This continuation of Points on Cubics has two sections, accessible by scrolling down or clicking:

H(U,P): Hirst Cubics
HP(U,P): H-Plus Cubics

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H(U,P): Hirst Cubics

defined by

   [(rv2w - qw2u)y - (qw2v - rv2u)z]x2
+ [(pw2u - ru2v)z - (ru2w - pw2v)x]y2
      + [(qu2v - pv2w)x - (pv2u - qu2w )y]z2 = 0

Locus: The cubic H(U,P) is the locus of a point X = x : y : z such that the U-Hirst inverse of X is on the line PQ, where Q is the trilinear product U*X.


1.   H(U,P) is also given by

[(pvw - ru2)wy2 + (pvw - qu2)vz2]x + [(qwu - pv2)uz2 + (qwu - rv2)wx2]y + [(ruv - qw2)vx2 + (ruv - pw2)uy2]z = 0.

2.   The U-Hirst inverse of X is the point given by

Φ(U,X) = vwx2 - yzu2 : wuy2 - zxv2 : uvz2 - xyw2,

so that

(U-Hirst inverse of X) = (X-Hirst inverse of U),

a commutativity comparable to that of the U-isoconjugate of X, defined by

vwyz : wuzx : uvxy.

X(1)-Hirst inversion is likened to X(1)-isoconjugation (i.e., isogonal conjugation). Their interaction regarding cubics is suggested by Notes 3 and 9, as well as the following identity:

H(X(1),P) = ZP(P -1, Q - R),

where denotes the crossdifference of X(1) and P.

3.   Four points on H(U,P) are the following: U, the P -1-isoconjugate of U, the P-Hirst inverse of U, and the point

[Φ(X(1),U -1)] -1 = u/(u2 - vw) : v/(v2 - wu) : w/(w2 - uv).

4.   H(U,P) meets the sidelines BC, CA, AB in these points:

0 : pv2 - qwu : pw2 - ruv,    qu2 - pvw : 0 : qw2 - ruv,    ru2 - pvw : rv2 - qwu : 0.

5.   If X is on H(U,P), then X* is on H(U*,P), where X* and U* are the P -1-isoconjugates of X and U.

6.   H(U,P) is degenerate as the union of a line and a conic for some choices of (U,P); for example, H(X(1),P) is the union of the line

(q - r)α + (r - p)β + (p - q)γ = 0

and the Steiner circumellipse. H(U,P) is degenerate if P = U and also for these choices of (U,P):

(X(238),X(1)), (X(239),X(1)), (X(6),X(101)), (X(55),X(101)), (X(100),X(101)), (X(651),X(101)).

7.   If P = U, the defining equation yields

(x/u + y/v + z/w)[(1/v - 1/w)/x + (1/w - 1/u)/y + (1/u - 1/v)/z] = 0,

showing that H(U,U) is degenerate.

8.   The trilinear product U*U is on H(U,X(1)).

9.   H(U,X(1)) = Z(Φ(U,X(1))), U -1), where Φ is as in Note 2. Examples:

H(X(6),X(1)) = Z(X(238),X(2)),   H(X(2),X(1)) = Z(X(239),X(6)).

10.  If the defining equation is written as Ψ(U,P,X) = 0, then the same cubic is given by Ψ(X,P,U) = 0. That is, the defining equation is symmetric in U and X.

11.  In the definition of H(U,P), if the line P-to-U*X is replaced by P-to-X, then the resulting collinearity-determinant factors as a multiple of

(u/x + v/y + w/z)[(vr - wq)x + (wp - ur)y + (uq - vp)z],

so that the locus of such a point X is a degenerate cubic.

12.  Problem: For given U, determine those P for which the three terms in the defining equation for H(U,P) are each identically zero. It is easy to check that if P = X(1), then for each U, the unique solution is the aforementioned point
[Φ(X(1),U -1)] -1.

For U = X(2), choices of P with solution X are given by P = X(I) and X = X(J) for these (I,J):
(1, 291), (8,518), (10,1), (76,239), (85,673), (257,6), (274,2), (330,1575).

For U = X(6), choices of P with solution X are given by P = X(I) and X = X(J) for these (I,J):
(1,292), (32,238), (41,105), (56,672), (58,6), (172,31), (213,1), (904),2).

13.  The discriminant d of H(U,P), obtained by solving the defining equation for x in terms of y and z, is given by

d2 = [wy2(pvw - ru2) - vz2(pvw - qu2)]2 + 4uyzF1F2,  where

F1 = (quw2 - rwv2)y - (ruv2 - qvw2)z,    and    F2 = (pw2 - ruv)y - (pv2 - qwu)z.

H(X(2),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 2, 6, 75, 239, 291, 366, 518, 673, 1575, 2319, 2p1423, 2p1932, 2p2054, 2p2106, 2p2107, 2p2108, 2p2109, 2p2110, 2p2111, 2p2112, 2p2114, 2p2115, 2p2116, 2p2117, 2p1118, 2p1119, 2p2144, 2p2145, 2p2146, 2p2147, 75p727, 694p1281, 1655p2248

H(X(2),X(1)) = Z(X(239),X(6)). See the latter for collinear triples on this cubic.

H(X(2),X(10)) passes through these centers:
1, 2, 7, 37, 291, 335, 350, 518, 694, 1909, 2p1757, 8p292, 10p2248, 28p337, 87p1575, 105p335, 239p2113, 291p292, 291p1929, 292p1281, 726p2109

Collinear triples
1 2 2p1757
1 37 518
1 291 8p292
1 350 1909
2 7 292p1281
2 37 350
2 291 335
2 1909 87p1575
7 350 8p292
7 518 1909
37 350 28p337
37 694 8p292
37 10p2248 292p1281
291 518 291p292
291 1909 28p337
291291p1929 292p1281
335 350 291p292
335 518 105p335
335 694 1909
335 2p1757 291p292
350 2p1757 726p2109
350 8p292 105p1281
350239p2113 292p1281
518 2p1757 239p2113
694 291p292 292p1281
1909 2p1757 10p2248
2p1757 28p337291p292
8p292 87p1575 291p292

H(X(2),X(63)) passes through these centers:
2, 3, 57, 291, 447, 517, 1944

Collinear triples
2 3 447
2 57 1944
3 57 517

H(X(2),X(76)) passes through these centers:
2, 8, 75, 239, 256, 274, 291, 350, 740, 1281, 2p673, 2p1447, 2p1929, 2p1966, 86p1654, 238p1921, 239p518, 334p2112, 350p1757

Collinear triples
2 8 239
2 75 350
2 274 2p1966
2 291 239p518
2 1281 2p1929
8 75 2p1447
8 256 740
8 2p673 238p1921
75 256 2p1966
75 274 740
75 291 238p1921
75 2p673 239p518
75 2p1929 350p1757
239 274 86p1654
239 291 334p2112
239350 350p1757
239 740 239p518
239 2p1966 238p1921
256 291 1281
256 350 86p1654
274 291 350p1757
274 1281 2p673
350740 238p1921
350 1281 2p1447
350 2p673 334p2112
740 2p1929 334p2112
2p1447 2p1966239p518

H(X(2),X(85)) passes through these centers:
2, 7, 8, 279, 291, 508, 516, 673, 2p241, 2p1279, 2p1447, 2p2114, 7p1280, 85p103, 85p2115, 330p1742

