This continuation of Points on Cubics has four sections, accessible by scrolling down or clicking:
B(U,P): Bicentrics Collinearity CubicsAccess to related material is provided at the end of this page.
ZC(U,P): B-Plus CubicsD(U,P): Cross-Bicentrics Collinearity Cubics
DP(U,P): D-Plus Cubics
Locus: The bicentrics collinearity cubic B(U,P) is the locus of a point X = x : y : z such that the trilinear product U*X is on the line of the bicentric pair B(U,P): Bicentrics Collinearity Cubics,
defined by
ux(qryz - p2x2) + vy(rpzx - q2y2) + wz(pqxy - r2z2) = 0
qy : rz : px and rz : px : qy. Notes:1. B(U,P) is also given by
up2x3 + vq2y3 + wr2z3 - (uqr + vrp + wpq)xyz = 0. 2. B(U,P) meets the sidelines BC, CA, AB in these points:0 : w1/3r2/3 : - v1/3q2/3, - w1/3r2/3 : 0 : u1/3p2/3, v1/3q2/3 : - u1/3p2/3 : 0 3. If P = U, then defining equation yields(px + qy + rz)(p2x2 + q2y2 + r2z2 - qryz - rpzx - pqxy) = 0, so that B(U,U) is the union of a line and a conic.4. The point P -1 is on B(U,P).
5. Problem: find general conditions on (U,P) and (U',P') such that B(U,P) = B(U',P'). Examples:
B(X(1),X(8)) = B(X(200),X(2)), B(X(2),X(110)) = B(X(32),X(99)), B(X(3),X(4)) = B(X(32),X(1492)). B(X(1),X(8)) passes through these centers:
6, 56, 649, 1458, 513p1381, 513p1382Collinear triples
6 56 1458 1458 513p1381 513p1382 B(X(1),X(58)) passes through these centers:
10, 37, 661, 740Collinear triple
10 37 740 B(X(1),X(513)) passes through these centers:
513, 514, 650, 812, 2254, 43p514, 513p1575, 514p1742Collinear triples
513 514 812 513 650 2254 514 43p514 513p1575 650 812 43p514 2254 43p514 514p1742 B(X(2),X(43)) passes through these centers:
1, 87, 649, 1463p2053Collinear triple
1 87 1463p2053 B(X(2),X(81)) passes through these centers:
37, 42, 512, 2238Collinear triple
37 42 2238 B(X(2),X(100)) passes through these centers:
513, 649, 663, 665, 43p513, 513p1742, 649p1575Collinear triples
513 649 659 513 43p513 649p1575 649 663 665 659 663 43p513 665 43p513 513p1742 B(X(2),X(107)) passes through these centers:
520, 647, 684, 20p810, 193p822, 230p822, 441p810Collinear triples
520 647 684 520 193p822 230p822 647 20p810 441p810 684 20p810 193p822 B(X(2),X(110)) passes through these centers:
512, 523, 647, 804, 19p684, 194p661, 401p661, 512p2227Collinear triples
512 523 804 512 647 19p684 523 647 401p661 523 194p661 512p2227 647 804 194p661 B(X(3),X(4)) passes through these centers:
3, 6, 511, 647, 523p1822, 523p1823Collinear triples
3 6 511 511 523p1822 523p1823 B(X(3),X(29)) passes through these centers:
65, 73, 647, 851Collinear triple
65 647 851 B(X(3),X(78)) passes through these centers:
19, 34, 1876, 4p649Collinear triple
19 34 1876 B(X(4),X(20)) passes through these centers:
6, 64, 647, 441p2155Collinear triple
6 64 441p2155 B(X(4),X(21)) passes through these centers:
65, 73, 647, 851Collinear triple
65 73 851 B(X(4),X(28)) passes through these centers:
71, 72, 647, 3p740Collinear triple
71 72 3p740 B(X(4),X(76)) passes through these centers:
32, 184, 237, 3p798, 512p1822, 512p1823Collinear triples
32 184 237 237 512p1822 512p1823 B(X(4),X(112)) passes through these centers:
520, 525, 647, 684, 63p804, 194p656, 401p656, 647p2227Collinear triples
520 525 401p656 520 647 681 520 63p804 194p656 525 647 63p804 525 194p656 647p2227 B(X(5),X(3)) passes through these centers:
