The Mary Ross Ellingson Photo Archive

Photo Gallery 1:  Archaeologists at Olynthus


Left to right:  Andoni (the cook), the vase-mender Apostolos Kontogeorgis from the Thessaloniki antiquities museum, Argerol (a maid), Smaro (a maid), Gladys Davidson Weinberg, Mary Ross Ellingson, Arthur Parsons, Gladys Parsons, J. Walter Graham, Helen Robinson, Sally Freeman, Alex Schulz, Praedros (mayor of Myriophito).

Click on the thumbnail below to see an enlarged version of the picture with a detailed caption.



The Robinsons, the Parsons, and George Schulz




The Robinsons and George Mylonas





David Robinson





David Robinson




Sunday afternoon hike




J. Walter Graham




Gladys Davidson Weinberg




Ellingson,  Schulz,  Graham, and Davidson Weinberg



Freeman, Graham, and Davidson Weinberg



Unidentified woman with goat.




Gladys Davidson Weinberg and Sally Freeman





Ellingson and Robinson




Unidentified workmen



Schulz and unidentified workmen



Unidentified workmen



Schulz and unidentified workmen

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