Collinear triples
2 7 2p241
2 8 2p1279
7 8 2p1447
7 279 516
7 673 2p2114
8 279 2p241
8 2p2114 85p103
279 291 2p2114
279 2p1447 330p1742
291 279 2p1447
516 673 2p1279
516 2p241 85p103
2p241 2p1279 7p1280
2p241 2p2114 85p2115

H(X(2),X(92)) passes through these centers:
2, 4, 278, 291, 447, 515, 1948

Collinear triples
2 4 447
2 278 1948
4 278 515

H(X(3),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 3, 4, 255, 296, 416, 1936, 3p415, 90p1745, 1046p1248

Collinear triples
1 3 1936
3 4 416
4 225 1936
255 416 1046p1248

H(X(3),X(101)) passes through these centers:
3, 109, 296, 651, 1783, 2196, 2338, 3p1020

Collinear triples
3 296 3p1020
651 1783 3p1020

H(X(4),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 3, 4, 158, 243, 415, 1937, 4p416, 90p1148, 1047p1247

Collinear triples
1 4 243
1 158 4p416
3 4 415
3 158 243
158 415 1047p1247
415 1937 4p416

H(X(6),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 2, 6, 31, 105, 238, 292, 365, 672, 1423, 1931, 2053, 2054, 2106, 2107, 2108, 2109, 2110, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 2115, 2116, 2117, 2118, 2119, 2144, 2145, 2146, 2147, 2p727, 6p1575, 1045p2248, 1281p1967

H(X(6),X(1)) = Z(X(238),X(2)). See the latter for a table of collinear triples on this cubic.

H(X(6),X(3)) passes through these centers:
6, 55, 58, 63, 103, 292, 511, 672, 1423, 3p862, 8p904

Collinear triples
6 55 672
6 58 511
55 3p862 8p904
58 63 3p862
63 672 1423
511 1423 8p904

H(X(6),X(32)) passes through these centers:
6, 31, 58, 238, 292, 727, 893, 1691, 1914, 2176, 2195, 3p862, 6p2068, 6p2069, 58p1045, 81p2107, 87p1914, 105p2110, 238p1458, 238p1914, 726p2210

Collinear triples
6 31 1914
6 58 1691
6 238 2176
6 292 726p2210
6 2195 238p1914
31 58 238p1914
31 292 740
31 727 726p2210
31 893 1691
31 2176 87p1914
31 2195 238p1458
31 6p2068 6p2069
58 238 58p1045
238 1691 238p1914
238 2195 105p2110
2383p862 726p2210
292 1914 105p2110
292 2176 238p1458
727 2176 238p1914
893 1914 58p1045
893 2176 3p862
1691 1914 238p1458
169181p2107 105p2110
1691 87p1914 726p2210
1914 3p862 238p1914

H(X(6),X(36)) passes through these centers:
6, 292, 840, 902, 1423, 2163, 2p36

Collinear triples
6 672 902
672 1423 2p36
902 2163 2p36

H(X(6),X(40)) passes through these centers:
6, 292, 672, 937, 972, 1423, 2p40, 2p1911, 3p55

Collinear triples
6 212 672
329 672 1423

H(X(6),X(41)) passes through these centers:
6, 55, 56, 105, 292, 1914, 2110, 2223, 2p1911, 6p2111

Collinear triples
6 55 1914
6 292 2110
55 56 2223
55 105 2110
292 1914 2223
2110 2223 6p2111

H(X(6),X(48)) passes through these centers:
3, 6, 56, 104, 292, 1951, 2223, 2p1911, 48p422, 956p2279

Collinear triples
3 6 48p422
3 56 2223
6 56 1951
6 2223 956p2279

H(X(6),X(56)) passes through these centers:
6, 56, 57, 292, 672, 1423, 1458, 1477, 2195, 2223, 2p1911, 6p1743, 57p1362, 87p2223, 103p1419, 103p2114, 238p1458, 672p1279

Collinear triples
6 56 1458
6 672 6p1743
6 2195 672p1279
6 57p1362 103p1419
56 57 2223
56 292 238p1458
56 1324 87p2223
56 1477 672p1279
56 2195 57p1362
57 672 1423
57 2195 238p1458
292 1423 57p1362
672 1458 238p1458
672 2223 672p1279
2382195 103p2114
1458 2195 103p2114
1458 2223 57p1362
1477 6p1743 57p1362

H(X(6),X(58)) passes through these centers:
6, 58, 81, 292, 741, 1326, 1911, 2106, 2p1911, 3p862, 292p1929, 741p2107

Collinear triples
6 58 1326
6 81 2106
6 292 1911
58 81 3p862
58 292 741
81 741 1911
292 3p862 292p1929
741 1326 292p1929
741 2106 3p862
1911 3p862 741p2107

H(X(7),X(1)) passes through these centers:
7, 55, 174, 241, 673, 1088, 2p1742, 503p1488

Collinear triples
7 55 174
174 241 503p1488
241 1088 2p1742

H(X(7),X(85)) passes through these centers:
7, 8, 279, 291, 508, 516, 673, 2p241, 2p1279, 2p1447, 7p1280, 85p103, 85p2115, 330p1742

Collinear triples
2 7 2p241
2 8 2p1279
7 8 2p1447
7 279 516
7 673 2p2114
8 279 2p241
8 2p2114 85p103
279 291 2p2114
279 2p1447 330p1742
291 2p241 2p1447
516 673 2p1279
516 2p241 85p103
2p241 2p1279 7p1280
2p241 2p2114 85p2115

H(X(9),X(1)) ( = Z(X(518),X(57)) ) passes through these centers:
1, 9, 57, 200, 239, 294, 518, 1280, 1282, 2348, 2p103, 2p2115, 8p1911, 9p509, 8p910, 1742p2319

Collinear triples
1 9 518
1 57 9p910
1 200 239
1 294 1289
9 200 2348
57 200 5181
57 239 9p509
57 1282 8p1911
200 1282 2p103
239 518 8p1911
294 2348 9p910
518 1280 2348
518 1282 2p2115
518 2p103 9p910

H(X(19),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 19, 63, 240, 1096, 1910, 1967, 2312, 2p419, 2p1692, 4p401, 4p1297, 25p147, 64p193, 297p2065

Collinear triples
1 19 240
1 63 2p1692
1 1096 4p401
19 63 2p419
19 1096 2312
19 1910 25p147
63 240 1096
63 2312 64p193
63 4p1297 25p147
240 1967 2p419
240 2312 4p1297
240 2p1692 297p2065
240 4p401 6p1987
1096 1967 25p147
1910 2312 2p1692
1910 2p419 4p401

H(X(31),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 6, 31, 75, 560, 1403, 1580, 1755, 1910, 1967, 2053, 2p699, 4p1613, 25p147, 31p2227, 83p2076, 1281p1911

Collinear triples
1 31 1580
1 75 31p2227
1 560 83p2076
1 1403 1281p1911
6 560 1281p1911
6 1403 1755
6 2053 31p2227
31 560 1755
75 560 1580
75 1755 4p1613
560 1910 25p147
1403 1580 2053
1580 1755 1910
1580 2p699 31p2227
1755 1967 31p2227
1967 4p1613 25p147
2053 4p1613 1281p1911

H(X(31),X(32)) passes through these centers:
6, 31, 213, 1911, 1922, 1967, 2210, 6p172, 6p741, 6p1458, 6p2162, 31p1575, 43p1911, 213p2106, 291p1911, 292p727, 292p2195, 741p2107, 1911p2068, 1911p2069, 2111p2223

Collinear triples
6 31 213p2106
6 213 31p1575
6 1911 43p1911
6 2210 6p172
31 213 2210
31 1911 1922
31 6p172 6p1458
213 1922 6p741
213 1967 43p1911
1911 2210 292p2195
1911 6p172 6p741
1911 31p1575 291p1911
1922 1967 6p172
1922 2210291p1911
1922 6p1458292p2195
1922 6p216243p1911
1922 31p1575292p727

H(X(37),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 37, 81, 291, 756, 1654, 1757, 2238, 2p2054, 2p2108, 37p2109, 37p2248

Collinear triples
1 37 1757
37 756 2238
81 756 1757
82 1654 2238
291 756 2p2108
291 1757 2238
1654 1757 37p2248
1654 2p2054 2p2108
1757 2p210837p2109

H(X(37),X(10)) passes through these centers:
2, 10, 37, 210, 740, 1654, 2238, 2p1284, 2p2054, 10p105, 10p385, 10p904, 10p1911, 37p2238, 42p1281, 239p740, 518p2238, 740p1757, 1655p2107

Collinear triples
2 10 37p2238
2 37 10p385
2 1654 22381
2 10p105 42p1281
2 10p1911 740p1757
2 239p740 1655p2107
10 37 740
10 210 2p1284
10 2p2054 740p1757
10 10p1050 518p2238
10 10p385 10p904
10 10p1911 239p740
37 210 2238
37 2p205442p1281
37 10p1911518p2238
210 10p105239p740
210 10p90437p2238

H(X(42),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 42, 86, 292, 872, 2107, 2110, 2238, 6p1045, 37p2106, 37p2111

Collinear triples
1 42 37p2106
42 872 2238
86 872 37p2106
86 2238 6p1045
292 872 2110
292 2238 37p2106
2107 2110 6p1045
2110 37p2106 37p2111

H(X(42),X(9)) passes through these centers:
42, 333, 756, 2107, 2161, 2238, 2258, 6p1045

Collinear triples
42 756 2238
333 2238 6p1045

H(X(55),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 7, 55, 259, 294, 672, 1253, 9p1742

Collinear triples
7 672 9p1742
57 672 1243

H(X(57),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 9, 57, 105, 241, 269, 292, 509, 910, 1279, 1447, 2114, 2p1477, 7p103, 7p2115, 87p,1742, 355p1355

Collinear triples
1 9 1279
1 57 241
9 57 1447
9 241 269
9 2114 7p103
57 105 2114
57 269 910
105 910 1279
241 292 1447
241 910 7p103
241 1279 2p1477
241 2114 7p2115
269 292 2114
269 1447 87p1742

H(X(57),X(56)) passes through these centers:
1,6, 57, 105, 1279, 1429, 1462, 2162, 2p1462, 7p1458, 105p291, 105p294, 105p1743, 192p1462, 269p1376, 673p1477

Collinear triples
1 6 1279
1 57 1429
1 105 105p1743
1 2p1462 192p1462
1 7p1458 269p1376
6 57 7p1458
6 1462 2p1462
57 105 1462
105 1279 105p294
105 2p1462 269p1376
1279 1462 673p1477
1429 1462 105p291
1429 2162 269p1376
1429 2p1462 105p294
1462 2162 192p1462
1462 7p1458 105p294

H(X(63),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 19, 63, 293, 326, 1959, 2p401, 2p1297, 3p230, 3p694, 3p1503, 6p147, 69p419, 193p1073, 194p1988, 325p2065

Collinear triples
1 19 3p1503
1 63 1959
1 293 6p107
19 63 2p401
19 326 1959
19 3p694 6p147
63 326 3p230
293 3p230 3p1503
326 2p401 194p1988
326 2p1297 6p147
326 3p1503 193p1073
1959 2p401 3p1987
1959 2p1297 3p1503
1959 3p230 325p2065

H(X(65),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 21, 65, 851, 1254, 1758, 1937, 4p1046, 73p1247

Collinear triples
1 65 1758
21 851 4p1046
21 1254 1758
65 851 1254
851 1758 1937
1758 4p1046 73p1247

H(X(75),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 2, 31, 75, 561, 1581, 1821, 1959, 1966, 2227, 2p1423, 2p2319, 4p147, 4p194, 76p699, 291p1281, 308p2076

Collinear triples
1 31 1959
2 31 291p1281
2 1959 2p1423
2 2227 2p2319
31 75 308p2076
31 1821 4p147
75561 2227
752p1423 291p1281
561 1959 4p194
1581 1959 2227
1581 4p147 4p194
2p23194p147 291p1281

H(X(75),X(76)) passes through these centers:
2, 10, 75, 85, 334, 335, 1581, 1920, 1921, 2p518, 8p291, 27p337, 75p1757, 87p726, 105p334, 291p291, 291p1281, 321p2248, 335p1929, 350p2113

Collinear triples
2 10 2p518
2 75 75p1753
2 335 8p291
2 1920 1921
10 75 1921
10 334 27p337
101581 8p291
10291p1281 321p2248
75 85 291p1281
75 334 335
75 1920 87p726
85334 8p291
85 1920 2p518
334 1581 1920
334 1921 291p291
334 2p518 105p334
334 75p1757 335p1929
335 1920 27p337
3352p518 291p291
335291p1281 335p1929
1581 291p291291p1281
192075p1757 321p2248
1921 8p291 105p334
8p291 87p726 291p291
27p337105p334 291p1281

H(X(81),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 37, 81, 238, 757, 1929, 1931, 2109, 2248, 2p741, 81p1654, 86p2108

Collinear triples
1 37 238
1 81 1931
37 757 1931
37 2p741 86p2108
238 757 81p1654
238 1931 2p741
192981p1654 86p2108
1931 2248 81p1654

H(X(105),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 6, 57, 105, 294, 518, 673, 910, 1376, 87p238, 103p673, 105p105, 105p165, 673p1742, 1447p2115

Collinear triples
1 6 518
1 105 294
6 57 910
6 294 673
6 1376 87p238
57 105 105p165
57518 1376
105 673 1376
105 910 105p105
294 518 105p105
294 910 103p673
518 910 1447p2115
518 103p673 105p165

H(X(240),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 19, 92, 240, 293, 1581, 1707, 1755, 1959, 4p194, 6p114, 132p1073, 232p385, 232p297, 282p385, 240p1957, 262p1351, 297p2065, 1249p1297

Collinear triples
1 19 240
1 92 240p1957
1 293 6p114
1 1707 1959
1 1755 262p1351
1 232p297 1249p1297
1992 1755
19 1581 232p385
19 6p114 297p2065
19132p1073 1249p1297
92 293 232p285
92 1959 4p194
240 1755 232p297
240 132p1073240p1957
293 1707 132p1073
1581 4p194 232p297
1707 232p297 297p2065
17551959 6p114

H(X(241),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 7, 57, 241, 291, 294, 518, 672, 1743, 2p1423, 2p1477, 7p1362, 87p672, 238p241, 241p2348

Collinear triples
1 57 241
1 294 241p2348
1 518 1743
7 57 672
7 294 238p241
7 518 2p1423
57291 238p241
57 2p1423 87p672
57 2p1477 241p2348
241518 238p241
241 672 7p1362
291 2p1423 7p1362
518 672 241p2348

H(X(243),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 4, 29, 46, 243, 296, 851, 1936, 4p450, 29p1046, 90p243, 243p243, 243p1758, 851p1247, 1936p1942