4, 6, 647, 4p1955Collinear triple
4 6 4p1955 B(X(6),X(9)) passes through these centers:
1, 57, 241, 513, 514p1381, 514p1382Collinear triples
1 57 241 241 514p1381 514p1382 B(X(6),X(69)) passes through these centers:
6, 25, 232, 512, 661p1113, 661p1114Collinear triples
6 25 232 232 661p1113 661p1114 B(X(7),X(75)) passes through these centers:
31, 41, 2223, 6p663, 663p1381, 663p1382Collinear triples
31 41 2223 2223 663p1381 663p1382 B(X(8),X(85)) passes through these centers:
31, 41, 2223, 6p663, 663p1381, 663p1382Collinear triples
31 41 2223 2223 663p1381 663p1382 B(X(9),X(7)) passes through these centers:
6, 55, 663, 672, 650p1381, 650p1382Collinear triples
6 55 672 672 650p1381 650p1382 B(X(10),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 6, 238, 649Collinear triple
1 6 238 B(X(10),X(76)) passes through these centers:
31, 32, 1919, 2210Collinear triple
31 32 2110 B(X(10),X(78)) passes through these centers:
34, 56, 649, 1430Collinear triple
34 56 1430 B(X(10),X(99)) passes through these centers:
512, 649, 798, 42p659, 423p810, 512p2106, 649p846, 649p1045Collinear triples
512 649 423p810 512 798 42p659 512 512p2106 649p1045 649 798 512p2106 798 423p810 649p846 42p659 649p846 649p1045 B(X(10),X(101)) passes through these centers:
514, 649, 1459, 28p684, 81p804, 194p513, 401p513, 649p2227Collinear triples
514 649 81p804 514 1459 401p513 514 194p513 649p2227 649 1459 28p684 1459 81p804 194p513 B(X(19),X(75)) passes through these centers:
31, 48, 810, 1755, 647p1113, 647p1114Collinear triples
31 48 1755 1755 647p1113 647p1114 B(X(25),X(2)) passes through these centers:
3, 6, 511, 647, 523p1822, 523p1823Collinear triples
3 6 511 511 523p1822 523p1823 B(X(25),X(27)) passes through these centers:
71, 72, 647, 3p740Collinear triple
71 72 3p740 B(X(28),X(29)) passes through these centers:
71, 73, 647, 65p1818, 656p1381, 656p1382Collinear triples
71 73 65p1818 65p1818 656p1381 656p1382 B(X(31),X(55)) passes through these centers:
71, 73, 647, 65p1818, 656p1381, 656p1382Collinear triples
2 7 2p241 2p241 693p1381 693p1382 B(X(31),X(63)) passes through these centers:
1, 19, 240, 661, 523p1113, 523p1114Collinear triples
1 19 240 240 523p1113 523p1114 B(X(31),X(100)) passes through these centers:
513, 514, 650, 812, 2254, 43p514, 513p1575, 514p1742Collinear triples
513 514 812 513 650 2254 514 43p514 513p1575 650 812 43p514 2254 43p514 514p1742 B(X(32),X(3)) passes through these centers:
2, 4, 297, 523, 1113p1577, 1114p1577Collinear triples
2 4 297 297 1113p1577 1114p1577 B(X(32),X(99)) passes through these centers:
512, 523, 647, 804, 19p684, 194p661, 401p661, 512p2227Collinear triples
512 523 19p684 512 647 19p684 523 647 401p661 523 194p661 512p2227 647 19p684 194p661 B(X(32),X(101)) passes through these centers:
514, 522, 693, 918, 2p812, 43p693, 513p726, 693p1742Collinear triples
514 522 918 514 693 2p812 522 2p812 43p693 693 43p693 513p726 918 43p693 693p1742 B(X(42),X(110)) passes through these centers:
514, 523, 661, 10p659, 423p656, 513p1654, 513p1655, 523p2106Collinear triples
514 523 423p656 514 661 523p2106 523 661 10p659 523 513p1655 523p2106 661 423p656 513p1654 10p659 513p1654 513p1655 B(X(55),X(57)) passes through these centers:
1, 9, 518, 650, 522p1381, 522p1382Collinear triples
