The reference triangle
- anticomplement of (medial), complement of (anticomplementary).
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (anticomplementary)-of-(medial), (circumorthic)-of-(2nd circumperp), (2nd Euler)-of-(hexyl), (1st excosine)-of-(2nd Zaniah), (outer-Garcia)-of-(outer-Garcia), (Johnson)-of-(Johnson), (medial)-of-(anticomplementary), (orthic)-of-(excentral), (tangential)-of-(intouch).
- Only for acute ABC: (1st circumperp)-of-(1st anti-circumperp), (2nd circumperp)-of-(circumorthic), (2nd Conway)-of-(2nd anti-Conway), (3rd Euler)-of-(3rd anti-Euler), (4th Euler)-of-(4th anti-Euler), (excentral)-of-(orthic), (hexyl)-of-(2nd Euler), (6th mixtilinear)-of-(6th anti-mixtilinear), (Wasat)-of-(anti-Wasat).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 1 : 0 : 0
AAOA (antiAOA)
Let L'A be the orthic axis of the A-anti-altimedial triangle, and define L'B, L'C cyclically. Let A" = L'B∩L'C, and define B", C" cyclically. The triangle A"B"C" is the antialtimedial orthic axes triangle, or AAOA triangle for short. (Reference: preamble just before X15015)
A-vertex coordinates:
(a^8+3*a^4*b^2*c^2-2*(b^2+c^2)*a^6+2*(b^4-c^4)*(b^2-c^2)*a^2-(b^4-c^4)^2)/(a*b*c) :
(-b^2*(a^2-b^2)-c^4+a^4)*c :
ABC-X3 reflections
This triangle is obtained by reflecting A, B, C about the circumcenter X3. Reference: TCCT 6.12, p. 159.
- isogonal of (infinite-altitude), anticomplement of (Euler).
- (1st anti-circumperp)-of-(2nd circumperp), (2nd anti-circumperp-tangential)-of-(anti-Mandart-incircle), (circumorthic)-of-(1st circumperp), (Euler)-of-(anticomplementary), (2nd Euler)-of-(excentral), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(2nd circumperp tangential), (medial)-of-(anti-Euler), (orthic)-of-(hexyl).
- Only for acute ABC: (1st circumperp)-of-(circumorthic), (2nd circumperp)-of-(1st anti-circumperp), (3rd Euler)-of-(4th anti-Euler), (4th Euler)-of-(3rd anti-Euler), (Hutson intouch)-of-(tangential).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1/a : b/SC : c/SB
AaBbCc and (AaBbCc)*
See 2nd and 4th Przybyłowski-Bollin triangle.
In a scalene and non-rectangle triangle ABC, let MaMbMc be its medial triangle. Let ωa be the circle centered at Ma and passing through B and C, and define ωb and ωc cyclically. Inside ABC, let Oa be center of the circle, closest to A, which is externally tangent to ωa and is inscribed in angle BAC. Define Ob and Oc cyclically. The triangle OaObOc is called the (1st) Aguilera triangle of ABC. (Reference: Preamble before X60877).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a*(-a+b+c)*(a+b+c)+2*(b+c)*S)/(a*((-a+b+c)*(a+b+c)-2*S)) : 1 : 1
Let A'B'C' be the (1st) Aguilera triangle of ABC and A", B", C" the inverses of A', B', C' in the incircle of ABC, respectively. The triangle A"B"C" is called the (1st) Aguilera-Pavlov triangle of ABC. (Reference: Preamble before X60877).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears ((b+c)*S+2*a*b*c)/(a*(-S+2*b*c)) : 1 : 1
AiBiCi and (AiBiCi)*
See 1st and 3rd Przybyłowski-Bollin triangle.
Let MA, MB, MC be the midpoints of sides BC, CA, AB, respectively, and HA, HB, HC the feet of the altitudes from A, B, C, respectively. The triangles HAMCMB, MCHBMA, MBMAHC are the A-, B- and C-altimedial triangles. (References: Hyacinthos 253 and preamble just before X15015)
A-altimedial triangle trilinear vertex coordinates:
HA 0 : (-c^2+a^2+b^2)*c : (-b^2+c^2+a^2)*b
MC b : a : 0
MB c : 0 : aNote: Let P be a triangle center. Let PA be P-of-A-altimedial-triangle, and define PB, PC cyclically. Triangle PAPBPC is the P-of-altimedial-triangles triangle, or P-altimedial triangle for short.
altimedial orthic axes (AOA)
Let LA be the orthic axis of the A-altimedial triangle, and define LB, LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, and define B', C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is the altimedial orthic axes triangle, or AOA triangle for short. (Reference: preamble just before X15015)
A-vertex coordinates:
((b^2+c^2)*a^6-(b^4+c^4)*a^4-(b^4-c^4)*(b^2-c^2)*a^2+(b^4-c^4)^2)/a :
(b^8-3*b^6*a^2-(3*c^4-4*c^2*a^2-a^4)*b^4+(c^2-a^2)*(7*c^2-3*a^2)*b^2*a^2+2*(c^4-a^4)*(c^2-a^2)^2)/b :
1st and 2nd Altintas-isodynamic
Let ABC be a triangle. The parallel line to BC from P = X(15) (1st isodynamic point) intersect the circumcircle of ABC in A1, A2 and the Simson lines of A1, A2 cut at A'. Define B', C' cyclically. Then A'B'C' is equilateral and it is the 1st Altintas-isodynamic triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X40933)
When P=X(16) (2nd isodynamic point), the parallel line to BC from P intersect the circumcircle of ABC in two imaginary points, but the Simson lines of these points still intersect in a real point A". The triangle A"B"C" built in this way is also equilateral and is the 2nd Altintas-isodynamic triangle.
A-vertex coordinates:
1st Altintas-isodynamic triangle:
Trilinears -((S^2+SB*SC)*sqrt(3)*S+(SA+3*SW)*S^2-2*(S^2-SA*SW+SW^2)*SA)/(a*(S^2-sqrt(3)*SA*S-2*SA*SW)) : SC/b : SB/c2nd Altintas-isodynamic triangle:
Trilinears -(-(S^2+SB*SC)*sqrt(3)*S+(SA+3*SW)*S^2-2*(S^2-SA*SW+SW^2)*SA)/(a*(S^2+sqrt(3)*SA*S-2*SA*SW)) : SC/b : SB/c
Let A' be the center of the inverse-in-incircle of the A-excircle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle with vertices A,' B, C' is the Andromeda triangle. (Reference: X5573)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^2+3*(b-c)^2)/(3*a^2+(b-c)^2) : 1 : 1
adjunct anti-altimedial
Let AABACA, ABBBCB, ACBCCC be the A-, B- and C- anti-altimedial triangles of ABC. The triangles AAABAC, BABBBC, CACBCC are the A-, B- and C- adjunct anti-altimedial triangles, respectively. (Reference: preamble just before X15015)
A-adjunct anti-altimedial triangle trilinear vertex coordinates:
AA -a : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
AB 1/a : 1/(-a^2+b^2+c^2)*b : -1/c
AC 1/a : -1/b : 1/(-a^2+b^2+c^2)*cNote: Let P be a triangle center. Let P"A be P-of-A-adjunct-anti-altimedial-triangle, and define P"B, P"C cyclically. Triangle P"AP"BP"C is the P-of-adjunct-anti-altimedial-triangles triangle, or P-adjunct-anti-altimedial triangle for short.
The triangle A'B'C' whose medial triangle is ABC. It is also the anticevian-triangle of the centroid of ABC.
- isogonal of (tangential), complement of (Gemini 111), anticomplement of (ABC).
- (anti-Euler)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(1st circumperp), (4th anti-Euler)-of-(2nd circumperp), (anti-Wasat)-of-(excentral), (Aquila)-of-(outer-Garcia), (1st excosine)-of-(intouch), (Johnson)-of-(anti-Euler), (medial)-of-(Gemini 111), (orthic)-of-(2nd Conway), (tangential)-of-(inner-Conway), (X3-ABC reflections)-of-(Johnson).
- Only for acute ABC: (excentral)-of-(1st anti-circumperp), (hexyl)-of-(circumorthic), (6th mixtilinear)-of-(orthic), (Ursa-minor)-of-(tangential), (Wasat)-of-(3rd anti-Euler).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1/a : 1/b : 1/c
If T is a triangle of ABC then the anti-T triangle is the triangle whose T-triangle is ABC.
The triangle AABACA whose A-altimedial triangle is ABC. (Reference: preamble just before X15015)
A-anti-altimedial triangle trilinear vertex coordinates:
AA -a : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
BA a/(a^2-b^2+c^2) : 1/b : -1/c
CA a/(a^2+b^2-c^2) : -1/b : 1/cNote: Let P be a triangle center. Let P'A be P-of-A-anti-altimedial-triangle, and define P'B, P'C cyclically. Triangle P'AP'BP'C is the P-of-anti-altimedial-triangles triangle, or P-anti-altimedial triangle for short.
The triangle A'B'C' whose Aquila triangle is ABC.
- complement of (outer-Garcia).
- (6th anti-mixtilinear)-of-(hexyl), (outer-Garcia)-of-(medial), (Kosnita)-of-(intouch), (orthic)-of-(2nd circumperp), (tangential)-of-(incircle-circles), (Trinh)-of-(Hutson intouch).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (2*a+b+c)/a : 1 : 1
The triangle A'B'C' whose Ara triangle is ABC.
- (Hutson intouch)-of-(anti-excenters-reflections).
- Only for acute ABC: (incircle-circles)-of-(circumorthic), (intouch)-of-(orthic).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (2*SA+SB+SC)/(a*SA) : b/SB : c/SC
The triangle A'B'C' whose Ascella triangle is ABC.
- (anticomplementary)-of-(2nd anti-extouch).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a : b*(SA+2*SB)/SB : c*(SA+2*SC)/SC
The triangle A'B'C' whose Atik triangle is ABC.
Notes: Only when ABC is acute. A' = AX(69) ∩ perpendicular(X(18909), BC)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears S^2*(4*R^2-SA)/(a*SA^2) : SB/b : SC/c
anti-1st/2nd Auriga
Triangles A'B'C' whose 1st/2nd Auriga triangle is ABC..
A-vertex coordinates:
anti-1st Auriga:
Trilinears -(D*a+(a+b+c)*(a*(b^2+c^2)-(b+c)*(b-c)^2))/a : b*(a+b+c)*(a-b+c)-D : c*(a+b+c)*(a+b-c)-Danti-2nd Auriga:
Trilinears -(-D*a+(a+b+c)*(a*(b^2+c^2)-(b+c)*(b-c)^2))/a : b*(a+b+c)*(a-b+c)+D : c*(a+b+c)*(a+b-c)+Dwhere where D=sqrt(r*R+4*R^2).
1st anti-Brocard
The triangle A'B'C' whose 1st Brocard triangle is ABC.
Note: For construction, see Bernard Gibert's anti-Brocard triangles and related topics.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^4-b^2*c^2)/a : (c^4-a^2*b^2)/b : (b^4-a^2*c^2)/c
4th anti-Brocard
The triangle A'B'C' whose 4th Brocard triangle is ABC.
Note: For construction, see Bernard Gibert's anti-Brocard triangles and related topics.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*((a^2+b^2+c^2)^2-9*b^2*c^2)/(-5*a^2+b^2+c^2) : b*(a^2+b^2-2*c^2) : c*(a^2-2*b^2+c^2)
5th anti-Brocard
The triangle A'B'C' whose 5th Brocard triangle is ABC.
Note: For construction, see Bernard Gibert's anti-Brocard triangles and related topics.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^2+c^2)*(a^2+b^2)/a : b^3 : c^3
6th anti-Brocard
The triangle A'B'C' whose 6th Brocard triangle is ABC.
Note: For construction, see Bernard Gibert's anti-Brocard triangles and related topics.
A-vertex coordinates:
a*(a^4-b^2*c^2) : (b^6-(a^2+c^2)*b^4-(a^2-c^2)*b^2*c^2+a^2*c^4)/b : (c^6-(a^2+b^2)*c^4-(a^2-b^2)*b^2*c^2+a^2*b^4)/c
1st anti-circumperp
The triangle A'B'C' whose 1st circumperp triangle is ABC.
- anticomplement of (orthic).
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(circumorthic), (6th anti-mixtilinear)-of-(Gemini 111), (circumorthic)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (Euler)-of-(4th anti-Euler), (2nd Euler)-of-(anti-Euler), (medial)-of-(3rd anti-Euler), (orthic)-of-(anticomplementary).
- Only for acute ABC: (2nd anti-circumperp-tangential)-of-(anti-Hutson intouch), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(tangential).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a : (b^2-c^2)/b : (c^2-b^2)/c
1st anti-circumperp-tangential
The triangle A'B'C' whose 1st circumperp-tangential triangle is ABC. It is the Anti-Mandart-incircle triangle.
2nd anti-circumperp-tangential
The triangle A'B'C' whose 2nd circumperp-tangential is ABC.
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(Mandart-incircle), (1st anti-circumperp)-of-(Hutson intouch), (circumorthic)-of-(intouch), (2nd Euler)-of-(Ursa-minor), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(5th mixtilinear).
- Only for acute ABC: (Hutson intouch)-of-(intangents).
1) For any ABC. A' = AX(56) ∩ perpendicular(X(7354), BC)
2) Continuing with the construction 2) of the anti-tangential-midarc triangle, the line AbAc is tangent to the incircle of ABC in a point A'; B', C' are defined similarly. Then A'B'C' is the 2nd anti-circumperp-tangential triangle. (César Lozada, Dec. 8, 2021).A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (b+c)^2/(a*(-a+b+c)) : b/(a-b+c) : c/(a+b-c)
(1st) anti-Conway
The triangle A'B'C' whose (1st) Conway triangle is ABC.
- (medial)-of-(2nd anti-extouch).
Note: The A-vertex of the anti-Conway triangle is the A' = {perpendicular to BC through X(578)} ∩ AX(6).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a^3*(-a^2+b^2+c^2)/((b^2+c^2)*a^2-(b^2-c^2)^2) : b : c
2nd anti-Conway
The triangle A'B'C' whose 2nd Conway triangle is ABC.
- (medial)-of-(orthic).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears ((b^2+c^2)*a^2-(b^2-c^2)^2)/a/(-a^2+b^2+c^2) : b : c
The triangle A'B'C' whose Ehrmann-mid triangle is ABC.
- (anti-Euler)-of-(Johnson), (Johnson)-of-(X3-ABC reflections).
- Only for acute ABC: (excentral)-of-(Ehrmann-side).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -3*a*SA : (S^2+3*SA*SC)/b : (S^2+3*SA*SB)/c
The triangle A'B'C' whose Euler triangle is ABC.
- anticomplement of (Johnson).
- (anticomplementary)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(Johnson), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(2nd circumperp), (4th anti-Euler)-of-(1st circumperp), (anti-Wasat)-of-(hexyl), (anti-X3-ABC reflections)-of-(Gemini 111), (Johnson)-of-(anticomplementary).
- Only for acute ABC: (excentral)-of-(circumorthic), (hexyl)-of-(1st anti-circumperp), (Ursa-minor)-of-(anti-Hutson intouch), (Wasat)-of-(4th anti-Euler).
Note: A', B', C' are the reflections of the orthocenter of ABC in A, B, C, respectively.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (3*a^4-4*(b^2+c^2)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)^2)/(a*(-a^2+b^2+c^2)) : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
3rd anti-Euler
The triangle A'B'C' whose 3rd Euler triangle is ABC.
- anticomplement of (anti-Wasat).
- (anticomplementary)-of-(1st anti-circumperp), (anti-Euler)-of-(circumorthic), (4th anti-Euler)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (anti-Wasat)-of-(anticomplementary), (Johnson)-of-(4th anti-Euler).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -((b^2+c^2)*a^2-b^4+b^2*c^2-c^4)*a : (a^4-(b^2-c^2)*(a^2-c^2))*b : (a^4-(c^2-b^2)*(a^2-b^2))*c
4th anti-Euler
The triangle A'B'C' whose 4th Euler triangle is ABC.
- (anticomplementary)-of-(circumorthic), (anti-Euler)-of-(1st anti-circumperp), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (anti-Wasat)-of-(anti-Euler), (Johnson)-of-(3rd anti-Euler).
A-vertex coordinates:
-(-4*R^2*SA-S^2+SA^2-2*SB*SC)*a :
(S^2-2*SA*SC-SB^2+4*(R^2-SC)*SB)*b :
anti-excenters-incenter reflections
The triangle A'B'C' whose excenters-incenter reflections triangle is ABC.
- (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(anti-Ara).
- Only for acute ABC: (5th mixtilinear)-of-(orthic).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*a/(S^2-2*SB*SC) : 1/(b*SB) : 1/(c*SC)
See anti-excenters-incenter reflections.
2nd anti-extouch
The triangle A'B'C' whose 2nd extouch triangle is ABC.
- (anticomplementary)-of-(anti-Conway), (medial)-of-(anti-Ascella).
Note: Only when ABC is acute. A' = AX(3) ∩ perpendicular(X(1181), BC)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears S^2*a/SA : SB*b : SC*c
The triangle A'B'C' whose inner-Garcia triangle is ABC.
Note: If A"B"C" is the inner-Garcia triangle of ABC, then A' = A"X(3) ∩ perpendicular(X(6326), B"C").
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(a^2-b^2+b*c-c^2)*a : a*(b*a-c^2)-(b^2-c^2)*(b-c) : a*(c*a-b^2)-(c^2-b^2)*(c-b)
The triangle A'B'C' whose inner-Grebe triangle is ABC.
Notes: For any ABC. A' = AX(6) ∩ perpendicular(X(1588), BC)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^2-S)/a : b : c
The triangle A'B'C' whose outer-Grebe triangle is ABC.
Notes: For any ABC. A' = AX(6) ∩ perpendicular(X(1587), BC)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^2+S)/a : b : c
The triangle A'B'C' whose Honsberger triangle is ABC.
Notes: Only for ABC acute. A' = AX(6) ∩ perpendicular(X(182), BC)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a^3/(b^2+c^2) : b : c
anti-Hutson intouch
The triangle A'B'C' whose Hutson intouch triangle is ABC.
- (anti-Ursa minor)-of-(anti-Euler), (tangential)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (Trinh)-of-(X3-ABC reflections).
- Only for acute ABC: (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(circumorthic), (Aquila)-of-(Trinh), (2nd circumperp tangential)-of-(1st anti-circumperp).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(S^2+2*SA^2)*a : (S^2-2*SA*SB)*b : (S^2-2*SC*SA)*c
The triangle A'B'C' whose incircle-circles triangle is ABC.
- (anti-inverse-in-incircle)-of-(Johnson), (circumorthic)-of-(Ara), (tangential)-of-(X3-ABC reflections).
- Only for acute ABC: (Aquila)-of-(tangential).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a*(2*S^2+SA^2) : b*(2*S^2-SA*SB) : c*(2*S^2-SA*SC)
The triangle A'B'C' whose inverse-in-incircle triangle is ABC.
- anticomplement of (tangential).
- (anti-incircle-circles)-of-(Johnson), (anti-Ursa minor)-of-(Gemini 111), (tangential)-of-(anticomplementary).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(a^2+b^2+c^2)/a : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
anti- 1st/2nd Kenmotu-centers
The triangle A'B'C' whose 1st/2nd Kenmotu-centers triangle is ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
anti-1st Kenmotu-centers:
Trilinears -(b^2+c^2+2*S)/a : b : canti-2nd Kenmotu-centers:
Trilinears -(b^2+c^2-2*S)/a : b : c
anti-1st/2nd Kenmotu-free-vertices
The triangle A'B'C' whose 1st/2nd Kenmotu-free-vertices triangle is ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
anti-1st Kenmotu-free-vertices:
Trilinears (SA+S)*(SB+SC+2*S)/a : (SB-S)*b : (SC-S)*canti-2nd Kenmotu-free-vertices:
Trilinears (SA-S)*(SB+SC-2*S)/a : (SB+S)*b : (SC+S)*c
anti-Lucas(-1) homothetic and anti-Lucas(+1) homothetic
The triangle A'B'C' whose Lucas(-1) homothetic/Lucas(+1) homothetic triangle is ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
anti-Lucas(-1) homothetic:
Trilinears S*(2*S^2-(SA+SW)*S+SA^2)/a : b*(2*S^2-(SB+SW)*S+SB^2) : c*(2*S^2-(SC+SW)*S+SC^2)anti-Lucas(+1) homothetic:
Trilinears -S*(2*S^2+(SA+SW)*S+SA^2)/a : b*(2*S^2+(SB+SW)*S+SB^2) : c*(2*S^2+(SC+SW)*S+SC^2)
The triangle A'B'C' whose Mandart-incircle triangle is ABC.
- (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(2nd circumperp), (anti-Ursa minor)-of-(excentral), (2nd circumperp tangential)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (tangential)-of-(1st circumperp).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a^2+(b+c)*a-2*b*c : (a-b+c)*b : (a+b-c)*c
The triangle A'B'C' whose McCay triangle is ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(5*a^4-2*(b^2+c^2)*a^2+(2*b^2-c^2)*(b^2-2*c^2))/a : ((2*a^2+2*b^2-c^2)^2-9*a^2*b^2)/b : ((2*a^2+2*c^2-b^2)^2-9*a^2*c^2)/c
6th anti-mixtilinear
The triangle A'B'C' whose 6th mixtilinear triangle is ABC.
- anticomplement of (submedial), complement of (orthic).
- (1st anti-circumperp)-of-(Gemini 110), (2nd Euler)-of-(anti-X3-ABC reflections), (orthic)-of-(medial), (submedial)-of-(anticomplementary).
- Only for acute ABC: (anti-Aquila)-of-(2nd Euler).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*a : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/b : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/c
The triangle A'B'C' whose orthocentroidal triangle is ABC.
- 4th anti-Brocard-of-circumsymmedial.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*((-a^2+b^2+c^2)^2-b^2*c^2) : b*(a^4-(2*b^2-c^2)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)*(b^2+2*c^2)) : c*(a^4+(b^2-2*c^2)*a^2-(b^2-c^2)*(2*b^2+c^2))
1st anti-orthosymmedial
The triangle A'B'C' whose 1st orthosymmedial triangle is ABC.
Notes: Only for ABC acute. A' = AX(1297) ∩ perpendicular(X(19158), BC)A-vertex coordinates:
(S^4+3*SA^2*S^2+2*(SA^2-SB*SC-SW^2)*SA^2)*a/(2*SA+SB+SC) : ((SA-SB)*S^2-2*(SA*SC-SB^2)*SA)*b : ((SA-SC)*S^2-2*(SA*SB-SC^2)*SA)*c
anti-1st Parry
The triangle A'B'C' whose 1st Parry triangle is ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(a^4-2*(b^2+c^2)*a^2+3*(b^2-c^2)^2)/a : (a^2+b^2-5*c^2)*b/(a^2-c^2)*(b^2-c^2) : (a^2-5*b^2+c^2)*c*(c^2-b^2)/(a^2-b^2)
anti-2nd Parry
The triangle A'B'C' whose 2nd Parry triangle is ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(2*S^4+(5*SA^2-8*SB*SC+SW^2)*S^2+3*(SA^2-4*SB*SC-SW^2)*SA^2)/(a*(3*SA-SW)) : b*(S^2-3*SA*SB) : c*(S^2-3*SA*SC)
The triangle A'B'C' whose reflection triangle is ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears Coordinates not found yet
1st anti-Sharygin
The triangle A'B'C' whose 1st Sharygin triangle is ABC.
Notes: Only for ABC acute. A' = AX(8795) ∩ perpendicular(X(8884), BC)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a*SB*SC/(S^2+SB*SC) : SC^2*(SA+SB)/(b*(S^2+SA*SC)) : SB^2*(SA+SC)/(c*(S^2+SA*SB))
The triangle A'B'C' whose tangential-midarc triangle is ABC.
- (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(Mandart-incircle), (tangential)-of-(2nd anti-circumperp-tangential).
1) A' = AX(65) ∩ perpendicular(X(1), BC), when ABC is acute.
2) Let ab, ac be the circles both tangent to AI at I=X(1) and passing the first through B and the second through C. Let Ab be the point, other than B, at which ab cuts AB, and Ac the point, other than C, at which ac cuts AC. Define {Bc, Ba}, {Ca, Cb} cyclically. Then the triangle bounded by lines AbAc, BcBa, CaCb is the anti-tangential-midarc triangle of ABC. (César Lozada, Dec. 8, 2021)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a/(-a+b+c) : (a+c)/(a-b+c) : (a+b)/(a+b-c)
3rd anti-tri-squares
The triangle A'B'C' whose 3rd tri-squares triangle is ABC.