Collinear triples
1 4 243
1 29 4p450
1 46 1936
4 29 851
4 46 90p243
4 296 243p243
44p450 1936p1942
29 296 243p1758
29 1936 29p1046
46851 1936p1942
243 851 243p243
243 1936 243p1758
243 29p1046 1936p1942
1936 4p450 243p243

H(X(293),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 48, 63, 240, 293, 1580, 1821, 1910, 1957, 2p2065, 3p230, 3p230, 64p441, 98p194, 193p248, 248p1916, 401p1988

Collinear triples
1 48 240
1 63 1580
1 293 1910
1 1957 64p441
48 63 3p230
48 1821 1910
481957 401p1988
63 293 193p248
63 1821 98p194
2401910 248p287
240 2p2065 193p248
240 98p194 248p1916
293 1821 1957
293 3p230 248p287
1580 1910 248p1916
1910 2p2065 3p230

H(X(294),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 9, 55, 105, 238, 241, 294, 673, 2053, 2348, 43p673, 57p1376, 105p1280, 145p2195, 291p294, 294p294, 514p1293, 516,2115

Collinear triples
1 9 238
1 55 241
1 105 294
9 55 2348
9 241 57p1376
9 294 145p2195
9673 43p673
105 238 291p294
105 241 294p294
1052053 43p673
105 2348 105p1280
105 145p2145 514p1293
238 241 516p2115
238 673 294p294
241 43p673 291p294
241 105p1280 145p2195

H(X(296),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 3, 73, 90, 243, 296, 1758, 1937, 1940, 2p2249, 3p1942, 46p296, 73p1247, 296p292

Collinear triples
1 3 1758
1 73 243
1 296 1937
3 243 1940
3 296 46p296
73 1937 2p2249
733p1942 46p296
243 1937 296p296
296 1940 2p2249
17581940 73p1247
1758 2p2249 296p296
1937 1940 3p1942

H(X(518),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 2, 9, 105, 165, 241, 518, 672, 2p103, 2p1742, 8p1362, 43p291, 59p1566, 291p1282, 518p1376, 1280p1743

Collinear triples
1 2 518p1376
1 9 518
1 105 59p1566
1 165 241
1 8p1362 1280p1743
2 9 672
2 241 2p1742
2 8p1362 43p291
9 105 8p1362
9 2p103 59p1566
105 672 291p1282
165 2p103 8p1362
241 672 59p1566
241 8p1362 518p1376
241 43p291 291p1282
518 672 8p1362
2p103 291p1282 518p1376

H(X(672),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 6, 55, 241, 292, 518, 672, 673, 55p1362, 238p518, 291p2110

Collinear triples
1 6 518
1 55 241
1 292 238p518
1 673 55p1362
6 55 672
6 292 55p1362
55 673 238p518
241 518 55p1362
292 672 291p2110
518 672 238p518
518 673 291p2110

H(X(673),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 2, 7, 105, 239, 294, 672, 673, 105p291, 239p2111, 673p673

Collinear triples
1 2 239
1 105 294
2 7 672
2 105 673
7 294 673
105 672 105p291
239 294 673p673
239 672 239p2111
239 673 105p291
672 673 673p673

HP(U,P): H-Plus Cubics,

defined by

   [(rv2w + qw2u)y - (qw2v + rv2u)z]x2
+ [(pw2u + ru2v)z - (ru2w + pw2v)x]y2
      + [(qu2v + pv2w)x - (pv2u + qu2w )y]z2 = 0

The Hirstpoint of U and X is here introduced by trilinears

vwx2 + yzu2 : wuy2 + zxv2 : uvz2 + xyw2.

Hirstpoint, cevapoint, and crosspoint are commutative operations associated with Hirst inverse, Ceva conjugate, and cross conjugate. The Hirstpoint of U and X is the harmonic conjugate of the U-Hirst inverse of X with respect to the points

vwx2 : wuy2 : uvz2    and    yzu2 : zxv2 : xyw2.

Locus:   The cubic HP(U,P) is the locus of a point X = x : y : z such that the Hirstpoint of U and X lies on the line PQ, where Q denotes the trilinear product U*X.


1.   HP(U,P) is also given by

[(pvw + ru2)wy2 - (pvw + qu2)vz2]x + [(qwu + pv2)uz2 - (qwu + rv2)wx2]y + [(ruv + qw2)vx2 - (ruv + pw2)uy2]z = 0.

2.   HP(X(1),P) = Z((Λ(P)) -1, Λ(P)), where Λ(P) denotes the crosssum of X(1) and P.
For example, HP(X(1),X(2)) = Z(X(86), X(42)).

3.   HP(U,P) meets the sidelines BC, CA, AB in these points:

0 : pv2 + qwu : pw2 + ruv,    qu2 + pvw : 0 : qw2 + ruv,    ru2 + pvw : rv2 + qwu : 0

4.   If the defining equation is written as Ψ(U,P,X) = 0, then the same cubic is given by Ψ(X,P,U) = 0. That is, the defining equation is symmetric in U and X.

5.   The cubic HP(U,U) is given by t1 + t2 + t3 = 0, where

t1 = vw[w(u + v)y - v(u + w)z)x2,

and t2 and t3 are defined cyclically from t1. The point on HP(U,U) for which t1 = 0 (and t2 = t3 = 0) is the crosspoint of X(1) and U.

HP(X(1),X(2)) ( = Z(X(86),X(42)) ) passes through these centers:
1, 2, 7, 21, 29, 77, 81, 86, 2p1433, 4p1817, 20p84, 253p2360, 1034p1394

For collinear triples, see Z(X(86),X(42)).

HP(X(1),X(20)) passes through these centers:
1, 8, 20, 21, 29, 78, 280, 1043, 3p1034, 4p1819, 29p1490, 64p1043, 271p1712,

Collinear triples
1 8 78
1 21 4p1819
1 29 29p1490
1 280 271p1712
8 20 280
8 21 1043
8 29 4p1819
8 3p1034 271p1712
8 29p1490 64p1043
20 21 29
20 78 3p1034
20 1043 64p1043
21 280 29p1490
21 64p1043 271p1712
29 78 1043
78 4p1819 64p1043
280 1043 4p1819
1043 3p1034 29p1490

HP(X(1),X(40)) ( = Z(X(8),X(56)) ) passes through these centers:
1, 8, 40, 175, 176, 188, 280, 483, 2p2066, 8p2067, 8p2362, 9p557, 92p2066, 164p188, 188p505
For collinear triples, see Z(X(8),X(56))

HP(X(1),X(57)) ( = HP(X(1),X(40)) ) passes through these centers:
1, 2, 7, 57, 145, 174, 1488, 2089, 145p2137

Collinear triples
1 2 145
1 174 2089
2 7 57
7 1488 2089
57 145 145p2137
57 174 1488

HP(X(1),X(63)) ( = Z(X(75),X(31)) ) passes through these centers:
1, 2, 7, 8, 63, 75, 92, 280, 347, 1895, 2p1073, 189p1490, 223p1034, 253p1498, 1032p1249
For collinear triples, see Z(X(75),X(31))

HP(X(2),X(1)) ( = Z(X(894),X(6)) ) passes through these centers:
6, 7, 9, 37, 75, 86, 87, 192, 256, 366, 894, 1045, 1654, 2p2248, 1575p1929
For collinear triples, see Z(X(894),X(6))

