Febrary 10, 2025
X(67159) barycentrics replaced.
X(67201) barycentrics replaced.
X(67202) barycentrics replaced.
X(67203) barycentrics replaced.
X(67204) barycentrics replaced.
X(67205) barycentrics replaced.
X(67206) barycentrics replaced.
Febrary 8, 2025
X(67160) replaced; it was a duplicate of A642255).
January 28, 2025
X(67001)-X(67067) moved from Part 35 to Part 34. Part 35 to be started later.
January 12, 2025
X(66623) appeared twice; second moved to X(66629)
October 7, 2024
X(65608) deleted; it was a duplicate of X(40587).
October 2, 2024
X(65598) and X(65599) moved to Bicentric Pairs: P(239).
September 30, 2024
X(65568) appeared twice. Reindexed so that 2nd 65568 was moved to 65569.
September 12, 2024
X(849) renamed
September 3, 2024
X(646) renamed
September 2, 2024
X(65150), a duplicate of X(65134) replaced; the former X(65151) and X(65152) were re-indexed as X(65150) ande X(65151)
August 17, 2024
X(64610) barycentrics corrected)
June 10, 2024
X(63799) deleted. It was a duplicate of X(2).
June 9, 2024
X(63794) deleted. It was a duplicate of X(63791).
May 30, 2024
X(63741)-X(62744), Reindexed so that (new) u_1 points precede (previous) u_2 points
X(63745) reindexed as X(62750)
May 7, 2024 X(63233)-X(62237), Names corrected: X(514) changed to X(693)
May 2, 2024 X(62751)-X(62754), Names corrected
May 1, 2024
X(62530)-X(62551), names changed to match revised indexing of unary operations
X(62618)-X(62690), name changed to avoid the term "inverse-unary", because unary operations have two inverses.
X(54524), long barycentrics replaced by shorter
X(54525), long barycentrics replaced by shorter
X(54617), long barycentrics replaced by shorter
X(54618), long barycentrics replaced by shorter
X(62933), long barycentrics replaced by shorter
X(62934), long barycentrics replaced by shorter
April 25, 2024
X(62530)-X(62551), names changed to match revised indexing of unary operations
X(62618)-X(62690), name changed to avoid the term "inverse-unary", because unary operations have two inverses.
April 15, 2024 X(62711), replaced; was a duplicate of X(62662)
April 12, 2024 X(62560), barycentrics corrected. (Barys formerly belonged with X(62561).)
April 9, 2024 X(62550)-X(62552) re-indexed as X(62551)-X(62553). (X(62550) had appeared twice.)
November 6, 2023 X(60478) deleted; was a duplicate of X(60352
November 3, 2023 X(60106) replaced; was a duplicate of X(60028)
October 26, 2023
X(325), trilinears corrected
October 26, 2023
X(325), trilinears corrected
October 12, 2023
X(59380), the second X(59380) was moved to X(59503)
September 11, 2023
X(29357), name corrected
X(29361), name corrected
August 24, 2023
X(57007), replaced duplicate of X(56986)
X(57008), moved to X(57707)
August 20, 2023 X(56510)-X(56518): points formerly having these indices were, before August 20, re-indexed.
August 16, 2023 X(56384): second use moved to X(56427)
August 15, 2023
X(55337): duplicate replaced
X(56242): duplicate replaced
X(56243): duplicate replaced
X(56244): duplicate replaced
July 22, 2023
X(54969): duplicate of X(54950) replaced
X(54972): duplicate of X(54951) replaced
X(54974): duplicate of X(54959) replaced
X(54977): duplicate of X(54952) replaced
X(54978): duplicate of X(54953) replaced
X(54980): duplicate of X(54955) replaced
X(54981): duplicate of X(54956) replaced
June 9, 2023
X(53916) to X(53975) reindexed to correct internal indexing
June 7, 2023
X(53895) (second usage) to X(54006) reindexed to X(53896) to X(54007)
June 2, 2023
X(53869) deleted; was a duplicate of X(53867)
X(53870) replaced; was "pending"
X(53870) to X(53918) reindexed as X(53869) to X(53917)
February 19, 2023
X(53007) deleted; was a duplicate of X(53002)
X(53005) revised
X(53008) deleted, was a duplicate of X(53002)
X(53009) deleted, was a duplicate of X(53003)
February 1, 2023
X(52825) barycentrics corrected
January 31, 2023
X(52806) name corrected
X(52807) name corrected
X(52810) name corrected
X(52811) name corrected
X(52812) name corrected
X(52813) name corrected
January 30, 2023
X(52835)-X(52837) deleted; they were duplicates of X(52817)-X(52819)
December 15, 2022
X(52522) and others. Brianchon-Lachance-Moses changed to Lachance-Moses-Brianchon and BLC changed to LCB
December 3, 2022
X(40140) Name corrected
X(40141) Name corrected
X(40579) Barycentrics corrected
X(41889) Barycentrics corrected
November 18, 2022
X(52458) - X(52471) duplicates removed and reindexed X(52458) to X(52470)
November 15, 2022
X(437), name corrected (8th changed to 7th)
X(438), name corrected (9th changed to 8th)
X(439), name corrected (10th changed to 9th)
November 10, 2022
X(52254), a duplicate of X(52243), moved to X(52440)
November 1, 2022
X(52421), second usage, moved to
October 12, 2022
X(51441) barycentrics corrected
X(51356) duplicate deleted (it appeared twice just before X(51357)))
September 2, 2022
X(51682) duplicate of X(1319) and X(1385) replaced
August 28, 2022
X(51562) second use moved to X(51614)
July 12, 2022
X(51452) pending (was a duplicate of X(51398)
X(51455) to X(51461) reindexed as X(51454) to X(51460), because there was no X(51454)
July 3, 2022
X(50827)-X(509xx) re-indexed as X(50927)-X(50948) with duplicates removed.
June 23, 2022
X(51297) was a duplicate of X(51296). It was removed and succeeding indexes were decremented by 1.
June 21, 2022
X(50814), second appearance, up to X(50874), reindexed as X(50815) to X(50875)
June 7, 2022
X(50413) removed (was a duplicate)
X(50414) removed (was a duplicate)
X(50415) moved to X(50413)
May 14, 2022
X(48654) occurred twice; the second is now X(48721).
May 7, 2022 X(48321) - X(48352) included duplicates, now removed; remaining centers re-indexed, leaving indices 48341 to 48352 to be filled X(48341) to X(48352) have been filled.
May 1, 2022
X(48103) occurred twice; the second is now X(48152).
X(48147) occurred twice; the second is now X(48153).
April 29, 2022
47746 occurred twice as an index; the second index and all succesors were re-indexed.
April 28, 2022
X(47730) Duplicate of X(47636) replaced
March 15, 2022
X(47090)-X(47101) Barycentrics corrected: Euler coordinates (x,y) were changed to (-x,-y); likewise in the preamble just before X(47090).
