Veni, Vidi, Vici

Careers in Archaeology, Art History, and Classics

        Archaeology at  
               An excellent site describing issues related to getting jobs and getting into graduate school in archaeology and related fields.

                A clearinghouse for archaeology jobs.

        American Cultural Resources Association:  
                Has job listings at all levels, even summer jobs for undergraduates. Also has a comprehensive listing of cultural resource management firms organized by location.

        Museum Job Resources Online:  
                An excellent place to learn about many facets of museum jobs. This site also has links to job banks that list current museum jobs.

        Career Alternatives for Art Historians:  
               Despite the name, this site has some great ideas for jobs that people with a BA in Art History, Archaeology, and Classics can pursue that are just a little bit different from what might immediately jump to mind. It also has some good links to job pages.

        See Some Real Job Advertisements:  
                The following links connect you with some real job advertisements. Look these over to see the types of education, skills, and experiences employers want. They also give you some ideas of the duties required for certain jobs. The jobs advertised on these links are NO LONGER ACTIVE; you cannot apply for them because they were filled long ago.

      • To see the types of jobs you can get with an archaeology, art history, or classics BA, click HERE
      • To see the types of jobs you can get with an archaeology, art history, or classics MA, click HERE
      • To see the types of jobs you can get with an archaeology, art history, or classics PhD, click HERE

This site is maintained by Dr. Alan Kaiser.  It was last updated on March 15, 2008. 
If you find a dead link, please contact him at