259}, {20, 13935, 6396}, {20, 13941, 13935}, {20, 23259, 35821}, {20, 35821, 42275}, {68, 2165, 485}, {69, 5491, 42060}, {140, 42215, 1151}, {155, 9722, 485}, {262, 19089, 3103}, {371, 10577, 2}, {371, 35823, 1588}, {372, 6565, 4}, {372, 13939, 43431}, {372, 35787, 35820}, {372, 35820, 6460}, {372, 42268, 22644}, {372, 42561, 42268}, {381, 3070, 42269}, {381, 3312, 3070}, {381, 48659, 22596}, {382, 6398, 42259}, {382, 13961, 6398}, {382, 42259, 42276}, {485, 42274, 5}, {546, 42216, 23251}, {550, 35256, 6410}, {590, 42583, 1656}, {615, 3071, 3}, {615, 13785, 6561}, {615, 32494, 13934}, {615, 43880, 13951}, {631, 3317, 32786}, {631, 6459, 6200}, {631, 23273, 6459}, {642, 6119, 2}, {944, 13959, 35762}, {946, 13936, 35774}, {1132, 13935, 35821}, {1132, 13941, 20}, {1132, 35813, 42275}, {1151, 8252, 140}, {1152, 13847, 13966}, {1322, 41516, 4}, {1328, 22615, 23261}, {1328, 42261, 22615}, {1352, 3767, 485}, {1352, 49355, 6278}, {1478, 13962, 6502}, {1479, 13963, 5414}, {1504, 1506, 31463}, {1587, 3091, 6564}, {1587, 7586, 6420}, {1588, 10577, 5418}, {1588, 12221, 35833}, {1656, 3311, 590}, {1656, 18510, 3311}, and many others
X(487) is a perspector of triangles associated with squares that circumscribe ABC. (Floor van Lamoen, 4/29/98)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the inner Vecten triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(487) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(487) lies on these lines: 2,371 3,69 4,489 20,638 193,372 376,490 492,631
X(487) = reflection of X(486) in X(642)
X(487) = anticomplement of X(486)
X(487) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(638)
X(487) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,488), (489,20), (491,2)
X(487) = isogonal conjugate of X(8946)
X(487) = X(20)-of-inner-Vecten-triangle
X(487) = orthologic center of outer Vecten to inner Vecten triangles
X(488) is a perspector of triangles associated with squares that circumscribe ABC. For details, see Vierkanten in een driehoek: 2. Meer punten uit omgeschreven vierkanten (Floor van Lamoen, 4/29/98)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the outer Vecten triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(488) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(488) lies on these lines: 2,372 3,69 4,490 193,371 376,489 491,631 591,3071
X(488) = reflection of X(485) in X(641)
X(488) = isogonal conjugate of X(8948)
X(488) = anticomplement of X(485)
X(488) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(637)
X(488) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) , for these (i,j): (4,487), (490,20), (492,2)
X(488) = X(20)-of-outer-Vecten-triangle
X(488) = orthologic center of inner Vecten to outer Vecten triangles
X(489) is a perspector of triangles associated with squares that circumscribe ABC. For details and reference, see X(488). (Floor van Lamoen, 4/29/98)
X(489) lies on these lines: 3,492 4,487 20,64 30,638 176,664 376,488 485,671
X(489) = anticomplement of X(3071)
X(489) = cevapoint of X(20) and X(487)
X(489) = crosspoint of X(20) and X(487) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(490) is a perspector of triangles associated with squares that circumscribe ABC. For details and reference, see X(488). (Floor van Lamoen, 4/29/98)
X(490) lies on these lines: 3,491 4,488 20,64 30,637 175,664 376,487 486,671
X(490) = anticomplement of X(3070)
X(490) = cevapoint of X(20) and X(488)
X(490) = crosspoint of X(20) and X(488) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C) : (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin
Barycentrics b2 + c2 - a2
- 4σ : c2 + a2 - b2 - 4σ :
a2 + b2 - c2 - 4σ
(M. Iliev, 5/13/07)
X(491) is a pole associated with squares that circumscribe ABC. For details and reference, see X(488). (Floor van Lamoen, 4/26/98)
X(491) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,490 4,487 5,637 76,485 315,371 372,642 488,631
X(491) = isotomic conjugate of X(486)
X(491) = anticomplement of X(615)
X(491) = X(264)-Ceva conjugate of X(492)
X(491) = cevapoint of X(2) and X(487)
X(491) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(487) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(491) = {X(2),X(69)}-harmonic conjugate of X(492)
X(491) = homothetic center of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 2nd Kenmotu diagonals triangle
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C) : (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin
Barycentrics b2 + c2 - a2
+ 4σ : c2 + a2 - b2 + 4σ :
a2 + b2 - c2 + 4σ
(M. Iliev, 5/13/07)
X(492) is a pole associated with squares that circumscribe ABC. For details and reference, see X(488). (Floor van Lamoen, 4/27/98)
X(492) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,489 4,488 5,638 76,486 315,372 371,641 487,631
X(492) = isotomic conjugate of X(485)
X(492) = anticomplement of X(590)
X(492) = X(264)-Ceva conjugate of X(491)
X(492) = cevapoint of X(2) and X(488)
X(492) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(488) wrt both the excentral and anticomplementary triangles
X(492) = {X(2),X(69)}-harmonic conjugate of X(491)
X(492) = homothetic center of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 1st Kenmotu diagonals triangle
X(493) is a homothetic center of triangles associated with squares that circumscribe ABC. For details, see Vierkanten in een driehoek: 4. Ingeschreven vierkanten (Floor van Lamoen, 4/27/98)
X(493) is the homothetic center of triangle ABC and the Lucas homothetic triangle; see X(371). Writing t for the ratio L:W at X(371), let LA be the line through the intersections, other than A, of the A-Lucas(t) circle and sides CA and AB. Define LB and LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, and define B' and C' cyclically. Then the triangle A'B'C', here introduced as the Lucas(t) homothetic triangle, is homothetic to triangle ABC. If t = 1, the center of homothety is X(493); for t = -1, it is X(494); for t = 2, it is X(588); and for t = -2, it is X(589). (Randy Hutson, February 9, 2013)
Let A″ be the intersection of line BC and the common tangent to the B- and C-Lucas circles (at their touchpoint). Define B″ and C″ cyclically. Then A″B″C″ is the cevian triangle of X(493). Also, X(493) is the point of intersection of the tangents at X(371) and X(485) to the orthocubic K006. (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
X(493) lies on these lines: 25,371 39,494 394,1504
X(493) = isogonal conjugate of X(3068)
X(493) = X(394)-cross conjugate of X(494)
X(493) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of outer Vecten triangle
X(493) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Lucas(-1) antipodal triangle
X(494) is a homothetic center of triangles associated with squares that circumscribe ABC. For details and reference, see X(493). (Floor van Lamoen, 4/27/98)
X(494) is the homothetic center of triangle ABC and the Lucas(-1) homothetic triangle; see X(371).
Let A″ be the intersection of line BC and the common tangent to the B- and C-Lucas(-1) circles (at their touchpoint). Define B″ and C″ cyclically. Then A″B″C″ is the cevian triangle of X(494). Also, X(494) is the point of intersection of the tangents at X(372) and X(486) to the orthocubic K006. (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
X(494) lies on these lines: 25,372 39,493 394,1505
X(494) = isogonal conjugate of X(3069)
X(494) = X(394)-cross conjugate of X(493)
X(494) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of inner Vecten triangle
X(494) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Lucas antipodal triangle
X(495) is the midpoint of segments C1-to-P1, C2-to-P2, C3-to-P3 in the Johnson four-circle configuration.
Roger A. Johnson, Advanced Euclidean Geometry, Dover, New York, 1960, page 75.
Peter Yff, "Three concurrent congruent circles 'inscribed' in a triangle," manuscript, 1998; X(495) is the point R on page 5. (See also X(496)-X(499) and X(1478), X(1479).)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view Johnson-Yff Circles Internal and Johnson-Yff Circles External.
X(495) lies on these lines: 1,5 2,956 3,388 4,390 8,442 10,141 30,55 35,550 36,549 56,140 202,395 203,396 226,517 381,497 392,908 429,1068 529,993 612,1060
X(495) = complement of X(956)
X(495) = X(427)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
Peter Yff, "Three concurrent congruent circles 'inscribed' in a triangle," manuscript, 1998; X(496) is the point R' on page 5.
X(496) lies on these lines: 1,5 2,1058 3,497 4,999 30,56 35,549 36,550 55,140 149,404 202,397 203,398 381,388 390,631 613,1069 614,1062 942,946
X(496) = X(235)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(496) = center of inverse-in-incircle-of-nine-point-circle
X(496) = Ursa-major-to-Ursa-minor similarity image of X(5)
Let A'B'C' be the extangents-to-intangents similarity image of ABC. A'B'C' is homothetic to ABC at X(55) and to the medial triangle at X(497). (Randy Hutson, March 21, 2019)
X(497) lies on these lines: 1,4 2,11 3,496 7,354 8,210 20,56 29,1036 30,999 35,499 36,376 57,516 65,938 69,350 80,1000 212,238 329,518 381,495 452,958 614,1040 1057,1065
X(497) = isogonal conjugate of X(1037)
X(497) = isotomic conjugate of X(8817)
X(497) = anticomplement of X(1376)
X(497) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (7,8), (29,314)
X(497) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (55,56), (73,1402)
X(497) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(652)X(665)
X(497) = homothetic center of Mandart-incircle triangle and anticomplementary triangle
X(497) = inverse-in-Feuerbach-hyperbola of X(2550)
X(497) = homothetic center of anticomplementary triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Johnson-Yff triangle
X(497) = homothetic center of 2nd Johnson-Yff triangle triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Johnson-Yff triangle
X(497) = {X(1),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(388)
X(498) and X(499) are harmonic conjugate points with respect to X(1) and X(2), in analogy with such pairs with respect to X(1), X(4) and with respect to X(1), X(5).
Peter Yff, "Three concurrent congruent circles 'inscribed' in a triangle," manuscript, 1998; X(498) is the point S on page 6.
X(498) lies on these lines: 1,2 3,12 4,35 5,55 9,920 36,388 37,91 46,226 47,171 56,140 141,611 191,329 255,750 345,1089
X(498) = homothetic center of anti-Euler triangle and (cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd isogonal triangle of X(1))
X(499) is the harmonic conjugate of X(498) with respect to X(1) and X(2).
Peter Yff, "Three concurrent congruent circles 'inscribed' in a triangle," manuscript, 1998; X(498) is the point S' on page 6.
X(499) lies on these lines: 1,2 3,11 4,36 5,56 12,999 17,202 18,203 35,497 46,946 47,238 55,140 57,920 80,944 141,613 255,748 348,1111 484,962
X(500) lies on these lines: 1,30 3,6 651,943
X(500) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(582)
X(500) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(35)
X(500) = crosssum of X(1) and X(79)
X(500) = X(1)-Ceva conjugate of X(942)
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
Miquel's theorem states that if A', B', C' are points (other than A, B, C) on sidelines BC, CA, AB, respectively, then the circles AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' meet at a point. Suppose P is a point and A' = P∩BC, B' = P∩CA, C' = P∩AB; the point in which the three circles is the Miquel associate of P. (Paul Yiu, 7/6/99)
X(501) lies on these lines: 1,229 10,662 21,214 35,110 36,58 215,1364 284,942 572,992 595,1326 759,1385
X(501) = isogonal conjugate of X(502)
Let A'B'C' be the incentral triangle. Let BCA'' be the triangle similar to A'B'C' such that the segment AA'' crosses the line BC. Define B'' and C'' cyclically. The lines AA'', BB'', CC'' concur in X(502). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(502) lies on these lines: 10,191 12,14873 42,14874 58,21043 313,17791 594,3678 1089,3969
X(502) = isogonal conjugate of X(501)
X(502) = X(1)-cross conjugate of X(10)
Isoscelizer points: X(503)-X(510)
Definition: a line LA perpendicular to the internal bisector line of A is an A-isoscelizer. Suppose X is a point not on a sideline of ABC, and let
L(A,X) = the A-isoscelizer passing through X;
E(A,X) = L(A,X)∩AC;
F(A,X) = L(A,X)∩AB;
T(A,X) = the triangle wth vertices A, E(A,X), F(A,X);
H(A,X) = A-altitude of T(A,X);
D(A,X) = distance between E(A,X) and F(A,X);
X(A) = distance between E(A,X) and F(A,X).
Define L(B,X), E(B,X), . . . , X(B) and L(C,X), E(C,X), . . . ,X(C) cyclically.
Each of the points X(503) to X(510) is defined by Peter Yff as the point X of concurrence of isoscelers satisfying certain conditions.
Geometer's Sketchpad sketches for centers X(503)-X(510) were contributed by Peter Moses, May 7, 2005.
The following notes were contributed by Peter Moses, January 13, 2024:
H(A,X)D(A,X) = 2*area T(A,X).
H(A,X) (-Sin[A/2] + Sin[B/2] + Sin[C/2])
= H(B,X) (Sin[A/2] - Sin[B/2] + Sin[C/2])
= H(C,X) (Sin[A/2] + Sin[B/2] - Sin[C/2])
= (2*R*S)/(-S + 4*R*(sa*Sin[A/2] + sb*Sin[B/2] + sc*Sin[C/2]))
= (2*R*s)/(-s + 2*R*(Cos[A/2] + Cos[B/2] + Cos[C/2])),
with solution X = X(503)
X(164) = solution, X, of H(A,X) = H(B,X) = H(C,X)
X(503) = solution, X, of a H(A,X) = b H(B,X) = c H(C,X)
X(504) = solution, X, of H(A,X)/a = H(B,X)/b = H(C,X)/c
X(845) = solution, X, of (-a + b + c) H(A,X) = (a - b + c) H(B,X) = (a + b - c) H(C,X)
X(173) = solution, X, of H(A,X)/(-a + b + c) = H(B,X)/(a - b + c) = H(C,X)/(a + b - c)
X(173) = solution, X, of D(A,X) = D(B,X) = D(C,X)
X(361) = solution, X, of a D(A,X) = b D(B,X) = c D(C,X)
X(362) = solution, X, of D(A,X)/a = D(B,X)/b = D(C,X)/c
X(164) = solution, X, of (-a + b + c) D(A,X) = (a - b + c) D(B,X) = (a + b - c) D(C,X)
X(61140) = solution, X, of D(A,X) / (-a + b + c) = D(B,X) / (a - b + c) = D(C,X) / (a + b - c)
X(364) = solution, X, of T(A,X) = T(B,X) = T(C,X)
X(40375) = solution, X, of a^2 T(A,X) = b^2 T(B,X) = c^2 T(C,X)
X(510) = solution, X, of T(A,X) / a^2 = T(B,X) / b^2 = T(C,X) / c^2
X(61141) = solution, X, of (-a + b + c)^2 T(A,X) = (a - b + c)^2 T(B,X) = (a + b - c)^2 T(C,X)
X(61142) = solution, X, of T(A,X) / (-a + b + c)^2 = T(B,X) / (a - b + c)^2 = T(C,X) / (a + b - c)^2
The isoscelizer equations aH(A,X) = bH(B,X) = cH(C,X) have solution X = X(503). (Peter Yff, 4/9/99)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(503).
X(503) lies on these lines: 1,167 164,361 173,844
X(503) = X(259)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(503) = X(92)-of-excentral-triangle
X(503) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(504)
X(503) = ABC-to-excentral trilinear image of X(2)
The isoscelizer equations [H(A,X)]/a = [H(B,X)]/b = [H(C,X)]/c have solution X = X(504). (Peter Yff, 4/9/99)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(504).
X(504) lies on this line: 164,173
X(504) = X(48)-of-excentral-triangle
X(504) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(503)
X(504) = ABC-to-excentral trilinear image of X(6)
X(505) is the perspector of ABC and the excentral triangle of the excentral triangle of ABC. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(505).
X(505) lies on the cubics K451 and K926 and these lines: {40, 164}, {165, 10233}, {168, 60555}, {173, 1130}, {258, 1128}, {266, 2956}, {845, 12518}, {1488, 8242}, {2089, 16664}, {3645, 32556}, {6212, 7010}, {6213, 7001}, {7597, 8111}, {7991, 10234}, {8078, 10215}, {10231, 24242}
X(505) = isogonal conjugate of X(164)
X(505) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(21633)
X(505) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(9807)
X(505) = X(266)-cross conjugate of X(1)
X(505) = X(46)-of-excentral-triangle
X(505) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 164}, {6, 16017}, {259, 15495}, {266, 60598}
X(505) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 164}, {9, 16017}
X(505) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {75, 60555}, {188, 16664}
X(505) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 16017}, {6, 164}, {259, 60598}, {266, 15495}, {16664, 4146}, {60555, 1}, {61072, 21618}
X(505) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {40, 188, 164}, {20183, 52797, 164}
The isoscelizer equations
X(A)[area of T(A,X)] = X(B)[area of T(B,X)] = X(C)[area of T(C,X)]
have solution X = X(506). (Peter Yff, 4/9/99)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(506).
X(506) = trilinear cube root of X(7)
The isoscelizer equations
[area of T(A,X)][X(A)]2 = [area of T(B,X)][X(B)]2 = [area of T(C,X)][X(C)]2
have solution X = X(507). (Peter Yff, 4/9/99)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(507).
X(507) = trilinear square root of X(174)
The isoscelizer equations
a[area of T(A,X)] = b[area of T(B,X)] = c[area of T(C,X)]
have solution X = X(508). (Peter Yff, 4/9/99)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(508).
X(508) = trilinear product X(366)*X(174)
X(508) = trilinear square root of X(85)
X(508) = barycentric square root of X(7)
The isoscelizer equations
[area of T(A,X)]/a = [area of T(B,X)]/b = [area of T(C,X)]/c
have solution X = X(509). (Peter Yff, 4/9/99)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(509).
X(509) = trilinear square root of X(57)
The isoscelizer equations
[area of T(A,X)]/a2 = [area of T(B,X)]/b2 = [area of T(C,X)]/c2
have solution X = X(510). (Peter Yff, 4/9/99)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(510).
Centers on the line at infinity: X(511)-X(526)
In barycentric coordinates, the line at infinity, L, is the set of points X = x : y : z satisfying x + y + z = 0. The isogonal conjugate of L, given by a^2 y z + b^2 z x + c^2 x y = 0, is the circumcircle (e.g., X(98)-X(112)).
The collection of collinearities reported below for each of the centers on L comprises a family of parallel lines.
Barycentrics x: y : z (and trilinears) for X(30), X(511)-X(526), and many other triangle centers on L, are polynomials in (a,b,c). For example, barycentrics for X(511) are p(a,b,c) : p(b,c,a) : p(c,a,b), where
p(a,b,c) = a2(a2b2 + a2c2 - b4 - c4).
Such polynomials comprise a family that can be partitioned into two subfamilies: even and odd. Each subfamily can be generated as linear combination of polynomials in certain bases. For example, a basis for the even polynomials of degrees 1 to 4 follows:
degree 1: 2a - b - c
degree 2: 2a2 - b2 - c2, 2bc - ca - ab
degree 3: 2a3 - b3 - c3, a2b + a2c - b2c - b2c, a2b + a2c - b2c - b2c
degree 4: 2a4 - b4 - c4, a3b + a3c - b3c - b3c, a3b + a3c - b3c - b3c, 2b2c2 - a2b2 - a2c2, 2a2bc - ab2c - abc2
A basis for the odd polynomials of degrees 1 to 2 follows:
degree 1: b - c
degree 2: (b - c)(a + b + c), (b - c)a
X(511) = X(3) - X(6)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(511) lies on the line at infinity.
Let L denote the line having trilinears of X(511) as coefficients. Then L is the line passing through X(6) perpendicular to the Euler line.
X(511) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangle of the hyperbola {A, B, C, X(2), and X(110)}}.
X(511) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,256 2,51 3,6 4,69 5,141 20,185 22,184 23,110 24,1092 25,394 26,206 30,512 35,2330 36,1428 40,1045 49,2937 54,1176 55,611 56,613 66,68 67,265 74,691 83,3399 98,385 99,2698 100,2699 101,2700 102,2701 103,2702 104,2703 105,2704 106,2705 107,450 108,2707 109,2708 111,352 112,2710 114,325 125,858 140,143 nbsp; 154,3167 155,159 165,3097 171,181 186,249 195,2916 199,1790 230,2023 232,2211 238,3271 242,1944 283,3145 287,401 291,3510 295,3509 298,1080 299,383 343,427 355,3416 376,1992 381,599 399,2930 403,1568 468,1112 549,597 550,1353 631,3567 694,3229 843,1296 852,2972 982,1401 1113,2105 1114,2104 1194,3051 1196,1613 1292,2711 1293,2712 1294,2713 1295,2714 1297,2715 1364,1936 1370,1899 1385,1386 1437,2915 1482,3242 1757,3507 1818,2183 1976,2065 2070,3447 2095,2097 2323,3220 2653,2670 3100,3270 3124,3291
X(511) = isogonal conjugate of X(98)
X(511) = isotomic conjugate of X(290)
X(511) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(147)
X(511) = complementary conjugate of X(114)
X(511) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,11672), (4,114), (290,2), (297,232)
X(511) = cevapoint of X(385) and X(401)
X(511) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,114), (290,2), (297,232)
X(511) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,290), (297,325)
X(511) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,385), (6,237), (11,659), (523,868)
X(511) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(523)
X(511) = orthopoint of X(512)
X(511) = X(3)-Hirst inverse of X(6)
X(511) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,6), (30,523)
X(511) = intercept of Brocard axis and the line at infinity (trilinear polars of X(110) and X(2))
X(511) = trilinear pole of line X(684)X(2491)
X(511) = radical center of Lucas(-2 tan ω) circles
X(511) = {X(3),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(182)
X(511) = X(511)-of-2nd-Brocard-triangle
X(511) = X(542)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(511) = X(542)-of-X(4)-Brocard triangle
X(511) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,1821), (63,6531), (92,248)
X(511) = X(512)-of-3rd-Parry-triangle
X(511) = ideal point of PU(i) for these i: 29, 145
X(511) = bicentric sum of PU(145)
X(511) = X(542)-of-4th-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(511) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(99)
X(511) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(99)
X(511) = perspector of 2nd Neuberg triangle and cross-triangle of 1st and 2nd Neuberg triangles
X(511) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(32)
X(511) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(76)
X(511) = perspector of ABC and side-triangle of pedal triangles of PU(1)
X(511) = perspector of ABC and side-triangle of reflection triangles of PU(1)
X(511) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(36212)
X(512) is the point in which the line of the 1st and 2nd Brocard points meets the line at infinity.
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let La be the reflection of B'C' in the internal angle bisector of vertex angle A, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Then the lines La, Lb, Lc are parallel, and they concur in X(512). (Randy Hutson, September 5, 2015)
X(512) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,875 2,3111 4,879 6,2444 25,2433 30,511 32,878 39,881 51,1640 64,2435 74,842 98,2698 99,805 100,2703 101,2702 102,2708 103,2700 104,2699 105,2711 106,2712 107,2713 108,2714 109,2701 110,249 111,843 112,2715 115,2679 187,237 263,2395 316,850 460,2501 650,2499 660,1016 670,886 764,2650 884,2440 1292,2704 1293,2705 1294,2706 1295,2707 1296,2709 1297,2710 1326,2605 1491,1734 1500,2084 1570,2451 1577,2533 1691,2483 1692,3251 1968,2909 2021,2491 2024,2507 2030,2492 2031,2510 2032,2508 2142,2143 2254,2530 2378,2379 2643,3271
X(512) = isogonal conjugate of X(99)
X(512) = isotomic conjugate of X(670)
X(512) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(148)
X(512) = complementary conjugate of X(115)
X(512) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,1084), (4,115), (66,125), (99,39), (110,6), (112,32), 1018,1500), (1306,1504), (1307,1505)
X(512) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,112), (6,110), (83,99)
X(512) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1019), (2,523), (3,525), (6,669), (39,512), (100,190), (311, 850), (514,1125), (643,662)
X(512) = orthopoint of X(511)
X(512) = vertex conjugate of X(15) and X(16)
X(512) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(2)X(6)
X(512) = X(112)-line conjugate of X(30)
X(512) = perspector of vertex-triangle and side triangle of circumcevian triangles of X(3) and X(6)
X(512) = bicentric difference of PU(1)
X(512) = bicentric difference of PU(2)
X(512) = ideal point of PU(1)
X(512) = ideal point of PU(2)
X(512) = ideal point of PU(26)
X(512) = vertex conjugate of PU(2)
X(512) = vertex conjugate of X(6) and X(187)
X(512) = trilinear pole of line X(351)X(865) (line is tangent to Steiner inellipse at X(1084))
X(512) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(6)} (circumconic centered at X(1084))
X(512) = intercept of Lemoine axis and the line at infinity (trilinear polars of X(6) and X(2))
X(512) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(1084)
X(512) = perspector of ABC and the dual of the 1st Brocard triangle
X(512) = X(512)-of-2nd-Brocard triangle
X(512) = X(690)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(512) = X(690)-of X(4)-Brocard-triangle
X(512) = orthic isogonal conjugate of X(115)
X(512) = incentral isogonal conjugate of X(115)
X(512) = incentral isotomic conjugate of X(2643)
X(512) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(799)
X(512) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(4558)
X(512) = exsimilicenter of antipedal circles of PU(1)
X(512) = harmonic center of antipedal circles of PU(1)
X(512) = trilinear pole of PU(105)
X(512) = bicentric difference of PU(191)
X(512) = ideal point of PU(191)
X(512) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Steiner triangle
X(512) = X(690) of 4th anti-Brocard triangle
X(512) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(98)
X(512) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(98)
X(512) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(14265)
X(512) = barycentric product X(4)*X(647)
X(512) = barycentric product of Jerabek hyperbola intercepts of orthic axis
X(512) = barycentric product of Kiepert hyperbola intercepts of Lemoine axis
X(512) = perspector of circlecevian triangles of PU(1)
X(512) = orthic-isotomic conjugate of X(34980)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(513) lies on the line at infinity.
X(513) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,764 3,3657 6,1024 7,885 9,3126 11,3025 30,511 36,238 37,876 44,649 59,651 74,2687 98,2699 99,2703 100,765 101,1308 102,2716 103,2717 104,953 105,840 106,2718 107,2719 108,2720 109,2222 110,1290 111,2721 112,2711 190,660 269,2424 320,350 484,1734 663,855 668,889 676,2488 884,3423 927,1275 957,2401 1037,1486 1052,1054 1086,3271 1292,2742 1293,2743 1294,2744 1295,2745 1296,2746 1297,2747 1361,3319 1362,3322 1364,3326 1430,2201 1835,1874 1960,3246 2473,2487 2490,2505 2500,2532 2517,2533 2529,3239 3022,3328 3123,3248
X(513) = isogonal conjugate of X(100)
X(513) = isotomic conjugate of X(668)
X(513) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(149)
X(513) = complementary conjugate of X(11)
X(513) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,244), (4,11), (100,1), (101,354), (108,56), (109,65), (190,37), (38275,23505)
X(513) = X(244)-cross conjugate of X(1)
X(513) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,100), (4,108), (58,109), (86,190)
X(513) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,513), (3,521), (6,667), (10,522), (42,649), (55,650), (142,514), (442,523), (692,906), (900,1145)
X(513) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1)X(6)
X(513) = orthopoint of X(517)
X(513) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (30,518), (36,238)
X(513) = X(526)-of-Fuhrmann triangle
X(513) = barycentric product of PU(27)
X(513) = trilinear pole of PU(i) for these i: 27, 34
X(513) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(1015)
X(513) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(1015)
X(513) = crossdifference of PU(28)
X(513) = ideal point of PU(i), for these i: 3, 6, 24, 31, 33, 41, 46, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 74, 76, 78, 96, 111, 124
X(513) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for these i: 6, 31, 33, 41, 46, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 96, 111
X(513) = trilinear product of PU(34)
X(513) = trilinear square root of X(244)
X(513) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(1015) (hyperbola {A,B,C,X(1),X(2)}
X(513) = intercept of antiorthic axis and the line at infinity (trilinear polars of X(1) and X(2))
X(513) = excentral isogonal conjugate of X(1768)
X(513) = intouch isogonal conjugate of X(11)
X(513) = orthic isogonal conjugate of X(11)
X(513) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(190)
X(513) = X(1)-vertex conjugate of X(36)
X(513) = barycentric cube root of X(8027)
X(513) = trilinear pole of line X(244)X(665)
X(513) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(104)
X(513) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(104)
X(513) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(14266)
X(513) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(39173)
X(513) = polar conjugate of X(6335)
X(513) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(6335) (line X(4)X(8))
X(513) = perspector of ABC and side-triangle of Gemini triangles 5 and 6
Let A7B7C7 and A8B8C8 be Gemini triangles 7 and 8, resp. Let LA be the tangent at A to conic {A,B7,C7,B8,C8}}, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(514). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(514) is one of two centers of inverse similitude (X(516) is the other) of the 1st and 2nd Dao equilateral triangles. (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(514) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,663 2,1022 10,764 11,3328 30,511 57,2401 74,2688 85,2140 98,2700 99,2702 100,1308 101,664 102,2723 103,2724 104,2717 105,2725 106,2726 107,2727 108,2728 109,929 110,2690 111,2729 116,1146 189,2399 190,1016 239,649 241,650 242,1459 330,3249 651,655 653,1461 659,667 661,693 1024,2402 1111,2170 1292,2736 1293,2737 1294,2738 1295,2739 1296,2740 1297,2741 1317,3322 1358,3323 1729,3188 1734,2254 1768,2958 1921,3261 2487,2516 4521,4885
X(514) = isogonal conjugate of X(101)
X(514) = isotomic conjugate of X(190)
X(514) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(150)
X(514) = complementary conjugate of X(116)
X(514) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,1086), (4,116), (7,11), (75,244), (100,142), (190,2)
X(514) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (11,7), (244,75)
X(514) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(190)
X(514) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,649), (37,650), (41,663), (48,652), (55,657), (213,667), (354,513), (1459,1473)
X(514) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(31)
X(514) = orthopoint of X(516)
X(514) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(39156)
X(514) = X(513)-Hirst inverse of X(812)
X(514) = trilinear pole of the line X(11)X(244) (which is the Feuerbach tangent line)
X(514) = pole wrt polar circle of line X(4)X(9)
X(514) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(1897)
X(514) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(100)
X(514) = intercept of Gergonne line and the line at infinity (trilinear polars of X(7) and X(2))
X(514) = X(690) of Fuhrmann triangle
X(514) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for these i: 10, 24, 47, 51
X(514) = ideal point of PU(i) for these i: 10, 47, 51
X(514) = trilinear product of PU(27)
X(514) = trilinear pole of PU(i) for these i: 121, 123
X(514) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(1086) (hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(7)}})
X(514) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(1086)
X(514) = anticomplementary isotomic conjugate of X(514)
X(514) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(103)
X(514) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(103)
X(514) = barycentric square root of X(1086)
X(514) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8750)
X(514) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(32656)
X(514) = perspector of ABC and vertex-triangle of Gemini triangles 7 and 8
Barycentrics 2a^4 - a^3(b + c) - a^2(b - c)^2 + a(b - c)^2(b + c) - (b^2 - c^2)^2 : :
X(515) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangles of the conic that passes through the points A, B, C, X(2), and X(8).
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(515) lies on the line at infinity.
X(515) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,4 3,10 5,1125 8,20 9,3427 11,1319 12,2646 29,947 30,511 36,80 48,1826 55,1012 56,1210 58,3072 65,1071 71,1765 74,2689 78,3436 79,1389 98,2701 99,2708 100,2077 101,2723 102,1309 103,929 105,2730 106,2731 108,2733 109,2734 110,2695 111,2735 117,1455 119,214 145,962 153,908 165,376 200,3421 281,610 284,1065 381,551 382,1482 411,2975 484,1768 595,3073 602,1724 603,1771 631,1698 910,1146 936,2551 938,3333 956,3419 997,3452 1000,3062 1006,1746 1292,2751 1293,2757 1294,2762 1295,2765 1296,2768 1317,1537 1323,1565 1350,3416 1387,1538 1420,8086 1498,3173 1766,2321 1829,3575 1836,2099 1839,1963 1885,1902 2093,2096 2183,2250 3241,3543
X(515) = isogonal conjugate of X(102)
X(515) = isotomic conjugate of X(34393)
X(515) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(151)
X(515) = complementary conjugate of X(117)
X(515) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(23986)
X(515) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(117)
X(515) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(652)
X(515) = orthopoint of X(522)
X(515) = intersection of trilinear polars of X(2) and X(8)
X(515) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(109)
X(515) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(109)
X(515) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(10570)
X(515) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(10571)
X(515) = X(2)-isoconjugate of X(32677)
X(516) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangles of the conic that passes through the points A, B, C, X(2), and X(7).
X(516) is one of two centers of inverse similitude (X(514) is the other) of the 1st and 2nd Dao equilateral triangles. (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(516) lies on the line at infinity.
X(516) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,7 2,165 3,142 4,9 8,144 11,1155 27,2328 30,511 31,1754 35,411 46,1210 55,226 57,497 63,1709 65,950 72,3059 74,2690 79,2346 80,655 98,2702 99,2700 100,908 101,2724 102,929 103,927 104,1308 105,2736 106,2737 107,2738 108,2739 109,1936 110,2688 111,2740 112,2741 118,910 146,2948 149,1768 152,1282 200,329 214,1537 238,673 255,1777 354,553 355,382 376,551 388,1697 412,1838 484,1737 550,1385 580,3073 902,3011 938,3339 944,3243 972,1543 993,1012 1058,3333 1076,1771 1086,1279 1158,3358 1284,2223 1292,2725 1293,2726 1294,2727 1295,2728 1296,2729 1317,3328 1376,3452 1389,3255 1482,1657 1490,3174 1519,2077 1538,3035 1571,2548 1572,2549 1587,1702 1588,1703 1633,3220 1698,3091 1700,2546 1701,2547 1704,2542 1705,2543 1736,2310 1829,1885 1852,1888 2017,2544 2018,2545 2321,3416 2947,3190 3021,3323 3340,3586
X(516) = isogonal conjugate of X(103)
X(516) = isotomic conjugate of X(18025)
X(516) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(152)
X(516) = complementary conjugate of X(118)
X(516) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(23972)
X(516) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(118)
X(516) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,916), (55,672)
X(516) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(657)
X(516) = orthopoint of X(514)
X(516) = intercept of the Soddy line and the line at infinity (trilinear polars of X(7) and X(2))
X(516) = X(542)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(516) = exsimilicenter of Bevan and anticomplementary circles
X(516) = harmonic center of Bevan and anticomplementary circles
X(516) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(101)
X(516) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(101)
X(516) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(14377)
X(516) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(3730)
X(516) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(32657)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(517) lies on the line at infinity.
X(517) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,3 2,392 4,8 5,10 6,998 7,1000 9,374 11,1737 19,219 20,145 21,1389 30,511 33,1905 34,1753 37,573 42,1064 44,1168 52,1858 59,1870 63,956 71,1243 74,1290 78,945 88,1318 98,2703 99,2699 100,953 101,910 102,1807 103,1308 104,901 105,2742 106,2743 107,2744 108,2745 109,1455 110,1325 111,2746 112,2747 119,908 140,1125 151,1535 169,220 182,1386 201,2599 210,381 218,2082 221,3157 226,495 238,1052 244,1149 347,1439 376,2094 389,950 390,3488 399,2948 496,1210 500,2650 549,551 550,1483 572,1100 579,1108 580,595 582,602 601,1468 672,2170 840,1292 906,1951 936,1706 938,1058 958,3560 990,1350 997,1376 1006,1621 1042,1066 1046,2943 1051,2944 1068,1426 1113,2103 1114,2102 1124,2362 1148,1895 1293,2718 1294,2719 1295,2720 1296,2721 1297,2722 1817,3025 1352,3416 1361,1785 1362,3328 1364,3319 1391,1443 1411,2361 1437,3193 1451,1497 1457,1465 1478,1836 1479,1837 1490,2136 1656,1698 1702,3311 1703,3312 1788,3086 1830,1877 1838,1888 2171,2269 2182,2323 2270,2324 2329,3496 3022,3322 3061,3501 3085,3485 3125,3290 3190,3198 3197,3211 3474,3476
X(517) = isogonal conjugate of X(104)
X(517) = isotomic conjugate of X(18816)
X(517) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(153)
X(517) = complementary conjugate of X(119)
X(517) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(23980)
X(517) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(119)
X(517) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,80), (7,88)
X(517) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,36), (3,912), (44,55), (56,1455)
X(517) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(650)
X(517) = orthopoint of X(513)
X(517) = trilinear pole of line X(1769)X(3310)
X(517) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(100)
X(517) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(100)
X(517) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(56)
X(517) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(8)
X(517) = X(30)-of-excentral-triangle
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(518) lies on the line at infinity.
Let Ia be the reflection of X(1) in the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define Ib and Ic cyclically; then X(518) = X(528) of IaIbIc. (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(518) lies on these (parallel) lines: {1, 6}, {2, 210}, {3, 3433}, {4, 6601}, {5, 10916}, {7, 8}, {10, 141}, {11, 908}, {12, 6067}, {19, 5781}, {20, 3189}, {21, 2346}, {25, 41611}, {28, 56137}, {30, 511}, {31, 3744}, {34, 9370}, {35, 3916}, {36, 3446}, {38, 42}, {39, 3774}, {40, 1071}, {43, 982}, {46, 5687}, {51, 41581}, {55, 63}, {56, 78}, {57, 200}, {58, 5266}, {59, 765}, {66, 28787}, {67, 13211}, {74, 2691}, {80, 3254}, {81, 1390}, {84, 6769}, {86, 3786}, {88, 52925}, {89, 56151}, {92, 1859}, {98, 2704}, {99, 2711}, {100, 840}, {101, 2725}, {102, 2730}, {103, 2736}, {104, 2742}, {105, 1280}, {106, 2748}, {107, 2749}, {108, 2750}, {109, 2751}, {110, 2752}, {111, 2753}, {112, 2754}, {113, 58680}, {114, 58681}, {115, 35084}, {116, 58612}, {117, 58685}, {118, 58686}, {119, 58613}, {120, 5519}, {125, 32238}, {140, 13373}, {144, 145}, {149, 5057}, {159, 9798}, {165, 3158}, {171, 3961}, {181, 3687}, {182, 1385}, {184, 41605}, {188, 11032}, {190, 3685}, {191, 3746}, {197, 37581}, {206, 42463}, {209, 306}, {214, 5126}, {222, 8270}, {226, 2886}, {227, 37591}, {228, 16678}, {236, 8083}, {239, 335}, {240, 14571}, {241, 1458}, {243, 1897}, {244, 899}, {265, 10100}, {287, 57862}, {291, 1575}, {294, 9453}, {296, 14198}, {312, 3967}, {313, 44153}, {318, 1887}, {321, 3706}, {323, 65524}, {329, 497}, {333, 3757}, {341, 20923}, {344, 27549}, {350, 17794}, {355, 1352}, {374, 37654}, {375, 5943}, {376, 63432}, {385, 5985}, {386, 4719}, {404, 4420}, {442, 13407}, {468, 47477}, {474, 3338}, {484, 4880}, {496, 21616}, {500, 48922}, {551, 597}, {553, 49732}, {575, 15178}, {576, 5694}, {579, 3694}, {583, 1009}, {584, 13723}, {596, 40504}, {599, 3679}, {612, 940}, {614, 4383}, {620, 58590}, {643, 2651}, {644, 10699}, {648, 53204}, {650, 5098}, {651, 1456}, {664, 14189}, {666, 53214}, {668, 1921}, {670, 53222}, {672, 3693}, {677, 1814}, {692, 7193}, {693, 50765}, {694, 54980}, {748, 62869}, {750, 37520}, {756, 3720}, {759, 65885}, {846, 3750}, {869, 2274}, {872, 1193}, {894, 5263}, {895, 7984}, {896, 902}, {901, 53608}, {903, 53226}, {910, 1282}, {920, 11508}, {936, 3333}, {938, 2551}, {944, 5759}, {946, 3813}, {950, 12527}, {959, 1219}, {961, 1257}, {962, 6764}, {965, 54385}, {966, 39581}, {976, 1468}, {978, 3976}, {986, 4646}, {988, 4255}, {991, 64739}, {993, 5138}, {994, 56125}, {995, 19267}, {997, 999}, {1000, 34919}, {1012, 37569}, {1015, 21830}, {1026, 3675}, {1038, 34046}, {1040, 7074}, {1046, 5255}, {1052, 47623}, {1054, 5524}, {1056, 60987}, {1066, 3682}, {1072, 5721}, {1086, 1738}, {1120, 9432}, {1125, 3589}, {1145, 10427}, {1146, 18413}, {1149, 22220}, {1150, 26227}, {1156, 1320}, {1158, 8668}, {1159, 15346}, {1201, 21330}, {1210, 1329}, {1211, 40952}, {1214, 3190}, {1215, 3741}, {1222, 1431}, {1259, 37579}, {1260, 1617}, {1278, 3621}, {1283, 34997}, {1284, 21320}, {1292, 28914}, {1293, 65878}, {1317, 6068}, {1326, 16702}, {1330, 5015}, {1331, 2361}, {1351, 1482}, {1353, 1483}, {1362, 3323}, {1387, 18254}, {1388, 56387}, {1393, 56198}, {1400, 3965}, {1407, 60786}, {1411, 60049}, {1418, 4334}, {1423, 4073}, {1454, 11501}, {1465, 4551}, {1473, 37577}, {1475, 33299}, {1478, 3419}, {1479, 58798}, {1486, 24320}, {1490, 64077}, {1495, 41607}, {1512, 37725}, {1537, 12665}, {1538, 21635}, {1621, 3219}, {1638, 30704}, {1639, 30700}, {1647, 61176}, {1691, 11364}, {1697, 4326}, {1698, 3697}, {1699, 5927}, {1706, 3339}, {1707, 3052}, {1722, 17054}, {1727, 65144}, {1737, 5123}, {1739, 31855}, {1741, 55111}, {1754, 56178}, {1755, 20785}, {1768, 5537}, {1788, 7080}, {1824, 1889}, {1829, 1843}, {1834, 10381}, {1836, 3434}, {1837, 3436}, {1861, 1876}, {1875, 5081}, {1888, 5174}, {1898, 11415}, {1902, 12294}, {1936, 51361}, {1961, 4038}, {1962, 3989}, {1974, 11363}, {1992, 3241}, {1993, 41740}, {1998, 54408}, {1999, 21334}, {2076, 3099}, {2078, 37736}, {2093, 2097}, {2098, 11682}, {2099, 3872}, {2100, 15162}, {2101, 15163}, {2102, 2104}, {2103, 2105}, {2113, 3797}, {2136, 2951}, {2170, 20593}, {2177, 4414}, {2194, 40571}, {2223, 3286}, {2225, 46148}, {2238, 3290}, {2260, 3949}, {2262, 5819}, {2263, 6180}, {2264, 5279}, {2280, 5282}, {2283, 36819}, {2285, 3713}, {2292, 2667}, {2294, 15984}, {2308, 4722}, {2318, 25091}, {2319, 52211}, {2320, 55920}, {2321, 32118}, {2330, 2646}, {2331, 23052}, {2334, 56328}, {2352, 3998}, {2446, 24646}, {2447, 24647}, {2475, 5178}, {2476, 61013}, {2481, 33675}, {2611, 21326}, {2643, 20360}, {2650, 3728}, {2669, 18827}, {2887, 29673}, {2895, 4914}, {2900, 7580}, {2901, 24068}, {2930, 2948}, {2968, 51368}, {2979, 23155}, {2991, 15382}, {2999, 3677}, {3006, 3936}, {3008, 40538}, {3011, 17724}, {3021, 44045}, {3030, 5212}, {3035, 3660}, {3036, 12736}, {3037, 65523}, {3038, 51615}, {3039, 59814}, {3040, 12016}, {3041, 11028}, {3042, 59816}, {3058, 17781}, {3060, 41717}, {3062, 3680}, {3085, 26066}, {3086, 25681}, {3094, 9941}, {3097, 3795}, {3098, 3579}, {3110, 6629}, {3119, 52888}, {3120, 32856}, {3121, 8620}, {3126, 52228}, {3149, 12704}, {3175, 32915}, {3185, 20760}, {3187, 3891}, {3198, 24310}, {3208, 21872}, {3210, 20012}, {3214, 24443}, {3216, 3953}, {3220, 20468}, {3226, 33680}, {3240, 4003}, {3244, 3629}, {3245, 5528}, {3248, 23579}, {3252, 22116}, {3255, 5559}, {3263, 18157}, {3271, 49771}, {3293, 3670}, {3295, 3927}, {3296, 17582}, {3303, 3951}, {3304, 3984}, {3305, 3715}, {3306, 3711}, {3313, 18732}, {3315, 7292}, {3340, 4853}, {3358, 12114}, {3361, 5438}, {3421, 18391}, {3428, 18446}, {3445, 56630}, {3452, 3816}, {3474, 9965}, {3476, 12848}, {3485, 8232}, {3487, 19843}, {3501, 4515}, {3507, 18208}, {3550, 4650}, {3556, 12410}, {3576, 5085}, {3580, 15904}, {3600, 9850}, {3601, 62824}, {3616, 3618}, {3617, 3620}, {3619, 3983}, {3622, 27268}, {3623, 3890}, {3624, 4533}, {3625, 3630}, {3626, 3631}, {3628, 58561}, {3632, 3901}, {3633, 4718}, {3634, 4015}, {3635, 3884}, {3636, 3988}, {3644, 3885}, {3647, 63271}, {3649, 21926}, {3653, 38064}, {3654, 44284}, {3655, 11179}, {3656, 20423}, {3661, 31317}, {3662, 4429}, {3663, 3755}, {3664, 64007}, {3671, 18251}, {3686, 17049}, {3688, 3879}, {3691, 21808}, {3699, 5205}, {3701, 18137}, {3702, 4043}, {3705, 4417}, {3712, 3977}, {3714, 4385}, {3717, 3912}, {3721, 3780}, {3729, 3886}, {3730, 3991}, {3736, 16696}, {3756, 5121}, {3758, 36534}, {3769, 20359}, {3771, 4438}, {3772, 33137}, {3773, 17229}, {3781, 4851}, {3782, 3914}, {3784, 4952}, {3790, 17233}, {3792, 4553}, {3794, 41629}, {3799, 17310}, {3814, 59419}, {3817, 3829}, {3818, 16616}, {3821, 4085}, {3824, 3841}, {3828, 3833}, {3840, 4090}, {3846, 29655}, {3871, 7676}, {3875, 12721}, {3883, 4416}, {3896, 17147}, {3898, 4525}, {3899, 15534}, {3903, 41532}, {3909, 63071}, {3917, 61678}, {3918, 4691}, {3919, 4669}, {3921, 19875}, {3922, 4678}, {3923, 12722}, {3925, 5249}, {3929, 4428}, {3934, 58584}, {3939, 13329}, {3941, 37507}, {3943, 49763}, {3944, 33101}, {3945, 39587}, {3946, 4353}, {3952, 4009}, {3955, 20986}, {3966, 5739}, {3968, 4745}, {3971, 4891}, {3974, 34255}, {3981, 21876}, {3992, 49999}, {3994, 49982}, {3996, 32932}, {4000, 4310}, {4001, 4030}, {4004, 4668}, {4006, 16549}, {4026, 4357}, {4028, 4884}, {4032, 6737}, {4042, 5271}, {4062, 32848}, {4071, 4119}, {4075, 64536}, {4078, 17243}, {4088, 53554}, {4096, 59517}, {4104, 5743}, {4111, 4733}, {4113, 4359}, {4124, 53358}, {4133, 21848}, {4141, 4933}, {4189, 62827}, {4219, 56316}, {4252, 37552}, {4253, 25066}, {4256, 37599}, {4257, 37589}, {4267, 10461}, {4292, 63146}, {4295, 5082}, {4296, 34028}, {4297, 12437}, {4298, 6743}, {4301, 9856}, {4307, 4644}, {4308, 60941}, {4327, 5228}, {4335, 37598}, {4347, 64055}, {4349, 4667}, {4361, 21867}, {4362, 32853}, {4363, 50314}, {4364, 50290}, {4384, 64560}, {4387, 56082}, {4388, 4514}, {4395, 50013}, {4402, 15590}, {4407, 4708}, {4415, 24210}, {4418, 32940}, {4419, 64168}, {4422, 49768}, {4424, 64175}, {4439, 6541}, {4440, 62392}, {4446, 21857}, {4468, 65697}, {4485, 42711}, {4517, 17316}, {4518, 37686}, {4519, 4671}, {4523, 4852}, {4524, 17069}, {4532, 51006}, {4539, 25055}, {4541, 4987}, {4547, 19878}, {4557, 20470}, {4576, 16741}, {4643, 24357}, {4652, 5217}, {4655, 4660}, {4670, 25384}, {4672, 49473}, {4673, 50636}, {4674, 50002}, {4676, 17350}, {4677, 15533}, {4679, 31018}, {4683, 32947}, {4685, 22278}, {4690, 50308}, {4693, 24821}, {4694, 49997}, {4695, 49984}, {4696, 17751}, {4701, 4757}, {4706, 17154}, {4716, 21889}, {4727, 21864}, {4731, 21356}, {4740, 11160}, {4744, 34641}, {4753, 4974}, {4764, 20053}, {4788, 20014}, {4792, 51908}, {4812, 5016}, {4821, 20052}, {4848, 6736}, {4855, 5204}, {4861, 8543}, {4865, 32946}, {4866, 10390}, {4869, 10005}, {4871, 24003}, {4872, 20539}, {4875, 17451}, {4876, 43751}, {4892, 21241}, {4900, 55922}, {4901, 17296}, {4903, 20942}, {4915, 18421}, {4917, 63144}, {4925, 53539}, {4930, 5093}, {4969, 50017}, {4972, 17184}, {4973, 5122}, {4980, 17163}, {4996, 41541}, {4999, 13411}, {5014, 6327}, {5018, 6610}, {5026, 11711}, {5028, 36287}, {5032, 62835}, {5039, 10800}, {5048, 6163}, {5050, 10246}, {5078, 17977}, {5086, 20060}, {5089, 20752}, {5092, 13624}, {5097, 33179}, {5102, 16200}, {5104, 5184}, {5132, 16574}, {5148, 50776}, {5175, 5229}, {5176, 45043}, {5183, 30295}, {5211, 58371}, {5218, 5744}, {5219, 5231}, {5221, 60938}, {5248, 31445}, {5256, 17599}, {5268, 37674}, {5269, 62812}, {5270, 47033}, {5272, 37679}, {5273, 10578}, {5274, 11678}, {5284, 27065}, {5293, 37607}, {5297, 37633}, {5311, 37595}, {5316, 17051}, {5322, 5347}, {5327, 56020}, {5399, 37565}, {5432, 59491}, {5433, 27385}, {5434, 60932}, {5435, 59572}, {5437, 8580}, {5441, 63277}, {5449, 58580}, {5462, 58575}, {5476, 51709}, {5506, 36946}, {5531, 5536}, {5534, 5709}, {5550, 63119}, {5552, 24914}, {5554, 56879}, {5563, 17614}, {5571, 18258}, {5573, 23511}, {5584, 10884}, {5587, 10516}, {5603, 5817}, {5657, 10519}, {5665, 42015}, {5690, 10915}, {5691, 12625}, {5693, 7982}, {5703, 30478}, {5708, 9709}, {5710, 28026}, {5714, 31418}, {5718, 29639}, {5720, 22753}, {5731, 25406}, {5735, 5881}, {5737, 35612}, {5741, 26263}, {5745, 6690}, {5748, 10589}, {5750, 19868}, {5758, 12664}, {5768, 64111}, {5769, 37536}, {5771, 6684}, {5772, 29611}, {5785, 9623}, {5786, 10441}, {5790, 38107}, {5791, 10198}, {5795, 6738}, {5806, 9947}, {5812, 48482}, {5818, 40330}, {5882, 8550}, {5884, 11362}, {5885, 40107}, {5886, 14561}, {5901, 18583}, {5918, 9778}, {5928, 36844}, {5972, 58601}, {6034, 38220}, {6036, 58589}, {6048, 24174}, {6147, 12609}, {6154, 27778}, {6168, 53547}, {6184, 39012}, {6211, 16560}, {6244, 52804}, {6253, 64003}, {6261, 22770}, {6282, 63430}, {6284, 64002}, {6326, 22560}, {6361, 28646}, {6391, 43703}, {6403, 41722}, {6467, 41600}, {6510, 44858}, {6583, 9956}, {6593, 11720}, {6598, 15909}, {6646, 24723}, {6667, 18240}, {6668, 58566}, {6675, 58568}, {6679, 29656}, {6681, 58570}, {6682, 6685}, {6688, 58574}, {6691, 6700}, {6692, 20103}, {6696, 58579}, {6699, 58582}, {6701, 58586}, {6702, 58587}, {6705, 58588}, {6710, 58592}, {6711, 58593}, {6712, 58594}, {6713, 58595}, {6714, 43937}, {6715, 58597}, {6716, 58598}, {6717, 58599}, {6718, 58600}, {6719, 58602}, {6720, 58603}, {6735, 10956}, {6740, 14194}, {6742, 52002}, {6744, 18250}, {6796, 37623}, {6797, 15863}, {6925, 12678}, {7004, 9371}, {7028, 11033}, {7055, 8817}, {7061, 14196}, {7081, 14829}, {7172, 37655}, {7191, 32911}, {7226, 17018}, {7257, 14195}, {7262, 8616}, {7288, 27383}, {7308, 8167}, {7322, 17022}, {7330, 11496}, {7354, 57287}, {7411, 7964}, {7483, 63259}, {7679, 61008}, {7680, 51755}, {7701, 63266}, {7713, 7716}, {7717, 7718}, {7742, 11517}, {7743, 11813}, {7962, 10384}, {7967, 14912}, {7970, 10753}, {7972, 66039}, {7974, 51203}, {7975, 51200}, {7976, 32451}, {7978, 10752}, {7983, 10754}, {7987, 53094}, {7993, 64264}, {7994, 10860}, {8093, 45706}, {8094, 45707}, {8125, 10501}, {8126, 10502}, {8148, 40266}, {8185, 20987}, {8192, 19459}, {8193, 37485}, {8255, 18389}, {8261, 15888}, {8387, 10506}, {8539, 44840}, {8544, 37567}, {8558, 51376}, {8582, 9711}, {8593, 9884}, {8608, 59734}, {8624, 41333}, {8758, 34977}, {8818, 37049}, {8983, 13910}, {9263, 19565}, {9278, 9505}, {9312, 42309}, {9342, 65112}, {9347, 14996}, {9352, 23958}, {9399, 57690}, {9441, 24826}, {9502, 56716}, {9708, 15934}, {9729, 58617}, {9776, 26040}, {9785, 9797}, {9791, 17258}, {9805, 45702}, {9806, 45703}, {9808, 45704}, {9812, 51538}, {9822, 12109}, {9834, 39881}, {9835, 39880}, {9903, 24273}, {9924, 64022}, {9955, 19130}, {9961, 12632}, {9969, 41591}, {9971, 61726}, {10025, 14197}, {10026, 49544}, {10039, 13750}, {10052, 41559}, {10057, 41684}, {10067, 13973}, {10068, 13911}, {10085, 37022}, {10122, 18253}, {10129, 64361}, {10156, 58441}, {10164, 11227}, {10165, 27473}, {10202, 26446}, {10267, 26921}, {10283, 38040}, {10307, 56089}, {10310, 63399}, {10327, 30615}, {10392, 12053}, {10442, 12435}, {10473, 11679}, {10480, 10889}, {10503, 11690}, {10527, 11375}, {10529, 11376}, {10541, 30389}, {10573, 41566}, {10580, 18228}, {10609, 21578}, {10624, 41562}, {10647, 44689}, {10648, 44688}, {10680, 45770}, {10695, 10756}, {10696, 10757}, {10697, 10758}, {10698, 10759}, {10700, 10761}, {10701, 10762}, {10702, 10763}, {10703, 10764}, {10704, 10765}, {10705, 10766}, {10707, 27493}, {10791, 42534}, {10902, 54302}, {10939, 63602}, {10944, 17620}, {10950, 39873}, {10974, 41014}, {11012, 33597}, {11021, 18229}, {11026, 22993}, {11027, 22994}, {11030, 18234}, {11031, 18235}, {11035, 12447}, {11036, 28629}, {11108, 64675}, {11161, 50885}, {11180, 34627}, {11200, 42050}, {11224, 24644}, {11230, 38167}, {11246, 17616}, {11248, 24467}, {11249, 37700}, {11269, 17720}, {11278, 37517}, {11280, 41694}, {11281, 40661}, {11322, 42704}, {11374, 26363}, {11396, 12167}, {11435, 26872}, {11499, 37532}, {11510, 41537}, {11518, 25891}, {11520, 19860}, {11571, 64056}, {11574, 37613}, {11575, 35023}, {11646, 13178}, {11662, 37707}, {11680, 17605}, {11681, 17606}, {11684, 17637}, {11685, 17607}, {11686, 17608}, {11687, 17610}, {11688, 17611}, {11691, 17641}, {11699, 19140}, {11712, 28345}, {11721, 28662}, {11722, 28343}, {11730, 40534}, {11735, 15118}, {11898, 12645}, {12007, 13607}, {12032, 39634}, {12047, 24390}, {12125, 17632}, {12135, 60879}, {12194, 12212}, {12195, 60882}, {12220, 64039}, {12245, 35514}, {12260, 12439}, {12262, 63420}, {12263, 24256}, {12368, 14982}, {12389, 17633}, {12403, 18248}, {12438, 12583}, {12440, 12590}, {12441, 12591}, {12445, 45708}, {12454, 60898}, {12455, 60899}, {12495, 60900}, {12512, 31805}, {12515, 25438}, {12529, 17634}, {12530, 17635}, {12531, 17636}, {12533, 17639}, {12534, 17640}, {12535, 17643}, {12536, 14927}, {12559, 60964}, {12564, 16201}, {12572, 63999}, {12575, 15006}, {12608, 32159}, {12611, 66049}, {12618, 24388}, {12626, 60906}, {12627, 60907}, {12628, 60908}, {12636, 60917}, {12637, 60918}, {12640, 31798}, {12647, 60923}, {12648, 60925}, {12652, 64741}, {12682, 33859}, {12692, 12777}, {12699, 28645}, {12702, 33878}, {12706, 56936}, {12718, 24280}, {12738, 48713}, {12751, 66030}, {12758, 25416}, {12773, 35459}, {12779, 41735}, {12780, 51013}, {12781, 51010}, {12832, 55016}, {12855, 18255}, {12914, 18257}, {12917, 18259}, {12948, 45445}, {12949, 45444}, {13138, 52007}, {13169, 50920}, {13214, 49199}, {13271, 17661}, {13272, 49176}, {13386, 58896}, {13387, 58897}, {13464, 20117}, {13541, 39343}, {13576, 20347}, {13601, 60961}, {13605, 25328}, {13751, 27529}, {13971, 13972}, {14192, 65201}, {14203, 65297}, {14204, 51562}, {14454, 41577}, {14529, 52016}, {14810, 26201}, {14913, 44545}, {14994, 21443}, {15325, 40531}, {15348, 64328}, {15490, 24771}, {15493, 62679}, {15523, 33081}, {15528, 64193}, {15621, 37619}, {15632, 51402}, {15635, 56759}, {15668, 39586}, {15950, 61015}, {15983, 25295}, {15985, 25124}, {15988, 34195}, {15993, 50254}, {16010, 33535}, {16020, 37650}, {16164, 41606}, {16192, 55651}, {16239, 58605}, {16370, 59337}, {16569, 16602}, {16570, 21000}, {16584, 22199}, {16585, 63332}, {16605, 20271}, {16687, 40956}, {16704, 18191}, {16726, 18792}, {16732, 23690}, {16823, 17277}, {16825, 17348}, {16826, 31323}, {16853, 51572}, {16865, 62870}, {17017, 61358}, {17024, 63074}, {17031, 43534}, {17038, 31503}, {17061, 40940}, {17065, 21892}, {17081, 59537}, {17113, 56870}, {17123, 29820}, {17126, 62795}, {17127, 62806}, {17143, 60719}, {17144, 18906}, {17146, 24589}, {17155, 32860}, {17185, 18185}, {17231, 29674}, {17234, 25108}, {17237, 29659}, {17251, 48851}, {17264, 25316}, {17274, 48829}, {17276, 24248}, {17281, 50316}, {17294, 27474}, {17297, 27487}, {17299, 21853}, {17301, 50282}, {17314, 21871}, {17330, 50305}, {17332, 39543}, {17333, 49746}, {17344, 33076}, {17346, 36494}, {17349, 63522}, {17357, 29637}, {17359, 50311}, {17364, 49537}, {17365, 50307}, {17370, 26150}, {17371, 26083}, {17375, 25279}, {17378, 50286}, {17382, 50285}, {17384, 29633}, {17389, 27481}, {17392, 50291}, {17441, 26893}, {17450, 30950}, {17454, 37023}, {17460, 42083}, {17474, 39244}, {17476, 47625}, {17480, 20036}, {17483, 20292}, {17490, 59295}, {17491, 21282}, {17502, 17508}, {17536, 32635}, {17591, 42043}, {17592, 42042}, {17596, 60714}, {17598, 29821}, {17624, 61762}, {17626, 18236}, {17647, 18990}, {17649, 54156}, {17652, 26726}, {17716, 62841}, {17717, 29676}, {17719, 33140}, {17723, 63008}, {17725, 29658}, {17726, 61652}, {17733, 35631}, {17754, 44798}, {17763, 22321}, {17778, 33073}, {17780, 24593}, {17793, 20530}, {17798, 20769}, {17889, 21949}, {17976, 36942}, {18026, 53228}, {18134, 25137}, {18138, 25282}, {18156, 59504}, {18178, 56018}, {18180, 35637}, {18210, 45916}, {18239, 63962}, {18345, 18440}, {18357, 18358}, {18481, 37585}, {18526, 39899}, {18743, 27538}, {18788, 19589}, {19066, 60887}, {19127, 51692}, {19131, 24301}, {19136, 51695}, {19149, 40658}, {19154, 51696}, {19582, 56085}, {19723, 64549}, {19742, 64559}, {19758, 54423}, {19804, 59296}, {19862, 50191}, {19877, 63121}, {19883, 38089}, {19993, 30614}, {20013, 20076}, {20016, 41845}, {20040, 56185}, {20057, 60983}, {20075, 20078}, {20106, 58624}, {20196, 31249}, {20247, 26563}, {20284, 24528}, {20290, 28599}, {20323, 61012}, {20340, 25125}, {20352, 25298}, {20367, 53397}, {20456, 39979}, {20487, 24997}, {20498, 20545}, {20556, 34173}, {20590, 23509}, {20692, 24578}, {20777, 20878}, {20892, 25277}, {20935, 30545}, {20947, 41851}, {20952, 25301}, {20990, 37609}, {21010, 62853}, {21031, 24982}, {21080, 22299}, {21196, 57232}, {21242, 25385}, {21331, 50014}, {21346, 25067}, {21511, 60713}, {21630, 47320}, {21814, 23632}, {21850, 22791}, {21868, 46032}, {21896, 24440}, {22016, 25253}, {22060, 54327}, {22108, 45695}, {22300, 22316}, {22758, 37533}, {22793, 48901}, {22851, 51021}, {22867, 51209}, {22896, 51020}, {22912, 51208}, {23050, 42856}, {23102, 51989}, {23151, 37580}, {23152, 64688}, {23156, 31737}, {23157, 65399}, {23305, 25365}, {23653, 61316}, {23988, 43046}, {24239, 37662}, {24326, 24690}, {24331, 64554}, {24514, 54291}, {24552, 26223}, {24575, 28358}, {24597, 26228}, {24695, 64016}, {24715, 32857}, {24725, 33104}, {24851, 26731}, {24892, 33127}, {24928, 30144}, {24943, 26061}, {25011, 50038}, {25024, 25099}, {25048, 50015}, {25080, 63393}, {25086, 46196}, {25130, 59633}, {25259, 50518}, {25368, 40718}, {25439, 47038}, {25440, 37582}, {25453, 26128}, {25496, 29652}, {25613, 27267}, {25760, 33065}, {25957, 33069}, {26011, 26013}, {26200, 55718}, {26241, 56517}, {26242, 37657}, {26300, 49232}, {26301, 49233}, {26333, 37822}, {26580, 29835}, {26703, 35185}, {26840, 33068}, {26924, 55098}, {27064, 32942}, {27184, 32773}, {27478, 50095}, {27479, 31140}, {27480, 50129}, {27492, 34749}, {27637, 59305}, {27919, 40217}, {28070, 30624}, {28352, 46190}, {28362, 59311}, {28366, 63497}, {29631, 32775}, {29632, 33115}, {29667, 32782}, {29670, 32916}, {29679, 33172}, {29690, 33105}, {29814, 62866}, {29815, 37685}, {29828, 37660}, {29832, 31034}, {29839, 33116}, {29840, 33071}, {29846, 33119}, {29850, 33123}, {29857, 30811}, {29872, 30831}, {29958, 42450}, {29982, 52353}, {30090, 44720}, {30142, 37594}, {30145, 62805}, {30147, 62860}, {30223, 56545}, {30272, 63389}, {30274, 31434}, {30312, 60988}, {30335, 64622}, {30346, 30412}, {30347, 30413}, {30348, 30416}, {30349, 30417}, {30350, 30393}, {30351, 30414}, {30352, 30415}, {30384, 51409}, {30392, 55703}, {30567, 59597}, {30741, 30828}, {30748, 30945}, {30758, 30962}, {30807, 46792}, {30818, 30942}, {30829, 30947}, {30861, 30948}, {30946, 62697}, {30969, 31330}, {31017, 31079}, {31019, 33108}, {31136, 31161}, {31141, 61717}, {31142, 31146}, {31159, 61703}, {31160, 37718}, {31162, 54131}, {31188, 62710}, {31197, 62711}, {31241, 31264}, {31245, 31266}, {31399, 45777}, {31507, 31509}, {31526, 31627}, {31547, 31588}, {31548, 31589}, {31571, 31594}, {31572, 31595}, {31662, 55695}, {31666, 55687}, {31730, 48881}, {31740, 47609}, {31760, 32191}, {31778, 43169}, {31779, 43170}, {31780, 43171}, {31781, 43172}, {31785, 43173}, {31787, 32157}, {31797, 43181}, {31811, 64028}, {31821, 64205}, {32113, 47321}, {32217, 51693}, {32288, 49203}, {32298, 64104}, {32557, 38197}, {32777, 33163}, {32778, 33084}, {32779, 33170}, {32780, 32783}, {32842, 56878}, {32843, 32844}, {32852, 32854}, {32858, 32862}, {32861, 32866}, {32863, 33078}, {32864, 32914}, {32929, 32933}, {32930, 32938}, {32948, 33067}, {32949, 33072}, {33074, 33080}, {33077, 33089}, {33079, 33085}, {33094, 33098}, {33095, 33099}, {33096, 33106}, {33097, 33109}, {33128, 33143}, {33129, 33139}, {33130, 33138}, {33131, 33146}, {33132, 33147}, {33133, 33142}, {33134, 33151}, {33135, 33152}, {33156, 33161}, {33157, 33166}, {33158, 33164}, {33160, 33167}, {33297, 33941}, {33558, 51782}, {33562, 44675}, {33574, 33575}, {33598, 41689}, {33682, 64561}, {33697, 48884}, {34036, 34048}, {34434, 42027}, {34507, 64473}, {34587, 52875}, {34620, 34701}, {34632, 54170}, {34700, 37712}, {34744, 59417}, {34753, 47742}, {34773, 48906}, {34916, 41434}, {35016, 51729}, {35072, 65910}, {35242, 55646}, {35312, 37780}, {35326, 53413}, {35445, 61153}, {35543, 53363}, {35551, 46238}, {35633, 63800}, {35641, 35840}, {35642, 35841}, {35645, 39594}, {35659, 35679}, {35672, 35682}, {35762, 45573}, {35763, 45572}, {35842, 60915}, {35843, 60916}, {36267, 49454}, {36279, 54286}, {36565, 62802}, {36603, 52180}, {36883, 50924}, {36922, 39779}, {36971, 39891}, {36977, 37738}, {37135, 65261}, {37528, 56839}, {37549, 54418}, {37551, 64679}, {37553, 62818}, {37562, 49169}, {37610, 49500}, {37624, 53091}, {37658, 40131}, {37703, 54357}, {37722, 41012}, {37727, 63722}, {37820, 37826}, {38021, 38072}, {38022, 38079}, {38023, 38025}, {38026, 38090}, {38027, 38091}, {38028, 38110}, {38032, 38119}, {38033, 38120}, {38034, 38136}, {38038, 38147}, {38039, 38148}, {38041, 38042}, {38044, 38168}, {38045, 38169}, {38050, 38060}, {38051, 38061}, {38056, 38058}, {38062, 38198}, {38063, 38199}, {38065, 38066}, {38073, 38074}, {38080, 38081}, {38092, 59375}, {38094, 38098}, {38095, 38099}, {38096, 38100}, {38111, 38112}, {38121, 59380}, {38123, 38127}, {38124, 38128}, {38125, 38129}, {38137, 38138}, {38149, 59386}, {38151, 38155}, {38152, 38156}, {38153, 38157}, {38170, 59400}, {38172, 38176}, {38173, 38177}, {38174, 38178}, {38207, 38213}, {38208, 38214}, {38209, 38215}, {38222, 38232}, {38399, 64346}, {38472, 61166}, {38473, 38478}, {38665, 48363}, {39026, 46974}, {39154, 52478}, {39567, 62985}, {39739, 56237}, {39742, 56174}, {39793, 50197}, {39878, 64080}, {39884, 44286}, {40296, 61524}, {40463, 40586}, {40599, 40606}, {40764, 40781}, {40868, 52164}, {40960, 59683}, {40998, 49736}, {41004, 50861}, {41011, 63979}, {41149, 50837}, {41150, 41153}, {41152, 50788}, {41312, 48830}, {41318, 59523}, {41352, 52160}, {41531, 56805}, {41556, 66015}, {41604, 41608}, {41683, 50039}, {41685, 59342}, {41702, 64896}, {41718, 41723}, {41869, 48910}, {42421, 49545}, {42655, 48330}, {42720, 64612}, {43055, 62660}, {43273, 50811}, {44319, 47676}, {44396, 51417}, {44416, 59692}, {45065, 52126}, {45081, 63265}, {45288, 60936}, {45711, 45724}, {45712, 45725}, {45717, 45726}, {45718, 45727}, {46843, 59690}, {46937, 59577}, {47354, 50796}, {47393, 50560}, {47457, 51725}, {47470, 47489}, {47471, 47571}, {47472, 47545}, {47473, 47488}, {47490, 47552}, {47491, 47549}, {47493, 47541}, {47494, 47551}, {47495, 47544}, {47496, 47556}, {48271, 50519}, {48493, 60880}, {48494, 60881}, {48695, 66056}, {48746, 60890}, {48747, 60891}, {48805, 50127}, {48810, 50115}, {48812, 48862}, {48818, 48842}, {48819, 48857}, {48820, 48861}, {48821, 50092}, {48824, 48870}, {48856, 63054}, {48872, 64005}, {49060, 60894}, {49078, 49329}, {49079, 49330}, {49163, 65998}, {49401, 60893}, {49402, 60892}, {49464, 49472}, {49480, 49686}, {49492, 49687}, {49720, 50128}, {49721, 50126}, {49725, 50116}, {49740, 50093}, {49741, 50091}, {49747, 50080}, {49750, 49762}, {49779, 59513}, {49980, 62227}, {49993, 59669}, {50082, 61704}, {50124, 50283}, {50130, 50303}, {50194, 61004}, {50247, 50249}, {50250, 50253}, {50333, 53550}, {50589, 50594}, {50595, 50604}, {50597, 50607}, {50600, 50629}, {50602, 50625}, {50608, 50609}, {50747, 65196}, {50748, 59769}, {50764, 50766}, {50782, 50989}, {50784, 50990}, {50785, 51169}, {50789, 50992}, {50791, 50953}, {50792, 50994}, {50797, 50954}, {50798, 50955}, {50799, 50956}, {50800, 50957}, {50801, 50958}, {50802, 50959}, {50803, 50960}, {50804, 50961}, {50805, 50962}, {50806, 50963}, {50807, 50964}, {50808, 50965}, {50809, 50966}, {50810, 50967}, {50812, 50968}, {50813, 50969}, {50814, 50970}, {50815, 50971}, {50816, 50972}, {50817, 50973}, {50818, 50974}, {50819, 50975}, {50820, 50976}, {50821, 50977}, {50822, 51184}, {50823, 50978}, {50824, 50979}, {50825, 50980}, {50826, 50981}, {50827, 50982}, {50828, 50983}, {50829, 50984}, {50830, 50985}, {50831, 50986}, {50832, 50987}, {50833, 50988}, {50839, 51001}, {50840, 51092}, {50841, 51158}, {50843, 51008}, {50844, 51199}, {50847, 51202}, {50848, 51011}, {50849, 51012}, {50850, 51205}, {50851, 51014}, {50852, 51015}, {50853, 51016}, {50854, 51017}, {50856, 51018}, {50857, 51019}, {50862, 51022}, {50863, 51216}, {50864, 51023}, {50865, 51024}, {50866, 51167}, {50867, 51217}, {50868, 51025}, {50869, 51026}, {50871, 51027}, {50872, 51028}, {50873, 51029}, {50874, 51164}, {51037, 51188}, {51059, 51096}, {51067, 51142}, {51069, 51143}, {51073, 51128}, {51074, 51129}, {51075, 51130}, {51076, 51131}, {51077, 51132}, {51078, 51133}, {51079, 51134}, {51080, 51135}, {51082, 51136}, {51084, 51137}, {51085, 51138}, {51086, 51139}, {51087, 51140}, {51088, 51141}, {51097, 51149}, {51104, 51153}, {51105, 51185}, {51108, 51154}, {51109, 51156}, {51114, 51159}, {51115, 51160}, {51118, 51163}, {51119, 51165}, {51120, 51166}, {51193, 63022}, {51206, 51689}, {51207, 51691}, {51223, 59760}, {51416, 64115}, {51514, 51515}, {51687, 59681}, {51694, 51730}, {51697, 51731}, {51700, 51732}, {51701, 51733}, {51702, 51734}, {51703, 51735}, {51704, 51736}, {51705, 51737}, {51707, 51739}, {51711, 51740}, {51712, 51741}, {51713, 51742}, {51718, 51744}, {51719, 51745}, {51722, 51746}, {51768, 63210}, {51837, 56147}, {52151, 52662}, {52362, 64339}, {52510, 52511}, {52805, 60902}, {52853, 52856}, {52901, 53114}, {53093, 64953}, {53298, 61428}, {53648, 56653}, {54159, 63992}, {54203, 61146}, {54289, 64349}, {54290, 61763}, {54392, 60958}, {54398, 62864}, {54400, 60689}, {55082, 60733}, {55399, 61397}, {55400, 61398}, {55582, 64202}, {55591, 63468}, {55614, 63469}, {55668, 58219}, {55673, 58221}, {55697, 58230}, {55699, 64954}, {55704, 58232}, {55711, 64952}, {55921, 56114}, {56028, 56203}, {56090, 56263}, {56101, 56262}, {56714, 56719}, {57785, 57815}, {58380, 58384}, {58385, 58386}, {58398, 58399}, {58404, 58569}, {58421, 58604}, {58440, 58614}, {58443, 59726}, {58444, 58616}, {58449, 58619}, {58453, 58625}, {58463, 58626}, {58469, 58471}, {58474, 58532}, {58490, 58491}, {58534, 58535}, {59385, 59387}, {59512, 59554}, {59516, 59615}, {59544, 59580}, {59547, 59583}, {59565, 64545}, {59646, 64543}, {59712, 61174}, {61014, 63987}, {61155, 62838}, {61157, 64343}, {61509, 61510}, {61523, 61526}, {61533, 61539}, {61534, 61551}, {61535, 61628}, {61596, 61597}, {62214, 63515}, {62777, 62800}, {63037, 63511}, {63254, 63270}, {63275, 64201}, {63333, 63384}, {63354, 63359}, {63360, 63381}, {63643, 64109}, {63688, 63698}, {63968, 64121}, {64184, 64429}, {64189, 66002}, {64204, 64698}, {64284, 64294}, {64313, 64332}, {64325, 64335}, {64526, 64539}, {64535, 64542}, {64567, 64577}, {64661, 64692}, {66007, 66008}, {66058, 66062}
X(518) = isogonal conjugate of X(105)
X(518) = isotomic conjugate of X(2481)
X(518) = polar conjugate of X(54235)
X(518) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(105)
X(518) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(120)
X(518) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(20344)
X(518) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(6184)
X(518) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(39350)
X(518) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(2223)
X(518) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(3263)
X(518) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(5089)
X(518) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(46108)
X(518) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(25083)
X(518) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(20752)
X(518) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(1292)
X(518) = X(i)-line-conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {{1, 6}, {30, 513}}
X(518) = complementary conjugate of X(120)
X(518) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,6184), (4,120), (335,37)
X(518) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(291)
X(518) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,238), (56,1456)
X(518) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(513)
X(518) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,9), (6,1083)
X(518) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,6), (30,513)
X(518) = isotomic conjugate of X(2481)
X(518) = X(2781) of Fuhrmann triangle
X(518) = ideal point of PU(28)
X(518) = crossdifference of PU(i) for i in (46, 54)
X(518) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(673)
X(518) = trilinear pole of line X(665)X(1642)
X(518) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,X(2),X(100),PU(112)}
X(518) = trilinear square root of X(4712)
X(518) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(14268)
X(518) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(1292)
X(518) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8751)
X(518) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(32658)
X(518) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(1292)
X(518) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(25083)
X(518) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {{1, 6, 1386}, {1, 9, 1001}, {1, 37, 15569}, {1, 44, 3246}, {1, 72, 960}, {1, 238, 1279}, {1, 392, 10179}, {1, 405, 51715}, {1, 960, 58679}, {1, 984, 37}, {1, 1001, 42819}, {1, 1743, 7290}, {1, 1757, 238}, {1, 3242, 49465}, {1, 3243, 42871}, {1, 3555, 34791}, {1, 3640, 45713}, {1, 3641, 45714}, {1, 3751, 6}, {1, 3973, 60846}, {1, 4649, 1100}, {1, 5220, 15254}, {1, 5223, 9}, {1, 5234, 5436}, {1, 5247, 1104}, {1, 5525, 45765}, {1, 5588, 18992}, {1, 5589, 18991}, {1, 5692, 392}, {1, 5728, 5572}, {1, 5904, 72}, {1, 6762, 12513}, {1, 11523, 12635}, {1, 12513, 11260}, {1, 15298, 954}, {1, 15299, 42884}, {1, 16475, 38315}, {1, 16496, 3242}, {1, 18412, 5728}, {1, 18991, 45398}, {1, 18992, 45399}, {1, 19003, 11370}, {1, 19004, 11371}, {1, 34791, 58609}, {1, 35026, 5701}, {1, 41229, 405}, {1, 42871, 15570}, {1, 45426, 7968}, {1, 45427, 7969}, {1, 49448, 984}, {1, 49490, 49478}, {1, 49498, 49490}, {1, 49503, 49515}, {1, 49675, 4864}, {1, 49712, 44}, {1, 54386, 1191}, {1, 57279, 958}, {1, 60846, 35227}, {1, 64070, 4663}, {2, 210, 3740}, {2, 354, 3742}, {2, 3681, 210}, {2, 3740, 58451}, {2, 3742, 3848}, {2, 3873, 354}, {2, 4430, 3873}, {2, 4661, 3681}, {2, 5686, 38057}, {2, 11038, 38053}, {2, 47358, 51003}, {2, 50075, 51034}, {2, 50999, 47358}, {2, 59405, 38186}, {2, 59406, 38047}, {2, 63961, 61686}, {3, 3811, 56176}, {3, 12675, 58567}, {3, 63976, 58637}, {4, 39898, 64085}, {6, 45, 36404}, {6, 405, 51743}, {6, 3242, 1}, {6, 3751, 4663}, {6, 12594, 611}, {6, 12595, 613}, {6, 16496, 49465}, {6, 16777, 16972}, {6, 35963, 5701}, {6, 38315, 16475}, {6, 49509, 37}, {6, 49706, 238}, {6, 50995, 9}, {6, 64070, 3751}, {7, 8, 2550}, {7, 69, 47595}, {7, 2550, 5880}, {7, 3059, 15587}, {7, 7672, 65}, {7, 34784, 3059}, {7, 41228, 5784}, {7, 59413, 59412}, {8, 65, 5836}, {8, 69, 3416}, {8, 75, 3696}, {8, 388, 5794}, {8, 1469, 17792}, {8, 3868, 65}, {8, 4645, 32850}, {8, 8581, 15587}, {8, 24349, 75}, {8, 32049, 32537}, {8, 41228, 3059}, {8, 49499, 49483}, {8, 49698, 49694}, {8, 49707, 49698}, {8, 49714, 49702}, {8, 54383, 3779}, {8, 59412, 59413}, {9, 1001, 15254}, {9, 3243, 1}, {9, 5220, 15481}, {9, 5223, 5220}, {9, 5572, 58608}, {9, 15185, 5572}, {9, 15298, 15296}, {9, 15299, 15297}, {9, 42871, 42819}, {9, 51058, 37}, {9, 51194, 6}, {10, 141, 3844}, {10, 142, 3826}, {10, 942, 3812}, {10, 3775, 17239}, {10, 3836, 3823}, {10, 3874, 942}, {10, 5542, 142}, {10, 21620, 25466}, {10, 24325, 3739}, {10, 34790, 4662}, {10, 38054, 38204}, {10, 49479, 24325}, {10, 49504, 49510}, {10, 49505, 49511}, {10, 49510, 49457}, {10, 49511, 141}, {10, 49529, 49524}, {10, 49535, 49479}, {10, 49536, 49529}, {10, 49676, 3836}, {10, 49697, 49693}, {10, 49713, 49701}, {10, 51706, 8728}, {11, 908, 5087}, {11, 51463, 26015}, {31, 3938, 3744}, {31, 32912, 4641}, {35, 6763, 3916}, {36, 15015, 35271}, {37, 16666, 36409}, {37, 49478, 1}, {37, 49515, 984}, {37, 64546, 58620}, {38, 42, 3666}, {38, 46904, 46901}, {40, 1071, 9943}, {40, 5732, 11495}, {40, 6765, 3913}, {42, 22275, 22325}, {42, 46901, 46904}, {43, 982, 3752}, {43, 62865, 982}, {44, 1279, 238}, {44, 4864, 1279}, {44, 6603, 52985}, {55, 63, 4640}, {55, 41711, 3870}, {56, 78, 59691}, {56, 41712, 1445}, {57, 200, 1376}, {57, 17625, 63994}, {57, 46917, 64112}, {63, 3870, 55}, {63, 16465, 10391}, {65, 1469, 24471}, {65, 3059, 2550}, {65, 5784, 5880}, {65, 5836, 10107}, {65, 8581, 7}, {65, 41228, 15587}, {69, 3779, 17792}, {69, 3868, 24476}, {69, 54383, 4259}, {72, 392, 5692}, {72, 405, 45120}, {72, 3555, 1}, {72, 5728, 9}, {72, 14054, 44547}, {72, 15185, 1001}, {72, 34791, 58679}, {72, 66009, 15254}, {75, 20448, 20435}, {75, 24349, 49483}, {75, 49450, 8}, {75, 49499, 24349}, {78, 62874, 56}, {81, 3920, 3745}, {84, 6769, 64074}, {100, 3218, 1155}, {100, 3935, 3689}, {100, 62235, 3218}, {100, 62236, 3935}, {110, 41742, 32126}, {141, 49481, 3739}, {141, 49524, 10}, {141, 51150, 142}, {141, 51738, 8728}, {142, 5542, 25557}, {142, 24393, 10}, {142, 40659, 58634}, {144, 145, 390}, {144, 192, 51052}, {144, 193, 51190}, {144, 390, 5698}, {144, 3869, 64723}, {144, 30628, 14100}, {145, 192, 49470}, {145, 193, 51192}, {145, 3869, 3057}, {145, 20072, 49709}, {145, 31302, 192}, {145, 49447, 49462}, {145, 49470, 49475}, {145, 49501, 49523}, {145, 49704, 49695}, {145, 49709, 49699}, {145, 51192, 49681}, {149, 17484, 5057}, {165, 3158, 4421}, {165, 10167, 10178}, {192, 193, 49496}, {192, 31302, 49447}, {192, 49447, 49523}, {192, 49470, 49462}, {192, 49501, 49513}, {200, 62823, 57}, and many others
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(519) lies on the line at infinity.
Let A'B'C' be the incentral triangle. Let A″ be the reflection of A in A', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Let A* be the cevapoint of B″ and C″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(519). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be triangle T(-2,1). Let A″ be the trilinear product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(519). The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(8). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(519) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,2 6,996 9,1000 30,511 35,2975 36,100 37,1573 40,376 44,2325 55,956 57,3476 58,1043 63,1727 65,553 72,950 74,2692 80,908 98,2705 99,2712 101,2726 102,2731 103,2737 104,2077 105,2748 106,1120 107,2755 108,2756 109,2757 110,2758 111,2759 112,2760 121,3544 188,1128 210,392 214,1145 226,2099 238,765 244,1739 291,3227 320,668 346,1743 350,668 355,381 388,3340 405,3303 428,1829 447,648 474,3304 484,3218 495,2886 496,1329 497,3421 549,1385 573,3169 594,1100 595,2985 597,1386 599,3242 664,1323 666,1121 672,1018 751,984 958,3295 962,3543 966,3247 999,1376 1015,1575 1056,2550 1058,2551 1107,1500 1126,1220 1150,2177 1377,3297 1378,3298 1387,3036 1420,1788 1449,2345 1478,3434 1479,3436 1697,1776 1706,3333 1785,1897 1834,3454 1837,2098 1861,1870 1862,1878 2093,2094 2654,3191 3158,3524
X(519) = isogonal conjugate of X(106)
X(519) = isotomic conjugate of X(903)
X(519) = complementary conjugate of X(121)
X(519) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(21290)
X(519) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,4370). (4,121), (80,10)
X(519) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,902), (56,1457)
X(519) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(649)
X(519) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (513, 537), (514,545)
X(519) = X(2777)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(519) = bicentric sum of PU(24)
X(519) = intercept of Nagel line and the line at infinity
X(519) = trilinear pole of line X(900)X(1635)
X(519) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(88)
X(519) = trilinear square root of X(4738)
X(519) = barycentric cube root of X(8028)
X(519) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(14261)
X(519) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(1293)
X(519) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(1293)
X(519) = polar conjugate of X(6336)
X(519) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(6336) (line X(4)X(2457))
X(519) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(1797)
X(519) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8752)
X(519) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(32659)
X(519) = barycentric square root of X(4370)
X(519) = homothetic center of Gemini triangle 28 and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 20 and 28
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(520) lies on the line at infinity.
X(520) lies on these (parallel) lines: 6,2435 30,511 69,879 74,2693 98,2706 99,2713 100,2719 101,2727 102,2732 103,2738 104,2744 105,2749 106,2755 108,2761 109,2762 110,250 111,2763 112,2764 340,850 647,652 1364,2632 2451,2489 3265,4131
X(520) = isogonal conjugate of X(107)
X(520) = complementary conjugate of X(122)
X(520) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(34186)
X(520) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,35071), (4,122), (68,125), (110,3)
X(520) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(110)
X(520) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,523), (51,647), (512,800)
X(520) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(4)X(6)
X(520) = isotomic conjugate of X(6528)
X(520) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(3)}}
X(520) = intersection of trilinear polars of X(2) and X(3)
X(520) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(823)
X(520) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(112)
X(520) = trilinear pole of line X(1636)X(2972)
X(520) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(1294)
X(520) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(1294)
X(520) = polar conjugate of X(15352)
X(520) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(35071)
X(520) = crosssum of X(24007) and X(24008) (the Kiepert hyperbola intercepts of the orthic axis)
X(520) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(15352) (line X(4)X(51))
X(520) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(39174)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(521) lies on the line at infinity.
X(521) lies on these (parallel) lines: 6,2509 30,511 59,100 74,2694 98,2707 99,2714 101,2728 102,2733 103,2739 104,2745 109,2765 110,2766 111,2767 650,1021 651,677 656,810 1364,2968 4025,4131
X(521) = isogonal conjugate of X(108)
X(521) = isotomic conjugate of X(18026)
X(521) = complementary conjugate of X(123)
X(521) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(34188)
X(521) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,35072), (4,123), (100,3)
X(521) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(21)}}
X(521) = crosspoint of X(8) and X(100)
X(521) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (33,650), (56,513), (429,523), (663,1400)
X(521) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(19)
X(521) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(36054)
X(521) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(653)
X(521) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1415)
X(521) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(1295)
X(521) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(1295)
X(521) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(39175)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(522) lies on the line at infinity.
X(522) lies on these (parallel) lines: {1, 1459}, {2, 14476}, {3, 31866}, {4, 18339}, {6, 23146}, {7, 2400}, {8, 4474}, {9, 657}, {10, 4036}, {11, 3326}, {19, 60585}, {21, 57093}, {30, 511}, {33, 59916}, {34, 59917}, {35, 56254}, {37, 6586}, {38, 23811}, {41, 60572}, {48, 60565}, {55, 60573}, {69, 30228}, {74, 2695}, {75, 3261}, {78, 27781}, {80, 46041}, {84, 43737}, {86, 16755}, {98, 2708}, {99, 2701}, {100, 655}, {101, 929}, {102, 2734}, {103, 2723}, {104, 2716}, {105, 2751}, {106, 2757}, {107, 2762}, {108, 2765}, {109, 1309}, {110, 2689}, {111, 2768}, {112, 2769}, {115, 35086}, {116, 15612}, {117, 21664}, {118, 50933}, {124, 2968}, {142, 3126}, {145, 14812}, {190, 666}, {192, 21225}, {200, 38376}, {210, 42454}, {212, 60566}, {219, 57237}, {226, 42758}, {240, 656}, {243, 652}, {244, 4939}, {281, 60583}, {282, 14522}, {284, 60568}, {318, 23104}, {346, 60576}, {351, 49628}, {551, 36220}, {579, 22443}, {596, 3813}, {644, 60488}, {646, 36801}, {648, 53206}, {649, 3509}, {650, 1639}, {653, 65218}, {659, 4122}, {661, 4502}, {663, 1944}, {664, 1275}, {665, 21348}, {667, 8045}, {668, 53208}, {671, 53193}, {676, 4885}, {693, 1266}, {759, 65877}, {764, 21627}, {798, 47129}, {850, 17894}, {867, 42759}, {876, 21211}, {901, 53610}, {903, 18821}, {905, 6129}, {946, 31680}, {953, 53877}, {960, 56283}, {1019, 5214}, {1026, 2397}, {1027, 2402}, {1086, 4953}, {1090, 2310}, {1121, 53212}, {1125, 31947}, {1146, 31648}, {1155, 60062}, {1158, 18779}, {1292, 2730}, {1293, 2731}, {1294, 2732}, {1295, 2733}, {1296, 2735}, {1317, 3319}, {1324, 4057}, {1329, 44040}, {1364, 44044}, {1387, 39546}, {1491, 3835}, {1494, 53207}, {1618, 39463}, {1633, 56183}, {1635, 4931}, {1638, 44551}, {1643, 50115}, {1699, 42756}, {1768, 29374}, {1770, 65657}, {1854, 10570}, {1960, 49290}, {2321, 4140}, {2323, 60570}, {2394, 54526}, {2398, 62669}, {2481, 53210}, {2486, 24224}, {2490, 2496}, {2522, 6591}, {2526, 3004}, {2527, 14351}, {2530, 30592}, {2533, 48392}, {2605, 48294}, {2900, 38360}, {2977, 53580}, {3005, 30094}, {3035, 40536}, {3057, 40467}, {3063, 3287}, {3065, 14224}, {3120, 24235}, {3122, 24195}, {3123, 21210}, {3158, 6546}, {3159, 12907}, {3174, 38371}, {3227, 53220}, {3241, 30573}, {3244, 53535}, {3250, 21834}, {3251, 30580}, {3271, 24840}, {3465, 4040}, {3582, 11125}, {3634, 33528}, {3647, 57095}, {3663, 18183}, {3669, 48280}, {3679, 60485}, {3680, 23764}, {3686, 55195}, {3687, 60484}, {3699, 4076}, {3717, 4041}, {3733, 15571}, {3762, 4404}, {3766, 20906}, {3776, 23770}, {3777, 48279}, {3798, 4369}, {3828, 28601}, {3837, 15280}, {3870, 43991}, {3873, 53555}, {3904, 4895}, {3912, 30188}, {3913, 12912}, {3935, 4088}, {3944, 42766}, {3952, 50039}, {3960, 22465}, {3971, 4448}, {4000, 28590}, {4014, 23772}, {4023, 61179}, {4049, 23352}, {4063, 47711}, {4069, 25268}, {4075, 64123}, {4081, 26932}, {4087, 18155}, {4091, 14294}, {4097, 21080}, {4120, 4893}, {4129, 47842}, {4162, 65685}, {4170, 14349}, {4171, 21127}, {4318, 4449}, {4319, 23696}, {4357, 50451}, {4367, 39547}, {4370, 35113}, {4378, 48291}, {4379, 4750}, {4380, 47660}, {4382, 16892}, {4389, 18072}, {4394, 43061}, {4406, 7199}, {4411, 20520}, {4418, 56317}, {4422, 40540}, {4425, 21209}, {4427, 53388}, {4436, 22003}, {4440, 39353}, {4454, 62399}, {4459, 4516}, {4490, 48265}, {4498, 47707}, {4546, 21120}, {4551, 61185}, {4552, 35338}, {4568, 40499}, {4570, 47318}, {4583, 9296}, {4626, 53640}, {4640, 22027}, {4659, 39959}, {4683, 21141}, {4688, 45659}, {4705, 48267}, {4707, 23752}, {4728, 31131}, {4761, 47723}, {4763, 26275}, {4773, 47767}, {4775, 48288}, {4776, 47782}, {4782, 48248}, {4784, 4932}, {4786, 4789}, {4790, 48276}, {4794, 48284}, {4800, 45661}, {4801, 48151}, {4806, 48030}, {4809, 45674}, {4810, 24719}, {4813, 4988}, {4823, 20517}, {4824, 47996}, {4830, 47890}, {4838, 4979}, {4841, 47992}, {4847, 40166}, {4863, 23761}, {4874, 9508}, {4897, 7659}, {4905, 4978}, {4927, 47754}, {4928, 44432}, {4948, 48162}, {4959, 21106}, {4992, 48100}, {5083, 43947}, {5224, 18158}, {5257, 21960}, {5592, 6161}, {5745, 18000}, {5884, 45131}, {6011, 65883}, {6133, 17990}, {6163, 36236}, {6172, 53362}, {6184, 65892}, {6517, 65290}, {6544, 36911}, {6545, 17155}, {6548, 36588}, {6589, 24675}, {6597, 60029}, {6598, 23775}, {6600, 17262}, {6601, 23760}, {6614, 53642}, {6666, 40551}, {6684, 59899}, {6690, 59638}, {6718, 15252}, {7004, 24026}, {7069, 41797}, {7178, 7655}, {7192, 47656}, {7263, 64443}, {7358, 52112}, {7634, 7636}, {8062, 14838}, {8643, 53390}, {8668, 12517}, {9131, 9810}, {9142, 49002}, {9145, 48970}, {9811, 9979}, {9978, 13264}, {9980, 13263}, {10015, 36925}, {10058, 61039}, {10271, 28347}, {10436, 17215}, {10698, 56690}, {10703, 51565}, {10912, 12876}, {11193, 40998}, {11247, 12572}, {12047, 42768}, {12080, 64710}, {12534, 64068}, {12579, 50574}, {12608, 42769}, {12625, 47722}, {13266, 32927}, {14223, 54491}, {14288, 48066}, {14310, 56324}, {14315, 21199}, {14350, 59589}, {14353, 34958}, {14392, 30565}, {14413, 44550}, {14414, 45316}, {14419, 59829}, {14429, 26144}, {14513, 15343}, {14544, 61225}, {14629, 36590}, {14740, 15914}, {15386, 44765}, {15412, 66137}, {15419, 17218}, {15599, 53278}, {16091, 46400}, {16228, 16231}, {16732, 23821}, {17044, 36956}, {17115, 20130}, {17161, 20295}, {17166, 47719}, {17276, 21133}, {17301, 66355}, {17320, 46911}, {17458, 21123}, {17463, 24237}, {17487, 39363}, {17860, 24430}, {17950, 21118}, {18026, 53211}, {18160, 50450}, {18483, 42750}, {18641, 57228}, {18816, 53209}, {19947, 44315}, {20264, 58264}, {20335, 65874}, {20507, 23744}, {20521, 53521}, {20979, 21832}, {21052, 23678}, {21084, 60942}, {21100, 42555}, {21102, 41684}, {21104, 48125}, {21124, 21301}, {21134, 24851}, {21146, 48073}, {21174, 21184}, {21194, 24180}, {21203, 36250}, {21204, 24165}, {21222, 48304}, {21297, 44435}, {21343, 53533}, {21438, 23684}, {21789, 23289}, {22037, 53249}, {22383, 46383}, {22836, 53406}, {23187, 53305}, {23224, 53304}, {23729, 47960}, {23730, 60933}, {23732, 51644}, {23740, 29771}, {23789, 48075}, {23806, 46396}, {23819, 30804}, {23823, 53559}, {23893, 34919}, {23980, 65943}, {24126, 58371}, {24210, 42767}, {24389, 53594}, {24813, 53298}, {24980, 62676}, {25627, 58361}, {25666, 59751}, {26704, 35183}, {26824, 40868}, {26853, 47659}, {27545, 47793}, {27855, 49521}, {28124, 60940}, {28284, 47837}, {28396, 47835}, {28591, 47716}, {28602, 45666}, {30223, 30224}, {30595, 48393}, {30725, 51656}, {30792, 45678}, {31010, 43927}, {31147, 48157}, {31148, 48574}, {31287, 53573}, {31290, 47667}, {31730, 42456}, {31946, 59737}, {31992, 66452}, {32917, 55238}, {33562, 36949}, {34195, 57130}, {34948, 39210}, {35015, 37629}, {35100, 59722}, {35187, 41906}, {35349, 65160}, {36127, 65213}, {36205, 36280}, {37627, 56113}, {38554, 38785}, {38752, 57342}, {38776, 57354}, {39200, 39225}, {39476, 48382}, {39478, 48389}, {40437, 61041}, {40483, 40510}, {40659, 56284}, {42464, 63399}, {43042, 58817}, {43928, 55952}, {44316, 59714}, {44408, 53269}, {44444, 47712}, {44449, 47661}, {44563, 45318}, {44567, 45326}, {44917, 44923}, {44927, 60758}, {45313, 45343}, {45314, 48201}, {45315, 48190}, {45322, 60986}, {45323, 45339}, {45660, 45664}, {45709, 48539}, {45710, 48540}, {45766, 66512}, {46684, 66519}, {46694, 64440}, {46915, 47759}, {47040, 56177}, {47132, 48417}, {47650, 49302}, {47651, 47931}, {47652, 47677}, {47653, 47924}, {47654, 47902}, {47655, 48107}, {47657, 47938}, {47662, 48146}, {47663, 48068}, {47664, 47974}, {47668, 47939}, {47669, 48019}, {47670, 48147}, {47671, 48141}, {47672, 47971}, {47673, 47702}, {47675, 48148}, {47679, 47948}, {47682, 48324}, {47683, 48352}, {47686, 47688}, {47693, 47696}, {47698, 47926}, {47700, 47932}, {47705, 47930}, {47718, 50523}, {47727, 48335}, {47747, 48959}, {47755, 47780}, {47756, 47880}, {47760, 47784}, {47761, 47788}, {47763, 47791}, {47769, 47775}, {47770, 47884}, {47771, 47776}, {47777, 47876}, {47796, 53352}, {47829, 48183}, {47839, 47888}, {47841, 47893}, {47869, 48571}, {47871, 48422}, {47877, 48160}, {47892, 48557}, {47916, 48585}, {47917, 47941}, {47928, 47946}, {47933, 48112}, {47944, 48590}, {47953, 47991}, {47959, 48407}, {47961, 47989}, {47962, 48001}, {47964, 47993}, {47965, 59590}, {47968, 48593}, {47983, 47985}, {47998, 48027}, {48000, 48029}, {48002, 48028}, {48003, 59672}, {48009, 48040}, {48055, 48088}, {48072, 48103}, {48081, 50449}, {48083, 48625}, {48105, 48130}, {48131, 48410}, {48134, 49291}, {48138, 48438}, {48150, 48300}, {48159, 48174}, {48166, 48210}, {48167, 48224}, {48168, 48181}, {48178, 48192}, {48180, 48194}, {48198, 48215}, {48202, 48206}, {48207, 48218}, {48219, 48231}, {48221, 48233}, {48222, 48247}, {48236, 48250}, {48238, 48253}, {48245, 48419}, {48282, 48342}, {48283, 48287}, {48290, 48327}, {48299, 48329}, {48326, 58374}, {48395, 50501}, {48437, 48567}, {48709, 48965}, {48710, 48997}, {48990, 48993}, {50093, 53359}, {50494, 50502}, {50518, 60478}, {50522, 50525}, {52601, 59748}, {52873, 64738}, {53295, 56863}, {53338, 65191}, {53357, 57167}, {53528, 58858}, {53585, 53587}, {54265, 59630}, {56124, 62638}, {57072, 57215}, {57073, 57200}, {57298, 57351}, {57303, 57337}, {59871, 59875}, {61223, 65197}, {65289, 65293}
X(522) = isogonal conjugate of X(109)
X(522) = isotomic conjugate of X(664)
X(522) = polar conjugate of X(653)
X(522) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(124)
X(522) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(33650)
X(522) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(1146)
X(522) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(39351)
X(522) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(663)
X(522) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(35519)
X(522) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(3064)
X(522) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(46110)
X(522) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(6332)
X(522) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(652)
X(522) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(102)
X(522) = excentral isogonal conjugate of X(64760)
X(522) = orthic isogonal conjugate of X(124)
X(522) = trilinear pole of line {11, 1146}
X(522) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {6, 41}
X(522) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {30, 8679}, {23146, 6}, {60565, 48}, {60572, 41}
X(522) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {63161, 61537}, {66339, 32341}
X(522) = extouch-isogonal conjugate of X(1364)
X(522) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(102)
X(522) = barycentric square root of X(1146)
X(522) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 21173, 1459}, {1, 48321, 48325}, {2, 27486, 47785}, {2, 47785, 46919}, {2, 47790, 47787}, {2, 47798, 47800}, {2, 47808, 47806}, {2, 47828, 47830}, {2, 47832, 47831}, {2, 48169, 47808}, {2, 48172, 47832}, {2, 48173, 48186}, {2, 48239, 47798}, {2, 48242, 47828}, {2, 48243, 48228}, {2, 63748, 14476}, {3, 39199, 39226}, {4, 59915, 54239}, {10, 24457, 23808}, {21, 57093, 65575}, {75, 3261, 20907}, {75, 20954, 3261}, {649, 4024, 6590}, {650, 3239, 4521}, {650, 3700, 3239}, {650, 4820, 3700}, {650, 4944, 1639}, {650, 4976, 4765}, {650, 54266, 52614}, {652, 3064, 14331}, {656, 1769, 21189}, {656, 2517, 17072}, {656, 7649, 14837}, {656, 50338, 1734}, {659, 48062, 11068}, {659, 48063, 8689}, {661, 47972, 48006}, {661, 47975, 48010}, {661, 48077, 48039}, {661, 48080, 48043}, {661, 48266, 48269}, {661, 48277, 45745}, {663, 17418, 3737}, {663, 42312, 48307}, {663, 48278, 6332}, {664, 10001, 1275}, {664, 35157, 66533}, {676, 4925, 25380}, {693, 2254, 24720}, {693, 4025, 3676}, {693, 4453, 21183}, {693, 4467, 4025}, {693, 4804, 48394}, {693, 17896, 4077}, {693, 47687, 49285}, {693, 47695, 47123}, {693, 50356, 2254}, {905, 44409, 21172}, and many others
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(523) lies on the line at infinity.
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let A″B″C″ be the 2nd Brocard triangle. Let A* be the trilinear pole of line A'A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* are parallel and meet the line at infinity at X(523). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the Feuerbach triangle. Let La be the tangent to conic {A,B,C,B',C'}} at A, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, B″ = Lc∩La, C″ = La∩Lb. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(523); see also X(1109).
Let L be the line X(115)X(125); then X(523) = trilinear pole of L. The line L is also PU(40), the tangent to Steiner inellipse at X(115), the Lemoine axis of the 4th Brocard triangle, the Fermat axis of the 2nd Parry triangle, and the isogonal conjugate of hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(2)}) (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(523) lies on the Kiepert parabola and these (parallel) lines: 1,2605 2,1649 4,1552 6,879 11,1090 12,2599 23,385 30,511 59,655 66,2435 74,477 75,876 98,842 99,691 100,1290 101,2690 102,2695 103,2688 104,2687 105,2752 106,2758 107,1304 108,2766 109,2689 110,476 111,2770 112,935 125,2677 140,1116 141,882 160,3164 230,231 250,648 253,2419 325,684 396,3272 656,2457 827,1287 878,3425 885,2346 930,1291 1086,2643 1101,2612 1222,2403 1292,2691 1293,2692 1294,2693 1295,2694 1296,2696 1297,2697 2525,2526 2594,2616
X(523) = isogonal conjugate of X(110)
X(523) = isotomic conjugate of X(99)
X(523) = complementary conjugate of X(125)
X(523) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(3448)
X(523) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (1,11), (2,115), (4,125), (99,2), (100,442), (107,4), (108,429), (110,5), (112,427), (254,136), (264,338), (476,30), (685,1503), (1113,1312), (1114,1313)
X(523) = cevapoint of X(2) and X(148)
X(523) = cevapoint of polar circle intercepts of Euler line
X(523) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (115,2), (125,4)
X(523) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,99), (4,107), (54,110), (112,251)
X(523) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(3)X(6)
X(523) = orthopoint of X(30)
X(523) = X(30)-line conjugate of X(511)
X(523) = barycentric product of X(3413) and X(3414)
X(523) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,520), (5,523), (6,512), (101,692), (141,525), (184,647), (215,654), (513,942), (521,960), (924,1147)
X(523) = orthojoin of X(115)
X(523) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,1316), (30, 542), (512,804)
X(523) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for these i: 4, 5, 11, 43, 45, 61, 132, 173
X(523) = ideal point of PU(i) for these i: 4, 5, 11, 43, 45, 61, 132
X(523) = crossdifference of PU(29)
X(523) = trilinear pole of PU(40); see note above
X(523) = barycentric product of PU(40)
X(523) = trilinear product of PU(71)
X(523) = perspector of the Kiepert hyperbola
X(523) = intersection of the trilinear polars of any 2 points on the Kiepert hyperbola
X(523) = intercept of orthic axis and the line at infinity (the trilinear polars of X(4) and X(2))
X(523) = center of parabola {A,B,C,X(476),X(523)}}, which is the locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(115)
X(523) = perspector of ABC and the side-triangle of the medial and orthic triangles
X(523) = perspector of ABC and the vertex-triangle of the tangential triangles of the medial and Feuerbach triangles
X(523) = X(526)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(523) = X(526)-of-X(4)-Brocard-triangle
X(523) = X(30)-of-1st-Parry-triangle
X(523) = X(30)-of-2nd-Parry-triangle
X(523) = orthic isogonal conjugate of X(125)
X(523) = incentral isogonal conjugate of X(3024)
X(523) = pole wrt polar circle of the Euler line
X(523) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(648)
X(523) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(662)
X(523) = X(1101)-isoconjugate of X(523)
X(523) = X(2)-vertex conjugate of X(23)
X(523) = X(3)-vertex conjugate of X(30)
X(523) = X(4)-vertex conjugate of X(186)
X(523) = barycentric cube root of X(8029)
X(523) = perspector of side- and vertex-triangles of circumanticevian triangles of X(2) and X(4)
X(523) = barycentric square root of X(115)
X(523) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(14264)
X(523) = Thomson isogonal conjugate of X(74)
X(523) = Lucas isogonal conjugate of X(74)
X(523) = trilinear square root of X(1109)
X(523) = barycentric product X(10)*X(514)
X(523) = trilinear product of Kiepert hyperbola intercepts of antiorthic axis
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(524) lies on the line at infinity.
Let A'B'C' be the 2nd Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ are parallel, and meet the line at infinity at X(524). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
X(524) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,6 5,576 23,2930 30,511 53,317 67,858 74,2696 76,598 98,2709 99,843 100,2721 101,2729 102,2735 103,2740 104,2746 105,2753 106,2759 107,2763 108,2767 109,2768 110,2770 140,575 182,549 187,2482 237,1634 239,320 249,1691 287,1494 297,340 316,671 319,594 332,2305 338,3260 376,1350 381,1351 397,633 398,634 428,1843 441,3284 468,2192 487,1152 488,1151 551,1386 620,2030 637,3070 638,3071 694,3228 1030,1444 1084,3229 1146,1944 1238,2965 1330,1834 1901,2893 1989,2987 2094,2097 3056,3058 3241,3242
X(524) = isogonal conjugate of X(111)
X(524) = isotomic conjugate of X(671)
X(524) = complementary conjugate of X(126)
X(524) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,126), (67,141)
X(524) = X(187)-cross conjugate of X(468)
X(524) = crosssum of X(6) and X(187)
X(524) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(512)
X(524) = X(i)-line conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (4,126), (67,141)
X(524) = intercept of line X(2)X(6) and the line at infinity (trilinear polars of X(99) and X(2))
X(524) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(2482)
X(524) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(2482)
X(524) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(2482)
X(524) = X(2854)-of-4th-Brocard-triangle
X(524) = X(2854)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(524) = X(2854)-of-X(4)-Brocard-triangle
X(524) = crosspoint of X(6) and X(2930) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(524) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(897)
X(524) = polar conjugate of X(17983)
X(524) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8753)
X(524) = barycentric cube root of X(8030)
X(524) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 2nd Ehrmann triangle
X(524) = X(8705)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(524) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(13608)
X(524) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(14262)
X(524) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(1296)
X(524) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(1296)
X(524) = trilinear pole of line X(351)X(690) (line is perspectrix of ABC and 2nd Brocard triangle, and the tangent to the Steiner inellipse at X(2482))
X(525) is the barycentric multiplier for the Jerabek hyperbola. (The barycentric product of X(525) and the circumcircle is the Jerabek hyperbola.) (Randy Hutson, August 19, 2019)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(525) lies on the line at infinity.
X(525) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,1640 3,878 4,2435 30,511 74,2697 98,2710 99,249 100,2722 103,2741 104,2747 105,2754 106,2760 107,2764 109,2769 110,935 112,2867 127,1562 297,850 323,401 339,3269 441,647 669,2528 1073,2416 1636,3268 1975,2422 2474,2514 2485,2506 2513,2531 2632,2968
X(525) = isogonal conjugate of X(112)
X(525) = isotomic conjugate of X(648)
X(525) = complementary conjugate of X(127)
X(525) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,15526), (4,127), (69,125), (76,339), (99,3), (110,141), (190,440), (253,122)
X(525) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (115,68), (122,253), (125,69)
X(525) = crosspoint of X(76) and X(99)
X(525) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,647), (32,512), (427,523)
X(525) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(25)
X(525) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(69)}}
X(525) = intersection of trilinear polars of X(2) and X(69)
X(525) = trilinear pole of line X(122)X(125)
X(525) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(107) (line X(4)X(6))
X(525) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(107)
X(525) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(162)
X(525) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1576)
X(525) = intersection of tangents to Steiner inellipse at X(2454) and X(2455)
X(525) = crosspoint wrt medial triangle of X(2454) and X(2455)
X(525) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(1297)
X(525) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(1297)
X(525) = crosssum of Jerabek hyperbola intercepts of Lemoine axis
X(525) = barycentric product of Jerabek hyperbola intercepts of de Longchamps line
X(526) lies on these (parallel) lines: 6,2492 30,511 67,879 110,351 125,3134 686,2433 895,2987 1177,2435 1769,2650 2611,3024
X(526) = isogonal conjugate of X(476)
X(526) = isotomic conjugate of X(35139)
X(526) = complementary conjugate of X(3258)
X(526) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(18334)
X(526) = X(110)-Ceva conjugate of X(1511)
X(526) = crosspoint of X(74) and X(110)
X(526) = crosssum of X(30) and X(523)
X(526) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(13)
X(526) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (49,2166), (265,2964)
X(526) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(15),X(16)}}
X(526) = intersection of trilinear polars of X(2), X(15), and X(16)
X(526) = trilinear pole of line of: X(2088), tripolar centroid of X(15), tripolar centroid of X(16)
X(526) = X(523)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(526) = X(523)-of-X(4)-Brocard-triangle
X(526) = X(6088)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(526) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(477)
X(526) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(477)
X(526) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(32680)
X(526) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(32662)
X(526) = intersection of tangents to Walsmith rectangular hyperbola at PU(4)
Centers X(527)-X(565)
X(527) lies on the line at infinity.
X(527) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,7 30,511 44,1086 69,2321 72,1242 190,320 200,3474 239,1266 269,2324 347,1419 376,2096 381,2095 390,3241 551,993 599,2097 651,2323 666,673 896,3011 1156,3254 1478,2093 1738,1757 2340,3000 2346,3255 2551,3339 2951,3174
X(527) = isogonal conjugate of X(2291)
X(527) = isotomic conjugate of X(1121)
X(527) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(35110)
X(527) = crosssum of X(6) and X(1055)
X(527) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(663)
X(527) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(35110)
Let Ia be the reflection of X(1) in the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define Ib and Ic cyclically. X(528) = X(518) of IaIbIc. (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
X(528) lies on the line at infinity.
X(528) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,1086 2,11 7,664 8,190 9,80 30,511 104,376 119,381 142,214 153,3543 377,3303 428,1824 549,1484 962,3189 1279,1738 1329,1479 1537,3174 1699,3158 1750,2900 1770,3555 2094,3474 3008,3246 3032,3034
X(528) = isogonal conjugate of X(840)
X(528) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(35113)
X(528) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(665)
X(528) = X(519)-Hirst inverse of X(522)
X(528) = X(1503)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(528) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(35113)
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(529) lies on the line at infinity.
X(529) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,12 8,3474 30,511 36,3035 46,1706 329,3476 428,1828 484,1145 495,993 908,1319 956,1478 1001,1056 1146,3509 1376,3421 2098,3058 2478,3304 3036,3218
X(529) = isogonal conjugate of X(38882)
Let A' be the nine-point center of BCX(14), and define B' and C' cyclically. A'B'C' is an equilateral triangle concyclic with X(2) and X(14) (inscribed in the 2nd Hutson circle). The isogonal (and isotomic) conjugate of X(2) wrt A'B'C' is X(530). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
X(530) lies on the line at infinity.
X(530) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,13 14,671 30,511 99,299 115,395 148,3181 187,396 298,316 619,2482
X(530) = isogonal conjugate of X(2378)
Let A' be the nine-point center of BCX(13), and define B' and C' cyclically. A'B'C' is an equilateral triangle concyclic with X(2) and X(13) (inscribed in the 1st Hutson circle). The isogonal (and isotomic) conjugate of X(2) wrt A'B'C' is X(531). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
X(531) lies on the line at infinity.
X(531) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,14 13,671 30,511 99,298 115,396 148,3180 187,395 299,316 618,2482
X(531) = isogonal conjugate of X(2379)
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(532) lies on the line at infinity.
X(532) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,17 13,298 14,622 15,616 16,299 30,511 395,624 396,618 397,635
X(532) = isogonal conjugate of X(2380)
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(533) lies on the line at infinity.
X(533) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,18 13,621 14,299 15,298 16,617 30,511 395,619 396,623 398,636
X(533) = isogonal conjugate of X(2381)
X(534) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,19 30,511 553,1407 1441,1839
X(534) = isogonal conjugate of X(38883)
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(535) lies on the line at infinity.
X(535) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,36 8,3245 10,1155 30,511 63,484 80,3218 214,908 226,551 376,2077 388,2078 428,1878 903,1168
X(536) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,37 30,511 42,2230 44,190 141,2321 335,903 889,3227 894,1100 1086,1266 2228,3123 2234,3009 2325,3008
X(536) = isogonal conjugate of X(739)
X(536) = isotomic conjugate of X(3227)
X(536) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(13466)
X(536) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(667)
X(536) = barycentric cube root of X(8031)
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(537) lies on the line at infinity.
X(537) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,190 2,38 10,1086 30,511 37,551 75,668 192,3241
X(537) = isogonal conjugate of X(2382)
X(537) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(35123)
X(537) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(35123)
X(537) = X(513)-Hirst inverse of X(519)
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(538) lies on the line at infinity.
X(538) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,39 30,511 32,1003 69,2549 75,1573 99,187 115,325 148,316 183,574 230,620 262,3545 350,1015 381,3095 591,3102 599,3094 671,1916 886,3228 1316,3292 1500,1909 1569,2021 1991,3103
X(538) = isogonal conjugate of X(729)
X(538) = isotomic conjugate of X(3228)
X(538) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(35073)
X(538) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(669)
X(538) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(35073)
X(539) lies on the line at infinity.
X(539) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,54 3,3519 5,1493 30,511 113,2914 155,195 265,1568 2072,3292
X(539) = isogonal conjugate of X(2383)
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(540) lies on the line at infinity.
X(540) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,58 30,511 340,447 376,3430
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(541) lies on the line at infinity.
X(541) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,74 30,511 110,376 125,381 265,3426 394,399 3028,3058 3448,3543
X(541) = isogonal conjugate of X(841)
X(542) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,98 3,67 4,576 5,575 6,13 30,511 68,1177 69,74 141,549 146,148 159,2931 161,1619 230,2030 428,1112 858,3292 1350,3534 1365,2606 1550,1551 1569,3094 1648,2502 1843,1986 1853,3167 3023,3028 3024,3027 3043,3044
X(542) = isogonal conjugate of X(842)
X(542) = isotomic conjugate of X(5641)
X(542) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(526)
X(542) = orthopoint of X(690)
X(542) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(23967)
X(542) = X(30)-Hirst inverse of X(523)
X(542) = X(30)-of-1st-Brocard triangle
X(542) = X(511)-of-4th-Brocard-triangle
X(542) = X(511)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(542) = X(511)-of-X(4)-Brocard-triangle
X(542) = X(524)-of-McCay-triangle
X(542) = X(524)-of-anti-McCay-triangle
X(542) = intercept of Fermat axis and the line at infinity
X(542) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(476)}}
X(542) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(14357)
X(542) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(14246)
X(542) = 1st-Brocard-isogonal-conjugate of X(6795)
X(542) = homothetic center of 2nd Ehrmann triangle and Ehrmann vertex-triangle
X(543) lies on the line at infinity.
X(543) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,99 22,3455 25,2936 30,511 98,376 114,381 147,3543 549,1153 598,1569 626,1975 1641,2502 2421,3016 3023,3058 3027,3325 3044,3048
X(543) = isogonal conjugate of X(843)
X(543) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(35087)
X(543) = X(524)-of-1st-Brocard-triangle
X(543) = 1st-Brocard-isogonal conjugate of X(5108)
X(543) = 1st-Brocard-isotomic conjugate of X(599)
X(543) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(351)
X(543) = X(30)-of-anti-McCay-triangle
X(543) = SS(a → a^2) of X(545) (barycentric substitution)
X(543) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(35087)
X(544) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,101 30,511 63,1018 103,376 118,381 152,3543 3022,3058
X(544) = isogonal conjugate of X(38884)
Barycentrics 2 a^2 - b^2 - c^2 - 2 a b - 2 a c + 4 b c : :
X(545) lies on the line at infinity.
X(545) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,45 30,511 44,1266 63,2161 321,1227
X(545) = isogonal conjugate of X(2384)
X(545) = isotomic conjugate of X(35168)
X(545) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(35121)
X(545) = X(514)-Hirst inverse of X(519)
X(545) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(35121)
As a point on the Euler line, X(546) has Shinagawa coefficients (1,5).
Let A'B'C', A″B″C″ be the outer and inner Vecten triangles, resp. Let (Oa) be the circle inscribed in square A'BA″C, and define (Ob) and (Oc) cyclically. X(546) is the radical center of circles (Oa), (Ob), (Oc). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
Let MA denote the point in which the A-median meets side BC. On 11/05/03, Andrew Crane noted that X(546) is the radical center of circles (A), (B), (C), where (A) denotes the circle centered at A and passing through MA, and (B) and (C) are defined cyclically.
X(546) lies on these lines: 2,3 13,398 14,397 113,137 156,578 946,952
X(546) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,5), (382,550)
X(546) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (140,5), (548,140)
X(546) = complement of X(550)
X(546) = anticomplement of X(3530)
X(546) = circumcircle-inverse of X(37922)
X(546) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(382)
X(546) = X(1385)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(546) = X(5)-of-Euler-triangle
X(546) = {X(3),X(5)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3628)
X(546) = X(5)-of-Ehrmann-mid-triangle
X(546) = Ehrmann-side-to-orthic similarity image of X(5)
X(546) = Johnson-to-Ehrmann-mid similarity image of X(5)
X(546) = homothetic center of Ehrmann mid-triangle and Euler triangle
X(546) = radical center of de Longchamps circles of ABC and 1st and 2nd Ehrmann inscribed triangles
As a point on the Euler line, X(547) has Shinagawa coefficients (7,3).
X(547) lies on the Euler line. (Antreas Hatzipolakis, 1/20/00, Hyacinthos #201)
X(547) lies on these lines: 2,3 551,952
X(547) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,5), (381,549)
X(547) = reflection of X(140) in X(2)
X(547) = complement of X(549)
X(547) = circumcircle-inverse of X(37923)
X(547) = center of the Vu pedal-centroidal circle of X(5)
X(547) = {X(35231),X(35232)}-harmonic conjugate of X(37952)
X(547) = pole of Fermat axis wrt conic {X(5),X(13),X(14),X(15),X(16)}}
X(547) = {X(3),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3627)
As a point on the Euler line, X(548) has Shinagawa coefficients (5,-7).
X(548) lies on the Euler line. (Antreas Hatzipolakis, 1/20/00, Hyacinthos #201)
X(548) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,550), (5,20)
X(548) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (140,3), (546,140)
X(548) = {X(2),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(15712)
X(548) = {X(3),X(5)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3530)
X(548) = radical center of circles centered at vertices of ABC with diameter equal to opposite side
As a point on the Euler line, X(549) has Shinagawa coefficients (5,-3).
Let Pa be the parabola with focus A and directrix BC. Let La be the polar of X(3) wrt Pa. Define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, B' = Lc∩La, C' = La∩Lb. X(141) of triangle A'B'C' is X(549). X(549) is also the centroid of the six points of tangency of lines from X(3) to Pa, Pb, and Pc. (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
In the construction of the Dao 6-point circle (see X(5569)), X(549) is the centroid of AbAcBcBaCaCb. (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
X(549) lies on these lines: 2,3 15,395 16,396 35,496 36,495 141,542 182,524 230,574 302,617 303,616 511,597 517,551 543,1153
X(549) lies on the cubic K1224 and these lines: {1, 3653}, {2, 3}, {6, 21843}, {7, 38065}, {8, 38066}, {9, 38067}, {10, 13624}, {11, 5010}, {12, 7280}, {13, 10646}, {14, 10645}, {15, 395}, {16, 396}, {17, 5351}, {18, 5352}, {32, 9300}, {35, 496}, {36, 495}, {39, 5306}, {40, 3656}, {46, 37737}, {49, 43572}, {51, 13363}, {52, 10627}, {54, 34483}, {55, 10072}, {56, 10056}, {57, 5719}, {61, 16773}, {62, 16772}, {69, 12017}, {74, 5655}, {76, 32516}, {83, 42788}, {95, 1494}, {98, 8724}, {99, 11632}, {103, 38774}, {104, 38762}, {109, 38786}, {110, 11694}, {113, 14677}, {114, 9167}, {115, 3054}, {119, 44847}, {125, 34153}, {126, 10163}, {128, 38429}, {141, 542}, {142, 38080}, {143, 10625}, {148, 17006}, {156, 10984}, {165, 5886}, {182, 524}, {183, 6390}, {184, 40111}, {185, 11591}, {187, 3815}, {216, 3163}, {226, 5122}, {230, 574}, {252, 25042}, {265, 15051}, {302, 617}, {303, 616}, {316, 37647}, {323, 15087}, {325, 7771}, {343, 37513}, {355, 7987}, {371, 13966}, {372, 8981}, {373, 13364}, {386, 5453}, {389, 5447}, {394, 44683}, {397, 5237}, {398, 5238}, {399, 13392}, {476, 11749}, {484, 5444}, {485, 6410}, {486, 6409}, {487, 32810}, {488, 32811}, {498, 5204}, {499, 5217}, {500, 3216}, {511, 597}, {515, 3828}, {516, 11230}, {517, 551}, {519, 1385}, {523, 9175}, {525, 45321}, {527, 31657}, {528, 1484}, {529, 31659}, {530, 6771}, {531, 6774}, {532, 33458}, {533, 33459}, {535, 23961}, {538, 13334}, {539, 10610}, {541, 5972}, {543, 1153}, {544, 6712}, {553, 6147}, {566, 14836}, {567, 43574}, {568, 2979}, {569, 43652}, {572, 17330}, {575, 8584}, {582, 37522}, {590, 6396}, {591, 43119}, {598, 11669}, {599, 3564}, {615, 6200}, {626, 34510}, {627, 33612}, {628, 33613}, {641, 13821}, {642, 13701}, {671, 21166}, {754, 13335}, {804, 9126}, {912, 11227}, {930, 12026}, {946, 19883}, {952, 3576}, {960, 40296}, {970, 5482}, {971, 38113}, {993, 3035}, {999, 5218}, {1001, 35238}, {1040, 37729}, {1071, 31835}, {1078, 3933}, {1092, 13336}, {1125, 3579}, {1141, 6592}, {1147, 37515}, {1151, 5420}, {1152, 5418}, {1154, 3917}, {1155, 4870}, {1157, 14141}, {1209, 13561}, {1216, 6102}, {1263, 34837}, {1296, 38806}, {1327, 42261}, {1328, 42260}, {1329, 5267}, {1340, 39023}, {1341, 39022}, {1350, 18583}, {1352, 13692}, {1384, 7736}, {1387, 5119}, {1482, 38314}, {1499, 11183}, {1503, 11178}, {1506, 14537}, {1539, 12900}, {1587, 6450}, {1588, 6449}, {1614, 43607}, {1621, 35000}, {1698, 18357}, {1699, 28178}, {1737, 37600}, {1991, 43118}, {1992, 5050}, {1994, 15037}, {2079, 9722}, {2080, 12150}, {2482, 2782}, {2548, 5023}, {2549, 37637}, {2771, 10176}, {2780, 11176}, {2794, 22247}, {2797, 45682}, {2808, 38772}, {2818, 38784}, {2826, 45314}, {3017, 4256}, {3053, 31401}, {3055, 5475}, {3060, 13340}, {3068, 6398}, {3069, 6221}, {3070, 41952}, {3071, 41951}, {3086, 10385}, {3095, 33706}, {3098, 3589}, {3104, 36364}, {3105, 36365}, {3241, 5657}, {3295, 7288}, {3304, 31452}, {3306, 37584}, {3311, 13935}, {3312, 9540}, {3314, 34623}, {3329, 9301}, {3336, 16139}, {3357, 16252}, {3359, 11729}, {3398, 41624}, {3411, 42504}, {3412, 42505}, {3413, 47369}, {3414, 47370}, {3419, 9945}, {3431, 44751}, {3448, 15040}, {3487, 37545}, {3567, 14449}, {3580, 14805}, {3581, 14389}, {3587, 5437}, {3592, 9680}, {3601, 12433}, {3612, 24914}, {3614, 10483}, {3616, 12702}, {3617, 18526}, {3618, 14848}, {3619, 18440}, {3620, 39899}, {3622, 8148}, {3624, 12699}, {3625, 32900}, {3631, 7908}, {3634, 18480}, {3636, 11278}, {3642, 44383}, {3643, 44382}, {3649, 37524}, {3734, 32459}, {3763, 18358}, {3767, 15815}, {3788, 7865}, {3793, 7774}, {3816, 6681}, {3817, 28146}, {3818, 34573}, {3819, 13754}, {3829, 33862}, {3847, 20107}, {3849, 7619}, {3877, 34123}, {3878, 13145}, {3911, 15935}, {3916, 17781}, {3927, 27383}, {3928, 26921}, {3929, 24467}, {3940, 5744}, {3947, 31776}, {3972, 34733}, {4257, 37662}, {4271, 10035}, {4293, 31479}, {4297, 9956}, {4421, 10267}, {4428, 11248}, {4550, 46817}, {4654, 11374}, {4669, 5882}, {4677, 30389}, {4688, 29010}, {4745, 31666}, {4846, 43713}, {4930, 34744}, {4999, 25440}, {5007, 9606}, {5012, 13339}, {5013, 5305}, {5024, 7735}, {5044, 5325}, {5126, 31397}, {5131, 11246}, {5171, 32134}, {5188, 11272}, {5206, 7745}, {5210, 7737}, {5215, 14693}, {5221, 16137}, {5226, 18541}, {5248, 6691}, {5251, 34697}, {5254, 7749}, {5259, 34630}, {5260, 26321}, {5265, 7373}, {5281, 6767}, {5303, 27529}, {5318, 33417}, {5319, 22332}, {5321, 33416}, {5326, 7951}, {5334, 42628}, {5335, 42627}, {5339, 41120}, {5340, 41119}, {5343, 42589}, {5344, 42588}, {5349, 42597}, {5350, 42596}, {5435, 15934}, {5438, 5791}, {5439, 37585}, {5440, 13151}, {5445, 10950}, {5446, 11695}, {5461, 23698}, {5462, 10263}, {5463, 21156}, {5464, 21157}, {5469, 22847}, {5470, 22893}, {5473, 20252}, {5474, 20253}, {5480, 14810}, {5481, 34897}, {5504, 13622}, {5506, 7701}, {5550, 6361}, {5562, 13630}, {5585, 31415}, {5587, 19876}, {5603, 28212}, {5609, 20417}, {5640, 13451}, {5642, 5650}, {5646, 11472}, {5648, 11579}, {5651, 35266}, {5652, 21733}, {5656, 35450}, {5703, 5708}, {5720, 10857}, {5722, 30282}, {5731, 5790}, {5762, 6173}, {5763, 37623}, {5771, 18443}, {5805, 38093}, {5840, 34126}, {5841, 38114}, {5843, 6172}, {5860, 26348}, {5861, 26341}, {5874, 45553}, {5875, 45552}, {5876, 11793}, {5878, 8567}, {5885, 31806}, {5890, 7998}, {5907, 13491}, {5926, 25423}, {6000, 10170}, {6030, 16658}, {6033, 7831}, {6054, 9751}, {6150, 14140}, {6194, 32447}, {6199, 7586}, {6241, 43903}, {6243, 15043}, {6245, 40262}, {6246, 38104}, {6247, 10282}, {6284, 10593}, {6321, 9166}, {6329, 37517}, {6337, 32836}, {6395, 7585}, {6411, 6561}, {6412, 6560}, {6419, 41963}, {6420, 31454}, {6431, 42568}, {6432, 42569}, {6445, 13941}, {6446, 8972}, {6451, 9541}, {6452, 13665}, {6453, 35813}, {6454, 35812}, {6455, 6459}, {6456, 6460}, {6496, 42638}, {6497, 42637}, {6500, 42522}, {6501, 42523}, {6502, 31499}, {6564, 32789}, {6565, 32790}, {6662, 41481}, {6666, 38082}, {6667, 22938}, {6668, 38085}, {6671, 36755}, {6672, 36756}, {6683, 14881}, {6689, 20424}, {6696, 6759}, {6700, 31445}, {6710, 38601}, {6711, 38607}, {6714, 38619}, {6715, 38620}, {6716, 38621}, {6717, 38622}, {6718, 38600}, {6719, 38623}, {6720, 9530}, {6721, 22505}, {6722, 22515}, {6723, 10113}, {6776, 21356}, {6781, 7603}, {7171, 7308}, {7294, 7741}, {7354, 10592}, {7581, 13903}, {7582, 13961}, {7610, 7618}, {7688, 34618}, {7689, 9820}, {7691, 8254}, {7697, 11149}, {7746, 11648}, {7748, 18362}, {7750, 7769}, {7752, 11057}, {7755, 9607}, {7756, 39563}, {7757, 11171}, {7761, 44377}, {7762, 10357}, {7763, 7767}, {7772, 31457}, {7775, 47101}, {7776, 32829}, {7777, 34734}, {7783, 19570}, {7786, 9821}, {7789, 7815}, {7792, 35002}, {7793, 7837}, {7801, 10104}, {7804, 15491}, {7818, 10256}, {7835, 34624}, {7840, 21445}, {7844, 44381}, {7846, 35248}, {7853, 31274}, {7857, 7884}, {7930, 9873}, {7931, 9862}, {7967, 31145}, {7988, 28182}, {7991, 31425}, {7999, 10574}, {8143, 27784}, {8182, 11184}, {8227, 16192}, {8273, 11499}, {8550, 20190}, {8552, 44818}, {8591, 14651}, {8596, 38635}, {8667, 34511}, {8717, 15448}, {8718, 43614}, {8722, 10796}, {8725, 31268}, {8726, 37700}, {8760, 44567}, {9127, 10166}, {9140, 15035}, {9143, 32609}, {9159, 15111}, {9172, 33962}, {9177, 46998}, {9517, 45319}, {9521, 45318}, {9543, 43387}, {9655, 10588}, {9668, 10589}, {9681, 43794}, {9698, 35007}, {9703, 11003}, {9709, 30478}, {9734, 44401}, {9746, 28915}, {9778, 28216}, {9780, 18525}, {9826, 37511}, {9829, 31961}, {9833, 40686}, {9880, 14971}, {9940, 24475}, {9955, 19862}, {10022, 29069}, {10031, 19914}, {10039, 37605}, {10053, 12351}, {10069, 12350}, {10095, 45186}, {10171, 28150}, {10172, 28164}, {10175, 28160}, {10197, 26286}, {10199, 26285}, {10202, 24473}, {10222, 31447}, {10247, 34631}, {10269, 11194}, {10523, 14792}, {10541, 15533}, {10564, 32225}, {10575, 45959}, {10576, 42259}, {10577, 42258}, {10601, 37483}, {10606, 32620}, {10653, 11481}, {10654, 11480}, {10706, 14643}, {10707, 34474}, {10708, 38690}, {10709, 38691}, {10710, 38692}, {10711, 38693}, {10712, 38694}, {10713, 38695}, {10714, 23239}, {10715, 38696}, {10716, 38697}, {10717, 14666}, {10718, 38699}, {10902, 10943}, {10942, 34606}, {10979, 42459}, {10990, 38795}, {10991, 38751}, {10992, 38740}, {11006, 18332}, {11064, 33533}, {11123, 16220}, {11160, 14912}, {11180, 25406}, {11204, 15311}, {11207, 45620}, {11208, 45621}, {11235, 26492}, {11236, 26487}, {11239, 16203}, {11240, 16202}, {11249, 40726}, {11362, 15178}, {11381, 45958}, {11412, 37481}, {11430, 13567}, {11438, 23292}, {11444, 31834}, {11459, 20791}, {11485, 37641}, {11486, 37640}, {11488, 42115}, {11489, 42116}, {11614, 39601}, {11623, 36521}, {11645, 24206}, {11693, 16003}, {11801, 12121}, {11804, 12893}, {12024, 44665}, {12045, 13570}, {12152, 45623}, {12153, 45624}, {12161, 37514}, {12162, 14128}, {12228, 19129}, {12243, 13188}, {12245, 37624}, {12295, 15088}, {12307, 22051}, {12322, 13798}, {12323, 13678}, {12324, 14530}, {12355, 13172}, {12506, 47074}, {12512, 22793}, {12816, 42431}, {12817, 42432}, {13108, 32522}, {13157, 14379}, {13226, 18446}, {13289, 32600}, {13292, 37476}, {13329, 17392}, {13338, 30537}, {13352, 41588}, {13353, 34148}, {13367, 31804}, {13372, 14072}, {13399, 44110}, {13416, 14708}, {13419, 17712}, {13434, 13482}, {13857, 32110}, {13886, 43511}, {13939, 43512}, {13971, 31439}, {14061, 38730}, {14131, 34466}, {14216, 17821}, {14385, 40630}, {14417, 44202}, {14561, 31884}, {14639, 38731}, {14641, 44870}, {14644, 38723}, {14711, 32523}, {14712, 17005}, {14855, 15030}, {14915, 15082}, {14988, 31165}, {15012, 15606}, {15018, 15038}, {15020, 23236}, {15033, 15360}, {15034, 15057}, {15042, 15081}, {15056, 18439}, {15066, 18445}, {15068, 17811}, {15072, 18435}, {15092, 39809}, {15305, 33879}, {15345, 16768}, {15462, 34319}, {15484, 15655}, {15489, 37536}, {15740, 44763}, {15801, 43600}, {15805, 37498}, {15806, 43601}, {16092, 46634}, {16163, 20304}, {16266, 36752}, {16317, 20481}, {16336, 35729}, {16654, 44082}, {16760, 38611}, {16808, 42145}, {16809, 42144}, {16964, 41122}, {16965, 41121}, {16966, 36969}, {16967, 36970}, {16984, 43453}, {17004, 47286}, {17008, 31859}, {17074, 23071}, {17398, 37508}, {17414, 32232}, {17595, 39544}, {17702, 34128}, {17757, 34698}, {17825, 44413}, {18016, 35720}, {18243, 22936}, {18285, 31378}, {18319, 22104}, {18388, 35254}, {18390, 47296}, {18391, 37606}, {18400, 23332}, {18483, 19878}, {18492, 19872}, {18546, 34504}, {18581, 42122}, {18582, 42123}, {18913, 19347}, {18914, 19357}, {18925, 26944}, {20112, 32479}, {20194, 38010}, {20299, 34782}, {20376, 23358}, {20379, 30714}, {20398, 36523}, {20575, 30269}, {20576, 30270}, {20583, 39561}, {21160, 31158}, {21164, 31142}, {21165, 31164}, {21309, 37665}, {21975, 35888}, {22102, 38617}, {22112, 32269}, {22236, 42149}, {22238, 42152}, {22253, 37667}, {22268, 35887}, {22660, 43839}, {22677, 41146}, {22799, 38759}, {22837, 32157}, {22937, 33668}, {23041, 31166}, {23267, 43382}, {23273, 43383}, {23300, 35228}, {23320, 23333}, {24239, 37589}, {24299, 33595}, {24390, 34745}, {24813, 41138}, {24827, 40480}, {24953, 34746}, {25524, 35239}, {25561, 29012}, {25565, 29317}, {26398, 45696}, {26422, 45697}, {26498, 45699}, {26507, 45698}, {28236, 38176}, {29181, 38136}, {29331, 41140}, {29959, 30532}, {30209, 44560}, {30308, 34595}, {30392, 34747}, {30435, 31400}, {31235, 38761}, {31253, 33697}, {31267, 34778}, {31379, 38609}, {31508, 37704}, {31662, 34641}, {31670, 38072}, {31671, 38073}, {31672, 38075}, {31673, 38076}, {31729, 32156}, {31744, 31762}, {31788, 31838}, {31945, 47050}, {32006, 32839}, {32063, 35260}, {32358, 35602}, {32419, 43120}, {32421, 43121}, {32767, 41362}, {32808, 45508}, {32809, 45509}, {32817, 32869}, {32904, 35721}, {33521, 38775}, {33537, 33540}, {33549, 46025}, {33604, 42926}, {33605, 42927}, {33899, 37837}, {34209, 47084}, {34224, 43608}, {34229, 46951}, {34312, 38700}, {34339, 44663}, {34486, 34699}, {34584, 36518}, {34841, 38608}, {35268, 35283}, {35731, 42563}, {35770, 43888}, {35771, 43887}, {35820, 42582}, {35821, 42583}, {36362, 41021}, {36363, 41020}, {36383, 36767}, {36634, 37699}, {36770, 41042}, {36836, 40694}, {36843, 40693}, {37472, 43651}, {37478, 37649}, {37506, 43653}, {37510, 46922}, {37525, 37728}, {37633, 45923}, {37698, 42043}, {37809, 42849}, {38031, 47357}, {38139, 38318}, {38141, 38319}, {38716, 38796}, {39242, 44569}, {39524, 42295}, {40329, 42329}, {41112, 42151}, {41113, 42150}, {41133, 43461}, {41313, 46475}, {41961, 41968}, {41962, 41967}, {41973, 42503}, {41974, 42502}, {41979, 42648}, {41980, 42647}, {42085, 42143}, {42086, 42146}, {42090, 42095}, {42091, 42098}, {42093, 42585}, {42094, 42584}, {42096, 42111}, {42097, 42114}, {42099, 42107}, {42100, 42110}, {42101, 42914}, {42102, 42915}, {42108, 42918}, {42109, 42919}, {42112, 42475}, {42113, 42474}, {42119, 42129}, {42120, 42132}, {42125, 42688}, {42128, 42689}, {42130, 42139}, {42131, 42142}, {42157, 42163}, {42158, 42166}, {42159, 42591}, {42162, 42590}, {42164, 42434}, {42165, 42433}, {42263, 42274}, {42264, 42277}, {42266, 42270}, {42267, 42273}, {42275, 42601}, {42276, 42600}, {42417, 42525}, {42418, 42524}, {42429, 42594}, {42430, 42595}, {42506, 42793}, {42507, 42794}, {42520, 42635}, {42521, 42636}, {42532, 42977}, {42533, 42976}, {42629, 42693}, {42630, 42692}, {42682, 42906}, {42683, 42907}, {42777, 43199}, {42778, 43200}, {42783, 43628}, {42784, 43629}, {42797, 43773}, {42798, 43774}, {42815, 42968}, {42816, 42969}, {42817, 43463}, {42818, 43464}, {42890, 43547}, {42891, 43546}, {42892, 43232}, {42893, 43233}, {42928, 43548}, {42929, 43549}, {42950, 42984}, {42951, 42985}, {42952, 43485}, {42953, 43486}, {42956, 43005}, {42957, 43004}, {42996, 43372}, {42997, 43373}, {43006, 43020}, {43007, 43021}, {43014, 43308}, {43015, 43309}, {43105, 43645}, {43106, 43646}, {43242, 43554}, {43243, 43555}, {43248, 43310}, {43249, 43311}, {43394, 43573}, {43489, 43499}, {43490, 43500}, {43575, 43836}, {43604, 44516}, {43619, 44541}, {43620, 44526}, {44204, 44564}, {44555, 45969}, {44813, 44820}, {45331, 46127}, {45410, 45420}, {45411, 45421}, {46980, 46987}, {46981, 46986}, {46983, 46990}, {46984, 46989}
X(549) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3654}, {2, 3}, {4, 3534}, {5, 8703}, {20, 3830}, {40, 3656}, {74, 5655}, {98, 8724}, {99, 11632}, {110, 20126}, {140, 12100}, {165, 5886}, {376, 381}, {382, 11001}, {405, 44284}, {427, 44261}, {442, 44255}, {546, 15690}, {547, 34200}, {548, 5066}, {550, 3845}, {568, 2979}, {599, 11179}, {631, 15693}, {632, 15711}, {858, 44265}, {1350, 20423}, {1352, 43273}, {1368, 44273}, {1656, 19708}, {1657, 15682}, {2072, 44280}, {2482, 6055}, {3060, 13340}, {3091, 15695}, {3095, 33706}, {3098, 5476}, {3104, 36364}, {3105, 36365}, {3146, 15685}, {3241, 34718}, {3431, 44751}, {3522, 19709}, {3523, 15701}, {3524, 5054}, {3525, 15716}, {3526, 15698}, {3530, 11812}, {3543, 15681}, {3545, 15688}, {3576, 26446}, {3627, 19710}, {3628, 15759}, {3655, 3679}, {3819, 16836}, {3839, 15689}, {3843, 15697}, {3860, 44245}, {3917, 9730}, {4421, 45700}, {4669, 5882}, {4677, 37727}, {4930, 34744}, {5050, 10519}, {5055, 10304}, {5071, 14093}, {5188, 44422}, {5473, 25154}, {5474, 25164}, {5569, 7622}, {5648, 11579}, {5652, 21733}, {5656, 35450}, {5657, 10246}, {5731, 5790}, {5890, 23039}, {6054, 14830}, {6175, 28460}, {6194, 32447}, {6321, 12117}, {6863, 19704}, {6865, 19706}, {6958, 19705}, {6996, 19703}, {7502, 44287}, {7610, 7618}, {7775, 47101}, {7998, 40280}, {8182, 11184}, {8550, 22165}, {8598, 15980}, {8667, 34511}, {9126, 16235}, {9880, 38738}, {10031, 19914}, {10109, 33923}, {10124, 14891}, {10156, 33575}, {10164, 10165}, {10182, 10193}, {10192, 23328}, {10297, 47031}, {10564, 32225}, {10625, 21969}, {10717, 14666}, {11006, 18332}, {11050, 20128}, {11112, 28459}, {11113, 28458}, {11123, 16220}, {11171, 22712}, {11194, 45701}, {11202, 23329}, {11231, 17502}, {11250, 44278}, {11295, 44461}, {11296, 44465}, {11539, 17504}, {11585, 44268}, {11623, 36521}, {12101, 12103}, {12108, 44580}, {12243, 13188}, {12355, 13172}, {12506, 47074}, {13083, 13084}, {13626, 35232}, {13627, 35231}, {13632, 13634}, {13633, 13635}, {13857, 32110}, {14070, 44441}, {14417, 44202}, {14561, 31884}, {14639, 38731}, {14643, 15055}, {14644, 38723}, {14855, 15030}, {14869, 19711}, {14893, 15691}, {15035, 15061}, {15072, 18435}, {15122, 18579}, {15360, 37477}, {15561, 34473}, {15640, 17800}, {15644, 21849}, {15678, 47032}, {15683, 15684}, {15686, 15687}, {15692, 15694}, {15696, 41099}, {15699, 45759}, {15700, 15702}, {15704, 33699}, {15706, 15709}, {15707, 15708}, {15712, 15713}, {15715, 15723}, {15718, 15721}, {15719, 15720}, {15760, 44285}, {15764, 15765}, {15819, 21163}, {16092, 46634}, {17525, 37401}, {18281, 18324}, {18546, 34504}, {18570, 44262}, {19548, 19707}, {21153, 38122}, {21154, 38760}, {21166, 38224}, {28452, 37428}, {31145, 34748}, {31694, 44250}, {34152, 44282}, {34726, 44442}, {35018, 46332}, {35404, 44903}, {35955, 37348}, {36362, 41021}, {36363, 41020}, {36439, 36457}, {37506, 43653}, {37922, 44450}, {37950, 44266}, {38692, 38764}, {38693, 38752}, {38697, 38776}, {38716, 38796}, {38727, 38793}, {38737, 38748}, {41490, 41491}, {41982, 47478}, {44210, 44218}, {44882, 47354}, {46264, 47353}, {46980, 46987}, {46981, 46986}, {46983, 46990}, {46984, 46989}, {47088, 47089}, {47097, 47333}
X(549) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 140}, {3, 12100}, {4, 5066}, {5, 2}, {20, 15690}, {51, 13363}, {110, 11694}, {140, 11812}, {376, 34200}, {381, 547}, {382, 12101}, {428, 23410}, {546, 10109}, {547, 10124}, {548, 15759}, {550, 8703}, {597, 10168}, {632, 15713}, {3524, 41983}, {3530, 44580}, {3534, 548}, {3543, 14893}, {3545, 47599}, {3627, 3845}, {3628, 11540}, {3656, 5901}, {3830, 546}, {3839, 47478}, {3845, 5}, {3853, 3860}, {3860, 35018}, {5055, 47598}, {5066, 3628}, {5476, 3589}, {5655, 10272}, {5946, 5892}, {7575, 18579}, {8584, 575}, {8703, 3}, {9771, 7619}, {9909, 33591}, {10109, 16239}, {10154, 34351}, {10182, 46265}, {10192, 10182}, {10263, 21849}, {10283, 38028}, {11001, 12103}, {11178, 20582}, {11539, 5054}, {11563, 44282}, {11812, 12108}, {12040, 7622}, {12100, 3530}, {12101, 3850}, {13468, 34506}, {13490, 10127}, {14269, 14892}, {14869, 15701}, {14892, 41985}, {14893, 11737}, {15060, 10170}, {15067, 3819}, {15597, 1153}, {15681, 15691}, {15682, 3853}, {15686, 376}, {15687, 381}, {15689, 41982}, {15690, 33923}, {15699, 11539}, {15704, 3534}, {15711, 15712}, {15712, 15693}, {15713, 631}, {15714, 15692}, {16160, 44257}, {16509, 15597}, {17504, 3524}, {17525, 12104}, {19710, 550}, {19711, 3523}, {20423, 18583}, {21849, 5462}, {21850, 5476}, {21969, 143}, {22165, 40107}, {23039, 44324}, {23046, 5055}, {23328, 10193}, {25154, 20252}, {25164, 20253}, {31649, 15673}, {31650, 28465}, {33699, 4}, {34200, 14891}, {34331, 34478}, {34351, 34477}, {34510, 40344}, {35404, 15687}, {36523, 20398}, {37967, 37904}, {38028, 10165}, {38034, 11230}, {38042, 11231}, {38071, 15699}, {38111, 38122}, {38112, 26446}, {38136, 38317}, {38137, 38171}, {38138, 38042}, {38139, 38318}, {38140, 10172}, {38141, 38319}, {38229, 34127}, {39884, 47354}, {41099, 12812}, {41990, 5067}, {44204, 44564}, {44213, 15330}, {44245, 46332}, {44257, 6675}, {44262, 6676}, {44265, 18571}, {44266, 468}, {44267, 47332}, {44268, 43615}, {44270, 16238}, {44275, 6677}, {44278, 10020}, {44280, 37968}, {44282, 44452}, {44422, 11272}, {44682, 19711}, {44903, 15686}, {45759, 17504}, {46853, 15711}, {47313, 12105}, {47353, 18358}, {47354, 24206}, {47478, 41984}, {47598, 14890}
X(549) = isogonal conjugate of X(14483)
X(549) = complement of X(381)
X(549) = anticomplement of X(547)
X(549) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(3431)
X(549) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(44109)
X(549) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(44148)
X(549) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(6749)
X(549) = Thomson isogonal conjugate of X(5888)
X(549) = psi-transform of X(9143)
X(549) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3431, 10}, {43530, 20305}
X(549) = X(18317)-Ceva conjugate of X(30)
X(549) = X(44109)-cross conjugate of X(6749)
X(549) = X(1)-isoconjugate of X(14483)
X(549) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 14483}, {381, 549}
X(549) = crosssum of X(6) and X(34417)
X(549) = circumcircle-inverse of X(37924)
X(549) = orthocentroidal circle inverse of X(5055)
X(549) = orthoptic circle of the Steiner inellipe inverse of X(10989)
X(549) = first Droz-Farney circle inverse of X(30745)
X(549) = ninepoint circle of medial triangle inverse of X(15122)
X(549) = center of the Vu pedal-centroidal circle of X(20)
X(549) = X(3)-of-X(2)-Brocard-triangle
X(549) = intersection of tangents to Evans conic at X(13) and X(14)
X(549) = inverse-in-circle-O(PU(5)) of X(140)
X(549) = center of inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of de Longchamps line
X(549) = trisector nearest X(3) of segment X(3)X(5)
X(549) = X(115)-of-McCay-triangle
X(549) = Euler line intercept, other than X(5), of conic {X(5),X(13),X(14),X(15),X(16)}}
X(549) = QA-P39 (Midpoint of QA-P12 and QA-P20) of quadrangle ABCX(2) (see
X(549) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 44148}, {69, 6749}, {76, 44109}
X(549) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 14483}, {6749, 4}, {44109, 6}, {44148, 76}
X(549) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 4, 5055}, {2, 5, 15699}, {2, 20, 3545}, {2, 140, 11539}, {2, 376, 381}, {2, 381, 547}, {2, 382, 47478}, {2, 548, 23046}, {2, 550, 38071}, {2, 631, 5054}, {2, 1656, 47599}, {2, 1657, 14892}, {2, 3522, 3839}, {2, 3523, 3524}, {2, 3524, 3}, {2, 3526, 47598}, {2, 3528, 14269}, {2, 3530, 17504}, {2, 3534, 5066}, {2, 3543, 5071}, {2, 3545, 1656}, {2, 3830, 10109}, {2, 3839, 3090}, {2, 3843, 45757}, ..., {3, 4, 548}, {3, 5, 550}, {3, 20, 33923}, {3, 24, 7525}, {3, 140, 5}, {3, 376, 34200}, {3, 381, 376}, {3, 382, 3522}, {3, 547, 15686}, {3, 550, 46853}, {3, 631, 140}, {3, 632, 3627}, {3, 1006, 7508}, {3, 1656, 20}, {3, 1657, 3528}, {3, 2070, 6636}, {3, 2072, 44249}, {3, 3090, 12103}, {3, 3091, 44245}, {3, 3523, 3530}, {3, 3524, 12100}, {3, 3525, 546}, {3, 3526, 4}, {3, 3530, 15712}, {3, 3533, 3853}, {3, 3534, 10304}, {3, 3545, 15690}, {3, 3548, 12362}, {3, 3549, 31829}, {3, 3628, 15704}, {3, 3830, 15688}, {3, 3832, 41981}, {3, 3851, 15696}, {3, 5020, 35243}, {3, 5054, 2}, {3, 5055, 3534}, {3, 5070, 1657}, {3, 5071, 15691}, {3, 5079, 17538}, {3, 6640, 12605}, {3, 6644, 7502}, {3, 6863, 31775}, {3, 6883, 6914}, {3, 6958, 31789}, {3, 6989, 37281}, {3, 7393, 7526}, {3, 7395, 12084}, {3, 7483, 37356}, {3, 7484, 7514}, {3, 7489, 6909}, ... , {4, 5, 3857}, {4, 376, 15683}, {4, 548, 15704}, {4, 631, 10303}, {4, 3524, 15698}, {4, 3526, 3628}, {4, 3628, 5}, {4, 5054, 11540}, {4, 5055, 5066}, {4, 5066, 23046}, {4, 5072, 3856}, {4, 7486, 5072}, {4, 10303, 3526}, {4, 10304, 3534}, {4, 15683, 15684}, {4, 15698, 10304}, {4, 15706, 15759}, {4, 15709, 2}, {4, 15717, 3}, {4, 23046, 3845}, {4, 35472, 37931}, {4, 37453, 37942}, {4, 37942, 44957}, {4, 45761, 15714}, {4, 46333, 15640}, {5, 140, 632}, {5, 376, 35404}, {5, 550, 3627}, {5, 1368, 37938}, {5, 3524, 15711}, {5, 3530, 44682}, {5, 3627, 3858}, {5, 3845, 38071}, {5, 11539, 2}, {5, 12100, 45759}, {5, 14869, 140}, {5, 15686, 15687}, {5, 15687, 381}, {5, 15704, 4}, {5, 15712, 3}, {5, 15713, 11539}, {5, 15714, 15686}, {5, 17504, 8703}, {5, 19711, 17504}, {5, 23046, 5066}, {5, 23335, 33332}, {5, 31651, 44286}, {5, 33699, 23046}, {5, 34200, 44903}, {5, 34477, 16532}, {5, 41991, 3851}, {5, 43893, 46030}, {5, 44222, 5499}, {5, 44682, 46853}, {5, 45759, 19710}, {6, 42912, 42633}, {6, 42913, 42634}, {10, 13624, 34773}, {10, 34773, 37705}, {13, 10646, 42943}, {13, 42943, 42118}, {13, 42955, 43544}, {14, 10645, 42942}, {14, 42942, 42117}, {14, 42954, 43545}, {15, 16242, 395}, {16, 16241, 396}, {17, 5351, 42148}, {18, 5352, 42147}, {20, 1656, 546}, {20, 3524, 15716}, {20, 3525, 1656}, {20, 3545, 3830}, {20, 10299, 3}, {20, 15022, 4}, {20, 15688, 15690}, {20, 15705, 19708}, {20, 16239, 5}, {20, 19708, 15688}, {21, 13747, 17527}, {22, 12106, 37936}, {24, 1595, 7715}, {24, 14787, 23410}, {25, 35486, 37935}, {35, 496, 10386}, {35, 3582, 3058}, {35, 5433, 496}, {36, 3584, 5434}, {36, 5432, 495}, {40, 25055, 3656}, {55, 10072, 15170}, {61, 16963, 43229}, {62, 16962, 43228}, {74, 38794, 10272}, {98, 41134, 8724}, {140, 382, 41992}, {140, 546, 16239}, {140, 547, 10124}, {140, 548, 3628}, {140, 631, 14869}, {140, 3523, 15712}, {140, 3524, 8703}, {140, 3530, 3}, {140, 3628, 3526}, {140, 3850, 46219}, {140, 5054, 15713}, {140, 5066, 47598}, {140, 6676, 44452}, {140, 8703, 15699}, {140, 10124, 15694}, {140, 10212, 14118}, {140, 11276, 37251}, {140, 11540, 15709}, {140, 11737, 15723}, {140, 11812, 5054}, {140, 12101, 41984}, {140, 12108, 631}, {140, 14891, 381}, {140, 15331, 7399}, {140, 15690, 47599}, {140, 15692, 15687}, {140, 15693, 17504}, {140, 15698, 23046}, {140, 15700, 15686}, {140, 15706, 33699}, {140, 15707, 19711}, {140, 15711, 38071}, {140, 15712, 550}, {140, 15717, 15704}, {140, 15718, 15714}, {140, 15759, 5055}, {140, 16197, 16238}, {140, 16239, 3525}, {140, 16976, 18570}, {140, 17504, 3845}, {140, 19711, 45759}, {140, 33923, 1656}, {140, 34004, 10125}, {140, 34200, 547}, {140, 35018, 3533}, {140, 37298, 31650}, {140, 37968, 46029}, {140, 41983, 12100}, {140, 44245, 5070}, {140, 44580, 3524}, {140, 44682, 3627}, {140, 45761, 15684}, {140, 47598, 11540}, {186, 427, 37458}, {186, 15246, 3}, {186, 37118, 427}, {187, 3815, 18907}, {230, 574, 15048}, {371, 13966, 19116}, {372, 8981, 19117}, {376, 547, 15687}, {376, 631, 15702}, {376, 3091, 35400}, {376, 3523, 15718}, {376, 3524, 15692}, {376, 3543, 15681}, {376, 5054, 10124}, {376, 5071, 3543}, {376, 10124, 5}, {376, 14891, 15714}, {376, 15078, 47333}, {376, 15681, 15691}, {376, 15683, 3534}, {376, 15686, 550}, {376, 15687, 44903}, {376, 15692, 3}, {376, 15694, 547}, {376, 15700, 14891}, {376, 15702, 2}, {376, 15703, 14893}, {376, 15718, 12100}, {376, 15721, 15694}, {376, 15723, 11737}, {376, 33246, 37461}, {376, 34200, 8703}, {376, 35404, 19710}, {376, 44214, 44213}, {378, 468, 1596}, {381, 547, 5}, {381, 1657, 35434}, {381, 3524, 14891}, {381, 3534, 15684}, {381, 3543, 14893}, {381, 5054, 15694}, {381, 5071, 11737}, {381, 8703, 44903}, {381, 10201, 47334}, {381, 12100, 15714}, {381, 14093, 15681}, {381, 14891, 8703}, {381, 15681, 3543}, {381, 15682, 41988}, {381, 15684, 4}, {381, 15686, 35404}, {381, 15687, 3845}, {381, 15692, 34200}, {381, 15693, 15700}, {381, 15694, 2}, {381, 15700, 3}, {381, 15701, 15721}, {381, 15702, 10124}, {381, 15703, 5071}, {381, 15714, 550}, {381, 15718, 15692}, {381, 15721, 140}, {381, 15723, 15703}, {381, 31152, 31181}, {381, 34006, 37901}, {381, 34200, 15686}, {381, 35434, 14269}, {381, 44211, 44212}, {381, 44214, 44211}, {381, 44903, 3627}, {382, 3090, 3850}, {382, 3522, 12103}, {382, 3839, 12101}, {382, 15689, 11001}, {382, 19709, 3839}, {382, 46219, 3090}, {389, 5447, 6101}, {395, 16242, 42121}, {396, 16241, 42124}, {404, 7483, 8728}, {404, 37291, 7483}, {442, 4188, 17563}, {465, 466, 26906}, {474, 6910, 6675}, {484, 5444, 15950}, {498, 5204, 18990}, {499, 5217, 15171}, {546, 1656, 5}, {546, 3530, 10299}, {546, 3628, 15022}, {546, 10109, 3545}, {546, 15705, 8703}, {546, 16239, 1656}, {546, 33923, 20}, {546, 47599, 10109}, {547, 3530, 15692}, {547, 8703, 35404}, {547, 10124, 2}, {547, 11737, 5071}, {547, 11812, 15702}, {547, 12100, 34200}, {547, 14891, 376}, {547, 14893, 11737}, {547, 15330, 44211}, {547, 15683, 23046}, {547, 15686, 3845}, {547, 15691, 14893}, {547, 15692, 8703}, {547, 15700, 15714}, {547, 15702, 11539}, {547, 15714, 44903}, {547, 15718, 17504}, {547, 15759, 15683}, {547, 35404, 38071}, {547, 41981, 35401}, {547, 44213, 44212}, {547, 44580, 15718}, {547, 45761, 10304}, {547, 46332, 35400}, {548, 3526, 5}, {548, 3530, 15717}, {548, 3628, 4}, {548, 3856, 17800}, {548, 5055, 33699}, {548, 10304, 8703}, {548, 11540, 5055}, {548, 11812, 15709}, {548, 14890, 2}, {548, 15684, 15686}, {548, 15704, 550}, {548, 15759, 10304}, {548, 47598, 5066}, {550, 632, 5}, {550, 15699, 3845}, {550, 15711, 45759}, {550, 16532, 10154}, {550, 35404, 44903}, {550, 44682, 3}, {550, 44903, 15686}, {550, 45759, 8703}, {590, 6396, 42216}, {590, 41946, 35822}, {597, 10168, 38110}, {599, 5085, 11179}, {615, 6200, 42215}, {615, 41945, 35823}, {618, 619, 141}, {618, 5092, 47611}, {619, 5092, 47610}, {631, 3523, 3}, {631, 3524, 2}, {631, 3530, 5}, {631, 3534, 14890}, {631, 5054, 11812}, {631, 7485, 10257}, {631, 10299, 3525}, {631, 12100, 11539}, {631, 15692, 15694}, {631, 15698, 15709}, {631, 15700, 10124}, {631, 15702, 15721}, {631, 15706, 11540}, {631, 15707, 12100}, {631, 15708, 15701}, {631, 15712, 632}, {631, 15717, 3526}, {631, 15718, 547}, {631, 15719, 3524}, {631, 15720, 12108}, {631, 15722, 41983}, {631, 19711, 15699}, {631, 41983, 8703}, {631, 44580, 17504}, {632, 3845, 15699}, {632, 3857, 3628}, {632, 8703, 38071}, {632, 15699, 2}, {632, 15712, 46853}, {632, 17504, 19710}, {632, 35404, 547}, {632, 44682, 550}, {632, 45759, 3845}, {632, 46853, 3858}, {858, 10298, 44239}, {858, 37347, 39504}, {993, 3035, 3820}, {1006, 17549, 28443}, {1078, 7799, 37671}, {1092, 13336, 32046}, {1113, 1114, 37924}, {1125, 3579, 22791}, {1141, 6592, 14073}, and many more
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the anticomplementary triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(550) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the anti-Euler triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(550) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(550) lies on these lines: 2,3 15,397 16,398 35,495 36,496 40,952 74,930 156,1092 165,355
X(550) = midpoint of X(3) and X(20)
X(550) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (3,548), (4,140), (5,3), (382,546)
X(550) = isogonal conjugate of X(16835)
X(550) = trisector nearest X(20) of segment X(5)X(20)
X(550) = complement of X(382)
X(550) = anticomplement of X(546)
X(550) = X(5)-of-circumcevian-triangle-of-X(30)
X(550) = X(143)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(550) = intersection of tangents to Evans conic at X(17) and X(18)
X(550) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(3851)
X(550) = radical center of reflections of nine-point circle in A, B, C
X(550) = antipedal isogonal conjugate of X(5)
X(550) = radical trace of circumcircle and Trinh circle
X(550) = {X(2),X(3529)}-harmonic conjugate of X(382)
X(550) = {X(3),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(140)
X(550) = {X(2),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3530)
X(550) = {X(2),X(20)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3529)
{1, 2}, {3, 3653}, {4, 9624}, {5, 5882}, {6, 3986}, {7, 13462}, {9, 18490}, {11, 3822}, {12, 3825}, {13, 50849}, {14, 50852}, {15, 50854}, {16, 50857}, {20, 11522}, {21, 5557}, {30, 946}, {35, 5253}, {36, 1621}, {37, 537}, {38, 4694}, {40, 3524}, {44, 61302}, {55, 4342}, {56, 553}, {58, 42028}, {63, 51816}, {65, 3884}, {69, 4909}, {72, 3881}, {74, 50878}, {75, 4717}, {79, 15678}, {80, 10031}, {81, 5315}, {85, 25723}, {86, 99}, {88, 24857}, {98, 50881}, {100, 36006}, {101, 16503}, {102, 50901}, {103, 50905}, {104, 3255}, {105, 8691}, {109, 50918}, {110, 50921}, {111, 50926}, {113, 50876}, {114, 50879}, {115, 50884}, {116, 50895}, {118, 50902}, {119, 50906}, {124, 47115}, {125, 50919}, {140, 10222}, {141, 28538}, {142, 214}, {144, 50837}, {147, 50882}, {148, 50887}, {149, 50892}, {153, 50909}, {165, 15692}, {171, 40091}, {190, 31332}, {191, 15672}, {226, 535}, {238, 46922}, {244, 4424}, {321, 4975}, {348, 58816}, {354, 392}, {355, 5055}, {366, 59438}, {376, 516}, {381, 515}, {382, 50806}, {390, 53054}, {404, 3746}, {405, 3304}, {428, 11363}, {442, 24387}, {468, 47593}, {474, 3303}, {484, 27003}, {495, 3814}, {496, 3829}, {497, 13384}, {511, 22475}, {512, 45657}, {514, 4448}, {517, 549}, {518, 597}, {522, 36220}, {524, 1386}, {527, 993}, {529, 21616}, {530, 11705}, {531, 11706}, {532, 11739}, {533, 11740}, {534, 51687}, {536, 3993}, {538, 12263}, {539, 12259}, {540, 13745}, {541, 11709}, {542, 11710}, {543, 11599}, {544, 11712}, {545, 4432}, {546, 51074}, {547, 952}, {548, 31666}, {550, 28202}, {591, 45398}, {594, 46845}, {595, 37607}, {596, 56221}, {599, 5847}, {618, 50847}, {619, 50850}, {631, 7982}, {632, 50823}, {650, 50761}, {663, 23789}, {671, 38220}, {678, 24183}, {726, 4664}, {730, 9466}, {740, 4688}, {750, 37610}, {752, 1279}, {754, 12264}, {759, 34053}, {891, 45314}, {894, 17487}, {900, 14422}, {908, 34690}, {940, 16351}, {942, 3878}, {944, 3545}, {950, 11238}, {953, 2690}, {954, 60972}, {956, 4423}, {958, 7373}, {960, 3874}, {962, 7987}, {964, 48865}, {966, 4856}, {984, 49535}, {986, 24167}, {996, 36915}, {1000, 31190}, {1010, 19796}, {1012, 43177}, {1056, 26105}, {1058, 34701}, {1064, 32486}, {1086, 35124}, {1100, 5257}, {1104, 48823}, {1108, 25081}, {1145, 52638}, {1213, 50082}, {1224, 56037}, {1255, 32923}, {1266, 41847}, {1317, 6702}, {1320, 13602}, {1323, 17079}, {1376, 6767}, {1388, 3947}, {1390, 34892}, {1420, 3485}, {1421, 54292}, {1449, 37654}, {1475, 3294}, {1482, 3654}, {1483, 9956}, {1500, 16604}, {1573, 52708}, {1616, 5711}, {1651, 11831}, {1656, 37727}, {1699, 3543}, {1724, 19738}, {1738, 49720}, {1770, 37299}, {1836, 57006}, {1908, 2666}, {1909, 18145}, {1962, 24165}, {1982, 52954}, {1991, 45399}, {1992, 16475}, {2049, 48862}, {2051, 6176}, {2087, 21332}, {2094, 4512}, {2098, 58405}, {2099, 3911}, {2238, 16971}, {2275, 25092}, {2292, 3953}, {2303, 16488}, {2320, 5561}, {2321, 3723}, {2325, 16672}, {2329, 9327}, {2345, 4072}, {2475, 4857}, {2476, 37720}, {2550, 38093}, {2646, 3058}, {2759, 9097}, {2784, 6054}, {2785, 21181}, {2787, 45342}, {2800, 10202}, {2801, 10177}, {2802, 3753}, {2975, 5259}, {3007, 36024}, {3035, 50841}, {3057, 3754}, {3090, 5881}, {3091, 50803}, {3109, 62500}, {3120, 50172}, {3146, 50869}, {3158, 25419}, {3159, 6534}, {3175, 51672}, {3227, 30571}, {3230, 3997}, {3242, 47352}, {3246, 4364}, {3247, 4098}, {3248, 25422}, {3251, 36848}, {3295, 4421}, {3306, 5119}, {3333, 3928}, {3337, 56288}, {3338, 5250}, {3339, 4323}, {3340, 7288}, {3416, 21358}, {3428, 52769}, {3445, 4052}, {3448, 50922}, {3452, 5719}, {3475, 31142}, {3476, 5219}, {3486, 50443}, {3487, 5436}, {3488, 25525}, {3522, 9589}, {3523, 5734}, {3525, 50817}, {3526, 38066}, {3528, 50812}, {3529, 50819}, {3530, 51084}, {3534, 12699}, {3555, 3678}, {3579, 12100}, {3589, 9041}, {3601, 10385}, {3612, 10624}, {3615, 50148}, {3618, 16496}, {3619, 50786}, {3620, 50788}, {3627, 58232}, {3628, 31399}, {3646, 6762}, {3647, 15673}, {3649, 17525}, {3664, 17274}, {3667, 59829}, {3670, 42040}, {3685, 50119}, {3686, 16884}, {3696, 50778}, {3699, 31514}, {3702, 4980}, {3707, 4407}, {3731, 15828}, {3739, 4709}, {3743, 37592}, {3748, 5440}, {3750, 4256}, {3751, 50999}, {3752, 4868}, {3755, 49473}, {3758, 4759}, {3763, 49681}, {3772, 56226}, {3775, 4725}, {3812, 9957}, {3813, 8728}, {3821, 17399}, {3823, 49691}, {3830, 18481}, {3832, 50868}, {3834, 49700}, {3836, 48821}, {3838, 7743}, {3839, 5691}, {3841, 24390}, {3842, 49478}, {3843, 50807}, {3844, 50949}, {3845, 9955}, {3847, 10592}, {3848, 3880}, {3850, 51078}, {3851, 50799}, {3868, 50190}, {3869, 18398}, {3873, 4525}, {3877, 4744}, {3879, 17271}, {3883, 17297}, {3887, 45328}, {3889, 4537}, {3890, 5903}, {3893, 4002}, {3897, 13407}, {3900, 44561}, {3902, 4714}, {3907, 45324}, {3913, 16408}, {3915, 37522}, {3918, 10914}, {3923, 4353}, {3929, 17561}, {3931, 52541}, {3934, 24656}, {3940, 6666}, {3943, 39260}, {3945, 16487}, {3946, 4780}, {3950, 5750}, {3956, 61686}, {3960, 23795}, {3970, 39244}, {3971, 31161}, {3984, 31259}, {4004, 52793}, {4021, 10436}, {4029, 4908}, {4031, 39782}, {4054, 19740}, {4058, 17303}, {4065, 42051}, {4066, 4968}, {4078, 41310}, {4085, 17245}, {4090, 42056}, {4125, 4358}, {4129, 48328}, {4133, 17133}, {4135, 32771}, {4138, 26128}, {4151, 45671}, {4160, 45315}, {4187, 15888}, {4190, 4309}, {4193, 37719}, {4257, 8616}, {4292, 37618}, {4304, 5249}, {4305, 9614}, {4308, 5290}, {4310, 35578}, {4311, 11114}, {4312, 59375}, {4313, 18220}, {4317, 6872}, {4321, 60967}, {4325, 15680}, {4330, 37256}, {4345, 5281}, {4356, 17301}, {4357, 17361}, {4359, 4742}, {4360, 50099}, {4361, 28640}, {4363, 4758}, {4368, 50184}, {4385, 20942}, {4389, 4896}, {4413, 8162}, {4425, 31177}, {4441, 52716}, {4464, 30598}, {4472, 28309}, {4479, 20888}, {4530, 21929}, {4568, 49528}, {4640, 4973}, {4648, 4660}, {4656, 11346}, {4657, 17313}, {4658, 11110}, {4672, 49742}, {4673, 28612}, {4675, 24692}, {4676, 49748}, {4684, 17346}, {4687, 49490}, {4690, 25358}, {4698, 49457}, {4699, 49469}, {4700, 62212}, {4702, 17395}, {4704, 49532}, {4732, 31238}, {4737, 30829}, {4740, 28522}, {4751, 49459}, {4762, 36219}, {4767, 24858}, {4781, 42026}, {4785, 36217}, {4798, 17318}, {4807, 48347}, {4844, 47779}, {4848, 5433}, {4852, 6707}, {4864, 31289}, {4867, 54357}, {4873, 26039}, {4875, 25086}, {4885, 48285}, {4906, 6703}, {4922, 59737}, {4930, 5289}, {4937, 31035}, {4945, 24709}, {4948, 48291}, {4956, 33155}, {4966, 50125}, {4967, 17393}, {4969, 52706}, {4974, 49731}, {4999, 5837}, {5010, 61155}, {5030, 60711}, {5032, 50952}, {5044, 34791}, {5046, 5270}, {5047, 5258}, {5048, 5432}, {5056, 37714}, {5059, 51119}, {5064, 49542}, {5066, 18480}, {5067, 61288}, {5070, 50804}, {5071, 5587}, {5072, 50800}, {5079, 50797}, {5091, 16384}, {5126, 25557}, {5136, 23710}, {5159, 47491}, {5180, 11552}, {5184, 26613}, {5204, 19704}, {5217, 19705}, {5218, 7962}, {5223, 61023}, {5224, 50132}, {5233, 21088}, {5242, 7026}, {5243, 7043}, {5247, 51595}, {5251, 5284}, {5260, 5288}, {5261, 6049}, {5263, 37756}, {5273, 30350}, {5276, 16784}, {5296, 16667}, {5302, 14150}, {5316, 34689}, {5333, 32943}, {5425, 59491}, {5426, 15677}, {5429, 17254}, {5435, 18421}, {5437, 31393}, {5441, 15679}, {5443, 37375}, {5450, 16203}, {5499, 35597}, {5657, 15702}, {5690, 11539}, {5698, 43180}, {5712, 16485}, {5717, 48801}, {5718, 21251}, {5722, 58463}, {5727, 10589}, {5749, 16673}, {5790, 10172}, {5794, 50740}, {5795, 25681}, {5818, 61296}, {5836, 31792}, {5844, 10124}, {5846, 20582}, {5850, 6172}, {5853, 35272}, {5860, 11371}, {5861, 11370}, {5880, 34626}, {5884, 13373}, {5887, 12005}, {5988, 8592}, {6000, 10181}, {6051, 42055}, {6161, 23814}, {6175, 10707}, {6245, 37615}, {6265, 51755}, {6361, 19708}, {6366, 44566}, {6381, 18146}, {6536, 50215}, {6541, 17359}, {6583, 8261}, {6626, 33770}, {6629, 16481}, {6667, 12735}, {6668, 38105}, {6675, 24391}, {6683, 24739}, {6687, 49701}, {6690, 15325}, {6701, 10543}, {6706, 59610}, {6713, 25485}, {6796, 16202}, {6856, 37723}, {6857, 11518}, {6881, 37726}, {6905, 34486}, {6912, 41561}, {6913, 59687}, {6921, 31452}, {6933, 37721}, {7278, 26563}, {7485, 37546}, {7677, 60932}, {7739, 9619}, {7811, 11368}, {7865, 49561}, {7968, 8983}, {7969, 13971}, {7972, 31272}, {7974, 22490}, {7975, 22489}, {7983, 9881}, {7988, 59387}, {7989, 61924}, {8025, 52680}, {8125, 30411}, {8126, 30423}, {8148, 15701}, {8167, 9708}, {8168, 61158}, {8236, 38052}, {8273, 12511}, {8543, 60952}, {8679, 15049}, {8703, 13624}, {8714, 44550}, {9028, 25362}, {9053, 38191}, {9166, 9884}, {9269, 45666}, {9310, 16783}, {9331, 17756}, {9507, 35103}, {9530, 11718}, {9569, 13731}, {9588, 10303}, {9611, 45281}, {9626, 37939}, {9670, 50239}, {9711, 51559}, {9776, 30282}, {9778, 58221}, {9779, 61985}, {9812, 15683}, {9848, 17646}, {9856, 58567}, {9864, 23234}, {9875, 41135}, {9900, 59379}, {9901, 59378}, {9909, 11365}, {9940, 45776}, {10109, 18357}, {10168, 38118}, {10178, 33574}, {10247, 15694}, {10248, 62032}, {10265, 19907}, {10299, 50809}, {10440, 45955}, {10481, 17078}, {10572, 17577}, {10584, 37708}, {10585, 37711}, {10588, 37709}, {10695, 28346}, {10966, 54430}, {11001, 41869}, {11012, 21161}, {11036, 28610}, {11049, 11900}, {11050, 16212}, {11108, 12513}, {11179, 38029}, {11207, 11366}, {11208, 11367}, {11224, 15721}, {11235, 11373}, {11236, 11374}, {11249, 28466}, {11278, 11812}, {11359, 48824}, {11364, 12150}, {11372, 43176}, {11377, 12152}, {11378, 12153}, {11523, 16845}, {11529, 34744}, {11531, 15708}, {11551, 37587}, {11570, 58625}, {11684, 15675}, {11700, 11734}, {11713, 11727}, {11714, 11728}, {11715, 11729}, {11717, 11731}, {11719, 11733}, {11737, 28224}, {12101, 33697}, {12108, 31447}, {12114, 54227}, {12245, 15709}, {12268, 32419}, {12269, 32421}, {12523, 58707}, {12559, 15829}, {12607, 17527}, {12608, 24927}, {12617, 21740}, {12640, 33895}, {12645, 61284}, {12653, 50845}, {12675, 31803}, {12680, 31871}, {12702, 15693}, {12812, 61255}, {13174, 52695}, {13374, 31786}, {13634, 48932}, {13688, 49786}, {13725, 48834}, {13751, 45288}, {13808, 49787}, {13846, 13883}, {13847, 13936}, {13902, 18992}, {13912, 35642}, {13959, 18991}, {13975, 35641}, {14005, 28618}, {14061, 50885}, {14077, 44567}, {14093, 28232}, {14151, 61015}, {14210, 26234}, {14474, 29350}, {14563, 17051}, {14636, 37620}, {14839, 28600}, {14869, 50825}, {14891, 28212}, {14893, 28186}, {15059, 50920}, {15254, 49737}, {15485, 17333}, {15570, 24393}, {15621, 19261}, {15671, 34195}, {15674, 16126}, {15681, 28150}, {15684, 28172}, {15686, 28146}, {15687, 28160}, {15689, 48661}, {15691, 28178}, {15698, 35242}, {15705, 16192}, {15712, 50833}, {15723, 59503}, {16052, 17056}, {16236, 31188}, {16393, 32577}, {16394, 48811}, {16402, 37540}, {16474, 32911}, {16478, 48839}, {16486, 37674}, {16489, 37633}, {16490, 37680}, {16494, 34230}, {16497, 37632}, {16498, 18134}, {16552, 17474}, {16589, 17448}, {16705, 17179}, {16711, 17175}, {16785, 33854}, {16801, 20132}, {16969, 17750}, {16980, 58474}, {17063, 24168}, {17067, 24693}, {17184, 30562}, {17248, 50074}, {17259, 49497}, {17264, 24295}, {17277, 49685}, {17300, 50304}, {17305, 49709}, {17317, 33076}, {17323, 60980}, {17342, 17381}, {17353, 31333}, {17390, 25498}, {17396, 24199}, {17450, 42285}, {17469, 41820}, {17502, 28174}, {17504, 31663}, {17538, 50820}, {17558, 54422}, {17575, 21031}, {17578, 50870}, {17599, 59692}, {17600, 59628}, {17606, 37734}, {17614, 33595}, {17678, 19786}, {17706, 26066}, {17718, 31141}, {17720, 27752}, {17722, 27759}, {17725, 27777}, {17757, 44847}, {17758, 48844}, {17766, 31151}, {17793, 33908}, {18140, 25303}, {18156, 33945}, {18230, 50835}, {18254, 46681}, {18447, 34823}, {18455, 34822}, {18492, 41106}, {18525, 19709}, {18526, 61261}, {19065, 49619}, {19066, 49618}, {19251, 23383}, {19290, 19765}, {19323, 37580}, {19325, 37576}, {19336, 24177}, {19701, 48863}, {19706, 34707}, {19785, 41930}, {19886, 19992}, {19933, 20000}, {19958, 27918}, {20060, 26127}, {20131, 53602}, {20195, 51102}, {20292, 36005}, {20323, 21077}, {20517, 52596}, {21075, 34749}, {21356, 50950}, {21627, 56176}, {21633, 55172}, {21735, 50813}, {21747, 26860}, {21839, 59218}, {21849, 58469}, {21879, 55343}, {21969, 31757}, {22712, 49631}, {22765, 28443}, {23156, 42450}, {23493, 52573}, {23536, 36250}, {23537, 48816}, {23708, 31266}, {23808, 53535}, {23887, 45341}, {23888, 26275}, {24046, 37598}, {24159, 51668}, {24210, 48841}, {24231, 50128}, {24299, 28452}, {24349, 51035}, {24386, 44669}, {24392, 50727}, {24408, 43282}, {24474, 28465}, {24475, 58619}, {24508, 35030}, {24552, 50102}, {24703, 34740}, {24841, 41138}, {25079, 50078}, {25351, 53534}, {25378, 26738}, {25416, 31235}, {25496, 48826}, {25526, 51669}, {25539, 49506}, {25569, 48167}, {25716, 52422}, {25996, 55134}, {26098, 48799}, {26109, 33106}, {26150, 50289}, {26365, 45696}, {26366, 45697}, {26367, 45699}, {26368, 45698}, {27268, 49448}, {27269, 31999}, {27318, 32095}, {27784, 42054}, {27804, 46895}, {27811, 35263}, {28154, 44903}, {28168, 35404}, {28182, 62139}, {28190, 62015}, {28216, 62089}, {28294, 45677}, {28358, 50620}, {28389, 50626}, {28542, 49727}, {28554, 49483}, {28629, 34607}, {28633, 62681}, {28840, 36218}, {28850, 35110}, {28877, 61673}, {29066, 45320}, {29219, 31163}, {29298, 45332}, {29311, 39550}, {30315, 46936}, {30329, 58564}, {30340, 60905}, {30893, 35548}, {31134, 50321}, {31140, 44217}, {31149, 47841}, {31150, 50760}, {31156, 31164}, {31160, 37701}, {31171, 32944}, {31172, 33065}, {31179, 33122}, {31209, 50767}, {31243, 49699}, {31252, 49695}, {31273, 50897}, {31331, 31349}, {31425, 61814}, {31479, 34717}, {31582, 49616}, {31583, 49614}, {31659, 61534}, {31806, 31838}, {32007, 41807}, {32183, 58444}, {32558, 37718}, {32900, 37705}, {32922, 50100}, {33104, 48836}, {33124, 38456}, {33144, 48833}, {33159, 49527}, {33597, 34746}, {33934, 49780}, {33940, 41875}, {33942, 39731}, {34232, 59999}, {34522, 40869}, {34611, 37571}, {34620, 57282}, {34657, 52397}, {34700, 37739}, {34712, 44442}, {34719, 49719}, {34790, 58609}, {34824, 62682}, {34831, 59647}, {34832, 38986}, {35018, 61249}, {35119, 35121}, {35148, 35168}, {35170, 35180}, {35262, 59337}, {35631, 62189}, {35652, 48820}, {35762, 35822}, {35763, 35823}, {36004, 37616}, {36011, 53302}, {36770, 50848}, {36775, 49603}, {36872, 60725}, {36911, 54389}, {37038, 48868}, {37150, 48846}, {37286, 41341}, {37593, 50083}, {37612, 40256}, {37696, 58403}, {37697, 58402}, {37712, 61912}, {37831, 49594}, {37834, 49595}, {37911, 47492}, {38035, 54131}, {38042, 61283}, {38081, 50831}, {38087, 47355}, {38092, 50839}, {38099, 50846}, {38112, 61869}, {38138, 61916}, {38150, 54051}, {38176, 61880}, {38221, 51224}, {38295, 54396}, {38330, 60172}, {39579, 40985}, {40270, 57284}, {40328, 49470}, {40341, 50791}, {40374, 59460}, {40459, 45665}, {40688, 54387}, {40718, 43266}, {41136, 50247}, {41313, 50313}, {41490, 45500}, {41491, 45501}, {41529, 62441}, {41813, 41823}, {41815, 42045}, {41816, 51597}, {42029, 51605}, {43151, 43166}, {43573, 43822}, {44212, 44662}, {44659, 45879}, {44660, 45880}, {45751, 59207}, {45757, 61246}, {46903, 46911}, {46909, 53034}, {47097, 47472}, {47274, 50145}, {47319, 58568}, {47478, 61259}, {47598, 61597}, {47599, 61281}, {47729, 50764}, {48294, 50337}, {48310, 49524}, {48406, 58156}, {48813, 48827}, {48814, 48825}, {48817, 48818}, {48829, 50130}, {48837, 50428}, {48842, 50427}, {48870, 50430}, {49135, 50873}, {49226, 52045}, {49227, 52046}, {49445, 51056}, {49456, 49726}, {49474, 51054}, {49484, 49733}, {49491, 49508}, {49549, 49563}, {49679, 50789}, {49717, 50259}, {49732, 59691}, {49739, 50103}, {49749, 50179}, {50046, 51593}, {50048, 50072}, {50049, 50071}, {50061, 50066}, {50076, 50308}, {50085, 50312}, {50120, 50281}, {50166, 50233}, {50167, 50231}, {50221, 50266}, {50235, 50265}, {50260, 50261}, {50395, 61031}, {50688, 50866}, {50691, 50874}, {50693, 51081}, {50822, 61853}, {50826, 61837}, {50830, 55859}, {50840, 60957}, {50863, 61982}, {52653, 59372}, {54447, 59388}, {54448, 61264}, {54553, 60116}, {55173, 58440}, {55174, 58709}, {55175, 58711}, {56985, 60267}, {58217, 62054}, {58219, 62057}, {58224, 62071}, {58231, 62051}, {58233, 61974}, {58234, 61949}, {58235, 61935}, {58237, 61845}, {58245, 61820}, {58386, 61661}, {58813, 60942}, {61244, 61908}, {61245, 61909}, {61248, 61911}, {61250, 61913}, {61252, 61914}, {61256, 61915}, {61262, 61922}, {61263, 61925}, {61265, 61928}, {61266, 61931}, {61270, 61942}, {61271, 61944}, {61285, 61888}, {61290, 61894}, {61292, 61896}, {61295, 61898}, {61297, 61900}, {61614, 61839}
midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 2}, {3, 3656}, {4, 50811}, {5, 50824}, {6, 47358}, {7, 50836}, {8, 51093}, {9, 51099}, {10, 51071}, {11, 50843}, {12, 51112}, {13, 50849}, {14, 50852}, {15, 50854}, {16, 50857}, {20, 50865}, {74, 50878}, {79, 15678}, {80, 10031}, {98, 50881}, {99, 50886}, {100, 50891}, {101, 50898}, {102, 50901}, {103, 50905}, {104, 50908}, {105, 50913}, {106, 50915}, {109, 50918}, {110, 50921}, {111, 50926}, {145, 4677}, {354, 392}, {376, 31162}, {381, 3655}, {428, 34634}, {468, 47593}, {599, 47356}, {946, 51705}, {984, 51055}, {1125, 51103}, {1385, 51709}, {1386, 51003}, {1482, 3654}, {1699, 5731}, {1836, 57006}, {3058, 11112}, {3241, 3679}, {3242, 47359}, {3244, 4669}, {3251, 36848}, {3416, 51000}, {3534, 12699}, {3543, 34628}, {3576, 5603}, {3616, 51105}, {3617, 51097}, {3622, 51110}, {3623, 51066}, {3625, 51096}, {3626, 51091}, {3634, 51107}, {3635, 4745}, {3636, 51108}, {3649, 17525}, {3696, 50778}, {3742, 10179}, {3751, 50999}, {3753, 5919}, {3830, 18481}, {3845, 34773}, {3873, 5692}, {3877, 5902}, {3892, 10176}, {3898, 5883}, {3993, 51060}, {4301, 50808}, {4421, 34640}, {4448, 14421}, {4654, 11111}, {4664, 31178}, {4668, 51092}, {4678, 51094}, {4691, 51095}, {4767, 24858}, {4795, 24441}, {4948, 48291}, {5434, 11113}, {5441, 15679}, {5493, 51120}, {5587, 7967}, {5657, 16200}, {5698, 60963}, {5790, 61287}, {5881, 50818}, {5882, 50796}, {5886, 10246}, {6173, 47357}, {7811, 34645}, {7972, 50890}, {7982, 50810}, {7983, 9881}, {7991, 50872}, {8236, 38052}, {8703, 22791}, {9269, 45666}, {9884, 13178}, {9909, 34643}, {10222, 50821}, {10247, 26446}, {10283, 38028}, {11001, 41869}, {11194, 34647}, {11224, 59417}, {11354, 48819}, {11359, 48824}, {11362, 51077}, {11711, 12258}, {12150, 34636}, {13464, 50828}, {13745, 37631}, {15569, 51061}, {15673, 16137}, {15808, 51106}, {16394, 50068}, {16834, 50316}, {17274, 50303}, {17301, 48805}, {17378, 50296}, {17392, 49740}, {19862, 51104}, {24325, 50111}, {24349, 51035}, {24473, 31165}, {25055, 38314}, {25416, 50842}, {27804, 46895}, {28609, 34610}, {29574, 50305}, {30331, 51100}, {31145, 34747}, {31150, 50760}, {33337, 50889}, {34657, 52397}, {34712, 44442}, {34719, 49719}, {36440, 36458}, {37727, 50798}, {38042, 61283}, {38053, 38316}, {42045, 49723}, {42051, 50122}, {45316, 45667}, {47097, 47472}, {47274, 50145}, {47729, 50764}, {48813, 48827}, {48814, 48825}, {48817, 48818}, {48829, 50130}, {48830, 48854}, {49445, 51056}, {49470, 50086}, {49471, 50096}, {49474, 51054}, {49478, 51034}, {49479, 50777}, {49490, 50075}, {49511, 51005}, {49524, 50998}, {49529, 51089}, {49544, 49550}, {49566, 49579}, {49568, 49583}, {49679, 50789}, {49681, 50783}, {49684, 50781}, {49688, 50790}, {49717, 50259}, {49735, 49744}, {49739, 50169}, {49746, 50301}, {49749, 50179}, {50048, 50072}, {50049, 50071}, {50056, 50070}, {50059, 50069}, {50061, 50066}, {50063, 50064}, {50092, 50294}, {50101, 50126}, {50117, 51059}, {50166, 50233}, {50167, 50231}, {50173, 50225}, {50174, 50264}, {50221, 50266}, {50235, 50265}, {50260, 50261}, {50285, 50300}, {50949, 51147}, {50950, 51192}, {51004, 51196}, {52653, 59372}, {58560, 58679}, {58609, 58629}, {59388, 61291}, {60905, 60971}
reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 51103}, {2, 1125}, {3, 50828}, {4, 50802}, {7, 51098}, {8, 4745}, {10, 2}, {20, 50815}, {69, 50787}, {100, 50844}, {144, 50837}, {145, 51091}, {147, 50882}, {148, 50887}, {149, 50892}, {153, 50909}, {942, 58560}, {946, 51709}, {1125, 51108}, {1386, 51006}, {3146, 50869}, {3244, 51071}, {3448, 50922}, {3579, 12100}, {3625, 4669}, {3626, 51069}, {3635, 51107}, {3636, 41150}, {3647, 15673}, {3654, 6684}, {3656, 13464}, {3679, 3828}, {3743, 58381}, {3753, 3833}, {3817, 5886}, {3830, 18483}, {3845, 9955}, {3892, 5049}, {3898, 10179}, {3919, 5883}, {3993, 50111}, {4134, 10176}, {4297, 51705}, {4301, 3656}, {4525, 5692}, {4669, 10}, {4677, 3626}, {4701, 51070}, {4709, 50096}, {4744, 5902}, {4745, 3634}, {5066, 61272}, {5493, 50808}, {5587, 10171}, {5657, 58441}, {5790, 10172}, {5881, 50801}, {5882, 50824}, {5883, 3742}, {7991, 50814}, {8703, 13624}, {9881, 51578}, {10031, 33812}, {10164, 10165}, {10165, 38028}, {10175, 11230}, {10178, 33574}, {11362, 50821}, {11599, 12258}, {12258, 11725}, {15808, 51110}, {18357, 10109}, {18480, 5066}, {19862, 51109}, {19883, 25055}, {21849, 58469}, {21969, 31757}, {24325, 51061}, {31673, 3845}, {31730, 8703}, {33337, 50843}, {33697, 12101}, {34633, 428}, {34635, 12150}, {34637, 5434}, {34638, 376}, {34639, 4421}, {34641, 3679}, {34642, 9909}, {34644, 7811}, {34646, 11194}, {34648, 381}, {34649, 3058}, {34790, 58629}, {38054, 38053}, {38127, 11231}, {38140, 61269}, {38155, 10175}, {38201, 38204}, {43174, 50829}, {44566, 45318}, {47495, 51725}, {49504, 50075}, {49505, 47358}, {49510, 51034}, {49511, 51003}, {49520, 50777}, {49535, 51055}, {49536, 47359}, {49543, 49477}, {49580, 49591}, {49584, 49590}, {49630, 3821}, {50053, 50059}, {50062, 50063}, {50091, 17382}, {50094, 4755}, {50096, 3739}, {50111, 15569}, {50117, 51060}, {50299, 49738}, {50309, 49731}, {50777, 37}, {50781, 141}, {50796, 5}, {50808, 3}, {50810, 43174}, {50821, 140}, {50824, 15178}, {50834, 9}, {50841, 3035}, {50847, 618}, {50850, 619}, {50862, 4}, {50876, 113}, {50879, 114}, {50884, 115}, {50889, 11}, {50895, 116}, {50902, 118}, {50906, 119}, {50919, 125}, {50949, 3844}, {51004, 49511}, {51005, 1386}, {51034, 3842}, {51059, 3993}, {51060, 24325}, {51066, 31253}, {51067, 1698}, {51069, 19878}, {51071, 1}, {51077, 10222}, {51082, 5882}, {51087, 61286}, {51089, 49465}, {51093, 3635}, {51096, 3244}, {51100, 142}, {51101, 42871}, {51103, 3636}, {51106, 3622}, {51109, 3616}, {51113, 4999}, {51120, 4301}, {51196, 51005}, {51197, 51196}, {51693, 47495}, {51705, 1385}, {51709, 5901}, {59408, 38049}, {59419, 32557}, {60172, 38330}, {60963, 43180}, {61524, 11812}
isogonal conjugate of X(41434)
isotomic conjugate of X(55955)
complement of X(3679)
anticomplement of X(3828)
incircle-inverse of X(53614)
orthoptic-circle-of-the-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(50533)
complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(2163)
complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(39704)
isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(21747)
polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(22357)
Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(37508)
medial-isogonal conjugate of X(21251)
X(28180)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(513)
X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 21251}, {31, 16590}, {56, 17057}, {89, 141}, {513, 15614}, {667, 61073}, {692, 52593}, {2163, 10}, {2320, 1329}, {2364, 3452}, {4588, 513}, {4597, 21260}, {4604, 3835}, {5385, 27076}, {5549, 20317}, {9456, 27751}, {20569, 626}, {28607, 2}, {28658, 1211}, {30588, 21245}, {30608, 21244}, {34073, 514}, {34819, 30563}, {39704, 2887}, {52620, 21252}, {53114, 3454}, {55246, 125}, {55979, 18589}
X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 16590}, {4597, 514}, {4767, 6006}, {4781, 28209}, {24589, 3707}, {24858, 519}, {26860, 16666}
X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {16666, 4031}, {21806, 16666}, {28209, 4781}
X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 41434}, {6, 40434}, {31, 55955}, {56, 56115}, {58, 56134}, {513, 28210}, {667, 58128}, {1333, 27797}
X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 56115}, {2, 55955}, {3, 41434}, {9, 40434}, {10, 56134}, {37, 27797}, {551, 3679}, {3707, 59779}, {6631, 58128}, {16590, 2}, {39026, 28210}, {51570, 1}
cevapoint of X(21747) and X(22357)
crosspoint of X(2) and X(39704)
crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 2177}, {1015, 58175}
trilinear pole of line {14435, 28209}
crossdifference of every pair of points on line {649, 4491}
barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 24589}, {7, 3707}, {8, 4031}, {10, 26860}, {57, 3902}, {75, 16666}, {76, 21747}, {81, 4714}, {89, 4793}, {190, 28209}, {264, 22357}, {274, 21806}, {514, 4781}, {519, 42026}, {1978, 58139}, {3616, 58859}, {3676, 30727}, {3699, 30722}, {4407, 14621}, {4555, 14435}, {16590, 39704}, {30608, 39782}
barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 40434}, {2, 55955}, {6, 41434}, {9, 56115}, {10, 27797}, {37, 56134}, {101, 28210}, {190, 58128}, {3707, 8}, {3902, 312}, {4031, 7}, {4407, 3661}, {4714, 321}, {4781, 190}, {4793, 4671}, {14435, 900}, {16590, 3679}, {16666, 1}, {21747, 6}, {21754, 2177}, {21806, 37}, {22357, 3}, {24589, 75}, {26860, 86}, {28209, 514}, {30722, 3676}, {30727, 3699}, {39782, 5219}, {42026, 903}, {58139, 649}, {58859, 5936}
{X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 8, 3635}, {1, 10, 3244}, {1, 975, 30145}, {1, 1125, 10}, {1, 1193, 59301}, {1, 1201, 50604}, {1, 1698, 145}, {1, 3086, 6738}, {1, 3616, 1125}, {1, 3622, 3636}, {1, 3624, 8}, {1, 3632, 3623}, {1, 3633, 20057}, {1, 3679, 3241}, {1, 5313, 17018}, {1, 5529, 3979}, {1, 5550, 3626}, and many others
X(552) lies on theselines: {57, 4573}, {86, 40998}, {261, 873}, {553, 1412}, {1088, 4616}, {4633, 30568}, {4637, 33765}, {6628, 7341}
X(552) = isogonal conjugate of X(7064)
X(552) = isotomic conjugate of X(6057)
X(552) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(7341)
X(552) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {757, 1509}, {1358, 17096}, {7203, 4573}, {16714, 274}
X(552) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 7064}, {8, 872}, {9, 1500}, {12, 1253}, {31, 6057}, {33, 3690}, {37, 1334}, {41, 594}, {42, 210}, {55, 756}, {181, 200}, {201, 7071}, {212, 7140}, {213, 2321}, {220, 2171}, {284, 762}, {312, 7109}, {480, 1254}, {512, 4069}, {607, 3949}, {644, 4079}, {657, 21859}, {663, 40521}, {798, 30730}, {1018, 3709}, {1089, 2175}, {1109, 6066}, {1110, 4092}, {1400, 4515}, {1402, 4082}, {1802, 8736}, {1824, 2318}, {1918, 3701}, {2194, 6535}, {2197, 7079}, {2205, 30713}, {2212, 3695}, {2333, 3694}, {2643, 6065}, {3063, 4103}, {3208, 6378}, {3939, 4705}, {4041, 4557}, {4095, 40729}, {4171, 4559}, {4524, 4551}, {6354, 6602}, {6358, 14827}, {7035, 7063}, {9447, 28654}, {20665, 43265}, {21816, 33635}
X(552) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 6057}, {3, 7064}, {12, 17113}, {181, 6609}, {210, 40592}, {223, 756}, {478, 1500}, {514, 4092}, {594, 3160}, {762, 40590}, {1089, 40593}, {1214, 6535}, {1334, 40589}, {2321, 6626}, {3700, 40620}, {3701, 34021}, {4024, 40615}, {4069, 39054}, {4082, 40605}, {4103, 10001}, {4515, 40582}, {4705, 40617}, {4778, 31890}, {7140, 40837}, {21673, 38930}, {30730, 31998}
X(552) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 16691}, {1014, 1434}, {1358, 17096}
X(552) = trilinear pole of line {17096, 30724}
X(552) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {7, 1509}, {57, 873}, {76, 7341}, {85, 757}, {86, 1434}, {99, 17096}, {226, 6628}, {261, 279}, {274, 1014}, {310, 1412}, {479, 7058}, {593, 6063}, {763, 1441}, {799, 7203}, {849, 20567}, {1019, 4625}, {1086, 7340}, {1088, 2185}, {1098, 23062}, {1357, 34537}, {1358, 4590}, {1407, 18021}, {1408, 6385}, {1414, 7199}, {1502, 7342}, {3669, 4623}, {3676, 4610}, {3737, 4635}, {4560, 4616}, {4573, 7192}, {4620, 17205}, {4631, 43932}, {4637, 18155}, {7055, 36419}, {7056, 46103}, {7196, 7303}, {7248, 7307}
X(552) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 6057}, {6, 7064}, {7, 594}, {21, 4515}, {56, 1500}, {57, 756}, {58, 1334}, {60, 220}, {65, 762}, {77, 3949}, {81, 210}, {85, 1089}, {86, 2321}, {99, 30730}, {222, 3690}, {226, 6535}, {249, 6065}, {261, 346}, {269, 2171}, {270, 7079}, {274, 3701}, {278, 7140}, {279, 12}, {310, 30713}, {331, 7141}, {333, 4082}, {348, 3695}, {479, 6354}, {553, 8013}, {593, 55}, {604, 872}, {651, 40521}, {662, 4069}, {664, 4103}, {738, 1254}, {757, 9}, {763, 21}, {849, 41}, {873, 312}, {934, 21859}, {1014, 37}, {1019, 4041}, {1086, 4092}, {1088, 6358}, {1098, 728}, {1119, 8736}, {1357, 3124}, {1358, 115}, {1396, 1824}, {1397, 7109}, {1407, 181}, {1408, 213}, {1412, 42}, {1414, 1018}, {1434, 10}, {1443, 4053}, {1444, 3694}, {1447, 4037}, {1509, 8}, {1790, 2318}, {1977, 7063}, {2150, 1253}, {2185, 200}, {2189, 7071}, {3669, 4705}, {3674, 20653}, {3676, 4024}, {3733, 3709}, {3737, 4171}, {3946, 21673}, {4556, 3939}, {4565, 4557}, {4573, 3952}, {4590, 4076}, {4610, 3699}, {4612, 4578}, {4616, 4552}, {4623, 646}, {4625, 4033}, {4626, 4605}, {4637, 4551}, {6063, 28654}, {6354, 6058}, {6628, 333}, {7053, 2197}, {7054, 480}, {7056, 26942}, {7058, 5423}, {7153, 7148}, {7175, 21803}, {7176, 21021}, {7177, 201}, {7185, 16886}, {7192, 3700}, {7199, 4086}, {7203, 661}, {7252, 4524}, {7304, 27538}, {7340, 1016}, {7341, 6}, {7342, 32}, {8025, 4046}, {16705, 3704}, {16726, 4516}, {16947, 1918}, {17074, 14973}, {17095, 7206}, {17096, 523}, {17103, 4095}, {17205, 21044}, {17206, 3710}, {17212, 4140}, {17474, 21704}, {18164, 21039}, {18166, 4111}, {18191, 36197}, {18600, 21031}, {23357, 6066}, {24002, 4036}, {24471, 21810}, {26856, 4081}, {30097, 21713}, {30576, 3689}, {30581, 3683}, {30593, 3686}, {30682, 6356}, {30724, 6367}, {32636, 21816}, {33295, 3985}, {33947, 4136}, {36419, 1857}, {36420, 6059}, {38859, 20616}, {40153, 40966}, {41777, 7237}, {42028, 4061}, {43924, 4079}, {46103, 7046}
X(553) lies on the cubic K637 and these lines: {1, 376}, {2, 7}, {4, 30304}, {6, 24177}, {10, 5221}, {11, 13159}, {12, 3828}, {20, 11518}, {30, 942}, {36, 11551}, {46, 10056}, {55, 5542}, {56, 551}, {65, 519}, {72, 12436}, {79, 10308}, {81, 3946}, {85, 42030}, {109, 9108}, {165, 3475}, {171, 24231}, {181, 1463}, {210, 5850}, {222, 5228}, {223, 7271}, {241, 4955}, {244, 41011}, {269, 45126}, {278, 39980}, {279, 39948}, {320, 3687}, {333, 24199}, {345, 17298}, {354, 516}, {377, 24391}, {381, 1210}, {388, 3339}, {390, 44841}, {428, 1876}, {481, 13389}, {482, 13388}, {497, 4312}, {498, 38068}, {515, 5902}, {524, 24471}, {528, 5083}, {534, 1407}, {535, 18838}, {536, 4032}, {540, 35650}, {542, 24235}, {545, 35652}, {547, 34753}, {549, 6147}, {552, 1412}, {554, 37772}, {559, 3639}, {664, 41823}, {752, 42053}, {903, 6648}, {938, 3543}, {940, 3663}, {946, 1709}, {962, 9841}, {999, 3656}, {1014, 40592}, {1046, 24178}, {1056, 2093}, {1081, 37773}, {1082, 3638}, {1086, 3163}, {1125, 3647}, {1155, 4995}, {1214, 1418}, {1266, 1999}, {1357, 2796}, {1358, 1366}, {1373, 1659}, {1374, 13390}, {1420, 38314}, {1427, 39974}, {1432, 43263}, {1443, 17011}, {1454, 10197}, {1465, 26740}, {1466, 11517}, {1467, 11111}, {1469, 4685}, {1617, 4428}, {1697, 11037}, {1738, 32913}, {1750, 36996}, {1770, 18398}, {1776, 3337}, {1788, 5290}, {1836, 4860}, {1837, 34648}, {1892, 5064}, {2099, 4315}, {2308, 4989}, {2325, 32933}, {2646, 12563}, {2982, 34578}, {2999, 4644}, {3008, 4641}, {3017, 23537}, {3057, 12577}, {3086, 38021}, {3146, 37723}, {3175, 17132}, {3210, 3879}, {3212, 29617}, {3241, 3340}, {3243, 17784}, {3303, 5493}, {3304, 4301}, {3333, 4295}, {3336, 3584}, {3361, 3485}, {3476, 18421}, {3486, 34628}, {3487, 3524}, {3488, 11001}, {3534, 4304}, {3545, 9612}, {3578, 3686}, {3586, 15682}, {3601, 10304}, {3654, 31397}, {3655, 4311}, {3660, 28534}, {3664, 3666}, {3665, 43054}, {3670, 5717}, {3676, 4785}, {3677, 4307}, {3729, 18141}, {3740, 5852}, {3742, 17768}, {3745, 4353}, {3746, 5557}, {3752, 17365}, {3782, 4887}, {3812, 12527}, {3817, 17728}, {3830, 5722}, {3834, 44416}, {3839, 9581}, {3873, 5853}, {3912, 32007}, {3947, 24914}, {3951, 37462}, {3962, 12447}, {3977, 18139}, {4021, 37595}, {4034, 41915}, {4035, 17740}, {4052, 40151}, {4059, 10521}, {4077, 31148}, {4102, 4431}, {4190, 11520}, {4257, 26728}, {4293, 11529}, {4310, 5269}, {4314, 34638}, {4317, 5882}, {4321, 34607}, {4327, 8270}, {4334, 42042}, {4349, 17599}, {4383, 24175}, {4413, 21060}, {4416, 19804}, {4419, 17022}, {4421, 37541}, {4512, 38053}, {4640, 25557}, {4656, 17276}, {4659, 34255}, {4664, 7201}, {4666, 44447}, {4667, 5256}, {4669, 5252}, {4684, 32932}, {4745, 40663}, {4847, 5880}, {4888, 5712}, {4891, 28530}, {4896, 17595}, {4967, 37653}, {4980, 6358}, {4982, 45222}, {5045, 10624}, {5049, 28174}, {5054, 11374}, {5071, 5714}, {5121, 33096}, {5122, 5719}, {5223, 26040}, {5270, 6901}, {5272, 24695}, {5284, 10032}, {5393, 21171}, {5425, 21578}, {5439, 12572}, {5563, 6906}, {5603, 14646}, {5698, 10582}, {5703, 15692}, {5743, 17345}, {5758, 37526}, {5759, 10857}, {5762, 11227}, {5843, 10157}, {5847, 24165}, {5919, 28228}, {6175, 6734}, {6284, 6744}, {6604, 17294}, {6703, 17235}, {6705, 26877}, {6738, 7354}, {6897, 11362}, {6904, 11523}, {7004, 40960}, {7056, 42309}, {7146, 29574}, {7175, 46922}, {7176, 29584}, {7195, 16833}, {7228, 44417}, {7247, 19797}, {7248, 10473}, {7321, 14829}, {7580, 43177}, {7702, 41565}, {7964, 43151}, {8025, 17190}, {8581, 41539}, {8703, 24929}, {8808, 10400}, {9026, 22278}, {9580, 10580}, {9613, 34627}, {9778, 10389}, {9955, 11544}, {10164, 17718}, {10165, 21165}, {10178, 38454}, {10202, 28459}, {10396, 11023}, {10569, 17642}, {10572, 17706}, {10578, 30340}, {10588, 19876}, {10592, 38083}, {10895, 38076}, {11025, 15006}, {11113, 37566}, {11375, 19883}, {11552, 30384}, {11679, 42697}, {11684, 24564}, {12351, 21636}, {12512, 37080}, {12560, 47357}, {12575, 17609}, {12625, 37435}, {12701, 21625}, {12709, 31165}, {13151, 44255}, {13624, 16137}, {14450, 41012}, {15171, 28202}, {15326, 44840}, {15556, 37544}, {15888, 43174}, {15935, 19710}, {15936, 18650}, {15956, 18655}, {16009, 16116}, {16466, 24171}, {16579, 18607}, {16834, 17079}, {16888, 17382}, {17050, 18206}, {17067, 26723}, {17074, 22464}, {17092, 28606}, {17094, 45669}, {17205, 40153}, {17364, 17490}, {17378, 41777}, {17549, 37583}, {17561, 31424}, {17757, 44848}, {18193, 26098}, {18201, 24239}, {18389, 28452}, {18625, 33150}, {18990, 28204}, {19541, 41561}, {19708, 30282}, {19723, 24796}, {19819, 36595}, {20070, 37556}, {20292, 26015}, {20367, 22097}, {21255, 32777}, {23681, 37642}, {24208, 43682}, {24210, 32857}, {24216, 33106}, {24328, 37269}, {24474, 28458}, {24588, 41140}, {24692, 29655}, {27790, 43283}, {28208, 31776}, {28301, 42044}, {28557, 32915}, {29594, 30617}, {31145, 37709}, {31995, 37655}, {34641, 41687}, {34647, 40726}, {34937, 37522}, {35242, 41870}, {36913, 40617}, {37584, 44284}, {37756, 41629}, {38055, 41166}, {39126, 42029}, {39542, 44675}, {39704, 44733}, {39782, 41150}, {41003, 41311}, {41801, 42045}, {43573, 43855}, {45638, 45639}
X(553) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {65, 5434}, {354, 11246}, {11112, 24473}, {24474, 28458}
X(553) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {5434, 4298}, {10106, 5434}, {10624, 15170}, {15170, 5045}, {40998, 3742}
X(553) = isogonal conjugate of X(33635)
X(553) = isotomic conjugate of X(4102)
X(553) = complement of X(17781)
X(553) = X(10308)-complementary conjugate of X(141)
X(553) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {7, 3649}, {4552, 3669}, {4573, 3676}, {38340, 514}
X(553) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1100, 1125}, {34502, 7}
X(553) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 4102}, {3, 33635}, {8, 1213}, {9, 3647}, {9, 32635}, {223, 1255}, {478, 1126}, {522, 35076}, {553, 17781}, {1100, 4420}, {1125, 2321}, {1214, 6539}, {1268, 3160}, {3120, 3700}, {3634, 4060}, {3649, 24048}, {4560, 16726}, {4608, 40615}, {4886, 41809}, {6540, 10001}, {31010, 40622}, {32018, 40593}
X(553) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1100, 32636}, {1125, 4856}
X(553) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {7, 1434}, {554, 1081}
X(553) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {55, 1334}, {1250, 10638}
X(553) = trilinear pole of line {4977, 5298}
X(553) = X(51)-of-intouch-triangle
X(553) = excentral-to-intouch similarity image of X(2)
X(553) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 33635}, {6, 32635}, {8, 28615}, {9, 1126}, {31, 4102}, {33, 1796}, {41, 1268}, {55, 1255}, {210, 1171}, {650, 8701}, {663, 37212}, {1334, 40438}, {2150, 6538}, {2175, 32018}, {2194, 6539}, {3063, 6540}, {3709, 4596}, {4041, 4629}
X(553) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {7, 1125}, {12, 30593}, {56, 1269}, {57, 4359}, {65, 16709}, {75, 32636}, {85, 1100}, {86, 3649}, {190, 30724}, {226, 8025}, {269, 3702}, {273, 3916}, {278, 4001}, {279, 3686}, {307, 31900}, {331, 22054}, {348, 1839}, {552, 8013}, {651, 4978}, {658, 4976}, {664, 4977}, {903, 5298}, {934, 4985}, {1014, 4647}, {1088, 3683}, {1213, 1434}, {1230, 1412}, {1414, 30591}, {2308, 6063}, {2355, 7182}, {3261, 36075}, {3676, 4427}, {4115, 17096}, {4554, 4979}, {4573, 4988}, {4625, 4983}, {4626, 4990}, {4697, 7249}, {4856, 27818}, {4870, 39704}, {4973, 18815}, {4974, 7233}, {6358, 30581}, {17190, 43682}, {24002, 35342}
X(553) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 32635}, {2, 4102}, {6, 33635}, {7, 1268}, {12, 6538}, {56, 1126}, {57, 1255}, {85, 32018}, {109, 8701}, {222, 1796}, {226, 6539}, {604, 28615}, {651, 37212}, {664, 6540}, {1014, 40438}, {1100, 9}, {1125, 8}, {1213, 2321}, {1230, 30713}, {1269, 3596}, {1412, 1171}, {1414, 4596}, {1434, 32014}, {1839, 281}, {1962, 210}, {2308, 55}, {2355, 33}, {3578, 42033}, {3647, 4420}, {3649, 10}, {3676, 4608}, {3683, 200}, {3686, 346}, {3702, 341}, {3775, 3790}, {3911, 31011}, {3916, 78}, {3958, 3694}, {4001, 345}, {4046, 4082}, {4115, 30730}, {4359, 312}, {4410, 4494}, {4427, 3699}, {4565, 4629}, {4573, 4632}, {4647, 3701}, {4654, 43260}, {4697, 7081}, {4856, 3161}, {4870, 3679}, {4966, 3717}, {4969, 2325}, {4970, 27538}, {4973, 4511}, {4974, 3685}, {4975, 4723}, {4976, 3239}, {4977, 522}, {4978, 4391}, {4979, 650}, {4983, 4041}, {4984, 1639}, {4985, 4397}, {4988, 3700}, {4989, 390}, {4990, 4163}, {4992, 4147}, {5298, 519}, {6533, 3702}, {7178, 31010}, {7181, 31013}, {8013, 6057}, {8025, 333}, {8040, 4046}, {16709, 314}, {20970, 1334}, {22054, 219}, {22080, 2318}, {23201, 212}, {30581, 2185}, {30591, 4086}, {30592, 14430}, {30593, 261}, {30724, 514}, {30729, 6558}, {31900, 29}, {32636, 1}, {34502, 3634}, {35327, 3939}, {35342, 644}, {36075, 101}, {41014, 3710}, {41547, 34772}, {41820, 4886}
X(553) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 7, 4654}, {2, 63, 5325}, {2, 2094, 3928}, {2, 4654, 226}, {2, 28610, 3929}, {7, 57, 226}, {7, 226, 3982}, {7, 4031, 3911}, {7, 21454, 57}, {57, 226, 3911}, {57, 4114, 3982}, {57, 4654, 2}, {57, 5219, 5435}, {57, 21454, 4031}, {65, 4298, 10106}, {142, 5325, 2}, {226, 4031, 57}, {226, 4114, 7}, {329, 5437, 5316}, {388, 3339, 4848}, {908, 27003, 6692}, {942, 4292, 950}, {942, 13369, 10122}, {942, 24470, 4292}, {1443, 17011, 47057}, {1836, 4860, 11019}, {3218, 5249, 5745}, {3218, 26842, 5249}, {3296, 6361, 1}, {3306, 5905, 3452}, {3333, 4295, 12053}, {3336, 13407, 6684}, {3339, 4355, 388}, {3649, 5298, 4870}, {3649, 32636, 1125}, {3649, 41549, 41546}, {3782, 37520, 39595}, {3911, 3982, 226}, {3916, 32636, 41547}, {3928, 6173, 2}, {4001, 4359, 3686}, {4031, 4114, 226}, {4114, 21454, 3911}, {4190, 11520, 12437}, {4312, 10980, 497}, {4641, 40688, 3008}, {4870, 5298, 1125}, {4870, 32636, 5298}, {4887, 39595, 3782}, {5221, 10404, 10}, {5228, 10481, 43035}, {6147, 37582, 13411}, {9776, 9965, 9}, {9778, 11038, 10389}, {10136, 10481, 30623}, {11019, 30424, 1836}, {17276, 37674, 4656}, {17483, 27003, 908}, {18201, 33097, 24239}
Suppose that X and Y are triangle centers. Let
YA = (Y of the triangle XBC),
YB = (Y of the triangle XCA),
YC = (Y of the triangle XAB).