March 8, 2022
X(6792) Barycentrics corrected
March 7, 2022
X(5921) Barycentrics corrected
X(6038) Barycentrics provided (was "pending")
X(6055) Barycentrics corrected
X(6080) Barycentrics provided (was "pending")
X(6093) Barycentrics corrected
X(6096) Barycentrics corrected
March 6, 2022
X(5879) Barycentrics corrected
X(5897) Barycentrics corrected
X(5910) Barycentrics corrected
X(5920) Barycentrics provided (was "pending")
X(5921) Barycentrics provided (was "pending")
X(5922) Barycentrics provided (was "pending")
X(5924) Barycentrics provided (was "pending")
X(5925) Barycentrics provided (was "pending")
X(5928) Barycentrics provided (was "pending")
X(5940) Barycentrics provided (was "pending")
X(5941) Barycentrics provided (was "pending")
X(5952) Barycentrics corrected
X(5975) Barycentrics corrected
March 2, 2022
X(4427) Barycentrics corrected
X(4433) Barycentrics corrected
X(4435) Barycentrics corrected
X(4674) Barycentrics corrected
X(4820) Barycentrics corrected
X(4902) Barycentrics corrected
X(4915) Barycentrics corrected
February 27, 2022
Replaced incorrect coordinates by correct barycentrics for X(i) for these indexes i:
2136, 2137,3638,3639,3640,3641,3642,3643,3654,3684,3697,3702,3705,3706,3724,3738,3791,3793,3813,3814.
(Additional corrections forthcoming)
February 24, 2022 X(46977)-X(46985) reindexed; e.g. the former X(46984) is now X(46977)
February 5, 2022
X(44903) Second point with this name moved to X(46870)
January 15, 2022
X(46517) Replacement for "pending"
X(46571) Replacement for "pending"
X(46650) Barycentrics changed
X(46651) Barycentrics changed
January 13, 2022
X(46631) Duplicate of X46452) replaced
January 9, 2022
A number of duplicates for points starting at X(46484) were replaced, and there was some re-indexing.
X(46566) Duplicate of X46563) replaced
X(46567) Duplicate of X46525) replaced
X(46572) Duplicate of X46526) replaced
December 22, 2021
X(46394) Duplicate of X46391) replaced
X(46395) Duplicate of X(46393) replaced
X(46396) Reindexed as X(46394)
X(46397) Reindexed as X(46395)
December 14, 2021
X(46355) Second X(46355) re-indexed as X(46356)
X(46356) Re-indexed as X(46357)
Later: Duplicate of X(46355) removed and all subsequent iindexes corrected
November 23, 2021
X(46077) Renumbered as X(46076)
X(46078) Renumbered as X(46077)
X(46079) Renumbered as X(46078)
November 17, 2021
X(45160) Barycentrics corrected
X(45297) Barycentrics corrected
X(45879) Barycentrics corrected
X(45979) was a duplicate of X(14725); awaiting replacement
November 15, 2021
X(45979) Duplicate of X(6676) replaced
October 12, 2021
X(45168) Duplicate of X(44802) replaced
X(45178) Duplicate of X(44803) replaced
X(45181) Duplicate of X(11799) replaced
October 1, 2021
X(44327) Name corrected
X(44406) Name corrected
X(44413) Name corrected
X(44434) Name corrected
X(44440) Name corrected
X(44451) Name corrected
X(44452) Name corrected
September 30, 2021
X(44909) Duplicate of X(44898) replaced
September 27, 2021
X(44899) duplicate of X(44234) replaced
September 20, 2021
X(44687)-X(44729) minor corrections for this section
X(44840)-X(44859) minor corrections for this section
September 12, 2021
X(44730)-X(44732) "pending" points replaced
X(44746)-X(44763) reindexed as X(44747)-X(44764)
September 9, 2021
X(44698)-X(44713) duplicates reindexed as X(44730)-X(44745)
August 25, 2021
X(42425) Name corrected
X(44079) Name corrected
X(44131) Name corrected
X(44368) Duplicate of X(44352) replaced
August 24, 2021
X(26338) Name changed INNER replaced by OUTER
X(26340) Name changed INNER replaced by OUTER
August 20, 2021
X(44308) Name changed
X(44308) Replaced by X(44309) becasue X(44308) was a duplicate of X(44303)
X(44308) Name changed
August 16, 2021
X(43776) Barycentrics corrected
X(43779) Name changed
X(43780) Name changed
X(43620) Barycentrics corrected
X(43629) Barycentrics corrected
X(43644) Barycentrics corrected
X(43850) Barycentrics corrected
X(44203) Barycentrics corrected
July 27, 2021
X(44041) Barycentrics corrected
July 22, 2021 X(44021)-X(44025) Name changed: "equilateral" deleted.
July 16, 2021
X(42424) Name changed
X(43572) Name changed
July 11, 2021
X(34960) Barycentrics corrected
July 5, 2021
X(34934) Re-indexed as X(34932)
X(34935) Re-indexed as X(34933)
X(34936) Re-indexed as X(34934)
July 3, 2021
X(36592) Name corrected
June 10, 2021
X(43654) Deleted (was a duplicate of X(41586)
June 2, 2021
X(42748) Name corrected
X(42749) Name corrected
X(43072) Name corrected
X(43393) Name corrected
X(43580) Name corrected
May 25, 2021
X(43572) Duplicate of X(43388) deleted
X(43573) Duplicate of X(43389) deleted
May 15, 2021
X(43380) Name corrected
May 13, 2021
X(43300) Name corrected
X(43301) Name corrected
May 12, 2021
X(43272) (2nd) re-indexed as X(43291)
April 17, 2021
X(42630) Name corrected
X(42632) Name corrected
X(42638) Name corrected
X(42642) Name corrected
April 11, 2021
X(42564) (2nd)-X(42592) Re-indexed as X(42565)-X(42593)
March 29, 2021
X(42430)-X(42436) Barycentrics corrected
March 25, 2021
X(42413) Name corrected
March 23, 2021
X(42092) Name corrected
March 20, 2021
X(42017) Duplicate of X(42006) replaced
X(42061) Duplicate of X(42009) replaced
March 19, 2021
X(42011) Second appearance moved to A(42066)
X(42066) (former)-X(452072) Index shifted up 1; e.g., old X(42066) is now X(420678)
X(42035) Barycentrics simplified
X(42036) Barycentrics simplified
X(42062) Barycentrics simplified
X(42063) Barycentrics simplified
March 18, 2021
X(41771)-X(41784) Names changed
X(41792)-X(41879) Names changed
March 17, 2021
X(41912)-X(41931) Names changed
X(41680)-X(41683) Names changed
March 13, 2021
X(40579) Barycentrics corrected
X(41889) Duplicate of X(40579) replaced
March 10, 2021
X(41777) Duplicate of X(41772) replaced
March 5, 2021
X(41422) Second use, moved to X(41536)
March 3, 2021
X(41498) Duplicate of X(41500 replaced
March 2, 2021
former X(41483) Moved to X(41488)
former X(41484) Moved to X(41489)
January 31, 2021
X(41167) Replaced duplicate of X(41163)
Januiary 14, 2021
X(40933) Barycentrics corrected
X(40989) Barycentrics corrected
X(40990) Barycentrics corrected
X(40991) Barycentrics corrected
X(40992) Barycentrics corrected
December 19, 2020
X(40222) Name corrected (X(40189) changed to X(39978)
X(40342) Name corrected
X(40356) Name corrected
December 14, 2020
X(40705) Duplicate of X(340) replaced
December 12, 2020
X(40678) Duplicate of X(40674) replaced