HP(X(2),X(2)) ( = Z(X(2),X(58)) ) passes through these centers:
1, 2, 9, 10, 37, 226, 281, 1214, 2p2331, 10p1433, 20p1903, 40p2184, 1490p2184
For collinear triples, see Z(X(2),X(58))

HP(X(3),X(1)) passes through these centers:
4, 21, 73, 90, 255, 1046, 1248, 1745, 1935, 3p46, 3p1047, 3p1247, 1936p1942

Collinear triples
4 21 3p1047
4 73 1745
4 255 1935
21 73 1935
21 255 1046
73 255 3p46
90 1935 3p46
1046 1745 1936p1942
1046 1935 3p1247
1248 1935 3p1047
3p46 3p1047 136p1942

HP(X(3),X(3)) passes through these centers:
1, 3, 73, 1745, 3p73

Collinear triples
1 3 3p73
1 73 1745

HP(X(4),X(1)) passes through these centers:
3, 29, 46, 65, 158, 1047, 1148, 1247, 1940, 4p90, 4p1046, 4p1248, 243p1942

Collinear triples
3 29 4p1046
3 46 65
3 158 1940
29 65 1940
29 158 1047
46 1047 243p1942
46 1940 4p90
65 159 1148
1047 1940 4p1248
1148 4p1046 243p1942
1247 1940 4p1046

HP(X(4),X(4)) passes through these centers:
1, 4, 46, 65, 225, 2362, 10p2362, 46p254, 90p225, 225p1806, 485p2362

Collinear triples
1 4 225
1 46 65
4 46 90p225
4 10p2362 225p1806
46 225 46p254
46 10p2362 485p2362
65 2362 225p1806
225 2362 485p2362

HP(X(5),X(5)) passes through these centers:
1, 5, 5p35, 5p65, 5p73, 5p2307, 319p2181, 484p1263, 559p1953, 655p2081

Collinear triples
5 5p35 5p65
5 5p73 319p2181
5p65 5p73 655p2081
5p73 5p2307 559p1953

HP(X(6),X(1)) ( = Z(X(171),X(2)) ) passes through these centers:
2, 31, 42, 43, 55, 57, 81, 171, 365, 846, 893, 2162, 2248, 6p1045, 1282p2111

Collinear triples
2 31 171
2 42 43
2 81 6p1045
31 42 55
31 81 846
42 81 171
43 171 2162
43 846 893
55 57 171
55 893 6p1045
171 846 2248

HP(X(6),X(6)) passes through these centers:
1, 6, 42, 43, 213, 42p2162

Collinear triples
1 6 213
1 42 43
6 43 42p2162

HP(X(7),X(7)) passes through these centers:
1, 7, 57, 142, 354, 2p1418, 7p2191, 142p218

Collinear triples
1 7 2p1418
1 57 354
7 57 142
7 7p2191 142p218
57 2p1418 7p2191
142 354 142p218

HP(X(8),X(1)) passes through these centers:
40, 56, 188, 280, 341, 979, 1050, 1222, 2p2347, 8p978

Collinear triples
40 56 2p2347
341 1050 1222
341 2p2347 8p978

HP(X(8),X(8)) passes through these centers:
1, 8, 40, 2p2347, 40p2123, 312p2347

Collinear triples
1 8 312p2347
1 40 2p2347
40 40p2123 312p2347

HP(X(9),X(1)) passes through these centers:
2, 43, 55, 57, 165, 200, 1376, 2319, 9p509, 9p1742, 9p1743, 103p239, 514p1293

Collinear triples
2 43 200
2 55 1376
2 57 9p1742
43 1376 2319
55 57 165
55 200 9p1743
57 200 1376
165 200 103p239
1376 9p1743 514p1293

HP(X(9),X(9)) passes through these centers:
1, 9, 55, 165, 220, 2066, 9p365, 9p2067, 55p1489, 165p2125, 200p2362, 281p2066

Collinear triples
1 9 220
1 55 165
9 2066 200p2362
9 9p2067 281p2066
55 2066 9p2067
165 220 165p2125
220200p2362 281p2066

HP(X(10),X(10)) passes through these centers:
1, 10, 191, 2292, 10p2067, 10p2292, 12p1806, 191p2127, 502p2292

Collinear triples
1 10 10p2292
1 191 2292
10 191 502p2292
19110p2292 191p2127
2292 10p2067 12p1806

HP(X(13),X(13)) passes through these centers:
1, 13, 3p1832, 10p2306, 13p202, 45p1987, 196p249, 967p1972, 1081p1956, 1807p1833, 1956p1987

Collinear triples
1 13 10p2306
1 3p1832 13p202
13 13p202 1807p1833
45p1987 967p1972 1956p1987
196p2491081p1956 1956p1987
967p1972 1081p1956 1956p1987

HP(X(14),X(14)) passes through these centers:
1, 14, 3p1833, 14p203, 37p554, 1807p1832

Collinear triples
1 14 37p554
1 3p1833 14p203
14 14p203 1807p1832

HP(X(19),X(1)) passes through these centers:
31, 63, 92, 204, 1096, 1707, 1957, 1957, 2184, 4p1613, 4p1988, 230p1987, 419p1297, 694p1503

Collinear triples
31 63 1707
31 92 1957
31 204 1096
63 92 4p1613
63 204 419p1297
63 1096 1957
204 1057 2184
1096 4p1613 694p1503

HP(X(19),X(19)) passes through these centers:
1, 19, 31, 1707, 1973, 6p371, 6p372, 6p2362, 19p2066, 25p584, 25p486, 33p2067, 34p2066, 1707p2129

Collinear triples
1 19 1973
1 31 1707
19 6p371 25p485
19 6p372 25p486
19 6p2362 19p2066
19 33p2067 34p2066
31 6p371 6p372
31 6p2362 34p2066
197319p2066 33p2067
1973 25p485 25p486
6p371 19p206634p2066
6p372 6p236233p2067

HP(X(20),X(20)) passes through these centers:
1, 1394, 4p1394, 10p1394, 20p73, 20p207, 20p221, 20p1042, 1042p1097

Collinear triples
1 10p1394 20p207
1 20p73 20p221
1394 20p221 20p1042
10p1394 20p73 20p1042

HP(X(21),X(21)) passes through these centers:
1, 3, 21, 283p407, 407p1098

Collinear triples
1 3 283p407
3 21 283p1098

HP(X(24),X(24)) passes through these centers:
1, 24, 24p65, 24p73, 24p1062, 24p1479

Collinear triples

HP(X(25),X(25)) passes through these centers:
1, 25, 1402, 1716, 4p1402, 6p2082, 19p2082, 42p614, 1851p1918

Collinear triples

HP(X(27),X(27)) passes through these centers:
1, 27, 57, 58, 278, 579, 1474, 1838, 2260, 2p942, 21p2260, 27p2260, 272p1841, 284p1838, 580p942

Collinear triples

HP(X(28),X(28)) passes through these centers:
1, 28, 34, 56, 1104, 1724, 21p1104, 21p1842, 25p272, 28p1104, 404p1842

Collinear triples

HP(X(30),X(30)) passes through these centers:
1, 30, 30p36, 30p65, 30p73, 30p1464, 30p1870, 758p1354

Collinear triples

HP(X(31),X(1)) passes through these centers:
6, 19, 48, 75, 82, 560, 1582, 1740, 1964, 6p695, 32p1031