Let A' = (XYA intersect BC), and define B' and C' cyclically. In
Clark Kimberling, "Major Centers of Triangles," Amer. Math. Monthly 104 (1997) 431-438,
Question A is this: for what choices of X and Y do the lines AA', BB', CC' concur? A solution (X,Y) will here be called the (X,Y)-answer to Question A. X(554) is the (X(1),X(13))-answer to Question A. (In the reference, see (9) on page 435, with Y = X(13).)
X(554) lies on the circumconic {A,B,C,X(2),X(7)}}, the cubics K134 and K419b, and these lines: {1, 30}, {2, 33654}, {7, 1082}, {13, 43682}, {14, 226}, {55, 10652}, {57, 41225}, {75, 299}, {396, 1652}, {497, 30344}, {553, 37772}, {675, 36073}, {1086, 11073}, {1365, 18975}, {3475, 37830}, {3639, 3982}, {5239, 5249}, {5240, 5905}, {6186, 10648}, {7043, 11092}, {11705, 26700}, {30327, 37641}
X(554) = isogonal conjugate of X(10638)
X(554) = isotomic conjugate of X(40714)
X(554) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {553, 1081}, {30382, 85}
X(554) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1652}, {33653, 33654}
X(554) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 40714}, {3, 10638}, {223, 559}, {7043, 40579}
X(554) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 10638}, {16, 7126}, {31, 40714}, {35, 1251}, {55, 559}, {1250, 42677}, {2152, 7043}, {5239, 42624}, {5357, 19551}, {7005, 33653}, {7127, 7150}, {35057, 36072}
X(554) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {75, 33654}, {85, 33653}, {301, 7051}, {1082, 30690}, {2307, 20565}, {3261, 36073}
X(554) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 40714}, {6, 10638}, {14, 7043}, {57, 559}, {1082, 3219}, {2154, 7126}, {2160, 1251}, {2306, 42677}, {2307, 35}, {5239, 44689}, {7051, 16}, {7052, 7150}, {11073, 19551}, {19373, 5357}, {33653, 9}, {33654, 1}, {33655, 46073}, {36073, 101}, {39152, 5240}, {40713, 42033}, {41225, 5239}
X(554) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 4654, 1081}, {226, 3638, 559}, {3649, 37631, 1081}, {3782, 5434, 1081}
X(555) lies on these lines: {7, 177}, {85, 2090}, {188, 4146}, {234, 1088}, {279, 16015}, {10481, 10489}
X(555) = isotomic conjugate of X(6731)
X(555) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(7370)
X(555) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {174, 4146}, {234, 7}
X(555) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {7, 18886}, {174, 7371}, {514, 10491}
X(555) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {7, 4146}, {75, 7371}, {76, 7370}, {85, 174}, {188, 1088}, {266, 6063}, {279, 556}, {479, 7027}, {4569, 6728}, {6729, 46406}, {6730, 36838}, {6731, 23062}
X(555) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 6731}, {9, 6726}, {9, 15495}, {174, 17113}, {188, 3160}, {200, 236}, {223, 259}, {556, 40593}, {845, 7371}, {1086, 6730}, {1214, 6725}, {3082, 5431}, {6376, 7027}, {6728, 40615}, {6729, 40617}
X(555) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 6726}, {31, 6731}, {32, 7027}, {41, 188}, {55, 259}, {174, 1253}, {220, 266}, {480, 7370}, {556, 2175}, {657, 6733}, {692, 6730}, {1334, 6727}, {2194, 6725}, {2332, 7591}, {3939, 6729}, {4146, 14827}, {6602, 7371}
X(555) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 6726}, {2, 6731}, {7, 188}, {57, 259}, {75, 7027}, {85, 556}, {174, 9}, {188, 200}, {226, 6725}, {234, 16016}, {259, 220}, {266, 55}, {269, 266}, {279, 174}, {479, 7371}, {508, 4182}, {509, 4166}, {514, 6730}, {556, 346}, {738, 7370}, {934, 6733}, {1014, 6727}, {1088, 4146}, {1439, 7591}, {2091, 15997}, {3668, 6724}, {3669, 6729}, {3676, 6728}, {4146, 8}, {5451, 34912}, {6724, 210}, {6725, 4515}, {6726, 480}, {6727, 2328}, {6728, 3900}, {6729, 657}, {6730, 4130}, {6731, 728}, {6733, 3939}, {7027, 5423}, {7370, 6}, {7371, 1}, {7591, 2318}, {10490, 16012}, {14596, 7707}, {18886, 236}, {21456, 7028}
X(555) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {10489, 10491, 10481}, {18886, 21456, 279}
X(556) lies on these lines: 8,177 75,234 312,2090
X(556) = isotomic conjugate of X(174)
X(557) lies on these lines: 2,178 1274,1488
X(558) lies on this line: 2,178
X(558) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39122)
X(559) lies on the cubics K134 and K341b and these lines: {1, 3}, {2, 5239}, {6, 7088}, {7, 1081}, {14, 226}, {16, 16577}, {63, 5240}, {81, 7052}, {222, 7059}, {299, 319}, {465, 17043}, {497, 37830}, {553, 3639}, {651, 7126}, {1100, 1652}, {1255, 33654}, {1277, 21475}, {1442, 10638}, {1653, 16777}, {1836, 10652}, {1962, 10647}, {2003, 5357}, {2306, 25417}, {3219, 11126}, {3474, 37833}, {3475, 30344}, {4336, 30301}, {7005, 42677}, {7051, 17011}, {7127, 37787}, {7202, 42624}, {9778, 30338}, {10391, 10650}, {10580, 30339}, {10648, 17017}, {10651, 11246}, {14100, 30357}, {16038, 17718}, {17778, 37794}, {19373, 28606}
X(559) = isogonal conjugate of X(33653)
X(559) = X(7344)-complementary conjugate of X(141)
X(559) = X(1255)-Ceva conjugate of X(1082)
X(559) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 33653}, {223, 554}, {478, 33654}, {5239, 40581}
X(559) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 33653}, {9, 33654}, {14, 7127}, {55, 554}, {79, 1250}, {522, 36073}, {1082, 7073}, {1251, 42680}, {2154, 5239}, {2307, 7110}, {5240, 11073}, {6186, 40713}, {7126, 41225}, {11086, 36933}, {19551, 39152}
X(559) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {57, 40714}, {85, 10638}, {299, 7052}, {319, 2306}, {1081, 3219}, {1251, 17095}, {18160, 36072}, {33654, 46176}
X(559) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 33653}, {16, 5239}, {56, 33654}, {57, 554}, {1081, 30690}, {1251, 7110}, {1399, 2307}, {1415, 36073}, {2003, 1082}, {2152, 7127}, {2174, 1250}, {2306, 79}, {2307, 42680}, {3219, 40713}, {5357, 5240}, {7043, 44691}, {7051, 41225}, {7052, 14}, {7150, 7043}, {10638, 9}, {19373, 39152}, {39150, 36932}, {40714, 312}, {42624, 7126}, {46073, 7026}
X(559) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 57, 1082}, {1, 37773, 37772}, {56, 20182, 1082}, {57, 1082, 37772}, {65, 37595, 1082}, {226, 3638, 554}, {241, 3748, 1082}, {940, 2099, 1082}, {1082, 37773, 57}, {1214, 24929, 1082}, {1319, 3666, 1082}, {1429, 17598, 1082}, {7146, 17716, 1082}, {13388, 13389, 37773}, {15934, 37543, 1082}
X(560) is the vertex conjugate of the foci of the inellipse that is the trilinear square of the Lemoine axis. The center of the inellipse is X(16584) and its Brianchon point (perspector) is X(31). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(560) lies on these lines: 1,82 31,48 41,872 42,584 100,697 101,713 110,715 717,825 719,827
X(560) = isogonal conjugate of X(561)
X(560) = isotomic conjugate of X(1928)
X(560) = complement of X(21275)
X(560) = anticomplement of X(21235)
X(560) = anticomplementary conjugate of anticomplement of X(38827)
X(560) = crosssum of X(75) and X(304)
X(560) = antigonal conjugate of X(37843)
X(560) = barycentric product of PU(9)
X(560) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(304)
X(561) is the vertex conjugate of the foci of the inellipse that is the trilinear square of the de Longchamps line (with center X(21235) and perspector X(1928)). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
Let A'B'C' be the obverse triangle of X(1). Let A″B″C″ be the N-obverse triangle of X(1). Let A* be the trilinear product A'*A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(561). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(561) lies on these lines: 1,718 2,716 6,720 31,722 32,724 38,75 63,799 76,321 92,304 313,696 305,1441
X(561) = isogonal conjugate of X(560)
X(561) = isotomic conjugate of X(31)
X(561) = complement of X(17486)
X(561) = anticomplement of X(16584)
X(561) = anticomplementary conjugate of anticomplement of X(38810)
X(561) = antigonal conjugate of X(37844)
X(561) = cevapoint of X(75) and X(304)
X(561) = X(313)-cross conjugate of X(76)
X(562) lies on these lines: {4,93}, {252,6143}
Clark Kimberling and Cyril Parry, "Products, Square Roots, and Layers in Triangle Geometry," Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly 10 (2000) 9-22; on page 21, section 8.
X(562) = polar conjugate of X(30529)
X(563) lies on these lines: 1,1820 19,163 48,255
Clark Kimberling and Cyril Parry, "Products, Square Roots, and Layers in Triangle Geometry," Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly 10 (2000) 9-22; on page 21, section 8.
X(563) = X(91)-isoconjugate of X(92)X(564) lies on these lines: 1,1048 47,91
Clark Kimberling and Cyril Parry, "Products, Square Roots, and Layers in Triangle Geometry," Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly 10 (2000) 9-22; on page 21, section 8.
X(564) = {X(91),X(92)}-harmonic conjugate of X(47)
X(565) lies on these lines: 49,93 143,324
Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly 10 (2000) 9-22; on page 21, section 8.
"Products, Square Roots, and Layers in Triangle Geometry,"Centers X(566)-X(584)
Centers X(566)-X(584) lie on the Brocard axis, L(3,6). Each is the center X of a circle that meets the sides of triangle ABC with three equal angles at X.
Let AB, AC, BC, BA, CA, CB denote the meeting-points; e.g., AB and CB are on side CA. The equal angles are given by
D = angle(ABXAC) = angle(BCXBA) = angle(CAXCB)
Then trilinears for X are given by
X = sin A + cot D/2 cos A : sin B + cot D/2 cos B : sin C + cot D/2 cos C.
Definitions: Y is the orthogonal of X if D(X) + D(Y) = π/2;
Y is the harmonic of X if X and Y are harmonic conjugates with respect to X(3) and X(6);
Y is the orthoharmonic if Y is the harmonic of the orthogonal of X. The centers in this section were contributed by Edward Brisse, December, 2000.
X(566) lies on these lines: {2, 94}, {3, 6}, {4, 9221}, {5, 9220}, {45, 13006}, {53, 1594}, {67, 43718}, {140, 16310}, {141, 18375}, {160, 9973}, {184, 7669}, {230, 7495}, {231, 7749}, {232, 5094}, {233, 1879}, {237, 9971}, {248, 19151}, {393, 37119}, {549, 14836}, {599, 36212}, {631, 46262}, {858, 3815}, {940, 21478}, {1180, 5306}, {1576, 37457}, {1656, 9222}, {1990, 37118}, {2165, 2963}, {2453, 47213}, {2548, 14791}, {2549, 44468}, {3054, 39576}, {3055, 15355}, {3087, 35471}, {3148, 18374}, {3291, 37637}, {5012, 14060}, {5475, 7574}, {6240, 6748}, {6749, 10295}, {7507, 14576}, {7579, 7603}, {7668, 39906}, {7736, 16063}, {7763, 35549}, {8253, 8963}, {8962, 13846}, {9019, 37184}, {10311, 21284}, {11079, 14385}, {11672, 17416}, {13160, 18353}, {13371, 42459}, {14096, 18371}, {15122, 16303}, {16776, 37465}, {17277, 22377}, {17392, 26636}, {18281, 19656}, {18570, 38872}, {19127, 37183}, {23195, 34751}, {26216, 38323}, {30537, 34288}, {34828, 40681}, {35473, 39176}, {35503, 40065}, {36990, 44437}, {37196, 44519}, {40138, 47228}, {41237, 44388}
X(566) = isogonal conjugate of X(7578)
X(566) = complement of X(44135)
X(566) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(50)
X(566) = Schoutte-circle-inverse of X(14805)
X(566) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(3431)
X(566) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(7577)
X(566) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(23039)
X(566) = X(3431)-complementary conjugate of X(2887)
X(566) = X(36829)-Ceva conjugate of X(18117)
X(566) = X(18117)-cross conjugate of X(36829)
X(566) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(3431)
X(566) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 11004}, {6, 381}
X(566) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {523, 5926}
X(566) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 7578}, {566, 44135}
X(566) = X(1)-isoconjugate of X(7578)
X(566) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 7577}, {4, 23039}, {99, 18117}, {523, 36829}, {5562, 19177}
X(566) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 7578}, {7577, 264}, {18117, 523}, {19177, 8795}, {23039, 69}, {36829, 99}
X(566) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {3, 6, 50}, {6, 39, 13337}, {6, 570, 13351}, {6, 8553, 2965}, {6, 11063, 32}, {6, 15109, 577}, {6, 18573, 3003}, {6, 18578, 568}, {6, 33886, 5007}, {6, 36751, 8553}, {15, 16, 14805}, {39, 216, 3003}, {39, 3003, 6}, {50, 41335, 6}, {160, 23635, 9973}, {216, 570, 6}, {216, 3003, 18573}, {371, 372, 567}, {570, 3003, 39}, {570, 18573, 13337}, {574, 5158, 5063}, {577, 14806, 15109}, {800, 5421, 6}, {1340, 1341, 2088}, {5063, 5158, 6}, {7772, 33872, 6}, {13337, 13351, 39}, {30260, 30261, 40280}, {40695, 40696, 2}
X(567) lies on the curve Q166 and these lines: {2, 22115}, {3, 6}, {4, 7578}, {5, 49}, {13, 11134}, {14, 11137}, {22, 39522}, {30, 5012}, {51, 2070}, {74, 45956}, {115, 9604}, {125, 43573}, {140, 3580}, {143, 7488}, {156, 3091}, {184, 381}, {185, 10620}, {186, 5946}, {195, 5562}, {206, 23049}, {215, 7951}, {323, 7550}, {373, 32609}, {382, 11424}, {399, 15030}, {498, 9666}, {499, 9653}, {546, 1614}, {547, 40111}, {549, 43574}, {550, 43576}, {597, 15462}, {631, 37644}, {1092, 3526}, {1147, 1656}, {1154, 1994}, {1173, 12107}, {1176, 21850}, {1180, 39524}, {1181, 10938}, {1199, 6102}, {1209, 10112}, {1352, 14787}, {1437, 37251}, {1493, 11591}, {1495, 7545}, {1506, 9603}, {1511, 13363}, {1657, 8717}, {1658, 3567}, {1976, 37345}, {1986, 3520}, {1993, 7514}, {2072, 23292}, {2477, 7741}, {2931, 12038}, {2937, 5446}, {3043, 20304}, {3060, 7502}, {3066, 7506}, {3090, 9545}, {3200, 37835}, {3201, 37832}, {3292, 10170}, {3518, 5944}, {3519, 12899}, {3521, 18560}, {3527, 9714}, {3545, 9544}, {3574, 31724}, {3796, 12083}, {3814, 9702}, {3843, 6759}, {3845, 14157}, {3851, 9704}, {5054, 43650}, {5055, 9306}, {5070, 16187}, {5169, 34514}, {5422, 6644}, {5462, 13367}, {5476, 18374}, {5480, 7540}, {5504, 37648}, {5544, 12309}, {5576, 6146}, {5609, 15052}, {5622, 20126}, {5640, 11464}, {5643, 15034}, {5654, 41615}, {5663, 7527}, {5876, 32136}, {5885, 43610}, {5890, 11454}, {5891, 34986}, {5921, 7404}, {6033, 39834}, {6101, 37126}, {6143, 43816}, {6193, 14786}, {6321, 39805}, {6636, 13391}, {6639, 39571}, {6723, 43817}, {6800, 7530}, {7399, 43595}, {7403, 31804}, {7503, 12161}, {7509, 16266}, {7512, 10263}, {7516, 21766}, {7517, 10982}, {7526, 7592}, {7528, 18925}, {7555, 15107}, {7556, 11002}, {7575, 15019}, {7579, 15139}, {7603, 9696}, {7728, 13198}, {7769, 10411}, {7827, 14355}, {7988, 9621}, {7989, 9622}, {8253, 9676}, {8550, 11579}, {8703, 13482}, {9677, 23261}, {9697, 39565}, {9701, 25639}, {9707, 13861}, {9777, 14070}, {9781, 37440}, {9818, 11402}, {9833, 18382}, {9920, 10282}, {10024, 12241}, {10110, 18378}, {10226, 43600}, {10254, 18390}, {10257, 45298}, {10264, 43578}, {10274, 15432}, {10574, 11250}, {10601, 47391}, {10619, 45286}, {11004, 33533}, {11422, 11459}, {11423, 12111}, {11427, 18531}, {11428, 18453}, {11429, 18455}, {11449, 15024}, {11456, 31861}, {11799, 16657}, {11808, 44515}, {11820, 47527}, {12006, 12236}, {12121, 38323}, {12162, 12308}, {12164, 34801}, {12225, 15800}, {12227, 22584}, {12229, 22809}, {12230, 22810}, {12233, 18563}, {12234, 22815}, {12295, 13403}, {12307, 14531}, {12370, 13160}, {13011, 22813}, {13012, 22814}, {13142, 34002}, {13321, 15004}, {13364, 13595}, {13366, 13754}, {13451, 37936}, {13491, 14865}, {13561, 43808}, {13564, 45186}, {13567, 45967}, {14560, 18121}, {14831, 32608}, {14845, 21308}, {14848, 19136}, {14855, 35452}, {14869, 46865}, {14912, 18917}, {14926, 41597}, {15026, 32171}, {15027, 15132}, {15035, 43584}, {15036, 43597}, {15043, 37814}, {15051, 43804}, {15053, 15646}, {15054, 43596}, {15059, 34331}, {15061, 15463}, {15062, 43602}, {15472, 20127}, {15620, 30536}, {15699, 43572}, {15720, 43652}, {15805, 35602}, {16003, 33749}, {16226, 37955}, {17809, 18451}, {17835, 43807}, {18281, 18911}, {18388, 18403}, {18434, 40276}, {18447, 19365}, {18462, 19408}, {18463, 19409}, {18494, 44077}, {18502, 40643}, {18524, 20986}, {18952, 37119}, {19127, 20423}, {19128, 37458}, {19138, 43815}, {19361, 32322}, {22529, 22808}, {23328, 43810}, {25555, 30714}, {25739, 39504}, {27866, 34153}, {32068, 44673}, {32127, 32284}, {32235, 36253}, {32245, 32272}, {32345, 41725}, {32379, 41362}, {34007, 43818}, {34396, 35934}, {35498, 43604}, {37347, 37649}, {39562, 40673}, {40114, 44275}, {40441, 45089}, {43605, 45959}, {43612, 43806}, {43831, 46686}, {43839, 46085}, {44085, 45923}
X(567) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1994, 35921}, {5012, 15033}, {7527, 15032}
X(567) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 37513}, {15087, 13366}, {37347, 37649}, {41171, 5}
X(567) = isogonal conjugate of X(9221)
X(567) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(568)
X(567) = crosssum of X(11) and X(18116)
X(567) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {523, 2081}
X(567) = crosspoint of isogonal conjugates of PU(5)
X(567) = homothetic center of Ehrmann side-triangle and 1st anti-Conway triangle
X(567) = X(3)-Dao conjugate of X(9221)
X(567) = X(1)-isoconjugate of X(9221)
X(567) = barycentric quotient X(6)/X(9221)
X(567) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {3, 6, 568}, {3, 182, 13339}, {3, 568, 3581}, {3, 569, 13353}, {3, 578, 37472}, {3, 1351, 37494}, {3, 11426, 36749}, {3, 11432, 37490}, {3, 13352, 37477}, {3, 13353, 37471}, {3, 14627, 52}, {3, 15037, 9730}, {3, 36747, 37484}, {3, 36749, 6243}, {3, 36753, 37481}, {3, 37472, 37495}, {3, 37506, 14805}, {5, 49, 18350}, {5, 54, 49}, {5, 12022, 265}, {5, 44076, 6288}, {6, 14805, 3581}, {6, 37506, 3}, {51, 18475, 2070}, {52, 37505, 14627}, {54, 13434, 5}, {54, 43598, 9706}, {61, 62, 41335}, {143, 10610, 7488}, {182, 578, 13352}, {182, 13339, 37471}, {182, 13352, 3}, {184, 381, 10540}, {186, 34545, 5946}, {195, 34864, 5562}, {265, 12228, 11597}, {323, 7550, 15067}, {371, 372, 566}, {381, 18396, 18430}, {568, 13353, 19129}, {568, 14805, 3}, {568, 18438, 6243}, {569, 578, 3}, {569, 13352, 182}, {569, 37472, 37471}, {575, 9730, 15037}, {575, 11430, 9730}, {578, 13353, 37495}, {1199, 14118, 6102}, {1351, 37494, 6243}, {1993, 7514, 23039}, {2070, 15038, 51}, {3796, 44413, 12083}, {3851, 9704, 10539}, {5055, 9703, 9306}, {5085, 37483, 3}, {5462, 13367, 45735}, {5611, 5615, 41169}, {5640, 11464, 12106}, {5944, 10095, 3518}, {7503, 12161, 18436}, {7526, 7592, 34783}, {8254, 43575, 5}, {9730, 11430, 3}, {9818, 11402, 18445}, {9818, 18445, 18435}, {10564, 16836, 3}, {11425, 36752, 3}, {11426, 37506, 18438}, {11438, 39242, 3}, {12006, 43394, 22467}, {12022, 12228, 49}, {12022, 14389, 5}, {13336, 13346, 3}, {13339, 13353, 182}, {13339, 37472, 37477}, {13339, 37477, 3}, {13352, 37477, 37495}, {13353, 37472, 3}, {13353, 37477, 13339}, {14130, 43845, 185}, {15026, 32171, 44802}, {15062, 43602, 45957}, {34148, 43651, 140}, {36747, 37476, 3}, {36749, 37494, 1351}, {37471, 37495, 3}, {37472, 37477, 13352}, {37480, 44490, 37489}
Let (A) be the circle centered at A that cuts off a segment of line BC equal to the radius of (A). Define (B) and (C) cyclically. Then X(568) is the radical center of circles (A), (B), (C). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
X(568) lies on the cubics K885 and K1139 and these lines: {2, 1154}, {3, 6}, {4, 94}, {5, 3567}, {20, 10263}, {23, 15032}, {24, 49}, {25, 10540}, {26, 6800}, {30, 3060}, {51, 381}, {54, 1658}, {68, 973}, {110, 12106}, {140, 7998}, {155, 7506}, {156, 3518}, {184, 2070}, {185, 382}, {186, 1994}, {195, 1147}, {343, 37347}, {355, 31732}, {373, 1656}, {376, 13391}, {378, 39522}, {399, 7545}, {542, 9971}, {546, 9781}, {547, 11451}, {549, 2979}, {550, 10574}, {631, 6101}, {632, 7999}, {974, 20127}, {1092, 43809}, {1181, 7517}, {1199, 7488}, {1204, 15041}, {1216, 3526}, {1263, 13505}, {1352, 16776}, {1353, 6403}, {1493, 6242}, {1503, 7540}, {1511, 11004}, {1614, 37440}, {1657, 40647}, {1843, 21852}, {1899, 31723}, {1992, 14984}, {1993, 6644}, {1995, 15068}, {2072, 13567}, {2262, 40263}, {2777, 7729}, {2781, 20126}, {2842, 31825}, {2854, 23236}, {2937, 35268}, {3090, 11591}, {3091, 5876}, {3146, 13491}, {3270, 9642}, {3292, 43586}, {3357, 17823}, {3522, 13421}, {3523, 10627}, {3525, 32142}, {3527, 34801}, {3529, 16982}, {3534, 21969}, {3545, 13364}, {3564, 11188}, {3574, 5449}, {3575, 13292}, {3627, 6241}, {3628, 11444}, {3819, 15694}, {3830, 6000}, {3832, 45959}, {3843, 10110}, {3845, 13451}, {3850, 15058}, {3851, 5907}, {3853, 12290}, {3855, 45958}, {3861, 11439}, {3917, 5054}, {5012, 7502}, {5055, 5891}, {5056, 14128}, {5067, 32205}, {5068, 18874}, {5070, 11793}, {5072, 45187}, {5073, 10575}, {5076, 11381}, {5422, 7514}, {5447, 15720}, {5448, 36518}, {5576, 12359}, {5609, 14002}, {5654, 14643}, {5655, 12824}, {5722, 18330}, {5777, 31819}, {5944, 32136}, {6033, 39835}, {6090, 6642}, {6240, 12370}, {6293, 18381}, {6321, 39806}, {6515, 18420}, {6688, 15703}, {6756, 39871}, {6759, 18378}, {6971, 39271}, {7401, 31810}, {7403, 38136}, {7528, 11411}, {7529, 12164}, {7530, 11456}, {7550, 15018}, {7553, 18914}, {7555, 15080}, {7556, 11003}, {7575, 11422}, {7576, 45968}, {7687, 22584}, {7689, 11424}, {7691, 43651}, {7720, 12803}, {7721, 12804}, {7723, 11746}, {7730, 32423}, {7731, 10264}, {7785, 15536}, {8254, 32338}, {8541, 39562}, {8550, 8705}, {8584, 44265}, {8703, 20791}, {9019, 11179}, {9544, 47485}, {9703, 34986}, {9704, 10282}, {9714, 19347}, {9777, 9818}, {9792, 19176}, {9826, 37645}, {9833, 41589}, {9969, 18440}, {9970, 37827}, {10024, 12233}, {10111, 15473}, {10124, 44299}, {10125, 22051}, {10224, 20424}, {10254, 18388}, {10255, 23515}, {10272, 12273}, {10311, 22146}, {10539, 13621}, {10594, 32139}, {10605, 44413}, {10620, 11806}, {10628, 23325}, {10653, 36978}, {10654, 36980}, {10937, 12897}, {10982, 12163}, {10984, 13564}, {11202, 37922}, {11225, 18400}, {11250, 15055}, {11264, 34799}, {11402, 14070}, {11423, 12107}, {11433, 18531}, {11435, 18453}, {11436, 18455}, {11441, 13861}, {11442, 11818}, {11455, 15687}, {11539, 44324}, {11548, 33523}, {11555, 16461}, {11556, 16462}, {11561, 12383}, {11562, 11800}, {11585, 31802}, {11624, 40693}, {11626, 40694}, {11675, 43461}, {11695, 15082}, {11745, 12134}, {11801, 12281}, {11802, 12307}, {11807, 38790}, {11819, 34224}, {12026, 13504}, {12083, 33586}, {12121, 14708}, {12188, 39846}, {12219, 20304}, {12226, 13472}, {12228, 15035}, {12235, 12429}, {12237, 22809}, {12238, 22810}, {12241, 18563}, {12242, 22815}, {12254, 32196}, {12278, 45971}, {12289, 45970}, {12324, 44544}, {12358, 37643}, {12699, 31728}, {13013, 22813}, {13014, 22814}, {13188, 39817}, {13366, 18475}, {13371, 26879}, {13403, 18562}, {13423, 36966}, {13561, 16880}, {14216, 18382}, {14269, 16194}, {14448, 36253}, {14516, 31830}, {14561, 14787}, {14790, 18916}, {14791, 18911}, {14845, 19709}, {14855, 15681}, {14865, 32138}, {15004, 15038}, {15033, 18570}, {15053, 43574}, {15061, 18281}, {15073, 47277}, {15083, 18369}, {15091, 15801}, {15317, 18532}, {15360, 44262}, {15688, 36987}, {15760, 41588}, {15800, 18569}, {16227, 44214}, {16266, 17928}, {16270, 18931}, {16618, 47582}, {16867, 38534}, {16980, 18526}, {17505, 43949}, {17800, 46850}, {17810, 18451}, {18121, 39235}, {18390, 18403}, {18404, 39571}, {18434, 21400}, {18447, 19366}, {18462, 19410}, {18463, 19411}, {18494, 47328}, {18559, 30522}, {18583, 41716}, {18952, 31815}, {19043, 19051}, {19044, 19052}, {19136, 45016}, {19362, 32322}, {19456, 44080}, {19552, 32409}, {20379, 31857}, {21661, 38594}, {21844, 43394}, {22530, 22808}, {22971, 38789}, {23049, 34146}, {23061, 43584}, {23293, 39504}, {25739, 44288}, {26876, 46025}, {26881, 37936}, {26913, 37938}, {31745, 31763}, {32062, 38335}, {32063, 41580}, {32165, 45731}, {32210, 35475}, {32246, 32272}, {32326, 34779}, {34117, 41613}, {34484, 43605}, {34545, 35921}, {34775, 34780}, {37649, 44201}, {38321, 44665}, {40266, 42450}, {41171, 41724}, {43816, 44056}, {45780, 47391}
X(568) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {51, 14831}, {52, 9730}, {1986, 45237}, {3060, 5890}, {5889, 11459}, {6243, 13340}, {6403, 15531}, {7576, 45968}
X(568) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 5946}, {3, 9730}, {265, 45237}, {381, 51}, {1352, 16776}, {2979, 549}, {3845, 13451}, {3917, 5892}, {5054, 16226}, {5562, 10170}, {5655, 12824}, {5891, 5943}, {9730, 389}, {10170, 5462}, {11455, 15687}, {11459, 5}, {12162, 46847}, {13340, 3}, {14643, 16222}, {15060, 13364}, {15061, 46430}, {15067, 13363}, {15072, 45956}, {15305, 3845}, {15531, 1353}, {15681, 14855}, {16776, 32191}, {18435, 381}, {18436, 11459}, {23039, 2}, {32063, 41580}, {32609, 16223}, {37484, 13340}, {41330, 15544}, {44214, 16227}, {45237, 12236}, {46847, 10110}
X(568) = anticomplement of X(15067)
X(568) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(567)
X(568) = crosssum of X(3) and X(14852)
X(568) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(50)
X(568) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(94)
X(568) = homothetic center of Ehrmann side-triangle and 2nd anti-Conway triangle
X(568) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {3, 6, 567}, {3, 52, 6243}, {3, 389, 37481}, {3, 567, 14805}, {3, 6243, 37484}, {3, 9730, 40280}, {3, 11432, 36753}, {3, 14627, 578}, {3, 15037, 182}, {3, 36747, 37495}, {3, 36749, 37472}, {3, 36752, 37471}, {3, 36753, 13353}, {3, 37489, 3581}, {3, 37493, 36749}, {3, 37496, 37480}, {4, 265, 18430}, {4, 3448, 34514}, {4, 6102, 34783}, {4, 18951, 25738}, {4, 34783, 18439}, {5, 5889, 18436}, {5, 16881, 3567}, {5, 31834, 15056}, {6, 1351, 18449}, {6, 3581, 14805}, {6, 18578, 566}, {6, 37489, 3}, {24, 12161, 49}, {25, 18445, 10540}, {52, 389, 3}, {52, 37481, 37484}, {143, 6102, 4}, {155, 7506, 18350}, {182, 37478, 3}, {185, 5446, 382}, {185, 18396, 10938}, {195, 45735, 1147}, {371, 372, 50}, {373, 5562, 10170}, {373, 10170, 1656}, {381, 13321, 51}, {389, 15644, 15012}, {389, 16625, 52}, {399, 7545, 46261}, {567, 3581, 3}, {567, 6243, 18438}, {567, 19129, 13353}, {569, 46730, 3}, {576, 11438, 13352}, {576, 44490, 6}, {1199, 7488, 32046}, {1493, 32171, 9545}, {1986, 12236, 265}, {1993, 6644, 22115}, {2070, 15087, 184}, {2979, 15045, 549}, {3557, 3558, 18114}, {3567, 5889, 5}, {3567, 11459, 5640}, {3575, 13292, 44076}, {3581, 18449, 37477}, {3853, 45957, 12290}, {3917, 5892, 5054}, {3917, 16226, 5892}, {5102, 9786, 37497}, {5102, 37497, 36747}, {5462, 5562, 1656}, {5462, 10170, 373}, {5640, 5889, 11459}, {5640, 11459, 5}, {5876, 10095, 3091}, {5890, 15072, 45956}, {5891, 5943, 5055}, {5946, 15067, 13363}, {6101, 12006, 631}, {6102, 6746, 25738}, {6243, 37481, 3}, {6243, 40280, 13340}, {7689, 11424, 14130}, {7999, 15028, 632}, {9545, 44879, 32171}, {9729, 10625, 3}, {9781, 12111, 546}, {9786, 36747, 3}, {10110, 12162, 3843}, {10115, 32352, 195}, {10224, 26917, 45622}, {10263, 13630, 20}, {10575, 13598, 5073}, {11002, 37644, 45237}, {11412, 15043, 140}, {11430, 32110, 3}, {11432, 37489, 19129}, {11438, 13352, 3}, {11444, 15024, 3628}, {11477, 37475, 37483}, {11557, 21649, 399}, {11562, 11800, 12902}, {11591, 15026, 3090}, {11806, 13417, 10620}, {11819, 43588, 34224}, {12233, 41587, 10024}, {12359, 45089, 5576}, {13321, 14831, 18435}, {13336, 46728, 3}, {13340, 37481, 40280}, {13340, 40280, 3}, {13358, 38898, 3448}, {13363, 15067, 2}, {13364, 15060, 3545}, {13382, 13598, 10575}, {17834, 36752, 3}, {18396, 40909, 382}, {18404, 39571, 43821}, {18952, 31815, 37444}, {31728, 31757, 12699}, {31732, 31760, 355}, {31830, 32358, 14516}, {34417, 46261, 7545}, {36749, 37490, 3}, {37470, 37480, 3}, {37470, 37517, 37496}, {37475, 37483, 3}, {37481, 40280, 9730}, {37486, 37514, 3}, {37490, 37493, 37472}, {40647, 45186, 1657}
X(569) lies on these lines: 2,54 3,6 5,156 26,51 140,343
X(569) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(52)
X(570) lies on these lines: 2,311 3,6 53,232 115,128 140,231 157,184
X(570) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(571)
X(570) = complement of X(311)
X(570) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(54)
X(570) = crosssum of X(5) and X(6)
X(570) = X(71)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(570) = {X(6),X(39)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5421)
X(570) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(1209)
X(570) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(1209)
X(570) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(1209)
X(570) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23195)
X(570) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(1216)
X(570) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(1179)
X(570) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(523)X(2070) (the polar of X(5) wrt the circumcircle)
Let A'B'C' be the Kosnita triangle. Let A″ be the barycentric product B'*C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(571). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
X(571) lies on these lines: 3,6 4,96 66,248 112,393 160,184 206,237 230,427 608,913
X(571) = isogonal conjugate of X(5392)
X(571) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(570)
X(571) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(184)
X(571) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(70)
X(571) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,26), (338,525)
X(571) = barycentric product of X(371) and X(372)
X(571) = X(19)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(571) = X(2)-isoconjugate of X(91)
X(571) = X(68)-isoconjugate of X(92)
X(571) = {X(6),X(50)}-harmonic conjugate of X(577)
X(571) = crosspoint of X(5412) and X(5413)
X(571) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(52)
X(571) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(96)
X(572) = s*X(3) + r*cot(ω)*X(6)
X(572) is the intersection of the Brocard axes of ABC, the Feuerbach triangle, and the Apollonius triangle. (Randy Hutson, March 21, 2019)X(572) lies on these lines: 1,604 3,6 9,48 51,199 54,71 103,825 165,1051 169,610 184,1011 219,947 261,662 517,1100 594,952 631,966
X(572) = isogonal conjugate of X(2051)
X(572) = {X(1687),X(1688)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4279)
X(572) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(573)
X(572) = crosssum of X(11) and X(661)
X(573) is the internal center of similitude of the circumcircle and Apollonius circle. The external center is X(386). (Peter J. C. Moses, 8/22/03)
Let A' be the inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of the midpoint of BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inscribed in the Apollonius circle and homothetic to the 1st circumperp triangle at X(573). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
X(573) lies on these lines: 1,941 3,6 4,9 10,5179 20,391 36,604 37,517 43,165 51,1011 55,181 101,102 109,478 184,199 256,981 346,1018 347,1020
X(573) = reflection of X(991) in X(3)
X(573) = isogonal conjugate of X(13478)
X(573) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(572)
X(573) = X(333)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(573) = crosspoint of X(59) and X(190)
X(573) = crosssum of X(11) and X(649)
X(573) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(523)X(1459)
X(573) = X(216)-of-excentral-triangle
X(573) = perspector, wrt excentral triangle, of the excentral-hexyl ellipse
X(573) = inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of X(5179)
X(573) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(58)
X(573) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(10)
Let A', B', C' be the inverse-in-Brocard-circle of A, B, C. Let A″, B″, C″ be the inverse-in-circumcircle of the vertices of 1st Brocard triangle. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(574). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let X'Y'Z' be the circumcevian-inversion triangle of X(6), as defined in the preamble just before X(34864). The A-vertex of this triangle is given by
X' = (2 a^2 - b^2 - c^2) (4 a^2 + b^2 + c^2) : b^2 (-2 a^2 + b^2 - 2 c^2) (5 a^2 + 2 b^2 + 2 c^2) : c^2 (-2 a^2 - 2 b^2 + c^2) (5 a^2 + 2 b^2 + 2 c^2).
The triangles ABC and X'Y'Z' are perspective, and their perspector is X(574). (Peter Moses, December 9, 2019)
Let P1' be the tangent, other than U(1), to the Brocard circle from P(2). Let U1' be the tangent, other than P(1), to the Brocard circle from U(2). P1' and U1' are also the Schoute-circle-inverses of P(1) and U(1), resp. Then X(574) = P(1)U1'∩U(1)P1'. (Randy Hutson, January 17, 2020)
"Each one of the three circles of Apollonius of the reference triangle cuts the circumcircle in a second point. These three points form a triangle which is perspective with the base triangle through the symmedian point, the co-symmedian triangle. This triangle also possesses a Neuberg cubic, which has three points in common with the cubic of the first triangle in the circumcenter and the two isodynamic centers. Hence the remaining points of intersection must lie on a conic, which is necessarily a circle, since two of these six points are the circular points I and J." Quoted from (T. W. Moore and J. H. Neelley). The center of the circle is X(574). (Bernard Gibert, euclid 4332)
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(574) in the context of the preceding paragraph: X(574)
X(574) lies on the cubics K284, K353, K751, K1125, and these lines: {1, 1571}, {2, 99}, {3, 6}, {4, 1506}, {5, 3055}, {10, 31456}, {11, 9664}, {12, 9651}, {20, 2548}, {22, 9699}, {23, 15302}, {24, 9700}, {25, 15433}, {30, 3815}, {35, 2241}, {36, 2242}, {37, 37599}, {40, 9619}, {42, 9346}, {51, 41275}, {55, 1015}, {56, 1500}, {69, 7810}, {74, 15920}, {76, 7781}, {83, 3552}, {98, 1569}, {100, 16975}, {101, 28563}, {106, 43077}, {109, 41160}, {110, 353}, {112, 14388}, {114, 37242}, {140, 3054}, {141, 6390}, {165, 1572}, {172, 7280}, {183, 538}, {184, 3269}, {186, 10311}, {194, 1078}, {217, 1204}, {230, 549}, {232, 378}, {237, 34417}, {248, 3431}, {262, 11170}, {274, 17684}, {315, 7764}, {316, 7775}, {325, 7761}, {352, 7998}, {376, 6781}, {381, 7603}, {382, 31467}, {384, 7782}, {385, 7757}, {395, 13084}, {396, 13083}, {404, 5283}, {474, 16589}, {493, 34994}, {494, 34995}, {498, 9597}, {499, 9598}, {515, 31398}, {517, 31443}, {548, 9606}, {550, 7745}, {597, 27088}, {598, 9855}, {599, 8575}, {625, 7841}, {626, 7763}, {631, 3767}, {647, 44814}, {691, 9831}, {729, 25424}, {754, 7774}, {755, 43357}, {805, 843}, {842, 34235}, {902, 37586}, {936, 31442}, {940, 16431}, {958, 1574}, {980, 21495}, {988, 3247}, {993, 1575}, {995, 17735}, {999, 31477}, {1003, 7804}, {1007, 32986}, {1083, 11650}, {1092, 22416}, {1100, 37589}, {1107, 25440}, {1147, 9697}, {1153, 8860}, {1180, 5354}, {1194, 7485}, {1196, 7484}, {1285, 19708}, {1296, 15921}, {1334, 9351}, {1348, 19660}, {1349, 19659}, {1352, 14981}, {1376, 1573}, {1383, 7492}, {1385, 31430}, {1420, 31426}, {1478, 31476}, {1495, 3148}, {1511, 14901}, {1593, 3199}, {1597, 33842}, {1600, 8962}, {1656, 39565}, {1657, 11742}, {1724, 37023}, {1879, 14787}, {1914, 5010}, {1968, 3520}, {1971, 11202}, {1975, 3934}, {1992, 8182}, {2023, 8179}, {2070, 44521}, {2071, 22240}, {2176, 24047}, {2177, 2223}, {2207, 3516}, {2269, 34543}, {2273, 22054}, {2291, 41157}, {2491, 44826}, {2502, 5651}, {2794, 9744}, {2896, 7796}, {2936, 9306}, {2996, 32838}, {3016, 4550}, {3070, 31481}, {3087, 37460}, {3096, 7836}, {3097, 11364}, {3100, 9636}, {3117, 3231}, {3124, 9486}, {3146, 31404}, {3229, 30229}, {3230, 37575}, {3288, 8723}, {3291, 20481}, {3314, 7799}, {3329, 3972}, {3357, 32445}, {3523, 5286}, {3524, 5355}, {3526, 11614}, {3528, 12122}, {3530, 5305}, {3533, 12815}, {3534, 14537}, {3541, 27371}, {3549, 15075}, {3576, 9574}, {3589, 8369}, {3618, 32985}, {3619, 6292}, {3620, 3926}, {3629, 3793}, {3630, 7767}, {3631, 3933}, {3723, 37592}, {3730, 21008}, {3735, 17596}, {3785, 7758}, {3788, 6656}, {3818, 37345}, {3830, 40237}, {3849, 11163}, {3981, 39027}, {4048, 10007}, {4188, 5277}, {4191, 21838}, {4218, 30904}, {4293, 31409}, {4297, 31396}, {4299, 9596}, {4302, 9599}, {4317, 31478}, {4383, 16436}, {4414, 5163}, {4426, 5267}, {5025, 7769}, {5054, 37637}, {5055, 39563}, {5077, 11184}, {5108, 45330}, {5152, 8289}, {5217, 16502}, {5248, 16604}, {5275, 16371}, {5276, 13587}, {5291, 17756}, {5304, 15692}, {5306, 12100}, {5318, 41034}, {5319, 15717}, {5321, 41035}, {5337, 14996}, {5346, 15712}, {5368, 10299}, {5438, 31429}, {5471, 10654}, {5472, 10653}, {5476, 37461}, {5477, 11179}, {5523, 37118}, {5569, 22329}, {5587, 31441}, {5640, 13192}, {5646, 33978}, {5650, 33929}, {5691, 31428}, {5881, 31444}, {5888, 8617}, {5926, 39501}, {5968, 17964}, {5970, 32531}, {6032, 10989}, {6118, 32497}, {6119, 32494}, {6179, 7839}, {6184, 8649}, {6198, 9635}, {6284, 9665}, {6460, 31411}, {6502, 31471}, {6560, 31463}, {6644, 9609}, {6655, 7752}, {6680, 7803}, {6683, 7770}, {6704, 16898}, {6748, 37458}, {6749, 37934}, {6776, 10991}, {6787, 14509}, {6914, 34460}, {6995, 39662}, {7117, 14827}, {7354, 9650}, {7496, 9465}, {7527, 15355}, {7694, 39838}, {7697, 13188}, {7734, 40326}, {7750, 7759}, {7754, 7780}, {7760, 7793}, {7768, 7904}, {7773, 7842}, {7776, 7873}, {7778, 7853}, {7779, 7811}, {7784, 7821}, {7785, 7802}, {7787, 33014}, {7788, 7848}, {7789, 7822}, {7792, 35297}, {7797, 7857}, {7806, 7827}, {7807, 7834}, {7809, 7898}, {7812, 14712}, {7814, 7885}, {7823, 7858}, {7828, 7864}, {7829, 32964}, {7832, 7876}, {7838, 20065}, {7840, 7850}, {7845, 9766}, {7846, 33225}, {7849, 7881}, {7851, 7886}, {7852, 32954}, {7859, 7892}, {7860, 7941}, {7861, 7887}, {7866, 7874}, {7868, 7880}, {7870, 7931}, {7871, 7936}, {7875, 33246}, {7877, 13571}, {7878, 33276}, {7879, 7895}, {7883, 7897}, {7884, 16984}, {7889, 14001}, {7890, 11008}, {7893, 7905}, {7899, 7933}, {7901, 7918}, {7909, 7938}, {7911, 7912}, {7917, 7929}, {7922, 7928}, {7923, 7942}, {7924, 7925}, {7926, 11057}, {7930, 7948}, {7943, 14043}, {7944, 7945}, {7987, 9593}, {8149, 37004}, {8150, 32476}, {8176, 8352}, {8290, 10000}, {8318, 8319}, {8334, 8335}, {8370, 34504}, {8373, 32562}, {8374, 32569}, {8542, 9145}, {8556, 14711}, {8623, 9463}, {8627, 46546}, {8666, 20691}, {8667, 22253}, {8703, 9300}, {8715, 17448}, {8716, 9466}, {8719, 22682}, {8724, 11178}, {8743, 35477}, {9112, 41100}, {9113, 41101}, {9331, 37587}, {9464, 10130}, {9468, 33756}, {9481, 14247}, {9515, 19127}, {9516, 42286}, {9575, 35242}, {9594, 37729}, {9604, 22115}, {9680, 19105}, {9709, 31490}, {9741, 42850}, {9745, 39602}, {9771, 37350}, {9876, 39849}, {9971, 21419}, {10097, 34291}, {10104, 32448}, {10204, 33962}, {10298, 10313}, {10304, 37665}, {10312, 21844}, {10334, 10347}, {10358, 11272}, {10545, 37465}, {10546, 37335}, {10601, 35302}, {10766, 14649}, {10837, 10838}, {10902, 10988}, {11004, 20251}, {11059, 26257}, {11060, 40799}, {11112, 37661}, {11132, 34541}, {11133, 34540}, {11159, 42849}, {11164, 14762}, {11257, 37334}, {11284, 40350}, {11291, 32785}, {11292, 32786}, {11317, 32479}, {11318, 31275}, {11326, 23208}, {11410, 14581}, {11464, 13509}, {11488, 37173}, {11489, 37172}, {11643, 15925}, {11937, 11938}, {11939, 11940}, {12038, 23128}, {12040, 22110}, {12093, 38651}, {12157, 21460}, {12203, 32522}, {12367, 30488}, {13006, 14793}, {13233, 44420}, {13367, 39643}, {13596, 33885}, {13857, 30516}, {13858, 32301}, {13859, 32302}, {14041, 17005}, {14148, 16990}, {14246, 41404}, {14357, 34158}, {14482, 15698}, {14568, 17004}, {14614, 46893}, {14685, 35901}, {14880, 32516}, {14997, 21508}, {15018, 35296}, {15031, 33002}, {15066, 30541}, {15080, 37183}, {15107, 37184}, {15693, 39593}, {15696, 31470}, {15720, 44535}, {15820, 31152}, {16041, 34803}, {16187, 20998}, {16308, 37950}, {16788, 20331}, {16808, 37332}, {16809, 37333}, {16814, 25066}, {16953, 39668}, {17008, 34506}, {17222, 28469}, {17277, 21937}, {17549, 33854}, {18374, 37808}, {18570, 19220}, {18992, 31437}, {19382, 19383}, {20859, 32568}, {20965, 41278}, {20977, 30498}, {21166, 35925}, {21448, 33850}, {21509, 37679}, {21511, 37680}, {21539, 37674}, {21736, 23259}, {22355, 46922}, {22467, 26216}, {23210, 33728}, {23302, 37341}, {23303, 37340}, {23698, 37348}, {24855, 30739}, {25497, 27162}, {26233, 31088}, {26864, 42671}, {27318, 33063}, {30747, 31107}, {31417, 33703}, {31483, 44647}, {31860, 41266}, {32006, 33226}, {32563, 32570}, {32816, 33023}, {32819, 32992}, {32826, 32987}, {32827, 33272}, {32829, 32974}, {32832, 33001}, {32835, 33025}, {32839, 32972}, {32851, 34542}, {32911, 35276}, {32953, 39142}, {33036, 36812}, {33184, 44377}, {33190, 37690}, {33228, 37647}, {33846, 33986}, {33853, 37391}, {34098, 34099}, {34161, 40517}, {34758, 38467}, {34864, 38463}, {34865, 38466}, {34883, 41617}, {35268, 37916}, {35485, 41370}, {36709, 42283}, {36714, 42284}, {37342, 42277}, {37343, 42274}, {37775, 38431}, {37776, 38432}, {38750, 44534}, {38865, 41451}, {39227, 39502}, {39228, 39500}, {39477, 39499}, {40921, 42089}, {40922, 42092}, {41437, 41445}, {41438, 41444}, {41490, 44392}, {41491, 44394}, {41939, 45662}, {43809, 44523}, {44218, 46257}, {44525, 45735}, {46053, 46855}, {46054, 46854}
X(574) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {183, 31859}, {1296, 34241}, {7774, 14907}, {11163, 35955}, {45564, 45565}
X(574) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {182, 39498}, {5475, 3815}, {8722, 3}, {17131, 183}, {35440, 13357}, {44773, 15810}
X(574) = isogonal conjugate of X(598)
X(574) = isotomic conjugate of X(40826)
X(574) = complement of X(11185)
X(574) = circumcircle-inverse of X(5104)
X(574) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(187)
X(574) = 3rd-Lemoine-circle-(Ehrmann)-inverse of X(5107)
X(574) = Moses-circle-inverse of X(5107)
X(574) = Schoutte-circle-inverse of X(182)
X(574) = 2nd-Brocard-circle-inverse of X(13330)
X(574) = Ehrmann-circle-inverse of X(5107)
X(574) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(5486)
X(574) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(15810)
X(574) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(599)
X(574) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(8541)
X(574) = isogonal conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(5094)
X(574) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(22712)
X(574) = psi-transform of X(352)
X(574) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 8542}, {810, 14672}, {5486, 2887}, {30247, 21259}
X(574) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 8542}, {111, 9872}, {1296, 512}, {5094, 8541}, {9145, 17414}, {9515, 32}, {10130, 599}, {10484, 576}, {15810, 8561}, {19151, 184}, {39389, 6}, {42008, 10510}
X(574) = X(17414)-cross conjugate of X(9145)
X(574) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 598}, {31, 40826}, {75, 1383}, {82, 23297}, {92, 43697}, {661, 35138}, {662, 8599}, {799, 46001}, {811, 30491}, {896, 18818}, {1577, 11636}, {3112, 30489}, {10511, 16568}, {23287, 36085}
X(574) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 7349}, {2, 5486}, {6, 21448}, {249, 12074}, {599, 5094}
X(574) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 6205}, {2, 1992}, {4, 41370}, {6, 1995}, {7, 31599}, {57, 34490}, {115, 12073}, {351, 35507}, {514, 44317}, {523, 8288}, {650, 11936}, {1383, 43697}, {20382, 23287}, {20383, 24976}, {23297, 30489}, {27085, 36415}, {32069, 42365}
X(574) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {351, 523}
X(574) = internal center of similitude of circumcircle and Moses circle
X(574) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(351)X(523)
X(574) = X(6)-of-2nd-Brocard-triangle
X(574) = perspector of Lucas Brocard and Lucas(-1) Brocard triangles
X(574) = perspector of ABC and inverse-in-Brocard-circle of vertices of circumsymmedial triangle
X(574) = perspector of circumsymmedial triangle and inverse-in-Brocard-circle of A,B,C
X(574) = pole, wrt Brocard circle, of Lemoine axis
X(574) = harmonic center of Gallatly circle and Ehrmann circle
X(574) = homothetic center of circumtangential triangle and unary cofactor triangle of Stammler triangle
X(574) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Lemoine triangle
X(574) = X(6)-of-X(3)PU(1)
X(574) = homothetic center of Kosnita triangle and mid-triangle of inner and outer tri-equilateral triangles
X(574) = {X(15),X(16)}-harmonic conjugate of X(182)
X(574) = {X(1340),X(1341)}-harmonic conjugate of X(6)
X(574) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 598}, {31, 40826}, {75, 1383}, {82, 23297}, {92, 43697}, {661, 35138}, {662, 8599}, {799, 46001}, {811, 30491}, {896, 18818}, {1577, 11636}, {3112, 30489}, {10511, 16568}, {23287, 36085}
X(574) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 36263}, {3, 5094}, {6, 599}, {32, 9464}, {39, 10130}, {67, 10510}, {69, 8541}, {74, 13857}, {99, 17414}, {106, 4141}, {110, 3906}, {111, 39785}, {187, 42008}, {249, 8288}, {512, 9146}, {513, 3908}, {523, 9145}, {524, 42007}, {690, 32583}, {1177, 19510}, {3917, 32581}, {5467, 23288}, {5486, 8542}, {9872, 34898}, {11165, 21448}, {12074, 17436}, {15810, 39389}
X(574) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 40826}, {6, 598}, {32, 1383}, {39, 23297}, {67, 10512}, {110, 35138}, {111, 18818}, {184, 43697}, {351, 23287}, {512, 8599}, {599, 76}, {669, 46001}, {1576, 11636}, {3049, 30491}, {3051, 30489}, {3455, 10511}, {3906, 850}, {3908, 668}, {4141, 3264}, {5094, 264}, {8288, 338}, {8541, 4}, {8542, 11185}, {8586, 8785}, {9145, 99}, {9146, 670}, {9464, 1502}, {9872, 11054}, {10130, 308}, {10510, 316}, {11165, 11059}, {13857, 3260}, {15810, 26235}, {17414, 523}, {19510, 1236}, {32581, 46104}, {32583, 892}, {36263, 75}, {39689, 20380}, {39785, 3266}, {42007, 671}, {42008, 18023}
X(574) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 31421, 1571}, {2, 99, 3734}, {2, 111, 8585}, {2, 671, 7617}, {2, 2549, 115}, {2, 4045, 7913}, {2, 7618, 2482}, {2, 7790, 7844}, {2, 11648, 18362}, {2, 32480, 671}, {2, 43448, 43620}, {3, 6, 187}, {3, 32, 5206}, {3, 39, 32}, {3, 187, 8588}, {3, 1384, 5210}, {3, 3053, 15513}, {3, 3095, 5171}, {3, 5013, 39}, {3, 5024, 6}, {3, 6421, 39654}, {3, 6422, 39655}, {3, 9605, 3053}, {3, 9737, 30270}, {3, 11171, 182}, {3, 11842, 38225}, {3, 13334, 37479}, {3, 14961, 577}, {3, 15655, 5585}, {3, 15815, 37512}, {3, 21309, 15655}, {3, 22121, 18472}, {3, 22332, 5007}, {3, 30435, 5023}, {3, 32447, 2080}, {3, 35002, 3098}, {3, 37512, 15515}, {4, 31401, 1506}, {4, 31415, 43457}, {6, 187, 32}, {6, 1151, 8375}, {6, 1152, 8376}, {6, 1350, 11173}, {6, 1384, 5008}, {6, 3053, 21309}, {6, 5008, 14075}, {6, 5013, 5024}, {6, 5024, 39}, {6, 5092, 5033}, {6, 5210, 1384}, {6, 5585, 3053}, {6, 6200, 9675}, {6, 6443, 6421}, {6, 6444, 6422}, {6, 8375, 5058}, {6, 8376, 5062}, {6, 8586, 576}, {6, 8589, 8588}, {6, 11173, 5052}, {6, 14806, 10979}, {6, 15602, 15515}, {6, 21309, 5007}, {6, 22246, 5041}, {6, 44453, 8586}, {15, 16, 182}, {20, 2548, 7747}, {20, 31400, 2548}, {20, 31450, 9698}, {32, 39, 7772}, {32, 8588, 187}, {32, 14075, 5008}, {32, 15515, 3}, {35, 2275, 2241}, {35, 16784, 10987}, {36, 2276, 2242}, {39, 187, 6}, {39, 5007, 9605}, {39, 5188, 46305}, {39, 5210, 14075}, {39, 8589, 187}, {39, 15513, 5007}, {39, 15515, 5206}, {39, 15602, 8589}, {39, 15815, 15515}, {39, 21163, 2021}, {39, 31652, 5013}, {39, 35007, 5041}, {39, 37512, 3}, {39, 46283, 3095}, {56, 31448, 1500}, {61, 62, 22234}, {69, 34511, 7813}, {76, 7783, 7781}, {76, 7824, 7815}, {99, 15483, 2482}, {115, 2549, 11648}, {140, 5254, 7746}, {140, 43291, 3054}, {141, 6390, 7801}, {165, 9592, 1572}, {182, 3094, 5028}, {182, 5028, 39764}, {182, 9734, 3}, {184, 3269, 39913}, {187, 5008, 1384}, {187, 8588, 5206}, {187, 8589, 3}, {187, 15513, 15655}, {187, 37512, 8589}, {194, 1078, 7751}, {194, 33004, 1078}, {216, 5065, 46432}, {216, 40349, 3}, {230, 15048, 5309}, {315, 7764, 7903}, {315, 32965, 7830}, {316, 7777, 7775}, {325, 7761, 7818}, {325, 8356, 7761}, {371, 372, 575}, {376, 7736, 7737}, {376, 7737, 6781}, {381, 31489, 7603}, {384, 7786, 7808}, {385, 7757, 7798}, {385, 7798, 41748}, {385, 33273, 7771}, {549, 15048, 230}, {550, 31406, 7745}, {566, 5063, 5158}, {570, 14961, 39}, {575, 43141, 43121}, {575, 43144, 43120}, {575, 44496, 6}, {599, 11165, 39785}, {620, 4045, 2}, {626, 7763, 7888}, {626, 7791, 7935}, {631, 3767, 7749}, {631, 7738, 3767}, {1003, 11174, 7804}, {1030, 5069, 16946}, {1151, 1152, 10541}, {1151, 6421, 5058}, {1151, 6443, 6}, {1151, 8406, 26348}, {1152, 6422, 5062}, {1152, 6444, 6}, {1152, 8414, 26341}, {1340, 1341, 6}, {1342, 1343, 39560}, {1376, 31449, 1573}, {1379, 1380, 5104}, {1384, 5008, 32}, {1384, 5210, 187}, {1478, 31497, 31476}, {1505, 9674, 371}, {1506, 7756, 4}, {1506, 43457, 31415}, {1656, 44518, 39565}, {1664, 1665, 5052}, {1670, 1671, 13330}, {1687, 1688, 11842}, {1689, 1690, 11171}, {1975, 3934, 17130}, {1975, 11285, 3934}, {2021, 18860, 5162}, {2022, 35424, 32}, {2028, 2029, 5107}, {2076, 13331, 5039}, {2080, 32447, 576}, {2092, 36743, 5042}, {2275, 10987, 16784}, {2548, 31400, 9698}, {2548, 31450, 31400}, {2549, 43620, 43448}, {2896, 7796, 7896}, {3053, 5007, 32}, {3053, 5013, 22332}, {3053, 5585, 15655}, {3053, 9605, 5007}, {3053, 15655, 187}, {3053, 22332, 9605}, {3054, 5254, 43291}, {3054, 43291, 7746}, {3094, 5116, 182}, {3094, 11171, 39}, {3094, 15815, 9734}, {3094, 39498, 5034}, {3095, 9301, 37517}, {3096, 7836, 7869}, {3098, 9737, 35002}, {3098, 35002, 30270}, {3314, 7799, 7908}, {3314, 7831, 7865}, {3329, 13586, 3972}, {3520, 39575, 1968}, {3524, 7735, 21843}, {3576, 9574, 9620}, {3589, 32459, 8369}, {3734, 15482, 2}, {3767, 7738, 7765}, {3785, 7758, 7826}, {3788, 6656, 7867}, {3926, 7800, 7794}, {3926, 32990, 7800}, {4255, 5021, 20970}, {4256, 5030, 6}, {4261, 5124, 5019}, {5007, 8589, 5585}, {5007, 15513, 3053}, {5013, 5116, 11171}, {5013, 9734, 5028}, {5013, 15515, 7772}, {5013, 15602, 8588}, {5013, 15815, 3}, {5013, 37512, 32}, {5013, 40349, 5065}, {5023, 5041, 32}, {5023, 30435, 35007}, {5024, 8588, 7772}, {5024, 8589, 32}, {5024, 15655, 9605}, {5024, 15815, 8589}, {5024, 37512, 8588}, {5025, 7769, 7862}, {5025, 7847, 7872}, {5034, 8722, 32}, {5038, 8586, 6}, {5038, 44453, 576}, {5041, 35007, 30435}, {5058, 39654, 32}, {5062, 39655, 32}, {5077, 11184, 31173}, {5111, 38225, 10631}, {5171, 37517, 9301}, {5206, 7772, 32}, {5461, 7619, 2}, {5585, 15513, 8588}, {5585, 15655, 15513}, {5585, 21309, 187}, {5585, 22332, 6}, {6141, 6142, 2502}, {6200, 6396, 5092}, {6292, 7863, 7795}, {6337, 7795, 7863}, {6337, 16043, 7795}, {6390, 8359, 141}, {6421, 6422, 10542}, {6421, 8375, 6}, {6421, 10541, 5062}, {6422, 8376, 6}, {6422, 10541, 5058}, {6655, 7752, 7825}, {6683, 7816, 7770}, {6781, 7753, 7737}, {7354, 31460, 9650}, {7735, 7739, 5355}, {7736, 7737, 7753}, {7739, 21843, 7735}, {7747, 9698, 2548}, {7748, 31455, 5}, {7748, 31457, 31455}, {7749, 7765, 3767}, {7757, 7771, 385}, {7760, 43459, 7793}, {7763, 7791, 626}, {7764, 7830, 315}, {7768, 7906, 7916}, {7769, 7847, 5025}, {7773, 33234, 7842}, {7774, 33008, 14907}, {7777, 7833, 316}, {7778, 11287, 7853}, {7780, 32450, 7754}, {7781, 7815, 76}, {7782, 7786, 384}, {7783, 7824, 76}, {7785, 33260, 7802}, {7789, 8362, 7822}, {7793, 33022, 43459}, {7795, 16043, 6292}, {7797, 33259, 7857}, {7799, 7831, 3314}, {7803, 16925, 6680}, {7804, 32456, 1003}, {7804, 44562, 11174}, {7810, 7813, 69}, {7814, 7910, 7885}, {7828, 7864, 7902}, {7832, 7876, 7914}, {7836, 33021, 3096}, {7851, 33233, 7886}, {7862, 7872, 5025}, {7864, 7907, 7828}, {7865, 7908, 3314}, {7870, 7937, 7931}, {7871, 7936, 7939}, {7876, 7891, 7832}, {7879, 32821, 7895}, {7888, 7935, 626}, {7904, 7906, 7768}, {7918, 7940, 7901}, {7923, 33245, 7942}, {7924, 7925, 7934}, {7928, 7947, 7922}, {8400, 26348, 8406}, {8407, 26341, 8414}, {8589, 15602, 37512}, {8589, 31652, 5024}, {9605, 15513, 32}, {9605, 15655, 21309}, {9605, 21309, 6}, {9605, 22332, 39}, {9619, 31422, 40}, {9651, 31501, 12}, {9885, 9886, 7622}, {9888, 15483, 99}, {10631, 11842, 32}, {10987, 16784, 2241}, {11063, 13337, 33872}, {12055, 35002, 39}, {13335, 43183, 32}, {13351, 15109, 571}, {14482, 15698, 46453}, {14630, 22242, 6}, {14631, 22243, 6}, {15602, 31652, 6}, {15655, 21309, 3053}, {15810, 39785, 599}, {15815, 31652, 32}, {18472, 22121, 10316}, {18860, 21163, 3}, {22246, 30435, 6}, {30435, 35007, 32}, {31401, 43619, 31415}, {31415, 43619, 4}, {31467, 44519, 39590}, {31489, 44526, 381}, {31652, 37512, 39}, {32456, 44562, 7804}, {32568, 32575, 43650}, {33215, 34511, 7810}, {39229, 39230, 6}, {41196, 41197, 5158}, {41406, 41407, 41412}, {43448, 43620, 115}
X(575) lies on these lines: 3,6 4,598 5,542 23,51 54,895 110,373 140,524 141,629
X(575) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,576), (6,182)
X(575) = isogonal conjugate of X(7608)
X(575) = Brocard-circle-invertse of X(576)
X(576) lies on these lines: 3,6 4,542 5,524 23,184 140,597 262,385
X(576) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (3,575), (182,6)
X(576) = circumcircle-inverse of X(38225)
X(576) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(575)
X(576) = 2nd-Lemoine-circle-nverse of X(1691)
X(576) = isogonal conjugate of X(7607)
X(576) = {X(61),X(62)}-harmonic conjugate of X(32)
X(576) = pole of Lemoine axis wrt circle {X(371),X(372),PU(1),PU(39)}
X(576) = center of Ehrmann circle
X(576) = X(1) of 2nd Ehrmann triangle if ABC is acute
X(576) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(187)
X(576) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(671)
X(577) lies on these lines: 2,95 3,6 20,393 22,232 30,53 48,603 69,248 112,376 141,441 160,206 172,1038 184,418 198,478 219,906 220,268 264,401 395,466 396,465
X(577) = reflection of X(36426) in X(23583)
X(577) = isogonal conjugate of X(2052)
X(577) = isotomic conjugate of X(18027)
X(577) = complement of X(317)
X(577) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (3,184), (97,3)
X(577) = X(418)-cross conjugate of X(3)
X(577) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,68), (3,394)
X(577) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,393), (6,24), (324,467)
X(577) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(403)X(523)
X(577) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(216)
X(577) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(1147)
X(577) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(1147)
X(577) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(1147)
X(577) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(4)
X(577) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(107)
X(577) = {X(6),X(50)}-harmonic conjugate of X(571)
X(577) = barycentric square of X(3)
X(577) = orthic-to-ABC barycentric image of X(53)
X(577) = antipode of X(36426) in barycentric Euler inellipse
X(577) = circle-{X(371),X(372),PU(1),PU(39)}}-inverse of X(389)
X(577) = {X(371),X(372)}-harmonic conjugate of X(389)
X(577) = homothetic center of [mid-triangle of 1st & 2nd Kenmotu diagonals triangles] and [mid-triangle of orthic and dual of orthic triangles]
Joe Goggins notes (10/1/2008), in connection with the note at X(389), that trilinears for X(578) are sin(A-T) : sin(B-T) : sin(C-T), where tan(T) = - cot A cot B cot C.
Let A'B'C' be the triangle described in ADGEOM #2697 (8/26/2015, Tran Quang Hung). A'B'C' is homothetic to the Euler triangle at X(578). (Randy Hutson, March 14, 2018)
X(578) lies on these lines: 2,1092 3,6 4,54 24,51 49,381 156,546 185,378 436,1093
X(578) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(389)
X(578) = X(12514)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acuteBarycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(579) = s*X(3) - (r + 2R)*cot(ω)*X(6)
X(579) lies on these lines: 1,71 2,7 3,6 19,46 36,48 37,942 40,387 56,219 109,608 165,380 198,218 443,966 474,965 517,1108
X(579) = isogonal conjugate of X(1751)
X(579) = X(27)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(579) = crosssum of X(11) and X(652)
X(579) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(523)X(663)
X(579) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(284)
X(580) lies on these lines: 1,201 2,283 3,6 31,40 34,46 36,54 57,255 162,412 165,601 223,603 238,946 517,595
X(580) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(581)
X(580) = X(270)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(580) = crosspoint of X(59) and X(162)
X(580) = crosssum of X(11) and X(656)
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C): (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin C)f(C,A,B)
X(581) lies on these lines: 1,4 3,6 35,47 40,42 81,411 84,941 222,1035 936,966 947,1036 995,1104
X(581) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(580)
X(581) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C): (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin C)f(C,A,B)
X(582) lies on these lines: 3,6 212,942 283,474 517,602
X(582) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(500)
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(583) = s*X(3) + (r - 3R)*cot(ω)*X(6)
X(583) lies on these lines: 3,6 37,38 44,992 71,1100 518,1009
X(583) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(584)
Barycentrics af(a,b,c) : bf(b,c,a) : cf(c,a,b)
X(584) = s*X(3) + (r + 3R)*cot(ω)*X(6)
X(584) lies on these lines: 3,6 37,41 42,560 48,354
X(584) = inverse-in-Brocard-circle of X(583)
X(585) lies on this line: 8,192
For a discussion, see Floor van Lamoen, "Vierkanten in een driehoek: 5. Gekrompen ingeschreven vierkanten"
X(585) = {X(8),X(192)}-harmonic conjugate of X(586)X(586) lies on this line: 8,192
For a discussion, see Floor van Lamoen, "Vierkanten in een driehoek: 5. Gekrompen ingeschreven vierkanten"
X(586) = {X(8),X(192)}-harmonic conjugate of X(585)
X(587) lies on this line: 2,92
X(588) is the perspector of triangles ABC and A'B'C', where A' is the circumcenter of X(371) and the points where the squares in the Kenmotu configuration with center X(371) meet sideline BC, and B' and C' are defined cyclically. See
Floor van Lamoen, Some concurrences from Tucker hexagons, Forum Geometricorum 2 (2002) 5-13.
X(588) is the homothetic center of triangle ABC and the Lucas(2:1) homothetic triangle; see X(371) and X(589). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A'B'C' be the Lucas central triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C'; define B″ and C″ cyclically. Let A* be the trilinear pole of line B″C″; define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(588). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2015)
X(588) lies on this line: 39,589
X(588) = isogonal conjugate of X(590)
X(588) = cevapoint of X(6) and X(371)
X(588) = X(1994)-cross conjugate of X(589)
X(589) is the perspector of triangles ABC and A'B'C', where A' is the circumcenter of X(372) and the points where the squares in the Kenmotu configuration with center X(372) meet sideline BC, and B' and C' are defined cyclically. See the reference at X(588).
X(588) is the homothetic center of triangle ABC and the Lucas(-2:1) homothetic triangle; see X(371) and X(588). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A'B'C' be the Lucas(-1) central triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C'; define B″ and C″ cyclically. Let A* be the trilinear pole of line B″C″; define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(589). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2015)
X(589) lies on this line: 39,588
X(589) = isogonal conjugate of X(615)
X(589) = cevapoint of X(6) and X(372)
X(589) = X(1994)-cross conjugate of X(588)
X(590) = isogonal conjugate of X(588)
X(590) = complement of X(492)
X(590) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(485)
X(590) = crosssum of X(6) and X(371)
X(590) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(641)
X(590) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(641)
X(590) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(641)
X(590) = homothetic center of outer Vecten and 3rd tri-squares triangles
X(590) = homothetic center of [outer Vecten of outer Vecten triangle] and pedal triangle of X(1151)
Erect squares outwardly on the sides of triangle ABC. Two edges emanate from A; let P and Q be their endpoints. Let a' be the perpendicular bisector of PQ, and define b' and c' cyclically. Then a', b', c' concur in X(591). See also X(1991). (Floor van Lamoen, 1/4/2001, Hyacinthos #2123)
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(591) and X(1991); the label changes with the slider position..
X(591) lies on the curve Q088 and these lines: {2, 6}, {3, 32419}, {4, 26288}, {30, 9733}, {32, 42009}, {53, 55479}, {76, 54503}, {115, 13927}, {315, 12969}, {372, 754}, {376, 12305}, {381, 6250}, {428, 45400}, {486, 42024}, {488, 3071}, {489, 6410}, {490, 23261}, {511, 49327}, {519, 45713}, {527, 60888}, {528, 48703}, {530, 49305}, {531, 49307}, {532, 49335}, {533, 49333}, {538, 3102}, {539, 49321}, {541, 49313}, {542, 49309}, {543, 49311}, {549, 43119}, {551, 45398}, {637, 1152}, {638, 42262}, {639, 3312}, {640, 13951}, {641, 3311}, {732, 49231}, {1132, 54502}, {1151, 45508}, {1160, 36733}, {1267, 17365}, {1327, 60223}, {1328, 42023}, {1350, 45510}, {1351, 45554}, {1505, 7818}, {1587, 23311}, {1588, 26619}, {1651, 45446}, {3053, 35306}, {3058, 45470}, {3095, 13692}, {3241, 45476}, {3524, 26289}, {3534, 49363}, {3564, 9757}, {3592, 39387}, {3594, 7389}, {3679, 45426}, {3734, 13763}, {3785, 19443}, {3788, 45514}, {3830, 45375}, {3845, 45438}, {3933, 44648}, {3946, 49621}, {4363, 56385}, {4399, 32794}, {4421, 45416}, {4643, 5405}, {5026, 13760}, {5054, 41491}, {5062, 41750}, {5391, 17362}, {5406, 13428}, {5420, 55040}, {5434, 45404}, {5485, 14226}, {5490, 54625}, {5874, 61096}, {6033, 49312}, {6214, 36726}, {6231, 6321}, {6278, 36714}, {6280, 6399}, {6351, 17390}, {6352, 17332}, {6390, 11157}, {6396, 47101}, {6409, 43134}, {6419, 7764}, {6420, 7759}, {6421, 11287}, {6424, 11288}, {6426, 11293}, {6463, 33272}, {6560, 44678}, {6561, 13712}, {6565, 18546}, {6748, 55474}, {6811, 11477}, {6813, 15069}, {7228, 32793}, {7618, 53130}, {7751, 11314}, {7775, 35822}, {7780, 11316}, {7811, 45434}, {7838, 45515}, {8182, 13835}, {8414, 52045}, {8716, 35949}, {8754, 32587}, {9530, 49315}, {9732, 48772}, {9739, 49086}, {9892, 49368}, {9894, 13708}, {9909, 45428}, {10056, 45490}, {10072, 45492}, {10607, 13430}, {11165, 13701}, {11194, 45436}, {11207, 45430}, {11208, 45432}, {11235, 45454}, {11236, 45456}, {11237, 45458}, {11238, 45460}, {11239, 45494}, {11240, 45496}, {11898, 45555}, {11917, 48778}, {12150, 45402}, {12152, 45467}, {12153, 45464}, {12221, 26617}, {12222, 42273}, {12322, 42259}, {12323, 42270}, {12963, 35297}, {12968, 35953}, {13678, 33457}, {13789, 49263}, {13850, 18362}, {13873, 14645}, {14233, 49038}, {17243, 30412}, {17363, 32792}, {17364, 32791}, {18586, 34509}, {18587, 34508}, {19408, 44633}, {22723, 24256}, {23251, 43133}, {26468, 45862}, {26615, 43257}, {28194, 49323}, {29617, 32802}, {32797, 49727}, {32798, 50098}, {32801, 50128}, {33210, 53483}, {33456, 42284}, {34511, 55041}, {35549, 45806}, {37350, 49262}, {38747, 45498}, {42035, 54538}, {42036, 54535}, {42215, 51123}, {42283, 58803}, {43569, 60224}, {44526, 53515}, {45345, 45696}, {45347, 45697}, {45412, 45698}, {45415, 45699}, {45422, 45700}, {45424, 45701}, {47102, 53131}, {54505, 60194}, {54506, 60300}
X(591) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 5860}, {4, 26288}, {1160, 36733}, {49311, 49367}
X(591) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 41490}, {1991, 2}, {36733, 48466}, {49311, 50719}, {49368, 9892}
X(591) = isotomic conjugate of X(60195)
X(591) = complement of X(5861)
X(591) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(41445)
X(591) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(60208)
X(591) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(9675)
X(591) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {41445, 10}, {60208, 2887}
X(591) = X(31)-isoconjugate of X(60195)
X(591) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 60195}, {591, 5861}
X(591) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(60208)
X(591) = perspector of inner Vecten triangle and outer Vecten of outer Vecten triangle
X(591) = centroid of {Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb} used in construction of 4th Lozada circle
X(591) = barycentric product X(76)*X(9675)
X(591) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 60195}, {9675, 6}
X(591) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 1992, 32787}, {2, 11160, 32811}, {2, 13757, 13847}, {2, 13759, 19053}, {2, 13847, 13783}, {2, 19053, 597}, {2, 32787, 13663}, {2, 32808, 599}, {2, 45420, 13846}, {2, 45421, 6}, {2, 62987, 45421}, {6, 492, 45472}, {6, 9766, 1991}, {69, 615, 45473}, {69, 13468, 1991}, {193, 32805, 590}, {395, 396, 62202}, {492, 5860, 9766}, {492, 13758, 44390}, {492, 45421, 2}, {492, 62987, 6}, {599, 8667, 1991}, {599, 13757, 13783}, {599, 13847, 2}, {615, 44394, 37637}, {1270, 3069, 141}, {3631, 45872, 5591}, {3830, 45375, 49361}, {5590, 7586, 3589}, {5591, 13941, 45872}, {5591, 32814, 3631}, {5858, 9761, 1991}, {5859, 9763, 1991}, {5860, 13757, 8667}, {5862, 33474, 1991}, {5863, 33475, 1991}, {6144, 8253, 62986}, {6189, 6190, 44366}, {6289, 45488, 45440}, {7585, 26340, 32455}, {7585, 26361, 45871}, {7610, 15533, 1991}, {7774, 45421, 15534}, {7778, 44390, 45472}, {8252, 40341, 491}, {8584, 9770, 1991}, {9733, 49355, 13748}, {9740, 50991, 1991}, {9771, 63064, 1991}, {11184, 15534, 1991}, {13663, 45473, 44393}, {13712, 22484, 6561}, {13757, 32808, 2}, {13846, 15534, 45420}, {13847, 15534, 22329}, {13941, 32814, 5591}, {15597, 50992, 1991}, {22165, 63029, 1991}, {26340, 26361, 7585}, {32455, 45871, 7585}, {32807, 62986, 8253}, {37640, 37641, 61322}, {39022, 39023, 44393}, {44393, 62201, 13663}, {45713, 49347, 49329}
Let P be the point where the line through X(6) parallel to line CA meets line BC, and let Q be the point where the line through X(6) parallel to line AB meets line BC. Let X = X(182), and let A' be the circumcenter of the triangle PQX. Define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(592). (Floor van Lamoen, 1/4/01)
Let O(A) be the circle tangent to line BC and to the circumcircle of triangle ABC at vertex A. Let AB and AC be where O(A) meets lines AB and AC, respectively. Let L(A) be the line joining AB and AC, and define L(B) and L(C) cyclically. Let A' be where L(B) and L(C) meet, and define B' and C' cyclically. Then triangle A'B'C' is homothetic to triangle ABC, and the center of homothety is X(593). See Antreas Hatzipolakis, Paul Yiu, Hyacinthos #2070.
X(593) lies on these lines: 2,261 31,110 36,58 81,757 115,1029 229,1104
X(593) = isogonal conjugate of X(594)
X(593) = isotomic conjugate of X(28654)
X(593) = anticomplement of complementary conjugate of X(17045)
X(593) = barycentric square of X(81)
Let A'B'C' be the Feuerbach triangle. Let La be the tangent to the nine-point circle at A', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. La, Lb, Lc are also tangent to the Steiner inellipse. Let A″, B″, C″ be the respective touchpoints. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(594). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
For a construction of X(594), see Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, "On A Simple Construction of Triangle Centers X(8), X(197), X(K) & X(594)", Scientific Inquiry and Review, Vol. 2, Issue 3, July 2018.
X(594) lies on these lines: 6,8 7,599 9,80 10,37 45,346 53,318 75,141 100,1030 210,430 220,281 313,321 319,524 519,1100 572,952 762,1089
X(594) = midpoint of X(319) and X(894)
X(594) = isogonal conjugate of X(593)
X(594) = isotomic conjugate of X(1509)
X(594) = anticomplement of X(17045)
X(594) = crosspoint of X(10) and X(321)
X(594) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,595), (58,1333)
X(594) = barycentric square of X(10)
X(594) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 19
X(594) = barycentric product of vertices of Gemini triangle 26
X(594) = {X(6),X(8)}-harmonic conjugate of X(17362)
X(594) = {X(3661),X(3662)}-harmonic conjugate of X(17228)
Let O(A) be the circle tangent to line BC and to the circumcircle of triangle ABC at vertex A, and define O(B) and O(C) cyclically. X(595) is the radical center of O(A), O(B), O(C).
See Antreas Hatzipolakis, Paul Yiu, Hyacinthos #2070
See Antreas Hatzipolakis and Paul Yiu, Hyacinthos 2070.
X(595) lies on these lines: 1,21 3,995 10,82 32,101 35,902 40,602 46,614 55,386 56,106 110,849 171,1125 387,390 517,580
X(595) = isogonal conjugate of X(596)
X(595) = crosssum of X(244) and X(523)
X(595) = Vu tangential transform of X(1)
X(595) = {X(1),X(31)}-harmonic conjugate of X(58)
X(596) lies on these lines: 10,38 37,39 58,82 65,519 244,1089
X(596) = isogonal conjugate of X(595)
X(596) = anticomplement of X(4075)
X(596) = perspector of ABC and the reflection of the incentral triangle in X(1125)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the antipedal triangle of X(2) and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(597) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(597) lies on these lines: 2,6 5,542 30,182 39,1084 83,671 140,576 373,2854 511,549 518,551
X(597) = midpoint of X(2) and X(6)
X(597) = reflection of X(141) in X(2)
X(597) = isogonal conjugate of X(39389)
X(597) = complement of X(599)
X(597) = crosssum of X(6) and X(574)
X(597) = circumcenter of the pedal triangle of X(2)
X(597) = circumcenter of the pedal triangle of X(6)
X(597) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(598)
X(597) = centroid of pedal triangle of X(182)
X(597) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(512)X(5104)
X(597) = centroid of set consisting of the interiors (with or without boundaries) of the power circles
X(597) = {X(395),X(396)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3815)
X(597) = harmonic center of circles O(13,15) and O(14,16)
X(597) = center of Lemoine ellipse
X(597) = X(5)-of-anti-Artzt-triangle
X(597) = {X(2),X(1992)}-harmonic conjugate of X(599)
The Lemoine ellipse is the ellipse inscribed in triangle ABC having X(2) and X(6) as foci. Let A' be where this ellipse meets sideline BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. Then triangles ABC and A'B'C' are perspective, and their perspector is X(598). (Bernard Gibert, 1/5/01, Hyacinthos #2334)
X(598) lies on these lines: 2,187 4,575 6,671 30,262 76,524 98,381
X(598) = isogonal conjugate of X(574)
X(598) = isotomic conjugate of X(599)
X(598) = cyclocevian conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(38402)
X(598) = trilinear pole of line X(351)X(523) (the Euler line of the 1st and 2nd Parry triangles)
X(598) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(5094)
X(598) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(5094)
X(598) = perspector of ABC and anti-Artzt triangle
X(598) = X(262)-of-anti-Artzt-triangle
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the Artzt triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(599) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the antipedal triangle of X(6) and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(599) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(599) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,67 7,594 8,1086 76,338 340,458 381,511
X(599) = midpoint of X(2) and X(69)
X(599) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (2,141), (6,2)
X(599) = isogonal conjugate of X(1383)
X(599) = isotomic conjugate of X(598)
X(599) = complement of X(1992)
X(599) = anticomplement of X(597)
X(599) = crosssum of X(6) and X(1384)
X(599) = X(671) of 1st Brocard triangle
X(599) = Artzt-to-McCay similarity image of X(99)
X(599) = X(3)-of-anti-Artzt-triangle
X(599) = X(6)-of-X(2)-anti-altimedial triangle
X(599) = 1st-Brocard-isogonal conjugate of X(5026)
X(599) = 1st-Brocard-isotomic conjugate of X(543)
X(599) = center of pedal circle of X(2) wrt anticomplementary triangle
X(599) = {X(2),X(1992)}-harmonic conjugate of X(597)
Let OA be the circle with center A and radius R, the circumradius of triangle ABC. Let BA be the point where OA meets line AB farthest from B. Define CB and AC cyclically. Let CA be the point where OA meets line AC farthest from C. Define AB and BC cyclically. X(600) is the radical center of the circles ABACA, BCBAB, CACBC. If "farthest from" is changed to "nearest to" in the construction, the resulting point is X(5507). (Antreas Hatzipolakis, Paul Yiu, 1/5/01, Hyacinthos #2344, #2346-8; for a correction in coordinates, see Paul Yiu, Adgeom #202.)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(600).
X(600) lies on this line: 4640,5507.
GeoGebra file by René Drucker: X(601)
X(601) lies on these lines: 1,104 3,31 4,171 5,750 35,47 40,58 41,906 55,255 140,748 165,580 201,920 371,606 372,605 774,1060 912,976 999,1106
X(602) lies on these lines: 1,201 3,31 4,238 5,748 36,47 40,595 56,255 140,750 171,631 371,605 372,606 517,582 774,1062
X(603) lies on these lines: 1,104 3,73 6,1035 12,750 28,34 31,56 33,84 36,47 41,911 48,577 63,201 77,283 171,388 223,580 404,651
X(603) = isogonal conjugate of X(318)
X(603) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (58,56), (222,48)
X(603) = X(184)-cross conjugate of X(48)
X(603) = crosspoint of X(57) and X(77)
X(603) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,1158), (9,33)
X(603) = crossdifference of every pair of points on radical axis of Mandart circle and excircles radical circle
X(603) = X(4)-isoconjugate of X(8)
X(603) = X(9)-isoconjugate of X(92)
X(604) lies on these lines: 1,572 6,41 19,909 31,184 32,1106 36,573 57,77 65,1100 109,739 219,672 608,1042
X(604) = isogonal conjugate of X(312)
X(604) = isotomic conjugate of X(28659)
X(604) = complement of X(21286)
X(604) = anticomplement of X(21244)
X(604) = X(56)-Ceva conjugate of X(31)
X(604) = X(32)-cross conjugate of X(31)
X(604) = crosspoint of X(34) and X(57)
X(604) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,329), (8,346), (9,78), (306,321)
X(604) = X(75)-isoconjugate of X(9)
X(604) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(78)
X(604) = perspector of ABC and extraversion triangle of X(41)
X(604) = trilinear product of PU(48)
X(604) = barycentric product of PU(92)
X(604) = barycentric square of X(266)
X(604) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 13
X(605) lies on these lines: 6,31 371,602 372,601 590,748 615,750
X(605) = isogonal conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(3083)
X(605) = isogonal conjugate of polar conjugate of X(6212)
X(605) = isogonal conjugate of complement of X(37881)
X(605) = isogonal conjugate of anticomplement of X(40651)
X(606) lies on these lines: 6,31 371,601 372,602 590,750 615,748
X(606) = isogonal conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(3084)
X(606) = isogonal conjugate of polar conjugate of X(6213)
X(607) lies on these lines: 1,949 4,218 6,19 8,29 9,1039 25,41 28,1002 33,210 56,911 92,239 213,1096 227,910 240,611
X(607) is the {X(6),X(19)}-harmonic conjugate of X(608). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(607), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(607) = isogonal conjugate of X(348)
X(607) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (19,25), (281,55)
X(607) = X(213)-cross conjugate of X(41)
X(607) = crosspoint of X(19) and X(33)
X(607) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,347), (63,77), (307,1214)
X(608) is the vertex conjugate of the foci of the inconic that is the polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of the incircle. (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(608) lies on these lines: 6,19 7,27 9,1041 25,31 28,959 92,894 108,739 109,579 193,651 223,380 240,613 571,913 604,1042
X(608) is the {X(6),X(19)}-harmonic conjugate of X(607). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(608), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(608) = isogonal conjugate of X(345)
X(608) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (34,25), (278,56)
X(608) = crosssum of X(219) and X(1259)
X(608) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1259)
X(609) lies on these lines: 1,32 6,36 31,101 33,112 41,58 251,614 995,1055
Barycentrics a(area - a2 cot A) : b(area - b2 cot B) : c(area - c2 cot C)
X(610) lies on these lines: 1,19 3,9 6,57 40,219 71,165 159,197 169,572 281,515 326,662
X(610) = isogonal conjugate of X(2184)
X(610) = X(63)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(610) = X(204)-cross conjugate of X(1)
X(610) = X(2165)-of-excentral-triangle
X(611) lies on these lines: 1,6 55,511 56,182 141,498 240,607 394,612
X(612) is the homothetic center of the incentral triangle and the Ayme triangle; see X(3610).
X(612) lies on these lines: 1,2 6,210 9,31 12,34 19,25 21,989 22,35 38,57 63,171 165,990 394,611 404,988 495,1060 518,940
X(612) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(649)X(905)
X(612) = trilinear product X(33)*X(1038)
X(612) = trilinear product X(55)*X(388)
X(613) lies on these lines: 1,6 55,182 56,511 141,499 222,982 240,608 394,614 496,1069
X(614) lies on these lines: 1,2 6,354 9,38 11,33 21,988 22,36 25,34 31,57 46,595 63,238 106,998 165,902 251,609 269,479 278,1096 305,350 394,613 496,1062 497,1040 968,1001 1616,3057
X(614) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,269), (28,86)
X(614) = crosssum of X(42) and X(72)
X(614) = trilinear product X(34)*X(1040)
X(614) = trilinear product X(56)*X(497)
X(615) lies on these lines: 1,3300 2,6 3,486 4,1152 5,372 32,639 39,641 140,371 605,750 606,748
X(615) = isogonal conjugate of X(589)
X(615) = complement of X(491)
X(615) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(486)
X(615) = crosssum of X(6) and X(372)
X(615) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(642)
X(615) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(642)
X(615) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(642)
X(615) = homothetic center of inner Vecten and 4th tri-squares triangles
X(615) = homothetic center of [outer Vecten of inner Vecten triangle] and pedal triangle of X(1152)
Centers X(616)-X(642)
SA = (b2 + c2 - a2)/2 SB = (c2 + a2 - b2)/2 SC = (a2 + b2 - c2)/2
F(13) = a csc(A + π/3) + b csc(B + π/3) + c csc(C + π/3)
F(14) = a csc(A - π/3) + b csc(B - π/3) + c csc(C - π/3)
These are based on trilinears for the isogonic centers, X(13) and X(14). In like manner, F(i) is defined for i = 15, 16, 17, 18, 61,
Using this notation, we have, for example,
X(616) = F(13)/a - 2 csc(A + π/3) : F(13)/b - 2 csc(B + π/3) : F(13)/c - 2 csc(C + π/3)
X(617) = F(14)/a - 2 csc(A - π/3) : F(14)/b - 2 csc(B - π/3) : F(14)/c - 2 csc(C - π/3)
Trilinears of this sort are given below at X(i) for these i: 616-619, 621-624, 627-630, and 633-636.
The midpoint of X(616) and X(617) is the Steiner point, X(99).