1 9 518 518 522p1381 522p1382 B(X(55),X(109)) passes through these centers:
514, 522, 918, 9p676, 144p513, 145p650, 514p2348Collinear triples
514 522 918 514 9p676 144p513 522 145p650 514p2348 918 144p513 145p650 B(X(56),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 9, 518, 650, 522p1381, 522p1382Collinear triples
1 9 518 518 522p1381 522p1382 B(X(56),X(101)) passes through these centers:
514, 522, 918, 9p676, 144p513, 145p650, 514p2348Collinear triples
514 522 918 514 9p676 144p513 522 145p650 514p2348 918 144p513 145p650 B(X(57),X(2)) passes through these centers:
6, 55, 663, 672, 650p1381, 650p1382Collinear triples
6 55 672 672 650p1381 650p1382 B(X(57),X(100)) passes through these centers:
513, 650, 2254, 55p676, 144p649, 145p663, 513p2348Collinear triples
513 650 2254 513 55p676 144p649 650 145p663 513p2348 2254 144p649 145p663 B(X(58),X(101)) passes through these centers:
514, 523, 661, 10p659, 423p656, 513p1654, 513p1655, 523p2106Collinear triples
514 523 42p656 514 661 523p2106 523 661 10p659 523 513p1655 523p2106 661 423p656 513p1654 10p659 513p1654 513p1655 B(X(81),X(100)) passes through these centers:
514, 523, 661, 10p659, 423p656, 513p1654, 513p1655, 523p2106Collinear triples
512 513 661p2106 512 661 37p659 512 423p647 513p846 513 661 423p647 661 513p1045 661p2106 37p659 513p846 513p1045 B(X(105),X(100)) passes through these centers:
513, 650, 665, 2254, 109p1566, 238p2254, 513p1282, 514p2110Collinear triples
513 650 2254 513 109p1566 513p1282 513 238p2254 514p2110 650 238p2254 513p1282 665 2254 238p2254 B(X(109),X(100)) passes through these centers:
513, 650, 2170, 2254, 11p1381, 11p1382Collinear triples
513 650 2254 2254 11p1381 11p1382 B(X(110),X(107)) passes through these centers:
520, 647, 684, 41p1367, 125p1822, 125p1823Collinear triples
520 647 684 681 125p1822 125p1823 B(X(114),X(98)) passes through these centers:
3, 6, 511, 19p684Collinear triple
3 6 511 B(X(125),X(110)) passes through these centers:
6, 523, 1316, 19p684Collinear triple
6 523 1316 B(X(132),X(98)) passes through these centers:
3, 6, 511, 511p656Collinear triple
3 6 511 B(X(141),X(6)) passes through these centers:
2, 6, 385, 512Collinear triple
2 6 385 B(X(184),X(2)) passes through these centers:
6, 523, 1316, 19p684Collinear triple
6 523 1316 B(X(184),X(25)) passes through these centers:
2, 69, 325, 525, 850p1822, 850,1823Collinear triples
2 69 325 325 850p1822 850p1823 B(X(184),X(107)) passes through these centers:
520, 525, 647, 684, 63p804, 194p656, 401p656, 647p2227Collinear triples
520 525 401p656 520 647 684 520 63p804 194p646 525 647 62p804 525 194p656 647p2227 B(X(200),X(2)) passes through these centers:
6, 56, 649, 1458, 513p1381, 513p1382Collinear triples
6 56 1458 1458 513p1381 513p1382 B(X(213),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 2, 239, 513Collinear triple
1 2 239 B(X(213),X(32)) passes through these centers:
75, 76, 693, 1921Collinear triple
75 76 1921 B(X(213),X(72)) passes through these centers:
28, 81, 513, 27p511, 514p1113, 514p1114Collinear triples
28 81 27p511 27p511 514p1113 514p1114 B(X(217),X(3)) passes through these centers:
4, 470, 471, 458p661Collinear triple
4 470 471 B(X(217),X(4)) passes through these centers:
2, 3, 401, 520Collinear triple
2 3 401 B(X(220),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 57, 241, 513, 514p1381, 514p1382Collinear triples