A' = AX(1328) ∩ perpendicular(X(486), BC) (Only for ABC acute)
Build squares BCCaBa, CAAbCb and ABBcAc inwards ABC. A' = AbBa ∩ AcCa.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(S^2-(SB+SC)*S-3*SB*SC)/(a*(SA-S)) : (3*SC-S)/b : (3*SB-S)/c
4th anti-tri-squares
The triangle A'B'C' whose 4th tri-squares triangle is ABC.
A' = AX(1327) ∩ perpendicular(X(485), BC) (Only for ABC acute)
Build squares BCCaBa, CAAbCb and ABBcAc outwards ABC. A' = AbBa ∩ AcCa.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(S^2+(SB+SC)*S-3*SB*SC)/(a*(SA+S)) : (3*SC+S)/b : (3*SB+S)/c
anti-3rd/4th tri-squares-central
The triangle A'B'C' whose 3rd/4th tri-squares-central triangle is ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
anti-3rd tri-squares-central:
Trilinears -(b^2+c^2+3*S)/a : (b^2+S)/b : (c^2+S)/canti-4th tri-squares-central:
Trilinears -(b^2+c^2-3*S)/a : (b^2-S)/b : (c^2-S)/c
anti-Ursa minor
The triangle A'B'C' whose Ursa minor triangle is ABC.
- complement of (tangential).
- (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(Euler), (anti-inverse-in-incircle)-of-(Gemini 110), (tangential)-of-(medial).
- Only for acute ABC: (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(orthic), (2nd circumperp tangential)-of-(2nd Euler).
- Let A0B0C0 be the orthic triangle of ABC. Let A1 be the intersection of the parallel to A0B0 through B and the parallel to A0C0 through C. Let A2 be the midpoint of A and A1. Build B2, C2 cyclically. Then A2B2C2 is the anti-Ursa minor triangle of ABC. (Added Nov. 14, 2020)
- The anti-Ursa minor triangle is the triangle bounded by the tangents to the nine-point circle at the midpoints of BC, CA, AB. (Added Nov 24, 2024)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (b^2+c^2)/a : (c^2-a^2)/b : (b^2-a^2)/c
The triangle A'B'C' whose Wasat triangle is ABC.
- complement of (3rd anti-Euler).
- (anticomplementary)-of-(orthic), (anti-Euler)-of-(2nd Euler), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(medial), (4th anti-Euler)-of-(Euler), (1st excosine)-of-(anti-Ara).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (S^2+SB*SC)*a : SB*(SA-SC)*b : SC*(SA-SB)*c
anti-X3-ABC reflections
The triangle A'B'C' whose X3-ABC reflections triangle is ABC.
- complement of (Johnson).
- (anti-Euler)-of-(Gemini 110), (Ehrmann-mid)-of-(Johnson), (Johnson)-of-(medial).
- Only for acute ABC: (hexyl)-of-(6th anti-mixtilinear), (Hutson intouch)-of-(Trinh), (incircle-circles)-of-(tangential).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(2*a^4-3*(b^2+c^2)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)^2)/a : (a^2-b^2+c^2)*b : (a^2+b^2-c^2)*c
Trilinears (3*S^2-SB*SC)/a : SB*b : SC*c
anti-inner/outer Yff
The triangle A'B'C' whose inner-/outer- Yff triangle is ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^4-2*(b^2+c^2)*a^2-2*(b+c)*b*c*a+(b^2-c^2)^2)/(2*a^2*b*c) : 1 : 1anti-outer-Yff:
Trilinears (a^4-2*(b^2+c^2)*a^2+2*(b+c)*b*c*a+(b^2-c^2)^2)/(2*a^2*b*c) : -1 : -1
Let A' be the center of the inverse-in-A-excircle of the incircle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is the Antlia triangle of ABC. (Reference: X5574)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(a^2+3*(b-c)^2)/(3*a^2+(b-c)^2) : 1 : 1
See altimedial orthic axes triangle.
The Apollonious circle is the circle internally tangent to all the excircles (Reference: MathWorld -- Apollonius Circle.). The respective touchpoints are the vertices of the Apollonius triangle.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -((b+c)*a+b^2+c^2)^2*a/(a+b+c) : (a+c)^2*(a+b-c)*b : (a+b)^2*(a-b+c)*c
Let A' be the insimilicenter of the circumcircle and A-excircle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle with vertices A,' B, C' is the Apus triangle. (Reference: X5584)
- isogonal of (2nd Conway).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a/(a+b+c) : -b/(a+b-c) : -c/(a-b+c)
Let A' = reflection of the incenter in A, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is the Aquila triangle. (Reference: X5586)
It is equivalent to the triangle T(1,2) in TCCT, p. 173.Equivalences:
A-vertex coordinates:
- (anticomplementary)-of-(outer-Garcia), (anti-incircle-circles)-of-(intouch), (circumorthic)-of-(excentral), (Ehrmann-side)-of-(hexyl), (2nd Euler)-of-(6th mixtilinear).
Trilinears (a+2*b+2*c)/a : -1 : -1
Let A'B'C' be the tangential triangle of triangle ABC. Let A" be the center of the A'-excircle of A'B'C', unless this is also the circumcircle of ABC, in which case let A" be the incenter of A'B'C'. Define B", C" cyclically. The triangle A"B"C" is the Ara triangle. (Reference: X5594)
- Only for acute ABC: (excentral)-of-(tangential), (Wasat)-of-(1st excosine).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(a^2+b^2+c^2) : -b*(a^2+b^2-c^2) : -c*(a^2-b^2+c^2)
Let A'B'C' be the tangential triangle of an acute triangle ABC. Let A" be the touchpoint of the A-excircle of A'B'C' and the line B'C'; define B" and C" cyclically. The triangle A"B"C" is the Aries triangle. (Reference: X5596)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(a^4+(b^2-c^2)^2)/(2*a) : b*(b^2-c^2) : c*(c^2-b^2)
The A-Artzt parabola of a triangle ABC is the parabola tangent at B and C to the sidelines AB and AC, respectively. The triangle A'B'C' bounded by the directrices of the Artzt parabolas is the Artzt triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X9742)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(3*a^4+(b^2-c^2)^2)/(2*a) : ((2*b^2+c^2)*a^2+c^2*(b^2-c^2))/b : ((2*c^2+b^2)*a^2-(b^2-c^2)*b^2)/c
Let A' = incircle-inverse of A, and define B' and C' cyclically. Let OA be the circle {{B,C,B',C'}}, and define OB and OC cyclically. The three circles are othogonal to the incircle and their centers A",B",C" are the vertices of the Ascella triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X8726)
- complement of (2nd extouch).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*a : (a^2-2*(b+c)*a+c^2-b^2)/b : (a^2-2*(b+c)*a+b^2-c^2)/c
Suppose that V is a point outside a circle (U,u). Let (V,v) be the circle with center V that is orthogonal to (U,u), so that v2 = |UV|2 - u2 = power of V with respect to (U,u). Let UV,A be the circle (V,w) obtained from (U,r) = A-excircle and V = incenter, and let LA be the radical axis of UV,A and the A-excircle. Define LB and LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC, B' = LC∩LA, C' = LA∩LB. The triangle A'B'C' is the Atik triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X8580))
The Atik triangle is also the triangle bounded by the polars of the incenter X(1) with respect to the excircles (Sept 10, 2017).
Let I, Ia be the incenter and A-excenter of ABC. Let a' be the radical axis of the A-excircle and the circle with diameter IIa and denote b', c' cyclically. The triangle bounded by these radical axes is the Atik triangle (July 7, 2020).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -((b+c)*a^2-2*(b^2+c^2)*a+(b+c)^3)/a : a^2-2*(b-c)*a+(b+3*c)*(b-c) : a^2-2*(c-b)*a+(c+3*b)*(c-b)
1st Auriga
Let U be the inverter (see X5577) of the circumcircle and the incircle. There are two triangles that circumscribe U and are homothetic to triangle ABC, one of which has A-vertex on the same side of line BC as A. This triangle, A'B'C', is the 1st Auriga triangle, and the other, is the 2nd Auriga triangle. (Reference: X5597)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^4-(b+c)^2*a^2-4*(b+c)*S*D)/a : (b^4-b^2*(a+c)^2+4*b*S*D)/b : (c^4-c^2*(a+b)^2+4*c*S*D)/cwhere D=sqrt(r*R+4*R^2)
2nd Auriga
Let U be the inverter (see X5577) of the circumcircle and the incircle. There are two triangles that circumscribe U and are homothetic to triangle ABC, one of which has A-vertex on the opposite side of line BC as A. This triangle, A"B"C", is the 2nd Auriga triangle, and the other, is the 1st Auriga triangle. (Reference: X5597)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^4-(b+c)^2*a^2+4*(b+c)*S*D)/a : (b^4-b^2*(a+c)^2-4*b*S*D)/b : (c^4-c^2*(a+b)^2-4*c*S*D)/cwhere D=sqrt(r*R+4*R^2)
Let RA be the radical axis of the circumcircle and the A-excircle, and define RB and RC cyclically. Let TA = RB∩RC, and define TB and TC cyclically. (TA is also the radical center of the circumcircle and the B- and C- excircles.) The Ayme triangle is TATBTC. (Reference: X3610)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (b+c)*(a^2+(b+c)^2)/a : -a^2-b^2+c^2 : -a^2-c^2+b^2
Bankoff equilateral
Let ABC be a triangle with circumcenter O. Centering at O, let Ab be the rotation of A toward B by an angle |π/6| and let Ac be the rotation of A toward C by the same angle |π/6| (triangle OAbAc is an equilateral triangle). Build (Bc, Ba) and (Ca, Cb) cyclically and let Am, Bm, Cm be the midpoints of BcCb, CaAc, AbBa, respectively. The triangle AmBmCm is equilateral and is named the Bankoff equilateral triangle of ABC. (Reference: X34551)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -((sqrt(3)-2)*SA+S)*a : (2*S^2+S*SC+(sqrt(3)-2)*SA*SC)/b : (2*S^2+S*SB+(sqrt(3)-2)*SA*SB)/c
Let Ea, Eb, Ec be the excenters of ABC and Ja, Jb, Jc the Ea-, Eb-, Ec- excenters of EaBC, EbCA and EcAB, respectively. The triangle JaJbJc is the BCE triangle of ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1 : 1-2*sin(C/2) : 1-2*sin(B/2)
Let Ea, Eb, Ec be the excenters of ABC and Ia, Ib, Ic the incenters of EaBC, EbCA and EcAB, respectively. The triangle IaIbIc is the BCE-incenters triangle of ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1 : 1+2*sin(C/2) : 1+2*sin(B/2)
Let I be the incenter of ABC and Ia, Ib, Ic the incenters of IBC, ICA and IAB, respectively. The triangle IaIbIc is the BCI triangle of ABC. (Reference: MathWorld -- BCI Triangle.)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 1 : 1+2*cos(C/2) : 1+2*cos(B/2)
Let I be the incenter of ABC and Ea, Eb, Ec the I- excenters of IBC, ICA and IAB, respectively. The triangle EaEbEc is the BCI-excenters triangle of ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 1 : 1-2*cos(C/2) : 1-2*cos(B/2)
Let V be the Bevan point X(40) of ABC and Va, Vb, Vc the antipodes of V on the circumcircles of VBC, VCA and VAB, respectively. The triangle VaVbVc is the Bevan-antipodal triangle of ABC. (Reference: X223)
Note: The Bevan-antipodal triangle is the anticevian triangle of X(57).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1/(-a+b+c) : 1/(a-b+c) : 1/(a+b-c)
1st Brocard
Let Ω' and Ω" be the Brocard points of ABC and A* the intersection of BΩ' and CΩ"; similarly define B* and C*. A*B*C* is the 1st Brocard triangle of ABC. (Reference: MathWorld -- Brocard Triangles.)
- isogonal of (3rd Brocard).
- Only for acute ABC: (1st circumperp)-of-(7th Brocard), (2nd circumperp)-of-(10th Brocard).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*b*c : c^3 : b^3
1st Brocard-reflected
The triangles whose vertices are the reflections of the vertices of the 1st Brocard triangle in the sidelines of ABC is the 1st Brocard-reflected triangle of ABC. (Reference: CTC - Table 32)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a : (a^2+b^2)/b : (a^2+c^2)/c
2nd Brocard
Let Ω' and Ω" be the Brocard points of ABC. The circles ω'a and ω"a through {Ω',B,C} and {Ω",B,C}, respectively, meet again at A*. Define B* and C* similarly. A*B*C* is the 2nd Brocard triangle of ABC. (Reference: MathWorld -- Brocard Triangles.)
- isogonal of (4th Brocard).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears b^2+c^2-a^2 : a*b : a*c
3rd Brocard
Let A'B'C' be the 1st Brocard triangle of ABC and A*, B*, C* the isogonal conjugates of A',B',C' with respect to ABC. A*B*C* is the 3rd Brocard triangle of ABC. (Reference: MathWorld -- Brocard Triangles.)
- isogonal of (1st Brocard).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears b^2*c^2 : a*b^3 : a*c^3
4th Brocard
Let A"B"C" be the 2nd Brocard triangle of ABC and A*, B*, C* the isogonal conjugates of A",B",C" with respect to ABC. A*B*C* is the 4th Brocard triangle of ABC. (Reference: MathWorld -- Brocard Triangles.)
In a triangle ABC, let ab be the circle through A and tangent to BC at B and let ac be the circle through A and tangent to BC at C. Let A* be the point of intersection, other than A, of ab and ac. Define B*, C* cyclically. Then A*B*C* is the 4th Brocard triangle of ABC. (Apr. 15, 2024)
- isogonal of (2nd Brocard).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*b*c/(b^2+c^2-a^2) : c : b
5th Brocard
The 5th Brocard triangle is the vertex triangle of the circumcevian triangles of the 1st and 2nd Brocard points. (Reference: X32)
Note: The vertex triangle of A'B'C' and A"B"C" is the triangle A*B*C*, where A*=B'B"∩C'C" and similarly B* and C* (TCCT, p. 199).A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears ((b^2+c^2)*a^2+(b^2+c^2)^2-b^2*c^2)/a : -b^3 : -c^3
6th Brocard
Let Ω' and Ω" be the Brocard points of ABC. The line AΩ' cuts again the 2nd Brocard circle at A' and the line AΩ" cuts again the 2nd Brocard circle at A". Build B',B", C', C" similarly and define A*=B'B"∩C'C", B*=C'C"∩A'A" and C*=A'A"∩B'V". The triangle A*B*C* is the 6th Brocard triangle. (Reference: X384)
Note: The perpendicular bisector of the Brocard points of ABC passes through the circumcenter O of ABC. The circle with center at O and passing through both Brocard points is the 2nd Brocard circle.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears ((b^2+c^2)*a^2-b^2*c^2)/a : (c^4+c^2*b^2-b^4)/b : (b^4+b^2*c^2-c^4)/c
7th Brocard
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let O = X(3), the circumcenter. Let A' be the point, other than O, in which the line AO meets the Brocard circle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C', is the 7th Brocard triangle. (Reference: Dan Reznik and Peter Moses, preamble just before X39643)
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(10th Brocard), (1st anti-circumperp)-of-(1st Brocard).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^4+(b^2-c^2)^2)/a : b*(a^2-b^2+c^2) : c*(a^2+b^2-c^2)
8th Brocard
Let A'B'C' be the 7th Brocard triangle of ABC and A", B", C" the circumcircle-inverses of A', B', C', respectively. The triangle A"B"C", is the 8th Brocard triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X39642)
Note: A", B", C" are collinear on the Brocard axis of ABC.Equivalences:
- isogonal of (9th Brocard).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -2*a^3 : b*(a^2-b^2+c^2) : c*(a^2+b^2-c^2)
9th Brocard
Let A"B"C" be the 8th Brocard triangle of ABC and A*, B*, C* the isogonal conjugates of A", B", C", respectively. The triangle A*B*C*, is the 9th Brocard triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X39642)
- isogonal of (8th Brocard).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(a^2+b^2-c^2)*(a^2-b^2+c^2)/(2*a^3) : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
10th Brocard
The reflection of 7th Brocard triangle in the center X(182) of Brocard circle is the 10th Brocard triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X43803)
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(7th Brocard), (circumorthic)-of-(1st Brocard).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(a^8-2*(b^4+c^4)*a^4+2*(b^4-c^4)*(b^2-c^2)*a^2-(b^2-c^2)^4)/a :
b*(a^6-(b^2-3*c^2)*a^4+(b^4-c^4)*a^2-(b^2-c^2)^3) :
11th Brocard
Let A' be the Psi-transform of the antipode of A in the circumcircle of ABC, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is the 11th Brocard triangle of ABC. It inscribed in the Brocard circle. (Reference: Bernard Gibert's Brocard triangles.)
A'B'C' is the circumcevian triangle of X(999) wrt to the 10th-Brocard triangle. (X(999)-of-10th-Brocard triangle=X(9306)-of-ABC). The Psi-transform or Psi-image of a point is defined in the preamble just before X(14649).A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^6+(b^2+c^2)*a^4-3*(b^2-c^2)^2*a^2+(b^4-c^4)*(b^2-c^2))/a :
(a^4-2*(2*b^2-3*c^2)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)*(3*b^2-c^2))*b :
Reflections of A,B,C on the incenter. For coordinates, see 5th mixtilinear triangle. (Reference: X5603)
See Johnson triangle.
See 2nd circumperp triangle.
The circumcevian triangle of the centroid of ABC is its circummedial triangle.
- anticomplement of (5th Euler).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a*b*c/(b^2+c^2) : c : b
The circumnormal triangle is obtained by rotating the circumtangential triangle an angle π/6 around the circumcenter. It is an equilateral triangle. Reference: TCCT, p. 166.
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(circumtangential), (anti-Aquila)-of-(Stammler), (2nd anti-circumperp-tangential)-of-(Stammler), (anti-X3-ABC reflections)-of-(Stammler), (circumorthic)-of-(circumtangential), (Euler)-of-(Stammler), (2nd Euler)-of-(Stammler), (4th Euler)-of-(Stammler), (outer-Garcia)-of-(circumtangential), (Hutson intouch)-of-(Stammler), (Johnson)-of-(circumtangential), (Kosnita)-of-(circumtangential).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -sec((B-C)/3) : sec((B+2*C)/3) : sec((C+2*B)/3)
The circumcevian triangle of the orthocenter of ABC is its circumorthic triangle.
- anticomplement of (2nd Euler).
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(1st anti-circumperp), (1st anti-circumperp)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (anti-incircle-circles)-of-(anti-Ara), (Ehrmann-side)-of-(Johnson), (Euler)-of-(3rd anti-Euler), (2nd Euler)-of-(anticomplementary), (medial)-of-(4th anti-Euler), (orthic)-of-(anti-Euler).
- Only for acute ABC: (2nd anti-circumperp-tangential)-of-(tangential), (Aquila)-of-(orthic), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(anti-Hutson intouch).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a/((b^2+c^2)*a^2-(b^2-c^2)^2) : 1/(b*(a^2-b^2+c^2)) : 1/(c*(a^2+b^2-c^2))
1st circumperp
The perpendicular bisector of BC meets the circumcircle in two points A' and A" (A' in the same side of BC as A). Define B', B", C', C" cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is the 1st circumperp triangle. (TCCT, p. 163).
- anticomplement of (3rd Euler).
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(2nd circumperp), (2nd circumperp)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (Euler)-of-(hexyl), (3rd Euler)-of-(anticomplementary), (4th Euler)-of-(anti-Euler), (Hutson intouch)-of-(2nd circumperp tangential), (medial)-of-(excentral).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a : c-b : b-c
1st circumperp tangential
The tangential triangle of the 1st circumperp triangle. (TCCT, 6-23, p. 164).
See anti-Mandart-incircle triangle.
2nd circumperp
The perpendicular bisector of BC meets the circumcircle in two points A' and A" (A' in the same side of BC as A). Define B', B", C', C" cyclically. The triangle A"B"C" is the 2nd circumperp triangle. (TCCT, p. 163).
- anticomplement of (4th Euler).
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(1st circumperp), (Ara)-of-(incircle-circles), (1st circumperp)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (Euler)-of-(excentral), (3rd Euler)-of-(anti-Euler), (4th Euler)-of-(anticomplementary), (excentral)-of-(anti-Aquila), (Hutson intouch)-of-(anti-Mandart-incircle), (medial)-of-(hexyl).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a : b+c : b+c
2nd circumperp tangential
The tangential triangle of the 1st circumperp triangle. (TCCT, 6-24, p. 165).
- (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(1st circumperp), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (anti-Ursa minor)-of-(hexyl), (tangential)-of-(2nd circumperp).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears b*c+(a+b)*(a+c) : -b*(a+b-c) : -c*(a-b+c)
The circumcevian triangle of the symmedian point X(6) of ABC is its circumsymmedial triangle.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a/2 : b : c
The circumtangential triangle has vertices three points X on the circumcircle of ABC at which the line XX-1 is tangent to the circumcircle, where X-1 means "the isogonal conjugate of X". It is an equilateral triangle. Reference: TCCT, p. 166 and 168-170.
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(circumnormal), (circumorthic)-of-(circumnormal), (Ehrmann-mid)-of-(Stammler), (3rd Euler)-of-(Stammler), (outer-Garcia)-of-(circumnormal), (Johnson)-of-(circumnormal), (Kosnita)-of-(circumnormal), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(Stammler), (medial)-of-(Stammler).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1 : sin((B-C)/3)*csc((B+2*C)/3) : sin((C-B)/3)*csc((C+2*B)/3)
See intouch triangle.
Let a, b, c be the sidelengths BC, CA and AB, respectively, of ABC. Let Ab be the point on CA such that AAb = -(a/b)*AC and Ac the point on BA such that AAc = -(a/c)*AB. Define Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb similarly. The Conway triangle is the triangle bounded by the lines AbAc, BcBa and CaCb. (Reference: X7411)
Note: See this construction at MathWorld -- Conway Circle..Equivalences:
- anticomplement of (2nd extouch).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(a+b+c)/(b+c) : (a+b-c)/b : (a-b+c)/c
2nd Conway
Following the construction of the Conway triangle, let A2 = AbBa∩AcCa, and define B2 and C2 cyclically. The triangle A2B2C2 is the 2nd Conway triangle of ABC. (Reference: Preamble just before X9776)
- isogonal of (Apus), anticomplement of (excentral).
- (Ara)-of-(inner-Conway), (excentral)-of-(anticomplementary), (Wasat)-of-(Gemini 111).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(a+b+c)/a : (a+b-c)/b : (a-b+c)/c
3rd Conway
Following the construction of the Conway triangle, let A3 be the intersection of the tangents to the Conway circle at Ba and Ca, and define B3, C3 cyclically. The triangle A3B3C3 is the 3rd Conway triangle. (Reference: X10434)
Note: The six points Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb lie on a circle named the Conway circle.Equivalences:
- (anticomplementary)-of-(inverse-in-Conway).
A-vertex coordinates:
-a*(a+b+c)^2 : ((b+2*c)*a^3+2*a^2*b^2+(b-c)*(2*c^2+b*c+b^2)*a+2*(b^2-c^2)*b*c)/b : ((2*b+c)*a^3+2*a^2*c^2-(b-c)*(c^2+b*c+2*b^2)*a-2*(b^2-c^2)*b*c)/c
4th Conway
Following the construction of the Conway triangle, let A4 be the intersection of the tangents to the Conway circle at Ab and Ac, and define B4, C4 cyclically. The triangle A4B4C4 is the 4th Conway triangle. (Reference: X10434)
Note: The six points Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb lie on a circle named the Conway circle.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^3-(b+c)*a^2-2*(b^2+b*c+c^2)*a-2*b*c*(b+c))/((a+b+c)*a^2) : 1 : 1
5th Conway
Following the construction of the Conway triangle, let A5 be the intersection of the tangents to the Conway circle at Bc and Cb, and define B5, C5 cyclically. Triangle A5B5C5 is named the 5th Conway triangle. (Reference: X10434)
Note: The six points Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb lie on a circle named the Conway circle.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -((b+c)*a^2+(b^2+c^2)*a+2*b*c*(b+c))/((a+b+c)*(b+c)*a) : 1 : 1
Let a, b, c be the sidelengths BC, CA and AB, respectively, of ABC. Let Ab be the point on CA such that AAb = (a/b)*AC and Ac the point on BA such that AAc = (a/c)*AB. Define Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb similarly. The inner-Conway triangle is the triangle bounded by the lines AbAc, BcBa and CaCb. (Reference: Preamble just before X11677)
- anticomplement of (intouch).
- (anti-Ara)-of-(2nd Conway).
Notes: See this construction at MathWorld -- Conway Circle.
Points Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca and Cb do not lie on a conic.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1 : (b-c)/b : (c-b)/c
cusps of the Steiner deltoid
The Steiner deltoid of a triangle is the envelope of the Simson lines of the triangle. The three cusps of this deltoid are the vertices of the cusps of the Steiner deltoid triangle, and it is an equilateral triangle homothetic to the 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-Morley triangles. (Reference: Bernard Gibert Curve Q000.)