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the outer Napoleon triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(616) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(616) lies on the Kiepert circumhyperbola of the anticomplementary triangle, the cubics K001, K046a, K066b, K264a, K438a, K753, K860, K867b, K1053a, the curves Q051, Q072, Q074, and these lines: {1, 8482}, {2, 13}, {3, 299}, {4, 627}, {5, 13103}, {6, 11299}, {8, 12781}, {10, 9901}, {14, 148}, {15, 532}, {18, 33412}, {20, 633}, {22, 9916}, {30, 298}, {32, 37172}, {62, 51860}, {63, 1276}, {69, 74}, {76, 54484}, {98, 60253}, {100, 12337}, {115, 11489}, {140, 59383}, {141, 11300}, {145, 7975}, {147, 5978}, {193, 51200}, {194, 3104}, {302, 381}, {303, 549}, {388, 12942}, {395, 5254}, {396, 19780}, {397, 11307}, {399, 8491}, {484, 8501}, {485, 35753}, {486, 35754}, {487, 52400}, {488, 52399}, {489, 2043}, {490, 2044}, {491, 36437}, {492, 36455}, {497, 12952}, {524, 35931}, {531, 8591}, {533, 36967}, {543, 22512}, {599, 35932}, {619, 6778}, {623, 36969}, {631, 6771}, {635, 42158}, {636, 5237}, {671, 43543}, {1138, 5675}, {1157, 8495}, {1263, 8438}, {1270, 6268}, {1271, 6270}, {1605, 34009}, {1656, 20252}, {1992, 51012}, {2076, 35917}, {2132, 8535}, {2133, 5679}, {2782, 6773}, {2896, 3642}, {2902, 11126}, {2925, 14369}, {2975, 22773}, {3065, 8434}, {3068, 49208}, {3069, 49209}, {3085, 10062}, {3086, 10078}, {3090, 16001}, {3091, 5478}, {3096, 43481}, {3146, 36961}, {3241, 50849}, {3434, 12922}, {3436, 12932}, {3441, 8530}, {3448, 36246}, {3465, 8500}, {3466, 8435}, {3481, 8497}, {3484, 8531}, {3522, 41020}, {3523, 21156}, {3524, 51388}, {3525, 20415}, {3534, 33611}, {3543, 41042}, {3545, 25154}, {3589, 59410}, {3616, 11705}, {3648, 5699}, {3679, 50847}, {3830, 33613}, {3832, 59393}, {4048, 35918}, {4240, 12793}, {5318, 44383}, {5321, 33459}, {5334, 6782}, {5460, 41135}, {5464, 52695}, {5470, 6670}, {5472, 11488}, {5552, 49144}, {5601, 12472}, {5602, 12473}, {5613, 9736}, {5624, 8445}, {5667, 8490}, {5668, 8452}, {5673, 7326}, {5681, 8431}, {5858, 33627}, {5859, 11480}, {5862, 33622}, {5981, 11177}, {5983, 21157}, {6194, 25183}, {6321, 59396}, {6462, 12990}, {6463, 12991}, {6671, 16267}, {6694, 42990}, {6772, 7739}, {6774, 14651}, {6775, 43449}, {6777, 20094}, {7164, 8508}, {7165, 8483}, {7327, 8524}, {7328, 8525}, {7329, 8507}, {7492, 13859}, {7585, 19074}, {7586, 19073}, {7684, 54138}, {7784, 11303}, {7787, 12205}, {7795, 37173}, {7799, 36755}, {7809, 11133}, {7865, 22513}, {7898, 34540}, {8173, 8446}, {8174, 8479}, {8182, 9885}, {8439, 8441}, {8444, 16883}, {8451, 8471}, {8456, 8477}, {8462, 8478}, {8486, 8514}, {8487, 8520}, {8493, 8515}, {8494, 8522}, {8703, 33609}, {8972, 13917}, {9112, 41408}, {9143, 35314}, {9166, 31695}, {9742, 9749}, {9761, 53443}, {10409, 30485}, {10527, 49143}, {10528, 13105}, {10529, 13107}, {10617, 62232}, {10645, 40901}, {10723, 41060}, {11001, 33610}, {11160, 51011}, {11289, 42148}, {11290, 22238}, {11295, 16940}, {11297, 11486}, {11301, 42974}, {11302, 42115}, {11308, 36843}, {11481, 53430}, {11645, 51016}, {12188, 47611}, {12214, 54297}, {13083, 22494}, {13172, 22507}, {13188, 36993}, {13941, 13982}, {14136, 42998}, {14144, 36776}, {14683, 37752}, {14921, 33498}, {14922, 41472}, {15300, 36331}, {15454, 19777}, {15682, 33608}, {15702, 32907}, {15928, 46471}, {16241, 34509}, {16529, 30560}, {16530, 40694}, {16644, 53452}, {16645, 22847}, {16808, 50859}, {16964, 22114}, {18581, 23005}, {19106, 21359}, {19107, 33625}, {19708, 33612}, {19779, 37848}, {20253, 38732}, {20425, 52648}, {22113, 36782}, {22493, 42430}, {22495, 45879}, {22511, 42149}, {22578, 47866}, {22580, 59373}, {22601, 32492}, {22630, 32495}, {22844, 42157}, {22846, 33415}, {23025, 31168}, {25156, 37835}, {26394, 48456}, {26418, 48457}, {26494, 49374}, {26503, 49373}, {27551, 44010}, {30472, 48656}, {31145, 50848}, {31683, 42128}, {31710, 43404}, {32037, 52204}, {33413, 47518}, {33474, 43101}, {33475, 42500}, {33560, 40334}, {33624, 42529}, {34508, 36970}, {35304, 37786}, {36324, 49807}, {36346, 49856}, {36368, 49855}, {36762, 47868}, {36763, 47855}, {36764, 47857}, {36772, 47863}, {36958, 47068}, {36995, 44461}, {37351, 42913}, {37352, 42118}, {37825, 52689}, {38412, 43540}, {40341, 42626}, {41019, 47853}, {41751, 61318}, {42035, 43541}, {42062, 43554}, {43542, 60273}, {44015, 49953}, {44250, 48876}, {45508, 48722}, {45509, 48723}, {49863, 49910}, {49879, 49922}, {50977, 51018}, {51171, 59409}, {53428, 62199}, {53458, 62198}, {54562, 60252}
X(616) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {5463, 35751}, {35750, 51482}
X(616) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 51114}, {2, 5463}, {4, 5617}, {6, 51159}, {8, 12781}, {13, 618}, {14, 32553}, {20, 5473}, {69, 51010}, {145, 7975}, {147, 61634}, {148, 14}, {193, 51200}, {298, 52194}, {599, 51202}, {617, 99}, {621, 298}, {622, 5979}, {628, 14145}, {1992, 51012}, {3146, 36961}, {3180, 15}, {3181, 22998}, {3241, 50849}, {3543, 41042}, {3679, 50847}, {4240, 12793}, {5318, 44383}, {5459, 36768}, {5463, 36769}, {6770, 3}, {6778, 619}, {8591, 9116}, {9901, 10}, {10653, 22687}, {10723, 41060}, {11160, 51011}, {12188, 47611}, {13103, 5}, {14683, 37752}, {20425, 52650}, {22113, 36782}, {22495, 45879}, {22578, 47866}, {31145, 50848}, {33440, 6302}, {33441, 6306}, {35749, 51482}, {35752, 5459}, {36969, 623}, {37786, 35304}, {43540, 38412}, {48656, 51872}, {49034, 49305}, {49035, 49306}, {51482, 2}, {51484, 35931}, {51485, 8595}, {54138, 7684}
X(616) = isogonal conjugate of X(3440)
X(616) = isotomic conjugate of X(19776)
X(616) = anticomplement of X(13)
X(616) = circumcircle-inverse of X(14368)
X(616) = orthoptic-circle-of-the-Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of X(5979)
X(616) = circumcircle-of-inner-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(618)
X(616) = circumcircle-of-outer-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(624)
X(616) = antigonal image of X(39132)
X(616) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(15)
X(616) = anticomplement of the isotomic conjugate of X(298)
X(616) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(40578)
X(616) = anticomplementary isogonal conjugate of X(621)
X(616) = psi-transform of X(619)
X(616) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 621}, {15, 8}, {31, 3180}, {48, 19772}, {163, 23870}, {298, 6327}, {470, 21270}, {1094, 616}, {1101, 35314}, {2148, 11127}, {2151, 2}, {2153, 16770}, {2154, 37779}, {2159, 11078}, {2307, 36929}, {3384, 634}, {6137, 21221}, {6149, 617}, {8739, 5905}, {17402, 7192}, {23870, 21294}, {34394, 192}, {35198, 628}, {36072, 54027}, {39152, 52367}, {44688, 3436}, {44718, 4329}, {46077, 5080}, {46112, 6360}, {51806, 622}
X(616) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {30, 617}, {298, 2}, {621, 628}, {52194, 627}, {54556, 621}
X(616) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {74, 8535}, {15768, 40578}, {40578, 2}
X(616) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3440}, {31, 19776}, {2151, 40158}
X(616) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 19776}, {3, 3440}, {15, 46060}, {618, 34296}, {40578, 40158}
X(616) = crosspoint of X(99) and X(57579)
X(616) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {6137, 14398}
X(616) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {75, 19298}, {298, 40578}, {14922, 39132}, {15768, 40707}
X(616) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 19776}, {6, 3440}, {13, 40158}, {396, 34296}, {15768, 396}, {19298, 1}, {40578, 13}, {40580, 46060}
X(616) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 35750, 35749}, {2, 35751, 35750}, {2, 51482, 59378}, {3, 634, 628}, {5, 13103, 59394}, {13, 618, 2}, {13, 5463, 618}, {13, 22489, 35019}, {13, 36770, 6669}, {16, 3643, 2}, {69, 376, 617}, {74, 6148, 617}, {141, 42943, 11300}, {618, 6669, 36770}, {624, 16242, 2}, {1272, 12383, 617}, {1494, 16163, 617}, {2992, 14368, 628}, {3098, 7811, 617}, {5463, 6779, 22687}, {5463, 22489, 36767}, {5463, 35750, 59378}, {5478, 36765, 3091}, {5979, 5980, 2}, {6115, 23006, 5335}, {6302, 6306, 5463}, {6669, 36770, 2}, {6772, 9115, 37641}, {7811, 11128, 69}, {11006, 45772, 617}, {11078, 11131, 2}, {12942, 18974, 388}, {12952, 13076, 497}, {13084, 50858, 2}, {14907, 54173, 617}, {16530, 46855, 40694}, {20425, 52650, 59397}, {32833, 46264, 617}, {33440, 33441, 2}, {35019, 47865, 13}, {35749, 59378, 51482}, {35751, 36769, 2}, {35752, 36768, 2}, {36766, 47859, 18582}, {36767, 47865, 2}, {40334, 42973, 33560}, {40709, 41887, 2}, {47363, 47364, 624}, {51898, 51899, 617}
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the inner Napoleon triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(617) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(617) lies on the Kiepert circumhyperbola of the anticomplementary triangle, the cubics K001, K046b, K066a, K264b, K438b, K753, K860, K867a, K1053b, the curves Q051, Q072, Q074, and these lines: {1, 8481}, {2, 14}, {3, 298}, {4, 628}, {5, 13102}, {6, 11300}, {8, 12780}, {10, 9900}, {13, 148}, {16, 533}, {17, 33413}, {20, 634}, {22, 9915}, {30, 299}, {32, 37173}, {61, 51860}, {63, 1277}, {69, 74}, {76, 54485}, {98, 60252}, {100, 12336}, {115, 11488}, {140, 59384}, {141, 11299}, {145, 7974}, {147, 5979}, {193, 51203}, {194, 3105}, {302, 549}, {303, 381}, {388, 12941}, {395, 19781}, {396, 5254}, {398, 11308}, {399, 8492}, {484, 8502}, {485, 35850}, {486, 35851}, {487, 52399}, {488, 52400}, {489, 2044}, {490, 2043}, {491, 36455}, {492, 36437}, {497, 12951}, {524, 35932}, {530, 8591}, {532, 36968}, {543, 22513}, {599, 35931}, {618, 6777}, {624, 36970}, {631, 6774}, {635, 5238}, {636, 42157}, {671, 43542}, {1138, 5674}, {1157, 8496}, {1263, 8437}, {1270, 6269}, {1271, 6271}, {1606, 34008}, {1656, 20253}, {1992, 51015}, {2076, 35918}, {2132, 8536}, {2133, 5678}, {2782, 6770}, {2896, 3643}, {2903, 11127}, {2926, 14368}, {2975, 22774}, {3065, 8433}, {3068, 49210}, {3069, 49211}, {3085, 10061}, {3086, 10077}, {3090, 16002}, {3091, 5479}, {3096, 43482}, {3146, 36962}, {3241, 50852}, {3434, 12921}, {3436, 12931}, {3440, 8528}, {3448, 36247}, {3465, 8499}, {3466, 8436}, {3481, 8498}, {3484, 8529}, {3522, 41021}, {3523, 21157}, {3524, 51387}, {3525, 20416}, {3534, 33610}, {3543, 41043}, {3545, 25164}, {3564, 44250}, {3616, 11706}, {3648, 5700}, {3679, 50850}, {3830, 33612}, {3832, 59395}, {4048, 35917}, {4240, 12792}, {5318, 33458}, {5321, 44382}, {5335, 6783}, {5459, 41135}, {5463, 52695}, {5469, 6669}, {5471, 11489}, {5552, 49146}, {5601, 12470}, {5602, 12471}, {5617, 9735}, {5623, 8455}, {5667, 8489}, {5669, 8462}, {5672, 7325}, {5682, 8431}, {5858, 11481}, {5859, 33626}, {5863, 33624}, {5980, 11177}, {5982, 21156}, {6194, 25187}, {6321, 59394}, {6462, 12988}, {6463, 12989}, {6672, 16268}, {6695, 42991}, {6771, 14651}, {6772, 43449}, {6775, 7739}, {6778, 20094}, {7164, 8509}, {7165, 8484}, {7327, 8523}, {7328, 8526}, {7329, 8506}, {7492, 13858}, {7585, 19076}, {7586, 19075}, {7685, 54139}, {7784, 11304}, {7787, 12204}, {7795, 37172}, {7799, 36756}, {7809, 11132}, {7865, 22512}, {7898, 34541}, {8172, 8456}, {8175, 8471}, {8182, 9886}, {8439, 8442}, {8446, 8469}, {8452, 8470}, {8454, 16882}, {8461, 8479}, {8486, 8513}, {8487, 8519}, {8493, 8516}, {8494, 8521}, {8703, 33608}, {8972, 13916}, {9113, 41409}, {9143, 35315}, {9166, 31696}, {9742, 9750}, {9763, 53431}, {10410, 30486}, {10527, 49145}, {10528, 13104}, {10529, 13106}, {10616, 62233}, {10646, 40900}, {10723, 41061}, {11001, 33611}, {11160, 51014}, {11289, 22236}, {11290, 42147}, {11296, 16941}, {11298, 11485}, {11301, 42116}, {11302, 42975}, {11307, 36836}, {11480, 53442}, {11645, 51018}, {12188, 47610}, {12213, 54298}, {13084, 22493}, {13172, 22509}, {13188, 36995}, {13941, 13981}, {14137, 42999}, {14145, 61634}, {14683, 37753}, {14921, 41473}, {14922, 33500}, {15300, 35750}, {15454, 19776}, {15682, 33609}, {15702, 32909}, {15928, 46470}, {16242, 34508}, {16529, 40693}, {16530, 30559}, {16644, 22893}, {16645, 53463}, {16809, 50860}, {16965, 22113}, {18582, 23004}, {19106, 33623}, {19107, 21360}, {19708, 33613}, {19778, 37850}, {20252, 38732}, {20426, 44223}, {22114, 42149}, {22494, 42429}, {22496, 45880}, {22510, 42152}, {22577, 47865}, {22579, 59373}, {22603, 32492}, {22632, 32495}, {22845, 42158}, {22891, 33414}, {23019, 31168}, {25166, 37832}, {26394, 48458}, {26418, 48459}, {26494, 49376}, {26503, 49375}, {27550, 44010}, {30471, 48655}, {31145, 50851}, {31684, 42125}, {31709, 43403}, {32036, 52203}, {33352, 35731}, {33412, 47520}, {33474, 42501}, {33475, 43104}, {33561, 40335}, {33622, 42528}, {34509, 36969}, {35303, 37785}, {36326, 49808}, {36352, 49857}, {36366, 49858}, {36959, 47066}, {36993, 44465}, {37351, 42117}, {37352, 42912}, {37824, 52688}, {40341, 42625}, {41753, 61317}, {42036, 43540}, {42063, 43555}, {43541, 56056}, {43543, 60272}, {44016, 49952}, {45508, 48724}, {45509, 48725}, {49864, 49909}, {49880, 49921}, {50977, 51016}, {53440, 62200}, {53469, 62197}, {54561, 60253}
X(617) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {5464, 36329}, {36331, 51483}
X(617) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 51115}, {2, 5464}, {4, 5613}, {6, 51160}, {8, 12780}, {13, 32552}, {14, 619}, {20, 5474}, {69, 51013}, {145, 7974}, {147, 36776}, {148, 13}, {193, 51203}, {299, 52193}, {599, 51205}, {616, 99}, {621, 5978}, {622, 299}, {627, 14144}, {1992, 51015}, {3146, 36962}, {3180, 22997}, {3181, 16}, {3241, 50852}, {3543, 41043}, {3679, 50850}, {4240, 12792}, {5321, 44382}, {5464, 47867}, {6773, 3}, {6777, 618}, {8591, 9114}, {9900, 10}, {10654, 22689}, {10723, 41061}, {11160, 51014}, {12188, 47610}, {13102, 5}, {14683, 37753}, {20426, 44223}, {22496, 45880}, {22577, 47865}, {31145, 50851}, {33442, 6303}, {33443, 6307}, {36327, 51483}, {36330, 5460}, {36970, 624}, {37785, 35303}, {48655, 51872}, {49036, 49307}, {49037, 49308}, {51483, 2}, {51484, 8594}, {51485, 35932}, {54139, 7685}
X(617) = isogonal conjugate of X(3441)
X(617) = isotomic conjugate of X(19777)
X(617) = anticomplement of X(14)
X(617) = circumcircle-inverse of X(14369)
X(617) = orthoptic-circle-of-the-Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of X(5978)
X(617) = circumcircle-of-inner-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(623)
X(617) = circumcircle of outer Napoleon triangle-inverse of X(619)
X(617) = antigonal image of X(39133)
X(617) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(16)
X(617) = anticomplement of the isotomic conjugate of X(299)
X(617) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(40579)
X(617) = anticomplementary isogonal conjugate of X(622)
X(617) = psi-transform of X(618)
X(617) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 622}, {16, 8}, {31, 3181}, {48, 19773}, {163, 23871}, {299, 6327}, {471, 21270}, {1095, 617}, {1101, 35315}, {2148, 11126}, {2152, 2}, {2153, 37779}, {2154, 16771}, {2159, 11092}, {3375, 633}, {6138, 21221}, {6149, 616}, {8740, 5905}, {17403, 7192}, {23871, 21294}, {34395, 192}, {35199, 627}, {36073, 54025}, {39153, 52367}, {44689, 3436}, {44719, 4329}, {46073, 5080}, {46113, 6360}, {51805, 621}
X(617) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {30, 616}, {299, 2}, {622, 627}, {52193, 628}, {54557, 622}
X(617) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {74, 8536}, {15769, 40579}, {40579, 2}
X(617) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3441}, {31, 19777}, {2152, 40159}
X(617) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 19777}, {3, 3441}, {16, 46061}, {619, 34295}, {40579, 40159}
X(617) = crosspoint of X(99) and X(57580)
X(617) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {6138, 14398}
X(617) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {75, 19299}, {298, 41889}, {299, 40579}, {14921, 39133}, {15769, 40706}
X(617) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 19777}, {6, 3441}, {14, 40159}, {395, 34295}, {15769, 395}, {19299, 1}, {40579, 14}, {40581, 46061}, {41889, 13}
X(617) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 36329, 36331}, {2, 36331, 36327}, {2, 51483, 59379}, {3, 633, 627}, {5, 13102, 59396}, {14, 619, 2}, {14, 5464, 619}, {14, 22490, 35020}, {15, 3642, 2}, {69, 376, 616}, {74, 6148, 616}, {141, 42942, 11299}, {623, 16241, 2}, {1272, 12383, 616}, {1494, 16163, 616}, {2993, 14369, 627}, {3098, 7811, 616}, {5464, 6780, 22689}, {5464, 36331, 59379}, {5978, 5981, 2}, {6114, 23013, 5334}, {6303, 6307, 5464}, {6775, 9117, 37640}, {7811, 11129, 69}, {11006, 45772, 616}, {11092, 11130, 2}, {12941, 18975, 388}, {12951, 13075, 497}, {13083, 50855, 2}, {14907, 54173, 616}, {16529, 46854, 40693}, {20426, 44223, 59398}, {32833, 46264, 616}, {33442, 33443, 2}, {35020, 47866, 14}, {36327, 59379, 51483}, {36329, 47867, 2}, {40335, 42972, 33561}, {40710, 41888, 2}, {47361, 47362, 623}, {47860, 60069, 18581}, {51898, 51899, 616}
X(618) lies on the Kiepert circumhyperbola of the medial triangle, the cubics K046a, K066a, K261b, K438a, K859b, K900, K1297, the curves Q004, Q123, and these lines: {1, 12781}, {2, 13}, {3, 635}, {4, 5473}, {5, 629}, {6, 11301}, {8, 7975}, {10, 51114}, {11, 13076}, {12, 18974}, {14, 99}, {15, 298}, {17, 33387}, {18, 11121}, {20, 36961}, {30, 623}, {39, 395}, {55, 12952}, {56, 12942}, {61, 627}, {62, 6694}, {69, 51200}, {76, 47067}, {83, 12205}, {98, 21157}, {114, 41023}, {115, 6670}, {128, 46652}, {140, 630}, {141, 542}, {148, 5469}, {299, 1078}, {376, 38412}, {396, 532}, {398, 33464}, {427, 12142}, {465, 6509}, {470, 31687}, {471, 35714}, {498, 10062}, {499, 10078}, {511, 33480}, {512, 33490}, {524, 42912}, {531, 2482}, {543, 5460}, {551, 50847}, {590, 13917}, {597, 42634}, {599, 13083}, {615, 13982}, {617, 6777}, {621, 21359}, {631, 6770}, {632, 20415}, {633, 5238}, {639, 34552}, {640, 34551}, {641, 18585}, {642, 15765}, {671, 9116}, {958, 12932}, {1080, 14538}, {1125, 11705}, {1153, 33475}, {1376, 12337}, {1649, 16234}, {1650, 12793}, {1656, 13103}, {1698, 9901}, {1992, 51011}, {2782, 6774}, {2902, 44718}, {2925, 3130}, {3068, 19074}, {3069, 19073}, {3090, 59394}, {3091, 59393}, {3096, 9982}, {3106, 10335}, {3180, 16962}, {3241, 50848}, {3412, 22844}, {3448, 37752}, {3479, 15802}, {3523, 41020}, {3526, 59383}, {3534, 33619}, {3589, 42913}, {3618, 59409}, {3628, 16001}, {3629, 42633}, {3666, 36669}, {3679, 50849}, {3763, 11302}, {3830, 33621}, {5055, 25154}, {5182, 51203}, {5237, 11289}, {5318, 33560}, {5334, 36772}, {5461, 48312}, {5464, 41134}, {5470, 14061}, {5472, 23302}, {5474, 21166}, {5479, 23698}, {5490, 49374}, {5491, 49373}, {5552, 13105}, {5590, 6268}, {5591, 6270}, {5599, 12472}, {5600, 12473}, {5613, 15561}, {5615, 33391}, {5664, 11618}, {5745, 49571}, {5858, 11485}, {5943, 53048}, {5976, 6109}, {5978, 8290}, {5983, 22510}, {6105, 11092}, {6110, 46060}, {6117, 11094}, {6292, 37341}, {6295, 51013}, {6301, 13929}, {6305, 13876}, {6321, 59402}, {6337, 10654}, {6626, 21898}, {6673, 10611}, {6674, 22846}, {6695, 16773}, {6772, 11297}, {6773, 36776}, {7496, 13859}, {7684, 52266}, {7710, 9749}, {7749, 53452}, {7831, 10646}, {7853, 37352}, {7859, 43484}, {7911, 11303}, {8222, 12990}, {8223, 12991}, {8591, 59379}, {8724, 22689}, {9112, 11488}, {9114, 51483}, {9761, 9885}, {10061, 10089}, {10077, 10086}, {10124, 32907}, {10187, 33415}, {10527, 13107}, {10576, 35753}, {10577, 35754}, {10723, 59395}, {11001, 33616}, {11119, 11581}, {11120, 46076}, {11160, 51201}, {11290, 22511}, {11295, 16942}, {11296, 42625}, {11298, 11481}, {11304, 31710}, {11305, 42155}, {11309, 42156}, {11311, 36843}, {11312, 43239}, {11813, 33396}, {12204, 39652}, {13075, 15452}, {13172, 59396}, {13188, 59384}, {13350, 25560}, {13821, 15764}, {14540, 52688}, {14905, 33273}, {14921, 38993}, {14971, 31695}, {14972, 36209}, {15300, 31696}, {15349, 49610}, {15682, 33614}, {15693, 33618}, {15701, 33620}, {15719, 33617}, {15768, 34296}, {15810, 35303}, {16256, 35314}, {16336, 33497}, {16644, 34509}, {16967, 23005}, {19075, 19109}, {19076, 19108}, {19776, 45778}, {19924, 51161}, {20377, 42581}, {20416, 51524}, {20425, 59403}, {21360, 25235}, {22114, 36781}, {22493, 51484}, {22494, 43199}, {22496, 42799}, {22507, 38750}, {22577, 41135}, {22580, 47352}, {22691, 25184}, {22737, 33385}, {22797, 61575}, {22911, 33383}, {22997, 33377}, {23234, 41043}, {24206, 44223}, {26359, 48456}, {26360, 48457}, {26361, 49034}, {26362, 49035}, {26363, 49143}, {26364, 49144}, {27550, 62651}, {31274, 42501}, {31693, 42941}, {31694, 43101}, {33393, 51855}, {33395, 51853}, {33404, 33412}, {33410, 33418}, {33411, 41040}, {33458, 42124}, {33501, 59710}, {33530, 37847}, {33615, 36318}, {33622, 49819}, {33626, 49868}, {34229, 60253}, {34541, 50860}, {34754, 40900}, {34834, 41888}, {35022, 42117}, {35697, 42129}, {35931, 50855}, {36329, 42795}, {36366, 49913}, {36386, 49953}, {36519, 41061}, {36521, 47866}, {36763, 40693}, {36764, 37640}, {36780, 44460}, {36969, 40334}, {37170, 42086}, {37171, 42910}, {37177, 42149}, {37464, 41045}, {37512, 53463}, {38738, 41060}, {39150, 51583}, {39378, 46059}, {40580, 47119}, {41000, 61371}, {41035, 41071}, {42035, 43543}, {42062, 43548}, {42100, 49901}, {42162, 47518}, {42496, 48313}, {43102, 51278}, {44667, 62653}, {45472, 49305}, {45473, 49306}, {47066, 51753}, {47355, 59410}, {47361, 62561}, {47362, 62560}, {49210, 49267}, {49211, 49266}, {49803, 49829}, {49852, 49878}, {49897, 49919}, {49941, 49959}, {54140, 59397}
X(618) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 12781}, {2, 5463}, {3, 5617}, {4, 5473}, {6, 51010}, {8, 7975}, {10, 51114}, {13, 616}, {14, 99}, {15, 298}, {16, 5979}, {18, 14145}, {20, 36961}, {69, 51200}, {98, 61634}, {141, 51159}, {299, 22998}, {376, 41042}, {396, 52194}, {551, 50847}, {597, 51202}, {599, 51012}, {617, 6777}, {619, 32553}, {621, 36967}, {622, 6779}, {627, 36782}, {671, 9116}, {1080, 14538}, {1650, 12793}, {1992, 51011}, {3241, 50848}, {3448, 37752}, {3643, 22687}, {3679, 50849}, {5459, 36769}, {6298, 6582}, {6302, 6306}, {6773, 36776}, {8595, 50858}, {9114, 51483}, {9115, 51388}, {9761, 9885}, {11160, 51201}, {12337, 12922}, {12932, 22773}, {15300, 31696}, {16256, 35314}, {19776, 45778}, {22114, 36781}, {22493, 51484}, {35751, 51482}, {35931, 50855}, {36780, 44460}, {38738, 41060}, {47611, 51872}
reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {13, 6669}, {115, 6670}, {396, 6671}, {619, 620}, {623, 44383}, {5318, 33560}, {5459, 2}, {5463, 36768}, {5478, 5}, {6108, 6672}, {6771, 140}, {7684, 52266}, {10611, 6673}, {11705, 1125}, {14136, 6694}, {16001, 20252}, {20252, 3628}, {22797, 61575}, {22846, 6674}, {31710, 33561}, {32552, 619}, {36769, 5463}, {47865, 5459}, {53048, 5943}
X(618) = isogonal conjugate of X(16459)
X(618) = isotomic conjugate of X(11119)
X(618) = complement of X(13)
X(618) = anticomplement of X(6669)
X(618) = orthoptic-circle-of-the-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(5979)
X(618) = circumcircle-of-inner-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(616)
X(618) = circumcircle-of-outer-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(622)
X(618) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(15)
X(618) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(298)
X(618) = medial-isogonal conjugate of X(623)
X(618) = psi-transform of X(617)
X(618) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 623}, {15, 10}, {31, 396}, {163, 23870}, {298, 2887}, {470, 20305}, {1094, 618}, {2151, 2}, {2152, 41888}, {2154, 3580}, {2624, 43962}, {3384, 636}, {6137, 8287}, {6149, 619}, {8739, 226}, {17402, 4369}, {23870, 21253}, {32679, 46651}, {34394, 37}, {35198, 630}, {35199, 33526}, {36072, 54027}, {39152, 25639}, {44688, 1329}, {44700, 20308}, {44718, 18589}, {46077, 3814}, {46112, 1214}, {51806, 624}, {60010, 34846}
X(618) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 396}, {14, 533}, {99, 23870}, {302, 33529}
X(618) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 16459}, {19, 47481}, {31, 11119}, {2153, 2981}, {2380, 51805}
X(618) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 11119}, {3, 16459}, {6, 47481}, {15, 39262}, {396, 2}, {618, 13}, {11127, 38403}, {14921, 299}, {30465, 523}, {30471, 40707}, {33526, 16}, {40580, 2981}, {43961, 62631}
X(618) = cevapoint of X(396) and X(15768)
X(618) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(298)
X(618) = crosssum of X(6) and X(3457)
X(618) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {6137, 11081}
X(618) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {14, 14922}, {15, 41000}, {99, 35443}, {298, 396}, {301, 19294}, {470, 52194}, {532, 11092}, {7799, 61371}, {8014, 11129}, {11131, 43085}, {23870, 35314}, {56514, 59198}
X(618) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 11119}, {3, 47481}, {6, 16459}, {15, 2981}, {298, 40707}, {396, 13}, {463, 8737}, {470, 38428}, {532, 11078}, {3458, 11084}, {6671, 8838}, {8014, 11080}, {8603, 34321}, {8739, 51446}, {9115, 52039}, {11086, 2380}, {11092, 11117}, {11131, 38403}, {14446, 23283}, {14922, 299}, {15768, 40578}, {15802, 51276}, {16256, 36316}, {17402, 10409}, {19294, 16}, {23870, 62631}, {34296, 40158}, {35314, 23895}, {35329, 5995}, {35443, 523}, {36304, 11139}, {40580, 39262}, {41000, 300}, {41620, 21466}, {52194, 40709}, {52867, 34325}, {58802, 35443}, {59209, 10217}, {61371, 1989}
X(618) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 13, 6669}, {2, 616, 13}, {2, 622, 37832}, {2, 3643, 624}, {2, 5459, 48311}, {2, 5979, 6115}, {2, 5980, 6108}, {2, 8595, 40671}, {2, 11131, 41887}, {2, 13084, 45880}, {2, 16242, 6672}, {2, 33440, 6302}, {2, 33441, 6306}, {2, 36767, 36768}, {2, 36768, 36769}, {2, 36769, 47865}, {2, 51482, 22489}, {13, 5463, 616}, {13, 6669, 5459}, {13, 36770, 2}, {14, 50859, 302}, {15, 6782, 47863}, {16, 36766, 6115}, {62, 11307, 6694}, {140, 636, 630}, {141, 549, 619}, {298, 30471, 11129}, {302, 11299, 14}, {396, 9115, 41620}, {549, 47611, 5092}, {590, 49208, 13917}, {615, 49209, 13982}, {616, 36770, 6669}, {620, 32553, 32552}, {631, 6770, 21156}, {1656, 13103, 59401}, {5092, 7880, 619}, {5463, 16242, 5980}, {5463, 22489, 35751}, {5463, 36766, 5979}, {5463, 36770, 13}, {5473, 36765, 4}, {6298, 13084, 6582}, {9116, 22490, 671}, {11304, 37835, 33561}, {16530, 36782, 61}, {16644, 41745, 47857}, {18582, 23006, 47861}, {21157, 61634, 98}, {21359, 36967, 621}, {22489, 35751, 51482}, {23303, 37351, 6670}, {33440, 33441, 5463}, {41631, 41633, 41620}, {41887, 46833, 2}, {47088, 47089, 619}, {47363, 47364, 622}, {47865, 48311, 5459}, {51483, 52695, 9114}
X(619) lies on the Kiepert circumhyperbola of the medial triangle, the cubics K046b, K066b, K261a, K438b, K859a, K900, K1297, the curves Q004, Q123, anjd these lines: {1, 12780}, {2, 14}, {3, 636}, {4, 5474}, {5, 630}, {6, 11302}, {8, 7974}, {10, 51115}, {11, 13075}, {12, 18975}, {13, 99}, {16, 299}, {17, 11122}, {18, 33386}, {20, 36962}, {30, 624}, {39, 396}, {55, 12951}, {56, 12941}, {61, 6695}, {62, 628}, {69, 51203}, {76, 47069}, {83, 12204}, {98, 21156}, {114, 41022}, {115, 6669}, {128, 46653}, {140, 629}, {141, 542}, {148, 5470}, {298, 1078}, {376, 41043}, {383, 14539}, {395, 533}, {397, 33465}, {427, 12141}, {466, 6509}, {470, 35715}, {471, 31688}, {498, 10061}, {499, 10077}, {511, 33481}, {512, 33491}, {524, 42913}, {530, 2482}, {543, 5459}, {551, 50850}, {590, 13916}, {597, 42633}, {599, 13084}, {615, 13981}, {616, 6778}, {622, 21360}, {631, 6773}, {632, 20416}, {634, 5237}, {639, 34551}, {640, 34552}, {641, 15765}, {642, 18585}, {671, 9114}, {958, 12931}, {1125, 11706}, {1153, 33474}, {1376, 12336}, {1649, 16233}, {1650, 12792}, {1656, 13102}, {1698, 9900}, {1992, 51014}, {2782, 6771}, {2903, 44719}, {2926, 3129}, {3068, 19076}, {3069, 19075}, {3090, 59396}, {3091, 59395}, {3096, 9981}, {3107, 10335}, {3181, 16963}, {3241, 50851}, {3411, 22845}, {3448, 37753}, {3480, 15778}, {3523, 41021}, {3526, 59384}, {3534, 33618}, {3589, 42912}, {3628, 16002}, {3629, 42634}, {3666, 36668}, {3679, 50852}, {3763, 11301}, {3830, 33620}, {5055, 25164}, {5182, 51200}, {5238, 11290}, {5321, 33561}, {5461, 48311}, {5463, 41134}, {5469, 14061}, {5471, 23303}, {5473, 21166}, {5478, 23698}, {5490, 49376}, {5491, 49375}, {5552, 13104}, {5590, 6269}, {5591, 6271}, {5599, 12470}, {5600, 12471}, {5611, 33390}, {5617, 15561}, {5664, 11617}, {5745, 49572}, {5859, 11486}, {5943, 53049}, {5976, 6108}, {5979, 8290}, {5982, 22511}, {6104, 11078}, {6111, 46061}, {6116, 11093}, {6292, 37340}, {6300, 13928}, {6304, 13875}, {6321, 59401}, {6337, 10653}, {6582, 51010}, {6626, 21869}, {6673, 22891}, {6674, 10612}, {6694, 16772}, {6770, 61634}, {6775, 11298}, {6777, 36770}, {7496, 13858}, {7685, 52263}, {7710, 9750}, {7749, 53463}, {7831, 10645}, {7853, 37351}, {7859, 43483}, {7911, 11304}, {8222, 12988}, {8223, 12989}, {8591, 59378}, {8724, 22687}, {9113, 11489}, {9116, 51482}, {9763, 9886}, {10062, 10089}, {10078, 10086}, {10124, 32909}, {10188, 33414}, {10527, 13106}, {10576, 35850}, {10577, 35851}, {10723, 59393}, {10754, 59409}, {11001, 33617}, {11119, 46072}, {11120, 11582}, {11160, 51204}, {11289, 22510}, {11295, 42626}, {11296, 16943}, {11297, 11480}, {11303, 31709}, {11306, 42154}, {11310, 42153}, {11311, 43238}, {11312, 36836}, {11813, 33397}, {12205, 39652}, {13076, 15452}, {13172, 59394}, {13188, 59383}, {13349, 25559}, {13701, 15764}, {14541, 52689}, {14904, 33273}, {14922, 38994}, {14971, 31696}, {14972, 36208}, {15300, 31695}, {15349, 49611}, {15682, 33615}, {15693, 33619}, {15701, 33621}, {15719, 33616}, {15769, 34295}, {15810, 35304}, {16255, 35315}, {16336, 33496}, {16645, 34508}, {16966, 23004}, {19073, 19109}, {19074, 19108}, {19777, 45779}, {19924, 51162}, {20378, 42580}, {20415, 51524}, {20426, 59404}, {21359, 25236}, {22493, 43200}, {22494, 51485}, {22495, 42800}, {22509, 38750}, {22578, 41135}, {22579, 47352}, {22692, 25188}, {22736, 33384}, {22796, 61575}, {22866, 33382}, {22998, 33376}, {23234, 41042}, {24206, 52650}, {26359, 48458}, {26360, 48459}, {26361, 49036}, {26362, 49037}, {26363, 49145}, {26364, 49146}, {27551, 62651}, {31274, 42500}, {31693, 43104}, {31694, 42940}, {33392, 51852}, {33394, 51854}, {33405, 33413}, {33410, 41041}, {33411, 33419}, {33459, 42121}, {33529, 37849}, {33614, 36320}, {33624, 49816}, {33627, 49865}, {34229, 60252}, {34540, 50859}, {34755, 40901}, {34834, 41887}, {35022, 42118}, {35693, 42132}, {35738, 35759}, {35751, 42796}, {35932, 50858}, {36368, 49912}, {36388, 49952}, {36519, 41060}, {36521, 47865}, {36970, 40335}, {37170, 42911}, {37171, 42085}, {37178, 42152}, {37463, 41044}, {37512, 53452}, {38738, 41061}, {39151, 51583}, {39377, 46058}, {40581, 47118}, {41001, 61370}, {41034, 41070}, {42036, 43542}, {42063, 43549}, {42099, 49902}, {42159, 47520}, {42497, 48314}, {43103, 51279}, {44250, 44667}, {44666, 62654}, {45472, 49307}, {45473, 49308}, {46709, 61719}, {47068, 51754}, {47363, 62561}, {47364, 62560}, {49208, 49267}, {49209, 49266}, {49802, 49828}, {49851, 49877}, {49898, 49920}, {49942, 49960}, {54141, 59398}
X(619) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 12780}, {2, 5464}, {3, 5613}, {4, 5474}, {6, 51013}, {8, 7974}, {10, 51115}, {13, 99}, {14, 617}, {15, 5978}, {16, 299}, {17, 14144}, {20, 36962}, {69, 51203}, {98, 36776}, {141, 51160}, {298, 22997}, {376, 41043}, {383, 14539}, {395, 52193}, {551, 50850}, {597, 51205}, {599, 51015}, {616, 6778}, {618, 32552}, {621, 6780}, {622, 36968}, {671, 9114}, {1650, 12792}, {1992, 51014}, {3241, 50851}, {3448, 37753}, {3642, 22689}, {3679, 50852}, {5460, 47867}, {6295, 6299}, {6303, 6307}, {6770, 61634}, {8594, 50855}, {9116, 51482}, {9117, 51387}, {9763, 9886}, {11160, 51204}, {12336, 12921}, {12931, 22774}, {15300, 31695}, {16255, 35315}, {19777, 45779}, {22494, 51485}, {35932, 50858}, {36329, 51483}, {38738, 41061}, {47610, 51872}
X(619) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {14, 6670}, {115, 6669}, {395, 6672}, {618, 620}, {624, 44382}, {5321, 33561}, {5460, 2}, {5479, 5}, {6109, 6671}, {6774, 140}, {7685, 52263}, {10612, 6674}, {11706, 1125}, {14137, 6695}, {16002, 20253}, {20253, 3628}, {22796, 61575}, {22891, 6673}, {31709, 33560}, {32553, 618}, {47866, 5460}, {47867, 5464}, {53049, 5943}
X(619) = isogonal conjugate of X(16460)
X(619) = isotomic conjugate of X(11120)
X(619) = complement of X(14)
X(619) = anticomplement of X(6670)
X(619) = orthoptic-circle-of-the-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(5978)
X(619) = circumcircle-of-inner-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(621)
X(619) = circumcircle-of-outer-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(617)
X(619) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(16)
X(619) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(299)
X(619) = medial-isogonal conjugate of X(624)
X(619) = psi-transform of X(616)
X(619) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 624}, {16, 10}, {31, 395}, {163, 23871}, {299, 2887}, {471, 20305}, {1095, 619}, {2151, 41887}, {2152, 2}, {2153, 3580}, {2154, 62690}, {2624, 43961}, {3375, 635}, {6138, 8287}, {6149, 618}, {8740, 226}, {17403, 4369}, {23871, 21253}, {32679, 46650}, {34395, 37}, {35198, 33527}, {35199, 629}, {36073, 54025}, {39153, 25639}, {44689, 1329}, {44701, 20308}, {44719, 18589}, {46073, 3814}, {46113, 1214}, {51805, 623}, {60009, 34846}
X(619) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 395}, {13, 532}, {99, 23871}, {303, 33530}
X(619) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 16460}, {19, 47482}, {31, 11120}, {2154, 6151}, {2381, 51806}
X(619) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 11120}, {3, 16460}, {6, 47482}, {16, 39261}, {395, 2}, {619, 14}, {11126, 38404}, {14922, 298}, {30468, 523}, {30472, 40706}, {33527, 15}, {40581, 6151}, {43962, 62632}
X(619) = cevapoint of X(395) and X(15769)
X(619) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(299)
X(619) = crosssum of X(6) and X(3458)
X(619) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {6138, 11086}
X(619) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {13, 14921}, {16, 41001}, {99, 35444}, {299, 395}, {300, 19295}, {471, 52193}, {533, 11078}, {7799, 61370}, {8015, 11128}, {11130, 43086}, {23871, 35315}, {56515, 59199}
X(619) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 11120}, {3, 47482}, {6, 16460}, {16, 6151}, {299, 40706}, {395, 14}, {462, 8738}, {471, 38427}, {533, 11092}, {3457, 11089}, {6672, 8836}, {8015, 11085}, {8604, 34322}, {8740, 51447}, {9117, 52040}, {11078, 11118}, {11081, 2381}, {11130, 38404}, {14447, 23284}, {14921, 298}, {15769, 40579}, {15778, 51269}, {16255, 36317}, {17403, 10410}, {19295, 15}, {23871, 62632}, {34295, 40159}, {35315, 23896}, {35330, 5994}, {35444, 523}, {36305, 11138}, {40581, 39261}, {41001, 301}, {41621, 21467}, {41889, 39133}, {52193, 40710}, {52868, 34326}, {58801, 35444}, {59210, 10218}, {61370, 1989}
X(619) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 14, 6670}, {2, 617, 14}, {2, 621, 37835}, {2, 3642, 623}, {2, 5460, 48312}, {2, 5978, 6114}, {2, 5981, 6109}, {2, 8594, 40672}, {2, 11092, 62690}, {2, 11130, 41888}, {2, 13083, 45879}, {2, 16241, 6671}, {2, 33442, 6303}, {2, 33443, 6307}, {2, 47867, 47866}, {2, 51483, 22490}, {13, 50860, 303}, {14, 5464, 617}, {14, 6670, 5460}, {15, 60069, 6114}, {16, 6783, 47864}, {61, 11308, 6695}, {140, 635, 629}, {141, 549, 618}, {299, 30472, 11128}, {303, 11300, 13}, {395, 9117, 41621}, {549, 47610, 5092}, {590, 49210, 13916}, {615, 49211, 13981}, {620, 32552, 32553}, {631, 6773, 21157}, {1656, 13102, 59402}, {5092, 7880, 618}, {5464, 16241, 5981}, {5464, 22490, 36329}, {5464, 60069, 5978}, {6299, 13083, 6295}, {9114, 22489, 671}, {11303, 37832, 33560}, {16645, 41746, 47858}, {18581, 23013, 47862}, {21156, 36776, 98}, {21360, 36968, 622}, {22490, 36329, 51483}, {23302, 37352, 6669}, {33442, 33443, 5464}, {41641, 41643, 41621}, {41888, 46834, 2}, {47088, 47089, 618}, {47361, 47362, 621}, {47866, 48312, 5460}, {51482, 52695, 9116}
Let S = X(99). Let A' be the centroid of the triangle BCS, and define B' and C' cyclically. Let D' be the centroid of ABC. The four centroids form a quadrilateral homothetic to the quadrilateral ABCS. The center of homothety is X(620), which is the centroid of ABCS. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A'B'C' and A″B″C″ be the (equilateral) antipedal triangles of X(13) and X(14), resp. Let A* be the midpoint of A' and A″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The triangle A*B*C* is homothetic to ABC, and the center of homothety is X(620). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
X(620) = center of the hyperbola H that is the locus of perspectors of circumconics centered at a point on line X(2)X(6), which is the locus of the X(2)-Ceva conjugate of P as P moves on line X(2)X(6). Also, H is the Kiepert hyperbola of the medial triangle; H is tangent to line X(2)X(6) at X(2), and H passes X(3), X(39) and X(114). H is also the bicevian conic of X(2) and X(99) (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
X(620) is the center of the inellipse that is the barycentric square of line X(2)X(6). The Brianchon point (perspector) of the inellipse is X(4590). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(620) lies on these lines: 2,99 3,114 30,625 98,631 141,542 187,325 230,538
X(620) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,114), (99,115), (187,325), (618,619)
X(620) = complement of X(115)
X(620) = X(187)-of-X(2)-Brocard-triangle
X(620) = X(230)-of-1st-Brocard-triangle
X(620) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(20976)
X(620) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22085)
X(620) = centroid of X(2)X(3)X(114)X(2482)
X(620) = Kosnita(X(99),X(2)) point
X(620) = crosssum of intersections of 1st and 2nd Lemoine circles (and the circle {X(1687),X(1688),PU(1),PU(2)}})
X(620) = QA-P29 center (Complement of QA-P2 wrt the Diagonal triangle) of quadrangle ABCX(2) (see
Trilinears F(15)/a - 2 sin(A + π/3) : F(15)/b - 2 sin(B + π/3) : F(15)/c - 2 sin(C + π/3)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(621) lies on these lines: 2,14 3,302 4,69 5,303 13,533 20,627 30,298 183,383 265,300 299,381 325,1080 343,472 394,473
X(621) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (15,623), (616,298), (622,316)
X(621) = isogonal conjugate of X(3438)
X(621) = isotomic conjugate of X(2992)
X(621) = anticomplement of X(15)
X(621) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(616)
X(621) = X(300)-Ceva conjugate of X(2)
X(622) lies on the curves K060, K066a, K342b, K1053b, K1132a, Q072, Q114, and these lines: {2, 13}, {3, 303}, {4, 69}, {5, 302}, {6, 11304}, {8, 44660}, {10, 51690}, {14, 532}, {15, 9989}, {17, 6671}, {20, 628}, {30, 299}, {61, 20088}, {62, 7797}, {68, 41897}, {80, 36928}, {86, 37145}, {99, 5613}, {141, 5318}, {145, 51691}, {148, 23005}, {183, 1080}, {187, 11488}, {193, 5334}, {194, 23000}, {265, 301}, {298, 381}, {325, 383}, {343, 473}, {376, 36756}, {394, 472}, {396, 11299}, {397, 3589}, {398, 3629}, {403, 47576}, {462, 47582}, {470, 37638}, {471, 11064}, {487, 42282}, {488, 35732}, {489, 2041}, {490, 2042}, {491, 2043}, {492, 2044}, {524, 5321}, {531, 19107}, {533, 36970}, {590, 10668}, {599, 42094}, {615, 10672}, {619, 21360}, {623, 16808}, {625, 42142}, {629, 42581}, {630, 5351}, {631, 13349}, {635, 42813}, {636, 16965}, {648, 36303}, {754, 22512}, {1078, 52688}, {1141, 10410}, {1154, 52221}, {1337, 46667}, {1350, 41039}, {1656, 61514}, {1992, 44497}, {2046, 32807}, {2076, 53429}, {2080, 59397}, {2924, 34009}, {2992, 4846}, {3090, 59404}, {3091, 7685}, {3104, 7785}, {3105, 6655}, {3106, 63018}, {3130, 14369}, {3146, 36994}, {3180, 10654}, {3241, 50857}, {3412, 33465}, {3523, 21159}, {3525, 21402}, {3530, 33405}, {3545, 63106}, {3616, 11708}, {3620, 42134}, {3630, 42101}, {3631, 42102}, {3642, 36969}, {3734, 22513}, {3763, 5340}, {3832, 41037}, {3849, 42119}, {4425, 51749}, {5224, 37144}, {5309, 37171}, {5339, 6144}, {5460, 16961}, {5464, 42100}, {5468, 57597}, {5479, 54141}, {5627, 39132}, {5640, 58478}, {5859, 42154}, {5864, 7773}, {5869, 48905}, {5978, 41043}, {5981, 41023}, {5983, 33389}, {6114, 22608}, {6390, 41034}, {6670, 16963}, {6673, 33387}, {6694, 42992}, {6770, 44465}, {6773, 12188}, {6778, 22689}, {7615, 42139}, {7752, 11133}, {7758, 22913}, {7759, 33466}, {7763, 52689}, {7766, 43454}, {7787, 36760}, {7793, 54116}, {7802, 47068}, {7809, 11128}, {7822, 37178}, {7834, 10614}, {7938, 42162}, {8703, 33610}, {8836, 11126}, {9301, 37333}, {9761, 42095}, {9763, 11480}, {10109, 33608}, {10218, 23896}, {10616, 16644}, {11002, 16633}, {11092, 15442}, {11094, 64251}, {11178, 25154}, {11295, 11485}, {11296, 42127}, {11297, 42974}, {11300, 42155}, {11305, 42128}, {11306, 11486}, {11307, 42156}, {11308, 42148}, {11489, 43620}, {11542, 37340}, {11543, 31694}, {11581, 43085}, {11582, 11600}, {11606, 43539}, {14206, 44070}, {14213, 17405}, {14368, 35470}, {14458, 60253}, {15031, 16626}, {15069, 41038}, {16001, 24206}, {16268, 33561}, {16530, 22891}, {16635, 31706}, {16809, 34508}, {17035, 44711}, {17907, 36302}, {18581, 62983}, {19773, 19775}, {19924, 51013}, {20080, 42133}, {20081, 25199}, {20426, 44362}, {22114, 42159}, {22491, 42103}, {22493, 43227}, {22510, 63047}, {22576, 51011}, {22649, 48796}, {22696, 25203}, {22850, 25156}, {22893, 62233}, {25157, 63044}, {25235, 32553}, {31275, 42494}, {31693, 42138}, {32815, 44463}, {33351, 42236}, {33352, 42238}, {33359, 33395}, {33360, 33393}, {33404, 61914}, {33413, 42166}, {33458, 42942}, {33459, 33622}, {33500, 36514}, {33609, 62168}, {33611, 62160}, {33612, 62154}, {33623, 42941}, {33627, 43541}, {34316, 37901}, {34390, 34514}, {34541, 42086}, {35303, 42123}, {35304, 42124}, {35314, 44466}, {35317, 52449}, {35918, 53430}, {35932, 42088}, {36327, 42136}, {36331, 42108}, {36388, 42430}, {36758, 42998}, {36958, 43459}, {37173, 42120}, {37242, 44464}, {37341, 42118}, {37352, 43416}, {37463, 37688}, {39261, 46757}, {39555, 42152}, {40341, 42093}, {40706, 54485}, {40853, 44712}, {40901, 42085}, {41016, 64093}, {41061, 50567}, {41407, 63032}, {42528, 50860}, {42943, 44382}, {42999, 51170}, {43542, 62877}, {44459, 64018}, {44487, 63722}, {44777, 48665}, {51021, 55587}, {52399, 58804}, {52400, 58803}, {53435, 53440}, {61561, 62654}
X(622) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 50858}, {4, 20429}, {6, 51162}, {8, 50856}, {16, 624}, {20, 14539}, {69, 51018}, {99, 51388}, {145, 51691}, {148, 23005}, {193, 51207}, {616, 5979}, {617, 299}, {621, 316}, {1337, 46667}, {1992, 51019}, {3146, 36994}, {3181, 14}, {3241, 50857}, {5615, 5}, {6779, 618}, {14712, 15}, {25235, 32553}, {36514, 33500}, {36968, 619}, {36995, 3}, {37785, 31694}, {37901, 34316}, {42943, 44382}, {51485, 2}, {51690, 10}, {54141, 5479}, {63722, 44487}
X(622) = isogonal conjugate of X(3439)
X(622) = isotomic conjugate of X(2993)
X(622) = anticomplement of X(16)
X(622) = orthoptic-circle-of-the-Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of X(5980)
X(622) = circumcircle-of-anticomplementary-triangle-inverse of X(621)
X(622) = circumcircle-of-outer-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(618)
X(622) = antigonal image of X(1337)
X(622) = symgonal image of X(33500)
X(622) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(14)
X(622) = anticomplement of the isotomic conjugate of X(301)
X(622) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(40581)
X(622) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(3130)
X(622) = anticomplementary isogonal conjugate of X(617)
X(622) = psi-transform of X(623)
X(622) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 617}, {14, 8}, {301, 6327}, {2151, 18301}, {2154, 2}, {2166, 621}, {3376, 627}, {3458, 192}, {5994, 4560}, {8738, 5905}, {20579, 21221}, {23896, 7192}, {32678, 23870}, {36297, 6360}, {36309, 7253}, {36310, 17491}, {39152, 6224}, {40710, 4329}, {44691, 3436}, {46077, 3648}, {51268, 21271}, {51806, 616}, {54024, 54014}
X(622) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {265, 621}, {301, 2}, {52220, 37779}, {54557, 617}
X(622) = X(40581)-cross conjugate of X(2)
X(622) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3439}, {31, 2993}, {1973, 64245}, {2154, 40157}, {2190, 51243}, {6149, 14373}
X(622) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 2993}, {3, 3439}, {5, 51243}, {14, 46059}, {618, 3479}, {619, 38932}, {6337, 64245}, {14993, 14373}, {40581, 40157}, {46667, 512}
X(622) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {532, 33500}, {617, 627}, {3181, 19773}
X(622) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {18020, 23896}, {35139, 57579}
X(622) = crosssum of X(6138) and X(20975)
X(622) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {3049, 6137}
X(622) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {76, 3130}, {94, 14369}, {299, 51277}, {301, 40581}, {328, 64251}, {395, 46757}, {1337, 41000}, {11094, 40709}, {39261, 41001}
X(622) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 2993}, {6, 3439}, {16, 40157}, {69, 64245}, {216, 51243}, {395, 38932}, {396, 3479}, {1337, 2981}, {1989, 14373}, {3130, 6}, {3181, 58916}, {11094, 470}, {14369, 323}, {39261, 6151}, {40579, 46059}, {40581, 16}, {46757, 40706}, {51277, 14}, {64251, 186}
X(622) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {4, 69, 621}, {4, 634, 633}, {5, 5615, 59398}, {5, 52194, 302}, {13, 3643, 2}, {15, 34509, 62984}, {16, 624, 2}, {16, 33517, 5335}, {16, 40335, 6672}, {16, 50858, 624}, {69, 621, 633}, {76, 3818, 621}, {141, 5318, 11303}, {302, 52194, 627}, {311, 41171, 621}, {315, 31670, 621}, {340, 1531, 621}, {618, 37832, 2}, {621, 634, 69}, {624, 6672, 40335}, {637, 638, 634}, {1352, 11185, 621}, {3181, 11122, 19570}, {3818, 51018, 5207}, {5207, 43453, 621}, {5562, 32002, 621}, {6672, 40335, 2}, {7768, 48895, 621}, {7850, 48901, 621}, {16771, 19779, 37779}, {20429, 51018, 316}, {21360, 36968, 619}, {31694, 37785, 59379}, {47363, 47364, 618}
Trilinears F(15)/a - sin(A + π/3) : F(15)/b - sin(B + π/3) : F(15)/c - sin(C + π/3)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(623) lies on these lines: 2,14 3,629 5,141 13,298 16,302 17,633 18,83 30,618 396,533
X(623) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (13,298), (15,621), (16,316)
X(623) = reflection of X(624) in X(625)
X(623) = inverse-in-nine-point-circle of X(624)
X(623) = complement of X(15)
X(623) = complementary conjugate of X(618)
X(623) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(300)
X(623) = intersection of diagonals of trapezoid PU(5)PU(11); i.e., the lines P(5)P(11) and U(5)U(11))
Trilinears F(16)/a - sin(A - π/3) : F(16)/b - sin(B - π/3) : F(16)/c - sin(C - π/3)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(624) lies on these lines: 2,13 3,630 5,141 14,299 15,303 17,83 30,619 395,532
X(624) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (14,299), (15,316), (16,622)
X(624) = reflection of X(623) in X(625)
X(624) = inverse-in-nine-point-circle of X(623)
X(624) = complement of X(16)
X(624) = complementary conjugate of X(619)
X(624) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(301)
X(624) = intersection of extended legs P(5)U(11) and U(5)P(11) of trapezoid PU(5)PU(11)
A construction of X(625) is given at Hyacinthos 27519. (Antreas Hatzipolakis and Peter Moses, April 16, 2018)
X(625) lies on these lines: 2,187 5,141 30,620 115,325 126,858 230,754
X(625) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (115,325), (187,316), (623,624)
X(625) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(20977)
X(625) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22087)
X(625) = inverse-in-nine-point-circle of X(141)
X(625) = complement of X(187)
X(625) = complementary conjugate of X(2482)
X(626) is the center of the inellipse that is the barycentric square of the de Longchamps line. The Brianchon point (perspector) of the inellipse is X(1502). (Randy Hutson, October 15, 2018)
X(626) lies on these lines: {1, 4769}, {2, 32}, {3, 114}, {4, 3734}, {5, 141}, {6, 7759}, {10, 760}, {11, 6029}, {13, 11305}, {14, 11306}, {20, 36997}, {30, 7789}, {37, 746}, {39, 325}, {41, 4805}, {58, 56764}, {69, 3767}, {76, 115}, {99, 6655}, {116, 20255}, {125, 13518}, {126, 46657}, {140, 13335}, {147, 12203}, {172, 30103}, {183, 6722}, {187, 7750}, {193, 5319}, {194, 7765}, {206, 39466}, {213, 4766}, {230, 7767}, {264, 27371}, {274, 33841}, {297, 3199}, {304, 34542}, {305, 47846}, {316, 384}, {371, 11314}, {372, 11313}, {385, 7755}, {491, 1504}, {492, 1505}, {524, 5305}, {538, 3933}, {542, 14880}, {543, 1975}, {548, 32459}, {549, 34510}, {550, 32456}, {574, 7763}, {575, 44380}, {577, 28405}, {599, 5461}, {631, 36998}, {637, 5591}, {638, 5590}, {641, 43121}, {642, 43120}, {710, 8265}, {712, 4136}, {724, 16584}, {732, 51848}, {742, 4153}, {744, 25346}, {766, 2887}, {805, 37841}, {858, 30749}, {980, 33736}, {1007, 15482}, {1015, 26561}, {1086, 24166}, {1196, 45201}, {1197, 29972}, {1285, 32952}, {1329, 20540}, {1352, 13355}, {1368, 2386}, {1384, 63938}, {1500, 26590}, {1502, 40359}, {1513, 5188}, {1573, 26558}, {1574, 26582}, {1656, 15271}, {1759, 4799}, {1914, 30104}, {1930, 16886}, {2023, 32189}, {2031, 3054}, {2387, 3491}, {2450, 3917}, {2458, 5207}, {2482, 7782}, {2549, 3926}, {2782, 54222}, {2882, 34517}, {2967, 39604}, {2996, 32836}, {3053, 32954}, {3061, 36230}, {3090, 9753}, {3094, 8149}, {3102, 51401}, {3103, 51395}, {3104, 51387}, {3105, 51388}, {3117, 33734}, {3118, 4121}, {3266, 31107}, {3329, 7858}, {3425, 7509}, {3493, 39092}, {3545, 14492}, {3552, 6781}, {3589, 8364}, {3618, 33221}, {3619, 31415}, {3620, 32828}, {3628, 20576}, {3630, 63926}, {3631, 43291}, {3642, 22796}, {3643, 22797}, {3721, 17211}, {3739, 3841}, {3763, 5017}, {3793, 63930}, {3815, 6683}, {3819, 14725}, {3825, 20530}, {3849, 8369}, {3852, 6697}, {3972, 7823}, {4048, 29012}, {4056, 4376}, {4071, 24211}, {4118, 4178}, {4159, 46546}, {4372, 4680}, {4381, 4837}, {4713, 24045}, {5007, 7762}, {5013, 11287}, {5023, 11288}, {5041, 41624}, {5051, 25499}, {5067, 55732}, {5074, 59512}, {5077, 34504}, {5099, 9152}, {5133, 8891}, {5171, 37466}, {5206, 14907}, {5224, 6537}, {5283, 17550}, {5286, 7758}, {5304, 33182}, {5306, 63939}, {5309, 7754}, {5346, 14614}, {5355, 7760}, {5368, 7766}, {5449, 33548}, {5475, 7770}, {5976, 46283}, {5978, 11304}, {5979, 11303}, {6036, 10104}, {6177, 47370}, {6178, 47369}, {6179, 7806}, {6248, 15980}, {6337, 32986}, {6389, 6643}, {6390, 8357}, {6661, 14537}, {7467, 23208}, {7470, 43460}, {7486, 7616}, {7495, 15822}, {7603, 31239}, {7617, 21356}, {7619, 15810}, {7622, 33215}, {7735, 14023}, {7736, 32823}, {7737, 14001}, {7738, 32818}, {7739, 33223}, {7745, 7804}, {7757, 7864}, {7769, 7824}, {7771, 7904}, {7772, 7774}, {7777, 7786}, {7783, 7799}, {7827, 7839}, {7837, 7884}, {7875, 7878}, {8024, 63797}, {8176, 21358}, {8178, 43449}, {8266, 11360}, {8355, 50991}, {8356, 37512}, {8359, 22110}, {8365, 63945}, {8367, 20582}, {8368, 63941}, {8370, 31173}, {8588, 32964}, {8667, 33240}, {8728, 36812}, {9167, 33274}, {9466, 33228}, {9478, 44772}, {9605, 9766}, {9737, 37242}, {9744, 37479}, {9770, 33230}, {9863, 10991}, {10150, 15597}, {10159, 33020}, {10282, 59706}, {10297, 47567}, {10356, 58851}, {10418, 16055}, {10979, 42406}, {11007, 11052}, {11057, 33246}, {11060, 15066}, {11184, 31467}, {11185, 14063}, {11257, 14981}, {11285, 31455}, {11286, 63956}, {11574, 18129}, {11623, 34507}, {11648, 32833}, {11750, 54076}, {11824, 36656}, {11825, 36655}, {12042, 32151}, {12162, 54074}, {12605, 54075}, {13325, 14501}, {13326, 14502}, {13330, 51396}, {14035, 62203}, {14039, 44678}, {14041, 17128}, {14046, 14568}, {14047, 16984}, {14061, 32027}, {14376, 18531}, {14561, 35389}, {14712, 33225}, {14810, 59695}, {14827, 27516}, {14929, 33186}, {14946, 42371}, {14962, 40951}, {14994, 53475}, {15031, 32993}, {15048, 32450}, {15357, 38523}, {15480, 63929}, {15513, 35297}, {15515, 32965}, {15526, 41009}, {15533, 63953}, {15589, 33199}, {15819, 35430}, {16041, 18546}, {16044, 43457}, {16052, 48844}, {16061, 30761}, {16197, 61611}, {16275, 16951}, {16589, 37664}, {16600, 25345}, {16895, 60855}, {16921, 16986}, {16974, 25598}, {16990, 32832}, {16991, 33836}, {17008, 33248}, {17030, 31488}, {17047, 21235}, {17050, 21241}, {17131, 33283}, {17137, 31023}, {17669, 18140}, {17811, 52251}, {18134, 46828}, {18375, 44558}, {18907, 33185}, {20542, 20550}, {20547, 20549}, {20819, 46508}, {20947, 30173}, {21264, 25639}, {21495, 30760}, {21536, 59563}, {21843, 32970}, {22566, 42787}, {22660, 59556}, {22712, 36519}, {22736, 33410}, {22737, 33411}, {23115, 37073}, {23660, 29990}, {24598, 63794}, {24733, 40035}, {24784, 30753}, {26019, 30819}, {26145, 56983}, {26257, 37804}, {27020, 31476}, {27259, 62420}, {30122, 41269}, {30149, 33931}, {30179, 33941}, {30435, 63932}, {30777, 37803}, {30837, 41239}, {30945, 52257}, {31090, 33835}, {31275, 33249}, {31276, 32966}, {31400, 33202}, {31406, 44562}, {31417, 63121}, {31848, 33330}, {31859, 32821}, {32457, 63923}, {32815, 32982}, {32819, 33229}, {32827, 32971}, {32829, 32990}, {32830, 33200}, {32831, 33025}, {32838, 32988}, {32955, 62992}, {32960, 62993}, {32963, 53127}, {32969, 34229}, {32973, 64018}, {32978, 34803}, {32981, 43618}, {33191, 47102}, {33195, 46453}, {33197, 37809}, {33213, 63940}, {33234, 35022}, {33238, 43619}, {33241, 63933}, {33259, 43459}, {33285, 63955}, {33292, 52713}, {33348, 33349}, {33380, 49106}, {33381, 49105}, {33466, 53428}, {33467, 53440}, {33482, 53463}, {33483, 53452}, {34505, 36523}, {34573, 41413}, {35002, 37243}, {35374, 60702}, {35431, 38317}, {35432, 53484}, {35524, 52568}, {36212, 41237}, {36213, 40643}, {36477, 48835}, {36663, 48863}, {37350, 47617}, {37636, 59197}, {37988, 41262}, {39142, 61138}, {39750, 58445}, {40050, 59560}, {40341, 63934}, {40553, 52533}, {40706, 54115}, {40707, 54116}, {42826, 58450}, {42912, 44382}, {42913, 44383}, {43456, 63722}, {43527, 62891}, {44334, 53415}, {44453, 50567}, {45284, 51429}, {47005, 48913}, {53419, 63922}, {54724, 60187}, {54841, 60128}, {55085, 63018}, {59530, 61749}, {60099, 60633}, {60278, 62890}, {63534, 64093}
X(626) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4769}, {2, 7818}, {3, 54393}, {4, 30270}, {20, 36997}, {32, 315}, {69, 5028}, {76, 32452}, {115, 32458}, {194, 37004}, {316, 5162}, {639, 640}, {805, 37841}, {1352, 13355}, {1975, 7748}, {2458, 5207}, {3933, 5254}, {4136, 4920}, {4381, 4837}, {5309, 7788}, {6248, 54187}, {7754, 7855}, {7801, 7841}, {7805, 7882}, {7816, 7842}, {7861, 7895}, {10297, 47567}, {11648, 32833}, {14946, 42371}
X(626) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {32, 6680}, {3933, 7895}, {5254, 7861}, {7805, 5305}, {7816, 7789}, {7817, 8360}, {13335, 140}, {13357, 6683}, {18806, 3934}, {20576, 3628}, {39750, 58445}, {42826, 58450}
X(626) = isogonal conjugate of X(38826)
X(626) = isotomic conjugate of X(40416)
X(626) = complement of X(32)
X(626) = anticomplement of X(6680)
X(626) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(5031)
X(626) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(76)
X(626) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(1502)
X(626) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(20859)
X(626) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(44166)
X(626) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(4121)
X(626) = polar conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(20819)
X(626) = medial-isogonal conjugate of X(39)
X(626) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 39}, {2, 37}, {4, 16583}, {6, 16584}, {7, 3752}, {8, 1212}, {9, 16588}, {10, 16589}, {19, 1196}, {27, 40941}, {31, 8265}, {37, 21838}, {57, 17053}, {58, 52535}, {63, 216}, {69, 1214}, {75, 2}, {76, 10}, {80, 49758}, {82, 1194}, {83, 16600}, {85, 1}, {86, 3666}, {88, 8610}, {91, 7746}, {92, 6}, {95, 16577}, {99, 14838}, {100, 6586}, {101, 52589}, {141, 16587}, {145, 63622}, {158, 3767}, {162, 2485}, {163, 52590}, {189, 1108}, {190, 650}, {192, 63481}, {196, 20312}, {226, 2092}, {249, 23993}, {253, 1427}, {257, 1107}, {261, 16579}, {264, 226}, {273, 3772}, {274, 1125}, {278, 20227}, {279, 52541}, {280, 46830}, {281, 20310}, {286, 40940}, {290, 16609}, {304, 3}, {305, 18589}, {306, 18591}, {307, 18592}, {308, 1215}, {309, 57}, {310, 3739}, {312, 9}, {313, 1211}, {314, 5745}, {315, 16582}, {318, 46835}, {319, 16585}, {320, 16586}, {321, 1213}, {322, 223}, {325, 16591}, {326, 6509}, {327, 16603}, {329, 40943}, {330, 16604}, {331, 1210}, {333, 40937}, {334, 3912}, {335, 1575}, {336, 441}, {338, 24040}, {341, 6554}, {348, 17102}, {349, 442}, {350, 17755}, {394, 828}, {513, 6377}, {514, 1015}, {523, 16592}, {525, 16573}, {556, 16016}, {560, 40377}, {561, 141}, {644, 52594}, {646, 4521}, {648, 16612}, {651, 6589}, {653, 6588}, {658, 6129}, {661, 1084}, {662, 647}, {664, 905}, {668, 514}, {670, 4369}, {671, 16611}, {673, 3290}, {689, 8060}, {693, 1086}, {765, 23988}, {789, 824}, {799, 523}, {811, 525}, {823, 6587}, {824, 53823}, {850, 8287}, {870, 17023}, {871, 21264}, {873, 17045}, {874, 27929}, {889, 4763}, {897, 3291}, {903, 16610}, {908, 23980}, {934, 52595}, {1016, 24036}, {1018, 52592}, {1088, 4000}, {1089, 6537}, {1101, 23584}, {1109, 23991}, {1111, 6547}, {1121, 43065}, {1218, 43223}, {1221, 6685}, {1229, 52818}, {1231, 18641}, {1240, 44417}, {1267, 40651}, {1268, 44307}, {1275, 24025}, {1441, 17056}, {1446, 1834}, {1494, 18593}, {1502, 2887}, {1577, 115}, {1581, 3229}, {1748, 40939}, {1760, 40938}, {1821, 230}, {1847, 17054}, {1895, 46829}, {1896, 52530}, {1897, 2509}, {1909, 59509}, {1916, 18904}, {1917, 40376}, {1920, 51575}, {1921, 17793}, {1925, 37890}, {1926, 39080}, {1928, 626}, {1930, 6292}, {1934, 325}, {1959, 11672}, {1965, 37891}, {1966, 5976}, {1969, 5}, {1978, 513}, {2051, 21796}, {2052, 24005}, {2084, 55050}, {2167, 570}, {2184, 800}, {2186, 3117}, {2349, 3003}, {2481, 3008}, {2580, 8105}, {2581, 8106}, {2582, 15166}, {2583, 15167}, {2995, 37646}, {2996, 16605}, {2998, 16606}, {3112, 3589}, {3113, 7792}, {3223, 6375}, {3239, 35508}, {3250, 55049}, {3257, 3310}, {3261, 11}, {3262, 52659}, {3263, 16593}, {3264, 16594}, {3265, 16595}, {3266, 16597}, {3267, 34846}, {3403, 15819}, {3596, 3452}, {3669, 16614}, {3701, 38930}, {3762, 35092}, {3766, 35119}, {3835, 40610}, {3904, 35128}, {3912, 6184}, {3936, 35069}, {3948, 35068}, {3978, 19563}, {4033, 661}, {4036, 6627}, {4043, 62646}, {4077, 17058}, {4110, 63483}, {4146, 16015}, {4358, 4370}, {4373, 16602}, {4391, 1146}, {4397, 13609}, {4417, 40590}, {4444, 39786}, {4462, 40621}, {4509, 15611}, {4554, 522}, {4555, 3960}, {4562, 665}, {4564, 13006}, {4569, 7658}, {4572, 4885}, {4583, 812}, {4590, 16598}, {4592, 52584}, {4593, 826}, {4598, 21348}, {4602, 512}, {4608, 16726}, {4609, 42327}, {4610, 31947}, {4615, 59837}, {4620, 34977}, {4623, 21196}, {4625, 17069}, {4632, 8043}, {4634, 45674}, {4639, 9508}, {4647, 51586}, {4671, 16590}, {4728, 39011}, {4789, 35135}, {4791, 61073}, {4823, 53167}, {4828, 55045}, {4858, 46101}, {4978, 35076}, {4998, 16578}, {5209, 62609}, {6063, 142}, {6331, 8062}, {6332, 35072}, {6335, 3239}, {6374, 63618}, {6381, 13466}, {6382, 34832}, {6383, 3840}, {6384, 75}, {6385, 3741}, {6386, 3835}, {6540, 48003}, {6558, 59979}, {6590, 55046}, {7003, 20311}, {7017, 20262}, {7018, 4357}, {7033, 17353}, {7035, 4422}, {7045, 23585}, {7178, 16613}, {7182, 17073}, {7199, 244}, {7209, 17063}, {7249, 28358}, {8024, 21249}, {8026, 63491}, {8061, 35971}, {8773, 36212}, {9229, 18905}, {9230, 19564}, {9239, 6656}, {9285, 45210}, {9311, 2275}, {10159, 28594}, {10405, 40133}, {13149, 21172}, {14206, 3163}, {14207, 35133}, {14208, 15526}, {14210, 2482}, {14213, 233}, {14349, 39016}, {14615, 36908}, {14616, 35466}, {14829, 56325}, {15413, 2968}, {15416, 40616}, {15455, 3700}, {16284, 3160}, {16709, 41820}, {17149, 6374}, {17206, 37565}, {17233, 40606}, {17234, 40599}, {17758, 1500}, {17762, 6626}, {17786, 52657}, {17788, 40597}, {17789, 19557}, {17791, 40612}, {18018, 16580}, {18019, 16581}, {18020, 16599}, {18021, 21233}, {18022, 20305}, {18023, 4892}, {18025, 241}, {18026, 14837}, {18027, 63840}, {18031, 518}, {18032, 239}, {18040, 40585}, {18051, 34452}, {18064, 6665}, {18070, 3124}, {18077, 55043}, {18133, 40603}, {18134, 51574}, {18135, 59577}, {18137, 40586}, {18138, 40600}, {18140, 4075}, {18145, 52872}, {18147, 62564}, {18149, 9296}, {18151, 5375}, {18152, 40607}, {18155, 4858}, {18156, 6337}, {18157, 8299}, {18158, 55065}, {18159, 6631}, {18160, 6741}, {18297, 40378}, {18298, 274}, {18359, 44}, {18669, 61067}, {18738, 62570}, {18743, 3161}, {18749, 62605}, {18750, 1249}, {18816, 3911}, {18830, 31286}, {18832, 76}, {18833, 3934}, {18834, 83}, {18891, 20333}, {18895, 3836}, {19567, 18277}, {19611, 46831}, {19804, 62648}, {20336, 440}, {20444, 32664}, {20445, 62554}, {20446, 9470}, {20448, 39046}, {20450, 39042}, {20563, 18588}, {20564, 18590}, {20565, 5249}, {20566, 908}, {20567, 2886}, {20568, 519}, {20569, 551}, {20570, 63}, {20571, 343}, {20573, 63803}, {20641, 206}, {20643, 39029}, {20884, 1560}, {20914, 36103}, {20916, 40583}, {20917, 19584}, {20920, 40584}, {20924, 214}, {20925, 40587}, {20926, 36033}, {20927, 5452}, {20928, 478}, {20929, 40589}, {20930, 6505}, {20932, 40592}, {20934, 41884}, {20935, 40593}, {20937, 40594}, {20939, 31998}, {20940, 39026}, {20941, 36830}, {20943, 40598}, {20944, 6593}, {20945, 32746}, {20946, 24771}, {20947, 6651}, {20948, 125}, {20949, 8054}, {20950, 40623}, {20951, 39054}, {20952, 55053}, {20953, 38996}, {20954, 40619}, {20955, 62650}, {21580, 6615}, {21582, 3162}, {21593, 22391}, {21596, 40611}, {21600, 40595}, {21605, 45036}, {21606, 38979}, {21609, 6600}, {21610, 55066}, {21611, 38991}, {21615, 3789}, {21739, 56531}, {23062, 5573}, {23999, 23583}, {24001, 14401}, {24002, 3756}, {24004, 6544}, {24006, 6388}, {24011, 23587}, {24018, 35071}, {24019, 52588}, {24021, 23591}, {24032, 23982}, {24037, 620}, {24039, 1649}, {24041, 34990}, {24524, 41771}, {26734, 61661}, {27424, 3061}, {27475, 2276}, {27496, 63623}, {27801, 3454}, {27805, 3709}, {27808, 4129}, {28659, 1329}, {28660, 960}, {30545, 41886}, {30565, 35125}, {30566, 35129}, {30596, 62586}, {30598, 28606}, {30635, 17237}, {30636, 17231}, {30663, 59454}, {30690, 1100}, {30693, 5574}, {30701, 25066}, {30710, 5750}, {30805, 55044}, {30806, 35110}, {30807, 23972}, {30829, 36911}, {30939, 51583}, {30963, 27481}, {31002, 536}, {31008, 59565}, {31359, 5283}, {31618, 13405}, {31623, 40942}, {31625, 24003}, {31627, 63625}, {31630, 28593}, {31643, 39595}, {31997, 41849}, {32008, 16601}, {32009, 25092}, {32014, 3743}, {32017, 17355}, {32018, 3634}, {32020, 726}, {32021, 4021}, {32023, 3663}, {32679, 18334}, {32680, 1637}, {33672, 40837}, {33677, 36905}, {33778, 52042}, {33780, 6552}, {33787, 6338}, {33805, 30}, {33806, 40368}, {33807, 40369}, {33808, 6503}, {33935, 52782}, {33939, 3647}, {34085, 676}, {34234, 8609}, {34258, 5257}, {34384, 21231}, {34393, 1465}, {34403, 52389}, {34404, 281}, {34523, 59579}, {34537, 21254}, {34538, 24017}, {35058, 39798}, {35145, 3002}, {35162, 49760}, {35164, 5723}, {35171, 1638}, {35174, 10015}, {35175, 43055}, {35181, 47784}, {35517, 39063}, {35518, 16596}, {35519, 26932}, {35538, 20343}, {35544, 46842}, {36036, 2799}, {36085, 2492}, {36100, 8607}, {36101, 8608}, {36102, 3018}, {36104, 2508}, {36105, 44817}, {36588, 31197}, {36796, 40869}, {36800, 59734}, {36803, 3716}, {36804, 1639}, {36805, 2325}, {36807, 3693}, {36838, 52596}, {36907, 53387}, {37130, 3011}, {37133, 4874}, {37134, 2491}, {37214, 8758}, {37218, 6590}, {37220, 468}, {38810, 6679}, {38847, 6680}, {39126, 63621}, {39467, 62615}, {39699, 39982}, {39700, 46838}, {39704, 4850}, {39705, 39974}, {39718, 37128}, {39727, 251}, {39733, 25}, {39735, 42}, {39749, 44798}, {39798, 21827}, {39968, 28592}, {39994, 3943}, {39995, 62571}, {40004, 3720}, {40005, 17758}, {40008, 13476}, {40009, 36907}, {40010, 321}, {40011, 72}, {40012, 2321}, {40013, 594}, {40014, 8}, {40015, 19}, {40016, 21238}, {40017, 740}, {40020, 40515}, {40023, 1698}, {40024, 3842}, {40025, 43}, {40026, 145}, {40027, 192}, {40028, 4384}, {40029, 3679}, {40030, 3696}, {40031, 3993}, {40033, 17289}, {40037, 82}, {40038, 16706}, {40039, 4358}, {40040, 4080}, {40041, 39697}, {40044, 3920}, {40071, 21530}, {40072, 21246}, {40073, 21247}, {40162, 21257}, {40216, 17245}, {40339, 40327}, {40362, 21235}, {40363, 21244}, {40364, 1368}, {40412, 25080}, {40419, 25065}, {40421, 16607}, {40424, 25091}, {40440, 23292}, {40495, 116}, {40701, 20264}, {40702, 7952}, {40703, 15595}, {40704, 50441}, {40716, 3218}, {40827, 49598}, {40834, 59720}, {40845, 238}, {41283, 17046}, {41683, 2229}, {42034, 62608}, {42311, 52542}, {42709, 62652}, {42716, 57046}, {44129, 942}, {44130, 6708}, {44150, 35075}, {44169, 20542}, {44172, 20541}, {44173, 21253}, {44179, 52032}, {44186, 7}, {44187, 3846}, {44188, 81}, {44190, 946}, {44327, 57055}, {44720, 63620}, {44733, 2277}, {46110, 6506}, {46136, 43048}, {46137, 43035}, {46234, 113}, {46238, 114}, {46244, 427}, {46254, 5972}, {46273, 511}, {46277, 524}, {46281, 24256}, {46289, 52536}, {46404, 521}, {46405, 3738}, {46406, 3900}, {46738, 15487}, {46740, 614}, {46744, 13389}, {46745, 13388}, {46746, 60249}, {46750, 3219}, {48070, 14936}, {48131, 39015}, {49780, 35124}, {51560, 918}, {51863, 34021}, {51865, 86}, {52043, 20532}, {52049, 39028}, {52137, 51578}, {52138, 10335}, {52151, 62557}, {52351, 63849}, {52379, 4999}, {52381, 63848}, {52406, 42018}, {52414, 63846}, {52611, 788}, {52612, 52601}, {52619, 17761}, {52621, 4904}, {52622, 5514}, {52935, 52597}, {53210, 43063}, {53647, 3669}, {53648, 54249}, {53653, 43049}, {53658, 47965}, {54121, 37662}, {54240, 52587}, {54957, 48404}, {54967, 11068}, {54986, 7180}, {54987, 3676}, {55106, 37543}, {55213, 17066}, {55215, 924}, {55231, 21187}, {55239, 3005}, {55553, 63843}, {55927, 9465}, {55945, 31198}, {55975, 24631}, {55983, 5222}, {55984, 34522}, {56026, 25067}, {56034, 1180}, {56074, 3672}, {56081, 25082}, {56127, 46196}, {56169, 4755}, {56212, 4687}, {56241, 25666}, {56249, 62588}, {56252, 4391}, {56596, 278}, {56784, 51582}, {56944, 46837}, {57244, 40624}, {57538, 24030}, {57581, 24009}, {57642, 56}, {57716, 9722}, {57722, 56926}, {57725, 1573}, {57773, 55}, {57774, 1088}, {57777, 12610}, {57780, 20208}, {57781, 23304}, {57785, 3946}, {57787, 16608}, {57788, 37691}, {57791, 4847}, {57792, 11019}, {57793, 20205}, {57796, 34830}, {57801, 44360}, {57806, 13567}, {57815, 6666}, {57821, 443}, {57824, 31993}, {57826, 4646}, {57830, 4415}, {57837, 6354}, {57877, 4656}, {57898, 5449}, {57904, 34825}, {57905, 12}, {57906, 65}, {57910, 26942}, {57913, 3678}, {57914, 3841}, {57918, 34822}, {57919, 34823}, {57920, 25760}, {57921, 4}, {57923, 4657}, {57925, 17279}, {57947, 17243}, {57948, 4364}, {57950, 10196}, {57955, 53415}, {57968, 30476}, {57973, 520}, {57975, 3004}, {57980, 8680}, {57995, 3834}, {57996, 516}, {57998, 394}, {57999, 625}, {58012, 3931}, {58013, 15668}, {58019, 312}, {58025, 63800}, {58026, 5718}, {58027, 30818}, {58028, 17720}, {58029, 5316}, {58817, 17071}, {58860, 53543}, {59255, 29571}, {59259, 5542}, {59437, 59440}, {59452, 59446}, {59459, 59462}, {59518, 59676}, {59759, 25078}, {60197, 4205}, {60235, 25081}, {60236, 20691}, {60244, 21024}, {60257, 21857}, {60261, 21892}, {60678, 24603}, {60706, 31336}, {61413, 59573}, {62234, 52882}, {62249, 20527}, {62250, 20334}, {62251, 20543}, {62255, 61085}, {62272, 1209}, {62273, 34836}, {62276, 140}, {62277, 46832}, {62415, 61065}, {62418, 15449}, {62465, 29017}, {62469, 62423}, {62528, 4859}, {62619, 1646}, {62884, 3986}, {62907, 4868}, {62914, 21049}, {62946, 3755}, {63225, 27751}, {63227, 45226}, {63759, 3580}, {63827, 39013}, {63895, 5988}, {63902, 49563}, {63906, 25096}, {64194, 23986}, {64211, 46836}
X(626) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 8265}, {805, 2799}, {1502, 8039}, {4630, 23881}, {16890, 20859}, {16891, 4118}, {20627, 4178}, {42371, 826}, {44166, 4121}, {55034, 523}
X(626) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4118, 7217}, {16893, 44166}, {16894, 20627}, {20819, 4121}
X(626) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 38826}, {31, 40416}, {32, 38847}, {75, 44167}, {560, 38830}, {711, 51904}, {1917, 44165}, {1923, 3115}, {2084, 33515}, {8061, 58114}
X(626) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 40416}, {3, 38826}, {206, 44167}, {626, 32}, {6374, 38830}, {6376, 38847}, {8265, 2}, {62452, 33515}
X(626) = cevapoint of X(20819) and X(20859)
X(626) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(1502)
X(626) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 1501}, {51318, 56915}
X(626) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {3005, 3050}
X(626) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 20627}, {4, 4121}, {6, 44166}, {7, 4178}, {8, 7217}, {10, 16891}, {32, 8039}, {75, 4118}, {76, 20859}, {83, 16893}, {86, 16894}, {141, 16890}, {190, 21110}, {264, 20819}, {321, 18167}, {561, 2085}, {710, 40847}, {1502, 8265}, {1799, 46508}, {3118, 40016}, {4173, 18022}, {8023, 40359}, {16717, 27801}, {23209, 44161}, {35530, 51982}, {40050, 62546}, {40362, 44164}
X(626) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 40416}, {6, 38826}, {32, 44167}, {75, 38847}, {76, 38830}, {308, 3115}, {710, 16985}, {827, 58114}, {1502, 44165}, {2085, 31}, {3118, 3051}, {4118, 1}, {4121, 69}, {4173, 184}, {4178, 8}, {4577, 33515}, {7217, 7}, {8023, 9233}, {8039, 1502}, {8265, 32}, {16717, 1333}, {16890, 83}, {16891, 86}, {16893, 141}, {16894, 10}, {18167, 81}, {20627, 75}, {20819, 3}, {20859, 6}, {21110, 514}, {23209, 14575}, {33786, 38838}, {40073, 38842}, {40362, 44163}, {40847, 57937}, {44164, 1501}, {44166, 76}, {46508, 427}, {51982, 711}, {59204, 60694}, {62546, 1974}
X(626) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 32, 6680}, {2, 83, 7889}, {2, 315, 32}, {2, 1078, 7749}, {2, 1369, 1627}, {2, 2548, 7808}, {2, 2896, 1078}, {2, 3096, 6292}, {2, 7752, 1506}, {2, 7785, 83}, {2, 7787, 7846}, {2, 7793, 7857}, {2, 7800, 7815}, {2, 7808, 6704}, {2, 7809, 7753}, {2, 7810, 34506}, {2, 7883, 7810}, {2, 7900, 7787}, {2, 7912, 7752}, {2, 7929, 7793}, {2, 7938, 3096}, {2, 20088, 10583}, {2, 26099, 25497}, {2, 26763, 27031}, {2, 26811, 26970}, {2, 32816, 2548}, {3, 3788, 620}, {3, 7761, 7830}, {3, 7778, 3788}, {3, 7784, 7761}, {4, 7795, 3734}, {5, 141, 3934}, {5, 14881, 19130}, {6, 7759, 7838}, {6, 7776, 7759}, {6, 7834, 7829}, {6, 7866, 7834}, {32, 7818, 315}, {32, 7867, 2}, {39, 325, 7764}, {39, 6656, 4045}, {39, 7821, 325}, {39, 7853, 6656}, {69, 3767, 7751}, {69, 14064, 3767}, {76, 115, 63924}, {76, 3314, 7794}, {76, 5025, 115}, {76, 7922, 3314}, {76, 7934, 5025}, {83, 3096, 10292}, {83, 7785, 7753}, {83, 7809, 7785}, {83, 7944, 2}, {99, 6655, 7756}, {99, 7836, 7863}, {99, 7909, 7836}, {99, 7911, 6655}, {115, 7794, 76}, {141, 5031, 24206}, {141, 5103, 24256}, {183, 7879, 7854}, {183, 7887, 7746}, {187, 7873, 7750}, {187, 7874, 7807}, {194, 7790, 7765}, {194, 7796, 7813}, {194, 7897, 7796}, {194, 7933, 7790}, {230, 7767, 7780}, {230, 8361, 7886}, {315, 7867, 6680}, {316, 384, 7747}, {316, 7832, 384}, {316, 7931, 7820}, {325, 6656, 39}, {325, 7853, 4045}, {384, 7832, 7820}, {384, 7885, 316}, {384, 7931, 7832}, {385, 7768, 7826}, {385, 7826, 63927}, {385, 7828, 7755}, {385, 7901, 7828}, {385, 7939, 7768}, {550, 59545, 32456}, {574, 7888, 7763}, {574, 7935, 7791}, {620, 7830, 3}, {623, 624, 19130}, {625, 3934, 5}, {625, 7849, 3934}, {635, 636, 40107}, {1007, 16043, 31401}, {1078, 2896, 7810}, {1078, 7749, 34506}, {1078, 7883, 2896}, {1078, 7899, 2}, {1078, 10350, 32}, {1506, 6292, 2}, {1975, 7841, 7748}, {1975, 7881, 7801}, {2039, 2040, 5031}, {2548, 7914, 6704}, {2548, 32816, 7775}, {2549, 3926, 7781}, {2549, 7908, 14148}, {2549, 32974, 7872}, {2887, 17046, 21240}, {2896, 7899, 7749}, {3096, 7752, 2}, {3096, 7912, 1506}, {3266, 31107, 59768}, {3314, 5025, 76}, {3314, 7934, 115}, {3329, 7941, 7858}, {3329, 7948, 7859}, {3552, 7802, 6781}, {3552, 7898, 7802}, {3552, 7945, 7835}, {3620, 32972, 32828}, {3734, 7825, 4}, {3734, 7869, 7795}, {3767, 14064, 7844}, {3788, 7761, 3}, {3788, 7784, 7830}, {3815, 8362, 6683}, {3926, 7781, 14148}, {3926, 32974, 2549}, {3933, 33184, 5254}, {3934, 7849, 141}, {3972, 7860, 7823}, {3972, 7930, 7892}, {4045, 7764, 39}, {4118, 16894, 4178}, {4680, 20267, 4372}, {4766, 24995, 213}, {5007, 7845, 7762}, {5007, 7852, 7792}, {5025, 7794, 63924}, {5025, 7922, 7794}, {5103, 24256, 19130}, {5254, 33184, 7861}, {5286, 7758, 7798}, {5286, 37668, 7758}, {5309, 7855, 7754}, {5355, 7890, 7760}, {5403, 5404, 24256}, {5475, 7822, 7770}, {6179, 7850, 7893}, {6179, 7942, 7806}, {6390, 8357, 63548}, {6655, 7836, 99}, {6655, 7909, 7863}, {6656, 7821, 7764}, {7603, 31239, 32992}, {7737, 32006, 63931}, {7738, 32818, 34511}, {7745, 7819, 7804}, {7746, 7854, 183}, {7746, 7887, 6722}, {7747, 7820, 384}, {7748, 7801, 1975}, {7749, 7810, 1078}, {7750, 7807, 187}, {7751, 7844, 3767}, {7751, 7896, 69}, {7752, 7938, 6292}, {7753, 7889, 83}, {7754, 7788, 7855}, {7754, 7851, 5309}, {7754, 33219, 7851}, {7755, 7768, 63927}, {7755, 7826, 385}, {7756, 7863, 99}, {7757, 7871, 7906}, {7757, 7918, 7864}, {7758, 33180, 7902}, {7758, 37668, 7916}, {7759, 7834, 6}, {7759, 7866, 7829}, {7760, 7779, 7890}, {7760, 7797, 5355}, {7760, 7917, 7779}, {7760, 7919, 7797}, {7761, 7778, 620}, {7762, 7792, 5007}, {7762, 8363, 7792}, {7763, 7791, 574}, {7765, 7813, 194}, {7766, 7856, 5368}, {7766, 7932, 7856}, {7766, 7946, 7877}, {7767, 8361, 230}, {7768, 7828, 385}, {7768, 7901, 7755}, {7769, 7831, 7824}, {7770, 7773, 5475}, {7770, 7868, 7822}, {7771, 7936, 7904}, {7771, 7940, 7907}, {7772, 7903, 7774}, {7772, 7913, 7803}, {7773, 7868, 7770}, {7774, 7803, 7772}, {7775, 7808, 2548}, {7775, 7914, 7808}, {7776, 7834, 7838}, {7776, 7866, 6}, {7777, 7786, 9698}, {7777, 7876, 7786}, {7778, 7784, 3}, {7779, 7797, 7760}, {7779, 7919, 5355}, {7780, 7848, 7767}, {7780, 7886, 230}, {7781, 7872, 2549}, {7781, 7908, 3926}, {7782, 7870, 7891}, {7782, 7891, 2482}, {7782, 7910, 7833}, {7783, 7924, 7847}, {7783, 7947, 7799}, {7785, 7944, 7889}, {7786, 7814, 7777}, {7786, 7937, 7876}, {7787, 7900, 7812}, {7788, 7851, 7754}, {7788, 33219, 5309}, {7790, 7796, 194}, {7790, 7897, 7813}, {7792, 8363, 7852}, {7793, 7929, 7811}, {7796, 7933, 7765}, {7797, 7917, 7890}, {7798, 7902, 5286}, {7798, 7916, 7758}, {7799, 7847, 7783}, {7802, 7835, 3552}, {7804, 7843, 7745}, {7804, 7915, 7819}, {7805, 7817, 5305}, {7806, 7893, 6179}, {7806, 14065, 7942}, {7808, 7914, 2}, {7809, 7944, 83}, {7811, 7857, 7793}, {7812, 7846, 7787}, {7814, 7876, 9698}, {7814, 7937, 7786}, {7815, 7862, 2}, {7815, 7865, 7800}, {7816, 7880, 7789}, {7817, 7882, 7805}, {7818, 7867, 32}, {7821, 7853, 39}, {7823, 7892, 3972}, {7824, 7925, 7769}, {7824, 7928, 7831}, {7825, 7869, 3734}, {7827, 7905, 7839}, {7828, 7939, 7826}, {7829, 7838, 6}, {7832, 7885, 7747}, {7833, 7870, 2482}, {7833, 7891, 7782}, {7835, 7898, 6781}, {7836, 7911, 7756}, {7837, 7920, 7894}, {7839, 7840, 7905}, {7839, 7923, 7827}, {7840, 7923, 7839}, {7841, 7881, 1975}, {7842, 7880, 7816}, {7843, 7915, 7804}, {7844, 7896, 7751}, {7845, 7852, 5007}, {7848, 7886, 7780}, {7850, 7942, 6179}, {7856, 7877, 7766}, {7858, 7859, 3329}, {7860, 7930, 3972}, {7862, 7865, 7815}, {7864, 7906, 7757}, {7870, 7910, 7782}, {7871, 7918, 7757}, {7872, 7908, 7781}, {7873, 7874, 187}, {7875, 7921, 7878}, {7877, 7932, 5368}, {7878, 7926, 7921}, {7878, 7943, 7875}, {7879, 7887, 183}, {7883, 7899, 1078}, {7884, 7894, 7920}, {7884, 7949, 7894}, {7885, 7931, 384}, {7888, 7935, 574}, {7893, 14065, 7806}, {7894, 7949, 7837}, {7897, 7933, 194}, {7898, 7945, 3552}, {7901, 7939, 385}, {7902, 7916, 7798}, {7903, 7913, 7772}, {7904, 7907, 7771}, {7907, 7940, 31274}, {7909, 7911, 99}, {7912, 7938, 2}, {7917, 7919, 7760}, {7922, 7934, 76}, {7924, 7947, 7783}, {7925, 7928, 7824}, {7926, 7943, 7878}, {7932, 7946, 7766}, {7936, 7940, 7771}, {7941, 7948, 3329}, {9466, 39565, 59635}, {10583, 20088, 12150}, {14001, 32006, 7737}, {14907, 16925, 5206}, {15810, 41133, 7619}, {16043, 31401, 15482}, {16893, 20859, 4121}, {16990, 32961, 32832}, {17211, 63817, 3721}, {24889, 24942, 2}, {27101, 27153, 2}, {32818, 33190, 7738}, {32823, 32956, 7736}, {32828, 32972, 43620}, {32830, 33200, 43448}, {32833, 33251, 11648}, {33180, 37668, 5286}, {33202, 63098, 31400}, {33228, 59635, 39565}, {33292, 52713, 63533}, {43449, 46236, 8178}
Trilinears F(17)/a - 2 sec(A - π/3) : F(17)/b - 2 sec(B - π/3) : F(17)/c - 2 sec(C - π/3)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
Erect equilateral triangles outwards on the sides of triangle ABC; the circumcenter of the apices is X(627). (Peter Moses, 7/16,2003)
Let A' be the isogonal conjugate of the A-vertex of the inner Napoleon triangle, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is perspective to the inner Napoleon triangle at X(5), and to the outer Napoleon triangle at X(627). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the outer Fermat triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(627) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(627) lies on the Napoleon cubic and these lines: 2,17 3,298 4,616 5,302 16,635 20,621 54,69 61,618 140,299
X(627) = reflection of X(17) in X(629)
X(627) = isogonal conjugate of X(3489)
X(627) = anticomplement of X(17)
X(627) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(633)
X(627) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (5,628), (302,2)
X(627) = {X(54),X(1273)}-harmonic conjugate of X(628)
X(627) = {X(69),X(631)}-harmonic conjugate of X(628)
Trilinears F(18)/a + 2 sec(A + π/3) : F(18)/b + 2 sec(B + π/3) : F(18)/c + 2 sec(C + π/3)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
Erect equilateral triangles inwards on the sides of triangle ABC; the circumcenter of the apices is X(628). (Peter Moses, 7/16,2003)
Let A' be the isogonal conjugate of the A-vertex of the outer Napoleon triangle, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is perspective to the outer Napoleon triangle at X(5), and to the inner Napoleon triangle at X(628). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
Let OA be the circle centered at the A-vertex of the inner Fermat triangle and passing through A; define OB and OC cyclically. X(628) is the radical center of OA, OB, OC. (Randy Hutson, August 30, 2020)
X(628) lies on the Napoleon cubic and these lines: 2,18 3,299 4,617 5,303 15,636 20,622 54,69 62,619 140,298
X(628) = reflection of X(18) in X(630)
X(628) = isogonal conjugate of X(3490)
X(628) = anticomplement of X(18)
X(628) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(634)
X(628) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (5,627), (303,2)
X(628) = {X(54),X(1273)}-harmonic conjugate of X(627)
X(628) = {X(69),X(631)}-harmonic conjugate of X(627)
Trilinears F(17)/a - sec(A - π/3) : F(17)/b - sec(B - π/3) : F(17)/c - sec(C - π/3)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(629) lies on these lines: 2,17 3,623 5,618 61,302 140,619 141,575
X(629) = midpoint of X(17) and X(627)
X(629) = complement of X(17)
X(629) = complementary conjugate of X(635)
X(629) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(302)
Trilinears F(18)/a + sec(A + π/3) : F(18)/b + sec(B + π/3) : F(18)/c + sec(C + π/3)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(630) lies on these lines: 2,18 3,624 5,619 62,303 140,618 141,575
X(630) = midpoint of X(18) and X(628)
X(630) = complement of X(18)
X(630) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(636)
X(630) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(303)
As a point on the Euler line, X(631) has Shinagawa coefficients (2,-1).
Let AeBeCe and AiBiCi be the Ae and Ai triangles (aka K798e and K798i triangles). X(631) is the radical center of the circumcircles of triangles AAeAi, BBeBi, CCeCi. (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(631) lies on these lines: {1,1000}, {2,3}, {6,9540}, {7,11374}, {8,1385}, {9,6700}, {10,944}, {11,4294}, {12,4293}, {13,5351}, {14,5352}, {15,11489}, {16,11488}, {17,5237}, {18,5238}, {32,7736}, {35,497}, {36,388}, {39,5319}, {40,1125}, {46,3485}, {49,11003}, {51,11695}, {52,2979}, {54,69}, {55,1058}, {56,1056}, {57,3487}, {61,3411}, {62,3412}, {64,5646}, {68,3431}, {72,5744}, {74,5972}, {76,6337}, {83,5171}, {84,5658}, {98,620}, {99,6036}, {100,5082}, {101,6712}, {102,6718}, {103,6710}, {104,958}, {109,6711}, {110,6699}, {113,12244}, {114,3096}, {115,13172}, {119,12248}, {122,5667}, {125,12383}, {127,13200}, {132,12253}, {141,5085}, {142,5735}, {143,11592}, {145,5690}, {146,12041}, {147,7945}, {154,6247}, {165,946}, {171,602}, {174,8127}, {183,3926}, {184,9705}, {185,5650}, {187,2548}, {193,5050}, {194,7616}, {196,8762}, {210,12675}, {212,3075}, {214,12247}, {216,1075}, {230,5013}, {238,601}, {262,5188}, {315,1007}, {323,12161}, {325,3785}, {329,3916}, {355,5731}, {371,3069}, {372,3068}, {373,10110}, {386,9568}, {387,4255}, {389,3917}, {390,496}, {394,7592}, {485,3316}, {486,3317}, {487,492}, {488,491}, {495,3600}, {511,3567}, {515,1698}, {516,8227}, {517,3616}, {551,7982}, {568,6101}, {569,6515}, {572,966}, {573,9569}, {574,3767}, {575,1992}, {576,10168}, {577,10312}, {578,11433}, {580,5712}, {581,3216}, {590,1152}, {597,11477}, {599,8550}, {603,3074}, {615,1151}, {616,6771}, {617,6774}, {618,6770}, {619,6773}, {621,13350}, {622,13349}, {629,3642}, {630,3643}, {640,8982}, {641,5590}, {642,5591}, {671,10992}, {748,3073}, {750,3072}, {908,4652}, {912,3876}, {936,5745}, {942,5435}, {952,3617}, {954,8732}, {956,7080}, {962,3579}, {978,1064}, {993,2551}, {999,5265}, {1001,6691}, {1038,1870}, {1040,6198}, {1071,5044}, {1131,6452}, {1132,6451}, {1141,13372}, {1147,5012}, {1153,5485}, {1155,4295}, {1192,11821}, {1199,1993}, {1209,12254}, {1210,3488}, {1216,5889}, {1285,3053}, {1292,6714}, {1293,6715}, {1294,6716}, {1295,6717}, {1296,6719}, {1297,6720}, {1350,3589}, {1352,3619}, {1376,4999}, {1478,4325}, {1479,4330}, {1482,3622}, {1483,3621}, {1490,6705}, {1498,6696}, {1503,3763}, {1506,5206}, {1511,3448}, {1512,8582}, {1519,4512}, {1614,9306}, {1621,10596}, {1703,8983}, {1737,3486}, {1837,4305}, {1899,13367}, {1986,13416}, {2077,5248}, {2080,7787}, {2096,3452}, {2482,11623}, {2549,7746}, {2550,10902}, {2794,7867}, {2883,10606}, {2888,10610}, {2975,3421}, {3055,5210}, {3060,5462}, {3070,6410}, {3071,6409}, {3095,6194}, {3098,7846}, {3100,9644}, {3183,3462}, {3189,10916}, {3241,3653}, {3279,3608}, {3295,5281}, {3296,3338}, {3303,4995}, {3304,5298}, {3305,7330}, {3306,5709}, {3311,7586}, {3312,7585}, {3333,13405}, {3335,3609}, {3357,6225}, {3359,5250}, {3398,7774}, {3428,6690}, {3430,6693}, {3474,4338}, {3476,10039}, {3564,3620}, {3582,10385}, {3614,12943}, {3623,5844}, {3632,13607}, {3634,4297}, {3646,12705}, {3654,10222}, {3679,5882}, {3746,10072}, {3788,7800}, {3796,9707}, {3813,4421}, {3817,12512}, {3819,5562}, {3868,10202}, {3871,10529}, {3873,13373}, {3897,5554}, {3933,9755}, {3934,11257}, {4045,9754}, {4256,5292}, {4292,5219}, {4299,5229}, {4302,5225}, {4304,9581}, {4308,5126}, {4311,9578}, {4313,5704}, {4340,5718}, {4413,8273}, {4423,11496}, {4648,5733}, {4678,12645}, {4846,11270}, {4855,6734}, {4996,10522}, {5023,7745}, {5024,5305}, {5045,10578}, {5096,5800}, {5102,6329}, {5122,5226}, {5158,5702}, {5180,10225}, {5181,5622}, {5251,5450}, {5253,10597}, {5259,8166}, {5303,11681}, {5304,9605}, {5316,6260}, {5326,7354}, {5334,11480}, {5335,11481}, {5395,10155}, {5436,9843}, {5442,5902}, {5444,5903}, {5445,10573}, {5446,5640}, {5449,12118}, {5461,12117}, {5473,6669}, {5474,6670}, {5482,5752}, {5563,10056}, {5569,7759}, {5599,11843}, {5600,11844}, {5651,6759}, {5654,5888}, {5691,10175}, {5692,5884}, {5693,10176}, {5708,5719}, {5720,10884}, {5732,5817}, {5758,9776}, {5768,5791}, {5777,10167}, {5891,12111}, {5893,5925}, {5901,12702}, {5904,12005}, {5907,6241}, {5943,9781}, {5946,6243}, {6054,9167}, {6118,12124}, {6119,12123}, {6193,12359}, {6197,10319}, {6221,7584}, {6224,12619}, {6239,12360}, {6242,12363}, {6282,6692}, {6284,7294}, {6292,7710}, {6398,7583}, {6400,12361}, {6403,11574}, {6445,9543}, {6450,8976}, {6454,8960}, {6560,10576}, {6561,10577}, {6680,9753}, {6685,9548}, {6688,13598}, {6689,7691}, {6702,12119}, {6704,12122}, {6722,7872}, {6761,12096}, {6769,10582}, {7173,12953}, {7317,12735}, {7610,9741}, {7619,7775}, {7622,7751}, {7694,7853}, {7722,12358}, {7739,7755}, {7747,8588}, {7748,8589}, {7758,7780}, {7782,11185}, {7790,9734}, {7803,7857}, {7808,8722}, {7810,7888}, {7822,8721}, {7830,7862}, {7831,7940}, {7835,12203}, {7836,10104}, {7870,11179}, {7904,7925}, {7905,11008}, {7910,13449}, {7914,9873}, {7931,9863}, {7957,13374}, {7989,10172}, {7991,13464}, {8071,10321}, {8125,8130}, {8126,8129}, {8148,10283}, {8151,9168}, {8222,11846}, {8223,11847}, {8254,12307}, {8416,8975}, {8537,11511}, {8553,9608}, {9655,10592}, {9668,10593}, {9740,12040}, {9778,11230}, {9785,11373}, {9812,9955}, {9820,12163}, {9821,10583}, {9829,12506}, {9833,11202}, {9932,12318}, {10163,12505}, {10170,12162}, {10198,10532}, {10263,11002}, {10272,10620}, {10282,11206}, {10320,10629}, {10470,10479}, {10525,10584}, {10526,10585}, {10574,11444}, {10586,10679}, {10587,10680}, {10598,11826}, {10599,11827}, {10632,11515}, {10633,11516}, {10706,10990}, {10707,10993}, {10880,11513}, {10881,11514}, {11194,12607}, {11425,13567}, {11442,11449}, {11456,13394}, {11557,13201}, {11806,12273}, {12026,13512}, {12249,12864}, {12255,13089}, {12319,12893}, {12320,12972}, {12321,12973}, {12322,12974}, {12323,12975}, {12528,13369}, {13025,13049}, {13026,13050}, {13027,13035}, {13028,13036}, {13203,13289}, {13352,13434}
X(631) is the {X(2),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(631), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(631) = reflection of X(632) in X(140)
X(631) = isogonal conjugate of X(3527)
X(631) = isotomic conjugate of X(8797)
X(631) = complement of X(3091)
X(631) = anticomplement of X(1656)
X(631) = circumcircle-inverse of X(37925)
X(631) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(3090)
X(631) = insimilicenter of circumcircle and 1st Steiner circle; the exsimilicenter is X(20)
X(631) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(8796)
X(631) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate)-of-X(8796)
X(631) = {X(3),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(376)
X(631) = insimilicenter of circumcircles of Euler and anti-Euler triangles; the exsimilicenter is X(4)
X(631) = homothetic center of circumorthic triangle and mid-triangle of orthic and dual of orthic triangles
X(631) = perspector of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and anti-Euler triangle
X(631) = orthocenter of cross-triangle of Euler and anti-Euler triangles
X(631) = homothetic center of X(4)-altimedial and X(2)-anti-altimedial triangles
X(631) = Euler line intercept, other than X(20), of conic {X(13),X(14),X(17),X(18),X(20)}}
X(631) = pole of Brocard axis wrt conic {X(2),X(15),X(16),X(17),X(18)}}
As a point on the Euler line, X(632) has Shinagawa coefficients (7,-1).
X(632) lies on these lines: 2,3 141,575
X(632) is the {X(2),X(140)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(632), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(632) = reflection of X(631) in X(140)
X(632) = complement of X(1656)
Trilinears F(61)/a - 2 cos(A - π/3) : F(61)/b - 2 cos(B - π/3) : F(61)/c - 2 cos(C - π/3)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(633) lies on these lines: 2,18 3,298 4,69 5,299 14,636 17,623 20,616 140,302 141,398 343,471 394,470 397,524
X(633) = isogonal conjugate of X(3442)
X(633) = anticomplement of X(61)
X(633) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(627)
Trilinears F(62)/a + 2 cos(A + π/3) : F(62)/b + 2 cos(B + π/3) : F(62)/c + 2 cos(C + π/3)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(634) lies on these lines: 2,17 3,299 4,69 5,298 13,635 18,624 20,617 140,303 141,397 343,470 394,471 398,524
X(634) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (62,636),
X(634) = isogonal conjugate of X(3443)
X(634) = anticomplement of X(62)
X(634) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(628)
Trilinears F(61)/a - cos(A - π/3) : F(61)/b - cos(B - π/3) : F(61)/c - cos(C - π/3)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(635) lies on these lines: 2,18 3,618 5,141 13,634 16,627 17,299 62,298 140,619 397,532
X(635) = midpoint of X(61) and X(633)
X(635) = complement of X(61)
X(635) = complementary conjugate of X(629)
Trilinears F(62)/a + cos(A + π/3) : F(62)/b + cos(B + π/3) : F(62)/c + cos(C + π/3)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(636) lies on these lines: 2,17 3,619 5,141 14,633 15,628 18,298 61,299 140,618 398,533
X(636) = midpoint of X(62) and X(634)
X(636) = complement of X(62)
X(636) = complementary conjugate of X(630)
X(637) lies on these lines: 2,371 3,489 4,69 5,491 20,488 30,490
X(637) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (371,639),
X(637) = anticomplement of X(371)
X(637) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(488)
X(638) lies on these lines: 2,372 3,490 4,69 5,492 20,487 30,489
X(638) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (372,640),
X(638) = anticomplement of X(372)
X(638) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(487)
If you have GeoGebra, you can view X(639)
X(639) lies on thesse lines: {2, 371}, {3, 641}, {4, 5590}, {5, 141}, {6, 11313}, {10, 31557}, {32, 615}, {39, 51401}, {69, 485}, {115, 53479}, {140, 43120}, {182, 49355}, {298, 33350}, {299, 33352}, {315, 372}, {325, 3103}, {343, 1591}, {376, 13701}, {394, 8968}, {488, 6560}, {489, 6200}, {490, 35820}, {491, 5417}, {524, 7583}, {590, 1504}, {591, 3312}, {597, 19116}, {599, 42265}, {618, 34552}, {619, 34551}, {620, 43144}, {630, 35746}, {631, 26361}, {638, 6564}, {754, 13966}, {1078, 60194}, {1151, 11315}, {1152, 41490}, {1160, 15835}, {1270, 1587}, {1350, 36656}, {1352, 48467}, {1503, 6214}, {1506, 13983}, {1585, 35765}, {1599, 9683}, {1656, 45473}, {1991, 8976}, {2459, 7750}, {2460, 7807}, {3069, 7375}, {3070, 7818}, {3071, 7822}, {3090, 5591}, {3098, 45542}, {3102, 6656}, {3316, 60223}, {3525, 33365}, {3589, 7584}, {3593, 13935}, {3619, 42274}, {3620, 42277}, {3629, 19117}, {3631, 18538}, {3642, 15765}, {3643, 18585}, {3763, 11314}, {3767, 45576}, {3788, 9738}, {3836, 31558}, {4138, 31591}, {5028, 49220}, {5050, 49317}, {5054, 13821}, {5062, 44392}, {5067, 26362}, {5420, 11291}, {5860, 7581}, {5861, 13886}, {5874, 8550}, {6036, 49104}, {6228, 6250}, {6278, 6776}, {6280, 14912}, {6292, 53503}, {6302, 42241}, {6303, 42239}, {6304, 42257}, {6305, 42256}, {6306, 33394}, {6307, 33393}, {6393, 13877}, {6396, 11293}, {6420, 62987}, {6421, 35684}, {6561, 11292}, {6565, 7388}, {6566, 7873}, {6567, 7874}, {6680, 45872}, {6811, 11824}, {7376, 42561}, {7749, 50374}, {7761, 9739}, {7763, 45564}, {7778, 9732}, {7784, 9733}, {7791, 45565}, {7795, 37343}, {7800, 37342}, {7821, 51395}, {7830, 43141}, {7864, 22613}, {7867, 32490}, {7886, 8981}, {7915, 42215}, {8252, 11316}, {8253, 12962}, {8948, 32588}, {8960, 62986}, {9675, 32790}, {10194, 60205}, {10514, 40330}, {10516, 36655}, {11090, 55501}, {11178, 45543}, {11294, 35821}, {11898, 49318}, {12323, 42269}, {13335, 49103}, {13567, 15236}, {13663, 13903}, {13757, 35814}, {13880, 62202}, {13930, 59635}, {15048, 53483}, {15234, 37636}, {17811, 55887}, {18762, 34573}, {18840, 36664}, {20065, 35813}, {21737, 22716}, {22627, 42248}, {22629, 42249}, {22644, 58803}, {22883, 33426}, {22928, 33425}, {29181, 36658}, {30270, 36709}, {30435, 45487}, {31555, 45305}, {32786, 41410}, {32789, 62241}, {32807, 39388}, {32808, 35822}, {32811, 42602}, {33392, 53464}, {33395, 53453}, {33448, 53432}, {33450, 53444}, {34091, 54628}, {34391, 57904}, {34507, 44486}, {35770, 45421}, {35949, 42266}, {42260, 58804}, {42261, 55041}, {43118, 48734}, {43119, 49086}, {43121, 44390}, {43142, 48773}, {44380, 44475}, {45406, 45553}, {45444, 48746}, {45500, 49347}, {45510, 45552}, {48769, 53475}, {49039, 53033}, {53015, 61096}
X(639) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {4, 11825}, {69, 35840}, {315, 372}, {371, 637}, {485, 42009}, {490, 35820}, {32808, 35822}, {34507, 44486}
X(639) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {640, 626}, {8550, 44484}, {43120, 140}
X(639) = complement of X(371)
X(639) = anticomplement of X(64691)
X(639) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(32432)
X(639) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(485)
X(639) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(34391)
X(639) = medial-isogonal conjugate of X(641)
X(639) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 641}, {19, 8968}, {91, 640}, {485, 10}, {1820, 55890}, {3377, 642}, {6413, 1214}, {8577, 37}, {11090, 18589}, {13455, 9}, {16032, 21231}, {34391, 2887}, {36145, 54028}, {39383, 14838}, {41515, 226}, {54031, 4369}, {58825, 16592}
X(639) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1306, 54029}, {46134, 54028}
X(639) = X(639)-Dao conjugate of X(371)
X(639) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(34391)
X(639) = crosssum of X(10132) and X(26920)
X(639) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 487, 5418}, {2, 637, 371}, {2, 10577, 6119}, {3, 6289, 48466}, {3, 45472, 641}, {5, 141, 640}, {141, 23311, 5}, {487, 5418, 41491}, {489, 39387, 6200}, {492, 7389, 372}, {590, 32491, 6118}, {623, 635, 640}, {624, 636, 640}, {625, 40107, 640}, {638, 32489, 6564}, {2039, 2040, 32432}, {3454, 24220, 640}, {3763, 42262, 11314}, {3934, 24206, 640}, {5031, 49111, 640}, {6306, 33394, 53456}, {6307, 33393, 53467}, {7849, 19130, 640}, {11291, 32805, 5420}, {11292, 12322, 6561}, {11293, 45508, 6396}, {15067, 34827, 640}, {21245, 37536, 640}, {44392, 53487, 5062}
X(640) lies on these lines: 2,372 3,642 5,141 69,486 315,371
X(640) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (315,371), (372,638)
X(640) = reflection of X(639) in X(626)
X(640) = complement of X(372)
X(640) = complementary conjugate of X(642)
Erect squares outwards on the sides of triangle ABC; the circumcenter of the centers of the squares is X(641). (Peter Moses, 7/16,2003)
X(641) lies on the Kiepert circumhyperbola of the medial triangle, the cubic K801, and these lines: {1, 12788}, {2, 372}, {3, 639}, {4, 12124}, {5, 6250}, {6, 11315}, {8, 7981}, {9, 60890}, {10, 45715}, {11, 13082}, {12, 18988}, {30, 7690}, {39, 615}, {55, 12959}, {56, 12949}, {69, 5418}, {83, 12211}, {99, 60194}, {113, 48730}, {114, 48467}, {115, 48784}, {119, 48686}, {125, 48786}, {127, 48788}, {132, 48732}, {136, 32500}, {140, 141}, {214, 48754}, {230, 45576}, {302, 42564}, {303, 42562}, {343, 55865}, {371, 492}, {373, 21654}, {427, 12148}, {486, 5490}, {487, 8913}, {490, 6564}, {498, 10068}, {499, 10084}, {524, 8981}, {549, 13821}, {574, 53480}, {590, 5062}, {591, 3311}, {597, 44474}, {618, 18585}, {619, 15765}, {620, 43120}, {623, 14814}, {624, 14813}, {626, 43121}, {629, 48752}, {630, 48750}, {631, 5590}, {636, 35744}, {637, 6200}, {946, 48740}, {958, 12939}, {1125, 12269}, {1151, 32419}, {1152, 11313}, {1209, 48774}, {1270, 9540}, {1352, 48742}, {1376, 12344}, {1504, 44392}, {1511, 48736}, {1583, 6503}, {1588, 3593}, {1599, 55532}, {1650, 12800}, {1656, 12602}, {1698, 9907}, {2482, 3071}, {2883, 48766}, {2996, 10194}, {3068, 13771}, {3069, 19102}, {3070, 6566}, {3090, 12510}, {3091, 12297}, {3096, 9987}, {3102, 5976}, {3317, 42023}, {3366, 38400}, {3367, 36779}, {3525, 5591}, {3526, 45410}, {3533, 26362}, {3589, 13966}, {3628, 23312}, {3647, 48756}, {3666, 5405}, {3763, 11316}, {3815, 18993}, {5020, 12979}, {5055, 22810}, {5058, 8997}, {5235, 64389}, {5491, 45516}, {5552, 13134}, {5599, 12486}, {5600, 12487}, {5745, 31540}, {5943, 12238}, {6119, 8252}, {6251, 23698}, {6260, 48748}, {6292, 48770}, {6396, 7389}, {6419, 62987}, {6453, 43134}, {6509, 55885}, {6560, 32499}, {6561, 51579}, {6565, 11294}, {6593, 48782}, {6626, 21909}, {6642, 12973}, {6811, 11825}, {7376, 13834}, {7388, 10577}, {7392, 12321}, {7582, 45078}, {7583, 45871}, {7710, 9757}, {7746, 53479}, {7759, 43124}, {7761, 12975}, {7769, 12218}, {7778, 43118}, {7834, 45872}, {7853, 15886}, {7866, 15884}, {7914, 35256}, {8222, 13004}, {8223, 13005}, {8225, 8299}, {8290, 33341}, {8786, 22563}, {8966, 19408}, {9306, 12230}, {9605, 45487}, {9737, 45545}, {9738, 44390}, {9744, 45552}, {9813, 12598}, {9816, 12663}, {9817, 12911}, {9818, 12985}, {10527, 13135}, {10601, 19462}, {10643, 12982}, {10644, 12983}, {10961, 12961}, {10963, 12967}, {11147, 12322}, {11165, 13951}, {11284, 12170}, {11451, 12275}, {11465, 12286}, {11479, 12304}, {11484, 12312}, {11614, 32789}, {12305, 36656}, {12323, 22646}, {12864, 48762}, {13089, 48776}, {13449, 32435}, {13651, 32785}, {13712, 22644}, {13758, 45513}, {13783, 51588}, {13875, 22848}, {13876, 22892}, {13878, 22724}, {13989, 49220}, {14229, 22718}, {14645, 44501}, {15819, 48744}, {15835, 26348}, {16441, 40592}, {17056, 63302}, {17825, 17842}, {18420, 22818}, {18586, 22635}, {18587, 22634}, {18928, 18938}, {19137, 19144}, {19146, 32954}, {19188, 19200}, {19372, 19474}, {19449, 19491}, {21616, 31591}, {22966, 48760}, {26359, 45349}, {26360, 45351}, {26363, 45526}, {26364, 45528}, {26468, 35945}, {26615, 42413}, {26619, 42561}, {30471, 35849}, {30472, 35847}, {32391, 48758}, {32489, 35820}, {32490, 32790}, {32503, 32513}, {32811, 43254}, {33346, 33370}, {33348, 33372}, {33350, 33368}, {33351, 62600}, {33352, 33366}, {33353, 62601}, {33358, 33440}, {33360, 33442}, {33425, 33426}, {34551, 44382}, {34552, 44383}, {35771, 45421}, {35812, 62986}, {35815, 45420}, {35821, 35949}, {37340, 53468}, {37341, 53457}, {40107, 44475}, {42258, 51581}, {42269, 58803}, {43291, 53482}, {43559, 60207}, {43880, 51587}, {44380, 44486}, {48769, 51373}, {48785, 62348}, {52032, 56506}, {52193, 53467}, {52194, 53456}, {56502, 62589}
X(641) =midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 12788}, {2, 55041}, {3, 6289}, {4, 12124}, {8, 7981}, {99, 60270}, {371, 42009}, {485, 488}, {486, 6337}, {487, 22591}, {490, 32495}, {492, 49790}, {1650, 12800}, {3102, 13877}, {6228, 22623}, {6278, 12257}, {6304, 6305}, {6311, 6312}, {7690, 45542}, {12305, 36656}, {12322, 42260}, {12344, 12929}, {12939, 22624}, {22627, 22629}
X(641) =reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {485, 6118}, {6250, 5}, {12269, 1125}, {13879, 8180}, {13881, 6119}, {48735, 49104}, {49104, 140}
X(641) =complement of X(485)
X(641) =anticomplement of X(6118)
X(641) =complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(371)
X(641) =complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(492)
X(641) =isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(44637)
X(641) =medial-isogonal conjugate of X(639)
X(641) =X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 639}, {31, 590}, {47, 642}, {48, 55885}, {163, 54029}, {371, 10}, {486, 34825}, {492, 2887}, {1585, 20305}, {1973, 49221}, {3378, 640}, {5408, 18589}, {5413, 226}, {6414, 18588}, {8911, 1214}, {32676, 14334}, {41516, 63843}, {45805, 21235}, {54029, 21253}, {55398, 141}
X(641) =X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 590}, {99, 54029}
X(641) =X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {590, 2}, {641, 485}, {10962, 588}
X(641) =crosspoint of X(2) and X(492)
X(641) =crosssum of X(6) and X(8577)
X(641) =barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {69, 44637}, {492, 590}, {5062, 45805}
X(641) =barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {371, 588}, {492, 60194}, {590, 485}, {5062, 8577}, {8911, 8825}, {44637, 4}, {44647, 61390}, {52287, 41515}
X(641) ={X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 45546, 48746}, {2, 485, 6118}, {2, 488, 485}, {2, 638, 10576}, {2, 5408, 8968}, {2, 45508, 372}, {3, 45472, 639}, {3, 45554, 48466}, {4, 45522, 45498}, {5, 9739, 45544}, {39, 615, 45577}, {140, 141, 642}, {140, 48772, 182}, {182, 3788, 642}, {182, 48772, 48734}, {372, 45508, 41490}, {485, 55041, 488}, {492, 39387, 371}, {590, 5062, 45574}, {590, 44647, 13879}, {615, 32497, 49221}, {615, 49221, 13880}, {631, 45510, 45553}, {1125, 48764, 45500}, {6304, 22627, 22629}, {6305, 22629, 22627}, {6311, 13088, 6312}, {6337, 32805, 5490}, {7388, 32807, 10577}, {8252, 11314, 6119}, {10576, 35832, 485}, {11292, 32805, 486}, {26361, 33364, 4}, {33444, 33446, 2}, {33444, 33450, 485}, {33446, 33448, 485}, {33448, 33450, 488}
X(641) = X(3)-of-outer-Vecten-triangle
X(641) = outer-Vecten-isogonal conjugate of X(485)
X(641) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(590)
X(641) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(590)
X(641) = perspector of medial triangle and outer Vecten of outer Vecten triangle (note: the medial triangle is the inner Vecten of outer Vecten triangle.)
Erect squares inwards on the sides of triangle ABC; the circumcenter of the centers of the squares is X(642). (Peter Moses, 7/16,2003)
X(642) lies on these lines: 2,371 3,640 140,141 372,491
X(642) = midpoint of X(486) and X(487)
X(642) = complement of X(486)
X(642) = complementary conjugate of X(640)
X(642) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(491)
X(642) = X(3)-of-inner-Vecten-triangle
X(642) = inner-Vecten-isogonal conjugate of X(486)
X(642) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(615)
X(642) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(615)
X(642) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(615)
X(642) = perspector of medial triangle and outer Vecten of inner Vecten triangle (note: the medial triangle is the inner Vecten of inner Vecten triangle.)
X(643) satisfies the equation X*(incircle) = Kiepert parabola, where
* denotes trilinear multiplication, defined by
(u : v : w) * (x : y : z) = ux : vy : wz.
X(643) lies on these lines: 8,1098 99,109 100,110 101,931 162,190 163,1018 212,312 283,1043
X(643) = isogonal conjugate of X(4017)
X(643) = isotomic conjugate of X(4077)
X(643) = trilinear pole of line X(9)X(21)
X(644) satisfies the equation X*(incircle) = Yff parabola, where *
denotes trilinear multiplication, defined by
(u : v : w) * (x : y : z) = ux : vy : wz.
X(644) is the perspector of the anticevian triangle of X(100) and the unary cofactor triangle of the intangents triangle. (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(644) lies on these lines: 8,220 78,728 100,101 105,1083 145,218 190,651 219,346 645,646 666,668 813,932 934,1025
X(644) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (105,1083), (1280,1)
X(644) = isogonal conjugate of X(3669)
X(644) = isotomic conjugate of X(24002)
X(644) = anticomplement of X(4904)
X(644) = X(190)-Ceva conjugate of X(100)
X(644) = crosssum of X(764) and X(1015)
X(644) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(244)X(1357)
X(644) = trilinear pole of line X(9)X(55) (tangent to Feuerbach hyperbola at X(9))
X(644) = X(650)-cross conjugate of X(9)
X(644) = eigencenter of Caelum triangle
X(644) = eigencenter of 5th mixtilinear triangle
X(644) = perspector of unary cofactor triangles of 3rd and 5th mixtilinear triangles
X(644) = perspector of 5th mixtilinear triangle and unary cofactor triangle of 3rd mixtilinear triangle
X(644) = intersection, other than vertices of Gemini triangle 29, of {ABC, Gemini 29}-circumconic and {Gemini 29, Gemini 30}-circumconic
X(645) satisfies the equation X*(incircle) = Kiepert parabola, where * denotes barycentric multiplication, defined by
(u : v : w) * (x : y : z) = ux : vy : wz (barycentric coordinates; see note at X(2)).
X(645) lies on these lines: 9,261 99,101 100,931 294,314 644,646 648,668 651,799 666,670
X(645) = anticomplement of X(17058)
X(645) = trilinear pole of line X(8)X(21)
X(645) = perspector of anticevian triangle of X(99) and unary cofactor triangle of intangents triangle
X(646) lies on these lines: 190,668 644,645
X(646) = isotomic conjugate of X(3669)
X(646) = trilinear pole of line X(8)X(210) (the tangent to Feuerbach hyperbola at X(8))
X(646) = X(650)-cross conjugate of X(8)
X(646) = X(522)-cross conjugate of X(314)
X(646) = PU(4)-harmonic conjugate of polar conjugate of X(35158)
X(647) is the point whose trilinears are coefficients for the Euler line.
X(647) = radical center of the circumcircle, nine-point circle, and Brocard circle (Wilson Stothers, 3/13/2003)
X(647) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangle of the Jerabek hyperbola. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let L be the line at infinity. X(647) = X(230)X(231)∩X(441)X(525); that is, the polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of L and the isotomic conjugate of polar conjugate of L. (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
The circumcircle of the anti-orthocentroidal triangle is here named the anti-orthocentroidal circle. The point X(647) is the radical center of these three circles: circumcircle, orthocentroidal circle, anti-orthocentroidal circle. (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
X(647) lies on these lines: {1, 1021}, {2, 850}, {3, 10097}, {6, 2433}, {10, 21719}, {23, 13114}, {25, 34212}, {32, 44895}, {37, 3700}, {39, 1640}, {42, 4524}, {50, 654}, {75, 21437}, {99, 9091}, {110, 2715}, {111, 842}, {112, 1304}, {114, 38975}, {115, 3258}, {122, 33504}, {125, 22264}, {136, 38970}, {141, 9030}, {184, 878}, {185, 9242}, {187, 237}, {216, 14401}, {230, 231}, {248, 35909}, {352, 9138}, {441, 525}, {511, 40283}, {513, 43060}, {514, 23723}, {520, 652}, {570, 8562}, {574, 44814}, {612, 4477}, {656, 8611}, {657, 2451}, {661, 3709}, {688, 2513}, {804, 23301}, {810, 20754}, {826, 7651}, {879, 43718}, {881, 38237}, {906, 23084}, {1015, 35090}, {1084, 6791}, {1125, 19948}, {1194, 10190}, {1196, 11123}, {1214, 17094}, {1301, 32687}, {1331, 23139}, {1499, 11615}, {1555, 19912}, {1560, 42426}, {1562, 35071}, {1570, 30219}, {1577, 27731}, {1624, 35325}, {1635, 4139}, {1962, 6608}, {1995, 33752}, {2394, 43530}, {2422, 5651}, {2430, 14642}, {2436, 18320}, {2516, 4145}, {2605, 7252}, {2611, 14936}, {2780, 32231}, {2799, 6563}, {2966, 9514}, {2972, 38356}, {3117, 11183}, {3124, 38987}, {3221, 17415}, {3261, 25511}, {3267, 4580}, {3666, 17069}, {3708, 7117}, {3766, 27293}, {3768, 23751}, {4132, 4394}, {4151, 4765}, {4391, 25902}, {4458, 16612}, {4467, 16751}, {4789, 24900}, {5466, 7607}, {5642, 11672}, {5972, 23584}, {5996, 9147}, {6331, 43188}, {6368, 14345}, {7630, 30474}, {7631, 9148}, {7656, 25925}, {7746, 23105}, {8045, 14838}, {8371, 37742}, {8673, 10317}, {8704, 9185}, {9033, 44892}, {9044, 9188}, {9137, 11580}, {9168, 9465}, {9171, 22111}, {9175, 20481}, {9178, 21448}, {9216, 32583}, {9306, 22391}, {9426, 19558}, {9517, 30491}, {9979, 41298}, {10192, 40588}, {10766, 14919}, {11063, 39180}, {11124, 40973}, {11424, 14456}, {13006, 23993}, {13558, 20998}, {14165, 14618}, {14208, 24459}, {14321, 21894}, {14341, 44817}, {14376, 23107}, {14773, 23292}, {14966, 15329}, {15328, 46262}, {15411, 15420}, {15820, 18313}, {16186, 41172}, {16598, 23988}, {16599, 23585}, {18675, 40628}, {18877, 32663}, {21053, 27711}, {21225, 26114}, {21761, 23567}, {21789, 43925}, {21837, 24290}, {22055, 22375}, {22089, 22091}, {22121, 22155}, {23786, 23887}, {23963, 34947}, {25423, 45333}, {25861, 25862}, {27648, 45746}, {30230, 40115}, {32120, 35282}, {32661, 32662}, {33843, 42733}, {39013, 39021}, {39482, 39601}, {39503, 39799}, {41336, 44896}
X(647) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 36900}, {351, 17414}, {649, 42664}, {669, 3005}, {850, 31296}, {2966, 46245}, {3267, 4580}, {3288, 3569}, {5996, 9147}, {6137, 6138}, {6563, 33294}, {8639, 42661}, {8664, 8665}, {14270, 18117}, {14618, 15412}, {15451, 39201}, {17431, 17432}, {17434, 32320}, {21731, 42660}, {30476, 41300}
X(647) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 44560}, {125, 22264}, {669, 8651}, {850, 30476}, {1495, 42654}, {1637, 9209}, {2489, 2485}, {2501, 6587}, {2525, 3265}, {3804, 669}, {6753, 16040}, {8644, 351}, {12077, 2501}, {31174, 2}, {31296, 41300}, {42658, 39201}, {45907, 2491}
X(647) = isogonal conjugate of X(648)
X(647) = isotomic conjugate of X(6331)
X(647) = complement of X(850)
X(647) = anticomplement of X(30476)
X(647) = circumcircle-inverse of X(35901)
X(647) = Parry-circle-inverse of X(3569)
X(647) = Dao-Moses-Telv-circle inverse of X(6130)
X(647) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipe-inverse of X(34235)
X(647) = Moses-Parry-circle-inverse of X(1637)
X(647) = Parry-isodynamic-circle inverse of X(5191)
X(647) = polar conjugate of X(6528)
X(647) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(34980)
X(647) = center of the Moses radical circle
X(647) = tripolar centroid for these (i,j): {41518, 41519}
X(647) = trilinear pole of line {3269, 9409}
X(647) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {2, 3}
X(647) = perspector of the Jerabek hyperbola
X(647) = orthojoin of X(125)
X(647) = perspector of ABC and the side-triangle of the cevian triangles of X(3) and X(6)
X(647) = PU(4)-harmonic conjugate of X(232)
X(647) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for these i: 17, 145, 157
X(647) = PU(17)-harmonic conjugate of X(185)
X(647) = crossdifference of PU(30)
X(647) = barycentric product of PU(75)
X(647) = trilinear pole of PU(109) (line X(3269)X(9409))
X(647) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(125)
X(647) = intersection of trilinear polars of any 2 points on the Jerabek hyperbola
X(647) = X(187)-of-2nd-Parry-triangle
X(647) = X(187)-of-3rd-Parry-triangle
X(647) = intersection of the Lemoine axes of ABC and the 5th Euler triangle
X(647) = intersection of orthic and Lemoine axes (trilinear polars of X(4) and X(6))
X(647) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(110)
X(647) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(6528)
X(647) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(6528)
X(647) = midpoint of PU(145)
X(647) = PU(157)-harmonic conjugate of X(51)
X(647) = X(649)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(647) = trilinear product of Jerabek hyperbola intercepts of antiorthic axis
X(647) = excentral-to-ABC functional image of X(649)
X(647) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(34235)
X(647) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {9255, 13219}, {9258, 3448}, {9292, 21221}, {9307, 21294}, {43188, 6327}
X(647) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 21253}, {31, 125}, {32, 8287}, {48, 127}, {58, 21252}, {99, 21235}, {101, 21245}, {110, 2887}, {112, 20305}, {162, 21243}, {163, 141}, {184, 34846}, {249, 42327}, {250, 21259}, {560, 115}, {662, 626}, {669, 24040}, {691, 21256}, {692, 3454}, {799, 40379}, {827, 21238}, {922, 5099}, {1101, 512}, {1110, 31946}, {1333, 116}, {1397, 8286}, {1408, 17059}, {1414, 17047}, {1415, 17052}, {1501, 16592}, {1576, 10}, {1755, 36471}, {1917, 1084}, {1923, 15449}, {1924, 23991}, {1933, 2679}, {2194, 124}, {2205, 6627}, {2206, 11}, {4556, 21240}, {4565, 17046}, {4567, 21262}, {4570, 21260}, {4575, 1368}, {4590, 21263}, {4602, 40380}, {4630, 1215}, {5546, 21244}, {9247, 15526}, {9417, 35088}, {14574, 37}, {14575, 16573}, {14585, 16595}, {14586, 21231}, {16947, 4904}, {23357, 4369}, {23963, 14838}, {23990, 4129}, {23995, 523}, {24041, 23301}, {32656, 21530}, {32660, 18642}, {32661, 18589}, {32676, 5}, {32678, 34827}, {32729, 4892}, {32734, 34825}, {32739, 1211}, {34072, 3934}, {36084, 21531}, {36134, 3819}, {36142, 625}, {41280, 16613}, {46289, 7668}
X(647) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3270}, {2, 125}, {3, 20975}, {4, 34980}, {6, 3269}, {25, 38356}, {48, 7117}, {63, 3937}, {99, 6467}, {101, 44093}, {107, 51}, {108, 40952}, {110, 184}, {112, 6}, {184, 38352}, {222, 22094}, {248, 41172}, {254, 8754}, {393, 1562}, {520, 42658}, {523, 512}, {525, 520}, {648, 185}, {650, 661}, {652, 822}, {691, 21639}, {827, 21637}, {879, 39469}, {905, 656}, {906, 18591}, {907, 19459}, {933, 13366}, {935, 2393}, {1020, 1425}, {1073, 2972}, {1113, 44125}, {1114, 44126}, {1214, 18210}, {1289, 1843}, {1296, 10602}, {1301, 25}, {1304, 1495}, {1331, 22080}, {1332, 22076}, {1415, 2092}, {1459, 810}, {1576, 39}, {1942, 35236}, {2164, 20982}, {2165, 115}, {2218, 3271}, {2394, 526}, {2407, 974}, {2433, 686}, {2489, 2519}, {2623, 30451}, {2715, 8779}, {2966, 511}, {3049, 2524}, {3267, 8673}, {3459, 24862}, {3463, 41212}, {3504, 23216}, {3563, 44114}, {3903, 23526}, {3952, 43218}, {4551, 3611}, {4557, 23620}, {4558, 3}, {4559, 1409}, {4563, 3917}, {4574, 71}, {4580, 525}, {5649, 5622}, {6331, 1899}, {7612, 6784}, {8770, 3124}, {9064, 34417}, {10423, 44102}, {14376, 15526}, {14380, 9409}, {14570, 6146}, {14586, 570}, {14618, 924}, {14910, 2088}, {14919, 16186}, {14977, 9517}, {15352, 4}, {15412, 523}, {15420, 521}, {15421, 9033}, {15459, 6000}, {16806, 21647}, {16807, 21648}, {16813, 389}, {18315, 13367}, {18890, 35071}, {22239, 44084}, {23067, 228}, {23086, 22373}, {23181, 23195}, {23286, 39201}, {26705, 40954}, {30247, 40673}, {30249, 44079}, {30441, 26937}, {32640, 3003}, {32641, 2245}, {32661, 216}, {32662, 3284}, {32734, 39643}, {33640, 44110}, {34212, 3569}, {34429, 20974}, {34568, 74}, {35178, 15073}, {36067, 44113}, {39180, 15451}, {39181, 23286}, {39183, 1510}, {39290, 21650}, {39291, 287}, {39382, 8541}, {39383, 21640}, {39384, 21641}, {39417, 1974}, {40097, 44092}, {40116, 39690}, {40323, 6388}, {40347, 1648}, {40428, 15630}, {41210, 41204}, {41676, 26926}, {41677, 32377}, {41678, 1885}, {41769, 127}, {42401, 42400}, {43188, 2}, {43679, 7668}, {44060, 154}, {44769, 21663}, {46087, 34982}
X(647) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {686, 14582}, {1084, 40319}, {3049, 512}, {3124, 2351}, {3269, 6}, {3708, 2197}, {9409, 14380}, {15451, 523}, {20975, 3}, {34980, 4}, {35071, 14642}, {35236, 1942}, {38974, 232}, {39201, 520}, {39469, 879}, {41172, 248}, {42293, 39201}
X(647) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 648}, {2, 162}, {3, 823}, {4, 662}, {6, 811}, {19, 99}, {21, 653}, {25, 799}, {27, 100}, {28, 190}, {29, 651}, {31, 6331}, {33, 4573}, {34, 645}, {38, 42396}, {47, 30450}, {48, 6528}, {57, 36797}, {58, 6335}, {63, 107}, {69, 24019}, {74, 24001}, {75, 112}, {76, 32676}, {81, 1897}, {82, 41676}, {86, 1783}, {91, 41679}, {92, 110}, {101, 286}, {108, 333}, {109, 31623}, {158, 4558}, {163, 264}, {186, 32680}, {204, 44326}, {225, 4612}, {230, 36105}, {232, 36036}, {240, 2966}, {242, 4584}, {243, 41206}, {249, 24006}, {250, 1577}, {255, 15352}, {270, 4552}, {273, 5546}, {274, 8750}, {275, 2617}, {278, 643}, {281, 1414}, {284, 18026}, {297, 36084}, {304, 32713}, {314, 32674}, {317, 36145}, {318, 4565}, {323, 36129}, {324, 36134}, {325, 36104}, {326, 6529}, {340, 32678}, {393, 4592}, {394, 36126}, {419, 37134}, {423, 37135}, {427, 4599}, {441, 36092}, {468, 36085}, {512, 46254}, {514, 5379}, {525, 24000}, {607, 4625}, {608, 7257}, {647, 23999}, {655, 17515}, {656, 23582}, {658, 4183}, {660, 31905}, {661, 18020}, {664, 1172}, {668, 1474}, {670, 1973}, {673, 4238}, {685, 1959}, {687, 1725}, {692, 44129}, {765, 17925}, {775, 41678}, {827, 20883}, {858, 36095}, {860, 37140}, {877, 1910}, {897, 4235}, {925, 1748}, {931, 5307}, {933, 14213}, {934, 2322}, {935, 16568}, {1010, 36099}, {1019, 15742}, {1043, 32714}, {1096, 4563}, {1099, 34568}, {1101, 14618}, {1113, 2581}, {1114, 2580}, {1119, 7259}, {1235, 34072}, {1289, 1760}, {1301, 18750}, {1303, 9252}, {1304, 14206}, {1332, 8747}, {1396, 3699}, {1398, 7258}, {1415, 44130}, {1435, 7256}, {1492, 31909}, {1576, 1969}, {1625, 40440}, {1633, 40411}, {1733, 32697}, {1755, 22456}, {1784, 44769}, {1812, 36127}, {1813, 1896}, {1821, 4230}, {1824, 4610}, {1839, 4596}, {1843, 4593}, {1936, 41207}, {1953, 18831}, {1957, 43188}, {1974, 4602}, {1978, 2203}, {1981, 37142}, {1995, 37217}, {2052, 4575}, {2166, 14590}, {2167, 35360}, {2173, 16077}, {2190, 14570}, {2201, 4589}, {2204, 4572}, {2216, 41677}, {2287, 36118}, {2299, 4554}, {2313, 41208}, {2326, 4566}, {2328, 13149}, {2332, 4569}, {2333, 4623}, {2349, 4240}, {2355, 4632}, {2407, 36119}, {2421, 36120}, {2489, 24037}, {2501, 24041}, {2576, 15165}, {2577, 15164}, {2586, 8116}, {2587, 8115}, {2588, 39298}, {2589, 39299}, {2631, 42308}, {2633, 15351}, {2715, 40703}, {2964, 38342}, {3112, 35325}, {3194, 44327}, {3257, 37168}, {3260, 36131}, {3580, 36114}, {3658, 37203}, {3737, 46102}, {4143, 24022}, {4206, 37215}, {4222, 37205}, {4232, 37216}, {4233, 37206}, {4241, 36101}, {4242, 24624}, {4246, 34234}, {4248, 27834}, {4249, 37130}, {4551, 46103}, {4556, 41013}, {4560, 7012}, {4561, 5317}, {4567, 7649}, {4570, 17924}, {4577, 17442}, {4591, 38462}, {4594, 7119}, {4600, 6591}, {4603, 7009}, {4606, 31903}, {4616, 7079}, {4620, 18344}, {4622, 8756}, {4627, 5342}, {4628, 16747}, {4633, 5338}, {4635, 7071}, {4636, 40149}, {4637, 7046}, {5271, 36077}, {5468, 36128}, {6516, 8748}, {7035, 43925}, {7045, 17926}, {7115, 18155}, {7128, 7253}, {7452, 36100}, {7480, 36102}, {8753, 24039}, {8767, 34211}, {8822, 40117}, {9390, 39062}, {10423, 20884}, {11107, 38340}, {13138, 41083}, {14006, 37137}, {14165, 36061}, {14208, 23964}, {14212, 33640}, {14543, 40431}, {15149, 36086}, {15411, 24033}, {16081, 23997}, {16237, 36053}, {16813, 44706}, {17438, 33513}, {17569, 37207}, {17983, 23889}, {21582, 39417}, {23090, 24032}, {23347, 33805}, {23353, 35145}, {24018, 32230}, {27369, 37204}, {30528, 36063}, {30737, 36046}, {31900, 37212}, {31902, 37211}, {31926, 37138}, {32002, 36148}, {32696, 46238}, {32715, 46234}, {34055, 46151}, {34085, 37908}, {35201, 39290}, {36034, 46106}, {36043, 44436}, {36142, 44146}, {36149, 44134}
X(647) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 22143}, {3049, 39201}, {15451, 42293}
X(647) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1020}, {2, 110}, {3, 4558}, {4, 15352}, {6, 112}, {37, 4559}, {71, 4574}, {74, 34568}, {99, 40405}, {100, 40406}, {101, 2983}, {107, 275}, {108, 2982}, {109, 40407}, {288, 933}, {523, 525}, {648, 1105}, {650, 652}, {694, 39291}, {905, 1459}, {1073, 1301}, {1113, 8116}, {1114, 8115}, {1214, 23067}, {1289, 40404}, {1304, 40384}, {1331, 1796}, {1332, 1791}, {1576, 10547}, {1799, 4563}, {1813, 40442}, {5994, 41893}, {5995, 41892}, {6331, 34405}, {10419, 43755}, {10423, 41511}, {11079, 32662}, {14533, 32661}, {15412, 23286}, {39180, 39181}
X(647) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1021}, {2, 525}, {3, 32320}, {4, 2501}, {6, 523}, {21, 23090}, {27, 17925}, {28, 43925}, {29, 17926}, {30, 14401}, {52, 6753}, {81, 4560}, {110, 112}, {185, 647}, {216, 520}, {230, 38359}, {233, 6368}, {323, 5664}, {324, 14618}, {394, 20580}, {512, 1196}, {513, 40941}, {514, 40940}, {521, 40937}, {522, 40942}, {524, 18311}, {650, 1858}, {651, 653}, {850, 1235}, {924, 40939}, {1249, 8057}, {1625, 35360}, {1636, 40948}, {1637, 13202}, {1783, 1897}, {1829, 6591}, {1839, 7649}, {1843, 2489}, {1994, 20577}, {2322, 7253}, {2409, 15639}, {2451, 9308}, {2492, 40949}, {2574, 8106}, {2575, 8105}, {2592, 2593}, {2799, 15595}, {2967, 3569}, {3049, 40947}, {3064, 40950}, {3163, 9033}, {3288, 9755}, {3574, 12077}, {3737, 40979}, {3800, 40179}, {5095, 14273}, {5895, 6587}, {7252, 40980}, {8673, 40938}, {8743, 33294}, {14091, 30211}, {14920, 44427}, {15412, 19170}, {17434, 42441}, {31296, 41334}, {35311, 35318}, {35325, 41676}, {36054, 40946}, {41392, 41512}
X(647) = trilinear pole of line {3269, 9409}
X(647) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {2, 3}
X(647) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 656}, {3, 523}, {4, 520}, {5, 23286}, {6, 525}, {10, 1459}, {11, 23067}, {12, 23189}, {19, 24018}, {25, 3265}, {30, 14380}, {31, 14208}, {32, 3267}, {37, 905}, {39, 4580}, {42, 4025}, {48, 1577}, {50, 14592}, {54, 6368}, {55, 17094}, {57, 8611}, {58, 4064}, {63, 661}, {64, 8057}, {65, 521}, {66, 8673}, {67, 9517}, {68, 924}, {69, 512}, {71, 514}, {72, 513}, {73, 522}, {74, 9033}, {75, 810}, {76, 3049}, {77, 4041}, {78, 4017}, {92, 822}, {93, 37084}, {95, 15451}, {97, 12077}, {98, 684}, {99, 20975}, {100, 18210}, {101, 4466}, {106, 14429}, {107, 2972}, {110, 125}, {111, 14417}, {112, 15526}, {115, 4558}, {122, 1301}, {140, 39180}, {162, 2632}, {163, 20902}, {184, 850}, {186, 43083}, {187, 14977}, {201, 3737}, {212, 4077}, {213, 15413}, {216, 15412}, {219, 7178}, {222, 3700}, {226, 652}, {228, 693}, {233, 39181}, {248, 2799}, {250, 5489}, {251, 2525}, {253, 42658}, {255, 24006}, {264, 39201}, {265, 526}, {275, 17434}, {276, 42293}, {287, 3569}, {288, 35441}, {290, 39469}, {292, 24459}, {295, 4010}, {304, 798}, {305, 669}, {306, 649}, {307, 663}, {321, 22383}, {323, 14582}, {324, 46088}, {325, 878}, {328, 14270}, {337, 4455}, {338, 32661}, {339, 1576}, {343, 2623}, {345, 7180}, {348, 3709}, {351, 30786}, {394, 2501}, {441, 34212}, {476, 16186}, {493, 17431}, {494, 17432}, {511, 879}, {518, 10099}, {524, 10097}, {542, 35909}, {577, 14618}, {594, 7254}, {599, 30491}, {603, 4086}, {648, 3269}, {650, 1214}, {662, 3708}, {667, 20336}, {686, 2986}, {690, 895}, {694, 24284}, {804, 36214}, {823, 37754}, {826, 1176}, {868, 43754}, {882, 12215}, {906, 16732}, {912, 3657}, {933, 35442}, {1018, 3942}, {1019, 3949}, {1020, 34591}, {1021, 37755}, {1073, 6587}, {1086, 4574}, {1109, 4575}, {1231, 3063}, {1245, 23874}, {1265, 7250}, {1304, 1650}, {1331, 3120}, {1332, 3125}, {1400, 6332}, {1402, 35518}, {1409, 4391}, {1410, 4397}, {1425, 7253}, {1437, 4036}, {1439, 3900}, {1441, 1946}, {1444, 4705}, {1494, 9409}, {1495, 34767}, {1500, 15419}, {1503, 2435}, {1510, 3519}, {1565, 4557}, {1636, 16080}, {1637, 14919}, {1649, 15398}, {1790, 4024}, {1794, 23752}, {1796, 4988}, {1797, 4120}, {1799, 3005}, {1813, 21044}, {1814, 24290}, {1824, 4131}, {1826, 4091}, {1919, 40071}, {1924, 40364}, {1942, 2797}, {1976, 6333}, {1989, 8552}, {2052, 32320}, {2092, 15420}, {2169, 2618}, {2197, 4560}, {2200, 3261}, {2207, 4143}, {2318, 3676}, {2333, 30805}, {2349, 2631}, {2351, 6563}, {2359, 21124}, {2373, 42665}, {2394, 3284}, {2395, 36212}, {2419, 42671}, {2422, 6393}, {2433, 11064}, {2451, 9289}, {2485, 14376}, {2489, 3926}, {2492, 34897}, {2519, 6339}, {2524, 2998}, {2533, 7015}, {2574, 2575}, {2578, 2583}, {2579, 2582}, {2584, 2589}, {2585, 2588}, {2616, 44706}, {2629, 9392}, {2643, 4592}, {2774, 38535}, {2806, 43723}, {2850, 10693}, {2966, 41172}, {3003, 15421}, {3050, 36952}, {3064, 40152}, {3122, 4561}, {3124, 4563}, {3172, 14638}, {3199, 15414}, {3221, 43714}, {3270, 4566}, {3288, 42313}, {3289, 43665}, {3292, 5466}, {3426, 9007}, {3504, 23301}, {3564, 35364}, {3566, 6391}, {3669, 3694}, {3682, 7649}, {3690, 7192}, {3692, 7216}, {3695, 3733}, {3710, 43924}, {3800, 34817}, {3906, 43697}, {3933, 18105}, {3937, 3952}, {3990, 17924}, {3998, 6591}, {4020, 18070}, {4049, 22356}, {4055, 46107}, {4079, 17206}, {4080, 22086}, {4088, 36057}, {4171, 7177}, {4516, 6516}, {4524, 7056}, {4551, 7004}, {4552, 7117}, {4556, 21046}, {4559, 26932}, {4570, 21134}, {4581, 22076}, {4608, 22080}, {4609, 23216}, {4846, 8675}, {5027, 40708}, {5392, 30451}, {5486, 30209}, {5663, 14220}, {5664, 11079}, {6000, 43701}, {6003, 43708}, {6103, 35911}, {6130, 14941}, {6137, 40709}, {6138, 40710}, {6334, 14910}, {6340, 8651}, {6354, 23090}, {6356, 21789}, {6390, 9178}, {6394, 17994}, {6528, 34980}, {6664, 22159}, {6728, 7591}, {6742, 22094}, {6757, 23226}, {7019, 7234}, {7123, 21107}, {7193, 35352}, {7252, 26942}, {7332, 23084}, {7927, 41435}, {8061, 34055}, {8562, 15392}, {8672, 34259}, {8676, 28786}, {8677, 38955}, {8749, 41077}, {8750, 17216}, {8779, 43673}, {8808, 10397}, {8901, 23181}, {9003, 34802}, {9247, 20948}, {9255, 17478}, {9293, 22143}, {9307, 22089}, {9391, 37142}, {9426, 40050}, {10412, 22115}, {10547, 23285}, {11060, 45792}, {11077, 41078}, {11794, 38352}, {13418, 30210}, {13481, 39228}, {13611, 44060}, {13754, 15328}, {14060, 36955}, {14295, 17970}, {14314, 18316}, {14401, 40384}, {14533, 18314}, {14575, 44173}, {14837, 41087}, {14908, 35522}, {15065, 22379}, {15313, 28787}, {15352, 35071}, {15377, 21196}, {15394, 44705}, {15453, 17702}, {15470, 39170}, {16230, 17974}, {16606, 25098}, {17879, 32676}, {17898, 19614}, {17932, 44114}, {17971, 18003}, {17972, 18004}, {17973, 18006}, {17975, 18013}, {17976, 18014}, {17977, 18015}, {18019, 42659}, {18877, 41079}, {19210, 23290}, {20188, 34483}, {20563, 34952}, {20578, 44718}, {20579, 44719}, {20580, 41489}, {20906, 22381}, {21051, 23086}, {21207, 32656}, {22052, 39183}, {22054, 31010}, {22085, 42345}, {22090, 42027}, {22092, 27809}, {22096, 27808}, {22154, 40085}, {22339, 42667}, {22340, 42668}, {22341, 44426}, {22352, 31065}, {22384, 43534}, {23107, 41937}, {23224, 41013}, {23616, 23964}, {23870, 36296}, {23871, 36297}, {23872, 32585}, {23873, 32586}, {23878, 43718}, {30211, 43695}, {30465, 38414}, {30468, 38413}, {32112, 35912}, {32641, 42761}, {32740, 45807}, {34568, 39008}, {35200, 36035}, {35372, 38401}, {36054, 40149}, {38279, 45689}, {38356, 44766}, {39473, 43717}, {40161, 43060}, {40715, 42662}, {40995, 46005}, {43704, 45147}, {43709, 44665}
X(647) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 811}, {2, 6331}, {3, 99}, {4, 6528}, {6, 648}, {19, 823}, {25, 107}, {31, 162}, {32, 112}, {37, 6335}, {39, 41676}, {42, 1897}, {48, 662}, {50, 14590}, {51, 35360}, {54, 18831}, {55, 36797}, {63, 799}, {65, 18026}, {68, 46134}, {69, 670}, {71, 190}, {72, 668}, {73, 664}, {74, 16077}, {77, 4625}, {78, 7257}, {98, 22456}, {110, 18020}, {112, 23582}, {115, 14618}, {125, 850}, {162, 23999}, {184, 110}, {187, 4235}, {212, 643}, {213, 1783}, {216, 14570}, {217, 1625}, {219, 645}, {222, 4573}, {228, 100}, {237, 4230}, {248, 2966}, {251, 42396}, {255, 4592}, {265, 35139}, {275, 42405}, {287, 43187}, {293, 36036}, {295, 4589}, {304, 4602}, {305, 4609}, {306, 1978}, {307, 4572}, {339, 44173}, {351, 468}, {393, 15352}, {394, 4563}, {418, 23181}, {511, 877}, {512, 4}, {513, 286}, {514, 44129}, {520, 69}, {521, 314}, {522, 44130}, {523, 264}, {525, 76}, {526, 340}, {560, 32676}, {570, 41677}, {571, 41679}, {577, 4558}, {603, 1414}, {649, 27}, {650, 31623}, {652, 333}, {656, 75}, {657, 2322}, {661, 92}, {662, 46254}, {663, 29}, {665, 15149}, {667, 28}, {669, 25}, {684, 325}, {686, 3580}, {688, 1843}, {690, 44146}, {692, 5379}, {798, 19}, {800, 41678}, {804, 17984}, {810, 1}, {822, 63}, {826, 1235}, {850, 18022}, {878, 98}, {879, 290}, {881, 17980}, {895, 892}, {905, 274}, {906, 4567}, {924, 317}, {1015, 17925}, {1042, 36118}, {1073, 44326}, {1084, 2489}, {1096, 36126}, {1173, 33513}, {1176, 4577}, {1214, 4554}, {1260, 7256}, {1298, 41208}, {1301, 44181}, {1304, 42308}, {1331, 4600}, {1332, 4601}, {1400, 653}, {1402, 108}, {1409, 651}, {1410, 934}, {1425, 4566}, {1427, 13149}, {1439, 4569}, {1444, 4623}, {1459, 86}, {1495, 4240}, {1510, 32002}, {1576, 250}, {1577, 1969}, {1636, 11064}, {1637, 46106}, {1649, 34336}, {1790, 4610}, {1796, 4632}, {1797, 4615}, {1799, 689}, {1802, 7259}, {1812, 4631}, {1813, 4620}, {1843, 46151}, {1918, 8750}, {1919, 1474}, {1924, 1973}, {1945, 41207}, {1946, 21}, {1949, 41206}, {1960, 37168}, {1973, 24019}, {1974, 32713}, {1976, 685}, {1977, 43925}, {1980, 2203}, {2081, 14918}, {2084, 17442}, {2088, 44427}, {2165, 30450}, {2173, 24001}, {2193, 4612}, {2196, 4584}, {2197, 4552}, {2200, 101}, {2207, 6529}, {2223, 4238}, {2281, 36099}, {2318, 3699}, {2351, 925}, {2353, 1289}, {2395, 16081}, {2422, 6531}, {2433, 16080}, {2435, 35140}, {2451, 9308}, {2485, 17907}, {2489, 393}, {2491, 232}, {2492, 37765}, {2501, 2052}, {2510, 14568}, {2519, 6392}, {2523, 30599}, {2524, 194}, {2525, 8024}, {2530, 16747}, {2574, 15165}, {2575, 15164}, {2578, 2581}, {2579, 2580}, {2616, 40440}, {2623, 275}, {2631, 14206}, {2632, 14208}, {2643, 24006}, {2799, 44132}, {2963, 38342}, {2966, 41174}, {2972, 3265}, {3003, 16237}, {3005, 427}, {3049, 6}, {3050, 36794}, {3051, 35325}, {3063, 1172}, {3120, 46107}, {3121, 6591}, {3122, 7649}, {3124, 2501}, {3125, 17924}, {3221, 3186}, {3250, 31909}, {3265, 305}, {3267, 1502}, {3269, 525}, {3270, 7253}, {3284, 2407}, {3288, 458}, {3289, 2421}, {3292, 5468}, {3455, 935}, {3457, 36306}, {3458, 36309}, {3504, 3222}, {3519, 46139}, {3569, 297}, {3657, 46133}, {3682, 4561}, {3690, 3952}, {3692, 7258}, {3694, 646}, {3695, 27808}, {3700, 7017}, {3708, 1577}, {3709, 281}, {3724, 4242}, {3804, 6995}, {3917, 4576}, {3937, 7192}, {3942, 7199}, {3949, 4033}, {3990, 1332}, {4010, 40717}, {4017, 273}, {4025, 310}, {4041, 318}, {4055, 1331}, {4064, 313}, {4079, 1826}, {4091, 17206}, {4120, 46109}, {4171, 7101}, {4455, 242}, {4466, 3261}, {4516, 44426}, {4524, 7046}, {4557, 15742}, {4558, 4590}, {4559, 46102}, {4563, 34537}, {4574, 1016}, {4575, 24041}, {4580, 308}, {4592, 24037}, {4705, 41013}, {4730, 38462}, {4822, 5342}, {4834, 31902}, {5027, 419}, {5029, 423}, {5040, 422}, {5075, 415}, {5113, 420}, {5191, 7473}, {5466, 46111}, {5489, 339}, {5504, 18878}, {6041, 6103}, {6130, 16089}, {6137, 470}, {6138, 471}, {6140, 37943}, {6332, 28660}, {6367, 44143}, {6368, 311}, {6377, 17921}, {6391, 35136}, {6529, 34538}, {6587, 15466}, {6753, 11547}, {7004, 18155}, {7015, 4594}, {7053, 4616}, {7099, 4637}, {7116, 4603}, {7117, 4560}, {7177, 4635}, {7178, 331}, {7180, 278}, {7216, 1847}, {7234, 7009}, {7250, 1119}, {7252, 46103}, {7254, 1509}, {7669, 30716}, {7927, 44142}, {8029, 2970}, {8034, 2969}, {8057, 14615}, {8061, 20883}, {8552, 7799}, {8611, 312}, {8618, 4249}, {8632, 31905}, {8636, 17520}, {8638, 37908}, {8639, 4185}, {8641, 4183}, {8642, 4233}, {8643, 4248}, {8644, 4232}, {8646, 4206}, {8648, 17515}, {8651, 6353}, {8653, 461}, {8663, 430}, {8664, 428}, {8665, 5064}, {8673, 315}, {8675, 44134}, {8677, 17139}, {8749, 15459}, {8779, 34211}, {8794, 42401}, {8882, 16813}, {9007, 44133}, {9033, 3260}, {9178, 17983}, {9210, 11331}, {9247, 163}, {9391, 44150}, {9407, 23347}, {9409, 30}, {9426, 1974}, {9491, 11325}, {9494, 27369}, {9517, 316}, {10097, 671}, {10099, 2481}, {10316, 4611}, {10397, 27398}, {10412, 18817}, {10547, 827}, {11079, 39290}, {12077, 324}, {12215, 880}, {13366, 35311}, {14060, 33799}, {14208, 561}, {14270, 186}, {14273, 37778}, {14380, 1494}, {14398, 1990}, {14401, 36789}, {14407, 8756}, {14417, 3266}, {14429, 3264}, {14533, 18315}, {14575, 1576}, {14582, 94}, {14585, 32661}, {14592, 20573}, {14600, 2715}, {14601, 32696}, {14618, 18027}, {14824, 5186}, {14908, 691}, {14910, 687}, {14936, 17926}, {14977, 18023}, {14984, 14221}, {15391, 39291}, {15412, 276}, {15413, 6385}, {15420, 40827}, {15421, 40832}, {15422, 8794}, {15451, 5}, {15475, 6344}, {15526, 3267}, {15905, 36841}, {16186, 3268}, {16573, 17899}, {17094, 6063}, {17414, 5094}, {17434, 343}, {17970, 805}, {17971, 17929}, {17972, 17930}, {17973, 17931}, {17974, 17932}, {17975, 17933}, {17976, 17934}, {17977, 17935}, {17978, 17936}, {17979, 17937}, {17989, 17987}, {17990, 17927}, {17992, 17985}, {17994, 6530}, {18001, 17982}, {18002, 17981}, {18105, 32085}, {18117, 7577}, {18210, 693}, {18344, 1896}, {18877, 44769}, {18890, 30441}, {19627, 14591}, {20336, 6386}, {20727, 33946}, {20775, 1634}, {20902, 20948}, {20975, 523}, {21044, 46110}, {21123, 17171}, {21134, 21207}, {21731, 403}, {21796, 17906}, {21828, 17923}, {21837, 17916}, {21906, 14273}, {22061, 18047}, {22080, 4427}, {22085, 14588}, {22086, 16704}, {22089, 1975}, {22090, 33296}, {22093, 17103}, {22094, 4467}, {22096, 3733}, {22115, 10411}, {22143, 31998}, {22159, 7760}, {22260, 8754}, {22341, 6516}, {22352, 10330}, {22363, 1633}, {22369, 4436}, {22370, 36860}, {22373, 4367}, {22381, 932}, {22383, 81}, {22384, 33295}, {22386, 16695}, {22388, 4184}, {23067, 4998}, {23090, 7058}, {23092, 7304}, {23099, 2971}, {23189, 261}, {23200, 5467}, {23216, 669}, {23220, 859}, {23224, 1444}, {23225, 3286}, {23286, 95}, {23610, 42068}, {23616, 36793}, {23620, 3732}, {23874, 44154}, {23878, 44144}, {24018, 304}, {24284, 3978}, {24290, 46108}, {24459, 1921}, {25098, 31008}, {30209, 11185}, {30451, 1993}, {30491, 598}, {32320, 394}, {32585, 32036}, {32586, 32037}, {32654, 32697}, {32656, 4570}, {32659, 4591}, {32661, 249}, {32662, 39295}, {32663, 30528}, {32676, 24000}, {32713, 32230}, {33581, 1301}, {34055, 4593}, {34212, 6330}, {34449, 39418}, {34952, 24}, {34980, 520}, {35072, 15411}, {35236, 2797}, {35364, 35142}, {35518, 40072}, {35909, 5641}, {36051, 36105}, {36054, 1812}, {36058, 4622}, {36060, 36085}, {36212, 2396}, {36214, 18829}, {36296, 23895}, {36297, 23896}, {37084, 44180}, {37754, 24018}, {38352, 31296}, {38356, 33294}, {39005, 38380}, {39013, 15423}, {39180, 40410}, {39181, 31617}, {39201, 3}, {39228, 7782}, {39469, 511}, {39665, 2479}, {39666, 2480}, {39687, 23090}, {40016, 42395}, {40319, 3565}, {40352, 1304}, {40353, 34568}, {40354, 32695}, {40373, 14574}, {40947, 1632}, {41087, 44327}, {41172, 2799}, {41221, 23290}, {41435, 35137}, {42065, 10425}, {42293, 216}, {42651, 41203}, {42653, 451}, {42658, 20}, {42659, 23}, {42660, 378}, {42661, 429}, {42662, 447}, {42663, 460}, {42664, 469}, {42665, 858}, {42666, 860}, {42667, 1113}, {42668, 1114}, {42669, 1981}, {42670, 2074}, {42671, 2409}, {42702, 42717}, {42752, 39534}, {43083, 328}, {43693, 35169}, {43697, 35138}, {43722, 33514}, {43925, 36419}, {44093, 14543}, {44112, 23353}, {44114, 16230}, {44173, 44161}, {44705, 14249}, {44729, 44721}, {46005, 18848}, {46088, 97}, {46112, 17402}, {46113, 17403}
X(647) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 850, 30476}, {2, 26080, 24960}, {2, 30476, 31277}, {2, 31296, 850}, {75, 21610, 21437}, {110, 36830, 23357}, {110, 45215, 35319}, {111, 9213, 8430}, {111, 10562, 10561}, {351, 669, 8651}, {351, 3005, 669}, {351, 42665, 42659}, {650, 6129, 6591}, {650, 6589, 3310}, {650, 21348, 6590}, {652, 1459, 22383}, {652, 22383, 22086}, {661, 21828, 7180}, {669, 8651, 8644}, {669, 8665, 8664}, {669, 17414, 3005}, {850, 30476, 31174}, {850, 36900, 31296}, {905, 2522, 2523}, {905, 25098, 4025}, {1636, 17434, 32320}, {1637, 12077, 2501}, {2501, 6587, 1637}, {2501, 6753, 2489}, {2501, 9209, 6587}, {2525, 14417, 3265}, {2623, 23286, 46088}, {2966, 18020, 9514}, {3005, 8651, 3804}, {3005, 8664, 8665}, {3005, 9420, 21646}, {3049, 32320, 30451}, {3288, 9210, 3569}, {3709, 7180, 661}, {3804, 8644, 669}, {5638, 5639, 3569}, {6041, 34291, 10567}, {6129, 6586, 33525}, {6586, 6589, 650}, {6587, 16040, 2485}, {8105, 8106, 1637}, {8644, 42658, 42659}, {9213, 10561, 10562}, {10561, 10562, 8430}, {16751, 28606, 4467}, {17414, 39201, 42665}, {24007, 24008, 6130}, {24622, 25594, 2}, {24782, 25084, 2}, {31174, 31277, 30476}, {31296, 36900, 41300}, {31296, 44560, 31277}, {36900, 44560, 31174}, {39665, 39666, 9409}, {41300, 44560, 30476}, {42667, 42668, 42659}
X(648) is constructed as the pole of the Euler line L as follows: let A″, B″, C″ be the points where L meets the sidelines BC, CA, AB of ABC. Let A', B', C' be the harmonic conjugates of A″, B″, C″ with respect to {B,C}, {C,A}, {A,B}, respectively, The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(648).
Let T be the anticevian triangle of X(4), and let U be the bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(4). Let TT be the tangential triangle of U with respect to T. Then ABC and TT are perspective, and X(648) is their perspector. (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(648) lies on the Steiner circumellipse, the MacBeath circumconic, the cubics K256 and K676, and these lines: {1, 1982}, {2, 1494}, {4, 542}, {5, 42873}, {6, 264}, {19, 18827}, {20, 9530}, {24, 6179}, {25, 3228}, {27, 903}, {28, 3227}, {29, 1121}, {30, 16075}, {33, 35144}, {34, 35176}, {52, 8884}, {53, 3629}, {69, 1249}, {76, 8743}, {81, 16082}, {83, 1235}, {86, 1815}, {92, 14616}, {94, 275}, {95, 216}, {98, 2452}, {99, 112}, {100, 36077}, {107, 110}, {108, 931}, {132, 147}, {133, 6053}, {146, 10152}, {155, 1093}, {162, 190}, {183, 45141}, {185, 1105}, {186, 41626}, {193, 317}, {194, 1968}, {217, 9291}, {225, 2907}, {232, 385}, {233, 40410}, {242, 35173}, {243, 2651}, {249, 687}, {250, 523}, {253, 45245}, {273, 3759}, {276, 41334}, {281, 35141}, {283, 8764}, {286, 1172}, {297, 340}, {305, 3162}, {314, 41364}, {315, 34163}, {316, 5523}, {318, 3758}, {323, 46106}, {325, 16318}, {333, 34393}, {378, 7757}, {394, 15466}, {399, 34334}, {401, 3284}, {403, 14568}, {415, 23710}, {419, 35146}, {422, 35155}, {423, 8756}, {427, 41624}, {436, 34986}, {445, 42045}, {447, 519}, {450, 3292}, {459, 44877}, {467, 41628}, {468, 18823}, {470, 23713}, {471, 23712}, {472, 8737}, {473, 8738}, {511, 35474}, {514, 35169}, {525, 15459}, {527, 44331}, {530, 6110}, {531, 6111}, {532, 11094}, {533, 11093}, {536, 44330}, {538, 14581}, {543, 40890}, {575, 37124}, {577, 3164}, {599, 11331}, {608, 35159}, {621, 36302}, {622, 36303}, {645, 668}, {651, 823}, {653, 662}, {666, 5379}, {670, 2421}, {677, 7253}, {691, 30247}, {754, 40889}, {799, 36099}, {827, 1289}, {847, 2904}, {850, 17708}, {889, 43925}, {892, 2501}, {925, 933}, {935, 11636}, {1020, 1021}, {1033, 3964}, {1043, 44698}, {1075, 1092}, {1078, 39575}, {1179, 6152}, {1196, 40413}, {1294, 40948}, {1300, 1986}, {1302, 1304}, {1350, 15576}, {1351, 33971}, {1352, 41371}, {1441, 40582}, {1474, 3226}, {1503, 44704}, {1560, 30786}, {1568, 6761}, {1585, 45420}, {1586, 45421}, {1594, 7858}, {1625, 6528}, {1629, 3060}, {1634, 4230}, {1792, 8885}, {1799, 40938}, {1826, 2905}, {1843, 14970}, {1855, 32004}, {1861, 35163}, {1886, 17731}, {1896, 3193}, {1936, 2659}, {1947, 2003}, {1948, 2323}, {1973, 18826}, {1974, 3186}, {1975, 3172}, {1993, 2052}, {2055, 41481}, {2201, 35166}, {2203, 18825}, {2207, 7754}, {2211, 17984}, {2287, 46137}, {2326, 4360}, {2331, 27958}, {2332, 33296}, {2404, 23977}, {2451, 43187}, {2489, 18829}, {2592, 8115}, {2593, 8116}, {2633, 21187}, {2777, 30227}, {2782, 22143}, {2906, 41013}, {2914, 6344}, {2970, 19504}, {2990, 40571}, {2991, 5317}, {3003, 44375}, {3064, 35154}, {3087, 43981}, {3168, 9306}, {3187, 36419}, {3199, 7805}, {3260, 15262}, {3270, 37142}, {3289, 16089}, {3564, 6530}, {3574, 14860}, {3580, 14165}, {3618, 32000}, {3732, 24019}, {4238, 32041}, {4241, 32040}, {4552, 5546}, {4555, 17906}, {4560, 4565}, {4562, 15742}, {4567, 32698}, {4569, 4573}, {4570, 32699}, {4577, 42396}, {4586, 32676}, {4590, 32697}, {4591, 32705}, {4616, 15419}, {4664, 11107}, {5089, 35152}, {5094, 11163}, {5097, 39530}, {5467, 35178}, {5468, 35179}, {5649, 18311}, {5655, 11251}, {5664, 30528}, {5667, 16163}, {5702, 41145}, {5895, 18848}, {5921, 10002}, {5965, 39569}, {5994, 23873}, {5995, 23872}, {6353, 41360}, {6394, 9475}, {6515, 11547}, {6526, 32605}, {6527, 17037}, {6591, 35147}, {6748, 32455}, {6749, 8584}, {7258, 42384}, {7480, 14480}, {7488, 38808}, {7649, 35148}, {7669, 36176}, {7728, 18507}, {7762, 27376}, {7766, 10311}, {7768, 41366}, {7772, 37337}, {7838, 27371}, {7840, 41358}, {8057, 32230}, {8681, 34854}, {8744, 41617}, {8745, 21447}, {8755, 35149}, {8879, 34254}, {9182, 46144}, {9229, 37895}, {9307, 40947}, {9381, 40393}, {9410, 36435}, {9487, 15471}, {9514, 12077}, {9755, 40801}, {10602, 39646}, {10762, 18338}, {10979, 43980}, {11008, 32001}, {11054, 37855}, {11062, 44376}, {11185, 41370}, {11416, 14957}, {11441, 14249}, {11477, 37200}, {11511, 37190}, {12160, 41365}, {12829, 14772}, {13582, 39284}, {14024, 35167}, {14060, 34473}, {14361, 37669}, {14379, 45255}, {14401, 42308}, {14571, 19623}, {14615, 20806}, {14618, 18557}, {14627, 14978}, {14639, 41221}, {14918, 37766}, {14927, 31887}, {14941, 41219}, {15069, 15274}, {15149, 18821}, {15384, 39191}, {15395, 41512}, {15796, 42456}, {15905, 20477}, {15912, 19210}, {16175, 20410}, {16263, 40909}, {16264, 21850}, {16276, 17409}, {16704, 46136}, {16813, 18315}, {17035, 36412}, {17346, 17555}, {17378, 37448}, {17402, 32036}, {17403, 32037}, {17778, 18679}, {17911, 33770}, {17924, 35156}, {17926, 35157}, {17932, 20031}, {18019, 40583}, {18024, 40601}, {18487, 40885}, {18685, 21287}, {18687, 28754}, {18822, 31905}, {18828, 41209}, {19041, 24243}, {19042, 24244}, {20022, 21459}, {21166, 22085}, {22052, 45845}, {22456, 26714}, {23895, 36306}, {23896, 36309}, {23964, 33294}, {25054, 36849}, {25986, 37631}, {27369, 43094}, {30450, 46134}, {31150, 37966}, {31510, 44552}, {31909, 43097}, {32711, 39295}, {34545, 40684}, {34568, 39290}, {34810, 35908}, {34990, 40879}, {35168, 37168}, {35174, 46102}, {36212, 40888}, {36830, 41298}, {37644, 43462}, {37778, 37784}, {37783, 46141}, {38253, 46206}, {38342, 46139}, {40412, 40937}, {40414, 40715}, {40448, 42441}, {40996, 44334}, {41203, 41586}, {41363, 44132}, {42401, 42405}, {43093, 44129}, {44579, 45312}
X(648) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 39358}, {193, 40867}
X(648) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 3163}, {69, 15595}, {95, 39081}, {99, 40866}, {287, 6}, {297, 1990}, {317, 36426}, {340, 297}, {401, 3284}, {1494, 2}, {1632, 1576}, {1972, 216}, {6330, 1249}, {15014, 14581}, {15526, 23583}, {30716, 250}, {39062, 23582}, {39352, 15526}, {40715, 40940}, {40885, 18487}, {40996, 44334}, {46239, 40938}
X(648) = isogonal conjugate of X(647)
X(648) = isotomic conjugate of X(525)
X(648) = complement of X(39352)
X(648) = anticomplement of X(15526)
X(648) = cevapoint of X(110) and X(112)
X(648) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,250), (110,99), (112,107), (520,95), (523,264)
X(648) = trilinear pole of PU(30)
X(648) = polar-circle-inverse of X(16278)
X(648) = polar conjugate of X(523)
X(648) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(13573)
X(648) = crossdifference of PU(109)
X(648) = MacBeath circumconic antipode of X(287)
X(648) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(523) (line X(115)X(125))
X(648) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {107, 21294}, {162, 13219}, {163, 34186}, {250, 4329}, {1101, 6527}, {23582, 6327}, {23590, 5906}, {23964, 8}, {23999, 315}, {24000, 69}, {24019, 3448}, {24021, 317}, {24022, 6515}, {32230, 21270}, {32676, 39352}, {32713, 21221}, {36131, 45289}, {41937, 192}
X(648) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 39062}, {9390, 141}, {9392, 127}, {9406, 32750}, {15351, 2887}
X(648) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 39062}, {250, 36794}, {264, 30716}, {687, 14590}, {811, 36797}, {4590, 317}, {6331, 99}, {6528, 107}, {15459, 16237}, {16077, 4240}, {16813, 41679}, {18020, 4}, {18831, 110}, {22456, 4230}, {23582, 2}, {32230, 17907}, {33513, 35360}, {34538, 15466}, {42308, 30}, {42396, 112}, {42405, 6528}, {44181, 20}
X(648) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 23582}, {4, 18020}, {6, 250}, {19, 15742}, {20, 44181}, {30, 42308}, {69, 44183}, {92, 46102}, {110, 99}, {112, 107}, {193, 4590}, {385, 41174}, {512, 40413}, {514, 40414}, {520, 95}, {521, 40412}, {523, 264}, {525, 2}, {647, 1105}, {651, 662}, {653, 823}, {850, 83}, {1172, 5379}, {1249, 32230}, {1499, 10603}, {1503, 39297}, {1625, 110}, {1636, 1294}, {1783, 162}, {1897, 811}, {1993, 249}, {2407, 687}, {2420, 476}, {2421, 32697}, {2451, 6}, {2489, 32085}, {2501, 4}, {2799, 6330}, {3187, 1016}, {3288, 40801}, {3562, 7045}, {3569, 98}, {3580, 39295}, {3732, 799}, {3868, 4998}, {4230, 22456}, {4240, 16077}, {4391, 14534}, {4560, 31623}, {5664, 46106}, {6368, 40410}, {6587, 18848}, {6753, 8884}, {7192, 40411}, {7253, 86}, {7754, 34537}, {8057, 69}, {8115, 39299}, {8116, 39298}, {8673, 1799}, {8743, 23964}, {9033, 1494}, {9209, 18850}, {9517, 2373}, {9979, 671}, {10015, 24624}, {12077, 14860}, {14273, 17983}, {14316, 1916}, {14391, 265}, {14401, 30}, {14543, 190}, {14544, 664}, {14570, 30450}, {14618, 275}, {15639, 2409}, {16230, 35142}, {17434, 40448}, {17498, 274}, {17924, 40395}, {17925, 27}, {17926, 29}, {18311, 37765}, {18314, 40393}, {20577, 324}, {20580, 15466}, {21300, 40415}, {23090, 21}, {23616, 46115}, {23878, 42330}, {24978, 94}, {25259, 32014}, {31296, 276}, {32320, 3}, {32661, 925}, {33294, 76}, {34211, 2966}, {35311, 18831}, {35318, 35360}, {35324, 930}, {35325, 112}, {35360, 6528}, {35441, 14938}, {36828, 11636}, {39470, 37202}, {40571, 4567}, {41079, 2986}, {41676, 6331}, {41677, 38342}, {41678, 15352}, {43925, 28}, {44409, 7}, {44427, 16080}, {45292, 31621}
X(648) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1021}, {2, 525}, {3, 32320}, {4, 2501}, {6, 523}, {21, 23090}, {27, 17925}, {28, 43925}, {29, 17926}, {30, 14401}, {52, 6753}, {81, 4560}, {110, 112}, {185, 647}, {216, 520}, {230, 38359}, {233, 6368}, {323, 5664}, {324, 14618}, {394, 20580}, {512, 1196}, {513, 40941}, {514, 40940}, {521, 40937}, {522, 40942}, {524, 18311}, {650, 1858}, {651, 653}, {850, 1235}, {924, 40939}, {1249, 8057}, {1625, 35360}, {1636, 40948}, {1637, 13202}, {1783, 1897}, {1829, 6591}, {1839, 7649}, {1843, 2489}, {1994, 20577}, {2322, 7253}, {2409, 15639}, {2451, 9308}, {2492, 40949}, {2574, 8106}, {2575, 8105}, {2592, 2593}, {2799, 15595}, {2967, 3569}, {3049, 40947}, {3064, 40950}, {3163, 9033}, {3288, 9755}, {3574, 12077}, {3737, 40979}, {3800, 40179}, {5095, 14273}, {5895, 6587}, {7252, 40980}, {8673, 40938}, {8743, 33294}, {14091, 30211}, {14920, 44427}, {15412, 19170}, {17434, 42441}, {31296, 41334}, {35311, 35318}, {35325, 41676}, {36054, 40946}, {41392, 41512}
X(648) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 15351}, {99, 44326}, {110, 44828}, {6331, 6528}, {18831, 42405}
X(648) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 22143}, {3049, 39201}, {15451, 42293}
X(648) = trilinear pole of line {2, 3}
X(648) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {3269, 9409}
X(648) = Feuerbach image of X(4) if ABC is acute
X(648) = Brianchon point (perspector) of inscribed parabola with focus X(112)
X(648) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(16077),X(18020),X(22456)}} (the circumconic through the polar conjugates of PU(40))
X(648) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(39201)
X(648) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(1)-antipode of X(35145)
X(648) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(4)-antipode of X(671)
X(648) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(6)-antipode of X(290)
X(648) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(19)X(27)
X(648) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 647}, {2, 810}, {3, 661}, {4, 822}, {6, 656}, {10, 22383}, {19, 520}, {25, 24018}, {31, 525}, {32, 14208}, {37, 1459}, {41, 17094}, {42, 905}, {48, 523}, {56, 8611}, {63, 512}, {65, 652}, {69, 798}, {71, 513}, {72, 649}, {73, 650}, {74, 2631}, {75, 3049}, {77, 3709}, {78, 7180}, {91, 30451}, {92, 39201}, {101, 18210}, {107, 37754}, {110, 3708}, {112, 2632}, {115, 4575}, {125, 163}, {158, 32320}, {162, 3269}, {184, 1577}, {201, 7252}, {212, 7178}, {213, 4025}, {216, 2616}, {219, 4017}, {222, 4041}, {225, 36054}, {226, 1946}, {228, 514}, {244, 4574}, {255, 2501}, {265, 2624}, {293, 3569}, {295, 21832}, {304, 669}, {305, 1924}, {306, 667}, {307, 3063}, {326, 2489}, {336, 2491}, {521, 1400}, {522, 1409}, {560, 3267}, {577, 24006}, {603, 3700}, {657, 1439}, {662, 20975}, {663, 1214}, {672, 10099}, {684, 1910}, {686, 36053}, {690, 36060}, {692, 4466}, {693, 2200}, {756, 7254}, {823, 34980}, {850, 9247}, {872, 15419}, {878, 1959}, {879, 1755}, {895, 2642}, {896, 10097}, {906, 3120}, {922, 14977}, {923, 14417}, {924, 1820}, {1018, 3937}, {1019, 3690}, {1020, 3270}, {1021, 1425}, {1109, 32661}, {1176, 8061}, {1245, 2522}, {1254, 23090}, {1260, 7216}, {1331, 3125}, {1332, 3122}, {1333, 4064}, {1402, 6332}, {1410, 3239}, {1437, 4024}, {1444, 4079}, {1576, 20902}, {1636, 36119}, {1637, 35200}, {1650, 36131}, {1790, 4705}, {1796, 4983}, {1797, 4730}, {1799, 2084}, {1807, 21828}, {1813, 4516}, {1821, 39469}, {1824, 4091}, {1826, 23224}, {1911, 24459}, {1918, 15413}, {1919, 20336}, {1953, 23286}, {1964, 4580}, {1967, 24284}, {1973, 3265}, {1980, 40071}, {2088, 36061}, {2148, 6368}, {2155, 8057}, {2156, 8673}, {2157, 9517}, {2159, 9033}, {2167, 15451}, {2169, 12077}, {2170, 23067}, {2171, 23189}, {2173, 14380}, {2184, 42658}, {2190, 17434}, {2196, 4010}, {2197, 3737}, {2247, 35909}, {2249, 9391}, {2250, 8677}, {2252, 3657}, {2281, 23874}, {2312, 2435}, {2314, 43709}, {2315, 15328}, {2318, 3669}, {2333, 4131}, {2349, 9409}, {2451, 9255}, {2524, 3223}, {2525, 46289}, {2533, 7116}, {2574, 2579}, {2575, 2578}, {2582, 42667}, {2583, 42668}, {2584, 8106}, {2585, 8105}, {2618, 14533}, {2623, 44706}, {2643, 4558}, {2972, 24019}, {3005, 34055}, {3064, 22341}, {3121, 4561}, {3124, 4592}, {3292, 23894}, {3682, 6591}, {3692, 7250}, {3694, 43924}, {3725, 15420}, {3733, 3949}, {3835, 22381}, {3942, 4557}, {3990, 7649}, {4033, 22096}, {4049, 23202}, {4055, 17924}, {4088, 32658}, {4120, 36058}, {4171, 7053}, {4524, 7177}, {4551, 7117}, {4559, 7004}, {4602, 23216}, {4674, 22086}, {6129, 41087}, {6149, 14582}, {6587, 19614}, {6729, 7591}, {7084, 21107}, {7138, 17926}, {7148, 23092}, {8766, 34212}, {8818, 23226}, {9258, 22089}, {9396, 22143}, {9406, 34767}, {9426, 40364}, {9456, 14429}, {14575, 20948}, {14642, 17898}, {15352, 42080}, {15373, 21051}, {15389, 20910}, {15409, 21720}, {15526, 32676}, {16186, 32678}, {16606, 22090}, {16732, 32656}, {17438, 39180}, {18070, 20775}, {18344, 40152}, {18793, 22092}, {18877, 36035}, {21044, 36059}, {21789, 37755}, {21834, 23086}, {22373, 27805}, {23201, 31010}, {23493, 25098}, {23503, 43714}, {24290, 36057}, {30491, 36263}, {35071, 36126}, {36084, 41172}, {36516, 43963}, {40440, 42293}
X(648) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 811}, {3, 6528}, {4, 99}, {5, 18831}, {6, 6331}, {7, 36797}, {19, 799}, {21, 18026}, {24, 46134}, {25, 670}, {27, 190}, {28, 668}, {29, 664}, {30, 16077}, {33, 4625}, {34, 7257}, {63, 823}, {69, 107}, {75, 162}, {76, 112}, {81, 6335}, {83, 41676}, {86, 1897}, {92, 662}, {94, 14590}, {95, 35360}, {98, 877}, {100, 286}, {101, 44129}, {108, 314}, {109, 44130}, {110, 264}, {140, 33513}, {141, 42396}, {158, 4592}, {163, 1969}, {186, 35139}, {216, 42405}, {232, 43187}, {240, 36036}, {242, 4589}, {249, 14618}, {250, 850}, {273, 643}, {274, 1783}, {275, 14570}, {276, 1625}, {278, 645}, {281, 4573}, {290, 4230}, {297, 2966}, {298, 36306}, {299, 36309}, {304, 24019}, {305, 32713}, {308, 35325}, {310, 8750}, {311, 933}, {315, 1289}, {316, 935}, {317, 925}, {318, 1414}, {324, 18315}, {325, 685}, {326, 36126}, {331, 5546}, {332, 36127}, {333, 653}, {340, 476}, {343, 16813}, {393, 4563}, {394, 15352}, {403, 18878}, {415, 35154}, {419, 18829}, {422, 35147}, {423, 35148}, {427, 4577}, {428, 35137}, {447, 35169}, {459, 36841}, {468, 892}, {470, 23895}, {471, 23896}, {472, 32037}, {473, 32036}, {511, 22456}, {523, 18020}, {525, 23582}, {561, 32676}, {646, 1396}, {651, 31623}, {656, 23999}, {658, 2322}, {661, 46254}, {666, 15149}, {671, 4235}, {687, 3580}, {689, 1843}, {691, 44146}, {693, 5379}, {801, 41678}, {805, 17984}, {827, 1235}, {880, 17980}, {930, 32002}, {1016, 17925}, {1043, 36118}, {1113, 15165}, {1114, 15164}, {1119, 7256}, {1172, 4554}, {1236, 10423}, {1249, 44326}, {1275, 17926}, {1288, 44128}, {1301, 14615}, {1302, 44134}, {1303, 9291}, {1304, 3260}, {1309, 17139}, {1435, 7258}, {1474, 1978}, {1494, 4240}, {1513, 41074}, {1576, 18022}, {1632, 34405}, {1634, 46104}, {1733, 36105}, {1799, 46151}, {1824, 4623}, {1826, 4610}, {1839, 4632}, {1847, 7259}, {1880, 4631}, {1896, 6516}, {1944, 41207}, {1948, 41206}, {1973, 4602}, {1974, 4609}, {1981, 35145}, {1993, 30450}, {1994, 38342}, {2052, 4558}, {2074, 35156}, {2201, 4639}, {2203, 6386}, {2287, 13149}, {2299, 4572}, {2349, 24001}, {2396, 6531}, {2407, 16080}, {2409, 35140}, {2421, 16081}, {2479, 2480}, {2481, 4238}, {2489, 34537}, {2501, 4590}, {2580, 2581}, {2592, 39298}, {2593, 39299}, {2617, 40440}, {2715, 44132}, {2986, 16237}, {3064, 4620}, {3186, 3222}, {3265, 32230}, {3267, 23964}, {3518, 46139}, {3569, 41174}, {3658, 46133}, {3732, 40411}, {3926, 6529}, {4143, 23590}, {4183, 4569}, {4226, 35142}, {4232, 35179}, {4241, 18025}, {4242, 14616}, {4246, 18816}, {4249, 43093}, {4552, 46103}, {4555, 37168}, {4560, 46102}, {4561, 8747}, {4562, 31905}, {4565, 7017}, {4567, 17924}, {4570, 46107}, {4576, 32085}, {4586, 31909}, {4591, 46109}, {4593, 17442}, {4594, 7009}, {4599, 20883}, {4600, 7649}, {4601, 6591}, {4611, 43678}, {4612, 40149}, {4614, 5342}, {4615, 8756}, {4616, 7046}, {4621, 31917}, {4622, 38462}, {4635, 7079}, {4637, 7101}, {5094, 35138}, {5117, 33514}, {5383, 17921}, {5392, 41679}, {5467, 46111}, {5468, 17983}, {5641, 7473}, {6035, 6103}, {6330, 34211}, {6344, 10411}, {6353, 35136}, {6393, 20031}, {6530, 17932}, {6540, 31900}, {6578, 44143}, {7012, 18155}, {7119, 7260}, {7192, 15742}, {7452, 34393}, {7953, 44142}, {8057, 44181}, {8754, 31614}, {8795, 23181}, {9033, 42308}, {9064, 44133}, {9308, 43188}, {10301, 42367}, {10420, 44138}, {10425, 44145}, {11064, 15459}, {11185, 30247}, {11412, 39418}, {11794, 36794}, {13485, 30716}, {14052, 33799}, {14208, 24000}, {14221, 40118}, {14543, 40414}, {14574, 44161}, {14591, 20573}, {14920, 39290}, {15351, 39062}, {15411, 23984}, {17515, 35174}, {17569, 41072}, {17708, 37765}, {17907, 44766}, {17927, 17930}, {17929, 17987}, {17931, 17985}, {17934, 17982}, {17935, 17981}, {18027, 32661}, {20884, 36095}, {24006, 24041}, {24039, 36128}, {26705, 33297}, {26714, 44144}, {27369, 42371}, {28660, 32674}, {30737, 44770}, {31617, 35318}, {31625, 43925}, {31902, 32042}, {31926, 32041}, {32038, 44734}, {32428, 41208}, {32691, 44154}, {33294, 44183}, {33640, 44136}, {34336, 34574}, {34568, 36789}, {35311, 40410}, {35314, 38428}, {35315, 38427}, {35575, 43976}, {36077, 44140}, {36084, 40703}, {36104, 46238}, {36131, 46234}, {36831, 43752}, {37908, 46135}, {37966, 46141}, {39291, 39931}, {39295, 44427}, {40393, 41677}, {41083, 44327}, {41331, 42395}, {41762, 42297}, {44769, 46106}
X(648) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 656}, {2, 525}, {3, 520}, {4, 523}, {5, 6368}, {6, 647}, {7, 17094}, {9, 8611}, {10, 4064}, {19, 661}, {20, 8057}, {21, 521}, {22, 8673}, {23, 9517}, {24, 924}, {25, 512}, {27, 514}, {28, 513}, {29, 522}, {30, 9033}, {31, 810}, {32, 3049}, {33, 4041}, {34, 4017}, {48, 822}, {49, 37084}, {51, 15451}, {53, 12077}, {54, 23286}, {58, 1459}, {59, 23067}, {60, 23189}, {63, 24018}, {69, 3265}, {74, 14380}, {75, 14208}, {76, 3267}, {81, 905}, {83, 4580}, {86, 4025}, {92, 1577}, {94, 14592}, {98, 879}, {99, 69}, {100, 72}, {101, 71}, {105, 10099}, {107, 4}, {108, 65}, {109, 73}, {110, 3}, {111, 10097}, {112, 6}, {125, 5489}, {141, 2525}, {154, 42658}, {158, 24006}, {162, 1}, {163, 48}, {184, 39201}, {186, 526}, {190, 306}, {216, 17434}, {217, 42293}, {232, 3569}, {233, 35441}, {237, 39469}, {239, 24459}, {242, 4010}, {249, 4558}, {250, 110}, {264, 850}, {265, 43083}, {270, 3737}, {273, 4077}, {274, 15413}, {275, 15412}, {278, 7178}, {281, 3700}, {284, 652}, {286, 693}, {288, 39181}, {297, 2799}, {314, 35518}, {317, 6563}, {318, 4086}, {323, 8552}, {324, 18314}, {325, 6333}, {333, 6332}, {340, 3268}, {376, 9007}, {378, 8675}, {385, 24284}, {393, 2501}, {415, 2785}, {419, 804}, {420, 9479}, {422, 2787}, {423, 2786}, {425, 2798}, {427, 826}, {428, 7927}, {430, 6367}, {441, 39473}, {450, 2797}, {458, 23878}, {461, 4843}, {468, 690}, {469, 23879}, {470, 23870}, {471, 23871}, {472, 23873}, {473, 23872}, {476, 265}, {477, 14220}, {511, 684}, {512, 20975}, {513, 18210}, {514, 4466}, {519, 14429}, {520, 2972}, {523, 125}, {524, 14417}, {525, 15526}, {526, 16186}, {571, 30451}, {577, 32320}, {593, 7254}, {607, 3709}, {608, 7180}, {643, 78}, {644, 3694}, {645, 345}, {647, 3269}, {651, 1214}, {653, 226}, {656, 2632}, {661, 3708}, {662, 63}, {664, 307}, {668, 20336}, {670, 305}, {671, 14977}, {685, 98}, {687, 2986}, {691, 895}, {692, 228}, {799, 304}, {805, 36214}, {811, 75}, {822, 37754}, {823, 92}, {827, 1176}, {842, 35909}, {850, 339}, {851, 9391}, {859, 8677}, {860, 6370}, {862, 4155}, {877, 325}, {892, 30786}, {906, 3990}, {907, 34817}, {915, 3657}, {925, 68}, {930, 3519}, {931, 34259}, {933, 54}, {934, 1439}, {935, 67}, {1010, 23874}, {1018, 3949}, {1019, 3942}, {1020, 37755}, {1021, 34591}, {1101, 4575}, {1113, 2575}, {1114, 2574}, {1172, 650}, {1173, 39180}, {1235, 23285}, {1249, 6587}, {1252, 4574}, {1286, 18124}, {1287, 18125}, {1288, 70}, {1289, 66}, {1291, 43704}, {1294, 43701}, {1297, 2435}, {1299, 43709}, {1300, 15328}, {1301, 64}, {1302, 4846}, {1304, 74}, {1305, 28786}, {1309, 38955}, {1325, 2850}, {1331, 3682}, {1332, 3998}, {1333, 22383}, {1383, 30491}, {1396, 3669}, {1398, 7250}, {1414, 77}, {1415, 1409}, {1435, 7216}, {1437, 23224}, {1444, 4131}, {1474, 649}, {1494, 34767}, {1495, 9409}, {1509, 15419}, {1576, 184}, {1577, 20902}, {1611, 2519}, {1613, 2524}, {1624, 185}, {1625, 216}, {1627, 22159}, {1632, 1899}, {1633, 17441}, {1634, 3917}, {1783, 37}, {1784, 36035}, {1790, 4091}, {1813, 40152}, {1822, 2585}, {1823, 2584}, {1824, 4705}, {1826, 4024}, {1838, 23752}, {1839, 4988}, {1843, 3005}, {1845, 42768}, {1848, 21124}, {1861, 4088}, {1877, 30572}, {1884, 6089}, {1895, 17898}, {1896, 44426}, {1897, 10}, {1957, 17478}, {1968, 2451}, {1969, 20948}, {1973, 798}, {1974, 669}, {1976, 878}, {1978, 40071}, {1981, 8680}, {1989, 14582}, {1990, 1637}, {1995, 30209}, {2052, 14618}, {2073, 2774}, {2074, 8674}, {2075, 2773}, {2173, 2631}, {2189, 7252}, {2190, 2616}, {2193, 36054}, {2194, 1946}, {2201, 21832}, {2203, 667}, {2204, 3063}, {2207, 2489}, {2211, 2491}, {2299, 663}, {2303, 2522}, {2322, 3239}, {2326, 1021}, {2332, 657}, {2333, 4079}, {2355, 4983}, {2393, 42665}, {2396, 6393}, {2407, 11064}, {2409, 1503}, {2420, 3284}, {2421, 36212}, {2445, 42671}, {2452, 22264}, {2485, 38356}, {2489, 3124}, {2501, 115}, {2576, 2579}, {2577, 2578}, {2580, 2583}, {2581, 2582}, {2586, 2589}, {2587, 2588}, {2605, 22094}, {2617, 44706}, {2633, 2629}, {2690, 38535}, {2713, 1942}, {2715, 248}, {2722, 43723}, {2766, 10693}, {2905, 21196}, {2906, 31947}, {2914, 8562}, {2966, 287}, {2967, 41167}, {2970, 23105}, {2971, 22260}, {2986, 15421}, {3003, 686}, {3050, 38352}, {3064, 21044}, {3068, 17431}, {3069, 17432}, {3120, 21134}, {3163, 14401}, {3186, 23301}, {3194, 6129}, {3222, 43714}, {3233, 16163}, {3266, 45807}, {3267, 36793}, {3284, 1636}, {3285, 22086}, {3518, 1510}, {3563, 35364}, {3565, 6391}, {3569, 41172}, {3580, 6334}, {3581, 14314}, {3658, 912}, {3699, 3710}, {3732, 18589}, {3733, 3937}, {3737, 7004}, {3867, 3806}, {3926, 4143}, {3939, 2318}, {3952, 3695}, {4000, 21107}, {4024, 21046}, {4025, 17216}, {4143, 23974}, {4183, 3900}, {4185, 8672}, {4186, 4139}, {4206, 8678}, {4221, 9051}, {4222, 4132}, {4226, 3564}, {4227, 9001}, {4230, 511}, {4232, 1499}, {4233, 3309}, {4234, 9031}, {4235, 524}, {4236, 34381}, {4237, 9028}, {4238, 518}, {4240, 30}, {4241, 516}, {4242, 758}, {4243, 916}, {4244, 3827}, {4246, 517}, {4247, 9002}, {4248, 3667}, {4249, 674}, {4250, 20718}, {4427, 41014}, {4551, 201}, {4552, 26942}, {4554, 1231}, {4556, 1790}, {4557, 3690}, {4558, 394}, {4559, 2197}, {4560, 26932}, {4563, 3926}, {4565, 222}, {4566, 6356}, {4567, 1332}, {4570, 1331}, {4573, 348}, {4575, 255}, {4576, 3933}, {4577, 1799}, {4589, 337}, {4590, 4563}, {4591, 1797}, {4592, 326}, {4594, 7019}, {4599, 34055}, {4600, 4561}, {4602, 40364}, {4609, 40050}, {4610, 17206}, {4611, 20806}, {4612, 1812}, {4616, 7056}, {4625, 7182}, {4629, 1796}, {4630, 10547}, {4636, 283}, {4637, 7177}, {5009, 22384}, {5064, 7950}, {5089, 24290}, {5094, 3906}, {5095, 1649}, {5101, 4808}, {5317, 6591}, {5338, 4822}, {5342, 4815}, {5379, 100}, {5467, 3292}, {5468, 6390}, {5502, 21663}, {5546, 219}, {5994, 36297}, {5995, 36296}, {6011, 43708}, {6103, 1640}, {6330, 43673}, {6331, 76}, {6335, 321}, {6336, 4049}, {6344, 10412}, {6353, 3566}, {6368, 35442}, {6525, 44705}, {6528, 264}, {6529, 393}, {6530, 16230}, {6531, 2395}, {6587, 1562}, {6591, 3125}, {6663, 34979}, {6733, 7591}, {6799, 42059}, {6995, 3800}, {7009, 2533}, {7012, 4551}, {7054, 23090}, {7058, 15411}, {7071, 4524}, {7076, 21831}, {7079, 4171}, {7115, 4559}, {7128, 1020}, {7192, 1565}, {7252, 7117}, {7253, 2968}, {7256, 1265}, {7257, 3718}, {7259, 3692}, {7419, 32475}, {7431, 9000}, {7435, 6001}, {7436, 8999}, {7452, 515}, {7463, 8679}, {7468, 14984}, {7471, 17702}, {7473, 542}, {7476, 2836}, {7480, 5663}, {7482, 2854}, {7649, 3120}, {7799, 45792}, {7953, 41435}, {8057, 122}, {8541, 17414}, {8737, 20578}, {8738, 20579}, {8739, 6137}, {8740, 6138}, {8743, 2485}, {8744, 2492}, {8745, 6753}, {8747, 7649}, {8748, 3064}, {8749, 2433}, {8750, 42}, {8753, 9178}, {8754, 8029}, {8756, 4120}, {8882, 2623}, {9033, 1650}, {9060, 34802}, {9064, 3426}, {9218, 22143}, {9291, 42331}, {9306, 22089}, {9308, 30476}, {9390, 9392}, {9426, 23216}, {9544, 39228}, {10015, 42761}, {10098, 5505}, {10101, 10100}, {10295, 9003}, {10301, 12073}, {10311, 3288}, {10312, 3050}, {10330, 7767}, {10420, 5504}, {10423, 1177}, {10425, 43705}, {11062, 2081}, {11064, 41077}, {11101, 30212}, {11107, 35057}, {11325, 3221}, {11413, 30211}, {11634, 8681}, {11636, 43697}, {11794, 36952}, {12092, 16867}, {12111, 40494}, {12383, 38401}, {13149, 1446}, {13397, 28787}, {13398, 15316}, {13450, 23290}, {13486, 7100}, {13621, 30210}, {13739, 6003}, {14004, 4151}, {14006, 3907}, {14013, 28846}, {14015, 9013}, {14024, 3716}, {14052, 36955}, {14129, 20577}, {14165, 44427}, {14208, 17879}, {14273, 1648}, {14401, 39008}, {14480, 15061}, {14533, 46088}, {14534, 15420}, {14543, 440}, {14544, 18641}, {14570, 343}, {14574, 14575}, {14581, 14398}, {14586, 14533}, {14587, 15958}, {14590, 323}, {14591, 50}, {14611, 6699}, {14618, 338}, {14918, 41078}, {14920, 5664}, {14953, 39470}, {14966, 3289}, {15014, 9035}, {15149, 918}, {15164, 22340}, {15165, 22339}, {15329, 13754}, {15352, 2052}, {15384, 1301}, {15411, 23983}, {15459, 16080}, {15471, 9125}, {15526, 23616}, {15639, 23976}, {15742, 3952}, {15958, 19210}, {16077, 1494}, {16080, 2394}, {16081, 43665}, {16166, 11559}, {16230, 868}, {16237, 3580}, {16757, 18187}, {16806, 32585}, {16807, 32586}, {16813, 275}, {17094, 1367}, {17104, 23226}, {17171, 16892}, {17206, 30805}, {17402, 44718}, {17403, 44719}, {17442, 8061}, {17515, 3738}, {17520, 832}, {17569, 30665}, {17708, 34897}, {17906, 4415}, {17907, 33294}, {17921, 21138}, {17923, 4707}, {17924, 16732}, {17925, 1086}, {17926, 1146}, {17927, 18004}, {17932, 6394}, {17938, 17970}, {17939, 17971}, {17940, 17972}, {17941, 12215}, {17942, 17975}, {17943, 17976}, {17944, 17977}, {17945, 17978}, {17980, 882}, {17981, 18015}, {17982, 18014}, {17983, 5466}, {17984, 14295}, {17985, 18006}, {17987, 18003}, {17994, 44114}, {18020, 99}, {18022, 44173}, {18026, 1441}, {18047, 4019}, {18155, 17880}, {18315, 97}, {18344, 4516}, {18374, 42659}, {18384, 15475}, {18808, 12079}, {18829, 40708}, {18831, 95}, {18879, 43755}, {19118, 8651}, {20031, 6531}, {20189, 34483}, {20626, 6145}, {21789, 3270}, {22239, 11744}, {22456, 290}, {23067, 7066}, {23090, 35072}, {23181, 5562}, {23189, 1364}, {23347, 1495}, {23353, 851}, {23357, 32661}, {23590, 6529}, {23710, 30574}, {23712, 9200}, {23713, 9201}, {23714, 14446}, {23715, 14447}, {23895, 40709}, {23896, 40710}, {23964, 112}, {23977, 16318}, {23999, 811}, {24000, 162}, {24001, 14206}, {24006, 1109}, {24019, 19}, {24021, 36126}, {24041, 4592}, {26283, 30213}, {26704, 15232}, {26705, 15320}, {26714, 43718}, {27369, 688}, {27644, 25098}, {30221, 38729}, {30247, 5486}, {30248, 13418}, {30249, 43695}, {30450, 5392}, {30512, 44665}, {30716, 3448}, {30733, 15313}, {31510, 2777}, {31623, 4391}, {31900, 4977}, {31901, 28195}, {31902, 4802}, {31903, 4778}, {31904, 28840}, {31905, 812}, {31907, 28859}, {31908, 28882}, {31909, 824}, {31912, 4785}, {31914, 28855}, {31916, 30519}, {31917, 3776}, {31921, 28890}, {31925, 30520}, {31926, 4762}, {32002, 41298}, {32036, 40712}, {32037, 40711}, {32230, 107}, {32320, 35071}, {32640, 18877}, {32656, 4055}, {32661, 577}, {32674, 1400}, {32676, 31}, {32687, 43717}, {32691, 1245}, {32695, 8749}, {32696, 1976}, {32697, 2987}, {32708, 14910}, {32710, 15453}, {32713, 25}, {32714, 1427}, {32715, 40352}, {32729, 14908}, {32734, 2351}, {32739, 2200}, {33294, 127}, {33513, 40410}, {33640, 11270}, {33803, 14060}, {34211, 441}, {34386, 15414}, {34397, 14270}, {34403, 14638}, {34484, 20188}, {34538, 15352}, {34568, 40384}, {34574, 15398}, {34854, 17994}, {34859, 2211}, {34983, 41212}, {35136, 6340}, {35139, 328}, {35140, 2419}, {35169, 40715}, {35265, 44810}, {35278, 6776}, {35311, 140}, {35318, 233}, {35324, 22052}, {35325, 39}, {35327, 22080}, {35342, 3958}, {35360, 5}, {35907, 6103}, {35908, 32112}, {36034, 35200}, {36036, 336}, {36049, 41087}, {36059, 22341}, {36084, 293}, {36092, 8767}, {36104, 1910}, {36105, 8773}, {36114, 36053}, {36118, 3668}, {36126, 158}, {36127, 225}, {36128, 23894}, {36129, 2166}, {36131, 2159}, {36134, 2169}, {36142, 36060}, {36145, 1820}, {36306, 13}, {36309, 14}, {36419, 17925}, {36420, 43925}, {36421, 17926}, {36793, 23107}, {36794, 31296}, {36797, 8}, {36829, 23039}, {36830, 22146}, {36831, 44715}, {36839, 10217}, {36840, 10218}, {36841, 37669}, {36898, 34290}, {37168, 900}, {37669, 20580}, {37765, 9979}, {37766, 24978}, {37908, 926}, {37937, 2781}, {37943, 45147}, {37962, 2780}, {37963, 2775}, {37966, 2771}, {38294, 45689}, {38342, 11140}, {38832, 22090}, {38861, 13198}, {38936, 15470}, {39062, 39352}, {39201, 34980}, {39284, 39183}, {39297, 2867}, {39298, 8115}, {39299, 8116}, {39352, 38240}, {39383, 6413}, {39384, 6414}, {39417, 34207}, {39534, 42759}, {40097, 43703}, {40117, 1903}, {40138, 9209}, {40596, 10117}, {40979, 40628}, {41013, 4036}, {41083, 14837}, {41174, 43187}, {41204, 6130}, {41206, 40843}, {41207, 1952}, {41321, 17747}, {41357, 16278}, {41364, 6588}, {41502, 9404}, {41512, 39170}, {41610, 24562}, {41676, 141}, {41677, 37636}, {41678, 13567}, {41679, 1993}, {41906, 28788}, {42067, 8034}, {42068, 23099}, {42308, 16077}, {42396, 83}, {42405, 276}, {43188, 9289}, {43351, 42021}, {43717, 34212}, {43754, 17974}, {43925, 1015}, {43976, 30735}, {44060, 3532}, {44077, 34952}, {44080, 42660}, {44084, 21731}, {44089, 5027}, {44090, 5113}, {44091, 8664}, {44092, 42661}, {44097, 42653}, {44099, 42663}, {44100, 8653}, {44102, 351}, {44103, 42664}, {44113, 42666}, {44123, 42667}, {44124, 42668}, {44129, 3261}, {44130, 35519}, {44134, 30474}, {44146, 35522}, {44162, 9426}, {44183, 44766}, {44326, 34403}, {44695, 14308}, {44698, 21172}, {44734, 23880}, {44766, 14376}, {44769, 14919}, {44770, 1297}, {44828, 40800}, {45215, 22416}, {45662, 39474}, {46102, 4552}, {46103, 4560}, {46106, 41079}, {46107, 21207}, {46134, 20563}, {46151, 427}, {46254, 799}
{X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 39352, 15526}, {6, 264, 36794}, {6, 9308, 264}, {53, 3629, 27377}, {53, 27377, 32002}, {69, 1249, 17907}, {98, 2452, 13479}, {98, 11596, 20975}, {99, 36841, 4558}, {110, 35360, 107}, {112, 4558, 41679}, {112, 41676, 99}, {162, 1897, 36797}, {185, 1941, 1105}, {193, 393, 317}, {297, 1990, 37765}, {324, 1994, 275}, {340, 37765, 297}, {1576, 1632, 35278}, {2407, 4558, 36841}, {2407, 14570, 4558}, {2407, 16237, 14590}, {2407, 41678, 41679}, {2452, 9512, 20975}, {2452, 20975, 11596}, {3163, 15526, 23583}, {3163, 39358, 1494}, {4558, 14570, 99}, {4558, 41679, 14590}, {9512, 20975, 98}, {11596, 20975, 13479}, {14570, 41676, 41677}, {14570, 41678, 16237}, {15526, 23583, 2}, {15526, 39352, 1494}, {16237, 41677, 14570}, {16813, 18831, 18315}, {17037, 36413, 6527}, {32713, 46151, 107}, {35311, 35360, 110}, {37766, 37779, 14918}, {39298, 39299, 14590}, {41194, 41195, 41254}, {41676, 41678, 14570}, {41677, 41679, 99}
X(649) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangle of the conic {A, B, C, X(1), X(6)}}. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
A'B'C' be the excentral triangle and H the hyperbola {A',B',C',X(1),X(9}}, so that H is the Jerabek hyperbola of A'B'C'. Let TT be the tangential triangle, wrt A'B'C', of H. Then T and TT are perspective, and their perspector is X(649). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
The circle that has center X(649) and passes through the isodynamic points, X(15) and X(16), also passes through the isodynamic points of the excentral triangle (X1276) and X(1277), as well as X(32622) and X(32623). This circle is here named the Gheorghe circle, in recognition of the work of Liliana Gheorghe. The Gheorghe circle is coaxial with the three Apollonius circles and also the Moses radical circle, which has center X(647) and passes through X(6116) and X(6117), these being the isodynamic points of the orthic triangle. The centers of the Gheorghe circle, Moses radical circle, and the three Apollonius circles all lie on the Lemoine axis, X(187)X(237); for related circles, see X(15). (Dan Reznik, April 16, 2021)
See Gheorghe Circle and Gheorghe Circle (zoomed in). See also Gheorghe Circle in motion.