December 5, 2020
X(35101)-X(35108) Barycentrics updated
December 3, 2020
X(21992) barycentrics corrected (39383 changed to 372)
November 19, 2020
X(40376) barycentrics corrected
X(40377) barycentrics corrected
November 3, 2020
X(40202) barycentrics corrected incorrectly
X(40202) barycentrics corrected again
X(20218) (2nd) to X(40226) renumbered as X(20219) to X(40227)
October 29, 2020
X(40122)-X(40137) renumbered X(40123)-X(40137) to avoid two usages of 40122
October 20, 2020
X(40092) Corrected barycentrics
October 19, 2020
X(40097) Replaced duplicate of X(10747)
X(40090) Corrected barycentrics
X(40096) Corrected barycentrics
October 15, 2020
Renumbering of points resulting from X(40077) having been skipped:
old -> new, as follows:
40078 -> 40077 etc., down to 40085 -> 40084
October 14, 2020
Renumbering of points resulting from deletion of duplicates:
old -> new, as follows:
40018 (was a duplicate of 40004)
40019 -> 40018
40020 -> 40019
40021 -> 40020
40022 (was a duplicate of 40005)
40023 (was a duplicate of 39994)
40024 -> 40021
40025 -> 40022
40026 -> 40023
40027 -> 40024
40028 -> 40025
40029 -> 40026
40030 -> 40027
40031 -> 40028
40032 -> 40029
40033 -> 40030
40034 -> 40031
40035 -> 40032
40036 -> 40033
40037 -> 40034
40038 -> 40035
40039 -> 40036
40040 -> 40037
40041 -> 40038
40042 -> 40039
40043 -> 40040
40044 -> 40041
40045 -> 40042
40046 -> 40043
40047 -> 40044
40048 -> 40045
40049 -> 40046
40050 (was a duplicate of 40011)
October 13, 2020
X(15948) corrected
X(15949) corrected
X(34451) corrected
October 7, 2020
X(39952) duplicate replaced by former X(39986)
X(39980) duplicate replaced by former X(39987)
X(39981) duplicate replaced by former X(39988)
X(39981) duplicate (again) replaced by former X(39985)
October 4, 2020
X(38559), in nae, X(101) corrected to X(102)
X(39347), "name pending" replaced by a name
X(39627), in name, X(39609) changed to X(39626)
September 28, 2020 X(39748), in name, X(183133) corrected to X(18133)
September 23, 2020
X(39382), name corrected
X(39383), name corrected
X(39384), name corrected
X(39385), name corrected
September 18, 2020
X(39657), duplicate of X(39649) replaced
September 7, 2020
X(39600), duplicate of X(39568) replaced
September 3, 2020
X(39534) [second appearance]-X(30557), renumbered as X(39535)-X(30558)
September 2, 2020
X(39218), barycentrics corrected
August 27, 2020
X(39348), name corrected
X(39348), barycentrics corrected
X(39427), barycentrics corrected
August 18, 2020
X(6375), barycentrics corrected
X(6588), name chosen
X(6589), name chosen
X(6590), name chosen
X(8766), trilinears added (new)
X(8767), trilinears added (new)
X(9159), name chosen
X(9486), trilinears changed to barycentrics
August 17, 2020
X(39330), name corrected
X(39331), name corrected
X(39385), duplicate of X(3544) awaiting replacement
August 16, 2020
X(38917), barycentrics corrected
X(38980), barycentrics corrected
X(39016), barycentrics corrected
August 11, 2020
X(38178), changed X(28171) to X(28177) in name
July 27, 2020 The appearance of k in the following list means that X(k) was a duplicate and has been replaced: 39328, 39330, 39332, 39333, 39334
The appearance of k in the following list means that X(k) was a duplicate and has been replaced: 39362, 39364, 39365, 39370, and 39373-39382. The remaining indexes were changed as follows:
July 23, 2020
X(39300)-X(39302) renumbered as X(39308)-X(39310
July 18, 2020
X(39269), duplicate of X(39265) replaced
July 10, 2020
X(1115), name changed
June 14, 2020
X(38927), second appearance deleted
X(38929), index changed to X(28928)
X(38930), index changed to X(28929)
June 13, 2020
X(14043), barycentrics corrected
X(14047), barycentrics corrected
June 9, 2020
X(38821), name corrected by changing 38811 to 38830
June 6, 2020
X(38846), name corrected by changing 38844 to 38845
June 4, 2020
X(38832)-X(38843), names corrected [again, twice, last time at 7;15 PM Central Time]
June 3, 2020
X(38811), replaced; former X(38811) moved to X(38847)
X(38814), replaced
X(38825), duplicate replaced
X(38828), duplicate replaced
X(38831), duplicate replaced
X(38832)-X(38843), names corrected
June 1-2, 2020
X(38486), name corrected
X(38814), name corrected
X(38818), name corrected
X(38819), name corrected
X(38820), name corrected
X(38821), name corrected
X(38823), name corrected
X(38824), name corrected
X(38825), duplicate of X(38813) replaced
X(38828), duplicate of X(38810) replaced
X(38831), duplicate of X(38812) replaced
May 31, 2020
X(38808), second one renumbered as X(33809); all indexes thereafter updated
May 20, 2020
X(38457), duplicate of X(1870) replaced
May 16, 2020
X(38442), moved to X(38450)
X(38445), replaced duplicate of X(38433)
X(38446), replaced duplicate of X(38435)
May 15, 2020
X(38433), barycentrics corrected
X(38436), name changed
X(38439), name changed
May 14, 2020
X(38433), barycentrics simplified
X(38436), barycentrics simplified
X(38439), name corrected
May 11, 2020
X(37998), duplicate of X(6242) replaced
April 30, 2020
X(37994), changed name of X(38233)
April 27, 2020
X(37994), changes in name and/or barycentrics
X(37995), changes in name and/or barycentrics
X(37996), changes in name and/or barycentrics
X(37997), changes in name and/or barycentrics
April 25, 2020
X(37990), in name, X(5142) corrected to X(5189)
April 23, 2020
X(37995), duplicate of X(37884) replaced
X(37996), duplicate of X(37885) replaced
X(37997), duplicate of X(37886) replaced
April 18, 2020
X(37886), moved to X(33887) to enable a new X(37886)
April 16, 2020
X(37895) swapped with X(37896)
April 3, 2020
X(36111), name changed: X(4) -> X(74)
X(36843), name changed: X(395) -> X(396); then changed back to X(395)
X(37084), name changed: X(14152) -> X(23286)
X(37140), name changed: X(651) -> X(60)
April 1, 2020
X(5173), name changed: circumcircle -> incircle
X(15563), name changed: 631 corrected to 11041
March 31, 2020
X(5931), name changed: 5731 corrected to 5931
March 21, 2020
X(37503), barycentrics corrected
March 19, 2020
X(20991), barycentrics corrected
X(37511), name corrected
March 16, 2020
X(37250), second point with this index moved to X(37282)
X(37267) and X(37268) were missing; new indexing starts with X(37265)
X(37353), second point with this index moved to X(37432
March 13, 2020
X(37047) duplicate of X(37027) replaced
March 6, 2020
X(36934) moved to X(36939)
March 2, 2020
X(36864) duplicate of X(36859) replaced.
