Veni, Vidi, Vici

  Extra-Curricular Opportunities for Research and Presenting Your Results

        UExplore Program:  
               This is a grant to fund research you would like to do with a professor.

        National Conferences on Undergraduate Research:  
                Present results of your research at a national conference in a fun city far from Evansville!  The UExplore Program may provide you with funds to pay for the trip.

        Midwest Archaeological Conference:  
                This conference is aimed at professionals working in the historic and prehistoric archaeology of the Midwest, but they have a student paper contest. If you have written a paper on some aspect of Midwest archaeology, try for the opportunity to present it here.

This site is maintained by Dr. Alan Kaiser.  It was last updated on March 15, 2008. 
If you find a dead link, please contact him at