The Moses radical circle is the Gheorghe circle of the orthic triangle. (Dan Reznik, April 20, 2021)
X(649) lies on the Yff parabola and these lines: {1, 3249}, {2, 3835}, {3, 14825}, {6, 2441}, {8, 25301}, {9, 4521}, {10, 21720}, {19, 3064}, {27, 46107}, {31, 884}, {32, 8578}, {40, 28292}, {42, 788}, {44, 513}, {45, 14437}, {55, 23865}, {57, 1024}, {58, 43926}, {63, 4468}, {75, 20909}, {81, 18200}, {89, 1022}, {100, 660}, {101, 901}, {103, 43079}, {106, 2384}, {109, 919}, {110, 2702}, {111, 2712}, {165, 15599}, {171, 18098}, {187, 237}, {190, 889}, {239, 514}, {244, 38346}, {522, 3509}, {523, 4773}, {604, 2423}, {614, 9315}, {662, 17929}, {693, 812}, {727, 9111}, {739, 2382}, {764, 1475}, {802, 4374}, {814, 2533}, {824, 4467}, {830, 1734}, {834, 1459}, {840, 2291}, {854, 1404}, {876, 40747}, {891, 4378}, {893, 17187}, {894, 21211}, {900, 2527}, {905, 28372}, {918, 4897}, {926, 4105}, {995, 30650}, {1015, 43922}, {1018, 4781}, {1027, 2279}, {1125, 19949}, {1146, 39006}, {1201, 9433}, {1293, 6078}, {1334, 6161}, {1415, 32675}, {1436, 2432}, {1461, 7339}, {1577, 29013}, {1638, 2487}, {1639, 2490}, {1768, 21382}, {1769, 6588}, {1797, 10756}, {1977, 6377}, {1978, 4598}, {2082, 23764}, {2160, 21131}, {2161, 14442}, {2170, 15635}, {2269, 24118}, {2284, 23832}, {2308, 8034}, {2319, 17155}, {2340, 9320}, {2473, 2521}, {2504, 7178}, {2529, 4777}, {2664, 4040}, {2666, 3720}, {2786, 21391}, {2787, 4474}, {3004, 17069}, {3051, 23575}, {3120, 43920}, {3219, 10196}, {3239, 3667}, {3246, 39310}, {3259, 46101}, {3261, 10566}, {3306, 14475}, {3309, 3803}, {3666, 14751}, {3669, 7216}, {3709, 4502}, {3726, 4132}, {3739, 27485}, {3762, 29148}, {3766, 24601}, {3776, 4453}, {3801, 29025}, {3837, 24719}, {3900, 4729}, {3904, 28468}, {3929, 45670}, {3937, 14936}, {3960, 14438}, {4010, 4874}, {4014, 38991}, {4017, 6591}, {4041, 8678}, {4057, 4079}, {4083, 4367}, {4106, 4728}, {4122, 29078}, {4129, 27045}, {4139, 4501}, {4142, 29118}, {4148, 4462}, {4191, 20674}, {4266, 14812}, {4384, 14433}, {4391, 6002}, {4414, 25800}, {4432, 40614}, {4481, 16751}, {4486, 26248}, {4491, 14407}, {4500, 4789}, {4584, 4600}, {4586, 35009}, {4588, 28875}, {4603, 4610}, {4640, 40586}, {4672, 35353}, {4730, 4814}, {4761, 29066}, {4762, 31148}, {4763, 4776}, {4774, 29236}, {4791, 29178}, {4804, 7662}, {4820, 4926}, {4822, 6050}, {4823, 29270}, {4841, 4977}, {4879, 23506}, {4940, 31287}, {4944, 4958}, {4978, 29302}, {5701, 34583}, {6003, 23691}, {6004, 24290}, {6014, 6017}, {6084, 21104}, {6085, 23650}, {6182, 6608}, {6332, 28478}, {6363, 20980}, {6372, 21763}, {6373, 20983}, {6615, 40134}, {7004, 21339}, {7045, 36146}, {7199, 29771}, {7265, 29216}, {7289, 23730}, {7649, 21190}, {8056, 23834}, {8611, 15313}, {8677, 36054}, {8697, 28891}, {9085, 29242}, {9097, 17222}, {9259, 9262}, {9294, 17759}, {9359, 9361}, {10015, 29126}, {10459, 30203}, {14349, 14838}, {14377, 23100}, {14425, 39386}, {14474, 30950}, {14991, 23657}, {15487, 28589}, {16231, 42403}, {16557, 32925}, {16560, 24129}, {16612, 23800}, {16695, 40627}, {17029, 26824}, {17072, 21053}, {17159, 21225}, {17204, 17215}, {17412, 23224}, {17439, 38242}, {18154, 20954}, {18278, 21791}, {20517, 29158}, {21003, 21005}, {21051, 25636}, {21122, 43925}, {21146, 29362}, {21204, 27003}, {21212, 31095}, {21260, 24960}, {21297, 26985}, {21302, 28470}, {21348, 21834}, {21349, 21350}, {22092, 45902}, {22094, 23647}, {22224, 26048}, {23301, 30968}, {23726, 26934}, {23794, 30024}, {23803, 26983}, {23813, 45320}, {23845, 35326}, {24462, 26249}, {24484, 46125}, {24560, 25902}, {24562, 25900}, {24592, 27855}, {24756, 30957}, {24804, 35355}, {25008, 25981}, {25009, 26017}, {25128, 31330}, {25380, 44429}, {25511, 42327}, {25604, 40474}, {25627, 26037}, {26049, 27527}, {26777, 31290}, {27009, 44312}, {27014, 28758}, {27451, 30095}, {28255, 28286}, {28840, 31150}, {28867, 30565}, {29179, 43361}, {32669, 32674}, {33570, 35270}, {35595, 45684}, {38325, 42322}, {38344, 38345}, {38348, 40789}, {38367, 40733}
X(649) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {650, 4790}, {659, 4784}, {661, 4979}, {667, 4834}, {693, 4380}, {1019, 4063}, {7192, 17494}, {17159, 21225}, {20295, 26853}, {21302, 31291}, {29545, 29807}
X(649) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 45313}, {650, 4394}, {659, 4782}, {661, 650}, {663, 667}, {693, 4369}, {1459, 3733}, {1491, 9508}, {2484, 2483}, {3004, 17069}, {3239, 43061}, {3250, 665}, {3835, 31286}, {4010, 4874}, {4024, 6590}, {4025, 3798}, {4040, 4401}, {4079, 6586}, {4106, 4885}, {4382, 693}, {4449, 4367}, {4468, 11068}, {4498, 4063}, {4502, 3709}, {4724, 659}, {4750, 4786}, {4775, 1960}, {4776, 4763}, {4804, 7662}, {4813, 661}, {4814, 4730}, {4893, 1635}, {4940, 31287}, {4958, 4944}, {4979, 4790}, {4988, 45745}, {7192, 4932}, {14321, 2490}, {14349, 14838}, {16892, 4025}, {17217, 21191}, {20295, 3835}, {20979, 798}, {21301, 17072}, {21834, 21348}, {23655, 7234}, {24719, 3837}, {27486, 45679}, {30835, 27013}, {31147, 2}, {38325, 42322}, {42664, 647}, {44435, 45674}, {45745, 4765}, {45746, 21196}
X(649) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (661,650), (663,667)
X(649) = isogonal conjugate of X(190)
X(649) = isotomic conjugate of X(1978)
X(649) = complement of X(20295)
X(649) = anticomplement of X(3835)
X(649) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(9355)
X(649) = tangential-isogonal conjugate of X(16873)
X(649) = trilinear pole of line {1015, 1960}
X(649) = Parry-circle-inverse of X(5029)
X(649) = Parry-isodynamic-circle-inverse of X(5168)
X(649) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {1, 2}
X(649) = excentral isogonal conjugate of X(9355)
X(649) = tangential isogonal conjugate of X(16873)
X(649) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for i in (8, 48, 58, 84, 92, 98)
X(649) = PU(8)-harmonic conjugate of X(42)
X(649) = trilinear pole of PU(25) (line X(1015)X(1960))
X(649) = barycentric product of PU(34)
X(649) = PU(48)-harmonic conjugate of X(31)
X(649) = PU(58)-harmonic conjugate of X(899)
X(649) = PU(84)-harmonic conjugate of X(3720)
X(649) = PU(92)-harmonic conjugate of X(1201)
X(649) = PU(98)-harmonic conjugate of X(1149)
X(649) = intersection of antiorthic and Lemoine axes (trilinear polars of X(1) and X(6))
X(649) = pole, with respect to Bevan circle, of line X(2)X(7)
X(649) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(668)
X(649) = X(647)-of-excentral-triangle
X(649) = perspector of the excentral Jerabek hyperbola
X(649) = complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22154)
X(649) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {87, 150}, {109, 20537}, {110, 17149}, {330, 21293}, {651, 20350}, {664, 20559}, {692, 21219}, {932, 69}, {1576, 36857}, {2053, 37781}, {2162, 149}, {2319, 33650}, {4598, 6327}, {5383, 21301}, {7121, 4440}, {16606, 3448}, {18830, 315}, {21759, 148}, {22381, 39352}, {23493, 21221}, {32739, 41840}, {34071, 8}, {42027, 21294}
X(649) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 8054}, {596, 21252}, {692, 4075}, {8050, 2887}, {20615, 17059}, {34594, 3741}, {37205, 21240}, {39798, 116}, {40085, 21253}, {40148, 11}, {40519, 10}
X(649) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 3248}, {2, 8054}, {6, 1015}, {19, 2170}, {25, 20974}, {27, 3120}, {31, 38346}, {56, 3271}, {57, 244}, {58, 3122}, {64, 3270}, {84, 2310}, {87, 38986}, {99, 2309}, {100, 42}, {101, 6}, {108, 40958}, {109, 31}, {110, 2308}, {163, 2260}, {190, 1}, {267, 2643}, {513, 663}, {514, 1459}, {651, 1201}, {653, 3924}, {658, 614}, {660, 3009}, {662, 1193}, {664, 7032}, {667, 20979}, {673, 27846}, {692, 1475}, {799, 3720}, {813, 672}, {825, 21764}, {893, 3121}, {901, 902}, {932, 22343}, {934, 20978}, {1018, 1100}, {1019, 513}, {1020, 1104}, {1086, 8578}, {1292, 2293}, {1293, 55}, {1407, 3937}, {1415, 1400}, {1436, 7117}, {1461, 56}, {1576, 40955}, {1919, 23572}, {2156, 21339}, {2160, 3125}, {2161, 2087}, {2162, 1977}, {2176, 23560}, {2226, 43922}, {2248, 3124}, {2423, 21758}, {2702, 1914}, {2705, 8540}, {3224, 21762}, {3257, 1149}, {3345, 2638}, {3437, 20975}, {3444, 20982}, {3500, 3123}, {3572, 5029}, {3669, 43924}, {3733, 667}, {3903, 23532}, {4556, 58}, {4557, 20963}, {4559, 2300}, {4584, 238}, {4588, 21747}, {4591, 36}, {4598, 2}, {4603, 81}, {4604, 995}, {4607, 899}, {4610, 17187}, {4628, 5299}, {4629, 1203}, {4638, 106}, {4817, 4724}, {6010, 2269}, {6011, 14547}, {6014, 2177}, {6577, 1918}, {7087, 23646}, {7096, 17463}, {7097, 34591}, {7252, 22383}, {8050, 40148}, {8052, 5262}, {8056, 17477}, {8699, 3052}, {8709, 20464}, {8750, 16502}, {8917, 24012}, {9500, 35505}, {10566, 514}, {11051, 14936}, {13478, 11}, {13610, 4128}, {14377, 1086}, {16695, 23464}, {18830, 23493}, {21362, 20323}, {23345, 1960}, {23355, 6373}, {23892, 3768}, {28469, 3056}, {28477, 2268}, {28486, 2330}, {28847, 2280}, {29014, 71}, {29217, 5301}, {30554, 5332}, {32039, 87}, {32665, 2183}, {32674, 604}, {32675, 1404}, {32714, 1042}, {34067, 20459}, {34071, 2275}, {34080, 2347}, {34183, 38363}, {34234, 1647}, {34440, 3269}, {34445, 23456}, {35342, 4272}, {36146, 1458}, {36614, 23470}, {37133, 21352}, {37138, 869}, {37205, 1125}, {37209, 30950}, {37211, 386}, {37215, 17017}, {38828, 32577}, {39950, 16726}, {40151, 1357}, {40188, 3942}, {40519, 39}, {40737, 4117}, {40770, 21755}, {41405, 41395}, {42467, 7004}, {43077, 2276}, {43739, 11998}, {43924, 8643}, {43929, 8632}
X(649) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 9262}, {244, 2350}, {512, 513}, {665, 3572}, {667, 43924}, {798, 667}, {1015, 6}, {1960, 23345}, {1977, 40148}, {3063, 663}, {3121, 42}, {3122, 58}, {3125, 1400}, {3248, 1}, {3249, 3248}, {3271, 56}, {3768, 23892}, {4083, 20979}, {6373, 23355}, {6377, 2}, {7180, 6591}, {7234, 18108}, {8659, 43929}, {8661, 43922}, {14936, 25}, {16614, 39956}, {21123, 514}, {21143, 1015}, {21191, 23572}, {23456, 34445}, {23470, 30651}, {38986, 87}
X(649) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 190}, {2, 100}, {3, 6335}, {4, 1332}, {6, 668}, {7, 644}, {8, 651}, {9, 664}, {10, 662}, {11, 31615}, {12, 4612}, {19, 4561}, {21, 4552}, {31, 1978}, {32, 6386}, {35, 15455}, {36, 36804}, {37, 99}, {40, 44327}, {41, 4572}, {42, 799}, {43, 4598}, {44, 4555}, {45, 4597}, {55, 4554}, {56, 646}, {57, 3699}, {58, 4033}, {59, 4391}, {63, 1897}, {65, 645}, {69, 1783}, {71, 811}, {72, 648}, {74, 42716}, {75, 101}, {76, 692}, {78, 653}, {80, 4585}, {81, 3952}, {82, 4568}, {83, 4553}, {85, 3939}, {86, 1018}, {87, 4595}, {88, 17780}, {89, 4767}, {92, 1331}, {98, 42717}, {102, 42718}, {103, 42719}, {104, 2397}, {105, 42720}, {106, 24004}, {107, 3998}, {108, 345}, {109, 312}, {110, 321}, {111, 42721}, {112, 20336}, {145, 27834}, {162, 306}, {163, 313}, {171, 27805}, {181, 4631}, {192, 932}, {200, 658}, {210, 4573}, {213, 670}, {219, 18026}, {220, 4569}, {226, 643}, {228, 6331}, {238, 4562}, {239, 660}, {241, 36802}, {244, 6632}, {249, 4036}, {256, 18047}, {257, 4579}, {261, 21859}, {264, 906}, {269, 6558}, {273, 4587}, {274, 4557}, {278, 4571}, {279, 4578}, {281, 6516}, {286, 4574}, {291, 3570}, {292, 874}, {294, 883}, {304, 8750}, {314, 4559}, {318, 1813}, {322, 36049}, {329, 13138}, {333, 4551}, {335, 3573}, {341, 1461}, {344, 1292}, {346, 934}, {350, 813}, {386, 37218}, {476, 42701}, {480, 36838}, {512, 4601}, {513, 1016}, {514, 765}, {517, 13136}, {518, 666}, {519, 3257}, {521, 46102}, {522, 4564}, {523, 4567}, {524, 5380}, {525, 5379}, {536, 898}, {556, 6733}, {561, 32739}, {598, 3908}, {612, 37215}, {649, 7035}, {650, 4998}, {655, 4511}, {661, 4600}, {667, 31625}, {673, 1026}, {675, 42723}, {677, 30807}, {689, 21814}, {691, 42713}, {693, 1252}, {728, 4626}, {739, 41314}, {740, 4584}, {751, 4482}, {752, 5386}, {754, 5389}, {756, 4610}, {757, 4103}, {788, 5388}, {789, 2276}, {812, 5378}, {823, 3682}, {824, 5384}, {825, 33931}, {831, 17289}, {833, 32777}, {835, 28606}, {839, 4261}, {840, 42722}, {869, 37133}, {889, 3230}, {891, 5381}, {892, 21839}, {894, 3903}, {899, 4607}, {900, 5376}, {901, 4358}, {903, 1023}, {905, 15742}, {908, 36037}, {914, 36106}, {918, 5377}, {919, 3263}, {925, 42700}, {927, 3693}, {931, 31993}, {933, 42698}, {958, 32038}, {960, 6648}, {982, 4621}, {983, 33946}, {984, 4586}, {985, 3807}, {1001, 32041}, {1014, 30730}, {1020, 1043}, {1025, 14942}, {1042, 7258}, {1089, 4556}, {1098, 4605}, {1100, 6540}, {1110, 3261}, {1125, 37212}, {1212, 6606}, {1213, 4596}, {1214, 36797}, {1215, 4603}, {1220, 3882}, {1222, 21362}, {1255, 4427}, {1257, 14543}, {1260, 13149}, {1262, 4397}, {1265, 32714}, {1267, 6135}, {1268, 35342}, {1275, 3900}, {1278, 29227}, {1290, 32849}, {1293, 18743}, {1296, 42724}, {1301, 42699}, {1302, 42704}, {1305, 27396}, {1308, 17264}, {1310, 2345}, {1319, 4582}, {1333, 27808}, {1334, 4625}, {1376, 30610}, {1400, 7257}, {1414, 2321}, {1415, 3596}, {1427, 7256}, {1429, 36801}, {1434, 4069}, {1441, 5546}, {1473, 42384}, {1476, 25268}, {1492, 3661}, {1500, 4623}, {1509, 40521}, {1575, 8709}, {1576, 27801}, {1577, 4570}, {1633, 30701}, {1698, 37211}, {1757, 35148}, {1824, 4563}, {1826, 4592}, {1911, 27853}, {1914, 4583}, {1918, 4602}, {1921, 34067}, {1930, 4628}, {1962, 4632}, {1969, 32656}, {1983, 20566}, {1997, 30236}, {2087, 6635}, {2149, 35519}, {2162, 36863}, {2176, 18830}, {2205, 4609}, {2214, 33948}, {2222, 32851}, {2223, 36803}, {2238, 4589}, {2283, 36796}, {2284, 2481}, {2287, 4566}, {2295, 4594}, {2323, 35174}, {2339, 14594}, {2340, 34085}, {2398, 36101}, {2427, 18816}, {2702, 20947}, {2703, 17790}, {2715, 42703}, {2742, 37788}, {2743, 37758}, {2748, 37756}, {2753, 37857}, {2832, 5387}, {3006, 36087}, {3035, 31628}, {3112, 46148}, {3175, 8690}, {3198, 44326}, {3219, 6742}, {3222, 21877}, {3227, 23343}, {3239, 7045}, {3240, 37209}, {3262, 32641}, {3264, 32665}, {3290, 35574}, {3293, 37205}, {3616, 4606}, {3666, 8707}, {3667, 5382}, {3668, 7259}, {3669, 4076}, {3672, 6574}, {3679, 4604}, {3681, 43190}, {3687, 36098}, {3692, 36118}, {3701, 4565}, {3717, 36146}, {3718, 32674}, {3719, 36127}, {3739, 8708}, {3747, 4639}, {3752, 8706}, {3762, 9268}, {3783, 37207}, {3797, 30664}, {3799, 14621}, {3869, 44765}, {3870, 37206}, {3888, 17743}, {3909, 40394}, {3912, 36086}, {3935, 37143}, {3943, 4622}, {3954, 4577}, {3969, 13486}, {3990, 6528}, {3992, 4591}, {3995, 34594}, {4024, 24041}, {4037, 36066}, {4039, 37134}, {4041, 4620}, {4043, 43076}, {4062, 36085}, {4079, 24037}, {4082, 4637}, {4083, 5383}, {4115, 40438}, {4357, 36147}, {4359, 8701}, {4370, 4618}, {4384, 37138}, {4417, 36050}, {4420, 38340}, {4421, 42343}, {4436, 32009}, {4441, 8693}, {4463, 44766}, {4505, 40746}, {4512, 4624}, {4515, 4616}, {4558, 41013}, {4576, 18098}, {4588, 4671}, {4590, 4705}, {4593, 21035}, {4599, 15523}, {4613, 40773}, {4614, 5257}, {4615, 21805}, {4617, 5423}, {4619, 24026}, {4629, 4647}, {4633, 37593}, {4636, 6358}, {4638, 4738}, {4663, 35177}, {4664, 29351}, {4687, 6013}, {4699, 29199}, {4752, 39704}, {4756, 25417}, {4777, 5385}, {4781, 40434}, {4812, 29026}, {4850, 9059}, {4980, 28176}, {4997, 23703}, {5222, 37223}, {5223, 32040}, {5291, 35147}, {5293, 8052}, {5297, 37210}, {5360, 43187}, {5375, 8047}, {5391, 6136}, {5435, 31343}, {5526, 35171}, {5545, 42712}, {6011, 33116}, {6012, 17279}, {6014, 30829}, {6065, 24002}, {6079, 16610}, {6163, 6630}, {6164, 6634}, {6332, 7012}, {6376, 34071}, {6381, 34075}, {6542, 37135}, {6554, 8269}, {6559, 41353}, {6577, 18137}, {6603, 35157}, {6605, 35312}, {6614, 30693}, {6631, 9282}, {6735, 37136}, {6745, 37139}, {6790, 46119}, {7017, 36059}, {7080, 37141}, {7081, 37137}, {7115, 35518}, {7239, 40415}, {7260, 20964}, {8050, 32911}, {8056, 43290}, {8652, 28605}, {8684, 33891}, {8694, 19804}, {8699, 20942}, {9058, 17740}, {9067, 17756}, {9070, 32779}, {9265, 9296}, {9266, 9295}, {9271, 17487}, {9278, 17934}, {9361, 9362}, {11124, 31619}, {11495, 42303}, {11611, 17944}, {13396, 17281}, {13397, 17776}, {14947, 40865}, {15322, 28653}, {15624, 31624}, {16514, 41072}, {16593, 39272}, {16777, 32042}, {16785, 35181}, {17459, 35572}, {17787, 29055}, {17796, 35156}, {17863, 29163}, {17930, 20693}, {18140, 40519}, {18147, 29014}, {19604, 30720}, {19799, 32691}, {20332, 23354}, {20440, 20640}, {20453, 20696}, {20568, 23344}, {20901, 31616}, {20911, 32736}, {20940, 40150}, {21272, 23617}, {21453, 35341}, {21802, 35137}, {21833, 31614}, {21874, 35136}, {21899, 37880}, {22003, 40430}, {22456, 42702}, {23067, 31623}, {23493, 36860}, {23704, 35160}, {23832, 36805}, {23845, 32017}, {23891, 37129}, {23981, 36795}, {23990, 40495}, {24589, 28210}, {25001, 43344}, {25660, 29151}, {26700, 42033}, {26706, 28420}, {26711, 33168}, {26714, 42711}, {28148, 42029}, {28162, 42034}, {28474, 41316}, {28583, 41315}, {28847, 30758}, {30555, 31130}, {30625, 42301}, {30963, 43077}, {31633, 42552}, {32008, 35338}, {32018, 35327}, {32676, 40071}, {32718, 35543}, {32931, 35009}, {33113, 33637}, {33157, 43348}, {35280, 39749}, {35517, 36039}, {36077, 42706}, {36080, 44140}, {37204, 41267}, {38828, 44720}, {40728, 46132}, {41839, 43350}, {44426, 44717}
X(649) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9359}, {2, 21224}, {6, 9259}, {512, 798}, {513, 4083}, {514, 21191}, {667, 3063}, {1015, 21143}, {3121, 8027}, {3248, 3249}
X(649) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 190}, {2, 8050}, {6, 101}, {19, 32674}, {28, 32714}, {56, 1461}, {57, 109}, {58, 4556}, {81, 100}, {87, 32039}, {99, 40409}, {106, 4638}, {108, 40397}, {110, 1171}, {274, 18830}, {513, 3669}, {514, 7649}, {651, 1476}, {662, 2363}, {799, 40439}, {893, 4603}, {901, 2226}, {1019, 3733}, {1293, 40151}, {1333, 1415}, {2162, 4598}, {2702, 9506}, {15397, 32682}
X(649) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 649}, {2, 514}, {6, 4057}, {7, 31605}, {8, 3239}, {9, 522}, {10, 4024}, {37, 513}, {57, 30719}, {63, 6332}, {71, 4064}, {75, 20954}, {100, 644}, {101, 1331}, {115, 12078}, {145, 31182}, {192, 20979}, {213, 8640}, {239, 4375}, {321, 4391}, {440, 525}, {512, 21838}, {519, 6544}, {523, 1213}, {650, 3057}, {656, 18674}, {657, 4319}, {659, 17475}, {661, 2292}, {663, 20665}, {667, 21757}, {668, 36863}, {693, 20880}, {798, 2667}, {812, 17755}, {900, 4370}, {918, 16593}, {1016, 6634}, {1018, 3952}, {1019, 8025}, {1252, 14887}, {1635, 17460}, {1960, 23552}, {2183, 23757}, {2254, 17464}, {2398, 3234}, {2786, 6651}, {3059, 4130}, {3161, 3667}, {3219, 7265}, {3294, 17494}, {3699, 30720}, {3700, 21677}, {3730, 25259}, {3768, 42083}, {3835, 33890}, {3995, 4063}, {4025, 17170}, {4079, 21035}, {4115, 4427}, {4368, 21832}, {4473, 24129}, {4498, 30568}, {4560, 17185}, {4568, 46148}, {4775, 23553}, {4777, 16590}, {4785, 27481}, {4893, 17461}, {5513, 23887}, {6006, 36911}, {6364, 40651}, {6545, 31647}, {6546, 32094}, {7192, 17175}, {8058, 38015}, {8714, 40586}, {16892, 17192}, {21362, 25268}, {24979, 24980}, {28840, 31336}
X(649) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 513}, {3, 7649}, {4, 1459}, {6, 514}, {7, 663}, {8, 43924}, {9, 3669}, {10, 3733}, {11, 109}, {19, 905}, {21, 4017}, {25, 4025}, {27, 647}, {28, 656}, {31, 693}, {32, 3261}, {34, 521}, {37, 1019}, {38, 18108}, {39, 10566}, {41, 24002}, {42, 7192}, {43, 43931}, {44, 1022}, {48, 17924}, {54, 21102}, {55, 3676}, {56, 522}, {57, 650}, {58, 523}, {59, 21132}, {63, 6591}, {64, 21172}, {65, 3737}, {71, 17925}, {74, 11125}, {75, 667}, {76, 1919}, {77, 18344}, {78, 43923}, {79, 2605}, {81, 661}, {82, 2530}, {83, 21123}, {84, 6129}, {85, 3063}, {86, 512}, {87, 4083}, {88, 1635}, {89, 4893}, {91, 34948}, {92, 22383}, {99, 3122}, {100, 244}, {101, 1086}, {103, 676}, {104, 1769}, {105, 2254}, {106, 900}, {108, 7004}, {110, 3120}, {111, 4750}, {112, 4466}, {115, 4556}, {158, 23224}, {162, 18210}, {163, 16732}, {174, 6729}, {184, 46107}, {190, 1015}, {200, 43932}, {210, 7203}, {213, 7199}, {222, 3064}, {225, 23189}, {226, 7252}, {238, 876}, {239, 3572}, {241, 1024}, {249, 21131}, {250, 21134}, {251, 16892}, {256, 4367}, {257, 20981}, {266, 6728}, {267, 31947}, {269, 3900}, {273, 1946}, {274, 798}, {278, 652}, {279, 657}, {284, 7178}, {286, 810}, {291, 659}, {292, 812}, {306, 43925}, {310, 669}, {330, 20979}, {333, 7180}, {335, 8632}, {350, 875}, {386, 43927}, {393, 4091}, {479, 4105}, {516, 2424}, {518, 1027}, {519, 23345}, {520, 8747}, {525, 1474}, {536, 23892}, {560, 40495}, {561, 1980}, {593, 4024}, {595, 40086}, {596, 4057}, {603, 44426}, {604, 4391}, {608, 6332}, {651, 2170}, {653, 7117}, {654, 2006}, {658, 14936}, {660, 27846}, {662, 3125}, {664, 3271}, {665, 673}, {668, 3248}, {679, 3251}, {692, 1111}, {694, 4107}, {726, 23355}, {727, 3837}, {738, 4130}, {739, 4728}, {741, 4010}, {751, 4378}, {753, 4809}, {757, 4705}, {764, 765}, {788, 870}, {799, 3121}, {813, 27918}, {824, 40746}, {832, 977}, {834, 43531}, {849, 4036}, {850, 2206}, {871, 8630}, {884, 9436}, {885, 1458}, {890, 31002}, {891, 37129}, {893, 4369}, {897, 14419}, {898, 19945}, {899, 43928}, {901, 1647}, {902, 6548}, {903, 1960}, {904, 4374}, {908, 2423}, {909, 10015}, {918, 1438}, {932, 3123}, {934, 2310}, {959, 17418}, {961, 17420}, {963, 7661}, {967, 45745}, {983, 3777}, {985, 1491}, {996, 9002}, {998, 9001}, {1002, 4724}, {1014, 4041}, {1016, 21143}, {1018, 16726}, {1021, 1427}, {1026, 43921}, {1042, 7253}, {1043, 7250}, {1054, 6164}, {1088, 8641}, {1096, 4131}, {1106, 4397}, {1120, 6085}, {1126, 4977}, {1146, 1461}, {1149, 23836}, {1155, 35348}, {1156, 14413}, {1169, 21124}, {1170, 21127}, {1171, 4988}, {1173, 21103}, {1174, 21104}, {1175, 23752}, {1176, 21108}, {1177, 21109}, {1178, 2533}, {1193, 4581}, {1220, 6371}, {1222, 6363}, {1252, 6545}, {1255, 4979}, {1262, 42462}, {1279, 35355}, {1293, 3756}, {1318, 39771}, {1319, 23838}, {1323, 23351}, {1326, 18014}, {1331, 2969}, {1333, 1577}, {1334, 17096}, {1357, 3699}, {1358, 3939}, {1364, 36127}, {1365, 4636}, {1395, 35518}, {1396, 8611}, {1397, 35519}, {1400, 4560}, {1402, 18155}, {1407, 3239}, {1408, 4086}, {1411, 3738}, {1412, 3700}, {1413, 8058}, {1414, 4516}, {1415, 4858}, {1417, 4768}, {1421, 42552}, {1422, 14298}, {1431, 3907}, {1432, 3287}, {1434, 3709}, {1436, 14837}, {1437, 24006}, {1457, 43728}, {1472, 2517}, {1476, 6615}, {1486, 26721}, {1492, 4475}, {1509, 4079}, {1565, 8750}, {1576, 21207}, {1581, 4164}, {1638, 2291}, {1643, 37131}, {1646, 4607}, {1751, 43060}, {1783, 3942}, {1790, 2501}, {1795, 39534}, {1813, 8735}, {1826, 7254}, {1875, 37628}, {1876, 23696}, {1897, 3937}, {1911, 3766}, {1914, 4444}, {1924, 6385}, {1929, 9508}, {1967, 14296}, {1973, 15413}, {1977, 1978}, {2087, 3257}, {2109, 25381}, {2149, 40166}, {2156, 16757}, {2160, 14838}, {2161, 3960}, {2162, 3835}, {2163, 4777}, {2164, 21188}, {2183, 2401}, {2191, 3309}, {2194, 4077}, {2195, 43042}, {2203, 14208}, {2207, 30805}, {2208, 17896}, {2214, 14349}, {2215, 23882}, {2217, 21189}, {2218, 23800}, {2221, 6590}, {2226, 6544}, {2248, 21196}, {2258, 43067}, {2276, 4817}, {2279, 4762}, {2287, 7216}, {2296, 2978}, {2297, 8712}, {2299, 17094}, {2308, 4608}, {2311, 7212}, {2316, 30725}, {2319, 43051}, {2333, 15419}, {2334, 4778}, {2340, 43930}, {2348, 37626}, {2349, 14399}, {2350, 17494}, {2353, 21178}, {2354, 15420}, {2364, 43052}, {2382, 36848}, {2384, 14475}, {2395, 17209}, {2426, 15634}, {2432, 34050}, {2433, 18653}, {2486, 43076}, {2488, 21453}, {2489, 17206}, {2504, 9085}, {2509, 40188}, {2516, 36603}, {2526, 39958}, {2611, 13486}, {2616, 18180}, {2623, 17167}, {2718, 24457}, {2720, 35015}, {2786, 17962}, {2787, 17954}, {2832, 34893}, {2973, 32656}, {2983, 29162}, {2985, 23751}, {2998, 23572}, {3011, 35365}, {3022, 4626}, {3049, 44129}, {3119, 4617}, {3124, 4610}, {3224, 21191}, {3226, 6373}, {3227, 3768}, {3249, 31625}, {3250, 14621}, {3270, 36118}, {3285, 4049}, {3310, 34234}, {3433, 21185}, {3435, 21186}, {3437, 21187}, {3444, 21192}, {3445, 3667}, {3446, 21201}, {3447, 21203}, {3449, 21118}, {3450, 21119}, {3451, 21120}, {3453, 21121}, {3455, 21205}, {3500, 21348}, {3668, 21789}, {3675, 36086}, {3762, 9456}, {3778, 7255}, {3798, 8770}, {3801, 38813}, {3803, 23051}, {3805, 40763}, {3862, 23597}, {3880, 37627}, {3912, 43929}, {3954, 39179}, {4040, 13476}, {4062, 43926}, {4063, 39798}, {4081, 6614}, {4128, 4594}, {4132, 39949}, {4142, 34250}, {4160, 34916}, {4162, 19604}, {4163, 7023}, {4303, 14775}, {4306, 23289}, {4373, 8643}, {4379, 30650}, {4382, 30651}, {4394, 8056}, {4401, 7241}, {4440, 9262}, {4449, 9309}, {4453, 6187}, {4455, 18827}, {4458, 8852}, {4459, 29055}, {4462, 38266}, {4467, 6186}, {4481, 40747}, {4491, 39697}, {4498, 39956}, {4521, 40151}, {4534, 38828}, {4551, 18191}, {4557, 17205}, {4559, 17197}, {4561, 42067}, {4565, 21044}, {4584, 39786}, {4598, 6377}, {4600, 8034}, {4603, 16592}, {4618, 42084}, {4637, 36197}, {4638, 35092}, {4707, 34079}, {4775, 39704}, {4784, 30571}, {4786, 21448}, {4790, 25430}, {4791, 28607}, {4813, 25417}, {4823, 34819}, {4834, 30598}, {4885, 9315}, {4932, 39967}, {4943, 16079}, {4957, 34073}, {4960, 28625}, {4978, 28615}, {4983, 40438}, {5009, 35352}, {5029, 6650}, {5209, 18002}, {5317, 24018}, {5331, 8672}, {5620, 42741}, {6005, 10013}, {6006, 41436}, {6149, 43082}, {6336, 22086}, {6372, 40433}, {6381, 23349}, {6384, 8640}, {6549, 23344}, {6550, 9268}, {6551, 24188}, {6586, 14377}, {6588, 42467}, {6589, 13478}, {6610, 23893}, {6629, 9178}, {6730, 7370}, {7035, 8027}, {7077, 43041}, {7087, 20517}, {7121, 20906}, {7169, 21174}, {7234, 32010}, {7260, 21755}, {7316, 14432}, {7339, 23615}, {7658, 11051}, {8050, 8054}, {8059, 38357}, {8578, 44184}, {8648, 18815}, {8656, 36588}, {8659, 36807}, {8677, 36123}, {8690, 21963}, {8713, 10579}, {8714, 34444}, {8917, 17427}, {9217, 21200}, {9259, 42555}, {9265, 21211}, {9267, 9359}, {9269, 9325}, {9292, 17215}, {9299, 18149}, {9311, 20980}, {9361, 38238}, {9505, 38348}, {9506, 27929}, {10428, 23757}, {10490, 10495}, {10492, 18888}, {10509, 10581}, {14370, 21194}, {14554, 21786}, {15378, 21133}, {15382, 20504}, {16099, 42662}, {16606, 18197}, {16695, 42027}, {16702, 23894}, {16737, 40729}, {16887, 18105}, {17216, 32713}, {17217, 23493}, {17222, 45677}, {17435, 36146}, {17731, 18001}, {17758, 21007}, {17780, 43922}, {18018, 21122}, {18101, 46153}, {18359, 21758}, {18771, 21105}, {18772, 21106}, {18830, 38986}, {20295, 40148}, {20516, 34183}, {20518, 41528}, {20908, 34077}, {20974, 43190}, {21003, 39714}, {21110, 38826}, {21113, 42346}, {21138, 34071}, {21173, 34434}, {21175, 34436}, {21176, 34437}, {21179, 34441}, {21180, 34442}, {21183, 34446}, {21190, 34427}, {21202, 34179}, {21206, 36615}, {21208, 40519}, {21385, 39981}, {21763, 42328}, {21828, 24624}, {21832, 37128}, {22084, 26705}, {22108, 34578}, {22350, 43933}, {23100, 23990}, {23707, 30691}, {23723, 34429}, {23729, 38825}, {23807, 34248}, {23845, 40451}, {23989, 32739}, {24027, 42455}, {25426, 28840}, {26932, 32674}, {26933, 32691}, {28209, 41434}, {29198, 39972}, {29226, 36598}, {30723, 34820}, {30724, 33635}, {32039, 40610}, {32641, 42754}, {32714, 34591}, {34858, 36038}, {35014, 36110}, {36037, 42753}, {40397, 40628}, {40409, 40627}, {40738, 45882}, {41799, 45877}, {42290, 45755}
X(649) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 668}, {2, 1978}, {3, 4561}, {6, 190}, {7, 4572}, {9, 646}, {10, 27808}, {11, 35519}, {19, 6335}, {21, 7257}, {25, 1897}, {27, 6331}, {28, 811}, {31, 100}, {32, 101}, {34, 18026}, {37, 4033}, {39, 4568}, {41, 644}, {42, 3952}, {43, 36863}, {44, 24004}, {48, 1332}, {55, 3699}, {56, 664}, {57, 4554}, {58, 99}, {75, 6386}, {81, 799}, {86, 670}, {87, 18830}, {100, 7035}, {101, 1016}, {106, 4555}, {109, 4998}, {110, 4600}, {163, 4567}, {172, 18047}, {184, 1331}, {190, 31625}, {212, 4571}, {213, 1018}, {220, 6558}, {238, 874}, {239, 27853}, {244, 693}, {269, 4569}, {274, 4602}, {284, 645}, {291, 4583}, {292, 4562}, {310, 4609}, {351, 4062}, {386, 33948}, {512, 10}, {513, 75}, {514, 76}, {521, 3718}, {522, 3596}, {523, 313}, {525, 40071}, {560, 692}, {593, 4610}, {603, 6516}, {604, 651}, {608, 653}, {647, 306}, {650, 312}, {652, 345}, {654, 32851}, {656, 20336}, {657, 346}, {659, 350}, {661, 321}, {662, 4601}, {663, 8}, {665, 3912}, {667, 1}, {669, 42}, {672, 42720}, {673, 36803}, {676, 35517}, {688, 21035}, {692, 765}, {693, 561}, {727, 8709}, {738, 36838}, {739, 4607}, {741, 4589}, {757, 4623}, {764, 1111}, {788, 984}, {798, 37}, {810, 72}, {812, 1921}, {822, 3998}, {830, 33941}, {834, 5224}, {869, 3799}, {870, 46132}, {872, 40521}, {875, 291}, {876, 334}, {884, 14942}, {890, 899}, {891, 6381}, {893, 27805}, {896, 42721}, {899, 41314}, {900, 3264}, {902, 17780}, {904, 3903}, {905, 304}, {909, 13136}, {910, 42719}, {923, 5380}, {926, 3717}, {984, 4505}, {985, 789}, {1014, 4625}, {1015, 514}, {1019, 274}, {1022, 20568}, {1024, 36796}, {1027, 2481}, {1042, 4566}, {1084, 4079}, {1086, 3261}, {1106, 934}, {1111, 40495}, {1126, 6540}, {1171, 4632}, {1178, 4594}, {1201, 21272}, {1252, 6632}, {1253, 4578}, {1326, 17934}, {1333, 662}, {1334, 30730}, {1357, 3676}, {1395, 108}, {1397, 109}, {1398, 36118}, {1400, 4552}, {1402, 4551}, {1407, 658}, {1408, 1414}, {1411, 35174}, {1412, 4573}, {1415, 4564}, {1416, 927}, {1435, 13149}, {1436, 44327}, {1437, 4592}, {1438, 666}, {1458, 883}, {1459, 69}, {1460, 14594}, {1461, 1275}, {1462, 34085}, {1472, 1310}, {1474, 648}, {1491, 33931}, {1500, 4103}, {1501, 32739}, {1576, 4570}, {1577, 27801}, {1635, 4358}, {1646, 4728}, {1734, 33932}, {1755, 42717}, {1769, 3262}, {1790, 4563}, {1911, 660}, {1912, 12782}, {1914, 3570}, {1918, 4557}, {1919, 6}, {1922, 813}, {1924, 213}, {1946, 78}, {1960, 519}, {1964, 4553}, {1973, 1783}, {1974, 8750}, {1979, 9362}, {1980, 31}, {2084, 3954}, {2087, 3762}, {2149, 31615}, {2150, 4612}, {2160, 15455}, {2161, 36804}, {2162, 4598}, {2163, 4597}, {2170, 4391}, {2173, 42716}, {2175, 3939}, {2176, 4595}, {2177, 4767}, {2182, 42718}, {2183, 2397}, {2185, 4631}, {2194, 643}, {2195, 36802}, {2200, 4574}, {2203, 162}, {2206, 110}, {2208, 13138}, {2210, 3573}, {2214, 37218}, {2221, 37215}, {2223, 1026}, {2225, 42723}, {2242, 4482}, {2246, 42722}, {2251, 1023}, {2254, 3263}, {2275, 33946}, {2276, 3807}, {2279, 32041}, {2287, 7258}, {2299, 36797}, {2300, 3882}, {2308, 4427}, {2310, 4397}, {2316, 4582}, {2328, 7256}, {2347, 25268}, {2423, 34234}, {2424, 18025}, {2440, 31638}, {2441, 31227}, {2483, 17289}, {2484, 2345}, {2485, 4150}, {2488, 4847}, {2489, 1826}, {2492, 21094}, {2516, 20942}, {2520, 17860}, {2522, 19799}, {2530, 1930}, {2533, 1237}, {2605, 319}, {2624, 42701}, {2642, 42713}, {2643, 4036}, {2969, 46107}, {2978, 31330}, {3005, 15523}, {3009, 23354}, {3022, 4163}, {3049, 71}, {3051, 46148}, {3052, 43290}, {3063, 9}, {3064, 7017}, {3120, 850}, {3121, 661}, {3122, 523}, {3123, 20906}, {3124, 4024}, {3125, 1577}, {3221, 21080}, {3230, 23891}, {3248, 513}, {3249, 1015}, {3250, 3661}, {3251, 4738}, {3261, 1502}, {3271, 522}, {3287, 17787}, {3310, 908}, {3572, 335}, {3669, 85}, {3676, 6063}, {3700, 30713}, {3709, 2321}, {3716, 4087}, {3733, 86}, {3737, 314}, {3752, 21580}, {3766, 18891}, {3768, 536}, {3777, 33930}, {3803, 39731}, {3835, 6382}, {3837, 35538}, {3900, 341}, {3937, 4025}, {3939, 4076}, {3942, 15413}, {3960, 20924}, {4010, 35544}, {4014, 20907}, {4017, 1441}, {4024, 28654}, {4025, 305}, {4040, 17143}, {4041, 3701}, {4057, 4360}, {4063, 18140}, {4079, 594}, {4083, 6376}, {4091, 3926}, {4105, 5423}, {4107, 3978}, {4128, 2533}, {4130, 30693}, {4142, 18835}, {4162, 44720}, {4164, 1966}, {4258, 30728}, {4367, 1909}, {4369, 1920}, {4378, 3761}, {4391, 28659}, {4394, 18743}, {4435, 3975}, {4444, 18895}, {4453, 40075}, {4455, 740}, {4466, 3267}, {4491, 17160}, {4498, 18135}, {4516, 4086}, {4521, 44723}, {4524, 4082}, {4556, 4590}, {4560, 28660}, {4565, 4620}, {4581, 1240}, {4586, 5388}, {4610, 34537}, {4636, 6064}, {4705, 1089}, {4724, 4441}, {4728, 35543}, {4730, 3992}, {4750, 3266}, {4762, 21615}, {4770, 4125}, {4775, 3679}, {4782, 30963}, {4785, 10009}, {4786, 11059}, {4790, 19804}, {4802, 30596}, {4809, 35548}, {4813, 28605}, {4832, 5257}, {4834, 1698}, {4874, 4485}, {4879, 25280}, {4893, 4671}, {4895, 4723}, {4905, 33933}, {4977, 1269}, {4979, 4359}, {4983, 4647}, {4988, 1230}, {5027, 4039}, {5029, 6542}, {5040, 17763}, {5299, 33951}, {5317, 823}, {5532, 23104}, {6004, 33937}, {6085, 1266}, {6129, 322}, {6139, 6745}, {6161, 4986}, {6186, 6742}, {6363, 3663}, {6371, 4357}, {6372, 20888}, {6373, 726}, {6377, 3835}, {6544, 36791}, {6545, 23989}, {6551, 42372}, {6586, 17233}, {6588, 20928}, {6589, 4417}, {6591, 92}, {6615, 20895}, {6729, 556}, {7004, 35518}, {7023, 4626}, {7032, 3888}, {7077, 36801}, {7113, 4585}, {7117, 6332}, {7121, 932}, {7122, 4579}, {7178, 349}, {7180, 226}, {7192, 310}, {7199, 6385}, {7202, 18160}, {7216, 1446}, {7234, 1215}, {7250, 3668}, {7252, 333}, {7254, 17206}, {7335, 6517}, {7337, 36127}, {7366, 4617}, {7649, 264}, {8027, 244}, {8034, 3120}, {8042, 16727}, {8054, 20295}, {8574, 21092}, {8578, 150}, {8630, 869}, {8631, 17033}, {8632, 239}, {8633, 4362}, {8634, 30167}, {8635, 3920}, {8636, 976}, {8637, 386}, {8638, 2340}, {8640, 43}, {8641, 200}, {8642, 3870}, {8643, 145}, {8645, 3935}, {8646, 612}, {8648, 4511}, {8649, 6633}, {8650, 7292}, {8651, 4028}, {8653, 4061}, {8654, 3938}, {8655, 17018}, {8656, 3241}, {8657, 16834}, {8658, 41140}, {8659, 3008}, {8660, 1149}, {8661, 1647}, {8662, 2999}, {8663, 8013}, {8678, 4385}, {8735, 46110}, {8747, 6528}, {8750, 15742}, {9002, 4389}, {9008, 14620}, {9247, 906}, {9259, 6631}, {9262, 6630}, {9268, 6635}, {9297, 2228}, {9299, 9361}, {9313, 4429}, {9315, 30610}, {9359, 9296}, {9404, 42033}, {9426, 1918}, {9454, 2284}, {9456, 3257}, {9459, 23344}, {9494, 41267}, {9508, 20947}, {10566, 308}, {11125, 3260}, {14296, 1926}, {14349, 33935}, {14377, 31624}, {14399, 14206}, {14404, 3994}, {14407, 3943}, {14413, 30806}, {14419, 14210}, {14428, 4156}, {14575, 32656}, {14598, 34067}, {14621, 37133}, {14623, 9065}, {14838, 33939}, {14936, 3239}, {14991, 22011}, {15413, 40364}, {16502, 3732}, {16584, 7239}, {16612, 2064}, {16695, 33296}, {16702, 24039}, {16726, 7199}, {16732, 20948}, {16757, 20641}, {16892, 8024}, {16947, 4565}, {17186, 4611}, {17187, 4576}, {17209, 2396}, {17411, 34528}, {17424, 30827}, {17458, 30473}, {17477, 4106}, {17494, 18152}, {17924, 1969}, {17925, 44129}, {17954, 35147}, {17962, 35148}, {17990, 6541}, {18001, 11599}, {18105, 18082}, {18108, 3112}, {18155, 40072}, {18191, 18155}, {18196, 34022}, {18197, 31008}, {18200, 8033}, {18210, 14208}, {18268, 4584}, {18344, 318}, {20228, 21362}, {20229, 35341}, {20295, 40087}, {20517, 40365}, {20954, 40088}, {20970, 4115}, {20974, 25259}, {20975, 4064}, {20979, 192}, {20980, 3729}, {20981, 894}, {20982, 7265}, {20983, 32925}, {21003, 32922}, {21005, 32926}, {21007, 17277}, {21102, 311}, {21103, 1232}, {21104, 1233}, {21108, 1235}, {21109, 1236}, {21110, 44166}, {21122, 22}, {21123, 141}, {21124, 1228}, {21126, 42554}, {21127, 1229}, {21131, 338}, {21132, 34387}, {21134, 339}, {21143, 1086}, {21172, 14615}, {21178, 40073}, {21191, 6374}, {21194, 40035}, {21205, 40074}, {21207, 44173}, {21297, 40089}, {21348, 17786}, {21385, 18145}, {21747, 4781}, {21758, 3218}, {21761, 7283}, {21762, 20979}, {21763, 25264}, {21789, 1043}, {21814, 35309}, {21828, 3936}, {21832, 3948}, {21835, 21834}, {21837, 4006}, {22086, 3977}, {22096, 1459}, {22108, 17264}, {22260, 21043}, {22383, 63}, {22386, 22090}, {23189, 332}, {23220, 22350}, {23224, 326}, {23225, 1818}, {23345, 903}, {23349, 37129}, {23355, 3226}, {23472, 17350}, {23503, 21877}, {23506, 25287}, {23524, 4499}, {23572, 194}, {23649, 25272}, {23655, 32937}, {23751, 3782}, {23752, 1234}, {23807, 18837}, {23892, 3227}, {23979, 4619}, {24002, 20567}, {24533, 41318}, {25142, 8026}, {27644, 36860}, {27846, 3766}, {27929, 18035}, {28607, 4604}, {28615, 37212}, {29226, 20943}, {31947, 20932}, {32660, 44717}, {32665, 5376}, {32666, 5377}, {32674, 46102}, {32676, 5379}, {32702, 39294}, {32719, 9268}, {32735, 39293}, {32739, 1252}, {33917, 19945}, {34067, 5378}, {34069, 5384}, {34071, 5383}, {34073, 5385}, {34075, 5381}, {34080, 5382}, {34591, 15416}, {34819, 37211}, {34858, 36037}, {34916, 35181}, {34948, 44179}, {35519, 40363}, {36054, 3719}, {37128, 4639}, {37129, 889}, {38238, 18149}, {38266, 27834}, {38346, 17494}, {38367, 17475}, {38389, 17894}, {38986, 4083}, {39201, 3682}, {40148, 8050}, {40432, 7260}, {40495, 1928}, {40610, 23886}, {40627, 21024}, {40746, 4586}, {41405, 6634}, {41935, 4638}, {42067, 7649}, {42078, 15632}, {42336, 1122}, {42462, 23978}, {42649, 27529}, {42653, 21081}, {42661, 20653}, {42662, 16086}, {42753, 36038}, {43041, 18033}, {43049, 21609}, {43051, 30545}, {43060, 18134}, {43922, 6548}, {43923, 273}, {43924, 7}, {43925, 27}, {43928, 31002}, {43929, 673}, {43931, 6384}, {43932, 1088}, {45755, 28809}, {45902, 17760}, {46107, 18022}, {46288, 4628}
{X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 3835, 30835}, {2, 20295, 3835}, {2, 26798, 27138}, {2, 26853, 20295}, {2, 27013, 31286}, {2, 31286, 31207}, {75, 20952, 20909}, {101, 41405, 1252}, {190, 9362, 7035}, {650, 652, 657}, {650, 654, 652}, {650, 661, 4893}, {650, 4394, 1635}, {650, 4979, 4813}, {650, 14300, 21127}, {661, 1635, 650}, {663, 667, 8643}, {663, 8656, 1960}, {665, 8632, 5029}, {665, 8658, 1960}, {665, 8659, 8632}, {667, 669, 8655}, {667, 1960, 8656}, {667, 3250, 5029}, {667, 4775, 1960}, {667, 8640, 669}, {667, 8641, 8642}, {667, 8646, 8635}, {669, 890, 8640}, {669, 2978, 663}, {693, 4369, 4379}, {798, 2484, 657}, {901, 1252, 41405}, {1019, 18197, 7192}, {1021, 4765, 45755}, {1635, 4790, 4813}, {1635, 4979, 661}, {1919, 21123, 1459}, {1960, 4775, 663}, {1960, 8656, 8643}, {1960, 8658, 8632}, {1960, 8659, 8658}, {1977, 6377, 8054}, {2488, 6139, 8641}, {2488, 8641, 663}, {2490, 14321, 1639}, {2590, 2591, 1635}, {3063, 20981, 23472}, {3250, 8632, 663}, {3733, 21007, 1919}, {3798, 4025, 4750}, {3835, 20295, 31147}, {3835, 27013, 31207}, {3835, 31286, 2}, {3835, 45313, 31286}, {3937, 14936, 20974}, {4025, 4786, 3798}, {4106, 4885, 4728}, {4369, 4380, 4382}, {4379, 4382, 693}, {4394, 4790, 661}, {4394, 4979, 4893}, {4468, 11068, 6546}, {4498, 45755, 21832}, {4607, 7035, 9362}, {4728, 24924, 4885}, {4750, 16892, 4025}, {4763, 25666, 31209}, {4776, 31209, 25666}, {4782, 4784, 4724}, {4813, 4893, 661}, {4817, 24623, 4379}, {5638, 5639, 5029}, {6589, 43060, 21828}, {7252, 43060, 1459}, {8641, 8642, 8645}, {14351, 45745, 14435}, {20295, 27013, 2}, {20295, 27138, 26798}, {20295, 27673, 28398}, {20295, 31286, 30835}, {20295, 45313, 31207}, {22044, 24089, 4024}, {25924, 25955, 2}, {26798, 27138, 3835}, {26853, 27013, 3835}, {26853, 31286, 31147}, {26853, 45313, 30835}, {27293, 30023, 30835}, {27486, 45746, 21196}, {27673, 29487, 30835}, {27673, 29807, 31147}, {29487, 29545, 20295}, {29545, 31286, 28398}, {30835, 31147, 3835}, {30835, 31207, 2}, {31147, 31207, 30835}, {31286, 45313, 27013}, {39665, 39666, 42662}
X(650) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangle of the Feuerbach hyperbola. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let T1, T2, T3 denote the intouch, extouch,and incentral triangles. Let T4 be the side triangle of T2 and T3; T5 that of T3 and T1, and T6 that of T1 and T2. Then X(650) is the perspector of triangle ABC and T4, of ABC and T5, and of ABC and T6. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(650) is the point of intersection of orthic axis, antiorthic axis and Gergonne line, these being the trilinear polars of X(4), X(1) and X(7), respectively. More generally, X(650) is the intersection of the trilinear polars of every pair of points on the Feuerbach hyperbola. (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Note from Keita Miyamoto, August 4, 2024: X(650) is the center of the Stevanović circle. This circle is orthogonal to the following circles: circumcircle [1], nine-point circle [1], excircles radical circle [1], tangential circle [2], Bevan circle [1, referred to as excentral circle], orthocentroidal circle [2], Apollonius circle [1], radical circle of the mixtilinear excircles [3], Apollonius circle of the mixtilinear excircles [3], orthoptic circle of the Steiner inellipse [2], polar circle (when the triangle is obtuse) [2], inner Apollonius circle of the three circles whose diameters are the sidelengths of the triangle [3, referred to as inner Miyamoto-Moses-Apollonius circle], outer Apollonius circle of the three circles whose diameters are the sidelengths of the triangle [3, referred to as outer Miyamoto-Moses-Apollonius circle].
The circle [3] has radius (1/2)*sqrt((a*b*c*(a^5-a^4*b-a*b^4+b^5-a^4*c+a^3*b*c+a*b^3*c-b^4*c+a*b*c^3-a*c^4-b*c^4+c^5))/((a-b)^2*(a-c)^2*(b-c)^2)). (described in [2])
[1] Milorad R. Stevanović. The Apollonius Circle and Related Triangle Centers. Forum Geometricorum, 3, pp.187-195, 2003.
[2] Weisstein, Eric W. "Stevanović Circle." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource.
[3] Teruyama Momiji, Stevanović Circle of a Triangle, 2024.
X(650) lies on the GEOS circle, the cubic K925, and these lines: {1, 1643}, {2, 693}, {3, 8760}, {6, 2423}, {9, 15737}, {10, 21721}, {11, 1566}, {19, 2432}, {20, 8142}, {35, 11247}, {37, 4024}, {39, 7626}, {42, 21727}, {44, 513}, {45, 24457}, {55, 884}, {56, 9373}, {65, 1938}, {75, 21438}, {88, 37131}, {100, 919}, {101, 2222}, {105, 43079}, {108, 40116}, {110, 9090}, {111, 2752}, {112, 2766}, {115, 5520}, {123, 38972}, {141, 9015}, {226, 23806}, {230, 231}, {241, 514}, {244, 38375}, {354, 9443}, {512, 2499}, {518, 5098}, {521, 1021}, {522, 1639}, {644, 5548}, {651, 7045}, {663, 861}, {666, 4998}, {667, 4705}, {812, 3835}, {814, 21051}, {824, 3666}, {830, 3803}, {876, 23768}, {885, 5218}, {900, 14321}, {918, 4025}, {926, 2488}, {949, 23696}, {1015, 4534}, {1022, 39963}, {1027, 3126}, {1040, 41795}, {1054, 39344}, {1084, 35079}, {1086, 24198}, {1146, 7117}, {1212, 21132}, {1376, 5452}, {1415, 1783}, {1418, 23730}, {1427, 23727}, {1459, 24532}, {1577, 23882}, {1734, 3309}, {1758, 21189}, {1814, 25954}, {1919, 38469}, {1946, 2202}, {1960, 4770}, {1980, 5040}, {2170, 33646}, {2174, 21860}, {2276, 4448}, {2291, 2717}, {2457, 2529}, {2517, 26080}, {2520, 6139}, {2523, 2527}, {2532, 6371}, {2605, 17412}, {2646, 2649}, {2820, 15599}, {3035, 15914}, {3057, 9366}, {3119, 7004}, {3122, 45743}, {3210, 25271}, {3246, 39308}, {3250, 4083}, {3251, 4825}, {3261, 24622}, {3569, 32126}, {3570, 42717}, {3572, 16606}, {3667, 4773}, {3699, 36801}, {3730, 7634}, {3739, 4411}, {3746, 32195}, {3752, 6546}, {3762, 45671}, {3798, 4897}, {3837, 25126}, {3887, 4794}, {3904, 28938}, {3907, 4147}, {3910, 6332}, {3975, 4391}, {4063, 14349}, {4120, 4926}, {4129, 29013}, {4132, 42664}, {4140, 4397}, {4142, 23877}, {4160, 30234}, {4163, 44729}, {4171, 42312}, {4367, 4490}, {4370, 35129}, {4378, 14419}, {4379, 24924}, {4380, 4776}, {4382, 4728}, {4449, 17427}, {4455, 8640}, {4462, 17496}, {4467, 25259}, {4474, 14430}, {4481, 18197}, {4498, 8712}, {4500, 44307}, {4546, 8710}, {4551, 35326}, {4554, 30610}, {4562, 9362}, {4730, 4775}, {4751, 4828}, {4785, 45315}, {4791, 45664}, {4802, 4988}, {4806, 29328}, {4834, 4983}, {4838, 28165}, {4843, 4990}, {4850, 31992}, {4927, 44432}, {4931, 28205}, {4932, 28840}, {4949, 4984}, {4962, 14350}, {4995, 21795}, {5190, 13999}, {5432, 15584}, {5514, 10017}, {5540, 34460}, {6004, 8659}, {6164, 21893}, {6174, 6184}, {6367, 42653}, {6506, 8735}, {6545, 16602}, {6615, 14418}, {6666, 23810}, {7192, 16751}, {7212, 26146}, {7642, 10567}, {7650, 21960}, {7653, 31148}, {8056, 37626}, {8632, 21901}, {8642, 23687}, {9010, 14404}, {9013, 15990}, {9320, 20683}, {9355, 9357}, {9364, 20980}, {9590, 39227}, {10164, 40606}, {11502, 30706}, {11672, 35083}, {13259, 45695}, {13405, 14746}, {13609, 38357}, {14296, 20906}, {14475, 31197}, {14735, 17355}, {14749, 40942}, {14812, 16670}, {14935, 40062}, {15313, 17796}, {16592, 41180}, {16601, 21201}, {16706, 25603}, {16757, 26248}, {16975, 30583}, {17072, 29051}, {17161, 28606}, {17780, 42723}, {17924, 37799}, {17926, 44426}, {18004, 29078}, {18108, 26249}, {20316, 24718}, {20954, 27293}, {21052, 25637}, {21053, 29274}, {21105, 40133}, {21183, 44902}, {21192, 23875}, {21222, 44550}, {21260, 29070}, {21297, 27138}, {21758, 39521}, {22091, 44408}, {23100, 24774}, {23758, 28151}, {23972, 35116}, {24002, 37757}, {24098, 25067}, {24115, 25091}, {24141, 25099}, {24430, 41796}, {24484, 34583}, {24720, 25380}, {24789, 24793}, {25900, 25955}, {27009, 40619}, {27345, 28758}, {28161, 40500}, {28292, 38324}, {28798, 36796}, {28851, 45674}, {28867, 45679}, {29226, 40464}, {30023, 42327}, {30764, 30865}, {31615, 31628}, {32688, 40097}, {33573, 35015}, {34591, 38345}, {35091, 35508}, {36067, 40117}, {37998, 42322}, {40131, 42758}, {45669, 45670}
X(650) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 31150}, {649, 661}, {657, 21127}, {659, 1491}, {663, 4041}, {667, 4705}, {693, 17494}, {1635, 4893}, {1734, 4040}, {1960, 4770}, {2254, 4724}, {2488, 4524}, {3239, 4765}, {3250, 21832}, {3251, 4825}, {3700, 4976}, {3716, 4913}, {4025, 4468}, {4063, 14349}, {4105, 6608}, {4367, 4490}, {4380, 20295}, {4391, 4560}, {4462, 17496}, {4467, 25259}, {4730, 4775}, {4813, 4979}, {4814, 4895}, {4834, 4983}, {6590, 45745}, {14298, 14300}, {17418, 17420}, {20906, 21225}, {26777, 31209}, {27486, 30565}
X(650) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 44567}, {11, 10006}, {20, 8142}, {649, 4394}, {667, 6050}, {693, 4885}, {905, 14838}, {2526, 1491}, {3239, 4521}, {3669, 905}, {3676, 7658}, {3700, 3239}, {3776, 21212}, {3803, 4401}, {3835, 25666}, {4025, 17069}, {4106, 3835}, {4162, 663}, {4369, 31286}, {4382, 23813}, {4391, 20317}, {4394, 2516}, {4411, 3739}, {4790, 649}, {4820, 3700}, {4885, 31287}, {4897, 3798}, {4927, 44432}, {4944, 1639}, {4976, 4765}, {7178, 14837}, {7655, 656}, {7662, 4874}, {11934, 17115}, {13401, 14300}, {14298, 40137}, {20295, 4940}, {21104, 3676}, {21183, 44902}, {21348, 6586}, {24720, 25380}, {31250, 31209}, {43051, 24782}, {43052, 10015}, {43061, 31182}, {43067, 4369}, {45320, 2}
X(650) = isogonal conjugate of X(651)
X(650) = isotomic conjugate of X(4554)
X(650) = complement of X(693)
X(650) = complementary conjugate of X(21252)
X(650) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {692, 41792}, {9309, 150}, {9311, 21293}, {9315, 149}, {9439, 37781}, {30610, 6327}
X(650) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 21252}, {6, 116}, {31, 11}, {32, 1086}, {37, 21253}, {41, 26932}, {42, 125}, {55, 124}, {56, 17059}, {59, 17072}, {71, 127}, {100, 2887}, {101, 141}, {109, 2886}, {110, 3741}, {112, 34830}, {163, 3739}, {184, 2968}, {190, 626}, {212, 123}, {213, 8287}, {228, 34846}, {251, 44312}, {560, 1015}, {604, 4904}, {644, 21244}, {651, 17046}, {662, 21240}, {663, 46100}, {664, 17047}, {668, 21235}, {692, 10}, {765, 21260}, {813, 20541}, {825, 21264}, {901, 21241}, {902, 3259}, {906, 18589}, {919, 20335}, {1016, 21262}, {1018, 21245}, {1110, 513}, {1252, 3835}, {1253, 5514}, {1331, 1368}, {1333, 17761}, {1397, 3756}, {1402, 8286}, {1415, 142}, {1461, 21258}, {1501, 6377}, {1576, 1125}, {1783, 20305}, {1813, 18639}, {1897, 21243}, {1918, 115}, {1919, 6547}, {1978, 40379}, {2149, 4885}, {2175, 1146}, {2177, 15614}, {2187, 7358}, {2194, 34589}, {2200, 15526}, {2205, 16592}, {2206, 244}, {2209, 5518}, {2210, 38989}, {2212, 6506}, {2284, 20540}, {2426, 118}, {3052, 5510}, {3573, 20542}, {3939, 1329}, {4055, 122}, {4557, 3454}, {4559, 17052}, {4565, 17050}, {4567, 42327}, {4570, 512}, {4588, 21242}, {4600, 23301}, {4601, 21263}, {4628, 3934}, {4630, 29654}, {5379, 21259}, {5380, 21256}, {5384, 788}, {5546, 21246}, {6066, 4521}, {7109, 6627}, {7122, 40608}, {8685, 17792}, {8750, 5}, {9454, 35094}, {9459, 35092}, {14598, 39786}, {14599, 35119}, {14827, 13609}, {17943, 20339}, {21059, 5511}, {23344, 121}, {23357, 21196}, {23979, 7658}, {23990, 514}, {23995, 31947}, {24027, 3900}, {32642, 516}, {32652, 946}, {32653, 24220}, {32656, 3}, {32660, 17073}, {32665, 3834}, {32666, 518}, {32674, 16608}, {32676, 942}, {32682, 674}, {32699, 916}, {32718, 4871}, {32719, 519}, {32736, 3831}, {32739, 2}, {34067, 3836}, {34069, 24325}, {34071, 20255}, {34073, 34824}, {34080, 21255}, {36049, 21239}, {36059, 34822}, {36086, 20544}, {41267, 15449}, {41280, 16614}, {46148, 21248}, {46288, 21208}
X(650) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2310}, {2, 11}, {4, 3270}, {6, 11998}, {7, 3022}, {8, 3271}, {9, 2170}, {11, 11193}, {19, 38345}, {21, 4516}, {33, 38358}, {55, 38347}, {57, 7004}, {99, 11997}, {100, 55}, {101, 37}, {107, 1859}, {108, 33}, {174, 10501}, {189, 1364}, {190, 3057}, {200, 38375}, {264, 11988}, {274, 4459}, {277, 1086}, {278, 38357}, {280, 4081}, {281, 1146}, {282, 34591}, {294, 17435}, {330, 24840}, {333, 18191}, {346, 4534}, {513, 4162}, {514, 513}, {522, 3900}, {598, 11936}, {643, 3683}, {644, 9}, {645, 960}, {646, 8}, {648, 1858}, {651, 1}, {653, 65}, {655, 517}, {658, 354}, {662, 2646}, {664, 14100}, {666, 518}, {668, 3056}, {670, 42397}, {693, 11934}, {799, 21334}, {885, 926}, {905, 6129}, {929, 44670}, {979, 3248}, {1018, 2269}, {1019, 42312}, {1020, 2654}, {1021, 652}, {1024, 4435}, {1029, 3024}, {1043, 45743}, {1119, 11918}, {1222, 40528}, {1247, 2643}, {1290, 9629}, {1292, 4319}, {1783, 6}, {1897, 1864}, {2006, 35015}, {2401, 900}, {3239, 14298}, {3257, 5048}, {3362, 2638}, {3699, 210}, {3737, 663}, {3882, 8240}, {3911, 33646}, {3939, 1212}, {4069, 3691}, {4373, 36639}, {4391, 521}, {4551, 14547}, {4552, 950}, {4554, 497}, {4559, 14749}, {4560, 522}, {4573, 10391}, {4581, 512}, {4582, 3880}, {4598, 20359}, {4603, 17611}, {4606, 1697}, {4612, 21}, {4626, 10939}, {4627, 6051}, {5380, 8540}, {5546, 40937}, {6135, 7133}, {6136, 42013}, {6335, 1837}, {7040, 42069}, {7110, 21044}, {7658, 17427}, {8046, 3025}, {8051, 1357}, {8056, 244}, {8817, 14935}, {10492, 6728}, {13138, 30223}, {13149, 1836}, {13486, 7073}, {14838, 31947}, {15352, 42385}, {17924, 15313}, {17926, 3064}, {18830, 23497}, {19605, 3119}, {23838, 4895}, {24002, 3309}, {26704, 1824}, {26705, 1827}, {26706, 7071}, {27527, 25128}, {27818, 4014}, {27834, 2098}, {30610, 2}, {30730, 3686}, {31343, 200}, {31628, 100}, {32038, 3486}, {32041, 390}, {32641, 8609}, {32714, 1854}, {34085, 20358}, {34277, 2968}, {34529, 35604}, {35326, 14746}, {36049, 1108}, {36050, 31}, {36086, 41339}, {36098, 3745}, {36100, 35014}, {36796, 4124}, {36838, 7}, {36910, 4530}, {37136, 1319}, {37137, 3666}, {37139, 1155}, {37141, 56}, {37143, 18839}, {37206, 17642}, {37222, 14115}, {37887, 3120}, {38340, 942}, {39272, 28071}, {39956, 1015}, {40097, 25}, {40116, 5089}, {40117, 19}, {40400, 2087}, {41207, 243}, {41514, 3318}, {41790, 3942}, {41791, 26932}, {42343, 5274}, {42380, 42378}, {42381, 42379}, {42388, 42386}, {42389, 42387}, {42408, 14923}, {43069, 37548}, {43760, 3675}, {44178, 17463}, {44426, 18344}, {45877, 6729}
X(650) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {55, 42552}, {647, 652}, {657, 3900}, {661, 3064}, {663, 513}, {926, 885}, {1566, 5089}, {1946, 521}, {2170, 9}, {2310, 1}, {3022, 7}, {3063, 18344}, {3119, 33}, {3270, 4}, {3271, 8}, {3310, 2432}, {3709, 663}, {4041, 522}, {4516, 21}, {4895, 23838}, {7117, 6}, {10581, 657}, {11124, 100}, {14936, 55}, {17435, 294}, {21044, 37}, {21127, 514}, {33525, 21789}, {36197, 7073}, {42454, 38347}
X(650) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9355}, {9, 4919}, {11, 42454}, {514, 21195}, {522, 4147}, {647, 661}, {657, 663}, {1946, 3063}, {3126, 42341}, {3709, 4041}, {10581, 21127}, {21044, 42462}
X(650) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 651}, {2, 100}, {7, 36838}, {8, 646}, {9, 644}, {21, 4612}, {29, 653}, {57, 108}, {81, 13486}, {101, 284}, {107, 40395}, {112, 1169}, {190, 1222}, {274, 4594}, {280, 37141}, {281, 1783}, {282, 40117}, {333, 3699}, {514, 522}, {655, 40437}, {658, 21453}, {662, 40430}, {664, 23618}, {1018, 14624}, {1021, 17926}, {1897, 40444}, {3737, 4560}, {3939, 10482}, {4391, 44426}, {4554, 8817}, {6135, 7133}, {6136, 42013}, {6335, 34406}, {8056, 31343}, {9503, 36086}, {10492, 10495}, {13149, 34398}, {19607, 26704}, {34277, 40097}, {39272, 43760}
X(650) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 650}, {2, 17496}, {3, 36054}, {6, 513}, {9, 521}, {57, 3669}, {73, 652}, {101, 109}, {213, 7234}, {218, 43049}, {221, 14298}, {222, 905}, {226, 514}, {408, 32320}, {500, 9404}, {520, 18591}, {522, 20262}, {525, 1211}, {649, 1201}, {654, 34586}, {656, 18675}, {657, 2293}, {661, 2650}, {663, 1200}, {665, 1362}, {1019, 40153}, {1400, 43924}, {1415, 36059}, {2254, 9502}, {2850, 40584}, {3063, 7083}, {3287, 28369}, {3676, 10481}, {4551, 4559}, {6180, 20980}, {6364, 13389}, {6365, 13388}, {8677, 23980}, {15730, 43050}, {30719, 45204}, {39063, 39470}
X(650) = trilinear pole of line {926, 2170}
X(650) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {1, 3}
X(650) = polar conjugate of X(18026)
X(650) = orthojoin of X(1521)
X(650) = trilinear pole of line X(926)X(2170) (the tangent to the incircle at X(3022))
X(650) = anticomplement of X(4885)
X(650) = perspector of the Feuerbach hyperbola
X(650) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(11)
X(650) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for i in (15, 57, 59, 60, 80, 94, 125)
X(650) = PU(15)-harmonic conjugate of X(65)
X(650) = PU(57)-harmonic conjugate of X(1155)
X(650) = PU(59)-harmonic conjugate of X(3057)
X(650) = PU(60)-harmonic conjugate of X(56)
X(650) = PU(80)-harmonic conjugate of X(2646)
X(650) = PU(94)-harmonic conjugate of X(354)
X(650) = PU(125)-harmonic conjugate of X(3)
X(650) = medial-isogonal conjugate of X(21252)
X(650) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(664)
X(650) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(651)
X(650) = radical center of {circumcircle, nine-point circle, Bevan circle}
X(650) = radical center of {circumcircle, nine-point circle, Apollonius circle}
X(650) = bicentric difference of PU(112)
X(650) = PU(112)-harmonic conjugate of X(55)
X(650) = X(2501)-of-excentral-triangle
X(650) = PU(4)-harmonic conjugate of X(5089)
X(650) = trilinear square root of X(2310)
X(650) = trilinear product of Feuerbach hyperbola intercepts of antiorthic axis
X(650) = crosssum of Feuerbach hyperbola intercepts of antiorthic axis
X(650) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(649)
X(650) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 651}, {2, 109}, {3, 653}, {4, 1813}, {6, 664}, {7, 101}, {8, 1461}, {9, 934}, {10, 4565}, {11, 4619}, {12, 4556}, {19, 6516}, {21, 1020}, {27, 23067}, {31, 4554}, {32, 4572}, {34, 1332}, {35, 38340}, {36, 655}, {37, 1414}, {40, 37141}, {41, 4569}, {42, 4573}, {48, 18026}, {55, 658}, {56, 190}, {57, 100}, {58, 4552}, {59, 514}, {60, 4605}, {63, 108}, {65, 662}, {69, 32674}, {73, 648}, {75, 1415}, {77, 1783}, {78, 32714}, {81, 4551}, {83, 46153}, {85, 692}, {86, 4559}, {88, 23703}, {92, 36059}, {99, 1400}, {102, 2406}, {104, 24029}, {105, 1025}, {107, 40152}, {110, 226}, {112, 307}, {145, 38828}, {162, 1214}, {163, 1441}, {171, 37137}, {174, 6733}, {181, 4610}, {200, 4617}, {210, 4637}, {212, 13149}, {213, 4625}, {219, 36118}, {220, 4626}, {221, 44327}, {222, 1897}, {223, 13138}, {225, 4558}, {241, 36086}, {244, 31615}, {264, 32660}, {269, 644}, {273, 906}, {278, 1331}, {279, 3939}, {284, 4566}, {294, 41353}, {296, 1981}, {320, 32675}, {329, 8059}, {331, 32656}, {346, 6614}, {347, 36049}, {348, 8750}, {349, 1576}, {393, 6517}, {394, 36127}, {512, 4620}, {513, 4564}, {517, 37136}, {518, 36146}, {521, 7128}, {522, 1262}, {527, 14733}, {553, 8701}, {579, 1305}, {603, 6335}, {604, 668}, {608, 4561}, {643, 1427}, {645, 1042}, {646, 1106}, {649, 4998}, {650, 7045}, {660, 1429}, {663, 1275}, {665, 39293}, {666, 1458}, {672, 927}, {673, 2283}, {677, 43035}, {693, 2149}, {738, 4578}, {757, 21859}, {765, 3669}, {799, 1402}, {811, 1409}, {813, 1447}, {823, 22341}, {825, 7179}, {851, 41206}, {883, 1438}, {893, 6649}, {894, 29055}, {901, 3911}, {905, 7012}, {908, 2720}, {919, 9436}, {932, 1423}, {951, 14543}, {961, 3882}, {1014, 1018}, {1016, 43924}, {1026, 1462}, {1037, 3732}, {1038, 36099}, {1055, 35157}, {1110, 24002}, {1119, 4587}, {1121, 23346}, {1155, 37139}, {1156, 23890}, {1170, 35338}, {1174, 35312}, {1193, 6648}, {1231, 32676}, {1252, 3676}, {1253, 36838}, {1254, 4612}, {1268, 36075}, {1284, 4584}, {1292, 1445}, {1293, 5435}, {1308, 37787}, {1310, 2285}, {1317, 4638}, {1319, 3257}, {1334, 4616}, {1357, 6632}, {1397, 1978}, {1399, 15455}, {1403, 4598}, {1404, 4555}, {1405, 4597}, {1407, 3699}, {1408, 4033}, {1411, 4585}, {1412, 3952}, {1416, 42720}, {1417, 24004}, {1420, 27834}, {1428, 4562}, {1431, 18047}, {1432, 4579}, {1434, 4557}, {1435, 4571}, {1457, 13136}, {1459, 46102}, {1460, 37215}, {1465, 36037}, {1468, 32038}, {1469, 4586}, {1471, 32041}, {1475, 6606}, {1476, 21362}, {1492, 7146}, {1617, 37206}, {1633, 7131}, {1634, 18097}, {1708, 13397}, {1880, 4592}, {1983, 18815}, {2002, 44059}, {2003, 6742}, {2078, 37143}, {2082, 8269}, {2099, 4604}, {2221, 14594}, {2222, 3218}, {2223, 34085}, {2338, 23973}, {2347, 6613}, {2425, 34393}, {2701, 17950}, {2742, 30379}, {2743, 37789}, {3212, 34071}, {3219, 26700}, {3239, 7339}, {3262, 32669}, {3361, 4606}, {3451, 21272}, {3649, 4629}, {3662, 8685}, {3665, 4628}, {3666, 36098}, {3668, 5546}, {3671, 4627}, {3674, 32736}, {3888, 7132}, {3903, 7175}, {3912, 32735}, {3982, 28176}, {4017, 4567}, {4025, 7115}, {4031, 28210}, {4079, 7340}, {4103, 7341}, {4105, 23586}, {4114, 28214}, {4130, 24013}, {4163, 23971}, {4357, 8687}, {4391, 24027}, {4570, 7178}, {4575, 40149}, {4588, 5219}, {4591, 40663}, {4600, 7180}, {4621, 7248}, {4636, 6354}, {4654, 8652}, {5221, 37211}, {5226, 28162}, {5228, 37138}, {5249, 15439}, {5257, 5545}, {5364, 34083}, {5750, 29279}, {5905, 36082}, {6063, 32739}, {6183, 40131}, {6558, 7023}, {6577, 17077}, {6734, 32651}, {7013, 40117}, {7113, 35174}, {7649, 44717}, {8545, 14074}, {8677, 39294}, {8690, 28387}, {8693, 40719}, {8694, 21454}, {8697, 31231}, {9268, 30725}, {9316, 30610}, {9357, 9358}, {9454, 46135}, {10030, 34067}, {10436, 32693}, {10571, 44765}, {11608, 17942}, {12848, 28291}, {13486, 16577}, {14544, 40407}, {16947, 27808}, {17080, 36050}, {17484, 34921}, {17966, 35154}, {18830, 41526}, {19369, 35180}, {21105, 38809}, {21446, 35280}, {21453, 35326}, {22464, 32641}, {23113, 40446}, {23353, 40843}, {23845, 40420}, {23979, 35519}, {23981, 34234}, {24016, 40869}, {24032, 36054}, {24035, 36055}, {24471, 36147}, {27339, 28624}, {27382, 36079}, {29052, 41246}, {29363, 36538}, {30598, 36074}, {30806, 36141}, {32636, 37212}, {32643, 35516}, {32652, 40702}, {32666, 40704}, {32689, 33864}, {34055, 46152}, {34075, 43037}, {34080, 39126}, {36048, 40937}, {37607, 43069}, {40151, 43290}, {40576, 44178}
X(650) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 522}, {3, 44426}, {4, 521}, {6, 4391}, {7, 3900}, {8, 513}, {9, 514}, {10, 3737}, {11, 100}, {19, 6332}, {21, 523}, {25, 35518}, {27, 8611}, {29, 656}, {31, 35519}, {33, 4025}, {37, 4560}, {41, 3261}, {42, 18155}, {48, 46110}, {55, 693}, {56, 4397}, {57, 3239}, {58, 4086}, {59, 42455}, {60, 4036}, {63, 3064}, {65, 7253}, {69, 18344}, {75, 663}, {76, 3063}, {78, 7649}, {79, 35057}, {80, 3738}, {81, 3700}, {84, 8058}, {85, 657}, {86, 4041}, {87, 4147}, {88, 1639}, {89, 4944}, {92, 652}, {99, 4516}, {101, 4858}, {102, 14304}, {104, 2804}, {106, 4768}, {108, 2968}, {109, 24026}, {115, 4612}, {123, 40097}, {124, 36050}, {149, 42552}, {174, 6730}, {178, 10495}, {188, 6728}, {189, 14298}, {190, 2170}, {200, 3676}, {210, 7192}, {212, 46107}, {219, 17924}, {220, 24002}, {226, 1021}, {241, 28132}, {244, 3699}, {256, 3907}, {257, 3287}, {261, 4705}, {264, 1946}, {269, 4163}, {270, 4064}, {274, 3709}, {279, 4130}, {280, 6129}, {281, 905}, {282, 14837}, {283, 24006}, {284, 1577}, {291, 3716}, {294, 918}, {312, 649}, {314, 512}, {318, 1459}, {321, 7252}, {333, 661}, {335, 4435}, {341, 43924}, {345, 6591}, {346, 3669}, {517, 43728}, {518, 885}, {519, 23838}, {520, 1896}, {525, 1172}, {527, 23893}, {556, 6729}, {607, 15413}, {608, 15416}, {643, 3120}, {644, 1086}, {645, 3125}, {646, 1015}, {647, 31623}, {651, 1146}, {653, 34591}, {654, 18359}, {658, 3119}, {659, 4518}, {660, 4124}, {662, 21044}, {664, 2310}, {665, 36796}, {666, 17435}, {667, 3596}, {668, 3271}, {669, 40072}, {679, 4543}, {692, 34387}, {751, 4474}, {764, 4076}, {765, 21132}, {798, 28660}, {810, 44130}, {812, 4876}, {824, 2344}, {850, 2194}, {875, 4087}, {876, 3685}, {884, 3263}, {891, 36798}, {897, 14432}, {900, 1320}, {903, 4895}, {926, 2481}, {934, 4081}, {941, 23880}, {952, 46041}, {960, 4581}, {983, 3810}, {985, 4522}, {1018, 17197}, {1019, 2321}, {1022, 2325}, {1024, 3912}, {1027, 3717}, {1036, 2517}, {1039, 23874}, {1043, 4017}, {1088, 4105}, {1109, 4636}, {1111, 3939}, {1126, 4985}, {1156, 6366}, {1214, 17926}, {1220, 17420}, {1222, 6615}, {1252, 40166}, {1255, 4976}, {1265, 43923}, {1293, 4939}, {1295, 14312}, {1309, 35014}, {1332, 8735}, {1334, 7199}, {1358, 4578}, {1392, 4926}, {1415, 23978}, {1432, 4529}, {1434, 4171}, {1441, 21789}, {1476, 42337}, {1635, 4997}, {1638, 41798}, {1783, 26932}, {1785, 37628}, {1807, 44428}, {1809, 39534}, {1812, 2501}, {1857, 4131}, {1861, 23696}, {1880, 15411}, {1897, 7004}, {1919, 28659}, {1980, 40363}, {2052, 36054}, {2053, 20906}, {2087, 4582}, {2090, 45877}, {2161, 3904}, {2175, 40495}, {2182, 2399}, {2184, 14331}, {2185, 4024}, {2191, 44448}, {2192, 17896}, {2193, 14618}, {2204, 3267}, {2218, 20294}, {2254, 14942}, {2287, 7178}, {2298, 3910}, {2299, 14208}, {2316, 3762}, {2319, 3835}, {2320, 4777}, {2328, 4077}, {2334, 4811}, {2335, 23882}, {2339, 6590}, {2341, 4707}, {2342, 36038}, {2346, 6362}, {2349, 14400}, {2364, 4791}, {2400, 41339}, {2509, 41791}, {2516, 38255}, {2520, 34409}, {2618, 35196}, {2648, 2785}, {2651, 18013}, {2771, 14224}, {2787, 11609}, {2798, 43746}, {2806, 43735}, {2826, 34894}, {2827, 12641}, {2969, 4571}, {2997, 8676}, {3022, 4569}, {3122, 7257}, {3124, 4631}, {3223, 25128}, {3227, 4526}, {3254, 3887}, {3257, 4530}, {3270, 18026}, {3307, 3308}, {3309, 6601}, {3310, 36795}, {3345, 14302}, {3572, 3975}, {3667, 3680}, {3675, 36802}, {3683, 4608}, {3684, 4444}, {3689, 6548}, {3694, 17925}, {3701, 3733}, {3703, 18108}, {3756, 31343}, {3766, 7077}, {3837, 8851}, {3868, 23289}, {3871, 40086}, {3876, 43927}, {3880, 23836}, {3903, 4459}, {3952, 18191}, {3960, 36910}, {4009, 43928}, {4051, 25576}, {4069, 17205}, {4082, 7203}, {4083, 7155}, {4102, 4979}, {4140, 40432}, {4162, 4373}, {4183, 17094}, {4367, 4451}, {4394, 6557}, {4458, 7281}, {4467, 7073}, {4477, 7249}, {4515, 17096}, {4521, 8056}, {4534, 27834}, {4542, 4618}, {4546, 19604}, {4553, 18101}, {4554, 14936}, {4564, 42462}, {4573, 36197}, {4594, 40608}, {4617, 23970}, {4626, 24010}, {4723, 23345}, {4762, 40779}, {4765, 25430}, {4778, 4866}, {4801, 34820}, {4813, 42030}, {4814, 39704}, {4820, 25417}, {4893, 30608}, {4900, 6006}, {4913, 30571}, {4919, 42555}, {4957, 5549}, {4959, 39707}, {4977, 32635}, {4978, 33635}, {5423, 43932}, {5514, 37141}, {5546, 16732}, {5853, 35355}, {6001, 43737}, {6003, 6598}, {6063, 8641}, {6335, 7117}, {6336, 14418}, {6364, 13454}, {6365, 13426}, {6516, 42069}, {6588, 34277}, {6605, 21104}, {6607, 42311}, {6608, 21453}, {6741, 13486}, {6745, 35348}, {7017, 22383}, {7045, 23615}, {7105, 8062}, {7106, 17899}, {7110, 14838}, {7220, 24720}, {7658, 19605}, {8047, 11193}, {8648, 20566}, {8674, 11604}, {8678, 30479}, {8702, 10266}, {8713, 42015}, {8748, 24018}, {8750, 17880}, {8817, 17115}, {9001, 30513}, {9404, 30690}, {9439, 20907}, {10309, 30201}, {10492, 16016}, {10566, 33299}, {10570, 21189}, {10581, 31618}, {11125, 44693}, {11934, 13577}, {13138, 38357}, {14077, 34919}, {14330, 21446}, {14395, 16080}, {14430, 37129}, {14589, 31611}, {15313, 43740}, {16596, 40117}, {16606, 27527}, {16726, 30730}, {17418, 31359}, {17424, 34523}, {18210, 36797}, {20317, 39956}, {20979, 27424}, {21011, 39177}, {21102, 44687}, {21120, 23617}, {21127, 32008}, {21172, 44692}, {21272, 40528}, {21302, 40505}, {21666, 36059}, {21832, 36800}, {21859, 26856}, {23090, 40149}, {23104, 24027}, {23189, 41013}, {23351, 30806}, {24031, 36127}, {26546, 40141}, {26704, 34588}, {27475, 45755}, {27538, 43931}, {27846, 36801}, {28071, 43042}, {31628, 46101}, {33573, 37139}, {34860, 42312}, {34896, 40577}, {35015, 36037}, {35508, 36838}, {36121, 39471}, {37206, 38375}, {38345, 44765}, {38358, 43190}, {40444, 40628}, {40716, 42657}
X(650) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 664}, {2, 4554}, {3, 6516}, {4, 18026}, {6, 651}, {7, 4569}, {8, 668}, {9, 190}, {11, 693}, {19, 653}, {21, 99}, {25, 108}, {29, 811}, {31, 109}, {32, 1415}, {33, 1897}, {34, 36118}, {37, 4552}, {41, 101}, {42, 4551}, {48, 1813}, {55, 100}, {56, 934}, {57, 658}, {58, 1414}, {65, 4566}, {75, 4572}, {78, 4561}, {80, 35174}, {81, 4573}, {86, 4625}, {100, 4998}, {101, 4564}, {105, 927}, {109, 7045}, {171, 6649}, {184, 36059}, {200, 3699}, {210, 3952}, {212, 1331}, {213, 4559}, {219, 1332}, {220, 644}, {228, 23067}, {244, 3676}, {255, 6517}, {261, 4623}, {269, 4626}, {278, 13149}, {279, 36838}, {281, 6335}, {282, 44327}, {283, 4592}, {284, 662}, {294, 666}, {312, 1978}, {314, 670}, {333, 799}, {346, 646}, {354, 35312}, {480, 4578}, {512, 65}, {513, 7}, {514, 85}, {518, 883}, {521, 69}, {522, 75}, {523, 1441}, {525, 1231}, {604, 1461}, {607, 1783}, {608, 32714}, {612, 14594}, {643, 4600}, {644, 1016}, {645, 4601}, {646, 31625}, {647, 1214}, {649, 57}, {651, 1275}, {652, 63}, {654, 3218}, {656, 307}, {657, 9}, {659, 1447}, {661, 226}, {662, 4620}, {663, 1}, {665, 241}, {667, 56}, {669, 1402}, {672, 1025}, {673, 34085}, {692, 59}, {693, 6063}, {728, 6558}, {764, 1358}, {788, 1469}, {798, 1400}, {810, 73}, {812, 10030}, {822, 40152}, {830, 7247}, {876, 7233}, {884, 105}, {885, 2481}, {891, 43037}, {893, 37137}, {902, 23703}, {904, 29055}, {905, 348}, {906, 44717}, {909, 37136}, {918, 40704}, {926, 518}, {941, 32038}, {1014, 4616}, {1015, 3669}, {1019, 1434}, {1021, 333}, {1024, 673}, {1036, 1310}, {1037, 8269}, {1043, 7257}, {1055, 23890}, {1086, 24002}, {1096, 36127}, {1106, 6614}, {1146, 4391}, {1156, 35157}, {1172, 648}, {1252, 31615}, {1253, 3939}, {1260, 4571}, {1261, 8706}, {1318, 4618}, {1320, 4555}, {1333, 4565}, {1334, 1018}, {1357, 43932}, {1364, 4131}, {1400, 1020}, {1407, 4617}, {1412, 4637}, {1415, 1262}, {1434, 4635}, {1436, 37141}, {1438, 36146}, {1456, 23973}, {1458, 41353}, {1459, 77}, {1476, 6613}, {1486, 40576}, {1491, 7179}, {1500, 21859}, {1577, 349}, {1635, 3911}, {1638, 37780}, {1639, 4358}, {1643, 5723}, {1734, 33298}, {1769, 22464}, {1783, 46102}, {1802, 4587}, {1812, 4563}, {1843, 46152}, {1896, 6528}, {1919, 604}, {1944, 15418}, {1946, 3}, {1960, 1319}, {1964, 46153}, {1973, 32674}, {1980, 1397}, {2053, 932}, {2082, 3732}, {2087, 30725}, {2149, 4619}, {2150, 4556}, {2160, 38340}, {2161, 655}, {2170, 514}, {2171, 4605}, {2175, 692}, {2182, 2406}, {2183, 24029}, {2185, 4610}, {2192, 13138}, {2193, 4558}, {2194, 110}, {2195, 36086}, {2202, 1981}, {2204, 112}, {2208, 8059}, {2212, 8750}, {2218, 1305}, {2223, 2283}, {2249, 41206}, {2254, 9436}, {2264, 14543}, {2269, 3882}, {2287, 645}, {2291, 37139}, {2293, 35338}, {2298, 6648}, {2299, 162}, {2310, 522}, {2311, 4584}, {2316, 3257}, {2319, 4598}, {2320, 4597}, {2321, 4033}, {2323, 4585}, {2325, 24004}, {2328, 643}, {2329, 18047}, {2330, 4579}, {2339, 37215}, {2340, 1026}, {2342, 36037}, {2344, 4586}, {2346, 6606}, {2347, 21362}, {2364, 4604}, {2423, 34051}, {2424, 43736}, {2432, 36100}, {2481, 46135}, {2484, 2285}, {2488, 354}, {2489, 1880}, {2501, 40149}, {2509, 28739}, {2520, 1836}, {2530, 3665}, {2605, 1442}, {2646, 17136}, {2648, 35154}, {2651, 17933}, {2804, 3262}, {2826, 38468}, {2968, 35518}, {2978, 10473}, {3022, 3900}, {3049, 1409}, {3056, 3888}, {3057, 21272}, {3061, 33946}, {3063, 6}, {3064, 92}, {3119, 3239}, {3120, 4077}, {3121, 7180}, {3122, 4017}, {3125, 7178}, {3158, 43290}, {3208, 4595}, {3239, 312}, {3248, 43924}, {3250, 7146}, {3251, 1317}, {3254, 35171}, {3261, 20567}, {3270, 521}, {3271, 513}, {3287, 894}, {3309, 6604}, {3310, 1465}, {3423, 6183}, {3452, 21580}, {3596, 6386}, {3667, 39126}, {3669, 279}, {3675, 43042}, {3676, 1088}, {3683, 4427}, {3684, 3570}, {3685, 874}, {3688, 4553}, {3689, 17780}, {3693, 42720}, {3699, 7035}, {3700, 321}, {3701, 27808}, {3709, 37}, {3711, 4767}, {3712, 42721}, {3715, 4756}, {3716, 350}, {3733, 1014}, {3737, 86}, {3738, 320}, {3766, 18033}, {3777, 7185}, {3790, 4505}, {3810, 33930}, {3835, 30545}, {3876, 33948}, {3900, 8}, {3904, 20924}, {3907, 1909}, {3910, 20911}, {3939, 765}, {3960, 17078}, {3975, 27853}, {4009, 41314}, {4017, 3668}, {4024, 6358}, {4025, 7182}, {4036, 34388}, {4041, 10}, {4079, 2171}, {4081, 4397}, {4083, 3212}, {4086, 313}, {4091, 7183}, {4092, 4036}, {4105, 200}, {4124, 3766}, {4130, 346}, {4131, 7055}, {4140, 3963}, {4147, 6376}, {4148, 3975}, {4155, 7235}, {4162, 145}, {4163, 341}, {4171, 2321}, {4183, 36797}, {4367, 7176}, {4369, 7196}, {4374, 7205}, {4378, 7223}, {4382, 7243}, {4390, 4482}, {4391, 76}, {4394, 5435}, {4397, 3596}, {4435, 239}, {4449, 9312}, {4455, 1284}, {4459, 4374}, {4468, 21609}, {4474, 3761}, {4477, 7081}, {4501, 4361}, {4502, 7201}, {4515, 30730}, {4516, 523}, {4517, 3799}, {4518, 4583}, {4521, 18743}, {4522, 33931}, {4524, 210}, {4526, 536}, {4528, 4723}, {4529, 17787}, {4530, 3762}, {4534, 4462}, {4543, 4738}, {4546, 44720}, {4560, 274}, {4578, 4076}, {4581, 31643}, {4612, 4590}, {4617, 23586}, {4626, 24011}, {4631, 34537}, {4636, 24041}, {4705, 12}, {4724, 40719}, {4729, 4848}, {4730, 40663}, {4765, 19804}, {4768, 3264}, {4775, 2099}, {4790, 21454}, {4813, 4654}, {4814, 3679}, {4820, 28605}, {4822, 3671}, {4827, 391}, {4834, 5221}, {4858, 3261}, {4876, 4562}, {4893, 5219}, {4895, 519}, {4919, 6631}, {4936, 30720}, {4944, 4671}, {4959, 3632}, {4976, 4359}, {4979, 553}, {4983, 3649}, {4985, 1269}, {4990, 3702}, {5040, 5061}, {5075, 1758}, {5276, 14612}, {5375, 31633}, {5532, 42455}, {5546, 4567}, {5547, 5380}, {5548, 5376}, {5549, 5385}, {6004, 30617}, {6050, 7288}, {6129, 347}, {6139, 1155}, {6182, 2550}, {6186, 26700}, {6187, 2222}, {6332, 304}, {6362, 20880}, {6363, 1122}, {6364, 13453}, {6365, 13436}, {6366, 30806}, {6371, 24471}, {6372, 4059}, {6373, 1463}, {6377, 43051}, {6589, 17080}, {6591, 278}, {6607, 3059}, {6608, 4847}, {6614, 24013}, {6615, 3663}, {6728, 4146}, {6729, 174}, {6730, 556}, {7004, 4025}, {7054, 4612}, {7058, 4631}, {7064, 40521}, {7073, 6742}, {7077, 660}, {7083, 1633}, {7110, 15455}, {7117, 905}, {7118, 36049}, {7154, 40117}, {7155, 18830}, {7178, 1446}, {7180, 1427}, {7252, 81}, {7253, 314}, {7359, 42716}, {7649, 273}, {7658, 31627}, {8012, 35341}, {8027, 1357}, {8058, 322}, {8611, 306}, {8632, 1429}, {8638, 2223}, {8640, 1403}, {8641, 55}, {8642, 1617}, {8643, 1420}, {8645, 2078}, {8646, 1460}, {8648, 36}, {8653, 37593}, {8655, 16878}, {8656, 13462}, {8676, 3868}, {8678, 388}, {8735, 17924}, {8748, 823}, {8750, 7012}, {8755, 24035}, {8851, 8709}, {9247, 32660}, {9355, 10001}, {9404, 3219}, {9447, 32739}, {10581, 1212}, {11124, 3035}, {11193, 149}, {11604, 35156}, {11609, 35147}, {11934, 3434}, {11998, 17496}, {14224, 46141}, {14298, 329}, {14300, 9776}, {14302, 33672}, {14304, 35516}, {14330, 30854}, {14331, 18750}, {14349, 33949}, {14392, 6745}, {14395, 11064}, {14399, 6357}, {14400, 14206}, {14411, 1642}, {14413, 1323}, {14418, 3977}, {14419, 7181}, {14421, 43038}, {14427, 2325}, {14430, 6381}, {14432, 14210}, {14837, 40702}, {14838, 17095}, {15997, 45876}, {16686, 40577}, {16726, 17096}, {16757, 17076}, {17115, 497}, {17197, 7199}, {17418, 10436}, {17420, 4357}, {17425, 34522}, {17427, 31527}, {17435, 918}, {17924, 331}, {17926, 31623}, {18000, 2652}, {18155, 310}, {18191, 7192}, {18210, 17094}, {18265, 34067}, {18344, 4}, {20229, 35326}, {20293, 44139}, {20317, 18135}, {20684, 7239}, {20979, 1423}, {20980, 6180}, {20981, 7175}, {21044, 1577}, {21120, 26563}, {21124, 45196}, {21127, 142}, {21132, 1111}, {21172, 33673}, {21195, 40593}, {21761, 1935}, {21789, 21}, {21795, 35310}, {21811, 22003}, {21828, 18593}, {21832, 16609}, {22108, 37787}, {22382, 7364}, {22383, 222}, {23090, 1812}, {23189, 1444}, {23224, 1804}, {23289, 2997}, {23351, 1156}, {23572, 1424}, {23615, 24026}, {23696, 31637}, {23838, 903}, {23864, 13588}, {23880, 34284}, {23893, 1121}, {24010, 4163}, {24012, 4105}, {24026, 35519}, {25128, 17149}, {25430, 4624}, {26932, 15413}, {27527, 31008}, {27538, 36863}, {27837, 27829}, {27846, 43041}, {28071, 36802}, {28132, 36796}, {28660, 4602}, {29226, 17090}, {29278, 4968}, {30584, 41318}, {31623, 6331}, {31628, 31619}, {31947, 41808}, {32635, 6540}, {32674, 7128}, {32739, 2149}, {33299, 4568}, {33525, 40937}, {33635, 37212}, {33950, 33951}, {34068, 14733}, {34387, 40495}, {34591, 6332}, {34820, 4606}, {34858, 2720}, {35015, 36038}, {35057, 319}, {35355, 35160}, {35508, 4130}, {35518, 305}, {35519, 561}, {36054, 394}, {36086, 39293}, {36127, 24032}, {36197, 3700}, {36796, 36803}, {36798, 889}, {36800, 4639}, {36910, 36804}, {37908, 4238}, {38266, 38828}, {38347, 17494}, {38357, 17896}, {38358, 25259}, {38365, 4040}, {38375, 4468}, {38991, 21390}, {39201, 22341}, {39687, 36054}, {39786, 7212}, {40072, 4609}, {40137, 18228}, {40166, 23989}, {40495, 41283}, {40608, 2533}, {40627, 45208}, {40779, 32041}, {40869, 42719}, {40972, 46148}, {41339, 2398}, {42067, 43923}, {42069, 44426}, {42084, 39771}, {42312, 3875}, {42317, 32040}, {42325, 32007}, {42337, 20895}, {42454, 40619}, {42455, 34387}, {42462, 4858}, {42552, 8047}, {42649, 3336}, {42657, 484}, {42670, 5172}, {42771, 42758}, {43035, 24015}, {43049, 17093}, {43050, 37757}, {43728, 18816}, {43921, 43930}, {43923, 1119}, {43924, 269}, {43925, 1396}, {43929, 1462}, {43932, 479}, {44426, 264}, {45755, 4384}, {45902, 28391}, {46041, 46136}, {46110, 1969}
X(650) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 693, 4885}, {2, 4885, 31250}, {2, 17494, 693}, {2, 24562, 25925}, {2, 26114, 25511}, {2, 26641, 24562}, {2, 26777, 17494}, {2, 26824, 26985}, {2, 26854, 27193}, {2, 27115, 31209}, {2, 27648, 27674}, {2, 28132, 28143}, {2, 31209, 31287}, {11, 14936, 38347}, {75, 21611, 21438}, {100, 1252, 14589}, {100, 5375, 1252}, {647, 3310, 6589}, {647, 6590, 21348}, {647, 6591, 6129}, {649, 652, 654}, {649, 657, 652}, {649, 1635, 4394}, {649, 4813, 4979}, {649, 4893, 661}, {649, 21127, 14300}, {651, 9358, 7045}, {652, 657, 9404}, {652, 14300, 4790}, {652, 21127, 13401}, {654, 9404, 652}, {654, 13401, 4790}, {657, 661, 14298}, {657, 17418, 3287}, {661, 1635, 649}, {661, 4394, 4790}, {661, 4979, 4813}, {663, 4814, 4895}, {663, 45755, 4435}, {665, 7180, 43060}, {693, 4885, 45320}, {693, 24948, 27674}, {693, 26641, 28984}, {693, 26695, 29005}, {693, 27115, 31287}, {693, 30024, 18154}, {693, 31150, 17494}, {693, 31209, 2}, {693, 31287, 31250}, {1021, 3737, 7252}, {1146, 7117, 11998}, {1638, 21104, 3676}, {1639, 3700, 3239}, {1639, 4765, 4820}, {1639, 4976, 3700}, {2516, 4394, 1635}, {2516, 4893, 4790}, {2590, 2591, 654}, {3119, 7004, 38358}, {3239, 3700, 4944}, {3239, 4521, 1639}, {3239, 4976, 4820}, {3310, 40134, 6129}, {3676, 7658, 1638}, {3676, 43049, 3669}, {3676, 43050, 43049}, {4041, 4895, 4814}, {4369, 4763, 31286}, {4379, 31207, 24924}, {4380, 4776, 20295}, {4382, 4728, 23813}, {4382, 30835, 4728}, {4394, 14298, 654}, {4394, 40137, 652}, {4467, 30565, 25259}, {4521, 4765, 3700}, {4521, 4976, 4944}, {4560, 27527, 18155}, {4776, 20295, 4940}, {4820, 4944, 3700}, {4885, 31287, 2}, {4885, 44567, 31287}, {6586, 6589, 647}, {6588, 6589, 6129}, {6591, 40134, 6588}, {6608, 14392, 4105}, {7045, 37139, 9358}, {11934, 17115, 11193}, {15280, 15283, 11}, {17494, 26114, 29771}, {17494, 26777, 31150}, {17494, 26985, 26824}, {17494, 27014, 25667}, {17494, 27115, 2}, {17494, 27139, 29739}, {17494, 27346, 18071}, {17494, 27648, 28374}, {17494, 28834, 40166}, {17494, 31209, 4885}, {17494, 31287, 45320}, {17494, 44567, 31250}, {18154, 25511, 4885}, {18154, 29771, 693}, {24900, 24948, 2}, {24900, 27648, 4885}, {24948, 31150, 28374}, {25259, 27486, 4467}, {26049, 27014, 2}, {26114, 30024, 4885}, {26777, 27115, 693}, {26824, 26985, 693}, {27014, 30061, 4885}, {27115, 31150, 4885}, {27115, 31209, 44567}, {28423, 28714, 24562}, {28984, 31287, 25925}, {29427, 29739, 693}, {31150, 31209, 693}, {31150, 44567, 45320}, {31250, 45320, 4885}, {31287, 44567, 31209}
Let E1 and E9 be the circumellipses centered at X(1) and X(9), respectively. The line tangent to E1 at X(100) meets E9 at X(651). (Dan Reznik, July 7, 2019)
X(651) lies on the MacBeath circumconic and these lines: 1, 1156}, {2, 222}, {3, 23707}, {4, 3157}, {5, 23070}, {6, 7}, {8, 221}, {9, 77}, {10, 34043}, {12, 8614}, {20, 7078}, {21, 73}, {30, 23071}, {34, 3868}, {37, 1442}, {40, 38674}, {43, 9316}, {44, 241}, {56, 19245}, {57, 88}, {59, 513}, {63, 223}, {65, 895}, {69, 478}, {72, 4296}, {75, 28968}, {78, 1394}, {79, 35197}, {80, 6126}, {81, 226}, {85, 3758}, {92, 2988}, {99, 32038}, {100, 109}, {101, 934}, {104, 34586}, {105, 1362}, {108, 110}, {112, 13395}, {141, 28780}, {144, 219}, {145, 34040}, {153, 15501}, {155, 1068}, {169, 2002}, {172, 28391}, {175, 1335}, {176, 1124}, {190, 644}, {193, 608}, {198, 1804}, {200, 34033}, {212, 7411}, {213, 7176}, {218, 279}, {220, 3160}, {225, 3193}, {238, 1458}, {239, 40862}, {255, 411}, {269, 1445}, {273, 2989}, {278, 1993}, {281, 5942}, {287, 894}, {307, 2287}, {312, 28997}, {321, 1943}, {323, 6357}, {329, 394}, {344, 28965}, {348, 37214}, {349, 37219}, {377, 19349}, {401, 44354}, {404, 603}, {481, 3301}, {482, 3299}, {500, 943}, {514, 655}, {518, 1456}, {521, 677}, {523, 21784}, {527, 2323}, {545, 41803}, {559, 7126}, {604, 1423}, {610, 7013}, {611, 4307}, {613, 4310}, {645, 799}, {648, 823}, {650, 7045}, {653, 1783}, {658, 1638}, {660, 6163}, {662, 1414}, {666, 1275}, {668, 6648}, {850, 43189}, {851, 17975}, {857, 3330}, {896, 1758}, {899, 9364}, {905, 1262}, {906, 32651}, {908, 22128}, {912, 1870}, {919, 6183}, {920, 1079}, {927, 8693}, {932, 29055}, {940, 5226}, {961, 17946}, {971, 3100}, {978, 1106}, {1000, 1480}, {1014, 1400}, {1018, 4606}, {1026, 4578}, {1030, 7279}, {1035, 1259}, {1037, 7083}, {1038, 3876}, {1040, 11220}, {1042, 5247}, {1046, 1254}, {1066, 3073}, {1069, 38295}, {1082, 19551}, {1100, 7269}, {1103, 2956}, {1110, 4905}, {1119, 3211}, {1170, 10481}, {1172, 7282}, {1190, 3599}, {1191, 4308}, {1201, 1476}, {1203, 4298}, {1214, 2349}, {1231, 37220}, {1252, 43049}, {1253, 1742}, {1305, 36080}, {1310, 8687}, {1319, 3246}, {1323, 5526}, {1386, 8581}, {1396, 40571}, {1398, 42461}, {1402, 37132}, {1404, 1429}, {1406, 1788}, {1407, 4383}, {1413, 27383}, {1418, 16669}, {1421, 3315}, {1424, 41526}, {1425, 29958}, {1427, 4641}, {1428, 1463}, {1431, 43763}, {1440, 27508}, {1444, 40590}, {1447, 33854}, {1449, 7190}, {1455, 4511}, {1465, 3218}, {1471, 4334}, {1498, 6223}, {1616, 6049}, {1617, 17127}, {1625, 40518}, {1654, 40999}, {1718, 11570}, {1723, 4341}, {1724, 4306}, {1757, 5018}, {1762, 37755}, {1768, 24025}, {1776, 8758}, {1812, 33066}, {1817, 40152}, {1818, 23693}, {1876, 34381}, {1880, 2987}, {1897, 13138}, {1936, 2635}, {1944, 30807}, {1958, 2199}, {1992, 6604}, {1994, 17483}, {2122, 7080}, {2124, 36973}, {2149, 36087}, {2161, 7202}, {2182, 7291}, {2183, 11349}, {2222, 4588}, {2261, 7289}, {2263, 3751}, {2265, 3942}, {2283, 4557}, {2286, 17257}, {2293, 2346}, {2295, 40765}, {2298, 7261}, {2317, 18162}, {2324, 34488}, {2348, 34855}, {2427, 23113}, {2428, 35312}, {2550, 45729}, {2580, 8115}, {2581, 8116}, {2639, 32320}, {2647, 2648}, {2720, 9058}, {2808, 3270}, {2895, 26942}, {2911, 41563}, {2975, 10571}, {2982, 21907}, {2986, 40149}, {3000, 9441}, {3008, 30379}, {3013, 8287}, {3074, 4303}, {3075, 6915}, {3091, 41344}, {3149, 23072}, {3215, 35976}, {3240, 37541}, {3248, 36267}, {3257, 3669}, {3292, 41349}, {3297, 17805}, {3298, 17802}, {3468, 44706}, {3487, 36742}, {3570, 4598}, {3573, 4499}, {3580, 37799}, {3600, 16466}, {3616, 34046}, {3638, 5357}, {3639, 5353}, {3660, 7292}, {3664, 21617}, {3668, 41572}, {3674, 5280}, {3676, 5375}, {3681, 8270}, {3684, 6168}, {3713, 32099}, {3759, 39126}, {3770, 34388}, {3784, 19649}, {3869, 21147}, {3873, 34036}, {3908, 40521}, {3911, 37222}, {3928, 36636}, {3945, 8232}, {3947, 37559}, {3952, 14594}, {3955, 4220}, {4014, 5091}, {4017, 37135}, {4032, 21741}, {4192, 22161}, {4219, 9637}, {4223, 45963}, {4224, 26892}, {4228, 20122}, {4253, 38859}, {4315, 5315}, {4321, 16469}, {4327, 16475}, {4328, 16667}, {4329, 22132}, {4331, 24695}, {4347, 5904}, {4350, 16572}, {4391, 6335}, {4417, 28774}, {4513, 25718}, {4556, 37140}, {4572, 37133}, {4584, 37134}, {4604, 5549}, {4607, 4998}, {4627, 4637}, {4649, 16133}, {4654, 43758}, {4715, 36589}, {5047, 37523}, {5120, 27624}, {5125, 5906}, {5219, 26738}, {5232, 5783}, {5236, 9028}, {5257, 24557}, {5260, 37558}, {5261, 5711}, {5276, 7179}, {5278, 27339}, {5279, 30456}, {5291, 43059}, {5328, 25934}, {5452, 7056}, {5703, 36746}, {5707, 5714}, {5744, 22129}, {5758, 37498}, {5782, 29611}, {5811, 17814}, {5848, 21293}, {5889, 41227}, {5932, 27382}, {6127, 10090}, {6147, 36750}, {6198, 40263}, {6326, 11700}, {6354, 18625}, {6505, 34052}, {6510, 43044}, {6603, 43064}, {6606, 32041}, {6646, 17086}, {6733, 43192}, {6909, 22350}, {6996, 20744}, {7004, 13243}, {7071, 42460}, {7074, 9778}, {7100, 35194}, {7191, 17625}, {7339, 14298}, {7352, 37117}, {7460, 23161}, {7580, 22117}, {7673, 12652}, {7952, 11441}, {8125, 34034}, {8126, 34026}, {8271, 30628}, {8540, 20358}, {8652, 26700}, {8732, 37681}, {9310, 34497}, {9317, 21742}, {9359, 36276}, {9446, 20229}, {9776, 10601}, {9809, 38357}, {9945, 22141}, {10025, 20752}, {10755, 25048}, {11573, 37431}, {11678, 34041}, {11679, 34044}, {11680, 34029}, {11681, 34030}, {11682, 34039}, {11685, 34037}, {11686, 34038}, {11687, 34031}, {11688, 34027}, {11690, 34025}, {12709, 17016}, {12738, 33649}, {12831, 45946}, {13149, 14545}, {13257, 15252}, {13397, 15439}, {14074, 14733}, {14100, 30621}, {14315, 23346}, {14511, 39756}, {15066, 31018}, {15251, 38055}, {15253, 33148}, {15507, 36280}, {15726, 41339}, {15906, 36125}, {16577, 33761}, {16610, 37789}, {16732, 18815}, {16948, 37583}, {17075, 17347}, {17077, 17277}, {17095, 17256}, {17120, 41246}, {17134, 22134}, {17234, 28741}, {17332, 41808}, {17335, 31225}, {17346, 33298}, {17349, 27342}, {17353, 23617}, {17379, 26125}, {17615, 34049}, {17796, 43066}, {17811, 18228}, {17950, 20072}, {18134, 28776}, {18230, 25878}, {18239, 40658}, {18624, 37672}, {18629, 20806}, {18631, 22133}, {18632, 23130}, {18743, 28996}, {18750, 28950}, {18771, 43947}, {18816, 40624}, {20245, 23124}, {20277, 24430}, {20348, 23125}, {20921, 28951}, {21189, 24027}, {21367, 44708}, {21859, 36074}, {23131, 23512}, {23541, 33650}, {23585, 23980}, {23704, 27834}, {24035, 44765}, {24149, 30690}, {24237, 24618}, {24341, 28125}, {24470, 37509}, {25737, 30719}, {26001, 44356}, {26006, 40880}, {26580, 26637}, {26657, 26685}, {26668, 27509}, {26842, 34545}, {26884, 33849}, {26890, 37261}, {27540, 37669}, {27994, 34061}, {28370, 41426}, {28606, 45126}, {28979, 33116}, {28999, 42719}, {29000, 42718}, {29353, 40910}, {29497, 38869}, {30572, 36237}, {30625, 34059}, {30684, 31164}, {31019, 37695}, {31231, 37687}, {32674, 36099}, {32736, 36098}, {34045, 35614}, {35466, 37797}, {36040, 36088}, {36049, 37141}, {36067, 43347}, {36075, 37211}, {36084, 43754}, {36092, 44770}, {36905, 39047}, {37516, 41230}, {37543, 37685}, {38459, 43065}, {38948, 45929}, {40443, 40606}, {40861, 44351}, {44112, 44151}, {44350, 44352}
X(651) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {7, 39063}, {81, 40584}, {1633, 692}, {1814, 6}, {4318, 1456}, {7291, 2182}, {22464, 43035}, {26932, 36949}, {36101, 9}, {37781, 26932}, {40577, 59}
X(651) = isogonal conjugate of X(650)
X(651) = isotomic conjugate of X(4391)
X(651) = complement of X(37781)
X(651) = cevapoint of X(101) and X(109)
X(651) = polar conjugate of X(44426)
X(651) = trilinear pole of line {1, 3}
X(651) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {926, 2170}
X(651) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,59), (101,100), (513,7), (514,81), (521,77)
X(651) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (647,661), (657,663)
X(651) = MacBeath circumconic antipode of X(1814)
X(651) = trilinear pole wrt tangential triangle of line X(1)X(3)
X(651) = orthocorrespondent of X(11)
X(651) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,PU(57)}}
X(651) = eigencenter of Honsberger triangle
X(651) = X(8754)-of-excentral-triangle
X(651) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(7)X(8)
X(651) = cevapoint of Feuerbach hyperbola intercepts of antiorthic axis
X(651) = intersection, other than vertices of Gemini triangle 30, of {ABC, Gemini 30}-circumconic and {Gemini 29, Gemini 30}-circumconic
X(651) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(7)
X(651) = BSS(a^2→a) of X(112)
X(651) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9358}, {7, 40577}, {648, 653}, {658, 934}, {662, 1813}, {664, 100}, {765, 1445}, {927, 2283}, {1016, 5435}, {1262, 17074}, {1275, 7}, {1414, 109}, {3257, 24029}, {4554, 6516}, {4564, 57}, {4569, 40576}, {4573, 664}, {4620, 1014}, {4998, 56}, {5376, 37789}, {6183, 35280}, {6648, 4552}, {7045, 1}, {7128, 17080}, {13136, 2406}, {18026, 108}, {23586, 3160}, {24011, 7676}, {24032, 411}, {31615, 4564}, {37139, 23890}, {39293, 7677}, {44327, 37141}, {46102, 2}
X(651) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 7045}, {6, 59}, {9, 7012}, {56, 4998}, {57, 4564}, {101, 100}, {109, 934}, {218, 1252}, {221, 7339}, {222, 1262}, {223, 7128}, {238, 39293}, {513, 7}, {514, 81}, {521, 77}, {649, 1476}, {650, 1}, {652, 21}, {654, 104}, {657, 2346}, {661, 17097}, {665, 105}, {905, 2}, {906, 13397}, {928, 43363}, {978, 7035}, {1020, 653}, {1046, 24041}, {1415, 108}, {1461, 37141}, {1742, 24011}, {1743, 765}, {1745, 24032}, {1783, 13138}, {1983, 1290}, {2254, 43736}, {2283, 927}, {2348, 5377}, {2427, 901}, {2530, 7249}, {3063, 1037}, {3173, 44717}, {3287, 2298}, {3669, 57}, {3676, 1170}, {3960, 88}, {4040, 21453}, {4369, 1258}, {4383, 1016}, {4551, 664}, {4559, 109}, {4641, 4567}, {4790, 7091}, {4905, 1088}, {5247, 4600}, {6180, 1275}, {6364, 13389}, {6365, 13388}, {7175, 4620}, {7178, 2982}, {7180, 961}, {7234, 7176}, {7252, 951}, {7460, 2864}, {7655, 8809}, {9404, 943}, {10015, 2990}, {13401, 3296}, {14298, 8}, {14300, 5558}, {14349, 44733}, {14395, 1807}, {14837, 40399}, {14838, 1255}, {16610, 5376}, {16612, 1257}, {17496, 17074}, {18599, 24000}, {20980, 6}, {21007, 41431}, {21173, 86}, {21189, 75}, {21362, 190}, {21390, 82}, {21786, 106}, {23067, 1305}, {23090, 40442}, {23187, 95}, {23511, 5382}, {23800, 273}, {23890, 37139}, {24029, 655}, {30725, 34051}, {34032, 23984}, {34033, 24013}, {34048, 46102}, {35326, 101}, {36054, 3}, {36059, 6516}, {36075, 26700}, {39470, 1814}, {40137, 7320}, {43049, 279}, {43050, 34056}, {43051, 7132}, {43060, 28}, {43924, 1014}, {44319, 42311}
X(651) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 650}, {2, 17496}, {3, 36054}, {6, 513}, {9, 521}, {57, 3669}, {73, 652}, {101, 109}, {213, 7234}, {218, 43049}, {221, 14298}, {222, 905}, {226, 514}, {408, 32320}, {500, 9404}, {520, 18591}, {522, 20262}, {525, 1211}, {649, 1201}, {654, 34586}, {656, 18675}, {657, 2293}, {661, 2650}, {663, 1200}, {665, 1362}, {1019, 40153}, {1400, 43924}, {1415, 36059}, {2254, 9502}, {2850, 40584}, {3063, 7083}, {3287, 28369}, {3676, 10481}, {4551, 4559}, {6180, 20980}, {6364, 13389}, {6365, 13388}, {8677, 23980}, {15730, 43050}, {30719, 45204}, {39063, 39470}
X(651) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9357}, {190, 44327}, {648, 662}, {658, 664}, {1414, 4573}, {4554, 18026}, {4564, 31615}
X(651) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9355}, {9, 4919}, {11, 42454}, {514, 21195}, {522, 4147}, {647, 661}, {657, 663}, {1946, 3063}, {3126, 42341}, {3709, 4041}, {10581, 21127}, {21044, 42462}
X(651) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 650}, {2, 663}, {3, 3064}, {4, 652}, {6, 522}, {7, 657}, {8, 649}, {9, 513}, {10, 7252}, {11, 101}, {19, 521}, {21, 661}, {25, 6332}, {28, 8611}, {29, 647}, {31, 4391}, {32, 35519}, {33, 905}, {37, 3737}, {41, 693}, {42, 4560}, {44, 23838}, {48, 44426}, {55, 514}, {56, 3239}, {57, 3900}, {58, 3700}, {59, 42462}, {60, 4024}, {63, 18344}, {64, 14331}, {65, 1021}, {73, 17926}, {74, 14400}, {75, 3063}, {78, 6591}, {79, 9404}, {80, 654}, {81, 4041}, {84, 14298}, {85, 8641}, {86, 3709}, {88, 4895}, {89, 4814}, {92, 1946}, {100, 2170}, {106, 1639}, {108, 34591}, {109, 1146}, {110, 21044}, {111, 14432}, {115, 4636}, {124, 32653}, {158, 36054}, {184, 46110}, {188, 6729}, {190, 3271}, {200, 3669}, {210, 1019}, {212, 17924}, {213, 18155}, {219, 7649}, {220, 3676}, {225, 23090}, {226, 21789}, {244, 644}, {256, 3287}, {259, 6728}, {261, 4079}, {266, 6730}, {269, 4130}, {279, 4105}, {281, 1459}, {282, 6129}, {283, 2501}, {284, 523}, {291, 4435}, {292, 3716}, {294, 2254}, {312, 667}, {314, 798}, {318, 22383}, {332, 2489}, {333, 512}, {346, 43924}, {515, 2432}, {518, 1024}, {520, 8748}, {525, 2299}, {527, 23351}, {579, 23289}, {604, 4397}, {607, 4025}, {643, 3125}, {645, 3122}, {646, 3248}, {651, 2310}, {653, 3270}, {656, 1172}, {658, 3022}, {659, 4876}, {662, 4516}, {664, 14936}, {665, 14942}, {669, 28660}, {672, 885}, {673, 926}, {676, 2338}, {692, 4858}, {728, 43932}, {739, 14430}, {749, 4501}, {810, 31623}, {812, 7077}, {813, 4124}, {822, 1896}, {875, 3975}, {876, 3684}, {884, 3912}, {893, 3907}, {900, 2316}, {901, 4530}, {909, 2804}, {918, 2195}, {934, 3119}, {941, 17418}, {1002, 45755}, {1014, 4171}, {1015, 3699}, {1018, 18191}, {1022, 3689}, {1027, 3693}, {1036, 6590}, {1039, 2522}, {1043, 7180}, {1086, 3939}, {1110, 40166}, {1121, 6139}, {1126, 4976}, {1155, 23893}, {1170, 6608}, {1174, 6362}, {1178, 4140}, {1252, 21132}, {1253, 24002}, {1262, 23615}, {1292, 38375}, {1293, 4534}, {1318, 6544}, {1320, 1635}, {1331, 8735}, {1333, 4086}, {1334, 7192}, {1357, 6558}, {1395, 15416}, {1400, 7253}, {1407, 4163}, {1414, 36197}, {1415, 24026}, {1431, 4529}, {1432, 4477}, {1434, 4524}, {1436, 8058}, {1458, 28132}, {1461, 4081}, {1491, 2344}, {1577, 2194}, {1638, 4845}, {1647, 5548}, {1751, 8676}, {1783, 7004}, {1813, 42069}, {1826, 23189}, {1857, 4091}, {1897, 7117}, {1919, 3596}, {1924, 40072}, {1960, 4997}, {1973, 35518}, {1980, 28659}, {2053, 3835}, {2090, 45878}, {2125, 17427}, {2149, 42455}, {2150, 4036}, {2160, 35057}, {2161, 3738}, {2162, 4147}, {2163, 4944}, {2175, 3261}, {2183, 43728}, {2185, 4705}, {2189, 4064}, {2192, 14837}, {2193, 24006}, {2204, 14208}, {2212, 15413}, {2226, 4543}, {2258, 23880}, {2265, 46041}, {2269, 4581}, {2287, 4017}, {2291, 6366}, {2298, 17420}, {2311, 4010}, {2318, 17925}, {2319, 4083}, {2320, 4893}, {2321, 3733}, {2325, 23345}, {2328, 7178}, {2332, 17094}, {2334, 4765}, {2339, 8678}, {2342, 10015}, {2346, 21127}, {2348, 35355}, {2364, 4777}, {2423, 6735}, {2424, 40869}, {2425, 15633}, {2484, 30479}, {2488, 32008}, {2590, 3308}, {2591, 3307}, {2605, 7110}, {2643, 4612}, {2785, 17963}, {2968, 32674}, {2969, 4587}, {3049, 44130}, {3120, 5546}, {3121, 7257}, {3208, 43931}, {3224, 25128}, {3254, 22108}, {3445, 4521}, {3451, 42337}, {3572, 3685}, {3680, 4394}, {3688, 10566}, {3692, 43923}, {3710, 43925}, {3717, 43929}, {3732, 14935}, {3768, 36798}, {3904, 6187}, {4009, 23892}, {4069, 16726}, {4076, 21143}, {4092, 4556}, {4162, 8056}, {4451, 20981}, {4455, 36800}, {4474, 30650}, {4515, 7203}, {4517, 4817}, {4518, 8632}, {4522, 40746}, {4526, 37129}, {4542, 4638}, {4546, 40151}, {4557, 17197}, {4603, 40608}, {4617, 24010}, {4619, 5532}, {4626, 35508}, {4724, 40779}, {4750, 5547}, {4768, 9456}, {4775, 30608}, {4778, 34820}, {4790, 4866}, {4825, 30607}, {4834, 42030}, {4885, 9439}, {4913, 25426}, {4919, 6164}, {4939, 34080}, {4953, 38828}, {4959, 26745}, {4977, 33635}, {4979, 32635}, {4985, 28615}, {5060, 18013}, {5075, 17947}, {5089, 23696}, {5452, 26721}, {5514, 8059}, {5540, 42552}, {6059, 30805}, {6065, 6545}, {6066, 23100}, {6169, 42341}, {6182, 39273}, {6364, 13456}, {6365, 13427}, {6373, 36799}, {6506, 36082}, {6557, 8643}, {6589, 10570}, {6603, 35348}, {6607, 10509}, {6614, 23970}, {6615, 23617}, {6740, 21828}, {7072, 21188}, {7073, 14838}, {7091, 40137}, {7106, 8062}, {7108, 21761}, {7118, 17896}, {7131, 17115}, {7152, 14302}, {7155, 20979}, {7160, 14300}, {7162, 13401}, {7255, 20684}, {7707, 10495}, {8602, 30201}, {8638, 18031}, {8640, 27424}, {8648, 18359}, {8750, 26932}, {9447, 40495}, {10397, 40836}, {10482, 21104}, {10492, 16012}, {10579, 14282}, {10581, 21453}, {11125, 15627}, {11934, 44178}, {12032, 28143}, {12077, 35196}, {14304, 32677}, {14392, 34056}, {14395, 36119}, {14399, 44693}, {14413, 41798}, {14418, 36125}, {14571, 37628}, {14733, 33573}, {15313, 39943}, {15420, 40976}, {15997, 45877}, {17435, 36086}, {18000, 40882}, {18101, 46148}, {18108, 33299}, {21172, 30457}, {21185, 40141}, {21362, 40528}, {21390, 40505}, {21666, 32660}, {21739, 42657}, {21807, 39177}, {23104, 23979}, {23493, 27527}, {24012, 36838}, {24225, 40523}, {28291, 43960}, {29226, 36630}, {30731, 43922}, {31182, 33963}, {32641, 35015}, {32739, 34387}, {35072, 36127}, {36049, 38357}, {36050, 38345}, {39924, 45902}, {39956, 42312}, {42064, 43050}
X(651) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 664}, {3, 18026}, {4, 6516}, {6, 4554}, {7, 100}, {8, 934}, {9, 658}, {10, 1414}, {21, 4566}, {31, 4572}, {34, 4561}, {36, 35174}, {37, 4573}, {42, 4625}, {55, 4569}, {56, 668}, {57, 190}, {59, 693}, {63, 653}, {65, 99}, {69, 108}, {73, 811}, {75, 109}, {76, 1415}, {77, 1897}, {78, 36118}, {81, 4552}, {85, 101}, {86, 4551}, {92, 1813}, {105, 883}, {110, 1441}, {112, 1231}, {158, 6517}, {162, 307}, {163, 349}, {181, 4623}, {200, 4626}, {210, 4616}, {219, 13149}, {220, 36838}, {222, 6335}, {223, 44327}, {225, 4592}, {226, 662}, {241, 666}, {256, 6649}, {264, 36059}, {269, 3699}, {273, 1331}, {274, 4559}, {278, 1332}, {279, 644}, {286, 23067}, {304, 32674}, {312, 1461}, {319, 26700}, {320, 2222}, {321, 4565}, {322, 8059}, {326, 36127}, {329, 37141}, {331, 906}, {333, 1020}, {341, 6614}, {345, 32714}, {346, 4617}, {347, 13138}, {348, 1783}, {354, 6606}, {377, 13395}, {388, 1310}, {479, 4578}, {497, 8269}, {513, 4998}, {514, 4564}, {518, 927}, {522, 7045}, {527, 37139}, {552, 40521}, {553, 37212}, {604, 1978}, {643, 3668}, {645, 1427}, {646, 1407}, {648, 1214}, {650, 1275}, {655, 3218}, {660, 1447}, {661, 4620}, {670, 1402}, {672, 34085}, {673, 1025}, {692, 6063}, {738, 6558}, {765, 3676}, {789, 1469}, {799, 1400}, {813, 10030}, {823, 40152}, {831, 7247}, {894, 37137}, {898, 43037}, {903, 23703}, {905, 46102}, {908, 37136}, {919, 40704}, {932, 3212}, {940, 32038}, {1014, 3952}, {1016, 3669}, {1018, 1434}, {1042, 7257}, {1086, 31615}, {1088, 3939}, {1119, 4571}, {1121, 23890}, {1122, 8706}, {1155, 35157}, {1252, 24002}, {1262, 4391}, {1284, 4589}, {1292, 6604}, {1293, 39126}, {1305, 3868}, {1317, 4618}, {1319, 4555}, {1334, 4635}, {1397, 6386}, {1403, 18830}, {1408, 27808}, {1409, 6331}, {1412, 4033}, {1423, 4598}, {1428, 4583}, {1429, 4562}, {1432, 18047}, {1439, 36797}, {1442, 6742}, {1445, 37206}, {1446, 5546}, {1449, 4624}, {1462, 42720}, {1463, 8709}, {1465, 13136}, {1476, 21272}, {1492, 7179}, {1509, 21859}, {1633, 8817}, {1758, 35154}, {1799, 46152}, {1847, 4587}, {1880, 4563}, {1909, 29055}, {1945, 15418}, {1969, 32660}, {1981, 40843}, {2003, 15455}, {2006, 4585}, {2078, 35171}, {2099, 4597}, {2149, 3261}, {2171, 4610}, {2185, 4605}, {2223, 46135}, {2254, 39293}, {2283, 2481}, {2284, 34018}, {2285, 37215}, {2321, 4637}, {2338, 24015}, {2346, 35312}, {2397, 34051}, {2398, 43736}, {2406, 36100}, {2550, 6183}, {2652, 17933}, {2720, 3262}, {2742, 38468}, {3057, 6613}, {3112, 46153}, {3219, 38340}, {3257, 3911}, {3263, 32735}, {3451, 21580}, {3573, 7233}, {3598, 37223}, {3649, 4596}, {3666, 6648}, {3671, 4614}, {3674, 36147}, {3732, 7131}, {3779, 34083}, {3903, 7176}, {3912, 36146}, {4017, 4600}, {4025, 7012}, {4032, 4603}, {4059, 8708}, {4076, 43932}, {4077, 4570}, {4105, 24011}, {4130, 23586}, {4146, 6733}, {4163, 24013}, {4357, 36098}, {4397, 7339}, {4556, 6358}, {4558, 40149}, {4567, 7178}, {4579, 7249}, {4584, 16609}, {4586, 7146}, {4595, 7153}, {4601, 7180}, {4604, 5219}, {4606, 21454}, {4612, 6354}, {4619, 4858}, {4621, 41777}, {4622, 40663}, {4654, 37211}, {4705, 7340}, {4968, 29279}, {5061, 35147}, {5172, 35156}, {5221, 32042}, {5228, 32041}, {5252, 13396}, {5376, 30725}, {5377, 43042}, {5378, 43041}, {5379, 17094}, {5380, 7181}, {5382, 30719}, {5383, 43051}, {5385, 43052}, {5389, 7214}, {5435, 27834}, {6012, 30617}, {6135, 13453}, {6136, 13436}, {6180, 30610}, {6332, 7128}, {6528, 22341}, {6540, 32636}, {6734, 36048}, {7035, 43924}, {7115, 15413}, {7132, 33946}, {7175, 27805}, {7182, 8750}, {7235, 36066}, {7265, 35049}, {7316, 42721}, {7672, 43349}, {8047, 40577}, {8680, 41206}, {8685, 33930}, {8687, 20911}, {8707, 24471}, {9357, 10001}, {9436, 36086}, {10509, 35341}, {13486, 40999}, {13577, 40576}, {14612, 39957}, {14733, 30806}, {14942, 41353}, {17080, 44765}, {17090, 29227}, {17097, 17136}, {17791, 34921}, {17924, 44717}, {18033, 34067}, {18743, 38828}, {18816, 23981}, {19604, 43290}, {20567, 32739}, {20924, 32675}, {20930, 36082}, {21362, 40420}, {21453, 35338}, {22464, 36037}, {24027, 35519}, {24029, 34234}, {30456, 44326}, {30545, 34071}, {31618, 35326}, {32018, 36075}, {32693, 34284}, {33864, 36094}, {34855, 36802}, {35516, 36040}, {36049, 40702}, {37138, 40719}, {37143, 37787}
X(651) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 522}, {2, 4391}, {3, 521}, {4, 44426}, {6, 650}, {7, 693}, {8, 4397}, {9, 3239}, {10, 4086}, {11, 42455}, {12, 4036}, {19, 3064}, {21, 7253}, {25, 18344}, {31, 663}, {32, 3063}, {34, 7649}, {35, 35057}, {36, 3738}, {37, 3700}, {40, 8058}, {41, 657}, {42, 4041}, {43, 4147}, {44, 1639}, {45, 4944}, {48, 652}, {55, 3900}, {56, 513}, {57, 514}, {58, 3737}, {59, 100}, {63, 6332}, {65, 523}, {69, 35518}, {71, 8611}, {73, 656}, {75, 35519}, {77, 4025}, {81, 4560}, {85, 3261}, {86, 18155}, {92, 46110}, {99, 314}, {100, 8}, {101, 9}, {104, 43728}, {105, 885}, {106, 23838}, {107, 1896}, {108, 4}, {109, 1}, {110, 21}, {112, 1172}, {162, 29}, {163, 284}, {171, 3907}, {172, 3287}, {181, 4705}, {184, 1946}, {190, 312}, {198, 14298}, {200, 4163}, {201, 4064}, {213, 3709}, {220, 4130}, {221, 6129}, {222, 905}, {223, 14837}, {225, 24006}, {226, 1577}, {238, 3716}, {241, 918}, {244, 21132}, {249, 4612}, {259, 6730}, {266, 6728}, {269, 3676}, {273, 46107}, {278, 17924}, {279, 24002}, {284, 1021}, {294, 28132}, {307, 14208}, {345, 15416}, {347, 17896}, {348, 15413}, {349, 20948}, {354, 6362}, {388, 2517}, {404, 20293}, {478, 6588}, {512, 4516}, {513, 11}, {514, 4858}, {515, 14304}, {517, 2804}, {519, 4768}, {521, 2968}, {522, 24026}, {553, 4978}, {577, 36054}, {603, 1459}, {604, 649}, {608, 6591}, {610, 14331}, {643, 1043}, {644, 346}, {648, 31623}, {649, 2170}, {650, 1146}, {652, 34591}, {653, 92}, {655, 18359}, {657, 3119}, {658, 85}, {659, 4124}, {660, 4518}, {661, 21044}, {662, 333}, {663, 2310}, {664, 75}, {665, 17435}, {666, 36796}, {667, 3271}, {668, 3596}, {670, 40072}, {678, 4543}, {692, 55}, {693, 34387}, {750, 4474}, {764, 7336}, {765, 3699}, {799, 28660}, {811, 44130}, {813, 4876}, {825, 2344}, {874, 4087}, {883, 3263}, {896, 14432}, {898, 36798}, {899, 14430}, {901, 1320}, {902, 4895}, {905, 26932}, {906, 219}, {919, 294}, {927, 2481}, {932, 7155}, {934, 7}, {940, 23880}, {953, 46041}, {961, 4581}, {982, 3810}, {984, 4522}, {1014, 7192}, {1016, 646}, {1018, 2321}, {1019, 17197}, {1020, 226}, {1023, 2325}, {1025, 3912}, {1026, 3717}, {1038, 23874}, {1042, 4017}, {1086, 40166}, {1100, 4976}, {1101, 4636}, {1106, 43924}, {1110, 3939}, {1125, 4985}, {1155, 6366}, {1172, 17926}, {1193, 17420}, {1201, 6615}, {1214, 525}, {1231, 3267}, {1252, 644}, {1253, 4105}, {1275, 4554}, {1284, 4010}, {1290, 11604}, {1292, 6601}, {1293, 3680}, {1295, 43737}, {1305, 2997}, {1308, 3254}, {1310, 30479}, {1319, 900}, {1331, 78}, {1332, 345}, {1333, 7252}, {1334, 4171}, {1357, 764}, {1361, 42757}, {1362, 3126}, {1381, 3308}, {1382, 3307}, {1388, 4926}, {1393, 21102}, {1394, 21172}, {1396, 17925}, {1397, 667}, {1398, 43923}, {1399, 2605}, {1400, 661}, {1401, 2530}, {1402, 512}, {1403, 4083}, {1404, 1635}, {1405, 4893}, {1407, 3669}, {1408, 3733}, {1409, 647}, {1412, 1019}, {1414, 86}, {1415, 6}, {1416, 1027}, {1417, 23345}, {1418, 21104}, {1419, 7658}, {1420, 3667}, {1421, 21201}, {1423, 3835}, {1424, 21191}, {1427, 7178}, {1428, 659}, {1429, 812}, {1434, 7199}, {1437, 23189}, {1438, 1024}, {1439, 17094}, {1441, 850}, {1442, 4467}, {1443, 4453}, {1445, 4468}, {1447, 3766}, {1449, 4765}, {1456, 676}, {1457, 1769}, {1458, 2254}, {1459, 7004}, {1460, 8678}, {1461, 57}, {1463, 3837}, {1465, 10015}, {1468, 17418}, {1469, 1491}, {1470, 9001}, {1471, 4724}, {1475, 21127}, {1477, 35355}, {1486, 11934}, {1490, 14302}, {1576, 2194}, {1617, 3309}, {1633, 497}, {1635, 4530}, {1740, 25128}, {1743, 4521}, {1758, 2785}, {1769, 35015}, {1783, 281}, {1795, 37628}, {1804, 4131}, {1812, 15411}, {1813, 63}, {1870, 44428}, {1875, 39534}, {1880, 2501}, {1897, 318}, {1914, 4435}, {1935, 8062}, {1943, 17899}, {1946, 3270}, {1978, 28659}, {1981, 1948}, {1983, 2323}, {2003, 14838}, {2078, 3887}, {2099, 4777}, {2149, 101}, {2170, 42462}, {2171, 4024}, {2173, 14400}, {2174, 9404}, {2175, 8641}, {2177, 4814}, {2193, 23090}, {2194, 21789}, {2218, 23289}, {2222, 80}, {2223, 926}, {2241, 4501}, {2280, 45755}, {2283, 518}, {2284, 3693}, {2285, 6590}, {2286, 2522}, {2291, 23893}, {2293, 6608}, {2295, 4140}, {2310, 23615}, {2329, 4529}, {2330, 4477}, {2352, 8676}, {2425, 2182}, {2426, 41339}, {2652, 18013}, {2687, 14224}, {2701, 2648}, {2703, 11609}, {2714, 43746}, {2720, 104}, {2722, 43735}, {2742, 34894}, {2743, 12641}, {3052, 4162}, {3057, 42337}, {3063, 14936}, {3158, 4546}, {3198, 14308}, {3212, 20906}, {3218, 3904}, {3230, 4526}, {3251, 4542}, {3257, 4997}, {3284, 14395}, {3339, 28147}, {3340, 28161}, {3361, 4778}, {3446, 42552}, {3485, 7650}, {3570, 3975}, {3573, 3685}, {3598, 30804}, {3616, 4811}, {3649, 30591}, {3659, 42017}, {3660, 2826}, {3666, 3910}, {3667, 4939}, {3668, 4077}, {3669, 1086}, {3671, 4815}, {3674, 4509}, {3676, 1111}, {3683, 4990}, {3684, 4148}, {3689, 4528}, {3699, 341}, {3709, 36197}, {3733, 18191}, {3745, 29278}, {3752, 21120}, {3799, 3790}, {3868, 20294}, {3870, 44448}, {3882, 3687}, {3888, 3705}, {3900, 4081}, {3903, 4451}, {3911, 3762}, {3915, 42312}, {3939, 200}, {3952, 3701}, {4017, 3120}, {4025, 17880}, {4033, 30713}, {4069, 4082}, {4077, 21207}, {4105, 24010}, {4130, 23970}, {4162, 4953}, {4242, 5081}, {4258, 4827}, {4306, 23800}, {4334, 24720}, {4350, 31605}, {4367, 4459}, {4383, 20317}, {4391, 23978}, {4394, 4534}, {4401, 4965}, {4427, 3702}, {4436, 3706}, {4482, 4494}, {4551, 10}, {4552, 321}, {4553, 3703}, {4554, 76}, {4556, 2185}, {4557, 210}, {4558, 1812}, {4559, 37}, {4561, 3718}, {4564, 190}, {4565, 81}, {4566, 1441}, {4567, 645}, {4569, 6063}, {4570, 643}, {4571, 1265}, {4572, 561}, {4573, 274}, {4574, 3694}, {4575, 283}, {4578, 5423}, {4579, 7081}, {4584, 36800}, {4585, 32851}, {4587, 3692}, {4588, 2320}, {4590, 4631}, {4592, 332}, {4595, 4110}, {4598, 27424}, {4600, 7257}, {4604, 30608}, {4605, 6358}, {4612, 7058}, {4617, 279}, {4619, 4564}, {4620, 799}, {4623, 18021}, {4624, 40023}, {4625, 310}, {4626, 1088}, {4636, 1098}, {4637, 1434}, {4649, 4913}, {4654, 4823}, {4705, 4092}, {4752, 4873}, {4781, 3902}, {4848, 4404}, {4849, 44729}, {4905, 17059}, {4998, 668}, {5018, 4458}, {5061, 2787}, {5172, 8674}, {5193, 2827}, {5219, 4791}, {5221, 4802}, {5228, 4762}, {5376, 4582}, {5377, 36802}, {5378, 36801}, {5379, 36797}, {5435, 4462}, {5546, 2287}, {5606, 10266}, {5930, 17898}, {6001, 14312}, {6011, 6598}, {6014, 4900}, {6063, 40495}, {6065, 4578}, {6099, 45393}, {6129, 38357}, {6135, 13454}, {6136, 13426}, {6180, 4885}, {6335, 7017}, {6386, 40363}, {6516, 69}, {6517, 326}, {6558, 30693}, {6575, 42015}, {6584, 6595}, {6586, 38358}, {6589, 38345}, {6591, 8735}, {6594, 38376}, {6610, 1638}, {6614, 269}, {6648, 30710}, {6649, 1909}, {6733, 188}, {7012, 1897}, {7023, 43932}, {7045, 664}, {7083, 17115}, {7113, 654}, {7115, 1783}, {7125, 4091}, {7128, 653}, {7146, 824}, {7175, 4369}, {7176, 4374}, {7178, 16732}, {7180, 3125}, {7183, 30805}, {7201, 4500}, {7203, 17205}, {7210, 21178}, {7223, 4411}, {7225, 4382}, {7234, 40608}, {7239, 4136}, {7248, 3777}, {7335, 23224}, {7339, 934}, {7340, 4623}, {8059, 84}, {8269, 8817}, {8614, 31947}, {8641, 3022}, {8677, 35014}, {8683, 3893}, {8685, 983}, {8686, 23836}, {8687, 2298}, {8693, 40779}, {8694, 4866}, {8697, 1392}, {8701, 32635}, {8750, 33}, {9058, 30513}, {9312, 20907}, {9316, 4449}, {9358, 39351}, {9455, 8638}, {10310, 30201}, {10473, 784}, {10571, 21189}, {11011, 28183}, {13136, 36795}, {13138, 280}, {13149, 331}, {13397, 43740}, {13444, 177}, {13462, 6006}, {13486, 3615}, {13588, 21300}, {14074, 34919}, {14298, 5514}, {14544, 23661}, {14594, 4385}, {14733, 1156}, {14882, 8702}, {15385, 40097}, {15386, 36050}, {15439, 943}, {16577, 7265}, {16680, 11997}, {16686, 11193}, {16777, 4820}, {16878, 6005}, {17074, 17496}, {17082, 23807}, {17095, 18160}, {17096, 16727}, {17197, 40213}, {17496, 40624}, {17780, 4723}, {17942, 2651}, {18026, 264}, {18047, 17787}, {18097, 18070}, {18108, 18101}, {18199, 16759}, {18344, 42069}, {18421, 28169}, {18593, 4707}, {20122, 39212}, {20229, 10581}, {20615, 40086}, {20958, 11124}, {21007, 38347}, {21132, 1090}, {21147, 21186}, {21173, 34589}, {21189, 124}, {21272, 20895}, {21362, 3452}, {21454, 4801}, {21859, 594}, {22341, 520}, {22356, 14418}, {22383, 7117}, {22464, 36038}, {23067, 72}, {23144, 24562}, {23224, 1364}, {23343, 4009}, {23344, 3689}, {23346, 1155}, {23353, 243}, {23363, 21334}, {23586, 36838}, {23703, 519}, {23706, 1785}, {23832, 3880}, {23845, 3057}, {23890, 527}, {23971, 4617}, {23979, 1415}, {23981, 517}, {24002, 23989}, {24013, 4626}, {24016, 43736}, {24019, 8748}, {24026, 23104}, {24027, 109}, {24029, 908}, {24033, 36127}, {24443, 21119}, {24471, 3004}, {25577, 4051}, {26665, 29003}, {26700, 79}, {26716, 42317}, {27644, 27527}, {27834, 6557}, {29055, 256}, {30239, 10309}, {30456, 6587}, {31343, 6556}, {31615, 1016}, {32038, 34258}, {32636, 4977}, {32643, 32677}, {32651, 2982}, {32652, 2192}, {32656, 212}, {32660, 48}, {32661, 2193}, {32665, 2316}, {32666, 2195}, {32669, 909}, {32674, 19}, {32675, 2161}, {32676, 2299}, {32677, 2432}, {32691, 1039}, {32693, 941}, {32714, 278}, {32728, 34068}, {32735, 105}, {32739, 41}, {34036, 21185}, {34051, 2401}, {34067, 7077}, {34068, 23351}, {34071, 2319}, {34073, 2364}, {34074, 34820}, {34085, 18031}, {34497, 21195}, {34543, 17424}, {34855, 43042}, {34921, 3065}, {35174, 20566}, {35280, 390}, {35281, 3872}, {35307, 21011}, {35312, 20880}, {35326, 1212}, {35327, 3683}, {35338, 4847}, {35342, 3686}, {36039, 2338}, {36040, 102}, {36049, 282}, {36050, 10570}, {36054, 35072}, {36057, 23696}, {36059, 3}, {36067, 36121}, {36072, 1251}, {36073, 33653}, {36074, 16777}, {36075, 1100}, {36076, 1061}, {36079, 8809}, {36080, 2335}, {36082, 90}, {36086, 14942}, {36094, 1311}, {36098, 1220}, {36100, 2399}, {36110, 36123}, {36113, 32706}, {36118, 273}, {36127, 158}, {36134, 35196}, {36141, 2291}, {36146, 673}, {37136, 34234}, {37137, 257}, {37139, 1121}, {37141, 189}, {37211, 42030}, {37212, 4102}, {37523, 28623}, {37541, 14077}, {37543, 23882}, {37579, 15313}, {37580, 6182}, {37583, 6003}, {37593, 4843}, {37595, 26732}, {37694, 20316}, {37787, 30565}, {37800, 26546}, {38296, 2516}, {38340, 30690}, {38809, 31628}, {38828, 8056}, {39630, 15910}, {39633, 6597}, {40097, 43742}, {40117, 7003}, {40149, 14618}, {40152, 24018}, {40499, 4073}, {40521, 6057}, {40576, 3434}, {40577, 149}, {41206, 35145}, {41280, 1980}, {41349, 2798}, {41353, 9436}, {41405, 4919}, {41426, 30198}, {41526, 20979}, {41777, 3776}, {42289, 4804}, {42552, 34896}, {42757, 3326}, {43040, 20908}, {43049, 4904}, {43051, 21138}, {43052, 4957}, {43192, 178}, {43290, 44720}, {43736, 2400}, {43909, 42547}, {43923, 2969}, {43924, 244}, {43932, 1358}, {43947, 43974}, {44327, 34404}, {44426, 21666}, {44717, 1332}, {45219, 14284}, {45874, 15997}, {45875, 2090}, {46102, 6335}, {46148, 33299}, {46152, 427}, {46153, 38}
{X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 9355, 2310}, {2, 222, 17074}, {2, 37781, 26932}, {4, 3157, 3562}, {6, 6180, 7}, {7, 37771, 1086}, {9, 1419, 77}, {44, 241, 37787}, {44, 6610, 241}, {57, 43048, 88}, {63, 223, 17080}, {73, 1935, 21}, {101, 1461, 1813}, {109, 4551, 100}, {190, 664, 4552}, {190, 1332, 644}, {190, 4585, 1332}, {221, 9370, 8}, {222, 34048, 2}, {222, 43043, 34051}, {226, 2003, 81}, {238, 1458, 7677}, {241, 6610, 1443}, {255, 1745, 411}, {269, 1445, 17092}, {269, 1743, 1445}, {603, 37694, 404}, {650, 7045, 9358}, {662, 1414, 4565}, {692, 1633, 35280}, {948, 4644, 7}, {1020, 1461, 934}, {1020, 21362, 24029}, {1086, 5723, 37771}, {1201, 9363, 1476}, {1253, 1742, 7676}, {1400, 7175, 1014}, {1407, 4383, 5435}, {1421, 5083, 3315}, {1442, 29007, 37}, {1443, 37787, 241}, {1633, 40576, 40577}, {1783, 32714, 653}, {1936, 2635, 36002}, {2263, 3751, 7672}, {2265, 3942, 16560}, {2293, 9440, 2346}, {2310, 9355, 1156}, {2647, 2650, 17097}, {3000, 9441, 30295}, {3074, 4303, 6986}, {3157, 8757, 4}, {3888, 4579, 100}, {3939, 35338, 100}, {4014, 20958, 5091}, {4334, 16468, 1471}, {4566, 14543, 653}, {10481, 17745, 1170}, {26932, 36949, 2}, {30725, 45273, 664}, {34028, 37659, 77}, {36280, 36942, 15507}
X(652) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangle of the conic that passes through the points A, B, C, X(1), and X(3). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(652) lies on these lines: {6, 2432}, {9, 3239}, {19, 42755}, {31, 21122}, {44, 513}, {55, 4105}, {57, 7658}, {63, 4025}, {73, 9240}, {101, 2149}, {109, 7115}, {112, 2762}, {142, 25604}, {228, 22388}, {243, 522}, {333, 35519}, {514, 23726}, {520, 647}, {521, 8611}, {653, 2639}, {663, 1951}, {905, 4091}, {926, 8641}, {1769, 6591}, {2170, 35065}, {2260, 42768}, {2504, 21107}, {2523, 14395}, {2636, 9394}, {2654, 2657}, {2655, 21173}, {3101, 20298}, {3215, 14825}, {3217, 27780}, {3219, 25259}, {3835, 28834}, {3928, 44551}, {4131, 24562}, {4382, 40166}, {4498, 21120}, {4524, 6139}, {4814, 42657}, {4885, 25924}, {4976, 6362}, {5075, 23655}, {5227, 9031}, {5271, 17894}, {6332, 15411}, {6608, 11934}, {7082, 23615}, {7117, 39006}, {7180, 20980}, {9029, 23865}, {10319, 20319}, {14330, 28589}, {16612, 21189}, {17094, 23727}, {17215, 25511}, {17975, 23146}, {20316, 26080}, {20760, 23093}, {22382, 23226}, {23090, 23189}, {25955, 31287}, {26049, 26652}, {26694, 27139}, {27527, 28960}, {32674, 36040}, {34591, 38344}, {35072, 38353}, {38983, 39687}, {38991, 43960}, {43060, 43924}
X(652) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {663, 21789}, {3064, 14331}, {23727, 17094}
X(652) = isogonal conjugate of X(653)
X(652) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,38983), (101,48), (109,55)
X(652) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (9,101), (109, 222)
X(652) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,652), (57,514), (65,650), (281,522), (513,1108)
X(652) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1)X(4)
X(652) = trilinear pole of line {2637, 2638}
X(652) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for i in (16, 76, 82, 126)
X(652) = PU(16)-harmonic conjugate of X(73)
X(652) = PU(76)-harmonic conjugate of X(2635)
X(652) = PU(82)-harmonic conjugate of X(2654)
X(652) = PU(126)-harmonic conjugate of X(4)
X(652) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(36127)
X(652) = trilinear product of PU(77)
X(652) = trilinear pole of PU(77)
X(652) = intersection of trilinear polars of X(1) and X(3)
X(652) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(92)
X(652) = X(31)-complementary conjugate of X(38983)
X(652) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2638}, {2, 38983}, {3, 3270}, {9, 34591}, {48, 38344}, {63, 7004}, {90, 2310}, {101, 48}, {109, 55}, {162, 14547}, {163, 2269}, {219, 7117}, {222, 1364}, {268, 35072}, {522, 663}, {651, 73}, {653, 1}, {658, 20277}, {823, 2654}, {905, 1459}, {906, 71}, {1020, 2646}, {1021, 650}, {1248, 42080}, {1331, 212}, {1332, 22072}, {1751, 11}, {1783, 22063}, {1813, 3}, {2762, 10535}, {3939, 7124}, {4558, 22361}, {4561, 20753}, {4563, 22421}, {4571, 2318}, {4574, 22074}, {4587, 219}, {7094, 38345}, {8059, 2188}, {8064, 1436}, {23067, 23207}, {23090, 36054}, {23189, 1946}, {36039, 672}, {36049, 6}, {36050, 42}, {36059, 40945}, {36093, 2356}, {37203, 35015}, {39943, 2170}, {39946, 3248}, {39947, 244}, {40117, 41087}, {40518, 40944}, {41206, 1936}
X(652) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {647, 650}, {822, 36054}, {1946, 1459}, {2638, 1}, {3270, 3}, {7117, 219}
X(652) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2636}, {647, 822}
X(652) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 653}, {3, 1813}, {6, 32653}, {9, 101}, {21, 651}, {57, 8059}, {63, 1331}, {100, 40399}, {109, 222}, {190, 40436}, {219, 4587}, {268, 36049}, {333, 4636}, {521, 905}, {522, 6332}, {906, 2193}, {1021, 23090}, {1172, 40117}, {1812, 4571}
X(652) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 652}, {4, 3064}, {6, 39199}, {9, 8058}, {19, 7649}, {57, 514}, {65, 650}, {108, 1783}, {109, 32674}, {196, 14837}, {281, 522}, {407, 2501}, {513, 1108}, {523, 1901}, {649, 3924}, {656, 2294}, {657, 4336}, {822, 2658}, {1828, 6591}, {1880, 43923}, {3676, 7195}, {6087, 23986}, {8063, 40837}, {8755, 42755}, {14331, 44696}, {17924, 40149}
X(652) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {1, 4}
X(652) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 653}, {2, 108}, {4, 651}, {6, 18026}, {7, 1783}, {8, 32714}, {9, 36118}, {19, 664}, {25, 4554}, {27, 4551}, {28, 4552}, {29, 1020}, {33, 658}, {34, 190}, {55, 13149}, {56, 6335}, {57, 1897}, {59, 17924}, {63, 36127}, {65, 648}, {73, 823}, {75, 32674}, {83, 46152}, {85, 8750}, {92, 109}, {99, 1880}, {100, 278}, {101, 273}, {102, 24035}, {107, 1214}, {110, 40149}, {112, 1441}, {158, 1813}, {162, 226}, {196, 13138}, {208, 44327}, {225, 662}, {264, 1415}, {270, 4605}, {281, 934}, {286, 4559}, {307, 24019}, {318, 1461}, {331, 692}, {342, 36049}, {347, 40117}, {349, 32676}, {388, 36099}, {393, 6516}, {513, 46102}, {514, 7012}, {521, 23984}, {522, 7128}, {607, 4569}, {608, 668}, {644, 1119}, {645, 1426}, {646, 1398}, {652, 24032}, {655, 1870}, {666, 1876}, {693, 7115}, {811, 1400}, {851, 41207}, {883, 8751}, {901, 37790}, {908, 36110}, {927, 5089}, {1016, 43923}, {1025, 36124}, {1041, 3732}, {1118, 1332}, {1172, 4566}, {1231, 32713}, {1262, 44426}, {1275, 18344}, {1290, 37799}, {1295, 2405}, {1309, 1465}, {1395, 1978}, {1396, 3952}, {1402, 6331}, {1409, 6528}, {1414, 1826}, {1427, 36797}, {1435, 3699}, {1476, 17906}, {1769, 39294}, {1785, 37136}, {1824, 4573}, {1829, 6648}, {1847, 3939}, {1848, 36098}, {1861, 36146}, {1874, 4584}, {1875, 13136}, {1877, 3257}, {1937, 1981}, {1952, 23353}, {1973, 4572}, {2006, 4242}, {2052, 36059}, {2149, 46107}, {2222, 17923}, {2333, 4625}, {2356, 34085}, {2406, 36121}, {2639, 9394}, {2766, 37798}, {2969, 31615}, {3064, 7045}, {3262, 32702}, {3669, 15742}, {4185, 32038}, {4564, 7649}, {4565, 41013}, {4617, 7046}, {4624, 5338}, {4626, 7079}, {4998, 6591}, {5236, 36086}, {5379, 7178}, {6198, 38340}, {6332, 24033}, {6336, 23703}, {6517, 6520}, {6614, 7101}, {7009, 37137}, {7071, 36838}, {7952, 37141}, {14733, 37805}, {14838, 34922}, {15352, 22341}, {16082, 23981}, {17080, 26704}, {21362, 40446}, {23706, 34234}, {23710, 37139}, {23985, 35518}, {23987, 36100}, {24027, 46110}, {24029, 36123}, {26706, 37800}, {32652, 40701}, {32667, 35516}, {32735, 46108}, {36126, 40152}, {41321, 43736}
X(652) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 521}, {3, 522}, {6, 6332}, {8, 1459}, {9, 905}, {10, 23189}, {11, 1331}, {21, 656}, {29, 520}, {31, 35518}, {33, 4131}, {41, 15413}, {48, 4391}, {55, 4025}, {60, 4064}, {63, 650}, {69, 663}, {71, 4560}, {72, 3737}, {73, 7253}, {75, 1946}, {77, 3900}, {78, 513}, {81, 8611}, {88, 14418}, {92, 36054}, {100, 7004}, {101, 26932}, {102, 39471}, {108, 24031}, {109, 2968}, {125, 4636}, {184, 35519}, {189, 10397}, {190, 7117}, {212, 693}, {219, 514}, {222, 3239}, {226, 23090}, {228, 18155}, {244, 4571}, {255, 44426}, {268, 14837}, {271, 6129}, {281, 4091}, {283, 523}, {284, 525}, {295, 3716}, {304, 3063}, {306, 7252}, {307, 21789}, {312, 22383}, {314, 810}, {318, 23224}, {326, 18344}, {332, 512}, {333, 647}, {345, 649}, {348, 657}, {394, 3064}, {517, 37628}, {518, 23696}, {577, 46110}, {603, 4397}, {604, 15416}, {607, 30805}, {643, 18210}, {644, 3942}, {651, 34591}, {653, 35072}, {661, 1812}, {664, 3270}, {667, 3718}, {692, 17880}, {822, 31623}, {885, 1818}, {895, 14432}, {906, 4858}, {926, 31637}, {1019, 3694}, {1021, 1214}, {1024, 25083}, {1036, 23874}, {1073, 14331}, {1086, 4587}, {1146, 1813}, {1156, 14414}, {1172, 24018}, {1259, 7649}, {1260, 3676}, {1265, 43924}, {1332, 2170}, {1334, 15419}, {1364, 1897}, {1400, 15411}, {1433, 8058}, {1437, 4086}, {1444, 4041}, {1565, 3939}, {1577, 2193}, {1639, 1797}, {1769, 1809}, {1790, 3700}, {1791, 17420}, {1792, 4017}, {1795, 2804}, {1796, 4976}, {1802, 24002}, {1807, 3738}, {1808, 4010}, {2188, 17896}, {2194, 14208}, {2269, 15420}, {2289, 17924}, {2299, 3265}, {2310, 6516}, {2311, 24459}, {2318, 7192}, {2319, 25098}, {2321, 7254}, {2327, 7178}, {2328, 17094}, {2338, 39470}, {2339, 2522}, {2349, 14395}, {2359, 3910}, {2501, 6514}, {2638, 18026}, {2785, 17973}, {3049, 28660}, {3271, 4561}, {3478, 9031}, {3504, 25128}, {3669, 3692}, {3699, 3937}, {3708, 4612}, {3709, 17206}, {3710, 3733}, {3719, 6591}, {3907, 7015}, {4105, 7056}, {4130, 7177}, {4147, 23086}, {4163, 7053}, {4451, 22093}, {4466, 5546}, {4467, 8606}, {4516, 4592}, {4518, 22384}, {4557, 17219}, {4558, 21044}, {4574, 17197}, {4768, 36058}, {4997, 22086}, {5440, 23838}, {5931, 42658}, {6056, 46107}, {6368, 35196}, {6510, 23893}, {6517, 42069}, {6608, 40443}, {7016, 8062}, {7100, 35057}, {7107, 17899}, {7108, 22382}, {7155, 22090}, {7182, 8641}, {7358, 8059}, {14298, 41081}, {14304, 36055}, {14400, 14919}, {16596, 36049}, {17418, 34259}, {17926, 40152}, {21186, 39167}, {22092, 36799}, {22350, 43728}, {23614, 24032}, {23978, 32660}, {23983, 32674}, {24026, 36059}, {32653, 40626}, {32656, 34387}, {34588, 36050}, {35014, 36037}, {39201, 44130}, {40399, 40628}, {42462, 44717}
X(652) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 18026}, {3, 664}, {6, 653}, {9, 6335}, {11, 46107}, {21, 811}, {25, 36127}, {29, 6528}, {31, 108}, {32, 32674}, {41, 1783}, {48, 651}, {55, 1897}, {56, 36118}, {57, 13149}, {63, 4554}, {69, 4572}, {71, 4552}, {73, 4566}, {77, 4569}, {78, 668}, {101, 46102}, {108, 24032}, {184, 109}, {212, 100}, {219, 190}, {222, 658}, {228, 4551}, {255, 6516}, {268, 44327}, {283, 99}, {284, 648}, {332, 670}, {333, 6331}, {345, 1978}, {512, 225}, {513, 273}, {514, 331}, {520, 307}, {521, 75}, {522, 264}, {525, 349}, {577, 1813}, {603, 934}, {604, 32714}, {647, 226}, {649, 278}, {650, 92}, {654, 17923}, {656, 1441}, {657, 281}, {661, 40149}, {663, 4}, {665, 5236}, {667, 34}, {692, 7012}, {798, 1880}, {810, 65}, {822, 1214}, {884, 36124}, {905, 85}, {906, 4564}, {926, 1861}, {1021, 31623}, {1092, 6517}, {1146, 46110}, {1172, 823}, {1259, 4561}, {1260, 3699}, {1331, 4998}, {1364, 4025}, {1409, 1020}, {1415, 7128}, {1437, 1414}, {1444, 4625}, {1459, 7}, {1635, 37790}, {1639, 46109}, {1790, 4573}, {1792, 7257}, {1802, 644}, {1807, 35174}, {1808, 4589}, {1812, 799}, {1813, 1275}, {1814, 34085}, {1818, 883}, {1919, 608}, {1946, 1}, {1951, 1981}, {1960, 1877}, {1964, 46152}, {1980, 1395}, {2170, 17924}, {2175, 8750}, {2182, 24035}, {2188, 13138}, {2193, 662}, {2194, 162}, {2197, 4605}, {2200, 4559}, {2204, 24019}, {2249, 41207}, {2289, 1332}, {2299, 107}, {2310, 44426}, {2318, 3952}, {2327, 645}, {2328, 36797}, {2342, 1309}, {2347, 17906}, {2359, 6648}, {2361, 4242}, {2605, 7282}, {2636, 39060}, {2638, 521}, {2968, 35519}, {3049, 1400}, {3063, 19}, {3064, 2052}, {3239, 7017}, {3248, 43923}, {3270, 522}, {3271, 7649}, {3669, 1847}, {3692, 646}, {3694, 4033}, {3709, 1826}, {3710, 27808}, {3716, 40717}, {3718, 6386}, {3737, 286}, {3900, 318}, {3937, 3676}, {3939, 15742}, {3942, 24002}, {3955, 6649}, {4025, 6063}, {4041, 41013}, {4055, 23067}, {4064, 34388}, {4079, 8736}, {4091, 348}, {4105, 7046}, {4130, 7101}, {4131, 7182}, {4391, 1969}, {4455, 1874}, {4516, 24006}, {4546, 44721}, {4558, 4620}, {4560, 44129}, {4571, 7035}, {4587, 1016}, {4612, 46254}, {4636, 18020}, {4895, 38462}, {5075, 17985}, {6056, 1331}, {6129, 342}, {6139, 23710}, {6332, 76}, {6514, 4563}, {6518, 15418}, {7004, 693}, {7053, 4626}, {7085, 14594}, {7099, 4617}, {7116, 37137}, {7117, 514}, {7118, 40117}, {7124, 3732}, {7177, 36838}, {7252, 27}, {7253, 44130}, {7254, 1434}, {8606, 6742}, {8611, 321}, {8638, 2356}, {8641, 33}, {8648, 1870}, {8676, 5125}, {8677, 22464}, {8748, 15352}, {9247, 1415}, {10397, 329}, {10581, 1855}, {14331, 15466}, {14395, 14206}, {14400, 46106}, {14413, 38461}, {14414, 30806}, {14418, 4358}, {14432, 44146}, {14578, 37136}, {14585, 32660}, {14837, 40701}, {14936, 3064}, {15411, 28660}, {15413, 20567}, {15416, 28659}, {17880, 40495}, {17973, 35154}, {18210, 4077}, {18344, 158}, {20752, 1025}, {20753, 3888}, {20775, 46153}, {21044, 14618}, {21132, 2973}, {21761, 1940}, {21789, 29}, {22053, 35312}, {22072, 21272}, {22074, 3882}, {22079, 35338}, {22086, 3911}, {22090, 3212}, {22091, 9312}, {22092, 43040}, {22093, 7176}, {22096, 43924}, {22361, 17136}, {22368, 46177}, {22379, 1443}, {22382, 1943}, {22383, 57}, {22384, 1447}, {23090, 333}, {23189, 86}, {23202, 23703}, {23220, 1457}, {23224, 77}, {23225, 1458}, {23226, 1442}, {23614, 24031}, {23615, 21666}, {23696, 2481}, {24018, 1231}, {24031, 35518}, {24562, 21609}, {25098, 30545}, {26932, 3261}, {31637, 46135}, {32320, 40152}, {32641, 39294}, {32656, 59}, {32658, 36146}, {32660, 1262}, {32674, 23984}, {32739, 7115}, {34591, 4391}, {34858, 36110}, {35014, 36038}, {35072, 6332}, {35196, 18831}, {35518, 561}, {35519, 18022}, {36054, 63}, {36057, 927}, {36059, 7045}, {37628, 18816}, {38344, 17496}, {39201, 73}, {39471, 35516}, {40628, 17862}, {42658, 5930}, {43924, 1119}, {46110, 18027}
X(652) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {647, 22086, 22383}, {647, 22383, 1459}, {649, 657, 650}, {650, 654, 649}, {650, 4790, 14300}, {650, 9404, 657}, {650, 13401, 21127}, {653, 2639, 24032}, {654, 9404, 650}, {822, 2522, 22443}, {3064, 14331, 14400}, {4394, 40137, 650}, {4979, 21127, 13401}
X(653) lies on the curve CC9 and these lines: {1, 2636}, {2, 196}, {3, 1148}, {4, 1156}, {7, 281}, {8, 44696}, {9, 342}, {19, 273}, {20, 3176}, {27, 18815}, {29, 65}, {34, 37129}, {40, 1895}, {46, 158}, {56, 23772}, {57, 92}, {63, 1767}, {77, 2331}, {78, 207}, {85, 2002}, {88, 278}, {100, 108}, {101, 4605}, {107, 109}, {112, 1305}, {190, 6335}, {208, 318}, {225, 897}, {226, 2349}, {241, 14571}, {242, 1876}, {243, 1155}, {297, 17950}, {307, 6330}, {329, 40837}, {331, 37130}, {347, 1249}, {349, 37220}, {425, 2651}, {450, 17975}, {468, 17985}, {484, 1784}, {514, 1461}, {607, 3212}, {608, 20332}, {646, 42384}, {648, 662}, {651, 1783}, {652, 2639}, {655, 17924}, {658, 13149}, {660, 43923}, {685, 36084}, {692, 23353}, {799, 4572}, {823, 15352}, {934, 2405}, {962, 40836}, {1013, 37541}, {1020, 2637}, {1025, 37206}, {1041, 40987}, {1047, 7138}, {1075, 20764}, {1118, 1788}, {1119, 8732}, {1214, 41083}, {1360, 4081}, {1400, 1821}, {1416, 21210}, {1430, 9364}, {1441, 2322}, {1447, 5089}, {1452, 37390}, {1585, 13437}, {1586, 13459}, {1708, 1748}, {1737, 7541}, {1826, 7282}, {1828, 40446}, {1844, 12432}, {1845, 12736}, {1846, 19636}, {1847, 7719}, {1857, 3474}, {1880, 7233}, {1957, 9316}, {2501, 9358}, {2656, 2658}, {3064, 37139}, {3162, 30918}, {3209, 9308}, {3257, 46102}, {3339, 39585}, {3559, 7098}, {3658, 35360}, {3729, 7101}, {3911, 17923}, {4296, 44698}, {4312, 39531}, {4554, 37215}, {4599, 42396}, {4848, 5174}, {4997, 37768}, {5236, 8756}, {5307, 43759}, {6332, 44327}, {6354, 18679}, {6360, 7011}, {7012, 7649}, {7013, 45738}, {7017, 32939}, {7049, 38284}, {7079, 8545}, {7115, 36087}, {7156, 34059}, {7551, 39542}, {8755, 22464}, {9056, 36067}, {9778, 44695}, {14257, 17555}, {14837, 23984}, {16813, 32660}, {17074, 18676}, {17077, 17913}, {18097, 37221}, {18588, 30841}, {21186, 24033}, {21617, 25993}, {23982, 23986}, {26003, 37787}, {30725, 46118}, {34393, 40626}, {35486, 38295}, {36090, 36110}, {37222, 37789}, {37797, 37799}
X(653) = reflection of X(16596) in X(40535)
X(653) = isogonal conjugate of X(652)
X(653) = isotomic conjugate of X(6332)
X(653) = anticomplement of X(16596)
X(653) = polar conjugate of X(522)
X(653) = trilinear product of PU(76)
X(653) = crossdifference of PU(77)
X(653) = trilinear pole wrt tangential triangle of line X(1)X(4)
X(653) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(522) (line X(11)X(1146))
X(653) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {7115, 6223}, {36049, 34188}, {40117, 33650}
X(653) = X(31)-complementary conjugate of X(39053)
X(653) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2639}, {2, 39053}, {648, 651}, {4564, 37279}, {4998, 5125}, {7045, 412}, {13149, 36118}, {18026, 1897}, {24032, 1}, {39294, 17923}, {46102, 278}
X(653) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 24032}, {19, 7012}, {46, 7045}, {57, 7128}, {108, 36118}, {109, 664}, {196, 23984}, {278, 46102}, {514, 92}, {522, 7}, {579, 59}, {650, 29}, {652, 1}, {1020, 651}, {1021, 17097}, {1708, 4564}, {1721, 24011}, {1722, 7035}, {1723, 765}, {1734, 21453}, {1738, 39293}, {1781, 24000}, {1783, 1897}, {1786, 35049}, {1788, 4998}, {1826, 34922}, {2637, 23707}, {3064, 4}, {3144, 18020}, {3911, 39294}, {4142, 7249}, {6591, 40446}, {7649, 273}, {7661, 1440}, {8058, 342}, {8063, 329}, {10900, 5382}, {14331, 8}, {14400, 80}, {14837, 2}, {16612, 1220}, {17906, 6335}, {17924, 27}, {18679, 23582}, {21173, 40440}, {21180, 18815}, {21185, 1088}, {21186, 75}, {21189, 86}, {22443, 1037}, {32674, 36127}, {35349, 3699}, {42755, 22464}
X(653) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 652}, {4, 3064}, {6, 39199}, {9, 8058}, {19, 7649}, {57, 514}, {65, 650}, {108, 1783}, {109, 32674}, {196, 14837}, {281, 522}, {407, 2501}, {513, 1108}, {523, 1901}, {649, 3924}, {656, 2294}, {657, 4336}, {822, 2658}, {1828, 6591}, {1880, 43923}, {3676, 7195}, {6087, 23986}, {8063, 40837}, {8755, 42755}, {14331, 44696}, {17924, 40149}
X(653) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9394}, {648, 823}, {13149, 18026}
X(653) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2636}, {647, 822}
X(653) = trilinear pole of line {1, 4}
X(653) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {2637, 2638}
X(653) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 652}, {2, 1946}, {3, 650}, {4, 36054}, {6, 521}, {8, 22383}, {9, 1459}, {11, 906}, {21, 647}, {29, 822}, {31, 6332}, {32, 35518}, {33, 4091}, {37, 23189}, {41, 4025}, {48, 522}, {55, 905}, {58, 8611}, {63, 663}, {65, 23090}, {69, 3063}, {71, 3737}, {72, 7252}, {73, 1021}, {74, 14395}, {77, 657}, {78, 649}, {84, 10397}, {100, 7117}, {101, 7004}, {106, 14418}, {108, 35072}, {109, 34591}, {184, 4391}, {210, 7254}, {212, 514}, {219, 513}, {222, 3900}, {228, 4560}, {244, 4587}, {255, 3064}, {268, 6129}, {281, 23224}, {283, 661}, {284, 656}, {295, 4435}, {314, 3049}, {332, 798}, {333, 810}, {345, 667}, {348, 8641}, {394, 18344}, {512, 1812}, {520, 1172}, {523, 2193}, {525, 2194}, {577, 44426}, {603, 3239}, {607, 4131}, {644, 3937}, {646, 22096}, {651, 3270}, {653, 2638}, {654, 1807}, {672, 23696}, {692, 26932}, {884, 25083}, {885, 20752}, {926, 1814}, {1015, 4571}, {1019, 2318}, {1024, 1818}, {1036, 2522}, {1146, 36059}, {1167, 40628}, {1214, 21789}, {1259, 6591}, {1260, 3669}, {1320, 22086}, {1331, 2170}, {1332, 3271}, {1364, 1783}, {1397, 15416}, {1402, 15411}, {1409, 7253}, {1415, 2968}, {1433, 14298}, {1437, 3700}, {1444, 3709}, {1639, 36058}, {1790, 4041}, {1792, 7180}, {1793, 21828}, {1797, 4895}, {1802, 3676}, {1803, 6608}, {1808, 21832}, {1809, 3310}, {1813, 2310}, {1896, 32320}, {1919, 3718}, {2053, 25098}, {2150, 4064}, {2175, 15413}, {2183, 37628}, {2188, 14837}, {2196, 3716}, {2200, 18155}, {2204, 3265}, {2212, 30805}, {2289, 7649}, {2291, 14414}, {2299, 24018}, {2319, 22090}, {2327, 4017}, {2359, 17420}, {2431, 6001}, {2637, 23707}, {2804, 14578}, {3287, 7015}, {3692, 43924}, {3694, 3733}, {3708, 4636}, {3907, 7116}, {3939, 3942}, {4105, 7177}, {4130, 7053}, {4147, 15373}, {4163, 7099}, {4516, 4558}, {4574, 18191}, {4575, 21044}, {4581, 22074}, {4612, 20975}, {4768, 32659}, {4858, 32656}, {4876, 22384}, {5546, 18210}, {6056, 17924}, {6510, 23351}, {6516, 14936}, {6588, 39167}, {7100, 9404}, {7105, 22382}, {7107, 8062}, {7110, 23226}, {8606, 14838}, {8851, 22092}, {9247, 35519}, {10581, 40443}, {14331, 19614}, {14400, 35200}, {14432, 36060}, {15420, 20967}, {16596, 32652}, {17880, 32739}, {17926, 22341}, {18026, 39687}, {22144, 42552}, {22356, 23838}, {22379, 36910}, {22381, 27527}, {23113, 40528}, {23146, 40505}, {23220, 36795}, {23225, 36796}, {23614, 23984}, {24026, 32660}, {24031, 32674}, {31623, 39201}, {32641, 35014}, {32653, 34588}, {32677, 39471}