March 1, 2020
X(36858) reindexed 2nd X(36858) through X(36868).
February 27, 2020
X(36838) Barycentrics corrected
February 4, 2020
X(5179) Barycentrics corrected
January 20, 2020
X(36256)-X(36296) Names corrected (again)
X(36250) Name corrrected
X(36360) Name corrrected
January 15, 2020
X(36256)-X(36295) Names changed to match (revised) definition of TC conics just before X(36256)
January 6, 2020
X(35273) Name changed
X(35276) Name changed
January 4, 2020
X(36053) Barycentrics corrected
X(36062) Barycentrics corrected
X(36063) Barycentrics corrected
X(36072) Barycentrics corrected
X(36073) Barycentrics corrected
X(36077) Barycentrics corrected
X(36080) Barycentrics corrected
X(36114) Barycentrics corrected
X(36134) Duplicate of X(34075) replaced
December 5 2019
X(35101)-X(35108) Barycentrics updated
December 2 2019
X(35031) Duplicate of X(35025) replaced twice
X(35032) Duplicate of X(35026) replaced
X(35034) Duplicate of X(35028) replaced
X(35040) Duplicate of X(35025) replaced
X(35043) Duplicate of X(35026) replaced
X(35044) Duplicate of X(35032) replaced
X(35046) Dupliace of X(35043) replaced
X(35047) Duplicate of X(35030) replaced
November 24 2019
X(34926) Duplicate of X(15730) replaced
November 22 2019
X(34871) Barycentrics corrected
X(34875) Barycentrics corrected (twice)
X(34866) Duplicate of X(34758) replaced
November 18 2019
X(34807)-X(34821) In name, "CROSS CONIC" changed to PERSPECONIC"
November 17 2019
X(5895) In name, X(5984) corrected to X(5894)
October 25 2019
X(34520) Name corrected (changed 1ST to 2ND)
X(34539) Dupicate replaced
October 10 2019
X(34376) Barycentrics corrected
September 22 2019
X(23518) Replaced duplicate
X(23521) Replaced duplicate
X(23528) Replaced duplicate
X(23529) Replaced duplicate
X(23536) Replaced duplicate
X(23537) Replaced duplicate
X(23541) Replaced duplicate
X(23542) Replaced duplicate
X(23555) Replaced duplicate, twice
X(23556) Replaced duplicate and corrected barycentrics
X(23557) Replaced duplicate
X(23580) Replaced duplicate
X(23581) Replaced duplicate
September 20 2018
X(23362) Replaced duplicare of X(18613)
September 19 2018
X(22199) Replaced
X(23339) Replaced duplicate of X(10222)
X(22343) Replaced
September 18 2018
X(15001) Faulty first barycentrics deleted
September 17 2018
X(23245) Replaced duplicate of X(1587)
X(23247) Replaced duplicate of X(3070)
X(23255) Replaced duplicate of X(1588)
X(23257) Replaced duplicate of X(3071)
X(23265) Replaced duplicate of X(7581)
X(23271) Replaced duplicate of X(7582)
X(23277) Replaced duplicate of X(23242)
X(23278) Replaced duplicate of X(23243)
X(23279) Correct5ed barycentrics
September 13 2018
X(22466)-X(23049) Revised
X(23058) Barycentrics corrected
September 12 2018
X(22343) Barycentrrics corrected
X(22374) Duplicate of X(22366) replaced
September 11 2018
X(22343)-X(22450) Replaced duplicates listed yesterday
X(22355) Barycentrics corrected
X(22377) Barycentrics corrected
September 10 2018
Thirty-two duplicates have been identified, to be replaced soon:
1) X(22343)=X(22079)
2) X(22351)=X(22054)
3) X(22353)=X(22061)
4) X(22354)=X(22070)
5) X(22355)=X(22060)
6) X(22358)=X(22053)
7) X(22359)=X(22072)
8) X(22360)=X(22076)
9) X(22365)=X(22080)
10) X(22366)=X(22078)
11) X(22374)=X(22094)
12) X(22377)=X(22096)
13) X(22380)=X(22098)
14) X(22385)=X(22090)
15) X(22393)=X(22057)
16) X(22395)=X(22072)
17) X(22396)=X(22053)
18) X(22397)=X(22070)
19) X(22398)=X(22060)
20) X(22407)=X(22065)
21) X(22408)=X(22062)
22) X(22417)=X(22064)
23) X(22419)=X(22071)
24) X(22423)=X(22073)
25) X(22425)=X(22077)
26) X(22426)=X(22076)
27) X(22430)=X(22094)
28) X(22431)=X(22084)
29) X(22436)=X(22066)
30) X(22442)=X(22095)
31) X(22448)=X(22087)
32) X(22450)=X(22069)
September 8 2018
X(22237) In name, X(13) changed to X(14)
X(22267) Duplicate of X(22166) replaced
X(22271) Barycentrics corrected
September 6 2018
X(21976) Right parentheses, ")", added to end of barycentrics
X21990) Barycentrics corrected
X(21991) In name, X(3692) changed to X(3592)
September 5 2018
X(21990) Duplicate of X(21986) replaced
X(21991) Duplicate of X(21986) replaced
X(21993) In name, X(3049) changed to X(3094)
X(22150) Duplicate of X(22086) replaced
X(22166) Name corrected
September 4 2018
X(21934) Barycentrics corrected
X(21986) Barycentrics corrected
X(21987) Barycentrics corrected
X(21993) Duplicate of X(21992) replaced - but see next entry here
X(21993) Replaced
X(21996) Barycentrics corrected
X(21997) Duplicate of [new] X(21996) replaced
X(22077) Barycentrics corrected
September 3 2018
X(22000)-X)22048) In name, "TRIANGLE OF X(37)" changed to "TRIANGLE OF X(10)"
Changes pending for the following centers: 21934, 21990, 21991, 21993, 21997, 22077
September 2 2018
X(20420) Name corrected
X(20614) Name corrected
X(21909) Duplicate of X(21847) replaced
X(21192) Duplicate of X(21984) replaced
X(21196) Duplicate of X(21988) replaced
September 1 2018
X(21909) Duplicate of X(21847) - will be replaced soon
X(21932) Duplicate replaced
X(21937) Duplicate replaced
X(21940) Duplicate replaced
August 31 2018
X(21847) Barycentrics corrected
X(21869) Duplicate replaced
X(21898) Duplicate replaced
X(21903) Duplicate replaced
August 28 2018