Note: If A' is the A-vertex of the cusps of the Steiner deltoid triangle and At, An are the A-vertices of the circumtangential and circumnormal triangles, respectively, then A' is the dilation X(20)At with factor 3/2 and A' is the dilation of X(631)An with factor -3/2. (Bernard Gibert Table 25.)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears cos(B-C) + 3*cos((B-C)/3) : cos(A-C) - 3*cos((B+2*C)/3) : cos(A-B) - 3*cos((C+2*B)/3)
See 4th Brocard triangle.
Let (a) denote the ellipse through A with foci B and C and define (b) and (c) cyclically. Let da be the line joining the intersection points of of (b) and (c) and denote A'= da ∩ BC. Build B' and C' cyclically. A'B'C' is the Dao triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X(45738))
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : c*(a+b)*(a-b+c)^2 : b*(a+c)*(a+b-c)^2
de Villiers
See BCI triangle.
1st Ehrmann
In Hyacinthos #6098, December 2, 2002, Jean-Pierre Ehrmann defines a circle as follows. Let P be a point in the plane of ABC and not on the lines BC, CA, AB. Let AB the the point of intersection of the circle {{P,B,C}} and the line AB. Define AC symmetrically, and define BC, BA, CA, CB cyclically. These six points of intersection are on a circle if and only if P = X(6). The centers A1, B1, C1 of the circles {{X(6),B,C}}, {{X(6),C,A}}, {{X(6),A,B,}}, respectively, are the vertices of the 1st Ehrmann triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X8537)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(a^4-b^4+4*b^2*c^2-c^4)*a : (a^2*(a^2+5*c^2)-b^4+3*b^2*c^2-2*c^4)*b : (a^2*(a^2+5*b^2)-2*b^4+3*b^2*c^2-c^4)*c
2nd Ehrmann
Following the construction of the 1st Ehrmann triangle, let A2 = BCBA∩CACB, and define B2 and C2 cyclically. The triangle A2B2C2 is the 2nd Ehrmann triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X8537)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(a^2-2*b^2-2*c^2)/(2*a^2-b^2-c^2) : b : c
Ehrmann circumscribing
Let TC1=A1B1C1 be the triangle obtained by rotating ABC about the 1st Ehrmann pivot, P(5), by an angle of 2π/3, so that TC1 circumscribes ABC. Triangle TC1 is the 1st Ehrmann circumscribing triangle. Let TC2=A2B2C2 be the triangle obtained by rotating ABC about the 2nd Ehrmann pivot, U(5), by an angle of -2π/3, so that TC2 circumscribes ABC. Triangle TC2 is the 2nd Ehrmann circumscribing triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X18300)
Note: Neither of both Ehrmann circumscribing triangles is a central triangle.A-vertex coordinates:
1st Ehrmann circumscribing triangle:Trilinears -(S^2-sqrt(3)*(SB-SC)*S-3*SB*SC)/a : (S+sqrt(3)*SA)*(S+sqrt(3)*SC)/b : (S-sqrt(3)*SA)*(S-sqrt(3)*SB)/c
2nd Ehrmann circumscribing triangle:Trilinears -(S^2+sqrt(3)*(SB-SC)*S-3*SB*SC)/a : (S-sqrt(3)*SA)*(S-sqrt(3)*SC)/b : (S+sqrt(3)*SA)*(S+sqrt(3)*SB)/c
Ehrmann cross
The cross-triangle of the 1st and 2nd Ehrmann inscribed triangles is the Ehrman cross-triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X18300)
Note: if T1=A1B1C1 and T2=A2B2C2 are two distinct triangles, the cross-triangle T*=A*B*C* of T1 and T2 is the triangle having vertices A*=B1C2 ∩ B2C1, B*=C1A2 ∩ C2A1 and C*=A1B2 ∩ A2B1.Note: The Ehrmann cross triangle is degenerate, its vertices lying on line X(3)X(523) (the trilinear polar of X(2986)).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (S^2-3*SB*SC)/a : SB*(S^2-3*SC^2)/(b*(SB-SC)) : SC*(S^2-3*SB^2)/(c*(SC-SB))
Ehrmann inscribed
Let TI1=A1B1C1 be the triangle obtained by rotating ABC about the 1st Ehrmann pivot, P(5), by an angle of -2π/3, so that TI1 is inscribed in ABC. Triangle TI1 is the 1st Ehrmann inscribed triangle. Let TI2=A2B2C2 be the triangle obtained by rotating ABC about the 2nd Ehrmann pivot, U(5), by an angle of 2π/3, so that TI2 is inscribed in ABC. Triangle TI2 is the 2nd Ehrmann inscribed triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X18300)
Note: Neither of both Ehrmann inscribed triangles is a central triangle.A-vertex coordinates:
1st Ehrmann inscribed triangle:Trilinears 0 : (S-sqrt(3)*SA)*c : (S+sqrt(3)*SA)*b
2nd Ehrmann inscribed triangle:Trilinears 0 : (S+sqrt(3)*SA)*c : (S-sqrt(3)*SA)*b
Ehrmann mid
The mid-triangle of the 1st and 2nd Ehrmann circumscribing triangles is the Ehrman mid-triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X18300)
Note: if T1=A1B1C1 and T2=A2B2C2 are two distinct triangles, the mid-triangle of T1 and T2 is the triangle having vertices the midpoints of {A1,A2}, {B1,B2} and {C1,C2}.Equivalences:
- (anti-X3-ABC reflections)-of-(Johnson), (Johnson)-of-(Euler).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(S^2-3*SB*SC)/a : (S^2+3*SA*SC)/b : (S^2+3*SA*SB)/c
The side-triangle of the 1st and 2nd Ehrmann circumscribing triangles is the Ehrmann-side triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X18300)
Note: if T1=A1B1C1 and T2=A2B2C2 are two distinct triangles, the side-triangle T*=A*B*C* of T1 and T2 is the triangle having vertices A*=B1B2 ∩ C1C2, B*=C1C2 ∩ A1A2 and C*=A1A2 ∩ B1B2.Equivalences:
- (circumorthic)-of-(Johnson), (2nd Euler)-of-(X3-ABC reflections), (orthic)-of-(anti-Ehrmann-mid).
- Only for acute ABC: (Aquila)-of-(2nd Euler).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(S^2+3*SB*SC) : SB*(S^2-3*SC^2)/b : SC*(S^2-3*SB^2)/c
Ehrmann vertex
The vertex-triangle of the 1st and 2nd Ehrmann circumscribing triangles is the Ehrman vertex-triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X18300)
Note: if T1=A1B1C1 and T2=A2B2C2 are two distinct triangles, the vertex-triangle T*=A*B*C* of T1 and T2 is the triangle having vertices A*=B1C1 ∩ B2C2, B*=C1A1 ∩ C2A2 and C*=A1B1 ∩ A2B2.Equivalences:
- (Kosnita)-of-(Johnson), (tangential)-of-(Ehrmann-mid).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -((4*SA+SB+SC)*S^2-(3*(SB+SC))*SA^2)/(a*(S^2-3*SA^2)) : SC/b : SB/c
Let H be the orthocenter of ABC and A*, B*, C* the midpoints of AH, BH and CH, respectively. A*B*C* is the Euler triangle of ABC. (Reference: MathWorld -- Euler Triangle.)
A*, B*, C* are also the reflections of the vertices of the medial triangle in X(5).Equivalences:
A-vertex coordinates:
- complement of (ABC-X3 reflections).
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(medial), (1st anti-circumperp)-of-(4th Euler), (circumorthic)-of-(3rd Euler), (2nd Euler)-of-(Wasat), (Johnson)-of-(Ehrmann-mid), (medial)-of-(Johnson).
- Only for acute ABC: (1st circumperp)-of-(2nd Euler), (2nd circumperp)-of-(orthic), (4th Euler)-of-(anti-Wasat), (Hutson intouch)-of-(anti-Ursa minor).
Trilinears 2((b^2+c^2)*a^2-(b^2-c^2)^2)/(a*(b^2+c^2-a^2)) : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
2nd Euler
The reflections of the vertices of the orthic triangle in X(5) are the vertices of the 2nd Euler triangle. (Reference: X3758)
- complement of (circumorthic).
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(orthic), (1st anti-circumperp)-of-(Euler), (6th anti-mixtilinear)-of-(X3-ABC reflections), (circumorthic)-of-(medial), (Ehrmann-side)-of-(anti-X3-ABC reflections), (Euler)-of-(anti-Wasat), (orthic)-of-(Johnson).
- Only for acute ABC: (anti-Aquila)-of-(Ehrmann-side), (2nd anti-circumperp-tangential)-of-(anti-Ursa minor), (Aquila)-of-(6th anti-mixtilinear).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -2*((b^2+c^2)*a^2-(b^2-c^2)^2)*a : (a^2-b^2+c^2)*(a^4-2*a^2*c^2+(b^2-c^2)^2)/b : (a^2+b^2-c^2)*(a^4-2*a^2*b^2+(b^2-c^2)^2)/c
3rd Euler
The perpendicular to BC through X(5) cuts the nine point circle in two points A', A", with A' farther from A than A". Build B', B", C', C" similarly. A'B'C' is the 3rd Euler triangle. (Reference: X3758)
- complement of (1st circumperp).
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(4th Euler), (1st circumperp)-of-(medial), (2nd circumperp)-of-(Euler), (4th Euler)-of-(Johnson), (medial)-of-(Wasat).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b-c)^2/a : (a^2+c*(b-c))/b : (a^2+b*(c-b))/c
4th Euler
The perpendicular to BC through X(5) cuts the nine-points-circle in two points A', A", with A" closer to A than A'. Build B', B", C', C" similarly. A"B"C" is the 4th Euler triangle. (Reference: X3758)
- complement of (2nd circumperp).
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(3rd Euler), (1st circumperp)-of-(Euler), (2nd circumperp)-of-(medial), (Euler)-of-(Wasat), (3rd Euler)-of-(Johnson).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b+c)^2/a : (a^2-c*(b+c))/b : (a^2-b*(b+c))/c
5th Euler
The nine-points-circle cuts again the median AA' in A", where A' is the midpoint of BC. If B" and C" are built similarly then A"B"C" is the 5th Euler triangle. (Reference: X3758)
- complement of (circummedial).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -2*(b^2+c^2)/(a*(a^2-b^2-c^2)) : 1/b : 1/c
excenters-incenter reflections
The A-vertex is the reflection of the A-excenter in the incenter.
Note: The original name of this triangle is T(-1,3). Reference: TCCT, p. 173.Equivalences:
- (Ara)-of-(Hutson intouch), (excentral)-of-(5th mixtilinear).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (-a+3*b+3*c)/(-3*a+b+c) : 1 : 1
The A-vertex is the midpoint of A and the A-excenter.
Note: The original name of this triangle is T(-2,1). Reference: TCCT, p. 173.Equivalences:
- complement of (Garcia-reflection).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (-2*a+b+c)/a : 1 : 1
See excenters-incenter reflections.
The triangle whose vertices are the excenters of ABC.
- anticomplement of (Wasat), complement of (2nd Conway).
- (anticomplementary)-of-(1st circumperp), (anti-Euler)-of-(2nd circumperp), (Ara)-of-(intouch), (2nd circumperp)-of-(Aquila), (2nd Conway)-of-(medial), (hexyl)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (Johnson)-of-(hexyl), (medial)-of-(6th mixtilinear), (Ursa-minor)-of-(anti-Mandart-incircle), (Wasat)-of-(anticomplementary).
Note: The excentral triangle is the anticevian and the antipedal triangle of X(1).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1 : 1 : 1
1st and 2nd excosine
Let Ab, Ac be the points where the A-excosine circle cuts again the sidelines AC and AB, respectively, and build {Bc, Ba}, {Ca, Cb} cyclically. The triangle A1B1C1 bounded by the lines AbAc, BcBa and CaCb is the 1st excosine triangle of ABC and the triangle A2B2C2 bounded by the lines BcCb, CaAc and AbBa is the 2nd excosine triangle of ABC. (Reference: X17807)
Note: If the tangents at B and C to the circumcircle of a triangle ABC intersect at A', then the circle with center A' passing through B and C is called A-excosine circle of ABC. This circle cuts AB and AC again at two points which are the extremities of a diameter of it. (Reference: MathWorld -- Excosine Circle.)Equivalences:
- 1st excosine = (anticomplementary)-of-(tangential), (anti-Wasat)-of-(Ara).
A-vertex coordinates:
1st excosine triangle:Trilinears -S^2*a : (S^2-2*SA*SB)*b : (S^2-2*SA*SC)*c
2nd excosine triangle:Trilinears -S^2*SB*SC/(SA*a) : (S^2-2*SA*SB)*b : (S^2-2*SA*SC)*c
The triangle A'B'C' formed by the points of pairwise intersection of the three exterior tangents to the excircles.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a*(a+b+c) : (a+c)*(a+b-c) : (a+b)*(a-b+c)
Let A' be the point where the A-excircle touches the side BC and define B', C' similarly. A'B'C' is the extouch triangle of ABC.
- anticomplement of (1st Zaniah), complement of (Gemini 29).
- (Aries)-of-(intouch).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : 1/(b*(a+b-c)) : 1/(c*(a-b+c))
2nd extouch
Let AA,AB, AC be the touchpoints of the A-excircle and the lines BC, CA, AB, respectively, and define BB, BC, BA and CC, CA, CB cyclically.
Let A2 = BCBA∩CACB, and define B2 and C2 cyclically. The 2nd extouch triangle is A2B2C2. (Reference: X5927)Equivalences:
- anticomplement of (Ascella), complement of (Conway).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -2*(b+c) : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
3rd extouch
Let AA,AB, AC be the touchpoints of the A-excircle and the lines BC, CA, AB, respectively, and define BB, BC, BA and CC, CA, CB cyclically.
Let A3 = CAAC∩ABBA, and define B3 and C3 cyclically. The 3rd extouch triangle is A3B3C3. (Reference: X5927)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -2*(b+c)*(a+b-c)*(a-b+c)/((-a+b+c)*(a+b+c)) : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
4th extouch
Let AA,AB, AC be the touchpoints of the A-excircle and the lines BC, CA, AB, respectively, and define BB, BC, BA and CC, CA, CB cyclically.
Let A4 = BCCA∩BACB, and define B4 and C4 cyclically. The 4th extouch triangle is A4B4C4. (Reference: X5927)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -2*(b+c)*(a+b+c)/(-a+b+c) : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/b : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/c
5th extouch
Let AA,AB, AC be the touchpoints of the A-excircle and the lines BC, CA, AB, respectively, and define BB, BC, BA and CC, CA, CB cyclically.
Let D1 = BBBC∩CCCA, and define D2 and D3 cyclically. Let E1 = BBBA∩CCCB, and define E2 and E3 cyclically. Define A5 = D2E2∩D3E3, and define B5 and C5 cyclically. The 5th extouch triangle is A5B5C5. (Reference: X5927)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -2*(b+c)/(-a+b+c) : (b^2+c^2+a^2+2*c*a)/(b*(a-b+c)) : (b^2+2*a*b+a^2+c^2)/(c*(a+b-c))
In a triangle ABC build equilateral BCA', CAB', ABC' inwards ABC. Then A'B'C' is the inner-Fermat triangle of ABC.
- anticomplement of (1st half-diamonds).
- (anticomplementary)-of-(1st half-diamonds).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -sqrt(3)*a : (sqrt(3)*SC-S)/b : (sqrt(3)*SB-S)/c
In a triangle ABC build equilateral BCA', CAB', ABC' outwards ABC. Then A'B'C' is the outer-Fermat triangle of ABC.
- anticomplement of (2nd half-diamonds).
- (anticomplementary)-of-(2nd half-diamonds).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -sqrt(3)*a : (sqrt(3)*SC+S)/b : (sqrt(3)*SB+S)/c
1st and 2nd Fermat-Dao equilateral
Let F=X(13) be the 1st Fermat point of ABC and La the parallel to BC through F. Let Ab and Ac be the points, others than F, where La cuts the circumcircles of FAC and FAB, respectively. Construct Bc, Ba and Ca, Cb cyclically. Let A'=AbCb∩AcBc and similarly B' and C'. The triangle A'B'C' is equilateral and is named the 1st Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle. (Reference: X16247)
If the above construction is done from F=X(14) (the 2nd Fermat point of ABC), the obtained triangle A'B'C' is also equilateral and is called the 2nd Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle. (Reference: X16247)
You can see a sketch of 1st and 2nd Fermat-Dao equilateral triangles here.
A-vertex coordinates:
1st Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
-a*(sqrt(3)*S*((-6*R^2+3*SA+12*SW)*S^2+(7*SA^2+SB*SC+SW^2)*SW+18*R^2*SB*SC)+(20*S^2-6*R^2*(3*SA-SW)+19*SA^2-SB*SC+11*SW^2)*S^2+3*(2*SA-SW)*SA*SW^2)/(sqrt(3)*a^2+2*S) : (S+sqrt(3)*SB)*(S^2+sqrt(3)*(6*R^2-SW+SC)*S+SW*SC)*b : (S+sqrt(3)*SC)*(S^2+sqrt(3)*(6*R^2-SW+SB)*S+SB*SW)*c
2nd Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
-a*(-sqrt(3)*S*((-6*R^2+3*SA+12*SW)*S^2+(7*SA^2+SB*SC+SW^2)*SW+18*R^2*SB*SC)+(20*S^2-6*R^2*(3*SA-SW)+19*SA^2-SB*SC+11*SW^2)*S^2+3*(2*SA-SW)*SA*SW^2)/(sqrt(3)*a^2-2*S) : (-S+sqrt(3)*SB)*(S^2-sqrt(3)*(6*R^2-SW+SC)*S+SW*SC)*b : (-S+sqrt(3)*SC)*(S^2-sqrt(3)*(6*R^2-SW+SB)*S+SB*SW)*c
3rd and 4th Fermat-Dao equilateral
Let F=X(13) be the 1st Fermat point of ABC. Let Ab and Ac be points on AC and AB, respectively, such that FAbAc is an equilateral triangle with the same orientation as ABC. Denote the centroid of FAbAc as A' and similarly build B' and C'. The triangle A'B'C' is equilateral and is named the 3rd Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle. (Reference: X16267)
Let F=X(14) be the 2nd Fermat point of ABC. Let Ab and Ac be points on AC and AB, respectively, such that FAbAc is an equilateral triangle with opposite orientation than ABC. Denote the centroid of FAbAc as A" and similarly build B" and C". The triangle A"B"C" is equilateral and is named the 4th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle. (Reference: X16268)
You can see a sketch of 3rd and 4th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangles here.
A-vertex coordinates:
3rd Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
(sqrt(3)*(3*S^2+SB*SC)+5*(SB+SC)*S)/(a*(sqrt(3)*SA+S)) : (SC+sqrt(3)*S)/b : (SB+sqrt(3)*S)/c
4th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
(sqrt(3)*(3*S^2+SB*SC)-5*(SB+SC)*S)/(a*(sqrt(3)*SA-S)) : (SC-sqrt(3)*S)/b : (SB-sqrt(3)*S)/c
5th and 6th Fermat-Dao equilateral
Let F=X(13) be the 1st Fermat point of ABC. Let Ba and Ca be points on BC such that the triangle FBaCa is equilateral. Define the pairs {Cb, Ab} and {Ab, Bc}cyclically. Let A' be the point other than F that lies on the circles (FAcBc) and (FCbAb), and define B' and C' cyclically. Then the triangle A'B'C' is equilateral and is the 5th Fermat Dao equilateral triangle of ABC. (Reference: X16459)
When F=X(14), i.e, the 2nd Fermat point of ABC, the obtained triangle A'B'C' is also equilateral and is named the 6th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle. (Reference: X16459)
You can see a sketch of 5th and 6th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangles here.
A-vertex coordinates:
5th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
((7*SA+4*SW)*S^2+3*SA^3+5*sqrt(3)*(S^2+SA^2)*S)/(a*(sqrt(3)*SA+S)^2) : b*(sqrt(3)*c^2+2*S)/(sqrt(3)*SB+S) : c*(sqrt(3)*b^2+2*S)/(sqrt(3)*SC+S)
6th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
((7*SA+4*SW)*S^2+3*SA^3-5*sqrt(3)*(S^2+SA^2)*S)/(a*(sqrt(3)*SA-S)^2) : b*(sqrt(3)*c^2-2*S)/(sqrt(3)*SB-S) : c*(sqrt(3)*b^2-2*S)/(sqrt(3)*SC-S)
7th and 8th Fermat-Dao equilateral
Let F=X(13) be the 1st Fermat point of ABC. Let Ab and Ac be points on AC and AB, respectively, such that FAbAc is an equilateral triangle with the same orientation as ABC. Let A' be the midpoint of Ab and Ac and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is equilateral and is named the 7th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle. (Reference: X396)
Let F=X(14) be the 2nd Fermat point of ABC. Let Ab and Ac be points on AC and AB, respectively, such that FAbAc is an equilateral triangle with opposite orientation than ABC. Let A" be the midpoint of Ab and Ac and define B" and C" cyclically. The triangle A"B"C" is equilateral and is named the 8th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle. (Reference: X395)
You can see a sketch of 7th and 8th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangles here.
A-vertex coordinates:
7th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
2*(sqrt(3)*(SB+SC)+2*S)/(a*(sqrt(3)*SA+S)) : 1/b : 1/c
8th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
2*(sqrt(3)*(SB+SC)-2*S)/(a*(sqrt(3)*SA-S)) : 1/b : 1/c
9th and 10th Fermat-Dao equilateral
Let F = X(13) be the 1st Fermat point of ABC. Let Ba, Ca be the points on BC such that FBaCa is an equilateral triangle. Define Cb, Ab and Ac, Bc cyclically. Let A', B', C' be the midpoints of AbAc, BcBa, CaCb, respectively. The triangle A'B'C' is equilateral and is named here the 9th Dao-Fermat equilateral triangle. (Reference: X16536)
When F=X(14), i.e., the 2nd Fermat point of ABC, the obtained triangle A'B'C' is also equilateral and is called the 10th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle. (Reference: X16536)
You can see a sketch of 9th and 10th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangles here.
A-vertex coordinates:
9th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
2*S*((2*S^2+SA^2+SB*SC)*sqrt(3)+(6*R^2+SA+SW)*S)/(a*(sqrt(3)*SA+S)^2) : b : c
10th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
-2*S*((2*S^2+SA^2+SB*SC)*sqrt(3)-(6*R^2+SA+SW)*S)/(a*(sqrt(3)*SA-S)^2) : b : c
11th and 12th Fermat-Dao equilateral
Let F = X(13) be the 1st Fermat point of ABC. Let Ab and Ac be the points where the circle FBC cuts again AC and AB, respectively. Define Bc, Ba and Ca, Cb cyclically. Denote A', B', C' the circumcenters of ABcCb, BCaAc and CBaAb, respectively. Then the triangle A'B'C' is equilateral and is here named the 11th Dao-Fermat equilateral triangle.
When F=X(14), i.e., the 2nd Fermat point of ABC, the resulting triangle is also equilateral and is here named the 12th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle. (Reference: X16626)
A-vertex coordinates:
11th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
(sqrt(3)*(S^2+SB*SC)+(SB+SC)*S)/(a*(sqrt(3)*SA-S)) : SC/b : SB/c
12th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
(sqrt(3)*(S^2+SB*SC)-(SB+SC)*S)/(a*(sqrt(3)*SA+S)) : SC/b : SB/c
13th and 14th Fermat-Dao equilateral
Let F = X(13) be the 1st Fermat point of ABC. Let Ab and Ac be the points where the circle FBC cuts again AC and AB, respectively. Define Bc, Ba and Ca, Cb cyclically. Let A', B', C' be centroids of ABcCb, BCaAc, CAbBa respectively. Then the triangle A'B'C' is equilateral and is the 13th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle.
When F=X(14), i.e., the 2nd Fermat point of ABC, the resulting triangle is also equilateral and is the 14th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle. (Reference: X16636)
A-vertex coordinates:
13th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
(sqrt(3)*(2*S^2+SA^2+SB*SC)+(SA+SW)*S)/(a*(sqrt(3)*SA-S)) : b : c
14th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
(sqrt(3)*(2*S^2+SA^2+SB*SC)-(SA+SW)*S)/(a*(sqrt(3)*SA+S)) : b : c
15th and 16th Fermat-Dao equilateral
Let AoBoCo be the outer-Fermat triangle of ABC. Denote p'a the polar of A with respect to the circle with center Ao and radius a=BC. Define similarly p'b and p'c. Then the triangle A'B'C' bounded by these polars is equilateral and is the 15th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle.