X(653) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 18026}, {4, 664}, {7, 1897}, {8, 36118}, {9, 13149}, {19, 4554}, {25, 4572}, {27, 4552}, {29, 4566}, {33, 4569}, {34, 668}, {57, 6335}, {59, 46107}, {65, 811}, {69, 36127}, {73, 6528}, {75, 108}, {76, 32674}, {85, 1783}, {92, 651}, {99, 225}, {100, 273}, {101, 331}, {107, 307}, {109, 264}, {112, 349}, {158, 6516}, {162, 1441}, {190, 278}, {196, 44327}, {226, 648}, {281, 658}, {286, 4551}, {312, 32714}, {318, 934}, {342, 13138}, {514, 46102}, {521, 24032}, {608, 1978}, {644, 1847}, {646, 1435}, {655, 17923}, {662, 40149}, {666, 5236}, {693, 7012}, {799, 1880}, {823, 1214}, {883, 36124}, {927, 1861}, {1020, 31623}, {1093, 6517}, {1118, 4561}, {1119, 3699}, {1231, 24019}, {1262, 46110}, {1275, 3064}, {1305, 5125}, {1309, 22464}, {1395, 6386}, {1396, 4033}, {1400, 6331}, {1414, 41013}, {1415, 1969}, {1426, 7257}, {1461, 7017}, {1813, 2052}, {1824, 4625}, {1826, 4573}, {1848, 6648}, {1870, 35174}, {1874, 4589}, {1877, 4555}, {1952, 1981}, {2356, 46135}, {2501, 4620}, {3112, 46152}, {3257, 37790}, {3261, 7115}, {3262, 36110}, {3668, 36797}, {3676, 15742}, {4077, 5379}, {4242, 18815}, {4391, 7128}, {4467, 34922}, {4559, 44129}, {4564, 17924}, {4605, 46103}, {4610, 8736}, {4617, 7101}, {4626, 7046}, {4998, 7649}, {5089, 34085}, {5307, 32038}, {6063, 8750}, {6332, 23984}, {6742, 7282}, {7035, 43923}, {7045, 44426}, {7079, 36838}, {8680, 41207}, {9394, 39060}, {10015, 39294}, {15352, 40152}, {16082, 24029}, {17906, 40420}, {17985, 35154}, {18027, 32660}, {18097, 41676}, {18816, 23706}, {21272, 40446}, {23710, 35157}, {23987, 34393}, {24033, 35518}, {24035, 36100}, {26705, 33298}, {28017, 42384}, {35516, 36067}, {36049, 40701}, {36146, 46108}, {37139, 37805}, {40117, 40702}, {46104, 46153}
X(653) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 521}, {2, 6332}, {4, 522}, {6, 652}, {7, 4025}, {12, 4064}, {19, 650}, {25, 663}, {27, 4560}, {28, 3737}, {29, 7253}, {31, 1946}, {33, 3900}, {34, 513}, {37, 8611}, {44, 14418}, {48, 36054}, {56, 1459}, {57, 905}, {58, 23189}, {59, 1331}, {65, 656}, {73, 520}, {75, 35518}, {77, 4131}, {85, 15413}, {92, 4391}, {99, 332}, {100, 78}, {101, 219}, {104, 37628}, {105, 23696}, {107, 29}, {108, 1}, {109, 3}, {110, 283}, {112, 284}, {158, 44426}, {162, 21}, {163, 2193}, {190, 345}, {196, 14837}, {198, 10397}, {208, 6129}, {222, 4091}, {225, 523}, {226, 525}, {242, 3716}, {250, 4636}, {264, 35519}, {273, 693}, {278, 514}, {281, 3239}, {284, 23090}, {286, 18155}, {307, 3265}, {312, 15416}, {318, 4397}, {331, 3261}, {333, 15411}, {342, 17896}, {348, 30805}, {349, 3267}, {388, 23874}, {393, 3064}, {468, 14432}, {513, 7004}, {514, 26932}, {515, 39471}, {521, 24031}, {522, 2968}, {603, 23224}, {604, 22383}, {607, 657}, {608, 649}, {643, 1792}, {644, 3692}, {648, 333}, {649, 7117}, {650, 34591}, {651, 63}, {652, 35072}, {658, 348}, {662, 1812}, {663, 3270}, {664, 69}, {668, 3718}, {692, 212}, {693, 17880}, {765, 4571}, {811, 314}, {823, 31623}, {906, 2289}, {927, 31637}, {933, 35196}, {934, 77}, {1018, 3694}, {1020, 1214}, {1025, 25083}, {1096, 18344}, {1108, 40628}, {1118, 7649}, {1119, 3676}, {1155, 14414}, {1172, 1021}, {1214, 24018}, {1249, 14331}, {1252, 4587}, {1262, 1813}, {1331, 1259}, {1332, 3719}, {1365, 21134}, {1395, 667}, {1396, 1019}, {1398, 43924}, {1399, 23226}, {1400, 647}, {1402, 810}, {1403, 22090}, {1404, 22086}, {1409, 822}, {1412, 7254}, {1414, 1444}, {1415, 48}, {1423, 25098}, {1426, 4017}, {1428, 22384}, {1434, 15419}, {1435, 3669}, {1441, 14208}, {1445, 24562}, {1457, 8677}, {1459, 1364}, {1461, 222}, {1474, 7252}, {1633, 1040}, {1769, 35014}, {1783, 9}, {1785, 2804}, {1788, 20315}, {1813, 394}, {1824, 4041}, {1826, 3700}, {1827, 6608}, {1828, 6615}, {1829, 17420}, {1839, 4976}, {1840, 4140}, {1846, 23757}, {1847, 24002}, {1848, 3910}, {1870, 3738}, {1874, 4010}, {1875, 1769}, {1876, 2254}, {1877, 900}, {1880, 661}, {1893, 4804}, {1897, 8}, {1940, 8062}, {1946, 2638}, {1947, 17899}, {1950, 22382}, {1973, 3063}, {1981, 1944}, {1990, 14400}, {2052, 46110}, {2149, 906}, {2173, 14395}, {2201, 4435}, {2212, 8641}, {2222, 1807}, {2283, 1818}, {2285, 2522}, {2299, 21789}, {2331, 14298}, {2333, 3709}, {2356, 926}, {2501, 21044}, {2637, 33572}, {2638, 23614}, {2701, 17973}, {2720, 1795}, {2969, 21132}, {3064, 1146}, {3176, 14302}, {3186, 25128}, {3476, 9031}, {3668, 17094}, {3669, 3942}, {3676, 1565}, {3699, 1265}, {3732, 27509}, {3939, 1260}, {3952, 3710}, {4017, 18210}, {4064, 7068}, {4185, 17418}, {4186, 42312}, {4242, 4511}, {4551, 72}, {4552, 306}, {4554, 304}, {4557, 2318}, {4558, 6514}, {4559, 71}, {4561, 1264}, {4564, 1332}, {4565, 1790}, {4566, 307}, {4569, 7182}, {4572, 305}, {4573, 17206}, {4605, 26942}, {4617, 7177}, {4619, 44717}, {4620, 4563}, {4626, 7056}, {4998, 4561}, {5125, 20294}, {5236, 918}, {5307, 23880}, {5342, 4811}, {5379, 643}, {5546, 2327}, {5930, 8057}, {6198, 35057}, {6331, 28660}, {6332, 23983}, {6335, 312}, {6516, 326}, {6517, 3964}, {6528, 44130}, {6529, 8748}, {6558, 30681}, {6591, 2170}, {6614, 7053}, {7009, 3907}, {7012, 100}, {7045, 6516}, {7046, 4163}, {7071, 4105}, {7079, 4130}, {7115, 101}, {7119, 3287}, {7128, 651}, {7178, 4466}, {7192, 17219}, {7282, 4467}, {7649, 11}, {7952, 8058}, {8058, 7358}, {8059, 1433}, {8687, 2359}, {8735, 42462}, {8736, 4024}, {8748, 17926}, {8750, 55}, {8751, 1024}, {8756, 1639}, {9088, 3478}, {9316, 22091}, {13138, 271}, {13149, 85}, {13486, 1789}, {14257, 21186}, {14331, 40616}, {14776, 2342}, {14837, 16596}, {15439, 1794}, {15742, 3699}, {16609, 24459}, {17094, 17216}, {17906, 3452}, {17923, 3904}, {17924, 4858}, {17925, 17197}, {17985, 2785}, {18026, 75}, {18097, 4580}, {18344, 2310}, {20613, 2509}, {21186, 123}, {21189, 34588}, {21666, 23104}, {21859, 3949}, {23067, 3682}, {23353, 1936}, {23363, 22421}, {23703, 5440}, {23706, 517}, {23710, 6366}, {23845, 22072}, {23890, 6510}, {23979, 32660}, {23981, 22350}, {23985, 32674}, {23987, 515}, {24019, 1172}, {24027, 36059}, {24032, 18026}, {24033, 108}, {26700, 7100}, {26704, 10570}, {29055, 7015}, {32652, 2188}, {32656, 6056}, {32660, 577}, {32667, 32677}, {32669, 14578}, {32674, 6}, {32676, 2194}, {32691, 1036}, {32702, 909}, {32713, 2299}, {32714, 57}, {32727, 34078}, {32735, 36057}, {34922, 6742}, {35349, 42018}, {36037, 1809}, {36040, 36055}, {36044, 1295}, {36049, 268}, {36059, 255}, {36067, 102}, {36075, 22054}, {36076, 3422}, {36082, 1069}, {36093, 26703}, {36098, 1791}, {36099, 2339}, {36106, 45393}, {36110, 104}, {36118, 7}, {36123, 43728}, {36124, 885}, {36125, 23838}, {36126, 1896}, {36127, 4}, {36140, 32726}, {36146, 1814}, {36797, 1043}, {37141, 41081}, {37790, 3762}, {38462, 4768}, {39199, 38983}, {39294, 13136}, {39534, 35015}, {40116, 2338}, {40117, 282}, {40149, 1577}, {40663, 14429}, {40983, 2488}, {40987, 17115}, {41013, 4086}, {41207, 35145}, {41321, 40869}, {42069, 23615}, {42070, 4543}, {42755, 10017}, {43035, 39470}, {43290, 44722}, {43923, 244}, {43924, 3937}, {44327, 44189}, {44426, 24026}, {44696, 21172}, {46102, 190}, {46107, 34387}, {46110, 23978}, {46152, 38}, {46153, 3917}, {46254, 4631}
X(653) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 2636, 2638}, {46, 158, 412}, {65, 1940, 29}, {652, 24032, 2639}, {1118, 1788, 5125}, {1148, 8762, 3}, {1783, 32714, 651}, {2636, 2638, 23707}, {4566, 14543, 651}, {14837, 23984, 39053}, {16596, 40535, 2}
X(653) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,652), (57,514), (65,650), (281,522), (513,1108)
X(653) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(521)
X(653) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,PU(76)}}
X(654) lies on the Terzic circle and these lines: {3, 41155}, {6, 3310}, {9, 1639}, {44, 513}, {50, 647}, {55, 926}, {57, 1638}, {63, 918}, {81, 42744}, {101, 109}, {103, 2291}, {171, 24462}, {182, 41158}, {514, 23737}, {517, 41162}, {812, 40166}, {900, 2161}, {909, 2432}, {1021, 2596}, {1768, 2826}, {1946, 8676}, {2170, 4435}, {2352, 23225}, {2423, 14578}, {2594, 2598}, {2774, 41164}, {2786, 41163}, {2824, 41165}, {3196, 27780}, {3218, 4453}, {3219, 30565}, {3305, 45326}, {3306, 44902}, {3669, 4091}, {3887, 41166}, {4041, 42649}, {4063, 21120}, {4131, 28984}, {4282, 7252}, {4895, 42657}, {4984, 14400}, {5220, 30700}, {6589, 22383}, {8659, 41156}, {14418, 42552}, {17455, 21758}, {20295, 28834}, {22160, 44410}, {25924, 31250}, {32641, 32675}, {35365, 36057}, {36054, 43060}
X(654) = reflection of X(55) in X(6139)
X(654) = isogonal conjugate of X(655)
X(654) = circumcircle-inverse of X(41155)
X(654) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(41158)
X(654) = X(31)-complementary conjugate of X(38984)
X(654) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 38984}, {54, 41218}, {74, 3270}, {101, 17455}, {110, 215}, {651, 34586}, {655, 1}, {901, 55}, {1983, 2245}, {2250, 11998}, {3065, 2310}, {3461, 41211}, {3466, 2638}, {23838, 663}, {24029, 1319}, {24624, 11}, {32641, 6}, {40215, 3025}
X(654) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2081, 2600}, {41218, 54}
X(654) = cevapoint of X(2081) and X(2624)
X(654) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 655}, {9, 5548}, {57, 2720}, {100, 2990}, {101, 2316}, {104, 651}, {110, 24624}, {275, 1309}, {901, 40215}, {1983, 4282}, {3738, 3960}, {3904, 44428}, {4560, 43728}
X(654) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 654}, {6, 39200}, {9, 2804}, {57, 30725}, {216, 8677}, {513, 8609}, {514, 3911}, {517, 650}, {523, 2245}, {2599, 2600}, {4559, 23981}
X(654) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {1, 5}
X(654) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(1),X(36)}}
X(654) = bicentric difference of PU(68)
X(654) = PU(68)-harmonic conjugate of X(2594)
X(654) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 655}, {2, 2222}, {6, 35174}, {12, 37140}, {56, 36804}, {75, 32675}, {80, 651}, {100, 2006}, {101, 18815}, {109, 18359}, {190, 1411}, {476, 16577}, {653, 1807}, {664, 2161}, {759, 4552}, {901, 14628}, {934, 36910}, {1020, 6740}, {1415, 20566}, {2341, 4566}, {2594, 32680}, {3257, 14584}, {3738, 23592}, {4551, 24624}, {4554, 6187}, {4559, 14616}, {4565, 15065}, {4573, 34857}, {6358, 36069}, {14213, 36078}, {21741, 35139}, {24029, 40437}, {26700, 41226}, {32671, 34388}, {32678, 40999}, {34242, 44765}, {35307, 39277}, {37222, 37630}
X(654) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 3738}, {3, 44428}, {6, 3904}, {9, 3960}, {36, 522}, {54, 6369}, {55, 4453}, {60, 6370}, {75, 8648}, {214, 23838}, {261, 42666}, {284, 4707}, {312, 21758}, {318, 22379}, {320, 663}, {333, 21828}, {513, 4511}, {514, 2323}, {521, 1870}, {526, 3615}, {649, 32851}, {650, 3218}, {652, 17923}, {655, 35128}, {656, 17515}, {657, 17078}, {693, 2361}, {758, 3737}, {860, 23189}, {1021, 18593}, {1443, 3900}, {1459, 5081}, {1464, 7253}, {1577, 4282}, {1639, 40215}, {1845, 37628}, {1983, 4858}, {2167, 2600}, {2170, 4585}, {2185, 2610}, {2245, 4560}, {2364, 23884}, {3063, 20924}, {3064, 22128}, {3724, 18155}, {3936, 7252}, {3939, 4089}, {4242, 7004}, {4391, 7113}, {4768, 16944}, {21012, 39178}, {21789, 41804}, {34586, 43728}, {35011, 45950}
X(654) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 35174}, {6, 655}, {9, 36804}, {31, 2222}, {32, 32675}, {36, 664}, {320, 4572}, {513, 18815}, {522, 20566}, {526, 40999}, {649, 2006}, {650, 18359}, {657, 36910}, {663, 80}, {667, 1411}, {1443, 4569}, {1464, 4566}, {1635, 14628}, {1870, 18026}, {1946, 1807}, {1960, 14584}, {1983, 4564}, {2150, 37140}, {2245, 4552}, {2323, 190}, {2361, 100}, {2600, 14213}, {2610, 6358}, {2624, 16577}, {3025, 4453}, {3063, 2161}, {3218, 4554}, {3615, 35139}, {3724, 4551}, {3737, 14616}, {3738, 75}, {3904, 76}, {3960, 85}, {4041, 15065}, {4282, 662}, {4453, 6063}, {4511, 668}, {4707, 349}, {6369, 311}, {6370, 34388}, {7113, 651}, {7252, 24624}, {8648, 1}, {9404, 41226}, {14270, 2594}, {17515, 811}, {21758, 57}, {21789, 6740}, {21828, 226}, {22379, 77}, {32675, 23592}, {32851, 1978}, {34544, 4585}, {35128, 3904}, {41218, 6369}, {42666, 12}, {44428, 264}
X(654) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {649, 652, 650}, {650, 652, 9404}, {650, 4790, 13401}, {2590, 2591, 650}, {2610, 2624, 2245}, {3310, 22086, 6}, {4394, 14298, 650}
X(655) lies on the curve CC9 and these lines: {2, 40536}, {7, 37131}, {54, 45238}, {57, 14628}, {59, 523}, {80, 516}, {88, 2006}, {100, 522}, {162, 7012}, {190, 4391}, {476, 15439}, {514, 651}, {517, 40437}, {527, 36101}, {653, 17924}, {658, 24002}, {662, 4552}, {664, 4604}, {673, 2161}, {885, 36086}, {908, 36100}, {925, 36078}, {1020, 38340}, {1025, 37143}, {1087, 3460}, {1090, 2957}, {1155, 14204}, {1411, 4318}, {1807, 3100}, {2349, 17484}, {2401, 2406}, {2595, 2597}, {3218, 18359}, {3322, 4542}, {3904, 13136}, {4581, 36098}, {6740, 37142}, {7672, 36815}, {10015, 23592}, {10030, 37130}, {11041, 34232}, {16548, 21368}, {30379, 43760}, {37214, 40704}
X(655) = isogonal conjugate of X(654)
X(655) = isotomic conjugate of X(3904)
X(655) = polar conjugate of X(44428)
X(655) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(32675)
X(655) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {484, 7045}, {650, 40437}, {654, 1}, {900, 7}, {1983, 6742}, {2245, 59}, {2600, 3615}, {3465, 24032}, {10015, 2}, {16548, 7012}, {23703, 664}, {24029, 651}, {24715, 39293}, {30725, 14628}, {35466, 1016}, {40663, 4998}
X(655) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 654}, {6, 39200}, {9, 2804}, {57, 30725}, {216, 8677}, {513, 8609}, {514, 3911}, {517, 650}, {523, 2245}, {2599, 2600}, {4559, 23981}
X(655) = crosssum of X(2081) and X(2624)
X(655) = trilinear pole of line {1, 5}
X(655) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 654}, {2, 8648}, {6, 3738}, {8, 21758}, {11, 1983}, {21, 21828}, {31, 3904}, {36, 650}, {41, 4453}, {48, 44428}, {54, 2600}, {55, 3960}, {60, 2610}, {281, 22379}, {320, 3063}, {513, 2323}, {514, 2361}, {522, 7113}, {523, 4282}, {647, 17515}, {649, 4511}, {652, 1870}, {657, 1443}, {663, 3218}, {667, 32851}, {758, 7252}, {1021, 1464}, {1639, 16944}, {1835, 23090}, {1946, 17923}, {2148, 6369}, {2150, 6370}, {2185, 42666}, {2194, 4707}, {2222, 35128}, {2245, 3737}, {2432, 11700}, {2624, 3615}, {3271, 4585}, {3724, 4560}, {4242, 7117}, {4895, 40215}, {5081, 22383}, {8641, 17078}, {17455, 23838}, {18344, 22128}, {18593, 21789}, {36110, 38353}
X(655) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 35174}, {57, 36804}, {75, 2222}, {76, 32675}, {80, 664}, {100, 18815}, {109, 20566}, {190, 2006}, {311, 36078}, {476, 40999}, {651, 18359}, {658, 36910}, {668, 1411}, {1414, 15065}, {1807, 18026}, {2161, 4554}, {2594, 35139}, {3257, 14628}, {3904, 23592}, {4551, 14616}, {4552, 24624}, {4555, 14584}, {4566, 6740}, {4572, 6187}, {4585, 34535}, {4625, 34857}, {6358, 37140}, {16577, 32680}, {34388, 36069}, {35175, 37630}, {38340, 41226}
X(655) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 3738}, {2, 3904}, {4, 44428}, {5, 6369}, {6, 654}, {7, 4453}, {12, 6370}, {31, 8648}, {57, 3960}, {80, 522}, {100, 4511}, {101, 2323}, {108, 1870}, {109, 36}, {162, 17515}, {163, 4282}, {181, 42666}, {190, 32851}, {226, 4707}, {476, 3615}, {603, 22379}, {604, 21758}, {651, 3218}, {653, 17923}, {654, 35128}, {658, 17078}, {664, 320}, {692, 2361}, {759, 3737}, {934, 1443}, {1020, 18593}, {1168, 23838}, {1400, 21828}, {1411, 513}, {1415, 7113}, {1807, 521}, {1813, 22128}, {1897, 5081}, {1953, 2600}, {1983, 34544}, {2006, 514}, {2149, 1983}, {2161, 650}, {2171, 2610}, {2222, 1}, {2341, 1021}, {2594, 526}, {3676, 4089}, {4551, 758}, {4552, 3936}, {4554, 20924}, {4559, 2245}, {4564, 4585}, {4566, 41804}, {4572, 40075}, {5219, 23884}, {6187, 663}, {6740, 7253}, {7012, 4242}, {14584, 900}, {14616, 18155}, {14628, 3762}, {15065, 4086}, {16577, 32679}, {18359, 4391}, {18815, 693}, {20566, 35519}, {21741, 2624}, {21859, 4053}, {23703, 214}, {23706, 1845}, {23981, 34586}, {24029, 16586}, {24624, 4560}, {27818, 27836}, {32671, 2150}, {32675, 6}, {34079, 7252}, {34242, 21189}, {34857, 4041}, {35013, 45950}, {35174, 75}, {35308, 21012}, {36061, 1789}, {36069, 60}, {36078, 54}, {36804, 312}, {36815, 3716}, {36910, 3239}, {37140, 2185}, {37630, 2802}, {39200, 38984}, {40172, 4895}, {40437, 43728}, {40999, 3268}
X(655) = {X(2595),X(2599)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3615)
X(656) lies on these lines: {1, 7629}, {2, 7253}, {3, 23189}, {10, 4086}, {11, 38981}, {19, 8768}, {37, 4171}, {44, 513}, {48, 9253}, {63, 14209}, {65, 42768}, {69, 15419}, {71, 10099}, {75, 17893}, {100, 39026}, {101, 2722}, {108, 2762}, {109, 2766}, {115, 35091}, {122, 35580}, {125, 7004}, {162, 2633}, {201, 6368}, {240, 522}, {244, 8286}, {407, 42755}, {514, 23800}, {521, 810}, {523, 2457}, {525, 4064}, {647, 8611}, {662, 1101}, {663, 15313}, {667, 832}, {676, 6608}, {900, 6615}, {1021, 16612}, {1834, 23757}, {1924, 19559}, {1953, 9249}, {1955, 2616}, {2092, 3126}, {2310, 8287}, {2345, 4529}, {2523, 22383}, {2530, 6371}, {2605, 8674}, {2629, 9390}, {2972, 39004}, {3122, 21945}, {3139, 35015}, {3269, 16573}, {3667, 4129}, {3700, 6587}, {3709, 24290}, {3733, 5096}, {3737, 5127}, {3776, 13258}, {3837, 28116}, {3900, 6129}, {3914, 42767}, {3942, 20975}, {4010, 23301}, {4019, 4580}, {4025, 14208}, {4036, 21052}, {4122, 23954}, {4132, 4729}, {4139, 4730}, {4140, 21958}, {4151, 4815}, {4367, 38469}, {4391, 20316}, {4524, 7250}, {4575, 36061}, {4705, 8672}, {4778, 4905}, {4804, 30591}, {4811, 25009}, {4985, 8714}, {5224, 18160}, {5903, 35050}, {6332, 20315}, {6739, 24028}, {7254, 20746}, {7658, 21172}, {8057, 17094}, {9001, 43924}, {10015, 21102}, {11125, 41800}, {14077, 14353}, {14192, 37305}, {14288, 44316}, {14315, 28183}, {17496, 20293}, {18155, 24718}, {19875, 45660}, {21912, 22069}, {22084, 26932}, {22091, 23224}, {22342, 23286}, {22379, 23187}, {23738, 28195}, {24031, 34846}, {24410, 37041}, {24457, 28221}, {24893, 24921}, {25299, 27710}, {25440, 36033}, {30765, 42327}, {35069, 35116}, {35200, 36062}, {36031, 40577}, {36036, 46254}, {37154, 43728}, {40952, 42758}
X(656) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1459, 905}, {1769, 21189}, {2517, 17072}, {2605, 31947}, {3737, 14838}, {4086, 10}, {4391, 20316}, {4804, 30591}, {6332, 20315}, {7253, 8062}, {7649, 14837}, {11125, 41800}, {14288, 44316}, {21102, 10015}, {21172, 7658}, {23752, 7178}, {45686, 2}
X(656) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {650, 7655}, {1734, 21189}, {2254, 17420}, {4017, 4041}, {4524, 7250}, {17496, 20293}
X(656) = isogonal conjugate of X(162)
X(656) = isotomic conjugate of X(811)
X(656) = complement of X(7253)
X(656) = anticomplement of X(8062)
X(656) = polar conjugate of X(823)
X(656) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2713, 14956}, {7016, 34188}, {7105, 33650}, {7106, 37781}
X(656) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 34591}, {42, 5514}, {56, 34589}, {65, 124}, {73, 123}, {108, 34831}, {109, 960}, {213, 13609}, {228, 40616}, {603, 34588}, {604, 4858}, {651, 21246}, {658, 21240}, {934, 3741}, {1020, 141}, {1042, 11}, {1106, 244}, {1254, 125}, {1262, 4369}, {1275, 42327}, {1400, 26932}, {1402, 1146}, {1407, 17761}, {1409, 16596}, {1410, 2968}, {1415, 5745}, {1425, 34846}, {1427, 116}, {1461, 3739}, {1918, 35508}, {3122, 34530}, {3668, 21252}, {4017, 46100}, {4551, 1329}, {4552, 21244}, {4559, 3452}, {4565, 21233}, {4566, 2887}, {4605, 21245}, {4617, 17050}, {6354, 21253}, {6614, 3742}, {7045, 512}, {7128, 30476}, {7138, 122}, {7143, 8286}, {23067, 34823}, {23979, 14838}, {24027, 523}, {24033, 520}, {32674, 6708}, {32714, 34830}, {36059, 34851}, {37755, 127}
X(656) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2632}, {2, 34591}, {3, 7004}, {63, 3708}, {69, 3942}, {72, 18210}, {75, 20902}, {90, 2611}, {91, 1109}, {92, 37754}, {100, 18673}, {109, 2292}, {162, 1}, {163, 38}, {190, 18674}, {307, 4466}, {521, 520}, {522, 523}, {525, 8611}, {651, 18675}, {653, 2294}, {662, 48}, {799, 18671}, {811, 6508}, {823, 1953}, {905, 647}, {1018, 17441}, {1020, 37}, {1332, 3958}, {1577, 661}, {1751, 2170}, {4025, 525}, {4551, 73}, {4566, 37755}, {4575, 44706}, {4592, 63}, {7093, 4128}, {7094, 21340}, {8769, 2643}, {14208, 24018}, {14837, 6587}, {17072, 23301}, {23067, 201}, {23604, 3120}, {36034, 1725}, {36036, 1959}, {36037, 758}, {36048, 25080}, {36050, 2650}, {36084, 8766}, {39946, 17476}, {43724, 1364}
X(656) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9392}, {125, 201}, {810, 661}, {822, 24018}, {2632, 1}, {2643, 1820}, {3269, 37755}, {3708, 63}, {16573, 2}, {18210, 72}, {20975, 3949}, {22094, 3}, {37754, 92}
X(656) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2629}, {3, 22156}, {810, 822}
X(656) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 162}, {2, 4566}, {3, 23067}, {10, 4551}, {63, 4592}, {75, 662}, {100, 1257}, {521, 522}, {525, 17094}, {823, 40440}, {905, 4025}, {1020, 1439}, {1331, 1794}, {1577, 14208}, {1822, 1823}, {2169, 4575}
X(656) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 656}, {2, 17498}, {6, 21789}, {25, 43925}, {31, 661}, {58, 3737}, {81, 16751}, {108, 109}, {163, 32676}, {513, 1104}, {652, 14547}, {663, 1195}, {1021, 4183}, {1577, 20883}, {1769, 1845}, {1783, 8750}, {1838, 7649}, {2355, 6591}, {2588, 2589}, {2631, 42074}
X(656) = trilinear pole of line {2631, 2632}
X(656) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {1, 19}
X(656) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for i in (21, 22, 74, 127)
X(656) = PU(21)-harmonic conjugate of X(1953)
X(656) = PU(22)-harmonic conjugate of X(48)
X(656) = PU(74)-harmonic conjugate of X(2173)
X(656) = trilinear product of PU(75)
X(656) = trilinear pole of PU(75) (line X(2631)X(2632))
X(656) = PU(127)-harmonic conjugate of X(19)
X(656) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(1),X(63)}
X(656) = intersection of trilinear polars of X(1) and X(63)
X(656) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(823) (line X(1)X(29))
X(656) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(823)
X(656) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(163)
X(656) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(648)
X(656) = center of conic {A,B,C,X(1021),X(2765)} (the isogonal conjugate of line X(108)X(109))
X(656) = trilinear square root of X(2632)
X(656) = barycentric square root of X(3269)
X(656) = circle-{X(11),X(36),X(65)}}-inverse of X(36035)
X(656) = {X(2588),X(2599)}-harmonic conjugate of X(36035)
X(656) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 162}, {2, 112}, {3, 107}, {4, 110}, {5, 933}, {6, 648}, {15, 36306}, {16, 36309}, {19, 662}, {20, 1301}, {21, 108}, {22, 1289}, {23, 935}, {24, 925}, {25, 99}, {26, 1288}, {27, 101}, {28, 100}, {29, 109}, {30, 1304}, {31, 811}, {32, 6331}, {33, 1414}, {34, 643}, {39, 42396}, {48, 823}, {51, 18831}, {53, 18315}, {54, 35360}, {56, 36797}, {58, 1897}, {63, 24019}, {69, 32713}, {74, 4240}, {75, 32676}, {81, 1783}, {83, 35325}, {86, 8750}, {92, 163}, {94, 14591}, {98, 4230}, {102, 7452}, {103, 4241}, {104, 4246}, {105, 4238}, {111, 4235}, {158, 4575}, {184, 6528}, {186, 476}, {190, 1474}, {216, 16813}, {217, 42405}, {225, 4636}, {230, 32697}, {232, 2966}, {237, 22456}, {240, 36084}, {249, 2501}, {250, 523}, {251, 41676}, {255, 36126}, {264, 1576}, {270, 4551}, {275, 1625}, {278, 5546}, {281, 4565}, {283, 36127}, {284, 653}, {286, 692}, {288, 35318}, {297, 2715}, {317, 32734}, {324, 14586}, {325, 32696}, {333, 32674}, {340, 14560}, {376, 9064}, {378, 1302}, {382, 33640}, {393, 4558}, {394, 6529}, {403, 10420}, {405, 36077}, {415, 2701}, {419, 805}, {422, 2703}, {423, 2702}, {425, 2714}, {427, 827}, {428, 7953}, {430, 6578}, {436, 1303}, {441, 32687}, {450, 2713}, {458, 26714}, {460, 10425}, {461, 5545}, {462, 10410}, {463, 10409}, {467, 32692}, {468, 691}, {470, 5995}, {471, 5994}, {472, 16807}, {473, 16806}, {477, 7480}, {511, 685}, {512, 18020}, {513, 5379}, {520, 32230}, {525, 23964}, {571, 30450}, {577, 15352}, {607, 4573}, {608, 645}, {644, 1396}, {647, 23582}, {651, 1172}, {656, 24000}, {658, 2332}, {664, 2299}, {668, 2203}, {670, 1974}, {675, 4249}, {687, 3003}, {689, 27369}, {759, 4242}, {798, 46254}, {799, 1973}, {810, 23999}, {813, 31905}, {825, 31909}, {833, 17520}, {842, 7473}, {856, 36068}, {857, 36071}, {858, 10423}, {859, 1309}, {860, 36069}, {862, 36066}, {877, 1976}, {892, 44102}, {901, 37168}, {907, 6995}, {915, 3658}, {917, 4243}, {919, 15149}, {927, 37908}, {930, 3518}, {931, 4185}, {934, 4183}, {1010, 32691}, {1016, 43925}, {1020, 2326}, {1021, 7128}, {1096, 4592}, {1101, 24006}, {1105, 1624}, {1113, 1114}, {1173, 35311}, {1176, 46151}, {1235, 4630}, {1252, 17925}, {1262, 17926}, {1286, 21213}, {1287, 21284}, {1290, 2074}, {1291, 37943}, {1292, 4233}, {1293, 4248}, {1295, 7435}, {1296, 4232}, {1297, 2409}, {1299, 30512}, {1300, 15329}, {1306, 5200}, {1310, 4206}, {1311, 7463}, {1325, 2766}, {1331, 8747}, {1332, 5317}, {1333, 6335}, {1370, 39417}, {1395, 7257}, {1398, 7256}, {1415, 31623}, {1435, 7259}, {1461, 2322}, {1494, 23347}, {1495, 16077}, {1503, 44770}, {1585, 39383}, {1586, 39384}, {1634, 32085}, {1725, 36114}, {1748, 36145}, {1784, 36034}, {1813, 8748}, {1817, 40117}, {1822, 2587}, {1823, 2586}, {1826, 4556}, {1839, 4629}, {1843, 4577}, {1880, 4612}, {1884, 6083}, {1896, 36059}, {1951, 41207}, {1959, 36104}, {1968, 43188}, {1981, 2249}, {1989, 14590}, {1990, 44769}, {1995, 30247}, {2052, 32661}, {2071, 22239}, {2073, 2690}, {2075, 2689}, {2159, 24001}, {2165, 41679}, {2189, 4552}, {2190, 2617}, {2194, 18026}, {2201, 4584}, {2202, 41206}, {2204, 4554}, {2207, 4563}, {2211, 43187}, {2212, 4625}, {2222, 17515}, {2287, 32714}, {2303, 36099}, {2328, 36118}, {2333, 4610}, {2355, 4596}, {2374, 11634}, {2407, 8749}, {2420, 16080}, {2421, 6531}, {2445, 35140}, {2485, 44183}, {2489, 4590}, {2491, 41174}, {2576, 2581}, {2577, 2580}, {2633, 9390}, {2687, 37966}, {2691, 37963}, {2693, 31510}, {2696, 37962}, {2697, 37937}, {2752, 7476}, {2770, 7482}, {2881, 39297}, {2965, 38342}, {2967, 41173}, {2971, 31614}, {3135, 39418}, {3146, 44060}, {3163, 34568}, {3168, 44828}, {3172, 44326}, {3194, 13138}, {3222, 11325}, {3260, 32715}, {3267, 41937}, {3284, 15459}, {3447, 30716}, {3542, 13398}, {3559, 36082}, {3563, 4226}, {3565, 6353}, {3580, 32708}, {3733, 15742}, {3737, 7012}, {4143, 23975}, {4184, 26705}, {4186, 8690}, {4221, 9107}, {4222, 34594}, {4225, 26704}, {4227, 9058}, {4228, 26706}, {4234, 9088}, {4236, 15344}, {4237, 9085}, {4244, 26703}, {4247, 9059}, {4559, 46103}, {4560, 7115}, {4567, 6591}, {4570, 7649}, {4574, 36419}, {4591, 8756}, {4599, 17442}, {4603, 7119}, {4609, 44162}, {4611, 13854}, {4614, 5338}, {4616, 7071}, {4628, 17171}, {4637, 7079}, {5064, 7954}, {5094, 11636}, {5095, 34574}, {5467, 17983}, {5468, 8753}, {5649, 6103}, {6011, 13739}, {6149, 36129}, {6198, 13486}, {6530, 43754}, {6620, 35575}, {7252, 46102}, {7419, 32704}, {7426, 10098}, {7431, 9057}, {7436, 9056}, {7450, 32706}, {7468, 40118}, {7469, 10101}, {7471, 32710}, {7472, 40119}, {7488, 20626}, {7493, 39382}, {8057, 15384}, {8105, 39298}, {8106, 39299}, {8541, 35138}, {8652, 31902}, {8693, 31926}, {8694, 31903}, {8701, 31900}, {8737, 17402}, {8738, 17403}, {8739, 23895}, {8740, 23896}, {8743, 44766}, {8744, 17708}, {8766, 36092}, {8772, 36105}, {8882, 14570}, {8884, 23181}, {9060, 10295}, {9070, 14015}, {9091, 15014}, {9409, 42308}, {10096, 13863}, {10301, 12074}, {10312, 11794}, {10411, 18384}, {10594, 43351}, {10641, 32037}, {10642, 32036}, {11064, 32695}, {11101, 30250}, {11103, 36076}, {11107, 26700}, {11413, 30249}, {12030, 37964}, {12092, 16868}, {13366, 33513}, {13397, 30733}, {13450, 15958}, {13573, 40596}, {13589, 39439}, {13619, 16166}, {13621, 30248}, {14004, 43076}, {14006, 29055}, {14013, 28847}, {14052, 33803}, {14165, 32662}, {14206, 36131}, {14574, 18022}, {14587, 23290}, {14618, 23357}, {14776, 17139}, {14910, 16237}, {14953, 40116}, {14966, 16081}, {15164, 44124}, {15165, 44123}, {15388, 33294}, {15411, 23985}, {16049, 40097}, {17562, 43356}, {17569, 30664}, {17927, 17940}, {17932, 34854}, {17938, 17984}, {17939, 17987}, {17941, 17980}, {17943, 17982}, {17944, 17981}, {18669, 36095}, {18829, 44089}, {18878, 44084}, {19118, 35136}, {20031, 36212}, {20189, 34484}, {20883, 34072}, {23090, 23984}, {23353, 37142}, {23889, 36128}, {23997, 36120}, {26283, 30251}, {28196, 31901}, {28841, 31904}, {28856, 31914}, {28883, 31908}, {28891, 31921}, {30554, 31916}, {30555, 31925}, {30737, 32649}, {31912, 43077}, {32002, 32737}, {32320, 34538}, {32640, 46106}, {32646, 44436}, {32693, 44734}, {32729, 44146}, {32738, 44134}, {32739, 44129}, {34211, 43717}, {34397, 35139}, {35137, 44091}, {35188, 37855}, {35278, 40801}, {35324, 39284}, {35329, 38428}, {35330, 38427}, {36049, 41083}, {36841, 41489}, {38340, 41502}, {38936, 41512}, {39176, 39290}, {41363, 44767}, {41678, 41890}, {42658, 44181}, {44077, 46134}
X(656) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 525}, {3, 1577}, {4, 24018}, {6, 14208}, {7, 8611}, {9, 17094}, {10, 905}, {19, 3265}, {31, 3267}, {37, 4025}, {38, 4580}, {42, 15413}, {48, 850}, {63, 523}, {65, 6332}, {69, 661}, {71, 693}, {72, 514}, {73, 4391}, {75, 647}, {76, 810}, {77, 3700}, {78, 7178}, {81, 4064}, {82, 2525}, {88, 14429}, {92, 520}, {97, 2618}, {99, 3708}, {100, 4466}, {110, 20902}, {112, 17879}, {115, 4592}, {125, 662}, {162, 15526}, {163, 339}, {184, 20948}, {190, 18210}, {201, 4560}, {204, 14638}, {219, 4077}, {222, 4086}, {226, 521}, {228, 3261}, {255, 14618}, {264, 822}, {265, 32679}, {291, 24459}, {293, 2799}, {304, 512}, {305, 798}, {306, 513}, {307, 650}, {313, 22383}, {321, 1459}, {326, 2501}, {328, 2624}, {336, 3569}, {337, 21832}, {338, 4575}, {343, 2616}, {345, 4017}, {348, 4041}, {349, 1946}, {394, 24006}, {522, 1214}, {561, 3049}, {648, 2632}, {649, 20336}, {652, 1441}, {663, 1231}, {667, 40071}, {669, 40364}, {684, 1821}, {756, 15419}, {799, 20975}, {811, 3269}, {823, 2972}, {826, 34055}, {878, 46238}, {879, 1959}, {896, 14977}, {897, 14417}, {906, 21207}, {914, 3657}, {923, 45807}, {1018, 1565}, {1019, 3695}, {1020, 2968}, {1021, 6356}, {1042, 15416}, {1073, 17898}, {1089, 7254}, {1096, 4143}, {1109, 4558}, {1111, 4574}, {1254, 15411}, {1265, 7216}, {1331, 16732}, {1332, 3120}, {1400, 35518}, {1409, 35519}, {1439, 3239}, {1444, 4024}, {1494, 2631}, {1581, 24284}, {1725, 15421}, {1783, 17216}, {1790, 4036}, {1791, 21124}, {1796, 30591}, {1799, 8061}, {1807, 4707}, {1814, 4088}, {1820, 6563}, {1824, 30805}, {1826, 4131}, {1910, 6333}, {1924, 40050}, {1969, 39201}, {2166, 8552}, {2167, 6368}, {2169, 18314}, {2173, 34767}, {2181, 15414}, {2184, 8057}, {2197, 18155}, {2200, 40495}, {2292, 15420}, {2312, 2419}, {2318, 24002}, {2349, 9033}, {2524, 18832}, {2574, 2583}, {2575, 2582}, {2578, 22340}, {2579, 22339}, {2584, 2593}, {2585, 2592}, {2623, 18695}, {2642, 30786}, {2643, 4563}, {3125, 4561}, {3504, 20910}, {3669, 3710}, {3676, 3694}, {3682, 17924}, {3690, 7199}, {3709, 7182}, {3718, 7180}, {3737, 26942}, {3912, 10099}, {3916, 31010}, {3917, 18070}, {3937, 4033}, {3942, 3952}, {3949, 7192}, {3958, 4608}, {3990, 46107}, {3998, 7649}, {4049, 5440}, {4091, 41013}, {4171, 7056}, {4551, 26932}, {4552, 7004}, {4559, 17880}, {4566, 34591}, {4567, 21134}, {4705, 17206}, {4858, 23067}, {5486, 14209}, {6149, 14592}, {6334, 36053}, {6358, 23189}, {6390, 23894}, {6516, 21044}, {6528, 37754}, {6529, 24020}, {6587, 19611}, {7100, 7265}, {7253, 37755}, {8766, 43673}, {8767, 39473}, {9247, 44173}, {9255, 30476}, {9289, 17478}, {9390, 38240}, {9391, 35145}, {9392, 39352}, {9409, 33805}, {10097, 14210}, {14206, 14380}, {14213, 23286}, {14919, 36035}, {15412, 44706}, {15455, 22094}, {16186, 32680}, {17219, 21859}, {17434, 40440}, {17896, 41087}, {20571, 30451}, {20769, 35352}, {20879, 39180}, {22341, 46110}, {23616, 24000}, {23800, 40161}, {23994, 32661}, {24290, 31637}, {25098, 42027}, {27832, 44729}, {32676, 36793}, {35200, 41079}, {35522, 36060}, {36036, 41172}, {36037, 42761}, {36119, 41077}, {37220, 42665}, {39469, 46273}, {40152, 44426}
X(656) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 648}, {2, 811}, {3, 662}, {4, 823}, {6, 162}, {9, 36797}, {10, 6335}, {19, 107}, {25, 24019}, {30, 24001}, {31, 112}, {32, 32676}, {37, 1897}, {38, 41676}, {42, 1783}, {47, 41679}, {48, 110}, {63, 99}, {65, 653}, {69, 799}, {71, 100}, {72, 190}, {73, 651}, {75, 6331}, {77, 4573}, {78, 645}, {82, 42396}, {91, 30450}, {92, 6528}, {99, 46254}, {101, 5379}, {112, 24000}, {115, 24006}, {125, 1577}, {158, 15352}, {162, 23582}, {163, 250}, {184, 163}, {201, 4552}, {212, 5546}, {213, 8750}, {216, 2617}, {219, 643}, {222, 1414}, {226, 18026}, {228, 101}, {244, 17925}, {248, 36084}, {255, 4558}, {265, 32680}, {283, 4612}, {287, 36036}, {293, 2966}, {295, 4584}, {296, 41206}, {304, 670}, {305, 4602}, {306, 668}, {307, 4554}, {326, 4563}, {332, 4631}, {336, 43187}, {337, 4639}, {339, 20948}, {345, 7257}, {348, 4625}, {393, 36126}, {394, 4592}, {512, 19}, {513, 27}, {514, 286}, {520, 63}, {521, 333}, {522, 31623}, {523, 92}, {525, 75}, {577, 4575}, {603, 4565}, {647, 1}, {648, 23999}, {649, 28}, {650, 29}, {652, 21}, {654, 17515}, {657, 4183}, {659, 31905}, {661, 4}, {662, 18020}, {663, 1172}, {667, 1474}, {669, 1973}, {672, 4238}, {684, 1959}, {686, 1725}, {693, 44129}, {774, 41678}, {798, 25}, {810, 6}, {822, 3}, {826, 20883}, {850, 1969}, {851, 1981}, {878, 1910}, {879, 1821}, {895, 36085}, {896, 4235}, {905, 86}, {906, 4570}, {910, 4241}, {924, 1748}, {1018, 15742}, {1042, 32714}, {1096, 6529}, {1109, 14618}, {1176, 4599}, {1177, 36095}, {1214, 664}, {1231, 4572}, {1245, 36099}, {1260, 7259}, {1265, 7258}, {1331, 4567}, {1332, 4600}, {1400, 108}, {1402, 32674}, {1409, 109}, {1410, 1461}, {1425, 1020}, {1427, 36118}, {1437, 4556}, {1439, 658}, {1444, 4610}, {1459, 81}, {1491, 31909}, {1562, 17898}, {1565, 7199}, {1577, 264}, {1635, 37168}, {1637, 1784}, {1725, 16237}, {1755, 4230}, {1796, 4596}, {1797, 4622}, {1799, 4593}, {1820, 925}, {1821, 22456}, {1822, 39298}, {1823, 39299}, {1880, 36127}, {1910, 685}, {1919, 2203}, {1924, 1974}, {1937, 41207}, {1946, 284}, {1953, 35360}, {1959, 877}, {1964, 35325}, {1973, 32713}, {1976, 36104}, {1989, 36129}, {2083, 1632}, {2084, 1843}, {2148, 933}, {2153, 36306}, {2154, 36309}, {2155, 1301}, {2156, 1289}, {2157, 935}, {2158, 1288}, {2159, 1304}, {2167, 18831}, {2169, 18315}, {2173, 4240}, {2182, 7452}, {2183, 4246}, {2190, 16813}, {2193, 4636}, {2197, 4551}, {2200, 692}, {2215, 36077}, {2225, 4249}, {2245, 4242}, {2247, 7473}, {2250, 1309}, {2252, 3658}, {2253, 4243}, {2254, 15149}, {2281, 32691}, {2310, 17926}, {2312, 2409}, {2314, 30512}, {2315, 15329}, {2318, 644}, {2349, 16077}, {2351, 36145}, {2357, 40117}, {2395, 36120}, {2433, 36119}, {2451, 1957}, {2484, 4206}, {2489, 1096}, {2501, 158}, {2519, 33781}, {2522, 1010}, {2523, 25526}, {2524, 1740}, {2525, 1930}, {2530, 17171}, {2574, 2581}, {2575, 2580}, {2578, 1114}, {2579, 1113}, {2582, 15165}, {2583, 15164}, {2584, 8116}, {2585, 8115}, {2610, 860}, {2616, 275}, {2618, 324}, {2623, 2190}, {2624, 186}, {2629, 39062}, {2631, 30}, {2632, 525}, {2638, 23090}, {2642, 468}, {2643, 2501}, {2799, 40703}, {2962, 38342}, {2972, 24018}, {2987, 36105}, {3005, 17442}, {3049, 31}, {3063, 2299}, {3064, 1896}, {3120, 17924}, {3122, 6591}, {3123, 17921}, {3125, 7649}, {3248, 43925}, {3265, 304}, {3267, 561}, {3270, 1021}, {3287, 14006}, {3289, 23997}, {3292, 23889}, {3569, 240}, {3657, 37203}, {3668, 13149}, {3682, 1332}, {3690, 1018}, {3692, 7256}, {3694, 3699}, {3695, 4033}, {3700, 318}, {3708, 523}, {3709, 33}, {3710, 646}, {3737, 46103}, {3777, 31917}, {3900, 2322}, {3937, 1019}, {3942, 7192}, {3949, 3952}, {3958, 4427}, {3990, 1331}, {3998, 4561}, {4017, 278}, {4020, 1634}, {4024, 41013}, {4025, 274}, {4041, 281}, {4055, 906}, {4064, 321}, {4077, 331}, {4079, 1824}, {4086, 7017}, {4088, 46108}, {4091, 1444}, {4120, 38462}, {4131, 17206}, {4171, 7046}, {4391, 44130}, {4394, 4248}, {4435, 14024}, {4455, 2201}, {4466, 693}, {4516, 3064}, {4524, 7079}, {4551, 46102}, {4558, 24041}, {4559, 7012}, {4561, 4601}, {4563, 24037}, {4574, 765}, {4575, 249}, {4580, 3112}, {4592, 4590}, {4642, 17906}, {4705, 1826}, {4724, 31926}, {4730, 8756}, {4782, 31912}, {4784, 31904}, {4790, 31903}, {4813, 31902}, {4832, 5338}, {4841, 5342}, {4979, 31900}, {4983, 1839}, {5486, 37217}, {5489, 20902}, {6129, 41083}, {6149, 14590}, {6332, 314}, {6333, 46238}, {6368, 14213}, {6390, 24039}, {6516, 4620}, {6529, 24021}, {6587, 1895}, {6591, 8747}, {6676, 18063}, {7004, 4560}, {7015, 4603}, {7019, 7260}, {7053, 4637}, {7056, 4635}, {7117, 3737}, {7177, 4616}, {7178, 273}, {7180, 34}, {7216, 1119}, {7234, 7119}, {7250, 1435}, {7252, 270}, {7254, 757}, {7767, 18062}, {8057, 18750}, {8061, 427}, {8105, 2587}, {8106, 2586}, {8611, 8}, {8641, 2332}, {8672, 5307}, {8673, 1760}, {8766, 34211}, {9033, 14206}, {9178, 36128}, {9247, 1576}, {9255, 43188}, {9391, 8680}, {9392, 15351}, {9404, 11107}, {9406, 23347}, {9409, 2173}, {9508, 423}, {9517, 16568}, {10097, 897}, {10099, 673}, {10547, 34072}, {14208, 76}, {14209, 11185}, {14220, 36102}, {14380, 2349}, {14401, 1099}, {14417, 14210}, {14429, 4358}, {14533, 36134}, {14582, 2166}, {14908, 36142}, {14910, 36114}, {14977, 46277}, {15412, 40440}, {15413, 310}, {15419, 873}, {15451, 1953}, {15526, 14208}, {16186, 32679}, {16318, 24024}, {16562, 30716}, {16573, 8062}, {16732, 46107}, {16758, 17215}, {16892, 16747}, {17094, 85}, {17206, 4623}, {17216, 15413}, {17418, 44734}, {17434, 44706}, {17438, 35311}, {17441, 3732}, {17442, 46151}, {17478, 9308}, {17879, 3267}, {17898, 15466}, {18070, 46104}, {18187, 21178}, {18210, 514}, {18344, 8748}, {18673, 14543}, {18675, 14544}, {18877, 36034}, {19611, 44326}, {20336, 1978}, {20727, 3888}, {20902, 850}, {20948, 18022}, {20975, 661}, {21044, 44426}, {21046, 4036}, {21107, 3673}, {21134, 16732}, {21789, 2326}, {21828, 1870}, {21832, 242}, {22061, 4579}, {22073, 3909}, {22076, 3882}, {22080, 35342}, {22084, 16751}, {22089, 1958}, {22090, 27644}, {22092, 18792}, {22094, 14838}, {22143, 2644}, {22156, 39054}, {22159, 33760}, {22341, 1813}, {22373, 20981}, {22381, 34071}, {22383, 58}, {22443, 13588}, {23067, 4564}, {23090, 1098}, {23189, 2185}, {23216, 1924}, {23224, 1790}, {23226, 40214}, {23286, 2167}, {23503, 11325}, {23616, 17879}, {23620, 1633}, {23894, 17983}, {23928, 17914}, {24006, 2052}, {24018, 69}, {24019, 32230}, {24020, 4143}, {24031, 15411}, {24284, 1966}, {24290, 1861}, {24459, 350}, {25098, 33296}, {26932, 18155}, {30451, 47}, {30572, 37790}, {30574, 37805}, {32320, 255}, {32661, 1101}, {32676, 23964}, {32679, 340}, {34055, 4577}, {34212, 8767}, {34591, 7253}, {34767, 33805}, {34980, 822}, {35200, 44769}, {35518, 28660}, {36035, 46106}, {36036, 41174}, {36051, 32697}, {36053, 687}, {36054, 283}, {36058, 4591}, {36060, 691}, {36061, 39295}, {36062, 30528}, {36119, 15459}, {36126, 34538}, {36214, 37134}, {37754, 520}, {37755, 4566}, {39201, 48}, {39469, 1755}, {40071, 6386}, {40152, 6516}, {40352, 36131}, {40364, 4609}, {40440, 42405}, {41087, 13138}, {42080, 32320}, {42658, 610}, {42665, 18669}, {42667, 2576}, {42668, 2577}, {42669, 23353}, {42761, 36038}, {43717, 36092}, {43924, 1396}, {44706, 14570}, {46088, 2169}
X(656) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 7253, 8062}, {3, 23189, 23226}, {75, 20948, 17893}, {125, 22094, 7004}, {162, 2633, 24000}, {798, 8061, 661}, {1577, 17898, 24006}, {1577, 24006, 2618}, {2457, 23752, 7178}, {2588, 2589, 36035}, {2618, 36035, 24006}, {2642, 8061, 798}, {3269, 16573, 34591}, {7253, 8062, 45686}, {17898, 24006, 36035}
X(657) lies on these lines: 9,522 44,513 59,101 663,853
X(657) = midpoint of X(4130) and X(4827)
X(657) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {7, 21195}, {4171, 4130}, {17410, 4394}, {21127, 650}, {23748, 31605}
X(657) = isogonal conjugate of X(658)
X(657) = X(31)-complementary conjugate of X(14714)
X(657) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 24012}, {2, 14714}, {6, 3270}, {9, 2310}, {55, 3022}, {101, 55}, {190, 4319}, {220, 14936}, {282, 2638}, {650, 663}, {651, 2293}, {653, 4336}, {658, 1}, {1021, 3900}, {1783, 42}, {3732, 3938}, {3900, 4105}, {3939, 1253}, {6558, 200}, {7079, 3119}, {8750, 7071}, {21789, 8641}, {32641, 902}, {36049, 31}, {40523, 3688}, {44178, 7004}
X(657) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {3022, 55}, {4524, 3900}, {8641, 663}, {10581, 650}, {14936, 220}, {24012, 1}, {35508, 7071}, {36197, 1334}
X(657) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 658}, {6, 8750}, {9, 3939}, {55, 101}, {200, 6558}, {644, 1261}, {650, 3900}, {651, 2346}, {1021, 21789}, {1783, 4183}, {2287, 4578}
X(657) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 657}, {2, 4025}, {6, 44408}, {7, 514}, {57, 3676}, {77, 4091}, {354, 650}, {513, 40133}, {522, 23058}, {614, 649}, {651, 934}, {652, 20277}, {905, 1439}, {1020, 4566}, {1122, 3669}, {1427, 43932}, {1446, 24002}, {1638, 3321}, {7658, 9533}, {31605, 41785}, {39063, 43042}
X(657) = trilinear pole of line {3022, 14936}
X(657) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {1, 7}
X(657) = point of concurrence of trilinear polars of vertices of the intangents triangle
X(657) = bicentric difference of PU(104)
X(657) = PU(104)-harmonic conjugate of X(2293)
X(657) = perspector of circumconic through vertices of intangents triangle
X(657) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 658}, {2, 934}, {3, 13149}, {6, 4569}, {7, 651}, {8, 4617}, {9, 4626}, {10, 4637}, {37, 4616}, {42, 4635}, {55, 36838}, {56, 4554}, {57, 664}, {59, 24002}, {63, 36118}, {65, 4573}, {69, 32714}, {75, 1461}, {77, 653}, {81, 4566}, {85, 109}, {86, 1020}, {99, 1427}, {100, 279}, {101, 1088}, {103, 24015}, {108, 348}, {110, 1446}, {190, 269}, {222, 18026}, {226, 1414}, {241, 927}, {273, 1813}, {278, 6516}, {312, 6614}, {331, 36059}, {347, 37141}, {479, 644}, {513, 1275}, {514, 7045}, {552, 21859}, {555, 6733}, {604, 4572}, {646, 7023}, {648, 1439}, {655, 1443}, {657, 24011}, {662, 3668}, {666, 34855}, {668, 1407}, {673, 41353}, {693, 1262}, {738, 3699}, {757, 4605}, {799, 1042}, {883, 1462}, {948, 6183}, {1014, 4552}, {1016, 43932}, {1106, 1978}, {1111, 4619}, {1119, 1332}, {1170, 35312}, {1254, 4610}, {1292, 17093}, {1308, 37757}, {1310, 7365}, {1323, 37139}, {1331, 1847}, {1358, 31615}, {1400, 4625}, {1410, 6331}, {1415, 6063}, {1418, 6606}, {1426, 4563}, {1432, 6649}, {1434, 4551}, {1435, 4561}, {1441, 4565}, {1442, 38340}, {1458, 34085}, {1633, 30705}, {1783, 7056}, {1897, 7177}, {1996, 14074}, {2222, 17078}, {2283, 34018}, {3239, 24013}, {3261, 24027}, {3361, 4624}, {3669, 4998}, {3674, 36098}, {3676, 4564}, {3752, 6613}, {3900, 23586}, {3939, 23062}, {4000, 8269}, {4017, 4620}, {4025, 7128}, {4091, 24032}, {4131, 23984}, {4320, 37215}, {4350, 37206}, {4391, 7339}, {4397, 23971}, {4586, 7204}, {4600, 7216}, {4601, 7250}, {4612, 6046}, {4631, 7143}, {5249, 36048}, {6335, 7053}, {6610, 35157}, {6648, 24471}, {7176, 37137}, {7182, 32674}, {7183, 36127}, {7196, 29055}, {8059, 40702}, {9436, 36146}, {10509, 35338}, {13138, 14256}, {14733, 37780}, {17095, 26700}, {18750, 36079}, {22464, 37136}, {23973, 36101}, {23979, 40495}, {24016, 30807}, {24033, 30805}, {32668, 35517}, {32735, 40704}, {35326, 42311}, {37138, 42309}, {37143, 38459}, {38828, 39126}, {40933, 44326}
X(657) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 3900}, {6, 3239}, {7, 4105}, {8, 663}, {9, 650}, {10, 21789}, {11, 3939}, {21, 4041}, {31, 4397}, {33, 521}, {37, 1021}, {41, 4391}, {42, 7253}, {55, 522}, {56, 4163}, {57, 4130}, {59, 23615}, {71, 17926}, {75, 8641}, {78, 18344}, {81, 4171}, {86, 4524}, {88, 14427}, {100, 2310}, {101, 1146}, {106, 4528}, {109, 4081}, {190, 14936}, {200, 513}, {210, 3737}, {212, 44426}, {219, 3064}, {220, 514}, {244, 4578}, {256, 4477}, {259, 6730}, {281, 652}, {282, 14298}, {284, 3700}, {292, 4148}, {312, 3063}, {318, 1946}, {333, 3709}, {341, 667}, {346, 649}, {480, 3676}, {512, 1043}, {523, 2328}, {525, 2332}, {607, 6332}, {643, 4516}, {644, 2170}, {647, 2322}, {651, 3119}, {654, 36910}, {656, 4183}, {658, 35508}, {661, 2287}, {662, 36197}, {664, 3022}, {665, 6559}, {672, 28132}, {692, 24026}, {693, 1253}, {728, 3669}, {884, 3717}, {885, 2340}, {893, 4529}, {905, 7079}, {926, 14942}, {934, 24010}, {1015, 6558}, {1019, 4515}, {1024, 3693}, {1098, 4705}, {1110, 42455}, {1126, 4990}, {1156, 14392}, {1172, 8611}, {1252, 42462}, {1260, 7649}, {1261, 6615}, {1293, 4953}, {1318, 4543}, {1320, 4895}, {1331, 42069}, {1334, 4560}, {1392, 4959}, {1459, 7046}, {1461, 23970}, {1639, 2316}, {1783, 34591}, {1802, 17924}, {1826, 23090}, {1897, 3270}, {1973, 15416}, {2053, 4147}, {2175, 35519}, {2192, 8058}, {2194, 4086}, {2212, 35518}, {2254, 28071}, {2297, 40137}, {2320, 4814}, {2321, 7252}, {2327, 2501}, {2333, 15411}, {2342, 2804}, {2346, 6608}, {2364, 4944}, {2968, 8750}, {3121, 7258}, {3122, 7256}, {3125, 7259}, {3190, 23289}, {3261, 14827}, {3271, 3699}, {3445, 4546}, {3680, 4162}, {3689, 23838}, {3692, 6591}, {3716, 7077}, {3733, 4082}, {3887, 42064}, {4024, 7054}, {4025, 7071}, {4069, 18191}, {4079, 7058}, {4092, 4636}, {4435, 4876}, {4530, 5548}, {4569, 24012}, {4587, 8735}, {4765, 34820}, {4827, 25430}, {4845, 6366}, {4943, 33963}, {4976, 33635}, {5423, 43924}, {5514, 36049}, {5546, 21044}, {5547, 14432}, {6065, 21132}, {6362, 10482}, {6556, 8643}, {6602, 24002}, {6603, 23893}, {6605, 21127}, {6607, 21453}, {6726, 6728}, {6729, 6731}, {6745, 23351}, {7003, 10397}, {7037, 14302}, {7073, 35057}, {7101, 22383}, {7110, 9404}, {7367, 14837}, {10581, 32008}, {14331, 30457}, {14400, 15627}, {21666, 32656}, {23707, 30692}, {23978, 32739}, {33525, 40435}, {40779, 45755}
X(657) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4569}, {6, 658}, {8, 4572}, {9, 4554}, {19, 13149}, {21, 4625}, {25, 36118}, {31, 934}, {32, 1461}, {33, 18026}, {41, 651}, {42, 4566}, {55, 664}, {56, 4626}, {57, 36838}, {58, 4616}, {81, 4635}, {101, 1275}, {200, 668}, {212, 6516}, {213, 1020}, {220, 190}, {284, 4573}, {294, 34085}, {341, 6386}, {346, 1978}, {480, 3699}, {512, 3668}, {513, 1088}, {521, 7182}, {522, 6063}, {604, 4617}, {607, 653}, {649, 279}, {650, 85}, {652, 348}, {654, 17078}, {661, 1446}, {663, 7}, {667, 269}, {669, 1042}, {692, 7045}, {728, 646}, {788, 7204}, {798, 1427}, {810, 1439}, {910, 24015}, {926, 9436}, {934, 24011}, {1021, 274}, {1024, 34018}, {1043, 670}, {1098, 4623}, {1146, 3261}, {1253, 100}, {1260, 4561}, {1333, 4637}, {1334, 4552}, {1397, 6614}, {1459, 7056}, {1461, 23586}, {1500, 4605}, {1802, 1332}, {1919, 1407}, {1946, 77}, {1973, 32714}, {1980, 1106}, {2170, 24002}, {2175, 109}, {2194, 1414}, {2195, 927}, {2212, 108}, {2223, 41353}, {2287, 799}, {2293, 35312}, {2310, 693}, {2322, 6331}, {2327, 4563}, {2328, 99}, {2330, 6649}, {2332, 648}, {2340, 883}, {2484, 7365}, {2488, 10481}, {2638, 4131}, {3022, 522}, {3063, 57}, {3064, 331}, {3119, 4391}, {3121, 7216}, {3239, 76}, {3248, 43932}, {3270, 4025}, {3271, 3676}, {3287, 7196}, {3669, 23062}, {3700, 349}, {3709, 226}, {3716, 18033}, {3900, 75}, {3907, 7205}, {3939, 4998}, {4041, 1441}, {4079, 6354}, {4081, 35519}, {4082, 27808}, {4105, 8}, {4130, 312}, {4148, 1921}, {4162, 39126}, {4163, 3596}, {4171, 321}, {4183, 811}, {4391, 20567}, {4397, 561}, {4435, 10030}, {4477, 1909}, {4501, 7243}, {4515, 4033}, {4516, 4077}, {4524, 10}, {4528, 3264}, {4529, 1920}, {4578, 7035}, {4636, 7340}, {4827, 19804}, {4845, 35157}, {4990, 1269}, {5546, 4620}, {6056, 6517}, {6059, 36127}, {6139, 1323}, {6558, 31625}, {6559, 36803}, {6591, 1847}, {6602, 644}, {6607, 4847}, {6608, 20880}, {6729, 555}, {7054, 4610}, {7071, 1897}, {7079, 6335}, {7084, 8269}, {7118, 37141}, {7252, 1434}, {7253, 310}, {7259, 4601}, {7367, 44327}, {8551, 35341}, {8611, 1231}, {8638, 1458}, {8641, 1}, {8642, 4350}, {8645, 38459}, {8646, 4320}, {8648, 1443}, {8653, 3671}, {9404, 17095}, {9447, 1415}, {10482, 6606}, {10581, 142}, {14298, 40702}, {14392, 30806}, {14427, 4358}, {14827, 101}, {14936, 514}, {14942, 46135}, {15416, 40364}, {17115, 3673}, {17425, 6173}, {17926, 44129}, {18344, 273}, {18889, 37139}, {21007, 33765}, {21761, 6359}, {21789, 86}, {22108, 37757}, {22383, 7177}, {23090, 17206}, {23289, 15467}, {23615, 34387}, {23990, 4619}, {24010, 4397}, {24012, 3900}, {24026, 40495}, {28132, 18031}, {30706, 3732}, {32739, 1262}, {33525, 5249}, {33581, 36079}, {34591, 15413}, {34820, 4624}, {35072, 30805}, {35508, 3239}, {35519, 41283}, {36054, 7183}, {36197, 1577}, {39687, 4091}, {42064, 35171}, {42069, 46107}, {42462, 23989}, {43924, 479}
X(657) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {6, 6586, 1459}, {650, 652, 649}, {650, 3287, 17418}, {650, 9404, 652}, {650, 14298, 661}, {665, 20980, 43924}, {798, 2484, 649}, {3063, 3709, 663}, {3063, 33525, 17412}, {3709, 10581, 33525}, {4148, 4529, 4397}, {4171, 14427, 4130}, {4524, 8641, 4105}
X(658) lies on the curve CC9 and these lines: {1, 24012}, {2, 7056}, {7, 11}, {44, 41351}, {55, 31526}, {57, 673}, {63, 31627}, {64, 45239}, {77, 23707}, {85, 3306}, {86, 1439}, {88, 279}, {100, 664}, {108, 6183}, {109, 927}, {144, 17113}, {162, 1414}, {190, 1020}, {269, 37129}, {273, 43764}, {333, 37202}, {348, 5744}, {354, 9446}, {479, 5435}, {514, 37139}, {651, 1638}, {653, 13149}, {655, 24002}, {657, 24011}, {660, 43932}, {662, 1461}, {799, 4635}, {883, 3699}, {897, 3668}, {899, 41355}, {1042, 37132}, {1043, 40933}, {1097, 3182}, {1155, 14189}, {1262, 36087}, {1275, 3257}, {1407, 20332}, {1427, 37128}, {1434, 1446}, {1445, 23062}, {1447, 34855}, {1565, 13226}, {1821, 7196}, {1847, 37203}, {1897, 4025}, {2349, 17095}, {2898, 3474}, {2968, 18025}, {3218, 37780}, {3599, 10580}, {3732, 24015}, {3817, 10136}, {3911, 37131}, {4417, 7055}, {4551, 37138}, {4552, 4606}, {4605, 37212}, {4998, 43290}, {6172, 36888}, {6614, 36098}, {7013, 33673}, {7070, 45742}, {7182, 14829}, {7183, 40702}, {7339, 36094}, {7658, 23586}, {9057, 24016}, {9312, 17106}, {9358, 21104}, {9778, 31527}, {9812, 36620}, {13257, 28344}, {14837, 24013}, {15252, 45276}, {17277, 37214}, {17352, 30705}, {17605, 42386}, {17728, 30623}, {18240, 24203}, {23587, 23972}, {24009, 39156}, {27834, 27836}, {30988, 40593}, {32040, 44551}, {32714, 36099}, {37208, 41245}, {37650, 41356}, {38285, 43750}, {41798, 44005}
X(658) = reflection of X(13609) in X(40537)
X(658) = isogonal conjugate of X(657)
X(658) = isotomic conjugate of X(3239)
X(658) = anticomplement of X(13609)
X(658) = X(7339)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(31527)
X(658) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1275, 279}, {4569, 664}, {4616, 934}, {4635, 4569}, {4998, 17093}, {7045, 33765}, {23586, 7056}, {24011, 1}, {34085, 24015}, {36838, 4626}
X(658) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 24011}, {57, 7045}, {169, 7012}, {223, 24032}, {279, 1275}, {514, 7}, {650, 21453}, {651, 664}, {657, 1}, {905, 86}, {934, 4626}, {1020, 934}, {1445, 4564}, {1461, 36118}, {3008, 39293}, {3676, 1088}, {3732, 190}, {4025, 7056}, {4091, 77}, {4253, 59}, {4566, 4569}, {5435, 4998}, {7658, 2}, {9533, 23586}, {10015, 903}, {14282, 5558}, {14331, 34402}, {14543, 99}, {14837, 75}, {16572, 765}, {20521, 6384}, {21188, 273}, {21212, 7249}, {21390, 1476}, {23511, 7035}, {23730, 514}, {23799, 310}, {24002, 1434}, {24782, 40418}, {37681, 1016}, {39470, 18025}, {41800, 1268}
X(658) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 657}, {2, 4025}, {6, 44408}, {7, 514}, {57, 3676}, {77, 4091}, {354, 650}, {513, 40133}, {522, 23058}, {614, 649}, {651, 934}, {652, 20277}, {905, 1439}, {1020, 4566}, {1122, 3669}, {1427, 43932}, {1446, 24002}, {1638, 3321}, {7658, 9533}, {31605, 41785}, {39063, 43042}
X(658) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {799, 44326}, {4569, 36838}, {4616, 4635}
X(658) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {3022, 14936}
X(658) = trilinear pole of line {1, 7}
X(658) = trilinear pole wrt tangential triangle of line X(1)X(7)
X(658) = BSS(a^2→a) of X(107)
X(658) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 657}, {2, 8641}, {6, 3900}, {8, 3063}, {9, 663}, {21, 3709}, {31, 3239}, {32, 4397}, {33, 652}, {37, 21789}, {41, 522}, {42, 1021}, {55, 650}, {56, 4130}, {57, 4105}, {58, 4171}, {81, 4524}, {100, 14936}, {101, 2310}, {106, 14427}, {109, 3119}, {110, 36197}, {200, 649}, {210, 7252}, {212, 3064}, {213, 7253}, {219, 18344}, {220, 513}, {228, 17926}, {281, 1946}, {284, 4041}, {294, 926}, {341, 1919}, {346, 667}, {480, 3669}, {512, 2287}, {514, 1253}, {521, 607}, {604, 4163}, {644, 3271}, {647, 4183}, {651, 3022}, {656, 2332}, {658, 24012}, {661, 2328}, {665, 28071}, {692, 1146}, {693, 14827}, {728, 43924}, {798, 1043}, {810, 2322}, {884, 3693}, {893, 4477}, {904, 4529}, {905, 7071}, {906, 42069}, {934, 35508}, {943, 33525}, {949, 6182}, {1015, 4578}, {1024, 2340}, {1098, 4079}, {1110, 42462}, {1170, 6607}, {1174, 6608}, {1260, 6591}, {1334, 3737}, {1415, 4081}, {1459, 7079}, {1461, 24010}, {1783, 3270}, {1792, 2489}, {1802, 7649}, {1824, 23090}, {1857, 36054}, {1911, 4148}, {1974, 15416}, {2149, 23615}, {2170, 3939}, {2175, 4391}, {2192, 14298}, {2194, 3700}, {2212, 6332}, {2223, 28132}, {2291, 14392}, {2299, 8611}, {2316, 4895}, {2334, 4827}, {2346, 10581}, {2364, 4814}, {2488, 6605}, {3121, 7256}, {3122, 7259}, {3248, 6558}, {3676, 6602}, {3733, 4515}, {4435, 7077}, {4516, 5546}, {4528, 9456}, {4546, 38266}, {4631, 7063}, {4705, 7054}, {4953, 34080}, {4990, 28615}, {5514, 32652}, {6066, 40166}, {6129, 7367}, {6139, 41798}, {6366, 18889}, {6603, 23351}, {6726, 6729}, {7008, 10397}, {7046, 22383}, {7050, 40137}, {7073, 9404}, {7118, 8058}, {7123, 17115}, {7162, 17412}, {8638, 36796}, {8648, 36910}, {8750, 34591}, {9447, 35519}, {10482, 21127}, {11934, 40141}, {22108, 42064}, {23990, 42455}, {24026, 32739}, {30692, 32726}, {34526, 46006}
X(658) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4569}, {7, 664}, {8, 4626}, {9, 36838}, {10, 4616}, {37, 4635}, {56, 4572}, {57, 4554}, {63, 13149}, {65, 4625}, {69, 36118}, {75, 934}, {76, 1461}, {77, 18026}, {85, 651}, {86, 4566}, {99, 3668}, {100, 1088}, {108, 7182}, {109, 6063}, {190, 279}, {226, 4573}, {241, 34085}, {269, 668}, {273, 6516}, {274, 1020}, {304, 32714}, {312, 4617}, {321, 4637}, {331, 1813}, {348, 653}, {349, 4565}, {479, 3699}, {514, 1275}, {644, 23062}, {646, 738}, {655, 17078}, {662, 1446}, {670, 1042}, {693, 7045}, {789, 7204}, {799, 1427}, {811, 1439}, {927, 9436}, {1025, 34018}, {1106, 6386}, {1119, 4561}, {1254, 4623}, {1262, 3261}, {1323, 35157}, {1332, 1847}, {1407, 1978}, {1414, 1441}, {1415, 20567}, {1434, 4552}, {1443, 35174}, {1458, 46135}, {1509, 4605}, {1897, 7056}, {2481, 41353}, {3239, 23586}, {3596, 6614}, {3663, 6613}, {3673, 8269}, {3674, 6648}, {3676, 4998}, {3732, 30705}, {3900, 24011}, {4131, 24032}, {4397, 24013}, {4564, 24002}, {4601, 7216}, {4610, 6354}, {4619, 23989}, {4620, 7178}, {4624, 21454}, {4631, 7147}, {6335, 7177}, {6606, 10481}, {6649, 7249}, {7035, 43932}, {7055, 36127}, {7128, 15413}, {7196, 37137}, {7205, 29055}, {7339, 35519}, {7365, 37215}, {10004, 32040}, {14256, 44327}, {14615, 36079}, {14727, 41355}, {17093, 37206}, {17095, 38340}, {18025, 23973}, {21453, 35312}, {23984, 30805}, {24015, 36101}, {24016, 35517}, {24027, 40495}, {32041, 42309}, {35171, 38459}, {35338, 42311}, {36146, 40704}, {36908, 44326}, {37139, 37780}, {37141, 40702}, {37143, 37757}, {39293, 43042}
X(658) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 3900}, {2, 3239}, {6, 657}, {7, 522}, {8, 4163}, {9, 4130}, {11, 23615}, {27, 17926}, {31, 8641}, {34, 18344}, {37, 4171}, {42, 4524}, {44, 14427}, {55, 4105}, {56, 663}, {57, 650}, {58, 21789}, {59, 3939}, {65, 4041}, {75, 4397}, {77, 521}, {81, 1021}, {85, 4391}, {86, 7253}, {99, 1043}, {100, 200}, {101, 220}, {108, 33}, {109, 55}, {110, 2328}, {112, 2332}, {145, 4546}, {162, 4183}, {171, 4477}, {174, 6730}, {190, 346}, {222, 652}, {223, 14298}, {226, 3700}, {239, 4148}, {269, 513}, {273, 44426}, {278, 3064}, {279, 514}, {304, 15416}, {331, 46110}, {347, 8058}, {348, 6332}, {354, 6608}, {479, 3676}, {513, 2310}, {514, 1146}, {519, 4528}, {522, 4081}, {553, 4976}, {603, 1946}, {604, 3063}, {614, 17115}, {644, 728}, {646, 30693}, {648, 2322}, {649, 14936}, {650, 3119}, {651, 9}, {653, 281}, {655, 36910}, {657, 35508}, {661, 36197}, {662, 2287}, {663, 3022}, {664, 8}, {666, 6559}, {668, 341}, {673, 28132}, {692, 1253}, {693, 24026}, {738, 3669}, {765, 4578}, {883, 3717}, {894, 4529}, {905, 34591}, {906, 1802}, {927, 14942}, {934, 1}, {1014, 3737}, {1016, 6558}, {1018, 4515}, {1020, 37}, {1025, 3693}, {1042, 512}, {1086, 42462}, {1088, 693}, {1106, 667}, {1111, 42455}, {1119, 7649}, {1122, 6615}, {1125, 4990}, {1155, 14392}, {1214, 8611}, {1254, 4705}, {1262, 101}, {1275, 190}, {1308, 42064}, {1317, 4543}, {1319, 4895}, {1323, 6366}, {1331, 1260}, {1332, 3692}, {1358, 21132}, {1388, 4959}, {1400, 3709}, {1407, 649}, {1410, 810}, {1412, 7252}, {1414, 21}, {1415, 41}, {1416, 884}, {1418, 21127}, {1420, 4162}, {1421, 11193}, {1427, 661}, {1429, 4435}, {1434, 4560}, {1435, 6591}, {1439, 656}, {1441, 4086}, {1442, 35057}, {1443, 3738}, {1446, 1577}, {1447, 3716}, {1449, 4827}, {1458, 926}, {1459, 3270}, {1461, 6}, {1462, 1024}, {1475, 10581}, {1633, 4319}, {1638, 33573}, {1783, 7079}, {1790, 23090}, {1813, 219}, {1847, 17924}, {1897, 7046}, {2003, 9404}, {2099, 4814}, {2260, 33525}, {2263, 6182}, {2283, 2340}, {2293, 6607}, {2635, 30692}, {2720, 2342}, {2999, 40137}, {3212, 4147}, {3239, 23970}, {3261, 23978}, {3663, 42337}, {3667, 4953}, {3668, 523}, {3669, 2170}, {3671, 4843}, {3674, 3910}, {3676, 11}, {3699, 5423}, {3732, 6554}, {3882, 3965}, {3888, 4073}, {3900, 24010}, {3911, 1639}, {3939, 480}, {3952, 4082}, {4017, 4516}, {4025, 2968}, {4032, 4140}, {4091, 35072}, {4131, 24031}, {4298, 29278}, {4306, 8676}, {4308, 8710}, {4320, 8678}, {4341, 15313}, {4350, 3309}, {4551, 210}, {4552, 2321}, {4554, 312}, {4556, 7054}, {4558, 2327}, {4559, 1334}, {4561, 1265}, {4564, 644}, {4565, 284}, {4566, 10}, {4567, 7259}, {4569, 75}, {4572, 3596}, {4573, 333}, {4592, 1792}, {4600, 7256}, {4601, 7258}, {4605, 594}, {4610, 7058}, {4616, 86}, {4617, 57}, {4619, 1252}, {4620, 645}, {4625, 314}, {4626, 7}, {4635, 274}, {4636, 6061}, {4637, 81}, {4654, 4820}, {4848, 44729}, {4998, 3699}, {5219, 4944}, {5222, 14330}, {5228, 45755}, {5435, 4521}, {5930, 14308}, {5932, 14302}, {6049, 4943}, {6063, 35519}, {6335, 7101}, {6354, 4024}, {6356, 4064}, {6357, 14400}, {6359, 8062}, {6516, 78}, {6517, 1259}, {6604, 44448}, {6613, 1222}, {6614, 56}, {6649, 7081}, {6733, 6726}, {7011, 10397}, {7023, 43924}, {7045, 100}, {7053, 1459}, {7056, 4025}, {7099, 22383}, {7125, 36054}, {7128, 1783}, {7175, 3287}, {7176, 3907}, {7177, 905}, {7178, 21044}, {7179, 4522}, {7181, 14432}, {7182, 35518}, {7185, 3810}, {7203, 18191}, {7204, 1491}, {7216, 3125}, {7223, 4474}, {7225, 4501}, {7250, 3122}, {7339, 109}, {7365, 6590}, {7370, 6729}, {7371, 6728}, {7649, 42069}, {7658, 13609}, {8059, 2192}, {8641, 24012}, {8750, 7071}, {9533, 7658}, {10481, 6362}, {13149, 92}, {13444, 16012}, {14256, 14837}, {14594, 3974}, {14733, 4845}, {14837, 5514}, {16727, 40213}, {17078, 3904}, {17082, 25128}, {17093, 4468}, {17096, 17197}, {17136, 6737}, {17206, 15411}, {18026, 318}, {18623, 14331}, {21132, 5532}, {21188, 6506}, {21272, 6736}, {21454, 4765}, {22464, 2804}, {23062, 24002}, {23067, 2318}, {23224, 2638}, {23703, 3689}, {23723, 34969}, {23788, 14010}, {23890, 6603}, {23971, 1461}, {23973, 516}, {23979, 32739}, {24002, 4858}, {24011, 4569}, {24013, 934}, {24015, 30807}, {24016, 103}, {24027, 692}, {24471, 17420}, {26700, 7073}, {30719, 4534}, {30725, 4530}, {30805, 23983}, {32651, 2259}, {32668, 911}, {32674, 607}, {32714, 19}, {32735, 2195}, {32739, 14827}, {33765, 17494}, {34036, 11934}, {34056, 23893}, {34085, 36796}, {34387, 23104}, {34496, 45743}, {34855, 2254}, {35312, 4847}, {35326, 8012}, {35338, 3059}, {35341, 45791}, {36048, 943}, {36049, 7367}, {36059, 212}, {36079, 64}, {36082, 7072}, {36086, 28071}, {36118, 4}, {36127, 1857}, {36141, 18889}, {36146, 294}, {36838, 85}, {36908, 6587}, {37139, 41798}, {37141, 282}, {37757, 30565}, {38340, 7110}, {38459, 3887}, {38859, 4040}, {39293, 36802}, {39771, 4542}, {41353, 518}, {41355, 42341}, {42309, 4762}, {43037, 14430}, {43041, 4124}, {43049, 38375}, {43290, 6555}, {43924, 3271}, {43932, 244}, {44408, 14714}, {44717, 4587}, {46107, 21666}, {46153, 3688}
X(658) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 9533, 7056}, {57, 1088, 33765}, {100, 35312, 664}, {354, 9446, 21453}, {479, 5435, 17093}, {934, 4566, 664}, {1439, 6359, 86}, {4573, 4616, 4637}, {13609, 40537, 2}
X(659) lies on these lines: {1, 891}, {2, 3837}, {3, 2826}, {10, 21722}, {11, 33311}, {23, 385}, {36, 6550}, {40, 2821}, {44, 513}, {56, 24097}, {75, 21439}, {88, 16505}, {100, 190}, {105, 676}, {145, 25574}, {244, 3248}, {291, 875}, {292, 665}, {512, 4040}, {514, 667}, {521, 13256}, {522, 4122}, {663, 4083}, {666, 34067}, {678, 38349}, {693, 4874}, {764, 2832}, {784, 8637}, {804, 1281}, {812, 3716}, {814, 4391}, {830, 4705}, {834, 2978}, {885, 8638}, {898, 4555}, {905, 3777}, {918, 8301}, {926, 1282}, {952, 19916}, {1001, 6009}, {1019, 6372}, {1022, 14422}, {1054, 6085}, {1280, 23834}, {1283, 6089}, {1376, 4925}, {1577, 29070}, {1734, 6004}, {1757, 6165}, {1769, 5075}, {1929, 18001}, {2517, 6133}, {2530, 14838}, {2533, 29051}, {2782, 19926}, {2785, 5592}, {2787, 3762}, {2802, 41191}, {2804, 13222}, {2808, 19921}, {2814, 38324}, {2827, 14664}, {2975, 24093}, {3004, 3733}, {3126, 19593}, {3218, 8661}, {3226, 23355}, {3667, 13252}, {3669, 23765}, {3709, 21389}, {3722, 4145}, {3737, 6371}, {3738, 13277}, {3751, 9032}, {3766, 39044}, {3803, 4490}, {3808, 4164}, {3835, 24719}, {3887, 4730}, {3900, 13165}, {4088, 6546}, {4093, 4132}, {4147, 28470}, {4155, 8298}, {4369, 21146}, {4380, 29328}, {4435, 8632}, {4449, 8643}, {4462, 29324}, {4474, 29236}, {4508, 14433}, {4560, 16695}, {4583, 8709}, {4707, 29102}, {4728, 44304}, {4750, 8650}, {4761, 29188}, {4762, 7662}, {4763, 25380}, {4765, 8662}, {4774, 29066}, {4775, 4794}, {4778, 4932}, {4785, 45673}, {4791, 29033}, {4802, 8655}, {4806, 20295}, {4824, 7234}, {4834, 6005}, {4885, 24747}, {4948, 31150}, {5027, 19580}, {5253, 24099}, {5276, 25808}, {6164, 14122}, {6363, 21173}, {6631, 9266}, {7265, 29106}, {8297, 24286}, {8424, 24141}, {8636, 29025}, {8648, 21132}, {8659, 24578}, {8660, 21222}, {8674, 38325}, {8712, 35683}, {9318, 24447}, {9451, 42341}, {10015, 29240}, {14296, 27855}, {14667, 15914}, {17930, 36066}, {17954, 18015}, {17990, 21391}, {19903, 28850}, {19915, 28915}, {20142, 28209}, {20316, 25636}, {21051, 21301}, {21053, 25638}, {21115, 28195}, {21201, 42670}, {21789, 29162}, {22379, 24126}, {23301, 26049}, {23569, 23650}, {23768, 43060}, {23815, 31288}, {23888, 30580}, {24193, 27846}, {24350, 24353}, {24488, 24499}, {24512, 25815}, {24666, 24768}, {24720, 31286}, {24721, 25381}, {25259, 29078}, {25299, 26033}, {25634, 33115}, {25686, 27293}, {26073, 26076}, {26114, 44451}, {27045, 31946}, {27167, 40086}, {27628, 28283}, {27648, 28241}, {27915, 27952}, {28373, 29274}, {28602, 31073}, {31209, 44429}, {33660, 33663}, {43051, 43924}
X(659) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 21385}, {100, 13266}, {649, 4724}, {663, 4498}, {3716, 4830}, {4040, 4063}, {4730, 6161}
X(659) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1960}, {2, 45314}, {3, 44805}, {649, 4782}, {667, 4401}, {693, 4874}, {764, 3960}, {876, 665}, {905, 6050}, {1022, 14422}, {1491, 650}, {2254, 9508}, {2517, 6133}, {2530, 14838}, {3777, 905}, {3801, 4142}, {4010, 3716}, {4367, 667}, {4458, 13246}, {4486, 27929}, {4728, 45666}, {4775, 4794}, {4784, 649}, {4800, 4448}, {4810, 4010}, {4879, 663}, {4948, 31150}, {20295, 4806}, {21146, 4369}, {21301, 21051}, {21343, 1}, {23765, 3669}, {23770, 676}, {23815, 31288}, {24097, 30725}, {24462, 17990}, {24719, 3835}, {24720, 31286}, {24721, 25381}, {31131, 28602}, {36848, 4763}, {38348, 8632}
X(659) = isogonal conjugate of X(660)
X(659) = isotomic conjugate of X(4583)
X(659) = complement of isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(21003)
X(659) = X(98)-Ceva conjugate of X(11)
X(659) = crosspoint of X(100) and X(105)
X(659) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,659), (9,926), (141,918), (291,876), (292,875), (513,518)
X(659) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {101, 20355}, {692, 39354}, {727, 149}, {3226, 21293}, {8709, 6327}, {8851, 33650}, {18793, 3448}, {20332, 150}, {27809, 21294}, {34077, 4440}
X(659) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 40623}, {39714, 21252}, {39979, 116}
X(659) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 40623}, {98, 11}, {99, 4366}, {100, 8299}, {190, 17475}, {238, 27846}, {242, 4124}, {513, 38348}, {660, 1}, {666, 6}, {812, 4435}, {874, 239}, {927, 6654}, {1026, 1279}, {1027, 513}, {1447, 27918}, {1929, 244}, {2665, 3248}, {3225, 21762}, {3512, 2170}, {3570, 2238}, {3572, 4367}, {3573, 238}, {7166, 3123}, {7168, 38986}, {7351, 7004}, {8709, 2}, {17930, 81}, {18793, 8054}, {37128, 1015}, {37207, 24512}, {40737, 38978}, {43747, 2310}
X(659) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4455, 8632}, {21832, 812}, {27846, 238}
X(659) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {665, 6373}, {4455, 21832}
X(659) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 660}, {57, 927}, {99, 37128}, {100, 105}, {190, 3226}, {238, 3573}, {239, 874}, {251, 919}, {812, 43041}, {3570, 33295}, {3733, 23355}, {17930, 40725}
X(659) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 659}, {6, 21003}, {9, 926}, {141, 918}, {291, 876}, {292, 875}, {512, 2238}, {513, 518}, {514, 20335}, {649, 3009}, {665, 40730}, {2284, 4557}, {3570, 18047}, {3952, 23354}, {4705, 20708}
X(659) = trilinear pole of line {27846, 38989}
X(659) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {1, 39}
X(659) = bicentric difference of PU(134)
X(659) = PU(134)-harmonic conjugate of X(8299)
X(659) = complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22155)
X(659) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 660}, {2, 813}, {6, 4562}, {31, 4583}, {37, 4584}, {38, 36081}, {42, 4589}, {56, 36801}, {75, 34067}, {100, 291}, {101, 335}, {109, 4518}, {110, 43534}, {190, 292}, {213, 4639}, {295, 1897}, {334, 692}, {337, 8750}, {513, 5378}, {651, 4876}, {664, 7077}, {666, 3252}, {668, 1911}, {694, 18047}, {741, 3952}, {756, 36066}, {765, 876}, {805, 1215}, {869, 41072}, {875, 7035}, {919, 40217}, {932, 41531}, {982, 8684}, {984, 30664}, {1016, 3572}, {1018, 37128}, {1237, 17938}, {1252, 4444}, {1492, 3864}, {1581, 4579}, {1922, 1978}, {2196, 6335}, {2276, 37207}, {2283, 33676}, {2295, 37134}, {2311, 4552}, {3573, 30663}, {3862, 4586}, {3903, 18787}, {3939, 7233}, {4033, 18268}, {4557, 18827}, {4559, 36800}, {4570, 35352}, {4572, 18265}, {6386, 14598}, {8709, 40155}, {18099, 46161}, {18829, 20964}, {18895, 32739}, {22116, 36086}, {33888, 39420}, {34071, 40848}, {35309, 39276}, {37135, 40794}, {40093, 40519}, {40936, 41209}
X(659) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 812}, {6, 3766}, {7, 4435}, {9, 43041}, {21, 7212}, {28, 24459}, {57, 3716}, {75, 8632}, {81, 4010}, {86, 21832}, {88, 4448}, {89, 4800}, {92, 22384}, {99, 39786}, {100, 27918}, {190, 27846}, {238, 514}, {239, 513}, {242, 905}, {244, 3570}, {256, 4107}, {257, 4164}, {269, 4148}, {274, 4455}, {291, 4375}, {292, 27855}, {350, 649}, {512, 30940}, {522, 1429}, {650, 1447}, {651, 4124}, {656, 31905}, {660, 35119}, {661, 33295}, {663, 10030}, {666, 38989}, {667, 1921}, {693, 1914}, {740, 1019}, {751, 4508}, {804, 40432}, {862, 15419}, {874, 1015}, {876, 4366}, {885, 34253}, {893, 14296}, {984, 23597}, {985, 4486}, {1022, 4432}, {1024, 39775}, {1027, 17755}, {1086, 3573}, {1284, 4560}, {1428, 4391}, {1509, 4155}, {1577, 5009}, {1635, 27922}, {1919, 18891}, {1929, 27929}, {1980, 44169}, {2201, 4025}, {2210, 3261}, {2238, 7192}, {2254, 6654}, {2401, 15507}, {2665, 27854}, {2786, 40767}, {3063, 18033}, {3248, 27853}, {3572, 39044}, {3669, 3685}, {3676, 3684}, {3733, 3948}, {3737, 16609}, {3747, 7199}, {3783, 4817}, {3808, 17743}, {3835, 34252}, {3960, 36815}, {3975, 43924}, {3985, 7203}, {4083, 39914}, {4367, 17493}, {4369, 18786}, {4433, 17096}, {4444, 8300}, {4465, 43928}, {4810, 25417}, {4830, 25430}, {6164, 27912}, {6632, 24193}, {6650, 38348}, {7193, 17924}, {7255, 18904}, {7649, 20769}, {8852, 27951}, {9508, 40725}, {14433, 37129}, {14599, 40495}, {14621, 30665}, {22383, 40717}, {24018, 34856}, {24685, 35348}
X(659) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4562}, {2, 4583}, {6, 660}, {9, 36801}, {31, 813}, {32, 34067}, {58, 4584}, {81, 4589}, {86, 4639}, {101, 5378}, {238, 190}, {239, 668}, {242, 6335}, {244, 4444}, {251, 36081}, {261, 36806}, {350, 1978}, {513, 335}, {514, 334}, {593, 36066}, {649, 291}, {650, 4518}, {661, 43534}, {663, 4876}, {665, 22116}, {667, 292}, {693, 18895}, {740, 4033}, {788, 3862}, {804, 3963}, {812, 75}, {874, 31625}, {876, 40098}, {905, 337}, {985, 37207}, {1015, 876}, {1019, 18827}, {1024, 33676}, {1178, 37134}, {1284, 4552}, {1428, 651}, {1429, 664}, {1447, 4554}, {1580, 18047}, {1691, 4579}, {1914, 100}, {1919, 1911}, {1921, 6386}, {1977, 875}, {1980, 1922}, {2201, 1897}, {2210, 101}, {2238, 3952}, {2254, 40217}, {3063, 7077}, {3125, 35352}, {3248, 3572}, {3250, 3864}, {3261, 44172}, {3570, 7035}, {3572, 30663}, {3573, 1016}, {3669, 7233}, {3684, 3699}, {3685, 646}, {3716, 312}, {3733, 37128}, {3737, 36800}, {3747, 1018}, {3766, 76}, {3783, 3807}, {3797, 4505}, {3808, 3662}, {3948, 27808}, {4010, 321}, {4063, 40093}, {4083, 40848}, {4093, 35309}, {4107, 1909}, {4124, 4391}, {4148, 341}, {4155, 594}, {4164, 894}, {4366, 874}, {4367, 30669}, {4375, 350}, {4378, 7245}, {4432, 24004}, {4433, 30730}, {4435, 8}, {4448, 4358}, {4455, 37}, {4465, 41314}, {4475, 23596}, {4486, 33931}, {4508, 3761}, {4760, 42721}, {4800, 4671}, {4810, 28605}, {4830, 19804}, {5009, 662}, {5027, 2295}, {5029, 40794}, {7192, 40017}, {7193, 1332}, {7212, 1441}, {7255, 40834}, {8299, 42720}, {8300, 3570}, {8632, 1}, {10030, 4572}, {14296, 1920}, {14433, 6381}, {14599, 692}, {14621, 41072}, {15507, 2397}, {16514, 3799}, {17475, 23354}, {17494, 40094}, {18786, 27805}, {18892, 32739}, {20769, 4561}, {20979, 41531}, {20981, 18787}, {21385, 40095}, {21832, 10}, {22383, 295}, {22384, 63}, {23597, 870}, {24193, 6545}, {24459, 20336}, {27846, 514}, {27855, 1921}, {27918, 693}, {27929, 20947}, {30654, 40790}, {30665, 3661}, {30940, 670}, {31905, 811}, {33295, 799}, {34252, 4598}, {34253, 883}, {34856, 823}, {35119, 3766}, {36815, 36804}, {38348, 6542}, {38367, 3009}, {38989, 918}, {39044, 27853}, {39786, 523}, {39914, 18830}, {40432, 18829}, {40495, 44170}, {40746, 30664}, {40767, 35148}, {41333, 4557}, {43041, 85}
X(659) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 1960, 25569}, {2, 3837, 30795}, {2, 26855, 27194}, {75, 21612, 21439}, {764, 14419, 3960}, {1635, 2246, 22108}, {1635, 2254, 9508}, {1635, 3768, 20331}, {1960, 21385, 21343}, {3716, 4010, 4800}, {4010, 4448, 3716}, {4448, 4830, 4810}, {4458, 13246, 4809}, {4724, 4782, 4784}, {4800, 4810, 4010}, {8632, 21832, 4435}, {13245, 13246, 45695}, {21343, 25569, 1}, {23770, 26275, 676}, {27015, 27075, 2}, {27294, 30025, 30865}, {31596, 31597, 45695}
X(660) lies on the curve CC9 and these lines: {2, 38989}, {9, 3252}, {42, 40796}, {43, 40155}, {44, 292}, {45, 24482}, {63, 39344}, {67, 37221}, {88, 291}, {100, 649}, {101, 1492}, {109, 8684}, {110, 4599}, {162, 35325}, {190, 513}, {238, 1911}, {239, 335}, {295, 4518}, {320, 334}, {337, 37214}, {512, 1016}, {651, 6163}, {653, 43923}, {658, 43932}, {662, 765}, {663, 9266}, {668, 37133}, {670, 37204}, {672, 36906}, {694, 43763}, {799, 3952}, {805, 8707}, {823, 46151}, {874, 23354}, {875, 4607}, {876, 3257}, {883, 34085}, {891, 4555}, {897, 46154}, {898, 1960}, {926, 36802}, {932, 40499}, {984, 25800}, {1026, 3572}, {1155, 14200}, {1156, 4876}, {1757, 2664}, {1821, 4645}, {2144, 27920}, {2235, 3862}, {2254, 36238}, {2284, 3573}, {2349, 46147}, {2580, 46166}, {2581, 46167}, {3570, 37207}, {3681, 24586}, {3699, 4598}, {3766, 36803}, {3903, 4613}, {4083, 6631}, {4436, 37212}, {4444, 37143}, {4551, 37137}, {4715, 7245}, {4767, 37209}, {5220, 22116}, {6005, 32094}, {6372, 32028}, {6633, 29350}, {7233, 43762}, {8701, 36066}, {9458, 37222}, {14621, 19586}, {17763, 24624}, {17944, 37140}, {18278, 43761}, {20072, 30669}, {20683, 40098}, {23691, 36100}, {27495, 40740}, {29936, 36256}, {32680, 46155}, {36085, 36827}, {37132, 46156}, {37134, 46161}, {37218, 43927}, {37220, 46165}, {40432, 40936}
X(660) = reflection of X(38989) in X(40538)
X(660) = isogonal conjugate of X(659)
X(660) = isotomic conjugate of X(3766)
X(660) = anticomplement of X(38989)
X(660) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {813, 39353}, {919, 39362}, {5377, 17794}, {5378, 20344}
X(660) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4584, 813}, {4589, 4562}, {5378, 291}, {36081, 34067}
X(660) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {291, 5378}, {511, 59}, {659, 1}, {665, 2}, {875, 292}, {876, 291}, {926, 3252}, {1026, 100}, {1027, 1280}, {1757, 765}, {2238, 1016}, {2664, 7035}, {3509, 4564}, {3570, 3903}, {3572, 37128}, {4447, 4998}, {6165, 513}, {6211, 7012}, {6373, 6}, {17990, 37}, {18788, 7045}, {20683, 1252}, {21391, 82}, {21830, 31625}, {24462, 75}
X(660) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 659}, {6, 21003}, {9, 926}, {141, 918}, {291, 876}, {292, 875}, {512, 2238}, {513, 518}, {514, 20335}, {649, 3009}, {665, 40730}, {2284, 4557}, {3570, 18047}, {3952, 23354}, {4705, 20708}
X(660) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {666, 8709}, {4584, 4589}, {37134, 41209}
X(660) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {665, 6373}, {4455, 21832}
X(660) = trilinear pole of line {1, 39}
X(660) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {27846, 38989}
X(660) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 659}, {2, 8632}, {4, 22384}, {6, 812}, {31, 3766}, {55, 43041}, {56, 3716}, {57, 4435}, {58, 4010}, {81, 21832}, {86, 4455}, {100, 27846}, {101, 27918}, {106, 4448}, {109, 4124}, {238, 513}, {239, 649}, {242, 1459}, {244, 3573}, {256, 4164}, {284, 7212}, {292, 4375}, {350, 667}, {512, 33295}, {514, 1914}, {520, 34856}, {522, 1428}, {523, 5009}, {647, 31905}, {650, 1429}, {662, 39786}, {663, 1447}, {665, 6654}, {693, 2210}, {739, 14433}, {740, 3733}, {757, 4155}, {798, 30940}, {804, 1178}, {813, 35119}, {874, 3248}, {875, 39044}, {876, 8300}, {884, 39775}, {893, 4107}, {904, 14296}, {905, 2201}, {983, 3808}, {985, 30665}, {1015, 3570}, {1019, 2238}, {1024, 34253}, {1027, 8299}, {1284, 3737}, {1407, 4148}, {1474, 24459}, {1874, 23189}, {1911, 27855}, {1919, 1921}, {1929, 38348}, {1960, 27922}, {1977, 27853}, {1980, 18891}, {2163, 4800}, {2276, 23597}, {2334, 4830}, {3063, 10030}, {3253, 6373}, {3261, 14599}, {3572, 4366}, {3669, 3684}, {3685, 43924}, {3747, 7192}, {4083, 34252}, {4367, 18786}, {4432, 23345}, {4433, 7203}, {4465, 23892}, {4486, 40746}, {4508, 30650}, {4817, 16514}, {5027, 32010}, {5029, 40725}, {6591, 20769}, {7193, 7649}, {7199, 41333}, {7252, 16609}, {9262, 27912}, {9508, 40767}, {17493, 20981}, {17755, 43929}, {17793, 23355}, {17962, 27929}, {18264, 20518}, {18892, 40495}, {20979, 39914}, {30654, 40738}, {32020, 38367}, {36086, 38989}
X(660) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4562}, {6, 4583}, {10, 4584}, {37, 4589}, {42, 4639}, {57, 36801}, {75, 813}, {76, 34067}, {100, 335}, {101, 334}, {141, 36081}, {181, 36806}, {190, 291}, {292, 668}, {295, 6335}, {337, 1783}, {514, 5378}, {594, 36066}, {644, 7233}, {651, 4518}, {662, 43534}, {664, 4876}, {666, 22116}, {692, 18895}, {741, 4033}, {765, 4444}, {789, 3862}, {805, 3963}, {875, 31625}, {876, 1016}, {932, 40848}, {984, 37207}, {1018, 18827}, {1025, 33676}, {1215, 37134}, {1581, 18047}, {1911, 1978}, {1916, 4579}, {1922, 6386}, {2276, 41072}, {2295, 18829}, {3570, 30663}, {3572, 7035}, {3573, 40098}, {3661, 30664}, {3662, 8684}, {3864, 4586}, {3903, 30669}, {3952, 37128}, {4551, 36800}, {4554, 7077}, {4557, 40017}, {4567, 35352}, {4598, 41531}, {5384, 23596}, {16587, 41209}, {18268, 27808}, {18787, 27805}, {32739, 44172}, {35148, 40794}, {36086, 40217}, {36803, 40730}
X(660) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 812}, {2, 3766}, {6, 659}, {9, 3716}, {31, 8632}, {37, 4010}, {42, 21832}, {44, 4448}, {45, 4800}, {48, 22384}, {55, 4435}, {57, 43041}, {65, 7212}, {72, 24459}, {99, 30940}, {100, 239}, {101, 238}, {109, 1429}, {162, 31905}, {163, 5009}, {171, 4107}, {172, 4164}, {190, 350}, {200, 4148}, {213, 4455}, {238, 4375}, {239, 27855}, {291, 514}, {292, 513}, {295, 905}, {334, 3261}, {335, 693}, {337, 15413}, {512, 39786}, {513, 27918}, {644, 3685}, {646, 4087}, {649, 27846}, {650, 4124}, {651, 1447}, {659, 35119}, {662, 33295}, {664, 10030}, {665, 38989}, {668, 1921}, {692, 1914}, {741, 1019}, {750, 4508}, {765, 3570}, {805, 40432}, {813, 1}, {875, 1015}, {876, 1086}, {894, 14296}, {899, 14433}, {906, 7193}, {932, 39914}, {984, 4486}, {985, 23597}, {1016, 874}, {1018, 740}, {1023, 4432}, {1025, 39775}, {1026, 17755}, {1252, 3573}, {1331, 20769}, {1415, 1428}, {1449, 4830}, {1500, 4155}, {1757, 27929}, {1783, 242}, {1911, 649}, {1922, 667}, {1978, 18891}, {2196, 1459}, {2275, 3808}, {2276, 30665}, {2283, 34253}, {2284, 8299}, {2295, 804}, {2311, 3737}, {2427, 15507}, {2664, 27854}, {2702, 40767}, {3252, 2254}, {3257, 27922}, {3570, 39044}, {3572, 244}, {3573, 4366}, {3699, 3975}, {3799, 3797}, {3862, 1491}, {3864, 824}, {3888, 33891}, {3903, 17493}, {3939, 3684}, {3952, 3948}, {3963, 14295}, {4033, 35544}, {4069, 3985}, {4169, 4783}, {4444, 1111}, {4482, 4495}, {4518, 4391}, {4551, 16609}, {4554, 18033}, {4557, 2238}, {4559, 1284}, {4562, 75}, {4579, 385}, {4583, 76}, {4584, 86}, {4589, 274}, {4639, 310}, {4645, 27951}, {4752, 4693}, {4876, 522}, {5378, 190}, {6163, 27912}, {6335, 40717}, {6386, 44169}, {7035, 27853}, {7077, 650}, {7233, 24002}, {7245, 4411}, {8684, 17743}, {8750, 2201}, {14598, 1919}, {16777, 4810}, {17735, 38348}, {18047, 1966}, {18265, 3063}, {18268, 3733}, {18787, 4369}, {18827, 7199}, {18895, 40495}, {18897, 1980}, {21003, 40623}, {21143, 24193}, {21801, 42767}, {21859, 7235}, {22116, 918}, {23343, 4465}, {24019, 34856}, {30663, 4444}, {30664, 14621}, {30669, 4374}, {30671, 4475}, {32739, 2210}, {34067, 6}, {34071, 34252}, {35342, 4974}, {35352, 16732}, {36066, 1509}, {36081, 83}, {36086, 6654}, {36800, 18155}, {36801, 312}, {36806, 18021}, {37128, 7192}, {37134, 32010}, {37135, 40725}, {37207, 870}, {37593, 4839}, {39026, 27943}, {40093, 20949}, {40095, 21606}, {40521, 4037}, {40730, 665}, {40794, 2786}, {40848, 20906}, {41531, 3835}, {43262, 4406}, {43534, 1577}
X(660) = {X(38989),X(40538)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2)
X(661) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangle of the conic {A, B, C, X(1), X(10)}}. (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(661) lies on the cubic K1005 and these lines: {1, 4160}, {2, 3572}, {4, 17926}, {6, 4833}, {9, 35354}, {10, 4761}, {11, 20974}, {31, 9256}, {37, 42768}, {38, 3805}, {44, 513}, {63, 8774}, {71, 3657}, {100, 2702}, {101, 1290}, {109, 9090}, {115, 2170}, {125, 1566}, {162, 36084}, {163, 32678}, {190, 35147}, {226, 4077}, {239, 40459}, {244, 3124}, {430, 23615}, {442, 14825}, {512, 4041}, {514, 693}, {522, 4502}, {523, 3700}, {525, 21124}, {647, 3709}, {662, 2644}, {663, 810}, {665, 2530}, {669, 4455}, {756, 3005}, {764, 14434}, {784, 23657}, {786, 1926}, {788, 2978}, {799, 27805}, {812, 17494}, {824, 25259}, {830, 1580}, {832, 3063}, {875, 25836}, {876, 25823}, {900, 4976}, {905, 27674}, {918, 3004}, {923, 36150}, {926, 2499}, {940, 18199}, {1011, 23864}, {1015, 38979}, {1019, 1931}, {1021, 2651}, {1022, 40434}, {1024, 1174}, {1084, 3123}, {1211, 6546}, {1213, 2490}, {1252, 14513}, {1459, 6588}, {1638, 28902}, {1639, 3837}, {1643, 6161}, {1734, 6005}, {1769, 6589}, {1901, 42462}, {1953, 8818}, {1960, 14438}, {1962, 9279}, {1980, 8633}, {2051, 40213}, {2149, 2222}, {2159, 36151}, {2171, 12077}, {2276, 24577}, {2292, 18015}, {2294, 17422}, {2310, 20975}, {2488, 40952}, {2520, 8641}, {2527, 14425}, {2533, 20486}, {2623, 21741}, {2640, 9395}, {2650, 2653}, {2786, 4467}, {3064, 24006}, {3136, 28143}, {3139, 33573}, {3309, 45755}, {3310, 6615}, {3667, 4765}, {3676, 28878}, {3716, 23656}, {3722, 21341}, {3733, 20472}, {3737, 5053}, {3738, 23650}, {3776, 21115}, {3777, 23738}, {3801, 21125}, {3907, 24534}, {3942, 8287}, {3952, 7239}, {4025, 28846}, {4049, 30588}, {4051, 23942}, {4063, 29807}, {4071, 4086}, {4083, 4490}, {4105, 6182}, {4106, 4382}, {4132, 4826}, {4148, 21302}, {4151, 4170}, {4155, 8663}, {4367, 5029}, {4374, 24622}, {4378, 14413}, {4379, 4885}, {4380, 4785}, {4411, 27485}, {4449, 17478}, {4453, 21212}, {4521, 4778}, {4534, 36637}, {4559, 35307}, {4560, 6002}, {4562, 7035}, {4581, 26080}, {4750, 4897}, {4763, 27013}, {4773, 39386}, {4775, 4895}, {4777, 4820}, {4802, 4944}, {4808, 7927}, {4815, 22044}, {4817, 26277}, {4874, 24674}, {4926, 4949}, {4927, 21116}, {4928, 26985}, {4932, 31209}, {4948, 45676}, {4984, 28217}, {5051, 5592}, {5701, 46125}, {5949, 40475}, {6075, 46101}, {6084, 23729}, {6545, 17056}, {6586, 43060}, {6587, 7178}, {6627, 41180}, {6791, 17058}, {7004, 23647}, {7199, 18154}, {7265, 23879}, {7668, 38990}, {8029, 12072}, {8054, 40623}, {8286, 38375}, {8635, 21005}, {8645, 23865}, {8689, 45673}, {8713, 14330}, {8819, 40628}, {9258, 17871}, {9810, 18200}, {10196, 25381}, {10933, 15526}, {11124, 22080}, {14437, 24457}, {14470, 29226}, {14936, 38389}, {15523, 21962}, {16546, 17799}, {17072, 25627}, {17435, 42753}, {17452, 24117}, {17893, 20440}, {18155, 23658}, {18197, 24900}, {18210, 36197}, {18591, 42769}, {18635, 23730}, {19584, 30584}, {20483, 20659}, {20508, 28006}, {20954, 29771}, {20980, 22383}, {21054, 23941}, {21117, 21141}, {21191, 29978}, {21232, 27071}, {21260, 23818}, {21272, 26794}, {21297, 26798}, {21301, 29051}, {21339, 38358}, {21604, 33946}, {21719, 21958}, {22043, 24083}, {22260, 23928}, {22382, 23695}, {23090, 30212}, {23466, 27014}, {23764, 38930}, {23897, 24119}, {24019, 36131}, {24103, 27042}, {24130, 26772}, {24459, 27731}, {24506, 45686}, {24562, 25924}, {24719, 29362}, {26049, 27345}, {26114, 27265}, {26777, 26853}, {27081, 31992}, {27440, 27451}, {27486, 28867}, {27575, 27587}, {27648, 27673}, {28225, 43061}, {28292, 38329}, {28374, 28398}, {29029, 33299}, {30061, 30094}, {31207, 31287}, {33570, 42438}, {35068, 35123}, {35069, 35129}, {37998, 38325}, {38347, 38390}, {40134, 43924}, {40619, 44312}
X(661) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {649, 4813}, {2978, 20983}, {3700, 4841}, {4010, 4824}, {4024, 4988}, {4041, 4822}, {4467, 44449}, {4705, 4983}, {7192, 31290}, {17494, 20295}, {25259, 45746}
X(661) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 45315}, {649, 650}, {693, 3835}, {1019, 14838}, {1577, 4129}, {1635, 4893}, {2254, 1491}, {2484, 2509}, {2533, 21051}, {3700, 14321}, {4010, 4806}, {4024, 3700}, {4041, 4705}, {4106, 4940}, {4122, 18004}, {4369, 25666}, {4382, 4106}, {4467, 21196}, {4728, 4776}, {4729, 4041}, {4730, 4770}, {4761, 10}, {4784, 9508}, {4789, 45661}, {4790, 4394}, {4804, 4010}, {4822, 4983}, {4838, 4024}, {4895, 4775}, {4897, 17069}, {4931, 4120}, {4932, 31286}, {4948, 45676}, {4979, 649}, {4988, 4841}, {6590, 3239}, {7192, 4369}, {7199, 42327}, {16892, 3004}, {21115, 44435}, {21116, 4927}, {21146, 3837}, {21834, 4079}, {23738, 3777}, {23755, 7178}, {31148, 2}, {40471, 3005}, {43067, 4885}
X(661) = isogonal conjugate of X(662)
X(661) = isotomic conjugate of X(799)
X(661) = complement of X(7192)
X(661) = anticomplement of X(4369)
X(661) = polar conjugate of X(811)
X(661) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,244), (162,31)
X(661) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (92,162), (513, 514)
X(661) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,661), (21,1021), (48,656), (81,1019), (100,101), (513,1100), (649,1193), (667,1197), (820,822)
X(661) = orthic-isogonal conjugate of X(2310)
X(661) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for these i: 23, 32, 35, 78, 81, 128
X(661) = PU(23)-harmonic conjugate of X(31)
X(661) = PU(32)-harmonic conjugate of X(1962)
X(661) = PU(35)-harmonic conjugate of X(38)
X(661) = barycentric product of PU(71)
X(661) = PU(78)-harmonic conjugate of X(896)
X(661) = trilinear product of PU(79)
X(661) = trilinear pole of PU(79) (line X(2642)X(2643))
X(661) = PU(81)-harmonic conjugate of X(2650)
X(661) = PU(128)-harmonic conjugate of X(63)
X(661) = perspector of the Stammler hyperbola wrt the excentral triangle
X(661) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(244), which is the hyperbola {A,B,C,X(1),X(10)}}
X(661) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(244)
X(661) = intersection of trilinear polars of X(1) and X(10)
X(661) = antigonal image of X(1338)
X(661) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(811) (line X(19)X(27))
X(661) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(811)
X(661) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(99)
X(661) = trilinear square root of X(2643)
X(661) = trilinear product X(6)*X(523)
X(661) = trilinear product X(37)*X(513)
X(661) = trilinear product X(4)*X(647)
X(661) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(115)X(125)
X(661) = trilinear product of Jerabek hyperbola intercepts of orthic axis
X(661) = trilinear product of Kiepert hyperbola intercepts of Lemoine axis
X(661) = barycentric product of Kiepert hyperbola intercepts of antiorthic axis
X(661) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {100, 30660}, {256, 150}, {257, 21293}, {805, 30941}, {893, 149}, {904, 4440}, {3573, 25332}, {3903, 69}, {4594, 17137}, {4603, 17135}, {7104, 9263}, {7260, 17138}, {27805, 6327}, {29055, 7}, {30670, 4441}, {32739, 30661}, {34067, 30662}, {37137, 3434}, {40729, 148}
X(661) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 17761}, {10, 21252}, {31, 244}, {37, 116}, {41, 4858}, {42, 11}, {55, 34589}, {65, 17059}, {100, 3741}, {101, 3739}, {109, 3742}, {163, 17045}, {181, 8286}, {190, 21240}, {210, 124}, {212, 34588}, {213, 1086}, {228, 2968}, {594, 21253}, {644, 21246}, {651, 17050}, {692, 1125}, {756, 125}, {765, 512}, {798, 6547}, {872, 115}, {902, 34590}, {1016, 42327}, {1018, 141}, {1020, 21258}, {1110, 523}, {1252, 4369}, {1253, 34591}, {1334, 26932}, {1400, 4904}, {1402, 3756}, {1415, 3946}, {1500, 8287}, {1783, 34830}, {1918, 1015}, {2149, 17069}, {2205, 6377}, {2209, 38986}, {2318, 123}, {3690, 34846}, {3725, 15611}, {3747, 38989}, {3939, 960}, {3949, 127}, {3952, 2887}, {4033, 626}, {4041, 46100}, {4069, 1329}, {4103, 21245}, {4551, 2886}, {4552, 17046}, {4557, 10}, {4559, 142}, {4564, 17066}, {4574, 18589}, {4849, 5510}, {4878, 5511}, {5546, 21233}, {7035, 23301}, {7084, 17463}, {7109, 16592}, {8701, 27798}, {8750, 942}, {15742, 21259}, {18098, 44312}, {20964, 40608}, {21805, 3259}, {21859, 17052}, {23067, 34822}, {23344, 34587}, {23990, 14838}, {27808, 21235}, {28615, 24185}, {30730, 21244}, {31625, 21263}, {32656, 37565}, {32665, 4395}, {32739, 3666}, {34067, 740}, {35309, 21248}, {39258, 35094}, {40521, 3454}, {41333, 35119}
X(661) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2643}, {2, 244}, {4, 2310}, {6, 2170}, {10, 3122}, {19, 3708}, {37, 3125}, {57, 2611}, {65, 4516}, {76, 3123}, {87, 4128}, {92, 1109}, {99, 23928}, {100, 1962}, {101, 2294}, {162, 31}, {163, 1953}, {190, 2292}, {226, 3120}, {253, 24010}, {304, 17876}, {502, 21043}, {512, 21834}, {513, 512}, {514, 523}, {523, 4041}, {650, 647}, {651, 2650}, {662, 1}, {664, 23668}, {668, 3728}, {799, 38}, {811, 17872}, {823, 774}, {876, 4155}, {1018, 37}, {1019, 4132}, {1020, 65}, {1022, 4145}, {1292, 42446}, {1427, 18210}, {1577, 656}, {1783, 40977}, {1826, 21044}, {1897, 40973}, {1978, 21020}, {2051, 11}, {2127, 21723}, {2184, 2632}, {2222, 3724}, {2321, 21950}, {2616, 810}, {3064, 2501}, {3223, 4117}, {3239, 6587}, {3257, 758}, {3669, 4139}, {3835, 23301}, {3882, 10459}, {3952, 756}, {4017, 4729}, {4033, 10}, {4052, 21963}, {4083, 22226}, {4103, 1213}, {4129, 31946}, {4444, 2254}, {4551, 42}, {4552, 4642}, {4557, 21808}, {4559, 2171}, {4562, 740}, {4584, 20360}, {4593, 17446}, {4599, 17469}, {4602, 75}, {4605, 1834}, {6010, 17452}, {6011, 55}, {7096, 21340}, {7178, 4017}, {7192, 40471}, {7199, 4151}, {8056, 17476}, {8818, 115}, {13478, 7004}, {14554, 1647}, {15322, 16777}, {15455, 24443}, {16606, 3121}, {17758, 1086}, {18070, 1577}, {18795, 38978}, {20570, 23672}, {20691, 22227}, {21353, 21824}, {21604, 27707}, {21859, 2092}, {23894, 2642}, {24019, 19}, {27805, 2}, {32676, 17442}, {32678, 2173}, {32680, 1725}, {35342, 3723}, {35354, 2610}, {36084, 8772}, {36085, 896}, {36086, 3747}, {36104, 2312}, {36126, 2181}, {36142, 18669}, {36145, 48}, {36146, 44661}, {36148, 17438}, {36632, 23953}, {36907, 4466}, {37134, 1959}, {37212, 3743}, {37216, 36263}, {39733, 17879}, {39735, 1111}, {39748, 3248}, {39797, 17463}, {39798, 1015}, {39957, 4475}, {39979, 27846}, {39981, 2087}, {40011, 23676}, {40515, 2486}, {40521, 16589}, {43739, 38345}
X(661) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9396}, {115, 2171}, {512, 4017}, {810, 656}, {1084, 7148}, {2084, 798}, {2632, 2156}, {2642, 23894}, {2643, 1}, {3122, 10}, {3124, 756}, {3125, 37}, {3708, 19}, {3709, 4041}, {4079, 512}, {4155, 876}, {4516, 65}, {4705, 523}, {4983, 513}, {8034, 244}, {8061, 1577}, {16592, 2}, {20975, 1254}, {20982, 6}, {21051, 21834}, {36197, 1824}, {37754, 2155}
X(661) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2640}, {2, 21220}, {6, 21004}, {10, 21100}, {37, 21888}, {512, 3709}, {523, 21051}, {798, 810}, {1577, 20910}, {2084, 8061}, {3124, 8034}, {4024, 21720}, {4079, 4705}
X(661) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 662}, {2, 3952}, {6, 4559}, {10, 4033}, {19, 24019}, {37, 1018}, {57, 26700}, {65, 1020}, {75, 4602}, {92, 162}, {100, 1255}, {101, 2259}, {163, 2148}, {190, 1220}, {226, 4551}, {513, 514}, {523, 7178}, {650, 3064}, {651, 17097}, {668, 1221}, {799, 3112}, {821, 823}, {1168, 3257}, {1577, 24006}, {2222, 34535}, {2576, 2577}, {2580, 2587}, {2581, 2586}, {4562, 30663}, {22116, 40526}, {32676, 46289}, {36127, 40573}
X(661) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 661}, {2, 4560}, {3, 23090}, {6, 3733}, {9, 35057}, {21, 1021}, {31, 1924}, {48, 656}, {63, 24018}, {81, 1019}, {100, 101}, {110, 5546}, {163, 4575}, {214, 1635}, {284, 3737}, {513, 1100}, {514, 5249}, {523, 5949}, {526, 35069}, {649, 1193}, {650, 2646}, {651, 1813}, {667, 1197}, {693, 17866}, {798, 1964}, {820, 822}, {1577, 14213}, {1930, 14208}, {2238, 38348}, {2578, 2585}, {2579, 2584}, {2582, 2583}, {2642, 42081}, {3687, 6332}, {3738, 34544}, {7192, 17169}, {8061, 17457}, {8300, 8632}, {14838, 40214}
X(661) = trilinear pole of line {2642, 2643}
X(661) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {1, 21}
X(661) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 662}, {2, 110}, {3, 648}, {4, 4558}, {5, 18315}, {6, 99}, {7, 5546}, {8, 4565}, {9, 1414}, {10, 4556}, {13, 17402}, {14, 17403}, {15, 23895}, {16, 23896}, {19, 4592}, {21, 651}, {22, 44766}, {23, 17708}, {25, 4563}, {27, 1331}, {28, 1332}, {29, 1813}, {30, 44769}, {31, 799}, {32, 670}, {38, 4599}, {39, 4577}, {41, 4625}, {42, 4610}, {44, 4622}, {48, 811}, {49, 38342}, {50, 35139}, {54, 14570}, {55, 4573}, {56, 645}, {57, 643}, {58, 190}, {59, 4560}, {60, 4552}, {61, 32036}, {62, 32037}, {63, 162}, {64, 36841}, {65, 4612}, {66, 4611}, {68, 41679}, {69, 112}, {74, 2407}, {75, 163}, {76, 1576}, {81, 100}, {83, 1634}, {86, 101}, {92, 4575}, {95, 1625}, {97, 35360}, {98, 2421}, {107, 394}, {108, 1812}, {109, 333}, {111, 5468}, {141, 827}, {154, 44326}, {171, 4603}, {172, 4594}, {183, 26714}, {184, 6331}, {187, 892}, {193, 3565}, {200, 4637}, {213, 4623}, {216, 18831}, {220, 4616}, {222, 36797}, {226, 4636}, {230, 10425}, {232, 17932}, {237, 43187}, {238, 4584}, {248, 877}, {249, 523}, {250, 525}, {251, 4576}, {255, 823}, {261, 4559}, {264, 32661}, {265, 14590}, {269, 7259}, {274, 692}, {275, 23181}, {283, 653}, {284, 664}, {286, 906}, {287, 4230}, {290, 14966}, {297, 43754}, {298, 5995}, {299, 5994}, {302, 16806}, {303, 16807}, {304, 32676}, {310, 32739}, {311, 14586}, {314, 1415}, {323, 476}, {324, 15958}, {325, 2715}, {326, 24019}, {328, 14591}, {332, 32674}, {340, 32662}, {343, 933}, {352, 9080}, {385, 805}, {391, 5545}, {395, 10410}, {396, 10409}, {403, 43755}, {418, 42405}, {441, 44770}, {470, 38414}, {471, 38413}, {491, 39384}, {492, 39383}, {511, 2966}, {512, 4590}, {513, 4567}, {514, 4570}, {519, 4591}, {520, 23582}, {524, 691}, {526, 39295}, {538, 32717}, {542, 5649}, {560, 4602}, {571, 46134}, {574, 35138}, {576, 35178}, {577, 6528}, {593, 3952}, {595, 37205}, {597, 12074}, {598, 9145}, {599, 11636}, {604, 7257}, {644, 1014}, {646, 1408}, {647, 18020}, {649, 4600}, {658, 2328}, {661, 24041}, {663, 4620}, {666, 3286}, {667, 4601}, {668, 1333}, {669, 34537}, {671, 5467}, {677, 14953}, {685, 36212}, {687, 13754}, {689, 3051}, {694, 17941}, {729, 23342}, {741, 3570}, {757, 1018}, {758, 37140}, {759, 4585}, {763, 40521}, {765, 1019}, {785, 27164}, {798, 24037}, {801, 1624}, {810, 46254}, {813, 33295}, {822, 23999}, {825, 30966}, {842, 14999}, {843, 9182}, {849, 4033}, {850, 23357}, {859, 13136}, {874, 18268}, {880, 9468}, {886, 33875}, {895, 4235}, {896, 36085}, {897, 23889}, {901, 16704}, {902, 4615}, {905, 5379}, {907, 3618}, {919, 30941}, {923, 24039}, {925, 1993}, {930, 1994}, {931, 940}, {932, 27644}, {934, 2287}, {935, 22151}, {1016, 3733}, {1020, 1098}, {1021, 7045}, {1043, 1461}, {1092, 15352}, {1100, 4596}, {1101, 1577}, {1106, 7258}, {1110, 7199}, {1113, 8116}, {1114, 8115}, {1125, 4629}, {1147, 30450}, {1171, 4427}, {1172, 6516}, {1176, 41676}, {1178, 18047}, {1213, 6578}, {1252, 7192}, {1253, 4635}, {1262, 7253}, {1275, 21789}, {1289, 20806}, {1290, 37783}, {1291, 37779}, {1292, 41610}, {1293, 41629}, {1296, 1992}, {1297, 34211}, {1301, 37669}, {1302, 15066}, {1304, 11064}, {1306, 3068}, {1307, 3069}, {1310, 2303}, {1326, 35148}, {1379, 6189}, {1380, 6190}, {1383, 9146}, {1384, 35179}, {1396, 4571}, {1402, 4631}, {1407, 7256}, {1412, 3699}, {1434, 3939}, {1437, 6335}, {1444, 1783}, {1449, 4614}, {1474, 4561}, {1492, 40773}, {1494, 2420}, {1501, 4609}, {1502, 14574}, {1509, 4557}, {1511, 39290}, {1580, 37134}, {1613, 3222}, {1633, 40403}, {1636, 42308}, {1648, 45773}, {1649, 34539}, {1691, 18829}, {1755, 36036}, {1790, 1897}, {1792, 32714}, {1799, 35325}, {1814, 4238}, {1815, 4241}, {1817, 13138}, {1821, 23997}, {1822, 2581}, {1823, 2580}, {1914, 4589}, {1923, 37204}, {1930, 34072}, {1931, 37135}, {1936, 41206}, {1959, 36084}, {1964, 4593}, {1976, 2396}, {1978, 2206}, {1983, 14616}, {1989, 10411}, {2030, 46144}, {2063, 30249}, {2149, 18155}, {2167, 2617}, {2185, 4551}, {2193, 18026}, {2194, 4554}, {2210, 4639}, {2234, 36133}, {2238, 36066}, {2251, 4634}, {2308, 4632}, {2327, 36118}, {2360, 44327}, {2363, 3882}, {2410, 34210}, {2482, 34574}, {2502, 9170}, {2574, 39298}, {2575, 39299}, {2644, 9395}, {2696, 41617}, {2701, 40882}, {2702, 17731}, {2703, 19623}, {2705, 37792}, {2709, 22329}, {2713, 40888}, {2965, 46139}, {2981, 35314}, {2986, 15329}, {2987, 4226}, {2988, 7450}, {2989, 4243}, {2990, 3658}, {2991, 4236}, {3003, 18878}, {3053, 35136}, {3094, 33514}, {3108, 10330}, {3124, 31614}, {3164, 44828}, {3180, 36515}, {3181, 36514}, {3219, 13486}, {3225, 41337}, {3228, 5118}, {3231, 9150}, {3233, 40384}, {3260, 32640}, {3265, 23964}, {3266, 32729}, {3284, 16077}, {3285, 4555}, {3289, 22456}, {3329, 43357}, {3448, 40173}, {3564, 32697}, {3573, 37128}, {3580, 10420}, {3589, 7953}, {3616, 4627}, {3709, 7340}, {3736, 4586}, {3737, 4564}, {3763, 7954}, {3917, 42396}, {3926, 32713}, {3936, 36069}, {3964, 6529}, {3978, 17938}, {4184, 43190}, {4225, 44765}, {4240, 14919}, {4267, 6648}, {4273, 4597}, {4282, 35174}, {4383, 8690}, {4436, 40408}, {4481, 5384}, {4562, 5009}, {4566, 7054}, {4579, 40432}, {4588, 5235}, {4598, 38832}, {4604, 4653}, {4628, 16887}, {4630, 8024}, {4658, 37211}, {4833, 5385}, {4921, 8697}, {4998, 7252}, {5006, 35147}, {5007, 35137}, {5008, 42367}, {5012, 11794}, {5027, 39292}, {5060, 35154}, {5191, 6035}, {5291, 17929}, {5333, 8652}, {5380, 16702}, {5383, 16695}, {5422, 43351}, {5502, 44877}, {5504, 16237}, {5562, 16813}, {5663, 30528}, {5664, 15395}, {5970, 14607}, {6064, 7180}, {6065, 17096}, {6082, 11580}, {6083, 35466}, {6149, 32680}, {6151, 35315}, {6233, 11163}, {6370, 9273}, {6393, 32696}, {6507, 36126}, {6514, 36127}, {6515, 13398}, {6517, 8748}, {6542, 17940}, {6572, 16285}, {6577, 29767}, {6650, 17943}, {6742, 40214}, {6759, 30441}, {7121, 36860}, {7122, 7260}, {7239, 7305}, {7254, 15742}, {7341, 30730}, {7488, 16039}, {7578, 36829}, {7735, 35575}, {7763, 32734}, {7766, 25424}, {7769, 32737}, {7799, 14560}, {7840, 32694}, {8025, 8701}, {8059, 27398}, {8594, 9197}, {8595, 9196}, {8598, 9190}, {8600, 8860}, {8623, 41209}, {8673, 44183}, {8694, 42028}, {8707, 40153}, {8708, 18166}, {8750, 17206}, {8822, 36049}, {9058, 26637}, {9060, 40112}, {9063, 18899}, {9066, 9463}, {9124, 26613}, {9160, 40879}, {9181, 18823}, {9202, 37786}, {9203, 37785}, {9217, 31998}, {9218, 35511}, {9306, 43188}, {9426, 44168}, {9513, 40866}, {10302, 35357}, {11003, 36886}, {11130, 36840}, {11131, 36839}, {11591, 30527}, {11634, 41909}, {11849, 34357}, {13397, 40571}, {13485, 36830}, {13571, 13578}, {14206, 36034}, {14210, 36142}, {14213, 36134}, {14587, 18314}, {14614, 39639}, {15384, 20580}, {15455, 17104}, {15534, 33638}, {15631, 41932}, {16163, 34568}, {16705, 32736}, {16948, 27834}, {17139, 32641}, {17185, 36098}, {17198, 31616}, {17277, 43076}, {17379, 43359}, {17735, 17930}, {17790, 17939}, {17931, 17966}, {17933, 17963}, {17934, 17962}, {17935, 17961}, {17942, 17947}, {17944, 17946}, {18122, 39448}, {18157, 32666}, {18191, 31615}, {18206, 36086}, {19622, 35156}, {20185, 41628}, {20189, 34545}, {20948, 23995}, {20998, 37880}, {22052, 33513}, {23067, 46103}, {23189, 46102}, {23963, 44173}, {24000, 24018}, {24001, 35200}, {25507, 28148}, {26860, 28210}, {27867, 31296}, {27958, 29055}, {28196, 42025}, {28419, 39417}, {28724, 46151}, {30247, 41614}, {30512, 43756}, {30939, 32665}, {30940, 34067}, {31623, 36059}, {31626, 35311}, {31631, 36082}, {32014, 35327}, {32656, 44129}, {32660, 44130}, {32671, 35550}, {32692, 39113}, {32738, 32833}, {32911, 34594}, {33296, 34071}, {33803, 36953}, {33946, 38813}, {35049, 35057}, {35193, 38340}, {35278, 40802}, {35296, 44768}, {35319, 39287}, {35324, 40410}, {35329, 40707}, {35330, 40706}, {35342, 40438}, {35356, 39389}, {36145, 44179}, {36213, 39291}, {36277, 37216}, {36306, 44718}, {36309, 44719}, {36790, 41173}, {36831, 43768}, {37183, 44767}, {37215, 44119}, {37685, 43356}, {39054, 39137}, {39469, 41174}, {40441, 41677}, {41331, 42371}, {41517, 46294}, {42294, 42296}, {42295, 42297}
X(661) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 523}, {3, 24006}, {4, 656}, {5, 2616}, {6, 1577}, {7, 4041}, {8, 4017}, {9, 7178}, {10, 513}, {11, 4551}, {12, 3737}, {19, 525}, {25, 14208}, {28, 4064}, {31, 850}, {32, 20948}, {33, 17094}, {37, 514}, {39, 18070}, {42, 693}, {44, 4049}, {48, 14618}, {54, 2618}, {55, 4077}, {56, 4086}, {57, 3700}, {58, 4036}, {63, 2501}, {64, 17898}, {65, 522}, {71, 17924}, {72, 7649}, {73, 44426}, {74, 36035}, {75, 512}, {76, 798}, {81, 4024}, {82, 826}, {83, 8061}, {85, 3709}, {86, 4705}, {87, 21051}, {88, 4120}, {89, 4931}, {91, 924}, {92, 647}, {94, 2624}, {99, 2643}, {100, 3120}, {101, 16732}, {105, 4088}, {107, 2632}, {110, 1109}, {112, 20902}, {115, 662}, {125, 162}, {148, 9396}, {158, 520}, {163, 338}, {181, 18155}, {190, 3125}, {210, 3676}, {213, 3261}, {225, 521}, {226, 650}, {228, 46107}, {238, 35352}, {240, 879}, {244, 3952}, {256, 2533}, {264, 810}, {274, 4079}, {278, 8611}, {279, 4171}, {291, 4010}, {293, 16230}, {304, 2489}, {306, 6591}, {307, 18344}, {308, 2084}, {312, 7180}, {313, 667}, {321, 649}, {330, 21834}, {334, 4455}, {335, 21832}, {336, 17994}, {339, 32676}, {341, 7250}, {346, 7216}, {349, 3063}, {351, 46277}, {393, 24018}, {502, 31947}, {524, 23894}, {526, 2166}, {560, 44173}, {561, 669}, {594, 1019}, {596, 4132}, {643, 1365}, {648, 3708}, {651, 21044}, {652, 40149}, {657, 1446}, {658, 36197}, {659, 43534}, {663, 1441}, {664, 4516}, {668, 3122}, {671, 2642}, {673, 24290}, {684, 36120}, {688, 18833}, {690, 897}, {692, 21207}, {740, 876}, {756, 7192}, {759, 6370}, {799, 3124}, {804, 1581}, {811, 20975}, {822, 2052}, {823, 3269}, {824, 40747}, {868, 36084}, {875, 35544}, {878, 40703}, {881, 1926}, {882, 1966}, {891, 41683}, {896, 5466}, {899, 35353}, {900, 4674}, {903, 4730}, {905, 1826}, {918, 18785}, {923, 35522}, {943, 23752}, {983, 3801}, {985, 4122}, {1002, 4804}, {1015, 4033}, {1018, 1086}, {1020, 1146}, {1021, 6354}, {1022, 3943}, {1027, 3932}, {1042, 4397}, {1084, 4602}, {1088, 4524}, {1089, 3733}, {1096, 3265}, {1100, 31010}, {1101, 23105}, {1111, 4557}, {1126, 30591}, {1156, 30574}, {1214, 3064}, {1221, 40627}, {1245, 2517}, {1254, 7253}, {1255, 4988}, {1268, 4983}, {1292, 21945}, {1320, 30572}, {1334, 24002}, {1358, 4069}, {1400, 4391}, {1402, 35519}, {1409, 46110}, {1414, 4092}, {1427, 3239}, {1432, 4140}, {1459, 41013}, {1491, 40718}, {1500, 7199}, {1502, 1924}, {1510, 2962}, {1576, 23994}, {1635, 4080}, {1637, 2349}, {1648, 36085}, {1725, 15328}, {1733, 35364}, {1734, 15320}, {1737, 3657}, {1755, 43665}, {1757, 18014}, {1758, 18013}, {1769, 38955}, {1783, 4466}, {1784, 14380}, {1821, 3569}, {1822, 39240}, {1823, 39241}, {1824, 4025}, {1861, 10099}, {1880, 6332}, {1897, 18210}, {1903, 14837}, {1910, 2799}, {1918, 40495}, {1919, 27801}, {1928, 9426}, {1929, 18004}, {1930, 18105}, {1934, 5027}, {1953, 15412}, {1956, 6130}, {1959, 2395}, {1962, 4608}, {1967, 14295}, {1969, 3049}, {1973, 3267}, {1978, 3121}, {1989, 32679}, {2088, 32680}, {2148, 18314}, {2153, 23870}, {2154, 23871}, {2156, 33294}, {2157, 9979}, {2159, 41079}, {2160, 7265}, {2161, 4707}, {2167, 12077}, {2169, 23290}, {2170, 4552}, {2171, 4560}, {2173, 2394}, {2184, 6587}, {2186, 23878}, {2190, 6368}, {2214, 23879}, {2238, 4444}, {2247, 14223}, {2250, 10015}, {2254, 13576}, {2292, 4581}, {2298, 21124}, {2310, 4566}, {2312, 43673}, {2321, 3669}, {2333, 15413}, {2334, 4815}, {2357, 17896}, {2401, 21801}, {2422, 46238}, {2433, 14206}, {2491, 46273}, {2509, 36907}, {2530, 18082}, {2574, 2589}, {2575, 2588}, {2578, 2593}, {2579, 2592}, {2582, 8106}, {2583, 8105}, {2605, 6757}, {2606, 7137}, {2607, 2614}, {2610, 24624}, {2611, 6742}, {2617, 8901}, {2623, 14213}, {2627, 18114}, {2631, 16080}, {2640, 9293}, {2648, 18006}, {2652, 2785}, {2786, 9278}, {2970, 4575}, {2972, 36126}, {3005, 3112}, {3221, 18832}, {3223, 23301}, {3224, 20910}, {3248, 27808}, {3293, 40086}, {3445, 4404}, {3456, 18076}, {3500, 21958}, {3565, 17876}, {3566, 8769}, {3572, 3948}, {3668, 3900}, {3701, 43924}, {3710, 43923}, {3800, 23051}, {3835, 16606}, {3837, 18793}, {3949, 17925}, {3954, 10566}, {3971, 43931}, {3992, 23345}, {3994, 43928}, {4052, 4394}, {4063, 40085}, {4082, 43932}, {4083, 42027}, {4103, 16726}, {4117, 4609}, {4129, 39798}, {4139, 34860}, {4145, 39697}, {4151, 13476}, {4155, 18827}, {4170, 7241}, {4373, 4729}, {4453, 34857}, {4475, 4613}, {4492, 4761}, {4559, 4858}, {4562, 39786}, {4567, 21131}, {4580, 17442}, {4592, 8754}, {4594, 21725}, {4599, 39691}, {4610, 21833}, {4695, 23836}, {4770, 39704}, {4782, 34475}, {4791, 28658}, {4822, 5936}, {4823, 28625}, {4824, 30571}, {4832, 40023}, {4838, 25417}, {4841, 25430}, {4876, 7212}, {4893, 30588}, {4979, 6539}, {5379, 21134}, {5489, 24000}, {5620, 8674}, {6003, 41501}, {6011, 8286}, {6057, 7203}, {6129, 39130}, {6149, 10412}, {6164, 21093}, {6358, 7252}, {6367, 40438}, {6521, 32320}, {6544, 30575}, {6548, 21805}, {6724, 6728}, {6741, 26700}, {6791, 37216}, {7018, 7234}, {7035, 8034}, {7148, 17217}, {7237, 7255}, {7260, 21823}, {8029, 24041}, {8056, 14321}, {8599, 36263}, {8672, 31359}, {8714, 40504}, {8808, 14298}, {8809, 14308}, {8811, 14302}, {8818, 14838}, {9033, 36119}, {9148, 37132}, {9178, 14210}, {9255, 16229}, {9258, 30476}, {9267, 21100}, {9292, 17893}, {9307, 17478}, {9309, 21052}, {9395, 10278}, {9402, 18298}, {9404, 43682}, {9508, 11599}, {10693, 21180}, {13212, 36117}, {13486, 21054}, {14207, 21448}, {14220, 36063}, {14398, 33805}, {14404, 31002}, {14407, 20568}, {14417, 36128}, {14429, 36125}, {14431, 37129}, {14554, 21894}, {14616, 42666}, {15232, 21189}, {15313, 23604}, {15352, 37754}, {15451, 40440}, {15455, 20982}, {15523, 18108}, {15526, 24019}, {16186, 36129}, {16592, 27805}, {16892, 18098}, {17197, 21859}, {17205, 40521}, {17415, 46281}, {17431, 19218}, {17432, 19217}, {17438, 39183}, {17467, 42345}, {17469, 31065}, {17763, 18015}, {17768, 35347}, {17879, 32713}, {17881, 32734}, {17926, 37755}, {17954, 18003}, {17955, 34763}, {17956, 18008}, {17957, 18010}, {17990, 18032}, {18001, 20947}, {18359, 21828}, {18691, 46005}, {19604, 44729}, {19611, 44705}, {20332, 21053}, {20571, 34952}, {20906, 23493}, {21186, 43703}, {21192, 21353}, {21727, 39734}, {21836, 42328}, {21867, 26721}, {21888, 42555}, {21950, 27834}, {21951, 25576}, {22260, 24037}, {23285, 46289}, {23503, 40162}, {23785, 40516}, {23800, 41506}, {23838, 40663}, {27807, 40471}, {28161, 31503}, {31946, 39748}, {34920, 38469}, {35235, 36061}, {35354, 35466}, {36036, 44114}, {36037, 42759}, {40327, 40345}, {40437, 42768}, {42653, 44188}
X(661) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 99}, {2, 799}, {3, 4592}, {4, 811}, {6, 662}, {7, 4625}, {8, 7257}, {9, 645}, {10, 668}, {11, 18155}, {19, 648}, {25, 162}, {31, 110}, {32, 163}, {33, 36797}, {37, 190}, {38, 4576}, {41, 5546}, {42, 100}, {48, 4558}, {51, 2617}, {55, 643}, {56, 1414}, {57, 4573}, {63, 4563}, {65, 664}, {71, 1332}, {72, 4561}, {73, 6516}, {75, 670}, {76, 4602}, {81, 4610}, {82, 4577}, {83, 4593}, {86, 4623}, {88, 4615}, {91, 46134}, {92, 6331}, {98, 36036}, {99, 24037}, {100, 4600}, {101, 4567}, {106, 4622}, {107, 23999}, {110, 24041}, {111, 36085}, {115, 1577}, {125, 14208}, {158, 6528}, {162, 18020}, {163, 249}, {181, 4551}, {184, 4575}, {187, 23889}, {190, 4601}, {192, 36860}, {200, 7256}, {210, 3699}, {213, 101}, {220, 7259}, {225, 18026}, {226, 4554}, {228, 1331}, {237, 23997}, {240, 877}, {244, 7192}, {251, 4599}, {256, 4594}, {257, 7260}, {269, 4616}, {279, 4635}, {284, 4612}, {291, 4589}, {292, 4584}, {293, 17932}, {308, 37204}, {313, 6386}, {321, 1978}, {333, 4631}, {335, 4639}, {338, 20948}, {346, 7258}, {351, 896}, {393, 823}, {512, 1}, {513, 86}, {514, 274}, {520, 326}, {521, 332}, {522, 314}, {523, 75}, {524, 24039}, {525, 304}, {560, 1576}, {561, 4609}, {594, 4033}, {604, 4565}, {610, 36841}, {643, 6064}, {647, 63}, {648, 46254}, {649, 81}, {650, 333}, {651, 4620}, {652, 1812}, {656, 69}, {657, 2287}, {659, 33295}, {662, 4590}, {663, 21}, {665, 18206}, {667, 58}, {669, 31}, {688, 1964}, {690, 14210}, {692, 4570}, {693, 310}, {694, 37134}, {729, 36133}, {740, 874}, {741, 36066}, {756, 3952}, {762, 4103}, {764, 17205}, {784, 10471}, {788, 3736}, {798, 6}, {799, 34537}, {804, 1966}, {810, 3}, {812, 30940}, {822, 394}, {826, 1930}, {850, 561}, {872, 4557}, {875, 741}, {876, 18827}, {878, 293}, {879, 336}, {881, 1967}, {882, 1581}, {888, 2234}, {893, 4603}, {896, 5468}, {897, 892}, {900, 30939}, {903, 4634}, {905, 17206}, {918, 18157}, {922, 5467}, {923, 691}, {924, 44179}, {1015, 1019}, {1018, 1016}, {1019, 1509}, {1020, 1275}, {1021, 7058}, {1042, 934}, {1084, 798}, {1086, 7199}, {1089, 27808}, {1096, 107}, {1109, 850}, {1126, 4596}, {1245, 1310}, {1254, 4566}, {1255, 4632}, {1333, 4556}, {1334, 644}, {1357, 7203}, {1365, 4077}, {1400, 651}, {1402, 109}, {1407, 4637}, {1409, 1813}, {1414, 7340}, {1426, 36118}, {1427, 658}, {1441, 4572}, {1459, 1444}, {1491, 30966}, {1500, 1018}, {1576, 1101}, {1577, 76}, {1580, 17941}, {1581, 18829}, {1635, 16704}, {1637, 14206}, {1649, 24038}, {1734, 33297}, {1755, 2421}, {1757, 17934}, {1758, 17933}, {1769, 17139}, {1821, 43187}, {1824, 1897}, {1826, 6335}, {1880, 653}, {1903, 44327}, {1910, 2966}, {1917, 14574}, {1918, 692}, {1919, 1333}, {1924, 32}, {1927, 17938}, {1929, 17930}, {1945, 41206}, {1946, 283}, {1953, 14570}, {1959, 2396}, {1962, 4427}, {1964, 1634}, {1966, 880}, {1967, 805}, {1973, 112}, {1974, 32676}, {1976, 36084}, {1980, 2206}, {1989, 32680}, {1990, 24001}, {2054, 37135}, {2084, 39}, {2088, 32679}, {2092, 3882}, {2148, 18315}, {2151, 17402}, {2152, 17403}, {2153, 23895}, {2154, 23896}, {2156, 44766}, {2157, 17708}, {2159, 44769}, {2166, 35139}, {2170, 4560}, {2171, 4552}, {2172, 4611}, {2173, 2407}, {2179, 1625}, {2181, 35360}, {2184, 44326}, {2190, 18831}, {2194, 4636}, {2200, 906}, {2205, 32739}, {2207, 24019}, {2234, 23342}, {2238, 3570}, {2245, 4585}, {2247, 14999}, {2250, 13136}, {2254, 30941}, {2258, 931}, {2295, 18047}, {2310, 7253}, {2312, 34211}, {2318, 4571}, {2321, 646}, {2333, 1783}, {2334, 4614}, {2356, 4238}, {2357, 13138}, {2394, 33805}, {2395, 1821}, {2422, 1910}, {2433, 2349}, {2451, 1958}, {2484, 2303}, {2485, 1760}, {2486, 20954}, {2488, 17194}, {2489, 19}, {2491, 1755}, {2492, 16568}, {2501, 92}, {2514, 17446}, {2517, 44154}, {2519, 2128}, {2520, 17188}, {2530, 16887}, {2533, 1909}, {2576, 39298}, {2577, 39299}, {2578, 8116}, {2579, 8115}, {2588, 15165}, {2589, 15164}, {2610, 3936}, {2611, 4467}, {2616, 95}, {2618, 311}, {2623, 2167}, {2624, 323}, {2631, 11064}, {2632, 3265}, {2640, 31998}, {2642, 524}, {2643, 523}, {2644, 31632}, {2648, 17931}, {2650, 17136}, {2652, 35154}, {2667, 4436}, {2787, 5209}, {2799, 46238}, {2962, 46139}, {2978, 10458}, {3004, 16739}, {3005, 38}, {3049, 48}, {3050, 18042}, {3063, 284}, {3064, 31623}, {3112, 689}, {3120, 693}, {3121, 649}, {3122, 513}, {3123, 17217}, {3125, 514}, {3221, 1740}, {3223, 3222}, {3248, 3733}, {3250, 40773}, {3261, 6385}, {3267, 40364}, {3269, 24018}, {3271, 3737}, {3287, 27958}, {3402, 26714}, {3563, 36105}, {3566, 18156}, {3569, 1959}, {3572, 37128}, {3589, 18062}, {3668, 4569}, {3669, 1434}, {3675, 23829}, {3700, 312}, {3708, 525}, {3709, 9}, {3721, 33946}, {3733, 757}, {3737, 261}, {3747, 3573}, {3773, 4505}, {3777, 33947}, {3778, 3888}, {3800, 39731}, {3801, 33930}, {3835, 31008}, {3900, 1043}, {3930, 42720}, {3942, 15419}, {3943, 24004}, {3948, 27853}, {3952, 7035}, {3954, 4568}, {3971, 36863}, {3994, 41314}, {4010, 350}, {4014, 17218}, {4017, 7}, {4024, 321}, {4027, 46295}, {4033, 31625}, {4036, 313}, {4041, 8}, {4049, 20568}, {4062, 42721}, {4064, 20336}, {4069, 4076}, {4077, 6063}, {4079, 37}, {4083, 33296}, {4086, 3596}, {4088, 3263}, {4092, 4086}, {4117, 669}, {4120, 4358}, {4122, 33931}, {4128, 4367}, {4129, 18140}, {4132, 4360}, {4139, 3875}, {4140, 17787}, {4145, 17160}, {4151, 17143}, {4155, 740}, {4171, 346}, {4367, 17103}, {4369, 8033}, {4391, 28660}, {4394, 41629}, {4415, 21580}, {4444, 40017}, {4455, 238}, {4466, 15413}, {4501, 4483}, {4515, 6558}, {4516, 522}, {4524, 200}, {4531, 40499}, {4551, 4998}, {4557, 765}, {4559, 4564}, {4602, 44168}, {4642, 21272}, {4674, 4555}, {4705, 10}, {4707, 20924}, {4729, 145}, {4730, 519}, {4750, 16741}, {4770, 3679}, {4775, 4653}, {4790, 42028}, {4804, 4441}, {4806, 30963}, {4808, 33937}, {4813, 5333}, {4814, 4720}, {4822, 3616}, {4825, 4803}, {4826, 16777}, {4832, 1449}, {4834, 4658}, {4838, 28605}, {4841, 19804}, {4843, 4673}, {4849, 43290}, {4893, 5235}, {4931, 4671}, {4977, 16709}, {4979, 8025}, {4983, 1125}, {4988, 4359}, {5027, 1580}, {5029, 1931}, {5075, 2651}, {5113, 17799}, {5466, 46277}, {5489, 17879}, {5620, 35156}, {6004, 33953}, {6041, 2247}, {6129, 8822}, {6140, 1749}, {6149, 10411}, {6186, 13486}, {6367, 4647}, {6368, 18695}, {6370, 35550}, {6372, 17175}, {6373, 18792}, {6377, 18197}, {6520, 15352}, {6524, 36126}, {6544, 16729}, {6545, 16727}, {6587, 18750}, {6591, 27}, {6615, 17183}, {6753, 1748}, {6791, 14207}, {7064, 4069}, {7170, 9425}, {7178, 85}, {7180, 57}, {7192, 873}, {7200, 16737}, {7202, 16755}, {7203, 552}, {7212, 10030}, {7216, 279}, {7234, 171}, {7250, 269}, {7252, 2185}, {7265, 33939}, {7649, 286}, {7745, 18063}, {8029, 1109}, {8034, 244}, {8061, 141}, {8105, 2581}, {8106, 2580}, {8287, 18160}, {8574, 16562}, {8611, 345}, {8639, 1468}, {8640, 38832}, {8641, 2328}, {8643, 16948}, {8644, 36277}, {8646, 44119}, {8651, 1707}, {8653, 4512}, {8655, 39673}, {8663, 1962}, {8664, 17469}, {8672, 10436}, {8678, 1010}, {8680, 15418}, {8750, 5379}, {8754, 24006}, {8769, 35136}, {8772, 4226}, {8818, 15455}, {9009, 36289}, {9178, 897}, {9247, 32661}, {9258, 43188}, {9278, 35148}, {9279, 24342}, {9395, 37880}, {9396, 35511}, {9402, 1045}, {9406, 2420}, {9417, 14966}, {9426, 560}, {9427, 1924}, {9456, 4591}, {9494, 1923}, {9508, 17731}, {9979, 20944}, {10099, 31637}, {10278, 20939}, {11060, 32678}, {11123, 20903}, {12071, 42005}, {12077, 14213}, {14061, 33809}, {14207, 11059}, {14208, 305}, {14270, 6149}, {14295, 1926}, {14298, 27398}, {14321, 18743}, {14398, 2173}, {14399, 18653}, {14404, 899}, {14407, 44}, {14419, 6629}, {14428, 2244}, {14431, 6381}, {14574, 23995}, {14618, 1969}, {14838, 34016}, {14936, 1021}, {15451, 44706}, {15475, 2166}, {16230, 40703}, {16583, 3732}, {16592, 4369}, {16600, 33951}, {16606, 4598}, {16613, 6002}, {16732, 3261}, {16892, 16703}, {17094, 7182}, {17414, 36263}, {17415, 3116}, {17442, 41676}, {17467, 14588}, {17469, 10330}, {17476, 4897}, {17478, 1975}, {17747, 42719}, {17763, 17935}, {17898, 14615}, {17924, 44129}, {17954, 17929}, {17955, 34760}, {17958, 17936}, {17959, 17937}, {17989, 17763}, {17990, 1757}, {17991, 17960}, {17992, 1758}, {17993, 17955}, {17994, 240}, {17995, 18028}, {17997, 34054}, {17999, 17959}, {18000, 2648}, {18001, 1929}, {18002, 17954}, {18004, 20947}, {18014, 18032}, {18070, 308}, {18105, 82}, {18155, 18021}, {18197, 7304}, {18210, 4025}, {18266, 17943}, {18344, 29}, {18384, 36129}, {18785, 666}, {18793, 8709}, {18833, 42371}, {19610, 9396}, {20683, 1026}, {20691, 4595}, {20902, 3267}, {20910, 6374}, {20948, 1502}, {20964, 4579}, {20966, 3909}, {20970, 35342}, {20974, 16751}, {20975, 656}, {20979, 27644}, {20982, 14838}, {20998, 2644}, {21004, 39054}, {21006, 33760}, {21035, 4553}, {21043, 4036}, {21044, 4391}, {21051, 6376}, {21055, 30473}, {21056, 22028}, {21100, 9296}, {21104, 16708}, {21108, 16747}, {21123, 16696}, {21124, 20911}, {21127, 16713}, {21131, 16732}, {21143, 16726}, {21144, 23807}, {21207, 40495}, {21448, 37216}, {21720, 40603}, {21725, 2533}, {21727, 4651}, {21731, 1725}, {21755, 20981}, {21759, 34071}, {21789, 1098}, {21795, 35341}, {21796, 21362}, {21801, 2397}, {21805, 17780}, {21806, 4781}, {21809, 25268}, {21814, 46148}, {21816, 4115}, {21824, 7265}, {21828, 3218}, {21831, 7283}, {21832, 239}, {21833, 4024}, {21834, 192}, {21835, 20979}, {21836, 25264}, {21837, 3730}, {21888, 6631}, {21893, 9362}, {21905, 17466}, {21906, 2642}, {21950, 4462}, {21958, 17786}, {21963, 4106}, {22172, 4499}, {22229, 3501}, {22260, 2643}, {22341, 6517}, {22373, 22093}, {22383, 1790}, {23105, 23994}, {23282, 42714}, {23301, 17149}, {23493, 932}, {23503, 1613}, {23610, 4117}, {23655, 13588}, {23751, 16700}, {23878, 3403}, {23879, 33935}, {23894, 671}, {23928, 21295}, {23994, 44173}, {23996, 15631}, {24006, 264}, {24018, 3926}, {24019, 23582}, {24041, 31614}, {24290, 3912}, {25430, 4633}, {28615, 4629}, {28625, 37211}, {28658, 4604}, {30574, 30806}, {30591, 1269}, {31010, 32018}, {31290, 33779}, {31296, 33764}, {31946, 18133}, {32320, 6507}, {32671, 9273}, {32676, 250}, {32678, 39295}, {32679, 7799}, {32713, 24000}, {32740, 36142}, {33294, 20641}, {34079, 37140}, {34294, 18070}, {34591, 15411}, {34952, 47}, {35347, 35141}, {35352, 334}, {35353, 31002}, {35364, 8773}, {35519, 40072}, {36035, 3260}, {36051, 10425}, {36053, 18878}, {36054, 6514}, {36119, 16077}, {36120, 22456}, {36151, 30528}, {36197, 3239}, {36263, 9146}, {36800, 36806}, {37132, 9150}, {37134, 39292}, {38237, 39337}, {38252, 3565}, {38986, 16695}, {39201, 255}, {39258, 2284}, {39786, 812}, {39798, 37205}, {40148, 34594}, {40345, 40301}, {40352, 36034}, {40354, 36131}, {40471, 17140}, {40608, 3907}, {40627, 1107}, {40718, 789}, {40747, 4586}, {40934, 1633}, {40977, 14543}, {41079, 46234}, {41221, 2618}, {41683, 889}, {42027, 18830}, {42074, 3233}, {42327, 34022}, {42653, 191}, {42661, 2292}, {42663, 8772}, {42664, 28606}, {42666, 758}, {42667, 1822}, {42668, 1823}, {42670, 5127}, {42752, 1769}, {42753, 23788}, {42759, 36038}, {43534, 4583}, {43665, 46273}, {43763, 41209}, {43924, 1014}, {44113, 4242}, {44173, 1928}, {44426, 44130}, {44445, 18064}, {44705, 1895}, {44729, 44720}, {45775, 33919}, {45801, 20941}, {45907, 19591}, {46281, 9063}, {46288, 34072}, {46289, 827}
X(661) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 4369, 24924}, {2, 7192, 4369}, {2, 26545, 25008}, {2, 26775, 27114}, {2, 26822, 27167}, {2, 27469, 28372}, {2, 31290, 7192}, {115, 20982, 2170}, {647, 7180, 21828}, {649, 650, 1635}, {649, 4893, 650}, {650, 4790, 4394}, {650, 4813, 4979}, {650, 14298, 657}, {662, 2644, 24041}, {693, 3835, 4728}, {693, 4776, 3835}, {798, 8061, 656}, {1635, 4979, 649}, {2533, 21051, 21052}, {2578, 2579, 2624}, {3124, 16592, 244}, {3700, 4024, 4931}, {3700, 4988, 4838}, {3700, 8611, 4171}, {3700, 14321, 4120}, {3709, 7180, 647}, {3952, 7239, 35309}, {4024, 4120, 3700}, {4024, 42664, 21834}, {4106, 4940, 31147}, {4120, 4841, 4838}, {4120, 4988, 4024}, {4369, 4481, 28372}, {4369, 7192, 31148}, {4369, 25666, 2}, {4369, 27929, 26248}, {4369, 29717, 29402}, {4369, 45315, 25666}, {4379, 30835, 4885}, {4382, 31147, 4106}, {4394, 4790, 649}, {4444, 25666, 30765}, {4455, 7234, 669}, {4705, 4730, 4770}, {4705, 4822, 4729}, {4730, 4770, 4041}, {4806, 4824, 4804}, {4813, 4893, 649}, {4838, 4931, 4024}, {4841, 14321, 4024}, {4885, 43067, 4379}, {4897, 17069, 4750}, {4988, 14321, 4931}, {7192, 25666, 24924}, {7192, 26775, 29402}, {7192, 27647, 28372}, {16751, 24948, 14838}, {18070, 20953, 20948}, {20906, 21438, 20909}, {20949, 21611, 20952}, {24041, 36085, 2644}, {24924, 31148, 4369}, {25666, 29512, 27045}, {25666, 29717, 27114}, {25666, 31290, 31148}, {26798, 26824, 21297}, {26983, 27045, 2}, {26985, 27138, 4928}, {27013, 27115, 4763}, {27167, 29457, 24924}, {27469, 27647, 4481}, {27527, 28758, 2}, {28938, 28983, 26640}, {31290, 45315, 24924}
Let A'B'C' be the excentral triangle and H the Stammler hyperbola. Let T be the tangential triangle, with respect to A'B'C', of H. Then T and ABC are perspective, and their perspector is X(662). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A2B2C2 and A3B3C3 be the 2nd and 3rd Parry triangles. Let A' be the trilinear product A2*A3, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(662). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(1)X(21), and define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb ∩ Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(662). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(7)X(21), and define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb ∩ Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(662). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(8)X(21), and define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb ∩ Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(662). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(10)X(21), and define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb ∩ Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(662). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(21)X(36), and define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb ∩ Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(662). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
X(662) lies on the cubic K1004, the curve CC9, and these lines: {1, 897}, {2, 2185}, {3, 1098}, {6, 757}, {7, 40622}, {9, 39256}, {10, 501}, {11, 19642}, {19, 8771}, {21, 1156}, {27, 913}, {28, 14868}, {29, 1800}, {31, 36289}, {37, 34053}, {41, 3758}, {43, 6043}, {44, 1931}, {48, 75}, {58, 16477}, {60, 404}, {63, 2159}, {65, 35991}, {69, 24580}, {76, 30882}, {81, 88}, {82, 1178}, {86, 142}, {99, 101}, {100, 110}, {109, 931}, {112, 1310}, {115, 24957}, {141, 24614}, {162, 2617}, {163, 2642}, {214, 759}, {224, 13739}, {229, 34772}, {238, 1326}, {239, 7113}, {243, 425}, {249, 14838}, {250, 32673}, {261, 572}, {270, 37304}, {274, 2224}, {283, 23707}, {293, 23996}, {304, 2172}, {305, 30918}, {306, 38822}, {310, 30895}, {319, 40589}, {320, 20769}, {326, 610}, {333, 909}, {409, 2646}, {448, 1944}, {513, 17940}, {560, 1740}, {584, 17379}, {593, 5035}, {604, 3759}, {644, 4606}, {648, 653}, {649, 17929}, {651, 1414}, {655, 4552}, {656, 1101}, {658, 1461}, {660, 765}, {661, 2644}, {668, 37218}, {670, 4586}, {689, 787}, {691, 8691}, {741, 3248}, {775, 820}, {798, 37134}, {799, 3570}, {805, 30670}, {811, 823}, {827, 831}, {849, 3216}, {892, 35180}, {894, 2174}, {908, 18653}, {911, 1444}, {922, 1580}, {932, 43359}, {985, 40734}, {997, 17512}, {1014, 41610}, {1018, 4596}, {1019, 3257}, {1021, 36141}, {1043, 2360}, {1086, 24617}, {1100, 1963}, {1125, 15792}, {1155, 2651}, {1169, 39979}, {1171, 30581}, {1193, 2363}, {1306, 6136}, {1307, 6135}, {1325, 4511}, {1333, 18274}, {1375, 37796}, {1412, 41629}, {1429, 24378}, {1434, 43762}, {1442, 40582}, {1474, 14013}, {1492, 1576}, {1509, 4251}, {1577, 15455}, {1625, 23113}, {1633, 4236}, {1691, 15994}, {1780, 37288}, {1781, 18714}, {1812, 1817}, {1818, 23692}, {1914, 2106}, {1924, 24037}, {1930, 34055}, {1933, 2227}, {1959, 2173}, {1966, 9417}, {1973, 18156}, {2126, 21081}, {2134, 21879}, {2167, 14213}, {2183, 17209}, {2194, 13588}, {2244, 17799}, {2245, 19308}, {2267, 17335}, {2268, 4687}, {2304, 31997}, {2326, 37448}, {2327, 8822}, {2341, 16578}, {2407, 38340}, {2421, 4603}, {2503, 24504}, {2576, 2580}, {2577, 2581}, {2635, 23695}, {2669, 9454}, {2748, 12074}, {2893, 28755}, {2939, 18719}, {2948, 4736}, {3109, 10609}, {3110, 3271}, {3204, 17350}, {3218, 37783}, {3219, 40592}, {3571, 5147}, {3573, 4436}, {3615, 35195}, {3682, 19842}, {3684, 17731}, {3737, 4570}, {3869, 37405}, {3939, 37138}, {4033, 7257}, {4069, 35368}, {4268, 17349}, {4276, 40110}, {4287, 17259}, {4473, 31059}, {4551, 36098}, {4559, 43069}, {4562, 4577}, {4563, 37215}, {4589, 37207}, {4590, 20981}, {4593, 4602}, {4594, 17941}, {4598, 34071}, {4599, 34072}, {4600, 4607}, {4601, 36860}, {4604, 34073}, {4620, 4625}, {4664, 9310}, {4670, 40744}, {4676, 11104}, {4858, 14616}, {4921, 16723}, {5009, 18792}, {5057, 5196}, {5086, 37158}, {5224, 25447}, {5235, 43757}, {5333, 25383}, {5468, 37210}, {5539, 23648}, {5698, 35915}, {5949, 7332}, {6061, 7411}, {6224, 6740}, {6507, 18750}, {6514, 27398}, {6518, 37774}, {6578, 15322}, {6626, 17256}, {7045, 23090}, {7054, 37659}, {7058, 14829}, {7192, 37143}, {7256, 43290}, {7258, 24004}, {7321, 18162}, {7452, 36797}, {8043, 21891}, {8052, 34076}, {8286, 26141}, {8301, 25048}, {8625, 34996}, {8652, 43356}, {8684, 43357}, {8690, 8694}, {8701, 34594}, {8708, 43076}, {9070, 36069}, {10330, 42720}, {13178, 21043}, {14206, 36102}, {14210, 36150}, {14534, 14554}, {14543, 17136}, {14953, 17139}, {14999, 17069}, {15507, 37019}, {16521, 40773}, {16545, 18049}, {16546, 18715}, {16598, 21381}, {16610, 37791}, {16704, 37222}, {16751, 36087}, {17104, 25440}, {17190, 27065}, {17206, 37214}, {17227, 25940}, {17289, 41534}, {17346, 34016}, {17438, 17868}, {17745, 46194}, {18020, 22382}, {18048, 18143}, {18051, 34082}, {18157, 34081}, {18206, 37131}, {18315, 39177}, {18594, 18713}, {18595, 18716}, {18596, 18717}, {18597, 18718}, {18598, 18720}, {18599, 18721}, {18740, 36145}, {19559, 34070}, {20337, 44387}, {20932, 34066}, {20948, 46254}, {20975, 24500}, {21008, 40432}, {21252, 30995}, {21254, 24714}, {22054, 28287}, {23363, 23831}, {23582, 32670}, {23999, 36139}, {24000, 36092}, {24018, 36131}, {24267, 25688}, {24557, 25887}, {24582, 24619}, {24636, 25469}, {24723, 35916}, {27665, 28283}, {27834, 34080}, {28210, 40522}, {28753, 37382}, {28841, 36066}, {30576, 37680}, {30962, 44081}, {30966, 37208}, {31998, 35148}, {32669, 37136}, {32851, 37793}, {33116, 40605}, {33297, 37213}, {34990, 35069}, {35049, 44769}, {36034, 36083}, {36036, 36132}
X(662) = midpoint of X(21221) and X(31297)
X(662) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {8287, 40539}, {21221, 8287}, {31175, 2}, {40438, 39042}
X(662) = isogonal conjugate of X(661)
X(662) = isotomic conjugate of X(1577)
X(662) = complement of X(21221)
X(662) = anticomplement of X(8287)
X(662) = polar conjugate of X(24006)
X(662) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1983, 14731}, {6742, 21294}, {13486, 150}, {35049, 3434}
X(662) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 39054}, {39137, 141}
X(662) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2644}, {2, 39054}, {99, 643}, {249, 2185}, {765, 33766}, {799, 4592}, {811, 162}, {1101, 18042}, {4567, 81}, {4573, 1414}, {4590, 757}, {4593, 799}, {4596, 100}, {4599, 163}, {4600, 58}, {4610, 99}, {4612, 4558}, {4620, 86}, {18020, 1098}, {23999, 255}, {24000, 1760}, {24037, 31}, {24041, 1}, {36036, 23997}, {36066, 3573}, {36085, 23889}, {46254, 75}
X(662) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 24041}, {2, 4564}, {3, 7045}, {6, 765}, {31, 24037}, {48, 1101}, {58, 4600}, {81, 4567}, {100, 99}, {101, 110}, {110, 1414}, {154, 24013}, {163, 162}, {255, 23999}, {284, 4570}, {404, 4998}, {513, 40438}, {572, 59}, {573, 7012}, {610, 24000}, {644, 8690}, {649, 2363}, {650, 40430}, {651, 648}, {656, 75}, {661, 1}, {798, 82}, {822, 775}, {1018, 34594}, {1019, 81}, {1021, 21}, {1577, 2167}, {1635, 759}, {1813, 4558}, {1924, 31}, {1958, 46254}, {1983, 36037}, {2254, 18827}, {2287, 5379}, {2617, 811}, {2624, 36053}, {2642, 897}, {3216, 7035}, {3573, 36066}, {3733, 757}, {3737, 86}, {3738, 14616}, {3882, 190}, {3888, 670}, {3909, 668}, {4040, 40439}, {4251, 1252}, {4383, 5382}, {4560, 2185}, {4575, 4592}, {4579, 4577}, {4585, 3257}, {5053, 9268}, {5276, 5384}, {5546, 643}, {6003, 7}, {7437, 927}, {8632, 741}, {13329, 39293}, {14208, 34055}, {14838, 2}, {15309, 25417}, {16612, 40436}, {16751, 274}, {20981, 6}, {21383, 3903}, {22382, 3}, {23090, 1098}, {23889, 36085}, {23997, 36036}, {24018, 63}, {24948, 32009}, {25900, 7131}, {27644, 4601}, {32679, 2349}, {32911, 1016}, {33854, 5378}, {35342, 100}, {37633, 5385}, {37659, 1275}, {37680, 5376}, {40214, 249}
X(662) = antigonal image of X(1337)
X(662) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 661}, {2, 4560}, {3, 23090}, {6, 3733}, {9, 35057}, {21, 1021}, {31, 1924}, {48, 656}, {63, 24018}, {81, 1019}, {100, 101}, {110, 5546}, {163, 4575}, {214, 1635}, {284, 3737}, {513, 1100}, {514, 5249}, {523, 5949}, {526, 35069}, {649, 1193}, {650, 2646}, {651, 1813}, {667, 1197}, {693, 17866}, {798, 1964}, {820, 822}, {1577, 14213}, {1930, 14208}, {2238, 38348}, {2578, 2585}, {2579, 2584}, {2582, 2583}, {2642, 42081}, {3687, 6332}, {3738, 34544}, {7192, 17169}, {8061, 17457}, {8300, 8632}, {14838, 40214}
X(662) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 9395}, {99, 4573}, {799, 811}, {4593, 4599}
X(662) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2640}, {2, 21220}, {6, 21004}, {10, 21100}, {37, 21888}, {512, 3709}, {523, 21051}, {798, 810}, {1577, 20910}, {2084, 8061}, {3124, 8034}, {4024, 21720}, {4079, 4705}
X(662) = trilinear pole of line {1, 21}
X(662) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {2642, 2643}
X(662) = trilinear product X(2)*X(110)
X(662) = trilinear product X(81)*X(100)
X(662) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(6)
X(662) = trilinear product of PU(78)
X(662) = crossdifference of PU(79)
X(662) = barycentric product of PU(90)
X(662) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,PU(78)}}
X(662) = trilinear product X(6)*X(99)
X(662) = trilinear product of PU(145)
X(662) = trilinear product of Steiner circumellipse intercepts of Brocard axis
X(662) = trilinear product of MacBeath circumconic intercepts of Euler line