1 57 241 241 514p1381 514p1382 B(X(225),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 3, 652, 1936Collinear triple
1 3 1936 B(X(226),X(99)) passes through these centers:
512, 663, 810, 243p810, 415p810, 416p512, 650p2305, 663p1047Collinear triples
512 663 415p810 512 810 243p810 512 416p512 663p1047 663 810 416p572 810 415p810 650p2305 243p810 650p2305 663p1047 B(X(226),X(109)) passes through these centers:
522, 652, 663, 21p804, 194p650, 232p521, 401p650, 663p2227Collinear triples
522 652 401p650 522 663 21p804 522 194p650 663p2227 652 663 232p521 652 21p804 194p650 B(X(235),X(3)) passes through these centers:
3, 4, 450, 647Collinear triple
3 4 450 B(X(244),X(11)) passes through these centers:
59, 101, 1252, 59p518, 100p1381, 100p1382Collinear triples
59 1252 59p518 59p518 100p1381 100p1382 B(X(244),X(88)) passes through these centers:
44, 1023, 1635, 1023p1052, 1023p1054Collinear triples
44 1023p1052 1023p1054 1023 1635 1023p1054 B(X(255),X(1)) passes through these centers:
1, 19, 240, 661, 523p1113, 523p1114Collinear triples
1 19 240 240 523p1113 523p1114 B(X(284),X(109)) passes through these centers:
522, 523, 656, 243p656, 415p656, 416p523, 522p1046, 522p1047Collinear triples
522 523 415p656 522 656 416p523 523 656 243p656 523 416p523 522p1047 656 415p656 522p1046 243p656 522p1046 522p1047 B(X(287),X(107)) passes through these centers:
520, 647, 684, 31p684, 132p822, 147p810, 684p1580Collinear triples
520 647 684 520 147p810 684p1580 647 132p822 147p810 684 31p684 684p1580 B(X(291),X(100)) passes through these centers:
513, 649, 659, 37p659, 513p2108, 659p1575, 659p1757Collinear triples
513 649 659 513 513p2108 659p1575 649 513p2108 659p1757 659 37p659 659p1757 B(X(291),X(101)) passes through these centers:
513, 514, 812, 37p659, 238p2254, 514p2110Collinear triples
513 514 812 513 238p2254 514p2110 B(X(292),X(101)) passes through these centers:
513, 514, 812, 10p659, 514p2108, 659p726, 812p1757Collinear triples
513 514 812 513 514p2108 812p1757 514 514p2108 659p726 812 10p659 812p1757 B(X(326),X(75)) passes through these centers:
31, 798, 1973, 2p2211, 512p1113, 512p1114Collinear triples
31 1973 2p2211 2p2211 512p1113 512p1114 B(X(335),X(100)) passes through these centers:
513, 649, 659, 42p659, 238p665, 513p2110Collinear triples
513 649 659 649 238p665 513p2110 B(X(341),X(76)) passes through these centers:
32, 1397, 1919, 31p1458, 667p1381, 667p1382Collinear triples
32 1397 31p1458 31p1458 667p1381 667p1382 B(X(346),X(75)) passes through these centers:
31, 604, 667, 6p1458, 649p1381, 649p1382Collinear triples
31 604 6p1458 6p1458 649p1381 649p1382 B(X(394),X(2)) passes through these centers:
6, 25, 232, 512, 661p1113, 661p1114Collinear triples
6 25 232 232 661p1113 661p1114 B(X(512),X(2)) passes through these centers:
6, 15, 16, 6p2234Collinear triple
6 15 16 B(X(512),X(3)) passes through these centers:
2, 4, 193, 230, 297, 1249, 1503Collinear triples
2 4 297 2 193 230 4 1249 1503 193 297 1249 B(X(512),X(10)) passes through these centers:
58, 81, 284, 21p1423, 21p1458, 58p1575, 81p1742Collinear triples
58 81 21p1423 58 284 21p1458 81 21p1423 15p1575 284 21p1423 21p1423 21p1423 21p1458 81p1742 B(X(512),X(15)) passes through these centers:
2, 13, 30, 395, 94p1095Collinear triple