Let AiBiCi be the inner-Fermat triangle of ABC. Denote p"a the polar of A with respect to the circle with center Ai and radius a=BC. Define similarly p"b and p"c. Then the triangle A"B"C" bounded by these polars is equilateral and is the 16th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle. (Reference: X16960)
- 15th Fermat-Dao = (anticomplementary)-of-(1st isodynamic-Dao), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(1st isodynamic-Dao), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(1st isodynamic-Dao), (anti-inverse-in-incircle)-of-(3rd isodynamic-Dao), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(1st isodynamic-Dao), (Ara)-of-(3rd isodynamic-Dao), (2nd Conway)-of-(3rd isodynamic-Dao), (excentral)-of-(1st isodynamic-Dao), (1st excosine)-of-(3rd isodynamic-Dao), (6th mixtilinear)-of-(3rd isodynamic-Dao), (reflection)-of-(1st isodynamic-Dao), (tangential)-of-(1st isodynamic-Dao).
- 16th Fermat-Dao = (anticomplementary)-of-(2nd isodynamic-Dao), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(2nd isodynamic-Dao), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(2nd isodynamic-Dao), (anti-inverse-in-incircle)-of-(4th isodynamic-Dao), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(2nd isodynamic-Dao), (Ara)-of-(4th isodynamic-Dao), (2nd Conway)-of-(4th isodynamic-Dao), (excentral)-of-(2nd isodynamic-Dao), (1st excosine)-of-(4th isodynamic-Dao), (6th mixtilinear)-of-(4th isodynamic-Dao), (reflection)-of-(2nd isodynamic-Dao), (tangential)-of-(2nd isodynamic-Dao).
A-vertex coordinates:
15th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
(sqrt(3)*(3*S^2+SB*SC)+5*(SB+SC)*S)/(a*(SA-sqrt(3)*S)) : (sqrt(3)*SC+S)/b : (sqrt(3)*SB+S)/c
16th Fermat-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
(sqrt(3)*(3*S^2+SB*SC)-5*(SB+SC)*S)/(a*(SA+sqrt(3)*S)) : (sqrt(3)*SC-S)/b : (sqrt(3)*SB-S)/c
1st to 4th inner- and outer- Fermat-Dao-Nhi
Let ABC be a triangle with centroid G and inner-Fermat (or outer-Fermat) triangle AfBfCf.
Then triangles A1B1C1, A2B2C2, A3B3C3, A4B4C4 are equilateral and perspective to ABC. (Reference: Preamble just before X33602.)
- Let A* be the reflection of G in Af and A1 the reflection of A* in A; build B1 and C1 cyclically.
- Let A* be the reflection of G in A and A2 the reflection of A* in Af; build B2 and C2 cyclically.
- Let A* be the reflection of A in G and A3 the reflection of A* in Af; build B3 and C3 cyclically.
- Let A* be the reflection of Af in G and A4 the reflection of A* in A; build B4 and C4 cyclically.
These triangles built from the inner-Fermat triangle are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi triangles, respectively, and their correspondents built from the outer-Fermat triangle are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi triangles, respectively.
- 1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = anticomplement of (3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anticomplementary)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Euler)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (4th anti-Euler)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Aquila)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (circumorthic)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (2nd circumperp tangential)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (excentral)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (outer-Garcia)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (hexyl)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Johnson)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Kosnita)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (reflection)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (tangential)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (X3-ABC reflections)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = anticomplement of (4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anticomplementary)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Euler)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (4th anti-Euler)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Aquila)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (circumorthic)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (2nd circumperp tangential)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (excentral)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (outer-Garcia)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (hexyl)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Johnson)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Kosnita)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (reflection)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (tangential)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (X3-ABC reflections)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = complement of (1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Aquila)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (2nd anti-circumperp-tangential)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-X3-ABC reflections)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (circumorthic)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Ehrmann-mid)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Euler)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (2nd Euler)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (3rd Euler)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (4th Euler)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (outer-Garcia)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Hutson intouch)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Johnson)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Kosnita)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = complement of (2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Aquila)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (2nd anti-circumperp-tangential)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-X3-ABC reflections)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (circumorthic)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Ehrmann-mid)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Euler)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (2nd Euler)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (3rd Euler)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (4th Euler)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (outer-Garcia)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Hutson intouch)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Johnson)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Kosnita)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = anticomplement of (3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anticomplementary)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Euler)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (4th anti-Euler)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Aquila)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (circumorthic)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (2nd circumperp tangential)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (excentral)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (outer-Garcia)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (hexyl)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Johnson)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Kosnita)-of-(2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (reflection)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (tangential)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (X3-ABC reflections)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = anticomplement of (4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 2nd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anticomplementary)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Euler)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (4th anti-Euler)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Aquila)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (circumorthic)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (2nd circumperp tangential)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (excentral)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (outer-Garcia)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (hexyl)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Johnson)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Kosnita)-of-(1st outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (reflection)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (tangential)-of-(4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (X3-ABC reflections)-of-(3rd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = complement of (1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Aquila)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (2nd anti-circumperp-tangential)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-X3-ABC reflections)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (circumorthic)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Ehrmann-mid)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Euler)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (2nd Euler)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (3rd Euler)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (4th Euler)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (outer-Garcia)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Hutson intouch)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Johnson)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Kosnita)-of-(4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = complement of (2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
- 4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi = (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-Aquila)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (2nd anti-circumperp-tangential)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (anti-X3-ABC reflections)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (circumorthic)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Ehrmann-mid)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Euler)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (2nd Euler)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (3rd Euler)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (4th Euler)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (outer-Garcia)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Hutson intouch)-of-(1st inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Johnson)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Kosnita)-of-(3rd outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(2nd inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi).
A-vertices coordinates:
1th to 4th inner-Fermat-Dao-Nhi trianglesTrilinears A1 = (7*S-3*sqrt(3)*a^2)/a : (-2*S+3*sqrt(3)*SC)/b : (-2*S+3*sqrt(3)*SB)/c1th to 4th outer-Fermat-Dao-Nhi triangles
Trilinears A2 = (5*S-3*sqrt(3)*a^2)/a : (-4*S+3*sqrt(3)*SC)/b : (-4*S+3*sqrt(3)*SB)/c
Trilinears A3 = (-4*S-3*sqrt(3)*a^2)/a : ( 5*S+3*sqrt(3)*SC)/b : ( 5*S+3*sqrt(3)*SB)/c
Trilinears A4 = (-8*S-3*sqrt(3)*a^2)/a : ( S+3*sqrt(3)*SC)/b : ( S+3*sqrt(3)*SB)/c
Trilinears A1 = (-7*S-3*sqrt(3)*a^2)/a : ( 2*S+3*sqrt(3)*SC)/b : ( 2*S+3*sqrt(3)*SB)/c
Trilinears A2 = (-5*S-3*sqrt(3)*a^2)/a : ( 4*S+3*sqrt(3)*SC)/b : ( 4*S+3*sqrt(3)*SB)/c
Trilinears A3 = ( 4*S-3*sqrt(3)*a^2)/a : (-5*S+3*sqrt(3)*SC)/b : (-5*S+3*sqrt(3)*SB)/c
Trilinears A4 = ( 8*S-3*sqrt(3)*a^2)/a : ( -S+3*sqrt(3)*SC)/b : ( -S+3*sqrt(3)*SB)/c
The Feuerbach triangle is the triangle formed by the three points of tangency of the nine-point circle with the excircles. (Reference: MathWorld -- Feuerbach Triangle.)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b-c)^2*(a+b+c)/a : (a+c)^2*(a+b-c)/b : (a+b)^2*(a-b+c)/c
The Fuhrmann triangle has vertices the reflections of the vertices of 2nd circumperp triangle on the sidelines of ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a : -(a^2-c*(b+c))/b : -(a^2-b*(b+c))/c
2nd Fuhrmann
The 2nd Fuhrmann triangle has vertices the reflections of the vertices of 1st circumperp triangle on the sidelines of ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a : (b*c+a^2-c^2)/b : (b*c+a^2-b^2)/c
inner- and outer- Gallatly-Kiepert
inner-Gallatly-Kiepert: See 1st Brocard
outer-Gallatly-Kiepert: See 1st Brocard reflected
Let TATBTC be the extouch triangle of a triangle ABC, and let LA be the line perpendicular to line BC at TA. Of the two points on LA at distance r=inradius-of-ABC from TA, let A' be the one farther from A and let A" be the closer. Define B', C' and B", C" cyclically. A'B'C' is the outer Garcia triangle and A"B"C" is the inner Garcia triangle. (Reference: X5587)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a : (c*a-b^2+c^2)/b : (a*b+b^2-c^2)/c
Let TATBTC be the extouch triangle of a triangle ABC, and let LA be the line perpendicular to line BC at TA. Of the two points on LA at distance r=inradius-of-ABC from TA, let A' be the one farther from A and let A" be the closer. Define B', C' and B", C" cyclically. A'B'C' is the outer Garcia triangle and A"B"C" is the inner Garcia triangle. (Reference: X5587)
- anticomplement of (anti-Aquila).
- (anti-Aquila)-of-(anticomplementary), (Kosnita)-of-(inner-Conway), (medial)-of-(Aquila).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1 : (a+c)/b : (a+b)/c
Let A'B'C' be the cevian triangle of X(1), Ma the midpoint of AA', and define Mb and Mc cyclically. Let A" = BMc ∩ CMb, and define B" and C" cyclicaly. The triangle A"B"C" is the García-Moses triangle. Reference: X51504)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 1 : (a + c)/b : (a + b)/c
The Garcia-reflection triangle has vertices the reflections of the excenters on the midpoints of their corresponding sides. (Reference: X15995)
- anticomplement of (excenters-midpoints).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 1 : (c - a)/b : (b - a)/c
Gemini triangles 1 to 111
See here.
The Euler line of ABC cuts BC, CA, AB at A',B',C', respectively. The Euler lines of AB'C', BC'A' and CA'B' enclose the Gossard triangle. (Reference: X402)
A-vertex coordinates:
SA^2*(SB-SC)^2*(S^2-3*SB*SC)/(a*S^2) :
(S^2-3*SA*SC)*(4*R^2*(-6*SB+SW)+5*S^2-SW^2+6*SB^2-4*SA*SC)/b :
Erect squares BBaCaC, CCbAbA, AAcBcB on the sides BC, CA, AB of triangle ABC (inwards). Then, the triangle A'B'C' enclosed by the lines BaCa, CbAb, AcBc is the inner-Grebe triangle of ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b^2+c^2-S)/a : b : c
Erect squares BBaCaC, CCbAbA, AAcBcB on the sides BC, CA, AB of triangle ABC (outwards). Then, the triangle A'B'C' enclosed by the lines BaCa, CbAb, AcBc is the outer-Grebe triangle of ABC. (Reference: Hyacinthos #6445)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b^2+c^2+S)/a : b : c
See midheight triangle.
1st and 2nd half-diamonds
Build equilateral triangles AB'C', BC'A' and CA'B'. There are two triads of such triangles leading to two distinct triangles A'B'C', called the 1st and 2nd half-diamonds triangles of ABC. (Reference: Preamble just before of X33338.)
A construction: Let P=X(17) or P=X(18) (Napoleon points). Let Bc the reflection of B in the C-cevian of P and Cb the reflection of C in the B-cevian-of P. Denote as a' the circle {{A,Bc,Cb}} and build b', c', cyclically, naming their centers as A', B', C', respectively. Then, for P=X(18), A'B'C' is the 1st half-diamonds triangle, and, for P=X(17), A'B'C' is the 2nd half-diamonds triangle.
- 1st half-diamonds triangle = complement of (inner-Fermat).
- 1st half-diamonds triangle = (medial)-of-(inner-Fermat).
- 2nd half-diamonds triangle = complement of (outer-Fermat).
- 2nd half-diamonds triangle = (medial)-of-(outer-Fermat).
A-vertex coordinates:
1st half-diamonds triangle:Trilinears -(sqrt(3)*a^2-2*S)/a : (sqrt(3)*SC+S)/b : (sqrt(3)*SB+S)/c
2nd half-diamonds triangle:Trilinears -(sqrt(3)*a^2+2*S)/a : (sqrt(3)*SC-S)/b : (sqrt(3)*SB-S)/c
1st and 2nd half-diamonds-central
The centers of the triangles AB'C', BC'A' and CA'B' in the construction of the 1st and 2nd half-diamonds triangles are vertices of equilateral triangles, here named the 1st and 2nd half-diamonds-central triangles of ABC. (Reference: Preamble just before of X33338.)
A-vertex coordinates:
- 1st half-diamonds-central = complement of (outer-Napoleon).
- 1st half-diamonds-central = (Ehrmann-mid)-of-(outer-Napoleon), (3rd Euler)-of-(outer-Napoleon), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(outer-Napoleon), (medial)-of-(outer-Napoleon).
- 2nd half-diamonds-central = complement of (inner-Napoleon).
1st half-diamonds-central equilateral triangle:Trilinears -(a^2+2*sqrt(3)*S)/a : (SC-sqrt(3)*S)/b : (SB-sqrt(3)*S)/c
2nd half-diamonds-central equilateral triangle:Trilinears -(a^2-2*sqrt(3)*S)/a : (SC+sqrt(3)*S)/b : (SB+sqrt(3)*S)/c
1st and 2nd half-squares
Build isosceles rectangle triangles AB'C', BC'A' and CA'B', having vertical angles at A, B, C, respectively. There are two triads of such triangles leading to two distinct triangles A'B'C', called the 1st and 2nd half-squares triangles of ABC. (Reference: Preamble just before of X33338.)
- 1st half-squares = anticomplement of (outer-Vecten).
- 1st half-squares = (anticomplementary)-of-(outer-Vecten), (6th mixtilinear)-of-(3rd outer-Vecten).
- 2nd half-squares = anticomplement of (inner-Vecten).
- 2nd half-squares = (anticomplementary)-of-(inner-Vecten).
A-vertex coordinates:
1st half-squares triangle:Trilinears -(a^2+S)/a : SC/b : SB/c
2nd half-squares triangle:Trilinears -(a^2-S)/a : SC/b : SB/c
1st Hatzipolakis
Let A'B'C' be the intouch triangle of ABC. Let CA be the point other than C' in which the perpendicular to BC from C' meets the incircle, let BA be the point other than B' in which the perpendicular to BC from B' meets the incircle, and let A0 be the point of intersection of lines BCA and CBA. Define B0 and C0 cyclically. A0B0C0 is the 1st Hatzipolakis triangle. (Reference: X1118)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (-a+b+c)*a : (a^2+b^2-c^2)^2/(b*(a-b+c)) : (a^2-b^2+c^2)^2/(c*(a+b-c))
2nd Hatzipolakis
Let A0B0C0 be the 1st Hatzipolakis triangle of ABC. Let A1 be the orthogonal projection of A0 onto line BC, and define B1 and C1 cyclically. The triangle A1B1C1 is the 2nd Hatzipolakis triangle. (Reference: X1119)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : 1/(b*(a^2-b^2+c^2)*(a-b+c)^2) : 1/(c*(a^2+b^2-c^2)*(a+b-c)^2)
3rd Hatzipolakis
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle of ABC. Let Ab and Ac be the orthogonal projections of A' on AC and AB, respectively, and denote Na the nine-point-center of AAbAc; build Nb and Nc cyclically. NaNbNc is the 3rd Hatzipolakis triangle. (Reference: X17817)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*S^2*(10*R^2-2*SA-SB-SC)/a : b*(S^2+SA*SB) : c*(S^2+SA*SC)
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle of ABC. Let AB be the orthogonal projection of A' onto line AB, and define BC and CA cyclically. Let AC be the orthogonal projection of A' onto line AC, and define BA and CB cyclically. Let A'B be the reflection of A in AB, and let A'C be the reflection of A in AC . Let NA be the nine-point center of the triangle AA'BA'C, and define NB and NC cyclically. The triangle NANBNC, is the Hatzipolakis-Moses triangle. (Reference: X6145)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*S^2*(6*R^2-2*SA-SB-SC)/a : b*(S^2+SA*SB) : c*(S^2+SC*SA)
2nd Hatzipolakis-Moses
Let ABC be a triangle with orthocenter H and and A'B'C' its orthic triangle. Denote Nab, Nac the nine-points centers or X(5)-of-triangles AHB', AHC', respectively. Similarly define Nbc, Nba and Nca, Ncb.The triangle A"B"C" bounded by the lines NabNac NbcNba, NcaNcb is the 2nd Hatzipolakis-Moses triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X63656)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*S^2*(SA+SW-8*R^2) : (S^4+SC*(2*SA^2*(SB+SC)+(4*SA+SC)*S^2))/b : (S^4+SB*(2*SA^2*(SB+SC)+(4*SA+SB)*S^2))/c
Given a triangle ABC with excenters Ja, Jb, Jc, define A* as the point in which the perpendicular to AB through the excenter Jb meets the perpendicular to AC through the excenter Jc, and similarly define B* and C*. Then A*B*C* is the hexyl triangle of ABC. (Reference: MathWorld -- Hexyl Triangle.)
- (anticomplementary)-of-(2nd circumperp), (anti-Euler)-of-(1st circumperp), (anti-X3-ABC reflections)-of-(6th mixtilinear), (excentral)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (Johnson)-of-(excentral), (6th mixtilinear)-of-(anti-Aquila), (Ursa-minor)-of-(2nd circumperp tangential), (Wasat)-of-(anti-Euler).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a^3+(-b-c)*a^2-(b+c)^2*a+(b^2-c^2)*(b-c) : a^3+(c-b)*a^2-(b-c)^2*a+(b^2-c^2)*(b+c) : a^3+(b-c)*a^2-(b-c)^2*a-(b^2-c^2)*(b+c)
Let A'B'C' be the intouch triangle of ABC. Let LA be the line through X(7) parallel to B'C', and let AB = AB∩LA and AC = AC∩LA. Define BC and CA cyclically, and define BA and CB cyclically. (The six points AB, BC, CA, AC, BA, CB lie on the Adams circle). Let A* = ABCB∩ACBC, and define B* and C* cyclically. The triangle A*B*C* is the Honsberger triangle. (Reference: X7670)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 1/((b+c)*a-(b-c)^2) : -1/(b*(a-b+c)) : -1/(c*(a+b-c))
Let FaFbFc be the Feuerbach triangle of ABC and (Ka) the circle, other than the nine-point-circle, passing through Fb and Fc and tangent to the A-excircle (Ia). Let A' be the touchpoint of (Ka) and (Ia) and name as ta the tangent to both circles in A'. Build tb and tc cyclically. The triangle bounded by ta, tb and tc is named here the Hung-Feuerbach triangle of ABC. (Reference: X5973)
A-vertex coordinates:
-(b+c)^2*(a+b-c)*(a-b+c)*(a^2+(b+c)^2)*(a^2+c*a+b*(b-c))*(a^2+b*a+3*(c-b))/a :
(a+c)*(a^5+c*a^4-(b^2-c^2)^2*a+c*(b^2-c^2)*(3*b^2+c^2))*((a+c)*b+a^2+c^2)*((-a+b)*c+a^2+b^2)/b :
The internal bisector of angle A meets the A-excircle in two points. Let PA be the point closer to line BC and let QA be the other point. Define PB and PC cyclically, and define QB and QC cyclically. Let LA be the line tangent to the A-excircle at PA, and define LB and LC cyclically. The inner-Hutson triangle is the triangle bounded by the lines LA, LB and LC. (Reference: X363)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinearswhere x = (-a+b+c)/2, y = (a-b+c)/2, z = (a+b-c)/2 and δ2 = (4*R*r+r2)/2
-(2*δ2*sin(A/2)-y2*sin(B/2)-z2*sin(C/2)) :
(2*(c*z-δ2)*b*sin(A/2)-(a-c)*y2*sin(B/2)-b*z2*sin(C/2))/b :
Continuing the construction of the inner-Hutson triangle, let MA be the line tangent to the A-excircle at QA, and define MB and MC cyclically. The outer-Hutson triangle is the triangle bounded by the lines MA, MB and MC. (Reference: X363)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinearswhere x = (-a+b+c)/2, y = (a-b+c)/2, z = (a+b-c)/2 and δ2 = (4*R*r+r2)/2
-(2*δ2*sin(-A/2)-y2*sin(B/2)-z2*sin(C/2)) :
(2*(c*z-δ2)*b*sin(-A/2)-(a-c)*y2*sin(B/2)-b*z2*sin(C/2))/b :
Hutson extouch
Let A' be the antipode of the A-extouch point in the A-excircle, and define B' and C' cyclically. A'B'C' is the Hutson-extouch triangle. (Reference: X5731)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -4*a/(a+b+c) : (a+b-c)/b : (a-b+c)/c
Hutson intouch
Let A' be the antipode of the A-intouch point in the incircle, and define B' and C' cyclically. A'B'C' is the Hutson-intouch triangle. (Reference: X5731)
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(intouch), (anti-Ara)-of-(excenters-reflections), (1st anti-circumperp)-of-(midarc), (2nd anti-circumperp-tangential)-of-(2nd tangential-midarc), (circumorthic)-of-(2nd midarc), (1st circumperp)-of-(2nd anti-circumperp-tangential), (2nd circumperp)-of-(Mandart-incircle), (Euler)-of-(Ursa-minor), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(tangential-midarc).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 4*a/(-a+b+c) : (a-b+c)/b : (a+b-c)/c
1st Hyacinth
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle of a triangle ABC, and
O = circumcenter of ABC
Ab = reflection of A' in BO, and define Bc and Ca cyclically
Ac = reflection of A' in CO, and define Ba and Cb cyclically
(Na) = nine-point circle of A'AbAc, and define (Nb) and (Nc) cyclically
Na = nine-point center of A'AbAc, and define Nb and Nc cyclically
The triangle NaNbNc is the 1st Hyacinth triangle. (Reference: X10111)A-vertex coordinates:
-a^3*SA*(SA^2-3*S^2)/(2*S^2) :
((12*R^2-2*SW)*S^2-(2*R^2*(SA+SC)-SC^2+S^2-(SA+SC)^2)*SB)/b :
2nd Hyacinth
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle of ABC. Define A* as the orthogonal projection of A on B'C', and B* and C* similarly. A*B*C* es the 2nd Hyacinth triangle of ABC. (Reference: Hyacinthos #24020)
- (Aries)-of-(anti-Ara).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -((b^2+c^2)*a^4-2*(b^2-c^2)^2*a^2+(b^2+c^2)*(b^2-c^2)^2)/(a*(a^2-b^2-c^2)) : (a^2-b^2+c^2)*b : (a^2+b^2-c^2)*c
Cevian triangle of the incenter.
- anticomplement of (Gemini 16), complement of (Gemini 18).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : 1 : 1
Let a', b', c' be the incircle-inverses of the sidelines BC, CA and AB, respectively of ABC and A', B', C' their centers. A'B'C' is the incircle-circles triangle of ABC. (Reference: X11034)
- (anti-Ara)-of-(2nd circumperp), (anti-X3-ABC reflections)-of-(intouch), (Johnson)-of-(inverse-in-incircle).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*a : (a^2+4*a*b+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2+4*a*c+c^2-b^2)/c
infinite altitude
Let A', B', C' be the intersections of the line at infinity and the altitudes AX(4), BX(4), CX(4) of ABC, respectively. The triangle A'B'C' is the infinite altitude triangle of ABC. (Reference: Preamble just before X36436)
- isogonal of (ABC-X3 reflections).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -2*a : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
In ABC, let ta be the other than BC interior common tangent of the incircle and the A-excircle; define tb and tc cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' bounded by these lines is the intangents triangle.
- (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(2nd anti-circumperp-tangential), (tangential)-of-(Mandart-incircle).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a*(-a+b+c) : (a-c)*(a-b+c) : (a-b)*(a+b-c)
The intouch triangle of ABC, also called the contact triangle, has as vertices the touchpoints of the incircle and the sidelines of ABC.
- anticomplement of (2nd Zaniah), complement of (inner-Conway).
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(Hutson intouch), (anti-Ara)-of-(excentral), (1st anti-circumperp)-of-(2nd midarc), (2nd anti-circumperp-tangential)-of-(tangential-midarc), (anticomplementary)-of-(inverse-in-incircle), (circumorthic)-of-(midarc), (1st circumperp)-of-(Mandart-incircle), (2nd circumperp)-of-(2nd anti-circumperp-tangential), (Hutson intouch)-of-(5th mixtilinear), (incircle-circles)-of-(Aquila), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(2nd tangential-midarc), (medial)-of-(Ursa-minor), (X3-ABC reflections)-of-(incircle-circles).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : 1/(b*(a-b+c)) : 1/(c*(a+b-c))
Let A', B', C' be the inverses of A, B, C in the Conway circle. A'B'C' is the inverse-in-Conway triangle. (Reference: X10439)
- (medial)-of-(3rd Conway).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -((b^2+b*c+c^2)*a + b*c*(b+c))/(a^2*(b+c)) : 1 : 1
The inverse-in-excircles triangle of ABC has as vertices the inverses of A,B,C in the A-, B-, C- excircle of ABC, respectively. (Reference: X8055)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -((b+c)*a+(b-c)^2)/(a*(a+b+c)) : 1 : 1
The inverse-in-incircle triangle of ABC has as vertices the inverses of A,B,C in the incircle of ABC. (Reference: X11018)
- (Johnson)-of-(incircle-circles), (medial)-of-(intouch).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears ((b+c)*a-(b-c)^2)/(a*(-a+b+c)) : 1 : 1
1st and 2nd isodynamic-Dao
Let P1 = X(15) be the 1st isodynamic point of ABC. Circles (A, P1), (B, P1) and (C, P1) intersect by pairs at P1, A', B', C'. Then the triangle A'B'C' is equilateral and is named the 1st isodynamic-Dao equilateral triangle.