X(21664) Barycentrics adjusted; (placement of parentheses clarified); alternate barycentrics added
X(21668) Barycentrics corrected
X(21675) Barycentrics corrected
X(21630) Duplicate of X(21729 replaced
August 26 2018
X(21490) Barycentrics corrected
X(21491) Barycentrics corrected
X(21512) Duplicate of X(21477) replaced
X(21513) Duplicate of X(21477) replaced
X(21522) Duplicate of X(21477) replaced
X(21525) Duplicate of X(21477) replaced
X(21530) Duplicate of X(21477) replaced
X(21531) Duplicate of X(21477) replaced
X(21536) Duplicate of X(21477) replaced
X(21554) Duplicate of X(21477) replaced
X(21575) Barycentrics corrected
X(21576) Barycentrics corrected
X(21577) Barycentrics corrected
August 25 2018
X(21396) Barycentrics corrected
X(21419) Replaced; was a duplicate of X(17865)
August 23 2018
X(21374) Barycentrics corrected
August 22 2018
X(21284) Duplicate of X(11442) replaced
X(21292) Duplicate of X(21221) replaced
X(21284) Barycentric corrected
X(21292) Barycentrics corrected
August 21 2018
X(21177) Duplicate of X(20517) replaced
X(21181) Barycentrics corrected
X(21184) Barycentrics corrected
X(21213) Duplicate of X(21181) replaced
X(21225) Second appearance of this index replaced by X(21226)
X(23230)-X(23264) Indexes corrected from X28280)-X(23314) to X(23230)-X(23264)
X(21231)-X(21264) Wherever b^2 c^2 occurred as a factor in the barycentrics, it was removed
X(21243) Barycentrics corrected
August 19 2018
X(20818) Missing ")" added to barycentric
X(20838) Barycentrics corrected
X(20844) In name, X(5529) changed to X(5429); barycentrics corrected
X(20849) Missing ")" added to barycentric
X(20921) Barycentrics corrected
X(20926) Barycentrics corrected
X(20957) In name, X(14631) changed to X(14731)
X(21032) Barycentrics corrected
X(21036) Barycentrics corrected
X(21068) Barycentrics corrected
X(21072) Barycentrics corrected
X(21097) Barycentrics corrected, twice
X(21117) Barycentrics corrected, twice
August 18 2018
X(21097) Replaced (was a dupe of X(338)
August 17 2018
X(20960) Replaced (was a dupe of X(20857)
X(21032) Replaced (was a dupe of X(20654)
X(21036) Replaced (was a dupe of X(20653)
August 16 2018
X(20960) Replaced (was a dupe of X(20859)
August 15 2018
X(20885) Replaced (was a dupe of X(20627)
X(20897) Replaced (was a dupe of X(18697)
X(20918) Replaced (was a dupe of X(20641)
August 13 2018
X(20776) Barycentrics corrected
X(20788)-X(20792) Barycentrics corrected
X(20793) Duplicate of X(20760) replaced
X(20793) Barycentrics corrected
X(20794)-X(70804) In name, X(20793) changed to X(20760)
X(20795) Barycentrics corrected
X(20803) Duplicate of X(20785) replaced
X(20803) Barycentrics corrected
X(20805) Duplicate of X(20739) replaced
X(20805) Barycentrics corrected
X(20807)-X(20817) In name, X(20805) change to X(20739)
X(20818) Duplicate of X(20727) replaced
X(20818) Barycentrics corrected
X(20820)-X(20830) Names corrected
August 11 2018
X(20696) In name, X(20513) changed to X(20525)
X(20702) Barycentrics corrected
X(20715)-X(20724) Name corrected
X(20764) Duplicate of X(20752) replaced and parentheses inserted
August 10 2018
X(20679) Right parenthesis added to barycentric
X(20696) Replaced; it was a dupe of X(20683)
X(20701) Right parenthesis added to barycentric
X(20702)-X(20712) Barycentrics corrected
X(20742) Barycentrics corrected
X(20744) Left parenthesis added to barycentric
X(20750) Extraneous material deleted from barycentrics>br>
X(20752) Barycentrics corrected
X(20702)-X(20712) Barycentrics corrected
August 9 2018
X(20640) Replaced (was a dupe of X(20444)
X(20631) Barycentrics corrected
X(20641)-X(20652) In name, X(20640) changed to X(20444)
X(20655)-X(20661), In name, changed first X(10) to X(2054) and second X(10) to X(20679)
August 7 2018
X(205523)-X(20562) In name, changed X(4467) to X(8)
X(20581) Replaced (was a dupe of X(20503)
X(20583)-X(20585) Adjustments to names to match Hyacinthos 28007
X(20600) In name, X(2112) changed to X(20332)
August 6 2018
X(20477) Barycentrics corrected
X(20478) Barycentrics corrected
X(20479) In name, X(14376) changed to X(14375), and barycentrics corrected
X(20499) Second usage moved to X(20581)
X(20503) Barycentrics corrected
X(20517) to X(20526), In name, 10563 changed to 4025
X(20527) to X(20532), In name, ; X(1), X(37) changed to ; X(2), X(37)
X(20540) Barycnetrics corrected
X(20567) Barycnetrics corrected
August 5 2018
X(20408) Barycentrics swapped with those at X(20409)
X(20409) Barycentrics corrected. later swapped with those at X(20408)
X(20420) Barycentrics corrected
X(20444) In name, X(238) and X(17789) replaced by X(292) and X(20446), resp.
X(20445) In name, X(238) and X(17789) replaced by X(292) and X(20446), resp.
X(20446) Name changed
X(20447) In name, X(238) and X(17789) replaced by X(292) and X(20446), resp.
X(20448) In name, X(238) and X(17789) replaced by X(292) and X(20446), resp.
X(20449) In name, X(238) and X(17789) replaced by X(292) and X(20446), resp.
X(20450) In name, X(238) and X(17789) replaced by X(292) and X(20446), resp.
X(20451) In name, X(238) and X(17789) replaced by X(292) and X(20446), resp.
X(20452) In name, X(238) and X(17789) replaced by X(292) and X(20446), resp.
X(20453) In name, X(238) and X(17789) replaced by X(292) and X(20446), resp.