Collinear triples
19 48 1582
48 560 1964
75 560 1582
75 1740 1964
82 1582 1964

HP(X(31),X(31)) passes through these centers:
1, 31, 1740, 1923, 1964

Collinear triples
1 31 1923
1 1740 1964

HP(X(33),X(33)) passes through these centers:
1, 33, 1721, 55p1836

Collinear triple
1 1721 55p1836

HP(X(34),X(34)) passes through these centers:
1, 34, 1722, 56p1837, 1398p1837

Collinear triples
1 34 1398p1837
1 1722 56p1837

HP(X(37),X(37)) passes through these centers:
1, 37, 846, 1962, 37p1251, 37p1962, 554p1334, 559p1962, 846p2135, 1082p1962

Collinear triples
1 37 37p1962
1 846 1962
37 37p1251 1082p1962
37559p1962 559p1962
84637p1962 846p2135
1962559p1962 1082p1962

HP(X(40),X(40)) passes through these centers:
1, 40, 221, 40p221, 40p266, 40p2067, 40p2362, 175p221, 176p221, 196p2066, 198p557, 198p558, 223p2066

Collinear triples
1 40 40p221
40 40p2067 196p2066
40 40p2362223p2066
40 198p559 198p558
22140p2067 223p2066
221175p221 176p221
40p266 40p2067198p558
40p266198p557 223p2066
40p206740p2362 176p221
125p221196p2066 223p2066

HP(X(55),X(55)) passes through these centers:
1, 55, 1742, 2293, 41p1212

Collinear triples
1 55 41p1212
1 1742 2293

HP(X(56),X(1)) passes through these centers:
8, 84, 221, 266, 978, 1106, 1201, 1476, 56p979, 56p1050

Collinear triples
8 978 1201
8 1476 56p1050
221 1106 1201

HP(X(56),X(56)) passes through these centers:
1, 56, 978, 1201, 31p1122

Collinear triples
1 56 31p1122
1 978 1201

HP(X(56),X(57)) passes through these centers:
2, 28, 57, 603, 978, 1201, 1407

Collinear triples
2 978 1201
28 57 603
603 1201 1407

HP(X(57),X(1)) passes through these centers:
6, 7, 9, 87, 269, 509, 1419, 1423, 1742, 1743, 57p1376, 103p1447, 291p910

Collinear triples
6 7 57p1376
6 9 1743
6 269 1419
7 9 1423
7 269 1742
9 269 57p1376
9 1419 103p1447
87 1423 57p1376
269 1423 291p910

HP(X(57),X(57)) passes through these centers:
1, 6, 56, 57, 266, 289, 1743, 6p2089, 1743p2137

Collinear triples
1 6 1743
1 56 57
6 266 6p2089
56 266 289
56 1743 1743p2137
57 289 6p2089

HP(X(63),X(1)) passes through these centers:
19, 48, 75, 326, 610, 1740, 1958, 2p1073, 2p1988, 3p193, 385p1297, 441p694

Collinear triples
19 48 610
19 326 1958
19 1740 441p694
48 75 1958
48 326 3p193
75 326 1740
326 610 385p1297
610 1958 2p1073
1958 385p1297441p694

HP(X(63),X(63)) passes through these centers:
1, 3, 48, 63, 219, 222, 255, 268, 610, 3p223, 3p1073, 154p1032, 271p1035, 1073p1498

Collinear triples
1 3 3p223
1 48 610
1 63 255
1 222 271p1035
3 48 219
3 222 255
3 268 610
3 3p1073 271p1035
48 2223p223
48 268 271p1035
48 3p1073 1073p1498
63219 222
63268 3p223
63610 3p1073
63 154p1032 1073p1498
219 255 268
219 3p223 3p1073
219 154p1032271p1035
222 268 1073p1498
255 610154p1032

HP(X(65),X(65)) passes through these centers:
1, 65, 1046, 3p407, 73p407

Collinear triples
1 65 73p407
1 1046 3p407

HP(X(69),X(69)) passes through these centers:
1, 69, 72, 306, 1439, 1763, 2p1473, 7p1040, 8p1040, 10p1473, 20p1439, 307p1040, 1763p2139

Collinear triples
1 69 307p1040
1 306 8p1040
1 1763 10p1473
1 7p1040 20p14395
69 72 7p1040
69 306 2p1473
69 1439 8p1040
72 306 10p1473
72 1439307p1040
1439 1763 2p1473
2p14737p1040 307p1040
7p10408p1040 10p1473

HP(X(75),X(1)) passes through these centers:
2, 31, 38, 63, 92, 561, 1965, 2p83, 2p194, 2p695, 6p1031

Collinear triples
31 38 63
31 561 1965
38 561 2p194
38 1965 2p83
63 92 1965

HP(X(75),X(75)) passes through these centers:
1, 38, 63, 75, 1930, 2p427, 22p427, 66p69, 66p1370, 141p1342, 141p1343

Collinear triples
1 38 63
1 74 1930
1 2p427 66p1370
38 2p426 22p427
38 66p69 66p1370
38 141p1342 141p1343
63 75 2p427
63 1930 66p69
74 22p427 66p69

HP(X(81),X(1)) passes through these centers:
6, 37, 86, 757, 1100, 1963, 2p1171, 2p2248, 58p1654, 81p1051

Collinear triples
637 1100
686 1963
37 2p1171 81p1051
757 1100 58p1654

HP(X(81),X(2)) passes through these centers:
1, 10, 58, 1029, 2p2363, 593p596, 1269p2220

Collinear triples
110 1269p2220
1058 2p2363

HP(X(81),X(81)) passes through these centers:
1, 6, 81, 1100, 21p553, 58p1125, 596p1333, 1269p2220

Collinear triples
1 6 1100
1 81 58p1125
6 81 21p553
6 58p1125 596p1338
81 596p1333 1269p2220

HP(X(91),X(91)) passes through these centers:
1, 91, 2p216, 3p486, 4p486, 4p637, 4p638, 5p68, 5p485, 5p486, 68p372

Collinear triples
191 5p68
913p486 5p485
2p2164p637 4p638
4p6385p485 68p372

HP(X(100),X(100)) passes through these centers:
1, 100, 513, 1381, 1382, 522p1381

Collinear triples
11381 1382
1001382 522p1381

HP(X(101),X(101)) passes through these centers:
1, 41, 101, 663, 41p508, 513p1621

Collinear triples
141 101
1663 513p1621

HP(X(105),X(105)) passes through these centers:
1, 105, 238, 1279, 105p1279

Collinear triples
1105 105p1279
1238 1279

HP(X(109),X(109)) passes through these centers:
1, 109, 603, 1459, 3p1381, 3p1382, 65p1822, 65p1823, 513p1381, 513p1382, 513p1822, 513p1823, 514p572

Collinear triples
1109 603
11459 514p572
1093p1382 513p1381
10965p1823 513p1822
1459513p1381 513p1382

HP(X(110),X(110)) passes through these centers:
1, 110, 9p1019, 21p1399, 35p109, 35p513, 655p2290

Collinear triples
1110 21p1399
19p1019 35p513

HP(X(162),X(162)) passes through these centers:
1, 162, 656, 1822, 1823, 110p1312, 110p1313, 523p1113, 523p1114

Collinear triples
11822 1823
1110p1312 523p1113
1621823 523p1113
162110p1316 110p1313
6561823 110p1313

HP(X(163),X(163)) passes through these centers:
1, 163, 810, 3p32, 3p1379, 3p1380, 512p1078, 512p1379, 512p1380