Let P2 = X(16) be the 2nd isodynamic point of ABC. Circles (A, P2), (B, P2) and (C, P2) intersect by pairs at P2, A", B", C". Then the triangle A"B"C" is equilateral and is called the 2nd isodynamic-Dao equilateral triangle. (Reference: X16802)
- 1st isodynamic-Dao = (anticomplementary)-of-(3rd isodynamic-Dao), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(3rd isodynamic-Dao), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(3rd isodynamic-Dao), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(3rd isodynamic-Dao), (Ehrmann-mid)-of-(15th Fermat-Dao), (3rd Euler)-of-(15th Fermat-Dao), (excentral)-of-(3rd isodynamic-Dao), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(15th Fermat-Dao), (reflection)-of-(3rd isodynamic-Dao), (tangential)-of-(3rd isodynamic-Dao).
- 2nd isodynamic-Dao = (anticomplementary)-of-(4th isodynamic-Dao), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(4th isodynamic-Dao), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(4th isodynamic-Dao), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(4th isodynamic-Dao), (Ehrmann-mid)-of-(16th Fermat-Dao), (3rd Euler)-of-(16th Fermat-Dao), (excentral)-of-(4th isodynamic-Dao), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(16th Fermat-Dao), (reflection)-of-(4th isodynamic-Dao), (tangential)-of-(4th isodynamic-Dao).
A-vertex coordinates:
1st isodynamic-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
-(SB+SC)*(sqrt(3)*SA+S)/a : (sqrt(3)*(S^2+SA*SC)+(SA+3*SC)*S)/b : (sqrt(3)*(S^2+SA*SB)+(SA+3*SB)*S)/c
2nd isodynamic-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
-(SB+SC)*(sqrt(3)*SA-S)/a : (sqrt(3)*(S^2+SA*SC)-(SA+3*SC)*S)/b : (sqrt(3)*(S^2+SA*SB)-(SA+3*SB)*S)/c
3rd and 4th isodynamic-Dao
Let AoBoCo be the orthic triangle of ABC. Denote by A', B', C' the 1st isodynamic points X(15) of ABoCo, BCoAo and CAoBo, respectively, and A", B", C" the 2nd isodynamic points X(16) of ABoCo, BCoAo and CAoBo, respectively. Then the triangles A'B'C' and A"B"C" are equilateral and are the 3rd and 4th isodynamic-Dao of ABC, respectively. (Reference: preamble just before X31683)
- 3rd isodynamic-Dao = (anti-Ara)-of-(15th Fermat-Dao), (2nd anti-Conway)-of-(15th Fermat-Dao), (6th anti-mixtilinear)-of-(15th Fermat-Dao), (Ehrmann-mid)-of-(1st isodynamic-Dao), (3rd Euler)-of-(1st isodynamic-Dao), (inverse-in-incircle)-of-(15th Fermat-Dao), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(1st isodynamic-Dao), (medial)-of-(1st isodynamic-Dao).
- 4th isodynamic-Dao = (anti-Ara)-of-(16th Fermat-Dao), (2nd anti-Conway)-of-(16th Fermat-Dao), (6th anti-mixtilinear)-of-(16th Fermat-Dao), (Ehrmann-mid)-of-(2nd isodynamic-Dao), (3rd Euler)-of-(2nd isodynamic-Dao), (inverse-in-incircle)-of-(16th Fermat-Dao), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(2nd isodynamic-Dao), (medial)-of-(2nd isodynamic-Dao).
A-vertex coordinates:
3rd isodynamic-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
(sqrt(3)*(S^2+SB*SC)+2*(SB+SC)*S)/(a*SA) : (sqrt(3)*SC+S)/b : (sqrt(3)*SB+S)/c
4th isodynamic-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
(sqrt(3)*(S^2+SB*SC)-2*(SB+SC)*S)/(a*SA) : (sqrt(3)*SC-S)/b : (sqrt(3)*SB-S)/c
1st, 2nd and 3rd Jenkins
Let {a'} be the circle internally tangent to the A-excircle and externally tangent to the B- and C- excircles and build {b'}, {c'} cyclically. Let A', B', C' be the centers of these just defined circles. The triangle A'B'C' is the 1st Jenkins triangle of ABC. (Reference: "Hechos Geométricos en el Triángulo", by Angel Montesdeoca).
Notes: Circles {a'}, {b'}, {c'} are named the A-, B- and C- Jenkins circles. (Reference: Jenkins circles at "The Triangle Web", by Quim Castellsaguer). These circles concur at X(10).Let A" be the intersection, other than X(10), of the B- and C- Jenkins circles and denote B", C" cyclically. The triangle A"B"C" is the 2nd Jenkins triangle of ABC. (Reference: "Hechos Geométricos en el Triángulo", by Angel Montesdeoca).
Let Tab and Tac be the touchpoints of the A-Jenkins circle with the B- and C- excircles, respectively. Denote (Tbc, Tba) and (Tca, Tcb) cyclically. The triangle bounded by the lines TabTac, TbcTba and TcaTcb is named the 3rd Jenkins triangle of ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
1st Jenkins triangle:
Trilinears2nd Jenkins triangle:
-(2*(b+c)*a^4+(3*b^2+4*b*c+3*c^2)*a^3-(b+c)*(b^2+c^2)*a^2-(b^2-c^2)^2*a+(b^2-c^2)^2*(b+c))/a :
((2*b^2+2*b*c+c^2)*a^3+(b+c)*(2*b^2+c^2)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)*(2*b+c)*c*a+(b^2-c^2)*(b+c)*c^2)/b :
Trilinears -(a+b+c)*((b+c)*a+b^2+c^2)/(a*(a-b+c)*(a+b-c)) : (a+c)/b : (a+b)/c3rd Jenkins triangle:
(a+b+c)*(2*(b+c)*a^4+(3*b^2+4*b*c+3*c^2)*a^3+(b+c)*(b^2+5*b*c+c^2)*a^2+3*(b^2+b*c+c^2)*b*c*a+(b+c)*b^2*c^2)/a :
((b+c)*a^3+(2*b^2+b*c+c^2)*a^2+(b^2+b*c+3*c^2)*b*a+b^2*c*(b+c))*(a-b+c)*(a+c)/b :
((c+b)*a^3+(2*c^2+c*b+b^2)*a^2+(c^2+c*b+3*b^2)*c*a+c^2*b*(c+b))*(a-c+b)*(a+b)/c :
Let Ta be the touchpoint of the A-Jenkins circle and the A-excircle and denote Tb, Tc cyclically. The triangle TaTbTc is the Jenkins-contact triangle of ABC. (See Jenkins triangle). (Reference: "Hechos Geométricos en el Triángulo", by Angel Montesdeoca).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b+c)^2*(a+b-c)*(a-b+c)/(a*(a+b+c)) : c^2*(a-b+c)/b : b^2*(a-c+b)/c
Let τa be the tangent to the A-Jenkins circle at Ta (see Jenkins-contact triangle) and define τb and τc cyclically. The triangle bounded by these tangents is the Jenkins-tangential triangle of ABC. (References: "Hechos Geométricos en el Triángulo", by Angel Montesdeoca and X(37865)).
A-vertex coordinates:
-((3*(b+c))*a^3+(2*b^2+3*b*c+2*c^2)*a^2-(b+c)^2*b*c-(b+c)*(b^2+c^2)*a)*b*c/a^2 :
((b+c)*a^3+(2*b-c)*b*a^2+(b^3-c^3-b*c*(b+c))*a+(b^2-c^2)*b*c)*(a+c)/b :
The vertices of the Johnson triangle are the centers of the Johnson circles Ja, Jb and Jc. (Reference: MathWorld -- Johnson Circles.)
Explanation: Johnson's theorem states that if three equal circles mutually intersect one another in a single point, then the circle J passing through their other three pairwise points of intersection is congruent to the original three circles. If Ja is the circle {{B,C,X(4)}} and Jb and Jc are defined cyclically, then each one has radius=circumradius and J is the circumcircircle of ABC.
Note: The Johnson triangle is also known as Carnot triangle.Equivalences:
- anticomplement of (anti-X3-ABC reflections), complement of (anti-Euler).
- (anticomplementary)-of-(Euler), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(anti-X3-ABC reflections), (anti-Euler)-of-(medial), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(4th Euler), (4th anti-Euler)-of-(3rd Euler), (anti-X3-ABC reflections)-of-(anticomplementary), (Ehrmann-mid)-of-(anti-Euler), (Euler)-of-(anti-Ehrmann-mid), (medial)-of-(X3-ABC reflections), (X3-ABC reflections)-of-(Ehrmann-mid).
- Only for acute ABC: (2nd circumperp)-of-(Ehrmann-side), (excentral)-of-(2nd Euler), (hexyl)-of-(orthic), (incircle-circles)-of-(anti-inverse-in-incircle), (inverse-in-incircle)-of-(anti-incircle-circles).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a*(a^2-b^2-c^2) : (a^4+(-b^2-2*c^2)*a^2-c^2*(b^2-c^2))/b : (a^4+(-2*b^2-c^2)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)*b^2)/c
Of the two tangents to the Jb and Jc Johnson circles of ABC (see Johnson triangle), let LA be the one on the opposite side of BC from A, and let MA be the other. Define LB, MB, LC, MC cyclically. The inner-Johnson triangle is the triangle enclosed by the lines LA, LB and LC. (Reference: X10522)
- (anti-Ursa minor)-of-(Ursa-major).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a^2+(b+c)*a-2*b*c : (a-b+c)*(a-c)^2/b : (a+b-c)*(a-b)^2/c
Of the two tangents to the Jb and Jc Johnson circles of ABC (see Johnson triangle), let LA be the one on the opposite side of BC from A, and let MA be the other. Define LB, MB, LC, MC cyclically. The outer-Johnson triangle is the triangle enclosed by the lines MA, MB and MC. (Reference: X10522)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a^2-(b+c)*a-2*b*c : (a+c)^2*(a+b-c)/b : (a+b)^2*(a-b+c)/c
1st Johnson-Yff
The Yff circles are the two triplets of congruent circles in which each circle is tangent to two sides of a reference triangle (reference: MathWorld -- Yff Circles.). The circles Y'a, Y'b and Y'c of the first triplet concur at X(55) and the circles Y"a, Y"b and Y"c of the second triplet concur at X(56). The vertices of the 1st Johnson-Yff triangle are the other points of intersection of Y'a, Y'b and Y'c. (Reference: X10523).
- (Johnson)-of-(inner-Yff).
Note: By Johnson theorem, if three congruent circles concur then the circle through their other points of intersection is congruent to the original circles. This is the reason for the name of the triangle.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a/(-a+b+c) : (a+c)^2/(b*(a-b+c)) : (a+b)^2/(c*(a+b-c))
2nd Johnson-Yff
The Yff circles are the two triplets of congruent circles in which each circle is tangent to two sides of a reference triangle (reference: MathWorld -- Yff Circles.). The circles Y'a, Y'b and Y'c of the first triplet concur at X(55) and the circles Y"a, Y"b and Y"c of the second triplet concur at X(56). The vertices of the 2nd Johnson-Yff triangle are the other points of intersection of Y"a, Y"b and Y"c. (Reference: X10523).
- (Johnson)-of-(outer-Yff).
Note: By Johnson theorem, if three congruent circles concur then the circle through their other points of intersection is congruent to the original circles. This is the reason for the name of the triangle.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a*(-b-c+a) : (a-b+c)*(a-c)^2/b : (a+b-c)*(a-b)^2/c
K798e and K798i
Let Ae, Ai be the points where the perpendicular bisector of BC is cut by the circle through the nine-point-center of ABC and centered at the midpoint of BC, with Ai closer to A than Ae. Build Bi, Be, Ci, Ce cyclically. AeBeCe and AiBiCi are the K798e & K798i triangles, respectively. (References: CTC K798 and X(11230) & X(11231))
A-vertex coordinates of K798e:
Trilinears -a*b*c : (b*c*SC+2*S^2)/b : (b*c*SB+2*S^2)/c
A-vertex coordinates of K798i:
Trilinears -a*b*c : (b*c*SC-2*S^2)/b : (b*c*SB-2*S^2)/c
The cubic K1343 cuts each perpendicular bisectors of ABC in two points. Three of these points are the vertices of the Kosnita triangle, the other three are the vertices of the K1343 triangle.
Note: Let A*B*C* be the Ehrmann-side triangle of ABC and let A', B', C' be the orthocenters of A*BC, B*CA, C*AB, respectively. Then A'B'C' is the K1343 triangle.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a^3 : (a^2*c^2-(b^2-c^2)^2)/b : (a^2*b^2-(c^2-b^2)^2)/c
1st and 2nd Kenmotu-centers
Let A', B', C' be the centers of the inner-Kenmotu squares, as showed in MathWorld's Kenmotu Point. Triangle A'B'C' is named here the 1st Kenmotu-centers triangle of ABC. As there exists an outer version of these squares with centers A", B", C", the triangle A"B"C" is refered here as the 2nd Kenmotu-centers triangle of ABC.
- 1st Kenmotu-centers = (anti-X3-ABC reflections)-of-(1st Kenmotu-free-vertices).
- 2nd Kenmotu-centers = (anti-X3-ABC reflections)-of-(2nd Kenmotu-free-vertices).
A-vertex coordinates:
1st triangle:
Trilinears (a^2+2*S)/a : b : c2nd triangle:
Trilinears (a^2-2*S)/a : b : c
1st Kenmotu diagonals
Kenmotu squares of ABC are three equal squares such that each square touches two sides of ABC and all three squares touch at a single common point (reference: MathWorld -- Kenmotu Point.). There are two triplets of such squares: in the first of them the squares have X(371) as common vertex, in the second triplet the common vertex is X(372). The diagonals not through the common point of the squares in first triplet surround the 1st Kenmotu diagonal triangle.
- (Kosnita)-of-(1st Kenmotu-free-vertices), (tangential)-of-(1st Kenmotu-centers).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(b^2+c^2-a^2-2*S)/(b^2+c^2-a^2+2*S) : b : c
2nd Kenmotu diagonals
Kenmotu squares of ABC are three equal squares such that each square touches two sides of ABC and all three squares touch at a single common point (reference: MathWorld -- Kenmotu Point.). There are two triplets of such squares: in the first of them the squares have X(371) as common vertex, in the second triplet the common vertex is X(372). The diagonals not through the common point of the squares in second triplet surround the 2nd Kenmotu diagonal triangle.
- (Kosnita)-of-(2nd Kenmotu-free-vertices), (tangential)-of-(2nd Kenmotu-centers).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(b^2+c^2-a^2+2*S)/(b^2+c^2-a^2-2*S) : b : c
1st & 2nd Kenmotu-free-vertices
Let Ka, Kb, Kc be the free vertices of the 1st(2nd) Kenmotu squares. Triangle KaKbKc is the 1st(2nd) Kenmotu free vertices triangle. (Reference: X12375)
- 1st Kenmotu-free-vertices = (X3-ABC reflections)-of-(1st Kenmotu-centers).
- 2nd Kenmotu-free-vertices = (X3-ABC reflections)-of-(2nd Kenmotu-centers).
A-vertex coordinates:
1st Kenmotu free vertices:
Trilinears -(4*S^2-(SB+SC)*(SA-S))/a : (SB-S)*b : (SC-S)*c
2nd Kenmotu free vertices:
Trilinears -(4*S^2-(SB+SC)*(SA+S))/a : (SB+S)*b : (SC+S)*c
The vertices of the Kosnita triangle are the circumcenters of the triangles BOC, COA, AOB, where O is the circumcenter of ABC. (Reference: X1658)
- (Ehrmann-vertex)-of-(Johnson), (tangential)-of-(anti-X3-ABC reflections), (Trinh)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections).
- Only for acute ABC: (anti-Aquila)-of-(tangential).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^4+(-2*b^2-2*c^2)*a^2+b^4+c^4)*a : -b*(a^4+(-2*b^2-c^2)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)*b^2) : -(a^4+(-b^2-2*c^2)*a^2-c^2*(b^2-c^2))*c
Considere all equilateral triangles AeBeCe circumscribing ABC and such that A lies between Be and Ce, B lies between Ce and Ae and C lies between Ae and Be. The triangle defined here is the AeBeCe with largest area. (Reference: Preamble just before X36761.)
This triangle is the antipedal triangle of X(13). The A-vertex is the antipode of X(13) in the circle {{X(13), B, C}}, and the other two vertices are found cyclically.A-vertex coordinates:
(-6*sqrt(3)*S*a^2-3*(a^2+b^2+c^2)*a^2+2*(b^2-c^2)^2)/a :
((7*b^2+2*c^2)*a^2-3*b^4+5*b^2*c^2-2*c^4+2*sqrt(3)*S*(2*a^2+b^2))/b :
inner- & outer- Le Viet An
Let ABC be a triangle and BCA', CAB', ABC' equilateral triangles erected in/out - wardly of ABC. Let Bc, Cb be the circumcenters of CC'B and BB'C, respectively, and build Ca, Ac, Ab and Ba cyclically. Denote the circumcenters of BcCbA, CaAcB, AbBaC as Oa, Ob, Oc, respectively. Then, in each case, the triangle OaObOc is equilateral. These triangles are named the inner- and outer- Le Viet An triangles. (Reference: X14169)
Note: Both triangles are equilateral.
A-vertex coordinates:
inner-Le Viet An triangle:
Trilinears (SW-sqrt(3)*S)*a : (SB-SC)*b : (SC-SB)*c
outer-Le Viet An triangle:
Trilinears (SW+sqrt(3)*S)*a : (SB-SC)*b : (SC-SB)*c
The Lemoine triangle is the cevian triangle of X(598).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : a*c/(2*a^2+2*c^2-b^2) : a*b/(2*a^2+2*b^2-c^2)
1st and 2nd Lemoine-Dao
Like in the construction of the 2nd Lemoine circle of a triangle ABC, let Ab, Ac be the points where the antiparallel to BC through X(6) cuts the sides AC and AB, respectively. Define Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb cyclically. Build equilateral triangles BcCbA', CaAcB' and AbBaC' all with the same orientation as ABC and build equilateral triangles BcCbA", CaAcB" and AbBaC", all with opposite orientation than ABC. Then A'B'C' and A"B"C" are both equilateral triangles and are named the 1st Lemoine-Dao equilateral triangle and the 2nd Lemoine-Dao equilateral triangle, respectively. (Reference: X16940)
A-vertex coordinates:
1st Lemoine-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
-(sqrt(3)*SA+2*S)*(SB+SC)/(a*SA) : (sqrt(3)*SC-S)/b : (sqrt(3)*SB-S)/c
2nd Lemoine-Dao equilateral triangle:Trilinears
-(sqrt(3)*SA-2*S)*(SB+SC)/(a*SA) : (sqrt(3)*SC+S)/b : (sqrt(3)*SB+S)/c
Lucas triangles
Build outwards ABC the square BCCABA (see figure). Lines ABA and ACA cut BC at A'B and A'C, respectively, and the perpendiculars through these points cut AB and AC at A"C and A"B, respectively. The quadrilateral A'BA'CA"BA"C is a square named the A-Lucas square (and also the A-inner-inscribed-square). The B- and C- Lucas squares, and the points B"C, B"A, C"A, C"B can be built similarly.
The circles {{A,A"B,A"C}}, {{B,B"C,B"A}} and {{C,C"A,C"B}} are the A-, B-, C- Lucas circles and result to be pairwise tangents and simultaneously tangent internally to the circumcircle of ABC. The circle externally tangent to the Lucas circles is named the Lucas inner circle.
The other circle tangent to the circumcircle and to the B- and C- Lucas circles is named the A-Lucas secondary central circle, and the B- and C-Lucas secondary central circles are defined in the same way.
A0 = the center of the A-Lucas circle, and similarly B0, C0;
AT = the touchpoint of the B- and C- Lucas circles, and similarly BT, CT;
Ap = the antipode of A in the A-Lucas circle, and similarly Bp, Cp;
Ai = the touchpoint of the A- Lucas circle and the Lucas inner circle, and similarly Bi, Ci;
A2 = the center of the A-Lucas secundary central circle, and similarly B2, C2;
A2O = the touchpoints of the A-Lucas secundary central circle and the circumcircle, and similarly B2O, C2O;
A2B, A2C = the touchpoints of the A-Lucas secundary central circle and the B- and C- Lucas circles, respectively, and similarly B2C, B2A, C2A, C2B. These six point lie on the Lucas secondary tangents circle.
If the construction is made with squares drawn inwards ABC then all the above terms can be reused just by replacing the name Lucas with Lucas(-1); examples: A-Lucas(-1) square and A-Lucas(-1) circle instead of A-Lucas square and A-Lucas circle. Moreover, if the construction is generalized and BCCABA is a rectangle whose sides are in the proportion length:width=t:1 (i.e, BBA = CCA = t*BC), then all the terms described can be reused just by replacing Lucas by Lucas(t), assuming t>0 for rectangles built outwards ABC and t<0 otherwise. In this case we must be awared that Lucas(t) circles are pairwise tangent if, and only if, t=1 or t=-1.
Lucas antipodal and Lucas(-1) antipodal
Vertices: Ap, Bp and Cp. See Lucas triangles. (Reference: X6457)
A-vertex coordinates:
Lucas antipodal:Trilinears cos(B)*cos(C)-sin(A) : -cos(B) : -cos(C)
Lucas(-1) antipodal:Trilinears cos(B)*cos(C)+sin(A) : -cos(B) : -cos(C)
Lucas antipodal tangents and Lucas(-1) antipodal tangents
The tangents at Ap, Bp and Cp to the A-, B- and C-Lucas circles, respectively, bound the Lucas antipodal tangents triangle.
A-vertex coordinates:
Lucas antipodal tangents:Trilinears (2*SA+SB+SC+S)*SA*a : (S^2+SB*SC+(2*SB+SA)*S)*b : (S^2+SB*SC+(2*SC+SA)*S)*c
Lucas(-1) antipodal tangents:Trilinears (2*SA+SB+SC-S)*SA*a : (S^2+SB*SC-(2*SB+SA)*S)*b : (S^2+SB*SC-(2*SC+SA)*S)*c
Lucas Brocard and Lucas(-1) Brocard
The Lucas Brocard triangle is bounded by the radical axis of the Brocard circle and the Lucas circles. See Lucas triangles. (Reference: X6421)
A-vertex coordinates:
Lucas Brocard:Trilinears -a*(a^2-2*S) : b*(a^2+c^2-S) : c*(a^2+b^2-S)
Lucas(-1) Brocard:Trilinears -a*(a^2+2*S) : b*(a^2+c^2+S) : c*(a^2+b^2+S)
Lucas central and Lucas(-1) central
Vertices: A0, B0 and C0. See Lucas triangles.
- Lucas central = (tangential)-of-(Lucas tangents).
- Lucas(-1) central = (tangential)-of-(Lucas(-1) tangents).
A-vertex coordinates:
Lucas central:Trilinears cos(A)+2*sin(A) : cos(B) : cos(C)
Lucas(-1) central:Trilinears cos(A)-2*sin(A) : cos(B) : cos(C)
Lucas homothetic and Lucas(-1) homothetic
The Lucas homothetic triangle is enclosed by the lines A"BA"C, B"CB"A and C"BC"B. See Lucas triangles. (Reference: X493)
A-vertex coordinates:
Lucas homothetic:Trilinears -(b^2+c^2-a^2)^2/(4*a) : b*(c^2+S) : c*(b^2+S)
Lucas(-1) homothetic:Trilinears -(b^2+c^2-a^2)^2/(4*a) : b*(c^2-S) : c*(b^2-S)
Lucas inner and Lucas(-1) inner
Vertices: Ai, Bi and Ci. See Lucas triangles.