X(20454) In name, X(238) and X(17789) replaced by X(292) and X(20446), resp.
August 4 2018
X(20336) Duplicate was replaced
X(20401) Barycentrics corrected
July 23 2018
X(20336) Duplicate was replaced
X(20345) Duplicate was replaced
X(20346) Duplicate was replaced
X(20347) Duplicate was replaced
X(20348) Duplicate was replaced
X(20349) Duplicate was replaced
X(20350) Duplicate was replaced
X(20351) Duplicate was replaced
X(20352) Duplicate was replaced
X(20353) Duplicate was replaced
X(20334) Duplicate was replaced
X(20335) Duplicate was replaced
X(20366) In name X(22332) changed to X(20332)
X(20375) In name X(22332) changed to X(20332)
July 22 2018
X(20310) In name, 3767 changed to 39
X(20314) In name, 1249 changed to 57 and 30317 changed to 20317
X(20318) In name, 1249 changed to 57
X(20319) In name, 1249 changed to 57
X(20326) Replaced
X(20327) Replaced
X(20328) Replaced
X(20329) Replaced
X(20330) Replaced
July 21 2018
X(20276) In name, 20274 changed to 20273 and 20275 to 20274
X(20281) In name, 20274 changed to 20273 and 20275 to 20274
X(20282) In name, 20274 changed to 20273 and 20275 to 20274
X(20292) Name corrected
X(20297) Barycentrics corrected
X(20298) Barycentrics corrected
X(20306) Barycentrics corrected
X(20307) Barycentrics corrected
X(20308) Barycentrics corrected
X(20309) Barycentrics corrected
X(20306) Barycentrics corrected
X(20310) In name, X(3767) replaced by X(39)
X(20311) In name, X(3767) replaced by X(39)
X(20312) In name, X(3767) replaced by X(39)
X(20313) In name, X(3767) replaced by X(39)
X(20314) In name, X(3630) replaced by X(20317)
X(20316) In name, X(3630) replaced by X(20317)
X(20317) In name, X(3630) replaced by X(20317)
X(20318) In name, X(3630) replaced by X(20317)
X(20314) Replaced by X(20319); X(20314 was a dupe of X(800)
X(20319) Moved to X(20314)
X(20320) deleted
July 20 2018
X(20275) Changed (..., X(20274), X(20275)) to (..., X(17073), X(20274), X(20274))
July 19 2018
X(20197) Changed X(4) to X(6), and changed X(631) to X(3763)
X(20235)-X(20241) Changed X(20233) to X(20234)
X(20274) Corrected barycentrics
X(20275) Corrected barycentrics
X(20276) Corrected barycentrics
July 14 2018
X(20167) Replaced
X(20169) In name, X(57) changed to X(58)
X(20171) Replaced
X(20173) Replaced
July 13 2018
X(20115) Long barycentrics replaced by shorter
July 11 2018
X(16565) Barycentrics corrected
X(16573) Barycentrics match name but not current Search; lines changed
June 29 2018
X(20042) Second entry moved to X(20069)
X(20032) Second barycentricfs (trigonometric) deleted
X(20070) Barcentrics corrected
X(20082) Barcentrics corrected
X(20100) Barcentrics corrected
X(20103) Duplicate was replaced
X(20104) Duplicate was replaced
X(20106) Duplicate was replaced
X(20107) Duplicate was replaced
X(20108) Duplicate was replaced
June 27 2018
X(19846) Barycentrics corrected
X(19873) Barycentrics corrected
X(19882) Barycentrics corrected
X(19931) Barycentrics corrected
X(19938) Duplicate was replaced
X(19993) Duplicate was replaced
X(19994) Duplicate was replaced
X(19998) Duplicate was replaced
X(20007) Duplicate was replaced
X(20008) Duplicate was replaced
X(20009) Duplicate was replaced
June 25 2018
X(19784) Duplicate of X(19718) replaced
X(19836) Replaced
X(19843) Duplicate of X(16817 replaced
X(19846) Vacancy filled
X(19847) Duplicate of X(19852) replaced
June 23 2018
X(3632) Barycentrics corrected from a - 2b - 2c : : to 3a - 2b -2a : : ; likewise for trilinears
X(19723) Barycentrics corrected
X(19747) Barycentrics corrected
June 21 2018
X(19684) Point replaced
X(19701) Point replaced
June 20 2018
X(19650) Replaced duplicate of X(14869)
June 13 2018
X(6801) Trilinears replaced by barycentrics that match name; gsp link added
June 12 2018
X(19522) Replaced duplicate (of X(16849))
June 11 2018
X(19335) Replaced duplicate (of X(19283))
X(19512) Added (had been skipped)
X(19513)-X(19517) Replaced duplicates
June 10 2018
X(19269) Replaced
X(19271) Duplicate, replaced
X(19275) Barycentrics corrected
X(19281) Duplicate, replaced
X(19291) Barycentrics corrected
X(19292) Barycentrics corrected
X(19293) Barycentrics corrected
X(19335) Duplicate, replaced
June 8 2018
X(19271) Name: changed (1,8,6,3; 2,3,6,1) to (1,8,6,31; 3,2,6,1)
X(19272) Changed to a new point; was a duplicate of X(19259)
June 7 2018
X(19269)-X(19293) Names corrected from (1,2,6,3; 384,2,6,1) collineations to (1,8,6,3; 2,3,6,1)
X(19309)-X(19329) Names corrected from (1,2,6,3; 384,2,6,1) collineations to (1,8,6,75; 2,3,6,1)
X(19275) Changed X(387) to X(3636) in name; barycentrics also changed
There were duplicates as listed here. They were replaced by new collineation images:
X(19269) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(2) = X(4245)
X(19270) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(43) = X(19260)
X(19272) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(145) = X(19261)
X(19273) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(200) = X(19262)
X(19274) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(386) = X(405)
X(19276) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(551) = X(19265)
X(19277) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(612) = X(19266)
X(19278) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(614) = X(19267)
X(19279) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(976) = X(19258)
X(19280) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(978) = X(19238)
X(19281) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(1125) = X(19241)
X(19282) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(1149) = X(19242)
X(19283) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(1193) = X(19243)
X(19284) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(1201) = X(19244)
X(19285) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(1698) = X(19245)
X(19286) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(3241) = X(19248)
X(19287) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(3244) = X(19249)
X(19288) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(3616) = X(19250)
X(19289) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(519) = X(16374)
X(19290) = (X(1), X(8), X(6), X(3); X(2), X(3), X(6), X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(3617) = X(19251)
June 6 2018
X(19007)-X(19010) Various changes
June 5 2018
X(19007)-X(19212) Extensive reindexing in addition to changes listed for June 4 2018
X(19224) Corrected barycentrics
X(19225) Changed X(386) to X(387) in name
X(19926) Was a duplicate of X(19225); changed X(387) to X(1149) and changed barycentrics
X(19927) Changed X(510) to X(519) in name
X(19237) Added ")" at end of barycentric
X(19255) Changed X(889) to X(899) in name
June 4 2018
Duplicate barycentrics were found and corrected for X(i) for these i: 19007, 19023; 19009, 19027; 19013, 19035; 19015, 19039; 19017, 19043; 19019, 19047
Barycentrics were corrected for X(i) for these i: 18993,18995,18997,18999,19001,19003,19007,19008,19009,19010,19011,19013,19015,19017,19023
June 1 2018
X(18810) - X(18831) Names changed to match changed preabmle before X(18810)
X(18885) and X(18886) Barycentrics swapped
May 28 2018
X(18858) - this name appeared twice; the second one was changed to X(18859) and all subsequent indices were incremented
May 17 2018
X(18407) Changed from X(4)X(7)∩X(55)X(381) to X(4)X(8)∩X(55)X(381)
X(18782) Changed to X(4)X(7)∩X(55)X(381)
May 17 2018
X(18414) Barycentrics corrected
X(18415) Barycentrics corrected
X(18445) Barycentrics corrected
X(18468) Barycentrics corrected
X(18470) Barycentrics corrected
X(18496) Barycentrics corrected
X(18498) Barycentrics corrected
May 14 2018
X(6653) Barycentrics corrected
May 2 2018
X(18034) In name, X(942) changed to X(9472)
X(18141) Barycentrics corrected
X(18214) There were two centers with this number; the first was moved to X(18282).