Collinear triples
1163 3p32
1810 512p1078
810512p1379 512p1380
3p323p1379 3p1380

HP(X(171),X(171)) passes through these centers:
1, 171, 894, 3p444, 43p894, 58p894, 63p444, 72p444

Collinear triples
143p894 72p444
171894 3p444

HP(X(174),X(174)) passes through these centers:
1, 173, 174, 177, 236, 3p2091, 6p178, 177p258

Collinear triples
1173 6p178
1174 177

HP(X(189),X(189)) passes through these centers:
1, 4, 57, 1422, 2262, 2270, 4p282, 6p309, 63p1856, 77p2262, 84p946, 280p2262

Collinear triples
12262 2270
14p282 280p2262
571422 2262
572270 77p2262

HP(X(220),X(9)) passes through these centers:
7, 9, 480, 9p1200, 218p220

Collinear triple
3809p1200 218p220

HP(X(226),X(226)) passes through these centers:
1, 37, 65, 226, 442, 1781, 2294, 7p2294, 10p2160, 12p942, 73p445, 500p502

Collinear triples
165 73p445
1226 12p942
3710p2160 12p942
65226 442

HP(X(271),X(271)) passes through these centers:
1, 3, 271, 1433, 3p1854, 9p1073, 78p1854, 271p1854

Collinear triples
3271 271p1854
31433 3p1854

HP(X(326),X(326)) passes through these centers:
1, 326, 2p1498, 3p1899, 69p426, 426p1032

Collinear triples
1326 69p426
12p1498 3p1899

HP(X(329),X(329)) passes through these centers:
1, 196, 329, 2324, 40p1108, 196p1490, 223p1210, 1103p1210

Collinear triples
1329 1103p1210
19640p1108 196p1490

HP(X(333),X(333)) passes through these centers:
1, 8, 9, 283, 284, 333, 573, 2269, 2p960, 4p960, 21p960, 21p1193, 60p1211, 386p2339, 572p960

Collinear triples
18 2p960
19 572p960
1333 21p960
1573 2269
89 2269
9284 21p960
9333 60p1211
92p960 386p2339
283284 2269
283333 4p960
284333 2p960
284573 21p1193
226921p1193 572p960
2p9604p960 21p960
21p96021p1193 60p1211

HP(X(365),X(365)) passes through these centers:
1, 365, 3p367, 365p367

Collinear triple
1365 6p367

HP(X(366),X(366)) passes through these centers:
1, 364, 366, 367, 366p367

Collinear triples
1364 367
1366 366p367

HP(X(385),X(385)) passes through these centers:
1, 385, 10p1580, 10p1691, 238p1580, 239p1966, 385p1284, 1281p1691 (no collinearities found)

HP(X(394),X(394)) passes through these centers:
1, 394, 836, 3p71, 3p72, 81p836, 86p836, 394p836

Collinear triples
1394 394p836
3943p71 86p836
3943p72 81p836
8363p71 3p72
81p83686p836 394p836

HP(X(484),X(484)) passes through these centers:
1, 15p484, 16p484, 36p484, 58p484, 106p484, 203p484, 214p484, 484p501, 484p758, 484p1130

Collinear triples
1214p484 484p501
15p48416p484 58p484
16p48436p484 203p484
36p48458p484 484p501
36p484214p484 484p758

HP(X(513),X(513)) passes through these centers:
1, 244, 513, 764, 1054

Collinear triples
1244 1054
1513 764

HP(X(515),X(515)) passes through these centers:
1, 515, 1455, 40p1455, 80p1455, 515p517, 515p1457, 517p1359

Collinear triples
1515 517p1359
5151455 515p517
145540p1455 515p1457
145580p1455 517p1359

HP(X(651),X(651)) passes through these centers:
1, 650, 651, 9p1381, 9p1382, 514p1381, 514p1382

Collinear triples
19p1381 9p1382
650514p1381 514p1382
6519p1381 514p1382
6519p1382 514p1381

HP(X(662),X(662)) passes through these centers:
1, 662, 2p1379, 2p1380, 6p1113, 6p1114, 110p1312, 110p1313, 313p1919, 523p1380, 525p1113, 525p1114

Collinear triples
12p1379 2p1380
16p1113 6p1114
1110p1312 525p1113
1110p1313 525p1114
6622p1379 523p1380
6626p1113 525p1114
6626p1114 525p1113
662110p1312 110p1313
6p1114110p1313 313p1919
313p1919525p1113 525p1114

HP(X(664),X(664)) passes through these centers:
1, 514, 664, 7p1376, 513p1376, 651p1376, 693p1037, 1376p1633

Collinear triples
1514 513p1376
1664 7p1376
514664 651p1376
5147p1376 693p1037
513p1376651p1376 1376p1633

HP(X(666),X(666)) passes through these centers:
1, 239, 294, 644, 666, 885, 9p659, 31p874, 105p812, 190p2348, 239p294, 740p919

Collinear triples
1239 190p2348
1294 740p919
1666 239p294
1885 105p812
2399p659 105p812
23931p874 239p294
294644 239p294
294885 9p659
644666 105p812
666885 31p874
9p65931p874 740p919

HP(X(765),X(765)) passes through these centers:
1, 100, 765, 3p1862, 1331p1862

Collinear triples
1100 3p1862
100765 1331p1862

HP(X(775),X(775)) passes through these centers:
1, 255, 775, 3p1885, 1105p1885

Collinear triples
1255 3p1885
255775 1105p1885

HP(X(811),X(811)) passes through these centers:
1, 811, 1577, 4p1975, 99p1968, 512p1975

Collinear triples
1811 4p1975
11577 512p1975
8111577 99p1968

HP(X(813),X(813)) passes through these centers:
1, 811, 1577, 4p1975, 99p1968, 512p1975

Collinear triples
1813 292p2223
12284 31p1575
110p1922 291p2284
667813 291p2284
667875 292p2223
6676p665 31p1575
813875 2284
81310p1922 21p1458
8756p665 10p1922
22846p665 291p2284
228421p1458 292p2223

HP(X(894),X(894)) passes through these centers:
1, 171, 894, 2329, 58p1920, 171p1107, 894p1107, 1197p1215

Collinear triples
12329 1197p1215
171894 894p1107
1712329 171p1107
89458p1920 1197p1215
171p1107894p1107 1197p1215

HP(X(901),X(901)) passes through these centers:
1, 36, 106, 109, 901, 2p1983, 6p1019, 6p1022, 36p106, 36p513, 59p1769, 88p654

Collinear triples
136 59p1769
1901 36p106
16p1022 88p654
36106 901
362p1983 36p106
3636p513 88p654
106109 36p106
1066p1022 36p513
109901 88p654
10936p513 59p1769
9012p1983 6p1022
6p10196p1022 36p106

HP(X(908),X(908)) passes through these centers:
1, 119, 517, 908, 6p119, 6p153, 8p2183, 57p119, 80p1465, 119p517, 119p2323

Collinear triples
1908 119p517
16p119 6p153
18p2183 119p2323
119517 908
1196p119 119p2323
11957p119 119p517
5176p119 8p2183
51780p1465 119p517
9088p2183 57p119
90880p1465 119p2323
6p15357p119 80p1465

HP(X(920),X(920)) passes through these centers:
1, 155, 920, 3p155, 3p454, 46p155, 90p155, 155p371, 155p372, 155p485, 155p487, 155p488, 493p1609, 494p1609, 920p1124, 920p1335