A-vertex coordinates:
Lucas inner:Trilinears 2*cos(A)+3*sin(A)/2 : 2*cos(B)+sin(B) : 2*cos(C)+sin(C)
Lucas(-1) inner:Trilinears 2*cos(A)-3*sin(A)/2 : 2*cos(B)-sin(B) : 2*cos(C)-sin(C)
Lucas inner tangential and Lucas(-1) inner tangential
This triangle is bounded by the tangents to the Lucas inner circle at Ai, Bi and Ci. See Lucas triangles. (Reference: Preamble just before X6395)
- Lucas inner tangential = (tangential)-of-(Lucas inner).
- Lucas(-1) inner tangential = (tangential)-of-(Lucas(-1) inner).
A-vertex coordinates:
Lucas inner tangential:Trilinears 4*cos(A)+sin(A) : 4*cos(B)+3*sin(B) : 4*cos(C)+3*sin(C)
Lucas(-1) inner tangential:Trilinears 4*cos(A)-sin(A) : 4*cos(B)-3*sin(B) : 4*cos(C)-3*sin(C)
Lucas reflection and Lucas(-1) reflection
Let La be the reflection of the line B0C0 in BC and define Lb, Lc cyclically (see Lucas triangles). The Lucas reflection triangle is the triangle limited by La, Lb, Lc. (Reference: X6401)
A-vertex coordinates:
Lucas reflection:Trilinears
-cos(B)*cos(C)*sin(A)^2+(cos(B)+(1+sin(2*B))*cos(A-C)+sin(B))*(cos(C)+(1+sin(2*C))*cos(A-B)+sin(C)) :
cos(B)*(cos(C)*sin(A)*sin(B)-(cos(C)+(1+sin(2*C))*cos(A-B)+sin(C))*sin(C)) :
Lucas(-1) reflection:Trilinears
-cos(B)*cos(C)*sin(A)^2+(cos(B)+(1-sin(2*B))*cos(A-C)-sin(B))*(cos(C)+(1-sin(2*C))*cos(A-B)-sin(C)) :
cos(B)*(cos(C)*sin(A)*sin(B)+(cos(C)+(1-sin(2*C))*cos(A-B)-sin(C))*sin(C)) :
Lucas secondary central and Lucas(-1) secondary central
Vertices: A2, B2 and C2. See Lucas triangles. (Reference: X6199)
A-vertex coordinates:
Lucas secondary central:Trilinears cos(A)-2*sin(A) : cos(B)+4*sin(B) : cos(C)+4*sin(C)
Lucas(-1) secondary central:Trilinears cos(A)+2*sin(A) : cos(B)-4*sin(B) : cos(C)-4*sin(C)
Lucas 1st secondary tangents and Lucas(-1) 1st secondary tangents
Triangle enclosed by the lines B2AC2A, C2BA2B and A2CB2C (see Lucas triangles). (Reference: X6199)
A-vertex coordinates:
Lucas 1st secondary tangents:Trilinears cos(A)-2*sin(A) : cos(B)+3*sin(B) : cos(C)+3*sin(C)
Lucas(-1) 1st secondary tangents:Trilinears cos(A)+2*sin(A) : cos(B)-3*sin(B) : cos(C)-3*sin(C)
Lucas 2nd secondary tangents and Lucas(-1) 2nd secondary tangents
Triangle enclosed by the lines A2BA2C, B2CB2A and C2AC2B (see Lucas triangles). (Reference: X6199)
A-vertex coordinates:
Lucas 2nd secondary tangentsTrilinears cos(A)+6*sin(A) : cos(B)-sin(B) : cos(C)-sin(C)
Lucas(-1) 2nd secondary tangentsTrilinears cos(A)-6*sin(A) : cos(B)+sin(B) : cos(C)+sin(C)
Lucas tangents and Lucas(-1) tangents
Vertices: AT, BT and CT. See Lucas triangles.
- Lucas(+1) tangents = isogonal of (2nd outer-Vecten).
- Lucas(-1) tangents = isogonal of (2nd inner-Vecten).
A-vertex coordinates:
Lucas tangents:Trilinears cos(A) : cos(B)+sin(B) : cos(C)+sin(C)
Lucas(-1) tangents:Trilinears cos(A) : cos(B)-sin(B) : cos(C)-sin(C)
The MacBeath triangle is the triangle whose vertices are the contact points of the MacBeath inconic with the reference triangle ABC. (MathWorld -- MacBeath Triangle.).
Note: The MacBeath inconic of a triangle is the inconic having foci the orthocenter and the circumcenter, giving the center as the nine-point center.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : 1/(b^3*(a^2-b^2+c^2)) : 1/(c^3*(a^2+b^2-c^2))
The Malfatti triangle, or better named, the inner-Malfatti triangle, has as vertices the centers of the Malfatti circles.
Note: The Malfatti circles are three circles packed inside a triangle such that each is tangent to the other two and to two sides of the triangle. (Reference: MathWorld -- Malfatti Circles.)There is a second triad of circles each tangent to two sidelines of ABC and to the other two circles, but not packed inside ABC. These circles are named the outer-Malfatti circles. The centers of these circles are vertices of the outer-Malfatti triangle.
- inner-Malfatti = (tangential)-of-(inner-Malfatti-touchpoints).
- outer-Malfatti = (tangential)-of-(outer-Malfatti-touchpoints).
A-vertex coordinates:
inner-Malfatti:Trilinears ( 2*cos(B/2)*cos(C/2)+2*cos(B/2)+2*cos(C/2)-cos(A/2)+1)/(cos(A/2)+1) : 1 : 1
outer-Malfatti:Trilinears (-2*cos(B/2)*cos(C/2)+2*cos(B/2)+2*cos(C/2)-cos(A/2)-1)/(cos(A/2)-1) : 1 : 1
Let A' be the touchpoint of the inner-B- and inner-C-Malfatti circles and define B', C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is the inner-Malfatti-touchpoints triangle of ABC. (Reference: X46876)
Let A" be the touchpoint of the outer-B- and outer-C-Malfatti circles and define B", C" cyclically. The triangle A"B"C" is the outer-Malfatti-touchpoints triangle of ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
inner-Malfatti-touchpoints:Trilinears (1+cos(B/2))*(1+cos(C/2))/(1+cos(A/2)) : (1+cos(C/2))^2 : (1+cos(B/2))^2
outer-Malfatti-touchpoints:Trilinears (1-cos(B/2))*(1-cos(C/2))/(1-cos(A/2)) : (1-cos(C/2))^2 : (1-cos(B/2))^2
Let A'B'C' be the intangents triangle of ABC and A* the point where B'C' touchs the A-excircle of ABC. Build B* and C* cyclically. The triangle A*B*C* is the Mandart-excircles triangle of ABC. (Reference: X10974)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b-c)^2*(a+b+c)/a : b*(a+b-c) : c*(a-b+c)
Let A'B'C' be the intangents triangle of ABC and A* the point where B'C' touchs the incircle of ABC. Build B* and C* cyclically. The triangle A*B*C* is the Mandart-incircle triangle of ABC.
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(2nd anti-circumperp-tangential), (1st anti-circumperp)-of-(intouch), (2nd anti-circumperp-tangential)-of-(5th mixtilinear), (circumorthic)-of-(Hutson intouch), (orthic)-of-(Ursa-minor).
- Only for acute ABC: (Hutson intouch)-of-(anti-tangential-midarc).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (b+c-a)*(b-c)^2/a, b*(a-b+c), c*(a+b-c)
The McCay triangle is the triangle whose vertices are the centers of the McCay circles. (Reference: X7606)
Note: Let G be the centroid and A'B'C' the 2nd Brocard triangle of ABC. The A-, B- and C- McCay circles of ABC are the circles {{G,B',C'}}, {{G,C',A'}} and {{G,A',B'}}, respectively. (Reference: MathWorld -- McCay Circles.)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(a^2+b^2+c^2) : -(2*a^4+(-3*c^2-2*b^2)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)*(-c^2+2*b^2))/b : -(2*a^4+(-2*c^2-3*b^2)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)*(-2*c^2+b^2))/c
The medial triangle is the cevian triangle of the centroid.
- complement of (ABC), anticomplement of (Gemini 110).
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(Euler), (1st anti-circumperp)-of-(3rd Euler), (anticomplementary)-of-(Gemini 110), (2nd anti-Conway)-of-(excentral), (circumorthic)-of-(4th Euler), (Euler)-of-(Johnson), (outer-Garcia)-of-(anti-Aquila), (Johnson)-of-(anti-X3-ABC reflections), (orthic)-of-(Wasat), (tangential)-of-(2nd Zaniah).
- Only for acute ABC: (1st circumperp)-of-(orthic), (2nd circumperp)-of-(2nd Euler), (3rd Euler)-of-(anti-Wasat), (excentral)-of-(6th anti-mixtilinear), (inverse-in-incircle)-of-(tangential), (6th mixtilinear)-of-(submedial).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : 1/b : 1/c
The A-angle bisector cuts the incircle at two points A' and A", with A closer from A than A". If B', B", C' C" are defined similarly then A'B'C' is the midarc triangle of ABC. (Reference: MathWorld -- Mid-Arc Triangle.)
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(2nd midarc), (1st circumperp)-of-(Hutson intouch), (2nd circumperp)-of-(intouch), (4th Euler)-of-(Ursa-minor), (Hutson intouch)-of-(2nd tangential-midarc).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (cos(B/2)+cos(C/2))^2 : cos(A/2)^2 : cos(A/2)^2
2nd midarc
The A-angle bisector cuts the incircle at two points A' and A", with A closer from A than A". If B', B", C' C" are defined similarly then A"B"C" is the 2nd midarc triangle of ABC.
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(midarc), (1st circumperp)-of-(intouch), (2nd circumperp)-of-(Hutson intouch), (3rd Euler)-of-(Ursa-minor), (Hutson intouch)-of-(tangential-midarc).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (cos(B/2)-cos(C/2))^2 : cos(A/2)^2 : cos(A/2)^2
Let A'B'C' be the orthic triangle of ABC and A*, B*, C* the midpoints of AA', BB', CC', respectively. A*B*C* is the midheight triangle of ABC. (It is also known as the half-altitude triangle)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*a : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
The mixtilinear triangle is the triangle connecting the centers of the mixtilinear incircles. It is alson known as the inner-mixtilinear triangle. (Reference: MathWorld -- Mixtilinear Triangle.)
Note: A circle that is simultaneously tangent to two sides of a triangle and internally tangent to its circumcircle is called a mixtilinear incircle. There are three mixtilinear incircles, one corresponding to each angle of the triangle (reference: MathWorld -- Mixtilinear Incircles.). Also, there are three circles that are each tangent to two sides of a triangle and externally tangent to its circumcircle; these are called the mixtilinear excircles.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(a^3+(b+c)*a^2-(b+c)^2*a-(b^2-c^2)*(b-c))/(4*a*b*c) : 1 : 1
2nd mixtilinear
The triangle whose vertices are the centers of the mixtilinear excircles is the 2nd mixtilinear triangle. It is alson known as the outer-mixtilinear triangle. (See note in mixtilinear triangle). (Reference: Preamble just before X7955)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^3-(b+c)*a^2-(b+c)^2*a+(b^2-c^2)*(b-c))/(4*a*b*c) : 1 : 1
3rd mixtilinear
The 3rd mixtilinear triangle has as vertices the touchpoints of the circumcircle and the mixtilinear incircles. (See note in mixtilinear triangle). (Reference: Preamble just before X7955)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1 : 2*b/(a-b+c) : 2*c/(a+b-c)
4th mixtilinear
The 4th mixtilinear triangle has as vertices the touchpoints of the circumcircle and the mixtilinear excircles. (See note in mixtilinear triangle). (Reference: Preamble just before X7955)
Note: The 4th mixtilinear triangle is the circumcevian triangle of X(55).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1 : 2*b/(a+b-c) : 2*c/(a-b+c)
5th mixtilinear
Let Iab and Iac be the touchpoints of the A-mixtilinear incircle and the sidelines AC and AB, respectively, and define Ibc, Iba, Ica, Icb similarly. Denote A5=IabIba∩IacIca, B5=IbcIcb∩IbaIab, C5=IcaIac∩IcbIbc. A5B5C5 is the 5th mixtilinear triangle. (See note in mixtilinear triangle).
Note: This triangle is also named Caelum triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X7955)Equivalences:
- (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(intouch), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(2nd anti-circumperp-tangential), (2nd circumperp tangential)-of-(Mandart-incircle), (orthic)-of-(excenters-reflections), (tangential)-of-(Hutson intouch).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b+c-a)/(2*a) : 1 : 1
6th mixtilinear
Let Eab and Eac be the touchpoints of the A-mixtilinear excircle and the sidelines AC and AB, respectively, and define Ebc, Eba, Eca, Ecb similarly. The 6th mixtilinear triangle is the triangle bounded by the lines EabEac, EbbEba and EcaEcb. (See note in mixtilinear triangle). (Reference: Preamble just before X7955)
A-vertex coordinates:
- (anticomplementary)-of-(excentral), (hexyl)-of-(Aquila), (X3-ABC reflections)-of-(hexyl).
Trilinears a^2-2*(b+c)*a+(b-c)^2 : a^2-(b-c)*(2*a-b-3*c) : a^2-(c-b)*(2*a-c-3*b)
7th mixtilinear
Let Eab and Eac be the touchpoints of the A-mixtilinear excircle and the sidelines AC and AB, respectively, and define Ebc, Eba, Eca, Ecb similarly. Denote A7=EabEba∩EacEca, B7=EbcEcb∩EbaEab, C7=EcaEac∩EcbEbc. A7B7C7 is the 7th mixtilinear triangle. (See note in mixtilinear triangle). (Reference: X8916)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a-b+c)*(a+b-c)*(a^2-2*(b+c)*a+(b-c)^2)/(2*(-a+b+c)*a) : a^2-2*(b-c)*a+(b+3*c)*(b-c) : a^2+2*(b-c)*a+(c+3*b)*(c-b)
8th mixtilinear
Let ω'a, ω'b and ω'c be the A-, B- and C- mixtilinear incircles of ABC, and Ωi the inner Apollonius circle of them. Denote as A', B', C' the touchpoints of Ωi and ω'a, ω'b and ω'c, respectively. The triangle A'B'C' is the 8th-mixtilinear triangle of ABC. (Reference: Preamble just before X44840)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a^2+2*a*(b+c)-3*(b-c)^2 : 2*(a-b+c)*b : 2*(a+b-c)*c
9th mixtilinear
Let ω"a, ω"b and ω"c be the A-, B- and C- mixtilinear excircles of ABC, and Ωo the outer Apollonius circle of them. Denote as A", B", C" the touchpoints of Ωo and ω"a, ω"b and ω"c, respectively. The triangle A"B"C" is the 9th-mixtilinear triangle of ABC. (Reference: Preamble just before X44840)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a^2-2*a*(b+c)-3*(b-c)^2 : 2*(a+b-c)*b : 2*(a-b+c)*c
See mixtilinear triangle.
See 2nd mixtilinear triangle.
Let (Ap) be the Apollonius circle and (Ka), (Kb), (Kc) the circles defined in the Hung-Feuerbach triangle. Let La be the radical axis of (Ap) and (Ka) and define Lb and Lc similarly. The triangle enclosed by these lines is the Montesdeoca-Hung triangle. (Reference: X6042)
Note: The Apollonious circle is the circle internally tangent to all the excircles (MathWorld -- Apollonius Circle.)A-vertex coordinates:
2*a^5*(a+2*b+2*c)+4*a^3*(b^2+3*b*c+c^2)*(a+b+c)+(3*b^4+3*c^4+4*b*c*(3*b^2+5*b*c+3*c^2))*a^2+(b+c)^2*(2*(b+c)*(b^2+c^2)*a+b^4+c^4) :
-(a+c)^2*(a^2+b*a+c*(b+c))^2 :
1st Morley
Let ba and bc be the two angle trisectors of B, and ca and cb the two angle trisectors of C, with ba and ca closer to BC than the others. Build ab and ac similarly. Define A1 = ba∩ca and similarly B1 and C1. The triangle A1B1C1 is equilateral and is named the 1st Morley triangle. (MathWorld -- First Morley Triangle.)
- isogonal of (1st Morley-adjunct).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 1 : 2*cos(C/3) : 2*cos(B/3)
2nd Morley
Suppose that ABC is labeled counter-clockwise. With the same notation used in the 1st Morley triangle, rotate ba around B an angle Pi/3 (counter-clockwise) and let b'a be the resulting line. Next rotate ca around C an angle Pi/3 (clockwise) and denote c'a the resulting line. Define A2= b'a∩c'a and similarly B2 and C2. The triangle A2B2C2 is equilateral and is named the 2nd Morley triangle. (MathWorld -- Second Morley Triangle.)
Note: Invert the senses of rotation if ABC is labeled clockwise.Equivalences:
- isogonal of (2nd Morley-adjunct).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1 : 2*cos(C/3+π/3) : 2*cos(B/3+π/3)
3rd Morley
Suppose that ABC is labeled counter-clockwise. With the same notation used in the 1st Morley triangle, rotate ba around B an angle Pi/3 (clockwise) and let b"a be the resulting line. Next rotate ca around C an angle Pi/3 (counter-clockwise) and denote c"a the resulting line. Define A3= b"a∩c"a and similarly B3 and C3. The triangle A3B3C3 is equilateral and is named the 3rd Morley triangle. (MathWorld -- Third Morley Triangle.)
Note: Invert the senses of rotation if ABC is labeled clockwise.Equivalences:
- isogonal of (3rd Morley-adjunct).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1 : 2*cos(C/3-π/3) : 2*cos(B/3-π/3)
1st Morley-adjunct
With the same notation used in 1st Morley triangle, denote A'1 = bc∩cb and similarly B'1 and C'1. The triangle A'1B'1C'1 is the 1st Morley-adjunct triangle. (MathWorld -- First Morley Adjunct Triangle.)
Note: The 1st Morley-adjunct triangle is not equilateral.Equivalences:
- isogonal of (1st Morley).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2 : sec(C/3) : sec(B/3)
2nd Morley-adjunct
Suppose that ABC is labeled counter-clockwise. With the same notation used in the 1st Morley triangle, rotate bc around B an angle Pi/3 (counter-clockwise) and let b'c be the resulting line. Next rotate cb around C an angle Pi/3 (clockwise) and denote c'b the resulting line. Define A'2= b'c∩c'b and similarly B'2 and C'2. The triangle A'2B'2C'2 is equilateral is the 2nd Morley-adjunct triangle. (MathWorld -- Second Morley Adjunct Triangle.)
Note: Invert the senses of rotation if ABC is labeled clockwise. This triangle is not equilateral.Equivalences:
- isogonal of (2nd Morley).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -2 : sec(C/3+π/3) : sec(B/3+π/3)
3rd Morley-adjunct
Suppose that ABC is labeled counter-clockwise. With the same notation used in the 1st Morley triangle, rotate bc around B an angle Pi/3 (clockwise) and let b"a be the resulting line. Next rotate cb around C an angle Pi/3 (counter-clockwise) and denote c"a the resulting line. Define A'3= b"c∩c"b and similarly B'3 and C'3. The triangle A'3B'3C'3 is the 3rd Morley-adjunct triangle. (MathWorld -- Third Morley Adjunct Triangle.)
Note: Invert the senses of rotation if ABC is labeled clockwise. This triangle is not equilateral.Equivalences:
- isogonal of (3rd Morley).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -2 : sec(C/3-π/3) : sec(B/3-π/3)
1st, 2nd and 3rd Morley-adjunct-midpoint
Let AnBnCn be the nth Morley-adjunct triangle (n=1,2,3). Let Ba and Ca be points on BC such that AnBaCa is an equilateral triangle having the same orientation as ABC; define Cb and Ab cyclically, and define Ac and Bc cyclically. Let A"n be the midpoint of Ab and Ac, and define B"n and C"n cyclically. Then A"nB"nC"n is named the nth Morley-adjunct-midpoint triangle. (Reference: X16839-to-X16841)
A-vertex coordinates:
TrilinearsA-vertex trigonometric coordinates, for 1st Morley-adjunct-midpoint triangle:
(3*a*b*c*(2*a*y*z+b*x*z+c*x*y)+2*(2*sqrt(3)*S+3*SB+3*SC)*b*c*x+2*(3*SA+6*SC+sqrt(3)*S)*a*c*y+2*(6*SB+3*SA+sqrt(3)*S)*a*b*z+12*S^2+4*sqrt(3)*(SA+SW)*S+12*SB*SC)/(a*(3*b*c*x+6*SA-2*sqrt(3)*S)) : 2*b+x*c+z*a : 2*c+y*a+x*b
where x=sec((A-2*(n-1)*π)/3), y=sec((B-2*(n-1)*π)/3), z=sec((C-2*(n-1)*π)/3)
-1/2*(cos(A/3)*sec((4*A+Pi)/6)*(-1/2*((1+2*cos(2*B/3))*(2*cos(2*A/3)+cos((2*(B-C))/3))*(1+2*cos(2*C/3)))+2*cos(A/3)*(-1/4*((1+2*cos(2*C/3))*(cos(A-2*C/3)-cos(A+2*C/3)+sqrt(3)*(sin(A-2*C/3)+3*sin(A+2*C/3))))+cos(B/3)*(-2*sqrt(3)*cos(B)*sin(A)-(sqrt(3)*cos(A)+sin(A))*sin(B)+cos(C/3)*(-3+cos(A)^2+cos(B)^2+cos(C)^2-2*(sqrt(3)*cos(B-C)*sin(A)+cos(A)*sin(B)*sin(C)))))))/(1+2*cos((2*A)/3)) :
cos(B/3)*(cos(A/3)*(sin(A)+2*cos(C/3)*sin(B))+cos(C/3)*sin(C)) :
for the 2nd Morley-adjunct-midpoint triangle, replace A → A - 2*π, B → B - 2*π, C → C - 2*π
for the 3rd Morley-adjunct-midpoint triangle, replace A → A - 4*π, B → B - 4*π, C → C - 4*π
The Morley-homothetic-circumscribed triangle is the triangle circumscribed to ABC and homothetic to the 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd- Morley triangles. (References: X8011 and X66554)
A-vertex coordinates:
cos((2*(B-C))/3)+2*cos((B-C)/3)*sin(A+π/6) :
-2*csc((B-C+π)/3)*sin((A-C+π)/3)*(sin(C)*sin((B-A+π)/3)+sin(A)*sin((B-C+π)/3)) :
The Morley-homothetic-inscribed triangle is the triangle inscribed in ABC and homothetic to the 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd- Morley triangles. (References: X3272 and X66554)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : sin((A-C+π)/3) : sin((A-B+π)/3)
1st, 2nd and 3rd Morley-midpoint equilaterals
Let AnBnCn be the nth Morley triangle (n=1,2,3). Let Ba and Ca be points on BC such that AnBaCa is an equilateral triangle having the same orientation as ABC; define Cb and Ab cyclically, and define Ac and Bc cyclically. Let A"n be the midpoint of Ab and Ac, and define B"n and C"n cyclically. Then A"nB"nC"n is an equilateral triangle and is named the nth Morley-midpoint equilateral triangle. (Reference: X3602-to-X3604)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (12*a*b*c*(x*z*b+x*y*c+2*z*y*a)+2*(3*a^2+2*sqrt(3)*S)*b*c*x+2*(3*SA+6*SC+sqrt(3)*S)*a*c*y+2*(3*SA+6*SB+sqrt(3)*S)*a*b*z+3*S^2+sqrt(3)*(SA+SW)*S+3*SB*SC)/(a*(3*SA+6*x*b*c-sqrt(3)*S)) : 2*z*a+b+2*x*c : 2*y*a+2*x*b+c
where x=cos((A-2*(n-1)*π)/3), y=cos((B-2*(n-1)*π)/3), z=cos((C-2*(n-1)*π)/3)A-vertex trigonometric coordinates, for 1st Morley-midpoint triangle:
Trilinears -((cos(A/3)+cos((B-C)/3))*(1+cos(2*B/3)+cos(2*C/3))*csc((A-Pi)/3)/(1+2*cos(2*A/3)) : cos(C/3-π/6): cos(B/3-π/6)
for the 2nd Morley-midpoint triangle, replace A → A - 2*π, B → B - 2*π, C → C - 2*π
for the 3rd Morley-midpoint triangle, replace A → A - 4*π, B → B - 4*π, C → C - 4*π
Let HaHbHc be the orthic triangle of ABC and (Ja) the circle, other than the nine-point-circle, passing through Hb and Hc and tangent to the A-excircle (Ia). Let A' be the touchpoint of (Ja) and (Ia) and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is named here the Moses-Hung triangle of ABC. (Reference: X6044)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(2*a^3+(b+c)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)*(b-c))^2/(a*(a+b+c)) : (a+c)^2*(a+b-c)^3/b : (a+b)^2*(a-b+c)^3/c
Let γ be the incircle of ABC. Let γa be the circle through B and C and internally tangent to γ. Outside ABC, let Γa be the circle externally tangent to AB, AC, γa, and let A' be the center of Γa. Define B', C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is the Moses-Miyamoto triangle. (Reference: X52804)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(2*a^3-(3*(b+c))*a^2+(b^2-c^2)*(b-c))/((a^2-2*a*(b+c)+(b-c)^2)*a) : 1 : 1
Moses-Miyamoto-Apollonius, 1st and 2nd
In a scalene acute triangle ABC, let MaMbMc be its medial triangle. Let Ωa be the circle centered at Ma and passing through B and C. Inside ABC, let γa be the circle externally tangent to lines AB, AC and circle Ωa. Define Ωb, Ωc γb and γc cyclically. Inside ABC, let γ be the circle internally tangent to Ωa, Ωb, Ωc. Then there exists a circle Γ that is tangent to the four circles γ, γa, γb and γc.