X(662) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 661}, {2, 512}, {3, 2501}, {4, 647}, {5, 2623}, {6, 523}, {7, 3709}, {8, 7180}, {9, 4017}, {10, 649}, {11, 4559}, {12, 7252}, {13, 6137}, {14, 6138}, {15, 20578}, {16, 20579}, {19, 656}, {25, 525}, {30, 2433}, {31, 1577}, {32, 850}, {34, 8611}, {37, 513}, {41, 4077}, {42, 514}, {48, 24006}, {50, 10412}, {51, 15412}, {53, 23286}, {54, 12077}, {55, 7178}, {56, 3700}, {57, 4041}, {58, 4024}, {64, 6587}, {65, 650}, {66, 2485}, {67, 2492}, {68, 6753}, {69, 2489}, {71, 7649}, {72, 6591}, {73, 3064}, {74, 1637}, {75, 798}, {76, 669}, {80, 21828}, {81, 4705}, {82, 8061}, {83, 3005}, {86, 4079}, {87, 21834}, {88, 4730}, {89, 4770}, {92, 810}, {94, 14270}, {98, 3569}, {99, 3124}, {100, 3125}, {101, 3120}, {105, 24290}, {106, 4120}, {107, 3269}, {109, 21044}, {110, 115}, {111, 690}, {112, 125}, {141, 18105}, {158, 822}, {162, 3708}, {163, 1109}, {181, 4560}, {184, 14618}, {186, 14582}, {187, 5466}, {190, 3122}, {200, 7216}, {210, 3669}, {213, 693}, {225, 652}, {226, 663}, {228, 17924}, {230, 35364}, {232, 879}, {237, 43665}, {244, 1018}, {248, 16230}, {249, 8029}, {251, 826}, {257, 7234}, {262, 3288}, {263, 23878}, {264, 3049}, {269, 4171}, {275, 15451}, {279, 4524}, {287, 17994}, {290, 2491}, {291, 21832}, {292, 4010}, {297, 878}, {308, 688}, {313, 1919}, {321, 667}, {323, 15475}, {325, 2422}, {335, 4455}, {338, 1576}, {346, 7250}, {351, 671}, {385, 882}, {393, 520}, {459, 42658}, {468, 10097}, {476, 2088}, {511, 2395}, {521, 1880}, {522, 1400}, {524, 9178}, {526, 1989}, {542, 14998}, {560, 20948}, {561, 1924}, {574, 8599}, {594, 3733}, {598, 17414}, {599, 46001}, {604, 4086}, {607, 17094}, {648, 20975}, {651, 4516}, {657, 3668}, {660, 39786}, {662, 2643}, {665, 13576}, {668, 3121}, {670, 1084}, {684, 6531}, {685, 41172}, {686, 1300}, {691, 1648}, {692, 16732}, {694, 804}, {727, 21053}, {729, 9148}, {739, 14431}, {740, 3572}, {755, 14420}, {756, 1019}, {759, 2610}, {827, 39691}, {842, 1640}, {843, 8371}, {847, 30451}, {868, 2715}, {872, 7199}, {875, 3948}, {876, 2238}, {881, 3978}, {886, 1645}, {887, 34087}, {888, 3228}, {892, 21906}, {893, 2533}, {895, 14273}, {896, 23894}, {897, 2642}, {902, 4049}, {903, 14407}, {905, 1824}, {924, 2165}, {934, 36197}, {941, 8672}, {1015, 3952}, {1016, 8034}, {1020, 2310}, {1021, 1254}, {1022, 21805}, {1027, 3930}, {1029, 42653}, {1042, 3239}, {1073, 44705}, {1086, 4557}, {1093, 32320}, {1096, 24018}, {1126, 4988}, {1141, 2081}, {1171, 6367}, {1214, 18344}, {1245, 6590}, {1255, 4983}, {1289, 38356}, {1291, 10413}, {1293, 21950}, {1296, 6791}, {1301, 1562}, {1333, 4036}, {1334, 3676}, {1357, 30730}, {1365, 5546}, {1379, 13636}, {1380, 13722}, {1383, 3906}, {1402, 4391}, {1409, 44426}, {1425, 17926}, {1427, 3900}, {1431, 4140}, {1438, 4088}, {1441, 3063}, {1446, 8641}, {1459, 1826}, {1474, 4064}, {1491, 40747}, {1494, 14398}, {1495, 2394}, {1499, 21448}, {1500, 7192}, {1501, 44173}, {1502, 9426}, {1503, 34212}, {1510, 2963}, {1625, 8901}, {1634, 34294}, {1635, 4674}, {1649, 10630}, {1650, 32695}, {1769, 2250}, {1783, 18210}, {1843, 4580}, {1903, 6129}, {1914, 35352}, {1916, 5027}, {1918, 3261}, {1946, 40149}, {1953, 2616}, {1960, 4080}, {1964, 18070}, {1973, 14208}, {1974, 3267}, {1976, 2799}, {1977, 27808}, {1980, 27801}, {1987, 6130}, {1990, 14380}, {2028, 30508}, {2029, 30509}, {2030, 34246}, {2052, 39201}, {2054, 2786}, {2084, 3112}, {2086, 18829}, {2092, 4581}, {2148, 2618}, {2155, 17898}, {2159, 36035}, {2162, 21051}, {2163, 4931}, {2166, 2624}, {2170, 4551}, {2171, 3737}, {2200, 46107}, {2205, 40495}, {2207, 3265}, {2254, 18785}, {2259, 23752}, {2279, 4804}, {2281, 2517}, {2291, 30574}, {2308, 31010}, {2316, 30572}, {2321, 43924}, {2333, 4025}, {2334, 4841}, {2350, 4151}, {2353, 33294}, {2357, 14837}, {2378, 9200}, {2379, 9201}, {2380, 14446}, {2381, 14447}, {2396, 15630}, {2420, 12079}, {2423, 17757}, {2424, 17747}, {2435, 16318}, {2436, 34209}, {2451, 9307}, {2502, 9180}, {2530, 18098}, {2574, 8106}, {2575, 8105}, {2578, 2589}, {2579, 2588}, {2592, 42667}, {2593, 42668}, {2605, 8818}, {2631, 36119}, {2632, 24019}, {2640, 9396}, {2679, 39291}, {2966, 44114}, {2969, 4574}, {2970, 32661}, {2971, 4563}, {2972, 6529}, {2986, 21731}, {2996, 8651}, {2998, 3221}, {3003, 15328}, {3018, 15453}, {3050, 3613}, {3108, 7927}, {3114, 17415}, {3224, 23301}, {3227, 14404}, {3230, 35353}, {3248, 4033}, {3250, 40718}, {3251, 30575}, {3268, 11060}, {3271, 4552}, {3284, 18808}, {3310, 38955}, {3413, 5639}, {3414, 5638}, {3426, 9209}, {3445, 14321}, {3447, 45801}, {3455, 9979}, {3457, 23870}, {3458, 23871}, {3565, 6388}, {3566, 8770}, {3657, 8609}, {3690, 17925}, {3694, 43923}, {3695, 43925}, {3747, 4444}, {3768, 41683}, {3800, 39951}, {3804, 18840}, {3835, 23493}, {3903, 16592}, {3932, 43929}, {3943, 23345}, {3954, 18108}, {3960, 34857}, {3994, 23892}, {4052, 8643}, {4057, 40085}, {4083, 16606}, {4092, 4565}, {4108, 30495}, {4117, 4602}, {4122, 40746}, {4128, 27805}, {4129, 40148}, {4132, 39798}, {4139, 39956}, {4145, 39981}, {4155, 37128}, {4169, 43922}, {4374, 40729}, {4404, 38266}, {4466, 8750}, {4515, 43932}, {4556, 21043}, {4558, 8754}, {4566, 14936}, {4570, 21131}, {4590, 22260}, {4594, 21823}, {4603, 21725}, {4608, 20970}, {4609, 9427}, {4707, 6187}, {4729, 8056}, {4775, 30588}, {4777, 28658}, {4802, 28625}, {4822, 25430}, {4824, 25426}, {4826, 30598}, {4832, 5936}, {5007, 31065}, {5029, 11599}, {5040, 11611}, {5075, 11608}, {5089, 10099}, {5094, 30491}, {5098, 43671}, {5113, 11606}, {5191, 14223}, {5291, 18015}, {5392, 34952}, {5485, 8644}, {5489, 23964}, {5503, 9135}, {5562, 15422}, {5641, 6041}, {5664, 40355}, {5967, 8430}, {5969, 14606}, {5970, 11182}, {5994, 30468}, {5995, 30465}, {6088, 34898}, {6094, 9023}, {6103, 35909}, {6140, 13582}, {6145, 16040}, {6164, 21888}, {6186, 7265}, {6328, 36830}, {6354, 21789}, {6368, 8882}, {6370, 34079}, {6371, 14624}, {6373, 27809}, {6378, 17217}, {6464, 6562}, {6542, 18001}, {6586, 15320}, {6588, 43703}, {6589, 15232}, {6650, 17990}, {6664, 21006}, {6724, 6729}, {6742, 20982}, {6748, 39180}, {7064, 17096}, {7077, 7212}, {7140, 7254}, {7148, 18197}, {7332, 21784}, {7578, 18117}, {7950, 39955}, {8057, 41489}, {8288, 11636}, {8552, 18384}, {8562, 11071}, {8574, 13485}, {8632, 43534}, {8639, 34258}, {8663, 32014}, {8664, 10159}, {8665, 43527}, {8673, 13854}, {8675, 34288}, {8704, 11166}, {8714, 40147}, {8735, 23067}, {8736, 23189}, {8749, 9033}, {8752, 14429}, {8753, 14417}, {8781, 42663}, {8791, 9517}, {8795, 42293}, {8884, 17434}, {8946, 17432}, {8948, 17431}, {9009, 9462}, {9035, 16098}, {9171, 18823}, {9188, 36882}, {9208, 43535}, {9210, 14458}, {9217, 10278}, {9258, 17478}, {9262, 21093}, {9267, 21893}, {9278, 9508}, {9279, 40776}, {9292, 30476}, {9293, 20998}, {9315, 21052}, {9409, 16080}, {9468, 14295}, {9479, 46286}, {9486, 43667}, {9491, 40162}, {9494, 40016}, {10561, 14357}, {10566, 21035}, {10579, 14324}, {11081, 23284}, {11086, 23283}, {11167, 11186}, {12073, 39389}, {13136, 42752}, {13212, 32712}, {13366, 39183}, {13450, 46088}, {13486, 21824}, {14316, 41533}, {14318, 42006}, {14428, 43098}, {14443, 34539}, {14498, 45687}, {14533, 23290}, {14534, 42661}, {14573, 15415}, {14574, 23962}, {14579, 45147}, {14581, 34767}, {14592, 34397}, {14775, 18591}, {14776, 42761}, {14977, 44102}, {14991, 27807}, {15065, 21758}, {15318, 30442}, {15352, 34980}, {15420, 44092}, {15421, 44084}, {15526, 32713}, {16081, 39469}, {16310, 43709}, {16459, 35443}, {16460, 35444}, {16726, 40521}, {17402, 30452}, {17403, 30453}, {17411, 18812}, {17735, 18014}, {17790, 18002}, {17946, 17989}, {17947, 17992}, {17949, 17997}, {17950, 18000}, {17961, 18003}, {17962, 18004}, {17963, 18006}, {17964, 34763}, {17965, 18008}, {17966, 18013}, {17980, 24284}, {18082, 21123}, {18191, 21859}, {18310, 22259}, {18315, 41221}, {18830, 21835}, {18832, 23503}, {19222, 45907}, {19610, 31998}, {20691, 43931}, {20902, 32676}, {20906, 21759}, {20910, 34248}, {20976, 42345}, {20979, 42027}, {21207, 32739}, {21353, 31947}, {21461, 23872}, {21462, 23873}, {21646, 43679}, {21727, 39950}, {21905, 44182}, {22105, 46154}, {22172, 25576}, {22383, 41013}, {23099, 34537}, {23105, 23357}, {23285, 46288}, {23287, 42007}, {23350, 34369}, {23610, 44168}, {23992, 34574}, {24007, 39665}, {24008, 39666}, {24624, 42666}, {24978, 34448}, {26958, 46005}, {27375, 31296}, {28615, 30591}, {30496, 44451}, {30735, 40799}, {31946, 39964}, {32112, 35906}, {32641, 42759}, {32662, 35235}, {32740, 35522}, {34289, 42660}, {34845, 36198}, {36126, 37754}, {36955, 39024}, {37137, 40608}, {38237, 46274}, {39022, 41880}, {39023, 41881}, {40151, 44729}, {40338, 40345}, {40352, 41079}, {40418, 40627}, {41167, 41932}, {41178, 41209}, {41506, 43060}, {42344, 45773}, {42659, 46105}, {42664, 43531}, {42671, 43673}, {44127, 46245}
X(662) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 99}, {3, 811}, {4, 4592}, {6, 799}, {7, 643}, {8, 1414}, {9, 4573}, {19, 4563}, {21, 664}, {27, 1332}, {28, 4561}, {29, 6516}, {31, 670}, {32, 4602}, {37, 4610}, {38, 4577}, {39, 4593}, {42, 4623}, {44, 4615}, {47, 46134}, {48, 6331}, {55, 4625}, {56, 7257}, {57, 645}, {58, 668}, {59, 18155}, {63, 648}, {69, 162}, {75, 110}, {76, 163}, {77, 36797}, {81, 190}, {82, 4576}, {85, 5546}, {86, 100}, {92, 4558}, {95, 2617}, {101, 274}, {107, 326}, {108, 332}, {109, 314}, {111, 24039}, {112, 304}, {141, 4599}, {171, 4594}, {172, 7260}, {200, 4616}, {220, 4635}, {226, 4612}, {238, 4589}, {239, 4584}, {240, 17932}, {249, 1577}, {250, 14208}, {255, 6528}, {261, 4551}, {264, 4575}, {269, 7256}, {279, 7259}, {283, 18026}, {284, 4554}, {286, 1331}, {290, 23997}, {293, 877}, {305, 32676}, {310, 692}, {311, 36134}, {312, 4565}, {319, 13486}, {321, 4556}, {323, 32680}, {325, 36084}, {333, 651}, {336, 4230}, {340, 36061}, {346, 4637}, {385, 37134}, {394, 823}, {511, 36036}, {512, 24037}, {513, 4600}, {514, 4567}, {519, 4622}, {520, 23999}, {523, 24041}, {524, 36085}, {538, 36133}, {552, 4069}, {560, 4609}, {561, 1576}, {593, 4033}, {610, 44326}, {644, 1434}, {646, 1412}, {647, 46254}, {649, 4601}, {650, 4620}, {653, 1812}, {656, 18020}, {658, 2287}, {660, 33295}, {661, 4590}, {666, 18206}, {671, 23889}, {689, 1964}, {691, 14210}, {693, 4570}, {740, 36066}, {741, 874}, {757, 3952}, {763, 4103}, {765, 7192}, {785, 10471}, {789, 3736}, {798, 34537}, {805, 1966}, {813, 30940}, {827, 1930}, {849, 27808}, {850, 1101}, {873, 4557}, {880, 1967}, {892, 896}, {894, 4603}, {897, 5468}, {901, 30939}, {902, 4634}, {906, 44129}, {907, 39731}, {919, 18157}, {925, 44179}, {931, 10436}, {932, 33296}, {933, 18695}, {934, 1043}, {1010, 1310}, {1014, 3699}, {1016, 1019}, {1018, 1509}, {1020, 7058}, {1021, 1275}, {1098, 4566}, {1100, 4632}, {1102, 6529}, {1125, 4596}, {1252, 7199}, {1333, 1978}, {1400, 4631}, {1407, 7258}, {1415, 28660}, {1441, 4636}, {1444, 1897}, {1449, 4633}, {1492, 30966}, {1580, 18829}, {1581, 17941}, {1634, 3112}, {1707, 35136}, {1725, 18878}, {1733, 10425}, {1740, 3222}, {1755, 43187}, {1757, 17930}, {1758, 17931}, {1760, 44766}, {1783, 17206}, {1790, 6335}, {1792, 36118}, {1813, 31623}, {1817, 44327}, {1821, 2421}, {1822, 15165}, {1823, 15164}, {1896, 6517}, {1910, 2396}, {1914, 4639}, {1923, 42371}, {1924, 44168}, {1926, 17938}, {1928, 14574}, {1929, 17934}, {1931, 35148}, {1944, 41206}, {1958, 43188}, {1959, 2966}, {1969, 32661}, {1992, 37216}, {2162, 36860}, {2166, 10411}, {2167, 14570}, {2184, 36841}, {2185, 4552}, {2194, 4572}, {2206, 6386}, {2234, 9150}, {2236, 41209}, {2247, 6035}, {2249, 15418}, {2303, 37215}, {2327, 13149}, {2328, 4569}, {2349, 2407}, {2420, 33805}, {2580, 8116}, {2581, 8115}, {2582, 39298}, {2583, 39299}, {2640, 37880}, {2643, 31614}, {2644, 35511}, {2648, 17933}, {2651, 35154}, {2703, 5209}, {2715, 46238}, {2964, 46139}, {3051, 37204}, {3108, 18062}, {3257, 16704}, {3260, 36034}, {3265, 24000}, {3266, 36142}, {3403, 26714}, {3564, 36105}, {3565, 18156}, {3570, 37128}, {3573, 18827}, {3616, 4614}, {3732, 40403}, {3733, 7035}, {3737, 4998}, {3875, 8690}, {3882, 14534}, {3888, 40415}, {3903, 17103}, {3926, 24019}, {3936, 37140}, {3964, 36126}, {4008, 35575}, {4017, 6064}, {4025, 5379}, {4041, 7340}, {4076, 7203}, {4226, 8773}, {4238, 31637}, {4358, 4591}, {4359, 4629}, {4360, 34594}, {4427, 40438}, {4436, 40439}, {4560, 4564}, {4579, 32010}, {4583, 5009}, {4585, 24624}, {4586, 40773}, {4597, 4653}, {4598, 27644}, {4604, 5235}, {4606, 42028}, {4627, 19804}, {4628, 16703}, {4638, 16729}, {4647, 6578}, {4658, 32042}, {4673, 5545}, {5127, 35156}, {5333, 37211}, {5377, 23829}, {5380, 6629}, {5383, 18197}, {5467, 46277}, {6012, 33953}, {6149, 35139}, {6385, 32739}, {6393, 36104}, {6507, 15352}, {6518, 41207}, {6606, 17194}, {6628, 40521}, {6632, 16726}, {6648, 17185}, {7045, 7253}, {7128, 15411}, {7763, 36145}, {7769, 36148}, {7799, 32678}, {8024, 34072}, {8025, 37212}, {8701, 16709}, {8708, 17175}, {8709, 18792}, {8822, 13138}, {9066, 36289}, {9395, 31998}, {9396, 31632}, {9424, 9425}, {11794, 18042}, {13398, 33808}, {14206, 44769}, {14213, 18315}, {14919, 24001}, {14966, 46273}, {15455, 40214}, {16568, 17708}, {16705, 36147}, {16739, 32736}, {17136, 40430}, {17139, 36037}, {17143, 43076}, {17197, 31615}, {17394, 43356}, {17469, 35137}, {17731, 37135}, {17763, 17929}, {17935, 17954}, {17940, 20947}, {17943, 18032}, {18047, 40432}, {18268, 27853}, {18645, 31628}, {18830, 38832}, {18831, 44706}, {20941, 40173}, {20948, 23357}, {23181, 40440}, {23342, 37132}, {23582, 24018}, {23995, 44173}, {24038, 34574}, {27398, 37141}, {27834, 41629}, {27958, 37137}, {30941, 36086}, {31008, 34071}, {31997, 43359}, {32014, 35342}, {32640, 46234}, {32679, 39295}, {32833, 36149}, {32911, 37205}, {33951, 40398}, {34055, 41676}, {35138, 36263}, {35179, 36277}, {35550, 36069}, {36059, 44130}, {37206, 41610}, {37217, 41614}, {40703, 43754}, {41517, 46295}
X(662) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 523}, {2, 1577}, {3, 656}, {4, 24006}, {5, 2618}, {6, 661}, {7, 4077}, {8, 4086}, {9, 3700}, {10, 4036}, {19, 2501}, {20, 17898}, {21, 522}, {27, 17924}, {28, 7649}, {29, 44426}, {30, 36035}, {31, 512}, {32, 798}, {37, 4024}, {38, 826}, {39, 8061}, {41, 3709}, {42, 4705}, {43, 21051}, {44, 4120}, {45, 4931}, {47, 924}, {48, 647}, {50, 2624}, {54, 2616}, {55, 4041}, {56, 4017}, {57, 7178}, {58, 513}, {59, 4551}, {60, 3737}, {63, 525}, {69, 14208}, {72, 4064}, {75, 850}, {76, 20948}, {77, 17094}, {81, 514}, {83, 18070}, {86, 693}, {88, 4049}, {92, 14618}, {99, 75}, {100, 10}, {101, 37}, {107, 158}, {108, 225}, {109, 65}, {110, 1}, {111, 23894}, {112, 19}, {145, 4404}, {162, 4}, {163, 6}, {171, 2533}, {184, 810}, {187, 2642}, {190, 321}, {194, 20910}, {204, 44705}, {213, 4079}, {219, 8611}, {220, 4171}, {238, 4010}, {240, 16230}, {250, 162}, {255, 520}, {261, 18155}, {274, 3261}, {283, 521}, {284, 650}, {286, 46107}, {291, 35352}, {293, 879}, {304, 3267}, {310, 40495}, {314, 35519}, {323, 32679}, {326, 3265}, {332, 35518}, {333, 4391}, {394, 24018}, {476, 2166}, {501, 31947}, {512, 2643}, {513, 3120}, {514, 16732}, {518, 4088}, {520, 2632}, {523, 1109}, {525, 20902}, {560, 669}, {561, 44173}, {563, 30451}, {577, 822}, {593, 1019}, {595, 4132}, {604, 7180}, {610, 6587}, {643, 8}, {644, 2321}, {645, 312}, {646, 30713}, {647, 3708}, {648, 92}, {649, 3125}, {650, 21044}, {651, 226}, {653, 40149}, {656, 125}, {657, 36197}, {658, 1446}, {660, 43534}, {661, 115}, {663, 4516}, {664, 1441}, {667, 3122}, {668, 313}, {670, 561}, {672, 24290}, {685, 36120}, {689, 18833}, {691, 897}, {692, 42}, {693, 21207}, {741, 876}, {757, 7192}, {758, 6370}, {765, 3952}, {798, 3124}, {799, 76}, {805, 1581}, {810, 20975}, {811, 264}, {822, 3269}, {823, 2052}, {825, 40747}, {827, 82}, {849, 3733}, {850, 23994}, {859, 1769}, {874, 35544}, {877, 40703}, {880, 1926}, {892, 46277}, {896, 690}, {897, 5466}, {898, 41683}, {899, 14431}, {901, 4674}, {902, 4730}, {905, 4466}, {906, 71}, {907, 23051}, {919, 18785}, {922, 351}, {923, 9178}, {925, 91}, {930, 2962}, {931, 31359}, {932, 42027}, {933, 2190}, {934, 3668}, {942, 23752}, {982, 3801}, {984, 4122}, {1001, 4804}, {1010, 2517}, {1014, 3676}, {1016, 4033}, {1018, 594}, {1019, 1086}, {1020, 6354}, {1021, 1146}, {1023, 3943}, {1026, 3932}, {1043, 4397}, {1098, 7253}, {1100, 4988}, {1101, 110}, {1102, 4143}, {1106, 7250}, {1109, 23105}, {1110, 4557}, {1113, 2589}, {1114, 2588}, {1125, 30591}, {1155, 30574}, {1172, 3064}, {1197, 40627}, {1252, 1018}, {1253, 4524}, {1255, 31010}, {1262, 1020}, {1290, 5620}, {1303, 9251}, {1304, 36119}, {1319, 30572}, {1325, 21180}, {1326, 9508}, {1331, 72}, {1332, 306}, {1333, 649}, {1376, 21052}, {1407, 7216}, {1408, 43924}, {1412, 3669}, {1414, 7}, {1415, 1400}, {1429, 7212}, {1434, 24002}, {1437, 1459}, {1444, 4025}, {1449, 4841}, {1459, 18210}, {1461, 1427}, {1468, 8672}, {1474, 6591}, {1492, 40718}, {1501, 1924}, {1509, 7199}, {1575, 21053}, {1576, 31}, {1577, 338}, {1580, 804}, {1621, 4151}, {1624, 774}, {1625, 1953}, {1632, 17871}, {1633, 3914}, {1634, 38}, {1707, 3566}, {1734, 21045}, {1740, 23301}, {1743, 14321}, {1749, 45147}, {1755, 3569}, {1757, 18004}, {1758, 18006}, {1760, 33294}, {1769, 42759}, {1780, 15313}, {1783, 1826}, {1790, 905}, {1812, 6332}, {1813, 1214}, {1817, 14837}, {1821, 43665}, {1822, 2575}, {1823, 2574}, {1897, 41013}, {1910, 2395}, {1914, 21832}, {1917, 9426}, {1919, 3121}, {1923, 688}, {1924, 1084}, {1927, 881}, {1929, 18014}, {1930, 23285}, {1931, 2786}, {1933, 5027}, {1953, 12077}, {1955, 6130}, {1957, 16229}, {1958, 30476}, {1959, 2799}, {1962, 6367}, {1964, 3005}, {1966, 14295}, {1967, 882}, {1973, 2489}, {1975, 17893}, {1978, 27801}, {1983, 2245}, {1992, 14207}, {2148, 2623}, {2149, 4559}, {2150, 7252}, {2151, 6137}, {2152, 6138}, {2153, 20578}, {2154, 20579}, {2159, 2433}, {2166, 10412}, {2167, 15412}, {2169, 23286}, {2172, 2485}, {2173, 1637}, {2176, 21834}, {2177, 4770}, {2185, 4560}, {2193, 652}, {2194, 663}, {2206, 667}, {2210, 4455}, {2234, 9148}, {2244, 14420}, {2245, 2610}, {2247, 1640}, {2251, 14407}, {2284, 3930}, {2287, 3239}, {2290, 2081}, {2299, 18344}, {2303, 6590}, {2308, 4983}, {2315, 686}, {2326, 17926}, {2328, 3900}, {2329, 4140}, {2349, 2394}, {2360, 6129}, {2363, 4581}, {2396, 46238}, {2407, 14206}, {2420, 2173}, {2421, 1959}, {2427, 21801}, {2576, 8106}, {2577, 8105}, {2580, 2593}, {2581, 2592}, {2588, 39240}, {2589, 39241}, {2605, 2611}, {2608, 2614}, {2612, 2606}, {2613, 2607}, {2616, 8901}, {2617, 5}, {2624, 2088}, {2626, 18114}, {2632, 5489}, {2640, 10278}, {2642, 1648}, {2643, 8029}, {2644, 148}, {2648, 18013}, {2651, 2785}, {2701, 2652}, {2702, 9278}, {2715, 1910}, {2964, 1510}, {2966, 1821}, {3051, 2084}, {3052, 4729}, {3125, 21131}, {3158, 44729}, {3216, 31946}, {3218, 4707}, {3219, 7265}, {3222, 18832}, {3233, 1099}, {3248, 8034}, {3257, 4080}, {3265, 17879}, {3284, 2631}, {3285, 1635}, {3286, 2254}, {3309, 21945}, {3501, 21958}, {3565, 8769}, {3566, 17876}, {3570, 3948}, {3573, 740}, {3616, 4815}, {3658, 1737}, {3666, 21124}, {3670, 21121}, {3699, 3701}, {3724, 42666}, {3725, 42661}, {3733, 244}, {3736, 1491}, {3737, 11}, {3747, 4155}, {3786, 4522}, {3794, 3810}, {3799, 3773}, {3882, 1211}, {3888, 2887}, {3909, 3454}, {3915, 4139}, {3938, 4808}, {3939, 210}, {3952, 1089}, {4008, 30735}, {4017, 1365}, {4033, 28654}, {4040, 2486}, {4041, 4092}, {4069, 6057}, {4079, 21833}, {4100, 32320}, {4117, 23099}, {4131, 17216}, {4184, 1734}, {4225, 21189}, {4226, 1733}, {4228, 21185}, {4230, 240}, {4236, 1738}, {4238, 1861}, {4240, 1784}, {4242, 860}, {4243, 1736}, {4246, 1785}, {4267, 17420}, {4273, 4893}, {4282, 654}, {4394, 21950}, {4427, 4647}, {4436, 21020}, {4467, 17886}, {4482, 4377}, {4512, 4843}, {4551, 12}, {4552, 6358}, {4553, 15523}, {4554, 349}, {4556, 81}, {4557, 756}, {4558, 63}, {4559, 2171}, {4560, 4858}, {4561, 20336}, {4563, 304}, {4564, 4552}, {4565, 57}, {4567, 190}, {4570, 100}, {4571, 3710}, {4573, 85}, {4574, 3949}, {4575, 3}, {4576, 1930}, {4577, 3112}, {4578, 4082}, {4579, 1215}, {4584, 335}, {4585, 3936}, {4587, 3694}, {4589, 334}, {4590, 799}, {4591, 88}, {4592, 69}, {4593, 308}, {4594, 7018}, {4596, 1268}, {4599, 83}, {4600, 668}, {4601, 1978}, {4602, 1502}, {4603, 257}, {4604, 30588}, {4609, 1928}, {4610, 274}, {4611, 1760}, {4612, 333}, {4614, 5936}, {4615, 20568}, {4616, 1088}, {4620, 4554}, {4622, 903}, {4623, 310}, {4625, 6063}, {4627, 25430}, {4628, 18098}, {4629, 1255}, {4630, 46289}, {4631, 28660}, {4632, 32018}, {4633, 40023}, {4636, 21}, {4637, 279}, {4638, 30575}, {4639, 18895}, {4649, 4824}, {4653, 4777}, {4658, 4802}, {4705, 21043}, {4756, 4066}, {4767, 4125}, {4781, 4714}, {4877, 4820}, {5009, 659}, {5053, 21894}, {5118, 2234}, {5127, 8674}, {5208, 23877}, {5235, 4791}, {5333, 4823}, {5375, 21090}, {5379, 1897}, {5384, 4613}, {5440, 14429}, {5467, 896}, {5468, 14210}, {5546, 9}, {5994, 2154}, {5995, 2153}, {6003, 8286}, {6011, 41501}, {6064, 7257}, {6065, 4069}, {6149, 526}, {6163, 21093}, {6331, 1969}, {6516, 307}, {6529, 6520}, {6563, 17881}, {6577, 40504}, {6578, 40438}, {6727, 6728}, {6733, 6724}, {6742, 6757}, {6758, 42005}, {7035, 27808}, {7045, 4566}, {7054, 1021}, {7070, 14308}, {7113, 21828}, {7122, 7234}, {7136, 7137}, {7192, 1111}, {7199, 23989}, {7202, 21141}, {7203, 1358}, {7234, 21725}, {7239, 16886}, {7252, 2170}, {7253, 24026}, {7254, 3942}, {7256, 341}, {7257, 3596}, {7259, 346}, {7260, 44187}, {7289, 21107}, {7305, 7255}, {7340, 4625}, {7341, 7203}, {7450, 1735}, {7480, 36063}, {7760, 20953}, {7768, 18076}, {8025, 4978}, {8061, 39691}, {8115, 2583}, {8116, 2582}, {8632, 39786}, {8690, 34860}, {8750, 1824}, {8771, 14341}, {8822, 17896}, {9145, 36263}, {9217, 9396}, {9218, 2640}, {9247, 3049}, {9266, 21100}, {9273, 37140}, {9274, 36069}, {9306, 17478}, {9395, 9293}, {9406, 14398}, {9417, 2491}, {9426, 4117}, {10420, 36053}, {10425, 8773}, {10458, 784}, {10471, 35559}, {11110, 7650}, {13138, 39130}, {13397, 23604}, {13398, 921}, {13486, 79}, {13588, 17072}, {13614, 14302}, {14206, 41079}, {14208, 339}, {14210, 35522}, {14213, 18314}, {14570, 14213}, {14574, 560}, {14586, 2148}, {14587, 36134}, {14588, 20903}, {14589, 21013}, {14838, 8287}, {14868, 20315}, {14966, 1755}, {15329, 1725}, {15352, 6521}, {15507, 42767}, {15792, 8043}, {15958, 2169}, {16049, 21186}, {16468, 4806}, {16562, 45801}, {16563, 18310}, {16568, 9979}, {16679, 40471}, {16680, 23668}, {16695, 3123}, {16696, 16892}, {16702, 4750}, {16704, 3762}, {16705, 4509}, {16706, 27712}, {16726, 6545}, {16727, 23100}, {16751, 116}, {16777, 4838}, {16948, 3667}, {17103, 4374}, {17104, 2605}, {17126, 4761}, {17127, 4170}, {17136, 18698}, {17139, 36038}, {17185, 3910}, {17187, 2530}, {17194, 6362}, {17197, 40166}, {17206, 15413}, {17467, 11123}, {17469, 7927}, {17515, 44428}, {17763, 18003}, {17780, 3992}, {17799, 9479}, {17872, 12075}, {17930, 18032}, {17932, 336}, {17934, 20947}, {17938, 1967}, {17939, 17954}, {17940, 1929}, {17941, 1966}, {17942, 1758}, {17943, 1757}, {17944, 17763}, {17945, 17958}, {17954, 18015}, {17955, 18007}, {17959, 18012}, {17960, 18005}, {18020, 811}, {18028, 18008}, {18042, 31296}, {18047, 3963}, {18062, 39998}, {18155, 34387}, {18161, 21117}, {18163, 21120}, {18164, 21104}, {18165, 21118}, {18167, 21110}, {18176, 21114}, {18178, 21119}, {18180, 21102}, {18183, 21125}, {18184, 21133}, {18191, 21132}, {18197, 21138}, {18198, 21115}, {18199, 21139}, {18200, 7200}, {18201, 21145}, {18205, 20505}, {18206, 918}, {18210, 21134}, {18211, 23764}, {18266, 17990}, {18268, 3572}, {18315, 2167}, {18604, 4091}, {18726, 23749}, {18756, 9402}, {18792, 3837}, {18829, 1934}, {18831, 40440}, {19215, 17431}, {19216, 17432}, {19555, 14316}, {20769, 24459}, {20948, 23962}, {20981, 16592}, {21362, 4415}, {21789, 2310}, {21858, 21720}, {21877, 21056}, {22003, 42708}, {22382, 16573}, {23067, 201}, {23090, 34591}, {23181, 44706}, {23189, 7004}, {23226, 22094}, {23343, 3994}, {23344, 21805}, {23348, 17955}, {23357, 163}, {23582, 823}, {23695, 2798}, {23703, 40663}, {23832, 4695}, {23845, 4642}, {23861, 23928}, {23889, 524}, {23964, 24019}, {23995, 1576}, {23996, 41167}, {23997, 511}, {23999, 6528}, {24000, 107}, {24001, 46106}, {24006, 2970}, {24018, 15526}, {24019, 393}, {24037, 670}, {24039, 3266}, {24041, 99}, {24530, 27710}, {25577, 21951}, {26714, 2186}, {26856, 40213}, {26885, 21831}, {27644, 3835}, {27834, 4052}, {28162, 31503}, {28471, 35347}, {28606, 23879}, {30528, 36102}, {30728, 42712}, {31614, 24037}, {31623, 46110}, {31855, 21714}, {31998, 20939}, {32230, 36126}, {32320, 37754}, {32640, 2159}, {32641, 2250}, {32652, 2357}, {32656, 228}, {32660, 1409}, {32661, 48}, {32671, 34079}, {32674, 1880}, {32676, 25}, {32678, 1989}, {32680, 94}, {32692, 2168}, {32713, 1096}, {32717, 37132}, {32729, 923}, {32739, 213}, {32911, 4129}, {33295, 3766}, {33296, 20906}, {33514, 3113}, {33628, 4394}, {33760, 44445}, {33766, 31290}, {33946, 20234}, {33948, 42714}, {34016, 18160}, {34054, 18010}, {34055, 4580}, {34071, 16606}, {34072, 251}, {34073, 28658}, {34476, 4782}, {34537, 4602}, {34586, 42768}, {34594, 596}, {35049, 38340}, {35057, 6741}, {35192, 9404}, {35193, 35057}, {35200, 14380}, {35278, 4008}, {35280, 3755}, {35281, 3753}, {35324, 17438}, {35325, 17442}, {35326, 21808}, {35327, 1962}, {35338, 3925}, {35342, 1213}, {35623, 29017}, {36034, 74}, {36036, 290}, {36037, 38955}, {36046, 43717}, {36047, 43707}, {36049, 1903}, {36050, 15232}, {36051, 35364}, {36052, 3657}, {36053, 15328}, {36057, 10099}, {36059, 73}, {36060, 10097}, {36061, 265}, {36062, 14220}, {36066, 18827}, {36069, 759}, {36084, 98}, {36085, 671}, {36086, 13576}, {36104, 6531}, {36105, 35142}, {36114, 1300}, {36119, 18808}, {36126, 1093}, {36129, 6344}, {36131, 8749}, {36133, 3228}, {36134, 54}, {36142, 111}, {36145, 2165}, {36147, 14624}, {36148, 2963}, {36149, 34288}, {36263, 3906}, {36277, 1499}, {36289, 5996}, {36797, 318}, {36830, 16562}, {36841, 18750}, {36860, 6382}, {37128, 4444}, {37129, 35353}, {37134, 1916}, {37135, 11599}, {37140, 24624}, {37141, 8808}, {37204, 40016}, {37205, 40013}, {37212, 6539}, {37216, 5485}, {37582, 2457}, {37732, 8819}, {38340, 43682}, {38470, 34920}, {38814, 21196}, {38832, 4083}, {39026, 22321}, {39054, 21221}, {39295, 32680}, {39298, 2580}, {39299, 2581}, {39673, 6005}, {39949, 40086}, {40091, 4145}, {40214, 14838}, {40302, 40345}, {40438, 4608}, {40501, 21728}, {40521, 6535}, {40592, 21192}, {40731, 3805}, {40773, 824}, {41206, 1952}, {41337, 2227}, {41405, 21888}, {41610, 4468}, {41614, 14209}, {41629, 4462}, {41676, 20883}, {41679, 1748}, {42028, 4801}, {42081, 1649}, {43076, 13476}, {43187, 46273}, {43356, 39708}, {43359, 17038}, {43754, 293}, {44119, 8678}, {44179, 6563}, {44706, 6368}, {44769, 2349}, {44770, 8767}, {46134, 20571}, {46148, 3954}, {46177, 21804}, {46254, 6331}, {46289, 18105}
X(662) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 2640, 2643}, {2, 8287, 31278}, {2, 21221, 8287}, {2, 31297, 21221}, {2, 40214, 2185}, {6, 757, 33766}, {6, 21783, 21755}, {19, 44179, 18041}, {44, 16702, 1931}, {48, 75, 18042}, {48, 1958, 75}, {75, 20941, 20902}, {99, 645, 190}, {100, 110, 643}, {249, 14838, 39054}, {304, 2172, 34065}, {326, 610, 1760}, {409, 2646, 40430}, {560, 1740, 33760}, {651, 4565, 1414}, {661, 24041, 2644}, {922, 2234, 1580}, {1100, 1963, 40438}, {1582, 1964, 82}, {1959, 2173, 16568}, {1959, 16568, 18722}, {2617, 4575, 162}, {2640, 2643, 897}, {2643, 17467, 1}, {2643, 42081, 17467}, {3733, 4557, 1634}, {4436, 35327, 3573}, {4552, 4560, 14570}, {4557, 4579, 765}, {4565, 5546, 4558}, {4596, 4629, 37212}, {5949, 7332, 34989}, {8287, 21221, 31175}, {8287, 40539, 2}, {17197, 18645, 86}, {17882, 20902, 75}, {19298, 19299, 2247}, {19642, 25533, 11}, {21221, 40539, 31278}, {31175, 31278, 8287}, {31297, 40539, 31175}, {39339, 42081, 897}
X(663) lies on these lines: 1, 514}, {2, 17072}, {6, 9029}, {8, 4147}, {29, 46110}, {31, 2423}, {33, 23615}, {36, 39476}, {41, 884}, {42, 1643}, {56, 2424}, {78, 44448}, {86, 4406}, {101, 919}, {105, 12032}, {106, 840}, {109, 1262}, {110, 2701}, {187, 237}, {200, 4543}, {212, 27780}, {220, 38379}, {238, 37998}, {513, 855}, {521, 17420}, {522, 1944}, {523, 10149}, {551, 23789}, {644, 40499}, {650, 861}, {652, 1951}, {656, 15313}, {657, 853}, {659, 4083}, {660, 9266}, {661, 810}, {664, 14727}, {672, 9320}, {676, 7178}, {692, 32675}, {693, 29051}, {788, 4455}, {814, 4010}, {830, 14349}, {834, 4057}, {875, 23493}, {899, 10006}, {905, 2254}, {928, 4091}, {1015, 35505}, {1019, 6005}, {1193, 1491}, {1201, 2530}, {1400, 9245}, {1575, 40464}, {1577, 29066}, {1618, 39026}, {1633, 46153}, {1635, 4729}, {1734, 3887}, {1912, 23572}, {1919, 2484}, {2082, 6170}, {2170, 38365}, {2176, 21791}, {2320, 23838}, {2440, 7084}, {2499, 7180}, {2517, 8062}, {2520, 4813}, {2533, 4874}, {2785, 4142}, {2821, 22091}, {3022, 7117}, {3241, 45673}, {3248, 42084}, {3616, 24720}, {3667, 21173}, {3676, 8713}, {3700, 4990}, {3716, 3907}, {3720, 4379}, {3768, 9010}, {3801, 29082}, {3810, 3904}, {3835, 4107}, {3938, 6546}, {3939, 5548}, {3960, 4905}, {3961, 10196}, {4024, 21831}, {4063, 4401}, {4069, 30727}, {4122, 29074}, {4163, 4521}, {4170, 29013}, {4336, 42462}, {4369, 24666}, {4374, 17215}, {4378, 6372}, {4382, 29070}, {4491, 9002}, {4502, 20981}, {4528, 44729}, {4564, 9323}, {4666, 21183}, {4707, 20517}, {4800, 29236}, {4804, 23882}, {4810, 29238}, {4843, 4976}, {4844, 30116}, {4922, 29324}, {4978, 29186}, {4992, 24719}, {5272, 44432}, {6003, 21189}, {6006, 18450}, {6182, 21127}, {6366, 21120}, {6373, 23464}, {6586, 19624}, {6589, 17966}, {6614, 24016}, {7190, 30181}, {7191, 44435}, {7265, 29062}, {7649, 14775}, {7662, 17478}, {8750, 14776}, {9032, 23650}, {9313, 21003}, {9817, 14476}, {10015, 28473}, {10459, 29298}, {10570, 23104}, {11193, 14547}, {11707, 35051}, {11708, 35052}, {11712, 39046}, {11918, 35072}, {14077, 23057}, {14430, 20317}, {14837, 28292}, {15283, 21260}, {16466, 22154}, {18000, 21748}, {19372, 44928}, {20295, 31291}, {21146, 29246}, {21204, 29820}, {21261, 30764}, {21300, 25128}, {21343, 29226}, {22383, 23568}, {23056, 24012}, {23226, 34948}, {23345, 41436}, {24533, 28255}, {24675, 28758}, {24749, 25666}, {25259, 29037}, {25299, 30023}, {25901, 25924}, {27416, 27419}, {28373, 28398}, {28468, 44433}, {28521, 44429}, {30804, 43041}, {31207, 31288}, {38314, 45667}, {38357, 38983}, {38986, 40623}
X(663) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4040}, {650, 4162}, {659, 4879}, {667, 4775}, {2530, 6161}, {4041, 4895}, {4449, 4724}, {4814, 4959}, {17418, 42312}, {20295, 31291}
X(663) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 45316}, {8, 4147}, {649, 667}, {652, 21789}, {667, 1960}, {1459, 2605}, {1734, 14838}, {2254, 905}, {2517, 8062}, {2533, 4874}, {3700, 4990}, {4017, 6129}, {4040, 4794}, {4041, 650}, {4063, 4401}, {4163, 4521}, {4391, 3716}, {4449, 1}, {4474, 4391}, {4498, 659}, {4707, 20517}, {4724, 4040}, {4813, 4983}, {4814, 4041}, {4895, 4162}, {4905, 3960}, {4959, 4895}, {7178, 676}, {17418, 3737}, {18344, 17115}, {20979, 4455}, {21118, 21185}, {21300, 25128}, {21301, 3835}, {21302, 17072}, {23655, 810}, {24719, 4992}, {42649, 8648}, {42666, 42653}, {43924, 1459}
X(663) = isogonal conjugate of X(664)
X(663) = isotomic conjugate of X(4572)
X(663) = complement of X(21302)
X(663) = anticomplement of X(17072)
X(663) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(652)
X(663) = psi-transform of X(41157)
X(663) = X(3500)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(150)
X(663) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 38991}, {40505, 124}, {40523, 3452}
X(663) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 2170}, {2, 38991}, {6, 14936}, {29, 21044}, {33, 2310}, {41, 38365}, {55, 3271}, {56, 7117}, {99, 23640}, {100, 2347}, {101, 41}, {108, 1400}, {109, 6}, {110, 21748}, {162, 1195}, {190, 20665}, {282, 3119}, {513, 649}, {522, 652}, {643, 2269}, {644, 1334}, {650, 657}, {651, 1200}, {664, 2082}, {692, 42}, {927, 20459}, {932, 20460}, {934, 1475}, {1415, 40957}, {1897, 40968}, {2191, 244}, {2192, 3270}, {2222, 2183}, {2424, 665}, {2701, 1951}, {2720, 1404}, {3433, 20974}, {3445, 1015}, {3699, 9}, {3737, 650}, {3903, 23544}, {3939, 55}, {4069, 3683}, {4551, 2264}, {4557, 20967}, {4626, 57}, {4636, 284}, {7073, 4516}, {7252, 3063}, {7257, 3691}, {8059, 604}, {8750, 31}, {8761, 39687}, {10570, 1146}, {14733, 1055}, {21789, 1946}, {23351, 6139}, {23838, 654}, {26700, 2260}, {29055, 1193}, {32652, 40958}, {32653, 32}, {32674, 607}, {32676, 40976}, {34435, 20982}, {34921, 7113}, {35348, 22108}, {36082, 48}, {36086, 672}, {36127, 19}, {40519, 23638}, {40523, 16588}
X(663) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {512, 18344}, {810, 1946}, {2488, 513}, {3022, 607}, {3063, 649}, {3271, 55}, {3709, 650}, {4516, 42}, {6139, 23351}, {8641, 657}, {14936, 6}
X(663) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {512, 810}, {522, 25128}, {3063, 8641}
X(663) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 101}, {6, 109}, {9, 3699}, {19, 36127}, {21, 644}, {33, 8750}, {55, 3939}, {56, 32674}, {57, 4626}, {86, 4603}, {100, 23617}, {108, 1172}, {190, 7033}, {282, 8059}, {284, 4636}, {513, 650}, {514, 26721}, {522, 3064}, {664, 7131}, {692, 2194}, {934, 1170}, {1318, 5548}, {3737, 7252}, {10570, 32653}, {11075, 34921}
X(663) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 514}, {2, 522}, {6, 23865}, {7, 3676}, {8, 6332}, {9, 4105}, {10, 7265}, {57, 43924}, {65, 3669}, {77, 4025}, {100, 651}, {109, 1813}, {145, 30719}, {190, 43290}, {192, 24749}, {223, 8058}, {513, 3752}, {521, 1214}, {523, 17056}, {525, 18641}, {649, 7032}, {650, 14100}, {661, 23668}, {663, 2082}, {693, 1441}, {905, 1071}, {1212, 3900}, {1317, 30725}, {1459, 26934}, {1537, 10015}, {1577, 23555}, {2785, 39035}, {3008, 38371}, {3649, 7178}, {3738, 16586}, {3835, 23669}, {3870, 31605}, {3911, 39771}, {3960, 11570}, {4391, 23528}, {4449, 9312}, {4453, 41801}, {4551, 4552}, {5586, 30723}, {6366, 35110}, {6608, 42449}, {7180, 39780}, {10052, 21188}, {14208, 18697}, {15185, 43049}, {16006, 41800}, {16585, 35057}, {17496, 37558}, {21183, 36595}, {23615, 31648}, {30724, 34502}, {30726, 39777}, {35312, 35338}, {39775, 43041}, {39782, 43052}
X(663) = trilinear pole of line {3271, 6139}
X(663) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {2, 7}
X(663) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for i in (18, 49, 93, 115)
X(663) = PU(18)-harmonic conjugate of X(1400)
X(663) = PU(49)-harmonic conjugate of X(672)
X(663) = PU(93)-harmonic conjugate of X(41)
X(663) = trilinear pole of PU(103) (line X(3271)X(6139))
X(663) = PU(115)-harmonic conjugate of X(2082)
X(663) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(6),X(9)}
X(663) = intersection of trilinear polars of X(6) and X(9)
X(663) = pole wrt polar circle of line X(75)X(225)
X(663) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(1813)
X(663) = Parry-circle-inverse of X(5075)
X(663) = center of circle {X(1),X(15),X(16)}} (or V(X(1)))
X(663) = barycentric product of Feuerbach hyperbola intercepts of antiorthic axis
X(663) = trilinear product of Feuerbach hyperbola intercepts of Lemoine axis
X(663) = intersection of perspectrices of [ABC and Gemini triangle 35] and [ABC and Gemini triangle 36]
X(663) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 664}, {2, 651}, {3, 18026}, {4, 6516}, {6, 4554}, {7, 100}, {8, 934}, {9, 658}, {10, 1414}, {21, 4566}, {31, 4572}, {34, 4561}, {36, 35174}, {37, 4573}, {42, 4625}, {55, 4569}, {56, 668}, {57, 190}, {59, 693}, {63, 653}, {65, 99}, {69, 108}, {73, 811}, {75, 109}, {76, 1415}, {77, 1897}, {78, 36118}, {81, 4552}, {85, 101}, {86, 4551}, {92, 1813}, {105, 883}, {110, 1441}, {112, 1231}, {158, 6517}, {162, 307}, {163, 349}, {181, 4623}, {200, 4626}, {210, 4616}, {219, 13149}, {220, 36838}, {222, 6335}, {223, 44327}, {225, 4592}, {226, 662}, {241, 666}, {256, 6649}, {264, 36059}, {269, 3699}, {273, 1331}, {274, 4559}, {278, 1332}, {279, 644}, {286, 23067}, {304, 32674}, {312, 1461}, {319, 26700}, {320, 2222}, {321, 4565}, {322, 8059}, {326, 36127}, {329, 37141}, {331, 906}, {333, 1020}, {341, 6614}, {345, 32714}, {346, 4617}, {347, 13138}, {348, 1783}, {354, 6606}, {377, 13395}, {388, 1310}, {479, 4578}, {497, 8269}, {513, 4998}, {514, 4564}, {518, 927}, {522, 7045}, {527, 37139}, {552, 40521}, {553, 37212}, {604, 1978}, {643, 3668}, {645, 1427}, {646, 1407}, {648, 1214}, {650, 1275}, {655, 3218}, {660, 1447}, {661, 4620}, {670, 1402}, {672, 34085}, {673, 1025}, {692, 6063}, {738, 6558}, {765, 3676}, {789, 1469}, {799, 1400}, {813, 10030}, {823, 40152}, {831, 7247}, {894, 37137}, {898, 43037}, {903, 23703}, {905, 46102}, {908, 37136}, {919, 40704}, {932, 3212}, {940, 32038}, {1014, 3952}, {1016, 3669}, {1018, 1434}, {1042, 7257}, {1086, 31615}, {1088, 3939}, {1119, 4571}, {1121, 23890}, {1122, 8706}, {1155, 35157}, {1252, 24002}, {1262, 4391}, {1284, 4589}, {1292, 6604}, {1293, 39126}, {1305, 3868}, {1317, 4618}, {1319, 4555}, {1334, 4635}, {1397, 6386}, {1403, 18830}, {1408, 27808}, {1409, 6331}, {1412, 4033}, {1423, 4598}, {1428, 4583}, {1429, 4562}, {1432, 18047}, {1439, 36797}, {1442, 6742}, {1445, 37206}, {1446, 5546}, {1449, 4624}, {1462, 42720}, {1463, 8709}, {1465, 13136}, {1476, 21272}, {1492, 7179}, {1509, 21859}, {1633, 8817}, {1758, 35154}, {1799, 46152}, {1847, 4587}, {1880, 4563}, {1909, 29055}, {1945, 15418}, {1969, 32660}, {1981, 40843}, {2003, 15455}, {2006, 4585}, {2078, 35171}, {2099, 4597}, {2149, 3261}, {2171, 4610}, {2185, 4605}, {2223, 46135}, {2254, 39293}, {2283, 2481}, {2284, 34018}, {2285, 37215}, {2321, 4637}, {2338, 24015}, {2346, 35312}, {2397, 34051}, {2398, 43736}, {2406, 36100}, {2550, 6183}, {2652, 17933}, {2720, 3262}, {2742, 38468}, {3057, 6613}, {3112, 46153}, {3219, 38340}, {3257, 3911}, {3263, 32735}, {3451, 21580}, {3573, 7233}, {3598, 37223}, {3649, 4596}, {3666, 6648}, {3671, 4614}, {3674, 36147}, {3732, 7131}, {3779, 34083}, {3903, 7176}, {3912, 36146}, {4017, 4600}, {4025, 7012}, {4032, 4603}, {4059, 8708}, {4076, 43932}, {4077, 4570}, {4105, 24011}, {4130, 23586}, {4146, 6733}, {4163, 24013}, {4357, 36098}, {4397, 7339}, {4556, 6358}, {4558, 40149}, {4567, 7178}, {4579, 7249}, {4584, 16609}, {4586, 7146}, {4595, 7153}, {4601, 7180}, {4604, 5219}, {4606, 21454}, {4612, 6354}, {4619, 4858}, {4621, 41777}, {4622, 40663}, {4654, 37211}, {4705, 7340}, {4968, 29279}, {5061, 35147}, {5172, 35156}, {5221, 32042}, {5228, 32041}, {5252, 13396}, {5376, 30725}, {5377, 43042}, {5378, 43041}, {5379, 17094}, {5380, 7181}, {5382, 30719}, {5383, 43051}, {5385, 43052}, {5389, 7214}, {5435, 27834}, {6012, 30617}, {6135, 13453}, {6136, 13436}, {6180, 30610}, {6332, 7128}, {6528, 22341}, {6540, 32636}, {6734, 36048}, {7035, 43924}, {7115, 15413}, {7132, 33946}, {7175, 27805}, {7182, 8750}, {7235, 36066}, {7265, 35049}, {7316, 42721}, {7672, 43349}, {8047, 40577}, {8680, 41206}, {8685, 33930}, {8687, 20911}, {8707, 24471}, {9357, 10001}, {9436, 36086}, {10509, 35341}, {13486, 40999}, {13577, 40576}, {14612, 39957}, {14733, 30806}, {14942, 41353}, {17080, 44765}, {17090, 29227}, {17097, 17136}, {17791, 34921}, {17924, 44717}, {18033, 34067}, {18743, 38828}, {18816, 23981}, {19604, 43290}, {20567, 32739}, {20924, 32675}, {20930, 36082}, {21362, 40420}, {21453, 35338}, {22464, 36037}, {24027, 35519}, {24029, 34234}, {30456, 44326}, {30545, 34071}, {31618, 35326}, {32018, 36075}, {32693, 34284}, {33864, 36094}, {34855, 36802}, {35516, 36040}, {36049, 40702}, {37138, 40719}, {37143, 37787}
X(663) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 650}, {3, 3064}, {4, 652}, {6, 522}, {7, 657}, {8, 649}, {9, 513}, {10, 7252}, {11, 101}, {19, 521}, {21, 661}, {25, 6332}, {28, 8611}, {29, 647}, {31, 4391}, {32, 35519}, {33, 905}, {37, 3737}, {41, 693}, {42, 4560}, {44, 23838}, {48, 44426}, {55, 514}, {56, 3239}, {57, 3900}, {58, 3700}, {59, 42462}, {60, 4024}, {63, 18344}, {64, 14331}, {65, 1021}, {73, 17926}, {74, 14400}, {75, 3063}, {78, 6591}, {79, 9404}, {80, 654}, {81, 4041}, {84, 14298}, {85, 8641}, {86, 3709}, {88, 4895}, {89, 4814}, {92, 1946}, {100, 2170}, {106, 1639}, {108, 34591}, {109, 1146}, {110, 21044}, {111, 14432}, {115, 4636}, {124, 32653}, {158, 36054}, {184, 46110}, {188, 6729}, {190, 3271}, {200, 3669}, {210, 1019}, {212, 17924}, {213, 18155}, {219, 7649}, {220, 3676}, {225, 23090}, {226, 21789}, {244, 644}, {256, 3287}, {259, 6728}, {261, 4079}, {266, 6730}, {269, 4130}, {279, 4105}, {281, 1459}, {282, 6129}, {283, 2501}, {284, 523}, {291, 4435}, {292, 3716}, {294, 2254}, {312, 667}, {314, 798}, {318, 22383}, {332, 2489}, {333, 512}, {346, 43924}, {515, 2432}, {518, 1024}, {520, 8748}, {525, 2299}, {527, 23351}, {579, 23289}, {604, 4397}, {607, 4025}, {643, 3125}, {645, 3122}, {646, 3248}, {651, 2310}, {653, 3270}, {656, 1172}, {658, 3022}, {659, 4876}, {662, 4516}, {664, 14936}, {665, 14942}, {669, 28660}, {672, 885}, {673, 926}, {676, 2338}, {692, 4858}, {728, 43932}, {739, 14430}, {749, 4501}, {810, 31623}, {812, 7077}, {813, 4124}, {822, 1896}, {875, 3975}, {876, 3684}, {884, 3912}, {893, 3907}, {900, 2316}, {901, 4530}, {909, 2804}, {918, 2195}, {934, 3119}, {941, 17418}, {1002, 45755}, {1014, 4171}, {1015, 3699}, {1018, 18191}, {1022, 3689}, {1027, 3693}, {1036, 6590}, {1039, 2522}, {1043, 7180}, {1086, 3939}, {1110, 40166}, {1121, 6139}, {1126, 4976}, {1155, 23893}, {1170, 6608}, {1174, 6362}, {1178, 4140}, {1252, 21132}, {1253, 24002}, {1262, 23615}, {1292, 38375}, {1293, 4534}, {1318, 6544}, {1320, 1635}, {1331, 8735}, {1333, 4086}, {1334, 7192}, {1357, 6558}, {1395, 15416}, {1400, 7253}, {1407, 4163}, {1414, 36197}, {1415, 24026}, {1431, 4529}, {1432, 4477}, {1434, 4524}, {1436, 8058}, {1458, 28132}, {1461, 4081}, {1491, 2344}, {1577, 2194}, {1638, 4845}, {1647, 5548}, {1751, 8676}, {1783, 7004}, {1813, 42069}, {1826, 23189}, {1857, 4091}, {1897, 7117}, {1919, 3596}, {1924, 40072}, {1960, 4997}, {1973, 35518}, {1980, 28659}, {2053, 3835}, {2090, 45878}, {2125, 17427}, {2149, 42455}, {2150, 4036}, {2160, 35057}, {2161, 3738}, {2162, 4147}, {2163, 4944}, {2175, 3261}, {2183, 43728}, {2185, 4705}, {2189, 4064}, {2192, 14837}, {2193, 24006}, {2204, 14208}, {2212, 15413}, {2226, 4543}, {2258, 23880}, {2265, 46041}, {2269, 4581}, {2287, 4017}, {2291, 6366}, {2298, 17420}, {2311, 4010}, {2318, 17925}, {2319, 4083}, {2320, 4893}, {2321, 3733}, {2325, 23345}, {2328, 7178}, {2332, 17094}, {2334, 4765}, {2339, 8678}, {2342, 10015}, {2346, 21127}, {2348, 35355}, {2364, 4777}, {2423, 6735}, {2424, 40869}, {2425, 15633}, {2484, 30479}, {2488, 32008}, {2590, 3308}, {2591, 3307}, {2605, 7110}, {2643, 4612}, {2785, 17963}, {2968, 32674}, {2969, 4587}, {3049, 44130}, {3120, 5546}, {3121, 7257}, {3208, 43931}, {3224, 25128}, {3254, 22108}, {3445, 4521}, {3451, 42337}, {3572, 3685}, {3680, 4394}, {3688, 10566}, {3692, 43923}, {3710, 43925}, {3717, 43929}, {3732, 14935}, {3768, 36798}, {3904, 6187}, {4009, 23892}, {4069, 16726}, {4076, 21143}, {4092, 4556}, {4162, 8056}, {4451, 20981}, {4455, 36800}, {4474, 30650}, {4515, 7203}, {4517, 4817}, {4518, 8632}, {4522, 40746}, {4526, 37129}, {4542, 4638}, {4546, 40151}, {4557, 17197}, {4603, 40608}, {4617, 24010}, {4619, 5532}, {4626, 35508}, {4724, 40779}, {4750, 5547}, {4768, 9456}, {4775, 30608}, {4778, 34820}, {4790, 4866}, {4825, 30607}, {4834, 42030}, {4885, 9439}, {4913, 25426}, {4919, 6164}, {4939, 34080}, {4953, 38828}, {4959, 26745}, {4977, 33635}, {4979, 32635}, {4985, 28615}, {5060, 18013}, {5075, 17947}, {5089, 23696}, {5452, 26721}, {5514, 8059}, {5540, 42552}, {6059, 30805}, {6065, 6545}, {6066, 23100}, {6169, 42341}, {6182, 39273}, {6364, 13456}, {6365, 13427}, {6373, 36799}, {6506, 36082}, {6557, 8643}, {6589, 10570}, {6603, 35348}, {6607, 10509}, {6614, 23970}, {6615, 23617}, {6740, 21828}, {7072, 21188}, {7073, 14838}, {7091, 40137}, {7106, 8062}, {7108, 21761}, {7118, 17896}, {7131, 17115}, {7152, 14302}, {7155, 20979}, {7160, 14300}, {7162, 13401}, {7255, 20684}, {7707, 10495}, {8602, 30201}, {8638, 18031}, {8640, 27424}, {8648, 18359}, {8750, 26932}, {9447, 40495}, {10397, 40836}, {10482, 21104}, {10492, 16012}, {10579, 14282}, {10581, 21453}, {11125, 15627}, {11934, 44178}, {12032, 28143}, {12077, 35196}, {14304, 32677}, {14392, 34056}, {14395, 36119}, {14399, 44693}, {14413, 41798}, {14418, 36125}, {14571, 37628}, {14733, 33573}, {15313, 39943}, {15420, 40976}, {15997, 45877}, {17435, 36086}, {18000, 40882}, {18101, 46148}, {18108, 33299}, {21172, 30457}, {21185, 40141}, {21362, 40528}, {21390, 40505}, {21666, 32660}, {21739, 42657}, {21807, 39177}, {23104, 23979}, {23493, 27527}, {24012, 36838}, {24225, 40523}, {28291, 43960}, {29226, 36630}, {30731, 43922}, {31182, 33963}, {32641, 35015}, {32739, 34387}, {35072, 36127}, {36049, 38357}, {36050, 38345}, {39924, 45902}, {39956, 42312}, {42064, 43050}
X(663) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4554}, {2, 4572}, {6, 664}, {8, 1978}, {9, 668}, {11, 3261}, {19, 18026}, {21, 799}, {25, 653}, {29, 6331}, {31, 651}, {32, 109}, {33, 6335}, {34, 13149}, {41, 100}, {42, 4552}, {48, 6516}, {55, 190}, {56, 658}, {57, 4569}, {58, 4573}, {60, 4610}, {81, 4625}, {101, 4998}, {105, 34085}, {109, 1275}, {110, 4620}, {172, 6649}, {181, 4605}, {184, 1813}, {200, 646}, {210, 4033}, {212, 1332}, {213, 4551}, {219, 4561}, {220, 3699}, {244, 24002}, {269, 36838}, {283, 4563}, {284, 99}, {312, 6386}, {314, 4602}, {333, 670}, {480, 6558}, {512, 226}, {513, 85}, {514, 6063}, {521, 304}, {522, 76}, {523, 349}, {560, 1415}, {577, 6517}, {604, 934}, {607, 1897}, {608, 36118}, {643, 4601}, {644, 7035}, {647, 307}, {649, 7}, {650, 75}, {652, 69}, {654, 320}, {656, 1231}, {657, 8}, {659, 10030}, {661, 1441}, {665, 9436}, {667, 57}, {669, 1400}, {672, 883}, {673, 46135}, {692, 4564}, {693, 20567}, {788, 7146}, {798, 65}, {810, 1214}, {812, 18033}, {834, 33949}, {872, 21859}, {884, 673}, {885, 18031}, {904, 37137}, {905, 7182}, {919, 39293}, {926, 3912}, {1014, 4635}, {1015, 3676}, {1021, 314}, {1024, 2481}, {1027, 34018}, {1036, 37215}, {1098, 4631}, {1106, 4617}, {1110, 31615}, {1146, 35519}, {1172, 811}, {1174, 6606}, {1253, 644}, {1333, 1414}, {1334, 3952}, {1364, 30805}, {1395, 32714}, {1397, 1461}, {1400, 4566}, {1402, 1020}, {1407, 4626}, {1408, 4637}, {1412, 4616}, {1415, 7045}, {1438, 927}, {1456, 24015}, {1459, 348}, {1475, 35312}, {1639, 3264}, {1802, 4571}, {1918, 4559}, {1919, 56}, {1924, 1402}, {1936, 15418}, {1946, 63}, {1960, 3911}, {1973, 108}, {1974, 32674}, {1977, 43924}, {1980, 604}, {2053, 4598}, {2161, 35174}, {2170, 693}, {2175, 101}, {2185, 4623}, {2192, 44327}, {2193, 4592}, {2194, 662}, {2195, 666}, {2200, 23067}, {2204, 162}, {2206, 4565}, {2207, 36127}, {2208, 37141}, {2212, 1783}, {2223, 1025}, {2251, 23703}, {2254, 40704}, {2258, 32038}, {2287, 7257}, {2291, 35157}, {2299, 648}, {2310, 4391}, {2311, 4589}, {2316, 4555}, {2319, 18830}, {2321, 27808}, {2328, 645}, {2330, 18047}, {2332, 36797}, {2334, 4624}, {2340, 42720}, {2342, 13136}, {2344, 789}, {2347, 21272}, {2361, 4585}, {2364, 4597}, {2432, 34393}, {2483, 7247}, {2484, 388}, {2488, 142}, {2489, 225}, {2605, 17095}, {3022, 3239}, {3049, 73}, {3051, 46153}, {3056, 33946}, {3057, 21580}, {3063, 1}, {3064, 264}, {3119, 4397}, {3121, 4017}, {3122, 7178}, {3125, 4077}, {3208, 36863}, {3239, 3596}, {3248, 3669}, {3249, 1357}, {3250, 7179}, {3261, 41283}, {3270, 6332}, {3271, 514}, {3287, 1909}, {3309, 21609}, {3310, 22464}, {3451, 6613}, {3572, 7233}, {3669, 1088}, {3684, 874}, {3685, 27853}, {3688, 4568}, {3689, 24004}, {3699, 31625}, {3700, 313}, {3709, 10}, {3716, 1921}, {3733, 1434}, {3737, 274}, {3738, 20924}, {3768, 43037}, {3900, 312}, {3904, 40075}, {3907, 1920}, {3939, 1016}, {4017, 1446}, {4024, 34388}, {4041, 321}, {4079, 12}, {4083, 30545}, {4086, 27801}, {4091, 7055}, {4105, 346}, {4130, 341}, {4140, 1237}, {4147, 6382}, {4148, 4087}, {4162, 18743}, {4171, 3701}, {4367, 7196}, {4369, 7205}, {4391, 561}, {4394, 39126}, {4397, 28659}, {4435, 350}, {4455, 16609}, {4477, 17787}, {4501, 3760}, {4507, 7201}, {4516, 1577}, {4517, 3807}, {4524, 2321}, {4526, 6381}, {4531, 7239}, {4543, 36791}, {4546, 44723}, {4556, 7340}, {4560, 310}, {4612, 24037}, {4617, 24011}, {4636, 4590}, {4705, 6358}, {4775, 5219}, {4814, 4671}, {4820, 30596}, {4827, 4673}, {4832, 3671}, {4834, 4654}, {4858, 40495}, {4876, 4583}, {4895, 4358}, {4976, 1269}, {5060, 17933}, {5075, 17950}, {5546, 4600}, {6065, 6632}, {6129, 40702}, {6139, 527}, {6169, 14727}, {6186, 38340}, {6187, 655}, {6332, 305}, {6362, 1233}, {6371, 3674}, {6373, 43040}, {6586, 33298}, {6591, 273}, {6602, 4578}, {6608, 1229}, {6614, 23586}, {6615, 26563}, {6729, 4146}, {7004, 15413}, {7063, 4079}, {7064, 4103}, {7073, 15455}, {7077, 4562}, {7083, 3732}, {7104, 29055}, {7117, 4025}, {7118, 13138}, {7180, 3668}, {7234, 4032}, {7252, 86}, {7253, 28660}, {7336, 23100}, {7649, 331}, {8611, 20336}, {8632, 1447}, {8638, 672}, {8640, 1423}, {8641, 9}, {8642, 1445}, {8643, 5435}, {8645, 37787}, {8646, 2285}, {8648, 3218}, {8653, 5257}, {8676, 18134}, {8735, 46107}, {8748, 6528}, {8750, 46102}, {9247, 36059}, {9404, 319}, {9439, 30610}, {9447, 692}, {9448, 32739}, {9449, 46177}, {9454, 2283}, {10581, 4847}, {11124, 20881}, {11193, 18151}, {11934, 20927}, {14298, 322}, {14331, 14615}, {14400, 3260}, {14407, 40663}, {14413, 37780}, {14427, 4723}, {14430, 35543}, {14432, 3266}, {14575, 32660}, {14776, 39294}, {14827, 3939}, {14936, 522}, {14942, 36803}, {17412, 10527}, {17418, 34284}, {17420, 20911}, {17424, 4862}, {17425, 5231}, {17926, 44130}, {17963, 35154}, {18000, 11608}, {18105, 18097}, {18155, 6385}, {18191, 7199}, {18265, 813}, {18344, 92}, {20229, 35338}, {20665, 3888}, {20967, 3882}, {20979, 3212}, {20980, 9312}, {20981, 7176}, {21044, 850}, {21123, 3665}, {21127, 20880}, {21132, 23989}, {21143, 1358}, {21748, 17136}, {21758, 1443}, {21761, 1943}, {21789, 333}, {21828, 41804}, {22383, 77}, {23090, 332}, {23189, 17206}, {23224, 7183}, {23289, 40011}, {23351, 1121}, {23572, 17082}, {23615, 23978}, {23838, 20568}, {24012, 4130}, {25128, 6374}, {28660, 4609}, {32656, 44717}, {32739, 59}, {33525, 6734}, {33635, 6540}, {34068, 37139}, {34591, 35518}, {34858, 37136}, {35057, 33939}, {35508, 4163}, {35518, 40364}, {35519, 1502}, {36054, 326}, {36197, 4086}, {38347, 20954}, {38365, 17494}, {38367, 8850}, {38986, 43051}, {38991, 21302}, {39201, 40152}, {40972, 4553}, {40982, 17906}, {41339, 42719}, {42069, 46110}, {42312, 18135}, {42462, 34387}, {42649, 17483}, {42657, 17484}, {43923, 1847}, {43924, 279}, {43931, 7209}, {43932, 23062}, {44426, 1969}, {45755, 4441}, {46110, 18022}
X(663) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 4794, 4724}, {2, 21302, 17072}, {649, 1960, 8656}, {649, 8643, 667}, {650, 4435, 45755}, {650, 4895, 4814}, {667, 1946, 8648}, {667, 1960, 8643}, {667, 8641, 1946}, {667, 8643, 8656}, {669, 2978, 649}, {1919, 4079, 2484}, {1960, 4775, 649}, {2488, 8641, 649}, {3063, 3709, 657}, {3250, 8632, 649}, {4041, 4162, 4959}, {4564, 36086, 9323}, {5638, 5639, 5075}
X(664) lies on the Steiner circumellipse and these lines: {1, 85}, {2, 1121}, {6, 30627}, {7, 528}, {8, 348}, {9, 31169}, {10, 17095}, {12, 17084}, {20, 7973}, {30, 5195}, {34, 18156}, {37, 35144}, {40, 7183}, {42, 7196}, {43, 25721}, {56, 3212}, {57, 3227}, {65, 1434}, {69, 347}, {73, 290}, {75, 77}, {76, 10571}, {78, 16284}, {86, 1411}, {92, 6505}, {99, 109}, {100, 658}, {101, 514}, {106, 21208}, {108, 1310}, {110, 1305}, {118, 18328}, {141, 17086}, {145, 279}, {150, 952}, {163, 4237}, {175, 490}, {176, 489}, {190, 644}, {192, 6180}, {200, 31627}, {220, 3177}, {221, 1975}, {222, 24282}, {223, 312}, {224, 1847}, {225, 8773}, {226, 671}, {239, 241}, {269, 1120}, {273, 20930}, {274, 37558}, {278, 18134}, {292, 39940}, {304, 7210}, {307, 319}, {316, 38945}, {320, 22464}, {322, 326}, {325, 35149}, {333, 1214}, {345, 18623}, {350, 1457}, {355, 17181}, {385, 17966}, {388, 20539}, {394, 6360}, {515, 4872}, {516, 10697}, {517, 5088}, {518, 14189}, {519, 1323}, {522, 1275}, {523, 35154}, {524, 17950}, {527, 34926}, {536, 6610}, {553, 41823}, {604, 18825}, {648, 653}, {655, 4604}, {663, 14727}, {668, 1026}, {670, 4572}, {673, 2170}, {693, 35174}, {728, 2124}, {738, 2136}, {740, 5018}, {765, 31605}, {789, 29055}, {811, 6528}, {835, 29279}, {874, 18830}, {889, 43924}, {892, 4620}, {914, 17923}, {944, 17170}, {948, 17316}, {1015, 24281}, {1016, 30719}, {1018, 1025}, {1020, 3882}, {1042, 35159}, {1043, 1231}, {1088, 3870}, {1100, 41246}, {1125, 25723}, {1212, 32008}, {1215, 40723}, {1220, 40845}, {1223, 42449}, {1284, 35166}, {1292, 6183}, {1319, 1447}, {1331, 36048}, {1362, 14839}, {1376, 31526}, {1388, 17090}, {1397, 18824}, {1400, 3228}, {1402, 18826}, {1403, 17082}, {1407, 3210}, {1415, 4586}, {1418, 4852}, {1419, 3729}, {1427, 1999}, {1429, 35172}, {1432, 14970}, {1435, 8897}, {1443, 17160}, {1445, 3759}, {1446, 34772}, {1456, 3685}, {1458, 10030}, {1461, 4605}, {1469, 43096}, {1482, 17753}, {1575, 43062}, {1633, 16680}, {1788, 17081}, {1818, 33677}, {1897, 13149}, {1944, 6510}, {1992, 12848}, {2006, 25529}, {2082, 6167}, {2114, 17755}, {2222, 13396}, {2340, 40864}, {2669, 7235}, {2893, 6356}, {2898, 25568}, {2966, 32660}, {3174, 23062}, {3188, 3868}, {3243, 42309}, {3244, 10481}, {3501, 34497}, {3509, 6647}, {3616, 31994}, {3623, 43983}, {3665, 10944}, {3668, 3879}, {3669, 4562}, {3671, 41813}, {3674, 7247}, {3676, 4555}, {3693, 40872}, {3752, 40420}, {3873, 23839}, {3880, 34855}, {3888, 3903}, {3911, 35168}, {3912, 35158}, {3935, 37780}, {3936, 37798}, {3939, 6606}, {3952, 4624}, {3957, 21453}, {3996, 7182}, {4017, 35147}, {4025, 7045}, {4059, 11011}, {4077, 35156}, {4089, 7972}, {4318, 40704}, {4334, 32921}, {4350, 17158}, {4352, 37614}, {4384, 31225}, {4393, 5228}, {4449, 46135}, {4482, 4568}, {4511, 30806}, {4513, 25242}, {4534, 26007}, {4569, 4626}, {4589, 18829}, {4597, 23703}, {4598, 37137}, {4614, 4616}, {4645, 35150}, {4664, 8545}, {4861, 20880}, {4904, 43057}, {4911, 45287}, {4971, 40892}, {5176, 33864}, {5219, 35170}, {5252, 7179}, {5263, 43099}, {5289, 30946}, {5543, 20057}, {5845, 20096}, {5930, 7270}, {6063, 43093}, {6332, 46102}, {6335, 24035}, {6354, 17778}, {6357, 35161}, {6376, 37694}, {6540, 33948}, {6542, 35163}, {6554, 26658}, {6558, 42720}, {6559, 9502}, {6571, 8706}, {6603, 10025}, {6613, 6614}, {6645, 40765}, {6739, 23674}, {7056, 17784}, {7080, 34060}, {7117, 24499}, {7146, 41245}, {7175, 35143}, {7178, 35148}, {7181, 35153}, {7185, 30617}, {7190, 17393}, {7268, 21454}, {7354, 33867}, {7763, 34030}, {9086, 14733}, {9259, 21138}, {9263, 32029}, {9296, 42336}, {9318, 17439}, {9358, 17069}, {9362, 43051}, {10405, 27541}, {10509, 15185}, {10725, 31851}, {11054, 37856}, {11109, 20926}, {11185, 34029}, {12513, 36638}, {12635, 36854}, {13395, 13397}, {14100, 23618}, {14513, 44435}, {14723, 44408}, {14829, 17080}, {15343, 21297}, {15903, 17719}, {16090, 44150}, {16585, 40435}, {16586, 34234}, {16609, 35173}, {16777, 26125}, {17056, 17947}, {17075, 17295}, {17093, 36845}, {17094, 35169}, {17233, 28739}, {17234, 37800}, {17285, 28780}, {17317, 21617}, {17352, 44355}, {17743, 41771}, {17752, 28391}, {17791, 46141}, {17864, 37157}, {18031, 39046}, {18138, 34045}, {18359, 40612}, {18990, 33865}, {20050, 32003}, {20220, 21588}, {20247, 38859}, {20248, 38869}, {20533, 39063}, {20565, 46138}, {21294, 36154}, {21296, 36640}, {21605, 34039}, {21609, 34036}, {23890, 35342}, {24002, 35171}, {24028, 35046}, {24291, 32942}, {24349, 41354}, {24618, 45749}, {25082, 28961}, {25083, 40863}, {25930, 30854}, {26006, 37774}, {26015, 37757}, {26526, 27006}, {26653, 26690}, {27191, 37771}, {28660, 40611}, {29052, 34083}, {30379, 37756}, {30545, 32926}, {30567, 36636}, {30573, 39293}, {30726, 34024}, {31343, 43290}, {31604, 34247}, {31631, 40149}, {31648, 36956}, {31721, 38314}, {31852, 38690}, {31997, 37523}, {32025, 40999}, {32040, 44553}, {32851, 34050}, {34085, 37138}, {34342, 41556}, {35961, 42079}, {35962, 41553}, {36098, 37215}, {36276, 42046}, {36595, 39704}, {36802, 41075}, {37211, 38340}, {37686, 43039}, {38459, 38460}, {39350, 44351}, {40859, 43059}, {45798, 46108}
X(664) = midpoint of X(2) and X(39357)
X(664) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 35110}, {85, 36905}, {150, 1565}, {190, 40865}, {333, 39035}, {1121, 2}, {1146, 17044}, {1944, 6510}, {1952, 1214}, {3509, 6647}, {3732, 101}, {8777, 6505}, {9436, 1323}, {10001, 1275}, {10025, 6603}, {10725, 31851}, {14942, 1}, {17947, 17056}, {18328, 118}, {31648, 36956}, {39351, 1146}, {40862, 6610}
X(664) = reflection of X(927) in the Soddy line
X(664) = isogonal conjugate of X(663)
X(664) = isotomic conjugate of X(522)
X(664) = complement of X(39351)
X(664) = anticomplement of X(1146)
X(664) = polar conjugate of X(3064)
X(664) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 514}, {2, 522}, {6, 23865}, {7, 3676}, {8, 6332}, {9, 4105}, {10, 7265}, {57, 43924}, {65, 3669}, {77, 4025}, {100, 651}, {109, 1813}, {145, 30719}, {190, 43290}, {192, 24749}, {223, 8058}, {513, 3752}, {521, 1214}, {523, 17056}, {525, 18641}, {649, 7032}, {650, 14100}, {661, 23668}, {663, 2082}, {693, 1441}, {905, 1071}, {1212, 3900}, {1317, 30725}, {1459, 26934}, {1537, 10015}, {1577, 23555}, {2785, 39035}, {3008, 38371}, {3649, 7178}, {3738, 16586}, {3835, 23669}, {3870, 31605}, {3911, 39771}, {3960, 11570}, {4391, 23528}, {4449, 9312}, {4453, 41801}, {4551, 4552}, {5586, 30723}, {6366, 35110}, {6608, 42449}, {7180, 39780}, {10052, 21188}, {14208, 18697}, {15185, 43049}, {16006, 41800}, {16585, 35057}, {17496, 37558}, {21183, 36595}, {23615, 31648}, {30724, 34502}, {30726, 39777}, {35312, 35338}, {39775, 43041}, {39782, 43052}
X(664) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {99, 811}, {4554, 4569}, {4573, 4625}
X(664) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {512, 810}, {522, 25128}, {3063, 8641}
X(664) = trilinear pole of line {2, 7}
X(664) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {3271, 6139}
X(664) = Steiner-circumellipse-antipode of X(1121)
X(664) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(1)-antipode of X(2481)
X(664) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(7)X(8)
X(664) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(3064)
X(664) = crossdifference of PU(103)
X(664) = Jerabek image of X(7)
X(664) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 663}, {2, 3063}, {3, 18344}, {4, 1946}, {6, 650}, {7, 8641}, {8, 667}, {9, 649}, {11, 692}, {19, 652}, {21, 512}, {25, 521}, {29, 810}, {31, 522}, {32, 4391}, {33, 1459}, {37, 7252}, {41, 514}, {42, 3737}, {48, 3064}, {55, 513}, {56, 3900}, {57, 657}, {58, 4041}, {60, 4705}, {65, 21789}, {80, 8648}, {81, 3709}, {100, 3271}, {101, 2170}, {105, 926}, {106, 4895}, {108, 3270}, {109, 2310}, {110, 4516}, {163, 21044}, {184, 44426}, {200, 43924}, {210, 3733}, {212, 7649}, {213, 4560}, {219, 6591}, {220, 3669}, {244, 3939}, {259, 6729}, {269, 4105}, {281, 22383}, {284, 661}, {292, 4435}, {294, 665}, {312, 1919}, {314, 669}, {333, 798}, {393, 36054}, {480, 43932}, {518, 884}, {523, 2194}, {525, 2204}, {560, 35519}, {604, 3239}, {607, 905}, {643, 3122}, {644, 1015}, {645, 3121}, {646, 1977}, {647, 1172}, {651, 14936}, {654, 2161}, {656, 2299}, {659, 7077}, {672, 1024}, {693, 2175}, {739, 4526}, {764, 6065}, {822, 8748}, {875, 3685}, {885, 2223}, {890, 36798}, {893, 3287}, {902, 23838}, {904, 3907}, {906, 8735}, {919, 17435}, {923, 14432}, {934, 3022}, {1014, 4524}, {1019, 1334}, {1021, 1400}, {1027, 2340}, {1036, 8678}, {1037, 17115}, {1055, 23893}, {1084, 4631}, {1106, 4163}, {1110, 21132}, {1146, 1415}, {1155, 23351}, {1156, 6139}, {1170, 10581}, {1174, 21127}, {1253, 3676}, {1260, 43923}, {1261, 6363}, {1318, 3251}, {1320, 1960}, {1333, 3700}, {1357, 4578}, {1397, 4397}, {1402, 7253}, {1407, 4130}, {1409, 17926}, {1412, 4171}, {1417, 4528}, {1431, 4477}, {1436, 14298}, {1461, 3119}, {1474, 8611}, {1633, 14935}, {1635, 2316}, {1638, 18889}, {1639, 9456}, {1769, 2342}, {1783, 7117}, {1812, 2489}, {1824, 23189}, {1857, 23224}, {1880, 23090}, {1896, 39201}, {1911, 3716}, {1918, 18155}, {1924, 28660}, {1973, 6332}, {1974, 35518}, {1980, 3596}, {2053, 4083}, {2087, 5548}, {2149, 42462}, {2150, 4024}, {2155, 14331}, {2159, 14400}, {2160, 9404}, {2163, 4814}, {2182, 2432}, {2185, 4079}, {2192, 6129}, {2193, 2501}, {2195, 2254}, {2206, 4086}, {2208, 8058}, {2212, 4025}, {2218, 8676}, {2258, 17418}, {2279, 45755}, {2287, 7180}, {2311, 21832}, {2319, 20979}, {2320, 4775}, {2328, 4017}, {2339, 2484}, {2341, 21828}, {2344, 3250}, {2346, 2488}, {2352, 23289}, {2356, 23696}, {2364, 4893}, {2424, 41339}, {2481, 8638}, {2520, 37741}, {2590, 2591}, {2605, 7073}, {2638, 36127}, {2643, 4636}, {2648, 5075}, {2651, 18000}, {2804, 34858}, {2982, 33525}, {3049, 31623}, {3065, 42657}, {3124, 4612}, {3125, 5546}, {3248, 3699}, {3254, 8645}, {3261, 9447}, {3423, 6182}, {3433, 11934}, {3445, 4162}, {3446, 11193}, {3467, 42649}, {3572, 3684}, {3680, 8643}, {3688, 18108}, {3689, 23345}, {3693, 43929}, {3694, 43925}, {3738, 6187}, {3766, 18265}, {4009, 23349}, {4076, 8027}, {4124, 34067}, {4131, 6059}, {4147, 7121}, {4449, 9439}, {4501, 30651}, {4521, 38266}, {4530, 32665}, {4531, 7255}, {4534, 34080}, {4546, 16945}, {4557, 18191}, {4565, 36197}, {4571, 42067}, {4581, 20967}, {4617, 35508}, {4623, 7063}, {4626, 24012}, {4790, 34820}, {4820, 34819}, {4845, 14413}, {4858, 32739}, {4876, 8632}, {4900, 8656}, {4919, 9262}, {4944, 28607}, {4976, 28615}, {4979, 33635}, {5040, 11609}, {5547, 14419}, {6186, 35057}, {6366, 34068}, {6373, 8851}, {6601, 8642}, {6614, 24010}, {7004, 8750}, {7105, 21761}, {7118, 14837}, {7129, 10397}, {7155, 8640}, {8646, 30479}, {8647, 35355}, {8749, 14395}, {8752, 14418}, {9247, 46110}, {9426, 40072}, {9448, 40495}, {10099, 37908}, {10566, 40972}, {11124, 18771}, {11604, 42670}, {14399, 15627}, {14775, 23207}, {14776, 35014}, {14827, 24002}, {15997, 45878}, {16686, 42552}, {21645, 43743}, {21758, 36910}, {21759, 27527}, {23615, 24027}, {23845, 40528}, {23865, 40505}, {23990, 40166}, {25128, 34248}, {32652, 38357}, {32653, 38345}, {32674, 34591}, {33573, 36141}, {36059, 42069}
X(664) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4554}, {6, 4572}, {7, 190}, {8, 658}, {9, 4569}, {10, 4573}, {12, 4610}, {37, 4625}, {56, 1978}, {57, 668}, {59, 3261}, {63, 18026}, {65, 799}, {69, 653}, {73, 6331}, {75, 651}, {76, 109}, {77, 6335}, {78, 13149}, {85, 100}, {86, 4552}, {92, 6516}, {99, 226}, {101, 6063}, {108, 304}, {110, 349}, {142, 6606}, {162, 1231}, {200, 36838}, {210, 4635}, {225, 4563}, {257, 6649}, {261, 4605}, {264, 1813}, {269, 646}, {273, 1332}, {274, 4551}, {278, 4561}, {279, 3699}, {305, 32674}, {307, 648}, {308, 46153}, {310, 4559}, {312, 934}, {313, 4565}, {314, 1020}, {319, 38340}, {320, 655}, {321, 1414}, {322, 37141}, {331, 1331}, {333, 4566}, {341, 4617}, {345, 36118}, {346, 4626}, {347, 44327}, {348, 1897}, {388, 37215}, {479, 6558}, {514, 4998}, {518, 34085}, {522, 1275}, {523, 4620}, {527, 35157}, {552, 4103}, {553, 6540}, {561, 1415}, {604, 6386}, {643, 1446}, {644, 1088}, {645, 3668}, {660, 10030}, {662, 1441}, {666, 9436}, {670, 1400}, {672, 46135}, {673, 883}, {692, 20567}, {693, 4564}, {765, 24002}, {789, 7146}, {811, 1214}, {813, 18033}, {835, 33949}, {873, 21859}, {918, 39293}, {927, 3912}, {932, 30545}, {1014, 4033}, {1016, 3676}, {1025, 2481}, {1026, 34018}, {1111, 31615}, {1254, 4631}, {1262, 35519}, {1284, 4639}, {1292, 21609}, {1305, 18134}, {1358, 6632}, {1402, 4602}, {1412, 27808}, {1423, 18830}, {1427, 7257}, {1429, 4583}, {1434, 3952}, {1442, 15455}, {1443, 36804}, {1447, 4562}, {1458, 36803}, {1461, 3596}, {1469, 37133}, {1476, 21580}, {1783, 7182}, {1847, 4571}, {1909, 37137}, {1920, 29055}, {1937, 15418}, {1969, 36059}, {2052, 6517}, {2149, 40495}, {2171, 4623}, {2222, 20924}, {2283, 18031}, {2321, 4616}, {2406, 34393}, {3212, 4598}, {3218, 35174}, {3262, 37136}, {3263, 36146}, {3452, 6613}, {3570, 7233}, {3616, 4624}, {3649, 4632}, {3669, 7035}, {3671, 4633}, {3674, 8707}, {3701, 4637}, {3718, 32714}, {3732, 8817}, {3882, 31643}, {3903, 7196}, {3911, 4555}, {3926, 36127}, {4017, 4601}, {4024, 7340}, {4025, 46102}, {4032, 4594}, {4077, 4567}, {4130, 24011}, {4163, 23586}, {4357, 6648}, {4391, 7045}, {4556, 34388}, {4576, 18097}, {4578, 23062}, {4585, 18815}, {4586, 7179}, {4589, 16609}, {4592, 40149}, {4597, 5219}, {4600, 7178}, {4607, 43037}, {4615, 40663}, {4619, 34387}, {4621, 7185}, {4654, 32042}, {5930, 44326}, {6168, 14727}, {6528, 40152}, {6604, 37206}, {6742, 17095}, {7012, 15413}, {7128, 35518}, {7153, 36863}, {7176, 27805}, {7249, 18047}, {8709, 43040}, {9312, 30610}, {10436, 32038}, {11608, 17933}, {13136, 22464}, {13138, 40702}, {14612, 39712}, {17950, 35154}, {18022, 32660}, {18816, 24029}, {20568, 23703}, {20911, 36098}, {21105, 31619}, {21272, 40420}, {23067, 44129}, {25716, 42343}, {26700, 33939}, {27818, 43290}, {27834, 39126}, {30806, 37139}, {31618, 35338}, {31625, 43924}, {32008, 35312}, {32028, 43948}, {32041, 40719}, {32675, 40075}, {32739, 41283}, {33298, 43190}, {34019, 42301}, {35171, 37787}, {35341, 42311}, {36086, 40704}, {36796, 41353}, {41206, 44150}, {42719, 43736}, {44717, 46107}
X(664) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 650}, {2, 522}, {3, 652}, {4, 3064}, {6, 663}, {7, 514}, {8, 3239}, {9, 3900}, {10, 3700}, {11, 42462}, {12, 4024}, {19, 18344}, {20, 14331}, {21, 1021}, {29, 17926}, {30, 14400}, {31, 3063}, {34, 6591}, {35, 9404}, {36, 654}, {37, 4041}, {40, 14298}, {41, 8641}, {42, 3709}, {44, 4895}, {45, 4814}, {48, 1946}, {55, 657}, {56, 649}, {57, 513}, {58, 7252}, {59, 101}, {63, 521}, {65, 661}, {69, 6332}, {72, 8611}, {73, 647}, {75, 4391}, {76, 35519}, {77, 905}, {81, 3737}, {85, 693}, {86, 4560}, {88, 23838}, {92, 44426}, {99, 333}, {100, 9}, {101, 55}, {102, 2432}, {105, 1024}, {107, 8748}, {108, 19}, {109, 6}, {110, 284}, {112, 2299}, {142, 6362}, {145, 4521}, {162, 1172}, {163, 2194}, {169, 11934}, {171, 3287}, {174, 6728}, {181, 4079}, {188, 6730}, {190, 8}, {192, 4147}, {194, 25128}, {200, 4130}, {210, 4171}, {220, 4105}, {222, 1459}, {223, 6129}, {225, 2501}, {226, 523}, {238, 4435}, {239, 3716}, {241, 2254}, {249, 4636}, {255, 36054}, {264, 46110}, {266, 6729}, {269, 3669}, {273, 17924}, {274, 18155}, {278, 7649}, {279, 3676}, {283, 23090}, {284, 21789}, {304, 35518}, {307, 525}, {312, 4397}, {320, 3904}, {321, 4086}, {329, 8058}, {331, 46107}, {332, 15411}, {333, 7253}, {344, 44448}, {346, 4163}, {347, 14837}, {348, 4025}, {349, 850}, {354, 21127}, {388, 6590}, {390, 14330}, {513, 2170}, {514, 11}, {519, 1639}, {521, 34591}, {522, 1146}, {523, 21044}, {524, 14432}, {527, 6366}, {536, 14430}, {553, 4977}, {579, 8676}, {603, 22383}, {604, 667}, {643, 2287}, {644, 200}, {645, 1043}, {646, 341}, {648, 29}, {649, 3271}, {650, 2310}, {651, 1}, {652, 3270}, {653, 4}, {655, 80}, {657, 3022}, {658, 7}, {660, 4876}, {661, 4516}, {662, 21}, {663, 14936}, {666, 14942}, {668, 312}, {670, 28660}, {672, 926}, {673, 885}, {677, 2338}, {692, 41}, {693, 4858}, {738, 43932}, {748, 4501}, {765, 644}, {799, 314}, {811, 31623}, {812, 4124}, {813, 7077}, {823, 1896}, {874, 3975}, {883, 3912}, {894, 3907}, {899, 4526}, {900, 4530}, {901, 2316}, {905, 7004}, {906, 212}, {908, 2804}, {919, 2195}, {927, 673}, {932, 2319}, {934, 57}, {940, 17418}, {1001, 45755}, {1014, 1019}, {1016, 3699}, {1018, 210}, {1019, 18191}, {1020, 65}, {1023, 3689}, {1025, 518}, {1026, 3693}, {1038, 2522}, {1042, 7180}, {1055, 6139}, {1071, 40628}, {1086, 21132}, {1088, 24002}, {1111, 40166}, {1125, 4976}, {1146, 23615}, {1156, 23893}, {1212, 6608}, {1214, 656}, {1215, 4140}, {1231, 14208}, {1252, 3939}, {1262, 109}, {1284, 21832}, {1305, 1751}, {1310, 2339}, {1317, 6544}, {1319, 1635}, {1323, 1638}, {1331, 219}, {1332, 78}, {1334, 4524}, {1357, 21143}, {1358, 6545}, {1365, 21131}, {1381, 2591}, {1382, 2590}, {1397, 1919}, {1400, 512}, {1401, 21123}, {1402, 798}, {1403, 20979}, {1404, 1960}, {1405, 4775}, {1407, 43924}, {1409, 810}, {1412, 3733}, {1414, 81}, {1415, 31}, {1416, 43929}, {1420, 4394}, {1423, 4083}, {1427, 4017}, {1428, 8632}, {1429, 659}, {1434, 7192}, {1435, 43923}, {1438, 884}, {1441, 1577}, {1442, 14838}, {1443, 3960}, {1445, 3309}, {1446, 4077}, {1447, 812}, {1457, 3310}, {1458, 665}, {1459, 7117}, {1460, 2484}, {1461, 56}, {1462, 1027}, {1464, 21828}, {1465, 1769}, {1469, 3250}, {1475, 2488}, {1492, 2344}, {1633, 2082}, {1697, 40137}, {1698, 4820}, {1708, 15313}, {1734, 38358}, {1743, 4162}, {1751, 23289}, {1783, 33}, {1790, 23189}, {1804, 4091}, {1813, 3}, {1814, 23696}, {1897, 281}, {1943, 8062}, {1950, 21761}, {1978, 3596}, {1981, 243}, {1983, 2361}, {1996, 30181}, {2002, 8760}, {2003, 2605}, {2078, 22108}, {2082, 17115}, {2099, 4893}, {2124, 17427}, {2149, 692}, {2171, 4705}, {2222, 2161}, {2254, 17435}, {2283, 672}, {2284, 2340}, {2285, 8678}, {2291, 23351}, {2293, 10581}, {2325, 4528}, {2329, 4477}, {2397, 6735}, {2398, 40869}, {2399, 15633}, {2406, 515}, {2701, 17963}, {2720, 909}, {3064, 42069}, {3160, 7658}, {3161, 4546}, {3212, 3835}, {3218, 3738}, {3219, 35057}, {3239, 4081}, {3257, 1320}, {3261, 34387}, {3309, 38375}, {3333, 14300}, {3338, 13401}, {3361, 4790}, {3452, 42337}, {3485, 45745}, {3570, 3685}, {3573, 3684}, {3616, 4765}, {3649, 4988}, {3661, 4522}, {3662, 3810}, {3663, 21120}, {3665, 16892}, {3666, 17420}, {3667, 4534}, {3668, 7178}, {3669, 244}, {3671, 4841}, {3674, 3004}, {3676, 1086}, {3679, 4944}, {3685, 4148}, {3686, 4990}, {3689, 14427}, {3699, 346}, {3718, 15416}, {3732, 497}, {3752, 6615}, {3782, 21119}, {3807, 3790}, {3875, 20317}, {3882, 960}, {3888, 3061}, {3900, 3119}, {3911, 900}, {3939, 220}, {3950, 44729}, {3952, 2321}, {3982, 28175}, {4017, 3125}, {4024, 4092}, {4025, 26932}, {4031, 28209}, {4032, 2533}, {4033, 3701}, {4040, 38347}, {4041, 36197}, {4069, 4515}, {4076, 6558}, {4077, 16732}, {4091, 1364}, {4103, 6057}, {4105, 35508}, {4114, 28213}, {4115, 4046}, {4130, 24010}, {4163, 23970}, {4296, 16612}, {4306, 43060}, {4308, 43061}, {4350, 43049}, {4357, 3910}, {4358, 4768}, {4359, 4985}, {4363, 4474}, {4369, 4459}, {4370, 4543}, {4380, 4965}, {4383, 42312}, {4391, 24026}, {4427, 3686}, {4436, 3691}, {4462, 4939}, {4499, 4051}, {4512, 4827}, {4521, 4953}, {4551, 37}, {4552, 10}, {4553, 33299}, {4554, 75}, {4555, 4997}, {4556, 60}, {4557, 1334}, {4558, 283}, {4559, 42}, {4561, 345}, {4562, 4518}, {4563, 332}, {4564, 100}, {4565, 58}, {4566, 226}, {4567, 643}, {4568, 3703}, {4569, 85}, {4570, 5546}, {4571, 3692}, {4572, 76}, {4573, 86}, {4574, 2318}, {4575, 2193}, {4578, 728}, {4579, 2329}, {4585, 4511}, {4587, 1260}, {4588, 2364}, {4589, 36800}, {4592, 1812}, {4595, 27538}, {4597, 30608}, {4598, 7155}, {4600, 645}, {4601, 7257}, {4602, 40072}, {4604, 2320}, {4605, 12}, {4606, 4866}, {4607, 36798}, {4610, 261}, {4612, 1098}, {4616, 1434}, {4617, 269}, {4619, 59}, {4620, 99}, {4624, 5936}, {4625, 274}, {4626, 279}, {4636, 7054}, {4637, 1014}, {4638, 1318}, {4654, 4802}, {4752, 3711}, {4756, 4007}, {4767, 4873}, {4781, 3707}, {4848, 14321}, {4858, 42455}, {4998, 190}, {5219, 4777}, {5221, 4813}, {5226, 28161}, {5228, 4724}, {5257, 4843}, {5298, 4984}, {5382, 31343}, {5435, 3667}, {5440, 14418}, {5540, 11193}, {5546, 2328}, {5750, 29278}, {5930, 6587}, {6049, 31182}, {6063, 3261}, {6135, 13456}, {6136, 13427}, {6163, 4919}, {6168, 42341}, {6180, 4449}, {6183, 39273}, {6331, 44130}, {6332, 2968}, {6335, 318}, {6357, 11125}, {6358, 4036}, {6366, 33573}, {6386, 28659}, {6510, 14414}, {6516, 63}, {6517, 394}, {6540, 4102}, {6544, 4542}, {6545, 7336}, {6558, 5423}, {6603, 14392}, {6604, 4468}, {6606, 32008}, {6610, 14413}, {6613, 40420}, {6614, 1407}, {6632, 4076}, {6648, 1220}, {6649, 894}, {6733, 259}, {6742, 7110}, {7012, 1783}, {7035, 646}, {7045, 651}, {7055, 30805}, {7078, 10397}, {7081, 4529}, {7113, 8648}, {7115, 8750}, {7125, 23224}, {7128, 108}, {7146, 1491}, {7153, 43931}, {7175, 4367}, {7176, 4369}, {7178, 3120}, {7179, 824}, {7180, 3122}, {7181, 4750}, {7182, 15413}, {7183, 4131}, {7185, 3776}, {7192, 17197}, {7196, 4374}, {7201, 4490}, {7203, 16726}, {7210, 16757}, {7217, 21110}, {7223, 4379}, {7233, 4444}, {7243, 4408}, {7251, 21122}, {7265, 6741}, {7339, 1461}, {7340, 4610}, {7649, 8735}, {8012, 6607}, {8058, 5514}, {8059, 1436}, {8269, 7131}, {8270, 2509}, {8545, 14077}, {8694, 34820}, {8701, 33635}, {8709, 36799}, {8750, 607}, {8804, 14308}, {9268, 5548}, {9312, 4885}, {9316, 20980}, {9358, 9355}, {9436, 918}, {9454, 8638}, {10001, 39351}, {10015, 35015}, {10030, 3766}, {10436, 23880}, {10481, 21104}, {10521, 23729}, {10566, 18101}, {10571, 6589}, {10578, 14282}, {11608, 18013}, {12848, 28292}, {13138, 282}, {13149, 273}, {13397, 39943}, {13444, 18888}, {13588, 21388}, {13589, 1731}, {14027, 14442}, {14543, 950}, {14544, 40942}, {14547, 33525}, {14594, 2345}, {14612, 5263}, {14733, 2291}, {14837, 38357}, {14942, 28132}, {15386, 32653}, {15413, 17880}, {15419, 17219}, {15439, 2259}, {16603, 4122}, {16609, 4010}, {16826, 4913}, {16885, 4959}, {16888, 3801}, {17074, 21173}, {17075, 20517}, {17076, 21178}, {17077, 8714}, {17078, 4453}, {17079, 21183}, {17080, 21189}, {17081, 3798}, {17082, 21191}, {17083, 21194}, {17084, 21196}, {17085, 21200}, {17086, 4142}, {17088, 21205}, {17089, 21204}, {17091, 21206}, {17092, 4905}, {17093, 31605}, {17094, 4466}, {17095, 4467}, {17096, 17205}, {17114, 23751}, {17136, 5745}, {17218, 16759}, {17439, 11124}, {17496, 34589}, {17752, 30584}, {17761, 42454}, {17780, 2325}, {17923, 44428}, {17933, 40882}, {17942, 5060}, {17950, 2785}, {17966, 5075}, {18026, 92}, {18047, 7081}, {18134, 20294}, {18315, 35196}, {18623, 21172}, {18626, 21175}, {18627, 21176}, {18830, 27424}, {19297, 42657}, {19804, 4811}, {20567, 40495}, {20616, 21727}, {21007, 38365}, {21105, 46101}, {21147, 6588}, {21173, 11998}, {21189, 38345}, {21272, 3452}, {21362, 3057}, {21454, 4778}, {21580, 20895}, {21773, 42649}, {21859, 756}, {22003, 21677}, {22341, 822}, {22464, 10015}, {23067, 71}, {23113, 22072}, {23187, 38344}, {23346, 1055}, {23353, 2202}, {23363, 23640}, {23586, 4626}, {23703, 44}, {23706, 14571}, {23845, 2347}, {23865, 38991}, {23890, 1155}, {23891, 4009}, {23971, 6614}, {23973, 43035}, {23978, 23104}, {23981, 2183}, {23984, 36127}, {23987, 8755}, {24002, 1111}, {24004, 4723}, {24011, 36838}, {24013, 4617}, {24027, 1415}, {24029, 517}, {24037, 4631}, {24041, 4612}, {24215, 20508}, {25268, 6736}, {25716, 31287}, {25722, 40465}, {26700, 2160}, {26942, 4064}, {27339, 28623}, {27805, 4451}, {27808, 30713}, {27834, 3680}, {27853, 4087}, {28292, 43960}, {28387, 4139}, {28850, 28143}, {29055, 893}, {29227, 36630}, {30239, 8602}, {30379, 2826}, {30545, 20906}, {30719, 3756}, {30720, 6555}, {30725, 1647}, {30730, 4082}, {31231, 4926}, {31286, 24840}, {31526, 21195}, {31605, 4904}, {31615, 765}, {32038, 31359}, {32042, 42030}, {32577, 17424}, {32636, 4979}, {32641, 2342}, {32652, 7118}, {32660, 184}, {32669, 34858}, {32674, 25}, {32675, 6187}, {32676, 2204}, {32693, 2258}, {32714, 34}, {32735, 1438}, {32739, 2175}, {32939, 20293}, {33296, 27527}, {33298, 25259}, {33946, 3705}, {33949, 45746}, {33951, 4514}, {33952, 3966}, {34056, 35348}, {34071, 2053}, {34085, 2481}, {34234, 43728}, {34393, 2399}, {34921, 19302}, {35049, 13486}, {35154, 17947}, {35157, 1121}, {35174, 18359}, {35307, 21807}, {35310, 21039}, {35312, 142}, {35326, 2293}, {35338, 1212}, {35341, 3059}, {35342, 3683}, {35519, 23978}, {36040, 32677}, {36048, 2982}, {36049, 2192}, {36054, 2638}, {36059, 48}, {36075, 2308}, {36082, 2164}, {36086, 294}, {36098, 2298}, {36099, 1039}, {36118, 278}, {36127, 393}, {36141, 34068}, {36146, 105}, {36538, 29362}, {36589, 23884}, {36797, 2322}, {36802, 6559}, {36838, 1088}, {36863, 4110}, {37136, 104}, {37137, 256}, {37138, 40779}, {37139, 1156}, {37141, 84}, {37143, 3254}, {37206, 6601}, {37212, 32635}, {37215, 30479}, {37771, 21201}, {37787, 3887}, {37789, 2827}, {37798, 21180}, {37800, 21185}, {38340, 79}, {38459, 43050}, {38828, 3445}, {39126, 4462}, {39293, 666}, {39294, 1309}, {39771, 35092}, {39780, 40627}, {40117, 7008}, {40131, 6182}, {40149, 24006}, {40152, 520}, {40166, 1090}, {40573, 14775}, {40576, 169}, {40577, 5540}, {40615, 23760}, {40617, 23764}, {40622, 23775}, {40663, 4120}, {40702, 17896}, {40719, 4762}, {40999, 7265}, {41003, 21124}, {41206, 37142}, {41246, 29051}, {41264, 9313}, {41350, 45902}, {41353, 241}, {41526, 8640}, {41572, 28473}, {41777, 3777}, {41803, 21198}, {41804, 4707}, {41808, 21192}, {42462, 5532}, {42717, 44694}, {42720, 3717}, {43035, 676}, {43037, 4728}, {43038, 14475}, {43040, 3837}, {43041, 27918}, {43048, 24457}, {43051, 3123}, {43069, 43073}, {43192, 7707}, {43290, 3161}, {43760, 35355}, {43924, 1015}, {44326, 5931}, {44327, 280}, {44717, 1331}, {44724, 30720}, {44765, 10570}, {45204, 14284}, {45875, 15997}, {45876, 2090}, {46102, 1897}, {46110, 21666}, {46135, 18031}, {46148, 3688}, {46152, 17442}, {46153, 39}, {46177, 16588}
X(664) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 1111, 24203}, {1, 9312, 85}, {2, 1146, 31640}, {2, 39351, 1146}, {7, 17089, 1358}, {8, 348, 33298}, {8, 3160, 348}, {65, 7176, 1434}, {78, 34059, 40702}, {99, 4573, 1414}, {100, 934, 6516}, {100, 35312, 658}, {145, 279, 6604}, {150, 38941, 1565}, {220, 3177, 32024}, {269, 3875, 39126}, {651, 4552, 190}, {668, 4561, 3699}, {934, 4566, 658}, {1121, 31640, 1146}, {1146, 17044, 2}, {1146, 35110, 17044}, {1146, 39351, 1121}, {1214, 1943, 333}, {1317, 43038, 7}, {1319, 43037, 1447}, {1323, 9436, 17078}, {1358, 43038, 17089}, {1441, 1442, 86}, {1897, 36118, 18026}, {2082, 6167, 7131}, {2099, 7223, 7}, {2170, 9317, 673}, {3160, 25718, 8}, {3674, 10106, 7247}, {4551, 14594, 3699}, {4566, 17136, 6516}, {9259, 21138, 26273}, {9312, 25716, 1}, {17044, 39351, 31640}, {17136, 21272, 100}, {17136, 35312, 934}, {17439, 21139, 9318}, {17880, 18689, 75}, {18047, 33946, 190}, {20057, 32086, 5543}, {21272, 35312, 4566}, {30725, 45273, 651}, {35110, 39357, 1121}, {41801, 41803, 903}
X(665) lies on these lines: {1, 4435}, {2, 3766}, {6, 22108}, {37, 900}, {39, 22092}, {101, 109}, {106, 2291}, {187, 237}, {241, 514}, {244, 866}, {292, 659}, {513, 3709}, {522, 21348}, {573, 2815}, {657, 20980}, {661, 2530}, {672, 14411}, {743, 761}, {784, 6590}, {798, 6371}, {802, 21191}, {834, 4832}, {911, 1438}, {918, 16728}, {926, 42079}, {1155, 9321}, {1213, 2511}, {1333, 42741}, {1362, 34905}, {1459, 3063}, {1639, 21894}, {1642, 2254}, {1734, 22229}, {1841, 39534}, {2092, 2642}, {2178, 39200}, {2195, 43929}, {2277, 28284}, {2345, 26078}, {2440, 32658}, {2483, 3733}, {2498, 3941}, {2516, 29226}, {2605, 21007}, {2609, 15586}, {3261, 17066}, {3287, 21173}, {3290, 26275}, {3512, 21391}, {3572, 6373}, {3700, 8714}, {3768, 6085}, {3798, 25098}, {3803, 4790}, {3835, 25084}, {3837, 40549}, {4017, 21127}, {4083, 4394}, {4139, 17458}, {4151, 4976}, {4374, 21225}, {4391, 22222}, {4449, 45755}, {4486, 24287}, {4524, 23655}, {4699, 21433}, {4751, 21606}, {4785, 45658}, {4985, 21960}, {6165, 21830}, {6363, 20979}, {9508, 30665}, {17263, 28779}, {17302, 27012}, {20678, 21003}, {21261, 25381}, {21742, 21758}, {21796, 24118}, {23744, 23798}, {24462, 41531}, {25594, 27293}, {26242, 44433}, {29350, 30234}, {30572, 42462}, {30764, 30836}, {31207, 31208}, {41163, 41190}, {41164, 41189}, {41165, 41186}, {41166, 41191}
X(665) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {649, 3250}, {659, 876}, {798, 21123}, {3768, 21143}, {4374, 21225}
X(665) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {3261, 17066}, {3709, 6586}, {3837, 40549}, {4526, 37}, {20507, 20520}, {23744, 23798}, {45338, 2}
X(665) = isogonal conjugate of X(666)
X(665) = isotomic conjugate of X(36803)
X(665) = complement of X(3766)
X(665) = Parry-circle inverse of X(5098)
X(665) = tripolar centroid of X(1002)
X(665) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 38989}, {32, 35119}, {100, 20542}, {101, 20333}, {291, 21252}, {292, 116}, {660, 2887}, {692, 17793}, {813, 141}, {1252, 27854}, {1911, 11}, {1922, 1086}, {4557, 45162}, {4562, 626}, {4583, 21235}, {4584, 21240}, {5378, 21260}, {7077, 124}, {14598, 1015}, {17938, 6682}, {18265, 1146}, {18267, 39786}, {18268, 17761}, {18897, 6377}, {20964, 2679}, {23990, 27929}, {32739, 17755}, {34067, 10}, {36081, 21238}
X(665) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 38989}, {6, 35505}, {7, 15615}, {56, 38363}, {100, 20455}, {101, 20662}, {105, 3271}, {241, 3675}, {292, 1015}, {651, 1362}, {659, 6373}, {660, 40730}, {876, 512}, {884, 20980}, {911, 7117}, {919, 6}, {927, 21746}, {1026, 20683}, {2254, 926}, {2283, 2223}, {2284, 672}, {2424, 663}, {5089, 17435}, {27918, 6165}, {34018, 4014}, {34067, 39}, {35185, 2175}, {37137, 34253}, {40519, 20860}, {42720, 518}, {43736, 3022}, {43760, 1357}
X(665) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {15615, 7}, {35505, 6}
X(665) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 660}, {6, 919}, {100, 2991}, {105, 651}, {110, 37128}, {241, 2283}, {518, 42720}, {649, 3572}, {672, 2284}, {694, 37137}, {1026, 18206}
X(665) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 918}, {6, 659}, {100, 2284}, {105, 43929}, {190, 3570}, {294, 885}, {385, 3287}, {513, 3290}, {514, 3008}, {518, 650}, {522, 40869}, {523, 2238}, {812, 27942}, {926, 16588}, {1027, 18785}, {14942, 28132}
X(665) = trilinear pole of line {15615, 35505}
X(665) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {2, 11}
X(665) = tripolar centroid of X(1002)
X(665) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23225)
X(665) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(6),X(7)}}
X(665) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {15615, 7}, {35505, 6}
X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 666}, {2, 36086}, {8, 36146}, {9, 927}, {31, 36803}, {41, 46135}, {55, 34085}, {57, 36802}, {75, 919}, {76, 32666}, {83, 35333}, {99, 18785}, {100, 673}, {101, 2481}, {105, 190}, {109, 36796}, {294, 664}, {312, 32735}, {344, 36041}, {514, 5377}, {646, 1416}, {650, 39293}, {651, 14942}, {658, 28071}, {660, 6654}, {662, 13576}, {668, 1438}, {692, 18031}, {885, 4564}, {898, 36816}, {934, 6559}, {1016, 1027}, {1024, 4998}, {1026, 6185}, {1292, 31638}, {1332, 36124}, {1462, 3699}, {1783, 31637}, {1814, 1897}, {2195, 4554}, {2398, 9503}, {3008, 39272}, {3112, 46163}, {3939, 34018}, {4441, 36138}, {4561, 8751}, {4614, 14625}, {6335, 36057}, {6632, 43921}, {7035, 43929}, {7045, 28132}, {9310, 14727}, {14947, 34906}, {20927, 35185}, {21615, 32724}, {23696, 46102}, {28420, 36111}
X(665) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 2254}, {6, 918}, {7, 926}, {11, 2283}, {42, 23829}, {55, 43042}, {58, 4088}, {81, 24290}, {100, 3675}, {104, 42758}, {105, 3126}, {241, 650}, {244, 1026}, {264, 23225}, {512, 30941}, {513, 518}, {514, 672}, {521, 1876}, {522, 1458}, {523, 3286}, {647, 15149}, {649, 3912}, {651, 17435}, {652, 5236}, {659, 22116}, {660, 38989}, {661, 18206}, {663, 9436}, {666, 35505}, {667, 3263}, {693, 2223}, {798, 18157}, {812, 3252}, {876, 8299}, {883, 3271}, {885, 1362}, {900, 34230}, {905, 5089}, {919, 35094}, {1015, 42720}, {1019, 3930}, {1022, 14439}, {1025, 2170}, {1027, 4712}, {1086, 2284}, {1459, 1861}, {1769, 36819}, {1818, 7649}, {2310, 41353}, {2340, 3676}, {2356, 4025}, {2428, 4904}, {3063, 40704}, {3261, 9454}, {3445, 4925}, {3572, 17755}, {3669, 3693}, {3717, 43924}, {3733, 3932}, {3766, 40730}, {3900, 34855}, {4238, 18210}, {4437, 43929}, {4778, 14626}, {6063, 8638}, {6591, 25083}, {7192, 20683}, {7199, 39258}, {8632, 40217}, {9309, 42341}, {9318, 34905}, {9455, 40495}, {15615, 46135}, {17094, 37908}, {17924, 20752}, {22383, 46108}, {23770, 34159}, {23773, 34071}, {32641, 42770}, {35293, 35348}
X(665) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 36803}, {6, 666}, {7, 46135}, {31, 36086}, {32, 919}, {55, 36802}, {56, 927}, {57, 34085}, {109, 39293}, {241, 4554}, {512, 13576}, {513, 2481}, {514, 18031}, {518, 668}, {560, 32666}, {604, 36146}, {649, 673}, {650, 36796}, {657, 6559}, {663, 14942}, {667, 105}, {672, 190}, {692, 5377}, {798, 18785}, {918, 76}, {926, 8}, {1026, 7035}, {1357, 43930}, {1362, 883}, {1397, 32735}, {1458, 664}, {1459, 31637}, {1642, 42722}, {1818, 4561}, {1876, 18026}, {1919, 1438}, {1964, 35333}, {1977, 43929}, {2223, 100}, {2254, 75}, {2283, 4998}, {2284, 1016}, {2340, 3699}, {2356, 1897}, {3051, 46163}, {3063, 294}, {3126, 3263}, {3248, 1027}, {3252, 4562}, {3263, 6386}, {3271, 885}, {3286, 99}, {3669, 34018}, {3675, 693}, {3693, 646}, {3768, 36816}, {3912, 1978}, {3930, 4033}, {3932, 27808}, {4088, 313}, {4832, 14625}, {5089, 6335}, {6184, 42720}, {8027, 43921}, {8299, 874}, {8632, 6654}, {8638, 55}, {8641, 28071}, {9309, 14727}, {9436, 4572}, {9454, 101}, {9455, 692}, {9502, 42719}, {14439, 24004}, {14936, 28132}, {15149, 6331}, {15615, 926}, {17435, 4391}, {17755, 27853}, {18157, 4602}, {18206, 799}, {20683, 3952}, {20752, 1332}, {20958, 35313}, {22116, 4583}, {22383, 1814}, {23225, 3}, {23829, 310}, {24290, 321}, {30941, 670}, {34159, 35574}, {34230, 4555}, {34855, 4569}, {35505, 918}, {37908, 36797}, {38989, 3766}, {39258, 1018}, {39686, 2284}, {40730, 660}, {42079, 1026}, {42720, 31625}, {42758, 3262}, {42771, 2804}, {43042, 6063}, {43929, 6185}
X(665) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {649, 1960, 8658}, {649, 5029, 8632}, {649, 8632, 8659}, {650, 43060, 7180}, {657, 43924, 20980}, {1635, 14413, 1643}, {1635, 21828, 3310}, {1638, 20507, 20520}, {1960, 8659, 8632}, {5029, 8632, 1960}, {5638, 5639, 5098}, {8632, 8659, 8658}, {14407, 21143, 3768}, {21173, 21390, 3287}, {43047, 43050, 30725}
X(666) lies on the Steiner circumellipse and these lines: {1, 35167}, {2, 18821}, {6, 35119}, {8, 35158}, {10, 35163}, {37, 35152}, {99, 919}, {100, 31150}, {101, 514}, {105, 898}, {144, 30228}, {190, 522}, {220, 35120}, {238, 33674}, {239, 294}, {290, 15628}, {519, 1121}, {527, 673}, {644, 668}, {645, 670}, {648, 5379}, {650, 4998}, {651, 1275}, {659, 34067}, {671, 5080}, {693, 5375}, {742, 43099}, {883, 41075}, {885, 2398}, {889, 5381}, {894, 40754}, {993, 31169}, {1026, 1027}, {1252, 17494}, {1438, 3226}, {1462, 40400}, {1494, 15627}, {1757, 33676}, {1783, 17924}, {1814, 1944}, {2311, 3509}, {2338, 3912}, {2341, 14616}, {2397, 2402}, {2401, 32641}, {2414, 32644}, {3008, 9436}, {3241, 35168}, {3758, 35175}, {3872, 35957}, {4416, 35150}, {4453, 37143}, {4552, 6606}, {4555, 5376}, {4573, 35326}, {4581, 6648}, {4582, 6635}, {4585, 35171}, {4586, 5384}, {4597, 5385}, {4762, 40865}, {5081, 36124}, {5382, 6631}, {5383, 18830}, {5386, 43097}, {5387, 24004}, {5388, 46132}, {5389, 43098}, {5452, 6063}, {6542, 35141}, {6654, 16834}, {7760, 35172}, {8751, 46108}, {14827, 21218}, {15629, 34393}, {16588, 40419}, {17350, 34361}, {18031, 43093}, {26777, 43986}, {28132, 35157}, {29574, 35153}, {29590, 40868}, {31633, 40166}, {39272, 42720}, {40863, 46137}
X(666) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 39363}, {239, 10025}
X(666) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 35113}, {927, 34906}, {3912, 40869}, {9436, 3008}, {18821, 2}, {35094, 40540}, {39353, 35094}
X(666) = isogonal conjugate of X(665)
X(666) = isotomic conjugate of X(918)
X(666) = complement of X(39353)
X(666) = anticomplement of X(35094)
X(666) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(23225)
X(666) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(1)-antipode of X(35167)
X(666) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {5377, 20552}, {32666, 39353}
X(666) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {34085, 927}, {39293, 14942}
X(666) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {239, 1016}, {294, 5377}, {518, 4998}, {644, 39272}, {660, 8709}, {883, 30610}, {885, 2481}, {918, 2}, {926, 40419}, {2284, 100}, {2348, 4076}, {2398, 664}, {2402, 34018}, {3573, 99}, {3766, 83}, {4435, 1}, {10025, 1275}, {14942, 39293}, {28132, 14942}, {30807, 46102}, {32922, 7035}, {36086, 927}, {36236, 4555}, {43929, 105}, {46163, 919}
X(666) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 918}, {6, 659}, {100, 2284}, {105, 43929}, {190, 3570}, {294, 885}, {385, 3287}, {513, 3290}, {514, 3008}, {518, 650}, {522, 40869}, {523, 2238}, {812, 27942}, {926, 16588}, {1027, 18785}, {14942, 28132}
X(666) = trilinear pole of line {2, 11}
X(666) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {15615, 35505}
X(666) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 665}, {6, 2254}, {31, 918}, {41, 43042}, {57, 926}, {58, 24290}, {85, 8638}, {92, 23225}, {101, 3675}, {109, 17435}, {213, 23829}, {241, 663}, {244, 2284}, {512, 18206}, {513, 672}, {514, 2223}, {518, 649}, {650, 1458}, {652, 1876}, {657, 34855}, {659, 3252}, {661, 3286}, {667, 3912}, {669, 18157}, {693, 9454}, {798, 30941}, {810, 15149}, {812, 40730}, {813, 38989}, {875, 17755}, {905, 2356}, {909, 42758}, {1015, 1026}, {1019, 20683}, {1024, 1362}, {1025, 3271}, {1027, 6184}, {1333, 4088}, {1438, 3126}, {1459, 5089}, {1635, 34230}, {1818, 6591}, {1861, 22383}, {1919, 3263}, {1946, 5236}, {2170, 2283}, {2340, 3669}, {2424, 9502}, {3063, 9436}, {3248, 42720}, {3261, 9455}, {3310, 36819}, {3572, 8299}, {3693, 43924}, {3733, 3930}, {4712, 43929}, {4790, 14626}, {4925, 38266}, {5091, 34905}, {7192, 39258}, {7649, 20752}, {8632, 22116}, {9315, 42341}, {14439, 23345}, {14936, 41353}, {15615, 34085}, {20662, 35355}, {32666, 35094}, {35505, 36086}, {37136, 42771}
X(666) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {6, 36803}, {7, 36802}, {8, 927}, {9, 34085}, {55, 46135}, {75, 36086}, {76, 919}, {99, 13576}, {100, 2481}, {101, 18031}, {105, 668}, {190, 673}, {294, 4554}, {308, 46163}, {312, 36146}, {390, 41075}, {522, 39293}, {561, 32666}, {644, 34018}, {646, 1462}, {651, 36796}, {658, 6559}, {664, 14942}, {693, 5377}, {799, 18785}, {885, 4998}, {1027, 7035}, {1275, 28132}, {1376, 14727}, {1438, 1978}, {1814, 6335}, {1897, 31637}, {2195, 4572}, {3112, 35333}, {3596, 32735}, {4076, 43930}, {4561, 36124}, {4562, 6654}, {4569, 28071}, {4607, 36816}, {4633, 14625}, {5388, 29956}, {6185, 42720}, {9503, 42719}, {14267, 35574}, {21615, 36138}, {31625, 43929}, {31638, 37206}
X(666) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 2254}, {2, 918}, {6, 665}, {7, 43042}, {10, 4088}, {37, 24290}, {55, 926}, {59, 2283}, {86, 23829}, {99, 30941}, {100, 518}, {101, 672}, {105, 513}, {108, 1876}, {109, 1458}, {110, 3286}, {145, 4925}, {184, 23225}, {190, 3912}, {294, 650}, {513, 3675}, {517, 42758}, {518, 3126}, {644, 3693}, {648, 15149}, {650, 17435}, {651, 241}, {653, 5236}, {659, 38989}, {660, 22116}, {662, 18206}, {664, 9436}, {665, 35505}, {668, 3263}, {673, 514}, {692, 2223}, {765, 1026}, {799, 18157}, {813, 3252}, {884, 3271}, {885, 11}, {901, 34230}, {906, 20752}, {918, 35094}, {919, 6}, {927, 7}, {934, 34855}, {1016, 42720}, {1018, 3930}, {1023, 14439}, {1024, 2170}, {1026, 4712}, {1027, 244}, {1252, 2284}, {1331, 1818}, {1332, 25083}, {1376, 42341}, {1416, 43924}, {1438, 649}, {1462, 3669}, {1738, 20504}, {1783, 5089}, {1814, 905}, {1897, 1861}, {2175, 8638}, {2195, 663}, {2283, 1362}, {2284, 6184}, {2402, 4904}, {2481, 693}, {3570, 17755}, {3573, 8299}, {3699, 3717}, {3835, 23773}, {3939, 2340}, {3952, 3932}, {3971, 21959}, {4427, 4966}, {4554, 40704}, {4557, 20683}, {4562, 40217}, {4564, 1025}, {4579, 4447}, {4998, 883}, {5377, 100}, {5379, 4238}, {6335, 46108}, {6559, 3239}, {6654, 812}, {7045, 41353}, {8638, 15615}, {8694, 14626}, {8750, 2356}, {8751, 6591}, {9319, 34905}, {10015, 42770}, {10099, 18210}, {13576, 523}, {14267, 23770}, {14625, 4841}, {14727, 32023}, {14942, 522}, {18031, 3261}, {18785, 661}, {21450, 14347}, {23696, 7004}, {28071, 3900}, {28132, 1146}, {31637, 4025}, {31638, 4468}, {32658, 22383}, {32666, 31}, {32735, 56}, {32739, 9454}, {34018, 24002}, {34067, 40730}, {34085, 85}, {34906, 9318}, {35185, 3433}, {35313, 3035}, {35333, 38}, {36037, 36819}, {36041, 2191}, {36057, 1459}, {36086, 1}, {36124, 7649}, {36138, 2279}, {36146, 57}, {36796, 4391}, {36802, 8}, {36803, 76}, {36816, 4728}, {39272, 1280}, {39293, 664}, {40724, 4458}, {41934, 43929}, {42720, 4437}, {43042, 3323}, {43290, 4899}, {43921, 764}, {43929, 1015}, {43930, 1358}, {46135, 6063}, {46149, 2530}, {46163, 39}
X(666) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 39353, 35094}, {885, 35313, 5377}, {35094, 35113, 40540}, {35094, 39353, 18821}, {35094, 40540, 2}, {35113, 39363, 18821}
X(667) = radical center of the circumcircle, Brocard circle, and the circle with (diameter = segment X(1)X(3)) (Wilson Stothers, 3/31/2003)
X(667) lies on these lines: {1, 4063}, {2, 21260}, {3, 1083}, {6, 9010}, {10, 21724}, {21, 29150}, {23, 9980}, {25, 18344}, {28, 17924}, {31, 8027}, {36, 238}, {55, 3251}, {56, 764}, {75, 21440}, {100, 898}, {101, 813}, {104, 2726}, {105, 14665}, {106, 2382}, {110, 2703}, {111, 35107}, {171, 38238}, {187, 237}, {197, 11124}, {213, 875}, {274, 23807}, {514, 659}, {522, 8045}, {644, 8671}, {650, 4705}, {656, 832}, {668, 932}, {676, 29162}, {692, 1110}, {693, 18108}, {750, 14474}, {784, 4560}, {788, 798}, {814, 1577}, {830, 1491}, {834, 2605}, {838, 1980}, {876, 37609}, {885, 37254}, {891, 4449}, {900, 4990}, {956, 30583}, {958, 20317}, {993, 4448}, {999, 14421}, {1001, 6008}, {1022, 37587}, {1125, 24719}, {1262, 32735}, {1379, 11651}, {1380, 11652}, {1415, 32666}, {1459, 6371}, {1635, 4041}, {1734, 9508}, {1979, 9265}, {2163, 23345}, {2217, 42455}, {2254, 6004}, {2300, 18002}, {2483, 6586}, {2484, 3709}, {2533, 29066}, {2787, 4391}, {2826, 44811}, {2832, 23765}, {2975, 4462}, {3271, 22096}, {3398, 39519}, {3508, 21390}, {3667, 39210}, {3700, 29232}, {3716, 6002}, {3762, 29324}, {3766, 26277}, {3777, 3960}, {3835, 25537}, {3900, 4394}, {4010, 29013}, {4086, 6133}, {4122, 29062}, {4155, 4501}, {4160, 4490}, {4170, 29328}, {4223, 40551}, {4369, 29051}, {4474, 29268}, {4477, 43061}, {4557, 40522}, {4707, 29082}, {4724, 6372}, {4729, 4895}, {4761, 29366}, {4784, 4794}, {4785, 45316}, {4790, 16874}, {4791, 29344}, {4800, 29178}, {4810, 29270}, {4822, 4979}, {4823, 29033}, {4879, 25569}, {4978, 29362}, {5251, 45666}, {5253, 19947}, {6003, 39225}, {6085, 22379}, {6363, 7250}, {6373, 20459}, {7117, 23646}, {7178, 29240}, {7255, 14296}, {7265, 29078}, {7497, 39536}, {7662, 23882}, {8034, 40956}, {8652, 29341}, {9029, 22108}, {9048, 23087}, {9218, 17940}, {9269, 37602}, {10006, 33849}, {11171, 39502}, {11193, 20988}, {11247, 20831}, {14431, 28475}, {14434, 17125}, {16158, 29298}, {17072, 19522}, {17126, 43928}, {17166, 17494}, {17197, 24234}, {17989, 29058}, {18102, 18107}, {18173, 18197}, {20456, 20962}, {20982, 22373}, {21007, 21788}, {21146, 29186}, {21302, 27013}, {21348, 21389}, {21385, 29226}, {22224, 22381}, {22386, 39025}, {23394, 29198}, {23656, 23657}, {23770, 34958}, {24286, 37575}, {24698, 25356}, {25259, 29090}, {26148, 27345}, {26275, 29126}, {27673, 27677}, {28401, 30094}, {28468, 30580}, {28473, 44805}, {34467, 38389}, {39476, 42325}, {40519, 40521}
X(667) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4063}, {649, 663}, {659, 4367}, {669, 8639}, {905, 3803}, {1019, 4040}, {3733, 4057}, {4449, 4498}, {4729, 4895}, {4775, 4834}, {4822, 4979}, {17166, 17494}, {21301, 31291}
X(667) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 39227}, {650, 6050}, {659, 4401}, {663, 1960}, {764, 3669}, {1491, 14838}, {1577, 4874}, {1734, 9508}, {2530, 905}, {3230, 42655}, {3777, 3960}, {3801, 20517}, {4063, 4782}, {4086, 6133}, {4142, 13246}, {4378, 4367}, {4705, 650}, {4775, 663}, {4834, 649}, {8640, 8637}, {14419, 30234}, {17072, 31286}, {21260, 31288}, {21301, 21260}, {23224, 34948}, {23770, 34958}, {24698, 25356}, {31149, 2}, {42661, 42653}
X(667) = reflection of X(667) in the Lemoine axis
X(667) = isogonal conjugate of X(668)
X(667) = isotomic conjugate of X(6386)
X(667) = complement of X(21301)
X(667) = anticomplement of X(21260)
X(667) = circumcircle-inverse of X(1083)
X(667) = Parry-circle-inverse of X(5040)
X(667) = Parry-isodynamic-circle-inverse of X(5163)
X(667) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(22383)
X(667) = tangential-isogonal conjugate of X(23402)
X(667) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 1977}, {25, 3271}, {28, 3125}, {31, 3248}, {56, 1015}, {99, 20963}, {100, 6}, {101, 213}, {104, 2087}, {109, 20228}, {110, 2300}, {190, 21757}, {513, 22383}, {649, 3063}, {662, 1197}, {692, 31}, {789, 23660}, {813, 21760}, {898, 3230}, {932, 1}, {934, 16502}, {1333, 3121}, {1415, 32}, {1436, 14936}, {1576, 40956}, {1919, 8640}, {2162, 21762}, {2176, 23573}, {2217, 2170}, {2248, 21755}, {2353, 23646}, {3435, 7117}, {3437, 20982}, {3444, 3124}, {3733, 649}, {3903, 23525}, {4557, 2308}, {4598, 21759}, {4623, 81}, {6186, 3122}, {7087, 20974}, {7152, 39687}, {7169, 3270}, {7255, 514}, {8693, 40728}, {8709, 20669}, {16695, 23572}, {18108, 513}, {23345, 21758}, {23349, 890}, {23355, 8632}, {26703, 17435}, {29227, 2176}, {29351, 16971}, {30664, 16782}, {32665, 2251}, {34067, 2223}, {34080, 41}, {34183, 35505}, {34443, 8054}, {34444, 38346}, {34445, 23470}, {34594, 1100}, {36614, 23560}, {38470, 16470}, {40519, 42}, {40770, 9427}, {43350, 1449}
X(667) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 9299}, {669, 1919}, {798, 649}, {890, 23349}, {1977, 6}, {3121, 1333}, {3122, 1402}, {3248, 31}, {8027, 3248}, {20979, 8640}, {21762, 2162}, {21835, 893}, {22096, 1397}, {23560, 36614}, {38367, 8632}, {38986, 1}
X(667) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 1979}, {649, 20979}, {669, 798}, {3248, 8027}
X(667) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 100}, {31, 692}, {56, 1415}, {58, 101}, {81, 4623}, {86, 4598}, {99, 40408}, {109, 3451}, {110, 1169}, {513, 6591}, {649, 43924}, {919, 15382}, {932, 7121}, {16945, 34080}, {32735, 41934}
X(667) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 4063}, {2, 513}, {6, 21005}, {8, 4391}, {10, 514}, {42, 20979}, {69, 35518}, {75, 693}, {100, 1332}, {120, 918}, {190, 3699}, {192, 25142}, {210, 4140}, {312, 4397}, {313, 35519}, {321, 4036}, {341, 15416}, {350, 27855}, {512, 16589}, {522, 3452}, {523, 1211}, {525, 21530}, {536, 14434}, {650, 3056}, {661, 3728}, {812, 17793}, {850, 1234}, {891, 13466}, {900, 16594}, {1016, 11607}, {1233, 3261}, {1577, 4647}, {1654, 24381}, {1909, 2533}, {2397, 15632}, {3762, 4738}, {3789, 4762}, {3900, 6554}, {3952, 4033}, {3954, 4705}, {4024, 21728}, {4083, 6376}, {4462, 44720}, {4651, 20954}, {4791, 4793}, {4824, 27495}, {6084, 40609}, {7192, 16709}, {7199, 16748}, {8027, 31645}, {20983, 30473}, {24533, 28369}, {28195, 28651}, {29226, 40598}
X(667) = trilinear pole of line {890, 1977}
X(667) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {2, 37}
X(667) = intersection of tangents to circumcircle at intersections with line X(1)X(6)
X(667) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for i in (9, 26)
X(667) = PU(9)-harmonic conjugate of X(213)
X(667) = trilinear product of PU(25)
X(667) = PU(26)-harmonic conjugate of X(3230)
X(667) = vertex conjugate of PU(26)
X(667) = trilinear pole of PU(42)
X(667) = pole, wrt circumcircle, of line X(1)X(6)
X(667) = inverse-in-Parry-circle of X(5040)
X(667) = homothetic center of 4th Euler triangle and extraversion triangle of X(8)
X(667) = inverse-in-Parry-isodynamic-circle of X(5163); see X(2)
X(667) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(22383)
X(667) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 668}, {2, 190}, {4, 4561}, {6, 1978}, {7, 3699}, {8, 664}, {9, 4554}, {10, 99}, {31, 6386}, {37, 799}, {42, 670}, {43, 18830}, {55, 4572}, {57, 646}, {58, 27808}, {59, 35519}, {63, 6335}, {65, 7257}, {69, 1897}, {71, 6331}, {72, 811}, {75, 100}, {76, 101}, {78, 18026}, {81, 4033}, {83, 4568}, {85, 644}, {86, 3952}, {87, 36863}, {88, 24004}, {92, 1332}, {108, 3718}, {109, 3596}, {110, 313}, {112, 40071}, {162, 20336}, {163, 27801}, {192, 4598}, {200, 4569}, {210, 4625}, {213, 4602}, {226, 645}, {238, 4583}, {239, 4562}, {257, 18047}, {264, 1331}, {273, 4571}, {274, 1018}, {279, 6558}, {291, 874}, {292, 27853}, {304, 1783}, {305, 8750}, {306, 648}, {307, 36797}, {308, 46148}, {310, 4557}, {312, 651}, {314, 4551}, {318, 6516}, {319, 6742}, {321, 662}, {322, 13138}, {329, 44327}, {330, 4595}, {331, 4587}, {333, 4552}, {334, 3573}, {335, 3570}, {341, 934}, {344, 37206}, {345, 653}, {346, 658}, {349, 5546}, {350, 660}, {391, 4624}, {513, 7035}, {514, 1016}, {519, 4555}, {522, 4998}, {523, 4600}, {536, 4607}, {561, 692}, {594, 4610}, {643, 1441}, {649, 31625}, {655, 32851}, {661, 4601}, {666, 3912}, {672, 36803}, {673, 42720}, {677, 35517}, {689, 21035}, {693, 765}, {726, 8709}, {728, 36838}, {740, 4589}, {756, 4623}, {789, 984}, {813, 1921}, {823, 3998}, {831, 33941}, {835, 5224}, {850, 4570}, {869, 46132}, {870, 3799}, {873, 40521}, {883, 14942}, {889, 899}, {892, 4062}, {894, 27805}, {897, 42721}, {898, 6381}, {901, 3264}, {903, 17780}, {906, 1969}, {908, 13136}, {927, 3717}, {932, 6376}, {985, 4505}, {1023, 20568}, {1025, 36796}, {1026, 2481}, {1043, 4566}, {1086, 6632}, {1088, 4578}, {1110, 40495}, {1125, 6540}, {1213, 4632}, {1215, 4594}, {1222, 21272}, {1230, 4629}, {1252, 3261}, {1264, 36127}, {1265, 36118}, {1266, 6079}, {1268, 4427}, {1269, 8701}, {1275, 3239}, {1310, 4385}, {1414, 3701}, {1415, 28659}, {1427, 7258}, {1434, 30730}, {1446, 7259}, {1447, 36801}, {1492, 33931}, {1502, 32739}, {1509, 4103}, {1577, 4567}, {1647, 6635}, {1698, 32042}, {1738, 35574}, {1813, 7017}, {1821, 42717}, {1826, 4563}, {1909, 3903}, {1918, 4609}, {2171, 4631}, {2238, 4639}, {2276, 37133}, {2284, 18031}, {2295, 7260}, {2321, 4573}, {2340, 46135}, {2345, 37215}, {2349, 42716}, {2397, 34234}, {2398, 18025}, {2414, 31638}, {2415, 31227}, {3112, 4553}, {3218, 36804}, {3219, 15455}, {3222, 21080}, {3226, 23354}, {3227, 23891}, {3250, 5388}, {3257, 4358}, {3262, 36037}, {3263, 36086}, {3661, 4586}, {3662, 4621}, {3663, 8706}, {3668, 7256}, {3676, 4076}, {3679, 4597}, {3682, 6528}, {3687, 6648}, {3692, 13149}, {3693, 34085}, {3700, 4620}, {3729, 30610}, {3730, 31624}, {3732, 30701}, {3762, 5376}, {3766, 5378}, {3783, 41072}, {3797, 37207}, {3807, 14621}, {3835, 5383}, {3882, 30710}, {3888, 7033}, {3911, 4582}, {3935, 35171}, {3939, 6063}, {3943, 4615}, {3948, 4584}, {3954, 4593}, {3963, 4603}, {3992, 4622}, {3995, 37205}, {4024, 4590}, {4025, 15742}, {4028, 35136}, {4036, 24041}, {4039, 18829}, {4064, 18020}, {4079, 34537}, {4082, 4616}, {4115, 32014}, {4150, 44766}, {4357, 8707}, {4359, 37212}, {4360, 8050}, {4373, 43290}, {4384, 32041}, {4389, 9059}, {4391, 4564}, {4397, 7045}, {4417, 44765}, {4441, 37138}, {4451, 6649}, {4462, 5382}, {4511, 35174}, {4515, 4635}, {4556, 28654}, {4559, 28660}, {4565, 30713}, {4574, 44129}, {4576, 18082}, {4577, 15523}, {4579, 7018}, {4585, 18359}, {4592, 41013}, {4596, 4647}, {4604, 4671}, {4605, 7058}, {4606, 19804}, {4612, 6358}, {4613, 30966}, {4617, 30693}, {4618, 4738}, {4619, 23978}, {4626, 5423}, {4628, 8024}, {4633, 5257}, {4634, 21805}, {4636, 34388}, {4638, 36791}, {4664, 37209}, {4705, 24037}, {4728, 5381}, {4752, 20569}, {4756, 30598}, {4767, 39704}, {4791, 5385}, {4847, 6606}, {4858, 31615}, {5297, 35181}, {5379, 14208}, {5380, 14210}, {6012, 33937}, {6332, 46102}, {6382, 34071}, {6541, 17930}, {6542, 35148}, {6550, 42372}, {6613, 6736}, {6630, 6631}, {6633, 35168}, {6634, 42555}, {6745, 35157}, {7012, 35518}, {7128, 15416}, {7239, 38810}, {7289, 42384}, {8652, 30596}, {8693, 21615}, {8708, 20888}, {8804, 44326}, {9065, 14620}, {9295, 9362}, {9296, 9361}, {9436, 36802}, {10009, 43077}, {11599, 17934}, {11679, 32038}, {14594, 30479}, {16086, 35169}, {16606, 36860}, {17233, 43190}, {17264, 37143}, {17295, 43191}, {17708, 21094}, {17743, 33946}, {17763, 35147}, {17787, 37137}, {18022, 32656}, {18743, 27834}, {18891, 34067}, {19799, 36099}, {20881, 31628}, {20911, 36147}, {20943, 29227}, {20947, 37135}, {21043, 31614}, {21089, 37880}, {21362, 32017}, {21580, 23617}, {21814, 37204}, {23067, 44130}, {23343, 31002}, {24029, 36795}, {25268, 40420}, {25728, 42343}, {27818, 30720}, {28605, 37211}, {28606, 37218}, {29574, 35177}, {29615, 35180}, {29616, 32040}, {30625, 42303}, {31343, 39126}, {31618, 35341}, {32018, 35342}, {32028, 36954}, {32680, 42701}, {32931, 35008}, {33948, 43531}, {34075, 35543}, {34832, 35572}, {36084, 42703}, {36085, 42713}, {36100, 42718}, {36101, 42719}, {36570, 42380}, {37129, 41314}, {37130, 42723}, {37131, 42722}, {37216, 42724}, {37764, 46143}, {38340, 42033}, {38828, 44723}, {40087, 40519}, {41267, 42371}, {44717, 46110}
X(667) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 649}, {3, 6591}, {4, 22383}, {6, 513}, {7, 3063}, {9, 43924}, {11, 1415}, {19, 1459}, {21, 7180}, {25, 905}, {27, 810}, {28, 647}, {31, 514}, {32, 693}, {34, 652}, {37, 3733}, {39, 18108}, {41, 3676}, {42, 1019}, {44, 23345}, {48, 7649}, {50, 43082}, {55, 3669}, {56, 650}, {57, 663}, {58, 661}, {65, 7252}, {72, 43925}, {74, 14399}, {75, 1919}, {76, 1980}, {80, 21758}, {81, 512}, {82, 21123}, {86, 798}, {87, 20979}, {88, 1960}, {89, 4775}, {99, 3121}, {100, 1015}, {101, 244}, {104, 3310}, {105, 665}, {106, 1635}, {108, 7117}, {109, 2170}, {110, 3125}, {111, 14419}, {112, 18210}, {163, 3120}, {184, 17924}, {190, 3248}, {213, 7192}, {219, 43923}, {220, 43932}, {222, 18344}, {228, 17925}, {238, 3572}, {239, 875}, {241, 884}, {251, 2530}, {256, 20981}, {266, 6729}, {269, 657}, {274, 669}, {277, 8642}, {278, 1946}, {279, 8641}, {284, 4017}, {286, 3049}, {291, 8632}, {292, 659}, {310, 1924}, {330, 8640}, {393, 23224}, {517, 2423}, {518, 43929}, {520, 5317}, {521, 608}, {522, 604}, {523, 1333}, {525, 2203}, {536, 23349}, {560, 3261}, {593, 4705}, {603, 3064}, {644, 1357}, {651, 3271}, {654, 1411}, {656, 1474}, {662, 3122}, {668, 1977}, {672, 1027}, {676, 911}, {692, 1086}, {694, 4164}, {738, 4105}, {739, 891}, {741, 21832}, {753, 14438}, {757, 4079}, {759, 21828}, {764, 1252}, {765, 21143}, {788, 14621}, {812, 1911}, {813, 27846}, {822, 8747}, {825, 4475}, {834, 2214}, {840, 1643}, {849, 4024}, {869, 4817}, {876, 1914}, {890, 3227}, {893, 4367}, {898, 1646}, {899, 23892}, {900, 9456}, {901, 2087}, {902, 1022}, {904, 4369}, {906, 2969}, {909, 1769}, {910, 2424}, {919, 3675}, {923, 4750}, {926, 1462}, {932, 6377}, {934, 14936}, {985, 3250}, {1014, 3709}, {1016, 8027}, {1021, 1042}, {1023, 43922}, {1024, 1458}, {1054, 9262}, {1055, 35348}, {1084, 4623}, {1096, 4091}, {1101, 21131}, {1106, 3239}, {1110, 6545}, {1111, 32739}, {1118, 36054}, {1126, 4979}, {1170, 2488}, {1171, 4983}, {1219, 8662}, {1280, 8659}, {1332, 42067}, {1334, 7203}, {1356, 4631}, {1395, 6332}, {1397, 4391}, {1400, 3737}, {1402, 4560}, {1404, 23838}, {1407, 3900}, {1408, 3700}, {1410, 17926}, {1412, 4041}, {1413, 14298}, {1417, 1639}, {1426, 23090}, {1427, 21789}, {1431, 3287}, {1436, 6129}, {1437, 2501}, {1438, 2254}, {1444, 2489}, {1455, 2432}, {1461, 2310}, {1472, 6590}, {1491, 40746}, {1501, 40495}, {1575, 23355}, {1576, 16732}, {1577, 2206}, {1638, 34068}, {1647, 32665}, {1783, 3937}, {1824, 7254}, {1880, 23189}, {1918, 7199}, {1922, 3766}, {1929, 5029}, {1931, 18001}, {1964, 10566}, {1967, 4107}, {1973, 4025}, {1974, 15413}, {1979, 9267}, {2006, 8648}, {2053, 43051}, {2148, 21102}, {2149, 21132}, {2155, 21172}, {2159, 11125}, {2160, 2605}, {2162, 4083}, {2163, 4893}, {2165, 34948}, {2175, 24002}, {2176, 43931}, {2194, 7178}, {2204, 17094}, {2207, 4131}, {2208, 14837}, {2210, 4444}, {2217, 6589}, {2218, 43060}, {2220, 40086}, {2221, 8678}, {2226, 3251}, {2251, 6548}, {2279, 4724}, {2284, 43921}, {2287, 7250}, {2291, 14413}, {2298, 6371}, {2300, 4581}, {2328, 7216}, {2334, 4790}, {2350, 4040}, {2353, 16757}, {2384, 14421}, {2427, 15635}, {2623, 18180}, {2643, 4556}, {2787, 17961}, {3022, 4617}, {3119, 6614}, {3123, 34071}, {3126, 41934}, {3223, 23572}, {3230, 43928}, {3249, 7035}, {3270, 32714}, {3420, 40134}, {3435, 6588}, {3444, 31947}, {3445, 4394}, {3451, 6615}, {3500, 23655}, {3551, 23472}, {3667, 38266}, {3756, 34080}, {3768, 37129}, {3798, 38252}, {3803, 39951}, {3835, 7121}, {3837, 34077}, {3942, 8750}, {3960, 6187}, {4010, 18268}, {4057, 39798}, {4063, 40148}, {4086, 16947}, {4128, 4603}, {4130, 7023}, {4162, 40151}, {4163, 7366}, {4374, 7104}, {4378, 30650}, {4449, 9315}, {4455, 37128}, {4466, 32676}, {4491, 39981}, {4516, 4565}, {4521, 16945}, {4557, 16726}, {4559, 18191}, {4567, 8034}, {4594, 21755}, {4598, 38986}, {4638, 42084}, {4777, 28607}, {4784, 25426}, {4785, 40735}, {4802, 34819}, {4833, 28658}, {4834, 25417}, {4840, 28625}, {4977, 28615}, {5006, 18015}, {5040, 17946}, {5376, 8661}, {5381, 33917}, {6085, 40400}, {6139, 34056}, {6164, 9259}, {6186, 14838}, {6335, 22096}, {6363, 23617}, {6373, 20332}, {6385, 9426}, {6610, 23351}, {7004, 32674}, {7050, 8712}, {7139, 21184}, {7234, 40432}, {7255, 16584}, {8056, 8643}, {8615, 16612}, {8638, 34018}, {8639, 37870}, {8645, 34578}, {8647, 37626}, {8650, 34892}, {8656, 39963}, {8660, 36805}, {8735, 36059}, {9002, 40401}, {9178, 16702}, {9247, 46107}, {9263, 9299}, {9265, 38238}, {9297, 18825}, {9309, 20980}, {9468, 14296}, {9506, 38348}, {9508, 17962}, {10015, 34858}, {13476, 21007}, {13486, 20982}, {14422, 28317}, {14578, 39534}, {14597, 14775}, {16082, 23220}, {16606, 16695}, {16696, 18105}, {16892, 46289}, {17212, 40729}, {17217, 21759}, {17435, 32735}, {17921, 22381}, {18002, 19623}, {18197, 23493}, {18757, 21196}, {18830, 21762}, {19945, 34075}, {20517, 40145}, {21003, 39979}, {21035, 39179}, {21191, 34248}, {21448, 30234}, {21839, 43926}, {21907, 42670}, {22086, 36125}, {23524, 25576}, {23979, 42455}, {24027, 42462}, {27918, 34067}, {29226, 36614}, {30691, 32726}, {32641, 42753}, {32669, 35015}, {32702, 35014}, {40143, 42653}, {40763, 45882}, {41799, 45878}, {41933, 42757}
X(667) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1978}, {2, 6386}, {6, 668}, {25, 6335}, {28, 6331}, {31, 190}, {32, 100}, {37, 27808}, {41, 3699}, {42, 4033}, {48, 4561}, {55, 646}, {56, 4554}, {57, 4572}, {58, 799}, {60, 4631}, {81, 670}, {86, 4602}, {100, 31625}, {101, 7035}, {105, 36803}, {110, 4601}, {163, 4600}, {184, 1332}, {187, 42721}, {213, 3952}, {237, 42717}, {238, 27853}, {244, 3261}, {274, 4609}, {284, 7257}, {292, 4583}, {351, 42713}, {512, 321}, {513, 76}, {514, 561}, {522, 28659}, {523, 27801}, {560, 101}, {593, 4623}, {604, 664}, {608, 18026}, {647, 20336}, {649, 75}, {650, 3596}, {652, 3718}, {656, 40071}, {657, 341}, {659, 1921}, {661, 313}, {663, 312}, {665, 3263}, {669, 37}, {688, 3954}, {692, 1016}, {693, 1502}, {739, 889}, {741, 4639}, {764, 23989}, {788, 3661}, {798, 10}, {810, 306}, {812, 18891}, {834, 33935}, {838, 32782}, {849, 4610}, {869, 3807}, {872, 4103}, {875, 335}, {876, 18895}, {884, 36796}, {890, 536}, {891, 35543}, {902, 24004}, {904, 27805}, {905, 305}, {985, 37133}, {1015, 693}, {1019, 310}, {1027, 18031}, {1084, 4705}, {1086, 40495}, {1106, 658}, {1110, 6632}, {1178, 7260}, {1201, 21580}, {1253, 6558}, {1333, 99}, {1357, 24002}, {1395, 653}, {1397, 651}, {1398, 13149}, {1402, 4552}, {1407, 4569}, {1408, 4573}, {1412, 4625}, {1415, 4998}, {1416, 34085}, {1437, 4563}, {1459, 304}, {1462, 46135}, {1472, 37215}, {1474, 811}, {1492, 5388}, {1495, 42716}, {1501, 692}, {1576, 4567}, {1635, 3264}, {1911, 4562}, {1914, 874}, {1917, 32739}, {1918, 1018}, {1919, 1}, {1922, 660}, {1923, 46148}, {1924, 42}, {1946, 345}, {1960, 4358}, {1964, 4568}, {1973, 1897}, {1974, 1783}, {1977, 513}, {1979, 9296}, {1980, 6}, {2084, 15523}, {2162, 18830}, {2170, 35519}, {2175, 644}, {2176, 36863}, {2194, 645}, {2203, 648}, {2204, 36797}, {2205, 4557}, {2206, 662}, {2208, 44327}, {2209, 4595}, {2210, 3570}, {2223, 42720}, {2251, 17780}, {2276, 4505}, {2328, 7258}, {2423, 18816}, {2483, 33941}, {2484, 4385}, {2488, 1229}, {2489, 41013}, {2530, 8024}, {2605, 33939}, {3049, 72}, {3051, 4553}, {3063, 8}, {3120, 20948}, {3121, 523}, {3122, 1577}, {3124, 4036}, {3125, 850}, {3221, 22028}, {3230, 41314}, {3248, 514}, {3249, 244}, {3250, 33931}, {3251, 36791}, {3261, 1928}, {3270, 15416}, {3271, 4391}, {3288, 42711}, {3310, 3262}, {3569, 42703}, {3572, 334}, {3669, 6063}, {3676, 20567}, {3709, 3701}, {3733, 274}, {3737, 28660}, {3766, 44169}, {3768, 6381}, {3803, 40022}, {3937, 15413}, {3960, 40075}, {4017, 349}, {4025, 40364}, {4040, 18152}, {4041, 30713}, {4057, 18140}, {4063, 40087}, {4079, 1089}, {4083, 6382}, {4105, 30693}, {4107, 1926}, {4117, 4079}, {4162, 44723}, {4164, 3978}, {4367, 1920}, {4391, 40363}, {4435, 4087}, {4444, 44172}, {4455, 3948}, {4491, 18145}, {4556, 24037}, {4560, 40072}, {4623, 44168}, {4705, 28654}, {4724, 21615}, {4775, 4671}, {4782, 10009}, {4809, 30874}, {4813, 30596}, {4817, 871}, {4826, 4066}, {4834, 28605}, {4979, 1269}, {4983, 1230}, {5006, 17935}, {5029, 20947}, {5040, 17790}, {5317, 6528}, {6186, 15455}, {6187, 36804}, {6363, 26563}, {6371, 20911}, {6377, 20906}, {6586, 33932}, {6591, 264}, {7023, 36838}, {7032, 33946}, {7104, 3903}, {7109, 40521}, {7117, 35518}, {7121, 4598}, {7122, 18047}, {7180, 1441}, {7192, 6385}, {7234, 3963}, {7250, 1446}, {7252, 314}, {7366, 4626}, {7649, 1969}, {8027, 1086}, {8034, 16732}, {8054, 20949}, {8578, 20940}, {8618, 42723}, {8630, 2276}, {8632, 350}, {8635, 17289}, {8636, 32777}, {8637, 28606}, {8638, 3693}, {8639, 31993}, {8640, 192}, {8641, 346}, {8642, 344}, {8643, 18743}, {8644, 42724}, {8645, 17264}, {8646, 2345}, {8648, 32851}, {8650, 37756}, {8653, 42712}, {8654, 17279}, {8655, 4687}, {8656, 30829}, {8660, 16610}, {8662, 3672}, {9002, 33934}, {9247, 1331}, {9297, 712}, {9299, 9295}, {9426, 213}, {9447, 3939}, {9454, 1026}, {9455, 2284}, {9456, 4555}, {9459, 1023}, {9491, 21877}, {9494, 21814}, {10566, 18833}, {11125, 46234}, {14270, 42701}, {14296, 14603}, {14399, 3260}, {14407, 3992}, {14419, 3266}, {14436, 4439}, {14438, 35548}, {14575, 906}, {14598, 813}, {14599, 3573}, {14621, 46132}, {14827, 4578}, {14936, 4397}, {15413, 40050}, {15451, 42698}, {16692, 32026}, {16695, 31008}, {16732, 44173}, {16757, 40073}, {16947, 1414}, {17494, 40088}, {17924, 18022}, {17961, 35147}, {18002, 11611}, {18108, 308}, {18210, 3267}, {18268, 4589}, {18344, 7017}, {18897, 34067}, {20228, 21272}, {20906, 40367}, {20979, 6376}, {20981, 1909}, {20983, 30473}, {21007, 17143}, {21122, 1760}, {21123, 1930}, {21131, 23994}, {21143, 1111}, {21191, 18837}, {21385, 40089}, {21755, 2533}, {21758, 320}, {21760, 23354}, {21762, 4083}, {21828, 35550}, {21832, 35544}, {21835, 21051}, {22096, 905}, {22383, 69}, {22386, 25098}, {23099, 21833}, {23224, 3926}, {23225, 25083}, {23227, 22095}, {23345, 20568}, {23349, 3227}, {23355, 32020}, {23470, 23794}, {23472, 24524}, {23503, 21080}, {23560, 29226}, {23572, 17149}, {23655, 17786}, {23892, 31002}, {24002, 41283}, {26884, 15418}, {28607, 4597}, {28615, 6540}, {30234, 11059}, {32718, 5381}, {32719, 5376}, {32739, 765}, {32740, 5380}, {34077, 8709}, {34819, 32042}, {34858, 13136}, {34948, 7763}, {34952, 42700}, {36054, 1264}, {38346, 20954}, {38348, 18035}, {38367, 17793}, {38832, 36860}, {38986, 3835}, {38996, 22322}, {39201, 3998}, {40495, 40362}, {40728, 3799}, {40746, 789}, {40935, 7239}, {41267, 35309}, {41280, 1415}, {41935, 4618}, {42067, 17924}, {42653, 42710}, {42658, 42699}, {42660, 42704}, {42662, 42709}, {42664, 42714}, {42670, 32849}, {43082, 20573}, {43923, 331}, {43924, 85}, {43925, 286}, {43929, 2481}, {43931, 6383}
X(667) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 21260, 31251}, {2, 21301, 21260}, {2, 26823, 27168}, {2, 31291, 21301}, {75, 21613, 21440}, {100, 9266, 1016}, {351, 42661, 42653}, {649, 669, 8640}, {649, 1960, 4775}, {649, 5029, 3250}, {649, 8635, 8646}, {649, 8642, 8641}, {649, 8643, 663}, {649, 8655, 669}, {649, 8656, 1960}, {663, 1946, 8641}, {663, 8643, 1960}, {663, 8648, 1946}, {663, 8656, 8643}, {669, 8646, 8641}, {669, 8654, 8642}, {798, 1919, 3063}, {898, 1016, 9266}, {1960, 8648, 42670}, {2530, 14419, 905}, {3733, 16695, 1019}, {3801, 4809, 20517}, {3803, 30234, 905}, {4775, 42670, 8641}, {5638, 5639, 5040}, {8630, 8632, 8640}, {8635, 8655, 8642}, {8636, 8637, 42670}, {8636, 8639, 8646}, {8637, 8639, 4834}, {8641, 8662, 8640}, {8645, 8650, 890}, {8648, 8656, 8642}, {8656, 8660, 8640}, {20979, 20981, 20980}, {20979, 23572, 21763}, {21260, 21301, 31149}, {21260, 31288, 2}, {21301, 31288, 31251}, {26984, 27046, 2}, {28255, 28373, 21260}, {29458, 29770, 24601}, {31149, 31251, 21260}, {31288, 31291, 31149}, {42667, 42668, 42670}
As the trilinear product of Steiner circumellipse antipodes, X(668) lies on conic {A,B,C,X(668),X(789)}} with center X(6376) and perspector X(75). (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(668) lies on the Steiner circumellipse and these lines: {1, 3226}, {2, 1015}, {6, 18825}, {8, 76}, {9, 17786}, {10, 274}, {30, 16085}, {31, 18824}, {37, 3228}, {39, 21226}, {42, 18826}, {43, 17149}, {65, 35159}, {69, 150}, {72, 290}, {75, 537}, {80, 313}, {81, 40603}, {85, 9578}, {86, 40039}, {99, 100}, {101, 789}, {110, 839}, {141, 40857}, {145, 18135}, {148, 6653}, {183, 956}, {190, 646}, {194, 20671}, {200, 25297}, {210, 1920}, {213, 3225}, {226, 35176}, {239, 25298}, {257, 3954}, {264, 46133}, {279, 6552}, {304, 341}, {305, 10327}, {306, 30973}, {310, 4651}, {312, 1121}, {315, 3436}, {316, 5080}, {320, 3264}, {321, 671}, {322, 3718}, {325, 17757}, {330, 40598}, {335, 3125}, {350, 519}, {385, 5291}, {495, 37664}, {513, 889}, {514, 3807}, {517, 4087}, {518, 1921}, {523, 35147}, {524, 17790}, {527, 40875}, {538, 17759}, {561, 3681}, {594, 3770}, {644, 666}, {645, 648}, {651, 6648}, {660, 37133}, {662, 37218}, {664, 1026}, {667, 932}, {670, 4553}, {673, 29479}, {689, 29071}, {692, 4577}, {693, 4555}, {718, 4093}, {730, 3783}, {740, 35166}, {756, 18059}, {758, 35544}, {850, 35156}, {870, 36480}, {883, 4566}, {891, 1978}, {892, 3908}, {894, 35143}, {898, 9067}, {906, 2966}, {934, 6613}, {984, 43096}, {1078, 2975}, {1089, 17762}, {1107, 25102}, {1125, 25303}, {1146, 4437}, {1211, 17946}, {1221, 3728}, {1234, 40422}, {1237, 3678}, {1264, 14615}, {1265, 46137}, {1268, 16709}, {1269, 5564}, {1292, 35574}, {1310, 8707}, {1330, 32031}, {1423, 45242}, {1494, 20336}, {1500, 1655}, {1577, 6631}, {1654, 3963}, {1698, 31997}, {1757, 1966}, {1930, 20955}, {1965, 3961}, {1975, 5687}, {1992, 41316}, {2170, 18061}, {2176, 29425}, {2238, 40859}, {2241, 16916}, {2242, 16997}, {2275, 27091}, {2276, 43095}, {2295, 17499}, {2321, 35144}, {2345, 34283}, {2533, 4589}, {2664, 19567}, {2864, 29337}, {2895, 28654}, {3216, 18148}, {3230, 10027}, {3240, 30964}, {3241, 18146}, {3260, 46141}, {3261, 35171}, {3262, 46136}, {3263, 4723}, {3293, 33296}, {3294, 29699}, {3403, 5223}, {3416, 43099}, {3434, 11185}, {3452, 32017}, {3617, 34284}, {3626, 20888}, {3632, 3760}, {3661, 3765}, {3662, 44353}, {3688, 9230}, {3701, 33939}, {3717, 33677}, {3729, 4110}, {3730, 29697}, {3759, 18044}, {3780, 17034}, {3792, 35539}, {3869, 28659}, {3879, 17195}, {3888, 6373}, {3900, 14727}, {3907, 40499}, {3912, 3975}, {3926, 7080}, {3932, 35152}, {3934, 26801}, {3948, 6542}, {3978, 20683}, {3992, 14210}, {4001, 19811}, {4086, 35154}, {4090, 41318}, {4154, 23648}, {4253, 29400}, {4358, 17310}, {4360, 18133}, {4361, 18144}, {4369, 9362}, {4377, 4690}, {4384, 20917}, {4385, 33935}, {4397, 35157}, {4404, 46143}, {4416, 17787}, {4422, 24508}, {4427, 29340}, {4462, 32028}, {4463, 46140}, {4479, 4677}, {4485, 5692}, {4506, 4715}, {4552, 32038}, {4576, 8050}, {4578, 6606}, {4592, 36050}, {4596, 4623}, {4597, 17136}, {4598, 32039}, {4607, 37209}, {4647, 18032}, {4664, 9331}, {4668, 32104}, {4671, 31172}, {4696, 20911}, {4705, 7260}, {4710, 33082}, {4756, 6540}, {4783, 24715}, {4791, 6633}, {4899, 10030}, {4998, 6516}, {5209, 17731}, {5224, 10468}, {5277, 6645}, {5283, 41838}, {5303, 43459}, {5383, 20980}, {5552, 7763}, {5641, 42703}, {6382, 24282}, {6384, 16569}, {6385, 22271}, {6554, 30701}, {6604, 42020}, {7095, 34016}, {7200, 7245}, {7270, 40071}, {7278, 41875}, {7321, 32097}, {7752, 11681}, {7757, 17756}, {7769, 27529}, {8024, 33091}, {8300, 24294}, {9055, 21138}, {9059, 13396}, {9267, 14441}, {9651, 33823}, {9708, 16992}, {10009, 24349}, {10527, 32832}, {11054, 37857}, {11998, 28798}, {14206, 35161}, {14208, 35169}, {14568, 17737}, {14759, 18743}, {14829, 24618}, {14951, 17760}, {16086, 44150}, {16100, 21530}, {16502, 26687}, {16549, 29691}, {16552, 29381}, {16589, 32009}, {16594, 36805}, {16604, 25107}, {16829, 21264}, {16885, 29542}, {16974, 30141}, {17033, 20457}, {17135, 18152}, {17158, 33780}, {17160, 39995}, {17165, 40087}, {17213, 21041}, {17277, 18040}, {17282, 44359}, {17287, 20891}, {17288, 20892}, {17295, 18137}, {17296, 20923}, {17298, 30090}, {17312, 29982}, {17316, 30830}, {17349, 32012}, {17377, 18147}, {17390, 25660}, {17448, 26959}, {17684, 31456}, {17751, 28660}, {17755, 21232}, {17761, 30997}, {17784, 32815}, {17789, 35163}, {17791, 35550}, {18035, 20716}, {18037, 20496}, {18057, 32926}, {18064, 32911}, {18067, 32920}, {18149, 24003}, {18150, 27191}, {18153, 36845}, {18206, 29511}, {18823, 42713}, {19565, 21830}, {19581, 41531}, {19870, 28653}, {19974, 20333}, {20055, 31060}, {20669, 39914}, {20691, 25264}, {20963, 41240}, {21220, 26072}, {21238, 24437}, {21384, 27424}, {21587, 35149}, {21814, 43094}, {21839, 35146}, {22275, 40072}, {23632, 27035}, {24191, 32030}, {24482, 25333}, {24487, 37129}, {24517, 41683}, {24656, 31996}, {24722, 25382}, {25277, 34086}, {25294, 34088}, {26563, 33940}, {26757, 26770}, {26759, 27040}, {26794, 26795}, {27096, 27109}, {27133, 27134}, {27525, 32831}, {27855, 30583}, {28809, 29616}, {29349, 36216}, {29383, 46196}, {29420, 29421}, {29433, 29447}, {29441, 29482}, {29445, 29471}, {29501, 29528}, {29526, 29543}, {29731, 29732}, {30092, 36854}, {30116, 37632}, {30225, 39351}, {30578, 36791}, {30631, 33064}, {30632, 33065}, {30695, 32034}, {30713, 33066}, {30728, 32040}, {30730, 32041}, {30807, 35158}, {30893, 44153}, {31645, 36957}, {32099, 34282}, {33090, 39998}, {33769, 40088}, {33930, 33937}, {33931, 33936}, {34018, 40609}, {34085, 37223}, {35142, 41013}, {35150, 46238}, {35164, 35517}, {35174, 35519}, {35958, 40844}, {36912, 40833}, {37676, 41232}, {37686, 45751}, {40301, 40339}, {40495, 46135}, {40883, 44664}, {42696, 44147}
X(668) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 39360}, {8, 17794}, {9263, 31298}
X(668) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 17793}, {2, 13466}, {194, 20671}, {274, 39028}, {291, 10}, {350, 6381}, {1015, 27076}, {3227, 2}, {4568, 4103}, {9263, 1015}, {9296, 31625}, {13466, 36524}, {16100, 21530}, {17946, 1211}, {19565, 21830}, {24722, 25382}, {29811, 29547}, {31645, 36957}, {32020, 6376}, {32035, 76}, {33946, 4568}, {39925, 16589}
X(668) = isogonal conjugate of X(667)
X(668) = isotomic conjugate of X(513)
X(668) = complement of X(9263)
X(668) = anticomplement of X(1015)
X(668) = polar conjugate of X(6591)
X(668) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(8047)
X(668) = anticomplement of the isogonal conjugate of X(1016)
X(668) = complement of the isogonal conjugate of X(9265)
X(668) = anticomplement of the isotomic conjugate of X(31625)
X(668) = complement of the isotomic conjugate of X(9295)
X(668) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {9, 17036}, {59, 3210}, {100, 4440}, {101, 9263}, {190, 149}, {644, 39351}, {646, 33650}, {662, 17154}, {668, 150}, {692, 21224}, {765, 2}, {1016, 8}, {1018, 148}, {1023, 39349}, {1026, 39353}, {1110, 194}, {1252, 192}, {1262, 17480}, {1275, 36845}, {1978, 21293}, {3257, 20042}, {3573, 39362}, {3699, 37781}, {3799, 39345}, {3952, 21221}, {4033, 3448}, {4076, 329}, {4557, 21220}, {4564, 145}, {4567, 1}, {4570, 17147}, {4590, 17140}, {4600, 75}, {4601, 17135}, {4620, 3873}, {4752, 39364}, {4998, 7}, {5376, 519}, {5377, 239}, {5378, 6542}, {5379, 3187}, {5381, 29824}, {5382, 3621}, {5383, 10453}, {5384, 4393}, {5385, 3241}, {6064, 21273}, {6065, 3177}, {6551, 21222}, {6632, 513}, {6635, 21297}, {7012, 30699}, {7035, 69}, {7045, 4452}, {7128, 11851}, {9268, 17495}, {15742, 5905}, {23990, 17486}, {24037, 17143}, {24041, 4360}, {27808, 21294}, {31615, 522}, {31625, 6327}, {35309, 39346}, {35342, 39348}, {37212, 44006}, {44724, 8055}, {46102, 12649}
X(668) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 9296}, {9265, 10}, {9267, 116}, {9295, 2887}, {9299, 1086}, {9361, 141}
X(668) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 9296}, {190, 36863}, {670, 1978}, {799, 190}, {889, 41314}, {1016, 17143}, {1978, 646}, {4572, 4554}, {4598, 18830}, {4600, 314}, {4601, 321}, {7035, 75}, {7257, 4561}, {7260, 4568}, {24037, 33775}, {31625, 2}, {36803, 42720}, {44168, 32026}
X(668) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 31625}, {8, 1016}, {69, 4998}, {72, 4567}, {75, 7035}, {100, 6335}, {190, 4554}, {319, 4600}, {321, 4601}, {329, 1275}, {512, 32009}, {513, 2}, {514, 274}, {517, 5376}, {522, 32017}, {523, 30710}, {661, 1221}, {693, 75}, {812, 32020}, {834, 37870}, {850, 40422}, {891, 3227}, {900, 36805}, {1577, 32018}, {1655, 44168}, {1978, 18830}, {2517, 34258}, {2533, 10}, {2895, 4590}, {3309, 32019}, {3436, 46102}, {3681, 765}, {3699, 646}, {3762, 20568}, {3765, 5388}, {3766, 2481}, {3770, 34537}, {3799, 32041}, {3869, 4564}, {3888, 30610}, {3900, 30701}, {3909, 662}, {3952, 190}, {4010, 335}, {4033, 1978}, {4036, 321}, {4063, 18140}, {4083, 1}, {4106, 7}, {4132, 1255}, {4140, 1920}, {4145, 39698}, {4391, 76}, {4397, 312}, {4427, 15455}, {4462, 85}, {4463, 5379}, {4468, 31618}, {4499, 42343}, {4553, 100}, {4872, 39293}, {6084, 34018}, {7192, 1268}, {8027, 36957}, {9400, 30571}, {9443, 39959}, {10327, 15742}, {14434, 536}, {14923, 5382}, {15416, 304}, {15632, 2397}, {17217, 40418}, {17494, 308}, {17762, 24037}, {17780, 36804}, {18155, 1240}, {20293, 333}, {20294, 31623}, {20295, 86}, {20296, 348}, {20906, 7033}, {20929, 46254}, {20949, 3112}, {20952, 38810}, {20954, 310}, {20979, 31008}, {20983, 6}, {21146, 27483}, {21272, 664}, {21287, 18020}, {21297, 903}, {21301, 83}, {21302, 32008}, {21304, 40415}, {21613, 38847}, {22319, 18785}, {22322, 18098}, {23354, 4562}, {23794, 6384}, {23813, 4373}, {23819, 1088}, {24381, 3963}, {24719, 14621}, {25142, 192}, {25300, 33296}, {25312, 4595}, {27855, 350}, {29226, 330}, {30709, 671}, {32937, 5383}, {33066, 4620}, {33948, 32042}, {35518, 3596}, {35519, 314}, {37781, 31619}, {41314, 889}, {42720, 36803}, {43067, 5936}
X(668) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 4063}, {2, 513}, {6, 21005}, {8, 4391}, {10, 514}, {42, 20979}, {69, 35518}, {75, 693}, {100, 1332}, {120, 918}, {190, 3699}, {192, 25142}, {210, 4140}, {312, 4397}, {313, 35519}, {321, 4036}, {341, 15416}, {350, 27855}, {512, 16589}, {522, 3452}, {523, 1211}, {525, 21530}, {536, 14434}, {650, 3056}, {661, 3728}, {812, 17793}, {850, 1234}, {891, 13466}, {900, 16594}, {1016, 11607}, {1233, 3261}, {1577, 4647}, {1654, 24381}, {1909, 2533}, {2397, 15632}, {3762, 4738}, {3789, 4762}, {3900, 6554}, {3952, 4033}, {3954, 4705}, {4024, 21728}, {4083, 6376}, {4462, 44720}, {4651, 20954}, {4791, 4793}, {4824, 27495}, {6084, 40609}, {7192, 16709}, {7199, 16748}, {8027, 31645}, {20983, 30473}, {24533, 28369}, {28195, 28651}, {29226, 40598}
X(668) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 9295}, {190, 4598}, {670, 799}, {1978, 4572}
X(668) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 1979}, {649, 20979}, {669, 798}, {3248, 8027}
X(668) = trilinear pole of line {2, 37}
X(668) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {890, 1977}
X(668) = Steiner-circumellipse-antipode of X(3227)
X(668) = trilinear product of PU(24)
X(668) = barycentric product of PU(41)
X(668) = crossdifference of PU(42)
X(668) = trilinear product of intercepts of Steiner circumellipse and Nagel line
X(668) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(6591) (line X(3125)X(3271))
X(668) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(41)}}
X(668) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 5
X(668) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 6
X(668) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 29
X(668) = trilinear product of vertices of Gemini triangle 30
X(668) = areal center of cevian triangles of PU(27)
X(668) = areal center of cevian triangles of PU(41)
X(668) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(1)-antipode of X(3226)
X(668) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(6)-antipode of X(18825)
X(668) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 667}, {2, 1919}, {6, 649}, {19, 22383}, {25, 1459}, {27, 3049}, {28, 810}, {31, 513}, {32, 514}, {34, 1946}, {41, 3669}, {42, 3733}, {48, 6591}, {55, 43924}, {56, 663}, {57, 3063}, {58, 512}, {66, 21122}, {71, 43925}, {75, 1980}, {81, 798}, {86, 669}, {87, 8640}, {100, 3248}, {101, 1015}, {106, 1960}, {109, 3271}, {110, 3122}, {163, 3125}, {184, 7649}, {190, 1977}, {212, 43923}, {213, 1019}, {238, 875}, {244, 692}, {251, 21123}, {269, 8641}, {274, 1924}, {284, 7180}, {292, 8632}, {310, 9426}, {521, 1395}, {522, 1397}, {523, 2206}, {560, 693}, {593, 4079}, {603, 18344}, {604, 650}, {608, 652}, {647, 1474}, {656, 2203}, {657, 1407}, {659, 1911}, {661, 1333}, {662, 3121}, {665, 1438}, {672, 43929}, {727, 6373}, {739, 3768}, {741, 4455}, {764, 1110}, {765, 8027}, {788, 985}, {812, 1922}, {822, 5317}, {849, 4705}, {870, 8630}, {876, 2210}, {884, 1458}, {890, 37129}, {893, 20981}, {899, 23349}, {902, 23345}, {904, 4367}, {905, 1973}, {909, 3310}, {923, 14419}, {926, 1416}, {932, 38986}, {977, 8636}, {1016, 3249}, {1022, 2251}, {1027, 2223}, {1042, 21789}, {1084, 4610}, {1086, 32739}, {1096, 23224}, {1106, 3900}, {1120, 8660}, {1178, 7234}, {1252, 21143}, {1253, 43932}, {1261, 42336}, {1326, 18001}, {1331, 42067}, {1357, 3939}, {1400, 7252}, {1402, 3737}, {1408, 4041}, {1411, 8648}, {1412, 3709}, {1415, 2170}, {1417, 4895}, {1461, 14936}, {1472, 8678}, {1501, 3261}, {1576, 3120}, {1635, 9456}, {1646, 34075}, {1647, 32719}, {1769, 34858}, {1790, 2489}, {1897, 22096}, {1914, 3572}, {1917, 40495}, {1918, 7192}, {1927, 14296}, {1964, 18108}, {1967, 4164}, {1974, 4025}, {2087, 32665}, {2159, 14399}, {2161, 21758}, {2162, 20979}, {2163, 4775}, {2175, 3676}, {2183, 2423}, {2191, 8642}, {2194, 4017}, {2200, 17925}, {2205, 7199}, {2207, 4091}, {2208, 6129}, {2209, 43931}, {2221, 2484}, {2297, 8662}, {2328, 7250}, {2333, 7254}, {2350, 21007}, {2422, 17209}, {2530, 46289}, {2605, 6186}, {2969, 32656}, {3009, 23355}, {3022, 6614}, {3051, 10566}, {3124, 4556}, {3224, 23572}, {3230, 23892}, {3250, 40746}, {3445, 8643}, {3675, 32666}, {3700, 16947}, {3766, 14598}, {3937, 8750}, {4057, 40148}, {4083, 7121}, {4105, 7023}, {4107, 9468}, {4117, 4623}, {4130, 7366}, {4162, 16945}, {4369, 7104}, {4394, 38266}, {4444, 14599}, {4475, 34069}, {4570, 8034}, {4598, 21762}, {4603, 21755}, {4750, 32740}, {4782, 40735}, {4786, 39238}, {4813, 34819}, {4817, 40728}, {4893, 28607}, {4979, 28615}, {5029, 17962}, {5040, 17954}, {5331, 8639}, {6377, 34071}, {6544, 41935}, {6545, 23990}, {6548, 9459}, {7117, 32674}, {7255, 40935}, {8054, 40519}, {8578, 34179}, {8637, 43531}, {8650, 34893}, {8655, 10013}, {8656, 41436}, {8661, 9268}, {8735, 32660}, {8747, 39201}, {8752, 22086}, {9008, 14623}, {9247, 17924}, {9259, 9262}, {9299, 9359}, {9315, 20980}, {9447, 24002}, {10547, 21108}, {11125, 40352}, {14413, 34068}, {14574, 21207}, {14575, 46107}, {16695, 23493}, {16892, 46288}, {17187, 18105}, {18197, 21759}, {18200, 40729}, {18210, 32676}, {18263, 27929}, {18265, 43041}, {18267, 27855}, {18268, 21832}, {19945, 32718}, {21110, 44167}, {21131, 23357}, {21172, 33581}, {21178, 40146}, {21190, 22262}, {21814, 39179}, {21828, 34079}, {23220, 36123}, {23225, 36124}, {23344, 43922}, {23979, 42462}, {27846, 34067}, {30691, 34078}, {30805, 36417}, {35519, 41280}