Collinear triples
1920 3p454
1553p155 46p155
1553p454 90p155
155155p371 920p1124
155155p372 920p1335
92046p155 90p155
920155p371 155p485
920155p372 155p486
920155p487 494p1609
920155p488 493p1609
920920p1124 920p1335
3p155155p371 155p372
3p155155p487 155p488
3p454155p485 155p486
46p155155p485 920p1335
46p155155p486 920p1124
155p371155p486 155p487
155p372155p485 155p488

HP(X(1010),X(1010)) passes through these centers:
1, 388, 1010, 1038, 388p958, 388p960, 940p2303, 1010p1193

Collinear triples
388388p958 388p960
1010388p960 940p2303
1038940p2303 1010p1193

HP(X(1025),X(1025)) passes through these centers:
1, 1025, 2283, 2284, 103p241, 241p926, 241p2254, 518p1362, 518p2254, 672p1280, 918p1381, 918p1382, 1381p2254, 1382p2254

Collinear triples
11025 518p1362
10252284 241p2254
22832284 241p926
2283103p241 518p1362
241p2254518p1362 518p2254
241p22541381p2254 1382p2254

HP(X(1150),X(1150)) passes through these centers:
1, 1150, 10p993, 10p2278, 993p995, 995p1150

Collinear triples
115010p993 993p995

HP(X(1171),X(1171)) passes through these centers:
1, 6, 58, 1171, 37p1126, 37p1203, 81p1203, 1126p1203, 1203p1255

Collinear triples
158 81p1203
658 37p1203
637p1126 1126p1203
37p120381p1203 1203p1255

HP(X(1309),X(1309)) passes through these centers:
1, 104, 108, 1309, 104p522, 108p515 (no collinearities found)

HP(X(1381),X(1381)) passes through these centers:
1, 56, 266, 1381, 513p1382

Collinear triple
156 1381

HP(X(1400),X(1400)) passes through these centers:
1, 213, 1400, 1402, 2092, 6p2092, 37p904, 56p2292, 73p444, 181p2300

Collinear triples
11400 181p2300
2131400 56p2292
21337p901 181p2300
140037p904 73p444
6p209256p2292 73p444

HP(X(1423),X(1423)) passes through these centers:
1, 1403, 1423, 2176, 43p982, 43p2275, 982p1423

Collinear triples
14031423 43p982
14232176 982p1425

HP(X(1445),X(1445)) passes through these centers:
1, 218, 1445, 1617, 9p218, 55p218, 218p218

Collinear triples
11445 218p218
2189p218 218p218
14451617 9p218

HP(X(1708),X(1708)) passes through these centers:
1, 1708, 3p1708, 6p1708, 35p1780, 37p1780, 71p1780, 72p1780

Collinear triples
17083p1708 37p1780
3p17086p1708 72p1780
6p170837p1780 71p1780

HP(X(1737),X(1737)) passes through these centers:
1, 119, 912, 1737, 3p119, 36p119, 46p912, 80p912, 90p119, 119p912

Collinear triples
11737 119p912
119912 1737
1193p119 36p119
11990p119 119p912
91280p912 119p912
173736p119 80p912
173746p912 90p119

HP(X(1740),X(1740)) passes through these centers:
1, 194, 1740, 2p194, 43p194, 87p194, 194p194

Collinear triples
11740 194p194
19487p194 194p194
174043p194 87p194

HP(X(1748),X(1748)) passes through these centers:
1, 563, 1748, 2p571, 2p1147, 4p571, 24p1147, 155p1993, 254p571

Collinear triples
11748 24p1147
5632p571 4p571
5632p1147 155p1993
17482p1147 4p571
2p5712p1147 24p1147
4p57124p1147 254p571

HP(X(1749),X(1749)) passes through these centers:
1, 1749, 3p1157, 35p1749, 36p1749, 195p1157, 1094p1749, 1095p1749, 1154p1157

Collinear triples
174935p1749 36p1749

HP(X(1760),X(1760)) passes through these centers:
1, 3p22, 4p206, 6p206, 22p206, 22p1677, 206p1670, 206p1671

Collinear triple
6p206206p1670 206p1671

HP(X(1761),X(1761)) passes through these centers:
1, 1761, 3p199, 27p199, 58p199, 58p1330, 199p2248

Collinear triple
17613p199 27p199

HP(X(1762),X(1762)) passes through these centers:
1, 1762, 21p1762, 31p1762, 48p1762, 1172p1762, 1762p2194

Collinear triples
176221p1762 31p1762
176248p1762 1172p1762
31p176248p1762 1762p2194

HP(X(1953),X(1953)) passes through these centers:
1, 1953, 6p233, 17p51, 18p51, 51p233, 62p233

Collinear triples
11953 51p233
195318p51 62p233
17p5118p51 51p233

HP(X(1958),X(1958)) passes through these centers:
1, 1957, 1958, 2p1975, 20p1968, 194p1975, 1196p1975

Collinear triples
195720p1968 1196p1975
2p1957194p1975 1196p1975

HP(X(2155),X(2155)) passes through these centers:
1, 1973, 2155, 6p800, 19p2155, 64p185

Collinear triples
19732155 64p185
19736p800 19p2155

HP(X(2160),X(2160)) passes through these centers:
1, 2160, 2308, 6p1251, 41p554, 554p2308, 1081p2308, 2160p2308

Collinear triples
12160 2160p2308
21606p1251 554p2308
216041p554 1081p2308
2308554p2308 1081p2308
6p125141p554 2160p2308

HP(X(2166),X(2166)) passes through these centers:
1, 1725, 1749, 2166, 265p403

Collinear triples
11725 1749
12166 265p403

HP(X(2222),X(2222)) passes through these centers:
1, 513, 859, 1319, 1769, 2222, 10p1411, 11p2222, 59p1769, 80p1457, 517p1168, 517p2222

Collinear triples
11319 59p1769
12222 80p1457
110p1411 517p2222
5131319 1769
5132222 517p2222
51311p2222 80p1457
8592222 10p1411
85959p1769 80p2222
13192222 517p1168
176910p1411 11p2222
176959p1769 517p2222
222211p2222 59p1769
80p1457517p1168 517p2222

HP(X(2285),X(2285)) passes through these centers:
1, 1460, 2285, 6p612, 171p1010, 388p1468, 388p2268, 612p1468, 1999p2303

Collinear triples
14602285 388p2268
14606p612 612p1468
1460171p1010 388p1468
22856p612 388p1468
6p612388p2268 1999p2303
171p1010612p1468 1999p2303

HP(X(2287),X(2287)) passes through these centers:
1, 200, 220, 2287, 2p2332, 9p2264, 20p2332, 21p950, 21p2264, 78p2264

Collinear triples
1220 78p2264
120p2332 21p2264
200220 9p2264
2002287 21p650
2202287 21p950
22872p2332 78p2264
9p22649p2264 20p2332
21p65021p2264 78p2264

HP(X(2311),X(2311)) passes through these centers:
1, 41, 2311, 8p237, 9p1967, 21p2223, 240p1808

Collinear triples
412311 240p1808
418p237 21p2223

HP(X(2316),X(2316)) passes through these centers:
1, 2316, 9p2183, 15p1251, 1833p2193

Collinear triple
9p218315p1251 1833p2193

HP(X(2319),X(2319)) passes through these centers:
1, 8, 2319, 2p2319, 9p2275, 41p982, 2053p2275

Collinear triples
82319 2053p2275
82p2319 9p2275
23192p2319 41p982


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