Let A' be the touchpoint of Γ and γa, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is the 1st Moses-Miyamoto-Apollonius triangle. (Reference: X52804)
In a scalene acute triangle ABC, let MaMbMc be its medial triangle. Let Ωa be the circle centered at Ma and passing through B and C. Inside ABC, let γa be the larger circle internally tangent to lines AB, AC and circle Ωa. Define Ωb, Ωc γb and γc cyclically. Outside ABC, let γ be the circle internally tangent to Ωa, Ωb, Ωc. Then there exists a circle Γ that is tangent to the four circles γ, γa, γb and γc.
Let A" be the touchpoint of Γ and γa, and define B" and C" cyclically. The triangle A"B"C" is the 2nd Moses-Miyamoto-Apollonius triangle. (Reference: X52804)
A-vertex coordinates:
1st Moses-Miyamoto-Apollonius triangle:
Trilinears -2/((a+b-c)*(a-b+c)-2*S) : 1/(b*(a-b+c)) : 1/(c*(a+b-c))2nd Moses-Miyamoto-Apollonius triangle:
Trilinears -2/((a+b-c)*(a-b+c)+2*S) : 1/(b*(a-b+c)) : 1/(c*(a+b-c))
Let A' be the pole of Soddy line in the Soddy A-circle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C' is the Moses-Soddy triangle. (Reference: X44311)
Note: Moses-Soddy triangle is the anticevian-triangle of X(514).
- complement of (Yff contact).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 1/a : (a-c)/(b*(b-c)) : (a-b)/(c*(c-b))
Moses-Steiner osculatory
A' is the A-center of curvature of the Steiner circumellipse, and similarly B' and C'. A'B'C' is the Moses-Steiner osculatory triangle of ABC. (Reference: X34505)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (-3*a^4+2*(b^2+c^2)*a^2-(b^2-c^2)^2)/a^3 : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
Moses-Steiner reflection
Let A', B', C' be the reflections of X(99) in the sides of Moses-Steiner osculatory triangle of ABC. A'B'C' is the Moses-Steiner reflection triangle of ABC. (Reference: X34505)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (-a^2+b^2+c^2)/a : (a^2-b^2-2*c^2)/b : (a^2-2*b^2-c^2)/c
The inner Napoleon triangle is the triangle A"B"C" formed by the centers of internally erected equilateral triangles BCA', CAB' and ABC' on the sides of a given triangle ABC. It is an equilateral triangle. (MathWorld -- Inner Napoleon Triangle.)
- anticomplement of (2nd half-diamonds-central).
- (anticomplementary)-of-(2nd half-diamonds-central), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(2nd half-diamonds-central), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(2nd half-diamonds-central), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(2nd half-diamonds-central), (excentral)-of-(2nd half-diamonds-central), (reflection)-of-(2nd half-diamonds-central), (tangential)-of-(2nd half-diamonds-central).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a : (SC-sqrt(3)*S)/b : (SB-sqrt(3)*S)/c
The outer Napoleon triangle is the triangle A"B"C" formed by the centers of externally erected equilateral triangles BCA', CAB' and ABC' on the sides of a given triangle ABC. It is an equilateral triangle. (MathWorld -- Outer Napoleon Triangle.)
- anticomplement of (1st half-diamonds-central).
- (anticomplementary)-of-(1st half-diamonds-central), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(1st half-diamonds-central), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(1st half-diamonds-central), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(1st half-diamonds-central), (excentral)-of-(1st half-diamonds-central), (reflection)-of-(1st half-diamonds-central), (tangential)-of-(1st half-diamonds-central).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a : (SC+sqrt(3)*S)/b : (SB+sqrt(3)*S)/c
1st Neuberg
The triangle A1B1C1 formed by joining the centers of the Neuberg circles is the 1st Neuberg triangle. (Weisstein, Eric W. "First Neuberg Triangle." From MathWorld)
Note: The Neuberg A-circle is the locus of A of a triangle on a given base BC and with a given Brocard angle ω. (MathWorld -- Neuberg Circles.)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a*SW : (SC^2-SA*SB)/b : (SB^2-SA*SC)/c
2nd Neuberg
The triangle A2B2C2 formed by joining the centers of the reflections of the Neuberg circles on the opposite sides of ABC is the 2nd Neuberg triangle. (MathWorld -- Second Neuberg Triangle.)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a*SW : (SC^2-SA*SB+2*S^2)/b : (SB^2-SA*SC+2*S^2)/c
Cevian and pedal triangle of X(4).
- anticomplement of (6th anti-mixtilinear), complement of (1st anti-circumperp).
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(2nd Euler), (1st anti-circumperp)-of-(medial), (anticomplementary)-of-(2nd anti-Conway), (6th anti-mixtilinear)-of-(anticomplementary), (circumorthic)-of-(Euler), (Ehrmann-side)-of-(Ehrmann-mid), (2nd Euler)-of-(Johnson), (medial)-of-(anti-Wasat), (submedial)-of-(Gemini 111), (tangential)-of-(anti-Ara).
- Only for acute ABC: (anti-Aquila)-of-(circumorthic), (Mandart-incircle)-of-(anti-Ursa minor).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : 1/(b*(a^2-b^2+c^2)) : 1/(c*(a^2+b^2-c^2))
orthic axes
Let LA be the orthic axis of triangle BCX(4), and define LB, LC cyclically. The triangle bounded by these lines is the orthic axes triangle. (Reference: X2501)
The orthic axes triangle is also the cevian triangle of X(4) with respect to the orthic triangle.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*SB*SC/a : SA*SC/b : SA*SB/c
Let A' be the intersection, other than X(4), of the A-altitude and the orthocentroidal circle, and define B' and C' cyclically. The triangle A'B'C'is the orthocentroidal triangle. (Reference: X5476)
Note: The orthocentroidal circle has diameter X(2)X(4).A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
Let A'B'C' be the orthocentroidal triangle of ABC and A", B", C" the isogonal conjugates of A', B', C' with respect to ABC, respectively. A"B"C" is the orthocentroidal-isogonic triangle of ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*SB*SC/a : b*SB : c*SC
1st orthosymmedial
Let A' be the intersection, other than the orthocenter, of the A-altitude and the circle with diameter X(4)X(6). Define B' and C' similarly. The triangle A'B'C' is the 1st orthosymmedial triangle.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*a^3/(b^2+c^2) : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/c
2nd orthosymmedial
Let A" be the intersection, other than the symmedian center, of the A-symmedian and the circle with diameter X(4)X(6). Define B" and C" similarly. The triangle A"B"C" is the 2nd orthosymmedial triangle.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -((b^4+c^4)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)^2*(-b^2-c^2))/(a*(b^2+c^2)*(a^2-b^2-c^2)) : b : c
Let pa be the parabola with focus A and directrix BC. Let Ba be the point, closer to C, at which pa cuts AC and let Ca be the point, closer to B, at which pa cuts AB. Build Cb, Ab and Ac, Bc cyclically. Points Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb lie on an ellipse named the Paasche ellipse.
Let AH = AbCb∩AcBc, BH = BcAc∩BaCa, CH = CaBa∩CbAb. AHBHCH is the Paasche-Hutson triangle. (Reference: X(37994))
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears S*(S-2*a*R)/a : (S+a*b)*c : (S+a*c)*b
1st Pamfilos-Zhou
The Pamfilos-Zhou A-rectangle RA = AABAAAC is the rectangle of maximal area such that A is a vertex of RA, B lies on the line AAAC, and C lies on the line AAAB. The Pamfilos-Zhou B- and C-rectangles, RB and RC, are defined cyclically.
Let A' = BCBA∩CACB, and define B' and C' cyclically. The 1st Pamfilos-Zhou triangle is A'B'C'. (Reference: X7594)A-vertex coordinates:
-a^4*(a^2+b*c)+(b^2+c^2)*(b+c)^2*a^2+b*c*(b+c)*(4*S*a-(b^2-c^2)*(b-c)) :
(a^2-b^2+c^2)*((a^2+b^2+c^2)*a*b+2*c^2*S) :
2nd Pamfilos-Zhou
The Pamfilos-Zhou A-rectangle RA = AABAAAC is the rectangle of maximal area such that A is a vertex of RA, B lies on the line AAAC, and C lies on the line AAAB. The Pamfilos-Zhou B- and C-rectangles, RB and RC, are defined cyclically.
Let A" = CAAC∩ABBA, and define B" and C" cyclically. The 2nd Pamfilos-Zhou triangle is A"B"C". (Reference: X7594)A-vertex coordinates:
-2*(b+c)*S-(-a+b+c)*((b+c)*a+(b-c)^2) :
(2*(a-c)*a*S+(-a+b+c)*(a^2*c+(b-c)*(b^2+a*b+c^2)))/b :
1st Parry
Let A1 be the intersection, other than X(111), of the Parry circle and the line AX(111), and define B1 and C1 cyclically. The triangle A1B1C1 is the 1st Parry triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X9123)
Note: The Parry circle is the circle passing through the isodynamic points X(15) and X(16) and the centroid X(2) of a triangle.Equivalences:
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(2nd Parry).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 3*a^4+(-2*b^2-2*c^2)*a^2-b^2*c^2+c^4+b^4 : -b*(a^2+b^2-2*c^2)*a : -c*(a^2-2*b^2+c^2)*a
2nd Parry
Let A2 be the intersection, other than X(110), of the Parry circle and line AX(110), and define B2 and C2 cyclically. The triangle A2B2C2 is the 2nd Parry triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X9123)
Note: The Parry circle is the circle passing through the isodynamic points X(15) and X(16) and the centroid X(2) of a triangle.Equivalences:
- (ABC-X3 reflections)-of-(1st Parry).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^4+b^2*c^2-b^4-c^4)*(b^2-c^2) : (a^2-b^2)*b*a*(2*a^2-b^2-c^2) : -(a^2-c^2)*c*a*(2*a^2-b^2-c^2)
3rd Parry
Let A3 be the intersection, other than X(2), of the Parry circle and the A-median, and define B3 and C3 cyclically. The triangle A3B3C3, is the 3rd Parry triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X9123)
Note: The Parry circle is the circle passing through the isodynamic points X(15) and X(16) and the centroid X(2) of a triangle.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(a^4+(-3*b^2-3*c^2)*a^2+2*b^4+b^2*c^2+2*c^4) : b*c^2*(2*a^2-b^2-c^2) : b^2*c*(2*a^2-b^2-c^2)
1st and 2nd Pavlov
In a triangle ABC, let A'B'C' be its incentral triangle and I its incenter. Denote with Ab the projection of A' upon BI, and with Ac the projection of A' upon CI. Similarly define Bc, Ca and Ba, Cb. Lines BcCb, CaAc, and AbBa form a triangle A1B1C1, called the 1st Pavlov triangle. Lines AbAc, BcBa, and CaCb bound the triangle A2B2C2, named here the 2nd Pavlov triangle. (Reference: Ivan Pavlov, preamble just before X(63254).)
A-vertex coordinates:
1st Pavlov triangle:
Trilinears (2*a^3-3*(b+c)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)*(b-c))/a : a^2-(c+2*b)*a+(b-c)*b : a^2-(b+2*c)*a+(c-b)*c2nd Pavlov triangle:
Trilinears (2*a^2+a*(b+c)-(b-c)^2)/a : a+b : a+c
The Pelletier triangle is the vertex triangle of ABC and the intangets triangle. Reference: TCCT, p. 162.
Note: The vertex triangle A*B*C* of triangles T1=A1B1C1 and T2=A2B2C2 has vertex A*=B1B2∩C1C2, and B*, C* are defined cyclically.Note: The Pelletier triangle is the anticevian triangle of X(650) and, as an anticevian triangle, it is the tangential triangle of the circumconic with perspector X(650), i.e., it is the tangential triangle of the Feuerbach circum-hyperbola.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b-c)*(-a+b+c), (c-a)*(a-b+c), (a-b)*(a-c+b)
1st Przybyłowski-Bollin
Let D1 be the 1st isodynamic center X(15) of ABC and I'a, I'b and I'c the incenters of BCD1, CAD1 and ABD1, respectively. The triangle I'aI'bI'c is the 1st Przybyłowski-Bollin triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X11752)
Note: This triangle is denoted as AiBiCi in ETC.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(sqrt(3)*SA+S) : sqrt(3)*SB*b+(b+U)*S : sqrt(3)*SC*c+(c+U)*S
where U = 2*sqrt(SW+sqrt(3)*S)
2nd Przybyłowski-Bollin
Let D1 be the 1st isodynamic center X(15) of ABC and J'a the excenter of BCD1 opposed to D1. Define J'b and J'c similarly. The triangle J'aJ'bJ'c is the 2nd Przybyłowski-Bollin triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X11752)
Note: This triangle is denoted as AaBbCb in ETC.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(sqrt(3)*SA+S) : sqrt(3)*b*SB+(b-U)*S : sqrt(3)*c*SC+(c-U)*S
where U = 2*sqrt(SW+sqrt(3)*S)
3rd Przybyłowski-Bollin
Let D2 be the 2nd isodynamic center X(16) of ABC and I"a, I"b and I"c the incenters of BCD2, CAD2 and ABD2, respectively. The triangle I"aI"bI"c is the 3rd Przybyłowski-Bollin triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X11752)
Note: This triangle is denoted as (AiBiCi)* in ETC.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(sqrt(3)*SA-S) : sqrt(3)*SB*b-(b+V)*S : sqrt(3)*SC*c-(c+V)*S
where V = 2*sqrt(SW-sqrt(3)*S)
4th Przybyłowski-Bollin
Let D2 be the 2nd isodynamic center X(16) of ABC and J"a the excenter of BCD2 opposed to D2. Define J"b and J"c similarly. The triangle J"aJ"bJ"c is the 4th Przybyłowski-Bollin triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X11752)
Note: This triangle is denoted as (AaBbCb)* in ETC.A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(sqrt(3)*SA-S) : sqrt(3)*SB*b-(b-V)*S : sqrt(3)*SC*c-(c-V)*S
where V = 2*sqrt(SW-sqrt(3)*S)
Let A' be the reflection of A in BC and define B', C' similarly. A'B'C' is the reflection triangle of ABC.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1 : (a^2+b^2-c^2)/(a*b) : (a^2-b^2+c^2)/(a*c)
Roussel (equilateral)
If the angular trisectors of a triangle are produced to the circumcircle, then the chords of adjacent trisectors bound an equilateral triangle named the Roussel triangle. (Reference)
A-vertex coordinates:
-a^2-2*(c*cos(B/3)+b*cos(C/3))*a+4*b*c*(4*cos(A/3)^2-1)*cos(B/3)*cos(C/3) :
(a+2*b*cos(C/3))*(2*cos(A/3)*c+b)+4*c*cos(A/3)*cos(B/3)*(2*cos(A/3)*b+c) :
1st & 2nd Savin
In a triangle ABC with incenter I, let A', B', C' be the orthogonal projections of I in BC, CA and AB, respectively. Then the line B'C', the perpendicular to BC through A' and the A-median of ABC concur in a point A1 and points B1 and C1 are defined cyclically. The triangle A1B1C1 is the 1st Savin triangle of ABC. (Reference: Preamble just before X44301)
No geometric construction was given for 2nd Savin triangle.
A-vertex coordinates:
1st triangle:
Trilinears 2/(-a+b+c) : 1/b : 1/c2nd triangle:
Trilinears 2/(3*a+b+c) : 1/b : 1/c
1st Schiffler
It is well known that if P lies on the Neuberg cubic then the Euler lines La, Lb and Lc of PBC, PCA and PAB, respectively, are concurrent. In particular, for P=X(1) and P=X(3065), the point of concurrence is the Schiffler center S=X(21).
Let P=X(1) and Bc the point of intersection, other than S, of Lb and the circle (C,|CS|) and Cb the point of intersection, other than S, of Lc and the circle (B,|BS|). Define O'a as the circumcenter of SBcCb and similarly O'b and O'c. The triangle O'aO'bO'c is the 1st Schiffler triangle. (Reference: X6595)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 1/a : (a-c)/(a^2-(b+2*c)*a+c^2-b^2) : (a-b)/(a^2-(c+2*b)*a+b^2-c^2)
2nd Schiffler
It is well known that if P lies on the Neuberg cubic then the Euler lines La, Lb and Lc of PBC, PCA and PAB, respectively, are concurrent. In particular, for P=X(1) and P=X(3065), the point of concurrence is the Schiffler center S=X(21).
Let P=X(3065) and Bc the point of intersection, other than S, of Lb and the circle (C,|CS|) and Cb the point of intersection, other than S, of Lc and the circle (B,|BS|). Define O"a as the circumcenter of SBcCb and similarly O"b and O"c. The triangle O"aO"bO"c is the 2nd Schiffler triangle. (Reference: X6596)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1/a : (a-c)/(a^2+(b-2*c)*a+c^2-b^2) : (a-b)/(a^2+(c-2*b)*a+b^2-c^2)
Let A'B'C' and A"B"C" be the medial and orthic triangles of ABC, respectively. Define A*=B'C'∩B"C" and similarly B* and C*. A*B*C* is the Schröeter triangle of ABC.
Note: The Schroeter triangle is the anticevian triangle of X(523).
- complement of (Steiner).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 1/a : (a^2-c^2)/(b*(b^2-c^2)) : (a^2-b^2)/(c*(c^2-b^2))
1st Sharygin
Let A', B', C' be the feet of the internal angles bisectors. The perpendicular bisectors of AA', BB', CC' bound a triangle A*B*C* called the 1st Sharygin triangle. (Reference)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a^2+b*c : a*b+c^2 : a*c+b^2
2nd Sharygin
Let A", B", C" the feet of the external angles bisectors. The perpendicular bisectors of AA", BB", CC" bound a triangle A*B*C* called the 2nd Sharygin triangle. (Reference)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a^2+b*c : a*b-c^2 : a*c-b^2
Let AoBoCo, AiBiCi be the outer- and inner-Soddy triangles of ABC. Then BoCoCiBi are concyclic and similarly the other quartets of vertices. The centers of the circles circumscribing these quartets are the vertices of the Soddy triangle. (Reference: Preamble before X(31528))
Note: The Soddy triangle is the anticevian triangle of X(7).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -1/(a*(-a+b+c)) : 1/(b*(a-b+c)) : 1/(c*(a+b-c))
Given a triangle ABC with inner Soddy center S', the inner Soddy triangle is the triangle A'B'C' formed by the points of tangency of the inner Soddy circle with the three mutually tangent circles centered at each of the vertices of ABC. (MathWorld -- Soddy Triangles.)
Note: Given three noncollinear points, construct three tangent circles such that one is centered at each point and the circles are pairwise tangent to one another. Then there exist exactly two nonintersecting circles that are tangent to all three circles. These are called the inner and outer Soddy circles, and their centers are called the inner S and outer Soddy centers S^', respectively. (MathWorld -- Soddy Circles.)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a*(-a+b+c)+2*S)/(a*(-a+b+c)) : (b*(a+c-b)+S)/(b*(a-b+c)) : (c*(a+b-c)+S)/(c*(a-c+b))
Given a triangle ABC with outer Soddy center S", the outer Soddy triangle is the triangle A"B"C" formed by the points of tangency of the outer Soddy circle with the three mutually tangent circles centered at each of the vertices of ABC. (MathWorld -- Soddy Triangles.)
Note: Given three noncollinear points, construct three tangent circles such that one is centered at each point and the circles are pairwise tangent to one another. Then there exist exactly two nonintersecting circles that are tangent to all three circles. These are called the inner and outer Soddy circles, and their centers are called the inner S and outer Soddy centers S^', respectively. (MathWorld -- Soddy Circles.)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a*(-a+b+c)-2*S)/(a*(-a+b+c)) : (b*(a+c-b)-S)/(b*(a-b+c)) : (c*(a+b-c)-S)/(c*(a-c+b))
2nd inner-Soddy and 2nd outer-Soddy
Let A'B'C' be the intouch triangle of ABC, AoBoCo the outer-Soddy triangle and AiBiCi the inner-Soddy triangles of ABC. Then:
(Reference: Preamble before X(31528))
- B'C'CiBi are concyclic and similarly the other quartets of vertices. The centers of the circles circumscribing these quartets are the vertices of the 2nd inner-Soddy triangle.
- B'C'CoBo are concyclic and similarly the other quartets of vertices. The centers of the circles circumscribing these quartets are the vertices of the 2nd outer-Soddy triangle.
A-vertex coordinates:
2nd inner-Soddy triangle:
Trilinears ((-a+b+c)*a+2*S)/(a*(-a+b+c)) : 1 : 12nd outer-Soddy triangle:
Trilinears ((-a+b+c)*a-2*S)/(a*(-a+b+c)) : 1 : 1
Build outwards ABC the square BCCABA (see figure). Lines ABA and ACA cut BC at A'B and A'C, respectively, and the perpendiculars through these points cut AB and AC at A"C and A"B, respectively. The quadrilateral A'BA'CA"BA"C is a square named the A-inner-inscribed-square (and also the A-Lucas square). The B- and C- inner-inscribed-squares can be built similarly. The centers of these squares are the vertices of the inner-squares triangles. (MathWorld -- Inner Inscribed Squares Triangle.)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*a : (a^2+b^2-c^2+2*S)/b : (a^2+c^2-b^2+2*S)/c
Build inwards ABC the square BCCABA (see figure). Lines ABA and ACA cut BC at A'B and A'C, respectively, and the perpendiculars through these points cut AB and AC at A"C and A"B, respectively. The quadrilateral A'BA'CA"BA"C is a square named the A-outer-inscribed-square (and also the A-Lucas(-1) square). The B- and C- outer-inscribed-squares can be built similarly. The centers of these squares are the vertices of the outer-squares triangles. (MathWorld -- Outer Inscribed Squares Triangle.)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*a : (a^2+b^2-c^2-2*S)/b : (a^2+c^2-b^2-2*S)/c
The Stammler triangle is the triangle formed by the centers of the Stammler circles. It is an equilateral triangle. (MathWorld -- MathWorld -- Stammler Triangle.)
Note: The Stammler circles are the three circles (apart from the circumcircle), that intercept the sidelines of a reference triangle ABC in chords of lengths equal to the corresponding side lengths a, b, and c. (MathWorld -- Stammler Circles.)Equivalences:
- (anticomplementary)-of-(circumtangential), (anti-Ehrmann-mid)-of-(circumtangential), (anti-Euler)-of-(circumnormal), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(circumtangential), (4th anti-Euler)-of-(circumnormal), (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(circumnormal), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(circumtangential), (Aquila)-of-(circumnormal), (2nd circumperp tangential)-of-(circumnormal), (excentral)-of-(circumtangential), (hexyl)-of-(circumnormal), (reflection)-of-(circumtangential), (tangential)-of-(circumtangential), (X3-ABC reflections)-of-(circumnormal).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears cos(A)-2*cos((B-C)/3) : cos(B)+2*cos(B/3+2*C/3) : cos(C)+2*cos(2*B/3+C/3)
The Steiner triangle is the cevian triangle of the Steiner point X(99). (MathWorld -- Steiner Triangle.)
- anticomplement of (Schröeter).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : (b^2-c^2)*(a^2-b^2)/b : (c^2-b^2)*(a^2-c^2)
Let ABC be a triangle, and suppose that C' is a point on side AB and that B' is a point on side AC. Let r(B'C') be the rectangle whose vertices are B', C', and the orthogonal projections of B' and C' onto side BC. Let RA be the rectangle r(B'C') of maximal area, which is obtained by taking A'B'C' to be the medial triangle of ABC. Let OA be the center RA, and define OB and OC cyclically. The central triangle OAOBOC is named the submedial triangle. (Reference: X9813)
- complement of (6th anti-mixtilinear).
- (6th anti-mixtilinear)-of-(medial), (orthic)-of-(Gemini 110).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*a*b*c : (3*a^2+b^2-c^2)*c : (3*a^2+c^2-b^2)*b
The symmedial triangle is the cevian triangle of the symmedian point X(6).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : 1/c : 1/b
See Aquila triangle.
See excenters-incenter reflections triangle.
See excenters-incenter midpoints triangle.