X(668) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1978}, {6, 6386}, {7, 646}, {8, 4554}, {9, 4572}, {10, 799}, {12, 4631}, {37, 670}, {42, 4602}, {69, 6335}, {72, 6331}, {75, 190}, {76, 100}, {81, 27808}, {85, 3699}, {86, 4033}, {92, 4561}, {99, 321}, {101, 561}, {109, 28659}, {110, 27801}, {162, 40071}, {192, 18830}, {213, 4609}, {226, 7257}, {239, 4583}, {264, 1332}, {274, 3952}, {290, 42717}, {291, 27853}, {304, 1897}, {305, 1783}, {306, 811}, {308, 4553}, {310, 1018}, {312, 664}, {313, 662}, {314, 4552}, {319, 15455}, {320, 36804}, {322, 44327}, {330, 36863}, {331, 4571}, {334, 3570}, {335, 874}, {341, 658}, {345, 18026}, {346, 4569}, {349, 643}, {350, 4562}, {513, 31625}, {514, 7035}, {518, 36803}, {523, 4601}, {536, 889}, {594, 4623}, {644, 6063}, {645, 1441}, {648, 20336}, {651, 3596}, {653, 3718}, {660, 1921}, {666, 3263}, {671, 42721}, {689, 3954}, {692, 1502}, {693, 1016}, {740, 4639}, {765, 3261}, {789, 3661}, {813, 18891}, {835, 33935}, {839, 32782}, {850, 4567}, {870, 3807}, {873, 4103}, {883, 36796}, {892, 42713}, {898, 35543}, {903, 24004}, {906, 18022}, {932, 6382}, {984, 37133}, {1026, 18031}, {1088, 6558}, {1089, 4610}, {1111, 6632}, {1215, 7260}, {1222, 21580}, {1229, 6606}, {1230, 4596}, {1231, 36797}, {1237, 4603}, {1240, 3882}, {1252, 40495}, {1265, 13149}, {1269, 37212}, {1275, 4397}, {1331, 1969}, {1414, 30713}, {1415, 40363}, {1446, 7256}, {1491, 5388}, {1494, 42716}, {1577, 4600}, {1909, 27805}, {1920, 3903}, {1928, 32739}, {2276, 46132}, {2321, 4625}, {2397, 18816}, {2481, 42720}, {2966, 42703}, {3112, 4568}, {3222, 22028}, {3227, 41314}, {3257, 3264}, {3262, 13136}, {3266, 5380}, {3267, 5379}, {3573, 18895}, {3668, 7258}, {3681, 31624}, {3693, 46135}, {3701, 4573}, {3717, 34085}, {3797, 41072}, {3908, 40826}, {3939, 20567}, {3943, 4634}, {3948, 4589}, {3963, 4594}, {3992, 4615}, {3998, 6528}, {4024, 24037}, {4036, 4590}, {4064, 46254}, {4076, 24002}, {4082, 4635}, {4086, 4620}, {4358, 4555}, {4359, 6540}, {4385, 37215}, {4391, 4998}, {4427, 32018}, {4441, 32041}, {4505, 14621}, {4551, 28660}, {4557, 6385}, {4559, 40072}, {4563, 41013}, {4564, 35519}, {4570, 20948}, {4579, 44187}, {4584, 35544}, {4585, 20566}, {4586, 33931}, {4593, 15523}, {4595, 6384}, {4597, 4671}, {4598, 6376}, {4607, 6381}, {4612, 34388}, {4618, 36791}, {4621, 33930}, {4624, 4673}, {4626, 30693}, {4632, 4647}, {4705, 34537}, {4767, 20569}, {5224, 37218}, {5383, 20906}, {5386, 35548}, {5389, 35549}, {5423, 36838}, {6516, 7017}, {6742, 33939}, {7018, 18047}, {7033, 33946}, {7235, 36806}, {8026, 32039}, {8050, 18140}, {8706, 26563}, {8707, 20911}, {8750, 40364}, {9059, 33934}, {9295, 9296}, {10030, 36801}, {11611, 17935}, {14727, 40883}, {15413, 15742}, {17170, 42384}, {17264, 35171}, {17780, 20568}, {17790, 35147}, {18021, 21859}, {18025, 42719}, {18821, 42722}, {18831, 42698}, {18833, 46148}, {20899, 35572}, {20947, 35148}, {21035, 37204}, {21272, 32017}, {21615, 37138}, {21814, 42371}, {23354, 32020}, {23891, 31002}, {25278, 42343}, {28605, 32042}, {30596, 37211}, {31615, 34387}, {32849, 35156}, {32851, 35174}, {33932, 43190}, {34067, 44169}, {34393, 42718}, {35139, 42701}, {35169, 42709}, {35179, 42724}, {35518, 46102}, {36802, 40704}, {36860, 42027}, {40014, 43290}, {42700, 46134}, {42723, 43093}
X(668) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 649}, {2, 513}, {3, 22383}, {4, 6591}, {6, 667}, {7, 3669}, {8, 650}, {9, 663}, {10, 661}, {21, 7252}, {28, 43925}, {30, 14399}, {31, 1919}, {32, 1980}, {36, 21758}, {37, 512}, {38, 21123}, {42, 798}, {43, 20979}, {44, 1960}, {45, 4775}, {55, 3063}, {57, 43924}, {59, 1415}, {63, 1459}, {65, 7180}, {69, 905}, {71, 810}, {72, 647}, {75, 514}, {76, 693}, {78, 652}, {81, 3733}, {83, 18108}, {85, 3676}, {86, 1019}, {88, 23345}, {92, 7649}, {94, 43082}, {99, 81}, {100, 6}, {101, 31}, {104, 2423}, {105, 43929}, {107, 5317}, {108, 608}, {109, 604}, {110, 1333}, {112, 2203}, {141, 2530}, {145, 4394}, {162, 1474}, {163, 2206}, {171, 20981}, {188, 6729}, {190, 1}, {192, 4083}, {200, 657}, {210, 3709}, {213, 669}, {218, 8642}, {219, 1946}, {220, 8641}, {226, 4017}, {228, 3049}, {238, 8632}, {239, 659}, {244, 21143}, {264, 17924}, {274, 7192}, {278, 43923}, {279, 43932}, {281, 18344}, {286, 17925}, {291, 3572}, {292, 875}, {294, 884}, {304, 4025}, {305, 15413}, {306, 656}, {310, 7199}, {312, 522}, {313, 1577}, {314, 4560}, {315, 16757}, {318, 3064}, {319, 14838}, {320, 3960}, {321, 523}, {322, 14837}, {326, 4091}, {329, 6129}, {330, 43931}, {333, 3737}, {334, 4444}, {335, 876}, {341, 3239}, {344, 3309}, {345, 521}, {346, 3900}, {349, 4077}, {350, 812}, {385, 4164}, {394, 23224}, {512, 3121}, {513, 1015}, {514, 244}, {517, 3310}, {518, 665}, {519, 1635}, {521, 7117}, {522, 2170}, {523, 3125}, {524, 14419}, {525, 18210}, {527, 14413}, {528, 1643}, {536, 891}, {545, 14421}, {556, 6728}, {561, 3261}, {594, 4705}, {612, 2484}, {643, 284}, {644, 55}, {645, 21}, {646, 8}, {648, 28}, {649, 3248}, {650, 3271}, {651, 56}, {653, 34}, {655, 1411}, {658, 269}, {660, 292}, {661, 3122}, {662, 58}, {664, 57}, {666, 105}, {667, 1977}, {670, 274}, {673, 1027}, {677, 911}, {692, 32}, {693, 1086}, {728, 4105}, {739, 23349}, {740, 21832}, {752, 14438}, {756, 4079}, {758, 21828}, {765, 101}, {789, 14621}, {799, 86}, {811, 27}, {812, 27846}, {813, 1911}, {823, 8747}, {824, 4475}, {835, 2214}, {850, 16732}, {870, 4817}, {874, 239}, {883, 241}, {889, 3227}, {891, 1646}, {894, 4367}, {898, 739}, {899, 3768}, {900, 2087}, {901, 9456}, {903, 1022}, {905, 3937}, {906, 184}, {908, 1769}, {918, 3675}, {927, 1462}, {932, 2162}, {934, 1407}, {984, 3250}, {1015, 8027}, {1016, 100}, {1018, 42}, {1020, 1042}, {1022, 43922}, {1023, 902}, {1025, 1458}, {1026, 672}, {1043, 1021}, {1086, 764}, {1089, 4024}, {1109, 21131}, {1110, 32739}, {1111, 6545}, {1121, 35348}, {1125, 4979}, {1191, 8662}, {1212, 2488}, {1213, 4983}, {1229, 6362}, {1230, 30591}, {1231, 17094}, {1252, 692}, {1259, 36054}, {1267, 6364}, {1269, 4978}, {1275, 934}, {1278, 29226}, {1279, 8659}, {1293, 38266}, {1310, 2221}, {1331, 48}, {1332, 3}, {1376, 20980}, {1414, 1412}, {1415, 1397}, {1427, 7250}, {1434, 7203}, {1441, 7178}, {1444, 7254}, {1461, 1106}, {1492, 40746}, {1502, 40495}, {1575, 6373}, {1577, 3120}, {1621, 21007}, {1633, 16502}, {1646, 33917}, {1698, 4813}, {1734, 20974}, {1740, 23572}, {1743, 8643}, {1757, 5029}, {1783, 25}, {1792, 23090}, {1812, 23189}, {1813, 603}, {1824, 2489}, {1897, 19}, {1909, 4369}, {1918, 1924}, {1920, 4374}, {1921, 3766}, {1930, 16892}, {1966, 4107}, {1969, 46107}, {1978, 75}, {1981, 1430}, {1992, 30234}, {1993, 34948}, {1997, 30198}, {2087, 8661}, {2098, 17424}, {2172, 21122}, {2176, 8640}, {2205, 9426}, {2238, 4455}, {2273, 8636}, {2276, 788}, {2284, 2223}, {2287, 21789}, {2295, 7234}, {2321, 4041}, {2323, 8648}, {2325, 4895}, {2345, 8678}, {2397, 517}, {2398, 910}, {2401, 15635}, {2406, 1455}, {2533, 16592}, {2703, 17961}, {2895, 31947}, {3059, 10581}, {3112, 10566}, {3125, 8034}, {3126, 35505}, {3161, 4162}, {3175, 4139}, {3212, 43051}, {3219, 2605}, {3227, 43928}, {3230, 890}, {3234, 42077}, {3239, 2310}, {3246, 8658}, {3248, 3249}, {3257, 106}, {3261, 1111}, {3262, 10015}, {3263, 918}, {3264, 3762}, {3421, 40134}, {3436, 6588}, {3452, 6615}, {3501, 23655}, {3550, 23472}, {3570, 238}, {3573, 1914}, {3596, 4391}, {3616, 4790}, {3618, 3803}, {3621, 2516}, {3661, 1491}, {3662, 3777}, {3666, 6371}, {3668, 7216}, {3669, 1357}, {3672, 8712}, {3679, 4893}, {3681, 6586}, {3682, 822}, {3685, 4435}, {3687, 17420}, {3693, 926}, {3699, 9}, {3700, 4516}, {3701, 3700}, {3702, 4976}, {3710, 8611}, {3718, 6332}, {3728, 40627}, {3729, 4449}, {3732, 614}, {3739, 6372}, {3752, 6363}, {3759, 4401}, {3760, 4382}, {3761, 4379}, {3762, 1647}, {3765, 4874}, {3766, 27918}, {3797, 30665}, {3799, 2276}, {3807, 984}, {3835, 3123}, {3864, 30671}, {3868, 43060}, {3869, 6589}, {3875, 4498}, {3882, 1193}, {3886, 45755}, {3888, 2275}, {3900, 14936}, {3903, 893}, {3908, 574}, {3912, 2254}, {3920, 2483}, {3926, 4131}, {3932, 24290}, {3935, 22108}, {3939, 41}, {3943, 4730}, {3948, 4010}, {3950, 4729}, {3952, 37}, {3954, 3005}, {3963, 2533}, {3971, 21834}, {3975, 3716}, {3978, 14296}, {3990, 39201}, {3992, 4120}, {3995, 4132}, {3998, 520}, {4009, 4526}, {4010, 39786}, {4024, 2643}, {4025, 3942}, {4033, 10}, {4036, 115}, {4037, 4155}, {4040, 38346}, {4043, 4151}, {4044, 4804}, {4053, 42666}, {4062, 2642}, {4063, 8054}, {4064, 3708}, {4066, 4838}, {4069, 1334}, {4076, 644}, {4082, 4171}, {4083, 6377}, {4086, 21044}, {4103, 756}, {4110, 4147}, {4115, 1962}, {4125, 4931}, {4130, 3022}, {4140, 40608}, {4163, 3119}, {4169, 21805}, {4261, 838}, {4358, 900}, {4359, 4977}, {4360, 4063}, {4363, 4378}, {4370, 3251}, {4374, 7200}, {4384, 4724}, {4385, 6590}, {4387, 4501}, {4391, 11}, {4393, 4782}, {4397, 1146}, {4404, 21950}, {4406, 7208}, {4411, 4403}, {4417, 21189}, {4420, 9404}, {4422, 6161}, {4426, 8633}, {4427, 1100}, {4436, 20963}, {4437, 3126}, {4441, 4762}, {4462, 3756}, {4463, 2485}, {4467, 7202}, {4482, 750}, {4487, 14425}, {4494, 4474}, {4495, 4508}, {4498, 17477}, {4505, 3661}, {4511, 654}, {4515, 4524}, {4551, 1400}, {4552, 65}, {4553, 39}, {4554, 7}, {4555, 88}, {4556, 849}, {4557, 213}, {4558, 1437}, {4559, 1402}, {4560, 18191}, {4561, 63}, {4562, 291}, {4563, 1444}, {4564, 109}, {4565, 1408}, {4566, 1427}, {4567, 110}, {4568, 38}, {4569, 279}, {4570, 163}, {4571, 219}, {4572, 85}, {4573, 1014}, {4574, 228}, {4576, 16696}, {4578, 220}, {4579, 172}, {4582, 1320}, {4583, 335}, {4584, 741}, {4585, 36}, {4586, 985}, {4587, 212}, {4588, 28607}, {4589, 37128}, {4592, 1790}, {4594, 40432}, {4595, 43}, {4596, 1171}, {4597, 89}, {4598, 87}, {4600, 662}, {4601, 99}, {4602, 310}, {4603, 1178}, {4604, 2163}, {4605, 1254}, {4606, 2334}, {4607, 37129}, {4609, 6385}, {4610, 757}, {4612, 60}, {4613, 40747}, {4617, 7023}, {4618, 2226}, {4619, 24027}, {4620, 1414}, {4621, 983}, {4623, 1509}, {4625, 1434}, {4626, 738}, {4628, 46289}, {4631, 261}, {4632, 40438}, {4636, 2150}, {4639, 18827}, {4647, 4988}, {4664, 29350}, {4671, 4777}, {4673, 4765}, {4687, 6005}, {4699, 29198}, {4705, 3124}, {4715, 14422}, {4723, 1639}, {4728, 19945}, {4738, 6544}, {4742, 4773}, {4752, 2177}, {4756, 16777}, {4767, 45}, {4768, 4530}, {4781, 16666}, {4812, 29025}, {4847, 21127}, {4850, 9002}, {4858, 21132}, {4873, 4814}, {4885, 4014}, {4945, 23352}, {4975, 4984}, {4980, 28175}, {4986, 6546}, {4997, 23838}, {4998, 651}, {5224, 14349}, {5235, 4833}, {5257, 4822}, {5280, 8635}, {5283, 2978}, {5291, 5040}, {5308, 7659}, {5333, 4840}, {5360, 2491}, {5375, 16686}, {5376, 901}, {5377, 919}, {5378, 813}, {5379, 112}, {5380, 111}, {5381, 898}, {5382, 1293}, {5383, 932}, {5384, 825}, {5385, 4588}, {5386, 753}, {5387, 2748}, {5388, 789}, {5389, 755}, {5391, 6365}, {5423, 4130}, {5440, 22086}, {5468, 16702}, {5526, 8645}, {5546, 2194}, {5839, 6050}, {6063, 24002}, {6064, 4612}, {6079, 40400}, {6099, 32655}, {6163, 9259}, {6331, 286}, {6332, 7004}, {6335, 4}, {6374, 23807}, {6376, 3835}, {6381, 4728}, {6382, 20906}, {6386, 76}, {6516, 222}, {6517, 7125}, {6540, 1255}, {6542, 9508}, {6544, 42084}, {6554, 17115}, {6558, 200}, {6574, 7050}, {6591, 42067}, {6603, 6139}, {6604, 43049}, {6606, 1170}, {6614, 7366}, {6630, 6164}, {6631, 1054}, {6632, 765}, {6634, 6163}, {6635, 5376}, {6648, 961}, {6649, 7175}, {6651, 38348}, {6742, 2160}, {7012, 32674}, {7017, 44426}, {7027, 6730}, {7035, 190}, {7045, 1461}, {7080, 14298}, {7081, 3287}, {7192, 16726}, {7199, 17205}, {7234, 21755}, {7239, 3778}, {7256, 2287}, {7257, 333}, {7258, 1043}, {7259, 2328}, {7260, 32010}, {7265, 2611}, {7270, 16612}, {8026, 23886}, {8033, 17212}, {8050, 39798}, {8620, 9297}, {8640, 21762}, {8652, 34819}, {8701, 28615}, {8706, 23617}, {8707, 2298}, {8709, 20332}, {8750, 1973}, {9059, 40401}, {9260, 9283}, {9263, 38238}, {9265, 9299}, {9266, 1979}, {9268, 32665}, {9272, 41461}, {9278, 18001}, {9282, 9262}, {9295, 9267}, {9296, 9263}, {9362, 9359}, {10015, 42753}, {10030, 43041}, {10196, 45233}, {10327, 2509}, {10527, 13401}, {10580, 17410}, {11607, 5375}, {11611, 18015}, {11679, 17418}, {13136, 104}, {13138, 1436}, {13149, 1119}, {13466, 14434}, {14206, 11125}, {14208, 4466}, {14210, 4750}, {14213, 21102}, {14434, 39011}, {14543, 1104}, {14570, 18180}, {14589, 20958}, {14594, 2285}, {14829, 21173}, {14942, 1024}, {15413, 1565}, {15416, 2968}, {15418, 5088}, {15455, 79}, {15523, 8061}, {15631, 16725}, {15632, 23980}, {15742, 1783}, {16082, 43933}, {16284, 7658}, {16560, 8578}, {16610, 6085}, {16670, 8656}, {16777, 4834}, {16784, 8650}, {16826, 4784}, {17103, 18200}, {17143, 17494}, {17149, 21191}, {17160, 21385}, {17205, 8042}, {17217, 16742}, {17233, 1734}, {17234, 4905}, {17261, 4879}, {17263, 42325}, {17264, 3887}, {17277, 4040}, {17279, 6004}, {17289, 830}, {17335, 4794}, {17487, 9269}, {17740, 9001}, {17752, 24533}, {17756, 9010}, {17762, 21196}, {17776, 15313}, {17780, 44}, {17786, 17072}, {17787, 3907}, {17788, 4142}, {17789, 4458}, {17790, 2787}, {17792, 45902}, {17796, 42670}, {17863, 29162}, {17864, 21117}, {17886, 21141}, {17893, 21137}, {17906, 1828}, {17924, 2969}, {17934, 1931}, {17935, 19623}, {17944, 5006}, {18026, 278}, {18047, 171}, {18052, 23790}, {18062, 17200}, {18098, 18105}, {18134, 23800}, {18135, 4106}, {18137, 8714}, {18138, 23785}, {18140, 20295}, {18142, 23798}, {18143, 23789}, {18144, 23815}, {18145, 21297}, {18147, 29013}, {18148, 23803}, {18149, 21211}, {18150, 23814}, {18151, 21201}, {18152, 20954}, {18153, 23819}, {18154, 23823}, {18155, 17197}, {18156, 3798}, {18157, 23829}, {18159, 21204}, {18697, 21124}, {18698, 23755}, {18738, 23806}, {18740, 12047}, {18743, 3667}, {18747, 23782}, {18750, 21172}, {18816, 2401}, {18830, 330}, {19799, 23874}, {19804, 4778}, {20234, 3801}, {20235, 21107}, {20236, 21118}, {20237, 21119}, {20332, 23355}, {20336, 525}, {20431, 20504}, {20433, 20505}, {20434, 20506}, {20435, 20507}, {20436, 20508}, {20437, 20509}, {20438, 20510}, {20439, 20511}, {20440, 20512}, {20441, 20513}, {20442, 20514}, {20443, 20515}, {20444, 20517}, {20445, 20516}, {20446, 20518}, {20447, 20519}, {20448, 20520}, {20449, 20521}, {20450, 20522}, {20451, 20523}, {20452, 20524}, {20453, 20525}, {20454, 20526}, {20568, 6548}, {20627, 21110}, {20641, 21178}, {20663, 38367}, {20693, 17990}, {20752, 23225}, {20769, 22384}, {20879, 21103}, {20880, 21104}, {20881, 21105}, {20882, 21106}, {20883, 21108}, {20884, 21109}, {20886, 21111}, {20887, 21112}, {20889, 21113}, {20890, 21114}, {20893, 21115}, {20894, 21116}, {20895, 21120}, {20896, 21121}, {20898, 21126}, {20899, 21128}, {20900, 21129}, {20901, 21133}, {20902, 21134}, {20903, 21135}, {20904, 21136}, {20906, 21138}, {20907, 21139}, {20908, 21140}, {20909, 21142}, {20910, 21144}, {20911, 3004}, {20912, 21145}, {20913, 21146}, {20914, 21174}, {20915, 21175}, {20916, 21176}, {20917, 24720}, {20919, 21179}, {20920, 21180}, {20921, 7661}, {20922, 21182}, {20924, 4453}, {20925, 21183}, {20926, 21184}, {20927, 21185}, {20928, 21186}, {20929, 21187}, {20930, 21188}, {20931, 21190}, {20932, 21192}, {20933, 21193}, {20934, 21194}, {20935, 21195}, {20936, 21197}, {20937, 21198}, {20938, 21199}, {20939, 21200}, {20940, 21202}, {20941, 21203}, {20942, 4962}, {20944, 21205}, {20945, 21206}, {20947, 2786}, {20948, 21207}, {20949, 21208}, {20951, 21209}, {20952, 21210}, {20954, 17761}, {20955, 21212}, {20956, 21181}, {20979, 38986}, {21035, 2084}, {21272, 3752}, {21362, 1201}, {21414, 23735}, {21425, 21125}, {21436, 23748}, {21438, 23772}, {21580, 3663}, {21581, 23801}, {21596, 23799}, {21604, 4425}, {21609, 31605}, {21611, 24225}, {21802, 8664}, {21805, 14407}, {21810, 42661}, {21814, 688}, {21816, 8663}, {21833, 22260}, {21839, 351}, {21859, 181}, {21873, 42653}, {21874, 8651}, {21877, 3221}, {21883, 9402}, {22003, 2650}, {22011, 40471}, {22028, 23301}, {22128, 22379}, {22279, 14991}, {22370, 22090}, {22383, 22096}, {23067, 1409}, {23113, 22344}, {23343, 3230}, {23344, 2251}, {23354, 1575}, {23581, 23726}, {23703, 1404}, {23704, 8647}, {23845, 20228}, {23891, 899}, {23978, 42455}, {24002, 1358}, {24004, 519}, {24026, 42462}, {24029, 1457}, {24037, 4610}, {24039, 6629}, {24041, 4556}, {24199, 23738}, {24358, 24286}, {24443, 23751}, {24524, 31286}, {24589, 28209}, {24622, 23774}, {25142, 40610}, {25259, 17463}, {25268, 3057}, {25272, 21342}, {25278, 31287}, {25280, 25666}, {25292, 40464}, {25577, 23524}, {25660, 29150}, {26242, 9313}, {26611, 42757}, {27396, 8676}, {27644, 16695}, {27801, 850}, {27805, 256}, {27808, 321}, {27834, 3445}, {27853, 350}, {27855, 35119}, {28605, 4802}, {28606, 834}, {28653, 15309}, {28654, 4036}, {28659, 35519}, {28660, 18155}, {28742, 44319}, {28974, 28473}, {29227, 36614}, {29477, 23725}, {29611, 2526}, {30473, 21260}, {30566, 24457}, {30568, 42312}, {30596, 4823}, {30610, 9309}, {30693, 4163}, {30695, 17427}, {30710, 4581}, {30713, 4086}, {30720, 3158}, {30728, 4512}, {30729, 3683}, {30730, 210}, {30731, 3689}, {30758, 28846}, {30806, 1638}, {30807, 676}, {30829, 6006}, {30963, 4785}, {30966, 4481}, {31008, 17217}, {31130, 30520}, {31615, 59}, {31628, 18771}, {31633, 40577}, {31993, 8672}, {31997, 4932}, {32018, 4608}, {32028, 3315}, {32038, 959}, {32041, 1002}, {32042, 25417}, {32094, 3722}, {32641, 34858}, {32656, 9247}, {32674, 1395}, {32714, 1398}, {32739, 560}, {32777, 832}, {32779, 9013}, {32849, 8674}, {32851, 3738}, {32911, 4057}, {32925, 17458}, {32926, 21389}, {32937, 21348}, {33116, 6003}, {33296, 18197}, {33297, 16751}, {33775, 17161}, {33854, 21003}, {33891, 3808}, {33908, 14474}, {33930, 3776}, {33931, 824}, {33932, 25259}, {33934, 44435}, {33935, 45746}, {33939, 4467}, {33946, 982}, {33948, 28606}, {33951, 7191}, {33952, 17017}, {34018, 43930}, {34067, 1922}, {34071, 7121}, {34284, 43067}, {34387, 40166}, {34525, 46006}, {34537, 4623}, {35147, 17946}, {35148, 1929}, {35156, 21907}, {35157, 34056}, {35160, 37626}, {35171, 34578}, {35174, 2006}, {35181, 34914}, {35309, 21035}, {35312, 1418}, {35338, 1475}, {35341, 2293}, {35342, 2308}, {35518, 26932}, {35519, 4858}, {35538, 20908}, {35550, 4707}, {35574, 2991}, {36037, 909}, {36038, 42754}, {36049, 2208}, {36086, 1438}, {36101, 2424}, {36106, 913}, {36118, 1435}, {36146, 1416}, {36795, 43728}, {36796, 885}, {36797, 1172}, {36801, 4876}, {36802, 294}, {36803, 2481}, {36804, 80}, {36805, 23836}, {36807, 35355}, {36838, 479}, {36860, 33296}, {36863, 192}, {37129, 23892}, {37133, 870}, {37135, 17962}, {37137, 1431}, {37138, 2279}, {37141, 1413}, {37205, 39949}, {37206, 2191}, {37210, 34916}, {37212, 1126}, {37218, 43531}, {37593, 4832}, {37659, 44408}, {37680, 4491}, {37756, 2832}, {37758, 2827}, {37783, 42741}, {37788, 2826}, {37857, 2837}, {38810, 7255}, {38828, 16945}, {38853, 16692}, {39011, 14441}, {39028, 27854}, {39044, 4375}, {39126, 30719}, {39293, 36146}, {39294, 36110}, {40013, 40086}, {40071, 14208}, {40087, 20949}, {40089, 21606}, {40117, 7151}, {40166, 7336}, {40447, 14775}, {40495, 23989}, {40499, 20665}, {40521, 1500}, {40603, 31946}, {40704, 43042}, {40728, 8630}, {40790, 45882}, {40865, 5091}, {40872, 9511}, {40883, 42341}, {41013, 2501}, {41314, 536}, {41315, 28582}, {41316, 28475}, {41798, 23351}, {42005, 17422}, {42012, 17412}, {42014, 17425}, {42029, 28147}, {42033, 35057}, {42034, 28161}, {42066, 17411}, {42343, 41439}, {42698, 6368}, {42699, 8057}, {42700, 924}, {42701, 526}, {42702, 39469}, {42703, 2799}, {42704, 8675}, {42711, 23878}, {42712, 4843}, {42713, 690}, {42714, 23879}, {42716, 30}, {42717, 511}, {42718, 515}, {42719, 516}, {42720, 518}, {42721, 524}, {42722, 528}, {42723, 674}, {42724, 1499}, {43069, 43070}, {43077, 40735}, {43290, 1743}, {44140, 23882}, {44327, 84}, {44426, 8735}, {44448, 38375}, {44717, 36059}, {44720, 4521}, {44765, 2217}, {45791, 6607}, {45876, 41799}, {46102, 108}, {46135, 34018}, {46148, 1964}
X(668) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 6376, 18140}, {2, 1015, 27195}, {2, 9263, 1015}, {2, 31298, 9263}, {8, 76, 17143}, {10, 1909, 274}, {43, 17149, 34020}, {75, 18159, 1111}, {101, 4482, 18047}, {190, 3732, 33951}, {190, 4033, 646}, {190, 4595, 1018}, {304, 341, 33932}, {313, 319, 314}, {341, 16284, 304}, {350, 6381, 18145}, {664, 3699, 4561}, {799, 7257, 99}, {874, 4505, 646}, {1015, 9263, 3227}, {1015, 13466, 27076}, {1015, 27076, 2}, {1018, 23891, 4595}, {1089, 17762, 33775}, {1107, 25102, 27020}, {1111, 4738, 4986}, {1111, 4986, 75}, {1111, 18159, 20568}, {1500, 1655, 32026}, {1909, 25280, 10}, {1978, 3952, 36863}, {3216, 18148, 29454}, {3227, 27195, 1015}, {3263, 30806, 20924}, {3570, 18047, 101}, {3632, 3760, 17144}, {3679, 3761, 75}, {3761, 43270, 20568}, {3799, 27853, 36863}, {3807, 33946, 4568}, {3952, 23354, 3799}, {3992, 14210, 20947}, {4103, 4568, 3807}, {4696, 20911, 33941}, {4723, 30806, 3263}, {5080, 20553, 316}, {6376, 24524, 1}, {9263, 27076, 27195}, {9263, 29547, 29491}, {9263, 39360, 31298}, {13466, 31298, 27195}, {13466, 39360, 3227}, {17144, 20943, 3760}, {17149, 25287, 43}, {18061, 35957, 2170}, {20955, 33938, 1930}, {21226, 26752, 39}, {25472, 25685, 2}, {27076, 31298, 3227}, {27295, 30026, 30866}, {27808, 33948, 36863}
X(669) lies on the Kiepert parabola and these lines: {1, 18197}, {2, 23301}, {3, 1499}, {6, 9009}, {10, 21726}, {22, 6563}, {23, 385}, {25, 878}, {31, 875}, {32, 23099}, {55, 25819}, {75, 21441}, {99, 886}, {100, 9362}, {110, 805}, {111, 5970}, {112, 9091}, {157, 40914}, {160, 7712}, {184, 30451}, {187, 237}, {353, 9212}, {511, 30219}, {513, 27469}, {514, 23786}, {525, 2528}, {661, 4455}, {684, 924}, {688, 864}, {690, 2525}, {804, 850}, {865, 1648}, {881, 3051}, {1252, 34067}, {1383, 9178}, {1402, 7180}, {1491, 27648}, {1510, 6132}, {1576, 23357}, {1598, 39533}, {1634, 14607}, {1637, 12075}, {1656, 39511}, {1977, 4117}, {1995, 8371}, {2106, 3733}, {2308, 23570}, {2353, 5489}, {2373, 2868}, {2422, 46319}, {2451, 3221}, {2485, 2514}, {2487, 20470}, {2489, 44099}, {2513, 3050}, {2930, 30220}, {2937, 8151}, {3124, 15630}, {3222, 4609}, {3233, 7468}, {3265, 3566}, {3398, 39518}, {3455, 14443}, {3700, 17989}, {3800, 20854}, {3806, 7927}, {4010, 27731}, {4083, 23506}, {4128, 22386}, {4132, 4782}, {4151, 4401}, {4367, 5937}, {4467, 23401}, {4724, 8672}, {4897, 16678}, {5020, 14341}, {5026, 38998}, {5466, 14002}, {5468, 41337}, {5940, 35296}, {5996, 11176}, {6041, 22260}, {6130, 30735}, {6636, 10190}, {6753, 17994}, {7203, 16878}, {7253, 23400}, {7492, 9168}, {8617, 44007}, {8704, 11616}, {8723, 35268}, {9125, 39477}, {9131, 41298}, {9137, 20403}, {9148, 30476}, {9213, 9999}, {9313, 43060}, {10278, 13595}, {10279, 13621}, {10280, 18369}, {11171, 39501}, {11182, 37338}, {11183, 14096}, {11328, 34290}, {11450, 26881}, {11479, 44931}, {11634, 34245}, {11641, 24974}, {12106, 16220}, {13564, 32204}, {14417, 32478}, {15080, 39495}, {20965, 38237}, {20976, 38241}, {20981, 23467}, {21051, 27045}, {21301, 27293}, {21448, 34204}, {21763, 23574}, {23964, 32696}, {25862, 45882}, {28255, 30023}, {28373, 28470}, {32320, 39469}, {32473, 45687}, {34347, 34396}, {36182, 40871}, {37777, 41357}, {41939, 45900}
X(669) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {647, 3804}, {3005, 8664}, {5027, 14318}, {18105, 21006}, {31299, 44445}
X(669) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 45317}, {3, 5926}, {351, 8644}, {647, 8651}, {887, 9489}, {2514, 2485}, {3005, 647}, {3049, 9426}, {3288, 5027}, {5996, 11176}, {8639, 667}, {8664, 3804}, {8665, 3005}, {9178, 46001}, {9491, 9494}, {17414, 351}, {17415, 2491}, {18117, 6140}, {23301, 44451}, {30735, 6130}, {31176, 2}, {39201, 34952}, {42660, 14270}, {44445, 23301}
X(669) = isogonal conjugate of X(670)
X(669) = isotomic conjugate of X(4609)
X(669) = complement of X(44445)
X(669) = anticomplement of X(23301)
X(669) = circumcircle-inverse of X(5108)
X(669) = Parry-circle-inverse of X(5027)
X(669) = Stammler-circle-inverse of X(18346)
X(669) = Parry-isodynamic-circle-inverse of X(5106)
X(669) = tangential-isogonal conjugate of X(7669)
X(669) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {163, 32747}, {662, 32548}, {2998, 21294}, {3222, 6327}, {3223, 3448}, {3224, 21221}, {4599, 19562}, {34248, 148}
X(669) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 38996}, {163, 6665}, {6573, 21238}, {6664, 21253}
X(669) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 21762}, {2, 38996}, {6, 9427}, {25, 3124}, {31, 1977}, {32, 1084}, {56, 21755}, {98, 2086}, {99, 6}, {100, 21753}, {107, 42295}, {110, 3051}, {512, 3049}, {667, 798}, {670, 9490}, {689, 20965}, {805, 32748}, {931, 1185}, {932, 23551}, {1402, 3121}, {1576, 32}, {1634, 5007}, {1919, 1924}, {2353, 20975}, {2373, 1648}, {2980, 115}, {3222, 2}, {3455, 21906}, {3903, 23546}, {4557, 213}, {4559, 21751}, {6573, 3589}, {7087, 20982}, {7954, 16285}, {8640, 23503}, {8709, 2238}, {9150, 3231}, {9426, 9491}, {10425, 3289}, {14574, 40981}, {16277, 39691}, {17938, 237}, {18105, 512}, {26714, 18899}, {32696, 2211}, {32729, 14567}, {32734, 217}, {34067, 41333}, {34207, 3269}, {34444, 1015}, {34445, 23554}, {39644, 44114}, {40519, 20970}
X(669) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {688, 512}, {1084, 32}, {2491, 881}, {3221, 9491}, {4117, 7109}, {9427, 6}, {9494, 9426}, {23099, 1084}, {23216, 1501}
X(669) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 9431}, {512, 3221}, {688, 9494}, {1084, 23099}
X(669) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 99}, {32, 1576}, {110, 251}, {213, 4557}, {512, 2489}, {667, 1919}, {691, 15387}, {14573, 14574}, {32729, 41936}
X(669) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 18197}, {2, 512}, {6, 21006}, {69, 3267}, {75, 7199}, {76, 850}, {99, 4563}, {110, 4611}, {126, 690}, {141, 523}, {274, 7192}, {513, 3739}, {514, 3741}, {520, 6389}, {522, 21246}, {525, 1368}, {650, 42397}, {668, 1978}, {669, 9490}, {693, 20911}, {740, 27854}, {799, 7257}, {804, 39080}, {826, 21248}, {888, 35073}, {1269, 3261}, {2396, 15631}, {2786, 20339}, {3051, 9491}, {3221, 6374}, {3794, 4560}, {6333, 32458}, {8672, 10472}, {9402, 34021}, {23285, 42554}, {23610, 31646}, {35522, 36792}
X(669) = trilinear pole of line {887, 1084}
X(669) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {2, 39}
X(669) = circumcircle-pole of line X(2)X(6)
X(669) = trilinear pole of line X(887)X(1084)
X(669) = complement of isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(21006)
X(669) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(6),X(32)}}, which is the locus of barycentric product of circumcircle-X(512)-antipodes
X(669) = perspector of the tangential triangle and the tangential triangle, wrt the tangential triangle, of the Stammler hyperbola
X(669) = X(650)-of-the-tangential-triangle
X(669) = radical center of {circumcircle, 1st Brocard circle, 1st anti-Brocard circle}
X(669) = radical center of {circumcircle, anti-Brocard circle, anti-McCay circumcircle}
X(669) = trilinear pole of PU(91)
X(669) = barycentric product of PU(105)
X(669) = bicentric difference of PU(148)
X(669) = PU(148)-harmonic conjugate of X(2)
X(669) = pole wrt circumcircle of line X(2)X(6)
X(669) = complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22159)
X(669) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 670}, {2, 799}, {6, 4602}, {7, 7257}, {8, 4625}, {10, 4623}, {21, 4572}, {31, 4609}, {38, 689}, {39, 37204}, {58, 6386}, {63, 6331}, {69, 811}, {75, 99}, {76, 662}, {81, 1978}, {85, 645}, {86, 668}, {92, 4563}, {100, 310}, {101, 6385}, {109, 40072}, {110, 561}, {112, 40364}, {141, 4593}, {162, 305}, {163, 1502}, {190, 274}, {226, 4631}, {239, 4639}, {249, 20948}, {264, 4592}, {279, 7258}, {286, 4561}, {304, 648}, {312, 4573}, {314, 664}, {321, 4610}, {325, 36036}, {326, 6528}, {330, 36860}, {332, 18026}, {333, 4554}, {336, 877}, {341, 4616}, {346, 4635}, {349, 4612}, {350, 4589}, {514, 4601}, {519, 4634}, {523, 24037}, {525, 46254}, {643, 6063}, {646, 1434}, {651, 28660}, {661, 34537}, {666, 18157}, {671, 24039}, {693, 4600}, {757, 27808}, {789, 30966}, {798, 44168}, {805, 1926}, {823, 3926}, {850, 24041}, {873, 3952}, {874, 18827}, {880, 1581}, {886, 2234}, {892, 14210}, {894, 7260}, {1016, 7199}, {1019, 31625}, {1043, 4569}, {1088, 7256}, {1101, 44173}, {1102, 15352}, {1109, 31614}, {1269, 4596}, {1310, 44154}, {1332, 44129}, {1414, 3596}, {1509, 4033}, {1576, 1928}, {1577, 4590}, {1634, 18833}, {1821, 2396}, {1909, 4594}, {1920, 4603}, {1921, 4584}, {1930, 4577}, {1934, 17941}, {1959, 43187}, {1964, 42371}, {1966, 18829}, {1969, 4558}, {2407, 33805}, {2421, 46273}, {2617, 34384}, {2966, 46238}, {3112, 4576}, {3116, 9063}, {3222, 17149}, {3261, 4567}, {3264, 4622}, {3265, 23999}, {3266, 36085}, {3570, 40017}, {3736, 46132}, {3882, 40827}, {3978, 37134}, {4077, 6064}, {4086, 7340}, {4176, 36126}, {4358, 4615}, {4359, 4632}, {4391, 4620}, {4481, 5388}, {4551, 18021}, {4555, 30939}, {4556, 27801}, {4562, 30940}, {4565, 28659}, {4570, 40495}, {4575, 18022}, {4583, 33295}, {4598, 31008}, {4599, 8024}, {4611, 46244}, {4633, 19804}, {4998, 18155}, {5209, 35147}, {5468, 46277}, {5546, 20567}, {6335, 17206}, {6516, 44130}, {6540, 16709}, {6632, 16727}, {7035, 7192}, {7182, 36797}, {7239, 7307}, {7799, 32680}, {8033, 27805}, {8707, 16739}, {10159, 18062}, {11059, 37216}, {11794, 33764}, {14208, 18020}, {15418, 35145}, {15455, 34016}, {16609, 36806}, {17446, 35567}, {17708, 20944}, {17871, 42297}, {17930, 20947}, {17932, 40703}, {17934, 18032}, {18023, 23889}, {18024, 23997}, {18140, 37205}, {18156, 35136}, {18206, 36803}, {18695, 18831}, {18750, 44326}, {18830, 33296}, {20641, 44766}, {20939, 37880}, {27853, 37128}, {30736, 36133}, {32676, 40050}, {33809, 36953}, {33946, 38810}, {34594, 40087}, {35544, 36066}, {37133, 40773}, {40088, 43076}, {44179, 46134}, {44769, 46234}
X(669) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 798}, {3, 2489}, {4, 3049}, {6, 512}, {10, 1919}, {19, 810}, {25, 647}, {31, 661}, {32, 523}, {37, 667}, {39, 18105}, {41, 4017}, {42, 649}, {50, 15475}, {51, 2623}, {55, 7180}, {56, 3709}, {58, 4079}, {65, 3063}, {74, 14398}, {75, 1924}, {76, 9426}, {82, 2084}, {83, 688}, {98, 2491}, {99, 1084}, {100, 3121}, {101, 3122}, {106, 14407}, {110, 3124}, {111, 351}, {112, 20975}, {115, 1576}, {163, 2643}, {181, 7252}, {184, 2501}, {187, 9178}, {213, 513}, {220, 7250}, {228, 6591}, {232, 878}, {237, 2395}, {248, 17994}, {249, 22260}, {251, 3005}, {263, 3288}, {292, 4455}, {308, 9494}, {321, 1980}, {338, 14574}, {385, 881}, {393, 39201}, {418, 15422}, {511, 2422}, {514, 1918}, {520, 2207}, {525, 1974}, {526, 11060}, {560, 1577}, {574, 46001}, {604, 4041}, {645, 1356}, {650, 1402}, {656, 1973}, {657, 1042}, {663, 1400}, {670, 9427}, {690, 32740}, {691, 21906}, {692, 3125}, {693, 2205}, {694, 5027}, {729, 888}, {739, 14404}, {755, 14428}, {788, 40747}, {799, 4117}, {804, 9468}, {805, 2086}, {822, 1096}, {826, 46288}, {842, 6041}, {843, 9171}, {850, 1501}, {865, 9091}, {872, 1019}, {875, 2238}, {876, 41333}, {879, 2211}, {882, 1691}, {887, 3228}, {893, 7234}, {922, 23894}, {923, 2642}, {932, 21835}, {941, 8639}, {1015, 4557}, {1018, 3248}, {1027, 39258}, {1106, 4171}, {1169, 42661}, {1171, 8663}, {1245, 2484}, {1252, 8034}, {1253, 7216}, {1333, 4705}, {1334, 43924}, {1383, 17414}, {1395, 8611}, {1397, 3700}, {1407, 4524}, {1409, 18344}, {1415, 4516}, {1427, 8641}, {1459, 2333}, {1495, 2433}, {1499, 39238}, {1500, 3733}, {1637, 40352}, {1645, 9150}, {1648, 32729}, {1649, 41936}, {1692, 35364}, {1824, 22383}, {1880, 1946}, {1911, 21832}, {1917, 20948}, {1922, 4010}, {1923, 18070}, {1976, 3569}, {1977, 3952}, {1989, 14270}, {2028, 41881}, {2029, 41880}, {2054, 5029}, {2088, 14560}, {2165, 34952}, {2175, 7178}, {2179, 2616}, {2200, 7649}, {2206, 4024}, {2281, 8678}, {2334, 4832}, {2351, 6753}, {2353, 2485}, {2394, 9407}, {2421, 15630}, {2451, 9292}, {2492, 3455}, {2519, 15369}, {2533, 7104}, {2715, 44114}, {2799, 14601}, {2971, 4558}, {2987, 42663}, {2998, 9491}, {3050, 27375}, {3108, 8664}, {3114, 9006}, {3120, 32739}, {3199, 23286}, {3221, 3224}, {3223, 23503}, {3225, 9429}, {3265, 36417}, {3267, 44162}, {3269, 32713}, {3271, 4559}, {3407, 17415}, {3444, 42653}, {3447, 8574}, {3457, 6137}, {3458, 6138}, {3572, 3747}, {3690, 43925}, {3708, 32676}, {3804, 39951}, {3903, 21755}, {4049, 9459}, {4077, 9447}, {4083, 21759}, {4155, 18268}, {4367, 40729}, {4563, 42068}, {4573, 7063}, {4574, 42067}, {4580, 27369}, {4590, 23099}, {4630, 39691}, {4729, 38266}, {4730, 9456}, {4770, 28607}, {4775, 28658}, {4834, 28625}, {4983, 28615}, {5106, 14606}, {5113, 46286}, {5191, 14998}, {5291, 18002}, {5466, 14567}, {5489, 41937}, {5638, 5639}, {6140, 14579}, {6187, 21828}, {6331, 23216}, {6378, 16695}, {6524, 32320}, {6529, 34980}, {6531, 39469}, {6562, 10318}, {6587, 33581}, {6784, 26714}, {7109, 7192}, {7121, 21834}, {7212, 18265}, {7255, 21815}, {8029, 23357}, {8061, 46289}, {8105, 42667}, {8106, 42668}, {8541, 30491}, {8640, 16606}, {8644, 21448}, {8651, 8770}, {8665, 39955}, {8749, 9409}, {8754, 32661}, {8789, 14295}, {8791, 42659}, {8882, 15451}, {8884, 42293}, {9033, 40354}, {9218, 19610}, {9233, 44173}, {9247, 24006}, {9297, 27810}, {9299, 21893}, {9402, 40770}, {9418, 43665}, {9462, 9489}, {10097, 44102}, {10412, 19627}, {10566, 41267}, {11166, 11186}, {14273, 14908}, {14380, 14581}, {14569, 46088}, {14573, 18314}, {14575, 14618}, {14582, 34397}, {14586, 41221}, {14593, 30451}, {14599, 35352}, {14600, 16230}, {14642, 44705}, {14910, 21731}, {15321, 37085}, {15387, 21905}, {15412, 40981}, {17735, 18001}, {17961, 17989}, {17962, 17990}, {17963, 17992}, {17965, 17995}, {17966, 18000}, {18108, 21814}, {19626, 35522}, {20578, 34394}, {20579, 34395}, {20683, 43929}, {20979, 23493}, {21758, 34857}, {21830, 23355}, {22105, 41272}, {22227, 29227}, {23105, 23963}, {23610, 34537}, {23878, 46319}, {27374, 39182}, {30442, 32319}, {30735, 40823}, {32641, 42752}, {32696, 41172}, {33294, 40146}, {34067, 39786}, {34079, 42666}, {34212, 42671}, {34288, 42660}, {41489, 42658}
X(669) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4602}, {2, 4609}, {6, 670}, {25, 6331}, {31, 799}, {32, 99}, {37, 6386}, {41, 7257}, {42, 1978}, {82, 37204}, {83, 42371}, {99, 44168}, {110, 34537}, {115, 44173}, {163, 24037}, {184, 4563}, {213, 668}, {237, 2396}, {251, 689}, {351, 3266}, {512, 76}, {513, 6385}, {523, 1502}, {525, 40050}, {560, 662}, {604, 4625}, {647, 305}, {649, 310}, {650, 40072}, {656, 40364}, {661, 561}, {663, 28660}, {667, 274}, {688, 141}, {692, 4601}, {729, 886}, {798, 75}, {804, 14603}, {810, 304}, {850, 40362}, {872, 4033}, {875, 40017}, {881, 1916}, {882, 18896}, {887, 538}, {888, 30736}, {904, 7260}, {922, 24039}, {1084, 523}, {1106, 4635}, {1253, 7258}, {1333, 4623}, {1356, 7178}, {1397, 4573}, {1400, 4572}, {1402, 4554}, {1500, 27808}, {1501, 110}, {1576, 4590}, {1577, 1928}, {1645, 9148}, {1691, 880}, {1911, 4639}, {1917, 163}, {1918, 190}, {1919, 86}, {1922, 4589}, {1924, 1}, {1927, 37134}, {1973, 811}, {1974, 648}, {1976, 43187}, {1977, 7192}, {1980, 81}, {2084, 1930}, {2086, 14295}, {2175, 645}, {2194, 4631}, {2200, 4561}, {2205, 100}, {2206, 4610}, {2207, 6528}, {2209, 36860}, {2211, 877}, {2395, 18024}, {2422, 290}, {2484, 44154}, {2485, 40073}, {2489, 264}, {2491, 325}, {2492, 40074}, {2501, 18022}, {2531, 7794}, {2623, 34384}, {2643, 20948}, {2971, 14618}, {3005, 8024}, {3049, 69}, {3050, 33769}, {3051, 4576}, {3063, 314}, {3121, 693}, {3122, 3261}, {3124, 850}, {3125, 40495}, {3221, 6374}, {3248, 7199}, {3249, 17205}, {3267, 40360}, {3288, 20023}, {3407, 9063}, {3700, 40363}, {3709, 3596}, {3747, 27853}, {3774, 4505}, {3804, 40022}, {4010, 44169}, {4017, 20567}, {4041, 28659}, {4079, 313}, {4117, 661}, {4455, 1921}, {4557, 31625}, {4705, 27801}, {4826, 30596}, {5027, 3978}, {7063, 3700}, {7104, 4594}, {7109, 3952}, {7178, 41283}, {7180, 6063}, {7234, 1920}, {7252, 18021}, {8027, 16727}, {8029, 23962}, {8034, 23989}, {8630, 40773}, {8639, 34284}, {8640, 31008}, {8644, 11059}, {8660, 16711}, {8663, 1230}, {8664, 39998}, {8789, 805}, {9006, 3094}, {9171, 45809}, {9178, 18023}, {9233, 1576}, {9247, 4592}, {9407, 2407}, {9418, 2421}, {9419, 15631}, {9426, 6}, {9427, 512}, {9429, 698}, {9431, 9428}, {9447, 643}, {9448, 5546}, {9456, 4634}, {9468, 18829}, {9489, 7757}, {9491, 194}, {9494, 39}, {11060, 35139}, {14270, 7799}, {14295, 18901}, {14398, 3260}, {14404, 35543}, {14407, 3264}, {14428, 35549}, {14567, 5468}, {14573, 18315}, {14574, 249}, {14575, 4558}, {14598, 4584}, {14600, 17932}, {14601, 2966}, {14602, 17941}, {14604, 17938}, {14618, 44161}, {14827, 7256}, {15451, 28706}, {15475, 20573}, {15630, 43665}, {17414, 9464}, {17415, 3314}, {17938, 39292}, {17994, 44132}, {18105, 308}, {19626, 691}, {19627, 10411}, {20968, 4611}, {20975, 3267}, {21051, 40367}, {21751, 3888}, {21755, 4374}, {21759, 18830}, {21762, 17217}, {21828, 40075}, {21832, 18891}, {21835, 20906}, {21837, 33932}, {21906, 35522}, {22096, 15419}, {22260, 338}, {23099, 115}, {23216, 647}, {23357, 31614}, {23503, 17149}, {23610, 3124}, {25423, 10010}, {27369, 41676}, {32320, 4176}, {32676, 46254}, {32696, 41174}, {32739, 4600}, {32740, 892}, {33581, 44326}, {33875, 23342}, {34952, 7763}, {34980, 4143}, {35352, 44170}, {36417, 107}, {37085, 7768}, {38996, 44445}, {39201, 3926}, {39238, 35179}, {39469, 6393}, {40146, 44766}, {40351, 1304}, {40354, 16077}, {40373, 32661}, {40747, 46132}, {40823, 35575}, {40935, 33946}, {40981, 14570}, {41221, 15415}, {41267, 4568}, {41280, 4565}, {41331, 1634}, {41333, 874}, {41993, 20578}, {41994, 20579}, {42068, 2501}, {42659, 37804}, {42660, 32833}, {42661, 1228}, {44112, 15418}, {44162, 112}, {44173, 40359}, {46001, 40826}, {46104, 42395}, {46288, 4577}, {46289, 4593}
X(669) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 23301, 31279}, {2, 26148, 31003}, {2, 31299, 44445}, {2, 44445, 23301}, {75, 21614, 21441}, {351, 3005, 647}, {351, 3804, 8665}, {351, 8664, 3005}, {351, 42652, 3231}, {647, 3005, 17414}, {647, 8644, 8651}, {647, 8651, 351}, {647, 8664, 8665}, {649, 663, 2978}, {649, 8640, 890}, {649, 8655, 667}, {667, 8640, 649}, {667, 8641, 8646}, {667, 8642, 8654}, {887, 9489, 9491}, {887, 9494, 9489}, {1995, 44823, 8371}, {3804, 8644, 647}, {3804, 8651, 3005}, {4057, 23865, 21005}, {4455, 7234, 661}, {5638, 5639, 5027}, {5996, 15724, 11176}, {6137, 6138, 9210}, {7492, 9168, 44822}, {8644, 42659, 34952}, {8651, 8664, 17414}, {8665, 17414, 3005}, {14270, 42660, 39201}, {18773, 18774, 887}, {20979, 23655, 20983}, {23301, 44445, 31176}, {23301, 44451, 2}, {23301, 45317, 44451}, {24533, 25537, 2}, {24533, 28401, 31003}, {25473, 25686, 2}, {27016, 27077, 2}, {31176, 31279, 23301}, {31299, 44451, 31176}, {31299, 45317, 31279}, {34952, 42660, 14270}, {42667, 42668, 351}, {44445, 44451, 31279}
X(670) lies on the Steiner circumellipse and these lines: {1, 18826}, {2, 1084}, {4, 36892}, {6, 3225}, {7, 35159}, {30, 16084}, {37, 34021}, {39, 43094}, {58, 18824}, {67, 7768}, {69, 290}, {75, 18827}, {76, 338}, {81, 18825}, {85, 35176}, {86, 3226}, {99, 804}, {110, 689}, {112, 35567}, {126, 14948}, {141, 308}, {183, 43664}, {190, 799}, {192, 34022}, {193, 25319}, {264, 35142}, {274, 3227}, {300, 11118}, {301, 11117}, {304, 35145}, {305, 1494}, {310, 903}, {312, 35144}, {313, 35162}, {314, 2481}, {315, 2882}, {316, 34171}, {320, 18891}, {325, 46142}, {350, 35166}, {351, 23356}, {385, 35524}, {393, 6338}, {511, 14603}, {512, 886}, {523, 18829}, {524, 3978}, {536, 30938}, {561, 14616}, {645, 666}, {646, 32041}, {648, 2421}, {660, 37204}, {662, 4586}, {664, 4572}, {668, 4553}, {683, 41521}, {693, 35147}, {702, 40858}, {805, 9063}, {827, 6572}, {850, 892}, {873, 40087}, {877, 6528}, {888, 4576}, {889, 7192}, {925, 42297}, {931, 35565}, {1086, 40017}, {1121, 28660}, {1218, 10472}, {1241, 21248}, {1350, 8920}, {1368, 16098}, {1509, 40034}, {1576, 17941}, {1613, 19562}, {1921, 35173}, {1965, 24425}, {2086, 13518}, {2396, 14570}, {2407, 9211}, {2966, 3267}, {2979, 40362}, {2998, 32746}, {3229, 6379}, {3260, 5641}, {3261, 35148}, {3262, 35151}, {3263, 35152}, {3264, 35153}, {3266, 7840}, {3589, 25326}, {3596, 35141}, {3618, 25318}, {3888, 46132}, {4033, 4562}, {4108, 9066}, {4360, 34086}, {4361, 6383}, {4363, 6382}, {4495, 5209}, {4554, 32038}, {4555, 4634}, {4573, 6648}, {4589, 41072}, {4616, 6613}, {5152, 7669}, {5468, 35138}, {6389, 42407}, {6393, 44137}, {6540, 27808}, {6606, 7256}, {7253, 14727}, {7779, 35540}, {8024, 43098}, {8264, 32747}, {9766, 14772}, {10008, 44144}, {10010, 14937}, {11059, 11163}, {12220, 40360}, {14221, 35139}, {14574, 33515}, {14615, 35140}, {14728, 23105}, {15164, 46166}, {15165, 46167}, {15526, 32458}, {16741, 35155}, {17731, 35165}, {18022, 44134}, {18026, 46152}, {18157, 35167}, {18816, 40072}, {18822, 30939}, {19585, 41331}, {19623, 35531}, {19643, 20345}, {20911, 40827}, {21001, 40162}, {22456, 35575}, {23285, 31998}, {24039, 35180}, {24524, 27891}, {25534, 32020}, {26714, 35566}, {30737, 46145}, {30940, 35172}, {30966, 43096}, {33297, 43093}, {33875, 44371}, {34064, 34088}, {34203, 35179}, {34384, 46138}, {34393, 46359}, {35149, 35516}, {35150, 35517}, {35154, 35519}, {35156, 40495}, {39939, 39968}, {40773, 43095}
X(670) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 39361}, {69, 25332}
X(670) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 35073}, {6, 39080}, {694, 141}, {1084, 36950}, {3228, 2}, {3978, 30736}, {9428, 44168}, {14948, 126}, {16098, 1368}, {25054, 1084}, {25326, 3589}, {40874, 30938}
X(670) = isogonal conjugate of X(669)
X(670) = isotomic conjugate of X(512)
X(670) = polar conjugate of X(2489)
X(670) = antigonal image of X(14948)
X(670) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(35511)
X(670) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {99, 21220}, {249, 17486}, {662, 25054}, {670, 21221}, {799, 148}, {1101, 8264}, {4590, 192}, {4593, 25047}, {4600, 1655}, {4601, 1654}, {4602, 3448}, {4609, 21294}, {4610, 9263}, {4623, 4440}, {4631, 39351}, {6064, 3177}, {7340, 3210}, {18020, 21216}, {23995, 40382}, {23999, 6392}, {24037, 2}, {24039, 39356}, {24041, 194}, {31614, 4560}, {34537, 8}, {37204, 25051}, {39292, 17493}, {44168, 6327}, {46254, 193}
X(670) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 9428}, {46274, 2887}
X(670) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 9428}, {689, 99}, {4590, 33769}, {24037, 18021}, {34537, 76}, {42371, 4609}, {43187, 880}, {44168, 2}
X(670) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 44168}, {69, 4590}, {75, 31625}, {76, 34537}, {99, 6331}, {314, 4601}, {315, 18020}, {511, 39292}, {512, 2}, {520, 42407}, {523, 308}, {668, 799}, {688, 39968}, {693, 40827}, {826, 1241}, {850, 76}, {874, 36803}, {888, 3228}, {1370, 23582}, {1510, 42332}, {1978, 4602}, {2979, 249}, {3221, 6}, {3265, 40830}, {3267, 1502}, {3268, 40832}, {3766, 40017}, {3888, 662}, {4374, 75}, {4427, 31624}, {4576, 99}, {6088, 18818}, {6373, 37128}, {6563, 276}, {7192, 274}, {7950, 1239}, {8672, 1218}, {8711, 3108}, {9402, 37}, {12220, 250}, {14221, 6035}, {14295, 290}, {15631, 2396}, {16175, 34539}, {17135, 1016}, {17137, 4998}, {17143, 7035}, {17159, 1268}, {17166, 30710}, {17217, 86}, {20245, 1275}, {20295, 32014}, {21295, 15455}, {21300, 333}, {21301, 14534}, {21305, 40415}, {30737, 41174}, {31296, 44165}, {33297, 4600}, {35522, 18023}, {35614, 4564}, {42331, 42333}, {44173, 34384}, {44445, 83}
X(670) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 18197}, {2, 512}, {6, 21006}, {69, 3267}, {75, 7199}, {76, 850}, {99, 4563}, {110, 4611}, {126, 690}, {141, 523}, {274, 7192}, {513, 3739}, {514, 3741}, {520, 6389}, {522, 21246}, {525, 1368}, {650, 42397}, {668, 1978}, {669, 9490}, {693, 20911}, {740, 27854}, {799, 7257}, {804, 39080}, {826, 21248}, {888, 35073}, {1269, 3261}, {2396, 15631}, {2786, 20339}, {3051, 9491}, {3221, 6374}, {3794, 4560}, {6333, 32458}, {8672, 10472}, {9402, 34021}, {23285, 42554}, {23610, 31646}, {35522, 36792}
X(670) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 46274}, {99, 3222}, {689, 42371}
X(670) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 9431}, {512, 3221}, {688, 9494}, {1084, 23099}
X(670) = trilinear pole of line {2, 39}
X(670) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {887, 1084}
X(670) = Steiner-circumellipse-antipode of X(3228)
X(670) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(1)-antipode of X(18826)
X(670) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(6)-antipode of X(3225)
X(670) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 669}, {2, 1924}, {6, 798}, {10, 1980}, {19, 3049}, {25, 810}, {31, 512}, {32, 661}, {37, 1919}, {41, 7180}, {42, 667}, {48, 2489}, {75, 9426}, {82, 688}, {99, 4117}, {101, 3121}, {163, 3124}, {213, 649}, {251, 2084}, {351, 923}, {513, 1918}, {514, 2205}, {523, 560}, {604, 3709}, {643, 1356}, {647, 1973}, {656, 1974}, {662, 1084}, {663, 1402}, {692, 3122}, {799, 9427}, {804, 1927}, {811, 23216}, {822, 2207}, {850, 1917}, {872, 3733}, {875, 3747}, {881, 1580}, {882, 1933}, {887, 37132}, {904, 7234}, {922, 9178}, {1018, 1977}, {1019, 7109}, {1042, 8641}, {1096, 39201}, {1101, 22260}, {1106, 4524}, {1109, 14574}, {1110, 8034}, {1245, 8646}, {1253, 7250}, {1333, 4079}, {1397, 4041}, {1400, 3063}, {1414, 7063}, {1501, 1577}, {1576, 2643}, {1645, 36133}, {1755, 2422}, {1910, 2491}, {1911, 4455}, {1922, 21832}, {1964, 18105}, {1967, 5027}, {2159, 14398}, {2175, 4017}, {2179, 2623}, {2200, 6591}, {2206, 4705}, {2258, 8639}, {2281, 2484}, {2333, 22383}, {2395, 9417}, {2433, 9406}, {2501, 9247}, {2616, 40981}, {2618, 14573}, {2624, 11060}, {2631, 40354}, {2642, 32740}, {2971, 4575}, {3005, 46289}, {3112, 9494}, {3113, 9006}, {3125, 32739}, {3221, 34248}, {3223, 9491}, {3224, 23503}, {3248, 4557}, {3288, 3402}, {3572, 41333}, {4010, 14598}, {4077, 9448}, {4086, 41280}, {4592, 42068}, {4826, 34819}, {7178, 9447}, {7216, 14827}, {8029, 23995}, {8061, 46288}, {8630, 40718}, {8640, 23493}, {8651, 38252}, {9233, 20948}, {9429, 43761}, {9456, 14407}, {14208, 44162}, {14567, 23894}, {14575, 24006}, {15630, 23997}, {18001, 18266}, {18070, 41331}, {18108, 41267}, {18892, 35352}, {20975, 32676}, {20979, 21759}, {20981, 40729}, {21835, 34071}, {21906, 36142}, {23099, 24041}, {23610, 24037}, {24018, 36417}, {36051, 42663}, {39258, 43929}
X(670) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 4602}, {6, 4609}, {38, 37204}, {39, 42371}, {69, 6331}, {75, 799}, {76, 99}, {81, 6386}, {85, 7257}, {86, 1978}, {100, 6385}, {110, 1502}, {112, 40050}, {141, 689}, {162, 40364}, {163, 1928}, {190, 310}, {249, 44173}, {264, 4563}, {274, 668}, {290, 2396}, {304, 811}, {305, 648}, {308, 4576}, {312, 4625}, {313, 4610}, {314, 4554}, {321, 4623}, {325, 43187}, {333, 4572}, {338, 31614}, {341, 4635}, {350, 4639}, {512, 44168}, {523, 34537}, {538, 886}, {561, 662}, {643, 20567}, {645, 6063}, {651, 40072}, {664, 28660}, {693, 4601}, {805, 14603}, {850, 4590}, {873, 4033}, {874, 40017}, {880, 1916}, {892, 3266}, {1088, 7258}, {1269, 4632}, {1414, 28659}, {1441, 4631}, {1509, 27808}, {1576, 40362}, {1577, 24037}, {1634, 40016}, {1909, 7260}, {1920, 4594}, {1921, 4589}, {1926, 37134}, {1930, 4593}, {1969, 4592}, {2421, 18024}, {3094, 9063}, {3096, 6572}, {3222, 6374}, {3261, 4600}, {3264, 4615}, {3267, 18020}, {3596, 4573}, {3926, 6528}, {3978, 18829}, {4176, 15352}, {4358, 4634}, {4552, 18021}, {4558, 18022}, {4561, 44129}, {4565, 40363}, {4567, 40495}, {4577, 8024}, {4583, 30940}, {4584, 18891}, {4611, 40421}, {4620, 35519}, {5468, 18023}, {5546, 41283}, {6333, 41174}, {6384, 36860}, {6393, 22456}, {6656, 35567}, {7035, 7199}, {7192, 31625}, {7763, 46134}, {7769, 46139}, {7788, 9211}, {7799, 35139}, {9146, 40826}, {9150, 30736}, {9170, 45809}, {9428, 46274}, {9464, 35138}, {9865, 41073}, {10010, 25424}, {10411, 20573}, {11059, 35179}, {11794, 33769}, {14208, 46254}, {14295, 39292}, {14570, 34384}, {14574, 40359}, {14615, 44326}, {17708, 40074}, {17932, 44132}, {17938, 18901}, {17941, 18896}, {18827, 27853}, {18830, 31008}, {18831, 28706}, {20775, 42395}, {20948, 24041}, {23342, 34087}, {24039, 46277}, {26235, 42367}, {30941, 36803}, {30966, 37133}, {31624, 33297}, {32661, 44161}, {35137, 39998}, {35540, 41209}, {35575, 40822}, {36036, 46238}, {36841, 41530}, {37205, 40087}, {37215, 44154}, {40073, 44766}, {40773, 46132}, {41760, 42297}
X(670) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 798}, {2, 512}, {3, 3049}, {4, 2489}, {6, 669}, {7, 7180}, {8, 3709}, {10, 4079}, {21, 3063}, {30, 14398}, {31, 1924}, {32, 9426}, {38, 2084}, {39, 688}, {58, 1919}, {63, 810}, {69, 647}, {75, 661}, {76, 523}, {81, 667}, {83, 18105}, {85, 4017}, {86, 649}, {94, 15475}, {95, 2623}, {98, 2422}, {99, 6}, {100, 213}, {101, 1918}, {107, 2207}, {110, 32}, {112, 1974}, {115, 22260}, {126, 21905}, {141, 3005}, {162, 1973}, {163, 560}, {183, 3288}, {190, 42}, {193, 8651}, {194, 3221}, {230, 42663}, {239, 4455}, {249, 1576}, {261, 7252}, {264, 2501}, {274, 513}, {279, 7250}, {286, 6591}, {287, 878}, {290, 2395}, {297, 17994}, {298, 6137}, {299, 6138}, {300, 20578}, {301, 20579}, {304, 656}, {305, 525}, {310, 514}, {311, 12077}, {312, 4041}, {313, 4024}, {314, 650}, {315, 2485}, {316, 2492}, {317, 6753}, {320, 21828}, {321, 4705}, {323, 14270}, {325, 3569}, {326, 822}, {328, 14582}, {332, 652}, {333, 663}, {338, 8029}, {341, 4171}, {343, 15451}, {346, 4524}, {350, 21832}, {385, 5027}, {391, 8653}, {394, 39201}, {476, 11060}, {511, 2491}, {512, 1084}, {513, 3121}, {514, 3122}, {519, 14407}, {523, 3124}, {524, 351}, {525, 20975}, {536, 14404}, {538, 888}, {542, 6041}, {543, 9171}, {561, 1577}, {598, 46001}, {599, 17414}, {643, 41}, {645, 55}, {646, 210}, {648, 25}, {651, 1402}, {658, 1042}, {662, 31}, {664, 1400}, {668, 37}, {669, 9427}, {671, 9178}, {689, 83}, {690, 21906}, {691, 32740}, {692, 2205}, {693, 3125}, {694, 881}, {754, 14428}, {789, 40747}, {798, 4117}, {799, 1}, {804, 2086}, {805, 9468}, {811, 19}, {823, 1096}, {827, 46288}, {850, 115}, {873, 1019}, {874, 2238}, {877, 232}, {880, 385}, {886, 3228}, {888, 1645}, {892, 111}, {894, 7234}, {932, 21759}, {940, 8639}, {1010, 2484}, {1016, 4557}, {1018, 872}, {1019, 3248}, {1026, 39258}, {1043, 657}, {1078, 3050}, {1084, 23610}, {1086, 8034}, {1088, 7216}, {1211, 42661}, {1213, 8663}, {1230, 6367}, {1269, 4988}, {1273, 2081}, {1296, 39238}, {1304, 40354}, {1306, 26454}, {1307, 26461}, {1310, 2281}, {1331, 2200}, {1332, 228}, {1333, 1980}, {1414, 604}, {1434, 43924}, {1444, 22383}, {1494, 2433}, {1502, 850}, {1509, 3733}, {1576, 1501}, {1577, 2643}, {1613, 9491}, {1625, 40981}, {1632, 42295}, {1633, 21750}, {1634, 3051}, {1645, 33918}, {1655, 9402}, {1698, 4826}, {1740, 23503}, {1812, 1946}, {1897, 2333}, {1916, 882}, {1920, 2533}, {1921, 4010}, {1928, 20948}, {1930, 8061}, {1969, 24006}, {1975, 2451}, {1978, 10}, {1992, 8644}, {1993, 34952}, {2287, 8641}, {2303, 8646}, {2395, 15630}, {2396, 511}, {2407, 1495}, {2420, 9407}, {2421, 237}, {2489, 42068}, {2501, 2971}, {2533, 21823}, {2617, 2179}, {2715, 14601}, {2799, 44114}, {2895, 42653}, {2966, 1976}, {3049, 23216}, {3051, 9494}, {3094, 17415}, {3117, 9006}, {3124, 23099}, {3222, 3224}, {3229, 9429}, {3231, 887}, {3233, 9408}, {3260, 1637}, {3261, 3120}, {3263, 24290}, {3264, 4120}, {3265, 3269}, {3266, 690}, {3267, 125}, {3268, 2088}, {3329, 14318}, {3448, 8574}, {3570, 3747}, {3573, 41333}, {3580, 21731}, {3589, 8664}, {3596, 3700}, {3616, 4832}, {3618, 3804}, {3681, 21837}, {3699, 1334}, {3709, 7063}, {3718, 8611}, {3732, 40934}, {3733, 1977}, {3741, 40627}, {3763, 8665}, {3766, 39786}, {3799, 3774}, {3882, 3725}, {3888, 16584}, {3903, 40729}, {3909, 40986}, {3926, 520}, {3936, 42666}, {3948, 4155}, {3952, 1500}, {3964, 32320}, {3978, 804}, {4033, 756}, {4036, 21833}, {4043, 21727}, {4083, 21835}, {4143, 2972}, {4226, 1692}, {4230, 2211}, {4235, 44102}, {4240, 14581}, {4358, 4730}, {4359, 4983}, {4367, 21755}, {4369, 4128}, {4374, 16592}, {4391, 4516}, {4397, 36197}, {4427, 20970}, {4436, 21753}, {4467, 20982}, {4552, 181}, {4553, 21814}, {4554, 65}, {4556, 2206}, {4557, 7109}, {4558, 184}, {4560, 3271}, {4561, 71}, {4563, 3}, {4565, 1397}, {4567, 692}, {4568, 21035}, {4569, 1427}, {4570, 32739}, {4572, 226}, {4573, 56}, {4575, 9247}, {4576, 39}, {4577, 251}, {4584, 1911}, {4585, 3724}, {4589, 292}, {4590, 110}, {4592, 48}, {4593, 82}, {4594, 893}, {4596, 28615}, {4597, 28658}, {4598, 23493}, {4599, 46289}, {4600, 101}, {4601, 100}, {4602, 75}, {4603, 904}, {4609, 76}, {4610, 58}, {4611, 206}, {4612, 2194}, {4615, 106}, {4616, 1407}, {4620, 109}, {4622, 9456}, {4623, 81}, {4625, 57}, {4631, 21}, {4632, 1126}, {4633, 2334}, {4634, 88}, {4635, 269}, {4637, 1106}, {4639, 291}, {4671, 4770}, {4998, 4559}, {5118, 33875}, {5224, 42664}, {5235, 4775}, {5333, 4834}, {5388, 4613}, {5467, 14567}, {5468, 187}, {5546, 2175}, {5562, 42293}, {5641, 14998}, {6035, 842}, {6063, 7178}, {6064, 5546}, {6189, 5638}, {6190, 5639}, {6331, 4}, {6333, 41172}, {6335, 1824}, {6374, 23301}, {6376, 21834}, {6382, 21051}, {6385, 693}, {6386, 321}, {6393, 684}, {6516, 1409}, {6528, 393}, {6542, 17990}, {6636, 37085}, {6650, 18001}, {6656, 2514}, {7035, 1018}, {7058, 21789}, {7180, 1356}, {7192, 1015}, {7199, 244}, {7253, 14936}, {7254, 22096}, {7256, 220}, {7257, 9}, {7258, 200}, {7259, 1253}, {7260, 256}, {7304, 16695}, {7307, 7255}, {7340, 4565}, {7757, 9009}, {7760, 21006}, {7763, 924}, {7769, 1510}, {7779, 5113}, {7788, 9210}, {7799, 526}, {7840, 9208}, {8024, 826}, {8033, 4367}, {8041, 2531}, {8115, 42667}, {8116, 42668}, {8781, 35364}, {8795, 15422}, {8842, 39680}, {9035, 865}, {9063, 3114}, {9146, 574}, {9150, 729}, {9170, 843}, {9182, 2502}, {9211, 14458}, {9293, 19610}, {9296, 21893}, {9428, 25054}, {9463, 9489}, {9464, 3906}, {9723, 30451}, {10009, 4806}, {10015, 42752}, {10330, 5007}, {10411, 50}, {10425, 32654}, {11054, 6088}, {11059, 1499}, {11064, 9409}, {11163, 11186}, {11794, 27375}, {13149, 1426}, {14208, 3708}, {14210, 2642}, {14221, 2493}, {14543, 40984}, {14568, 2872}, {14570, 51}, {14574, 9233}, {14586, 14573}, {14588, 20976}, {14590, 34397}, {14603, 14295}, {14607, 5106}, {14615, 6587}, {14618, 8754}, {14966, 9418}, {14999, 5191}, {15066, 42660}, {15164, 8106}, {15165, 8105}, {15352, 6524}, {15411, 3270}, {15413, 18210}, {15418, 851}, {15419, 3937}, {15423, 6754}, {15466, 44705}, {15631, 11672}, {16077, 8749}, {16084, 9035}, {16237, 44084}, {16695, 21762}, {16703, 2530}, {16704, 1960}, {16705, 6371}, {16709, 4979}, {16711, 6085}, {16712, 9002}, {16713, 2488}, {16726, 8027}, {16727, 764}, {16729, 3251}, {16741, 14419}, {16748, 6372}, {16887, 21123}, {17096, 1357}, {17103, 20981}, {17139, 3310}, {17140, 14991}, {17205, 21143}, {17206, 1459}, {17217, 6377}, {17402, 34394}, {17403, 34395}, {17708, 3455}, {17731, 5029}, {17790, 17989}, {17925, 42067}, {17929, 17961}, {17930, 17962}, {17931, 17963}, {17932, 248}, {17933, 17966}, {17934, 17735}, {17935, 5291}, {17936, 17967}, {17937, 17968}, {17938, 8789}, {17941, 1691}, {17946, 18002}, {17947, 18000}, {17948, 17993}, {17950, 17992}, {17952, 17999}, {17953, 17991}, {18020, 112}, {18021, 4560}, {18022, 14618}, {18023, 5466}, {18024, 43665}, {18026, 1880}, {18033, 7212}, {18047, 20964}, {18062, 17469}, {18135, 4139}, {18140, 4132}, {18143, 40471}, {18145, 4145}, {18152, 4151}, {18155, 2170}, {18157, 2254}, {18160, 2611}, {18197, 38986}, {18314, 41221}, {18600, 6363}, {18743, 4729}, {18827, 3572}, {18829, 694}, {18830, 16606}, {18831, 8882}, {18833, 18070}, {18837, 20910}, {18878, 14910}, {18895, 35352}, {18906, 45907}, {19583, 2519}, {19623, 5040}, {19804, 4822}, {20023, 23878}, {20477, 30442}, {20567, 4077}, {20573, 10412}, {20948, 1109}, {21006, 38996}, {21207, 21131}, {21272, 21796}, {21580, 4642}, {21604, 23928}, {21615, 4804}, {22151, 42659}, {22254, 20403}, {22329, 9135}, {22456, 6531}, {23092, 22386}, {23106, 33915}, {23181, 217}, {23285, 39691}, {23342, 3231}, {23354, 21830}, {23357, 14574}, {23582, 32713}, {23794, 22215}, {23878, 6784}, {23889, 922}, {23895, 3457}, {23896, 3458}, {23962, 23105}, {23997, 9417}, {23999, 24019}, {24004, 21805}, {24037, 662}, {24039, 896}, {24041, 163}, {25054, 38237}, {26235, 12073}, {26714, 46319}, {27164, 2978}, {27644, 8640}, {27801, 4036}, {27808, 594}, {27853, 740}, {27854, 38978}, {28659, 4086}, {28660, 522}, {28706, 6368}, {29226, 22227}, {30441, 32319}, {30450, 14593}, {30508, 2029}, {30509, 2028}, {30530, 37841}, {30596, 4838}, {30730, 7064}, {30736, 9148}, {30786, 10097}, {30939, 1635}, {30940, 659}, {30941, 665}, {30966, 3250}, {31008, 4083}, {31614, 249}, {31623, 18344}, {31624, 15320}, {31625, 3952}, {31632, 9218}, {31998, 20998}, {32036, 21461}, {32037, 21462}, {32042, 28625}, {32458, 41167}, {32661, 14575}, {32713, 36417}, {32715, 40351}, {32729, 19626}, {32833, 8675}, {32937, 22229}, {33295, 8632}, {33296, 20979}, {33297, 6586}, {33513, 33631}, {33514, 18898}, {33769, 31296}, {33799, 39024}, {33946, 3778}, {34016, 2605}, {34211, 42671}, {34245, 2030}, {34254, 8673}, {34284, 8672}, {34384, 15412}, {34386, 23286}, {34537, 99}, {34574, 41936}, {34760, 17964}, {35136, 8770}, {35137, 3108}, {35138, 1383}, {35139, 1989}, {35140, 34212}, {35146, 14606}, {35148, 2054}, {35179, 21448}, {35278, 40825}, {35319, 27374}, {35325, 27369}, {35356, 5008}, {35360, 3199}, {35519, 21044}, {35522, 1648}, {35538, 21053}, {35543, 14431}, {35549, 14420}, {35550, 2610}, {35575, 40799}, {36036, 1910}, {36066, 18268}, {36085, 923}, {36212, 39469}, {36792, 1649}, {36793, 5489}, {36797, 607}, {36803, 13576}, {36804, 34857}, {36827, 41272}, {36841, 154}, {36860, 43}, {36863, 20691}, {37128, 875}, {37133, 40718}, {37134, 1967}, {37204, 3112}, {37205, 40148}, {37215, 1245}, {37669, 42658}, {37779, 6140}, {37783, 42670}, {37804, 9517}, {37880, 9217}, {39290, 40355}, {39291, 34238}, {39292, 805}, {39295, 14560}, {39298, 44123}, {39299, 44124}, {39998, 7927}, {40017, 876}, {40022, 3800}, {40034, 31946}, {40050, 3267}, {40071, 4064}, {40072, 4391}, {40073, 33294}, {40074, 9979}, {40075, 4707}, {40087, 4129}, {40339, 40345}, {40362, 44173}, {40364, 14208}, {40495, 16732}, {40773, 788}, {40822, 30735}, {40826, 8599}, {40827, 4581}, {40832, 15328}, {40850, 17997}, {40866, 44127}, {40882, 5075}, {41174, 685}, {41209, 733}, {41259, 25423}, {41337, 32748}, {41488, 39182}, {41610, 8642}, {41629, 8643}, {41676, 1843}, {41678, 44079}, {41679, 44077}, {42308, 32695}, {42367, 39389}, {42370, 45773}, {42371, 308}, {42405, 8884}, {42717, 5360}, {42720, 20683}, {42721, 21839}, {43187, 98}, {43188, 9292}, {43754, 14600}, {44129, 7649}, {44130, 3064}, {44132, 16230}, {44133, 9209}, {44137, 6130}, {44146, 14273}, {44154, 6590}, {44173, 338}, {44326, 64}, {44327, 2357}, {44363, 42651}, {44372, 39527}, {44723, 44729}, {44766, 2353}, {44767, 39644}, {44769, 40352}, {45215, 40951}, {45792, 16186}, {45809, 8371}, {46134, 2165}, {46139, 2963}, {46148, 41267}, {46234, 36035}, {46254, 162}, {46277, 23894}
X(670) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 1084, 31639}, {2, 25054, 1084}, {69, 1502, 33769}, {76, 45809, 18023}, {141, 9230, 308}, {799, 36860, 190}, {1084, 25054, 3228}, {1084, 35073, 36950}, {1084, 36950, 2}, {3228, 31639, 1084}, {18896, 42844, 694}, {25054, 36950, 31639}, {35073, 39361, 3228}, {36792, 45809, 76}
Let A'B'C' be the 4th Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(671). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the X(2)-Fuhrmann triangle. Let A″ be the reflection of A in B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. A″B″C″ is inversely similar to ABC, with similitude center X(671). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2015)
Let Pa be the perspector of the A-Neuberg circle, and define Pb and Pc cyclically. The lines APa, BPb, CPc concur in X(671). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2015)
Let A' be the reflection in BC of the A-vertex of the antipedal triangle of X(2), and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of A'BC, B'CA, and C'AB concur at X(671). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the reflection of A in line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Let A''' be the reflection of A' in line BC, and define B''' and C''' cyclically. Let A* = B″B'''∩C″C''', and define B*and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(671), which is also X(2)-of-A*B*C*. (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
If you have The Geometer's Sketchpad, you can view X(671).
X(671) lies on the Kiepert circumhyperbola, Steiner circumellipse, the cubics K008, K025, K063, K185, K209, K239, K240, K241, K248, K273, K298, K299, K300, K301, K302, K303a, K303b, K304, K305, K353, K370, K565, K595, K715, K751, K809, K854, K914, K1153, the curves Q001, Q044, Q094, Q096, the Darboux septic, and these lines: {1, 9875}, {2, 99}, {3, 7607}, {4, 542}, {5, 7608}, {6, 598}, {8, 35177}, {10, 190}, {11, 12348}, {12, 12349}, {13, 531}, {14, 530}, {17, 5459}, {18, 5460}, {20, 11623}, {23, 3455}, {25, 9876}, {30, 98}, {32, 9878}, {39, 8786}, {55, 12326}, {56, 18969}, {69, 5485}, {75, 35181}, {76, 338}, {83, 597}, {94, 35139}, {110, 5465}, {114, 3545}, {125, 10556}, {140, 10185}, {141, 10302}, {147, 3839}, {183, 5077}, {187, 8587}, {193, 23334}, {194, 7775}, {226, 664}, {230, 8598}, {262, 381}, {265, 34174}, {275, 18831}, {290, 10097}, {297, 16077}, {298, 42035}, {299, 42036}, {303, 36775}, {315, 2996}, {316, 524}, {317, 34163}, {321, 668}, {325, 5503}, {371, 35699}, {372, 35698}, {376, 6055}, {382, 6179}, {384, 7817}, {385, 3849}, {395, 8595}, {396, 8594}, {402, 12347}, {458, 43530}, {485, 489}, {486, 490}, {493, 12352}, {494, 12353}, {511, 19905}, {512, 35146}, {513, 35155}, {514, 35153}, {519, 7983}, {523, 9180}, {525, 5641}, {527, 11608}, {528, 10769}, {532, 11602}, {533, 11603}, {536, 11611}, {538, 1916}, {546, 7858}, {547, 15561}, {549, 21166}, {551, 38220}, {616, 43543}, {617, 43542}, {618, 9116}, {619, 9114}, {625, 39785}, {631, 10992}, {666, 5080}, {690, 5466}, {698, 10290}, {729, 2086}, {754, 11606}, {804, 3228}, {843, 16341}, {850, 10561}, {858, 15398}, {886, 3978}, {889, 17790}, {903, 2786}, {923, 4586}, {1003, 5152}, {1007, 9741}, {1078, 7748}, {1084, 14700}, {1121, 2785}, {1131, 13639}, {1132, 13759}, {1153, 8589}, {1300, 35191}, {1327, 45420}, {1328, 45421}, {1446, 4569}, {1494, 2394}, {1499, 9487}, {1509, 23903}, {1641, 22254}, {1649, 9183}, {1975, 7870}, {1989, 39295}, {1995, 2936}, {2023, 42849}, {2052, 6528}, {2373, 39413}, {2407, 45774}, {2408, 2793}, {2444, 43668}, {2479, 24008}, {2480, 24007}, {2592, 15165}, {2593, 15164}, {2783, 10711}, {2784, 10710}, {2787, 3227}, {2792, 10709}, {2794, 3424}, {2795, 6175}, {2797, 10714}, {2798, 10715}, {2854, 16175}, {2986, 18878}, {3023, 11238}, {3027, 11237}, {3058, 13183}, {3068, 13908}, {3069, 13968}, {3091, 14981}, {3096, 18840}, {3124, 9169}, {3146, 10991}, {3316, 45509}, {3317, 45508}, {3329, 8592}, {3363, 15048}, {3399, 6248}, {3406, 12203}, {3407, 5309}, {3413, 6189}, {3414, 6190}, {3448, 10555}, {3523, 38740}, {3524, 6036}, {3534, 12042}, {3582, 10089}, {3584, 10086}, {3618, 14928}, {3629, 33698}, {3656, 7970}, {3767, 33007}, {3815, 20112}, {3830, 10722}, {3832, 38745}, {3845, 6033}, {3972, 5939}, {4080, 4555}, {4444, 18827}, {4562, 43534}, {4563, 14916}, {4590, 31644}, {4597, 16826}, {4762, 35152}, {4785, 35165}, {5007, 14042}, {5025, 7801}, {5032, 5477}, {5054, 11668}, {5055, 11669}, {5056, 20399}, {5064, 5186}, {5067, 38751}, {5071, 10155}, {5076, 38627}, {5079, 38628}, {5134, 37854}, {5189, 15899}, {5215, 32456}, {5286, 5395}, {5319, 14068}, {5392, 46134}, {5434, 13182}, {5471, 41745}, {5472, 41746}, {5476, 11170}, {5478, 41043}, {5479, 41042}, {5480, 14485}, {5523, 37765}, {5569, 17004}, {5597, 12345}, {5598, 12346}, {5976, 11287}, {5978, 31693}, {5979, 31694}, {5980, 11295}, {5981, 11296}, {5984, 39838}, {5989, 7884}, {6071, 31513}, {6094, 37859}, {6103, 40890}, {6108, 35932}, {6109, 35931}, {6114, 9762}, {6115, 9760}, {6390, 8355}, {6392, 7877}, {6539, 6540}, {6625, 33770}, {6648, 7316}, {6655, 7810}, {6656, 10159}, {6658, 7755}, {6669, 43548}, {6670, 43549}, {6777, 12817}, {6778, 12816}, {6787, 34383}, {7375, 43565}, {7376, 43564}, {7388, 10194}, {7389, 10195}, {7610, 7771}, {7668, 36165}, {7669, 37915}, {7739, 33016}, {7745, 20583}, {7746, 33274}, {7747, 34604}, {7751, 9939}, {7752, 33006}, {7753, 32528}, {7756, 34506}, {7758, 32996}, {7759, 14062}, {7763, 32984}, {7764, 32993}, {7765, 16044}, {7768, 33229}, {7770, 43527}, {7772, 33018}, {7777, 8176}, {7780, 33256}, {7781, 32966}, {7782, 11149}, {7783, 39565}, {7796, 14063}, {7799, 8781}, {7802, 33192}, {7803, 18841}, {7804, 8289}, {7811, 33017}, {7813, 41136}, {7818, 43688}, {7821, 14045}, {7825, 7917}, {7828, 8369}, {7832, 8360}, {7839, 39590}, {7842, 17129}, {7843, 14044}, {7847, 8359}, {7850, 15533}, {7851, 33237}, {7856, 14035}, {7857, 32985}, {7861, 7944}, {7865, 8782}, {7872, 31276}, {7880, 14046}, {7898, 17131}, {7903, 20105}, {7924, 9466}, {7926, 22253}, {7933, 17130}, {7937, 21358}, {7942, 8366}, {8179, 11171}, {8182, 17008}, {8288, 40877}, {8353, 13468}, {8356, 11168}, {8430, 23878}, {8584, 45103}, {8667, 11057}, {8703, 38730}, {8785, 20977}, {8982, 12297}, {9112, 41621}, {9113, 41620}, {9139, 34150}, {9141, 17708}, {9148, 17993}, {9164, 14588}, {9213, 34312}, {9227, 14724}, {9293, 42345}, {9302, 19924}, {9479, 43098}, {9698, 33024}, {9766, 11055}, {9862, 15682}, {9879, 13207}, {9909, 39832}, {10153, 27088}, {10187, 11290}, {10188, 11289}, {10304, 38738}, {10562, 31296}, {10733, 34211}, {10989, 34320}, {11001, 38749}, {11078, 36316}, {11092, 36317}, {11114, 38557}, {11140, 46139}, {11165, 15814}, {11172, 14907}, {11184, 31859}, {11539, 38750}, {11656, 17702}, {11711, 25055}, {11725, 38314}, {12040, 37647}, {12100, 38739}, {12154, 40671}, {12155, 40672}, {12156, 14537}, {12296, 14244}, {12833, 31878}, {13083, 46054}, {13084, 46053}, {13087, 35830}, {13088, 35831}, {13174, 19875}, {13180, 34612}, {13181, 34606}, {13189, 45701}, {13190, 45700}, {13273, 14612}, {13640, 13676}, {13760, 13796}, {14023, 33279}, {14269, 14488}, {14692, 23046}, {14712, 33689}, {14904, 40707}, {14905, 40706}, {14957, 36827}, {14995, 23348}, {15301, 31275}, {15534, 17503}, {15535, 20126}, {15638, 17952}, {15686, 38742}, {15692, 38737}, {15693, 26614}, {15694, 34127}, {15702, 38735}, {16041, 32833}, {16042, 34013}, {16277, 34603}, {16508, 16509}, {16922, 31652}, {17005, 39601}, {17132, 34899}, {17556, 38499}, {17577, 45964}, {17950, 35157}, {18026, 40149}, {18316, 41626}, {18800, 18842}, {18822, 40459}, {19108, 32788}, {19109, 32787}, {19662, 21356}, {19696, 35007}, {19708, 38736}, {20975, 38526}, {21849, 39846}, {22037, 35162}, {22510, 45879}, {22511, 45880}, {22735, 41143}, {23870, 43092}, {23871, 43091}, {23905, 25536}, {23942, 34016}, {24624, 36085}, {25221, 25222}, {25328, 41498}, {31160, 41142}, {31450, 33009}, {31862, 46023}, {31863, 46024}, {31998, 35087}, {32458, 32836}, {32459, 41139}, {32552, 33607}, {32553, 33606}, {32808, 42023}, {32809, 42024}, {32832, 33215}, {32982, 43681}, {32986, 42850}, {33220, 44536}, {33264, 39652}, {33285, 46236}, {33513, 39284}, {33602, 36327}, {33603, 35749}, {33604, 36331}, {33605, 35750}, {34171, 34574}, {34200, 38731}, {34289, 40814}, {34581, 37860}, {34664, 40448}, {35140, 43673}, {35142, 44427}, {35297, 44401}, {37461, 38227}, {37856, 38945}, {37940, 39854}, {37948, 39831}, {38335, 38744}, {38888, 38946}, {39229, 46082}, {39230, 46083}, {39806, 39837}, {39828, 44837}, {39842, 40178}, {40016, 42371}, {41022, 41047}, {41023, 41046}, {42738, 44552}, {44146, 46105}
X(671) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 9875}, {2, 148}, {3, 12355}, {4, 12243}, {316, 11054}, {385, 8597}, {895, 14833}, {3534, 38733}, {3543, 11177}, {3830, 12188}, {5463, 22577}, {5464, 22578}, {6321, 11632}, {6777, 35752}, {6778, 36330}, {8591, 8596}, {9862, 15682}, {9879, 13207}, {9882, 9883}, {10754, 11161}, {14712, 40246}, {31695, 31696}, {33432, 33433}
X(671) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 12258}, {2, 115}, {4, 9880}, {98, 11632}, {99, 2}, {110, 5465}, {115, 36523}, {316, 8352}, {325, 37350}, {376, 6055}, {691, 16092}, {843, 16341}, {892, 17948}, {1649, 9183}, {2482, 5461}, {3534, 12042}, {3830, 22515}, {5182, 6034}, {5463, 5460}, {5464, 5459}, {5466, 18007}, {5978, 31693}, {5979, 31694}, {6033, 3845}, {6054, 381}, {6390, 8355}, {6722, 41154}, {7799, 33228}, {7809, 14041}, {7840, 31173}, {7970, 3656}, {8591, 2482}, {8593, 6}, {8594, 396}, {8595, 395}, {8598, 230}, {8724, 5}, {9114, 619}, {9116, 618}, {9144, 16278}, {9166, 41135}, {9855, 187}, {9877, 7615}, {9880, 38734}, {9881, 10}, {9884, 1}, {9885, 33476}, {9886, 33477}, {10488, 8787}, {10722, 3830}, {10753, 20423}, {11001, 38749}, {11006, 125}, {11152, 39}, {11161, 11646}, {12117, 3}, {12177, 5476}, {12347, 402}, {12356, 10054}, {12357, 10070}, {13640, 13676}, {13760, 13796}, {14041, 39563}, {14639, 38732}, {15300, 620}, {15342, 9144}, {15561, 38229}, {15682, 39809}, {16508, 16509}, {19911, 7617}, {20094, 15300}, {20126, 15535}, {21166, 38224}, {22568, 33461}, {22570, 33460}, {23235, 8724}, {27088, 43291}, {32469, 32447}, {33342, 13968}, {33343, 13908}, {34473, 14651}, {35705, 3363}, {35751, 32553}, {35931, 6109}, {35932, 6108}, {36329, 32552}, {36521, 6722}, {37785, 22574}, {37786, 22573}, {38664, 12243}, {38730, 8703}, {38748, 38735}, {39785, 625}, {39846, 21849}, {41042, 5479}, {41043, 5478}, {41134, 9166}, {44372, 35087}, {45018, 8593}
X(671) = reflection of X(9140) in the Fermat line
X(671) = isogonal conjugate of X(187)
X(671) = isotomic conjugate of X(524)
X(671) = anticomplement of X(2482)
X(671) = circumcircle-inverse of X(11643
X(671) = 3rd-Lemoine-circle-(Ehrmann)-inverse of X(895)
X(671) = polar-circle-inverse of X(5095)
X(671) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipe-inverse of X(9172)
X(671) = circumcircle-of-anticomplementary-triangle-inverse of X(32255)
X(671) = polar conjugate of X(468)
X(671) = antigonal image of X(2)
X(671) = symgonal image of X(2)
X(671) = cyclocevian conjugate of X(13574)
X(671) = psi-transform of X(9169)
X(671) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {897, 14360}, {923, 8591}, {10630, 8}, {15398, 4329}, {34539, 21295}, {34574, 7192}, {36142, 44010}, {41936, 192}
X(671) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 39061}, {46275, 2887}
X(671) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 39061}, {892, 5466}, {18023, 30786}, {46111, 17983}
X(671) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 10415}, {67, 2373}, {69, 44182}, {111, 17983}, {316, 83}, {524, 2}, {690, 99}, {858, 264}, {895, 30786}, {1499, 39296}, {1648, 523}, {4442, 75}, {5466, 892}, {5468, 40429}, {8352, 598}, {8586, 7608}, {9134, 35136}, {9140, 1494}, {9979, 648}, {10097, 691}, {10561, 34574}, {10754, 8781}, {11054, 10302}, {11646, 98}, {14263, 10630}, {15638, 2408}, {17162, 1268}, {17491, 86}, {17497, 274}, {20977, 6}, {21298, 40415}, {23061, 40410}, {24724, 14621}, {25328, 18019}, {30709, 668}, {31125, 18023}, {33906, 37880}, {34290, 18829}, {39232, 110}, {41724, 95}, {42344, 42345}, {44915, 468}, {45291, 4590}, {46154, 111}
X(671) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 524}, {4, 5523}, {6, 23}, {111, 895}, {115, 690}, {523, 1648}, {2408, 15638}, {5468, 14588}, {13492, 14262}, {31125, 46154}, {31644, 45291}, {39229, 39230}, {42344, 42553}
X(671) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 46275}, {18023, 46111}
X(671) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {6, 46276}, {351, 21906}, {14567, 23200}
X(671) = trilinear pole of line {2, 523}
X(671) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {351, 39689}
X(671) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the Steiner circumellipse and the Kiepert hyperbola
X(671) = Kiepert-hyperbola-antipode of X(2)
X(671) = Steiner- circumellipse- antipode of X(99)
X(671) = projection from Steiner inellipse to Steiner circumellipse of X(115)
X(671) = antigonal image of X(2)
X(671) = syngonal conjugate of X(2)
X(671) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(468)
X(671) = Kirikami concurrent circles image of X(13)
X(671) = Kirikami concurrent circles image of X(14)
X(671) = X(3) of anti-McCay triangle
X(671) = crossdifference of PU(107)
X(671) = McCay-to-Artzt similarity image of X(6)
X(671) = perspector of ABC and 1st Brocard triangle of anti-McCay triangle
X(671) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(7607)
X(671) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(576)
X(671) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(1)-antipode of X(35180)
X(671) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(3)-antipode of X(35178)
X(671) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(4)-antipode of X(648)
X(671) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(6)-antipode of X(35138)
X(671) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(892),PU(180)}}
X(671) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 187}, {2, 922}, {6, 896}, {19, 3292}, {31, 524}, {32, 14210}, {41, 7181}, {42, 16702}, {48, 468}, {58, 21839}, {63, 44102}, {75, 14567}, {92, 23200}, {101, 14419}, {110, 2642}, {111, 42081}, {163, 690}, {213, 6629}, {351, 662}, {512, 23889}, {560, 3266}, {604, 3712}, {661, 5467}, {669, 24039}, {692, 4750}, {798, 5468}, {810, 4235}, {897, 39689}, {904, 7267}, {923, 2482}, {1101, 1648}, {1333, 4062}, {1415, 14432}, {1580, 18872}, {1649, 36142}, {1755, 5967}, {1910, 9155}, {1911, 4760}, {1918, 16741}, {1919, 42721}, {1967, 5026}, {1973, 6390}, {2148, 41586}, {2157, 6593}, {2159, 5642}, {2173, 9717}, {2206, 42713}, {2234, 41309}, {2624, 14559}, {4575, 14273}, {4933, 28607}, {4938, 34819}, {5095, 36060}, {5477, 36051}, {7813, 46289}, {9177, 36150}, {9247, 44146}, {9406, 36890}, {14417, 32676}, {14424, 34072}, {21906, 24041}, {24038, 32740}, {30605, 34073}, {32459, 38252}, {32678, 44814}
X(671) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 46277}, {3, 46111}, {4, 30786}, {6, 18023}, {69, 17983}, {75, 897}, {76, 111}, {83, 31125}, {99, 5466}, {264, 895}, {290, 5968}, {298, 36307}, {299, 36310}, {304, 36128}, {305, 8753}, {308, 46154}, {316, 10415}, {325, 9154}, {523, 892}, {561, 923}, {598, 42008}, {599, 18818}, {648, 14977}, {670, 9178}, {691, 850}, {693, 5380}, {799, 23894}, {1236, 10422}, {1494, 9214}, {1502, 32740}, {1577, 36085}, {1969, 36060}, {2408, 35179}, {3260, 9139}, {3266, 10630}, {3596, 7316}, {5547, 6063}, {5641, 16092}, {6330, 36894}, {6331, 10097}, {8430, 43187}, {9170, 18007}, {9180, 34760}, {9213, 35139}, {10416, 14364}, {11123, 14728}, {14246, 18019}, {14609, 34087}, {14908, 18022}, {15398, 44146}, {17948, 18823}, {19626, 40362}, {20948, 36142}, {23105, 45773}, {23288, 35138}, {27808, 43926}, {32729, 44173}, {34574, 35522}, {39061, 46275}, {40016, 41272}, {40826, 42007}
X(671) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 896}, {2, 524}, {3, 3292}, {4, 468}, {5, 41586}, {6, 187}, {7, 7181}, {8, 3712}, {10, 4062}, {23, 6593}, {25, 44102}, {30, 5642}, {31, 922}, {32, 14567}, {37, 21839}, {67, 14357}, {69, 6390}, {74, 9717}, {75, 14210}, {76, 3266}, {81, 16702}, {86, 6629}, {94, 43084}, {98, 5967}, {99, 5468}, {110, 5467}, {111, 6}, {115, 1648}, {141, 7813}, {148, 11053}, {184, 23200}, {187, 39689}, {193, 32459}, {230, 5477}, {239, 4760}, {264, 44146}, {274, 16741}, {316, 7664}, {321, 42713}, {381, 32225}, {385, 5026}, {395, 9117}, {396, 9115}, {403, 12828}, {468, 5095}, {476, 14559}, {511, 9155}, {512, 351}, {513, 14419}, {514, 4750}, {522, 14432}, {523, 690}, {524, 2482}, {525, 14417}, {526, 44814}, {538, 45672}, {542, 45662}, {543, 1641}, {599, 39785}, {648, 4235}, {661, 2642}, {662, 23889}, {668, 42721}, {690, 1649}, {691, 110}, {694, 18872}, {729, 41309}, {799, 24039}, {804, 11183}, {826, 14424}, {850, 35522}, {858, 5181}, {892, 99}, {894, 7267}, {895, 3}, {896, 42081}, {897, 1}, {923, 31}, {1268, 31013}, {1296, 2434}, {1494, 36890}, {1499, 9125}, {1503, 35282}, {1648, 23992}, {1649, 33915}, {1698, 4938}, {1992, 27088}, {2052, 37778}, {2408, 1499}, {2444, 8644}, {2482, 8030}, {2501, 14273}, {2854, 9177}, {3124, 21906}, {3228, 14608}, {3266, 36792}, {3267, 45807}, {3268, 45808}, {3616, 4831}, {3618, 3793}, {3679, 4933}, {3712, 7067}, {4232, 15471}, {4442, 16597}, {4777, 30605}, {4802, 30595}, {5169, 8262}, {5380, 100}, {5466, 523}, {5523, 1560}, {5547, 55}, {5968, 511}, {5969, 45330}, {6091, 3167}, {7181, 1366}, {7316, 56}, {7426, 15303}, {7469, 41606}, {8029, 33919}, {8371, 33921}, {8430, 3569}, {8591, 38239}, {8599, 23287}, {8753, 25}, {8859, 8787}, {8877, 19596}, {9139, 74}, {9154, 98}, {9178, 512}, {9180, 34763}, {9206, 5995}, {9207, 5994}, {9213, 526}, {9214, 30}, {9487, 37860}, {9979, 18311}, {10015, 42760}, {10097, 647}, {10159, 31068}, {10415, 67}, {10416, 11061}, {10422, 1177}, {10557, 14995}, {10558, 39231}, {10561, 2492}, {10562, 39232}, {10630, 111}, {11123, 33906}, {11643, 9716}, {13492, 10354}, {13574, 41498}, {14061, 45291}, {14210, 24038}, {14246, 23}, {14263, 3291}, {14443, 46049}, {14609, 3231}, {14908, 184}, {14977, 525}, {15398, 895}, {15638, 35133}, {15899, 2930}, {16092, 542}, {16741, 16733}, {17948, 543}, {17964, 2502}, {17983, 4}, {17993, 9171}, {18007, 8371}, {18023, 76}, {18818, 598}, {19330, 15141}, {19626, 1501}, {20099, 38304}, {21460, 2080}, {22258, 10417}, {22329, 18800}, {23288, 3906}, {23348, 9181}, {23870, 9204}, {23871, 9205}, {23894, 661}, {23992, 14444}, {25322, 40517}, {25423, 45680}, {30786, 69}, {31125, 141}, {32583, 9145}, {32729, 1576}, {32740, 32}, {33919, 14443}, {34169, 10418}, {34208, 5203}, {34320, 5648}, {34574, 691}, {34760, 9182}, {35179, 2418}, {36060, 48}, {36085, 662}, {36128, 19}, {36142, 163}, {36307, 13}, {36310, 14}, {36792, 23106}, {36821, 3229}, {36827, 1634}, {36877, 16317}, {36894, 441}, {37760, 41595}, {37777, 41616}, {37962, 41618}, {37980, 41612}, {39061, 8591}, {39169, 41615}, {39296, 6082}, {41272, 3051}, {41404, 46276}, {41511, 18876}, {41909, 34161}, {41936, 32740}, {42007, 574}, {42008, 599}, {43448, 24855}, {43926, 3733}, {44146, 34336}, {44182, 41909}, {46111, 264}, {46154, 39}, {46277, 75}
X(671) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 99, 41134}, {2, 115, 9166}, {2, 7620, 11185}, {2, 8591, 2482}, {2, 8596, 8591}, {2, 9166, 14061}, {2, 31125, 42008}, {2, 32480, 574}, {2, 41135, 115}, {2, 42008, 30786}, {5, 8724, 23234}, {6, 10488, 8787}, {6, 11317, 598}, {23, 10415, 10416}, {76, 7841, 7883}, {76, 7911, 32027}, {98, 6321, 10723}, {99, 115, 14061}, {99, 9166, 2}, {111, 148, 16093}, {111, 31125, 30786}, {111, 42008, 2}, {115, 148, 99}, {115, 2482, 5461}, {115, 14931, 7919}, {115, 15300, 14971}, {115, 36523, 41135}, {148, 8591, 8596}, {148, 36523, 9166}, {148, 41135, 2}, {230, 8598, 26613}, {376, 6055, 34473}, {376, 14651, 6055}, {574, 7617, 2}, {620, 14971, 2}, {620, 20094, 99}, {892, 17948, 39061}, {1975, 11318, 7870}, {2482, 5461, 2}, {2482, 8591, 99}, {2549, 7615, 2}, {3734, 14931, 99}, {5077, 40727, 183}, {5254, 8370, 7827}, {5309, 11361, 12150}, {5461, 8596, 99}, {5463, 5469, 5460}, {5464, 5470, 5459}, {5469, 22577, 5463}, {5470, 22578, 5464}, {5523, 37855, 37765}, {6054, 14639, 381}, {6390, 8355, 41133}, {6722, 9167, 2}, {6722, 35369, 99}, {6722, 36521, 9167}, {7610, 35955, 7771}, {7610, 44526, 35955}, {7618, 43620, 2}, {7620, 43448, 2}, {7746, 34504, 33274}, {7825, 20081, 7917}, {7827, 8370, 83}, {7840, 14041, 31173}, {7840, 31173, 7809}, {7841, 7883, 7911}, {7841, 34505, 76}, {7861, 17128, 7944}, {7870, 11318, 7899}, {7924, 9466, 31168}, {8591, 10487, 19911}, {8596, 41135, 5461}, {8787, 10488, 8593}, {8859, 9855, 187}, {9114, 22489, 619}, {9116, 22490, 618}, {9140, 10557, 5466}, {9875, 12258, 9884}, {9882, 19057, 8593}, {9883, 19058, 8593}, {9892, 9894, 7618}, {10054, 10070, 1}, {10630, 11054, 39061}, {10992, 20398, 631}, {11185, 43448, 7790}, {11599, 13178, 7983}, {11648, 18546, 2}, {12188, 22515, 10722}, {12356, 12357, 9884}, {14061, 41134, 2}, {14971, 15300, 620}, {16093, 30786, 99}, {19057, 19058, 6}, {22568, 22570, 9888}, {23234, 23235, 8724}, {24617, 31057, 30856}, {33006, 34511, 7752}, {34505, 44518, 7841}, {35087, 44372, 31998}, {36521, 36523, 41154}, {39103, 39105, 115}
X(672) lies on the cubics K135, K155, K225, K382, K385, K506, K981, K982, K1243 K1244, the curve Q090, and these lines: {1, 1002}, {2, 7}, {3, 41}, {6, 31}, {8, 3501}, {10, 3691}, {11, 17747}, {19, 1851}, {21, 41239}, {34, 41320}, {35, 4251}, {36, 101}, {37, 38}, {39, 213}, {40, 2082}, {43, 165}, {44, 513}, {45, 4860}, {46, 169}, {48, 2911}, {56, 220}, {58, 4476}, {59, 1252}, {65, 1212}, {72, 1009}, {75, 20632}, {100, 3684}, {103, 919}, {105, 238}, {106, 6017}, {109, 43079}, {141, 24690}, {145, 3208}, {163, 5127}, {171, 5276}, {172, 22065}, {187, 2251}, {190, 350}, {191, 29633}, {192, 17027}, {193, 22370}, {194, 17033}, {198, 1473}, {210, 44798}, {219, 604}, {237, 20777}, {239, 2111}, {241, 9502}, {244, 3290}, {284, 1174}, {292, 3009}, {294, 9441}, {325, 4766}, {344, 30962}, {346, 10453}, {377, 26036}, {484, 5011}, {497, 41325}, {516, 13576}, {517, 2170}, {518, 3693}, {519, 1018}, {570, 22058}, {572, 3449}, {594, 33162}, {595, 5299}, {602, 22131}, {607, 1593}, {609, 4257}, {610, 37262}, {612, 16517}, {614, 16970}, {660, 36906}, {663, 9320}, {665, 14411}, {726, 17031}, {728, 6762}, {750, 5275}, {758, 24036}, {799, 41535}, {800, 22071}, {857, 26012}, {901, 2291}, {942, 16601}, {956, 4390}, {960, 39244}, {966, 25631}, {970, 23637}, {971, 44424}, {982, 26242}, {992, 28242}, {993, 16788}, {1015, 1149}, {1023, 24496}, {1100, 3748}, {1107, 2295}, {1108, 17452}, {1125, 3294}, {1146, 40663}, {1190, 37499}, {1201, 2176}, {1208, 7124}, {1213, 32781}, {1269, 41681}, {1282, 1757}, {1319, 6603}, {1362, 1458}, {1376, 37658}, {1405, 15288}, {1434, 32008}, {1438, 8647}, {1449, 10389}, {1457, 4559}, {1468, 5021}, {1477, 6078}, {1479, 17732}, {1500, 20963}, {1509, 46194}, {1621, 16503}, {1642, 3675}, {1655, 41240}, {1713, 8804}, {1723, 1766}, {1724, 4456}, {1731, 16548}, {1732, 8557}, {1736, 11028}, {1737, 5179}, {1738, 20605}, {1739, 16611}, {1761, 29850}, {1765, 10445}, {1778, 4269}, {1783, 2202}, {1788, 6554}, {1802, 37579}, {1818, 3286}, {1876, 5089}, {1901, 3136}, {1903, 41509}, {1911, 38874}, {1931, 2311}, {1953, 21853}, {1967, 2107}, {2054, 9506}, {2092, 21753}, {2099, 34522}, {2106, 37128}, {2110, 2117}, {2112, 2115}, {2171, 5173}, {2174, 5124}, {2178, 38269}, {2195, 41934}, {2201, 35993}, {2212, 45786}, {2223, 2340}, {2262, 21866}, {2264, 7964}, {2271, 31448}, {2273, 5019}, {2278, 34879}, {2284, 34230}, {2287, 13588}, {2292, 40978}, {2297, 15479}, {2300, 7109}, {2301, 7688}, {2317, 4268}, {2318, 2352}, {2321, 17135}, {2325, 29824}, {2329, 2975}, {2333, 4185}, {2345, 31330}, {2356, 37908}, {2382, 6016}, {2384, 6014}, {2670, 21838}, {2702, 28471}, {2957, 5536}, {3002, 8776}, {3003, 22059}, {3006, 4071}, {3008, 18785}, {3010, 46177}, {3057, 21872}, {3061, 3869}, {3097, 16468}, {3124, 20461}, {3126, 38379}, {3160, 34497}, {3169, 20012}, {3177, 3212}, {3195, 45141}, {3207, 5204}, {3240, 4266}, {3247, 29814}, {3252, 23612}, {3263, 17755}, {3271, 20863}, {3419, 11355}, {3446, 7113}, {3474, 5819}, {3496, 33950}, {3508, 17794}, {3510, 9359}, {3555, 3991}, {3583, 5134}, {3588, 21877}, {3589, 25349}, {3621, 4050}, {3634, 46196}, {3660, 43947}, {3666, 21840}, {3670, 16600}, {3678, 17746}, {3682, 19762}, {3685, 24727}, {3686, 4651}, {3690, 40956}, {3709, 5098}, {3729, 4441}, {3731, 10980}, {3741, 17355}, {3747, 16782}, {3758, 37632}, {3760, 29455}, {3778, 24513}, {3780, 20691}, {3781, 37507}, {3789, 5220}, {3792, 24484}, {3812, 21921}, {3831, 27040}, {3868, 25082}, {3874, 3970}, {3912, 18206}, {3915, 14974}, {3924, 16968}, {3934, 4721}, {3938, 16973}, {3950, 42057}, {3973, 16569}, {3985, 4358}, {3986, 25501}, {4032, 25001}, {4051, 14923}, {4059, 6706}, {4095, 4696}, {4153, 30171}, {4192, 5755}, {4210, 7293}, {4258, 5217}, {4262, 5010}, {4271, 16669}, {4284, 16470}, {4300, 10822}, {4368, 20372}, {4370, 34590}, {4414, 36404}, {4426, 13733}, {4438, 30751}, {4447, 19593}, {4465, 20530}, {4473, 30967}, {4513, 12513}, {4517, 21010}, {4641, 22097}, {4642, 41015}, {4672, 40718}, {4700, 19998}, {4735, 4749}, {4759, 24491}, {4805, 7761}, {4848, 41006}, {4857, 41326}, {4859, 31200}, {4872, 24712}, {4875, 5836}, {4878, 15624}, {4919, 38460}, {5036, 22354}, {5044, 25068}, {5060, 5546}, {5080, 26074}, {5088, 9317}, {5096, 20780}, {5164, 20982}, {5222, 37555}, {5227, 33171}, {5230, 5286}, {5247, 23640}, {5248, 16783}, {5254, 21935}, {5283, 17750}, {5338, 44103}, {5537, 18771}, {5709, 36670}, {5782, 16405}, {5783, 11358}, {5838, 9778}, {6205, 21373}, {6244, 18766}, {6656, 24995}, {6734, 21029}, {6735, 21013}, {6763, 17744}, {6817, 15656}, {7075, 37683}, {7076, 37386}, {7131, 7183}, {7146, 24635}, {7175, 37659}, {7181, 17044}, {7193, 19554}, {7201, 24554}, {7741, 24045}, {7778, 30816}, {8609, 18839}, {8616, 16779}, {8731, 11018}, {9263, 10027}, {9334, 16676}, {9343, 16671}, {9367, 28271}, {9605, 16466}, {10030, 18031}, {10916, 21073}, {11227, 25075}, {11509, 32561}, {12782, 16476}, {12915, 21809}, {14096, 22449}, {14964, 23531}, {15254, 28600}, {15629, 36040}, {16567, 24892}, {16583, 24443}, {16604, 28352}, {16609, 30807}, {16667, 42042}, {16673, 30350}, {16784, 40091}, {16850, 31445}, {16885, 37673}, {16972, 17017}, {16980, 23630}, {17032, 17379}, {17034, 25264}, {17046, 33839}, {17053, 28360}, {17081, 26658}, {17090, 20089}, {17120, 40721}, {17122, 37675}, {17137, 27109}, {17152, 30038}, {17165, 21101}, {17264, 41851}, {17275, 33074}, {17278, 31199}, {17279, 24691}, {17280, 31027}, {17281, 31136}, {17289, 30966}, {17303, 25611}, {17336, 30963}, {17339, 31028}, {17349, 19591}, {17351, 21264}, {17369, 30970}, {17443, 21863}, {17444, 21864}, {17499, 27020}, {17603, 30944}, {17751, 26770}, {17752, 21226}, {19346, 37504}, {20228, 22199}, {20244, 20257}, {20247, 25237}, {20457, 20669}, {20593, 20718}, {20594, 20719}, {20666, 20668}, {20769, 21495}, {20778, 20860}, {20785, 46148}, {20888, 29433}, {21078, 25078}, {21139, 43037}, {21232, 30806}, {21281, 30036}, {21369, 24259}, {21477, 23151}, {21760, 23579}, {21956, 33136}, {22079, 42447}, {23569, 23656}, {23622, 23988}, {24170, 33792}, {24214, 26978}, {24266, 28916}, {24549, 33819}, {24631, 26234}, {25427, 29578}, {26006, 43054}, {26043, 27091}, {26107, 27158}, {26244, 32918}, {27622, 28246}, {27919, 42720}, {28244, 28269}, {28535, 28875}, {30965, 33157}, {30969, 33115}, {31036, 41233}, {31508, 42043}, {33105, 37661}, {33888, 33889}, {37195, 40957}, {37548, 39247}, {39798, 40147}
X(672) = midpoint of X(1018) and X(45751)
X(672) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {2170, 43065}, {3930, 3693}, {20347, 20335}, {21139, 43037}, {30806, 21232}
X(672) = isogonal conjugate of X(673)
X(672) = isotomic conjugate of X(18031)
X(672) = complement of X(20347)
X(672) = anticomplement of X(20335)
X(672) = X(i)-Hirst inverse of X(j) for these (i,j): (6,55), (1362,1458)
X(672) = X(232)-of-excentral-triangle
X(672) = trilinear pole of line X(665)X(926)
X(672) = crossdifference of PU(i) for i in (47, 51)
X(672) = bicentric sum of PU(49)
X(672) = PU(49)-harmonic conjugate of X(663)
X(672) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,X(1),X(101),PU(93)}
X(672) = perspector of 4th mixtilinear triangle and unary cofactor triangle of 5th mixtilinear triangle
X(672) = X(31)-complementary conjugate of X(39046)
X(672) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 42079}, {2, 39046}, {9, 9502}, {19, 17464}, {103, 55}, {238, 3009}, {241, 1458}, {291, 42}, {292, 3252}, {518, 2340}, {673, 1}, {813, 649}, {1024, 17439}, {1025, 2254}, {1861, 2356}, {2195, 9310}, {2283, 926}, {2284, 665}, {3286, 2223}, {3912, 1818}, {7096, 20589}, {9442, 2293}, {18206, 518}, {34085, 4449}, {36039, 652}, {36086, 663}, {39293, 46177}, {39979, 1193}, {43672, 14547}
X(672) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {665, 2284}, {926, 2283}, {2223, 1458}, {6184, 3252}, {9454, 2356}, {20662, 6}, {20683, 518}, {39258, 2223}, {42079, 1}
X(672) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 39341}, {6, 20672}, {9, 24578}, {238, 9441}, {17435, 24290}, {20683, 39258}
X(672) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 673}, {6, 292}, {9, 2338}, {57, 1477}, {190, 5378}, {241, 518}, {1252, 6078}, {1861, 3912}, {2195, 9439}, {3286, 18206}, {4564, 36086}, {4570, 4584}
X(672) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 672}, {2, 239}, {6, 20470}, {7, 14189}, {9, 5853}, {57, 43035}, {105, 294}, {649, 27846}, {1086, 6084}, {1438, 36057}, {2170, 2254}, {3120, 21832}, {9312, 9436}, {13576, 18785}
X(672) = trilinear pole of line {665, 926}
X(672) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {1, 514}
X(672) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 673}, {2, 105}, {4, 1814}, {6, 2481}, {7, 294}, {8, 1462}, {19, 31637}, {31, 18031}, {55, 34018}, {56, 36796}, {57, 14942}, {63, 36124}, {69, 8751}, {75, 1438}, {81, 13576}, {83, 46149}, {85, 2195}, {86, 18785}, {92, 36057}, {190, 1027}, {264, 32658}, {269, 6559}, {279, 28071}, {291, 6654}, {312, 1416}, {513, 666}, {514, 36086}, {516, 9503}, {518, 6185}, {522, 36146}, {644, 43930}, {648, 10099}, {650, 927}, {651, 885}, {653, 23696}, {663, 34085}, {664, 1024}, {667, 36803}, {668, 43929}, {693, 919}, {789, 29956}, {884, 4554}, {934, 28132}, {1016, 43921}, {1086, 5377}, {1292, 2402}, {1429, 33676}, {2111, 33674}, {2170, 39293}, {2191, 31638}, {2721, 38895}, {2991, 14267}, {3063, 46135}, {3261, 32666}, {3263, 41934}, {3512, 40724}, {3669, 36802}, {4391, 32735}, {4468, 36041}, {6084, 39272}, {6169, 9312}, {7261, 40754}, {10566, 35333}, {14727, 20980}, {26546, 35185}, {36816, 37129}
X(672) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 518}, {3, 1861}, {4, 1818}, {6, 3912}, {7, 2340}, {8, 1458}, {9, 241}, {10, 3286}, {19, 25083}, {31, 3263}, {37, 18206}, {41, 40704}, {42, 30941}, {48, 46108}, {55, 9436}, {56, 3717}, {57, 3693}, {58, 3932}, {63, 5089}, {69, 2356}, {71, 15149}, {75, 2223}, {76, 9454}, {78, 1876}, {81, 3930}, {86, 20683}, {88, 14439}, {92, 20752}, {100, 2254}, {101, 918}, {105, 4712}, {110, 4088}, {190, 665}, {200, 34855}, {213, 18157}, {219, 5236}, {238, 22116}, {239, 3252}, {256, 4447}, {274, 39258}, {291, 8299}, {292, 17755}, {307, 37908}, {350, 40730}, {513, 1026}, {514, 2284}, {517, 36819}, {519, 34230}, {522, 2283}, {561, 9455}, {649, 42720}, {650, 1025}, {656, 4238}, {662, 24290}, {663, 883}, {664, 926}, {673, 6184}, {765, 3675}, {1126, 4966}, {1156, 35293}, {1293, 4925}, {1362, 14942}, {1438, 4437}, {1477, 40609}, {1642, 37131}, {1738, 34159}, {1914, 40217}, {2334, 4684}, {2338, 39063}, {2428, 4468}, {2481, 42079}, {2991, 17464}, {3126, 36086}, {3445, 4899}, {72) = 3509, 40781}, {3616, 14626}, {3900, 41353}, {3939, 43042}, {4557, 23829}, {4564, 17435}, {4572, 8638}, {4876, 34253}, {5378, 38989}, {7077, 39775}, {9315, 40883}, {9502, 36101}, {16728, 18785}, {18031, 39686}, {20662, 36807}, {31637, 42071}, {34337, 36057}, {34905, 40865}, {36037, 42758}, {39252, 40788}
X(672) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 2481}, {2, 18031}, {3, 31637}, {6, 673}, {9, 36796}, {25, 36124}, {31, 105}, {32, 1438}, {41, 294}, {42, 13576}, {48, 1814}, {55, 14942}, {57, 34018}, {59, 39293}, {101, 666}, {109, 927}, {184, 36057}, {190, 36803}, {213, 18785}, {218, 31638}, {220, 6559}, {241, 85}, {518, 75}, {604, 1462}, {651, 34085}, {657, 28132}, {663, 885}, {664, 46135}, {665, 514}, {667, 1027}, {692, 36086}, {810, 10099}, {883, 4572}, {911, 9503}, {918, 3261}, {926, 522}, {1025, 4554}, {1026, 668}, {1110, 5377}, {1253, 28071}, {1362, 9436}, {1397, 1416}, {1415, 36146}, {1438, 6185}, {1458, 7}, {1818, 69}, {1861, 264}, {1876, 273}, {1914, 6654}, {1919, 43929}, {1946, 23696}, {1964, 46149}, {1973, 8751}, {2110, 33674}, {2175, 2195}, {2223, 1}, {2254, 693}, {2283, 664}, {2284, 190}, {2340, 8}, {2356, 4}, {2428, 37206}, {3063, 1024}, {3230, 36816}, {3248, 43921}, {3252, 335}, {3263, 561}, {3286, 86}, {3675, 1111}, {3693, 312}, {3717, 3596}, {3912, 76}, {3930, 321}, {3932, 313}, {3939, 36802}, {4088, 850}, {4238, 811}, {4447, 1909}, {4712, 3263}, {4966, 1269}, {5089, 92}, {5236, 331}, {6184, 3912}, {7077, 33676}, {8299, 350}, {8638, 663}, {9247, 32658}, {9436, 6063}, {9454, 6}, {9455, 31}, {9502, 30807}, {14439, 4358}, {14626, 5936}, {15149, 44129}, {16728, 18157}, {17435, 4858}, {17755, 1921}, {17798, 40724}, {18157, 6385}, {18206, 274}, {19554, 40754}, {20455, 1738}, {20662, 3008}, {20683, 10}, {20752, 63}, {20776, 1818}, {22116, 334}, {23225, 1459}, {23612, 4712}, {24290, 1577}, {25083, 304}, {25302, 34086}, {30941, 310}, {32739, 919}, {34230, 903}, {34253, 10030}, {34855, 1088}, {35293, 30806}, {36819, 18816}, {37908, 29}, {39046, 20347}, {39258, 37}, {39341, 33675}, {39775, 18033}, {40217, 18895}, {40704, 20567}, {40730, 291}, {40781, 40845}, {41353, 4569}, {42071, 1861}, {42079, 518}, {42341, 20907}, {42720, 1978}, {42758, 36038}, {42771, 35015}, {43924, 43930}, {46108, 1969}
X(672) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 1475, 17474}, {1, 3730, 1334}, {1, 4253, 1475}, {2, 7, 30949}, {2, 144, 30946}, {2, 329, 30961}, {2, 5905, 30985}, {2, 6646, 31004}, {2, 17350, 24514}, {2, 20347, 20335}, {3, 218, 41}, {6, 31, 21764}, {6, 55, 2280}, {6, 71, 2269}, {6, 2276, 42}, {6, 17735, 1914}, {6, 21793, 5332}, {6, 42316, 55}, {7, 27626, 28351}, {9, 57, 40131}, {9, 63, 5282}, {9, 579, 1400}, {9, 17754, 2}, {10, 16552, 3691}, {35, 17745, 4251}, {36, 101, 1055}, {36, 5526, 101}, {37, 583, 2260}, {37, 24512, 3720}, {39, 213, 1193}, {40, 16572, 2082}, {42, 35270, 55}, {43, 1743, 37657}, {44, 910, 2348}, {44, 1155, 2246}, {44, 1575, 2238}, {44, 2245, 2183}, {44, 20331, 899}, {55, 42316, 41423}, {56, 220, 9310}, {57, 1423, 3598}, {63, 36276, 9318}, {65, 1212, 17451}, {72, 25066, 33299}, {75, 20646, 20632}, {101, 5030, 36}, {144, 27624, 1423}, {190, 37686, 350}, {219, 5120, 604}, {220, 5022, 56}, {292, 16514, 3009}, {329, 27659, 28387}, {484, 5540, 5011}, {573, 1743, 2347}, {583, 24512, 2350}, {910, 2348, 2246}, {942, 16601, 21808}, {1015, 3230, 1149}, {1025, 9436, 6168}, {1107, 2295, 10459}, {1108, 21871, 17452}, {1155, 2348, 910}, {1201, 23649, 2275}, {1202, 2269, 2280}, {1319, 6603, 17439}, {1334, 1475, 1}, {1334, 4253, 17474}, {1400, 8012, 40131}, {1447, 10025, 9318}, {1575, 2238, 899}, {1723, 1766, 40968}, {1737, 5179, 21044}, {1757, 2108, 3783}, {1783, 37305, 2202}, {1914, 17735, 902}, {2066, 5414, 1253}, {2174, 5124, 22054}, {2176, 2275, 1201}, {2183, 2272, 910}, {2223, 20683, 2340}, {2238, 20331, 1575}, {2280, 41423, 55}, {2323, 5053, 1404}, {2350, 40586, 3720}, {2590, 2591, 2246}, {2911, 36743, 48}, {3056, 36635, 20978}, {3501, 21384, 8}, {3729, 17026, 4441}, {3730, 4253, 1}, {3779, 20992, 2293}, {3869, 26690, 3061}, {3930, 14439, 3693}, {4251, 24047, 35}, {4438, 30953, 30751}, {4559, 43039, 1457}, {5030, 5526, 1055}, {5905, 27661, 28388}, {6203, 6204, 1445}, {6646, 27678, 28402}, {7113, 17796, 22356}, {14974, 16502, 3915}, {16549, 16552, 10}, {17137, 27109, 29960}, {17279, 24691, 30945}, {17279, 30945, 30821}, {17351, 21264, 24330}, {17756, 37657, 43}, {19037, 19038, 38293}, {21477, 23151, 25940}, {21872, 40133, 3057}, {24578, 39252, 239}, {27626, 44421, 7}
X(673) lies on the conic {A,B,C,X(2),X(7)}}, the cubics K251, K323, K385, K506, K623, K980, K983, the curves CC9 and Q012, and these lines: {1, 17682}, {2, 11}, {4, 41785}, {6, 7}, {8, 4437}, {9, 75}, {10, 17681}, {19, 273}, {27, 162}, {56, 4209}, {57, 658}, {58, 29775}, {63, 37206}, {65, 27000}, {81, 39734}, {85, 2082}, {86, 142}, {87, 27498}, {88, 1638}, {101, 17761}, {103, 43672}, {144, 4373}, {150, 4904}, {169, 3673}, {218, 17753}, {226, 1174}, {234, 43192}, {238, 516}, {239, 335}, {241, 14189}, {272, 24606}, {277, 17170}, {310, 333}, {329, 42361}, {480, 24820}, {514, 30188}, {527, 666}, {537, 5223}, {545, 6172}, {655, 2161}, {664, 2170}, {668, 29479}, {675, 919}, {759, 4237}, {812, 1024}, {823, 8748}, {871, 37133}, {885, 900}, {893, 3752}, {897, 21180}, {909, 30379}, {910, 1447}, {918, 2400}, {927, 2291}, {954, 37502}, {958, 17691}, {971, 24813}, {1010, 16818}, {1027, 37129}, {1043, 29960}, {1111, 3732}, {1121, 4530}, {1125, 42335}, {1150, 37209}, {1155, 14197}, {1220, 17686}, {1268, 6666}, {1334, 32008}, {1416, 12573}, {1429, 9454}, {1434, 1475}, {1436, 1440}, {1465, 1945}, {1479, 17671}, {1492, 5135}, {1659, 31566}, {1714, 29461}, {1724, 29743}, {1733, 24846}, {1751, 15467}, {1760, 39943}, {1837, 26531}, {1861, 26001}, {1911, 27846}, {1981, 36123}, {2140, 4251}, {2160, 38340}, {2164, 7318}, {2246, 9318}, {2258, 2999}, {2259, 21617}, {2264, 41246}, {2280, 14828}, {2319, 4598}, {2329, 20257}, {2339, 19804}, {2345, 4422}, {2348, 10025}, {2364, 4604}, {2402, 6084}, {2432, 36100}, {2635, 23694}, {2669, 24378}, {2898, 5435}, {3216, 29434}, {3218, 37143}, {3243, 16834}, {3254, 5377}, {3286, 14953}, {3303, 27253}, {3451, 7175}, {3512, 16609}, {3570, 30997}, {3616, 17683}, {3684, 20335}, {3739, 24358}, {3871, 28742}, {3880, 40872}, {3885, 28961}, {3912, 5853}, {4008, 15299}, {4089, 34578}, {4253, 14377}, {4254, 25521}, {4312, 16468}, {4343, 45223}, {4361, 9055}, {4383, 39741}, {4393, 42871}, {4432, 16832}, {4534, 39351}, {4561, 18061}, {4599, 18087}, {4607, 24602}, {4649, 5542}, {4657, 25357}, {4859, 16779}, {5030, 17729}, {5086, 26526}, {5088, 43065}, {5220, 16816}, {5248, 17687}, {5253, 26964}, {5292, 29566}, {5299, 24790}, {5308, 8236}, {5698, 14267}, {5728, 36019}, {5759, 29243}, {5762, 24833}, {5817, 24828}, {6008, 24601}, {6650, 17768}, {6651, 15254}, {7008, 37279}, {7176, 40133}, {7384, 42356}, {7397, 35514}, {7402, 38149}, {7676, 8053}, {7677, 11349}, {7678, 44412}, {7770, 27299}, {8049, 32911}, {8257, 33794}, {8616, 31200}, {8751, 36099}, {9311, 9312}, {9328, 9329}, {9503, 43035}, {9669, 17675}, {10030, 20459}, {10099, 37142}, {11038, 17014}, {11375, 27183}, {11495, 20992}, {11683, 24633}, {12701, 27129}, {13390, 31565}, {13740, 30107}, {14923, 26653}, {14936, 24499}, {15481, 31349}, {15485, 31183}, {15570, 29584}, {15668, 28626}, {16060, 17030}, {16477, 30424}, {16484, 29571}, {16786, 17067}, {16826, 42819}, {16831, 38316}, {17050, 41239}, {17181, 20269}, {17284, 32941}, {17300, 20180}, {17308, 38200}, {17316, 20162}, {17370, 20195}, {17371, 28650}, {17379, 30712}, {17380, 20159}, {17680, 26561}, {17877, 21602}, {17963, 35466}, {20028, 27644}, {20059, 36606}, {20131, 26626}, {20132, 25557}, {20137, 29586}, {20147, 26806}, {20148, 39745}, {20153, 29592}, {20158, 39720}, {20332, 43929}, {20356, 25800}, {20367, 20605}, {20880, 33950}, {21044, 31640}, {21151, 37474}, {21168, 24817}, {21241, 30837}, {21264, 26244}, {23692, 36084}, {23696, 23707}, {24512, 40761}, {24584, 39732}, {24589, 37210}, {24610, 39746}, {24617, 24625}, {24619, 24624}, {24631, 40038}, {24632, 29756}, {24827, 31671}, {24880, 29564}, {25351, 29598}, {25532, 35342}, {26273, 27918}, {26801, 33826}, {26959, 33828}, {28916, 41228}, {29433, 29467}, {29437, 29483}, {29456, 29459}, {29473, 29742}, {29541, 40018}, {30332, 42318}, {30821, 32943}, {30946, 37658}, {32735, 36094}, {33150, 39723}, {36630, 40027}, {36662, 38037}, {36698, 43161}, {36799, 36803}, {36942, 38055}, {37207, 37686}, {37272, 42884}, {37650, 41325}, {38048, 39716}, {38941, 43057}
X(673) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {144, 4440}, {20533, 41845}
X(673) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {7, 1086}, {190, 9}, {20533, 16593}, {31671, 24827}
X(673) = isogonal conjugate of X(672)
X(673) = isotomic conjugate of X(3912)
X(673) = complement of X(20533)
X(673) = anticomplement of X(16593)
X(673) = BSS(a^2→a) of X(98)
X(673) = antipode of X(7) in hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(7)}}
X(673) = polar conjugate of X(1861)
X(673) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1280, 20552}, {39272, 20295}
X(673) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {2115, 3452}, {9499, 141}, {9500, 10}
X(673) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {927, 885}, {2481, 14942}, {6185, 6654}, {18031, 31637}, {36802, 2402}, {39293, 36086}
X(673) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {57, 9503}, {238, 86}, {239, 6654}, {291, 3226}, {294, 14942}, {516, 7}, {672, 1}, {812, 190}, {885, 927}, {1024, 36086}, {1438, 36124}, {1738, 75}, {2254, 664}, {3008, 2}, {4444, 35148}, {9436, 9311}, {9441, 21453}, {13576, 2481}, {18785, 105}, {20367, 81}, {20459, 6}, {20520, 43190}, {20605, 82}, {24618, 34234}, {24712, 1121}, {24715, 903}, {33854, 1220}, {36057, 31637}
X(673) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 672}, {2, 239}, {6, 20470}, {7, 14189}, {9, 5853}, {57, 43035}, {105, 294}, {649, 27846}, {1086, 6084}, {1438, 36057}, {2170, 2254}, {3120, 21832}, {9312, 9436}, {13576, 18785}
X(673) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {57, 2111}, {291, 9442}, {2481, 34018}, {34085, 39293}
X(673) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 39341}, {6, 20672}, {9, 24578}, {238, 9441}, {17435, 24290}, {20683, 39258}
X(673) = trilinear pole of line {1, 514}
X(673) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {665, 926}
X(673) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 672}, {2, 2223}, {3, 5089}, {4, 20752}, {6, 518}, {9, 1458}, {19, 1818}, {25, 25083}, {31, 3912}, {32, 3263}, {37, 3286}, {41, 9436}, {42, 18206}, {44, 34230}, {48, 1861}, {55, 241}, {56, 3693}, {57, 2340}, {58, 3930}, {59, 17435}, {63, 2356}, {75, 9454}, {76, 9455}, {81, 20683}, {86, 39258}, {100, 665}, {101, 2254}, {103, 9502}, {105, 6184}, {106, 14439}, {110, 24290}, {163, 4088}, {184, 46108}, {212, 5236}, {213, 30941}, {219, 1876}, {220, 34855}, {228, 15149}, {238, 3252}, {239, 40730}, {292, 8299}, {294, 1362}, {513, 2284}, {604, 3717}, {647, 4238}, {649, 1026}, {650, 2283}, {651, 926}, {657, 41353}, {663, 1025}, {667, 42720}, {673, 42079}, {692, 918}, {840, 1642}, {883, 3063}, {893, 4447}, {919, 3126}, {1214, 37908}, {1252, 3675}, {1280, 20662}, {1333, 3932}, {1438, 4712}, {1449, 14626}, {1814, 42071}, {1911, 17755}, {1914, 22116}, {1918, 18157}, {2175, 40704}, {2183, 36819}, {2210, 40217}, {2291, 35293}, {2414, 8642}, {2428, 3309}, {2481, 39686}, {2991, 20455}, {3290, 34159}, {4554, 8638}, {4899, 38266}, {4925, 34080}, {4966, 28615}, {5377, 35505}, {6168, 9439}, {6185, 23612}, {6335, 23225}, {7077, 34253}, {15344, 20728}, {17798, 40781}, {23102, 41934}, {32641, 42758}, {32658, 34337}
X(673) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 2481}, {4, 31637}, {6, 18031}, {7, 14942}, {9, 34018}, {11, 39293}, {57, 36796}, {69, 36124}, {75, 105}, {76, 1438}, {85, 294}, {86, 13576}, {92, 1814}, {264, 36057}, {274, 18785}, {277, 31638}, {279, 6559}, {304, 8751}, {312, 1462}, {335, 6654}, {514, 666}, {522, 927}, {649, 36803}, {650, 34085}, {658, 28132}, {663, 46135}, {664, 885}, {668, 1027}, {693, 36086}, {811, 10099}, {884, 4572}, {919, 3261}, {1024, 4554}, {1088, 28071}, {1111, 5377}, {1416, 3596}, {1447, 33676}, {1969, 32658}, {1978, 43929}, {2195, 6063}, {2402, 37206}, {3112, 46149}, {3227, 36816}, {3676, 36802}, {3699, 43930}, {3912, 6185}, {4391, 36146}, {4449, 14727}, {7035, 43921}, {7261, 40724}, {9503, 30807}, {18026, 23696}, {29956, 37133}, {32666, 40495}, {32735, 35519}, {40754, 40845}
X(673) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 518}, {2, 3912}, {3, 1818}, {4, 1861}, {6, 672}, {7, 9436}, {8, 3717}, {9, 3693}, {10, 3932}, {19, 5089}, {25, 2356}, {27, 15149}, {31, 2223}, {32, 9454}, {34, 1876}, {37, 3930}, {42, 20683}, {44, 14439}, {48, 20752}, {55, 2340}, {56, 1458}, {57, 241}, {58, 3286}, {63, 25083}, {75, 3263}, {81, 18206}, {85, 40704}, {86, 30941}, {92, 46108}, {100, 1026}, {101, 2284}, {104, 36819}, {105, 1}, {106, 34230}, {109, 2283}, {145, 4899}, {162, 4238}, {171, 4447}, {190, 42720}, {213, 39258}, {238, 8299}, {239, 17755}, {244, 3675}, {269, 34855}, {274, 18157}, {278, 5236}, {291, 22116}, {292, 3252}, {294, 9}, {335, 40217}, {513, 2254}, {514, 918}, {518, 4712}, {523, 4088}, {560, 9455}, {649, 665}, {651, 1025}, {661, 24290}, {663, 926}, {664, 883}, {666, 190}, {672, 6184}, {884, 663}, {885, 522}, {910, 9502}, {919, 101}, {927, 664}, {934, 41353}, {1024, 650}, {1027, 513}, {1125, 4966}, {1155, 35293}, {1416, 56}, {1429, 34253}, {1438, 6}, {1447, 39775}, {1458, 1362}, {1462, 57}, {1738, 120}, {1769, 42758}, {1814, 63}, {1861, 34337}, {1911, 40730}, {2170, 17435}, {2195, 55}, {2223, 42079}, {2246, 1642}, {2254, 3126}, {2299, 37908}, {2334, 14626}, {2356, 42071}, {2402, 4468}, {2481, 75}, {3008, 16593}, {3290, 17464}, {3512, 40781}, {3616, 4684}, {3667, 4925}, {3676, 43042}, {3729, 40883}, {3912, 4437}, {4366, 27919}, {4449, 42341}, {4712, 23102}, {5377, 765}, {5853, 40609}, {6180, 6168}, {6559, 346}, {6654, 239}, {7192, 23829}, {7193, 20778}, {8751, 19}, {9453, 9451}, {9454, 39686}, {9503, 36101}, {10099, 656}, {13576, 10}, {14189, 36905}, {14197, 28850}, {14267, 1738}, {14625, 5257}, {14942, 8}, {18031, 76}, {18206, 16728}, {18785, 37}, {20470, 39046}, {20780, 20749}, {21051, 21959}, {21138, 23773}, {21956, 20482}, {23694, 2808}, {23696, 521}, {23770, 20504}, {27818, 10029}, {27846, 38989}, {28071, 200}, {28132, 3239}, {29956, 3250}, {31637, 69}, {31638, 344}, {32658, 48}, {32666, 692}, {32735, 109}, {33674, 17794}, {33676, 4518}, {34018, 85}, {34063, 25302}, {34085, 4554}, {34906, 40865}, {35333, 4553}, {36041, 1292}, {36057, 3}, {36086, 100}, {36111, 26706}, {36124, 4}, {36138, 8693}, {36146, 651}, {36796, 312}, {36802, 3699}, {36803, 1978}, {36816, 536}, {37206, 2414}, {39293, 4998}, {40724, 4645}, {40754, 3509}, {40761, 39252}, {41934, 1438}, {42079, 23612}, {42754, 42770}, {43035, 39063}, {43921, 244}, {43929, 649}, {43930, 3676}, {46135, 4572}, {46149, 38}, {46163, 46148}
X(673) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {1, 39341, 42079}, {2, 20172, 5263}, {2, 20533, 16593}, {2, 31058, 30857}, {2, 41845, 20533}, {11, 26007, 2}, {75, 20445, 20431}, {101, 17761, 24203}, {105, 13576, 14942}, {142, 16503, 86}, {239, 335, 32029}, {294, 1462, 1814}, {335, 32029, 24841}, {335, 32096, 239}, {379, 5222, 41245}, {1001, 2550, 5263}, {1111, 5540, 3732}, {2170, 9317, 664}, {2280, 30949, 14828}, {2481, 31638, 6559}, {4000, 5819, 7}, {4366, 26582, 5263}, {4384, 17738, 17755}, {10707, 30857, 31058}, {10707, 31226, 30857}, {14936, 43063, 24499}, {16706, 20179, 86}, {17023, 24588, 16054}, {17026, 24586, 14829}, {17259, 20181, 2345}, {17686, 26965, 1220}, {17691, 27304, 958}, {17738, 17755, 190}, {30857, 31226, 2}, {39341, 42079, 37138}, {40565, 40566, 14942}
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(674) lies on the line at infinity.
X(674) lies on these (parallel) lines: 6,31 30,511 51,210
X(674) = isogonal conjugate of X(675)
X(674) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(514)
X(675) lies on the circumcircle.
X(675) lies on these lines: 2,101 7,109 27,112 75,100 86,110 99,310 108,273 335,813 673,919 789,871 901,903 934,1088
X(675) = isogonal conjugate of X(674)
X(675) = isotomic conjugate of X(3006)
X(675) = inverse-in-orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse of X(116)
X(676) = radical center of the circumcircle, nine-point circle, and incircle (Wilson Stothers, 3/31/2003)
X(676) lies on these lines: 11,244 105,659 230,231 928,942
X(676) = isogonal conjugate of X(677)
X(676) = crosspoint of X(105) and X(108)
X(676) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,926), (518,521)
X(676) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(3)X(101)
X(676) = circumcenter of X(11)X(105)X(108)
X(676) = intersection of tangents to circumcircle at X(105) and X(108), and to nine-point-circle at X(11)
X(676) = pole of line X(25)X(105) wrt circumcircle
X(676) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(1566)
X(676) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(1566)
X(676) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(1566)
X(677) lies on the MacBeath circumconic and on these lines: 59,1813 103,901 518,1814 521,651 765,1332 883,2398 1252,1331 1815,2340 2323,2338
X(677) = isogonal conjugate of X(676)
X(677) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(32642)
X(678) lies on the incentral inellipse (a.k.a. Hofstadter ellipse E(1/2)).
X(678) lies on these lines: 1,88 44,902 45,55
X(678) = isogonal conjugate of X(679)
X(678) = X(1)-Ceva conjugate of X(44)
X(678) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(44)
X(678) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,88), (244,1022)
X(678) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(88)X(1022)
X(678) = trilinear square of X(44)
X(679) lies on these lines: 44,88 320,519
X(679) = isogonal conjugate of X(678)
X(679) = isotomic conjugate of X(4738)
X(679) = trilinear pole of line X(88)X(1022)
X(679) = cevapoint of X(1) and X(88)
X(679) = X(1)-cross conjugate of X(88)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(680) lies on the line at infinity.
X(680) lies on this line: 30,511
X(680) = isogonal conjugate of X(681)
X(680) = complementary conjugate of X(35970)
X(680) = X(4)-Ceva conjugate of X(35970)
X(680) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(158)
X(681) lies on the circumcircle.
X(681) lies on these lines: 110,823 1612,1924
X(681) = isogonal conjugate of X(680)
X(681) = isotomic conjugate of X(35521)
X(681) = anticomplement of X(35970)
X(681) = polar-circle-inverse of X(38969)
X(682) lies on these lines: 3,69 154,237 248,695
X(682) = isogonal conjugate of X(683)
X(682) = crosspoint of X(3) and X(32)
X(682) = crosssum of X(4) and X(76)
X(683) lies on this line: 25,305
X(683) = isogonal conjugate of X(682)
X(683) = isotomic conjugate of X(6467)
X(683) = cevapoint of X(4) and X(76)
X(684) lies on these lines: 110,351 114,132 122,125 147,804 325,523 520,647 669,924 2491,3569
X(684) = isogonal conjugate of X(685)
X(684) = isotomic conjugate of X(22456)
X(684) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39000)
X(684) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(3),X(511)}}
X(684) = crosspoint of X(99) and X(287)
X(684) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (98,879), (232,512)
X(684) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(4)X(32)
X(684) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(2715)
X(685) lies on these lines: 98,468 110,850 250,523 287,297
X(685) = isogonal conjugate of X(684)
X(685) = isotomic conjugate of X(6333)
X(685) = polar conjugate of X(2799)
X(685) = trilinear pole of line X(4)X(32)
X(685) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(31)X(92)
X(685) = vertex conjugate of MacBeath circumconic intercepts of Euler line
X(686) lies on these lines: 115,125 184,351 520,647
X(686) = isogonal conjugate of X(687)
X(686) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39005)
X(686) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(3),X(523)}}
X(686) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(4)X(110)
X(686) = areal center of cevian triangles of X(74) and X(110)
X(687) lies on these lines: 107,250 249,648
X(687) = isogonal conjugate of X(686)
X(687) = isotomic conjugate of X(6334)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(688) lies on the line at infinity.
X(688) lies on these (parallel) lines: 6,882 30,511 669,864 798,872
X(688) = isogonal conjugate of X(689)
X(688) = crosssum of X(99) and X(670)
X(688) = complementary conjugate of X(35971)
X(688) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(76)
X(689) is the center of the bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(75). This conic is a rectangular hyperbola passing through X(1), X(75), the excenters and their isotomic conjugates. (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(689) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 1,719 2,733 6,703 75,745 76,755 82,715 83,729 110,670 111,308 251,699 662,787 741,873 799,813
X(689) = isogonal conjugate of X(688)
X(689) = isotomic conjugate of X(3005)
X(689) = anticomplement of X(35971)
X(689) = Ψ(X(32), X(2))
X(689) = Ψ(X(39), X(2))
X(689) = perspector of ABC and the tangential triangle, wrt the tangential triangle, of the bianticevian conic of X(2) and X(6) (see X(4577))
Let NaNbNc and Na'Nb'Nc' be the outer and inner Napoleon triangles, respectively. Let A' be the isogonal conjugate of Na wrt Na'Nb'Nc', and define B' and C' cyclically. Let A″ be the isogonal conjugate of Na' wrt NaNbNc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(690). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2015)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(690) lies on the line at infinity.
X(690) lies on these (parallel) lines: {2, 5465}, {3, 6334}, {4, 11005}, {5, 39509}, {6, 36880}, {10, 18004}, {13, 16255}, {14, 16256}, {30, 511}, {39, 2491}, {67, 10097}, {69, 13232}, {74, 98}, {76, 14295}, {83, 18010}, {99, 110}, {111, 39446}, {113, 114}, {115, 125}, {146, 147}, {148, 3448}, {182, 39499}, {226, 18006}, {265, 6321}, {321, 18003}, {351, 1641}, {399, 13188}, {599, 34206}, {620, 5113}, {669, 2525}, {671, 5466}, {684, 14981}, {685, 16077}, {691, 20404}, {850, 8599}, {882, 1916}, {887, 14824}, {895, 2408}, {905, 42653}, {1112, 5186}, {1177, 39840}, {1281, 44433}, {1495, 32120}, {1511, 33813}, {1539, 22505}, {1569, 9419}, {1962, 14413}, {2254, 2292}, {2378, 11612}, {2379, 11613}, {2395, 34246}, {2422, 14901}, {2435, 11744}, {2485, 7631}, {2489, 7651}, {2492, 14279}, {2510, 8574}, {2528, 8664}, {2530, 42661}, {2533, 7265}, {2650, 4895}, {2682, 5099}, {2931, 39828}, {2935, 39841}, {2936, 34519}, {2948, 13174}, {3005, 17436}, {3023, 3024}, {3027, 3028}, {3029, 3031}, {3044, 3047}, {3095, 45911}, {3111, 9828}, {3265, 8651}, {3426, 14220}, {3455, 42659}, {3743, 3960}, {3762, 4647}, {3801, 4170}, {3806, 8665}, {4010, 4707}, {4027, 13193}, {4049, 11599}, {4080, 18011}, {4088, 4730}, {4122, 4761}, {4444, 18009}, {4729, 4808}, {4736, 13277}, {4773, 8659}, {4846, 15453}, {4983, 21124}, {5026, 6593}, {5092, 14271}, {5095, 5477}, {5108, 9129}, {5181, 21905}, {5461, 9183}, {5467, 14559}, {5476, 11622}, {5485, 18012}, {5489, 9409}, {5503, 43674}, {5655, 8724}, {5916, 5917}, {5976, 38650}, {5987, 14318}, {5989, 38661}, {6027, 44051}, {6033, 7728}, {6036, 6699}, {6054, 10706}, {6055, 11656}, {6130, 11623}, {6132, 6140}, {6226, 7726}, {6227, 7725}, {6233, 6236}, {6319, 7732}, {6320, 7733}, {6323, 6325}, {6545, 30592}, {6721, 12900}, {6722, 6723}, {6771, 16233}, {6774, 16234}, {7472, 9181}, {7709, 15920}, {7731, 39837}, {7779, 13186}, {7893, 13237}, {7970, 7978}, {7983, 7984}, {8030, 9135}, {8591, 9131}, {8593, 41720}, {8663, 16892}, {8782, 13210}, {8980, 8994}, {8997, 8998}, {9080, 9187}, {9115, 30455}, {9117, 30454}, {9161, 43654}, {9178, 34898}, {9209, 22264}, {9507, 11725}, {9759, 9877}, {9860, 9904}, {9861, 9919}, {9862, 9984}, {9864, 12368}, {9880, 44203}, {9966, 16510}, {9970, 12177}, {10053, 10065}, {10069, 10081}, {10086, 10088}, {10089, 10091}, {10099, 10693}, {10113, 22515}, {10117, 32122}, {10118, 39851}, {10119, 39850}, {10168, 11621}, {10190, 36521}, {10264, 15535}, {10278, 36523}, {10293, 14380}, {10620, 12188}, {10663, 39829}, {10664, 39830}, {10681, 39858}, {10682, 39859}, {10721, 10722}, {10723, 10733}, {10752, 10753}, {10767, 10768}, {10769, 10778}, {10992, 30714}, {11061, 25052}, {11161, 13169}, {11257, 38520}, {11472, 15928}, {11579, 21732}, {11608, 18013}, {11611, 18015}, {11616, 12584}, {11632, 14849}, {11709, 11710}, {11711, 11720}, {11723, 11724}, {12041, 12042}, {12075, 33294}, {12121, 38730}, {12131, 12133}, {12168, 39803}, {12176, 12192}, {12178, 12327}, {12179, 12365}, {12180, 12366}, {12181, 12369}, {12182, 12371}, {12183, 12372}, {12184, 12373}, {12185, 12374}, {12186, 12377}, {12187, 12378}, {12189, 12381}, {12190, 12382}, {12228, 39805}, {12236, 39806}, {12258, 21181}, {12273, 39807}, {12284, 39808}, {12295, 39809}, {12302, 39812}, {12310, 13175}, {12319, 39813}, {12375, 35878}, {12376, 35879}, {12383, 13172}, {12494, 34113}, {12596, 39819}, {12661, 39821}, {12888, 39822}, {12891, 39823}, {12892, 39824}, {12893, 39825}, {12901, 39831}, {12902, 38733}, {12903, 13182}, {12904, 13183}, {13171, 39832}, {13173, 13204}, {13176, 13208}, {13177, 13209}, {13178, 13211}, {13179, 13212}, {13180, 13213}, {13181, 13214}, {13184, 13215}, {13185, 13216}, {13187, 14316}, {13189, 13217}, {13190, 13218}, {13198, 39834}, {13201, 39836}, {13202, 39838}, {13203, 39842}, {13233, 32305}, {13234, 45163}, {13248, 39848}, {13287, 39852}, {13288, 39853}, {13289, 39854}, {13293, 39860}, {13417, 39846}, {13642, 13643}, {13653, 13654}, {13761, 13762}, {13773, 13774}, {13967, 13969}, {13989, 13990}, {14061, 15059}, {14094, 23235}, {14337, 14339}, {14338, 14340}, {14345, 15131}, {14430, 21020}, {14606, 34364}, {14639, 14644}, {14643, 14850}, {14653, 16508}, {14670, 23108}, {14683, 19598}, {15035, 21166}, {15054, 38664}, {15055, 34473}, {15061, 38224}, {15070, 15099}, {15088, 15092}, {15303, 18311}, {15328, 34802}, {16003, 16220}, {16093, 32244}, {16111, 18556}, {16163, 38738}, {17708, 32729}, {17838, 39820}, {17847, 39849}, {18008, 40016}, {18309, 25562}, {18310, 19662}, {18932, 39804}, {18947, 39833}, {19055, 19059}, {19056, 19060}, {19108, 19110}, {19109, 19111}, {19138, 39811}, {19193, 39814}, {19208, 39843}, {19456, 39810}, {19469, 39815}, {19479, 39818}, {19482, 39826}, {19483, 39827}, {19504, 39839}, {19505, 39844}, {19506, 39847}, {19507, 39855}, {19508, 39856}, {20127, 38741}, {20397, 20398}, {21649, 39817}, {22089, 34952}, {22159, 37085}, {22504, 22583}, {22514, 22586}, {23306, 39816}, {23315, 39845}, {23514, 23515}, {23992, 41177}, {24978, 36253}, {24981, 30220}, {25315, 25320}, {25322, 25328}, {25325, 25329}, {25334, 25335}, {25556, 32135}, {31290, 40502}, {32111, 32112}, {32271, 33752}, {34127, 34128}, {34453, 34454}, {34801, 40048}, {34964, 39512}, {35824, 35826}, {35825, 35827}, {36165, 45284}, {36518, 36519}, {37853, 38747}, {38481, 38482}, {38497, 38498}, {38499, 38508}, {38555, 38556}, {38557, 38566}, {38626, 38627}, {38628, 38632}, {38633, 38634}, {38635, 38638}, {38641, 38642}, {38653, 38654}, {38723, 38731}, {38724, 38732}, {38725, 38735}, {38726, 38736}, {38727, 38737}, {38728, 38739}, {38729, 38740}, {38742, 38788}, {38743, 38789}, {38744, 38790}, {38745, 38791}, {38746, 38792}, {38748, 38793}, {38750, 38794}, {38751, 38795}, {39482, 39491}, {39495, 39501}, {39513, 39518}, {40486, 40513}, {41189, 41193}, {41190, 41192}, {43532, 43665}
X(690) = isogonal conjugate of X(691)
X(690) = isotomic conjugate of X(892)
X(690) = X(67)-Ceva conjugate of X(125)
X(690) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,351), (187,512), (523,858)
X(690) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(110)
X(690) = orthopoint of X(542)
X(690) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(23992)
X(690) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(14417)
X(690) = X(523)-of-1st-Brocard-triangle
X(690) = X(512)-of-4th-Brocard-triangle
X(690) = X(512)-of-orthocentroidal-triangle
X(690) = X(512)-of-X(4)-Brocard-triangle
X(690) = X(1499)-of-McCay-triangle
X(690) = X(1499)-of-anti-McCay-triangle
X(690) = crosspoint of X(I) and X(J) for these (I,J): (99,671), (110,1177)
X(690) = intersection of tangents to Steiner inellipse at X(115) and X(2482)
X(690) = crosspoint wrt medial triangle of X(115) and X(2482)
X(690) = trilinear pole of line X(1648)X(1649)
X(690) = barycentric product X(523)*X(524)
X(690) = 1st-Brocard-isogonal conjugate of X(1316)
X(690) = 1st-Brocard-isotomic conjugate of X(6)
X(690) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(5099)
X(690) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(23992)
X(690) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(39356)
X(690) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(351)
X(690) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(35522)
X(690) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(14273)
X(690) = polar conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(14417)
X(690) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 9144, 5465}, {2, 9185, 9189}, {3, 14270, 39477}, {4, 18331, 11005}, {4, 44427, 16230}, {10, 22037, 18004}, {74, 22265, 98}, {99, 15342, 110}, {115, 125, 15359}, {115, 15357, 125}, {125, 1637, 42736}, {125, 16278, 115}, {351, 1649, 9125}, {351, 11183, 45680}, {351, 14424, 14417}, {671, 5466, 18007}, {1637, 9148, 45688}, {1640, 3569, 1637}, {2254, 2292, 42666}, {2489, 7652, 7651}, {2682, 35582, 14114}, {3268, 9123, 9168}, {3268, 9147, 45687}, {3268, 39904, 5652}, {3569, 9148, 11182}, {4120, 30574, 14431}, {4750, 14432, 14419}, {5099, 38395, 2682}, {5113, 45693, 11176}, {5652, 9147, 5027}, {5653, 9138, 9208}, {6132, 11615, 6140}, {6321, 15545, 265}, {6699, 33511, 6036}, {7472, 14999, 9181}, {8552, 11615, 6132}, {9123, 9168, 45687}, {9125, 14417, 1649}, {9138, 14698, 14697}, {9138, 14932, 9185}, {9144, 11006, 2}, {9147, 9168, 9123}, {9148, 14420, 1637}, {9148, 36255, 125}, {9180, 14932, 5465}, {9185, 9191, 2}, {9185, 14698, 14932}, {9185, 14932, 14697}, {9194, 9195, 9189}, {9200, 9201, 1637}, {9200, 14447, 9201}, {9201, 14446, 9200}, {9204, 9205, 14417}, {9485, 44010, 9131}, {11176, 24284, 45693}, {13169, 14833, 11161}, {13291, 36255, 1637}, {13636, 13722, 8371}, {14270, 44826, 3}, {14419, 30595, 4750}, {14419, 30605, 14432}, {14420, 42734, 9200}, {14420, 42735, 9201}, {14420, 42737, 13291}, {14446, 14447, 1637}, {14643, 14850, 15561}, {14698, 39905, 5653}, {15357, 16278, 15359}, {30508, 30509, 9168}, {30595, 30605, 14419}, {31953, 42738, 1637}, {32193, 45689, 44564}, {32312, 32313, 351}, {42733, 42738, 115}, {42734, 42735, 9148}, {45327, 45336, 44564}, {45336, 45689, 45692}
Let LA be the line of reflection of the line X(6)X(13) in line BC, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(691). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let A', B', C' be the intersections of line X(2)X(6) and lines BC, CA, AB, resp. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(691). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A1B1C1, A2B2C2 and A3B3C3 be the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Parry triangles. Let A' be the trilinear product A1*A2*A3, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(691). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the vertex-triangle of the 1st and 4th Brocard triangles. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(691). (Randy Hutson, October 8, 2019)
X(691) lies on the circumcircle, the circle {X(2),X(3),X(6),X(111)}, and these lines: 3,842 6,843 23,111 30,98 74,511 99,523 110,249 112,250 182,2698 316,858 376,477 741,923 759,897 805,882
X(691) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (23,187), (316,858), (842,3)
X(691) = isogonal conjugate of X(690)
X(691) = isotomic conjugate of X(35522)
X(691) = cevapoint of X(6) and X(351)
X(691) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (23,250), (187,249), (351,6)
X(691) = circumcircle-antipode of X(842)
X(691) = anticomplement of X(5099)
X(691) = intersection, other than A, B, C, of circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(2)}}
X(691) = intersection, other than A, B, C, of circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(62)}}
X(691) = Λ(X(115), X(125))
X(691) = Ψ(X(2), X(99))
X(691) = Ψ(X(650), X(21))
X(691) = reflection of X(99) in the Euler line
X(691) = reflection of X(110) in the Brocard axis
X(691) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1648)X(1649)
X(691) = inverse-in-circle-O(15,16) of X(111)
X(691) = {X(15),X(16)}-harmonic conjugate of X(111)
X(691) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(187)
X(691) = 1st-Parry-to-ABC similarity image of X(23)
X(691) = X(843)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(691) = perspector of circumsymmedial triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and circumcevian triangle of X(187)
X(691) = perspector of circummedial triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and circumcevian triangle of X(23)
X(691) = barycentric product X(99)*X(111) (circumcircle-X(2) antipodes)
Let A'B'C' be the triangle described in ADGEOM #2697 (8/26/2015, Tran Quang Hung). A'B'C' is homothetic to the anti-Mandart-incircle triangle at X(692). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(692) lies on these lines: 25,913 48,911 55,184 59,513 99,785 100,110 101,926 154,197 163,906 182,1001 206,219 213,923 667,1110 813,825
X(692) = isogonal conjugate of X(693)
X(692) = isotomic conjugate of complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23191)
X(692) = isotomic conjugate of anticomplement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23228)
X(692) = complement of X(21293)
X(692) = anticomplement of X(21252)
X(692) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (59,6), (110,101)
X(692) = cevapoint of X(110) and X(163)
X(692) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,149), (513,905), (514,522), (764,1086)
X(692) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(918)X(1086)
X(692) = barycentric product of PU(i) for i in (26, 49)
X(692) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(6)
X(692) = barycentric product X(6)*X(100)
X(692) = trilinear pole of line X(31)X(32)
X(692) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(905)
X(692) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(6)X(31)
X(692) = trilinear product X(6)*X(101)
X(693): Let A29B29C29 and A30B30C30 be Gemini triangles 29 and 30, resp. Let E29 and E30 be the {ABC, Gemini 29}-circumconic and {ABC, Gemini 30}-circumconic, resp. Let A' be the intersection of the tangent to E29 at A29 and the tangent to E30 at A30. Define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC″ concur in X(693). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(693) lies on these lines: 2,650 76,764 100,927 320,350 321,824 325,523 514,661 649,812
X(693) = isogonal conjugate of X(692)
X(693) = isotomic conjugate of X(100)
X(693) = complement of X(17494)
X(693) = anticomplement of X(650)
X(693) = cevapoint of X(2) and X(149)
X(693) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (11,2), (523,514)
X(693) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (31,667), (42,663), (649,1475)
X(693) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(31)X(32)
X(693) = trilinear pole of line X(918)X(1086)
X(693) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(1783) (line X(19)X(25))
X(693) = polar conjugate of X(1783)
X(693) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(101)
X(693) = complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22160)
X(693) = perspector of side- and vertex-triangles of Gemini triangles 29 and 30
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let La be the trilinear polar of A', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, and define B″, C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(694). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let La be the trilinear polar, wrt A'B'C', of A, and define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc, and define B″, C″ cyclically. A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(694). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle. Let A″ be the trilinear pole of line B'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(385). Let A* be the trilinear pole of line B″C″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(694). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
Let DEF and D'E'F' be the 1st and 2nd Sharygin triangles. Let A' be the barycentric product D*D', and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(694). (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(694) lies on these lines: 6,1084 37,256 42,893 110,251 111,805 141,308 172,904 257,335 351,881 384,695 882,888
X(694) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (6,1084), (670,141)
X(694) = isogonal conjugate of X(385)
X(694) = isotomic conjugate of X(3978)
X(694) = anticomplement of X(39080)
X(694) = crossdifference of PU(185)
X(694) = perspector of conic {A,B,C,X(805),X(18829),X(36897)}}
X(694) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(419)
X(694) = cevapoint of X(384) and X(385)
X(694) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (446,232), (511,6)
X(694) = trilinear pole of PU(1) (line X(39)X(512))
X(694) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line PU(11), alias X(141)X(523))
X(694) = antipode of X(6) in hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(6)}}
X(694) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(1567)
X(694) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(1567)
X(694) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39092)
X(694) = cevapoint of X(6) and X(2076)
X(694) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(36214)
X(694) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 1st Brocard triangle
X(694) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 3rd Brocard triangle
X(694) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 1st Neuberg triangle
X(694) = center of the perspeconic of these triangles: 1st and 3rd Brocard
X(694) = perspector of ABC and vertex-triangle of anticevian triangles of PU(1)
X(694) = center of bicevian conic of PU(6)
X(694) = barycentric product of Steiner circumellipse intercepts of line PU(1)
Let A'B'C' be the cross-triangle of the 1st and 2nd Neuberg triangles. Let A″ be the crossdifference of B' and C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(695). Let La be the trilinear polar of A', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A* = Lb∩Lc, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(695). Also, X(695) is the orthologic center of ABC to A'B'C'. The reciprocal orthologic center is X(4). (Randy Hutson, July 31 2018)
X(695) lies on these lines: 69,194 99,711 248,682 384,694
X(695) = isogonal conjugate of X(384)
X(695) = isotomic conjugate of X(9230)
X(695) = complement of X(37889)
X(695) = anticomplement of X(37890)
X(695) = antigonal conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(37896)
X(695) = isotomic conjugate of crosspoint of PU(11)
X(695) = cevapoint of PU(1)
X(695) = trilinear pole of line X(647)X(3221)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(696) lies on the line at infinity. The first trilinear coordinate has the form
am-1(bn + cn) - an-1(bm + cm).
