ART H340 Painting
Instructed by Ralph Larmann
Fall 2005
ART H340 Painting (3) emphasizes basic acrylic painting techniques with concern for individual thinking and self-expression to the development of ideas and and aesthetic considerations of materials and techniques employed in acrylic painting. 3 hours studio. |
To develop a student's skills and knowledge of acrylic painting. This will be accomplished through introductions to and development of painting technique, studies of painting styles, and the development of the individual's ability to communicate effectively through the medium. |
REQUIRED: The Art Studio Chalkboard by Ralph Larmann, available free via the Internet at |
Instruction will be through problems in and the expression of the painted image, required reading, discussion, critique, portfolio evaluation, slide lecture, examinations, and demonstrations. |
Studio with lecture component |
All students are required to follow the following guidelines for full course credit.
90-100% ... A, 80-89% ... B, 70-79% ... C, 60-69% ... D, any grade point percentage falling below 60% ... F |
The strength of a group studio art course comes from the interaction of ideas and observation of others. In missing the class, a student undermines the effectiveness of the course and the educational experience of all. Each student is required to attend all scheduled class meetings. If a student misses more than three scheduled class meetings, a grade penalty will be levied for each absence in excess of the permitted quota. |
Each student must arrive prepared to work with appropriate materials for the assignment, project, exercise, critique, discussion, or demonstration for that particular class day. Unprepared students may receive an absence for the day. |
Students should expect to spend approximately 9 hours per week in and outside of class working on assignments. The Manor and the surrounding grounds will supply ample subject matter for outside assignments. |
Attendance and active participation in critiques is critical to learning in the studio classroom. All students are expected to contribute verbally by commenting or questioning aspects of the work being critiqued. Attendance at critiques is mandatory. Any student who knows they will be absent from a critique must contact the instructor prior to the critique. |
Late assignments will receive a one-letter grade reduction. Unfinished work will not be accepted. All course work is expected to be finished and submitted for credit by the stated deadline. |
SAFETY AND ETIQUETTE: Students are expected to follow safety instructions and conduct themselves in a way that is respectful to others. This includes disposing of materials properly, clean up of shared spaces, be careful of other students' work, respect the wishes of others regarding their work. Any student who does not follow standards of safety and etiquette will be asked to leave the class and will receive an absence. |