The tangential triangle is the triangle enclosed by the lines tangent to the circumcircle of a given triangle ABC at its vertices. It is therefore the antipedal triangle of ABC with respect to the circumcenter O.
- isogonal of (anticomplementary), anticomplement of (anti-Ursa minor), complement of (anti-inverse-in-incircle).
- (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections), (anti-incircle-circles)-of-(anti-X3-ABC reflections), (anti-inverse-in-incircle)-of-(medial), (anti-Ursa minor)-of-(anticomplementary), (Ehrmann-vertex)-of-(anti-Ehrmann-mid), (Kosnita)-of-(X3-ABC reflections), (medial)-of-(1st excosine), (orthic)-of-(Ara).
- Only for acute ABC: (anti-Aquila)-of-(anti-incircle-circles), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(1st anti-circumperp), (Aquila)-of-(Kosnita), (2nd circumperp tangential)-of-(circumorthic).
Note: The tangential triangle is the anticevian triangle of X(6).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a : b : c
(1st) tangential-midarc
The tangential mid-arc triangle of a reference triangle ABC is the triangle A'B'C' whose sides are the tangents to the incircle at the intersections of the internal angle bisectors with the incircle, where the points of intersection nearest the vertices are chosen. (MathWorld -- Tangential Mid-Arc Triangle.)
- (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(2nd midarc), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(Hutson intouch), (2nd circumperp tangential)-of-(intouch), (tangential)-of-(midarc).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -2*b*c*sin(A/2) : c*(2*sin(B/2)*a+a+b-c) : b*(2*sin(C/2)*a+a+c-b)
2nd tangential-midarc
The 2nd tangential mid-arc triangle of a reference triangle ABC is the triangle A'B'C' whose sides are the tangents to the incircle at the intersections of the internal angle bisectors with the incircle, where the points of intersection furthest from the vertices are chosen. (Reference: Preamble above X8075)
- (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(midarc), (anti-Mandart-incircle)-of-(intouch), (2nd circumperp tangential)-of-(Hutson intouch), (tangential)-of-(2nd midarc).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*b*c*sin(A/2) : c*(2*sin(B/2)*a-(a+b-c)) : b*(2*sin(C/2)*a-(a+c-b))
The Thomson cubic K002 cuts the circumcircle of a triangle ABC in A, B, C and other three points A', B', C'. Let A' be the point on the branch of K002 passing through A and choose B' and C' similarly. A'B'C' is the Thomson triangle.
Algebraic coordinates of vertices of Thomson triangle are very complicated to be written here.
Some other used triangles related to Thomson triangles are: Thomson-anticomplementary, Thomson-excentral, Thomson-medial and Thomson-orthic. Of course, algebraic expressions for the vertices of these triangles are also very complicated.Numeric coordinates with respect to ETC's 6-9-13 triangle:
{{3.87136295325922, -1.48498096032229, 2.8819453221583},
{-0.629263011432855, 2.55535829974244, 2.16199935659095},
{12.9519946390386, 12.4724370423599, -10.9719433039008}}
{{8.45136867434929, 16.5127763024386, -11.6918892694805},
{17.452620603748, 8.43209778230062, -10.2519973383382},
{-9.70989469721579, -11.4020597029505, 16.0158879826651}}
{{5.3112525691825, 19.0782363806524, -12.0186926597053},
{20.7720702849278, 5.71159495994938, -9.90062600648572},
{-3.15806347765949, -4.47821668670003, 8.19853610085032}}
{{6.16136581380771, 7.51389767105683, -4.40497197365852},
{8.41167879615739, 5.49372804102233, -4.04499899087295},
{1.62104997091644, 0.535188669709552, 2.52197233937788}}
{{1.67590632156687, 4.23860048384595, -0.0672464630167511},
{5.51552805619645, 1.04218899889407, 0.373520687505509},
{1.53291973629658, 0.614305674705425, 2.50787452112836}}
inner tri-equilateral
In a triangle ABC, let's inscribe three congruent equilateral triangles PAbAc, PBcBa and PCaCb, with Ba, Ca on BC, Cb, Ab on CA and Ac, Bc on AB. There are two points P making possible this construction: P = Pi=X(15) and P = Po=X(16). The equilateral triangles obtained in each case are here named the A-, B-, C- inner/outer equilateral triangles, respectively.
For the inner-equilateral triangles, the inner tri-equilateral triangle AiBiCi is defined as the triangle bounded by the lines AbAc, BcBa and CaCb. (Reference: Preamble above X10631)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(SA-sqrt(3)*S)/(SA+sqrt(3)*S) : b : c
outer tri-equilateral
In a triangle ABC, let's inscribe three congruent equilateral triangles PAbAc, PBcBa and PCaCb, with Ba, Ca on BC, Cb, Ab on CA and Ac, Bc on AB. There are two points P making possible this construction: P = Pi=X(15) and P = Po=X(16). The equilateral triangles obtained in each case are here named the A-, B-, C- inner/outer equilateral triangles, respectively.
For the outer-equilateral triangles, the outer tri-equilateral triangle AoBoCo is defined as the triangle bounded by the lines AbAc, BcBa and CaCb. (Reference: Preamble above X10631)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears a*(SA+sqrt(3)*S)/(SA-sqrt(3)*S) : b : c
Inscribe three squares into a triangle ABC such that each square has two vertices on two distinct sides of ABC and the other vertices of the three squares coincide at the vertices of another triangle A'B'C'. See this figure. (Reference: Preamble above X13637).
There are four triangles A'B'C' for this construction. These are named the tri-squares triangles of ABC.A-vertex coordinates:
1st tri-square triangle:
Trilinears 2*S/a : (a^2+3*b^2-c^2+2*S)/b : (a^2-b^2+3*c^2+2*S)/c2nd tri-square triangle:
Trilinears -2*S/a : (a^2+3*b^2-c^2-2*S)/b : (a^2-b^2+3*c^2-2*S)/c3rd tri-square triangle:
Trilinears 4*(a^2+S)/(a*(b^2+c^2-a^2+2*S)) : 1/b : 1/c4th tri-square triangle:
Trilinears 4*(a^2-S)/(a*(b^2+c^2-a^2-2*S)) : 1/b : 1/c
The tri-squares-central triangles are the triangles whose vertices are the centers of the squares built in the tri-squares triangles. (Reference: Preamble above X13637).
A-vertex coordinates:
1st tri-square-central triangle:
Trilinears 2*(3*a^2+4*S)/a : (3*b^2+c^2-a^2+2*S)/b : (b^2+3*c^2-a^2+2*S)/c2nd tri-square-central triangle:
Trilinears 2*(3*a^2-4*S)/a : (3*b^2+c^2-a^2-2*S)/b : (b^2+3*c^2-a^2-2*S)/c3rd tri-square-central triangle:
Trilinears (a^2+2*S)/a : (b^2+S)/b : (c^2+S)/c4th tri-square-central triangle:
Trilinears (a^2-2*S)/a : (b^2-S)/b : (c^2-S)/c
There is a unique equilateral triangle AA1A2 inscribed in the circumcircle of triangle ABC, where, for concreteness, the labels are fixed so that AA1A2 has the same orientation as ABC. Let BB1B2 and CC1C2 be the corresponding equilateral triangles. Let A' = B1B2∩C1C2, B' = C1C2∩A1A2 and C' = A1A2∩B1B2. The triangle A'B'C' is named the Trinh triangle of ABC. (Reference: X7688)
- (anti-Hutson intouch)-of-(anti-X3-ABC reflections), (Kosnita)-of-(ABC-X3 reflections).
- Only for acute ABC: (anti-Aquila)-of-(anti-Hutson intouch).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a*(S^2+3*SA^2) : b*(S^2-3*SA*SB) : c*(S^2-3*SA*SC)
In a triangle ABC, the common internal tangents of the incircle and the A-excircle touch them in four concyclic points. Let {a'} be the circle through these touchpoints and denote a" the radical axis of {a'} and the A-excircle. Build b" and c" cyclically. The triangle bounded by a", b" and c" is the Ursa-major triangle of ABC. (Reference: Preamble just before X17603)
- (Ursa-minor)-of-(inner-Johnson).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b+c)*a^2+2*(b^2+c^2)*a-(b+c)*(b^2+c^2) : ((a-b)^2+(2*a-c)*c)*(a-c) : ((a-c)^2+(2*a-b)*b)*(a-b)
In a triangle ABC, the common internal tangents of the incircle and the A-excircle touch them in four concyclic points. Let {a'} be the circle through these touchpoints and denote a" the radical axis of {a'} and the incircle. Build b" and c" cyclically. The triangle bounded by a", b" and c" is the Ursa-minor triangle of ABC. (Reference: Preamble just before X17603)
- (anticomplementary)-of-(intouch), (anti-Euler)-of-(Hutson intouch), (3rd anti-Euler)-of-(2nd midarc), (4th anti-Euler)-of-(midarc), (excentral)-of-(Mandart-incircle), (hexyl)-of-(2nd anti-circumperp-tangential).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b+c)*a-(b-c)^2 : (a-b+c)*(a-c) : (a+b-c)*(a-b)
Erect squares internally on each side of a triangle ABC. The centers of this squares are the vertices of the inner-Vecten triangle.
- complement of (2nd half-squares).
- (medial)-of-(2nd half-squares).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a : (SC-S)/b : (SB-S)/c
2nd and 3rd inner-Vecten
Given a triangle ABC, build the square σa = AAbAaAc, with the same orientation as ABC, and such that B and C lie on the lines AaAb and AaAc, respectively. Define σb = BBcBbBa and σc = CCaCcCb cyclically. Let Ao, Bo, Co be the centers of these squares.
AaBbCc and AoBoCo are the 2nd inner-Vecten and 3rd inner-Vecten of ABC, respectively. (Reference: Preamble just before X32488).Equivalences:
- 2nd inner-Vecten = isogonal of (Lucas(-1) tangents).
- 3rd inner-Vecten = (6th anti-mixtilinear)-of-(2nd half-squares), (orthic)-of-(inner-Vecten).
A-vertex coordinates:
2nd inner-Vecten triangle:
Trilinears 1/(a*SA) : 1/(b*(SB-S)) : 1/(c*(SC-S))3rd inner-Vecten:
Trilinears (3*S^2+SB*SC-2*S*SW)/(a*SA) : (SC-S)/b : (SB-S)/c
Erect squares externally on each side of a triangle ABC. The centers of this squares are the vertices of the outer-Vecten triangle.
- complement of (1st half-squares).
- (excentral)-of-(3rd outer-Vecten), (medial)-of-(1st half-squares).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -a : (SC+S)/b : (SB+S)/c
2nd and 3rd outer-Vecten
Given a triangle ABC, build the square σa = AAbAaAc, with opposite orientation than ABC, and such that B and C lie on the lines AaAb and AaAc, respectively. Define σb = BBcBbBa and σc = CCaCcCb cyclically. Let Ao, Bo, Co be the centers of these squares.
AaBbCc and AoBoCo are the 2nd outer-Vecten and 3rd outer-Vecten of ABC, respectively. (Reference: Preamble just before X32488).Equivalences:
- 2nd outer-Vecten = isogonal of (Lucas(+1) tangents).
- 2nd outer-Vecten = (6th anti-mixtilinear)-of-(1st half-squares), (orthic)-of-(outer-Vecten).
A-vertex coordinates:
2nd outer-Vecten triangle:
Trilinears 1/(a*SA) : 1/(b*(SB+S)) : 1/(c*(SC+S))3rd outer-Vecten:
Trilinears (3*S^2+SB*SC+2*S*SW)/(a*SA) : (SC+S)/b : (SB+S)/c
Vijay 1st to 7th
In the plane of a triangle ABC, let A'B'C' = medial triangle and A"B"C" = orthic triangle, and let Ea denote the ellipse that passes through A and has foci B' and C'. Define ellipses Eb and Ec cyclically. Let Ab = the point, other than A, in Ea ∩ AB, and define Bc and Ca cyclically and let Ac = the point, other than A, in Ea ∩ AC, and define Ba and Cb cyclically.
Triangles 1st to 7th Vijay (A1B1C1 to A7B7C7) are defined as follows: (Reference: Preamble just before X44733).
- A1 = AbCb ∩ AcBc, and define B1 and C1 cyclically;
- A2 = BaBc ∩ CaCb, and define B2 and C2 cyclically;
- A3 = AbBc ∩ AcCb, and define B3 and C3 cyclically;
- A4 = AbCa ∩ AcBa, and define B4 and C4 cyclically;
- A5 = the point in Eb ∩ Ec closer to A, and define B5 and C5 cyclically;
- A6 = the point in Eb ∩ Ec farthest from A, and define B6 and C6 cyclically;
- A7 = BC ∩ A5A6, and define B7 and C7 cyclically.
A-vertex coordinates:
1st triangle:
Trilinears -(a+b+c)*(3*a^3+(b+c)*a^2-(b-c)^2*a+(b^2-c^2)*(b-c))/(2*(b+c)*a) : ((2*b+c)*a+b*c+c^2)*(a+b-c)/b : ((b+2*c)*a+b^2+b*c)*(a-b+c)/c2nd triangle:
Trilinears (a+b+c)*(3*a^3+(b+c)*a^2-(b-c)^2*a+(b^2-c^2)*(b-c))*b*c/(a^2*(-a^2+b^2+c^2)) :3rd triangle:
((2*b+c)*a+b*c+c^2)*(a+b-c)/b :
Trilinears (a+b+c)*(3*a^3+(b+c)*a^2-(b-c)^2*a+(b^2-c^2)*(b-c))/(4*a^2*(b+c)) :4th triangle:
((b+2*c)*a+b^2+b*c)*(a-b+c)*(a+b)/(b*(a^2-b^2+c^2)) :
Trilinears -(a^7-(b+c)*a^6-(b-c)^2*a^5+(b^2-c^2)*(b-c)*a^4-((b^2-c^2)^2-4*b^2*c^2)*a^3+((b^2-c^2)^2-4*b^2*c^2)*(b+c)*a^2+5th triangle:
(b^4+c^4-2*(2*b^2+3*b*c+2*c^2)*b*c)*(b+c)^2*a-(b^4+c^4-2*(2*b-c)*(b-2*c)*b*c)*(b+c)^3)/(2*a*(b+c)*(-a^2+b^2+c^2)) :
(a^3-(b+c)*a^2+(b^2+2*b*c-c^2)*a+(b+c)*(3*b^2-2*b*c+c^2))*c/b :
Trilinears (a+b+c)*(a^2-b^2+c^2)*(a^2+b^2-c^2)/a :6th triangle:
(a^2+b^2-c^2)*((2*a+2*b)*S-c*(a+b+c)*(a+b-c))/b :
Trilinears -(a+b+c)*(a^2-b^2+c^2)*(a^2+b^2-c^2)/a :7th triangle:
(a^2+b^2-c^2)*((2*a+2*b)*S+c*(a+b+c)*(a+b-c))/b :
Trilinears 0 : (a^2+b^2-c^2)*(a+b)/b : (a^2-b^2+c^2)*(a+c)/c
Vijay-Paasche-Hutson (without index)
See Vijay-Paasche-polar.
Vijay-Paasche-Hutson triangles 1 to 31
See here.
The medial triangle of the 1st Vijay-Paasche-Hutson triangle is the Vijay-Paasche-midpoints triangle. (Reference: X(37881))
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (2*R+b)*(2*R+c)/R : (4*R*(R+b)+b*c+(b-c)*a)/b : (4*R*(R+c)+c*b+(c-b)*a)/c
Let pa be the parabola with focus A and directrix BC. Let Ba be the point, closer to C, at which pa cuts AC and let Ca be the point, closer to B, at which pa cuts AB. Build Cb, Ab and Ac, Bc cyclically. Points Ab, Ac, Bc, Ba, Ca, Cb lie on an ellipse named the Paasche ellipse.
Let AP be the pole of A with respect to the Paasche ellipse and build BP, CP cyclically. APBPCP is the Vijay-Paasche-polar triangle. (Reference: X(37994))
Note: In some ETC centers ETC, this triangle is refered as Vijay-Paasche-Hutson (without index). In other centers it is named Vijay-Paasche-tangents.
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(-2*a*R+S)^2/a : (S^2+2*R*(a+b+4*R)*S+2*a*b*(2*R^2+S))/b : (S^2+2*R*(a+c+4*R)*S+2*a*c*(2*R^2+S))/c
See Vijay-Paasche-polar.
Vu-Dao-isodynamic equilateral
Let A0B0C0 be the orthic triangle of ABC. Let A15 = X(15)-of-AB0C0, and define B15 and C15 cyclically, so that A15B15C15 is the 3rd isodynamic-Dao equilateral triangle of ABC.
Let A'15 be the point, other than A, in which the line AA15 meets the circle {{A,B0,C0}}, and define B'15 and C'15 cyclically. The triangle A'15B'15C'15 is the Vu-Dao-X(15)-isodynamic equilateral triangle.
If X(15) is replaced by X(16) in the above construction, the resulting triangle, A'16B'16C'16, is the Vu-Dao-X(16)-isodynamic equilateral triangle. (Reference: X(5478))
A-vertex coordinates:
Vu-Dao-X(15)-isodynamic equilateral triangleTrilinears ((S^2+3*SB*SC)*a^2-4*sqrt(3)*S*SB*SC)/(4*a*SA*(sqrt(3)*a^2-2*S)) : (sqrt(3)*SC-S)/b : (sqrt(3)*SB-S)/cVu-Dao-X(16)-isodynamic equilateral triangleTrilinears ((S^2+3*SB*SC)*a^2+4*sqrt(3)*S*SB*SC)/(4*a*SA*(sqrt(3)*a^2+2*S)) : (sqrt(3)*SC+S)/b : (sqrt(3)*SB+S)/c
The Walsmith triangle has A-vertex the intersection of the A-symmedian of ABC and the perpendicular at X(125) to BC. (Reference: Bernard Gibert cubic K1091)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(2*a^6-(3*b^4-4*b^2*c^2+3*c^4)*a^2+(b^4-c^4)*(b^2-c^2))/(2*a^4-(b^2+c^2)*a^2-(b^2-c^2)^2)/a : b : c
Let ABC be a triangle, A'B'C' its incentral triangle and (I) its incircle. Denote (Oa) the circle with diameter AA' and ra the radical axis of (Oa) and (I); build (Ob), (Oc) and rb, rc cyclically. The triangle A*B*C* bounded by ra, rb, rc is the Wasat triangle of ABC. (Reference: Preamble just before X21616)
- complement of (excentral).
- (anticomplementary)-of-(3rd Euler), (anti-Euler)-of-(4th Euler), (Ara)-of-(2nd Zaniah), (2nd Conway)-of-(Gemini 110), (excentral)-of-(medial), (hexyl)-of-(Euler).
Note: A* is also the radical center of the incircle and the B- and C- excircles. (Nov 5, 2021)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (b+c)/a : (c-a)/b : (b-a)/c
X3-ABC reflections
This triangle is obtained by reflecting the circumcenter X3 about A, B, C. Reference: TCCT 6.13, p. 160.
- (anticomplementary)-of-(Johnson), (Johnson)-of-(anti-Ehrmann-mid).
- Only for acute ABC: (hexyl)-of-(Ehrmann-side), (6th mixtilinear)-of-(2nd Euler).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(3*S^2+SB*SC)/a : SB*b : SC*c
Let A*B*C* be the vertex triangle of the medial and orthic triangles of ABC and A'B'C' the medial triangle of A*B*C*. Then A, B, C, A', B', C' lie on a parabola here named the X-parabola of ABC. The tangents to this parabola at A,B,C bound the X-parabola-tangential triangle. (Reference: X12064)
Note: The X-parabola-tangential triangle is the anticevian triangle of X(115).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b^2-c^2)^2/a : (a^2-c^2)^2/b : (a^2-b^2)^2/c
Yff central
Let three isoscelizers IACIAB, IBAIBC, and ICAICB be constructed on a triangle ABC, one for each side. This makes all of the inner triangles similar to each other. However, there is a unique set of three isoscelizers for which the four interior triangles A'IBCICB, IACB'ICA, IABIBAC', and A'B'C' are congruent. The innermost triangle A'B'C' is called the Yff central triangle (Kimberling 1998, pp. 94-95). (See this figure in MathWorld).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*sin(A/2) : (2*a*sin(B/2)+a+b-c)/b : (2*a*sin(C/2)+a-b+c)/c
Yff contact
The Yff contact triangle is the cevian triangle of X(190).
- anticomplement of (Moses-Soddy).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 0 : -1/b/(a-c) : 1/c/(a-b)
The Yff circles are the two triplets of congruent circles in which each circle is tangent to two sides of a reference triangle (see MathWorld -- Yff Circles.). The circles in each triplet have radius r1=r*R/(R+r) and r2=r*R/(R-r), respectively. The centers of the circles in the first triplet are the vertices of the inner-Yff triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X10037)
- (Johnson)-of-(1st Johnson-Yff).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(a^4-2*(b^2+b*c+c^2)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)^2)/(2*a^2*b*c) : 1 : 1
The Yff circles are the two triplets of congruent circles in which each circle is tangent to two sides of a reference triangle (see MathWorld -- Yff Circles.). The circles in each triplet have radius r1=r*R/(R+r) and r2=r*R/(R-r), respectively. The centers of the circles in the second triplet are the vertices of the outer-Yff triangle. (Reference: Preamble just before X10037)
- (Johnson)-of-(2nd Johnson-Yff).
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (a^4-2*(b^2-b*c+c^2)*a^2+(b^2-c^2)^2)/(2*a^2*b*c) : 1 : 1
inner-Yff tangents
Let LA be the line, other than BC, tangent to the B- and C-inner Yff circles. Define LB, LC cyclically. Let A' = LB∩LC and define B', C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is the inner-Yff tangents triangle. (Reference: X10527)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears (b+c-a)*(a^3+(b+c)*a^2-(b^2+c^2)*a-(b^2-c^2)*(b-c))/(4*a^2*b*c) : 1 : 1
outer-Yff tangents
Let MA be the line, other than BC, tangent to the B- and C-outer Yff circles. Define MB, MC cyclically. Let A" = MB∩MC and define B", C" cyclically. Triangle A"B"C" is the outer-Yff tangents triangle. (Reference: X10527)
A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(b+c-a)*(a^3+(b+c)*a^2-(b^2-4*b*c+c^2)*a-(b^2-c^2)*(b-c))/(4*a^2*b*c) : 1 : 1
The Yiu triangle is the triangle formed by the centers of the Yiu circles. (Reference)
Note: The A- Yiu circle of a triangle ABC is the circle through A, the reflection of B in AC and the reflection of C in AB. (MathWorld -- Yiu Triangle.)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears 2*S*(SA^2-R^2*SA-S^2)/R : c*(S^2+SA*SC) : b*(S^2+SA*SB)
Yiu tangents
Let tA be the tangent at A to the A-Yiu circle, and define tB and tC cyclically. Let A' = tB∩tC, and define B' and C' cyclically. Triangle A'B'C' is the Yiu tangents triangle. (Reference: X7495)
Note: The A- Yiu circle of a triangle ABC is the circle through A, the reflection of B in AC and the reflection of C in AB. (MathWorld -- Yiu Triangle.)A-vertex coordinates:
Trilinears -(SB+3*SC)*(SC+3*SB)/a : (SA+3*SC)*(SC+3*SB)/b : (SA+3*SB)*(SB+3*SC)/c
1st and 2nd Zaniah
In a triangle ABC, let AmBmCm be the medial triangle, I the incenter and A' the touchpoint of the incircle with the side BC. Then the lines AA', IAm and BmCm are concurrent at a point A1. Denote B1 and C1 cyclically. The triangle A1B1C1 is the 1st Zaniah triangle of ABC.
Continuing with the previous construction, let Ja be the A-excenter and A" the touchpoint of the A-excircle with the side BC. Then the lines AA", JaAm and BmCm are concurrent at a point A2. Denote B2 and C2 cyclically. The triangle A2B2C2 is the 2nd Zaniah triangle of ABC. (Reference: Preamble before X18214)
- 1st Zaniah = complement of (extouch).
- 1st Zaniah = (Aries)-of-(2nd Zaniah).
- 2nd Zaniah = complement of (intouch).
- 2nd Zaniah = (anti-Ara)-of-(Wasat).
A-vertex coordinates:
1st Zaniah triangle:
Trilinears 2 : (a+b-c)/b : (a-b+c)/c2nd Zaniah triangle:
Trilinears 2 : (a-b+c)/b : (a+b-c)/c
Total defined triangles: 536
Last changes:
cusps of the Steiner deltoid
2025.01.11 - Added: cusps of the Steiner deltoid. Modified: Morley-homothetic-circumscribed/inscribed
2025.01.03 - Added: Morley-adjunct-midpoint triangles trigonometric coordinates
2025.01.02 - Added: Morley-midpoint triangles trigonometric coordinates