X(18240) Replaced, to avoid a duplicate
April 30 2018
X(18141) Changed X(38) to X(40) to avoid duplicating X(18046)
X(18142) Changed X(39) to X(41) to avoid duplicating X(18052)
X(18181) Changed X(79) to X(99)
X(18181) Changed X(99) to X(101) to avoid duplicating X(7202)
April 27 2018
X(18063) Barycentrics corrected
X(18103) Name and barycentrics replaced
April 24 2018
X(17851) Second barycentrics corrected
X(17852) Second barycentrics corrected
X(17986) Replaced, to avoid duplicating X(17927)
April 23 2018
X(17866) In name, changed 37 to 42 to avoid a duplicate of X(5249)
April 20 2018
X17801)-X(17806) Names changed to "pending" as a result of Dao's earlier describing of these points
April 18 2018
X(17423) In name, 3rd MIXTLINEAR changed to LUCAS REFLECTION
X(17765) In name, (2,-2,0,0,-1,2) replaced by (2,-2,2,0,-1,0)
April 18 2018
X(17692) Was a duplicate of X(17579; has been replaced
X(17726) Was a duplicate of X(17602; has been replaced
April 16 2018
X(17512)-X(17601) Filled these, (blocked out on April 14)
April 14 2018
X(17512)-X(17601) Blocked pending changes
April 13 2018
X(17503) Barycentrics changed to agree with name
April 12 2018
X(17458) Changed 350 to 667 in name and changed barycentrics
X(17473) Corrected barycentrics
X(17492) Corrected barycentrics
April 11 2018
X(17410) Changed to X(17409); X(14410) to be filled soon
X(17233) Name changed to MOSES (0,1,-1,-1) POINT
X(17285) Name changed to MOSES (2,2,-2,-1) POINT
X(17336) Replaced by new entry, MOSES (2,-2,0,1) POINT
X(17736)-X(17436) Each X(i) re-indexed to X(i+1) - but see just below.
X(17410) Was empty, so X(17411) to X(17435) were reindexed as X(17410)-X(17436).
A new center occupies X(17437). There were two centers with index X(17409). The second was moved to X(17510).
X(17446) Replaced duplicate of X(56)
X(17458) Replaced duplicate of X(2293)
X(17480) Replaced duplicate of X(17147)
X(17485) Replaced duplicate of X(17165)
X(17493) Replaced duplicate of X(17135)
April 8 2018
X(17146) Changed 58 to 45 in name and changed barycentrics
X(17172) Changed 32 to 23 in name; barys unchanged
X(17188) Changed 77 to 348 in name; barys unchanged
X(17189) Change 78 to 345 in name in barys unchanged
April 7 2018
X(17149) Barycentrics corrected
X(17172) Changed 32 to 23 in name and changed barycentrcs accordingly
X(17216-X(17219) Colon (:) appended to 1st barycentric
April 6 2018
X(16985) Barycentrics corrected
X(17054) In name, X(78) changed to X(345); barycentrics unchanged
X(17068) In name, X(522) changed to X(66), barycentrics changed accordingly
X(17073) Barycentrics corrected
April 5 2018
X(16985) Barycentrics corrected
X(16986) Barycentrics corrected
X(16987) Barycentrics corrected
X(16988) Barycentrics corrected
X(16989) Barycentrics corrected
X(16990) Barycentrics corrected
X(17009) Right parenthesis added at end
X(17010) Right parenthesis added at end
April 4 2018
X(16980) Replaced; was a duplicate of X(16982)
X(16991) Replaced, was as duplicate of X(5275)
X(17003 Replaced, was as duplicate of X(7777)
X(17007) Replaced, was as duplicate of X(7774)
April 3 2018
X(16839) "Adjunct" added to name
X(16840) "Adjunct" added to name
X(16841) "Adjunct" added to name
X(16971) Appeared twice; the first is retained, and the indexing after 16972 was changed so that:
X(16972) was X(16973)
X(16974) was X(16974)
X(16975) was X(16976)
X(16976) to be replaced soon.
April 2 2018
X(3602) Deleted "Adjunct" from name and edited paragraph
X(3603) Deleted "Adjunct" from name and edited paragraph
X(3604) Deleted "Adjunct" from name and edited paragraph
X(16932) Filled - it had been skipped.
April 1 2018
X(16875) Duplicate replaced (1444 changed to 323 and then to 7793)
X(16876) Barycentrics corrected
X(16877) Duplicate replaced (2185 changed to 385)
X(16878) Duplicate replaced (3218 changed to 391)
X(16886) Replaced by X(16895) to avoid duplicating X(3723)
March 31 2018
X(16839) Former barys replaced by simpler barys
X(16840) Former barys replaced by simpler barys
X(16841) Former barys replaced by simpler barys
March 30 2018
X(16814) Replaced, as it was a duplicate of X(3247).
X(16834) In name, X(16814) changed to X(3247).
X(16818) In name, X(72) changed to X(5280).
X(16820) In name X(213) changed to X(2087).
X(16822) In name, X(405) changed to X(3061).
X(16829) In name, X(1297) changed to X(3230).
X(16858) In name, "IMAGE OF X(16858)" changed to "IMAGE OF X(16674)".
March 29 2018
X(16632) Replaced, as it was a duplicate of X(10654); see March 28, 2018.
X(16633) Replaced, as it was a duplicate of X(10653); see March 28, 2018.
X(16714) Changed X(65) to X(210) in name.
