ART 213 COMPUTER GRAPHICS: Introduction to Illustrator Galaxy Work primarily with the objects and their attributes within Adobe Illustrator
Size requirement: image area 3.5" x 5" Elements of the Project: Create your own universe postcard using Illustrator. Your universe can be interpreted as you see fit. Use elements like gradations, filters, and other processes to create a "space" that has a feeling of depth. Use the principles of design as you proceed with this project by including rhythms, repetition of elements, expanding the picture plane, and thoughful use of color. Vary sizes, shapes, color, but hold the composition together with an "order" of your choice. You may create a universe that is uniquely yours. No need to obey the laws of nature here.
Print out a color version on the Color laserwriter and place the finished artwork in the Group Shared folder with the name: |