If m and n are distinct integers, this form fits the definition of even polynomial center as in Clark Kimberling, "Functional equations associated with triangle geometry," Aequationes Mathematicae 45 (1993) 127-152. This form, perhaps appearing initially here (July 7, 2001) defines a triangle center for arbitrary distinct real numbers m and n. Selected even infinity and circumcircle points begin at X(696); odd ones begin at X(768).
Certain points of this type occur prior to this section. They are as follows:
X(538) = even (- 2, 0) infinity
X(536) = even (- 1, 0) infinity point
X(519) = even (0, 1) infinity point
X(106) = even (0, 1) circumcircle
X(524) = even (0, 2) infinity point
X(111) = even (0, 2) circumcircle
X(518) = even (1, 2) infinity point
X(105) = even (1, 2) circumcircle
X(674) = even (2, 3) infinity point
X(675) = even (2, 3) circumcircle
X(511) = even (2, 4) infinity point
X(98) = even (2, 4) circumcircle
X(696) lies on these lines: 30,511 313,561
X(696) = isogonal conjugate of X(697)\
X(697) lies on the circumcircle. This is one of several points of the form given by first trilinear
1/[am-1(bn + cn) - an-1(bm + cm)],
hence the name "(m, n)-circumcircle point".
X(697) lies on this line: 100,560
X(697) = isogonal conjugate of X(696)
X(697) = isotomic conjugate of X(35523)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(698) lies on the line at infinity.
X(698) lies on these (parallel) lines: 6,194 30,511 75,257 76,141
X(698) = isogonal conjugate of X(699)
X(698) = isotomic conjugate of X(3225)
X(699) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 32,99 172,932 251,689
X(699) = isogonal conjugate of X(698)
X(699) = isotomic conjugate of X(35524)
X(699) = X(385)-cross conjugate of X(251)
X(699) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(3221)
X(699) = Ψ(X(6), X(3221))
X(699) = cevapoint of X(32) and X(1691)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(700) lies on the line at infinity.
X(700) lies on this line: 30,511 75,871
X(700) = isogonal conjugate of X(701)
X(701) lies on the circumcircle.
X(701) lies on this line: 31,789
X(701) = isogonal conjugate of X(700)
X(701) = isotomic conjugate of X(35525)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(702) lies on the line at infinity.
X(702) lies on these lines: 2,308 30,511
X(702) = isogonal conjugate of X(703)
X(703) lies on the circumcircle.
X(703) lies on this line: 6,689
X(703) = isogonal conjugate of X(702)
X(703) = isotomic conjugate of X(35526)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(704) lies on the line at infinity.
X(704) lies on this line: 30,511
X(704) = isogonal conjugate of X(705)
X(705) lies on the circumcircle.
X(705) = isogonal conjugate of X(704)
X(705) = isotomic conjugate of X(35527)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(706) lies on the line at infinity.
X(706) lies on this line: 30,511
X(706) = isogonal conjugate of X(707)
X(707) lies on the circumcircle.
X(707) = isogonal conjugate of X(706)
X(707) = isotomic conjugate of X(35528)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(708) lies on the line at infinity.
X(708) lies on this line: 30,511
X(708) = isogonal conjugate of X(709)
X(709) lies on the circumcircle.
X(709) = isogonal conjugate of X(708)
X(709) = isotomic conjugate of X(35529)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(710) lies on the line at infinity.
X(710) lies on this line: 30,511
X(710) = isogonal conjugate of X(711)
X(711) lies on the circumcircle.
X(711) lies on this line: 99,695
X(711) = isogonal conjugate of X(710)
X(711) = isotomic conjugate of X(35530)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(712) lies on the line at infinity.
X(712) lies on these lines: 30,511 76,321
X(712) = isogonal conjugate of X(713)
X(713) lies on the circumcircle.
X(713) lies on these lines: 32,100 101,560
X(713) = isogonal conjugate of X(712)
X(713) = isotomic conjugate of X(35531)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(714) lies on the line at infinity.
X(714) lies on these lines: 30,511 38,75
X(714) = isogonal conjugate of X(715)
X(715) lies on the circumcircle.
X(715) lies on these lines: 31,99 81,932 82,689 110,560
X(715) = isogonal conjugate of X(714)
X(715) = isotomic conjugate of X(35532)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(716) lies on the line at infinity.
X(716) lies on these lines: 2,561 30,511
X(716) = isogonal conjugate of X(717)
X(717) lies on the circumcircle.
X(717) lies on these lines: 6,789 560,825
X(717) = isogonal conjugate of X(716)
X(717) = isotomic conjugate of X(35533)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(718) lies on the line at infinity.
X(718) lies on these lines: 1,561 30,511
X(718) = isogonal conjugate of X(719)
X(719) lies on the circumcircle.
X(719) lies on these lines: 1,689 560,827
X(719) = isogonal conjugate of X(718)
X(719) = isotomic conjugate of X(35534)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(720) lies on the line at infinity.
X(720) lies on these lines: 6,561 30,511
X(720) = isogonal conjugate of X(721)
X(721) lies on the circumcircle.
X(721) = isogonal conjugate of X(720)
X(721) = isotomic conjugate of X(35535)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(722) lies on the line at infinity.
X(722) lies on this line: 30,511
X(722) = isogonal conjugate of X(723)
X(723) lies on the circumcircle.
X(723) = isogonal conjugate of X(722)
X(723) = isotomic conjugate of X(35536)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(724) lies on the line at infinity.
X(724) lies on this line: 30,511
X(724) = isogonal conjugate of X(725)
X(725) lies on the circumcircle.
X(725) = isogonal conjugate of X(724)
X(725) = isotomic conjugate of X(35537)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(726) lies on the line at infinity.
X(726) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,87 10,75 30,511 37,39 38,321 190,238 291,350 312,982
X(726) = isogonal conjugate of X(727)
X(726) = isotomic conjugate of X(3226)
X(726) = X(291)-Ceva conjugate of X(10)
X(726) = crosspoint of X(75) and X(335)
X(727) lies on the circumcircle.
X(727) lies on these lines: 1,932 31,43 32,101 58,99 789,985 934,1106
X(727) = isogonal conjugate of X(726)
X(727) = isotomic conjugate of X(35538)
X(727) = X(238)-cross conjugate of X(58)
X(727) = Ψ(X(190), X(6))
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(728) lies on these lines: 8,9 40,1018 57,345 78,644 200,220
X(728) = isogonal conjugate of X(738)
X(728) = isotomic conjugate of X(23062)
X(728) = X(346)-Ceva conjugate of X(200)
X(728) = X(480)-cross conjugate of X(200)
X(729) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 6,99 32,110 83,689 100,213 187,805
X(729) = isogonal conjugate of X(538)
X(729) = isotomic conjugate of X(30736)
X(729) = Λ(X(2), X(39))
X(729) = Ψ(X(6), X(669))
X(729) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(669)
X(729) = trilinear pole, wrt circumsymmedial triangle, of line X(2)X(6)
X(729) = eigencenter of dual of orthic triangle
X(729) = X(11636)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(729) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(32472)
X(729) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(32472)
X(729) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(512)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(730) lies on the line at infinity.
X(730) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,76 8,194 10,39 30,511
X(730) = isogonal conjugate of X(731)
X(731) lies on the circumcircle.
X(731) lies on these lines: 1,789 32,825 100,869
X(731) = isogonal conjugate of X(730)
X(731) = isotomic conjugate of X(35539)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(732) lies on the line at infinity.
X(732) lies on these (parallel) lines: 6,76 30,511 39,141 69,194
X(732) = isogonal conjugate of X(733)
X(732) = isotomic conjugate of X(14970)
X(732) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(688)
X(732) = X(39)-Hirst inverse of X(141)
X(732) = barycentric product X(141)*X(385)
X(733) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 2,689 32,827 39,83 100,893 101,904 110,251 755,882
X(733) = isogonal conjugate of X(732)
X(733) = isotomic conjugate of X(35540)
X(733) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(35971)
X(733) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(688)
X(733) = Ψ(X(6), X(688))
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(734) lies on the line at infinity.
X(734) lies on these lines: 30,511 31,76
X(734) = isogonal conjugate of X(735)
X(735) lies on the circumcircle.
X(735) = isogonal conjugate of X(734)
X(735) = isotomic conjugate of X(35541)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(736) lies on the line at infinity.
X(736) lies on these (parallel) lines: 30,511 32,76 39,325 194,315
X(736) = isogonal conjugate of X(737)
X(737) lies on the circumcircle.
X(737) = isogonal conjugate of X(736)
X(737) = isotomic conjugate of X(35542)
Barycentrics g(a,b,c) : g(b,c,a) : g(c,a,b), where g(a,b,c) = af(a,b,c)
X(738) lies on these lines: 9,348 56,269 57,279 77,951
X(738) = isogonal conjugate of X(728)
X(738) = isotomic conjugate of X(30693)
X(738) = X(479)-Ceva conjugate of X(269)
X(739) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 6,100 31,101 81,99 108,608 109,604 813,902
X(739) = isogonal conjugate of X(536)
X(739) = isotomic conjugate of X(35543)
X(739) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(667)
X(739) = Ψ(X(6), X(667))
X(739) = Ψ(X(190), X(1))
X(739) = Ψ(X(8), X(650))
X(739) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(513)
X(739) = trilinear pole wrt circumsymmedial triangle of line X(1)X(6)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(740) lies on the line at infinity.
Let A'B'C' be the outer Garcia triangle and A″B″C″ the inner Garcia triangle. X(740) is the radical center of the circumcircles of AA'A″, BB'B″, CC'C″. (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
X(740) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,75 8,192 10,37 30,511 42,321 43,312 238,239 872,1089
X(740) = isogonal conjugate of X(741)
X(740) = isotomic conjugate of X(18827)
X(740) = crosspoint of X(239) and X(350)
X(740) = crosssum of X(58) and X(1326)
X(740) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(798)
X(740) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(35068)
X(740) = X(10)-Hirst inverse of X(37)
X(740) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(35068)
X(740) = homothetic center of n(Incentral)*n(Medial) and n(Medial)*n(Incentral) triangles
X(741) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 1,99 21,932 31,110 42,81 58,101 86,789 107,1096 334,839 335,835 689,873 691,923 759,876 827,849 934,1042
X(741) = isogonal conjugate of X(740)
X(741) = isotomic conjugate of X(35544)
X(741) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(798)
X(741) = Ψ(X(6), X(798))
X(741) = Ψ(X(190), X(37))
X(741) = Ψ(X(1), X(512))
X(741) = Λ(X(1), X(75))
X(741) = cevapoint of X(58) and X(1326)
X(741) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(38481)
X(741) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(512)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(742) lies on the line at infinity.
X(742) lies on these (parallel) lines: 6,75 30,511 37,141 69,192 320,335
X(742) = isogonal conjugate of X(743)
X(742) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(788)
X(743) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 2,789 31,825 101,869 665,761
X(743) = isogonal conjugate of X(742)
X(743) = isotomic conjugate of X(35545)
X(743) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(788)
X(743) = Ψ(X(6), X(788))
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(744) lies on the line at infinity.
X(744) lies on these lines: 30,511 31,75
X(744) = isogonal conjugate of X(745)
X(745) lies on the circumcircle.
X(745) lies on these lines: 31,827 38,99 75,689
X(745) = isogonal conjugate of X(744)
X(745) = isotomic conjugate of X(35546)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(746) lies on the line at infinity.
X(746) lies on these (parallel) lines: 30,511 32,75 37,626 192,315
X(746) = isogonal conjugate of X(747)
X(747) lies on the circumcircle.
X(747) = isogonal conjugate of X(746)
X(747) = isotomic conjugate of X(35547)
X(748) lies on these lines: 1,756 2,31 5,602 9,38 11,212 21,978 42,1001 44,354 55,899 63,244 140,601 181,373 255,499 590,605 606,615
X(748) = isogonal conjugate of X(749)
X(749) = isogonal conjugate of X(748)
X(749) = isotomic conjugate of X(3760)
X(750) lies on these lines: 1,88 2,31 5,601 6,899 9,896 12,603 38,57 42,940 43,81 46,975 63,756 140,602 165,968 255,498 388,1106 590,606 605,615 902,1001 942,976
X(750) = isogonal conjugate of X(751)
X(751) lies on this line: 519,984
X(751) = isogonal conjugate of X(750)
X(751) = isotomic conjugate of X(3761)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(752) lies on the line at infinity.
X(752) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,320 2,31 10,44 30,511
X(752) = isogonal conjugate of X(753)
X(752) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(3250)
X(752) = barycentric cube root of X(8032)
X(753) lies on the circumcircle.
X(753) lies on these lines: 6,825 75,789 100,984
X(753) = isogonal conjugate of X(752)
X(753) = isotomic conjugate of X(35548)
X(753) = circumcircle-antipode of X(28467)
X(753) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(3250)
X(753) = Ψ(X(6), X(3250))
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(754) lies on the line at infinity.
X(754) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,32 30,511 115,316 187,325 230,625
X(754) = isogonal conjugate of X(755)
X(755) lies on the circumcircle.
X(755) lies on these lines: 6,827 39,110 76,689 99,141 733,882
X(755) = isogonal conjugate of X(754)
X(755) = isotomic conjugate of X(35549)
X(755) = Thomson-isogonal conjugate of X(32473)
X(755) = Lucas-isogonal conjugate of X(32473)
X(756) lies on these lines: 1,748 2,38 9,31 10,321 12,201 37,42 45,55 63,750 100,846 171,896 200,968 405,976
X(756) = isogonal conjugate of X(757)
X(756) = isotomic conjugate of X(873)
X(756) = X(37)-Ceva conjugate of (1500)
X(756) = crosspoint of X(10) and X(37)
X(756) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (58,81), (60,593), (244,1019)
X(756) = trilinear square of X(37)
X(757) lies on these lines: 6,662 58,86 60,1014 81,593 171,319 763,849
X(757) = isogonal conjugate of X(756)
X(757) = isotomic conjugate of X(1089)
X(757) = cevapoint of X(58) and X(81)
X(757) = X(81)-cross conjugate of X(1509)
X(757) = trilinear square of X(81)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(758) lies on the line at infinity.
X(758) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,21 8,79 10,12 30,511 36,214 46,78 57,997 100,484 354,392 386,986 942,960 982,995
X(758) = isogonal conjugate of X(759)
X(758) = isotomic conjugate of X(14616)
X(758) = X(1)-Ceva conjugate of X(214)
X(758) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(35069)
X(758) = crosssum of X(523) and X(867)
X(758) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(661)
X(758) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(2948) wrt both the excentral and tangential triangles
X(758) = trilinear square root of X(4736)
X(758) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(30)
X(758) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(34196)
X(758) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(35069)
X(759) lies on the circucircle and these lines: 1,60 10,21 19,112 28,108 31,994 37,101 58,65 75,99 82,827 91,925 107,158 214,662 270,933 484,901 691,897 741,876 833,1010 840,1019 934,1014
X(759) = isogonal conjugate of X(758)
X(759) = isotomic conjugate of X(35550)
X(759) = reflection of X(6011) in X(3)
X(759) = anticomplement of X(31845)
X(759) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(661)
X(759) = Ψ(X(6), X(661))
X(759) = Ψ(X(1), X(523))
X(759) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(523)
X(759) = trilinear pole, wrt 2nd circumperp triangle, of line X(7)X(21)
X(759) = circumcircle-antipode of X(6011)
X(759) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(38482)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(760) lies on the line at infinity.
X(760) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,32 8,315 10,626 30,511
X(760) = isogonal conjugate of X(761)
X(760) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(1491)
X(761) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 1,825 76,789 101,984 665,743
X(761) = isogonal conjugate of X(760)
X(761) = isotomic conjugate of X(35551)
X(761) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(1491)
X(761) = Ψ(X(6), X(1491))
X(762) lies on these lines: 210,213 594,1089
X(762) = isogonal conjugate of X(763)
X(762) = crosssum of X(593) and X(757)
X(763) lies on line 757,849
X(763) = isogonal conjugate of X(762)
X(764) lies on the cubic K244 and these lines: 1,513 10,514 56,667 76,693
X(764) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(8027)
X(764) = crosspoint of X(244) and X(513)
X(764) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (100,765), (692,1252)
X(764) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(44)X(765)
X(765) lies on the Hutson-Moses hyperbola and these lines: {1, 1052}, {6, 5378}, {8, 14584}, {9, 5377}, {10, 11607}, {31, 5381}, {43, 36267}, {44, 1252}, {55, 24482}, {59, 518}, {71, 57740}, {72, 14887}, {75, 39293}, {78, 36819}, {99, 59071}, {100, 513}, {101, 898}, {109, 6079}, {110, 53685}, {171, 6634}, {190, 522}, {200, 31615}, {214, 2718}, {238, 519}, {244, 46972}, {320, 1275}, {344, 30619}, {404, 20615}, {523, 36236}, {643, 3952}, {644, 4130}, {645, 57165}, {651, 51656}, {660, 662}, {664, 31605}, {677, 1332}, {692, 52923}, {750, 39704}, {751, 2177}, {757, 4590}, {798, 813}, {872, 1178}, {1018, 5380}, {1023, 52225}, {1026, 4585}, {1090, 18151}, {1098, 3678}, {1110, 1757}, {1168, 2802}, {1253, 17336}, {1259, 44710}, {1279, 5382}, {1331, 3699}, {1621, 16482}, {1861, 1877}, {1897, 36106}, {1918, 40769}, {2209, 3253}, {2382, 8300}, {2397, 2398}, {2751, 59101}, {3218, 38310}, {3570, 54325}, {3573, 23343}, {3582, 31289}, {3681, 52941}, {3722, 45233}, {3799, 5386}, {3871, 57666}, {4086, 36804}, {4448, 62374}, {4551, 34496}, {4574, 7259}, {4600, 4601}, {4645, 63642}, {4847, 31633}, {4926, 36237}, {5383, 34252}, {5384, 23990}, {5385, 11364}, {5387, 17127}, {5388, 31625}, {5389, 35309}, {5687, 36280}, {6594, 37131}, {6635, 18822}, {8702, 40521}, {8707, 57161}, {9282, 42084}, {9440, 17263}, {14260, 21306}, {15624, 36294}, {17277, 55076}, {17335, 60668}, {17777, 51442}, {17943, 17944}, {20072, 43986}, {20954, 51560}, {23703, 23705}, {23831, 23832}, {24820, 25048}, {26015, 63906}, {27542, 57441}, {27950, 51157}, {28217, 57021}, {32842, 61406}, {33676, 51838}, {36081, 39179}, {36147, 61168}, {36275, 37540}, {37135, 37212}, {39189, 52355}, {41684, 49693}, {43978, 58328}, {44184, 57434}, {55339, 59473}, {56322, 60488}, {56718, 61415}, {61043, 65248}
X(765) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {100, 6163}, {36236, 39185}
X(765) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {100, 46973}, {3257, 6163}, {32850, 6735}, {36037, 39026}, {38460, 1279}, {41684, 49693}, {44184, 57434}
X(765) = isogonal conjugate of X(244)
X(765) = isotomic conjugate of X(1111)
X(765) = isogonal conjugate of the anticomplement of X(24003)
X(765) = isogonal conjugate of the complement of X(3952)
X(765) = isotomic conjugate of the anticomplement of X(24036)
X(765) = isotomic conjugate of the complement of X(65195)
X(765) = isotomic conjugate of the isogonal conjugate of X(1110)
X(765) = isogonal conjugate of the isotomic conjugate of X(7035)
X(765) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {4567, 1252}, {4600, 1016}, {4998, 4564}, {6632, 101}, {31615, 644}, {57731, 100}, {65363, 3573}
X(765) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 100}, {6, 662}, {8, 643}, {9, 190}, {21, 8707}, {31, 101}, {37, 37212}, {41, 4621}, {42, 36147}, {44, 3257}, {58, 8701}, {63, 52778}, {78, 3699}, {81, 8708}, {100, 57731}, {101, 6632}, {200, 644}, {214, 17780}, {218, 65222}, {238, 36086}, {519, 36037}, {595, 110}, {644, 31615}, {678, 1023}, {756, 1018}, {846, 65369}, {896, 2748}, {993, 9059}, {997, 51564}, {1252, 4564}, {1260, 7259}, {1420, 43290}, {1449, 37211}, {1468, 8694}, {1497, 58992}, {1580, 8684}, {1612, 107}, {1621, 99}, {1713, 823}, {1723, 653}, {1724, 162}, {1728, 65213}, {1736, 65218}, {1743, 651}, {1757, 660}, {1962, 59085}, {2209, 692}, {2280, 4586}, {2323, 65248}, {2328, 29163}, {2975, 8706}, {3190, 65201}, {3573, 65363}, {3678, 3952}, {3681, 668}, {3692, 1332}, {3722, 1}, {3731, 4606}, {3747, 813}, {3751, 37138}, {3811, 1897}, {3869, 65370}, {3870, 664}, {3915, 109}, {3930, 4562}, {3939, 59149}, {3949, 4033}, {3961, 3903}, {3973, 27834}, {4512, 6574}, {4712, 1026}, {5223, 37223}, {5247, 36098}, {5248, 835}, {6765, 13138}, {8300, 3573}, {8616, 932}, {10389, 58132}, {12514, 65372}, {14740, 8}, {16468, 1492}, {16552, 799}, {16572, 658}, {16670, 4604}, {17018, 4614}, {17127, 1414}, {17460, 23703}, {17469, 831}, {20964, 4557}, {20985, 28841}, {21061, 65229}, {21384, 4598}, {23407, 789}, {24036, 2}, {25078, 56248}, {25082, 4554}, {26690, 30610}, {27396, 6335}, {30628, 4569}, {33299, 27805}, {34784, 54987}, {37817, 9058}, {38832, 59102}, {39252, 37207}, {40091, 901}, {43065, 37139}, {44694, 36801}, {45233, 513}, {45751, 4607}, {49480, 9070}, {52680, 53685}, {52923, 57950}, {54354, 53625}, {54386, 65225}, {54391, 6079}, {56532, 37210}, {57280, 931}, {59733, 4552}, {60686, 30670}, {61030, 35171}, {62236, 4555}, {62740, 59071}, {62806, 6012}, {62834, 1310}, {62841, 29199}, {62849, 6013}, {62875, 934}, {63087, 666}, {65573, 15742}, {66014, 56881}
X(765) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 244}, {2, 1015}, {3, 2969}, {4, 3937}, {6, 1086}, {7, 3271}, {8, 1357}, {9, 53538}, {11, 56}, {19, 3942}, {21, 53540}, {25, 1565}, {28, 18210}, {31, 1111}, {32, 23989}, {34, 7004}, {37, 16726}, {39, 61404}, {42, 17205}, {55, 1358}, {57, 2170}, {58, 3120}, {59, 7336}, {60, 1365}, {65, 18191}, {69, 42067}, {75, 3248}, {76, 1977}, {79, 53542}, {81, 3125}, {86, 3122}, {87, 3123}, {88, 2087}, {99, 8034}, {100, 764}, {101, 6545}, {104, 42753}, {105, 3675}, {106, 1647}, {109, 21132}, {115, 593}, {184, 2973}, {190, 21143}, {213, 16727}, {222, 8735}, {256, 53541}, {261, 61052}, {264, 22096}, {269, 2310}, {274, 3121}, {278, 7117}, {279, 14936}, {284, 53545}, {291, 27846}, {292, 27918}, {330, 6377}, {479, 3022}, {480, 41292}, {511, 43920}, {512, 7192}, {514, 649}, {517, 15635}, {518, 43921}, {519, 43922}, {521, 43923}, {522, 43924}, {523, 3733}, {525, 43925}, {596, 8054}, {604, 4858}, {608, 26932}, {647, 17925}, {650, 3669}, {656, 57200}, {657, 58817}, {659, 876}, {661, 1019}, {663, 3676}, {665, 62635}, {667, 693}, {668, 8027}, {669, 52619}, {676, 2424}, {679, 42084}, {690, 43926}, and many others
X(765) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 11}, {2, 1111}, {3, 244}, {6, 3942}, {8, 4939}, {9, 1086}, {10, 3120}, {11, 21132}, {37, 16732}, {44, 66508}, {57, 38374}, {100, 21201}, {206, 3248}, {214, 1647}, {220, 38375}, {223, 1358}, {478, 53538}, {522, 1090}, {1015, 6545}, {1145, 35015}, {1146, 40166}, {2968, 42455}, {3161, 4858}, {3789, 4475}, {3912, 64644}, {4075, 1109}, {5375, 514}, {5452, 2170}, {6149, 3025}, {6376, 23989}, {6505, 1565}, {6552, 24026}, {6600, 2310}, {6603, 40629}, {6608, 5532}, {6615, 7336}, {6626, 16727}, {6631, 693}, {8054, 764}, {9296, 3261}, {10001, 24002}, {11517, 7004}, {11530, 62221}, {17755, 62429}, {17793, 21140}, {19557, 27918}, {23050, 42069}, {23980, 42754}, {24771, 1146}, {31998, 7199}, {32664, 1015}, {34261, 53526}, {34961, 3737}, {35116, 57442}, {35204, 53525}, {35508, 42462}, {36033, 3937}, {36103, 2969}, {36830, 1019}, {36911, 4957}, {38979, 6550}, {38986, 8034}, {39026, 513}, {39029, 27846}, {39046, 3675}, {39052, 17925}, {39054, 7192}, {39065, 21204}, {40582, 17197}, {40584, 53546}, {40586, 3125}, {40589, 16726}, {40590, 53545}, {40591, 18210}, {40592, 17205}, {40594, 6549}, {40596, 57200}, {40597, 7200}, {40599, 21044}, {40600, 3122}, {40602, 18191}, {40603, 21207}, {40607, 2643}, {40611, 53540}, {40612, 4089}, {40613, 42753}, {40614, 52626}, {40619, 23100}, {45036, 3756}, {46974, 57446}, {51574, 4466}, {55053, 21143}, {55064, 55195}, {55068, 56283}, {62584, 17880}, {62585, 34387}, {62586, 65116}, {62605, 2973}, {62647, 26932}
X(765) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 100}, {2, 65195}, {6, 4557}, {8, 3952}, {9, 3939}, {10, 65196}, {31, 101}, {42, 61168}, {78, 1331}, {109, 1420}, {190, 17277}, {200, 644}, {514, 24198}, {651, 1445}, {662, 33766}, {678, 1023}, {692, 2220}, {756, 1018}, {1026, 4712}, {1252, 6065}, {1260, 4574}, {2209, 52923}, {3573, 8300}, {3692, 4578}, {4551, 15556}, {4579, 20964}, {17460, 23705}, {23703, 41554}, {35338, 61033}
X(765) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1016, 4998}, {4567, 4600}
X(765) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1052}, {514, 21211}, {1015, 3271}, {1086, 21138}, {2087, 42084}, {3122, 3125}, {3675, 38989}
X(765) = trilinear pole of line {100, 101}
X(765) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {764, 2087}
X(765) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1016}, {6, 7035}, {8, 4564}, {9, 4998}, {10, 4567}, {31, 31625}, {37, 4600}, {42, 4601}, {43, 5383}, {44, 62536}, {57, 4076}, {59, 312}, {63, 15742}, {75, 1252}, {76, 1110}, {78, 46102}, {82, 61406}, {85, 6065}, {99, 1018}, {100, 190}, {101, 668}, {109, 646}, {110, 4033}, {145, 5382}, {162, 52609}, {163, 27808}, {200, 1275}, {210, 4620}, {239, 5378}, {249, 1089}, {250, 52369}, {306, 5379}, {318, 44717}, {321, 4570}, and many others
X(765) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 1086}, {2, 1111}, {3, 3942}, {6, 244}, {8, 4858}, {9, 11}, {10, 16732}, {19, 2969}, {21, 17197}, {31, 1015}, {32, 3248}, {33, 8735}, {35, 7202}, {36, 53546}, {37, 3120}, {41, 3271}, {42, 3125}, {43, 21138}, {44, 1647}, {48, 3937}, {55, 2170}, {56, 53538}, {57, 1358}, {58, 16726}, {59, 57}, {63, 1565}, {65, 53545}, {71, 18210}, {72, 4466}, {75, 23989}, {78, 26932}, {81, 17205}, {82, 61404}, {86, 16727}, {88, 6549}, {92, 2973}, {99, 7199}, {100, 514}, {101, 513}, {109, 3669}, {110, 1019}, {112, 57200}, {162, 17925}, {163, 3733}, {171, 7200}, {172, 53541}, {190, 693}, {200, 1146}, {210, 21044}, {212, 7117}, {213, 3122}, {214, 66508}, {219, 7004}, {220, 2310}, {223, 38374}, {238, 27918}, {249, 757}, {284, 18191}, {312, 34387}, {321, 21207}, {341, 23978}, {345, 17880}, {346, 24026}, {480, 3119}, {513, 6545}, {517, 42754}, {522, 40166}, {560, 1977}, {594, 1109}, {604, 1357}, {643, 4560}, {644, 522}, {645, 18155}, {646, 35519}, {649, 764}, {650, 21132}, {651, 3676}, {658, 59941}, {660, 4444}, {662, 7192}, {664, 24002}, {667, 21143}, {668, 3261}, {672, 3675}, {678, 35092}, {692, 649}, {693, 23100}, and many others
X(765) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {59, 65573, 4564}, {1016, 44724, 4076}, {4557, 4579, 662}, {23343, 23344, 3573}, {24820, 58368, 25048}
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(766) lies on the line at infinity.
X(766) lies on these lines: 30,511 31,32
X(766) = isogonal conjugate of X(767)
X(766) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(693)
X(767) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 75,101 76,100 85,109 108,331 110,274 112,286 334,813 825,870
X(767) = isogonal conjugate of X(766)
X(767) = isotomic conjugate of X(35552)
X(767) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(693)
X(767) = Ψ(X(6), X(693))
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(768) lies on the line at infinity. The first trilinear coordinate has the form
am-1(bn - cn) + an-1(bm - cm),
corresponding to an odd polynomial center in case m and n are distinct integers. See the note accompanying X(696), where even (m,n) infinity points and even (m,n) circumcircle points are introduced. [For nonzero n, "odd (m,n) circumcircle point" would be a misnomer (as the point is an even polynomial center); consequently, the prefix o- is used to distinguish this point from "even (m,n) circumcircle point" defined at X(696).] Certain points of these classes occur prior to this section. They are as follows:
X(523) = odd (- 4, - 2) infinity point
X(688) = odd (- 4, 0) infinity point
X(689) = o-(- 4, 0) circumcircle point
X(514) = odd (- 2, - 1) infinity point
X(101) = o-(- 2, - 1) circumcircle point
X(512) = odd (- 2, 0) infinity point
X(99) = o-(- 2, 0) circumcircle point
X(513) = odd (- 1, 0) infinity point
X(100) = o-(- 1, 0) circumcircle point
X(514) = odd (0, 1) infinity point
X(101) = o-(0, 1) circumcircle point
X(523) = odd (0, 2) infinity point
X(110) = o-(0, 2) circumcircle point
X(513) = odd (1, 2) infinity point
X(100) = o-(1, 2) circumcircle point
X(512) = odd (2, 4) infinity point
X(99) = o-(2, 4) circumcircle point
X(768) lies on this line: 30,511
X(768) = isogonal conjugate of X(769)
X(769) lies on the circumcircle. This is one of several points of the form given by first trilinear
1/[am-1(bn - cn) + an-1(bm - cm)],
hence the name "(m, n)-circumcircle point".
X(769) = isogonal conjugate of X(768)
X(769) = isotomic conjugate of X(35553)
X(770) lies on this line: 44,513
X(770) = isogonal conjugate of X(771)
X(770) = crosssum of X(1) and X(770)
X(770) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1)X(1092)
X(771) lies on this line: {823, 4558}
X(771) = isogonal conjugate of X(770)
X(771) = trilinear pole of line X(1)X(1092)
X(771) = X(770)-cross conjugate of X(1)
X(771) = cevapoint of X(1) and X(770)
X(771) = barycentric quotient X(6)/X(770)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(772) lies on the line at infinity.
X(772) lies on this line: 30,511
X(772) = isogonal conjugate of X(773)
X(773) lies on the circumcircle.
X(773) = isogonal conjugate of X(772)
X(773) = isotomic conjugate of X(35554)
X(774) lies on these lines: 1,21 55,201 601,1060 602,1062 821,823 912,1066 938,986
X(774) = isogonal conjugate of X(775)
X(774) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(158)
X(774) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,255), (31,610)
X(774) = {X(1),X(63)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1496)
X(775) lies on these lines: 10,801 31,1097 158,255 225,412 662,820
X(775) = isogonal conjugate of X(774)
X(775) = cevapoint of X(1) and X(255)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(776) lies on the line at infinity.
X(776) lies on this line: 30,511
X(776) = isogonal conjugate of X(777)
X(777) lies on the circumcircle.
X(777) = isogonal conjugate of X(776)
X(777) = isotomic conjugate of X(35555)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(778) lies on the line at infinity.
X(778) lies on this line: 30,511
X(778) = isogonal conjugate of X(779)
X(779) lies on the circumcircle.
X(779) = isogonal conjugate of X(778)
X(779) = isotomic conjugate of X(35556)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(780) lies on the line at infinity.
X(780) lies on this line: 30,511
X(780) = isogonal conjugate of X(781)
X(781) lies on the circumcircle.
X(781) = isogonal conjugate of X(780)
X(781) = isotomic conjugate of X(35557)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(782) lies on the line at infinity.
X(782) lies on this line: 30,511
X(782) = isogonal conjugate of X(783)
X(782) = crosssum of X(733) and X(881)
X(783) lies on the circumcircle.
X(783) = isogonal conjugate of X(782)
X(783) = isotomic conjugate of X(35558)
X(783) = cevapoint of X(733) and X(881)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(784) lies on the line at infinity.
X(784) lies on this line: 30,511
X(784) = isogonal conjugate of X(785)
X(785) lies on the circumcicle and this line: 99,692
X(785) = isogonal conjugate of X(784)
X(785) = isotomic conjugate of X(35559)
X(785) = Ψ(X(76), X(37))
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(786) lies on the line at infinity.
X(786) lies on this line: 30,511
X(786) = isogonal conjugate of X(787)
X(787) lies on the circumcircle.
X(787) lies on this line: 662,689
X(787) = isogonal conjugate of X(786)
X(787) = isotomic conjugate of X(35560)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(788) lies on the line at infinity.
X(788) lies on these (parallel) lines: 30,511 42,649 667,798
X(788) = isogonal conjugate of X(789)
X(788) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(75)
X(788) = ideal point of PU(8)
As the trilinear product of Steiner circumellipse antipodes, X(789) lies on conic {A,B,C,X(668),X(789)}} with center X(6376) and perspector X(75). (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(789) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 1,731 2,743 6,717 31,701 75,753 76,761 86,741 100,874 101,668 106,870 110,799 112,811 190,813 675,871 727,985
X(789) = isogonal conjugate of X(788)
X(789) = isotomic conjugate of X(1491)
X(789) = intersection, other than A, B, C, of circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(6)}}
X(789) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(75)
X(789) = Ψ(X(i),X(j)) for these (i,j): (1,76), (6,75), (31,2), (32,1)
X(789) = trilinear product of intercepts of Steiner circumellipse and line X(2)X(31)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(790) lies on the line at infinity.
X(790) lies on this line: 30,511
X(790) = isogonal conjugate of X(791)
X(791) lies on the circumcircle.
X(791) = isogonal conjugate of X(790)
X(791) = isotomic conjugate of X(35561)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(792) lies on the line at infinity.
X(792) lies on this line: 30,511
X(792) = isogonal conjugate of X(793)
X(793) lies on the circumcircle.
X(793) = isogonal conjugate of X(792)
X(793) = isotomic conjugate of X(35562)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(794) lies on the line at infinity.
X(794) lies on this line: 30,511
X(794) = isogonal conjugate of X(795)
X(795) lies on the circumcircle.
X(795) = isogonal conjugate of X(794)
X(795) = isotomic conjugate of X(35563)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(796) lies on the line at infinity.
X(796) lies on this line: 30,511
X(796) = isogonal conjugate of X(797)
X(797) lies on the circumcircle.
X(797) = isogonal conjugate of X(796)
X(797) = isotomic conjugate of X(35564)
X(798) lies on these lines: 44,513 163,1101 667,788 688,872 765,813
X(798) = isogonal conjugate of X(799)
X(798) = isotomic conjugate of X(4602)
X(798) = complement of X(17217)
X(798) = X(163)-Ceva conjugate of X(31)
X(798) = crosspoint of X(31) and X(163)
X(798) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,798), (38,661), (86,1019), (99,645), (190,668), (513,1107)
X(798) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1)X(75)
X(798) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for i in (36, 85)
X(798) = PU(36)-harmonic conjugate of X(1964)
X(798) = PU(85)-harmonic conjugate of X(2667)
X(798) = perspector wrt excentral triangle of the bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(2)
X(798) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(670)
X(798) = trilinear product of PU(105)
X(798) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(38986)
X(798) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(1),X(31)}}
X(798) = trilinear pole of line X(3121)X(4117) (the tangent to the inellipse that is the trilinear square of the Lemoine axis, at the trilinear square of X(512))
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(1)X(75), and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb ∩ Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(799). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
As the trilinear product of Steiner circumellipse antipodes, X(799) lies on conic {A,B,C,X(668),X(789)}} with center X(6376) and perspector X(75). (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(799) lies on these lines: 2,873 63,561 75,897 88,274 99,100 110,789 162,811 190,670 310,333 645,651 689,813
X(799) = isogonal conjugate of X(798)
X(799) = complement of X(21220)
X(799) = anticomplement of X(16592)
X(799) = X(190)-cross conjugate of X(99)
X(799) = trilinear pole of line X(1)X(75)
X(799) = isotomic conjugate of X(661)
X(799) = perspector of ABC and the tangential triangle, wrt the excentral triangle, of the bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(2) (see X(99))
X(799) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(512)
X(799) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(39)
X(799) = trilinear product X(6189)*X(6190) (the intercepts of Steiner circumellipse and line X(2)X(6))
X(800) lies on these lines: {3,6}, {19,1945}, {41,2197}, {53,115}, {232,1196}, {393,1093}, {1015,3554}, {1033,2207}, {1194,5304}, {1195,1409}, {1500,3553}, {1713,2238}, {2257,2277}, {2331,5336}, {3289,3787}
X(800) = isogonal conjugate of X(801)
X(800) = complement of X(14615)
X(800) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,64), (6,393)
X(800) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,394), (6,20)
X(800) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(2883)
X(800) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(2883)
X(800) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(2883)
X(800) = {X(3),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5065)
X(801) lies on these lines: 4,1092 10,775
X(801) = isogonal conjugate of X(800)
X(801) = isotomic conjugate of X(13567)
X(801) = polar conjugate of X(235)
X(801) = trilinear pole of line X(523)X(2071) (the polar of X(20) wrt circumcircle)
X(801) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,394), (6,20)
X(801) = X(520)-cross conjugate of X(99)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(802) lies on the line at infinity.
X(802) lies on this line: 30,511
X(802) = isogonal conjugate of X(803)
X(803) lies on the circumcircle.
X(803) = isogonal conjugate of X(802)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(804) lies on the line at infinity.
X(804) lies on these (parallel) lines: 2,351 30,511 98,878 99,670 115,1084 147,684 669,850
X(804) = isogonal conjugate of X(805)
X(804) = isotomic conjugate of X(18829)
X(804) = crosspoint of X(98) and X(99)
X(804) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (511,512), (694,882), (741,875)
X(804) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(694)
X(804) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(35078)
X(804) = 1st-Brocard-isogonal conjugate of X(6)
X(804) = 1st-Brocard-isotomic conjugate of X(30229)
X(804) = X(512)-Hirst inverse of X(523)
X(804) = X(512) of 1st Brocard triangle
X(804) = ideal point of PU(133)
X(804) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(30229)
Let A'B'C' be the vertex-triangle of the 2nd and 3rd Brocard triangles. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(805). (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
Let La, Lb, Lc be the lines through A, B, C, resp. parallel to the Brocard axis. Let Ma, Mb, Mc be the reflections of BC, CA, AB in La, Lb, Lc, resp. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. The centroid of A'B'C' is X(805); see Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008. (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
Let La, Lb, Lc be the lines through A, B, C, resp. parallel to the Lemoine axis. Let Ma, Mb, Mc be the reflections of BC, CA, AB in La, Lb, Lc, resp. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. The centroid of A'B'C' is X(805); see Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008. (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
X(805) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 98,385 99,512 110,669 111,694 187,729 249,827 574,843 691,882 888,892
X(805) = isogonal conjugate of X(804)
X(805) = isotomic conjugate of X(14295)
X(805) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(694)
X(805) = Ψ(X(6), X(694))
X(805) = cevapoint of X(511) and X(512)
X(805) = reflection of X(99) in the Brocard axis
X(805) = Brocard-circle-inverse of X(32531)
X(805) = X(9831)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(805) = intersection of antipedal lines of X(98) and X(99)
X(805) = perspector of ABC and the triangle formed by reflecting line X(5)X(39) in the sides of ABC
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(806) lies on the line at infinity.
X(806) lies on this line: 30,511
X(806) = isogonal conjugate of X(807)
X(807) lies on the circumcircle.
X(807) = isogonal conjugate of X(806)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(808) lies on the line at infinity.
X(808) lies on this line: 30,511
X(808) = isogonal conjugate of X(809)
X(809) lies on the circumcircle.
X(809) = isogonal conjugate of X(808)
Let V = X(521)X(656) = isotomic conjugate of polar conjugate of antiorthic axis and let W = X(514)X(661) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of antiorthic axis; then X(810 = V∩W. (Randy Hutson, December 26, 2015)
X(810) lies on these lines: 521,656 661,663 667,788
X(810) = isogonal conjugate of X(811)
X(810) = complement of X(21300)
X(810) = anticomplement of X(21259)
X(810) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(163)
X(810) = crosssum of X(162) and X(662)
X(810) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(19)X(27)
X(810) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(662)
X(810) = trilinear product of PU(109)
X(810) = trilinear product of Jerabek hyperbola intercepts of Lemoine axis
X(810) = barycentric product of Jerabek hyperbola intercepts of antiorthic axis
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(19)X(27), and define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb ∩ Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(811). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
As the trilinear product of Steiner circumellipse antipodes, X(811) lies on conic {A,B,C,X(668),X(789)}} with center X(6376) and perspector X(75). (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(811) lies on these lines: 1,336 75,1099 99,108 112,789 162,799 350,447 645,648 662,823
X(811) = isogonal conjugate of X(810)
X(811) = isotomic conjugate of X(656)
X(811) = complement of anticomplementary conjugate of X(21300)
X(811) = anticomplement of X(16573)
X(811) = trilinear pole of line X(19)X(27)
X(811) = polar conjugate of X(661)
X(811) = perspector of ABC and tangential triangle, wrt anticevian triangle of X(19), of bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(4)
X(811) = trilinear product X(4)*X(99)
X(811) = trilinear product X(2479)*X(2480)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(812) lies on the line at infinity.
X(812) lies on these (parallel) lines: 30,511 190,646 649,693 673,1024 903,1022 1015,1086
X(812) = isogonal conjugate of X(813)
X(812) = isotomic conjugate of X(4562)
X(812) = crosssum of X(649) and X(672)
X(812) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(292)
X(812) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(35119)
X(812) = X(513)-Hirst inverse of X(514)
X(812) = ideal point of PU(i) for these i: 120, 122, 134
X(812) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(35119)
X(812) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22384)
X(812) = barycentric product X(239)*X(514)
X(813) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 99,1016 100,649 101,667 103,295 105,238 106,292 163,827 190,789 334,767 335,675 644,932 689,799 692,825 739,902 765,798 898,1023 927,1025
X(813) = isogonal conjugate of X(812)
X(813) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(292)
X(813) = Ψ(X(1), X(39))
X(813) = Ψ(X(2), X(38))
X(813) = Ψ(X(6), X(292))
X(813) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(22384)
X(813) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(38)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(814) lies on the line at infinity.
X(814) lies on this line: 30,511
X(814) = isogonal conjugate of X(815)
X(815) lies on the circumcircle.
X(815) = isogonal conjugate of X(814)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(816) lies on the line at infinity.
X(816) lies on this line: 30,511
X(816) = isogonal conjugate of X(817)
X(817) lies on the circumcircle.
X(817) = isogonal conjugate of X(816)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(818) lies on the line at infinity.
X(818) lies on this line: 30,511
X(818) = isogonal conjugate of X(819)
X(819) lies on the circumcircle.
X(819) = isogonal conjugate of X(818)
X(820) lies on these lines: 1,29 3,296 662,775 836,1100
X(820) = isogonal conjugate of X(821)
X(820) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(255)
X(820) = crosssum of X(1) and X(158)
X(821) lies on these lines: 158,255 243,411 774,823
X(821) = isogonal conjugate of X(820)
X(821) = cevapoint of X(1) and X(158)
X(822) lies on this line: 44,513
X(822) = isogonal conjugate of X(823)
X(822) = X(163)-Ceva conjugate of X(48)
X(822) = crosspoint of X(48) and X(163)
X(822) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,822), (29,1021), (661,774)
X(822) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1)X(29)
X(822) = perspector, wrt excentral triangle, of bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(4)
X(822) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(162)
X(822) = bicentric difference of PU(83)
X(822) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(36126)
X(822) = PU(83)-harmonic conjugate of X(2658)
X(822) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(36126)
X(822) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(38985)
X(822) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(1),X(48)}}
Let La be the A-extraversion of line X(1)X(29), and define Lb, Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb ∩ Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(823). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
X(823) lies on these lines: 100,107 110,681 158,897 264,379 648,651 662,811 774,821
X(823) = isogonal conjugate of X(822)
X(823) = isotomic conjugate of X(24018)
X(823) = anticomplement of X(16595)
X(823) = perspector of ABC and tangential triangle, wrt excentral triangle, of bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(4)
X(823) = trilinear pole of line X(1)X(29)
X(823) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(656) (line X(2631)X(2632), or PU(75))
X(823) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(656)
X(823) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(520)
X(823) = trilinear product of Steiner circumellipse intercepts of van Aubel line
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(824) lies on the line at infinity.
X(824) lies on these lines: 30,511 321,693
X(824) = isogonal conjugate of X(825)
X(824) = isotomic conjugate of X(4586)
X(824) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(560)
Let Q be a point on line X(2)X(31) other than X(2). Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of Q. Let A″ be the {B,C}-harmonic conjugate of A'; equivalently, A″ = BC∩B'C'/ Define B″ and C″ cyclically. The circumcircles of AB″C″, BC″A″, CA″B″ concur in X(825). (Randy Hutson, December 29, 2015)
X(825) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 1,761 6,753 31,743 32,731 99,163 103,572 105,985 560,717 692,813 767,870
X(825) = isogonal conjugate of X(824)
X(825) = intersection, other than A, B, C, of circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(12)}}
X(825) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(560)
X(825) = Ψ(X(1), X(32))
X(825) = Ψ(X(2), X(31))
X(825) = Ψ(X(6), X(560))
X(825) = Ψ(X(76), X(1))
X(825) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(31)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(826) lies on the line at infinity.
X(826) lies on these (parallel) lines: 30,511 54,879 76,882
X(826) = isogonal conjugate of X(827)
X(826) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,15449), (6,125), (76,115)
X(826) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(22)
X(826) = isotomic conjugate of X(4577)
X(826) = perspector wrt anticomplementary triangle of the bianticevian conic of X(2) and X(6); see X(4577)
X(826) = ideal point of PU(137)
X(826) = bicentric difference of PU(137)
Let A', B', C' be the intersections of line X(23)X(385) and lines BC, CA, AB, resp. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(827). Note: the line X(23)X(385) is the polar of X(2) wrt the circumcircle. (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
X(827) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 5,83 6,755 31,745 32,733 82,759 111,251 163,813 249,805 250,935 560,719 662,831 741,849
X(827) = isogonal conjugate of X(826)
X(827) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,250), (32,249)
X(827) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(22)
X(827) = Ψ(X(1), X(82))
X(827) = Ψ(X(2), X(32))
X(827) = Ψ(X(6), X(22))
X(827) = Ψ(X(76), X(6))
X(827) = center of bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(31)
X(827) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(39)
X(827) = perspector of circumcevian triangle of X(23) and cross-triangle of ABC and circummedial triangle
X(827) = isotomic conjugate of X(23285)
X(827) = barycentric product X(83)*X(110)
X(827) = barycentric quotient X(83)/X(850)
X(827) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(32)
X(828) = isogonal conjugate of X(829)
X(828) = crosspoint of X(2) and X(255)
X(828) = crosssum of X(6) and X(158)
X(829) = isogonal conjugate of X(828)
X(829) = cevapoint of X(6) and X(158)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(830) lies on the line at infinity.
X(830) lies on these lines: 30,511 661,1580
X(830) = isogonal conjugate of X(831)
X(830) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(38)
X(831) lies on the circumcircle.
X(831) lies on this line: 662,827
X(831) = isogonal conjugate of X(830)
X(831) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(38)
X(831) = Ψ(X(6), X(38))
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(832) lies on the line at infinity.
X(832) lies on these lines: 30,511 656,667
X(832) = isogonal conjugate of X(833)
X(832) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(977)
X(833) lies on the circumcircle.
X(833) lies on these lines: 106,977 759,1010
X(833) = isogonal conjugate of X(832)
X(833) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(977)
X(833) = Ψ(X(6), X(977))
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(834) lies on the line at infinity.
X(834) lies on this line: 30,511
X(834) = isogonal conjugate of X(835)
X(834) = crosssum of X(522) and X(958)
X(834) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(10)
X(834) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39016)
X(834) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(58)}}
X(834) = barycentric square root of X(39016)
X(835) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 110,190 335,741
X(835) = isogonal conjugate of X(834)
X(835) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(10)
X(835) = Ψ(X(6), X(10))
X(835) = cevapoint of X(522) and X(958)
X(836) lies on these lines: 1,393 37,73 820,1100
X(836) = isogonal conjugate of X(837)
X(836) = crosspoint of X(1) and X(394)
X(836) = crosssum of X(1) and X(393)
X(837) lies on this line: 393,394
X(837) = isogonal conjugate of X(836)
X(837) = cevapoint of X(1) and X(393)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(838) lies on the line at infinity.
X(838) lies on this line: 30,511
X(838) = isogonal conjugate of X(839)
X(838) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(321)
X(839) lies on the circumcircle.
X(839) lies on these lines: 110,668 334,741
X(839) = isogonal conjugate of X(838)
X(839) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(321)
X(839) = Ψ(X(6), X(321))
X(840) is the perspector of ABC and the (degenerate) cross-triangle of the circumcevian triangles of X(3513) and X(3514). (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(840) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 6,919 7,927 36,101 55,901 100,518 105,513 106,663 109,902 759,1019 898,1083
X(840) = reflection of X(2742) in X(3)
X(840) = isogonal conjugate of X(528)
X(840) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(665)
X(840) = Ψ(X(6), X(665))
X(840) = reflection of X(105) in line X(1)X(3)
X(840) = inverse-in-circle-O(3513,3514) of X(108)
X(841) lies on the circumcircle.
X(841) lies on this line: 376,476
X(841) = isogonal conjugate of X(541)
X(841) = trilinear pole, wrt circumcevian triangle of X(30), of line X(6)X(30)
Let L = X(74)X(98) or any line parallel to X(74)X(98). Let La be the line of reflection of L in line BC, and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb∩Lc, and define B' and C' cyclically. Then the lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(842). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the Artzt triangle. Let A″ be the reflection of A' in BC, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Let A″' be the reflection of A in B'C', and define B″' and C″' cyclically. Let A* = B″B″'∩C″C″', and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(842). (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
X(842) is the antipode of X(691) on the circumcircle.
X(842) lies on these lines: 2,476 3,691 4,935 23,110 30,99 74,512 98,523 107,468 111,647 112,186 858,925
X(842) = reflection of X(691) in X(3)
X(842) = isogonal conjugate of X(542)
X(842) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(526)
X(842) = Λ(X(6), X(13))
X(842) = Ψ(X(6), X(526))
X(842) = intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(23)}}
X(842) = reflection of X(98) in the Euler line
X(842) = reflection of X(74) in the Brocard axis
X(842) = inverse-in-circle-O(15,16) of X(112)
X(842) = inverse-in-{circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter of X(3258)
X(842) = inverse-in-Moses-radical-circle of X(111)
X(842) = SR(P,U), where P and U are the circumcircle intercepts of the Fermat axis
X(842) = 2nd-Parry-to-ABC similarity image of X(23)
X(842) = 3rd-Parry-to-circumsymmedial similarity image of X(110)
X(842) = X(10787)-of-McCay-triangle
X(842) = X(2709)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(842) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(14246)
X(842) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(14357)
X(842) = trilinear pole, wrt Thomson triangle, of line X(110)X(5085)
X(842) = trilinear pole, wrt circumcevian triangle of X(511), of Brocard axis
X(842) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of X(14731)
X(843) lies on the circumcircle.
X(843) lies on these lines: 6,691 99,525 110,187 111,512 574,805
X(843) = reflection of X(352) in X(187)
X(843) = isogonal conjugate of X(543)
X(843) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(351)
X(843) = Ψ(X(2), X(690))
X(843) = Ψ(X(6), X(351))
X(843) = circumcircle-antipode of X(2709)
X(843) = reflection of X(2709) in X(3)
X(843) = reflection of X(111) in the Brocard axis
X(843) = inverse-in-circle-O(15,16) of X(110)
X(843) = 2nd-Parry-to-ABC similarity image of X(352)
X(843) = 3rd-Parry-to-circumsymmedial similarity image of X(111)
X(843) = X(9144)-of-4th-anti-Brocard-triangle
X(843) = cevapoint of Schoute circle intercepts with Lemoine axis
X(843) = X(691)-of-circumsymmedial-triangle
X(843) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(690)
This point solves a problem posed by Antreas Hatzipolakis in Hyacinthos #2768, May 3, 2001.
X(844) lies on these lines: 166,167 173,503
X(844) = X(75)-of-excentral-triangle
X(844) = excentral isotomic conjugate of X(164)
This point solves a problem posed by Antreas Hatzipolakis in Hyacinthos #2768, May 3, 2001.
Let Ia, Ib, Ic be the excenters of a triangle ABC. Let A' be the Clawson point of IaBC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(845). (Angel Montesdeoca, August 12, 2018)
X(845) lies on these lines: {1,7370}, {164,362}, {165,166}, {167,7991}
X(845) = X(63)-of-excentral-triangle
X(845) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(173)
This point solves a problem posed by Antreas Hatzipolakis in Hyacinthos #3001, June 11, 2001. For the construction as a Sharygin point, see the description at X(1281).
X(846) lies on these lines: 1,21 2,1054 6,1051 9,43 35,228 37,171 55,984 100,756 333,740 405,986 982,1001
X(846) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (37,1), (171,43)
X(846) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(661)X(4367)
X(846) = homothetic center of the excentral triangle and the antipedal triangle, wrt the incentral triangle, of X(1)
X(846) = X(275)-of-excentral-triangle
X(846) = excentral polar conjugate of X(3)
X(846) = perspector of 1st Sharygin triangle and unary cofactor triangle of 2nd Sharygin triangle
This point solves a problem posed by Antreas Hatzipolakis in Hyacinthos #3130, June 25, 2001; see also Jean-Pierre Ehrmann, #3135, June 26, 2001. The problem and solution may be stated as follows. Let ABC be a triangle, LA, LB, LC the perpendicular bisectors of sides BC, CA, AB, and AA', BB', CC' the altitudes of ABC, respectively. Let AB be the point of intersection of AA' and LB, and let AC be the point of intersection of AA' and LC. Let A″ be the point of intersection of BAB and CAC. Define B″ and C″ cyclically. Then triangle A″B″C″ is perspective to triangle ABC, with perspector X(847).
X(847) lies on the McCay orthic cubic; see McCay orthic cubic.
Let A'B'C' be the X(3)-cevian triangle of the orthic triangle of triangle ABC. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(847). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
X(847) lies on these lines: 2,254 3,925 4,52 24,96 91,225 378,1105 403,1093
X(847) = isogonal conjugate of X(1147)
X(847) = isotomic conjugate of X(9723)
X(847) = polar conjugate of X(1993)
X(847) = barycentric product X(91)*X(92)
X(847) = X(5)-cross conjugate of X(4)
X(847) = cevapoint of X(485) and X(486)
X(848) point is introduced by Paul Yiu in Hyacinthos #2704, April 7, 2001 (see also #2708, April 10, 2001) as the solution X of the equation
angle BXC : angle CXA : angle AXB = a : b : c.
X(849) lies on these lines: 32,163 36,58 110,595 249,1110 741,827 757,763
X(849) = isogonal conjugate of X(1089)
X(849) = X(249)-Ceva conjugate of X(163)
X(849) = crosspoint of X(58) and X(501)
X(849) = crosssum of X(10) and X(502)
X(849) = trilinear square of X(58)
The barycentric product of X(850) and the circumcircle is the Kiepert hyperbola.
Let P1 and P2 be the two points on the de Longchamps line whose trilinear polars are parallel to the de Longchamps line. P1 and P2 lie on the Kiepert hyperbola and circle {X(2), X(98), X(99)}}. X(850) is the barycentric product P1*P2. (Randy Hutson, June 7, 2019)
X(850) lies on these lines: 2,647 99,476 110,685 297,525 316,512 325,523 340,520 669,804 670,892
X(850) = isotomic conjugate of X(110)
X(850) = complement of X(31296)
X(850) = anticomplement of X(647)
X(850) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(39352)
X(850) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,36901), (76,338), (99,311), (264,339)
X(850) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (115,1502), (125,2), (338,76), (339,264)
X(850) = crosspoint of X(95) and X(99)
X(850) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (32,669), (39,647), (51,512)
X(850) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(32)X(184)
X(850) = isogonal conjugate of X(1576)
X(850) = trilinear pole of line X(115)X(127) (polar of X(112) wrt polar circle)
X(850) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(112) (line X(6)X(25))
X(850) = polar conjugate of X(112)
X(850) = intersection of trilinear polars of X(300) and X(301)
X(850) = barycentric product X(76)*X(523)
As a point on the Euler line, X(851) has Shinagawa coefficients ($bcSBSC$,-$bc$S2).
X(851) lies on these lines: 2,3 42,65 43,46 44,513 226,228
X(851) = reflection of X(855) in X(859)
X(851) = isogonal conjugate of X(37142)
X(851) = complement of X(14956)
X(851) = cevapoint of X(1758) and X(2655)
X(851) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(1985)
X(851) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 37142}, {65, 2652}, {73, 2660}, {243, 1936}
X(851) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 851}, {21, 2651}, {29, 2659}, {296, 1937}, {1021, 1984}
X(851) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1)X(647)
X(851) = X(65)-Hirst inverse of X(73)
As a point on the Euler line, X(852) has Shinagawa coefficients ((2E - F)F - S2,(E + F)F + S2).
X(852) lies on these lines: {2, 3}, {51, 6509}, {216, 373}, {511, 2972}, {520, 647}, {577, 5651}, {895, 1942}, {1503, 1624}, {1576, 15139}, {3168, 46717}, {3580, 35442}, {4993, 43975}, {5437, 26900}, {5462, 42441}, {5640, 30258}, {6090, 15905}, {6389, 40981}, {6688, 32078}, {6760, 43574}, {7308, 26901}, {8798, 45187}, {9155, 14961}, {9306, 23606}, {9475, 14580}, {11064, 23181}, {11412, 14059}, {11793, 31388}, {14152, 43598}, {14915, 40948}, {14919, 14941}, {15526, 41586}, {17825, 26898}, {18437, 18911}, {20977, 41172}, {22264, 39201}, {26880, 43650}, {32205, 46025}, {32428, 46106}, {34828, 35222}, {37648, 42353}, {38999, 43952}, {42453, 43988}, {44715, 46788}
X(852) = reflection of X(2972) in X(44436)
X(852) = X(2)-line conjugate of X(4)
X(852) = circumcircle-inverse of X(37926)
X(852) = isotomic conjugate of the polar conjugate of X(3331)
X(852) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {4, 647}
X(852) = barycentric product X(69)*X(3331)
X(852) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {92, 26717}, {525, 36139}, {14208, 32725}
X(852) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {184, 26717}, {3331, 4}, {32676, 36139}, {33571, 2972}
X(852) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 6638, 418}, {25, 6617, 426}, {51, 6509, 13409}, {401, 450, 41202}, {441, 468, 44888}, {441, 44892, 44891}, {441, 44894, 237}, {468, 44886, 237}, {468, 44888, 44891}, {1113, 1114, 37926}, {3284, 34147, 3292}, {6638, 38283, 2}, {44886, 44889, 468}, {44888, 44892, 468}, {44889, 44894, 44892}
As a point on the Euler line, X(853) has Shinagawa coefficients ([(2E-F)F-S2]S2-$bcSA2$F +$abSC$[(E+F)F+S2]-$ab$(E+F)S2, [(E+F)F+S2]S2+$bcSA2$(E+F) -$abSC$[(E+F)2+S2]+$ab$(3E+F)S2).
X(853) lies on these lines: 2,3 657,663
X(853) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(7)X(647)
As a point on the Euler line, X(854) has Shinagawa coefficients ([(2E-F)F-S2]S2-$abSC3$ -$abSASB$(E-2F) +$abSC$[(E+F)2-2S2], [(E+F)F+S2]S2-$abSASB$(E+F) +$abSC$S2).
X(854) lies on this line: 2,3
X(854) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(8)X(647)
As a point on the Euler line, X(855) has Shinagawa coefficients (ES2+$abSC2$+$abSASB$ -$abSC$(E+F), -3ES2-3$abSASB$ +2$ab$S2).
X(855) lies on these lines: 2,3 513,663
X(855) = reflection of X(851) in X(859)
X(855) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(9)X(647)
As a point on the Euler line, X(856) has Shinagawa coefficients ($abSASB$+$abSC$F-$ab$(E+F)F, -$abSASB$).
X(856) lies on these lines: 2,3 521,656
X(856) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line
As a point on the Euler line, X(857) has Shinagawa coefficients ($aSBSC$, - $a$S2).
X(857) lies on these lines: 2,3 514,661
X(857) = isotomic conjugate of X(37202)
X(857) = complement of X(14953)
X(857) = anticomplement of X(1375)
X(857) = inverse-in-orthocentroidal-circle of X(379)
X(857) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(31)X(647)
As a point on the Euler line, X(858) has Shinagawa coefficients (E - 2F,-2E - 2F).
Let P and P' be circumcircle antipodes. Let Q and Q' be the anticomplements of P and P', resp. The rectangular hyperbola passing through P, P', Q, Q' has center X(858) for all P. (Randy Hutson, March 29, 2020)
X(858) lies on the cubics K008, K288, K474, K475, K479, K794, and these lines: {2, 3}, {6, 16306}, {11, 3100}, {12, 4296}, {39, 15820}, {50, 230}, {51, 12058}, {52, 26879}, {53, 15355}, {66, 20806}, {67, 524}, {69, 23300}, {70, 15316}, {74, 16167}, {76, 15667}, {97, 23295}, {98, 2986}, {99, 37804}, {110, 1503}, {111, 24855}, {113, 14915}, {114, 3258}, {115, 3291}, {120, 5520}, {122, 42426}, {125, 511}, {126, 625}, {132, 16177}, {141, 7703}, {147, 14611}, {155, 11457}, {159, 28408}, {182, 14389}, {187, 40544}, {193, 18919}, {195, 43588}, {250, 37801}, {262, 16311}, {265, 37477}, {305, 7796}, {316, 691}, {323, 3448}, {325, 523}, {343, 2979}, {373, 19130}, {385, 16315}, {394, 1853}, {476, 1297}, {496, 9538}, {541, 44791}, {542, 3292}, {566, 3815}, {590, 11417}, {612, 37719}, {614, 9643}, {615, 11418}, {626, 30749}, {671, 15398}, {842, 925}, {930, 23319}, {1078, 11056}, {1086, 24164}, {1092, 14516}, {1147, 34224}, {1154, 20379}, {1180, 9607}, {1194, 7765}, {1209, 5447}, {1290, 26703}, {1294, 9060}, {1302, 2693}, {1304, 34168}, {1331, 41327}, {1350, 20300}, {1351, 26869}, {1352, 15066}, {1353, 11004}, {1495, 5972}, {1531, 2777}, {1533, 36518}, {1560, 5523}, {1568, 6000}, {1614, 9820}, {1619, 41736}, {1648, 20977}, {1843, 26156}, {1899, 1993}, {1994, 11245}, {2393, 5181}, {2452, 7774}, {2453, 7778}, {2549, 9745}, {2690, 30788}, {2694, 9058}, {2752, 13397}, {2770, 3565}, {2883, 12279}, {2886, 20243}, {2892, 11061}, {2972, 38552}, {3060, 13567}, {3101, 3925}, {3163, 41358}, {3164, 7777}, {3218, 26933}, {3219, 21015}, {3231, 39691}, {3284, 6103}, {3313, 6697}, {3314, 16313}, {3566, 14698}, {3574, 9729}, {3581, 15061}, {3589, 19121}, {3613, 14761}, {3788, 30747}, {3794, 26542}, {3818, 5651}, {3819, 43130}, {3917, 11649}, {3920, 15888}, {3933, 9464}, {4316, 5370}, {4324, 7302}, {4325, 5322}, {4329, 23305}, {4330, 5310}, {4576, 6393}, {5012, 23292}, {5103, 13518}, {5211, 31126}, {5254, 9465}, {5305, 5354}, {5318, 37776}, {5319, 5359}, {5321, 37775}, {5422, 44480}, {5446, 43817}, {5448, 10575}, {5449, 10625}, {5480, 5640}, {5562, 20299}, {5596, 28708}, {5642, 11645}, {5650, 24206}, {5654, 11456}, {5888, 32218}, {5971, 13219}, {6036, 22463}, {6090, 18440}, {6101, 13561}, {6106, 6109}, {6107, 6108}, {6146, 34148}, {6241, 22660}, {6243, 11660}, {6247, 12111}, {6340, 13575}, {6390, 14360}, {6515, 23291}, {6530, 46106}, {6688, 44300}, {6696, 11440}, {6698, 8262}, {6699, 32110}, {6723, 29317}, {6776, 37645}, {6795, 9744}, {6800, 46264}, {7191, 9630}, {7668, 22329}, {7689, 43607}, {7691, 32351}, {7706, 37470}, {7736, 16303}, {7750, 26233}, {7752, 11059}, {7779, 31372}, {7830, 15822}, {7832, 30785}, {7840, 39352}, {7849, 21248}, {7868, 16321}, {7912, 30793}, {7925, 16316}, {8024, 45201}, {8280, 35812}, {8281, 35813}, {8288, 15993}, {8550, 11422}, {8585, 18424}, {8680, 25344}, {8759, 43735}, {8791, 10317}, {8901, 43768}, {9076, 11635}, {9128, 10160}, {9189, 39509}, {9225, 11646}, {9300, 41335}, {9306, 11550}, {9479, 19375}, {9545, 31804}, {9681, 18289}, {9710, 29667}, {9711, 29679}, {9822, 46026}, {10102, 20187}, {10192, 26881}, {10264, 12219}, {10418, 40350}, {10423, 39436}, {10539, 16659}, {10564, 17702}, {10574, 12233}, {10627, 34826}, {10717, 22110}, {11002, 21850}, {11163, 16333}, {11174, 16324}, {11206, 41602}, {11411, 23307}, {11412, 12359}, {11420, 23302}, {11421, 23303}, {11441, 14216}, {11443, 23326}, {11449, 34782}, {11454, 23328}, {11580, 43291}, {11592, 13565}, {11605, 18876}, {11680, 23304}, {11750, 12038}, {11809, 29639}, {12022, 13352}, {12079, 31127}, {12121, 32227}, {12160, 26944}, {12163, 20302}, {12221, 23309}, {12222, 23310}, {12223, 23311}, {12224, 23312}, {12226, 21230}, {12272, 15583}, {12278, 41362}, {12370, 37495}, {12824, 32271}, {13009, 23313}, {13010, 23314}, {13292, 15134}, {13366, 33749}, {13367, 44829}, {13372, 14769}, {13391, 20396}, {13394, 15080}, {13398, 39119}, {13445, 15138}, {13470, 43394}, {13568, 43601}, {13573, 15262}, {13574, 34164}, {13754, 16003}, {13869, 29832}, {14156, 44407}, {14262, 32133}, {14538, 40709}, {14539, 40710}, {14567, 41939}, {14644, 43576}, {14852, 37483}, {14919, 17986}, {14927, 35260}, {14965, 35325}, {14981, 36212}, {15018, 18583}, {15043, 16227}, {15059, 15107}, {15132, 22115}, {15133, 15136}, {15140, 41595}, {15360, 44569}, {15448, 35904}, {15523, 21680}, {15606, 41590}, {15644, 32767}, {15880, 31401}, {15958, 46064}, {16103, 39356}, {16111, 33547}, {16163, 32743}, {16221, 31842}, {16266, 25738}, {16275, 33651}, {16319, 43460}, {16320, 30717}, {16325, 16990}, {16658, 46261}, {17134, 44412}, {17171, 26167}, {17712, 44516}, {17747, 24055}, {17834, 20303}, {18235, 27703}, {18279, 23097}, {18392, 23324}, {18396, 37497}, {18637, 21234}, {18669, 21017}, {18912, 36747}, {18914, 43590}, {18952, 36749}, {19122, 34774}, {19151, 45835}, {19379, 25329}, {19406, 23298}, {19407, 23299}, {19924, 32225}, {20403, 45689}, {20477, 23333}, {20481, 43620}, {21639, 32285}, {22112, 38317}, {22528, 23308}, {23325, 37480}, {23327, 41614}, {24284, 32120}, {24322, 24687}, {25320, 41617}, {25365, 31019}, {26875, 26951}, {26917, 41587}, {26958, 33586}, {28419, 36851}, {29323, 32237}, {29664, 39751}, {30741, 38514}, {31125, 46783}, {31383, 35264}, {31815, 37490}, {31843, 46439}, {32064, 37669}, {32068, 34565}, {32251, 37784}, {32300, 44102}, {34169, 41936}, {34237, 44766}, {34380, 37779}, {34545, 45298}, {34845, 37688}, {34989, 44401}, {35002, 38953}, {35259, 36990}, {35360, 44704}, {36983, 45014}, {37496, 38724}, {37649, 43815}, {37689, 41394}, {40111, 46114}, {41022, 41888}, {41023, 41887}, {41673, 44668}, {42329, 43461}, {43608, 44158}, {43650, 44491}, {44953, 46437}
X(858) = midpoint of (I) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 10989}, {3, 7574}, {4, 7464}, {20, 10296}, {23, 5189}, {67, 10510}, {186, 46450}, {265, 37477}, {316, 691}, {323, 3448}, {468, 46517}, {1370, 37980}, {2071, 3153}, {5002, 5003}, {5999, 36173}, {7468, 14957}, {14790, 45171}, {15133, 15136}, {17511, 36188}, {18325, 35001}, {18403, 18859}, {18572, 37950}, {23061, 41724}, {24322, 24687}, {25739, 43574}, {31726, 35452}, {35002, 38953}, {36185, 36186}
X(858) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these {i,j}: {3, 15122}, {4, 10297}, {22, 16387}, {23, 468}, {110, 11064}, {186, 10257}, {187, 40544}, {297, 37987}, {385, 16315}, {403, 2072}, {468, 5159}, {1495, 5972}, {1513, 36170}, {2070, 44452}, {2072, 37938}, {3580, 125}, {5099, 625}, {5112, 11007}, {5181, 19510}, {5189, 46517}, {5523, 38971}, {5913, 31655}, {7426, 2}, {7473, 441}, {7575, 140}, {8262, 6698}, {9128, 10160}, {10295, 3}, {11799, 5}, {15107, 32269}, {15360, 44569}, {16320, 44377}, {16386, 2071}, {18323, 18572}, {20063, 37899}, {21284, 16977}, {25338, 3628}, {31726, 23323}, {32110, 6699}, {32111, 113}, {32113, 141}, {32120, 24284}, {32123, 23306}, {32125, 23315}, {32217, 3589}, {32218, 34573}, {32220, 6}, {32223, 6723}, {32224, 16324}, {32225, 45311}, {36189, 21531}, {36196, 37350}, {37897, 37911}, {37899, 37897}, {37900, 23}, {37901, 37904}, {37924, 16619}, {37925, 37971}, {37927, 36157}, {37931, 16976}, {37932, 44907}, {37936, 44234}, {37947, 10096}, {37967, 25338}, {37969, 6676}, {37971, 44911}, {39356, 16103}, {40111, 46114}, {40112, 13857}, {41603, 15126}, {43893, 46031}, {44246, 34152}, {44264, 16239}, {44265, 549}, {44266, 547}, {44267, 546}
X(858) = isogonal conjugate of X(1177)
X(858) = isotomic conjugate of X(2373)
X(858) = complement of X(23)
X(858) = anticomplement of X(468)
X(858) = circumcircle-inverse of X(22)
X(858) = nine-point-circle-inverse of X(2)
X(858) = orthocentroidal-circle-inverse of X(1995)
X(858) = polar-circle-inverse of X(25)
X(858) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-inellipse-inverse of X(3)
X(858) = orthoptic-circle-of-Steiner-circumellipse-inverse of X(20)
X(858) = 1st-Droz-Farney-circle-inverse of X(6644)
X(858) = 2nd-Droz-Farney-circle-inverse of X(44440)
X(858) = circumcircle-of-anticomplementary-triangle-inverse of X(1370)
X(858) = Steiner-circle-inverse of X(20)
X(858) = de-Longchamps circle inverse of X(2)
X(858) = nine-point-circle-of-medial-triangle-inverse of X(7499)
X(858) = Stammler-circle-inverse of X(44457)
X(858) = Stammler-circles-radical-circle-inverse of X(44458)
X(858) = circumcircle-of-inner-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(44461)
X(858) = circumcircle-of-outer-Napoleon-triangle-inverse of X(44465)
X(858) = {circumcircle, nine-point circle}-inverter-inverse of X(3)
X(858) = X(i)-anticomplementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {31, 7665}, {48, 8591}, {63, 14360}, {75, 34518}, {111, 5905}, {671, 21270}, {691, 7253}, {810, 39356}, {892, 21300}, {895, 8}, {897, 4}, {923, 193}, {4575, 44010}, {5380, 20293}, {5547, 5942}, {7316, 12649}, {10097, 21221}, {14908, 192}, {14977, 21294}, {15398, 17491}, {17983, 5906}, {30786, 6327}, {32729, 17498}, {32740, 21216}, {34055, 25052}, {36060, 2}, {36085, 850}, {36128, 6515}, {36142, 525}, {46277, 11442}
X(858) = X(i)-complementary conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 6593}, {67, 10}, {656, 38971}, {935, 8062}, {2157, 2}, {3455, 37}, {8791, 226}, {9076, 1215}, {10415, 4892}, {14357, 16597}, {17708, 4369}, {18019, 2887}, {34897, 18589}, {36820, 19563}, {37221, 3934}, {46105, 20305}
X(858) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {316, 524}, {691, 523}, {11605, 46442}, {17172, 18669}, {30786, 2}, {39436, 22}
X(858) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1560, 2}, {2393, 5523}, {15116, 39269}, {21017, 20884}
X(858) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 15141}, {2393, 14961}
X(858) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {2, 18019}, {264, 671}, {892, 23582}
X(858) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): {3, 41615}, {6, 18374}, {184, 187}, {351, 3269}, {9426, 21906}
X(858) = trilinear pole of line {5181, 21109}
X(858) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line {32, 647}
X(858) = reflection of X(23) in the orthic axis
X(858) = homothetic center of complement of tangential triangle and anticomplement of orthic triangle
X(858) = X(125)-of-1st-anti-Brocard triangle
X(858) = radical trace of circumcircle and de Longchamps circle
X(858) = one of two harmonic traces of the power circles (X(2) is the other)
X(858) = homothetic center of X(2)- and X(4)-Ehrmann triangles; see X(25)
X(858) = Euler line intercept, other than X(858), of circle {X(403),X(858),PU(4)}}
X(858) = perspector of X(2)-Ehrmann triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and X(2)-Ehrmann triangle
X(858) = intersection of orthic axes of 1st and 2nd Ehrmann circumscribing triangles
X(858) = intersection of orthic axes of anticevian triangles of PU(4)
X(858) = X(i)-isoconjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): {1, 1177}, {19, 18876}, {31, 2373}, {32, 37220}, {560, 46140}, {647, 36095}, {656, 10423}, {896, 10422}, {1910, 36823}, {46165, 46289}
X(858) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 20884}, {6, 1236}, {10, 17172}, {69, 5523}, {75, 18669}, {76, 2393}, {86, 21017}, {190, 21109}, {264, 14961}, {305, 14580}, {598, 19510}, {671, 5181}, {801, 41603}, {1560, 30786}, {2986, 12827}, {3267, 46592}, {3933, 21459}, {6331, 42665}, {22151, 39269}
X(858) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these {i,j}: {2, 2373}, {3, 18876}, {6, 1177}, {75, 37220}, {76, 46140}, {111, 10422}, {112, 10423}, {141, 46165}, {162, 36095}, {511, 36823}, {895, 41511}, {1236, 76}, {1560, 468}, {2393, 6}, {5181, 524}, {5523, 4}, {12827, 3580}, {14580, 25}, {14961, 3}, {15126, 26958}, {17172, 86}, {18669, 1}, {19510, 599}, {20410, 8744}, {20884, 75}, {21017, 10}, {21109, 514}, {21459, 32085}, {34158, 14908}, {39269, 46105}, {41603, 13567}, {42665, 647}, {46592, 112}
X(858) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {2, 3, 7495}, {2, 4, 1995}, {2, 20, 7493}, {2, 23, 468}, {2, 427, 5133}, {2, 1370, 22}, {2, 2071, 16387}, {2, 2475, 4239}, {2, 3146, 4232}, {2, 3151, 26252}, {2, 3152, 26254}, {2, 3153, 37980}, {2, 3543, 26255}, {2, 5133, 37990}, {2, 5169, 5}, {2, 5189, 23}, {2, 6636, 6676}, {2, 6655, 26257}, {2, 6872, 26256}, {2, 7378, 6997}, {2, 7379, 7474}, {2, 7386, 7485}, {2, 7391, 25}, {2, 7394, 5020}, {2, 7396, 1370}, {2, 7409, 7398}, {2, 7496, 140}, {2, 7500, 6353}, {2, 7533, 16042}, {2, 7570, 3628}, {2, 8889, 31236}, {2, 13595, 6677}, {2, 14790, 26284}, {2, 14807, 1114}, {2, 14808, 1113}, {2, 15246, 7499}, {2, 16063, 3}, {2, 17511, 36166}, {2, 20063, 37760}, {2, 24585, 1375}, {2, 26097, 25495}, {2, 26761, 27029}, {2, 26809, 26968}, {2, 30745, 5159}, {2, 30889, 46531}, {2, 30952, 37370}, {2, 31022, 857}, {2, 31074, 427}, {2, 31099, 4}, {2, 31100, 442}, {2, 31101, 1368}, {2, 31102, 440}, {2, 31103, 21530}, {2, 31104, 18641}, {2, 31105, 381}, {2, 31106, 405}, {2, 31107, 6656}, {2, 31114, 13371}, {2, 31857, 5169}, {2, 34609, 34603}, {2, 36163, 9832}, {2, 36173, 7471}, {2, 36174, 36168}, {2, 37353, 37439}, {2, 37444, 26283}, {2, 37456, 4228}, {2, 37901, 37907}, {2, 46336, 40916}, {2, 46517, 37900}, {3, 4, 38323}, {3, 1594, 13160}, {3, 5094, 2}, {3, 10295, 44280}, {3, 13371, 1594}, {3, 18281, 37118}, {3, 18569, 6240}, {3, 21284, 37978}, {3, 26283, 22}, {3, 31152, 16063}, {3, 34725, 37196}, {3, 37444, 12225}, {3, 37972, 21284}, {4, 3546, 17928}, {4, 16051, 2}, {4, 31099, 31133}, {5, 427, 5169}, {5, 1368, 30739}, {5, 1907, 3832}, {5, 5169, 5133}, {5, 11799, 403}, {5, 30739, 2}, {20, 631, 38444}, {20, 3153, 10296}, {20, 7493, 22}, {20, 30769, 2}, {20, 35497, 548}, {21, 30770, 2}, {22, 30744, 2}, {23, 468, 7426}, {23, 2071, 37929}, {23, 10989, 5189}, {23, 20063, 37899}, {23, 30745, 2}, {23, 37760, 37897}, {23, 37901, 37910}, {23, 37929, 22}, {23, 37978, 21284}, {24, 30802, 2}, {25, 382, 7519}, {25, 7391, 34603}, {25, 30771, 2}, {25, 34609, 7391}, {25, 37928, 23}, {26, 6640, 10018}, {26, 30803, 2}, {27, 30772, 2}, {28, 30773, 2}, {29, 30774, 2}, {50, 44529, 230}, {66, 20806, 46442}, {115, 39602, 5913}, {140, 5576, 14788}, {140, 7575, 44214}, {140, 10300, 43957}, {140, 11819, 45735}, {140, 37454, 2}, {140, 43957, 7496}, {343, 23332, 23293}, {376, 7577, 15760}, {376, 30775, 2}, {377, 30776, 2}, {378, 31180, 18531}, {381, 21312, 44440}, {381, 32216, 2}, {381, 35001, 18325}, {382, 7519, 34603}, {384, 30777, 2}, {394, 1853, 11442}, {427, 468, 37981}, {427, 1312, 46698}, {427, 1313, 46699}, {427, 1368, 2}, {427, 5094, 1594}, {427, 15809, 7378}, {427, 23335, 31099}, {427, 30739, 5}, {427, 37454, 5576}, {428, 6677, 13595}, {468, 5159, 2}, {468, 5189, 37900}, {468, 37897, 37760}, {468, 37899, 37897}, {468, 37981, 403}, {549, 39504, 37347}, {549, 44239, 10298}, {550, 10224, 10024}, {550, 44210, 7492}, {851, 37165, 46488}, {851, 46484, 46487}, {851, 46485, 46484}, {851, 46486, 37165}, {1092, 18381, 14516}, {1113, 1114, 22}, {1312, 1313, 2}, {1346, 10720, 1312}, {1347, 10719, 1313}, {1351, 26869, 37644}, {1368, 11585, 16051}, {1368, 13371, 5094}, {1368, 31074, 5133}, {1370, 7493, 20}, {1370, 16387, 16386}, {1370, 26283, 12225}, {1375, 46553, 33325}, {1594, 7495, 37990}, {1594, 10295, 403}, {1657, 10255, 15761}, {1899, 1993, 45968}, {1995, 7485, 17928}, {1995, 11413, 22}, {1995, 31133, 4}, {2041, 2042, 24}, {2071, 5999, 46620}, {2071, 7464, 11413}, {2071, 7574, 12225}, {2071, 10296, 20}, {2071, 10989, 1370}, {2071, 37980, 22}, {2072, 7426, 37990}, {2072, 7575, 14788}, {2072, 10295, 13160}, {2072, 11799, 5}, {2072, 25338, 34939}, {2072, 44265, 37347}, {2450, 36189, 403}, {2479, 2480, 35923}, {2979, 23293, 343}, {3060, 26913, 13567}, {3153, 7396, 10989}, {3153, 37444, 7574}, {3153, 44450, 2071}, {3154, 36170, 2}, {3520, 12605, 34005}, {3541, 6643, 7503}, {3548, 14790, 24}, {3575, 16196, 22467}, {3627, 44212, 10301}, {3628, 25338, 44282}, {3917, 21243, 37636}, {4232, 30552, 22}, {5000, 5001, 403}, {5004, 5005, 186}, {5020, 5064, 7394}, {5020, 31255, 2}, {5064, 31255, 5020}, {5094, 7396, 12225}, {5094, 16063, 7495}, {5094, 31152, 3}, {5117, 37190, 41237}, {5133, 7426, 403}, {5133, 7495, 13160}, {5159, 5189, 7426}, {5159, 10989, 37900}, {5159, 37897, 37911}, {5159, 46517, 23}, {5169, 31074, 31857}, {5169, 31857, 427}, {5189, 10989, 46517}, {5189, 30745, 468}, {5189, 37760, 20063}, {5480, 37648, 5640}, {5576, 7575, 403}, {6143, 7512, 7542}, {6353, 44442, 7500}, {6644, 31181, 31723}, {6644, 31723, 7576}, {6676, 7667, 6636}, {7378, 37962, 10151}, {7386, 8889, 2}, {7386, 16051, 3546}, {7391, 7492, 18565}, {7391, 7519, 382}, {7396, 16051, 11413}, {7396, 30769, 20}, {7426, 16386, 22}, {7426, 37900, 23}, {7471, 46620, 22}, {7485, 31236, 2}, {7495, 12225, 22}, {7499, 10691, 15246}, {7539, 16419, 2}, {7542, 32144, 6143}, {7553, 16238, 3518}, {7570, 33332, 5133}, {7574, 15122, 10295}, {7574, 18403, 18569}, {7574, 37938, 1594}, {7667, 37969, 44246}, {8613, 10486, 7493}, {8889, 37119, 5094}, {9140, 23061, 41724}, {10255, 15761, 35487}, {10257, 37984, 6803}, {10297, 11585, 2072}, {10300, 37454, 7496}, {10301, 44212, 14002}, {10415, 15899, 16092}, {10415, 34320, 15899}, {10989, 30745, 23}, {10989, 37938, 5133}, {11250, 18563, 35491}, {11284, 35001, 23}, {11318, 11336, 2}, {11412, 23294, 12359}, {11585, 23335, 4}, {11585, 31099, 5133}, {12084, 18404, 18560}, {12085, 18859, 7464}, {12088, 14940, 13383}, {13371, 15122, 2072}, {13371, 16063, 5133}, {13394, 44882, 15080}, {14791, 18281, 3}, {14807, 14808, 1370}, {14957, 33314, 297}, {15122, 37444, 16386}, {15154, 15155, 44457}, {15329, 46594, 22}, {15899, 40343, 34320}, {15899, 42008, 10415}, {16049, 26253, 22}, {16051, 31099, 1995}, {16063, 37119, 7485}, {16063, 37444, 1370}, {16239, 44264, 44234}, {16387, 37980, 7426}, {16976, 37931, 37941}, {18531, 44441, 378}, {18586, 18587, 44275}, {19772, 19773, 401}, {20063, 30745, 37911}, {20063, 37760, 23}, {20063, 37899, 37900}, {20063, 37911, 7426}, {20405, 20406, 10691}, {20408, 20409, 20}, {21284, 37972, 23}, {21531, 21536, 2450}, {23047, 31829, 34007}, {23335, 37938, 10297}, {24887, 24940, 2}, {27099, 27151, 2}, {27387, 27511, 33305}, {28021, 28085, 33302}, {28049, 28127, 33306}, {28241, 28355, 859}, {28413, 28702, 441}, {29386, 29443, 46497}, {29499, 29702, 46575}, {29554, 29753, 46574}, {29971, 30041, 46514}, {30739, 31857, 5133}, {30745, 46517, 7426}, {30771, 34609, 25}, {31074, 31101, 2}, {31101, 31857, 30739}, {33305, 46552, 13589}, {34152, 37969, 6636}, {34320, 42008, 16092}, {34725, 37196, 3146}, {37050, 37330, 2}, {37165, 46484, 851}, {37165, 46485, 46487}, {37165, 46486, 46492}, {37353, 37901, 11563}, {37454, 43957, 140}, {37760, 37897, 7426}, {37897, 37899, 23}, {37897, 37911, 468}, {37899, 37911, 37760}, {37901, 37907, 37904}, {37904, 37907, 7426}, {37904, 37910, 23}, {37911, 46517, 20063}, {37925, 37943, 37971}, {37929, 37980, 23}, {37967, 44282, 25338}, {37971, 44911, 37943}, {39504, 44265, 403}, {40343, 42008, 15899}, {44309, 44310, 16386}, {46484, 46485, 46491}, {46484, 46486, 46488}, {46485, 46486, 851}, {46485, 46490, 46489}, {46486, 46489, 46490}, {46487, 46488, 851}, {46487, 46491, 46484}, {46487, 46492, 46488}, {46488, 46491, 46487}, {46488, 46492, 37165}, {46489, 46490, 851}, {46491, 46492, 851}, {46550, 46555, 46549}, {46551, 46554, 46548}, {46698, 46699, 5133}
As a point on the Euler line, X(859) has Shinagawa coefficients ($aSA$ + $a$F,- $aSA$ - $a$(E + F)).
X(859) lies on these lines: 2,3 36,238 56,58 81,957 198,284 283,945 333,956
X(859) = midpoint of X(851) and X(855)
X(859) = isogonal conjugate of X(38955)
X(859) = trilinear pole of line X(3310)X(8677)
X(859) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {58, 759}, {250, 36069}
X(859) = isogonal conjugate of anticomplement of X(34586)
X(859) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {10, 758}, {125, 6370}, {210, 3943}, {526, 6741}, {3738, 34589}
X(859) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(37)X(647)
X(859) = inverse-in-circumcircle of X(3109)
As a point on the Euler line, X(860) has Shinagawa coefficients ($abSC$F-$ab$(E+F)F, -$abSASB$+$ab$S2).
X(860) lies on these lines: 2,3 8,1068 10,201 34,997 240,522
X(860) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(48)X(647)
X(860) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(3109)
As a point on the Euler line, X(861) has Shinagawa coefficients (ES2+2$abSC$F-$ab$[2(E+F)F-S2], -3ES2+$abSASB$-2$ab$S2).
X(861) lies on these lines: 2,3 650,663
X(861) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(57)X(647)
Barycentrics (sin A)f(A,B,C) : (sin B)f(B,C,A) : (sin C)f(C,A,B)
As a point on the Euler line, X(862) has Shinagawa coefficients ($ab$F, -$abSC$).
X(862) lies on these lines: 2,3 661,663
X(862) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(63)X(647)
As a point on the Euler line, X(863) has Shinagawa coefficients ($abSASB$+$abSC$F, -$abSC2$ -$ab$S2).
X(863) lies on these lines: 2,3 667,788
X(863) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(75)X(647)
As a point on the Euler line, X(864) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E + F)3F - (E - 2F)FS2 + S4, -(E + F)4 + 2(E2 - F2)S2 - S4).
X(864) lies on these lines: 2,3 669,688
X(864) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(76)X(647)
As a point on the Euler line, X(865) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E + F)3F - (7E - 2F)FS2 + S4, -(E + F)4 + 2(E + F)(2E - F)S2 - S4).
X(865) lies on this line: 2,3 351,888
X(865) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(99)X(647)
As a point on the Euler line, X(866) has Shinagawa coefficients ([(E+F)F+S2]S2+$abSC3$ -$abSB2SC$+$abSASB$(E+F) -$abSC$[(E+F)2-2S2]-3$ab$FS2, -[(E+F)2+S2]S2-$abSC$S2 +$abSB$S2+$ab$(E+F)S2).
X(866) lies on these lines: 2,3 244,665
X(866) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(100)X(647)
As a point on the Euler line, X(867) has Shinagawa coefficients ((E-2F)S2+$abSC2$+$abSASB$ -$abSC$(E+F), -2(E+F)S2+$ab$S2).
X(867) lies on these lines: 2,3 11,244
X(867) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(101)X(647)
As a point on the Euler line, X(868) has Shinagawa coefficients (3(E + F)F - S2,(E + F)2 - 3S2).
X(868) lies on these lines: 2,3 115,125 127,136
X(868) = crosspoint of X(98) and X(523)
X(868) = crosssum of X(110) and X(511)
X(868) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(110)X(647)
X(868) = X(115)-Hirst inverse of X(125)
X(868) = intersection of trilinear polar and polar wrt polar circle of X(648)
X(868) = inverse-in-Hutson-Parry-circle of X(125)
X(868) = {X(13636),X(13722)}-harmonic conjugate of X(125)
X(868) = complementary conjugate of complement of X(35364)
X(869) lies on these lines: 1,2 6,292 31,32 38,980 55,893 100,731 101,743 192,1045 210,1107
X(869) = isogonal conjugate of X(870)
X(869) = isotomic conjugate of X(871)
X(869) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line
Let A'B'C' be the trilinear obverse triangle of X(2). Let LA be the line through A' parallel to BC, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A″ = LB∩LC, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC at X(870). (Randy Hutson, November 30, 2018)
X(870) lies on these lines: 1,76 2,292 6,75 34,331 56,85 58,274 86,871 106,789 767,825
X(870) = isogonal conjugate of X(869)
X(870) = isotomic conjugate of X(984)
X(870) = trilinear pole of line X(649)X(693)
X(871) lies on these lines: 2,561 75,700 76,335 86,870 310,982 675,789
X(871) = isotomic conjugate of X(869)
X(872) lies on these lines: 6,292 37,42 41,560 43,75 190,1045 386,984 688,798 740,1089
X(872) = isogonal conjugate of X(873)
X(872) = X(42)-Ceva conjugate of (1500)
X(872) = crosspoint of X(42) and X(213)
X(872) = crosssum of X(86) and X(274)
X(872) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(812)X(1019)
X(872) = trilinear square of X(42)
X(873) lies on these lines: 2,799 81,239 86,310 261,552 689,741
X(873) = isogonal conjugate of X(872)
X(873) = isotomic conjugate of X(756)
X(873) = cevapoint of X(86) and X(274)
X(873) = X(86)-cross conjugate of X(1509)
X(873) = trilinear pole of line X(812)X(1019)
X(873) = trilinear square of X(86)
X(874) lies on these lines: 1,75 99,670 100,789 190,646
X(874) = isogonal conjugate of X(875)
X(874) = isotomic conjugate of X(876)
X(874) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(798)X(1084)
X(874) = trilinear pole of line X(239)X(350)
X(875) lies on these lines: 1,512 31,669 42,649 213,667 291,659 295,926
X(875) = isogonal conjugate of X(874)
X(875) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (239,659), (740,812)
X(875) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(239)X(350)
X(875) = trilinear pole of line X(798)X(1084)
X(876) lies on these lines: 1,512 10,514 37,513 75,523 291,891 292,659 295,928 335,900 741,759
X(876) = reflection of X(659) in X(665)
X(876) = isogonal conjugate of X(3573)
X(876) = isotomic conjugate of X(874)
X(876) = crosssum of X(238) and X(659)
X(876) = trilinear pole of line X(244)X(661)
Let T1 be the tangential triangle of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(99),PU(37)}}. Let T2 be the tangential triangle of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(112),PU(39)}}. Let A'B'C' be the vertex triangle of T1 and T2. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(877). (Randy Hutson, December 29, 2015)
X(877) lies on these lines: 4,69 99,112
X(877) = isogonal conjugate of X(878)
X(877) = isotomic conjugate of X(879)
X(877) = trilinear pole of line X(232)X(297)
X(878) lies on these lines: 3,525 25,669 32,512 98,804 184,647
X(878) = isogonal conjugate of X(877)
X(878) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(232)X(297)
X(878) = intersection of lines PU(37) and PU(39)
X(878) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(2421)
X(879) lies on the Jerabek hyperbola and these lines: 3,525 4,512 6,523 54,826 66,924 67,526 69,520 74,98 287,895 2966,4266
X(879) = isogonal conjugate of X(4230)
X(879) = isotomic conjugate of X(877)
X(879) = crosssum of X(511) and X(684)
X(879) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(232)X(511)
X(879) = trilinear pole of line X(125)X(647)
X(879) = antigonal conjugate of X(35909)
X(879) = orthocenter of X(3)X(4)X(6)
X(879) = orthocenter of X(3)X(67)X(74)
X(879) = X(3)X(4)X(6)-isogonal conjugate of X(33752)
X(880) lies on these lines: 6,76 99,670 886,892
X(880) = isogonal conjugate of X(881)
X(880) = isotomic conjugate of X(882)
X(880) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(688)X(1084)
X(880) = P(1)U(11)∩U(1)P(11)
X(881) lies on these lines: 39,512 351,694
X(881) = isogonal conjugate of X(880)
X(881) = crosssum of X(732) and X(804)
X(881) = trilinear pole of line X(688)X(1084)
X(882) lies on these lines: 6,688 39,512 76,826 141,523 691,805 694,888 733,755
X(882) = isogonal conjugate of X(17941)
X(882) = isotomic conjugate of X(880)
X(882) = crosssum of X(385) and X(804)
X(882) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(385)X(732)
X(882) = barycentric product of Kiepert hyperbola intercepts of line PU(1)
X(882) = PU(1)∩PU(11)
X(883) lies on these lines: 7,8 190,644
X(883) = isogonal conjugate of X(884)
X(883) = isotomic conjugate of X(885)
X(884) lies on these lines: 21,885 31,649 41,663 55,650 56,667 105,659
X(884) = isogonal conjugate of X(883)
X(884) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (518,918), (1025,1026)
X(885) lies on these lines: 1,514 7,513 9,522 21,884 104,105 673,900 919,929
X(885) = isogonal conjugate of X(2283)
X(885) = isotomic conjugate of X(883)
X(885) = crosssum of X(672) and X(926)
X(885) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(672)X(1362)
X(885) = trilinear pole of line X(11)X(650)
X(885) = orthocenter of X(i)X(j)X(k) for thse (i,j,k): (1,4,9), (4,7,8)
X(886) lies on the Steiner circumellipse and these lines: 99,669 512,670 538,3228 880,892
X(886) = isogonal conjugate of X(887)
X(886) = isotomic conjugate of X(888)
X(886) = anticomplement of X(39010)
X(886) = trilinear pole of line X(2)X(670)
X(887) lies on these lines: 99,670 187,237
X(887) = isogonal conjugate of X(886)
X(887) = anticomplement of complementary conjugate of X(39010)
X(887) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,888), (512,538)
X(887) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(2)X(670)
X(887) = center of V(X(99)) = {15,16,99,729}}; see the preamble to X(6137)
X(887) = bicentric sum of PU(91)
X(887) = PU(91)-harmonic conjugate of X(9427)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(888) lies on the line at infinity.
X(888) lies on these lines: 30,511 351,865 694,882
X(888) = isogonal conjugate of X(9150)
X(888) = isotomic conjugate of X(886)
X(888) = crosssum of X(6) and X(887)
X(888) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(99)
X(888) = ideal point of PU(105)
X(888) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39010)
X(888) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(512)}}
X(888) = barycentric square root of X(39010)
X(889) lies on the Steiner circumellipse, the hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(41)}}j, and these lines: 99,898 190,649 350,903 513,668
X(889) = isogonal conjugate of X(890)
X(889) = isotomic conjugate of X(891)
X(889) = anticomplement of X(39011)
X(889) = trilinear pole of line X(2)X(668)
X(890) lies on these lines: 100,190 187,237
X(890) = isogonal conjugate of X(889)
X(890) = anticomplement of complementary conjugate of X(39011)
X(890) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,891), (513,536)
X(890) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(2)X(668)
X(890) = center of circle V(X(100)) = {15,16,100,739}}; see the preamble to X(6137)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(891) lies on the line at infinity.
X(891) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,659 30,511 244,665 291,876
X(891) = isogonal conjugate of X(898)
X(891) = isotomic conjugate of X(889)
X(891) = crosssum of X(6) and X(890)
X(891) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(100)
X(891) = bicentric difference of PU(27)
X(891) = ideal point of PU(i) for i in (27, 34)
X(891) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39011)
X(891) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(513)}}
X(891) = barycentric square root of X(39011)
The osculating circle of the Steiner circumellipse at X(99) intersects the Steiner circumellipse in two points: X(99) and X(892). See Osculating circle of Steiner circumellipse at X(99). (Randy Hutson, November 5, 2021)
X(892) lies on the Steiner circumellipse and these lines: 99,523 111,381 290,895 316,524 670,850 805,888 880,886
X(892) = isogonal conjugate of X(351)
X(892) = isotomic conjugate of X(690)
X(892) = complement of X(39356)
X(892) = anticomplement of X(23992)
X(892) = Steiner-circumellipse-X(6)-antipode of X(35146)
X(892) = trilinear pole of line X(2)X(99)
X(892) = cevapoint of X(2) and X(690)
Let A34B34C34 be Gemini triangle 34. Let A' be the perspector of conic {A,B,C,B34,C34}}, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(893). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(893) lies on these lines: 9,43 19,232 42,694 55,869 100,733 171,292 239,257
X(893) = isogonal conjugate of X(894)
X(893) = isotomic conjugate of X(1920)
X(893) = X(238)-cross conjugate of X(292)
X(893) = crosssum of X(9) and X(1045)
X(893) = X(239)-Hirst inverse of X(257)
X(893) = trilinear pole of line X(663)X(788)
X(893) = cevapoint of PU(8)
X(893) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of N-obverse triangle of X(1)
X(893) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of trilinear N-obverse triangle of X(2)
X(893) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of Gemini triangle 3
X(893) = complement of X(30660)
X(893) = perspector of Gemini triangle 33 and cross-triangle of Gemini triangles 33 and 34
X(894) lies on these lines: 1,87 2,7 6,75 8,193 10,1046 37,86 42,1045 65,257 72,1010 81,314 92,608 141,320 213,274 256,291 273,458 287,651 312,940 319,524 536,1100
X(894) = reflection of X(319) in X(594)
X(894) = isogonal conjugate of X(893)
X(894) = isotomic conjugate of X(257)
X(894) = complement of X(6646)
X(894) = anticomplement of X(4357)
X(894) = X(291)-Ceva conjugate of X(239)
X(894) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(663)X(788)
X(894) = intersection of tangents at PU(6) to hyperbola {A,B,C,X(789),PU(6)}
X(894) = crosspoint of PU(6)
X(894) = crosssum of PU(8)
X(894) = X(171)-Hirst inverse of X(385)
X(894) = perspector of Gemini triangle 4 and cross-triangle of ABC and Gemini triangle 4
X(894) = trilinear pole of perspectrix of ABC and Gemini triangle 3
Let A″B″C″ be the 2nd Ehrmann triangle. Let A* be the cevapoint of B″ and C″, and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(895). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
X(895) lies on the MacBeath circumconic, the Darboux septic, and these lines: 4,542 6,110 54,575 65,651 66,193 67,524 69,125 74,511 287,879 290,892
X(895) = midpoint of X(193) and X(3448)
X(895) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (69,125), (110,6)
X(895) = isogonal conjugate of X(468)
X(895) = anticomplement of X(5181)
X(895) = circumcircle-inverse of X(6091)
X(895) = trilinear pole of line X(3)X(647)
X(895) = antigonal image of X(69)
X(895) = syngonal conjugate of X(6)
X(895) = polar conjugate of X(37778)
X(895) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(37778) (line X(690)X(12828))
X(895) = MacBeath-circumconic-antipode of X(110)
X(895) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(187)
X(895) = perspector of ABC and unary cofactor triangle of 4th Brocard triangle
X(895) = eigencenter of 2nd Ehrmann triangle
X(895) = perspector of 2nd Ehrmann triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 2nd Ehrmann triangle
X(896) lies on these lines: 1,21 9,750 44,513 57,748 162,240 171,756 238,244 518,902
X(896) = isogonal conjugate of X(897)
X(896) = complement of X(17491)
X(896) = anticomplement of X(4892)
X(896) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(922)
X(896) = isotomic conjugate of complement of anticomplementary conjugate of X(21298)
X(896) = isotomic conjugate of anticomplement of complementary conjugate of X(21256)
X(896) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(36128)
X(896) = crosssum of X(1) and X(896)
X(896) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1)X(661)
X(896) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(671)
X(896) = bicentric sum of PU(78)
X(896) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(36128)
X(896) = PU(78)-harmonic conjugate of X(661)
Let A1B1C1 and A3B3C3 be the 1st and 3rd Parry triangles. Let A' be the trilinear product A1*A3, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(897). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A'B'C' and A″B″C″ be the 4th Brocard and 4th anti-Brocard triangles, resp. Let A* be the trilinear product A'*A″, and define B*, C* cyclically. The lines AA*, BB*, CC* concur in X(897). (Randy Hutson, March 21, 2019)
X(897) lies on these lines: 1,662 10,190 19,162 37,100 65,651 75,799 158,823 225,653 691,759
X(897) = isogonal conjugate of X(896)
X(897) = isotomic conjugate of X(14210)
X(897) = anticomplement of X(16597)
X(897) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(523)
X(897) = trilinear pole of line X(1)X(661)
X(897) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(36060)
X(897) = X(6)-isoconjugate of X(524)
X(898) lies on these lines:
99,889 100,667 101,765
105,666 106,238 813,1023
X(898) = isogonal conjugate of X(891)
X(898) = intersection, other than A, B, C, of circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,PU(26),PU(33)}}
X(898) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(100)
X(898) = Ψ(X(1), X(190))
X(898) = Ψ(X(6), X(100))
X(898) = Ψ(X(650), X(8))
X(898) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(1)X(190)
X(899) lies on these lines: 1,2 6,750 38,210 44,513 55,748 88,291 100,238 244,518
X(899) = isogonal conjugate of X(37129)
X(899) = isotomic conjugate of X(31002)
X(899) = complement of X(29824)
X(899) = anticomplement of X(4871)
X(899) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {891, 19945}, {1646, 14404}
X(899) = trilinear pole of line X(891)X(3768)
X(899) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 37129}, {4607, 7035}
X(899) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1, 899}, {513, 16507}, {3248, 3768}
X(899) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1)X(649)
X(899) = bicentric sum of PU(58)
X(899) = PU(58)-harmonic conjugate of X(649)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point that lies on the circumcircle, X(900) lies on the line at infinity.
Let Ia be the reflection of X(1) in the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define Ib and Ic cyclically; then X(900) = X(513) of IaIbIc. (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let Ua be the line through X(80) perpendicular to the line AX(80), and define Ub and Uc cyclically. Let Va be the reflection of BC in Ua, and define Vb and Vc cyclically. The lines Va, Vb, Vc are parallel, and they concur in X(900). (Angel Montesdeoca, June 30, 2017)
X(900) lies on these (parallel) lines: 11,244 30,511 37,665 100,190 335,876 673,885 1635,1644
X(900) = isogonal conjugate of X(901)
X(900) = isotomic conjugate of X(4555)
X(900) = complementary conjugate of X(3259)
X(900) = X(80)-Ceva conjugate of X(11)
X(900) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(35092)
X(900) = crosspoint of X(100) and X(104)
X(900) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (55,654), (513,517), (649,902)
X(900) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(101)
X(900) = excentral-isogonal conjugate of X(34464)
X(900) = X(523)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(900) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22086)
X(900) = trilinear pole of line X(1647)X(2087)
X(900) = ideal point of PU(i) for these i: 121, 123
X(900) = bicentric difference of PU(i) for these i: 121, 123
X(900) = barycentric product X(514)*X(519)
X(900) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(35092)
Let LA be the line of reflection of line X(1)X(5) in line BC, and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(901). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let La, Lb, Lc be the lines through A, B, C, resp. parallel to the antiorthic axis. Let Ma, Mb, Mc be the reflections of BC, CA, AB in La, Lb, Lc, resp. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. The centroid of A'B'C' is X(901); see Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008. (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
Let A', B', C' be the intersections of the Nagel line and lines BC, CA, AB, resp. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(901). (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
X(901) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 3,953 6,2384 36,106 55,840 59,109 88,105 100,513 101,649 104,517 484,759 675,903
X(901) = reflection of X(953) in X(3)
X(901) = isogonal conjugate of X(900)
X(901) = anticomplement of X(3259)
X(901) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(32719)
X(901) = isotomic conjugate of complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23184)
X(901) = isotomic conjugate of anticomplement of X(3310)
X(901) = Ψ(X(58), X(110))
X(901) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(22086)
X(901) = X(36)-cross conjugate of X(59)
X(901) = Ψ(X(1),X(88))
X(901) = Ψ(X(2),X(45))
X(901) = Ψ(X(6),X(101))
X(901) = Ψ(X(8), X(11))
X(901) = trilinear pole, wrt circumtangential triangle, of line X(3)X(8)
X(901) = reflection of X(100) in line X(1)X(3)
X(901) = trilinear pole of line X(6)x(101)
X(901) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1647)X(2087)
X(901) = intersection of antipedal lines of X(100) and X(104)
X(901) = trilinear product X(100)*X(106) (circumcircle-X(1) antipodes)
X(901) = Ψ(X(650),X(9))
X(901) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(2)X(45)
X(902) lies on these lines: 1,89 6,31 35,595 36,106 44,678 100,238 109,840 165,614 187,237 518,896 739,813 750,1001
X(902) = isogonal conjugate of X(903)
X(902) = complement of X(21282)
X(902) = anticomplement of X(21241)
X(902) = X(106)-Ceva conjugate of X(6)
X(902) = crosspoint of X(6) and X(106)
X(902) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,519), (88,1320), (900,1086)
X(902) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(2)X(514)
X(902) = trilinear pole of PU(99) (line X(1017)X(1960))
X(902) = inverse-in-Parry-isodynamic-circle of X(5029); see X(2)
X(902) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(6336)
X(902) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(6),X(101)}}
X(902) = {X(31),X(42)}-harmonic conjugate of X(2308)
X(902) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(22356)
James Blaikie (1847-1929) proposed the following problem. Let O be any point in the plane of triangle ABC, and let any straight line g through O meet BC in P, CA in Q, AB in R; then, if points P', Q', R' be taken on the line so that PO = OP', QO = OQ', RO = OR'. Prove that AP', BQ', CR' concur.
Darij Grinberg introduces the term Blaikie point of O and g for the point Z of concurrence. If
O = x : y : z and g = [k : l : m] (barycentric coordinates),
then Z has first barycentric 1/[k(y-z) - (ly-mz)]. Given a point S = u : v : w, Grinberg then defines the S-Blaikie transform of O as the Blaikie point of O and OS. The first barycentric of Z can be written as
1/[yw(y+x) + zv(z+x) - yz(2u+v+w)].
Seet Blaikie theorem in barycentrics. (Darij Grinberg, 12/28/02)
X(903) lies on the Steiner circumellipse and these lines: 2,45 7,528 27,648 75,537 86,99 310,670 320,519 335,536 350,889 527,666 675,901 812,1022
X(903) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (2,1086), (190,2)
X(903) = isogonal conjugate of X(902)
X(903) = isotomic conjugate of X(519)
X(903) = complement of X(17487)
X(903) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (320,86), (519,2)
X(903) = Steiner-circumellipse-antipode of X(190)
X(903) = anticomplement of X(4370)
X(903) = projection from Steiner inellipse to Steiner circumellipse of X(1086)
X(903) = antipode of X(2) in hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(7)}
X(903) = trilinear pole of line X(2)X(514)
X(903) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(8756) (line X(4120)X(4895))
X(903) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(22356)
X(903) = X(48)-isoconjugate (polar conjugate) of X(8756)
X(903) = crossdifference of PU(99)
X(903) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1017)X(1960)
X(904) lies on these lines: 1,257 21,238 31,237 55,869 101,733 172,694
X(904) = isogonal conjugate of X(1909)
X(904) = X(238)-Hirst inverse of X(256)
X(904) = cevapoint of PU(9)
X(905) lies on these lines: 36,238 241,514 441,525 521,656 1053,1054
X(905) = isogonal conjugate of X(1783)
X(905) = isotomic conjugate of X(6335)
X(905) = complement of X(4391)
X(904) = complement of anticomplementary conjugate of X(21226)
X(905) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(692)
X(905) = trilinear pole of line X(1364)X(3270)
X(905) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,650), (42,657), (513,614)
X(905) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(19)X(25)
X(905) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(23224)
X(906) lies on these lines: 32,218 41,601 72,248 100,112 101,109 163,692 219,577 1331,4574
X(906) = isogonal conjugate of X(17924)
X(906) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(513)
X(906) = trilinear pole of line X(48)X(184)
X(906) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(11)X(2969)
X(906) = barycentric product X(3)*X(100)
X(906) = barycentric product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(3)X(63)
X(907) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 98,620 111,1180 112,1634
X(907) = isogonal conjugate of X(3800)
X(907) = Λ(X(419), X(2501)) (line is radical axis of circumcircle and orthosymmedial circle)
Let La, Lb, Lc be the lines through A, B, C, resp. parallel to the antiorthic axis. Let Ma, Mb, Mc be the reflections of BC, CA, AB in La, Lb, Lc, resp. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. Let A″B″C″ be the reflection of A'B'C' in the antiorthic axis. The triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC, with center of homothety X(908); see Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008. (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
X(908) lies on these lines: 1,998 2,7 4,78 5,72 8,946 10,994 11,518 12,960 80,519 92,264 100,516 119,517 153,515 214,535 224,1079 377,936 392,495 514,661
X(908) = reflection of X(1512) in X(119)
X(908) = isogonal conjugate of X(909)
X(908) = isotomic conjugate of X(34234)
X(908) = anticomplement of X(3911)
X(908) = complement of X(3218)
X(908) = crosssum of X(41) and X(902)
X(908) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(31)X(663)
X(908) = inverse-in-circumconic-centered-at-X(9) of X(63)
X(908) = trilinear pole of line X(1145)X(1769)
X(908) = {X(2),X(7)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3306)
X(908) = polar conjugate of X(36123)
X(908) = pole wrt polar circle of trilinear polar of X(36123) (line X(19)X(649))
X(908) = homothetic center of the complement of the excentral triangle and the anticomplement of the intouch triangle
X(909) lies on these lines: 9,48 19,604 55,184 163,284 333,662
X(909) = isogonal conjugate of X(908)
X(909) = trilinear pole of line X(31)X(663)
X(909) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1145)X(1769)
X(909) = barycentric product X(1)*X(104)
X(909) = trilinear product X(6)*X(104)
X(909) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(22350)
X(910) lies on these lines: 3,169 6,57 9,165 19,25 32,1104 40,220 41,65 44,513 46,218 48,354 101,517 103,971 105,919 118,516 227,607 241,294
X(910) = reflection of X(1530) in X(118)
X(910) = isogonal conjugate of X(36101)
X(910) = X(294)-Ceva conjugate of X(6)
X(910) = crosspoint of X(57) and X(105)
X(910) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,910), (9,518)
X(910) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(1)X(905)
X(910) = X(57)-Hirst inverse of X(1419)
X(910) = X(230)-of-excentral-triangle
X(911) lies on these lines: 3,101 41,603 48,692 56,607 241,294
X(911) = isogonal conjugate of X(30807)
X(911) = barycentric product X(1)*X(103)
X(911) = trilinear product X(6)*X(103)
X(911) = isogonal conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(36101)
X(911) = isogonal conjugate of polar conjugate of X(36122)
X(911) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(36056)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(912) lies on the line at infinity.
X(912) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,90 3,63 5,226 30,511 38,1064 65,68 222,1060 601,976 774,1066 960,993
X(912) = isogonal conjugate of X(915)
X(912) = isotomic conjugate of polar conjugate of X(8609)
X(912) = X(104)-Ceva conjugate of X(3)
X(912) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(3657)
X(912) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(2990)
X(912) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(32655)
X(913) lies on these lines: 19,101 25,692 27,662 571,608
X(913) = isogonal conjugate of X(914)
X(914) lies on these lines: 8,224 63,69 514,661
X(914) = isogonal conjugate of X(913)
X(914) = isotomic conjugate of X(37203)
X(915) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 19,101 21,925 24,108 28,110 34,46 99,286 242,929
X(915) = isogonal conjugate of X(912)
X(915) = X(517)-cross conjugate of X(4)
X(915) = antipode of X(4) in hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(19)}}
X(915) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(119)
X(915) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(3657)
X(915) = Ψ(X(6), X(3657))
X(915) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(32655)
X(915) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(2990)
X(915) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(19)}}
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(916) lies on the line at infinity.
X(916) lies on these (parallel) lines: 3,48 30,511 72,185 1037,1069
X(916) = isogonal conjugate of X(917)
X(916) = isotomic conjugate of polar conjugate of X(8608)
X(916) = X(19)-isoconjugate of X(2989)
X(916) = X(103)-Ceva conjugate of X(3)
Let A'B'C' be the 1st circumperp triangle. Let A″ be the pole, wrt the polar circle, of line B'C', and define B″and C″ cyclically. The lines A'A″, B'B″, C'C″ concur in X(917). (Randy Hutson, July 11, 2019)
X(917) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 4,101 27,110 92,100 109,278
X(917) = reflection of X(1305) in X(3)
X(917) = reflection of X(4) in X(5190)
X(917) = isogonal conjugate of X(916)
X(917) = X(516)-cross conjugate of X(4)
X(917) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(2989)
X(917) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(8608)
X(917) = antipode of X(4) in hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(27)}
X(917) = polar-circle-inverse of X(118)
X(917) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(27)}
As the isogonal conjugate of a point of the circumcircle, X(918) lies on the line at infinity.
X(918) lies on these (parallel) lines: 30,511 63,654 190,644 1086,1111
X(918) = isogonal conjugate of X(919)
X(918) = isotomic conjugate of X(666)
X(918) = crosssum of X(6) and X(665)
X(918) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(692)
X(918) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(35094)
X(918) = X(514)-Hirst inverse of X(522)
X(918) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(35094)
Let Q be a point on line X(2)X(11) other than X(2). Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of Q. Let A″ be the {B,C}-harmonic conjugate of A' (or equivalently, A″ = BC∩B'C'), and define B″, C″ cyclically. The circumcircles of AB″C″, BC″A″, CA″B″ concur in X(919). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let A', B', C' be the intersections of line X(1)X(6) and lines BC, CA, AB, resp. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(919). (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
X(919) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 6,840 99,666 100,650 101,663 103,672 104,294 105,910 106,1055 109,649 673,675 885,929
X(919) = isogonal conjugate of X(918)
X(919) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(692)
X(919) = Ψ(X(i), X(j)) for these (i,j): (1,41), (2,11), (6,692), (11,650), (76,8)
X(919) = isogonal conjugate of isotomic conjugate of trilinear pole of line X(2)X(11)
X(919) = circumcircle intercept, other than A, B, C, of conic {A,B,C,PU(95)}}
X(919) = inverse-in-Stevanovic-circle of X(100)
X(919) = trilinear product X(101)*X(105) (circumcircle-X(1) antipodes)
X(919) = barycentric product X(100)*X(105) (circumcircle-X(2) antipodes)
X(920) lies on these lines: 1,21 4,46 4,78 9,498 19,91 57,499 158,921 201,601 243,1075
X(920) = isogonal conjugate of X(921)
X(920) = X(158)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(921) lies on these lines: 19,47 46,225 63,91 158,920
X(921) = isogonal conjugate of X(920)
X(921) = X(255)-cross conjugate of X(1)
X(921) = intersection of tangents at X(46) and X(90) to Orthocubic K006
X(922) lies on these lines: 31,48 667,788
X(922) = isogonal conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(896)
X(922) = isogonal conjugate of complement of anticomplementary conjugate of X(21298)
X(922) = isogonal conjugate of anticomplement of complementary conjugate of X(21256)
X(922) = complement of X(21298)
X(922) = anticomplement of X(21256)
X(922) = trilinear product of PU(107)
X(923) lies on these lines: 1,662 31,163 42,101 213,692 691,741
X(923) = isogonal conjugate of X(14210)
X(923) = barycentric product X(1)*X(111)
X(923) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of Schoute circle
X(923) = trilinear product of circumcircle intercepts of line X(6)X(512)
X(923) = trilinear product X(6)*X(111)
X(923) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(36060)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(924) lies on the line at infinity.
X(924) lies on these (parallel) lines: 30,511 50,647 66,879 669,684
X(924) = isogonal conjugate of X(925)
X(924) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(34952)
X(924) = complementary conjugate of X(136)
X(924) = X(i)-Ceva conjugate of X(j) for these (i,j): (2,39013), (4,136), (70,125)
X(924) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (4,110), (99,275)
X(924) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (3,523), (216,512)
X(924) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(5)X(6)
X(924) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(24)}}
X(924) = intersection of trilinear polars of X(2) and X(24)
X(924) = barycentric square root of X(39013)
X(925) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 2,136 3,847 4,131 20,68 21,915 22,98 91,759 94,96 648,933 842,858
X(925) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,131), (1300,3)
X(925) = isogonal conjugate of X(924)
X(925) = isotomic conjugate of X(6563)
X(925) = trilinear pole of line X(5)X(6)
X(925) = concurrence of reflections in sides of ABC of line X(4)X(52)
X(925) = Ψ(X(1), X(91))
X(925) = Ψ(X(3), X(68))
X(925) = Ψ(X(4), X(52))
X(925) = Ψ(X(6), X(5))
X(925) = Λ(trilinear polar of X(24))
X(925) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(135)
X(925) = anticomplement of X(136)
X(925) = X(26)-cross conjugate of X(250)
X(925) = Gibert-circumtangential conjugate of X(34952)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(926) lies on the line at infinity.
X(926) lies on these (parallel) lines: 30,511 55,654 101,692 295,875 657,663 2170,2310
X(926) = isogonal conjugate of X(927)
X(926) = isotomic conjugate of anticomplement of X(39014)
X(926) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39014)
X(926) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(55)}}
X(926) = barycentric square root of X(39014)
X(926) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (100,294), (101,103)
X(926) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (241,513), (514,516), (523,857), (673,885)
X(926) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(7)
Let La, Lb, Lc be the lines through A, B, C, resp. parallel to the Gergonne line. Let Ma, Mb, Mc be the reflections of BC, CA, AB in La, Lb, Lc, resp. Let A' = Mb∩Mc, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is inversely similar to, and 3 times the size of, ABC. The centroid of A'B'C' is X(927); see Hyacinthos #16741/16782, Sep 2008. (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
Let A', B', C' be the intersections of line X(7)X(8) and lines BC, CA, AB, resp. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(927). (Randy Hutson, March 25, 2016)
X(927) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 7,840 100,693 101,514 103,516 109,658 813,1025
X(927) = isogonal conjugate of X(926)
X(927) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(7)
X(927) = Ψ(X(1), X(85))
X(927) = Ψ(X(6), X(7))
X(927) = Ψ(X(41), X(1))
X(927) = Ψ(X(650), X(2))
X(927) = circumcircle-intercept, other than A, B, C, of conic {A,B,C,PU(57)}
X(927) = circumcircle-intercept, other than A, B, C, of conic {A,B,C,PU(96)}}
X(927) = intersection of antipedal lines of X(101) and X(103)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(928) lies on the line at infinity.
X(928) lies on these (parallel) lines: 30,511 101,109 102,103 116,124 117,118 151,152 295,876
X(928) = isogonal conjugate of X(929)
X(928) = crosssum of X(523) and X(851)
X(928) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(11)
X(928) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(39017)
X(928) = perspector of hyperbola {A,B,C,X(2),X(59)}}
X(928) = barycentric square root of X(39017)
X(929) lies on the circumcircle.
X(929) lies on these lines: 101,522 102,516 103,515 109,514 242,915 885,919
X(929) = isogonal conjugate of X(928)
X(929) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(11)
X(929) = Ψ(X(6), X(11))
X(930) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 2,137 3,252 4,128 74,550
X(930) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,128), (1141,3), (1263,140)
X(930) = isogonal conjugate of X(1510)
X(930) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(32737)
X(930) = anticomplement of X(137)
X(930) = X(523)-cross conjugate of X(1487)
X(930) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(17) (Napoleon axis)
X(930) = Ψ(X(6), X(17))
X(930) = Ψ(X(49), X(3))
X(930) = X(74)-of-Lucas-triangle (defined at X(95))
X(930) = X(74)-of-circumorthic-triangle
X(931) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 100,645 101,643 108,648 109,662 111,941
X(931) = isogonal conjugate of X(8672)
X(931) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(21)
X(931) = Ψ(X(6), X(21))
X(932) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 1,727 21,741 81,715 87,106 105,330 172,699 644,813 667,668
X(932) = isogonal conjugate of X(4083)
X(932) = isotomic conjugate of X(20906)
X(932) = X(190)-cross conjugate of X(100)
X(932) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(43)
X(932) = Ψ(X(1), X(87))
X(932) = Ψ(X(6), X(43))
Let A' = BC∩X(186)X(523), and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B' concur in X(933). Note: Line X(186)X(523) is the polar of X(4) wrt the circumcircle. (Randy Hutson, February 10, 2016)
Let P be a point on the circumcircle, and let
(Oab) = circle through A tangent to line BC at B
(Oac) = circle through A tangent to line BC at C
Ba = point other than A where the line PB meets (Oab)
Ca = point other than A where the line PC meets (Oac)
Hab = orthocenter of APBa
Hac = orthocenter of APCa
Define Hbc and Hca cyclically, and define Hba and Hcb cyclically. The points Hab, Hac, Hbc, Hba, Hca, Hcb lies on a hyperbola with center = midpoint(P and H), where H = X(4), the orthocenter. This hyperbola is rectangular if and only if P = X(933). This note is related to a problem posed in 2017 Olympiad of Rusanovsky Lyceum in Kyiv, Ukraine , IX-X Team p9. For details, see El centro X(933) y una hipérbola rectangular. (Angel Montesdeoca, July 3, 2021)
X(933) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 4,137 54,74 98,275 250,476 270,759 648,925
X(933) = X(4)-cross conjugate of X(250)
X(933) = isogonal conjugate of X(6368)
X(933) = Λ(X(684), X(2525)); line X(684)X(2525) is the isotomic conjugate, wrt the MacBeath triangle, of the MacBeath inconic)
X(933) = Λ(X(2081), X(2600)) (line X(2081)X(2600) is the trilinear polar of X(5))
X(933) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(24)
X(933) = concurrence of reflections of line X(4)X(54) in sides of ABC
X(933) = Ψ(XI),X(j)) for these (i,j): (3,54), (4,54), (5,2), (6,24), (69,54)
X(933) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(137)
X(933) = X(1577)-isoconjugate of X(216)
X(933) = barycentric product X(110)*X(275)
X(933) = barycentric quotient X(275)/X(850)
X(933) = perspector of circumcevian triangle of X(186) and cross-triangle of ABC and circumorthic triangle
X(933) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and conic {A,B,C,PU(61)}}
X(933) = center of the bianticevian conic of X(1) and X(47); i.e. the rectangular hyperbola {X(1), X(47), X(48), and vertices of their anticevian triangles}
Let P be a point on line X(4)X(7) other than X(4). Let A' be the reflection of P in BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcircles of AA'B', BC'A', and CA'B' concur at X(934). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
X(934) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 1,103 3,972 7,104 56,105 77,102 100,658 101,651 106,269 644,1025 675,1088 727,1106 741,1042 759,1014
X(934) = reflection of X(972) in X(3)
X(934) = isogonal conjugate of X(3900)
X(934) = isotomic conjugate of X(4397)
X(934) = X(513)-cross conjugate of X(57)
X(935) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 4,842 67,74 98,186 99,3267 110,525 111,468 112,523 250,827 378,477
X(935) = anticomplement of X(38971)
X(935) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(2492)
X(935) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(67) (the radical axis of the orthocentroidal circle and Dao-Moses-Telv circle)
X(935) = concurrence of reflections in sides of ABC of line X(4)X(67)
X(935) = polar conjugate of X(9979)
X(935) = Ψ(X(3), X(67))
X(935) = Ψ(X(4), X(67))
X(935) = Ψ(X(6), X(67))
X(935) = Ψ(X(23), X(2))
X(935) = Λ(trilinear polar of X(23))
X(935) = reflection of X(112) in the Euler line
X(935) = inverse-in-polar-circle of X(5099)
X(936) lies on these lines: 1,2 3,9 40,960 56,210 57,72 63,404 165,411 223,1038 226,443 269,307 377,908 581,966 984,988
X(936) = isogonal conjugate of X(937)
X(936) = complement of X(938)
X(936) = exsimilicenter of hexyl and Spieker circles; the insimilicenter is X(9623)
X(936) = homothetic center of medial triangle and tangential triangle of the hexyl triangle
X(937) lies on these lines: 1,329 6,40 31,1103 34,196 56,223
X(937) = isogonal conjugate of X(936)
X(938) lies on these lines: 1,2 4,7 20,57 29,81 40,390 56,411 63,452 65,497 354,388 355,1056 517,1058 774,986 944,999
X(938) = isogonal conjugate of X(939)
X(938) = anticomplement of X(936)
X(938) = {X(2),X(145)}-harmonic conjugate of X(78)
X(939) lies on these lines: 3,269 34,55 56,212
X(939) = isogonal conjugate of X(938)
Let A' be the center of the conic through the contact points of the incircle and the A- excircle with the sidelines of ABC. Define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is perspective to the 4th extouch triangle at X(940). See also X(6), X(25), X(218), X(222), X(1743). (Randy Hutson, July 23, 2015)
X(940) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,6 31,1001 37,63 42,750 58,405 72,975 222,226 312,894 386,474 387,443 518,612
X(940) = isogonal conjugate of X(941)
X(940) = isotomic conjugate of X(34258)
X(940) = complement of X(5739)
X(940) = anticomplement of X(5743)
X(940) = crosssum of X(11) and X(784)
X(940) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(512)X(650)
X(940) = {X(1),X(40)}-harmonic conjugate of X(37548)
X(940) = {X(2),X(6)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4383)
X(941) lies on these lines: 1,573 2,314 6,21 8,37 9,42 81,967 84,581 111,931
X(941) = isogonal conjugate of X(940)
X(941) = isotomic conjugate of X(34284)
X(941) = anticomplement of X(10472)
X(941) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(34259)
X(941) = trilinear pole of line X(512)X(650)
X(941) = X(63)-isoconjugate of X(4185)
Let A'B'C' be the incentral triangle of triangle ABC. Let LA be the line of reflection of line BC in line B'C', and define LB and LC cyclically. Let A'' = LB∩LC, and define B'' and C'' cyclically. The lines AA'', BB'', CC'' concur in X(942). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
Let I be the incenter of ABC. Let NA be the nine-point center of the triangle IBC, and define NB and NC cyclically. Let AA be the reflection of NA in the line AI, Let AB be the reflection of NA in the line BI, let Let AC be the reflection of NA in the line CI, and define BA, BB, and BC cyclically, and define CA, CB, and CC cyclically. Let OA be the nine-point center of the triangle AAABAC, let OB be the nine-point center of the triangle BABBBC, and let OC be the nine-point center of the triangle CACBCC. The circles OA, OB, OC concur in X(942). (Antreas Hatzipolakis and César Lozada, January 28, 2015, Hyacinthos 23074)
X(942) is the center of the conic which is the locus of poles, wrt the incircle, of tangents to the circumcircle. This conic has foci at X(1) and X(65). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the intouch triangle. Let A″ be the orthocenter of AB'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to A'B'C', and the center of homothety is X(942). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let A″ be the incenter of AB'C', and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to the intouch triangle, and the center of homothety is X(942). (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
Let A' be the homothetic center of the orthic triangles of the intouch and A-extouch triangles, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is perspective to the half-altitude triangle at X(942). In fact, A'B'C' is the cevian triangle of X(942), wrt the half-altitude triangle. (Randy Hutson, July 20, 2016)
A construction of X(942) is given at 24080. (Antreas Hatzipolakis, August 29, 2016)
X(942) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,72 4,7 5,226 6,169 8,443 10,141 11,113 28,60 30,553 34,222 37,579 42,1066 58,1104 63,405 78,474 212,582 238,1046 277,1002 279,955 284,501 355,388 496,946 750,976 758,960 962,1058 1042,1064
X(942) = midpoint of X(1) and X(65)
X(942) = reflection of X(960) in X(1125)
X(942) = isogonal conjugate of X(943)
X(942) = complement of X(72)
X(942) = anticomplement of X(5044)
X(942) = complementary conjugate of X(21530)
X(942) = incircle-inverse of X(36)
X(942) = Conway-circle-inverse of X(38483)
X(942) = X(1)-Ceva conjugate of X(500)
X(942) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,79), (2,286), (7,81)
X(942) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,35), (6,228), (37,55)
X(942) = X(5)-of-the-intouch-triangle
X(942) = X(1112) of Fuhrmann triangle
X(942) = {X(1),X(40)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3295)
X(942) = X(3)-of-inverse-in-incircle-triangle
X(942) = X(4)-of-incircle-circles-triangle
X(942) = X(6756)-of-excentral-triangle
X(942) = excentral-to-intouch similarity image of X(3)
X(942) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(55)
X(942) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(7)
X(942) = QA-P23 (Inscribed Square Axes Crosspoint) of quadrangle ABCX(1) (see
X(943) lies on these lines: 1,201 3,7 4,12 8,405 21,72 28,228 35,79 80,950 100,442 500,651 968,1039 1001,1058
X(943) = isogonal conjugate of X(942)
X(943) = cevapoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,35), (6,228), (37,55)
X(943) = X(523)-cross conjugate of X(100)
X(943) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(7)
X(943) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(55)
X(944) is the point in which the extended legs X(4)X(1) and X(3)X(8) of the trapezoid X(4)X(1)X(3)X(8) meet. The point is introduced in
Hofstadter, Douglas. R., "Discovery and dissection of a geometric gem," in Geometry Turned On! editors J. R. King and D. Schattschneider, Mathematical Association of America, Washington, D. C., 1997, 3-14.
The centroid of ABC is also the centroid of triangle X(4)X(8)X(944). (Darij Grinberg, August 22, 2002)
Let Ha be the hyperbola passing through A, and with foci at B and C. This is called the A-Soddy hyperbola in (Paul Yiu, Introduction to the Geometry of the Triangle, 2002; 12.4 The Soddy hyperbolas, p. 143). Let La be the polar of X(3) with respect to Ha. Define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A' = Lb ∩ Lc, B' = Lc ∩ La, C' = La ∩ Lb. Triangle A'B'C' is homothetic to ABC, and its orthocenter is X(944). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
Let Ma be the polar of X(4) wrt the circle centered at A and passing through X(1), and define Mb, Mc cyclically. (Note: X(4) is the perspector of any circle centered at a vertex of ABC.) Let A″ = Mb ∩ Mc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Triangle A″B″C″ is homothetic to ABC, and its orthocenter is X(944). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
X(944) lies on these lines: 1,4 2,355 3,8 5,3616 10,631 20,145 30,962 40,376 48,281 80,499 84,1000 150,348 390,971 392,452 938,999 958,1006
X(944) = midpoint of X(20) and X(145)
X(944) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (4,1), (8,3), (355,1385), (962,1482)
X(944) = isogonal conjugate of X(945)
X(944) = anticomplement of X(355)
X(944) = crosspoint, wrt hexyl triangle, of X(1) and X(40)
X(944) = X(185)-of-hexyl-triangle
X(944) = outer-Garcia-to-inner-Garcia similarity image of X(4)
X(944) = {X(1),X(4)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5603)
X(944) = Ehrmann-mid-to-Johnson similarity image of X(1)
X(944) = X(4)-of-5th-mixtilinear-triangle
X(945) lies on these lines: 78,517 283,859
X(945) = isogonal conjugate of X(944)
X(945) = X(3)-vertex conjugate of X(56)
Let A' be the midpoint of BC, and define B' and C' cyclically. A″ be the midpoint of AX(1), and define B″ and C″ cyclically. Let A″'B″'C″' be the incentral triangle. Let A* be the orthocenter of A'A″A″', and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines A″A*, B″B*, C″C* concur in X(946). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A' be the intersection of these three lines: the perpendicular from midpoint of segment CA to line BX(1), the perpendicular from midpoint of segment AB to line CX(1), and the perpendicular from midpoint of segment AX(1) to line BC. Define B' and C' cyclically. The circumcenter of A'B'C' is X(946). Note that A'B'C' is the complement of the excentral triangle; also A'B'C' is the extraversion triangle of X(10). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
Let A' be the midpoint of A and X(1), and define B' and C' cyclically. The orthocenter of A'B'C' is X(946). (Randy Hutson, November 18, 2015)
X(946) lies on these lines: 1,4 2,40 3,142 5,10 7,84 8,908 11,65 29,102 30,551 46,499 56,1012 79,104 165,631 238,580 355,381 392,442 496,942 546,952 951,1067
X(946) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,4), (40,962)
X(946) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (3,1125), (10,5)
X(946) = isogonal conjugate of X(947)
X(946) = complement of X(40)
X(946) = incircle-inverse of X(1785)
X(946) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,309), (7,92)
X(946) = crosssum of X(48) and X(55)
X(946) = incenter-of-Euler-triangle
X(946) = X(4)-of-3rd-Euler-triangle
X(946) = X(20)-of-4th-Euler-triangle
X(946) = X(113)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(946) = Johnson-isogonal conjugate of X(37823)
X(946) = center of conic that is the locus of orthopoles of lines passing through X(1)
X(946) = radical center of circles centered at excenters and internally tangent to nine-point circle
X(946) = harmonic center of 1st & 2nd Johnson-Yff circles
X(946) = X(5446)-of-excentral-triangle
X(946) = Johnson-to-Ehrmann-mid similarity image of X(1)
Let PaPbPc be the cevian triangle of X(8). Let Pa', Pb' and Pc' be the reflections of Pa, Pb and Pc in the midsegments of ABC. ABC and Pa'Pb'Pc' are orthologic with center X(947). The reverse orthology center is X(40). (Ivan Pavlov, July 23, 2023)
X(947) lies on these lines: {1, 1753}, {3, 5399}, {6, 1622}, {29, 515}, {35, 1795}, {40, 77}, {48, 282}, {55, 1433}, {73, 102}, {78, 2975}, {84, 2187}, {101, 14872}, {219, 572}, {283, 4184}, {332, 33297}, {388, 54972}, {517, 7100}, {581, 1036}, {602, 5053}, {944, 10570}, {945, 10571}, {950, 1067}, {951, 1066}, {1065, 10106}, {1069, 10267}, {1385, 1807}, {1412, 3072}, {1437, 15626}, {1617, 11425}, {1790, 35995}, {1794, 15931}, {2817, 3466}, {5882, 51565}, {5907, 36942}, {11012, 40442}, {13346, 23853}, {13367, 20999}, {13598, 51621}, {16202, 38248}, {16980, 20838}, {23696, 48897}, {34043, 38674}, {35057, 37628}
X(947) = isogonal conjugate of X(946)
X(947) = cevapoint of X(48) and X(55)
X(947) = trilinear pole of line {652, 6586}
X(947) = X(i)-isoconjugate-of-X(j) for these {i, j}: {1, 946}, {2, 2262}, {4, 17102}, {56, 23528}, {57, 20262}, {77, 1856}, {85, 40957}, {92, 22063}, {189, 40943}, {273, 40945}, {40836, 52097}
X(947) = X(i)-vertex conjugate of X(j) for these {i, j}: {4, 58}, {54, 10308}, {84, 947}
X(947) = X(i)-Dao conjugate of X(j) for these {i, j}: {1, 23528}, {3, 946}, {5452, 20262}, {22391, 22063}, {32664, 2262}, {36033, 17102}
X(947) = X(i)-cross conjugate of X(j) for these {i, j}: {1208, 84}, {3900, 101}, {23224, 109}
X(947) = intersection, other than A, B, C, of circumconics {{A, B, C, X(1), X(3)}}, {{A, B, C, X(4), X(103)}}, {{A, B, C, X(6), X(84)}}, {{A, B, C, X(8), X(37741)}}, {{A, B, C, X(9), X(1753)}}, {{A, B, C, X(10), X(2708)}}, {{A, B, C, X(19), X(34447)}}, {{A, B, C, X(21), X(59)}}, {{A, B, C, X(28), X(6986)}}, {{A, B, C, X(34), X(3433)}}, {{A, B, C, X(35), X(517)}}, {{A, B, C, X(36), X(1385)}}, {{A, B, C, X(40), X(55)}}, {{A, B, C, X(46), X(10267)}}, {{A, B, C, X(48), X(2360)}}, {{A, B, C, X(54), X(58)}}, {{A, B, C, X(56), X(909)}}, {{A, B, C, X(60), X(1476)}}, {{A, B, C, X(63), X(40407)}}, {{A, B, C, X(64), X(2259)}}, {{A, B, C, X(65), X(10902)}}, {{A, B, C, X(71), X(39130)}}, {{A, B, C, X(73), X(515)}}, {{A, B, C, X(74), X(1389)}}, {{A, B, C, X(80), X(5399)}}, {{A, B, C, X(81), X(29053)}}, {{A, B, C, X(90), X(2316)}}, {{A, B, C, X(92), X(1796)}}, {{A, B, C, X(105), X(5481)}}, {{A, B, C, X(106), X(3417)}}, {{A, B, C, X(165), X(3295)}}, {{A, B, C, X(186), X(37158)}}, {{A, B, C, X(268), X(7078)}}, {{A, B, C, X(280), X(15629)}}, {{A, B, C, X(388), X(581)}}, {{A, B, C, X(484), X(37621)}}, {{A, B, C, X(501), X(39633)}}, {{A, B, C, X(511), X(29037)}}, {{A, B, C, X(727), X(3406)}}, {{A, B, C, X(937), X(3423)}}, {{A, B, C, X(942), X(15931)}}, {{A, B, C, X(943), X(1295)}}, {{A, B, C, X(944), X(10571)}}, {{A, B, C, X(950), X(1066)}}, {{A, B, C, X(952), X(2773)}}, {{A, B, C, X(953), X(37518)}}, {{A, B, C, X(999), X(7987)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1064), X(10106)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1155), X(34486)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1168), X(43078)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1173), X(10308)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1222), X(4570)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1297), X(1390)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1319), X(37561)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1326), X(2698)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1391), X(2745)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1411), X(34441)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1437), X(24027)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1457), X(5882)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1482), X(5010)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1617), X(8726)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1697), X(10310)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1790), X(2167)}}, {{A, B, C, X(1803), X(7128)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2065), X(12031)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2067), X(32556)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2077), X(3057)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2256), X(37504)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2291), X(41487)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2299), X(34429)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2328), X(3562)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2335), X(3346)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2364), X(7091)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2594), X(10693)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2646), X(11012)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2718), X(15381)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2723), X(40448)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2725), X(15380)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2733), X(15386)}}, {{A, B, C, X(2807), X(2811)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3062), X(3527)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3296), X(13404)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3303), X(35242)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3333), X(8273)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3359), X(11508)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3425), X(28476)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3427), X(51223)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3428), X(3601)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3445), X(44759)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3446), X(47645)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3532), X(28171)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3579), X(3746)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3612), X(11249)}}, {{A, B, C, X(3900), X(39558)}}, {{A, B, C, X(5045), X(35202)}}, {{A, B, C, X(5119), X(11248)}}, {{A, B, C, X(5217), X(7982)}}, {{A, B, C, X(5255), X(37619)}}, {{A, B, C, X(5285), X(37528)}}, {{A, B, C, X(5563), X(13624)}}, {{A, B, C, X(5697), X(26285)}}, {{A, B, C, X(5711), X(10434)}}, {{A, B, C, X(5903), X(32613)}}, {{A, B, C, X(6244), X(53053)}}, {{A, B, C, X(6502), X(32555)}}, {{A, B, C, X(6767), X(16192)}}, {{A, B, C, X(7161), X(29374)}}, {{A, B, C, X(7162), X(33635)}}, {{A, B, C, X(7280), X(10246)}}, {{A, B, C, X(7412), X(35995)}}, {{A, B, C, X(7688), X(37080)}}, {{A, B, C, X(7742), X(18443)}}, {{A, B, C, X(8071), X(37611)}}, {{A, B, C, X(9309), X(10305)}}, {{A, B, C, X(10269), X(37618)}}, {{A, B, C, X(10419), X(12030)}}, {{A, B, C, X(11009), X(33862)}}, {{A, B, C, X(11010), X(11849)}}, {{A, B, C, X(11270), X(14497)}}, {{A, B, C, X(13452), X(28157)}}, {{A, B, C, X(13472), X(28227)}}, {{A, B, C, X(13603), X(28201)}}, {{A, B, C, X(14483), X(28197)}}, {{A, B, C, X(14496), X(28177)}}, {{A, B, C, X(14547), X(21620)}}, {{A, B, C, X(14795), X(35004)}}, {{A, B, C, X(14798), X(34339)}}, {{A, B, C, X(15227), X(17501)}}, {{A, B, C, X(15446), X(36052)}}, {{A, B, C, X(15792), X(37508)}}, {{A, B, C, X(16615), X(16835)}}, {{A, B, C, X(18446), X(21147)}}, {{A, B, C, X(21842), X(32612)}}, {{A, B, C, X(22334), X(54446)}}, {{A, B, C, X(22765), X(37616)}}, {{A, B, C, X(22770), X(30282)}}, {{A, B, C, X(26286), X(37525)}}, {{A, B, C, X(28211), X(34567)}}, {{A, B, C, X(28291), X(34071)}}, {{A, B, C, X(29009), X(51449)}}, {{A, B, C, X(29056), X(51476)}}, {{A, B, C, X(32760), X(37562)}}, {{A, B, C, X(34250), X(43070)}}, {{A, B, C, X(35000), X(37563)}}, {{A, B, C, X(37531), X(40292)}}, {{A, B, C, X(37569), X(37601)}}, {{A, B, C, X(39578), X(50317)}}
X(947) = barycentric product X(i)*X(j) for these (i, j): {40396, 63}, {40417, 6}
X(947) = barycentric quotient X(i)/X(j) for these (i, j): {6, 946}, {9, 23528}, {31, 2262}, {48, 17102}, {55, 20262}, {184, 22063}, {607, 1856}, {2175, 40957}, {2187, 40943}, {40396, 92}, {40417, 76}, {52425, 40945}
X(947) = {X(i),X(j)}-harmonic conjugate of X(k) for these (i,j,k): {3, 34046, 44075}
X(948) lies on these lines: 1,4 2,85 6,7 37,347 57,169 142,269 220,329 307,966 342,393
X(948) = isogonal conjugate of X(949)
X(948) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(652)X(926)
X(949) lies on these lines: 1,607 2,294 3,41 6,77 48,1037 78,220
X(949) = isogonal conjugate of X(948)
X(949) = trilinear pole of line X(652)X(926)
Let A'B'C' be the Gergonne line extraversion triangle, as defined at X(10180). Let La be the reflection of line BC in line B'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb ∩ Lc, and define B″ and C″ cyclically. The lines AA″, BB″, CC″ concur in X(950). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
X(950) lies on these lines: 1,4 8,9 10,55 11,214 20,57 29,284 30,553 35,1006 65,516 72,519 80,943 142,377 145,329 281,380 389,517 440,1104 947,1067
X(950) = isogonal conjugate of X(951)
X(950) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (7,333), (8,29)
X(950) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (55,1400), (56,73)
X(950) = X(185)-of-2nd-extouch-triangle
X(950) = X(10)-of-Mandart-incircle-triangle
X(950) = homothetic center of intangents triangle and reflection of extangents triangle in X(10)
X(951) lies on these lines: 29,226 56,219 57,78 73,284 77,738 946,1067 947,1066
X(951) = isogonal conjugate of X(950)
X(951) = cevapoint of X(56) and X(73)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(952) lies on the line at infinity.
Let Ia be the reflection of X(1) in the perpendicular bisector of BC, and define Ib and Ic cyclically. X(952) = X(517) of IaIbIc, which is the inner Garcia triangle.. (Randy Hutson, September 14, 2016)
Let A'B'C' be the outer Garcia triangle and A″B″C″ the inner Garcia triangle. Let A* be the isogonal conjugate, wrt A″B″C″, of A', and define B* and C* cyclically. The lines A″A*, B″B*, C″C* concur in X(952); see also X(355). (Randy Hutson, December 2, 2017)
X(952) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,5 3,8 4,145 10,140 30,511 40,550 150,664 182,996 390,1000 546,946 547,551 572,594
X(952) = isogonal conjugate of X(953)
X(952) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(6)X(654)
X(952) = X(30)-of-Fuhrmann-triangle
X(952) = inner-Garcia-isogonal conjugate of X(40)
X(952) = X(5663)-of-excentral-triangle
X(952) = (inverse-in-incircle)-isogonal conjugate of X(33645)
X(952) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(14260)
X(953) = Miquel point of the sidelines of ABC and the Sherman line. (Angel Montesdeoca, July 24, 2019)
For a construction of X(953) involving the Euler line and X(110), see Antreas Hatzipolakis and César Lozada, Hyacinthos 26050.
X(953) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 3,901 36,109 100,517 104,513 110,859
X(953) = reflection of X(901) in X(3)
X(953) = isogonal conjugate of X(952)
X(953) = anticomplement of X(31841)
X(953) = trilinear pole of line X(6)X(654)
X(953) = Ψ(X(6), X(654))
X(953) = trilinear pole wrt 2nd circumperp triangle of line X(1001)X(2801)
X(953) = X(476)-of-2nd-circumperp-triangle
X(953) = reflection of X(104) in line X(1)X(3)
X(953) = reflection of X(4) in the Sherman line
X(953) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(14260)
X(953) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(36944)
X(954) lies on these lines: 1,6 3,7 4,390 10,480 21,144 55,226 142,474 971,1012 999,1006
X(954) = isogonal conjugate of X(955)
X(955) lies on these lines: 57,991 278,354 279,942
X(955) = isogonal conjugate of X(954)
X(956) lies on these lines: 1,6 2,495 3,8 10,56 21,145 55,519 63,517 183,668 210,997 333,859 388,442 452,1058
X(956) = reflection of X(55) in X(993)
X(956) = isogonal conjugate of X(957)
X(956) = {X(1),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(392)
X(956) = X(55)-of-inner-Garcia-triangle
X(957) lies on these lines: 2,392 57,995 81,859
X(957) = isogonal conjugate of X(956)
X(958) lies on these lines: 1,6 2,12 3,10 8,21 28,281 36,474 40,1012 48,965 63,65 78,210 104,631 198,966 243,318 452,497 944,1006
X(958) = isogonal conjugate of X(959)
X(958) = complement of X(388)
X(958) = crosssum of X(6) and X(1460)
X(958) = insimilicenter of circumcircle and Spieker circle
X(958) = {X(1),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(960)
X(958) = homothetic center of ABC and cross-triangle of ABC and outer Johnson triangle
X(959) lies on these lines: 1,573 2,65 6,961 7,274 8,181 28,608 56,81 57,1042 193,330
X(959) = isogonal conjugate of X(958)
X(960) lies on these lines: 1,6 2,65 3,997 5,10 8,210 12,908 19,965 21,60 36,191 40,936 46,474 55,78 56,63 113,123 221,1038 241,1042 329,388 758,942 912,993 978,986
X(960) = midpoint of X(1) and X(72)
X(960) = reflection of X(942) in X(1125)
X(960) = isogonal conjugate of X(961)
X(960) = isotomic conjugate of X(31643)
X(960) = complement of X(65)
X(960) = anticomplementary conjugate of X(442)
X(960) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (2,314), (8,21)
X(960) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (6,1402), (56,65)
X(960) = anticomplement of X(3812)
X(960) = {X(1),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(958)
X(960) = perspector of circumconic centered at X(2092)
X(960) = center of circumconic that is locus of trilinear poles of lines passing through X(2092)
X(960) = X(2)-Ceva conjugate of X(2092)
X(960) = X(11)-of-X(1)-Brocard-triangle
X(960) = X(3035)-of-inner-Garcia-triangle
X(960) = X(12241)-of-excentral-triangle
X(960) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22074)
X(960) = excentral-to-ABC barycentric image of X(10)
X(961) lies on these lines: 1,572 2,12 6,959 57,1106 65,81 105,1104 108,429 274,1014
X(961) = isogonal conjugate of X(960)
X(961) = cevapoint of X(56) and X(65)
X(961) = X(523)-cross conjugate of X(108)
X(961) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(22074)
X(962) is shown in Michael S. Longuet-Higgins, "On the principal centers of a triangle," Elemente der Mathematik 56 (2001) 122-129, to complete a simple pattern of collinearities.
Let I = X(1) and H = X(4) in a triangle ABC. Let Lb be the perpendicular to B at I, and let Ic be the perpendicular to CI at I. Let Ab = Lb∩AH and Ac = Lc∩AH. Let U be the circle {I, Ab, Ac}}. Let Mb be the point, other than I, where BI meets U, and let Mc be the point, other than I, where CI meets U. Let ℓa be the line MbMc, and define ℓb and ℓc cyclically. The lines ℓa, ℓb, ℓc concur in X(962). (Angel Montesdeoca, March 12, 2020)
X(962) lies on these lines: 1,7 2,40 4,8 30,944 55,411 65,497 145,515 149,151 165,1125 278,412 382,952 392,443 484,499 942,1058
X(962) is the radical center of the circles centered at A, B, C, with respective
radii |CA| + |AB|, |AB| + |BC|, |BC| + |CA|. See
Floor van Lamoen, Problem 10734, American Mathematical Monthly 107 (2000) 658-659.
X(962) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (8,4), (20,1), (40,946), (944,1482)
X(962) = isogonal conjugate of X(963)
X(962) = anticomplement of X(40)
X(962) = isotomic conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(20991)
X(962) = polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22124)
X(962) = X(309)-Ceva conjugate of X(2)
X(962) = {X(175),X(176)}-harmonic conjugate of X(77)
X(962) = X(3)-of-2nd-Conway-triangle
X(962) = perspector of 2nd Conway triangle and Gemini triangle 29
X(962) = mixtilinear-incentral-to-mixtilinear-excentral similarity image of X(7)
X(963) lies on these lines: 3,200 33,56 48,220 55,603
X(963) = isogonal conjugate of X(962)
X(963) = X(92)-isoconjugate of X(22124)
As a point on the Euler line, X(964) has Shinagawa coefficients (2(E + F)2 + 2(E + F)*$bc$ + abc*$a$, 2S2).
X(964) lies on these lines: 1,321 2,3 6,8 10,31
X(965) lies on these lines: 2,6 3,9 10,219 19,960 37,78 48,958 284,405 474,579
X(966) lies on these lines: 2,6 4,9 8,37 45,346 198,958 307,948 374,3740 443,579 572,631 581,936
X(966) = isogonal conjugate of X(967)
X(966) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(512)X(1459)
X(966) = tripolar centroid of X(623)
X(967) lies on these lines: 3,42 25,58 27,393 37,63 81,941
X(967) = isogonal conjugate of X(966)
X(967) = trilinear pole of line X(512)X(1459)
X(968) lies on these lines: 1,21 9,42 19,25 35,975 45,210 165,750 200,756 614,1001 943,1039
X(968) = isogonal conjugate of X(969)
X(968) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(661)X(905)
X(968) = {X(1),X(63)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3158)
X(969) lies on these lines: 7,225 10,69 19,81 37,63 65,77 158,286
X(969) = isogonal conjugate of X(968)
X(969) = trilinear pole of line X(661)X(905)
The Apollonius circle is described at X(181) as the circle tangent to the three excircles and encompassing them. That X(970) is its center was noted on New Year's Day, 2002, by Paul Yiu. (Hyacinthos #4619-4623)
The Apollonius circle is the inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of the nine-point circle. (Randy Hutson, December 10, 2016)
X(970) lies on these lines: 1,181 3,6 5,10 21,51 40,43 185,411
X(970) = complement of X(10441)
X(970) = {X(181),X(1682)}-harmonic conjugate of X(1)
X(970) = {X(371),X(372)}-harmonic conjugate of X(5019)
X(970) = inverse-in-excircles-radical-circle of X(3814)
X(970) = perspector of Apollonius triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and Apollonius triangle
X(971) is the perspector of triangle ABC and the tangential triangle of the conic that passes through the points A, B, C, X(2), and X(9). (Randy Hutson, 9/23/2011)
As the isogonal conjugate of a point on the circumcircle, X(971) lies on the line at infinity.
X(971) lies on these (parallel) lines: 1,1419 3,9 4,7 5,142 6,990 20,72 30,511 33,222 37,991 103,910 165,210 390,944 954,1012
X(971) = isogonal conjugate of X(972)
X(971) = crosspoint of X(39144) and X(39145)
X(971) = crosssum of X(55) and X(910)
X(971) = crosssum of X(32622) and X(32623)
X(971) = intersection of trilinear polars of X(2) and X(9)
X(971) = X(3564)-of-excentral-triangle
X(971) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(7367)
X(971) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(14256)
X(972) lies on the circumcircle and these lines: 3,934 40,101 55,108 100,329 109,165
X(972) = reflection of X(934) in X(3)
X(972) = isogonal conjugate of X(971)
X(972) = cevapoint of X(32622) and X(32623)
X(972) = the point of intersection, other than A, B, and C, of the circumcircle and hyperbola {A,B,C,X(4),X(40),X(57)}}
X(972) = Cundy-Parry Phi transform of X(14256)
X(972) = Cundy-Parry Psi transform of X(7367)
For constructions of X(973) and X(974), see Hyacinthos message 3695, Sept. 1, 2001, and related messages.
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. X(973) is the radical center of the nine-point circles of AB'C', BC'A', CA'B'. (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
X(973) lies on these lines: 5,51 6,24 68,568
X(973) = midpoint of X(52) and X(1209)
X(973) = crosssum of X(3) and X(1209)
X(973) = X(442)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
For constructions of X(973) and X(974), see Hyacinthos message 3695, Sept. 1, 2001, and related messages.
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle. Let La be the orthic axis of AB'C', and define Lb and Lc cyclically. Let A″ = Lb∩Lc. B″ = Lc∩La, C″ = La∩Lb. Triangle A″B″C″ is inversely similar to ABC, with similitude center X(6). The orthocenter of triangle A″B″C″ is X(974). (Randy Hutson, January 29, 2018)
The pedal triangles of circumcenter and orthocenter with respect to orthic and medial triangles, respectively, are perspective, with perspector X(974). (Angel Montesdeoca, August 29, 2019)
X(974) lies on these lines: 5,113 6,74
X(974) = midpoint of X(125) and X(185)
X(974) = reflection of X(1112) in X(389)
X(974) = crosssum of X(3) and X(113)
X(974) = X(1145)-of-orthic-triangle if ABC is acute
X(975) lies on these lines: 1,2 3,37 9,58 28,33 35,968 46,750 57,201 72,940 226,1038 312,1010
X(976) lies on these lines: 1,2 3,38 21,983 31,72 37,41 66,73 100,986 210,1104 244,474 404,982 405,756 601,912 750,942 1060,1066
X(976) = isogonal conjugate of X(977)
X(977) lies on these lines: 22,56 58,982 106,833
X(977) = isogonal conjugate of X(976)
X(978) lies on these lines: 1,2 3,238 9,39 21,748 31,404 40,1050 46,1054 56,979 57,1046 58,87 72,982 171,474 266,361 631,1064 651,1106 960,986
X(978) = isogonal conjugate of X(979)
X(978) = X(56)-Ceva conjugate of X(1)
X(978) = X(1093)-of-excentral-triangle
X(979) lies on these lines: 10,87 43,58 56,978
X(979) = isogonal conjugate of X(978)
X(979) = X(8)-cross conjugate of X(1)
X(980) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,39 32,81 38,869 63,213
X(980) = isogonal conjugate of X(981)
X(980) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line
X(981) lies on these lines: 6,314 8,213 21,32 256,573
X(981) = isogonal conjugate of X(980)
X(981) = trilinear pole of line X(650)X(669)
X(982) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,38 7,256 43,518 58,977 63,238 72,978 81,985 222,613 226,262 240,278 257,330 310,871 312,726 404,976 758,995 846,1001
X(982) = isogonal conjugate of X(983)
X(982) = isotomic conjugate of X(7033)
X(982) = complement of X(32937)
X(982) = {X(1),X(40)}-harmonic conjugate of X(37588)
X(982) = crosspoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (7,330), (81,310)
X(983) lies on these lines: 1,182 7,171 8,238 21,976 55,256
X(983) = isogonal conjugate of X(982)
X(983) = isotomic conjugate of X(33930)
Let A15B15C15 and A16B16C16 be Gemini triangles 15 and 16, resp. Let LA be the tangent at A to conic {A,B15,C15,B16,C16}}, and define LB, LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(984). (Randy Hutson, January 15, 2019)
X(984) lies on these lines: 1,6 2,38 8,192 10,75 21,976 43,210 55,846 63,171 100,753 101,761 201,388 240,281 386,872 519,751 936,988
X(984) = midpoint of X(8) and X(192)
X(984) = reflection of X(i) in X(j) for these (i,j): (1,37), (75,10)
X(984) = isogonal conjugate of X(985)
X(984) = isotomic conjugate of X(870)
X(984) = complement of X(24349)
X(984) = anticomplement of X(24325)
X(984) = complement of polar conjugate of isogonal conjugate of X(22163)
X(984) = {X(1),X(9)}-harmonic conjugate of X(238)
X(985) lies on these lines: 1,32 2,31 6,291 58,274 81,982 105,825 279,1106 727,789
X(985) = isogonal conjugate of X(984)
X(985) = isotomic conjugate of X(33931)
X(986) lies on these lines: 1,3 4,240 6,1046 8,38 10,75 43,72 100,976 194,257 291,337 386,758 405,846 474,1054 774,938 960,978
X(986) = isogonal conjugate of X(987)
X(987) lies on these lines: 3,256 4,171 7,1106 8,31 9,32 58,314
X(987) = isogonal conjugate of X(986)
X(988) lies on these lines: 1,3 9,39 21,614 38,78 77,1106 84,256 404,612 936,984
X(988) = isogonal conjugate of X(989)
X(988) = {X(1),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(37552)
X(989) lies on these lines: 21,612 40,256 84,171
X(989) = isogonal conjugate of X(988)
X(990) lies on these lines: 1,7 3,37 6,971 33,57 58,84 165,612 226,1040
X(990) = complement, wrt hexyl triangle, of X(12717)
The function p = (r + 4R)/s is the Tucker parameter for X(991); see the preamble to X(13323.)
X(991) lies on the cubic K382 and these lines: {1,7}, {2,5400}, {3,6}, {4,4648}, {9,1818}, {22,1790}, {35,255}, {36,1471}, {37,971}, {42,165}, {43,10164}, {45,5779}, {48,3220}, {51,4191}, {55,103}, {57,955}, {63,3190}, {73,1394}, {78,4416}, {81,1754}, {84,2335}, {212,2003}, {223,10383}, {241,5728}, {394,2328}, {550,5453}, {601,10902}, {741,6011}, {940,7580}, {942,1418}, {954,6180}, {968,1709}, {975,1490}, {984,2801}, {993,6518}, {995,1064}, {999,8147}, {1011,3917}, {1012,4653}, {1038,10393}, {1062,8555}, {1193,7987}, {1214,10391}, {1279,1385}, {1283,5197}, {1308,12032}, {1396,4219}, {1427,11018}, {1456,2646}, {1469,2223}, {1699,3720}, {1724,6986}, {1736,10394}, {1768,4414}, {1779,2979}, {2177,5537}, {2195,7295}, {2318,3929}, {2340,5223}, {2594,5217}, {2635,5219}, {2700,2701}, {2999,10857}, {3060,4210}, {3214,9588}, {3216,3523}, {3666,10167}, {3730,3781}, {3752,11227}, {3912,12618}, {3931,9943}, {4551,5218}, {4644,5759}, {4649,9441}, {4658,5706}, {4675,5805}, {5292,6908}, {5713,6851}, {6051,12688}
X(991) = reflection of X(573) in X(3)
X(991) = isogonal conjugate of polar conjugate of X(37448)
X(991) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(523)X(657)
X(991) = crosssum of X(i) and X(j) for these {i,j}: {1,4312}, {11,4724}
X(991) = inverse-in-Schoute-circle of X(4262)
X(991) = X(264)-of-2nd-circumperp-triangle
X(991) = perspector of excentral-hexyl ellipse wrt hexyl triangle
X(991) = intersection of Brocard axes of ABC and hexyl triangle
X(991) = {X(371),X(372)}-harmonic conjugate of X(4251)
X(992) lies on these lines: 2,6 9,39 44,583 238,1009
X(993) lies on these lines: 1,21 2,36 3,10 8,35 9,48 32,1107 55,519 56,226 75,99 87,106 238,995 495,529 516,1012 527,551 912,960
X(993) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,63),
(55,956), (1012,3428)
X(993) = reflection of X(226) in X(1125)
X(993) = isogonal conjugate of X(994)
X(993) = complement of X(1478)
X(994) lies on these lines: 10,908 31,759 37,517 65,386 75,758
X(994) = isogonal conjugate of X(993)
See Dasari Naga Vijay Krishna, On a Conic Through Twelve Notable Points, Int. J. Adv. Math. and Mech. 7(2) (2019) 1-15.
X(995) lies on these lines: 1,2 3,595 6,101 31,36 56,58 57,957 238,993 581,1104 609,1055 758,982 991,1064
X(995) = midpoint of X(1) and X(43)
X(995) = isogonal conjugate of X(996)
X(995) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(649)X(900)
X(995) = {X(1),X(2)}-harmonic conjugate of X(30116)
X(996) lies on these lines: 2,106 6,519 8,58 10,56 182,952
X(996) = isogonal conjugate of X(995)
X(996) = trilinear pole of line X(649)X(900)
X(996) = isotomic conjugate of X(4389)
X(997) lies on these lines: 1,2 3,960 9,48 21,90 34,860 36,63 46,404 55,392 56,72 57,758 65,474 141,1060 210,956 518,999
X(997) = midpoint of X(i) and X(j) for these (i,j): (1,200), (3421,3476)
X(997) = isogonal conjugate of X(998)
X(998) lies on these lines: 1,908 6,517 46,58 106,614
X(998) = isogonal conjugate of X(997)
X(999) is the radical center of the mixtilinear incircles.
X(999) lies on these lines: 1,3 2,495 4,496 5,388 6,101 7,104 8,474 11,381 12,499 20,1058 30,497 63,392 77,1057 78,1059 81,859 145,404 329,405 376,390 518,997 527,551 601,1106 938,944 954,1006
X(999) is the {X(1),X(56)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3). For a list of other harmonic conjugates of X(999), click Tables at the top of this page.
X(999) = midpoint of X(1) and X(57)
X(999) = isogonal conjugate of X(1000)
X(999) = complement of X(3421)
X(999) = X(89)-Ceva conjugate of X(6)
X(999) = crossdifference of every pair of points on line X(650)X(900)
X(999) = {X(1),X(3)}-harmonic conjugate of X(3295)
X(999) = {X(55),X(56)}-harmonic conjugate of X(36)
X(999) = X(25)-of-incircle-circles-triangle
X(999) = X(1596)-of-excentral-triangle
X(999) = X(6644)-of-intouch-triangle
X(999) = homothetic center of outer Yff triangle and cross-triangle of ABC and 1st Johnson-Yff triangle
X(999) = homothetic center of anti-incircle-circles triangle and anti-tangential midarc triangle
X(999) = polar conjugate of isotomic conjugate of X(22129)
Let A* be the parabola with focus A and directrix BC, and let A** be the polar of X(1) with respect to A*. Define B** and C** cyclically, and let A' = B**∩C**, and define B' and C' cyclically. The lines AA', BB', CC' concur in X(1000); the centroid of A'B'C' is X(5657). (Randy Hutson, July 7, 2014)
X(1000) lies on these lines: 1,631 7,517 8,392 9,519 21,145 55,104 65,3296 79,388 80,497 84,944 390,952
X(1000) = isogonal conjugate of X(999)
X(1000) = X(45)-cross conjugate of X(2)
X(1000) = perspector of ABC and mid-triangle of excentral and extouch triangles
X(1000) = trilinear pole of line X(650)X(900)
PART 1: | Introduction and Centers X(1) - X(1000) | PART 2: | Centers X(1001) - X(3000) | PART 3: | Centers X(3001) - X(5000) |
PART 4: | Centers X(5001) - X(7000) | PART 5: | Centers X(7001) - X(10000) | PART 6: | Centers X(10001) - X(12000) |
PART 7: | Centers X(12001) - X(14000) | PART 8: | Centers X(14001) - X(16000) | PART 9: | Centers X(16001) - X(18000) |
PART 10: | Centers X(18001) - X(20000) | PART 11: | Centers X(20001) - X(22000) | PART 12: | Centers X(22001) - X(24000) |
PART 13: | Centers X(24001) - X(26000) | PART 14: | Centers X(26001) - X(28000) | PART 15: | Centers X(28001) - X(30000) |
PART 16: | Centers X(30001) - X(32000) | PART 17: | Centers X(32001) - X(34000) | PART 18: | Centers X(34001) - X(36000) |
PART 19: | Centers X(36001) - X(38000) | PART 20: | Centers X(38001) - X(40000) | PART 21: | Centers X(40001) - X(42000) |
PART 22: | Centers X(42001) - X(44000) | PART 23: | Centers X(44001) - X(46000) | PART 24: | Centers X(46001) - X(48000) |
PART 25: | Centers X(48001) - X(50000) | PART 26: | Centers X(50001) - X(52000) | PART 27: | Centers X(52001) - X(54000) |
PART 28: | Centers X(54001) - X(56000) | PART 29: | Centers X(56001) - X(58000) | PART 30: | Centers X(58001) - X(60000) |
PART 31: | Centers X(60001) - X(62000) | PART 32: | Centers X(62001) - X(64000) | PART 33: | Centers X(64001) - X(66000) |
PART 34: | Centers X(66001) - X(68000) | PART 35: | Centers X(68001) - X(70000) | PART 36: | Centers X(70001) - X(72000) |