X(16737) Changed X(163) to X(798) in name.
X(16743) Replaced, as it was a duplicate of X(16696).
X(16747) Barycentrics corrected.
X(16755) Changed X(523) to X(661) in name.
X(16756) There were two centers indexed as X(16756); the second was moved to X(16811).
X(16757) There were two centers indexed as X(16757); the second was moved to X(16812).
X(16675) Barycentrics corrected.
X(16676) Barycentrics corrected.
X(16677) Barycentrics corrected.
X(16794) Barycentrics corrected.
March 28 2018
X(16) [on March 27, 2018] Typo "X(16)" in X(16) = (A,B,C,X(2); A',B',C',X(1) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(193), WHERE A'B'C' = TANGENTIAL TRIANGLE
Barycentrics a^2 (2 a^3 b - 2 a b^3 + 2 a^3 c + a^2 b c - b^3 c - 2 a c^3 - b c^3) : :
resulted in moving this point to X(16778).
X(16632) Reinstated as before March 27; see March 27, 2018. X(10654) is okay.
X(16633) Reinstated as before March 27, March 27, 2018. X(10653) is okay.
March 27 2018
X(16632) Replaced by new point; was a duplicate of X(10654).
X(16633) Replaced by new point; was a duplicate of X(10653).
March 24 2018
X(16564) Changed from = (A',B',C',X(1); A,B,C,X(2)) ... to (A,B,C,X(2);, A',B',C',X(1)) ... to avoid duplication of X(16614).
X(16601) Changed 142 in name to 145.
X(16607) Corrected barycentrics.
March 22 2018
X(16467) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(31); X(1),X(6),X(513),X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(899) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(99); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(99)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(8). Changed barycentrics accordingly. Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16564) Changed (A,B,C,X(2); A',B',C',X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(116), WHERE A'B'C' = EXCENTRAL TRIANGLE to (A',B',C',X(1); A,B,C,X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(646), WHERE A'B'C' = EXCENTRAL TRIANGLE because the former was a duplicate.
X(16573) Changed (A,B,C,X(2); A',B',C',X(1)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(206), WHERE A'B'C' = EXCENTRAL TRIANGLE to (A',B',C',X(1); A,B,C,X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(648), WHERE A'B'C' = EXCENTRAL TRIANGLE because the former was a duplicate.
X(16480) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(31); X(1),X(6),X(513),X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(8) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(99); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(99)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(10). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16481) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(31); X(1),X(6),X(513),X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(10) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(99); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(99)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(519). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16483) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(31); X(1),X(6),X(513),X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(43) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(8). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16484) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(31); X(1),X(6),X(513),X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(145) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(43). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16485) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(31); X(1),X(6),X(513),X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(239) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(145). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16486) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(31); X(6),X(1),X(513),X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(995) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(145). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16487) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(31); X(6),X(1),X(513),X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(976) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(200). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16488) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(31); X(1),X(6),X(513),X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(200) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(306). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16489) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(31); X(1),X(6),X(513),X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(386) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(519). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16490) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(31); X(1),X(6),X(513),X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(612) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(551). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16491) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(31); X(1),X(6),X(513),X(2)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(899) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(612). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16496) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(513); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(513)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(78) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(614). Changed barycentrics accordingly. (CK 3/22/2018)
X(16497) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(513); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(513)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(145) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(869). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16498) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(513); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(513)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(200) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(976). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16499) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(513); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(513)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(239) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(100); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(100)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(995). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16502) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(513); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(513)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(551) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(101); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(101)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(8). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
X(16503) Changed from (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(513); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(513)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(612) to (X(1),X(2),X(6),X(101); X(1),X(6),X(2),X(101)) COLLINEATION IMAGE OF X(42). Changed barycentrics accordingly.
March 19 2018
X(16512) Was same as X(1001); replaced by (1,2,6,75; 6,1,2,75) of X(976)
before 3/16/2018
X(16512) a duplicate of X(16486); replaced by (1,2,3,6; 3,2,6,1) of X(3083), (3/18/2018)
X(16512) name changed to (name pending)
X(16513) Was same as X(238); replaced by (1,2,6,75; 6,1,2,75) of X(995)
before 3/16/2018
X(16513) a duplicate of X(16487); replaced by (1,2,3,6; 3,2,6,1) of X(3084), (3/18/2018)
X(16513) name changed to (name pending)
March 18 2018
X(16273) Barycentrics corrected
X(16294) Barycentrics corrected
X(16295) Barycentrics corrected
X(16343) Barycentrics corrected
X(16445) Changed (1,2,3,6; 3,37,2,31) to (1,3,6,2; 3,2,31,37) (3/18/2018)
X(16445) Barycentric corrected
X(16472) Barycentrics corrected
X(16476) Barycentrics corrected
X(16527) Changed (1,2,6,75; 6,1,2,75) of X(976) to (1,2,6,99; 1,6,2,99) of X(145), because the former was a duplicate.
March 17 2018
X(16272) Name changed from X(1)X(3)∩X(230,231) to X(1)X(30)∩X(230,231)
X(16369) Was same as earlier X(13643); replaced by (1,2,6,99; 1,6,2,99) of X(239).
X(16475) Was -a*(3*a^2+2*(b+c)*a+b^2+c^2) : :
Changed to a^2 (a^2 + 2 a b + b^2 + 2 a c + 5 b c + c^2) : :
March 17 2018
X(16400) Multiplied barycentrics by a (thus converting from trilinears to barys)
X(16514)-X(16526) These 13 points were collineation images of points X(i) on the line X(1)X(2) to the line X(1)X(6). Before the correction, the collineation was given by (1,2,6,75; 1,6,2,75}, which has been corrected to (1,2,6,75; 6,1,2,75).
March 14 2018
X(4820) Corrected barycentrics.
X(5375) Corrected barycentrics to: a(a - b)(a - c)[a^3 - a^2(b + c) + a(b^2 - bc + c^2) - (b - c)^2(b + c)] : :
Formerly) a(a - b)(a - c)(b^3 + c^3 - a^3 - b^2 a - c^2 a + a^2 b + a^2 c + abc)
X(5448) Corrected barycentrics by changing a^2 to a^4 in 4a^2b^2c^2.
X(15110) Name simplified from X(24)X(11935)∩X(185)X(12063) to
X(15224) Changed name from MIN 3 to MIN 2
X(15225) Changed name from MAX 4 to MAX 3
X(15307) Changed name from X(2)X(252)∩X(155)X(195) to
X(15967) Changed name from X(6)-CEVA CONJUGATE OF X(15966) to X(6)-CEVA CONJUGATE OF X(15964)
X(16264) Names for X(16264) and X(16265) were swapped.
X(16265) Names for X(16264) and X(16265) were swapped.
X(16028) Changed name from X(6)X(63)&capsX(9)X(1592) to X(56)X(63)&capsX(9)X(1592)