Richard W. Maass, Ph.D.


During the Spring 2020 semester, I am teaching:

PSCI-160 Introduction to International Relations

PSCI-363 International Law & Organizations

PSCI-369 Terrorism and Counterterrorism


My teaching philosophy focuses on developing students' analytical skills in addition to their factual knowledge regarding the “stuff”of international relations. This means that my classes typically contain both (1) a rich substantive core covering the major theories and concepts, foreign policy tools and strategies, conflicts and modes of resolution, and historical and current events related to the international subject that is the theme of each course, and (2) a mixture of teaching and evaluation techniques engaging students' ability to read, think, write, and speak analytically - in other words, students' ability to comprehend arguments about the causes and consequences of international phenomena and foreign policy decisions, to evaluate their persuasiveness relative to alternative arguments, and to formulate their own persuasive arguments using logic and evidence.


I welcome correspondence regarding any and all aspects of teaching at: